HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 83-03; SITE W-108; PEER REVIEW OF ARCHAELOGICAL STUDY; 1988-11-14· . ~
One Barnard Drive, Oceanside, CA 92056-3899 •
(619) 757-2121
November 14, 1988
Ms. Adrienne Lande.rs
Associate Planning
City of Carlsbad
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Dear Ms. Landers.:
9th Street and Stratford Court, Del Mar,: CA 92014-27-1-6 .
(619) 942-1352 ..
Subject: Peer Review of Archaeological Study
I have read and reviewed, "Archaeological Testing Program and
Literature for Site W-108. The methodological approach is one of
high quality consistent with the comprehensive plan to
archaeology set forth by the ( SCA) Society for Calif'ornia
Archaeology, (S.O.P.A.), and "New World" Archaeology. Further, I
concur with suggested mitigating measures for sites; SDi-43 58 I
SDi-6149 and SDi-8195, with perhaps one comment on procedure.
Reference Section III, Page 9 I Test Excavation and Results. A
2.5% sample of sites should be the goal.
SAN DIEGO CA 92182-0419
(619) 594~5213
November 7, 1988
Ms. Adrienne Landers
Associate Planner
City of Carlsbad
Planning Department
2075 Las Palmas Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859
Dear Ms. Landers:
lmv 1988
This letter represents a reply to your invitation to comment on the archaeological report
submitted to the City of Carlsbad as part of an environmental review.
From the written report it is difficult to specifically; answer the questions you have posed
in your letter of October 24, 1988, or to make some general suggestions. What 1 can state from
the report is that no major errors of omission or commission are evident. That based on the
location, excavation techniques employed, and artifactual recovery, the statements made about
potential research significance may be accurate.
To really be able to evaluate for significance, I would need to directly tour the geographic
localities, inspect the artifacts, and interview the personnel involved with the project.
Based solely on the written report, and not knowing who conducted the research, the only
criticisms I have concern possible insufficient sample size and the need for additional radiocar-
bon dating.
I apologize for not being able to give you the answer to your questions, but insufficient
information is conveyed to ,allow me to do a thorough analysis.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if your require further information.
Sincerely yours,
Brad Bartel
Associate Dean
Professor of Anthropology
· .
Adrienne Landers
Planning Dept.
City of Carlsbad
2075 Las Palmas Dr.
Archaeological Survey
Institute -of Archae<;>logy
University of California,
Los Angeles, CA 90024-1510
(213) 825-1720
october 31, 1988
RE: Peer Review of Archeological study regarding Sites CA-SDi-4358,
6149 and 8195.
Dear Adrienne,
As is typical of many southern California archeologists, the person
preparing this report is not providing an explanation of the full
range of mitigation possibilities to the city or to the developer.
The report states that mitigation excavation will be required and
barely mentions the fact that site avoidance through project redesign
or capping of the resource are also viable, often preferred and less
expensive alternatives.
Avoiding impact to the resources by redesigning the project to leave
the sites in open space or placing sterile fill over the resources is
much less expensive than excavation data recovery and is preferred by
the archeological community as it preserves the resource for future
In the Abstract, it is mentioned that site CA-SDi~614,9 has been
impacted by SDG&E tower construction. Page 8 of the'report indicates
that a shovel tes t was made at this site and that a 30 cm deep
cultural deposit encountered. There doesn't appear to be any further
discussion of the integrity of this resource or how it may be
impacted by the proposed project. This appears to be a "unique"
resource and should require some form of mitigation if intact
portions still exist.
To address your questions:
1. The consultant hasn't listed any research design in this document.
It is assumed that the "salvageJl excavation will be conducted to
recover any and all materials which are encQuntered.
2. The consultant has proposed a bare minimum in the way of "salvage"
and analysis. If excavation is the only alternative, sites such
as CA-SDi-4358 normally require samples in the 10% to 20% size
range to be statistically valid for research purposes. The
excuse that large amounts of shell should limit the sample size
is nonsense as most shell midden excavations only retain'small
column samples of shell from each excavation unit.
3. This resource appears to be "unique" as defined by CEQA and
therefore a mitigation plan is appropriate. As to the
appropriateness of excavation data recovery as the form of
mitigation to be employed, I feel that this should only be
considered as a last resort. Any plan which preserves the
resource intact is always the preferred alternative.
Although it is not really relevant to the present discussion, the use
of the term "sal vage" implies that there is no chance of preserving
the archeological resource and that the scientific community will be
lucky to obtain any data from this resource before its destruction.
The term "mitigation" is much preferred.
If you have any questions regarding this analysis or what would be
required in the way of project redesign or site capping, please feel
free to contact me at (213) 825-1980.
Adrienne Landers
Assbciate P lanm~:r
Planning Dep~rtment
City of Carlsbad
Dear Ms. Lander~:
I appreciate your asking me to evail;l{!!te. the E. I •. R.., for
si te W-108. Unfortunately, I am currentiy cha.irperson, ,of m'y
department and will be totally swamped with work a,t le~st
until next June. Therefore, it w+J;.'!.notbepos.$ible for me
to meet your deadline for comments of November ~1~ 1988. I
am very sorry.
The Palomar College ArchaeolQgical,Laboratory ~l:;-chive'
is maintait:ling copies of all. enviro~men'tal reports' from
North County that dea.'!. w'ith archaeology. Wec,urrently haVe
nearly 500. It would be very helpful to us anq·to the next.
,'generat~on of archaeologists if you could send me a copy of, .
,all such reports that qome your way. AI?, you may know, rio '
government agency in San DiegoCo4nty other than. Palomar
Colleg~ has a long term commitment to this ,sort of a~
archiving program.
,Dennis O'''Neil
",. WESTEC Services
"'" . An ERe International Group
5510 Morehouse Drive, San Diego, CA 92121-1709
(619) 458-9044
Ms. Adrienne Landers
Planning Department
City of Carlsbad
2075 Las Palmas Drive
Carl?bad, CA 92008
November 30, 1988
Re: Response to comments on Literature Review and Testing Program for Site
SDi-4358 (\V-108)
Dear Ms. Landers:
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the reviewers comments for the
Archaeological Testing Program and Literature Review for Site SDi-4358 (\V-108). It
should be noted that the Data Recovery Program for SDi-4358 (W-108) was not included
in the reviewer's packages. My response-to comments are listed by reviewer. _
Dr. John Ford
The goal of the program is the excavation of a 5 percent sample of the primary site area as
stated within the program. If necessary, the developer has agreed to excavate up to a 15
percent sample.
Dr. Brad Bartell
Dr. Brad Bartell is requesting that more units be excavated during the testing phase, as well
as additional radiocarbon dates be run to determine if the site is a significant site. In
addition, Mr. Bartell requests to directly tour the geographic localities, inspect the artifacts
and interview the personnel involved with the project.
Response: I respect Dr. Bartell's caution, but the testing program is the same used for the
County of San Diego and the City of San Diego. Site SDi-4358 (W-108) is an important
resource and under state and federal guidelines it is required that a minimal testing program
be conducted to not destroy or severely impact the resource peing evaluated.
Mr. John Parker
I regret that Mr. Parker was not sent the Data Recovery Program with the research design,
which would have answered many of his questions. The full range of mitigation
possibilities includes avoidance or a data recovery program, or a combination of both of
these alternatives. Redesigning the project has been previously discussed, al1d it should be
noted that the prehistoric resource is situated within the center of the remaining project site.
The proposed project is infeasible without impacting this important resource. The project
has also been redesigned to allow 30 percent Qf the property for open space due. to slopes
and vegetation requirements. .
Ms. Adrienne Landers
November 30, 1988
Page 2
As to sample size there is no magic formula as to the right sample size. In San Diego
County, the major excavations rarely achieve a 2 percent sample much less a 5 percent
sample. I feel that Carlsbad should require 5 percent excavations wherein at least a minimal
data base could be achieved on these important cultural resources. Also, it has been out
practice to use all of the shell from select sample units for analysis. Subsampling a sample.
(Le., using a column sample for shell analysis) has not been proven to be a reIi~ble
sampling method. .
Mr. Dennis O'Neil
No comment necessary. It has been our practice to send the Palomar College
Archaeological Laboratory Archive copies of WESTEC reports.
Please feel free to contact me should you have additional questions or comments.
Best regards,
~iS ~allegOS
Project Manager
"" 6)
(916) 322-mJanuary 18, 1989
Ms. Adrienne Landers
City of Carlsbad
2075 Las Palmas Drive
San Diego, CA 92009
Dear Ms. Landers:
Thank you for this opportunity to respond to the request for comments on SCH #
89011109, the Viewpoint project.
Upon review of the mitigation measures proposed in the EIA, two important concerns
have not been addressed.
The first is what does the City of Carlsbad plan to do, "in the event of discovery of
human remains," and what will the City do if those human rem~ins are identified as
being Native American?
Also of concern is whether or not any Native American tribe,group, or individual(s) has
been contacted for input regarding the significance or lack of significance of any
recorded or unrecorded cultural resources within the proposed project area?
For your information and future reference I am enclosing a copy of the Native·
American Heritage Commissions', "A PROFESSIONAL GUIDE." The Guide provides a
brief outline of what to do "in the event of discovery of human remains." There are also
excerpts from state statutes, Health and Safety Codes and the Public Resources Code
that can be used as resource guides. In future EIA/EIR's for proposed projects, NAHC
recommends that you include these steps as part of the mitiga:tion process.
To assist in determining wh'ich tribal organization is the most appropriate, you may
want to contact the Southern California Agency office of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Their address is: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Southern California Agency, 3600 Lime
Street, Ste. 722, Riverside, CA 92501 ,-ATTN: Tribal Operations ..
Again, thank you for this opportunity to provide our comments and concerns.
If you should have any questions please do not hesitate to contact this office.
Earl T. Green, Jr.
Program Assistant
. ,., :.:~ The following actions must be taken
. ·1 immediately upon the discovery of
~.,. ... '.": :. ~ r~
.;~~ , • ~"'1-t
.. ' . ,"'"
.. ~.~~
, . remains at a construction site:
... ,~, b)
Stop work immediately and
contact the County Coroner.
. The Coroner has two working
days to examine remains after
being notified by the person
responsible for the excavation.
If the remains are Native
American, the Coroner bas 24
hours to notify the Native
American Heritage
c) The Native American Heritage
Commission will immediately
notify the person it believes to
be the most likely descendent
of the deceased Native
d) The most likely descendent has
24 hours to make recommenda-
tions to th.e owner, or represen-ta~ive, for the treatment or
disposition, with proper
dignity, of the remains and
grave goods.
e) If the descendent doesn't make
recommendations within 24
houfs the owner may reinter
the remains in an area of the
property secure·fr()m further
disturbance, or:
If the owner doesn't accept the descendent~s recommenda-
tions, the owner or the
descenden~ may request
mediation by the Native
American Heritage
.. ~ .,
t7~; :: :··;·i;~f4;t:'F:;.r" "~. .,
~. ". l' ... .• . .. : .. -i . ~ .. ,',. ~ ",. • .~". ...... L' r~;~~~~v;,-=~ . I ~,.
.... :-
.1'1.; '.'i:<.:, ... '
:.. ", H .~" ••
iI .. • ,.
". "'f •
call the NATIVE AMERICAN ," .. :.:,,-.'
at (916) 322-7791 or write to: ~. ?ublished by the
". ' r -,.,I~~::'J c:: ~~ ~t • ,'\ ~ , ~... " California
f' • NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE ;.~~\ ,:", '. ,', 'Natlve:American . ',: ." ";"". -. COMMISSION . "', ...... ';~:::'~"'. .., . Herila~ Commission
:'" .": . " ,·"'15 Capl'tol Mall Room 288· ' -.~.:'... . . .. >';"" :"',:. :t;:'.:~·2/88 r·'·,', ... ~ or,," "7 ,t --;"" . , •• ,
.1.-1 .... ' "". ... .. -! ..... "'~""""'.~I. ~ -<. .. !..-:.J ......... .:.l'; ~._I'M-,.i,.. .~.J. • , , .. ' ~<k. .. . l.:;~::,~:,.c.:':' .. Silcramento,CA 95814 '"',., .;., (jEORGEDEUKMEJIAN,~r . . ~iJ ~:,.~~\.'; '. ..' "'.1.: ,: ,.'." .. '~: :,.;, . , ~.'. ~. . ""~,,,: "'~!:lti'q,<) " ~~",~,;!.,-;l.=,.,<·dt"1n'i:w~~;;"""-;(;:l~~""-~~...:.,;-.;')(:: ... w:.u",,. !J,il.,,--.:l'-."' ......... J~""".~ .. ~~'r:.,.~""-'Il,,;,;; .... i\.illigaii<h;.
The following excerpts from California law
concerning Native American remains are
provilled for your reference:
From Chapter 1492, Statutes of 1982, which
added Section 7050.5 10 the Health and Safety Code,
amended Section 5097.94 of the Public Resowces
'; Code and added Sections 5097.98 and 5097.99 10 the "
Public Resowces Code: ';,~
(a) The Legislature finds as follows: ~
. (1) Native American human burials and skeletal
, remains are subject 10 vandalism and 'inadvertent
destruction at an increasing rate.
(2) Srate laws do not provide for the protection
of these burials and remains from vandalism and
(3) There is no regular means at this'time by
which Native American descendents can make known
their concerns regarding the treatment and disposition
of Native American burials. skeletal remains, and
items associated with Native American burials.
(b) The purpose of this act is:
(1) To provide protection to Native American
human burials and skeletal remains from vandalism
and inadvertent destruction.
(2) To provide a regular means by which Native
American descendents can make knoWn their concerns
regarding the need for sensitive treatment and
disposition of Native American burjals, skeletal
remains, and items-associated with Native American
From Section 7050.5 or the Health and
Sa(ety Code:
(b) in the event pf discQvery m-recognition of any
human remains in any location'oiher than'a dedicated
cemc:ICry, Ihere shall be no Cunher excavation or
distUJflance of the site or any nearby area reasonably
suspected '10 omIie adjacent remains mill the cormer
of the County in which the human remains-are
discovcmI has deIermined, in acconI3nc:c with ~
10 (commencing with Section 274(0) of Part 3 of .'
Division 2 of TJIIe 3 of the Government Code, that
the remains arc not subject 10 ,the prov~ of
, .-.... " i
_ r .,
Section 27491 of the Government Code or any other
related provisions of law concerning investigation of
the circumstances, manner and cause of any dcath, and
the recommendations concerning the treatment and
disposition of the human remains have been made 10
the person responsible for the excavalion. or 10 his or
her authorized representative, in the manner provided in
Section 5097.98 of the Public Resowces Code. The
coroner shall make his or ,her determinalion within two
wOOcing days from the time Ihe person responsible for
the excavation. or his or her authorized representative,
notifies the coroner of the discovery or recognition of
the human remams.
(c) If the coroner determines that the remains are not
subject to his or her aulhority and if the coroner
recognizes Ihe human remains 10 be those of a Native
American, or has reason 10 believe that,they are those
of a Native American, he or she shall conlaet, by
telephone wilhin 24 hours, Ihe Native American
Herirage Commission.
From-Section 5097.94 or the Public
Resources Code:
The commission shall have the following powers and'
• •• (It) To mediate, upon application of either of Ihe
parties, disputes arising between landowners and
known deScendents rclaling 10 the treatment and
disposition of Native American human burials,
skeletal remains, and items associated wilh Native
American burials.
The agreements shall provide proteCtion to 'Native
American hum;m buriaIs and' slccletal·reinains from
vandalism and ~venent destrucli9n aiK! provide for
sensitive. treatment and disposition, of Native American
burials. skeletal remai~, and associated grave goods
consistent with Ihe planned use of, or the, approved
. project on, ~ land.
(I) To assist interestediaqdoWners in developing
agreenienlS with aPpropriate N,ilive American groups
for tre;lting or disposing, with appropriate'dignity, of
the human remains and any ilCmS associated wilh
, Native American burials.
• l'
From Section 5097.98 of the Public
Resources Code:
(a) Whenever the commission receives notification
of a discovery of Native American human remains.
from a county coroner pursuant 10 subdivision (c) of
Section 7050.5 of Ihe Health and Safety Code. it
shall immediately notify those pe!OUns it believes 10
be most likely descended from the deceased Native
American. The descendents may. with the .
permission of the owner of the land, or his or her
authorized representative, inspect the site of the
discovery of the Native American remains and may
recommend 10 the owner or the person responsible for
the excavation work means for treating or disposing,
wilh appropriate dignity. Ihe human remains and any
associated grave goods. The descendents shall
complete Iheir inspection and make their
recommendation within 24 hours of their notifICation
by the Native American Herirage Commission. The
recommendation may include the scientific removal
and nondestructive analysis of human remains and
items asSociated wilh Native American buriaJs.
(b) Whenever the commission is unable 10 identify a
descendent, or the descendent identified fails 10 make a
recomm~ndation, or the landowner or his or. her
aulhorized represenrative rejects Ihe, recommendation
of the descendent' and the mediation provided for in
subdivision (It) of Section 5097.94 fails 10 provide
measures acceprable 10 the landowner, the landowner
or his or her authorized representative shall reinter the
human remains and items associated with Native
~erican buriaJs with app-opriate dignity on:the
property in a location not subject·to further
subsurface disturbance.
" ' ~ "~~~N.~ 1~':"1o ... ~.1
S8 447 (Chapter 404, Stalutes of 1987):
On January I, 1988, Senate Bill 447 went into effect
I .' This legislation amended Section 5097.99 of the Publi
f" . Reso~ Code, making it a felony 10 obtain or
i: ;~ poosess Native American remains or associated 'grave
,,', goods: ,'. ' . , , ' , ;'.~~(~) 'No~~~or~'~YN~~ r. ;:' American artifacts or human remains which are talccn
".: ' from a Native American gmve or cairn on or after
I January 1. 1984, except as OIherwise provided by law
\' in accordance with an agreement reached pUrsuant'lO
, subdivision (1) of Section 5097.94 or pursuant 10
Section 5097.98.
'(b) Any person who knowingly or 'willfully obrains (
possesses any Native American artifacts or human '
remains which are taken from a Native American gra\'
or cairn after January 1. 1988, except as othetwise
provided by law or in accordance with an agreement
reached pursuant 10 subdivision (1) of Section 5097.94
or pursuant 10 Section 5f117.98; is guilty of a felony
which is punishable by imprisonment in the state
(c) Any person who removes. without authority of
law. any Native American artifacts or human remains
from a Native American gmve or cairn with an intent t
sell or dissect or wilh maIiee or wantonness is guilty 01
a felony which is punishable by imprisonment in !he
state prison.
·:~;)~~<t!· ~'f::i:'.~"~'· ; ""~ , ......
, .. \ ~.~; l ~.:. ~"······"i·I~""io.::~ -''''~ i.n~h Stre~t, Rm. 121, sacramento,' CA 95814 ., 916/445'0613
See NOTE .elOlji I
SCH' 8 g..u 1 1 1 0 9
I. Project Title _..lV~I!I!!1OIlI,Ijx;i~n~t __________________________________ _
2. L.1Id AveneY: tlty of e. .. \sbtd 3. Contact Perlon: _.llAi9.d .. !:.!i~ennt~.:!I-'LIo.!'!!lncle!2ru:"1S-",, _____ _
la. Street A~ ... : 2972= Ly 'I"",!" Ort., 3b. City: ____ --!:Cs; ... !:.!lo!sbtd!!!!:!..... ___ ..,.... _____ _
3c. ClUtt.,: ___ ....i'.t!ll..l/.0lJI!IOIIIl!.---_____ 3d. Zip: 92009 3 •• PhOM: _(!.116~1~9lI-.:::43~§t,;,·.!_11~6~1 ______ _
PROJECT bOCATlCIII 4. CCUtcy: _~S.l!"'IU!;PJJlmEllll. ________ 4 •• Clty/COIIIIUllty: -l;C:s.~rlW!s.!!ibtdll!:!... __________ _
4c. section: Twp. ____ Range ______ _
'or Rural,
5b. "e.reat COIIIIUIlty: _..Jo;Ca!! .. ~I!!.NdOl!·£.. _____ ----
6. Within 2 .1 lea of: •• St.t. Hwy 110. __ -101.;..,51.... ____ _ b. Alrporta _.P ... ILli.~r~ _____ c. Wat.rway. ____ _
7. !?OC!.!!f!!T TIp(
01 _ IICP
~! _ Cetwral "l~ ~t.
02 _ ...... EIlNnt
01..J...llealdential: Unit. __ ..l90:l!-_ Acr .. __ 4:!l01.-__ _
02 _ Offlca: Sq. Ft. _______________ __
02 _ Ear!y Con!
03..J... II .. Dac:
03 _ GMMrtl PI," AMndnItnt Acrea E~loy", _______ _
04 _ "eaflr Plan 03 _ ShQIIPInt/C_rclal: Sq. ff. _________ _
. 04 _ Dr.ft EIII
OS _ S\4:IPI_t/
(If 10, prior $CII ,
06 _ lIotica of Infant
01 _ !rwlr. A .. a_tl
OS _ Dr.ft Ell
09 _ Info ... tfon enly
10 _ " .. I Doc_t
11 _ OtlMt': ___ _
os .:.... Amex.tlon
06 _ Sptclflc PI",
01 _ lIedt ... 1 cpwIt
Q9 .L LInd Division
(SWldfvl. I on, Percil MIfl.
Tracf "Ifl, Ite.l
10 _ U •• Pemlt
11 _ '_II AI PrH.rve
12 _ Other ___ _
9 TOTAl ACRES: _~40!l..-
01 ..!.. Aesthetlc/Vi_1
02 _ Alrlcuhunl La
03 ..!... AII' Quatlty
04 ..J.... Arch_IOlical/Hlatoclcal/
05 ..!... COHtal
06 _ fira Hu.rd
OS _ GeolOfic/Stllllllc
09 _ JobaIH_in; latlnCl
10 _ "Ineraltl
11 ..J... lIei ••
12 ..l.. PWllc ServlcH
13 _ SchO<lI.
14 _ Septic $ytlt_
Aerea ___ E.,.,loyMl ____________ _
ci4 _ '",*-trl.l: Sq. Ft. ---_"...,i'!FT~;O""~,.,...--..;..-
Acl" .. ___ _
05 _ S-: MGD -----I:.;¥o--~~_-.lOoo&\_--
06 _ Water: MGD ------~~:-.&I;.wJ~~~-4lIiIl--
07 _ Tr_portatlcn: Typt -l~_~IIl!l"';;;""'::";':""'_&;;l~_
OS _ Mlner.1 extraction: "I .
15 ..L S_r Capacity
16 ..L Soi I Eroalon
17 _ Solid lIatlt.
la _ Toxic/HazarOous
22 _ Water Supply
23 _ W.tlandlRlparlln
24 ...!,.. Wildt ite
25 _ Grat.tth, Irducin;
19..l.. Trafflc/Clrcul.tlcn 26 _ lne~tibl. Lenduse
20 ..J... V~tatlon 27 L ClAIlatlv. Effects.
12 F\iI!!ltllG (ewOll.) Federal 1, ____ _ Statl S, ____ _ Totti $, _____ _
'3 ?REU!!l tAl!!) US! All) ZOIIING: Vacanf' LC (LiMited Control)
14 ~.QJE!jT RCsqlPTI2!Ilf 90 lot Nldlvl.fon on 40 ter ...
REV'l:Fll BEDAN: L-jO -'?1
DEPl' ReV TO Aam::!: ;;., -..B-.
Resources A~1D/APCD:;2.7 (l?lle Date: f / i'i )
FAX 'l"E:U:PHrnC: 916-323-314g--
# Resources I
• RWQCB# q = -;-CaltrWlf -fL-
'L' ;.1 •• •
Adrienne Lenders
2075 Las Palm as Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92009
Subject: Viewpoint/ SCH# 89011109
Dear Ms. Lenders:
. ' .. ~ .. ,
February 9, 1989
The State Clearinghouse submitted the above named proposed Negative
qeclaration to selected state agencies for review. The review period is
closed and the comments of the individual agency(ies) is(are) enclosed.
Also, on the enclosed Notice of Completion, the Clearinghouse has.checked
which agencies have coamented. Please review the Notice of COmpletion to
ensure that your comment package is complete. If the package is not in
order, please notify the State Clearinghouse immediately. Remember to· refer
to the project's eight-digit State Clearinghouse number $0 that we may
respond promptly.
Please note th.at Section 21104 of the California Public Resotll'ces Code
requires that:
iia responsible agency or other public agency shall only make.
substantive comments regarding those activities involved in a
proj ect which are wi thin an area of expertise of the agency or which
are required to be carried out or approved by the agency."
Commenting agencies are also required by this section to support their
comments with specific documentation •
. . .'.r:-nese c.o.mments are' .forwarded. for· your 'use in' adopting your,·Negative.-... ;
Declaration." If you ngect more information or clarification, we 'recommend
that you contact the commenting agency at your earliest convenience.
This letter acknowledges that you have complied with the State ClearinghoUse·
review requirements for draft environmental documents, pursuant to t~e
California Environmental ~lality Act. Please contact Garrett Ashley at.
916/445-0613 if you have any questions regarding the envi~onmentat review
I::avid C. Nunenkamp
Office of Permit ASsistance
cc: Resources Agency
@" . ~.-.. '" . . ,
:,,; ,
(' I ..... ••
St~lifornia The Resou;ces Agency
To 1. Projects Coordinator
Resources Agency
2. City of Carlsbad
Planning Department
2075 Las Palmas Drive
San Diego, CA 92009
Date February 1, 1989
From Department of Fish and Game
Subject : Mitigated Negative Declaration: "Viewpoint". Project, San Diego
County -SCH 89011109
The Department of Fish and Game biologist familiar with the
project area has reviewed the Mitigated Negative Declaration for
the Viewpoint Development consisting of 90 single-family
residences on a 40.s-acre parcel located northeast Qf El Camino
Real and Alga Road within the City of Carlsbad. The entire site
drains to the south toward Batiquitos Lagoon, and the project
would result in loss of 24.8 acres of native chaparral and scrub
vegetation and 0.5 acre of oak woodland. We offer the following
comments and recommendations to offset adverse impacts to the
native vegetation and nearby Batiquitos Lagoon:
1. The biological survey used as the basis for the project's
environmental analysis was conducted five and one-half years
ago in August 1983. During this period native coastal sage
scrub habitat, has dramatically decreased in the State due to
development, resulting in the rapid decline of the
black-tailed gnatcatcher in San Diego County .. The gnatcatcher
is presently undergoing formal review by the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service for )isting as an endangered species. There
is reason to believe that the black-tailed gnatcatcher may be
breeding on the project site. Because of the decline of this
species and loss.of habitat since 1983, the Department,
therefore, recommends that a survey be conducted to determine
the presence or absence of this species and nesting locatidns,
if any, on the project site prior to certification of the
Negative Declaration. In the event the species and/or nesting
locations are found on the site, we recommend preparation of a .
Focused Environmental Impact R~port 1EIR) dealing specifically
with cumulative effects of this and similar recent past and
reasonably foreseeable future projects, tog~ther with
mi tigation measures propos·ed to offset the effects of this
project on the black-tailed gnatcatcher.
One potential mitigation measure which must be explor~~9Fr~~~
such a Focused ErR would be to simply include prima;.l\~%frs't.o:~/",
use by the gnatcatcher wi thin the proposed .1·3'. 2-acj(e;96peq, .. <~.>
space lot( s) and to properly buffer and restrict q:c~ess. -'t!.o..~. ,:11 \;,\
these areas. Because of the increasingly cri tica/tfsta(lj~ ~~:.. ,'>'.
the black-tailed gnatcatcher population, and bec~e (;;~~~.::-.( ,::.:'2) ~.].
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~ ERe ~ ~ Environmental
and Energy
Services Co.
Ms Adrienne Landers
Planning Department
City of Carlsbad
2075 Las Palmas Drive
Carlsbad, California 92008
JanuarY'30, 1989
5510 Morehouse Drive
, San Diego, California 92121
Telephone: 619-458-9044
Fax: 619-458-0943
Re: Response to Native American Heritage Commission's Comments
and Concerns
Dear Ms. Landers:
Native Americans are concerned with respect to their sites and
burials. In addressing Native American concerns for "what does
the City of Carlsbad plan to do, in the event o,f discovery of
human remains, and what will the City do if those human remains
are identified as being Native American?", WESTEC has previously
submitted a Data Recovery Program which provides for encountering
human burials (Section 1.11). As stated within the Data Recovery
Program, Section 1.11:
"There is the possibility that Native American Human remains will
be encountered., Should human remains be encountered, the
Principal Investigator shall contact the San Diego Coroner's
office and the Native American H~ri tage Commission." '
"Prior to starting fieldwork at the Batiqui tos Ridge prehis,toric
site, the Native American Heritage Commission will be contacted
by WESTEC via letter for the purpose of identifying a Native'
American who shall advise WESTEC of Native American concerns,
should human remains be encountered. WESTEC field crews ,will be
notified, prior to field work, that should they encounter human
remains, they are to stop work immediately in the uni~ being
excavated. The Native American advisor shall be contacted to
review and to provide input as to further 'action. Alternatives
for the disposition of human remains will include: (1) leaving
human remains in situ; (2) removing human remains for analysis
and curation; (3) removing human remains for analysis and
reburial by Native Americans and (4) removing human remains with
no analysis for reburial by Native Americans."
Site SDi-4358 is identified as an important cultural resource,
and under CEQA needs to be either avoided of impacts or a data
recovery program to mitigate impacts needs to be conducted:
Should a data recovery. program be conducted, WESTEC will contact
both the Native American Heritage Commission and the Southern
California Agency office of the Bureau of Indian Affairs to both
not~fy these agencies of the proposed project and to request
assistance in determining which tribal organization is the most
appropriate to contact should human remains be encountered.
WESTEC is aware of California Law, Chapter 1492, Statutes of
1982,Sections 7050.5 of the Health and Safety Code and amended
Section 5097.94 of the Public Resources Cod~ and Sectiohs 5097.98
and 5097.99 of the Public Resources Code. WESTEC works with
Native Americans on a regular basis, respects their rights and
religious values and strives to maintain a good working
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Native American
concerns. Should you have comments or questions p~ease contact
me at 619-458-9044.
Be~t---!'egards ,
(/~, ., \ ________ y..2~-z.---.....,..-
Dennis Gallegos
Project Manager