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HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; 1962-1963 Final Budget; 1962-07-01CITY OF CARLSBAD FINAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1962-63 CITY COUNCIL MAYOR EARL H. MC PHERSON Vice Mayor Carl H. Neiswender Jack Hughes Harold E. Bierce William G. Guevara John Slater - City Manager Ralph Scholink - Director of Finance CITY OF CARLSBAD 1962-63 FINAL BUDGET Index Page Letter of Transmittal Budget Analysis By Funds Summary of Budgeted Expenditures Summary of Revenues Departmental Budgets City Manager 1 City Clerk 2 Insurance & Retirement 3 General Government Bldgs. & Administration 4 City Attorney 5 Finance 6 City Treasurer 7 Planning 8 Advertising 8. Publicity 9 Engineering 10 Public Works 11 1911 Acts 12 Streets 13 Park & Recreation 14 Harbor 15 Sanitation 16 Sewer Laterals 17 Building Inspection 18 Police 19 Fire 20 Civil Defense 21 Library 22 Contingencies 23 Capital Improvements 24 Water 25-26 Salary Plan 27-29 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is the Final Budget for the fiscal year 1962-63. During the discussion of the tentative budget a number of changes were made by the City Council. This final budget reflects those changes. Based on estimates of revenues and the proposed program of expenditure, the tax rate for the next fiscal year's operation will be $1.34, plus the $.10 for Sanitary District No. 2. The tax rate of $1.34 will provide $.99 for General Fund appro- priations, $.12 for the Library, $.02 for Sanitation, $.06 for Park & Recreation, and $.15 for Public Parks and Boulevards. I wish to thank each member of the Council for the cooperation and help that you have extended to me during the past year. Respectfully submitted: D. Slater ity Manager City of Carlsbad CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET ANALYSIS BY FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 1962-63 FUNDS General Gas Tax Traffic Safety Motor Vehicle (In Lieu) Park & Recreation Library Sanitation Streets Sanitary Bond & Interest # 2 Sewer Service Totals Surplus 7-1-62 82,610 49,170 13,244 21,600 11,180 9,789 23,125 95,58.9. 19,931 36,422 362,660 Estimated Revenues 442,234 33,450 11,000 49,000 19,338 39,626 26,446 49,546 6,850 29,100 706,590 Approp. 475,118 62,550 20,000 64,000 28,633 44,425 28,948 135,000 6,050 -0- 864,724 Unapprop. Surplus 49,726 20,070 4,244 6,600 1,885 4,990 20,623 10,135 20,731 65,522 204,526 GENERAL GOVERNMENT City Manager City Clerk Insurance & Retirement Gen.Gov't.Admin.& Bldgs, City Attorney Finance City Treasurer Planning Advertising & Publicity PUBLIC WORKS Engineering Public works 1911 Acts Streets PARK & RECREATION Park & Recreation Harbor HEALTH Sanitation Sewer Laterals PUBLIC SAFETY Building Inspection Police Fire Civil Defense LIBRARIES Library MISCELLANEOUS Capital Improvements Contingencies Sanitary Bond & Int.#2 Total Total 18,270 •10,36235,500 19,455 10,925 19,713 7,392 16,446 6,000 CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMARY OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY, DEPARTMENT & FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 1962-63 TrafficMotor Veh. Safety License Park & Rec. Library Fund Fund Fund Fund General Fund 44,425 229,068 16,799 6.050 Gas Tax Fund 18,270 10,362 35,500 19,455 10,925 19,713 7,392 16,446 6,000 Sanitation Fund Sanitary Street Bond & Fund Int. # 2 44,353 44,353 22,977 22,977 7,800 7,800 100,479 80,479 28,633 575 575 17,555 11,393 10,927 10,927 115,837 51,837 59,005 59,005 4,785 4,785 20,000 28,633 17,555 11,393 64,000 44,425 31,518 62,550 16,799 135,000 864,724 475,118 62,550 20,000 64,000 28,633 6.050 44,425 28.948 135.000 6.050 CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMARY OF REVENUES BY SOURCE AND FUNDS GENERAL FUND REVENUES Building Permits Business Licenses Zoning & Subdivision Fees Fines & Forfeitures Alcoholic Beverage License Sales & Use Tax Franchises Property Taxes Engineering Fees / Rent7 I 1911 Act Services .„ ^Miscellaneous ''" Weed Cleaning Interest Earned TOTAL GENERAL FUND STATE GAS TAX FUND TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND Fines & Forfeitures MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FUND PARK & RECREATION FUND Property Taxes LIBRARY FUND Property Taxes Library Fines & Misc. SANITATION FUND Property Taxes r^>^/ -Ai< '_•£ Fees - l^'^^^r;/^- SEWER SERVICE FUND Sewer Service Charge Interest Earned STREET FUND Property Taxes Interest Earned SANITARY BOND & INTEREST # 2 Property Tax Capital Contributions Interest Earned TOTALS 1960-61 Actual 11,722 13,802 2,105 2,238 3,231 48,496 10,574 307,502 2,352 1,559 1,602 6,357 4,399 356 179 416,474 23,446 10,714 49,190 18,636 31,061 1,065 21,743 12,903 23,230 45 46,591 143 6,382 4,450 169 666,242 1961-62 Actual 17,446 14,547 2,025 1,394 2,989 53,352 11,734 316,545 1,323 4,441 1,745 1,094 2,120*.-o- 196 430,951 26,500 10,714 53,717 19,194 31,961 831 12,810 26,319 28,095 323 47,942 913 6,590 296 697,156 1962-63 Estimate 19,000 13,000 2,200 1,500 3,200 53,500' 12,000 319,084 2,100 4,000 2,400 8,000 2,000 -0- 250 442,234 33,450 11,000 49,000 19,338 38,676 950 6,446 20,000 28,600 500 48,346 1,200 6,500 350 706.590 CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund Function 1 General Government AcctaNo. 151 14 152 c 212 214 231 251 299 301 306 360 399 431 440 540 540 ,*••»,w Classification PERSONA!^ SERVICES Salaries & Wages City Manager Secretary, III, J£ time (See City Clerk) Sub Total Professional Services Total MATERIALS, SUPPLIES & SERVICES . Telephone & Radio Travel, Meetings & Conventions Advertising & Publications Vehicle Operating Supplies Special Departmental Supplies Office Supplies Office Equip. Oper. Supplies & Maintenance Books Unclassified Services & Materials Refunds Memberships & Registrations Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS Equipment Total Budget Book Case 75 Settee 100 Polaroid Casnera 100 -1- Dept« No0 101 Actual Expense 1960-61 10,392 2 <r\ if »2_. <fc\y \j 12,660 1,157 13,817 997 1,130 41 380 154 303 «.Q~ 17 23 12 447 -~JLs£S4_ 2,271 19j592_ Department City Manager Current Budget 1961-62 10,908 2 f 26,8 13,176 150 13^326 -0- 1,300 100 . 150 100 150 50 50 25 50 500 __ 24475_ 205 .Jj&a02i_ Proposed Budget 1962-63 10,908 2t268 13,176 150 13^326 -0- 1,500 125 100 225 200 25 50 50 50 700 _!*0g5_ 275 16^626^ Final Budget 1962-63 12,000 2*820 14,820 150 14^97 0 -0- 1,500 125 100 225 200 25 50 50 50 700 3^25 275 18^270 CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund Function 1 General Government Accto No. 151 E 14 13 152 -**<*. **? 306 231 299 301 399 540 540 t.,'«^U"((*y 'I**1 Classification PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries & Wages City Clerk Secretary III, ^ time (See City Manager) Secretary II, % time (See Planning) Sub Total Professional Services Total MATERIALS, SUPPLIES & SERVICES Office Equipment, Oper, supplies & Maintenance Advertising & Publications Special Departmental Supplies Office Supplies Unclassified Services & Materials Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS Equipment Total Budget File Cabinet 75 •»2- Dept, No, 102 Actual Expense 1960-61 1,800 2,268 4,068 -0- _J4i068_ ~o~ 1,425 141 118 -0- 1,684 -0- 5,752 Department City Clerk Current Budget 1961-62 1,800 2,268 1,859 5,927 IjOOO 6,927 -0-2,300 2,400 60 6,050 |_10,810 600 18,337 Proposed Budget 1962-63 1,800 2,268 1,886 5,954 -0- 5,954 50 . 2,000 700 60 450 3,260 75 9,289 in ••" ii Final Budget 1962-63 1,800 2,820 2,407 7,027 -0- 7,027 50 2,000 700 60 450 3,260 75 10,362 '*•*•'•' CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund Function General Government Acct. No. 429 450 Classification Insurance & Bonds Retireir-ant & F.lo Total Dept. No, 103 Department Insurance £ Retirement Actual Expense 1960-61 8,734 18,742 27,476 [Current Budget 1961-62 12,000 18.500. 30,500 Proposed Final Budget Budget 1962-63 11962-63 12,000 J2-U.2PJL 33,000 .12,000 23,500 35,500 -3- O CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund Function 1 General Goverment Acct. No. 151 10 O 212 *" 241 252 299 301 411 510 520 530 540 520 540 O ClasBification PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries & Wages Laborer Total MATERIALS, SUPPLIES & SERVICES Telephone Heats Lxghts Power & Water Bldg. Operc Supplies & Maint, Special Departmental Supplies Office Supplies Rental of Land or Bldgs,, Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS Land Bldgs6Improvements Equipment Total Bud-get Heater 300 Thermafax Copy Machine 375 Council Room Cha:',rs 1?200 -4. Dept8 Noe 104 Actual Expense 1960-61 j4J16_ _!*!!£_ 1S960 2,305 110~o- 360 __lsl35_ 4, ,440 13*291 ii Department Gen. Gov't. Bldgs* & Admiru Current Budget 1961-62 _^J32p_ 4^320 5S400 1,500 69350 100 1/275 360 ,-.14^985 4,440 300 200 2.4^245 iii Proposed Budget 1962-63 -0- -0- 59800 2S200 7,980 100 1.500 -0- 17^80 »o» 300 •m l^}'** 1 575 __12g455_ |i Final Budget 1962-63 -0- «0- 5,800 2,200 7,980 100 1 ,500 -0- 17,580 -0- 300 -0- _JoSZL«.' 19,455 '' CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund Function 1 General Government Acct. No. 152 ^214 W301 306 360 399 440 520 *•«••> 1w Classification PERSONAL SERVICES Professional Services {Retainer 7,200) (Court App. 1,800) Total MATERIALS. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Travel, Meetings & Conventions Office Supplies Office Equip. Oper. Supp. & Maint Books Unclassified Services & Materials Memberships 8, Registrations Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS Buildings Total Budget " -5- Dept. No. 105 Actual Expense 1960-61 7,642 7,642 157 156 -0- 445 1,098 -0- 1,856 -0- 9,498 Department City Attorney Current Budget 1961-62 8,400 8.400 250 200 40 500 800 60 1,850 30 10.280 Proposed Budget 1962-63 9,000 9.000 150 200 100 500 900 75 1,925 -0- 10.925 Final Budget 1962-63 9,000 9,000 150 200 100 500 900 75 1.928 -0- 10,925 O CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund Function 1 General Government Accto No. 151 26 13 9 152 214 301 i 306 360 399 440 . 540 540 O Classification PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries & Wages Director of" Finance Senior Account Clerk Clerk II Sub Total Professional Services Total MATERIALS, SUPPLIES & SERVICES Travel, Meetings & Conventions Office Supplies Office Equipment, Oper. supplies & Maintenance Books Unclassified Services & materials Memberships & Registrations Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS Equipment Total Budget Adding Machine 325 Heater 50 -6- Depto No. 106 Actual Expense 1960-61 8,556 4,536 JU2£3_. .14 ,.095 1 ^425 15,520 110 1,290 196 10 -0- 25 _Jb631 288 17,439 Department Finance Current Budget 1961-62 8,988 4,536 -0- 13,524 1,650 15,174 175 250 200 25 25 25 700 2,882 18,756 ' Proposed Budget 1962-63 8,988 4,446. 1*692 15,126 1^650 16t776 . 2.00 275 275 25 25 25 825 375 17,976 Final Budget 1962-63 10,020 5,151 1,692 16,863 1,650 i 18,513 200 275 275 25 25 825 375 19,713 • CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund Function 1 General Government Accto Noo 151 E ^ 214 ^301 306 440 540 540 .--M«v Classification PERSONAL PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries 8, Wages City Treasurer (Elective) (Other Duties) Total MATERIALS, SUPPLIES & SERVICES Travel, Meetings & Conventions Office Supplies Office Equip „ Ope.T. Supplies & Maintenance Memberships Total CAPITAL^ OUTLAYS Equipment Total Budget Safe 270 .7. Dept. No« 107 Actual Expense 1960-61 420 5,904 6,324 45 127 25 5 202 75 6.601 Department City Treasurer Current Budget 1961-62 420 5,904 64 324 150 25 25 10 210 -o» 6*534 Proposed Budget 1962-63 420 5,904 6,324 150 25 25 1.0 210 270 6^804 Final Budget 1962-63 420 6. ,492 6,912 150 25 25 10 210 270 7,392 O CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund Function 1 General Governnscmt Acet o No u .151 E 13 ^214 231 299 301 306 360 440 540 O Classification PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries & Wages Planning Commission Secretary Secretary II, Y2 time (See City Clerk) Planning Teehniean Total MATERIALS, SUPPLIES & SERVICES Travel^ Meetings £ Conventions Advertising & publications Special Departmental Supplies Office Supplies Office Equip . Oper* Supplies & Maintenance Books Memberships & Registrations Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS Equipment Total Budget -8- Depto No0 108 Actual Expense 1960-61 4,764 1*823 __6^&7_ 40 134 30 42 50 10 306 65 6,958 Department Planning Current Budget 1961-62 4,764 1S859 64623. 150 50 200 10 75 10 60 U5 7,178__ Proposed Budget 1962-63 4,764 1,885 ___j^6_49__ 150 50 400 10 75 Final Budget 1962-63 5,244 2,407 8*000 Uzji&^L, 150 50 400 10 75 50 50 60 795 60 795 -0- -0- 7,444 16,446 ! • CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund Acct. No. 492 Function General Government Classificat5.on Promotional Advertising ITEMS OF EXPENDITURES Information Center Advertising Promotion 10th Anniversary II Annual Celebration Total Budget Dept* No 109 Actual Expense 1960-61 4.000 2,500 1,500 ,000 Department Advertising & Publicity Current Budget1961-62 4-. OOP 2,500 1,500 4,000 Proposed Budget 1962-63 6.000. 2,500 2,000 1,500 6S000 Final Budget 1962-63 6.000 2,500 2,000 1.500 6.000 C CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund j Function 2 Public, Works Acct0No0 151 29 24 • 18 i 17;• i? ! 9 Ic\ 152\ i 212 214 231 251 292 299 301 306 314 360 399 440 W- 540 540 Classification PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries & wages City Engineer Civil Engineering Associate Senior Engineering Aide II Senior Engineering Aide I Engineering Inspector Secretary I Sub Total See J.911 Act Dept, Sub Total Professional Services Total MATJRjAjL^^SSJPXLIliS & SERVICES Telephone £ Radio Travel^ Meetings L ConventionsAdvertising & publications Vehicle Oper» Supplies & Meint.Spec, Depart. Equip* Oper« Supp* & Maintenance Special Departmental Supplies Office Supplies Office Equip. Oper, Supplies &Maintenance Small Tools Books Unclassified Services & Materials Memberships 8, Registrations Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS Equipment Total Budget Survey Truck 2*413 Map File Unit 1.60 Field Equipment 267 Dept0 Noo 110 ActualExpense 1960-61 6,451 7,764 5,566 5,388 5,796 _JU<?06 32,871 _-L2l2fi2l 23,871 U~ 877 _24j24JL 1,103 21 525 160 195 972 78 110 66 50 2,716 -0- Department Engineering Current Budget 1961-62 9,783 8S148 5,796 5,658 5S796 __3j414_ 38,595 (6,000) 32,595 100 __32t695_ -0- 150 100 100 150 550 75 50 50 50 150 25 _5^996_ 1^450 230 _30i&974_ ~~JL15JL| — 3&ii?^_ { -10- Proposed Budget 1962-63 10,269 8,148 5,844 5,658 5,796 3*545 39,260 (6,000) 33,260 600 33,860 -0- 300 150 250 250 1,500 150 150 100 50 150 50 itloiL 2*240. _li^200_ Final Budget 1962-6 11,313 8,988 6,708 6S384 6S504 39916 43S813 lilooo 37,813 600 38,413 -0- 300 150 250 250 1,500 150 150 100 50 150 50 _jLL°° -^2^840 .jit, 35 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund Function 1 Public Works Accto No0 151 18 14 12 152 214 241 251 252 292 299 301 314 360 399 520 540 520 540 Classification PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries & Wages Street Foreman (See Street Dept) Mechanic Street Maintenance Han I Sub Total Professional Services Total MATERIALS, SUPPLIES & SERVICES Travels Meetings 11 Conventions Heat, Light,' Power & Water Vehicle Operating Supplies Bldg, Operating Supplies Special Depart, Equip . Qper. Supplies & Maintenance Special Departmental Supplies Office Supplies Small Tools Books &. f/lagazines Unclassified Services & Material Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS Buildinqs Equipment Total Budget Crane Beams. Shop Bldg. 995 Elec. installations, shop bldg. 1.200 Building 5*.631 ~~778~26~ Shop* Mech0 Equip 350 11 Dept0 No< 111 Actual Expense 1960-61 1,677 -0- 4,092 5,769 -0- 5,769 -0- 110 137 -0- 226 506 22 69 3 5 -0- !_, 073 -0- 817 7,659 Department Public Works Current Budget 1961-62 1,677 4,593 4,295 10,565 100 10,665 50 200 1,875 25 250 200 50 100 50 100 2,900 4,500 500 1.8,565 Proposed Budget 1962-63 1,677 5,004 4,509 11,190 -0- 11,190 125 125 1,500 100 250 . 200 50 100 50 100 2^600 7P826 350 21 , 966 Final Budget 1962-63 1,707 5,520 4,974 12,201 -0- 12,201 125 125 15500 100 250 200 50 100 50 100 Jk§op_ 7,826 350 22,977 C CITY OF CARLSBAD -DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund Function 1 Public Works Acctc Hoc 151 152 C231 299 301 C Classification PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries 8, Wages (See Engineering Professional Services Total MATERIALS, SUPPLIES & SERVICES Advertising & publications Special Departmental Supplies Office Supplies Total Total Budget -12- Depto No0 112 Actual Expense 1960-61 1 9.000 906 9,906 993 -0- 177 1*170 11,076 Department 1911 Acts Current Budget 1961-62 6,000 400 6,400 900 375 1,100 2S,375 8,775 Proposed Budget 1962-63 6,000 400 68400 700 200 500 1,400 7*800 Final Budget 1962-63 6,000 400 6,400 700 200 500 1,400 7,800 CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund i Function 3 Public Works Acct. 151 18 15 14 12 /^152\*r 242 251 292 299 301 . 314 356 399 412 540 540 C Classification PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries & Wages Street Foreman Street Maintenance Man III Street Maintenance Man II (2) Street Maintenance Man I (3) Sub Total See Public Works Sub Total Professional Services Total MATERIALS, SUPPLIES & SERVICES Street Lighting Vehicle Qper. supplies 8, Maint. Spec* Depart* Equip. Oper. Supp. & Maintenance Special Departmental Supplies Office Supplies Small ToolsRoad Materials Unclassified Services & Materials Rental of Equipment' Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS Equipment Total Budget A Pneumatic Roller 3»900 paint Lining Machine 1,700 Mobile Radio Unit 165 -13- Dept. Noo 113 Actual Expense 1960-61 6,708 5,256 9,808 12,723 34,495 (1,677) 32,818 -0* 32,818 10,536 2,768 1,942 2,022 -0-20 27.284 1,333 -»D» _4Ju9°5 1.719 80,442 Department Streets Current Budget 1961-62 6,708 5,256 10,008 13,188 35,160 (1,677) 33,483 33,508 12,400 1,875 2,244 2,564 50 50 35,000 1,842 1.000 57*025 6,700 97,233 Proposed Budget 1962-63 6,708 5,256 10,008 12.538 34,510 (1,677) 32,833 -0* 32,833 11*800 2,600 3,400 3,300 50 75 35,000 1,000 1,000 58,225 5,765 96.823 Final Budget 1962-63 6,828 5,916 11,280 14,172 38,196 (1.707) 36,489 -0- 36.489 11,800 2,600 3,400 3,300 50 75 35,000 1,000 1.000 58,225 5.765 100,479 CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund Function 5 Park & Recreation Accto NOc 151 17 12 152 „**+. ^14 231 241 251 252 292 299 314 360 399 412 450 510 520 530 540 .(••m. ^0530 540 Classification PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries & wages Park Foreman Park Maintenance Man II Extra Help Sub Total Professional Services Total MATERIALS, SUPPLIES & SERVICES Travel, Meetings & Conventions Advertising & Publication Heat, Light, Power & Water Vehicle Oper. Supplies & Maint. Build. Oper. Supplies & Maint. Spec. Depart. Equip. Oper. Supp. & Maintenance Special Departmental Supplies Small Tools Books Unclassified Services & Materials Rental of Equipment Retirement Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS Land Buildings Improvements Other Than Bldgs. Equipment Total Budget Olin Property 4,633 Chain Link Fence 350 Dual Wheels 60 Seeder Spreader 130 Aerial Boom 3,500 -14- Dept9 No0 114 Actual Expense 1960-61 5,388 3,525 8,913 -0- 8,913 -0- -0- 327 317 257 27 505 90 11 1,331 -0- -0- 2,865 -0- 683 118 1,164 13,743 Department Park & Recreation Current Budget 1961-62 5,520 4,100 9,620 200 9,820 50 50 400 500 500 100 1,100 100 50 2,500 100 1,000 6,450 -0- -0- -0- 1,950 18 , 220 Proposed Budget 1962-63 5,796 4,303 825 10,924 100 11,024 50 50 400 500 200 500 800 136 50 4,000 100 1,000 7,786 4,633 -0- 350 3,690 27,483 Final Budget 1962-63 6S504 4,745 825 12,074 100 12,174 50 50 400 500 200 500 800 136 50 4,000 100 1,000 7*786 4,633 -0- 350 3,690 28,633 CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund Function 1 Park 8, Recreation Acct. No, 152 212 214 ^99WK> C Classification PERSONAL SERVICES Professional Services Total MATERIALS. SUPPLIES & SERVICES Telephone & Radio Travel Expense Special Departmental Supplies Memberships Total Budget -15- Dept. No, 115 Actual Expense 1960-61 3.195 3.195 69 33 79 25 3,401 Department Harbor Current Budget 1961-62 500 500 .0- -0- -0-75 575 Proposed Budget 1962-63 500 500 -0--0- -0-75 575 Final Budget 1962-63 500 500 -0- -0-.0- 75 575 CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund Function 12- Health Acct0 Noo 151 13 12 152 ^212 241 251 252 292 299 301 314 360 399 411 412 440 450 530 540 O Classification PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries & Wages Sewage Plant Operator Street Maintenance Man I (See Sewer Lateral) ^ time Sub To-';al Professional Services Total MATERIALS, SUPPLIES & SERVICES Telephone & Telegraph Heat, Light, power & Water Vehicle Oper* Supp. & Maint, Building Operating Supplies Spec, Depart . Equip. Oper* Supp,, & Maintenance Spec. Departmental Supplies Office Supplies Small Tools Books Unclassified Services & Materials Rental of Land or Bldgs. Rental of Equipment Memberships & Registrations Retirement T otal CAPITAL OUTLAYS Improvements Other Than Bldgs . . Equipment Total Budget S^<€*s~-S''s- ^ - ^,••',-' • /? j?,^ &;.. -•* ..;-. .- • >-• •* • ~ u~ • ° ~s9- <- jfJ '{.*•*- • ^^.^e.-J r^XX -16- Dept0 No0116 Actual Expense 1960-61 3S892 -0- 3,892 392 4,284 -0- 4,139 -0- -0- 2,332 1,373 -0- -0- 8 27 25 -0~ 12 ^0- 7,916 13,500 _Ju!PJL_ _2Zi_°°9 DepartmentSanitation Current Budget 1961-62 4,150 1,961 6,111 600 6,711 360 3,550 75 50 1,300 3,000 25 25 10 -0~ -0- 50 ~0- 600— itj945_ 1,200 2., 800 19,756 Proposed Budget 1962-63 4,356 1,961 6,317 19450 7,767 250 4,200 50 50 1,000 29500 50 50 25 100 -0- 50 25 300 88650 -0- -0- 16,417 Final Budget 1962-63 5,046 2,109 7,155 1^50 8,605 250 4,200 50 50 1,000 2,500 50 50 25 100 -0- 50 25 600 JLi5JL_ ~o~ -0- 17^555 CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST 540 Fund Function 12 Health Accto 151 12 12 ^ 251 ^292 299 314 356 399 450 Classification PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries & Wages Street Maintenance Man i Street Maintenance Man I (See Sanitation) ^ time Total MATJRlALS^^SyPPLIES & SERVICES Vehicle Operating Supplies SpeCo Depart. Equip „ Supplies & Maintenance Special Departmental Supplies Small Tools Road Materials Unclassified Services & Materials Retirement Total ("• A n TT A T (-3 IT T A \?C Depto No0 117 Actual Expense 1960^61 35940 »o» 3S940 -0- 115 2S036 -0- -0- 6 -0- 2J.57 Department Sewer Laterals Current Budget 1961-62 4,176 JLju2£i_ 6S137 50 200 • 2,500 50 385 -0- _M2_«. 3..7S5 Proposed Budget 1962-63 4S383 _J^96]L_ 6S344 50 600 2,500 50 600 50 300 ^JLJ^O Final Budget 1962-63 4 1 834 2^109 6,943 50 600 2,500 50 600 50 600 4,450 Equipment Total Budget 9,152 I„1.775 11,697 10,494 CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund Function 1 Public Safety Accto j 1? 152 W 214 251 301 360 440 540 540 9 Classification PERSONAL SERVICES i Salaries & Wages Building Inspector Ass 't., Building Inspector (^ Time) Sub Total Professional Services Total ^TEMAJiSi<i_jyPPLIEJ> & SERVICES Travel Expense Vehicle operating Supplies Office Supplies Books Memberships Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS Equipment Total Budget Addinq Machine 165 Book Case 30 2 Drawer File Cabinet 45 i «»i8«" Dept* NoJ Department 118 Building Inspection ' i Actual Expense 1960-61 6,384 Current Budget 1961-62 6,384 500 ? , 343 6 , 884 ^ZiH3 .iilSfL 23 102 19 50 194 o 7,537 i _»_-™™»™ 35 200 100 50 60 445 .0- 7S429 Proposed Budget 1962-63 7,044 _3j211 10,255 100 _1£L355_ 100 300 400 75 100 975 S40 11,570 Final Budget 1962-63 6,918 2,694 9,612 100 9jJ12 100 300 400 75 100 975 240 10,927 | 11i 1 i ! i CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund i Function 4 Public Safety Acct. No, 151 25 21 19 18 12 152 212 214 230 241 251 290 292 299 301 306 360 399 429 440 540 540 Classification PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries & Wages Chief of Police Lieutenant Sergeant Patrolman (a) Clerk Matron (4). Extra Help Crossing Guards (2) Sub Total Professional Services Total MATERIALS, SUPPLIES & SERVICES Teletype & Radio Travel, Meetings & Conventions Printing Reports & Bulletins Heat, Light, Power & Water - Vehicle Oper. Supplies & Maint. Prisoner Housing Spec. Depart. Oper. Supplies & Maintenance Special Departmental Supplies Office Supplies Office Equip. Oper. Supp. & Maintenance Books Unclassified Services & Materials insurance & Bonds ' Memberships Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS Equipment Total Budget Police Car 2,500 Replace 3 Cars 4,500 12 Gauge Shot Gun 61 2 Steel File Cabinets 165 Dept* No« 119 Actual Expense 1960-61 8,148 7,044 6,384 40,291 15,997-0- 77,864 70 77,934 2,403 • 188 21 107 5,628 1,420 217 204 209 20 83 i 350 110 20 _jyL-98jL _ 6,495 — SlLsL40^ Department Police Current Budget 1961-62 8,148 7,044 6,384 40,956 17,312 750 80,594 50 80,644 1,790 200 100 -0- 6,000 1,200 613 300 120 50 65 -0- 110 35 iP-*583__ 3,600 94^827 Proposed Budget 1962-63 8,148 7,044 .6,384 47 , 004 17,737 1,920 88,237 50 88,287 1,500 200 -0- -0- 5,700 1,200 550 250 367 50 50 121 35 ~_!0jt023 4S726 103^036 Final Budget 1962-63 9,597 7,884 7,164 52,164 19,809 1,920 98,538 50 98,588 1,500 200 -0- -0- 5,700 1,200 550 250 367 50 50 121 35 10,023 7,226 115,837 CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund Function 1 Public Safety Acct, No. 15125 21 18 /*"VW 212 214 241 251 252 270 Classification PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries 8, Wages Fire Chief Fire Captain Fireman (5) Total MATERlAjiSx^yPPJJII:S & SERVICES Telephone & Radio Travel , Meetings <* Conventions Heat, Light9 Poweie & Water Vehicle Operating Supplies Building Operating Supplies Laundry Service 291 1 Fire Hydrants 292 ' 299 301 306 314 360 440 540 ^W 540 Spec. Depart „ Equip. Oper. Supp,, & Maintenance Special Departmental SuppliesOffice .Supplies Office Equip. Ope;-:,, Supplies & Maint „ Small Tools Books Memberships Total CAPIT^OyTLAYS Equipment Total Budget Pumper (Deposit) Iff440 Station Wagon 1..500 -20-- Depto Nos 120 Actual Expense 1960-61 8,148 6,384 28t92JL _43^«5_ 1,488 239'226 1,218 87 2521,708 424 166 24 3 5 38 67 5 045 5^425 Department Fire Current Budget 1961-62 8S148 6,708 ___29i8^3ri<__ ^^44^679 350 200 -0- 500.~o~ 2508,500 1,400 435 50 -0- 50 50 50 li^2L» 2^189 ^^.Toa Proposed Budget 1962-63 8,148 6*708 29,960 44 „ 816 270 350 -0- 700 -0- 350 3,000 1,000 300 100 150 100 75 ' 75 ~-j$j^!0. ^J^P^. 52^726 Final Budget 1962-63 9*552 7,884 33,659 51,095 270 350 -0- 700 -0- 3501S500 iaooo 300 100 1*5 w 100 75 75 4,970 2,940 59^005 CJTV OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST F-,\nd Acct, No* Function Public Safety Classification Dept0 No, 121 Actual Expense 1960-61 Department Civil Defense Current Budget 1961-62 Proposed Budget 1962-63 214 299 399 440 540 540 MATERIALS, SUPPLIES & SERVICES Travel Special Departmental Supplies Unclassified Services & Materials Memberships Total CAPITAL OUTLAY Equipment Sirens Miscellaneous Total Budget 1S000 2,000 3*000 5 5 32 10 52 346 398 -0- -0- 1,300 10 1,310 2,000 3,310 50 200 1,525 10 1,785 3B000 4.785 -21- CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund Function 6 Library Acct. Noe 151 13 11 • 212 214 241 252 299 301 306 360 399 411 429 440 450 510 520 540 510 540 Classification PERSONAL SERVICES '. Salaries & Wages City Librarian Library Assistant. (2) Extra Help Total MATERIALS, SUPPLIES & SERVICES Telephone & Radio Travel, Meetings & Conventions Heat, Light, Power & Water Building Operating Supplies Special Departmental Supplies Office Supplies Office Equip . Oper. Supp. & Main- Books Unclassified Services & Materials Rental of Land or Bldgs, Insurance Memberships Retirement Total CAPITAL OUTLAYS Land Buildings Equipment Total Budget i Vaughn Property 69000 File Cabinets 160 Desk 90 Card Catalog 250 Other Items 2,700 -22- Dept0 No, 122 Actual Expense 1960-61 6,084 8,436 79 14,599 498 41 625 162 29 628 55 6,459 399 2,040 -0- 25 -0- 10.961 -0- 4,000 209 ^J£L1&_ Department Library Current Budget 1961-62 6,084 88640 500 15 ,224 205 124 720 125 25 800 -0- 8,000 1,200 2S040 -0- 50 1>13Q 14,419 -0- 3,000 420 33 , 063 , Proposed Budget 1962-63 6,084 8,640 1,550- 16,274 205 124 720 200 30 800 -0- 8,000 1S200 2,040 -0- 50 1,130 14^499 6,000 7,000 500 _44j,27JL Final Budget 1962-63 6,828 9,648 1,550 18,026 205 124 72,0 200 30 800- -0- 10,700 1,200 2,040 -0- 50 1,130 17S199 6,000 -0- 3,200 44*425 CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund Function Miscellaneous Dept, No< 123 Department Contingencies Acct, No0 Classification ActualExpense 1960-61 Current Budget 1961-62 Proposed Budget 1962-63 Final Budget 1962-63 PERSONAL SERVICES Contingencies 903 25,000 51,000 16,799 C c -23- O CITY OF CARLSBAD DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST Fund 1 Function ]_8 Miscellareous Acct. No. 510 O. 510 C Classification CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Land Storm Drains Street Projects State Gas Tax Projects Total Budget General Fund Land Huntxey Property 6,618 Greenwood Property 2S400 Vaughn Property (Library) 39000 Lagoon Property 4S500 Street j^und Dept« No0 124 Actual Expense 1960-61 -0- -0- 17 , 232 54,539 71,771 .,//>• Department Capital Improvements Current Budget 1961-62 -0- -0- 116,000 53,000 204 4J300_ .. /•••- ' / ". '''5> ' ,/-t ysi • ,/-- .' .^^Street Projects, 135,000. \C^^ / ' Gas Tax Fund v^ '''"^'^ --^^^ Los Floras $'' ' . /^. R/W Acquistion 29 s 35Q .,>'' ' Con struction 33»20CJ * -f i*j^. • '••? .- - ^f.-.t^^,^ ,'..,... . . <• -/;. . ,". .-••'-"" '" i "} : ..,•• -24- '• .... , y / -• - . • • L ' • ' •:• ~~ . • /<; i Proposed Budget 1962-63 16,518 15,000 135,000 62,550 229,068 . •- '"•'''*"''''• : /* i -/•'" Final Budget 1962-63 16,518 * 15,000 135,000 62,550 229 , 068 ••" -. • ^ \ t. • " \ __,,>•"•• ,•„-' j*"-~*""' •* '*-; f I 0 / * £.*.:..' WATER DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF ANTICIPATED REVENUES A?O BUDGETED EXPENDITURES FOR THE FIXAL YEAR—1962-63 REVENUES - 1962-63 Water Sales $' 295,000 Charges for Turning on Water 80° Interest Earned 4,000 Rents Received 500 Miscellaneous Revenues 2*500 Pipeline Foes 500 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES ^303»300 ^ _3?%/*9 EXPENDITURES - 1962-63 ~ Salaries and wages*/,.-/ f^^fe j^r Intermediate Clerk w^~* 4,167 Cashier Clurk f^ 4,320 Intermediate Account Clerk i^'-* •' <*!» / 4,622 Billing Clerk &^f r * T -r ''• X 49401Systems Foreman +*#*<"'**,><'"•'».<»»* ^ ^_^^ Systems Maintenance Man II (&(l) 11,040 Meter Service Man 5,256 Systems Maintenance Man I {^F)6# 23,173 Plant Operator Sub Total 69,575 St*?*' Water Production & Purification Power """ 6,200 sooo Production & Purification 2,000 J,t<>* Maint. Water Production Facilities 500 *.«** Purchased v/ater 65 ,,000 rf**a Miscellaneous 200 ***> Sub Total 73,900 13,3#> 1 Water Tranr.irsission & Distribution Power 109000 Maint „ Pumping Stations & Reservoirs 2,000 '•, <">0 Maint. Meters and Services 200 .Maint. Trans. & Dist* Lines 1,000 Miscellaneous • a^_ 2QQ Sub Total 13,400 General & Admin.» Ex^e_nse_ Mainte & Operation Mobile Equip0 3S200 3to*o Profession«il Services (^^^'1'^)2S500 ) *TOO Office Supplies . . 750 'j^'o Maint, & Supplies - Office Equipment 350 c Capital Outlay_Items; Tractor Loader $5,076 Meter Car 1,900 Operators Truck 1,000 Chlorinate:? Units 3,600 Water Testxng Equip, 150 Adding Machine 325 •'>£' •26- WATER DEPARTMEOT (CQNT'D). Small Tools & Shop Supplies 3*000 -v^ , Maint, Building & Shop Supplies 600 .-?." "Taxes & Insurance 13,000 .'j->v> 4-1''' ;- Contributions to Retirement & Group Ins. 6,152 ^^)J f/Cf'--' Other General & Admin. Expense 1,400 '--/'J >''^---'^ Collection pees 650 -^Sub Total 31,602 Debt Service Bond Principal 25,362 Interest on Bonds 40.831 Sub Total 66,193 Capital Outlay 12,051 £ •' Total Budget $ 266.721 2 *>' Balance of Anticipated Revenues Over Budgeted Expenditures (Available For Further Water System Development and Rehabilitation $ 36.579 O CITY_QF__CARLSSAD 1962-63 SALARY PLAN STANDARD STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STANDARD RATE A B C D E RATE 1 200 210 221 232 244 1 2 210 221 323 244 256 2 3 221 232 244 256 269 3 4 232 244 256 269 282 4 5 244 256 269 282 296 5 6 256 269 282 296 311 6 7 269 282 296 311 327 7 8 282 296 311 327 343 8 9 296 311 327 343 360 9 10 311 327 343 360 378 10 11 327 343 360 378 397 11 12 343 360 378 397 417 12 13 360 378 397 417 438 13 14 378 397 417 438 460 14 15 397 417 438 460 483 15 16 417 438 460 483 507 16 17 438 460 483 507 532 17 18 460 483 507 532 559 18 19 433 507 532 559 587 19 20 507 532 559 587 616 20 21 532 559 587 616 647 21 22 559 587 616 647 679 22 23 587 616 647 679 713 23 24 616 647 679 713 749 24 25 647 679 713 749 786 25 26 679 713 749 786 825 26 27 713 749 786 825 866 27 28 749 786 825 866 909 28 29 786 825 866 909 954 29 30 825 866 909 954 1002 30 The normal eligibility for salary step increases^ subject to meritor- ious service at step A!} six months at Step B» one year at Step C and one year at Step D0 It is recommended that these normal step increases be granted upon recommendation of the Department Head and approval of the City Managero It is also recommended that double step increases,, or step increases in less than the normal time of services be permitted for exceptional work performance or unusual employment conditions0 -27- The following Standard Rates, Position Titles and Work conditions for the 1962-63 fiscal years Standard Hours of Rate Position Title Work Holidays 17 Assistant Slug, Inspector 40 11 19 Building Inspector 40 11 25 Chief of Police 40 11 29 City Engineer 40 11 18 City Librarian 40 11 City Manager 40 11 24 Civil Engineering Associate 40 11 12 Clerk' Matron 40 11 12 Clerk II 40 11 12 Desk Officer 40 11 26 Director of Finance 40 11 17 Engineering Inspector 40 11 25 ;?ire chief 48 11 21 Fire Captain 48 11 18 .Fireman 72 11 19 'Fireman-Engineer 72 11 16 Junior Librarian 40 11 11 library Assistant 40 11 I4 Mechanic 40 " 11 17 Park Foreman 40 11 12 Park Maintenance Man II 40 11 18 Patrolman 40 11 21 Planning Technician 40 11 21 Police Lieutenant 40 11 19 Police Sergeant 40 11 -28- Standard Rate 14 13 9 13 26 17 18 13 18 12 14 15 23 WATER DEPT. 10 9 12 9 13 14 20 12 14 Position Title Secretary III Secretary II Secretary I Senior Account Clerk Senior Civil Engineer Senior Engineering Aide I Senior Engineering Aide II Sewage Plant Operator Street Foreman Street Maintenance Man I Street Maintenance Man II Street Maintenance Man III Supt, of Public Works Billing Clerk Cashier Clerk Intermediate Account Clerk Intermediate Clerk Meter Service Man Plant Operator Systems Foreman Systems Maintenance Man I Systems Maintenance Man II Hours of Work 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Holidays 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 -29-