HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; Pacific Coast Shoreline Carlsbad Recon Report; 1994-01-01 (6)COASTAL ENGINEERING APPENDIX CARLSBAD RECONNAISSANCE STUDY January 10, 1994 Page A-1.0 GENERAL , 1 A-1.1 Introduction l A-1.2 Purpose and Scope 1 A-1.3 Previous Studies by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers .... 1 A-1.4 Previous Studies by Others 4 A-1.5 Existing Projects / Shoreline Features 4 A-2.0 PHYSICAL SETTING 7 A-2.1 Geographic Setting 7 A-2.2 Bathymetry 7 A-2.3 Regional Coastal Processes 7 A-3.0 CLIMATE 9 A-3.1 General Climatic Conditions 9 A-3.2 Storms and Pressure Field 9 A-4.0 OCEANOGRAPHY 11 A-4.1 Tides and Water Levels 11 A-4.1.1 Tides 11 A-4.1.2 Water Levels 11 A-4.2 Currents 13 A-4.2.1 Offshore Currents 13 A-4.2.2 Longshore Currents 14 A-4.2.3 Cross-shore Currents 14 A-4.3 Waves 15 A-4.3.1 Exposure 15 A-4.3.2 Local Seas and Swell 15 A-4.3.3 Storm Waves 15 A-4.4 Historic Coastal Storm Damages 15 A-5.0 LITTORAL PROCESSES 17 A-5.1 Littoral Cells 17 A-5.1.1 Oceanside Littoral Cell 17 A-5.1.2 Carlsbad Subreach 17 A-5.2 Sediment Sources and Sinks 17 A-5.2.1 Streams, Creeks, and Drainages 17 A-5.2.2 Coastal Bluffs . 18 A-5.2.3 Beach Erosion 18 A-5.2.4 Sediment Sinks 19 A-5.3 Existing Structures, Beachfills, and Dredging History ... 19 A-5.3.1 Existing Structures 19 A-5.3.2 Beachfills and Dredging History 20 A-5.4 Erosion and Accretion Rates 21 A-5.4.1 Historic Shoreline Changes 22 A-5.4.2 Historic Profiles 22 A-5.5 Longshore Transport 23 A-5.6 Sediment Budget 25 A-5.6.1 Historic Sediment Budget 25 A-5.6.2 Sediment Budget for Future Without Project 26 A-6.0 WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS 28 A-6.1 Project Area Description 28 A-6.2 Sediment Transport Along Carlsbad Coastal Area 30 A-6.2.1 Historic Data 30 A-6.2.2 Shoreline Trends 30 A-6.2.3 Storm and Future Without Project Profiles 31 A-6.3 Wave Runup Analysis 33 A-6.3.1 General 33 A-6.3.2 Methods of Wave Runup Calculation 34 A-6.3.3 Statistical Simulation 34 A-6.4 Coastal Storm Damages 36 A-6.5 Estimates of Damages 37 A-6.5.1 Methodology 37 A-6.5.2 Wave Height - Damage Mechanism 40 A-6.5.3 Damage Analysis to Coastal Facilities 40 A-7.0 WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS 44 A-7.1 Planning Criteria 44 A-7.2 Preliminary Basis for Design 44 A-7.2.1 Beachfill 44 A-7.2.2 Groin 44 A-7.2.3 Offshore Breakwater 46 A-7.2.4 Revetment 46 A-7.3 Description of Alternate Plans 47 A-7.3.1 Plan 1 - Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 48 A-7.3.2 Plan 2 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 48 A-7.3.3 Plan 3 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reaches 1 and 2 48 11 A-7.3.4 Plan 4 - New and Repaired Revetments in Reach 1 . . 48 A-7.3.5 Plan 5 - Beachfill and North Intake Jetty Extension in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 49 A-7.3.6 Plan 6 - Beachfill in Reach 3 49 A-7.3.7 Plan 7 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 3 . 49 A-7.3.8 Plan 8 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reach 3 . 49 A-7.3.9 Plan 9 - A Seawall in Reach 3 50 A-7.3.10 Plan 10 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 3 ... 50 A-7.3.11 Plan 11 - Beachfill and Structures in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 50 A-7.3.12 Plan 12 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 5 ... 50 A-7.3.13 Plan 13 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 1 50 A-7.3.14 Plan 14 - A T-Groin with Beachfill in Reach 3 ... 51 A-7.4 Assessment of Alternate Plans 51 A-7.4.1 Plan 1 - Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 51 A-7.4.2 Plan 2 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 54 A-7.4.3 Plan 3 - An offshore Breakwater System in Reaches 1 and 2 55 A-7.4.4 Plan 4 - New and Repaired Revetments in Reach l . . 58 A-7.4.5 Plan 5 - Beachfill and North Intake Jetty Extension in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 58 A-7.4.6 Plan 6 - Beachfill in Reach 3 59 A-7.4.7 Plan 7 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 3 . 61 A-7.4.9 Plan 9 - A Seawall in Reach 3 62 A-7.4.10 Plan 10 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 3 ... 62 A-7.4.11 Plan 11 - Beachfill and Structures in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 62 A-7.4.12 Plan 12 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 5 ... 63 A-7.4.13 Plan 13 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 1 63 A-7.4.14 Plan 14 - A T-Groin with Beachfill in Reach 3 ... 63 A-7.5 Preliminary Costs of Construction and Maintenance 66 A-7.5.1 Rock and Beachfill Unit-Prices 66 A-7.5.2 Construction Materials, Quantities, and Costs ... 66 A-7.5.3 Maintenance Requirements 67 A-8.0 REFERENCES 84 111 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 4.1 San Diegc Tidal Characteristics 11 Table 4.2 Oceanside Harbor Extreme Wave Heights 16 Table 5.1 Annual Coastal Bluff Sediment Contribution 18 Table 5.2 fajor Coastal Structures Effecting Longshore Transport .... 20 Table 5.3 Beach Fills and Relevant Dredging Within Carlsbad Study Area . 21 Table 5.4 Summary of Volume Change/Shoreline Values at Carlsbad .... 23 Table 5.5 Oceanside Longshore Sediment Transport Estimates 24 Table 5.6 Net Sediment Transport Rates - Oceanside Littoral Cell .... 25 Table 6.1 Boundary of Reaches - Carlsbad Study Area 28 Table 6.2 Beach Recession at Carlsbad Coastal Area 33 Table 6.3 Water Elevation Statistics at Carlsbad Coastal Area 36 Table 6.4 Wave Runup Statistics at Carlsbad Coastal Area 37 Table 6.5 Data used for Calculation of Bluff Retreat 39 Table 6.6 Revetment Damages - Present and Future Without Project .... 41 Table 6.7 Carlsbad Blvd. Reach 3 Damages - Present and Future Without Project 42 Table 6.8 Carlsbad Blvd. Reach 5 Damages - Present Without Project ... 43 Table 7.1 Plan 1 - Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 - Analysis of Beachfill Replenishment Frequency without Groins 52 Table 7.2 Carlsbad - Wave Runup Statistics at Reaches 1 & 2 - With Project 53 Table 7.3 Carlsbad Revetment Damages - With Project Conditions 54 Table 7.4a Plan 2 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 - Analysis of Beachfill Replenishment Frequency 56 Table 7.4b Plan 2 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 - Analysis of Beachfill Replenishment Frequency 57 Table 7.5 Plan 6 - Beachfill in Reach 3 - Analysis of Beachfill Replenishment Frequency without Groins 60 Table 7.6 Carlsbad Reach 3 - Road Damage with Project Beachfill .... 61 Table 7.7a Plan 11 - Beachfill and Structures in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 - Analysis of Beachfill Replenishment Frequency 64 Table 7.7b Plan 11 - Beachfill and Structures in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 - Beachfill Replenishment Frequency Analysis 65 Table 7.8 Plan 1 - Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 - Cost Estimate .... 68 Table 7.9 Plan 2 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 - Cost Estimate 69 Table 7.10 Plan 3 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reaches 1 and 2 - Cost Estimate 70 Table 7.11 Plan 4 - New and Repaired Revetments in Reach 1 - Cost IV Estimate 71 Table 7.12 Plan 5 - Beachfill and North Intake Jetty Extension in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 - Cost Estimate 72 Table 7.13 Plan 6 - Beachfill in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate 73 Table 7.14 Plan 7 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate 74 Table 7.15 Plan 8 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate 75 Table 7.16 Plan 9 - A Seawall in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate 76 Table 7.17 Plan 10 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate 77 Table 7.18 Plan 11 - Beachfill and Structures in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 - Cost Estimate 78 Table 7.19 Plan 12 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 5 - Cost Estimate 79 Table 7.20 Plan 13 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 1 - Cost Estimate 80 Table 7.21 Plan 14 - A T-Groin with Beachfill in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate 81 Table 7.22 Carlsbad - Summary Cost Estimate of Alternatives 82 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Location Map of Carlsbad Study Area Figure 2.2 Bathymetry of Carlsbad Study Area Figure 4.1 Statistical Distribution of Higher High Water at San Diego Figure 5.1 Comparison of Profiles by Location from Oceanside Harbor to Carlsbad Submarine Canyon Figure 5.2 Summary of Historic Sediment Budget 3 Future Without Project Sediment Budget la Five Reaches of Carlsbad Coastal Area lb Reach 1 and Reach 2 of Carlsbad Coastal Area Ic Reach 3 of Carlsbad Coastal Area Reach 4 of Carlsbad Coastal Area Reach 5 of Carlsbad Coastal Area Typical Structure of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Cross-Section 1 . Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Typical Structure of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Typical Structure of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 6. Figure 6, Figure 6. Figure 6, Figure 6, Figure 6. Figure 6, Figure 6, Figure 6, Figure 6. Figure 6 Figure 6. Figure 6. Figure 6, Figure 6. Figure 6, Figure 6. Figure 6. Figure 6. Figure 6, .id .le .2a .2b .2c .2d .2e .2f •2g .2h .3 .4 .5a .5b .5c .5d .6 .7 ISRP Figure 6.8 ISRP Figure 6.9 ISRP Figure 6.10 ISRP Figure 6.11 ISRP Figure 6.12 Figure 6.13 Figure 7.la Figure 7.lb Cross-Section 1 Cross-Section 2 Cross-Section 2 Cross-Section 3 Cross-Section 3 Cross-Section 4 Cross-Section 4 Cross-Section 1 Cross-Section 1 Cross-Section 2 Cross-Section 2 Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Typical Structure of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 2 , Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 3 , Typical Structure of Carlsbad - Reach 4, Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 4, Typical Structure of Carlsbad - Reach 4, Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 4, Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 5 Profile CB720 - Analysis of Shoreline and Volume Changes by Profile CB760 - Analysis of Shoreline and Volume Changes by Profile CB800 - Analysis of Shoreline and Volume Changes by Profile CB830 - Analysis of Shoreline and Volume Changes by Profile OS900 - Analysis of Shoreline and Volume Changes by Schematic of Structure on Bluff Bluff Erosion versus Excess Wave Runup Plan 1 - Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 - Schematic . . Plan 1 - Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 - Typical Cross- Section of Beachfill Figure 7.2a Plan 2 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reaches 1 Schematic Figure 7.2b Plan 2 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reaches 1 and and 2 - Page 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 2 - VI Typical Cross-Section of Groin 124 Figure 7.3a Plan 3 - An Offshore'Breakwater System in Reaches 1 and 2 - Schematic 125 Figure 7.3b Plan 3 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reaches 1 and 2 - Typical Cross-Section of Offshore Breakwater 126 Figure 7.4a Plan 4 - New and Repaired Revetments in Reach 1 - Schematic 127 Figure 7.4b Plan 4 - New and Repaired Revetments in Reach 1 - Typical Cross-Section of Revetment 128 Figure 7.5 Plan 5 - Beachfill and North Intake Jetty Extension in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 - Schematic 129 Figure 7.6a Plan 6 - Beachfill in Reach 3 - Schematic 130 Figure 7.6b Plan 6 - Beachfill in Reach 3 - Typical Cross-Section of Beachfill 131 Figure 7.7a Plan 7 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 3 - Schematic 132 Figure 7.7b Plan 7 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 3 - Typical Cross-Section of Groin 133 Figure 7.8a Plan 8 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reach 3 - Schematic 134 Figure 7.8b Plan 8 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reach 3 - Typical Cross-Section of Offshore Breakwater 135 Figure 7.9a Plan 9 - A Seawall in Reach 3 - Schematic 136 Figure 7.9b Plan 9 - A Seawall in Reach 3 - Typical Cross-Section of Seawall 137 Figure 7.Ida Plan 10 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 3 - Schematic . 138 Figure 7.10b Plan 10 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 3 - Typical Cross-Section of Revetment 139 Figure 7.11 Plan 11 - Beachfill and Structures in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 - Schematic 140 Figure 7.12 Plan 12 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 5 - Schematic . 141 Figure 7.13 Plan 13 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 1 - Schematic 142 Figure 7.14 Plan 14 - A T-Groin with Beachfill in Reach 3 - Schematic . 143 Vll A-1.0 GENERAL A-1.1 Introduction The City of Carlsbad is located about 90 miles south of Los Angeles in San Diego County, California. As shown in Figure 2.1, Carlsbad has a shoreline of about 6 miles and is located to the south and downdrift side of Oceanside Beach and Oceanside Harbor. This appendix summarizes the coastal processes within the Carlsbad coastal area and presents a range of alternatives to mitigate potential storm damage and coastal flooding. A-1.2 Purpose and Scope The purpose of this coastal engineering analysis of oceanographic and coastal phenomena at Carlsbad is to assess the vulnerability of the Carlsbad coastal area to storm damages. This assessment is used to identify the coastal storm hazard and develop alternate plans to reduce damages. Evaluation of these plans includes an analysis of hydrodynamic effects, impacts on coastal processes, the basis for design, and preliminary cost estimate for each alternate plan. A-1.3 Previous Studies by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers A-l.3.1 U.S. Army Engineer District, Los Angeles. 1980. "Survey Report for Beach Erosion, San Diego County, Vicinity of Oceanside, California," September, 1980. Though the authorized study area was the 7.2-mile shoreline between the Santa Margarita River and Agua Hedionda Lagoon, the erosion occurring between Buena Vista Lagoon and Agua Hedionda Lagoon was considered insufficient as to justify consideration for improvement. A-1.3.2 U.S. Army Engineer District, Los Angeles. 1984. "Appraisal Report, Small Navigation Project, Agua Hedionda Lagoon, Carlsbad, California," December 1984. The purpose was to develop the information required to decide whether there was a Federal interest in dredging the shoaled area in the Agua Hedionda Inner Lagoon in order to maintain recreational activities. The result of an initial economic analysis indicated a benefit/cost ratio of 0.8 to 1.0. The report recommended that a reconnaissance report should be made to provide detailed information for the determination of the feasibility of dredging the shoaled area. A-l.3.3 U.S. Army Engineer District, Los Angeles. 1989. "Section 103 Small Project, Reconnaissance Assessment Report, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California," February 1989. The study area was the causeway section of Carlsbad Blvd. fronting Agua Hedionda Lagoon between the intake and outlet jetties. The report developed and evaluated several preliminary alternative solutions and identified the groin system alternative as the most feasible one with a benefit/cost ratio of 1.1 to 1.0. The report recommended that funds should be provided for continuation of studies to the Reconnaissance Study phase. A-l.3.4 U.S. Army Engineer District, Los Angeles. 1990. "Section 103 Small Project, Carlsbad Beach Erosion Control Reconnaissance Study, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California," May 1990. This report (a) provided the current status of the Carlsbad Beach Erosion Reconnaissance Study; (b) addressed the problem of storm damages to the causeway section of Carlsbad Blvd. between the intake and outlet jetties; (c) gave an estimate of potential damage savings, recreation benefits, and equivalent project first costs. However, no project cost data were developed for comparison with the potential benefits, because the Study was discontinued at the request of the local sponsor prior to plan formulation for the alternative solutions. A-1.1.5 U.S. Army Engineer District, Los Angeles. 1990. "Sediment Budget Report, Oceanside Littoral Cell," CCSTWS 90-2, Coast of California, Storm and Tidal Waves Study, November, 1990. The MSL (mean sea level) shoreline retreated at an average rate of 1 ft/year from Central Oceanside to Batiquitos Lagoon. The result was obtained from compilation of all the data: the NOS maps (1888 to 1982), aerial photos (1938 through 1988), and 10 Corps profiles taken at 26 range lines between 1954 and 1988. A-l.1.6 U.S. Army Engineer District, Los Angeles. 1991. "State of the Coast Report, San Diego Region," Volume 1 - Main Report, Coast of California, Storm and Tidal Waves Study. Final - September 1991. This report summarized the results of the (CCSTWS) for the San Diego Region. The following has been obtained for the information of changes in the mean higher high water (MHHW) shoreline: (a) during the first two phases (1940-1960 and 1960-1980), there were minor changes with occasional small accretions, (b) during the third phase (1980-1990), the shoreline is experiencing erosion rates which range from about 1.6 ft/year near the southern reach of the Carlsbad shoreline, 6.5 ft/year at Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and 10 ft/year near Buena Vista Lagoon. "These erosion trends could be the result of the increased storm activities during the period 1980-1988 and may be corrected by enhancing the ongoing nourishment activities such as increasing the present rates and the possible use of a relatively coarser sand (0.25 mm). A combination of sand nourishment and some structural solutions, such as groins, offshore breakwaters and revetments, is a viable solution the prevailing erosion problems along this important San Diego coastal reach." A-l.3.7 U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Miscellaneous Paper H-78-8, Coastal Processes Study of the Oceanside, California, Littoral Cell. 1978. This study concluded that the gross longshore transport rate at Las Flores, Oceanside, and Encinitas is approximately 800,000 cy/yr, 1.2 million cy/yr, and 1.8 million cy/yr, respectively. Also, an estimated 100,000 cy/yr net of littoral drift was estimated to be moving southerly past Oceanside, California, with a net volume increase in southerly direction south of the vicinity of Oceanside. The report also suggested a continuous sand bypassing system as a partial solution to the erosion problem. A-1.3.8 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Interim Survey of Oceanside Harbor, Oceanside (Camp Pendleton), California, House Document No. 76. 1965. Report recommended the adoption of the Oceanside Harbor by providing federal maintenance dredging of channels and turning basins, and the maintenance of a 1,000-foot south jetty, a 710-foot north groin, and about 1,200 feet of stone revetment. Maintenance dredging was predicted to be required on a biennial basis with removal of an average of 200,000 cy/yr. Placement of dredge material on the beach below the Oceanside pier to replenish downcoast beaches was recommended and found to be in conformance with the needs of the beach erosion control project. A-1.3.9 U. S. Army Engineer District, Los Angeles, Survey Report for Navigation, Oceanside Harbor, Oceanside, (Camp Pendleton), California. 1963. This is the District Engineer's report which accompanied the Chief of Engineers report described above. A-1.3.10 U. S. Army Engineer District, Los Angeles, General Design of Shore Protection Works near Oceanside, California. 1960. This memorandum presented the design basis for a 1.3 million cy protective beachfill which was placed between the San Luis Rey River and Loma Alta Creek, and for the combined groin and jetty constructed at Oceanside's Municipal Harbor. The report described maintenance to include replenishment of a protective beach at suitable intervals and maintenance of the groin. At the time of the project document study, protective beach maintenance was estimated to be 25,000 cy/year, anticipated to be supplied through normal periodic maintenance of the Camp Pendleton Harbor (Del Mar Boat Basin). A-1.3.11 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Oceanside, Ocean Beach, Imperial Beach, and Coronado, San Diego County, California, Beach Erosion Control Study, House Document No. 399. 1957. Recommended a project consisting of placing a 900,000 cy protective beachfill at Oceanside, generally 200 feet wide and 10,000 feet long from the vicinity of 9th street to Witherby Street, at one-third federal cost. The views of the Beach Erosion Board concurred with the District Engineer's opinion that jetties constructed at Camp Pendleton Harbor as a wartime measure in 1942 were primarily responsible for the erosion problem at Oceanside. A-1.4 Previous Studies by Others City of Carlsbad. 1989. "City of Carlsbad Proposal for the Carlsbad Beach Erosion Study and Coastal Shore Protection Project," April 1989. This report recommended as a feasible solution a 2,200-foot long concrete-capped sheetpile seawall with revetments at both the north and south ends of the causeway section of Carlsbad Blvd. between the intake and outlet jetties. Tekmarine, Inc. conducted a series of semi-annual beach profile surveys for the City of Carlsbad during the 1987 to 1991 period. The most recent report is: Tekmarine, Inc. 1992. "Semi-Annual Beach Profile Surveys and Analysis for October 1991," submitted to City of Carlsbad, California, March 1992. This report concluded that two major factors have been influencing the beaches near Carlsbad study area: wave climate and sand supply. Reflecting the impact of the San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) beach nourishment program during December 1990 through April 1991, the profiles along the Carlsbad shoreline experienced general accretion and the volumetric gains in the accreted profiles were concentrated mainly above MLLW. When compared with the survey of October 1990, the shorelines of October 1991 indicated seaward advance of about 44 ft within Carlsbad, but a retreat of about 35 ft within South Oceanside. Also, it was concluded that over the past several years, the shoreline at: Oceanside Blvd. showed a distinct trend for erosion. Tamarack Ave. and Acacia Ave appeared to be quasi-stable during this period. "All other shorelines in Carlsbad exhibited a trend of advance." A-1.5 Existing Projects / Shoreline Features There is no existing federal shore protection or beach erosion control project at Carlsbad, however, previous beach erosion control projects at Oceanside and the periodic placement of dredge material from Oceanside Harbor on Oceanside beach adds sand to the beach system of Carlsbad. Beginning from the north and working south, the following projects and shoreline features have been identified along the coastal vicinities of the Carlsbad study area: Del Mar Boat Basin (Camp Pendleton Harbor) was constructed by the Navy in 1942, approximately 10 miles updrift of Carlsbad. This original construction consisted of two short jetties and dredging of a basin in the low ground between the mouths of the Santa Margarita and San Luis Rey fivers. In 1957 and 1958, the Del Mar Boat Basin jetties were extended by the Department of the Navy to their current alinement. The South jetty/groin of Oceanside Harbor was constructed to a length of approximately 1,000 ft in 1961. This was performed by the Corps of Engineers as a combined federal beach erosion control project and a locally desired and financed element of the proposed Oceanside Harbor. A protective beachfill of 3.375 million cy was deposited on the beach at Oceanside between 1962 and 1963. The borrow site for the beachfill were the approach channel to the Del Mar Boat Basin and the future Oceanside Harbor. A 400 feet long south groin along the north bank of the San Luis Rey river was constructed in 1961 and was extended by 500 ft in 1968. Riprap placed along a 1000 ft long stretch at Wisconsin Avenue at Oceanside in 1949. Additional riprap placed near Wisconsin Ave. in 1950-1952. Two groins constructed at Wisconsin Ave. and one groin 1000 ft south in 1952. A weir at Buena Vista Lagoon was constructed by the local interest to keep water in the lagoon at low tide. Private seawalls and revetments have been constructed and repaired throughout the Carlsbad coastal area where the beaches back private houses. The reach of shoreline is situated between Buena Vista Lagoon and Pine Avenue. Public seawall - from Oak St. to Agua Hedionda Lagoon in 1986. Intake and outlet jetties at Agua Hedionda Lagoon were constructed in 1954. The intake jetties are about 300 ft long. Construction of the cooling water system for the power plant also included dredging of about 4 million cubic yards of sand which were placed on the Beach fronting Agua Hedionda lagoon. A short rock groin immediately south of the outlet jetty at Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Beach between intake and outlet jetties at Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The most southern man-made features in the Carlsbad coastal area are situated between Cannon Road and'Cerezo Drive. Virtually all of this section of the shoreline is armored by either revetment or gunite. South Carlsbad State Beach. A-2.0 PHYSICAL SETTING A-2.1 Geographic Setting The City of Carlsbad is located about six miles downcoast of the City of Oceanside and the Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base, San Diego County, California, as shown in Figure 2.1. The total length of its shoreline is 7 miles with its northern boundary with the City of Oceanside at Buena Vista Lagoon and its southern boundary with the City of Encinitas at Batiquitos Lagoon. The shoreline consists of narrow sand and cobble beaches fronting nearshore bluffs in the north and south reaches. The central reach shoreline is a low lying barrier spit, approximately 3,500 feet long, fronting the Aqua Hedionda tidal lagoon. The SDG&E power plant is located along the shores of the lagoon and withdraws its cooling water from the lagoon. A-2.2 Bathymetry The deep water bathymetry offshore of Carlsbad is shown in Figure 2.2. Carlsbad is located in the central portion of the Oceanside littoral cell bounded by Dana Point in the north and Point La Jolla in the south. As can be seen in Figure 2.2, the bottom contours throughout much of this cell are gently curving and uniform. The nearshore contours at Carlsbad are relatively straight and parallel, except where Carlsbad submarine canyon approaches the shoreline. The head of this canyon is located at approximately the 100-foot isobath. Nearshore slopes are steeper south of the canyon. A-2.3 Regional Coastal Processes Regional coastal processes include the transport, deposition and erosion of sediment, the impacts of sediment sources and sinks on these processes, and the short and long term effects of coastal storms on the coastline. Waves and wind create the primary coastal currents that transport sediment in the coastal zone. Due to the alignment of the coastline relative to incident wave approach, the net transport of littoral drift along Carlsbad and Oceanside coastal area is from north to south. The presence of coastal structures such as groins and breakwaters of the Oceanside Harbor complex and the jetties of the Aqua Hedionda Lagoon results in the disruption of sediment transport, creating a variety of localized shoreline effects. Sediment sources to this area on a regional scale include local creeks, storm drains, and local cliffs. Three tidal lagoons are located Along the Carlsbad shoreline: Buena Vista lagoon, Agua Hedionda lagoon, and .Batiquitos lagoon. The former and later separate Carlsbad from adjacent cities. These lagoons effect coastal processes through their tidal exchange across the littoral current, disrupting the continuous longshore flow of sediments and acting as sinks and possible sources of sediment. In a typical tidal lagoon system, inlet and outlet shoals play a complex role in storage of sediments, modifying the local wave action, and in bypassing of littoral materials. A man-made sill at the mouth of the Buena Vista lagoon has reduced the natural tidal exchange and lessened the effects of inlet flows on coastal processes. This sill is located at the elevation of about mean sea level, effectively halving the natural tidal prism. The sill precludes this lagoon from acting as a sink or source of sand to the beaches and would have a significant effect on littoral processes only during periods of high local runoff. Agua Hedionda lagoon has two jettied channels to the ocean and also has a tidal circulation dominated by man-made influences. The SDG&E power plant cooling water is withdrawn from this lagoon with its effluent discharged through the downcoast outlet. For this reason, flows in the northern channel are always flooding or near slack. About 130,000 cy per year of sand is withdrawn into the lagoon based on historic dredging records to keep the lagoon clear. Dredged sand material are typically placed along the beach fronting Agua Hedionda or to the north of the northern jetty. Batiquitos lagoon's tidal prism has also been altered by man-made construction of the railroad and freeway/highway. The inlet flows have been so reduced that it is insufficient to maintain inlet stability. Hence the cobble beach at the mouth to Batiquitos lagoon is normally closed to the ocean with communication only during periods of heavy rainfall and runoff. The effect of Batiquitos lagoon as a source or sink of littoral material is probably negligible. A-3.0 CLIMATE A-3.1 General Climatic Conditions The climate of coastal southern California is generally considered to be of a semi-arid Mediterranean type, with mild winters characterized by about 10 to 20 inches per year of rainfall. According to USAED, Los Angeles (1986), the local average wind speed is approximately 7.7 miles per hour, only slightly higher than those measured in inland areas. Ocean-landmass temperature variations result in daytime wind patterns dominated by onshore winds, and nightly patterns dominated by offshore flows. Exceptions occur during occasional winter storms where wind directions vary, and during Santa Ana conditions when winds are usually out of the northeast. A-3.2 Storms and Pressure Field Ocean swells effecting the study area are generated by three basic meteorological phenomena: northern Pacific extra-tropical cyclones, eastern north Pacific tropical cyclones, and extra-tropical storms in the southern hemisphere. Extra-tropical cyclones regularly form in the north Pacific from October through May. These storms usually track across the Pacific in an easterly direction. These storms have been responsible for the largest waves effecting the Carlsbad coastal area. The 1982-83 winter storm season resulted from a series of extra-tropical cyclones which produced severe conditions responsible for the widespread destruction along the coast of southern California. Tropical storms or tropical cyclones develop off the west coast of Mexico during May through November. The tropical cyclones usually track west to northwest, but have been known to veer to various directions. An average of 8 or 9 tropical cyclones per year attain hurricane strength in the eastern north Pacific, however when the hurricanes reach the cooler waters they weaken and die. If these systems stall or track into an appropriate wave window, fairly large waves can propagate into the Carlsbad coastal area. Tropical systems can track up all the way into the southern California area, as evidenced by the tropical storm of September 1939; however, this is extremely rare. During the southern hemisphere winter, large intense low pressure systems move from west to east across the ocean between Australia and Chile. Locally these storms can generate very large waves. For the most part this activity occurs from May to October. It has been proposed that their frequency of occurrence is bi-modal, with peaks in early and late northern hemisphere summer. These waves travel'northward across the equator and into the southern California area. Wave periods are typically long, 16 to 22 seconds. Wave heights reaching southern California typically are small (2 to 4 feet); however, in some instances these can be as large as 12 feet. 10 A-4.0 OCEANOGRAPHY A-4.1 Tides and Water Levels A-4.1.1 Tides Tides along the southern California coastline are of the mixed semi- diurnal type. Typically, a lunar day consist of two high and two low tides each of different magnitude. The lower-low normally follows the higher-high by about 7 to 8 hours, whereas the next higher-high (through lower-high and higher-low waters) follows in about 17 hours. Tides have a spatial scale on the order of hundreds of miles, and therefore are similar everywhere along the open coast in southern California. The National Ocean Service, NOAA collected 7 months of tide measurements at Agua Hedionda, Gulf of Santa Catalina and 18 years of measurements at La Jolla, Pacific Ocean in establishing tidal datums of the 1960 to 1978 tidal epoch. While the former are directly applicable to the project at the Carlsbad coastal area, extreme highs may not be represented due to the lack of measurement in the 1982-83 storm season. Tidal characteristics of both of these tidal stations are shown in Table 4.1. Table 4.1 San Diego Tidal Characteristics San Diego Tidal Characteristics (Elevation in feet referenced to Mean Lower Low Water MLLW) Agua Hedionda La Jolla Highest observed water level Observed Date Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) Mean High Water (MHW) Mean Sea Level (MSL) Mean Tide Level (MTL) National Geodetic Datum - 1929 Mean Low Water (MLW) Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) Lowest observed water level Observed Date 7.55 14 February 1980 5.05 4 .24 2.29 2.53 (NGVD) 2.58 0.82 0.00 -0.85 16 May 1980 7.81 8 August 1983 5.37 4.62 2.75 2.77 2.56 0.93 0.00 -2.6 17 December 1933 A-4.1.2 Water Levels The variation of water levels along the shoreline are due principally to 11 astronomical tides (i.e.. tides driven by the moon, sun and planets); storm surge driven by spatial variation in barometric pressure, wind and wave setup; and inter-annual large scale oscillations in the circulation and temperature distribution of the Pacific, commonly referred to as the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Prediction of astronomical tides is well established and validated by observation. The distribution of tidal characteristics in southern California has been obtained from Harris (1981). Figure 4.1 shows the statistical distribution of higher high water at San Diego. The contribution of the other components to water levels are more random in occurrence, although not entirely independent, and more variable both spatially and temporally. Flick (1991) estimated the ten largest positive tidal residuals at a relatively wave sheltered location in southern California to range from 0.84 to 1.06 feet over a 30 year period of record. Flick (1991) also demonstrated that the joint occurrence of the largest residuals with the highest astronomical tides and/or highest waves were rare, although the analysis subjectively filtered residuals having durations shorter than 1.5 days. Wave setup and setdown along the beach profile varies from a minimum near the wave breaker location and a maximum at the shoreline. Linear wave theory predicts maximum setdown of about 4 to 5 percent of wave height along a plane beach and a slightly higher setup. Surf beats or infragravity waves are thought to be the result of non-linear transformation of energy across the surf zone. This phenomenon is not precisely understood but is generally observed with a magnitude of one to several feet during severe wave events. Long term changes in sea level from the "greenhouse" effect, tectonic forces and other localized ground movement are relatively small by comparison to the other components of sea level. The National Research Council (Marine Board, 1987) considered three plausible future sea level rise scenarios along the coastline of North America: 0.5 m, 1.0m, and 1.5 m by the year 2100 (relative to 1986) . According to Flick and Cayan (1984), a review of yearly mean sea level data recorded at San Diego indicates that a rise of 0.7 feet per century has occurred. If past trends are projected into the future at San Diego, a sea level rise of at least 0.2 feet would be expected over the next 25 years. Positive departures from the annual mean occur during strong El Nino episodes. These meteorological anomalies are characterized by low atmospheric pressures and persistent onshore winds. Tidal data indicate that five episodes (1914, 1930 through 1931, 1941, 1957 through 1959, and 1982 through 1983) have occurred since 1905. Further analysis suggests that these events have an average return period of 14 years with 0.2-foot tidal departures 12 lasting for two to three years. The added probability of experiencing more severe winter storms during El Nino periods increases the likelihood of coincident storm waves and higher storm surge. According to Flick and Cayan (1984), the record water level of 8.35 feet MLLW observed at San Diego in January 1983 includes an estimated 0.8 feet of surge and seasonal level rise. Storm surge is relatively small along the Southern California coast when compared with tidal fluctuations. According to the U.S. Army (1991), storm surges driven primarily by atmospheric pressure can raise the sea level on the order of 0.5 feet for two to six days on the average. Extreme stillwater level departures from astronomical water levels may be as much as one foot or greater for the severest extratropical events. A-4.2 Currents A-4.2.1 Offshore Currents The offshore currents consist of (1) major, large scale coastal currents (i.e. California, Davidson, etc.) which constitute the "mean" seasonal circulation, and (2) tidal and "event scale" fluctuations (time scales 3 to 10 days) which are expected to be superimposed on the "mean" seasonal circulations. Hickey (1979) defines the constituents of the large scale California coastal current as follows: The California Current - the equatorward flow of water off the coast. According to Schwartzlose and Reid (1972), the mean speed is about 12.5 to 25 cm/sec. The California Undercurrent - A subsurface northward flow that occurs below the main pycnocline and seaward of the continental shelf. According to Schwartzlose and Reid (1972), the mean speeds are low, on the order of 5 to 10 cm/sec. The Davidson Current - A northward flowing nearshore current associated with winter wind patterns north of Point Conception. From the drift bottle records, Schwartzlose and Reid (1972) found that the Davidson Current attained speeds as high as 15 to 30 cm/sec. The Southern California Countercurrent (also called the Southern California Eddy) - A northward flow in the Southern California Bight south of Point Conception and inshore of the Channel Islands. According to Maloney and Chan (1974), velocity maxima in the Countercurrent during winter as high as 35 to 40 cm/sec have been observed. 13 TIDAL CURRENTS: Typical shelf tidal currents have peak longshore velocities of roughly 20 cm/sec, although considerable amplification occurs near larger bays. Although tidal elevations are very well predicted, tidal currents are not. EVENT SCALE WIND FORCED CURRENTS: Lentz (1984) presents a detailed analysis of event scale (sub-tidal) longshore flows observed off Del Mar. The inner shelf is primarily wind driven while the outer shelf is primarily driven by longshore gradients in sea level. In both cases the driving term is apparently balanced by bottom friction. The southern California Bight is a region of relatively light winds. North of Point Conception winds are stronger and may dominate. A-4.2.2 Longshore Currents Longshore currents in the coastal zone are driven primarily by waves impinging on the shoreline at oblique angles. This wave generated current and turbulence is the major factor in littoral transport. The surf zone currents along the Oceanside Littoral Cell is nearly balanced between northerly and southerly flows, as predicted by previous littoral transport studies (Hales, 1980). Typical summer swell conditions produce northerly drifting currents while the large winter storms from the west and northwest produce southerly currents. Overall, the persistence of the northerly drift dominates, however, the strength of the southerly drift during major storm events results in a net southerly longshore transport. The direction of surf zone currents can be reversed by very local topographic effects. A-4.2.3 Cross-shore Currents Cross-shore currents exist throughout the study area, particularly at times of high surf. These currents tend to concentrate at creek mouths and structures, but can occur anywhere along the shoreline in the form of rip currents and the return flows of complex circulation cells. To date, no information is available on the quantification of these currents, nor their effect on sediment transport. Consequently, their significance to the long- term sediment budget and coastal processes of the study area is unclear. 14 A-4.3 Waves A-4.3.1 Exposure The coastal areas of Carlsbad are sheltered somewhat from deep ocean waves by the offshore Channel Islands. Waves can approach the Carlsbad coastal area through three wave windows. The southerly window is located between the coastline of Southern California and San Clemente Island, at approximately 160 degrees to 245 degrees. A westerly window exists between San Clemente Island and Santa Catalina Island, at approximately 245 degrees to 285 degrees. A north-westerly window exists between Santa Catalina Island and the coastline of Southern California, at approximately 285 degrees to 305 degrees. A-4.3.2 Local Seas and Swell Local seas and swell in the southern California Bight near San Diego can be represented by the hindcast of the Wave Information Studies (WIS) for Station 7 (Jensen, et al. 1992). This hindcast only considered wave generation in the northern hemisphere, and is therefore augmented by the Marine Advisors (1961) hindcast for southern swell. Mean wave heights are about 2 to 3 feet with typical periods ranging from 5 to 17 seconds. A-4.3.3 Storm Waves The data on storms waves are obtained from the wave studies described in the Design Memorandum of Oceanside Harbor of the USAED, Los Angeles (1992) . These studies hindcasted a total of 67 severe storm events that occurred during the period 1900 to 1983. Thirty events were selected as pertinent to Oceanside Harbor. The hindcast data set was transformed for island sheltering, refraction, shoaling, and depth limitations. An extreme value statistical analysis results in a set of wave conditions representative of various recurrence intervals. Table 4.2 shows the wave statistics at Oceanside Harbor. A-4.4 Historic Coastal Storm Damages The coastal areas of Carlsbad are subject to coastal storm erosion and flooding. The 4-lane divided causeway - Carlsbad Blvd. has been closed about once every two years due to storm attacks (USAED, Los Angeles, May 1990) . This stretch of causeway is located between the intake and outlet jetties of 15 Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Table 4.2 Oceanside Harbor Extreme Wave Heights Return Period (years) I 10 25 50 100 Significant Wave Height (feet) 10.0 13.5 15.9 17.9 20.0 After US Army Engineer District, Los Angeles 1992. According to Tekmarine (1992), the beach profiles in the northern reach of the Carlsbad shoreline were slow to recover after the 1982-1983 winter storm season. Also, the beach cycle featuring the alternate summer accretion and winter erosion vanished altogether. However, the cobble beaches in the southern reach resumed the seasonal beach cycle in 1986. A major storm hit the California coast during 16 to 19 January 1988. According to the survey data (September 1987 before storm and January 1988 after storm) collected by the USAED, Los Angeles (1991), the MHHW shoreline of the Carlsbad coastal area experienced a recession of about 50 feet. By November 1989, while most of the San Diego region shoreline seemed to have recovered from the January 1988 erosion, the Carlsbad shoreline still had an erosion of about 15 feet. 16 A-5.0 LITTORAL PROCESSES A-5.1 Littoral Cells A-5.1.1 Oceanside Littoral Cell According to the CCSTWS of USAED, Los Angeles (1991), the coastline of the Oceanside Littoral Cell is about 53.5 miles long extending from Dana Point to the La Jolla submarine canyons. Dana Point, the north end of the cell, is a near-complete barrier to the littoral transport of sand. Point La Jolla, the south end of the cell, is also a near-complete barrier. There are six subreaches within the Oceanside Littoral Cell: (1) La Jolla-Del Mar, (2) Encinitas-Leucadia, (3) Carlsbad, (4) Oceanside, (5) Camp Pendleton, and (6) San Mateo-Dana Point. A-5.1.2 Carlsbad Subreach The Carlsbad study area lies within the Carlsbad Subreach which consists of about six miles of coastline. This subreach extends from Buena Vista Lagoon in the north to Batiquitos Lagoon in the south. Located in the middle of the subreach are the Carlsbad Canyon and the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. A-5.2 Sediment Sources and Sinks There are a variety of sources that supply sediment into the littoral zone. These sources include erosion from the adjacent watershed with sediments transported to the beaches via natural streams, creeks and storm drains; coastal bluff erosion; beach erosion; and artificial beachfills. These sources are discussed as follows with the exception of artificial beachfills which are discussed in Section A-5.4. A-5.2.1 Streams, Creeks, and Drainages The CCSTWS of USAED, Los Angeles (1991) shows a list of rivers and streams carrying sediment into the coastal area of the Oceanside Littoral Cell. The major rivers are the Santa Margarita River with its mouth located in Camp Pendleton about one mile north of Oceanside Harbor, and the San Luis Rey River with its mouth emptying to the sea about 6 miles updrift of the Carlsbad city boundary. The total sediment load arriving at the coast from the river systems of this littoral cell vary from 53,000 cubic yards/year according to CCSTWS 88-3 of Simons, Li and Associates (1988) to 426,000 cubic 17 yards/year according to CCSTWS 84-4 of USAED, Los Angeles (1984). A-5.2.2 Coastal Bluffs During the CCSTWS 90-2 conducted by Moffatt and Nichol Engineers (1990), erosion caused by bluff retreat as well as erosion from ravine formation and surface degradation of coastal terraces were considered. The results are presented in Table 5.1. Along the undeveloped shoreline of the Camp Pendleton marine base, active bluff retreat is still occurring, in highly developed communities south of Oceanside harbor, the majority of the bluffs are stabilized by revetments and gunite and would only contribute sediments to the littoral zone during extreme storm events. Table 5.1 Annual Coastal Bluff Sediment Contribution ANNUAL COASTAL BLUFF SEDIMENT CONTRIBUTIONS OCEANSIDE LITTORAL CELL 1933-1987 Sediment Contribution (cubic yards/year) Location North Reach Central Reach South Reach Bluffs 0 9,000 23,000 Coastal Terraces 22,000 310,000 61,000 Total 22,000 319,000 84,000 Total = 32,000 393,000 425,000 Note : North Reach = Dana Pt. to San Mateo Pt. Central Reach = San Mateo Pt. to Carlsbad Submarine Canyon South Reach = Carlsbad Submarine Canyon to Pt. La Jolla After CCSTWS 90-2 of Moffatt and Nichol Engineers (1990) A-5.2. 3 Beach Erosion The rate of shoreline change, which has been obtained from the CCSTWS of USAED, Los Angeles (1991), is based upon beach profile survey data for the Oceanside Littoral Cell during three time periods: 1940-1960, 1960-1980, and 1980-1989. From 1940-1980, changes in the mean higher high water (MHHW) shoreline in the six-mile Carlsbad Subreach have been minor with occasional small accretions. During the period 1980-1989, this subreach experienced 18 moderate erosion ranging from about 1.6 ft/year near Batiquitos Lagoon, 6.5 ft/year near Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and 10 ft/year near Buena Vista Lagoon. A-5.2.4 Sediment Sinks Submarine canyons usually function as partial or near complete sediment sinks for material transported in the littoral zone. The Oceanside Littoral Cell has three submarine canyons, namely, the Carlsbad Submarine Canyon in the cell's central portion and the Scripps and La Jolla Submarine Canyons at the cell's south end. The head of the Carlsbad Submarine Canyon is in water depths of about 100 ft. According to CCSTWS 88-2 conducted by Moffatt and Nichol Engineers (1988), this water depth is deep enough to prevent transport of littoral sediments into the head of the canyon. Breakwaters, groins, jetties and headlands effect sediment transport. Depending upon length and location, jetties and groins can reduce or even block sediment flow. The north breakwater of Oceanside Harbor is responsible for retention of material upcoast in an existing fillet, whereas, south beach is confined by the groin/south jetty of Oceanside Harbor and the north jetty of the San Luis Rey river. Sediment entrapped from the beach or nearshore zone by lagoons and estuaries is not presently significant in the Carlsbad coastal area, with the exception that SDG&E has been bypassing the sediments trapped by Agua Hedionda Lagoon. About 130,000 cy of material has been bypassed annually. Sediment losses to sand dunes are negligible in the Oceanside Littoral Cell according to the CCSTWS 87-9 conducted by Tekmarine (1987). Tekmarine (1987) concluded in CCSTWS 87-9 that the small extent of berm overwash and the infrequency of its occurrence render it insignificant in the sediment budget of the Oceanside Littoral Cell. Currently, there are no onshore losses of the sediment, because no sand mining is occurring on the beaches within the Oceanside Littoral Cell. A-5.3 Existing Structures, Beachfills, and Dredging History A-5.3.1 Existing Structures A series of man-made coastal structures are located within and adjacent to the Carlsbad study area. These structures, which are listed in Appendix A 19 of USAED, Los Angeles (1991), are presented in Table 5.2 and were previously described in Section A-1.5. Table 5.2 Major Coastal Structures Effecting Longshore Transport Structure north breakwater south jetty south groin 3 groins intake and outlet jetties groin Location Oceanside Harbor Oceanside Harbor adjacent to and north of San Luis Rey River Wisconsin Ave. Agua Hedionda Lagoon south of outlet jetty Type rock rubble-mound rock rubble-mound rock rubble-mound rock rubble-mound rock rubble-mound rock rubble-mound A-5.3.2 Beachfills and Dredging History Littoral material has been added to the beaches near the Agua Hedionda Lagoon by man in significant quantities starting in 1954 and continuing to 1991. These materials were the result of construction and maintenance dredging from the Agua Hedionda Lagoon by the San Diego Gas and Electric Company (SDG&E). In 1954, four million cubic yards of new sand were added adjacent to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Maintenance dredging episodes (listed in Table 5.3), which occurred from 1954 to 1991, recycled about 4.8 million cy of sand between the lagoon and beach areas over the past 40 years. A distinction can be made between maintenance dredging of either Oceanside Harbor or Aqua Hedionda lagoon as compared to new construction resulting in the placement of sand to nourish the beaches. Maintenance dredging is the bypassing or redistribution of littoral material already active in the littoral zone, while new construction adds to the supply of littoral materials. New construction projects included the construction of SDG&E power plant in 1954 mentioned previously, a federal beach nourishment project completed in 1963 which placed 3.375 million cy of material on the beach at Oceanside from a borrow source which was developed into the Oceanside municipal harbor, and a second federal beach nourishment project which trucked 922,000 cubic yards of sand from the San Luis Rey river and dumped it on the 20 beach at Oceanside in 1982. The total nourishment amounts to 8.3 million cy since 1954 or about 200,000 cy/yr.' Table 5.3 Beach Fills and Relevant Dredging Within Carlsbad Study Area Dredging History at Agua Hedionda Lagoon: YEAR 1954 1955 1957 1960 1961 1963 1965 1967 1969 1972 1974 1976 1979 1981 1983 1985 1988 1991 QUANTITY (YD3) 4,000,000 111,000 232,000 370,000 225,000 307,000 222,000 159,000 97,000 259,000 341,000 331,000 398,000 292,000 200,000 447,000 334,000 465,000 ACCUMULATIVE QUANTITY (YD3) PLACEMENT with respect to LAGOON 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 111, 343, 713, 938, 245, 467, 626, 723, 982, 323, 654, 052, 344, 544, 991, 325, 790, 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 NEW SAND NORTH NORTH NORTH NORTH NORTH NORTH NORTH NORTH NORTH NORTH & & & & & & & & & SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH Average = 129,972 yd3/year from 1955 to 1991 Average = 122,542 yd3/year from 1955 to 1979 Data obtained from CCSTWS of USAED, Los Angeles (1991) A-5.4 Erosion and Accretion Rates Shoreline changes within the Oceanside littoral cell have been studied extensively through analysis of historic surveys of the U.S. Army and Geological Surveys, comparison of aerial photography and comparisons of relatively recent profile surveys taken for CCSTWS (USAED, Los Angeles, 1991). In general, the shoreline between Oceanside Harbor and the southern boundary of the City of Carlsbad at Batiquitos Lagoon has fluctuated in absolute location over the years due to major storms and coastal construction. Long term trends of either erosion or accretion at Carlsbad is not evident from the historic record of available data, since seasonal fluctuations in shoreline position or sediment volume in the littoral zone are larger than the net long term changes. 21 Sediment budget analyses suggest that the littoral sub-cell which Carlsbad is a part of has been accretional since about 1900 due to sediment input from beachfills, coastal construction, bluff erosion and from the rivers. However, in the absence of future beachfills with sediment sources external to the littoral zone, a deficit in sediment supply is predicted and the littoral cell will be erosional. A-5.4.1 Historic Shoreline Changes Historic shoreline positions are shown on Plates A through J for the Carlsbad area. The earliest shoreline position available in the comparisons are based on a 1887-1889 USGS survey -- the plan location of the "shoreline" by these surveys were approximately equal to mean high water. Relative to more recent surveys in 1972 or the shoreline mapped from January 1988 aerial photography, the present shoreline is located seaward of the shoreline of 100 years ago throughout most of the City of Carlsbad. This is largely the result of coastal construction of the power plant at Agua Hedionda. In 1953-54, the San Diego Gas and Electric Company constructed two pairs of stone jetties; one to stabilize the inlet of Aqua Hedionda Lagoon and the second pair to serve as a channel for the discharge of the thermal effluent from the power plant across the beach. Between March and November 1954, over 4 million cubic yards were dredged from Aqua Hedionda Lagoon and deposited on the beach extending from about 3,500 feet north of the lagoon inlet to 2,000 feet south of the discharge trench. This beachfill widened the Reach 3 beach about 400 feet and widened the beach an average of 100 feet for a distance of two miles downcoast of the disposal area (Reaches 4 and 5). (Note: Description of reaches is given in Section A-6.1, Project Area Description). The furthest seaward shoreline location occurred in the mid 60's or the early 80Ts as testimony to the effects of the major beachfill from the Agua Hedionda power plant in 1954 and the beachfills in Oceanside in 1964 and 1983. Since that time beach widths have fluctuated with some profiles showing erosion and some showing accretion. One of the more recent shoreline position was mapped from aerial photography flown subsequent to a major wave event in January 1988. This shoreline shows an eroded condition demonstrating the effects of major storms. The time history of shoreline positions at selected profiles analyzed in CCSTWS(1991) are included at the Attachment to Coastal Engineering Appendix. A-5.4.2 Historic Profiles Five comparative profiles in the Carlsbad were analyzed in CCSTWS and 22 are shown at the end of this appendix. These profiles document changes across the nearshore zone between 1934 and 1988, although the data are not always complete. Like with the shoreline positions, seasonal or storm induced erosion masks any discernible long-term trend in profile degradation. Significant depth changes are observed generally to the 20- to 30-foot water depth, and seasonal changes in the plan location of MLLW have been at least as large as 200 feet. Also evident in the comparison between profile locations for the same survey in April 1986 is the pronounced steepening in the nearshore bathymetry in the southerly direction from Oceanside Harbor to the Carlsbad submarine canyon (see Figure 5.1). A rocky, erosion resistant shelf in water depths of 5 to 10 feet apparently extends to about 1000 feet offshore of reaches 4 and 5 (Profiles CB760 and CB800). Like the shoreline positions described above, the most recent profile was taken close after the January 1988 storm event and shows an eroded profile. The relationship between sand volume change to shoreline position change was analyzed in CCSTWS(1991). The volume changes in the above analysis refer to that portion extending from the profile base line to water depths of MHHW, MSL, -10 ft, -30 ft, and -40 ft deviation (from MLLW) where as the beach surface area or shoreline change refer to the MHHW line. Table 5.4 shows the computed volume change to shoreline movement ratios which are obtained from regression analysis. Table 5.4 Summary of Volume Change/Shoreline Values at Carlsbad Volume/Shoreline Change Elevation of Computed (yd3/ft) Volume Change (ft) 0 .13 MHHW 0.24 MSL 0.60 -10 ft MLLW 0.45 -30 ft MLLW 0.51 -40 ft MLLW A-5.5 Longshore Transport A number of longshore sediment transport studies have been performed and reviewed in the Coast of California Study. The general conclusion of these findings is that the net littoral transport in the Oceanside coastal vicinity is directed towards the south, with a net transport potential at a rate of 100,000 to 250,000 cubic yards annually. As shown in Table 5.5, the potential gross transport rates estimated by 23 Hales (1978) increase from the north to the south within the Oceanside Littoral Cell. The Carlsbad study area lies within the reach of "Oceanside" in Table 5.5. Table 5.5 Oceanside Longshore Sediment Transport Estimates Longshore Sediment Transport Estimates Oceanside and Vicinity Location Gross (yd3/yr) Net (yd3/yx) Las Flores Oceanside Encinitas After Hales (1978) 800,000 1,200,000 1,900,000 120,000 100,000 165,000 One shortcoming of the aforementioned findings is that its basis on wave energy for estimating longshore transport potential may be greater than the actual littoral transport given the reality that specific sections of beach contain no sand cover. Areas where sand cover is sparse and/or transitory exist typically between Oceanside and Encinitas. In Carlsbad halfway between Batiquitos Lagoon and Agua Hedionda Lagoon (Reach 4) the sand layer was measured by jet probing to be about 3.3 feet thick from 5 feet MLLW to 3 feet MLLW, 0.5 feet thick at -10 feet MLLW, 1.5 feet thick at -20 feet MLLW, and 2.3 feet thick at -30 feet MLLW (Profile CB760 surveyed in late 1987 by Tekmarine,1988). Profile CB830 (Reach 2) located about 500 feet north of the intake jetties at Agua Hedionda Lagoon had no sand cover. Table 5.6 shows estimated actual longshore sediment transport reported in CCSTWS 90-2 (Moffatt and Nichol Engineers, 1990). From Del Mar to San Clemente, the southward directed net transport has been identified in the 100,000 to 250,000 cubic yards per year range for the 1945-1977 time period and in the zero to 40,000 cubic yards per year range for 1978-1987. The reduction in the transport rate is believed to be related to a significant change in the wave energy climate during that 10-year period. Also, Table 5.6 shows that Point La Jolla (south end of Oceanside Littoral Cell) acts as an effective barrier to sediment movement and that Dana Point (north end of Oceanside Littoral Cell) allows a small quantity of sediment (1,000 cubic yards per year) to enter the littoral cell from the north. 24 Table 5.6 Net Sediment Transport Rates - Oceanside Littoral Cell Net Transport Rates (ydVyr) Headlands 1945-1977 1978-1987 Pt. La Jolla 0 0 San Mateo Pt. < 50,000 0-10,000 Dana Pt. 1,000 < 1,000 Coastline Del Mar 100,000-250,000 0-40,000 Encinitas 100,000-250,000 0-40,000 Oceanside 150,000-250,000 0-40,000 Las Flores 50,000-125,000 0-15,000 San Clemente 100,000-150,000 0-20,000 Note: All transport rates are directed towards the south. After CCSTWS 90-2 of Moffatt and Nichol Engineers (1990) A-5.6 Sediment Budget A-5.6.1 Historic Sediment Budget A sediment budget provides a conceptual model of littoral processes by accounting for volume changes and sediment fluxes within cells and across cell boundaries. The sediment budget presented in Chapter 9 of CCSTWS (USAED Los Angeles, 1991) covers possible scenarios over the past 90 years. Carlsbad is located within the central sub-cell of the Oceanside littoral cell of their analysis, which is summarized on Figure 5.2. Three historic time periods were analyzed: 1900-38, 1960-78, and 1983-90. The first period can be viewed as the "natural" shoreline condition prior to Oceanside Harbor and the power plant at Agua Hedionda, however by 1900 the watershed and coastal lagoons had been significantly altered by construction of roads, railroads and water supply and flood control works (see chronology of events in the Oceanside littoral cell at the Attachment to Coastal Engineering Appendix). During this period, the beach cell gained material with large contributions from bluff erosion and from major flood events on the Santa Margarita and San Luis Rey Rivers. Large losses were assumed to the offshore while the net longshore transport downcoast is assumed equal to the transport potential of available wave energy. The second period between 1960-78 includes the effect of the Oceanside Harbor and the power plant over what some have considered a relatively benign 25 period of storm and wave activity. In this scenario the central sub-cell gained 40,000 cy/yr. Significant'contributions are shown from beachfills and bluff erosion. Oceanside Harbor is shown deflecting 80,000 cy/yr to the offshore and the net downcoast transport is equal to the previous period. The last period between 1983-90 is a period thought to be of unusually larger than normal northerly directed longshore transport. The beach cell gained material at a rate of 60,000 cy/yr with most of the beach material derived from eroded bluffs. The net downcoast transport is estimated at 70,000 cy/yr for this time period due to the aforementioned unusual wave climate. Prior to 1942, longshore sediment transport in the Oceanside littoral cell was not significantly influenced by man-made structures. In 1942-43, the U.S. Navy constructed Camp Pendleton Harbor (now known as the Del Mar Boat Basin) with two arrow head jetties about 1,300 feet long. The northern jetty was extended by about 2,300 feet by the Navy in 1957-58 to form the North Breakwater, and further jetty construction and dredging in the 60's and 70's by the City of Oceanside and the Corps of Engineers eventually evolved into what is now the Oceanside Municipal Harbor. Since the initial construction of the original jetties, the shoreline immediately up and downcoast of the harbor has advanced seaward, while the shore fronting the City of Oceanside experienced severe erosion. This erosion has been somewhat mitigated by beachfill projects and the placement of dredge material from Oceanside Harbor on the Oceanside beach area. The influence of Oceanside Harbor on the shoreline of Carlsbad is not apparent in the recorded data since construction of the Agua Hedionda jetties and beachfill masks historic "natural" long-term trends, and since the normal seasonal variations in shoreline position or sediment volume in the littoral zone are larger than any long-term net change. While this indicates a relatively stable shoreline, a contribution of this stability results from erosion being limited by protective works, i.e. revetments, seawalls and gunited slopes, or the shallow erosion resistant hardpan which is along the shoreline throughout most of Carlsbad. A-5.6.2 Sediment Budget for Future Without Project Historic sediment budget analyses and the assumption that there will be no new beachfills in the future forms the basis for estimating a future sediment budget. The most probable future wave climate is expected to be similar to the 1900-78 time period. Site investigations also revealed that bluff erosion will be negligible south of Oceanside Harbor to at least Batiquitos Lagoon due to protective seawalls and gunite slopes. The continued maintenance dredging of Oceanside Harbor with placement of about 200,000 cy/yr 26 on beaches to the south is assumed, and a net downcoast transport which is less than or equal to the transport potential of available wave energy is predicted due to the paucity of sand. As shown in Figure 5.3, the future without project sediment budget has an annual loss from the central Oceanside littoral sub-cell of 90,000 cy/yr -- about 30,000 cy/yr of it eroding from the Carlsbad shoreline. An average erosion rate of about 1 foot per year would be anticipated in the Carlsbad study area until the shoreline is denuded of sand exposing a more erosion resistant hardpan or cobble beach. As discussed in Section A-6.1, the typical winter beach at Carlsbad is lacking sand with the exception of Reach 3. The sediment deficit would show as a smaller or non- existent seasonal summer beach and profile deepening at Reach 3. 27 A-6.0 WITHOUT PROJECT CONDITIONS A-6.1 Project Area Description As shown in Figure 6.la, the coastal area of Carlsbad has been divided into five reaches to discern the shoreline features. The demarcation of each reach is mainly based on the type of coastal structures and general shore type. Figures 6.Ib through 6.1e. show the details of each reach. Table 6.1 shows the approximation location of the reach boundaries. The streets running in the east-west directions are used to indicate the location of the reach boundaries. Table 6.1 Boundary of Reaches - Carlsbad Study Area Boundary Reach Northern Southern 1 City Boundary of Pine Ave. Oceanside & Carlsbad 2 Pine Ave. Tamarack Ave. 3 Tamarack Ave. 700 ft north of Cannon Rd. 4 700 ft north of Cannon Rd. 400' north of Cerezo Dr. 5 400' north of Cerezo Dr. City Boundary of Carlsbad & Encinitas In order to analyze the five reaches, generalized cross-sections have been developed for each of the reaches. While Reaches 2, 3, and 5 are essentially uniform throughout, important variations require that Reaches 1 and 4 contain multiple cross-sections. A-6.1.1 Reach 1 (Buena Vista Lagoon to Pine Avenue) Reach 1 extends for a length of about 4,000 feet and its natural shoreline is typified by a narrow seasonal beach fronting coastal bluffs ranging in height from 20 to 40 feet. The beach consists of a thin veneer of sand and cobbles overlying a dense sand hardpan. The reach is entirely developed with singe and multi-family structures, some protected by stone revetments and some by concrete sea walls. Four cross-sections are used to -epresent typical structures within Reach 1. Section 1, the most common cross-section in Reach 1, represents those properties in which the first floor of the structure is near the top of the 28 bluff and the toe is protected by revetment composed of armor stones weighing from 0.5 to 2 tons. The photographs of typical structures are shown in Figure 6.2a. The schematic profile of Section 1 is represented in Figure 6.2b. (The profiles indicated as maximum, mean, minimum, and hard pan are explained in Section A-6.2.3). Sections 2, 3, and 4 of Reach 1 represent important variations from Section 1. Section 2 (Figures 6.2c and 6.2d) represents the Beach Terrace Inn, 2775 Ocean Street, and two private structures immediately to the south of it. These structures are unique because they are protected by a seawall at close proximity to the water line. The first floor elevations of these structures range from +19 to +23 feet MLLW. Section 3 (Figures 6.2e and 6.2f) represents the Sea Slope Condominium complex, 2955 Ocean Street. This structure is protected by riprap and has a first floor elevation of approximately +19 feet MLLW. Section 4 (Figures 6.2g and 6.2h) represents 10 unprotected (or marginally protected) structures towards the south end of the reach. This section represents structures that have first floor elevation situated at about +43 feet MLLW. A-6.1.2 Reach 2 (Pine Avenue to Tamarack Avenue) Reach 2 extends a length of about 3,400 feet and its shoreline is typified by the public seawall. As shown in Figure 6.3, the structures within Reach 2 are protected by the public seawall constructed by the City of Carlsbad. The top of the seawall is situated at about +23 feet MLLW. A-6.1.3 Reach 3 (Tamarack Avenue to Cannon Road) Reach 3 consists of about one mile of shoreline backed by Carlsbad Blvd. The main features are the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, the intake and outlet jetties, and the Tamarack Parking Lot. The lowest elevation of Carlsbad Blvd. within Reach 3 is about +17.1 feet MLLW. Figure 6.4 shows a typical cross-section of Reach 3. A-6.1.4 Reach 4 (Cannon Road to Cerezo Drive) Reach 4 extends for a length of about 2,000 feet and its main feature is the Terra Mar Development. This reach has also been analyzed using multiple cross-sections. Of the 27 structures, the northern 15 are protected by riprap and are represented by Section 1 (Figures 6.5a and 6.5b). The remaining structures are protected by gunite and are represented by Section 2 (Figures 29 6.5c and 6.5d). A-6.1.5 Reach 5 (Cerezo Drive to Batiquitos Lagoon) Reach 5 extends for a length of about 5.3 miles and its main feature is the South Carlsbad State Beach which is backed by the Carlsbad Blvd. Other features of the South Carlsbad State Beach are parking lots, stairways, and restrooms. A portion of the Carlsbad Blvd., which is situated behind a narrow, cobble beach, is an old Coast Highway bridge (circa 1923) where its crown dips down to an elevation of +18.3 feet MLLW. Figure 6.6 shows a typical cross-section of Reach 5. A-6.2 Sediment Transport Along Carlsbad Coastal Area A-6.2.1 Historic Data Available data on the historic shoreline response is discussed in Section A-5.4 and reproduced at the end of this appendix. These data consist of beach profiles, shoreline change maps, and aerial photographs analyzed in the CCSTWS conducted by USAED Los Angeles (1991). Additional recent profile surveys (1990 to 1992) are available from Tekmarine Inc. A-6.2.2 Shoreline Trends The most precise data for evaluating changes in the shoreline are the surveyed profiles. Five of these profiles located in the Carlsbad area are CB720, CB760, CB800, CB830, and OS900. The location of these profiles are shown on maps located at the Attachment to Coastal Engineering Appendix. The profiles were analyzed for volume and shoreline changes using ISRP (Interactive Survey Reduction Program) and its associated utilities available for the Coastal Engineering Research Center's Field Research Facility, (Birkemeier and Holme, 1992). Figures 6.7 to 6.11 summarize the results. CB720. Profile line CB720 is located just south of the inlet to the Batiquitos Lagoon but may be representative of shoreline changes in Reach 5. The profile history extends to 1934 and was analyzed up to January 1988. Only those surveys which extended to at least the -20 ft MLLW water depth were utilized in the comparison. Between 1934 and January 1988, the net position change of MLLW has been 165 feet closer to shore, i.e. erosion, equating to a long term rate of -3 feet/year. However, between 1934 and October 1986, there was a 19 foot seaward movement of the MLLW, equating to a net long term 30 accretion of 0.4 feet/year, and a short term erosion between October 1986 and January 1988 of more than 131 feet/year. The cumulative volume changes are less cyclical and trends since about 1970 at an erosion rate of about -8 cubic yards per foot of beach per year. CB760. Profile CB760 is located at the northern end of South Carlsbad State Beach approximately at the boundary between reaches 4 and 5. There were four profiles that extended to at least the -20 foot depth taken between April 1986 and September 1987. During this period the MLLW advanced seaward about 122 feet and the volume change between the baseline and 2000 feet offshore increased by 4 cy/ft (rate of 5.8 cy/ft/yr). CB800. Profile CB800 is located off of the Terra Mar area in Reach 4. Surveys were available to the -20 foot depth between October 1970 to September 1987. Both the position of the MLLW line and the cumulative volume change is accretional by comparison to the first survey. In September 1987, the MLLW line had advanced 160 feet by comparison to October 1970. It should be noted, however, that severe erosion was observed as a result of the January 1988 storm at locations where surveys were performed and would also have been expected at this location. CB830. Profile CB830 is located about 500 feet north of the northern inlet to Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Survey data were available for the two year period between April 1986 and January 1988. The trend in position of the MLLW line and the sediment volume appear contradictory for these available surveys where when the MLLW shows erosion, the volume change is accretional and vice- versa. These data can only be used as an indication of the magnitude of seasonal activity and near term transport capacity of the profile. With regard to the latter, more than 60 cy/ft of beach were found to be transported in the six month period between April and October 1986. 05900. Profile OS900 is located to the north of Carlsbad in South Oceanside. This profile may be representative of Reach 1. Seven profiles were available with data to -20 foot depths between September 1961 to January 1988. Utilizing the 1961 survey as the basis for comparison shows a relatively stable shoreline with the exception of the eroded condition in January 1988. The long term volume loss between 1961 and 1988 is about 0.5 cy/ft/yr. A-6.2.3 Storm and Future Without Project Profiles The January 1988 survey is representative of the eroded profile condition during a severe winter storm condition. During damaging storm 31 events, a winter or storm profile would typically exist. This storm profile is deepened in the nearshore depending'on the severity of the individual storm and the cumulative effects of the storm season. The long-term future shoreline also considers a net change in the average shoreline position to account for changes in the local sediment budget. For analysis purposes, the profiles taken in January 1988 were selected as representative of the present eroded winter profile that would exist during a storm event. The long term evolution of the future without project shoreline considered temporal changes in the sediment budget. From the sediment budget analysis in Section A-5.7, the shoreline at mean sea level is predicted to retreat at an average rate of 1 foot per year for the next 50 years. Thus, a 50-foot shoreward recession in the present shoreline has been obtained for the future without project condition. However, the retreat rate of 1 foot per year only applies to the summer beaches, due to the fact that the winter beaches have already moved to about the limit of shoreward retreat. The winter recession of the shoreline for all the reaches, with the exception of Reach 3, is limited by the non-erosive hardpan, revetment, and seawall. At Reach 3, the retreat rate of 1 foot per year is applied to the winter beach. Storm effects on the profile were super-imposed on the present and future shoreline. It is rationalized that storm profile response would be directly related to storm severity and wave height, and therefore return period. Based on the analysis of the shoreline data presented in CCSTWS of USAED, Los Angeles (1991), shoreline retreat can be correlated with return period as shown in Table 6.2. The shoreline retreat corresponding to an exceedance probability of 1 % or a return period of 100 years was obtained by assuming a Gaussian distribution for the shoreline data. The shoreline data presented in CCSTWS of USAED, Los Angeles (1991) from 1983 to 1988 have been analyzed to gain more insight of the seasonal movement of the shorelines. In Figures 6.2 through 6.6, the average profiles for the present conditions are indicated as the maximum, mean, and minimum profiles. The maximum profile represents the highest beach profiles and the minimum profile represents the deepest beach profiles, but not necessarily indication of the season. The mean profile is the average of all of the survey profiles. These profiles have been obtained by an analysis of the shoreline data by VOLUME-PC. VOLUME-PC, which is a program for processing beach and nearshore survey data on an IBM compatible micro-computer, is a complementary program to ISRP-PC (the Interactive Survey Reduction Program) and ISRPSORT (a sorting program). The hard pan profile, which is obtained from analysis of the available geotechnical data, is an indication of possible maximum scour. 32 Table 6.2 Beach Recession at Carlsbad Coastal Area CB 720 Summer to Winter Shoreline Retreats: Shoreline Retreats (ft) ITEM Mean Maximum Minimum Standard Deviation 1 % Exceedance 2 % Exceedance 4 % Exceedance 10 % Exceedance MHHW 31.25 39 20 9.00 52 50 47 43 MSL 70.25 81 49 14.55 104 100 96 89 MLLW 190 227 165 26 252 245 237 225 .50 .10 A-6.3 Wave Runup Analysis A-6.3.1 General As waves encounter certain types of coastal structures, the water rushes up and sometimes over the structure. These closely related phenomena, wave runup and wave overtopping, often strongly influence the design and the cost of coastal projects. Wave runup is defined as the vertical height above still-water level to which the rush of water reaches on the structure (of assumed infinite height). The waves are assumed to be normally incident to the structure. The empirical results introduced in the Shore Protection Manual (1984) and the Automated Coastal Engineering System, Version 1.07 dated September 1992, have been used to calculate the results of wave runup. Along each of the nine profiles shown in Figures 6.2 through 6.6, the nearshore area of the project site has been approximated by a uniform slope running from the bottom up to the depth at which the structure is located. Then another slope is used to represent the structure. The still water level used in each wave runup calculation is a summation of the tide level and wave setup. Wave Setup: The phenomenon of wave setup causes a quasi-linear rise in the mean water level due to onshore mass transport of the water by wave action alone. This phenomenon is associated with the existence of a stress acting on the water due to the presence of wave motion, called the radiation stress. Its 33 magnitude is related to the momentum flux accompanying wave propagation. The mean water surface slopes upward to the point of intersection with the shore. The results of wave setup have been calculated using the method introduced in the Shore Protection Manual (1984). The input parameters required for each wave event are the deepwater wave height and period and the nearshore slope of the sea bottom. A-6.3.2 Methods of Wave Runup Calculation The Automated Coastal Engineering System, Version 1.07 (ACES 1.07) has been used to calculate the wave runups. ACES 1.07 uses the empirical method presented by Ahrens and McCartney (1975) for estimating the runup on structures protected by various types of primary armor faces. In their method, the runup R is predicted as a nonlinear function of the surf similarity parameter 5: where Hi is the incident wave height; and a and b are the empirical coefficients associated with the corresponding types of armor unit. For the case of ripraps, a equals 0.956 and b equals 0.398 according to Table A-3 of Appendix A in ACES 1.07. The surf similarity parameter 5 is defined as (6.2) where 6 is the angle between the structure seaward face and the horizontal; and L0 is the deepwater wavelength. A-6.3.3 Statistical Simulation The extreme wave runups were calculated using the design water depths at the structure toe. The design water depths and their corresponding probabilities were obtained through a joint probability simulation of possible joint combinations of storm wave events, astronomical tides and the combined residual water level resulting from ENSO, storm surge and wave setup. The frequency distribution of the higher high waters was utilized for the astronomical tide which corresponded to an average storm duration of one lunar 34 day. Independence was assumed between astronomical tide and storm events. The combined effects of storm surge, wave setup, and ENSO were dependent on storm event and were assumed to be dominated by the effect due to wave setup. For each condition (present condition and future without project condition) and reach cross-section, the joint probability model was run for all combinations of tide elevation, wave period, and significant wave height to obtain the design water depths. Each combination of wave period and wave height was used to obtain the corresponding value of wave setup. The resulting design water depth used in the calculation of wave runup was the summation of wave setup, tide elevation (above mean sea level), and the initial design water depth dso (below mean sea level). The statistical distribution of higher high water shown in Figure 4.1 was discretized according to Harris (1981), resulting in 101 tidal elevations. Each tidal elevation had an assigned probability according to Harris (1981). Four wave periods, namely, 13, 15, 17, and 19 seconds, were used in the joint probability calculations. The 13, 15, 17, and 19-second waves were assumed to have probabilities of 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, and 0.3, respectively. The extreme wave heights shown in Table 4.2 were discretized into 13 waves, from 10 ft to 22 ft with 1-ft increment. The probability of each wave was obtained by linear interpolation of the exceedance distribution to plus and minus 0.5 ft of the wave. Thus, a total of 5,252 trials were obtained from each joint probability simulation. The resulting design water depths were ranked in descending order, with the corresponding probability of each depth attached. Then the probabilities were summed to obtain the exceedance probability. Table 6.3 shows the deign water depth versus return period for each coastal reach and/or section. During the calculation of the design water depth for each coastal reach, the same profile was used for all of the return periods. Besides the present condition, the 50-year future condition is shown for Reach 3. The future condition has been obtained by scouring the initial water depth to the depth of the hard pan. The present profiles of the other four reaches are not expected to have further vertical scour, because their initial water depths are close to the depth of the hard pan. Thus, the design water depths for the future conditions of Reaches 1, 2, 4, and 5 will remain the same. Then the runup elevation corresponding to each design water depth and structure slope was calculated by using ACES 1.07. The breaking wave height that could be sustained by the design water depth had been used to calculate the runup level. For each reach and/or section, two sets of runup levels had been calculated, one set using a wave period of 15 seconds and another set using 17 seconds. The resultant runup levels were obtained by combining these two sets of runup levels, so that the runup level with the 2-year return frequency was that of the 15-second set and the runup level with the 200-year return frequency was that of the 17-second set. The runup levels of the other 35 return frequencies were obtained by interpolating between the two sets of runup levels. The resulting probability distribution of wave runup elevations were used in the damage analysis (Section A-6.5.4). Table 6.4 shows the wave runup elevation versus return period by coastal reach and/or section. Table 6.3 Water Elevation Statistics at Carlsbad Coastal Area Carlsbad Design Water Depth Analysis: Design Water Depth (FT) (FT) COT COT LINE Dso T B 2-YR 5-YR 10YR 25YR 50YR 100YR 200YR Rl SI Rl S2 Rl S3 Rl S4 REACH 2 REACH 3 R4 SI R4 S2 REACH 5 REACH 3 9.0 4.9 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .4 .5 .8 .8 .0 3 2 4 3 2 4 3 2 2 .5 .0 .0 .3 .0 .9 .0 .5 .5 51 51 51 51 54 60 58 58 57 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 •esent Condition 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.8 9.9 8.2 8.2 8.4 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 9 .4 .4 .4 .4 .5 .6 .9 .9 .1 8 8 8 8 8 11 9 9 9 .8 .8 .8 .8 .9 .0 .3 .3 .5 9 9 9 9 9 11 9 9 9 .1 .1 .1 .1 .3 .4 .7 .7 .9 9 9 9 9 9 11 9 9 10 .3 .3 .3 .3 .5 .6 .9 .9 .1 9 9 9 9 9 11 10 10 10 .5 .5 .5 .5 .6 .8 .1 .1 .3 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.8 12.0 10.3 10.3 10.4 50-year Future Condition 60.0 14.4 15.1 15.5 15.9 16.1 16.3 16.5 Notes: Rl SI = Reach 1, Cross-section 1, etc. Dso = Initial design water depth below mean sea level COT T = Structure slope COT B = nearshore slope Design Water Depth = Wave setup + Tide + Dso A-6.4 Coastal Storm Damages Coastal storm damages at the Carlsbad study area are the results of flooding due to wave runup, excessive forces from high velocity wave runup action, and storm induced erosion undermining foundations, etc. For instance, the causeway (Carlsbad Blvd.) between the intake and outlet jetties of Agua Hedionda Lagoon has been closed, in recent years, on the order of once every two years due to coastal storm attacks. 36 Table 6.4 Wave Runup Statistics at Carlsbad Coastal Area Line Rl SI Rl S2 Rl S3 Rl S4 Reach 2 Reach 3 R4 SI R4 S2 Reach 5 2-yr 17.6 19.6 17.1 17.8 20.0 18.2 19.0 19.8 19.9 Carlsbad Wave Runup Level (ft MLLW) 5-yr 19.3 21.5 18.7 19.6 21.7 19.5 20.6 21.4 21.5 10-yr 25-yr 50-yr 100-yr Present Condition 20 22 19 20.5 22.7 20.4 21.4 22.2 22.5 21.0 23.3 20.4 21.2 23.7 21.2 22.4 23.3 23.5 21.4 23.8 20.8 21.7 24.2 21.7 22.9 23.8 23.9 21.9 24.4 21.3 22.2 24.5 22.2 23.4 24.2 24.5 200-yr 22.5 25.0 21.8 22.7 25.1 22.7 23.9 24.8 24.9 Reach 3 21.4 50-year Future Condition 22.7 23.5 24.3 24.8 25.4 25.8 A-6.5 Estimates of Damages A- 6 .5.1 Methodology Projections of damages to the coastal facilities were developed utilizing projections of shoreline response, expectations of wave runup elevation, and a site visit to judgementally assign a damage-wave runup relation for each individual property within the study area. This damage relation takes into consideration the type of improvements and existing protection afforded by revetments and seawalls, the proximity of improvements to the active wave runup zone, the type of foundations and vulnerability to structural damages due to undermining and flanking, and the susceptibility to coastal flooding. Projections of future damages were developed for Reach 3. The Carlsbad coastal area is divided into five reaches of homogeneous structure type, since the damage-wave runup function is dependant on the type of structure. These reaches are shown in Figure 6.1. Damages to existing revetments: Damage to revetments is estimated by calculating the forces acting on the revetment stones due to breaking waves. Basing on the stone size and revetment slope, the Hudson formula has been used to calculate HD=0 which is 37 the design wave height corresponding to the no-damage condition. The stability coefficient KD has been 'assumed to be 2.0. The breaking wave height HB for each reach is calculated by using the design water depths and nearshore slope shown in Table 6.3. Also, a wave period of 17 seconds has been used. Equation 7-5 on page 7-9 of the SPM (1984) has been used to calculate HB. With the ratio of HB to HD=O/ the percent damage D for rough quarrystone armor is obtained from Table 7-9 of the SPM (1984). Damages to ancillary improvements: Ancillary improvements, such as landscaping, stairways, and restrooms, are damaged when the wave runup level exceeds the elevation at which these ancillary improvements are situated. Structural Damages due to Bluff Retreat: Approximately 20 structures are subject to structural damage due to erosion of the bluff and undermining of foundations. These structures are located primarily along a 620 foot length of unprotected shoreline in Reach 1, Section 4. Structures are multi-family units, typically built with concrete grade beams and slab foundations cut into the bluffs backing the beach. The foundation elevations range from about +25 to +38 feet MLLW, while the toe of the bluffs is located at about +13 feet MLLW. Table 6.5 shows the foundation elevations of ten structures. Also shown in the table are horizontal distance of: foundation to +13 feet MLLW, projected by the 1.5:1 slope, and structure to bluff edge. Figure 6.12 shows a schematic drawing of a structure on the bluff. Extreme storm events have resulted in erosion at the toe of these coastal bluffs and the slumping of the bluffs fronting these structures. Although little historic information on magnitude and extent of bluff retreat are available for this specific location, anecdotal reports and review of aerial surveys suggest that bluff retreat along Reach 1 were as high as 13 and 20 feet in localized areas during the 1983 and 1988 storms, respectively, while over a longer 170 foot length of shoreline at the north end of the Carlsbad shoreline, bluff retreat appears to have averaged about 8 feet as the result of the 1988 storm event. Figure 6.13 displays a simple linear correlation of bluff retreat with runup level above the toe of the bluff through the available data. Approximating the distance of lateral retreat as proportional to excess runup allows assigning a return-period estimate to bluff retreat distance. Excess runup is the result of runup elevation subtracting the bluff toe elevation of +13 feet MLLW. The damage assumptions applied to the loss of structures are as follows: 1) Structure foundation are grade beam or slab. 2) Limiting stable bluff slope is 1.5H:1V. 3) Initiation of damage occurs when top of the average eroded bluff with a slope at 1.5H:1V reaches the closest foundation and complete damage 38 occurs when the bluff erosion reaches the furthest recessed structure (see Figure 6.12) . Utilizing these assumptions, initiation of damages due to bluff retreat undermining structure foundations initiate at the 50-year event while complete structural damage occurs along this vulnerable reach occurs at the 100-year event. Table 6.5 Data used for Calculation of Bluff Retreat Horizontal Distance (ft) of Elevation of House Foundation (ft) 1 25 2 25 3 32 4 32 5 27 6 30 7 32 8 25 9 22 10 35 Foundation to +13'MLLW 46 46 75 65 50 55 70 70 60 65 Projected by 1.5:1 Slope 38 38 48 48 41 45 48 38 33 53 Structure to Bluff Edge 8 8 27 17 9 10 22 32 27 12 Coastal flooding damages: Structures that have their first floor elevation lower than the wave runup elevation are subject to flooding damages. The estimate of flooding is based on the magnitude of excess runup. Excess runup is the result of runup elevation subtracting first floor elevation. The flood elevation is assumed to be 35% of the excess runup. Erosion damages at Carlsbad Boulevard: The section of Carlsbad Blvd. located between the intake and outlet jetties of Agua Hedionda Lagoon is subject to erosion damages. The estimate of road erosion is based on the magnitude of excess runup. Excess runup is the result of runup elevation subtracting the road elevation of +16.8 feet MLLW. According to the study of USAED, Los Angeles (May 1990), a horizontal erosion of about 50 feet occurred at this section of Carlsbad Blvd. during the 1983 storm season. A wave runup level of +20.9 feet MLLW was obtained for the January 1983 storm event, resulting in an excess runup of 4.1 feet. Thus, a horizontal erosion of 50 feet was related to an excess runup of 4.1 feet. It 39 was assumed that no erosion would occur for excess runups of 3 feet or less. Also, it was assumed that the road would be totally damaged when an erosion of 150 feet occurred. With an erosion of 150 feet corresponding to an excess runup of 6.3 feet, erosion was assumed to be constant at 150 feet for excess runups greater than 6.3 feet. Thus, erosion caused by various runups were obtained by linear interpolation between the two data points, i.e., 0 feet erosion at 3 feet excess runup and 150 feet erosion at 6.3 feet excess runup. Damages were projected for various storm intensities in terms of percent by reach or structure type, equated to an absolute quantity of materials and valued by its depreciated replacement cost. Present and future without project runup levels and storm erosion were computed for the various return periods. The probability of extreme runup elevations on the coastal structures were modeled by the statistical simulation described in Section A-6.3.3. Erosion is based on the discussion of Section A-6.2.3. The estimation of physical damages and its valuation is contained in the Economics Appendix. A-6.5.2 Wave Height - Damage Mechanism As previously indicated, maximum wave runup elevations provide the force by which the coastal structures are damaged. Damage criteria for these elements were developed through inferences made with respect to prior damages sustained by the structures at the Carlsbad coastal area. Study of historical damages at other coastal facilities in southern California has provided insight into the potential performance and consequent vulnerability of different sections of the Carlsbad coastal area to storm damage, based upon differing structure types. Detailed information on the structural capabilities of the coastal structures provided by the design engineer and as- built drawings has also been incorporated into an overall assessment of potential storm damage vulnerabilities. A-6.5.3 Damage Analysis to Coastal Facilities Projected damages to the coastal facilities for the present and future without project conditions are presented in Tables 6.6 and 6.7. The damages to the revetments are shown in Table 6.6. Table 6.7 shows the damages to the causeway section of Carlsbad Blvd. in Reach 3 between the intake and outlet jetties of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Table 6.8 shows the damages to the causeway section of Carlsbad Blvd. in Reach 5 at which the road elevation is about 18.3 feet MLLW. 40 Table 6.6 Revetment Damages - Present and Future Without Project Carlsbad - Damage of Revetments Item 2-year 5-year 10-year 25-year 50-year 100-year 200-year Present Condition 2445 Ocean 70 LF at $402.86 / ft = $28,200 Hb/H D=0 1.14 1.26 1.3 1.35 1.38 1.41 1.44 Damage(%) 8 14 17 19 21 24 27 Damage $2,300 $3,900 $4,800 $5,400 $5,900 $6,800 $7,600 2505-2643 Ocean 750 LF at $329.20 / ft = $246,900 Hb/H D=0 1.29 1.43 1.48 1.53 1.57 1.6 1.64 Damage(%) 16 26 31 37 41 45 50 Damage $40,000 $64,000 $77,000 $91,000 $101,000 $111,000 $123,000 2723-2751, 2955 Ocean 400 LF at $455.00 / ft = $182,000 Hb/H D=0 1.14 1.26 1.3 1.35 1.38 1.41 1.44 Damage(%) 8 14 17 19 21 24 27 Damage $15,000 $25,000 $31,000 $35,000 $38,000 $44,000 $49,000 North of Intake Jetties 450 LF at $180.00 / ft = $81,000 Hb/H D=0 0.85 1.08 1.24 1.42 1.58 1.7 1.71 Damage(%) 0 5 13 25 43 60 61 Damage $0 $4,000 $11,000 $20,000 $35,000 $49,000 $49,000 South of Intake Jetties 350 LF at $134.29 / ft = $47,000 Hb/H D=0 1.22 1.54 1.78 2.04 2.26 2.43 2.46 Damage(%) 12 38 70 100 100 100 100 Damage $6,000 $18,000 $33,000 $47,000 $47,000 $47,000 $47,000 5001-5115 Tierra Del Oro 1200 LF at $450.00 / ft = $540,000 Hb/H D=0 1.07 1.16 1.22 1.27 1.29 1.32 1.34 Damage(%) 5 9 12 15 16 18 19 Damage $27,000 $49,000 $65,000 $81,000 $86,000 $97,000 $103,000 50-year Future Condition North of Intake Jetties 450 LF at $180.00 / ft = $81,000 Hb/H D=0 2.06 2.15 2.21 2.26 2.29 2.32 2.35 Damage(%) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Damage $81,000 $81,000 $81,000 $81,000 $81,000 $81,000 $81,000 South of Intake Jetties 350 LF at $134.29 / ft = $47,000 Hb/H D=0 2.96 3.08 3.17 3.24 3.28 3.32 3.37 Damage(%) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Damage $47,000 $47,000 $47,000 $47,000 $47,000 $47,000 $47,000 41 Table 6.7 Carlsbad Blvd. Reach 3 Damages - Present and Future Without Project Reach 3 - Carlsbad Blvd. Damage 16.8 ft = road elevation 2,000 ft = length of road damaged Jan 83 storm, excess runup = 20.9 - 16.8 = 4.1 ft, erosion = 50 ft Assume excess runup of 3 ft and less causing 0 ft erosion $6.00 per ft2 = Damage Repair 150 ft = Total Road Erosion Return Period (yr) 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 Wave Runup (ft) Excess Runup (ft) (ft) (ft2) Erosion Area Present Condition 18.2 1.4 0 19.5 20.4 21.2 21.7 22.2 22.7 50 -year 21.4 22.7 23.5 24.3 24.8 25.4 25.8 2.7 3.6 4.4 4.9 5.4 5.9 0 27 64 86 109 132 0 0 54,000 128,000 172,000 218,000 264,000 ($) Damage 0 0 324,000 768,000 1,032,000 1,308,000 1,584,000 Future Condition 4.6 5.9 6.7 7.5 8.0 8.6 9.0 73 132 150 150 150 150 150 146,000 264,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 876,000 1,584,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 42 Table 6.8 Carlsbad Blvd. Reach 5 Damages - Present Without Project Reach 5 - Carlsbad Blvd. Damage Present Condition 18.3 ft = road elevation 1,000 ft = length of road subject to damaged Assume excess runup of 3 ft and less causing 0 ft erosion $6.00 per ft~2 = Damage Repair 100 ft = Total Road Erosion Return Period(yr) 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 Wave Runup (ft) 19 21 22 23 23 24 24 .9 .5 .5 .5 .9 .5 .9 Excess Runup (ft) 1 3 4 5 5 6 6 .6 .2 .2 .2 .6 .2 .6 (ft) (ft "2 Erosion Area 0 9 55 100 100 100 100 9, 55, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0 000 000 000 000 000 000 ($) Damage 54, 330, 600, 600, 600, 600, 0 000 000 000 000 000 000 43 A-7.0 WITH PROJECT CONDITIONS A-7.1 Planning Criteria Alternatives were developed in response to the primary need for storm damage protection at the project site, as well as to provide an opportunity for the potential re-establishment of beach activities in the area. Additional information on the development of these criteria can be found within the body of the Main report. A-7.2 Preliminary Basis for Design The assumptions and basis for design of the alternative plans are described in the following sections. A-7.2.1 Beachfill The width of the berm is 200 feet and its crest elevation is +10 feet MLLW. The berm crest slopes downward 1 vertical to 20 horizontal to the natural nearshore bottom. The characteristics of sand from the borrow site will be compatible with those of the native sand in the Carlsbad coastal area. According to the boring data obtained by Woodward-Clyde Consultants (1990), the median grain size of the sand is about 0.2 mm. Based on the typical beach profiles, the cross-sectional areas of beachfill are about 3,600 ft2 and 3,460 ft2 at Reach 1 and Reach 3, respectively. To maintain a minimum width of 200 feet for the protective beach, an extra volume of sand will be required during the initial construction of the beachfill. The extra volume will account for the sand loss which takes place between the time interval of replenishment, because there is a net longshore transport of 270,000 cubic yards per year moving towards the south. A-7.2.2 Groin a. Design Water Depth: Similar to the groins constructed in the coastal area of southern California, such as Ventura Harbor and Newport Beach, the groins are designed to terminate in a water depth of -10 feet MLLW. Based on the bathymetry of the Carlsbad coastal area, this water depth results in a groin length of about 800 feet. According to the CCSTWS conducted by USAED, Los Angeles (1991), the 44 maximum sea level at La Jolla associated with a return period of 1 year is +6.95 feet MLLW. Thus, the design water depth is 10 + 6.95 = 16.95 feet. The distance between groins is usually on the order of two to three groin lengths. Thus, a groin spacing of 2.5 times the groin length or 2,000 feet has been selected. b. Design Wave Height: A design wave height associated with a return period of 25 years is used in this preliminary evaluation to approximate the optimal armor size in balancing the first and repair costs. From Table 4.2, the significant wave height of this event is 15.9 feet. Then the maximum waves that can be sustained near the structure head by a design depth of 16.95 feet are determined basing on the conditions of wave breaking and wave steepness. A wave period of 17 seconds and a nearshore slope of 1:51 have been used in the calculations. According to Weggel (1972), the maximum breaker height is 16.5 feet. According to Miche (1944), the maximum wave height subject to the limiting steepness is 14.8 feet. Therefore, the design wave height is 14.8 feet. c. Rock Structural Stability and Section Design: The groin structures are designed according to the SPM (1984). Armor sizes are designed using Hudson's formula and a specific gravity Sr of 2.65. Minimum side slopes of 1 vertical to 2 horizontal are utilized. The number of units comprising the thickness of the armor layer is 2. The stability coefficient K^ is 2.5. Rock is assumed to be individually placed, in the usual stable configuration with the long axis of the stone placed perpendicular to the structure face. An armor stone weight of 12 tons is determined for the structure head. Rock gradation of 9 to 15 tons is assumed, with 50% to be greater than 12 tons. The recommended minimum crest width is 3 stones, resulting in an 16-foot-wide crest utilizing 12-ton stones (assuming 5.3 feet wide per stone). The underlayer or B-l stone is sized as 10% of the armor stone. This yields a B-l stone size of 1 to 3 tons, with 50 percent greater than 1 ton. The core stone (C-Stone) is selected as quarry run. Also, an armor stone weight of 7 tons is determined for the structure trunk. The groin will be grouted to prevent the longshore sediment from passing through the structure. Grouting starts from the berm end of the groin to about 400 feet offshore, along the centerline of the groin. The groin is grouted from the crest to the MLLW line. 45 A-7.2.3 Offshore Breakwater a. Design Water Depth: The offshore breakwater is designed to be located outside of the surf zone in a water depth of about -11.7 feet MLLW. Thus, the design water depth is 11.7 + 6.95 = 18.7 feet. b. Design Wave Height: A design wave height associated with a return period of 25 years has been selected. The significant wave height of this event is 15.9 feet. Then the maximum waves that can be sustained near the structure by a design depth of 18.7 feet are determined basing on the conditions of wave breaking and wave steepness. A wave period of 17 seconds and a nearshore slope of 1:51 have been used in the calculations. According to Weggel (1972), the maximum breaker height is 18.1 feet. According to Miche (1944), the maximum wave height subject to the limiting steepness is 16.3 feet. Therefore, the design wave height is 15.9 feet. c. Rock Structural Stability and Section Design: The breakwater structures are designed according to the SPM (1984) . Armor sizes are designed using Hudson's formula and a specific gravity Sr of 2.65. Minimum side slopes of 1 vertical to 2 horizontal are utilized. The stability coefficient Kj is 2.3. Rock is assumed to be individually placed, in the usual stable configuration with the long axis of the stone placed perpendicular to the structure face. An armor stone weight of 16 tons is determined for the structure. Rock gradation of 12 to 20 tons is assumed, with 50% to be greater than 16 tons. The recommended minimum crest width is 3 stones, resulting in an 18-foot-wide crest utilizing 16-ton stones (assuming 6 feet wide per stone). The underlayer or B-2 stone is sized as 10% of the armor stone. This yields a B-2 stone size of 1 to 3 tons, with 50 percent greater than 2 tons. The core stone (C-Stone) is selected as quarry run. A-7.2.4 Revetment The revetment constructed to protect the 10 structures in Reach 1, Section 4 is designed to withstand a 25-year storm event. The design water depths shown in Table 6.3 for Reach 1, Section 4 have been used to calculate 46 the breaking wave heights. It is assumed that the design wave for the stability of the quarry stone revetment is the maximum wave that breaks directly on the structure. The following parameters have been used: a design depth of 9.3 feet, a wave period of 17 seconds, and a nearshore slope of 1:51. According to Weggel (1972), the maximum breaker height is 9.1 feet. According to Miche (1944), the maximum wave height subject to the limiting steepness is 8.2 feet. Therefore, the design wave height is 8.2 feet. The revetment structure in Reach 1, Section 4 has been designed according to the SPM (1984). Armor sizes are designed using Hudson's formula and a specific gravity Sr of 2.65. The existing slope of 1 vertical to 1.5 horizontal has been utilized. The stability coefficient Ki is 2.0. Rock is assumed to be individually placed in the usual stable configuration. An armor stone weight of 3 tons is determined for the structure. Rock gradation of 2 to 4 tons is assumed, with 50% to be greater than 3 tons. The layer thickness is 2 stones, resulting in a 7-foot-thick armor layer. The core layer is about 1.5 feet thick and the core stone (C-Stone) is selected as quarry run. The design of the seawall constructed in Reach 3 is based on the design of the public seawall constructed by the City of Carlsbad. The seawall consists of a concrete cap built on a sheet pile wall. Also, toe stones are placed on the seaward side of the sheet pile wall. Rubble-mound revetments have also been designed as protective structures in Reach 3 and Reach 5. The armor stone weights are determined to be 6 tons for the structure in Reach 3 and 4 tons for the structure in Reach 5. A-7.3 Description of Alternate Plans To protect the Carlsbad coastal area from storm damage and to armor the shoreline against further erosion, the following beach stabilization and protective structures have been considered: beach nourishment, seawall and revetment, groin, and offshore breakwater. The plans, which have been developed as alternative strategies to reduce storm damages along the coastal area of Carlsbad, are outlined in the following sub-sections. Other schemes of shoreline stabilization include sand bypassing and submerged sill. However, these two schemes have not been considered in the alternative plans. 47 A-7.3.1 Plan 1 - Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 As shown in Figure 7.la, a 200-foot berm is constructed at the coastal area of Reaches 1 and 2. The elevation of the beachfill is +10 feet MLLW and the length of the beachfill is about 5,000 feet. The beach face slopes downward approximately 1 vertical on 20 horizontal from the berm crest to the natural nearshore bottom. Figure 7.Ib shows a typical cross-section of the beachfill. A-7.3.2 Plan 2 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 As shown in Figure 7.2a, a system of three groins are used to stabilize the beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2. The groins are 600 feet long and 2,000 feet apart. (Basing on the observation of the historical beach profiles at the south groin of Oceanside Harbor, the groin length has been reduced from the original design of 800 feet to 600 feet.) Figure 7.2b shows a typical cross- section of the groin. The elevation of the beachfill is +10 feet MLLW and the width of the berm is 200 feet. The beach face slopes downward approximately 1 vertical on 20 horizontal from the berm crest to the natural nearshore bottom. Figure 7.Ib shows a typical cross-section of the beachfill. A-7.3.3 Plan 3 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reaches 1 and 2 As shown in Figure 7.3a, three offshore breakwaters are used to provide protection from wave action to the shoreline of Reaches 1 and 2. Each breakwater is 800 feet long and the gap between the breakwaters is 800 feet. Figure 7.3b shows a typical cross-section of the offshore breakwater. Figure 7.3a also shows the anticipated shoreline change associated with this offshore breakwater system. A-7.3.4 Plan 4 - New and Repaired Revetments in Reach 1 As shown in Figure 7.4a, a 600-foot long revetment is built in Reach 1 to protect ten structures from erosion by waves and currents. This revetment is intended to provide protection to the structures that presently do not have protective structures. Figure 7.4b shows a typical cross-section of the rubble-mound revetment. Also, the existing revetments in Reach 1 are repaired to bring them to the specifications of the new revetment. 48 A-7.3.5 Plan 5 - Beachfill and North Intake Jetty Extension in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 As shown in Figure 7.5, a berm is constructed at the coastal area of Reaches 1 and 2. The berm is 200 feet wide at the northern end near Buena Vista Lagoon and is 330 feet wide at the southern end near the north intake jetty of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The elevation of the beachfill is +10 feet MLLW and the length of the beachfill is about 7,400 feet. The beach face slopes downward approximately 1 vertical on 20 horizontal from the berm crest to the natural nearshore bottom. The typical cross-section of the beachfill is similar to that shown in Figure 7.1b. The north intake jetty at Agua Hedionda Lagoon is extended 400 feet, so that the total length of the jetty is 600 feet. The typical cross-section of the extended jetty is similar to that shown in Figure 7.2b. A-7.3.6 Plan 6 - Beachfill in Reach 3 As shown in Figure 7.6a, a 200-foot berm is constructed at the coastal area of Reach 3. The elevation of the beachfill is +10 feet MLLW and the length of the beachfill is about 2,700 feet. The beach face slopes downward approximately 1 vertical on 20 horizontal from the berm crest to the natural nearshore bottom. Figure 7.6b shows a typical cross-section of the beachfill. A-7.3.7 Plan 7 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 3 As shown in Figure 7.7a, a system of two groins are used to stabilize the beachfill in Reach 3. The groins are 350 feet long and 900 feet apart. Figure 7.7b shows a typical cross-section of the groin. The elevation of the beachfill is +10 feet MLLW and the width of the berm is 200 feet. The beach face slopes downward approximately 1 vertical on 20 horizontal from the berm crest to the natural nearshore bottom. Figure 7.6b shows a typical cross - section of the beachfill. A-7.3.8 Plan 8 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reach 3 As shown in Figure 7.8a, three offshore breakwaters are used to provide protection from wave action to the shoreline of Reach 3. Each breakwater is 400 feet long and the gap between the breakwaters is 400 feet. Figure 7.8b shows a typical cross-section of the offshore breakwater. Figure 7.8a also shows the anticipated shoreline change associated with this offshore breakwater system. 49 A-7.3.9 Plan 9 - A Seawall in Reach 3 As shown in Figure 7.9a, a 2,700 feet long seawall is built in Reach 3 to protect the portion of Carlsbad Blvd. between in intake and outlet jetties at Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Figure 7.9b shows a typical cross-section of the seawall. A-7.3.10 Plan 10 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 3 As shown in Figure 7.10a, a 2,700 feet long rubble-mound revetment is built in Reach 3 to protect the portion of Carlsbad Blvd. between in intake and outlet jetties at Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Figure 7.10b shows a typical cross-section of the revetment. A-7.3.11 Plan 11 - Beachfill and Structures in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 As shown in Figure 7.11, a 200-foot berm is constructed at the coastal area of Reaches 1, 2, and 3. The elevation of the beachfill is +10 feet MLLW and the length of the beachfill is about 7,400 + 2,700 = 10,100 feet. The beach face slopes downward approximately 1 vertical on 20 horizontal from the berm crest to the natural nearshore bottom. The typical cross-sections of the beachfill are shown in Figures 7.1b and 7.6b. The north intake jetty at Agua Hedionda Lagoon is extended 200 feet, so that the total length of the jetty is 400 feet. The typical cross-section of the extended jetty is similar to that shown in Figure 7.2b. As shown in Figure 7.11, a system of two groins are used to stabilize the beachfill in Reach 3. The groins are 350 feet long and 900 feet apart. Figure 7.7b shows a typical cross-section of the groin. A-7.3.12 Plan 12 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 5 As shown in Figure 7.12, a 1,000 feet long rubble-mound revetment is built in Reach 5 to protect the portion of Carlsbad Blvd. at which the road elevation is about +18.3 feet MLLW. The typical cross-section of the revetment is similar to that shown in Figure 7.lOb. A-7.3.13 Plan 13 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 1 As shown in Figure 7.13, a 200-foot berm is constructed at the coastal area of Reach 1. The elevation of the beachfill is +10 feet MLLW and the length of the beachfill is about 4,000 feet. The beach face slopes downward approximately 1 vertical on 20 horizontal from the berm crest to the natural 50 nearshore bottom. A typical cross-section of the beachfill is shown in Figure 7.1b. Two 400-foot groins are used to stabilize the beachfill. A typical cross-section of the groin is shown in Figure 7.2b. A-7.3.14 Plan 14 - A T-Groin with Beachfill in Reach 3 As shown in Figure 7.14, a T-groin is used to stabilize the beachfill in Reach 3. The beachfill is about 2,700 feet long. The elevation of the beachfill is +10 feet MLLW and the width of the berm is 200 feet. The beach face slopes downward approximately 1 vertical on 20 horizontal from the berm crest to the natural nearshore bottom. A typical cross-section of the beachfill is shown in Figure 7.6b. The groin is about 350 feet long and the T-shaped end is about 200 feet long. A typical cross-section of the groin is shown in Figure 7.7b. A-7.4 Assessment of Alternate Plans An assessment of these alternative strategies is described in the following sub-sections. Included in the assessment are the shoreline response, wave runup, and damages to coastal structures. For damages to the coastal structures, the same damage criteria and method of calculation detailed in Section A-6.5.1 are used. A-7.4.1 Plan 1 - Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 To maintain a minimum width of 200 feet for the protective beach, an extra volume of sand will be required during the initial construction of the beachfill. The extra volume will account for the sand loss which takes place between the time interval of replenishment, because there is a net longshore transport of 270,000 cubic yards per year. Since there is continuous dredging at Oceanside Harbor and beach disposal of the dredged materials south of the harbor, it is assumed that Reaches 1 and 2 will receive 100,000 cubic yards per year from this sand bypass operation. Thus, the replenishment rate of the beachfill becomes 170,000 cubic yards per year. Table 7.1 shows an optimization of the annual cost by using different replenishment frequencies. The beachfill will be replenished on a 5-year cycle for the case without any stabilizing structures. 51 Table 7.1 Plan 1 - Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 - Analysis of Beachfill Replenishment Frequency without Groins 3.00 % = Engineering During Construction 8.00 % = Preconstruction Engineering and Design 7.00 % = Construction Management $3.00 per yd'3 of Sand $500,000 = Mobilization and Demobilization 8.00 % = Interest Rate 50.00 years = Project Life 3,600 ft'2 x 5,000 ft = 666,667 yd'3 170,000 yd'3 per year = Replenishment Rate Carlsbad Beachfill - Reach 1 Average Annual Cost of Frequency Alternatives - Sensitivity Analysis QUANTITY (YD"3) NEW BEACHFILL NEW ADVANCED NOURISHMENT TOTAL 1ST TIME QUANTITY RE -NOURISHMENT FREQUENCY (YEARS) FIRST COSTS : MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION BEACHFILL SUBTOTAL 666, 170, 836, 170, $500, $2,510, $3,010, PRECONSTRUCTION ENGINEER I NG&DES I GN $240, CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL FIRST COST OF CONSTRUCTION RE -NOURISHMENT COSTS : MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION BEACHFILL SUBTOTAL $210, $90, $3,551. $500, $510, $1,010, PRECONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING & DESIGN$80, CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL COST PRESENT WORTH FACTOR PRESENT WORTH COSTS TOTAL PRESENT WORTH COSTS AVERAGE ANNUAL COST $70. $30, $1,191, 700 000 700 000 1 000 100 100 800 700 300 900 000 000 000 800 700 300 800 12.23348 $14,579,900 $18,131,800 $1,482,100 666, 340, 1,006, 340, $500, $3,020, $3,520, $281, $246, $105, $4,153, $500, $1,020, $1,520, $121, $106, $45, $1,793, 700 000 700 000 2 000 100 100 600 400 600 700 000 000 000 600 400 600 600 5.88148 $10,549,000 $14,702,700 $1,201,800 666, 510, 1,176, 510, $500, $3,530, $4,030, $322, $282, $120, $4,755, $500, $1,530, $2.030, $162, $142, $60, $2,395. 700 000 700 000 3 000 100 100 400 100 900 500 000 000 000 400 100 900 400 3.76832 $9,026,600 $13,782,100 $1,126,600 666, 680, 1,346, 680, $500, $4,040, $4,540, $363, $317, $136. $5.357. $500, $2,040, $2,540, $203, 700 000 700 000 4 000 100 100 200 800 200 300 000 000 000 200 $177,800 $76,200 $2.997,200 2.71486 $8,137,000 $13,494,300 $1,103,100 666, 850, 1,516, 850, $500, $4,550, $5,050, $404, $353, $151. $5.959, $500, $2,550, $3,050, $244, $213, $91, 700 000 700 000 5 000 100 100 000 500 500 100 000 000 000 000 500 500 $3,599,000 2.08528 $7,504,900 $13,464,000 $1,100,600 666,700 1,020,000 1,686,700 1,020,000 6 $500,000 $5,060,100 $5,560,100 $444,800 $389,200 $166,800 $6,560,900 $500,000 $3,060,000 $3,560,000 $284,800 $249,200 $106,800 $4,200,800 1.66761 $7.005,300 $13,566,200 $1,108,900 An analysis of the shoreline retreat similar to that described in Section A-6.2.3 has been performed to estimate the probable berm width for use in the calculation of wave runup. Since the beaches of Carlsbad do not have 52 enough sand, a location - PN 1080 - north of Oceanside Harbor has been chosen to analyze the seasonal movement of a sandy beach. The shoreline data are obtained from the CCSTWS of USAED, Los Angeles (1991) . The MHHW shoreline retreat associated with return periods of 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 years are 160, 188, 218, 237, and 255 feet, respectively. The with project beachfill will have a berm width varying between 200 feet and 400 feet wide, depending on when in the replenishment cycle the storm occurs. For storms with less than 200-foot shoreline retreat, the 200 feet wide initial berm width is assumed to calculate wave runup because the residual damage for these events will be negligible. For storms with shoreline retreat greater than 200 feet, the runup can be the same as without project if the protective beach is narrower than the storm recession. To approximate residual damages with project beachfill, it is estimated that the return period would double for events with recession greater than 200 feet or that the 50-year without project runup would be equivalent to the 100-year with project runup. The design water depths shown in Table 6.3 and two wave periods, namely 15 and 17 seconds, have been used in the wave runup calculation. The results of wave runup in Reaches 1 and 2 are shown in Table 7.2 for the with project condition. Table 7.2 Carlsbad - Wave Runup Statistics at Reaches 1 & 2 - With Project Carlsbad Wave Runup Level (ft MLLW) Line Rl SI Rl S2 Rl S3 Rl S4 REACH 2 2-yr 13.7 13.9 13.7 13.7 14.2 5-yr 15.3 15.6 15.2 15.3 15.6 10 -yr 16.1 16.5 16.0 16.2 16.5 2 5-yr 20.8 23.2 20.2 21.1 23.4 50-yr 21.1 23.5 20.5 21.4 23.8 100-yr 21.4 23.8 20.8 21.7 24.2 200-yr 21.9 24.4 21.3 22.2 24.5 Using the results of wave runup, the reduction in damage to ancillary improvements and flooded structures can be obtained. As shown in Figure 6.8, bluff erosion will start to occur at an excess wave runup of about 8.6 feet. Utilizing the assumptions stated in Section A-6.5.1, damages due to bluff retreat undermining structure foundations will initiate at the 100-year event while complete structural damages along this unprotected reach occurs at the 200-year event. Since the berm provides protection from wave attack, structural damage to revetment is reduced as shown in Table 7.3. 53 Table 7.3 Carlsbad Revetment Damages - With Project Conditions Item 2-year 5-year 10-year 25-year 50-year 100-year 200-year Results of Plans 1, 2, 5, 11, 13 at 2445 Ocean, 70 LF at $402.86/ft = $28,200 Damage (%) 0 0 0 6 14 21 24 Damage 000 $1,700 $3,900 $5,900 $6,800 Results of Plans 1, 2, 5, 11, 13 at 2505-2643 Ocean, 750 LF at $329.20/ft = $246,900 Damage(%) 0 0 0 12 27 41 45 Damage 000 $30,000 $67,000 $101,000 $111,000 Results of Plans 1,2,5,11,13 at 2723-2751,2955 Ocean, 400 LF at $455.00/ft = $182,000 Damage(%) 0 0 0 6 14 21 24 Damage 000 $11,000 $25,000 $38,000 $44,000 Results of Plans 5, 11 at North of Intake Jetties, 450 LF at $180.00/ft = $81,000 Damage(%) 0 0 0 13 28 43 60 Damage 000 $11,000 $23,000 $35,000 $49,000 Results of Plans 6,7,11,14 at South of Intake Jetties, 350 LF at $134.29/ft = $47,000 Damage(%) 0 0 0 30 65 100 100 Damage 000 $14,000 $31,000 $47,000 $47,000 A-7.4.2 Plan 2 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 Groin construction will result in the shoreline reorienting itself more nearly parallel with the prevailing incident wave crests. Net longshore transport rates along the reoriented shoreline will be lower because the angle between the average incoming wave crests and the new shoreline will be smaller. By assuming that the angle is reduced by a factor of two, the resulting net longshore transport rate will be reduced by about the same factor for small angles. Thus, a net longshore transport rate of 135,000 cubic yards per year has been assumed. It is also assumed that Reaches 1 and 2 will receive 100,000 cubic yards per year from the sand bypass operation at Oceanside Harbor. Thus, a beachfill replenishment rate of 35,000 cubic yards per year has been used in the optimization of the replenishment frequency. As shown in Table 7.4, the beachfill will be replenished on a 10-year cycle with a groin system acting as stabilizing structures. 54 Except for a longer project life for the beachfill, the results of wave runup and damages to coastal structures are the same as those of Plan 1. A-7.4.3 Plan 3 - An offshore Breakwater System in Reaches 1 and 2 Assuming that there is enough longshore transport, salients will form as a response to the breakwater system as shown in Figure 7.3a. Behind multiple breakwaters, Suh and Dalrymple (1987) proposed that the length of the salient ys can be expressed as: (7.1) where y is the distance from the original shoreline to the breakwater, b is the gap width between the breakwaters, and X is the length of breakwater. Also, Suh and Dalrymple (1987) suggested that tombolo formation will be precluded if: (7.2)y As mentioned in Section A-7.2.3, the breakwaters are located in a water depth of -11.8 feet MLLW. With the nearshore bathymetry, the distance y is about 900 feet. With a breakwater length of 600 feet and a gap width of 800 feet, the formation of tombolo will be precluded according to Equation 7.2. Using Equation 7.1, the length of the salient is about 490 feet. Assuming that the breakwater system will effectively control erosion and retain sand on the beach, the salients will provide better protection to the coastal structures than the beachfill and groin systems. Thus, damages due to wave runup and wave action will reduce to a minimum. 55 Table 7.4a Plan 2 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 - Analysis of Beachfill Replenishment Frequency 3.00 % = Engineering During Construction 8.00 % = Preconstruction Engineering and Design 7.00 % = Construction Management $3.00 per yd3 of Sand $500,000 = Mobilization and Demobilization 8.00 % = Interest Rate 50.00 years = Project Life 3,600 ft2 x 5,000 ft = 666,667 yd3 35,000 yd3 per year = Replenishment Rate Carlsbad Beachfill - Reach 1 - Average Annual Cost of Frequency Alternatives - Sensitivity Analysis QUANTITY (YD"3) NEW BEACHFILL NEW ADVANCED NOURISHMENT TOTAL 1ST TIME QUANTITY RE -NOURISHMENT FREQUENCY (YEARS) FIRST COSTS : MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION BEACHFILL SUBTOTAL PRECON. ENGINEERING & DESIGN CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL FIRST COST OF CONSTRUCTION RE-NOURISHMENT COSTS : MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION BEACHFILL SUBTOTAL 666,700 35,000 701,700 35,000 1 $500,000 $2,105,100 $2,605,100 $208,400 $182,400 $78,200 $3,074,100 $500,000 $105,000 $605,000 PRECONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING & DESIGN$48,400 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL COST PRESENT WORTH FACTOR PRESENT WORTH COSTS $42,400 $18,200 $714,000 12.23348 $8,734,700 666,700 70,000 736,700 70,000 2 $500,000 $2,210,100 $2,710,100 $216,800 $189,700 $81 ,300 $3,197,900 $500,000 $210,000 $710,000 $56,800 $49,700 $21,300 $837,800 5.88148 $4,927,500 666,700 105,000 771,700 105,000 3 $500,000 $2,315,100 $2,815,100 $225,200 $197,100 $84,500 $3,321,900 $500,000 $315,000 $815,000 $65,200 $57,100 $24,500 $961,800 3.76832 $3,624,400 666,700 140,000 806,700 140,000 4 $500,000 $2,420,100 $2,920,100 $233,600 $204,400 $87,600 $3,445,700 $500,000 $420,000 $920,000 $73,600 $64,400 $27,600 $1,085,600 2.71486 $2,947,300 666,700 175,000 841,700 175,000 5 $500,000 $2,525,100 $3,025,100 $242,000 $211,800 $90,800 $3,569,700 $500,000 $525,000 $1,025,000 $82,000 $71,800 $30,800 $1,209,600 2.08528 $2,522,400 666,700 210,000 876,700 210,000 6 $500,000 $2,630,100 $3,130,100 $250,400 $219,100 $93,900 $3,693,500 $500,000 $630,000 $1,130,000 $90,400 $79,100 $33,900 $1,333,400 1 .66761 $2,223,600 TOTAL PRESENT WORTH COSTS AVERAGE ANNUAL COST $11,808,800 $8,125,400 $6,946,300 $6,393,000 $6,092,100 $5,917,100 $965,300 $664,200 $567,800 $522,600 $498,000 $483,700 56 Table 7.4b Plan 2 - A Groin' System with Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 Analysis of Beachfill Replenishment Frequency 3.00 % = Engineering During Construction 8.00 % = Reconstruction Engineering and Design 7.00 X = Construction Management $3.00 per yd3 of Sand $500,000 = Mobilization and Demobilization 8.00 % = Interest Rate 50.00 years = Project Life 3,600 ft2 x 5,000 ft = 666,667 yd3 35,000 yd3 per year = Replenishment Rate Carlsbad Beachfill - Reach 1 - Average Annual Cost of Frequency Alternatives - Sensitivity Analysis QUANTITY (YD'3) NEW BEACHFILL NEW ADVANCED NOURISHMENT TOTAL 1ST TIME QUANTITY RE-NOURISHMENT FREQUENCY (YEARS) FIRST COSTS : MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION BEACHFILL SUBTOTAL PRECON. ENGINEERING & DESIGN CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL FIRST COST OF CONSTRUCTION RE -NOURISHMENT COSTS : MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION BEACHFILL SUBTOTAL 666,700 245,000 911,700 245,000 7 $500,000 $2,735,100 $3,235,100 $258,800 $226,500 $97,100 $3,817,500 $500,000 $735,000 $1,235,000 PRECONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING & DESIGN$98,800 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL COST PRESENT WORTH FACTOR PRESENT WORTH COSTS $86,500 $37,100 $1,457,400 1.37104 $1,998,100 666,700 280,000 946,700 280,000 8 $500,000 $2,840,100 $3,340,100 $267,200 $233,800 $100,200 $3,941,300 $500,000 $840,000 $1,340,000 $107,200 $93,800 $40,200 $1,581,200 1.15013 $1,818,600 666,700 315,000 981,700 315,000 9 $500,000 $2,945,100 $3,445,100 $275,600 $241,200 $103,400 $4,065,300 $500,000 $945,000 $1,445,000 $115,600 $101,200 $43,400 $1,705,200 0.97965 $1,670,500 666,700 350,000 1,016,700 350,000 10 $500,000 $3,050,100 $3.550,100 $284,000 $248,500 $106,500 $4,189,100 $500,000 $1,050,000 $1,550,000 $124,000 $108,500 $46,500 $1,829,000 0.84447 $1,544,500 666,700 385,000 1,051,700 385,000 11 $500,000 $3,155,100 $3,655,100 $292,400 $255,900 $109,700 $4,313,100 $500,000 $1,155,000 $1,655,000 $132,400 $115,900 $49,700 $1,953,000 0.73494 $1,435,300 666,700 420,000 1,086,700 420,000 12 $500,000 $3,260,100 $3,760,100 $300,800 $263,200 $112,800 $4,436,900 $500,000 $1,260,000 $1,760,000 $140,800 $123,200 $52,800 $2,076,800 0.64464 $1,338,800 TOTAL PRESENT WORTH COSTS AVERAGE ANNUAL COST $5,815,600 $5,759,900 $5,735,800 $5,733,600 $5,748,400 $5,775,700 $475,400 $470,800 $468,900 $468,700 $469,900 $472,100 57 A-7.4.4 Plan 4 - New and Repaired Revetments in Reach 1 Construction of the new revetment and repair to the existing revetments at Reach 1 is anticipated to cause minimal effects to the existing sediment transport mechanism, because the toes of the revetment are located at a landward setback distance. Thus, there will be no adverse impact to the local coastal processes. The results of wave runup within Reach 1 will be similar to those of the without project conditions. Thus, there will be no reduction in damage due to flooding to the coastal structures in Reach 1. Since the toe of the bluff is properly protected, structural damage due to bluff retreat is reduced to a minimum. Since the new revetment and the repaired revetments have been designed to withstand a 25-year event, structural damage to the revetments will start for events associated with return periods greater than 25 years. The revetment will experience 1.25 %, 2.50 %, and 4.38 % damage associated with the 50-, 100-, and 200-year events, respectively. Thus, the damages to the revetments are negligible. A-7.4.5 Plan 5 - Beachfill and North Intake Jetty Extension in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 Extension of the north intake jetty will result in the shoreline reorienting itself more nearly parallel with the prevailing incident wave crests. Net longshore transport rates along the reoriented shoreline will be lower because the angle between the average incoming wave crests and the new shoreline will be smaller. By assuming that the angle is reduced by a factor of two, the resulting net longshore transport rate will be reduced by about the same factor for small angles. Thus, a net longshore transport rate of 135,000 cubic yards per year has been assumed. It is also assumed that Reaches 1 and 2 will receive 100,000 cubic yards per year from the sand bypass operation at Oceanside Harbor. Since there are continuous dredging of about 120,000 cubic yards per year at Agua Hedionda Lagoon and beach disposal of the dredged materials north and south of the lagoon, it is further assumed that Reach 2 will receive 60,000 cubic yards per year from this sand bypass operation. Moreover, it is assumed that there is an offshore loss rate of 25,000 cubic yards per year. Thus, beachfill replenishment is not required for this plan. Based on the typical cross-sectional area of 4,560 ft2, the volume of beachfill (1,249,800 cubic yards) is estimated by using the pertaining length of 7,400 feet. 58 The results of wave runup and damages to the coastal structures are the same as those of Plan 1, except for the revetment situated north of the north intake jetty. Structural damage to this revetment is reduced as shown in Table 7.3. A-7.4.6 Plan 6 - Beachfill in Reach 3 Since there are continuous dredging of about 120,000 to 130,000 cubic yards per year at Agua Hedionda Lagoon and beach disposal of the dredged materials north and south of the lagoon, it is assumed that Reach 3 will receive 60,000 cubic yards per year from this sand bypass operation. Thus, the replenishment rate of the beachfill becomes 210,000 cubic yards per year. The optimum time interval of beachfill replenishment is analyzed as shown in Table 7.5. Without any stabilizing structure, the beachfill in Reach 3 will be replenished on a 4-year cycle. Also, the procedure described in Section A- 7.4.1 has been used in the wave runup calculation. The results of wave runup in Reach 3 are +14.9, +16.2, +17.0, +21.0, +21.3, +21.7, +22.2 feet MLLW associated with return periods of 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, 100-, and 200-year, respectively. Using the results of wave runup, damages to the causeway section of Carlsbad Blvd. between the intake and outlet jetties of Agua Hedionda Lagoon can be obtained. Based on the road elevation of +16.8 feet MLLW, the results of excess runup are 0.2, 4.2, 4.5, 4.9, and 5.4 feet associated with return periods of 10-, 25-, 50-, 100-, and 200-year, respectively. Table 7.6 shows the results of wave runup and damages to Carlsbad Blvd. for the with project condition. Since the bertn provides protection from wave attack, damage to revetment is reduced and is shown in Table 7.3. 59 Table 7.5 Plan 6 - Beachfill in Reach 3 Replenishment Frequency without Groins - Analysis of Beachfill 3.00 % = Engineering During Construction 8.00 % = Reconstruction Engineering and Design 7.00 % = Construction Management $3.00 per yd3 of Sand $500,000 = Mobilization and Demobilization 8.00 % = Interest Rate 50.00 years = Project Life 3,460 ft2 x 2,700 ft = 346,000 yd3 210,000 yd3 per year = Replenishment Rate Carlsbad Beachfill - Reach 3 Average Annual Cost of Frequency Alternatives - Sensitivity Analysis QUANTITY (YD"3) NEW BEACHFILL 346,000 NEW ADVANCED NOURISHMENT 210,000 TOTAL 1ST TIME QUANTITY RE-NOURISHMENT FREQUENCY (YEARS) FIRST COSTS : MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION BEACHFILL SUBTOTAL PRECON. ENGINEERING & DESIGN CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL FIRST COST OF CONSTRUCTION RE-NOURISHMENT COSTS : MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION BEACHFILL SUBTOTAL PRECON. ENGINEERING & DESIGN CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL COST PRESENT WORTH FACTOR PRESENT WORTH COSTS 556,000 210,000 1 $500,000 $1,668,000 $2,168,000 $173,400 $151,800 $65,000 $2,558,200 $500,000 $630,000 $1,130,000 $90,400 $79,100 $33,900 $1,333,400 12.23348 $16,312,100 346,000 420,000 766,000 420,000 2 $500,000 $2,298,000 $2,798,000 $223,800 $195,900 $83,900 $3,301,600 $500,000 $1,260,000 $1,760,000 $140,800 $123,200 $52,800 $2,076,800 5.88148 $12,214,700 346,000 630,000 976,000 630,000 3 $500,000 $2,928,000 $3,428,000 $274,200 $240,000 $102,800 $4,045,000 $500,000 $1,890,000 $2,390,000 $191,200 $167,300 $71,700 $2,820,200 3.76832 $10,627,400 346,000 840,000 1,186,000 840,000 4 $500,000 $3,558,000 $4,058,000 $324,600 $284,100 $121,700 $4,788,400 $500,000 $2,520,000 $3,020,000 $241,600 $211,400 $90,600 $3,563,600 2.71486 $9,674,700 346,000 1,050,000 1,396,000 1,050,000 5 $500,000 $4,188,000 $4,688,000 $375,000 $328,200 $140,600 $5,531,800 $500,000 $3,150,000 $3,650,000 $292,000 $255,500 $109,500 $4,307,000 2.08528 $8,981,300 346,000 1,260,000 1,606,000 1,260,000 6 $500,000 $4,818,000 $5,318,000 $425,400 $372,300 $159,500 $6,275,200 $500,000 $3,780,000 $4,280,000 $342,400 $299,600 $128,400 $5,050,400 1.66761 $8,422,100 TOTAL PRESENT WORTH COSTS AVERAGE ANNUAL COST $18,870,300 $15,516,300 $14,672,400 $14,463,100 $14,513,100 $14,697,300 $1,542,500 $1,268,300 $1,199,400 $1,182,300 $1,186,300 $1,201,400 60 Table 7.6 Carlsbad Reach 3 - Road Damage with Project Beachfill Reach 3 - Carlsbad Blvd. Damage - With Project Condition 16.8 ft = road elevation 2,000 ft = length of road damaged Jan 83 storm, excess runup = 20.9 - 16.8 = 4.1 ft, erosion = 50 ft Assume excess runup of 3 ft and less causing 0 ft erosion $6.00 per ft"2 = Damage Repair 150 ft = Total Road Erosion Return Period (yr) 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 Wave Excess Runup ( f t ) Runup ( ft ) 14 16 17 21 21 21 22 .9 .2 .0 .0 .3 .7 .2 0 0 0 4 4 4 5 .2 .2 .5 .9 .4 (ft) Erosion 0 0 0 55 68 86 109 (ft"2) Area 0 0 0 110,000 136,000 172,000 218,000 ($) Damage 0 0 0 660,000 816,000 1,032,000 1,308,000 A-7.4.7 Plan 7 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 3 Due to the reorientation of the shoreline after groin construction, the angle between the shoreline and the incoming wave crests will be reduced. The net longshore transport rate is assumed to be about 130,000 cubic yards per year. It is also assumed that Reach 3 will receive about 130,000 cubic yards per year from the sand bypass operation at Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Thus, no beachfill replenishment is required. The results of wave runup and damages to coastal structures will be the same as those of Plan 6. A-7.4.8 Plan 8 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reach 3 Assuming that there is enough longshore transport, salients will form as a response to the breakwaters as shown in Figure 7.7a. As mentioned in Section A-7.2.3, the breakwaters are located in a water depth of -11.8 feet MLLW. With the nearshore bathymetry, the distance y is about 900 feet. With 61 a breakwater length of 400 feet and a gap width of 400 feet, the formation of tombolo will be precluded. Using'Equation 7.1, the length of the salient is about 430 feet. Assuming that the breakwater system will effectively control erosion and retain sand on the beach, the salients will provide better protection to the coastal structures than the beachfill and groin systems. Thus, damages due to wave runup and wave action will reduce to a minimum, except for the revetment located north of the intake jetties since the revetment is located outside of the breakwater's shadow. A-7.4.9 Plan 9 - A Seawall in Reach 3 Construction of a seawall at Reach 3, is anticipated to cause minimal effects to the existing sediment transport mechanism, because the toe of the seawall is located at a landward setback distance. Thus, there will be no adverse impact to the local coastal processes. The results of wave runup within Reach 3 will be similar to those of the without project conditions. There will be no reduction in damage to the existing revetments situated north of the intake jetties, because the seawall is designed to protect the causeway section of Carlsbad Blvd. between the intake and outlet jetties of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Thus, the causeway will not be damaged by wave action. Since the seawall is properly designed against wave attack, structure damage to seawall is also assumed to be minimal. A-7.4.10 Plan 10 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 3 Construction of a rubble-mound revetment at Reach 3 is anticipated to have similar effects as construction of the seawall described in Plan 9. A-7.4.11 Plan 11 - Beachfill and Structures in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 Extension of the north intake jetty will result in the shoreline reorienting itself more nearly parallel with the prevailing incident wave crests. Net longshore transport rates along the reoriented shoreline will be lower because the angle between the average incoming wave crests and the new shoreline will be smaller. Thus, a net longshore transport rate of 200,000 cubic yards per year has been assumed. It is also assumed that Reaches 1 and 2 will receive 100,000 cubic yards per year from the sand bypass operation at Oceanside Harbor. Thus, a beachfill replenishment rate of 100,000 cubic yards 62 per year has been used in the optimization of replenishment frequency. As shown in Table 7.7, the beachfill will be replenished on a 6-year cycle. The results of storm damage will be similar to those of Plans 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7. A-7.4.12 Plan 12 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 5 Construction of a rubble-mound revetment at Reach 5 is anticipated to have similar effects as construction of the seawall described in Plan 9. A-7.4.13 Plan 13 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 1 Construction of the two end groins will result in the shoreline reorienting itself more nearly parallel with the prevailing incident wave crests. Net longshore transport rates along the reoriented shoreline will be lower because the angle between the average incoming wave crests and the new shoreline will be smaller. Thus, a net longshore transport rate of 135,000 cubic yards per year has been assumed. It is also assumed that Reach 1 will receive 100,000 cubic yards per year from the sand bypass operation at Oceanside Harbor. Since there are continuous dredging of about 120,000 cubic yards per year at Agua Hedionda Lagoon and beach disposal of the dredged materials north and south of the lagoon, it is further assumed that Reach 1 will receive 60,000 cubic yards per year from this sand bypass operation. Moreover, it is assumed that there is an offshore loss rate of 25,000 cubic yards per year. Thus, beachfill replenishment is not required for this plan. The results of wave runup and damages to the coastal structures are the same as those of Plan 1. Structural damage to this revetment is reduced as shown in Table 7.3. A-7.4.14 Plan 14 - A T-Groin with Beachfill in Reach 3 Due to the reorientation of the shoreline after groin construction, the angle between the shoreline and the incoming wave crests will be reduced. The net longshore transport rate is assumed to be about 130,000 cubic yards per year. It is also assumed that Reach 3 will receive about 130,000 cubic yards per year from the sand bypass operation at Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Thus, no beachfill replenishment is required. The results of wave runup and damages to coastal structures will be the same as those of Plan 6. 63 Table 7.7a Plan 11 - Beachfill and Structures in Reaches l, 2, and 3 Analysis of Beachfill Replenishment Frequency 3.00 % = Engineering During Construction 8.00 % = Reconstruction Engineering and Design 7.00 X = Construction Management $3.00 per yd3 of Sand $500,000 = Mobilization and Demobilization 8.00 % = Interest Rate 50.00 years = Project Life 3,560 ft2 x 10,100 ft = 1,331,704 yd3 100,000 yd3 per year = Replenishment Rate Carlsbad Beachfill - Reach 1, Reach 2, and Reach 3 Average Annual Cost of Frequency Alternatives - Sensitivity Analysis QUANTITY (YD'3) NEW BEACHFILL 1,331,700 NEW ADVANCED NOURISHMENT 100,000 TOTAL 1ST TIME QUANTITY RE-NOURISHMENT FREQUENCY (YEARS) FIRST COSTS : MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION BEACHFILL SUBTOTAL PRECON. ENGINEERING & DESIGN CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL FIRST COST OF CONSTRUCTION RE -NOURISHMENT COSTS : MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION BEACHFILL SUBTOTAL PRECON. ENGINEERING & DESIGN CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL COST PRESENT WORTH FACTOR PRESENT WORTH COSTS 1,431,700 100,000 1 $500,000 $4,295,100 $4,795,100 $383,600 $335,700 $143,900 $5,658,300 $500,000 $300,000 $800,000 $64,000 $56,000 $24,000 $944,000 12.23348 $11,548,400 1,331,700 200,000 1,531,700 200,000 2 $500,000 $4,595,100 $5,095,100 $407,600 $356,700 $152,900 $6,012,300 $500,000 $600,000 $1,100,000 $88,000 $77,000 $33,000 $1,298,000 5.88148 $7,634,200 1.331,700 300,000 1,631,700 300,000 3 $500,000 $4,895,100 $5,395,100 $431,600 $377,700 $161,900 $6,366,300 $500,000 $900,000 $1,400,000 $112,000 $98,000 $42,000 $1,652,000 3.76832 $6,225,300 1,331,700 400,000 1,731,700 400,000 4 $500,000 $5,195,100 $5,695,100 $455,600 $398,700 $170,900 $6,720,300 $500,000 $1,200,000 $1,700,000 $136,000 $119,000 $51,000 $2,006,000 2.71486 $5,446,000 1,331,700 500,000 1,831,700 500,000 5 $500,000 $5,495,100 $5,995,100 $479,600 $419,700 $179,900 $7,074,300 $500,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $160,000 $140,000 $60,000 $2,360,000 2.08528 $4,921,300 1,331,700 600,000 1,931,700 600,000 6 $500,000 $5,795,100 $6,295,100 $503,600 $440,700 $188,900 $7,428,300 $500,000 $1,800,000 $2,300,000 $184,000 $161,000 $69,000 $2,714,000 1 .66761 $4,525,900 TOTAL PRESENT WORTH COSTS AVERAGE ANNUAL COST $17,206,700 $13,646,500 $12,591,600 $12,166,300 $11,995,600 $11,954,200 $1,406,500 $1,115,500 $1,029,300 $994,500 $980,600 $977,200 64 Table 7.7b Plan 11 - Beachfill and Structures in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 Beachfill Replenishment Frequency Analysis 3.00 % = Engineering During Construction 8.00 % = Reconstruction Engineering and Design 7.00 % = Construction Management $3.00 per yd3 of Sand $500,000 = Mobilization and Demobilization 8.00 % = Interest Rate 50.00 years = Project Life 3,560 ft2 x 10,100 ft = 1,331,704 yd3 100,000 yd3 per year = Replenishment Rate Carlsbad Beachfill - Reach 1, Reach 2, and Reach 3 Average Annual Cost of Frequency Alternatives - Sensitivity Analysis QUANTITY (YD'3) NEW BEACHFILL 1,331, NEW ADVANCED NOURISHMENT 700, TOTAL 1ST TIME QUANTITY RE-NOURISHMENT FREQUENCY (YEARS) FIRST COSTS : MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION BEACHFILL SUBTOTAL PRECON. ENGINEERING & DESIGN CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL FIRST COST OF CONSTRUCTION RE -NOURISHMENT COSTS : MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION BEACHFILL SUBTOTAL PRECON. ENGINEERING & DESIGN CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING DURING CONSTRUCTION TOTAL COST PRESENT WORTH FACTOR PRESENT WORTH COSTS TOTAL PRESENT WORTH COSTS AVERAGE ANNUAL COST 2,031, 700, $500, $6,095, $6,595, $527, $461, $197, $7,782, $500, $2,100, $2,600, $208, $182, $78, $3,068, 700 000 700 000 7 000 100 100 600 700 900 300 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 1.37104 $4,206, $11,988, $980, 300 600 000 1,331, 800, 2,131, 800, $500, $6.395, $6,895, $551, $482, $206, $8,136, $500, $2,400, $2,900, $232, $203, $87, $3,422, 700 000 700 000 8 000 100 100 600 700 900 300 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 1.15013 $3,935, $12,072, $986, 700 000 800 1,331 900 2,231 900 $500 $6,695 $7,195 $575 $503 $215 $8,490 $500 $2,700 $3,200 $256 $224 $96 $3,776 ,700 ,000 ,700 ,000 9 ,000 ,100 ,100 ,600 ,700 ,900 ,300 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 0.97965 $3,699 $12,189 $996 ,200 ,500 ,400 1,331, 1,000, 2,331. 1,000, $500, $6,995, $7,495, $599, $524, $224, $8,844, $500, $3,000, $3,500. $280, $245, $105, $4.130, 700 000 700 000 10 000 100 100 600 700 900 300 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.84447 $3,487, $12,332, $1,008, 700 000 100 1,331, 1,100, 2,431, 1,100, $500, $7.295, $7,795, $623, $545, $233, $9,198, $500, $3,300, $3,800, $304, $266, $114, $4,484, 700 000 700 000 11 000 100 100 600 700 900 300 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.73494 $3,295, $12,493, $1,021, 500 800 300 1,331,700 1,200,000 2,531,700 1,200,000 12 $500,000 $7,595,100 $8,095,100 $647,600 $566,700 $242,900 $9,552,300 $500,000 $3,600,000 $4,100,000 $328,000 $287,000 $123,000 $4,838,000 0.64464 $3,118,800 $12,671,100 $1,035,800 65 A-7.5 Preliminary Costs of Construction and Maintenance Costs to construct the alternatives are calculated and the results are shown in Tables 7.8 through 7.21. The procedures of calculation are shown in the following sub-sections. Table 7.22 shows a summary of the annual cost estimates of the alternative plans. An interest rate of 8% and a project life of 50 years have been used in calculating the annual cost. A-7.5.1 Rock and Beachfill Unit-Prices The cost estimates assume current rock and beachfill unit-prices as follows: 1. A-16 stone $56/ton 2. A-12 stone $50/ton 3. A-7 stone $45/ton 4. B-2 stone $42/ton 5. B-l stone $35/ton 6. C stone $30/ton for groins; $26/ton for breakwaters 7. Beachfill $3/cubic yard 8. Mobilization for Beachfill $500,000 lump sum 9. Planning, Engineering, and Design: 8% of total construction cost 10. Construction Management: 7% of total construction cost 11. Engineering during Construction: 3% of total construction cost To account for the uncertainties of estimating the unit-prices and construction quantities, a contingency of 25% has been applied to the calculation of cost items. A-7.5.2 Construction Materials, Quantities, and Costs The characteristics of sand from the borrow site will be compatible with those of the native sand in the Carlsbad coastal area. Based on the typical cross-sectional area, the volume of beachfill is estimated by using the pertaining lengths of each coastal reach and the frequency of sand replenishment. Thus, the initial construction includes the volume of sand for a 200-foot berm and the volume of sand to meet the required replenishment frequency. All structures would be constructed with quarry stone of Sr = 2.65, and meeting standard SPL criteria. It is assumed that the rock structures would be constructed with land based or floating equipment, typically including a 66 150-ton, barge-mounted crane, various tugs, rock barges etc. The quantities estimated for the various structures have been calculated with an in-place rubble-mound density of 1.5 tons per cubic yard of volume. The quantity estimates are included in Tables 7.8 through 7.21. A- 7.5.3 Maintenance Requirements For the beachfill materials, replenishment of the design volume would be a continuing cost of construction at the replenishment frequency. For the groins and breakwaters, maintenance requirements would include the repair and replacement of the rubble-mound structure. From a very preliminary cost standpoint, it is assumed at this stage of the analysis that annual maintenance of the rubble-mound structure would run about 0.5 % of the total first cost of rock placement. In actuality, this maintenance would be performed on an as-needed basis, resulting in less frequent maintenance efforts. 67 Table 7.8 Plan 1 - Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 - Cost Estimate Item Quantity Unit Price Mobilization & 1 Job L.S. Demobilization Beachfill 1,516,700 cu yd $3.00 Subtotal Cost 8 % Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 % Engineering during Construction 7 % Construction Management Total First Cost of Construction Annual Cost Present Worth of Beachfill Replenishment (O&M) Annual Cost of Beachfill Replenishment (O&M) Cont i ngency $500,000 $4,550,100 $5,050,100 $404,000 $151,500 $353,500 $5,959,100 $487,100 $7,504,900 $613,500 Cont i ngency Amount % $125,000 25 $1,137,500 25 $1,262,500 $101,000 25 $37,900 25 $88,400 25 $1,489,800 $121,800 $1,876,200 25 $153,300 Contingency $625,000 $5,687,600 $6,312,600 $505,000 $189,400 $441,900 $7,448,900 $608,900 $9,381,100 $766,800 Total Annual Cost $1,100,600 $275,100 $1,375,700 Note: Replenishment = 5-year Cycle at 170,000 ydVyear (See Table 7.1 for sensitivity analysis of replenishment cycle) 68 Table 7.9 Plan 2 - A Groin System Estimate 1 Ini t-urn L Item Quantity Unit Price 600 ft groin: A-12 Stone 4,800 tons $50.00 A-7 Stone 4,800 tons $45.00 B-1 Stone 9,600 tons $35.00 C-Stone 9,600 tons $30.00 Excavation 25,000 cu yd $6.50 Backfill 15,000 cu yd $6.50 Grouting 1 Job L.S. Cost of each groin Cost of 3 groins Subtotal of Construction Cost 8 % Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 % Engineering during Construction 7 % Construction Management Cost of Groins Cost of Initial Beachfill Total First Cost of Construction Annual Cost Present Worth of Beachfill Replenishment Annual Cost of Beachfill Replenishment Annual O&M Cost of Groins Total Annual Cost with Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 - Cost Cost wi thout Cont i ngency $240,000 $216,000 $336,000 $288,000 $162,500 $97,500 $100,000 $1,440,000 $4,320,000 $4,320,000 $345,600 $129,600 $302,400 $5,097,600 $4,189,100 $9,286,700 $759,100 $1,544,500 $126,300 $25,500 $910,900 Cont i ngency Amount % $60,000 25 $54,000 25 $84,000 25 $72,000 25 $40,600 25 $24,400 25 $25,000 25 $360,000 $1,080,000 $1,080,000 $86,400 25 $32,400 25 $75,600 25 $1,274,400 $1,047,300 25 $2,321,700 $189,800 $386,100 25 $31,500 $6,400 $227,700 Cost with Contingency $300,000 $270,000 $420,000 $360,000 $203,100 $121,900 $125,000 $1,800,000 $5,400,000 $5,400,000 $432,000 $162,000 $378,000 $6,372,000 $5,236,400 $11,608,400 $948,900 $1,930,600 $157,800 $31,900 $1,138,600 Note: Replenishment = 10-year Cycle at 35,000 yd~3/year (See Table 7.4 for sensitivity analysis of replenishment cycle) 69 Table 7.10 Plan 3 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reaches 1 and 2 - Cost Estimate 800-ft Offshore Breakwater: Item Quantity Unit Unit Cost without Price Contingency Cont i ngency Amount % Cost of each breakwater Cost of 3 breakwaters 8 % Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 % Engineering during Construction 7 % Construction Management Total First Cost of Construction Annual Cost Annual O&M Cost of Breakwaters Total Annual Cost $9,908,800 $29,726,400 $2,378,100 $891,800 $2,080,800 $35,077,100 $2,867,300 $175,400 $3,042,700 $2,477,200 $7,431,600 $594,500 25 $223,000 25 $520,200 25 $8,769,300 $716,800 $43,800 $760,600 Cost with Cont i ngency A- 16 Stone B-2 Stone C-Stone 93,600 61,600 80,000 tons tons tons $56.00 $42.00 $26.00 $5,241,600 $2,587,200 $2,080,000 $1,310,400 $646,800 $520,000 25 25 25 $6,552,000 $3,234,000 $2,600,000 $12,386,000 $37,158,000 $2,972,600 $1,114,800 $2,601,000 $43,846,400 $3,584,100 $219,200 $3,803,300 70 Table 7.11 Plan 4 - New and Repaired Revetments in Reach 1 - Cost Estimate Item Quantity Unit Price A-3 Stone 14,060 tons $43.00 C- Stone 5,230 tons $30.00 Subtotal Cost 8 % Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 % Engineering during Construction 7 % Construction Management Total First Cost of Construction Annual Cost Annual O&M Cost Total Annual Cost Contingency $604,600 $156,900 $761,500 $60,900 $22,800 $53,300 $898,500 $73,400 $4,500 $77,900 Contingency Amount % $302,300 50 $78,500 50 $380,800 $30,500 50 $11,400 50 $26,700 50 $449,400 $36,800 $2,200 $39,000 Cost with Contingency $906,900 $235,400 $1,142,300 $91,400 $34,200 $80,000 $1,347,900 $110,200 $6,700 $116,900 Note: 50 X contingency includes resetting cost of existing stones. 71 Table 7.12 Plan 5 - Beachfill and North Intake Jetty Extension in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 - Cost Estimate Item Quantity 400 ft north intake jetty A-12 Stone 3,200 A-7 Stone 3,200 B-1 Stone 6,400 C-Stone 6,400 Grouting 1 Cost of Jetty Extension Beachfill 1,249,800 Mobilization & Demob. 1 Cost of Beachfill Subtotal of Construction Cost Unit Unit Price extension tons $50.00 tons $45.00 tons $35.00 tons $30.00 Job US. cu yd $3.00 Job L. S. 8 X Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 X Engineering during Construction 7 % Construction Management Total First Cost of Construction Annual Cost Annual O&M Cost of Jetty Total Annual Cost Cost without Cont i ngency $160,000 $144,000 $224,000 $192,000 $100,000 $820,000 $3,749,400 $500,000 $4,249,400 $5,069,400 $405,600 $152,100 $354,900 $5,982,000 $489,000 $4,800 $493,800 Cont i ngency Amount % $40,000 25 $36,000 25 $56,000 25 $48,000 25 $25,000 25 $205,000 $937,400 25 $125,000 25 $1,062,400 $1,267,400 $101,400 25 $38,000 25 $88,700 25 $1,495,500 $122,200 $1,200 $123,400 Cost with Cont i ngency $200,000 $180,000 $280,000 $240,000 $125,000 $1,025,000 $4,686,800 $625,000 $5,311,800 $6,336,800 $507,000 $190,100 $443,600 $7,477,500 $611,200 $6,000 $617,200 Note: Replenishment = 0 72 Table 7.13 Plan 6 - Beachfill in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate Item Quantity Unit Price Mobilization & 1 Job U.S. Demobilization Beachfill 1,186,000 cu yd $3.00 Subtotal Cost 8 % Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 % Engineering during Construction 7 % Construction Management Total First Cost of Construction Annual Cost Present Worth of Beachfill Replenishment Annual Cost of Beachfill Replenishment (O&M) Contingency $500,000 $3,558,000 $4,058,000 $324,600 $121,700 $284,100 $4,788,400 $391,400 $9,674,700 $790,800 Cont i ngency Amount % $125,000 25 $889,500 25 $1,014,500 $81,200 25 $30,400 25 $71,000 25 $1,197,100 $97,900 $2,418,700 25 $197,700 Contingency $625,000 $4,447,500 $5,072,500 $405,800 $152,100 $355,100 $5,985,500 $489,300 $12,093,400 $988,500 Total Annual Cost $1,182,200 $295,600 $1,477,800 Note: Replenishment = 4-year Cycle at 210,000 ydVyear (See Table 7.5 for sensitivity analysis of replenishment cycle) 73 Table 7.14 Plan 7 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate Item 350 ft groin: A- 12 Stone A-7 Stone B-1 Stone C-Stone Excavation Grouting Cost of each groin Cost of 2 groins Beachfill Quantity 2,800 2,800 5,600 5,600 10,000 1 346,000 Mobilization & Demob. 1 Cost of Beachfill Subtotal of Construction Cost 8 % Planning, Engineering, 3 % Engineering Unit Cost without Unit Price Contingency tons $50.00 tons $45.00 tons $35.00 tons $30.00 cu yd $6.50 Job L.S. cu yd $3.00 Job L.S. (Beachfill + Groins) and Design during Construction 7 % Construction Management Total First Cost of Annual Cost Annual O&M Cost of Total Annual Cost Construction Groins $140,000 $126,000 $196,000 $168,000 $65,000 $100,000 $795,000 $1,590,000 $1,038,000 $500,000 $1,538,000 $3,128,000 $250,200 $93,800 $219,000 $3,691,000 $301,700 $9,400 $311,100 Cont i ngency Amount $35,000 $31,500 $49,000 $42,000 $16,300 $25,000 $198,800 $397,600 $259,500 $125,000 $384,500 $782,100 $62,600 $23,500 $54,800 $923,000 $75,500 $2,300 $77,800 % 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Cost with Contingency $175,000 $157,500 $245,000 $210,000 $81 ,300 $125,000 $993,800 $1,987,600 $1,297,500 $625,000 $1,922,500 $3,910,100 $312,800 $117,300 $273,800 $4,614,000 $377,200 $11,700 $388,900 Note: Replenishment 74 Table 7.15 Plan 8 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate 400 ft Offshore Breakwater: Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost without Cont i ngency Contingency Amount % Cost of each breakwater Cost of 3 breakwaters 8 7. Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 % Engineering during Construction 7 % Construction Management Total First Cost of Construction Annual Cost Annual O&M Cost Total Annual Cost $4,954,400 $14,863,200 $1,189,100 $445,900 $1,040,400 $17,538,600 $1,433,700 $87,700 $1,521,400 $1,238,600 $3,715,800 $297,300 25 $111,500 25 $260,100 25 $4,384,700 $358,400 $21,900 $380,300 Cost with Contingency A- 16 Stone B-2 Stone C-Stone 46,800 30,800 40,000 tons tons tons $56.00 $42.00 $26.00 $2,620,800 $1,293,600 $1,040,000 $655,200 $323,400 $260,000 25 25 25 $3,276,000 $1,617,000 $1,300,000 $6,193,000 $18,579,000 $1,486,400 $557,400 $1,300,500 $21,923,300 $1,792,100 $109,600 $1,901,700 75 Table 7.16 Plan 9 - A Seawall in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate Item Mobilization & Demob Sheet Pile Wall Concrete Cap 1,500-pound Toe Rock C-Stone Filter Cloth Subtotal Cost Quant i ty . 2 2 8 7 1 ,700 ,170 ,090 750 ,760 8 % Planning, Engineering, 3 % Engineering during Unit Unit Price Job L.S. In feet $475.00 cu yd $510.00 tons $31.00 cu yd $31.00 sq yd $3.70 and Design Construction 7 % Construction Management Total First Cost of Annual Cost Annual O&M Cost Total Annual Cost Construction Cost without Cont i ngency $280, $1,282, $1,106, $250, $23, $28, $2,972, $237, $89, $208, $3,507, $286, $17, $304, 000 500 700 800 300 700 000 800 200 000 000 700 500 200 Cont i ngency Amount % $70, $320, $276, $62, $5, $7, $743, $59, $22, $52, $876, $71, $4, $76, 000 600 700 700 800 200 000 500 300 000 800 600 400 000 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Cost with Cont i ngency $350 $1,603 $1,383 $313 $29 $35 $3,715 $297 $111 $260 $4,383 $358 $21 $380 ,000 .100 ,400 ,500 ,100 ,900 ,000 ,300 ,500 ,000 ,800 ,300 ,900 ,200 Note: Design of seawall was obtained from the City of Carlsbad. 76 Table 7.17 Plan 10 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost without Contingency Contingency Amount % Subtotal Cost 8 % Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 % Engineering during Construction 7 % Construction Management Total First Cost of Construction Annual Cost Annual O&H Cost Total Annual Cost $2,920,700 $233,700 $87,600 $204,400 $3,446,400 $281,700 $17,200 $298,900 $730,200 $58,400 25 $21,900 25 $51,100 25 $861,600 $70,400 $4,300 $74,700 Cost with Cont i ngency A-6 Stone C- Stone 58,410 9,740 tons tons $45.00 $30.00 $2,628,500 $292,200 $657,100 $73,100 25 25 $3,285,600 $365,300 $3,650,900 $292,100 $109,500 $255,500 $4,308,000 $352,100 $21,500 $373,600 77 Table 7.18 Estimate Plan 11 - Beachfill and Structures in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 - Cost Unit Item Quantity Unit Price 200-ft north intake jetty extension - Reach A- 12 Stone 1,600 tons $50.00 A- 7 Stone 1,600 tons $45.00 B-1 Stone 3,200 tons $35.00 C-Stone 3,200 tons $30.00 Grouting 1 Job L.S. Cost of Jetty Extension 350-ft groin - Reach 3: A-12 Stone 2,800 tons $50.00 A-7 Stone 2,800 tons $45.00 B-1 Stone 5,600 tons $35.00 C-Stone 5,600 tons $30.00 Excavation 25,000 cu yd $6.50 Backfill 15,000 cu yd $6.50 Grouting 1 Job L.S. Cost of 1 350-ft Groin Cost of 2 350-ft Groins Subtotal of Construction Cost 8 % Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 % Engineering during Construction 7 % Construction Management Cost of Jetty Extension & Groins Cost of Initial Beachfill Total First Cost of Construction Annual Cost Present Worth of Beachfill Replenishment (O&M) Annual Cost of Beachfill Replenishment (O&M) Annual O&M Cost of Structures Total Annual Cost Cost without Contingency 1 and Reach 2: $80,000 $72,000 $112,000 $96,000 $100,000 $460,000 $140,000 $126,000 $196,000 $168,000 $162,500 $97,500 $100,000 $990,000 $1,980,000 $2,440,000 $195,200 $73,200 $170,800 $2,879,200 $7,428,300 $10,307,500 $842,600 $4,525,900 $370,000 $14,400 $1,227,000 Contingency Amount $20,000 $18,000 $28,000 $24,000 $25,000 $115,000 $35,000 $31,500 $49,000 $42,000 $40,600 $24,400 $25,000 $247,500 $495,000 $610,000 $48,800 $18,300 $42,700 $719,800 $1,857,100 $2,576,900 $210,600 $1,131,500 $92,500 $3,600 $306,700 % 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Cost with Cont i ngency $100,000 $90,000 $140,000 $120,000 $125,000 $575,000 $175,000 $157,500 $245,000 $210,000 $203,100 $121,900 $125,000 $1,237,500 $2,475,000 $3,050,000 $244,000 $91,500 $213,500 $3,599,000 $9,285,400 $12,884,400 $1,053,200 $5,657,400 $462,500 $18,000 $1,533,700 Note: Replenishment = 6-year Cycle at 100,000 ydVyear (See Table 7.7 for sensitivity analysis of replenishment cycle) 78 Table 7.19 Plan 12 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 5 - Cost Estimate Item A-4 Stone C-Stone Quant i ty 13,620 2,550 Unit tons tons i in; f. Price $43.00 $30.00 Contingency $585,700 $76,500 Cont i ngency Amount % $146,400 25 $19,100 25 Contingency $732,100 $95,600 Subtotal Cost 8 % Planning, Engineering, and Design 3 % Engineering during Construction 7 % Construction Management Total First Cost of Construction Annual Cost Annual O&M Cost Total Annual Cost $662,200 $53,000 $19,900 $46,400 $781,500 $63,900 $3,900 $67,800 $165,500 $13,300 25 $5,000 25 $11,600 25 $195,400 $16,000 $1,000 $17,000 $827,700 $66,300 $24,900 $58,000 $976,900 $79,900 $4,900 $84,800 79 Table 7.20 Plan 13 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 1 - Cost Estimate Item Quantity 400 ft groin A-12 Stone 3,200 A-7 Stone 3,200 B-1 Stone 6,400 C-Stone 6,400 Excavation 10,000 Grouting 1 Cost of each groin Cost of 2 groins Beachfill 533333 Mobilization & Demob. 1 Cost of Beachfill Subtotal of Construction Cost 8 % Planning, Engineering, Unit Cost without Unit Price Contingency tons $50.00 tons $45.00 tons $35.00 tons $30.00 cu yd $6.50 Job U.S. cu yd $3.00 Job L.S. (Beachfill + Groins) and Design 3 % Engineering during Construction 7 % Construction Management Total First Cost of Construction Annual Cost Annual O&M Cost of Groins Total Annual Cost $160,000 $144,000 $224,000 $192,000 $65,000 $100,000 $885,000 $1,770,000 $1,600,000 $500,000 $2,100,000 $3,870,000 $309,600 $116,100 $270,900 $4,566,600 $373,300 $10,400 $383,700 Contingency Amount $40,000 $36,000 $56,000 $48,000 $16,300 $25,000 $221,300 $442,600 $400,000 $125,000 $525,000 $967,600 $77,400 $29,000 $67,700 $1,141,700 $93,300 $2,700 $96,000 % 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Cost with Contingency $200,000 $180,000 $280,000 $240,000 $81,300 $125,000 $1,106,300 $2,212,600 $2,000,000 $625,000 $2,625,000 $4,837,600 $387,000 $145,100 $338,600 $5,708,300 $466,600 $13,100 $479,700 Note: Replenishment = 0 80 Table 7.21 Plan 14 - A T-Groin with Beachfill in Reach 3 - Cost Estimate Item Quantity 350 ft groin: A- 12 Stone 2,800 A-7 Stone 2,800 B-1 Stone 5,600 C-Stone 5,600 Excavation 10,000 Grouting 1 Cost of each groin 200 ft T-ends: A- 12 Stone 3,200 B-1 Stone 3,200 C-Stone 3,200 Cost of T-ends Cost of 1 T-groin Beachfill 346,000 Mobilization & Demob. 1 Cost of Beachfill Subtotal of Construction Cost 8 % Planning, Engineering, Unit Unit Price tons $50.00 tons $45.00 tons $35.00 tons $30.00 cu yd $6.50 Job L.S. tons $50.00 tons $35.00 tons $30.00 cu yd $3.00 Job L.S. (Beachfill + Groin) and Design 3 % Engineering during Construction 7 % Construction Management Total First Cost of Construction Annual Cost Annual O&M Cost of Groins Total Annual Cost Cost without Contingency $140,000 $126,000 $196,000 $168,000 $65,000 $100,000 $795,000 $160,000 $112,000 $96,000 $368,000 $1,163,000 $1,038,000 $500,000 $1,538,000 $2,701,000 $216,100 $81,000 $189,100 $3,187,200 $260,500 $6,900 $267,400 Contingency Amount % $35,000 25 $31,500 25 $49,000 25 $42,000 25 $16,300 25 $25,000 25 $198,800 $40,000 25 $28,000 25 $24,000 25 $92,000 $290,800 $259,500 25 $125,000 25 $384,500 $675,300 $54,000 25 $20,300 25 $47,300 25 $796,900 $65,200 $1,700 $66,900 Cost with Contingency $175,000 $157,500 $245,000 $210,000 $81,300 $125,000 $993,800 $200,000 $140,000 $120,000 $460,000 $1,453,800 $1,297,500 $625,000 $1,922,500 $3,376,300 $270,100 $101,300 $236,400 $3,984,100 $325,700 $8,600 $334,300 Note: Replenishment = 0 81 Table 7.22 Carlsbad Summary Cost Estimate of Alternatives First Cost of Construction First Cost $7,448,900 Plan Description and Assumption of Alternatives 1 Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2. 5,000 ft long and 200 ft wide beachfill. Net longshore transport rate = 270,000 ydVyr. Sand bypass = 100,000 ydVyr from Oceanside Harbor. Replenishment = 170,000 ydVyr at 5-year cycle. A Groin System with Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2. $11,608,400 5,000 ft long and 200 ft wide beachfill and 3 600-ft groins. Net longshore transport rate becomes 135,000 ydVyr due to reorientation of shoreline. Sand bypass = 100,000 ydVyr from Oceanside Harbor. Replenishment = 35,000 ydVyr at 10-year cycle. An Offshore Breakwater System in Reaches 1 and 2. $43,846,400 3,584,100 3 800-ft offshore breakwaters with 800-ft gaps. Annual Cost ($/year) of O&M Total New and Repaired Revetments in Reach 1. New construction of revetments and repair of existing revetments. $1,347,900 $7,477,500Beachfill and North Intake Jetty Extension in Reaches 1, 2, and 3. 7,400-ft beachfill and North Intake Jetty extended to 600 ft long. Beachfill width varies from 200 ft to 330 ft. Net longshore transport rate becomes 135,000 ydVyr due to reorientation of shoreline. Sand bypass: 100,000 yd3/yr from Oceanside Harbor and 60,000 yd3/yr from Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Offshore loss = 25,000 ydVyr. Replenishment = 0. Beachfill in Reach 3. $5,985,500 2,700 ft long and 200 ft wide beachfill. Net longshore transport rate = 270,000 ydVyr. Sand bypass = 60,000 ydVyr from Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Replenishment = 210,000 yd3/yr at 4-year cycle. A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 3. 2,700 ft long and 200 ft wide beachfill and 2 350-ft groins. Net longshore transport rate becomes 130,000 ydVyr due to reorientation of shoreline. Sand bypass = 130,000 ydVyr from Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Replenishment = 0. $4,614,000 608,900 766,800 1,375,000 948,900 611,200 489,300 377,200 189,700 1,138,600 219,200 3,803,300 110,200 6,700 116,900 6,000 617,200 988,500 1,477,800 11,700 388,900 82 Table 7.22 (continued) Carlsbad - Summary Cost Estimate of Alternatives First Cost Annual Cost ($/year) of of Plan Description and Assumption of Alternatives Construction First Cost O&M Total 8 An Offshore Breakwater System in Reach 3. $21,923,300 1,792,100 109,600 1,901,700 3 400-ft offshore breakwaters with 400-ft gaps. 9 A Seawall in Reach 3. $4,383,800 358,300 21,900 380,200 2,700-ft seawall. 10 A Rubble-Hound Revetment in Reach 3. $4,308,000 352,100 21,500 373,600 2,700-ft rubble-mound revetment. 11 Beachfill and Structures in Reaches 1, 2, and 3. $12,884,400 1,053,200 480,500 1,533,700 10,100 ft long and 200 wide beachfill, North Intake Jetty extended to 400 ft long, and 2 350-ft groins. Net longshore transport rate = 200,000 ydVyr. Sand bypass = 100,000 ydVyr from Oceanside Harbor. Replenishment = 100,000 ydVyr at 6-year cycle. 12 A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 5. $976,900 79,900 4,900 84,800 1,000-ft rubble-mound revetment. 13 A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 1. $5,708,300 466,600 13,100 479,700 4,000 ft long and 200 ft wide beachfill and 2 400-ft end groins. Net longshore transport rate becomes 135,000 ydVyr due to reorientation of shoreline. Sand bypass: 100,000 ydVyr from Oceanside Harbor and 60,000 ydVyr from Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Offshore loss = 25,000 ydVyr. Replenishment = 0. 14 A T-Groin with Beachfill in Reach 3. $3,984,100 325,700 8,600 334,300 2,700 ft long and 200 ft wide beachfill and one 350-ft T-groin. Net longshore transport rate becomes 130,000 yd3/yr due to reorientation of shoreline. Sand bypass = 130,000 ydVyr from Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Replenishment = 0. 83 A-8.0 REFERENCES Ahrens, J.P. and B.L. McCartney. 1975. 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Oceanic Fisheries Investigation, Cal COFI Report No. 16, p. 57-65. COE Ref # 410. Shore Protection Manual. 1984. 4th Ed., Volumes I and II, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. 85 Simons, Li and Associates. 1988. "River Sediment Discharge Study, San Diego Region," US Army Engineer District, Los Angeles, Coast of California, Storm and Tidal Waves Study (CCSTWS) Report No. 88-3, 4 volumes. Suh, K. and R.A. Dalrymple. 1987. "Offshore Breakwaters in Laboratory and Field," Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 113, No. 2, pp. 105-121. Tekmarine, Inc. 1987. "San Diego Region Wind Transport and Wave Overwash Report," US Army Engineer District, Los Angeles, Coast of California, Storm and Tidal Waves Study (CCSTWS) Report No. 87-9, 36 pp. + Appendices. Tekmarine, Inc. 1988. 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"State of the Coast Report, San Diego Region," Volume 1 - Main Report and Volume 2 - Appendices, Coast of California, Storm and Tidal Waves Study. Final - September 1991. US Army Engineer District, Los Angeles. 1992. Oceanside Harbor, San Diego County, CA., Storm Damage Reduction and Navigation Improvements, Design Memorandum. August 1992. Weggel, J.R. 1972. "Maximum Breaker Height," Journal of Waterways, Harbors and Coastal Engineering Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 98, No. WW4, pp. 529-548. 86 Woodward-Clyde Consultants. 1990. "Design Memorandum, Carlsbad Boulevard Shore Protection, Carlsbad, California," prepared for City of Carlsbad, California. 87 O O SAN FRANCISCO SAN LUis\ CALIFORNIA \ OBISPOV «- SANTA BARBARA VENTURA LONG BEACH CARLSBAD SAN DIEGO PROJECT \LOCATION SCALE 0 100 200 300 400 i ' 1 1 'MU.ES Figure 2.1 Location Map of Carlsbad Study Area 88 wm SCALE IN MILES SOUNDINGS IN FATHOMS Figure 2.2 Bathymetry of Carlsbad Study Area 89 San Diego Tide - Higher High Water 4567 Water Elevation (ft MLLW) 8 Figure 4.1 Statistical Distribution of Higher High Water at San Diego 90 10 0 o u -30 .Sou-M Line 930 1000 1030 1070 Suruey 50 50 50 50 50 Time 1345 1230 1040 935 840 Date 11 APR 86 11 APR f6 11 APR E6 11 APR £6 11 APR £6 0 500 1000 1500 2800 2500 Distance. FT 3000 3500 4000 20 10 0 •2 -10 UP*4 "-20 -30 -40 0 Line 760 800 ~B30~ 900 4) Suruey 50 50 "5F 50 Time 605 1530 "I5B5T 1345 Date 13 APR 86 11 APR 86 11 APR f& 11 APR (6 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 FT Figure 5.1 Comparison of Profiles by Location from Oceanside Harbor to Carlsbad Submarine Canyon 91 SUBCELL km mi to oH, XH- wrtoi-! H-n en H- O3rr DO a IQfDrt Input or Output Q/+Q,, Longshore Q, River Qfc,Q0 Bluff.Offshore Qfl Nourish av/at (103 yd3/yr) ax/at (ft/yr) Q/+Q, Qr av'/at (103 yd3/yr) ax/at (ft/yr) Deflection Qr av'/at (103 yd3/yr) ax/at (ft/yr) Hour.,Sub Canyon av/at (io3 yd3/yr)ax/at (ft/yr) Episodic Baacb Denudationi Natural Conditions ca.1900-1938 Uniform NW Wave Climate ca.1960-1978 Input Output Input output Variable W Wave Climate ca.1983-1990 Input Output 1939 Tropical 1*82/83 Storm cluster Storms /V 0 190 85 0 170 60 0 0 +5 « balance 190 270 270 0 520 640 0 0 +70 0.3 accretion 270 0 65 0 200 240 0 290 +3 « balance 0 190 60 0 120 60 120 0 + 50 0.7 accretion 190 270 25 0 370 460 65 0 -80 0.6 erosion 0 80 270 270 40 0 160 180 100 0 + 40 0.7 accretion 270 0 5 0 200 240 100 290 + 45 0.3 accretion 1 0 50 60 0 .— 00 / 00 / + 10 / « balance / 60 70 0 0 180 0 30 0 +200 1.4 accretion 0 20 70 70 0 0 80 0 0 0 + 60 t 1.0 accretion / 70 0 0 0 100 0 0 70 + 100 0.6 accretion y 1 / NORTH 14 8.5 CENTRAL 27 16.5 Oceanside Harbor 11 7 Carlsbad Submarine .Canyon SOUTH 32 20 Scripps/La Jolla Submarine Canyon Pt La Jolla 84 52 Summary of the Budgets of Sediment for Oceanside Littoral Cell in IO3 yd3/yr. Santa Margarita' River San Luis Rey River Oceanside 270 / *\ X NV^TA^ VN 2°°/ N % + \100 70 \ \ VX \3acific Ocean ^y/ 30 \ ^ LEGEND Chanae in -60| Littoral Sediment Volume (OOO's y3/yr) XX Buena \J-60l \/7 Vista y~ ?K Laaoon X / /X \* \ \r-A\I-30K X^\v^v Vl> \\ x\ ^s\N\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ Agua Hedionda Lagoon \\\v \\ X\ X\ X\ X\ X\ x\ \\ ^ \\ \ V"'' 270 200 Sediment Flux Rate (OOO's y3/yr) Harbor Dredging Carlsbad Batiquitos Lagoon 270 Without Project Sediment Budget (OOO's y3/yr) Sources Northern Boundary: 100 Harbor Dredging: 200 S.LR. River 10 Total:310 Sinks -100 Northern Transport into Harbor -270 Net Southern Transport -30 Offshore Losses ^00 Total NET VOLUME CHANGE = -90 Figure 5.3 Future Without Project Sediment Budget 93 Figure 6. la Five Reaches of Carlsbad Coastal Area (Datum of bathymetry is MSL which is +2.75 feet MLLW) 94 Figure 6.Ib Reach 1 and Reach 2 of Carlsbad Coastal Area (Datum of bathymetry is MSL which is +2.75 feet MLLW) 95 Carlsbad Figure 6.1c Reach 3 of Carlsbad Coastal Area (Datum of bathymetry is MSL which is +2.75 feet MLLW) 96 Carl Figure 6. Id Reach 4 of Carlsbad Coastal Area (Datum of bathymetry is MSL which is +2.75 feet MLLW) 97 Figure 6.le Reach 5 of Carlsbad Coastal Area (Datum of bathymetry is MSL which is +2.75 feet MLLW) 98 Figure 6.2a Typical Structure of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Cross-Section 1 H- co r-l Q)i — i UJ 50 -- 0 -- Carlsbad Reach 1 - Section 1 Hard Pan +33' MLLW Earth Slope 1:7 Profiles: Maximum Mean MinimumRevetment 1:2. 0.5 to 2. tons Sand Beach 1:5 0 Horizontal Distance (ft) 100 Figure 6.2b Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Cross-Section 1 100 Figure 6.2c Typical Structure of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Cross-Section 2 LU Carlsbad Reach 1 - Section 2 Profiles: •Hard Pan +33'MLLW Glass Door Maximum Mean Minimum First Floor +16JB' MLLW Sea Wall Sand Beach 1:5 100 Horizontal Distance (ft) Figure 6.2d Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Cross-Section 2 102 V Figure 6.2e Typical Structure of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Cross-Section 3 Carlsbad Reach 1 - Section 3 Hard Pan +3.3' MLLW 50 + c 0 rH +> 10 UJ 04- Profiles: Maximum Mean Minimum First Floor -17.8'MLLW Riprap 1:3 (1-ton Stones) Sand Beach 1:5 -50 100 Horizontal Distance (ft) Figure 6.2f Schematic Profile :f Carlsbad - Reach 1, Cross-Section 3 104 S" Figure 6.2g Typical Structure of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Cross-Section 4 co r-H •P10> CDt—i UJ 50 -- Carlsbad Reach 1 - Section 4 First Floor +43'MLLW Hard Pan +33' MLLW Earth Slope 1:1.5 Sand Beach 1:5 Profiles: — Maximum — Mean — Minimum 700 Horizontal Distance (ft) Figure 6.2h Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 1, Cross-Section 4 106 50 c 0I-t-p 10> 0)1—I LU 0 + Carlsbad Reach 2 +I2.8'MLLW Earth Slope 1:2. Sea Wall Sand Beach 1:5 Profiles: — Maximum -- Mean — Minimum l_l_u- 50 100 Horizontal Distance (ft) Figure 6.3 Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 2 107 H O CO CDntr(D 0)rtH-n ti ol-h n01 COcro> Carlsbad Reach 3 c0 rH+>10> 0) r—I LU Carlsbad Blvd. +I6JB'MWN Hard Pan -63'MLLVt Profiles: Maximum Mean Minimum Sand Beach 1:5 100 /£ Horizontal Distance (ft) 250 300 Figure 6.5a Typical Structure of Carlsbad - Reach 4, Cross-Section 1 L 0 rH +>o> CDi—i UJ Carlsbad Reach 4 - Section 1 50 -- o -- Profiles: First Floor +38'MLLW Earth Slope 1:2. Hard Pan +2.8'MLLW Riprap 1:2. (2-ton Stones) Sand Beach 1:4 Maximum Mean Minimum saagaaaaa—aaag... i ' ^o ' 10100 Horizontal Distance (ft) Figure 6.5b Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 4, Cross-Section 1 110 Figure 6.5c Typical Structure of Carlsbad - Reach 4, Cross-Section 2 -p 50 -- co > <Di—i Id Carlsbad Reach 4 - Section 2 First Floor +41'MLLW Earth Slope 1:2. Hard Pan +2.B' MLLW Gunfte Slope 1:1 Beach I.-4 -^ Profiles: — Maximum --- Mean — Minimum Kfszaasz &100 Horizontal Distance (ft) Figure 6.5d Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 4, Cross-Section 2 112 50 -- co rH -P ID> 0)i—iu 0 -- Carlsbad Reach 5 State P0r/r Campground +63' MLLW Earth Slope 1:1 Hard Pan +0.8'MLLW Cobble Beach 1:4 Profiles: — Maximum --- Mean — Minimum 100 Horizontal Distance (ft) Figure 6.6 Schematic Profile of Carlsbad - Reach 5 113 H- ?n CTl •-J t) l-l0 Hi H- nw w H-tn OHI cn H- 3 CD 0) CD OV0) IQCDCO to ?3 13 S. of Batiquitos PROFILE CHANGE SUMMARY TABLE Datum: MLLW Loc. Code CF CF CF CF CF CF CF CF CF CF Profile Survey No. No. Date Start Max. Dist. Dist.n ft Cum. Years Shoreline Change ft Above Datum Vol. Chg. yd3/ft Below Datum Vol. Chg. yd3/ft Net Profile Vol. Chg. yd3/ft Gross Profile Vol. Chg. yd3/ft Cum. Shoreline Change ft Cum. Net Vol. Change yd3/ft Cum. Above Datum ydSffi 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 1 01/04/34 2 04/01/57 3 10/01/70 10 10/18/83 20 05/21/84 30 11/27/84 50 04/13/86 60 10/04/86 70 04/13/87 90 01/26/88 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 0 23.2 36.7 49.8 50.4 50.9 52.3 52.7 53.3 54.1 0 -8.33 107.14 -63.83 -184.85 116.31 -142.29 194.58 -184.89 1.41 0 -0.4 40.85 -13.68 -22.33 7.62 -8.87 20.87 -20.25 3.05 0 15.59 41.19 -77.22 24.47 -20.35 51.47 -65.25 -22.96 -14.43 0 15.19 82.04 -90.9 2.15 -12.73 42.6 -44.38 -43.2 -11.38 0 27.61 83.18 124.12 99.48 73.34 116.18 107.38 100.47 80.86 0 -8.33 98.81 34.98 -149.87 -33.56 -175.85 18.73 -166.15 -164.74 0 15.19 97.22 6.32 8.47 -4.26 38.34 -6.03 -49.23 -60.62 o -0.4 40.45 26.77 4.44 12.06 3.19 24.07 3.82 6.87 20 30 Years since Jan 1934 40 50 60 -•- cumulative shorelline change -«•- cumulative volume change ) nre o\ CD 3 H- I-" CD 8 Carlsbad State Beach PROFILE CHANGE SUMMARY TABLE Datum: MLLW Loc. Code Profile Survey No. No. Date Start Dist. ft Max. Dist. ft Cum. Days Shoreline Change ft Above 5 Datum Vol. Chg. yd3/ft Below Datum Vol. Chg. yd3/ft Net Profile Vol. Chg. yd3/ft Gross Profile Vol. Chg. yd3/ft Cum. Shoreline Change ft Cum. Cum. 3 Net Vol. Above Change Datum yd3/ft yd3/ft CF CF CF CF 760 760 760 760 50 860413 60 861004 70 870413 80 870921 0 2000 0 2000 0 2000 0 2000 0 174 365 526 0 94.24 -26.38 53.98 0 3.76 -5.69 7.55 0 -22.62 37.5 -16.48 0 -18.86 31.82 -8.93 0 81.86 72.12 77.71 0 94.24 67.86 121.84 0 -18.86 12.95 4.02 0 3.76 -1.93 5.62 &0) (0 H- Cfl OHi to l-i CD M P- 0>a I O 0)3IQIDCO H H 100 200 300 Days from 04/13/86 400 500 600 cumulative shorelline change cumulative volume change 13 REACH 4 PROFILE CHANGE SUMMARY TABLE IS Datum: MLLW•s n> Start Max. cr, Loc. Profile Survey Dist. Dist. (o Code No. No. Date ft ft Above Below Net Gross Shoreline Datum Datum Profile Profile Cum. Change Vol. Chg. Vol. Chg. Vol. Chg. Vol. Chg. Days ft yd3/ft yd3/ft yd3/tt yd3/tt Cum. Cum. Cum. Shoreline Net Vol. Above Change Change Datum ft yd3/ft yd3/ft o Ml H- nOBODoo CF CF CF CF CF CF 800 3 701001 0 2000 00 0 0 0 0000 800 5 720201 0 2000 488 134.03 15.15 45.13 60.28 75.38 134.03 60.28 15.15 800 50 860411 0 2000 5667 -114.43 -9.05 1.11 -7.94 53.99 19.61 52.33 6.1 800 60 861004 0 2000 5843 117.66 1.08 -48 -46.92 54.34 137.27 5.41 7.18 800 70 870413 0 2000 6034 -72.11 6.85 41.92 48.76 57.06 65.16 54.18 14.02 800 80 870921 0 2000 6195 94.5 0.21 -6.88 -6.67 43.98 159.66 47.5 14.23 50> CO H- W O Mi 8" i-1- 0>3a c (D 9» IQn> CO o 1000 2000 3000 4000 Days from 10/26/83 5000 6000 7000 -•»-- cumulative shorelline change -°»- cumulative volume change | 13 H- 1-1n> tiHo otooo CO o &CU W H- W O Hi CO O 1-1 H-3CD 0)aa o h-1 c 0> ntr Q)3 iQ(Dca Carlsbad - Reach 2 PROFILE CHANGE SUMMARY TABLE Datum: MLLW Loc. Code CF CF CF CF CF Profile Survey No. No. Date Start Dist. ft Max. Dist. ft Cum. Days Shoreline Change ft Above Datum Vol. Chg. yd3/ft Below Datum Vol. Chg. yd3/ft Net Profile Vol. Chg. yd3/ft Gross Profile Vol. Chg. yd3/ft Cum. Shoreline Change ft Cum. Net Vol. Change yd3/ft Cum. Above Datum yd3/ft 830 830 830 830 830 50 860411 60 861004 70 870413 80 870922 90 880127 0 0 0 0 0 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 0 176 367 529 656 0 23.63 -13.61 -2.43 -31.83 0 -1.48 -7.36 8.26 -4.3 0 -60.79 11.74 33.35 60.47 0 -62.27 4.38 41.61 56.17 0 72.99 88.53 76.37 98.22 0 23.63 10.02 7.59 -24.24 0 -62.27 -57.89 -16.27 39.89 0 -1.48 -8.84 -0.58 -4.88 -80 -4- 100 200 300 400 Days from 10/26/83 500 600 700 -•*- cumulative shorelline change -«•»- cumulative volume change | to H H CD nCD cn t) oMi oo caH- CO OHI cn o <D M-30) 0)aa 0> oyDJa (Qn>w Mv 13 South Oceanside PROFILE CHANGE SUMMARY TABLE Datum: MLLW Carlsbad - Reach 1 Loc. Profile Survey Code No. No.Date CF CF CF CF CF CF CF 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 150 -100 Start Dist. ft Max. Dist. ft Cum. Bays' Shore! Chang ft Qve turn I. Chg. >/ft Below Datum Vol. Chg. yd3/ft Net Profile Vol. Chg. yd3/ft Gross Profile Vol. Chg. yd3/ft Start Max.Shoreline Datum Datum Profile Profile Cum. Cum. Cum. Shoreline Net Vol. Above Change Change Datum ft yd3/ft yd3/ft Shoreline Net Vol. Above 2 09/07/61 5 0201/72 50 04/11/86 60 10/04/86 70 04/13/87 80 09/22/87 90 01/26/88 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 0.0 10.4 24.6 25.1 25.6 26.0 0 -30 30.83 119.85 -111.09 94.92 26.4 -204.05 0 -22.15 11.31 19.86 -15.34 18.35 -28.73 0 -24.7 18.91 -35.79 61.02 -18.61 2.11 0 -46.85 30.22 -15.94 45.68 -0.26 -26.62 0 65.38 147.01 137.44 118.49 94.99 191.39 0 -30 0.83 120.69 9.6 104.52 -99.53 0 -46.85 -16.64 -32.57 13.11 12.85 -13.77 30 Years from Sep 1961 cumulative shorelline change -*»- cumulative volume change I o -22.15 -10.84 9.02 -6.32 12.03 -16.7 Faunaatton Structure to bluff edge Varies OPPTOX.B to 32 ft. Horlzontol Projection of IS Slope Existing coastal Huff Grade beam ft slab Foundation Sand ft cobble Beach Hard pan Figure 6.12 Schematic of Structure on Bluff 119 1rt> o>Carlsbad too toI—"cMi M O01p- § ^ < -^CD M— Mc:w c td O n (/)n> ^~to Ow ^ s LJD) * ^ 40 30 20 10 0 7 8 Excess Runup (ft) 40 1983 Storm Data D 30 1988 Storm Data A Localized Retreat Average Retreat 20 Farthest House Closest House 10 0 10 4BB 8BB Figure 7.la Plan 1 - Beachfill in Reaches 1 and 2 - Schematic (Datum of bathymetry is MSL which is +2.75 feet MLLW) 121 Hto to 1(D v] oHi (D D)nyHI 013 COQlntrHI n>Qln3- to n 01 onotow (1)nrrH-O Elevation (ft-MLLW) 50 45 40 35 - 30 25 20 15 — 10 5 0 -5 -10 — Line CB-850, Pine Avenue -15 October 1991 October 1990 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 900 1000 123 fD •~J totr "o D>H- 3n0) to to 9"w ow ni O CO H-ro 3nrt wH- ^ O CO3 rtfl>O 3 Ml 0 5-I-! rtO CT H-3 Wn> (DncrHI H- CDQin n>w SYM. ABOUT € 6' B-l STONE A-/2 S7"0/VE •C-STONE EXISTING BOTTOM to I Figure 7.3a Plan 3 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reaches 1 and 2 - Schematic. (Datum of bathymetry is MSL which is +2.75 feet MLLW) 125 l-l (D ^J Ul HtO <T\ •d n DJ[ ' n oCOwi CO CDnrt H-o3 o Hi oHi Hi 0)3 U) 1 & 0HIHI CO£J*o1-1 w CD Qi ^0>w rt 3" CD O H CD W W COf"^ rtCD CD tt 3 « H-0) 3rt CD 501-1 CD 0)n CDCO OCE/W SIDE E LEV.VARIES A-16 STONE B-2 STONE B-2. STONE 3Q- to Figure 7.4a Plan 4 - New and Repaired Revetments in Reach 1 - Schematic (Datum of bathymetry is MSL which is +2.75 feet MLLW) 127 Quorrystone Armor 2 Existing Beach Grovel Blanket 0.3m Thick Over Regraded Bank Elev. -0.3m Figure 7.4b Plan 4 - New and Repaired Revetments in Reach 1 - Typical Cross-Section of Revetment 128 Figure 7.5 Plan 5 - Beachfill and North Intake Jetty Extension in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 - Schematic. (Datum of bathymetry is MSL which is +2.75 feet MLLW) 129 Carlsbad Figure 7.6a Plan 6 - Beachfill in Reach 3 - Schematic (Datum of bathymetry is MSL which is +2.75 feet MLLW) 130 UJ ?ro -o tr ro tiCD MQJ CD O 3 Mi <T\ H-H-1 IM tD ft) Q)ntrHI H- n31 n 0) nI-!ontoieno>nnH-o Elevation (ft-MLLW) 30 25 — 20 — 15 10 Line. CB-820, Agua Hedionda - South 0 — -5 — -10 — -15 October 1991 October 1990 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 900 1000 Carlsbad Figure 7.7a Plan 7 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 3 - Schematic (Datum of bathymetry is MSL which is +2.75 feet MLLW) 132 OJ U> c (D -J cr n 13 o 01W DM co (D inrt |> H-o o 3 ^o O H- Hi 13 h)o co ^tnrr(D rtcr CBCDttncrHI H- H-a n SYM. ABOUT c B-l STONE ELEV. VARIES A-12. STONE •C-STONE •EXISTING BOTTOM H-n Carlsbad Figure 7.8a Plan 8 - An Offshore Breakwater System in Reach 3 - Schematic (Datum of bathymetry is MSL which is +2.75 feet MLLW) 134 TJH- CDtr in n 13 H MO 0)w 3wI 00coro iasOD OHI O Hi Hi Cfi O OHi hHI ro cr oaO i-iM n>ro Q) CD s:hi (1)(D rtB) ro £D) cort •<(D W M l~f(D3 X)(DQ)n3* OCEAN SIDE E LEV.VARIES A-16 STONE B-2 STONE B-2. STONE n 0) Carlsbad Figure 7.9a Plan 9 - A Seawall in Reach 3 - Schematic (Datum of bathymetry is MSL which is +2.75 feet MLLW) 136 HOJ CD ^1 0) CD 0) p- 3 CD0)n3- n (D n^ow COIenCDnrt cnCD 0) 0) G/NCH THICK QUAKRY XUM MAT& UNDERLAIN BY FILTER FABRIC tei&'filie*'-'*?'-^-'•>• '* '• -'• -~'kvis***' •.*.("' r*».'V i'. L. ' ' . •- .^*.«.:<N.y^.lJi:*«V.»'.'. .:• Figure 7.10a Plan 10 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 3 - Schematic (Datum of bathymetry is MSL which is +2.75 feet MLLW) 138 Top of Carlsbad Blvd. Elev. +16.8' MLLW Elev. +17.8' .MLLW 6-ton Quorrystone Armor' 1.5 Existing Beach Z 1.5' thick core layer of C-Stone Elev. -6.3' MLLW Figure V.lOb Plan 10 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 3 - Typical Cross-Section of Revetment 139 f r.nrlsbad it- 7.11 Plan 11 - Beachfill and Structures in Reaches 1, 2, and 3 - Schematic. (Datum of bathymetry is MSL which is +2.75 feet MLLW) 140 Figure 7.12 Plan 12 - A Rubble-Mound Revetment in Reach 5 - Schematic (Datum of bathymetry is MSL which is +2.75 feet MLLW) 141 Figure 7.13 Plan 13 - A Groin System with Beachfill in Reach 1 - Schematic (Datum of bathymetry is MSL which is +2.75 feet MLLW) 142 Figure 7.14 Plan 14 - A T-Groin with Beachfill in Reach 3 - Schematic (Datum of bathymetry is MSL which is +2.75 feet MLLW) 143 ATTACHMENT TO COASTAL ENGINEERING APPENDIX BEST ORIGINAL B-155 oo-I IUz UJ CD Z 00i UJ OCID O OS-tO70 ' O UJ B-156 co -i-H -Mra>cuI—I UJ 0 200 400 600 BOO 1000 1200 Distance, FT 1400 1600 1800 2000 co ro>cu I— I LU Date OCT 83 APR 8f> -10 -20 -30 -40 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Distance. FT 1400 1600 1800 2000 co CD r— IUJ Date OCT 7( FEB 1\\ -10 -20 -30 -40 0 200 400 600 BOO 1000 1200 Distance, FT 1400 1600 1800 2000 Carlsbad - Reach 2 co (U> CDt—( LU 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Distance. FT co -tH -Mto > 03 r—I LU Date APR Bffi OCT Bti -10 -20 -30 -40 0 200 400 600 BOO 1000 1200 Distance. FT 1400 1600 1BOO 2000 co •M -Mra> OJ I—I LU 200 400 600 BOO 1000 1200 Distance, FT 1400 1600 1800 2000 ca (D> CD r— I LU Date 13 APR Bffi 13 APR Bfi 11 APR Bfi 1DUD 1345 11 AHH at) 11 APR Bfi -20 -40 -60 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Distance, FT 2500 3000 3500 co -rH -Pro>o>i—i LU Date 13 APR B 13 APR B 13 APR B Time 1735 1520 1300 -e 760 -x BOO Id APR b 13 APR B -20 -40 -60 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Distance. FT 3000 3500 4000 PII OJto 600 1880 PHOTOS. w,...d bound MOS. MHW nhor«lin« L IE1TY (OUST. MHCDIC'NOA 1900 1920 1940 TIME 1960 1980 2000 PII CO CO 600 BFACHHLL ON AGUA Hr.DIOtlDA BF.ACHr.5CONST. AT AC.UA I It IH ONI)A D AERIAL PHOTOS, welled bound 4- N05, MHW shorelined 200 1880 1900 1980 2000 w 600 JE1TV C.OMf.T. Al A(;UA 1880 .I 1900 0 AERIAL PHOTOS, w,1t«d bound 4- HOS, MHW shoreline 1920 1940 TIME 1960 1980 2000 to 600 o> 500 Q) O 400 2 300 LU u, C£ O 200 100 0 CB 830 .IF.TTY COMST. AT ACIM HEOIONOA BF.ACHntL ON AGUA HEDIONDA BEACHF.S \J D AERIAL PHOTOS, welted bound + NOS, MHW shoreline 1880 1900 1920 1940 TIME 1960 1980 2000 PI 600 D AERIAL PHOTOS, wetted bound -\- NOS, MHW shoreline RrvcT * GROIN Q C 900 OC.BCACH 19^0=5 W ~> ^ KACHnu. (*i oc. SIDEnr.v:H \o5f-- '982oc sior HARBOR BEACHFILL AT S OMOrRE B' H 1880 1900 1920 1940 TIME 1960 1980 2000 LJ 2000 SHORELINE POSITION, feet 1500 1000 500 CB 760 MHHW MSL MLLW -B- -5 -X- -15 30 83 83.5 84 84.5 85 85.5 86 86.5 87 87.5 88 88.5 89 89.5 90 YEAR o 2000 SHORELINE POSITION, feet 1500 1000 500 -0-MHHW CB 800 -15 -30 -x>< xx 70 72 74 76 78 80 YEAR 82 84 86 88 90 2000 SHORELINE POSITION, feet 1500 U) U1 1000 500 CB 830 MHHW MSL MLLW -X- -15 -30 84 84.5 85 85.5 86 86.5 87 87.5 88 88.5 89 89.5 90 YEAR o u SHORELINE POSITION, feet 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 61 63 65 67 PAClriC OCEAN: SAN DIEGO FREEWAY B'JENA VISTA LAGOON November- : \ \June 1=536 September ". Nove-ber 1=177OF RECC^EO DATA FOR J;JNE 1=538 ' •?, *-!E END)END CF P T^ FG^ A=RiL '.^ (IF IT IS THE END) -April 1 -September- 1S60 -June 1=174 —November 1*^7 •"January i°<88 GENERAL NOTES: -ote-fronx structures oreLocations OT roods, rivers. «nd -o^ e ncle Mops. opprcximote os digitzec • rorr obb- -r. : a~>ber^. coordinates.Grid pcmts a-e -e-e-e-cec ,c ..a oe Cohfornio Coordinate System, Zone D. A DB CCSTWS be-ichmor'.s. REVISIONS F^" ^-fet"" '^^y^^gg^j^. OCSICNED •»> C. OARRAH ^ 3*AH*) •"!i J. CARLSON C><C«ED m R. NATHAN U.S. ARM1 ENGINEER DISTRICT LOS ANGELES CORPS Of ENGINEERS COASTSTORK BNDSON OCEAN HISTORIC OF CALIfORXIP TIDAL WAVES STUOY CIEGO REGION SHORELINE POSITIONS 5IDE LITTORAL CELL SHORELINES iS38-n88 MAP OS-iiA 5j3«TIEO B<: :«TEfc33^;;v = D. 5ST *=«5 - CIS'BICT F!LC -JO. 33 at 64 S-fr'5 ' A-PAYS {IS. tan ENGINEER DISTRICT LOS ANGELES CORPS OF ENGINEERS o -1987-89 -1333-34 -1960 -1972 -March 1982 Field Survey Field Survey Field Survey Field Survey Aerial GENERAL NOTES: Locations of roads, rivers, and waterfront structures are approximate as digitzed from USGS Quadrangle Maps. Grid points are referenced to Lambert coordinates. California Coordinate System, Zone 6.-. & DB 1850 (typical): Location and designation of CCSTWS benchmarks. ZGRAPHIC SCALES IN FEET COAST OF CALIFORNIA STORM AND TIDAL WAVES STUDY SAN DIEGO REGION HISTORIC SHORELINE POSITIONS OCEANSICE LITTORAL CELL NCS SHORELINES 1887-1982 MAP OS-11B SUBMITTED BTl DISTRICT FI_E NO. 34 OF E4 8CETS CALTjTTV D A V Q VAI UE F.MRTNEERING PAYS SUENA VISTA LAGOON February 1S83 July 1^82 May September 1<184 September 1S84February 1S83 uiy 1SS2 X OS. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRIC LOS ANGELES CORPS OF ENGINEERS OF CALIFORNIA STORM AMD TIDAL WAVES STUDYQIEGO REGION Aerial Aerial Aertal Aerial Asrial aonsoro.( -aterfront structures are approximate as digitzed from USGS Quadrangle Maps. July i°,S2 Febru March HISTORIC SHORELINE POSITIONS CCEANSIO£ LI~TORAL CELL SEASONAL SriORELlNES iq82-iS85 OS-11C Grid points ore referenced to Lambert coordinates. California Cocro'inaxe System. Zone 6. A DB 1850 (typical): Location and designation of CCSTWS benchmarks. ^.GRAPHIC SCALES IK FEET Morch 1986 September 1986 November 1987 'J.S. (WHY ENGINEER DISTRICT LOS ANGELES CORPS OF ENGINEERS o -Morch 1986 -September 1986 -April 1987 -November 1987 Aerial Aerial Aeriol Aerial GENERAL NOTES: Locations of roads, rivers, and waterfront structures are approximate as digitzed from USGS Quadrangle Maps. Grid points are referenced to Lambert coordinates, California Coordinate System, Zone 6. A 08 1850 (typical): Location and designation of CCSTWS benchmarks.^GRAPHIC SCALES IN FEET COAST OF CALIFORNIA STORM AND TIDAL WAVES STUDY SAN SIEGO REGION HISTORIC SHORELINE POSITIONS OCEANSIDE LITTORAL CELL SEASONAL SHORELINES 1986-1987 MAP GS-UD SUBMITTED BTl : 5"£c. NO. OKCvn- .i ! DISTRICT FILE NO. SHEET 36 OF £4 SHEETS Q March 1964 April 1954 April 1968 Manuara 1988 November 1977 Plate E -April 1954 Aerial -September 1960 Aerial -March 1964 Aerial -April 1968 Aerial -June 1974 Aerial-November 1977 Aerial -JonuorLj 1988 Aerial Aerial GENERAL NOTES: Locations of roods, rivers, ond waterfront structures ore opproximate os digitzed from USGS Quodrongle Mops. Grid points ore referenced to Lombert coordinotes, California Coordinate System, Zone 6. A DB 1850 (typical): Locotion and designation of CCSTWS benchrnorks. XGRAPWC SCALES IN FEET J.CMLSOH UNkTIWN U.S. HOMY ENGINEER DISTRICT LOS ANGELES CORPS OF ENGINEERS COAST OF CALIFORNIA STORM AND TIDAL WAVES STUDY SAN DIEGO REGION HISTORIC SHORELINE POSITIONS OCEANSIDE LITTORAL CELL HISTORIC SHORELINES 1954-1S88 MAP OS-12A aHMTTEOm SPEC. MO. mom- DISTRICT FILE NO. -55f 37 OF 64 .SHEETS c PACIFIC OCEAN SAN DIEGO FREEWAY fter rose CB0830 U£.MMV ENGINEER DISTRICT LOS ANGELESORTS OF ENGINEERSGENERAL NOTES: Locations of roads, rivers, ond waterfront, structures ore approximate as digitzed from USGS Quadrangle Mops. COAST OF CALIFORNIA STORM AND TIDAL WAVES STUDY SAN DIEGO REGION 1887-83 1933-34 I9601972 Morch Field Survey Field Survey Field Sur»eu Field Survey Aerial HISTORIC SHORELINE POSITIONS OCEANSIOE LITTORAL CELL NOS SHORELINES 1934-1982 MAP OS-12B Grid points ore referenced to Lombert coordinates, California Coordinate System, Zone 6. DB 1850 (tupioal): Locotion and designation of CCSTWS benchmarks. XCRAPHK SCALES w FEET o o February 1983 March 1984 September 1984 July 1982 July 1982 Aerial February 1983 . Aerial March 1984 Aerial September 1984 Aerial May 1985 Aerial GENERAL NOTES: Locations of roods, rivers, and woterf ront structures ore approximate as digitzed from USGS Quadrangle Maps. Grid points are referenced to Lombert coordinates, California Coordinate System, Zone 6. A OB 1850 (typical): Location ond designation of CCSTWS benchmarks. ZGRAPHIC SCALES IN FEET REVISIONS IIS. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT LOS ANGELES CORPS OF ENGINEERS COAST OF CALIFORNIA STORM AND TIDAL WAVES STUDY SAN DIEGO REGION HISTORIC SHORELINE POSITIONS OCEANSIDE LITTORAL CELL SEASONAL SHORELINES 1982-1S85 MAP OS-12C SUBMITTED BYi sPEc.no.mcm- - DISTRICT FIUZ NO. SHEET 31 OF 64 o 6 April 1987 November 1987 END OF RECORDED DATA March 1986 September 1986 April 1987 November 1987 Aerial Aerial Aerial Aerial GENERAL NOTES: Locations of roads, rivers, and waterfront structures are approximate as digitzed from USGS Quadrangle Mops. Grid points are referenced to Lambert coordinates, California Coordinate System, Zone 6. A DB 1850 (typical): Location and designation of CCSTWS benchmarks. XORAPWC SCALES IN FEET REVISIONS US. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT LOS ANGELES CORK OF ENGINEERS COAST OF CALIFORNIA STORM AND TOM. WAVES STUDY SAM 01EGO REGION HISTORIC SHORELINE POSITIONS OCEANSIDE LITTORAL CELL SEASONAL SHORELINES 1986-1987 MAP OS-12D SUBMITTED BYl DATEAPPROVED)SPEC.MXOACMn- - MSTR1CT HUE MX OF £4 Oii O O END OF RECORDED DATA U.S.HRMY ENGINEER DISTRICT LOS ANGELES CORPS OF ENGINEERS% May 1954 Aerial September 1960 Aerial Morch 1964 Aerial April 1968 Aenol June 1974 Aerial November 1977 Aerial January 1988 Aerial GENERAL NOTES: Locations of roads, rivers, and waterfront structures are approximate as digitzed from USGS Quadrangle Maps. Grid points ore referenced to Lambert coordinates, California Coordinate Sustem, Zone 6. A DB 1850 (typical): Location and designation of CCSTWS benchmarks. XGRAPHIC SCALES IN FEET COAST OF CALIFORNIA STORM AND TIDAL WAVES STUDY SAN DIEGO REGION HISTORIC SHORELINE POSITIONS OCEANSIDE LITTORAL CELL HISTORIC SHORELINES 1954-1988 MAP OS-13A SUBMITTED BY.'SPEC. to. mom- —B-._ I OtSTRICT FILE MO- 1 »€ET ' 4: OF 64 SHEETS OS. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT LOS ANGELES CORPS OF ENGINEERSo- 1887-8S -1933-34 -1S60 -1^72 -March Field Survey Field Survey Field Survey Field Survey Aerial GENERAL NOTES: Locations of roads, rivers, and waterfront structures are approximate as digitzed from USGS Ouadrongle Maps. Grid points are referenced to Lambert coordinates, California Coordinate System, Zone 6. A DB 1850 (typical): Location and designation of CCSTWS benchmarks. M;RflpHlc aMfS w FffiT COAST OF CALIFORNIA STORM AND TIDAL WAVES STUDY SAN OtECO REGION HISTORIC SHORELINE POSITIONS OCEANSIDE LITTORAL CELL NOS SHORELINES 1887-1S82 MAP OS-13B DATE APPROVED: T'SPEE.MO.OACWOT- ! 3:STH!CT FILE NO. SHEET 42 OF