Jth4t ?4* L4UL Aaciatc
June 23, 1932 bate Receved
Mr. John Brand JUN24 1982
Rick Engineering Company
P.O. Box 1129 •.
Carlsbad, CA 92008 •
Dear Mr. Brand
This letter summarizes our review of traffic factors related to the proposed
Alicante Hills Crossroads project in the La Costa area of the City of Carlsbad.
The study is based upon information provided by you, discussions with City
Staff and previous studies in the area. . . . .
The project is located on the southeast corner of Alicante Road and Corte de
la Vista (Alf ii Way). A. total of 490 condominium units are proposed for the
site. In addition to Corte de alVista, vehicular access is proposed from
Alicante Road. by a street which parallels Corte (IC Ia Vista and lOops to
intersect Corte do hi Vista caster I y Of Bolero Street. . The site location
and road system ire ii I u',lr itt d on I j,urc 1
The site is currently undeveloped except for Corte de la Vista which is
c0u5truct0d rci tcrnin ates c isterly of BolLro Str€c t Con'1rw. Lion of 38
single family detached dwelling units has been approved on the north side
of Corte de la Vista. Alicante Road/El Fuerte Street is fully improved and
loops irrni Alga Road southwest of the silo to Alga Road northwest of the site
Current: daily traffic on Alicante Road at Alga Road is approximately 3300 vehi-
cles. The intersection of Alga and Alicante Roads is a "T' intersection with
a STOP sign for Alicante Road traffic. Partial development of residential areas
is completed along the Alicante Road/El Fuerte Street corridor. .
TRIP crrrrio
In order to examine the traffic factors related to the project, it is necessary
to estimate the number of trips that would be generated.,Studies have been
conducted. by government agencies and consultants to determine trip-generation
characteristics at various land uses. The •rates utilized in this study are
listed in Tab] e 1 and conform to rites previously util ized in the La Costa
area with sume JJJU',LIuLnL Is rqusLd by LIIL Cii) Traffic ic L!I,1nLLr. By
applying the.rates in Table .1 to the 490 dwelling.uuits proposed for the site,
an estimate of project trip generation is obtained.. As indicated in Table 1,
the project is estimated to. generate 3,900 daily trip ends with 395 occurring
during the P1 peak hour.
Geographic trip distribution patterns have been developed for previous projects
in the La Costa area. These previous distributions were reviewed and modified.
to reflect the anticipated trip distribution for this project. The project
trip distribution is illustrated on Figure 1. By applying. the distribution '
from Figure 1 to the estimated project traffic in Table 1, 'project traffic
was assigned to the road sy.stem. Project traffic volumes anticipated on roads
in the area are indicated on Figure 2
Project and roject plus existing traffic volumes are indicated on Figure 2
for the ex-ternal road-system.. Alicante Road is classified as a Secondary '
Arterial with a daily capacity of 5,000 to 20,000 vehicles As indicated on
Figure 2, the-total daily traffic with the project is less than"6,000 which
is well within the capacity of the road. Alga Road' is classified as a Major
Arterial with a daily of 20,000 to 40,000 vehicles. The anticipated project
plus 'existing volume on Alga Road is less than 10,000 and also well within
the capacity of the road. '
The need for signalization of Alga Road and Alicante 'Road was also examined.
Warrants for the installation of traffic signals based upon estimated daily
volumes have been developed by CalTrans and are listed in Table 2. As indi-
cated in Table .2, the project traffic would result in the intersection satis-
fying Warrant Number 1, "Minimum Vehicular Traffic". It is recommended that
the intersection be signalized prior to full development of the project.
Based upon the warrants in Table 2 and the daily volumes on Figure 2, no
other intersections would warrant signalization as a result of the project.
The, on-site circulation system is restricted by the topography of the site.
This restriction results in Corte de la Vista and the parallel road providing
internal circulation and access. Connections are planned between these two
roads and they intersect east of Bolero Street; however, the grades and align-
ments of these connections would not result in their being utilized as.principal.
circulation facilities. ' These connections do provide routes for emergency
vhic1cs ;lid oilier i'n-;!.ic circul:ii.i.ou need:;.
The on-site circulation sy.stni is illustrated on Figure 3 along with estimated
daily and PM peak hour volumes at selected locations. 'In general, the internal
road system is adequate to accommodate project traffic. There are some specific
:oflceriis. whc: I hare ' cv I uwed 'i.0 .1 lie to.iJ.owi.ng ragraphs.
The on-site collector road is proposed to be 26 feet in curb-to-curb width with
no parking. This width is adequate to accommodate projected traffic'and dis-'
courage on-street. parking. As indicated on Figure 3, volumes increase from
east to west on this road. An increase of approximately 50 percent occurs
at the first northerly driveway on the collector road. It was recommended
by City-.Staff that a 36 foot width be 'provided from this driveway westerly.
This would allow a 'left turn pocket for eastbound traffic turning north. We
concur with this recommendation to improve traffic operations .and safety.
S . -3-
Table 1
' :' RATEW . , . ' ' TRIP ENDS? r
' .. ' .8.0' . . ' 3900
PM Peak Flour . . " • . . ' ' ..
. . .
In , ', • •• 0.6 , . ' 295 ,.
Out. 02 100
• (1) "Trip Ends per Dwelling Unit , ' ' ' . . '
. '(2) Based upon 490 Dwelling Units
'2.. Interruption of Continuous Traffic S ' S •'•
S S , •, . Vehicles per day on major
S So, sfi N Satisfied S
'... , - Street (total of both 5
S 5 5 5 5 approaches)
S Numberof.larirs formovin. traffic on each. approach .
M61c r Street tour stivet Utbon Rusol
:1 .... .....S ............ 12000 , 8,400
. 10.030
, , .10.080
. 8,400
2 o more . .70.0.0. . . •. .2.80Q ................14,400
2 or more ...........2or more ......... ... .....14,400
1 '.' .
' 2 or-more ...............12,000
3 Combination
Satisfied Not Satisfied 2 Warrants
No, one warrant satisfied but: following warrants- . 'S •"
fulfilled' 33 or more,,..
2 Warrants
Vehicles per day on higher—
volume minor-street approach
(on. direction only)
Urlgupi Rural
1,700 " 850
i,200' . 850
1,600 ' 1. 120.
1,600 :1120
.t:iI)IC Z -J - 976
,. SIGNALS AND LIGHTING TRAFFIC MANUAL A p' , 1977 - -low - -- - -
Figure 0-iC
(Based on Estimated Average Doily Traffic - See Note 2) .'
URBAN RURAL X Minimum Requirements
.. 1. Minimum Vehicular
Sotisfied ___________ Not Sotisfied.._____ Vehicles per day on major
street (total of both
Vehicles per day onhigher—
volumeminor- streetapproach
(one direction only)
S Number of lones for moving traffic on each approach
Urban Rural Urban Rural Major Street Minor Street
1 8,000 5,600 2,400 .1 ,680 2 or more........... 28Q0 ......... 9,600 6.720 2,400 1,630 2-or more ..7D00. . . 2 or more ...... ... . . 9,600 ' : 6,720 3,200 2,240
... 2 or-more .............8,000 5,600 3,200 2,240
Left turn movements from the major street may be included with minor Street volumes if a separate
signal phase is,to be provided for the left-turn movement.
To be used only. for NEW INTERSECTIONS or other locations where actual traffic volumes cannot
be counted.
TS-1C ' S • • ' . • ' S 5, - , , S '
: •., . S •. SiW)OSSU C,NtJ 31NIcJ NOIS3M
S... .
S3frW770A 9 NO/I V7r/O8/7 31/S—NO
-L no d / NI NV3d Avd gwgrl
. £fl70A A 7/VU oci!.
- CN3937
Wf7I1'/MW, /
The collector road has a relatively long tangent section which could result in
speeding problems. Designs of this type generally result in complaints from
adjacent residents of excessive speed. In order to mitigate this potential
problem, it is recommended that median islands be placed along this section
to reduce-the travel way and speeds. The design of these islands should be
reviewed and approved by the City Engineer.
A final concern is the lack of a tangent section on the collector road at its
intersection with'Corte de-la Vista. The normal tangent section cannot be
provided due to topography and grading restrictions. Due to the minor traffic
volumes on both Corte de la Vista and the collector at this point, the lack
of a standard tangent is not felt to be a significant problem. It is recommended
that a minimum of 15 feet of tangent be provided to increase the safety of this
This study has examined the traffic factors related to the proposed Alicante
Hills Crossroads project.in the La Costa area of the City of Carlsbad. Esti-
mates have been made of trips to be generated by the project and their po-
tential-impact upon the road system evaluated. On-site circulation was
also examined and recommendations developed to improve traffic operations
and safety. In general,, the project was found to be acceptable from a
traffic circulation and safety viewpoint, with the recommended mitigation
measures. "
Principal findings of the 'study are the following:
The project would generate 3,900 daily trip endswith.395 occurring
during the 'PM peak hour.
The existing external road system has adequate, capacity available
to accommodate the development traffic.
On-site circulation provisions were 'found to be adequate with the
recommended mitigation 'measures. ' ' '
The following measures are recommended to mitigate potential traffic impacts
from the development
Signalization of the Alga Road/Alicante Road intersection would be
warranted at the completion of this development
The iuleriiaj, col 1.ccior road should have a .36 foot curb-to-curb width
from Alicante Road to ,the, first northerly driveway to allow separate
left turn lanes
Islands should be installed on the internal collector to reduce the
travel way and speeds at selected locations and as approved by the
City Engineer.
'A minimum tangent of 15 feet should be provided on the'collector 'road.
at its intersection with Carte de la Vista.
We trust that this report will be of assistance to you in the development of.
this project. If you have a'ny questions 'or require additional information,
please contact us.
Respectfully submitted,
2 .
Weston S Pringle, P F.
Registered Professional Engineer State of California Numbers C16828 & TR 565
//1351 . , ' , . ' .. •..' H '.