August 2, 2018
Mr. Jesse Smith
44 7 Baugher Road
San Marcos, CA 92069
An Employee-Owned Company
JAN i 9 2G\9
·Pro F CAh-.:;, ' c\1Y o\NG 01V1~\0N pLANN
Reference: Results of the Biological Survey for the Hillside Drive Residence Project, Carlsbad, California
(RECON Number 9228)
Dear Mr. Smith:
A biological survey was conducted within the proposed site for the Hillside Drive Residence Project (project
boundary) to determine the potential for sensitive biological resources. The purpose of this letter is to
provide information on the current condition of the biological resources within the project boundary and an
assessment of potential impacts and mitigation of the proposed project in accordance with federal, state, and
local laws and regulations.
The proposed project would construct a private residence located at 4246 Hillside Drive in the city of
Carlsbad, California (Figure 1). The project boundary is located in an unsectioned portion of the Agua
Hedionda Land Grant in Range 4 West, Township 12 South, of the San Luis Rey Quadrangle U.S. Geological
Survey topographic map, and consists of .a 0.26-acre undeveloped lot surrounded by development (Figures 2
and 3). The project boundary is also located within the boundaries of the final Multiple Habitat Conservation
Plan (MHCP), which is a multi-jurisdictional habitat conservation plan that was prepared for seven north
San Diego County jurisdictions: Oceanside, Carlsbad, Encinitas, San Marcos, Vista, Solana Beach, and
Escondido (San Diego Association of Governments [SANDAG] 2003). More specifically, the project site falls
within the City of Carlsbad's MHCP Subarea Plan, which is the City of Carlsbad's Habitat Management
Plan (HMP). The project boundary is not within or adjacent to a HMP Preserve Area (Figure 4).
RECON biologist Cailin Lyons conducted a general biological survey of the project boundary on July 27,
2018. Prior to conducting surveys, species occurrence records in the California Natural Diversity Database
(CNDDB) from within two miles were reviewed. Vegetation communities were mapped on al-inch-equals-
25-foot aerial photograph flown in 2018. Vegetation community classifications follow Oberbauer et al. (2008),
which are based on Holland's 1986 Preliminary Descriptions of the Terrestrial Natural Communities of
California. All plant species observed on-site were also noted, and plants that could not be identified in the
field were identified later in the laboratory using taxonomic keys. The survey also included a directed search
for sensitive plants and wildlife that would have been apparent during the time of the survey. The project
boundary was assessed for potential sensitive biological and aquatic resources, including sensitive
vegetation communities, wetlands/waters, plants, and wildlife. Assessments for the potential occurrence of
sensitive species are based upon known ranges, habitat preferences for the species, and species occurrence
records from the CNDDB (State of California 2018).
1927 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101 I 619.308.9333 I reconenvironmental.com
* Project Location
M:IJOBSS\9228\common_gis\fig1 .mxd 8/1/2018 Imm
Regional Location
* Project Location
M:\JOBS5\9228\common_gis\fig2.mxd 8/1/2018 Imm
0 Feet 2,000 0
Project Location on USGS Map
0 Feet
D Pr oject Boundary
M:\JOBS5\9228\common_gis\fig3.mxd 8/1/2018 Imm
Project Location on Aerial Photograph
c:::J Project Boundary
[I] Local Facility Management Zone 1
Carlsbad FPA
/ Core #4
~ Existing Hardline -Pre-existing
Natural Open Space Preserve
~ Proposed Standards Area FIGURE 4
Project in Relation to
City of Carlsbad HMP Area
M:\JOBS5\9228\common_gis\fig4.mxd 8/1/2018 Imm
Mr. Jesse Smith
Page 6
August 2, 2018
Survey Results
Physical Characteristics
The project boundary occurs in an undeveloped lot in a neighborhood in Carlsbad, California. The
undeveloped lot shows evidence of recent grading and vegetation removal within a portion of the site. The
project site is bounded by private residences to the north and south, with a landscaped slope and residence
to the north, and Hillside Drive to the south (see Figure 3). The project boundary is further surrounded by a
mosaic of residential development and undeveloped lots.
One soil type, Corralitos loamy sand (5 to 9 percent slopes), is mapped within the project boundary.
Corralitos loamy sand consists of somewhat excessively drained, very deep loamy sands. This soil type is
formed in alluvium derived from marine sandstone and is typically located in narrow valleys and on small
alluvial fans (U.S. Department of Agriculture 1973).
Biological Resources
The project boundary contains two land cover types: disturbed land and urban/developed (Table 1; Figure 5;
Photographs 1 and 2). The urban/developed consists of an unvegetated area that was recently graded prior
to the biological survey. The disturbed land consists primarily of bare ground with ripgut grass (Bromus
diandrus), castor bean (Ricinus communis), chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum sp.), and ice plant
(Ca,pobrotus edulis). Some scattered native shrubs, such as lemonade berry (Rhus integrifolia), laurel
sumac (Malosma laurina), and coastal California buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum var. fasciculatum)
occur intermixed with the non-native vegetation but generally provide low cover and provide low habitat
value due to the isolated nature of the site. Based on aerial photography and street imagery, the
Urban/Developed land appears to have had similar vegetation composition as the Disturbed Land prior to
the recent grading activities.
Table 1
Existing Land Cover Types
within the Project Boundary
Land Cover Tvoes Acreage
Disturbed Land 0.13
Urban/Develooed 0.13
TOTAL 0.26
A total of 13 plant species were identified within the project boundary. Of these plant species, four are
considered native and nine are considered non-native. A complete list of the plant species identified within
the project site is shown in Table 2. In addition, one wildlife species, honeybee (Apis mellifera) was identified
within the project site at the time of the survey.
Sensitive Biological Resources
The presence of sensitive biological resources and their potential for occurrence were evaluated within the
project boundary. No sensitive biological resources, including sensitive plants or wildlife, were identified at
the time of the survey. Furthermore, no sensitive plants are anticipated to occur due to high levels of
disturbance within the project boundary (e.g., visible soil disturbance and prevalence of non-native species).
One sensitive wildlife species, California horned lark (Eremophila alpestris actia), has moderate potential to
nest within the disturbed habitat within the project site. Additionally, there is potential for nesting of
migratory birds to occur within the project boundary. The potential for sensitive plants and wildlife within
the project boundary are discussed further in Attachments 1 and 2.
D Project Boundary Vegetation Communities
Ill Disturbed Land
0 Feet
Existing Biological Resources
M:\JOBSS\9228\common_gis\figS.mxd 8/1/2018 fmm
View of Project Boundary Facing Northeast
View of Project Boundary Facing North
P:\9228\Bio\Photos\Photos1 &2.docx 08/02/2018
Mr. Jesse Smith
Page 9
August 2, 2018
Bromus diandrus Roth ri ut rass
Phra mites australis Cav. Hoover common reed
Car obrotus edulis N.E.Br. freewa ice lant
Malosma laurina Nutt. ex Abrams laurel sumac
Rhus inte ri olia utt. Benth. & Hook. f. ex Rothr. lemonade berr
er stanthemum
African dais
Jacaranda s . D. Don ·acaranda
Salsola australis R. Br. Australian tumbleweed
Eu horbia =Chamaes ce maculata L. s otted s ur e
Ricinus communis L. castor bean
Datura wri htii Re el western Jimson weed
asciculatum coast California buckwheat
Sensitive Biological Resources
The proposed project would impact a total of 0.13 acre of disturbed land and 0.13 acre of urban/developed
(Figure 6). Impacts to disturbed land and urban/developed are not considered significant, as these land cover
types are not considered sensitive biological resources. Although these land cover types are not considered
sensitive, mitigation is required by the City of Carlsbad's HMP for impacts to disturbed land. The
urban/developed land that was previously graded will also require mitigation, as it was likely comprised of
disturbed land prior to grading.
No direct impacts to sensitive plant are expected to occur, as no sensitive plants were identified within the
project boundary and none are expected to occur. There is a potential for direct and indirect impacts to
migratory or nesting birds, including California horned lark, within the project boundary should vegetation
removal and/or grading occur during the general bird breeding season (February 15-September 15).
Mitigation for potentially significant direct impacts to nesting and migratory birds are required under the
California Fish and Game Code 3503 (California Department of Fish and Wildlife 1991).
D Project Boundary Vegetation Communities
1222] Project Impacts 1111 Disturbed Land
0 Feet
Impacts to Biological Resources
M:\JOBS519228\common.....9islfig6.mxd 8/1/2018 fmm
Mr. Jesse Smith
Page 11
August 2, 2018
Mitigation is required for impacts that are considered significant under the California Environmental
Quality Act. All impacts to sensitive biological resources should be avoided to the maximum extent feasible
and minimized when possible. Mitigation for potential impacts to land cover types and nesting birds,
including California horned lark, are discussed in further detail below.
Sensitive Biological Resources
Vegetation Communities/Land Cover Types. Prior to the issuance of any permits for land disturbance or
grading, the project applicant shall pay the per acre in lieu mitigation fee to the City of Carlsbad for impacts
to 0.13 acre of disturbed land (including the 0.13 acre of urban/developed that was previously graded).
Nesting Birds. To conform to the California Fish and Game Code, no impacts shall occur to any nesting birds
or their eggs, chicks, or nests during the breeding season (i.e., February 15-September 15). If vegetation
removal and/or grading are proposed during the bird breeding season, a qualified biologist shall conduct a
survey for active nests within the project boundary and an addition 500-foot survey buffer within three days
of construction. If nests of sensitive birds or migratory birds are located, they will be fenced with a protective
buffer of at least 500 feet from active nests of listed species, and 300 feet from other sensitive bird species
(City of Carlsbad 2008). All construction activity will be prohibited within this area.
The aforementioned mitigation measures would mitigate potential impacts to vegetation communities,
horned lark, and nesting birds to below a level of significance. For any questions related to this biological
report, please contact me at (619) 308-9333 ext. 130 or clyons@reconenvironmental.com.
Cailin Lyons
Associate Biologist
References Cited
American Ornithologists' Union
2015 Checklist of North and Middle American Birds. 7th ed. of the Check-list of North American Birds
and its supplements through the 56th, accessed 10/23/2015, http://checklist.aou.org/taxa/. July.
Baker, R. J., Lisa C. Bradley, Robert D. Bradley, Jerry W.Dragoo, Mark D. Engstrom, Robert S. Hoffman,
Cheri A. Jones, Fiona Reid, Dale W. Rice, and Cylde Jones
2003 Revised Checklist of North American Mammals North of Mexico. Occasional Papers, Museum of
Texas Tech University No. 229. December.
California Department of Fish and Game
1991 Fish and Game Code of California.
California, State of
2018 California Natural Diversity Database. Nongame-Heritage Program, California Department of
Fish and Game, Sacramento.
Carlsbad, City of
2004 Habitat Management Plan for Natural Communities in the City of Carlsbad. November.
Mr. Jesse Smith
Page 12
August 2, 2018
2008 Guidelines for Biological Studies. Prepared for City of Carlsbad Planning Department by
Technology Associates (TAIC). September.
Page, L. M., H. Espinosa-Perez, L. T. Findley, C.R. Gilbert, R. N. Lea, N. E. Mandrak, R. L. Mayden, and J .
S. Nelson
2013 Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States, Canada, and Mexico, 7th edition.
American Fisheries Society, Special Publication 34, Bethesda, Maryland.
San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)
2003 Final MHCP Plan. March.
Unitt, P.A.
2004 San Diego County Bird Atlas. Proceedings of the San Diego Society of Natural History, No. 39.
San Diego Natural History Museum.
Occurrence Potential for Sensitive Plant Species
S ecies
lsocoma menziesii var.
menziesii [=var. decumbens]
decumbent goldenbush
Hazardia orcuttii
O1·cutt's hazardia
Habitat/Bloomin Period
List 1
Shrub; chaparral, coastal sage scrub,
sandy soils, often in distmbed areas;
blooms April-Nov.; elevation less than
500 feet.
Perennial eve1·green shrub; chaparral,
coastal sage scrub; blooms August-
October; elevation 280 feet. Known in
California from only five occurrences all
of which are in San Diego County.
Additional populations occur in Baja
California, Mexico.
Hillside Drive Residence
Page 1
This species was not observed
within the project boundary and
is not expected to occur within
the project boundary. This
species is a conspicuous
pe1·ennial that likely would have
been observed at the time of the
su1·vey, if present. This species
has been known to occur within
a two-mile radius of the project
boundary (State of California
This species was not observed
within the project boundary and
is not expected to occur within
the project bounda1-y. This
species is a conspicuous
pe1·ennial that likely would have
been observed at the time of the
survey, if present. This species
has been known to occur within
a two-mile radius of the project
boundary (State of California
2018 .
Soecies Status
Corethrogyne [==Lessingia] -/-
filaginifolia var. linifolia
Del Mar Mesa sand aster
Chaenactis gla.briuscula -/-
var. orcztttiana
Orcutt's pincushion
Attachment I
Occui-rence Potential fo.-Sensitive Plant Species
City of
Carlsbad Habitat/Bloom.in!!: Period
HMP; Perennial herb; coastal bluff scrub,
NE; openings in southern maritime chaparral
List 3 and coastal sage scrub; sandy soil; blooms
May-September; elevation less than 500
feet. San Diego County endemic.
-Annual herb; coastal bluff scrub, sandy,
coastal dunes; blooms January-August;
elevation less than 350 feet.
Hillside Drive Residence
Page 2
This species was not observed
within this project boundary and
is not expected to occur within
the project boundary as this
species would have been in
flower at the time the survey
was conducted and would likely
have been observed, if present.
This species has been known to
occm· within a two-mile radius of
the pl'Oject boundary (State of
California 2018).
This species was not observed
and is not expected to occm· due
to lack of suitable coastal bluff
scrnb or coastal dune habitat. In
addition, this species would have
been in flower at the time the
survey was conducted and would
likely have been observed, if
p1·esent. This species has been
known to occur within a two-
mile radius of the project
boundary (State of California
Snecies Status
Leptosyne [=Coreopsis] -/-
Harpagonella palmeri -/-
Palmer's grapplinghook
Attachment I
Occu1Te11cc Potential for Sensitive Plant Species
City of
Carlsbad Habitat/Blooming Period
-Perennial herb; coastal bluff scrub,
coastal sage scrub; sandy soils; blooms
March-May; elevation less than 500 feet.
-A.nnual herb; chaparral, coastal sage
scrub, valley and foothill grasslands; clay
soils; blooms March-May; elevation less
than 3,200 feet. Inconspicuous and easily
Hillside Drive Residence
Page 3
This species is not expected to
occur due to the high level of
distu1·bance within the site and
lack of suitable coastal bluff
scrub or coastal sage scrub with
sandy soils on-site. In addition,
no desiccated leaves, stems, 01·
stalks for this species were
observed. This species has been
known to occur within a two-
mile radius of the project
boundary (State of California
This species is not expected to
occur due to lack of suitable
habitats with clay soils. In
addition, no desiccated leaves,
stems, or stalks for this species
were observed. This species has
been known to occur within a
two-mile radius of the project
boundary (State of California
Snecies Status
Cryptantha wigginsii -/-
Wiggin's cryptantha
Suaeda esterna -I-
estua1y seablite
Attachment I
Occnnence Potential fo,· Sensitive Plant Species
City of
Cal'lsbad Habitat/Bloomine: Period
-A.nnual herb; coastal scrub; clay soils,
blooms February-June, elevation less
than 900 feet.
-Pe,·ennial herb; coastal salt marshes and
swamps; blooms May-October; elevation
less than 20 feet.
Hillside D,·ive Residence
Page 4
This species is not expected to
occur due to lack of suitable
habitats with clay soils. In
addition, this species would have
been in flower at the time the
survey was conducted and would
likely have been observed, if
present. This species has been
known to occur withi.n a
two-mile radius of the project
bounda1y (State of California
This species was not observed
within this project boundary and
is not expected to occur withi.n
the project boundary due to lack
of suitable coastal salt marsh
and swamp habitat. In addition,
this species would have been in
flower at the time the survey
was conducted and would likely
have been observed, if present.
This species has been known to
occur within a two-mile radius of
the project boundary (State of
California 2018).
Soecies Status
Atriplex pacifica -I-
south coast saltbush
Arctostaphylos glandulosa -/FE
ssp. crassifolia
Del Mar manzanita
Attachment I
Occurrence Potential for Sensitive Plant Species
City of
Carlsbad Habitat/Bloomine: Period
-Annual herb; coastal bluff scrub, coastal
dunes, coastal sage scn1b, playas; blooms
March-Octobe1·; elevation less than 500
HMP; Perennial evergreen shrub; southern
NE· maritime chaparral; sandy soil; blooms
List 3 December-April; elevation less than
1,200 feet.
Hillside Drive Residence
Page 5
This species is not expected to
occur due to the high level of
disturbance within the site and
lack of suitable coastal bluff
scrub, coastal dune, coastal sage
scrub, or playa habitat. In
addition, this species would have
been in flowe1· at the time the
survey was conducted and would
likely have been observed, if
present. This species has been
known to occur within a two-
mile radius of the project
boundary (State of California
This species was not observed
within the project boundary and
is not expected to occur within
the project bounda1·y. This
species is a conspicuous
perennial that likely would have
been observed at the time of the
survey, if present. This species
has been known to occur within
a two-mile radius of the project
boundary (State of California
Attachment I
Occurrence Potential for Sensitive Plant Species ....
S ecies --Habitat/Bloomin Period
Euphorbia misern
cliff spurge
-/-2B.2 HMP;
List 1
Shrub; coastal sage scrub, maritime
succulent scrub, coastal bluff scrub;
blooms December-August; elevation less
than 2,000 feet.
Acmispon prostratus [=Lotus
Nuttall's lotus
-/-lB.l Annual herb; coastal dunes, coastal sage
scrub; sandy substrate; blooms March-
June; elevation less than 50 feet.
Hillside Drive Residence
Page 6
This species was not observed
within the project boundary and
is not expected to occur within
the project bounda1·y. This
species is a conspicuous
perennial that likely would have
been observed at the time of the
survey, if present. This species
has been known to occur within
a two-mile radius of the project
boundary (State of California
This species is not expected to
occur due to the high level of
disturbance within the site and
lack of suitable coastal dune or
coastal sage scrub with sandy
soils (e.g. beach sands,
rive1wash) on-site. In addition,
no desiccated leaves or stalks for
this species were observed. This
species has been known to occur
within a two-mile radius of the
project bounda1·y (State of
California 2018 .
S ecies
Qu.ercu.s dwnosa. -/-
Nuttall's scrub oak
Aca.nthornintha. ilicifolia. CE/FT
San Diego thornmint
List 1
List 2
Habitat/Bloomi.n° Period
Perennial eve1·g1·een shrub; closed-cone
coniferous forest, coastal chaparral,
coastal sage scrub; sandy and clay loam
soils; blooms Februa1-y-March; elevation
less than 1,300 feet.
Annual herb; chaparral, coastal sage
scrub, and grasslands; friable or broken
clay soils; blooms April-June; elevation
less than 3,200 feet.
Hillside D,·ive Residence
Page 7
This species was not observed
within the project bounda1-y and
is not expected to occur within
the project boundary. This
species is a conspicuous
pernnnial that likely would have
been observed at the tinle of the
survey, if present. This species
bas been known to occur within
a two-mile radius of the project
boundary (State of California
This species is not expected to
occur due to the absence of
friable, brnken clay soils. This
species has been known to occu1·
within a two-mile radius of the
prnject boundary (State of
Califo1·nia 2016b .
S ecies
Adolphia califomica.
California adolphia
Ceanothus verrucosus
wart-stemmed ceanothus
2B.2 HMP;
List 2
Habitat/Bloomin Period
Perennial deciduous shrnb; Diegan
coastal sage scrnb and chaparral; clay
soils; blooms December-May; elevation
100--2,500 feet.
Perennial everg1·een shrub; chaparral;
blooms December-April; elevation less
than 1,300 feet.
Hillside Drive Residence
Page 8
This species was not observed
within the project boundary and
is not expected to occur within
the project boundary. This
species is a conspicuous
pe1·ennial that likely would have
been observed at the time of the
survey, if present. This species
has been known to occur within
a two-mile radius of the project
boundary (State of California
This species was not observed
within the project boundary and
is not expected to occur within
the project boundary. This
species is a conspicuous
perennial that likely would have
been observed at the time of the
survey, if present. This species
has been known to occur within
a two-mile radius of the project
boundary (State of California
2018 .
S ecies
Brodiaea filifolia
thread-leaved brodiaea
[=thread-leaf brodiaea]
Nemacaulis denudala
var. d.enudala
coast woolly-heads
List 3
Habitat/Bloomin Period
Perennial herb (bulbiferous); cismontane
woodland, coastal sage scrub, playas,
valley and foothill grassland, vernal
pools; often clay soils; blooms March-
June; elevation less than 43,800 feet.
California endemic. Known from San
Diego, Riverside, Orange, Los Angeles,
and San Berna1·dino counties.
Annual herb; coastal dunes; blooms
April-September; elevation less than 330
Hillside Drive Residence
Page 9
This species is not expected to
occur due to the high level of
disturbance within the site and
lack of suitable habitats with
clay soils on-site. In addition, no
desiccated leaves or stalks for
this species were observed. This
species has been known to occlll·
within a two-mile radius of the
project boundary (State of
California 2018 .
This species is not expected to
occur due to lack of suitable
coastal dune habitat. This
species has been known to occur
within a two-mile radius of the
project bounda1·y (State of
Califo1·nia 2018 .
S ecies Habitat/Bloomin Period Comments
FE Federally listed endangered CE State listed endangered
FT = Federnlly listed threatened CR State listed rare
CT State listed threatened
lB Species rare, threatened, or endangered in California and elsewhere. These species a,·e eligible for state listing.
2B Species rai·e, threatened, or endangered in California but more common elsewhere. These species are eligible for state listing.
3 Species for which more information is needed. Distribution, endangerment, and/or taxonomic information is needed.
4 A watch list of species of limited disti·ibution. These species need to be monitored for changes in the status of their populations .
. 1 Species seriously threatened in California (over 80% of occurrences threatened; high degree and immediacy of threat) .
. 2 Species fail·ly threatened in California (20-80% occurrences threatened; moderate degree and immediacy of threat) .
. 3 Species not very threatened in California (<20% of occu,·rences threatened; low degree and immediacy of threat or no current threats known).
HMP City of Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan covered species
NE Narrow Endemic species
List 1 Species proposed for coverage under the Carlsbad Subarea Plan
List 2 Species coverage contingent on other MHCP Subarea plans being permitted
List 3 Species coverage contingent upon funding for management of conserved a1·eas
Hillside Drive Residence
Page 10
Occurrence Potential for Sensitive Wildlife Species
S ec1es ,_,
California glossy snake
Arizona, elega,ns occidenta,lis
Tidewater goby
Eucyclogobius newbenyi
Attachment 2
OccmTence Potential fo1· Sensitive Wildlife Species
Status Habitat
REPTILES (Nomenclature from Crother et aL 2008)
csc Scrub and grassland habitats, often
with loose or sandy soils,
FISHES (Nomenclature from Page et al, 2013)
FE,CSC Coastal lagoons, brackish bays at
mouth of freshwater streams,
Hillside Drive Residence Project
Page 1
This species was not observed
and is not expected to occur
within the project boundary due
to lack of suitable scrub 01·
grassland habitat, In addition,
the project boundary is
sunounded by development and
lacks connectivity to open space
that would provide suitable
habitat to support this species,
This species has been known to
occur within a two-mile buffer of
the project boundary (State of
California 2018),
This species was not observed
and is not expected to occur
within the project boundary due
to lack of suitable lagoon or bay
habitat, This species has been
known to occur within a two-mile
buffer of the project boundary
(State of California 2018),
Attachment 2
Oecun·ence Potential fol' Sensitive Wildlife Species
S ec1es Status Habitat Occurrence/Comments
BIRDS (Nomenclature from American Ornithologists' Union 2017 and Unitt 2004)
Least Bell's vireo (nesting)
Vireo bellii pus illus
California horned lark
Eremophila alpestris actia
Coastal California gnatcatcher
Polioptila califomica califomica
FE, SE, HMP, List 1 Willow riparian woodlands.
Summer resident.
WL Sandy shoi-es, mesas, disturbed
areas, grasslands, agricultural
lands, sparse creosote bush scrub.
FT, CSC, HMP, List 1 Coastal sage scrub, maritime
succulent scrub. Resident.
Hillside Drive Residence Project
Page 2
This species was not obse1·ved
and is not expected to occur
within the project boundary due
to the absence of suitable
riparian habitat. This species has
been known to occur within a
two-mile buffer of the survey
ai-ea (State of California 2018).
This species was not observed
and has a moderate potential
for occurrence due to the
oresence of disturbed land.
This species was not observed
and is not expected to occm·
within the project boundary due
to the absence of suitable coastal
sage scrub and maritime
succulent scrub habitats. In
addition, the project boundary is
surrounded by development and
lacks connectivity to open space
that would provide suitable
habitat to support this species.
This species has been known to
occur within a two-mile buffei· of
the project boundary (State of
California 2018).
Southern California rufous-crowned sparrow
Aimophila ruficeps canescens
Belding's savannah sparrow
Passerculus sandwichensis beldingi
Light-footed Ridgway's rail
Rallus obsoletus [=longirostris] levipes
Attachment :.!
OccmTence Potential for Sensitive \Vildlife Species
Status Habitat
WL, HMP, List 1 Coastal sage scrub, chaparral,
grassland. Resident.
CE, MSCP, List 1 Salt marshes, lagoons dominated by
Salicomia .. Resident.
FE, CE, CFP, MSCP Salt marshes supporting Spartina
foliosa. Localized resident.
Hillside Drive Residence Project
Page 3
This species was not observed
and is not expected to occur
within the project boundary due
to the absence of suitable coastal
sage scrub and maritime
succulent scrub habitats. In
addition, the project boundary is
surrounded by development and
lacks connectivity to open space
that would provide suitable
habitat to support this species.
This species has been known to
occur within a two-mile buffer of
the project boundary (State of
California 2018).
Th.is species was not observed
and is not expected to occur
within the project boundary due
to the absence of suitable salt
marsh or lagoon habitat. This
species has been known to occur
within a two-mile buffer of the
survey area (State of California
This species was not observed
and is not expected to occur
within the project boundary due
to the absence of suitable salt
marsh habitat. This species has
been known to occur within a
two-mile buffer of the survey
area (State of California 2018).
Western snowy plover (coastal population)
Charadrius alexandrinus niuosu.s
White-faced ibis (rookery site)
Plegadis chihi
Yellow-breasted chat (nesting)
Icteria uirens auricollis
Attachment 2
Occunence Potential fo1· Sensitive Wildlife Species
Status Habitat
FT, CSC, HMP, List 1 Sandy beaches, lagoon margins,
tidal mud flats. Migrant and winter
resident. Localized breeding.
WL, HMP, List 1 Freshwater ponds, irrigated fields,
brackish lagoons. Migrant and
winte1· visitor, rare in summer.
Very localized breeding.
csc Dense riparian woodland. Localized
summer resident.
Hillside Drive Residence Project
Page 4
This species was not observed
and is not expected to occur
within the project boundary due
to the absence of suitable sandy
beach, lagoon, and tidal mud flat
habitats. This species has been
known to occur within a two-mile
buffer of the survey area (State of
California 2018).
This species was not observed
and is not expected to occur
within the project boundary due
to the absence of freshwater
pond, irrigated field, or lagoon
habitat. This species has been
known to occur within a two-mile
buffer of the survey area (State of
California 2018).
This species was not observed
and is not expected to occur
within the project boundary due
to the absence of suitable
riparian habitat. This species has
been known to occur within a
two-mile buffe1· of the survey
area (State of California 2018).
Pocketed free-tailed bat
Nyctinomops femo,·osaccus
Western yellow bat
Lasiurus xanthinus
Normally roost in crevice in rocks,
slopes, cliffs. Lower elevations in
San Diego and Imperial Counties.
Colonial. Leave roosts well after
Savannas, woodlands,
pasture/cropland, 1·esidential areas.
Roosts in trees. Noncolonial.
Hillside Drive Residence Project
Page 5
This species was not observed
and is not expected to roost
within the project boundary due
to the absence of suitable rock,
slope, or cliff habitat. This
species has been known to occur
within a two-mile buffer of the
smvey area (State of California
This species was not observed
within the project boundary and
has low potential to roost within
the project boundary. Though the
project boundary occurs within a
residential ai·ea which may
provide suitable foraging habitat
for this species, the project
boundary itself contains a single
tree which would provide
mar inal value fo1· roostin°.
.\ttachment I
Sensitive Wildlife Species Occul'l'ing or with the Potential to Occur
(I) = Introduced species
FE Listed as endangered by the federal government
FT Listed as threatened by the federal government
SE Listed as endangered by the state of California
California fully protected species
CFP csc
List 1
California Department of Fish and Wildlife species of special concern
California Department of Fish and Wildlife watch list species
City of Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan
S ecies Pro osed for Covera e under the Carlsbad Subarea Plan
Hillside Drive Residence Project
Page 6
Project Compliance with City of Carlsbad Habitat Management
Plan Conservation Standards within the Coastal Zone
Attachment 3
Project Compliance with City of Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan Conse1·vation Standai·ds
Resource/Habitat Management Plan
Environmentally Sensitive
Habitat Areas (ESRA)
Coastal Sage Scrub
No Net Loss of Habitat
within the Coastal Zone
Conservation Standard
within the Coastal Zone
ESRA shall be protected against significant disruption
of habitat values. Only uses dependent on those
resources shall be allowed within those areas. ESRA is
defined as "any area in which plant or animal life or
their habitats are either 1·are or especially valuable
because of their special nature or role in an ecosystem
and which could be easily disturbed or degraded by
human activities and developments.
Conserve a minimum of 67% of the coastal sage scrub
habitat and 75% of the gnatcatchers on-site.
No impacts to wetlands are allowed except where
stated in California Public Resources Code Section
If impacts to wetlands a.re allowed, mitigation shall be
provided at a ratio of 3: 1 for riparian impacts and 4: 1
for impacts to saltwater or freshwater wetland, or
A no net loss standard applies to coastal sage scrub,
maritin1e succulent scrub, southern maritime
chaparral, southern mixed chaparral, native
grassland, and oak woodland. Mitigation shall include
a creation component that achieves the no-net-loss
standard. Substantial restoration may be substituted
for creation if approved by wildlife agencies and
California Coastal Commission.
Hillsdale Drive Residence Project
Page 1
Project Compliance
The project site consists of two non-sensitive
land cover types: disturbed land and
urban/developed, and is restricted by
residential development on all sides. No
sensitive plant or wildlife species were
observed at the time of the survey. Though
the project site has potential to supp01t one
sensitive species that is adapted to disturbed
lands, California horned lark (Eremophila
alpestris), the project site as a whole
provides low habitat value. As such, the
project site would not meet the c1·iteria for
ESRA as defined in the California Coastal
Act and thus complies with this standard.
The project site does not contain coastal sage
scrub habitat; thus, the project meets this
The project site does not contain wetlands;
thus, the project meets this standard.
The project site does not contain wetlands;
thus, the project meets this standard.
The project site does not contain coastal sage
scrub, maritime succulent scrub, southern
maritime chaparral, southern mixed
chaparral, native grassland, and oak
woodland; thus, the project meets this
Attachment 3
Project Compliance with City of Cads bad Habitat l\lanagement Plan Conservation Standa1·ds
Resource/Habitat Management Plan
Upland Habitat
Highly Constrained Properties
Buffers and Fuel Modification Zones
within the Coastal Zone
Conservation Standard
within the Coastal Zone
Mitigation will typically include creation at a ratio of
least 1: 1. On-site mitigation is not eligible for
mitigation credit in the Coastal Zone. On-site or off-
site areas may be used for mitigation if habitat is
disturbed and suitable for 1·esto1·ation 01· enhancement,
or if habitat is devoid of habitat value and therefore
eligible for the 1: 1 creation/substantial restoration
mitigation component. Mitigation should be provided
within the Coastal Zone. Refer to 7-9 for more details,
including mitigation ratios and habitat creation
requirements (summarized in Table 6 below)
(a) If more than 80% of property is covered with ESHA,
at least 75% of the pmperty shall be conserved, OR (b)
If the City approves a hardline preserve bounda1-y for
these properties as part of the Habitat Management
Plan, the amount of on-site prese1·vation as identified
in the hardline boundary will apply.
Mininrnm buffers between all preserved habitat and
development are (a) 100 feet for wetlands; (b) 50 feet
for riparian areas; (c) 20 feet for native uplands
No development, grading, or alteration shall occur
within a buffer except (a) Fuel modification in Zone 3
to max of 20 feet fo1· upland and non-riparian habitat,
and not within 50 feet of riparian, wetland or oak
woodland habitat; (b) some recreational trails and
paths (see 7-11 f01· details)
Buffer areas that do not contain native habitat will be
landscaped using native plants.
Hillsdale Drive Residence Project
Page 2
Proiect Comnliance
The project site is comprised of disturbed
land and urban/developed, which is not
considered a sensitive habitat type requiring
the creation or restoration of habitat. The
project will comply with the fee in lieu
requirement for disturbed lands, as detailed
in the project's mitigation.
The pmject site does not contain ESHA 01· a
Habitat Management Plan hardline preserve
boundary that would require on-site
preservation. Thus, the project is consistent
with this standard.
The project site is not adjacent to any
wetlands, riparian, oak woodland, 01· native
upland habitat that would requii·e a buffet
area. Thus, the project is consistent with this
Attachment 3
Project Compliance with City of Cal'lsbad Habitat l\lanagement Plan Conservation Standa1·ds
Resource/Habitat Management Plan
Grading and Landscaping
Parcel-specific Standards
7-13, 7-14
within the Coastal Zone
Conservation Standard
within the Coastal Zone
See model grading ordinance in Carlsbad Maste1·
Drainage Plan; (a) Grading in the Coastal Zone has
generally been prohibited during the rainy season,
October 1 to Ap1·il l; (however, pursuant to revisions to
the City Zoning Ordinance processed through a Local
Coastal Plan Amendment, grading is allowed if
appropriate Best Management Practices (BMPs) are
established); (b) All graded areas will be landscaped by
October 1 to reduce el'Osion. Exceptions to these
guidelines may be approved as described in 7-12. For
example, habitat should not be cleared during the bird
breeding season (September 15 -March 15) unless
birds are cleared from the habitat fi.l'St.
The following pl'Operties have parcel specific
standards: (a) city owned lands adjacent to Macario
Canyon and Veterans Memorial Park, and (b) specific
parcels in Zones 20 and 21 that are located within
biological core and linkage areas; see Habitat
Manae:ement Plan 7-14 for a list.
Hillsdale Drive Residence Project
Page 3
Project Compliance
All necessary grading requirements will be
included as conditions for the pl'Oject on the
grading plans, as approved by the City of
The project site does not consist of city
owned lands adjacent to Macario Canyon or
Veterans Memorial Park, and does not occu1·
within a biological core and linkage area in
Zone 20 and 21. Thus, the project is
consistent with this standard.
Garage Door WILL NOT operate when Attic Ladder
is in the lower position.
Close stairs to operate.