HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 83-19; Calavera Hills Villages Q & T; Soils Report Blasting; 1991-09-05ENfilNEERlNG DEPT, N!i~!‘i Cily 01 MM 2075 Las Palmas Drive GarlsBaG GAWO9=48SQ BLASTING RRPORT CALAVRRA HILLS VILLAGRSQ&T - %i-?A TRACT CT&%19 AND TRACT CT-S32 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR: Lyon Communities, Inmrporated 4330 La Jolla Village Drive, Suite 130 San Diego, California 92122 c~- r-r-- - -.r’ pm”, =, ~ “’ P !’ a :i :..1. ,. MY 1 1992 PREPARED BY: “-...L_- 11..11D^_-:- c._11 ^-A m..-AZ-- r _.._.._.._...^ 2 SOUTHFRN CALIFORNIA SOIL&TESTING, INC. 6280 Rivetie Sfw. San Diego, CA92120 PO. Box fCO627. San Diego, CA 92164 619-280-4321. FAX 619-2804717 - September 5, 1991 - - - - - - - - - - Lyon Communities, Incorporated 4330 La Jolla Village Drive Suite 130 San Diego, California 92122 SCS&T 9021113 SCS&T 9021114 Report No. 5-RR SUBJECT: Blasting Report, Calavera Hills, Villages Q & T, Tract CT-83-19 and Tract CT-83-32, Carlsbad, California. In accordance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad, we have prepared this report to present the pertinent information regarding blasting at the site. All blasting operations shall be done in accordance with the San Diego County Blasting Ordinance and the General Industry Safety Orders which are attached hereto and the requirements of the City of Carlsbad. In the case of conflict between the County Blasting Ordinance, the General Industry Safety Orders, the City of Carlsbad requirements, or the recommenda- tions of this report, the more-stringent criteria shall apply. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to address the procedures and requirements for blasting in the Calavera Hills project in the City of C&bad, California, as will be required during grading operations for Villages Q and T. The site is underlain by nonrippable granitic and metavolcanic bedrock occurring at depths from 3 to 33 feet which will require blasting in those areas which the proposed cuts exceed such depths. Further discussion of the underlying materials can be found in the “Report of Supplemental Soil Investigation” for Calavera Hills, Village Q and T, College Boulevard, Carlsbad, California, dated October 6, 1988 prepared by Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. - - - - - - -~ - - - - - .- - SCS&T 9021113 September 5, 1991 PROCEDURR Page 2 I%-Blast Inspection All stmctures within 1000 feet of any proposed detonation shall be inspected for existing structural defects. Defects shall be classified as either structural or cosmetic. Features such as stucco or drywall cracks are usually considered to be normal phenomena and should be noted on the inspection even though they are cosmetic in nature. The inspection shall be performed by an inspector approved by the City Engineer. Proof of qualifications and insurance satisfactory to the City Engineer shall be provided 10 days prior to the start of any inspection program. A request for permission to inspect from the approved inspector is required prior to inspection. The requests for permission shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the owner of the property listed on the most recently adopted tax roll. The letter of request shall have an explanation of the purpose of the inspection and a stamped, addressed envelope with a response letter for return to the developer. The form and content of the letter will be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to mailing. A copy of the materials mailed to and from each owner and a copy of the responded return receipt shall be delivered to the City Engineer 10 working days prior to the start of any blasting. Any flaws detected during the inspection shall be recorded and documented with photographs. If a homeowner refuses inspection, such refusal shall be documented. A report of the preblast inspection shall be made available to the City of Carlsbad by the approved inspector. Post-blast inspections will be performed as required by the City of Carlsbad. Blasting Operation Either electrical or non-electric initiating systems may be used. The initiating system shall be combined with a sequential blasting machine with multl-clrcuit capacity, thus maintaining a minimum of eight milliseconds between delays. Explosive materials shall consist of blasting agents (Nitro-carbo nitrate or acceptable akernative) primed with high-explosives primer. - - - - -~- - SCS&T 9021113 September 5, 1991 Page 3 The hole diameter and depth of bore holes will vary depending on site conditions and distance to structures. Cuts can range from 10 feet to 28 feet throughout the project. Sub-drill (depth below excavation line) will range from three to four feet hut a minimum hole depth of eight feet regardless of cut shall be maintained to control shots and protect against flyrock. The stemming is determined based on the burden of drill pattern and the type of rock being blasted. The need for blasting mats is not anticipated but a dii blanket with a miniium thickness of three feet shall be used if blasting is performed within 100 feet of any existing structures. If blasting mats are used, they may consist of rubber tires, steel cables, or acceptable alternative. ‘Ihe required weight of explosives is determined by factoring the hole diameter, length of explosives column, and density of explosives. It is anticipated that the weight of explosives per delay will range from 15 pounds to 118 pounds per delay. The maximum weight of explosives per delay shall not exceed 125 pounds without prior approval from the City Engineer. Blasting in the vicinity of existing structures shall be performed in such a manner that vibrations at the structure do not exceed the safe standards of the Bureau of Mines. Particle velocity should be kept to not more than 1 inch/second as permitted by the Oftice of Surface Miig. See the Bureau of Mines chart included in the appendix. Prior to any blasting at the site, the blasting contractor shall submit copies of the blasting schedule to the City of Carlsbad. The schedule shall contain the following information as a minimum: site plan with blasting locations; type of initiating system; name and quantity of explosive material; name of explosive primer; locations, diameters, and depths of boreholes; pounds of explosive per delay; locations of dii blankets or blasting mats; and the name of the full-time, on-site supervisor who is directly responsible for blastig operations. Monitoring All shots should be monitored and recorded to adjust shots as needed to give due consideration to local residents and to maximise efficiency of drill and blast work. - .- - - - - SCS&T 9021113 September 5,199l Page 4 Seismographic equipment that measures both ground and air vibration shall be utillzed. Examples of such seismographs are the Instantell DS-477, the Berger Safeguard lOOOD, the Nomis 5000, and the Bison 9000. A typical manufacturer’s Features and Benefits sheet (for the Bison) is provided ln the appendix. Seismographs shall be located at the structure nearest the blast site and at other locations as required by the City Engineer. Special attention should be given to monhorhrg blasting operations near existing structures. The ground motion between each shot and the nearest structure shall he recorded and reviewed to ensure that the safe vibration standards of the U.S. Bureau of Mines are not exceeded. PRJCBLAFXINGREQUDWMENTS 1) All blasting events, within the public right-of-way or upon/within any construction site under the charge of the City Engineer, shall require 48 hour urior notification to the Engineering Department to schedule a pre-blasting meeting prior to commencing any site preparation. 2) Blasting contractor shall gpbmit to the mat (a) 0)) (c) (4 Cd 0 One copy of San Diego County Explosive Permit One copy of Certificate of Insurance One copy of Treasury Bureau License One copy of California Highway Patrol License A tentative schednle for all blasting operations, to include whether blasting is considered minor or major. The plan for notification of neighborhood residents and site inspections of all structures within 1000 feet of blast site. DEVELQPBR/P- RESONSIBITATIES 1) DeveloperlPennittee shall assign one person with site wntrol to coordlle with City forces and be responsible to oversee all blasting operations. - - SCS&T 9021113 September 5, 1991 Page 5 - - - - - - - 2) Blasting operations within 750 fea of a public right of way shall require a traffic control plan to be approved by the City and implemented prior to any blasting. 3) Prior to blasting: (4 Written formal notice shall be submitted to the City Engineer 72 hours nrior to any &&s&g. Notification may be for one event or a series of events over several days. A blanket notification covering BBB~ series of events is not acceptable. Notification to include time of blasting to within 2 hours. 09 All residents within a lOOO-foot radius of the blastine event shall be notified prior to any blasting. A wpy of all of all addresses notified shall be submitted to the City prior to any blasting. The City may require notification of additional residents if deemed necessary. Cc) The City of Carlsbad Fire Marshall and the Police Deoartment shall be notified prior to any blasting and on the day of any blasting. 4) Hours of blasting shall be between &$I AM to 3:30 PM. Mon&sv tbroueh Friday. beal holidavs. 5) The storage of explosives within the City of Carlsbad is prohibited. Explosives for a blast shall be transported into the City just prior to their use. 6) All blasting operations shall be monitored by an approved seismograph located at the nearest man-made structnre. All seismograph reports shall be forwarded to the City Engineer at the end of each blast week. 7) 8) All post-blast wmplaints shall be inspected within 30 w of receipt of complaint. Written results shall be submitted to the City Engineer. All personnel involved with blasting operations will be licensed blasters with the State of California. No fewer than two such persons will be on the site during blasting operations. - - SCS&T 9021113 September 5,199l Page 6 - - - - - - 9) Blasting for excavation will be permitted only after securing approval of the City Engineer and only when proper precautions are taken for the protection of persons and property. 10) Any damage caused by blasting shall be repaired by the wntmctor at hi expense. 11) The blasting contractor will carry a minimum of $500400.00 insurance that will meet DOT regulations, evidencing that the blaster has obtained a general liability insurance policy which includes coverage for explosion, collapse and underground property damage from an insurer acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney in effect for the period covered by the permit, written on an “occurrence” basis and naming the City of Carlsbad as an additional insured and providing that the policy will not be cancelled or terminated without 60 days prior wriuen notice to the City of Carlsbad. The blaster shall defend, indemnify and hold the City of Carlsbad and its agents, officers and employees harmless from any claim or actions arising out of the blasting activity. 12) The w&actor’s method of blasting and procedure shall wnform to state laws and local ordinances including the San Diego County Blasting Ordiice attached hereto and made a part hereof. - 13) When electrical initiating systems are used, the following precautions must be undertaken: - - - (a) Signs shall be posted warning operators of radii equipment to stop transmitting in any area in which blasting operations are in progress. All cars with two-way radios within 300 feet of any electrical blasting operation should have the transmitter turned off. 0) Electric blasting caps should not be transported ln cars with two-way radios. They should be transported in their original wntainer only and none should have their wires extended. (4 Only the nonelectric blasting method should be permitted if within two miles of a commercial broadcasting station. - - ,- - - - SCS&T 9021113 September 5, 1991 Page 7 14) It shall be the responsibility of the developer/permittee to provide persons of professional expert opinion in blasting as a third uartv observer of all blasting operations and events. Documentation of all operations and events shall be observed and documented by this thiid party, with all documentation submitted to the City Engineer atter a blasting event. This third party observer shall work closely with the developer/permittee and City inspection forces to assure that potential problems are resolved prior to any blasting event. The qualifications and identity of the third party observer shall be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. After selection the third parry observer shall be retained for the duration of the project and shall not he dismissed from the project except upon the concurrence of the City Engineer and after the approval of a substituting third party observer. APPLICABLE SMNDARDS AND CODES A. City of Carlsbad Fire Code - (Latest edition) B. Industrial Safety Orders - Article 8 C. SSPWC - (Latest edition) D. Right of Way Ordbrance - CMC 11.16 .E. Excavation and Grading Ordiice - CMC 11.06 F. California Manual of Traffic Controls - (if applicable) G. All other licensee/permittee requirements of each other agency with jurisdiction. - If you have any questions after reviewing this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. - - - - Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. Curtis R. Burdett, C.E.G. #lO!X.l CRB:mw cc: (3) Submitted (3) Hunsaker and Associates - - - SCS&T 9021113 KS&T 9021114 - APPENDIX 1 SANDIEGOCOUNTYBLASINGOBDINANCE - - - - ORDINANCE NO. (NEW SERIES) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING DIVISION 5 OF TITLE 3 OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY CODE OF REGULATORY ORDINANCES RELATING TO BLASTING OPERATIONS The Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego ordains as follows: SECTION 1. Section 35.302 of the County Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 35.302.~ ENFORCEMENT The Uniform Fire Code, except for Articles 77 and 78, shall be enforced by the County Department of Planning and Land Use Codes Enforcement Division and which shall be operated under the supervision of the County Chief Fire Inspector. Articles 77 and 78 shall be enforced by the Sheriff of San Diego County and references in said Articles 77 and 78 to Chief shall mean the Sheriff of San Oiego County. SECTION 2. The following sections are hereby added to the County Code of Regulatory Ordinances: Sec. 35.316.01 (77.101). Section 77.101 of the Uniform Fire Code is hereby revised to read as follows: (a) This article shall apply to the manufacture, possession, storage, sale, transportation and use of explosives and blasting agents. (b) This article as amended shall apply to any blasting operation unless the blast is determined to be a minor blast, in which case the inspection requirements of this amended article shall not apply. The Sheriff shall determine if the blast is minor. Persons conducting major blasting shall comply with all the requirements of this article as amended. Sec. 35.316.02 (77.103). Section 77.103 of the Uniform Fire Code is hereby revised to read as follows: (a) For definitions of BLASTING AGENT, BULLET RESISTANT, CHIEF, INHABITED BUILDING, EXPLOSIVES, GUNPOWDER, SPECIAL INDUSTRIAL EXPLOSIVE DEVICE, SPECIAL INDUSTRIAL HIGH-EXPLOSIVE MATERIAL and TEST BLASTING CAP NO. 13, see Article 9. - -2- - - - - - -. .- - - -_ -~ .- - (b) APPROVED BLASTER means a blaster who has been approved by the Sheriff to conduct blasting operations and who has been placed on the list of approved blasters. Such listing shall be valid for a period of one (1) year unless revoked by the Sheriff. (c) BLASTING OPERATION means the use of an explosive device or explosive ;$;yial to destroy, modify, obliterate, or remove any obstruction of any (d) BLASTING PERMIT, for the purpose of this article, means a permit issued by the Sheriff or by the Chief Officer of the fire department serving the jurisdiction, pursuant to Article 77 of the Uniform Fire Code, and shall apply to a specific site. This permit shall be valid for a period not to exceed one (1) year. (e) BLAST SITE means a geographically defined area where blasting may occur. It shall be shown on a project map or plot plan. Major blasting operations shall be conducted only within such defined areas. Distances for inspection and notification purposes shall be measured from all specific blast locations on a project site. (f) EXPLOSIVES PERMIT, for the purpose of this article, means a permit issued by the Sheriff pursuant to Section 12000, et seq. of the California Health and Safety Code and Article 77 of the Uniform Fire Code. An explosives permit shall be valid for a period not to exceed one (1) year, as designated by the Sheriff, and may impose conditions on the permittee and his operations up to the point of actual use. In addition to this permit, a blasting permit is also required for the actual act of blasting. (g) INSPECTOR means any private person acting on behalf of an approved blaster who has been approved by the Sheriff to conduct pre- and post-blast inspections in conjunction with blasting operations in the unincorporated areas of the County of San Diego, and who has been placed on the list of approved inspectors. (h) MAJOR BLASTING means a blasting operation not qualifying as minor blasting. (i) MINOR BLASTING means a blasting operation that meets all of the following criteria: quantity of rock to be blasted does not exceed one hundred (100) cubic yards per shot, bore hole diameter does not exceed two inches (2"), hole depth does not exceed twelve feet (12'), maximum charge weight does not exceed eight (8) pounds of explosives per delay, and the initiation of each charge will be separated by at least 10 milliseconds. The maximum charge weight shall not exceed the Scaled Distance as shown below: -3- Distance from Blast Site Scale-Distance (In Feet) Factor O-300 Mandatory Seismic Monitoring 301-5,000 5,000+ :: - (j) SHERIFF'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE means the chief fire officer serving the jurisdiction. Sec. 35.316.03 (77.104). Section 77.104 of the Uniform Fire Code is - hereby revised by adding subparagraphs (f), (g), (h) and (i) as follows: (f) Prior to the issuance of a Blasting permit, the chief, or his authorized representative, shall approve fire safety requirements and shall review the application for conformance to the requirements, as they relate to blasting operations, of the following permits when blasting is anticipated. ,- - - - 1. Building permit; 2. Grading permit; 3. All use permits; 4. Encroachment permits; 5. Other entitlements to and any determination status. and use property, including zo, ;ng requirements under The Zoning Ordinance of nonconforming The applicant shall be responsible for notifying and obtaining all necessary - approvals from the chief or his authorized representative. (g) This article as amended shall apply to blasting and explosives _- permits issued on or after the effective date of this amendment. Permits issued prior to that date shall be subject only to such regulations as were in effect at the time the permit was issued. (h) Blasters are required to comply with blasting regulations of neighboring jurisdictions, for any blasting operations outside of the unincorporated area of the County, but conducted in conjunction with projects - within the unincorporated areas of the County of San Diego. - - - -4- - (i) The Sheriff, or his authorized representative, may impose conditions and procedures as are deemed reasonably necessary to protect the public health - and safety based upon the peculiar and individual facts and circumstances of a particular blasting operation. The Sheriff, or his authorized representative, shall provide the blaster with the additional conditions or procedures in -. writing and the blaster shall comply with them until the blasting permit expires or the Sheriff, or his authorited representative, is satisfied they are no longer required and cancels the additional requirements. - Sec. 35.316.04 (77.105). Section 77.105 of the Uniform Fire Code is hereby amended to read as follows: - INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION REQUIRED Sec. 77.105. Before a blasting permit is issued, as required by Subsection (a)3 of Section 77.104, the blaster shall submit: (1) a certificate of insurance evidencing that the blaster has obtained a general liability insurance policy which includes coverage for explosion, collapse and underground property damage from a generally recognized insurer, in effect for - the period covered by the permit, written on an "occurrence" basis, in an amount of not less than five hundred thousand dollars each occurrence, naming the county as an additional insured, and providing that the policy will not be _, cancelled or terminated without 30 days prior written notice to the County; and (2) an agreement signed by the blaster agreeing to defend, indemnify and hold the County and its agents, officers and employees harmless from any claims or actions arising out of the issuance of the permit or the blasting .- activity." Sec. 35.316.05 (77.301(a)). Section 77.301(a).of the Uniform Fire Code is hereby amended ta read as fallows: Sec. 77.301. (a) Blasting shall only be permitted between the hours of - 7:OO a.m. and 6:OO p.m or one-half (l/2) hour before sunset whichever occurs first, Monday through Saturday, unless special circumstances warrant another time or day and special approval is granted by the Sheriff. -. Sec. 35.316.06 (77.301). Section 77.301 is hereby amended by adding subparagraphs (n), (0) and (p) as follows: _- (n) The owner shall give, or cause to be given a one-time, reasonable notice in writing for ongoing operations ta all residences (including mobilehomes) and businesses within six hundred feet (600') of any potential .- major blast location, or three hundred feet (300') feet from any minor blast location. The notice shall be given promptly upon issuance of any building permit, grading permit, use permit, encroachment permit or other entitlement to use the property, including a determination under The Zoning Ordinance of ..~. nonconforming status. - - - - - ~__ - - 5 - (o) In addition to the notice given under Section 77.301(n), a notice by the blaster shall be given or cause to be given to the residences within six hundred feet (600') of a major blast site and three hundred feet (300') from a minor blast site, not less than twenty-four (24) hours nor more than one (1) week before blasting operations and shall be in a form approved by the Sheriff. The minimum 24 hour notice requirement may be reduced to a lesser period but not less than one hour if the Sheriff determines that special circumstances warrant such reduction in time. (p) Adequate precautions shall be taken to reasonably safeguard persons and property before, during and after blasting operations. These precautions shall include: 1. The blaster shall cause an approved inspector to inspect all structures (including mobilehomes) within three hundred feet (300') of the blast site before blasting operations, unless inspection is waived by the owner and/or occupant. The inspector shall obtain permission of the owner and/or occupant before conducting the inspection. The inspection shall be only for the purpose of - - - - - _. .- -_ determining the existence of any visible or reasonably recognizable preexisting defects or damages in any structure. Waiver of inspection shall be in writing signed by the owner and/or occupant. Additionally, refusal to allow inspection shall constitute an automatic waiver, which shall be reported as such to the owner and/or occupant, and the fact of refusal shall be included in the summary report filed with the Sheriff (see Section 77.301.(0).2). The blaster shall cause an approved inspector to conduct post blast inspections upon receipt of a written complaint of property damage either by notice or knowledge of damage, providing damage is reported within sixty (60) days of the completion of blasting operations. 2. Complete pre-blast inspection reports identifying all findings~ and - inspection waivers shall be signed by the inspector. Such inspection reports shall be retained by the blaster and upon a complaint of alleged damage the blaster shall cause a copy of the report to be immediately filed with the Sheriff. A copy shall also be sent to any individual who is directly involved in the complaint upon their request. - If there is a change in the blasting contractor after blasting has consnenced on a project, a reinspection shall be conducted in accordance with the preceding paragraph (p)l of Section 77.301 before the new blasting contractor undertakes any additional blasting. - 6 - - - - 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. - - 8. The blaster shall cause an approved inspector to conduct a post-blast inspection of all structures for which written complaints alleging blast damage have been received. A written report of such inspection shall be immediately filed with the Sheriff and delivered or sent to individuals directly involved in any alleged damage within sixty (60) days of receipt of a complaint. The blaster shall permit Fire Protection District and Sheriff's Department personnel to inspect the blast site and blast materials or explosives at any reasonable time. If a Fire Protection District or Sheriff's Department witness is desired by the blaster on areas of the property upon which blasting shall occur, arrangements shall be made at least twelve (12) hours prior to the blast. Confirmation shall be made to the Fire Protection District or Sheriff no less than one (1) hour prior to the blast. The witnessing department(s) may then assign a department member to be present and observe the blast at their discretion. Costs, if any, must be paid by the blaster and owner. The blaster shall notify the Sheriff and the appropriate Fire Protection District, if any, on the day of a scheduled blasting operation not less than one (1) hour before blasting. All major blasting operations shall be monitored by an approved seismograph located at the nearest structure within six hundred feet WE. All daily seismograph reports shall be maintained by the Confiscation: Any explosives which are illegally manufactured, sold, given away, delivered, stored, used, possessed, or transported shall be subject to immediate seizure by any Chief, issuing authority, or peace officer. The Sheriff shall be notified immediately upon any such seizure. When a blasting permit has been revoked or has expired and is not immediately renewed, any explosives are subject to immediate seizure. Sec. 35.316.07 (77.307). Section 77.307 is hereby amended by adding subparagraphs (b), (c) and (d) as follows: - (a) The chief may seize, take, remove or cause to be removed at the expense of the owner all explosives, aaanunition or blasting agents offered or exposed for sale, stored, possessed or transported in violation of this article. (b) Any person violating or causing the violation of any of the - provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000.00 or by imprisonment in the County jail for six (6) months, or by both fine and ~,imprisonment. - -7- - (c) It shall be unlawful and a violation of this ordinance for any person to provide false or misleading information or documentation to the ~- County of San Diego or any of its officers or employees or to any jurisdiction having authority during any phase of the explosives or blasting permit process or blasting operations. (d) In addition to the penalties provided in Paragraph (b) of this Section, any conditions caused or permitted to exist in violation of the provisions of this ordinance or in violation of the conditions of an -~ explosives or blasting permit shall be deemed a public nuisance, and may be abated by the County as such or remedied in court in any manner provided by law. Sec. 35.316.08 (77.308). The following Title and Section is hereby added to the County Code: - FEE STRUCTURE Sec. 77.308. A blaster and inspector shall pay a fee to the Sheriff upon - being designated an approved blaster or inspector. Fees shall also be charged for issuance of a blasting permit to conduct blasting operations. The amount of said fees shall be determined by the Sheriff on the basis of the full costs -, involved in processing said permits. - DOCUMNTS\BLASTC.ORD-sv (09/26/90) - - - - - - %X&T 9021113 SCS&T 9021114 - - - - - APPENDIX 2 GEhlBAL. INDUSTRY SAFEIY ORDERS Group 18. Explosives and Pyrotechnics - .~- .- - - - - ,~. ,~- - - Group 18. Explosives and Pyrotechnics Article 113. Explosives, Blasting Agents and Pyrotechnics g 5236. PulpoN. ,a,Gmup I8 establishes minimum standards for the manufacture. as- sembly, possession, storage, aansportatimt. and use of explosives, blast- ing agents. and pyrotechnics at places of employmew , bl Tbis group shall not apply to: (I ) The public display of fueworks as defmed in He&h and Safety Code Saxion 12524 and under the jurisdiction of the State FE &r&l under Title 19. (2) Explosives or blasting agents or pyrotechnics while in the course of transpotmtion under tbe jurisdiction of the US Department of Tram- panation ,usIxKl or the Califotnia vehicle code tcvCl or die pztmit provision of the He&b and Safety Code. (3) Pymtechnics of whatever nature which arc regulated by the State Fire Manhal under Revision of Part 2. Division 11 (commencing with Section 12X0) of the Health and Safety Co&. 14) Construction or tunnel pmjcas. f 5) The use of explosive materials in medicines and medicinal agcnu inthcformsptwmibed bytheUnitcdSraterPharmacopcia.orlhcNation- al Fmmulary. cc) Wl~eneva the tam “explosives” is used in this group it shall be construed as including blasting agents unless specifxally exempted in a Safety Order. (Title 24, T%-5236) Nom hdwtity dtcd: Secdoa ta.,. Laba Code. lkfmnce: section 142.3 La- ta code. Humnr L. .4m,,dmntofsu- t., .rd (b) fkd 10-17-75; cffacdve dGni& &y tbudm tRe&tu 75. No. 42,. 2.~u~~7-l~76;cRstivethin*ch&y tbemftcr(Regista76.No. 29). 3.~mcnloTrubufum(b)~~~&y~~~~~BO,No. $5237. OaflnlU~ns. (a) “ANFO” see “Bksting Agent” “Bar&ads-Artificial.“An wtiftcial mound or mvettcd wall of earth of a minimum thickness of 3 feet or acceptable quivalent. “Bmricadc-Natmal.” Natural fcatttms of the terrain such u hiUs. or timbrrofsufficicnt&nsitythPtthe~~ndingcxpoaurc~whichrcquire protection camwt be soa boom the maga&e when the WCS SIC but of leaves. “Batricadcd” means that a building orsmr(uIc comainingexplosivcr is cffectivelv suaned fmm anotbrn manzine. inbabitcd buildinn. rail- wny,high~ayor~~prc*eithabyan;unlabyur~~~b~~ ofsuchhcightthatartnight~incmrhctopofulyridcwlllofihebuild- ing.orrtructurc.Mnuiningarplodives~thceavetincofmyothsnugp- zinc, inhabited building 01‘8 point 12 feet about the center of P railway, highway,oroutaidcw~-ariilpurthroughrushinlmcningnaatnl or miticii barricade. “Blaster.” Any competem pmon designated to supervise blasting op- cmions and who shaU be charged with the responsibility of estimadng, preparing. loading, and firing explosive charges and the handling of any mirfucs. “Blast Are%“‘ht area near blasting operations that would endanga pmonnsl or property by wnatrsion or flying mater%, taking into con- sideration dte material to be blasted. the type of blast, the locationof the blast. the number. depth. and spacing of charges to be blasted. and he quantity and type of explosives used. “Blasting Accessoriss.“Equipment used when leading and firing cx- plosives. It doss not include explosives or demttatms. Title 8 Gentrat Indoe Safely Orders 0 5131 “B~tingAgcnt.“Anymamalormixanec~nmskngoIafucl~doxi- direr. intended for blasting not odwnvisc classified as anexplosive. pm- vidcdthatthcfinishcdpmducrnsmixuiandpafkngsdforshipmcn~can- not be detonated bymansofaNc.. 8. test blastingcap when uwmfmed. “Blasting Cap.” A shell closed at one end and containing a charge of dclonrting~mpoundwvhichisignitsdbyarpferyhrse.Itis~fordcto- mtkg explosives. “Blasting Circuit.” An elccttical cbcuir including leading. leg. and cmmsting wires and L some of clecuical current to initiate tbc cxplo- Iwe. “Blasting Machine.” An clecnical device designed to tire elecnic blasting caps. “Blasting Ma.” A heavy mat of woven mpc. steel witc. or &in. or improvised from timber. logs. brush. or other matcr8.h placed over loaded hales to mini& c the amount of tuck and other debris that might be thmvm into the air. “Blasting Opemtion.” Any melhod of Icorning or sbateting masses of solid material by use of explosives. “Blasting Shelter” A shelter for the protection of employees while blasting. “BullctResisurnr”Matrrial~dconr~tionrncrhodc~blsofprc- venting pacmion of 180 gmin. 30 caliber soft-nose. hunting-type bul- Ierwbmpmpclledat~maximvmvcloeityof2700fatpassondwhcn fvcd at a distance not to exceed IO0 feet. “Cap Crimper.” A hand or bench tool specially designed to wmr.ly crimp a blasting cap to safety fuse. “Capped Fuse.” A length of safety fuse to which a blasting cap has ban attached. “Cblomte Explosives.” Explosives or blasting sgcnu that lwc over one petunt chlmate. by weighs in the total mix. “CompsrcntPmon.“AprrronatleutZly~ofngc~~vingabil- ities and cxpaicncc that fully qualify him for the duties he is assigned. “ConnaungWim.“~IhoswuirrsthucoMectthclcgwncofoncclcc- mic blasting cap with the kg wire of another elccnic blasting cap or with lading wires. “Coyote Hole.” An m&rgrmmd tutmel-liile chamber into which cx- plosives ur placed for primary blasting. , “D*oludngCord.“A&xiblcMdconuiningnecnvrcorrofhighex- plosives which wlten detomtted will have sttfficimt strength to detonate other capsemitivc explosives with which it is in attact. “Lkto~~.” A component (such ~1 L blsrtbtg cap 0rs.n ekaic blast- ing cap) in M explosive aain which is capable of initiating detonation in a subsequent high explosive compoaem. “Division.“Thc Division of Industrial Safety. “WD.” U. S. Dcpamnat of tkfcttse. “Electtic Blasting Cap.” A shell conmining a charge of detonating compound designed ta be f& by M clstric currctt~ t3ccnic Delay Blasting Caps. Caps designed to detonate at a prcdete~ mid period of time aftercnergy is applied to the ignition system. Nonclecuic Delay Blasting Cap. A blatting cap with au intelpll delay element in coniunction widt and caoable of beinn detonated by a detom- tion impulse ti signal hut mink& detcm&g cord. “Explosives.” Any subaawe m combination of sttbsturcs that is upon cxposttm to sny atemd fmu or cmtd.ition i.a capable of relatively b~~t~tancous rckasc of gas and hcu (A) “Explosives, Clam A.“Possessing detonating n otbmvise mini- mum h& such u. but M( limited to. dynamite. nitmglycmin picnc acid. lead uide. fvlminrtc of macmy. black powder. RDX and PEW mm&an lOOOblardngaps~&unraringprimar.Thirwouldinelude class 7 Miitmy Explo?dves. (Bl”Explorivcs.Cl~uB”mc~srhuin~ncnlth~cxplmivcs~c- tion bvtwidcombustimnatbeaban detonation,andinclttde suchcxplo- . rivea dcvicu as tlasb pawn and propeUent explosives which include me 933 ,44-W, - 0 5237 BARCLAYS CALIFORNIA CODE OFRRGULATIOhS Title 8 -some smokeless powders. Ilis would include Class 2 Military Expk. rives. (C) “Explosives. Cks8 c” mans and kclvdes csrtain types of man- .-ufactursd articles which contain Ckw A or Cksa B explosives. ~7 bab. as comp=mcnu but in tesnictcd quantitks. “Explosive+-Actuated Powa Ikviccs.” Any tool or specinl mechti- cal dsvics which is actuated by explosives. but not to include pmpelknt actuated power devices. Example: of explosive scmated devices M jet perforators. shaped charges and similar devices. “Fitworks.” Any combination of ox&kg and combusdblc sub- stances intended for display or signal purposes by either combustion or -csxplosionandshallincludesushaniskssrfurarandrailroodtorpcdoc~ (also see “pynxechnics.‘~ “Forbidden or not Acccptablc Explaivcs.“Explosivn which are for- bidden or not acceptable for tmttsponation by common, cannact or pri- .- vatecanim by tail ~ight,milcxpms, highway orwaurin accotdana with the legulatiotts of the U.S. Depanmem of TranspottatiaL N~~~;C~chnnrcriradrrrmnM~hm~y hrreexplanec-~ Ltinbutmaawi~rhamvnyof18U.S.C.,~~40udrcno(,pc~- - ally clruitied Y cxplosivn by the U.S. Department of Tnrupoludon. ~uttwi- tativc informaion should be obuincd for such materials and action mmmc~untc with tbh h.ds. lo&m, vdtim md Uregnmtds, sbald be fakerI. “Fuse Safety.” A flexible cord containing an internal burning medium - by which firr is conveyed at a cominuous uniform tate for the purpose of f&g bksdng caps. “Highway.” A way or plscs of whatever nature, publicly maintained and open to UK of tbc public for putposes of vehicular wvel. Highway .- includes suat or road. “IgnitnCord”Ancxrbbumingmcdiumbywhichfinksonveyul for tbs purpose of igniting safety fwer. “Inhabited Building.” A building or smtctw generally used in whole - or in psrt for employee occupancy. burcxcludb~g any opmtkg building or stnlcnn= used for traufacDp* aansporation. *wage, or use of cx- plOSiVCS. “Iandine Oiatat~cc” se Section 5326. “InealinCOpasricau”~O~opaationr-plirhcdithinoncOp aa,tkg line. “Leading Wirer.” lime WIrea extending from comlccting wirer a .- ekctric bksting cap kg witw to the 80~10s of t%ing cunu& “Magazine.” A building. other than the explosives mam&xwkg building,orothnsaucDncscrpf*llydcdgncdf~thc stom+~~ofcxplo- siva, ot any cave or other structum adapted to the *Wage of explosives. - “Mkfirr.” An cxplosivc charge whkh partly or c4nplclcly f&d to explode as plamxd. “MisssdHole.“Adrillhokor~yponionlhcrcofconuiningmexpl~ sive charge chat faikd to explak. -. “MotorVehick.“Anyrclf~vehick.rmcLmaa.rcmiaail- cr. or naikr used for tbc nanspawion of freight over public highways. “~hu-Gub+Ni~.” see “Bksting Agent.” ‘OpcratingBuildine.“Abuildingiaw~ulyoft&foUoatiDgopaa- - tiws M conductedz the ttmnttti of cxplosiver, the assembly load- kg. disuembly, wdi&mia tmmditia. remwuion, mainte- nance. itqaion -, c6teuing of expk8iver “OpcntingLin~.“Agmupofu~opcntingbuil~ofrpce~c -- mm&wnmt, used in the wembly, modi6cation. recondititig. rcno- vation llleintalurc. itupmion nwcilluue, tmting ot mmlufacnlring of explosives. -0pmdng Lim sqamtion.” TIN! rqlitul safe diumx sqmating - twommorcapenukglincr. “Operating Shkld.” A bat& wn8huctiUa~cukrl~on,or amwdapanicukropcrationtopmtect pclwmel.muakl,orcquipmmt _ from the effccta of a possible 6m or sxpksicn. ~“Rilk.” spherical peikts. ‘Rirmry Bluring.” The bkuing opcmicmr by which the migiral wthfmmationorothertMtaialuebtukmintoftlgmau. - ‘Primer’~ as used in bksting. mean8 a cartridge 01 container of explo- sives into which a blnstkg cap. skcaic blasting cap or detonating cord is insetted or attsched. ‘Propclknt.” Solid propelknt. commonly calkd smokekss powder. usulinumllarmr ammunition ~8nt10tt. rockets. ptupclknt-actuated power devias, and similar devices. “Propellant-Actttatcd POWCI D&x.s.” Any twl or special mshani- ml device or gu generator system which is auatcd by a pmplknt. or wuhichrcleavspnd~walithroughpropsllantchargc.oucharpow- dmnratcdconrmrtiandeviocsintheformof stud. b-alt.andnaildriv- m. ‘P-s.” Any combustibk a explosive compositions or man- ~anickrdcri~~uldprc~folthcpurposeofpmduckgau- dibk 01 visible effects. Py~~teclmks atr ccmmmtly referred to aa ftrc- waks. “Safety Fuse” see “Fuse. Saftiy.” “Skonduy Bksting.” The reduction of oversize mat&al by the use of cxplodves to a 8iz suitable for handling. lltis may kclude mudcap- ping and block-holing. “Slury Explosives” see “‘Wats a&.” “Small Arm8 Ammtmiticil.“Atllmtir of .75 calibrx0r kss. when deaigmted as a Ckar C cxplaivc by USDOT. “Small Arms AmmtmitionRittn”Smallpcrcussion sensitivesxpk- rive cltatgcs encased in cup ued for ignition of propellant powder. “Special lndusti Explosive Lkvkes.” Explorive+ctuated-power dcvicer and ptupelkn- power devices. SpeckI Indusukl Expksivc Mwtial.” Shaped mater& and sheet forms and vtuious otha cxmt.si.ms. pelkts, and packages of high cxplo- sive which include dynamitu, ttitdantokene, (m pmunyrfnilolte- mni~(PFIM;MdotharimiLrcompoundsurdfolhighencgyralc forming, expanding, and shaping k meal fnbristiw and for dkasscm- bly and quick reductkn to mp metal. Ypringing”k~~nof~pockctatthebonomof~borsholcby tbcurof~malaucq~~ofexplorivcskordn~~~quvltitia ofcxplosivr.rttmybeksan!d6taekfaaprimatybk8t. “Squi~.“AdcviarimiLrin~ppc~ulccto~clccaisblast- itq cap whkh upon titing by an ckcaic cuttent. provides M ktmsc fkmc inmad of I &tmlmion. “Slcmminn Ma&id.” Suitable kat twnmmbunibk mat&al that is d to aal & sepmuc uplwivea plxwl in a bore hole. Tmway.” An acrid paamlga lmmway used to mnrpmt puxn. garbythcurcofovahadr~ablaorbymprsuppontdkonca mole *pan% WSDOT.” united stalea oeptmmt of Tmnspmtatkn. WrucrGclr,Sl~Explo*vw”cclnpriscawidcvuiuyofmuaials ud fo bldg. lltey alI contain arbnantkl pmponions of water and highptcpatiotuof emmonkmnimtc.romcofwhkhkin8olutionin tlmwtu.Twobmadckuc8ofwatugckarcz (A) Those wi-dcb ye 8auiti& by a materki ckssai u an explosive, ltrhu’INTarmdrcLu~~~wouldthacf~&clurdnr~ endaivc. and avmian. cliic 24.~G.37, Nom .&,dxdycirrd: socmcl1&?.3,kbaCkde. Rd-ti 142.3 LL btXC!Od& - - -~ .- - ,- - - 4 62%. Mlnon. (a,Nopcnonoodertheageof 18yeanshallbcpcrmittediofmyexplo- sivc magazine or shall be pat&ted to use. handle. n-anspat explosives, or engage in any activity tektkg to blasting operations. (b) No penon betwan the age of 18 nod 21 yean shall be petmitted io any explosive magazioe or shall be permitted to use. handle. or ttans- ponexplosivcscxccptundnthcdirst personalsopavisionof scomps- tent penon. 4 5239. Tmlnlng. All pmons who handle or wansport detonatora or explosives shall be trained io the hazards of the job and safe performaxe of their duties. Trabms shall be under the diit sopervkioo of P competent persat. 4 5246. btet’lomted Explo8hm. Deteriorated damaged. or scrap explosives which m unfit for use. shall be destroyed io a safe pl&x by a sompetmt penon in aaotdatw with safety provisions set fotth by the US Boreat of mines nod Ihc Iosti- tote of Makers of Explosives orothutuvgnixd awhoiity. see 5331. EXPLOSIVES SHALL NEVER BE BURIED OR COVERED OVERBYANYMATERJALS AS A MEANS OF DLSWSAL. 4 5241. Explo6lve* for Bla8ttng. (a) Chlotatc Explosive: Cbloratcsxplosives shallnot be used for bkst- ing operations. (b) Low-Freezing Explosives: Explosives shall bc of a type that will not frccrs at any tcmpcranue that may rcasooably be expected. (c) Ftozen Explosives: Advice or service should be sought from the mmufactura kfote osiog or attempting to thaw frozen explosives. 4 5242. Water Gala. (8) Wats gck comaining an cxplorive shall be ckssifkd 8s no cxplo. sive and manufacnxed. mmsponcd, stmul and ued aa rpaitied forcx. plosives in this alicle. (b) Water gels comaioiog no explosives. but which = cap-msitive ardefinuiinScction5237undcr’BlutingA~cnfr”sh~bcslarrificdrr anexploriveandmvlufasPmdtnnrp.s~.andurcdu,~ for explosives io thir utkk. (C) wabx gelr c ontakkg no rubsuncc in iuelfckssiiud as no cxplo- sive and which are not ap-wnaitive ss detitud io Section 5237 unda ‘Bl~~gsgenu”shPllbcclurificdrr blartin~~en”andmanofwmcd, oxosported. stotvd. and used sl specified for blwiog agents io this ars tick. 4 5245. Slack Powder Blasting. lltc UY of Bkck Powder for bkaiog is not teccmmended. However. if it is used. the folkwiog ntkr shall be complkd with: (l)lnexpcricnccdmsnrhrrllbcdorlysupcrviacdbyacompctcntpr- son. 2)Thcblpsrcr~dhirhclpcrsh~noccuryrmtshnorothnro~ of igoition except what li&ing fiue. (3) The men shall wear shoes with no cxposcd tnual. (4)AUpcrsonroot~ with the hdiig opetationr shall be kep atlcPrtsa)fcet~wlyudtbcM~kmpcdoffifneccruy. (5) Boofkes arc prohibited within 500 feet of any bkck powderratcn from the magsoim for btartiog pmpoaes. (6) Holes shall not be I& whik comprcssots. shovck. tracks. hc. ton. or sotmxs of ignition are withio 100 feet. (7)Onlybaggcdpowdaahlllbc~.Its~not&brooght~mc magazine until dtet the hoks atr spnmg and have beeo cookd. (8) Bkck powder shall not be wed oodergrouad. g 5244. Exploalvea for Underground Ua (a)Exploriverfor~und”rrhsllbcclutif~~gurrhc volume of oxygen nod of carbon monoxide nod hydrogen solfidc pm- dwed by P test explosion of P standard cartridge. ~b~For~cpurpoacofthereOrden.astsndardcupidgcisl1/4iocbes iodiameccrmdg iocheslong. Aoysxplosivs whkbisttot packcdiosw- dardcamidgcsshallbetestodbyoxofavolumcofsucherplosivecom- parable to that conmioed in a stat&ad cartridge. (c) TCSU lequircd by this section shall be made io a Bkhcl Gauge ac- onding to standard ptwdufe of the U. S. Bureau of Mies. (d) The volomc of carbon monoxide plus hydrogen sofidc produced byansxplaiveshallbeexptesxdiotcrmsofcubicfcetpxstaodardcar- tridgc and except as pmvided in subsection cc) of this sectioo. the fume cksr of such explosive shall be as giveo in the foUowiogtabIc: Fume Ckss 1 - L.eu dtan 0.16 cubic foot Fume Cksr 2 - Ftom 0.16 to 0.33 cubic foot Fume Clars 3 -From 0.33 to 0.67 cubic foot (c) No explosive shall be ckssified 8s Foote Class 1 or shail be used oo~ond if the gases emitted in tests k the Bichel Gaogc aEcordiog to the smdard pmsdun of the U. S. Bueao of Mines. show more oxy genrh~issofficienttobumrhecombostiblegavstorheirmsrimumox- idiabk state. (f) The fume ckss of explosives for undagxound use shall be clearly amkcd on the case in letters oat krr thao l/4 inch high. (g) Except as provided fo? io subsection (h) and (9 of this sectioo. cx- plosivss used tmdergmond shall comply with the tcquircments for Fume class I. (h) Wheo dte Division hu tuscm to bekkve chat use of Foote Claw 1 explosives may cndaogercmployecs by ignition of combustible dusts or guss. itmayrequitedtatpcrmissiblecxplosives be usedaodthe vcntik- tion inneucd to compmxuc for dte rcsulting ioctease of poisonous PaseS. Nm ~~itioaofprmu*bkexplorivn~lueh~tlh~~InrWrclg to igoite caabustibk ti ad - tbm explosives which cotrply with Fume chss I.ootheothainmt.tbevolumeofpoismws SurVby-pn- miuibk cxpk.ivn is sevenl lima gnln tb.,, that gd by, Fume Class 1 cdosiv~ Who mmuubk crobaives w wed addidaul vmolmim dull k P;nided. . (i) Fume Ck~r 1 explorim will not be teqoti for the foul loading of a coyote hok whcn the coyote hole is soffickotly back-ftied to be- cameaptimarybksL Cj> Only pknt mixed blutkg agents where composidoncontrol is as- sudshallkuscd~. 4 S245. ElecWc Detonstlon of Exploslver During Ughlnlng and Dust Storma. (~)Upo.thc~pmrchMdprolpsrofnlightningstom~blns~goper- ations using ciemic bkadog caps. or static smsitivc explosives shall be stopped and all pawns in tha am* wirhdmvn to a safe kcation. (b) Upon the appnmch of a dust stotm capable of producing sufficient static ekctrkity to detonuc M ekctric bkstittg cap. aLl ekctric blasting opcnunur~bchallcd~dihe~kthcarrawithdnwntoasafclo- atitm. (c) ksmmentwion ta determine the prxence of static ckcaicity may be rqoitcd by the Division. I SW& Smoking ad Open Flames. Smoking and open &mea ate pmhibitcd within 50 feet of explosives k the open. unless odurwir stated In there ordets. i S247. Waal*naou* Provl8lons. (a) No pemoo shall stoic, haodie, ot tmospott explosives or bla%iig ~nrrexceptonderavalidpamitksued bytheapplkdbleFcdcraI.Statc or Lccal Agency. (b)Nopasoo shall handle orursxplosives whik oodathe iofkcncs of intoti&g liquors. oatcotic* or other dangetoos dnllp. Nore; Wty cite& SC&XI 142.3. L&a &de. Hmonr 4 6251. Stomga-Qaneml Requlmmontr. ,a) ~llexplosiver u de6ned in these orden, incioding special kdus- t&l high explosives sod any newly developed and oocksrifkd CXPIO- sivoa.rhaUbc stomdioeirhcratitst-clau magazio+orioas~~~nd~l~s Title 8 General Industry Safety Orders Rlre 961 ielM 8 5252 BARCLAYS CALIFORNIA CODE OFREGULATIONS Title 8 magazine. MC@II~S hall be cona~~cted in conformity wirh the pnwi- oiow of thii Anicle. (b) A fint-class magazine shall be rquixed for the storage of qumi- .~ tia of explosives in excess of 100 pounds. Exceptions: This shall not be consmxd as applying to: (1) Class C explosives such 8s explosive power pa& in the form of explosive cartridges or cxplosivc-charged consauction devices, explo- ~ oive rivets. explosive b&s. explosive charges for driving pins or studs. (2) Camidgcs forexplosives actuated powndcvicss when in quami- dcs of less than 50 pounds net weight of explosives. (3) stc& of small arms ammunition propcllpnt-acalatcd powercar- ~- uidgcs. small arms ammunition primers in quantities of less th 750,000, and smokeless propellant in quamities of leu than 750 pounds. (4) Fur lighters and fuse ignim. (5) safety fuws. - Nom llxc hove matids sbdl be kept in dx hipping ccmaiw. (c) Blasting cspr andelectric blasting caps shail never tx stored in a magazine which containa other explosives or blasting agents. ExcQnon; scccuml5257. M&-up Q Rira House. .- (d) tktonatig cord shall be kept or stored whh blasting caps, but may be stored with other explosives. tal imp&a fmm vehiclss or falling objects. (0 Area sunuunding mqwincr shall be Lcpt ciesr of brush. dried grass, leaves. and other combusdble mawi& for a ~~I,I,w of YJ feet, Magazine contents shd be pmtectcd from hoding. (g) Keys or combinations for magazine locks shall be kept i,, a s,fe pllcc. Only persons auuthmixd by the employer shall be pan&cd rn un- lock or remove supplies hum. magwine. (h) Except when opened for use by aahmixd pnaonr. the mag&,e shaubekcpccIoscdmd-lyiocl;ulat~timca. (i)Els~~wrrlincr~be~cptarl~Sfcaamyfromthcutai- or of any undnground magnziw except w savice. (i)M~ndncrah~bcl~~uluu~f~rfmmovah~~~~l- - ugc clecuicd lines. Cue should be taken that they be placed in such a mmnci da should a line break. it would not fall within this disona cx- cept for undagtwnd sewice. Crie 24.~S2Sl) Humrr ~~.- L. A,,mdma, of subrniolu (a, d (b) tikd PM,-,% d&uive d,i&tb dry - lRe&irra 75. No. 42). 29,. $5252. OuntfIy and Dls(ancm Table for the stonge of EXplOSlVt9S. (a) Tk quantity of explosives cf blasting caps rhat may b+ kept 01 st~innnymagazincsh~conformtoTableM-l.T~bl~ofDisuna~. which sets fcmh the minimum distance rhar a magazine may be located from the nearest inhabited buildiig or other magtins. (b) The quantity and diaturc table is not applicable to any magazix if the II~IUUI inhabited building is effectually suancd htxn the maga- zinc by a natural barrier. which: (1)1140f~cunmorcinhCightslMypointabovearoaightlinedrawn 6w1 the top of any sidewall of the magazim to any pan of the inhabhed building.and (Z)Hac~~thicknurofnMlcuthanuMfcetntrhcpoinrwhm it is intcnead by the straight I&. (c)AU Iypca of blasting caps in suer& tiugh No. 8 shall be raod at 1 l/2 pounds of explosives per I.Wl caps. For strengths higher than No. 8 cap. consult the mamafaawer. (d)FaquMtityMddisuncc~cs&~atingcotdupm60~ per foot shall be c&ulated as quivalem m 9 pounds of Class A explo- sives per I ,ooO feet. Heavier detonating cord shall be rated pmpcnion- aely. (c)Whcn~oormorrs~~e~~laatcdonthcr~prop- eny, crh magazine must comply with ths minim di-s specified frm inhabited btdldittgr. railways. and highways: and. in additi~. they shaU be separated fmm each other by tux less than Ihe distawes shorn for “Scpuadon of Myluincr,” except that the quantity of cxplosiva conuincd in ap UmguIna shaU@nmtinrc@t~drespacingoftid cap magaziws 6uom magazine containing other explosives. If any two m- magazines arc zsepead Gum crh other by lea rhan the spcci- fti ‘Scpation of t&@na” di-. lhcn such two 01 maz maga. rincs.u~gmrp,munkcauidaalrroncrmg~,sndthcroulquM- thy of explosives stored in such gmtmd must be nested u if stard in a ringk magazine locawd on Ihc side of uly magazine of mC group, md must comply with the minimum of distances specified from odlermaga- zincs and inhabited buildings. (Title 24, ‘TS-5252) -- - - - - .-- _- - -~. - - -~ - -. - -- - NOlE Tnis table applies only to the manufac~uc and permanent star- age facilities forcommnsialexplosiva.ItisnotappticPblclotranspo*- tionofcxplosivesmay handlingOtcmporaryit~gc”se~asryorinci- ,~_dent thereto. It is not intended to apply to bombs. projectiles. or other heavily encased explosives. NOTE Autbmitycitcd: Sectim 1423,Labacode. Rd-: .Saim 142.3 IA- ba code. Hlsnmr - 1. Repale, md new Mlm tiled l&17-7% e&xive tbi”Ab 6.Y rbcrclfvr ,Rcg,sur 75. No. 42). 2. ;gydmmu tile67-1676: effecdvelhi&dl day tbere~,R~lu76. No. -3. pnprremGlcd 9-18-80; effecdvcthkWh&ythanfur(Reg*la 80, No. 9 5253. Quentlty and Dlrtsnce Table for Stooge of Ammonium Nlbnto and BInstIng Agents. - (a) The quantity of ammonium nimtc or ammonium Nitrate based bl~tingsgc”urhatmpybcsrorcdin~y~uincsh~urnformtoTnblc EX-ZTablcoiSsparationDiswccs.whichscufonhrhcminimumwpa- ration distances for ammonium nitrate and blasting agenu from stems of - high explosives or blasting agcnL%. These distances apply to the scpam tion of stores only. The American Table of Distances t See Table EX-1) shall be used in det emurung scpfusdon distances hum inhabiud build- - ings. (b)Whcniheammoniumni~~~d/orblastingagentisnorbarricadcd the distances shown in the Table shall be muhiplied by six. These dis- mmxs allow for the possibility of high velocity metal fragments from ~-. mixm, hoppm. tmck bodies. sheet metal structures. metal comainns. and the like which may c~lose lhe “donor.” whne smmge is in bullet- mistsnt magazines recommended for explosives or where Ihe stmagc is protcned by a bullct-resinant wall distances and banicadc ddcknesses -_ in excess of those pmcribed in Table EX-1 aa notmquircd. (See Scs- tions 5254 and 5255 for bullet-resistant sonstrucdcm.) tc~Emh.orsanddikes.ormlosurestiUcdwidttbe mnnibai mini- - 14 barricades, such as hills or timber of sufficient density tit tk SIP- lumding cxposluvs which rquk plotcction CaMoI be scn Gum the “donor” when the llc~s arc bsrc of leaves. are also rccptnble. (d) When Ihe ammonium ninate must be counted in detmmining the -~.- distances to be maintained hum inhabited buildings, it may be coumcd at l/2 its aco~nl weight beuusc its blpn effect is lower. Nom Ammonnvll nilnr by itsell h 4mively imcmidw disrkklytusd dough the Smte u aa sgrixW fmik+r. wbcn u+ fa, bludng prporr. it - iscusmmarytc.ssnsitithe- mtcnsh such u cod dw. lamp bid..~t?-~w~~ smeoii.cxotkrmalui8ismmsbdug rmM~Mm~Nmlcbceomamuchmmvnriurcof~,friaioo~ ~.urit~ronchncurrarrrrrmb~lboDcord~~.Fathnrrum - aminvreof unmfadumlutncdc ma~lmnlbesPmdkoan-- plincewirbrr~6augov~g-ofcxp~iva.B~gPnmoo*lmlu- me ,,m.im oxdes of ni‘mgcn wbicb me “m-y d,ngemu, m t.“,be. (Tide 24. ‘E-5253, TABLE Ex-2 TABLE OF SEPARATION DISTANCBS OF AMMONW?.I MTRATE At+’ AMMONIUM NlTRATE-BASED BLASTING AGENTS FROM WLOSNES OR BLASTING AGENTS (Ixd) Mlnimvn scp5ralial Dhance qfReccptc.r When B&tib’ Donor Weigh Parndr Pd owr Na Over $g$Y fFlnJ (Fe,,, tlnchr,‘=’ :t 3 II 12 lrn 4 iii ~~ 5 t: t: 22 I2 I.mo I.600 !: 23 12 ; 29 12 32 IS 10 ii 36 IS 4.ow 6.000 40 6.am 8.om 12 43 :i 10.000 1:,” ;2.al& L3 20 14 20 L2.lMO 15 g 23 16W3 2o.a 2% i6 i8 2s IS 65 25 2s.mo 19 3omo 20 ;; 30 30 3s.wo 40,ooo :: 76 79 :i 23 83 33 %i 6cLmo wloo 24 25 86 90 35 3s %i 7om ii twoo 2% ii 101 94 40 40 108 40 9omm im.mu 32 115 i!E :%t :: i:: ri 50 16o.om 40 I44 50 16omo lwam 44 1st 50 18o.om zo 48 173 50 2mm J2 I87 60 2 207. 216 60 60 64 23n 60 - 0 5153 BARCLnr’S CALIFORNIA CODE OFREGI.JLATIOI\J Title 8 ~_~~ %z21h- ubae+m(b) dSscimSZS353. (c)of- s233. (d) See S- (d) of&aim SZS3. Nom Authdy citi ssrim ,423, laba code. Rdacmcez Scctim 142.3 La- kCd?. 1. Regda SIld m?w scim Gkd m-17-7% ctflccive tbiheh dsY - tRegistS?7s. No. 42). t~filrd7-1676CcaslircthirLch&y~~~76.N0. 29). 3.AmcDdmemdlybslirm(~)md(d)6~9-18-80.~ethinkrh~Y -@giSWSO.NO.3Q. Paw%4 i&l-WI -- - - - ..- .-, 5 5254. Flrst-Cb88 M~QOZIIIO~ (a) A first-class me.@zim may be a building OT cxcavaUon. tunnel or igloo. or military-type rmgake or a patable magsrine constructed BS requkd in this section. (b) Fkst-clau magazines shall LX bullet-resistan~ fue-rcsistanr weather- resistant. theft-resistant. and well ventilated. ,.%E,ToN: M.aguims used cdy for& stor.g+ of ekaic blxsdrag v. black powder. blastinga8cms.CIwB ~dCl~rCcxplaiva,nednolbebulln-rrri- WL (c) Building-type magarinca shall k consauaed of masonry, wmd metal or a combination of these materials when bullet resistance is re- quixed. (I) Mamuy units not less than 8 inches in thickneu with alI hollow npaces ftied with well tamped sand or equivalent mariaI. or (2) reinforced concrete not less than 6 inches in thickness. or (3) steel walls of minii manufacture No. 14 US Standard gauge c.0747 inches) may be used. provided there are two layers spwd at least 6 inches apm with all hollow spaces IiUed with weU tamped sand or equivalent material. or (4) one layer of manufacture No. 6 US Standard gauge (. 1943 inches) orhcaviastccLUncdontheinlcriorwithaminimumof4inchetofwuoad or l5)twolaymofmanufacturcN~.6USStandardgaugc(.1943inches) or heavier steel. spaced a mnnmum l/Z-inch apart and lined on the interi- or wirh a minimum of 2 inches of wood or (6) two layers of wwd at least 2 inches nominal chickncss each. ~pacedaminimumof4inchcsapanwiththchoUowspascf~cdwirhweU tamped sand or equivalent materi& (7)&&k ~nrinCr~tainin8CXplOdVCl.WnsmrtcdpriorlothC cffcctivcdateofthewOldar.whichdonocmatrhewminimumrcquirc- alayaofsandbngs tothe heightoftkesavesor by othaqually effective means. The rwf shall aLo be praectcd when the magaxinc is located where it is possible to tire a buIlti directly through it into the explosives sore inside. N~~nysbmiwwdsbaUbeplywcda~~humba. Id) Doon to magaines sbaU be rrstticted to those necusaty for the placement and removal of stozh of explosives. Docn shall be equipped with substantial and adequate means of backing. Lacking devices shall be provided with protectors such as srcel hooda over loch to minim& the possibility of tampering. Cc) floors of magazines shall be securely fastened in place and sbali be caoable of withstandin the loads immacd. Flwna may be amsuuctcd ofwdodororhcrsuiublcno~muaialr:FoundPrionsfo;mag~crrball beofsubsw~collsrmcrion.Whcrcitilnceuwryto~veacocarinri& the magazine tirlcr of not less than 24 in&et in width. shall be main- tained. (f) l-h-2 mfs and exterior aid” of building-type n,agndncr i”Chdi”~ the c*ves may be of wood EcilaNcu ‘cm if covered with not less dun No. 26 US Standad gsugc mml. Roofs of building-type maguinea located whacitisposriblcu,~abull*~yrhroughthemofintothc~l- zinc at such an angie tha mC balk would strike the explosives &in. shPllbcconrtnrclcdvcordiasU,~5254(c)orwuiDDcdarimawnd UBylCCntcd~thCCWSliItGd . . . cwcring th.2 Cntirc quint Cdi,,g area sxce~ that nexssary fa ventilation. Sand in tk sand nay shall be maintpincd at a depth of not less than 4 inches. (8) Ma@i”es shall bc vmtikd to n,i”imk dampnsss and heating of stored explosives. Ventilation openings shall be sawned wilh 14 mesh, 2i-gWgC ti IO prc~~~~l tk en-s of rprkr Md rodcnu Md shaUtc~tcctcdinamanner that will maintain the bullet rrdrunsc of Nore;lli+Ihcnimfavemiiatimxsconphrdin~No.,.~ oluofM~ofExptouvrrI%SEditim.Lcr~ofgoodpmn. (h) Magazine inuerion sbaU have a smooth. nonrparkinn mawial tin. ish with & nails, -wx, bolts. and nuU COUP& m b&cd, Floora (i)‘Ihcoppma.chcsm magazimr sbailbe provided witbwammg stgns, mdiig “ExPLosIvw<EEp OFF.” (jj When heating systema M instakd they shall be citba hot water mdiamheadngwithinthehsmaguinc building;oravdirccrulinrorhemag- azinc building overeirhcr hot wa~orlow pressure steam ( 15 poig) coils locad outside the magazine building. ‘fhe magazine heating systems shall meet the f&wing requircmcnw: (1) Tkc radiant heating coils within the building rhaU bc installed in suchamannerthatthcexplaivemPtcrialsortheireontainencannotcon- ractthecollsandairirfrceto~ulwbetwcenthecoiLand~explorivc marcrids or their contim. (2) The heating ducts shall be insralled in such a manner chat the hot airdischagcfromthcduai~notdircclcdagninrtrhccxplorivema~als or their conuinera. (3)Thehcuingdcviceuwdinurnncction wirhthemage.xincshaUhavc conaolswhichprsvenlthcpmhiatbuildingtcmpcrplurc~mcxcccding 1309. . (4)Tbecleaicfannpump usedinthe heating systemforamaga2ine shall be mounted ouuide and repante 6um the wall of the magazine and shall be grounded. (5) Ihc elecnic fan motor and the conuols for clcctricai hcatk de- which comply with& Califomia Electical Safety Orden. AU elecuical rwitchgcarshallbelocatcda minimum dkmce of 25 feet from Ihe mag- azine. (6) The heating sotuu for water or steam shall be separated from tbc magazine byadistara ofnotless than 25 feel whenclccaicaland 50 fca whenfuelf~.Ihc~~be(wesnrhchcatingunitsndihcmaguineshall be clewed of aU combustible materials. Title 8 General IndostrJl Snfety Orders 9 52.55 maintained throughout the explosive (Title 24, TS-5&4) NOTE ~whanycnrd: Sak,, ,423, LabxCcde. Refaena: Seetim ,429 La- bXC&. HumlY 1. -1 of u- (b). cd). (e) od (0. ti new mbmxion cj) fti w-17-75: e%xive dkiah day - (RcgUa 75. No. 42). L ~aitfti7-16.76. effectiveddniah&ydua6aOkgisterl6, No. 3. Amendnmt of subsmim 0) 6kd 9-18-80 effective d&dab day lhnnfvr (lkgiw 80. No. 38). 0 5256. Sewnd4bes )Ikgmzlnee. (a)Ascson6clur~~rhall~welkonrrmslcdboxofwood. (b) shall bc weU-&nsnu&d u follows: (l)ofnotlesrthaa2-inchlhicknwslumbcr.or a muumum of No. 20 standad gluge steel. or (3)Twothickncnlvmbam~oll~exteriorarilh~minimumof No. 20 standad gwp steel or (4)Fibcrqlnlinmcnkhu,wvwduindicatcdin(I)or(Z)covercd onlhcextaiawlthaminimnm of No. 20 standard gauge steel. or (5) Minimum No. 14 standad gauge steel. line on the interior with l-inch thkk plywcmd. or (6) lhtcrid of equal skength and tin rcsiatance, or (7) MaFiner unumrrcdofwwda~bcweubnecdalfomcrs. Nails exposed to the interior of such magazinea shall bc cowtersunk. Eder of metal covers shall overlap sides at kast one inch. (c, sccordsksa maguirer containing explosives and lccated in bllildinnra~bc~~~~rub~~whalrorsutslu,facilitats (d) Indoor second-zlur umguines shall be palmed “red” and shall bar lettering in “white” on side8 md top. when size permits. at least 3 incha highwithaV2-inch8Uokc ahichrads,‘ZXPL.OSNES-KEEP FlIkB AWAY.” -- 9 5256 BARCLrdS CALIFORNIA CODE OFRECLJLATIO, .J Tit&r 8 -- The premises upon which all outdca magazines BIG located shall be postedwith signs reading “EXF’LOSIVES-KEEPOFF.“AUsignsshalJ bclocatedsothara bullctprrdngtlvwghthcsignwillnorsmke*mnea- tie. (e)Covmforsccon&lnssmrg~essh~bcpmvidsdwithsubnan- tial mans of lacking. Openings shall be kept locked except during the placement orr+moval of explosives. Magazines left at loaions, where no one is in attendance, shall be swued in place. (0 Second-class ,,,+Zi~~ ned not be made tirr resistam when lo- cated mo15 lhan 50 fee! fmm combustible mariai. cg) Except as provided in (h). sccond-&ss magaxinss shall be located in conformity with Table M-l, Distances for the Stmage of Explosives. .- .- he magazine is located not more than 10 fat from such an exit. Two Class II magazines may be louted in the same building when 0c-s is used only for blasting caps in quantities DOI in CXECIS of 51xw) caps and a dir- mncc of IO feet is maim&cd bmwcen maguines. (h) When used for temporary storage at a site for blwing opaions. mcond-class magazines shall be lwated away fmm inhabited buildings. and other magazines. A distance of at least 150 feet shall be msimained between second-class magazines and the orher work in pmmss. Nms Ambmity tit& Secwn 142.3. hborcadc. Ref-: Se&o,, 142.3 La- bar ccdc. HISTOXV 1.$yndtnemGlcd 10-L7-75:eKsdvclhvrinhdrythac~ur~Rcgirur’lS.No. 2. An,s,,dmt of subha, (ItI tiled 9--18-80 effective ddninh dxy thraAa (Re#sur 80. No. 38). 5 5255. Storage Wlthln Fht-Cbas MagazInea. (a)Maguincsshallbckcptcl~uul~tromnrbbirh.Thcyshallnoc be used as stmwwma for anything except explosives and tnnsfer con- vcyon or other magazine b3ols while explosives UC stored thaein. (b) Smoking. matches open flames. spark producing devices and tm- authorizcd~pmush~bc~hibituiinrLicofmwithin5Ofcaof~- arincs.Combustible~dullnotkstorcdaithin50fcctof~ zinca.Orass,brush.andcomburtiblc~shallbckc~clerrcdaw~y from smfacc magazines for a distance of not less than 50 fem. CC) Fixed elccaic Wil’i”8 i” a ma@“e Shall be qUiV&nt to the rc- quimmemsofClassILDivition 1.HaxmdousLocation.ElccaicalSafely Ordenormaybemorcrsstricrivcuponclsr~~~~.lheclec- tic witch mwt be lccatcd cutside of the magazine. (d) When ponahls lights am nccersary inside the myltie. ck.cnic safety Gash light8 or &Uric safety Iantans shall be used CC) W,SS,Xdii,9 NS aw, bmnds Of explosive8 shall bc stored tD pUedinastsblemanncrMd~nUwithtopsi&up.BLafkpowdcr.when SmrcdinmaguinuarithOrhaCXploliVUrhllbcxlpsgatuibyasuld- bagbticadenotktrthan2&sthick. (t-J When explosives are mmovcd hum * magu&. the 0ld.d sxplo- siveofthatkindinthemagu& ahaUbet&nsaduscdfast (g) Conminm of bulk uplc&es shaU not be unpacked m repacked in a magazine nor within 50 feet of a magazine 01 in close pximity to - SS”k’dy Cbd bcfC,Z bcing -u) * w.Zk. (h) When magazines need insii repaim all exploaivtl shall be m- movsdrhm~mandthcfloarclanaibcforrw~iraarrcd.In~c .- sives shali . (i) Explosives removed 6um a maguinc muiermpsdr shall citha be - where they shall be -p&y f&&d and pmmcted until rep& have ban completed aad the uplo8ivesxetmned to the m+zioe, Cj) Magazine doors shall be kept locked. except d&g the time of placcmem and mmmal of stocks of explosives or dtig @cati‘m. (k) Every magaxinc used for the storage of explosives shall be under the supmvision of a qualified pmon who shall bc not less than 21 y- of age. (Title 24. TS-5256(c)) Hvmr I.~~tGlrd1~17-7S:effrrUvc~~~ylhnnftatRegirln7J.No. 2. ~,dm” filed l-16-176: cfftive dddeb day tbaaftn (Regir,er 76. Na 9 5251. Makeup or Primer House for Blartlng Opentlona. (a~whm primers am made upand stored in quamiticsgmaterrhan for immcdiau need they *us* be processal in a separate suuctum that corn- plies with the f~t-class magazine requLcments except as foUows: ( 1) Electricity for lights will be permitted if the electric wiring is at last 5 feet from explosives and somplia with Class II. Division L Haz- aldous Losarimls, Califomin Elccnical safety orders. (2) Not more than IW pounds of explosives odw than primers shall be stored in this makeup how. (3)‘Ihenumbcrofmadc-upprimnsofcachdclaystorcdinthismal;c- up house shall not exceed P normal Z-day supply. (4) Heatem, if installed. shall comply with Sation 5254(j). (b) ‘Ihis section docs not prohibit primen being made up in a separate building or area pmvided that explosives. detonators. and primers are stored in proper mag=i”CS. (c) Rimen not made up in a make-up or primer house must be made upatalocationatleast 1OOfeet~mthe f~t-classsmragsmagaximsgarinevld at L safe distance boom orher workers not involved in the blasting opera- tions. Oitle 24. T&5257(a).(b)) H-v L-tGkd lc-17-7S:effectivclbinierdxy dwra&@+er7S,Na. 42). 2.Amadmeaf~7-16-776:carrurethin*chdxy themfw(Rc~ur 76.No. 291. 0 SZ58. 3tofage of Erplosivw Underground (~)Explorivcsnorui~~shnllbcsoloestcd~~rhouldthcy explak or bum, the escape mute fa tic workmen will no! te shut off. (b)Fimt-classmagaziw rhaubealcru2wfeetfmmnnrciwunda- ~~gs,50f~t~mothcrrmgsrines~dntlcutuf~ofsol- id ground sepandon fmm any haulageway used far any plnposc other than the aMsporrarion of explosives. Any timben within 25 fat of any magukcshaubcmade~L (c)Un*rs~ptcdhythcDivision.nmmorsthana~ysupplysh~ be sod In an undmgnnmd magazine. (d)In~cswhaccxplosiv~maybecomcdamp.clsaisitymny k insmIled for drying purpose,. Blshical quipmcmused shall comply wkh Class Il. Divlsicm L Hazardous L0satic.n~. Elsticicat Safety Chdcn. Wking shailbc kept at least5 feet~mcxplosives. Noothnclstrical wiling shall be pamitud within 5 fee1 of My magazine. (C)Und~undf~~*uStongcmagadnmStullbcC~picWusly mniadarithchcwords.“EXPZOSIVES.“inndlcttmalart4incha hi& and with 5/.9-&h stroke on. w&e bskgwnd. (0 Combustible rubbish shall not be permitted within 1OOfeetof w undqwmd mquinc. mtle 24, T%5258(h).(d)) Hmxr l.~d~(d)medl~l7-‘I~~~ethirriah~~ tRe@sta 75. No. 422). rAzudmmfilu7-16-76:&mivelhiniclh&y 1krabtTt&1a76,No. 29). 85262 G-l. m&i the jwkdiaion of GUSDOT. the Cal&mia Highway Fwml. or Ihc Cdlfcmia Vehicle Code, or the Health and Safety Cc& on Public Highways. (b) Blasting capa or similar p+immy explosive inidatim devicex shall ~bcmrupmpdupoamyv;hieleequippcdwithxradio~or odwr device which may cause cktmmion of such plirmrv mitiuar un- lar such bluing caps 01 similar primmy explc&e initiation devicea F.xplari*n. Claw 8. any quantity EXPLOSIVES B (Red leaen on uhhc butm) oxidkn* mrmid lM&l$ sgenn, a7nmoNYnl nltmt.?, etc.,, I.Ka pounlk m ,,,m gross weigh& 0xmuERs (Yell-m leoen m blvk bwkml - Oxidizinp marid (blasting *mm. EGulsIvEs A Red kltm al ammonium nilnle. etc., in mmbii wim clpu A cxpkwer. wbhe brtT2 DANGEROUS (Red letter, on white bwkgmund) .- (2) Any motor vehicle, miler. or atlm cargcl-anying body contain- ing mm than one kind of explosive u well u M oxidizing material re- qutig a placard under the pmvisionr of ( 1). tk aggregate gross weight of which totals 1.000 pounda or mcee. shall be m&cd or placankd “DANGEROUS” as wcU BS “EXPLOSIVE A” or “EXI’LOSIVE B” as appropriate. Ifexplosivcr Class A and explosives Class B are loaded on tbc wne vehicle. the “BXPLOSIVES B” marking need not be dis- played. - Title 8 General Industry Safety Orders 9 5263 have been tested and prcwd safe for transport&m by labma~ ap- proved bytheSralcFireManhalandthsrcisaftixcdtorheshippingcon. taker of such devices, a label which states all of the following: (I ) The type of ptimay explosive initiation devices in rhe container. (2)Thatsuchdevicer hwe.beentestedand pmvedsafe forwnspana- tion upon any vehicle equipped with P radio transminn or other device whichmaycauwdcronationofruchpnmaryylidatonbyalabora~ryap- proved by the State Fi Marshal. (4) Fuel tank and feedIke shall be secure and have no leaks. (5) Brakes. lights. horn. windsbisld wipers, and stcning apparatus shall function ploperly. (6) Tiis rhdl be checked for pmper tiation and defects. (7) Thevehicle shalI ix in pmpuccndition and in cvmy otlwrnpsct and acceptable for handling explosives. (cl Blasting caps of any kind shall not be wnspated in any vehicle hauling over 5.000 pounds of explosives. I 9 5263. surface Tmnspomon. lab Any vehicle ransporting explosives and oxidiiing materials as listed below in ( I ). shall display upon each side, fronr and MT of the ex- t&or of such vehicle. placards as followr (IlExrc~orm~gsap~srcqulrrdonapptisablevchiclesshall be BS follows for the vtious classes of commodities: (d) Each vehicle used for banspatation of explosives shall k quippcdwirhatleprttwohrllychargedfuccxringuishmingoodcondi- tion securely mounted separately in conspicuous locations or in clearly m~cdcompanmenuandrs~yacce3sibls.Undsrwrita’sLaboratorv listedextinguisherswitbntleasta2-A:IC-B:Cmtingwillmetthemini- mum~quirrmcnt.The~vnsh~betnincdinrh+uscofrhcex~guish- cr on his vehicle. w Of M.wking 01 Placard Explosirn. Class A. my qumdily m l cmbinaica of Class A rmd Claw B explosives ExPLosIvEs A (Red leaas al while badc@vlmd) (c) Vehicles ttmspaning explosives for blasting operations shall nor cayanyothcrmsrcrialscx~ptblartingqvipmentunlesrtheconraincn of explosives BIG protected fmm mechanical damage or other mataials are secured in place. Special service trucks used to cany employees and mtctials and on which quipment is installed for use in comuction with the work to be done, may cay small pm~unw of exphxives neccss~ for their activities. When explosives IVC carried. they shall be safe- guarded as provided for in paragmphs t bl. (cl, and (d). (fl Motorvehicles or~nvcyances tmnspating explosives shall only be driven by. and be in the charge of. P licensed driver. Hc shalI be farnil- iar with the local. State. and Federal regulation goveming the nanspana- tion of explosives. Only the driverand cmployccs necessary for tie safe opuntion and praection of tk vehicle and load &all ride on vehicles transporting explosives. (g)No service orrepairs involvingthe useoftlamc-pmdtig devices shall be paformcd on vcbicia carrying explosives. (h) Vehiclcr containing cxplosiva when stored shall comply with Ihe Qumity Dktmcc Table. See Seaion 5252. (i) No driver of a vehicle conmining cxplosiva shall leave the cab ~lhoutf~wppingthcmwrrvldKttingihc~gbrrlrc.Allrcasan- able prswtions sMl be taken to prevent the movement of :ttch vcbiclc. (b, Blasting caps. clcctric blasdng caps. and capped fuses should not be trrmsponed in the sacw whiclc with other explosives. If they M car- ricdintbesamsvehicle,thcdcunnton uldnppcdf\unrhJlkinarcp 2mtc companment from the other explosives with at least 2s inches of air space between the cQlnpP.nmmu. Shipping contains or second-class magazines aball be used fort& ing detonators and other explosives fmm stmage maguincr to the bls$ ing ena. (cl Vehiclsr used for ‘-mqming explosives shall be anmg enough tocarry the loadwithoutdi5c&yandbein goodmccb&alcondition. If vehicles do not have a closed body, the body shall be covered with a ilambproof and lJl&mqmf taqmdin or other effective protcuiml against moisttm and qmks. AU vchickr used for the mnspormtion of explosivesshall have tightfl~~pny sxporsdrput-pnducingmct- alonrhcinsideofthcbodya~bccovcrrdwithw~orochrrnons~- ing mad to ptwent contact with packages of explosives. Packagas of explosives shallnotk losdcdsboutlhc rides of anopentcdy vehicle. A motor vehicle used for tatsporting sxplosive$ shall be given tbc fol- lowinginrpccdontodcrsrmincthoitirinpropaconditionforr~hans. ponation of explosives: ~~Exccptun~cmcgmyconditi~,novchicIe~gexplo- sivcr shall lx tmtkcd unattaded before reachinn its destinatior~ Even though attend& no vehide bmqating explosi~eivcr shall bc puked on anypublicsacnadjaMttoarinihcproximitytoanypllccwhcrcpcople work. (See Title 13. Sukbapter6, CAC). (k) No flammable liquidsshaUbecaniedinthe vehicle’scargo space with explosives. (~No~~smokc,~mushcrcn~yothcr8~pmluc- ingdevice,orcany anyunautbcnixd timarmsorloadcdcmaidges while inorncpr~motorvehic*~poningcxplorivc~~sordrivc.load or unhd such vehicle in a careless or reckless mamux. Cm) Explosive materi& orhertlun those that are essential to promote safety of the passettgets or the opwi.m of the vehicle. sblll not be car. tied n n-anspm?ed in or upon a public conveyance or vebiclc carrying pucngen for hire. (n)Nolooocr~-produeingmeulnmnaltool~oilrnutchcr.fue- arms. ckshic storage bwtaies, fIamnablc rubstuns. acids. oxidi+ig ~~,or-ivec~poundr~bssarricdinthccylor~of MY tnotor truck and/m vehicle ewpordng explosive mataiah unlsss tbi loading of such hazardous mat&la cot&& with U.S. Dcpaiment of Tmnspmmti0n ngukltiom. (1) Fm extinguishas shdl be f&d and in waking mder. (2) All skctlical wiring ahdl be compktcly pnncacd and rcnaly ,fastcd to p~~vsnt shorr-circuiting. (3) Chassis. motor, pan. and underside of bcdy *hall be rewmably clean and hss of excess oil and gmase. (0) Every motor vehicle tmnspordng any quantity of Cllrr A or Class Bcxplosiverrh~,at~Utimc*bcutcndcdby~drivrr~nhcra~dant of the motor calTier. lller pm$ons alla8 have been m%k *ware of the class of the explosive mate&l in tbc vehicle and of its inherent dangas. and shall have been in.untcted in tk mcasmes and pmadurcs ta be fol- low~inordcr~rnotccte~lovcg~~oscdumar.Iheysh~have been made famil& with thc’v&cle that bar ken a&cd &I shall be tmid. supplied with then- means, and au- to move the vehicle when rcquircd. N~Forthc~.dthirubdivLioh~maarehicle~bcdenrrd”n- uodcd”onlywhentbrdrirrraabcra~riapb~allyma~rhrvducle. .- Page 961 !&l-m - BARCLAYS CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATlOhj Titk 8 -QC hu the whisk witi his tield of visim atd m rsb it qtikly sod w&cut my kind of imcrferrnce: “r~cd” al,., - hat Ihe driver = .,und,m D ~~~.c..Inrudno~mrnnedin~duOa~ruVluCa~hrb~vdivenhb~- we- from rhe *eh& - However. M expbsivtluka vehick auy bc kft ucutcn&d if perked within -~~aucl~fenadawcl*duccwith111~acn~~whmpmtmg of such vtbick II otherwise pumiscibk, = u I mgxzim site atilisbed sokty for Ihe mmxe of norinn cxclosiva. Bee Tit!e t3. Subcbaaer 6. CAC.) NOTE: i&-al DOT and-loci ,vgutc&os sbcll aLo .p,,iy a;bcc ;pp,iccbk. -NOTE ~mhminjci~ Seruan 142.3. LcbaCcde.Rcfacarr: Smic,, 142.3 La- bxccde. HISlUcY 1. New subsectim II;) fdcd 3-28-75: effective thhriah day rbcrafln (Rcgisur 75.a. 13,. -2.Amndmecmd to-I7-75;~~uvcthmiclhdrytbcmfur(Rcytcr75.No. 3. fo;“dmm, filed 3-7-80: effective ddkth day lheraftn ~Rqhur 80, No. - 9 5264. Tmnaportatlon Of fi~pl~SlVSS-Undm~rCUnd- GWICCOI. - ,a, A3 wed in this title: (I) Car means wheeled convcycocc for use on miIs. whether hmd nammcd or included in c win. (21 Train msm a car or cm moved by mcohmical or other paver. (3)TracklessVshiclemcansatypeofvchiclerhnrdocsnotntnonrailc. (b)~plosivcsshc.Uoot kie~onrhcsrationlcvelnenrthcshancollnr. mine. or mnncl cnuancc. but shell be taken to the plccc of use or rtongc without delay. - CC) Dctomtas. capped force. end other explosives trmsporud in coy car. vehicle, or shaft conveyance sbcll be cocloccd in substmtiaUy coo- stmctcd containen quipped with tight-tittiog covers. Such cootciouc. _ includingthccovm~Wbcmadcofwood~fiba.aothcrrmtai- ala~ceptablctorhcDivisionands~bclincdarilhnolKonductivcmuc- lid. N~&~tfolenmCDtbC~~QIC.aDOT~~g~in~ ~b~uvcrrprlugcd\nUberocplodPbem(linmmp~ritbchh (dlExceptpr~vidcdinSenion5263,daonaton.prinwrs.olcappDd hrsees,~hallnotbstransponuiin(hc-conlaimormmpnnmcru~th other explosives. (e) Except when being amcpo~d mmocUy, primen shrll be tranc- ported in c dosed contcincr coostnxtcd es dcaaibcd in sobscaion (c) of rhissccdon.andanangcdrothnt~hprimaissc~~thcothcn by c partition of noomctcllic mataicl. No cxplosivc, other tbm that whichiscontaincdinthcprima.shallbcmnrponcdinrhc~sonPin- n with the primers. (0 Explosives shall not be ttmcportcd with marieIs or cqoipmcnt other than those wed in blcctin6. 6 5265. Tmnsporbatlon cf Explosiveo44olstlng or Lcwdng. (a)Nocmployccscxc+plchaoc~y~qu~d~~~by thcpnoninchylcofihcmLKoramncLrhllbcpamittcdtoridcin inbwhrh& . - (b j ‘Ihc hoistmao cbcll be not&d before cxplocim en mmponcd in ths shaft co”vcymce. (c) Explosives ahell be in a roitablc convcycnce while bciog hoisted from or lowered to any plafs on~.i - 8 6266. Rail Tmnsportatlon of Exploslw~ndwground. (a)Onlythc~cnwMdpowdctnun~bcpamiacdu,ridcon -- a tmin trampnring cxplocivcr. I Explosives io qomtitier of 100 pounda or - what mrupaud onaoain?Ihallbcinspcdalpowdacu*SvcbcM~ksaruNstcd ofmeralpndhavccloscdsompamncntsforlhcexplaiva.Thcarmpm- men” shall be lined with noooondoxive mucricL ~c)EXplocivc~shallnnbeaanspancdon~ylacomotivc.Whmaans- porting explosives by win. at least one empty car :haU bc kept between tk Iaomotivc cod rhc car which cootcios explosives. (d)Eachsidcofthcspesiplpowdncarshallbsara~ignwithihe word “EXPLOSIVES” in letten not less than 4 i&es high with P 5%inch stmkc on c background of sharply cootresting color. (c) Powder ccn that crc carrying e%plosiva shell be pulled. not pushed. except what switchfog or mvcling et the deed cod of c tine. (4’Ihcpnmenshallbcplsccdinnprimercom~cotofthcpowda ccr in P suitable box witb divisions for each separate delay. If capped ioccruc uscd.thcymustk ina~virableconrainerintheprimacompan- mmt.~eprimcrandpowda~mpanmcnumust bcscpcmtcdbyak.~t 25 inches of air space. 8 5207. Tmnrpotiatlon of Exploslvw-Undergmunb Spectsl Tmcldes8 VehIclea. (a) Tracklcu vclticles used to mnrpoit explosives u&rgmuod shell be cuck-lyp vchiclcs otlwrthm those with dump bodice. (b) Ttacklcsr vehicles ucd for the trmsporWion of explosives shell bccspccinllyeqoippcdforthatpurposcandshallbscsrchrUy~ned in complivlcc with the pmvisions of section 5263 of these Orden. (c) Truck-type vehiila used for the nansponation of explosives shall bccrpcci~yquippedwithcloscd~mpanmcnuforthccxplodvcs.The companmcnu shall be lined with nonconductive mctials. (d) Each xi&, fmn~ and rccr of every buck-type vehicle. whco oanr- pming explosives, shell beer P sigo with the word “EXPLOSIVES’ in lcacn not leer dmo 4 inches high with a S&I-inch stroke on II bcckg?ound of shcrply contrastiog color. (c) Truck-type vehicles whm trmcportiog explosives undcrgmund. shall be quipped with c tlasbiog red light visible fxom the 6unt and rccr. (f) Tracklees vcbiclca wbcn trcncponiog explosivea shell not contcin (gj Oniy he vchiclc c.pam&i blaster shcil be permitted toride my vchiclc natuponing explosives. 0 S2S8. Tmnsportatlon of Explosives-Manual. shall be plcccd io suitcblc bag; or other con&en for such tnmsportc- tim. (b) Demoeton nod primen aball be hansported in scpcrctc begs or cmtainm hum otba sxplosivcc. 5 526% Tmnrporbtlon of Exploslves-Alr and Watw. Airsnhlndantcrmnrpomtionofcxplosivcsshallcomplyari~stan- dads of Federal Govcmmcnt a quivalcnt to such standads. 5 5270. Expfosfvea ti RaMway and Truck TannInala. (a) ~vcry railway car and tntck containing explosivea which hcs reached ia dccdoction. or is stopped in transit so ca no longer to bc in in- tcnmtccommcnx.sbcUmrainplc.ardcdio aczamhawithtbEtcgula- tiam of the U.S. Dc~mmmt of Traosponuioo. N~~cttahyciud:Scuimt423.~Ccdc. Humr Aticle 116. Handling and Use of Explosives-Blasting Operatlons (a) Only authaiad compucnt pcrrons shell be in immcdictc chcrgc of blasting. (c)No&a@dpowcr&kaa souxcsofignition.cxccptncccry toihcl~uuifiringopaPion.~bcpcrmitlulin~arnconlarn- Pace%8 ILL90, - Tltk a General ladusfry Safety Orders 5 5230 - .- ,- - - .- .~. ..- - .- (d) Tc& used foropening conminen of explosive materi& shall be consrrucccd of nowsparking marial. except that metal slitten may be used for openinlmg fibwbaxd containen provided ti the metal slitter does not come into contaa with my mud!& fwcncn which may bc in or pan of the case. Only L wmden wedge and a tiber. tubber or w&n mallet shall be used for opening or closing wood containen of explosive mamials. CC) Empty boxer and paptr and fiba packing mater& which have prsviouslycontained high explosives shallnot beuwdagainiorany pur- pose. but shall be durmyed by burning at an isolated location out of doors. and no p- shall be nearer than 100 feet Dfrcr the burning hu started. &mow Con- de&cd and Minpind fc+ -c. (~ExplosivesshPllnakplrcedarlchwirhin5 feetofanclcctriclight cirsuit or clectnc power circuit except during tmnrpmwion. (g) All detonaws. detonating cad. igniter cord. and explosives leh over after loading oprations an compkted. sbaU be promptly munxd to their proper maga?inu. (h,WhcnbllutinginalocptionwhcrcflyingrocLormatcrialmaydam- age other pmperty, alI loaded holes shall be covered with an adquate blasting mat lhat bar. ban sccwely anchored. ti) Defective blasting equipment shall not be used. Hlsmnr 1. Amnndmrnt of rubrccwn tdt. repalerof rubse&x ,c,. md new saabseAms :;‘,f”d ti) filed Z-17-75; effeaivc thkdnh day dwmfaer ~Rrgwer 75. No. 5 5277. TampIng Paler and Devico~. (a)Tampingpolcrlhallk~ofwoodoracaprablcplsrricmatai- ala. (b, The end of the tamping pole shall be kept quad and shall be of such size that the pole will not bypass the cmnidgsr in ti hole. (c, Wooden tamping p&s shall have no metal pw. o&r than not- femws melal femlkr. for extending the length of the pole. (d,naldclnmpinSpolcrshrllnotbcuscdunlnrthcirurhprbccnsc- cspted by the Divisioh NoTE:Thcrrur~tirdr~~~~“monofwhich~~beuudulciy for ,mp,,,g expbsivn Some ptain yc tr)o soft (D wi‘k,,md pby,ic.l .k,,,e, scene an 100 had. &en ae flrnnnble Q will alwrb niw&ceriu or v hunnlnu -limu of rtmb cl&iq. Ibc Divisim my 8Eept plwic WplOgpOlCSlpldpOf&Wffmmlht- dmhkp¶vdvxhn ~u.tcdby,rrmgurcd~~~~~fandlupbkfaalbc~~drdwe. 5 527a. LOadlng Expbolv.-l. (a,Loadingrhdnotwmmcna wiMldriUinSiscomple&dand&iU holes an cleanedor blownouLunlurthirpmc&ue irimpracticableun- widely aa practicable and in no au shall a drilling operation be closer than SO fccr to a hole being baded. AU drill holes shall be suf6cicntiy large to beely admit the inwdm of he explaives. (b) No vehicle lmf6c shall be pmnkt.4 over loaded holes. (C,Loadingoprration,~kcmicdonwiththcrmallen~ti~ personnel shall-be 50 fat of the loading area. (d,Ihcnmountofexplosivea&livacdin~aloding~rhrllno~ex- cccd theamounte- by&e blarterasnccessaryfortbe blauing.No holerrh~belondcdsxccptrhooetobcfirsdinthenextroundofb~~~. Cc, Detonatcm shell not be less sum& than No. 6. (0 The detonator, if used. shall be promptly encased in explosives when inserted into the drU hole. (g) When lading explosives in a borr hole. tamping shall k by prcr- smd or light blows only. at!d MVCI by cxce.raive tamming. The p+mer shall Dot be tamped. (h, When rquircd by the Division. all blast holes shall be stemmed to a paint that wiil sufficiently confine the charge. (i) St&s of explosives sb&l be rpwxd and disuibuted in the loading aa to prevent pmpagtion of an explosion between any two piles or loaded holes in the SYC~I of a prwatuc explosion in any potion of the blast area Cj) Springing holu: (I J Bareholes shall not be sprung within 100 feel of any hole contain- ing explosives for primary blasting. (21 A hole thathar ban spnmg shall not be loaded until sufficient time has elapsed for the hole to cool. Anificipl means may be wed to cool the hole. (3) Drop fuses or any other method that calls for ignition of tic fuse prior to placement of the charge in it.3 final position shall not k used. (k) Drill holes or my pat of such holes which have ban charged wilh explosives shall not bc deepened. (I)Drillingsh~notbeturrcdvntilallrsmaininSbunsofoldhols~arr sumuvdforuncxplodedchargermdifnny~foundthcy~hallbsdsro- nti or prop&y disposed of kfom other work pruxedr. (See Section 5293(c),. I. AmmQrnt of rubsectbm ,a, ad Cc, fM 3-28-75; dfecijve thini& day thcmflcrtRc@sla7%No. 13).2.AmndmenlofNbvetimldl~ncwrub VcuDll (0 fded lo-ll-7% effective tih day thereafter ~Rcgisur 75. so. 42,. 5 5278. Loedlng end Blasting NOW and Undw Power Unes. (a, When surface blasting under. or “ear ovnhead power liner. the leading wim shall he plwd at right angler to such lines and shall be se- curely anchored ta prevent tk blasting circuit canducron frum king thmwn into the ovnhcd linea. (b) When blasting under. or oar overbead power lima. al, loaded holes sbaU besowed with UI dquare nonconductive blasting mar SC- curely anchond to prcvem the mat or other mat&d h’oom being blown into the ovailud liner. 558a8. Pmmtlc Loadlng of Exploshms for Elating. (a, This OIdu shau apply IO dl devices. appmte”Mces operaions. and~ruudinshvgingborcholaorothcravit*r~~anex- plmive m blasting a~cat by mema of compressed air. (b) Dcfmitimu. (I) Airbadu. Adevice fc#injccting ancxplosivc or blarting agent into a bm hale or other cavitv. uinn commcsacd air 83 the muoulsive +x&r system which opaueson the venturi priwiple, in thutbe cxplo- rive or blraing agent is sucked oat of an open container md carried into thcbomholebyfheairsntam. (2) Air Supply Lines. Pipe. hae, m mmbination of pipe and hose. that supplier lxm&raxd air to the air loader. (3)LdingHwc. Ibchaetiua~ghwhicbancxplosiveor blarring e.gcnt ia blown or foad 6um the air loader to the loading tube. (4),,xdb,&inG. Ihck,.diQh~&.di”@~3‘1d~fitIi”~lPnd unurcction.~thlirladcrtothcdirhngcmdofchel~~Srube. (3 Loading Tube. lhc rigid or se&rigid sutic di,,iw8 tvbe 01 host at tbc discbarge end of tk loading line, which is insated into tbc bore hole While k&i,,& N.ms’lleladiaghaedhadk~~Dlbc~heoolnmrvdboopti. (6) Static Dimipariae. Sufikkndy cmd~cdive 10 dbsiipatc charges ofsUtic&Xricity butpoaseasinSsnou~elccuialcerricalrrrirtMEe to beno”- i~ticrs~ullkuniformuuiforhorcorolbcrr~havca~rLunssofnot less than 5.m ohm per foot Nlh mare than 30,Km ohms per foot. (c)comtNaicilofAirLadcn. (1, Nitro+atc-ni~ rlnll not be laded into any air louder con- lO”tXd Of CopPa. CopPa dOy% B dac (insluding Sdvvuzsd mCtalS) unlcutbcla&rirc~ sothwchinaunpliblemataUdono~ come in conm with the niuwcarbc4ua.w. Pam? 969 III-PO> - ” 5291 BARCLdSCALlFORNlACODE OFRECULATIOI.J Title 8 (2) An explosive shall not be loaded into any air loader cmwntctcd /holly orinpartoffmousmcralacxcepcth~s~lesss~lmay beuszd. (3) The vessel that is prcssutized on UI air loada shall be designed, anstmcted. inspcctcd. and rtampd in compliance with the Unfusd izssux Vessel Safety Orden of the Divisian of Industrial Safety for a raximum allowable W&b,g presx”m of at least 125 pounds per qwre inch. - (d) Air Loader Equipmew ( 1) A ZO-muh screen. an air nap or a ftlter shall be installed in the air apply line adjacenttothe loaderwhenapresrure vessel is bcingused or when an explosive is being loaded. -- (2, A” air prCs¶tus ndUCi”g tXgtt1ator Of Standard C,a”ufaSti shall xinst~edinthcairsupplyLincandrhallbcaparrofiheloadsraucmbly ;or * prersum-rype lmder. (3) An air pressure rslieving safety valve of adequate capacity shall be -nrtallsdinthcairsupplylinebctweenthelir~ssurcrcdueingr+gulaurr utd the pressure vessel of the air loader. lhcre shall be no valve between the pnssm vessel and the prcuttre relieving device. (4) An adequate pressure gauge shall be installed in the air supply lie -between the air prtssurc rsducing n&am and the air loader prcssurc vu.scl. CC) Air Tcmpsranre and F’ressurc. ~l)Thcrcmpcraturcoftheairsupplicdmrhe~loadershallnMexcsed -150 degrees Fahrenheit. (2)Ths airpressumshdl notexcd50pountlspnquam inch when explosives arc being loaded. (3)ThC airpres*lmemlieving safety valve *hall be settoopen at* pm*- ~surcnottocxcecd55 poundspcrsquareinch whenancxplosivcisbeig loaded. When a blasting agent is b&g loaded. tha safety valve shall bc set at not mm than I 10% of the safe Ionding preuw. but in no CIUC to .sxceed 1lOpsi. (t-l conlml of static Ekcnicity & stray cunulu (I ) Thsrs shall be continuolls clccnicd palb klxn tk dirhnr.gc end of thCiOadingtUbe.~ghrhcladingNbc,thclOadinglinC.rhC~lader. ~MdtogroundThclouiing~bc*h\llbcmtisdiraipatingMd*hllbc*t lurt2fcetiongathulthcdccpwtholeLoded.Gcnaally,mculPirlo~- m resting directly on the ~pound m sufftckntly grounded. However. in non-amductive rock or cuth, M auxi,imy gtuttnd shall be provided by metal swaps or cablcr of at least #8 Am&cm Wire Ciaugc comwted to gmundrodr.Ititirncaruy,thc~ndmdrshallbcdrivcnintotvoter- filled holes. The total resistance from the discharge end of the loading tube to gtutmd shall “or exceed two megohms. - (2) ‘Ihe hding tuba atI6 loading host. if one piea. shall be either of adistinctivederi~orclxidcn~~st~evcry lSinshesthatitirsmt- is diuipating. (3)NolcJ~iingoprrrdCmstibe~mmed dtigtbetimculda- - ITid StOrm iS 8,5Xd,i”g OI i” PK.-S. (8) OpauionS S‘ld hXdlS”. (1)‘Ihc~supplylinc~bc~ybloamoutbcf~itUu- _ tachcdtotheairloada. (2)Allmaterial~incolprrranctypeairloadcrshaubeprscd through a s-n having openings not llrlrcr than half an inch. (3)ALlordrrswhmu~aib~ar~ncmmingin~loadcdholcs -.. shall be thoroughly cluncd before awl after such use. 5 5281. Firing of Explo&ea (a) It shaU be the duty ofthcemploya~his delegatedreprsmutivc .- to fix the lime of blrcting. Note: btsofar as posdble, bk,xting operations above ground shall bz conducted between sunup and run&am. (b) Blasts are not to be tit& without a positive signal and definite as. ..- smmcc that all swplur explosives UC in * safe plscc, and all persons arc at * safe dictancc or utlder suffickttt cow?. (c,PICQUtiolWs~bculsncopmnn~thoriadermyofthcbluc area iduding, hut not limited to, waning signs. barricades, 01 flagmen ~- when neceswy. (d) Warning signals shall be given by the use of a compressed air whistle. a horn. Lighta or equivalent ~.CIII~, sttch as flagmen or voice walnhg. (e) whcncvcr bluting is b&g conducted in the BT~B immediately ad- jacent to gas, skctric. water. tin aknn. telephone. telegraph. and steam utilitkr. the blaster shail notify the appropriate rcprcscntatives of such utiUticr at least 24 hours in advance of bbuittg. specifying the Ication and intended time of such blasting. Verbal notice shall be confumed with witten notics. In M cmqmcy this time limit may be waived. HtStMY I.Amendmnlofsubaawmt*~Ildiw~ubffum,c,filed1~l7-75:cKecuve third& day tbxdier IRegister 75. No. 421. p 5292. Seoondmy Sbstlng. (I, l’lme shall be no activity of my kind that would create L hazard to explosivesthuhave bcsnphwcdoruc ki”gp&edf~sCCond~ blast- in& (b) where shou arc to be tkcd in such close proximity that one shot ma, dirplase m2Lk the firing rhd k done by “se Of det0”tittg Cord (x i,“tmuncoVs eicfti b&i”g caps. 4 5293. MIsnree. llis is the most hazardous operation associated with bkwing opera- tions. (a,Aliereachshotthc blartarrashlllbeexaminedformirfurs.lfany are found or suspectal to cxisr they shall be rcponed to the pcno” in chqe. Steps shell be taken ta eliminate all unexploded charges. (b) Where possible the numba of explosive charges in every blast s~bscovntcdnndoompandwirhthctotalnumbaofcxplmionrhcard. (c)ln~~~~of.d~~~~firr.thCihDt~shaUbcmndesafeunda competmt supervision by one of the following means aliu L 3O-mittute wail tOflOwing ckCt,ic blucing. cxccpt whctz an clecttic blasting cap is visibk on the surhce. or a fdhninc wait following litsc sap blasting: (l)Whncpnnicrl*ncaprimcrshnllbeinsntcdintothcholeandthc hok rcblaated, or (2) Wlmc the hole cannot be rebluud. ttte stemming and explosive hubcanrhcdmtwkhMla.m (3)WhacblPrting~cnrrucursd~~lorcmove~ede~~dcap sasitive sxplosiver. (d) Holes shall not be dxilltd where there is danger of inlowccing a charged hok of mi&rd explosives. (e) No olhCX WC& rh3” be paformcd i” the ‘h”ga Ma eXC=pt that neccr~torcmovethchuudofthcmirfnc.Noothsremplo~*cxcept thc~~nrcdblana~dhirnscuuyrrma~bcinthedangsrarra when * misti hnolld is being retnoved. Hurcur 1. New snbsmkn (e) Gkd 3-tb75: dfaiive bbietb day thedk (RCaiM 7s. No. 13). 0 5294. Coyota Hob Blasting. (a) &cttic li&i”~3 cimdts rhd “M be pct’miaed i” L COyMc hole whilcitisbcinglondcdwirhuplosjvu.El~c~U~~~ rhxilbettscdforiu~. (b)Inc~b~&Ihcndrofl~gwircsshallbcLpcrhorrc’d unrilradyu,bluLClrsuiarhouldbcrc:~ukrrtevylOfcaifacm- r&g is pkd in the cmn-wts. or kfme each explOsiVes Charge is PM (c) when dc(onrting cad ia wd. a double Lint of sord with frcsttent cm.rticlr~bcuwd~ughwtx,thuthcdclwatingwa”cculreach aeh cxplosivc charge huttt 2 indepadcnt SWICCI. (d) Coyote holes shall be hackWed tightly and for a dticient let& ta prevent a blown-out rho~ (e) The area being Iodd for blasting sha” bs piaitdy mvLcd both i” fmnlPndontopoftbcburlru,bcbla.~withPppropriwwusningd~. 4 5295. Ur of &f&y Fuso-Gemnl. (6, No fuse exapt safety fits dmll be used for fuss cap blest@ (b) Iltc wemge bunting rate of safety fuse used shall be detmnbud by~gnotl*u~~fooclm~dsushfurc inopmti.Nosafety -r Inn ,LLM> - ~-. - - - fuse which varies mom than 10 ~mum from the averqc buminS rate shall be used. (c) Not& shall be displayed pmmiw~dy at rhe work location. stating the burning rate of safety hw used. (d) It is forbidden to UK safety fuse that has been hammered or dam- aged. 8 52913. Safety Fuse Stonga. (a, In cold weather the safety fuse shall lx warmed slightly before be- ing uncoiled in order to avoid breaking or cm&in& (b)Safctyfussshallnotkrunrdundcr~undunlcu~ehestoragsplaK is dry and the relative humidity of the air is less than 80 percent. (~,Safctyfureshnllnotbehungonnails~orhcrprolcctionschatcould cause a sharp bend to be formed in the fuse. 9 5297. MakIng Capped Fuae8 and Pflmwa. (a) In capping safety hue. at least one inch ahall be cut tium the md of each coil of the fuse to bc used to prevent damp fuse ends from Scuing into the cap. (b) Blasting caps shall be kept in original aequivalent comainczsex- cept as they BIc used for capping safely fuses. (cl Only B ring-type crimper of standard design shall be used for a- aching blarting caps to safely fuse. Crimping caps with a knife or teeth rballnotbc pcrmirrcd.Iheemployaahallhtm~hsuitabk~p~which shall be kept in an aEccssible place ready for use. (d) A weurpmof ring-type crimp or a compound especially prepaxed for waterprwfing shall be used when ncccssary. (cl It is forbidden to use methods of artaching Ihe capped fuse m tic prima cartridge which involved holr-hitcbing the capped fuse around the p+mer camidgc. It is recommended that the suing-tied method 01 olhercqually effective means be used. AlargcnumbcrofhrscsMbcmnnectcdanthignitcrcordlotharan entire round can be tinxl by a single ignition. If desired. the igniter cad can be lighted by meant of an electric stmtu. For these -M, it is rmmgly naxmmsnded lha igniter cord be ulsd with fuss blasting. It rhouIddomuchtomlucetkhazarda by pemdtdngthc blardng.zwto leave the blast area imm&ately afterthe fun ignition. or to even fue the igniter cotd by electricity from a remote lox&m safe fmm the blast. (a) Safety fuoo shall 110( be ignited kfme explmive charges arc in pIna unless cleared by the Division. (b) When blasting wirh safety fuse, considexation shall be given to the length and burning rate of the linwonditionof the blaster’s escape mute and the distance to a place of safety. CC) AU safety fuses must be cut sufficiently long to extend beyond the colhr of the hole and in no case rhaU they be less than 3 feet in length. NOTE: ~lUle-lrucof~g.~3-foollrnghofr~ctyfwewillf~,rh~ iUShOU12tltiUUW. (d) Only single shots abaIl be fimd when using 3-foot safety fuses. if mm than OM fuse is to be lighted at one time. such fuses shall be sufti- ciemly long to comply in full with subsection fe) of this section. ,~,HrhcnlightinSsafc~yfur,thefureaoh~be~odmcdthatnochargc willcxplodc untilatlust2minutcssftcrthcilutfurcin the blastarcahas ban ignited. (0 No one employee ahall be permitted to ignile mole than 12 safely fuses in succession. When 2 or morz safety fuses in a IJIOUP arc lighted as me. by mans of igniter cord or other fuse-lighting device. they may be considered as one fuse for tk purpose of the subsection. (g) If more than 3 safety fuses M lighted at one time, no pcrmn shall enterthe bla%- unulafter~pcricdoftequalto 2 minutes foreach footinthelcnglhofrhelongesthucinrheroundor 15minutes.wbichever is the longest time. 5 5299. Flrlng with Eh&l~twal. c PI Electric ftin mav be done with blastin batwrv devices. blastina Title 8 General lndoswy Safety Orders 9 5299 (b) Dry-cell baa&a shall not be used for firing mae than a sin@e aimcr.Onlv~U~which~venoexPowdtaminrlrshallk &cd ford& p&axe. .Stcn~e and fI&liSht b&cries ahaIl not be used as. aouu of clecuic ammt for blasting. (c)Whcnfiringwithblastingmafhincrorblutingbattcydcvia~.rhc connectionsshall bemadein .raierarinocombinationcoMcnionrcc- ommcndcdbyths~uf~.Whenf~gwithlightorpowacurrmt Rcc-ndcd Mahodc of Anrhing Capped Fuse to Rimcr Camids sAF8rY FUSE FRIMER l-in ad padlel as shovm. (d)Ample~arhrllbcuscdtofircallc~dcton~~dstansn in the .zinxiL The VOlUPC dull not exceed voluncs rsommm ded bvfhc l’he safety fuse must not be kinked when using the lacing method. It should lie in smooth cmves as sbmvn on the above iIlusmtion. Tlx cap must be properly et&aided ahg the axis of the cmuidgc. 0 629a 8kwth.2 with aamy he. nawde ot wmting WlthSdOQFUSO. The chief dmgawhcn bluting with safety fine coma fmm failure to allow enough time u) l&ht ail tlw fuses and retire ta a place of safety be- fore the shots Stan to tin. arcing is P pmb&. NomWbcnfti~eMxic daDann~~~.lhC-lSupplydUllbeSleul l.s~dha~a3.o~~~Nmnrl~~~‘~~ tbconrasbsllbcnotlasdwI.5~forachdewma umm,~lcnoliStbc~;lhllbcnaleuth~Z.O~prrrAC~DC pa~Wheaf~llilaila~aolrusnlhc~crvnrnthccurrm1 npplidduubemkmduu ( 1) For a single starter, 2 ampa. (2)Forsmrtem scluKetcdinrcricrorrrricsi~ppnnllcl.2ampcrclpa ALmoat~sush”prrmnnrrc”bluu~c~uscdbycuningthehucrtm short. trying to li&t too many fuses. loss of tin&in overcou@ uncx. oectd difficulty in liahtina fuses. m bv wleresdmatina the time n&cd ;o rsach adcquntc al&r &III the b1a.a. When using day fuse. it must be clearly understood that the bla.wa huloucontrolofthcblrrt~justpraoonuthc~fusculighlcd. After that the tinx which men may main safely in the blast arca is gov- amd solely by the length and burning rate of the lighted hue. It is thnc- ‘. fore very impnwt that tk blsua tinish lighting his round and leave with as lirtlc delay as possible. saies. (3) For ttatten connected in pamllcl. 2 amperes. (cl AU blastin wires shall k keot well in the clear of electric lies. pips rails. and ither cmducdve m&i&. except the cmh itself. (nlhntppnofthcbluringcirs~t~g~mthcfiring,witchtothc blast area rlw.U not be gmunded. (g) AU low-voltage electric power liner within 50 feet of loaded holes is brought into the bInstarer Where this is not possible. acheck for stay c-l shall k made with 1 pmper insmlmcnt. 9 5300 BARCL. _ S CALIFORNIA CODE OF RECULATIO. Title 8 ~ (h)Thcbl~dngCirsUilShallbc~Stcd~uithablastinggalvanomctcrbc- fae firing rhe mund. (i) The blasting cixuit shall remain shorted until the round is toady to test and fuc. -~ cj) Except as provided in subsection (a) of the section. only shou furd by electricity or started by electricity 6wom a safe Ication. shall be used in: ( 11 Driving or enlarging shafts. winzcs. and stations. ~ ~2) Raircs where a hazard exists due (0 lack of shelter for pmbxdcn. ,3~Anylocationwhsrrrhelackofadcquatcnearbyshel~.andthcdis- llu~c of wvel U, a place of safety is such deaf there is a hazard to em. ployccs fmm flying rock or concussion. ,- EXAMPLES OFBLASTING CIRCUKS \-- & -- #II D*grrbHIULI Nom Autbmtycitcdz Sara K!.3.LabaCcdt.Refemce: Se&a 142.3.h. bCSCCdC. HIlTcar 1. Ammdmm of rubrmim cc) tikd 3-28-75; &hive hininh day tbmufha Okgiaer75. No. 13). 2.Ammdmenrofrubsesim~.,f~ed lo-17-75:dfeclivethinklhdaytheraRcr ,ReRmu 75. No. 42,. 3.Rcpllcrof~~bsaMn,.,ndrri~de~rubvcuDnrf~ed3-7-80: effective rhhriclh day @kredta tRe@er 80, No. 10,. 5 5300. Firing SwItchor. (a) The fling switch shall conform to the following minimum stan- dad.% ( 1) It shall be UI excanally operable switch. crrlorcd in a tight case provided with a lock. (2) II shall be a double pole, double thmw switch with the handle ar- ranged to be locked in the “off” pairion only. (3)11shpUkpmvidcdwith*buforshon-circuiting, butnotgmund- ing the leadiig wims whco the switch is in the “off” position. (4) Switches shall have adqunrc rnting for the maximum valtnge and c-t to be used. (5) The szmice cnpulEc switch fuse or cizuit breaker rating shall k hrscd “‘3 CXcccding 33 prCe”t Of rhc maximUm Cdculated CU’“J”l It- quircmcntandwillblov/pllStimcstheraccdsopsciryin 1ROofssaond. (6) The switch shall bc mourned so thal Ihc handle is down when Ihs switch is in tic “off’ position. The leading wires shall bs attached to the blade terminals and rhc power line wima to the up&w terminals. (b) Wha firing by nuana of a light or power tiuil, rhc circvit shall bcopcn~t~rimcrinntlcuroncp~byMairgapofPtlCPrt5fCSLUn- dcnummdand lSfcclonthcr~~.bcovccnrhcfvinnandthePuriliarv - . . -_ ‘wo- shall be established by m&s of; cable and Z-pole plug and rcccpmcle ofdcqu~cspscity.‘IheplugrhPllbcprovidcdwithndcvice.prcfcrably of automatic type. to shawcinxdt Ihc tis when the plug is removed fmm dw rcccptsslc. 5 6301. Auxllbry S~ltchaa. (a) OnC OT moIc lvxilLy SWitCkt Shd bc i”Stdkd d the k@““h~ of each branch cinxdt of the pemumcnt leadiig wires. (b)Such~aritshur~bcudcmibcdinScscion5y neednabcfued. 5 KWZ. Fannanant and Tampony Lmdlng WIrea. (s)AUluding~rr~bctypc”S”cpblcorquivPien~orrhallcon- sist of 2 suitable ins&ted solid ahmdnum o solid copper wires. (b) Permanent lading witch shall be imtallcd in conduit or shall be smmg on inruh and kept at larc 5 inch= apart. (c)~Ihc~uud~cl~thcPir~,rh~bctypc’3”sablcor qtivalenr (d) AU l&g aims shall have suffidcnl capacity to canny the tig wi olu~,cxceptNo. 18 An&can WbeGaugcmay beused foranclccuie blutingap. - - Title 8 General Indostry Safety Orders 9 5304 .- Ruxmmended power firing lysrcms for series and parallel series firing wirh no circuit imermpter. (e)AU~pliCCI~bC~Umdculdr~bctopinodrctobcclecai- d and mezhmicaUy secure: Splicu shall be tap+4 or othcrpliu cffec- Lively insulated. 5 6304. BbMlng Pmcadun wltt! Power and Ughi Ckasb. (a) Keys for auxiliary switcha and tiring witcha aball be under the cmtml of the blaster who ia placing charger in the blra mm. (b) 8ef0m Coracaing the l&g Wim 0 the leg wirer. the blaster shall make sum tbpt tbc mxiliay switch or switches are lo&d in the “off position, the air gap is opn, the shw+&cuiting device is in place. and the f&g switch ia locked in the ‘offc paidon. (c) Teqmmy lading wires shall be tested for the ~ICMCC af rmy cleclzic EUmmf before they ax Uacbed Lo the leg wires. It is mcom- mended that the ted be made with an bummcnt designed for dds pur- Page 973 M-I-WI -. non is made. (d) Bcfnc tbe leg wim mz ‘xmncctcd to the teqaary ktdiig wires thcblprterrh~cuucrllpnonsmlaverhcblartucaMdproccedto a de locadon (cl Wkn dw blur ana is clew of all pmms, tie pmon napmsible for tirinn &II rxcuxd to the uailiaw switch. unlock iL and move the switch lkndle & tbc “on” p&ion. (OForundcrgmm~d bk”ti”g.nO0”er~entsrrheplacc where prima- ry blasting baa been done for P least 15 mimnes. (g)Bcfor.Cnay.Jtcrthcblurthc~g~sshsllbcdisconneErcd fm~~fhctnnccofelectri~ale~,andti tizingswilfhmdthcauxilia- ry switch. or witches, shall have been locked in the “oft” position. - 5 5305 BAR&.&? CALIFORNIA CODE OFREGULATIC. .J Title 8 I - (h) In cascrhc shot fails to tire orhe blasurisnotsurr Iharthschqes havcfycd.lhcblastcrshalllockthefvingswirchinths”off”politionand opm d,e air gap. He shall wait 01 least 30 minutss befors pmasding to rhcau~liaryswi~chwhichhcshplllakinthc”of~posidonbcforrcnrcr- - i”g the blast 81sS ‘ItirathLhrqvnnlth8lrhe~piel;upbop.rhavnmFi~ZPctucv” its msximm cffrticy. This table should be applied to Lntcmaumd hmi- N Trvlmrnc” In the 1045 Mth range. z Rrrenl mrumum for hemuiad Bmdcvr p 5305. Blsrtlng with Batt&e& Bb8tlng Devke~ and - Blaatlng Machlnm. ,a) Bancries for blasting and accasmies essential ta Ihess opcnrions shall be assembled in one unit. Such units shall be of a type accqmble to rhc Division and have no exposed live terminals. - Nom The Divisian may acce@ swb ballay-blutulg devti 6~ have bem 9- pmvcdbYihcCSBura”ofMil~lnnnuvofM~enofExpbuv”aaba~. ogniscd msuambma. (b) All bancries. blartingdeviccsandblutingmachincss~bcinrhe Table 3 Recommended Table of t%sws of Mobile Trawmiaas Including Amour and Citizens Radio MtNlMUM DISTANCE (Few _- charge of the blaster and no otha pmo” sha” c- the l&g wkS to the banmy or blasting machine or orhcr blasting devices. (c) ,Xdi,,~ wires shall not be connected ta the blasting baacry. blast- ing devices (x blasting machine until ti steps pqamuxy 10 fving have - beencomplersdand~pcnonsproscsd~mtheblart~atoaspfeloca- “0”. (dl Aha fig dre round. the blast.xshall immediatciy discomb%X all wires from the blasting baacries. blastig devices 01 blasting machines and shon-cixuit the leading w&s. Ci,ize,,s Bd Radio 26.96 u) 27.23 MHz 5 w-timrm Disuncc 5 f‘ ‘MuLmrmpowrrfaoue~~ymobikuniu~VHF~150.8a161.6MHzrmgc~ md for two-way mobile ad fixed rudon MIU in CHF (450 to 460 MHz MgC,. g 5308. Electric Blaatlng in Proximity with Radio Tmnrmittam. f Mtim pmwr fa map VHF two-way mobile and fued smdon unit in 35 to44MHzmge. (a) Provide a sign reading. “BLASTING ARBA RADIO TRANS- hUlTING PROHIBITED IN THIS AREA.” Lettering of rhc sign shall b-s at least 4 inches in height and S/g-inch suokc on a contrasting back- f Muim,,,,, o,vsfa nvwwy fued rvdon amiu in VHF (150.8 u) 161.6 MHz f=g=,. .~. gnwnd. The sign shall be displayed prior ta installation ofel~c-aaui- rive devices, during loadiig and during blaadng opadtions. NOTE whnc &icabk, see US. Depumemof Tranpm&m lx8uhlkasfa specific sign tqulancnu. l hlwimumpounrfaurntMndionwbikmuU. ~~b~~~f~~bue,ouolu~42toUM~~bradl.6mL.8 Table 4 ~cc~mmndcd Table of Distances for VHP TV and PM B~~~d~=ting TruumiMs - (b) Signs shall be posted appmximatcly l,OWJ feet from the bluing area on all public ass. (~,EIC~cblartingopaarionarh~notbccondunuldoscru,ulyop ~gmobilsorfuuiradio,lclcvisiohorrPdsrtransminalhanchedir- - tames shown i” the f&Wing tables: Table I Reammended Table of Distances for EewRaF Power Mlninvn DlrwnfFeal C~lSZlO6dFM chunwls7to13 “pPlJlo0 . . . . . . . l,ow 10400 . . . . . . . wal 1:El lW.wo 3.200 316,300’. ._ __. 4333 :s 1.mo.000 . . . . . . 5.803 4.wo 10Jzcawo . . . . . 10,200 7.400’ - Commcrsial AM Bmadcut Transmitten (0.535 to 1.605 MHZ) TmlsmiIler Power !46,6,,wnD- ,wa.s, fFWl - “plo4,ow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7JO s.ow ..__............................................. 850 10.ow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.300 25.cw ,._......................................__.._.. row J0,wo’ ,.............................................. 2,&a -~ lW.ow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.900 sw,ow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.800 ~&,e,,,,,,&m,mpwa~b2m6udFMIW,~w~. ‘Ruem ,mxin,~pova-k7~ ,3-316.ooOw.t”. Tabk 5 Rccommcndcd Table of Disunas &am UHF TV Trpnsmiaem Mldmm Disn~ CF#W “plo10,om . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @lo l.oooLao . . . . . . . . . 2.ooo s,ooo.ooo* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.om lW.OWMa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.‘lU ‘Rnemnnrimumpowercbameb 14to83-%C0J.C0lwUU. RECO-ED TABLES OF DlSTANCEZi ‘Ibeuubksddiwca~desi8ncdflalbecumenLaadtbemmmnd~ bk8a.Tkrckuedmvmineiwlude,ll&eobvhtyprdW~ ‘SO.owwnublbeprr:m paerdU.S.bradcuttkllbis fk=v-Y -. Table 2 Rsommendcd Table of Di- for HF Tmnamitcm 0e.x lilm AM broadcast wont cw Cal- * 20.8 MHZ’ for 1 Loop Pi&p CotigulaIion “~~lin.y Powr Mbhwn D&&w* 1Fml LW..................................................... 750 SW.. . . . . . . . . . 1,7ou .- l.ooo.................................................... i#lo s.ax).................................................... ssw so.mo................................................... 17JJxJ 5W.wJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5s,cw - _---..-_-_._--_- _-. -OnMId a%milliw.atx.4~kvelof-blulrrmcsr.~- Hvmr ,.Amcngraofruhocllm,.,filcd7-8-81:~~wthhrinh~~ @8iuer 81. No. 28). Page 974 IL,“DO, Title 8 ctntral Indtwlry sorety orders D 5319 Article 118. Explosives for Well Service industry 0 5311. scope. This mick shall cover luading. assembly. wansprAng and stomge. and well site use of special industrial explosive ma&al. @m-&g took. including pmjaile fning devices and similmexplosive-acruuod devices. 9 5312. Losdlng DI Aosombling of Industrial Exploalves and Devices. ~a)Losdingopnationof~~c~gdcviccrrh~bcisolstcdfirom other operations by at least a substantial &fax-high pairion con- stmctcd of materials capable of withstanding Ihe explosion of the device or carried on in a separate M at least 25 fat 6r.m other work aus. (b)Loadingoprradonsofothcrtypcrofcxplosivc-ecor~ powrdc- vices shall be conducted in clearly de&d axe= separated Mm other work -. (c)Smoking, weldbtg,oropmfkmes shdlnotkpamirtedwithin23 feet of B loading 8x0 Elstrical Bppamtus in the loading Ura shall con- form with the wiring rcquiremenu for Class II. Division 2 Hazardous Area.% Fkmical safety o&m sxccpt that no elecnical OUdSU or eles- meal looIs arc permitted on the loading bench Metal part3 of loading benches and racks shall be elssuicaUy bondsd and gamded. (d) Work benches used for leading shall be smooth finished to facili- tate cleaning. (e) Combustible matmials shall not be stmrd in the loading area. (t-l Only pcnoMel “cc.%suy m the hding opc-mion shall bE in the loading arts. (g)The~untofexplmivuinrhcloading~~bclimitcd~o~ amountrcquimdfortho daysloading operadom.“ottocxceed 2opolmds net weight of prefonxd explosives and/or one pound of lwae powder. (h) Waste, rcnp and unused cxplosivcs shall be tspr in lab&d, co”- aed contaken and shall be ramed to the magazine immcdi~ly upon urmpletionofthc~yslwdingacdvit*r.Molcthvlonc~y’y’a~- tionofwprtcorrnpexplorivesttullbcstnufinsllcutaClprrU~ zinc. not in the loading ata. or destroyed in a safe manner. (il Spilled explosives shall be cleansd up promptly. Ci)Explo~ivess~notkrubjcftcdtoeucutivshcu~~orf~ during loading operations. k)~tonU~rhallnOtbc~lcdinCXplOriVCdcviccrin~~1oding am U~CSS assembly Of the dcUmUOris -sary at the cimc Of looding. fI)~plosivcloadinguldrto~~r~kpoucdwi(h~rignrcul- ing. “EXPLOSIVES.” with letten 4 incha high and a S&inch shuke. lltmmY I.AmerldlxruofrubvfoDcr~c)fded IO-17-7%dfecdvetbild&&yrbcraRa (Register 75. No. 42). 9 5313. stonga and Tlm8porhtlon of Induslrlol Exploslvoa (a) Industrial cxplolive shme# shall be tmnrpated u explwiva. (b)Explosive&vicurhrllwtbcmnrpmcd~~dcrowon i8takd unless illudktiml of the dctcnatorti ~at&tLncOfl.Xdi”g. (c) Explosive charges shall be prowad horn wbaaical damage, heat. and elecUic -t during stow+ and tnmspmtati~n. (d)Loadcdcxplorivepotm~ucddcvicur~krtorrdina~- nawhichwiurcsul~inrhck~pooibk~~aro*arinurcoffirc or prcmuure explosion. (l)JctChargcsurcmblaiinappmpr*rc~ lMykSlOEdCUl~- age nCb rStIB3Vd h’Ot,X dtC WQting .ttL (2)Rojcctil~dcviEcrlhouldbcalorcdinpiubelow gnxmd level ’ inMisalpudpanof~buildingUluaYfe+t~mw~mru.in~opcn arcauleast2Sfee~~~y buibiiUg.orsumwIdcdby.baniercapablc ofatithsundingihcb~tlofthcdcvioc~~conPininethcpmpsrilc(r). Other methods of stomgc may be 8ppoved by the Division. (3) “Armcd”CXpbiVC devices (dCuMuorinst&d)mtUt bestond in pit.8 below ~undlevel.compaNncntedstcslcontainmoro~crstorage devices as approved by tbc Division. Cc) Qu~titkr of e~ploaive-a~l~ated power device chargea less rhnn 50 pounds net weighlofexplosivcs.noc~scmbledu in (d-1) ofless rhan 500 dctonaton may be stood in a second-class maguinc lapted in a building provided thatz (1) Ihe stmgs arca Within B building is inclosed by walls of I-hour rssis~t fuc consmrction or the enclosure is protected by M acceptable automatic rplinkla system or the ~@Zi”C is loati witbin 10 fee1 of an exit. (2) No sounxs of ignition or combustible material aball be permitted withk 25 feet of the magtic. (3) The magazine is on P floor having a ground level exit. (4) A disuncc of 10 feet is maintaiwd between detonator and erplo- sive mSgnrinC% (5) ti@Zi”M UC kept kCk&‘d CXCCP when inaming OT rsmOVi”g SX- plooiver. D5314. Flrlng with ElsttMy-Well SIta. (a)Noslcctric fi,i”g~~~O~fOrclccaicfiring shpLlk”owi”gly be done when stray elccaical amenu, sufticiint 10 detonate the electric blwing Cap b&g Ulcd. M k,~X’n UI exirl P the well site. (b) l%3ic fving may bc done wid, blprting baacry devices. blasting machires. light or pwercircuiw ororher mean* acceptable to the Divi- sion. (C) The firing citC”it Shall b-2 Shoncd fOllOWing rcning and l’~=lin shmted until the explosive device is lowered below the swfacs of the well. (d)WcllcPrin6.saviccunitmdri6,sh~beconnce udMdeffcaively balddtolIlhimk uny curmlu. (C)Wvnin8sigat~bepoptcdU~rourctOfsccaSvirhknaing “RADIO’IRANS~GPROHIB~IN’IHISARW”orequi~- lent Lcaaingoftbedgntibculcut 4inShethighinrcd k(rcn With a 5ls-bwh rlmke on. whiw be&ground. (OPerforuin8rMlnnbe~arin81ycondwdClovr@myOpcrat- in~mObikOIfucdndiO.~lcvidon,Or~~~~rhoMlin tabkr in 5306. u&u special prccautica~r am taken that is acceptable to the Division. Article 119. Manufacture of Explosives and Fireworks 0531% soap.. (a) The urmbly of raw ntatakk (b) Handling rtividcs of raw mateAs. such Y: mixin& grinding. .. - - hdummutfuauritlgptoau. (C)O~ilCrudngud~ofexplaiva~rhcprhgcdpmduct rite. (d)‘Ibcdir~of~~~xplmiva~~uitingfmm~mulufnaur- in8 m. (2) E&&yen mh *npkIiv~Imdaaa~mmcUS.DepPmrnl ?+iizT*- DDD expk.ivea safety re@emcm ad air- N-y .4utimhy cite& W2.3, L&a Gd. Refaenc+: Staim 142.3. Laba HIsmaY l.New~Gkd11-1-76~~~ dfectiveupcmtiIiw~76. No. 4% 15320 BARCL. -IS CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIO, ._ TitI68 7. htifmw 0fComplimce fW L-lt-77 ,Regiaa 77. No. 3). 3. Amdmcnt of subscairn td) fdcd 8-18-77. effective thin&& day lhnafta t*egirlcr 77. So. 341. 4. &,wndmsm of ru&m Id) 6kd 9-19-W. effective thhrietb day lhaafvr ‘-’ ,Reguur 60, so. 38,. 4 5320. RaPorHng Raqulmwtt8. ~ploymmanufactvringcxp~~ivcsammunition, bkstigagmts.ot --fircwortrs (wilhin the scope detined in Ssctiw 53 19) shaU furnish to the Division the foikwiIIg irif0rmMiOn: (a) The exact location of the plw of mattufacturc. (b) Tl~e kind or kinds of explosives. dtim. bkstbtg agents, or -fucwo& to be mamtfactued or praessa& and the property of haad- ous mamials to be used. ,c)Thenamcrandaddrcsassofindividunloamm.parmm.oroff~~ -of a corporation. (d) A map of the opemtig premises with the opemtittg buildings ittdi- catcd in which gaater than one pound of explosives is manufactured. handled. used. or stored. The maximum amount of explosives greater ~-than one pound to be used in each building, number of pmms in each opsnting building, barricade iocatiotts and dimensions. and the location and capacity of storage magaxines. ~c)Thisaniclcrh~lnotbcconstnrcdarapplying~,or~hibitingihc .- mixing of. blasting agC”W swh a., NCN or AN-l=0 in the 1Oadi”g ~8 provided all necesswy safety precautions M taken. ( f) A copy of the genera, safety arks which the mamtfacovcr will cn- forzc including plans foremergency praccdum in the event of tirearex- - plosion. HlsmRY I.Ammdmmttikdll-1-76-m etnqeqd~e~fi~iRc1~i1~76, No. 45). - 2. C.S&-.XIC of Canpliurc fded l-l l-77 tl@istu 77. Na 3). 3. ~d,,,en tikd 8-E-7-t effmivedSethdsyth~~s1~77,No. _ 4 5321. Plan8 of Plant. Acopyofthcplsnsofthcplantrh~bckcpinthcoffi~onthcprem- ises of each explosives, ammunition blasting agcmts, or fircwmi~ man- ufacturing plant. and shall be made available to the Division or iu who- - rized reprcssntativc upon tqucst. (litle 24, TS-5321) Hlslunr 9 5322. Ttalnlng. Wmkmen who handle explosives or cxpkxive chxrgu shall be in- suucrcd in tie hazards of the materi& and pmcesas in which they arc tobcmgagcdandwiththesnfctyruicxgoVaningsuch~Mdpro- c.zsses. 0 5323. Emerp~~y PrOCOdum. Em.xgmcy proctdutvs shall he fanwkkd for each plant which will include parona.l insmwtica in my emagency that may be a&ipated AU pmOnnCi Shd k mad.2 *Wllc Of S” -WC,’ “uning s&I.,. 0 5324. Change ROOma. The Division may rquire change moms quipped with locker spcc ouitableforworlunm’ss~tclothingMdpmonrlcffstsptcvhcxplo- sives. ammunition. blasting PgenU or &‘ewo& mattufacturkg pknL Showcrbathnandwuhbuinswirhhotudcold~g~~nuybcrr- quircd whax necessary. (Tide 24, ‘R-5324) HIsmar 1. edma Iilcd’l-16-76: cffmiveddiah6aythsaha~76.No. 0 5325. Food. Workmen shall not be pemllwd to at It placu whcm explc&es or pjTom&Iics M presen*. 0 532a lnballne Olatanw. Thkdisunceisthsmittirttttmpemtittedbctwecnany2 buildingswith- in one opaating line. hmaliic distances 115 also ulcd for rparating cer- tin spccikd ams. buihiiigs. and kations even though actual lie op crationr arc not involved. bdiie dkttancc sepamtion is expected to pmwtcxplosivcs in buildings frmn propagation detonation due to blast effects, but not against the possibility of pt’opagatkn detonation due to fragments. Buildings. separated by inanlitte dirtances will probably suf- fer substantial otnrcti damage. ITide 24. T8-5326) HUIQRY 1. Amenlmeatfded7-1676:efftctive tbbtiab68y thanftu ,Regis~ 76. No. 29). D 5527. lnballne SePamtlon of Opemtlng Bulldlngr. (.) Al, mrUdc(onWi”g cXpkSiVeS CkSs A and fdavarkr ma”ufactW ing buildings inchding those where expksivc charges M srrmbkd. ~~orl~shallbcscparatcdhom~oth~buildings.including magaxks, within the contines of the manuf&~uing plant at a distatu nnlesr~thoscshowninrhefO~OWinglablewhenbuildingSarcB~- FUCADED. Note: Explosives not subject to mass detonarion may be prccesscd in buildingslouudinacundanaccordancc wirholhrrinvalinediswcelablcsofIw- ognixd authority such as DOD. (see 5253). (b) When B building or magazine containiig explosives is not barri- Eadsdthcinwlincdkranccsshoamshallkdoubled.,~dc24.T8-5327) Pod DinMN Povndr Lxsunce Om Nnovn infnr over No, m.r SO 30 2fE3 2mm "~67 50 z 40 :z 50 30.000 :gz :ri 60 3sDlo 40,mo 310 ml z uo iz 2 i%z 4s.om 3M 5OMa 330 iii 75 2% 5s.cm 703 ii E 700 iit E E i%z z%iz :: tY% 7oAm :!fz 385 f% $cg 105 75.am 115 i!% :: % 130 i%ii z%!i ml **ow 140 9o.mo 410 4@m moo 150 95mo im.om 41s ;%& % 160 lcaom mcca 450 8boo 170 475 LB0 t%?i t%z Et ,z!z :zi 17s.om 2m:cmo 5m IOil ISW iii i!%E z%i :: 57s 15,om m.ow Humnr 1. Amm6w~tikd7-1676:df~~6.xy tbaafmtRegisur76. No. 29). 0 5526. OPomtlon-Bulldlng~ and Equlpnw’tt (x)Opuxtkg buildin~ormomrinw~chmorerhan5O~dsofcx- plorive.or~~prrPnuMycimcs~bcEonr~wi~a lar( ens wall of cxpksicm+lief type. Ihc relief araIl should be placed soutobc.ofkasthu6tdtos in @cent buildings. (b)Whtncxplaivevcndngk~q~thcve~uexwiubcc~- lurdononcrqvlrcfoolforach35cubicf~ofbuildingormomuea (c)Allrwmrorbuildingrs~~vedCqlPtC~ks~Mdulart Zexiurcpntcdbya~q~mitlua1/5thcpaimclaofthc ~mfromtachotha.opcninpin~w~s~bcqvippcdarilhsp ~vd. Sdf-dO,i”~ fin doors. A” exit dmn sha” open o”tWud a”d bc cquippcd~thpanifhvdw~cwhichdasmwrcquircmorc~l5 &?auds~toopw. Note: Cubicks 100 square feet 01 kss and occupkd by not mcm than 2 pcnaM W&i”5 Withi” 12 fcCt Of “t ““0brmvlcd -W.y my , hwewtscd (d)Rax*walk.ittteMrmtt%cchmdq&mtentshxllkofxfjnish mdcolathatwiUindkatethepmatceofdustutdspiUcdmuaialThsy shrllbcrmmrhti”kh&f~cUyCk.“ittg. Pm* 076 ie,-WI - .- - ~- - - - - .~, .~~ -~- .~~. ~.~- - .~. - Title 13 Ceecml lndmtry Safety Orders 8 5329 (e) When it is desirable to heat or cool buildings in which explosives am omoufactmed or charges PC & this shall be by steam. we&s. arorhnlndircctwu~orclsaic~.Noflmmw~~w~beper- !nitud. (RAll clectricPlariringudcqoipmcnts~lbc~ptablc forthe ha- d involved and immUcd in sardaue with Hdow Locations Elccnical safety oldas. (g) Effective bonding md grounding means shall bc pmvidcd to pre- vent accumulation of static cbmgea where static charger me a hazard. (h)Hydraulicor~irprcsrcr~dhandjacksrh~bcpmvidcdwithincs- will nor be subjected to likely to cause it to explod;:Dia and plugged pmss quipmem shall no be clcptd by ruikiog blow thu may detonate 01 start the mmmiai burning. (i) Explosive8 dust sbsU not bc exbasted to the mmospbere. Wbme vacuum dust cokctioo symems me ucd. they shall comply with the fol- lowing requiremenu: (1)Adquatcfiltmmrutbc~~~bc~nthe~nctv~um~d the point of pick-up to prevent explosiver fmm cntaiog the vacomn pump or exbaoatm. (21 The cxolosive dust wktioo rvmem &all be &siDncd to orevem ends. pckcu, CL. il&icb cxpiosives may lodge sod ac& mulate outside tbs coUccfing chamber. (3) The entire vacwlm colleclion system shall be made elcaicaliy urndnuoun and be gmondcd to a maxtmom reaiurnoc of 5 ohms. (4) Chambm in which the doss arc colicmed shall not be located in nlm&ialinrhecoucaorpchnnitbcdfnpnonncl~&. . (S)NomorcchrnZranu~ybcsaviccdbyacommoncoracction should be employed to prcvcmpm+mgmiooof a6 iocidemviatbecollec- tion piping. (6) Whcncollectin~ the mote acmidve explosivex such u black pow- da. lead azide, SIC.. P “wet” wkcur which moixtem the dam close to thepoiclcofintnlreud~~~durtwmunrilccmovsdfa~~ shall be utcd. W&g agema shall be compuiblc with the explosiver. bcsearq to pwvmt ovedomlblg. llbe cnrirr system rhdl be CleMcdata~qucncyrhuorilleliminuchuard~ananastionrofex- plorives dusts in pipcs. mbing. so&or dw% f&i,, ;apm. & gua. Only nonfnmur fao bladea me pknitmd for ~~WorkscatiaufarnvllrmnrnUofexploriva(hr~ 1 pmmd) ~hallkrpantcdbydirurrc.~m,orahermMl.u,f~inoncm- tion will not ignite mmaial in the oem w,ak swioa. Whm nmasay, eachopcrprorshlllbcpaaedby~paMlnclchicld]oslDdbs~acn the opermor and the explosive device or exploaiv8 olmakl beiig pp cuwd.Thkrhiddandiu~pjlontibeate&dduignwwi6nund ablattfmmtbemaximom amount of explaivex allowed behind it fI)whenshiel&m- aeneuMtopmtectpmoMe4thefol- sivea in the amount of I or nme uounda is involved. WeighI of .!?xphiw 1-u polEida . M~lbMlSpoUlh Now to Table: ~~~IfthisperaMurlpmroaiaw~forrhercquindo~~involv- kg large qwdtier of explosives becomer so large that it is impiacdcai, the +ratcu mwt petform the opcndonr by remote control or k pm- teaed by a suitably coomncted sklter desigocd with a mfmy fanor of noI lur than 4 IO wkhaund lhe OvelpwvM bum the maximum amoUnt of exp1olivo ill process. (litle 24, n-5328) HISWRY l.Amcndmcntof~o~m(fifikd1~17-75:effcQivc~~y~ (Re&stcr 75. No. 42). 2 Aoadmemfti7-16-76s effeaive6d”ietbd.y rhaaAa,Xe&er76.No. 29). P 5329. Exploolvo Opomnon*. (a)Whcnrhctypcof~lludprrrcssing-o,~~cplop- exadons invdving expiosives in excess of one pound shall be caked on at isolmcd stmiooa. or m inrnlinc dismncer md machinery shall be con- ~ollcdfromrcmorcloatiaukhind~bnanliPlb~~orm~wlinc S~~rothatwortmeamryrrmninmarpfcdinraccwhilemachin- cry is opaating. (b)TheworkingtmawhncIhc~ aue6ning.&Jiig.bleoding.aodoth- er p!Cccrsing of stetic-rcnsitivc cxplosiver or pyrotechnic matsklr. is dooe shall be maiotaimd above 20 perzm rciative humidity. If tbe r&a- tive homidity dmpa below 20 paam. rhc above operations shall k stopped and secured until the relative humidity CM be raised above 20 pacat. It is desirable to kesp the relative humidity above 20 to 30 per- cent. except whcm mot powden am iovolved. then rhc mlmive humid- ity should be between 50 nod 60 parent (cl Means ddl be pmvidcd and wed to didurge swic sleeuicity from haod socks. buggier, and similar cqoipmem before tbcy cmm boildiogr coouining rtati-itive explosives. If is recommended that conduct*ewhcelr.includingmcPlwhcclrwvhichuruldwtcPurcsp~. be used on ruch qoipmeot ~d~B~cxplosivurhrllbckcpincov~conuinnwhenwtbemg uxdaproarud.Innoarcr~cxplorivelbcnmdarmnaponrdin . opmmpincrr. 6s) Tk qumity of explosive muai& ti my particular work station slmubrlimitedblr widt the qumtity dismnce table in 5327. ~nottocxeecd4hovnnrpplyof~or4hoMrupplyofp~ocl except dut when dds qoamily would bmodoce . auicur hazard. ouch qoamitiu *ball be limited to L laser aniamL (OAp~~~luwirheovm~bcprovidcdforachsta- rionf~diSpooingOf~m.t&.!udd&iS.k~~ptasi~ sNLbccmptied~c~uoftnuncccupy,burnollarth~onct eub&yormtkendofcrhabifL (8) oald snfety rules and opelming illsmcdau govanblg the pm- ti~opntionorpmocuarriaion~~lrmion,~bclVpiloble at each rUdm. Tk da dull idude rquimmn for bmding and groundhs, pmmimibk clawing agents to UIC and otbm pwsmions dcMuinecunryflRmfeopamicm. (h)PmloMcllndexploaivclimiurNLbcpmmd. (i)Regok~~~~wakrtullombepambmdinao explosivea boildiog until cxploaivea me removed sod the M h made safe. nd% dom not phibh min~~jualmmu OI cmelpmcy lqaba to sausimmcdkuwfuy. 0 Tads aod eqoipmemused noucxplosivm sbaU be appr+me for such -. (k) Spilled m dropped explotiw sbsU be ckaoed up m ooce. (1) shipping cc4l9iacn. clemdng lag%, and mha muerhlr conumi- nucd~ithexplodvcrrtullbcrrmDval~yuddirporedofinaufc mMner. csce scuion 52.40.) (ml F-o& explosives. or explosive ChpBn ahall not be stored IuarMy-Ofhem. 0 5330 BARC,..fS CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATK. J Title 8 - (n)RovideawMungsystemrhatwillalenpmonssppmachiogahaz. ardousopsrationorarea.7hs wamingdeviceshaU be activatedwhsnop- eraions are being conducted. - p 5330. Teauna. - - - - - - - - - .- -- - - .- (a) Detonation ori~ti~ofcxplosivechagesorf~worlw fortesting shall bcdoneonlyinalaationaoiso~bydistanss.inaccordanccprirh the Quantity and Distaoce Table. 5252.or barrias provided that aill pro- tect any pmon connected with tk tat. (b)Adequatcshcltcrordistanccsh~be~vidsdtoprotcctemploycs~ detonating explosives. (c) When tests arc being conducted ok explosives are being detonated. onlyautbotizedpsnonsshailbc ptuent.Arcas whercexplosiverarereg- ularly or frequently detonated or bomcd shall be fenced and posted with adequate warning signs. Adqoatc warning devices shall be used before burning or detonating explosives to slam persons who might approach from any diwction that they BIc apprmching P danger 201~. 9 5331. Dl6po~0l ot Woeto E~~ploslves and Flmworka. (a) Sitcsfordesrmction ofexplosivesshallbe locatedatlhc mtuimom practicable safe distance from inhabited buildings. public highways, op cretiog buildings and~Mhcrcxposurcs.ThcscparationrhPllknotletr than the inhabited building distaoce (see th+ Quantity Di~taocc Tab*). When possible barricades shall be utilizd between the site and inhabited buildings. (bl Revision shall be made so scrap explosive material wiIl not be placed inany bunlocationuntiiatkast48hows hm pwsdsinathelast tims have 8One out. (c)A blasting shcltashall kpmvidcdnearthc bornarcaforemcrgcn- cy use. (d)Awamingdeviccshallbettscd whencxplosivesaodfitewo&ma- tmials aoz being destroyed. Article 120. Mixing Blasting Agents 55340. Gmeml. Unless otherwise set forth in these Chdets, blasting agent, shall be ttmsportui, stored. and used in the same ttmnner as explosives. U0k.u otherwise set fonh in these &den. weer gels shall be watts- potted, st014 and used itt the - matoter as explosives or blastiog agcnu in accmdmce with the classification of the pmdoct. 5 5341. Mlxlng of Blaatlng AgUlon. (a)Buildingaorothaf~titrurcdformixing blWingagems,io&d- ing mobile equiptrEnt. shall bc located io accordance with the Qoantity and Diswcc Table. Sstion 5232. onless Ihc mobile qoipmem is in the omc.ess of loadinn blast holes. than rrurmmcnded by Scctioo 5253, then IR tht aotntonium nitrate Wci&, sk" bc added to thC qUacity Of blasting t,gettU to C,,k”ktc the NFPANo.4~1~5.andliquidoxidizsr~bcs~in~~crto prevent them from con WttdMtkg blasting agenta or foels. (Title 24. T8-5341) Htmmr t. Awndmm~tof ~bwctiau (bt llrd (c) tikd 10-17-75: effenive dd,,ktbd.y thcraftn,R@wr75.No.42~. 2.Amndmm 29). fi*d7-1676:~~e~&y~(R*liner76.N0. $5342. Mixing Bulldlng8. (a) Buildings used for the mixing of blasting agcm shall conform to rhc rcqoitcmenU of this s&on. Boildings constntcted & May 21, 1971. shall be oonmmbostibk.conrmtaio or of sheet metal on wood studs. (b) The Division may rqoitc explosion venting if heavy consttwtioo is used. (cl llte layout of the mixing building shall provide physical xpaaion bstW~rhef~h~~do~storn8csndtheminiogandpaflragin8opcr. E&m. (d) Floora in storage ycu and io the mssing plant shall & of con- cm.? or of nonabsorbmt muerial. is) Liquid fuel shall be stad o&de the mix building and away from Ihcoxidiznarcl~dlocwdinrochnmanncrthatinciueof~rupture. dtc oil fuel ill drain away from the mixing plant building. The shut-off valves sk.ll bc at the tank. Soimbk means shall be provided to pmvcnt the llow of oil foci to the mixer in case of fuc. In gravity tlow systems sn amommic spring-loaded shm-df valve with fusible link shall be in- stalled. (0 ‘Ihc building shall be We,,, vcnti,ti.* (g)HeushPllbc~vidcdexclvlivelyfromaunitootridcofthe boild- ing or elsnic ku at P safe disuncc fmm combustible material. (h) Pmonnsl limits shall be established. posted. and enfotred while opcntionr involving blasting agut” are underway at the mix house. (i) Blastiog agents sod fuels shall be removed fmm the mix how and the equipment or area completely w&cd down before major or open flame repairs am made. (j) Before welding or repairs to hollow shafts. all oxidizm material shall be temoved from the outside and inside of the shaft and the shah vented wirh *minimum ondulfinchdiamcter OpS"i"& (k)All intmulcomburtiollcngirraulcdforelcctricpo~~gcnaPrion s~kloeusdouuidechcmixingp~tbuiidingarlesrt5Ofea~any opaing in the building or shall te properly ventilated and isolated by a f~wlllh~ving.minimumrmchntr~~swee~g.Thccxhaurt syskm on all such cnlpna shall be quipped with a s& anrstor and rbdl be located so any sp& emission cattoot be a hazard to any msterial ina~pccmu,thcplnaL~~e24.T8-5342(a).(b).(c).(d).(c).(~.(g). W) Hmmr l.AmcllQlrmfiLd1~17-7~dl~~&ytbaafta(~7S.No. 422). Z~tlmcd-lb76:cflcrriwthniah&y~(Rrllnur76.N0. 29). l ‘The ,wmmdstk,, for vemikdm Y cc,,t.&d in Psmphkt No. I, Iostiute dM8basdExglaNu.l%sEdidm,iscridcoxcdgmdpmre. 0 5344. MIX Room EqulpnmL (a) Mixing faatier shall fclnp1y with the t=llc pIevention rqoire- mcnuofthirScction.Ihcmixarhlllbc&rigncdtominimivtheposri- bity Of &tion, heating. fomprtic,,, OVdOldin& and cS@d,' CO,,- f-L . . . (c)AUr~~k~b~fkforc~.Mixmpumpr.vllvcs fhubtg.ckudttg.dismMdiug8ttdinspaaion. (d)Mixingandp&&ttgqoipmmtshallbecoosuocWoftoat&ls that us compatible with blutittg agents. exassive imic ctiy shall not be ltd. (OAUelcc~cquipmcntinihc~moms~lconfamtoihc rquiwmmu of Class II, Division I. Huatdooa Loutions. Califomis ELs~Sltay(hdar.‘Ihcfnmcofthcmixa~dpllothaquipment used shall be effectively bonded to dini* static electricity to ths ground (g)Anlutomuicw~~~ugcryacm~thadquntcaprityshallk pmvidultoproteamixen,ndthet%dshedblastiogagenUstaageaa itttkpkM.PkUtSSkllbC CiJXWWdSOWtOClimLulcOpcttfl~ dninrMdpipingintowhichmolrcnmUairlscouldflow~bcwnfincd in Cue of fn’c. Ihc floon utd qU@rcttt of the m*inS and Poc~SittS .- .,,- mom shall be w&d down frequently to prevent ac,zmuMon of oxi- (2) Constructed SO as to dimiwte qcn tloca drains and piping into di.zem or fuels and other sensitirm. The entire mixing and packaging which molten matminIs could flow and be confined in case of fue; plant shall be washed down paicdically to pwent excessive svxuuia- (3) WCaIhnnSistMt; tion of dust. (4) Well vmtilarcd: and (h) Smcddng. mat&r. ligbtem. open flames. spark-prcducing dc- vices, explosives and Fa arms (except fire arms carried by guadsl shall not be permitted in or within 54 fe& of any mix building or facility used formuingofblartingagcnts.~ellands~undingrhcmiringplanrrh~ he kept clear of bmsh. dried grass. kaves, and other maaials for a dis- ta.ncc of at least 50 feet (5) Equipped with a strong dmr kept searely locked except when open for business. N~Whca~lyblutvlg*gnuucnmdin.hulding.Ihcbuildingrvednac b bulln-raismL (i) Empty oxidixr bags shall be dispaed of daily in a safe manner. 01 Not more than4 houn productionof blasting agents ortbe limitde- termined by the Quantity and Distance Table. Section 5252. whichever is less. shall be permiti in m near the mixing and packaging area. The toralamountofoxidizcrandb~tingagcnuinthcmixhourc~lbccon- sidasd blasting agents in pmcess. (k) Both quipment and handling piralura shall bc designed top- vea the induction of foreign objea 01 materials. (1) A daily visual inspection shall be made of rhe mixing. conveying. andelec~cicalcquipmcnttocstPblirhthatsuchquipmmtisingoodapcr- atlngcondition.Aprogramofsystsmatic~rerwfcs~uiemtomain- tain the equipment in proper working order shall be conducted. (lide 24, Ta53‘wa). (0. (B)) l-h.smRV (c) Ssmi-aaikr, full tmilerv~s or haula~c mrh used for highway aon-ite wnsponation of the bluing agenti are ratisfaaory fortempo- mily staing these lllmd.3. provided they are located according to Ar- tick 114, except during the time of placemmt and rcmovPl of stocks of blasting agents. Tnrks and trailas shall be secured against theft. (d)Thc~nSboth~~r.Mdrcarofthccrprlaolmrck~hallbeposlcd with * warning sign nding: “OXIDIZEFG” in yellow leaas. at least 4 inches high with P S/8-inch stroke. on a black background. (e)Blarringpg~~~UUIblatlingagcntrlurricsmaybc~toruiinanan- comhuatihlebin~unli~vidcdtheycolnply~with~rcqu~mnls of Article 114. AU o&m shall be dcrinncd ta onwide a tight closure 1. ~lldmemf~td 1~17-75:effsUvelhinvrh~y~hcrsfta~cgina7S.N0. *.~ndmsfimcd7-1676:diaivcthininh~ytherafts(RcShra76.No. . 1 - . and shall bc locked exap+ during USC. Stmage cantabmv shail be con- VJ%IC~~~ of materials compatibk wirh the blasting agcnu king stored. shall be watcrpmof, and adequately suppotted and braced to withstand du combiition of ail loads. including impact forces arisiig horn prod- uct m~vemem widdn rhe bin and accidental vehiek comaa. Bins con- taining blasting agenu shall be located. with respst to inhabited build- ings in - with Table EX-1, and with respect to other blasting agent stemye and explosive stonge. in confmmi~ with Table EX-2. (0 Good houxk.+ng pnctica aball be maintained Mund any bin cammining ammonium nimte a blasting agent. This inclu&s &ping w~Mdothacombvstiblemucr*lrcIsarcdwirhin50fcuofsuchbin. AcaIwllation of lpilkd product on the ground shall be prevented. (g) Any ekcaiadly driven convcycm for loading 01 unloading bins rhdlconfmtotkrq uiranmu of the califomia El&al Safety or- dcn.‘Iheysh~beduignedlo minimirc dPmgc kom canosion. (h)CPladoxidircn.dmaiD~orinb~l~nnbcloomulby bluting. 0 6345. CompoelUon. (a) The prwisiona of this section rball be considcnd when dctamin- ing blasting agent compositions. The sensitivity of the blasting agent sbaU be determined by means of - Title 8 GeoereI Industry Safety Orders g SW (b)OxidirmofmuUpatick.sizc,suchuauskdammom ‘umniuuc pa3 or fines. may be mom aenaidve b coUraprodunsuld~ dlelr.fore. be handled with greatercare. (c) No hydmarbon liquid fuel with flash point Iowa than that of No. 2 diesel fuel oil (125” F minimum a legal) rhau he usal. (d) Crude oil andcnnkax oilr~nabculedbcauuchcvmlvc.m- fidu-hat tend ta sensitia tbc rsuliing bl&ing agent. - - (e) Metal powden such as alumitwm sbaU be kc@ dry and aball be stwedincon~orbiiwhiiaremo‘ -iauaa- tigbt.SolidfuelsshaUbeusedinsuchmumcrasto rdnimiz dun cxplo- sion Iwards. [i)E~~h~~fathcnnylcofbluting~l~bcun- dcr the rupavisicm of a qualified pason who shpll be not Ieu than 2 1 years of age. @ Warehouses used for tk storage of bluting agen” shall be located in acumhm wide tk pmvisions of tbe Table of Distances wirh respect to inhabited buildinas. and awnding to the Table of Seraation Dis- aImher. (k) Smoking.muchcs. opm tlarw. spark-pmdwingdeviccs and tire armsr~be~~dluidcofnwithin50fc*ofmywahouruud far storage oiblasdng agents. Combuaihle materi& siuU not be sto%d (g)Thersquircmcnuof~(c).(d)Mdf~&nor~plyloeom- paitions made under Ihe mpavidm of quiiflcd pnaonncl capable of 1. Repdad Irwseaim B!ed w-17-75: eI?caivccbhrkchdly lbaafta (Regi,ur 75.No.422). Oti,i,& 75 Na 42). “r filrd7-1676:mrairrthin*ch&1~(Rc~76.No. 3.AmcllQlcmoflubscipcn~e)~~)~~18-8o:eascivelhhrLth&Y - mcgh? to. No. 38). 6 5346. Ebetha Aaent Btomao. wi&~cxplo&,&aU be suxediatk manna safonhinA&ti114for 0 -7. Tmnrporktlon of Bbeting Agents. sxplosi~es. Themusofblastingagcnrrandone-h@dumasofu~~~ (a) Blasting agena alull be tnnspmtcd in compliance with Articlc 115. nhm llikaa shall be inclvdcd when complldng the total quantity of cx- plosive maserials for detemdning dkurrc rquircmcnu. (b) Blasting agents. when stacd alone. nuy be stored as rcquircd in clecbid quipmat ir quivaknt to mite mix trucks. ,.Anicle114.orinon~t~~~(~thoutbumm WWhkhW (c)Ihcfmnf~ddc..MdrcPofthc~kormitcr~hJIbcportd k ~w~g*~~~‘O~~“in~lloaricttarltl~~4in- (1) Noncombutibk or shea metal on wood stud.% ckshigh.witba5&&rtmkonablackb&gmud pose979 +LW, - 45348 BARCLdS CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIOI.~ TitIe 8 - (d) Matches, fur 8mu. acids or other cortosivc liquids. oils. gtases x other similar hydrocarbons shall not be cartied in the Eargo carrying spaceofanyvehiclscontainiig hlaatingagenu.unlcssthehlasting~enu +irc in an unopened shipping container. (~)AbuUrvehiclcbodyfor&Uvrringandmixingbl~tingagcnush~ comply with the following: (1 l The body shall be constmcted of noncombustible materials. ~- (2)Vehiclesuxdto~ansponbulkpremixedhlasdngagsnushaUhave closed bodies. Htsmw ,.Ammdmmtofrvb~tc,ud~ru~tdl~te)~cd10-17-7S: - effcc¶i”c!hini&dsy lhnafra Otegis~ 75. No. 42). p 5348. On-M8 Mlxed W&r G8ls and Bbatlng Agent% (a) The composidonoftieldmixcd blasting agents and water gels shall - comply wirh Section 5340. (b) Liquid foe18 sh8Il be stored in rcp~rw tanks with shot-off valves. Solid fuels shall bc stozed in separate containen until mixed. (c) Ingredients in themselves classified aa Class A or class B explo- sivu, shall k stored io compliance with Article 114. cd)RiUsbgraincd,orgranulatcdammoniumniwtcshallbsatondin accordance with NFPA No. 490-1975 for the Stotage of Ammonium Ni- _ hate. cc) Liqoidammoniomniwtesolutionsshallbcstot’edint8nkcan.ti m&s. or pwmancnt tanks in a safe location aaeptable to the Division. Spills or leaks which may u)ntammate combustible materials shall be - cleaned up imoniiately. (0 Mixingequipmcntshallcomplywithihc~oircmcnuofthisSec- tint. (1) Ifclsnic pawerisuwi itmay be famished by cablefrommoot- .~ sidesourceorby~rlf-conminuimotorpnmtor.IncDIcof*sclt-con- taincdpowersounc,itsh~bcloawl~rhcendofrhcstcnageconrpim opposite dtat which Ihc blavdng agat is dkchargcd. It slull ltwe mie- qoatc capacity for the loads to bc expected wd be equipped with &able - overload pmtection devices. (2, ElDxric wiring and motors shall umfam to the nqoitemmu of Claw IL Division 2. Iiuvdous Locadons, California Ekcttical Safety orders. - (3)AUclecrricmoton.e~~yopmtuiproponioningdcvicaMd quipment shall be electrically bonded. ~4)TltemixershaUbedesigwdto minimiEc fricdw hating.cwtpw tion and have outboard gears and bating8 Protected 6nm vcumoktion - of dust with one-inch minimumskmcc bawan the bearings sod the oouidc of the productcotttaioer. Parlicokrattention shall be given to the CluMceS on all moving part% .- (5, Mixing eqoiprnent and other traosfereqoipmmt shall k carlpat- ibk with blasting agenti. (8) Pumps or conveyors that coold overheat blasting @cot8 to catue alircrhdlnotteuscd. .- (h) Scnsitized blasting agent8 8luU not be polverizd or ct’ttsbcd. (i) Each mixer unit shall be quipped widt an operable. UL wved ~extinguirha.4B:Ccaq~~lovrcfor~xrruxinvolvingblut- ing agents or cxplosivcr. - t.j, AU unused explosives ShaU be -cd to dteir proper mnguinw or designated stomgc area. open compktion of loading opcratiau. k)AwamingsignrhPUbcpootuionrhcfronfridcs.Md~ofthc mixing unit rmiing: “0xnmERs” in yellow letten at 1-t 4 iochcr ~~~ high, with a SE-inch stroke, on a black background. (1)RepajntohullrdeUvyvchicksrh~fonform~thercquirrmcnu of this seaion. (l,Nowelding~opcnflpma~bcuredonorMlndmypMof - the delivery equipment o&s8 it has ban complacly w&d down and 8U oxidizcr marnirl removed. (2, Before welding orrpaim to hoUow 8h&i. the &aft llull be thor. oughly cleaned inside and out and vented with P mmtmum lfZ-indt di- -..~ ameter openiog. Cm) lix entire loading and mixing quipmat shall be cleaned fn- qocttdy to insot’eagaiost sfcomolationsof ingredient8 ana always before any 0~0” flame work is paformed on tbc onit. (n) Intransit mixing of hluting agent shall not be pxfom&. (0) A bulk delivay vehicle shall bc mainti in good mechanical amdition. (p) ‘Ihe operator rb8U be trained io the safe operation of Ihe vehicle to- gethawitb its mixing, conveying. and related equipmar He sh8U k fa- miliar with dte uxomoditiss king delivered and the gsod procedure for handling cmcrgcncy situations. (q)Thchaulkgofcitherblutingcapsorothcrexplosivu. butnotbolh. shall he pamitmi on hulk tmcks provided that P special wwd or nonfer- rous-lined container is instalkd for the explosives. Such blasting caps or othcrcxplorivnahlllbcin~~ingwlpinm specified by rhe U.S. De- pmmmt of Transpnradon. (I) Caution shd be uctciscd in du movement of the vcbicle in the blasting arcltoavoiddrivingthe vebkleoverordragging horesoverfu- ing Ums,cap wires, orexplosive mabzials. The driver in moving the vc- hiik shall obtain du 8ssistancc of P second person to guide hi movc- UWt”. (8l’Ilte l~d~cholcnforwstcrgslorin~entvansfer~mamp- potwehiclcintodteboreholeloadingvehiclcshaU hcawny fromdte blast holesi~whcnrheborsholcsarrloadcdorintheprocsssofbcingloadcd. (I, No pcmn shall smoke. carry matches or any fkme-producing de- vice, orcarry any fire arms whik in or about buIk vehicles effecting the mixing transfer or down-dte-bole lopding of blasting age”” at or nclv the blasting site. HUICUv ‘.~&&.&86 1cr17-7~eaccuve~~y~tR*lir~7S.No. 2,‘.td)lilcdl1-18-76;~~ct~y~ I,ltqister 76, No. 47). Article 121. Snow Avalanche Blasting 45355. G8mml. Snow m%imchx bk8tittg is a medtod of stabiiig ornlaring snow masses by blasting. S~wa~hcbluciagkunlikc~yothcrconvend~ntinulofexplo- sivea 8nd takes plwe tmdm sevclc cooditioos of wadtn. snow. terrain and phyrical exertion. so Ihat convetttiorul mcdtods of blasting arc not applicable. Therefore, the regulations in this articls take8 prsccdcrre wkn in umflict widl odta s&y mdaT. 4535S. MFuso. (a, Water resistant safety hLIc shall be uxd in snow wakttcbe blast- inc. (b) Safety fosc urcd in snow wkttche bksdng 8Nl be of sticient length to pmvidc a minimum burning time of 70 seconds tiom ignition todaambm. (c,AhWU%tctof~bkdcsignrh~bcuxdforUghtingufety fu~.Thcti~tarh~notbcutschcdroihc~~yhwcuntiljun~~to time of ignition. 4 afJ7. Pkdtlg sxplorhm8 chuum. Ilplitcd charges may bc: (a, Placed, thmwn or propelkd to the desired lccation. (b,Lowaedbyropcorsmdrodwi~loPtionifth~irdsnga that the charge may slide down hill. (c,Hvldp~onorinthemow.InrhcLprtcLIC.thCSICPIIDCnWiU be t&ye-d h ahove. (d)AvrluKhcblu(crarin~lpodtionofrPfetybchind~tcminbar- tia or * posltion 1824 lur dao 100 feet 6uom the ignited Charge. 4 53M. Ml8fl~w Avdmoh. Bhtlna. FoIlowing a minimum wait of 15 miootc.8. the chm’g~ U=Y be ap pmached by a “BELAYED” ctevvma who will eidxx (s, Relight the caiginal chatge. b-a - ,.~LM, (b) Placa uwdter charge alongside and relight it. “cccrS.ry, Sib OT CtdS rh.” k pmVided to prevent mixing d”rin8 fuc (c) Rctticve and dii chc misfm. LxnxIitions. (d)If(a).(b).or(c)aboveisnotpoariblcdueu,~orsurnncondi- (b) Flammable and combustible liquids such as gasoline, kerosene. tiom, Ihc locption of the midrrc muat be car&Uy noted and marked so %71vaw and light fuel oik shall nol be rtod cm the pfcmiscs excspt aseMhforrhcmirtircunbc~narroonarconditionsperrmr when such rtongc conf.xma to Sccdon 5417 of there orden and when w~sPndlilLIorCllrbsuCpmvidsdin~ocwithsubsstionla)or @MI) of this Section above. Article 122. Ammonium Nitrate Storage (E) Sullix and finely divided metals shall not be stored in the same . p635s. scope. reqtti?emc”*ofdtir~p 18. (a) This Atticlc shall apply ta all pawns, firms, corpmations. cc-par- (d)Explosivermdblrrring*gcnurhallnotbe~tarcdinrhcsamcbuild- merships and associations storing. having orkccping ammonitmt nitrate. ing whb ammonium nitrate except on dz prcnixs of makers. distribu- and~thcomaorlcssc+of~ybUiidin8.prcmisesoraruc~inwhich ton and wr-compoundua of explosives or blaning agmt% PmmOniUm “it,Ue is stored i” q”.ntiti44 of 1 ,,t,O potmds or more. Ap (e) LP-G-as shall not be atcad on thz ptatirs except wuhcn such star- pm/al of large quantity statage ahail b-4 subject to due crmsidcmtion of ngccontomutothcpmvirinuofARictsSoftheCalifomiaU~~dRc~- the fire and explosion hazards. iKktding exposure to toxic vapoo 6um mr4 Verse1 safety ordel% burning Q decomposing ammonium niuate. (f) Not m0l’e !h” YM) IOM Of h884d ammo”i~m “it,Xt4 shall bc Non? Annrmiumnimrc is c.~bkdun&&gdetm.dm with the blvt ef- stacdi”abui,di”8OrrV”ct”tX not quipped widt M automatic sprinkler fenrqlulamc-h8Kthnof~eq~rF.lr~ofexpbuwsKbcuediwkrrm- iJoot&of . I . fuvmcnt that pemGu bi8b pmssw build-up. LX K submw;-y$ z- ammonium nitmtc where location of the b&i”8 or tbc sucb~,+xefmmar~explc=xiaL llwsmsiriwtyof~ pm; ~ by ekvmcd wQcmIruaby-(~s4aim prrrcnccofo~astorcdmuaialsmayprrssntnrpccinihslard.Spri~cr lyacmrsh~beofapplovcdtypcMdinuallcdin~awilhAr- tick 1s9. (b)Exccptacpmvidcdin(c).thirSectionappliertothcsurrngcofam- (1)Suitabk timcontmldeviccs suchas small hose orportable fm cx- monium nittme in the form of crystals. rlakcs, 8milu or pa i”C1Udi”8 tigukhm shall be provided throughout rhc warehour and in the load- fenilizcrgrads.dynamircgndc,niaotuoxi&gradc,lcchnicalgradcpnd odler mixt~r containing 60 pmxnt or mDIc emmonium niaate by & &iremcn~~of Attick 157 and/or Anick 158. (Title 24: Part 6. weight but does not apply to b&in8 agenti. 18-5360) (c) The stanage of ammonittm nitma and ammonium nitraw mixaues (8) Elcmiml ituullrcionr rhdl confam to the tcquircmenu of the whichsrrmnewndtivelhur~~~bythe”Dc~ti~~dTertRocc- Cal&ink E3mrial Safety Oidm forotdiiary locations. They shall bc dttres for Ammonium Nibsv Ferdliz& shall not be pamitted. designed to tnitdmk damge born cmmim~. (litk 24, Pan 6. NoTE;FQ*sll;dmxI& =%%I). (8)) (1)‘MuddmaadTest Rmdrclti~Ni~Fmilha”rvaikbk from ‘II4 Fcnilircr ItmiMe. 101s Ei&mtb SL. N.W.. Wti8toa D.C. N.am~utbc&yaodtefr4awsiad:Satkm1423,LabmCodr zams.Thk-IimiuQaaau Hvrolr I.Amcllldmcm~Flb7~~~~haaffa~~76.No. 29,~ tRegiw76.Nc.47). ‘. Avemu. New Yak. N.Y. 10036. (d)N&8intbisArtietesb.tlqpiytotbepoductio.of ulmndmnnitmea 3.Nalubsmp(fNI)mode&81;~~&ytharJktR~lcr rothcmrqeofmmmkmnmncmtbcprrmtvrofthc~pknt.po 8,. No. 37). vidrd~llo~~uahrLpndv,~~a~rrrud(T~U.~-S359) 4. Edit&d mmFdmd~~~(l)ml(g)~ll-eBI;eacaiVcihL. Nom ~uthaily cited: Soaim 142.3. hi&Gzde. detb&yU,m&r~61.No.45). HulmY L.NewMrk122(~~SWIcS363)GLdt~17-75;~e~~ytbac- .fw (R.qiaer 73. No 421. ).~fJId7--lb76se~ihiniah&ytbantb~76Na 201. __ ,. will be ihf-ventiluiag in’thc event of fire. 4. Amendmmt cd sue (Ia fild 7-13-78: dkctive dlkdetb thy Iiwiuoa Gtsgister 78, No. 28). (C) Ihc RI.8 0” the CXpolcd Si& Of a %‘=84 bullding V&hi” 30 f=t of4combuuibLbuildinn.facaDilnofcombustiblc~~rim- 05360. Stomge. (d)AU fhXi”8 in noy(c and h&8 ateaa rha,I be of noncombus- cibkmuaialorpmteaed~,itutbnptcgrutionby unabmiunlnitre.tc &thaMnumiDUbl8 sub&s indttditlg but not limiti fD mit,,‘d fats, baled cottan. b&d ta8s, b&d amap pap%. bkachi”8 powder, bur- of.&. laporcottm br@.caust.icsodacal.coke.ch8rcoaLank.amphor.u- (e) Buildin and smtctuns stuU be dry and bee hart water ~4~84 c&ior. fibcnof~yldndfuh~,~ah~faamrubbn:~y.lubricst- dttou& the mot. walls ad floan. CIitle 24. ‘I%5361) in8 oil lihxai Oil, OI Otk oxidizabl4 OT -8 Oik, “@,th.knl liuraur O&um. oikd CkXhi”& Oikd Papr. Oikd tcxtiks. @t. maw. sawdust, 1. Amcadmcmfikd 7-167kdfmivelhimeQday tlmuGerGk@ta76. No. Wood ShNitt~h 01 VC@ablc Oik. w.“S “Zfcmd t0 in this &Z&4, n&d 29). extendmlytotheuttd&&oftltemof. ~588s. Contnlm8tom~ (l)InlicuofscplntionanlLr~oniumnioptc~ybc~ (4)B~~~con~uudforunmoniumni~L131mcOmpiy”ith fmmthc~rreftrrcdtoin(4)by4I~ofntlclaMf~tmdif rFaifkuioIu and rundmir rqldrcd for YY in int4rstat4 comma== ppsc 981 i&I-W> Title 8 General IntInslry safety orders g 5362 LIE-,&&VC wall. other suimbk mana of cxpmute pmtadon such as ~,hSprdia~W~UybcUSd. 0 5363 BARCLAYS CALIFORNIACODE OFRECULATIOhS Title 8 -NmcC- UWdOlldEplli3U~IlltheWSdGlQUf~CVpmcnrql need 0~4 ccmply with powrim of(a). (b) Containm of ammoniumnittatc shall m-4 be accepted forslolagc -- when the tcmpcratum of the atnmmhm nitme exceeds 1300 F. cc) Bags of ammonium niuate ahail not b-z stmcd within 30 inclxs of the StOm@ b”ildin8 wails and PpnitiOnS. (d)‘Ihehci8htofpile.shrllnotexcccd20fsu.’Ihe~dlhofpilessh~ - not exceed 20 feet and the length M feet except that whns tbs building i~ofnoncombustibleEonsrmctionoris~~~byau~macicsprinklm hs length of piles shall not be limited. In no case shall the amm~tti~m ni- tmc be stacked closer than 36 inches below the mof or suppotting and ~- spmdcr beams overhead. (~)Aisle~rh$Lbepravid~to~~pilnby~clear~p~~cofmrtlea than 3 feet in width. Al 1-t OM service or main aisle in the stongc ata .-_ shall be not less than 4 feet in width. $5383. Bulk stcmge. ta) Bulk stooge may be in piks or biis in wushousea. or in sepsrur -- bin-type structures. fbl Warehouses shall have adeatat.a ventilation or be capable of ade- .~. quate ventilation in case of fire. cc) Unles3consvuclcdofnoncombustiblcmarcriPlorunlus~quate faciliticsforfightinga~offircarca~lable.bull.tora8cstnrctlrrcrsh~ not cxcccd a height of 40 fcer (d) Bins shall be clan and fiu of materials which may conuminaLc ammOnluani~. ,- - - - - - - (c) Due to the cmmsivc and rcdctive pmpcrtia of ammonium nitrate. and to avoid caXamination, galvanized iron, copp” lead and zinc shall notbcuwdinbinconsrmctionunlcssruiublypmuctcd.Aluminvmbinr. .- - are permissible. NOIESVelOrWC.Idcpbeplotlc*dbYlpcplrrrmgpucllU~*l*uc LT epoxy cudllg,, Q paiyvillyr cw aming. Ut,DOtiU,, niuatc would contaminate the ammonium nitrate shall be of ti8ht consttuction. (‘3) The ammonium nitrate Ston8C bii or piles shall be clearly idmti- fied by signs 1~aii1-18: “AMMONIUM NITRATE” with letten at IUa 2 in&0 high. (h) Pies m bins shall be so sized and ammgald~atall matuial in the pile ismovedout pcricdicaUy inmderto minimircpouibleflldogofthc stcmd ammonium nitrate. [i)HeightadepthofpilcrahPllbtLimitcdbythc~~gtnr- pi,cd higherat a,,ypoi,,t lhSn36inshpbcfOW thet’OOfcnsuppoltin8and spreader kams overhead. Nun? Ptemme-m tin~.nfmu?fktedbyhmlddi9d~klh wmge space md by @kt qti9. Tanppmn~ ~*rthmyh5VEPdbi8ll lvnapharhlUXidilY~unhmb*la~iUdepth. . pet-am of the product exceeds 1300 F. (k) Dynamite. orhcr expbXiV~. d blasting agents skall not be lued to break up or lcow~ caked ammonium ninate. fltlc 24. ‘%5363(a), (b), (CL (d). (e)) Htsmrr , r;;;“““” tikd 7-16-76: dfccdve tbkdelh da7 tbere&r@egiaev7LNa Article 123. Small Arms Ammunition and Primers, and Smokeless and Black Powder Propellants 0 5370. stop. Ihe pnwisionr of thir Article apply to the cba~clr of distribution of and to dx usm of small anm ammunition. small arms primers. smokcc- less pt-qAhn~, and black powder pr~pcUants. They do not apply to in- pmcaa StoragS and intra-plant tmnsp~rta’ion d”ti”g manufaCtUr=. (litk 24. n-5370) Nom *mbcfity cited: Section 142.3. Laba Cede. Hmow 1. RrplLrof Anuk 123 ( 5 S370, ad new &tick 123, ha “I wlL=.374) f$Ed -_.- -. 10-17-75: ct%ctivc tbktiah day tbnnfter tRe&x 75, No. 42). 2. &rmvhmtGkd 7-t&776; eKea~v~tbitMbday tbaufmrOkllincr76. No. P 5371. Smdl Arms AmmunItIon. (a) No resuictiona arc impascd on mrk mail ‘mtspowion of small armrnmmunitiworhnth~nthorwvhishsrcimpoosdbyrhcU.S.Deprrt- meat of Transportation or by the prcscnss of other hazardous material. , b) No quantity limitations shall bc imposed on stomgc of small armr ammtition in warehouses. reti stores and otba generai occupancies. except those imposed by iimitati~s of ,tora8C facilities andunsistewy with empioyw safety. (clsmauaml- itionshaUbcwparaccdfmmflaamabieliqtid% flammable solids and oXidiZitt8 matai& by a fk-&SriVC wad Of one- hourrain or by B distance of 50 feet. (d) Small ams ammunition shall not be rtowl to8ethertith Class A or Clam B explosives unbar dx stom8e facility is adquprc for this latter stmqc. flitie 24.~S371(c)) HlsrLmr ,.~f~F,b7~;~~mminh&ytbaaftcr~76,No. 29). 0 5372. Smokeless Propdlmt8. (1) A” ,lttok&~s pm@k”tS dd b.2 St0d i” Shippin Conuincn. (b) Commrcipi stock, of smokcl+u p@=LtX Sh.,l bc rtorcd p1 fd- lowr: (I, In qwntitict over 20 pounds and not more dtan 100 pounds. they shd be stored in ponabic wcmdm boxes having wails of at least I-irxh thicknc+r. (2) In quantities ova 100 pounds and not more than 800 pwnds. they shd, k rt~d it, “o,,ponable ,tongc di,bU” having WO&” W& Of uLutl-Lrhthicknur.Nocmorrchul4M)poundrshrllkpamiucd inMYOlSC+3bkt. (C) CMlmncLl atccb in cxcws of 800 pounds and not m= tbmJ %Mx) pounds may be stored in L building if the fOuOti8 nquircmnU alemet ( 1) The w8rchmlac or s- mom ia not accessible to urwtdvxizcd pcnonncl. (2) The sllmkeksr ppclktlt stocks are stored in nonpc4mhle stIxa@ dirt, h&t,8 wc.xktt w,,,, .t Lcvt l-i‘,& thkk ud havia rbrlvo withnotmatethma3-fom~knrrcnshclvca. (3)Notmmthm4OOpoundsiapmttiacdinattyoncslbina (4)C~uclocuulonly~rinuw~ofthcr~~momorwlrc- hour with a minimum distatw between cabinc~ of 40 feet. (5)~~dinrnsc~~~~maybc~~u,2ofcuif b~~(A)uc~hcdu,rhcvlllmd~uleuttwiccrhcheight of the cabinet: (B) am cattend bc~wccn cabinets and extend at leaat 10 - SCS&T 9021113 SCS&T 9021114 .- - .- - .- - - - - APPENDIX 3 BUREAU OF MINES SAFE BLASTING CRITERIA - - - - - - .~- - - - - - - - - - PARTICLE VELOCITY VERSUS FREQUENCY FOR NO DAMAGE DATA. 100 00- I I I I I I I I I I 60- 40- 20- 0 0 0 : IO Go; 0 A <* .5 I 00 oo -6 z g4 a ;~$$&o oooI: ~ : A a a w c3J zoo 0” O0 q A2 0 00 00 u --A,,--,~--y----- & Safe blasting criterion---‘- 2 IO .a .6 .4 - o Bureau of Mines 0 Longefors No damage data A Edwords and Northwood .2 - 0 ASCE-&Mines Test _I I I I 1 I I I I I I 2 4 6 IO 20 40 60 100 200 4oc FREOUENCY,C~S SOURCE: BLASTING VIBRATIONS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON STRUCTURES, BUREAU 0~ MINES BULLETIN 666,197i 1 6C 10 APPENDIX 4 MANUFACTURER'S BENEFITS AND FEATURES SHEET (Bison Instruments Model 9000) - - - - - - - - - - - I 1 1 I- I- I- 4- I- I- a- I- .- 1’- t.- j- 1: 11 11 I’: 1’ BENEFITS: FEATURES: High Resolution n Digital instantaneous floating point system (DIFP) n Dynamic range greater than 130 db n As fast as 50smicrosecond sample rate (12 or 24 channels) n Standard 32-bit signal stacker n No channel-to-channel timing skew n Onboard high-resolution printer (23,000 dotsin’) Low cost n Produces IFP data at a fraction of the cost of conventional IFP systems with stacker Low Power Consumption n Uses less than 40 watts (9024, non-printing) n Requires only one 12-volt DC vehicle battery for full-day operation Portability n 2530 pounds complete (depending on configuration) w Briefcase size - easy to carry on airplanes n Requires small battery Reliability n Far fewer components than conventional IFP seismographs n Low-power, low-heat (CMOS) construction n Rugged, watertight construction (submersible with lid closed) n Up to 24 megabytes of optional non-volatile solid state data storage; no failure-prone tape decks required 9 One box; no auxiliary units, cable. or connectors to fail Ease of Operation Flexibility 9 Normally no gain selection required (DIFP) n HELP key provides infield instruction on instrument use n PRESET key allows set-up and acquisition parameters to be stored for next survey n Complete keyboard control (no modules or jumpers to change) n Keyboard-configurable from 1 to 48 channels n Selectable sample rates from 50 microseconds to 5 milliseconds n Easy interface to PC n Variable output formats n Control one or several units from a single PC n No calibration or touchy adjustments n Automatic and continuous digital calibration n Fewer components: less heat n Rugged construction