HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; Report of Findings Community Cable Research; 2005-05-30MARKET SCAPE RESEARCH & CONSULTING REPORT OF FINDINGS CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY CABLE COMMUNICATIONS RESEARCH Based on qualitative and quantitative tesearch conducted in May, 2005 123 CAMINO DE LA REINA TEL 619 299 4028 SUITE 202 SOUTH FAX 619 299 8551 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 MARKETSCAPE RESEARCH Sl CONSULTING REPORT OF FINDINGS FOR CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY CABLE COMMUNICATIONS RESEARCH Based on qualitative and quantitative research conducted in May, 2005 BACKGROUND As part of endeavors to understand and meet the current and future cable communications needs of Carlsbad residents, the City of Carlsbad is seeking feedback from its citizens to guide future cable communications planning. Specifically, the City of Carlsbad wants to ensure that its plans and parameters for cable communications respond to the needs of its residents. A combination of qualitative and quantitative research was conducted with local residents to achieve several objectives: • Explore perceptions, attitudes and expectations of current Carlsbad residents regarding cable communications services. • Assess response to current and prospective cable services among key stakeholders and the general population, with emphasis on the unique needs of Carlsbad's broad and varied range of citizen interests. • Determine what types of cable communications services and features will resonate most strongly with Carlsbad residents, including a hierarchy of factors prioritized to reflect community needs. • Identify specific ways to enhance development of and citizen satisfaction with future Carlsbad cable commumcations services. This report provides a summary of key findings and conclusions from a series of focus groups and a large scale telephone study conducted in May 2005. 123 CAMINO DE LA REINA TEI 619 299 4028 SUITE 202 SOUTH FAX 619 299 8551 •SAN Diroo. C.^ 92108 METHODOLOGY Two research efforts were implemented to achieve the study objectives. • Initial/bcws groups were conducted with Carlsbad residents, including two groups of citizens recruited at random from the area, and two groups plus one in-depth interview with stakeholders identified by the City of Carlsbad based on their community leadership and group representation. • A subsequent telephone study collected input from the broad Carlsbad poptalation. Telephone interviews were conducted with a random sample of 600 Carlsbad residents. To qualify for the study, respondents had to be over 18 years of age and reside within the City of Carlsbad. Focus groups were conducted April 27 and 28 in Carlsbad. The telephone survey was conducted May 4 through May 10, 2005. Additionally, a web-based study was made available to the community at large via promotion by the City of Carlsbad. A total of 57 people responded to the web version. The Hnk remained open through May 12. (Because the responses of the self-selected web respondents were significandy different from those of the random sample in many dimensions, the primary statistical analysis was conducted on the randomly sampled 600 respondents, with separate summary of web-based findings.) Details of the web responses are provided in Appendbt A, which also provides the basic means and frequencies by question. Appendix B provides a detailed breakdown of comparisons by geographic quadrant and other categorizations, augmented by testing comparisons for statistical robustness. Appendix C provides a top Hne summary of qualitative findings utilized in survey instrument development and as a foundation for interpretation of quantitative results. City of Carlsbad Community Cable Communications ^search EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Results of recent research with Carlsbad residents revealed a variety of issues for consideration in the selection and management of a cable services provider for the City of Carlsbad. There is general satisfaction with the status quo, and also potential to better address the needs and expectations of Carlsbad's diverse population. The majority of residents were satisfied with cable services currentiy available to them. Nearly two thirds (64%) of respondents were either "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with their cable television service. Those who were not satisfied cited price and program selection as the primary reasons. An even greater proportion (71%) of cable intemet subscribers were either "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with their service. The survey suggests an increasing centrality of the Intemet in the Uves of Carlsbad residents. While the strongest local television watchers were older residents, many groups showed interest in more Intemet capability. The relative importance of Intemet and television services appeared to be a key consideration in selecting a cable vendor. Interest in and use of local television programming was varied. A total of 44% of respondents reported having watched no local programming in the last three months (with more than half of respondents in the Southeast quadrant having watched no local programming). Among those who did watch, the highest incidence reported was for Carlsbad city council meetings, watched by 28% of respondents, in the past three months. There is not a groundswell of demand for more types of television services or programs. On a scale of one to ten, where ten is strong appeal, none of the suggested television services captured more than a 5.4 mean rating. Of all suggested services, digital video recording and playback was rated highest. Neighborhood news was the most appealing of programming altematives. Live broadcasts were not considered important. The Intemet in general appears to play a growing part in the lives of many Carlsbad residents. More than half said that they would be very likely to either arrange with their employer to telecommute, to open a home based Intemet business, to create a personal website or to access the Intemet via a public wireless connection. In terms of services potentially available via the Intemet, interest was highest for emergency/disaster information (7.3 on a ten point scale of appeal) and public safety information (5.7). AU other services lagged behind with scores at 5.4 or less. Parents were more Hkely to find potential additional Intemet services more appealing. Parent respondents were also unique among respondents for being strong Intemet proponents and local cable television watchers. For other groups, high Intemet usage corresponded to a lower interest in television offerings. City of Carlsbad Community Cable Communications Research Of note, residents who responded to the survey over the web appeared to have particular agendas in mind. Their responses were somewhat inconsistent with the responses of residents overall. Detailed findings in this report yield a hierarchy of services and programming for future consideration, and suggest specific ways to address needs of specific resident subgroups. In general, the City of Carlsbad appears to be on track to provide Carlsbad residents with cable services that satisfy the majority of needs. City of Carlsbad Community Cable Communications Research RESPONDENT PROFILE The sample of 600 respondents consisted of residents from four quadrants of Carlsbad, defined by areas either North or South of Palomar Airport Road and either East or West of El Camino Real. Roughly two thirds of respondents (61%) were over age 45. Age Under 25 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 Over 65 Refused (n=600) 2% 12% 21% 22% 17% 22% 4% The sample represented respondents who were somewhat older than the Carlsbad population in general. Age Distribution: Carlsbad Respondents Compared to 2000 Census 30.0% 25 0% — 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 0.0% Under 25 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 Over 65 City of Carlsbad Community Cable Communications Research Interviews were conducted with a shghtiy higher proportion of females compared to the Carlsbad population as a whole. Census 2000 Gender ('^'''^ Male 42% 48% Female 58% 52% The majority of respondents (69%) lived in households with one other adtilt. One out of five respondents (21%) were the only adult in the household. Number of adults in household (n=600) One 21% Two 69% Three 8% Four 1% Five or more 1% Almost two thirds of households (65%) had no children under 18 living at home. An equal proportion of households had one or two children (15% for each). This is shghtiy lower than Census figures of 69%% of households without children at home. Number of children in household (n=600) None 65% One 15% Two 15% Three 4% Four or more 1% Of the famihes with children, 190 or 90% had children in school in Carlsbad, with the largest proportion in the Carlsbad Unified school district. School district (n=2W) Carlsbad Unified 66% San Marcos Unified 22% Encinitas Union 1% San Dieguito Unified 1% Otiier 10% City of Carlsbad Community Cable Communications Research Carlsbad respondents represented a full range of incomes, somewhat higher than the 2000 Census numbers for the area. (The 2000 numbers were not adjusted for inflation.) Household income Under $50,000 $50,000 to $74,999 $75,000 to $99,999 $100,000 to $149,999 $150,000 to $199,999 More tiian $200,000 (n=600) 18% 19% 20%^ 22%^ 11% 10% Income distribution: Carlsbad respondents compared to 2000 Census 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% 25.0"/o 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 0.0% IB Respondetits • Carlsbad 2000 Under $50,000 150,000 to $74,999 $75,000 to $99,999 $100,000 to $149,999 $150,000 to $199,999 More than $200,000 City of Carlsbad Community Cable Communications R£search Almost half of respondents (48%) were employed full-time. More than one quarter of respondents (27%) were retired. Employment (n=600) Full time 48% Part time 9% Mihtary 1% Retired 27% Not employed outside the home 15% ^ ^ home. Nearly eight of ten respondents (79%) owned their current residences. This reflects a higher rate of homeownership than the overall population as portrayed in census data. Census Home ownership (n=600) 2000 Own 79% 64% Rent 21% 36% City of Carlsbad Community Cable Communications Research CURRENT CABLE SERVICE USAGE , The majority of respondents (85%) currentiy subscribe to cable, with a net 46% of all respondents having both television and high speed intemet services. Cable service (n=512) For television only 43% For television and high speed intemet 53% For intemet only 3% Don't know 1% Almost two thirds of respondents who did not subscribe to cable television obtained their television signal via sateUite or dish. Alternate TV signal source (n-109) Satellite or dish 62% Antenna 17% Do not get television signal at home 5% Otiier 16% For respondents who did not subscribe to high speed cable intemet, DSL and Dial up service were the most common methods of intemet access. Alternate internet source (n-310) DSL service 43% Dial up 25% Satellite access 2% Blackberry or cell phone 1% Otiier 1% Do not access intemet from home 22% Don't know 6% However more than one in five of those respondents (a net of 11% overall) do not access the intemet from home at aU. City of Carlsbad Community Cable Communications Rxsearch Respondents were queried on their reason for not subscribing to High Speed Intemet. Expense was the most common deterrent. Reasons for not subscribing (n=259) Too expensive 31% ^ Formerly subscribed but unhappy with service 18% "^^JhP Didn't know about the service 14% Prefer another service 8% No need 3% Don't want children exposed to intemet 1% Use intemet at work, not home 1% Otiier 24% City of Carlsbad 10 Community Cable Communications Research CABLE TELEVISION CUSTOMER FINDINGS Slighdy fewer respondents subscribed to digital cable than basic cable (44% vs. 48%). ^ Cable type (n=495) Basic cable with no pay channels 48% Digital cable, with add on pay channels 44% Other/Don't know 8% Two thirds of respondents were satisfied with their current cable television service, while one quarter (23%) were either somewhat or very dissatisfied. Satisfaction (n-495) Very satisfied 25% Somewhat satisfied 39% Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 13% Somewhat dissatisfied 16% Very dissatisfied 7% Respondents who were less than satisfied cited a variety of reasons for their dissatisfaction. Reason for dissatisfaction (n= 185)* Price/cost 42% Selection of programs /channels 40% Quality of signal/transmission 37% Customer service 21% Otiier 26% * Some respondents cited multiple reasons. City of Carlsbad 11 Community Cable Communications Research Respondents were asked to rate the prospective appeal of specific cable services, using a scale from one to ten, where one was not at all appealing and ten was very appealing. Only Digital Video Recording and playback (DVR) was borderline appealing to the broad population, scoring above a mean of five on the ten point scale. Mean Service rating Digital video recording and playback 5.3 Two-way video teleconferencing 2.8 Interactive video games 2.3 Using a similar scale, respondents were queried on their likelihood of watching specific local television broadcasts. Neighborhood news was the most likely to be watched. However no broadcast type was scored higher than a mean of six on a ten point scale. Mean Programming rating — Neighborhood news 5.4 IttM Local community event coverage 5.1 Carlsbad community performing arts programs 5.0 Local voter issues programs 4.9 City services and programs 4.4 imm Govemment meetings, such as the Carlsbad City 4.4 Council or planning commission 4.4 Local school sports 3.4 Local school issues programs 3.3 Hum Local school activities 3.1 Local club or organization activities 3.1 Carlsbad school board meetings 2.9 Local religious services 2.6 City of Carlsbad 12 Community Cable Communications Research Respondents were asked about their viewing of the local cable channel 3, particularly within the past three months. Carlsbad City Council meetings were reported as the most watched (28%); however 44% of respondents had watched no local programming in the previous three months. %of responses %of respondents mm Programming watched (n=680)* (n^495) -None 32% 44% Carlsbad City Council meetings 20% 28% Other programming on the Carlsbad community channel 3 18% 25% _ Local high school sports 12% 1% mm Carlsbad Community Update Video Magazine 11% 15% Carlsbad school board meetings 7% 10% dm * Some respondents reported having watched multiple programs. More than half of respondents (51%) said that it was not at all important to Uve broadcasts. watch local Importance of live broadcasts (n=495) mmt Very important 12% mm Somewhat important Not at aU important 37% 51% Respondents were questioned regarding the appeal of learning to make programs for presentation or being able to broadcast programming they had produced on local cable television. These possibUities generated minimal interest, ranked as a mean of 3.2 on a ten point scale of appeal. City of Carlsbad 13 Community Cable Communications Research HIGH SPEED INTERNET CUSTOMER FINDINGS Nearly three quarters of high speed intemet subscribers (71%) were satisfied with their service. Satisfaction (n=290) Very satisfied 30% Somewhat satisfied 41% Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 9% Some dissatisfied 16% Very dissatisfied 4% Respondents were asked to rate the appeal of certain services that could be received on their television or computer via their high speed intemet service. The most appealing potential service was access to emergency or disaster information, rated at seven on a ten point scale of appeal. No other service was rated above a mean of six on the ten point scale. Mean y- /\ ^ Service rating J ... 7.3 \r Access to emergency or disaster information vP Access to pubUc safety information from poUce and fire departments 5.7 5.4 AbUity to upload or download videos Taking classes from schools or coUeges through ^ ^ distance or remote learning Paying municipal fees (such as water bills, Ubrary ^ ^ fines or building permits) on line Access to books on tape 4.9 4.3 Utilizing cable access for home security purposes AbiUty to watch streaming video of community ^ ^ programs such as govemment meetings Participating in electronic group discussions for ^ ^ special interest purposes Access to an archive of streaming video of ^ ^ community programs aired on Channel 3 City of Carlsbad 14 Community Cable Communications Research Respondents were also queried about their Ukelihood of use of four specific web-based appUcations. Interestingly, of aU respondents, half (52%) said that they or others in their household were "very Ukely" to use the Intemet in at least one of the foUowing ways: Would you or others in your household would be very likely^ somewhat likely or not at all (n-562)* likely to... Access the intemet via laptop using a wireless ^ connection available at community centers, parks 34.2% and Ubraries Arrange with your employer to telecommute to go/ your job Create a personal website 22.0% Operate a home-based intemet business 16.5% * Some respondents chose multiple applications. City of Carlsbad 15 Community Cable Communications Research ADDITIONAL SERVICES AU subscribers were queried about other specific services that might be associated with cable communications. More than one in five respondents said they would be very likely to subscribe to telephone service through their cable company. Likelihood to subscribe to telephone service (n-600) Very Ukely 22% Somewhat likely 41% Not at aU Ukely 34% Don't know 3% When given the choice, the majority of respondents (70%) preferred to access customer service by phone. Access (n=600) On-Une 21% By phone By visiting their local office By having them visit your home 70% 6% City of Carlsbad 16 Community Cable Communications Research COMPARISONS BETWEEN SUBGROUPS To provide more actionable and specific data, analysis focused on differences between subgroups within the overaU survey sample. For each of the foUowing comparisons, only statisticaUy robust results are reported. 'Television only" vs. "Television plus high speed internet" subscribers (218 vs. 273) People with cable high speed intemet service in addition to cable television differed in many ways from those with only cable television service. They tended to be somewhat younger, and more likely to work fuU time and have higher household incomes. Their responses were consistent with web savvy famiUes in that they rated most of the Usted novel Intemet services higher and they prioritized uploading and downloading videos higher. School board meetings took a higher priority among local television options. Compared to respondents who had cable television only, people who had both cable television and high speed intemet were: less likely to subscribe to basic cable (38% vs. 61% of cable television-only subscribers); more likely to rate DVR and teleconferencing higher (mean ratings of 5.9 vs. 4.4, and 3.1 vs. 1.4); more likely to find watching school board meetings appealing (mean ratings of 3.3 vs. 2.5); likely to be sUghtiy more satisfied with their intemet service (41% vs. 28% "somewhat satisfied"); more likely to arrange to telecommute (38% vs. 25%), create a personal website (25% vs. 17%) or connect via wireless (39% vs. 23%); more likely to consider intemet telephone (29% vs. 16%); less Ukely to be over 65 (14% vs. 34%); more Ukely to be employed fuU time (57% vs. 39%); and less likely to have a household income of less than $50,000 (7% vs. 21%). City of Carlsbad Community Cable Communications Research 17 Basic cable vs. Digital cable subscribers (239 vs. 215) Digital cable subscribers tended to have a higher household income and be more intensive technology users. In addition to preferring online support for service (59% vs. 41% for basic cable subscribers), they also rated aU of the novel intemet service as more appealing. Compared to basic cable subscribers, digital subscribers were: • more likely to rate DVR and teleconferencing higher (3.1 vs. 2.5 and 6.3 vs.4.4 respectively); • more likely to consider Uve broadcast of local programs very important (15% vs. 9%); • more likely to open an intemet business (20% vs. 12% very Ukely), create a personal website (24% vs. 17%) or connect via a wireless connection (38% vs. 27%); • more likely to be employed fuU time (59% vs. 40%); and more likely to have adult working fliU time from home (24% vs. 16%); and • more likely to have household incomes above $150,000 (22% vs. 9%) Satisfied vs. Dissatisfied Cable television subscribers (317 vs. Ill) Respondents who expressed higher satisfaction with their cable television service were older, less affluent and more likely to be female than those expressing dissatisfaction. They were also more satisfied with the technological status quo. Compared to those expressing low satisfaction, satisfied television subscribers were: • more likely to rate games, teleconferencing and DVR lower (2.2 vs. 2.7, 2.5 vs. 3.5, and 4.8 vs. 6.5 respectively); • more Ukely to rate importance of Uve broadcasts lower (10% vs. 20% "very important"); • less likely, if they don't subscribe to cable intemet, to have dropped cable intemet (7% vs. 16%) or to prefer another service (11% vs. 22%); • more Ukely to be very satisfied with their cable intemet (38% vs. 18%); • more Ukely to have assigned significandy less appeal to streaming video of govemment meetings (3.5 vs. 4.2) ,other community programs (3.3 vs. 4.0), access to books on tape (4.9 vs. 6.1) or uploading or downloading videos (5.2 vs. 6.7); • less likely to create a personal website ( 53% vs. 24% not at aU likely) or to connect via wireless (21% vs. 24% very Ukely); • less likely to be interested in subscribing to telephone service from their cable company (21% vs. 31%); • more Ukely to be over age 65 (29% vs. 10%); • less likely to be employed fuU time (42% vs. 64%); • less likely to have a household income of more than $150,000 (13% vs. 17%); and • more likely to be female (62% vs. 46%). City of Carlsbad 18 Community Cable Communications Research Satisfied vs. Dissatisfied high speed internet subscribers (207 vs. 57) There were few significant differences between these groups. Respondents who were satisfied with cable intemet service were more likely to work from home, and less enthusiastic about additional offerings for television or cable. Compared to people expressing dissatisfaction, they: • rated the appeal of streaming video council meetings lower (3.6 vs. 4.7) and Channel 3 programs lower (3.5 vs. 4.3); • rated emergency information via intemet lower (7.6 vs. 8.5); and uploading and downloading videos lower (5.7 vs. 7.2); • rated satisfaction with cable TV higher (30% vs. 2%); and • were more likely work from home (28% vs. 12%). Differences based on school systems Among households with children at home, the majority attended school in the Carlsbad Unified school district. School district (n=210) Carlsbad Unified 66% San Marcos Unified 22% Encinitas Union 1% San Dieguito Unified 1% Otiier 10% Compared to those who were enroUed in Carlsbad Unified School District, respondents with children at home who attended elsewhere were younger than Carlsbad school parents (29% vs. 11% 25-to-34 year olds) and less likely to have watched any local cable programming (51% vs. 30% who watched none over the last three months). In other respects, they were very much like Carlsbad Unified parents, except that they rated several aspects lower, including: appeal of interactive video games (2.7 vs. 3.7 ); UkeUhood of watching school sports ( 3.8 vs. 5.2); likelihood of watching school activities ( 3.9 vs. 5.3 ); likelihood of watching Carlsbad school board meetings ( 3.5 vs. 4.6 ); Ukelihood of watching local school issues programming (4.4 vs. 5.4); and appeal of distance learning classes (5.4 vs. 6.4). City of Carlsbad 19 Community Cable Communications Research Owners vs. Renters (473 vs. 127) Compared to homeowners, renters were: mm more Ukely to mention selection ahead of price as reasons for dissatisfaction with cable television; more likely to rate games, teleconferencing, and DVR higher (3.3 vs. 2.0, 3.3 vs. 2.7 and 6.0 vs. 5.0 respectively); more likely to rate watching school activities and school board higher, (3.4 vs. 3.0), but aU others lower or not significantiy different; more Ukely to have interest in television production (3.2 vs. 2.4) more likely, if they did not subscribe to cable television, to use antennae (27% vs. 13%) and less Ukely to use sateUite (41% vs. 71%); more likely to rate taking classes by intemet and uploading or downloading videos higher (3.1 vs. 5.0, 6.2 vs. 5.1); more likely to start an intemet business (25% vs. 14% very likely), create a personal website (29% vs. 21%) or access via wireless (44 % vs. 32%); more Ukely to be under 35 (35% vs. 10%); more likely employed fuU time (57% vs. 46%); and more likely to have a household income of less than $75,000 (54% vs. 20%). Comparisons between geographic quadrants Most respondents were in Southeast or Southwest. This summary of statisticaUy robust findings of differences between sectors is supplemented by detailed findings in Appendix 2. Northeast (39 respondents) Respondents who Uved in the Northeast quadrant of Carlsbad tended to have lower income, and included a high proportion of retirees. These respondents were among the staunchest viewers of local television. Compared to other quadrants, they were: • more likely to be older (43% over 65), with the lowest proportion under 35 (8%); • among the lowest proportion working fuU time (21%), higher proportion retired (51%), and higher proportion with income of less than $50,000 (26%); • more likely to have cable for TV only (64%, as was Northwest); • more likely to have cited, as 1st mention, watching city council meetings (36%) and Community Update, (21%); City of Carlsbad Community Cable Communications Research 20 • less likely to have satelUte dish (50%) as an altemative to cable; • among a lower proportion of respondents who said they would be very likely to use intemet to arrange to telecommute (12%), operate a home-based business (9%) or create personal website (9%); and • less likely access the intemet by wireless connection (21%). Northwest (46 respondents) Like their counterparts in the Southeast quadrant, northwest residents were more likely to be employed fuU time (54%), less Ukely to be retired or not employed outside the home (2% and 1% respectively), and more likely to be younger (17% under 35, as was Southeast). Compared to other quadrants, they were: • more likely to have chUdren attending school in Carlsbad (83%) and in the Carlsbad Unified school district (91%); • more likely to subscribe to cable for TV only (65%, with Northeast); • less likely to have watched City Council meetings in the last three months (12%); • less likely to get TV signal via satelUte (50% of those who did not subscribe to cable); and • consistent with the Southeast quadrant, more likely to arrange to telecommute (39% very likely), create a personal website (39% very likely) or access via wireless connection (39%). Southeast (164 respondents) Residents of the southeast quadrant were younger, with middle-of-the-range responses in many areas. Compared to other quadrants, they were: • more likely to be under 35 (21%); • less likely to have children attending school in Carlsbad (32%), with a higher proportion enroUed in San Marcos Unified (44%); • more likely to have cable for TV and high speed intemet (54%, as was Southwest); • more likely to not watch any Channel 3 programs (53%); • most Ukely to get their television signal via sateUite, as was Southwest (64% of those who did not subscribe to cable); and • more likely to anticipate operating home-based Intemet business, (24% very likely) or to arrange to telecommute (42% very likely). City of Carlsbad 21 Community Cable Communications Research Southwest (272 respondents) Of aU quadrants, the southwest represented more affluent older respondents with middle-of-the- range responses in many areas. Compared to other quadrants, they were: • intermediate in age, with 10% under 35 and 39% 45 years old or older; • most likely to have a higher household income (10% with more that $200,000); • most likely to subscribe to cable for TV and intemet (58%); and • most likely to get TV signal via satelUte, as was Southeast (64% of those who did not subscribe to cable). City of Carlsbad 22 Community Cable Communications Research APPENDIX A DATA TABULATIONS MM 5a Carlsbad Community Cable Commumcations Research (Bold Face indicates statistically robust differences) Do you Uve north or south of Palomar Airport Road? North South Do you live east or west of El Camino Real? East West Total Do you currently subscribe to cable services at your home? Yes No Total Is your cable connection... for television only for television and high speed intemet for intemet only don't know Total Please tell me which of the following type of cable television service you subscribe to. Basic cable with no pay chaimels Digital cable, with add on pay channels Other/Don't know Total Regarding your current cable television service, would you say you are very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied? Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Total Phone Web Total Phone Web Total 85 25 110 14.2% 43.9% 16.7% 515 32 547 85.8% 56.1% 83.3% 600 57 657 91.3% 8.7% 100.0% 232 25 257 38.7% 43.9% 39.1% 368 32 400 61.3% 56.1% 60.9% 600 57 657 91.3% 8.7% 100.0% 512 53 565 85.3% 93.0% 86.0% 88 4 92 14.7% 7.0% 14.0% 600 57 657 91.3% 8.7% 100.0% 218 11 229 42.6% 20.8% 40.5% 273 38 311 53.3% 71.7% 55.0% 17 3 20 3.3% 5.7% 3.5% 4 1 5 0.8% 1.9% 0.9% 512 53 565 90.6% 9.4% 100.0% 239 16 255 48.3% 32.0% 46.8% 215 31 246 43.4% 62.0% 45.1% 41 3 44 8.3% 6.0% 8.1% 495 50 545 90.8% 9.2% 100.0% 125 2 127 25.3% 4.0% 23.3% 192 7 199 38.8% 14.0% 36.5% 67 6 73 13.5% 12.0% 13.4% 79 19 98 16.0% 38.0% 18.0% 32 16 48 6.5% 32.0% 8.8% 495 50 545 90.8% 9.2% 100.0% (Bold Face indicates statistically robust differences) Phone Web Total Phone Web Total 7a Why is that? 1st 1 Price/cost 40 23 63 36.0% 65.7% 43.2% 1st 2 Selection of programs/channels 23 9 32 20.7% 25.7% 21.9% 1st 3 Quality of signal/transmission 20 1 21 18.0% 2.9% 14.4% 1st 4 Customer service 10 2 12 9.0% 5.7% 8.2% 1st 5 Otiier 18 0 18 16.2% 0.0% 12.3% 1st Total 111 35 146 76.0% 24.0% 100.0% mm 2nd 1 Price/cost 6 3 9 12.0% 9.1% 10.8% 2nd 2 Selection of programs/channels 20 13 33 40.0% 39.4% 39.8% Mf 2nd 3 Quality of signal/transmission 13 10 23 26.0% 30.3% 27.7% 2nd 4 Customer service 6 7 13 12.0% 21.2% 15.7% 2nd 5 Otiier 5 0 5 10.0% 0.0% 6.0% mm 2nd Total 50 33 83 60.2% 39.8% 100.0% 3rd 1 Price/cost 1 0 1 5.3% 0.0% 2.3% 3rd 2 Selection of programs/channels 2 1 3 10.5% 4.2% 7.0% 3rd 3 Quality of signal/transmission 7 8 15 36.8% 33.3% 34.9% •* 3rd 4 Customer service 5 10 15 26.3% 41.7% 34.9% 3rd 5 Otiief 4 5 9 21.1% 20.8% 20.9% Total 19 24 43 44.2% 55.8% 100.0% 4tii 2 Selection of programs/channels 0 3 3 0.0% 37.5% 25.0% 4tii 3 Quality of signal/transmission 1 0 1 25.0% 0.0% 8.3% 4tii 4 Customer service 1 4 5 25.0% 50.0% 41.7% tan 4tii 5 Otiier 2 1 3 50.0% 12.5% 25.0% mm 4tii Total 4 8 12 33.3% 66.7% 100.0% mm 5tii Price/cost 0 1 1 0.0% 33.3% 25.0% 5tii Customer service 1 0 1 100.0% 0.0% 25.0% 5tii Otiier 0 2 2 0.0% 66.7% 50.0% mm Total 1 3 4 25.0% 75.0% 100.0% mm I am going to read a Hst of services that could be available from a cable system. For each one, please tell me how appealing it would be for you and your household, using a scale from one to ten, where one is not at all appealing and ten is very appealing. Interactive video games Two-way video teleconferencing Digital video recording and playback 2.3 2.8 5.3 3.4 4.0 7.2 (Bold Face indicates statistically robust differences) Phone Web Total Phone Web Total 9 How likely would you or others in your household be to watch the following types of local television broadcasts? Please use a scale of one to ten where one is not at all likely to watch and ten is very likely to watch. a Carlsbad community performing arts programs 5.0 6.1 b Local school sports 3.4 5.4 c Local religious services 2.6 3.2 d Local school activities 3.1 4.8 e Carlsbad school board meetings 2.9 4.0 Govemment meetings, such as the Carlsbad City f Council or planning commission 4.4 5.9 g Local club or organization activities 3.1 4.6 h Local school issues programs 3.3 4.4 i Local voter issues programs 4.9 6.5 j Neighborhood news 5.4 7.0 k Local community event coverage 5.1 7.1 1 City services and programs 4.4 6.3 10 Would it be very important, somewhat important or not at all important that the local programs you watched were broadcast Uve? 1 Very important 59 12 71 11.9% 24.0% 13.0% 2 Somewhat important 182 25 207 36.8% 50.0% 38.0% 3 Not at aU important 254 13 267 51.3% 26.0% 49.0% Total 495 50 545 90.8% 9.2% 100.0% 11 In the last three months, which of the foUowing programs have you watched on your local cable channel 3? 1st 1 Carlsbad City Council meetings 83 15 98 16.8% 30.0% 18.0% 1st 2 Carlsbad school board meetings 28 2 30 5.7% 4.0% 5.5% 1st 3 Local high school sports 49 9 58 9.9% 18.0% 10.6% 1st 4 Carlsbad Commvinity Update Video Magazine 51 5 56 10.3% 10.0% 10.3% 1st Other programming on the Carlsbad community 5 channel 3 68 9 77 13.7% 18.0% 14.1% 1st 6 None 216 10 226 43.6% 20.0% 41.5% Total 495 50 545 90.8% 9.2% 100.0% (Bold Face indicates statisticaUy robust differences) Phone Web Total Phone Web Total 2nd 1 Carlsbad City CouncU meetings 44 7 51 36.7% 28.0% 35.2% 2nd 2 Carlsbad school board meetings 15 3 18 12.5% 12.0% 12.4% 2nd 3 Local high school sports 21 8 29 17.5% 32.0% 20.0% 2nd 4 Carlsbad Community Update Video Magazine 18 3 21 15.0% 12.0% 14.5% 2nd Other programming on the Carlsbad community 5 channel 3 22 4 26 18.3% 16.0% 17.9% •ii Total 120 25 145 82.8% 17.2% 100.0% 3rd 1 Carlsbad City CouncU meetings 7 2 9 13.7% 20.0% 14.8% Hi* 3rd 2 Carlsbad school board meetings 8 0 8 15.7% 0.0% 13.1% 3rd 3 Local high school sports 4 0 4 7.8% 0.0% 6.6% 3rd 4 Carlsbad Commuiuty Update Video Magazine 4 1 5 7.8% 10.0% 8.2% tiB 3rd Other programming on the Carlsbad commvuiity 5 channel 3 28 7 35 54.9% 70.0% 57.4% IMD Total 51 10 61 83.6% 16.4% 100.0% mm 4tii 1 Carlsbad City CouncU meetings 2 0 2 14.3% 0.0% 13.3% 4tii 2 Carlsbad school board meetings 1 0 1 7.1% 0.0% 6.7% 4tii 3 Local high school sports 5 0 5 35.7% 0.0% 33.3% #»»«« 4tii 4 Carlsbad Community Update Video Magazine 1 0 1 7.1% 0.0% 6.7% 4tii Other programming on the Carlsbad community 5 chaimel 3 5 1 6 35.7% 100.0% 40.0% Total 14 1 15 93.3% 6.7% 100.0% 12 Again using a scale of one to ten, where one is not at aU appealing and ten is very appealing, how appealing would it be to you or members of your household to leam to make programs for presentation or to be able to broadcast programming you have produced on your local m- cable TV channel? 3.2 2.6 13 How do you or others in your household currentiy access the intemet from home? Do you use... mm 1 DSL service 134 9 143 43.2% 56.3% 43.9% 2 Dial up 77 4 81 24.8% 25.0% 24.8% mm 3 SateUite access 6 0 6 1.9% 0.0% 1.8% mm 4 Blackberry or ceU phone 3 0 3 1.0% 0.0% 0.9% 5 Other 3 0 3 1.0% 0.0% 0.9% — 6 Do not access internet from home 67 2 69 21.6% 12.5% 21.2% mm 7 Don't know 20 1 21 6.5% 6.3% 6.4% mm Total 310 16 326 95.1% 4.9% 100.0% (Bold Face indicates statisticaUy robust differences) Phone Web Total Phone Web Total mmt 13a Please teU me the reasons you do not subscribe to the local cable company's high-speed intemet service. 1st 1 Too expensive 72 11 83 32.3% 84.6% 35.2% mu 1st 2 Formerly subscribed but unhappy with service 19 0 19 8.5% 0.0% 8.1% 1st 3 Didn't know about the service 7 0 7 3.1% 0.0% 3.0% 1st 4 Prefer another service 29 2 31 13.0% 15.4% 13.1% •il 1st 5 No need 40 0 40 17.9% 0.0% 16.9% 1st 6 Don't want chUdren exposed to intemet 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1st 7 Use intemet at work, not home 2 0 2 0.9% 0.0% 0.8% IHI 1st 8 Other (specify): 54 0 54 24.2% 0.0% 22.9% Total 223 13 236 94.5% 5.5% 100.0% IMI 2nd 1 Too expensive 8 0 8 25.8% 0.0% 22.2% 2nd 2 Formerly subscribed but unhappy with service 2 2 4 6.5% 40.0% 11.1% mmi 2nd 3 Didn't know about the service 2 0 2 6.5% 0.0% 5.6% 2nd 4 Prefer another service 6 2 8 19.4% 40.0% 22.2% iMtf 2nd 5 No need 5 1 6 16.1% 20.0% 16.7% mm* 2nd 6 Don't want chUdren exposed to intemet 1 0 1 3.2% 0.0% 2.8% 2nd 8 Other (specify): 7 0 7 22.6% 0.0% 19.4% mtt Total 31 5 36 86.1% 13.9% 100.0% 3rd 4 Prefer another service 2 0 2 40.0% 0.0% 25.0% 3rd 5 No need 1 0 1 20.0% 0.0% 12.5% 3rd 8 Other (specify): 2 3 5 40.0% 100.0% 62.5% Total 5 3 8 62.5% 37.5% 100.0% Mfii 13b How do you get your television signal at home? mm* 1 SateUite or dish 68 7 75 62.4% 87.5% 64.1% 2 Antenna 19 0 19 17.4% 0.0% 16.2% 3 Do not get television signal at home 5 0 5 4.6% 0.0% 4.3% 4 Otiier 17 1 18 15.6% 12.5% 15.4% Total 109 8 117 93.2% 6.8% 100.0% mm ) Would you say you are very satisfied, somewhat v ^ satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. mm somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with your current cable intemet service? 1 Very satisfied 136 7 143 30.9% 14.0% 29.2% 2 Somewhat satisfied 162 16 178 36.8% 32.0% 36.3% 3 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 64 7 71 14.5% 14.0% 14.5% 4 Somewhat dissatisfied 59 11 70 13.4% 22.0% 14.3% mm 5 Very dissatisfied 19 9 28 4.3% 18.0% 5.7% Total 440 50 490 89.8% 10.2% 100.0% m» Hi* (Bold Face indicates statisticaUy robust differences) Phone Web Total Phone Web Total 15 Certain services coiUd be received through your television or home computer by using a high speed cormection to the intemet provided by the cable system. On a scale of one to ten where one is not at aU appeaUng and ten is very appealing, how appealing are each of the foUowing to you and your household? AbiUty to watch streaming video of community a programs such as govemment meetings 3.6 6.0 Access to an archive of streaming video of b community programs aired on Charmel 3 3.4 5.8 Access to pubUc safety information from poUce c and fire departments 5.7 7.5 d Access to books on tape 4.9 6.1 Taking classes from schools or coUeges through e distance or remote learning 5.2 6.9 Participating in electronic group discussions for f special interest purposes 3.5 5.0 g Utilizing cable access for home security purposes 4.3 6.2 Paying municipal fees (such as water biUs, Ubrary h fines or bmlding permits) on Une 5.0 6.8 i , Access to emergency or disaster information 7.3 8.1 j AbUity to upload or download videos 5.4 7.4 16 Please teU me if you or others in your household would be very Ukely, somewhat likely or not at aU Ukely to . . . Arrange with your employer to telecommute to a your job Very likely 175 23 198 32.9% 4L8% 33.7% Somewhat Ukely 77 19 96 14.5% 34.5% 16.4% Not at aU Ukely 280 13 293 52.6% 23.6% 49.9% Total 532 55 587 90.6% 9.4% 100.0% Operate a home-based internet business Very likely 88 11 99 16.5% 20.0% 16.9% Somewhat likely 127 19 146 23.9% 34.5% 24.9% Not at aU Ukely 317 25 342 59.6% 45.5% 58.3% Total 532 55 587 90.6% 9.4% 100.0% Create a personal website Very Ukely 117 18 135 22.0% 32.7% 23.0% Somewhat likely 142 16 158 26.7% 29.1% 26.9% Not at aU Ukely 273 21 294 51.3% 38.2% 50.1% Total 532 55 587 90.6% 9.4% 100.0% (Bold Face indicates statisticaUy robust differences) Phone Web Total Phone Web Total Access the internet via laptop using a wireless connection avaUable at commvinity centers, parks and Ubraries Very Ukely 182 27 209 34.2% 49.1% 35.6% Somewhat likely 148 14 162 27.8% 25.5% 27.6% Not at aU Ukely 202 14 216 38.0% 25.5% 36.8% Total 532 55 587 90.6% 9.4% 100.0% 17 If competitively priced local and long distance telephone service were avaUable through yovir local •Ml cable company, would you be very likely, somewhat likely, or not at aU likely to subscribe to this service? IMI 1 Very likely 132 14 146 22.0% 24.6% 22.2% 2 Somewhat Ukely 248 32 280 41.3% 56.1% 42.6% «... 3 Not at aU Ukely 204 8 212 34.0% 14.0% 32.3% 4 Don't know 16 3 19 2.7% 5.3% 2.9% MH Total 600 57 657 91.3% 8.7% 100.0% Mil 18 Given the choice, how would you prefer to access customer service or technical support for your «••»> cable company? Would you prefer to contact the cable company ... Mi» 1 On-Une 122 18 140 20.3% 31.6% 21.3% 2 By phone 421 32 453 70.2% 56.1% 68.9% 3 By visiting their local office 19 4 23 3.2% 7.0% 3.5% Mi 4 By having them visit your home 38 3 41 6.3% 5.3% 6.2% rm* Total 600 57 657 91.3% 8.7% 100.0% Ma 19 How many people age 19 or older Uve in your household? 2.0 2.0 20 How many people age 18 or younger Uve in your ^m 20a household? Do you any of those chUdren attend school in 0.6 0.6 mm Carlsbad? 1 Yes 115 15 130 55.6% 60.0% 56.0% mum 2 No 92 10 102 44.4% 40.0% 44.0% mm 21 Total In what school district do you reside? 207 25 232 89.2% 10.8% 100.0% till 1 San Dieguito Unified 25 1 26 4.2% 1.8% 4.0% 2 Enciiutas Union 6 6 12 1.0% 10.5% 1.8% mm 3 San Marcos Unified 89 3 92 14.8% 5.3% 14.0% mm 4 Carlsbad Unified 367 46 413 61.2% 80.7% 62.9% mm 5 Don't know 113 1 114 18.8% 1.8% 17.4% Total 600 57 657 91.3% 8.7% 100.0% am (Bold Face indicates statisticaUy robust differences) Phone Web Total Phone Web Total MM 22 Do you own or rent your current residence? 1 Own 473 48 521 78.8% 84.2% 79.3% 2 Rent 127 9 136 21.2% 15.8% 20.7% Mil Total 600 57 657 91.3% 8.7% 100.0% IMI 23 1 Which of the foUowing ranges includes your age? Under 25 15 0 15 2.5% 0.0% 2.3% IMI 2 25 to 34 74 16 90 12.3% 28.1% 13.7% m> 3 35 to 44 128 21 149 21.3% 36.8% 22.7% 4 45 to 54 130 7 137 21.7% 12.3% 20.9% MH 5 55 to 64 100 6 106 16.7% 10.5% 16.1% 6 Over 65 131 7 138 21.8% 12.3% 21.0% 7 Refused 22 0 22 3.7% 0.0% 3.3% Mil Total 600 57 657 91.3% 8.7% 100.0% Mil 24 1 Are you currentiy employed FuU time 289 44 333 48.2% 77.2% 50.7% 2 Part time 54 3 57 9.0% 5.3% 8.7% 3 MUitary 4 1 5 0.7% 1.8% 0.8% Mtl 4 Retired 160 7 167 26.7% 12.3% 25.4% 5 Not employed outside the home 93 2 95 15.5% 3.5% 14.5% ^. Total 600 57 657 91.3% 8.7% 100.0% Mil 25 Do you or does anyone in your house work fuU time from home? 1 Yes 120 12 132 20.0% 21.1% 20.1% M« 2 No 480 45 525 80.0% 78.9% 79.9% Total 600 57 657 91.3% 8.7% 100.0% Ml 26 Which of the foUowing ranges best represents your annual household income? 1 Under $50,000 78 6 84 13.0% 10.5% 12.8% 2 $50,000 to $74,999 83 4 87 13.8% 7.0% 13.2% 3 $75,000 to $99,999 86 12 98 14.3% 21.1% 14.9% 4 $100,000 to $149,999 98 14 112 16.3% 24.6% 17.0% MB 5 $150,000 to $199,999 48 6 54 8.0% 10.5% 8.2% 6 More tiian $200,000 42 4 46 7.0% 7.0% 7.0% «•>•< 7 Refused 165 11 176 27.5% 19.3% 26.8% MM Total 600 57 657 91.3% 8.7% 100.0% «•••. 27 Gender: 1 Male 253 37 290 42.2% 64.9% 44.1% **• 2 Female 347 20 367 57.8% 35.1% 55.9% amm Total 600 57 657 91.3% 8.7% 100.0% APPENDIX B DATA TABULATIONS BY GEOGRAPHY Cadsbad Community Cable Communications Research Mni Mil 5 (Bold Face indicates statisticaUy robust differences) Do you currentiy subscribe to cable services at your home? North east North west Sout heast South west Row North east North west South east South west Row «»» 1 Yes 33 43 164 272 512 84.6% 93.5% 85.0% 84.5% 85.3°/ 2 No 6 3 29 50 88 15.4% 6.5% 15 0% 15.5% 14.7". MM* 5a Total Is your cable connection... 39 46 193 322 600 6.5% 7.7% 32.2% 53.7% 100.0°/ IMI 1 for television only 21 28 68 101 218 63.6% 65.1% 41.5% 37.1% 42.6"/ 2 for television and high speed intemet 12 14 89 158 273 36.4% 32.6% 54.3% 58.1% 53.3°/ Mil 3 for intemet only 0 1 7 9 17 0.0% 2.3% 4.3% 3.3% 3.3°/ 4 don't know 0 0 0 4 4 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% L5% 0.8°/ Total 33 43 164 272 512 6.4% 8.4% 32.0% 53.1% 100.0°/ Mil 6 Please teU me which of the foUowing type of cable television service you subscribe to. Mil 1 Basic cable with no pay channels 16 23 ::'':.,75:::: 125 239 48 5% 54.8% 47.8% ;47.5%: 48.3°/ mi* 2 Digital cable, with add on pay channels 13 15 74 113 215 39 4% 35.7% 47.1% 43.0% 43.4°/ 3 Other/Don't know 4 4 . 8 25 41 12.1% 9.5% 5.1% 9.5% 8.3°/ Total 33 42 157 263 495 6.7% 8 5% 31.7% 53.1% 100.0°/ Mi Ma 7 Regarding your current cable television service, would you say you are very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied? 1 Very satisfied 13 15 30 67 125 39.4% 35 7% 19.1% 25.5% 25.3°/ 2 Somewhat satisfied 14 16 69 93 192 42.4% 38.1% 43.9% 35.4% 38.8°/ 3 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 2 3 24 38 67 6.1% 71% 15.3% 14.4% 13.5°/ 4 Somewhat dissatisfied 3 22 47 79 9.1% 16.7% 14.0% 17.9% 16.0°/ MM 5 Very dissatisfied 1 1 12 18 32 3.0% 2.4% 7.6% 6.8% 6.5°/ Total 33 42 157 263 495 6.7% 8.5% 31.7% 53.1% 100.0°/ MM 7a Why is that? 1st 1 Price/cost 0 3 11 26 40 0.0% 37.5% 32 4% 40.0% 36.0°/ 1st 2 Selection of programs/channels 1 2 6 14 23 25.0% 25.0% 17.6% 21.5% 20.7°/ MM 1st 3 QuaUty of signal/transmission 0 3 8 9 20 0.0% 37.5% 23.5% 13.8% 18.0°/ 1st 4 Customer service 2 0 2 6 10 50 0% 0.0% 5.9% 9.2% 9.0°/ 1st 5 Otiier 1 0 7;; 10 18 25.0% 0.0% 20.6% 15.4% 16.2°/ Mar 1st Total 4 8 34 65 111 3.6% 7.2% 30.6% 58.6% 100.0°/ Ma (Bold Face indicates statisticaUy robust differences) North east North west Sout heast South west Row North east North west South east South west Row Ma 2nd 1 Price/cost 0 1 1 4 6 0.0% 33.3% 5.6% 14.3% 12.0°/ 2nd 2 Selection of programs/channels 0 0 8 12 20 0.0% 0.0% 44.4% 42.9% 40.0°/ MM 2nd 3 QuaUty of signal/transmission 1 1 4 13 100.0 % 33.3% 22.2% 25.0% 26.0°/ mm 2nd 4 Customer service 0 1 2 3 6 0.0% 33.3% 11.1% 10.7% 12.0°/ 2nd 5 Otiier 0 0 3 2 5 0.0% 0.0% 16.7% 7.1% 10.0°/ mm 2nd Total 1 3 18 28 50 2.0% 6.0% 36.0% 56.0% 100.0°/ — 3rd 1 Price/cost 0 0 0 1 1 0.0% 8.3% 5.3°/ MM 3rd 2 Selection of programs/channels 0 0 1 1 2 14 3% 8.3% 10.5°/ 3rd 3 QuaUty of signal/transmission 0 0 2 5 ::7;-^'^^-28.6% 41.7% 36.8°/ mm 3rd 4 Customer service 0 0 3 2 5 42.9% 16.7% 26.3°/ MM 3rd 5 Otiier 0 0 1 3 4 14 3% 25.0% 21.1°/ mm Total 0 0 '-I'M 12 19 0.0% 0.0% 36.8% 63.2% 100.0°/ MM 4tii 3 QuaUty of signal/transmission 0 0 1 0 1 33 3% 0.0% 25.0°/ ... 4tii 4 Customer service 0 0 1 0 1 33.3% 0.0% 25.0°/ MM 4tii 5 Otiier 0 0 1 1 2 33.3% 100.0 % 50.0°/ 4tii Total 0 0 3 1 4 0.0% 0.0% 75.0% 25.0% 100.0°/ 5tii Price/cost 5th Customer service 5tii Otiier Total I am going to read a Ust of services that could be avaUable from a cable system. For each one, please teU me how appealing it would be for you and yovir household, using a scale from one to ten, where one is not at aU appeaUng and ten is very 8 appeaUng. a Interactive video games 2.8 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 a b Two-way video teleconferencing 2.1 2.8 3.0 2.7 2.8 a Digital video recording and c playback 33 42 157 263 495 2.8 22 2.2 2.3 2.3 21 2.8 3.0 : 2.7:v 2.8 4.8 5.4 5.8 5.0 5.3 (Bold Face indicates statisticaUy robust differences) North east North west Sout heast South west Row North east North west South east South west Row How Ukely woiUd you or others in your household be to watch the foUowing types of local television broadcasts? Please use a scale of one to ten where one is not at aU Ukely to watch and ten is very likely to watch. Carlsbad community a performing arts programs b Local school sports c Local reUgious services d Local school activities e Carlsbad school board meetings Govemment meetings, such as the Carlsbad City CouncU or f planning commission Local club or organization g activities h Local school issues programs i Local voter issues programs j Neighborhood news Local community event k coverage 1 City services and programs 5.2 4.8 5.2 4.9 50 2.9 4.0 3.2 3.5 34 ;2;7::;-:\ 3.2 26 l±&',r 2.6 'Ml 3.6 2.9 3.1 3.1 2S 34 2.7 30 2.9 51 4.0 4.3 4.4 44 3.1 2.9 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.3 4.2 31 3.4 3.3 52 5.2 48 4.8 4.9 5.2. 55 5.5 53 5.4 49 5.6 50 5.2 5.1 4.6 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.4 10 Would it be very important, somewhat important or not at aU important that the local programs you watched were broadcast Uve? 1 Very important 5 6 16 32 59 15.2% 14.3% 10.2% 12.2% 11.9°/ 2 Somewhat important 10 14 65 93 182 30.3% 33.3% 41.4% 35.4% 36.8°/ 3 Not at aU important 18 22 76 138 254 54.5% 52.4% 48.4% 52.5% 51.3°/ Total 33 42 157 263 495 6.7% 8.5% 31.7% 53.1% 100.0°/ 11 In the last three months, which of the foUowing programs have you watched on your local cable channel 3? MM 1st 1 Carlsbad City CouncU meetings 12 5 21 45 83 36.4% 11.9% 13.4% 17.1% 16.8°/ 1st 2 Carlsbad school board meetings 0 4 4 20 28 0.0% 9.5% 2.5% 7.6% 5.7°/ 1st 3 Local high school sports 3 5 14 27 49 9.1% 11.9% 8.9% 10.3% 9.9°/ mm 1st 4 Carlsbad Community Update Video Magazine 7 4 14 26 51 21.2% 9.5% 8.9% 9.9% 10.3°/ mm 1st 5 Other programming on the Carlsbad commimity channel 3 3 8 22 35 68 9.1% 19.0% 14.0% 13.3% 13.7°/ liti 1st 6 None 8 16 82 110 216 24.2% 38.1% 52.2% 41.8% 43.6°/ Total 33 42 157 263 495 6.7% 8.5% 31.7% 53.1% 100.0°/ (Bold Face indicates statisticaUy North North Sout South Row North North South South Row (Bold Face indicates statisticaUy east west heast west Row east west east west MM robust differences) MM 2nd 1 Carlsbad City CouncU meetings 3 6 12 23 44 33.3% 50.0% 38.7% 33.8% 36.7°/ mm 2nd 2 Carlsbad school board meetings 1 2 1 11 15 11.1% 16.7% 3.2% 16.2% 12.5°/ Ma 2nd 3 Local high school sports 0 2 6 13 21 0.0% 16.7% 19.4% 19.1% 17.5°/ 2nd Carlsbad Community Update 4 1 5 8 18 444% 8.3% 16.1% 11.8% 15.0°/ mm 2nd 4 Video Magazine 1 2nd Other programming on the 1 1 i:-7': 13 22 11.1% 8.3% 22.6% 19.1% 18.3°/ MH 5 Carlsbad commvinity channel 3 1 1 m. Total 9 12 31 68 120 7 5% 10 0% 25.8% 56.7% 100.0°/ Ma 3rd 1 Carlsbad City CouncU meetings 1 0 0 6 M 25.0% 0 0% 0 0% 20.0% 13.7°/ ••a 3rd 2 Carlsbad school board meetings 0 1 3 4 8 0 0% 25.0% 23.1% 13.3% 15.7°/ 3rd 3 Local high school sports 0 0 0 4 4 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 13.3% 7.8°/ 3rd Carlsbad Community Update 0 0 2 2 4 0.0% 0.0% 15.4% 6.7% 7.8°/ mm 3rd 4 Video Magazine 0 0 0.0% MM 3rd Other programming on the 3 3 8 14 28 75.0% 75.0% 61.5% 46.7% 54.9°/ 5 Carlsbad community channel 3 Total 4 4 13 30 51 7 8% 7.8% 25.5% 58.8% 100.0°/ •iM 4tii 1 Carlsbad City CouncU meetings 0 0 0 l]l'2'^ 2 0.0% 0 0% 0.0% 22.2% 14.3°/ 4tii 1 0 0 0 1 100.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 7.1°/ MM 2 Carlsbad school board meetings 1 0 0 0 1 % 0.0% 0.0% 4tii 0 1 1 3 5 0.0% 100.0 33.3% 33.3% 35.7°/ mm 3 Local high school sports 0 1 1 0.0% % 4tii Carlsbad Commvuiity Update 0 0 0 1 1 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 11.1% 7.1°/ mm 4tii 4 Video Magazine 0 0 0 0.0% mm 4tii Other programming on the 0 0 2 3 5 0.0% 0.0% 66 7% 33.3% 35.7°/ 5 Carlsbad community channel 3 mm Total 1 1 3 9 14 7.1% 7.1% 21.4% 64.3% 100.0°/ mm 12 Again using a scale of one to ten, where one is not at aU appeaUng and ten is very appeaUng, how appeaUng wovUd it be to you or members of your household to leam to make 1.9 2.9 2.6 2.6 2.6 programs for presentation or to be able to broadcast programming you have produced on your local cable TV channel? •••I (Bold Face indicates statisticaUy robust differences) North east North west Sout heast South west Row North east North west South east South west Row MM 13 How do you or others in your •PX. household currentiy access the intemet from home? Do you use... 1 DSL service 10 13 50 61 134 37.0% 41.9% 51.5% 39.4% 43.2°/ mm 2 Dial up 9 8 18 42 ::::;'::;;77::r 33.3% 25.8% 18.6% 27.1% 24.8°/ 3 SateUite access 0 0 1 5 6 0.0% 0.0% 1.0% 3.2% 1.9°/ Ms 4 Blackberry or ceU phone 1 0 0 2 3 3.7% 0 0% 0.0% 1.3% 1.0°/ ipw 5 Otiier 0 0 0 3 3 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.9% 1.0°/ Ma 6 Do not access intemet from home 24 29 67 25 9% 22.6% 24.7% 18.7% 21.6°/ 7 Don't know 0 3 4 13 20 0.0% 9 7% 4.1% 8.4% 6.5°/ mm Total 31 97 155 310 8.7% 10.0% 31.3% 50.0% 100.0°/ Ma 13a Please teU me the reasons you do not subscribe to the local cable mm company's high-speed intemet service. Ma 1st 1 Too expensive 8 11 18 35 :^::^:'^'::72:;:; 40.0% 52.4% 26.1% 31.0% 32.3°/ mm 1st 2 Formerly subscribed but unhappy with service 1 1 4 13 19 5 0% 4.8% 5.8% 11.5% 8.5°/ Ma 1st 3 Didn't know about the service 0 1 3 3 •';':::^;::';::7:.::: 0.0% 4 8% 4 3% 2.7% 3.1°/ 1st 4 Prefer another service 2 3 11 13 29 10.0% 14.3% 15.9% 11.5% 13.0°/ 1st 5 No need 4 0 10 26 40 20.0% 0.0% 14.5% 23.0% 17.9°/ Ma 1st 6 Don't want chUdren exposed to intemet 1st 7 Use intemet at work, not home 0 1 0 1 2 0.0% 4.8% 0.0% 0.9% 0.9°/ 1st 8 Other (specify): 5 4 23 22 54 25 0% 19.0% 33.3% 19.5% 24.2°/ Ma Total 20 21 69 113 223 9.0% 9.4% 30.9% 50.7% 100.0°/ 2nd 1 Too expensive 0 0 4 4 8 0 0% 40.0% 22.2% 25.8°/ 2nd 2 Formerly subscribed but unhappy with service 0 0 0 2 2 0.0% 0.0% 11.1% 6.5°/ 2nd 3 Didn't know about the service 0 0 0 2 2 0.0% 0.0% 11.1% 6.5°/ 2nd 4 Prefer another service 0 0 4 2 6 0.0% 40.0% 11.1% 19.4°/ 2nd 5 No need 0 1 1 3 5 33.3% 10.0% 16.7% 16.1°/ -2nd 6 Don't want chUdren exposed to internet 0 0 0 1 1 0.0% 0.0% 5.6% 3.2°/ MM 2nd 8 Other (specify): 0 1 4 M 66.7% 10.0% 22.2% 22.6°/ Total 0 3 10 18 31 0.0% 9.7% 32.3% 58.1% 100.0°/ Ma 3rd 4 Prefer another service 0 0 0 2 0.0% 66.7% 40.0°/ 3rd 5 No need 0 0 1 0 1 50.0% 0.0% 20.0°/ 3rd 8 Other (specify): 0 0 1 1 2 50.0% 33.3% 40.0°/ Ma Total 0 0 2 3 5 0.0% 0.0% 40.0% 60.0% 100.0°/ (Bold Face indicates statisticaUy robust differences) North east North west Sout heast South west Row North east North west South east South west Row MM 13b How do you get your television signal at home? 1 SateUite or dish 3 2 23 40 68 50.0% 50.0% 63.9% 63.5% 62.4°/ MM 2 Antenna 1 0 8 10 19 16.7% 0.0% 22.2% 15.9% 17.4°/ ^. 3 Do not get television signal at home 2 0 3 0 5 33.3% 0.0% 8.3% 0.0% 4.6°/ MM 4 Otiier 0 2 2 13 17 0.0% 50.0% 5.6% 20.6% 15.6°/ Total 6 4 36 63 109 5.5% 3.7% 33.0% 57,8% 100.0°/ MM 14 Would you say you are very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with your current cable intemet service? mm 1 Very satisfied 6 9 44 MM:% 136 22.2% 27 3% 31.4% 32.1% 30.9°/ MM 2 Somewhat satisfied 11 11 52 88 162 40.7% 33.3% 37.1% 36.7% 36.8°/ 3 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 5 8 23 28 64 18.5% 24.2% 16.4% 11.7% 14.5°/ I.. 4 Somewhat dissatisfied 3 5 18 33 59 11.1% 15.2% 12.9% 13.8% 13.4°/ 5 Very dissatisfied 2 0 3 14 19 7.4% 0.0% 2.1% 5.8% 4.3°/ Total 27 33 140 240 440 6.1% 7.5% 31.8% 54.5% 100.0°/ 15 Certain services could be received through your television or home computer by using a high speed connection to the intemet provided by the cable system. On a scale of .^^^ 294 532 one to ten where one is not at aU appeaUng and ten is very appealing, how appeaUng are each of the foUowing to you and your household? AbiUty to watch streaming video of community programs such as 3.3 3.9 3.7 3.5 3.6 a government meetings Access to an archive of streaming video of community 3.1 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.4 b programs aired on Channel 3 Access to pubUc safety information from poUce and fire 5.3 6.1 6.1 5.4 5.7 c departments d Access to books on tape 4.0 5.1 5.0 4.9 4.9 Taking classes from schools or coUeges through distance or 4.4 5.9 5.4 5.1 5.2 e remote learning Participating in electronic group discussions for special interest 2.8 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.5 f purposes MR (Bold Face indicates statisticaUy robust differences) Utilizing cable access for home g security purposes Paying municipal fees (such as water bUls, Ubrary fines or h buUding permits) on line Access to emergency or disaster i information AbiUty to upload or download j videos 16 Please teU me if you or others in your household would be very likely, somewhat likely or not at aU Ukely to North east 3.8 3.4 MiM, M:4m North Sout South Row west heast west North east North west South east South west Row 4.4 5.4 :::7.7;.: 60 4.8 •5.7: 7.8 •5#..: 4.1 7.0 5.2 43 5.0 ;7:|;;: 54 MM Arrange with your employer to telecommute to your job Very likely Somewhat likely Not at aU Ukely Total Operate a home-based internet business 4 14 68 89 175 12.1% 38.9% 40.2% 30.3% 32.9°/ 4 7 23 43 77 12.1% 19.4% 13.6% 14.6% 14.5°/ 25 15 78 162 280 75.8% 41.7% 46.2% 55.1% 52.6°/ 33 36 169 294 532 6.2% 6.8% 31.8% 55.3% 100.0°/ Very likely 3 7 40 38 88 9.1% 19.4% 23.7% 12.9% 16.5°/ Somewhat likely 2 8 50 67 127 6.1% 22.2% 29.6% 22.8% 23.9°/ Not at aU Ukely 28 21 79 189 317 84.8% 58.3% 46.7% 64.3% 59.6°/ Total 33 36 169 294 532 6.2% 6.8% 31.8% 55.3% 100.0°/ Create a personal website Very likely 3 14 45 55 117 9.1% 38.9% 26.6% 18.7% 22.0°/ Somewhat Ukely 6 5 44 87 142 18.2% 13.9% 26.0% 29.6% 26.7°/ Not at aU Ukely 24 17 80 152 273 72.7% 47.2% 47.3% 51.7% 51.3°/ Total 33 36 169 294 532 6.2% 6.8% 31.8% 55.3% 100.0°/ Access the internet via laptop using a wireless connection avaUable at community centers. parks and Ubraries Very likely 7 14 67 94 182 21.2% 38.9% 39.6% 32.0% 34.2°/ Somewhat likely 4 12 43 89 148 12.1% 33.3% 25.4% 30.3% 27.8°/ Not at aU Ukely 22 10 59 111 202 66.7% 27.8% 34.9% 37.8% 38.0°/ Total 33 36 169 294 532 6.2% 6.8% 31.8% 55.3% 100.0°/ Ma iM MM 17 18 19 20 20a 21 22 MM (Bold Face indicates statisticaUy North North Sout South Row North North South South Row (Bold Face indicates statisticaUy east west heast west Row east west east west robust differences) If competitively priced local and long distance telephone service were avaUable through your local cable company, would you be very likely. somewhat Ukely, or not at aU Ukely to subscribe to this service? 1 Very likely 16 46 63 132 17.9% 34.8% 23.8% 19.6% 22.0°/ 2 Somewhat likely 14 15 87 132 248 35.9% 32.6% 45.1% 41.0% 41.3°/ 3 Not at aU Ukely 16 13 56 119 204 41.0% 28.3% 29.0% 37.0% 34.0°/ 4 Don't know 2 2 4 8 16 51% 4.3% 2.1% 2.5% 2.7°/ Total 39 46 193 322 600 6 5% 7-7% 32.2% 53.7% 100.0°/ Given the choice, how would you prefer to access customer service or techiucal support for your cable company? Would you prefer to contact the cable company . . . 1 On-line 6 10 42 64 122 15.4% 21.7% 21.8% 19.9% 20.3°/ 2 By phone 28 30 136 227 421 71.8% 65.2% 70.5% 70.5% 70.2°/ 3 By visiting their local office 2 3 6 8 19 5.1% 6.5% 3.1% 2.5% 3.2°/ 4 By having them visit your home 3 3 9 23 38 iiJW': 6.5% 4.7% 7.1% 6.3°/ Total 39 46 193 322 600 6.5% : v7.7%; 32.2% 53.7% 100.0°/ How many people age 19 or older 39 46 193 322 600 Uve in your household? 1.8 2.0 2.0 1.9 2.0 How many people age 18 or younger 39 46 193 322 600 Uve in your household? 39 0.3 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.6 Do you any of those chUdren attend school in Carlsbad? 1 Yes 3 14 21 77 115 50.0% 82.4% 3L8% 65.3% 55.6°/ 2 No 3 3 45 41 92 50.0% 17.6% 68.2% 34.7% 44.4°/ Total 6 17 66 118 207 2.9% 8.2% 3L9% 57.0% 100.0°/ In what school district do you reside? 1 San Dieguito Unified 0 1 9 15 25 0.0% 2.2% 4.7% 4.7% 4.2°/ 2 Encinitas Union 1 0 3 2 6 2.6% 0.0% 1.6% 0.6% 1.0°/ 3 San Marcos Unified 2 2 85 0 89 5.1% 4.3% 44.0% 0.0% 14.8°/ 4 Carlsbad Unified 27 42 57 241 367 69.2% 91.3% 29.5% 74.8% 61.2°/ 5 Don't know 9 1 39 64 113 23.1% 2.2% 20.2% 19.9% 18.8°/ Total 39 46 193 322 600 6.5% 7.7% 32.2% 53.7% 100.0°/ Do you own or rent your current residence? 1 Own 32 34 143 264 W-1: 82.1% 73.9% 74.1% 82.0% 78.8°/ 2 Rent ':i:iiir. 12 50 58 127 17.9% 26.1% 25.9% 18.0% 21.2°/ Total 39 46 193 322 600 6.5% ; 7.7% 32.2% 53.7% 100.0°/ M« (Bold Face indicates statisticaUy robust differences) North east North west Sout heast South west Row North east North west South east South west Row 23 Which of the foUowing ranges includes your age? M 1 Under 25 2 3 5 5 15 5.1% 6.5% 2.6% 1.6% 2.5°/ 2 25 to 34 1 5 36 32 74 2.6% 10.9% 18.7% 9.9% 12.3°/ 3 35 to 44 4 14 41 69 128 10.3% 30.4% 21.2% 21.4% 21.3°/ MM 4 45 to 54 4 7 38 81 130 10.3% 15.2% 19.7% 25.2% 21.7°/ 5 55 to 64 8 4 41 47 100 20.5% 8.7% 21.2% 14.6% 16.7°/ mm* 6 Over 65 17 11 24 79 131 43.6% 23.9% 12.4% 24.5% 21.8°/ 7 Refused 3 2 8 9 22 7.7% 4.3% 4.1% 2.8% 3.7°/ Mil Total 39 46 193 322 600 6.5% 7.7% 32.2% 53.7% 100.0°/ MM 24 1 Are you currentiy employed FuU time 8 25 105 151 289 20.5% 54.3% 54.4% 46.9% 48.2°/ 2 Part time 4 5 20 25 54 10.3% 10.9% 10.4% 7.8% 9.0°/ 3 MiUtary 0 0 2 2 4 0.0% 0.0% 1.0% 0.6% 0.7°/ •M 4 Retired 20 11 33 96 160 51.3% 23.9% 17.1% 29.8% 26.7°/ 5 Not employed outside the home Total 7 39 5 46 33 193 48 322 93 600 17.9% 6.5% 10.9% 7.7% 17.1% 32.2% 14.9% 53.7% 15.5°/ 100.0°/ MM 25 Do you or does anyone in your house work fuU time from home? Mil 1 Yes 5 10 45 60 120 12.8% 21.7% 23.3% 18.6% 20.0°/ 2 No 34 36 148 262 480 87 2% 78.3% 76.7% 81.4% 80.0°/ Total 39 46 193 322 600 6.5% 7.7% 32.2% 53,7% 100.0°/ Mil «pn 26 Which of the foUowing ranges best represents your annual household income? MM 1 Under $50,000 10 5 24 39 78 25.6% 10.9% 12.4% 12.1% 13.0°/ 2 $50,000 to $74,999 7 5 31 40 83 17.9% 10.9% 16.1% 12.4% 13.8°/ 3 $75,000 to $99,999 8 6 20 52 86 20.5% 13.0% 10.4% 16.1% 14.3°/ Ml 4 $100,000 to $149,999 2 11 35 50 98 5.1% 23.9% 18.1% 15.5% 16.3°/ 5 $150,000 to $199,999 0 5 19 24 48 0.0% 10.9% 9.8% 7.5% 8.0°/ 6 More tiian $200,000 0 2 9 31 42 0.0% 4.3% 4.7% 9.6% 7.0°/ Mil 7 Refused 12 12 55 86 165 30.8% 26.1% 28.5% 26.7% 27.5°/ Total 39 46 193 322 600 6.5% 7.7% 32.2% 53.7% 100.0°/ Mil 27 Gender: 1 Male 13 18 90 132 253 33.3% 39.1% 46.6% 41.0% 42.2°/ 2 Female 26 28 103 190 347 66 7% 60.9% 53.4% 59.0% 57.8°/ Total 39 46 193 322 600 6.5% 7.7% 32.2% 53.7% 100.0°/ APPENDIX C TOP LINE FINDINGS: QUALITATIVE RESEARCH M* TOP LINE FINDINGS: QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Focus groups were conducted with Carlsbad residents, including two sessions with randomly selected residents from North and South Carlsbad respectively, and two sessions with stakeholder opinion leaders. There was general consensus about cable service as a "necessity" and a standard part of day-to-day Ufe in Carlsbad. The majority of respondents were clear about their subscription to either cable television services, cable intemet services or both, but few could specificaUy describe their subscription or service type (i.e. digital, upgraded, etc.). The majority of respondents were relatively satisfied with their cable subscription, although a few had had outstanding service issues. Price was also a consideration for some who beUeved cable services were too expensive. Respondents were generaUy disappointed with the types of television programming available and were critical of network offerings, particularly with regard to programming for chUdren and for teens. Among the many suggestions respondents had for cable services improvements were: • increased range of programming access, with specific interest (in aU four groups) in intemational programming and in programming from Los Angeles stations; • greater interactivity (specificaUy with digital-television type features for programming searches and selection and for recording and playback); • desire for "a la carte" subscription services provision (e.g. "mix and match " of channel types and services, by household); • improved customer service (faster, and more locaUy based); • better equipment (specificaUy upgraded remotes and better boxes); and • price stabiUty. In each session, some respondents watched Channel Three for local programming (most often the Carlsbad City CouncU), but a significant proportion of general pubUc respondents had never watched the channel. It was described as "amateurish", "unnecessary" 2ind 7^/^^". As an altemative for local programming, respondents suggested additional high school sports, a Uve ocean/sunset cam, traffic information and possibly local merchant or resident feature stories. Respondents in stakeholder groups were more interested in watching local programming (specificaUy City CouncU meetings, which most said they also attended). Cable support of their individual causes and concems (e.g. League of Women Voters, Carlsbad Education Foundation) was considered very important in terms of both financial and programming support. In general, respondents anticipated that the City of Carlsbad would "strive for excellence"m ensuring an effective array of cable services for local residents.