HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 98-23; CARLSBAD PACIFIC CENTER PHASE 3; REPORT OF OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING SITE PREPARATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS; 2001-10-11-- -. Ilk CHRISTIAN WHEELER - EN REPORT OF OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING SITE PREPARATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS CARLSBAD PACIFIC CENTER PHASE III OFFICE BUILDING 705 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA - tk kr J e 4) PREPARED FOR: PRENTISS PROPERTIES do SMITH CONSULTING ARCHITECTS 5355 MIRA SORRENTO PLACE, SUITE 750 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 • PREPARED BY: i • - - CHRISTIAN WHEELER ENGINEERING - 4925 MERCURY STREET - SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 : 4925 Mercury Street + San Diego, CA 92111 + 858-496-9760 4' FAX 858-496-9758 I CHRiSTIAN WHEELER- EN G I N'EER- ING October 11, 2001 Preitiss Properties CWE 200298.5 do Smith Consulting Architects 1 5355 Mira Sorrento Place, Suite 750 San Diego, California 92121 I. SUBJECT: . REPORT OF OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING, SITE PREPARATION I AND IMPROVEMENTS, CARLSBAD PACIFIC CENTER PHASE III, 705 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA I - . Reference: "Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Carlsbad Pacific Center Phase III Office Building, 705 Palomar Airport Road, - Carlsbad, California," by Christian Wheeler Engineering, datedJune 21, 2000 - Ladies/Gentlemen, 1 In accordance with your request, and with the requirements of Section 1701.5.13 of the Uniform Building Code, Christian Wheeler Engineering has prepared this report to summarize our I observations of the earthwork and site preparation operations at the subjed site, and to present the results of relative compaction tests performed in the structural fills, utility trench backfills and paving I area structural sections. The observation and testing services addressed by this report were coordinated by representatives of Swinerton Builders and were provided during the period of February 2 through August 31, 2001. INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION SITE DESCRIPTION: The subject site is an irregular shaped parcel located south of Palomar. I Airport Road and east of Avenida Encinas in the City of Carlsbad, California. The site supports two previously constructed three-story office buildings and associated infrastructure improvements. The I site is bounded on the south by a developed commercial property, on the west by Avenida Encinas, on the northwest by a gasoline filling station, and on the north and east by Palomar Airport Road. I 496-9758 4925 Mercury Street + San Diego, CA 92111 + 858-496-9760 +.FAX 858- I CWE 200 298 5 October 11 2001 Page 2 I Prior to the earthwork that is addressed by this report the ;reas of the proposed building and west parking area supported landscape vegetation The proposed parking area to the east of the site I :consisted essentially of bare earth. The soils encountered during the earthwork oprations were generally as anticipated in the referenced report, consisting of clayey sand and sandy clay artificial fills ' . .4 . . . unde'rlain by undisturbed inarin&terrace deposits. . ., . . . - NEW CONSTRUCTION: The site has been unproved with the construction of iin additional I three story office building and the expansion of parkingS areas on the west and east sides of the site 0 ' . I . PLAN REFERENCE: In order to augment our understanding of the designed configuration of the! - ._•:4 . . . •0 4 -k I- - . project, our firm wau providedwith an undated grading plan fOr the site prepared by Partners 0_ • 0 , . .. . 1 Planning and Engneerng, of Sari Diègb, California, Drawing No. 390-6A. Plate No 1 of this report is a reproduction of the plan, modified to show the approximate locations of our field tests and the I relevant limits of contact with the encountered geologic units 1 r •• SCOPE OF SERVICE . . . . I ' Services provided by Christian heeler Engineering Inc during the course of the earthwork consisted of the follérving: .. . 0 Participation in a pre-grading meeting to -address the geoteh,nica1 aspects of the work and to coorthnae our testing and observation services, -.. I . • Periodic observation of the earthworking, backfi.11ing, and paving preparation operations, Providing fieldrecmmendations for elrnentsof the earthwork not specifically addressed by the •, 1 •: . referenced geotechnicaireport, • : . • -. • Recording the approximate elevations and limits 6f significant geotechnical elements, . I . • Performane of relative cômpactiontetsin the fills, backfills and subgrade, base and-iisphaltic concrete courses placed, . :: . • - . . I • Pcrforn-iance of laboratory maximum density and optimum moisture determinations on the soils encountered in thewrk, . 0 0, • .. • I • Olservation of the foundation excavations fof the office building and associated structures, and, . Preparation of this report. . • -. 0 " I • •0 . . - . - - 0, . . . 4 . 4 4 . 0 •• 0 •• 0 II; t I * '. CWE. 200298.5 October 11, 2001 . Page 3 I SITE PREPARATION AND GRADING I . GRADING CONTRACTOR:'The earthwork addressed by this report was performed by Sierra Pacific West, Inc., of Encinitas, California, Contractor's License No. 597852. The primary I equipment utilized by the contractor in the work consisted of tle following: Caterpillar.235 excavator , 1 caterpillar 613 self-elevating scraper * . 1 Caterpillar960 wheel loader Caterpillar 12G mbtorgrader I . Caterpillar D6R crawler dozer I Watertruck . . , . . . . I .. . SITE PREPARATION: Prior to the comiaencèment of earthwork operations, existing vegetation I and improvements were removed from the areas to receive the proposed building and parking improvements. Existing artificial fills and saturated undisturbed' terrace deposits were then excavated to contact with compete?lt undisturbed tefrace deposits. The maximum depth of 'the removals extendd to approximately ten feet below the originl ground contours beneath the proposed office I building, and six feet in the west parking area. The removals in the building area extended horizontally to at least five feet beyond the perimeter of the building, and in the west parking area the I ; removals extended to the limits of the proposed improvements. The floors of the excavated areas -. depths . were scarified to shallow and compacted prior to the placement of fill. The excavaed soils 4 were dried-back to near-optimum moisture content by air-ckying' and/or blending with drier soils -. 4 generated from, the removals prior to their placement as structural fill. The fills were placed in-thin horizontal lifts and compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density by mans of track- '. I and/or vheel-ioffing with the heavy construction equipment. I FOUNDATION EXCAVATION OBSERVATION:. The foundation excavations for the office building, the mechanical room extension, retaining walls and trash enclosures were observed by I . members of our siaff prior to the placement of concrete., The observed conditions were considered suitable for the support of the respective improvements. I I .4 ., I .* 4 I CWE 200 2985 October 11, 2001 Page 4 I FIELD AND LABORATORY TESTING FIELD TESTS: Field tests to measure the relative compaction of the fills were conducted i accordance with ASTM Test Designation D 2922-91; ccStandard Test Methods for Density, of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods." The locations of the field tests were selected by our technician in areas discerned to exhibit relative compaction that was generally representative of I - that attained inthe fill. The results and approximate locatibns of the field tests are shown on the attached plates. I - -LABORATORY TESTS: The maximum dry density and otinium moisture content of the predominate soils encountered in the earthwork were performed m our laboratory by ASTM Test .i Designátin D1557-91,"Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort." The tests vere conducted ir accordance with the methodology, prescribed for the I -• g1ain-size distribution of the soils tested. The results of these tests are presented on the attached 1, Plate No. 5. - . $ - - . CONCLUSIONS GENERAL:' It is the opinion of 'Christian Wheeler Engineerifg that the earthwork addressed by this , report has been performed substantially in accordace with the iecommendations presented in the 1 . referenced geotechnial report, the City of Carlsbad grading requirements and the Uniform Building Code. This opinion is based upon our observations of the earthwrk-operations, the results of 'the I density tests taken in the field, and the maximum density tests performed in our laboratory. It is our further opinion that the site is suitable for the proposed construction. ' LIMITATIONS The descriptions; c6nclusions and opinions presented in this report pertain only to the work performed, on the subject site during the period from February 2 to August 31, 2001. Aslimited by the scope of,the services which we agreed to perform, the conclusions and opinions pesented herein are based upon our, observations of the work and the results of our laboratory and field tests. Our services were performed in accordance with the currently accept' standard of practice in the region -.in which the earthwork was, andin such a manner as to provide.a easonable measure. of I - the compliance of the described work withaplicable codes and specifications: With the submittal of this report, nO warranty, express or implied, is given or intended with respect to the services 1 4 I I CWE 200 298 5 October 11, 2001 Page 5 * ..• ., - performed by our firm, and our perforñiance of those services should not be construed to relieve the I grading contractor of his responsibffi toperfom hisvork to the standards required by.the 1 applicable building codes and project specifications * ' Christian Wheeler Eiigineeriisincerely appreciates the opportunity to provide professional service I on this project. If you should have any questions after reviewing this report, please do not hesitate to contact our firm. I Respectfully, submitted CHRISTIAN WHEELER ENGINEERING -' ... 14 Hicks Supervisor 0ESSi0 Charles H. Christian,RGE 00215 1 OFC cc (2) Submitted U '(4) Swinerton Builders . .. . . - / I II M.S.. 837 j PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD N 845' W.' / I T T 109 32 / ......... ..... . .. . .... / DRAINAGE EA?MEN I / S / - - - 8-14-92 AS F/PN / 1 1 2,7 5' WA EASEMENT 71 ON OST 14, 1986 \ : A -"'----1*.* ... ........ II \ ii CURB INLET /(/7 I "•' ..•'N "k \ LIMITS OF / / / TOIBE FiTTED I4fThl A / ' - / I ' FOSIL F7L TER OR J 'I. R Cr!\ / / / / / \ / / \ CM VV GRADING NO TE: - - GRME/SANO FILTER NO GRADING SHALL OCCUR OVER AN EXISTING PARCEL MAP i\ia 5385i / / /' / ' LO DISTRICT FAG/LiliES WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL - - - MOWWIST/ / / / // \ \ \ I / / /\ / FROM THE DISTRICT ENGINEER / N 8 53' 155' TREES j/ FT 5700 \ 7/ / / 14-5-0 84 > 1yZ 69 I /V ••1 z 9or LMY93s,tt9 r€'/I 1/'1s27 rr+---W! /4> -/ .. / / \ / EASEMENT NOTE: x'cf/41T \ 4'.5 hi I CV 'I / I ii V11 '/,> / 4_/,'/ \ \ 1 \ I \ / ,// '' / // \, \ \ EXiSTiNG PACIFiC BELL EASEMENT PER DOC 150.5 '2 '\ RECORDED 3-13-91 AS F/P NO 91-0110199, OR 623 IS A GENERAL EASEMENT K17H NO LOCA77ON SET FORTH AIG N. R=2 R 51 'EXIsrCuRe/Gu1TER \.. .••• \ N, /'"\,\ \'. o // ./ . \ CONTRACTOR SHALL POTHOLE E)(IST.WATER 35 6 / / '\ \,'\ < )\ \ MAIN IN 11-/IS AREA TO DETERMINE THE TOP / . // .:• 3 RIBBON A. \ , \ ( \ /\ . / . \'. / / 'OF EXIS77NG WiLL MAINTAIN A 4250 "i '< GUTTER / \f\ ''fr ,' ' \.. " (IE49 0) j / ' \p / ,\ ' \ 26 S 00 5,z.5 210 ,__15"WA TER EASEMENT TO 'CARLSBAD PACIFiC CENT '7 \ \ ELEV. L LOW PROPOSED GRADE 'CONNECT 10, AS 05C (568 ' , "' " EXIST \\ '\J( \ ADJUST TO GRADE ASSOC DATED NOVEMBER 14, 1986, N 8926'41 W 14043/ / 60 \\ ill \ - SG1 31 / / // V /" / _____ 8 + \ ; EXIST, 1LjJrs Or\REMOVAL /( / - / 0 ' ' 3 IPE j16,51 T SO TO 'lox 1 ,25Tç/ c/I 34 / / //\•\ // .... / 8E REMOVED-iYHTI2.53.0 D I - ,,, 15385 7 -1_----------------- REMAIN EX. ba > X LIVAITS OF REMO 9p REMOVE EXIST .... . . . I .. ' EXIST. / CURB/GUTTER -" ' ".. / / PVC 1.0 . . (Iç-5 0) 124.29 LF P VT 6' \ \\ TREE (1 NO) / ' C RIBBON / - / / / / / 25" CW- ___ -taAhj ROD16 ,I 0 1 96% FF = 59,0 FT57.00 5;7 60/oArrpI z. ..... . CONNECT.. TO '.. \ /7 58. 90P i- i-in ri'- = EXIST GUTTER \ 6' FSsB \ '--AR MAP NO.. -15385 IL ' I / '. ..- EX. CURB INLET / I " 2 .. EX. CURB INLET 't 'IRR. BOXES TO '/ __...____ c T0B7TTE0 WYTH/ 9.69 LFPvi U_\ . 4o.ti /N,..TOBEF11TED J3W7H BE RELO TE \ ' -........................ FOSSIL F1L'TER OR' I EX CURB INLET PVC 0 49.5% . ..-. .• I FILTER OR 15 TO BE F7 TIED Kf TH FOSSIL f7LTER OR BE REMOVED / , . . , .. — .. •_ I ____ D5 I Df \ - / - - / - / r - - 51 OO1E 15 PVC \ 1-1/2w SIDEWALK UNDERDRAIN' - _•, /_ z ___ 52.081E 6' PV J - PER D-27 \ 10' GENERAL UTY & ACCESS ESMT c oi C o .,, GRAWEDr TO THE CITY OF cARLsBAo;.:r) &= 52.2 40 SKR LA7J I W • IE=52.8 I I PER DOG RECORDED 6-2-89 AS/ 'm j.'_I' " r\71 r'2iI II $ 10' GENERAL UTY & ACCESS iESMT. ";NO.: 89-292347, 0 R ..GRANTED TO THE CITY OF' CARLSBAD 91 \ ' .... N 89 Y'....!.Y. .....................LL .......I................]:.I1.J........LJ....................L..L1.....EfITIjItTIM .._i i' . i 5_4Wt8_AS! ig N 8926'4111/ 824.12' \ . . . 12' SDGE EASEMENT PER DOC. RECORDED \ LEGEND . PARCEL).., . \PARCL 2 12' SDGE EASEMENT PER DOc. RECORDED \ RELATIVE COMPACTION TESTS \\\ \ 8-19-66 AS FILE NO. 1.35093, O.R. NOTE: 60.0 FLOOR ELIEVATION d' EXIST BUILDING \\ CONTRACTOR SHALL SAW1JT ALL \ PARICEL MAP 1310 ASPHALT AN(J CONCRETE EDGES. m. W CHRISTIAN WHEELER ENGiNEERING CARLSBAD PACIFIC CENTER BY: DH/HC DATE', 10-11-01 JOB NO: 200.298.5 PLATE N0 •1 I G1E I S . 20x / s 2/ '-Ps. ' ' . B, 6 65 C11 v 14 60-0 L.A( I Li. tIf I ( ii 1% ,-'.-. I 0 \ / G o 10 I-Sol CONTRACTOR SHALL POTHOLE E)7ST. WATER "AS BUILT MAIN IN THIS AREA TO DETERMINE THE TOP ELEV. OF EXISTiNG PIPE, WiLL MAINTAIN A .. MINIMUM OF 42' BELOW PROPOSED GRADE. RCE_______ EXP.__________ DATE REIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD SHEETS 3 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT zzaRTNERS Planning and Engineering 9988 Hibert Street, Suite 212 San Diego, GA. 92131 Ph. (858) 695-3344 Fax: (858) 695-3117 ANDREW J. KANN R.C.E. 50940 or c N0'~ MY RECIS77?A77ON EXPIRES 9-30-01 GRADING PLANS FOR- CARLSBAD PACIFIC CENTER PARCEL III DATE DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCR{P110N -— IcITY ENGINEER PE 23889 EXPIRES 12/31/01 DATE I DATE INITIAL DATE INI11AL D6 'S': PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY. ______ SDP 98-23 390-6A F I SUMMARY OF TESTS Project: Carlsbad Pacific Center III MASS GRADING FRelative Comp athon Tests I ...1. - ASTI\4D2922-91 Test No. Date Location . Elev. Soil Type Moisture Dry -Max.., .°4 Rel. (feet) (%) Density Density Comp. pc 2/5/2001 Building Pad Paicel 3 50.0 1 17.3109.5 ... 2 2/5/2001 Retest #1 51.5 1 16.4 112.1 124.1 90.3 ........Bui........1ding Pad EL3............. 5.5 ...................15.8 .111.8 ...2 ...°L. ........... Building A Pad Parcel 3 .....53.0 ....14.8 :112.7 ... 2/6/2001 Building.5-0 ..: 16.1 6 2/6/2001 Building Pad Parcel 3 54.0 1 : 13.2 113.8 124.1 91.7 .......o...............ketesl# 111.9 . ../1L2091........... J...5.0....i..............15.••.,_1979 ... 2/7/2001 .Retest #.:550: ...154 11261' 90.7 10 2/8/2001 Building Pad Parcel 3 56.5 1 9.6 107.6 121.0 88.9 2/8/2001 uildin BPadParcel3 565 r 1 109 1061 1210 r 877 12 : 2/8/2001 : Retest #10 : 56.5 : 1 11.8 111.1 121.0 : 91.8 13 2/8/2001 Retest #11 56.5 1 13.4 109.7 121.0 90.7 L..2J.?L.0?1 2 ..1i2,1i3.7 ...2t0j94.0 15 2/9/2001 Building Pad Parcel 3 58.2 1 12.8 108.9 121.0 90.0 16 2/9/2001 Building Pad Parcel 3 582 - 1 153 1094 1210 r 904 17 2/9/2001 Wall Area North of Pad : 57.0 1 15.6 : 109.7 121.0 : 90.7 2/24 2001 Building Pad L3........56.0 1 j1O.7j11O.3 ...21.0 j 912 19 2/24/2001 BuildinPadParcel3 56.0 1 11.5 111.7 121.0 92.3 20 r 6/28/2001 West Parking Lot 550 1 136 1156 1210 955 :--6/28/2001--.............West Parking Lot ..s.o........................................21; ...02 pgJ t J.....1.........121.O9t? ....---------------------------.West ParkingLot .........2l.P...L_??... 24 6/28/2001 estParkingLot 56.5 1 13.3 109.3 .......... 121.0 90.3- 23 6/29/2001 West Parking Lot 540 r T 118 1146 1210 r ---------- Lot :55.0: ...114 .1132 ... 6/29 2001 ----------West Parking Lot ... 28 Jp•q1 .West Parking Lot .........iP..9 2.0 92.9 11.8 113.1 .1.21.9 ---------------- 30 6/29/2001.............West Parking Lot 51.5 1 12.3 109.1 ...21.0 ... .................pgot 12.4 112.3 .....12 33 6/29/2001 West Parking 53.0 1 13.5 112.0 121.0 92.6 7/3/2001 WestParkingLot 560 1 106 1140 1210 r 942 35 7/.'?091............. .Parking Lot ...0 ........................ West Parking Lot 10.9 113.2 .1.21.9 7/3/2001 West Parking Lot 56.0 1 11.3 111.4 : 121.0 92.1 I - I CWE 200298.5 Plate 2 F I I I I I I I I SUBGRADE j . . :1' ASTM D2922-9L, Test No. Date 'Location Elev. Soil Type Moisture Dry ' Max: % Rel.- (feet) . (%) Density Density Con'ip. S . . . (PC SG1 ;4/2901 S.E. ParkinR StaonC 2±50 :62.8:: 1'..11.4 '•iii.9..i2i.0 92.5 SG2 8/24/2001 : SE Parking StationD 4+50 628 1 108 1157 1210 956 SG3 8/24/2001 SE Parking Station G 6+50 63.7 1 97 1124 121.0 929 SG4 8/24/2001 S.E.ParlunR StationE 1+00 612 1 94 1160 1210 959 SG5 8/24/2001 SE Parking Station G 4+00 63.0 1 99 1122 121.0 927 SG6 8/24/2001 SE Parking Station I 5+50 - 630 1 106 1119 1210 925 5G78/27/2001 SE. Parking Station 3±00:62.8 . 1 -5.7 :105.4 ...21 .0 87.1 SG8 8/27/2001 S.E.Parking Station 5+00 628 1 67 1043 1210 862 SG9 8/27/2001 -, 'Retest SG1 - . 630- 1 . 9.7' 115.2 . 121.O 95.2 SGIO 8/27/2001 : ................................................................................... Retest SG8 : 62.8 .. : . I -' 9.8. 116.1 : --- .................. 121.0 1 96.0 S.E.Parkin.StationF1±50 --L°..LJ..........9.6 ..3 ...21.9 ) .. S.E. Parking StalionE 2±5--629 .................. SG13 L 8/27/2001 Retest SG3 645 1 9.9 119 6 121 0 98 8 5G14 8/27/2001 SE Parking StationG 5+00 639 1 97 1185 1210 979 SG15HB/27/2001 ....RetestSG....163.41 .t --11.3 Lii5.4 121.0 95.4 SG16 8/27/2001 Retest SG6 ' . .62.5 . I - - 13.1. 116.3 121.0 96.1 SGI7 8/27/2001 S.E.Parking Station 592 1 ' 101 1197 121.0 989 SGI8 -8/27/2001 ' - Retest SGS . 60.9 1 12.0 118.3 121.0. . 97.8 - :SGI9 8/27/2001 West Corner Station B 2+00 57.2 1 - 9.8 117.8 121.0 . 974 SG20 .8/27/2001 1 West Corner Station C- 2+50 57.7W. : 1 : 11.7 : 119.4 ' 121.0 : 98.7 SG2I 8/27/2001 West Corner Station C 4+50 58.4 -:1 10.9 - - 118.6 121.0 : 98.0 SG22 8/27/2001 West Corner Station E 4+50 584 1 9.8 119.2 121.0 985 5G23 8/27/2001 West Corner Station E 3+50' 56.3 ' - 1 9.7 118.7 121.0 98.1 5G24 1 8/27/2001 . West Corner Station D 3+40 i 1 10.7 118.9. 121.0 .:r 98.3' 5G25 : 8/31/2001 South West Travel Lane : 60.0 - ' I : 13.8 115.7 ' 121.0 95.6 5G26 8/31/2001 . South West Travel Lane . 59.0 , 1 '13.1 . 116.3 : 121.0 96.1 .4 . .. . - STO4 DIN q 7,i '-' . ASTM D2922-91 Test No. Date , . Location . ,Elev. Soil Type Moisture Dry Max. % Rd. (feet) ' (%) Deisity Densiy Comp. (pcf) SDI : 8/21/2001 P St to 0+0-----57.0k: 1.:i.0 .90.1 SD2 8/21/2001 Parcel 3 Bui1thn Station 1+00 570 1 10 1 107 2 121 0 886 SD3 -8/21/2001 Retest SD2 56.0 - 1 10.4 '109.8 121.0 90.7 SD4 8/21/2001 Parcel 3 Buildm Station 2+00 570 129 109 6 121 0 906 SDS 8/21/2001 Parcel 3 Buildm Station 6+00 57 0 L 1 17 3 4102 6 121 0 848 6 -8/21/2001: Parce13BuiJdin Station 6±75: 57.0 ------16.5.11 ...21.0 ...5 SD7 . 8/22/2001' Retest SDS : . 57.0 :i 1 : 13.4.- : 109.0 121.0. : 90.1 L.??PPJ1...........-Retest p............. SD9 : 8/22/2001 : --fl p : .: --5 ---- Station .--..- ----.--.---- _5 -,- 4JJ IlL..).; ILI.4J i.O : ii Plate 3 tion3+75WestEnd ....:6:r" i 14.' ii3.OLi2i.O -93... I CWE 200.29815 I .SEWER . . .. . ! ti,. .:.. . 'A(zT%KTh')O')') (41 Date . - . Location . Elev. Soil Type Moisture Dry Max. % Rel. Test No... (feet) (%) Density Density Comp. - 0 ......... South . ..................1,2 .109.1 ...21.0902 S2 6 /26/2001 South Drivevay I Building SG2 I . 9.7 109.4 - 121.0 90.4 I. F' IF CWE 200298.5 Plate 44 1.. BASE ... ... . -4 UT. ASTIvFD2922-91 I1_______ Test No. Date - . Locationi . Elev. Soil Type Moisture Dry Max. . % Rel. (feet) . (%) - Density Density Comp. (pcf 8/29/2001.: DrvewaS.W.Building•:F.G.. ..1.8.5 .127.8 130.0: 98.3 B2:8/29/?001: Driveway S.W. Building . : F.G.:,B..1•7.....:128.7 ...3QPL?.9 9... L'?2J?9p.1.j.....Driveway South of Bw ding F.G....... '.•................. 130.0 B5 -8/29/2001 Driveway South of Building F.G.BI 8.6 :j.127.9 130.0 98.4 B6 8/29/2001 North West Parking F.G.Bi 79 1280 1300 985 .8I??/?9Pl:J_. 9.Wg1............F.G. .1...8.5:128.5 : 130.0': 98.8 B8 8/29/2001 North West Parking - F.G. !. BI 7.7 126.7 130.0 97.5 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE •. -. .. 4 1t s". 1 T.- .. ASTMD295O-91 Test No. Date - Location .' Elev. Soil Type Moisture Wet . Max. % Re!. (feet) . (%) Density Density Comp. (pcf) ACI 8/31/2001 East Par F.S.N/A N/A 1389 1460 951 AC2 8/31/2001 .....:i.JI.A.......N/A AD LI?PP1 .:LA.......! -J ......... ,:c: .t?PP.1.............-- IA .N/A 146.0 96.6 .......... North West Parking :F.S. ..../A .N/A 138.7 146.o'r .. ACG : 8/31/2001 NorthWestParking : F.S. ': N/A' N/A 141.6 : 146.0'-: 97.0. - . ,'. . ..1 .,. •- RETAININGWALL •.. . . . .--. . . . ' i icvv 01 '1 Test No. Date - Location .. Elev. Soil Type Moisture Dr - Max. o,/ Re!. (feet) (%) - Density Densitj Comp. (pcO ...................5?.O ...12.3 ................90.. RV 8/15/2001 . Retaining Wail 61.0 1 12.7 110.4 121.0 . 91.2 WATER SERVICE LINE .. .• . - 7v77) c,1 - . Test No. Date Location . '. E!ev Soil Type Moisture Dry Max. % Rel. - - (feet) - - (%) Density Density Comp. ., - .. ,• .. (pcf) _____ _____ .......outh Driveway/ Parking S.G, 9.4 118.3 ... W2 8/3/2001 South Driveway S.G. 1 9.1 .116.7. j 121.0 96.4 Soil Type '•O . " - Descnption. • USCS Opthth Moisire -. Máximñm Dry Class (%) Density (pcf) Olive CLAYEY SAND SC 91 121.0 B-1 Aggregate Base Recycled GW 8.5 1283 AC I As Concrete + ' N/A - N/A 146 0 I - - 4 4 I 4 I I ,. - - .4 I I'. 3 ---• - p 4 4 4 4 4 4 , -'. , - ---• • - '- I .' - I 4 1- - 4 t - .-- 4. 4 -. -- -•1 • CWE 200 298 5 4" ' Plate 5 • , .'. -. .. - . - '. 4- - - -.,, - , ' I .1 4 - * S 4.