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______ -.... _."'_ .... ww 'Wr-1 .... wV' ........ .., ••• 11 ... .. ..,.~ .. ..,..---.--.. 51: , .. .,.. . "'-: .. ,"1.1.",. "!!.y' Shea Homes 1721 'Troena Street, ;n.oo San Diego, California 92131 A'I1'BNT.lON: Mr. Bob FODtana SCS&T ~81l238 St.JBl£CT: Pre.Unrinaly Summ3(y of ConditiOJ:lS. Proposed PoiDsettia Lafte storm Drain, Adjaomt to Pacifio Shoru Proj~ Carlsbad. Califamia. In &QCOnianQe with your velbaI roquoat aud authoriaUon, we have-~&un a limitcO evaluation of g~cal conditiws for the subject project. OUr :field i!M::Stipti()Il is complete and our field ~ODS areFesett'l~ for ~IeYiew. F.'CElJ) EXPLORATION Fo\lX' l~ameta: bucbt &Ugc£ borings wwc advanccrJ to depths of22. to Z9 feet below ~~ sur.face along the proposetj storm 4nin alipmern. The ~ umts observed ~M of a silty sandy terrace d~ over a bedrock unit ~ of silty sandsl.onelsanW ~ltst:ooe with a traCe of olay. Q!Q~ was et1COUtlttred in each oftht bcringt at @ .1evat.i.OD. j1m e.boV6 ~ be&.Wk writ The locations ~d ~ art ~ below. Depths Boring StatioD~ :BedrtIU. G~ Stont)~' B .. l 41+2S 12r~ 10 feet l~~ :S-2 46+80 22fNt 20 feet 20 feet B·3 55+00 Ut'eet 22 feet 20 feet B-4 59+90 241A':feet 24 feet 20 feet Lp~GS£9 619 'ON 3NOHd , 31ISJJO ~3HS : WO~j . SfJdlO t FROM: SHEA OFFSITE ~ PHONE NO. : 619 6352147 • 'AUG-1S-~$ i5.12 FROM.a L eUIL TE9TtNG In,eie2~321 , SCS&T 981l22: August 19,1999 < Aug. 27 1999 07:40AM P3 PAGE 2"-2 Page No. 2 \ ".' lUPP ABILITY AND SUITABILITY ' The c:arth materials encounter~ m eaoh borin$ Wete easily ~'Vatabl' With & bucket-auger drill rig. M:atcrtals typioall)" e:x:cavatable with a l>uclcet-augera drill rig ~ c:asily ~cawtable with ~<)mm.QDly utilized t'n:Dc:hi1:1g and ~vat.1O:I1 ~ent. The matetials ~ will Co ge:tlel'ally suitable for haekfill oftbc ~ storm drain. mlC$$ regulatory reco~dation$ 'IDImdate otb.erwi$e. G.R.OlJM)WAl'ER Gro.wmr'W3S eccountered.at fit abo'v, itotal4ra.in flow liDc in mo$t~. We 8ftlicipate that ~watetiDg will be required to facilitate stotm dl'aiD ~on. Sl.OPE STUILITV/SHOlUNG The ~ Qfground~iI1 OOItjunotion with 11» ¢m1h matetial$ 1mCOtmtete4·will TeqWre that the exoava.ti<m $idtwalls be sloped or shored to meed regulatosy safety ~cnts. ~ils strength para.mctcrs far ~orir:tg ~tem desip .. cmently be~ 4ewl~ We ~t¢ratc that this js ooly a ~Iiminary summary of ~¢al eoI1ditiom:i!kmg the ~ ~ Wain alignment. A<1d.itl~ deta& Will be forthcoming when oor rqmt is completed. SWJ:mw ~: (1) Mr. Bob Fontana. Via F~. ~ ..... . ....... ," .... ~ /'0' ....,. , ..... 'a.<..! l,..}, v . ~.. '\1 \ I --'-'_."--'--.. "11-. . .. -----.. -. .... I·!·· .. --., -'f.., (LoFrt' '-" ._._--.. _-. -"" ..•. --0-(,oA-'O c..A-t.-C-1A ~*·nof.J~ !: ii if II ... '-'-'.'-'. -----_ .. _._---... --.--.. -~.---- 1----l---!JLj.'-hi ~::-I~'-w62..JD!!,...l--.L~:..u.._~ JgPoks Q S,lt. c,'?r&li,2..O · , !! 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L,I'J~ ~~ -.... ~2 /.... --0 r~~ . .- H· ()VetJ-10' 7JfetC-1-/5"" " ) - @d2.1tf LPlrO -/ 'l~.7IC> v85/ vr X 6/;" IN a..,eelf ~L . .8 !.:...l --, I {OJ( 1/5' ~ .. :;; ''11,17 .,.. I)Jf ( 11f9ki' - . __ ._ .. ..... . [)-L.olfl) :: W~ Wi-... _-_.--k p& /3.t ~ Q -I I -.. -----... _.u. ___ ._._~ _______ ._ --.... -.----... --~-...... - ---.. "-' . __ ._ ..... IYt"-l7 i=-cz----x--r~·o--·--··------···· .. --·· -.. .. -.. --.--.----.. -.. -.~---.------... -.. -.---.. -----. ····--~1--U----._--_ .. _ .. _. ~ .. -.... -----.-.--.. -... -.--~~ .-··-.--.. -... --......... --1J-~--tt7Ir'.D ... -~-.-l ],12--.--~fi~· ~~~~t~-ez~o-~~~12~1 M"/l!l .• _ I, t.G l.,Ul~L!O:.l h ,'U'!:. UI.:..>l,-,N i\l/\d U,\L installations, the effect oflateral pressure was neglected in development of .bedding.factors .. Instead.,ofla~general theory as for the embankment 'condition,. .Spangler,·;from . analysis· of test installations, established con- ;servative fixed bedding factors for each of the standard classes of bedding ·j·Used:foT:.trench installations.'li·nu . .:!d j;,1 ' .• ! , '.' '" d .••. · .' /'1;" ". . . , . iq~l,it:<f:' }l1'11.'rj' : ~tfJ Impact 1\1(';11' ,.1' ).' '.', ';'1.'; '·dl ~I". ,~,:.d .,. "!il':i " n',;'b1:'rencJ!IBeddmg, F~Fto~~.~pnservatlve fixed beddmg factors for pipe . installed in a narrow trench condition are listed below the particular classes . of beddings shown in Figu~es' 227 imd 228. ; J l. ..d t. "\1',5,. . , l : l . ,; 'I Both Spangler and. Sc~lick, in early Iowa Engineering Experiment Stations publications,'; postulate that some active lateral pressure is devel{)ped in trench histallations before the transition width is reached. • t • t Experience indicate~ that the active lateral pressure increases as the trench widt~.increase~ from a 'Very narrow width to the transition width, provided the'sidefill is compacted. ,Defining the narrow trench width as a trench haying a .width at .the .foP. of the pipe equal to or less than the outside horizontal span pl~s one'foot, and assuming a conservative linear variation, 't~e yanable trene" ~edding factor can be determined by: . 'U' .c." '" ." ".,~rJ.~·;l'jlif[· ~Ir' ~Jli,:'!J'\i;·:i. ,I [Bd-(&+1.0)]' II, ·,f,>~·.II'Il'I\III~ j'l B/v-(/Jj'~.~ Bft)I'R ( + Bft (29) WI',)!q!\iVI,:" ,. I' ~.!il: ,"/ i-dt-:-Bc+ 1.0) . ", \" Where:.. ' l:h " . .!'. :;, ... :: : Be = outsidei!horizontal span of pipe, feet " Btt = trench width at top of pipe, feet '''.: Bdt = transiti6n width at top of pipe, feet :: •. .' B.r~ = bedding factor, embankment . ~. Bft = fixed bedding factor, trench ... : :. B/v = variable:~dding factor, trench . ';-." .. , A six-step design procedure for determining the trench variable bedding factor is: . .• Determine the trench fixed bedding factor, IJ.t; .. • Determine the trench width, B.J ' .•• Determine the transition width for the installation conditions, Bdt : ;t..". i:.Determine HI .Bcratio, settlement ratio, rsd.projection ratio,p, and the l :c.!:,; product of the settlement and projection ratios, rsdP ,., .• ,.Determine positive projecting embankment bedding factor, B.r~ ~iI. '~\calculate tJ:Je trench variable bedding factor, Bjv . I,; . f.' , .... " . P~itive Projecting Embankment Bedding Factors. For pipe installed in a pO!litive projecting embankmeQt condition, active lateral pressure is exerted ''against the sides of the pipe . .Bedding factors for this type of installation are computed by the eq~ation: A BI = N -xq (30) j,St ) " , For circular pipe q is further defined as: q=pK (H +!!..) C" Be 2 For elliptical an.<J arch pipe q is further defined as: = pB;K (H'+ PB~) q CcB; . 2 . 1 (31) 1 (32) Tables 62 through 65 list bedding factors for circular, vertical elliptical, horizontal elliptical and arch pipe. Negative Projecting Embankment Bedding Factors. The trench bedding factors listed in Figures 227 and 228 should be used for negative projecting embankment installations. Induced Trench Bedding Factors. Bedding factors for this type of inst. tion are calculated in the same manner as for the positive projecting bankment installation, using larger values of q to account for the decrease in vertical load. Table 66 lists bedding factors for circular pipe installed by the induced trench method of construction. Jacked or Tunneled Bedding Factor. Since the jacking method of con- struction affords positive c,?ntact around the lower exterior surface of the pipe and the surrounding earth, an ideal bedding condition is provided. This positive contact can be obtained by close control of the bore excavation to the outside dimensions and shape of the pipe or, if the bore is over- excavated, the space between the pipe and the bore can be filled with sand, grout, concrete or other suitable material. For this type of installation ~ factor of 3 is r~£oml!!~nded_IfJhc..bore is slightly over-excavated and the ~etween the pipe and the bore is not filled, a minimum bedding fac~.Qr oLl.2 is recommended.·-·--·--· -_.-- ~.~ -_ .... -... - • The usual procedure il) tunnel construction is to complete excavatio. the tunnel bore first and then install the pipe. If the pipe is designe - carry the earth load, or a portion of the load, the bedding factor should be in accordance with the particular type of bedding provided. The bedding factors listed in Figures 227 and 228 are recommended. APPLICATION OF FACTOR OF SAFETY The total earth and live load on a buried concrete pipe is computed and . multiplied by a factor of safety to determine the pipe supporting strength required. The safety factor is defined as the relationship between the ulti- mate strength D-Ioad and the O.OI-inch crack D-Ioad. This relationship is' specified in the ASTM standards on reinforced concrete pipe. Therefore, . for reinforced concrete pipe a factor of safety of 1.0 should be applied if the O.Ol-inch crack strength is used as the design criterion. For non-a . reinforced concrete pipe a factor of safety of 1.25 to 1.5 is normally. U~~d~ f; lOp. cit., p. 28 ':",'0;-.. ;, ..... ... ~-... ~ ... --. :~;;~;,;~~~~:~~.:.-= '-. (!} .• ~;~'X:;, ~"~:":""!i(..~: ~ en !.: 'o'c~t~~'a~~'i"a;''< ~ & ~;:; g": ~ ID a c 111'<111 c.9: .... @ ID ID· C ;-0'" 3 ?-.. ~ .. .' . : ..... .: : :': ...... ' .. :. : .... : i .. ~. f. . . .. ,. ; ~ -. ... ... w ... 0 I\) 0 0 0 0 111 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ '0 ID o - ~ c: ID III 0 -0 C m ~ C) z ~ I"'" C m en o "TI (') o m "TI "It n m z -t o "It (') o ::r m en o Z '0 '0 '0 ''0 -...... II II U • 1\)--0 bi..nbi..n I I\) b -0 0 b I I I I I I\) .... 0 p ... 0 b b =-., b i..n 111 HIGHWAY LOADS ON CIRCULAR PIPE POUNDS PER LINEAR FOOT Bc HEIGHT OF FI LL H ABOVE TOP OF PIPE IN FEET (ft.) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4'.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 12 1.33 3780 2080 1470 1080 760 550 450 380 290 230 190 15 1.63 4240 2360 1740 1280 900 660 540 450 350 280 230 18 1.92 4110 2610 1970 1460 1030 750 620 520 400 320 260 21 2.21 3920 2820 2190 1620 1150 840 690 580 450 360 300 24 \ 2.50 4100 3010 2400 1780 1270 930 760 640 500 400 330 27 2.79 3880 2940 2590 1930 1380 1010 830 700 560 440 360 30 3.08 3620 2830 2770 2070 1480 1080 890 750 590 480 390 33 3.38 3390 2930 2950 2200 1580 1160 960 810 630 510 420 CI) 36 3.67 3190 2810 2930 2330 1670 1230 1020 860 670 550 450 w 39 3.96 3010 2670 2850 2440 1760 1290 1070 910 710 580 480 ::t: U 42 4.25 2860 2550 2770 2560 1840 1360 1130 950 750 610 '510 z 48 4.83 2590 2330 2620 2480 1990 1470 1230 1040 820 670 560 Z 54 5.42 2360 2150 2490 2360 2050 1580 1320 1120 890 730 610 60 6.00 2170 1990 2450 2250 1960 1680 1400 1190 950 780 650 Q 66 6.58 2010 1850 2520 2160 1880 1640 1480 1260 1010 830 700 w 72 7.17 1870 1730 2580 2190 1810 1570 1510 1330 1060 880 740 N en 78 7.75 1750 1630 2630 2240 1770 1520 1460 1390 1110 920 780 w 84 8.33 1650 1540 2730 2290 1810 1460 1410 1360 1160 960 81Q ~ 90 8.92 1550 1460 2530 2330 1850 1470 1360 1310 1210 1000 850 c: 96 9.50 1470 1380 2410 2290 1880 1500 1330 1270 1250 1040 880 102 10.08 1390 1320 2300 2190 1910 1530 1350 1240 1290 1070 910 108 10.67 1320 1260 2200 2090 1830 1560 1380 1230 1330 1110 940 114 11.25 1260 1200 2110 2010 1760 1540 1410 1260 1362 1140 970 120 11.83 1210 1150 2020 1930 1700 1480 1420 1280 1400 1170 990 126 12.42 1160 1100 1940 1860 1640 1430 1380 1300 1430 1200 1020 132 13.00 1110 1060 1870 1800 1580 1380 1330 1290 1460 1220. 1040 138 13.58 1070 1020 1800 1730 1530 1340 1290 1250 1490 1250 1070 144 14.17 1020 980 1740 1670 1480 1300 1250 1210 1470 1280 1090 DATA: 1. Unsurfaced roadway. I .... b .... 0 0 b I I 0 p 0 W b .... 8.0 9.0 160 130 190 160 220 190 250 210 280 240 300 260 330 280 360 300 380 330 410 350 430 370 470 410 520 440 560 480 590 5io 630 540 660 570 690 600 720 630 750 650 780 680 810 700 830 730 860 750 880 770 900 790 920 810 940 830 2. Loads-AASHTO HS 20. two 16.000 lb. dual-tired wheels. 4 ft. on centers, or alternate loading, four 12,000 lb. dual-tired wheels, 4 ft. on centers with impact included. NOTES: 1-Interpolate for intermediate pipe sizes and/or fill heights. 2. Cntical loads: a. For H = 0.5 and 1.0 ft .. a single 16,000 lb. dual·tired wheel. b. For H = 1.5 through 4.0 ft., two 16.000 lb. dual·tired wheels, 4 ft. on centers. c. For H > 4.0 ft. alternate loading. 3. Truck Jive loads for H = 10.0 ft. or more are insignificant. 6 b .... 0 + 0 i..n + 0 W + + P .... 0 111 b b :Oc .... .... III 1/1 0 0 ::I C + + OQ I» ID-0 .... i:xl b ~~ + + p .... -en b .... c _. -..,j IDOQ ::I en :OlD 111-.... = -'ID o 3 "'~ ID Q. ::I .... ...:'::": ) .. -.::. " c m CIJ-· ,r :' .,z:. " <-)0-. r-.. c~" .m '0 'II en' 9 r-m a:: m Z -t = ~ o. .. _--._-..... -._-_ .. ;! CD r-m .110 Ul 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 ::!! 39 'tI 42 m 48 CI) N 54 m 60 0 '66 72 Z 78 Z 84 (') ::t: 90 m 96 CI) 102 108 114 120 126 132 138 144 ~ ~ .... C;i: -C \.. HEIGHT OF FILL H ABOVE TOP OF PIPE IN FEET HEIGHT OF FILL H ABOVE TOP OF PIPE IN FEET 1 en 1'x18 2e58 W :J: 13~X22 0 3180 ~ 15~X28 3701 ~ 18x28~ 040<17 (I) 22~x38~ 50<13 X a: 28'''x043~ 5SI504 Z ~ 31l1'.x51~ 1ISI104 en 38X58~ 7808 X w o4Ox85 8587 en a: 045X73 9<190 w 504 x 88 11080 0 iii 62x102 120420 ~ I 72x115 13470 W 771t.'.X122 104010 N iii W 87~X138 15080 c.. 96r,X15<1 159<10 c:: 106YzX168~ 18<1040 1 12 3630 15 4430 18 5220 en 21 6020 w 24 6810 J: 27 7610 U Z 30 8400 Z 33 9200 0 36 10000 II: 42 11600 w 48 13200 I-w 54 14800 :a 60 16400 ::£ 66 17900 0 w 72 19500 0 78 21100 Cii 84 22700 Z 90 24300 T w 96 25900 N 102 27500 en 108 29100 w Q. 114 30200 Q. 120 31800 126 33400 132 35000 138 36600 144 38200 2 3 04 5 8 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 04 5 8 7 8 9 10 2483 2277 2039 1778 1588 1403 12304 1087 962 18190 87<15 8442 04<110 3257 2620 21e7 1815 1583 1<117 2SI73 2727 204<12 2130 1908 1879 10478 1303 1153 20200 10050 75<10 5220 388e 3133 2802 2173 1878 ,. 3<180 .3173 28<13 20481 221<1 1955 1722 1519 13043 21&40 11180 8S5SI 8002 <1507 3845 3038 2530 21. 1880. -3782 3<I6SI 3109 2712 2<121 2137 1882 1663 1<170 22280 11820 9197 6S08 <1917 3SI88 3323 27M 2390 2187 <1898 <1322 3878 3385 3019 2862 23<18 210<1 1838 23500 13380 10850 7912 810<1 04991 <1188 30457 2977 2710 5559 5452 7288 8013 8857 10350 11820 12810 13120 1<1150 1<1990 150480 2 3400 4140 4890 5630 6370 7120 7860 8610 9350 10800 12300 13800 15300 16800 18300 19800 21200 22700 24200 25700 27200 28300 29800 31200 32700 5138 04810 4030 3590 3184 27904 20482 2191 2<1080 1«<10 12230 9207 7280 5984 <18804 04128 35<12 5923 5321 04853 <11<12 3850 3228 2872 2538 2<1320 15280 13510 10530 8<187 8SIS2 5778 <1781 .0lO8<I 6889 801<1 5262 <1683 <1122 365<1 3257 2878 204580 18200 15010 11980 9712 78904 85042 50418 4eG4 7358 8817 579<1 5155 045048 4031 3595 3178 250410 17600 167040 13430 10780 8688 7193 5967 50043 8135 7320 8412 5707 50<11 04<17<1 3993 3532 29090 20<120 19300 15250 11980 9598 7928 8582 S537 9513 8569 7518 6701 593<1 5278 <1715 <1180 04<1100 27280 23990 18180 104020 11150 9183 7eoe 8371 10890 9M5 M79 7575 872<1 5987 5355 <1784 048570 30300 28<180 .20130 155<10 123040 10110 8359 70104 11820 10510 9258 8289 737<1 6573 5882 5246 048890 312040 27810 21370 18800 13220 10a30 89048 7515 12110 10S180 9678 887<1 7727 6892 8170 5507 048970 31550 28350 21930 17110 13850 11200 92M 778a 13090 11880 105<10 90481 S<I68 7567 6780 6058 490040 31960 291040 228040 18020 1«50 11930 9808 8357 13910 12880 11300 10190 9122 8167 73304 8582 <19050 32170 29590 23<100 18870 15090 12510 10<110 8818 104390 13170 11780 106040 9535 8551 7695 6899 '49050 32270 29790 23690 18990 15<150 12870 10710 9090 180,000 Pound Dual-Tandem aNT MNmb/Y. 190 Pound. per Squ8le Inch Tire Preaure.28-1nch clc Spacing S.twHn Du.J TI,... BfI.Inch clc Spacing S_HII Fore and Aft Tandem Tlru. k-300 Pound. per Cubic Foot. R.-31.# IncIIK. h-12/nch ... E-4,ooo,OOO Pound. per Squere InCh. !H).1S_ Imerpol.,. tor Intermediate fill heigh,.. 3 4 3060 2700 3720 3300 4390 3890 5060 4470 57;30 5070 6400 5660 7070 6250 7740 6840 8400 7430 9740 8610 11100 9790 12400 11000 13800 12200 15100 13300 16400 14500 17800 15700 19100 16900 20400 18100 21800 19300 23100 20400 24500 21600 25400 22500 26800 23700 28100 24800 29400 26000 RAILROAD LOADS ON CIRCULAR PIPE POUNDS PER LINEAR FOOT HEIGHT OF FILL H ABOVE TOP OF PIPE IN FEET 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 2340 2010 1720 1480 1260 1090 880 2860 2450 2100 1800 1540 1330 1070 3370 2890 2480 2130 1820 1570 1260 3880 3330 2850 2450 2100 1810 1450 4390 3770 3230 2770 2370 2050 1640 4900 4210 3610 3100 2650 2290 1830 5420 4640 3980 3420 2930 2520 2020 5930 5080 4360 3740 3200 2760 2220 6450 5520 4740 4070 3480 3000 2410 7470 6400 5500 4710 4030 3480 2790 8500 7280 6250 5360 4590 3960 3170 9520 8160 7000 6000 5140 4440 3560 10500 9040 7750 6650 5690 4910 3940 11600 9920 8510 7300 6250 5390 4320 12600 10800 9260 7950 6800 5870 4710 13600 11700 10000 8590 7350 6350 5090 14600 12600 10800 9240 7900 6820 5470 15700 13400 11500 9890 8460 7300 5860 16700 14300 12300 10500 9010 7780 6240 17700 15200 13000 11200 9560 8250 6620 18800 16100 13800 11800 10100 8740 7010 19500 16700 14300 12300 10500 9070 7280 20500 17600 15100 12900 11100 9560 7660 21500 18500 15800 13600 11600 10000 8040 22500 19300 16600 14200 12200 10500 8420 14 16 18 20 25 720 590 490 420, 290 880 720 600 510 350 1030 840 710 610 410 1190 970 810 700 480 1350 1100 920 790 540 1500 1230 1030 890 600 1660 1360 1140 980 670 1820 1480 1240 1070 730 1980 1610 1350 1160 790 2290 1870 1570 1350 920 2600 2130 1780 1530 1040 2920 2380 2000 1720 1160 3239 2640 2210 1900 1290 3550 2900 2430 2090 1420 3860 3150 2640 2270 1540 4180 3410 2860 2460 1670 4490 3670 3070 2640 1800 4800 3920' 3290 2820 1920 5120 4180 3500 3010 2050 5430 4440 3720 3200 2180 5750 4690 3940 3380. 2300 5970 4880. 4090 3510 2390 6290 5130 4300 3700 2520 6600 5390 4520 3880 2640 6910 5650 4730 4060 2770 '-. 320SI 3738 <1227 048<15 5102 5885 M88 8931 7178 7887 8077 8317 30 210 250 300 340 390 430 480 520 570 660 750 840 930 1020 1110 1200 1290 1380 1470 1560 1650 1710 1800 1890 1980 34200 30800 27200 23600 20200 17300 14900 12700 11000 8810 7230 5900 4950 4250 2890 2070 35700 32100 28400 24600 21100 18100 15500 13300 11500 9190 7540 6160 5160 4430 3020 2160 Cooper E80 desi9n loading conSisting of four 80,000-pound axles spaced 5 feet c/c. Locomotive load assumed uniformity distributed over an area 8 feet x 20 feet. Weight of track structure assumed to be 200 pounds per linear foot. Impact InCluded. Height of fill measured from top of pipe to bottom of ties. I nterpolate for intermediate pipe sizes andlor fill heights. - 11x18 ." 13~x22 :;; m 1~X28 -en N 18X28~ . m .~ I 22~X38~ --Z ~x~ en 6 31l1'.x51~ m :D 38X58~ Cii m o4Ox85 'X en 045X73 ~ 504x88 Z 82X102 :II X 72x115 (I). 771t.'.X122 Z 87'.ix138 Z 0 98r.x15<1 :J: m en 106YzX188~ 12 15 18 21 "tl ·24 "tl 27 m 30 ~ 33 N m 36 1 42 Z ~ 48 0 54 m 60 0 66 5> s: 72 m 78 -t m 84 :0 90 0 96 Z 102 Z 108 ("l J: 114· m 120 rn 126 132 138 144 8 z r. ~. r.: r.: .~j" l.-UNl.-lo.~l h I'H'c lJl~l~Jl'l M/\l~ U/\L ~I FIGURE 219 . I '. ~ I ·::t '. .' EARTH LOADS ON JACKED OR TUNNELED INSTALLATIONS .. ::/~{ .. ' .;: iilfi[iiij-[f •• ~liil~~jll~ilj ::;;1 'r' ti ~ ~ :c 0::. ~ U lL. o !i: CI iii ::c -, -.-.-., · .. ·-H+H-H-~ 80 IItttHI tlltl 1 In ~ 1IH-lIrltl-I-lttBtfiilU! I-I ~ I' Htlltlilltnl'littttltH-1 . 70 IIi I II I 111111111111111 1111111 11I111 I ~ III ~ II a 1111 I IIV I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ", 60 1-11+ 50 I Ii, I II I II1I 1111 E 11111 II III II I III I II 1\1 I' I \ I ~ I 1\1 1\1 I I I I X I I I l\l I I I I I I I I I 40 II: 111111t111l111111\H-H-H~ 11111\11 ~,II\II'J 11\1 N l'kllll!}.! IITI~ ,l\J~f\J;::.b.J~.'.~I"''''''~t. I~I_ 30 IITIITIIRlHY1\rI'Jl\rl\lTlyrrKITllITt-n NlN:~ N'tI1'lITNJ •• _PIro.I_1 ............. I!.I.-,...I •• I.r~ 1_ I -.---. ...... 20 n\IT~IT~HK! NTN"I'{r1\rI'Q,[~Xt~klll1t1 rN;J.Tt1trT1'I.Jl1ttm-t1 , ---. ' . . '~~Rml~ ;:rN-"olTl't " .'.' g:f.: ~.--;::" -':t tnn r.n':Ln~f.t~:U:J 11::t::I:t:':I;I·, ':ftt1·IITI·ltHtHtlll-fUll tl-tt °2 4 5 '6 8 10 12 M~MUM WIDTH Of EXCAVATION B, IN FEET 14 For earth weighing other than 120 pounds per cubic foot. multiply loads by w/120. . , .'" f: i.~ , J: ;. !. FIGURE 220 ~ ~ :J:: ffi 8 u.. o !i: C!I iii ::c 100 EARTH LOADS ON JACKED OR TUNNELED INSTALLATIONS SAND AND GRAVEL COHESION TERM 2 CI BI ~ .. ; -' MMIMUM WIDTH OF EXCAVATION BI IN FEET ~I ..----------------------.-:-.. :-::: .. =--=-.:--::---=--=--=.,-==---.. -.----.. TABLE 27 60" BACKFIL;lADS ON CIRCULAR PIPE IN TRENCH ITALLATION . *100POUND CUBIC FOOT BACKFILL MATERIAL LOADS IN POUN R LINEAR FOOT '. SAND AND GRAVEL K,i-165 B SATURAT TOP SOIL KI.I'-O 150 A TRENCH WIDTH AT TOP OF PIPE ATRAN· SITION 8'.()" 8'-6" 9'.()" 9'-6" 10'.()" 10'-6" 11'.()" 12'·0" 13'·0" 14'.()" WIDTH TRENCH WIDTH AT TOP OF PIPE; ATRAN· 8'.()" 8'·6" 9'.()" 9'~6" O'.()" 0'-6" 1'.()" 2'.()" 3'.()" 14'.()" l'lITION WIDTH 5 3522 7'·10" 3522 7'· 9" 5 6 4252 4368 8'· 2" 7 4864 5210 5268 8'· 7" 4298 4368 8'· 1" 6 4925 5268 8'· 6" 7 8 5451 5845 6226 9'· 0" 5529 5924 6226 8',11" 8 9 6014 6456 6899 7246 9'· 5" t:i 10 6555 7044 '7534 8025 8331 9'·10" W 11 7074 7609 8146 8685 9224 9486 10'· 3" ~ 12 7571 8153 8737 9322 9908 10480 10'· 6" W 13 8049 8676 9306 9937 10570 11200 11390 10'· 8" ~ 14 8508 9180 9855 10530 11210 11890 12300 10',10" a. 15 8948 9664 10380 11110 11830 12560 13210 11'· 0" ~ 16 9370 10130 10890 11660 12430 13200 13980 14120 11'· 1" 0.17 9775 10580 11380 12200 13010 13830 14650 15020 11'· 3" o 18 10160 11010 11860 12710 13570 14430 15300 15930 11'· 4" I-19 10540 11420 12320 13210 14120 15020 15930 16830 11'· 6" W 20 10890 11820 12760 13700 14640 15590 16540 17740 11'· 7" ~ 21 11240 12200 13180 14160 15150 16140 17140 18640 11'· 9" CD 22 11570 12570 13590 14610 15640 16680 17720 19540 11',11 " <I: 23 11880 12930 13980 15050 16120 17190 18280 20440 12'· 0" ::c 24 12190 13270 14360 15470 16580 17700 18820 21080 21340 12'· 1" ...J 25 12480 13600 14730 15870 17020 18180 19350 21690 22240 12'· 3" :::! 26 12760 13920 15080 16260 17450 18650 19860 22290 23150 12'· 4" ~ 27 13030 14220 15420 16640 17870 19110 20360 22870 24060 12'· 6" U 28 13280 14510 15750 17010 18270 19550 20840 23430 24960 12'· 7" <I: 29 13530 14790 16070 17360 18660 19980 21300 23980 25860 12'· 8" CD 30 13770 15060 16370 17700 19040 20400 21760 24510 26760 12'·10" ~ 31 13990 15320 16670 18030 19410 ~800 22200 25030 27680 12',11" I-32 14210 15570 16950 18350 19760 21190 22630 25540 28560 13'· a" ::c 33 14420 15810 17230 18660 20100 21570 23040 26030 29050 29460 13'· 2" <!l 34 14620 16040 17490 18950 20440 21930 23440 26500 29610 30380 13'· 3" ijj 35 14820 16270 17740 19240 20760 22290 23840 26970 30150 31270 13'· 4" ::c 36 15000 16480 17990 19520 21060 22630 24210 27420 30680 32140 13'· 5" 37 15180 16690 18220 19780 21360 22960 24580 27860 31190 33090 13'· 7" 38 15350 16890 18450 20040 21660 23290 24940 28290 31690 33970 13'· 8" 39 15510 17080 18670 20290 21940 23600 25290 28710 32180 34880 13'· 9" 40 15670 17260 18880 20530 22210 23900 25620 29110 32660 35770 13',10" 6110 6554 6997 7246 9'· 3" 9 6671 7161 7653 8146 8331 9'· 8" 10 ::c m 7210 7748 8287 18828 19369 19480 10'· 1" 11 15, 7730 8315 8901 9488 0080 0480 10'· 4" 12 I 8231 8862 9494 0130 0760 1390 10'· 6" 13 -I 8713 9389 0070 0750 1430 2120 2300 10'· 7" 14 0 9177 9899 0620 1350 2080 2810 3210 10'·10" ,15 "11 9625 0390 1160 1930 2710 ~3480 4120 10'·11" '16 CD 10060 0870 1680 2500 3320 ~4140 . 4960 5020 11'· 1" 17 » (") 10470 1320 2180 3040 3910 4780 5650 5930 11'· 2" 18 ;:x; 10870 1770 2670 3570 4480 5400 6310 6830 11'· 3" 19 " 11260 2190 3140 4090 5040 6000 6960 7740 11'· 5" 20 r= r 11630 2610 3590 4580 5580 16580 7580 [18640 11'· 6" 21 ::c 11980 3000 4030 5060 6100 ~7150 8200 9540 11'· 8" 22 » 12330 3390 4460 5530 6610 17700 8790 0440 11'· 9" 23 OJ 12660 3760 4870 5980 7110 18240 9370 1340 11'·11" , 24 0 12980 4120 5260 6420 7590 18760 9940 ~224O 12'· 0" 25 < 13290 4460 5650 16850 8050 19270 0480· 2940 t::a1:'0 12'· 1" 26 m 13580 P4800 6020 7260 8500 Hl760 ~1020 123560 124060 12'· 2" 27 -I 0 13870 "5120 6380 17660 8940 20240' l21540 b4160 124960 12'· 4" 28 "tI 14140 5430 6730 18040 9370 20700 ~2040 ~4750 ~5860 12'· 5" 29 0 14410 15730 7070 18420 9780 21150 22540 b5330 6760 12'· 6" 30 " 14660 16020 17390 18780 0180 21590 3020, 125890 ~7680 12'· 7" 31 ::g 14910 16300 17710 19130 0570 22020 1'3480 ~6430 ~8S60 12'· 8" 32 "tI 15140 16570 18010 19470 00950 22440 ?3940 ~6960 129460 12',10" 33 [Tl 15370 16830 18310 19800 21310 22840 4380 27480 0380 12',11" 34 ~' 15590 17080 18590 20120 ?1670 23230 24800 27990 ~1270 13'· 0" 35 m 15800 17320 18870 20430 20 to 23610 125220 28480 131790 f32140 13'· 2" 36 -I 16010 17560 19130 20730 2350 23980 25630 28970 132350 ~3090 13'· 3" 37 16200 17780 19390 21020 22670 24340 26020 29440 ~2900 ~3970 13'· 4" 38 16390 18000 19640 21300 22990 24690 26410 29890 ~3430 ~4880 13'· 5" 39 16570 18210 19880 21580 23290 25030 26780 30340 ~3950 ~5770 13'· 6" 40 ~ ____ ------------__ ----____ -------------------------------.. ,,~--------~-- C ORDINARY CLAY K~'-O 130 TRENCH WIDTH AT TOP OF PIPE ATRAN· SITION S'.()" 8'-6" 9'·0" 9'·6" 10'.()" 10'·6" 11''()'' 12'·0" 13'.()" 14'.()" WIDTH D SATURATED ClAY K~'-O,110 TRENCH WIDTH AT TOP OF'PIPE 8'.()" 8'·6" 9'.()" 9'·6" 10'.()' 10'-6' 11'.()' 12'·0' 5 3522 7'. 8" 8'· 0" 6 4368 8'· 5" 7 5008 5268 8 5635 6031 6226 8'· 9" 9 6242 6687 7132 7246 9'· 1" t:i 10 6830 7323 7816 8331 9'· 6" W 11 7398 7939 8481 9023 9486 9',11" ~ 12 7949 8537 9126 9717 10310 10480 10'· 2" W 13 8482 9117 9754 10390 11030 11390 10'· 3" ~ 14 8998 9679 10360 11050 11730 12300 10'· 5" a. 15 9497 10220 10960 11690 12420 13210 10'· 6" ~ 16 9981 10750 11530 12310 13090 13870 14120 10'· 8" 0.17 10450 11270 12090 12910 13740 14570 15020 10'·10" o 18 10900 11760 12630 13500 14370 15250 15930 10'·11" I-19 11340 12250 13160 14070 14990 15910 16830 11'· A" W 20 11760 12720 13670 14630 15600 16560 17530 17740 11'· 1" ~ 21 12180 13170 14170 15170 16180 17190 18210 18640 11'· 3" CD 22 12570 13610 14650 15700 16750 17810 18870 19540 11'· 4" <I: 23 12960 14040 15120 16210 17310 18410 19520 20440 11'· 5" ::c 24 13330 14450 15580 16710 17850 19000 20150 21340 11'· 6" ...J 25 13690 14850 16020 17200 18380 19570 20760 22240 11'· 7" :::! 26 14040 15240 16450 17670 1890C 20130 21370 23150 11'· 8" ~ 27 14380 15620 16870 18130 1940C 20670 21950 24060 11'·10" U 28 14710 15990 17280 18580 1989C 21200 22530 24960 11',11" <I: 29 15020 16340 17670 19020 2037C 21720 23090 25860 12'· A" CD 30 15330 16690 18060 19440 2083( 22230 23640 26470 ,26760 12'· 1" ~ 31 15630 17020 18430 19850 2t28( 22720 24170 27090 27680 12'· 2" I-32 15910 17350 18790 20250 2172 o 23200 2469( 27700 285& 12'· 4" ::c 33 16190 17660 19140 20640 2215 o 23670 25200 28290 29460 12'· 5" <!l 34 16460 17970 19490 21020 2257 o 24130 25700 28870 30380 12'· 6" W 35 16720 18260 1982 o 21390 2298 o 24580 26190 29440 31270 12'· 7" ::c 36 16980 18550 2014 o 21750 2338 02502 02666 o 30000 32140 12'· 8" 37 1722 o 1883 o 2046 02210 o 2376 02544 o 2713 o 30540 33090 12'· 9" 38 1746 o 1910 o 2076 02244 02414 o 2586 o 2758 o 31070 33970 12'·10" 39 1768 o 1936 o 2106 o 2277 o 2451( 2626 o 2802 03159 o 34880 12',11" o 1961 o 2134 o 2310 o 2487C 2666 o 2846 03210 o 35770 13'· 0" 3522 4368 5093 5268 5744 6142 6226 6378 6824 7246 6994 7489 7984 8331 7593 8136 808U 922:' 9480 8176 8768 9360 9953 10480 8744 9383 10020 10660 11310 11390 9295 9982 10670 11360 12050 12300 9832 10570 11300 12040 12780 13210 10360 11140 11920 12700 13490 114120 10860 11690 12520 13350 14180 1!1020 . 11360 12230 13100 13980 14860 15740 15930 12760 13680. 14600 15530 16460 16830 11840 12310 13270 14240 15210 16180 17160 17740 12760 13770 14780 15800 16820 17.840 18640 14260 15310 16380 17440 18510 19540 13200 18050 19160 20280 20440 13640 14730 15830 16940 14060 15200 16340 17490 18650 19800 20970 21340 14460 15640 16840 18030 19230 20430 21640 22240 17320 18560 19800 21050 22300 ~O 14860 16080 15240 16510 17790 19070 20360 21650 22950 24060 18250 19570 20900 22240 23580 24960 15620 16930 25860 15990 17340 18700 20060 21440 22820 24200 16~40 17730 19130 20540 21960 23380 24820 26760 19560 21010 22470 23940 25410 27680 16690 18120 19980 21470 22970 24480 26000 28560 170'20 18500 17350 18860 20380 21920 23460 25010 26570 29460 17670 19220 20780 22360 23940 25530 27140 30380 17980 19570 21170 22780 24410 26040 27690 31000 21550 23200 24870 26540 28230 31620 18280 19910 20240 21920 23610 25310 27030 28760 32240 18570 18860 20560 22280 24010 25750 27510 29280 32840 19140 20870 22630 24400 2618 o 27980 29790 33430 22970 24780 2660 o 28440 30290 34020 19410 21180 • For backfill weighing 110 pounds per cubIc foot, Increase loads 10%, ~or 120 pounds per cubic (oat, increase 20%; etc . ... Transition loads (bold type) and widths base~ on K/J-O,19, Isdf!-O,5 In the embankment equatIon Interpolate for intermediate heights of backfill and/or trench WIdths 40 1791 ;.TRAN· SITION 13'.()' 14'.()' WIDTH 7'. 7" 5 7'·11" 6 8'· 3" 7 8'· 7" 8 9'· 0" 9 ::c 9'· 4" 10 m 9'· 9" 11 15 9'·11" 12 ::c -I 10'· 1" 13 0 10'· 2" 14 " 10'· 3" 15 OJ 10'· 5" 16 » 10'· 6" 17 (") 10'· 7", 18 ;:x; "11 10'· 8" 19 r= 10'·10" 20 r 10'·11" 21 ::c 11'· 0" 22 » CD 11'· 1" 23 11'· 2" 24 0 < 11'· 3" , 25 m 11'· 4" 26 cl 11'· 5" 27 "tI 11'· 6" 28 0 11'· 7" 29 " 11'· 8" 30 "tI 11'· 9" 31 ;; 11'·10" 32 .m 11'·11" 33 " 12'· 0" 34 m 12'· 1" 35 m 31270 -I 32140 12'· 2" 36 33090 12'· 3" 37 33970 12'· 4" 38 34880 12'· 5" 39 35770 12'· 6" 40 ~~ ,-4)72" ~!OC~~~~; LOADS ON CIRCULAR PIPE IN TRENCH INSTALLinON A SAND AND GRAVEL SITION 5 ~~ 6 9'· 0" 7 9'· 4" '8 9'· 9" 9 10'· 1" Iii 10 10'· 6" W 11 ~~HffitimrmffiikiAAiJ---l---+---I---L-J 10'·11" u. 12 11'· 4" uj 13 11'· 9" e: 14 12'· 2" a.. 15 12'· 6" ~ 16 12'· 8" a.. 17 12'·10" o 18 12'·11" .... 19 13'· 1" W 20 13'· 3" e; 21 13'· 4" m 22 13'· 6" <I: 23 13'· 7" ::J: 24 13'· 9" ...J 25 13'·11" :: 26 14'· 0" ~ 27 14'· 2" () 28 14'· 3" <I: 29 14'· 5" m 30 14'· 6" ~ 31 14'· 8" .... 32 14'· 9" J: 33 14'·10" <!l 34 15'· 0" iii 35 15'· 1" J: 36 15'· 3" 37 15'· 4" 38 15'· 5" 39 15'· 6" 40 15'· 8" 15'· 9" C ORDINARY CLAY KI,J'-O,130 TRENCH WIDTH AT TOP OF PIPE iTRAN· SITION 9'·6" 10'-0" 10'-6" 11'-0" 1 1'·6" 12'-0" 13'-0" 14'-0" 15'-0" 16'-0" WIDTH 8'·10" 5 4097 6 5053 9'· 2" 7 6060 9'· 6" 8 6825 7121 9'·11" 9 7578 8024 8239 10'· 3" Iii 10 8310 8805 9300 9417 10'· 8" W 11 9023 9566 10110 10660 11'· 0" u.. 12 9717 10310 10900 11490 11960 11'· 5" W 13 10390 11030 11670 12310 12950 13340 11'·10" e: 14 11050 11730 12420 13110 13800 14490 14590 12', 1" Il. 15 11690 12420 13160 13890 14630 15370 15690 12'· 3" ~ 16 12310 13090 13870 14650 lo44U lb22U 16780 12'· 4" a.. 17 12910 13740 14570 15400 16230 17060 17860 12'· 6" o 18 13500 14370 15250 16130 17000 17890 18950 12'· 7" .... 19 14070 14990 15910 16840 17760 18690 20030 12'· 9" W 20 14630 15600 16560 17530 18500 19480 21110 12'·10" e; 21 15170 16180 17190 18210 19230 20240 22200 12'·11" m 22 15700 16750 17810 18870 19930 21000 23140 23270 13'· 1" <I: 23 16210 17310 18410 19520 20620 21740 23970 24360 13'· 2" ::J: 24 16710 17850 19000 20150 21300 22460 24780 25420 13'· 3" ...J 25 17200 18380 19570 20760 21960 23160 25580 26520 13'· 4" ::! 26 17670 18900 20130 21370 22610 23850 26360 27590 13'· 6" ~ 27 18130 19400 20670 21950 23240 24530 27120 28670 13'· 7" () 28 18580 19890 21200 22530 23860 25190 27870 29760 13'· 8" <I: 29 19020 20370 21720 23090 24460 25840 28610 30840 13'· 9" m 30 19440 20830 22230 23640 25050 26470 27900 31910 13'·11" ~ 31 19850 21280 22720 24170 25630 27090 28560 32990 14'· 0" .... 32 20250 21720 23200 24690 26190 27700 30720 33780 34060 14'· '" J: 33 20640 22150 23670 25200 26740 28290 31400 34540 35150 14'· 2" Q 34 21020 22570 24130 25700 27280 28870 32070 35290 36200 14'· 3" W 35 21390 22980 24580 26190 27810 29440 32720 36030 37310 14'· 5" J: 36 21750 23380 25020 26660 28320 30000 33360 36750 [38350 14'· 5" 37 22100 23760 25440 27130 28830 30540 33990 37460 ~9450 14'· 7" 38 22440 24140 25860 27580 29320 31070 34600 38160 f.1054O 14'· 8" 39 22770 24510 26260 28020 29800 ~1590 35200 38850 41590 14'· 9" 30270 32100 35790 39520 42680 14'·10" 9'· 3" 9'· 8" 10'· 0" 10'· 5" tfa~~ffij-§f,~Wol1ii6iso+-+-+-~~--l._jl0'. 9" I . 11'· 2" 11'· 7" 12'· 0" 12'· 3" rm~ffimWoJm~~5trs~~~_-+-_i--112'. 5" 12'· 7" 12'· 9" 12'·11" 13'· 0" 1tFs~~5-ffi~~~~~~~~~~_--l.-J13'. 2" 13'· 3" 13'· 5" 13'· 6" 13'· 7" tt6i~tiff~~'B-#~~m~~~~~U--l---.J 13'· 9" 13'·11" 14'· 0" 14'· 1" 14'· 2" t18i;sQi2Ot~~~~~~~~~m~~~Q.L--.J 14'· 4" 14'· 5" 14'· 7" 14'· 8" 14'· 9" t2Q.~~~~f5f:~~~~~~~~~~~l--J14 .• 10 .. 15'· 0" 15'· 1" 15'· 2" 15'· 3" 5 6 7 8 9 10 ffi 11 - 12 ~ 13 -I 14 0 15 i1 16 III 17 ~ 18 " 19 ::!! 20 F 21 ::t 22 » 23 III 24 0 25 < 26 m 27 6 28 "C 29 0 30 i1 31 31' 32 "C 33·m 34 i1 35 Hl 36 -I 37 38 39 15'· 5" 40 D SATURATED CLAY Kj.l'-O.110 TRENCH WIPTH AT TOP OF PIPE ATRAN· SITION 14'-0" 9'·6" 10'-0" 10'·6" 11'-0" 11'-6" 12'-0" 13'-0" 15'-0" 16'-0" WIDTH 8'· 9" 5 4097 9'· 1" 6 5053 9'· 5" 7 6060 9'· 9" 8 6937 7121 7717 8165 8239 10'· 1" 9 J: 8480 8976 9417 10'· 5" 10 m 9225 9770 10320 10660 10'·10" 11 15 9953 10550 11140 11740 11960 11'· 2" 12 J: 10660 11310 11950 12590 13240 13340 11'· 7" 13 -I 11360 12050 12740 13430 14124 14590 11'"10" 14 0 12040 12780 13520 14250 15000 15690 12'· 0" 15 i1 III 12700 13490 14270 15060 15850 16b4U [1671l0 12'· 1" 16 ». 13350 14180 15020 15850 16690 17530 17860 12'· 2" 17 (') 13980 14860 15740 16630 17510 18400 18950 12'· 4" 18 " i1 14600 15530 16460 17390 18320 19250 20030 12'· 5" 19 r= 15210 16180 17160' 18130 19110 20090 21110 12'· 6" 20 r 15800 16820 17840 18860 19890 20920 ~~~~~ 12'· 8" 21 ::t 16380 17440 18510 19580 20650 21720 12'· 8" 22 » 16940 18050 19160 20280 21400 22520 24360 12'·10" 23 OJ 17490 18650 19800 20970 22130 23300 25420 12'·11" 24 0 18030 19230 20430 21640 22850 24060 26520 13'· 0" 25 < m 18560 19800 210 [2350U 24!:l2U 2734U IUtlllU 13'· 1" 26 d 19070 20360 21650 22950 24250 25560 28170 28670 13'· 3" 27 19570 20900 22240 23580 24930 26280 28990 29760 13'· 3" 28 "C 20060 21440 22820 24200 25600 26990 29790 30840 13'· 4" 29 0 20540 21960 23380 24820 26250 27690 30580 31910 13'· 6" 30 i1 "C 21010 22470 '23940 25410 26890 28380 '31360 32990 13'· 6" 31 i5 21470 22970 24480 26000 27520 29050 32120 34080 13'·7" 32 Jl1 21920 23460 25010 26570 28140 29710 32870 35150 13'· 9" 33 i1 22360 23940 25530 27140 28740 30360 33610 36200 13'· 9" 34 m 22780 24410 26040 27690 29340 31000 34330 37310 13'-1.1" 35 m 23200 24870 26540 28230 29920 31620 35050 38350 13'·11" 36 ""i 23610 25310 27030 28760 30490 32240 35750 39450 14'· 0" 37 24010 25750 27510 29280 31060 32840 36440 40060 40540 14'· 2" 38 24400 26180 27980 29790 31610 33430 37110 40820 41590 14'· 2" 39 24780 26600 28440 30290 32150 34020 37780 41570 42680 14'· 3" 40 • For backfill weighing 110 pounds per cubic foot, increase loads 10%; for 120 pounds per cubic foot, increase 20%; etc, i Transition loads (bold type) and widths based on K/l-0.19, rsdP-O,5 in the embankment equation Interpolate for intermediate heights of backfill and/or trench widths 40 23100 24870 26660 28460 --------------------------~--------==============~~~.~~ TABLE 31 I I . '78" . BACKFiLL L DS ON CIRCULAR PIPE IN TRENCH IN :ALLATION :. * 100 POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT BACK,FlLI. MATERIAC"'~~' ,l:-9ADS IN POUNDS PER UNEAR FOOT A SAND AND GRAVEL KJ.I'-O 165 8 SATURATED TOP SOIL KIJ'-O 150 TRENCH WIDTH AT TOP OF PIPE ATRAN· SinON .-. TRENCH WIDTH AT TOP OF PIPE 10'.{)" 10'-6" 11'.()" 11'-6" 12'.()" 13'.{)" 14'.()" 15'.()" 16'.()" 17'.()" WIDTH 10'-0" 10'-6" 11'-0" 11'-6" 12'.{)" 13'-0" 14'-0" 15'-0" 5 4384 9'· 8" 4384 -6 5395 9'·11" 5395 7 6250 8457 -10'· 3" 6313 8457 8 7031 7427 7570 10'· 8" 7112 7509 7570 .. ' 9 7786 8231 8676 8739 11'· 1" ti:i 10 8'517 9010 9503 9968 11'· 8" 7887 8332 8739 8639 9133 9627 9988 ,. W 11 9224 9764 10310 10850 11250 11'·11" ~ 12 9908 10500 11080 11670 12260 12600 12'· 3" 931:;9 9911 1040U lluvu ' ."'" 10080 10670 11260 11850 12440 12600 W 13 10570 11200 11840 12480 13120 14020 12'· 9" ~ 14 11210 11890 12570 13280 13940 15320 15510 13'· 2" a. 15 11830 12560 13290 14020 14750 16220 16890 13'· 5" ~ 16 12430 13200 13980 14750 15530 17090 18080 13'· 7" a. 17 13010 13830 14650 15470 16300 17950 19250 13'· 9" o 18 13570 14430 15300 16170 17040 18780 20430 13'·11" I-19 14120 15020 15930 16840 17760 19600 21440 21600 14'· 1" W 20 14640 15590 16540 17500 18460 20390 22320 22780 14'· 3" ~ 21 15150 16140 17140 18140 19140 21160 23190 23940 14'· 5" CO 22 15640 16680 17720 18760 19810 21910 24030 25110 14'· 6" 10760 11400 12040 12680 13320 14020 .. ' ; 11430 12120 12800 13490 14170 15510 12080 12810 13540 14280 15010 16480 18890 12710 13480 14<ttlv 15040 15820 17390 1lI0II0 13320 14140 14960 15790 16620 18280 19250 13910 14780 15650 16520 17390 19150 20430 14480 15400 16310 17230 18150 20000 21600 15040 16000 16960 17920 18890 20820 22780 15560 16580 17580 18590 19600 21640 23670 23940 16100 17150 18200 19250 20310 22430 24560 25110 « 23 16120 17190 18280 19360 20450 22650 24860 26280 14'· 8" 16610 17700 18790 19890 20990 23200 25420 28280 l: 24 16580 17700 18820 19950 21080 23360 25660 27450 14'· 9" 17110 18240 19370 20510 21660 23960 26270 27450 ...I 25 17020 18180 19350 20520 21690 24060 26450 28610 14'·11" d 26 17450 18650 19860 21070 22290 24740 27210 29780 15'· 0" ~ 27 17870 19110 20360 21610 22870 25410 27960 30540 30940 15'· 2" 17590 18760 19940 21120 22310 24700 27100 28610 16050 19270 20480 21710 22940 25420 27910 29780 18500 19760 21020 22290 23560 26120 28700 30940 () 28 18270 19550 20840 22130 23430 26050 28700 31360 32120 15'· 3" « 29 18660 19980 21300 22640 23980 26680 29410 32160 33280 15'· 5" CO 30 19040 20400 21760 23130 24510 27300 30110 32940 34460 15'· 6" ~ 31 19410 20800 22200 23610 25030 27900 30790 33710 35600 15'· 7" 18940 20240 21540 22850 24160 26610 29480 32120 19370 20700 22040 23400 24750 27480 30240 33010 l19I80 12.1150 22540 23930 25330 28140 30980 33840 20180 21590 23020 24450 25890 28790 31710 34650 I-32 19760 21190 22630 24080 25540 28480 31460 34460 36770 15'· 9" 20570 22020 23480 24950 26430 29410 32420 35450 :J: 33 20100 21570 23040 24530 26030 29050 32110 35190 37950 15'·11" 20950 22440 23940 25440 26960 30030 33120 36240 $234 20440 21930 23440 24970 28500 29610 32740 35910 39100 16'· 0" W 35 20760 22290 23840 25400 26970 30150 33360 36610 39890 40290 16'· 1" :J: 36 21060 22630 24210 25810 27420 30680 33970 37300 40660 41460 16'~ 3" 21310 22840 24380 25920 27460 30630 33800 37000 121870 123230 124800 26390 27990 31220 34470 37760 22010 23610 25220 2685( 28460 31790 35130 38490 37 21360 22960 24580 26220 27860 31190 34560 37970 41410 42600 16'· 4" 22350 23980 25630 2729C 28970 32350 35770 39220 38 21660 23290 24940 26610 28290 31690 35140 38630 42150 43760 16'· 5" 22670 24340 26020 2772( 29440 32900 36390 ~9926 39 21940 23600 25290 26990 28710 32180 35710 39270 42870 44940 16'· 7". 22990 24690 26410 2814( 29890 33430 37010 40620 40 22210 23900 25620 27360 29110 32660 36260 39900 43580 46100 16'· 8" 23290 25030 26780 2856( 30340 33950 37610 41300 . ..~, -,_ .......... ,. . ~..: '.e ... ·.! C ORDINARY CLAY KJ.I'-O,130 D SATURATED CLAY KJ.I'-0.110 . TRENCH WIDTH AT TOP OF PIPE ,TRAN· SITION 1 o '.() " 10'-6" 11'-0" 11'-8" 12'-0" 13'-0" 14'-0" 15'-0" 16'-0" 17'.()" WIDTH 5 4384 9'· 5" 6 5395 9'· 9" 7 6399 6457 10'· 1" 8 ' 7222 7570 10'· 5" 9 8024 :8471 8739 10'· 9" t:i 10 8805 9300 9796 9966 11'· 2" W 11 9566 10110 10650 11<t~O 11'· 6" ~ 12 10310 10900 11490 12090 12600 11'·11" W 13 11030 11670 12310 12950 13600 14020 12'· 4" e: 14 11730 12420 13110 13800 14490 15510 12'· 9" a. 15 12420 13160 13890 14630 15370 16850 16890 13'· 1" ~ 16 13090 13870 14600 lo44U lti<!<!U 1 (!lUU ,18080 13'· 2" a. 17 13740 14570 15400 16230 17060 18730 19250 13'· 4" o 18 14370 15250 16130 17000 17890 19650 20430 13'· S" I-19 14990 15910 16840 17760 18690 20550 21600 13'· 7" W 20 15600 16560 17530 18500 19480 21430 22780 13'· 8" ~ 21 16180 17190 18210 19230 20240 22290 23940 13'·10" CO 22 16750 17810 18870 19930 21000 23140 25110 13'·11" « 23 17310 18410 19520 20620 21740 23970 26200 26280 14'· 1" l: 24 17850 19000 20150 21300 22460 24780 27110 27450 14'· 2" ...I 25 18380 19570 20760 21960 23160 25580 28000 28610 14'· 3" d 26 18900 20130 21370 22610 23850 26360 28870 129780 14'· 4" ~ 27 19400 20670 21950 23240 24530 27120 29730 30940 14'· S" () 28 19890 21200 22530 23880 25190 27870 30570 32120 14'· 7" « 29 20370 21720 23090 24460 25840 28610 31390 33280 14'· 8" CO 30 20830 22230 23640 25050 26470 29330 32200 34460 14'· 9" ~ 31 21280 22720 24170 25630 27090 30030 33000 35600 14'·11" I-32 21720 23200 24690 26190 27700 30720 33780 36770 15'· 0" :J: 33 22150 23670 25200 26740 28290 31400 34540 37700 37950 15'· 1" $234 22570 24130 25700 27280 28870 32070 35290 38540 39100 15'· 2" W 35 22980 24580 26190 27810 29440 32720 36030 39360 40290 15'· 3" J: 36 23380 25020 26660 28320 30000 33360 36750 40170 41460 15'· 5" 37 23760 25440 27130 28830 30540 33990 37460 40970 42600 15'· 5" 38 24140 25860 27580 29320 31070 34600 38160 41750 43760 15'-7" 39 24510 26260 28020 29800 31590 35200 38850 42520 44940 15'· 8" 40 24870 26660 28460 30270 32100 35790 39520 43280 46100 15'· 9" • For backlill weighing 110 pounds per cubic loot, increase loads 10%; lor 120 pounds per cubic toot increase 20%: etc. 'Transition loads (bold type) and WIdths based on KIJ-O, 19, rsdP-O,5 in the embankment equation Interpolate lor intermedlare hetghts 01 backfill and/or trench widths 16'-0" 33280 34460 35600 36770 37950 39100 40290 41460 42600 43480 44260 45020 1('.1" " " ,-, .78'~.: . 'rRAN· SinON 17'-0" WIDTH 9'· 8" 5 1'·10" 8 10'· ·3" 7 10'· 7" a, . 11'· 0" t :.. '-11'· 4" 10 ffi 11'" 9" 11 -12'· 2" 12 ~ 12'· 7" 13 -t 13'· 0" 14 0 _. 13'· 3" 15 "TI 13'· 5" ·aJ 13'· 7" ,18 > 17 (') 13'· 9" 18 '" 13'·11" 19 ::!! ~ .~ .. 14'· 0" r' 20 r ,14'· 1" 21 ::z: 14'· 3-22> 14'· 5-23m 14'· 8-24 a 14'· 7" 25 < 14'· 9-26 m 14'·11-27 d 15'· 0" 28 "0 15'· 1-290 15'· 3" 30 "TI 15'· 4" 31 J2. 15'· 5-32 "0 15'· 7" 33.f11 15'· 8" 34 "TI 15'· 9-35 Hl 15'·11-38-t 15"11-37 43760 18'· ,-38 44940 18'· 2"' 39 46100 18'· 3· 40 9'· 3" S 9'· 7" 6 9'·11" 7, 10'· 3-8 10'. 8" 9 :J: 11'· 0-10 m 11'· 5" 11 15 11'· 9" 12 :J: 12'· 1" 13 -! 12'· 6" 14 0 12'· 9" 15 "11 m 12'·,.," 16 > 13'· 1" 17 (') 13'· 2" 18 '" "11 13'· 3-19 i= 13'· 5" 20 r 13'· 5" 21 ::z: 13'· 7" 22 > 13'· 8-23 m 13'· 9" 24 0 < 13'·11" 25 m 13'·11" 26 -! 14'· 1" 27 0 14'· 2" 28 "0 14'· 3" 29 0 14'· 4" 30 "TI "0 14'· 5" 31 :;; 14'· 6" 32 rn 14'· 7" 33 "TI 14'· 8" 34 m 14'· 9" 35 m 14'·10· 36 -t 14'·11" 37 15'· 0" 38 15'· 1" 39 lS'· 2" 40 .. t. C r c r -> ~ -~ = M ":I .. GO ~ ~ = Q .s Q C) .. N ... = .. .s Co 0; Co ;:) :> .. ... x .. .... , .. ... ~l Co co <:I = ;;; Trench Width -= J:! ~ C. .. Q N ~ X GO .. "5 Q :: =5 C) = ~ .. :i ... 1-. , GO § invert elevation NOTES N CO> Co c: 1" max graded aggregate. SECTION 1. For trenching on improved streets see Standard Drawing G·24 or G-25 for resurfacing details. 2. (*' indicateS minimum relative compaction. L 4"· clearance (min) RECOMMENDED 8Y THE SAN DIEGO REGIONA~ STANDARDS COMMITTEE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING (.!.~J~~ ~~ .:Jzc. I'J7S c::: j.-:",," }\ r!. ;~JlIQ7 il4tf DRAWING -D-60 NUMBER PIPE BEDDING AND TRENCH BACKFIll FOR STORM DRAINS