GeoSoil. Inc.
IV Soil Mechanics' Geology' Foundation Engineering
15801 RockfieldBoulevard SuiteC• Irvine, California 92718 (714) 859 4599
December 5, 1985
W .O. 845-OC
' Daon Corporation ..• .. .. ..
5150 Avenida Encinas
-92008 Carlsbad, Ca.,
Attention Mr Mike Ryan
Subject Fill Condition
Alicante Hills Subdiv'ision
City.ofCar1sbad, California
'' .'•: . . . . - -
.. -
This letter is intended to biief1y.r descri1e the fill conditions
we encountered within the Alicante Hills subdivision during our
investigatiOns in 1981.:. These conditions are more completely
described in our Geotechnical Summary Report,-dated November. 11,
- 1981.
The Aliçante Hills subdivision was previously graded, resulting
in the filli of tiodeepcanyons which originally drained into
the golfcoursarea.. DrinqI98l we drilled numberous borings
and excavated pits into these fills and discovered the fill to be
rocky-and-poorlycompacted Excavation logs note loose and
up to 24 inches in size. Theper-
centage of rocks may vary from 25 to 75 percent of the total
fill and the depth of fill varies up to 45 Jeet In addition,
borings revealed the fill to be placed over unsuitable colluvium
and alluvium
Baseduponourobservationsandanalysis ,werecornmended.compl
of the rock content, we also
- recornmended.offsite.disposalofmuch of the -rock, reserving
the finer grained.materials for' replaement as compacted f ill.-
- Based upon our
- - . ---r.----.-.--.__-_ _,-...---- - yards_of_fill wh1rch...nee-ds)to be removed with a potential loss
of l87000ibic yards of rock These estimates were utilized
in the planning of the site
- I- •._ V
Los Angeles County Office (818) 785-2158 San Diego Count} Office (619) 438 3155
Daon Corporation Page 2
W.O. 945-OC
December 5, 1985
Due to the physical constraints of the property, and areal
distribution of the fill, it would be impractical to reserve
the fill for replacement within the site. There is insufficient
area for stockpiles and rock crushing techniques would be needed
to eliminate the rock problem. S
I hope this information will clarify the efforts of the original
planning team. If you have any additional questions, please
contact us.
Respectfully submitted, • S
GeoSoils, Inc. • •
0 0
By 4 S AA By
A. Sayers, gRn P07 -'Albe'rt7 R. Kleis' RCE 16351
Eng neering Geo ogis Civil Engineer
Dist: (6) Addressee S