HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP 181H; Home2 Carlsbad Suites; PARKING STUDY; 2016-03-03Darrelle & Associates, Inc.
March 3, 2016
Koong Cho
Royal Hospitality Carlsbad, LLC
P.O. Box 3872
6560 Poco Lago,
MAR 18 2.016
Rancho Santa Fe, California 92067 D&A Ref. No: 150801
Subject: Parking Study for the Proposed 142 Room Home2 Suites by Hilton located at the Northeast
comer of Palomar Airport Road and Palomar Oaks Way, Carlsbad, California.
Dear Mr. Cho:
The Home2 Suites Business Hotel proposes the development of the 142 Room project at the northeast
comer of Palomar Airport Road and Palomar Oaks Way, Carlsbad. The site plan for the project is
presented on Figure 1. Based on the City of Carlsbad requirements of 1.2 parking space per room
requires 171 parking spaces (142/rooms x 1.2 spaces/room = 171 spaces). The site plan for the project
proposes 158 parking spaces resulting in a deficiency of thirteen (13) spaces to comply with the City of
Carlsbad requirements. To determine the adequacy of the 158 proposed parking spaces Darnell &
Associates identified two (2) comparable Hotels to survey. The two (2) comparable sites are:
• Homewood Suites-145 Rooms; and
• Hampton Inn -94 Rooms.
The sites are located at the southeast comer of Palomar Airport Road and Yarrow Road and share 249
parking spaces. Figure 2 presents the two (2) comparable sites. Also presented on Figure 2 is the
location of the parking areas for the two (2) projects and the adjacent Chase Bank property that has 33
parking spaces.
The Homewood Suites and Hampton Inn projects have a joint use of Off Street Parking Facilities
Agreement with the Chase Bank property to meet the City of Carlsbad Parking requirements of the
Carlsbad Airport Hotel (CUP-04-22) Project. This agreement increases the available parking from 249
spaces to 282 spaces. The additional Chase Bank 33 parking spaces are identified as Area "L" in Figure
It should be noted that the Chase Bank Parking Area "L" was observed during each survey times and was
found to not have any vehicles during any of the survey times and was not included in our December 15,
2015 Report .. As requested by the City ofCar1sbad we have added Area "L" to Table 2 that shows there
were no vehicles parked in the Chase Bank lot during the survey times. Additionally, it should be noted
that all parking was off-street and there was no overflow parking onto surrounding properties of the
adjacent Chase Bank parking area.
The Homewood Suites and the Hampton Inn projects represent similar operations as the proposed project
and are in close proximity to the project site. To determine the adequacy of the proposed Home2 Suites
project parking, Darnell & Associates observed and counted the peak parking demand at Midnight, 1:00
AM and 2:00 AM for six (6) days on Friday October 24, 2015, Saturday October 25, 2015, Monday
October 26, 2015, Tuesday October 27, 2015, Wednesday October 28, 2015 and Thursday October 29,
4411 Mercury Street, Suite 207A, San Diego, CA. 92111
619-233-9373/ office@darnell-assoc.com
1.50801 -Parking Lot t ryout 02-18-2013 JAM
Homewood Suites and Hampton Inn
Parking Lot Layout and Count Locations
~ Darnell & AssociATEs, rNc.
0 _j
150801-AC 11/3/2015 JAM VICINITY MAP
Koong Cho
Royal Hospitality Carlsbad, LLC
March 3, 2016
Traffic surveys were collected at Midnight, 1:00 AM and 2:00 AM for six (6) days. These time periods
represent the peak parking times for the two (2) Hotels. To detennine the per room parking ratio we obtained
the occupancy (sold rooms) for each property. The occupancy levels for each property for the survey dates are
presented in Table 1.
Table 1 -Homewood Suites and Hampton Inn Occupancy (Sold Rooms) Ratios
Occupied Rooms per Dates Counted
Facility Rooms Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
10123/2015 10/24/2015 10/26/2015 10/27/2015 10/28/2015 10/29/2015
Homewood 145 135 144 122 138 120 101 Suites
Hampton 94 92 94 91 93 94 67 Inn
Total: 239 227 238 213 231 214 168
As previously stated Darnell & Associates collected parking demand counts at the Homewood Suites and the
Hampton Inn Site. Table 2 presents the parking demand for each of the Midnight, 1 :00 AM and 2:00 AM
counts. Review of Table 2 shows the peak parking demand for each day as follows:
• Friday October 23, 2015 202 spaces
• Saturday October 24,2015 209 spaces
• Monday October 26, 2015 189 spaces
• Tuesday October 27, 2015 200 spaces
• Wednesday October 28, 2015 189 spaces
• Thursday October 29,2015 157 spaces
Utilizing the occupancy on Table 1 and the peak parking demands presented on Table 2 allows the calculation
of the following parking demand for the two (2) sites surveyed. The results are as follows:
Date Sold Peak Parking Parking Spaces
Rooms/Occupancy Demand per Room
Friday October 23, 2015 227 94.9% 202 0.889
Saturday October 24, 2015 238 99.6% 209 0.878
Monday October 26, 2015 213 89.1% 189 0.887
Tuesday October 27,2015 231 96.7% 200 0.866
Wednesday October 28, 2015 214 89.5% 189 0.883
Thursday October 29,2015 168 70.3% 157 0.934
Further review of Table 2 shows 238 of the 239 rooms were occupied (99.6%) on Saturday October 24, 2015
with a need of 209 parking spaces.
Review of the above data identifies a worst case p"eak demand of 0.934 spaces per occupied room. Applying
this worst case ratio to the 142 room Home2 Suites by Hilton project results in the need for 133 parking spaces
(0.934 spaces/room x 142 rooms= 133 spaces) with full occupancy of the 142 room project. Utilization of
Friday October 23, 2015 peak parking demand of 0.889 spaces per room results in the need for 126 parking
spaces (0.889 spaces/room x 142 rooms = 126 spaces). Utilization of the Saturday October 24, 2015 peak
Table 2: Royal Hospitality Carlsbad
Parking Study
Hampton lnn/Home2 Suites
Friday 10-23-ZOl.SI SaturduylO-U-2015 f ··SIDlday Mandayio-26-2015/ Tuesday Tuesday lo-27-15/ • Wednesdaylo-28-15/ Thursday 10·29·15/
Parking Eltlstlng Saturday 1(1..24-15 10-25-15 10-27-15 Wednesday 10-28-15 Thunsday 10·Z9·15 Friday 10·30-15
Area Spaces Midnight 1:00AM 2:00AM Midnight 1:00AM 2:00AM Midnight 1:00AM 2:00AM l\olldnlgllt 1:00AM 2:1lOAM Midnight 1:00AM 2:00AM Midnight l:O&AM 2:00AM
Ocoupled Occupied Occupied O.cr:upied Occupied Otclipied Oceupied Occupied Occupied Occupied Occupied Occupied Occupied Octupled Occupied Occupied Occupied Occupied
Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces Spa""" Spaces Soaces Spaces Snaces suaces s •• ,... Snaces SPates so aces Spaces Spaces
A 12 2 2 2 3 3 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
a 47 38 37 31 36 36 36 30 31 31 ~2 34 34 26 2S 28 20 21 21
c 29 22 zz 22 24 24 24. 25 25 25 24 24 25 24 25 25 24 23 zz
0 41 38 39 39 38 38 38 41 40 40 41 41 41 40 40 40 38 39 39
E 15 14 13 13 15 15 15 12 14 14 15 14 15 15 15 15 13 13 13
F 7 4 6 6 5 6 5 2 2 z 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
G 33 25 26 26 26 24 24 21 21 21 23 22 23 24 13 23 17 17 18
H 24 2Z 22 22 29 23 29 Z4 24 24 24 24 24 23 23 24 18 19 19
I 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9
) 13 10 9 9 12 13 13 7 10 10 ·9 9 9 7 7 7 5 5 5
K 18 '. 16 16 16 17 17 17 11 12 12 17 16 16 12 14 14 9 9 9
L '33 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(J'I Total: 262 L_ __ ~--?!J~"~ ... _3(12 __ 202 209 209 209 183 189 189 198 197 200 183 188 189 lSG 157 157
Royal Hospitality Carlsbad, LLC
March 3, 2016
Page 6
dt<mand of 0.878 spaces per room results in the need for 125 parking spaces (0.878 spaces/room x 142 rooms=
125 parking spaces).
To determine the adequacy of the proposed 158 parking spaces for the 142 room project, we compared the
parking demands for each day and calculated the required parking and resulting excess parking that would be
expected Table 3presents this data. Review of Table 3 shows that with the peak occupancy of 99.6% (238 of
the 239 rooms) on Saturday October 24, 2015 the demand for parking was less than one (1) parking space per
room with the need for 125 parking spaces resulting in an excess of 33 spaces.
This analysis supports our conclusion that the proposed 158 parking spaces will adequately accommodate the
project. This conclusion is based on the fact three (3) of the days surveyed had room occupancy s of 94.9%,
96.7% and 99.6%, which represents high occupancy that could occur during the summer months. The
significance is that it shows 158 spaces for the proposed parking for the project is less than the City of
Carlsbad requirement for 1.2 spaces per room (1.2 spaces/room x 142 rooms= 170 parking spaces).
Table 3 Comparison Worst Case Parking demand for each day Surveyed for the proposed Project
Occupied Occupancy Required Proposed Excess
Date Rooms Occupancy Parking Parking Available Parking % Spaces per Spaces for Parking Space Room Rate 142 Rooms Spaces
Friday October 23, 2015 227 94.9% 0;889 127 158 31
Saturday October 24, 2015 238 99.6% 0.878 125 158 33
Monday October 26, 2015 213 89.1% 0.887 126 158 32
Tuesday October 27, 2015 231 96.7% 0.866 123 158 35
Wednesday October 28, 2015 214 89.5% 0.883 124 158 34
Thursday October 29,2015 168 70.3% 0.934 133 158 25
The Friday October 23, 2015 parking demand showed a peak parking demand of 202 spaces for the 227
occupied rooms. This demand shows that the existing Homewood Suites and the Hampton Inn Projects do not
require the Chase Bank Parking. Also Shown on Table 2 is the Saturday October 24, 2015 parking demands
demonstrated a demand for 209 parking spaces. This resulted in a peak parking need of 0.878 spaces per
occupied room.
Further it should be noted that review of parking requirements for other agencies identify a parking ratio of 1.0
spaces per unit, which would require 142 spaces (142 rooms x 1.0 spaces/room= 142 spaces).Therefore it can
be concluded that the proposed 158 parking spaces will adequately accommodate the proposed project.
Royal Hospitality Carlsbad, LLC
March 3, 2016
Page 7
"' The parking study was conducted between midnight and 2 A.M for six (6) days between Friday
October 24, 2015 and Thursday October 29, 2015. These hours were chosert to study because they
represent the highest occupancy, or peak parking demand times for hotels. Additionally, it shou}d.be
noted that although the study was conducted in October which City of Carlsbad tourisrn reports show
as off-peak travel times in Carlsbad having the least amount of hotel occupancy by month, the hotels
studied were at a capacity ranging from 70.3% occupied to 99.6% occupied. These results show that
even at 99.6% capacity, the parking demand was at a ratio of 0.878 parking spaces per room, less than
one parking space per room. Although the sample used in this study was taken during a time period
when hotel occupancy is at their lowest in the City of Carlsbad, the business hotels in the sample were
at full capacities jn October. The City of Carlsbad tourism data includes resort type hotels which are
typically at their peak occupancies during the warm summer months to visit the local beaches and
amusement parks. Business hotels are not tourist-dependent resort hotels and typically serve a different
clientele. The results presented in the study clearly demonstra.te that excess parking existed at the times
of highest occupancy of the Homewood Suites and the Hampton Inn Hotel during the month of
• Additionally, it should be noted that all parking was off-street and there was no overflow parking
onto surrounding properties of the adjacent Chase Bank parking area.
" Two (2) of the survey dates were conducted with room occupancy of94.9% and 96.7%, The Saturday
October 24, 2015 surveys had a 99.6% occupancy, which is what could be expected in the sum1ner
months and would require 125 spaces (0.878 spaces/rooms x 142 rooms).
• Comparison of the observed parking demand to a parking rate of one ( 1) space per room would result
in a weekday .excess of nine (9) spaces and a weekend excess of fifteen (15) spaces.
• Application of the observed peak parking demand ratio to the proposed 14 2 room project results in the
excess parking presente:d on Table 3.
• Approval of the proposed project with the proposed 158 parking spaces will adequately accommodate
the parking demand for the project with excess parking.
Please call if you have any questions or need additional infom1ation.
Bill E. Darnell, P .E.
RCE: 22338
Inn and Homewood Suites Occupancy Data from October 19,2015 through November 2, 2015
!Homewood Suitt;s = 145 rooms ::J
Room Sold %of Occupancy
Monday 19-0ct 134 92.41%
Tuesday 20-0ct 133 91.72%
Wednesday 21-0ct 143 98.62%
Thursday 22-0ct 138 95.17%
Friday 23-0ct 135 . 93.10%
Saturday 24-0ct 144 99.31%
Sund<lY 25-0ct 85 58.62%
Monday 26-0ct 122 84.14%
Tuesday 27-Qct 138 95.17%
Wednesday 28-0ct 120 82.76%
Thursday 29-0ct 101 69.66%
FridilY 30.0ct 81 .55.86%
Sattltday 31-0ct 8.1 55;86%
SuhClay 1-Nov 85 58i62%
Monday_ 2-Nov 116 80.00%
lHampton Inn 94 re!oms
Room Sold % of Occupanc,1.1
Monday 19-0ct 94 100.00%
Tuesday 20-Qct 94 100.00%
Wednesday 21-0ot 93 98.94%
Thursday 22-0ct 93 98.94%
Friday 23-Qct 92 97.87%
Saturday 24-0ct 94 100.00%
Sunday 25-0ct 55 58.51%
Monday 26-0ct 91 96.81%
Tuesday 27-0ct 92 97.87"/o
Wednesday 28-0ct 94 100.00%
Thursday 29-0ct· 67 71.28%
Friday 30-0ct 63 67.02%
Saturday 31-0ct 44 46,81%
Sunday 1-Nov 77 81.91%
Monday 2-Nov 92 97.87%