HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; 1955 Manager's Report Water Supply; 1955-03-01i��c= f �� ! r ! ✓'s_5 _
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SA�� LI_1I S RE`! :
Several �ev�lo�mp�ts have taken place in the San Luis
Rey River during the �ast year. The suit brought ac�ainst u� by the
San L�ai.s Rey �ud��i.' COIISE?IV3�10C1 I�istrict is stil� �er��� r�g. Tr,e suit
t�ze Com�.arfy file� again�t Wa�4�r �o;�ns�n durir�� 195;3 "�s b�en r3is-
�;_���c� �✓���.thc,u� prejudic�, a� M�. �ot�.ri;�nn r�s��red our ro�ds and
acc�ss t� -th� v��.11so Thi.s act�.on c�n th� ��r� c�f l��z°o T�l��risan ;�as
rr �;u�.�t�d ir� s�m��roving c�u� o��rat� ort� in the 4'a�.l.�y e
In a�tion partia��.y to �or:��at th€a ;�ar� I.ui� Rey 1Nat�r
;oraservati��n Di.strict:, sui.t ar'c� a? �� �:� �rotec�; oua: 1n'�ter F,ights ��n
the San Lu�_ ; Rey River, the Compan}�� fi7.ed a su� t in Sup�rior Coart
on January 14, 1955, with tr�� �l.timate aim af :��cur�.ng a��uctic�tion
of �.�a �an I..ui.s rt�y Rivex� water. Thi z suit� i:� �regreJsing satis-
�actor? ly at th�_s time. Wiih t;he c�r�c;lusi:�n of this su�fi., v�� sha.11
b� i,n a b�tter pc�siti.�r� to know our ri.ghts in t�-:e ri.v�� and p1ar:
Th� c{ua�it}� of w�ter bein� extract;�� frGrri '�h� Sar� I.c�� s Rey,
River at th�.s time i� �f the best c{uality oi w.at�r o�ta�neci frorrr
tr;at saur�e i.n the ? ast �.en years. The water lev�1 in the w���a,1.s
ha�� im�:x•�ved somewhat over a si^�;_1ar �}�rioc; a year a�c�, The 4;.rl�rici�
ccr°�+�nt of trie vra#;er �k�tainc�d i�� ap�roxi.�r:atel.y 170 ppm compared tc�
�?Q �pn� fcr th� ;vtetro�olitan wa�te.r. �nly s�a�?�4 water is �eing �u:��d
£ror� i hE� San Luis P,�y as rPeer�ed t� balarce f1o�,��s frorc� th�:- Water
�uthor�ty anc� t� m�intair. our �quz�rn�nr in op�rating ccnc€ition.
vAL�.��'E�� LtiKE :
At trl� �nr3 of tr�e i.rr:�gat:�ng s�aaon i n I.G54, Ca�avera L.ake
was drai.ned �£ a�.� u�d�wirable �rrat�r in c�r�'er t`��� law chlori�e
Page 2
water ccul� bP si��.:ed durinc� thP rv�_r���r. in,r� a�e nc�w in tr�� �rac����
of fillinc; the Lake with Nietropo.li.tan wa-"�r. it is anticipatea vhat
the L.ak� will �� su�stantiall,y f:a�.� at th� U�tart of �h� irrigati��i
ME`1"?�.rJP�LIT,�N V'dATER :
�uring �.R54, the a�ea incl�:ding and sur.round�.ng Carlsbad
formed a Municipal lh'ater D.istrict wr�Cr� was admitted to the Co�anty
Water Auf.horit.y. After admyssi�r� to th� Authcrity, a cont�•act �Nas
n�: Ja�iated witr� �he City af C�c�ans,ide far tran�mi�sion of �:o�.crado
River �r�ater th�c�ugh �_ts transmis�ior� rrdain to th� Cax�lsba�'; A��t�a�.
U6'ater Gompar�y lin�s. Vde s�arted rece�s/ing water fxom that sQurce
i.n 1.ate �une, 1954. This watez• criabl�d th� �ompany ta r�duce its
wat�r �xtraction from th� �ar� Luis R�}r River an� deliver t.o tr��
shaxeholder � a better quali�y v��ate�•.
Ad�quate pip�line facilities for �rir�ging alJ. the desirable
water need�d by the Mutual '�ave not ye� k�een canstructed. Th��
problem is naw ��ing s�udied k�y the San Di�go Coun�y V�Jater Authorit}�
and the C�rl�bad P�urli.ci��1 �Nater Dis�rict.
Pa�� 3
During 195� many improvements were made in the tran�-
mis�ion �.ines b�tUrEen the San I.uis REe}� River (and the City of
C�ceansid�) and Carlsbad, Th�s� i.m�rovemeents prQvided the share-
h��.d�r� v��i.th more water and clean�r water. I�irty wat�r originat�ng
in th� tran�mission 1i_nm� is now rzi.story as of the end of the y�ar.
Ir� this ��xiod, 5,538 fe�t of 18" diamter steel ].ine
ins �alled i.n 1914 was clPaned and cement lined in place. T!��i.s
operation �aved th� �om�aany c�nsid�rable mc�n�y in cam�arisan to
installing a n�w line.
In location> where cleaninq and lining was not �easible,
27C� feet of r.ew �8 inch line and 218 feet of 21 i.nch linP was
installed to replace the original pipelin�. �elcw is shawn a
photo o£ the �LLnstallation �f a portion of this line:
P H 0 T 0
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Pa �e 4
In the distribution system, progress continued in
replacina the o1d l�akinr� mains r�ith new Transite lineso In r�an�
cases, we faund that v��e were no�v �laci.ng tl-�e fourth pi�eline i.n
the same stre�t.
Replacer�ent of pipeline� at suc}�� frequer,* interval� is
very costl.y. The� �res�r�t ty�e af pi.pe being installed will last
for a consid�rably lori��r peri.od anci hence prov�.de k��tter service
at a lower cost.
All. pi.pelin� replacements r�av� been rrade af a�ize v���,ich
is consider�d adequate for present and futur� service requiremPr,ts.
Includx � in the re�lac�ment �rogram, the £cllawinc� amount�
of pi�e.l�.ne vrer� installed:
4 inch
h inch
8 i.nch
10 inch
12 inch
340 f eet
1(?,42b feet
3,565 £eet
2,�65 feEt
435 feet
In addition ta this, 4284 fee#: of 12 inch steel line
installed in 1929 was cleaned and cement-linPd in the groUnd. This
praject wi.11 enable th� aharehold�r� �asL cf Highland D.r�v� to
receive adea,Uate pressur� wher� a new pumping station�y is installed.
���(1��1Zl.�✓ Le` N t� V l a89"f'/ �&' �«�r3,�-;,'' �,�9 �/"L f r*'/ L�.".
Durinq the year, �hareholdersndonated to the Company
2,75C� feE�t af � inch pi�eline. This pipe was installed by �campany
:� -°� �.�'�a
,�.,F .. � . .
Page 5
Durinq the year, a mechanzva.l valve operator vras placed
in service �y thE Com�an}�. This equ.ipment will enable the Cc�m�any
to op�rate a11 va�ves installecI in the system. I� planned proqrarrs
of valve o�eration �r�i.11 da much to kee� all valves mai�tained so
they can b� used wh�r: nEeded.
D�arinc 1954, a11 th� r�servoirs of the Mut�al Company
wer� dyainEci, cleaned, sterilizeci an� �laced back in operation.
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Page 6
The program Wr.��r�vvas started in 1953 to previd� all
shareFolders with met�rs of a size suited to their reqc�iremenis
an:� which, at the same tim�, would accu�at�ly meter thP water
deliv�red throug�a them, rontini�ed in 19540
,.� ��'
As the re�ult of. th�.s pro�ram, th� fo�.lowing �°chanaes
in m�ter sizes were made in 1954:
IIvTSTALL.ED: 60 - 5/8" Size Meters
72 - 3/4" Si�e Met�rs
REMOVED: 11 - 1" Size Meters
19 - 1!" Siz� I��eters
57 - 2" Size Metexs
8 _ �'r Size Mete�s
This indicates that th� 1.arcer m�:ters whicr are not
now fGlly requi.red are being re�lacecd at a satisfactory rate.
All new meters installed v�a�re fully tested.
Durina the yQa?', many ol�d deteriarated water service5
serving the sharehoiders were replaced with ne�v copper servic�so
This work was charged to Mairtenance.
Pa�e 7
During the year, a Rate c�f Flow Control.ler was insta.�led
at the Calavera filtration plant. This Rate of Flow Controller
contrals the amQunt of water bei.n� discf�a�q�c� frorn th� filtrat�on
plant. It is an+i�ipate� that this �quipmer�� wi11 enable the
Cc�m�any ta o�Erate the filtrat�ort �lant at a higher sustained xat�
ihan has prEviously been possibl�.
�or the r��id�nts lia�ing on Highland .4v�nue, and the a�r�a ea�#; tn
P�arzree Stre��, �he Cor;i��any was able ta i.ncrease and stabi.lize th�
water pre�sur� a�� a k��q��=�.��� ,/Iapp�aac-�ima.te�y five �ounds per
square znch qr�at�r than th� �revious maxim�.:r� pr�s�ur�. This was
acc�m�lish�d �y installzna preper control switch at �r�e #2 Booster
Station. This mseasure � s cor�side��d ta be orily G£ a terr�pa�ary
nature as the �om�am,r is planr�ing to sub�tantially incr�ase the
pre�sur� in this ar�a by the c�rzstructior� of a n�w �um�ing stat;ion
in i:he near futu.r�a
�►t Boos�er Stations ,#b and #7, 1pvr prFssure cor��rol
switches w�re ins.talled -�c oper�te the �um�s. The�e swit�h�s ��vill
�r:able thR Company to operate th� Boo�ter Stations ai�tomatically
in conjun�tion with t.h� fil�:rat�on plant. Previously thece sta�ions
have �een manuall.y �ontre?led and hav� ���sented op�rating problerr,�
ta the Gompany.
Page 8
Durinq the year, �very effar� was made by the �ompany
Dt1T E
� 2 k3 .
T�I a y
�ca r�Guce the amour�t of �;nacco�r�ted for watera Qur succ�ss in th.i�
pro�;ram is indicat�� ir� the table b�l�v,:
(First six item� in thousands of cubic feet)
6,590 4,714
4,580 3,Q11
6,020 4,287
5,630 4,155
12,30Q 9:170
1Q,5�0 9,09G�
8,1 8,61Qo? 15,�Q0 1Q,1�0
8,100 5,675 13,775 11,531.3
7,94Q 5,550 13,44Q .11,124.8
3,110 7,159.5 10,26905 �,403.1
2,560 4,524 —400.5 6,683.5 6�236
1,514 3,555 —1003.8 4,06502 3,19�
In Acre Feet
1,�376 �3 ac.fto
1,569 36
1,733 40
1.,475 34
3,130 72
1,4Q0 34
4,980 112
2,243.7 51,2
2,315.2 52.9
1,886.4 42,8
447.5 10,�
87�.2 2Q.0
109,Q33.2 85,037.2_ 23,99b. 5�8.2
Into Calavera
Uut of Calavera
81.0 acre fee� - Runoff
14.7 acre feet - Metropolitan
22.2 acre feet - Well
I�� Total In 262.8 Total Out
280.0 Dec. 1953 in Lake
117.9 1954 IN
262.8 1954 QUT
70.0 Lake Reading 1954
�5.�'acre feet - I.OSS 1954
6708 acre feet to System
195,0 acre fe�t to Terramar
2,503.0 Produced
65.1 Loss Lake
2,5 8.1 Total Praduction 1954
1,945.0 Consumeci & Accounted for
623.0 TOT�L LOSS, Acre Feet, 1954
Thi� report indicates that losses increased during the
month of Ju.ly, after which th�r_� wa� a declin� in the v�ater losse�.
Page 9
Also shown is a 650� acre foot los� in the operation Qf Calavera
It is important to the �hareholders t� knaw that all
wa�er mus+ be �aid for, whet�er or �ot it is meter�� to the share-
halders. Therefore the 62.3 acre faot loss in 1954 is a direct
loss of money to the shareholders. We are attem�ting �y a11
means possible to reduc� this loss, - namely �y the early replace-
ment of faulty pipelines, the repair and replacemenL of faulty
consumer meters and constant ma�ntenance and check �n �he large
Gompany me��rs.
Page 10 ��
�#s stated in earlier pUblication� of the Company, the ���
Compa.ny has been in �he proc�ss of c�btaa.nin� a long t�rm loan �
to enable the C�mpany to re�lace ir�acdequate and faulty pipelin�s,,�°`�
pumping stations and o+her facili�ies. Progress on this loan�i�
bein� made at a satisiactory ratQ at this +im�.
For the infor•matior� of a�.l s;�areholders, there is shawn
1�Elow a graph of the net wr�rth af th� �ompa�y as determ.ined by its
auditc�rs fax the lasv fifteen y�axs:
_____._ � ---__ .-_--_._
,_.__.. --
.. . 1954 $ 365 , 544 : QQ _�. -�... .-�._..,.
" 1953 631,464.00
195?_ 549, 860.00,��, �`'�.,�
1951 . �Q� � �Q�.44' �,.
,' 1950 . �83,�308-.DO .�.�._--- _ �� ..
1949 ��6,�g45.00 ` ��-� �
J.94f; _.._._�3,�, 891.0� , �` . �.�
� 1947 -... �.Q3; �2.00 � r `�.._.. .,,,
1946 �"3�0;-�9gQ�Q __._�
1945 356,5�9.58
1944 306,118.�;�'
__ .
1943 3Q3,°48.29
�942 296,920.00
1941 288,013.62
, .1940 277,754.00
Note: During 19��, M�ters and 5ervices which are the property �
of the Com�any were re-valued. The increase ir� value on .-`
`" t h e s e m e t er s wa s$141,-5�-C3-. 9'� . "�r
�_ _... ___ _ _ -----�'
�,----.____..___.__._______� ----_ _ _.
_.._._.. .. . = ._�-
__.--_...__________ _ _ _.__ _.._.._.____.___--_-
It shauld be note� that the inerease i.r� water assessm�nts
in I953 and 19�� rP£l�r.t di.rectly ir� the i�Lreas�d r��t worth of
our Companv. Thi� s�h�a�� that y��r money has been avell spent an�
that you ar� obtaining ben�fits from >>t.
Page 11
Duz•ing 1954, the Company act�vely engaged in th� p.rogram
af the 5an Dieoo County 'Neather Modificatien Corporatzon. Thzs is
an organization supported by mast of the water agenciesr districts
and departments in the Couniy, all of wh�rch combine �o finance the
c.�oUd se�ding program for th� area.
Pa�L 12
During 1954, the Board of Directors autho�ized the
Manager to employ th� f�rm �� R�m���to�-Rand ta oxganize a filing
system for the Company an� to refile all Com�any record�. As a
r���alt of this program, a11 recards of the Company are now avai�able
�or u�eo
An�ther res�lt of this pro�ram was to bring to light
a lack of �ast policy regardin� pip�lzn� extensionse After c�n-
siderin� the materiaZ availabl�, th� BO�T� Qf Directors am�nded the
�ulQs � Regulations of the Corporati�n. It is anticipated that the
Company will rec�v�r SOmP. $�0,000 becau�� �f thi> one �hange, and
tha� in the future, all shar�holders wi11 b� tr�ate� equal�y. The
�ost of the �urv�y has already be�� r���u�red b�� the Campany.
Several mo�ifivatiQns were mad@ i� the offic�. Th�se
con,�iJt�d of rem�vin� obsolete counters an� par�;tions in �r�er
+hat th� ofiic� force ��ou1d haw� m�re Jpace in which to work.t� The
BQ3T� of Jirectors acted on thP r�port by Everts � Es�na�f conL�rn-
in� ac�o�nting procedures of �h4� �om�any, As a result, a n��v �y�t�m
of keeping ad�quate re�ords of th� Company was establi�hed. This
system enabl�d �he Company for th� fir�t tim� in its history to
acr��ately kno4v what �ts assets ar� and whar.� they are located. The
work involved i� this �han�eo�✓er waa don� b•� Com�any forces.
. „���W�, � ° �i' ,
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�.' " t
Debra Doerfler
From: Robin Nuschy
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 12:51 PM
To: Debra Doerfler
Subject: Those files you sent over the other day on CMWD Managers Report
On Water Supply and Mission Basin Water Supply .............Ron does not want those destroyed ever. I will send them back
to you but not sure where at Faraday you are.
Let me know,
�2alrr;s�t� Nu�chy
Secretary to the City Attorney
P: 760-434-2891
F: 760-434-8367
�' # �' � �
Ik ' . i �
Pt�ase consider the �nvirr�r�men2� before printing this �-mait.