23 January, 2004
39b Na. 98-7356 Manzanita LLC
C/o ConAm Management
3,990 Ruffin Road, No.100
San Diego, CA 92123-1826 - Attn: Mr. Ron Perera
Subject: Pavement (ross elfidion OMMmeafthan Manzanita Apartments Project
El Camino Real and Cassia Road (South)
Carlsbad, California
Dear Mr. Perera:
As requested, a representative of our company collected five bulk samples for R-
value, testing of typical near-subgrade soils encountered at the subject site for
pavement cross section recommendations Inside the buildings area; and on Cassia
Road for final pavement cross section recommendations. The pavement cross
sections has already been verbally given to Mr. Gene Roper, Site Project Manager.
The first two, soil samples were retrieved in November 2003, from the drives inside
the property; and in January 2004, from Cassia Road area and from interior Streets
A through D. The tests were performed in conformance with California Tesl Method
No. 301. The test results were as follows:
7420 TRADE STREET - SAN DIEGO. CA '12)) • (858) 49-/222 0 fAX: (058) 549-1&)4 • E-MAIL: geotech@Ixprescom
Sample No. It-Value Test Soil Type
1 11 sand with at Station 13+25 at trace of Clay
on Street A
2 30 Light Tan-Yellow- at Station 14+50 Brown, silty sand on Street A •
3 54 Light Tan to Yellow and on Cassla Rd. .' orange, One to medium
at Statlon32+1O sand
4 63 Light tan-Yellow, fine
on Street to medium sand
( similar to
at Station 12'50
5 59 ,' Light tan -Yellow, fine
on Street D. to medium sand
at Station 15+00 0
ulU 11Ai £ ,i%L. r&r
Manzanita Apartments
Carlsbad, California Job No. 98-7356
Page 2
Based on the R-value test results, an assumed traffic index of 4.5 for parking stalls
and light traffic areas, and 6.0 for heavy traffic areas, our calculations, and our
experience, the following preliminary pavement cross sections are recommended for
the interior drives and parking areas; and final pavement cross section
recommendations on Cassia Road widening area:
- Location 0 Recommended cram Section'
Very Light Traffic 3 inches of asphalt concrete (A.C.) on 5 inches of Class 11
and Parking Stalls 'aggregate base on, property prepared subgrade soils (upper 1
inside the property root); or alternatively 4" AC. on 4 inches of Class II base. 0
Heavy Traffic Lanes 3 Inches of asphalt concrete on 8 Inches of Class II aggregate base
and Drive Aprons on properly prepared subgrade Soils (upper 1 foot); or,
Inside the property alternatively 4" inches of A.C. on 6 inches of Class II base.
/ Cassia Road 4 inches of asphalt concrete gn 6 inches of Class U base
f Widening aggregate base on properly prepared subgrade soils (upper
one foot); or alternatively 3 Inches of A.C. on B inches of
-. Class 11 base.
-- 0 •0 -
j.;u' rAA 6365491604 GEOTECHNICALEXP 004
Manzanita Apartments Job No. 98-7356 Carlsbad, California
S Page 3
The pavement cross sections are provided based on the sampled soils and the
assumed traffic indices. Should the subgrade soils significantly vary, additional R-
value testing will be required to evaluate the different soils.
Both the already indicated thickness of subgracfèsóil and the base material shall be
compacted. The subgrade shall be compacted to feast 95 percent of laboratory
maximum dry density and the base to at least 95 percent of maximum dry density.
The maximum dry density of the soil and base material shall be determined In the
laboratory in accordance with ASTM D1557-98. mb preparation and testing of the
subgrade, base, and asphalt pavement shall be done as specified in applicable
portions of Section 301 and 302 of the "Standard Specifications for Public Works
Construction, 2000 Edition" Class 11 aggregate base material shall have an R-value
not less than 78, and a sand equivalent not less than 30 (material passing sieve
#200 shall be not more than 11 percent).
Asphalt concrete mixture may be either C1, C2, D1, or D2 with asphalt cement grade
AR4000 or as required by the City of Carlsbad in the public street area. Asphalt
concrete shall be placed per applicable portions of Section 302.5, Asphalt Concrete
Pavement of the "Standard Specifications of Public Works Construction, 2000
Interior concrete swales shall be provided with base layer at least 6 inches thick
and extend at least 1 foot beyond the edges of the swale 'Joints shall penetrate at
least one-quarter of the slab thickness. The swale joint spacing shall be no farther
than 12 feet apart.
(S 4
Manzanita Apartments Job No. 98-7356
Carlsbad, California Page 4
Yearly inspections and prompt proper maintenance can help in obtaining adequate
performance and longer life of any pavement section. Resealing of the asphalt
surface every 2 to 3 years will also help prolong the life of the pavement.
The findings and recommendations presented"in this report have been made in
accordance with current generally accepted professional engineering principles and
practice in the field of geotechnical engineering in the County of San Diego. No
other warranty, either expressed or implied, is made. This opportunity to be of
service is sincerely appreciated. Should you have any questions regarding this
matter, please contact the undersigned. Reference to our Job No. 98-7356 will
help to expedite a response to your inquiries.
Respectfully submitted,
(c. 77
Jalme A,: Cerros, P.E.
R..C.E. 34422/G.E. 2007
Senior Geotechnical Engineer .•.
cc: Addressee (2) r!2K7 rn
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