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; ; Interconnection with City of Oceanside; 1966-02-28
ENGINKRING ^wi^tfi^ %««eet4 ^ ARCHITECTS • ENGINEERS 4525 MISSION GORGE PLACE. SAN DIEGO 20. CALIFORNIA • 283-5481 February 28, 1966 42-5231-00-00 Board of Directors Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5780 El Camino Real Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: Interconnection with City of Oceanside By letter of January 31, 1966, an interconnection -with the City of Oceanside in the general vicinity of El Camino Real and Vista Way was discussed in a general manner. This report letter is intended to broaden this discussion and present certain data relating to the hydraulics of such an interconnection, the possible location of the. pipeline and the estimated costs of making the interconnection. The City of Oceanside's water system in the vicinity of El Camino Real and Vista Way consists of a 20-inch and 12-inch line running east on Vista Way and north on El Camino Real respectively. From this juncture, a 16-inch line extends westerly on the north side of Vista Way approximately 660 feet, reducing to a 6-inch pipeline which crosses to the southerly side of the freeway to serve properties within the City. A schematic of this system is shown on the attached map. The hydraulic gradient at El Camino Real and Vista Way will vary depending upon the flows existing upon the Oceanside •system at the time. However, the gradient is primarily, determined by a tank at elevation 380 to 409. Included with this report is a copy of a letter from Mr. Robert Weese, City of Oceanside Water and Sewer Department, commenting upon an interconnection at this location. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District's system has a maximum hydraulic gradient of 505 which is determined by the Squires Dam. There is in El Camino Real a 10-inch cement, mortar-lined and coated steel pipe extending northward from the vicinity of Chestnut Street and El Camino Real and terminating at the boundary line of the Rancho Agua Hedionda. Said termination point is approximately 2900 feet.southerly of Vista Way. The best method of creating an interconnection with the City of Oceanside would be to extend the 10-inch line in El Camino Real to an intersection with the 16 or 20-inch line of the City of Oceanside north of Vista Way. The capacity of such an interconnection would be on the order of 1000 to 1500 gallons per minute into the Carlsbad Municipal Water District's system. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES Board of Directors - 2 - February 28, 1966 Unfortunately, extensive construction work is going on at the intersection of El Camino Real and Vista Way involving an overpass for El Camino Real. To cross this complex to gain access to the Oceanside system would.involve crossing two Frontage Roa;ds, a storm drain channel, a freeway off-ramp and a freeway on-ramp in addition to crossing the existing freeway. The construction in this area is currently under progress and completion is scheduled for September of 1966. During this period of time the area is under the control of the contractor performing the work, therefore, any such direct crossing would be subject to negotiations with the contractor. An alternate method of making the interconnection is to connect to the 6-inch line which crosses to the south side of the freeway, thus avoiding to a great degree the construction work now going on. Unfortunately this interconnection would not have equivalent capacity due to the 500-foot section of 6-inch pipe. It is estimated that 700 to 1100 gallons per minute could be taken into the Carlsbad Municipal Water District's system through this interconnection. Under conditions of low hydraulic gradient on the Oceanside system, this flow could be as low as 300 gallons per minute to maintain a pressure which would be adequate to force water through the system as far as La Costa. Graph A shows the operating area for the two alternate interconnections discussed in terms of Hydraulic Gradients at El Camino and Chestnut. The ground elevation at this point is on the order of 286 feet. Therefore, to supply water to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District's system the minimum hydraulic gradient at El Camino and Chestnut should be not less than 300 feet. This would maintain water as far east on El Camino Real as the line to Squires Dam, but pressures would not be sufficient to cause water to flow to any of the reservoirs in the District's system. Graph B shows the pipe friction loss through an interconnection to the City of Oceanside's 6-inch pipe which crosses Vista Way. Two flows, 500 and 1000 gallons per minute, are illustrated. This display shows the effect of the 6-inch pipe on pressures very clearly. A preliminary cost estimate of an interconnection to the City of Oceanside's 6-inch pipe follows: Unit Quantity Unit Description Price Amount 3,220 L.F. 10" Cl. 300 CML & C Steel Pipe $8.00 $25,760 Lump Sum Vault, meter and appurtenances L.S. 6,900 $32,660 Contingencies 6,532 Total $39.192 It is assumed that the costs of creating such an interconnection would be borne by both agencies involved and would be to some degree in proportion to respective benefits derived. BOYLE ENGINEERING Board of Directors - 3 - February 28, 1966 If a direct coimection across the freeway access and Frontage Road complex were made, it is estimated that the additional cost for the interconnection would be approximately $10,000. In summary and conclusion, the capacity of the interconnection most economically made with the City of Oceanside will vary from 300 to 1000 gallons per minute depending upon existing pressures on Oceanside's system and required pressures for the District's system. The gradient of the Oceanside system is not adequate, in any case, to supply all parts of the District system. Three hundred to four hundred gpm improvement in capacity can be obtained at additional expense by constructing a 10-inch line across the freeway complex to Oceanside's larger diameter pipe. The City of Oceanside would receive the major benefit from any interconnection in the area of Vista Way and El Camino Real because of the higher system hydraulic gradient of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District's system. It is recommended that the District open discussions with the City of Oceanside relative to interconnection of the two systems at the above or other points for the purpose of further evaluating the relative merits of undertaking such a program. Respectfully submitted, xzz^tTm^xA M, E. Ford, Jr.X Project Engine^*^ MEF/lel Enclosures BOYLE ENGINEERING WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT ROBERt A. WEESE, Superintendent DAN LAPHAM, Asst. Superintendent RICHARD ALDRICH, Chief Operator SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT CITY HALL 704 Third Street P. O. Box 30 OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA Telephone: SAratoga 2-8271 February l8, 1966 Boyle Engineering Co. ' 1^525 Mission Gorge Place San .Diego, California 92120 Attention: M.D.Ford, Jr. . Project Engineer Gentlemen: In regard to your inquiry of February 11th, the facilities that now exist at El Camino and Highway No. 78 consists of a 20" pipeline on the north side of Highway No. 78. . • . . This pipeline serves water fromthe Henie Hills reservoir to the southerly part of Oceanside. It is connect- ed to Fire Mountain reservoir on El Camino by a 12" pipeline and o.extends westerly from El Camino approximately , 300' and is connected to a 6" line which crosses the freeway and supplies the Oceanside sewage disposal plant and will serve that area-within the city south of Highway No. 78. The water pressures in those areas are quite high and the static head at the sewer plant is around 160# of pressure. The location of the highway crossing is at approxi- mately the end of the paved drainage structure and I believe is the closest point where the interconnection could.be made, I believe that one million gallons a day could be transmitted through this line without having excessive veloc- ities in the line. The 6" asbestos-cement pipe is .class 200, I do not visualise any serious problems to make an interconn- ection, if everybody is agreeable and I believe it would be beneficial to all concerned, ^ ' ..ZZ' Z Yours vejhv^.trnly,'! 7 Q)p§A^'.A. >ffi:^E,^ S'iipt. Wate^-.'Sc Sewer Department RAW:pg BOYLE ENGINEERING Bakersfield Sent, Ana San Dlego BY /A57-. DATE 3-1-64 SU BJ ECT . l^iT^ei^CoN^^l.eJCT CHKD. BY DATE ClTV. OcE4N'>.'..0.©- SHEET NO. L.OF .( JOB N O,. ..^.'?.-.6.Z5.l.- .OQ-^JC?.. THOUS&NP Q-ALUOMS PER AiMUTfc- Bakerifleld BY .//IEE DATE 2?-/-4>4 BOYLE ENGINEERING Santa Ana San Diego SUBJECT... .I.NTe)2.CO.NN.IHC:Tl.0.iSl.....'W.4.TM ».«».l.O.&-.. SHEET NO.....!. .....OF,. ..! JOB N0..4tfyZ*f.trC>0.-.QQ.. A . _ —. — — — c t c X C < ^ J I C5 d; ^ c t c X C < ^ L ) 3 V 3 •— A A \ r i 1 " t • c c c lb o < 9 s ARCHITECTS • ENGINEERS 4525 MISSION GORGE PLACE, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92120 • 283-5481 January 31, 1966 42-5231-00-00 X^ Board of Directors Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5780 El Camino Real Carlsbad, California z Gentlemen: Interconnection with City of Oceanside Pursuant to your direction, I have contacted Mr. Robert Weese, the Superintendent of the Water and Sewer Department of the City of Oceanside, relative to developing an interconnection between the water systems of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the City of Oceanside in the vicinity of El Camino Real and Vista Way. The hydraulics and possible capacities of such an interconnection were discussed with Mr. Weese in a preliminary manner and it appears that there will be sufficient interest on the part of the City of Oceanside to warrant continuation of the study of such an interconnection toward the end of developing more definitive data including estimated costs. Attached to this letter, you will find a sketch showing the wat~er facilities of both the City of Oceanside and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District in the area where the interconnection might be made. You will notice that the maximum hydraulic gradient of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District's system is 505 feet as opposed to 409 feet for the City of Oceanside water system. This means, of course, that Carlsbad Municipal Water District could probably supply the City of Oceanside in an emergency and maintain normal water system gradients for the City. However, in a similar circumstance with the City of Oceanside supplying Carlsbad Municipal Water District, it would be impossible to maintain existing gradients throughout the Carlsbad system without pumping to boost pressures. The existing gradients on the City of Oceanside's system, however, would probably be adequate to supply small amounts of water such as that which might be required for domestic use to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District's system and cover a fairly large proportion of the District with water at a minimum pressure. Further study of this item should be made in order to more accurately determine the probable flows and pressures which would be available to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District in case of use of such an interconnection. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES Board of Directors - 2 - January 31, 1966 One of the factors which complicates construction of an interconnection with the City of Oceanside in this area is the construction which -will or is currently taking place in the area between Chestnut Street and Vista Way on El Camino Real.. The approaches to and the on and off ramps from Vista Way will create some difficulty in the location of a pipeline through this area. From the attached sketch, it can be seen that the City has a 6-inch line which crosses Vista Way to which a tie could possibly be made, however, the affect of a small diameter line upon the hydraulics of the interconnection should be evaluated. If it meets with the pleasure of your Honorable Body, I would propose to continue the study of this interconnection and 1. Obtain plans of the proposed improvements in the area under consideration for the purpose of water line location. 2. Review the system capacities and hydraulics to determine the size of pipe which might be required along with the level of service which the Carlsbad Municipal Water District might expect from such an interconnection. 3. Prepare an estimate of costs of the construction of facilities required to complete the interconnection. The findings as outlined above may then serve as, basis for the formal approach to the City of Oceanside with the purpose of negotiating terms and conditions of such an interconnection. It is proposed that this work be authorized on an hourly basis at the fees on file with the District; the total expenditure not to exceed $300.00. Should you care to direct the continuance of this study, the report will be completed and presented at your regular meeting of February 15, 1966. Respectfully submitted, A^ MEF/lel Enclosure BOYLE ENGINEERING