HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; Pacific Coast Shoreline Carlsbad Recon Report; 1994-01-01US Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District RECONNAISSANCE REPORT PACIFIC COAST SHORELINE, CARLSBAD SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MAIN REPORT U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District 300 North Los Angeles Street Los Angeles, California 90053 January 1994 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 .0 INTRODUCTION ....................................... 1-1 1 .1 Study Authority ................................... 1-1 1 .2 Purpose and Scope ................................. 1-1 1 .3 Study Conduct .................................... 1-1 1 .4 Public Involvement ................................. 1-2 1 .5 Prior Studies ..................................... 1-2 1.5.1 Corps of Engineers Studies ...................... 1-2 1.5.2 Studies by Others ............................ 1-4 2.0 THE STUDY AREA ...................................... 2-1 2.1 Location ........................................ 2-1 2.2 Description ...................................... 2-1 2.2.1 Reach 1 ................................... 2-1 2.2.2 Reach 2 ................................... 2-1 2.2.3 Reach 3 ................................... 2-4 2.2.4 Reach 4 ................................... 2-4 2.2.5 Reach 5 ................................... 2-4 2.3 Physical Characteristics .............................. 2-5 2.3.1 Bathymetry ............................. ... 2-5 2.3.2 Local Geology/Sediment Characteristics ............ . 2-5 2.3.4 Tides and Sea Level .......................... 2-7 2.3.5 Water Levels ............................... 2-8 2.3.6 Currents ......................... . ........ 2-8 Offshore Currents ...................... 2-8 Longshore Currents ..................... 2-8 Cross-shore Currents .................... 2-9 2.3.7 Waves and Storms ........................... 2-9 2.3.8 Littoral Processes ........................... 2-12 Sediment Sources and Sinks .............. 2-13 Existing Structures, Beachfills, and Dredging History .............................. 2-14 Erosion and Accretion Rates .............. 2-16 Historic Shorleine Changes ............... 2-17 Historic Profiles ....................... 2-17 Longshore Transport ................... 2-18 Sediment Budget ...................... 2-18 2.4 Social and Economic Factors ......................... 2-22 2.4.1 Location and Description ...................... 2-22 2.4.2 Demographics ............................. 2-22 Population .......................... 2-23 Tourism and Recreation as Major Industries . . . 2-23 Employment 2-24 Income 2-24 2.5 Existing Environment 2-24 2.5.1 Biological Resources 2-25 Marine Resources 2-25 Terrestrial Resources 2-25 Lagoon Resources 2-26 Coastal Barriers 2-27 2.5.2 Threatened and Endangered Species 2-27 2.5.3 Water Quality 2-27 2.5.4 Ambient Noise and Air Quality 2-28 Ambient Noise 2-28 Air Quality 2-28 2.5.5 Cultural Resources 2-28 2.5.6 Aesthetics 2-28 3.0 PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION 3-31 3.1 Statement of the Problem 3-31 3.1.1 Reach 1 3-31 3.1.2 Reach 2 3-31 3.1.3 Reach 3 3-31 3.1.4 Reach 4 3-32 3.1.5 Reach 5 3-32 3.2 Summary of the Analysis 3-33 3.3 Damages 3-16 3.3.1 Inundation Damages 3-16 3.3.2 Damages to Protection 3-17 3.3.3 Structural Damages 3-19 3.3.4 Roadway Damages 3-21 3.4 Economic Loss 3-23 3.5 Recreation 3-27 3.6.1 Reach 1 3-28 3.6.2 Reach 2 3-28 3.6.3 Reach 3 3-29 3.6.4 Reach 4 3-29 3.6.5 Reach 5 3-30 4.0 PLAN FORMULATION 4-32 4.1 Rationale of Formulation 4-32 4.1.5 Costs 4-34 4.2 Plan Alternatives 4-34 4.2.1 Plan 1 - Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 4-35 Description 4-35 Engineering Evaluation 4-8 Environmental Evaluation 4-9 4.2.2 Plan 2 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 4-13 Description 4-13 Engineering Evaluation 4-13 Environmental Evaluation 4-13 4.2.3 Plan 3 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reaches 1 and 2 4-18 Description 4-18 Engineering Evaluation 4-18 Environmental Evaluation 4-18 4.2.4 Plan 4 - New and Repaired Revetments in Reach 1 .... 4-23 Description 4-23 Engineering Evaluation 4-23 Environmental Evaluation 4-23 4.2.5 Plan 5 - Beachfill and North Intake Jetty Extension in Reach 1 4-28 Description 4-28 Engineering Evaluation 4-28 Environmental Evaluation 4-30 4.2.6 Plan 6 - Beachfill in Reach 3 4-33 Description 4-33 Engineering Evaluation 4-33 Environmental Evaluation 4-36 4.2.7 Plan 7 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 3 4-39 Description 4-39 Engineering Evaluation 4-39 Environmental Evaluation 4-39 4.2.8 Plan 8 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reach 3 ... 4-43 Description 4-43 Engineering Evaluation 4-43 Environmental Evaluation 4-43 4.2.9 Plan 9 - A Seawall in Reach 3 4-48 Description 4-48 Engineering Evaluation 4-48 Environmental Evaluation 4-48 4.2.10 Plan 10 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 3 .... 4-53 Description 4-53 Engineering Evaluation 4-53 Environmental Evaluation 4-53 4.2.11 Plan 11 - Beachfill and Structures in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 4-56 Description 4-56 Engineering Evaluation 4-59 Environmental Evaluation 4-59 4.2.12 Plan 12 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 5 .... 4-62 Description 4-62 Engineering Evaluation 4-62 Environmental Evaluation 4-62 4.2.13 Plan 13 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 1 ... 4-65 Description 4-65 Engineering Evaluation 4-65 Environmental Evaluation 4-67 4.2.14 Plan 14 - A T-Groin with Beachfill in Reach 3 4-70 Description 4-70 Engineering Evaluation 4-70 Environmental Evaluation 4-70 4.3 Identification of Justified Projects 4-77 5.0 FEDERAL INTEREST DETERMINATION 5-1 5.1 General 5-1 5.2 Purposes of Federal Participation 5-1 5.2.1 Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction 5-1 5.2.2 Recreation 5-4 5.2.3 Mitigation of Shore Damage Due to Federal Navigation Projects 5-4 5.3 Shore Ownership 5-4 5.3.1 Non-Federal Public Shores-Park and Conservation Areas .. 5-5 5.4 Beach Creation 5-5 5.5 Periodic Nourishment 5-5 5.6 Maintenance 5-6 5.7 Local Cooperation Requirements 5-6 5.8 Determination of Federal Interest in Shore Protection Plans at Carlsbad, California 5-7 5.8.1 Requirement for Plans to be Justified Primarily on Storm Damage Reduction Benefits 5-7 5.8.2 Requirement for Public Use, Access, and Parking 5-8 5.8.3 Mitigation of Impacts from Federal Navigation Projects . . . 5-8 5.8.4 Shore Protection For Reach 5 5-9 5.8.5 Conclusion of Federal Interest Determination 5-9 5.9 Federal and Non-Federal Requirements For Implementation of Shore Protection in Reach 3 5-9 5.9.1 Cost sharing of First Cost 5-9 5.9.2 Cost sharing of Periodic Nourishment and Maintenance . . 5-10 5.9.3 Other non-Federal requirements 5-10 6.0 IPMP/FEASIBILITY PHASE REQUIREMENTS 6-1 IV 7.0 CONCLUSIONS 7-1 8.0 DISTRICT ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION 8-1 LIST OF FIGURES• • Figure 2.1 Vicinity of Carlsbad, California ........................ 2-2 Figure 2.2 Five Reaches of Carlsbad Coastal Area .................... 2-3 Figure 2.3 Oceanside Littoral Cell ............................... 2-6 Figure 2.4 Statistical Distribution of Higher Water at San Diego ........... 2-10 Figure 2.5 Wave Exposure for San Diego Region .................... 2-10 Figure 2.6 Future Without Project Sediment Budget .................. 2-21 Figure 3.1 Beach in Front of Carlsbad Boulevard .................... 3-4 Figure 3.2 Reach 4 - View towards Encinitas Creek ................... 3-4 Figure 3.3 Reach 4 - Bluffs of South Carlsbad State Beach .............. 3-4 Figure 3.4 Schematic Profile of Carlsbad-Reach 1 Cross Section 1 .......... 3-6 Figure 3.5 Schematic Profile of Carlsbad-Reach 1 Cross Section 2 ........ 3-6 Figure 3.6 Schematic Profile of Carlsbad-Reach 1 Cross Section 3 ........ 3-7 Figure 3.7 Schematic Profile of Carlsbad-Reach 1 Cross Section 4 ........ 3-7 Figure 3.8 Schematic Profile of Carlsbad-Reach 2 .................... 3-8 Figure 3.9 Schematic Profile of Carlsbad-Reach 3 .................... 3-9 Figure 3.10 Schematic Profile of Carlsbad-Reach 4 .................. 3-10 Figure 3.11 Schematic Profile of Carlsbad-Reach 4 Cross Section 2 ....... 3-10 Figure 3.12 Schematic Profile of Carlsbad-Reach 5 .................. 3-11 Figure 3.13 Typical Structure of Carlsbad-Reach 4, Cross Section 1 ...... 3-12 Figure 3.14 Typical Structure of Carlsbad-Reach 1, Cross Section 2 ...... 3-12 Figure 3.15 Typical Structure of Carlsbad-Reach 1, Cross Section 3 ...... 3-12 Figure 3.16 Typical Structure of Carlsbad-Reach 1, Cross Section 4 ...... 3-13 Figure 3.17 Typical Structure of Carlsbad-Reach 4, Cross Section 1 ...... 3-13 Figure 3.18 Typical Structure of Carlsbad-Reach 4, Cross Section 2 ... ... 3-13 Figure 3.19 Schematic of Structure on Bluff ....................... 3-20 Figure 3.20 Bluff Erosion versus Excess Wave Runup ................ 3-21 Figure 4.1 a Beachf ill-Reaches 1 and 2 ............................ 4-5 Figure 4.1b Typical Cross Section of Beachf ill-Reaches 1 and 2 .......... 4-6 Figure 4.1c Identified Potential Borrow Areas ....................... 4-7 Figure 4.2a Plan 2-Beachfill with Groins, Reaches 1 and 2 ............. 4-13 Figure 4.2b Typical Cross-Section of Groin ....................... 4-14 Figure 4.3a Plan 3-Offshore Breakwaters, Reaches 1 and 2 ............ 4-19 Figure 4.3b Typical Cross-Section of Offshore Breakwater, Reaches 1 and 2 ................................ 4-20 Figure 4.4a Plan 4-Revetment, Reach 1 .......................... 4-24 Figure 4.4b Typical Cross-Section of Revetment, Reach 1 .............. 4-25 Figure 4.5 Plan 5-Beachfill and Jetty Extension, Reaches 1, 2 and 3 ..... 4-29 Figure 4.6a Plan 6-Beachfill, Reaches 1 and 2 ..................... 4-34 Figure 4.6b Typical Cross Section of Beachfill-Reach 3 ............... 4-35 Figure 4.7 Plan 7-Beachfill with Groins, Reach 3 ................... 4-40 Figure 4.8a Plan 8-Offshore Breakwaters, Reach 3 .................. 4-44 Figure 4.8b Typical Cross-Section of Offshore Breakwater ............. 4-45 vi Figure 4.9a Plan 9-Seawall, Reach 3 4-49 Figure 4.9b Typical Cross-Section of Seawall, Reach 3 4-50 Figure 4.10a Plan 10-Rubble Mound Revetment, Reach 3 4-54 Figure 4.1 Ob Typical Cross Section of Revetment, Reach 3 4-55 Figure 4.11a Plan 11-Beachfill with Structures, Reaches 1, 2 and 3 4-57 Figure 4.11b Plan 7-Beachfill with Groins, Reach 3 4-58 Figure 4.12 Plan 12-Rubble Mound Revetment, Reach 5 4-63 Figure 4.13 Groin System with Beachfill 4-66 Figure 4.14 T-Groin with Beachfill 4-71 VII LIST OF TABLES Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 2.1 San Diego Tidal Characteristics 2.2 Oceanside Harbor 2.4 Major Coastal Structures Affecting Longshore Transport 2.5 Beach Fills and Relevant Dredging at Agua Hedionda 2.6 Dredging and Beachfills in Oceanside 3.1 Typical Cross-Sections by Reach 3.2 Storm Recession versus Return Period 3.3 Wave Runup Level (Feet Mllw) Present Condition 3.4 Damage to Revetment 3.5 Data used for Calculation of Bluff Retreat 3.6 Carlsbad Reach 3 Present Withour Project Physical Damages 3.7 Carlsbad Reach 3 Futer Without Project Physical Damages 3.8 Carlsbad Reach 5 Present Without Project Physical Damages 3.9 Carlsbad Damages Under Existing Conditions 3.10 Carlsbad Expected & Equivalent Annual Damages Without Project 3.11 Carlsbad Expected & Equivalent Annual Damages Without Project by reach 3.13 Average Daily Number of Persons Accommodated at 75 ft2/person 4.1 a Carlsbad - Wave Runup Statistics at Reaches 1 & 2 - With Project 4.1b Carlsbad Revetment Damages - With Project Conditions .... 4.1c Plan 1 - Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 - Cost Estimate 4.1d Annual Benefits -- Alternative 1 4.2a Plan 2 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 - Cost Estimate 4.2b Annual Benefits -- Alternative 2 4.3a Plan 3 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reaches 1 and 2 - Cost 4.3b 4.4a . 2-7 2-11 2-14 2-15 2-16 . 3-7 3-15 3-16 3-18 3-20 3-22 3-22 3-23 3-24 3-25 3-26 3-28 Annual Benefits -- Alternative 3 Plan 4 - New and Repaired Revetments in Reach 1 - Cost Estimate 4.4b Annual Benefits -- Alternative 4 4.5a Plan 5 - Beachfill and North Intake Jetty Extension in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 4.5b Annual Benefits -- Alternative 5 4.6a Carlsbad Reach 3 - Road Damage with Project Beachfill 4.6b Carlsbad Revetment Damages - With Project Conditions . 4-9 . 4-9 4-11 4-12 4-16 4-17 4-21 4-22 4-26 4-27 4-31 4-32 4-36 4-36 >*•»«.. VIII Table 4.6d Annual Benefits -- Alternative 6 4-38 Table 4.7a Plan 7 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate . . 4-41 Table 4.7b Annual Benefits -- Alternative 7 4-42 Table 4.8a Plan 8 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate 4-46 Table 4.8b Annual Benefits - Alternative 8 4-47 Table 4.9a Plan 9 - A Seawall in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate 4-51 Table 4.9b Annual Benefits -- Alternatives 9, 10 4-52 Table 4.10a Plan 10 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate 4-56 Table 4.11 a Plan 11 - Beachfill and Structures in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 - Cost 4-60 Table 4.11b Annual Benefits -- Alternative 11 4-61 Table 4.12a Plan 12 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 5 - Cost Estimate 4-64 Table 4.12b Annual Benefits -- Alternative 12 4-64 Table 4.13a Plan 13 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 1 - Cost Estimate 4-68 Table 4.13b Annual Benefits -- Alternative 13 4-69 Table 4.14a Plan 14 - A T-Groin with Beachfill in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate . . 4-72 Table 4.14b Annual Benefits -- Alternative 14 4-73 Table 4.15 Summary of Descriptions of Alternatives and Cost Estimates .. 4-74 Table 4.15 (continued) Carlsbad - Summary Cost Estimate of Alternatives 4-75 Table 4.16 Benefit Cost Ratio and Net Benifits By Alternative 4-76 Table 5.2 Estimated Cost-Sharing of Federal Shore Protection Project for Reach 3 5-9 IX 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Study Authority The study was authorized by House Public Works and Transportation Committee Resolution adopted 15 March, 1988 which reads as follows: "Resolved by the Committee on Public Works and Transportation of the United States House of Representatives, That the Secretary of the Army, in Accordance with Section 110 of the River and Harbors Act of 1962, is hereby requested to conduct a study of the shoreline in and adjacent to the City of Carlsbad, Sand Diego County, California, with a view to determining the effects of beach erosion upon the infrastructure, and the cause of damage to public and private property and determining solutions which are engineeringly, economically, and environmentally feasible." 1.2 Purpose and Scope The purpose of this Reconnaissance Study is to (1) determine whether there is justification for proceeding to the Feasibility Phase based upon preliminary appraisal of cost, benefits, and environmental impacts of potential solutions, (2) an assessment of the Federal level of interest based on Federal laws, policies, and other guidance, (3) support of the non-Federal interests in the identified potential solutions, (4) development of and Initial Project Management Plan (IPMP) including scope, cost and assigned responsibilities for feasibility studies, and (5) approval of the cost-sharing agreement for the feasibility phase. The primary area of concern to be addressed in this study in response to the study resolution and coordination with the City of Carlsbad is storm damages resulting from erosion along the study area coast. 1.3 Study Conduct The Reconnaissance Study was performed by the Los Angeles District in coordination with the City of Carlsbad, consistent with the principles and guidelines contained in ER 1105-2-100. The study includes preliminary engineering, economic, and environmental studies using available information, interviews with agency and public interests to define problems, needs, solutions, and potential impacts of alternative solutions. 1-1 1.4 Public Involvement The non-Federal sponsor of this project is the City of Carlsbad. Throughout the course of this study, consultation with the City was made through the Community Development Office and the Carlsbad Beach Erosion Committee. A public workshop was conducted on April 15, 1993. Federal and State agencies were contacted for their interests in the project and specific comments relative to their jurisdictional or professional concerns. 1.5 Prior Studies 1.5.1 Corps of Engineers Studies U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Oceanside, Ocean Beach, Imperial Beach, and Coronado, San Diego County, California, Beach Erosion Control Study, House Document No. 399. 1957. Recommended a project consisting of placing a 900,000 yd protective beachfill at Oceanside, generally 200 feet wide and 10,000 feet long from the vicinity of 9th street to Witherby Street, at one-third federal cost. The views of the Beach Erosion Board concurred with the District Engineer's opinion that jetties constructed at Camp Pendleton Harbor as a wartime measure in 1942 were primarily responsible for the erosion problem at Oceanside. U.S. Army Engineer District, Los Angeles, General Design of Shore Protection Works near Oceanside, California. 1960. This memorandum presented the design basis for a 1.3 million cy protective beachfill which was placed between the San Luis Rey River and Loma Alta Creek, and for the combined groin and jetty constructed at Oceanside's Municipal Harbor. The report described maintenance to include replenishment of a protective beach at suitable intervals and maintenance of the groin. At the time of the project document study, protective beach maintenance was estimated to be 25,000 cy/year, anticipated to be supplied through normal periodic maintenance of the Camp Pendleton Harbor (Del Mar Boat Basin). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Interim Survey of Oceanside Harbor, Oceanside (Camp Pendleton), California, House Document No. 76. 1965. Report recommended the Federal adoption of the Oceanside Harbor by providing federal maintenance dredging of channels and turning basins, and the maintenance of a 1,000-foot south jetty, a 710-foot north groin, and about 1,200 feet of stone revetment. Maintenance dredging was predicted to be required on a biennial basis with removal of an average of 200,000 cy/yr. Placement of dredge material on the beach below the Oceanside pier to replenish downcoast beaches was 1-2 recommended and found to be in conformance with the needs of the beach erosion control project. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Miscellaneous Paper H-78-8, Coastal Processes Study of the Oceanside, California, Littoral Cell. 1978. This study concluded that the gross longshore transport rate at Las Flores, Oceanside, and Encinitas is approximately 800,000 cy/yr, 1.2 million cy/yr, and 1.8 million cy/yr, respectively. Also, an estimated 100,000 cy/yr net of littoral drift was estimated to be moving southerly past Oceanside, California, with a net volume increase in southerly direction south of the vicinity of Oceanside. The report also suggested a continuous sand bypassing system as a partial solution to the erosion problem. U.S. Army Engineer District, Los Angeles. 1980. "Survey Report for Beach Erosion, San Diego County, Vicinity of Oceanside, California," September, 1980 (Draft Report). Though the authorized study area was the 7.2-mile shoreline between the Santa Margarita River and Agua Hedionda Lagoon, the erosion occurring between Buena Vista Lagoon and Agua Hedionda Lagoon was considered insufficient as to justify consideration for improvement. U.S. Army Engineer District, Los Angeles. 1984. "Appraisal Report, Small Navigation Project, Agua Hedionda Lagoon, Carlsbad, California," December 1984. The purpose was to develop the information required to decide whether there was a Federal interest in dredging the shoaled area in the Agua Hedionda Inner Lagoon in order to maintain recreational activities. The result of an initial economic analysis indicated a benefit/cost ratio of 0.8 to 1.0. U.S. Army Engineer District, Los Angeles. 1989. "Section 103 Small Project, Reconnaissance Assessment Report, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California," February 1989. The study area was the causeway section of Carlsbad Blvd. fronting Agua Hedionda Lagoon between the intake and outlet jetties. The report developed and evaluated several preliminary alternative solutions and identified the groin system alternative as the most feasible one with a benefit/cost ratio of 1.1 to 1.0. The report recommended that funds should be provided for continuation of studies to the Reconnaissance Study phase. U.S. Army Engineer District, Los Angeles. 1990. "Section 103 Small Project, Carlsbad Beach Erosion Control Reconnaissance Study, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California," May 1990. This report (a) provided the current status of the Carlsbad Beach Erosion Reconnaissance Study; (b) addressed the problem of storm damages to the causeway section of Carlsbad Blvd. between the intake and outlet jetties; (c) gave an estimate of potential damage savings, recreation benefits, and equivalent project first costs. However, no project cost data were developed for comparison with the potential benefits, because the study was discontinued at the 1-3 request of the local sponsor when it appeared that the California Department of Boating and Waterways would fund the design and construction of a project. U.S. Army Engineer District, Los Angeles. 1990. "Sediment Budget Report, Oceanside Littoral Cell," CCSTWS 90-2, Coast of California, Storm and Tidal Waves Study, November, 1990. The MSL shoreline retreated at an average rate of 1 ft/year from Central Oceanside to Batiquitos Lagoon. The result was obtained from compilation of all the data: the NOS maps (1888 to 1982), aerial photos (1938 through 1988), and 10 Corps profiles taken at 26 range lines between 1954 and 1988. U.S. Army Engineer District, Los Angeles. 1991. "State of the Coast Report, San Diego Region," Volume 1 - Main Report, Coast of California, Storm and Tidal Waves Study. Final - September 1991. This report summarized the results of the (CCSTWS) for the San Diego Region. The following has been obtained for the information of changes in the mean higher high water (MHHW) shoreline: (a) during the first two phases (1940-1960 and 1960-1980), there were minor changes with occasional small accretions, (b) during the third phase (1980-1990), the shoreline is experiencing erosion rates which range from about 1.6 ft/year near the southern reach of the Carlsbad shoreline, 6.5 ft/year at Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and 10 ft.year near Buena Vista Lagoon. 1.5.2 Studies by Others City of Carlsbad. 1989. "City of Carlsbad Proposal for the Carlsbad Beach Erosion Study and Coastal Shore Protection Project," April 1989. This report recommended as a feasible solution a 2,200-foot long concrete-capped sheetpile seawall with revetments at both the north and south ends of the causeway section of Carlsbad Blvd. between the intake and outlet jetties. Tekmarine, Inc. conducted a series of semi-annual beach profile surveys for the City of Carlsbad during the 1987 to 1991 period. The most recent report is: Tekmarine, Inc. 1992. "Semi-Annual Beach Profile Surveys and Analysis for October 1991," submitted to City of Carlsbad, California, March 1992. This report concluded that two major factors have been influencing the beaches near Carlsbad study area: wave climate and sand supply. 1-4 2.0 THE STUDY AREA 2.1 Location The City of Carlsbad is located about 90 miles south of Los Angeles in San Diego County. The area of study is defined by Buena Vista Lagoon to the north and Batiquitos Lagoon to the south and is approximately seven miles in length (Figure 2.1). 2.2 Description Due to the length of the area involved, the diversity of the protective structures and the varying potential for storm damage, the study area was divided into five reaches (Figure 2.2). This section describes the relevant physical characteristics of the reaches. 2.2.1 Reach 1 At the northern end of the city, Reach 1 is defined by Buena Vista Lagoon to the north and the city-installed seawall to the south. Approximately 3900 feet in length, the reach consists of a very narrow cobble beach which ranges in width from 50 feet in summer to virtually non-existent in winter. The beach is backed by bluffs which range in elevation from 35 to 50 feet and average approximately 43 feet MLLW. At the toe of the bluffs, the back of the beach ranges in elevation from 10.5 to 18.5 feet MLLW (summer conditions), with the average elevation being approximately 13 feet. Forty-eight of the fifty-seven structures have some form of privately installed protection, either revetment or a seawall. The structures tend to be situated on the face of the bluff such that first floor elevations range from 18.5 to 42.8 feet MLLW. 2.2.2 Reach 2 Reach 2 is backed by the city-constructed public seawall. The wall, approximately 4000 feet in length, extends from Oak Avenue in the north to the Tamarack Street parking lot entrance in the south. At elevation +23.25 feet MLLW at its crest, the seawall protects the toe of the bluffs which front Carlsbad Boulevard (SR 21) some 30 feet above. This reach benefits from the annual dredging of Agua Hedionda Lagoon by San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E). In spite of this, the beach is still primarily cobbled in the winter. 2-1 Oceanside Harbor Carlsbad Pacific Ocean Agua Hedionda Lagoon Leucadia' Encinitas 12491005M Figure 2.1 Vicinity of Carlsbad, CA Carlsbad State Beach Reach 2 Agua Hedionda Lagoon Pacific Ocean 12491004M Figure 2.2 Five Reaches of Carlsbad Coastal Area 2.2.3 Reach 3 Reach 3 is the 4300 foot stretch between Tamarack Boulevard and the Terra Mar housing development in front of Agua Hedionda Lagoon and Carlsbad Boulevard. Carlsbad Boulevard reaches its lowest elevation in this reach ( + 16.95 feet MSL). The three- quarter mile length of this reach between the inlet and outlet jetties was the study area for the May 1990, Section 103 Small Project Carlsbad Beach Erosion Control Reconnaissance Study. In the northern end of this reach, the Tamarack parking lot is protected by approximately 400 feet of one to two-ton stone. Immediately south of the Agua Hedionda intake jetty, Carlsbad Boulevard is protected by 350 feet of half-ton stone. Due to annual dredging of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, the 2700 foot reach between the intake and outlet is significantly wider during the summer than under normal winter conditions. The geology is different in this reach, in that non- erodible material is at -6.25 feet MLLW. 2.2.4 Reach 4 The fourth reach is made up of the Terra Mar housing development, which stretches 2200 feet along the coast from south of Agua Hedionda to the northern edge of South Carlsbad State Beach. This segment features twenty-nine structures which are on top of the bluffs; the average first floor elevation is +38 feet MLLW. Sixteen of the structures are protected by riprap and thirteen by gunite walls. The non-erodible material in this reach, a cemented sandstone, is completely exposed during the winter and only a thin layer of sand exists at the foot of the bluffs under normal summer conditions. 2.2.5 Reach 5 Reach 5, composed primarily of South Carlsbad State Beach, is approximately 18,400 feet in length. It consists of a narrow beach backed by unprotected, bluffs. Behind the beach, the cliffs rise between forty and sixty-five feet, though at one point they are as low as fifteen feet. With the exception of Carlsbad Boulevard, the camping area on top of the bluffs, and a few state park stairways and lifeguard towers, there are no structures in this reach. Currently, most of the beach is cobbled year-round. However, most probable future conditions include the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project 2-4 which is being done in mitigation for the Port of Los Angeles expansion. Approximately 1.5 million cubic yards of sand dredged from the lagoon will be placed in this reach, specifically, at Encinas Creek, and jetties will be constructed at the mouth of the lagoon. Port officials anticipate that the project will be completed in March, 1997. 2.3 Physical Characteristics 2.3.1 Bathymetry The deep water bathymetry offshore of Carlsbad is shown in Figure 2.3. Carlsbad is located in the central portion of the Oceanside littoral cell bounded by Dana Point in the north and Point La Jolla in the south. Figure 2.3 shows that the bottom contours throughout much of this cell are gently curving and uniform. The nearshore contours at Carlsbad are relatively straight and parallel, except where Carlsbad submarine canyon approaches the shoreline. The head of this canyon is located at approximately the 100-foot isobath. Nearshore slopes are steeper south of the canyon. 2.3.2 Local Geology/Sediment Characteristics Based on data gathered in connection with the Coast of California Study from 1983 to 1986, the mean grain size in the littoral zone varied from 0.15 mm to more than 0.4 mm depending on the season. The City of Carlsbad made available to the Corps a number of geotechnical reports that were done by private firms for both the city and private individuals in preparation for the construction of seawalls. In Reaches 1, 2, and 4, the non- erodible material at the foot of the bluffs was a cemented sandstone, at approximately mean sea level ( + 2.75 feet MLLW). Standard Penetration Test (SPT) blow counts were in the range of 60 to 70 blows per foot. The bedrock was generally under 5 to 8 feet of cobbles and sand. In Reach 3, bedrock was found to at -6.25 feet MLLW, lying under silty sand. No reports were available for Reach 5 although it is reasonable to assume that the composition and location of the bedrock is the same as in Reach 4. 2.3.3 Climate The climate of coastal southern California is generally considered to be of a semi-arid Mediterranean type, with mild winters characterized by about 10 to 20 inches per year of rainfall. According to USAED, Los Angeles (1986), the local 2-5 km 33"30' — NORTH 1H ONOFRE </ * ^ / «/ fc> 33°20H 33°10—I ,00" c*- 10 SCALE IN MILES SOUNDINGS IN FATHOMS 118° 40" / / / / ' ' ' / * f ' f 'I I' \\ \ ' I '' / / FALSE PO(NTV / ( / x \ ' \ ' I18°70- \ / \ \ \ \ Figure 2.3 Oceanside Littoral Cell average wind speed is approximately 7.7 miles per hour, only slightly higher than those measured in inland areas. Ocean-landmass temperature variations result in daytime wind patterns dominated by onshore winds, and nightly patterns dominated by offshore flows. Exceptions occur during occasional winter storms where wind directions vary, and during Santa Ana conditions when winds are usually out of the northeast. 2.3.4 Tides and Sea Level Tides along the southern California coastline are of the mixed semi-diurnal type, consisting of two high and two low tides each of different magnitude. The lower-low normally follows the higher-high by about 7 to 8 hours, whereas the next higher-high (through lower-high and higher-low waters) follows in about 17 hours. The NOAA collected 7 months of tide measurements at Agua Hedionda, Gulf of Santa Catalina and 18 years of measurements at La Jolla, Pacific Ocean in establishing tidal datums of the 1960 to 1978 tidal epoch. While the former are directly applicable to the project at the Carlsbad coastal area, extreme highs may not be represented due to the lack of measurement in the 1982-83 storm season. Tidal characteristics of both of these tidal stations are shown in Table 2.1. •• •••.' - '''•*';' :,•"' TABLE 2.1 •' ' *' '*•"'•'• SAN DDSGO TJDAl CHARACTERISTICS * (Referenced to Mean Lower low water) Highest Observed Water Level Observed Date Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) Mean High Water (MHW) Mean Sea Level (MSL) Mean Low Water (MLW) Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) Lowest Observed Water Level Observed Date Agua Hedionda 7.55 14 February 1980 5.05 4.24 2.29 0.82 0.00 -0.85 16 May 1980 La Jolla 7.81 8 August 1983 5.37 4.62 2.75 0.93 0.00 -2.6 17 December 1933 2-7 2.3.5 Water Levels , _ A review of yearly mean sea level data recorded at San Diego indicates that a rise of 0.7 feet per century has occurred (Flick and Canan, 1984). If past trends are projected into the future at San Diego, a sea level rise of at least 0.2 feet would be expected over the next 25 years. Positive departures from the annual mean occur during strong El Nino episodes. These meteorological anomalies are characterized by low atmospheric pressures and persistent onshore winds. Tidal data indicate that five episodes (1914, 1930 through 1931, 1941, 1957 through 1959, and 1982 through 1983) have occurred since 1905. Further analysis suggests that these events have an average return period of 14 years with 0.2- foot tidal departures lasting for two to three years. The added probability of experiencing more severe winter storms during El Nino periods increases the likelihood of coincident storm waves and higher storm surge. According to Flick and Cayan (1984), the record water level of 8.35 feet MLLW observed at San Diego in January 1983 includes an estimated 0.8 feet of surge and seasonal level rise. Figure 2.4 shows the statistical distribution of Higher High Water in the Carlsbad area. Storm surge is relatively small along the Southern California coast when compared with tidal fluctuations. According to the U.S. Army (1991), storm surges driven primarily by atmospheric pressure can raise the sea level on the order of 0.5 feet for two to six days on the average. Extreme stillwater level departures from astronomical water levels may be as much as one foot or greater for the severest extratropical events. 2.3.6 Currents Offshore Currents The offshore currents consist of two components: (1) major, large scale coastal currents which constitute the "mean" seasonal circulation and range from 5 cm/s to 40 cm/s, and (2) fluctuations in durations of 3 to 10 days resulting from tides and other phenomena which are expected to be superimposed on the "mean" seasonal circulations. These tidal currents have peak longshore velocities of roughly 20 cm/s. Both components are detailed in Section 4.2 of the Coastal Engineering Appendix. Longshore Currents Longshore currents in the coastal zone are driven primarily by waves 2-8 impinging on the shoreline at oblique angles. This wave generated current and turbulence is the major factor in littoral transport. The surf zone currents along the Oceanside Littoral Cell is nearly balanced between northerly and southerly flows, as predicted by previous littoral transport studies (Hales, 1980). Typical summer swell conditions produce northerly drifting currents while the large winter storms from the west and northwest produce southerly currents. Overall, the persistence of the northerly drift dominates, however, the strength of the southerly drift during major storm events results in a net southerly longshore transport. Cross-shore Currents Cross-shore currents exist throughout the study area, particularly at times of high surf. These currents tend to concentrate at creek mouths and structures, but can occur anywhere along the shoreline in the form of rip currents and the return flows of complex circulation cells. To date, no information is available on the quantification of these currents, nor their effect on sediment transport. However, the occurrence of summer-type and winter-type profiles along the southern California coastline has been well documented. A detailed analysis by Aubrey (1979) of 5-year profile records at Torrey Pines (in the Oceanside Littoral Cell), provided quantitative estimates of on-offshore sediment transport associated with this seasonal profile transition. In his study, on-offshore transport rates in the profile were inferred from the comparison between a summer-type berm profile and a winter-type bar profile. Material involved in this process moved onshore from the "**"" depth range of 7 to 20 feet to form a berm in the summer profile, returning to the same depth range to from a bar in the winter profile. The pivot point for this on- offshore exchange of material was located at a 10 foot depth, across which an average of about 34 yd3/yr of material was estimated to move on the seasonal basis. Another pivot point was recognized at a depth of 20 feet, across which the rate of sediment movement was much smaller, about 6 yd3/ft. The sediment exchange at the second pivot point was also seasonal, consisting of winter offshore movement and summer onshore movement. During storms, strong winds generate high, steep waves. When the waves break, the remaining width of the surf zone is not sufficient to dissipate the increased energy. The remaining energy is spent in erosion of the beach, berm, and bluffs. The eroded material is carried offshore in large quantities where it is deposited on the nearshore bottom to form an offshore bar. Methods to quantify the growth of this bar do not exist at this time. 2.3.7 Waves and Storms The coastal areas of Carlsbad are sheltered somewhat from deep ocean 2-9 Probability of Exceedance .75 0.5 0 .25 Stn Olego Tide - Higher High Viler _L _L 2 3 ^ later Elevation (ft USL) Figure 2.4 Statistical Distribution of Higher High Water at San Diego SANTA BARBARA CHANNEL ISLANDS LOS ANGELES SANTA CATALINA I. SEA BREEZE VOCEANSIDE WAVES TO 5 SEC PERIOD (SUMMER] POINT SAN NICOLAS I. SAN CLEMENTE I. NORTHERN HEMISPHERE SWELL TO 20 SEC PERIOD SOUTH AND SOUTHWESTERLY SEAS TO 10 SEC PERIOD (WINTER SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE SWELL TO 22 SEC. PERIOD SUMMER) Figure 2.5 Wave Exposure for the San Diego Region waves by the offshore Channel Islands. Waves can approach the Carlsbad coastal area through three wave windows. The southerly window is located between the coastline of Southern California and San Clemente Island, at approximately 160 degrees to 245 degrees. A westerly window exists between San Clemente Island and Santa Catalina Island, at approximately 245 degrees to 285 degrees. A north- westerly window exists between Santa Catalina Island and the coastline of southern California, at approximately 285 degrees to 305 degrees. Figure 2.5 shows the wave exposure. The data on storms waves are obtained from the wave studies described in the Design Memorandum of Oceanside Harbor of the USAED, Los Angeles (1992). These studies were based on hindcast of 67 severe storm events that occurred during the period 1900 to 1983 and measured storm events through 1988. Deep water waves were transformed to account for island sheltering, refraction, shoaling, and depth limitations. An extreme value statistical analysis results in a set of wave conditions representative of various recurrence intervals. Table 2.2 shows the wave statistics at Oceanside Harbor (at depth of approximately 30 feet). These values were transformed to determine the waves at Carlsbad. Table 2.3 shows historical deep water storm waves. TABLE 2.2 OCEANSIDE HARBOR EXTREME WAVE HEIGHTS Return (years) Period 1 10 25 50 100 Significant Wave Height (feet) 10.0 13.5 15.9 17.9 20.0 2-11 Table 2.3 Historical Deep Water Storm Waves (Unsheltered) Date 12/22/77 01/10/78 01/13/78 01/16/78 02/10/78 03/01/78 03/05/78 01/16/79 03/28/79 12/31/79 01/13/80 02/20/80 01/20/81 01/22/81 01/28/81 11/12/81 11/14/81 03/08/82 11/30/82 12/17/82 12/22/82 01/24/83 01/27/83 01/29/83 02/10/83 02/13/83 03/02/83 03/17/83 12/25/83 03/09/84 11/13/84 01/17/85 11/25/85 12/03/85 01/14/86 02/01/86 02/03/86 02/15/86 02/28/86 03/11/86 03/06/87 12/16/87 01/17/88 12/03/89 02/03/91 03/02/91 12/29/91 01/06/92 01/14/93 01/18/93 Hs (ft) 8 13 11 15 13 14 15 12 7 14 12 16 12 15 22 15 17 10 18 22 8 17 21 16 20 19 31 15 10 15 9 11 9 21 14 24 15 24 13 21 11 11 30 15 12 16 16 11 11 12 Dir (deg) 250 255 263 282 280 247 271 268 259 277 263 250 258 265 265 285 277 245 287 287 248 278 282 273 281 275 258 269 248 280 256 263 251 271 272 276 277 253 270 280 243 269 267 275 274 280 270 271 258 265 T (sec) 12 13 14 16 16 12 14 17 11 18 13 14 15 17 17 17 17 13 11 19 11 17 20 16 20 16 18 14 11 19 12 18 11 18 16 19 17 17 15 17 13 14 16 17 17 17 17 15 12 13 Source: Pacific Weather Analysis, 1993 2.3.8 Littoral Processes The Carlsbad is in the central sub-cell of the Oceanside Littoral Cell (see Figure 2.3). This central element runs from San Mateo Point in the north, to the Carlsbad Submarine Canyon (between Batiquitos and Agua Hedionda Lagoons) in the south. The following sections discuss the various components and the effect that these have had on the shoreline. Section concludes with the 2-12 presentation of the anticipated future without project sediment budget. Sediment Sources and Sinks There are a variety of sources that supply sediment into the littoral zone. These sources include erosion from the adjacent watershed with sediments transported to the beaches via natural streams, creeks and storm drains; coastal bluff erosion; beach erosion; and artificial beachfills. These sources are discussed as follows with the exception of artificial beachfills which are discussed in Section Two rivers contribute to the littoral cell. The Santa Margarita River is located about six miles north of the study area and the San Luis Rey River with its mouth emptying to the sea about four miles to the north. The total sediment load arriving at the coast from the river systems of this littoral cell varies from 53,000 Y3/year to 426,000 y3/year. The contribution of the San Luis Rey is the lesser of the two and is within the reach considered in the sediment budget. It has been assumed to contribute 10,000 y3/year to the sediment budget. Active bluff retreat is still occurring along the undeveloped shoreline of the Camp Pendleton marine base. In highly developed communities south of Oceanside harbor, the majority of the bluffs are stabilized by revetments and gunite and would only contribute sediments to the littoral zone during extreme storm events. The Oceanside Littoral Cell has three submarine canyons, namely, the Carlsbad Submarine Canyon in the cell's central portion and the Scripps and La Jolla Submarine Canyons at the cell's south end. The head of the Carlsbad Submarine Canyon is in water depths of about 100 ft. According to CCSTWS 88- 2, this depth is deep enough to prevent transport of littoral sediments into the head of the canyon. Breakwaters, groins, jetties and headlands effect sediment transport. Depending upon length and location, jetties and groins can reduce or even block sediment flow. The north breakwater of Oceanside Harbor is responsible for retention of approximately 50,000 yd3/yr of material upcoast in an existing fillet, whereas, the beach immediately south of the harbor is confined by the groin/south jetty of Oceanside Harbor and the north jetty of the San Luis Rey river. In the study area, approximately 130,000 y3/year are trapped in Agua Hedionda Lagoon, but this is bypassed annually by SDG&E as shown is Table 2.5. Sedimentation at the Oceanside Harbor entrance is estimated to trap about 200,000 yd3/yr on average. Dredged material from the harbor entrance is normally 2-13 deposited along the Oceanside beaches. Due to the relatively fine sizes of this material and the lack of adequate containment, it is assumed that 75 percent of the disposed material is immediately integrated into the nearshore sediment budget. Existing Structures, Beachfills, and Dredging History Existing Structures A series of man-made coastal structures are located within and adjacent to the Carlsbad study area. These structures are presented in Table 2.4. Table 2.4 Major Coastal Structures Affecting Longshore Transport Structure Location north breakwater south jetty south groin 2 groins intake and outlet jetties groin Oceanside Harbor Oceanside Harbor adjacent to and north of San Luis Rey River Wisconsin Ave. Agua Hedionda Lagoon south of outlet jetty Type Year Built rock rubble mound rock rubble mound rock rubble mound rock rubble mound rock rubble mound rock rubble mound 1942, 1958 1961 1968 1952 1954 1954 Beachfills and Dredging History Following the 1954 project at Agua Hedionda, a Federal beach nourishment project which was completed in 1963 placed 3.375 million cy of material on the beach downcoast from the harbor from a borrow source which was developed into the Oceanside Municipal Harbor. Federal beach nourishment projects in 1981 and 1982 accounted for 863,000 and 922,000 cubic yards of sand, respectively. There have been numerous other beachfills as a result of maintenance of Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Oceanside Harbor (see Tables 2.5 and 2.6). The total nourishment from the Harbor alone amounts to 11.9 million cy since 1954 or about 200,000 cy/yr. Chapter 3 of CCSTWS (Sept. 1991) relates the affect that these nourishment projects have had on the beaches. The beaches of Oceanside showed 2-14 definite accretion during the period 1960 to 1980 when 8.9 million yd3 of sand was placed on the beach (443,000 yd3/yr). Carlsbad also showed accretion during this period, but it was less dramatic. Table 2.5 Beach Fills and Relevant Dredging at Agua Hedionda YEAR 1954 1955 1957 1960 1961 1963 1965 1967 1969 1972 1974 1976 1973 1981 1983 1985 1988 1991 QUANTITY 4,000,000 1 1 1 ,000 232,000 370,000 225,000 307,000 222,000 159,000 97,000 259,000 341,000 331,000 398,000 392,000 200,000 447,000 334,000 465,000 PLACEMENT with respect to the LAGOON NEW SAND: NORTH AND SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH NORTH & SOUTH NORTH & SOUTH NORTH & SOUTH NORTH & SOUTH NORTH & SOUTH NORTH & SOUTH NORTH & SOUTH NORTH NORTH & SOUTH Average = 129,972 ydj/year from 1955 to 1991 Data obtained from CCSTWS of USAED, Los Angeles (1991) 2-15 Table 2.6 Dredging and Beachfills in Oceanside YEAR 1955 1960 1961 1963 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1971 1973 1974 1976 1977 1981 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 TOTAL QUANTITY (YD3) 800,000 410,000 481,000 3,800,000 1 1 1 ,000 684,000 178,000 434,000 353,000 552,000 434,000 560,000 550,000 318,000 863,000 922,000 475,000 450,000 220,000 249,000 168,000 11,892,000 Data obtained from CCSTWS of USAGE - LAD, 1991 Erosion and Accretion Rates Shoreline changes within the Oceanside littoral cell have been studied extensively through analysis of historic surveys of the U.S. Army and Geological Surveys, comparison of aerial photography and comparisons of relatively recent profile surveys taken for CCSTWS (USAED, 1991). In general, the shoreline 2-16 between Oceanside Harbor and the southern boundary of the City of Carlsbad at Batiquitos Lagoon has fluctuated in absolute location over the years due to major storms and coastal construction. Historic Shoreline Changes The earliest shoreline position available in the comparisons are based on a 1887-1889 USGS survey -- the plan location of the "shoreline" by these surveys were approximately equal to mean high water. Relative to more recent surveys in 1972 or the shoreline mapped from January 1988 aerial photography, the present shoreline is located seaward of the shoreline of 100 years ago throughout most of the City of Carlsbad. This is largely the result of coastal construction of the power plant at Agua Hedionda. In 1953-54, the San Diego Gas and Electric Company constructed two pairs of stone jetties; one to stabilize the inlet of Aqua Hedionda Lagoon and the second pair to serve as a channel for the discharge of the thermal effluent from the power plant across the beach. Between March and November 1954, over 4 million cubic yards were dredged from Aqua Hedionda Lagoon and deposited on the beach extending from about 3,500 feet north of the lagoon inlet to 2,000 feet south of the discharge trench. This beachfill widened the Reach 3 beach about 400 feet and widened the beach an average of 100 feet for a distance of two miles downcoast of the disposal area (Reaches 4 and 5). The furthest seaward shoreline location occurred in the mid 60's or the early 80's as testimony to the effects of the major beachfill from the Agua Hedionda power plant in 1954 and the beachfills in Oceanside in 1964 and 1983. Since that time beach widths have fluctuated with some profiles showing erosion and some showing accretion. One of the more recent shoreline position was mapped from aerial photography flown subsequent to a major wave event in January 1988. This shoreline shows an eroded condition demonstrating the effects of major storms. The time history of shoreline positions at selected profiles analyzed in CCSTWS(1991) are included at the Attachment to Coastal Engineering Appendix. Historic Profiles Five comparative profiles in the Carlsbad were analyzed in CCSTWS and are shown at the end of this appendix. These profiles document changes across the nearshore zone between 1934 and 1988, although the data are not always complete. Like with the shoreline positions, seasonal or storm induced erosion masks any discernible long-term trend in profile degradation. Significant depth changes are observed generally to the 20- to 30-foot water depth, and seasonal changes in the plan location of MLLW have been at least as large as 200 feet. Also evident in the comparison between profile locations for the same survey in April 1986 is the pronounced steepening in the nearshore bathymetry in the 2-17 southerly direction from Oceanside Harbor to the Carlsbad submarine canyon. A rocky, erosion resistant shelf in water depths of 5 to 10 feet apparently extends to about 1000 feet offshore of reaches 4 and 5 (Profiles CB760 and CB800). Like the shoreline positions described above, the most recent profile was taken close after the January 1988 storm event and shows an eroded profile. Longshore Transport A number of longshore sediment transport studies have been performed and reviewed in the Coast of California Study. The general conclusion of these findings is that the net littoral transport in the Oceanside coastal vicinity is directed towards the south, with a net transport potential at a rate of 100,000 to 250,000 cubic yards annually. Sediment Budget Historic Sediment Budget A sediment budget provides a conceptual model of littoral processes by accounting for volume changes and sediment fluxes within cells and across cell boundaries. The sediment budget presented in Chapter 9 of CCSTWS (USAED Los Angeles, 1991) covers possible scenarios over the past 90 years by examining the previously described historic changes in the coastline, sources and sinks, and coastal process elements. Carlsbad is located within the central sub-cell of the Oceanside littoral cell. Three historic time periods were analyzed: 1900-38, 1960- 78, and 1983-90. The first period can be viewed as the "natural" shoreline condition prior to Oceanside Harbor and the power plant at Agua Hedionda. However, by 1900 the watershed and coastal lagoons had been significantly altered by construction of roads, railroads and water supply and flood control works. During this period, the beach cell gained material with large contributions from bluff erosion and from major flood events on the Santa Margarita and San Luis Rey Rivers. Large losses were assumed to the offshore while the net longshore transport downcoast is assumed equal to the transport potential of available wave energy. Prior to 1942, longshore sediment transport in the Oceanside littoral cell was not significantly influenced by man-made structures. In 1942-43, the U.S. Navy constructed Camp Pendleton Harbor (now known as the Del Mar Boat Basin) with two arrow head jetties about 1,300 feet long. The northern jetty was extended by about 2,300 feet by the Navy in 1957-58 to form the North Breakwater, and further jetty construction and dredging in the 60's and 70's by the City of 2-18 Oceanside and the Corps of Engineers eventually evolved into what is now the Oceanside Municipal Harbor. Since the initial construction of the original jetties, the shoreline immediately up and downcoast of the harbor has advanced seaward, while the shore fronting the City of Oceanside experienced severe erosion. This erosion has been somewhat mitigated by beachfill projects and the placement of dredge material from Oceanside Harbor on the Oceanside beach area. The second period, between 1960-78, includes the effect of the Oceanside Harbor and the power plant over what some have considered a relatively benign period of storm and wave activity. In this scenario the central sub-cell gained 40,000 cy/yr. Significant contributions are shown from beachfills and bluff erosion. Oceanside Harbor is shown deflecting 80,000 cy/yr to the offshore and the net downcoast transport is equal to the previous period. The last period between 1983-90 is a period thought to be of unusually larger than normal northerly directed longshore transport. The beach cell gained material at a rate of 60,000 cy/yr with most of the beach material derived from eroded bluffs. The net downcoast transport is estimated at 70,000 cy/yr for this time period due to the aforementioned unusual wave climate. Sediment Budget for Future Without Project Historic sediment budget analyses and the assumption that there will be no new beachfills in the future forms the basis for estimating a future sediment budget. The most probable future wave climate is expected to be similar to the 1900-78 time period. Site investigations also revealed that bluff erosion will be negligible south of Oceanside Harbor to at least Batiquitos Lagoon due to protective seawalls and gunite slopes. The continued maintenance dredging of Oceanside Harbor with placement of about 200,000 yd3/yr on beaches to the south is assumed, and a net downcoast transport which is less than or equal to the transport potential of available wave energy is predicted due to the paucity of sand. Development of the sediment budget, for future without project conditions, assumes the following: 1. Net southerly potential long shore transport of 270,000 yd3/year. This rate is assumed to be uniform along the littoral subcell extending from Oceanside Harbor to the northern reach of Carlsbad area (Agua Hedionda Lagoon). 2. Historic shoreline erosion rates vary from about 4 ft/year at Oceanside northern reaches to approximately 1 ft/year at Agua Hedionda Lagoon. This assumption is made based on the findings of the Coast of California Storm and Tidal Wave Study 2-19 (1991) on the long term shoreline movements (1940-1989). The Coast of California Storm and Tidal Wave Study also indicated linearly decreasing erosion rates starting from Oceanside beaches to Agua Hedionda. Though there may be a number of reasons for this, the seasonal and year around absence of erodible material is probably that which dominates. 3. Based on the volume of sand losses/shoreline retreat analysis, shown in the Coast of California Storm and Tidal Wave Study, beach material erosion rates of approximately 60,000 yd3/yr occur along the four mile Oceanside shoreline, and roughly 30,000 yd3/yr along the northern 2 miles in Carlsbad (Reaches 1, 2, and 3). 4. An annual deposition rate of 200,000 yd3/yr was also assumed to take place at Oceanside Harbor entrance. 5. It is also assumed that dredging materials from Oceanside Harbor entrance will be placed along Oceanside beaches at a rate of 200,000 yd3/year. 6. The quantity of sediment deflected off the Oceanside Harbor is the most difficult component of the sediment budget to estimate. Based on the estimate of Inman (CCSTWS, September, 1991) the offshore sediment losses are estimated at 70,000 yd3/year. Another 30,000 yd3/yr is assumed lost in the vicinity of Carlsbad. 7. An annual supply of 10,000 y3 is assumed from the San Luis Rey River. Figure 2.7 shows the sediment budget for both Oceanside and Carlsbad subcells. The shown budget presents a reasonable way of assessing the problem and presents an overall estimate of the sediment activities along the study area. The sediment budget analysis indicates that future without project conditions would cause erosion to continue along the Carlsbad and Oceanside shorelines. The northern reaches of Carlsbad, Reaches 1 and 2, are dependant upon material from Oceanside and have the potential for the most erosion (1 to 3 feet/year), though in actuality these rates are less due to the amount of available erodible material. The erosion rate in Reach 3 is approximately 1 foot/year. Due to the confined nature of much of this reach (between the intake and outlet to Agua Hedionda Lagoon) this material will be lost offshore. The southern reaches (Reaches 4 and 5) will experience lower rates due to the absence of erodible material. 2-20 Santa Margarita I River San Luis Rey River Oceanside 270 k X f inniuy / ^ v\l\ \1f V\% 100 \10 \ 100 x \ 11 f 200 70 Pacific Ocean X 30 Buena Vista Lagoon Agua Hedionda Lagoon Carlsbad LEGEND 1-601 270 200 Change in Littoral Sediment Volume (OOO's y3/yr) Sediment Flux Rate (OOO's y3/yr) Harbor Dredging Batiquitos Lagoon 270 Without Project Sediment Budget (OOO's y3/yr) Sources Sinks Northern Boundary: 100 Harbor Dredging: 200 S.L.R. River 10 Total:310 -100 Northern Transport into Harbor -270 Net Southern Transport -30 Offshore Losses -400 Total NET VOLUME CHANGE = -90 Figure 2.6 Future Without Project Sediment Budget 2.4 Social and Economic Factors 2.4.1 Location and Description The City of Carlsbad is a coastal community located in Northern San Diego County. The city is bordered by the City of Oceanside to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the west, the cities of Vista and San Marcos to the east, and Encinitas to the south. Directly west of the city lies approximately 6.5 miles of coastline. As discussed in Section 2.2, the project area was broken down into five adjacent shoreline reaches separated by unique physical characteristics, which were determined by the study team. This sub-section will deal with the relevant social and economic factors of these reaches. Reach 1 is composed of high density residential development. The structures consist of single family residences, multi-family residences, a hotel and a school. This area is well known as a resort center; many of the apartments are rented on a short-term basis so as to accommodate vacationers. Five public access stairways allow sufficient public entry to the reach. Reaches 2 and 3 constitute the North Carlsbad State Beach, and are very popular areas with beachgoers due to ample parking, a good surfing climate, and a beach which benefits from the annual dredging of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The city seawall, which contains a built in sidewalk, is in Reach 2. Agua Hedionda Lagoon is located in Reach 3 east of Carlsbad Blvd. The lagoon serves a multitude of uses, including, a body of cooling water for the San Diego Gas & Electric Power Plant, a research facility, a fishing area, and a feeding spot for wildlife. Reach 4 consists of low-medium density residences stationed atop high beach bluffs. Moderate beach visitation, primarily the result of surfers, was noted in this area. Public access is only available at the northern and southern limits of this reach. Reach 5 extends southward of the Terra Mar housing development, representing the South Carlsbad State Beach. The state park offers year-around campground sites, including hook-ups for recreational vehicles, public restrooms, and a convenience store. The state park also houses the state of California lifeguards' facilities and equipment. As a result of the extensive cobble coverage, recreational use of the beach is somewhat limited. The area does support water activities, mainly surfing, in particular spots containing good surf. 2.4.2 Demographics 2-22 Population San Diego County ranks second largest in population out of the 58 counties in California. The county population density in 1990 was 594 persons per square mile. In contrast, the City of Carlsbad population density was 1,674 persons per square mile in 1990. The population of Carlsbad was 65,661 as of January 1, 1992. From 1980 to 1990, Carlsbad's population grew 77.8% and is projected to grow another 79% between 1990 and 2015. This equates to an average annual growth rate of 2.35% for the city in comparison to a 1.5% growth rate for the county. Although these forecasts portray continual growth in population and development through year 2015, experts contend that this rate will decline, if current growth management policies prevail. Under current conditions, Carlsbad will have developed all available single-family and multiple-family urban land by the year 2015 as the population approaches 115,000 persons. This could prove to be an important factor in projected beach visitation. If the city chooses to preserve the growth management plan, development of residential and commercial beach property will be limited after the year 2015, affecting the future number of beach visitors stemming from the local region and the availability of hotel accommodations. Tourism and Recreation as Major Industries Tourism is a primary component of the City of Carlsbad's taxable sales and revenue, especially for the area included within the study site. The city is largely a beach resort town which has traditionally attracted beachgoers and tourists interested in the major attractions within San Diego county. Between the period of 1981 to 1990, an estimated 31,000,000 persons visited San Diego County annually. Carlsbad beaches alone accounted for 9.4% of annual average visitorship for the county during this time period. The hotel occupancy rates ranked above the national average of 64% in 1990. Although local concerns of over expansion have induced growth management planning, the tourist population has remained relatively constant subsequent to 1987. Reaches 2 and 3 support the main bulk of visitors to Carlsbad's beach, though Reaches 1 and 4 are attended. Though there is essentially no beach above the MHHW line, the city has provided five public accessways in Reach 1 to support public use. In addition, public use of the beach in Reach 4 was evident during the beachwalk. During the site visit, it was apparent that both areas are experiencing moderate use from surfers, beach strollers, and sunbathers. Thus, these beaches are assumed to provide reasonable access to the general public. Beach use in 2-23 Reach 5 has dwindled in recent years due to the eroded and cobbled condition of* , , the beach. During the site visit, recreational use of the beach was scarcely noticeable. Thus, the beach visitation counts provided by the State Department of Parks and Recreation for Reach 5 are assumed to be associated primarily with the state campgrounds, rather than with the actual beach. Thus, beach counts, enumerated by the State Department of Parks and Recreation, for Reaches 1 through 4 were assumed represent the area of coastline supporting the majority of the beach visitors to Carlsbad's coastline. Employment Employment data for San Diego County depicts a less prosperous picture for future conditions in relation to the previous decade. Although the total number of jobs in the civilian labor sector is expected to rise an average of 27% between 1990 and 2015, this equates to an average 23,000 fewer jobs per year than during the 1980's. Between the years 1990 and 1993 alone, the region is predicted to suffer a total loss of 45,000 jobs (SANDAG, Series 8 Regional Growth Forecast: Revised Regionwide Forecast 1990-2015). Employment data for the City of Carlsbad, shows that the rate of unemployment for the civilian population was 4.9% in 1990. The State of California's unemployment rate for the civilian population in 1990 was 5.6%. The city's figure compares favorably with both the state's average and the San Diego regional average of 6.5%. The primary source of employment in Carlsbad stems from the retail sales sector. Income The per capita income in 1990 for Carlsbad ranked well above the county level, along with the median family and household incomes. Real per capita income for the whole of San Diego County is expected to decline an average of 8.2% between the years 1990 and 2015. The current recession trends caused real per capita income to decline 10% between 1990 and 1993. A general growth in income of 1.8% by year 2015 is assumed to result from the predominant lower paying job expansion within the region. 2.5 Existing Environment 2-24 2.5.1 Biological Resources Marine Resources Marine vegetation that occurs in the study area includes surfgrass and kelp. Eelgrass occurs in lagoons in the study area. Several species of marine algae are also present in the ocean and lagoons. The California Department of Fish and Game has constructed an artificial reef off of Batiquitos Lagoon. This reef, and other natural reefs in the area, provide additional habitat for marine flora and fauna. Prominent fauna associated with the kelp bed includes gorgonian coral and colonial ascidian. A narrow shelf in the study area provides limited nearshore benthic habitat. Sandy marine habitat supports over 200 taxa of benthic invertebrates representing 14 phyla. Polychaetes, crustaceans, and molluscs are important prey items for fishes and shorebirds. This habitat provides the main source of food for surf fish and flatfish, both of which are important components of the food chain and significant recreational resources of the study area. In addition, walleye surfperch, barred surfperch, queenfish, and topsmelt are abundant in nearshore waters. Northern and deepbody anchovies are important non-game fishes, due to their particularly high seasonal abundances in the winter months. These species serve as prey for shore and seabirds, marine mammals, and larger fishes. Emergent sand beaches provide a breeding area for the California grunion. Spawning activity commences in the spring and summer when the grunion deposit their eggs in the sand on the high intertidal portions of the beach, during high tides. The eggs subsequently incubate in the sand, and hatch during the ascending series of high tide conditions before the following full or new moon. Terrestrial Resources Vegetation on the shoreline is sparse, consisting primarily of landscaping plants such as palm trees and iceplant. Beachgrass, an invasive species, occurs in some locations. Coastal strand vegetation occurs near the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and possibly in other areas, as well. This vegetation includes grandiflora, sea rocket, salt grass, and tree tobacco. The open sand beach provides an important feeding and resting habitat for shore and diving birds. These open areas are favored because the lack of nearby cover prevents predators from approaching undetected. Killdeer, plovers, sanderlings, western sandpiper marbled godwits, and willets probe in the sand for crustaceans while others, such as the brown pelican , terns, western grebe, surfscoter, common loon, and cormorants, dive for fish offshore. Gulls, including 2-25 ringbill, frequent the beaches. Other wildlife observed in the study area includes a variety of sparrows, blackbirds, doves, pigeons, squirrels, and lizards. Lagoon Resources The salt and freshwater marshes in the area's three lagoons are ecologically important and productive habitats. Algae provide the basis for the food chain in the marsh. Herbivores, such as small crustaceans and snails, consume the algae; birds eat algae, invertebrates, and fish. Buena Vista Lagoon This 350 acre lagoon is at the northernmost edge of the study area. It is fed by runoff from a watershed extending 12 miles east. Buena Vista Lagoon represents a unique low salinity coastal habitat, because it is artificially maintained at 5.8 feet above mean sea level by a weir across the lagoon mouth. Salt and brackish marsh vegetation typical of nontidal lagoons of southern California covers 130 acres of the lagoon, and the other 220 acres are submerged. Mullet, mosquitofish, green sunfish, catfish, bass, and crappie are known in the low salinity waters of Buena Vista Lagoon. Over 50 species of marsh vegetation is present. Bordering the lagoon is riparian and marsh vegetation with an upland community of California sage scrub. Buena Vista Lagoon provides a unique low salinity coastal habitat of important value to migratory waterfowl. Over 20 species of birds regularly utilize the lagoon, and nearly 200 species of birds have been known to occur in the area. Mammals known to inhabit the area include coyotes and voles. Agua Hedionda Lagoon The Agua Hedionda Lagoon serves a multitude of uses; including a body of cooling water for the adjacent San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) Power Plant, research area, fishing, and feeding spot for wildlife. This lagoon's intake and outlet jetties are armored with rip-rap. In 1990, the Center for Marine Studies at San Diego State University was growing eelgrass and kelp in the lagoon, and both Occidental College and the National Marine Fisheries Service were involved in halibut studies. In addition, Sea Farms West, a private firm, was involved in the mariculture of mussels and clams. Previous storms, although damaging to the surrounding community, did not appear to damage the lagoon or the projects within it. Agua Hedionda Lagoon supports populations of nearly 150 species of estuarine and marine invertebrates, as well as 65 species of marine fishes, 65 species of birds, and 46 species of other animals. 2-26 Batiquitos Lagoon Plans for restoration of Batiquitos Lagoon include the dredging and beach disposal of one million cubic yards of sediment. One purpose of this dredging is to keep the mouth of the lagoon open to tidal influences. Coastal Barriers A coastal barrier is a depositional feature which is subject to wave, tidal, and wind energies and protects landward aquatic habitats including adjacent wetlands, marshes, estuaries, inlets, and nearshore waters. Coastal barriers can be threatened by extensive shoreline manipulation or stabilization, canal construction and maintenance, major dredging and disposal projects, and intensive development projects. Section 6 of the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of 1990 requires the Secretary of the Interior to provide to Congress maps identifying the boundaries of those undeveloped coastal barriers of the United States bordering the Pacific Ocean south of 49 degrees north latitude which the Secretary and the appropriate Governor consider to be appropriate for inclusion in the Coastal Barrier Resources System. Recommendations made by the Secretary will be advisory only; any changes to the System will require an act of Congress. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife has proposed the areas around Agua Hedionda and Batiquitos lagoons for inclusion in the Coastal Barrier Resources System. 2.5.2 Threatened and Endangered Species Upon request, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service sent an extensive list of Federally-listed endangered, threatened, proposed, and candidate species that potentially occur in the study area. This list is included in Appendix A of the Environmental Appendix. 2.5.3 Water Quality Water resources in the study area include the Pacific Ocean and the lagoons. Possible contaminants in the study area could come from Oceanside Harbor, polluting activities upstream of the lagoons, spills of oil and other products carried by ships offshore of the study area, wastewater treatment plants, local industries, and urban runoff. The Encina Sewer Plant, located between the Agua Hedionda and Batiquitos lagoons, treats sewage to the secondary level before discharging into the ocean. Water quality is probably diminished in the lagoons, particularly 2-27 where tidal circulation is limited. This situation does not necessarily result in degraded habitat values, however. 2.5.4 Ambient Noise and Air Quality Ambient Noise Sources of noise in the area include vehicular traffic on Carlsbad Boulevard, the San Diego Freeway, and other major highways, and trains on the Santa Fe Rail Line. Residential neighborhoods are among the sensitive noise receptors in the area. Air Quality Air quality is usually good, but it varies with seasonal and meteorological conditions; Federal and State standards for air pollutant levels are sometimes exceeded in the study area. Generally, air quality decreases during the summer, which is a period of high recreational use. Pollution sources include automotive exhaust and emissions from the SDG&E power plant. 2.5.5 Cultural Resources Archeological studies to identify cultural resources within the proposed project area have not been conducted. There is a potential for historic and prehistoric sites that are eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places in both the land and underwater portions of the project. More specifically, there are approximately six shipwrecks, and one World War II Japanese airplane, within or near the proposed project area. 2.5.6 Aesthetics The view along Carlsbad Boulevard is of narrow sand and cobble beaches; beach-front homes, condominiums and restaurants; and an expanse of the Pacific Ocean relatively unobstructed by the presence of man-made structures such as groins, breakwaters, and harbors. The lagoons, as well as being vital ecological resources, provide open space between developments. 2-28 3.0 PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION 3.1 Statement of the Problem The fundamental problem along the study area is that a loss of protective beaches has left the unsheltered coastline vulnerable to extreme waves and runup in a severe storm. In addition, long-term erosion is anticipated to increase the potential for storm damage and reduce beach recreation. As a result of these conditions, it is estimated that, under current conditions, the 50 year event will cause flooding, damage to protective structures, structural damages, and roadway damages, potentially totaling in excess of $2.7 million. At the public workshop, and throughout the course of the study, the local description of the problem has been that the beaches have narrowed substantially and are frequently cobbled in certain reaches. The resulting effects of this condition are that the beaches are less aesthetically pleasing, that tourist dollars are lost, and that the shorefront structures are more susceptible to damages in a significant storm. 3.1.1 Reach 1 Reach 1 is the highly developed reach in the north of the city, containing approximately fifty-seven residences. Residents of Reach 1 report that the total cost incurred as a result of the severe storms of the 1980's was approximately $200,000 in structural and content damage. Additional damage was incurred to the protective structures, but is not included in this value. 3.1.2 Reach 2 This reach is defined by the city-installed seawall. There are no reported damages to this reach since the installation of the wall. 3.1.3 Reach 3 The City of Carlsbad reports that Carlsbad Boulevard is closed approximately every two years due to overtopping. According to the Section 103 report, Carlsbad Beach Erosion Control Reconnaissance Study. May 1990, the worst extent of damage occurred in the spring of 1981 when the highway was closed for five days and 200 paved perpendicular parking spaces were lost to erosion. It was 3-1 estimated that 200,000 square feet of the road pavement (2000 by 100 feet) were severely damaged and the repair costs were estimated at $500,000. The double perpendicular parking was replaced with a single row of angled parking. During the storms of 1983, this angled parking was destroyed as approximately 100,000 square feet were lost. Prior to the January 1988 storm, the city installed riprap along the shoulder of the boulevard. Runup from that event did not cause serious erosional damage to the roadway but did result in clean-up and repair costs of $158,256. Figure 3.1 shows the scour at the base of the sidewalk. The Tamarack parking lot, north of the Agua Hedionda inlet, contains approximately 200 parking spaces. Though fronted by revetment, the lot is situated at +12.75 feet MLLW and is very close to the water line, and is thus exposed to flooding and erosion. In 1983, this parking lot experienced considerable damages which resulted in a reduction in width of approximately 30 ft. and loss of its curbing gutter. Emergency repairs were installed, but also lost in the 1988 storms. Following this storm season, the state performed temporary repairs on the parking lot. 3.1.4 Reach 4 While undercutting of the bluff from specific storm events is not a major concern to homeowners within Reach 4, damages to protective structures have been sustained over time from severe wave force. Following the 1978 and the 1983 events, a portion of the structures protected by riprap required stone replacement resulting from wave damage. In addition, gunite structures protecting the remainder of the seafront homes in this reach required substantial repairs. After the 1983 event an estimated $65,000 was spent to repair gunite protective structures on thirteen homes, while an estimated $150,000 was spent to rebuild riprap revetments on sixteen homes. 3.1.5 Reach 5 Although Reach 5, the South Carlsbad State Beach, contains few developments prone to damage, it has been damaged in recent years: the 1983 storm caused $96,602 in damage resulting from debris clean-up of destroyed restrooms, stairways, and parking lot repairs. The most critical area in the reach is at Encinas Creek where Carlsbad Boulevard is +18.25 feet MLLW and a box culvert crosses over the creek at a particularly narrow part of the beach. The exposed length is approximately 1000 feet long. The city reports that during the storms of 1988 this structure was undermined and closed for several days. Repair „*»*,, 3-2 costs were between $5,000 and $10,000. Furthermore, the structure is old (circa 1923), in poor condition and appears exposed to erosion at the abutments. Figure 3.2 is a view from Carlsbad Boulevard towards Encinas Creek. The bluffs fronting South Carlsbad State Beach campgrounds are an area of particular concern for the local sponsor. The popular campgrounds bring in an estimated $430,000 per year in revenues but are suffering from erosion. The erosion is primarily due to runoff and other subaerial factors but waves and runup have had some effect, albeit difficult to quantify. It is known that the beach fronting the bluffs is denuded of sand virtually all year and therefore narrower and thus has reduced protective capabilities. Figure 3.3 shows these bluffs. 3.2 Summary of the Analysis The primary problem identified along the study area is the lack of protective beach which leaves existing development exposed to storm waves and excessive runup. Long-term erosion and storm recession further exacerbate the problem. This section will summarize the analysis presented in the Coastal Engineering Appendix for the potential for these problems to cause damage. '"*•"*' 3-3 Figure 3.1 Beach in front of Carlsbad Boulevard.Figure 3.2 Reach 4 - View towards Encinas Creek. Fiaure 3.3 Reach 4 - Bluffs of South Carlsbad State Beach. 3.2.1 Cross-Sections The typical cross-sections and pictures of sites the which were developed for the study area are shown in Figures 3.4 through 3.12. Reaches 1 and 2 have multiple cross-sections. Figures 3.13 to 3.18 indicate the type of structures these cross-sections represent. Table 3.1 summarizes the characteristics of the sections. The beach condition that was used to analyze the runup was the near-fully scoured profile that was surveyed in January 1988 following that month's severe storm. This profile presents the maximum winter scour as outlined in the Coastal Engineering Appendix. TABU 3,1 TYPICAL CROSS-SECTIONS BY REACH Reach/Section Reach 1 Cross-Section 1 Cross-Section 2 Cross-Section 3 Cross-Section 4 Reach 2 Reach 3 Reach 4 Cross-Section 1 Cross-Section 2 Reach 5 Number of Structures Applied to 44 3 1 9 16 13 Comments Typical section for this reach Structures are close to water line with low first floor elevation Large condo complex with low first floor elevation and unique protective structure Unprotected structures at south end of reach City seawall Carlsbad Blvd at low elevation Protected by riprap Protected by g unite Cobble beach/steep cliffs 3-5 50 ~- co1—I-p (0 > CDi—i LU 0 -- Carlsbad Reach 1 - Section 1 Hard Pan +3.3'MLLW Earth Slope 1:7 Revetment 1:2 0.5 to 2. tons Sand Beach 1:5 Profiles: Maximum Mean Minimum 100 Horizontal Dfstance (ft) Figure 3.4 Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Cross-Section 1 Carlsbad Reach 1 - Section 2 50 — co r-H O <Dr—i UJ 0 —" Hard Pan +3.3'MLLW Glass Door Profiles: Maximum Mean Minimum First Floor +16.8'MLLW Sea Wall Sand Beach 1:5 100 Horizontal Distance (ft) Figure 3.5 Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Cross-Section 2 Carlsbad Reach 1 - Section 3 Profiles: _J 50 -h co i-H -P CD,—i UJ 0 +' Maximum Mean Minimum First Floor +17.8'MLLW Hard Pan +3.3'MLLW Riprap 1:3 (1-ton Stones) Sand Beach 1:5 , i . . , . i . i . • i • • • • i • • ' ' i ' • ' ' I ' ' i ' i-So ' i so To100 Horizontal Distance (ft) Figure 3.6 Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Cross-Section 3 50 C O r-H-P 0> 0)1—I LU Carlsbad Reach 1 - Section 4 First Floor +43'MLLW Hard Pan +3.3'MLLW Earth Slope 1:1.5 Sand Beach 1:5 Profiles: Maximum Mean Minimum 100 Horizontal Distance (ft) Figure 3.7 Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Cross-Section 4 Carlsbad Reach 2 Hard Pan +I2JB' MLLW Earth Slope 1:2. Sea Wall Sand Beach 1:5 Profiles: Maximum Mean Minimum Horizontal Distance (ft) Figure 3.8 Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 2 CQ C CD CO co V)aD- (D 3 (U r-t- o' o Q)•^ M CT0) Q. CD 0) O3- CO Corlsbod Reach 3 c 0 rH-H 10 > 0)i—i LU Carlsbad Blvd. +16& MLLW Hard Pan -63' MLLW Profiles: Maximum Mean Minimum Sand Beach 1:5 250 300 Horizontal Distance (ft) Carlsbad Reach 4 - Section 1 50 — c 0 rH 10 Q)i—i L±J o -- Profiles: First Floor +38'MLLW Earth Slope 1:2. Hard Pan +2.8'MLLW Riprap 1:2 (2-ton Stones) Sand Beach 1:4 Maximum Mean Minimum Horizontal Distance (ft) Figure 3.10 Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 4, Cross-Section 1 C O r-l -P10 <Di—i LiJ 50 -- 0 -- Carlsbad Reach 4 - Section 2 First Floor +41'MLLW Earth Slope 1:2 Hard Pan +2.8'MLLW Gunlte Slope 1:1 •Sand Beach I-A Profiles: — Maximum --- Mean — Minimum 100 Horizontal Distance (ft) Figure 3.11 Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 4, Cross-Section 2 50 — co r-H -P ID > 0)o -- Carlsbad Reach 5 State Park Campground +63' MLLW Earth Slope 1:1 Hard Pan +0.8'MLLW Cobble Beach 1:4 Profiles: — Maximum --- Mean — Minimum ' i ' i Horizontal Distance (ft) too Figure 3.12 Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 5 Figure 3.13 Typical Structure of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Cross-Section 1. Figure 3.14 Typical Structure of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Cross-Section 2. Figure 3.15 Typical Structure of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Cross-Section 3. Figure 3.16 Typical Structure of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Cross-Section 4. Figure 3.17 Typical Structure of Carlsbad - Reach 4, Cross-Section 1, Figure 3.18 Typical Structure of Carlsbad - Reach 4, Cross-Section 2. 3.2.1 Long-Term Erosion The long-term evolution of the future without project shoreline considers temporal changes in the sediment budget. From the sediment budget analysis in Section, the shoreline at mean sea level is predicted to retreat at an average rate of 1 foot per year for the next 50 years. Thus, a 50-foot shoreward recession in the present shoreline has been obtained for the future without project condition. However, the retreat rate of 1 foot per year only applies to the summer beaches, due to the fact that the winter beaches have already moved to about the limit of shoreward retreat. The winter recession of the shoreline for all the reaches, with the exception of Reaches 3 and 5, is limited by the non-erosive hardpan, revetment, and seawall. At Reach 3, in the 2700 foot element between the inlet and outlet to Agua Hedionda Lagoon, the limit of erodible material is at - 6.25 feet MLLW. Consequently, it is anticipated that the beach will erode to the roadway and then continue to scour vertically. As a result, the depth at the toe will continue to deepen, and the road will be exposed to greater wave energy. Based upon experience with unprotected, unconfined beachfills, it is expected that the beachfill on Reach 5 will be lost within seven years due primarily to longshore transport to the south. 3.2.2 Storm Recession The January 1988 survey is representative of the eroded profile condition during a severe winter storm condition. During damaging storm events, a winter or storm profile would typically exist. This storm profile is deepened in the nearshore depending on the severity of the individual storm and the cumulative effects of the storm season. Storm effects on the profile were super-imposed on the present and future shoreline. It is rationalized that storm profile response would be directly related to storm severity and wave height, and therefore return period. Based on the analysis of the shoreline data presented in CCSTWS of USAED, Los Angeles (1991), shoreline retreat can be correlated with return period. The recession that would be expected as a result of the 10, 25, 50, and 100 year events is presented in Table 3.2. Since the runup analysis was based upon the scoured 1988 winter profile, this recession was only applied to Reach 3. 3-14 Table 3.2. Storm Recession versus Return Period Event 10 25 50 100 Shoreline Retreats (ft) MHHW 43 47 50 52 MSL 89 96 100 104 MLLW 225 237 245 252 3.2.2 Runup Runup has been calculated using the reaches and cross-sections presented in Section 3.2.1. The beach conditions used are the profiles taken after the storm of January 1988. Due to the bedrock conditions, only the profile in Reach 3 will deepen over the 50 year period considered. As a result, only in Reach 3 will runup increase. Due to the anticipated temporal nature of the beachfill in Reach 5, the runups presented for this reach are done over the fully-scoured profile. Table 3.3 presents these runups. 3-15 * TABli 3,3wAve ftUNui* leva {peer wuw> PRESENT CONDmON RETURN PERIOD Reach 1 Section 1 Reach 1 Section 2 Reach 1 Section 3 Reach 1 Section 4 Reach 2 Reach 3 Reach 4 Section 1 Reach 4 Section 1 Reach 5 2 17.55 19.55 17.35 17.75 19.95 18.15 18.95 19.75 19.85 5 19.25 21.45 18.65 19.55 21.65 19.45 20.55 21.35 21.45 10 20.25 22.55 19.65 20.45 22.65 20.35 21.35 22.15 22.45 25 21.05 23.25 20.35 21.15 23.65 21.15 22.35 23.25 23.45 50 21.35 23.75 20.75 21.65 24.15 21.65 22.85 23.75 23.85 100 21.85 24.35 21.25 22.15 24.45 22.15 23.35 24.15 24.45 200 22.45 24.95 21.75 22.65 25.05 22.35 23.85 24.75 24.85 50-YEAR FUTURE CONDITION Reach 3 21.35 22.65 23.45 24.25 24.75 25.35 25.75 3.3 Damages The lack of adequate protective beaches leaves backshore structures exposed to excessive runup and increased wave attacks. Factors such as inundation, damage to protective structures, damage to structures, and erosion of Carlsbad Boulevard, will be examined. 3.3.1 Inundation Damages Excessive runup will cause significant content and structural damage to four large structures in Reach 1. The remaining structures in Reaches 1 and 4 are all above the elevation of the maximum runup. Inundation damage will occur when 3-16 the runup elevation exceeds the first floor elevation. The depth of inundation in the structure was estimated by derivm'g a factor which relates the historical data and the FEMA curves to account for the difference between traditional flooding and flooding as a result of runup. The product of this factor and the elevation difference was then applied to the FEMA curves. Three of these structures are of Cross-Section 2 (Reach 1) and have first floor elevations (feet MLLW) of 20.75, 19.75, and 18.75. Runup for both the 1983 and 1988 events was calculated to be +23.65 feet MLLW for this section. One owner reported that $17,000 of damages occurred in 1983 and $8,000 in 1988. The other structure, a large condominium complex, is of Cross-Section 3 (Reach 1). Runup for the 1983 event was to +20.35 feet MLLW and +20.65 feet MLLW for the 1988 event. Two of the eight units exposed to inundation reported (total) damages of $10,000 and $2,000 for the 1983 and 1988 events, respectively. Potential inundation damages have been calculated and are included in Table 3.11. 3.3.2 Damages to Protection There are approximately 3200 linear feet of one half to two ton riprap protecting the Carlsbad coastline. During the July site walk, the size, slope characteristics, and condition of the revetments were recorded. It was noted that ten of the structures in Reach 1 were especially vulnerable in that since the revetment was under-designed (the site had not been excavated to solid material and no measures were taken to provide filtering), its ability to protect had seriously deteriorated. In addition, the stone is small and can be easily displaced by wave action. Damage to revetments was estimated by calculating the forces acting on the revetment due to breaking waves. Variables include stone size, slope, and wave height. The Hudson formula was used to calculate the damages. Table 3.4 displays the estimated damages under wave action of various return periods. 3-17 „ TABUE 3,4 OANtAGE TO BEVeTMENT; PRESENT CONDITION Reach 1 1 1 3 3 4 Linear Ft 70 750 400 450 • 350 * 1200 DAMAG E DAMAG E(%) DAMAG E{$) DAMAG E(%) DAMAG E($) DAMAG E (%) DAMAG E($) DAMAG E(%) DAMAG E($) DAMAG E(%) DAMAG E($) DAMAG E (%) DAMAG E($) 2 8 2300 16 40000 8 15000 0 0 12 6000 5 27000 5 14 3900 26 64000 14 25000 5 4000 38 18000 9 49000 10 17 4800 31 77000 17 31000 13 11000 70 33000 12 65000 25 19 5400 37 91000 19 35000 25 20000 100 47000 15 81000 50 21 5900 41 101000 21 38000 43 35000 100 47000 16 86000 100 24 6800 45 111000 24 44000 60 49000 100 47000 18 97000 200 27 7600 50 12300 0 27 49000 61 49000 100 47000 19 10300 50-YEAR FUTURE CONDITION 3 3 450 * 350 * DAMAG E (%) DAMAG E($) DAMAG E (%) DAMAG E($) 100 81000 100 47000 100 81000 100 47000 100 81000 100 47000 100 81000 100 47000 100 81000 100 47000 100 81000 100 47000 100 81000 100 47000 * REVETMENT AT REACH 3 3-18 3.3.3 Structural Damages due to Bluff Retreat Approximately 20 structures are subject to structural damage due to erosion of the bluff and undermining of foundations. To facilitate analysis, ten representative structures located along a 620 foot length of Reach 1 were analyzed. The bluff in front of all ten structures was unprotected; therefore, they are of Cross-Section 4. The structures are typically built with concrete grade beams and slab foundations cut into the bluffs backing the beach. The foundation elevations range from about +24.5 to +38 feet MLLW, while the toe of the bluffs is located at +12.75 feet MLLW. Table 3.5 shows the foundation elevations of ten structures. Also shown in the table are horizontal distance of: foundation to + 12.75 feet MLLW, projected by the 1.5:1 slope, and structure to bluff edge. Figure 3.19 shows a schematic drawing of a structure on the bluff. Extreme storm events have resulted in erosion at the toe of these coastal bluffs and the slumping of the bluffs fronting these structures. Although little historic information on magnitude and extent of bluff retreat are available for this specific location, anecdotal reports and review of aerial surveys suggest that bluff retreats along Reach 1 were as high as 13 and 20 feet in localized areas during the 1983 and 1988 storms, respectively, while over a longer 170 foot length of shoreline at the north end of the Carlsbad shoreline, bluff retreat appears to have averaged about 8 feet as the result of the 1988 storm event. Figure 3.20 displays a simple linear correlation of bluff retreat with runup level above the toe of the bluff through the available data. Approximating the distance of lateral retreat as proportional to excess runup allows assigning a return-period estimate to bluff retreat distance. Excess runup is the result of runup elevation subtracting the bluff toe elevation of +12.75 feet MLLW. The damage assumptions applied to the loss of structures are as follows: 1) Structure foundation are grade beam or slab. 2) Limiting stable bluff slope is 1.5H:1 V. 3) Initiation of damage occurs when top of the average eroded bluff with a slope at 1.5H:1V reaches the closest foundation and complete damage occurs when the bluff erosion reaches the furthest recessed structure. Utilizing these assumptions, initiation of damages due to bluff retreat undermining structure foundations initiate at the 50-year event, while complete structural damage occurs along this vulnerable reach at the 100-year event. 3-19 r (Q C CD 00 _»to COo CD 3 Q)^_ o' CO r-f•^ Co r* -^CD o3 CD C Foundation to •/(/ USL Structure to bluff odyo Varies approx.8 to 32 ft. Horizontal Projection of 1:5 Slope E/ev Existing coastal bluff Eroded bluff causing damages * Grade beam & slab Foundation Sand & cobble Beach Hard pan COc^CD CO N)O CD c Ocoo' CD -^CO C 00 CDtoto 0> CD 30c c T3 5 Carlsbad 40 1983 Storm Data D 1988 Storm Data A Localized Retreat Average Retreat Farthest House Closest House 6789 Excess Runup (ft) Horizontal Distance (ft) of Elevation of House Foundation (ft) 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2525 32 32 27 30 32 25 22 35 Foundation Projected Structure to to +10'MSL by 1.5:1 Slope Bluff Edge 4646 75 65 50 55 70 70 60 65 38 38 4848 41 45 48 38 33 53 88 27 17 9 10 22 32 27 12 Table 3.5 Data used for Calculation of Bluff Retreat Due to the uncertainty involved in projecting these failures resulting from the scatter of the data, and due to the concerns of the city regarding the effect of this uncertainty on the outcome of the study, the Economics Section preformed a sensitivity analysis which entailed shifting the failure curve of the structures such that the structural damages would begin at the 25 year event and complete failure would occur at the 100 year event. In the originally assumed failure scenario (present conditions), the 25-, 50-, 100-, and 200-year events resulted in structural damages of $6,580, $227,550, $3,320,560, and $3,611,700, while the sensitivity analysis indicated that damages would total $198,350, $1,706,960, $3,293,400, and $3,511,700 for the same return periods. This resulted in an increase in the equivalent annual damages (EAD) by $37,620, or 27%. From the alternatives presented in Chapter 4 (see Table 4.16 on page 4-76), it can be seen that the use of this alternate scenario does not increase the ratio of storm damage reduction to cost above 0.5 for any alternative, indicating that the use of this scenario will not alter the position on Federal interest presented in Chapter 5. The original damaging return periods were used in evaluation of federal interest because the storms of January 1983 and January 1988 were calculated to be the 25 and 50 year events, respectively, yet no significant bluff erosion occurred in the areas of concern. 3-22 3.3.4 Roadway Damages Significant damages to Carlsbad Boulevard have occurred in Reach 3 and less significant damages have occurred further to the south in Reach 5. A unique feature of Reach 3 is that the bedrock is located at elevation -6.25 feet MLLW, thus making the reach more susceptible to both storm-induced scour and long-term erosion. As previously discussed, it is assumed that over a fifty year period, Reach 3 will experience recession of 1 ft/yr and it is anticipated that the beach will erode to the roadway and then continue to scour vertically. As a result, the depth at the toe will continue to deepen, and the road could be exposed to greater wave energy. Damages to Carlsbad Boulevard in Reach 3 were based on the 1983 storm event which produced an excess run-up of 4.1 feet over the top of the road. The excess run-up was based on the portion of the boulevard exhibiting the lowest elevation. The area of road eroded during each storm frequency was determined and a replacement cost based for the required construction materials and labor was applied. Tables 3.6 and 3.7 present the quantity of erosion which occurs to Reach 3 as the result of particular events. The economic loss as a result of this erosion is included in Table 3.11. The same excess runup-erosion relationship was used to analyzed the box culvert in Reach 5. Table 3.8 presents the quantity of erosion which occurs as the result of particular events. This area will initially have a substantially wider beach as a result of the Batiquitos Enhancement Project. However, this beachfill is anticipated to dissipate in approximately seven years. After that period, it is not expected to provide measurable protection. Also after this period, no long-term erosion will occur in this reach (due to the cobbles and a higher bedrock), therefore, damages will not increase. The runup/damage analysis was performed on this reach using the latter condition, but the economics analysis was done assuming the damages would not begin until seven years after the beachfill had been placed. 3-23 » TABli 94 -- < < , 'CARLSBAD m*m «s ,» : ,., ,-, f- ^ - , PRESENT WITHOUT PROJECT PHYSlCAl DAMAGES *f RETURN PERIOD 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 WAVE RUNUP (FT) 18.15 19.45 20.35 21.15 21.65 22.15 22.65 EXCESSIVE RUNUP (FT) 1.4 2.7 3.6 4.4 4.9 5.4 5.9 EROSION (FT) 0 0 27 64 86 109 132 AREA LOST (SQ. FT) 0 0 54,000 128,000 172,000 218,000 264,000 TABLE 3,7 CARLSBAD REACH 3 FUTURE WITHOUT PROJECT PHYSICAL DAMAGES RETURN PERIOD 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 WAVE RUNUP (FT) 21.35 22.65 23.45 24.25 24.75 25.35 25.75 EXCESSIVE RUNUP (FT) 4.6 5.9 6.7 7.5 8.0 8.6 9.0 EROSION (FT) 73 132 150 150 150 150 150 AREA LOST (SQ. FT) 146,000 264,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 * Assume: excess runup of three feet and less causing 0 feet erosion. * Assume: 150 feet = total erosion of road 3-24 xTABlE 3.8 CARLSBAO BEACH « PRESENT WITHOUT PROJECT PHYSICAL DAfWAGES RETURN PERIOD 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 WAVE RUNUP (FT) 19.85 21.45 22.45 23.45 23.85 24.45 24.85 EXCESSIVE RUNUP (FT) 1.6 3.2 4.2 5.2 5.6 6.2 6.6 EROSION (FT) 0 9 55 100 100 100 100 AREA LOST (SO. FT) 0 9,000 55,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 3.4 Economic Loss Damages expected to result in each storm interval (2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 year exceedence frequency) were weighted by the probability of the storm frequency by combining the depth-damage, stage-frequency, and stage-damage curves. Equivalent annual damages were computed for an 8 percent discount rate, the study year (1993), and the project base year (1997). Damages under existing conditions for each storm interval are shown in Table 3.9. Total expected and equivalent annual damages are shown in Table 3.10 and are separated by reach in Table 3.11. Damages to revetments are presented as calculated previously (see Section 3.3.2). Due to the difficulty in establishing maintenance costs for gunite walls, it was assumed that these values were equal to those of revetments. Landscaping losses were estimated on the July 1993 site walk. 3-25 *• s i 'r ; -v' EVENT CONTENTS STRUCTURES LANDSCAPING/ STAIRS REVETMENTS ROADWAYS EMERG & CLEAN- UP DETOUR TOTAL f f *'< , *"— "'Oa 25-YEAR $179.90 $6.58 $23.84 $348.80 $1368.00 $0.00 $27.73 $1954.85 : Carlsbad & Under fating .Car tober 19$3 PHca t«v , (41000* VV 50-YEAR $240.30 $227.55 $68.06 $390.10 $1632.00 $152.70 $28.48 $2,739.19 ' ''*:,', ' *--''* -"*; -"' ; 100-YEAR $304.90 $3320.56 $134.97 $437.90 $1908.00 $157.70 $29.23 $6,293.26 Xs \ '• s 200-YEAR $317.40 $3611.70 $143.48 $466.15 $2184.00 $161.80 $29.98 $6,914.51 3-26 * + TABLE ^,10 CARLSBAD EXPECTED * iQUlVALEOT ANNUAL DAMAGES , WITHOUT PROJECT October 1993 Price Levels {$1000) Contents Detour Emergency Landscaping Revetments Roadway Structure TOTAL Study Year 1993 32.55 5.20 1.49 4.43 105.49 146.75 53.28 349.19 Base Year 1997 32.55 5.20 1.49 4.43 120.30 168.92 53.28 386.17 2006 32.55 5.20 1.49 4.43 130.73 235.14 53.28 462.82 2016 32.55 5.20 1.49 4.43 142.25 345.05 53.28 584.25 2026 32.55 5.20 1.49 4.43 153.75 608.12 53.28 858.82 2036 32.55 5.20 1.49 4.43 165.23 935.19 53.28 1197.37 2046 32.55 5.20 1.49 4.43 173.27 1155.85 53.28 1426.07 Equivalent Annual Damages (1992, 8%,%) 32.55 5.20 1.49 4.43 129.57 305.78 53.28 532.30 3-27 f tA6l£&1? , . , / " ! Carlsbad •••••• ^ -r ••••••> •••• V- ^-y - Expected & Equivalent Annual Damage* , , ** '"" J, - "''"t" Without Project by redch ' "' s ", '" ? ", """"; October 1993 Price Levels - ' I {i100QJ ,, " * REACH NUMBE R 1 CROSS- SECTION 1 2 3 4 TOTALS, REACH 1 2 3 ' - - . A TOTALS. REACH 4 5 - TOTAL: * Inundation damages and avoided. Contents» N/A $8.11 $2.29 N/A $10.40 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 $10.40 Detour N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 $5.20 N/A N/A N/A 0 $5.20 Emerg/ Clean-up N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 $1.49 N/A N/A N/A 0 $1.49 Inundation» N/A $16.47 $5.68 N/A $22.15 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 $22.15 Other/ Landscapin g $1.51 $.57 $.42 $.91 $3.41 0 N/A $.71 $.31 $1.02 0 4.43 Revetments $49.63 * • * * N/A $49.63 0 $31.73 $26.25 $21.96 $48.21 0 $129.57 Roadways N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 $244.82 N/A N/A N/A $60.96 $318.38 content damages resulting from structural failure are aggregated in the previous two tables but are listed separately in ord Structure $21.73 $7.92 $1.98 $21.65 $53.28 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 $53.28 er to illustrate that Equivalent Annual Damages $138.87 0 $283.24 $49.23 $60.96 $532.30 double-counting wai Revetment damages for cross-sections 1,2, and 3 were computed for a single wave height for the entire reach. Thus, $48,890 represents total revetment damages for all of Reach 1. 3-28 3.5 Recreation As a result of the assumed 1 ft/yr erosion rate, for without project conditions, beach area will decrease by approximately 466,400 square feet over fifty years. The entire length of the Carlsbad coastline measures 33,000 feet with an average width of 36 feet above the MHHW line. Total area of the beach under current conditions, weighted by the actual beach width, is 1,200,770 square feet. The percent loss of beach under these conditions is 39%. As a result, a decrease in carrying capacity will result, and diminished beach area will be forced to supply a growing number of beachgoers. The end result will be diminished recreational experience to the beach user and, thus, a reduction in the willingness to pay for this experience. Table 3.12 presents the present and future areas above the MHHW line per reach. Table 3.12 Present and 50 - Year Future Areas Above the MHHW Line per Reach Period Present (ft2) Present (acres) Future (ft2) Future (acres) Reach 1 19,500 0.45 0 0 Reach 2 364,000 8.36 1 64,000 3.76 Reach 3 452,950 10.40 237,950 5.47 Reach 4 0 0 0 0 Reach 5 364,320 8.36 0 0 Beach attendance numbers were based upon the California Department of Parks and Recreation's counts. Using a methodology developed in Section 6 of the Economic Appendix, these numbers were broken down to determine the average daily visitors per acre at any one time per month. The methodology then employed a point system to calculate the recreational value of the experience. The value of the experience does not begin to decrease until there are more than 100 persons per acre. Under without project conditions, parking conditions are assumed to be sufficient to accommodate existing and anticipated parking requirements. The increased beach width as a result of the Batiquitos Enhancement Project was not considered into these without project conditions because the recreation value of the Carlsbad beaches will not decrease until after the first seven years. After that seven year period, the beachfill is assumed to have been dissipated, and the Reach 5 beaches will be approximately in their without enhancement project condition. 3-29 Table 3.13 presents the existing and future capacity levels of the state beaches in the years 1990, 2010," and 2040. The table represents the loss in beach visitation and beach acreage, based upon the erosion rate of 1 ft/yr for Reaches 1 through 4. Table 3.13 Average Daily Number of Persons Accommodated at 75 ft2/person > Beach Area in sq.ft. Daily # of visitors at 75 sq.ft per person 8a$« Conds. 2,124,100 28,321 2010 : Remain 1,797,937 23,972 Loss 326,162 4,349 ^040 Remain •• : 1.299,100 17,321 "/ , Loss 498,837 6,651 By a methodology detailed in the Economic Appendix, the total average annual recreation value under without project conditions is $10,729,635. 3.6 Definition of the Problem Based upon the historical and anticipated damages, a number of problems have been identified. 3.6.1 Reach 1 The analysis indicates that this reach will suffer storms damages to landscaping, protective structures, contents, and to the structures themselves. Structural damages occur as a result of both inundation and erosion of the bluff. It is anticipated that if the 50 - year event were to occur under present conditions, approximately $600,000 in damages would occur to this reach. In addition, the recreational value of the beach has been decreased as the beach has narrowed as a result of past storms, and the summer width is anticipated to continue to narrow due to a deficit of sand supply in the sediment budget. 3.6.2 Reach 2 3-30 This reach is defined by the city-installed seawall. At the typical cross- section, the crest of the wall is at elevation +23.25 feet MLLW, incorporates a ten foot wide sidewalk at elevation +20.25 feet MLLW, then rises again to elevation + 23.25 feet at the back of the wall. Therefore, while runup calculations indicate that some overtopping will occur in events with return periods larger than 25 years, the quantity will be insufficient to erode or de-stabilize the slope backing the wall. In addition, since the bedrock under the wall is approximately at elevation + 12.75 feet MLLW and the seawall is keyed into the bedrock, it is unlikely that the seawall can be undermined. There are no reported damages to this reach since the installation of the wall. Therefore, the conditions within this reach do not reflect imminent danger to structures or infrastructure. The recreation value of this reach is anticipated to decrease as the summer width continues to narrow at one foot per year. 3.6.3 Reach 3 Three factors combine to make this reach very susceptible to storm damages. First, the beach is extremely narrow. Second, Carlsbad Boulevard reaches its lowest point (elevation + 16.95 feet MLLW) in this reach. Third, the depth to bedrock is deeper here than in any other reach (elevation -6.25 feet MLLW), thus increasing the susceptibility of the reach to both storm-induced scour and long-term erosion. Based upon the historical record and the analysis, it is concluded that substantial maintenance costs are being incurred to protect Carlsbad Boulevard and the Tamarack parking lot from storm effects. In addition, this portion of the road is the primary thoroughfare connecting key elements of the city. The shortest detour is approximately 1.1 miles. It is estimated that if the 50 year event were to occur under existing conditions, damages to this reach would total $865,180 and $1.8 million if the same storm were to occur in the fifty year future condition. The recreation value of this reach is anticipated to decrease as the width continues to narrow at one foot per year. 3.6.4 Reach 4 Most of the erosion appears to have subsided due to the loss of available erodible material and the construction of protective structures. The remaining beach material is a cemented sandstone similar to the bedrock described in other 3-31 locations in Carlsbad. The privately placed protective structures are composed of large riprap (two ton) and gunite. "It is anticipated that $160,000 in damage to protective structures will occur in the 50 year event. Homes are high enough and set back far enough to warrant no need for further protection from inundation. The revetment and gunite protecting the bluff appear to be preventing further bluff erosion and therefore, the condition will not worsen with time. Since there is essentially no beach above the MHHW line even during the summer, the recreation value of this reach will not decrease with time. 3.6.5 Reach 5 As mentioned in Section 2.3.5, without project conditions include the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project, which will initially provide a sufficient level of protection to the box culvert. However, since the beachfill is to be unconfined, it is expected that this protection will reduce to none within seven years. Analysis indicates that the box culvert will then be exposed to storm damages. After the removal of this protection, damages from the fifty year event are anticipated to exceed $600,000. The bluffs fronting South Carlsbad State Beach campgrounds are experiencing erosion. While coastal processes have had some effect, the erosion is primarily due to runoff and other subaerial factors. A review of aerial photos and an inspection of the site, along with the absence of verifiable data to the contrary, indicate that this threat is not substantial enough for this problem to merit further investigation. Historically, the beach in Reach 5 is virtually completely cobbled in both winter and summer. The beachfill will initially provide significant recreation benefits, but these will decrease as the fill is dissipated. After this has occurred, the reach will return to its cobbled state and the recreational value of this reach will decrease no further with time. 3.7 Conclusions Four conclusions can be reached concerning the problems in the Carlsbad Coastal Area: 1. Reach 3 suffers the most damage, primarily as a result of the exposure of Carlsbad Boulevard between the inlet and outlets to Agua Hedionda Lagoon to undermining during severe storms. The equivalent annual damage 3-32 associated with this 2700 foot reach is $275,000. The Tamarack parking lot, north of the intake, is also exposed to damage, however to a lesser ***""" extent and primarily to revetment. 2. The equivalent annual damages for Reach 1 total $138,000. The most substantial components of this number are damages to buildings and damages to protective structures ($52,000 and $50,000, respectively). While damages to protective structures are fairly evenly distributed throughout the reach, damages due to structural failures are concentrated to the southern and mid-sections of this 5,000 foot area. 3. The Carlsbad Boulevard in Reach 5 will be vulnerable to damages over the box culvert at Encinas Creek once the beachfill from the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project dissipates. Equivalent annual damages are calculated as being $61,000. 4. The total recreational area of the Carlsbad beaches will decline by approximately 39% over the life of the project. 3-33 4.0 PLAN FORMULATION 4.1 Rationale of Formulation The Pacific Coast Carlsbad Reconnaissance Study was conducted using a multi-objective planning process, consistent with the planning requirements of Section 904 and 905 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering Regulation 1101-2-100. The objective of this planning process is to guide planning for the conservation, development, and management of water and related land resources. This planning process results in information necessary to make effective choices regarding resource management under existing and projected land use, and economic and environmental conditions in the study area. 4.1.1 National Objective Federal and Federally-assisted water and related land planning activities attempt to achieve National Economic Development (NED). Contributions to NED are increases in the net value of the national output of goods and services, expressed in monetary units. Plans are formulated to alleviate problems and take advantage of opportunities in ways that contribute to the NED objective. 4.1.2 Public Concerns Public concerns are perceptions about existing problems or needs and their desires for improvements to facilities which they use or which affect them. By eliciting information from the public, subsequent planning efforts can be directed to respond to these perceptions and desires. Public concerns may be expressed directly, such as at a public meeting, or indirectly through government representatives and agencies. Concerns are expressed through public meetings and workshops with public, private and commercial interest groups. Additional comment was obtained through input and coordination with representatives of government agencies and the general public. The major concerns expressed regarding the Carlsbad Coastline by all public and private interests are the following: (1) the erosion of public beaches, (2) the loss of tourist revenues as a result of the loss of recreation beaches, and, (3) the potential for storm damages throughout the Carlsbad Coastal Area. 4-1 4.1.3 Planning Objectives The planning objectives for Pacific Coast Carlsbad Reconnaissance Study reflect the concerns expressed by officials of the City of Carlsbad, the Carlsbad Beach Erosion Committee, beach users, and other local interest. The planning objectives are as follows: (1) to reduce coastal storm related damage potential to public and private property in Reaches 1, 3, and 5; (2) to restore and improve the area's beaches with respect to their recreational value in all reaches; (3) to preserve and enhance the environment by restoring nesting, feeding and resting areas for species dependent upon sandy beaches. 4.1.4 Evaluation Criteria This section describes the information required by ER 1105-2-100 to be included in reports to ensure endorsement. Economic Criteria The general economic criteria that apply in formulating and comparing alternatives are summarized as follows; (1) Tangible project benefits must equal or exceed economic costs. The benefit-to-cost (B/C) ratio is a measure of this criterion. The B/C ratio must exceed 1:1 to achieve economic justification. (2) The scale of development should consider maximization of net benefits (benefits minus costs). (3) The objectives cannot be attained by a more economical solution. Principles and Guidelines for Federal water resources planning require that, during plan formulation, a plan be identified that produces the greatest contribution to the National Economic Development (NED). This plan, called the NED plan, is defined as the plan providing the greatest net benefits as determined by subtracting annual costs from annual benefits. The Corps of Engineers policy requires recommendation of the NED plan unless there is adequate justification to 4-2 do otherwise. Environmental Criteria The process in evaluating environmental considerations to formulate and compare alternatives is as follows: (1) Alternatives will be evaluated for their potential environmental impact, either beneficial or adverse. The relationship between short- term uses and long-term productivity of impacted resources will be determined. Irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources will be explicitly identified. (2) Efforts will be made to avoid detrimental environmental effects; when adverse effects are unavoidable, feasible mitigating features will be included wherever justified. 4.1.5 Costs Costs are based on October 1993 price levels and include costs as required for FED, contract administration and contigencies at 25%. Annual costs are based on an 8% interest rate and an economic period of fifty years. As indicated in the Real Estate Appendix, the beaches are generally publicly owned. a. Paragraph 3, Policy Guidance letter No. 11, dated 13 October 1986, indicates "Land needed for placement of project features that prevent the loss of the land itself has no value for crediting purposes". Paragraph 9d (1), of ER 1165-2-130, indicates that a project "sponsor may in fact incur costs in acquiring requisite interests. Accordingly, a sponsor will be credited for his actual costs or for the net reduction in total market valuation of the parcels." Since the lands concerned are owned by the state, it is expected cost of any will be limited to procuring right of entry. 4.2 Plan Alternatives In order to mitigate the problems identified in Section 3.5.6, various measures were considered, including: revetments, seawalls, protective beaches 4-3 (both with and without containment structures), and detached breakwaters. From these measures fourteen alternatives were formulated. The following sections discuss the alternatives that were developed, their evaluations, and the corresponding indications of Federal Interest. All the plans are summarized in Table 4.15. Three of these alternatives (Alternatives 7, 13, and 14), satisfy the evaluation criteria presented in Section 4.1.4. 4.2.1 Plan 1 - Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 Description As shown in Figure 4.1 a, a 200-foot wide, 5000 foot long berm is constructed at the coastal area of Reaches 1 and 2. Although Reach 2 is not an area in which damage is anticipated, the beachfill is to extend approximately 1500 feet into this reach in order to insure that the vulnerable structures at the southern end of Reach 1, as well as those in middle of the reach have adequate protection (see Figure 4.1 a for the location of the structures). This same level of protection would not be assured should an unconfined fill be terminated at the end of Reach 1. In addition to storm protection, this plan provides incidental recreational beach area. The elevation of the beachfill is +10 feet MLLW and the beach face slopes downward approximately 1 vertical on 20 horizontal from the berm crest to the natural nearshore bottom. Figure 4.1b shows a typical cross-section of the beachfill. An initial fill of 1,516,700 yd3 will be required. Assuming 170,000 yd3/yr are lost (see below), 850,000 yd3 of renourishment would be placed at five year intervals (the optimization is included in the Coastal Engineering Appendix). Adequate borrow sites for sand have been identified off the coast of both Carlsbad and Oceanside. In Beach Nourishment Sources Along the Carlsbad/Oceanside Coast (USAED, Los Angeles, 1993), the results of a program which included 45 vibratory cores from potential sources identified in the Coast of California Study were presented. Mechanical analysis and specific gravity analysis were preformed on promising samples. Cost estimates were developed based upon recent experience. Sites I and III in Figure 4.1c were identified as being most promising, possessing substantial quantities of material in the 0.2 to 0.3 mm range. It is estimated that 5.5 million yd3 of quality sand are seaward of the 40 foot isobath in Site I, while there is in excess of 1 million yd3 of similar material in Site III. Site III contains approximately 400,000 yd3 of material, but very little of it is of good enough quality. In addition, this site would not be recommended for use in that it 4-4 0 400 800 1200 Scale in feet Unprotected Structures Pacific Ocean 11888101M Figure 4.la Beachfill - Reaches 1 and 2 Line CB-850, Pine Avenue 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 I 15 LU 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 I T T Carlsbad - Reach 1 and 2 Typical Cross-Section of Beachfill I I I I 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Range (ft Seaward of Range Line Monument) October 1991 October 1990 MLLW 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 800 900 1000 Figure 4.1b Typical Cross Section of Beachfill - Reaches 1 and 2 11888123M SITE Oceanside Harbor Scale 0 1 2 miles Agua Hedionda Lagoon Pacific Ocean SITE III Encinitas 11888124M Figure 4.1c Identified Potential Borrow Areas is entirely within the 40 foot isobath and dredging in this area could disrupt the littoral process. Engineering Evaluation To maintain a minimum width of 200 feet for the protective beach, an extra volume of sand will be required during the initial construction of the beachfill. The extra volume will account for the sand loss which takes place between the time interval of replenishment, because there is a net longshore transport of 270,000 cubic yards per year. Since there is continuous dredging at Oceanside Harbor and beach disposal of the dredged materials south of the harbor, it is assumed that Reaches 1 and 2 will receive 100,000 cubic yards per year from this sand bypass operation. Thus, the replenishment rate of the beachfill becomes 170,000 cubic yards per year. Optimizing, the beachfill will be replenished on a 5-year cycle for the case without any stabilizing structures. An analysis of the shoreline retreat similar to that summarized in Section 3.2.2 has been performed to estimate the probable berm width for use in the calculation of wave runup. The shoreline data are obtained from the CCSTWS of USAED, Los Angeles (1991). The MHHW shoreline retreat associated with return periods of 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 years are 160, 188, 218, 237, and 255 feet, respectively. The with project beachfill will have a berm width varying between 200 feet and 400 feet wide, depending on when in the replenishment cycle the storm occurs. For storms with less than 200-foot shoreline retreat, the 200 feet wide initial berm width is assumed to calculate wave runup because the residual damage for these events will be negligible. For storms with shoreline retreat greater than 200 feet, the runup can be the same as without project if the protective beach is narrower than the storm recession. To approximate residual damages with project beachfill, it is estimated that the return period would double for events with recession greater than 200 feet or that the 50-year without project runup would be equivalent to the 100-year with project runup. Table 4.1 a presents the with project runup in Reaches 1 and 2. Table 4.1 a Carlsbad - Wave Runup Statistics at Reaches 1 & 2 - With Project Carlsbad Wave Runup Level (ft MSL) Line R1 S1 R1 S2 R1 S3 R1 S4 REACH 2 2-yr 13.7 13.9 13.7 13.7 14.2 5-yr 15.3 15.6 15.2 15.3 15.6 10-yr 16.1 16.5 16.0 16.2 16.5 25 -yr 20.8 23.2 20.2 21.1 23.4 50-yr 21.1 23.5 20.5 21.4 23.8 100-yr 21.4 23.8 20.8 21.7 24.2 200-yr 21.9 24.4 21.3 22.2 24.5 4-8 Using the results of wave runup, the reduction in damage to ancillary improvements and flooded structi/res can be obtained. As shown in Figure 3.20, bluff erosion will start to occur at an excess wave runup of about 8.6 feet. Utilizing the assumptions stated in Section 3.3.3, damages due to bluff retreat undermining structure foundations will initiate at the 100-year event while complete structural damages along this unprotected reach occurs at the 200-year event. Since the berm provides protection from wave attack, structural damage to revetment is reduced as shown in Table 4.1b. Table 4.1b Carlsbad Revetment Damages - With Project Conditions Item 2-year 5-year 10-year 25-year 50-year 100-year 200-year Results of Plans 1, 2, 5, 11 at 2445 Ocean. 70 LF at $402.86/ft = $28,200 Damage(%) 0 0 0 6 U 21 24 Damage 000 $1,700 $3,900 $5.900 $6,800 Results of Plans 1, 2, 5, 11 at 2505-2643 Ocean, 750 LF at $329.20/ft = $246,900 Damaged) 0 0 0 12 27 41 45 Damage 000 $30,000 $67,000 $101,000 $111,000 Results of Plans 1. 2, 5, 11 at 2723-2751,2955 Ocean, 400 LF at $455.00/ft = $182,000 Damage(X) 0 0 0 6 14 21 24 Damage 000 $11,000 $25,000 $38,000 $44,000 Environmental Evaluation Replenishment would be required every several years, resulting in repeated large- scale disruption of marine habitats. The area covered by sandfill would be permanently lost as habitat for benthic infauna and fish feeding. Because this would be in an area that formerly comprised supralittoral beach, however, mitigation would not be required. Also, colonization of new beach areas by terrestrial invertebrates would be expected to occur soon after project completion. Routine beach replenishment may require dredging areas not currently maintained. By affecting their food source, this could result in a localized population reduction of marine fish species. This, in turn, could affect the foraging success of larger fish, marine mammals, and birds. Invertebrates in the dredge area would also be killed. Water quality would also be temporarily impacted in the dredge and disposal areas. Beach disposal of sediments could potentially affect the nesting areas of least terns, snowy plovers and other shore birds. However, this impact could be beneficial, since due to the extreme narrowness of the without project beach, the project could prevent erosion of existing nesting sites, or create additional areas. The creation of a gently-sloping beach would also benefit the grunion. 4-9 Due to the location of the plan site with reference to Buena Vista and Agua Hedionda Lagoons, it is anticipated that there Will be no significant impacts to either. Economic Analysis Tables 4.1c, and 4.1d present the cost estimate and the benefits, respectively. Both tables demonstrate these costs in annualized form. Table 4.1e shows the Benefit - Cost Ratio. Table 4.1c Plan 1 - Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 - Cost Estimate Unit Item Quantity Unit Price Mobilization and Demob 1 Job L.S. New Beachfill 666,700 cu yd $3.00 Advanced Nourishment 850.000 cu yd $3.00 SUBTOTAL PLANNING/ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION 8 % Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 X Engineering during Construction 7 % Construction Management SUBTOTAL Cost without Contingency $500,000 $2,000,100 $2.550.000 $5,050.100 $404,000 $151,500 $353.500 $909,000 Cont i ngency Amount $125,000 $500,000 $637.500 $1,262,500 $101,000 $37,900 $88.400 $227,300 X 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Cost with Cont i ngency $625,000 $25500,100 $3.187.500 $6.312.600 $505,000 $189,400 $441.900 $1.136.300 INTEREST DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL FIRST COST OF CONSTRUCTION $219,200 $6.178.300 $54,800 25 $1.544.600 $274,000 $7.722.900 ANNUAL COSTS Annual Cost of First Costs Annual Cost of Beachfill Replenishment1 Total Annual Cost $505,000 $613.500 $1,118,500 $126,300 $153.300 $279,600 $631,300 $766.800 $1,398,100 Replenishment = 5-year Cycle at 170,000 ydVyear (See Table 7.1 for sensitivity analysis of replenishment cycle) 4-10 Table 4.1d Annual Benefits -- Alternative 1 ($1000) STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS RECREATION BENEFITS (incidental)" REACH 1 Landscaping Revetment Structure Content Content' Subtotal, Reach 1 I REACH 2 DAMAGES WITHOUT PROJECT 3.41 49.63 53.28 22.15 10.40 138.87 0 DAMAGES WITH PROJECT 1.98 5.03 26.13 8.18 0.00 41.32 0 I TOTAL STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS BENEFITS 1.43 44.60 I 27.15 I 13.97 I 10.40 | 97.55 I 0 97.55 I Reaches 1 and 2 447.45 TOTAL BENEFITS, ALTERNATIVE 1 545.0 Content damage resulting from structural failure ** Methodology for determining recreation benefits detailed in Economic Appendix Table 4.1e Plan 1: Economic Summary Annual Benefits ($1000) Annual Costs ($1000) Benefit - Cost Ratio 545 1,398 0.39 4-11 4.2.2 Plan 2 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 Description As shown in Figure 4.2a, a system of three groins are used to stabilize the beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2. The rationale for extending the project into Reach 2 is the same as in Alternative 1: to insure that the vulnerable structures at the southern end of Reach 1, as well as those in middle of the reach have adequate protection (see Figure 4.2a for the location of the structures). In addition to storm protection, this plan provides needed recreational beach area. The groins are 600 feet long and 2,000 feet apart. Figure 4.2b shows a typical cross-section of the groin. Sites for quarry stone include Catalina Island, Twin Oaks in Oceanside, and Otay (just north of the Mexican border, 15 miles east of Imperial Beach). There is a quarry in Carlsbad, but the size of the material limits its use to bedding. An initial fill of 1,516,700 yd3 will be required and 315,000 yd3 of renourishment would be placed at nine year intervals (the optimization is included in the Coastal Engineering Appendix). The elevation of the beachfill is +10 feet MLLW and the width of the berm is 200 feet. The beach face slopes downward approximately 1 vertical on 20 horizontal from the berm crest to the natural nearshore bottom. Figure 4.2b shows a typical cross-section of the beachfill. As cited in Section, offshore sand sources have been identified off^,^ of Carlsbad and Oceanside. Engineering Evaluation Groin construction will result in the shoreline reorienting itself more nearly parallel with the prevailing incident wave crests. Net longshore transport rates along the reoriented shoreline will be lower because the angle between the average incoming wave crests and the new shoreline will be smaller. By assuming that the angle is reduced by a factor of two, the resulting net longshore transport rate will be reduced by about the same factor for small angles. Thus, a net longshore transport rate of 135,000 cubic yards per year has been assumed. It is also assumed that Reaches 1 and 2 will receive 100,000 cubic yards per year from the sand bypass operation at Oceanside Harbor. Thus, a beachfill replenishment rate of 35,000 cubic yards per year has been used in the optimization of the replenishment frequency. Optimizing, the beachfill will be replenished on a 9-year cycle with a groin system acting as stabilizing structures. Except for a longer project life for the beachfill, the results of wave runup and damages to coastal structures are the same as those of Plan 1. Environmental Evaluation ,*>*<• 4-12 Unprotected Structures Pacific Ocean Agua Hedionda Lagoon 11888102M Figure 4.2a Plan 2 - Beachfill with Groins, Reaches 1 and 2 Existing Bottom 11888122M Figure 4.2b Typical Cross-Section of Groin Structural solutions such as groins would replace a certain amount of benthic habitat with rocky habitat. This could cause a change in the present community structure. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) often views this as an adverse impact, requiring mitigation. The Corps, in the past, has viewed this kind of project as self-mitigating. This groin system would cover about five acres of sandy-bottom habitat. Placement of fill material (sediment or rocks) on the beach, or in intertidal or subtidal areas, would result in the loss of invertebrates in those areas. Sediment-dwelling organisms would likely be replaced by a more diverse community. Rocky structures act as an artificial reef, providing substrate for algal and invertebrate attachment. These invertebrates, in turn, are used as a forage base for a variety of fish and birds. Interstitial spaces provide protective habitat for a variety of marine life. Some species, however, are only associated with soft bottom habitats. Also, groins and breakwaters have a large central area that is not exposed, and therefore, provides no habitat value to aquatic organisms. Groins do provide relatively undisturbed roosting areas for sea birds, such as the brown pelican. In the presence of groins, beach replenishment would be required less frequently, thus resulting in less disruption to marine habitat. An initial beachfill will decrease the likelihood of downcoast erosion. Economic Analysis Tables 4.2a, and 4.2b present the cost estimate and the benefits, respectively. Both tables demonstrate these costs in annualized form. Table 4.2c shows the Benefit - Cost Ratio. Table 4.2a Plan 2 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 - Cost Estimate Unit Cost without Item GROINS 600 ft groin: A- 12 Stone A-7 Stone B-1 Stone C-Stone Excavation Backfill Grouting Cost of each groin SUBTOTAL (Cost of 3 BEACHFILL Quantity 4, 4, 9, 9, 25, 15, groins) Mobilization and Demob New Beachfill Advanced Nourishment SUBTOTAL (Beachfill) 666, 350. 800 800 600 600 000 000 1 1 700 000 Unit tons tons tons tons cu yd cu yd Job Job cu yd cu yd Price $50.00 $45.00 $35.00 $30.00 $6.50 $6.50 L.S. $500,000 $3.00 $3.00 Contingency $240, $216, $336, $288, $162, $97, $100, $1.440. $4,320, $500, $2,000, $1.050. $3,550, 000 000 000 000 500 500 000 000 000 000 100 000 100 Contingency Amount % $60, $54, $84. $72, $40, $24, $25. $360. $1,080, $125, $500, $262. $887, 000 000 000 000 600 400 000 000 000 000 025 500 525 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Cost with Contingency $300, $270, $420, $360, $203, $121, $125, $1,800. $5,400, $625, $2,500, $1.312. $4.437. 000 000 000 000 100 900 000 000 000 000 125 500 625 SUBTOTAL (BEACHFILL + 3 GROINS)$7.870.100 $1.967.525 $9.837.625 PLANN I NG/ENGI NEER I NG/CONSTRUCT I ON 8 X Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 X Engineering during Construction 7 X Construction Management SUBTOTAL INTEREST DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL FIRST COST OF CONSTRUCTION $629,600 $236,100 $550.900 $1,416,600 $321,600 $9.608.300 $157,400 $59,025 $137.750 $354,175 $80,400 $2.402.100 25 25 25 $787,000 $295,125 $688.650 $1,770,775 $402,000 $12.010.400 ANNUAL COSTS Annual Cost of First Costs Annual Cost of beachfill replenishment1 Annual O&M Cost of Groins $785,400 $126.300 $25.500 $196,400 $31,500 $6.400 $981,800 $157,800 $31.900 TOTAL ANNUAL COST $937.200 $234,300 1 Replenishment at 10-year Cycle at 35,000 ycf/yr (See Table 7.4 for sensitivity analysis of replenishment cycle) $1.171,500 4-16 Table 4.2b Annual Benefits - Alternative 2 ($1000) STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS REACH 1 Landscaping Revetment Structure Content Content' Subtotal, Reach 1 REACH 2 DAMAGES WITHOUT PROJECT 3.41 49.63 53.28 22.15 10.40 138.87 0 DAMAGES WITH PROJECT 1.98 5.03 26.13 8.18 0.00 41.32 0 TOTAL STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS RECREATION BENEFITS (incidental) " Reaches 1 and 2 BENEFITS 1.43 44.60 27.15 13.97 10.40 97.55 0 447.45 TOTAL BENEFITS, ALTERNATIVE 2 545.00 * Content damage resulting from structural failure ** Methodology for determining recreation benefits detailed in Economic Appendix Table 4.2c Plan 2: Economic Summary Annual Benefits ($1000) Annual Costs ($1000) Benefit - Cost Ratio 545 1,172 0.47 4-17 4.2.3 Plan 3 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reaches 1 and 2 Description As shown in Figure 4.3a, three offshore breakwaters are used to provide protection from wave action to the shoreline of Reaches 1 and 2. Damages will be reduced by the protection provided by both the breakwaters and the salients. Each breakwater is 800 feet long and the gap between the breakwaters is 800 feet. Sources for rock are discussed in Section Figure 4.3b shows a typical cross-section of the offshore breakwater. Figure 4.3a also shows the anticipated shoreline change associated with this offshore breakwater system. Engineering Evaluation Assuming that there is enough longshore transport, salients will form as a response to the breakwater system as shown in Figure 4.3a. As calculated in the Coastal Engineering Appendix, these breakwaters would create a salient of about 490 feet and a tombolo would not occur. Assuming that the breakwater system will effectively control erosion and retain sand on the beach, the salients will provide better protection to the coastal structures than the beachfill and groin systems. Thus, damages due to wave runup and wave action will reduce to a minimum. Environmental Evaluation Placement of fill material (sediment or rocks) on the beach, or in intertidal or subtidal areas, would result in the loss of invertebrates in those areas. Compared to groins, breakwaters would probably have less of an impact on overall community structure, because they would affect only those species present at the -12 to -18 MSL depths. This plan would modify approximately 11.0 acres of soft-bottom habitat. As with groins, breakwaters provide relatively undisturbed roosting areas for sea birds, such as the brown pelican. A variety of marine life use these rocky areas for foraging or refuge. The formation of a tombolo would have an adverse impact on down coast beaches. This plan indicates a tombolo will not be formed. In addition, this plan should have the positive effects that a beachfill would have with fewer negative effects because the growth of the salient would occur at a slow rate compared to the time required to place an artificial beachfill. Existing organisms would have time to adapt to changing conditions. Species would still be impacted by construction of the breakwater. Temporary impacts to water 4-18 II'"1 3 800-ft Offshore Breakwaters 800 ft Gap Pacific Ocean 400 800 1200 Scale in feet Unprotected Structures Hedionda Lagoon 11888103M Figure 4.3a Plan 3 - Offshore Breakwaters, Reaches 1 and 2 Shoreward Side Seeward Side B-2 Stone 11888121M Figure 4.3b Typical Cross-Section of Offshore Breakwater - Reaches 1 and 2 quality would also occur. Economic Analysis The costs associated with this alternative are summarized in Table 4.3a and the benefits are summarized in Table 4.3b. The Benefit - Cost Ratio is shown in Table 4.3c. Table 4.3a Plan 3 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reaches 1 and 2 - Cost Estimate Unit Item Quantity Unit Price OFFSHORE BREAKWATER 800-ft Offshore Breakwater: A-16 Stone 93,600 tons $56.00 B-2 Stone 61,600 tons $42.00 C- Stone 80,000 tons $26.00 Cost of each breakwater SUBTOTAL (Cost of 3 breakwaters) PLANN I NG/ENG I NEER I NG/CONSTRUCT I ON 8 X Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 X Engineering during Construction 7 % Construction Management SUBTOTAL Cost without Cont i ngency $5,241,600 $2,587,200 $2,080,000 $9.908.800 $29,726,400 $2,378,100 $891,800 $2.080.800 $5,350,700 Cont i ngency Amount $1.310,400 $646,800 $520,000 $2.477.200 $7,431,600 $594,500 $223,000 $520.200 $1,337,700 X 25 2525 25 25 25 Cost with Contingency $6,552,000 $3,234,000 $2,600,000 $12.386.000 $37,158,000 $2,972,600 $1,114,800 $2.601.000 $6,688,400 INTEREST DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL FIRST COST OF CONSTRUCTION $3,542,000 $38.619.500 $885,600 $9.654.900 $4,428.000 $48.274.400 ANNUAL COSTS Annual Cost of First Costs Annual O&M Cost of Breakwaters TOTAL ANNUAL COST $3,156,900 $175.400 $3.332,300 $789,200 $43.800 $833.000 $3,946,100 $219.200 $4.165.300 4-21 Table 4.3b Annual Benefits - Alternative 3 ($1000) STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS REACH 1 Landscaping Revetment Structure Content Content" Subtotal, Reach 1 REACH 2 DAMAGES WITHOUT PROJECT 3.41 49.63 53.28 22.15 10.40 138.87 0 DAMAGES WITH PROJECT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 TOTAL STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS RECREATION BENEFITS (incidental) " Reaches 1 and 2 BENEFITS 3.41 49.63 53.28 22.15 10.40 138.87 0 138.87 0 TOTAL BENEFITS, ALTERNATIVE 3 * Content damage resulting from structural failure ** Methodology for determining recreation benefits detailed in Economic Appendix Table 4.3c Plan 3: Economic Summary Annual Benefits ($1000) Annual Costs ($1000) Benefit - Cost Ratio 139 4,165 0.03 4-22 4.2.4 Plan 4 - New and Repaired Revetments in Reach 1 Description As shown in Figure 4.4a, a 600-foot long revetment is built in Reach 1 to protect the ten unprotected structures at the southern end of Reach 1 from erosion by waves and currents. Also, the existing revetments in Reach 1 are to be repaired to bring them to the specifications of the new revetment. Figure 4.4b shows a typical cross-section of the rubble-mound revetment. The toe would be excavated to the hardpan, at approximately + 2.75 feet MLLW. The crest would be at an elevation of +17.75 feet MLLW. Approximately 19,000 tons of rock would be required and is available at a number of readily accessible quarries (see Section Engineering Evaluation Construction of the new revetment and repair to the existing revetments at Reach 1 is anticipated to cause minimal effects to the existing sediment transport mechanism, because the toes of the revetment are located at a landward setback distance. Thus, there will be no adverse impact to the local coastal processes. The results of wave runup within Reach 1 will be similar to those of the without project conditions. Thus, there will be no reduction in damage due to flooding to the coastal structures in Reach 1. Since the toe of the bluff is properly protected, structural damage due to bluff retreat is reduced to a minimum. Since the new revetment and the repaired revetments have been designed to withstand a 25-year event, structural damage to the revetments will start for events associated with return periods greater than 25 years. The revetment will experience 1.25 %, 2.50 %, and 4.38 % damage associated with the 50-, 100-, and 200-year events, respectively. Thus, the damages to the revetments are negligible. Environmental Evaluation The construction of seawalls or revetments would have no impact on benthic habitat. Bluff structures would not create or stabilize beaches and, therefore, would not benefit terrestrial resources. Seawalls or revetments would reduce or eliminate the bluffs' potential as a sand source, and as habitat for vegetation and wildlife. Due to its placement in an already developed area, adverse impacts to biological resources and water quality would probably not be significant. 4-23 400 800 1200 Scale in feet Unprotected Structures Pacific Ocean \ Aguax Hedionda Lagoon 11888104M Figure 4.4a Plan 4 - Revetment, Reach 1 Elevation+17.75'MLLW Quarrystone Armor, Gravel Blanket 1 FT Thick Over Regraded Bank Elev 2.751 MLLW Bedrock 11888120M Figure 4.4b Typical Cross-Section of Revetment - Reach 1 Economic Analysis The costs associated with this alternative are summarized in Table 4.4a and the benefits are summarized in Table 4.4b. The Benefit - Cost Ratio is shown in Table 4.4c. Table 4.4a Plan 4 - New and Repaired Revetments in Reach 1 - Cost Estimate Item Quantity Unit Price REVETMENT A-3 Stone 14,060 tons $43.00 C-Stone 5.Z30 tons $30.00 Subtotal Cost PLANN I NG/EHG I NEER I NG/CONSTRUCT I ON 8 % Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 X Engineering during Construction 7 % Construction Management SUBTOTAL INTEREST DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL FIRST COST OF CONSTRUCTION ANNUAL COSTS Annual Cost of First Costs Annual O&H Cost TOTAL ANNUAL COST Note: 50 % contingency includes resetting cost of Contingency $604,600 $156.900 $761,500 $60.900 $22,800 $53.300 $137,000 $8,700 $907.200 $74,200 $4.500 $78.700 existing stones. Contingency Amount % $302,300 50 $78.500 50 $380,800 $30,400 50 $11,400 50 $26.700 50 $68,500 $4,300 $453.600 $37,100 $2.200 $39,300 Cost with Contingency $906,900 $235.400 $1,142,300 $91,300 $34,200 $80.000 $205.500 $13,000 $1.360.800 $111,300 $6.700 $118.000 4-26 Table 4.4b Annual Benefits -- Alternative 4 ($1000) STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS REACH 1 Landscaping Revetment Structure Content Content' Subtotal, Reach 1 DAMAGES WITHOUT PROJECT 3.41 49.63 53.28 22.15 10.40 138.87 DAMAGES WITH PROJECT 2.18 0.00 29.44 19.41 8.11 59.14 TOTAL BENEFITS, ALTERNATIVE 4 BENEFITS 1.23 49.63 23.84 2.74 2.29 79.73 79.73 Content damage resulting from structural failure ** Methodology for determining recreation benefits detailed in Economic Appendix Table 4.4c Plan 4: Economic Summary Annual Benefits ($1000) Annual Costs ($1000) Benefit - Cost Ratio 79.73 118.00 0.73 4-27 4.2.5 Plan 5 - Beachfill and North Intake Jetty Extension in Reach 1 Description As shown in Figure 4.5, a berm is constructed at the coastal area of Reaches 1 and 2. The berm is 200 feet wide at the northern end near Buena Vista Lagoon and is 330 feet wide at the southern end near the north intake jetty of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. This intake jetty has been extended 400 feet, so that the total length of the jetty is 600 feet. The rationale behind this alternative is that it provides adequate protection to the structures of Reach 1 while enhancing the recreational value both Reaches 1 and 2. Costs are reduced by the jetty extension because shoreline will reorient itself sufficiently to remove any costs associated with renourishment (see Section Potential sand and rock sources are the same as discussed in other alternatives. The elevation of the beachfill is +10 feet MLLW and the length of the beachfill is about 7,400 feet. The beach face slopes downward approximately 1 vertical on 20 horizontal from the berm crest to the natural nearshore bottom. The typical cross-section of the beachfill is similar to that shown in Figure 4.1b. The typical cross-section of the extended jetty is similar to that shown in Figure 4.2b. Engineering Evaluation Extension of the north intake jetty will result in the shoreline reorienting itself more nearly parallel with the prevailing incident wave crests. Net longshore transport rates along the reoriented shoreline will be lower because the angle between the average incoming wave crests and the new shoreline will be smaller. By assuming that the angle is reduced by a factor of two, the resulting net longshore transport rate will be reduced by about the same factor for small angles. Thus, a net longshore transport rate of 135,000 cubic yards per year has been assumed. It is also assumed that Reaches 1 and 2 will receive 100,000 cubic yards per year from the sand bypass operation at Oceanside Harbor. Since there are continuous dredging of about 120,000 cubic yards per year at Agua Hedionda Lagoon and beach disposal of the dredged materials north and south of the lagoon, it is further assumed that Reach 2 will receive 60,000 cubic yards per year from this sand bypass operation. Moreover, it is assumed that there is an offshore loss rate of 25,000 cubic yards per year. Thus, beachfill replenishment is not required for this plan. Based on the typical cross- sectional area of 4,560 ft2, the volume of beachfill (1,249,800 cubic yards) is estimated by using the pertaining length of 7,400 feet. The results of wave runup and damages to the coastal structures are the same as those of Plan 1, except for the revetment situated north of the north intake jetty. ,-rf 4-28 400 800 1200 Scale in feet Unprotected Structures Pacific Ocean \ Aguaxv Hedionda Lagoon 11888105M Figure 4.5 Plan 5 - Beachfill and Jetty Extension, Reaches 1, 2, and 3 Structural damage to this revetment is reduced as shown in Table 4.2b. Environmental Evaluation The jetty extension would have the same effects as groins and breakwaters on bottom habitat, but to a reduced magnitude because less than one acre would be modified. The beachfill would have the effects discussed in Section Increased public use of beaches could increase public use of the adjacent lagoon environments. These impacts may be vegetation trampling, soil compacting, trash and debris accumulation, encroachment of wildlife, loss of wildlife habitat, and a lowering of natural aesthetics. Sand replenishment, or changes in shoreline erosion patterns, could increase shoaling at Agua Hedionda Lagoon. This increased shoaling could necessitate increased dredging near the inlet. Disruption or change the lagoon environments could have a detrimental impact on endangered species that use those habitats. Of particular concern in the light-footed clapper rail, which has very specific habitat requirements. Extension of the jetty could benefit the environment by reducing the amount of sediment trapped in the lagoon, thereby reducing the frequency of dredging. Also, this area has already been disturbed to a certain extent by the structures and activities present at the mouth of the lagoon. Economic Analysis The costs associated with this alternative are summarized in Table 4.5a and the benefits are summarized in Table 4.5b. The Benefit - Cost Ratio is shown in Table 4.5c. 4-30 Table 4.5a Plan 5 - Beachfill and North Intake Jetty Extension in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 Cost Estimate Unit Item Quantity Unit Price GROIN 400 ft north intake jetty extension A- 12 Stone 3,200 tons $50.00 A-7 Stone 3,200 tons $45.00 B-1 Stone 6,400 tons $35.00 C-Stone 6,400 tons $30.00 Grouting 1 Job L.S. SUBTOTAL (Cost of Jetty Extension) BEACHFILL New Beachfill 1,249,800 cu yd $3.00 Mobilization & Demob. 1 Job L. S. SUBTOTAL (Cost of Beachfill) SUBTOTAL (BEACHFILL + JETTY EXTENSION) PLANN I NG/ENGI NEER I NG/DES I GN 8 X Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 X Engineering during Construction 7 X Construction Management SUBTOTAL INTEREST DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL FIRST COST OF CONSTRUCTION ANNUAL COSTS Annual Cost of First Costs Annual O&M Cost of Jetty TOTAL ANNUAL COST Cost without Contingency $160,000 $144,000 $224,000 $192,000 $100.000 $820,000 $3,749,400 $500.000 $4,249,400 $5.069.400 $405,600 $152,100 $354,900 $912.600 $97.600 $6.079.600 $496,800 $4.800 $501,600 Contingency Amount $40,000 $36,000 $56,000 $48,000 $25.000 $205,000 $937,400 $125.000 $1,062,400 $1,267,400 $101,400 $38,000 $88.700 $228,100 $24,400 $1.519.900 $124,200 $1.200 $125,400 X 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Cost with Cont i ngency $200,000 $180,000 $280,000 $240,000 S125.000 $1,025,000 $4,686,800 $625.000 $5,311,800 $6.336,800 $507,000 $190,100 $443.600 $1,140.700 $122,000 $7.599.500 $621,000 $6.000 $627.000 Note: Replenishment = 0 4-31 Table 4.5b Annual Benefits - Alternative 5 STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS REACH 1 Landscaping Revetment Structure Content 1 Content' Subtotal, Reach 1 REACH 2 REACH 3 Revetment at Parking lot TOTAI STORM r»AIV, DAMAGES WITHOUT PROJECT 3.41 49.63 53.28 22.15 10.40 138.87 0 DAMAGES WITH PROJECT 1.98 5.03 26.13 8.18 0.00 41.32 0 BENEFITS 1.43 44.60 27.15 13.97 10.40 97.55 0 16.28 iiaftF RpniirmnN RFK 1.20 JFFITS 15.08 119 fi7 RECREATION BENEFITS TOTAL BENEFITS, ALTERNATIVE 5 Content damage resulting from structural failure Methodology for determining recreation benefits detailed in Economic Appendix Table 4.5c Plan 5: Economic Summary Annual Benefits ($1000) Annual Costs ($1000) Benefit - Cost Ratio 563 627 0.90 4-32 4.2.6 Plan 6 - Beachfill in Reach 3 Description As shown in Figure 4.6a, a 200-foot berm is constructed between the inlet and outlets to Agua Hedionda Lagoon in Reach 3. As detailed in Table 4.6d, this plan will significantly reduce damages to Carlsbad Boulevard while enhancing its recreational benefits. The elevation of the beachfill is +10 feet MLLW and the length of the beachfill is about 2,700 feet. The beach face slopes downward approximately 1 vertical on 20 horizontal from the berm crest to the natural nearshore bottom. Figure 4.6b shows a typical cross-section of the beachfill. An initial beachfill of 1,186,000 yd3 is to be renourished at a rate of a of 840,000 yd3 every four years. Sand sources were discussed in Section Engineering Evaluation Since there are continuous dredging of about 120,000 cubic yards per year at Agua Hedionda Lagoon and beach disposal of the dredged materials north and south of the lagoon, it is assumed that Reach 3 will receive 60,000 cubic yards per year from this sand bypass operation. Thus, the replenishment rate of the beachfill becomes 210,000 cubic yards per year. Optimizing the interval of beachfill replenishment, without any stabilizing structure, the beachfill in Reach 3 will be replenished on a 4-year cycle. The results of wave runup and damages to Carlsbad Boulevard in Reach 3 for with project condition are presented in Table 4.6a. Using the results of wave runup, damages to the causeway section of Carlsbad Blvd. between the intake and outlet jetties of Agua Hedionda Lagoon can be obtained. Based on the road elevation of +16.75 feet MLLW, the results of excess runup are shown in Table 4.6a. Since the berm provides protection from wave attack, damage to revetment is reduced and is shown in Table 4.6b. 4-33 Pac/ffc Ocean (P 400 800 Scale in feet 1200 Agua Hedionda Lagoon 11888107M Figure 4.6a Plan 6 - Beachfill, Reaches 1 and 2 r. 30 25 20 15 10 Line CB-820, Agua Hedionda - South o I 5 .3> LU -5 -10 -15 I I T I I I October 1991 October 1990 Carlsbad - Reach 3 Typical Cross-Section of Beachfill MLLW I I 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Range (ft Seaward of Range Line Monument) 800 900 1000 Figure 4.6b Typical Cross Section of Beachfill - Reach 3 11888116M Table 4.6a Carlsbad Reach 3 - Road Damage with Project Beachfill Reach 3 - Carlsbad Blvd. Damage - With Project Condition 16.75 ft = road elevation 2,000 ft = length of road damaged Jan 83 storm, excess runup = 20.85 - 16.75 = 4.1 ft, erosion = 50 ft Assume excess runup of 3 ft and less causing 0 ft erosion $6.00 per ftA2 = Damage Repair 150 ft = Total Road Erosion Return Period(yr) 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 Wave Excess Runup(ft) Runup(ft) 14.85 16.15 16.95 20.95 21.25 21.65 22.15 0 0 0.2 4.2 4.5 4.9 5.4 (ft) Erosion 0 0 0 55 68 86 109 (ft*2) Area 0 0 0 110,000 136.000 172,000 218,000 <$) Damage 0 0 0 660,000 816,000 1,032,000 1,308,000 Table 4.6b Carlsbad Revetment Damages - With Project Conditions Item 2-year 5-year 10-year 25-year 50-year 100-year 200-year Results of Plans 5, 11 at North of Intake Jetties, 450 LF at $180.00/ft = $81,000 Damage(%) 0 0 0 13 28 43 60 Damage 000 $11,000 $23,000 $35,000 $49,000 Results of Plans 6, 7, 11 at South of Intake Jetties, 350 LF at $134.29/ft = $47,000 DamageU) 0 0 0 30 65 100 100 Damage 000 $14,000 $31,000 $47,000 $47,000 Environmental Evaluation The environmental effects of artificial beachfills have been discussed in Section, and the effects that the beachfill could have on Agua Hedionda Lagoon were addressed in Section Economic Analysis The costs associated with this alternative are summarized in Table 4.6c and the benefits are presented in Table 4.6d. The Benefit - Cost Ratio is shown in Table 4.6e. 4-36 Table 4.6c Plan 6 - Beachfill in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate Item Quantity Unit BEACHFILL Mobilization and Demob 1 Job New Beachfill 346,000 cu yd Advanced Nourishment SAO. 000 cu vd SUBTOTAL (Cost of 3 groins) PLANNING/ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION 8 X Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 X Engineering during Construction 7 X Construction Management SUBTOTAL INTEREST DURING CONSTRUCTION Total First Cost of Construction ANNUAL COSTS Annual Cost for First Costs Annual Cost of Beachfill Replenishment1 Unit Cost without Price Contingency L.S. $500,000 $3.00 $1,038,000 $3.00 $2.520.000 $4,058.000 $324,600 $121,700 $284.100 $730,400 $190,400 $4.978.800 $406,700 $790.800 TOTAL ANNUAL COST $1,197,500 1 Replenishment = 4-year Cycle at 210,000 ydVyear (See Table Contingency Amount $125,000 $259,500 $630.000 $1,014,500 $81,200 $30,400 $71.000 $181,600 $47,600 $1.243.200 $101,500 $197.700 X 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 $298,200 7.5 for sensitivity Cost with Contingency $625,000 $1,297,500 $3.150.000 $5,072,500 $405,800 $152,100 $355.100 $913,000 $238.000 $6.223.500 $508,300 $988.500 $1,496,800 analysis of replenishment cycle) 4-37 Table 4.6d Annual Benefits -- Alternative 6 STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS REACH 3 DAMAGES WITHOUT PROJECT DAMAGES WITH PROJECT BENEFITS Detour 5.20 0.00 5.20 Emergency 1.49 1.49 0.00 Revetment (north)16.28 16.28 0.00 Revetment (south)15.45 1.61 13.84 Roadway 244.82 42.43 202.39 Subtotal, Reach 3 283.24 61.81 221.43 TOTAL STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS TOTAL BENEFITS, ALTERNATIVE 6 221.43 RECREATION BENEFITS (incidental) 574.00 h* Methodology for determining recreation benefits detailed in Economic Appendix Table 4.6e Plan 6: Economic Summary Annual Benefits ($1000) Annual Costs ($1000) Benefit - Cost Ratio 574 1497 0.38 4-38 4.2.7 Plan 7 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 3 Description As shown in Figure 4.7a, a system of two groins are used to stabilize the beachfill in Reach 3. As in Plan 6, this plan will significantly reduce damages to Carlsbad Boulevard while enhancing its recreational benefits. The groins are 350 feet long and 900 feet apart. Figure 4.2b shows a typical cross- section of the groin. As discussed below (Section, no renourishment is required. Therefore there is no advanced nourishment required, thus only 346,000 yd3 of initial fill is necessary. The elevation of the beachfill is + 10 feet MLLW and the width of the berm is 200 feet. The beach face slopes downward approximately 1 vertical on 20 horizontal from the berm crest to the natural nearshore bottom. Figure 4.6b shows a typical cross-section of the beachfill. Sand and rock sources are discussed in Sections and, respectively. Engineering Evaluation Due to the reorientation of the shoreline after groin construction, the angle between the shoreline and the incoming wave crests will be reduced. The net longshore transport rate is assumed to be about 130,000 cubic yards per year. It is also assumed that Reach 3 will receive about 130,000 cubic yards per year from the sand bypass operation at Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Thus, no beachfill replenishment is required. Environmental Evaluation The effects of both beachfill and groins have been previously discussed (Sections and, respectively). The groins in this plan would cover two acres of bottom area. The effects of this project on Agua Hedionda Lagoon are the same as considered in Section However, structures and beachfill may be prohibited in any areas included in the Coastal Barrier Reef System. The USFWS has proposed that the area around Agua Hedionda be included in this system. Economic Analysis The costs associated with this alternative are summarized in Table 4.7a and the benefits are presented in Table 4.7b. The Benefit - Cost Ratio is shown in Table 4.7c. 4-39 \ Pacific Ocean CP 2 350-ft Groins 900 ft Spacing \ Agua Hedionda Lagoon 400 800 Scale in feet 1200 11888108M Figure 4.7a Plan 7 - Beachfill with Groins, Reach 3 Table 4.7a Plan 7 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate Unit Item Quantity Unit Price GROINS 350 ft groin: A- 12 Stone 2,800 tons $50.00 A- 7 Stone 2,800 tons $45.00 B-1 Stone 5,600 tons $35.00 C-Stone 5,600 tons $30.00 Excavation 10,000 cu yd $6.50 Grouting 1 Job L.S. Cost of each groin SUBTOTAL (Cost of 2 groins) BEACHFILL Beachfill 346,000 cu yd $3.00 Mobilization & Demob. 1 Job L.S. SUBTOTAL (Cost of Beachfill) SUBTOTAL (BEACHFILL + 2 GROINS) PLANN I NG/ENG I NEER I NG/CONSTRUCT I ON 8 % Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 X Engineering during Construction 7 X Construction Management SUBTOTAL INTEREST DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL FIRST COST OF CONSTRUCTION ANNUAL COSTS Annual Cost of First Costs Annual O&M Cost of Groins TOTAL ANNUAL COST Cost without Contingency $140,000 $126,000 $196,000 $168,000 $65,000 $100,000 $795.000 $1,590,000 $1,038,000 $500.000 $1,538,000 $3,128.000 $250,200 $93,800 $219.000 $563.000 $60.000 $3.751.000 $306,600 $9.400 $316.000 Contingency Amount $35,000 $31,500 $49,000 $42,000 $16,300 $25,000 $198.800 $397,600 $259,500 $125.000 $384,500 $782,000 $62,600 $23,500 $54.800 $140,750 $15,000 $937.750 $76,600 $2.300 $78,900 X 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Cost wi th Cont i ngency $175,000 $157,500 $245,000 $210,000 $81,300 $125,000 $993.800 $1,987,600 $1,297.500 $625.000 $1,922,500 $3,910,000 $312,800 $117,300 $273.800 $703,750 $75,000 $4.688.750 $383,200 $11.700 $394,900 Note: Replenishment = 0 4-41 Table 4.7b Annual Benefits - Alternative 7 STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS REACH 3 Detour Emergency Revetment (north) Revetment (south) Roadway Subtotal, Reach 3 DAMAGES WITHOUT PROJECT 5.20 1.49 16.28 15.45 244.82 283.24 DAMAGES WITH PROJECT 0.00 1.49 16.28 1.61 42.43 61.81 TOTAL STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS RECREATION BENEFITS (incidental)" Reach 3 BENEFITS 5.20 0.00 0.00 13.84 202.39 221 .43 221 .43 352.57 TOTAL BENEFITS, ALTERNATIVE 7 574.00 Methodology for determining recreation benefits detailed in Economic Appendix Table 4.7c Plan 7: Economic Summary Annual Benefits ($1000) Annual Costs ($1000) Benefit - Cost Ratio 574 395 1.45 4-42 4.2.8 Plan 8 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reach 3 Description As shown in Figure 4.8a, three offshore breakwaters are used to provide protection from wave action to the shoreline of Reach 3. This plan will reduce to zero damages to Carlsbad Boulevard between the inlet and outlets to Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Each breakwater is 400 feet long and the gap between the breakwaters is 400 feet. Figure 4.8b shows a typical cross-section of the offshore breakwater. Figure 4.8a also shows the anticipated shoreline change associated with this offshore breakwater system. Rock sources are the same as previously mentioned. Engineering Evaluation Assuming that there is enough longshore transport, salients will form as a response to the breakwaters as shown in Figure 4.8a. As discussed in the Coastal Engineering Appendix, the breakwaters are located in a water depth of -11.75 feet MLLW. With the nearshore bathymetry, the distance from the original shoreline is about 900 feet. With a breakwater length of 400 feet and a gap width of 400 feet, the formation of tombolo will be precluded. The length of the salient is about 430 feet. Assuming that the breakwater system will effectively control erosion and retain sand on the beach, the salients will provide better protection to the coastal structures than the beachfill and groin systems. Thus, damages due to wave runup and wave action will reduce to a minimum, except for the revetment located north of the intake jetties since the revetment is located outside of the breakwater's shadow. Environmental Evaluation The environmental effects of breakwaters have been discussed in Section The bottom area affected by this plan is approximately 5.5 acres. As discussed above, a project in this area may be affected by the Coastal Barriers Act of 1990. Economic Analysis The costs associated with this alternative are summarized in Table 4.8a and the benefits are presented in Table 4.8b. The Benefit - Cost Ratio is shown in Table 4.8c. 4-43 Pacific Ocean 400 800 Scale in feet Agua Hedionda Lagoon 3 400-ft Offshore Breakwaters 400 ft Gap 1200 11888111M Figure 4.8a Plan 8 - Offshore Breakwaters, Reach 3 Shoreward Side Seeward Side 11888117M Figure 4.8b Typical Cross-Section of Offshore Breakwater - Reach 3 Table 4.8a Plan 8 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate Item BREAKWATERS 400 ft Offshore A- 16 Stone B-2 Stone C- Stone Quantity Breakwater: 46,800 30,800 40,000 Unit tons tons tons Unit Price $56.00 $42.00 $26.00 Cost of each breakwater SUBTOTAL (Cost of 3 breakwaters) Cost without Contingency $2,620,800 $1,293,600 $1,040,000 $4.954.400 $14,863,200 Contingency Amount % $655,200 25 $323,400 25 $260,000 25 $1.238.600 $3,715,800 Cost with Contingency $3,276,000 $1,617,000 $1,300,000 $6.193.000 $18,579,000 PLANN I NG/ENG I NEER I NG/CONSTRUCT I ON 8 X Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 % Engineering during Construction 7 X Construction Management SUBTOTAL INTEREST DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL FIRST COST OF CONSTRUCTION $1,189,100 $445,900 $1.040.400 $2,675,400 $871.200 $18.409.800 $297,300 $111,500 $260.100 $668,900 $217,800 $4.602.500 25 25 25 25 $1,486,400 $557,400 $1.300.500 $3,344,300 $1,089,000 $23.012.300 ANNUAL COSTS Annual Cost of First Costs Annual O&H Cost $1,504,900 $87.700 $376,200 $21.900 $1,881,100 $109.600 TOTAL ANNUAL COST $1.592,600 $398,100 $1,990,700 4-46 Table 4.8b Annual Benefits - Alternative 8 STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS REACH 3 Detour Emergency Revetment (north) Revetment (south) Roadway Subtotal, Reach 3 DAMAGES WITHOUT PROJECT 5.20 1.49 16.28 15.45 244.82 283.24 DAMAGES WITH PROJECT 0.00 1.49 16.28 0.00 0.00 17.77 '* Methodology for determining recreation benefits detailed in Economic Appendix BENEFITS 5.20 0.00 0.00 15.45 244.82 265.47 TOTAL STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS RECREATION BENEFITS (incidental) TOTAL BENEFITS, ALTERNATIVE 8 Table 4.8c Plan 8: Economic Summary Annual Benefits ($1000) Annual Costs ($1000) Benefit - Cost Ratio 265 1991 0.13 4-47 4.2.9 Plan 9 - A Seawall in Reach 3 Description As shown in Figure 4.9a, a 2,700-foot long sheetpile seawall with a concrete cap is built in Reach 3 to protect the portion of Carlsbad Boulevard between the intake and outlet at Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Figure 4.9b shows a typical cross-section of the seawall. This plan will provide protection to Carlsbad Boulevard in Reach 3 between the inlet and outlets of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Engineering Evaluation Construction of a seawall at Reach 3, is anticipated to cause minimal effects to the existing sediment transport mechanism, because the toe of the seawall is located at a landward setback distance. Thus, there will be no adverse impact to the local coastal processes. The results of wave runup within Reach 3 will be similar to those of the without project conditions. There will be no reduction in damage to the existing revetments situated north of the intake jetties, because the seawall is designed to protect the causeway section of Carlsbad Blvd. between the intake and outlet jetties of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Thus, the causeway will not be damaged by wave action. Since the seawall is properly designed against wave attack, structure damage to seawall is also assumed to be minimal. Environmental Evaluation The environmental effects of this sheetpile wall will be similar to that of the revetment discussed in Section; however, scour of the beach in front of the wall is expected to increase due to this site's exposure to waves. Economic Analysis The costs associated with this alternative are summarized in Table 4.9a and the benefits are presented in Table 4.9b. The Benefit - Cost Ratio is shown in Table 4.9c. 4-48 \ Pacific Ocean 400 800 Scale in feet 1200 Agua Hedionda Lagoon 11888110M Figure 4.9a Plan 9 - Seawall, Reach 3 Present Limit of Sidewalk Existing Curb and Gutter i New 4" Slab on Grade to Complete Sidewalk Reinf Cone Cap Undisturbed Soil Use 30' Long Sheet Piling Bethlehem steel PLZ-23 or Syrd Steel SPZ-23 or Approved Equal • Elevation Varies Slope 1% Two (2) Layer of 1,500 pound Stone Approx 4 ft Thick Filter Cloth Wrap 4' at Each End +5.75' 6 inch Thick Quarry Run Material Underlain by Filter Fabric -17 11888118M Figure 4.9b Typical Cross-Section of Seawall - Reach 3 (Datum: MLLW) Table 4.9a Plan 9 - A Seawall in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate Item SEAWALL Mobilization & Demob. Sheet Pile Wall Concrete Cap 1,500-pound Toe Rock C-Stone Filter Cloth Quantity 1 2,700 2,170 8,090 750 7.760 Unit Job In feet cu yd tons cu yd so yd Unit Price US. $475.00 S510.00 $31.00 $31.00 $3.70 Cost withoutContingency $280,000 $1,282,500 $1,106,700 $250,800 $23,300 $28.700 Contingency Amount $70,000 $320,600 $276,700 $62,700 $5,800 $7.200 X 25 25 25 25 25 25 Cost with Contingency $350,000 $1,603,100 $1,383,400 $313,500 $29,100 $35.900 SUBTOTAL (Cost of Seawall)S2.972.000 $743,000 $3,715,000 PLANHING/ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION 8 X Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 X Engineering during Construction 7 X Construction Management SUBTOTAL INTEREST DURING CONSTRUCTION $237,800 $89,200 $208.000 $535,000 $68,000 $59,500 $22,300 $52.000 $133,800 $17,000 25 25 25 25 $297,300 $111,500 $260.000 $668,800 $85,000 TOTAL FIRST COST OF CONSTRUCTION $3.575.000 $893.800 $4.468.800 ANNUAL COST Annual Cost Annual O&M Cost $292,400 $17.500 $73,100 $4.40 TOTAL ANNUAL COST $309.900 $77.5 Note: Design of seawall was obtained from the City of Carlsbad. $365,500 $21.900 $387,400 4-51 Table 4.9b Annual Benefits -- Alternatives 9, 10 STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS REACH 3 Detour Emergency Revetment (north) Revetment (south) Roadway Subtotal, Reach 3 DAMAGES WITHOUT PROJECT 5.20 1.49 16.28 15.45 244.82 283.24 DAMAGES WITH PROJECT 5.20 1.49 16.28 0.00 0.00 22.97 TOTAL STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS BENEFITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.45 244.82 260.27 260.27 TOTAL BENEFITS, ALTERNATIVES 9, 10 RECREATION BENEFITS 260.27 Methodology for determining recreation benefits detailed in Economic Appendix Table 4.9c Plan 9: Economic Summary Annual Benefits ($1000) Annual Costs ($1000) Benefit - Cost Ratio 260 387 0.67 4-52 4.2.10 Plan 10 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 3 Description As shown in Figure 4.10a, a 2,700-foot long rubble-mound revetment is built in Reach 3 to protect the portion of Carlsbad Boulevard between in intake and outlet at Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Figure 4.1 Ob shows a typical cross-section of the revetment. Rock sources are the same as previously mentioned. Engineering Evaluation Construction of a rubble-mound revetment at Reach 3 is anticipated to have similar effects as construction of the seawall described in Plan 9. Environmental Evaluation The environmental effects of this revetment will be similar to that of the revetment discussed in Section, however, scour of the beach in front of the wall is expected to increase due to this site's exposure to waves. Economic Analysis The costs associated with this alternative are summarized in Table 4.10a and the benefits are the same as in Plan 9 and are presented in Table 4.9b. The Benefit - Cost Ratio is shown in Table 4.1 Ob. 4-53 Pacific Ocean 400 800 Scale in feet 1200 Agua Hedionda Lagoon 11888109M Figure 4.10a Plan 10 - Rubble-Mound Revetment, Reach 3 Top of Carlsbad Blvd Elev+16.75'MLLW Elevation 1 7.75' MLLW 6-ton Quarrystone Armor 1.5' Thick Core Layer of C-Stone Elev -6.25' MLLW Bedrock 11888119M Figure 4.105 Typical Cross-Section of Revetment - Reach 3 Table 4.10a Plan 10 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate Item Quantity Unit Price REVETMENT A-6 Stone 58,410 tons $45.00 C-Stone 9.740 tons $30.00 Subtotal PLANN I NG/ENGINEER I NG/CONSTRUCT I ON 8 % Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 % Engineering during Construction 7 % Construction Management SUBTOTAL INTEREST DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL FIRST COST OF CONSTRUCTION ANNUAL COST Annual Cost Annual O&M Cost TOTAL ANNUAL COST Contingency $2,628,500 $292.200 $2.920.700 $233.700 $87,600 $204.400 $525,700 $67,200 $3.513.600 $287.200 $17.200 $304,400 Cont i ngency Amount % $657,100 25 $73.100 25 $730,200 $58,400 25 $21,900 25 $51.100 25 $131,400 $16.800 25 $878.400 $71,800 $4.300 $76,100 Cont i ngency $3,285.600 $365.300 $3.650,900 $292,100 $109,500 $255.500 $657,100 $84,000 $4.392.000 $359,000 $21.500 $380.500 Table 4.1 Ob Plan 10: Economic Summary Annual Benefits ($1000) Annual Costs ($1000) Benefit - Cost Ratio 260 381 0.68 4.2.11 Plan 11 - Beachfill and Structures in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 Description As shown in Figure 4.11 a and 4.11b, a 200-foot berm is constructed in Reaches 1, 2, and 3. It is to be contained by an extension of the north Agua Hedionda jetty and by two groins between the inlet and outlet to the lagoon. This plan is a combination of Plans 5 and 7, developed to provide protection to the areas suffering the most damages -- Reaches 1 and 3 -- while enhancing recreation to all three of the most northern reaches. The elevation of the beachfill is +10 feet MLLW and the length of the beachfill is about 7,400 + 2,700 = 10,100 feet. Initial beachfill will be 1,431,700 yd3 and the 4-56 ••-.. 0 400 800 1200 Scale in feet Unprotected Structures Pacific Ocean \ Agua \x Hedionda Lagoon 11888113M Figure 4.1 la Plan 11 - Beachfill with Structures, Reaches 1, 2, and 3 Pacific Ocean 2.. 350-ft Groins 900 ft Spacing cP 400 800 Scale in feet 1200 Agua Hedionda Lagoon 11888126M Figure 4.1 Ib Plan 7 - Beachfill with Groins, Reach 3 renourishment of 600,000 yd3 would be done at six year intervals. The beach face slopes downward approximately 1 vertical on 20 horizontal from the berm crest to the natural nearshore bottom. The typical cross-sections of the beachfill are shown in Figures 4.1b and 4.6b. Sand sources are the same as discussed in Section As in Plan 5, the north intake jetty at Agua Hedionda Lagoon is extended 200 feet, to a total of 400 feet. The typical cross-section of the extended jetty is similar to that shown in Figure 4.2b. As shown in Figure 4.11 a and 11 b, a system of two groins are used to stabilize the beachfill in Reach 3. The groins are 350 feet long and 900 feet apart. Figure 4.7b shows a typical cross-section of the groin. The 26,400 tons of rock required is available from sources discussed in Section Engineering Evaluation Extension of the north intake jetty will result in the shoreline reorienting itself more nearly parallel with the prevailing incident wave crests. Net longshore transport rates along the reoriented shoreline will be lower because the angle between the average incoming wave crests and the new shoreline will be smaller. Thus, a net longshore transport rate of 200,000 cubic yards per year has been assumed. It is also assumed that Reaches 1 and 2 will receive 100,000 cubic yards per year from the sand bypass operation at Oceanside Harbor. Thus, a beachfill replenishment rate of 100,000 cubic yards per year has been used in the optimization of replenishment frequency. The beachfill will be replenished on a 6-year cycle. The results of storm damage will be similar to those of Plans 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7. Environmental Evaluation The effects of beachfill and the jetty extension have been examined in Sections and, respectively. Approximately three acres of bottom area are affected. The effects on the lagoon were discussed in Section Economic Analysis The costs associated with this alternative are summarized in Table 4.11 a and the benefits are presented in Table 4.11b. The Benefit - Cost Ratio is shown in Table 4.11c. 4-59 Table 4.11 a Plan 11 - Beachfill and Structures in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 - Cost Estimate Item GROINS 200- ft A- 12 Stone A-7 Stone B-1 Stone C-Stone Grouting SUBTOTAL 350-ft A- 12 Stone A-7 Stone B-1 Stone C-Stone Excavation Backfill Grouting Cost of 1 SUBTOTAL BEACHFILL Beachfill Beachfill Quantity Unit north intake jetty extension (Cost of groin - 1,600 1,600 3,200 3,200 1 tons tons tons tons Job 1 Inl *•uni L Price - Reach $50.00 $45.00 $35.00 $30.00 L.S. Jetty Extension) Reach 3: 2,800 2,800 5,600 5,600 25,000 15,000 1 tons tons tons tons cu yd cu yd Job $50.00 $45.00 $35.00 $30.00 $6.50 $6.50 L.S. 350-ft Groin (Cost of (initial) (advance) 2 350-ft Groins) 1,331,700 600,000 Mobilization and Demob 1 cu yd cu yd Job $3.00 $3.00 $500.000 Cost without Contingency Contingency Amount X Cost with Contingency 1 and Reach 2: $80, $72.$112, $96, $100. $460, $140, $126, $196, $168, $162, $97, $100. $990. $1,980. $3.995, $1,800, $500. 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 500 500000 000 000 100 000 000 $20, $18. $28, $24, $25. $115, $35, $31. $49, $42, $40, $24, $25, $247. $495, $998, $450, $125. 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 500 000 000 600 400 000 500 000 800 000 000 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 2525 25 25 25 25 25 $100, $90, $140, $120, $125. $575, $175, $157, $245, $210,$203, $121, $125, $1.237. $2.475. $4,993. $2,250, $625. 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 500 000 000 100 900 000 500 000 900 000 000 SUBTOTAL (Beachfill)$6,295,100 $1,573,800 $7,868,900 SUBTOTAL (Beachfill * Structures)$8.735.100 $2.183.800 INTEREST DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL FIRST COST OF CONSTRUCTION $440.000 $10.321.100 $110,000 25 $2.580.300 Note: Replenishment = 6-year Cycle at 100,000 ydVyear (See Table 7.8 for sensitivity analysis of replenishment cycle) $10.918.900 PLANNING/ENGINEERI NG/CONSTRUCT I ON 8 3 7 X Planning, Engineering, and Design % Engineering during Construction % Construction Management SUBTOTAL $698,800 $262,100 $586.300 $1.547,200 $174,700$65,500 $146.600 $386.800 25 25 25 $873,500 $327,600 $732.900 $1,934,000 $550,000 $12.901.400 ANNUAL COST Annual Cost of First Costs Annual Cost of Beachfill Replenishment (O&M) Annual O&M Cost of Structures TOTAL ANNUAL COST $843,700 $370,000 $14.400 $1,228,100 $210,900 $92,500 $3.600 $307.000 $1,054,600 $462,500 $18.000 $1,535,100 4-60 Table 4.1 1b Annual Benefits - Alternative 11 STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS REACH 1 Landscaping Revetment Structure Content Content" Subtotal, Reach 1 REACH 2 I REACH 3 Detour Emergency Revetment (north) Revetment (south) Roadway Subtotal, Reach 3 DAMAGES WITHOUT PROJECT 3.41 49.63 53.28 22.15 10.40 138.87 0 5.20 1.49 16.28 15.45 244.82 283.24 DAMAGES WITH PROJECT 1.98 5.03 26.13 8.18 0.00 41.32 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BENEFITS 1.43 44.60 27.15 13.97 10.40 97.55 0 5.20 1.49 16.28 15.45 244.82 283.24 TOTAL STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS TOTAL BENEFITS, ALTERNATIVE 11 380.79 RECREATION BENEFITS (incidental) 880.79 * Content damage resulting from structural failure ** Methodology for determining recreation benefits detailed in Economic Appendix 4-61 Table 4.11c Plan 11: Economic Summary Annual Benefits ($1000)881 Annual Costs ($1000)1535 Benefit - Cost Ratio 0.57 4.2.12 Plan 12 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 5 Description As shown in Figure 4.12, a 1,000-foot long rubble-mound revetment is built in Reach 5 to protect the portion of Carlsbad Boulevard at which the road elevation is 18.25 feet MLLW. The typical cross-section of the revetment is similar to that shown in Figure 4.1 Ob. The required 16,170 tons of rock are available from sources discussed in Section Engineering Evaluation Construction of a rubble-mound revetment at Reach 5 is anticipated to have similar effects as construction of the seawall described in Plan 9. Environmental Evaluation The environmental effects of this revetment will be similar to that of the revetment discussed in Section, however, scour of the beach in front of the wall is expected to increase because this site is more exposed to waves. Economic Analysis The costs associated with this alternative are summarized in Table 4.12a and the benefits are presented in Table 4.12b. The Benefit - Cost Ratio is shown in Table 4.12c. 4-62 Pacific Ocean Reach 5 0 400 800 1200 Scale in feet 11888114M Figure 4.12 Plan 12 - Rubble-Mound Revetment, Reach 5 Table 4.12a Plan 12 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 5 - Cost Estimate Cont i ngency Item Quantity Unit Price Contingency Amount % REVETMENT A-4 Stone 13,620 tons $43.00 $585,700 $146,400 25 C-Stone 2.550 tons $30.00 $76.500 $19.100 25 SUBTOTAL COST $662,200 $165,500 PLANNING/ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION 8 X Planning, Engineering, and Design $53,000 $13,300 25 3 % Engineering during Construction $19,900 $5,000 25 7 % Construction Management $46.400 $11.600 25 SUBTOTAL INTEREST DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL FIRST COST OF CONSTRUCTION ANNUAL COST Annual Cost of First Costs Annual O&M Cost TOTAL ANNUAL COST $119.300 $29,900 $15.200 $3.800 25 $796.700 $199.200 $65,100 $16,300 $3.900 $1.000 $69,000 $17.300 Cost with Contingency $732,100 $95.600 $827,700 $66,300 $24,900 $58.000 $149.200 $19.000 $995.900 $81,400 $4.900 $86,300 Table 4.12b Annual Benefits - Alternative 12 STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS REACH 5 Roadway DAMAGES DAMAGES WITH WITHOUT PROJECT PROJECT 60.96 0.00 TOTAL STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS BENEFITS 60.96 60.96 RECREATION BENEFITS" Reach 5 TOTAL BENEFITS, ALTERNATIVE 12 0 60.96 Methodology for determining recreation benefits detailed in Economic Appendix 4-64 Table 4.12c Plan 12: Economic Summary Annual Benefits ($1000) Annual Costs ($1000) Benefit - Cost Ratio 61 86 0.71 4.2.13 Plan 13 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 1 Description As shown in Figure 4.13, a 200-foot berm with two end groins is constructed in Reach 1. The 4000 foot beachfill provides protection to all structures in Reach 1 and concentrates the improvements in areas requiring protection. The elevation of the beachfill is +10 feet MLLW and the length of the beachfill is about 4,000 feet. The initial beachfill requires 533,333 yd3 of sand, available from sources discussed in Section The beach face slopes downward approximately 1 vertical on 20 horizontal from the berm crest to the natural nearshore bottom. A typical cross-section of the beachfill is shown in Figure 4.1b. Two 400-foot groins are used to stabilize the beachfill requiring 29,200 tons of stone (same sources as previously mentioned). A typical cross-section of the groin is shown in Figure 4.2b. Engineering Evaluation Construction of the two end groins will result in the shoreline reorienting itself more nearly parallel with the prevailing incident wave crests. Net longshore transport rates along the reoriented shoreline will be lower because the angle between the average incoming wave crests and the new shoreline will be smaller. Thus, a net longshore transport rate of 135,000 cubic yards per year has been assumed. It is also assumed that Reach 1 will receive 100,000 cubic yards per year from the sand bypass operation at Oceanside Harbor. Since there is continuous dredging of about 120,000 cubic yards per year at Agua Hedionda Lagoon and beach disposal of the dredged materials north and south of the lagoon, it is further assumed that Reach 1 will receive 60,000 cubic yards per year from this sand bypass operation. Moreover, it is assumed that there is an offshore loss rate of 25,000 cubic yards per year. Thus, beachfill replenishment is not required for this plan. 4-65 400 800 1200 Scale in feet Unprotected Structures Pacific Ocean Agua Hedionda Lagoon 11888106M Figure 4.13 Groin System with Beachfill The results of wave runup and damages to the coastal structures are the same as those of Plan 1 . Structural damage to this revetment is reduced as shown in Table 4.1b. Environmental Evaluation The effects of beachfill and the groins have been examined in Sections 4.2.1 .3 and, respectively. Approximately four acres of bottom area are affected. The effects on the lagoon were discussed in Section Economic Analysis The costs associated with this alternative are summarized in Table 4.13a and the benefits are presented in Table 4.13b. The Benefit - Cost Ratio is shown in Table 4.13c. 4-67 Table 4.13a Plan 13 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 1 - Cost Estimate Item Quantity Unit Price GROIN 400 ft groin A-12 Stone 3,200 tons $50.00 A-7 Stone 3,200 tons $45.00 B-1 Stone 6,400 tons $35.00 C-Stone 6,400 tons $30.00 Excavation 10,000 cu yd $6.50 Grouting 1 Job L.S. Cost of each groin SUBTOTAL (Cost of 2 groins) BEACHFILL Beachfill 533333 cu yd $3.00 Mobilization & Demob. 1 Job L.S. SUBTOTAL (Cost of Beachfill) SUBTOTAL (BEACHFILL + GROINS) PLANNING/ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION 8 % Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 X Engineering during Construction 7 % Construction Management SUBTOTAL INTEREST DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL FIRST COST OF CONSTRUCTION ANNUAL COST Annual Cost Annual O&M Cost of Groins TOTAL ANNUAL COST Contingency $160,000 $144,000 $224,000 $192,000 $65,000 $100,000 $885.000 $1,770,000 $1,600,000 $500.000 $2,100,000 $3.870.000 $309,600 $116,100 $270.900 $696.600 $74,400 $4.641.000 $379.300 $10.400 $389.700 Contingency Amount $40,000 $36,000$56,000 $48,000 $16,300 $25,000 $221.300 $442,600 $400,000 $125.000 $525,000 $967.600 $77,400 $29,000 $67.700 $174,100 $18,600 $1.160.300 $94,800 $2.700 $97,500 % 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Cont i ngency $200,000 $180,000 $280,000 $240,000 $81,300 $125,000 $1.106.300 $2,212,600 $2,000,000 $625.000 $2,625,000 $4.837.600 $387,000 $145,100 $338.600 $870,700 $93,000 $5.801.300 $474,100 $13.100 $487,200 Note: Replenishment = 0 4-68 Table 4.13b Annual Benefits -- Alternative 13 ($1000) STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS | REACH 1 Landscaping Revetment Structure Content Content' Subtotal, Reach 1 | REACH 2 DAMAGES WITHOUT PROJECT 3.41 49.63 53.28 22.15 10.40 138.87 0 DAMAGES WITH PROJECT 1.98 5.03 26.13 8.18 0.00 41.32 0 I TOTAL STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS BENEFITS 1.43 44.60 27.15 13.97 10.40 97.55 0 RECREATION BENEFITS (incidental) ** TOTAL BENEFITS, ALTERNATIVE 13 * Content damage resulting from structural failure ** Methodology for determining recreation benefits detailed in Economic Appendix 545.00 Table 4.13c Plan 13: Economic Summary Annual Benefits ($1000) Annual Costs ($1000) Benefit - Cost Ratio 545 487 1.12 4-69 4.2.14 Plan 14 - A T-Groin with Beachfill in Reach 3 Description As shown in Figure 7.14, a T-groin is used to stabilize a beachfill in Reach 3. This plan reduces damages to Carlsbad Boulevard while increases recreation benefits. The beachfill is about 2,700 feet long. The elevation of the beachfill is +10 feet MLLW and the width of the berm is 200 feet. As discussed below (Section, no renourishment is required. Therefore there is no advanced nourishment required, thus only 346,000 yd3 of initial fill is necessary. The beach face slopes downward approximately 1 vertical on 20 horizontal from the berm crest to the natural nearshore bottom. A typical cross-section of the beachfill is shown in Figure 4.6b. The sand is available from offshore sources discussed in Section The groin is about 350 feet long and the T-shaped end is about 200 feet long. The 26,400 tons of rock are available from sources discussed in Section A typical cross-section of the groin is shown in Figure 4.7b. Engineering Evaluation Due to the reorientation of the shoreline after groin construction, the angle between the shoreline and the incoming wave crests will be reduced. The net longshore transport rate is assumed to be about 130,000 cubic yards per year. It is also assumed that Reach 3 will receive about 130,000 cubic yards per year from the sand bypass operation at Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Thus, no beachfill replenishment is required. The results of wave runup and damages to coastal structures will be the same as those of Plan 6. Environmental Evaluation The effects of beachfill and the groins have been examined in Sections and, respectively. Approximately 1.5 acres of bottom area are affected. The effects on the lagoon were discussed in Section Economic Analysis The costs associated with this alternative are summarized in Table 4.14a and the benefits are presented in Table 4.14b. The Benefit - Cost Ratio is shown in Table 4.14c. 4-70 Pacific Ocean "\ 350-ft T-Grbin \ CP 400 800 Scale in feet 1200 Agua Hedionda Lagoon 11888112M Figure 4.14 T-Groin with Beachfill Table 4.14a Plan 14 - A T-Groin with Beachfill in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate Item Quantity GROIN 350 ft groin: A- 12 Stone 2,800 A- 7 Stone 2,800 B-1 Stone 5,600 C-Stone 5,600 Excavation 10,000 Grouting 1 SUBTOTAL (Cost of Groin) 200 ft T-ends: A- 12 Stone 3,200 B-1 Stone 3,200 C-Stone 3.200 SUBTOTAL (Cost of T-ends) SUBTOTAL (Cost of 1 T-groin) BEACHFILL Beachfill 346,000Mobilization & Demob. 1 SUBTOTAL (Cost of Beachfill) SUBTOTAL (Beachfill + Groin) PLANNING/ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION Unit tons tons tons tons cu yd Job tons tons tons cu ydJob Unit Price $50.00 $45.00 $35.00 $30.00 $6.50 L.S. $50.00 $35.00 $30.00 $3.00L.S. 8 % Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 X Engineering during Construction 7 % Construction Management SUBTOTAL Cost without Contingency $140,000 $126,000 $196,000 $168,000 $65,000 $100.000 $795,000 $160,000 $112,000 $96.000 $368,000 $1,163,000 $1,038,000 $500.000 $1,538,000 $2.701.000 $216,100 $81,000 $189.100 $486,200 Cont i ngency Amount $35,000 $31,500 $49,000 $42,000 $16,300 $25.000 $198,800 $40,000 $28,000 $24.000 $92,000 $290,800 $259,500$125.000 $384,500 $675.300 $54,000 $20,300 $47.300 $121,600 % 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 2525 25 25 25 Cost with Cont i ngency $175,000 $157,500 $245,000 $210,000 $81,300 $125.000 $993,800 $200,000 $140.000 $120.000 $460,000 $1,453,800 $1,297,500 $625.000 $1,922,500 $3.376.300 $270,100 $101,300$236.400 $607,800 INTEREST DURING CONSTRUCTION $94,400 $23.600 25 .$118,000 TOTAL FIRST COST OF CONSTRUCTION $3.281.700 $820.400 $4.102.100 ANNUAL COST Annual Cost Annual O&H Cost of Groins $268,300 $6.900 $67,000 $1.700 $335,300 $8.600 TOTAL ANNUAL COST $275,200 $68.700 $343.900 Note: Replenishment = 0 4-72 Table 4.14b Annual Benefits - Alternative 14 STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS DAMAGES WITHOUT PROJECT DAMAGES WITH PROJECT Revetment (north) Revetment (south) Subtotal, Reach 3 TOTAL STORM DAMAGE REDUCTION BENEFITS RECREATION BENEFITS (incidental)" TOTAL BENEFITS, ALTERNATIVE 14 Methodology for determining recreation benefits detailed in Economic Appendix Table 4.14c Plan 14: Economic Summary Annual Benefits ($1000) Annual Costs ($1000) Benefit - Cost Ratio 574 344 1.67 4-73 able 4.15 Summary of Descriptions of Alternatives and Cost Estimates jscription and Assumption of Alternatives 1 Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2. 5.000 ft long and 200 ft wide beachfill. Net longshore transport rate = 270,000 ydVyr. Sand bypass = 100,000 ydVyr from Oceanside Harbor. Replenishment = 170,000 ydVyr at 5-year cycle. 2 A Groin System with Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2. 5,000 ft long and 200 ft wide beachfill and 3 600-ft groins. Net longshore transport rate becomes 135,000 yd3/yr due to reorientation of shoreline. Sand bypass = 100,000 ytf/yr from Oceanside Harbor. Replenishment = 35,000 ydVyr at 10-year cycle. 3 An Offshore Breakwater System in Reaches 1 and 2. 3 800-ft offshore breakwaters with 800-ft gaps. 4 New and Repaired Revetments in Reach 1. New construction of revetments and repair of existing revetments. First Cost of Construct' Annual Cost ($/year) of Plan 7,722.9 1,360.8 Beachfill and North Intake Jetty Extension in 7,599.5 Reaches 1, 2, and 3. 7,400-ft beachfill and North Intake Jetty extended to 600 ft long. Beachfill width varies from 200 ft to 330 ft. Net longshore transport rate becomes 135,000 ydVyr due to reorientation of shoreline. Sand bypass: 100,000 ydVyr from Oceanside Harbor and 60,000 ydVyr from Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Offshore loss = 25,000 yd3/yr. Replenishment = 0. Beachfill in Reach 3. 6,223.5 2,700 ft long and 200 ft wide beachfill. Net longshore transport rate = 270,000 ydVyr. Sand bypass = 60,000 ycP/yr from Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Replenishment = 210,000 yd3/yr at 4-year cycle. A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 3. 4,688.8 2,700 ft long and 200 ft wide beachfill and 2 350-ft groins. Net longshore transport rate becomes 130,000 ycfVyr due to reorientation of shoreline. Sand bypass = 130,000 yd°/yr from Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Replenishment = 0. First Cost O&M Replenish- ment Total 631.3 12,010.4 981.8 48,274.4 3,946.1 111.3 621.0 508.3 6.7 6.0 766.8 1,398.1 31.9 157.8 1,171.5 219.2 0 4,165.3 118.0 627.0 0 988.5 1,496.8 383.2 11.7 394.9 1 Includes interest during construction 4-74 Table 4.15 (continued) Carlsbad - Summary Cost Estimate of Alternativesw* ^ Annual Cost <$/year) of Plan of Replenish- Description and Assumption of Alternatives Construct First Cost O&M merit Total 8 9 10 11 An Offshore Breakwater System in Reach 3. 23,102.3 1,881.1 109.6 0 3 400- ft offshore breakwaters with 400-ft gaps. A Seawall in Reach 3. 4,468.8 365.5 21.9 0 2,700-ft seawall. A Rubble-Hound Revetment in Reach 3. 4,392.0 359.0 21.5 0 2,700-ft rubble-mound revetment. Beachf ill and Structures in Reaches 1, 2, and 3. 12,901.4 1,054.6 18.0 462.5 1,990.7 387.4 380.5 1,535.1 12 13 14 10,100 ft long and 200 wide beachfill, North Intake Jetty extended to 400 ft long, and 2 350-ft groins. Net longshore transport rate = 200,000 ydVyr. Sand bypass - 100,000 ydVyr from Oceanside Harbor. Replenishment = 100,000 ycfVyr at 6-year cycle. A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 5. 1,000-ft rubble-mound revetment. A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 1. 4,000 ft long and 200 ft wide beachfill and 2 400-ft end groins. Net longshore transport rate becomes 135,000 ydVyr due to reorientation of shoreline. Sand bypass: 100,000 yd3/yr from Oceanside Harbor and 60,000 ydVyr from Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Offshore loss = 25,000 ydVyr. Replenishment = 0. 995.9 5,801.3 A T-Groin with Beachfill in Reach 3. 2,700 ft long and 200 ft wide beachfill and one 350-ft T-groin. Net longshore transport rate becomes 130,000 ydVyr due to reorientation of shoreline. Sand bypass = 130,000 ydVyr from Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Replenishment = 0. 4,102.1 81.4 474.1 4.9 13.1 86.3 487.2 335.1 8.6 343.9 4-75 TABLE 4.16 BENCH? COST RATIO AND N6T BENEFITS BY ALTERNATtVe (HOPOl Reach Affected COSTS FIRST COST (of construction) TOTAL ANNUAL ANNUAL BENEFITS Damage Reduction Recreation (incidental) Total BENEFIT-COST RATIO Storm Damage only Storm Damage and Recreation NET BENEFITS ALT. 1 Beachfill 1, 2 ALT. II Beachfill /Groin* 1. 2 ALT. Ill Break- water* 1. 2 ALT IV Revet- ment 1 ALT. V Beachfill /Jetty Extension 1, 2, 3 ALT. VI Beachfill 3 ALT. VII Beachfill /Groin* 3 ALT. VIII Break- water* 3 ALT. IX Seawall 3 ALT. X Revetment 3 ALT. XI Beachfill /Jetty /Groin* 1, 2, 3 ALT. XII Revet- ment 5 ALT. XIII Beachfill /Groin* 1 ALT. XIV Beachfill /T-Groin 3 $7.723 $1,398 $12.010 $1,172 $48,274 $4,165 $1,361 $118 $7,600 $627 $6.224 $1,497 *97.6 $447.4 $545.0 $97.6 $447.4 $545.0 $138.9 $0 $138.9 $79.7 $0 $79.7 $112.6 $450.4 $563.0 $221.4 $352.6 $574.0 $4.689 $395 $23.012 $1,991 $4.469 $387 $4,392 $381 $12.901 $1,535 $996 $86 $5801 $487 $4,102 $344 $221.4 $352.6 $574.0 $265.5 $0 $265.5 $260.3 $0 $260.3 $260.3 $0 $260.3 $380.1 $500.0 $880.8 $60.1 $0 $60.1 $97.6 $447.4 $545.0 .$221.4 $352.6 574.0 .07 .39 ($853) .08 .47 ($627) .03 .03 ($4,026) .68 .68 ($38) .18 .90 ($64) .15 .38 ($923) .56 1.45 $179 .13 .13 ($1.725) .67 .67 ($127) .68 .68 ($121) .25 .57 ($654) .70 .70 ($25) .20 1.12 $58 .64 1.67 $230 " I.D.C.: Interest During Construction 4-76 4.3 Identification of Justified Projects As a result of the Pacific Coast Shoreline, Carlsbad Reconnaissance Study effort, fourteen plans were developed and analyzed for the problem areas defined in Chapter 3. Table 4.16 summarizes the benefit cost ratio for each alternative. Three alternatives, Alternatives 7, 13, and 14 have benefit-cost ratios greater than 1 and are therefore justified economically. 4-77 5.0 FEDERAL INTEREST DETERMINATION 5.1 General This section presents the evaluation of the Federal interest in those plans found justified on economic and environmental considerations presented in Section 4. The evaluation is based on determining the consistency of the feasible plans based on existing Federal policy and guidance for Federal participation in shore protection projects as contained in the following Corps of Engineers regulations and other documents: a. ER 1105-2-100, Planning Guidance, dated 28 December 1990; b. ER 1165-2-130, Federal Participation in Shore Protection, dated 15 June 1989; c. Policy Guidance Letter No. 7, Cost Sharing For Shore Protection, dated 23 February 1989; and d. Policy Guidance Letter No. 11, Credit For Lands, Easements, and Rights of Way (LER) at Shore Protection Projects dated 13 October 1988. 5.2 Purposes of Federal Participation Under existing shore protection laws, Congress has authorized Federal participation in shore protection projects to prevent or reduce damages caused by wind and tidal generated waves along the Nation's coasts and shores. In general, the purposes of Federal shore protection projects are associated with reducing storm damages to existing public and private development and/or improving recreation. In addition, Federal shore protection projects may be considered to reduce impacts caused by Federal navigation improvements. The level of Federal participation in shore protection projects is dependent on the purpose(s) of the project and shore ownership as summarized in Table 5-1, and explained in the subsequent paragraphs. 5.2.1 Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction Federal participation in a shore protection project is limited to 65 percent of the costs assigned to the purpose of storm damage reduction. Non-Federal interests must provide a minimum of 35 percent of the costs assigned to this purpose and must participate in the National Flood Insurance Program and other 5-1 Table 5.1 Shore Ownership and Levels of Federal Participation Shore Ownership and Project Purposes or Benefits I. Federally ovmed (1) Hurricane & Storm Damage Reduction Loss of Land Recreation (Separable Costs) (7) num Level of Federal Participation Construction (2) Operation Maintenance Rehabilitation (OMR-R) II. Ill (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Publicly and privately owned (protection results in public benefits') (3) Hurricane & Storm Damage Reduction Loss of Land (5)(6) Recreation (Separable Costs) (7) Privately ovmed. use limited to private interests Hurricane & Storm Damage Reduction Loss of Land Recreation (Separable Costs) (7) 65% (8) 50% (8) 50% (8) none none none none none none none none none See paragraph 4-15e on protecting other Federal agency shores. Where appropriate, periodic nourishment is considered "construction." Privately ovmed shores under public control, as through a sufficiently long-term lease assuring realization of public benefits throughout the economic life of the project. See paragraph 4-15d concerning incidental protection of privately owned shores. Indian shores do not usually fall within categories of shore provided. The status of such lands will depend upon the particular treaty provisions pertaining to the lands under consideration and will need to be examined in each instance. Specific cases should be referred to CECW-P for guidance. Non-Federal public shores dedicated to recreation or fish and wildlife purpose. Adjusted by the ratio of public to total shore protection benefits along the protected shore. Department of Army Policy precludes civil works funding of separable recreation measures at shore protection projects. The fair market value of LERRD is included in these cost sharing percentages, unless the land has no value. applicable Federal floodplain management programs. The fair market value of lands, easements, rights of way, relocations, and disposal or borrow areas provided by the non-Federal interests is included in the total project cost, and they receive credit for the value of these contributions towards the non-Federal share of the total project cost. Land needed for the placement of project features that prevent the loss of the land itself has no value for crediting purposes. 5.2.2 Recreation Federal participation in measures to provide separable recreation opportunities at shore protection projects is not permitted by current budget policies. However, the Corps can participate in shore protection plans that result in recreation benefits if those benefits are incidental to storm damage reduction features and not the primary output. Paragraph 9c(1) of ER 1165-2-130 indicates that these recreation benefits are considered in the economic analysis but are considered incidental for cost-sharing purposes. Recreation benefits produced as a consequence of the storm damage reduction project may exceed 50 percent of total project benefits, but economic justification must be demonstrated on the basis of recreation benefits limited to 50 percent of total project benefits (Benefit to cost ratio based on storm damage reduction only must be at least 0.5 and total benefits with recreation must exceed 1.0). 5.2.3 Mitigation of Shore Damage Due to Federal Navigation Projects Section 111 of the River and Harbor Act of 1968, as amended, provides for Federal construction of measures for the prevention or mitigation of erosion or shoaling damages attributable to Federal navigation features. The cost for such measures are shared in the same proportion as the cost sharing provisions applicable to the project causing or projected to cause such erosion or shoaling. The target degree of mitigation is the reduction of erosion or accretion to the level which would have existed without the influence of the navigation features, at the time such navigation features were accepted as a Federal responsibility. Section 111 authority is to be used to provide a justified level of damage reduction; it is not meant to restore shorelines to historic dimensions. 5.3 Shore Ownership Current shore protection law provides for Federal participation in restoring and protecting publicly owned shores available for use by the general public. Federal participation may be recommended for the protection of developed private shores if the use of such shores is not limited to private interests. Private property 5-3 can also be included if such protection and restoration is incidental to protection of publicly owned shores or if such protection would result in public benefits. Items affecting public use are as follows: (a) Access. Reasonable public access must be provided in accordance with the recreational use objectives of the particular area. Paragraph 6h(3) of ER 1165-2-130 indicates that public use is construed to be effectively limited to within one-quarter mile from available points of public access to any particular shore. In the event public access points are not within one half mile of each other, an item of local cooperation must be included that such access will be provided or the area will be considered a private shore. (b) Parking. Lack of sufficient parking facilities for the general public (including nonresident users) located reasonably near and accessible to the project beaches may constitute a de facto restriction on public access and use of such beaches, thereby precluding eligibility for Federal assistance. Street parking is not considered acceptable in lieu of parking lots unless curbside capacity will accommodate existing and anticipated demands. Parking should be sufficient to accommodate the lesser of the peak hour demand or beach capacity. Public transportation facilities may substitute for or complement parking facilities. (c) Other restrictions. User fees that are not uniformally applied to the general public, limitations of beach use by private organizations, or communities are also considered restrictions on public use and would preclude Federal participation in shore protection improvements. 5.3.1 Non-Federal Public Shores-Park and Conservation Areas Lands dedicated to non-Federal park and conservation areas will normally be valued on the basis of loss of recreation outputs. Federal cost sharing in shore protection projects for such lands is limited to 50 percent of total project cost. 5.4 Beach Creation Existing shore protection authorities provide for restoration and protection of beaches. It does not provide for Federal cost sharing in extending a beach beyond its historic shoreline unless the extension is needed for engineering reasons to provide protection from erosion within the historic shoreline. 5-4 5.5 Periodic Nourishment The Federal Government can participate in the cost of periodic nourishment and can consider such nourishment as "construction" for cost-sharing purposes, when in the opinion of the Chief of Engineers, such periodic nourishment is found to be more economical erosion protection measures than retaining structures such as groins or when nourishment is expected to be of benefit of downcoast beaches. Projects with such structures included to maintain a shore alignment, but not to materially prevent littoral drift from downcoast beaches such as low profile groins and offshore breakwaters, are eligible for periodic nourishment. Federal participation is not recommended when the sand replacement is proposed as a maintenance measure, as for example when it would serve to maintain protective beach accompanied by structures intended to confine the benefits of the sand within a beach compartment rather than serving as a full or partial alternative to such structures. 5.6 Maintenance Except as noted above, maintenance of shore protection structural features such as groins and breakwaters are generally a non-Federal responsibility. 5.7 Local Cooperation Requirements A public agency, authorized under State law, must be willing and able to fulfill the non-Federal obligations of water resource projects recommended for Federal participation. Prior to construction of the project, the public agency will enter into a written Project Cooperation Agreement (PCA), as required by Section 221 of Public Law 91-611, as amended, to provide local cooperation satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army. Such local cooperation will include the following non-Federal responsibilities in addition to the responsibility for fulfilling the requirement of law for the recommended project: a. Provide to the United States all necessary lands, easements, rights-of- way, relocations, and suitable borrow and/or disposal areas required for construction and subsequent maintenance of the project, including that required for periodic nourishment; b. Hold and save the United States free from claims for damages which may result from construction and subsequent maintenance, operation, and public use of the project, except damages due to the fault or negligence of the United States or its contractors; 5-5 c. Maintain continued public ownership and public use of the shore upon which the amount of Federal participation is based during the economic life of the project (normally 50 years); d. Maintain and repair the protective measures and/or structures during the economic life of the project as required to serve the intended purposes at their design levels of storm damage protection and in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army; e. Provide and maintain necessary access roads, parking areas, and other public use facilities open and available to all on equal terms; f. Participate in and comply with applicable Federal flood plain management and flood insurance programs prior to initiation of construction and during the economic life of the project; g. Contribute in cash the appropriate percentage of project construction cost, the percentage to be in accordance with existing law and based on shore ownership and use at the time of implementation, provided that credit will be given for the value of lands, easements, rights-of-way, and relocations; h. Contribute the local share of periodic beach nourishment, where and to the extent applicable (up to 50 years) as required to serve the intended purposes; i. Specific cases may also warrant assigning other additional local responsibilities, such as: providing appurtenant facilities required for realization of recreational benefits. 5.8 Determination of Federal Interest in Shore Protection Plans at Carlsbad, California The alternative plans found to be economically justified to provide storm damage protection and incidental recreation at Carlsbad, shown in Table 26, include Plans VII, XIII, and XIV, with benefit to cost ratio's ranging from 1.0 to 1.3. These plans were evaluated to determine whether Federal participation is warranted and the extent of such participation based on the requirements presented in the above paragraphs. 5.8.1 Requirement for Plans to be Justified Primarily on Storm Damage Reduction Benefits 5-6 As indicated in paragraph 5.2.2, that because of low priority on recreation, it must be demonstrated that the justification of a project for shore protection must be based primarily on storm damage reduction to recommend Federal participation. It is noted that the formulation of all the alternative plans did not include any separable elements for recreation, and that the recreation benefits claimed for each plan is based on incidental recreation use of the protective beaches designed for storm damage reduction. A review of the information presented in Table 26 indicates that the only plans to meet this requirement are Plans VII and XIV, which provide storm damage protection to Reach 3. Because of the relatively low storm damage potential in Reaches 1 and 2, the remaining plans which include protection for these reaches are justified primarily on recreation benefits and consequently are low priority and cannot be recommended for Federal participation at this time. 5.8.2 Requirement for Public Use, Access, and Parking Reach 3 is publicly owned by the State of California and managed by the City of Carlsbad, both of which support beach restoration in the Reach 3 area as reflected by the disposal of Agua Hedionda maintenance dredging in this reach. The Reach 3 beach area is presently used as a popular recreation area with access all along the reach. Parking areas are available as well as public transportation which are expected to be adequate to serve peak demands related to the recreation benefits. Accordingly, this requirement for Federal participation in Plans VII and XIV is considered met. 5.8.3 Mitigation of Impacts from Federal Navigation Projects As indicated in paragraph 5.2.3, Section 111 of the 1968 River and Harbor Act allows for Federal construction of shore protection projects to mitigate impacts caused by Federal navigation projects. It has been recognized that the Federal navigation project at Oceanside Harbor has impacted the volume of littoral material transported to the downcoast beaches. However, the magnitude of this impact and the effect on the Carlsbad beach area, in particular Reach 1, is somewhat uncertain since it appears that the Carlsbad beach areas were eroding prior to construction of the harbor, and there has been substantial beach fills as well as a number of major storms, seawall and river projects that all impacted on the shorelines in the Oceanside littoral cell. The Los Angeles District is presently conducting a reconnaissance study for Federal shore protection along the City of Oceanside, California. If a Federal shore protection project is determined justified for the Oceanside area, it is likely that such project, if it includes beach restoration and nourishment, will have beneficial impacts for the Reach 1 area, and possibly other Reaches in Carlsbad. Plans for Oceanside may also mitigate impacts from Oceanside harbor and reduce the cost for alternative plans for Reach 1, resulting in 5-7 restoration of beaches in Reach 1 meeting Federal participation requirements. Accordingly, a review of the Federal interest in the alternative plans for Reach 1 will be performed as part of the Oceanside Reconnaissance Study. 5.8.4 Shore Protection For Reach 5 It is noted that a plan to reduce potential storm damages (no recreation benefits) in Reach 5 had a Benefit to Cost ratio of about 0.9, and that the cost of the plan was less that one million dollars. It is also noted that present plans of the City of Carlsbad is to place material from a wetland restoration project at Batiquitos Lagoon along Reach 5 which should provide a protective beach that will reduce the storm damage problem in Reach 5. If in the future the storm damage potential in Reach 5 increases, consideration of a Federal shore protection project could be reviewed under Section 103 of the Continuing Authority Program. 5.8.5 Conclusion of Federal Interest Determination Based on the above, it is concluded that Federal participation in a shore protection project for Reach 3 is justified and consistent with Federal policy and requirements. Federal participation in shore protection for Reach 1 is not warranted at this time because the primary output is recreation in this Reach, however, Federal participation in Reach 1 will be reviewed as part of the Oceanside reconnaissance study. Federal participation in Reach 5 is not economically justified at this time, however if the storm damage potential increases in the future, consideration of a Federal project may be made under the Section 103 Continuing Authority Program. 5.9 Federal and Non-Federal Requirements For Implementation of Shore Protection in Reach 3 Table 5.2 presents an estimate of the Federal and non-Federal cost-sharing requirements for implementing a shore protection project for Reach 3 using existing Federal policy and guidance presented in the above paragraphs. Plan XIV is used as a basis of these estimates at this time. Further development of this plan and other alternatives will be required in the Feasibility phase to better define these costs. 5.9.1 Cost sharing of First Cost Non-Federal share of the First cost of shore protection project is 35 percent 5-8 in accordance with the 1986 Water Resources Development Act. Non-Federal requirements to provide LERR can'be credited to the 35 percent share of the first cost. Real estate requirements and credit for Plan 3 are expected to be minimal, since the beach area is presently owned by the State and the project area involves an area that is presently eroding and will be protected by the project. 5.9.2 Cost sharing of Periodic Nourishment and Maintenance It is expected that maintenance dredging of Agua Hedionda by San Diego Gas and Electric will continue in the future and the placement of the dredged material on Reach 3 will be adequate to maintain the protective beaches. The City of Carlsbad will be required to assure this continues in the future as well as be responsible for maintaining any groin structures included in the final plan. 5.9.3 Other non-Federal requirements In addition to providing 50 percent of the cost for the Feasibility Phase studies, the City of Carlsbad will also be required, prior to construction to enter into contract with the United States, assuring they will accomplish the local cooperation items indicated in paragraph 5.7. TABLE 5.2 ESTIMATED COST-SHARING OF FEDERAL SHORE PROTECTION PROJECT FOR REACH 3 ITEM TOTAL FEDERAL NON-FEDERAL First Cost $3,984,000 $2,590,000 (65%) $1,394,000 (35%) Average Annual Maintenance Cost Periodic Nourishment O1 O1 (65%) O1 (35%) Maintenance Groins $8,600 0 (0%) $8,600 (100%) 1 Periodic nourishment based on San Diego Gas and Electric continuing to place dredged material from Agua Hedionda at no cost. 5-9 6.0 IPMP/FEASIBILITY PHASE REQUIREMENTS H For the study to proceed to the Feasibility Phase, the City of Carlsbad will be required to enter into a Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement requiring the City to provide 50% of the Feasibility Study cost as described in the Initial Project Management Plan (IPMP). The IPMP describes Feasibility Study activities, and establishes an Executive Committee and a Study Management Team, consisting of representatives of the Los Angeles District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the City of Carlsbad. Subsequent to the Reconnaissance Review Conference, negotiations will be initiated with the City of Carlsbad to consider cost sharing arrangement, including in-kind services, and the assignment of responsibilities for the completion of the various study activities. When agreements are reached on these items, the IPMP will be completed. 6-1 7.0 CONCLUSIONS The Reconnaissance Study findings indicate there is a potential for significant storm damages to existing public and private development along three of the five reaches of the shoreline in the City of Carlsbad. In Reach 1, the area south of Buena Vista Lagoon and north of the City seawall, storm damages for a 100-year event are estimated to be $3.8 million and average annual equivalent damages are estimated at $138,000. Damages will occur primarily to private residential and commercial structures which are unprotected or have inadequate protection, and to the protective features themselves. In Reach 3, the area fronting Agua Hedionda Lagoon, storm damages for a 100-year event are estimated to be $2.2 million and average annual equivalent damages are estimated at $283,000. The vast majority of these damages will occur to the 2700 foot reach of Carlsbad Boulevard between the inlet and outlet to the lagoon as it is largely unprotected from storm waves due to the absence of a substantial protective beach or any other protective feature. In Reach 5, the box culvert at Encinas Creek is anticipated to be exposed to average annual equivalent damages of $61,000 per year. The severely eroded beach conditions are also inadequate along all five reaches to meet the recreation demands of the area. Fourteen plans were developed to reduce storm damage potential. These alternatives were evaluated based on economic and environmental criteria and existing policy and guidance defining requirements for Federal interest in shore protection projects. Based upon a thorough evaluation of these alternatives, it has been determined that the only feasible solutions for a Federal project, Plan 7 and Plan 14, both groin systems with beachfill, involve providing protection to Carlsbad Boulevard in Reach 3. In Reach 1, Plan 13 is justified, but most of the benefits are from recreation, and therefore a Federal project is not being considered at this time. However, Federal interest in storm damage protection in Reach 1 may be influenced by possible shore protection plans in Oceanside and consequently will be reviewed in the ongoing Oceanside Shoreline Study. In Reach 5, one project is marginally not economically justified at this time. 7-1 The cost for the justified project is to be shared at 65% Federal expense and 35% local. Based upon Plan 14, a preliminary'estimate of Federal and non-Federal costs are $218,000 per year and $117,000 per year, respectively. Non-Federal interests would be responsible for maintenance and other local cooperation items. An Initial Project Management Plan was prepared for the Feasibility Phase of the study. The study cost is estimated to be $960,000 (with 20% contingencies, $1,152,000), and take two years and eight months to complete. Negotiations concerning study responsibilities, cost sharing, and the Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement (FCSA) are underway. The City has indicated interest in continuing with the Feasibility study, subject to final negotiations of the IPMP and FCSA, and reviewing of the availability of city funds. 7-2 8.0 DISTRICT ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION The Pacific Coast Shoreline, Carlsbad Reconnaissance Study findings show there are two feasible plans to reduce storm damages and provide incidental recreation for Reach 3 which are in the Federal interest based on existing policy and guidelines. The City of Carlsbad has indicated interest in continuing with these projects including cost sharing in the Feasibility Phase as outlined in the IPMP. Accordingly, I recommend that the Pacific Coast Shoreline, Carlsbad Study proceed into the Feasibility Phase. L. Var/Antwerp DDC lonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer 8-1