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A GTG Company Leighton and Associates GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS UPDATE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION, SHELLEY PROPERTY, CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 90-3 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA September 8, 1998 Project No. 4851855-008 Prepared For: MR. DAN SHELLEY c/o Mr. Chuck DuVivier P.O. Box 230638 Encinitas, California 92024 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B205 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123-4425 (619) 292-8030 • FAX (619) 292-0771 ^B A GTG Company Leighton and Associates GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS To: Septembers, 1998 Subject: Project No. 4851855-008 Mr. Dan Shelley c/o Mr. Chuck DuVivier P.O. Box 230638 Encinitas, California 92024 Update Geotechnical Investigation, Shelley Property, Carlsbad Tract No. 90-3, Carlsbad, California In accordance with your request, we have prepared this update geotechnical investigation of the Shelley Property located southeast of the intersection between Rancho Santa Fe and Olivenhain Roads in Carlsbad, California (Figure 1). This report presents the results of our additional subsurface investigation and geotechnical analysis, a compilation of all previous data, and provides an update of our previous conclusions and recommendations relative to the current geologic conditions and the revised plans for the proposed development. Based on the results of our supplemental investigation, review of the previous geotechnical reports pertinent to the subject site and review of the preliminary grading plans prepared by Project Design Consultants (PDC, 1998), the proposed development is considered feasible from a geotechnical standpoint provided the recommendations summarized in this report are implemented during grading and construction. This report supercedes our previous reports issued for this project. If you have any questions regarding our report, please contact this office. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. Respectfully submitted, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. cfc.-^ (Franzone,RCE 29552 ior of Engineering KBC/MRS/JGF Michael R. Stewart, CEG 1349 Director of Geology/Managing Principal Distribution: (6) Addressee (2) Project Design Consultants, Attention: Mr. Mark Campbell No. 1349 CERTIRED ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B205 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123-4425 (619) 292-8030 • FAX (619) 292-0771 4851855-008 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 PRIOR SITE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS l 1.2 CURRENT SITE INVESTIGATION 3 1.3 SITE DESCRIPTION AND PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 4 1.4 SURFACE INVESTIGATION AND LABORATORY TESTING 4 2.0 GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS 6 2.1 REGIONAL GEOLOGY 6 2.2 SITE-SPECIFIC GEOLOGY 6 2.2.7 DocumentedFill Soils (Map Symbol-Afo) 6 2.2.2 Undocumented Fill Soils (Map Symbol—Afa) 6 2.2.3 Topsail (Unmapped) 7 2.2.4 Colluvium (Map Symbol-Qcol) 7 2.2.5 Alluvium (Map Symbol-Qal) 7 2.2.6 Ancient Landslide (Map Symbol-Qls) 8 2.2.7 DelmarFormation (MapSymbol-Td) 8 2.2.8 Torrey Sandstone (Map Symbol-Tt) 9 2.3 GEOLOGIC STRUCTURE 9 2.4 FAULTING 9 2.5 SEISMICITY 10 2.5.7 Ground Shaking 10 2.5.2 Ground Rupture 10 2.5.3 Liquefaction and Dynamic Settlement 10 2.6 GROUND WATER 11 2.7 ENGINEERING CHARACTERISTICS OF ONSITE SOILS 11 2.7 ENGINEERING CHARACTERISTICS OF ONSITE SOILS 11 2.7.7 Alluvial Soils 77 2.7.2 Expansion Potential 72 2.7.2 Expansion Potential 72 2.7.3 Soluble Sulfate Content 72 2.7.4 Excavation Characteristics 72 2.7.5 Earthwork Shrinkage and Bulking 72 2.8 SLOPE STABILITY 13 2.9 SETTLEMENT CONSIDERATIONS 13 3.0 CONCLUSIONS 14 - i - 4851855-008 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 16 4.1 EARTHWORK 16 4.1.1 Site Preparation 16 4.1.2 Removal and' Recompaction of ~Potentially Compressible Soils 16 4.1.3 EUSD Stockpile 19 4.1.4 Excavations 19 4.1.5 Fill Placement and Compaction 19 4.1.6 Expansive Soils and Selective Grading 20 4.1.7 Box Culverts 20 4.2 SLOPE STABILITY 20 4.2.1 Deep-Seated Stability 21 4.2.2 Slope Face Compaction and Finishing 22 4.2.3 Stability for Temporary Cut Slopes during Grading 22 4.2.4 Surficial Slope Stability 22 4.3 CONTROL OF GROUND WATER AND SURFACE WATERS 23 4.3.1 Canyon Subdrains 23 4.3.2 Buttress and Stability Fill Subdrains 23 4.4 FOUNDATION DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 24 4.4.1 Conventionally-Reinforced Foundation Design 24 4.4.2 Post-TensionedFoundation Design 27 4.4.3 Moisture Conditioning 28 4.4.4 Lateral Earth Pressures 29 4.4.5 Foundation Setbacks 30 4.5 RETAINING WALL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 30 4.6 PAVEMENT DESIGN 31 4.7 SURFACE DRAINAGE AND LOT MAINTENANCE 31 4.8 GRADED SLOPES 32 4.9 SETTLEMENT MONITORING 32 5.0 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS 33 Figure 1 - Site Location Map 2 Figures 2 through 7- Geologic Cross-Sections A-A' through H-H' Rear of Text - n - 4851855-008 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Tables Table 1 - Earthwork Shrinkage and Bulking Estimates 12 Table 2 - Foundation Type Summary 24 Table 3 - Minimum Foundation and Slab Design Recommendations (Conventionally-Reinforced) 26 Table 4 - Post-Tensioned Foundation Design Recommendations for Expansive Soils 27 Table 5 - Minimum Presaturation Recommendations for Foundation Subgrade Soils 29 Table 6 - Lateral Earth Pressures 29 Plate Plate 1 - Geotechnical Map In Pocket Appendices Appendix A - References Appendix B - Boring and Trench Logs Appendix C - Laboratory Test Procedures and Test Results Appendix D - General Earthwork and Grading Specifications for Rough Grading Appendix E - Slope Stability Analysis - in - 4851855-008 1.0 INTRODUCTION This geotechnical report provides an updated summary of our findings, conclusions and recommendations regarding the onsite soil and geologic conditions at the site. The recommendations provided herein are based on our review of the Tentative Map dated July 21, 1998 and prepared by Project Design Consultants at a scale of 1 inch equals 80 feet (PDC, 1998). The purpose of our geotechnical investigation was to evaluate the geotechnical conditions of the site including landslides, planned cut slopes and potentially compressible soils present at the subject site. Boring locations for this investigation were selected based on the revised development plans. Where possible, we have utilized the existing borings and the geotechnical data obtained from the previous site investigation as part of this evaluation. 1.1 Prior Site Geotechnical Investigations The two previous geotechnical investigations by Leighton and Associates were conducted in January to April 1986 (Leighton, 1986) and April to December 1995 (Leighton, 1995), respectively, and included the following scope of work. Review of pertinent available geotechnical literature (including previous geotechnical reports), geologic maps, and aerial photographs. Geologic mapping of bedrock and surficial units on the site. Subsurface exploration consisting of the excavation, logging and sampling of a combined total of 14 backhoe trenches, 12 small-diameter borings and 13 large-diameter borings. The trenches and borings were logged by a geologist from our firm and subsequently backfilled. Logs of the trenches and borings are included in Appendix B. The approximate locations of the exploratory trenches and borings are shown on the Geotechnical Map (Plate 1). Laboratory testing of samples collected during our subsurface exploration. Geotechnical analysis of the data accumulated during our supplemental investigation (including preparation of eight geologic cross sections [Cross Sections A-A through H-H1] and slope stability analysis). Preparation of a preliminary geotechnical report (Leighton, 1986) and a supplemental geotechnical report (Leighton, 1995) presenting our findings, conclusions and recommendations relative to site development. -1 - PROJECT SITE BASE MAP: Thomas Bros. GeoFinder for Windows, San Diego Coirrty, 1995, Page 1147 0 2000 4000 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET Shelley Property C.T. 90-3 Carlsbad, California . l&a\851855. OO8\e1rmfting\851855sl. cvs SITE LOCATION MAP PROJECT No. 4851855-008 DATE September 1998 LnJ FIGURE No. 1 4851855-008 1.2 Current Site Investigation In accordance with your request, we have performed a supplemental geotechnical investigation of the subject site and have updated the previously prepared geotechnical reports to correspond to the current development plans. The purpose of our current geotechnical investigation was to evaluate, 1) provide additional data to better define the geotechnical concerns which were identified during the previous investigations; and 2) address new concerns that have resulted from a revision of the tentative tract map, including the widening and improvement of Rancho Santa Fe Road. The scope of services performed during our geotechnical investigation included field and laboratory studies to provide basic data for the geotechnical evaluation of the proposed development at the site. Specifically, we performed: Review of pertinent available geotechnical literature (including previous geotechnical reports), geologic maps, and aerial photographs (Appendix A). Review of the revised site development plans and analysis of the geotechnical issues. Geologic reconnaissance and field mapping. An additional subsurface exploration program consisting of the excavation, sampling and logging of 5 small-diameter exploratory borings and 4 cone penetrometer test (CPT) soundings. The borings and CPT soundings were excavated to evaluate the characteristics of the subsurface soils. All borings were subsequently backfilled. Logs of the borings and CPT soundings are presented in Appendix B. Laboratory testing of representative samples obtained during our subsurface exploration (Appendix C). Geotechnical analysis of the data accumulated during our supplemental investigation (including revision of the five geologic cross sections [Cross Sections A-A' through E-F and preparation of three additional Cross Sections F-F' through H-H"] and refinements of our settlement evaluation and slope stability analysis) utilizing the revised project plan. Preparation of this report presenting our findings, conclusions and recommendations with respect to the proposed site development. The approximate limits of the geologic units encountered and boring and CPT sounding locations of this investigation and the previously excavated borings and trenches are presented on the Geotechnical Map (Plate 1). The 80-scale tentative map prepared by Project Design Consultants (PDC, 1998) was utilized as a base map for the Geotechnical Map. -3- 4851855-008 1.3 Site Description and Proposed Development The subject property encompasses approximately 104 acres of gently sloping to nearly flat land located southeast of the intersection of Rancho Santa Fe and Olivenhain Roads in the southern portion of the City of Carlsbad, California (Figure 1). Topographically, the site generally consists of a relatively flat, generally east-west trending drainage flanked on the north and south by gently sloping hillside terrain. Elevations range from a high of approximately 260± feet Mean Sea Level (MSL) within the southeast portion of the site to a low of 107± feet (MSL) within the major drainage bottom in the northwestern portion of the site. Natural drainage is presently accomplished through a network of minor ravines and ultimately through an east-west trending major canyon. Vegetation on the site consists mainly of native grasses and weeds. The majority of the site has have been periodically disked/plowed. Man-made features on the site are limited to several dirt roads which cross the property, fences along the north, west, and south property lines and the documented fill placed in the northeast portion of the site. During the development of the school site (located next to the southwest corner of the site, excess soil was placed within the project boundaries as compacted fill under the observation and testing of Southern California Soils and Testing, Inc. The compacted fill soils are located in the northeastern portion of the site (Plate 1). Based on our review of the As-Graded Report for the EUSD stockpile (Southern California Testing, 1993), the compacted fill was placed on competent material. Up to a maximum of approximately 35 feet of fill was placed in the stockpile. A short subdrain which outlets into the ungraded portion of the site was also placed during the grading operations. As part of this investigation, several borings were drilled within these fill soils to evaluate their engineering properties. Based on the preliminary grading plans of the site (PDC, 1998), the planned development will include a total of approximately 252 lots, streets, open spaces and associated improvements (e.g. underground utilities, etc.). In addition, the site development will include the widening and improvement of Rancho Santa Fe Road. The improvements of Rancho Santa Fe Road will include widening of the roadway and construction of new drainage facilities (box culverts) under the roadway. The roadway improvements will include the placement of 2 to 3 feet of additional fill above the current road grade and widening of the roadway alignment. In areas where the roadway will be widened, a maximum of approximately 10 feet of new fill is proposed. Because the roadway is a major local thoroughfare and because of the presence of existing utilities, the roadway will remain open during site construction and removal and recompaction of the existing roadway fill is not practical. 1.4 Surface Investigation and Laboratory Testing Our current supplemental subsurface investigation consisted of the excavation, logging and sampling of 5 small-diameter borings (utilizing a hollow-stem auger drill rig), and 4 CPT soundings. Logs of the borings and soundings are presented in Appendix B. The approximate locations of the borings are shown on the Geotechnical Map (Plate 1). Subsequent to the subsurface investigation, all of the borings were backfilled. -4- 4851855-008 Appropriate laboratory testing was performed on representative soil samples obtained during our subsurface investigation. The laboratory tests included moisture/density determination, expansion index, hydrocollapse, maximum density determination, consolidation tests and Atterberg limits. A discussion of the tests performed including laboratory tests performed during our previous geotechnical investigation (Leighton, 1986) and a summary of the results are presented in Appendix C. The density/moisture determinations of the undisturbed samples obtained from the borings are shown on the boring logs (Appendix B). -5- 4851855-008 2.0 GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS 2.1 Regional Geology The subject site is located within the coastal subprovince of the Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Province, near the western edge of the southern California batholith. The topography at the edge of the batholith changes from the rugged landforms developed on the batholith to the more subdued landforms which typify the softer sedimentary formations of the coastal plain. Specifically, the site is underlain by sedimentary units consisting of the Eocene-aged Delmar Formation which is conformably overlain by Torrey Sandstone. Subsequent to the deposition of these units, erosion and regional tectonic uplift created the valleys and ridges of the area. Recent weathering and erosional processes have produced the Quaternary surficial units including alluvium/colluvium, landslide deposits, and topsoil which mantle the site. 2.2 Site-Specific Geology Formational materials of the Eocene-aged Torrey Sandstone and Delmar Formation and surficial units consisting of landslide deposits, colluvium/slopewash, alluvium, topsoil and documented and undocumented fill soils were encountered during our investigation of the site. The areal distribution of these geologic units are shown on the Geotechnical Map (Plate 1). Our interpretation of the subsurface geologic conditions is also indicated on Geologic Cross Sections, Figures 2 through 7. Each of these geologic units is described below (youngest to oldest). 2.2.1 Documented Fill Soils (Map Symbol - Afo) Documented fill associated with the EUSD stockpile grading operations are located east- central portion of the site (Plate 1). Fill soils derived from soil obtained from the school site were placed up to approximately 35 feet in thickness and are underlain by left in competent place alluvium. These fill soils consisted of silty sands, silty clays and clayey silts compacted under the observation and testing of others (Southern California Testing, 1993). As encountered in our borings, the fills oils consisted of moist, moderately well compacted fill soils with a low potential for collapse or wetting. The alluvium which underlies these fill soils was also moderately dense with relatively high moisture content and a low potential for collapse. 2.2.2 Undocumented Fill Soils (Map Symbol - Afu) Undocumented fill soils were observed in a number of places on the site. As observed, the undocumented fill soils were generally associated with the grading of the Rancho Santa Fe Road and the onsite dirt roads. Undocumented or nonstructural fill was also placed in the eastern end of the stockpile fill. These fill soils generally consist of damp to moist, loose sand and clay. The existing undocumented fills located on the site should be considered potentially compressible and unsuitable in their present state for structural support. In -6- 4851855-008 addition, it has been our experience that areas of trash and debris are often encountered buried within onsite drainages on sites such as this that have a long history of past agricultural use. 2.2.3 Topsoil (Unmapped) The topsoil encountered during our field investigations mantles the majority of the site. The topsoil, as observed, consisted predominantly of a medium brown, very moist, stiff, sandy to silty clay and some clayey to silty sands. These soils were generally massive, porous, and contained scattered roots and organics. The potentially compressible topsoil is estimated to be from 1 to 5 feet in thickness; however, localized areas of thicker accumulations of topsoil may be encountered during grading. 2.2.4 Colluvium (Map Symbol - Ocol) Potentially compressible deposits of colluvium/slope wash are located in the broad drainage swale in the northeast portion of the site and mantle the middle and lower portions of the onsite natural slopes and tributary drainage courses that are composed of the Delmar Formation claystone. These soils generally consist of brown, stiff to medium dense silty clays and silty sands. The colluvium/slope wash is considered potentially compressible and unsuitable for structural support in its present state. 2.2.5 Alluvium (Map Symbol - Qal) Potentially compressible deposits of alluvium were encountered in the major and tributary drainages onsite. In the tributary drainages, the alluvium was alluvium was generally dry, porous and contained scattered bits of organics. This material is potentially compressible upon wetting and should be entirely removed in areas of planned grading. In the smaller drainages, this material is typically on the order of 5 to 15+ feet in depth. In the major onsite drainages, which includes the main east-west trending drainage and the north-south trending drainage, which extends below the EUSD stockpile area, the alluvium ranges in depth to +50 feet. The upper dry portion again is dry, porous and potentially compressible. However, at depth, this material is relatively dense and has high moisture contents and is not subject to collapse upon wetting. Some settlement of this material due to increased load such as planned fill soils will occur and will necessitate settlement monitoring (see Section 4.1). In areas of the EUSD stockpile, it appears that prior to placement of the stockpile material adequate removals of dry porous material were made, leaving only materials with relatively high densities and moisture contents. In the main (east-west trending) drainage and adjacent to Rancho Santa Fe Road, ground water was encountered within the alluvial soils at depths that ranged from 4 to 7 feet below the existing ground surface. -7- 4851855-008 2.2.6 Ancient Landslide (Map Symbol - Qls) Six ancient landslides have been identified within the subject property. The approximate limits of these landslides are shown on the Geotechnical Map (Plate 1). In our exploratory borings, the landslide deposits were encountered to a maximum depth of approximately 30 feet or less. The landslide deposits include graben material, relatively undisturbed blocks of formational material and weathered formational material consisting of olive-green mottled orange-brown, moist to very moist, stiff to very stiff, silty clays and dense, silty sands. The material is generally moderately to highly fractured and jointed at depth and highly weathered near the surface and at the toe of the landslides. Landslide basal rupture surfaces, as observed in the borings, consisted either of a mashed and broken zone or an olive-green, moist, stiff, paper-thin to 1/2 inch thick remolded clay seam. Graben development at the head of the landslides appears to be minimal, with no observed significant amounts of compressible infill material. Although not observed, some compressible material may be present at the margins of the landslides. The majority of the landslide deposits are located inside the limits of the planned grading, and therefore, will affect site development. Due to their potentially compressible nature, the landslide deposits within the limits of the planned grading are considered generally unsuitable for structural support in their present condition and remedial measures (i.e. removals to competent material and/or buttressing with compacted fill) will be required to mitigate their potentially compressible nature. Deeper or basal portions of the landslides may be competent and may be left-in-place. 2.2.7 Delmar Formation (Map Symbol - Td) The Delmar Formation as encountered during our field investigation consisted primarily of claystones and siltstones and, to a lesser extent, silty sandstones. The siltstones and claystones generally were olive-green to gray, moist to very moist, stiff to very stiff, moderately weathered, fractured, and sheared. These soils have a high to very high expansion potential. The sandstones as encountered consisted of off-white to gray and mottled yellow to orange-brown, damp to moist, very dense to hard, silty, fine- to medium- grained sandstone. The sandstone was typically massive to faintly bedded (probably cross- bedding), micaceous, iron oxide stained with very occasional pebble to small cobble lenses and claystone rip-up clasts. The sandstone occurs in both lenses (channel infills) and beds of varying thickness. Because of the fractured nature and high expansion potential of the Delmar claystones, these soils will require stabilization where exposed in cut slopes. -8- 4851855-008 2.2.8 Torrey Sandstone (Map Symbol - Tt) The Torrey Sandstone which was encountered at higher elevations on the southern portion of the site consisted predominantly of an off-white to light orange-brown, slightly moist, dense to very dense, silty, fine- to medium-grained sandstone. These soils typically have a low expansion potential and favorable engineering characteristics. The sandstone is moderately weathered (minor to moderate iron oxide staining), and generally massive with minor jointing. Locally this unit is interbedded within the Delmar Formation. 2.3 Geologic Structure The general structure of the bedrock appears to be near horizontal from a regional standpoint although localized steeper bedding attitudes that can be attributed to cross-bedding. Based on the subsurface data, bedding on site within the Torrey Sandstone and Delmar Formation generally exhibits variable bedding with strikes ranging from northwest to northeast with dips typically 5 to 20 degrees to the east and west. Locally, cross-bedding was observed with dips steeper than 20 degrees. Clay seams and/or landslide rupture surfaces encountered in the borings generally trend parallel to the bedding. The clay seams were generally oriented with a slight dip in a westerly direction. Jointing on site is highly variable. Jointing dips were generally moderately to steeply dipping. Jointing was mainly encountered in the upper portion of the bedrock becoming less pronounced with depth. Randomly oriented shears were encountered mainly in the Delmar Formation claystones and siltstones. Numerous wide, diffuse zones of shearing, as well as more well-defined zones were encountered in the bedrock, and is thought to be the result of regional tectonic shearing of the relatively stiff and unyielding siltstones and claystones. 2.4 Our discussion of faults on the site is prefaced with a discussion of California legislation and state policies concerning the classification and land-use criteria associated with faults. By definition of the California Mining and Geology Board, an active fault is a fault which has had surface displacement within Holocene time (about the last 11,000 years). The State Geologist has defined a potentially active fault as any fault considered to have been active during Quaternary time (last 1,600,000 years). This definition is used in delineating Fault-Rupture Hazard Zones as mandated by the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act of 1972 and as most recently revised in 1994. The intent of this act is to "regulate development near active faults so as to mitigate the hazard of surface fault rupture" (Hart, 1994). Based on our review of the Fault-Rupture Hazard Zones, the site is not located within any Fault-Rupture Hazard Zone as created by the Alquist-Priolo Act (Hart, 1994). -9- 4851855-008 No active faults are known to exist in the immediate vicinity of the site and none were encountered in the course of our investigation or previous investigations. The nearest known active fault is the Rose Canyon Fault Zone, located approximately 6 miles west of the site. 2.5 Seismicity The subject property can be considered to lie within a seismically active region, as can all of southern California. Seismic hazards that may affect the site include ground shaking, ground rupture along a pre-existing fault, ground lurching, liquefaction and dynamic settlement. The seismic hazards affecting the site are discussed below: 2.5.1 Ground Shaking The seismic hazard most likely to impact the site is ground shaking resulting from an earthquake on one of the major regional active faults. Due to the relatively close proximity of the Rose Canyon Fault Zone to the site, the most significant ground shaking from one of the regional faults will most likely occur on the Rose Canyon Fault Zone. A maximum credible earthquake of moment magnitude 6.9 on the Rose Canyon Fault Zone could produce a peak horizontal ground acceleration of 0.34g. Based on the Uniform Building Code criteria, the site lies within Seismic Zone 4. 2.5.2 Ground Rupture Ground rupture generally is considered to occur along pre-existing fault strands. Since no active faults have been mapped crossing the site or in the general vicinity of the site, ground rupture is considered unlikely. 2.5.3 Liquefaction and Dynamic Settlement Liquefaction and dynamic settlement of soils can be caused by strong vibratory motion due to earthquakes. Both research and historical data indicate that loose, saturated, granular soils are susceptible to liquefaction and dynamic settlement while the stability of silty clays and clays is not adversely affected by vibratory motion (Seed, 1982). Liquefaction is typified by a total loss of shear strength in the affected soil layer, thereby causing the soil to flow as a liquid. This effect may be manifested by excessive settlements and sand boils at the ground surface. Due to the fine-grained and relatively stiff to hard nature of the onsite clayey alluvial soils and the dense or hard nature of the formational material, it is our opinion that the liquefaction potential of these soils is considered low provided the recommendations provided in Section 4.0 are followed. In addition, in areas where saturated sandy (potentially liquefiable) alluvium may exist below proposed fill soils, recent studies (Ishihara, 1985) have indicated that a compacted fill thickness of from 10 to 15 feet (as is -10- 4851855-008 proposed on the site as a minimum) will mitigate the significant adverse effects of liquefaction to surface improvements. 2.6 Ground Water Random seeps were encountered in some of the exploratory borings and a shallow ground water table is present within the alluvial soils in the main drainage on the north side of the site. Since the elevations at which the seepage was encountered were generally below proposed finish grade elevations, it is our opinion that ground water related problems should be minimal provided the recommendations presented in this report are incorporated into the design and construction of the project. It is our recommendation, however that periodic inspection be made by either our soil engineer or engineering geologist during grading operations and/or construction for the presence of ground water. Remedial measures, if any can be recommended on a case by case basis. 2.7 Engineering Characteristics of Onsite Soils Based on the results of our geotechnical investigation, previous geotechnical investigations of the site, laboratory testing of representative onsite soils, and our professional experience on adjacent sites with similar soils, the engineering characteristics of the onsite soils are discussed below. 2.7.1 Alluvial Soils The alluvial soils of the major east-west trending drainage in the north-central portion of the site consists of relatively stiff, fine grained soils that are saturated due to the relatively shallow ground water table. Our subsurface investigation indicated these alluvial soils are up to approximately 40 to 50 feet thick. Based on our review of the revised tentative map, these alluvial soils average 20 to 35+ feet in depth in the proposed fill areas with localized areas of deeper alluvium. In general, proposed new fill depths in these areas are on the order of 10 to 15 feet. Complete removal of the alluvial soils within the main drainage is not practical due to the shallow ground water table and thickness of saturated alluvial soils. As a result, removals can only be accomplished down to near the water table and a settlement monitoring period is recommended. These soils are very clayey and have been tested to possess a consolidation time on the order of 18 to 24 months with the proposed fill loads. In the area of Rancho Santa Fe Road proposed fill depths are on the order of 2 to 3 feet over the top of the existing roadway. Total fill depths in the areas of the new roadway widening are on the order of+10 feet. Recommendations regarding both of these alluvial areas are presented in Section 4.1. - 11- 4851855-008 2.7.2 Expansion Potential The expansion potential of the onsite soils ranges from low to very high. The Torrey Sandstone and sandstone within the Delmar Formation are anticipated to be in the low expansion range. The siltstone and claystone of the Delmar Formation, as well as the alluvial onsite soils should have a medium to very high expansion potential. 2.7.3 Soluble Sulfate Content Based on our professional experience on adjacent sites, the onsite soils should possess a negligible to very low soluble sulfate content. 2.7.4 Excavation Characteristics With the exception of localized cemented zones (mainly within the Torrey Sandstone), it is anticipated that the onsite soils may be excavated with conventional heavy-duty construction equipment. Localized cemented zones may require heavy ripping. If oversized rock is generated, it should be placed to prevent possible settlement of the soil around the rocks, as recommended in Section 4.0 and Appendix D. 2.7.5 Earthwork Shrinkage and Bulking The volume change of excavated onsite materials upon recompaction as fill is expected to vary with materials and location. Typically, the surficial soils and bedrock materials vary significantly in natural and compacted density, and therefore, accurate earthwork shrinkage/bulking estimated cannot be determined. However, the following factors (based on the results of our subsurface investigation, laboratory testing, geotechnical analysis and professional experience on adjacent sites) are provided as guideline estimates. If possible, we suggest an area where site grades can be adjusted be provided as a balance area. Table 1 Earthwork Shrinkage and Bulking Estimates Geologic Unit Topsoil/Alluvium/Colluvium/Slope Wash Landslide Debris Bedrock Materials Estimated Shrinkage/Bulking 5 to 15 percent shrinkage 3 to 8 percent shrinkage 2 to 7 percent bulking* * The clayey Del Mar Formation and the more cemented sandy soils of the Torrey Sandstone are anticipated to bulk more than the slightly friable sands. - 12- 4851855-008 2.8 Slope Stability Our review of the Tentative Map (PDC, 1998) indicate that the cut and fill slopes are proposed at a maximum inclination of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) and up to approximately 43 to 45 feet in height. Our analysis indicates that the proposed fill slopes will have a deep-seated factor of safety of at least 1.5. With regard to cut slopes, our geotechnical analysis indicates the proposed cut slopes should be grossly stable provided unforeseen geologic conditions are not encountered during grading. However, our analysis indicates that some of the proposed cut slopes (especially cut slopes composed of the Delmar Formation siltstone and/or claystone) may be surficially unstable and remedial measures such as the construction of replacement/stability fills along the slope faces are recommended. The result of our slope stability analysis is provided in Appendix E. Specific recommendations concerning the stability of the slopes are presented in Section 4.2. 2.9 Settlement Considerations Settlement of compacted fill soils and underlying saturated alluvium includes short-term (elastic) settlement due to the weight of the overlying fill soils compressing the soil reorienting the soil structure, and driving the water out of the soil structure (consolidation). This typically occurs during and within months (sandy soil) to sometimes years (clayey soils) after grading. In general, silty to clayey soils will compress more slowly than sandy/granular soils. For compacted fill soils long- term settlement, which typically begins on the order of years after the fill soils are placed and is triggered by the additional wetting of the soils due to irrigation/precipitation is also a consideration. This occurs even to properly compacted fill soils and even though subdrains are constructed. Silty to clayey soils typically settle as much as two times the amount of sandy soils (and is dependent upon the field or in-place moisture content of the fill soils). We anticipate that fill thicknesses onsite will be relatively uniform to non-uniform below the proposed residential structures. As a result, some of the lots will have differential fill thicknesses greater than 20 feet. Accordingly, we recommend that some foundations be designed to tolerate differential settlement in excess of 1/2-inch (the amount typically assumed for residential slab-on- grade construction). Preliminary foundation design recommendations concerning differential settlement are presented in Section 4.4. Settlement of alluvial soils will also occur due to additional loads imposed by the planned fill soils. In the main canyon area, the depth of new fill soils over the existing saturated alluvial soils is on the order of 10 to 15 feet. Settlement resulting from these increased fill loads is anticipated to be on the order of 7 to 10 inches. The time frame for the settlement to be within designable limits to allow residential construction is on the order of 18 to 24 months. We define "designable limits" as approximately 1 to 1-1/2 inches of differential settlement in a horizontal distance of 50 feet. -13- 4851855-008 3.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of our supplemental geotechnical investigation at the subject site and our review of the previous geotechnical reports and the Tentative Map (PDC, 1998), it is our opinion that the proposed development of the Shelley Property (Carlsbad Tract No. 90-3) is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint, provided the following conclusions and recommendations are incorporated into the project plans, specifications, and followed during site grading and construction. The following is a summary of the geotechnical factors which may effect development of the site. • Based on our subsurface exploration and review of pertinent geotechnical reports, the site is underlain by the Torrey Sandstone, Delmar Formation, landslide deposits, alluvium, colluvium/slope wash, topsoil, undocumented fill soils and documented fill soils. • The undocumented fill, topsoil, colluvium/slope wash, alluvium and weathered formational materials are porous and/or potentially compressible in their present state and will require removal and recompaction in areas of proposed development or future fill. • In the main drainage course in the north-central portion of the site, deep saturated alluvium is present that cannot feasibly be removed to competent formational material. Removals of potentially compressible alluvium that is above the static water table will be required in these areas. Based on our laboratory consolidation testing, these soils may settle on the order of 7 to 10 inches under loading of the proposed fill soils (as indicated on the tentative map) and may take 18 to 24 months to reach 85 to 90 percent of the anticipated settlement unless other remedial measures are implemented. Recommendations to mitigate this condition are presented in Section 4.1. • The existing onsite soils appear to be suitable material for use as fill provided they are relatively free of rocks (larger than 6 inches in maximum dimension), organic material and debris. • In our previous investigations localized seeps were observed in the large-diameter borings and a shallow ground water condition was encountered in the main drainage. Ground water may only be a significant factor during grading of Rancho Santa Fe Road where it crosses the active stream and areas where proposed fills encroach into the main canyon. • Active faults are not known to exist on or in the immediate vicinity of the site. • The main seismic hazard that may affect the site is from ground shaking from one of the active regional faults. • The maximum anticipated ground acceleration on the site due to a credible earthquake on the Rose Canyon Fault Zone of moment magnitude 6.9 is estimated to be 0.34g. • Due to the clayey and/or relatively dense nature of the onsite soils and the proposed fill thicknesses, the potential for liquefaction and dynamic settlement at the site is considered low, providing the recommendations for site grading (as indicated in Section 4.1 and Appendix D) are adhered to. • Laboratory test results and our experience with similar materials on nearby sites indicate the soils present - 14- 4851855-008 on the site have a negligible to very low potential for sulfate attack on concrete, and possess a low to very high expansion potential. It is anticipated that the onsite soils may be excavated with conventional heavy-duty construction equipment. Localized cemented zones may require heavy ripping. In general, when recompacted as fill soils, the surficial units (including landslide deposits, topsoil, colluvium/slope wash, alluvium, etc.) are anticipated to shrink and the bedrock materials are likely to bulk. The landslides present on the site either should be completely removed to competent formational material or buttressed by compacted fill soils. Remedial recommendations concerning the landslides are presented in Section 4.1. It is anticipated that the planned cut slopes that will be comprised of siltstones and/or claystones of the Delmar Formation will require stabilization measures to mitigate potential surficial instability. A detailed discussion on slope stability is provided in Section 4.2. Potential (elastic) settlement of compacted deep fills is anticipated to mainly occur during or within months of the completion of grading. However, due to the potential for long-term hydroconsolidation settlement, fill differential thicknesses in excess of 20 feet on some of the lots and the expansive nature of the onsite clayey soils, we recommend the use of a post-tensioned foundation design on the majority of the lots. In the area of the Rancho Santa Fe widening, anticipated settlement has been calculated to be 4 to 6 inches over a period of 12 to 18 months. The existing utilities should be evaluated based on this settlement. Placement of the 2 to 3 feet on the top of the existing roadway is anticipated to induce settlement of 1 to 2 inches. -15- 4851855-008 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Earthwork We anticipate that earthwork at the site will consist of site preparation, removals of potentially compressible soil, excavation of cut material, fill placement, and trench excavation and backfill. We recommend that earthwork on site be performed in accordance with the following recommendations, the City of Carlsbad grading requirements, and the General Earthwork and Grading Specifications for Rough Grading (GEGS) included in Appendix D. In case of conflict, the following recommendations shall supersede those included as part of Appendix D. 4.1.1 Site Preparation Prior to the grading of areas to receive structural fill or engineered structures, the area should be cleared of surface obstructions, any existing debris, potentially compressible material (such as desiccated documented fill, undocumented fill soils, topsoil, colluvium/slope wash, alluvium, and weathered formational materials) and stripped of vegetation. Vegetation and debris should be removed and properly disposed of offsite. Holes results from the removal of buried obstructions which extend below finished site grades should be replaced with suitable compacted fill material. Areas to receive fill and/or other surface improvements should be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 to 12 inches, brought to a near-optimum moisture condition, and recompacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on American Standard of Testing and Materials [ASTM] Test Method Dl557-96). 4.1.2 Removal and Recompaction of Potentially Compressible Soils As discussed in Sections 2.2 and 3.0, portions of the site are underlain by potentially compressible soils which may settle under the surcharge of fill and/or foundation loads. These materials include undocumented fill soils, topsoil, colluvium/slope wash, alluvium, landslide debris and weathered formational material. Compressible materials not removed by the planned grading should be excavated to competent material, moisture conditioned or dried back (as needed) to obtain a near optimum moisture content, and then recompacted prior to additional fill placement or construction. The actual depth and extent of the required removals should be determined during grading operations by the geotechnical consultant. However, estimated removal depths are summarized below. Existing Undocumented Fill The existing undocumented fills should be completely removed prior to placement of additional fill. These materials can be utilized as fill materials provided they are moisture conditioned and free of deleterious materials. The estimated removal depths of the undocumented fill soils range from 2 to 4 feet in depth for the fill soils associated with the onsite dirt roads to 10 to 15 feet in the area at the southwest corner of the site. In addition, the undocumented/non-structural fill placed in the -16- 4851855-008 upper or eastern end of the stockpile fill should be removed to competent formational material. The actual depth of these removals should be determined during the rough-grading operations. All trash, construction debris, and decomposable material should be removed and disposed of off site. Areas to receive fill which are on slopes flatter than 5:1 (horizontal to vertical) and where normal benching would not completely removed the topsoil, should be stripped to firm formational material prior to fill placement. Topsoil is expected to be generally 2 to 5 feet thick, although localized deeper accumulations may be encountered during grading. Colluvium/Slopewash In areas to receive fill, the colluvial/slope wash soils on the site should be removed to firm/competent formational material. Removal of colluvium slope wash material will generally require overexcavation depths on the order of up to 3 to 12+ feet. Alluvium The alluvium present in the main (east/west-trending) drainage on the north-central portion of the site is somewhat compressible in its present state. If proposed fill is placed over the alluvium without remedial treatment of the alluvial soils, detrimental settlement will occur. Therefore, overexcavation and recompaction of compressible alluvial materials will be required prior to fill placement. However, due to the existence of surface water and shallow perched groundwater conditions, complete overexcavation of the alluvial deposits, which may extend to depths of approximately 30 to 50 feet in the main drainage course, is not considered practical. Preliminary settlement computations indicate that the proposed fill loads in the main drainage course, without significant removal of the saturated alluvial soils, may induce settlement up to 7 to 10 inches and take 18 to 24 months to reach 85 to 90 percent of the total settlement. We recommend that alluvium be removed to within 2 feet of the static water table where grading is proposed in the main canyon area. It is estimated that the total time-dependent settlement induced by the proposed fill placed over the left-in-place compressible alluvium is on the order of 7 to 10 inches and 4 to 6 inches in the area of Rancho Santa Fe Road widening and 1 to 2 inches where the existing roadbed is elevated. It is anticipated that approximately one- fourth to one-third of the total settlement will occur during fill construction. Settlement monuments should be installed upon completion of rough grading to monitor the settlements. The actual location of the settlement monuments should be determined upon completion of the grading, however, we anticipate the placement of approximately 10 to 15 monuments. A survey of these monuments will be needed - 17- 4851855-008 periodically until settlement has essentially been completed. Methods to reduce this time period may include surcharging or wick drains. The following table presents a summary of the above: Area Rancho Santa Fe Widening Main Canyon Lots Calculated Time for Designable Settlement (inches in 50 ft) 12 to 18 months 18 to 24 months Calculated Settlement (inches) 4 to 6 7 to 10 To Reduce Settlement Time by One-Half By Wick Drains drains at 7 feet on center drains at 10 feet on center By Surcharge Fill 10 feet in height 15 feet in height The above values are average values for the generic model. Actual drain spacings, time and surcharge fill heights will vary across the site. Landslide Deposits The landslide deposits on 1)Lots.131 through 133 and 166 through 170; 2) Lots 91 through 95; 3) Lots 191 through 194, 216 and 217; and 4) Lots 248 and 249 should be removed to competent formational material during site grading to remove the highly disturbed and weathered material. The actual depth of stripping or overexcavation should be determined during rough-grading based on field observations. However, depths of these landslide removals are anticipated to range from approximately 10 to 20 feet in depth. In addition, normal benching should be performed during fill placement. In areas where shallow landslide material extends below proposed cuts, the disturbed and/or weathered landslide material should be completely removed to competent formational material and replaced with recompacted fill. The landslides on 1) Lots 194 through 199, 216 and 217; and 2) Lots 109, 111 and 121 and 122 should be stabilized by buttress fills as indicated on the Geotechnical Map (Plate 1), and the Geotechnical Cross-Sections C-C' and E-F (Figures 4 and 6). The buttress key for the landslide on Lots 194 through 199 and 216 should be a minimum of 30 feet wide with the outer edge of the key below the proposed toe of the proposed fill slope. The key for the landslide on Lots 109, 111 and 121 and 122 should be a minimum of 30 feet wide and the front of the key located below the property line along the back of the lots as indicated on Plate 1. Removals of the unsuitable and potentially compressible landslide deposits outside the buttress key and within the limits of the planned grading should also be made to competent material. The actual extent of these removal should be made on field observations by a geologist from Leighton during rough-grading. - 18- ™ 4851855-008 «" 4.1.3 EUSD Stockpile "** Based on our review of the as graded report of the Encinitas Unified School District m (EUSD) stockpile grading operations and our findings from this study, it is our opinion that with the exception of the upper 5 feet of soil, the compacted stockpile materials are suitable *" to remain in place (provided post-tensioned foundations are used). m Removals of the landslide in the vicinity of Lots 109 through 111 were on the order of 5 to •» 7 feet deep (as indicated on the as-graded map). During the grading operations, the ^ landslide in the vicinity of Lots 90 through 95 and 170 through 174 was activated when the removals were made in front of the landslide. The activated portion of the landslide was m entirely removed during the grading operations (Southern California Testing, 1993) but it ^ is unclear if the entire landslide mass within the limits of the grading was removed. According to the as-graded report, a subdrain was placed across the upper portion of the «• canyon to intercept groundwater seepage at the " contact between the temporary backscarp of the alluvium and compacted fill (elevation 165.0) and not the natural ground at the bottom of the removal" (Southern California Testing, 1993). The outlet should be „. extended and outletted into the open space north of Lots 111 and 122 during future grading operations. 4.1.4 Excavations Excavations of the onsite materials may generally be accomplished with conventional heavy-duty earthwork equipment. It is not anticipated that blasting will be required or that • significant quantities of oversized rock (i.e. rock with maximum dimensions greater than 6 inches) will be generated during grading. However, localized cemented zones may be ** encountered that may require heavy ripping. If oversized rock is encountered, it should be Ml placed as fill in accordance with the details presented in Appendix D. Ml m 4.1.5 Fill Placement and Compaction •*• The onsite soils are generally suitable for use as compacted fill provided they are free of 1-f organic material, trash or debris, and rock fragments larger than 6 inches in maximum dimension. All fill soils should be brought to near-optimum moisture conditions and — compacted in uniform lifts to at least 90 percent relative compaction based on the laboratory maximum dry density (ASTM Test Method Dl557-96). The optimum lift thickness required to produce a uniformly compacted fill will depend on the type and size „• of compaction equipment used. In general, fill should be placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in compacted thickness. Placement and compaction of fill should be performed in general accordance with the current City of Carlsbad grading ordinances, sound nm construction practices, and the General Earthwork and Grading Specifications for Rough Grading presented in Appendix D. - 19- 4851855-008 4.1.6 Expansive Soils and Selective Grading The laboratory test results and our professional experience with similar materials on sites in the vicinity indicate that the onsite soils possess a low to very high expansion potential. As a result, the presence of highly expansive materials within 5 vertical feet from finish grade will require special foundation and slab considerations. In general, this condition should be limited to finish grade pads below an approximate elevation of 190 to 210 feet MSL or where Delmar Formation claystone or siltstone is utilized as compacted fill within 5 feet of finish grade. As an alternative to the special foundation recommendations provided in Section 4.4, you may elect to overexcavated building pads underlain by expansive soils a minimum of 5 feet below finish pad grade and replace with properly compacted fill possessing a very low to low expansion potential (i.e., the sandy soil of the Torrey Sandstone present on the higher elevations of the site). Should this alternative be chose, the overexcavation should extend across the entire lot and be graded such that water does not accumulate beneath the structures (by providing a minimum 2 percent fall of the overexcavation bottom towards the street or existing fill). 4.1.7 Box Culverts In the area where box culverts are proposed beneath Rancho Santa Fe Road, we recommend removals be made to a minimum depth of at least 4 feet below the base of the box culvert. In order to provide a uniform firm base we recommend that base of the removal be covered by a layer of geofabric (such as AMOCO 2002), a one-foot thick layer of clean gravel, and another layer of fabric. Compacted fill may then be placed to the design grades. 4.2 Slope Stability Review of the Tentative Map (PDC, 1998), indicates that cut and fill slopes will be constructed to maximum heights on the order of 45 feet. We understand that these finished slopes are planned at inclinations of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) or flatter. Based on the results of our investigation and our geologic interpretations, the proposed slopes were analyzed for gross stability utilizing Janbu's homogeneous earth slope stability analysis, and surficial stability using the infinite slope equation with steady-state seepage. A summary of our slope stability analyses is presented below. The slope stability calculations are presented in Appendix E. -20- 4851855-008 4.2.1 Deep-Seated Stability Fill Slopes The materials anticipated for use in fill slope grading will predominantly consist of onsite, sandy soils of the Torrey Sandstone or silty to clayey soils of the Delmar Formation. Our analysis, assuming homogeneous slope conditions, indicates the anticipated fill slopes up to the maximum proposed height of 43 feet will have a calculated factor of safety of 1.5 or greater with respect to potential, deep rotational failure (Appendix E). The proposed slopes should be constructed in accordance with the recommendations of this report, the attached General Earthwork and Grading Specifications for Rough Grading (Appendix D), and City of Carlsbad grading code requirements. Cut Slopes Engineering analysis of the proposed 2:1 cut slopes indicates that where free from adverse geotechnical conditions, the deep-seated stability of the slopes, in general, is stable from a geotechnical standpoint. Based on our subsurface exploration (Appendix B), however, we anticipate the majority of the cut slopes on the north side of the project below an approximate elevation of 210 to 220 feet (MSL) may expose silty to clayey material of the Delmar Formation. This material is known to contain weak, fractured claystone material that is prone to slope instability and will require stabilization fills. The parameters utilized in our analysis (Appendix E) are based on our laboratory testing, our experience with similar soil types, and our professional judgement. The parameters utilized are as follows: Material Formational Material Landslide Deposits Graben Material Rupture Surface or Clayseam Alluvium Fill Material Unit Weight (pcf) 135-137 135 135 130 135 135 Friction Angle (degrees) 30 28 20 10 25 25 Cohesion (psf) 500 400 200 100 100 200 The results of our stability analysis indicate that proposed cut slopes have a static factor of safety in excess of 1.5 for gross stability. However, due to the presence of weak, fractured claystone in the Delmar Formation that will be exposed cut slopes, we recommend that stability fills be constructed where the Delmar Formation is exposed in cut slopes. Based on our review of the preliminary plan, stability fills -21 - 4851855-008 will be required on all major cut slopes. The stability fill keys should be constructed with a minimum width of 1/2 the slope height or 15-foot minimum at least 5 feet below the toe-of-slope grade and have a minimum 2 percent into-the-slope inclination. A typical detail for stability fill construction is provided in the attached General Earthwork and Grading Specifications for Rough Grading (Appendix D). All stability fills should be provided with subdrains as shown on the typical detail. We recommend that the geotechnical consultant document and geologically map all excavations including cut slopes during grading. The purpose of this mapping is to substantiate the geologic conditions assumes in our analyses. Additional investigation and stability analysis may be required if unanticipated or adverse conditions are encountered during site development. 4.2.2 Slope Face Compaction and Finishing Due to the high expansion potential of the prevailing soils of the Delmar Formation, special compaction procedures will be necessary in order for the specified compaction to be achieved out to the slope face. Overbuilding the slope faces a minimum of 5 feet and trimming them back or frequent backrolling with sheepsfoot compactors (at 1- to 3-foot vertical intervals) and backrolling the completed slope with a short-shank sheepsfoot may be utilized. 4.2.3 Stability for Temporary Cut Slopes during Grading The temporary cut slopes that will be created during removal of unsuitable materials or construction of the stabilization fills should have acceptable temporary factors of safety during grading. However, since there is still a small risk of slope instability, the possibility of temporary cut slopes failures may be reduced by: (1) keeping the time between cutting and filling operations to a minimum, (2) limiting the maximum length of cut slopes exposed at any one time, and (3) cutting at not steeper than 1-1/2:1 inclinations in locations of adverse geologic conditions and 1:1 inclinations in other locations. It is of utmost importance to schedule the earthwork sequence such that the time between removal and recompaction is reduced to a minimum. Full-time geologic inspection should be performed during backcut excavation, not only to confirm the geologic conditions but also to provide early warning of incipient failure of the temporary excavations and to allow in-construction reaction to accommodate such failures and keep their occurrence to a minimum. 4.2.4 Surficial Slope Stability Surficial stability of the 2:1 (or flatter) fill and cut slopes were evaluated (Appendix E). Our calculations indicate a factor of safety in excess of 1.5 for surficial stability under a 4- foot steady state seepage. However, due to the presence of potentially adverse geologic conditions, we have recommended stability fills along the slopes exposing the Delmar -22- 4851855-008 Formation siltstone or claystone as discussed in Section 4.2.1. 4.3 Control of Ground Water and Surface Waters Based on our preliminary geotechnical investigation, it is our opinion that a permanent shallow ground water table does not currently exist at the site. However, a perched ground water condition is present in the main drainage on the north side of the property. The control of ground water in a hillside development is essential to reduce the potential for undesirable surface flow, hydrostatic pressure and the adverse effects of ground water on slope stability. We recommend that measures be taken to properly finish grade the site such that drainage water is directed away from top-of-slopes and away from proposed residential structures. No ponding of water should be permitted. Drainage design is within the purview of the design civil engineer. Even with these provisions, our experience indicates that shallow ground water/perched ground water conditions can develop in areas where no such ground water conditions existed prior to site development, especially in areas where a substantial increase in surface water infiltration results from landscape irrigation. We recommend that an engineering geologist be present during grading operations to observe and record possible future seepage areas and provide field recommendations for mitigation of future potential seepage. 4.3.1 Canyon Subdrains In order to help reduce the potential for ground water accumulation in the proposed fill areas, we recommend subdrains be installed in the tributary drainage courses prior to fill placement. The approximate locations of the recommended canyon subdrains are shown on Plate 1, Geotechnical Map. Additional recommendations can be made after review of final grading plans. Details for subdrain construction are provided in the attached General Earthwork and Grading Specifications for Rough Grading (Appendix D). The actual need and/or location of subdrainage should be based on the evaluation of the configuration of the canyon bottoms by the geotechnical consultant after the removal of compressible soils have been completed. The installed subdrains should be surveyed for alignment and grade by a representative of the project civil engineer. Sufficient time should be allowed for the surveys prior to commencement of filling over the subdrain. The subdrain outlets should be installed to discharge water into positive drainage devices (eg. storm drain boxes, natural canyon bottoms, etc.). 4.3.2 Buttress and Stability Fill Subdrains Subdrains should be provided in the buttresses and stability fills constructed on site in order to minimize slope instability. The subdrains should be placed along the heel of the buttress or stability fill key across the entire length of the buttress or stability fill. The subdrains should be placed and constructed in accordance with the recommendations presented in Appendix D. -23- 4851855-008 4.4 Foundation Design Considerations The proposed foundations and slabs of the single-family residential structures should be designed in accordance with structural considerations and recommendations presented herein. Since soils ranging from low to very high expansion potential are anticipated as well as lots having a significant fill differential thickness, we provide the following foundation design considerations on Table 2. Table 2 Foundation Type Summary Expansion Potential Very Low to Moderate (less than 9 1 per UBC 1 8-2) High to Very High (greater than 90 per UBC 1 8-2) Differential Fill Thickness Across Each Lot less than 20 feet greater than 20 feet less than 20 feet greater than 20 feet Foundation Type Conventionally Reinforced or Post-Tensioned Foundation (see 4.4. lor 4.4.2) Post-Tensioned Foundation (see 4.4.2) Post-Tensioned Foundation (see 4.4.2) Post-Tensioned Foundation (see 4.4.2) 4.4.1 Conventionally-Reinforced Foundation Design Conventionally-reinforced foundations should be designed and constructed in accordance with the recommendations contained in Table 3 based on the expansion potential of each lot (which needs to be determined upon the completion of grading). Conventionally reinforced foundations are only recommended for lots where the pad grade soils have an expansion index less than or equal to 90 (per UBC Standard 18-2) and a differential fill thickness of less than 20 feet. The vapor barrier recommended in Table 3 should be sealed at all penetrations and laps. Moisture vapor transmission may be additionally reduced by use of concrete additives. Moisture barriers can retard but not eliminate moisture vapor movement from the underlying soils up through the slabs. We recommend that the floor coverings installer test the moisture vapor flux rate prior to attempting applications of the flooring. "Breathable" floor coverings should be considered if the vapor flux rates are high. A slipsheet or equivalent should be utilized above the concrete slab if crack-sensitive floor coverings (such as ceramic tiles, etc.) are to be placed directly on the concrete slab. -24- 4851855-008 Our experience indicates that use of reinforcement in slabs and foundations will generally reduce the potential for drying and shrinkage cracking. However, some cracking should be expected as the concrete cures. Minor cracking is considered normal; however, it is often aggravated by a high water/cement ratio, high concrete temperature at the time of placement, small nominal aggregate size, and rapid moisture loss due to hot, dry and/or windy weather conditions during placement and curing. Cracking due to temperature and moisture fluctuations can also be expected. The use of low slump concrete (not exceeding 4 to 5 inches at the time of placement) can reduce the potential for shrinkage cracking. The slab subgrade soils underlying the conventional foundation systems should be presoaked as indicated in Section 4.4.3 prior to placement of the moisture barrier and slab concrete. -25- l i if i i I 4851855-007 TABLE 3 Minimum Foundation and Slab Design Recommendations (Conventionally-Reinforced) 1 -Story Footings (See Note 1) 2-Story Footings (See Note 1) Minimum Footing Width Garage Door Grade Beam (See Note 2) Living Area Floor Slabs (See Notes 3, 4 and 6) barage Floor Slabs (See Notes 4, 5 and 6) Presoaking of Living Area and Garage Slabs Allowable Bearing Capacity U.B.C. Expansion Index 0-20 Very Low Expansion All footings 12" deep. Reinforcement for continuous footings: one No. 4 bar top and bottom. All footings 18" deep. Reinforcement for continuous footings: one No. 4 bar top and bottom. Continuous: 12" for 1 -story Continuous: 15" for 2-story Isolated column: 24" (18" deep minimum) A grade beam 12" wide x 12" deep (18" deep for 2-story) should be provided across the garage entrance. Minimum 4" thick slab. No. 3 rebars at 18 inches on center, reinforced at midheight. 2" clean sand over moisture barrier. Minimum 4" thick on 2" sand base over moisture barrier on pad. No. 3 rebars at 18 inches on center, reinforced at midheight. Slab should be quarter-sawn. Near optimum to a depth of 6". 2,000 pounds per square foot (one-third increase for short term loading) U.B.C. Expansion Index 21-50 Low Expansion All footings 12" deep. Reinforcement for continuous footings: one No. 4 bar top and bottom. All footings 18" deep. Reinforcement for continuous footings: one No. 4 bar top and bottom. Continuous: 12" for 1 -story Continuous: 1 5" for 2-story Isolated column: 24" (18" deep minimum) A grade beam 12" wide x 12" deep (18" deep for 2-story) should be provided across the garage entrance. Minimum 4" thick slab. No. 3 rebars at 18 inches on center, reinforced at midheight. 2" clean sand over moisture barrier over 2" clean sand. Minimum 4" thick on 2" sand base over moisture barrier on pad. No. 3 rebars at 18 inches on center, reinforced at midheight. Slab should be quarter-sawn. 1 .2 times the optimum moisture content to a minimum depth of 12". 2,000 pounds per square foot (one-third increase for short term loading) U.B.C. Expansion Index 51-90 Medium Expansion All footings 18" deep. Reinforcement for continuous footings: one No. 4 bar top and bottom. All footings 18" deep. Reinforcement for continuous footings: one No. 4 bar top and bottom. Continuous: 12" for 1-story Continuous: 15" for 2-story Isolated column: 24" (18" deep minimum) A grade beam 12" wide x 18" deep should be provided across the garage entrance. Minimum 4" thick slab. No. 3 bars @ 12" each way or No. 4 bars @ 18" each way. 2" clean sand over moisture barrier over 2" clean sand. Minimum 4" thick on 2" sand base over moisture barrier on pad. No. 3 bars @ 12" each way or No. 4 bars @ 18" each way. Slab should be quarter-sawn. 1 .3 times optimum moisture content to a minimum depth of 18". 2,000 pounds per square foot (one-third increase for short term loading) NOTES: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Depth of interior or exterior footing to be measured from lowest adjacent soil grade or drainage swale flowline elevation. The base of the grade beam should be at the same elevation as that of the adjoining footings. Living area slabs should be tied to the footings as directed by the structural engineer. Visqueen sheeting or equivalent is acceptable as a moisture barrier, 6 mil thickness minimum. All laps and penetrations should be sealed. Garage slabs should be isolated from stem wall footings with a minimum 3/8" felt expansion joint. Sand base should have a Sand Equivalent of 30 or greater (e.g. washed concrete sand). 4851855-008 4.4.2 Post-Tensioned Foundation Design We recommend post-tensioned slabs be designed in accordance with the following design parameters presented in Table 4 and criteria of the current edition of the Uniform Building Code. The post-tensioned foundations on the lots should be designed in accordance with lot-specific expansion potential and anticipated long-term differential settlement (if applicable) which will be provided at the completion of grading. Table 4 Post-Tensioned Foundation Design Recommendations for Expansive Soils Design Criteria Edge Moisture Variation, 6m Differential Swell, ym Center Lift: Edge Lift: Center Lift: Edge Lift: Differential Settlement: Allowable Bearing Capacity: Expansion Index (UBC Standard 18-2) Low to Medium (0 - 90) 5.5 feet 2.5 feet 2.5 inches 0.4 inches 1/2 inch 2,000 psf High (91 - 130) 5.5 feet 2.5 feet 4.0 inches 0.8 inches 1/2 inch 2,000 psf Very High (131-200) 5.5 feet 2.5 feet 4.9 inches 1.0 inches 1/2 inch 2,000 psf * For lots of less than 20 feet of differential, fill soils only. In addition, lots with greater than approximately 20 feet of differential fill thickness or lots where saturated alluvium is left-in-place beneath the fill should be designed for future, long-term hydroconsolidation settlement when water enters the fill. We anticipate that a post-tensioned slab system may be a more cost-effective method to tolerate the above noted differential settlement; however, we can review other properly designed foundation systems, if requested. We estimate that approximately 60 to 70 percent of the lots on the site will have fill thickness differentials greater than 20 feet or compressible alluvium beneath the fill. The post-tensioned foundations and slabs should be designed in accordance with structural considerations. Continuous footings (ribs or thickened edges) with a minimum width of 12 inches and a minimum depth of 12 inches below adjacent grade may be designed for a maximum allowable bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot if founded into competent formational soils or properly compacted fill soils. The allowable bearing capacity may be increased by one-third for short term loading. Where the foundation is -27- 4851855-008 within 3 feet (horizontally) of adjacent drainage swales, the adjacent footing (thickened edge or rib) should be embedded a minimum depth of 12 inches below the swale flowline. The allowable pressures may be increased by one-third when considering loads of short duration such as wind or seismic forces. Slabs should be underlain by a minimum of 2 inches of clean sand (sand equivalent > 30) which is in turn underlain by a vapor barrier and an additional 2 inches of clean sand. The vapor barrier should be sealed at all penetrations and laps. Moisture vapor transmission may be additionally reduced by use of concrete additives. Moisture barriers can retard, but not eliminate moisture vapor movement from the underlying soils up through the slabs. We recommend that the floor covering installer test the moisture vapor flux rate prior to attempting applications of the flooring. "Breathable" floor coverings should be considered if the vapor flux rates are high. A slipsheet or equivalent should be utilized above the concrete slab if crack-sensitive floor coverings (such as ceramic tiles, etc.) are to be placed directly on the concrete slab. Our experience indicates that use of reinforcement in slabs and foundations will generally reduce the potential for drying and shrinkage cracking. However, some cracking should be expected as the concrete cures. Minor cracking is considered normal; however, it is often aggravated by a high water/cement ratio, high concrete temperature at the time of placement, small nominal aggregate size, and rapid moisture loss due to hot, dry and/or windy weather conditions during placement and curing. Cracking due to temperature and moisture fluctuations can also be expected. The use of low slump concrete (not exceeding 4 to 5 inches at the time of placement) can reduce the potential for shrinkage cracking and the action of tensioning the tendons can close small shrinkage cracks. In addition to the careful control of water/cement ratios and slump of concrete, application of 50 percent of the design post-tensioning load within three to four days of slab pour is found to be an effective method of reducing the cracking potential. The slab subgrade soils underlying the post-tensioned foundation systems should be presoaked as indicated in Section 4.4.3 prior to placement of the moisture barrier and slab concrete. 4.4.3 Moisture Conditioning The slab subgrade soils underlying both conventionally-reinforced or post-tensioned foundation systems should be presoaked in accordance with the recommendations presented in Table 5 prior to placement of the moisture barrier and slab concrete. The subgrade soil moisture content should be checked by a representative of Leighton and Associates prior to slab construction. -28- 4851855-008 Table 5 Minimum Presaturation Recommendations for Foundation Subgrade Soils Presaturation Criteria Minimum Presoaking Depth (in inches) Minimum Recommended Moisture Content Expansion Index (per UBC 29-2) Very Low (0-20) 6 near optimum moisture Low (21-50) 12 1.2 times optimum moisture Medium (51-90) 18 1.3 times optimum moisture High (91-130) 24 1 .4 times optimum moisture Very High (greater than 131) 24 1.5 times optimum moisture Presoaking or moisture conditioning may be achieved in a number of ways, but based on our professional experience, we have found that minimizing the moisture loss of pads that have been completed (by periodic wetting to keep the upper portion of the pad from drying out) and/or berming the lot and flooding if for a short period of time (days to a few weeks) are some of the more efficient ways to meet the presoaking requirements. If flooding is performed, a couple of days to let the upper portion of the pad dry out and form a crust so equipment can be utilized should be anticipated. 4.4.4 Lateral Earth Pressures The recommended lateral pressures for the onsite expansive soil or granular soil and level or sloping backfill are presented on Table 6. Table 6 Lateral Earth Pressures Conditions Active At-Rest Passive Equivalent Fluid Weight (pcf) Expansion Index Less than 50 Level 35 55 350 2:1 Slope 55 65 150 Expansion Index Less than 90 Level 60 70 350 2:1 Slope 70 80 150 To design an unrestrained wall, such as cantilever wall, the active earth pressure may be used. For a restrained retaining wall, such as a basement wall, the at-rest pressure should -29- 4851855-008 be used. Further, for sliding resistance, the friction coefficient of 0.35 may be used at the concrete and soil interface. In combining the total lateral resistance, the passive pressure or the frictional resistance should be reduced by 50 percent. Wall footings may be designed in accordance with structural considerations. The passive resistance value may be increased by one-third when considering loads of short duration including wind or seismic loads. The horizontal distance between foundation elements providing passive resistance should be a minimum of three times the depth of the elements to allow full development of these passive pressure. The total depth of retained earth for design of cantilever walls should be the vertical distance below the ground surface measured at the wall face for stem design or measured at the heel of the footing for overturning and sliding. All retaining structures should be provided with a drainage blanket or drains (as indicated in Appendix D) and appropriately waterproofed. Surcharge loading effects from adjacent structures should be evaluated by the geotechnical and structural engineers. 4.4.5 Foundation Setbacks We recommend a minimum horizontal setback distance from the face of slopes for all structural footings (retaining walls, building footings, etc.). This distance is measured from the outside edge of the footing, horizontally to the slope face (or to the face of a retaining wall) and should be a minimum of H/2, where H is the slope height (in feet). The setback should not be less than 10 feet. However the foundation setback distance may be revised by the geotechnical consultant on a case-by-case basis in areas of formational material or slopes steeper than 2:1. Please note that the soils within the structural setback area possess poor lateral stability, and improvements (such as retaining walls, sidewalks, fences, pavements, etc.) constructed within this setback area may be subject to lateral movement and/or differential settlement. Potential distress to such improvements may be mitigated by providing a deepened footing or a pier and grade beam foundation system to support the improvement. The deepened footing should meet the setback as described above. 4.5 Retaining Wall Design Considerations Embedded structural walls should be designed for lateral earth pressures exerted on them. The magnitude of these pressures depends on the amount of deformation that the wall can yield under load. If the wall can yield enough to mobilize the full shear strength of the soil, it can be designed for "active" pressure. If the wall cannot yield under the applied load, the shear strength of the soil cannot be mobilized and the earth pressure will be higher. Such walls should be designed for "at rest" conditions. If a structure moves toward the soils, the resulting resistance developed by the soil is the "passive" resistance. For design purposes, the recommended equivalent fluid pressure for each case for walls founded above the static ground water and backfilled with soils of very low to low expansion potential (expansion index less than 50) is provided in Section 4.4.4 and Table 6. Special wall design is recommended for wall backfilled with soils of moderate expansion potential (expansion index less than 90). Soils with an expansion index greater than 90 should not be used as wall backfill. The equivalent fluid pressure values assume free-draining conditions. If conditions other than those -30- 4851855-008 assumed above are anticipated, the equivalent fluid pressure values should be provided on an individual-case basis by the geotechnical engineer. All retaining wall structures should be provided with appropriate drainage. The outlet pipe should be sloped to drain to a suitable outlet. Typical drainage design is illustrated in Appendix D. Wall backcut excavations less than 5 feet in height can be made near vertical. For back cuts greater than 5 feet in height, but less than 15 feet in height, the back cut should be flattened to a gradient of not steeper than 1:1 (horizontal to vertical) slope inclination. For back cuts in excess of 15 feet in height, specific recommendations should be requested from the geotechnical consultant. The granular and native backfill soils should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method Dl557-96). The granular fill should extend horizontally to a minimum distance equal to one-half the wall height behind the walls. The walls should be constructed and backfilled as soon as possible after backcut excavation. Prolonged exposure of backcut slopes may result in some localized slope instability. Foundations for retaining walls in competent formational soils or properly compacted fill should be embedded at least 18 inches below lowest adjacent grade. At this depth, an allowable bearing capacity of 2,000 psf may be assumed. 4.6 Pavement Design Final pavement designs will be calculated utilizing R-value tests taken on the street subgrade soils upon completion of the street improvement operations. The upper 12 inches of subgrade soils should be scarified, moisture conditioned and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction based on ASTM Test Method D1557-96. If fill is required to reach subgrade design grade, fill placement should be performed in accordance with the recommendations presented in Section 4.1. The aggregate base material should be compacted to 95 percent relative compaction. If clayey soils are placed at street subgrade the use of lime treatment should be evaluated. 4.7 Surface Drainage and Lot Maintenance Positive drainage of surface water away from structures is very important. No water should be allowed to pond adjacent to buildings or the top of slopes. Positive drainage may be accomplished by providing drainage away from buildings at a gradient of at least 2 percent for a distance of at least 5 feet, and further maintained by a swale of drainage path at a gradient of at least 1 percent. Where limited by 5-foot side yards, drainage should be directed away from foundations for a minimum of 3 feet and into a collective swale or pipe system. Where necessary, drainage paths may be shortened by use of area drains and collector pipes. Eave gutters also help reduce water infiltration into the subgrade soils if the downspouts are properly connected to appropriate outlets. Planters with open bottoms adjacent to buildings should be avoided, if possible. Planters should not be designed adjacent to buildings unless provisions for drainage, such as catch basins and pipe drains, are made. Homeowners should be reminder of the responsibilities of hillside residences, i.e., the maintenance of proper lot drainage; the undertaking of property improvements in accordance with sound -31- 4851855-008 engineering practice; and the proper maintenance of vegetation, including cautious lot and slope irrigation. 4.8 Graded Slopes It is recommended that all graded slopes within the development be planted with drought-tolerant ground cover vegetation as soon as practical to protect against erosion by reducing runoff velocity. Deep-rooted vegetation should also be established to protect against surficial slumping. Oversteepening of existing slopes should be avoided during fine grading and construction unless supported by appropriately designed retaining structures. We recommend terrace drains on the slopes be designed by the civil engineer and be constructed in accordance with current City of Carlsbad specifications. Design of surface drainage provisions are within the purview of the project civil engineer. 4.9 Settlement Monitoring We recommend the areas where a), alluvium is left-in-place beneath fill, and b). fills are greater than 30 to 50 feet in depth be monitored (by the placement of settlement monuments upon completion of rough grading and periodic surveying) until primary settlement is determined to be essentially complete. A minimum of 10 to 15 settlement monuments are anticipated. Construction of settlement-sensitive structures in these areas should be postponed until anticipated settlement is within tolerable limits based on the analysis of the geotechnical consultant. -32- 4851855-008 5.0 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS The conclusions and recommendations in this report are based in part upon data that were obtained from a limited number of observations, site visits, excavations, samples, and tests. Such information is by necessity incomplete. The nature of many sites is such that differing geotechnical or geological conditions can occur within small distances and under varying climatic conditions. Changes in subsurface conditions can and do occur over time. Therefore, the findings, conclusions, and recommendations presented in this report can be relief upon only if Leighton has the opportunity to observe the subsurface conditions during grading and construction of the project, in order to confirm that our preliminary findings are representative for the site. -33- f *160949 "'f For Legend, see Plate 1. 250- 200- 150- 100- 50- -250 -200 i Recommended stability fill (15'wide, 5'deep key) TD=36.5' 1 Removed landslide deposits to competent formational material Recommended subdrain Td TD=36'' 1 Remove alluvium to within 2' of groundwater -150 -100 50 Elevation (in feet)Elevation (in feet) N22W Scale: 1"=50' (horizontal to vertical) GEOTECHNICAL CROSS-SECTION A-A' Shelley Property C.T.90-3 Carlsbad, California Project No. 4851855-Q08 Scale Ts50' Engr./Geol— Drafted By _ Date Rev. August 1998 JL 1045 889 Figure No. 2 160949 For Legend, see Plate 1. B 200- m 150- 100- 50-1 Avenida Aragon C B Td Recommended buttress TD=51 Elevation (in feet) Td Remove landslide deposits to competent landslide and/or formational material Key bottom 35'-wide along section, 30'-wide normal to slope, @ elev. 85' -200 <150 -100 •50 Elevation (in feet) N30E Scale: 1"=50' (horizontal to vertical) GEOTECHNICAL CROSS-SECTION-B-B' Shelley Property C.T.90-3 Carlsbad, California Project No. 485^855^008 Scale Engr./GeoL Drafted By Date Rev. August 1998 JL 1045 889 Figure No. 3 160949 f'For Legend, see Plate I m M II jfcj, 250- 200- Shelley Property Proposed gradeRecommended buttress Existing grade Recommended stability fill Remove landslide deposits to competent formational material Recommended subdrain 150- 100- Elevation (in feet) N58W Scale: 1"=50' (horizontal to vertical) Elevation (in feet) GEOTECHNICAL CROSS-SECTION C-C1 Shelley Property . C.T. 90-3 Carlsbad, California Project No. 485^855^0^8 Scale faSC' EngrVGeoL JOF/RKW Drafted By 'Kflifr. Date Rev. August 1998 II 1045 889 RgureNo.4 i ii f? t " - t - fl fcg m PI M t^f w ? * . P* M r i $• * ,. . * •^•v For Legend, see Plate 1. D 250- 200- 150- 100- 50- toCD ooTI- oo -=j-T— • ocie ^/^ ^^ ZQaiir ^rj Pregraded topography ^^^ Proposed ^^^ ' grade <^^ ^^ I•t ^^^ ^k i ^,— --.. V — I — \ . AfolAX^ •> ' * - -^ATO ^- w, — " XNI_^1^^-v- •-••^__a,- — — ^ Qls •*"" ^ »g ^ • — * coCOCD LO £ "5" m -S co Existing grade M^^^^ 0 Proposed grade ^^ ^^w _— -^ ^••••^^ ^__ • — -^^ 7^ v^g^_»_^a_^.-v ^^J 3 Recommended stability fill 4 L~^^^ ' <Sioo$>^^ IC^^^^L* ^ Subdratn ^^^K. ____ I _»^— — • — ^-^^ Tt"v- ? D' •-^^ Remove landslide deposits to competent f ^^^^^i^^ formational material if landslide extends *50' below proposed finish grade tr— •: ? ^ TD=40' \ STD=21' ^k^^ _, .„ . Remove disturbed portions- Remove alluvium to competent of |ands|j(je d jts formational material <a Elevation fin feet) ^ Td -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 Elevation (in feet) «•• NSW Scale: 1"=50' (horizontal to vertical) GEOTECHNICAL CROSS-SECTION D-D' Shelley Property C.T.90-3 Carlsbad, California Projc Seal Engr. Draft Date ,rt Nn 485' 855-008r«fey /r,«o. JQF/fiKW edRv KAtt Rev. Augusf 1998 ~P ! 1045 889 Figure No. 5 160949 For Legend, see Plate 1. 200- 150- 100- 50 Avenida Aragon t Existing grade m CO CO Td Proposed grade Qls Remove landslide deposits to competent material CO CXJo> LOeg Recommended buttress Td Key bottom 30' wide @ elev. 85' H200 -150 -100 50 Elevation (in feet)Elevation (in feet) N22W Scale: 1"=50' (horizontal to vertical) r? y GEOTECHNICAL CROSS-SECTION E-E1 Shelley Property C.T.90-3 Carlsbad, California Project No. Scale EngrVGeoL Drafted By Date W Rev. August 1998 IMS 889 Figure No. 6 160949 200- Elevation (in feet) 150_ 100- -200 -150 -100 Elevation (in feet) 200- 150- 100- Elevation (in feet) N58E -100 N51E H 150- 100- Elevation (in feet) 50- Rancho Santa FeRoad o Afu ( Existing topography Td TD=50' N65E H' -150 (Proposed grade Qal Td -100 Elevation (in feet) -50 S-SECTIONS E-F'jjG-G'AND/H.7l:yc </i.'~ff™ ± n~~~LJ, / ft ••'- 6.-X A S* ~ /r C.T.90-3 Carlsbad, California Project No. Scale Engr./GeoL Drafted By Date 4851855-008 Rev. August 1998 I 1045 689 Figure No. 7 A 4851855-007 APPENDIX A REFERENCES Eisenberg, L.I., 1985, Pleistocene Faults and Marine Terraces, Northern San Diego County in Abbott, P.L., Editor, On the Manner of Deposition of the Eocene Strata in Northern San Diego County, San Diego Association of Geologists, Field Trip Guidebook, pp. 86-91. Eisenberg, L.I. and Abbott, P.L., 1985, Eocene Lithofacies and Geologic History, Northern San Diego County in Abbott, P.L., ed., On the Manner of Deposition of the Eocene Strata in Northern San Diego County: San Diego Association of Geologists, Field Trip Guidebook, pp. 19-35. Hannan, D., 1975, Faulting in the Oceanside, Carlsbad and Vista Areas, Northern San Diego County, California in Ross, A. and Dowlens, R.J., eds., Studies on the Geology of Camp Pendleton and Western San Diego County, California: San Diego Association of Geologists, pp. 56- 59. Hart, 1994, Fault-Rupture Hazard Zones in California, Earthquake Fault Zoning Act with Index to Earthquake Fault Zones Maps: California Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 42, 33 p. International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), 1994, Uniform Building Code, Volume I- Administrative, Fire- and Life-Safety, and Field Inspection Provisions, 574 p.; Volume II- Structural Engineering Design Provisions, 1,339 p.; and Volume III- Material, Testing and Installation Provisions, 836 p.: ICBO. Ishihara, 1985, Stability of Natural Deposits During Earthquakes, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 1, No. 7, August 12-16, 1985, pp. 321-375. Jennings, C.W., 1975, Fault Map of California with Locations of Volcanoes, Thermal Springs and Thermal Wells: California Division of Mines and Geology, California Geologic Data Map Series, Map No. 1, Scale 1:750,000. Jennings, C.W., 1992, Preliminary Fault Activity Map of California: California Division of Mines and Geology, Open File Report 92-03, Scale 1:750,000. Leighton and Associates, Inc., 1984, Geotechnical Investigation for Phase B, Vista Santa Fe Portion of Carlsbad Tract 81-16, City of Carlsbad, California, Project No. 4830601-07, dated June 28, 1984. Leighton and Associates, Inc., 1986, Geotechnical Investigation for Proposed Development, East of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Southeast of Olivenhain Road, Encinitas, California, Project No. 4851855-01, dated April 25, 1986. A-l 4851855-007 APPENDIX A (continued) Leighton and Associates, Inc., 1988, Revised Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Vista Santa Fe Units 1 and 2, Carlsbad Tract 85-9, City of Carlsbad, California, Project No. 8881271-02, dated December 6, 1988. Leighton and Associates, Inc., 1992, City of Carlsbad Geotechnical Hazards Analysis and Mapping study, 84 Sheets, dated November, 1992. , Geotechnical Grading Plan Review, E.U.S.D. Stockpile, Shelley Property, A Portion of C.T. 90-3/P.U.D. 90-4 South of rancho Santa Fe Road, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 4851855-0, dated November 24, 1992. Leighton and Associates, Inc., 1995, Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation, Shelley Property, Carlsbad Tract No. 90-3, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 4851855-007, dated December 18,1995. -, Undated, Unpublished In-House Geotechnical Data. Project Design Consultants, 1998, Shelley Tentative Map, C.T. 90-3, 1 Sheet, Scale 1"=80', dated July 21, 1998. Reichle, M.S., and Kahle, J.E., 1990, Planning Scenario for a Major Earthquake, San Diego-Tiajuana Metropolitan Area: California Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 100, 180 p. Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc., 1993, Summary of As-Built Geology, Field Observations and Tests for Relative Compaction EVSD Stockpile, Shelley Property, Rancho Santa Fe Road, Carlsbad, California, dated October 1, 1993. Tan, S.S., 1987, Landslide Hazards in the Rancho Santa Fe Quadrangle, San Diego County, California: California Division of Mines and Geology, Open File Report 86-15 LA, Landslide Hazard Identification Map No. 6, Scale 1:24000. Treiman, J.A., 1993, The Rose Canyon Fault Zone, Southern California: California Division of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 93-02,45 p. Seed, H.B., and Idriss, I.M., 1982, Ground Motions and Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes, Monogram Series, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Berkeley, California. Seed, H.B., Idriss, I.M., and Arango, I., 1983, Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential Using Field Performance Data, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering: ASCE, Volume 109, March, pp. 458-482. U.S. Geological Survey, 1983, Rancho Santa Fe, California Quadrangle: U. S. Geological Survey, 7.5 Minute Series, Scale 1:24,000, Dated 1968, Photorevised 1983. Weber, F.H., 1982, Recent Slope Failures, Ancient Landslides and Related Geology of the Northern- Central Coastal Area, San Diego County, California: California Division of Mines and Geology, Open File Report 82-12LA, 77 p. A-2 4851855-007 APPENDIX A (continued) Wilson, K.L., 1972, Eocene and Related Geology of a Portion of the San Luis Rey and Encinitas Quadrangles, San Diego County, California: Master Thesis, University of California at Riverside, 123 p. Ziony, J.I., and Yerkes, R.F., 1985, Evaluating Earthquake and Surface-Faulting Potential in Ziony, ed., 1985, Evaluating Earthquake Hazards in the Los Angeles Region - An Earth - Science Perspective: U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1360, pp. 43-91. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Date 4/11/53 Source USDA Flight AXN-8M Photo No(s) 14-17 A-3 B BEST ORIGINAL /ltrt~ {^7 -I/ r Date 1/14/86 project Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Drill Hole No. B-12 Sheet 1 of 1- Job No. 4851855-01 Drilling Co. Geo Drill Type of Rig CME-55 iole Diameter 8"Drive Weight 140 Ibs.Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole ±144'Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level* •fs*1 Q-i ^ m!n 1 - 1 am «i **•' *• «W „,.„ •M «. «• •H *» m •m i» Ml H M* W5"S ' 5- 1 J. 10 — - 15- - - 20- - 25- 30- O •H J3 00O. Ort -a •— "• .' •"i"-1- ''.*. ~ ' ' — ?-_7-;^ ±?4?± 2T"_ZJT!; :±7~ r^rr^- "T-~ 0)-a • H 4J "^ 0 <uXI U 3 ^H C6 B >*-iw o3 0O u.>— i L, CO M OH ' I'f 2 [ 3If • - - : • 16 129 10 14 1 1I 4-1• H1/1 C <4-l O OQ a. ^a 12.6 11. C 97.1 0\° §*:4-1 C •H 4-> O Cs ou 13.3 16.5 25.9 t/» /~\t/i •« in u u f-H CO •H •o n SC CL CL Cl/CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged by RH Sampled by RH COLLUVIUM/SLOPEWASH: @ 0'-3' Medium yellow-brown, damp, loose, clayay fine sand • @ 51 Dark red-brown, damp, hard, fine, sandy clay; abundant silt @ 10' Medium gray brown to greenish brown mottled, damp, hard, slightly- sandy and silty clay WEATHERED DELMAR FORMATION: @ 15' Medium olive-green-gray, lightly mottled with red iron staining, moist, very stiff clay Total depth =16' No ground water encountered at time of drilling Backfilled on 1/14/86 - . - • eiahton & Associates Date 1/14/86 Project Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Drill Hole No. B-.13 Job No. Sheet 1 of 1 - 4851855-01 Drilling Co. Geo Drill Type of Rig CME-55 Hole Diameter 8" Elevation Top of Hole Drive Weight ?±135' 140 Ibs.Drop 30 in. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level ,- 4J 4_) Q, IU0) 0)O a. 5 - 10 — 15 - 20 — - - 25- 30- o •H -C 000. 0rt -j CJ 3-—.- — -- — ! .— • "" "* . . r-s- , — . - _ ~2^r~ .zvf1; — —^ • — — '. r.r~. — ^"~^ "~~~_ — ~~~. -7L -=r^-^: ~ — — • to "O3 •M 4-) 1 o Q) _Q ^J3 <-*H D CA (/> Oa oo a, r-l „ cQ f-t0) CU K1 r® • -L- • i.2 B^n © H 3 I13fro DnHi • 1 X •M•H d ^M0) OQ a, X(HQ 115. 6 99.1 02.5 o\° s *3 +J•M C •H «->O CS o 12.7 25.6 21.2 mt/i < — >i/i . u u rH (/> •H • O 3 ' CL/ML CL/CH CL/CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged by RH Sampled by RH COLLUVIUM/SLOPE WASH: @ 5' Dark brown, damp, hard, fine, sandy clay and silt, numerous blebs (1/4") of caliche . - WEATHERED DELMAR FORMATION: @ 15' Dark olive-gray-green, damp, stiff clay; moderately mottled with dark brown clay " @ 20' Medium blue-green-gray, moist, very stiff clay, moderately red mottled Total depth = 21' No ground water encountered at time of drilling Backfilled on 1/14/86 • • 500A (2/77)Leighton & Associates Date 2-11-R6 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Drill Hole No. B-14 Sheet 1 of 2- Project Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe Drilling Co.GeoDrill Job No. 4851855-01 Type of Rig CME55 Hole Diameter 8" Elevation Top of Hole _Drive Weight ±114' 140 Ibs.Drop 30 in. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level a, <u D GJ 3 U, 5— 10- - 15- 20- - 25- - 30- o •H-c ooa, o T. . . .. — : * • " - ; . -' ™ ' ~~~ — — • - — — - — — _^ ti t u d e s < to <U 3 -(— ' DErtto 1 12 P [ . 3 1 2> [ 4 1 5 I • *-*i/l OS 0o u.r-t 4 CQ M<U(X 11 • rI ^> T7/ J "' 1 6 r [j • X •H 10 0) Oa &• X Q 102.7 101. 4 .08.1 04.1 08.6 0\°<U 3 -P* to a)•H 4->O C2 O 13. £ .1, 17.3 21.9 19.4 10 •rd to C_3 U i-H CO•H • O 3 SP/ SW SP/sw CL/ CH CL/ CH CL/ CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged by RH/JAR Sampled by RH/JAR ALLUVIUM: @3' Mottled, reddish brown to grayish brown, moist, loose sand, minor iron oxide staining, fine to medium grain size, trace of silt 05' Mottled, grayish brown to reddish brown, very moist, loose sand, trace of clay, fine to medium grained 010-1/2' Mottled dark grayish brown, moist, very stiff, clay; trace of roots 015' Dark grayish brown, moist, stiff clay; " slightly sandy @20' Grayish brown, moist, stiff clay; slightly sandy . - WEATHERED DELMAR FORMATION: SOOA (2/77)Leighton & Associates Date 2-11-86 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Drill Hole No. B-14 Sheet 2 of 2- Project Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe Job No. 4851855-01 Drilling Co. GeoDrill Type of Rig CME 55 Hole Diameter 8"Drive Weight 140 Ibs. Elevation Top of Hole ±114 Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level Drop 30 in. „ 4-i 4-1 Q, <U 3 U, 35- 40— 45-^ 50- — 0 x ooa, o CT3 _1f-l — - — - — — — — _ dT — 1__3^__ — 1) 3^j • H 4-i < 0 Q) J3 <U 3 ^ ^-* f\iSrt CO (/) Os oO tL, i-H CQ (H0>cx i 6 . •• i II1 OJL O 32 II - w ^ _ *•" - x •H C <4-lV OQ a, X Q 05.9 95.0 (U 3 +-*+-> C<n u•H +-> O C2 o 19.8 27.8 !fl , — x Wl • ct CO U U i— i co •H •O 3co • — ' CL/ CH CL/ CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged by RH/JAR Sampled by RH/JAR @30' Mottled, gray to reddish orange, greenish, moist, very stiff clay; h slightly silty - DELMAR FORMATION: @40' Mottled, olive greenish gray with reddish and orangish staining, damp, hard claystone. Total depth = 41 feet Ground water encountered at 5.5 feet Backfilled 2-11-86 - - SDOA (2/77)Leighton & Associates GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG KEY Date Sheet 1 of 1 Project KEY TO BORING LOG GRAPHICS Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole +/- Drive Weight ft Ref. or Datum Project No. Type of Rig Drop in. E 1 e v a t i o n 1 (f e e t ) &o» o — W ,. Gr a p h i c Lo g '///, '$&A A A A A A A A A A [ 1 #« * • * '.'•'• V # 1 1 1u . . .* f* ,' f & ^cS^J sio4r £>i ; y/y// 'i'.'.'. _I"LZ"LZT 1 1SiwP )_v 0 f&T S_} v- <••4 t*t- ///$•//> in0)4-o ~Riii V} d dJ "E a<n •*- 2 ogu. 0_ ndicate SPT Sample Indicate 1 Sample It +• c«*- 3) a (Scaleswatertime of Mo i s t u r e Co n t e n t ( J O .2. ground evelatdrBng • a__ • CL CH OL-OH ML MH CL-ML ML-SM CL-SC SC-SM SW SP SM SC GW GP CM GC GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By Inorganic clay of low to medium plasticity; gravelly clay; sandy clay; silty clay; lean clay Inorganic clay of high plasticity; fat clay Organic clay, silt or silty clay-clayey silt mixtures Inorganic silt; very fine sand; silty or clayey fine sand; clayey silt with low plasticity Inorganic silt; diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils; elastic silt Low plasticity clay to silt mixture Sandy silt to silty sand mixture Sandy clay to clayey sand mixture Clayey sand to silty sand mixture Well graded sand; gravelly sand, little or no fines Poorly graded sand; gravelly sand, little or no fines Silty sand; poorly graded sand-silt mixture Clayey sand; poorly graded sand-clay mixture Well graded gravel; gravel-sand mixture, little or no fines Poorly graded gravel; gravel-sand mixture, little or no fines Silty gravel; gravel-sand-silt mixture Clayey gravel; gravel-sand-clay mixture Sandstone Siltstone daystone Breccia (angular gravel and cobbles or matrix-supported conglomerate) Conglomerate (rounded gravel and cobble, clast-supported) Igneous granitic or granitic type rock Metavolcanic or metamorphic rock Artificial or man-made fill Asphaltic concrete Portland Cement Concrete - ID* 505A( 11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES DATF 1-6-86 GtGTECHNICAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No. e-1 SHEET _1__OF L PROJECT Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe DRILLING Co. San D1ego Dri11in9 PROJECT No. jasisss-oi TYPE OF RIG Bucket HOLE DIAMETER 3Q inches ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE^J DRIVE WEIGHT Q'-25': 4113. 25'-47':2981. 47'-72':2168 REF. OR DATUM Mean Sea Level DROP _IL IN. J5 (- 1=1 0 •• 5 — ' ™ 10 — _ _ 15 — CJ I 13 0. O <— 1cc.co j£?-xfIfjf2 ~— ~~— m -z_-3 — :_ — ^ — ' ESXf • — -^_~ E"-T^-T P3 —*~=P?2 :"^"X".'l' CO UJO 13 1- h- O ca ujZJ _Jt— Q.s: oo 1h1 H- CO O OU_ oa <x UJn 1 H PitchnHu 2 3 1 I - Push ! 2/6" i— CO•z. u. UJ Ocao. P.O. 4 90.7 91.3 UJce •> t- z CO UJ— h- ^z <-> 29.2 27.1 CO-— ^ CO - t_x_> -100 to — ' CL/CH CL/CH SC/CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1 nnriEp py RH .^fiMPLEP BY RH TOPSOIL/COLLUVIUM g 0'-2' Dark brown-green, moist, soft, clay, abundant roots and rootlets DELMAR FORMATION: @ 2'-4' Dark olive green, moist, soft, clay @ 5" Mottled green and red-brown, moist, soft clay @ 10' Cemented zone with hard cemented clayey fine sand and abundant bivalve shell fragments, numerous fractures infilled with gypsum Total Depth of 10-1/2 feet Excavation Terminated due to cemented zone Mot Downhole logged No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfilled on 1-6-86 - - - - - mf — _ _ _ - SOSAUl/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES 1-6-86 GEQ[ECHNiCAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No. B-2 Shelley/Rancho Santa FePROJECT DRILLING Co. San Diego Drilling SHEET __L PROJECT No. TYPE OF Rig Bucket HOLE DIAMETER 30 inches ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE ±132' DRIVE WEIGHT Q'-25':4113. 25'-47':2981. 47'-72':2168 REF. OR DATUM —Mean Sea Level . DROP _J1.IN, £& M£ o — « 5 _ _ 10 15 — 20 — - 25 — — 30 — 0 X 0Q. O <_J<x <-O i^irin ~13 1 ir^H T - t-S*'X-"- T«J-_-r4'; 8^.'••"^i*s| -H L-u3>>* — . .- . ' - W- —••—"••*.• ^-^-E:- TT I T U D E S <c B:N70°W, 7°S C:N50°W, 10°S C:NO°W, 15°S CS:N32°W, 10°S B:N40°W, 8°S F:N85°E, 37°N F:N4°E, 35°E 0 UJ« tu3 -1 *-£ CO 1 ;, — _ - -_ I - - H-V) O2 0OU- OQ a:UJ 2 8 5 >•t— CO Z LL. UJ <_)(=1 Q- >.a:a 104.5 109.9 110.4 ta l S T U R E IN T E N T , % "-«3 20.0 7.8 13.4 <f>s~* CO -<oo_J -<_x_) -JCyO (/y^ CL/CH CL/CH CL/ 5C/SM CL/CH SM/SW CL/ SM/ML CL/CH SM/SC CL/CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION lnr,r.Fp py P-H/MRS ^AMPI FP PY RH TOPSOIL/COLLUVIUM: @ 0'-2-l/2' Dark olive green, damp, soft, clay; numerous roots, rootlets and root tubuals; abundant cal iche DELMAR FORMATION: @ 2-1/2' -7-1/2' Very weathered blocky, fractured olive green claystone. Red-brown iron stained clay coatings along numerous randomly oriented fractures. Abundant small, short randomly oriented, shear surfaces. Fractures often infilled with gypsum i-t/c. 4 zone OT mottled red, brown, and black, moist, medium stiff, sandy clay^with abundant gypsum. Then gradational undulatory contact cemented sandstone with abundant fossil bivalve fragments @ 8-1/2' 4" zone of extremely fossil i ferrous green clay (50% shell fragments) @ 9'-9-l/2' Green-grey claystone @ 9-1/2' 4"-6" fossiliferous clayey sand @ 10'-14' Laminated mottled green clay with numerous high angle, gypsum filled fractures <a 14' Sharp contact, 3/8" wide zone infilled by gypsum to white and red mottled, damp, dense, fine silty sand @ 20' Clay seam in sandstone. Light grey, moist, hard, claystone with a few fractures @ 22'-24' Interbedded clay, sand and sandy silt in undulatory beds. 022' 2*layers of greenish gray finely bedded siltstone slight water seepage 022' @ 24' Green-gray claystone; massive, numerous randomly oriented shears @ 28-1/2' 6"-8" cemented silty sand layer - - S05A(ll/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES HATE 1-6-86 GtOIECHNICAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No, B-Z PROJECT Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe DRILLING Co. San D1e9° Dri11i"9 SHEET _i OF_2 PROJECT No. "ssisss-oi TYPE OF RIG Bucket HOLE DIAMETER 30 1nch ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE ±132' DRIVE WEIGHT 0'-25':4113. 25'-47':2981. 47'-72':2168 REP. OR DATUM Mean Sea Level DROP 12 d1^ 30 35 — 40 — o X 0Q. O <— 1ceto <; N "=-~—'_ "~~1 AT T I T U D E S o LUoa LU 1— 0- C/5 t-co o20ou_ oa cc:LUQ_ L 4|l4 MNo 1 1 recovc HI i- z u. LU OC30- o:a •y MO I S T U R E CO N T E N T , I CO - °2 CL/CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1 nr,REp RY RH/MRS SAMPLEP PY RH DELMAR FORMATION (cont.): @ 30' Dark green-gray most, very hard, claystone Total Depth of 32 feet Downhole logged to 30 feet Water Seepage at 22 feet Backfilled on 1-6-86 S05A(ll/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES DATE 1/6/86 GLOItCHNICAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No. B-3 Shellev/Rancho Santa Fe DRILLING Co. San Dieci0 Drilling HOLE DIAMETER—^1 SHEET _1__OF _J__ PROJECT No. 485i855-oi TYPE OF RIG Bucket DRIVE WEIGHT Q'-25':4113. 25'-47':2981. 47'-72':2160 DROP 12 IN. ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE ±143' REF. OR DATUM Mean sea level *"~ LJ C3 ^^" o — ' 5 — 10 — - 15 — _ - - 20 - 25 — _ 30— o I 0a. o<— lcc IS S N - - Er =.~C ~ — - . ^5-~x?y TJr^vrf-/X*> Hi fe If^'n'T-T^. — - <-_ -r=. -^ ~'~ *^>_ -"-•-.''•- i- ;•-•-."; '^-^= ~ ^ — - — = - — ~.~ — — ~ ^.—7 r.ri~ "z_ --^.~~ "~ ~r~ "* '^-- :" ^i" =l^:z CO UJo J—1— t B:N40°E, 9°NW General C:N10°W, 4°W C: Grada- tional C: Hori- zontal 0 LU 03 LJ *"!CO - CO O 2 Oou_ CQQ: UJ Q_ 1. Chunk C?) (3) - — — - - I - — - - _ t- CO UJ o (=10. a 102.7 UJcc. - Z3 t— »- Z o -z.•S2 0 20.5 co^^ CO - <_X_J -JOO 0=3CQs-x CL/CH 1 CL/CH CL/SC CL/CH ML/SM SM ML/SM CL/ML SM/ML ML/CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1 nr,r,Fr, pv RH/MRS SAMPLED BY RH TOPSOIL/COLLUVIUM: @ 0'-2-l/2' Dark brown, moist, soft, clay; occasional pieces of gypsum, roots DELMAR FORMATION: @ 2-l/2'-9' Dark olive green, damp to moist, stiff clay- - _ stone; numerous ramdomly oriented fractures, 1 often infilled with gypsum or lined with red-brown iron staining @ 9' 6" zone of mottled and intermixed, green-gray clay and dark red-brown and green cemented sandstone @ 10' Discontinuous fracture in green-gray clay with waxy, striated surface; not remolded @ 13' 1-1/2' zone of discontinuous, green and red- brown, cemented siltstone and fine sandstone @ 14-1/2' Gradational contact over l'-2' to gray-green, moist, dense, silty sand; massive @ 18' Less silt, brown-gray, medium sand @ 20' Sharp undulatory contact, 1/4" zone of red iron stained, clayey silt above to green- brown, moist, very stiff, fine, sandy silt @ 22' 1' zone of red, fine, sandy silt; slightly clayey @ 24'-26' Greenish gray, moist, stiff, silty clay; numerous, randomly oriented, red, clay- lined fractures @ 26' 6" gradational contact to brown-gray, fine, sandy silt/silty sand @ 27' 1' zone of red-brown, silty sand @ 28' Sharp, undulatory, horizontal contact to green-brown, clayey silt - - — - - - _ - - - - _ SOSAU1/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES DATE.1/6/86 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No. B-3 Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe DRILLING Co. San D1e9° Drilling SHFFT 2 OF 2 PROJECT No. 485i855-oi TYPE OF RIG - HOLE DlAMETER-221- ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE ±143' DRIVE WEIGHT Q'-25':4113. 25'-47':2981. 47'-72':2168 REF. OR DATUM Mean Sea Level DROP 12 IN, 11 30 35 — - 40 — 45 — 50 — 55 — 60 — o X O0. 0<— 1<rto S N •t---- '. .-;.'' . :'•'.'•"."•.;''--';,.- . . ^ . "•"-:'•. • "'".'' '• ;-.-_';• -•- ';!:..:• '•'•-:'- '• rr"'-£~r: Zj.~Er£: E-3r3 CO LUr—\ h- O•z. LUMLU 3 _l 1— Q- co - 1-co os oou. oao:LUa. LJ\p £ Z LL. LU Ocaa. rvca LUce » Mo i S T U CO N T E N T <_> ? CO— ^ CO • _l - -ICO CO- SM/ML SM CL/CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1 nr,r,Ep pv RH/MRS SAMPLED BY RH DELMAR FORMATION: (continued) @ 30'-31' Gradational change from sandy silt to slightly cemented sand; finely laminated with undulatory but generally horizontal fine beds of white and red stained sand & 34' Brown-green, slightly silty, medium grain sand; massive @ 35' Slight seepage @ 37' Standing water @ 41' Sharp contact to blue-green, very moist, very stiff claystone Total depth of 43 feet Downhole logged to 37 feet Water level at 37 feet Backfilled on 1/6/86 - - - _ - _ : - - - SOSA(U/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES DATF 1/7/86 PROJECT Shel ley/Rancho Santa Fe GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No. B-4 DRILLING Co. San Diego SHEET _J__OF __L__ PROJECT No. 485i85s-oi TYPE OF RIG—Bucket HOLE DIAMETER 30"DRIVE WEIGHT Q'-25':4113. 25'-47':2981. 47'-72':2168 ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE ±154' REF. OR DATUM —Mean sea Level DROP 12 IN, t fcUJ ,| I—) ^^ o — •• 5 — 10 — 15 — 20 — 25 — - 30 — * I 13 0. O t-JIX S N ^ -=r__^ tn. -^T ~~~ ^ ~ %% m ~%~-tkT*. -J.-. '. ---• ." . ^•'•V'."-'' v~- '• • • •" " '•-.'••V :/- .' •' '. ' " •* * .' •„" • *r .' -=• ^_— f{l pi ^_~^_ ~ — ~-=J»- ^/J~l- ^•E-r |4| —— — ~ ^7^-^. ii •] — — toUJ ID1— , l-<c C:N70°E, 13°E Roughly C:N25°E, 7°SE F-N30°W 32°SW F:N30°E, 25°NW o UJ §3I—a. CO i—in o3: oOLJ- n f"UJ 1 CD . ^. Chunks (D - _ 1 _ — "~ ~ — 4 »- Z U- UJ O .J. o:(=) 112.3 108.9 UJo: « =) h-»- Zin uj— • I— ^ 17.4 6.9 «"- ciJ -ICO CO-—' CL/CH CL/CH ML/CL SM CL/CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1 nRRFr, pv RH/MRS <?AMPI pn RV RH TOPSOIL/COLLUVIUM: 1 @ 0'-2-l/2' Brown, very moist, soft, clay; numerous roots and rootlets DELMAR FORMATION: @ 2-1/2' Green-gray mottled with brown iron staining, moist, soft to medium stiff, clay; increasing silt content with depth I? 5'-8' Olive-greenish gray, damp, stiff, clayeysilt; micaceous, red-brown staining along numerous randomly oriented fractures, mas-sive, slightly softer at 8' @ 8-1/2' 6" wide contact to light brown, damp dense, silty medium to coarse sand; massive 09' Off-white to brown- (more brown with depth),damp, dense, silty sand; medium to coarse grain, coarser with depth @ 17-1/2' Sand is red-brown in color @ 18' 1/2" zone of yellow-red, soft, moist clay,then sharp, undulatory, erosional contact to olive-green-gray, medium stiff clay, slightlysilty; moderately fractured, randomly oriented often with red clay coating & 22-1/2' 8" zone of slightly cemented, silty clay @ 23' Olive-green, moist, very stiff claystone @ 25' High angle, discontinuous, clay-lined fracture @ 28' Fracture as at 25' @ 29'-34' Blue-green, moist, very stiff claystone; mndprafplv fractured randomly oriented _ - - _ ™ - - - - _ - _ - •— - 50SAU1/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES 1/7/86 GtOIECHNICAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No. B-4 Shellev/Rancho Santa FePROJECT. DRILLING Co. San Dieq° Drilling HOLE DIAMETER- SHFFT 2 OF _2 PROJECT No. 485i855-oi TYPE OF RIG CP DRIVE WEIGHT Q'-25':4113. 25'-47':29ai. 47'-72':2168 ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE ±154' REF. OR DATUM Mean Sea Level DROP 12 IN, X . C5 ^^ 30 35 — i 40 — — 45 — 50 — _ 55 — o T CD 0.0<— 1cc S N —-3-- ~^={= W-jjf BlB l~=" - _ "rr-rft 2S|p3 — — _- — .-_- — 3^~ ~~7~ ~- 3rCLfr: IS ^^"-3== to 01 **" o 01 Cfl 013 _) 1 — O.SI 00 i— CO O"X- oOil CQ a: LU 7 H 7 (4) :hunks - _ — i— cao- a:ca LU cc » 3 1—1- z CO LU— 1- ^ z0 1 Q d CO -<oo f V 3 -JGOt— t • ^Os*>-/ CL/CH SC/SM CL/CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION LOGGED BY RH/MRS SAMPLED BY RH DELMAR FORMATION: (continued) @ 31' Small inclusions (1/2" diameter) of dark red- brown to black carbonareous matter (coal) @ 34' Gradual change to very hard, blue claystone, very few shears @ 38'-40' Slightly softer, stiff to very stiff @ 41' 6" to 1' zone of green-gray, moist, dense, clayey fine sand; silty @ 42' Discontinuous lens of light gray, saturated, dense, medium sand on west side of hole; light seepage in this zone @ 43'-48' Blue-gray, damp, hard, claystone, often with slight, red iron staining; a few small polishec shear surfaces Total depth of 51 feet Downhole logged to 48 feet Water seepage at 42 feet Backfilled on 1/7/86 - - - - _ - - __ - SOSA(ll/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Shell py/Ranr.ho Santa FP HATE 1/7/86 PROJECT- DRILLING Co. San Diego Drilling HOLE DIAMETER—3DJ! ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE GEOTECHN1CAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No. B-S DRIVE WEIGHT REF. OR DATUM SHEET __L_OF_JL_ PROJECT No. _ 485i855-oi TYPE OF Pig Bucket 25'-47':2981. 47'-72':2168 DROP 1?IN, Mean Sea I PVP! X .|_ r- UJ u CJ ^— o — 5 — -0 M - - 15 — - — - 20 — _ . 25 — — _ _ 30 — CJ I 130. O a: S N -^r~_r- — • — • '_- '- • •~L-~ •' ' ' • • T •-?'-'-£ "S/'d; '•'-'• 'r- '.. .'.. *•* " ' ' • . -'- r =^s5'•r. ••. •'(• •.'• • • \. '..*•''••'• T- -.-f "v '_!•..'• :, ' >' :-V ^ii •'''.'•'•-'•'. -^sZ."*-'^ p ^~^^~L^— y^_~~ ~±-/^~t^m~&^"^ r— =^=t ^£F-Jr L-T~^- Ife^- ^^S: UIa r^ —1- General C:N75°W, 12°NE C:N70°W, 13°N F:N46°E, 32°SE F:N14°W, 20°NE S:N85°E, 6°N o UICQUIO _J t— Q.z: 1 CD © Chunks d) Chunks f •• - - - - •• - mmm __ _ i—CO O 2 OOU- OQ O£UID_ ' >. COz u, a a. a:a 112.1 UI 3 i—H- Zco ui =Bo 14.3 9 </)^~*V) -<cvo_J . -JC/0 CL ML/SM SM ML SW/SM CL/CH SM CL/CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1 nr,npp pv RH/RI <?AMPI PP> pv RH TOPSOIL/COLLUVIUM: @ 0'-2' Mottled yellow-brown and brown, moist, soft, silty clay; at l'-2' trace of caliche ANCIENT LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS: @ 2'-4-l/2' Greenish gray, moist, stiff, fine, sandy silt; clayey; inclusions and stringers of white to red gypsiferous clay and silt, some clay lined fractures@ 4-l/2'-5-l/2' Gradational change to red to red-yellow mottled, silty fine sand @ 5-l/2'-9-l/2' Yellow-red, moist, dense, silty fine sand; massive, slightly cemented @ 9-1/2' 4" to 6" zone of light gray, damp, stiff, fine, sandy silt, undulatory contacts above and below, no apparent offsets @ 10'-16' Light red-gray to light gray, moist, dense, silty medium to coarse sand; coarse sand generally in discontinuous undulatory layers and pods, massive overall @ 16'-17-l/2' Light to dark red-brown, saturated, dense, silty coarse to medium sand; heavy water seepage @ 17-1/2' Sharp irregular contact to 4" to 6" zone of olive-green-gray, moist, very stiff clay; numerous smooth, polished, shear surfaces @ 18' 1' zone of cemented, fine, gray sandstone @ 19'-29' Green-gray, moist, very stiff, claystone; numerous, randomly oriented fractures often lined with red stained, slightly remolded clay, numerous polished shears @ 22' Continuous fracture, 1/16" zone of discon- tinuous, remolded clay along polished grooved surface @ 25' Fracture similar to 22' @ 27'-28' Slightly softer, siltier clay @ 29' 6" to 1' zone of very heavily fractured, mottled red, brown, and green, moist, soft, remolded clay; rupture surface @ 29-1/2' 1" discontinuous zone of dark red, brown, silty clay _ — ^ - S05A(ll/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES DATF 1/7/Rfi GtOTtCHNICAL DRII i Hoi F No. PRO.IFTT Shellev/Rancho DRILLING Co HOLE DIAMETER. Fl FVATION TOP San Dieao 30" Santa Fe BORING LOG Drillina OF HOI F ±172' DRIVE REF. WEIGHT -Q OR DATUM '-Z5 Mean ':41 SRfl 13. 25'-47' Level SHFFT PROJECT TYPF OF :2981. 47'-72':2168 ? OF No. RIG ? 4851855-01 Bucket 12 [N II 30 — 35 — • ™ 40 — . - - ™ 45 - « 50 — 55 — — - 60 — I 0Q. O <— 1crto S N 5^~~^=r^3~ = £^ i£r ~—^£- aL-Tictezij/^r- ^^r_- ?^t^ ^N^1"— ^L^^-5f-zr.r iriSHl- ErtL:E ~ — — ~_^ ~4-~~v ^ZL- • -J7 5f^r': ^S~z EJrf ^-^~Z-T Er^l-f^S E.J-E:"— K 1 it: ^r ^ — j^=~- ~ ^\- AT T I T U D E S C:N85°E, 12°N o LU t-in o3: 0ou. D3CC LUQ_ ® u 2 IsnunHUu 3H7 Pn © Chunk _ _ __ - ^m - - — - -~ H co Z U- LU Uno. CC l=> 98.3 116.5 LUCC - 3 1- CO LU 24.1 14.8 CO - -100 0=3 CL/CH CL/CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION lnr;r,ED BY RH/RI SAMPLED BY RH DELMAR FORMATION: @ 29-l/2'-31' Dark green-gray, moist, stiff, randomly fractured claystone @ 31'-33' Reddish gray, damp, very stiff clay, finely laminated and interbedded with blue-gray clay; densely fractured, randomly oriented, yellow clay on numerous fractures and laminae; @ 31' discontinuous zone of black organic carbonaceous material l"-2" thick @ 33 '-35' Jumbled intermixed red, brown, and green- brown clay with yellow clay along numerous, randomly oriented fractures and shear sur- faces; numerous pieces of carbonized wood and coal; numerous gypsum in fillings along fractures @ 35' 6" to 8" zone of dark gray to black inter- bedded with red (1/4" to 1" interbeds), moist, soft, clay and silty clay @ 35-1/2' Sharp contact to very stiff, green-gray, fine, sandy claystone; massive, numerous small polished shears, less sand with depth from contact 0 40-1/2' 6" slightly silty zone @ 41' Slightly sandy claystone @ 43'-58' Blue-green-gray, moist, hard claystone, moderately to heavily fractured, fractures randomly oriented, occasional sandy clay layers; numerous smooth, polished, random- ly oriented, shear surfaces, often with thin, red clay coating Total depth of 60 feet Downhole logged to 58 feet Water seepage at 17 feet Backfilled on 1/7/86 " - - - ^ ~ m S05A(ll/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES DATF i/B/Bfi PROJECT- DRILLING Co. San Diego Drilling (jtUILUINIlAL BUR1NG LUG DRILL HOLE No. B-B Shpl Ipv/Ranrhn Santa FP SHEET i op_2 PROJECT No. 485i855-oi TYPE OF HOLE DIAMETER 3Q±_ ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE ±i79' DRIVE WEIGHT Q'-25':4113. 25'-47';2981. 47'-72':2168 REP. OR DATUM Mean Sea Level DROP 12 t£JS-E o — •• c _ 10 • «. 15 — t'U ™ 25 — «• 30 — o X 00. 0<— 1on IZJ s ^ - !_--• E?c:'c~ -"^="-£= S-5- a^'^f1 is^iJisss "". '.'"~\.' t% * •*T'' • * ^^^^"~r ^•-F-^z-x S?^ ^~ ^~->-v- ^TE ^ |r§; =%* ^ TT I T U D E S <c C:N5°E, 30°W Rough Attitude C:N40°W, 4°NE C:Grada- tional Approxi- mately B:N90°W 5°N flS:N55 E 4°M Shears F:N75°E, 35°SE F:N5°E, 30°W Approxi- mately N90°W, 15°N 0 UlCO LUZ3 _l H- Q- OO • 3)Chunk* — — — — i—CO O 2 000. pace LUQ_ Vl8» ' >H coz. u.UJ Ocao. >-o:ca 97.7 99.5 10 I S T U R E 1 NT E N T , % J t_> 14.6 23.4 9 Oy 9 0T <SI^~- CO " <GO_J - C_XJ -lev? O — )c/>- — CL SM/ML CL/CH SM/ML CL/SC SC CL/CH ML/SC CL/CH ML/CL CL/CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1 nr,RPp BY RH/MRS RAMPLEP BY RH TOPSOIL/COLLUVIUM: @ 0'-2' Dark brown, moist, soft, fine, sandy clay; occasional bits and pieces of white and red clav ANCIENT LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS: @ 2'-5' Gradual increase in amount of light yellow to brown, fine, sandy silt; abundant blebs of caliche, several animal burrows infilled with dark brown, fine sand @ 5'-7' Sharp, very irregular contact with 1" to 6" of dark gray-green, moist, soft clay with numerous sheared, randomly oriented, polished surfaces; grades into very mottled yellow, brown, and red, damp, loose, fine, silty sand/sandy silt; numerous chunks of brown, sandy clay/clayey sand; more clay with depth @ 7'-8' Very irregular contact to olive-gray, moist, soft clay; along west side of hole is a 2' diameter pocket of green-gray, clayey sand, clay layer is 6" to 1' @ 8' Irregular contact to greenish gray to yel- low, moist, medium dense, fine, clayey sand @ 10' Sharp, irregular contact to green-gray, moist, soft clay; numerous, randomly ori- ented fractures, abundant caliche @ 12' Gradational contact over 6" to 1' to green- gray, moist, very stiff, silty clay; blocky, numerous randomly oriented fractures @ 12'-15' Gradual increase in red colored clay; red iron staining along fractures, several roots @ 15'-15'9" Very mottled red and gray, moist, stiff clay; very abundant, subhorizontal frac- tures coated with yellow-gray clay and cal iche @ 16' Rupture surface: 1" to 2" zone of red- brown, soft, remolded, saturated clay; extremely sheared, slight seepage along this zone, rough undulatory surface, local, discontinuous black (carbonaceous?) material along rupture surface @ 16'2" 6" zone of moderately fractured, moist, medium stiff clay; thin, yellow clay along fractures DELMAR FORMATION: 9 16-1/2-20' Interbedded green, clayey silty/fine sandand fine, sandy clay; moderately fractured yellow-orange coatings along fractures @ 20' Very highly fractured, randomly oriented several can be traced 1/3 to 1/2 way around hole; very thin, remolded clay along numerous shears; minor seepage & 22-1/2' Minor seepage, wet zone extends around 2/3 of hole in very fractured claystone; 1-1/2' thick zone, thin, remolded clay 1 inings - - - - - - - - 50SA(ll/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES DATE.1/8/86 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No. B-e PROJECT Shelley/Ranrho Santa fe DRILLING Co. HOLE DIAMETER—2DJL ELEVATION TOP OF San Dieoo Drillino SHEET __2__OF__2__ PROJECT No. 485i855-oi TYPE OF RIG Bucket DRIVE WEIGHT Q'-25':4113, ?5'-47':?9Bl. 47'-71':2168 REF. OR DATUM Mean Sea Level DROP IN. i- W C3 30 35 — 40 — 45 — •in - - 55 — 60 — CJ X 0Q. O <— 1CC S N ^=\- "~ ~~ ~ - • J--- r~^~i ' -=-. ~=~p<. — i~ ~7L. jL _ 7~~~— _ 1 ~\ t^ -f-t— . ^T^!*•%. ^r 5--ET =%E.: — -_— ~_j Hg—^=j- 'L-^- ~^~ ' ~L._ ^ — CO UJ h- h- F-NO°W 45°W o UJCO UJ f— Q- co __ ^ - - [- — _ — - 1—<o o 2 Oou_ CQ ceUJ Q_ t z u.UJ U C30. >- t=* UJcc -o t—1- z •— t-o z i_ O in -<cod<J -ICO CO CL/CH SC CL/CH SM/SC GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1 nnrspp py RH/MRS SAMPI FP PV RH DELMAR FORMATION: (continued) @ 22-l/2'-26' Green, very stiff, clayey silt; a few randomly oriented shears, massive @ 26' 1' diameter zones on north and west side of hole of fractured claystone with a few random, polished fractures and minor seepage 0 26 '-30' Hard, green-gray claystone and clayey siltstone @ 30' Abundant, randomly oriented shears; very thin, remolded clay on polished, grooved shears, very minor seepage on north side of hole @ 30-1/2' Hard, massive claystone, abundant, random- ly oriented fractures @ 33' High angle, 1/8" continuous fracture around hole @ 34' Highly sheared zone with red staining on shear surfaces @ 36' Highly sheared zone @ 37-1/2' Very hard, moderately fractured claystone @ 41' 4" zone of slightly cemented, silty clay @ 42' 6" zone of hard, cemented, clayey, very fine sand @ 43'-44' Minor water seep on northeast side of hole in hard, green-gray claystone @ 44'-48' Very hard, blue-green, massive claystone @ 48' Gradational contact to yellow-green, silty fine sand Total depth of 50 feet Downhole logged to 48-1/2 feet Water seepage at 16', 20', 22-1/2', 26', 30', 43' Backfilled on 1/8/86 - — — — - - — ™ — _ "™ - - — — _ - - SOSA(H/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES HATE 1/8. 9/86 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No.B-7 Shellev/Rancho Santa Fe DRILLING Co, San Dieqo Drilling SHEET __i__oF PROJECT No. TYPE OF RlG Riirket HOLE DIAMETER—201 ELEVATION TOP OF HoLE±200' DRIVE WEIGHT Q'-25':4113. 25'-47':2981. 47'-72':2168 REP. OR DATUM Mean Sea Level DROP IN, fE H Q- ...oi ."Jca ^^ o — 5 — 10 — • 15 — _ 20 — - - 25 — » ™ 30 — o I 13o. o<— Ja: S N IS==_ _•— — _ IpyZ --=^1 CS-~ ;±^-ni.:.^-- - •IicZj* '•^TQ."? — ^~ ^z '—^^-~— irr 3£-^-~£Zf"^ir ;_/ — ir1 "V""^ ~*3tE3~/^~ — ;_j^ _ • — — - |g r 3_f =t-— - T_3~ ^_jl i^fft 3d~~— 7— — 3^"-3JE li i?l ~ TI^L — — _ ^-—', co 01 § ^"* 1— C. Mcoy. no w, 29 W F:N86°E, 87°S F:N25°E, 37°SE o 01ca 013 —1I — a-s: 00 t—CO Os oou- OQ ai 01a. u iBPushH H CD — "™ - -•, n Chunk — _ - - - "• - t zo.n i (j O Q. ^.fy 93.2 102.7 OIo: « 3 1— (-2CO OI^-t (.. _Q Z " 27.2 23.6 i/)^~- CO • _J .t_X_J —loo OI3CO CL/ML CL/CH CL/SC CL/CH ML/CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1 nr,f:pp pv RH/MRS CAMPLED BY RH TOPSOIL/COLLUVIUM: @ 0'-3-l/2' Medium reddish brown, moist, soft, silty clay; slightly sandy, a few roots and root- lets to 2' DELMAR FORMATION: @ 3-1/2' 6" zone of light gray and brown, very soft, very moist clay @ 4 '-6' Mottled red and dark brown, moist, soft clay, and sandy clay @ 6' Increase in sand to clayey sand 9 6'-6il/2' Red, clayey sand intermixed with increasing gray-green, soft clay 06-1/2' Irregular 4" erosional contact with 1/4" of red-brown, silty sand above to green-gray, moist, soft clay; clay at contact is soft and sheared but not remolded @ 7 '-9' Soft clay as above @ 9'-20' Blue-gray, moist, stiff claystone; numerous randomly oriented shears, densely fractured 12', less densely fractured afterwards; numerous small zones of fine, clayey silt/ sand, massive; numerous root hairs at 9'-10' @ 17' 4" zone of fine, red clay stainino, often along fractures (old roots?) @ 20-'23' Numerous tight fractures, several with thin, soft, clay linings, randomly oriented; a few can be traced 1/4 way around hole; also several polished, grooved, randomly oriented shears; overall very hard; more clayey with depth 0 27' Slightly softer, silty clay; several high angle, red stained fractures traceable over rnunhlv I/? rtf hnlpuuy IT t jr i/ f- u i MUIC 9 29-1/2' 6" silty zone _ _ - — - - — - - ~ ~ - - — ~ - - _ - - - ~ - SOSA(U/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES DATE. ._CHNICAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No, iki_ Pan.ifn Shelley/Ranchn Santa FP IIW DRILLING Co, San Diego Prilling HOLE DIAMETER %£ ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE SHEET k__or ;_' PROJECT No. _. 4351055-01 TYPE OF RIG Bucket DRIVE WEIGHT Q'-25':4113. 2S'-47':2981. 47'-72':2168 REP. OR DATUM Mean Sea Level DROP 12 IN, 11 30 35 — 40 — - 45 — *• ™ 50 — 55 — «• 60 — o X 13Q- O (X S N -=_— _ EF=V GrErz irr^n. z_ : - — •. . . — rVrr.T; ?T &&z£r |J^ •\---7- '7— . ' .-~7 n — ~--i- — r~Z^IE3^n; 3=. ^~5-^~- ^^ ( ~ • :"• ^ 3=r=^ ~T~~~- —R i= i — — . - ^ _ AT T I T U D E S C: Horizon B:Roughlj Hori- " zontal o UJ CQ UJ 13 _Jt— Q- co (3) tal 0 Chunk: - 1—CO O 3 0 OU- CQO:UJ O_ h- co•z. u.UJ CJca Q. ceca OI S T U R E NT E N T / I iL- O CO - -ico CL/CH sc CL/CH SM CL/CH CL/CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1 nr,RED BY RH/MRS CAMPLED BY RH DELMAR FORMATION: (continued) @ 30'-34' Very hard clay, lightly to moderately fractured, often with red staining and thin, clay coatings along fractures; massive @ 34'-36' Gradational change to light gray, moist, very stiff, silty claystone; inclusions up to 6" in diameter of blue-green claystone, @ 36'-37' Increasing sand with depth to yellow, clayey fine sand at 37' @ 37' Sharp, very irregular but generally horizon- tal, erosional contact to blue-green-gray, moist, hard claystone; numerous polished shears, moderately fractured @ 38" Gradational contact over 6" to gray-blue, fine, clayey sand; massive @ 40' 1' zone of interbedded, slightly cemented, blue-gray, fine sand with red-brown, moist, dense, silty fine to medium sand I? 41'-52' Interlayered and intermixed, blue-gray, fine sand and hard, blue-gray claystone; primarily clay after 43'; numerous shears often with dark red-brown staining along shear surfaces, especially at 44' -48'; massive @ 52'-58' Gradational contact over 8" to very lightly fractured, dark olive-gray, damp, very hard claystone; a very few randomly oriented, polished shears, occasional light reddish gray mottling; massive Total depth of 60 feet 1 nnnoH fn Rfl fppt No ground water encountered at time of drilling Backfilled on 1/9/86 - - - - _ - - - SOSA(ll/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES ...v-nNICAL BORING LOG DATE PROJE DRILI HOLE ELEV/ 1/9/86 ^rf Shellev/Rancho Santa DRILL HOLE No. i Fe ING Co San Dieqo Orillinq Hi AMCTCD 30" \TION TOP OF HOLE ±142' DRIVF WEIGHT REF. OR DATUM . B-8 SHFFT 1 OF 2 PROJECT No. 485i855-oi TVPF OF PlG Bucket 0'-25':4113. 25' -47' :2981 . 47'-72':2168 DOOR 12 ,N Mean Sea Level :r ,_ 0 «• 5 — 10 — 15 — 20— 25— 30— u I 13 CCco S N J~_^ — TZ^- — — Z^ / •*". • '•• • .•• '-j^i ^^ 1 -=£ — ife AT T I T U D E S General Attitude C:N90°W, 20°N B:N70°W, 3°NE C:N40°E, 14°SE RS:N50°E,6°S£ C:Undula Genera Horizoi o LU CO © Chunk ory, iytal - - t-co O20J£LUD_ 1- co•z. u. LU Ucao. o:ca LUo: »Z3 1-\- -z.co ui il CO - _l - -loo CO — CL/ML CL/CH SM CL/CH CL/CH CL/ML GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1 nr,RFn RY RH SAMPLED RY RH TOPSOIL/COLLUVIUM: @ 0'-2' Mottled and intermixed, light green-gray, olive brown and white, damp, soft, clayey lets ANCIENT LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS: @ 2'-6' Medium olive-gray-green, damp, soft clay; numerous inclusions of brownish red, silty fine sand, massive @ 6' Discontinuous 4" to 6" layer of cemented, green-gray, fine sand @ 6'-7' Very undulatory, erosional contact to olive-brown, damp, medium dense, very silty sand; discontinuous 1" band of iron stained sandy clay along contact @ 7' Discontinous, red, oxidized zone grading into brown-white, damp, dense, silty medium to coarse sand; massive with very minor grading of coarse sand grains @ 7'-10' Silty sand as above @ lO'-ll1 Gradational change to light reddish white, medium to coarse sand; occasional small inclusions of green-gray claystone @ 12-l/2'-13-l/2' Very coarse, silty sand @ 15-1/2' Minor cross bedding @ 15'-18' Increasing moisture content with depth; saturated at 18' @ 19' Moderate to heavy seepage @ 19-1/2' 4" thick zone of red, saturated, dense, silty, slightly cemented, coarse sandstone (a 20' Sharp contact to gray-green, blocky clay- stone; abundant randomly oriented frac- tures; several roots along contact; clay along the contact in medium stiff becoming stiff 1/2" away from the contact @ 21-1/2' Rupture surface: 1" thick, continuous band of very soft, wet, remolded clay; very fractured, red and black stained clay with numerous small shear surfaces 2" above and below the rupture surface DELMAR FORMATION: @ 21-l/2'-27' Blocky, green-blue-gray, moist, very stiff claystone; moderately fractured, randomly oriented, numerous short, discontinuous shear surfaces, massive tMH SOSA(ll/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES n*TP 1/9/86 PpQ.iErT_ Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe GEOfECHNlCAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No, B-S DRILLING Co, San Diego Ori11i"g SHEET_J OF_J_ PROJECT No. TYPE OF 4851855-01 Bucket HOLE DIAMETER—^ ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE ±142' DRIVE WEIGHT REF. OR DATUM 0'-25':25'-47':2981. 47'-72':2168 12 Mean Sea Level x H 30 35 — 40 — u X 00. 0<— 1ccL3 <; N -^-^c — ' — -r ^- _ COUJ Q t-K o UJCQ UJ 1— D- 00 - - I— CO O 2 Oou_ oa a: UJ i— CO UJ (_)C5Q- o:a UJ QL -Z) H-h- 'Z.CO UJ Ji CO - _l . -100 c/o — CL/ML GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1 DRRFn RV RH SAMPLED BY RH DELMAR FORMATION: (continued) @ 27' Sharp undulatory, but generally horizontal con- tact to light brown-gray, moist, very stiff, silty clay; abundant, randomly oriented, shear surfaces, especially near the contact; 1' to 3' zone of randomly oriented, heavy fracturing @ 29' Less heavily fractured Total depth of 32 feet Downhole logged to 30 feet Water seepage at approximately 19 feet Backfilled on 1/9/86 - — ™ - - SOSA(U/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date 1/14/86 Project Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Drill Hole No. B-9 Sheet 1 of 2- Job No. 4851855-01 Drilling Co. Geo Drill Jype of Rig CME-55 Hole Diameter 8"Drive Weight 14Q Ibs. Elevation Top of Hole ±156'Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level Drop 30 in. r. 4-J 4-*r> . ^) <1) (I)a u. 0- 5- 10— 15- - 20- - 25 — - 30 o •Hx: ooO, Ooj -1 rH •' .• .;. '. •' • ;•'.' ~ — ; . ' • .' j£.'rrjj-. *— --*—-', . ' '. \ ' * _'._ • ." ,. ' • " r* ""„ "*" • ' i- * •* •. ' •„ * Si "'.—•-* ' - .".' - ^— a /-; — TT-:-' ;:/.;? -^;— .- — 7-^ 100)•o3 4->•H 4-> <C O Do ^ 3 -H H 0En » 4J W Os oo u. i-H 0) IX 16 i IT"r nH ®1B«n10u • 6 3«7 41 .. Dfl r X •HinC 4-10) OQ a, X a 100.6 97.2 97.6 06.6 0) 3 4- •H 4-> O C * 18.4 18.2 17.2 18.9 Irt ,— x 01 .rt tf> rH • U U i— I CO •H • O 3V) ~~> sc/ SW SM/ SW SW SC GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged by RH Sampled by RH ALLUVIUM: @ 5' Interlayered, medium reddish brown to dark brown, moist to saturated, loose, clayey sand and clean, fine to medium sand @ 10' Mottled red-brown and light brown, very moist, loose, slightly silty fine to medium sand @ 15' Reddish brown, very moist, loose, fine to medium sand; trace of silt @ 20' Mottled gray-brown and red-brown, very moist, medium dense, clayey, fine to medium sand @ 25'-27' Gradual increase in drilling hardness WEATHERED DELMAR FORMATION: SOOA (2/77)Leighton & Associates Date 1-14-86 Project Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe Drilling Co. Geo Drill GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Drill Hole No. B-9 Sheet 2 of 2- Job No. 4851855-01 Type of Rig CME-55 Hole Diameter 8"Drive Weight 140 1 bs. Elevation Top of Hole ±156'Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level Drop 30 in. 73 4->O1 Q> 1) 4)d a_ 30- 35- 40- 45- 50- - 55- 60 o •HJ2 aoCU O 1 ~~ "^- tz At t i t u d e s o ri <u 3 -H cfl C/3 </) O3 OO U. rH03 M0) I6 | 26 r M - : - - 4->•H1/1 C <4-lct> uQ a, X 101. o sa Mo i s t u r e Co n t e n t , % 26.8 iple l/) • rt oo U U •H • O 3to ^— ' CL/CH CL/CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged by RH Sampled by RH WEATHERED DELMAR FORMATION: (continued) @ 30' Olive green, moist, very stiff, slightly sandy clay @ 33' Harder drilling DELMAR FORMATION: @ 35' Olive green-gray, moist, hard clay- stone Total Depth = 36' Water encountered at 3' Backfilled on 1/15/86 - - - . - SOOA (2/77)Leighton & Associates Date 1/14/86 Project Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Drill Hole No. B-10 Job No. Sheet 1 of 2- 4851855-01 Drilling Co._^ Hole Diameter 8" Drill Jype of Rig CME-55 Drive Weight 140 Ibs.Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole ±122'Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level r. 4-> 4-1CL, O0) o> ZZ U, 5 - 10 — - 15 - 20 - •i 25 - 30 O•Hjd ooQ, Oca -3 CJT "'.'" ' " '.~l'.'- •~^~ '• T • •• • • •" — ' •' _• — '. ',~- .-^7' — ... — ' ~ •'— -1' .' •-_! ',_-' _=r-: '- ^~ r .^- — '. • — — — — Ul(U-o3 •H < a 0),Q 0)3 ^H H 0aC/3 1r l I 21 [ • * 3 1 » 4-1(n o3 Oo u.rHL, cQ (H <U0. - • 3Ic\ |8 Il6 1] X • H tfl 4) OQ a, X Q 98. c 112. ( 05.] o\°<u 3 4- 4-1 Ctft 0) 'H 4-> i § 11.5 16.9 — 21.4 t tO s~~\(fl «cfl 1O u u i— I CO •H • O 5 5W/SM SC C/SW GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged by RH Sampled by RH ALLUVIUM: - @ 5' Medium reddish brown, moist, loose, slightly silty fine to medium sand @ 6 '-8' Clayey sand . @ 10' Mottled dark gray and dark reddish gray, moist, medium dense, clayey fine to medium sand @ 10 '-20' Interbedded sand and clayey sand - @ 20' Mottled and intermixed dark gray to red-gray, moist, loose, clayey sand to sand - WEATHERED DELMAR FORMATION: £o -ou b ti TT , rea-orange c i ay SOOA (2/7',Leiahton Date 1/14/86 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Drill Hole No. B-10 Sheet 2 of 2- ect Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe ling Co. Geo Drill Diameter 8" Drive Weight Job No. 4851855-01 Type of Rig 140 Ibs. CME-55 Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole ±122'Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level r- 4-1 4-1O, <U0) O 3 X 30- 35- — o•- <.c ooo< o cfl -3JH C3 — _J """" '.'• '-.' ". • .' v . in<U-o 3 4-> •r-t 4-> 4-> < 0 4).n <i 3 -if— i Cirtc/: »•Pw os oo u.i—i U CQ MIUo. i1 1112 16 " 1Pr1 X 4-1 •H (ft C <4-lo oQ 0. X fH Q 95.3 119. C 0\°IU !H - 3 4J •U C(/I <U O C u 28.2 15.1 .t/i , — ,w • 03 LO rH • U CJ • rH CO •H • 0 3 C/5 v — ' 1/CH SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged by RH Sampled by RH WEATHERED DELMAR FORMATION: (continued) @ 30' Medium olive-brown, very moist, very -, stiff clay; numerous blebs of bright 1 red-orange clay (1/2 '-2") DELMAR FORMATION: @ 32' Firmer drilling @ 35' Mottled green-gray and brown, moist, medium dense, siltv fine to coarse sand Total Depth = 36' Water encountered at 11 ' Backfilled on 1/15/86 «tir SOOA 12/77}Leighton & Associates Date 1/14/86 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Drill Hole No. B-ll Sheetj of 2 - Project Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe Drilling Co. Geo Drill _Type of Rig Job No. 4851855-01 CME-55 Hole Diameter 8"Drive Weight 140 Ibs.Drop Elevation Top of Hole ±115'Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level 30 in. t-l TJ +J 0, 0) 0) Oa u. 5- 1 n. uiir^ • „ 15 — ™ " ™ 20- - - - 25- • 30 o •H_c QOa, om -it-i C3 T fffPT/X =3r= rr^r.r — * , ' i *^ •r • * TT- E— — ~ H_ _ j^: ^=I_- ^Elr-- _, ____ •~ '.— -. —••_!, ^r_r^T ti t u d e s *o< 0 (U ^ OJ 3 ^HH O C/3 Ti 2! 4-1 W Oa oo u.i— i L, CQ i-l 0) O. • • L 5 18 8 U X+J•H10C <*-!4) UQ a, XM Q L05.6 L04.5 02. J 0\°<D ^l « 3 4J <-» C (/) 0) •H 4-> i § ^^ T 20.8 22.] 25.1 •i/i / — >(/i •rt COi— i •U U •t— 1 C/3 •H • O 3C/) ^ — ' :L/ML Cl/CH CL/CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged by RH Sampled by RH ALLUVIUM: @ 5' Dark gray to black, moist, very stiff, silty clay; numerous rootlets and root hairs, moderately porous @ 10' Dark brown, moist, stiff, slightly sandy clay @ 10 '-25' Dark brown to gray clay @ 25' Olive gray with black and reddish mottling, very moist, very stiff clay SOOA (2/77)Leighton & Associates Date 1/14/86 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Drill Hole No. B-ll Sheet 2 of 2~ Project Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe Drilling Co. Geo Drill Job No. 4851855-01 Type of Rig CME-55 Hole Diameter 8"Drive Weight 14Q Ibs.Drop Elevation Top of Hole ±115'Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level 3Q in. _ 4-1 4->a, oj<U <L>a u. 35- 40— — „ - 45- ™ 50- 55- 60- o • H.c oo0, 0 Cfl _JMu T-; *V _ '_ _'• • -' "— ' -r - - — ' — L. —77' ; * <• • • •"" *. ' ' * ' r\ ^ _i! "77 ~- f>0)T33 4-> •H<_) •M < oz0)jo aj 3 -H£_ Q C/3 4| r 5 1 6J M 4-> Ifl O5 OO U.i— ( ., rf\ ^-j 0)(X I 919 1 1 112 Il3 " X 4-> •H 10c <w4) O Q 0, X ^Q 03.7 00. / 02.7 0\°<u(H •> 3 4J*J C</) (U •H 4-1O Cs: o5_J 21 6 25.7 25.3 • 1/1 ,— N I/I •nj oo rH •u u•i— i co •H • O 3(/} ' — ' sc SM CL/SC GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged by RH Sampled by RH ALLUVIUM: (continued) @ 30' Mottled red, gray, and brown, loose, saturated, clayey, medium to coarse sand WEATHERED DELMAR FORMATION: @ 40' Greenish, moist, medium dense, silty fine to medium sand; interbedded with finely laminated black and green sandy clay @ 45' Greenish gray, moist, very stiff, interbedded, sandy clay and clayey sand Total Depth = 46' Water encountered at 1 ' Backfilled on 1/15/86 SOOA (2/77)Leighton & Associates HATF 3/31/86 PROJECT Shellev/Rancho Santa Fe GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No. B-IS SHEET _L_oF__2__ PROJECT No. 4051855-01 DRILLING Co,—Morrison TYPE OF RlG Bucket •>#t HOLE DIAMETER—201. ELEVATION TOP OF DRIVE WEIGHT REF. OR DATUM Mean Sea Level IN, X j_ S] u»ca1-1- U 5 — i f\ID — 15 — 20— - - - 25 — — - 30 — o I 0Q. 0<— Jcc s -_ -- >::; • •" •"7T~ r^'/ - _J~^ ^S•"5S^fr . . ^^••—gg. JT — — • — — -"HZ. ^f_ i^-.— ;.f''==m HTv'-r:- •?~r"~- 5^5=3 — _— "~ •__• .- . _! ^. ' ' ' ~~- •rrVT; ; ..'— '-^' ~^i: -^— : •' ' • ^— ; • ' — : — r ' • . I/- — ~ ~~3~f: -l i>~^ ~^/-< V ? iy v~-sV' S?>^ -'^Z^ -^>^f-T^7~d^S"' •^~-t^•"i>_^<Ty' Xjf.1 :;/ CO LU O ~ ^ 1-<c C:N80°W, 9°N11 RS:N60°W,7°N 3:horiz. to N40°E, 6°S B:undulat B:N20°E, 4°E CS:generaN15°Wn i j n i " F:N75°E, 65°N F:N62°W, 55°S :N30 E,no r3 ' . HA C° C.N43 t,ooo cc22 SE :N20°E, 18°S CD LU03 UJ:D _J 1 — O-s: 00 iry lly t-co os o 3^LU 1/3 ^^ U.LU O (=10. >.ceca LUo: »n h-t- z CO LU Js -z. ^^ CO - <GO _J - —JOO O— J oo- — CL/CH CL/SM ML/SM SM CL/ML CL/SC SM SM/CL CL/CH SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1 nr,RFD RY RH/SR SAMPI FP RY COLLUVIUM @ 0'-2': Dark greenish brown, moist, soft clay ANCIENT LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS @ 2'-3': Intermixed mottled brown, colluvial clay and green-gray, moist, soft, sandy si It/si Ity sand § 3 '-T: Olive-gray, moist, very stiff, sandy silt; slightly clayey, highly fractured 0 7': Sharp, contact to bright red-brown and light brown, damp, dense, fine silty sand; less fractured @ 8': Sharp contact to olive-gray, damp, dense, clayey silt and sand interbedded with thin beds of silty sand. At 9.5' more dense with manganese oxide staining @ 11.5': Rupture Surface. 1"-1.5" zone of gray, re- molded clay with gypsum infilled fractures;orange mottled gray clay above and below rupture surface DELMAR FORMATION @ 12'-13': Interbedded orange and gray clay and clayey sand (? 13': Gradational contact to light gray to red-brown interlayered, damp, dense, medium to coarse, slightly silty sand @ 17': Thin (l/4"-l/2"), discontinuous clay seam, medium stiff; manganese oxide staining@ 17'-20': Light tan and yellow mottled, moist, dense, silty sand @ 20'-23.5': Light tan-green and yellow-brown mottled, moist, very dense, silty fine sand; more mottled at 21', numerous high-angle, randomly-oriented fractures, fractures coated with black manganese oxide staining @ 23' : Seepage 0 23.5': Finely laminated, bright yellow-brown and ?reen, fine to medium sandstone with very thin l/8"-l/4") interbeds of sandy clay and light gray, stiff clay @ 24.5': Sharp contact to highly fractured, medium stiff clay; discontinuous l/8"-l/4" layers of soft • clay at contact. At 26' somewhat less fractured anH more firm@ 27.5': Sharp, tight, slightly undulatory contact to light green-gray, moist, dense, fine sand to 31.5' - - - — _ "• SOSA(ll/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG PATP 3/31/86 DRII I Hoi F No. PRO,IE<~T Shellev/Rancho Santa Fe DRILLING fn. Morrison HOLE DIAMETER ^Q" DRIVE WEIGHT ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE ±143' REF. OR DATUM 0-15 Mean Sea Level SHFET 2 OF 2 PROJECT No, 405i855-oi TYPE OF RlG Bucket DRnP IN ^5%£ 30 ) w 35 — 40 — 45 — 50 — 55 — o X V3Q. O <— 1 S N mH -_~-~ ~--i.T. — _— CO UJQID 1- Ji F:N65°E, 40°N F:N20°W, 50°W 0 UJ CQ UJ12 _l t— 0. oo — ^ - — - - — — - - - - CO O'S 0ou_ CQ a:UJ Q_ t- cozu.UJ O ca UJce «o I—1- zCO UJ £i<_> <00 _IOO 0=3 SM CL/SC CL/CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1 nrjRED PY RH/SR SAMPLED BY 1? 31.5': Gradational contact to mottled green-gray with bright purple staining, moist, medium dense clay and clayey sand; very fractured with numerous intersecting fractures, discontinuous, randomly-oriented, polished, sheared surfaces, less broken and fractured with depth @ 33.5'-36': Very hard, slightly fractured, qreen-gray, moist claystone @ 36': Standing water Total Depth = 36.5 Downhole Logged to 36' Groundwater Seepage Encountered at 23' Moderate Caving at 27' to 33' Backfilled on 3/31/86 — - - - SOSACU/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES DATE 3/31/86 PRQJFCT Shellev/Rancho Santa Fe GEOTECHN1CAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No. B-IS MnrHsnnDRILLING Co,— HOLE DIAMETER ^ ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE ^42' SHEET 1 OF .....i PROJECT No. 485i855-oi TYPE DRIVE WEIGHT REF. OR DATUM RIG DROP Bucket Mean Sea Level i~ uj liiEca 0 5 —tj ^^™ 10 — 15 — 20 — 25 — - - 30 — X CD 0- O<— Jon CD s N - - _ — — . — - ~ ~ ~^f*-iC* ~~ L —r^J- "3p — "— -*^r~/^~~~ ~ — z— ^"!j~ "I"""— _— — ^-—~ „"* ~_ ' ^"" — ^~- ~ — JT^J; i'^r 31 ^isH_t\-t >- /fe — -~^-~-_T ~l=l_-".- inrr^r1^- ." ' • T7~ . ;~rrr':'- ."•1"": ; i~^T jtSjr •'• : . '•'••. =ij~- • "~7—-y^ _-- -- '- ^TV^-. CO Ul Q13 ^_ h- B:near horiz. F:N75°E, 76°N B:N75°E, 4°N C: gradati CS:N40°E, 5°S CS: horiz. B:N70°E, 20°N CS:N30°W 4°N o Ulca ui3 — J1— Q-•z. <s> jnal _ - - - ~ - — - - — h- t/1 O3: oou_ pQ ry UlQ_ COZ U. cao. ^_ o:ca Ulce » ID H1- ZCO Ul _O z*-<s CO •<oo d>(_3 -100 O=3 CL/CH CL/CH SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1 nr,nfp pv RH COLLUVIUM @ 0'-2.5': Dark greenish gray-brown, very moist, soft clay DELMAR FORMATION @ 2.5'-4.5': Highly fractured, olive green-gray, moist, medium stiff clay; occasional bits and flecks of caliche @ 4.5'-5.5': One-foot zone of green-gray and dark purple mottled clay ? 5.5': Green-gray clay with abundant randomly orient- ed fractures, orange (limonite?) staining on numerous fracture surfaces, a few very thin (1/10" remolded clay linings @ 6'-9': Gradually less fractured and more firm, very stiff at 7' @ 9'-17': Dark olive green-gray, moist, hard clay- stone; few to moderate number of randomly-orrented, discontinuous fractures, locally some fractures have smooth polished surfaces with yellow coatinqs @ 10'-12': Several thin (1/4") interbeds of orange- brown, sandy clay @ 17': Claystone as above with several discontinuous high-angle fractures, water seepage from these fractures @ 19': Slightly siltier claystone; numerous thin (1/4") continuous laminae of yellow-brown and purple, silty clay beds to 20.3' @ 21': Continuous 1/2" thick red-brown iron oxide cemented sand layer 0 22': Gradational contact to silty fine sand @ 22'-29': Interbedded, fine to medium silty sand green-gray and red-brown; often very mottled, several thin (1/8") stiff clay seams 0 28' Light gray, hard, continuous clay layer 3" thick Total Depth = 30'; Downhole Logged to 29' Groundwater Seepage Encountered at 17' Minor Caving at 19'-25'; Backfilled on 3/31/86 ~ - - - - - - - - tint S05A(ll/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES DATP 3/31/86 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No. B~17 Ppn.iFrT Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe DRILLING Co, Morrison SHEET l OF 2 PROJECT No. 4351355-01 TYPE OF RIG Bucket HOLE DIAMETER—221 ELEVATION TOP OF HoLE±158' DRIVE WEIGHT REF. OR DATUM Mean Sea Level X J_ 5 10 — 15 _ 20 — 25 — 30 X 00. O<— 1cr S M --_-)- i *~ f^^~~J^~T~\ £%£ •r"T' --' •x*"^(^V — ~~lj ~y— "~ ~ 4~ ~i m fe TT I T U D E S "^ C:N55°E, 26°S C:N15°W, 8°E S:E-W, 32°N C:N82°E, 37°S CS-N60°E 6°SE o UJ CQ UJ t— 0-s: co - - - - — CO O 3 O OLJ- CQ £T UJ °~ COz u. UJ Ucan. o:ea bl S T U R E IN T E N T , % <-J CO • —loo oo3 CL/ CH r CL/ CH SM CL/ CH CL/ CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1 nr:r,FD RV RH/MRS SAMPLE" PY COLLUVIUM/FILL @ 0'-2': Medium gray brown, moist, soft clay @ 2 '-4': Very mottled reddish brown, yellow, and gray, moist, soft, clay and sandy clay; roots and root hairs to 4" ANCIENT LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS @ 4'-5.5': High angle contact to olive gray, moist, stiff, clay; with numerous randomly oriented, discontinuous polished shear surfaces @ 6'-6.5': Sharp undulatory contact to nottled @ 7.5': Sharp undulatory contact to olive green- gray, moist, very stiff, clay. Numerous randomly oriented polished shears; a few root hairs in the clay near the contact @ 12': 2"-8" thick zone of very dark brown, moist, soft, sand and sandy clay; carbonaceous; numerous small root hairs (old root zone?). Also @ 12', a 1' diameter clast of mottled yellow-white sandy silt @ 14'-17': Moderately fractured, green-gray clay; fractures are randomly oriented. Occasional lenses and inclusions of cemented calcium carbonate. Clay is medium to very stiff, very "pocky" in appearance, i.e. small pieces and bits of hard clay in a softer matrix @ 17 l/2'-19': Irregular erosional contact with 1"- 2" layer of light yellow-brown sandy silt/silty sand directly over a l/2"-3" layer of dark red-brown to black carbonaceous silty sand, green-qray clay and mottled yellow and red-brown silt below this zone; numerous bits of caliche and gypsum above and below this zone @ 19'-30': "Pocky" green-gray, moist, very stiff clay; often flecked with gypsum and calcium carbonate; occasionally mottled with darker brown sandy silt; moderate number of randomly oriented, discontinuous shears @ 25'-26': Slightly softer zone @ 26.5': Continuous 1/2" clay seam @ 29.5'-32': Water seepage, heavy on north side of hole, light to moderate on south side - - - 50SA(ll/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES 3/31/86 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG DRILL HOLE No. BJT Ppn.igrr Shelley-Rancho Santa Fe DRILLING Co,—Morrison SHEET. PROJECT No.. TYPE OF RIG _OF. 4851855-01 Bucket HOLE DIAMETER 5PJ1 ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE ±158' DRIVE WEIGHT REF. OR DATUM DROP IN, Mean Sea Level I (_ 2j it!*— * 30 35 — 40 45 — 50 — 55 — 60 — o nr ID0. O<— Jcc > N cT-T^*"^yLl~r_». ~ - -X_ ~., — _~-T ; .-; TT-T- i-'-'-'-'- ^L'-JI L^~_v_ to LUQ =3 l- ^C RS:N44°E 30°Nk C:gradati C:gradati o UJcauj 1— Q.Z onal onal - — - — - - - - h-co osoou__lOQQ:UJ l- zu. can. ^.o:ca 01o: »Z) I—1- zto uj — H-_o z ^— o CO •<00_l • -100 O — )C/O^-' CL/CH SM CL/CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Lnr.^ED BY RH/MRS ^^MPLEP BY @ 30': Rupture Surface: One-eighth-inch zone of soft clay along sharp, polished shear surface. Water seepage heavy in fractured material directly below surface on north side of hole. Shear not as well developed on south side of hole; thin soft clay seam can be traced OELMAR FORMATION @ 30'-33': Very heavily fractured claystone; becomes less fractured and more firm with depth @ 34':. Gradational contact to interbedded gray and yellow, damp, very dense, fine silty sand @ 36': Gradational contact to olive-gray, damp, hard claystone" often with thin yellow (limonite') coatings along numerous smooth, grooved, randomly-oriented shear surfaces Total Depth = 40.0 feet Downhole logged to 37 feet Groundwater seepage at 29.5 feet Backfilled 3/31/86 ~ - — - - - - - - S05AU1/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date 4-14-95 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-18 Shelley/Carlsbad San Dieo Drilling Service Sheet 1 of 3 Project No. 4851855-007 Type of Rig Bucket Auger 24 in. •- Elevation Top of Hole 144 ft. Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 2218# to 25'. 1358#Drop 12 in. See Geotechnical Map Jl$ 0 — 5— — - 10— « •• — 15— - 20— ^ 25 — — •V) Gr a p h i c Lo g ^^^ • . * --». • *'•*> — — ~^ iT*"-7 ';?•- *"" ^ " ^"^ *^^^^~" (U TJ3•*- B:N35E4-5SE B:N60E 6 degrees SE •O 01 "OL «DCO ' '1 a! • • CH-OI oa£ a 109.0 98.3 Mo i s t u r e Co n t e n t C O 18.0 24.0 • ^^ • C/J OJ CL CL/ML SM/ML ML GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By RKW Sampled By RKW TOPSOIL @0': Dark gray-brown, very moist, slightly stiff, sandy CLAY; scatteredroots; homogeneous LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS @23': Mottled olive-green and orange-brown, wet, stiff, silty CLAY to clayey SILT with orange-brown to light brown, very moist, slightly dense silty SAND; disturbed appearance; scattered iron oxide staining; " highly weathered; gradational upper and lower contacts@4': Becomes less weathered, blocky to massive and moderately sheared; scattered stringers of dessimated gypsum along shearing @ IS: Grades to a mottled light olive-green to pale olive-gray, moist, stiff, clayey SILT; abundant limonite and orange iron oxide staining, blocky to slightly fissile @9£': Irregular erosional contact to light brown mottled orange brown, moist, dense, silty fine SAND; faintly cross-bedded; slightly micaceous @10.4': Grades to a light brown topate olive-gray, moist, stiff or dense silty - fine SAND to fine sandy SILT; massive; slightly miaceous; iron oxide staining throughout @ 12': Becomes interbedded light brown silty fine SAND and pale olive-gray to pale red-brown clayey SILT with abundant limonite; interbedded sand beds are generally less than 3 to 5 inches thick @14.9': Olive-gray, moist, stiff to very stiff, clayey SILT; massive; moderately sheared; abundant limonite and iron oxide staining along shears; scattered dessiminated gypsum @ IT: Contains discontinuous steeply dipping joints; iron oxide staining along joints _ @ 22': Color change to light olive-gray \@26': Probable rupture surface 7 DELMAR FORMATION@ 26.1': Olive-green, moist, stiff, clayey SILTSTONE; contains scatteredzones of orange, red and purplish red iron oxide staining 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES 4-14-95Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 144 ft. GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-18 Shelley/Carlsbad Sheet 2 of 3 Project No. 4851855-007 San Diego Drilling Service Type of Rig Bucket Auger 24 in.Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 2218# to 25'. 1358# See Geotechnical Map Drop 12 in. •c££"£0.9}Q)«£Uv 30 — 35— — 40— 45 — _ - 50— 55— 0 .C 0)Q.O<0_l & ™~ . - __ ~ ^ *. _._• * , — f*.*"'! * T . • wQJ 34-._• -H<n ° iIDin 3 .0°^ oo H Q. 14 31 C**-01 Ua a. a 118.9 x-\c;i> 5-*-Ifl C._ <u OcEoU 15.1 "ri ••• * ^J _ * ^^ • (O ML ML/SM SM ML GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Loeeed By RKW Sampled By RKW DELMAR FORMATION rContinuedl @ 33': Becomes slightly cemented with minor amounts of fine SAND - @ 37^': Gradation change to olive-green, moist, very stiff to hard, clayey SILTSTONE; massive, moderately sheared (randomly oriented) @ 39.5': Gradational change to dark olive-gray, moist, hard or dense, fine sandy SILTSTONE to silty fine SANDSTONE; massive; unoxidized @45': Grades to a olive-gray, moist, very dense, silty fine SANDSTONE; massive; scattered medium sand grains - @ 485': Grades to an olive-gray, moist, very dense, silty fine- to medium-grained SANDSTONE; very minor seepage @ 49.T: Grades into olive-green to olive-gray, moist, hard, clayev to slightly -sandy SILTSTONE; abundant zones of dark red to purplish red iron oxide staining; moderately sheared; blocky @ 54' to 55.8': Very irregular bed of silty fine- to medium-grained SANDSTONE; massive; very minor seepage 505AC11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-18 Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 4-14-95 24 in. Elevation Top of Hole 144 Shelley/Carlsbad San Diego Drilling Service Drive Weight ft. Ref. or Datum Sheet 3 of Project No. Type of Rig 2218# to 25'. 1358# See Geotechnical Map _3_ 4851855-007 Bucket Auger Drop 12 in. •££!iav/ 60 — 65— 70 — 75 — 80 — 85 — on — u .C 0>Q.O«_j ID 8•U +• +•-•-<c •o 1111(0(/> Pcofca. 314- 'Ji^C4-01 Ua a\^ea Mo i s t u r e Co n t e n t < 5 O | 8"8» "H_w 0 =(0W GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By RKW Sampled Bv RKW Tout Depth = 60 Feet Geologically Logged to 59 FeetMinor Seepage Encountered at 48.5 and 54 to SS& Feet No Caving Backfilled on April 14, 1995 - - - - - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date.6-27-95 Project Drilling Co. _ Hole Diameter GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-19 Shelley/Carlsbad Sheet 1 of 1 Project No. 4851855-007 Sin. Barge's Drilling Service Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 117 ft. Ref. or Datum See Geotechnical Map 1 e v a t i o n 1 (f e e t ) HI 115 110 105- 100 95- 90- II o — - —_ 5 — - 10 — - 15 — ~ 25 — 10 c i c.(' ^>%% II » .0 i // ^iii§ <u •o 01 0. $ 1 2 3 4 5 w»1jB£*""* £_ 22 15 24 83/11" 83/11" cC01 Oa a 3» a 99.4 108.5 109.6 1o i s t u r e nt e n t ( X ) *- ou 23.1 E 21.8 21.4 • &~ CH CL ML ML SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By SAC Sampled By SAC ALLUVIUM @ 0": Dark gray-brown, very moist, stiff, silty CLAY - @ 5': Gray-brown, moist, stiff, fine grained sandy to silty CLAY - @ 10': Light olive-brown, very moist to wet, stiff, fine grained sandy clayey SILT @ 115': Perched ground water encountered @ 15': Mottled olive-green, brown, red-brown, saturated, very stiff to stiff, fine grained sandy to clayey SILT - DEL MAR FORMATION @20': Yellow olive-green, moist to wet, very dense, silty fine SANDSTONE _ @ 25': Yellow to light gray, very moist to wet, very dense, silty fine to medium \ SANDSTONE ( Total Depth = 255 Feet Perched Ground Water at 11.5 Feet Backfilled on June 27, 1995 505A<11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date 6-27-95 Project Drilling Co. GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-20 Shelley/Carlsbad Sheet 1 of 2 Project No.4851855-007 Barge's Drilling Service Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8jn. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 119 ft. Ref. or Datum See Geotechnical Map g llJU^ UJ 115 110 105 100 95- 90- f|Qv~- 0 — ; 5 — - 10 — - 15 — - 20 — — 25— : •V) a an u '/.%ii ^iI V \ I// 0>.0_l ty ^fy t ^I ^\ ^i%\ / s\ &. |AVI<u•t-oZ • 0 01 Q. (O 1 2 3 4 5 +. g£ nLL. 12 28 23 30 26 28 £ c£at oa a 3,^ ^a 100.4 99.4 91.0 cs^11 °"cI— Oa I 23.6 26.5 35.4 jfl^ "^~ • (t)^ sw-sc CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By SAC Sampled By SAC ALLUVIUM @ 0': Brown, moist, dense, clayey silty fine to medium SAND _ @ 5': Sample not recovered @5.5': Perched ground water encountered @ 6': Mottled dark to light brown, saturated moist, very stiff, fine sandy to silty CLAY - @ 10': Light olive-brown, saturated, very stiff, fine grained sandy to silty CLAY _ @ 15': Olive-brown, saturated, very stiff to hard, fine sandy to silty CLAY X. - @ 20': Mottled olive-green and dark to light brown, saturated, very stiff, fine sandy silty CLAY _ @ 25': Mottled olive-green and dark to light brown, saturated, very stiff, fine to medium sandy to silty CLAY _ 505AC11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-20 Date 6-27-95 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole Sin. +/- 119 Shelley/Carlsbad Barge's Drilling Service Drive Weight ft. Ref. or Datum 140 pounds Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig See Geotechnical Map of 2 4851855-007 Hollow-Stem Auger Drop 30 in 1 e v a t i o n (f e e t ) UJ 85 80 75 70- 65- 60- f!o£ 30 — ~~ _ 35— w - ; - 45 — - 50 — - 55 — 0 1O 0).0_l (A01i •o 01 Q. £ 6 1 7 8 [ P §8!"• <Q ai 19 1 : 25 31 3» W/-NCS-01 Oa a\^31h 912 /-* & fcW Q|'IrC5 283 *~ 8"!5"_w• 53 ML ML GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By SAC Sampled By SAC ALLUVIUM (Q?ntimw<J) @ 30': Mottled light olive-gray to light brown, saturated, very stiff, fine tomedium sandy to clayey SILT . @ 35*: Mottled olive-green, red-brown and light brown, saturated, very stiff, fine to medium sandy to clayey SILT - DHL MAR FORMATION @ 40*: Mottled olive-green, red-brown and light brown, moist, hard, fine to -^ medium sandy clayey SILTSTONE ~r Total Depth = 415 Feet Perched Ground Water Encountered at 55 Feet Backfilled on June 27, 1995 - - - - - - - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date 6-27-95 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-21 Shelley/Carlsbad Sheet 1 of 2 Project No. 4851855-007Project Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Service Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 117 ft. Ref. or Datum See Geotechnical Map g 4_"J~ flj III >c2 •"^ 111 115 110 105 100 95 90- 4_*jn IK<U(2JQ^ 0 — - — 5 — — 10 — _ 15 — - - 20 — ; 25- — in — I X0a u - -; ''•• -; -'• ) 0)-O_l V \I% ty! 014-0z £ ftl•V Q_ aj(/) 1 2 3 4 5 4-w>9 3|O*7T /CQ Jrr Q. 7 26 33 43 33 I Cq- Q) OQ Q. ^^t Q 109^ — Z8 ^4- IA C ._ Ill o-ci^ Oo 18.2 2 25.7 8^ ^/ >° . CO o ^^CO SM SM-SC ML SM-SC ML GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By SAC Sampled By SAC ALLUVIUM @ 0': Light brown, moist, loose, silty fine SAND; abundant organics/rootlets : @ 5': Mottled olive-green, brown and light brown, wet, loose, clayey silty fine to medium SAND - @ 10': Dark gray-brown, very moist to wet, very stiff, fine sandy clayey SILT @ 11': Perched ground water encountered - @ 15': Light olive-green to brown, saturated, hard, fine to medium sandy clayey SILT _ @ 20': Light olive-brown, saturated, dense, clayey, silty, fine to medium SAND, sample disturbed - @ 25': Mottled olive-green, red-brown and brown, saturated, hard, Fine to medium sandy clayey SILT; calcium carbonate and charcoal present _ - "505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-21 Date 6-27-95 Project Shelley/Carlsbad M, Drilling Co.Barge's Drilling Service Hole Diameter Sin.Drive Weight Sheet 2 of 2 Project No. 4851855-007 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 117 ft. Ref. or Datum See Geotechnical Map c •*-"ai •*•+•—^ LU 85 80 75- 70- 65 60- ^"-*iiQ 9? *"«+-Q^ 30 — - _ 35 — _ 40 — — 45 — 50 55— - ftt — C £.Cn k -; r'- 0).0_i •7 - inOJ•*-o2 •o o. (/) 6 1 ' '' 9 1 1 10 1 f . 3iO^^™~ * CD Al 1 20 25 ' 28 32 52 •f- C«t-01 Oa a 3,^ a 95.8 865 92.2 a.8 •t" JA C._ 01 °"c11 o(J 28.6 » 31.1 «2 CJ <s3 ML SC-SM SM-ML ML GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By SAC Sampled By SAC ALLUVIUM (Continued) @ 30': Mottled olive-green, red-brown and brown, saturated, very stiff, fine to medium sandy clayey SILT . @ 35': Mottled gray to olive light brown, saturated, very stiff, fine to medium sandy clayey SILT . @ 40': Mottled olive-green to light brown, saturated, dense, clayey silty fine SAND . @ 45': Mottled gray olive-green to olive-green, saturated, medium dense to very stiff, silty fine SAND to fine sandy clayey SILT; scattered red-brown, iron oxide staining - DELMAR FORMATION @ 50': Gray olive-green, very moist, hard, fine sandy clayey SlL'l'STONE @55': Gray-blue, very moist, hard, fine sandy clayey SILTSTONE Total Depth = 565 Feet Perched Ground Water Encountered at 11 feet Backfilled on June 29, 1995 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-22 Date 6-29-95 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Shelley/Carlsbad Barge's Drilling Service 8 in.Drive Weight Elevation Top of Hole +/- 114 ft. Ref. or Datum Sheet 1 of 2 Project No. 4851855-007 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds Drop 30 in. See Geotechnical Map .<L |s <"^ LU 110 105- 100- 95- 90- 85- .C~ n>&£Q^ o— — - — 10 — _ 15 — - 20 — — 25 — — V) u Q(t t£ •; •; :-; 7/ '% ^ £L 0).0_1 \ ^\ \i (0<u oz 6 QJ enCO 1 2 3 4 5 <n"° ^~ f 03 QJ D_ 26 21 38 32 28 y 'S~C«*-(U U°3- 3» a 107.7 113J 107.1 ^o)$5 t»g "^ ^— E ou 218.<F 18.8 21.7 1A ^^ "^* OT^ SM SM-SC ML SC-SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By SAC Sampled By SAC ALLUVIUM @ 0': Light brown, moist, loose, silty SAND; scattered rootlets and organics - @ 5': Dark gray, saturated, medium dense, clayey silty fine SAND, perched ground water encountered _ @ 10': Mottled light gray to light brown, saturated, medium dense, clayey silty fine to medium SAND - @ .15': Brown, saturated, dense, clayey silty fine to medium SAND - @ 20': Mottled gray, olive-green to light brown, saturated, very stiff, fine sandy to clayey SILT _ @ 25': Olive light brown to brown, saturated, medium dense, silty to clayey fine SAND - iltf iW 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date 6-29-95 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-22 Shelley/Carlsbad Sheet 2 of 2 Project No. 4851855-007Project Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Service Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 114 ft. Ref. or Datum See Geotechnlcal Map o^*-<ft ^|T_Oi^, UJ 80 75 70- 65 60- 55 ^51-*- O Jr (U/LO^ 30 — - — 35 — 40 — — 45 — - - 50 — - 55 — - ff\ — U .C 0)O.O(0_J CD ; -; '. •'. •'_ •\ •' 1 •/•/ '/, 'fy I 1 1 % m 0)•f-oz 0 CO 6 7 8 9 10 •+- in °3 0 QU. — " -<Q OJ 41 34 76 32 50/5" 7 ^C«?(U UQ a Q 109.1 87.1 />Qj«5 34. lift C**• Q^ °"cc oU 28J 353 • *^CO tJ(_) fft • co^ SM-SC CL SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By SAC Sampled By SAC ALLUVIUM (Continued) @ 30': Mottled gray, olive-green to light brown, saturated, dense silty clay fine SAND ~ @ 35': Olive light brown, saturated, very loose to dense, clayey silty fine SAND @ 40': Mottled olive light brown and orange light brown, very moist, very dense, clayey silty fine to coarse SAND _ - DEL MAR FORMATION@46': Light olive-gray, moist, hard, silty CLAYSTONE - @ 50': Light olive-yellow with a olive-gray banding, moist, very dense, silty fine \ SANDSTONE ^ Total Depth = 50.5 Feet Perched Ground Water Encountered at 5 FeetBackfilled on June 29, 1995 - - - 505A(11/77}LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES 6-30-95Date Project Drilling Co. _ Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 120 ft. GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-23 Shelley/Carlsbad San Diego Drilling Company Sheet 1 of 2 Project No. 4851855-007 Type of Rig 30 in.Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 2.218# to 24'. 1358# to 48' See Geotechnical Map Bucket Auger Drop 30 in QS^T o — C ^__ - 10— 15— 20 — 25 — in—- Gr a p h ! c Lo g ~2 r/rz -Tin _~m Ir~~-~ 3* '."'"• ~ • * * • *_^ *«*• • V)01TJ 4- 4-4- • 01 1 Bag-2gir-13 . ' §1 ' • 4- c£01 Oa a 3) 88.0 77.0 Mo i s t u r e Co n t e n t ( X ) 21.1 31.1 w*^ 8» co^ SC SM SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Loeeed Bv RKW Sampled Bv KBC I ANDSIJDB DEPOSITS @ 0': Light olive-green, wet, soft to slightly stiff, fine sandy CLAY; weathered; massive @ 6': Becomes less weathered, minor seepage @ 10': Light olive-green, moist, medium stiff, fine sandy CLAY; weathered; massive @ 11': Moderate to severe caving to 23 feet; moderate seepage throughout @ 20': Light olive green-gray green, moist, medium dense, clayey fine to medium SAND; weathered; massive @ 23': Possible rupture surface; increasing density below \<j£2jl':_ Possible rupjure_surf ace @ 28.1': Light gray-brown, moist, dense, silty fine SANDTONE; massive 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES 6-30-95Date Project Drilling Co. _ Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 120 ft. GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-23 Shelley/Carlsbad San Diego Drilling Company Sheet 2 of 2_ Project No. Type of Rig 4851855-007 30 in.Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 2.218# to 24'. U58# to 48' See Geotechnical Map Bucket Auger Drop 30 in 4- nt(X rj °£ 30 — 35— 40 — - 45— 50 — 55 — U x: 0)ao CD • . " 1 f * * , • « * * * WQJX) 4- 4- j a <n „*3 1o~™ / a. •II ' ' 1 , n 3» CH-OI Ua a a 90.6 1073 OjS 4- IA C 11 ou 22.2 11.8 ifl^ ^~ t \(J 1^ SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Loaned By RKW Sampled By KBC DELMAR FORMATION (Continued) @ 31': Light gray- light brown, moist, medium dense to dense, silty Tine to medium SANDSTONE; massive @ 40': Light gray to gray, moist, dense to very dense, silty fine to medium SANDSTONE; massive Total Depth •= 41 FeetGround water Seepage at 6 Feet (minor) and at 11 Feet (moderate) Unable to downhole log due to severe caving from 11 feet to 23 feet Backfilled on June 30, 1995 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-24 Date 8-18-95 Project Drilling Co. _ Hole Diameter Shelley/Carlsbad Barge's Drilling Service Sin.Drive Weight Sheet 1 of 2 Project No. 4851855-007 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds Drop 30 in. «• Elevation Top of Hole +/- 132 ft. Ref. or Datum See Geotcchnical Map c ?!«•>•' UJ 105 100 95 90 85- 80- llQ^ 0 — - - 5 — - 10 — - 15 — - 20 — - 25 — — U QIt U I I I I I I I '^ '// '/./ / 0).0_J I1II'^ \I'^ Y, ^ 01 oz *o 01 Q_ en Bag-2[ @6'-9' ' • Bag-el ®21'-24T •f- IA O 3|2 - - I" 22 17 " s CH-OI Uo a yt o 108.4 106.4 100.3 98.3 .s fl O f» XM Q 12.1 18.6 25.6 27.6 V • •• * ~ • &B SM CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Lodged By KBC Sampled By KBC ALLUVIUM@ 0': Light brown, damp, loose, silty fine SAND; abundant rootlets - @5': Light gray to light orange-brown, damp, medium dense, silty fine SAND; scattered near-vertical fractures - • @ 10': Brown, moist, very stiff, fine sandy CLAY; carbonized organics common - @ 15': Brown, moist, very stiff, fine sandy, CLAY - @ 20': Mottled, olive-green to orange-brown, wet, stiff, fine sandy CLAY; oxidized in spots - - ; . @29': Perched ground water encountered 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES Date 8-18-95 «* Project GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-24 Shelley/Carlsbad Sheet 2 of 2 Project No. 4851855-007 Drilling Co.Barge's Drilling Service Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. «. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 132 ft. Ref. or Datum See Geotecbnical Map 0^^_+- (0 Tj>ij! —^QJ 75 70 65 60 55- 50- ^4-"tjQ. ?! "•»•Qw 30 — 35 — - 45 — - 50 — - 55 — - fin — u -CO)Q.O10— 1 CO '///smw '% y^ w01 oz o Q. (O 7 1 ' •g 3 "O— , 1 26 I- 3, ~ C«4-01 Ua Q. -^(_a 100^ « ^ c.^'3+. IA C._ <u °"cE Qo 25.9 28.0 W~ _ • CJ CO~ • co^ CL ~ML~ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By KBC Sampled By KBC ALLUVIUM rContinuedl @30': Light olive-green, saturated, very stiff, silty, fine sandy CLAY \@33': Drilling_becomes more difficult ; 7 DRLMAR FORMATION @35': Light olive-green, moist, hard, fine sandy, clayey SILTSTONE; orange oxidation common - Total Depth = 40 FeetPerched Ground Water Encountered at 29 Feet Backfilled on August 18, 1995 - - - - - _ - 505A<11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-25 Date Proje Drilli Hole Eleva 1 UJ 130 125 120 115 110- 105- 8-18-95 ct ngCo. Diam< tionT &«o£ o — 5 — - 10 — 15— - 20 — - 25 — Shelley/Carlsbad Sheet 1 of 2 Project No. 4851855-007 Barge's Drilling Service Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger iter 8 in. op of Hole +/- 108 o !co> IDn //// //// //// ^//// //// //// //// //// //// /// //// /// /// % I"o *o 01 Q. J 98 • • M Drive Weig ft. Ref. or Dati §8 0. - - '" 1- 13 " Dr y D e n s i t y (p c f ) | 96.8 9&8 95.8 do i s t u r e Co n t e n t ( . ' / . ) \ Z7S 253 2 30.7 ht 140 pounds Drop 30 in. nm See Geotechnical Map w^ — * a_ • CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By KBC Sampled By KBC ALLUVIUM @ 0': Dark gray, moist, stiff, fine sandy CLAY; scattered rootlets; minor fine gravels - - • @ 10': Mottled, light brown to gray, moist, stiff, fine sandy CLAY; minor charcoa fragments; few fine gravels @ 12': Perched ground water encountered " @15': Mottled, light brown to olive, saturated, stiff, fine sandy CLAY - @ 20': Sample not recovered - @25': Light brown, saturated, stiff, fine sandy CLAY - 505A(ii/77> LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-25 Date 8-18-95 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 8 in. +/- 108 Shelley/Carlsbad Barge's Drilling Service Drive Weight ft. Ref. or Datum 140 pounds Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig See Geotechnical Map of 2 4851855-007 Hollow-Stem Auger Drop 30 in. 1 e v a t i o n <f e e t > LU 100 95 90 85 80- 75- II 30 — — 35 — - 40 — - 45— - 50 — - 55 — - I G2u • ) :o>a * * VI01 "o o 01 a 6 j 7 h §8!"• O-* - ! 65 3» "5^CH-OI Oa a.\^ a 106.1 108.9 /•N 1o i s t u p e nt e n t ( X o0 22.3 193 • I"1 °3 ML GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By KBC Sampled By KBC DELMAR FORMATION @ 30': Mottled, light olive-green and led/orange-brown; moist, medium dense, slightly clayey SILTSTONE - @35': Drilling became more difficult - @40': Light gray-brown, damp, dense, slightly clayey, SILTSTONE Total Depth = 41 Feet Perched Ground Water Encountered at 12 Feet Backfilled on August 18, 1995 - - - - : - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-26 Date Project Drilling Co. _ Hole Diameter 7-10-98 Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe Property Tri County 8 in.Drive Weight Sheet 1 of 2 Project No. 4851855-008 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 116 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level le v a t i o n (f e e t ) | LU 115- 110- 105- 100- 95- 90- II - 5 — 10 — - 15 — 20 — 25 "• - C £it cu // \ I // \ 0).0_l <^I iI '/,1 No t e s •o 01 Q. 1 2 3 4 5 §8 ~~ C. 11 9 15 37 24 3)-H 01 O °£ a 96.8 99.7 96.9 dish 94.0 lo i s t u r e nt e n t ( J O | *- oo 20.6 22.0 24.5 rbed 27.4 * • |«j C/5* O ^^0) SM CL SM CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Loeeed Bv KBC Sampled By KBC QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (Pal) - @ 5': Olive-gray and brown, wet, loose, slightly clayey, silty, fine SAND; scatterec organics @ 10': Dark olive-green, moist, stiff, fine sandy CLAY - @ 15': Light olive-green, moist, stiff, fine sandy CLAY - @ 20': Interbedded tan, light orange-brown and light green, wet, medium dense, silty, fine SAND TERTIARY DEL MAR FORMATION fTd) - WEATHERED @ 25": Light gray, green, damp, very stiff, silty CLAYSTONE; orange-brown mottles common, manganese stains along fractures, crumbly 505AC11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-26 7-10-98Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole +/- 116 ft. Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe Property Tri County Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 8 in.Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 140 pounds 4851855-008 Hollow-Stem Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level E 1 e v a t i o n (f e e t ) | 85- 80- 75- 70- 65- 60- 8I_l>^ 35 — 40 — - 45 — - 50 — - 55 — fiO o -CO)0.0<n_j CD '////, ina> 4-o d <u a. <aCO 6 !§8 0^ tOQJ Q. 45 D)4- Ul^v.C«t-(U UQ a.^ 3) a 92.3 Mo i s t u r e Co n t e n t ( X ) | 26.6 w- %" d" _to 08CO CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By KBC Sampled By KBC TERTIARY DEL MAR FORMATION (Continued^ @ 30': Light gray, damp, hard, sUty, CLAYSTONE; crumbly Total Depth = 31 Feet Ground Water Encountered at 28 Feet (?) at Time of Drilling Backfilled on July 10, 1998 - - - - - - - - - - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-27 7-10-98 Sheliey/Rancho Santa Fe Property Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight Elevation Top of Hole +/- 169 ft. Ref. or Datum Tri County Sheet 1 of 2 Project No. 4851855-008 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level c +•"£*n|i —^LU 165- 160- 155- 150- 145- .C~4— jTJ Q Si (UtJJ Ow o — — 5 — — - 10 — _ - 15 — — - 20 — - 25 — — ™ U .CQ(tC. >x /•/ 4-S '/ $9 y y fy%/A//// 0).O_1 7/y/ T £// /• // y ^ Ysy/// in01-1-oz o AlVI Q. U) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -i- 3°O ~~ J_ *\LU 38 51 40 36 41 21 23 20 push 32 28 36 D) c£01 Ua a 3) a 102.4 98.5 100.2 99.9 98.1 98.7 100.4 106.7 91.7 95.7 92.5 ^ c_~_2+- IA C._ 01 °"c^~ oa 9.9 8.7 12.7 16.6 15.9 18.7 20.6 16.1 22.3 18.8 20.6 * ^ft , _ ~~* f \O CO!Z • u)^ SM sc SM SM/CL SC CL CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By KBC Sampled By KBC ARTIFICIAL FILL (Af) @ 0': Tan, damp, loose to medium dense, silty, fine SAND; rootlets common : @ 5': Tan, damp, medium dense, silty, fine SAND @ 7.5': Tan to off-white, damp, dense, silty, fine SAND - @ 10': Off-white, damp to moist, medium dense, silty, fine SAND @ 12.5': Light brown, moist, clayey fine SAND; off-white and orange-brown mottles common - @ 15': Tan to orange-brown, moist, medium dense, silty, fine SAND @ 17.5': Dark brown, moist, medium dense, silty, fine SAND; weak organic odor - @ 20": Mixture of dark gray, wet, loose to medium dense, silty, fine SAND and olive-green, moist, stiff to very stiff, fine sandy CLAY @ 22.5': Orange-brown to brown, moist, medium dense, clayey, fine to medium SAND - @ 25': No recovery @ 26': Olive-green, moist to damp, hard, silty, CLAY; crumbly @ 27': Brown and olive-green, moist, very stiff, fine sandy CLAY; plastic material in sample DEL MAR FORMATION fTd} @ 28': Dark olive-green, damp, hard, silty, CLAYSTONE; crumbly, few fractues 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-27 Date 7-10-98 Project Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe Property Drilling Co. Tri County Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight Elevation Top of Hole +/- 169 ft. Ref. or Datum Sheet 2 of 2 Project No. 4851855-008 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level E 1 e v a t i o n (f e e t ) | 135- 130- 125- 120- 115- 110- De p t h 1 (f e e t ) 1 on 35 — - 40 — - 45 — - 50 — 55 — - fin — u Q.O CD U)(U•t- o 0 (U Q. QCO §8 Q. -1- c£ QJ Ua a. Jt a Mo i s t u r e Co n t e n t ( J O | '53CO GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By KBC Sampled By KBC Total Depth = 29 Feet No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfilled on July 10, 1998 _ - - - - - - - iJ i\ -1 - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-28 Date Project 7-13-98 ct Shelley /Rancho Santa Fe Property ing Co. Tri County Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight ition Top of Hole +/- 142 ft. Ref. or Datum Sheet 1 of 3 Project No. 4851855-008 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level c !Z-»-^^ QJ >cjl_Q)W U 140- 135- 130- 125- 120- 115- 4-+" ft Si(UcJ;O^s o — — _ 5 — - 10 — - - 15 — - 20 — ~ 25 — — — — 30 U .CQ<0 CD y- £/ 1 P 1p I ^y- sy// y % I ^| | ^ / / 0)o_i V ^^/V | 1% P ^ ^1 |//// //-y/Ss- / ~y - //XX 1111 (U-i-o'Z. 6 (U Q. CO Bag-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 •f- oS••* oo— £_ 40 QJ 22 34 24 29 18 19 21 24 34 20 15 16 15 17 16 13 19 +- c£Q) UQ Q. •j^ a 100.1 100.6 102.0 100.6 104.4 105.1 101.8 96.9 106.4 102.8 100.0 92.8 97.7 95.5 97.3 92.0 95.5 L.1^ 3-t-"T^ f- ._ <U Q ^™E ou 16.0 14.5 13.3 17.5 16.5 14.8 19.3 13.3 15.3 17.7 19.6 24.0 19.5 22.7 25.2 25.6 25.0 •ift ^^ • CJ CO~ •°3CO SM SC SC/CL SC SC/CL SC/CL CL SM SC CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By KBC Sampled By KBC ARTIFICIAL FILL (Aft @ 1': Tan to light brown, moist, loose to medium dense, silty, fine SAND _ @ 5': Dark brown and light brown with green inclusions common, moist, medium dense, clayey, silty fine SAND - @ 7.5": Dark gray, moist, medium dense, clayey, fine SAND to sandy CLAY; scattered plant material, weak organic odor @ 10': Dark gray, moist, medium, dense, clayey, fine SAND to sandy CLAY; scattered plant material, weak organic odor - @ 12.5': Dark brown to dark gray, moist, medium dense, clayey, fine SAND; weal _ organic odor @ 15': Dark gray, moist, medium dense, clayey fine SAND to sandy CLAY; scattered plant material; weak organic odor - QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (Oal) @ 18' Black to dark gray, moist, medium dense, clayey fine SAND to sandy fine CLAY; organic odor @ 19' Black and dark brown, moist, very stiff, fine sandy CLAY; organic odor @ 20' Gray-brown, moist, medium dense, slightly clayey, silty, fine SAND @ 21' Dark gray-brown, moist, medium dense, clayey, fine SAND @ 22' Greenish brown, moist, medium dense, clayey, fine SAND; few gypsum stringers @ 23' Olive-green, moist, stiff, fine sandy CLAY @ 24' Olive-green, moist, very stiff, fine sandy CLAY @ 25' Dark green-brown, moist, stiff, fine sandy CLAY @ 26' Light olive-green, moist, very stiff, fine sandy CLAY @ 27' Olive-green, moist, very stiff, fine sandy CLAY @ 28' Olive-green, moist, stiff, fine sandy CLAY @ 29' Olive-green, moist, very stiff, fine sandy CLAY 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-28 Date 7-13-98 Project Drilling Co. Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe Property Sheet 2 Project No. of 4851855-008 Tri County Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 142 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level c ••""Siflu —^ LU no- inc.l\Jj inn.1VAJ 95- 90- 85- ^"*"" filQ_ 9| CUcju0^ 30 — - 35 — 40 — - - 45 — - 50 — - 55 — - — 60 U _C" 0)O.O CD ////yyy/yyy/ y^y/yy// ////v^y V/////yyy/W/yyy/, yyy/./yy/ w yyy/p i wyy// w VM at(U oz ? o niw_ u_ AtIDCO 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 "»§3i?o"- f\U_ 9 15 14 9 14 20 20 15 21 16 12 14 19 22 3) c£01 Ua a D)(_a — 94.0 89.7 95.8 96.1 100.7 98.3 96.1 86.8 96.2 93.3 94.0 92.9 ^ C_^ ^ ^1ft C" (K °"c^ oCJ - 23.3 22.9 24.2 22.5 21.9 21.0 22.4 24.0 22.5 26.7 27.6 25.2 |2 O * .1 . co~ CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged Bv KBC Sampled Bv KBC QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (Continued^ @ 30': Olive-green, moist, medium stiff, fine sandy CLAY (no practical recovery in sampler) @ 31': Dark olive-green, moist, stiff, fine sandy CLAY @ 31': Olive-green, moist, stiff, fine sandy CLAY @ 32': Dark olive-green, stiff, fine sandy CLAY - @ 35': Olive-green, moist, very stiff, fine sandy CLAY @ 36': Dark brown and olive-green, moist, very stiff, fine sandy CLAY @ 37': Light to dark green, moist, stiff, fine sandy CLAY @ 40': Olive-green and dark brown, moist, very stiff, fine sandy CLAY; organic-rich pockets @ 42': No recovery in sampler; minor seepage @ 44': Light olive-green, wet, stiff, fine sandy CLAY - - @ 50': Light olive-green and olive-green, wet, very stiff, fine sandy CLAY - @ 55': Olive-green with orange-brown and maroon, moist, very stiff, fine sandy CLAY; white gypsum blebs common - - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-28 7-13-98Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole +/- 142 of 3 Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe Property 4851855-008 Tri County Sin.Drive Weight ft. Ref. or Datum 140 pounds Sheet 3 Project No. Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level 1 e v a t i o n (f e e t ) LlJ 80- 75- 70- 65- 60- 55- De p t h 1 (f e e t ) 65 — - 75 — - 80 — - 85 — QO O £0)Q.OOJ_1 CD m ^Wm,i^///, in(V•»-o •o 01 Q_ CO 33 34 35 I : . 1_ - - - - - - glo^- tofcj 23 17 74/11" 31+- iti/-\CM-01 Oa a.\^ D) a 93.1 94.0 105.6 ^>* 5* wg £cE 0CJ 25.7 27.2 16.5 W^8» 0^_to oBCO CL CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By KBC Sampled By KBC QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (Continued) @ 60': Light olive-green, moist, very stiff, fine sandy CLAY; slightly crumbly ; @ 65': Mixture of light green, olive-green, and light brown, moist, very stiff, finesandy CLAY; fine gravel-size inclusions - TERTIARY DEL MAR FORMATION OU) @ 70': Olive-green, damp, hard, fine sandy CLAYSTONE; few maroon mottles Total Depth = 71 Feet Seepage at 42 Feet Backfilled on July 13, 1998 - - - - - - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-29 Date 7-13-98 ««•* Project Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe Property Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Tri County 8 in.Drive Weight Sheet 1 of 2 Project No. 4851855-008 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 108 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level LU u .CO)Q.O CD Ift(U Q. 10 CO C1*-01 UQ Q. CJ CO GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC 105- 100- 10 95- 15 90- 20 85- 25 — 80- CL 86.9 30.5 10 97.8 21.4 93.4 24.0 12 100.2 23.4 12 94.8 25.3 OUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (Pal) @ 0': Dark olive-green, moist to wet, soft, fine sandy CLAY; organic- rich, rootlets common 5": Dark gray to black, moist, medium stiff, silty CLAY; organic-rich @ 7': Ground water encountered @ 10': Dark gray-brown and brown, moist, stiff, fine sandy CLAY 15': Olive-green and brown, moist, stiff, fine sandy CLAY 20': Brown and gray-brown, moist, stiff, fine sandy CLAY 25': Dark olive-green, moist, stiff, fine sandy CLAY 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-29 Date 7-13-98 Project Drilling Co. Shelley /Rancho Santa Fe Property Sheet 2 of 2 Project No. 4851855-008 Tri County Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 108 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level c "is"*—^U 75- 70- 65- 60- 55- 50- £ «&«O^ M — - - - Af\4U - - 45 — 50 — - 55 — - 60 U r.a.10. CD y ^^ \v/• sVy/ ^ / /i 0)o - yi' / // u>01+-oz 6 Q) Q. CO 6 1 7 8 -i- 3° <B Q) I " 1 25 « .? C^0) UQ>33,^ t_a 106.8 104.2 108.1 C.^ -^II °"c^- oo 19.5 20.7 18.3 |2 CO co~ SC/SM CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By KBC Sampled By KBC QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (Continued^ @ 30': Light green, moist, stiff, clayey, fine to medium SAND, overlying, tan, wet to saturated, medium dense, slightly clayey, fine to medium sand _ - - TERTIARY DEL MAR FORMATION mn @ 40': Gray, damp, very stiff, fine sandy, silty CLAYSTONE - @ 45': Light and dark olive-green, damp, hard, medium sandy CLAYSTONE Total Depth = 46 Feet Ground Water Encountered at 7 Feet at Time of Drilling Backfilled on July 13, 1998 - - - - 505AC11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-30 Date 7-14-98 Project Drilling Co. Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe Property Sheet 1 of 3 Project No. 4851855-008 Tri County Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. „. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 173 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level 1 e v a t i o n (f e e t ) UJ 170- 165- 160- 155- 150- 145- i o — - 5 — - 10 — - 15 — - 20 — - 25 — 10 u .cQ10 O :-; j 1 0)o_J ''7 I vt(U o o <U Q. 0) Bag-1 2 3 4 5 6 j| 35 28 48 35 22 -i- QJ Ua a. c.a 94.9 93.7 101.1 96.6 106.2 lo i s t u r e nt e n t ( J i ) *- ou 9.1 13.8 10.7 10.3 16.3 * \f\ ff. C/5* C/)~ SM CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By KBC Sampled By KBC ARTIFICIAL FILL (Afl @ 1': Orange-brown, damp to moist, medium dense, silty fine SAND - @ 5': Orange-brown with tan inclusions, damp, medium dense, silty fine SAND - @ 10': Mixture of tan, off-white, and peach, damp, medium dense, silty fine SAND - @ 15': Off-white, damp, medium dense to dense, silty, fine SAND; orange-brown mottles common - @ 20': Off-white, damp, medium dense, silty, fine SAND - @ 25': Brown to dark gray, moist, very stiff, fine sandy CLAY - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-30 Date 7-14-98 Sheet 2 of 3 Project Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe Property Project No. 4851855-008 Drilling Co. Tri County Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/- 173 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level c •"""oJ >H:—^ UJ 140- 135- 130- 125- 120- 115- +- L. Q_ JJ'oj,J;o^ — - 35 — 40 — - - 45 — — - 50 — - 55 — - U .CO)O.O CO s///. / / / /m. t/4/ "^ //y/ ?/• /f *%% II^n/^/ m %, w % '% tn<U+•oz •o +- w OLL Q. ~ (_ CO [ 7 • 23n | 8 I 21 9 I 25 N 10 I 29n 11 I 20 12 | 21n 13 I 21 14 I 14 15 I 19 16 | 20 - ? ct-(U Ua a. 3) a 99.2 101.8 104.2 106.5 102.3 104.9 100.6 97.4 94.7 101.7 ajS j *^~ A C»n a) °"cE ou 22.1 18.1 14.8 15.6 17.4 17.6 20.5 23.3 22.5 21.7 *U) ^^ 0° CO co^ CL SC/CL SC SC/CL CL/SC CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By KBC Sampled By KBC ARTIFICIAL FILL (Continued} @ 30': Light green to olive-green, moist, very stiff, fine sandy CLAY - @ 35": Green and brown mixture, moist, very stiff, sandy CLAY to clayey SAND QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (Pal) <g> 37.5: Dark gray, moist, medium dense, clayey fine sandy CLAY; black charcoal fragments common; scattered plant material @ 40': Gray and dark gray, moist, medium dense, clayey, fine to medium SAND to sandy CLAY; few fine pores, few rootlets, scattered charcoal fragments @ 42.5': Brown and dark brown, damp to moist, very stiff, fine sandy CLAY to clayey fine SAND; few medium pores @ 45': Greenish brown, moist, very stiff, fine to medium sandy CLAY; few fine pores @ 47.5': Brownish green, moist, very stiff, fine sandy CLAY, scattered fine pores @ 50': Greenish brown, moist, stiff, fine sandy CLAY; few fine pores @ 52.5': Brownish green, damp to moist, very stiff, fine to medium sandy CLAY @ 55': Olive-green, moist, very stiff, fine sandy CLAY - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-30 7-14-98Date Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole +/- 173 Shelley /Rancho Santa Fe Property Tri County 8 in.Drive Weight ft. Ref. or Datum 140 pounds Sheet 3 of 3 Project No. 4851855-008 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Drop 30 in. Mean Sea Level 1 e v a t i o n (f e e t ) LU no- 105- 100- 95- 90- 85- i 60 — - 65 — - 75 — - 80 — - 85 90 O .CO)Q.O CD W,n§ '%y//^ No t e s d 01 Q. CO 17 18 19 1 : ' 1_ - - - - - - +- 15 19 36 3> c£<U Oa a a 101.2 96.3 81.8 1o i s t u r e nt e n t ( * ) *- oCJ 20.3 24.5 30.9 • (/) ^^ ^0 co~ CL CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By KBC Sampled By KBC QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM fOal) @ 60': Olive-green, moist, stiff to very stiff, fine sandy CLAY - @ 65': Olive-green, moist, very stiff, fine sandy CLAY; slightly crumbly - TERTIARY DEL MAR FORMATION (Td) @ 70': Light olive-green and maroon, moist, hard, silty CLAY; crumbly Total Depth = 71 Feet No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfilled on July 14, 1998 - - - - - - 505A(11/77)LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES A - ( 3 / 7 7 ) L e i g h t o n f , A s s o c i a t e s Prljwtt hJLu-lr: Equipment : GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES 1 JsBiL Jui f ! JD 410 1 i Efc.Jbioi. i ±|,TI » 1 1 AvENi. Jj.• t 1 Location: See Map DATE: 12-17-85 DESCRIPTION: ® FILL/ALLUVIUM: Dark brown, very moist, very (D TOPSOIL/TRANSITION: loose, silty sand Dark brown to brown red, moist to very moist, medium dense to dense, silty sand; abundant roots, slightly porous due to roots and root tubules © TORREY SANDSTONE: White with red-brown (iron staining) streaks, damp, very dense, slightly silty fine sand; generally massive, some bedding along iron staining, undulatory but generally horizontal GEOLOGIC UNIT Qaf/Oal Tt c Crt n .w SM SM SM/SW — j-^m ww §^• »— • CD O / — v H- o\° (/) 1 — ' rt i-J ft 1— 1 /-x OT3 fD 0 3»-h w> — ' H-rtv; GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION N Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N 55°E i i i i— 1 — 1 — 1 — r~ - i i i iI i | I i i i ii I i i I 1 1 L.-.l.._;-l.;.L--!:-.-j "" ' ~~- ' .' ' . ' ' J•*._*-. — - •• — • — %-r:v:;; :%i . 1 F 1 1 1£-» If ,I!~J..V ••'..• " W^^M •®:^;":jw till 1 II 11 1 1 1 i i i• i i 1111 " - II I {•-i i i i t - - I i I I I 1 I 1 I i llllllllll lllll*1111 • i 1 I I i Project Name: Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe Logged By: RH Project Number: 4851855-01 Elevation; ±225' Equipment: JD 410 Location: See Map TRENCH NO. T-2 GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 12-17-85 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES n C/J to O 'rt O 3i-h in £) FILL: Mottled black, dark brown and orange, wet, very loose, silty sand; 25 percent plant debris and roots, water seep @ 3-1/2' on east side of pit ID ALLUVIUM: Qaf SM Qal o> M' O 3 Mottled gray and orange, very moist, loose to medium dense, slightly silty fine sand, abundant roots, gradational con- tact over 1' to© TORREY SANDSTONE: White to red-brown, stained, moist, very dense, silty fine sandstone SM Tt SM/SW GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION N Wall SCALE: 1" = 5'SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N 62°W f i I 1 I i 1 I I I § I i 1» I I • i • i • i i i i I I I •• Ulo(— * 1> 1 OJ ^1~J ) L e i g h t o n 5 A s s o c i a t e s Project Name: Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe Logged Project Number: Equipment : GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES 4851855-01 JD 410 By: RH Elevation: ±255'TRENCH NO.T-3 Location: See Map DATE: 12-17-85 DESCRIPTION: (A) FILL/TOPSOIL: Dark brown, moist, very loose to medium dense sand, trace of clay; several roots (D TORREY SANDSTONE: , silty fine 6" transition zone of red-brown, very moist, medium dense, slightly silty and clayey sand; slight number of roots (^j) Red-brown @ contact to white to light brown, damp, very dense, silty fine sand; moderately cemented GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION N Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' i i i i1 1 T-- | - 1 1 1 1I'll i --{ i ii i i i P^'i^iv-' : fe:9VL ..-."*. '•i--1 vW': •' - *l.'. •'• •-/-•'I GEOLOGIC UNIT Qaf/Col Tt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES G Crt n en SM SM wto 3%t— • 0> I Mo i s t u r e (% ) ,-x O13 n0 3Mi inx_- H-(-tX SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N 84°W — 1 — 1 — *® 3 i , ,'— - 1— 1 — HH— **• h— 1 — 1— 1 — h- i_ - (• 1 1 1 1 j - j i - I i I I I i I t I I I i I I I • i I I I I 1 .1 I i I I I i I i l/i O Project Name: Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe Logged By: Project Number: 4851855-01 Equipment: RH JD 41Q Elevation: Location: ±200'TRENCH NO. T-4 See Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 12-17-85 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES G C/5 n en c/j o ' O o\° in•—' rt >-i0) /-s O*a <so 3 A) FILL: Medium brown, slightly damp to moist, very loose to loose, silty sand/sandy silt; slightly clayey; numerous roots and plant debris More sandy @ 4' B) ALLUVIUM: Oaf SM/ML Oal Medium brown, damp, loose, silty sand; numerous roots SM OQ O3 Oo GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION E Wall SCALE: 1" = 5'SURFACE SLOPE: 10° TREND: N 27°E I I I I I I I I I I I I p-o o•n 33m n o I i I i I I I I I liiilllllllili i I 1 I i I 1 I i I i I i o >—+ I> Project Name: Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe Project Number: 4851855-01 Equipment: JD 410 Logged By: RH Elevation: Location: See Map ±160'TRENCH NO. T-5 GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 12-17-85 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES n C/3 toPS HCD /-N OT3 0>O 3 FILL: Dark brown, damp to very moist, soft, sandy clay; scattered roots and plant debris ALLUVIUM: Mottled dark green and brown, moist to very moist, medium stiff, clay; traces of organics; trace of sand WEATHERED DELMAR FORMATION: Qaf Qal Td Dark olive green very moist, medium stiff to stiff clay; jumbled appearance, small pieces (l/8"-l/4") of stiff claystone in softer clay matrix, massive CL CL/CH CL/CH O3 t/i1/1 OO GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION E Wall SCALE: 1" = 5'SURFACE SLOPE: 5° TREND: N 20°W o•n yom n o ien I I I i I i I i I i l i f i l i i i l |i |1 II II II en O i i 01 (TO rt O On l/l 0o rf I/) Project Name: Shell ey/Rancho Santa Fe Logged Project Number:4851855-01 By: RH Elevation: ±125'TRENCH NO. T~6 Equipment: JD 410 Location: See Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 12-17-85 DESCRIPTION: ALLUVIUM: (A) Medium dark brown, moist, loose, silty sand; slightly clayey; numerous roots, moderately porous (D Dark brown, moist to very moist, medium stiff, sandy clay; numerous roots and root hairs, stiff over bottom 2' GEOLOGIC UNIT Qal ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c CO n en SM/SC CL/CH P§=•!t— • Q p^1 o 1 — ' rtdH / — • OT3 O0 3 > — ' H- X GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION S Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N 50°E — I — 1 — | — - - — (•- f |till 1 %=~~ : \ i i \ "i •i i i \ t- •- \ • —V". \ "in -•- .- 4- -i j " i r •11 i.i.' r. (T) , ' ~-•• ;!•' . " •• ' €^® V^' -.- ^^—^^__ • — . — ' — ' l _-• .' .a-i-_ir-' i . i-.. . " — . -J-. — '• •' — • ••-. : •-—:•- • — i . • — -. .~~ •==r —. ~^~ — — ' "-- • — > — -»— -^^ f i__j — l — 1 — 1 —— l — l — i — l — :A — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — . - < — 1 1 1 1— i: - i < - enO ( I I 1 1 I I i I i I Project Name: Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe Project Number: 4851855-01 Equipment: JD 410 I i I I I 1 I 1 I i i i i i i i I i 1 i Logged By: RH Elevation: Location: See Map ±145'TRENCH NO. T-7 GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 12-17-85 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c C/3 n CO V o (nrt H i^ O•o n0 3 C:Very undulatory Generally horizontal twD- On in (SI0o TOPSOIL/FILL: Dark red-brown, very moist, soft clay; numerous roots DELMAR FORMATION: Dark olive-green, often mottled with red iron staining, moist, hard, claystone; upper 1-1/2 feet weathered, broken and stiff, trace to slight number of roots Contact sharp, 1" thick zone of red stained claystone; Undulatory; Light olive green, damp, very dense, silty fine to coarse sand Col/Qaf Td CL/CH CL/CH SM GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION N Wall SCALE: 1" = 5'SURFACE SLOPE: 2° TREND: N 50°W I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I yam 1 g I I I i I i i i I i i i • I i i i § I 1 i I I I 1 I i I i 1 i I * Project Name: Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe Project Number: Equipment : 4851855-01 jp 410 Logged By: ^ Elevation:_ Location: RH ±145'TRENCH NO. T-8 See Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 12-17-85 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES G Crt n en zo p o 0\° 1/J*—' rt ^~. O13 nO 3 FILL/TOPSOIL: Dark red-brown, moist, soft, clay; numerous roots DELMAR FORMATION: Col/Qaf Td Medium olive-green, damp to moist, stiff to very stiff, claystone, often mottled with red iron staining; upper 2'-3' appears weathered softer, bottom 2 feet is slightly silty, several deep root zones extend up to 5' in depth CL/CH CL/CH ffQ:rrt O 3 Oo GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION N Wall SCALE: 1" = 5'SURFACE SLOPE: 0° TREND: N 60°W I I I I I I I I 5 o•n H33m n o 00 fillliiilili lilittlillt!Illilillliflli en0 >— •* 1 1 •^ (-"<K:r o3 I/) 0O rt t/l Project Name: She! 1 ey/Rancho Santa Fe LoggedBy: RH Project Number: 4851855-01 Elevation: ±140'TRENCH NO. T-9 Equipment: JD 410 Location: See Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 12-17-85 DESCRIPTION: ALLUVIUM: Mottled brown, red-brown, and light gray, moist to very moist, very loose to loose, silty fine to medium sand, numerous roots in upper 3 feet. GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION E Wall SCALE: 1" . - ~ i i i i— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — . - - i i i i— 1- 1 1 1 i i i ii I i i r iii ii i i i GEOLOGIC UNIT Qal ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c en n en SM en i— 'n> © A ' — ' rt H r-N O 0 3 > — ' H-rtX = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 2° TREND: N 35°W \ • r i "i \i i •_ .i • ' - . I '•'••' I 1 • V' v •• V.'.-v.V'1' ^| _ ^• • ~~. . • - ...j — i • i j —'...•.• ~* -•-'•.'.'.'''.• , /; - •--.-• 1 * ' * ' I -\ — I — I — 1 — "• •'•'•— f • •. '. 11 • " ~-" .".'••/ OA; — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 —— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — t ~ - < »_i 1 — 1_ ;1 1 1 1 £ - i m « - - i i I i I i i i l I I 1 I 1 I i i i I » I I i I 1 I 1 • i I i I i I> Project Name: Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe Project Number: 4851855-01 Equipment: JD 41Q Logged By: RH Elevation:_ Location: ±125'TRENCH NO. T-10 See Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 12/17/85 DESCRIPTION:GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c co n CO enP Z 3O X) o^-\ H-o\° t/lv—' rl •-J CD O 3l-tj t/> ALLUVIUM:Qal A) (Upper 2 feet) Dark brown, very moist, very loose, slightly clayey sand; abundant roots and root hairs (B) Mottled brown, red-brown, and gray, moist, loose, silty sand; numerous roots and root hairs, moderately porous ) Dark brown and red-brown, damp, medium dense, silty sand, slightly clayey; slight number of roots and root hairs, slightly porous SC SM SM rt O enin OO GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION E Wall SCALE: 1" = 5'SURFACE SLOPE: 2° TREND: N 4°E I I I I o•n m n § it—'o i l/i O H-1 1 1 OJ r-CDH- OQ O in On fu fD I/I 1 i 1 1 I I I 1 I l I i I i I i I i I i 1 l i 1 I i 1 i I I i i i i I i Project Name: Shell ev/Rancho Santa Project Number: 4851855-01 Equipment : GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES JD 410 Fe Logged By: . RH Elevation: ±175'TRENCH NO.T-ll Location: See Map DATE: 12-17-85 DESCRIPTION: ALLUVIUM/SLOPE WASH: Dark brown, red-brown and gray mottled, very moist, loose, silty fine sand; clayey sand from 1 to 3 feet and 8 to 11 feet; numerous roots and root hairs GEOLOGIC UNIT Qal/Qsw ENGINEERING PROPERTIES c CO n SM/SC CO <T> A Mo i s t u r e (% ) •~\ o 0 3Hi t/>• — ' p> X GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION N Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 10° TREND: N 81°W — 1 — 1 — 1 — - tiii\ 1 1 1 • i i ii l i i i i if i I r^;-i i TT^C-I.--*-" *. '. — — * . ' * . * * ! -~" •- . ' j • • - — ' .. • ^L , ' ^ ' — l — 1 — i — t — > — I — i — i — i — _ - < — i — i — i — i— ilit- i ™ »i - \ i i i I i i i I I i i I i § I i I 1 LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-12 01o Project Name: Shelley/Carlsbad Project Number:. Equipment: 4851855-007 Backhoe Logged by:. Elevation:. Location: KBC/RKW +/-140' See Geotechnical Mao GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/30/95 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES uses Sample No. Moist.Density (pcf) TOPSOIL A 00 to T COo 1 Fr: N4SE 85W B: N25W 7°SW CD<Q I Dark gray-brown, damp, stiff, silty to clayey sand; massive; scattered roots, slightly porous LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS? B @ 1' to 3': Light orange-brown to light gray-brown, slightly moist, dense silty fine to coarse sand; massive; disturbed appearance C @ 3' to 11': Light olive-green, moist, dense, slightly clayey to silty fine to coarse sand; minor interbedded silty clay beds, offset by fractures (east side up i.e. horizontal fault); fractures offset beds of fractures infilled with sandy topsoil; 1/2 inches wide; irregular erosional upper contact Topsoil Qls? SM/SC SM/SW GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION:south wail SCALE: r.-s*SURFACE SLOPE:10-15° TREND: N70W TOTAL DEPTH AT 11 NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED BACKFILLED: 6/30/95 lilililllililtf I , i I I i I I I f I i • I 1 t 1 1 i i ILOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-13 01o Project Name; Shellev/Carlsbad Project Number: 4851855-007 Equipment: Backhoe Logged bv: KBC/RKW Elevati on: +/-114' Location; See Geotechnical Map GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES DATE: 6/30/95 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEERING PROPERTIES uses Sample No. Moist.Density (pcf) ALLUVIUM A @ 0 to 13': (Oo Dark gray-brown, moist to very moist medium stiff, sandy clay; massive 06': Very minor seepage LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS B <? 13' to 15': 13' Olive-green, very moist to wet medium stiff to stiff, fine sandy silt; slightly clayey, massive; highly weathered; scattered iron oxide staining; moderately jointed; increasing clay content with depth Ground water seepage Qal Qls SC ML (D«53-f+O3 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION East Wall SCALE: 1" = 5'SURFACE SLOPE:5* TREND: N30W TOTAL DEPTH AT 15 FEET-J GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED AT 13 FEET BACKFILLED: 6/30/95 i i i §i i I i i I i i I i I i I iitilitiifiiiilili LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-14 Ol 0 ~f> —Lo>xcoo Le i g h t o n & A s s o c i a t e s Project 1 Project 1 Equipmenl GEOLOGIC ATTITUDES teme: Shel lev/Carlsbad Loaaed bv: KBC ^urr t: ber: 4851855-007 Elevation: +/-123' Backhoe Location: See Geotechnical Mao DATE: 6/30/95 DESCRIPTION: COLLUVIUM A @ 0-8': Gray-brown, moist, medium dense, clayey fine to medium sand; blocky DELHAR FORMATION B @ 8' -10': Olive-green, moist, medium stiff, fine sandy claystone; massive; highly weathered C @ 10.5' to 13.5': Light orange-brown, wet to saturated, medium dense, silty fine to medium sandstone; iron oxide stained upper erosional contact, abundant seepage at 12 to 13 feet GEOLOGIC UNIT Qcol Td ENGINEERING PROPERTIES uses SC CL SM Sample No. Moist. (%) Density (pcf) GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION East Wall SCALE: 1" - 5' SURFACE SLOPE:5°N TREND: N5'E 1 1 1 1I I I I _ I 1 I 1i i i i f i* ' '-"-'i i i i 1 1 i i i1 1 1 1 ill!! V— . -. _• •-mi•-m 1 !~ 1 1l _ i i i ^.-•-a -• -.— ~_- ' ' - - Tgl"^-; '-~-r=_E-L£- :•• Hi -;'•!;> i r i "i 'i i i i — ~. T • -1 •_ ^. »*~~**^-"n s j l 1 l ''- / •* f ' i •• M li i iI i 1 1 I 1i i I i ii - 1 l 1l l l TOTAL DEPTH AT 13.5 FT~ ABUNDANT SEEPAGE AT 12 TO 13 FEET BACKFILLED: 6/30/95 ' -Ui'^lJ I NU; DP* IP 1 (M F i.!_-tl LRA;OR : £-, BUCKf-4f-<M LOL;H"; ICN ;: ,JQ3 i\u , "Lr i !"> : 3,35 0,10 0.15 0.£0 0.25 0.30 8.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 8.65 8,90 S.95 1,00 1,05 1,10 1,15 1.28 1.25 1.38 1.35 1.48 1.45 1.56 1.55 i.60 1, 65 \.rl 1,75 1. SIS f&eu 8,£ S.3 0.5 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.6 £.0 £.1 £.3 £.5 £.6 ~ C•_» Q 3.0 O, i 3, 3 3.4 3.6 3-D — • ru. 1 4.1 *^ t V.1 4,4 4,6 4,3 4.9 D« 1 •_>« C. J= H J. C' 5.7 5,9 lit- ; UC t i T £7. 9 64. £ 86. £ 65.4 9£.0 102.6 87.6 79.1 68.7 57.6 53.5 49.3 29.3 40.7 34.7 32,1 £6.9 £/.£ £7.1 £4.0 ££.b £1.9 18.5 15.6 15.4 15.7 16.6 15.8 14. '5 ^ r r-i-J. J 15.S 14.8 15. ? 14, £ 13.7 13.7 " h' i L '• 2., 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. H, 1. 1. 8. 8. 0. 1. 1. 0. 3. 0. 1, i. i . a. 0, 0. 0. 0. 0, 0. 0, "ION f t-if 182 ci'D 385 311 445 540 606 544 523 748 360 321 556 094 915 068 0£1 694 44b 655 0£0 120 985 868 974 054 868 006 9£7 917 678 S33 776 i cD 7i*i 779 Fi/Qc '/• rV p:i *, 0, 0. 0. 0. 65 4-3 44 36 48 0.53 0. 0. 8. 1. 0. 2. tJi £. £.» 3. 7•_'l £. i. c. 4, •j. 5. wi 6. h. b. 6, 6. j. j. 5. 5. c, •j. 5, 69 69 76 30 67 68 31 69 63 3£se 56 nC: 73 51 12 39 49 34 71 GJ 34 C ul ;;i n 64 i-,ii t& 68 -0, -8. -8. -0. -0. -0. "0. -0. -0. -0. -0. -0. -0. -0. -0. -e, -a. -0. "iL't ;-j 'Ji -ft. -8. -3. 0. -0. -0. """!'* -8. -?. -0. -u. -0, -0. -0. -0. -tl. } 0 0 0 1 0 i 1 1 1 2 tr•J 4 4 -j i 4 4 4 4 4 c! i b 6 7 6 5 D 5 -j 4 4 4 iNC 6.3 8.0 8.0 0.0 8.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.0 0.0 8.8 e.6 0.0 0.0 e.e 6.8 0.0 0.0 £.6e.8 0.0 0,0 0.0 6.0 0, '^ i?-.S 'i.'O B,? dcj r 7c, s 7£,0 72.0 7£.0 72.8 72.8 72.0 72.8 72.0 72.1 72.2 72. £ 73.7 73.9 73.9- 74. i 74. £ 74.3 74.6 74. 7 74,8 75,0 75.1 /'j. :' 76. 0 7b,9 /b, i 76.1 *7 " •";/ -I.1 j C 76. Z ?t.4 7s. 4 7'- ('•* 76.8 7 „ L! 7b.S OUii- Jr£ sand to siity sand sand to siity sand sand to siity sand sand to siity sand sand to siity sand sand to siity sand sand to siity sand sand to siity sand siity sand to sandy silt silt-y sand to sandy silt sandy silt to clayey silt clayey silt to siity clay clayey silt to siity clay sanoy silt to clayey silt clayey silt to siity ciay clayey silt to siity ciay claysy silt to siity clay sandy silt- to clayey silt clayey silt to siity clay siity ciay to clay clay ciay ciciy ciay clay ciay ciay clay ciay ciay Cir-; C J r-. y cia^ ciay ciiy i4 19 £1 ££ £3 £1 19 16 19 17 17 19 17 14 15 14 ii 1*5 16 1-j 10 J. 799 rete/'encc-: 7,7 2, 45 £.53 £.55 £.60 2,65 £.78 2.75 £.88 £.85 2.98 £.95 3.08 3.85 3. 10 3,15 3. idly 3.25 3, 38 3.35 •!•* iri.t 145 3.50 -- CC 3.M5 3.65 3.78 3.75 3.68 3.85 3.96 •; 4 ~: 4,00 -.05 4.10 ; i —t. i-j 4. £8 4.25 0,8 6.2 8.4 8.5 8.7 8.9 9.8 9.2 9.4 9.5 9.7 9.8 10,8 18,2 18.3 16.5 10. 7 iw.cs 11.0 i 1 , ,1 11.3 11.5 li.fr 11,6 12,8 1£. 1 ic. i 12.5 •2,fc 1 .". * C 1 .'•- i'"i - I-1 1 ._• • ' fT..•.', -J I v^'n b i " z i3. ""' 1 Ai 13. l£. 11. 11. 11, 11. '4 7 •j 0 .4 8 tC 7 12.8 13. 14. 15. 16. 16. 23. 34 _ 33, 31, 30, £7. £6, 71•-J A « 30. 21. £8. 31. 31, 31. ';•£ 3;, i-'T- - : 3£. 35, 31, "•' ~-~ 7 9 7 3 7 £ fV ."i S T 9 9 i £ •j a 8 7 6 h a 5 r *!• .j -- I. 8. 8. 0. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. i. 1. 1. i. 1. £. Cr •±r Ci £. r, •i. 1. i. i ^ £. L.. d. d* c. Wf i.;, £, i'"r L, i C i Hie 876 927 9£8 605 7£8 731 713 759 916 837 118 £82 131 438 1 97 55C 286 355 043 310 818 b£b 58'J OC-J 353 -*S0 457 636 4i2 i:3o ;7v T*.":C- •-•^1 ; 4;j I^r9 I-.'T b •:SN 5l b. /. 7, 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 7. 7. 6. b, 6. 7. -7 ; . b. 7 b, C-, ij. .'« [•-, / , / , 7, 7 7. ^b, ,' ( h. b. 7 1$ 66 71 85 61 52 10 30 71 96 85 48 77 £0 34 be 13 63 33 95 4o -.J / £9 51 59 -- -;. 73 40 H S2 3;' 39 L: 12 18 3s 40 -i'. -f'. -0. -8, -8, -8, -1. -1. -1. -2, ~<J* -5. -7. -7, "~ (' i -10. -10. - : :;1i Vt -18, -i& -11. -18. -l?.'. '.-i i. -l i. -11. -11, "" !..',t -:£, ^ lc. 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V5,£ 75. y 75.6 ciay clay ciay ciay ciay clay clay clay clay clay ciay clay clay clay ciay clay ciay 12 11 11 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 £4 £9 se 29 :.' -k'.-- tertp.:e: Sobei'-t-r-on S Ca8partelia-1533, toreo on ,' 4, 80 4,85 4.95 5.00 5.05 5.10 5.15 5.20 5. £5 5.30 5.35 5.40 5,45 5.50 5.55 5.60 5,65 5.70 5. 75 5.S8 £.85 5,90 ~<, 95 6,00 6, 455 6.10 b* it) 6.20 6.25 6.30 6,25 •:• , -HI 15.6 ti. 7 15. 9 ' ri D . u 16=4 16.6 16.7 16.9 17.1 17. £ 17.4 17.6 17.7 17.9 18.0 13. £ 18.4 18.5 •3.7 18.9 19,? 19. £ 19,4 19.5 19.7 19,8 28.8 20. 2 28. 3 20.5 20,7 20. £ 21.0 n ; , Ti 04,; 68. 3 74.6 70.7 63.7 55.0 53. £ 5£.0 49.8 53.0 59.7 63.9 60,7 49, £ 46.8 56,7 92.7 139.0 93.7 92.6 102,9 76. a 54.2 54.9 64,7 69.2 62.1 52.9 A-;, 4 31. b V7it 4.221 4. 014 4.239 4.343 3.860 3.369 3. £57 3.601 3,343 3. 165 3,104 3.555 3.485 3.316 3. £35 3. 309 3.47£ 3.817 4.565 4.067 7 -.•:•;• ^.962 3. 363 J. o3i. 4.873 4.444 4. 333 4,121 3-116 C- CV_»L f1 * '~'J- i b,56 5,67 5.68 6.14 6.86 6.1£ 6.12 6.93 6.71 5.97 5,£0 5.56 5.74 6.74 6.91 5,83 3=74 3,58 4.87 4.36 3.42 3,6b 6. 2'C'i 6.92 6=2^ b,42 b.93 7. 79 7.53 "7 ": "-• " i -i . C -11.1 -10.9 -10.8 -10.8 -10.8 -10.8 -10.8 -10.9 -10.8 -10.7 -10.5 -10.5 -10.5 -10.5 -18,5 -10,4 -10.2 -IS, 2 -9.4 "9 . C' "H 0 -9,-t -6,9 ~7.il •';, c -?• i "*, -' -;.4 -9, 6 - 'i . P. i*, 8 %.V 0.00,60.0 0.0 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.£ 0.2 0,2 0.2 &,£ '«, c 0,2 i?,2 8.2 0, : i*. i •6.1 0,1 ft, ' ?<,i 8. : -.'•, i 9.1 0.1 3, • 7.,c ?4,4 74.3 74.5 74.6 74.7 74.7 74.7 75.1 75.3 76.4 76.4 76.4 76.5 76. 5 76.7 it, b /4.5 7-, 5 ' "T i -J V4=D /4 S 74 -i •' t r U i * , - 75. 1 ~v ~( I' :'u.'i iJ 75. b -7 C -^ ' - ; i very Stiff v5-y stiff very stiff very stiff very stiff very stiff very stiff very stiff ve-y stiff clayey sii ciayey s;i clayey sji c:-ayey sii i" i-'i'v1 F1 (-' Si' v?r-y stiff ve-'y >tiff V?ry sti-f very 5; ;ff ;;j; ^;;« fine graineo fins grained fine grained fine grained fine grained clay clay clay clay clay fine grained fine grained clay clay clay fine frames t to iiity cl t ir, :.iity cl t "--• Jilty ci t to iiity ci t tC '-lit', r-i t to silty cl f;re grrineG clay fiiij grained fln-t; []v'ci 1 ^^d fine ^r'-aineu c:ay Clny Cl-3» :^« ;*) i*) i*) i*) (*) i*) (*) (*! 5y SI"-/ ^ y =y .~i :.,-:^^ dy =.*) -; ^ ) (*: i«; w S4 6b 68 67 60 cc•Ju! 51 49 49 5£ 56 59 ccJJ 50 49 h ^ 4; 47 47 46 44 59 jt ;>»! bci ;•',• 54 4? '•L' .00 c, 4/4 fa. ]i y. i / o 5 i V ir V > t- i T ^ si i' t D r' d i '• t u ' "*.: ;>, "~-_ :7t -. .- . c " • "' '* * : "' 1 f '-' ~ '• '• '-^ f A • .•"•'". ;.4. . cK, 4 L/, I'iJL ''.:,-£ 7.50 "! CTC"/ . J J 7.60 7.65 7.70 7.75 7,80 7,85 7.98 7.95 8.30 8,35 6.10 .?. 15 •b.:S A. pfj 24. h 24.8 24,9 25,1 25,3 25,4 25.6 25.8 25,9 26.1 26.2 26,4 26.6 xf-, 7 26. 9 '::.". 1 62. H 65,9 63.6 72.1 75.4 82.1 80.4 85.8 86.3 86.9 94,4 99.9 186,5 104,$ 95. 1 al.S -.658 4. i!8 4.379 4.654 4.715 4.732 4.959 5.357 5.352 5.612 5. 077 5.194 5,708 3,773 5, f.35 r c ~4 ^ b. 14 b.25 tj , fi^J 6,45 6.25 5.77 6.17 6.24 6,28 5,77 5.38 5,c* 5,3s-. " L:V ';.9i h. 0^; -9,3 ~9.5 -9,5 -9.6 -9.6 -9.4 -9.3 -9.4 -9.3 -9.3 -9.0 -3. 9 -8.6 ~6, 8 -6, ? -f;. 7 S.C 3,5 0,2 0.2 0.4 0,4 0,4 0.4 0.4 0,4 0.4 0.4 8,4 8.4 'Ct H- v;, i. 6^.6 vfr'y stiff fine jjra.ned <*; 61, £ very stiff fine grained !*) 81. & very stiff fine grained (*) 81.9 very stiff fine grained (*) 82.8 very stiff fine grained (*) 82.8 very stiff fine grained (*) 82.9 very stiff fine grained (*! 82.9 very stiff fine grained !*) 63.0 very stiff fine grained (*) 83.1 very stiff fine grained (*) 83.2 very stiff fine grained !*) 83,4 very stiff fine grained !*) stiff fine grained (*} very stiff fne grained (*) vtf-y iii'i' tine grained i*5 v=>-y stiff fine grained (*'< vf stiff ssi-if gyaii:?^ \+i 64 67 73 76 79 81 83 85 90 % 99 98 16.£ 15.6 ib. 1 15,7 in. 1 15.7 Ib.'ti 15.7 15.6 15, 'i 15.6 15.9 -. h, ._-. 15.8 15. fa 15.8 15.6 15.6 15,5 , - ' 15- - cu ill '-) — 50- ~ IL;.__ ~ 11 " tl! 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I 1 9-B 08: '~ B ; ! -j <:- ~7 89 ft i?.05 8.10 0. 15 0,20 8,25e.30 0.35 8,40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 8.781 8.75 8.80 0,85 8.70 £.95 1,0^ 1.05 1. 16 1.15 1 . c i'i ', -~:Cl. * C,-J 1-30 1,35 1.40 1.45 1.5* :.^ :,i5 i , 75 1.58 :.?-~ 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.6 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.8 £.0 2.1 2,3 C» i_l £.6 2,8 2.$ 3,1 3.3 3." •ii b 3,8 3.9 4.; H.3 -i, s -f. n •t, ;i •T, 'j 5. !..' s, ... j. 6 5, '• 5.9 Or i 1 !' 1 I 38.0 36.4 37.4 32.7 26.5 £0.4 16.3 13.711. a 11.0 13.4 15,8 16,8 £7,2 33. C 3c, 4 30,7 3.* 16.4 12,5 17.3 13. c 11.1 11. V' if, i cv> 9.7 10. 5 n.?. 1 3 , c 11. / : C'l ;J ':..'" J ' A 0, \ , 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. 0, 8, 3. 3. 0, 3, 6. :s X;5 636 424 642 137 460 184 £59 438 581 789 802 682 87S1 SB "7 I* "' 566 53? -bZ 4di 3fci j, C/ 1.6S 3.91 4.39 3.48 1.74 0.90 1.59 3.20 4.92 7.19 5.99 5.59 5.17 3,v^ c-28 1.75 1 • •• j ii.c'-j £,93 C: VjD -0,; -0,1 -8.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0,2 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.0 -0.2 f* 7 -«.£ -0.fr ""'-'1'v <J -3. i •"<*, :' -S.i ;, ;i 0, i 8.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0,1 0.1 £j« 1 0,2 *C.!a C 3. c t, i;' a. 2 J,:; t1. d e.£ 'a, i ^, ... ianciy '4,3 clayey 74.5 clayey 74,3 clayey 74. 3 sandy 74. 4 sandy 74,4 clayey Slit: to silt tc Silt to clayey - siity silty silt to silty silt to silt to silt to 74.4 silty clay 74.5 74. 6 74.6 7*. 7 74.9 /j, I C 1 3V ';'<•' 75. i sandy 75. .; sanely •'D. i ^sndy / ^- ^ saru;y -'5,"- clayey ;5,.:. clayey clay clay clay clay clay Slit to Si it- to S 1 i '.: V D -4.t t.J Sill i-O SH-; to silt to clayey clayey silty to ciay silty ciayey clayey Clayey Clay?; ' ; i '-; '•• iii;y flit day ciay clay silt silt clay day 51 IT. Slit ;; :i S; it. - i. ^ j L i a y y. -j'il i:. ok' "i-rJ:' tf= 2 •''_>,••• srity clay t "> c:sy 0. y. 0. £_ i, C, ;^. 4. tf. •''- O-/ ^ C V ^ bnS 6b3 -..•- L ' 7 b£3sr- ;;'^ «0 453 36;: ijt. i.Wft •j. :-j i.ilfi b. j/ .1 , . "i h "\K •J. 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S, H. -:?,:; 3,8 70.7 i^oy silt to clayey silt £0 57,5 1,064 1,35 -2.8 8.1 78.8 sanry silt to clayey silt £8 16.£3 33.5 31.6 1.103 3,47 -£.3 U.I 70,? sandy silt to clayey silt 17 18.25 33,o 4S.7 1,357 3,18 -1.8 8, 1 71,3 sandy silt to clayey silt 15 :?,3£ 33,8 46,1 S.S7? :.9gi -3,$ ?,, 1 71, i sandy silt to clayey silt 14 18,35 34,? £3,5 S.373 3,7? -2,8 &'. 71,£ sandy silt to clayey silt 12 13,4? 3*,; £0.6 0.5S5 £,"44 -£,3 0,1 71.7 clayey iilt to siity. clay 1?. 18,^5 3i,3 £1,5 8.53? £,4S -1,9 8,1 71,8 clayey silt to silty clay 10 KX5C 34.4 ££,4 O80 £.5? -1 = 6 3.1 71,7 clayey silt to silty clay 11 "" '•' ' £3.4 8,715 ?,L\? -1 = 6 fi-1 "1.7 cl^y silt tc silty clay 11 12,68 4i.3 4 ~: ' C ,: • C"ic, c-j -ti.j 12,7? HI.? 12.75 41.6 12.30 42.8 12.85 4J.2 12.9£ 42,3 12.95 4£.5 13.00 42,7 13,05 4£.H 28, 26 29, ?A, ,0 ,4 7 6,0 5.318 94 1,457 1.40i?i cr * c 5.0? ?, 1 "!2,S? -sndy c.:!t to clayey silt 0.1 72.0 clayey silt t:- iilty cljy i?. i 7P,h clayey silt to silty clay &! 72.7 cleyey silt to silty clay 0,1 ?[-:,? silty cl?y to clay e,2 72,L ciiy 0,2 73,3 clay 8,;; 73,1 clay 1~» V S.B ::• s i;. ' c.e ;~, Q 3.8 2.6 2.7 £.8 £.9 3.8j- •*iji * 3.! 3. i 3,2 C..O , i u-- i-ii'tiii'iiUJCf. L'jUi. i'fuci I:GM FFiKmoN funo P;.RE pnii.&uftf . ,-,_ ;-rr.r, ,r -.-,-, r- .r^fff-.y I-.T/Q (rj r-y "n-T C: • CO ::.: 0 0 .10 • :;i> ;. (>J ' . .. | "t if i 1 ' <:- ! t --if 1 \ .A t *} < "r "i ,-- -4 S t i j I-! it .' 15- _i -4-1 CD OJ H-- 30- £- 1 .1i. j c.I1'\ '<- — . _..f' fi -i r"._L_ | j LU ^ 1 Q J ' . : i/ '•^ -j ':> - 45- ; > J ( 1 *" - •] J | tin : ( i ( i i )„ ; i i • \ -<i ^-i •:;' -i •I4 / 16- . - . 30-" - ( £ \ | I \ j I 1 ij J- ^V -i . - - i ^/ "t / •i < -.. •• ^. "> }. t45-1 S - -I J:~^ -i -i 1 -- 11 1LTi"j 1 1 1 I t r i i •i ; "1 ' ~ — ~J --. j «=.'.".-;•' j •S""•™i" 1 >" 1 --"1i *?. \ -,-•-?"'-\ " 5* i ' "v.-j f. 15- 30- - •^..3"">i ^/j•<__.^<^^ — *~ cs— ^ J -7;' - - - - -- _ - 4ij- - - - - j ""•> ''1 <! "=^> '~~^i. ..-— ^ '•=•-•---, <J '5. „ -s"" '1 1rrn 1 i i i : "' t i ( i -i 1 1 J.. \ ( j } '• ) 1 ! -i| 16- - :--- 30- - - - - - - _ - t •' J! -1 j ^ ! • L ]1 . i -i _| 1 -Izrr,1 < 1 , i i , 1 i 1 ' I \ . 1 j 1 j 1 1 i i it i >,-....,' p:~' ci::.:;^ r \{ j /\ •;-;• j-s /i /v, i r---j jzz;i -p i , n rv j f:.;.;; ; Oper,,ij:ip : D. BUCKNAM CRT Date 07-13-9S 12: -15 fiocndinrj • f:PTar::?1 Pq 1 / 1 Lnrst-inn CPT-3 !- - •- - | Cone useo : 509 ..>;:>D wo. 607126 t t'pth Trie rerrifn t : C5 rn May. Depth : .IS 72 ft SOUNDING DftTfl IN FILE L QPERflTOR : B. BUCKNftM CONE ID : 509 West i-l a z i7i a z t U r :i. J. 1 i n g i -i n a h e i m , u a .i. i f' o r n i a, i. j ;.• • i-: P f ''i=L 9 c.' <tf ?* - 1 3 — 9 B 1 3 : t5 4 LOCATION : CPT-4 JOB No, 5 B07128 DEPTH leters iseiine 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 8.60 0.65 0.78 8.75 0.88 8.85 8.98 8.95 1.00 1.05 1.18 1.15 1.28 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.58 1.55 1.68 1.65 1.78 i.75 1.88 1.65 1.98 1.95 2.88 DEPTH feet 8.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.6 2.6 3.0 3.1 3.3 3,4 3.6 3.8 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.6 4.6 4.9 5.1 5.2 5.4 5,6 5.7 5.9 6.1 6.2 n, 4 6.6 TIP Qc tsf -4.2 17.7 22.4 22.2 21.9 18.9 15.9 11.9 7.9 5.8 10.7 8.9 9.8 9.7 10.6 14.7 15,6 18.1 6.5 5.9 6.2 7.6 7.2 5.9 7.0 16.7 13,7 18.3 11.5 9.7 6.5 5.6 7.3 11.8 8.5 3.3 6.5 8.4 9.1 10.3 18.3 FRICTION Fs tsf 8. 872 0.117 0.108 0.093 0.129 0.092 0.064 0.098 0.084 0.108 0.142 0.236 0.233 0.223 8. 139 0,156 8. 186 0.188 3.152 8. 188 0.231 8.301 8.324 8.278 8,269 0. 328 8. 383 8.316 3.260 8. 126 0. 899 6, 157 8. 3£6 £.223 0.247 8,404 0.463 0.4nA 8.456 0.456 0.513 FR RHTIQ Fs/Qc % 0.66 8.48 0.42 0.59 0.49 0.40 0.83 1.06 1.87 1.33 2.65 2.38 2.38 1.31 1.86 1.28 1.87 d, 66 3,88 3.74 3.95 4.49 4.67 3.63 1.92 2.80 3.86 S.27 1.32 1.51 2.62 4.13 1.68 2.91 4.89 5.41 5. 55 5.83 4.45 4.9b PORE PR rri pSl -12.6 -0.1 -8.2 -0.3 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.4 -8.3 0.3 -8.2 -8.5 -0.3 -8.3 -8.3 -8.2 -0.5 -8.4 -8.3 -8.1 8.1 -8.8 -8.1 8.8 8.1 -8.0 8.3 8.4 -0.3 -0. 5 -8.c -0.1 -0.4 -0.7 -0.5 -0.£ -0.5 -8.4 -8.4 -0.4 INC i oeg 8.0 0.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 0,0 8.0 8.8 8,8 8.8 8.0 8.8 8.8 0.8 0.0 8.0 0.8 8.0 8.0 8.8 0.0 8.8 8.8 0.0 8.8 0,0 0.8 0.8 0.8 8.0 8.8 7S.6 78.7 78.8 78.8 78.8 78.8 78.8 79.0 78.9 79.0 78.9 79.0 78.8 78.7 78.7 78.7 78.6 76.6 76.5 78.6 78.4 78.4 76.3 78.2 78.2 78.1 78.0 77.9 77,3 77,7 77.7 77.5 77.3 76,2 76.1 76.0 76.8 /j. / 7!vc, INTERPRETED SOIL TYPE silty sand to sandy silt silty sand to sandy silt silty sand to sandy silt sandy silt to clayey silt sandy silt to clayey silt sandy silt to clayey silt clayey silt to silty clay clayey silt to silty clay clayey silt to silty clay clayey silt to silty clay silty clay to clay clayey silt to silty clay clayey silt to silty clay sandy silt to clayey silt sandy silt to clayey silt clayey silt to silty clay siity ciay to clay clay clay clay clay clay silty ciay to ciay clayey silt to silty clay clayey silt to silty clay silty clay to clay clayey silt to siity ciay clayey siit to silty clay silty ciay to ciay ciay silty clay to clay silty ciay to clay silty ciay to ciay ciay clay clay clay 6 5 6 5 c•J 5 5 6 6 7 / 6 A 6 & A j 4 3 6 a 8 8 9 9 10 Soil interpretation reference: Robertson i, Caipanella-1983, based on 68/- haiuer efficiency and .15 i sliding data average ::> ;K ir.er; 2.05 2, 10 2, 15 2,20 2, 25 £, 38 Ci J-J £.40 2.45 £.50 £.55 £.60 £.65 £.70 £.75 £.80 2.85 2.90 £.95 3.00 3.05 3,10 3.15 3.20 3.25 3.38 w'i ii-J 3,40 3.45 3,50 3. 55 3.60 3.65 3.78 3.75 3.80 3.65 3.90 3.95 4.00 4.05 4. 10 4. 15 4.2C .-. -trf. C-J 4, 38 4,35 4,4? •':. -O 4, 58 ii£l--"-h -eet 6, " '-• , ~: 7 < I, c 7,4 7.5 7.7 7.9 3.0 8.2 8.4 8.5 8.7 8.9 9.0 9.2 9.4 9.5 9.7 9.8 10.8 10. £ 18.3 10.5 18.7 10.8 11.0 11. £ 11.3 11.5 11.6 11.6 12.0 12.1 12.3 12.5 12.6 12.8 is. a 13.1 13. ••' 1 *-'•.• ;> 13.6 13. b 13.9 14.1 14. j i". 4 1'. 6 14. K i . H k 'CS? 10,1 i'3.8 IJS.0 10.8 10. 7 10.7 18. i 9.6 9.1 8.5 8.8 8.8 9.3 11.2 15.3 16.7 11.9 10.6 10.9 12.3 15.0 18.9 13.6 12.9 13.7 13. 3 12.7 13.4 15.1 18.3 17.4 16.9 15.9 14.1 14. b 15,2 14. B 15.2 15.5 16.3 17.7 i/. 6 ib.6 I /, J 18,3 i"?. 1 14.0 13.5 i4.3 14.3 .-'^iCTiQN F; tsf 0.465 0.467 i). 473 8.519 8.615 0.711 8.726 tf.6£i 8. 436 8.412 8.424 0.449 0.586 8.629 0.715 8.557 8.571 8.355 8.286 8.385 0.571 8.382 0,417 8.562 8.538 0.586 8.434 8. 464 0,697 0.616 0.825 8.544 0.546 8.577 0.642 8.6££ 8.688 0.689 0.611 8. t.64 8.704 9, 6Sb 0.661 0, 73£ S.773 tf.468 8,4£7 0. 465 e.562 •8. 598 PR RnfiO >-s.'Qc % 4.62 4.66 4.71 5.16 5.76 6,65 7.16 6. 44 4.84 4.65 4.88 5.88 5.44 5.60 4.68 3.33 4.68 3.35 2.61 3.13 3.79 2.83 3.81 4.37 3.94 3.80 3.41 3.61 4.63 3.37 4.74 2.68 3.43 4.09 4. 41 4.10 4.18 4.81 3.93 4.0S 3.99 3,98 3.66 4.1? 4. 18 £.4t 3.05 3.44 3.94 4.13 PORE PR Pw psi -8.3 -0. 3 -0.2 -8.2 -8.2 -8. £ -0,2 -8.1 -8.1 8.8 0.1 8.£ 8.2 8.2 0.2 0.2 -8.8 8.2 8.4 0.6 8.7 0.5 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.8 £.8 1.9 £.6 £.8 £.0 £.8 2,1 L. > C £.1 2.2 2.2 c. 2 c. c 2.0 2.2 2.3 C. iJ 2. 3 INC i deg i 8.e 0.0 8.8 0.0 8.8 8.8 8.0 0.0 0.0 8.8 0.8 0.0 8.0 0.0 8.8 0.0 0.8 8.0 0.8 8.8 8.8 0.0 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.6 e.8 8.8 8.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 8.8 8.0 8.8 0.0 8.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.8 0.0 '<8. It (1.8 TEflf- desf 75,3 75.3 75, i 75.1 75.8 74.6 74.7 74. 7 74.7 74.6 74.1 74.0 73.9 73.9 73.8 73.9 73.8 73.7 73.7 73.7 73.6 73.5 73.5 73.4 7£.7 7£.6 72.6 "7 """' *i C.» J 72.4 72.4 7£.3 72.2 72.1 72.0 72. e 72.8 71.9 71.7 71.7 71.7 71.7 71.6 71.7 71.7 71.7 /i.b f 1 « / 71,7 ', '• 1 1\. 1 iNsERPRhTEi) SOIL Til-t ciay ciay ciay clay clay clay ciay ciay ciay clay clay clay clay clay clay clay silty clay to clay clay silty clay to clay silty clay to clay clayey silt to silty clay clayey silt to silty clay clayey silt to silty clay silty ciay to ciay clay siity clay to ciay siity day to clay clay silty ciay to clay clay siity clay to clay siity clay to ciay siity ciay to clay silty ciay to clay ciay clay clay ciay siity ciay to clay silty clay to clay siity ciay to clay silty clay to clay silty ciay to clay silty ciay to clay silty clay to ciay clayey silt to siity ciay clayey silt to siity clay silty clay to ciay siity ciay to ciay siity ciay to ciay 10 18 18 18 18 9 9 8 6 9 9 11 14 14 8 11 7 6 7 8 7 9 13 8 8 13 18 16 12 11 16 9 14 14 18 11 11 11 11 12 12 a 7 iaii interpretation reference: Robertson t- Caspaneiia-1983, oased on 66/i haner efficiency ana .15 i sliding data average et;.5 -, r.'il 4.65 4. 70 4.75 4,68 4.85 4.90 4.95 5.08 5.85 5.18 5.15 5.28 5.25 5.38 5.35 5.48 5.45 5.58 5.55 5.68 5.65 5.70 5.75 5.88 5.85 5,98 5.95 6.88 6. 05 6. 18 6.15 6.28 6.25 6.30 6.35 6.48 «, 45 6.58 6.55 6.68 6,65 b. 78 6.75 D.60 h •-* "~c 6.9S K, S j 7.0e DEf in 15, l 15,3 15.4 15.6 15.7 15.9 16. 1 16.2 16.4 16.6 16.7 16.9 17.1 17.2 17.4 17.6 17.7 17.9 18.8 16.2 18.4 18.5 16,7 16.9 19.0 19,2 19.4 19,5 19.7 19.6 26.8 26,2 20.3 cV.r« j 28.7 £8.8 21.3 21.2 £1,3 £1.5 C i i i 21.8 22. 0 22,1 ,-',- t ^, dd. 5 -V. i_, -"-•' H £3. 8 HP 1 0 , J 15,7 16,7 i J. i 14.3 15.8 16. i 18.9 17.6 17.2 16.4 16.3 16.4 16.4 16.7 17.1 16.8 16.1 15.3 14.4 14.6 15.1 15.1 15.3 15.5 is. e 16.7 16.7 17.! 16.9 16.7 17.3 17.4 17.9 17.9 17.9 16.8 13,0 •i ~ —.i t , f •f >"• 0 19. t 17. b 16.0 l->.9 , c ciJ, J 15,4 £0.6 C i , 0 -.1, ~l 22, t 'hii_-i i jN r 0.541 0,536 0.520 K). 523 0,584 3. 716 8. 706 8. 657 8.561 8.553 8.568 0.667 8.723 8.738 8.717 0.751 0.725 0.656 8.638 8.633 0.668 8,656 8.6fa4 8.675 8.783 8. 694 8. 724 0.719 8.698 0,612 8,566 8. 648 8. 692 8. 723 8. 633 8. 975 3.692 0,7o7 J.69- 8,686 8.497 0, 514 %, 53i? 0. 443 8.532 8. 595 8. t>i 0.593 i.fcS 3,82 J, 47 3,£c 3,42 3,65 w-» bci 3.96 ,1-. i' 4 3.66 3. 37 3.37 3.43 4.88 4.42 4.42 4.28 4.48 4.58 4.38 4.44 4.26 4.36 4.34 4,35 4.36 4.44 4.16 4,33 4.19 4. 13 3.66 3.40 3.66 3. 6fa 4.04 4.65 5.43 4.95 '-, 34 3.3; 3.61 c.64 6, \1£ 3. 57 •:• a~.t_» C'u) -.83 2. 69 .j. V/tr " - / 0 4.7! •V pSi .,, j J, 4 2. ^ ^, c 2,6 2, / C, i 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.8 2.6 2.6 2.9 C- O 2.9 3. v 3.8 3.U 3.0 3.8 3.1 3.1 3. 1 6, i 3.1 3,1 3.1 3, i 3, ,:' ii, C .'•> ~ 3.3 -j. 1 3. o 3. 3 3.4 3,i lit •J 3, ? i J,y ^ 0,C J,<} 3,i' 8.8 0,0 0,8 8.8 8.3 8,8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 0.0 8.8 8.6 8.8 8.8 8.8 0.0 0.0 8,0 8.0 0.0 8.8 0.0 8.0 0.8 0.0 8.8 8, 8 8.0 8.8 8.8 8.0 8.8 «. 8 8.8 e, ^0.0 8.8 >' i . :' /I. b ,•'!.£ 7i.:; ' i. 4 /i.4 71.4 71.4 71.4 71.4 71.3 71.3 71.2 71.3 71.2 71.2 71.2 71.3 71.2 71.3 71.3 71.3 71.4 71.4 71,4 71.5 71.4 71.4 71.5 71.5 71.5 -. * c;; i . w1 71.5 71.5 71.6 71,6 71.6 71. / i -. ~ 71,6 7i,b 71.6 71,7 71.7 71,7 71. / .-' t . b fit' -1.6 71.7 : i i t V Slit;.' Silt/ silty silty siity siity snty siity siity silty siity silty silty siity silty siity s i i t v siity silty clavey si silty siity clayey si clayey si ciayey >i clayey =i clayey si clayey si INT ciay n ciay :• ciay o clay c ciay to ciay to ciay to ciay to ciay to ciay to clay to clay to clay to clay clay ciay clay clay clay clay ciay clay ciay clay ciay ciay ciay clay ciay ciay to clay to clay to clay to ciay to clay ciay clay ciay clay Ciay to ciay to it to 5 clay to ciay to it to s it tQ 5 It ro ; it to \ it to ; it t; s JPHETED jiL TYPE clay clay clay ciay ciay ciay ciay clay ciay clay ciay clay clay ciay ciay ciay ciay clay clay ciay lit/ clay clay clay lity cliy iity ciay lity ciay ;;.ty ciay lity clay iity ciay SPT lii 10 hi 9 10 11 12 11 11 11 10 18 16 16 16 16 15 15 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 11 11 11 11 11 17 17 17 17 i / l C, 12 6 18 18 ft 4 ;w i i?. i i 11 interpretation reference: Robertson & Laipaneiia-;963, based on 68* hapser efficiency and .15 * sliding oata average : v r e ••" : 7,20 / , L .".• 7,30 ,', wO 7.40 7.45 7.50 7.55 7.60 7.65 7.70 7.75 7.80 7.85 7.90 7.95 8.00 6.05 8.10 8. 15 8,20 8,25 3. 30 8.35 6.40 8.45 8.50 6,55 £.60 8.65 6.70 a. 75 8. 68 6. 85 6,9e 8. 95 9,0« 9.05 9. lv: 9. 15 9.20 9,25 9,38 9, 35 9.4? 9. 45 9.5t •'_ . i CJ. 0 23. b 23.6 23.9 24, i 24.3 24.4 24.6 £4.8 £4,9 £5.1 £5.3 £5.4 £5.6 £5.6 £5,9 26.1 26. £ £6.4 £6.6 £6.7 £6.9 27,1 £7.£ 27,4 27,6 £7.7 27.9 28, : £3, 2 £6. 4 23.5 £8, 7 £8.9 £9.0 29.2 29.4 29.5 29.7 29.9 36,0 38.2 38.3 30.5 -'"* 7 3C.6 •.Mi ^ _-: tif C .' i / 23, i 21. i' 22,9 -•;iT "7C-J. / 25,7 26.9 £5.5 23.6 ££.5 ££.1 21.2 £1.1 20.5 19.8 18.5 16.1 18.0 17.7 17.2 17.0 17,3 17,4 17.6 16.6 19.6 19,6 £"0.1 19.: 20, <s 17.1 18.0 16.2 18,4 17.7 17 ;, 18. 0 18,1 17.9 13. 3 i9. i 18,6 18,7 19. 1 16.7 18.1 •6,3 i4.c IS. 4 6,78; tj , h , 4 ii.414 0,82; 5.882 0.906 i.«76 1.046 0. 929 0.611 0.755 0.74£ 0.747 0.743 0.764 0.705 0.64£ 8.612 8.646 0.637 0.614 0.593 0,636 0.636 ?..631 0.713 0.788 6. 857 0.819 0,8% 0.b78 0,720 0.660 3=666 0,653 0. 70£ 0.746 0,760 3. 667 i%K78 3. 733 0.733 0.742 0.763 ti.744 0.74; 8.716 0. 645 tf.6^ •\ -•'..••''), f KK iU F 1.79 3,80 3.50 3.53 4,18 4. 07 3.64 3.44 3.36 3.36 3.53 3.53 3.73 3.55 3.46 3.36 3.60 3.60 3.57 3.50 3.69 3.67 3.59 3,63 4.02 4.37 4,07 4.49 3,33 4.21 3. 76 3.65 6, 3D 3.96 4.28 4.23 3,79 •.j. * j 4.0; 3.63 3.99 4,09 3.69 3. jt> 3.97 3. 9b -'.Its 3,94 'Urt PX 3.9 -•.0 4.3 5.0 5.5 5.6 5.6 5.7 5.7 5.8 5.9 5,9 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.8 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.6 5.6 5.9 6.0 5,9 6.0 6.0 6.0 5,9 6.0 5,9 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.2 6. 2 6, 3 6, 3 6.3 6,3 6.3 6.4 6,4 6.4 6,3 b. •-• b, :• 6.2 INC 0.0 tw 0,0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. i 0.1 e.i 0.1 0.1 0.1 0,1 0.1 C.I 0. I 0.1 0. 1 0, L T£HP dey F 71.6 .' i . j' 7i,6 71.6 / 1 . / 69.9 69.6 69.6 69.8 69.9 69.9 70.0 70.0 70.3 70.4 70.4 70.6 70.7 70.7 70.8 70.8 70.9 71.0 71.1 71.1 71.2 71.2 71.2 71.2 71.2 71.3 71.4 71,5 71.4 71.5 71.5 71.6 71.5 71.5 71.6 71,6 / 1. b 71.6 71.6 71.7 /I, i 71.7 ;' ] • / 71,3 71,6 INTERPRETED SOIL TYPE c-iayey silt to --lity clay clayey silt to siity clay clayey si it to siity ciay clayey silt to siity ciay ci«yey silt to silty ciay siity clay to clay siity ciay to ciay siity ciay to ciay silty clay to ciay clayey silt to silty clay clayey silt to siity clay clayey silt to silty ciay clayey silt to silty clay silty clay to clay silty clay to clay silty clay to clay silty clay to clay silty clay to clay silty clay to clay silty clay to clay silty clay to clay silty clay to clay siity clay to clay silty clay to ciay siity clay to ciay siity clay to clay siity ciay to clay siity clay to clay clay silty clay to clay siity clay to ciay silty clay to clay silty ciay to ciay siity clay to clay siity clay to clay siity clay to clay clay silty clay to clay siity ciay to clay silty ciay to clay siity ciay to ciay silty clay to clay siity ciay to ciay siity clay to clay silty clay to clay •silty clay to ciay •siity clay to clay silty ciay ;o ciay clay iiity clay to ciay SPT 11 Ii ii ii 1 7 17 16 11 11 10 10 13 13 13 12 IE 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 19 13 1 '-' 12 11 ic 1£ 11 17 11 a 12 12 Ii ;2 12 '£ Ic. 11 10 14 4 b-:<j; i"'te^pr-etoticr! ?'-sfer-5^ce: Robertson i C;<sparieiia-l983, based on 60* hamer efficiency and .15 « hiding cteta Jl c1 "C fc i ' '.' ''} , J7"_L 5,60 ^ , b j - 1 ."' '^', /D H,sy -j . 35 9.98 9,95 18. 88 18.85 10.10 10.15 10.20 10.25 10.38 18.35 18.40 10.45 18.58 10.55 18.68 18.65 18.70 10.75 16,88 16,35 18. 98 18,95 11.88 11,85 11.10 11.15 11.28 11.25 11.30 11.35 11,48 11,45 n.se 11.55 11, 63 -i,o5 :i.??- -• .• f ' •-' ii.se : ;,o5 11.98 ii.55 : i' , '''''': ill- if? feei 6 1 , b 22. f- TO 1= 32, 3 32.5 32.6 32. S 33.8 33.1 33.3 33.5 33.6 33.8 34.8 34.1 34.3 34.4 34.6 34. 8 34.9 35, 1 35, 3 35,4 35. 6 35, 3 35.9 36. 1 36.3 36.4 36. 6 36,7 26,9 37. i 37.2 37.4 37.6 37. 7 37.9 36, l 36, 2 36. 4 v i r~i 36,7 - ,-j r- •:;7 , v 19,2 3;, '- 11, f 11.3 12.-!; 1 2, i ifjt d 12, S 12.9 12.9 12.6 12.7 11.9 14. £ 13.2 16.4 13.9 12.8 11.6 11.8 12.8 12.8 13.9 15.8 13,6 14.1 16.7 13.6 13. 3 11.3 1 i , 3 11,1 14,3 33.6 53. £ 54.4 36.3 19,7 13, 2 lib , £ I'D. / 12.: 2.8 . •:: . 0 •—i b c, b 2,4 ... 1 : .'-j - h , '• ~ • fiN ^- 8. 372 8, 283 C'] -'^ 4 £. c3b v,cM 8. 335 8. 4il'f! 8,413 8.456 8.455 8.452 8.485 8.494 0.543 0,453 0.482 0.369 0.3£9 8.355 8. 373 8. 487 8. 4-39 0, 478 0.431 8. 405 8. 458 8. 324 8.436 8. 346 8,379 8.357 8, 367 8,832 n f — . -• 8. 298 8, 267 8.412 8.306 8.532 0.532 '3.097 0, 455 'f, 4 be! &. 446 t, 431 8. 439 J.^S-r 0,450 ;', 4..7 C. J. : C, ll'i 3, 3, 3. 3. 3. 4. 3. 2. £. 2. 2. 3. u'« 3. 3, 3. £. 3. 3, i. 3. 2. 3. 3. 3. 5. i, 8. 8. i. is i. i. ij. •J, 7 3, 3, 3. 3. -•• o t f . C i•-•i L • y£ 28 :, :• i" 22 DD 53 58 28 15 82 48 19 66 73 86 16 48 65 40 68 81 20 94 22 61 21 14m 62 39 54 53 8b 53 56 96 ^.7 65 bl *& 41 L:^ 6" -' 1 , ' 1 f,' 'J. £t h. b. b. bi 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 7. 7. 7, 7. "7 7 '. 7 f , 7. i. 7, ,', /. 7, /. b. 5. j, 5, D. '. Os /- /* 7, / . /, "'. ^ ~. ^ b b h 7 7 7 7 8 9 7 8 9 0 8 8 1 t 3 •j 4 4 5 A 6 s i? A 7 4 6 7 8 ;, ;' ~> c 4 5 r. 7 7 £• ^ 5 8. i y. 1 ^ < 8, i 8.1 0.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 0.1 0.1 8.1 8.1 0.1 0.1 8.1 8.1 8,1 8.1 0.1 8,1 8.1 8,1 8.1 8,1 $ * 8.1 t', i u.i 8. i <r» ia, i 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 y, \ i?i. i 8.1 0.. 1 3.1 t', ! t. i [^; ' t, 1 8. 1 71.5 7 = *"* ~ i " Vl.7 ' 1 , / •' ^ i -*1 71.6 7i.o 71.5 71.6 71.5 71.4 71.4 71.3 71.4 71.4 71.3 71.3 71. £ 71.2 71.2 71.0 71.8 71,0 71.8 71,8 71.8 71.8 70,9 78,9 7 1), 9 71,8 78,9 76. 9 78.9 78.9 78.9 70,9 ?8,9 Vij.7 ':?v;,A 7^,4 78,;} 7iJ,9 78.3 /y, / 78. '• If. o "^:, 7 SOIL !'»:-> iilty ciiy to clay •iilty ciay to ciay .;- i r, l • s vl -: ' 1 t 1. H 5 ; ': f, 'j I"1 i a <•• clayey silt to silty ciay cicyey siit ^o silty clay .. : -,T . r]pl/ ^.,-. -.] - .j siity ciay to ciay Siity clay to ciay silty clay to clay siity clay to clay silty clay to clay siity clay to clay silty clay to clay silty clay to clay clayey silt to silty clay clayey silt to silty clay clayey silt to silty clay silty clay to clay silty clay to clay silty clay to clay silty clay to clay silty ciay to ciay silty ciay to clay siity ciay to ciay silty clay to ciay clayey siit to silty ciay clayey silt to siity ciay clayey silt to silty clay siity ciay to clay siity clay to ciay silty ciay to ciay ciay clayey silt- to siity clay sandy silt to ciayey siit siity sand to sandy silt silty sand to sandy silt siity sand to sandy silt ;sndy siit to clayey siit clayey siit- to :iiiy ciay ciayey silt to silty ciay cis/ey siit *o siity c.ay = iUy clay to eisy si ity ciay to ciay silty clay to clay siity ciay to ciay siity ciay to ciay silt/ ciay to ciay silt; ciay to c^iy silt-.- clay to ciay fV 'J 7 h 6 *i ,3 8 6 6 8 6 8 8 9 6 8 7 8 8 6 6 6 9 9 9 / •>/ 7 8 3 7 12 9 13 15 16 12 9 18 4 0 q 8 6 •- a P, H ;• inter/mat;', Q". rfrf^rence: nDt'er <eiia-i9S2, Dasecl en 6(W ndssier efficiency and . 15 s Siidinc data average :.",b} - '• ' C. '<.'•:. d& 1-, i.Ci l£. 37j i£, 3i ic,4,'. i£,45 12, 50 12.55 12.60 12.65 12.70 12.75 12.80 12.85 12.90 12.95 13.00 13. 05 13.10 13.15 13,20 13,25 13.30 13.35 13.iO 13,45 13.50 1 j , DD 1 u, b^ 13.65 13.70 13.75 1 _-, -i:.; 13.65 13,90 • 3, "5 •*.W >.05 ' i , ! ,' '.4. ib 1 4 , c V; 14, .:.i 14.315 i •» , .'-• j •j?, .j 3'j. 7 •-'9. :' 4i3, tl 40. i 40,4 40, 5 4iS. ? 40,8 fl.0 41.2 41.3 41.5 41.7 41.8 42.0 42.2 42.3 42.5 42.7 42.8 43.0 43. 1 *f *• '< 43,5 43. b 43,8 44. 0 44. 1 44.3 *T^: J 44, H "r , 'J 44.9 45.1 45,3 45.4 45,6 •'••''.', ci 4;. - -IC. 1 •:-,3 4(:., 4 •'-,r 46, 6 4r.:e 47, 1 ic.k' 12.1 ii, u :£. 9 iu. 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S 9, ? 9.6 10.0 10. £ 10, 2 18, t S*. 5 If. 7 ;<i,H 11.0 i 1 , 0 11, c 11,4 i ] ! W '-'» j. 0.1 e v 0.1 ;••, 7 0. 1 0,1 tf.l 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3 6.3 0.3 0,3 0.3 0.3 81.3 0,3 0.3 0.3 0,3 0,3 0.3 0,3 0.3 ic. 6 0. 3 0.3 0.3 v5» '- 0,3 e.3 3. 3 0.3 0.3 S.3 0,3 y, 3 78, y /0.7 76,9 /o,6 ,'0. e V0.S 70.8 70,9 71.0 71.0 70.9 71.0 71.0 71.0 71.0 71.0 71.1 71.1 71.0 71.0 71.1 71.2 71,2 71. £ 71.2 71.2 7l.£ 71.2 71.2 7l.£ 71.1 f i.ii 71.2 71,2 71. £ 71.0 71.3 71.8 / i , t* 71,0 71.0 70.9 7P.9 7^.9 78.9 78,3 "n. 6 f i jty Slit; b 1 1 <j y nity s:ity silty silty siity silty silty silty silty silty silty silty silty silty silty silty silty silty ciay c:ay ciay clay clay clay clay ciay ciay ciay clay clay clay clay clay clay clay clay clay clay clay clayey silt to clayey silt to silty silty ciay clay clayey silt tc clayey siIt to clayey silt to siity silty siity clayey si clayey si clayey si clayey si clayey si clay to clay to clay tO ..-lay to ciay to ciay to clay to clay to ciay to ciay to clay to ciay to clay to clay to clay to clay to clay to clay to clay to clay to clay to clay silty clay silty clay to clay to ciay silty ciay siity clay siity clay to clay clay to ciay -. 6 •s 0 3 b A '-; 4 4 9 9 9 10 10 10 9 8 6 8 9 6 6 B 6 7 6 6 7 ~! ciay to ciay 7 it to it to it to it to it to clayey silt to clayey silt to clayey silt to clayey si siity ciayey si clayey si clayey si clayey ;i chyf; Si clays/ si It to siity ciay silty ciay silty ciay silty clay silty clay silty clay silty clay siity clay silty ciay c.'ay to ciay it to it tS It to it tj It to it to silty ciay silty clay silty c ay siity c ay siity c ay Siity clay 6 D c J J 5 5 j 5 b s -, 5 j 3 5 ii, 7 i i, 9 clayey clayey silt to silty cia/ r. .t-/ el*-- \* cl:v.- 3C.il -nterp^5';ai:c-~ Deference; Robertson £mer f-'^iCiency ana ] 4.',j5 Hf, ,• '•.•,'.> 0, £16 '.'-, j<? i:., - t', o' ••'»). ••' CicVty Slit to S.ity C:sy 3 i;sb? ''",5 10."; k". 1'i-f • i '••; ;i;.4 i...i- • tf. i clayey silt to silty C:«y i •J*.bj *s. ^ ik'.c i>,.•;<;; •;."<:> i:!.o 0,^ /k*. •' siiiy clay 10 cisy / i*. '.!0 -tb.:i li*. 7 i.vii ". :7 :.;.?- 3.3 "•*, ^ si Ivy clay t; clay 8 14.7i -»H,4 ;5,9 0,£bfa i,7:^ ;i,ii 8.3 7£,iJ< clayey siit to s;lty cia; ? 14.60 'st.c. h.c ii.c'/J L-:.3(? -::,- '••':• ^-' ?-«y«y Hit ti ;^ uy ciay f- 14.55 -6.7 13.5 3.£•.:•: £,:,;. '3,t ii./ 7^-5 clayey ;i.it to siisy clay 5 It.90 t8.9 ;;.3 vs.i27 £,87 il.i 0.o /i?,5 clayey silt to siity clay 5 1«,85 49,0 li.6 S.cc? 1.9/ l4.£ ^.5 70.4 clayey silt to Eilty cla« 5 15.00 49.£ 11.6 8.£4b £.13 14.5 6.3 719.4 clayey silt to silty clay 5 15.05 49,4 11.1 6.242 2,16 14.fc 0.3 70.4 clayey silt to silty clay 5 15.10 49.5 10.9 0.£6b £.44 14.8 0.3 70.5 silty clay to clay 7 15.15 49.7 11.0 0.346 3.13 15,1 0.3 70.4 clayey silt to siity clay 6 15.28 49.9 13.4 &,£B5 2.12 15.2 0.3 70.4 silty clay to clay 8 15.25 50.0 11.1 0,419 3.78 15. £ 0.3 70.4 ? ? 15.30 50.£ 17.4 ? ? 15.7 8.3 70.4 ? ? 15.35 50.4 £5.9 ? ? 15.9 0.3 70.4 ? ? WRITE NUMBER OF RODS USED Soil interpretation reference: Robertson £ Ca«panella-1983, based on 60S haner efficiency and .15 i sliding data average JUND,. NGj DH'f M IN FILh. CPT£.'>:3a 07-13-96 13:54 PLRftTQR : B. BUCKNfiM LOCATION ; CPT-4 U-\>L ID ; bVV3 JOB No- i 8071£8 u :•••-1 j. .:. :i. n g TICfc CiSSlPfiTION OF Pw psi flT INTERVAL 15.35 50.4 0.0 60.8 120.0 188.8 0.0 60.0 120.0 180.0 240.0 300.0 4,4 4.7 4.9 5.2 14.8 16.8 17.6 18.3 18.9 19.4 4.4 4.7 5.0 5.2 15.3 16.9 17.7 18.3 18.9 4.4 4.6 5.0 5.3 15.5 17.0 17.8 18.4 19.0 4.4 4.6 5.0 5.2 15.8 17.0 17.8 16.4 19.0 4,5 4.8 5.1 5,3 16.0 17.1 17.9 18.5 19.0 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.3 16.1 17.1 17.9 18.6 19.1 4.5 4.6 5.1 5.3 16.2 17.2 18.0 18.6 19.1 4.6 4.9 5.1 16.4 17.3 18.0 18.6 19.2 4.6 4.9 5.1 16.4 17.4 16.1 18.7 19.2 4.6 4.9 5.2 16.5 17.4 18.1 18.7 19.2 4.7 4.9 5.2 16.6 17.5 18.2 18.8 19.3 4,7 t.'i 5.2 16.7 17.5 18.2 18.8 19.3 I-FUCI ION RATIO PUHC PHESSUKE K- • 15 D - , •( "K f !-i •k i^' "H 1| "•l! •I/ ^15- _ - - cu OJ M— 30- Z' 1 1 I 1 „ I \ H- "I CL I/ UJ -Ha if _l ^-^ - - " 45- - - „ - - 1 <^ ) ( 1 ( . 1 i1J i-i-ii 4 1 / 14 ' . -I '| -! .' ~\ '^. - 30- " - r i (\I -i 4 1 - - " 45- ; - _ -- - „- cri •r I 1 ! 1 "T« J * — __^ _) ^r— ^ i <~'"'"i , ...^ 1"1 r 1 -.i^ -•I '?"! -"•*•- 1 "~'f ts- 30- " - I i c. \ j v> £,„. \_I tf~"'^^ 4i •>j - -~ 45- ; - -•• - _- "^J"^::JB» .j <• 2t,, ?- X ^=-'fe_ 'ii;•!-, i I , i i '""r'a 1 4 ;i -i 15- 30- - - _ - - - ~ 45- - - . - - - _ - r- r . ' 1 [ i 1 1 1 •(A/ i::::: c:;: -~| .__. y\ ~;v K,-l >\ f r~] CZD T j ~T fxj f"--fI \' \ • 1 i i i , \ «! 11% 1 1 . 1 1 — L_ 1 L— . _J — 1 ^ Operator : B. BUCKNAH CPT Date C"7- 13-98 1.3:54 Sounding • CPT 29.? Pg ? / 1 Location CPT-4 Cooe used : 509 .job NO. 8D7 128 | depth rncremen :. : 05 m Max Depth : 50 36 ft c 4851855-008 APPENDIX C Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results Atterberg Limits: The Atterberg Limits were determined in accordance with ASTM Test Method D423 for engineering classification of the fine-grained materials and presented in the test data and the table below: Sample Location B-29 B-29 CPT-1 CPT-1 Liquid Limit (%) 46.0 51.3 38.4 65.7 Plastic Limit (%) 19.8 20.9 25.5 39.2 Plastic Index (%) 26.2 30.3 12.9 26.5 uses Soil Classification CL-CH CL-CH ML MH Consolidation Tests: Consolidation tests were performed on selected, relatively undisturbed ring samples. Samples were placed in a consolidometer and loads were applied in geometric progression. The percent consolidation for each load cycle was recorded as the ratio of the amount of vertical compression to the original 1-inch height. Time-rate consolidation testing was also accomplished with the results presented in test data and the table below: Sample Location B-28,25' B-28,31' B-29, 2' B-29, 15' B-29, 25' Hydrocollapse % 0 0 N/A N/A N/A Moisture and Density Determination Tests: Moisture content and dry density determinations were performed on relatively undisturbed samples obtained from the test borings and/or trenches. The results of these tests are presented in the boring and/or trench logs. Where applicable, only moisture content was determined from "undisturbed" or disturbed samples. C-l 4851855-008 APPENDIX C (continued) Maximum Density Tests: The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of typical materials were determined in accordance with ASTM Test Method D1557. The results of these tests are presented in the table below: Sample Location B-28, l'-4' B-30, l'-4' Sample Description Yellow-brown, silty fine sand to sandy clay Yellow-brown, silty fine sand to sandy clay Maximum Dry Density (pcf) 119.0 119.0 Optimum Moisture Content (%) 12.7 12.5 C-2 COMPACTION TEST DATA §ASTM-D1557§ Mold • 4-in dia EH 6-in dia. % Material Passing Sieve #4 100% #3/8 #3/4 Layers 5 5 Blows per Layer • 25 Weight of Hammer (kg) • 5n 10 Height of Drop (ft) • 16 D 18 Test Data Points Weight of Mold (g) Soil + Mold (g) Tare No. Soil + Tare (g) Dry Soil + Tare <g) Weight of Tare <g> 1 1820.5 3698.7 T1 549.3 526.1 271.9 2 1820.5 3803.8 T2 557.4 529.1 275.7 3 1820.5 3839.6 T3 554.3 521.6 276.2 4 1820.5 3813.0 T4 552.2 514.1 271.9 Specific Gravity: 2.65 TEST RESULTS Wet Density <pcf) Water Content (%> Dry Density (pd) Zero Air Void 124.0 9.1 113.6 136.7 130.9 11.2 117.7 131.0 133.2 13.3 117.6 125.4 131.5 15.7 113.6 119.8 Regression Equation: y = -0.4158x2 + 10.318X + 54.127 Opt. Water Content: 12.5% Max. Dry Density: . 119.0 pcf. COMPACTION CURVE 155 145 140 135 120 115 105 100 95 90 85 1 1 1 i . . ~ i ! i I i i . < T — H 111 ' ' : 1 ' " 1 ' ' : t 1 < - , ,,, : y t 1 1 , , t , > , ! i %. >^^V. > , , , 1 . 1 'X' -X: > ( ! ! t > t < . , , ! v > Sample i Yellow-B S. ^z**-*^ • > * > . *B-30, 1@ rn. fine SIV * . < X X\\1 I-SC ' . ! ' 1 J J , I , , t t H 1 1 t -! , < 10 15 Water Content (%) 20 25 Project No.: 851855-008 Project Name: Shellv/Rancho Santa Field Tech: KBC Date: 7/21/98. Tested bv: HA/HCC Teratest Labs Inc. COMPACTION TEST DATA §ASTM-D1557§ Mold • 4-in dia D 6-india. % Material Passing Sieve #4 100% #3/8 #3/4 Layers 5 5 Blows per Layer • 25 Weight of Hammer (kg) • 5n 10 Height of Drop (fl) • 16n is Test Data Points Weight of Mold (g> Soil + Mold (g) Tare No. Soil + Tare <g) Dry Soil + Tare (g> Weight of Tare <g) 1 1820.5 3865.8 T1 550.3 515.5 271.9 2 1820.5 3814.2 T2 552.6 513.6 275.7 3 1820.5 3837.7 T3 548.6 518.5 276.2 4 1820.5 3700.0 T4 550.0 527.0 271.9 Specific Gravity: 2.65 TEST RESULTS Wet Density (pco Water Content (%> Dry Density (pd) Zero Air Void 135.0 14.3 118.1 123.1 131.6 16.4 113.0 118.3 133.1 12.4 118.4 127.7 124.0 9.0 113.8 137.0 Regression Equation: y = -0.3914x2 + 9.8733x + 56.509 Opt. Water Content: 12.7% Max. Dry Density: 119.0pcf COMPACTION CURVE 155 2 120 100 95 90 85 t 1 t ' 1 ^< < ' '• i * 1 , . : ' f 1 , , < i ! < t i i j • i * ! • - I •- : X ~ t » « i ! • 1 : ' /f , ' t • • . . i • ' Sampled;Yellow-B s. . ^S^t^x ^** **m. - < ^ B-28, 1 @ rn. fine SIV ( ; i - < ~ : S-L i i '^s« * ^s/xx• • H \. ! . , , , , 1 '-4' I-SC , > t > ! > ' ' > i i > , : > , ! : , : 10 15 Water Content (%) 20 25 Project No.: 851855-008 Project Name: Shellv/Rancho Santa Field Tech: KBC Date: 7/21/98. Tested by: HNHMC Teratest Labs Inc. ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS §ASTM-D4318§ LIQUID LIMIT DATA Point 1 2 3 Wt. of tare 11.520 11.380 11.505 Wt. of tare + Wet soil 48.440 52.010 48.220 Wt. of tare + Dry soil 36.532 39.282 36.836 Blow count 12 28 45 % Moisture 47.61 45.62 44.94 PLASTIC LIMIT DATA Point 1 Wt. of tare 11.439 Wt. of tare + Wet soil 18.109 Wt. of tare + Dry soil 17.007 % Moisture 19.79 LIQUID LIMIT CHART 47.50 «S47fTO - •g 46.50 • "46.00.g 5 45.50 - 4f% on - 44.50 -I 1 TTt--V —\— V-— VAS t —\A4-L-^——4V- -\t 10Blow Count 100 PLASTICITY CHART 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Liquid Limit (%) TEST RESULTS Boring # B-29 Sample # 2 Depth (ft) 10' PL 19.79 LL 46.03 PI 26.24 uses CL-CH Project No. : 851855-008 Project Name: Shellv/Rancho Santa Fe Date: 7/27/98 Tested by: HNH Teratest Labs Inc. Premier Geotechnical Testing ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS §ASTM-D4318§ LIQUID LIMIT DATA Point 1 2 3 Wt. of tare 11.500 11.444 11.315 Wt. of tare + Wet soil 46.790 45.120 49.390 Wt. of tare + Dry soil 34.422 33.600 36.579 Blow count 9 18 32 % Moisture 53.96 51.99 50.71 PLASTIC LIMIT DATA Point 1 Wt. of tare 11.317 Wt. of tare + Wet soil 17.938 Wt. of tare + Dry soil 16.792 % Moisture 20.93 54.00 -i 53.50 S53.00J =1 52.50 "52.00 3S 51 .50 51.00 50.50 -I 1 L.IQIJII3 L l\ 3 /ir4 ov FCHA \ 10/ Count RT \t t- 100 PLASTICITY CHART 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Liquid Limit (%) TEST RESULTS Boring # B-29 Sample # 3 Depth (ft) 15' PL 20.93 LL 51.28 PI 30.34 uses CL-CH Project No.: 851855-008 Project Name: Shelly/Rancho Santa Fe Date: 7/27/98 Tested by: HNH Teratest Labs Inc. Premier Geotechnical Testing ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS §ASTM-D4318§ LIQUID LIMIT DATA Point 1 2 3 Wt. of tare 11.468 11.382 11.423 Wt. of tare + Wet soil 44.020 48.250 50.550 Wt. of tare + Dry soil 34.197 37.600 39.763 Blow count 5 10 30 % Moisture 43.22 40.62 38.06 PLASTIC LIMIT DATA Point 1 Wt. of tare 11.506 Wt. of tare + Wet soil 19.400 Wt. of tare + Dry soil 17.795 % Moisture 25.52 4400 -i 43.00 - ^4200 ||41.00 ^ AT\ nn - 3S 39.00 - 3800 37.00 -I 1 LIQUID LIMIT CHART H ^ \X>\ \— S i — 10Blow Count 100 PLASTICITY CHART 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Liquid Limit (%) TEST RESULTS Boring # CPT-1 Sample # 1 Depth (ft) 5 PL 25.52 LL 38.43 PI 12.90 uses ML Project No.: 851855-008 Project Name: Shellv/Rancho Santa Fe Date: 7/27/98 Tested by: HNH Teratest Labs Inc. Premier Geotechnical Testing ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS §ASTM-D4318§ LIQUID LIMIT DATA Point 1 2 3 Wt. of tare 11.506 11.541 11.386 Wt. of tare + Wet soil 40.911 39.053 46.110 Wt. of tare + Dry soil 28.630 27.861 32.796 Blow count 10 21 36 % Moisture 71.72 68.58 62.19 PLASTIC LIMIT DATA Point 1 Wt. of tare 11.498 Wt. of tare + Wet soil 18.810 Wt. of tare + Dry soil 16.749 % Moisture 39.25 LIQUID LIMIT CHART Ty nn . ge^"*7fl nn §6800 -OOB.UU h.4)"mfifinn - R4 Of! R9 nn 1 \ \\ \\\\\\ 'J\\ 10 100Blow Count PLASTICITY CHART 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Liquid Limit (%) TEST RESULTS Boring* CPT-1 Sample # 2 Depth (ft) 7 PL 39.25 LL 65.74 PI 26.49 uses MH Project No.: 851855-008 Project Name: Shelly/Rancho Santa Fe Date: 7/27/98 Tested by: HNH Teratest Labs Inc. Premier Geotechnical Testing CONSOLIDATION TEST DATA AND RESULTS § ASTM - D 2435 § PHASE DIAGRAM DATA:SETTLEMENT DATA: Height of sample, in. Diameter, in. Area, inA2 Volume, in*3 Wt (ring + wet soil), g Wt (ring + dry soil), g Wt of ring, g Moisture content, % Wet density, pcf Dry density, pcf Solid height, in. Saturation, % Calculated Gs BEFORE TEST 1.00 2.41 4.56 4.56 191.20 164.80 44.30 21.9 122.7 100.6 0.582 100.0 2.77 AFTER TEST 0.929 2.41 4.56 4.24 190.70 164.80 44.30 21.5 131.7 108.4 0.582 100.0 2.77 Load (psf) 0 420 840 1680 3360 6720 13440 Dial readingon) 0.0000 0.0060 0.0133 0.0176 0.0232 0.0428 0.0715 Void ratio a 0.718 0.708 0.695 0.688 0.678 0.645 0.595 Average height (in.) 0.9970 0.9904 0.9846 0.9796 0.9670 0.9429 Drainage On.) 0.4985 0.4952 0.4923 0.4898 0.4835 0.4714 Tso (Min.) Cv (Cm"2/Sec) % of Hydro-collap 0.00 Void ratio vs. Pressure iB-28, 14 @ 25.0' ' I Add water® 5.0 Kg 0.250 100 Project No.: 851855-008 Project Name: Shelly/Santa Fe Date: 7/31/98 1000 10000 100000 Pressure, psf Teratest Labs Inc. Premier Geotechnical Testing CONSOLIDATION TEST DATA AND RESULTS § ASTM - D 2435 § PHASE DIAGRAM DATA:SETTLEMENT DATA: Height of sample, in. Diameter, in. Area, in*2 Volume, in*3 Wt (ring + wet soil), g Wt (ring + dry soil), g Wt of ring, g Moisture content, % Wet density, pcf Dry density, pcf Solid height, in. Saturation, % Calculated Gs BEFORE TEST 1.00 2.41 4.56 4.56 186.10 158.10 44.60 24.7 118.2 94.8 0.538 100.0 2.83 AFTER TEST 0.876 2.41 4.56 4.00 183.40 158.10 44.60 22.3 132.3 108.2 0.538 100.0 2.83 Load (psf) 0 530 1060 2120 4240 8480 16960 Dial readingon) 0.0000 0.0067 0.0165 0.0302 0.0550 0.0864 0.1239 Void ratio 6i 0.860 0.848 0.829 0.804 0.758 0.699 0.630 Average height (in.) 0.9967 0.9884 0.9767 0.9574 0.9293 0.8949 Drainage (in.) 0.4983 0.4942 0.4883 0.4787 0.4647 0.4474 Tso (Win.) 16.56 Cv (Cm"2/Sec) 2.93E-04 % of Hydro-collap 0.00 Void ratio vs. Pressure 0.850 0.750 B-28, 20 @ 31.0' Add water @ 6.0 Kg 0.250 Project No. : 851855-008 Project Name: Shelly/Santa Fe Date: 7/31/98 1000 10000 100000 Pressure, psf Teratest Labs Inc. Premier Geotechnical Testing CONSOLIDATION TEST DATA AND RESULTS § ASTM - D 2435 § PHASE DIAGRAM DATA:SETTLEMENT DATA: Height of sample, in. Diameter, in. Area, in*2 Volume, in*3 Wt (ring + wet soil), g Wt (ring + dry soil), g Wt of ring, g Moisture content, % Wet density, pcf Dry density, pcf Solid height, in. Saturation, % Calculated Gs BEFORE TEST 1.00 2.41 4.56 4.56 187.80 160.20 44.60 23.9 119.6 96.6 0.554 100.0 2.79 AFTER TEST 0.908 2.41 4.56 4.14 186.60 160.20 44.60 22.8 130.7 106.4 0.554 100.0 2.79 Load (psf) 0 530 1050 2100 4200 8400 Dial reading(m) 0.0000 0.0094 0.0176 0.0349 0.0587 0.0923 Void ratio 6i 0.804 0.787 0.772 0.741 0.698 0.637 Average height (in.) 0.9953 0.9865 0.9738 0.9532 0.9245 Drainage (in.) 0.4977 0.4933 0.4869 0.4766 0.4623 Tso (Min.) 8.51 Cv (Cm"2/Sec) 5.90E-04 % of Hydro-collap N/A 0.850 0.750 0.650 - 2 0.550 I 0.450 0.350 0.250 INUNDATE 100 Project No.: 857855-008 Project Name: Shelly/Santa Fe Date: 7/31/98 Void ratio vs. Pressure B-29, 2 @ 2.0' Add water @ Start 1000 10000 100000 Pressure, psf Teratest Labs Inc. Premier Geotechnical Testing CONSOLIDATION TEST DATA AND RESULTS § ASTM - D 2435 § PHASE DIAGRAM DATA:SETTLEMENT DATA: Height of sample, in. Diameter, in. Area, inA2 Volume, inA3 Wt (ring + wet soil), g Wt (ring + dry soil), g Wt of ring, g Moisture content, % Wet density, pcf Dry density, pcf Solid height, in. Saturation, % Calculated Gs BEFORE TEST 1.00 2.41 4.56 4.56 185.80 156.50 44.50 26.2 118.0 93.5 0.546 100.0 2.74 AFTER TEST 0.906 2.41 4.56 4.13 183.40 156.50 44.50 24.0 128.0 103.2 0.546 100.0 2.74 Load (PSf) 0 350 700 1400 2800 5600 11200 Dial reading(in) 0.0000 0.0011 0.0062 0.0194 0.0302 0.0557 0.0938 Void ratio 6i 0.831 0.829 0.819 0.795 0.775 0.729 0.659 Average height (in.) 0.9995 0.9964 0.9872 0.9752 0.9571 0.9253 Drainage (in.) 0.4997 0.4982 0.4936 0.4876 0.4785 0.4626 Tso (Min.) 12.11 Cv (Cm"2/Sec) 4.16E-04 % of Hydro-collap N/A Void ratio vs. Pressure 0.850 jB-29, 3 @ 15.0' iAdd water© Start 0.250 100 1000 10000 100000 Pressure, psf Project No. : 851855-008 m Project Name: Shelly/Santa Fe _ Date: 7/31/98 Teratest Labs Inc. Premier Geotechnical Testing CONSOLIDATION TEST DATA AND RESULTS § ASTM - D 2435 § PHASE DIAGRAM DATA:SETTLEMENT DATA: Height of sample, in. Diameter, in. Area, m*2 Volume, inA3 Wt (ring + wet soil), g Wt (ring + dry soil), g Wt of ring, g Moisture content, % Wet density, pcf Dry density, pcf Solid height, in. Saturation, % Calculated Gs BEFORE TEST 1.00 2.41 4.56 4.56 190.70 158.20 44.20 28.5 122.4 95.2 0.526 100.0 2.90 AFTER TEST 0.882 2.41 4.56 4.02 184.80 158.20 44.20 23.3 133.2 108.0 0.526 100.0 2.90 Load (psf) 0 530 1060 2120 4240 8480 16960 Dial reading^) 0.0000 0.0050 0.0112 0.0255 0.0487 0.0784 0.1183 Void ratio 6i 0.902 0.892 0.881 0.853 0.809 0.753 0.677 Average height (m.) 0.9975 0.9919 0.9817 0.9629 0.9365 0.9017 Drainage (in.) 0.4988 0.4960 0.4908 0.4815 0.4682 0.4508 Tso (Win.) 17.75 Cv (Cm"2/Sec) 2.77E-04 % of Hydro-collap N/A 0.950 0.850 0.750 * 0.650 0.550 0.450 0.350 0.250 100 INUNDATE Project No. : 857855-008 Project Name: Shelly/Santa Fe Date: 7/31/98 Void ratio vs. Pressure ! B-29, 5 @ 25.0' \ Add water @ Start I I I—I 1000 10000 Pressure, psf 100000 Teratest Labs Inc. Premier Geolechnical Testing LABORATORY TESTING PROCEDURES AND TEST RESULTS DECEMBER 18, 1995 4851855-007 APPENDIX C Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results Atterberg Limits: The Atterberg Limits were determined in accordance with ASTM Test Method D423 for engineering classification of the fine-grained materials and presented in the table below: 1 Sample Location B-13 Liquid Limit (%) 36.7 Plastic Limit (%) 17.2 Plastic Index (%) 19.5 uses 1 Soil Classification | CL I m Classification or Grain Size Tests: Typical materials were subjected to mechanical grain-size analysis by sieving from U.S. Standard brass screens (ASTM Test Method D422). Hydrometer analyses were performed where appreciable quantities of fines were encountered. The data was evaluated in determining the classification of the materials. The grain-size distribution curves are presented in the test data and the Unified Soil Classification (USCS) is presented in both the test data and the boring and/or trench logs. Consolidation Tests: Consolidation tests were performed on selected, relatively undisturbed ring samples. Samples were placed in a consolidometer and loads were applied in geometric progression. The percent consolidation for each load cycle was recorded as the ratio of the amount of vertical compression to the original 1-inch height Time-rate consolidation testing was also accomplished with the results presented below: Sample Location B-20, 15' B-20, 25' B-21, 50' B-22, 15' B-22, 50' B-24, 15' Q (ft2/hr) 4 6 3 50-75 5 22 The consolidation pressure curves are presented in the test data. Direct Shear Tests: Direct shear tests were performed on selected remolded and/or undisturbed samples which were soaked for a minimum of 24 hours under a surcharge equal to the applied normal force during testing. After transfer of the sample to the shear box, and reloading the sample, pore pressures set up in the sample due to the transfer were allowed to dissipate for a period of approximately 1 hour prior to application of shearing force. The samples were tested under various normal loads, a motor-driven, strain-controlled, direct-shear testing apparatus at a strain rate of less C-l 4851855-007 than 0.001 to 0.5 inches per minute (depending upon the soil type). The test results are presented in the test data. Moisture and Density Determination Tests: Moisture content and dry density determinations were performed on relatively undisturbed samples obtained from the test borings and/or trenches. The results of these tests are presented in the boring and/or trench logs. Where applicable, only moisture content was determined from "undisturbed" or disturbed samples. C-2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 120 1 *~— _^*^^~i i.•> ^N ^v \ \\ V \ \ \ \ ^ 1 10 VERTICAL STRESS (ksf) Test Method : ASTM D2435-90 Boring No. Sample No. Depth (feet) Soil Type Type of San B-20 3 15.0 CL iple Before Adding Water • After Adding Water Dry Density (pcf] Moisture Conten Before After t( 100.3 26.0 22.5 Undisturbed CONSOLIDATION -PRESSURE CURVE- Project No. Project Name Date 10/31 4851855-007 i Shelley/Carlsbad 795 Figure'No. 1 Ti i JU u 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1? •---~~^ ^k -.^ -*--« N \ \\\s \ \V \ V 0.1 10 VERTICAL STRESS (ksf) Test Method : ASTM D2435-90 Before Adding Water • After Adding Water Boring No. B-20 Drv Densltv (ocft 94.0 Sample No. 25 Depth (feet) 25.0 Moisture Content (%): Before 30.6 Soil Type CL After 27.7 Typo of sample Undisturbed CONSOLIDATION PRESSURE CURVE- Project No. . Project Name. 4851855-007 Shelley/Carlsbad Date 10/31/95 Figure No. 2 10 12 140.1 \ \\ 10 VERTICAL STRESS (ksf) Test Method: ASTM D2435-90 Before Adding Water After Adding Water B-21 10 Boring No. Sample No. _ Depth (feet) 50.0 Soil Type CL Dry Density (pcf) 85.8 Moisture Content (%): Before 34.1 After 28.0 Type of Sample Undisturbed CONSOLIDATION PRESSURE CURVE - Project No. . Project Name. 4851855-007 Shellev/Carlsbad Date 10/31/95 Figure No. 3 JU 0 1 2 3 4 5 \ 7 — 8- 9- 10 — 11 — 0.1 10 VERTICAL STRESS (ksf) Test Method : ASTM D2435-90 Before Adding Water After Adding Water Boring No. Sample No. Depth (feet) Soil Type B-22 Dry Density (pcf) 112.4 15.0 SC Moisture Content (%): Before 17.6 After 15.2 Type of Sample Undisturbed CONSOLIDATION PRESSURE CURVE - Project No. . Project Name. 4851855-007 Shelley/Carlsbad Date 10/31/95 Figure No. _4_UU 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 120 1 •- -•^•^| V X N. \ ^ \ \ \ V \S \ \ \ V 1 10 VERTICAL STRESS (ksf) Test Method : ASTM D2435-90 Boring No. Sample No. Depth (feet) Soil Type B-22 10 50.0 CL Type of Sample Before Adding Water • After Adding Water Dry Density (pcf) Moisture Content ( Before After 83.5 %): 36.0 32.8 Undisturbed CONSOLIDATION -PRESSURE CURVE- Project No. Project Name Date 10/31 4851855-007 » Shellev/Carlsbad 795 FiguresNo. 5 ?l I JU 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 120 1 *-•••»*».•*•*,**l k ^x, \ \ • ^ \ \ \ \ \ ^\\ \ \ \ IV 1 10 VERTICAL STRESS (ksf) Test Method : ASTM D2435-90 Boring No. Sample No. Depth (feet) Soil Type B-24 4 15.0 CL Type of Sample Before Adding Water • After Adding Water Dry Density (pcf) Moisture Content ( Before After 92.1 %): 29.5 24.7 Undisturbed CONSOLIDATION -PRESSURE CURVE - Project No. Project Name Date 10/31 4851855-007 > Shellev/Carlsbad 795 FiguresNo. 6 "fi i JU LABORATORY TESTING PROCEDURES AND TEST RESULTS APRIL 25, 1986 EXPANSION INDEX TEST RESULTS TEST NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 SAMPLE LOCATION B-I @ r-21 B-3 @ 14' B-4 @ 26' B-5 @ 18' B-6 @ 15' T-5 G> 8' iNrrtAL MOISTURE (%) 11.5 10.6 8.6 5.3 7.7 7.9 COMPACTED DRY DENSITY (PCF) 86.9 113.0 116.4 101.3 99.7 97.6 FINAL MOISTURE (%) 43.0 28.0 33.5 28.9 29.3 35.8 VOLUMETRIC SWELL (%) 15.9 9.8 6.5 14.3 14.1 11.1 EXPANSION INDEX 159 98 65 143 141 111 EXPANSIVE POTENTIAL Very High High Medium Very High Very High • High MAXIMUM DENSITY TEST RESULTS SAMPLE B-4 @ 20'- 25' B-7 @ 11'- 12' MAXIMUM OPTIMUM DESCRIPTION DRY DENSITY MOISTURE (PCF) CONTENT (%) Olive green-gray claystone 107.5 19.0 Blue-gray claystone 110.0 18.0 iHGhroN «nc •toSOt-£^ Project No.4851855-01 SHELLEY/RANCHO SANTA FE * 4000 CO 0.5utoc Ul V) 3000 2000 1000 H—h 4-i- -H- -H- 1000 2000 3000 NORMAL STRESS (PSF) 4000 5000 DESCRIPTION Undisturbed Remolded at 90% SYMBOL • 0 BORING NUMBER B-4 B-4 SAMPLE NUMBER 1 2 & 3 DEPTH (FEET) 5' -6' 19'-26' COHESION (PSF) 830 220 FRICTION ANGLE 37° 25° SOIL TYPE CL/CH CL/CH LEK3HTON ino ASSOCIATES I Project No. 4851855-01 Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS a.to& 8IU DC CO (T UJ CO 4000 3000 2000 1000 :4 E n i± un I 4-4- -f -H- 1000 2000 3000 NORMAL STRESS (PSF) 4000 5000 DESCRIPTION Undisturbed SYMBOL • BORING NUMBER B-5 SAMPLE NUMBER 2 DEPTH (FEET) 31'-32' COHESION (PSF) 880 FRICTION ANGLE 39° SOIL TYPE CL/CH LEIGHTON ana ASSOCIATES T Project No. 4851855-01 Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS GTCOCL toto01cc _„« SH E A R S T 1000 X f i J i i JX"xr" x'T i 0 ~» 0 DESCRIPTION Remolded at 90% Undisturbed > 1 • i /tv i Zlx"X CD ! s*•r1 S~ i j t/ --; i ~* I xf s ( ^ ^ i '' i x!>x" j \ i i i i ; 1 i ; 1 ! ; , 1 ' ^ !> J^ \ . X xriI • ' ! i-.i iSJxfXf : •! ; 1000 SYMBOL • o BORING NUMBER B-7 B-7 1 !•J^"i' i -xTT1 i "" j1 . 1 1 1 ; i ' iXi /"• -r ' 'f' '• , ; ' >>xj>x^ ! • ^ K • ! i ' j : i : ' : I ~! ^ . i i ! j ; ^ ; ; !iIi 1 ! i 1 i I i > i j ! j , j i i ' ; 2000 3000 NORMAL STRESS (PSF) SAMPLE NUMBER 1 2 DEPTH (FEET) 12 1 17'- 18' 1 i • : , i j ! '• I i <, i—i i i : • i 1 : j ; j 1 j | i j 4000 5000 COHESION (PSF) 240 520 LEIGHTON ana ASSOCIATES FRICTION ANGLE 27° 33° SOIL TYPE CL/CH CL/CH Project No. 4851855-01 Shell ey/Rancho Santa Fe DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS 0.05 O.I EX P A N S I O N ( % ) 1 1 1 _ N W D b b b <n i i.o O t 2.0 Ol a. 5 10 LL0 4.0 1-z01o 5.0 01a. z 6.0g i 70_joV)zo Q.no ttu 9.O 10.0 O FIELD • SATUF • LOAOI — REBOL — .... — 1 i i 1 i i i i- 1 i i i • i LOAD IN KIPS PER 0.5 1.0 ..-tz — ..— — 1 — -_4.._ i . ,. . . ,"E'l 1 " i , i : . 1 • i ! : i . i ' ' : I • | ; I , : i • • I , ^___ — i __ — ._ ' ' i i ! i i i '1 1 ' 1 . ' ; MOISTURE BOR IATED SAW NG DEP IND SOI •— T — i 1 J 1 \' ~|" \ 1 ! 1 ' , ; i t t i ; 1 i 1 ' j i I i ii - t • t I • _.. ._. ••••i .... s ... — - •-, ... :~ r . ... 1' "^feX— iT 1t . 1 ( i ...- -t-H — ... ^-S 1 INGNO.: B-ll PLE NO.: 1 TH (FT) : 5' -6' -TYPE : CL/CH SQUARE FOOT 5.0 10.0 5oo ' l .... . . __ N. ^S^^^v ."V . .... v:: V ••- .... — -s, . : I • ' 1 ••". ' I; .if* •1 .... — • • .... — i — |...iii 1 .__ . t....j.... t j V |\!te•••(••i -...;._. , it V.\\ — ^ ' 1 "I ....i •j -1 i ! 1 J ^" 1 , 1 "X : "* ! i . 1 • 1 L. i ! r _!_ _i_ c ~l ' -•}-f- ._,,..1 11 1 - t 1-: i ; •... .^ --r-f-Ti••;••• ryrit i i j::zi...i:.i.±:n.z]..... ..j-4-Shjj.... J..JXi . 4 T" i x~ 1 :i i S^l • 1 , 1.• 1 • 1 1 _4- i L_ i:i i [ i —.... :::: . .. . "TTpn "'tiJT 1i i i"TT- SM^' > vl 'y K- - -iV-T-]~\K!\i \ IKlai ! i i ,,. 1 >Vi 1 • i !• i1l ij \i ^ -r 1 i 1 "t-f-T..J...1.L..11.4_ • . . 1 : {'-''' \ A \ "» :™ '• . 1 .... -;;• .... ._. -•- , ._. .... — — ....i~ .... .... i .... ._. .... :— —r i .... — ._. — .... ... -f- ._:_ i™r ._*.. "T i : j_ • i 1 .._,.. "T T" i •i1 I; • j Ij 1 1 ! , , ! . -— -~- 1 * "'T" -4— ••••- 1i 1 i"i iii1 i ! | H- 'i LEKXTON «na ASSOCI/£ES Pro ^* -«-&89 ^a i ,ect NO. 4851855-01 elley/Rancho Santa Fe CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS 0. 5 "3-° o V)z 1 -i-o Ul V) 1 K0 o t 2.0 Ul 0.i ao CO u.0 4.0 UJ o 5.0 UJa z 6.0g Q _J O C/) Z8 ao 9.0 1 0.0 - O FIELD • SATUR ' LOADI —— •— REBOU 05 O.I =1 — — i -H-i i i i i ! .... LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT O.5 1.0 5.0 10.0 50.0 i i ' .. — —_ — ._. - ..L _ : i t i i r \ i t 'i' 1 1 • i • 1 ... ' " -" -" : ..r _ • i ij•, i . ! r ; ! . . 1 • ' ' i , i 1 • - ! • • ' , . j • • i; i ' i • j ' 11 ; ' i .__ 1 1 .._ "1 "1 1 .___ rlS . ::;*-t (D- 1 :=s» :i.r±_— 1 ! i '. i | 1 - 1 | ... rrf- ! . l , 1 i . 1 1 . i j l ! ! 1 i 1 i | 1 I l l•1 1 .; j ; : 1 1 ! 1 1 1 ' 1 , 1 1 1i .... *— ' i i -fi i h -jH-f- : : I \ ••»• — — - — — rrr -H-....!.. i_ !5 -J !.^— k. V 1 ^i/i ""T ,...T- , 1 ± 1 1-1 — -frrrrI i_! i MOISTURE BORING NO.:. B-13 ATED SAMPLE NO.: 1 NG DEPTH (FT) : 5'- 6' NO SOIL TYPE : CL/CH . — , t,i !i — :;f X' ^*^ i_ L .X ^Vi/^111** ... » . . . . ." ; '. r."'. .... i .... •i i ._. .. — 'i~ "! i1 _; . . •r- • — i ' ' • — •• — ....i.... 1 it L... 1 1 i ••••;— T | — s. ! I j ... .... — j_.h i ir I !i t ....L_ ...i.J_L..I..I1 1 : ' ...j J.J- ! i•~r IT^J ' "~r - .... i t 1 . li'i""i UL r ......... .i..i..i..| . . ..;... ••••• ...4--?s4i--j j...n .... • ' \ 1 • : ' 1......... ...:... 1... \~~ • .......... _j- S^;. J.. H L3iir -r 'Wv. u i j•. • ....1 i" T""1i• i ...(_ . i i i . ..L • ••— f . ! ! ^ V^ :i :li ! i ' 1 1 ; i | 1 t 1 ' i p , i j ZL i I*! l | i rtrrs. -UJ\f -^-r ... t _\J.J_....!. IX. tli_i_5I_jJ IV-TTT1 -1 i ._. •«i J 1 i -t ... J -. • - -- v?H r^p - i_i r • ' i-ii• , : >• :--;- -... — ._. -••- , ....\~ — ....j.... — .___, ~iP — ;[•-. i )'.... ! — :—« ! :_. —r .... 1 .... t — - ••••I— -i | ir : | i L ...J | !! | ...U. 1 11 ..._ "~ t— "' .-— . • ...1. •" — i— -r "r i i — +— -. t .1 ..... • —f- ~r- i i - LEttHTON tna ASSOCIATES k 1 1 Project No. 4851855-01 Shell ey/Rancho Santa Fe CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS 0. 5 -3-° 0 ~2'° Ul <•» j J • O C O N S O L I D A T I O N - P E R C E N T O F S A M P L E T H I C K N E S S m o > — O i n a > - J O > C » - & W ' v' — g> 2 ? b o o o b b b S b b c r- - - n O 05 O.I — .._ 11 1i * ii | : : ' t t 1 LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT O.5 .0 5.0 10.0 50.0 .„ 1 ' 1 _ — * ' i I , i •i -! •i 1 ! .1 l . ' : , • 1 1 ! : . 1 : 1 i : , , ; i ; i i 1 1 : • • ' ' ' i ,- i i . ' 1: il| ! ; . j • ! ! : i , ; , , . | ' 1! i '•' 11 1 — r i : 1 . — H . .. i .....1 j.... . ' i • 1 i j 1 ' 1 • 1 1 | « "T- ..-,._ , i i ,;i , i i ^9*T 11 ! , ti i 'x , * i, , t 1 ' .... .... ._. -•- — s^ .... ._. '.'.'.L.'~r- l__ __^_j_ -4-44- : 1 rrr} • j 1 ' L• ' i ; | -}•••(-i i ...' i_L. .... r-f-H ^JT1 iH.i i f\ .... ... _.. .j i -^ MOISTURE BORING NO.: B- 14 ATED SAMPLE NO.: 4 NG DEPTH (FT) : 15'-16' NO SOIL TYP£ : CL/CH S ;.._ I )':...i , J-tJ. ' - _ 1 L..-1 .... 1... ..: J... ......... . ....:..„ V -t — : AJ:::I_..4^>s ... : . , . ! -h ' 1" L ^^Sfc,J .^ l^ I | _L i ..I . 1.... I 1.4.. t 1 -1 I ^ ' 1 • \ ! 11 I IT .... i t -, . .. ..... i i i • i 1 I ' ' 1 i j T 1 i ' 1 j~jI ' 1 . i 1 ......... —•„._ —_. •— n • s~•1 •• >-* • ^P 1 1 ! k ; \! \ : \ 1 t k^. t.... T •; 1 . I ! .... . .... ..—i :'i~i..iLj. LEIGHTON «na •--•• ; l 1l i ! V1 \\• ^ ! . i ! > ' ! ! KM— 1 1 . 1 — t | j 1 i f-j-fl i f j "1 ! ' ! i I ' -H-rf- I 1— -J"|-- .. 1..1 T "1- w_ ^1\1 \ .... — — ft . i1 i \-* Ld.... •«t + \ •*! k "* . . ..1-... i. i ' ; .' - i i ' ' ' • . • • — - ._. • • • : , -~ 1 V* A-4^ -_. .... .-... I t ...... i 'i 1 ._. ... t -- , i i ... : .._ ... .... ._ .... ._...., •"t1 • •,, ~r ' • t • ....j.... ! "H"T" • i •i.. , "! * . i -r •-•>- •••— r -4- \+ -r- ! ' 1 i ....p. | | 1! i | .. i ...1 4- | ri -4- ii!ii i ! j :i -4- —f- ~r.r" - ASSOCIATES iCl^H Project No. 4851855-01 Shell ey/Rancho Santa Fe CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS 0. — » en EX P A N S I O N ( % to A c 3 b b c (0£ 2.0 o £ 4.0 Ul | 6.0 (A U.0 8.0 i-z Ul g 10.0 Ul 0.I o 12'° § 14.0 1 § 16.0 18.0 20.0 O FIELD • SATUF 05 O.I .... .... — .... .... — — — — .... • - .-. -- "• ' i — t- i —\ • — — .._ ,; ,. J. LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT O.5 1.0 5.0 100 50.0 I j ...... J , ..... . 1 J, 1 T j. -t, -i* ..... I -I-.;. i " - —' i • 1 . i i 1 1 ! . U._}_1< !:::' MOISTURE ATED — ~""~ REBOUND ! •n* ---H ..; j ! 1 .... 11 _._ 1 T~"1 . i! 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J ' •4- • • i ....,..!..._ 4-J 1— 1 — 1. 1 i -t- .. 4— i i ......... / ! ™r — _-u ..... no ASSOCIATES ; Project No. 4851855-01 Shelley/Rancho Santa Fe CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS SYMBOL 0 LOCATION B-13 DEPTH 5'-6' FIELD MOISTURE (%) 13.3 LL (%) 36.7 PL (%) 17.2 PI (%) 19.5 u.s.c.s. CL 60 50 . 4O - 30 •; zo 10 CL-ML ,ML CL ML a OL I CH MH a OH 10 2O 30 4O SO 60 70 8O Lt ( Liquid Limit),% LEKXTON |ixj ASSOCiATtS 1 Project No. 4851855-01 SHELLEY/RANCHO SANTA FE D Leighton and Associates, Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 1 of6 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROUGH GRADING 1.0 General 1.1 Intent These General Earthwork and Grading Specifications are for the grading and earthwork shown on the approved grading plan(s) and/or indicated in the geotechnical report(s). These Specifications are a part of the recommendations contained in the geotechnical report(s). In case of conflict, the specific recommendations in the geotechnical report shall supersede these more general Specifications. Observations of the earthwork by the project Geotechnical Consultant during the course of grading may result in new or revised recommendations that could supersede these specifications or the recommendations in the geotechnical report(s). 1.2 The Geotechnical Consultant of Record: Prior to commencement of work, the owner shall employ the Geotechnical Consultant of Record (Geotechnical Consultant). The Geotechnical Consultants shall be responsible for reviewing the approved geotechnical report(s)and accepting the adequacy of the preliminary geotechnical findings, conclusions, and recommendations prior to the commencement of the grading. Prior to commencement of grading, the Geotechnical Consultant shall review the "work plan" prepared by the Earthwork Contractor (Contractor) and schedule sufficient personnel to perform the appropriate level of observation, mapping, and compaction testing. During the grading and earthwork operations, the Geotechnical Consultant shall observe, map, and document the subsurface exposures to verify the geotechnical design assumptions. If the observed conditions are found to be significantly different than the interpreted assumptions during the design phase, the Geotechnical Consultant shall inform the owner, recommend appropriate changes in design to accommodate the observed conditions, and notify the review agency where required. Subsurface areas to be geotechnically observed, mapped, elevations recorded, and/or tested include natural ground after it has been cleared for receiving fill but before fill is placed, bottoms of all "remedial removal" areas, all key bottoms, and benches made on sloping ground to receive fill. The Geotechnical Consultant shall observe the moisture-conditioningand processing of the subgrade and fill materials and perform relative compaction testing of fill to determine the attained level of compaction. The Geotechnical Consultant shall provide the test results to the owner and the Contractor on a routine and frequent basis. 3030.1094 Leighton and Associates, Inc. GENERAL EARTH WORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 2 of6 1.3 The Earthwork Contractor The Earthwork Contractor (Contractor) shall be qualified, experienced, and knowledgeable in earthwork logistics, preparation and processing of ground to receive fill, moisture-conditioning and processing of fill, and compacting fill. The Contractor shall review and accept the plans, geotechnical report(s), and these Specifications prior to commencement of grading. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for performing the grading in accordance with the plans and specifications. The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the owner and the Geotechnical Consultant a work plan that indicates the sequence of earthwork grading, the number of "spreads" of work and the estimated quantities of daily earthwork contemplated for the site prior to commencement of grading. The Contractor shall inform the owner and the Geotechnical Consultant of changes in work schedules and updates to the work plan at least 24 hours in advance of such changes so that appropriate observations and tests can be planned and accomplished. The Contractor shall not assume that the Geotechnical Consultant is aware of all grading operations. The Contractor shall have the sole responsibility to provide adequate equipment and methods to accomplish the earthwork in accordance with the applicable grading codes and agency ordinances, these Specifications, and the recommendations in the approved geotechnical report(s) and grading plan(s). If, in the opinion of the Geotechnical Consultant, unsatisfactory conditions, such as unsuitable soil, improper moisture condition, inadequate compaction, insufficient buttress key size, adverse weather, etc., are resulting in a quality of work less than required in these specifications, the Geotechnical Consultant shall reject the work and may recommend to the owner that construction be stopped until the conditions are rectified. 2.0 Preparation of Areas to be Filled 2.1 Clearing and Grubbing Vegetation, such as brush, grass, roots, and other deleterious material shall be sufficiently removed and properly disposed of in a method acceptable to the owner, governing agencies, and the Geotechnical Consultant. The Geotechnical Consultant shall evaluate the extent of these removals depending on specific site conditions. Earth fill material shall not contain more than 1 percent of organic materials (by volume). No fill lift shall contain more than 5 percent of organic matter. Nesting of the organic materials shall not be allowed. If potentially hazardous materials are encountered, the Contractor shall stop work in the affected area, and a hazardous material specialist shall be informed immediately for proper evaluation and handling of these materials prior to continuing to work in that area. As presently defined by the State of California, most refined petroleum products (gasoline, diesel fuel, motor oil, grease, coolant, etc.) have chemical constituents that are considered to be hazardous waste. As such, the indiscriminate dumping or spillage of these fluids onto the ground may constitute a misdemeanor, punishable by fines and/or imprisonment, and shall not be allowed. 3030.1094 Leighton and Associates, Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 3 of6 2.2 Processing Existing ground that has been declared satisfactory for support of fill by the Geotechnical Consultant shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches. Existing ground that is not satisfactory shall be overexcavatedas specified in the following section. Scarification shall continue until soils are broken down and free of large clay lumps or clods and the working surface is reasonably uniform, flat, and free of uneven features that would inhibit uniform compaction. 2.3 Overexcavation In addition to removals and overexcavations recommended in the approved geotechnical report(s) and the grading plan, soft, loose, dry, saturated, spongy, organic-rich, highly fractured or otherwise unsuitable ground shall be overexcavated to competent ground as evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant during grading. 2.4 Benching Where fills are to be placed on ground with slopes steeper than 5:1 (horizontal to vertical units), the ground shall be stepped or benched. Please see the Standard Details for a graphic illustration. The lowest bench or key shall be a minimum of 15 feet wide and at least 2 feet deep, into competent material as evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant. Other benches shall be excavated a minimum height of 4 feet into competent material or as otherwise recommended by the Geotechnical Consultant. Fill placed on ground sloping flatter than 5:1 shall also be benched or otherwise overexcavated to provide a flat subgrade for the fill. 2.5 Evaluation/Acceptance of Fill Areas: All areas to receive fill, including removal and processed areas, key bottoms, and benches, shall be observed, mapped, elevations recorded, and/or tested prior to being accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant as suitable to receive fill. The Contractor shall obtain a written acceptance from the Geotechnical Consultant prior to fill placement. A licensed surveyor shall provide the survey control for determining elevations of processed areas, keys, and benches. 3.0 Fill Material 3.1 General: Material to be used as fill shall be essentially free of organic matter and other deleterious substances evaluated and accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant prior to placement. Soils of poor quality, such as those with unacceptable gradation, high expansion potential, or low strength shall be placed in areas acceptable to the Geotechnical Consultant or mixed with other soils to achieve satisfactory fill material. 3.2 Oversize: Oversize material defined as rock, or other irreducible material with a maximum dimension greater than 8 inches, shall not be buried or placed in fill unless location, materials, and placement methods are specifically accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant. Placement operations shall be such that nesting of oversized material does not occur and such that oversize material is completely surrounded by compacted or densified fill. Oversize material shall not be placed within 10 vertical feet of finish grade or within 2 feet of future utilities or underground construction. 3030.1094 Leighton and Associates, Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 4 of6 3.3 Import If importing of fill material is required for grading, proposed import material shall meet the requirements of Section 3.1. The potential import source shall be given to the Geotechnical Consultant at least 48 hours (2 working days) before importing begins so that its suitability can be determined and appropriate tests performed. 4.0 Fill Placement and Compaction 4.1 Fill Layers: Approved fill material shall be placed in areas prepared to receive fill (per Section3.0) in near-horizontal layers not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness. The Geotechnical Consultant may accept thicker layers if testing indicates the grading procedures can adequately compact the thicker layers. Each layer shall be spread evenly and mixed thoroughly to attain relative uniformity of material and moisture throughout. 4.2 Fill Moisture Conditioning Fill soils shall be watered, dried back, blended, and/or mixed, as necessary to attain a relatively uniform moisture content at or slightly over optimum. Maximum density and optimum soil moisture content tests shall be performed in accordance with the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM Test Method D1557-91). 4.3 Compaction of Fill: After each layer has been moisture-conditioned, mixed, and evenly spread, it shall be uniformly compacted to not less than 90 percent of maximum dry density (ASTM Test Method D1557-91). Compaction equipment shall be adequately sized and be either specifically designed for soil compaction or of proven reliability to efficiently achieve the specified level of compaction with uniformity. 4.4 Compaction of Fill Slopes: In addition to normal compaction procedures specified above, compaction of slopes shall be accomplished by backrolling of slopes with sheepsfoot rollers at increments of 3 to 4 feet in fill elevation, or by other methods producing satisfactory results acceptable to the Geotechnical Consultant. Upon completion of grading, relative compaction of the fill, out to the slope face, shall be at least 90 percent of maximum density per ASTM Test Method D15 5 7-91. 4.5 Compaction Testing Field tests for moisture content and relative compaction of the fill soils shall be performed by the Geotechnical Consultant. Location and frequency of tests shall be at the Consultant's discretion based on field conditions encountered. Compaction test locations will not necessarily be selected on a random basis. Test locations shall be selected to verify adequacy of compaction levels in areas that are judged to be prone to inadequate compaction (such as close to slope faces and at the fill/bedrock benches). 3030.1094 Leighton and Associates, Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 5 of6 4.6 Frequency of Compaction Testing: Tests shall be taken at intervals not exceeding 2 feet in vertical rise and/or 1,000 cubic yards of compacted fill soils embankment. In addition, as a guideline, at least one test shall be taken on slope faces for each 5,000 square feet of slope face and/or each 10 feet of vertical height of slope. The Contractor shall assure that fill construction is such that the testing schedule can be accomplished by the Geotechnical Consultant. The Contractor shall stop or slow down the earthwork construction if these minimum standards are not met. 4.7 Compaction Test Locations: The Geotechnical Consultant shall document the approximate elevation and horizontal coordinates of each test location. The Contractor shall coordinate with the project surveyor to assure that sufficient grade stakes are established so that the Geotechnical Consultant can determine the test locations with sufficient accuracy. At a minimum, two grade stakes within a horizontal distance of 100 feet and vertically less than 5 feet apart from potential test locations shall be provided. 5.0 Subdrain Installation Subdrain systems shall be installed in accordance with the approved geotechnical report(s), the grading plan, and the Standard Details. The Geotechnical Consultant may recommend additional subdrains and/or changes in subdrain extent, location, grade, or material depending on conditions encountered during grading. All subdrains shall be surveyed by a land surveyor/civil engineer for line and grade after installation and prior to burial. Sufficient time should be allowed by the Contractor for these surveys. 6.0 Excavation Excavations, as well as over-excavation for remedial purposes, shall be evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant during grading. Remedial removal depths shown on geotechnical plans are estimates only. The actual extent of removal shall be determined by the Geotechnical Consultant based on the field evaluation of exposed conditions during grading. Where fill-over-cut slopes are to be graded, the cut portion of the slope shall be made, evaluated, and accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant prior to placement of materials for construction of the fill portion of the slope, unless otherwise recommended by the Geotechnical Consultant. 3030.1094 Leighton and Associates, Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 6 of6 7.0 Trench Backfills 7.1 The Contractor shall follow all OHSA and Cal/OSHA requirements for safety of trench excavations. 7.2 All bedding and backfill of utility trenches shall be done in accordance with the applicable provisions of Standard Specifications of Public Works Construction. Bedding material shall have a Sand Equivalent greater than 30 (SE>30). The bedding shall be placed to 1 foot over the top of the conduit and densified by jetting. Backfill shall be placed and densified to a minimum of 90 percent of maximum from 1 foot above the top of the conduit to the surface. 7.3 The jetting of the bedding around the conduits shall be observed by the Geotechnical Consultant. 7.4 The Geotechnical Consultant shall test the trench backfill for relative compaction. At least one test should be made for every 300 feet of trench and 2 feet of fill. 7.5 Lift thickness of trench backfill shall not exceed those allowed in the Standard Specifications of Public Works Construction unless the Contractor can demonstrate to the Geotechnical Consultant that the fill lift can be compacted to the minimum relative compaction by his alternative equipment and method. 3030.1094 PROJECTED PLANE 1 TO 1 MAXIMUM FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO APPROVED GROUND NATURAL GROUND FILL SLOPE REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL BENCH HEIGHT 2'MIN. KEY DEPTH LOWEST BENCH (KEY) FILL-OVER-CUT SLOPE NATURAL GROUND FI LOW -16*MIN.—•-] ILOWEST BENCH) — 2'MIN. KEY DEPTH REMOVE 'ABLE MATERIAL CUT FACE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO FILL PLACEMENT TO ASSURE ADEQUATE GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS CUT FACE TO BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO FLL PLACEMENTv NATURAL GROUND / OVERBUILT AND TRIM BACK PROJECTED PLANE 1TO1 MAXIMUM FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO APPROVED GROUNO DESIGN SLOPE REMOVE NSUITABLE MATERIAL CUT-OVER-FILL SLOPE For Subdrains See Standard Detail C 2" MIN.—J KEY DEPTH BENCH HEIGHT ^ Ig'MIN^^I LOWEST BENCH] BENCHMQ SHALL BE DONE WHEN SLOPES ANGLE IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 5:1 MMMUM BENCH HEIGHT SHALL BE 4 FEET MMMUM FILL WIDTH SHALL BE 9 FEET KEYING AND BENCHING GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAILS A JU REV. 4/11/96 FINISH GRADE HO1 MIN.mr-_r.COMPACTED W- JETTED OR FLOODED GRANULAR MATERIAL • Oversize rock is larger than 8 inches in largest dimension. • Excavate a trench in the compacted fill deep enough to bury all the rock. • Backfill with granular soil jetted or flooded in place to fill ail the voids. • Do not bury rock within 10 feet of finish grade. • Windrow of buried rock shall be parallel to the finished slope fill.ELEVATION PROFILE ALONG WINDROW A-A' JETTED OR FLOODED GRANULAR MATERIAL OVERSIZE ROCK DISPOSAL GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAILS B JU 4/95 NATURAL GROUND BENCHING REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL r COMPACTED FILL OVERLAP FROM THE TOP 1ED EVERY 6 FEET CALTRANS CLASS II PERMEABLE OR #2 ROCK' (9FT.3/FT.) WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC FILTER FABRIC (MIRAF1 140 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) CANYON SUBDRAIN OUTLET DETAIL PERFORATED PIPE MIN. v > , \COLLECTOR PIPE SHALL BE MINIMUM 6' DIAMETER SCHEDULE 40 PVC PERFORATED PIPE. SEE STANDARD DETAIL DFOR PIPE SPECIFICATION DESIGN FINISHED GRADE 20' MIN- FILTER FABRIC (MIRAF1140 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) .NON-PERFORATED 6"* MIN. V 5' MIN X #2 ROCK WRAPPED IN FILTER TABRIC OR CALTRANS CLASS II PERMEABLE. CANYON SUBDRAINS GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAILS C fl_JU 4/95 OUTLET PIPES 4'<|> NON-PERFORATED PIPE, 100' MAX. O.C. HORIZONTALLY, 30' MAX. O.C. VERTICALLY BACKCUT1:1 OR FLATTER KEY DEPTH 2' MIN. POSITIVE SEAL SHOULD BE PROVIDED AT THE JOI 12- MIN. OVERLAP FROM THE TOP HOG RING TIED EVERY 6 FEETc OUTLET PIPE (NON-PERFORATED) CALTRANS CLASS II PERMEABLE OR #2 ROCK (3FT.3/FT.) WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC FILTER FABRIC (MIRAF1 140 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) T-CONNECTION FOR COLLECTOR PIPE TO OUTLET PIPE • SUBDRAIN INSTALLATION - Subdrain collector pipe shall be Installed with perforations down or, unless otherwise designated by the geotechnteal consultant Outlet pipes shall be non-perforated pipe. The subdrain pipe shall have at least 8 perforations uniformly spaced per foot. Perforation shad be %• to V61 if drilled holes are used. All subdrain pipes shall have a gradient at least 2% towards the outlet • SUBDRAIN PIPE - Subdrain pipe shall be ASTM D2751, SDR 23.5 or ASTM D1527, Schedule 40, or ASTM D3034, SDR 23.5, Schedule 40 Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic (PVC) pipe. • All outlet pipe shall be placed in a trench no wider than twice the subdrain pipe. Pipe shall be in soil of SE>30 jetted or flooded in place except for the outside 5 feet which shall be native soil backfill. BUTTRESS OR REPLACEMENT FILL SUBDRAINS GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAILS D nuu 4/95 RETAINING WALL DRAINAGE DETAIL SOIL BACKFILL. COMPACTED TO 90 PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION* RETAINING WALL WALL WATERPROOFING PER ARCHITECT'S SPECIFICATIONS HHI^lCOMPACTED WALL FOOTING —Jil.-' FILTER FABRIC ENVELOPE (MIRAFI 140N OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT)** 3/4*-1-1/2* CLEAN GRAVEL** 4" (MIN.) DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC PIPE (SCHEDULE 40 OR EQUIVALENT) WITH PERFORATIONS ORIENTED DOWN AS DEPICTED MINIMUM 1 PERCENT GRADIENT TO SUITABLE OUTLET SPECIFICATIONS FOR CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL U.S. Standard Sieve Size 1" 3/4" 3/8" No No No. No. No. 4 8 30 50 200 % Passing 100 90-100 40-100 25-40 18-33 5-15 0-7 0-3 Sand Equivalent>75 3' MIN. COMPETENT BEDROCK OR MATERIAL AS EVALUATED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT * BASED ON ASTM D1557 **IF CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL (SEE GRADATION TO LEFT) IS USED IN PLACE OF 3/4'-1-1/2* GRAVEL. FILTER FABRIC MAY BE DELETED. CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL SHOULD BE COMPACTED TO OQ PERCEM|?R£LATIVE COMPACTION * NOTECOMPOSITE DRAINAGE PRODUCTS SUCH AS M1RADRAIN OR J-ORAIN MAY BE USED AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO GRAVEL OR <OJ&SS ^INSTALLATION SHOULD BE PERFORMED 1N ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. E 851855-008 APPENDIX E STABILITY ANALYSIS FOR HOMOGENEOUS EARTH SLOPES Design Parameters and Assumptions Type of Slope: Fill Slope Type of Soil Materials: Onsite Fill Soils H = Height of Slope = 43 feet /3 = Angle of Slope = 26 degrees 7, = Total (wet) Unit Weight = 135 pcf <£ = Angle of Internal Friction = 25 degrees C = Cohesion = 200 psf • No seepage forces • Total shear strength parameters are used in lieu of effective strength Analysis y • H • tan <j>Dimensionless Parameters = X , = = 14 Stability Number (from Figure 10 of Reference 2) = Ncf = 43 Minimum Factor of Safety = F.S. (min) = Nrf • —— = 1.5 (>1.5 O.K.) Y ' " References 1. Bell, J.M., Dimensionless Parameters for Homogeneous Earth Slopes, Journal. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, No. SMS, September 1966. 2. Janbu, N., Discussion for (Reference - 1), Journal. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, No. SSM6, November 1967. E-l 851855-008 APPENDIX E (continued) STABILITY ANALYSIS FOR HOMOGENEOUS EARTH SLOPES Design Parameters and Assumptions Type of Slope: Cut Slope *" Type of Soil Materials: Delmar Formation •«** H = Height of Slope = 45 feet ** /3 = Angle of Slope = 26 degrees ^ 7, = Total (wet) Unit Weight = 137 pcf <t> = Angle of Internal Friction = 30 degrees *• C = Cohesion = 500 psf • No seepage forces «• • Total shear strength parameters are used in lieu of effective strength Analysis y, • H • tan <|>Dimensionless Parameters = A. , = =7.1cf Stability Number (from Figure 10 of Reference 2) = Ncf = 25 Minimum Factor of Safety = F.S. (min) = Ncf • =2.0 (> 1.5 O.K.) yr ' H References 1. Bell, J.M., Dimensionless Parameters for Homogeneous Earth Slopes, Journal. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, No. SMS, September 1966. 2. Janbu, N., Discussion for (Reference - 1), Journal. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, No. SSM6, November 1967. E-2 851855-008 APPENDIX E (continued) SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS • 2:1 Fill Slope from onsite fill ASSUMED PARAMETERS Z = Depth of Saturation = 4 ft. i = Slope Angle = 26 degrees 7W = Unit Weight of Water = 62.4 pcf 7t = Saturated Unit Weight of Soil = 135 pcf <£ = Apparent Angle of Internal Friction = 25 degrees C = Apparent Cohesion = 200 pcf C + otan (j> c +(Y, ~ tJz cos2? tan sin i cos i FS = 1.5 QLl,5; o.k.) E-3 851855-008 APPENDIX E (continued) SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS • 2:1 Cut Slope in Delmar Formation ASSUMED PARAMETERS Z = Depth of Saturation = 4 ft. i = Slope Angle = 26 degrees 7W = Unit Weight of Water = 62.4 pcf 7, = Saturated Unit Weight of Soil = 137 pcf <t> = Apparent Angle of Internal Friction = 30 degrees C = Apparent Cohesion = 500 pcf C + otan <J> c +(Y, - YjZ cos2* tan <J>= =T Y Z sin i cos i FS = 3.0 (>.1,5; o.k.) E-4