HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; Beach Nourishment Sources Carlsbad/Oceanside; 1993-11-01C PI m B U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Los Angeles District m . w BEACH NOURISHMENT SOURCES ALONG THE CARLSBAD/OCEANSIDE COAST SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FINAL REPORT NOVEMBER 1993 COASTAL FRONTIERS Ref. 501 October 30,1998 City of Carlsbad T? "P P1 P TVT7 FlEngineering Department JVC, V,£L1 V HU 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 NOV 0 2 1998 Attn: Mr. Steven C. Jantz ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Subject: "Sand Thickness Survey Report" "Beach Nourishment Sources along the Carlsbad/Oceanside Coast" Dear Steve: I am enclosing copies of the two reports I mentioned at the CSBPA Conference. Both were prepared for the Corps of Engineers, with one presenting the results of a jet probe study conducted by Tekmarine, and the other presenting the results of a vibracore program conducted by Coastal Frontiers. Together, they provide a good first indication of potential offshore sand reserves located in the Carlsbad area. I enjoyed our conversations during the conference, and look forward to remaining in contact. Sincerely, Coastal Frontiers Corporation Craig B. Leidersdorf Principal CBL:hs Enclosure: as stated Coastal Frontiers Corporation 9420 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Suite 101 Chatsworth, CA 91311-5759 (818) 341-8133 Fax (818) 341-4498 m BEACH NOURISHMENT SOURCES ALONG THE CARLSBAD/OCEANSIDE COAST SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FINAL REPORT November, 1993 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. PREVIOUS STUDIES 3 2.1 Fischer, et al. 1983 3 2.2 Osborne, et al. 1983 6 2.3 Other Studies 9 3. HISTORICAL AND PLANNED NOURISHMENT PROJECTS 9 3.1 Oceanside Harbor Entrance 9 3.2 Agua Hedionda Lagoon 12 3.3 Batiquitos Lagoon Wetlands Restoration 14 4. FIELD DATA COLLECTION 14 5. OFFSHORE SEDIMENT SOURCES AND COSTS 15 5.1 Vibracore Investigation 15 5.2 Recent Cost Information 25 6. ONSHORE SEDIMENT SOURCES AND COSTS 26 7. CONCLUSIONS 27 8. REFERENCES 29 APPENDIX VIBRACORE LOG SHEETS 31 LIST OF FIGURES -I Figure 1. Location Map 2 "' Figure 2. Quaternary Deposits, Carlsbad/Oceanside, California 4 ••1 Figure3. Quaternary Deposits, South of Carlsbad, California 5 • at «, Figure 4. Previously Identified Potential Borrow Areas, Carlsbad/Oceanside, California 7 Figure 5. Previously Identified Potential Borrow Areas, Carlsbad, California 8 y Figure 6. Del Mar Boat Basin/Oceanside Harbor Configuration 10 ""• Figure 7. Agua Hedionda Lagoon and Jetty Configuration 13 i«ff Figure 8. Location Map, Carlsbad/Oceanside Vibratory Coring Investigation, June 1993 16 "H m LIST OF TABLES m mm Table 1. Oceanside Beach Nourishment Quantities and Placement 11 4U Table 2. Agua Hedionda Beach Nourishment Quantities and Placement 13 Table 3. Vibracore Data Summary 17 gjj Table 4. Vibracore Sediment Characteristics 20 «i Table 5. Specific Gravity Analyses 24 m 4 BEACH NOURISHMENT SOURCES ALONG THE CARLSBAD/OCEANSIDE COAST SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 1. INTRODUCTION -< This study was conducted to expand the body of knowledge regarding the location, character and volume of sand deposits suitable for future beach nourishment n activities in the Carlsbad/Oceanside area. Both offshore and onshore sources of sand were g considered. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, authorized this study under Contract No. DACW09-D-0017, Delivery Order No. 7. •w ,,„ A review of previous studies was undertaken as part of this investigation. Additional insight was gained from past beach nourishment projects such as Oceanside *•* Harbor entrance dredging and sand bypass projects conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of «i Engineers, and maintenance dredging of Agua Hedionda Lagoon by San Diego Gas & Electric. Onshore sources of sand were identified, as well, although data is sparse for ** large volume projects. m The cost of future beach replenishment operations was investigated in conjunction *" with sand source identification. These cost estimates were based on recent cost — experience in the projects mentioned above, along with discussions with dredging m contractors and owners of onshore sand sources. A field program resulting in the acquisition of 45 vibratory cores was the primary m source of new data contained within this study. From these cores, 94 sediment samples — were selected for mechanical analysis, and specific gravity analyses were performed on two samples of potential beach material. The field data was collected from 14-18 June «• 1993. Figure 1 shows the study area location within the San Diego County coastal region. it The chapters that follow contain an overview of previous studies (Chapter 2) and a «• quantitative summary of historical beach nourishment projects in Carlsbad and Oceanside gg (Chapter 3). Chapter 4 describes the field data collection operation, while data and findings are discussed in Chapter 5. A brief discussion of inland sand sources is presented ** in Chapter 6. Conclusions and References are detailed in Chapters 7 and 8, respectively. <* An Appendix containing vibracore log forms completes the report. «H SCALE IN MILES SOUNDINGS IN FATHOMS FIGURE 1 LOCATION MAP Source: USACOE LAD, 1991. 2. PREVIOUS STUDIES Several investigations have been undertaken in the past to identify offshore sand and gravel resources within Southern California for potential commercial or public uses, including beach nourishment. These efforts included seismic and vibratory coring data acquisition and studies of geologic strata to delineate the locations and extent of offshore resource deposits. The most relevant of these studies were carefully reviewed prior to .„ formulation of the plan of field operations for this project. Data and conclusions found in these reports remain valid, even though the studies reviewed are over ten years old. Outside of the active littoral zone, temporal changes which would affect the validity of this * information occur on a much longer time scale. Highlights of the previous studies that ^ provided direction for this field investigation are briefly discussed below. *i 2.1 Fischer, P.J., et a/., 1983. "Study on Quaternary Shelf Deposits (Sand and iH Gravel) of Southern California", prepared for the State of California, Department of Boating and Waterways, Beach Erosion Control Project, '** Sacramento, California. di The Fischer, et al. study presented prior geologic studies and the findings of ** seismic investigations of subsea subsurface strata between Point Conception and the * Mexican border for the purpose of identifying offshore resources with beach replenishment potential. Estimates of sediment volumes were made for both the inner "* shelf (depths of 0 to 30 meters (98 ft)) and the total shelf area to about the 100 meter (328 m ft) isobath. <• Seismic data was obtained from universities, government agencies and private industry, using high resolution sub-bottom profiling, boomer, airgun, sparker and side- *i scan sonar instrumentation. This seismic data was supplemented by corehole, dart and jet- j sample information provided by the petroleum industry and vibracore data from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and universities. Survey dates were between 1972 and 1979 for •<• the data mentioned above, and data was not generally gathered on a recurring basis at ^ fixed sites. Thus the accumulated data set is not appropriate for drawing conclusions regarding trends in the time domain. The data may still be considered current, relative to ** the time frame in which significant changes in coastal geomorphology are likely to occur H beyond the active littoral zone. Figures 2 and 3 show the compiled data as presented in Fischer, et al. ** Holocene shelf sediment volumes were found to be "dramatically lower" between Carlsbad and the San Dieguito River than other areas between San Pedro and the Mexican border. The total of all inner shelf Holocene sediment volumes from the Santa Margarita ** River (north of Oceanside Harbor) to Batiquitos Lagoon (south of Carlsbad) was only 147 m million cubic yards, of which 137 million cubic yards was located north of Carlsbad. This is the total of all sediment volumes of any composition within the 328 ft isobath. Material suitable for beach nourishment, with the added constraint of being limited to the band m between water depths of 40 and 60 ft, is a small subset of this total. By comparison, the I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INNER MARGIN PROJECT (SCMAP) BEST ORIGINAL *.••>•* te*M. !«•• * EXPLANATION IXPUMATION F«l OAT« I / n«*'.l*r^m.v?^IO-1OM -oeitri) (J:;H;T:HHi^"•' ii • QM'"- : **"••* -..-", FIGURE 2 QUATERNARY DEPOSITS, CARLSBAD/OCEANSIDE, CA Source: Fischer, et al., 1983. i i ft i ft j *, J IL.J ft. J *. J t i i i ft i ft J t. J ft i I J I i i i i a t * SOUTHERN CAUFORMA MNER MARGIN PROJECT (SCMAP) LATE QUATERNARY ISOPACH CARLSBAD TO LA JOLLA POINT EXPLANATION cmjuuTKM F<M DATA MM FIGURE 3 QUATERNARY DEPOSITS, SOUTH OF CARLSBAD, CA Source: Fischer, et al., 1983. San Pedro Shelf, bounded by Palos Verdes Peninsula and the Newport Submarine Canyon, includes about 860 million cubic yards of sedimentary material. The water depths in which significant sediment quantities were identified were typically greater than the practical dredging limit of about 100 ft. Noting that the bathymetry presented in Figures 2 and 3 is in meters, locally thick layers of sediment were shown to occur near or beyond the 50 meter (164 ft) isobath in all but the extreme southerly limit of the study area. 2.2 Osborne, R.H., et al, 1983. "Report of Potential Offshore Sand and Gravel Resources of the Inner Continental Shelf of Southern California", prepared for the State of California, Department of Boating and Waterways, Sacramento, California. The Osborne, et al., study delineated sand and gravel resources of the inner shelf between Point Dume and the Mexican border. The primary purpose of the report was to identify, locate and characterize site-specific borrow areas. The four primary criteria used to identify promising borrow areas were: 1. Occurrence in water depths not exceeding 30 meters (98 ft); 2. Maximum of 1 m (3 ft) of fine-grain overburden; 3. Capability to yield considerable sand- and/or gravel-size material with little fine- grained admixture; 4. Deposits not too indurated for dredging operations. Three areas were identified in the Carlsbad/Oceanside vicinity (Figures 4 and 5), of the total of twelve areas identified along the entire San Diego shelf. The locations were denoted as SD-I, SD-II and SD-III. Site SD-I was situated between the Santa Margarita River outlet to the north and Oceanside Harbor to the south. An estimated maximum deposit of suitable material of 24.9 million cubic yards was attributed to site SD-I. Site SD-II was located between the San Luis Rey River to the north and Buena Vista Lagoon to the south, with an estimated maximum volume of suitable material of 20.7 million cubic yards. Site SD-HI was offshore of the Batiquitos Lagoon outlet, with a maximum of 12.6 million cubic yards of suitable material according to the study. As shown in Figures 4 and 5, the previous Corps of Engineers vibracore sites were mapped along with the delineated borrow areas. In the region of SD-I, five previous Corps of Engineers vibracore sites were identified. In the region containing SD-II, three vibracore sites were identified, while at location SD-III, one vibracore site was designated. Log forms of these and other cores, including sediment descriptions and precise locations, were included in the Appendix of Osborne, et al (1983). H7°25' Ml ^33° 10' AREAIZ 0 0.5 I 2 kilometers 0.5 I nautical mile ~" ""— Boundary of borrow area I72KMF) US. Army Corps of Engineers vibracore station. Letters in parentheses denote sand suitability. rf 4 2053 "986 <MF)<MF) 1900 (MF) •AIOO(MF) FIGURE 4 PREVIOUSLY IDENTIFIED POTENTIAL BORROW AREAS, CARLSBAD/OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA Source: Osborne, et ah, 1983. "7°20>.435<MF •33°05' so-in I4I7.5(MF)« L-33° m m AREA3Z: 0 0.5 1 0.5 — —•—-— Boundary of borrow area • I435(MF) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers vibracore station. Letters mparentheses denote sand suitability. N SD-isrf I 2 kilometers nautical mile SD-3ZE',', I369(MF)» II7°20' Vallty 117° 15' 1 FIGURE 5 PREVIOUSLY IDENTIFIED POTENTIAL BORROW AREAS, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Source: Osborne, et al., 1983. 8 The authors pointed out that the geophysical and vibratory core sample coverage of the San Diego shelf was sparse relative to the data available for other coastal segments within Southern California. More uncertainty was attributed to the volumetric estimates and suitability evaluations for the identified borrow areas of this region than to those of the Santa Monica Bay and San Pedro Bay areas. The report concludes that "much more seismic and vibracore data is needed to further delineate the borrow areas along the San Diego County shelf." 2.3 Other Studies — In addition to the investigations outlined above, several other potentially relevant reports were reviewed. One such report was prepared for Southern California Edison *i Company (K. Zabloudil, et al, 1993) in order to identify and evaluate promising sites for i§ the construction of an artificial reef for environmental mitigation purposes. Field data consisted of jet probing, sub-bottom profiling and side-scan sonar. One of the potential <* sites was near Carlsbad State Beach, just northwest of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The •I principal finding relevant to the beach nourishment study was that only thin veneers of sediment were found overlying bedrock in the vicinity, which was located in water depths * of 33 to 50 ft. m Another study reported the findings of a jet-probe sand thickness survey in the San Diego Region (USACOE LAD, 1988). This report dealt principally with the nearshore m portion of the beach profile, and corroborated the existence of a potential offshore sand „, source at Site SD-I (west of Oceanside Harbor) described in Osborne, et al. (1983). m m 3. HISTORICAL AND PLANNED NOURISHMENT PROJECTS A compilation of historical sediment transport intervention, including dredging and ^ beach nourishment activities, between the Mexican border and Point Conception was ii prepared in 1980 (M. Shaw, 1980). The study included dates, locations, quantities and outcome of operations. Completion dates of man-made structures were also incorporated m into the data. Summations of data from this reference have been included in the sections "^ that follow. Subsequent reports document activities that occurred after 1980 (USACOE LAD, 1991; Tekmarine, 1991). 3.1 Oceanside Harbor Entrance The Del Mar Boat Basin south jetty and part of the north breakwater were constructed by the U.S. Navy in 1942, with additional north breakwater length added in 1958. The Oceanside Harbor north groin and part of the south jetty were completed in 1963, with the south groin and south jetty being completed in 1968 (refer to Figure 6 for configuration) (M. Shaw, 1980). 11 m m m * a Camp Pendleton.-T£J :.'. i--X^C-- .-.'X V.-.i. Kar Boat Basin N5.T- OCEANSIOE \//m?\ ,' ZM Oceanslde Harbor i-l. FIGURE 6 DEL MAR BOAT BASIN/OCEANSIDE HARBOR CONFIGURATION Source: Shaw, 1980. 10 In 1944-5, material dredged to create the Boat Basin and Harbor was disposed as inland fill. Table 1 indicates the quantities of material that were later dredged and used for beach nourishment, beginning in 1958. It should be noted that the cumulative totals dredged include significant amounts of material that were naturally redeposited into the Harbor entrance from the surrounding beaches. Of the more than 11 million cy of material transported for beach nourishment, as little as 2.5 million cy was derived from sources other than the active littoral zone (USACOE LAD, 1991). TABLE 1 OCEANSIDE BEACH NOURISHMENT QUANTITIES AND PLACEMENT Sources: M. Shaw (1980), USACOE LAD (1991), and Tekmarine (1991) Quantity (xlOOO cu yds) 800 41 483 3,813 111 684 178 434 353 552 434 560 551 319 463 963 475 450 220 217 20 250 5 Disposal Area 6th to 9th Street 6th to 9th Street 6th to 9th Street 9th Street 9th to 3rd Street 3rd Street to Minn. Ave. 3rd Street to Tyson Street San Luis Rey to Wisconsin Ave. San Luis Rey to Wisconsin Ave. 3rd Street to Wisconsin Ave. Tyson St. to Hayes St. Pine St. to Witherby St. Ash St. to Witherby St. Ash St. to Witherby St. 3rd Street to Buccaneer Ave. 3rd Street to Buena Vista Lgn. Oceanside Beaches Oceanside Beaches Oceanside Beaches Tyson Street south fillet Tyson Street south fillet Date Completed 1958 1960 1961 1963 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1971 1973 1975 1976 1978 1981 1982 1984 1986 1988 1989 1990 1990 1991 AH/j^— 1_J Oetoiwidt f V,. — HIT"""1 ^T^««. , fc—"^T******"' -6ft St -3rtst — Tyson St ^S^-MinaAve. ^^^•fljrGS St, V^^^— VWttierbySL * \f^^d^> I I— '"""^ Lagoon 1 1 ** ~.tI 33° 10 N 1— Tamarack Ave. L Aguo |\ 1 . Hedionaa //X>1 Lagoon 11 3.2 Agua Hedionda Lagoon Four jetties were constructed adjacent to Agua Hedionda Lagoon in 1954, as shown in Figure 7. Table 2 shows the subsequent dredging and beach fill summary from 1954 to 1991 (M. Shaw, 1980; USACOE LAD, 1991; Tekmarine, 1991). The most recent dredging program occurred from December, 1990 to April, 1991, when 465,000 cubic yards of fine sand were dredged from Agua Hedionda and placed on the beach as follows: 50,000 cy north of Tamarack Avenue, 265,000 cy off Agua Hedionda, and 150,000 cy immediately south of Agua Hedionda (Tekmarine, 1991). TABLE2 AGUA HEDIONDA BEACH NOURISHMENT QUANTITIES AND PLACEMENT Sources: M. Shaw (1980), USACOE LAD (1991) and Tekmarine (1991) Quantity (xlOOO cu yds) 4000* 111 232 370 225 307 222 160 97 200 340 391 419 292 200 447 331 465 Disposal Area north and south of outlet south of lagoon outlet south of lagoon outlet south of lagoon outlet south of lagoon outlet south of lagoon outlet south of lagoon outlet south of lagoon outlet south of lagoon outlet south of lagoon outlet south of lagoon outlet south of lagoon outlet south of lagoon outlet north and south of outlet north and south of outlet north and south of outlet north and south of outlet north and south of outlet Date Completed 1954 1955 1957 1960 1961 1963 1965 1967 1969 1972 1974 1976 1979 1981 1983 1985 1988 1991 * Initial construction of cooling water lagoon; all else from lagoon maintenance dredging. Note: Data compiled exclusively from sources cited above. No independent research investigation of historical dredging records was included as part of this field study. 12 CARLSBAD PACIFIC OCEAN il Jetty jetty Power ?l«nt CARLSBAD SCALE IN METERS 500 0 1000 FIGURE 7 AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON AND JETTY CONFIGURATION Source: Shaw, 1980. 13 3.3 Batiquitos Lagoon Wetlands Restoration Of the material to be dredged from Batiquitos Lagoon as part of a proposed wetlands restoration project, an estimated 2.5 to 3 million cubic yards has been deemed suitable for beach nourishment. The most recent plans are to place the material at Encina Beach (south of Agua Hedionda, between Carlsbad State Beach and South Carlsbad State Beach), with some also going to the beach near the Batiquitos Lagoon entrance (R. Nathan, personal communication). Dredging for this project could begin as early as September, 1994. 4. FIELD DATA COLLECTION m — A field data collection program was undertaken by Coastal Frontiers Corporation along the Carlsbad/Oceanside coast during 14-18 June 1993. The field study consisted of «• vibratory coring in and around promising borrow sites identified in previous studies. g| Additional cores were taken at intervals along the coast in an attempt to ensure that other significant deposits were not overlooked. The R/V Sea Watch, a 65 ft research vessel m owned and operated by the University of Southern California, was used as the platform for *( vibracoring operations. The vibracoring equipment used was also owned by the University. R/V Sea Watch operated out of Oceanside Harbor during the investigation, ^ originating from and returning to her Terminal Island home port before and after the -* project. The plan of action for field activities was developed in consultation with Dr. Latif Kadib and the staffs of the Coastal Resources Branch of the Planning Division and the m Geotechnical Branch of the Engineering Division within the U.S. Army Corps of ^ Engineers, Los Angeles District. Three primary areas were initially targeted for detailed investigation based on findings of previous studies, particularly the works of Osbome, et m al. (1983) and Fischer, et al. (1983). The three sites were designated SD-I, SD-H and 4i SD-III in the Osborne report, and were located near the Santa Margarita Creek outlet (north of Oceanside Harbor), South Oceanside (south of the Harbor) and near the m Batiquitos Lagoon outlet (south of Carlsbad), respectively. Spot checks of the intervening "Hi areas were made by obtaining cores at locations typically separated by 0.5 to 1 mile. In most cases, a twenty foot core barrel having a 2.5 inch diameter was used. ** Cores were taken to the full barrel length or to refusal depth. A shorter barrel was used at ,m several locations where seabed penetration was difficult. Data obtained as part of the Coast of California Storm and Tidal Waves Study, m San Diego Region (USACOE LAD, 1991) showed that the depth of closure for !g bathymetric profile changes averaged about 40 ft MLLW in the study vicinity. Beach nourishment borrow areas should be limited to areas located beyond the depth of closure ** to avoid impacting the nearshore sediment transport processes that cause these changes. m 14 More importantly, dredging beyond the depth of closure introduces new material into the littoral sediment budget, as opposed to relocating material already within the littoral zone. For these reasons, the field investigation was concentrated in depths greater than about 40 ftMLLW. The outer limit of exploration was approximately 60 ft MLLW, which is within the practical depth limitation of the vibracoring apparatus, and appropriate for the conduct of economical beach nourishment dredging operations. Portions of the three primary sites of interest (SD-I, SD-n and SD-ffl) lie seaward of the closure depths mentioned above. Some cores were obtained in as little as 33 ft of water to corroborate the previous data. Subsequent cores were taken beyond the deeper limits of the primary sites, in an effort to more precisely define the extent of the deposits. In the field, each core was split, measured and logged qualitatively and then photographed. Samples of each distinct horizon were then gathered and bagged. Forty- five cores were obtained and logged during the field program, from which a total of 128 sediment samples were retrieved for mechanical analysis and specific gravity determination by Corps personnel. Due to Corps budget constraints, mechanical analyses were performed on 94 samples and specific gravity was calculated for two samples. Presentation and discussion of the data obtained are included in the next chapter. 5. OFFSHORE SEDIMENT SOURCES AND COSTS 5.1 Vibracore Investigation Vibratory core locations and relative suitability have been mapped in Figure 8. Cores exhibiting promising beach sand are denoted by a triangle, while locations of unsuitable material are represented by a circle. Cores were obtained at 45 sites along the coast offshore from Batiquitos Lagoon, Agua Hedionda Lagoon, Carlsbad, Buena Vista Lagoon, the San Luis Rey River, Oceanside Harbor, and the Santa Margarita River. Tables 3 and 4 summarize the locations and characteristics of vibracore samples which were analyzed, while Table 5 presents the results of specific gravity analyses on two samples of the most suitable sediments. The specific gravity analyses were performed by Corps personnel to provide a comparison to typical beach sand, and indicated a range from 2.62 to 2.64. Specific gravity of beach sand affects its ability to withstand wave and wind forces which could transport the material away from the beach. Appendix A contains each of the vibracore log forms. In general, the vibracoring investigation showed good correlation with the findings of previous studies regarding sediment location. 15 To R "2" Fl Whit To "2" Fl 2.SMC WHIS wttn cmdoo- O(Accun Reproduced from N.O.S. chart no. 18774, Corrected to March 7,1981 MEASURED COURSE tO FT 326' TRUE San Lain Rey / I SCALE 1:100,000 Office* « buoy* an UgMU« Navigatii Chapter 2 Notice to revised rec the regulati of the Dista in Los Anc Anchors at the Offic Guard Oist Refer to designauor FIGURES LOCATION MAP CARLSBAD/OCEANSIDE VIBRATORY CORING INVESTIGATION JUNE 1993 OS-22 VmRATORY CORE LOCATION IDENTIFICATION PROMISING BEACH NOURISHMENT MATERIAL UNSUITABLE OR MARGINAL BEACH MATERIAL 1. Soundings in fathoms using MLLW datum. 2. Field work performed June 14-18, 1993 by Coastal Frontiers Corp. 16 fc I I J ft J ft. J ft. i ft-ft j ft i II 1 i ft 1 ft J ft 1 II TABLE 3 VIBRACORE DATA SUMMARY CARLSBAD/OCEANSIDE June 1993 Core Number OS-1 OS-2 OS-3 OS-4 OS-5 OS-6 OS-7 OS-8 OS-9 OS-10 OS-11 OS-12 OS-13 OS-14 OS- 15 OS-16 OS-17 OS-18 OS-19 OS-20 SPCS '83 Zone 6 Northing (ft) 2,021,416.8 N 2,024,307.4 N 2,026,1 80.8 N 2,028,400. IN 2,024,453. IN 2,026, 164.0 N 2,027,7 11. 8 N 2,022,895.2 N 2,023,238.8 N 2,021,496.8 N 2,024,452.9 N 1,975,747.8 N 1,976,653.3 N 1,974,861. 3 N 1,976,793.3 N 1,977,631. 9 N 1,979,035.8 N 1,983,315.1 N 1,986,416.3 N 1, 989,307.2 N SPCS '83 Zone 6 Easting (ft) 6,204,616.4 E 6,204,806.8 E 6,203,772.6 E 6,201,646.5 E 6,201,025.8 E 6,201,498.9 E 6,200,298.1 E 6,199,896.8 E 6,201,685.0 E 6,202,894.0 E 6,202,657.1 E 6,233,864.9 E 6,233,088.0 E 6,233,973.2 E 6,234,222.8 E 6,233,460.5 E 6,232,571. 4 E 6,23 1,01 2.8 E 6,230,207.9 E 6,228,630.3 E Locale N of O.S. Harbor N of O.S. Harbor Santa Margarita N of Santa Margarita Santa Margarita Santa Margarita Santa Margarita Santa Margarita Santa Margarita Santa Margarita Santa Margarita W. of Batiquitos Batiquitos Batiquitos Batiquitos Batiquitos N. of Batiquitos N. of Batiquitos S. of Agua Hedionda S. of Agua Hedionda Water Depth (ft) MLLW 44 36 37 37 51 45 45 57 50 50 44 45 53 49 37 45 52 53 47 47 Core Length( ft) 19.0 17.6 17.6 4.0 19.0 15.0 12.0 14.0 3.6 9.5 16.5 18.0 13.0 0 9.0 4.0 1.0 0.2 9.5 2.0 No. of Sediment Samples 4 3 5 3 5 2 2 2 1 3 4 5 4 0 1 6 1 1 5 2 Promising Beach Sand? Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No No No hi fcj fc.J i I i TABLE 3 (CONT'D.) VIBRACORE DATA SUMMARY CARLSBAD/OCEANSIDE June 1993 Core Number OS-21 OS-22 OS-23 OS-24 OS-25 OS-26 OS-27 OS-28 OS-29 OS-30 OS-31 OS-32 OS-33 OS-34 OS-35 OS-36 OS-37 OS-38 OS-39 OS-40 SPCS '83 Zone 6 Northing (ft) 1,995,807.0 N 2,01 5,652.0 N 2,012,987.3 N 2,007,31 7.4 N 2,01 1,857.8 N 2,013,932. IN 1 ,996,742.4 N 2,000,7 11. ON 2,002,063.3 N 2,006,421. 3 N 2,009,552.5 N 2,023,286.6 N 2,020,024. IN 2,019,938.9 N 2,01 7,301. 2 N 2,012,452.3 N 2,009,81 0.6 N 2,013,581.7 N 2,014,733.5 N 2,015,751.0 N SPCS '83 Zone 6 Easting (ft) 6,225,269.5 E 6,21 1,507.1 E 6,213,956.2 E 6,21 5,036.9 E 6,212,429.3 E 6,21 1,850.2 E 6,223,406.8 E 6,222,025.6 E 6,219,188.4 E 6,218,271.1 E 6,215,285.6 E 6,203,903.2 E 6,203,903.2 E 6,206,083.5 E 6,207, 150.3 E 6,207,458.5 E 6,213,299.3 E 6,20951 5.9 E 6,212,318.0 E 6,209,677.6 E Locale Agua Hedionda San Luis Rey San Luis Rey San Luis Rey San Luis Rey San Luis Rey (Pier) Agua Hedionda Carlsbad Carlsbad Oceanside Oceanside Santa Margarita Santa Margarita Off Oceanside Hbr. Off Oceanside Hbr. San Luis Rey San Luis Rey San Luis Rey San Luis Rey (Pier) San Luis Rey Water Depth (ft) MLLW 45 36 35 33 47 41 62 44 60 41 43 42 56 43 45 59 49 48 37 43 Core Length (ft) 1.6 11.5 11.4 8.5 8.7 15.2 7.0 1.1 14.8 8.5 13.6 17.7 10.9 5.9 18.8 13.8 18.7 7.3 13.3 6.9 No. of Sediment Samples 0 5 3 4 3 5 3 0 1 1 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 5 3 Promising Beach Sand? No No Yes No No Marginal No No No No Marginal Yes No Marginal Marginal No No No No Yes 00 ft i ft J iL J ft J i i II I i 1 i * i TABLE 3 (CONT'D.) VIBRACORE DATA SUMMARY CARLSBAD/OCEANSIDE June 1993 Core Number OS-41 OS-42 OS-43 OS-44 OS-45 SPCS '83 Zone 6 Northing (ft) 2,0 16737. IN 2,015,584.6 N 2,020,8 14.4 N 2,020,31 8.6 N 2,018,539.4 N SPCS '83 Zone 6 Easting (ft) 6,209,346.8 E 6,207,177.1 E 6,206,429.7 E 6,203,589.5 E 6,203,788.7 E Locale San Luis Rey San Luis Rey Oceanside Harbor Oceanside Harbor Oceanside Harbor Water Depth (ft) MLLW 37 49 38 49 54 Core Length (ft) 14.3 8.7 10.4 11.2 15.4 No. of Sediment Samples 4 2 4 2 4 Promising Beach Sand? No No Yes Yes No Note: Field Work Conducted June 14-18, 1993. TABLE 4 VIBRACORE SEDIMENT CHARACTERISTICS CARLSBAD/OCEANSIDE June 1993 Core No. OS-1 OS-2 OS-3 OS-4 OS-5 OS-6 OS-7 OS-8 Sample No. A B C D A B C A B C D E A B C A B C D E A B A B A B Depth Below Seabed (ft) 0-1 2-6 6-10 10-19 0-1 1-2 2-17 0-1 1-9 9-13 14-17 17-18 0-1 2-3 3-4 0-1 1-4 5-6 7-14 15-19 0-1 1-15 0-7 7-12 0-10 10-14 Max. Grain Size (mm) 3 20 20 20 1.5 20 5 5 3 20 1.5 20 2 20 20 20 20 20 20 0.5 20 20 20 2 20 20 Median Grain Size (mm) 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.08 0.2 0.4 0.15 0.2 0.15 0.2 1.0 0.15 4.0 15 8.0 0.3 1.0 0.2 <0.08 0.15 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.09 0.3 % Finer #200 Sieve 24 1 1 1 34 33 0 18 2 19 3 2 15 0 3 1 1 1 9 64 21 2 15 3 28 1 SM SP SP SP SM SM SP SM SP SM SP SP SM GW- GM GP GP SP SP SP- SM ML SM SP SM SP SM SP Soil Classification Silty Sand Poorly Graded Sand w/Gravel Poorly Graded Sand w/Gravel Poorly Graded Sand w/Gravel Silty Sand Silty Sand Poorly Graded Sand Silty Sand Poorly Graded Sand Silty Sand Poorly Graded Sand Poorly Graded Sand w/Gravel Silty Sand Well Graded Gravel with Silt & Sand Poorly Graded Gravel Poorly Graded Gravel w/Sand Poorly Graded Sand Poorly Graded Sand w/Gravel Poorly Graded Sand w/Silt Sandy Silt Silty Sand w/Gravel Poorly Graded Sand Silty Sand Poorly Graded Sand Silty Sand Poorly Graded Sand tf 20 TABLE 4 (CONT'D.) VIBRACORE SEDIMENT CHARACTERISTICS CARLSBAD/OCEANSIDE June 1993 Core No. OS-10 OS-11 OS-12 OS-13 OS-15 OS- 16 OS-19 Sample No. A B C A B C D A B C D E A B C D A A B C D E F A B C Depth Below Seabed (ft) 0-1 1-5 5-9 0-1 1-2 2-11 11-16 0-1 2-3 3-9 10 11-18 0-1 1-2 2-12 13 0-9 0-1 1 2 2-3 3 4 0-1 2-3 3-6 Max. Grain Size (mm) 20 20 5 20 20 1.5 2 20 20 20 3 5 20 2 20 2 20 2 3 5 1.5 5 5 20 20 1.5 Median Grain Size (mm) 0.09 8.0 0.2 0.3 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.25 4.0 0.3 0.25 0.3 5.0 0.3 0.6 0.25 0.7 0.15 0.35 0.15 0.15 0.25 0.2 0.1 <0.08 <0.08 % Finer #200 Sieve 34 1 1 15 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 12 18 29 31 10 13 17 79 62 SM GP SP SM SP SP SP sw SP SP SP SP GP SP SP SP SP SM SP- SM SM SM SW- SM SM SM ML ML Soil Classification Silty Sand Poorly Graded Gravel w/Sand Poorly Graded Sand Silty Sand w/Gravel Poorly Graded Sand Poorly Graded Sand Poorly Graded Sand Well Graded Sand w/Gravel Poorly Graded Sand w/Gravel Poorly Graded Sand Poorly Graded Sand Poorly Graded Sand Poorly Graded Gravel w/Sand Poorly Graded Sand Poorly Graded Sand Poorly Graded Sand Poorly Graded Sand Silty Sand Poorly Graded Sand w/Silt Silty Sand Silty Sand Well Graded Sand w/Silt Silty Sand Silty Sand Silt with Gravel Sandy Silt m m 21 TABLE 4 (CONT'D.) VIBRACORE SEDIMENT CHARACTERISTICS CARLSBAD/OCEANSEDE June 1993 Core No. OS-22 OS-23 OS-24 OS-25 OS-26 OS-27 OS-31 OS-32 OS-33 Sample No. A B C D E A B C D A B C A B C D E C A B C A B B Depth Below Seabed (ft) 0-1 2 3-6 6-10 11 0-1 1-7 7-11 8 0-5 6 7-8 0-1 1-2 2-7 7-13 13-15 6-7 0-5 5-6 6-13 0-2 3-17 4-11 Max. Grain Size (mm) 20 3 5 20 5 20 3 2 20 20 20 2 20 20 3 1.5 3 2 20 20 20 20 20 20 Median Grain Size (mm) 0.12 0.6 0.15 0.5 0.3 0.12 0.5 0.3 0.45 0.1 15 0.2 0.15 0.35 0.5 0.11 0.24 0.28 0.12 0.2 2 0.15 0.26 1.8 % Finer #200 Sieve 24 3 19 2 4 21 1 2 3 19 4 1 26 5 2 39 3 4 18 10 2 21 1 7 SM SP SM SP SP SM SP SP SP SM GP SP SM SP- SM SP SM SP SP SM SP- SM SP SM SP SP- SM Soil Classification Silty Sand Poorly Graded Sand Silty Sand Poorly Graded Sand Poorly Graded Sand Silty Sand Poorly Graded Sand Poorly Graded Sand Poorly Graded Sand Silty Sand Poorly Graded Gravel w/Sand Poorly Graded Sand Silty Sand Poorly Graded Sand w/Silt and Gravel Poorly Graded Sand Silty Sand Poorly Graded Sand Poorly Graded Sand Silty Sand w/Gravel Poorly Graded Sand w/Silt Poorly Graded Sand w/Gravel Silty Sand Poorly Graded Sand w/Gravel Poorly Graded Sand w/Silt and Gravel II m m m 22 TABLE 4 (CONT'D.) VIBRACORE SEDIMENT CHARACTERISTICS CARLSBAD/OCEANSIDE June 1993 Core No. OS-34 OS-35 OS-41 OS-43 OS-44 OS-45 Sample No. A B A B C A C D A B C D A B A B C D Depth Below Seabed (ft) 0-2 2-6 0-2 3-5 6-19 0-5 11-13 13-14 0-2 2-4 4-9 9-10 0-2 2-11 0-3 3-12 13 13-15 Max. Grain Size (mm) 20 20 20 1 20 1.5 0.25 3 20 1 20 20 20 20 3 20 2 20 Median Grain Size (mm) 3.5 0.1 0.15 0.21 0.09 0.08 <0.08 0.18 0.35 <0.08 0.4 8.0 0.09 0.24 0.09 0.16 0.09 0.16 % Finer #200 Sieve 1 29 9 1 33 40 87 10 11 51 1 1 32 1 36 4 44 3 SP SM SP- SM SP SM SM ML SP- SM SP- SM ML SP GP SM SP SM SP SM SP Soil Classification Poorly Graded Sand w/Gravel Silty Sand Poorly Graded Sand w/Silt Poorly Graded Sand Silty Sand Silty Sand Silt Poorly Graded Sand w/Silt Poorly Graded Sand w/Silt and Gravel Sandy Silt Poorly Graded Sand w/Gravel Poorly Graded Gravel w/Sand Silty Sand Poorly Graded Sand Silty Sand Poorly Graded Sand w/Gravel Silty Sand Poorly Graded Sand m Notes: 1. Mechanical analyses performed by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, which also provided the soil classifications. 2. Some of the acquired samples were not analyzed due to budget constraints. In general, those samples omitted from analysis were deemed excessively fine-grained for beach placement. 3. Median grain size for each sample was estimated within the size range in which the 50% Finer value occurred. 23 TABLE 5 SPECIFIC GRAVITY ANALYSES Samples obtained June 14-18, 1993 Sediment Sample No. Specific Gravity OS-2-C 2.62 OS-12-C 2.64 The following descriptions of the findings of the vibracore investigation use the site designations from Osborne, et al. (1983). • Site SD-I -West of Oceanside Harbor Site SD-I encompasses approximately 580 acres. Of this area, approximately two- thirds is within the active littoral zone, shoreward of the 40 ft isobath. To minimize disruption of nearshore coastal processes, this portion of the site should not be used as a sand borrow area. Seventeen cores were obtained in and around the remaining portion of SD-I to identify the extent and thickness of potential sources of nourishment material. Core Nos. OS-2 and OS-3, taken in the heart of Site SD-I at -36 ft MLLW, included 1 5 to 17 ft of excellent material under 1 to 2 ft of marginal overburden. Offshore of those locations, Core Nos. OS-5 and OS-6 exhibited similar characteristics, with suitable thicknesses of about 14 ft beneath 1 ft of overburden. OS- 10, OS-44 and OS-43 frame the southerly extent of suitable deposits at Site SD-I, each containing marginally suitable deposits degraded by greater amounts of gravel, shell fragments and fine-grained sediments. Within the bounds of the core locations mentioned above, Core Nos. OS-1, OS-11 and OS-32 each contained 15 to 17 ft of excellent material with 1 to 2 ft of overburden. Based on these core locations and confirmed thicknesses, a minimum of 5.5 million cu yds of suitable material exists within and just offshore of Site SD-I. This amount does not include material inshore of the 40 ft isobath, nor does it include potential thicknesses greater than those verified by the actual core lengths. • Site SD-H - South of Oceanside Harbor Site SD-II is located entirely within the 40 ft isobath. Despite this fact, vibratory cores were taken along the deeper boundary of this site and beyond to check for potential deposits outside the littoral zone. A total of 14 cores were obtained in this vicinity. Of the 14 cores, only two contained evidence of significant thicknesses of suitable material. One of these two locations, OS-23, was within the 40 ft isobath. A follow-up core, OS- 24 25, was obtained directly seaward of OS-23, but was considered unsuitable for beach nourishment, due to a six foot layer of excessively fine overburden. Only the core at OS- 40 showed a significant quantity of beach-quality material—over six feet thick with one foot of overburden. Based on that sample and information from surrounding cores, it is apparent that beach sand sources within SD-II are sparse—totaling about 400,000 cu yds of beach nourishment material. , » Site SD-m - Batiquitos Lagoon Outlet m The area included within Site SD-III encompasses about 150 acres, about half of J which is beyond the 40 ft isobath (the minimum depth for beach nourishment source development). Three cores showed excellent beach material within this area: OS-12, OS- ^ 13 and OS-15. Of these, OS-15 was within the 40 ft isobath; however, the remaining two ji were just offshore from the first, and all contained 12-17 ft of good material under only 1- 1.5 ft of overburden. The minimum volume of suitable material represented at this m location is about 1.0 million cu yds. • Other Areas The intervening coastline between Batiquitos Lagoon and the Santa Margarita River (north of Oceanside Hjrbor) was sampled by vibracoring at 0.5 to 1.0 mile increments as a spot-check for undiscovered pockets of suitable material. At each location, the cores yielded unsuitable material, typically containing excessive quantities of fine-grained sediments. 5.2 Recent Cost Data For the purposes of obtaining unit cost estimates for offshore sediment sources, the following parameters were assumed: water depth of 40-60 ft, transport distance of 1 to 2 miles, with 1,000,000+ cubic yards of material transported. The costs of dredging are dependent upon two primary factors—depth and transport distance. The pumping process is complicated at significant depths (100+ ft), requiring additional pumping power to lift the material (M. Meyer, personal communication). Transport distance affects project risk and the time allotments for various aspects of the operation. There is an abundance of available dredging hardware located along the West Coast that is capable of handling the assumed conditions. Cutterhead sizes range from 20 to 28 inches, and typically incorporate 2,500 to 5,000 horsepower pumps. The larger dredges are capable of a sediment delivery rate of up to 50,000 cubic yards per day; however, actual daily yield may be less than half that rate due to contingencies such as wave climate, depth of water, transport distance and associated logistics. Mobilization costs are likely to be on the order of $1 million to $2 million, depending on the point of 25 m origin of the equipment, in addition to unit costs ranging from $3 to $4/cy. The requirement of a booster pump for extra depth or transport distance to the disposal area would place the mobilization and unit costs at the upper end of these price ranges. (D. ** Comstock, personal communication; F. Bechtolt, personal communication). Based on these figures, the cost of dredging 1 million cubic yards from deep (>40 ft) water and . transporting over a distance of 4 miles (requiring a booster pump) could reach $6 million. ^ During the 1990 Surfside/Sunset Beach offshore borrow project, bid mobilization ^ cost was $1 .9 million, for use of a 26" cutter head dredge. The bid unit cost was $2.65/cy (M. Chang, personal communication). The estimated dredge volume for bid purposes was 4m 2.1 million cubic yards, while the actual total dredged volume was 1.8 million cubic yards. gj This yields an approximate unit rate of $3.70/cubic yard (1990 dollars). The actual unit cost for the project, including contract modifications and using the final pay quantity, was «* $3.78/cy (1990 dollars). * Maintenance and new work dredging is currently (November 1993) taking plaqe at Del *i Mar Basin and Oceanside Harbor and entrance channels. Bid mobilization and marginal «• unit costs are $983,000 and $2.90/cy, which equates to a total of $4.54/cy based on the contract estimate of 600,000 cy of dredged material. This operation is taking place m nearshore and does not require booster pumping. m Contingent upon water quality consequences, overburden of fine materials can be pumped to the beach, where it tends to be washed away relatively quickly. Typically, *" borrow material for beach nourishment must not contain fine-grained sediments (those m passing a #200 sieve) in excess of 15-20% by weight. Consideration should be given to . the South Coast Air Quality Management District, as well, for projects within its jurisdiction. Air quality regulations will apply, for example, to diesel exhaust from dredge ^ equipment, booster pumps, and related equipment. tf 4 6. ONSHORE SEDIMENT SOURCES AND COSTS *) Instream mining of sand for beach placement on Oceanside beaches occurred in «l 1981-2. During that project, 983,000 cy of material was trucked from sites approximately 4-5 miles upstream of the ocean outlet of the San Luis Rey River and placed along the ** beach between Oceanside Pier (3rd Street) and Buena Vista Lagoon. Significant • environmental consequences were reported as a result of the intensive trucking operations through the City of Oceanside. Other difficulties included the abundance of extraneous ** material found in the mined sand, including clay lenses, riparian vegetation and urban waste. The bid unit cost for the selected contractor was $2.50/cy, while runner-up bids m were $3.64/cy or higher (1981 dollars). The borrow locations were owned by the City of j Oceanside. 26 *• Other inland sand sources considered for use at Carlsbad/Oceanside consist of aggregate mining operations. Generally, suitable sand from these operations is a ** manufactured product, resulting from rock crushing operations. Representative sites from ** which material may be transported include Pala, Miramar and Lakeside, California. Costs for various grades of sand range from about $1.20/cy to $12/cy, with delivery costs of roughly $6 to $12/cy for delivery to Carlsbad/Oceanside (F. Hess, personal1-1 communication). , The lower cost product in this category is typically used as non-structural fill, and contains roughly 20% fine material. At the top of the price scale is washed sand suitable m for use in concrete, and probably a very good material for beach replenishment. However, — this cost is about triple the cost of offshore borrow material, not including transportation costs or the environmental impacts of overland transport. Suitability of the lower cost «•» products would be marginal, given the high percentage of fines (approximately 20%). For ^ these reasons, inland sources have been and will probably continue to be considered infeasible for large-scale beach nourishment programs in this area. * There are certain alternative types of sand available that are similar in color and character to the material found on Southern California beaches. For example, pumice ** sand is available within the aggregate supply community, and can be acquired for costs on * the order of $ 1.15/cy. The specific gravity of such material is on the order of half that of quartz sand, which translates into reduced transportation costs on a price-per-volume basis. Trucking costs for pumice sand could reach $13/cy for transport between California * desert locations and the Carlsbad/Oceanside area, however (K. Teel, personal communication). Additionally, lower specific gravity will mean a reduced ability to resist wave and wind attack. In terms of cost, transportation and material suitability, pumice sand is not considered to be as desirable as quartz sand, but is included in this discussion ^ for comparison purposes. m In general, the cost structure associated with onshore sand sources differs from <q offshore sources in that the mobilization costs are much reduced, while marginal unit costs jf are higher. Thus, for projects where relatively small quantities (several hundred thousand cubic yards or less) of sand are sought, onshore sources may become cost-effective. 'w Again, the cost of environmental regulatory compliance must be taken into account, & however. 7. CONCLUSIONS The vibracore investigation performed as part of this study corroborated the evidence gathered in previous studies which found three locations containing potentially suitable beach nourishment material, identified previously as Sites SD-I, SD-II, and SD- III. Based on the data obtained, at least 6.9 million cubic yards of suitable beach nourishment material is available offshore of Carlsbad and Oceanside, California. This 27 amount represents only that material which lies beyond the 40 ft isobath (MLLW Datum), the minimum depth at which disruption to nearshore beach sediment transport is presumed negligible. The maximum water depth included for the purposes of volume computation is 60 ft below MLLW. The largest portion of the volume found, 5.5 million cubic yards, is located in and around Site SD-I, just northwest of Oceanside Harbor. An additional 400,000 cubic yards of suitable material is located at Site SD-II, surrounding vibracore location number OS-40 offshore from the City of Oceanside. Finally, a minimum deposit of 1.0 million cubic yards is located off of the Batiquitos Lagoon outlet, at Site SD-III. Thicknesses of the deposits ranged from 6 ft at Site SD-II to 12-17 ft at Sites SD-I and SD-III. Typical overburden of fine grained material is 1 to 2 ft at the promising locations. The estimated cost for dredging and transportation from offshore borrow sources is about $3-$4/cy, plus mobilization costs of approximately $1 million to $2 million. The high end of these cost ranges can be expected for any project requiring booster pumping of material, which would be required for pumping distances in excess of approximately three miles; factors which reduce or extend this threshold distance include sediment characteristics and the power of the dredge pumping apparatus. Recent actual costs for an offshore borrow site dredged by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Orange County were $1.9 million for mobilization and $2.65/cy for a 1.8 million cubic yard project ($3.70/cy, 1990 dollars). More recent inshore dredging in the Del Mar/Oceanside harbors was bid at $4.54/cy (1993 dollars). The total cost of dredging one million cubic yards from an offshore site and transporting material four miles (requiring a booster pump) could reach $6 million. The cost of obtaining and transporting beach nourishment material from onshore sources could be competitive for small volume projects due to low mobilization costs; for large projects (more than a few hundred thousand cubic yards), onshore sources could amount to two to four times the unit cost of offshore dredging, with more significant environmental impacts. 28 8. REFERENCES Bechtolt, F., 1993. Personal communication, Manson Construction and Engineering, Long Beach, California. Bisher, D., 1993. Personal communication, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District. Chang, M., 1993. Personal communication, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District. Comstock, D., 1993. Personal communication, Dutra Construction Co., San Rafael, California. Fischer, P.J., P.A. Kreutzer, L.R. Morrison, J.H. Rudat, E.J. Ticken, J.F. Wqbb, and M.W. Woods, 1983. "Study of Quaternary Shelf Deposits (Sand and Gravel) of Southern California", for State of California Dept. of Boating and Waterways, Sacramento, California. Hess, S., 1993. Personal communication, CalMat Aggregates, Inc., San Diego, California. Meyer, M., 1993. Personal communication, Dutra Construction Co., San Rafael, California. Nathan, R., 1993. Personal communication, Moffatt and Nichol Engineers, Long Beach, California. Osborne, R.H., N.J.Darigo, and R.C. Scheidemann, Jr., 1983. "Report of Potential Offshore Sand and Gravel Resources of the Inner Continental Shelf of Southern California", for the State of California, Dept. of Boating and Waterways, Sacramento, California. Shaw, M.J., 1980. "Artificial Sediment Transport and Structures in Coastal Southern California", University of California, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, La Jolla, California. Teel, K., 1993. Personal communication, California Lightweight Pumice, Inc., Capistrano Beach, California. Tekmarine, Inc., 1991. "Semi-Annual Beach Profile Surveys and Analysis for April 1991", Prepared for the Beach Erosion Committee, City of Carlsbad, California. 29 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1988. "Sand Thickness Survey Report, October- November 1987, San Diego Region", for Coast of California Storm and Tidal Waves Study (CCSTWS), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1991. "State of the Coast Report, San Diego Region, Volumes I and II", for Coast of California Storm and Tidal Waves Study (CCSTWS). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1993. "State of the Coast Report, Orange County", for Coast of California Storm and Tidal Waves Study (CCSTWS), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District. Zabloudil, K., P. Walen, N. Marshall, T. Norall, W. Harris, J. Dixon, S. Schroeter, R. Smith, 1993. "Survey of Potential Sites for the Construction of an Artificial Reef, for Southern California Edison Company, Rosemead, California. 30 m APPENDIXm M My VIBRACORE LOG SHEETS CARLSBAD/OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA Field Investigation dates: June 14-18, 1993 3 - I I i I I 3 VIBRA CO RE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEAN SIDE, CARLSBAD HOLE NO. OS-1 DATE/TIME: 14 JUNE 1993, 0729 LT VESSEL: R/V SEAWATCH (USC) CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES SITE COORDINA TES/AREA: LAT 33' 12.496' N, LONG 117° 24.989' W (N of OS Harbor) PENETRATION: 19.0 ft RECOVERY: 19.0 ft WATER DEPTH: 44 ft MLLW TIP ELEVATION: -63.1 ft, MLLW DEPTH (FT) o- 1 - 2- 3' 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION Gray Silty Fine Sand. Poorly sorted. .Brown Poorly Sorted Sand w/Shell Frags OS-1-A Brown Fine—Med. Sand uu/Gravel OS-1-B Gray Poorly Graded Sand w/Gravel OS-1-C Gray Med—Fine Sand, Poorly Graded w/Shells OS— 1 —D J Bottom of Core REMARKS:*All -water Depths — Fathometer Readout + 4' Draft, (e.g. 47' = 43' + 4' Draft) OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 14 JUNE 1993, 0820 LT R/V SEAWATCH (USC) HOLE NO. OS-2 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES SITE COORDINA TES/AREA : LAT 33° 12.973' N, LONG 117° 24.958' W (1/2 mi W of OS Harbor) PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 17.6 ft 17.6 ft 36 ft MLLW DEPTH (FT) SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION w ~ Dark Gray Silty Sand. TIP ELEVATION: -53.9 ft, MLLW OS -2 -A - Medium Brown Sand w/Numerous Shell Frags OS-2-B 4 — 5 — 6 — 7 — fi- n—I Well— Sorted Medium Brown Sand 10 — With Very Few Shell Fragments 11 — 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— ' ' | Bottom of Core 18—* 19— 20^ REMARKS: OS-2-C Very Clean, Consistent Sand — Looks Good For Beach Use OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: HOLE NO. USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD OS-3 DATE/TIME: VESSEL: CORE DIAMETER: 14 JUNE 1993, 0909 LT R/V SEAWATCH (USC) 2.5 INCHES SITE COORDINATES/AREA:LAT 33' 12.280' N, LONG 11 T 25.165' W (Santa Margarita River) PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: TIP ELEVATION: 17.6 ft 17.6 ft 37 ft MLLW -54.3 ft, MLLW DEPTH (FT) r\U 1 2 — 3~ 4 — 5 — 6 — 7— 8 — 9 10— 11 — 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20^ SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION Fine Gray Silty Sand w/Shell Frags + Occasional Gravel. OS-3-A Medium Gray Sand w/Occasional Shell Frags OS—3—B Dark Gray, Cohesive Silt & Sand w/Shell Frags OS-3-C Well Sorted Med. Gray Sand OS-3-D Gray Medium Sand w/Many Shell Frags OS-3-E•^ \N— Bottom of Core REMARKS: Not as Consistent Sand as OS -2 OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRA CO RE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD HOLE NO. OS-4 DATE/TIME: 14 JUNE 1993, 1010 LT VESSEL: R/V SEA WATCH (USC) CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 13.642' N, LONG 117' 25.587' W (N of SM River) PENETRATION: 4.0 ft RECOVERY: 4.0 ft WATER DEPTH: 37 ft MLLW TIP ELEVATION: -41.0 ft, MLLW DEPTH (FT) 0 SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION 1 — 2 — 3~ 4~ 5 — 6 — 7- 8 — 9 — 10— 11- 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20 Fine Gray Silty Sand. Well — sorted Same as Above But w/Occasional Gravel * \Same as 0—1.5' But w/Numerous 1" Gravel '—Bottom of Core OS-4-A OS-4-B OS-3-C REMARKS: Very Hard to Penetrate. Core Stopped at 5\ 1" Gravel in Cutter. No Good Nourishment Material Here. OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Coastal Frontiers Corporation VI BRA CORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: HOLE NO. USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEAN SIDE, CARLSBAD OS -5 DATE/TIME: VESSEL: CORE DIAMETER: 14 JUNE 1993, 1033 IT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) 2.5 INCHES SITE CO ORDINA TES/AREA : LAT 33' 12.990' N, LONG 117° 25.700' W (Santa Margarita River) PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: TIP ELEVATION: 19.0 ft 19.0 ft 51 ft MLLW -70.1 ft, MLLW DEPTH (FT) nU 1 2 — 3—— 4 — 5 — 6 — 7 — 8 — 9 — 10— 11 — 12— 13— 14— 15— 1 ft1 \~J 17— 18— 19 SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION Brown Poorly Sorted Coarse Sand & Gravel OS-5-A Well Sorted Brown Medium Sand OS-5-B Poorly Sorted Coarse Sand & Gravel W/Shell Frags ** OS-5-C Silty Gray Sand OS-5-D Sandy Silt — Partially Cohesive Gray OS—5—E — n ±± * ^"^* Bottom oj Co? 6 REMARKS: Core Nearly Stopped @ 4.5' Penetration: Then Punched Through Upper Strata. Looks like Good Beach Sand (T to 6') OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Coastal Frontiers Corporation VI BRA CO RE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEAN SIDE, CARLSBAD DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 14 JUNE 1993, 1125 LT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) HOLE NO. OS-6 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES SITE COORDINATES/AREA:LAT 33' 13.273' N, LONG 11 T 25.61 T W (Santa Margarita River) PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 15.0 ft 15.0 ft 45 ft MLLW DEPTH (FT) SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION r>U 1 ~ Dark Gray Silty Sand w/Many Shell TIP ELEVATION: -60.3 ft, MLLW Frags OS -6 -A 2 — 3~~_ 4—_ 5 — 6 — 7 — ° Well-Graded Medium Sand Light Gray OS-6-B 9 TJU/ 'Occasional Shells 10— 11 — 12— 13— 14— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20_ REMARKS: Material Very Consistent, 1.3 to 1 5 ft. Looks OK For Beach Use OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEAN SIDE, CARLSBAD DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 14 JUNE 1993, 1210 IT R/V SEAWATCH (USC) HOLE NO. OS -7 COKE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 13.526' N, LONG 11 T 25.850' W (Santa Margarita River) PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 12.0 ft 12.0 ft 45 ft MLLW DEPT" (FT) SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION r>U 1 — 3~ 4 — Fine Silty Sand w/Occasional Lenses 5 — 6 — 7 ,— TIP ELEVATION: -57.2 ft, MLLW of Shells OS -7 -A / ^^ 8 — Q „ - Light Gray Well-Graded Med-Fine Sand OS-7-B 11 — 1 ? -^ Rnttnm nf Cnrr 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20_1 REMARKS: Layer A ^, Thick) Appears Unsuitable This Site Not Good For Borrow Area. For Beach Use. OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANSIDE, CARLS, DATE/TIME: VESSEL: 14 JUNE 1993, 1332 LT R/V SEA WATCH (US( SITE COORDINATES/AREA:LAT 33' 12.73V N, LONG 117' 25.918' W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 14.0 ft 14.0 ft 57 ft MLLW DEPTH (FT) r\U 2 — 5 — 6 — 7 — 8 — 9 — 1 n 11 — 12— 13— 1 di H-~ 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— SHEET HOLE NO. BAD OS-8 CORE DIAMETER: ;j 2.5 INCHES (Santa Margarita River) TIP ELEVATION: -70.7 ft, MLLW SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION Fine Silty Gray Sand w/Occasional Shell Frags Light Gray Medium Sand DULL uT/i oj c o /t REMARKS: Top 10' Layer Looks Too Fine For OS-8-A OS-8-B Beach Use. OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Coastal Frontiers Corporation VI BRA CO RE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEAN SIDE, CA DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 14 JUNE 1993, 1437 LT R/V SEA WATCH SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 12.791' N, LONG 117° 25.568 PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEP7 3. 6 ft 3.6 ft 50 ft , DEPTH (FT) nU 1 — 2 — 4 — 5 — 6 — 7 — 8 — 9 — 10— 11 — 12— 1 Q/ O 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20— HOLE NO. RLSBAD OS-9 CORE DIAMETER: (USC) 2.5 INCHES ' W (Santa Margarita River) 'H: TIP ELEVATION: MLLW -53.6 ft, MLLW SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION Fine Silty Gray Sand OS-9-A w/Numerous 1" Gravel & Shell Frags •^ Bottom of Core REMARKS: Couldn't Penetrate Below -6',1" Gravel in Core Catcher. Top 4' was Unsuitable For Beach Nourishment OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: HOLE NO. USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEAN SIDE, CARLSBAD OS- 10 DATE /TIME: VESSEL: CORE DIAMETER: 14 JUNE 1993, 1520 IT R/V SEAWATCH (USC) 2.5 INCHES SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 12.506' N, LONG 11 T 25.327' W (Santa Margarita River) PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: TIP ELEVATION: 9.5 ft 9.5 ft 50 ft MLLW -59.0 ft, MLLW DEPTH (FT) 1 2 — 3 — 4 — , 6 — 7— 8 — 9 — 10— 11 — 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION Fine Gray Sand, Well-Sorted OS-10-A Medium Light Brown Sand w/1" Gravel OS-10-B Medium Light Brown Sand w/Very Few Gravel OS-10-C REMARKS: Probabiy QK For Nourishment, Although Gravel In OS-10-B May Be a Problem OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANS IDE, CARLSBAD DATE/TIME: VESSEL: 14 JUNE 1993, 1608 LT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) HOLE NO. OS- 11 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 12.993' N, LONG 117 25.38' W (Santa Margarita River) PENETRATION: RECOVERY: . WATER DEPTH: 16.5 ft 16.5 ft 44 ft MLLW DEP™ (FT) SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION n\j Gray Silty Sand, w/1" Gravel \_ & Shell Fragments: Poorly Sorted TIP ELEVATION: -60.3 ft, MLLW OS- 1 1 -A 2 ^ \Gray Medium- Fine Sand o — vj/Very Few Shell Fragments OS— 1 1 —B 4—_ 5 6 — 7 Light Gray Medium Sand, Well-Sorted OS-11-C 8 — Q 10— 1 1 -^1 1 ^m 12— 13— 1. - Light Brown Medium Sand, Well— Sorted OS—11—D 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20^ REMARKS: Core Contains Much Good Material, esp. —2 To —16.5'. OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Coastal Frontiers Corporation VI BR AC ORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD DATE/TIME: VESSEL: 15 JUNE 1993, 0835 LT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) HOLE NO. OS-12 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES SITE COORDINA TES/AREA : LAT 33' 05.017' N, LONG 11 T 19.160' W (Batiquitos) PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 16.5 ft 16.5 ft 45 ft MLLW DEP™ (FT) SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION n TIP ELEVATION: -62.9 ft, MLLW U 1 — Fine Silty Sand w/Pebbles & OS-12-A 2 \_ Shell Fragments: Dark Gray 3 _^ \^Coarse Brown Sand w '/Occasional 1" Gravel OS-12-B 4 — 5 — 6 — 7 Med— Coarse Brown Sand w/Occasional Shells OS—12-C 8 — 9 — '0 Medium Brown Sand 11 — 12— 13—.. ~ Medium— Coarse Brown Sandj ty. 15— 16— 17— 19— 20^ OS-12-D OS-12-E REMARKS: Excellent Material For Nourishment From Layer B Down To E OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: HOLE NO. USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANS IDE, CARLSBAD OS -13 DATE /TIME: VESSEL: CORE DIAMETER: 15 JUNE 1993, 0915 IT R/V SEAWATCH (USC) 2.5 INCHES SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 05.165' N, LONG 11T 19.314' W (Batiquitos) PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: TIP ELEVATION: 13 ft 13 ft 53 ft MLLW -66.2 ft, MLLW DEPTH (FT) 1 -^ 2 — 3~ 4 — 5 6 — 7 — 8 — Q 10— 11— 12— i "7I <J 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION _ Poorly Sorted Med-Coarse Sand QS-JS-A \_ & Gravel To 2", Dark Brown ~* \Well-Sorted Med-Brown Sand OS-13-B Coarse Light— Brown Sand w/Some Shell Frags OS—13-C \^ ivi ^(JLiiLfiL r i/i& LiLym JJ/OLU/I o a /ILL t/o / o u Bottom of Core REMARKS: Excellent Beach Nourishment. Material Below - /'. OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Coastal Frontiers Corporation VI BRA CO RE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS DATE /TIME: 15 JUNE 1993, 1013 LT SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD VESSEL: R/V SEA WATCH (USC) HOLE NO. OS- 14 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES 04.871' N, LONG 11 T 19.137' W (Batiquitos) PENETRATION: RECOVERY: 0 ft 0 ft DEPTH (FT) nU 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 — 8 — 9 — 10— 11 — 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20^ WATER DEPTH: 49 ft MLLW TIP ELEVATION: -48.6 ft, MLLW SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION No Core Recovered- Corer Penetrated Only Whatever was in Corer Washed Out, Except 1 of Poorly — Consolidated Conclusion: 1-2' & was 1/2" dia. Piece Sandstone. No Beach Sand Here! REMARKS: Note: did Not Proceed Further South Than This Hole Because Of Kelp Canopy. Very Little Penetration— Corer Tipped Over on 1st Try— Probably Rocky. 2nd Try: Core OBSERVER: CBL/RCH was Empty Coastal Frontiers Corporation VI BRA CO RE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 15 JUNE 1993, 1124 LT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: HOLE NO. OS- 15 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES LAT 33° 05.190' N, LONG 11 T 19.080' W (Batiquitos) PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 9 ft 9 ft 37 ft MLLW DEPTH (FT) nU 1 O ^— — , 4 — 5 — 6 — ry 5 — • 10— 11 — 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION ^^^\ 0.3' Layer of 1" Gravel \— (Too Small To Sample) TIP ELEVATION: -46.0 ft, MLLW No Sample Coarse Brown Sand w/Occasional Shells & OS- 15 -A Shell Fragments Couldn't Penetrate Deeper, But Didn't Feel Like Rock. Probably More Coarse Sand Below Core. REMARKS: TT , ._, _ . .., _ , _ ...Used 10 Barrel For Greater Penetration. Excellent Beach Sand. OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANSIDE, CARLS, DATE/TIME: VESSEL: 15 JUNE 1993, 1054 LT R/V SEAWATCH (USC SITE COORDINA TES/AREA : LAT 33° 05.196' N, LONG 117° PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 3 ft 3 ft 37 ft MLLW DEPTH (FT) 1 — 2 — 4 — 5 — 6 — 8 — 9 — 10— 11 — 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20^ SHEET HOLE NO. BAD OS-15A CORE DIAMETER: :) 2.5 INCHES 19.092' W (Batiquitos) TIP ELEVATION: -39.8 ft, MLLW SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION Did Not Analyze 3' Core Superceded By Longer Core OS— 15 (Same Location As This Core) REMARKS: Barrel Stopped @ about 5' Penetration. Recovered 3' Core. No Gravel— Just Good Coarse Sand. (Decided To Try 2nd Hole At This Location Using 10' Barrel. OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 15 JUNE 1993, 1226 LT R/V SEAWATCH (USC) HOLE NO. OS-16 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33° 05.327' N, LONG 11T 19.243' W (Batiquitos) PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 4 ft 4 ft 45 ft MLLW DEPTH (FT) nU 1 — 3~ 4 5 6 — ry 8 — 9 — 10— 11— 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION TIP ELEVATION: -49.1 ft, MLLW Fine-Med Gray Sand OS-16-A -• — ^_Soft Gray Clay w/Silt OS-16-B ^ \_Poorly Consolidated Lt.Gray Sand (Hard) OS-16-C -^ — \Soft Gray Clay w/Silt OS-16-D \\_Poorly Consolidated Lt.Gray Sand (Hard) OS-16-E \_Soft Gray Clay w/Silt OS-16-F Bottom of core REMARKS: 1st Attempt-Corer Apparently Fell Over After Picking Up 3" Of Gravel. Will Try Again. 2nd Try:0nly 4' Penetration. Will Try 10' Barrel-Also, No Penetration. Use Core From OS-16 @ 1226. OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBR AC ORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD HOLE NO. OS-16A DATE/TIME: 15 JUNE 1993,1247 LT VESSEL: R/V SEA WATCH (USC) CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' N, LONG 11T W (Batiquitos) PENETRATION: 0 ft RECOVERY: 0 ft WATER DEPTH: ft, MLLW TIP ELEVATION: DEPTH (FT) o- SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION 1 — 2 — 3~ 4~ 5 — 6 — 7 — 8 — 9 — 10— 11 — 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20 NO SAMPLE REMARKS: 10' Barrel, Still Couldn't Penetrate. No Core Recovered-Empty. Catcher Brought Up Same Clay & Poorly—consolidated Sandstone as OS—16 OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS DATE /TIME: 15 JUNE 1993, 1415 LT SITE COORDINA TES/AREA : LAT 33° - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD VESSEL: R/V SEAWATCH (USC) HOLE NO. OS- 17 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES 05.557 N, LONG 117' 19.420 W (Batiquitos) PENETRATION: RECOVERY: 0 ft 0 ft DEPTH (FT) 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 6 — 7 — 8 — 9 — 10— 11 — 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20_1 WATER DEPTH: 52 ft MLLW TIP ELEVATION: -51.5 ft, MLLW SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION Surface 2" In Core Catcher: Call It Sample A: Gray Silty Sand, Partly Consolidated Into A Hard Lump. NO SAMPLE Except Small Clump In Core Catcher REMARKS: 1st Try <§) 1405: No Sample At All. 2nd Try :Like 1 st Try Penetration of 1 ' Only. No Sample Except Lump of Silty Sand in Core Catcher. No Nourishment OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Material. Coastal Frontiers Corporation VI BRA CO RE LOG SHEET PROJECT: HOLE NO. USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD OS-18 DATE /TIME: VESSEL: CORE DIAMETER: 15 JUNE 1993, 1503 LT R/V SEAWATCH (USC) 2.5 INCHES SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 06.260 N, LONG 117 19.734 W (N. of Batiquitos) PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: TIP ELEVATION: 0.2 ft 0.2 ft 53 ft MLLW -53.2 ft, MLLW DEPTH (FT) nU 1 — 4 — 5 6 — 7 — 8 — Q 10— 11— 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION 0.2' Sample Only: Poorly Consolidated OS- 18 -A Gray Sand & Silt. (Hard To The Touch) REMARKS: Virtually No Penetration Into Hard, Compacted Silty Sand. No Beach Nourishment Material is Present. OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEAN SIDE, CARLSBAD DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 15 JUNE 1993, 1540 LT R/V SEAWATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 06.770 N, LONG 11 T 19.898 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 0.2 ft 0.2 ft 47 ft MLLW DEPTH (FT) ftU 1 — 2 — 3 — 4—_ — 6 — 7 — 8-^ 9 — 10— 11 — 19I £~t 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20_1 SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION HOLE NO. OS- 19 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES TIP ELEVATION: -56.9 ft, MLLW Dark Gray Silty Sand w/Shell Frags OS-19-A Dark Gray Clay (Soft) Gray Sandy Clay Gray Sandy Silt Dark Gray Clay (Soft) ""* Bottom of core OS-19-B OS-19-C OS-19-D OS-19-E REMARKS: Hole Located Just S. of Lagoon @ N. End of S. Carlsbad State Beach. 10' Barrel Penetrated Completely,But Did Not Try 20' Barrel Because Material is Unsuitable For Beach Nourishment. OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Coastal Frontiers Corporation VI BRA CO RE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEAN SIDE, CARLSBAD DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 15 JUNE 1993. 1628 IT R/V SEAWATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 07.244 N, LONG 11 T 20.213 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 2.0 ft 2.0 ft 47 ft MLLW DEPTH (FT) nU 1 — <. 3~_ 4 — 5 — 6 — 7 — 8 — Q 10— 11— 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20^ SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION Dark Gray Sandy Silt ^ \(*ray Sxlty Liay w/shell Frag Bottom of Core HOLE NO. OS-20 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES TIP ELEVATION: -48.8 ft, MLLW OS-20-A s; Very Hard OS-20-B REMARKS: Corer Barrei (K)' Length) Stopped By Clay Layer. No Beach Nourishment Material Here. OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANS IDE, CARLS i DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 15 JUNE 1993, 1711 LT R/V SEAWATCH (USC SHEET HOLE NO. BAD OS -21 CORE DIAMETER: ;J 2.5 INCHES SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 08.310 N, LONG 11 'T 20.885 W (Agua Hedionda) PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 1.6 ft 1.6 ft 45 ft MLLM DEPTH (FT) nU 1 — 2—_ 3~_ 4 — 5—] a 7 — 8 — 9 — 10— 11 — 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20^: TIP ELEVATION: -46.9 ft, MLLW SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION Silty Gray Sand OS -21 -A ~*~~\S_ilty Gray Sand w/2" Gravel OS-21-B Bottom of Core REMARKS: Just N. of Sea Berth. Did Not Core South Of Sea Berth Due Continuous Kelp To OS-20. 10' Barrel Got Minimum Penetration Due To Gravel @ -1.6'. No Beach Nourishment Potential. OBSERVER: CBL/RCH Coastal Frontiers Corporation VI BRA CO RE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANS IDE, CARLSBAD DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 16 JUNE 1993, 0745 LT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 11.558 N, LONG 11 T 23.625 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 11. 5 ft 11 .5 ft 36 ft MLLW DEP™ (FT) SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION n HOLE NO. OS-22 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (San Luis Rey) TIP ELEVATION: -47.4 ft, MLLW u 1 —\ Silty Gray Sand w/1 -2" Gravel .OS-22-A 2~_ Reddish Brown Coarse Sand OS-22-B 4—_ 5 — Lt. Brown Fine Silty Sand, Cohesive OS—22-C 6~- 7 — 8 —Coarse Brown Sand £/ 10— 4 4 ^ 12 --* — v Medium Brown Sand Bottom of Core7 o 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19-1 20^ OS-22-D OS-22-E REMARKS: Layers D & E OK For Beach Use; Layers A & C Too Fine. Layer B -Coarse Enough But Quite Red. Conclusion: Marginal Site For Beach Nourishment. OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation VI BRA CORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANS IDE, CARLSBAD DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 16 JUNE 1993, 0832 LT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 11.123 N, LONG 117' 23.139 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 11 .4 ft 11.4 ft 35 ft MLLW DEPT" (FT) SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION 0 - 1 ",- k Dark Gray Silty Sand 2—_ 3 — 4~~_ Lt. Brown, Reddish— Brown & L 5 — Medium Coarse Sand 6 — 7 .— S — 9 — Lt. Brown Medium Sand 10— - Bottom oj Lore / x^ 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20_2 HOLE NO. OS-23 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (San Luis Rey) TIP ELEVATION: -46.1 ft, MLLW OS-23-A ,t.Gray OS-23-B OS-23-C REMARKS: Layers B & C Are Excellent For Beach Nourishment. OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANS IDE, CARLSBAD DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 16 JUNE 1993, 0919 LT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 10.910 N, LONG 11 T 22.915 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 8.5 ft 8.5 ft 33 ft MLLW DEP™ (FT) SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION nU ....... 1 ^ Dnrk ftrn.y Si-lty Snnd w /Smci 2 — 3~_ 4~_ Dark Gray Clay— Dense & Har 5— 6 — HOLE NO. OS-24 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (San Luis Rey) TIP ELEVATION: -41.4 ft, MLLW M Shell Frags OS-24-A d OS-24-B r~, ""• - Gray & Brown Silty, Sandy Clay— OS—24 — C "^ \ Cohesive & Hard - \Medium-Coarse Brown Sand OS—24—D ~T Bottom of Core 11 — 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20^] DjrjufA PfC^'Only Layer D Contains Beach— Quality Sand. Not A Site For Beach Nourishment. OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANSIDE, CARLS, DATE/TIME: VESSEL: 16 JUNE 1993, 1007 LT R/V SEAWATCH (US( SHEET HOLE NO. BAD OS-25 CORE DIAMETER: 7) 2.5 INCHES SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 10.934 N, LONG 11 T 23.436 W (San Luis Rey) PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 8.7 ft 8.7 ft 47 ft MIL} DEPTH (FT) nU 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 — 7— 8 — 9 — 10— 11 — 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20^ TIP ELEVATION: V -55.8 ft, MLLW SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION Gray Silty Sand w/Shells • & Shell Frags OS-25-A ^^ Gray Silty Sand W/Shell Frags & OS-25-B \ 1" Gravel\_ ~* \ Medium— Coarse Brown Sand Bottom of Core OS—25—C Only Layer C Suitable Beach, Sand. A & Too Fine. Site Probably Unsuitable For B Appear Nourishment. OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation V IB R AC ORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD DATE/TIME: VESSEL: 16 JUNE 1993, 1051 LT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 11.275 N, LONG 11 T 23.554 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 15.2 ft 15.2 ft 41 ft MLLW DEPTH (FT) nU 1 2 — 3~ 4 — o 6 — 7 — 8 — 9 — 10— 11 — 12— •* o7 o /4 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20_2 SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION HOLE NO. OS-26 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (San Luis Rey) TIP ELEVATION: -56.6 ft, MLLW _ Dark Gray Sandy Silt w/ Shell Frag OS -26 -A -*-\ \ Lt. Brown Coarse Sand w/2" + Gravel OS-26-B \ Gray & Brown Coarse Sand w/Lenses OS-26-C Of Rust — Color. Good Beach, Sand Cohesive Lt. Gray Sandy Silt Medium— Light Brown Sand JD U L L(J f i L UJ U U I b OS-26-D OS-26-E Layer B, C, E Good Beach, Sand, But A & D Not Suitable Site Is Marginal For Nourishment. OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation VI BRA CO RE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEAN SIDE, CARLSBAD DATE/TIME: VESSEL: 16 JUNE 1993, 1202 LT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 08.461 N, LONG 11 T 21.252 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 7.0 ft 7.0 ft 62 ft MLLW DEP™ (FT) SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION 0 - HOLE NO. OS-27 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (Agua Hedionda) TIP ELEVATION: -68.9 ft, MLLW , 7 _j Poorly Graded Gray Sandy silt OS— 27— A w/ Shell Frags & 3~ 4 —£_j Gray Silty Fine Sand fi "^ 7 — -* — \Lt.Gray Med—Sand w/Silt 8 — Bottom of Core Q 10— 11— 12— 13— 1 4. 15— 16— 17— 18— 19—20^: OS-27-B OS-27-C REMARKS: Kelp In-Shore Of this Site. Only C Possibly Suitable For Beach Use, But Too Much Ovei — Burden; Site Not Suitable For Nourishment. OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEAN SIDE, CARLSBAD DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 16 JUNE 1993, 1337 LT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES /ARE A: LAT 33° 09.113 N, LONG 117' 21.531 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 1.1 ft 1 .1 ft 44 ft MLLW DEPTH (FT) SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION HOLE NO. OS-28 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (Carlsbad) TIP ELEVATION: -45.1 ft, MLLW 7 _; Dark Gray Dense Sandy Silt OS— 28— A -"* \w/Shell Frags at Bottom Of Hole /O 4 — 5 — 6 — 7 — 8 — 9 — 10— 11 — 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20_2 REMARKS: Couldn't Penetrate Below- 1. 1';Corer Then Hit Cutter Came Up w/Dent— Apparently Hit Rock. Material Unsuitable For Nourishment. Solid Substrate. OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation V IB R AC ORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEAN SIDE, CARLSBAD DATE/TIME: VESSEL: 16 JUNE 1993, 1419 LT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 09.331 N, LONG 11 T 22.090 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 14.8 ft 14.8 ft 60 ft MLLW DEPT" (FT) SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION r\U 1 — 2 — 3~ 4 — 5 — 6 — 7 — & — Dark Gray Sandy Silt 9 — w/Shell Frags 10— 11 — 12— 13— 14— j ,_ . LJ U i iUifl OJ U U f L 16— 17— 18— 19— 20_L HOLE NO. OS-29 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (Carlsbad) TIP ELEVATION: -74.5 ft, MLLW OS-29-A REMARKS: All Unsuitable For Beach Use. Core Is Remarkably Homogeneous, Top To Bottom. OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation VI BRA CO RE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEAN SIDE, CARLSBAD DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 16 JUNE 1993, 1540 LT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 10.048 N, LONG 11 T 22.279 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 8.5 ft 8.5 ft 41 ft MLLW DEPTH (FT) SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION n HOLE NO. OS-30 COKE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (Oceanside) TIP ELEVATION: -49.4 ft, MLLW u 7 2 — ~— • 3.7 To 3. 8: Shell Layer /} _, .-_ , ,-,.,,4 — // Gray Sandy Silt 5 — c o T e K o^ ,. , v( With 3 Narrowu ~** 5.3 To 5.5:Shell Layer V nx <ni. nQ ^> Layers Of Shells, _— 6.3 To 6.4:Shell Layer ^ As Noted At Left 8— ^ )) OS-30-A 9 — Bottom of core 10— 11 — 12— 13— 14— 15— 16~ 17— 18— 19— REMARKS: Too Fine For Beach Use; Site Unsuitable For Nourishment. OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS DATE/TIME: 16 JUNE 1993, 1639 LT SITE COORDINATES/AREA: - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD VESSEL: R/V SEA WATCH (USC) LAT 33° 10.559 N, LONG 11 T 22.871 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 13.6 ft 13.6 ft 43 ft MLLW DEPTH (FT) nU 1 — 2 — 3 ' 4 — 5 — 6 7 — 8 — n 10— 11— 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION x) HOLE NO. OS -3 1 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (Oceanside) TIP ELEVATION: -56.6 ft, MLLW //•4 Dark Gray Sandy Silt —• 3.1 To 3. — i 4.2 To 4. s-.sheii Layer ^> w/ Shell Layers 4: shells & Gravel (( & Few 2" Gravel\y OS -31 -A Lt.Gray Med— Coarse Sand w/Very Few 2" Gravel ""* Bottom of Core REMARKS: Layer C Looks Good For Beach Sand But A & Site Is Marginal For Beach Nourishment. Due OBSER VER: CBL/B W B Unfit. To 6' OverBurden. Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEAN SIDE, CARLSBAD DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 17 JUNE 1993, 0732 LT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 12.803 N, LONG 11 T 25.133 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: 17.7 ft 17.7 ft DEPTH (FT) nu 1 — 4 — 5 — 6—1 7 — 8 — 9 — 10— 11 — 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 18— 19-1 20^ WATER DEPTH: 42 ft MLLW HOLE NO. OS-32 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (Santa Margarita) TIP ELEVATION: -59.9 ft, MLLW SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION Dark Gray Silty Sand w/ Occasional Shell Frags \) OS-32-A „ m „ „ (( Gray Medium Sand w/r^ 11.0 To 11.2:Shell Frags \. _ y . , T ~_c/ ^> Occas^onal Layers Of -^ 12.2 To 1 2.3:Shell Frags /{ Z?hc>JJ Fmn<: & 1" P'rnitol( 1 O / L O (j (j 1. I \JU \J O \X* 1 L7" / \JU U *Z> L JJ OS-32-B Bottom of Core REMARKS: Excellent Material For OBSERVER: CBL/BW Beach Nourishment. Coastal Frontiers Corporation V IB R AC ORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: HOLE NO. USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD OS-33 DATE /TIME: VESSEL: CORE DIAMETER: 17 JUNE 1993, 0819 LT R/V SEAWATCH (USC) 2.5 INCHES SITE COORDINATES /ARE A: LAT 33' 12.261 N, LONG 11 T 25.552 W (Santa Margarita) PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: TIP ELEVATION: 10.9 ft 10.9 ft 56 ft MLLW -66.7 ft, MLLW DEPTH (FT) nU 1 — 2 — 5 — 6 — 7— 8 — Q 10— 11— 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20^ SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION *) (f Dark Gray Silty Sand ^ w/Layers Of Shell Frags •^ 3.4 To 3. 5: Shell Layer \\ -* 4.0 To 4.2:Shell Frags ) OS-33~A Gray Fine -Medium Sand w/Silt OS-33-B -« Bottom of Core Layer A Unsuitable For Beach Use; Layer B Marginal. Site Probably Unfit As Nourishment Source. OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation VI BRA CORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 17 JUNE 1993, 0907 LT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 12.255 N, LONG 11 T 24.698 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 5.9 ft 5.9 ft 43 ft MLLW DEPTH (FT) SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION HOLE NO. OS-34 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (Oceanside) TIP ELEVATION: -48.5 ft, MLLW - 1 ~ Gray Silty Sand w/1" + Gravel & Shell Frags OS-34-A -c ^* 3~~_ Lt. Brown Medium Sand w/1 —2" 4— Gravel & Pebbles OS-34-B 5— 6 — -* Bottom of Core 7— 8 — 9— - - 10— 11 — 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20— REMARKS: Barrel Came Up w/3" Gravel Stuck In Cutter. Will Try Again At Same Site; #OS-34A Even Shorter; Split #34. Layer B Suitable For Beach Nourishment, But Gravel May Be A Problem. OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation VI BRA CO RE LOG SHEET PROJECT: HOLE NO. USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD OS-34A DATE /TIME: VESSEL: CORE DIAMETER: 17 JUNE 1993, 0927 LT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) 2.5 INCHES SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 12.261 N, LONG 11T 24.690 W (Oceanside) PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: TIP ELEVATION: 43 ft MLLW DEPTH (FT) nU 1 — 2 — 4 — 6 — 7 — 8 — Q 10— 11— 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION Did Not Split Core- Used # OS-34 Instead (Due To Greater Length) REMARKS: Like OS-34, Gravel Stuck In Cutter. OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 17 JUNE 1993. 1012 LT R/V SEAWATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 11.822 N, LONG 11T 24.483 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 18.8 ft 18.8 ft 45 ft MLLW DEP™ (FT) SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION 1 ~ Dark Gray Silty Fine Sand 2 — w/Occasional Shell Frags HOLE NO. OS-35 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (Oceanside) TIP ELEVATION: -63.6 ft, MLLW * OS-35-A 3 —Gray Fine Sand w/ Occasional 4 - Shell Frags & /" Gravel OS-35-B 6 — 7— 8 — 9 — 10— 11 — 12 Light Brown Medium Sand 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 20^ OS-35-C REMARKS: layer C Is Excellent Beach Quality Sand; A & B Too Fine. Due To Depth Of OverBurden, Consider Site As 2nd Order (Lou) Priority) Nourishment Site. OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 17 JUNE 1993, 1113 LT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 11.023 N, LONG 11 T 24.412 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 13.8 ft 13.8 ft 59 ft MLLW DEPT" (FT) SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION 1 — 2 — 3~_ 4 5 — Dark Gray Sandy Silt w/Few 6 — Shell Frags Slightly Cohesive 7— 8 — 9 — 11 — 12 Gray Silty Sand 13— ^ -^m LJ (J L Lu tiL UJ U U i t 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20^ HOLE NO. OS-36 CORF DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (San Luis Rey) TIP ELEVATION: -73.0 ft, MLLW OS-36-A OS-36-B REMARKS'Layer A & B Too Fine For Beach Use. Site Unsuitable For Nourishment. OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation VI BRA CO RE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANS IDE, CARLSBAD DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 17 JUNE 1993, 1210 LT R/V SEAWATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 10.598 N, LONG 11 T 23.261 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 18.7 ft 18.7 ft 49 ft MLLW DEPT" (FT) SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION , 1 — 2 — 3~ 4 — 5 6 — 7_I Dark Gray, Cohesive Sand Silt - w/ Shell Frags Q 10— 11— 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— - Fine— Medium Brown Sand 18— •1 (j ^^ JDULLUiIL UJ U U / o 2o_: HOLE NO. OS-37 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (San Luis Rey) TIP ELEVATION: -67.3 ft, MLLW OS-37-A OS-37-B REMARKS: „. „ „ . rrLayer A Too Fine For Beach use. Site Unsuitable For Nourishment Borrow Area. OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 17 JUNE 1993, 1339 LT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 11.213 N, LONG 11 T 24.011 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 7.3 ft 7.3 ft 48 ft MLLW DEP™ (FT) SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION r\U 1 — 2 — 3~ Dark Gray Slightly Cohesive 4 — Silty Sand w/Occasional Shell 5— 6 — HOLE NO. OS-38 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (San Luis Rey) TIP ELEVATION: -55.3 ft, MLLW • Frags OS-38-A _ ^™ JDULLUflL UJ U U I c, 9 — 10— 11 — 12—Cutter Stopped By 1 -2 Gravel 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20_\ REMARKS: Too Fine For Nourishment. OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation VI BR AC ORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANS WE, CARLSBAD DATE/TIME: VESSEL: 17 JUNE 1993, 1425 IT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 11.408 N, LONG 11 T 23.464 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 13.3 ft 13.3 ft 37 ft MLLW DEPTH (FT) nU 1 — 2 — 3~ 4—\ 5 6 — 7 — 8 — 9 — 10— 11 — 1 ?1 xC 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20^ SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION -* \Dark Gray Sandy Silt HOLE NO. OS-39 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (San Luis Rey) TIP ELEVATION: -50.1 ft, MLLW OS-39-A Poorly Sorted, Partly Cohesive Silt & Sand us/Reddish Brown Patches OS-39-B Grayish Brown, Moderately Cohesive ^<-, on n Silty Sand -* Reddish Brown /) _ .(/ CohesiveDark Gray ^ Siu & Clay Reddish Brown \ OS-39-D Poorly Sorted Gray Sand — , w/Silt & Clay Mod. Cohesive OS-39-E ^ — Bottom of Core REMARKS: No Beach Quality Material Present. OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation V IB R AC ORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 17 JUNE 1993, 1553 LT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33° 11.571 N, LONG 11 7 23.984 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 6.9 ft 6.9 ft 43 ft MLLW DEP™ (FT) SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION nU 1 _2 Dark Gray Silty Sand -^ w/ 1 travel £ shell Frags 3 — Light Brown Coarse Sand 4 — 5 — 6 — Light Brown Medium Sand — ^^ LJ u Liu ill UJ U U i 6 8 — 9 — 10— 11 — 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20_1 HOLE NO. OS-40 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (San Luis Rey) TIP ELEVATION: -49.9 ft, MLLW OS-40-A OS-40-B OS-40-C REMARKS: B & C Are Excellent Beach Sand. Site Appears Ok For Nourishment. Unsure Why Carer Stopped - Did Not Find Rocks. OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRAC ORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD HOLE NO. OS-40A DATE/TIME: 17 JUNE 1993, 1523 LT VESSEL: R/V SEA WATCH (USC) CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 11.571 N, LONG 11T 23.984 W (San Luis Rey) PENETRATION:RECOVERY:WATER DEPTH: 43 ft MLLW TIP ELEVATION: DEPTH (FT) o- 1 - o 5" 4- o 6 — rj 8 — 9- 10— 11 — 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20 SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION Core Not Split - Used OS-40 Instead REMARKS: Lost 3' Of Core; Will Try Another Core (Catcher Broke) OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation VI BRA CO RE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEAN SIDE, CARLSBAD DATE/TIME: VESSEL: 17 JUNE 1993, 1649 IT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 11.733 N, LONG 117' 24.051 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 14.3 ft 14.3 ft 37 ft MLLW DEPTH (FT) SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION nu 1 — 2— Dark Gray Silty Sand _j Shell Frags, 4.0 To 5.0 ft o _ 4 — HOLE NO. OS -41 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (San Luis Rey) TIP ELEVATION: -51.5 ft, MLLW OS -41 -A — ^ 6 — 7 — &—_ Highly Cohesive Clay, Dark Gray QS-41-B 9 — 10— 1 ^ 12— Dark Gray Sandy Silt 13— * 14 Gray Silty Sand w/Few Shell 15 — ^ — Bottom of Core 16— 17— 18— 19—zo_: OS-41-C Frags OS-41 -D REMARKS: No Beach Sand Present. OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEAN SIDE, CARLSBAD DATE/TIME: VESSEL: 17 JUNE 1993, 1736 LT R/V SEAWATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 11.539 N, LONG 117' 24.474 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: 8.7 ft 8.7 ft 49 ft MLLW DEPTH (FT) 1 — 2—_ _ 4 — 5 — 6—\ 7 — 8 — 9 — 10— 11 — 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION Dark Gray Silty Sand w/Shell Frags Fine Gray Sand w/Occasional REMARKS: HOLE NO. OS-42 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (San Luis Rey) TIP ELEVATION: -58.1 ft, MLLW OS-42-A Shell Frags OS-42-B A Unsuitable; B Probably Also Unsuitable As Nourishment (Too Fine). OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANS1DE, CARLSBAD DATE /TIME: VESSEL: 18 JUNE 1993, 0613 LT R/V SEAWATCH (USC) SITE COORDINA TES/AREA : LAT 33' 12.400 N, LONG 117' 24.632 W PENETRATION: 10.4 ft DEPTH (FT) r\U 1 — 2 — 3~ 4 — 5 — 6 — 7— 8 — 9 — 10— * •< 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20^ RECOVERY: 10.4 ft WATER DEPTH: 38 ft MLLW HOLE NO. OS-43 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (Oceanside) TIP ELEVATION: -48.3 ft, MLLW SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION Dark Gray Fine Silty Sand (0 To 1.0 ft) _^ Gray Fine Sand w/2" Gravel & \Numerous Shell Frags OS -43 -A ^ Well Sorted Med Brown Sand OS-43-B __ Coarse Brown Sand w/Pebbles & Shell Frags ^ Medium Coarse Brown Sand > OS-43-C S Coarse Brown Sand w/Pebbles & Shell Frags Med Brown Sand w/Pebbles & Shell Frags Q^^^^^D — Bottom of Core REMARKS: Layers B & C Excellent OBSER VER: CBL/B W For Beach Nourishment. Site Is Promising. Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: HOLE NO. USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEAN SIDE, CARLSBAD OS -44 DATE /TIME: VESSEL: CORE DIAMETER: 18 JUNE 1993, 0732 LT R/V SEAWATCH (USC) 2.5 INCHES SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33° 12.313 N, LONG 117' 25.188 W (Oceanside) PENETRATION: RECOVERY: WATER DEPTH: TIP ELEVATION: 11.2ft 11.2ft 49 ft MLLW -59.8ft, MLLW DEPTH (FT) 1 — 4 — 5 6 — 7 — 8 — Q 10— 11— 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 20^ SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION Dark Gray Silty Sand w/Shell r i ay ^ r i u ffl I . r l u &. U U d ^t-tit- A Light Brown Medium Sand w/Very Few Shell Frags & 2" Gravel @ 3.5 ft OS-44-B —~ R r}~f~~f~ r\'Y7~i n~F f^rtfc^ LJ U L L U 1 1 L UJ U U i fc REMARKS: Layer B Is Excellent Nourishment Material. OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation VI BRA CO RE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD DATE /TIME: 18 JUNE 1993, 0703 VESSEL: LT R/V SEA WATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33' 12.313 N, LONG 117 25.188 W PENETRATION: RE( 10.4 ft DEPTH (FT) •J <2 4 — 5 — 6 — 7— 8 — 9 — 10— 11 — 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— "OVERY: WATER DEPTH: 10.4 ft 49 ft MLLW SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION Core Not Split - Did Not Penetrate HOLE NO. OS-44A CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (Oceanside) TIP ELEVATION: REMARKS: Barrel Penetrated Only 3' But Liner Was 14' Full (Except For Water Channel). Sand Probably Packed In From Repeated Pounding After Barrel Hit Rocks. Cutter Badly Dinged. Will Try Again. OBSERVER: CBL/BW Coastal Frontiers Corporation VIBRACORE LOG SHEET PROJECT: USACOE, CCSTWS DATE /TIME: 18 JUNE 1993, 0830 LT - OCEANSIDE, CARLSBAD VESSEL: R/V SEAWATCH (USC) SITE COORDINATES/AREA: LAT 33° 12.020 N, LONG 117' 25.145 W PENETRATION: RECOVERY: 15.4 ft DEPTH (FT) n -u 1 — 2 — 3 4—\ 5 7 — 8 — 9 — 10— 11 — 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— 18— 19— 15.4 ft WATER DEPTH: 54 ft MLLW HOLE NO. OS-45 CORE DIAMETER: 2.5 INCHES (Oceanside) TIP ELEVATION: -69.3 ft, MLLW SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION Dark Gray Sandy Silt w/Occasional Shell Frags OS-45-A Light Gray Silty Sand w/Few 1n Gravel OS-45-B "*" \ Gray Brown Sandy Silt Light Gray Fine—Med Sand -^•^ OS-45-C OS-45-D ^ — Bottom of Core REMARKS: Only Layer D Looks Like Potential Beach Sand; Site Unsuitable For Nourishment. OBSER VER: CBL/B W Coastal Frontiers Corporation