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HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; 1996-1997 Technical Appendix; 1996-07-01CITY OF c AD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TECHNICAL APPENDIX 1996 - 1997 TO BUILDOUT PREPARED BY: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BILL PLUMMER CMWD INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Technical Appendix is to provide a detailed description of the project scope, project location, and project need. All Capital Projects with any future or current funding are listed. Where bonds or a loan are to be repaid, this has been included in the Technical Appendix to describe the repayment. All cost estimates are preliminary, as in most cases, no design has been done to accurately determine costs. All costs are in current dollars, therefore, projects in the future years should be anticipated to escalate over time to account for inflation. TABLE OF CONTENTS CIVIC PROJECTS Page ADA COMPLIANT PEDESTRIAN RAMPS AT STREET INTERSECTIONS - VARIOUS LOCATIONS 1 AFFORDABLE HOUSING LAND ACQUISITION 2 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) MODIFICATIONS - VARIOUS FACILITIES 3 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTONS 4 BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT 5 BUENA VISTA LAGOON ARTWORK 6 CADENCIA PARK-AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) RETROFIT 7 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD SHORE PROTECTION WALL 8 CITY BOUNDARY SURVEY AND MONUMENTATION 9 CITY HALL/CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS COMPLEX 10 COASTAL RAIL TRAIL 11 COMMUNITY SERVICES WAREHOUSE FACILITY 12 DESKTOP COMPUTING 13 EXPAND COLE LIBRARY 14 FINANCIAL INFORMATION SYSTEM 15 FIRE STATION NO. 3 RELOCATION 16 FIRE STATION NO. 6 (PERMANENT) 17 I-5 INTERCHANGES 18 LA COSTA CANYON PARK - AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) RETROFIT 19 LAS PALMAS PURCHASE 20 LIBRARY - REMODEL COLE 21 MAXTON BROWN PARK ARTWORK 22 OPPORTUNISTIC SAND PROGRAM 23 PUBLIC ART-TEMPORARY ART EXHIBITION 24 REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT-LAND ACQUISITION 25 SOUTH CARLSBAD LIBRARY 26 SOUTH CARLSBAD LIBRARY ARTWORK 27 TELECOMMUNICATION INFRASTRUCTURE 28 TRANSIT STATION - SPECIALTY COMMERCIAL CENTER 29 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE ASBESTOS SURVEY 30 CARRILLO RANCH PAINTING RESTORATION 31 CHASE PARK REST ROOM/SNACK BAR RE-ROOF 32 CITY HALL REFURBISHMENT 33 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RE-ROOF 34 ENERGY LIGHTING RETROFIT 35 FIRE STATION NO. 3 RENOVATION 36 LIBRARY ROOF REHABILITATION 37 MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE PROJECTS 38 REPLACE SEWER LINE 39 REPLACE VINYL FLOOR 40 PARK PROJECTS CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE 41 ZONE 5 PARK FACILITY 42 PARKS IN THE NORTHWEST QUADRANT AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON LAND DEDICATION 43 BEACH ACCESSES REPAIR - UPGRADE 44 CANNON LAKE PARK 45 COMMUNITY CENTER - NORTHWEST QUADRANT 46 HOSP GROVE/BUENA VISTA LAGOON DEVELOPMENT (ALT II) 47 NORTHWEST QUADRANT PARKS - AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT RETROFIT 48 OCEAN STREET STAIRS 49 PARK SITE - NORTHWEST QUADRANT (ACQUISITION) 50 PARK SITE - NORTHWEST QUADRANT (DEVELOP) 51 SWIM COMPLEX PARKING LOT RECONSTRUCTION 52 SWIM COMPLEX SANITATION SYSTEM 53 VETERAN'S MEMORIAL PARK (NORTHWEST QUADRANT) 54 ii E j t * i * *m IM im mm tt KLM tM mm mm im i i i i i i PARK PROJECTS (Cont'd.) Page PARKS IN THE NORTHEAST QUADRANT LARWIN COMMUNITY PARK-NORTHEAST QUADRANT 55 NORTHEAST QUADRANT PARK ACQUISITION 56 NORTHEAST QUADRANT PARK DEVELOPMENT 57 PARK RESTORATION AND ACQUISITION 58 VETERAN'S MEMORIAL PARK (NORTHEAST QUADRANT) 59 PARKS IN THE SOUTHWEST QUADRANT PARK RESTORATION AND ACQUISITION 60 POINSETTIA COMMUNITY PARK (LOAN REPAY) 61 POINSETTIA COMMUNITY PARK (PHASE I) 62 POINSETTIA COMMUNITY PARK (PHASE II) 63 POINSETTIA COMMUNITY PARK (PHASE III) 64 VETERAN'S MEMORIAL PARK (SOUTHWEST QUADRANT) 65 ZONE 19 COMMUNITY PARK (LOAN REPAY) 66 ZONE 19 COMMUNITY PARK (PHASE I) 67 ZONE 19 COMMUNITY PARK (PHASE II) 68 ZONE 19 COMMUNITY CENTER (PHASE III) 69 PARKS IN SOUTHEAST QUADRANT ALGA NORTE PARK (LOAN REPAY) 70 ALGA NORTE PARK (PHASE I) 71 ALGA NORTE PARK (PHASE II) 72 ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY CENTER (PHASE III) 73 LEO CARRILLO PARK (PHASE I) 74 LEO CARRILLO PARK (PHASE II) 75 PARK RESTORATION AND ACQUISITION 76 STAGECOACH PARK DRAIN 77 VETERAN'S MEMORIAL PARK (SOUTHEAST QUADRANT) 78 ill DRAINAGE PROJECTS MASTER DRAINAGE FACILITIES 79 PARK DRIVE SLOPE/DRAINAGE STUDY FOR REPAIR 80 SOUTH CARLSBAD VILLAGE STORM DRAIN 81 STATE STREET STORM DRAIN REPAIR 82 STORM DRAIN AND DESILTATION BASIN/CANNON ROAD 83 SEWER PROJECTS ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 84 CAPITAL ACQUISITION 85 ENCINA CO-GENERATION PROJECT 86 ENCINA SEWER TREATMENT PLANT REHABILITATION 87 PARALLEL OCEAN OUTFALL 88 PHASE V EXPANSION 89 TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION 90 INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM & LIFT STATIONS AGUA HEDIONDA LIFT STATION 91 BUENA VISTA LIFT STATION 92 CHINQUAPIN SEWAGE LIFT STATION 93 FOREST SEWAGE GRAVITY LINE 94 NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR SEWER ACCESS ROAD AND UPGRADE 95 NORTH BATIQUITOS INTERCEPTOR SEWER ACCESS ROAD AND UPGRADE 96 PALMER WAY SEWER EXTENSION 97 SEWAGE FLOW METERS 98 SEWAGE LIFT STATION ELIMINATION STUDY 99 SEWER LINE REFURBISH/REPLACEMENT 100 SEWER MANHOLE REFURBISHING/REPLACEMENT 101 SEWER MONITORING PROGRAM 102 VANCOUVER SEWAGE LIFT STATION 103 VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR 104 iv r 1 n ra t a e^v t • i • LJ 11 M t a 11 I • tm mm i Ji i i mm i a mm mm mm t i r i r i r^i r i rai IBI • WATER PROJECTS 580 ZONE - SECONDARY SUPPLY 105 680 ZONE 106 CANNON ROAD 107 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD (MANZANO DRIVE TO AVENIDA ENCINAS) 108 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD (SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) 109 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE 110 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE & "E" RESERVOIR RECOATING AND REPAIR 111 COLLEGE BOULEVARD (33" LINE TO CANNON ROAD) 112 COLLEGE BOULEVARD (CANNON TO TAP) 113 COLLEGE BOULEVARD EXTENSION AT EL CAMINO REAL 114 COLLEGE BOULEVARD (NORTH TO OCEANSIDE) 115 COLLEGE BOULEVARD (POINSETTIA LANE TO PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) 116 "D" RESERVOIR - PHASE II 117 "D" RESERVOIR TO PALOMAR OAKS WAY 118 DAVIS AVENUE PIPELINE REPLACEMENT 119 EL CAMINO REAL CROSSING AT KELLY DRIVE 120 EL CAMINO REAL - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD SOUTH 121 EL CAMINO REAL TRANSMISSION MAIN & PRESSURE REDUCING STATION IMPROVEMENTS 122 EL FUERTE (ALGA ROAD TO POINSETTIA LANE) 123 EL FUERTE AVENUE (FARADAY TO MAERKLE RESERVOIR) 124 EL FUERTE AVENUE (NORTH OF LOKER) 125 EL FUERTE (POINSETTIA LANE TO PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) 126 ELLERY AND "C" RESERVOIR RECOATING & REPAIR 127 INTERSTATE 5 CROSSING 128 JEFFERSON STREET (PIO PICO TO MAY COMPANY) 129 MAERKLE DAM LINING AND COVERING) 130 MAERKLE RESERVOIR TO EL CAMINO REAL 131 MARRON ROAD (PRESSURE REGULATING STATION TO OCEANSIDE) 132 OCEANSIDE INTERTIE UPGRADE 133 PALOMAR AIRPORT (NORTH OF OWENS) 134 POINSETTIA LANE #18 135 POINSETTIA - EL CAMINO REAL TO "D" RESERVOIR 136 POINSETTIA LANE (EL FUERTE TO EL CAMINO REAL) 137 POINSETTIA LANE (PASEO DEL NORTE TO CARLSBAD BOULEVARD) 138 POINSETTIA LANE (TO THE 375 H.G. ZONE) 139 POINSETTIA LANE (TO THE 550 H.G. ZONE) 140 PRESSURE REGULATING STATION 141 WATER PROJECTS (Cont'd.) PRESSURE REGULATING STATION PROJECT #19 142 TRI-AGENCY PIPELINE EROSION PROTECTION 143 WATER CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION (COP) PAYMENTS 144 WATER RESOURCES MASTER PLAN 145 WATER SYSTEM INTERTIE CONNECTION 146 RECLAIMED WATER PROJECTS INDUSTRIAL PARK SYSTEM - RECLAIMED WATER 147 RECLAIMED WATER MASTER PLAN 148 RECLAIMED WATER PUMP STATION UPGRADE 149 RECOATING RECLAIMED WATER TANKS 150 TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECTS TRAFFIC SIGNAL - ALGA ROAD 151 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - ALGA ROAD/BATIQUITOS DRIVE 152 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - ALGA ROAD/MELROSE DRIVE 153 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - ALGA ROAD/POINSETTIA LANE 154 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CAMINO DE LOS COCHES/LA COSTA AVENUE 155 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CANNON ROAD/AVENIDA ENCINAS 156 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CANNON ROAD/COLLEGE BOULEVARD 157 TRAFFIC SIGNAL-CANNON ROAD/FARADAY AVENUE 158 TRAFFIC SIGNAL-CANNON ROAD/l-5 159 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CANNON ROAD/PASEO DEL NORTE 160 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD/AVENIDA ENCINAS 161 TRAFFIC SIGNAL-CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE/TAMARACK AVENUE 162 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - COLLEGE BOULEVARD/ASTON AVENUE 163 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - COLLEGE BOULEVARD/CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE 164 TRAFFIC SIGNAL-COLLEGE BOULEVARD/EL CAMINO REAL 165 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - COLLEGE BOULEVARD/LAKE CALAVERA 166 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - EL CAMINO REAL/CALLE BARCELONA 167 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - EL CAMINO REAL/CANNON ROAD 168 TRAFFIC SIGNAL-EL CAMINO REAL/OLIVENHAIN ROAD 169 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - EL CAMINO REAL/POINSETTIA LANE 170 TRAFFIC SIGNAL-FARADAY AVENUE/ORION STREET 171 vi CJ KB mm n *-i * > TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECTS (Cont'd.) TRAFFIC SIGNAL - MELROSE DRIVE/LA COSTA AVENUE 172 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD/MELROSE DRIVE (SOUTH) 173 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD/MELROSE DRIVE 174 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD/HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD 175 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - PASEO DEL NORTE/CAMINO DE LAS ONDAS 176 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - POINSETTIA LANE/EL FUERTE STREET 177 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - POINSETTIA LANE/MELROSE DRIVE 178 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - POINSETTIA LANE/BATIQUITOS DRIVE 179 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - POINSETTIA LANE/PASEO DEL NORTE 180 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD/QUESTHAVEN ROAD 181 TRAFFIC SIGNAL-TAMARACK AVENUE/GARFIELD STREET 182 TRAFFIC SIGNAL-TAMARACK AVENUE/HIGHLAND DRIVE 183 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CAMINO VIDA ROBLE/YARROW DRIVE 184 STREET PROJECTS AVENIDA ENCINAS WIDENING 185 BICYCLE MASTER PLAN 186 CANNON ROAD 187 CANNON ROAD AND I-5 188 CANNON ROAD - KELLY RANCH TO EL CAMINO REAL 189 CANNON ROAD WIDENING 190 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND CANNON ROAD WIDENING 191 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD MEDIAN 192 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD SHORE PROTECTION 193 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE WIDENING 194 CHESTNUT AVENUE AND MONROE STREET UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 16 195 EL CAMINO REAL AND CANNON ROAD 196 EL CAMINO REAL MEDIANS 197 EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING (LA COSTA AVENUE TO ARENAL ROAD) 198 EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING (TAMARACK AVENUE TO CHESTNUT AVENUE) 199 EL CAMINO REAL AND CAMINO VIDA ROBLE 200 EL CAMINO REAL AND CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE 201 EL CAMINO REAL AND FARADAY AVENUE 202 FARADAY AVENUE 203 HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD 204 LA COSTA AVENUE WIDENING 205 vii STREET PROJECTS (Cont'd.) LOCAL STREET/SIDEWALK UPGRADE PROGRAM 206 MELROSE DRIVE AND ALGA ROAD 207 MISCELLANEOUS - TRAFFIC MONITORING PROGRAM 208 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD 209 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD 210 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND PASEO DEL NORTE 211 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD BRIDGE 212 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD MEDIANS 213 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD MITIGATION 214 POINSETTIA LANE BRIDGE 215 POINSETTIA LANE WIDENING 216 RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD AND OLIVENHAIN ROAD. 217 STREET LIGHTING ENHANCEMENT STUDY 218 UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 17 (ROOSEVELT STREET) 219 UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 18 (HARDING STREET) 220 UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 19 221 I-5 OVERPASS PROJECTS I-5/LA COSTA AVENUE INTERCHANGE 222 UNFUNDED PROJECTS ALGA ROAD MEDIANS 223 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD REALIGNMENT 224 HOLIDAY PARK IRRIGATION RENOVATION 225 LAKESHORE GARDENS SOUNDWALL 226 PAVE 8' SHOULDER ON EL FUERTE STREET NORTH OF CORINTIA STREET 227 SIDEWALKS - VILLAS TO DOVE LANE 228 50M SWIMMING POOL AT ALGA NORTE PARK 229 TRAFFIC SIGNAL-ALGA ROAD/CAZADERO DRIVE 230 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD/CHERRY AVENUE 231 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD/CHESTNUT AVENUE 232 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD/OAK DRIVE 233 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD/STATE STREET 234 TRAFFIC SIGNAL-CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE/AVENITADE ANITA 235 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE/VALLEY STREET 236 viii r~i r~i ri UNFUNDED PROJECTS (Cont'.d) TRAFFIC SIGNAL-CHESTNUT AVENUE/PIO PICO 237 TRAFFIC SIGNAL-LA COSTA AVENUE/CADENCIA STREET 238 TRAFFIC SIGNAL-LA COSTA AVENUE/PIREAUS STREET 239 TRAFFIC SIGNAL-LA COSTA AVENUE/ROMERIA STREET 240 TRAFFIC SIGNAL-LA COSTA AVENUE/SAXONY ROAD 241 TRAFFIC SIGNAL -LA COSTA AVENUE/VIEJA CASTILLA 242 ix f i I I i i i i t j. i i i i f i ~ i f f i I i i t I CIVIC PROJECTS r i i n CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) MODIFICATIONS - VARIOUS FACILITIES II II I Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP VARIOUS LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT THE CITY ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Various locations throughout the City. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Removal of existing sidewalk at the curb returns of intersections without pedestrian ramps and construction of pedestrian ramps. The installation of pedestrian ramps is mandated by both State and Federal laws. This project will provide for orderly compliance with those laws. A preliminary study of the cost of installing pedestrian ramps at each intersection in the City estimates a total cost of $1,000,000. This project is recommended to be phased over ten years. The FY 1996-1997 appropriation of $25,000 provides funds to retain an engineering consultant at approximately $10,000 to prepare plans and specifications. Remaining funds would be utilized to prepare a priority project list and to prepare specifications and administer the design project. PROJECT NEED The Americans with Disabilities Act requires the City to assure that all public facilities be made accessible to disabled persons. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1.000.000 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 TIF SttidV& Plans $25.000 •0* 1997-4M TIF Const & Plans $75.000 4* PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 TIF TIF Const & Plans $75.000 4* Const & Plans $75.000 -0- 2000-2001 TIF Const & Plans $100.000 -0-. 2001*2006 TIF Const & Plans $500.000 -0- 2006+ TIF Construction $150.000 **, ADARAMPS.96 Pagel CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION AFFORDABLE HOUSING LAND ACQUISITION Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP A SITE (OR SITES) TO BE SELECTED WITHIN THE VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AREA PROJECT NO. 3436 PROJECT LOCATION Residential infill site to be selected within the Village Redevelopment Area. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3436 Scattered site acquisition for purposes of constructing or providing affordable housing units within the Village Redevelopment Area. Previous Appropriation - $400,000 PROJECT NEED The project(s) will serve an affordable housing and blight elimination need within the Village Redevelopment Area. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $400.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ AFFORDHS.96 Page 2 B3I II I~J n we*mm mm i i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) MODIFICATIONS - VARIOUS FACILITIES Pro PROJECT LOCATION MAP VARIOUS CITY FACILITIES ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Various City facilities. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3441 Facilities modifications such as restroom alterations, new drinking fountains, entry ramps, handrail modifications, new signage and parking lot changes. A preliminary survey of City facilities in 1992 indicated the estimated cost approached $600,000. Due to the complexity of the law and the significant scope of work involved at all facilities, costs could be much higher. Therefore, this project is recommended to be phased in over several years. The FY 1994-1995 appropriation of $100,000 provides funds to retain an architectural consultant at approximately $30,000 to $50,000 to do a detailed facility survey, prepare plans and specifications, and develop more accurate cost estimates of the modifications. Remaining funds would be utilized for the highest priority projects. PROJECT NEED The Americans with Disabilities Act requires numerous facility modifications be made to make them accessible to disabled persons. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $600.000 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 1967-68 1998-99 GCC 1996-2000 GCC $100.000 $150.000 2000-2001 GCC 2001-2006 2006* $150.000 ADAMODIF.96 Page 3 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTONS Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION Various signalized intersections in the village and mall area. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 2" ADA pedestrian push button retrofit kit at each existing pedestrian push button at signalized intersection. %wx \ +f\x> v PROJECT NEED The ADA button will make it easier for a disabled pedestrian to use the pedestrian signal at a signalized intersection. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $30.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Fundina Source 6CC Purpose For Disabled Peds Amount $30.000 Operating Costs N/A ADA PUSH.96 LI LJ IJ I J i i Page 4 ii ii i a in CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION North of La Costa Avenue from the Pacific Ocean to El Camino Real. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3429 The project will dredge about 4,000,000 cubic yards of silt and sand from the lagoon, restoring the fish habitat; construct a channel the length of the lagoon and construct off-shore jetties to restore tidal flushing to the lagoon and replace a deteriorated bridge on the southbound lanes of Carlsbad Boulevard over the lagoon. All costs reimbursed by Port of Los Angeles. Continuing Appropriation - $362,466 PROJECT NEED The lagoon enhancement is a mitigation measure required by the Port of Los Angeles to permit fill placement in the Los Angeles Harbor. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $30.655.650 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source m_«m__^m»_ Purpose _^__^_™> Amount . .. Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING '-98 1996*99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* BLEP.96 Page 5 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION BUENA VISTA LAGOON ARTWORK Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT SITE PROJECT LOCATION Adjacent to the Buena Vista Lagoon. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3336 Design, construct, and install a public art piece to be placed in the Buena Vista Lagoon area. Previous Appropriation - $75,000 PROJECT NEED The project is part of the City's Public Art Program. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $75.000 Fiscal Year 1996-87 Funding Source , , Purpose Amount ,„ „ ,-,,...., Operating Costs 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ BUENART.96 f J I J L J I 1 I J Page 6 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CADENCIA PARK - AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) RETROFIT Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP ROJECT SITE ect Title PROJECT LOCATION In the southeast quadrant off of Cadencia, west of Rancho Santa Fe Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Retrofit existing playground and related park elements in order to bring into conformance with the "Americans with Disabilities Act" (ADA-1992). Sidewalk from edge of park to playground area • Access (across sand) to all play equipment Play equipment modification/replacement PROJECT NEED Required by Federal law. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING $20.000 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 20064- General Fund , Deslan/Const ....... $20.000 N/A , , ... CADENCIA.96 Page 7 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CARLSBAD BOULEVARD SHORE PROTECTION WALL Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT AREA PROJECT LOCATION Carlsbad Boulevard by the jetties of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3353 Concrete design in wall, plus benches and ramp designs on the three access areas. Previous Appropriation - $30,000 PROJECT NEED Ordinance No. 1279 calls for 1 % public art. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $30.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ SHOREPR0.96 t J I 1 I J t J t J 131 II Page 8 r~i rn F-I r-i m in CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CITY BOUNDARY SURVEY AND MONUMENTATION Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP A A A PROJECT LOCATION The project will cover the entire city. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project will entail the creation of an accurate description of the boundary of the city, to be monumented for accurate identification of city limits. Phase 1 will consist of office research to identify the records defining the city boundary as it currently exists. This research will provide information for the scope and extent of Phase 2. Phase 2 will involve the actual field work to relate existing survey control points (see map) to the San Diego County survey control network and survey the city boundary relative to these control monuments. PROJECT NEED At the present time, the actual boundaries of the city are not known in any detail relative to their positions on the ground. A number of city departments have indicated that a specific knowledge of city boundaries, especially on roads leading into the city would be extremely helpful in their work for resolving jurisdictional questions. These groups include Police, Traffic, Risk Management and Code Enforcement. Additionally, the geographic information system requires the use of survey monumentation to accurately register land ownership parcels within the city, and all subsequent layers in the GIS to absolute position on the ground. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST* $100.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1887-88 199&-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Fundhtq Source , General Fund General Fund General Fund Purpose Amount ' IIIIIIMII Operating Costs ,„„„,„„ Pha««1 Phase 2.1 Phase 2.2 $15.000 S4S.OOO $40.000 ri , -0* -0* -0* ... , , , ,....,... BOUNDARY.96 Page 9 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CITY HALL/CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS COMPLEX Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED PROJECT LOCATION To be determined. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Design and construction of a City Hall and City Council Chambers complex of approximately 96,000 square feet. Project will consolidate all administrative operations and facilities in one location for organizational and operational efficiency. Master Plan approved in 1986. PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $23,100,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ CFD Design/Const. $23,100,000 CITYHALL.96 LJ Page 10 n n n n r~i an ri .mi n CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION COASTAL RAIL TRAIL Project Title n n ri ri PROJECT LOCATION MAP OCEANSIDE CARLSBAD ENCINITAS PACIFIC OCEAN SOLANA BEACH DEL MAR SAN DIEGO PROJECT LOCATION Within the existing Northern San Diego Railway corridor between the Oceanside Transit Station and the Santa Fe Depot in San Diego. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The preparation of a Feasibility Study and preliminary design plans for the future construction of a multi-use path in the existing railroad right-of-way. The purpose is to provide a bicycle/pedestrian link between the commuter stations within this corridor. Previous Appropriations -$768,000 (ISTEA) $192,000 (TSM) PROJECT NEED To encourage the use of alternative forms of transportation to reduce traffic congestion and decrease pollution created by automobiles. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $960.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1997-98 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ COASTRT.96 Page 11 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION COMMUNITY SERVICES WAREHOUSE FACILITY Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP ROJECT SITE PROJECT LOCATION Phase II of Safety & Service Center, Orion Way. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construction of Phase II of the Public Safety and Service Center project. Phase II includes construction of a purchasing warehouse, general offices, and yard facilities for the Parks and Utilities and Maintenance Departments. Extensive parking facilities and landscaping are to be included. PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $4,200.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ CFD/Sewer Construction $4.200,000 COMMSERV.96 Page 12 t J I J t Ji CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION DESKTOP COMPUTING Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP CITYWIDE ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Various City facilities. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Ongoing replacement and upgrades of desktop computers and printers. Desktop computers (PC's) need to be replaced every 3 to 5 years, printers every 4 to 6 years. The City currently owns over 200 PC's, (120 Pentiums and 80 486 class computers). Due to recent upgrades, the first anticipated computer and printer replacements should begin in FY 97-98. In FY 97-98, replacement costs for the 486's ($2,500 each) would be $200,000, 20 laser printers ($1,500 each) would be $30,000. Replacement costs are reoccurring, but not necessarily the same amounts each year. PROJECT NEED It is essential to continually upgrade our desktop computing environment to take advantage of emerging technologies and to enable staff to maintain current level of productivity, with opportunity to increase productivity. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: SOngoIno Fiscal Year 1996-97 J997-38 199<t-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* Funding Source ,.. Info Systems Info Systems Info Systems Info Systems Info Systems Info Systems Purpose , Equip. Purchase Amount , $30.000 Operating Costs Eauto. Purchase Eaulo. Purchase Egulo. Purchase Eaulo. Purchase Eauo. Purchase $120.000 $120.000 $120.000 $600.000 $810.000 DESKTOP.96 Page 13 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION EXPAND COLE LIBRARY Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION At the site of the existing Cole Library, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, adjacent to the existing City Hall. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3384 The North Carlsbad Library will be remodeled and expanded from its present 24,600 square feet to 44,600 square feet meeting the needs of the City as the population reaches buildout. PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards at buildout population. TOTAL PROJECT COST; $12.660.000 Fiscal Year 1996-67 1997-98 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* PFF/CFD Deslan/ConsL S12.660.000 EXP COLE.96 Page LJ r~i r~i E^ CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION FINANCIAL INFORMATION SYSTEM Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP ect Title PROJECT LOCATION 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3433 Financial Information System to replace existing computer hardware and application software system. Initial system expected to include modules for payroll, job costing, AP, purchasing, budget, G/L and report writing. Other modules may be added as needed. Estimated Cost: Hardware Software Implementation PC and Network Upgrades Previous Appropriations: $207,000 556,000 537,000 530.000$1,830,000 $1,370,000 PROJECT NEED Critical—current system over ten years old. Hardware no longer maintained by manufacturer. Many reports and analysis currently performed manually. Annual cost savings in staff time estimated at minimum of $100,000. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1.830.000 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 GF/Water/Scwer Implementation tt60.000/$40.000 PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* General Fund software Purchase $260.000 FIN INF0.96 Page 15 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION FIRE STATION NO. 3 RELOCATION Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PEOJECT, SITE CAUVERAHILLSCOMMUNITYPARK PROJECT LOCATION Southwest corner of Carlsbad Village Drive and Glascow Street adjacent to Calavera Park. PROJECT DESCRIPTION This new station will be a 3,500 square foot suburban facility housing one 3-person engine company. It will be the same design as Stations 4 and 6. After relocation, the existing Fire Station No. 3 building and site will be sold. PROJECT NEED Relocation of this fire station is required to ensure a five minute response time within the northeast corner of the City as development occurs. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $450.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundinq Source Purpose Amount Ooeratinq Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 PFF Design $20,000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $430.000 FIRESTA3.96 Page 16 KIM ri PROJECT LOCATION MAP CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION FIRE STATION NO. 6 (PERMANENT) Pro ect Title PROJECT LOCATION On the east side of the relocated Rancho Santa Fe Road. Precise location to be determined. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3302 This new station will be a 3,500 square foot suburban facility housing one 3-person engine company. It will be the same design as Stations 3 and 4. After construction, the existing temporary Station No. 6 will be dismantled and the land restored for use by the developer. PROJECT NEED This fire station is required to ensure a five minute response time within the southeast corner of the City as development occurs. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $450.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundlna Source Purpose Amount „„,„ Ooeratina Costs 1997-98 FteMstone/PFP Deslan/Const. $410.000 - PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 PFF Construction $35.000 2006+ FIRESTA6.96 Page 17 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1-5 INTERCHANGES Pro PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT AREA ect Title PROJECT LOCATION The 1-5 corridor adjacent or on overpasses. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3352 A landscape architect and artist team will be selected to design artistic elements to be incorporated into the construction of the projects. Costs cover the development of an 1-5 Corridor Landscape Plan. Previous Appropriation - $30,000 PROJECT NEED Ordinance No. 1279 calls for public art. TOTAL PROJECT COST; Fiscal Year Pudding Source Purpose _ Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING $155.000 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ 6CC Corridor Plan $125.000 I-5INTER.96 Page 18 mm. n CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION LA COSTA CANYON PARK - AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) RETROFIT PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT Pro ect Title PROJECT LOCATION In the southeast quadrant at the corner of Pueblo Street and Rana Court. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Retrofit existing playground and related park elements in order to bring into conformance with the "Americans with Disabilities Act" (ADA-1992). • Surfacing to access all play equipment (across sand) • Play equipment modification/replacement • Sidewalk to picnic facilities, drinking facility and play equipment Previous Appropriation - $52,500 PROJECT NEED Required by Federal law. TOTAL PROJECT COST; $52.800 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundlno Source i:i:i...n , Purpose n Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ ' LACOSCAN.96 Page 19 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION MAP LAS PALMAS PURCHASE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION 2075 Las Palmas Drive, south of Camino Vida Roble. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3266 Lease-purchase payments for building and property for administrative offices for Community Development. PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs $2.348,000 1996-97 PFF Purchase $235.000 PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Purchase $117,000 LASPALM.96 Page 20 i j t j L.J t i i^a CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION LIBRARY - REMODEL COLE Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP ect Title PROJECT LOCATION At the site of the existing library, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3384 An interim project to renovate and refurbish the existing library. Remodel some existing administrative spaces into public and circulation areas. Renovation includes recarpeting and repainting. Previous appropriations: (PFF) Design and ADA Modifications Federal Grant $275,000 $ 36,231 PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards, restore quality library service. TOTAL PROJECT COST: St.S7S.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 Fundfna Source Purpose Amount ,,,.,... Ooeratlna Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 . PFF . . . . .... Construction 11.57S.OOO 2006* REMDCOLE.96 Page 21 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION MAP MAXTON BROWN PARK ARTWORK Project Title PROJECT LOCATION Maxton Brown Park. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3354 Artist will design and construct artwork for the park. Previous Appropriation - $25,000 PROJECT NEED Public art as indicated by Ordinance No. 1279 enhances the park. The amount is estimated at 1 %. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $25.000 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 PROJECT FUNDING 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ MAXTON 1.96 Page 22 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION MAP STORAGE & DISPOSAL SITE DISPOSAL SITE OPPORTUNISTIC SAND PROGRAM Project Title PROJECT LOCATION Along the Carlsbad coastline. PROJECT DESCRIPTION To obtain the necessary regulatory agency permits to allow the periodic deposition of beach quality sand material on our local beaches as an ongoing beach nourishment program. Previous Appropriation - $20,000 (State Grant) $19,542 (GCC) PROJECT NEED To allow for an ongoing beach nourishment activity on the Carlsbad coastline. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $39.542 Fiscal Year 199 Funding Source Purpose . Amount Operating Costs 1997-98 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ OPPORSND.96 Page 23 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PUBLIC ART - TEMPORARY ART EXHIBITION Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP VARIOUS LOCATIONS PROJECT LOCATION Temporary/rotating art exhibition. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Artwork to be placed throughout Carlsbad on a rotating basis. Each artwork will be in place for a period of approximately six (6) months. Ten (10) artworks at $500 each includes installation costs. PROJECT NEED • Arts Element/General Plan • Educational components of the public art program. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING $5.000 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Public Art Fund $5.000 Page TEMP_ART.96 ft Jl ft I II i J I J I J I J Hi CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT - LAND ACQUISITION Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP 3-LJd ect Title PROJECT LOCATION East side of Roosevelt Street between Grand Avenue and Carlsbad Village Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3435 Development of a Commercial Project across from the Redevelopment Agency. Project may include a public parking structure as well. Project includes purchase of property and some pre-development costs (i.e., architectural/site plans, market analysis, etc.). Previous Appropriation - $1,006,000 PROJECT NEED The project serves an Economic Development and blight elimination need within the Village Redevelopment Area. TOTAL, PROJECT COST: 81,006.000 FI$MlY«r 1996*97 Funding source ,,,,„ „, , , Purpose »»>»»^__^^». Amount ; , operating costs , , PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999.2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 LAND ACQ.96 Page 25 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION SOUTH CARLSBAD LIBRARY Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP SITE PROJECT LOCATION Within a commercial development site at the northwest corner of the intersection of El Camino Real and Alga Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct a 64,000 square foot library on a six-acre site. This library will provide enough space to meet the City's needs up to a population of 100,000 residents. Building will include all public service areas of a full-service library as well as staff administrative offices. Previous appropriations: Library collection Shelving and mechanical EEE $ 400,000 $ 650,000 PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs $12,000.000 1996-97 CFD Plan Review $100.000 PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 CFD Construction $11,100,000 $2.500.000 $2.500.000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ $2.500.000 $2.500.000 $2.500.000 SCBADLIB.96 Page 26 t I i 1 11 I J I J I J IB CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION SOUTH CARLSBAD LIBRARY ARTWORK Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION Plaza Paseo Real Shopping Center, corner of Dove and El Camino Real. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3335 Art work for the South Carlsbad Library. Includes artists' designs and construction. Previous Appropriation - $170,000 PROJECT NEED Ordinance No. 1279 calls for 1% public art. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $170.000 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 1997-98 1§99-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ SOLIBRAR.96 Page 27 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TELECOMMUNICATION INFRASTRUCTURE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP CITYWIDE PROJECT LOCATION Various City facilities. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Ongoing replacement and upgrades of telecommunication equipment. This includes PBX's (phone switches), voice mail systems and inter-facility communication lines and equipment. This type of telecommunications equipment has a useful life of 4 to 6 years, at which time it needs to be replaced or upgraded. Costs for City's type PBX equipment range from $30,000 to $100,000 depending on capacity, voice mail systems approximately $30,000 to $50,000 and telecommunications equipment range from $1,000 to $5,000 per device. These are reoccurn'ng expenses, but not necessarily the same amounts every year. Due to recent upgrades, the first anticipated replacements should begin in FY 98-99. PROJECT NEED It is essential to continually upgrade our telecommunications equipment to take advantage of emerging technologies, to enable staff to maintain levels of efficiencies and to ensure maintenance support is available. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: SOngoIng Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 3000-2001, 2001-2006 2006+ Funding Source Info Systems Info Systems info Systems Info Systems Info Systems Info Systems Purpose Amount , Operating Costs , Equip, Purchase Egulp. Purchase Equip. Purchase Equip. Purchase Equip. Purchase Eguo. Purchase $150.000 $150.000 $150.000 $150.000 $750.000 $750.000 TELECOMM.96 Page 28 KB f 1 i r i ii i i t J r"i in r "i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRANSIT STATION - SPECIALTY COMMERCIAL CENTER Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP 153 i §::: PROJECT SITE GRAND AVE. I* ta I eno CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE PROJECT LOCATION Northwest corner of State Street and Grand Avenue; Village Redevelopment Area. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3434 Development of a Specialty Commercial Center at new Transit Station. Project includes purchase of property and some pre- development costs (i.e., architectural/site plans, market analysis, etc. Project No. 3434 Prior Appropriation - $425,000 PROJECT NEED The project serves an Economic Development and blight elimination need within the Village Redevelopment Area. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $425.000 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ TRANSTAT.96 Page 29 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - ASBESTOS SURVEY Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP CITYWIDE ect Title PROJECT LOCATION All City facilities. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Survey all City facilities to identify presence of asbestos and recommend appropriate abatement method. PROJECT NEED OSHA requirement. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST; $40.000 Fiscal Year 1996- Fundlng Source ^ Purpose ^ Amount _ 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* $40.000 Operating Costs ASBESTOS.96 Page 30 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - CARRILLO RANCH PAINTING RESTORATION PROJECT LOCATION MAP \ Pro!ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Carrillo Ranch - Palomar Airport Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Paint/whitewash adobe structures. Prior year appropriation carried forward to 1996-97. PROJECT NEED Required to preserve historical structures and prevent further deterioration. :idfA'L^PR^jlct:;C^f^lilib^bl i|||li;;^i;||;ii Funding Source ;i|uf|p<6|l^|i|i:: *ipi|u'i|i:|||||i|I Operating Costs 1996-97 GCC PROJECT FUNDING 199748 1998-99 999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ CARRILL0.96 i j i m i J * J Page 31 pa 11 i J CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - CHASE PARK REST ROOM/SNACKBAR RE-ROOF Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Chase Field Park, Harding and Chestnut. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Architectural study and design to replace roof on snackbar to provide additional on-site storage of equipment and supplies. PROJECT NEED Storage space is inadequate considering use of facility and limitations of site preclude additional structures. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $33.000 Fiscal Year 1996-07 Funding Source Purpose m; ,,,,,,,, „ Amount Ooeratina Costs „...,...,„ ...„„, PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ GCC GCC $3.000 $30.000 CHASEPRK.96 Page 32 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - CITY HALL REFURBISHMENT Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP ect Title PROJECT LOCATION City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Replace carpeting, paint and minor office alterations in north wing. Prior year appropriation of $30,000 carried forward to 1996-97. PROJECT NEED Carpet is worn, torn and has become a safety hazard. Paint and minor office alterations can be accomplished most economically during carpet replacement. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING $58.000 1996.07 1997-98 199S-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ GCC $23.000 CITYREFUR.96 Page 33 mm mm ii ii i j ii r i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RE-ROOF PROJECT LOCATION MAP Proj ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Community Development, 2075 Las Palmas. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Replace roof and install roof insulation. Prior year appropriation carried forward to 1996-97. PROJECT NEED The existing roof has deteriorated and is in need of replacement. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $110.000 Fiscal Year I99g.97 Fundlna source GCC Puroose Amount m n rill^0»l. ,„ ,„ ©Derating Costs , .. ., , „ M PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006» CDREROOF.96 Page CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - ENERGY LIGHTING RETROFIT PROJECT LOCATION MAP VARIOUS CITY FACILITIES Project Title PROJECT LOCATION Various City facilities. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install energy saving lamps and electronic ballasts. PROJECT NEED Reduce electrical consumption and heat load. Project incorporates SDG&E incentives. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $28.500 PROJECT FUNDING Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 GCC 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-200$2006+ $28.500 LIGHTING.96 Page 35 fill I J I J I J I J f • n PROJECT LOCATION MAP CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - FIRE STATION NO. 3 RENOVATION Proiect Title PROJECT LOCATION Fire Station No. 3, 3701 Catalina Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Replace carpet, vinyl flooring, paint and install air conditioning, new lighting, cabinets and lockers. PROJECT NEED This station is more than twenty years old and is in need of refurbishment. TOTAL PROJECT COST; Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs ._ $45.000 1996-97 1997-98 GCC $48.000 PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2008 2006+ FIRE#3.96 Page 36 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - LIBRARY ROOF REHABILITATION Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Cole Library, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Remove old roof and install new roof and insulation. Prior year appropriation carried forward to 1996-97. PROJECT NEED The roof is thirty years old and is in need of replacement. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $85.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source GCC Purpose Amount «0- Operating Costs 1997.88 1998-89 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* LIB_ROOF.96 El BiB m i j ii i J i M mm tm Page 37 I J 11 •a ri CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE PROJECTS PROJECT LOCATION MAP VARIOUS CITY FACILITIES Project Title PROJECT LOCATION Various City facilities. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Exterior painting, termite mitigation, exterior door replacements and other miscellaneous maintenance projects. Prior year appropriation of $9,000 carried forward to 1996-97. PROJECT NEED These are minor maintenance projects that are necessary to preserve and protect various facilities. TOTAL PROJECT COST; Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs $1.805.100 1996-87 1997-98 GCC $29.100 $197.000 PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ $170.000 $200.000 $200.000 $1.000,000 MISCMAIN.96 Page 38 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - REPLACE SEWER LINE Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Senior Center, 799 Pine Avenue. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Replace approximately thirty feet of sewer lateral. PROJECT NEED This section of sewer lateral has settled and created a trap in the line causing frequent stoppages and sewer gases to back up into the facility. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs $15.000 1996-97 1997-98 GCC 115.000 PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1989-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* SEWRLINE.96 Page 39 • I I J II Hi ii 11 mm CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION FACILITIES MANAGEMENT SENIOR CENTER - REPLACE VINYL FLOOR Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Senior Center, 799 Pine Avenue. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Replace vinyl floor in auditorium and waterproof concrete expansion joints. PROJECT NEED Moisture is penetrating through concrete expansion joints, causing floor to spall and delaminate. This is a serious safety hazard. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating costs PROJECT FUNDING $30.000 1996-97 1997.98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* GCC $30.000 VINYLFLR.96 Page PARK PROJECTS PROJECT LOCATION MAP CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE Pro act Title PROJECT LOCATION Palomar Airport Road and College Boulevard. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3072 Design an 18-hole championship golf course. Work will include grading, landscaping a clubhouse, access roads and utilities. The Golf Course Steering Committee may consider additional features to be included. Previous Appropriation - $2,298,190 PROJECT NEED Because of strong citizen interest, the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended building a golf course. Part of the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: J2.598.19D Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source GCE Purpose Design Amount $300.000 Operating Costs 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2008 2006+ -0- GOLFDEV.96 Page CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION ZONE 5 PARK FACILITY PROJECT LOCATION MAP Pro set Title PROJECT LOCATION Somewhere within the Growth Management Zone 5 boundaries. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Exact acreage, location, and amenities of this park facility are still under review. The recreation facilities may include a fitness center, swimming pool, outdoor racquetball/handball courts, tennis courts, ball fields, and basketball courts. Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED Demand and need for recreational facilities within the industrial area identified through a Parks and Recreation Commission subcommittee who conducted two independent surveys and received input from Zone 5 developers. TOTAL PROJECT COST; $7.030.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 Funding Source Purpose , ^ HI1. ,., Amount „„„ ,„ , Operatina Costs .„.,„..,. , „ , PROJECT fUND|NG 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 ,...„...„„ , , ZoneS Zone8nmimmi :,..., , , , Deslqn Construction S700.0DO $3.000.000 2006+ , ,Zon«5 Construction $3.330.000 ZONE5.96 II I Jl I J 11 IJ Page 42 I i f t • i f 4 i -i i -i i I 1 I i . I I - I ! f » f if f ? * PARKS IN THE NORTHWEST QUADRANT CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON LAND DEDICATION Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON FUTURE PARK SITE PROJECT LOCATION South shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon off of Park Drive adjacent to Neblina Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Future 10 ± acre park land dedication parcel to be used for future access to the south shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Passive park development concept. Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management standards and is part of the Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement Program. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $-0- (Dedication) Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 Fundinq Source Purpose Amount Ooeratinq Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Dedication Acquisition -0- AGUADEDI.96 Page CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION n ^~ A /** ii A ^% x^ •«• j-fc .j-k ^B ^~ ^_. _ .BEACH ACCESSFS REPAIR - PROJECT LOCATION MAP Project Title PROJECT LOCATION Way' Beech street' Carlsbad PROJECT DESCRIPTION Provide major repairs to beach accesses, replace existing deteriorated beach access steps, railing, and foundations. Upgrade base 3Iea (re-engmeer) to withstand high surf conditions, use heavy aluminum for handrails to replace existing eroded galvanized metal mmmum Tor PROJECT NEED e 'eft beaCh accesses in P°tential|y hazardous cond on ThephhS ™ I6qulred l° keepthem in ^ long-term safecondition. These beach access points are heavily used by the public TOTAL PROJECT COST: $50.000 PROJECT FUKiniMft Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs BEACHACC.96 1996-97 GCC .Construction $25.000 1997-98 GCC 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ .Construction ft:*LJ JLM K«JI RB BIB M:m »-!.-• B^^^•^^^w i^niiBii uBim ^^^^^^i Page 44 tit a CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CANNON LAKE PARK Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT ITE PROJECT LOCATION In the Northwest Quadrant at Cannon Lake: South of Cannon Road and west of the AT&SF Railway tracks. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Develop a 6.7 acre site. Development may include restrooms, parking and passive areas for picknicking and leisure recreation activities. Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and identified in the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $900.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundinq Source Puroose Amount Ooeratinq Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Design/Const. $900.000 CANLAKE.96 Page 45 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION COMMUNITY CENTER - NORTHWEST QUADRANT Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP SITE TO BE DETERMINED PROJECT LOCATION Within the northwest quadrant at a site to be determined. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct a ±20,000 square foot community center/gymnasium. Facilities will include hardwood basketball, vollyball, gymnastics, aerobic exercise areas; meeting rooms, kitchen facilities and office space. Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and identified in the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $3.000,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operatina Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $3,000,000 $1,500.000 CCENNW.96 Page 46 11 II I ] II I J I -1 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION HOSP GROVE/BUENA VISTA LAGOON DEVELOPMENT (ALT II) Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP MAXTON BROffNi PARK HOSP GROVEf PROJECT LOCATION In the northwest quadrant from Hosp Grove along the south shore of the Buena Vista Lagoon to the Pacific Ocean. Includes Maxton Brown Park, Maxton Brown extension, and Maxton Brown expansion area. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Develop a variety of recreational opportunities including passive parks, boardwalks, view areas, trails, parking and staging areas in Hosp Grove, the Buena Vista Lagoon, and out to the Pacific Ocean. PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management standards and is part of the Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement Program. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $3.225.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PIL Design/Const. $3.225.000 HOSPGRV2.96 Page 47 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION NORTHWEST QUADRANT PARKS - AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT RETROFIT Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP PACIFIC OCEAN ect Title PROJECT LOCATION All parks within the northwest quadrant of the City. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Modifications to existing park facilities. Modifications are required to provide disabled persons adequate access to park facilities. PROJECT NEED Required to meet the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $80.000 Fiscal Year 1996-67 Funding Source , Purpose —-. Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING •f 997-9* 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 GCC Construction JSO.OOO -0- 2006* NWQUADPK.96 Page 48 1 J I J I J I J I J in r i j t i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION OCEAN STREET STAIRS Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP set Title PROJECT LOCATION North end of Ocean Street. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Reconstruct cement stairs from street to beach. PROJECT NEED Rebar is rusty and has expanded in the concrete. Stairs have been temporarily patched. Each step has a large crack and will continue to break off. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING $40.000 199647 1997-98 199849 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ GCC Construction $40.000 •0- OCEAN ST.96 Page 4 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PARK SITE - NORTHWEST QUADRANT (ACQUISITION) Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP SITE TO BE DETERMINED PROJECT LOCATION Within the northwest quadrant at a site to be determined, possibly the site of Pine Elementary School. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Acquire seven (7) acres of land as a park. Development will include two lighted baseball fields, lighted multi-use turfed area, roofed picnic structure, parking lot, tot-lot and landscaping. Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and identified in the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $2.380.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundi no Source Purpose Amount Ooeratinq Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PIL Acquire $2,380,000 PARKS ITE.96 11 ft J I J II I J Page 50 II I in a MM CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PARK SITE - NORTHWEST QUADRANT (DEVELOP) Project Title ri PROJECT LOCATION MAP SITE TO BE DETERMINED PROJECT LOCATION Within the northwest quadrant at a site to be determined, possibly the site of Pine Elementary School. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Develop seven (7) acres of land as a park. Development will include two lighted baseball fields, lighted multi-use turfed area, roofed picnic structure, parking lot, tot-lot and landscaping. Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and identified in the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $875.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 20001-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Design/Const. $875,000 $280.000 PARKS IT2.96 Page 51 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION SWIM COMPLEX PARKING LOT RECONSTRUCTION Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION Monroe Street PROJECT DESCRIPTION Remove and reconstruct curb and A.C. paving. PROJECT NEED Parking area is badly cracked and does not drain properly. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $36.000 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 GCC 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Maintenance $36.000 SWIM LOT.96 Page 52 II I J l,J r i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION SWIM COMPLEX SANITATION SYSTEM Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION Swim complex, Monroe Street. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Replace existing outdated gas chlorine and chemical control system with new chlorinators. PROJECT NEED In response to potential safety hazards and updates in the California Health and Safety Code, a new system is recommended. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING $70.000 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ GCF Design/Construct $70.000 $6.500 $13.000 $13.000 $13.000 $13.000 $65.000 SWIMCOMP.96 Page 53 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION VETERAN'S MEMORIAL PARK (NORTHWEST QUADRANT) Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP ect Title PROJECT LOCATION This property is located south and east of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, near the geographic center of Carlsbad. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Master Plan for development of Veteran's Memorial Park includes the following improvements: streets, utilities, community leisure recreation needs, sports complex, open space interpretive area, parking and maintenance facility. In addition, private sector development of recreation amenities will be considered. The suggested uses of this 288 acre + additional leased property are: amphitheatre complex, sports complex, conference center, and numerous other active/passive recreational amenities. Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED The Macario Canyon property has been under City lease or ownership for a number of years. The development of this property, since it is centrally located, would provide the needed parkland for all quadrants at buildout. Part of the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST; $3.500.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose ,,„. .., ,„„ , Amount Ooeratinq Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 CFD Design/Const ,....,.,., S1.750.000 2006* CFD Design/Const $1.750.000 VETERAN.96 Page 54 t 1 I J I J I J.-.t i ... ,1.. . *.. . _i . . =*. -,fc . *..-*. PARKS IN THE NORTHEAST QUADRANT m mm ri CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION LARWIN COMMUNITY PARK - NORTHEAST QUADRANT Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION This project is located in the northeast quadrant on the north side of Carlsbad Village Drive, west of Concord Street. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3344 This 22.3 acre site is constrained by steep slopes, sensitive habitat and power lines. For that reason, grading and development will be confined to a small area. Park development will consist of limited grading and construction of two tennis courts, a tot-lot, restrooms, a picnic area, a level turfed area, a parking lot and a trail system. PROJECT NEED Part of the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan and required to meet Growth Management Standards. Currently there are numerous apartments and attached housing projects in this area with a large number of children requiring recreational area. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $2,090.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT 1997-98 1998-99 PFF Design $200.000 FUNDING 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $1,890,000 $550,000 LARWINPK.96 Page 55 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION NORTHEAST QUADRANT PARK ACQUISITION Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP TO BE DETERMINED PROJECT LOCATION In the northeast quadrant, site to be determined. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Acquire ±15 acres for future development of ball fields. PROJECT NEED Because of development constraints, Larwin Park was unable to fulfill the need for active ball fields. Therefore, ±15 acres will be acquired somehwere in the northeast quadrant for ballfield development to meet the City's guidelines for numbers of ball fields per quadrant. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $2.625.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PIL Acquisition $2.625.000 N/A NEQUAD 1.96 mm ri i i i i t j Page 56 • I J CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION NORTHEAST QUADRANT PARK DEVELOPMENT Project Title EI r i PROJECT LOCATION MAP TO BE DETERMINED PROJECT LOCATION In the northeast quadrant, site to be determined. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Develop +15 acres for ball fields. PROJECT NEED Because of development constraints, Larwin Park was unable to fulfill the need for active ball fields. Therefore, ±15 acres will be developed somehwere in the northeast quadrant for ballfields to meet the City's guidelines for numbers of ball fields per quadrant. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1.875,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PIL Design/Const. $1,875.000 N/A NEQUAD 2.96 Page 57 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PARK RESTORATION AND ACQUISITION Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP TO BE DETERMINED PROJECT LOCATION To be determined at various locations in all four quadrants of the City. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Restore existing parks when and as required; acquire additional park land required by Growth Management Standards; provide additional funds in the future if budgeted amounts fall short. Work on land acquisitions will be in all four quadrants of the City. Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant $2,150,000 $1,500,000 $4,300,000 $3,130,000 Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED To meet Growth Management Standards and the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1-1,080.000 Fiscal Year 1996-9? 1997-88 Fundina Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* PIL Construction $11,080.000 PARKREST.96 Page 58 LJ ri CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION VETERAN'S MEMORIAL PARK (NORTHEAST QUADRANT) Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION This property is located south and east of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, near the geographic center of Carlsbad. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Master Plan for development of Veteran's Memorial Park includes the following improvements: streets, utilities, community leisure recreation needs, sports complex, open space interpretive area, parking and maintenance facility. In addition, private sector development of recreation amenities will be considered. The suggested uses of this 288 acre + additional leased property are: amphitheatre complex, sports complex, conference center, and numerous other active/passive recreational amenities. Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED The Macario Canyon property has been under City lease or ownership for a number of years. The development of this property, since it is centrally located, would provide the needed parkland for all quadrants at buildout. Part of the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST; $3.500.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 Fundlna Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 CFD Desian/Const. $1.750.000 2006+ CFD Design/Const $1.750.000 VETERAN2.96 Page 59 PARKS IN THE SOUTHWEST QUADRANT ] CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PARK RESTORATION AND ACQUISITION Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP TO BE DETERMINED ect Title PROJECT LOCATION To be determined at various locations in all four quadrants of the City. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Restore existing parks when and as required; acquire additional park land required by Growth Management Standards; provide additional funds in the future if budgeted amounts fall short. Work on land acquisitions will be in all four quadrants of the City. Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant $2,150,000 $1,500,000 $4,300,000 $3,130,000 Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED To meet Growth Management Standards and the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $11,080,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 Fundina Source Puroose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING t99ft-ftS 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PIL Construction $11.080.000 PARKREST.96 Page 60 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION MAP POINSETTIA COMMUNITY PARK (LOAN REPAY) Project Title PROJECT SITE PROJECT LOCATION In the southeast quadrant east of Paseo del Norte between Palomar Airport Road and Poinsettia Lane. PROJECT DESCRIPTION In order to acquire land for this park, funds were advanced by the Sammis Development Company to purchase 6.05 acres. The loan will be repaid from Parks-in-Lieu fees as development occurs in the southwest quadrant. Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED Loan repayment. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $281.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PIL-SW Loan Repayment $281.000 POINSLN.96 ii mm i 1 I J LJI Page 61 I I I I I 1 i-i i i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION pniMSFTTIA COMMUNITY PARK (PHASE I) PROJECT LOCATION In the Southeast Quadrant east of Paseo del Norte between Palomar Airport Road and Poinsettia Lane. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3348 The Master Plan for this 42 acre park includes the following facilities: Ballfield soccer and tennis complex, tot-lots, hard courts, picnic•areas, passive open space, restrooms, parking and maintenance storage and a 22,500 square foot community center. Phase I (of 3 phases) includes grading the entire site, roads, parking and inSation of a portion of the amenities listed above (i.e., ball fields, soccer fields, tot-lot, restroom, picnic areas, etc.). Previous Appropriation - $4.087,000 PROJECTNEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and identified in the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. 0BQJECT FUNDING Protect Complete TOTAL PROJECT COST: t4.381.434 Fiscal Year 1996£Z Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1997-98 1998-89 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Page 62 POINSJ.96 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION POINSETTIA COMMUNITY PARK (PHASE II) Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT SITE ect Title PROJECT LOCATION In the southeast quadrant east of Paseo del Norte between Palomar Airport Road and Poinsettia Lane. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Phase II (of 3 phases) of this 42 acre park will include development of the remainder of the amenities called out in the Master Plan and not developed in Phase I (excluding the Community Center which is Phase III). Amenities may include ball fields, enclosed soccer, tot-lots, picnic areas, restrooms, tennis complex, and parking. Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and identified in the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $2.680.000 FtepalYear 1996-07 Fundlna Source „,,„„„„„„„ ,- Puroose ,,.„,,,, , , Amount ,•••,-,,,,•„,, ,,,,„, , Operating Costs , m , mii ., mm . PROJECT FUNDING 1997-96 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 .. . PFF ,,' „.„„....„.„ „.,.,„ „., ,..„.... „ „ ,.., ..,.,, . peslan/Const $2.680.000 $600.000 2000* POINS II.96 mm wm ta 11 i J Page 63 • II CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION POINSETTIA COMMUNITY PARK (PHASE Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT SITE ect Title PROJECT LOCATION In the southeast quadrant east of Paseo del Norte between Palomar Airport Road and Poinsettia Lane. PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project will be Phase III of the Alta Mira Park development and will consist of the following: Construct a 22,500 square foot community center/gymnasium. Facilities will include hardwood basketball, vollyball, gymnastics, aerobic exercise areas; meeting rooms, kitchen facilities and office space. Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and identified in the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $3, OOP, 000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 Funding Source Purpose .„ , , Amount , Operating Cost* ,,,,, PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Desian/Const $? f 000 r QOO $1.500.000 POINS1II.96 Page 64 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION VETERAN'S MEMORIAL PARK (SOUTHWEST QUADRANT) Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP ect Title PROJECT LOCATION This property is located south and east of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, near the geographic center of Carlsbad. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Master Plan for development of Veteran's Memorial Park includes the following improvements: streets, utilities, community leisure recreation needs, sports complex, open space interpretive area, parking and maintenance facility. In addition, private sector development of recreation amenities will be considered. The suggested uses of this 288 acre + additional leased property are: amphitheatre complex, sports complex, conference center, and numerous other active/passive recreational amenities. Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED The Macario Canyon property has been under City lease or ownership for a number of years. The development of this property, since it is centrally located, would provide the needed parkland for all quadrants at buildout. Part of the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST; $3.500.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundlna Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 . CFD Desian/Const. $1.750.000 2006* CFD Deslqn/Consi S1.750.000 VETERAN3.96 1 I J I J Page 65 • I J II r~i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION ZONE 19 COMMUNITY PARK (LOAN REPAY) Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT SITE PROJECT LOCATION In the southwest quadrant, at the northern tip of Zone 19, north of Poinsettia Lane and west of El Camino Real. PROJECT DESCRIPTION LETTER OF CREDIT REPAYMENT In order to construct the first phase (15 acres) of this park in a timely manner, the developer, Hillman Properties, put up a Letter of Credit. This will be repaid from Public Facilities Fees collected as development occurs. Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED Letter of Credit repayment. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1.725.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundlra Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1697-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* PFF Ltr. Credit Repay 41.725.000 ZONE19CP.96 Page 66 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION ZONE 19 COMMUNITY PARK (PHASE H Pro. PROJECT LOCATION MAP 'PROJECT SITE ect Title PROJECT LOCATION In the southwest quadrant, at the northern tip of Zone 19, north of Poinsettia Lane and west of El Camino Real. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Phase I development of this 24+ acre park will be to develop 15 acres with funds provided by the developer (Hillman Company) to be reimbursed later. The preliminary development plans may include ballfields, soccer/football fields, basketball and tennis courts, tot-lots, restrooms, maintenance facility, parking lots and picnic areas. Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and identified in the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1.687.500 Fiscal Year 1996-87 Fundlno Source M11 , Purpose . Amount ,m Ooeratina Costs , , PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ ,,,„ , , Ltr. Credit , , , Deslan/Const ,,„ , , ,. , . $1.687.500 ,,,,„,,„, • ,- „ $750.000 ZONE19-I.96 Page 67 I j LI r™i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION ZONE 19 COMMUNITY PARK (PHASE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT SITE PROJECT LOCATION In the southwest quadrant, at the northern tip of Zone 19, north of Poinsettia Lane and west of El Camino Real. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Phase II development of this park will be for the City to develop the remaining 9.25 acres. The preliminary development plans may include lighted softball, soccer/football fields, basketball and tennis courts, tot-lots, restrooms, maintenance facility, parking lots and picnic areas. Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and identified in the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1.250.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Ooeratinq Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Design/Const. $1.250.000 Page 68 ZONE19II.96 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION ZONE 19 COMMUNITY CENTER (PHASE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT SITE PROJECT LOCATION In the southwest quadrant, at the northern tip of Zone 19, north of Poinsettia Lane and west of El Camino Real. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct a ±20,000 square foot community center/gymnasium. Facilities include hardwood basketball, vollyball, gymnastics, aerobic exercise areas; meeting rooms, kitchen facilities and office space. Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and identified in the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $3,000.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Desiqn/Const $3.000.000 Page 69 ZONE19CC.96 i J im KJI t_j ui i j t ji i t i i • • i, i t i * h i • i i> t : ! ' f '. t : f ! t PARKS IN THE SOUTHEAST QUADRANT n f i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION ALGA NORTE PARK (LOAN REPAY) Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP \ PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION In the Southeast Quadrant, tentatively anticipated to be east of El Camino Real and north and adjacent to the future Poinsettia Lane. PROJECT DESCRIPTION In order to be permitted to develop in a timely manner, a developer, Fieldstone Company, will construct the first phase (19.48 ac.) of this park. This will be repaid from Public Facilities Fees collected as development occurs. Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED Loan Repayment. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $2,241.265 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Loan Repayment $2.241.265 ALGALOAN.96 Page 70 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION ALGA NORTE PARK (PHASE I) Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP \ PROJECT SITE PROJECT LOCATION In the Southeast Quadrant, tentatively anticipated to be east of El Camino Real and north of and adjacent to the future Poinsettia Lane. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The first phase (of 3 phases) of this +35 acre park will be for developer (Fieldstone Company) to develop ±19 acres. Funds advanced by the developer will be paid back at a later date. The City development of the remaining +16 acres will be done at a later date (refer to Phases II & III). Anticipated facilities include ball fields, soccer fields, tennis courts, restrooms, picnic areas and a tot-lot. NOTE: Map shows general area. No site has been identified or acquired. Previous Appropriation - SO PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and identified in the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $2.250.000 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 LC/Fleldstone Design $250.000 -0- 2006+ LC/Fleldstone Construction $2.000,000 ALGANORT.96 I 1 I 1 11 II II I J II Page 71 t I I J I J II 1 I II ri ri n CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION ALGA NORTE PARK (PHASE II) Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP \ PROJECT SITE PROJECT LOCATION In the Southeast Quadrant, tentatively anticipated to be east of El Camino Real and north of and adjacent to the future Poinsettia Lane. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The second phase (of 3 phases) of this ±35 acre park will be the development of the remaining ±16 acres. Anticipated facilities include the remainder of the ammenities not installed in Phase I and may include ball fields, soccer fields, tennis courts, picnic areas, tot-lots and restrooms. Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and identified in the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $2 . 100 . 000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $2.100,000 ALGANOR2.96 Page 72 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION MAP ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY CENTER (PHASE Project Title PROJECT SITE PROJECT LOCATION In the Southeast Quadrant, tentatively anticipated to be east of El Camino Real and north and adjacent to the future Poinsettia Lane. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct a 20,500 square foot community center/gymnasium. Facilities will include hardwood basketball, vollyball, gymnastics and aerobic exercise areas; meeting rooms, kitchen facilities and office space. NOTE: Map shows general area. No site has been identified or acquired. NOTE: Phase IV consisting of a 3-4 million dollar swim complex (currently unfunded) may be added as part of the project. Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and identified in the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $3,000,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Design/Const. $3,000,000 ALGACNTR.96 Page 73 11 f I El i J I J I J IJI II CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION LEO CARRILLO PARK (PHASE I) Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP act Title PROJECT LOCATION In the Southeast Quadrant, approximately one mile south of Palomar Airport Road adjacent to the future extension of Melrose Drive and future Poinsettia Lane. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3456 This project involves the development and restoration of the existing 10.5 acres of the Carrillo Ranch parcel ($2,250,000). An additional 16.4 acres of park land is to be dedicated adjacent to the existing site and developed as a second phase ($1,150,000). The preliminary development plans for the 26.9 acre park may include rehabilitation to existing structures, landscaping, parking lots, restrooms, walkways, large group picnic facilities and tot-lots. The general theme for this park will be passive in nature with the option for interpretive programming. Previous Appropriation - $250,000 PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and identified in the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $2.250,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Punctilio Source Puroose Amount Ooeratfna Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 PFF Design $250.000 •0* 2000-2001 2001-2006 . PFF Design/Const $1.750.000 $100.000 2006+ $500.000 LEOCARRI.96 Page 74 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION MAP \ LEO CARRILLO PARK (PHASE II) Project Title PROJECT LOCATION In the Southeast Quadrant, approximately one mile south of Palomar Airport Road adjacent to the future extension of Melrose Drive and future Poinsettia Lane. PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project involves development of the remaining ± 16.4 acres of the 26.9 acre park. Anticipated facilities include the remainder of ammenities not completed in Phase I (refer to Phase I Project Description). Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and identified in the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1.150,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundina Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $1.150,000 $800,000 LEOCARII.96 Page 75 f I II I J I J I J f 1 i J II I J II I i I I II I J II II II BI m IB t i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PARK RESTORATION AND ACQUISITION Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP TO BE DETERMINED PROJECT LOCATION To be determined at various locations in all four quadrants of the City. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Restore existing parks when and as required; acquire additional park land required by Growth Management Standards; provide additional funds in the future if budgeted amounts fall short. Work on land acquisitions will be in all four quadrants of the City. Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant $2,150,000 $1,500,000 $4,300,000 $3,130,000 Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED To meet Growth Management Standards and the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST: (11,080,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 Fundina Source Purpose Amount Ooeratina Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1996-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* PIL Construction $11.080.000 PARKREST.96 Page 76 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION MAP STAGECOACH PARK DRAIN Project Title PROJECT LOCATION Entrance to Stagecoach Park gymnasium. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Relocate drain from the entrance to the Community Center/Gymnasium to the north. PROJECT NEED The current drain floods during heavy rains and needs to be moved away from the entrance to the Community Center/Gymnasium. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $15.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1997-98 GCF Design $5,000 -0- PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ GCF Construction $10,000 -0- STAGEDRN.96 mm ii i 11 i i t i Page 77 II II II II r f CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION VETERAN'S MEMORIAL PARK (SOUTHEAST QUADRANT) Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION This property is located south and east of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, near the geographic center of Carlsbad. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Master Plan for development of Veteran's Memorial Park includes the following improvements: streets, utilities, community leisure recreation needs, sports complex, open space interpretive area, parking and maintenance facility. In addition, private sector development of recreation amenities will be considered. The suggested uses of this 288 acre + additional leased property are: amphitheatre complex, sports complex, conference center, and numerous other active/passive recreational amenities. Previous Appropriation - $0 PROJECT NEED The Macario Canyon property has been under City lease or ownership for a number of years. The development of this property, since it is centrally located, would provide the needed parkland for all quadrants at buildout. Part of the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COSTS i3.500.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 Fundlna Source m< , „ Purpose ,. ,., , , ,... ,, , Amount , ,„ , .... Operating Costs , ,, , , PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 CFD Design/Const S1.750.000 CFD Design/Const $1,750.000 VETERAN4.96 Page 78 DRAINAGE PROJECTS n n r~*i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION MASTER DRAINAGE FACILITIES Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP VARIOUS LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT THE CITY PROJECT LOCATION Various locations throughout the City. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construction of various major storm drain facilities within the City. The facilities funded through this program are outlined in the Master Drainage and Storm Water Management Plan. PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and identified in the Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $19.425.000 Fiscal Year 1996-87 1997-98 Fundlna Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PLDA PLDA Construction Construction $19.425.000 MASTRDRN.96 Page 79 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PARK DRIVE SLOPE/DRAINAGE STUDY FOR REPAIR Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Northeast side of Park Drive between Cove Drive and Bayshore. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Contract with a consulting firm to prepare a soils report detailing the following: 1) Ground water problems 2) Slope stability problems 3) Soils testing 4) Recommendations Previous Appropriation - GCC $17,000 PROJECT NEED Complaints by residents of bluff erosion blocking sidewalk, continuous maintenance problems. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $17,000 Fiscal rear 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1997-9S 1996-99 3999-2006 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* PARK DR.96 Page 80 11 f 1 ILJ ri r n in n CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION SOUTH CARLSBAD VILLAGE STORM DRAIN Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP DROJECT J set Title PROJECT LOCATION Oak Avenue to Agua Hedionda Lagoon along the easterly portion of the Northern San Diego Railroad right-of-way. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct an underground storm drain system to carry storm water from the area bounded by Carlsbad Village Drive, Highland Drive, Garfield Street and Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The majority of the construction will occur within the Northern San Diego Railroad right-of-way. PROJECT NEED The project will control flooding and standard water along its route. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST; $4.700.000 Fiscal Year .1996-07 Funding Source TransNet Local Purpose Flood Control Amount $940.000 operating Costs 1997-08 TransNet Local Flood Control $3.760.000 1998-99 1999-2000 2000*2001 2001*2006 2006* SCBADVSD.96 Page 81 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION STATE STREET STORM DRAIN REPAIR Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP ,EXIST. 66" RCP DR. -EXIST. GRATED INLET PROJECT LOCATION State Street =200' north of Beech Avenue to Laguna. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Clean and line existing 24" CMP. Connect existing grated inlet to existing 66" storm drain per Dwg. No. 266-8. PROJECT NEED Existing CMP is in poor condition. Heavy rains cause backup in inlets and ponding of water on State Street. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs $77,000 1996-97 Gas Tax Design $7.000 PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Gas Tax Const & Insp $70.000 STATE ST.96 Page 82 i J r*i n n n n n r i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION STORM DRAIN AND DESILTATION BASIN/CANNON ROAD Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP EXISTING DRAINAGE CHANNEL ( RANCHO CARLSBADLMOBILEHOME PARK ect Title PROJECT LOCATION East of El Camino Real along the north side of Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3338 Construct a desiltation basin at the northeast corner of the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park and a drainage channel from the basin to El Camino Real. Previous Appropriation - $1,120,000 PROJECT NEED Required by the Drainage Master Plan to handle runoff from future development. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1,120,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 Funding Source , Purpose „„,,, M Amount ,.,„,,. ,...„..., „ Ooeratina Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ STORMDR1.96 Page 83 t i t » k t i 4 t j *i .i . i t I : • f ' ' SEWER PROJECTS CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS - ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY r~i r i r i PROJECT LOCATION MAP Proj PALOMAR AfRPORT Rn PROJECT SITE ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Encina Water Pollution Control Facility 6200 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92009 PROJECT DESCRIPTION To construct and/or improve existing building facilities at the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. Building improvements include: • Additional Office • Employee Locker Facilities • Expanded Laboratory Facilities Prior Appropriation - $25,000 _____ PROJECT NEED Needed to provide office and laboratory facilities at the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $50.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source ^^^^^, Purpose m^^^^. Amount ,__»«_^^__ Operating costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997*98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 Construction S25.000 ENCINA-1.96 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CAPITAL ACQUISITION - ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY Proj IlLfALQMAR AIRPORT Rn PROJECT SITE PROJECT LOCATION MAP ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Encina Water Pollution Control Facility 6200 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92009 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Various Capital Improvements Previous Appropriation - $132,110 PROJECT NEED To upgrade the existing plant. TOTAL PROJECT O Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING OST: $1.147.110 1996-87 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Sewer Sewer Sewer Sewer Sewer Sewer Sewer To Be Determined To Be Determined To Be Determined To Be Determined To Be Determined To Be Determined To Be Determined $65.000 $56,000 $50.000 $50.000 $50.000 $250.000 $500.000 ENCINA-2.96 Page 85 II i J I J t*JI in CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION ENCINA CO-GENERATION PROJECT Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT SITE ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. PROJECT DESCRIPTION In order to conform with mandated air quality regulations and to ensure the lowest power price rates from San Diego Gas & Electric, Encina will be upgrading and programming the electrical generators which power the blowers within the sewer treatment facility. Previous Appropriation - $315,908 PROJECT NEED To meet air quality regulations. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose _„ Amount Operating Costs $380.908 1998.07 1997-98 Sewer Construction $65.000 fftO^EpT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 . 2006+ ENCCOGEN.96 Page 86 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION ENCINA SEWER TREATMENT PLANT REHABILITATION Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT SITE ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. PROJECT DESCRIPTION A consultant will be hired to provide yearly recommendations for machinery rehabilitation to ensure the efficient operating ability of the Encina Sewer Treatment Facility. Previous Appropriation - $127,000 PROJECT NEED To ensure proper operating ability of Encina sewer treatment. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs $2.680,000 1996-97 Sewer Red. Construction $140.000 1997-98 Sewer Real u Construction $130.000 PROJECT 1998-99 Sewer Reel. ,.. Construction ( $140.000 FUNDING 1999-2000 Sewer Real. Construction $130.000 2000-2001 Sewer Red. Construction $140.000 2001-2006 Sewer Repl. Construction $650.000 2006+ Sewer Reot. Construction $1,223.000 ENCINSEW.96 Page 87 i M i M 11 i j mm fa m m CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PARALLEL OCEAN OUTFALL Pro PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT SITE ect Title PROJECT LOCATION In the Pacific Ocean offshore from the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility south of Palomar Airport Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construction of a second ocean outfall line parallel to the existing one to increase effluent dispersion capacity. Previous Appropriation - $48,000 PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and identified in the Master Plan of Sewerage. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $12.715.000 Fiscal Year 1996-07 Funding Source Sewer Purpose Amount $80.000 Ooeratina Costs ...,..,,.„,,.., „ ,„,,... fROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 ,,,,, „..„ , Mll , „ , ,„ nS,eweT , .... , ., , ,-„„„„„ , ,,,,, ,-„„•„•„„,•,••„•„•, ,, Destan ,. $635.000 2001-2006 . Sewer Construction $5.000.000 2006+ Sewer Construction S6.952.000 PAROCEAN.96 Page 88 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PHASE V EXPANSION - ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY PROJECT LOCATION MAP Pro ROJECT SITE set Title PROJECT LOCATION Encina Water Pollution Control Facility 6200 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92009 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Expand the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility to buildout for the Treatment of 45-60 MOD of wastewater. PROJECT NEED To provide for ultimate wastewater treatment capacity of the Carlsbad Sewer District. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $2.840.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundlna Source , , , Purpose „„ Amount „„, „.,.,. ..., Ooeratinq Costs .,,„,„. , ,..., PROJECT FUNDING 1997^98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* , II]MII , , Deslan/Sewer . , , „ ; ,,,,,,, , • Construction $2.840.000 EWPCF-V.96 Page 89 •9 m n n r~i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP -^—J'LPALQMAR AIRPORT pn PROJECT SITE ect Title PROJECT LOCATION South of Palomar Airport Road on the east side of Avenida Encinas. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Expansion of the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility to increase treatment capacity from 22.5 million gallons per day to 36.0 million gallons per day of raw sewage. Cost includes bond financing and interest costs. Previous Appropriation - $5,016,800 PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and identified in the Master Plan of Sewage. TOTAL PROJECTS Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING JST: $25.870.000 1996-97 1997-96 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* Sewer Sewer Sewer Sewer Sewer Sewer Sewer Debt Repayment Debt Repayment Debt Repayment Debt Repayment Debt Repayment Debt Repayment Debt Repayment $1.107.500 i1.1oe.dOO S1.106.400 i1,106.200 $1.104.200 i5.504.6S6 $9.816.944 TREATPLT.96 Page 90 INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM AND LIFT STATIONS r i i i i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION AGUA HEDIONDA LIFT STATION Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP set Title PROJECT LOCATION On the south shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon adjacent to the east side of the railroad tracks. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Relocate pump station to north side of Agua Hedionda Lagoon when additional gravity line to station is constructed to avoid reconstruction of railroad bridge across lagoon. Cost is Carlsbad's share which is 40.5% of the total cost of project. 1995/1996 appropriation is for the reconstruction of the lift station containment basin. Previous Appropriation - $100,000 PROJECT NEED Required to handle sewage flows for buildout population. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Fundtna Source _, Purpose IM Amount Operating Costs $2.325.000 199647 1997-98 MFC Design/Const .,„„,„.., ,...,....„..„... S100.000 PRQ,1ECTFVND|NG 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 , 2006+ „„.„.„„„„.„..„„.„...„ .,„.„...,•.-, „ , ,„„,„,,--„ , DestqnAConst . . .., , ,... . , „ ,,,„„., „ .. $2.125.000 AGUALIFT.96 Page 91 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION MAP BUENA VISTA LIFT STATION Pro ect Title HtfY 78 PROJECT LOCATION Adjacent to the east side of Jefferson Street just south of Buena Vista Creek. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Add final pump and motor and make any needed improvements. Previous Appropriation - $503,200 PROJECT NEED TOTAL PROJECT COST: $736.200 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operatfna Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ 15.5% MFC Const/End. $233.000 BUENASTA.96 mm im mm Page 92i i i i n r i i i is is PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CHINQUAPIN SEWAGE LIFT STATION Project Title PROJECT LOCATION Along Carlsbad Boulevard at Chinquapin Avenue. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Reconstruct wet well and relocate motor control center. Previous Appropriation - $250,000 PROJECT NEED Existing sewage lift station is safety hazard, does not meet current codes for electrical and ventilation safety, wet well badly deteriorated, pumps and controls need replacement. TOTAL PROJECT COST: S250.000 Fiscal Year 199^7 jjy Fundlna Source , , , , „, „„ „ „ „„„„ Purnose inniii „„„„„„„,„ Amount ODeratlna Costs ,, , , ,, PROJECT FUNDIKQ IM 1WW* 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2008 . 2006* CHNQPNST.96 Page 93 Pro PROJECT LOCATION MAP CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION FOREST SEWAGE GRAVITY LINE iect Title PROJECT LOCATION Along Forest Avenue at Highland Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Abandon sewage lift station and construct gravity sewer. Previous Appropriation - $250,000 Existing lift station does not meet electrical and ventilation safety requirements, and wet well and mechanical equipment need replacement. Sewer pipeline eliminates need for upgrade of facility. PROJECTFUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST; $250.000 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs FORSTSTA.96 r i i i BIB r i i i i i r i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR SEWER ACCESS ROAD AND UPGRADE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION North side of Agua Hedionda Lagoon from El Camino Real west to Foxes Lift Station. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The water level of the creek tributary to the lagoon is above existing manhole covers, and plant growth precludes access to the sewer for maintenance. In other improved areas, obstructions have been constructed precluding access to the sewer. PROJECT NEED To avoid accidental sewage spill, reduce inflow to the sewer, and allow for maintenance vehicles to access the sewer. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs $75.000 1996-97 Sewer/Repl . Design $25.000 PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Sewer /ReDl . Construction $50.000 NAGUAINT.96 Page 95 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION NORTH BATIQUITOS INTERCEPTOR SEWER ACCESS ROAD AND UPGRADE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION North side of Batiquitos Lagoon from El Camino Real west to North Batiquitos Lift Station. PROJECT DESCRIPTION During high rainfall periods, the Batiquitos Lagoon level rises to flood above the existing access road and manhole covers. The project will design a new access road to the sewer and raise manhole covers to a higher elevation where required. PROJECT NEED To avoid accidental sewage spill, reduce inflow to the sewer, and allow for maintenance vehicles to access the sewer. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1163.000 1996-97 Sewer/Reol . Design $25,000 PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Sewer/Repl . Construction $138.000 NBATINT.96 i j 11 ii Page 96 ii t i r i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PALMER WAY SEWER EXTENSION Project Title r~i i J 11 11 PROJECT LOCATION MAP 'PROJECT SITE PROJECT LOCATION From Cougar Drive north to proposed housing tract in the extension of Palmer Way. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The existing sewer in Palmer Way terminates at Cougar Drive. Sewer Service to the industrial park north of Faraday Avenue and east of El Camino Real is provided by existing private lift stations for each major building complex. These private lift stations are not well maintained and fail to operate satisfactorily. District maintenance personnel are often called to correct problems when they occur. By extending the existing gravity sewer in Palmer Way, the private lift stations can be eliminated. Construct 800 feet of 8-inch diameter pipe. PROJECT NEED To eliminate sewage spills from failed private lift stations. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs $125.000 1996-97 Sewer Design $25.000 PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Sewer Construction $100.000 PALMERWY.96 Page 97 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION MAP SEWAGE FLOW METERS PROJECT LOCATION At eight separate locations (See Map.) PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install flow meters at various locations to measure flow rate tributary to the City of Carlsbad for use at Encina Water Pollution Control Facility and to verify remaining capacity of interceptor sewers. To provide accurate data on the City's share for treatment cost at Encina Water Pollution Control Facility and to determine remainingcapacity in interceptor sewers. PROJECT FUMniMft TOTAL PROJECT COST: $30.000 FfscalYear Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs Sewer Design/Const FLOWMTRS.96 mm r* n •• mm mm mm rt r i i i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION SEWAGE LIFT STATION ELIMINATION STUDY I I I 1 I ! Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP VARIOUS LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT THE CITY PROJECT LOCATION At seven locations in the City. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Investigate the feasibility and cost to eliminate seven small lift stations using gravity sewer pipelines. Previous Appropriation sewage PROJECT NEED The small sewage stations are unsafe, difficult to maintain, and could have potential for accidental sewage spills, power failure or inflow problems. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST; $50.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 Funding Source .. .,„. .. „ . , ,. ...... , . ., , . . . ., ,... , . „ , ... .,, Purpose „,„,-,• , --T-- ••••!, - ,• , , - Amount ,.,,., • • Ooeratina Costs , , ... ,.., , ....„., 2006+ STAELMST.96 Page 99 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION SEWER LINE REFURBISH/REPLACEMENT Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP TO BE DETERMINED PROJECT LOCATION Various locations within the City sewer limits. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Clean and refurbish existing sewer lines older than 30 years or replace if not able to refurbish. The sewer lines needing repair will be determined by yearly TV inspection. PROJECT NEED Maintain system in good condition to avoid major problems. TOTAL PROJECT COST; $9.000.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundlna Source Purpose , ; Amount , ., „ ..„ 1997-98 SCR Construction $300.000 PROJECT 1998-99 SCR Construction $300.000 FUNDING 1999-2000 SCR Construction $300.000 gooojogi SCR Construction $300,000 2001-2006 SCR Construction $1.500.000 2006* SCR Construction $5.700.000 Operating Costs SEWRLINE.96 mm u iJ t J Page 100 f f r 1 n r i i i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION SEWER MANHOLE REFURBISHING/REPLACEMENT Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP TO BE DETERMINED PROJECT LOCATION Various locations within the City sewer line. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Clean and refurbish manholes older than 30 years, or replace if not able to refurbish. The manholes needing repair will be determined during yearly inspection. PROJECT NEED Maintain system in good condition to avoid major problems. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $3,000,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundlna Source Purpose Amount Operatina Costs 1997-98 SCR Construction $100,000 1998-99 SCR Construction $100.000 1999-2000 SCR Construction $100.000 2000-2001 SCR Construction $100.000 2001-2006 SCR Construction $500.000 2006+ SCR Construction $1.900.000 SWRREFUR.96 Page 101 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION EWER MnMITOPING Project TitlePROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION Citywide within the City's sewer service area. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Monitor sewer flows and remaining capacities in lines and pump stations within the Carlsbad sewer service area. Perform sewer flow measurements when required. Update Sewer Master Plan and reviewadequacy of sewer fees as required. Previous Appropriation - $69.075 To ensure that sewer flows do not exceed line capacity and to ensi timely upgrades of sewer systems in conformance with the GrowthManagement Program. ensure TOTAL PROJECT COST; $549.075 Amount Operating Costs t i f • i • r Page 102rn f i i • •Tl I"""! PS IT*! BSl- BHB IS •?"'•! K.,,1 LJI CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION VANCOUVER SEWAGE LIFT STATION i i i Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP act Title PROJECT LOCATION Vancouver Street. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Incorporate standby power generator at facility. Previous Appropriation - $200,000 PROJECT NEED During power failures the sewage flowing to the facility can exceed wet well capacity prior to maintenance restoring power. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $200.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundina Source Purpose PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Amount Operating Costs VNCVRSTA.96 Page PROJECT LOCATION MAP CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION VISTA/CARLSBAD JNTERCEPTOR PROJECT LOCATION Along Jefferson Street from 1-5 to Grand Avenue; along Grand Avenue from Jefferson Street to the railroad; along the railroad from Grand Avenue to the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of new and upgraded sewer trunk line through the downtown portion of Carlsbad to the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. The new pipe sizes will range from 36" pipe in Reach 5 to 60" pipe in Reach 14. The various reaches will be upgraded in phases as demand requires. This is a joint use line with the City of Vista and the cost of upgrading will be shared between the agencies. The included estimate isCarlsbad's share. Previous Appropriation - $919,939 PROJECT FtlMnm/s TOTAL PROJECT COST; $&709.93fl Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs Sewer INTERCEP.96 •'.* ii WATER PROJECTS ri t i t ] i i ii CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION 580 ZONE - SECONDARY SUPPLY Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION Along Oceanside/Carlsbad city limits between future Cannon Road and existing T.A.P. 21-inch line. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 1,750 LF of 16-inch line. (680-550 H.G. Zone) PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area. Developer to pay 50% of cost. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $512.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 Fundina Source Purpose Amount ,,,, Ooeratina Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 - 2006+ 50% MFC , ,, , , , Const/Ena . $256.000 580ZONE.96 Page 105 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION MAP FA 680 ZONE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION Along Oceanside/Carlsbad city limits between Maerkle Dam and future Cannon Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct 16" 680 line from Squires Reservoir along the Oceanside boundary to Cannon Road with a pressure regulating station (1019 to 680) Squires. Install 1,750 LF of 16" line and a pressure regulating station. PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1 . 100 , 000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundi no Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDINGS 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ 50* MFC Const/Enq $550.000 680ZONE.96 Page 106 r i r I 1 [ 1 I I I 1 I i i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CANNON ROAD Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP set Title PROJECT LOCATION Cannon Road (Car Country Drive to El Camino Real). PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 13,900 LF of 14-inch line and three pressure regulating stations. To be built at the time of construction of Cannon Road. (In 375-318-255 H.G. Zone) PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area and relocate line to Cannon Road. Developer to pay 50% of cost. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs $2,556,000 1996-97 50V. MFC Deslon $100.000 PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* 50% MFC Const/Ena $1.178.000 CANNON.96 Page 107 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CARLSBAD BOULEVARD (MANZANO DRIVE TO AVENIDA ENCINAS) Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT SITE PROJECT LOCATION Carlsbad Boulevard, Manzano Drive to Avenida Encinas. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 2,500 LF of 10-inch line in Manzano Drive. (In 255 H.G. Zone) PROJECT NEED To relocate and meet the future demands of the area. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $275,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ MFC/Replace Eng/Const $275,000 CBADBLVD.96 j 1111 n Page 108 r i r i 13 I J I J t 1 I CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CARLSBAD BOULEVARD (SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT SITE PROJECT LOCATION South of Palomar Airport Road in Carlsbad Boulevard and Ponto Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 2,500 of 10-inch line and a pressure regulating station. (In 318-255 H.G. Zone) PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $525.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 MFC 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Eng/Const $525.000 CSBAD-1.96 Page 109 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE PROJECT LOCATION MAP Proiect Title PROJECT LOCATION Carlsbad Village Drive (Celinda Drive to Donna Drive). PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 1,600 LF of 12" line. PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $230.000 Fiscal Year 1996-87 Fundino Source Purpose Amount Operatlnq Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 MFC Design/Const $230.000 2006* CVD-1.96 i i Page 110 r i r i i i •n n C9 II 11 13 II f CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE & "E" RESERVOIR RECOATING AND REPAIR Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION Carlsbad Village Drive tank is located on Carlsbad Village Drive west of El Camino Real and "E" tank is located north of Palomar Airport Road and west of Hidden Valley Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Remove existing coating and recoat each tank and make necessary repairs. Carlsbad Village Drive tank is 1.5 MG and "E" tank is 1.5 MG. PROJECT NEED Existing coatings are beyond useful life causing tank deterioration. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING $340.000 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Water Construction $340.000 CVD E.96 Page 111 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION COLLEGE BOULEVARD (33" LINE TO CANNON ROAD) Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP LAKE CALAVERA PROJECT LOCATION College Boulevard from 400' north of El Camino Real northerly to future Cannon Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 3,850 LF of 16-inch line. (In 490 H.G. Zone) PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area. Developer to pay 50% of cost. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $842.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundind Source Purpose Amount Ooeratina Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ 50% MFC Const/Enq $421.000 COLLEGE5.96 I J L J l_J|n r i Page 112 n r i r J i J i J CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION COLLEGE BOULEVARD (CANNON TO TAP) Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP set Title PROJECT LOCATION College Boulevard from future Cannon Road to Carlsbad Village Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 3,560 linear feet of 16-inch line and a pressure regulating station. Install 2,000 linear feet of 18-inch line. (In 490-446 H.G. Zone) PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area. Developer to pay 50% of the cost. llBtAi^ ' ; •> litliiilll ^iiiii^^^^^^^pip?:"- '.v': :^i^mmiii IS 0:;:::-r ;: - ' ^-:::?;:is:;!:;s:s:;?s:Purpose safe I: : : ,:^mmm i as* :#£:»^ P» K^^sAmcHinws m msm * mm : ;; IW^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Iissi:js^998i99:::f;i is i in .a iiii m :r:::t mi iiit sisSslsSsiiSsSSSHsSjIsis •:"^;:;:;:;;i:!.i;:;:;S;:;i;S;;;;;s^ ;ii;;;;i;i;;i;:|;:ii;;;:l;;i;;s;siiii^^^ COLLEGE3.96 Page 113 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION COLLEGE BOULEVARD EXTENSION AT EL CAMINO REAL Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT SITE PROJECT LOCATION College Boulevard from El Camino Real north 400 feet. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 400 linear feet of 36-inch D.I.P. Previous Appropriation - $183,375 (In 490 H.G. Zone) PROJECT NEED The developer (Sycamore Creek) will be constructing full street improvements and the waterlines should be installed. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $183.375 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundina Source Purpose Amount , , Operatina Costs , , ,, PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 MFC Deslan/Const $183,37$ 2006+ COLLEGE1.96 I J L J mm i J i J i J IM Page 114 r i i i r™i 1 I 1 I I I PROJECT LOCATION MAP CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION COLLEGE BOULEVARD (NORTH TO OCEANSIDE) Pro ROJECT SITE act Title PROJECT LOCATION College Boulevard (North to Oceanside). PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct a 14-inch interconnect with the City of Oceanside from the existing 446 and 580 lines in College Boulevard including metering station and plug valve. Install 2,200 linear feet of 12" in College Boulevard to north boundary of district limits. PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $410,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundlno Source purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-88 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 20064- General Fund Const/End $410.000 COLLEGE2.96 Page 115 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION COLLEGE BOULEVARD (POINSETTIA LANE TO PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP set Title PROJECT LOCATION Future College Boulevard from Poinsettia Lane to Palomar Airport Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 4,400 LF of 12-inch line and 3,150 LF of 16-inch line. Each pipeline is for a different pressure zone. (375 H.G. Zone and 550 H.G. Zone). PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area. Developer to pay 50% of the cost. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $990.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundlnd Source Purpose Amount Operatina Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ 50% MFC Const/Eng $495.000 COLLEGE4.96 Page 116 r f 1 II t I II I ] [ CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION D" RESERVOIR - PHASE II Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Adjacent to the existing "D" Reservoir. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construction of second phase improvements to this site include an 8.5 million gallon reservoir. Phase II Funding:$3,984,500 $1,328,000 Replacement MFC PROJECT NEED Additional reservoir capacity is required to serve the entire southwestern quadrant and adjacent areas. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $5,312,500 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 Fundlna Source Purpose Amount operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ MFC Construction S5.312.500 D-RESER.96 Page 117 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION "D" RESERVOIR TO PALOMAR OAKS WAY Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP ect Title PROJECT LOCATION In easement between "D" Reservoir and Palomar Oaks Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 3,300 LF of 16-inch line and 400-feet of 18-inch line. (In 375 H.G. Zone) PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area. D RES 2.96 TOTAL PROJECT COST; $250.000 Fiscal Year 199647 Fundlna Source Puroose iiiiimi Amount ,„ „„„-„-„,„ Ooeratina Costs ,„-„-,„-,„„„ PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 MFC ,„„,,,„„.,„„ ,, , „ miiiDe4ifln/c<Nt#, ,.,„.,...,.,...„, „„ $250.000 2006* Page 118 EiB r i i J i j i i ii i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION DAVIS AVENUE PIPELINE REPLACEMENT Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP \ PROJECT LOCATION Davis Avenue from Knowles Avenue to Buena Vista Way. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Replace 1,000 feet of 6-inch diameter steel pipe with 8-inch PVC. PROJECT NEED Need to replace the existing pipeline which has severe corrosion and requires high maintenance. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs $100.000 1996-97 Water Reol . Design $25.000 PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Water Repl. Construction $75.000 DAVISAVE.96 Page 119 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION EL CAMINO REAL CROSSING AT KELLY DRIVE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP \ PROJECT LOCATION El Camino Real at Kelly Drive PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 300 LF of 12" line (In 490 H.G. Zone) PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area ECRCROSS.96 TOTAL PROJECT COST: $94.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundina Source Purpose Amount Ooeratina Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* MFC ..,„„ ,„ , Const/End $94.000 Page 120 4L J n •;•n n i. j ii ii i i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION EL CAMINO REAL - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD SOUTH PROJECT LOCATION MAP PALOMAR AIRPORT Proi ROJECT ect Title PROJECT LOCATION El Camino Real - Palomar Airport South 7,000 LF. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Replace 20" steel water line in El Camino Real South 7,000 LF with a 20-inch new water line. Previous Appropriation - $50,000 PROJECT NEED Replacing old steel water line to avoid high maintenance costs and extend pipeline to new Poinsettia Lane road alignment. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $750.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Replacement Construction $700.000 Operatina Costs ECRPARS0.96 Page 121 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION EL CAMINO REAL TRANSMISSION MAIN & PRESSURE REDUCING STATION IMPROVEMENTS Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP ROJECT SITE PROJECT LOCATION El Camino Real from Faraday Avenue north to Cougar Drive and pressure reducing station north side of Faraday Avenue. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construction of 1,500 feet of 24-inch diameter transmission main and pressure reducing station. PROJECT NEED To complete transmission main replacement from Palomar Airport Road to Hosp Way. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $300.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1997-98 Water Repl. Design $50.000 PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Water Repl . Construction $250.000 ZRTRANWm mm mm Page 122 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION EL FUERTE (ALGA ROAD TO POINSETTIA LANE) Pro PROJECT LOCATION MAP act Title PROJECT LOCATION Future El Fuerte, Alga Road to Poinsettia Lane. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 5,050 LF of 30-inch line and a pressure regulating station. (In 700 H.G. Zone) PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1,335,750 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 1997-98 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 MFC Const/End: $1.335.750 ELFUERTE.96 Page 123 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION EL FUERTE AVENUE (FARADAY TO MAERKLE RESERVOIR) Pro PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJEC ect Title PROJECT LOCATION In portion of El Fuerte and easement northwesterly to Maerkle. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 8,800 LF of 16-inch and a pressure regulating station (In 700 H.G. Zone) PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area. Developer to pay 75% of the cost. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $330.000 Fiscal Year ;f 996-97 Fundlna Source , „„,,„„„„ „,.. „,„„ Purpose , ,, ..,. . . , , . .. Amount .„„ n , , Ooeratina Costs , , PROJEpT .FUNDING ?997-9q ,199g-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ „., ,,„ ..„„..„ ..,, , ,.„,.„„ „, ,„ , . . ,, . , .... , ..,„., , ,..,, ..., fHFC , , ..., „..,,. ,...,,,.. ,„ ....,, ..„.„...„ .,,, ., „,- .„, „„,,.,„„...„, , , „ Construction, , S330.000 ELFUERT2.96 Page 124 • • i j i I i j ci ri ri r i PI PROJECT LOCATION MAP r i n n n i; i r J LJ i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION EL FUERTE AVENUE (NORTH OF LOKER) i j i Proj PROJECT SITE ect Title PROJECT LOCATION El Fuerte Avenue between Loker north to future Faraday Avenue. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 2,300 LF of 16-inch line. (In 700-550 H.G. Zone) PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area. Developer to pay 75% of the cost. TOTAU PROJECT COST: $595,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundino Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* 25% MFC Const/Ena $148.750 ELFUERT5.96 Page 125 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION EL FUERTE (POINSETTIA LANE TO PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) PROJECT LOCATION MAP Project Title PROJECT LOCATION Future El Fuerte from future Carrillo Way to Palomar Airport Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 4,100 LF of 24-inch line. PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $820.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundina Source Puroose Amount ,, , Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000] 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* MFC Const/Ena $820.000 ELFUERT4.96 II I J i 1 I 1 I J 1 J t 1 II Page 126 II 11 II f i i i • i i i i i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION ELLERY AND "C" RESERVOIR RECOATING & REPAIR Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP BCt Title PROJECT LOCATION Ellery Tank located on Janis Way and "C" Tank is located east of future College Boulevard. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Remove existing coating and recoat each tank and make necessary repairs. Ellery Tank is 5 MG and "C" Tank is 1.5 MG. Previous Appropriation - $340,000 PROJECT NEED Existing coating are beyond useful life causing tank deterioration. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $340.000 Ftecal Year 1996-97 Fundina Source Purpose Amount Operattna Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999>2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* EU.ERY&C.96 Page 127 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT SITE INTERSTATE 5 CROSSING Project Title PROJECT LOCATION Interstate 5 freeway between Batiquitos Drive and Navigator Circle. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 1,250 LF of 16-inch line and 400 LF of 12-inch line. PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area based on a previous study. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $307,500 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundinq Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ MFC Const/Eng J307.500 [-5CROSS.96 I § II I J I J Page 128 mm ti i i ii ii CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION JEFFERSON STREET (PIP PICO TO MAY COMPANY) Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT SITE PROJECT LOCATION Jefferson Street from Pio Pico to Marron Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 1,860 LF of 12-inch line. PROJECT NEED The existing 18" failed and has been abandoned. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating costs PROJECT FUNDING $267.378 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Water Red. Design/Const $267.375 JEFFSNST.96 Page 129 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION MAERKLE DAM LINING AND COVERING PROJECT LOCATION MAP FARADAY Projact Title PROJECT LOCATION The project would occur at the site of Maerkle Dam. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install a lining and covering at a lump sum of $7,800,000. Previously Appropriated - $4,874,000 PROJECT NEED The State Health Department is requesting the District to line and cover the dam to protect against the elements. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs $7.800.000 1996-97 1997-98 Water Construction $2.926.000 PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ MAERKLE.96 I 1 ft J I J Page 130 t-J LJi PROJECT LOCATION MAP •• r*i n ra m KJI •• r i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION MAERKLE RESERVOIR TO EL CAMINO REAL Project Title PROJECT LOCATION College Boulevard and 400' north of El Camino Real, beginning at north and northeast direction to Maerkle Dam. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 8,500 LF of 33-inch waterline. (In 490 H.G. Zone) PROJECT NEED To meet immediate and future demands of the District. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $2.340.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundlna Source Purpose Amount Ooeratina Costs PROJECT 1997-98 1998-99 Replacement Construction $340.000 FUNDING 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* Replacement Construction $2.000.000 MAERKLE2.96 Page 131 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION MARRON ROAD (PRESSURE REGULATING STATION TO OCEANSIDE) Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT SITE ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Matron Road from Avenida de Anita easterly 5,450 feet. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 5,450 LF of 14-inch line and two pressure regulating stations. PROJECT NEED TOTAL PROJECT COST: $600.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 Funding Source Puroose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ SO*/. MFC Construction $300.000 MARRONRD.96 Page 132 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION OCEANSIDE INTERTIE UPGRADE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT SITE PROJECT LOCATION El Camino Real near State Highway 78. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Make improvements to increase reliability of water system intertie with City of Oceanside. System supplies 5 cfs of treated water to Carlsbad. During emergencies and periods of water supply curtailment, the Oceanside intertie provides backup. PROJECT NEED The system requires valve, pipe, and meter replacement. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING $75.000 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Water/Repl . Design/Const. $75.000 OS1DEINT.96 Page 133 PROJECT LOCATION MAP CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PALOMAR AIRPORT (NORTH OF OWENS) Project Title PROJECT LOCATION In Palomar Airport from Owens Place to Airport Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 625 LF of 12" line. Previous Appropriation - $71,875 PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the airport area and two-way feed. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $71.825 Fiscal Year 1996-87 Funding Source Purpose , - . Amount PROJECT FUNDING 1967-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* Operating Costs PALAIRPT.96 t J Page 13«t ii n in ••n PROJECT LOCATION MAP CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION POINSETTIALANE#18 Proi 'ROJECT SITE ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Poinsettia Lane from "D" Reservoir east 2,800 feet. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 2,800 LF of 12-inch line. PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area. Developer to pay 75% of the cost. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $322.000 Fiscal Year 1996-07 1997-98 Funding Source Puroose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 25% MFC Const/Ena $80.500 2006+ POINS418.96 Page 135 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION MAP POINSETTIA - EL CAMINO REAL TO "D" RESERVOIR Project Title ROJECT SITE PROJECT LOCATION Poinsettia Lane from El Camino Real to "D" Reservoir. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 5,550 LF of 30-inch line. (In 550 H.G. Zone) PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area. Developer to pay 50% of the cost. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1,100.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ 50* MFC Construction $555 , 000 POINSET2.96 Page 136 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION POINSETTIA LANE (EL FUERTE TO EL CAMINO REAL) PROJECT LOCATION MAP Pro ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Future Carrillo Way (from future El Fuerte to El Camino Real). PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 7,250 LF of 30-inch line and a pressure regulating station. (In 700-55- H.G. Zones) PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1.808.750 Fiscal Year 1996-37 1997-88 Fundlna Source .,. „, Purpose „ Amount Operating Costs , , M mlii Iin PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ MFC Construction $1.808.760 POINSET3.96 Page 137 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION POINSETTIA LANE (PASEO DEL NORTE TO CARLSBAD BOULEVARD) PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT SITE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION Poinsettia Lane from Paseo del Norte to Carlsbad Boulevard. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 1,500 LF of 12-inch line. (In 318 H.G. Zone) Previously Appropriated $362,250 PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area. Locate pipeline in new bridge crossing. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $362.250 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2008 2006+ POINSLN2.96 Page 138 L J CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PQINSETTIA LANE (TO THE 375 H.G. ZONE) Project Title t j i i PROJECT LOCATION MAP POINSETTU IN. PROJECT LOCATION 1. In future Poinsettia Lane between "D" Twin Tanks westerly to Alga Road. 2. Between Poinsettia Lane and Camino De Los Ondas and Rose Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. 2. Install 1,760 LF of 24' water line. Install 350 LF of 16" water line. (In 375 H.G. Zone) PROJECT NEED To meet the demands to the area and to relocate existing water line to Poinsettia Lane. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $400.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ 18* MFC/82* Reol Const/Enq $400.000 POINSET4.96 Page 139 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION POINSETTIA LANE (TO THE 550 H.G. ZONE) Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION In future Poinsettia Lane between D2 Twin Tanks westerly to Alga Road at College Boulevard intersection. The second phase will be between Poinsettia Lane and Camino De Los Ondas/Rose Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install 1,760 LF of 16-inch water line. The second phase will be to install 350 LF of 12" water line. (In 550 H.G. Zone) PROJECT NEED To meet the demands to the area and to relocate existing water line to Poinsettia Lane. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $326.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operatinq Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ 18* MFC/82* ReDl . Const/Enq $326.000 POINSET5.? I J Page TfO tm i J ii n n r i t J ii 11 i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PRESSURE REGULATING STATION Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP LAKE CALAVERA ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Future intersection of Cannon Road and College Boulevard. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install pressure regulating station. SPECIAL NOTE:This project will take place when the existing Cannon Reservoir is taken out of service. (In 490-392 H.G. Zones) PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $250.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997>98 Fundlna Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 MFC Const/Ena $250.000 2006* PRESSREG.96 Page I«t1 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PRESSURE REGULATING STATION PROJECT #19 PROJECT LOCATION MAP Pro ROJECT SITE ect Title PROJECT LOCATION In future Poinsettia Lane between "D" Reservoir and El Camino Real. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install a pressure regulating station. (In 550/384 Zones) PROJECT NEED To meet the future demands of the area. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $250.000 PROJECT FUNDING Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating costs 1996-97 1997-98 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 MFC Const/End $250.000 2006* PRSTAIK19.96 L J mm Page 142 i II ll 11 I J ii i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRI-AGENCY PIPELINE EROSION PROTECTION Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION South of Calaveras Lake from city limits west to College Boulevard. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The tri-agency pipeline is the major transmission main to the north portion of the City. At several locations, flood waters and stream crossings have eroded the soil cover above the pipeline exposing the pipeline to potential damage. The access road is also damaged precluding access by maintenance personnel. PROJECT NEED To protect the pipeline from damage and provide access for maintenance personnel. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING $150.000 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Water/Repl . Design/Const. $150.000 TRTAGNCY 96 Page H3 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION WATER CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION (COP) PAYMENTS Pro PROJECT LOCATION MAP N/A ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Varies. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Past Water District improvements. Cost includes bond financing and interest cost. PROJECT NEED Required to meet the Growth Management Standards and identified in the Water Master Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST; $12.208.210 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 MFC/RepI Debt/Repay $1.524.823 1997-98 MFC/Reel Debt/Repay $1.524.982 PROJECT 1998-99 MFC/Real Debt/Rebav $1.525.123 FUNDING 1999-2000 MFC/ROD! Debt/Repay $1.524.772 2000-2001 MFC/RepI Debt/Repay $1,528.448 2001-2006 MFC/Reel Debt/Repay $4.580.062 2006* WATERCOP.96 Page Ill 1 r-i n •• •••••• CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION WATER RESOURCES MASTER PLAN Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP N/A ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Not Applicable. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Prepare report to discuss developing alternative water resources including groundwater development, acquifer storage and recovery, stormwater harvesting, seawater desalination, etc. Previously Appropriated - $200,000 PROJECT NEED To develop supplemental water resources for water supply reliability purposes. TOTAL PROJECT COST; $200.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 Fundlna Source ..'...,., „ ,..„.,„.„.,, Purpose ,„„ „„ mll , ,.„,„,„,., Amount ,,„ 1I1IMI „. ,.,„. , m ,... . Ml ,, , m Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ WTRREPT.96 Page 145 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION WATER SYSTEM INTERTIE CONNECTION Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP VARIOUS LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT THE CITY act Title PROJECT LOCATION VID - Business Park Drive Vallecitos Water District OIK/enhain Water District San Dieguito Water District PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct pipeline system intertie with adjacent water agencies including Vista Irrigation District, Vallecitos Water District, Olivenhain Water District, and San Dieguito Water District. PROJECT NEED During emergencies these interties could supply water to the City and also provide water back to the adjacent agencies. TOTAL PROJECT COST; $400.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundlna Source m ,, , Purpose Amount .,, ,, Ooeratina Costs •„,,,,,, 1997-98 Water Desian/Const $200.000 PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Water Desian/Const $200.000 WTRINTER.96 Page H6 mm ii i i r J • i t M .r ' RECLAIMED WATER PROJECTS mm i i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION INDUSTRIAL PARK SYSTEM - RECLAIMED WATER Pro PROJECT LOCATION MAP ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Palomar Airport Road, Camino Vida Roble, El Camino Real. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Develop reclaimed water system to College Business Park, Carlsbad Research Center, Carlsbad Airport Center and Olympic Resort. PROJECT NEED To supply reclaimed water for irrigation at existing industrial parks. TOTAL. PROJECT COST: $1.000.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundlna Source Puroose Amount Ooeratina Costs 1997-98 Water Etesian $100.000 PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999*2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Water Desiart , $875.000 RCINDPRK.96 Page 147 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION RECLAIMED WATER MASTER PLAN Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP (City Wide) PROJECT LOCATION City wide. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Update the City's Reclaimed Water Master Plan. PROJECT NEED To identify reclaimed water needs and ensure adequate funds will be available for the construction of major water facilities. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING $50.000 ;! 996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 20064- Water Planning $50.000 RCLMSTPN.96 l_J Page 148 • II II ri r~i t ii ii ii CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION RECLAIMED WATER PUMP STATION UPGRADE Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT ect Title PROJECT LOCATION El Camino Real south of Palomar Airport Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Replace pumps with high efficiency vertical turbine pumps, install variable speed control, construct permanent enclosure, and landscaping. Previously Appropriated - $30,000 PROJECT NEED Existing pumps are inefficient, pumps need to maintain level rather than on/off control, permanent enclosure is needed to reduce vandalism and maintenance, and landscaping will improve site aesthetics. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose „.„ Amount Operating Costs $250.000 1996-97 1997-98 Water Construction $220,000 PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* RCSTNUPG.96 Page H9 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION RECOATING RECLAIMED WATER TANKS Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Black Rail Road with future Poinsettia Lane. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Remove existing coal tar enamel and apply epoxy coating to two 1.25 MG steel tank reservoirs. PROJECT NEED The existing coating is 20 years old. Recent inspection showed the coating is delaminating from the steel. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs $280.000 1996-97 1997-98 Water Construction $250.000 PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ RECOATNK.96 mm L j i j Page 150 mm 11 ii r ^ • f '«- f i --f ».-•"•! i -I 4-1 a..--r ».-.. f T r t i TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECTS CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNALS - ALGA ROAD Project Title r i in i i PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION On Alga Road at various intersections between Poinsettia Lane and El Camino Real. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct traffic signals at the following intersections with Alga Road: 1. Nightshade Road 2. Kestrol Drive 3. Tohee Lane 4. Black Rail Road 5. Blue Heron Road 6. Finch Lane Previous Appropriation - $595,000 PROJECT NEED Traffic signals will be installed when they are warranted. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $595.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ ALGATSIG.96 Page 151 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - ALGA ROAD/BATIQUITOS DRIVE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION^ PROJECT LOCATION Alga Road and Batiquitos Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a 5-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller, 176 intersection control program, striping and signing, and minor intersection improvements to construct the signal. Previous Appropriation - $125,000 (Assessment District) PROJECT NEED Needed with the completion of Batiquitos Drive between Poinsettia Lane and Alga Road. Alga Road is an arterial street expected to carry large volumes of traffic. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $125,000 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ ALGA BAT.96 Page 152 i j r™i f i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNALS - ALGA ROAD/MELROSE DRIVE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Alga Road and Melrose Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of an 8-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller, 176 intersection control program, signing and striping. PROJECT NEED Needed in future when Melrose Drive is extended northerly of Alga Road. Would be intersection of two high volume arterial streets. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $110.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006ENDFIELD + PFF Construction $110,000 ALGAMELR.96 Page 153 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - ALGA ROAD/POINSETTIA LANE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION The intersection of College Boulevard/Alga Road and Poinsettia Lane. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of an 8-phase, fully actuated traffic signal including a Type 170 controller and a Type 176 intersection control program. PROJECT NEED Intersections of two arterial streets. Signal required when warrants are met. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $125,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundinq Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $125,000 ALGAPOIN.96 Page 154 L J r i r i ft^i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CAMINO DE LOS COCHES/LA COSTA AVENUE Project Title t I I PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Camino de los Coches and La Costa Avenue. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a 4-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller and 176 intersection control program. PROJECT NEED In the future, La Costa Avenue will be extended easterly to connect with future Melrose Drive. This will be the intersection of two arterial streets. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $110.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $110.000 CAMI NODE.96 Page 155 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CANNON ROAD/AVENIDA ENCINAS Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Cannon Road and Avenida Encinas, immediately west of Interstate 5. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a 5-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller, 176 intersection control program and minor intersection improvements. PROJECT NEED Needed in future when traffic signal warrants are met. Cannon Road is a major arterial expected to carry large volumes of traffic. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $110,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Ooeratinq Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $110,000 CANNON1.96 Page 156 EH F * r 1 I • r i wm en m •» mm r i i a CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CANNON ROAD/COLLEGE BOULEVARD Project Title t i i i PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Cannon Road and College Boulevard. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of an 8-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller and 176 intersection control program. PROJECT NEED Needed in future when both arterial streets are constructed. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $125,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 • 2006+ PFF Construction $125,000 \ CANNON2.96 Page 157 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CANNON ROAD/FARADAY AVENUE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Cannon Road and Faraday Avenue. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a 4-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller and 176 intersection control program. PROJECT NEED Needed in future when both roads are constructed and warrants are met. Cannon Road is an arterial street expected to carry large volumes of traffic. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $110.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 . 2006+ PFF Construction $110.000 CANNON3.96 Page 158 mm PI i i r i 11 i J 11 i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CANNON ROAD/1-5 Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP IGNAL LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Cannon Road with the on/off ramps of Interstate 5. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of two (2) 4-phase, fully actuated signals including Type 170 controller and 176 intersection control program. Coordination with CALTRANS will be required for the installation of these signals. PROJECT NEED As traffic volumes increase, signals will be needed to assign right-of-way at the on/off ramps. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs $200.000 1996-97 PFF Design $50,000 PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000^2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $150,000 CANNON4.96 Page 159 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CANNON ROAD/PASEO DEL NORTE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Cannon Road and Paseo Del Norte. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a 4-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including Type 170 controller, 176 intersection control program and minor intersection improvements. PROJECT NEED Traffic volumes on Cannon Road will increase when the road is extended to El Camino Real. Signal will be needed in future when warrants are met. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs $110.000 1996-97 PFF Design/Const $60.000 PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000 -2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $50,000 CANNONS.96 f 1 II 1 1 f 1 Page 160 r i r i E 1 I J L__J t I ft 1 t CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD/AVENIDA ENCINAS Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION, PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Avenida Encinas. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a 4-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller and 176 intersection control program. PROJECT NEED Future intersection of two arterial streets. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $110.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $110,000 CBADAVEN.96 Page 161 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE/TAMARACK AVENUE Pro PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Carlsbad Village Drive and Tamarack Avenue. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of an 8-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller, 176 intersection control program, signing and striping. Previously Appropriated - $110,000 PROJECT NEED When signal warrants are met, the signal will replace the existing 4-way stop control. CVDTAMAR.96 t J I J Lai 1111 r~t * i Page 162 i * &M-;ffi^^^ ::«^^MWW I* CA ail « Hi MffW «u' " -* " sf^MHKSfmfVSffmnm•lff:"W»«it'! auHC^aai- V;w;J F 1 f 1 L J 1 I CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - COLLEGE BOULEVARD/ASTON AVENUE Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of College Boulevard and Aston Avenue. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of an 8-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller, type 200SA intersection control program, striping and signing. PROJECT NEED Caltrans traffic signal warrants have been met. TOTAL PROJECT COST; $5.000 Fiscal Year 1996-9TT Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 GCC . , ... Design • , ,„..., ...,.,, $5.000 2006+ CB ASTON.96 Page 163 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - COLLEGE BOULEVARD/CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP IGNAL LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of College Boulevard and Carlsbad Village Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of an 8-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller and 176 intersection control program. PROJECT NEED Future intersection of two arterial streets. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $110,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $110,000 $23.750 COL CVD.96 L J mm ii ii r i Page 16<t i " II II I J II II I CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - COLLEGE BOULEVARD AND EL CAMINO REAL Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION At the intersection of the above named streets. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Add an eastbound dual left-turn phase. Widen intersection to include east leg. PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $115.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $115.000 COLL ECR.96 Page 165 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - COLLEGE BOULEVARD/LAKE CALAVERA Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP LAKE t—-^ CALAVERA PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of College Boulevard and Lake Calavera. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a 4-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller and 176 intersection control program. PROJECT NEED Future construction of a high volume arterial street and collector road. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $100,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $100,000 COLLKCAL.96 Page 166 r i r El 11 I J I I 11 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - EL CAMINO REAL/CALLE BARCELONA Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of El Camino Real and Calle Barcelona. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a 4-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller and 176 intersection control program and minor intersection improvements. PROJECT NEED Required when Calle Barcelona is constructed and signal warrants are met. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $110,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundinq Source Purpose Amount Operatinq Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $110.000 ECR1.96 Page 167 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - EL CAMINO REAL/CANNON ROAD PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION ECR2.96 Proiiset Title PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of El Camirto Real and Cannon Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3184 Installation of an 8-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller and 176 intersection control program. PROJECT NEED After completion of Cannon Road, this will be the intersection of two high volume arterial streets. im»**<m.k>li.m J «» :te^ss « i ;P^I*C<^Wi»i: i"l I1K ~'bi:J 5 rWil 1 ""' ' ""• •"-' ; " ' '='-:c.~'". »,:,:», ,-,» iM : ». aae „ .«..., •> . £S ^ 5 '• ••• -'•'•'-'•" 'ff "'••'• ••••••'•••-•• '••xxiimxrtm xmw ;^K^:K,Sfiifx^mtf^ -,»C:.:,,, •,.,,., ,.'.,r::.:: *" ^ !:^^^! ^ ^^^ ™ - -^ Page 168 ii ri r^-i II II 11 I 1 I 1 i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - EL CAMINO REAL/OLIVENHAIN ROAD Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION! PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of El Camino Real and Olivenhain Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Upgrade existing traffic signal with new poles and mast arms, Type 170 controller, 176 intersection control program, minor intersection improvements, signing and striping. Previous Appropriation - $125,000 PROJECT NEED Intersection of two arterial streets that needs new hardware to meet future widened roadway configuration. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $125.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997«88 Fundlna Source Puroos* ,„-,,-, , , , , - , ,- , Amount „ . , m ODeratina Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999.2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ ECR4.96 Page 169 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - EL CAMINO REAL/POINSETTIA LANE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of El Camino Real and Poinsettia Lane. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of an 8-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller and 176 intersection control program. PROJECT NEED Intersection of two high volume arterial streets once Poinsettia Lane is constructed and signal warrants are met. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $125.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $125,000 ECR3.96 I J t J I J U r"i Page 170 n r i r II II I 1 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - FARADAY AVENUE AND ORION STREET Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION At the intersection of the above named streets. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install a 4-phase fully actuated traffic signal including a Type 170 controller and Type 176 intersection control program. PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $100.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ TIF Construction $100,000 FARAORI0.96 Page 171 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - MELROSE DRIVE/LA COSTA AVENUE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Melrose Drive and La Costa Avenue. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a 4-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller and 176 intersection control program. PROJECT NEED Intersection of two arterial streets expected to carry high traffic. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $110,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction mo, ooo MELROSE.96 Page 172 f j i i i j ii n f i f i ii ii r i - i r i 11 ii i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD/MELROSE DRIVE (SOUTH) Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road and future Melrose Drive (South). PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a 4-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller and 176 intersection control program. PROJECT NEED Future intersection of two high volume arterial streets. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $110,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $110,000 RSFMELR0.96 Page CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD/MELROSE DRIVE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Melrose Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of an 8-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller and 176 intersection control program. PROJECT NEED Future intersection of two high volume arterial streets. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $125,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $125,000 PARMELR0.96 i i i i i i mm i i r-t ri r Page I I J 11 II 11 II I CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - PALQMAR AIRPORT ROAD/HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON SIGNAL LOCATION/ PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Hidden Valley Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a 4-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller and 176 intersection control program. PROJECT NEED Future intersection of two arterial streets. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $125.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundinq Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $125.000 PARHIDDE.96 Page 175 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - PASEO DEL NORTE/CAMINO DE LAS ONDAS Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Paseo Del Norte and Camino De Las Ondas. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3427 Installation of an 8-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller and 176 intersection control program, minor intersection improvements, signing and striping. Previous Appropriation - $110,000 PROJECT NEED Signal warrants may be met at this intersection in the future. Paseo Del Norte is an arterial street and Camino De Las Ondas will serve as a collector road. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $110,000 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 1997-98 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PASEOCAM.96 i* Page 176 t j i 1 ii i J i J i J i a i i r i r i r i ' i i I 1 I J I 1 I 1 I I i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - POINSETTIA LANE/EL FUERTE STREET Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Poinsettia Lane and El Fuerte Street. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of an 8-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller and 176 intersection control program. PROJECT NEED Intersection of two arterial streets to be constructed in the future. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $125.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundinq Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $125.000 POINSET1.96 Page 177 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - POINSETTIA LANE/MELROSE DRIVE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP IGNAL .OCATION PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Poinsettia Lane and Melrose Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a 4-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller and 176 intersection control program. PROJECT NEED Intersection of two arterial streets to be constructed in the future. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $125.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $125,000 POINMELR.96 mm ii t i-...i t M i i r~i r~i Page 178 § i ii ' II I J I J I J I i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - POINSETTIA LANE/BATIQUITOS DRIVE PROJECT LOCATION MAP Pro SIGNAL LOCATION ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Poinsettia Lane and Batiquitos Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a 5-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller and 176 intersection control program. Previously Appropriated - $110,000 (PFF) PROJECT NEED Traffic is expected to increase in this vicinity. When warrants are met, a traffic signal will be necessary. TOTAL PROJECT COST: S11 0.000 Fiscal Year 1996-OT Fundlna Soured Purpose Amount Operating Costs .,„.__,. , PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 20064; $4.750 U.750 $4.750 $4.750 (19.000 POINSBAT.96 Page 179 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - PQINSETTIA LANE/PASEO DEL NORTE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION The intersection of Poinsettia Lane/Paseo del Norte. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project No. 3362 Installation of an 8-phase, fully actuated traffic signal including a Type 170 controller and a Type 176 intersection control program. Previous Appropriation - $125,000 (PFF) PROJECT NEED * Intersections of two arterial streets. Signal required when warrants are met. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $125.000 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ POINTSIG.96 t a t i Page 180 r i r mm ra ••E 3 t 1 II I J II CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD/QUESTHAVEN ROAD Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP act Title PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Questhaven Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3406 Installation of a 3-phase fully actuated traffic signal, including a type 170 controller, 200 SA intersection control program, striping and signing, flashing beacons and intersection improvements to construct the signal. The City of San Marcos is responsible for 1/3 share of this signal. Staff will pursue a cost sharing agreement with the City of San Marcos. Previous Appropriation - $125,000 (GCC) PROJECT NEED Intersection of two arterial roadways. Rancho Santa Fe Road is classified as a prime arterial and Questhaven Road is classified as a major arterial. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $125.000 Fiscal Year 1996-37 Fundlna Source , Purpose „,. , PROMOTE UNPINS 1*97-88 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* Amount ....„„ ,, Ooeratina Costs ,„ tf.QM $5.000 $5.000 $5.000 $5.000 $5.000 $5.000 RSFQUEST.96 Page 181 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - TAMARACK AVENUE/GARFIELD STREET Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATIO PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Tamarack Avenue and Garfield Street. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a 2-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller, 176 intersection control program, minor intersection improvements, signing and striping. PROJECT NEED As traffic volumes increase in the beach area in the future, a signal will be necessary at this location once signal warrants are met. TAMGAR.96 II II II f 1 Page 182 i » i TOTAL PROJECT COST: $110,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $110,000 mm mm m a ES t i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - TAMARACK AVENUE/HIGHLAND DRIVE Project Title I .1 i ! i I I PROJECT LOCATION MAP 'SIGNAL ;ox LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Tamarack Avenue and Highland Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a 2-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller, 176 intersection control program, minor intersection improvements, signing and striping. PROJECT NEED Existing 4-way stop controlled intersection on the route of two schools. When warrants are met, a signal will be necessary. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $110.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $110.000 $23.750 TAMAHIGH.96 Page 183 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CAMINO VIDA ROBLE/YARROW DRIVE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION; PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Camino Vida Roble and Yarrow Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a 2-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller, 176 intersection control program, minor intersection improvements, signing and striping. PROJECT NEED Traffic volumes are increasing in this industrial area. When warrants are met, a signal will be necessary to assign right-of-way. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $100,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $100,000 CAMINOYA.96 L«J LJI I Ji Page 184 r n •• ii v r -* f * r "i ' f " i - f i V f ^ - f r i i . * STREET PROJECTS 1..J L J L 1 I I I 1 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION AVENIDA ENCINAS WIDENING Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP ect Title PROJECT LOCATION South of Palomar Airport Road adjacent to the AT&SF Railway property. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Widen street on the west side to secondary arterial standards. Construct curb and gutter, base and asphalt paving. PROJECT NEED Widen street to secondary arterial standards to provide adequate capacity for future traffic. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $870.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 Fundlna Source Purpose Amount ,, , „ Operating Costs ,,,„, „ , , ,,.,„., PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ ,.., , .„ „ . Construction m ri , $870.000 AVENIDA.96 Page 185 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION BICYCLE MASTER PLAN PROJECT LOCATION MAP N/A BICYCLE.96 Project Title PROJECT LOCATION N/A PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3453 To study the City's bicycle needs and to develop a citywide bicycle network which will tie into regional bicycle paths and also with the City's Trails System. Construction of certain bicycle routes allows compliance with requirements of the Federal Clean Air Act. Previous Appropriation - $50,000 (TDA) PROJECT NEED In order to be eligible for certain funding sources, cities must have an adopted Bicycle Plan. Page 186 f J I J III J i J 11 ii it ii r i TOTAL PROJECT COST: $50.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 Funding Source Purpose . . „. . , .,„ Amount „„„,.„•„,..„ , , Ooeratlna Costs ..,.,.,„...,,,....„ , ,..., PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ c 3 i J titJ CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CANNON ROAD Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION From Lego Drive to Faraday Avenue along the south side of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3184 Construct a four-lane major arterial including a 450-foot long bridge across Macario Canyon. Work includes grading, drainage, curb ana gutter, paving, raised landscaped median, sidewalks and streetlights as well as a 450-foot long, five span, prestressed concrete bridge. The funding source is a combination of TransNet Highway funds identified for the Highway 78 corridor, a Bridge and Thoroughfare District as identified in an Engineering Department report dated December 11,1995 and frontage improvements required as part of the development of Kelly Ranch. Developer contribution expected to be $1,332,000. Previous Appropriation: $650,000 TransNet Highway $412,137 Assessment District $65,000 Bridge & Thoroughfare District PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and identified in the Circulation Element of the General Plan. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $10.135.000 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ CFD/TransNet/BTDJPrlv CFtyrransNeUBTPffriv CFD/TransNet/BTD<Priv Dcsian/Const Construction Construction $1.509.000 $1.301.000 $6.675.000 CANNONRD.96 Page 187 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CANNON ROAD AND 1-5 Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP w Iccw c PROJECT LOCATION The intersection of the above named streets. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3438 Widening of all four freeway ramps, restriping of Cannon Road under the bridge and construction of traffic signals at freeway ramp intersections at Cannon Road. Previous Appropriation - $175,000 PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $2.250.000 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 CFD#1 Design/Construct $500.000 PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ TIP Construction $1,575.000 CANNONI5.96 Page 188 II 1J 11 II II 11 II t J)i i mm im t i i i L.J I 1 L J I J I 189 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CANNON ROAD WIDENING Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP CANNON ROAD ^V11 11 1\ ,\ 11 1 I- oz ,-Jw ous PROJECT LOCATION From Interstate 5 northbound ramps to Paseo del Norte. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3437 Add one additional westbound lane. Construct paving, base, median curb, curb & gutter, and sidewalk. Reconstruct median and install dual northbound left-turn lanes. Previously Appropriated - $100,000 (TIP) PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $435.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose , , , mi „ Amount , Ooeratina Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 , 2006+ TIP Construction $335.000 CANNWIDE.96 I J 11 Page 190 I 1 I I t 1 I J t I t 1 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND CANNON ROAD WIDENING Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION Carlsbad Boulevard from Manzano Drive to Cannon Road. Cannon Road from Carlsbad Boulevard to AT&SF railroad tracks. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Widen Carlsbad Boulevard from two lanes to four lanes with a center raised median (major arterial). Construct pavement, curb and gutter, stamped concrete and landscaping. Widen Cannon Road from two lanes to four lanes with a center raised median. Construct pavement, curb and gutter, stamped concrete and landscaping. A planning study was initiated in 1992 to determine alignment alternatives and investigate property access problems. PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and the Circulation Element of the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $2.000.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operatinq Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ TIF Construction $2.000,000 CBADWIDE.96 Page 191 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CARLSBAD BOULEVARD MEDIAN Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION From Tamarack Avenue to Pine Avenue. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3444 Construct raised, landscaped median. Work includes concrete curb, landscaping, irrigation and colored, stamped concrete. Previous Appropriation - $125,000 PROJECT NEED The median is needed to bring this section of Carlsbad Boulevard up to City Standards for a major arterial. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1,250,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Construction $1,125,000 CBMEDIAN.96 i j mm Page 192 I J I i ri • i t^i i^i •—i L J i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CARLSBAD BOULEVARD SHORE PROTECTION Project Title t i l PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION On Carlsbad Boulevard at the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3307 For the design and permitting of a seawall adjacent to Carlsbad Boulevard to protect the roadway from impacts created by excessive storms or high wave action on the Pacific Ocean. Previous Appropriations $800,000 (GCC) $280,000 (State Grant) PROJECT NEED To protect Carlsbad Boulevard from potential damage due to wave action from storms or high waves on the Pacific Ocean. TOTAL PROJECT C< Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING >ST: $4.409.000 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Fed/State Construction $3.335.000 , SHORPROT.96 Page 193 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE WIDENING Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP ect Title PROJECT LOCATION From 200 feet east of Pontiac Drive to 200 feet east of Victoria Street. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Widen street to full secondary arterial standards; street is currently only half-width. Construct curb & gutter, sidewalk, streetlights, median curb, base and asphalt pavement. A special feature will be a split-level road with a median just north of Victoria Street in order to save existing Eucalyptus trees which will remain in the median. PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and the Circulation Element of the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1,260,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose ,„ ,„•-,„••„•„••,„ Amount Ooeratina Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ TIF „„..,„,..„,„„ ,...„,„ ,,...,,„....„,..,.„„....,, , „....„,...„,.,..„,..,„.,„ ,„..,, , „ .., , , ....,, ,, . Deslan/Cojist r $1,260.000 CVDWIDEN.96 L J Page 194 II 11 r i r^ ft^i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CHESTNUT AVENUE AND MONROE STREET UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 16 Pro PROJECT LOCATION MAP act Title PROJECT LOCATION Monroe Street from Chestnut Avenue to mid-block south of Carlsbad Village Drive and Chestnut Avenue from Valley Street to Monroe Street. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Place all overhead utilities underground, including electric, telephone, and cable television lines. Work includes trenching, placing conduit and cable, restoring surface, and removal of existing poles and all overhead lines. Work also includes installation of street lighting system and removal of pole lights. Funding Sources: GCC SDG&E Installation $150,000 (for street luminaires) $850,000 (for undergrounding) PROJECT NEED This project is identified on the City Council's adopted Underground Priority List. TOTAL PROJECT COST; Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT BUNDING $1.000.000 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ SDGE/GCC Desiqn/Const $150.000 UUD 16.96 Page 195 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION EL CAMINO REAL AND CANNON ROAD Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP CANNON RD. PROJECT LOCATION At the intersection of the above named streets. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3184 Construct a southbound right-turn lane. PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $130. OOP Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundinq Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ TIF Design/Const. $130.000 ECRCANON.96 I J K3I Page 196 11 I J Li 11 II I i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION EL CAMINO REAL MEDIANS Pro PROJECT LOCATION MAP act Title PROJECT LOCATION At various locations along El Camino Real between the north and south City boundaries. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct raised, landscaped medians at various places where no developer will be obligated to do so as a condition of a private development. Work includes median curb, stamped concrete paving, irrigation and landscaping. PROJECT NEED Raised landscaped medians are required on prime arterials for vehicular safety and to meet City standards. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1,700,000 FISC«I YMr 1996-97 Fundlmi Source Purpose Amount Operating costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-S8 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 PFF ,-, , , „ , , u „, Destan . $100.000 2001-2006 PFF Construction $1.600.000 2006* ECRMDIAN.96 Page 197 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING (LA COSTA AVENUE TO ARENAL ROAD) Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP ect Title PROJECT LOCATION From La Costa Avenue to Arena! Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Add the southbound lane for a length of approximately 600 ft. to widen the street to full prime arterial standards. Construct curb & gutter, sidewalk, base, and asphalt pavement and streetlights. PROJECT NEED To complete widening to prime arterial standards where no developers are likely to develop and to improve the road capacity. ;$iinW;-:^^ fl«^^^^^^ •£:'! .' : " :•.''• :::v;:::':^^:::::'-:S;.?:::;:::i":;* .:.':'-:::K.,::•:, ; -•: v':tfK. x:x4::-:-:::::::::::i::.v::-;:-x::::;:iH:*}4:j:iS:S:::S:iJ;.:::::::'-:.:4::: :.>;:; :-VW:--::::;«;?l;?: Iss&ssssss mmw*± i*^m^mmmwmmmmmms^xm vVWS^•:-::.m^mtMfm:;Mw^!MSf& ill "~ "'^ii^i;ii:i;:ii^iiiiiiiilliiii S;S*ss ECRLACOS.96 KM K.JI KJ ta II r i Page 198 r i r i ri r i n K? r i c j E~i 1 3 i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING (TAMARACK AVENUE TO CHESTNUT AVENUE) Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION Portions of El Camino Real from Tamarack Avenue to Chestnut Avenue. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3327 Add the outside lane to widen street to full prime arterial standards. Widen west side approximately 1200 ft. in length and east side approximately 600 ft. in length. Construct curb & gutter, sidewalk, base, and asphalt pavement and streetlights. Previous Appropriation - $192,000 PROJECT NEED To complete widening to prime arterial standards where no developers are likely to develop and to improve the road capacity. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1,502,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Pur-Dose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ TIF Construction $1.310.000 ECRWIDE2.96 Page 199 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION EL CAMINO REAL AND CAMINO VIDA ROBLE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP CAMINO VIDA ROBLE y^ _ * -^T^ ~± S \ \ \} ^ m o m5 M^i3 VF W 'clV PROJECT LOCATION At the intersection of the above named streets. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct dual left-turn lanes and modify traffic signal. PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $320,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ TIF Construction $320,000 ECRCAMIN.96 II Page 200 J i 1 II mm i i t j CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION EL CAMINO REAL AND CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE Project Title 1 I 1 PROJECT LOCATION MAP CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR. TT PROJECT LOCATION At the intersection of the above named streets. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct northbound and southbound dual left-turn lanes on El Camino Real. PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $320.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ TIF Construction $320,000 ECRCVDR.96 Page 201 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION MAP EL CAMINO REAL AND FARADAY AVENUE Project Title FARADAY AVE. PROJECT LOCATION The intersection of El Camino Real & Faraday Avenue. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Intersection improvements which include adding three exclusive right turns (southbound, eastbound and westbound). Construct curb and gutter, asphalt pavement, sidewalk and traffic islands. Additional right-of-way will be required. PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $710.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ TIF Construction $710.000 ECRFARAD.96 Page 202 I 1 I J f 1 I J [ J • i i j i J i J ii r i r t J t 1 I J I J l i I CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION MAP FARADAY AVENUE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION From future Cannon Road through the future Veteran's Memorial Park to the boundary of the Carlsbad Research Center development. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct full improvements to controlled collector standards. Work includes grading, curb and gutter, pavement, sidewalks and streetlights. This project will also provide access to Veteran's Memorial Park. PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and identified in the Circulation Element of the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $3.500,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ CFD Design/Const. $3,500,000 FARADAY.96 Page 203 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION East of Paseo del Norte from Camino de las Ondas to the north end of the Alta Mira Park property. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3409 Construct full street improvements to collector standards. Work includes grading, curb and gutter, base and pavement, sidewalks and streetlights. City will advance funds for road construction concurrent with park development and will be reimbursed later by developers. Previous Appropriations - $630,000 $120,000 GCC TransNet Local PROJECT NEED Required for access to Alta Mira Park. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $750,000 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ HIDNVALL.96 IJI I J I J [ J t J i J l_J L J Page 204 tm i E"l C~l B!9 El •• •• Ell L J L J I J I I CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION LA COSTA AVENUE WIDENING Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION From Interstate 5 northbound ramps along the south side of Batiquitos Lagoon to El Camino Real. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 321 5 Widen La Costa Avenue to a four-lane major arterial for a distance of approximately 7,500 feet. Construct new asphalt pavement, curb & gutter, sidewalks, median and street lighting. Previous Appropriation - $1,314,000 (CFD) PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $7,314,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundina Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ CFO Construction $6.000.000 LACOST1.96 Page 205 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION LOCAL STREET/SIDEWALK UPGRADE PROGRAM Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP VARIOUS LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT THE CITY BASED ON THE SIDEWALK INVENTORY REPORT ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Various existing local and arterial streets throughout the City as shown in the Sidewalk Inventory Report. Generally, all areas with existing streets but no sidewalks. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3391 Analyze all projects in priority order to determine feasibility of a construction project. Design and construct feasible projects in priority order up to budgeted annual amount. List of projects and priority come from the Sidewalk Inventory Report, dated February 1991. Projects will come from segments of the streets in the report by priority and will work down list as feasibility and funding permit. Funded $300,000 per year from the Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) and TransNet (local sales tax) funds for the next 25 years. Prior Appropriation - $1,146,588 PROJECT NEED Primarily to improve pedestrian circulation and safety. Will also improve on-street parking, drainage, and traffic circulation. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $8.046,588 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 TransNet/TIF Deslan/Const. $300.000 1997-98 TransNet Deslan/Const $300.000 PROJECT 1998-99 TransNet Deslan/Const $300.000 FUNDING 1999-2000 TransNet Deslan/ConsL $300.000 2000-2001 TransNet Deslan/Const $400,000 2001-2006 TransNet Deslan/Const $2.000.000 2006* TIF/TransNet Deslan/Const $3.300.000 LOCALST.96 i :m i f •r i ru r:i i i Page 206 r~i tu i i c.i I ] 11 I J 1 i . CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION MELROSE DRIVE AND ALGA ROAD Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP 1 1 II 1 1 \1I bJ K oa: ALGA ROAD PROJECT LOCATION At the intersection of the above named streets. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct dual left-turns on all legs-northbound, southbound, eastbound and westbound. PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $480.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundinq Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ TIF Construction $480.000 MELROALG.96 Page 207 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION MISCELLANEOUS -TRAFFIC MONITORING PROGRAM Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP N/A act Title PROJECT LOCATION City-wide. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3316 Perform traffic vehicle counts, analyze and report annually on adequacy of circulation system and identify any intersections or links that fail to meet Growth Management Standards. Previous Appropriation = $372,764 PROJECT NEED To ensure that the circulation system meets Growth Management Standards. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1.032.764 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 TIF Monitoring $44.000 1997J8 TIF Monitoring $44.000 1998-99 TIF Monitoring , $44.000 1999-2000 TIF Monitoring $44,000 2000-20W TIF Monitoring $44.000 2001-2006 TIF Monitoring $220.000 2006+ TIF Monitoring $220.000 TRAFFMON.96 II € I LI i i 19 i J i cai rai Page 208 • I JI I mm r~i rai ta tj mm i j i i L CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Project Title LI i j ». PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION Between Yarrow Drive and El Camino Real. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3286 Widen to six lanes plus construct eastbound dual left-turn lanes. Construct paving, base, curb & gutter, sidewalk and street lights. Previous Appropriation - $117,500 (GCC and County) PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $2,597.500 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Oberating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ Countv/TransNct Construction $2.480.500 PAR2.96 Page 209 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND COLLEGE BOULEVARD Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD PROJECT LOCATION At the intersection of the above named streets. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct dual left-turn lane southbound on College Boulevard. Additional right-of-way will be required. PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards. PARCOLLE.96 TOTAL PROJECT COST: $160.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ TIF Construction $160,000 Page 210 II II I 1 II I 1 i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND PASEO DEL NORTE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PALOMAE AIRPORT ROAD PROJECT LOCATION At the intersection of the above named streets. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct dual left-turns on all legs-northbound, southbound, eastbound, and westbound. PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $525,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ TIF Construction $525,000 PARPASE0.96 Page 211 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD BRIDGE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION Between Carlsbad Boulevard and 1-5 over the AT&SF Railway. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Reconstruct old interchange and connect Palomar Airport Road to Carlsbad Boulevard with a tee intersection. Construct four lanes of asphalt pavement on Palomar Airport Road (600 ft.) and Carlsbad Boulevard (1000 ft.) including curb and gutter, medians, sidewalk, streetlights, traffic signal and new bridge over railroad. PROJECT NEED Project will improve the capacity of the intersection and free two parcels of land which the City can lease or develop. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $7.200.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundinq Source Purpose Amount Operatinq Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 PFF Desiqn $750.000 2006+ PFF Construction $6.450.000 PARBRIDG.96 ra i j cai Page 212 • II 1 I r i * i K*JI t~J i~i L J t CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD MEDIANS Project Title t J I i i PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION Between Yarrow Drive and El Camino Real. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct raised, landscaped median where no developers are required to do so. Work includes median curb, stamped concrete, irrigation and landscaping. PROJECT NEED Required for vehicular safety and to meet standards for a prime arterial. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $500.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Design/Const $500,000 PARMDIAN.96 Page 213 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD MITIGATION Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION South of Palomar Airport Road and east of College Boulevard. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3401 Repair plants, shrubs and the irrigation system to original specifications. Maintain and make periodic replacements as required for a period of five years. Previous Appropriation - $280,000 Assessment District PROJECT NEED The mitigation establishment was a Coastal Commission requirement for the widening of Palomar Airport Road. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $280.000 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PARMITIG.96 IJi i J ••• Page 2U E 1 II r™i r i i i i i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION POINSETTIA LANE BRIDGE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION Between Carlsbad Boulevard and Avenida Encinas over the AT&SF Railway. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Only one-half width bridge currently exists over the railroad. This project will complete the other half of the prestressed concrete bridge so that four lanes of this major arterial can continue across the railroad. PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and identified in the Circulation Element of the General Plan. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $2.000.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Ooerating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ PFF Design/Const $2.000,000 POINBRDG.96 Page 215 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION POINSETTIA LANE WIDENING Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION From Paseo Del Norte to Batiquitos Lane, PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3390 Widen this segment of the street to six lanes by adding one lane in each direction. Construct curb and gutter, base, asphalt pavement and sidewalk. Right-of-way is required. PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards and to have sufficient capacity for projected future traffic volumes. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1,870,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operatinq Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ TIF Construction $1.870,000 POINWIDE.96 I J 1 J L J I « E J 1 9 E Ji Page 216 • I...J I 1 BB Ki ri ei BH •• n r i r CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD AND OLIVENHAIN ROAD K3 I 1 Pro PROJECT LOCATION MAP set Title PROJECT LOCATION From El Camino Real to Melrose Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project Nos. 3190 & 3466 Widen street to full 6-lane prime arterial standards at several locations. Amount is a contribution for areas where no developer is obligated to widen. Construct curb and gutter, sidewalk, base, asphalt pavement and streetlights. NOTE: Widening required on the south side of Olivenhain Road is outside the City limits of Carlsbad. Right-of-way is required. Previous Appropriation - $3,074,000 PROJECT NEED Required by Growth Management Standards and to conform to the Circulation Element of the General Plan. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $36.057.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-96 1996-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* Funding Source CFD#2/Enclnltas CFD#1/CFD#2 CFD#1/CFD#2 Purpose Construction Amount $2,612.000 Operating Costs Construction Construction $15.032.000 $17,339.000 RSFOLIVE.96 Page 217 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION STREET LIGHTING ENHANCEMENT STUDY PROJECT LOCATION MAP CITYOFOCEANSIDE PROJECT, AREA Project Title PROJECT LOCATION Bounded by the northerly city limits, Pacific Ocean, 1-5 and Agua Hedionda. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Hire consultant to study street lighting levels. Identify deficiencies and recommend cost effective measures to rectify deficiencies. PROJECT NEED Planning study within the project boundary has identified deficiencies. Substandard lighting may cause unsafe conditions. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING $50.000 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ GCF Studv $65.000 -0- STRLIGHT.96 mm i M i M im u mm Page 218 • II II n r~i ri 11 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 17 (ROOSEVELT STREET) Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Roosevelt Street from Carlsbad Village Drive to Magnolia Avenue. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Place all overhead utilities underground, including electric, telephone, and cable television lines. Work includes trenching, placing conduit and cable, restoring surface, and removal of existing poles and all overhead lines. PROJECT NEED This project is identified on the City Council's adopted Underground Priority List. TOTAL PROJECT COST; $700.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 Fundlna Source ,,, .. Purpose Amount _„ Operating Costs , PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 SDG&E Construction $700.000 2006+ UUD17.96 Page 219 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 18 (HARDING STREET) PROJECT LOCATION MAP Proiect Title PROJECT LOCATION Harding Street between Carlsbad Village Drive and Maple Street. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Place all overhead utilities underground, including electric, telephone, and cable television lines. Work includes trenching, placing conduit and cable, restoring surface, and removal of existing poles and all overhead lines. PROJECT NEED This project is identified on the City Council's adopted Underground Priority List. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $550.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Puroose Amount Ooeratina Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* SDG&E .,„.,,. , Construction $550.000 UUD18.96 t J t-JI LJI KJi Page 220 mm i j i i ri i i i i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 19 Pro PROJECT LOCATION MAP ;ct Title PROJECT LOCATION Valley Street between Chestnut Avenue and Tamarack Avenue. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Place all overhead utilities underground, including electric, telephone, and cable television lines. Work includes trenching, placing conduit and cable, restoring surface, and removal of existing poles and all overhead lines. PROJECT NEED This project is identified on the City Council's adopted Underground Priority List. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $350,000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 ,199^8 Fundlna Source Ptiroos* MI m ,,,,.. ,,.,,.., Amount , OMratina Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-200? 2006+ SDG&E Construction $350.000 UUD19.96 Page 221 f 1- "f *"•---» 1-5 OVERPASS PROJECTS r"i r~i r~i «a r^ ri CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1-5/LA COSTA AVENUE INTERCHANGE J LJ i i i i i i Proj PROJECT LOCATION MAP ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Interchange of Interstate 5 with La Costa Avenue. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Project No. 3219 Widen freeway overpass to four lanes plus left-turn lanes and include raised median. Widen all on and off ramps and install traffic signals at the two ramp/La Costa Avenue intersections. Previous Appropriation - $4,000,000 (CFD) PROJECT NEED Required to meet Growth Management Standards. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount ,.... Operating Costs $9.750.000 1996-97 1997-98 CFD«H Construction $4.250.000 PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-200Q 2000-2001 2001-2006 20064 CFD#i Construction S1.500.000 I-5LACOS.96 Page 222 » i. p f P < f i - r » i i i i UNFUNDED PROJECTS r i LJ • J 11 i i ii PROJECT LOCATION MAP CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION ALGA ROAD MEDIANS Project Title PROJECT LOCATION Alga Road between El Camino Real and El Fuerte. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The installation of an irrigation system and landscaping within the existing median in Alga Road. PROJECT NEED To provide landscaping treatment in the existing median. TOTAL PROJECT COST; $485.000 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose ,__ Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1998-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 ALGAMEDI.96 Page 223 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CARLSBAD BOULEVARD REALIGNMENT Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION Carlsbad Boulevard south of Palomar Airport Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Currently there exists a wide vegetated corridor between the northbound and southbound Carlsbad Boulevard between Palomar Airport Road and the Carlsbad State Campground. The realignment of the southbound lane to traverse directly adjacent to the northbound lane providing excess right- of-way on the west. This excess property could be converted to a park and public access to the local beach area. The City will seek ISTEA funding for design and construction. PROJECT NEED Would provide excess right-of-way which could be converted to park usage along the Pacific Ocean bluff. TOTAL PROJECT COST: 1900.000 Fiscal Y0ar 1996-87 Fundlna Source Purpose Amount Operatinfl Cost* PROJECT FUNDING 1«974i 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ CB REAL.96 Page 224 t a i * i m mm iJ 11 ii ii i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION HOLIDAY PARK IRRIGATION RENOVATION Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP I )J t \\\\\\ ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Holiday Park. PROJECT DESCRIPTION To revise and upgrade existing irrigation system at Holiday Park. PROJECT NEED Will provide for more efficient watering of grass area in park. tOTAL PROJECT COST: $95.000 Fiscal Year 1996-87 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 199?.98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* HOLIDYPK.96 Page 22f. CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION LAKESHORE GARDENS SOUNDWALL PROJECT LOCATION MAP Project Title PROJECT LOCATION Lake Shore Gardens Mobile Home Park at Poinsettia Lane and Avenida Encinas. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Extend and modify an existing block wall around the Lake Shore Gardens Mobilehome Park. The location of this particular improvement is limited to the area adjacent to the intersection of Poinsettia Lane and Avenida Encinas. PROJECT NEED To reduce the sound impacts from adjacent traffic. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $25.000 Fiscal Year 1996-87 1997-98 Fundlna Source Purpose Amount Ooeratina Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* LAKESHOR.96 ii ii r i ii ii 11 Page 226 i I i j i j i j i i i J i i f i i i 11 i a t 1 L J II II II CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PAVE 8' SHOULDER ON EL FUERTE STREET NORTH OF CORINTIA STREET PROJECT LOCATION MAP Proj ect Title PROJECT LOCATION East side of El Fuerte Street between Corintia Street and Luciernaga Street. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Pave 8' shoulder (approximately 16,000 square feet) on east side of El Fuerte Street. Should to be used for parking and bike lane. Existing alignment and profile Dwg. #191-5. PROJECT NEED Children and bicycle traffic adjacent to public school. Substandard width of secondary arterial. TOTAL PROJECT COST: tSO.OOO Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundlra Source Purnose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-88 1998-09 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2008 2006* GCC SHOULDER.96 Page 227 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION SIDEWALKS - VILLAS TO DOVE LANE PROJECT LOCATION MAP Proj 11 ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Along the southbound lane of El Camino Real between the Villas project and Dove Lane. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construction of a pedestrian walkway adjacent to the southbound lanes of El Camino Real. PROJECT NEED To provide a safe pedestrian route from the Villas project to the commercial center at Alga Road and El Camino Real. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $60.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 1997-98 Funding Source „ Purpose , ... ,„.,, „ , , ,.. ir Amount mil m ,. , ,, Operating Costs H. .,, , PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-200^ 2001-2006 2006+ SIDEWALK. 96 Page 228 r i i i PROJECT LOCATION MAP \ CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION 50M SWIMMING POOL AT ALGA NORTE PARK Project Title PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION Alga Norte Park. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construction of a BOM swimming pool complex at Alga Norte Park. PROJECT NEED To accommodate future recreational and competitive swimming activities. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $3.000.000 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-3006 2006+ 50M SWIM.96 Page 229 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - ALGA ROAD/CAZADERQ DRIVE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION Alga Road and Cazadero Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a fully actuated traffic signal. PROJECT NEED Needed in future when traffic warrants are met. Alga Road is a major arterial expected to accommodate large volumes of traffic. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $125.000 PROJECT FUNDING Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ ALGACAZA.96 Page 230 i J I J LJI n f i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD/CHERRY AVENUE Pro PROJECT LOCATION MAP PACIFIC OCEAN ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Cherry Avenue. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a 3-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller, type 200SA intersection control program, striping and signing. PROJECT NEED Caltrans traffic signal warrants have been met. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $110.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Fundina Source , „ , , n Purpose , .,., r , Amount ,,,,,,, „,„., , Operatina Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ CBCHERRY.96 Page 231 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD/CHESTNUT AVENUE Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION Carlsbad Boulevard and Chestnut Avenue. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a fully actuated traffic signal. PROJECT NEED Needed in future when traffic volumes are met. Carlsbad Boulevard is a major arterial expected to accommodate large volumes of traffic. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $110.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ CBADCHES.96 Page 232 i j • KB n mm mm mm mm r~i r i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD/OAK DRIVE Project Title r i r i PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION Carlsbad Boulevard and Oak Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a fully actuated traffic signal. PROJECT NEED Needed in future when traffic warrants are met. Carlsbad Boulevard is a major arterial expected to accommodate large volumes of traffic. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $110.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source • Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ CBAD OAK.96 Page 233 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD/STATE STREET Proi PROJECT LOCATION MAP PACIFIC OCEAN set Title PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a 3-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller, type 200SA intersection control program, striping and signing. PROJECT NEED Caltrans traffic signal warrants have been met. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COSt: $110.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source , Purpose _^ Amount Operating Costs 1997.98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006* CB_STATE.96 Page 234 i J t J I J r~i n r^i r i r i t J i i i i i i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE/AVENITA DE ANITA Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION Carlsbad Village Drive and Avenita de Anita. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a fully actuated traffic signal. PROJECT NEED Needed in future when traffic warrants are met. Carlsbad Village Drive is a major arterial expected to accommodate large volumes of traffic. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $100.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ CVD AVEN.96 Page 235 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE/VALLEY STREET Pro! PROJECT LOCATION MAP IGNAL LOCATION ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Carlsbad Village Drive and Valley Street. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a fully actuated traffic signal. PROJECT NEED Needed when traffic warrants are met. Carlsbad Village Drive is a major arterial expected to accommodate large volumes of traffic. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $125.000 Fiscal Year ^996-97 Fundlna Source Purpose B. Amount _. , ,, , ..„.„, Ooeratina Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2008+ CVD_VALL96 Page 236 I J I J CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CHESTNUT AVENUE/PIQ PICO Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION Chestnut Avenue and Pio Pico. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a fully actuated traffic signal. PROJECT NEED Needed when traffic warrants are met. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $125.000 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ CHESTPI0.96 Page 237 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - LA COSTA AVENUE/CADENCIA STREET Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of La Costa Avenue and Cadencia Street. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a 5-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller, type 200 SA intersection control program, striping and signing. PROJECT NEED Caltrans traffic signal warrants have been met. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $125.000 Fiscal Year 1996 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ LC CADEN.96 Page 238 f 1 I ] I J II I 1 I i CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - LA COSTA AVENUE/PIREAUS STREET Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION La Costa Avenue and Pireaus Street. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation at a fully actuated traffic signal. PROJECT NEED Needed when traffic warrants are met. La Costa Avenue is a major arterial expected to accommodate large volumes of traffic. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $110.000 Fiscal Year Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ LACOSPIR.96 Page 239 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - LA COSTA AVENUE/ROMERIA STREET PROJECT LOCATION MAP Proj ect Title PROJECT LOCATION Intersection of La Costa Avenue and Romeria Street. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a 5-phase, fully actuated traffic signal, including a Type 170 controller, type 200SA intersection control program, striping and signing. PROJECT NEED Caltrans traffic signal warrants have been met. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $125.000 Fiscal Year 199647 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs PROJECT FUNDING 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001.2006 2006* LCROMERI.96 Page 2<tO IJI 1 J L.J CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - LA COSTA AVENUE/SAXONY ROAD Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP SIGNAL LOCATION PROJECT LOCATION La Costa Avenue and Saxony Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation at a fully actuated traffic signal. PROJECT NEED Needed when traffic warrants are met. La Costa Avenue is a major arterial expected to accommodate large volumes of traffic. TOTAL PROJECT COST: $110.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source Purpose Amount Operating Costs 1997-98 PROJECT FUNDING 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 2006+ LACOSSAX.96 Page 241 CAPITAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - LA COSTA AVENUE/VIEJA CASTILLA Project Title PROJECT LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION La Costa Avenue and Vieja Castilla. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of a fully actuated traffic signal. PROJECT NEED Needed in future when traffic warrants are met. PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST: $125.000 Fiscal Year 1996-97 Funding Source _ Purpose _ Amount _ 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2006 Operating Costs 2006+ LC VIEJA.96 Page 242 H« L_J