HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP 181H; CARLSBAD AIRPORT CENTRE; Specific Plan FINAL; 2016-07-26SPECIFIC PLAN:
SP 181(H)
Amended July 26, 2016
Howes, Weiler & Associates
2888 Loker Avenue East Suite 217
Carlsbad, CA 92010
Rick Engineering Company
3088 Pio Pico Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Signal Development Corporation
17890 Sky Park Circle
Irvine, CA 92714
Carlton/Browne & Associates
3191 A Airport Loop Drive
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
1094 Cudahy Place, Suite 204
San Diego, CA 92110
Specific Plan 181
(a 333 acre industrial park on the north side of Palomar Airport Rd.,
approximately 3500 feet west of El Camino Real)
Approved by:
Planning Commission Resolution # 1975, June 9, 1982
City Council Ordinance # 9635, August 3, 1982
• • •
Specific Plan 181(A)
(reduce the total amount of land designated for commercial uses and to reassign the locations of
commercially designated lots; text amendments and clarifications to the architectural guidelines)
Approved by:
Planning Commission Resolution # 3275, July 31, 1991
City Council Ordinance # NS-178, October 22, 1991
• • •
Specific Plan 181 (B)
(modify the permit requirements provisions for hotel, motel, theater
and other commercial uses within the specific plan)
Approved by:
Planning Commission Resolution # 4374, September 2, 1998
City Council Ordinance # NS-458, October 13, 1998
California Coastal Commission
• • •
Specific Plan 181 (C)
(amend the parking and sign and graphic requirements)
Approved by:
Planning Commission Resolution # 4886, January 3, 2001
City Council Ordinance # NS-571, March 6, 2001
• • •
Specific Plan 181 (D), Specific Plan 181 (E)
Both Withdrawn
• • •
Specific Plan 181 (F)
(addition of Educational Facilities, Other)
Approved by:
Planning Commission Resolution # 6321, July 18, 2007
City Council Ordinance # NS 855, August 14, 2007
• • •
Specific Plan 181 (G)
(Removal of Phase/Area 3)
Planning Commission Resolution # 6718, September 15, 2010
City Council Ordinance # CS-114, December 20, 2010
• • •
Specific Plan 181 (H)
(Revision to Figure 7, Redesignated Lot 12 from Area 1 to Area 2)
Planning Commission Resolution #7170, June 1, 2016
City Council Ordinance # CS-301, July 26, 2016
I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 1
A. PURPOSE . ......... ........... ...... ... .......... .......... ... ... ....... .... ... ...... ... ... . ... .... .... .... ... . ... .... ... .... ... . 1
B. LOCATION ....................................................................................................................... 1
C. GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING DESIGNATIONS ........................................................ 1
II. LAND USE, CIRCULATION AND PHASING ............................................................................... 4
A. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT ........................................................................ 4
B. STATISTICAL SUMMARY ............................................................................................... 4
C. CIRCULATION ................................................................................................................. 5
D. PHASING .......................................................................................................................... 5
Ill. PERMITIED USES ....................................................................................................................... 6
A. AREA 1 ............................................................................................................................. 6
B. AREA2 ............................................................................................................................ 10
C. PHASE 3-FUTURE PLANNING AREA ........................................................................ 10
D. CC&R'S ............................................................................................................................ 10
IV. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ............................................................................... 17
A. BUILDING SETBACKS ................................................................................................... 17
B. SITE COVERAGE ........................................................................................................... 18
C. BUILDING HEIGHT ......................................................................................................... 18
D. PARKING ......................................................................................................................... 18
E. LANDSCAPING ............................................................................................................... 18
F. SIGN AND GRAPHIC REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................... 21
G. LOADING AREAS ........................................................................................................... 21
H. STORAGE AREAS ......................................................................................................... 21
I. METAL STRUCTURES .................................................................................................. 22
J. REFUSE COLLECTION AREAS .................................................................................... 22
K. TELEPHONE AND ELECTRICAL SERVICE ................................................................ 22
L. NUISANCES ................................ , ................................................................................... 22
M. SCREENING OF EQUIPMENT ...................................................................................... 22
N. SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC EASEMENTS ............................................................. 22
0. BIKE LANES .................................................................................................................... 22
P. ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES .................................................................................. 23
Q. EMPLOYEE EATING AREAS ........................................................................................ 23
V. GENERAL NOTES AND MITIGATION MEASURES ................................................................. 24
A. GENERAL ................................ · ........................................................................................ 24
B. MITIGATION MEASURES .............................................................................................. 24
1. Grading/Foundation Design ............................................................................... 24
2. Drainage/Erosion Control/Water Quality ........................................................... 25
3. Biological Resources .......................................................................................... 25
4. Archaeological Resources ................................................................................. 25
5. Paleontological Resources ................................................................................ 26
6. Circulation ........................................................................................................... 26
7. Flight-Path Restricted Use Zone ....................................................................... 26
8. Noise ................................................................................................................... 27
9. Services and Utilities .......................................................................................... 28
VI. LEGAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 29
Figure 1 -Regional Site Map
Figure 2 -Specific Location Map
Figure 3 -Landscaped Streets With Adjacent Slopes
Figure 4-Landscaped Streets Without Adjacent Slopes
Figure 5-Interior Streets With Adjacent Slopes
Figure 6-Interior Streets Without Adjacent Slopes
Figure 7-Land Use Plan
SP 181H
The Specific Plan has been prepared to provide for the design, development and
operation of an industrial complex within the City of Carlsbad. The development regulations therein
will insure conformity to community goals and values and the protection of adjacent land uses from
unfavorable impacts.
As a device to carry out the goals and policies of the General Plan, this Specific Plan
establishes standards for development and does not provide a guarantee of approval for future
discretionary acts or projects within its boundaries. This industrial complex shall be known as
Carlsbad Airport Centre.
This Specific Plan is adopted pursuant to the provisions of California Government
Code Sections 65450 et seq. and the Land Use Element of the City of Carlsbad General Plan. The
area covered by this plan is included within the Palomar Airport Special Treatment Area specified in
the General Plan and, therefore, this plan is also prepared according to the special treatment area
requirements established by the City's General Plan. A specific plan is required for this project
because of the particular requirements of the special treatment area. This Specific Plan establishes
detailed regulations, conditions and programs for development within the area specified herein.
The Carlsbad Airport Centre contained 333 acres of land when first approved, but was
reduced in size by 118 acres when Phase Three was removed from the Specific Plan area per SP
181 (G) and is located on the north side of Palomar Airport Road, south and west of Palomar Airport in
an unincorporated County island, but is within the City's sphere of influence and will be annexed to the
City. See Figure 1 for general site location and Figure 2 for the project location.
This site is designated in the Land Use Element of the City's General Plan as Planned
Industrial (Pl) with the underlying zone to be designated as Planned Industrial (PM).
SP 181H
AG. 1
SP 181H
FIG. 2
SP 181H
This project is a planned industrial development which will consist of several different
uses such as industrial, research and development, and office and related commercial. An organized
and pleasant setting will be provided for the various industrial development sites. A full range of
commercial and industrial support facilities will be included to service the project. The location of
various land uses is designated on the Land Use Plan (Figure 7). All development shall conform to the
Land Use Plan .
. The building sites and parking lots will be extensively landscaped along with special
landscape treatments on des_ignated streets.
The establishment of setback requirements and sign controls will help to provide an
aesthetically sensitive environment.
Pedestrian and bicycle access will be provided throughout the development. Private
recreational facilities will be recommended for the benefit of the employees of individual industrial
users. Areas where heavy concentration of oak trees exist will be preserved where possible as natural
open space. The SDG&E easements that cross the property will be utilized for parking, other
nonbuilding uses and access to the existing pole and tower structures, which will be maintained and
Uses Industrial
Retail or similar Streets
Open space Mini parks . Future development area Total Site Acreage Special landscape areas
Acres 211.1 17.1 44.8 43.4 2.9 14.0 333.0 23.8
This plan serves to implement the general plan in conjunction with the PM zoning
classification on the site. The permitted uses, development standards, and environmental
considerations contained in this plan are more stringent than those found in the proposed zoning.
Therefore, the provisions of this plan will take precedence. The provisions of the pM zone and any
amendments thereto shall apply to any subjects which are not covered in this plan.
SP 181H
Approval of this plan does not vest any rights for future approvals of any licenses, discretionary acts or
other entitlements necessary for future development of this project.
Primary access to the site will be from Palomar Airport Road and Camino Vida Roble.
Internal circulation will be provided by four-lane public roads designed and built by the developer in
accordance with City standards.
All local streets will be constructed by the developer to City standards in conjunction
with adjacent development.
Two phases of approximately 110 acres each are .developed, the limits of which are
shown on the Land Use Plan.
SP 181H
Area 1 is designated for light and medium industrial uses, research and development
uses, industrial support and service uses, and business and professional office uses, provided that
such uses are confined within a building or buildings and do not.contribute excess noise, dust, smoke,
vibration, odor or toxic or noxious matter to the surrounding environment nor contain a high hazard
potential. Uses permitted in the Carlsbad Airport Centre will not produce any of the following:
1.Noise in excess of 70 decibels (American Standard for noise level meters):
a.For a cumulative period of more than 30 minutes in any hour; or
b.Plus 5 decibels for a cumulative period of more than 15 minutes in any
hour; or
c.Plus 10 decibels for a cumulative period of more than 5 minutes in any
hour; or
d.Plus 15 decibels for a cumulative period of more than 1 minute in any
hour; or
e.·Plus 20 decibels for any period of time;
2.Vibration, heat, glare, or electrical disturbances beyond the boundaries of the
3.Air pollution detectable by the human senses without the aid of instruments,
beyond the boundaries of the site;
4.Emissions which endanger human health which can cause damage to animals,
vegetation or property, or which can cause spilling at any point beyond the
boundaries of the site;
5.Odor detectable by the human senses without aid of instruments beyond the
boundaries of the site.
All wastes discharged into the wastewater discharge system will meet City standards.
All uses shall conform to the general development concepts for a high-quality business
park, with all standards and restrictions established by this plan and with CC&Rs.
SP 181H
Specifically, the following uses are permitted in Area 1:
1.Uses primarily engaged in research activities, including research
manufacturing such as, but not limited to, the following:
C .. Electronics;
d.Film and photography;
e.Medical and dental;
2.Manufacture, research assembly, testing and repair of components, devices,
equipment and systems, ai:-id parts and components of the following:
a.Coils,. tubes, semi-conductors;
b.Communication, navigation, guidance and control equipment;
c.Data processing equipment, including computer software;
d.Glass edging and silvering equipment;
e.Graphics and art equipment;
f.Metering equipment;
g.Radio and television equipment;
h.Photographic equipment;
i.Radar, infrared and ultraviolet equipment;
j.Optical devices and equipment;
k.Filling and labeling machinery.
3.Light manufacturing, processing, and/or assembly of the following or similar
a.Food products;
h .
Apparel and finish products from textile products;
Lumber and wood products;
Furniture and fixture products;
Chemical and allied products;
Plastic and rubber products;
Stone, clay, and glass products;
Fabricated metal products;
SP 181H
i.Professional, scientific, controlling, photographic, and optical products
or equipment.
4.Service industries or those industries providing a service as opposed to the
manufacture of a specific product, such as the repair and maintenance of
appliances or component parts, tooling, printers, testing shops, small machine
shops, shops engaged in the repair, maintenance and servicing of such items,
excluding automobile and truck repair, and excluding equipment rental yards.
5.Industries engaged in the distribution and/or storage or warehousing of
products similar to"those listed in other permitted uses in this group.
6.Construction industries such as general contractors, electrical contractors,
plumbing contractors, etc., and their accessory and incidental office uses.
7.Blueprinting, photostatting, photo-engraving, printing, publishing, and
8.Administrative and professional offices, _ limited to a) offices which are
associated with any permitted industrial use orb) offices which do not attract
nor are primarily dependent upon business customers visiting the office.
Permitted offices include, but are not limited to, corporate offices, regional
offices, general offices, and such professional offices as accountants,
attorneys, engineers, architects,· and planners. · Prohibited offices include, but
are not limited to, banks and financial institutions, medical and dental offices,
employment agencies, real estate agencies, and travel agencies.
9.Employee cafeteria, cafe, restaurant, or auditorium accessory with and
incidental to a permitted use (intended primarily for the express use of those
persons employed at the firm or use where such incidental use is applied).
10.Accessory uses and structures when related and incidental to a permitted use
such as, but not limited to, food preparation, food service, and eating facilities.
11.Education Facilities, Other as defined in Section 21.04.137 of the Zoning
Ordinance subject to a Minor Conditional Use Permit and where the facility is
for adult students (18 years and older) exclusively, and is located entirely
outside of the Flight Activity Zone and entirely outside of the 65 dB CNEL noise
contour (as shown in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the McClellan
Palomar Airport, dated October 2004), or where the use is located partially or
entirely between the 60 dB CNEL and the 65 dB CNEL noise contours if
SP 181H
interior noise levels are attenuated to 45 dB CNEL (as verified through a site
specific acoustical study).
SP 181H
Area 2 is designated for industrial support uses, business and professional uses, and
certain retail uses supporting the business park.
The commercial areas in Area 2 require a conditional use permit for each use pursuant
to Chapter 21.42. of the Carlsbad Municipal Code.
Permitted uses in Area 2 are:
1.Retail businesses (oriented to needs of complex employees);
2.Service businesses {oriented to needs of 'complex employees and
3.Personal service businesses;
4.Financial service businesses;
5.Blueprinting, photo�tatting, photo-engraving, printing, publishing, and
6.Administrative, professional, and business offices;
7.Health or athletic club facilities;
8.Service stations;
9.Hotels, motels, and theaters;
10.Restaurants may be permitted anywhere in the Airport Business Center with a
conditional use permit subject to the provisions of Section 21.42 of the
Carlsbad Municipal Code. At a minimum, this conditional use permit shall
address adequate parking, distance between restaurants, compatibility with
surrounding uses, and hours of operation.
The properties within Phase 3 were acquired by the City of Carlsbad and developed as
a portion of the City of Carlsbad municipal golf course. Phase 3 was removed from .the Specific Plan
per SP 181 (G).
Prior to any development within the Carlsbad Airport Centre, the developer shall
prepare covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&_Rs} applicable to the entire park site. These
CC&Rs shall be approved by the Planning Director prior to the approval of any final map for the
property. No development shall occur until the CC&Rs are approved.
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SP 181H
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SP 181H
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SP 181H
This section provides standards which will allow unique site planning and building design on
individual parcels while maintaining regulations assuring the development of an industrial center of
excellent quality. Various setbacks, building separations, building heights, and architectural styles will
be allowed as a result of the mixed land uses and prevailing topography, although visual continuity will
be provided by unified landscaping along the special landscaped streets.
For the purpose of this ordinance, setbacks are defined as that minimum distance from
the ultimate right-of-way line of the frontage street. Special landscaped streets are as follows: Camino
Vida Roble, and "D" Street (Palomar Oaks Way).
1.Streetside Setback. No structure shall be located within 30 feet of any street
right-of-way line, except that unsupported roofs or sun screens may project 6
feet into the setback area. The following improvements are specifically
permitted in the streetside setback:
b.Paving and associated curbing, except that vehicle parking areas shall
not be permitted within 30 feet of the streetside right-of-way lines of
special landscaped streets or within 10 feet of the streetside right-of
way line of other streets. In either case, any parking overhang is
d.Planters, architectural fences, or walls not to exceed 3 feet in height;
In the case of through lots extending from street to street, both street frontages
shall be treated as a streetside setback.
Interior Setback. No structure shall be located within 1 O feet of any interior lot
Rear Setback. No structure shall be located within 25 feet of a rear lot line.
Parking areas shall maintain a ten-foot setback from rear lot lines with no
parking overhang permitted.
Figures 3 through 6 represent graphic examples of how setbacks on special
streets and interior streets should be treated. Treatment is not limited to the
method depicted in this graphic, however.
SP 181H
Maximum building coverage, including accessory building structures .and excluding
open parking areas, shall not exceed 50 percent of the gross lot area.
The maximum height of all structures shall be determined by the underlying zone.
No on-street parking will be allowed.
The Parking requirements for all uses shall comply with Chapter 21.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal
The following standards shall apply to all landscaping within the development. "Special
Landscaped Streets" have been designated on the Land Use Plan (see Figure 7). Special
consideration will be given to the landscaping along these streets and is referred to under separate
sections of the following standards. All landscaping must comply with the City of Carlsbad Landscape
Guidelines Manual.
1. · General Requirement
a.All landscaping pursuant to this section shall be installed by the
developer and maintained through the business park association or, if
approved by City Council, a maintenance district.
b.A minimum of 15 percent of each building site area shall be reserved
for irrigated landscaping which shall be maintained in a neat and
orderly manner. The configuration of the required landscaping may be
creatively distributed but shall, at a minimum, include the following
1)Streetside Setback Areas
·a) General Statement: An effective combination of street
trees, trees, ground cover, and shrubbery shall be
b)Special Landscaped Street {Camino Vida Roble and
"D" Street (Palomar Oaks Way}): except for approved
driveway and sidewalk locations, the entire area
between the curb and the building setback line shall be
landscaped (Figures 3 and 4).
SP 181H
c)Interior Streets: Except for approved driveway and
sidewalk locations, the entire area from the curb to a
point 10 feet beyond the right-of-way line shall be
landscaped (Figures 5 and 6).
d)Berms: The landscaping in all streetside setbacks
shall include berms as noted below. The average
height of berms shall · be 42 inches for special
landscape streets and 30 inches. for all other streets.
The height of the berm shall be measured from the
street curb or parking lot curb, whichever is higher.
When the parking area is more than 36 inches below
street level, the berm may be 18 inches. Berms are
not required where the entire area between the street
and building is to be landscaped and free of parking.
e)Intersections: Landscaping and berms, not including
trees, along all streets shall be limited to a height of 2.5
feet within the triangle formed by a line extended
between points 35 feet distant from the intersection of
the right-of-way lines prolonged.
f)All landscaping planted within the confines of San
Diego Gas & Electric easements shall conform to the
standards applied to those easements.
g}All screening trees shall be evergreen varieties.
2.Palomar Airport Road. A special landscape corridor along
Palomar Airport Road, with a minimum width of 50 feet from
right-of-way, shall be established and maintained by the
developers' or homeowners' association. The landscaping
shall consist of a combination of trees and shrubs and ground
cover that is consistent with the general theme along Palomar
Airport Road.
3.Interior Setback.
a)General Statement: All designated undeveloped areas
such as setbacks and areas not used for parking or
SP 181H
storage shall be landscaped with ground cover, shrub,
and tree materials.
b)Undeveloped Areas: Undeveloped areas or unpaved
areas proposed for future expansion shall be
maintained by developer/owner/lessee in a weed-free
condition, but need not be landscaped.
c)Screening: Areas used for parking shall be
landscaped in such a manner_ as to interrupt or screen
said areas from view from access streets and adjacent
properties. Plant materials used for this purpose shall
consist of lineal or grouped masses of shrubs and/or
4.Parking Areas. Trees, equal in number to one per five parking
stalls shall be provided in the parking area. The trees may be
distributed evenly throughout the area or may be grouped or
clustered in order to create a random pattern. Canopy trees
shall be used in parking areas.
5.Slope Banks. All slope banks greater than 5:1 or 6 feet in
vertical height and adjacent to a public right-of-way shall be
stabilized, planted with a combination of trees, shrubs, and
ground cover, and irrigated as required by the City Engineer.
6.Entryways. Special landscape and sign treatment shall be
applied to all entry ways into the business center at Camino
Vida Roble and Palomar Airport Road, and "D" Street (Palomar
Oaks Way) and
Palomar Airport Road. Distinctive landscape design consisting
of ground cover and hedgerows combined with contour
berming shall be included. Entryways shall be limited to
ground signs which contain the name of the business center
only and which conform to the sign and graphic standards of
this plan. Entryway plans shall be s�bmitted to the Planning,
. Director for approval prior to issuance of sign permits.
Entryway signs shall be limited to 25 feet in length and 6 feet in
SP 181H
7.A detailed landscape and irrigation plan for all special
lands!=aped streets, mini-parks and common areas, shall be
submitted to and approved by the Planning Director prior to
approval of the final map for each phase.
8.Mini-Park Development. Four mini-parks, located as shown on
the tentative map and Figure 7 of this Specific Plan, shall be
constructed to provide passive rest and picnic areas for
employees and visitors of Airport Business Center. Each park
shall be developed according to the requirements of the City's
Parks and Recreation Director. Prior to development of any
phase, plans for construction of all parks within that phase shall
be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Director for approval.
The mini-parks shall be maintained by the property owners
through a property owner's association according to standards
established by the Parks and Recreation Director. Each mini
park will incorporate berms, landscaping and furniture (to
include picnic benches, tables and trash receptacles}.
All signs within the Carlsbad Airport Centre Specific Plan shall comply with
Chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code.
1.On special landscape streets, no loading shall be allowed which is visible from
adjacent streets.
2.On other than special landscaped streets, streetside loading· shall be allowed
provided the loading dock is set back a minimum of 70 feet from the street
right-of-way line. All loading areas must be screened from adjacent streets.
1.All outdoor storage shall be visually screened from adjacent streets and
property. Said screening shall consist of a solid concrete or masonry (or other
durable material approved by the Planning Director) wall not less than six feet
in height. Outdoor storage shall include the parking of all company-owned or -
operated motor vehicles, with the exception of regular passenger vehicles
SP 181H
2.No storage shall be permitted between streetside and the building line.
No metal structures with metal siding or sheeting exterior shall be permitted.
1 . All outc:':loor refuse collection areas shall be completely enclosed and screened
from access streets and adjacent property by a block wall, six feet in height,
approved by the Planning Director. All such areas shall have con�rete floors,
and shall be of sufficient size to contain all refuse generated by the business.
These areas shall be no less than six by eight feet in size.
2.No refuse collection areas shall be permitted between streetside and the
building line.
All "on-site" electrical lines (excluding transmission Jines) and telephone lines shall be
placed underground. Transformer or terminal equipment shall be visually screened from view from
streets and adjacent properties.
No portion of the property shall be used in violation of the performance standards of
this plan or in such a manner as to create a public or private nuisance.
Exterior components of plumbing, processing, heating, cooling and ventilating systems
(including but not limited to piping, tanks, stacks, collectors, heating, cooling, and ventilating equipment
fans, blowers, duct work, vents, louvers, meters, compressors, motors, incinerators, ovens, etc.) shall
not be directly visible to surrounding areas to the satisfaction of the Planning Director.
Should San Diego Gas & Electric Company utilize their easement rights to
underground utilities or in any .other way disturb parking areas, access ways, or other approved
portions of the site, the developer shall be responsible for restoring such parking areas or access ways
to their required condition.
If the City Engineer determines that enough width exists on "D" street (Palomar Oaks
Way) to provide adequate space for a bike lane, then the developer shall provide appropriate striping.
Projects within this specific planned area shall incorporate a variety of methods to
improve visual impacts. Such methods may include the following:
1)Variety of roof and wall materials and colors
2)Variety of building architectural accent features
3)Varied building roof heights and roof overhangs
4) _Varied building street setbacks beyond the minimum requirements
5)Enhanced fenestration
6)Varied building exterior accent colors
7)Enhanced architectural and la�dscaped entry treatments
8)Varied front yard landscaping treatments within an overall unifying theme
9)Articulated building forms
Roof planes
Wall planes·
Inset/offset windows/doors
1 O) Installation of large .specimen-size trees or groupings of smaller trees in front
Employee eating areas shall be provided in accordance with the Carlsbad
Development Code and all City policies.
SP 181H
The following general notes and mitigation measures shall control the overall development of
Carlsbad Airport Centre. The developer shall be responsible for implementing the mitigation measures
which are based on the EIR for the project.
1.Except as specified in this plan, the requirements of the PM zone and all other
applicable provisions for the zoning, subdivision, grading and building codes
(and any amendments thereto) of the City of Carlsbad shall apply.
2.Where minor questions arise regarding interpretation of this Specific Plan, the
Planning Director shall resolve them in a manner consistent with the Municipal
Code, adopted City plans, and City policy. Such decisions by the Planning
Director may be appealed to the Planning Commission and City Council.
3.The developer or association shall be responsible for maintaining all natural
canyon areas, all fill and cut slopes adjacent to public streets, and all special
landscape areas as outlined in this text.
1.Grading/Foundation Design
a.The conclusions and recommendations of the final geotechnical study
required by the Subdivision Map Act shall be incorporated into this
b.The ultimate engineering design of the project will incorporate the
specific recommendations of the geology consultant relative to design
criteria and foundation development.
c.Clearing of ground cover in advance of actual grading operations will
be avoided.
d.All graded or fill slopes shall be revegetated immediately after grading.
e.A soils engineer shall review the final grading plans and be present
during grading operations on the site.
SP 181H
Drainage/Erosion Control/Water Quality
a.A master plan of drainage for the site shall be prepared and submitted
to the City Engineer for approval in conjunction with the first tentative
tract �ap. Such plan shall be consistent with the Master Drainage
Plan of the City as adopted by the City Council. The developer shall
be responsible for construction of any drainage facility required as part
of tentative map approval.
b.A plan for siltation control for all storm runoff from the property during
construction and initial operation of the tract, and the maintenance of
silt control facilities during normal operation, shall be prepared by the
developer and submitted to the City Engineer for approval prior to
recording the final map for each element of the development.
c.Drainage and siltation control facilities shall be constructed by the
developer prior to or concurrently with grading operations.
d.Ground cover suitable for slope erosion control will be planted and
maintained by the developer immediately following grading.
e.A regular street-cleaning program will be implemented by the
developer or the property owner's association to minimize pollutant
runoff from internal private roadways and parking areas related to the
f.On-site retention basins as shown on Figure 7 shall be constructed and
operational prior to any grading on the site.
Biological Resources
The developer will protect approximately two acres of the depleted riparian oak
woodland habitat located in the southeast part of the property. This habitat will be incorporated into a
larger five-acre open space area. Also, erosion of soils will be controlled during and subsequent to
grading operations to minimize sedimentation to downstream habitats.
4.Archaeological Resources
The proposed project could have significant impacts on a number of
archaeological sites on the subject property. Strategy for mitigating significant impacts to a level of
insignificance consists of a well-conceived, thoroughly planned, and carefully controlled two-phase
testing and salvage program.
SP 181H
Significant impacts to some cultural sites might be mitigable in the first of two
phases. Phase I procedures would include mapping, posthole excavation, surface collection, and at
most sites the excavation of sampling units. Phase II procedures consist primarily of more extensive
subsurface excavation according to a research design planned to accurately identify and evaluate
archaeological resources.
A second phase of unit sampling is specifically recommended for sites SDM
W-123 and SDM-W-128, while sites SDM-W-2493 and SDM-W-2404 may also require a two-phase
approach. A second phase might also be necessary at any of the other sites, pending results of first
phase analysis, but this is considered unlikely for SDM-W-2400, SDM-W-2401, SDM-W-2404, and
SDM-W-2405. Perhaps less likely, but also feasible, is that first-phase mitigation might be attainable at
SDM-W-1983, SDM-W-1984, SDM-W-1985, and SDM-W-2408. It is noted that mitigation has already
been achieved for SDM-W-2406, which was surface collected at the time of field survey.
The City maintains the right to review any archaeological reports submitted as
mitigation for this section. if the Planning Director determines that such work is inadequate, a
consulting firm may be used by·the City at the expense of the developer to review and correct these
5.Paleontological Resources
The greatest potential for paleontological resources are located in the Delmar
Formation found along the southern boundaries of the property. Given this potential, a qualified
paleontologist will be present at all pregrading meetings (required by the City's grading ordinance) to
determine at what stages of grading and at what locations the paleontologist will be present during
grading operations.
Paleontological sites uncovered during grading operations and termed
significant by the inspecting paleontologist will be left exposed until fossil collection and appropriate
investigations are accomplished or until reasonable mitigation has taken place as determined by the
Planning Director.
All recommendations included in the traffic study regarding intersection
geometrics and roadway assignments will be incorporated into the project as a requirement for
development unless otherwise addressed.
7.Flight-Path Restricted Use Zone
A restricted use zone, 500 feet wide (250 feet each side of the centerline of the
Palomar Airport runway), is shown on the tentative map and Figure 7. The land use plan
SP 181H
will be applied to lots underlying this zone. The purpose of this restricted use zone is to reduce the
number of people actively employed in the zone, lowering the potential impact of an airplane crash on
the site. Within this zone, the following lot coverages for potential uses will be applied:
a.Warehouses or similar uses--maximum 75% lot coverage
b.Offices or similar uses-maximum 35% lot coverage
These coverages shall apply to any lot which is impacted by this zone greater than 25% of the net pad
area. No storage or manufacture of explosives or highly flammable materials will be allowed within this
zone. The appropriateness of use allowed in this zone will be at the discretion of the Planning Director.
The Planning Director shall determine if uses similar to warehouse type uses are appropriate for this
area. All other standards outlined in this Specific Plan and the underlying zone shall apply to this area.
The most significant source of noise at Airport Business Center will be from
aircraft operations at or near Palomar Airport, with minor amounts of noise generated from vehicular
traffic along College Boulevard, Palomar Airport Road and· "D" street {Palomar Oaks Way). Noise
impacts are especially severe {greater than 75 dBA CNEL) in the area just west of the runway. This
area is shown as the Flight-Path Restricted Use Zone on Figure 7, the land use plan.
Recommendations and noise standards below shall apply only to this area of the Specific Plan.
a.Uses: Warehouses, parking areas and other low-intensity uses should
be encouraged to develop in this area. Office type uses shall be
permitted but should meet special construction standards to minimize
b.Internal Noise Standards: For warehouses and low-intensity, low
employee type uses, internal noise levels shall be reduced to 70 dBA
CNEL from all sources. For offices, conference areas and classroom
type uses where frequent communications occur, interior noise levels
shall be reduced to less than or equal to 50 dBA CNEL from all
c.Construction Standards: For office and similar type uses, the following
standards are recommended at a minimum for construction to reduce
noise levels to the above standards:
1)Limit the number of wall openings (door and window) to a
minimum amount.
SP 181H
2)Minimize window surface area and locate windows in areas not
exposed to noise source.
3)Use double-glazed glass.
4)Reduce the need for open windows by providing adequate
mechanical ventilation.
5)Exterior door should be of solid-core construction.
6)Exterior wall coating should be of materials which partially
absorb noise, thereby reducing reflected sound.
7)Sound buffering materials should be utilized for basic
construction such as masonry with double-glazed windows.
9.Services and Utilities
Development in the Specific Plan area will not be allowed until the City Council
has determined that sewer service will be adequate to serve this site.
The City of Carlsbad has approved in concept a Wastewater Reclamation
Master Plan. Part of the plan will be implemented by the construction of a satellite treatment plant in
conjunction with an adjacent development (Carlsbad Research Center} which will also provide service
to the Carlsbad Airport Centre as well as the surrounding area.
This project shall be approved under the express condition that the applicant shall pay
a public facilities fee as required by City Council Policy No. 17, dated April 2, 1982, on file with the City
Clerk and incorporated herein by reference and according to the agreement executed by the applicant
for payment of said fee. A copy of that agreement, dated June 25, 1980, is on file with the City Clerk
and is incorporated herein by reference. If said fee is not paid as promised, this application will not be
consistent with the General Plan and approval for this project shall be void.
SP 181H
That portion of Lot "G" of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the County of San Diego, State of
California, according to map thereof No. 823, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego,
November 16, 1896.
NLAND USE PLANSPECIFIC PLAN 181 (H)CITY OF CARLSBAD492641424043443945474846333435363738323130292827KEL