HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; Report On Agreed Upon Procedures Adelphia Communications; 2005-05-26CITY OF CARLSBAD REPORT ON AGREED-UPON PROCEDURES REVIEW OF ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS MAY 26,2005 CITY OF CARLSBAD TABLE OF CONTENTS MAY 26,2005 Page(s) Cover Letter 1 Independent Accountants' Report on Agreed-Upon Procedures Review 2 Executive Summary 3 Limitations on the Scope of this Engagement 4-5 Summary of Procedures 6 Summary of Findings 7-10 Schedules 1 - Schedule of Under Reported Subscriber Revenues 2 - Schedule of Under Reported Nonsubscriber Revenues 3 - Schedule of Under Reported Advertising Revenues 4 - Schedule of Under Reported Cable Launch Fees 5 - Schedule of Penalties and Interest Attachments 1 - Disclaimer by Adelphia Officials Regarding the Accuracy of the Company's Accounting Records 2 - Los Angeles Times Article Regarding the Company's Practice of Keeping Two Sets of Books 3 - New York Times Article Regarding the Conviction of John J. and Timothy J. Rigas 4 - Adelphia's System for Allocating Nonsubscriber Revenues Within the "Carlsbad System" DiEHL, EVANS St COMPANY, LLP CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS & CONSULTANTS A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING ACCOUNTANCY CORPORATIONS 2121 ALTON PARKWAY, SUITE 100 mVINE, CALIFORNIA 92606-4956 (949) 399-0600 • FAX (949) 399-0610 www.diehlevans.com MICHAEL R. LUDIN. CPA CRAlCi W. SPRAKER. CPA NITINRPATEUCPA ROBERT J. CALLANAN. CPA •PHILIP H. HOLTKAMP, CPA •THOMAS M. PERLOWSKI. CPA •HARVEY J. SCHROEDER. CPA KENNETH R. AMES. CPA •A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION COVER LETTER May 26, 2005 To the City Council Members, City of Carlsbad Ladies and Gentlemen: We have completed our agreed-upon procedures review of the cable television franchise fees paid by Adelphia Communications (Adelphia) to the City of Carlsbad (City) for the calendar years 2001, 2002 and 2003. The results of our review are summarized on our "Executive Summary" at page 3 herein. Also, there were significant limitations on the scope of our engagement, which are summarized on pages 4 and 5. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this report. Very Truly Yours Diehl, Evans & Company, LLP William S. Morgan, CPA Director of Consulting Services 1 - OTHER OFRCES AT: 2965 ROOSEVELT STREET CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008-2389 (760) 729-2343 • FAX (760) 729-2234 613 W. VALLEY PARKWAY. SUITE 330 ESCONDIDO. CALIFORNIA 92025-2598 (760) 741-3141 . FAX (760) 741-9890 DiEHL, EVANS & COMPANY, LLP CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS & CONSULTANTS A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING ACCOUNTANCY CORPORATIONS 2121 ALTON PARKWAY, SUITE 100 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92606-4956 (949) 399-0600 • FAX (949) 399-0610 www.diehlevans.com MICHAEL R. LUDIN. CPA CRAIG W. SPRAKER. CPA NITIN P. PATEL. CPA ROBERT I. CALLANAN. CPA •PHILIP H. HOLTKAMP. CPA •THOMAS M. PERLOWSKI. CPA •HARVEY I. SCHROEDER. CPA KENNETH R. AMES. CPA •A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS' REPORT ON AGREED-UPON PROCEDURES REVIEW May 26, 2005 To the City Council Members, City of Carlsbad We have performed the procedures enumerated herein on page 6, which was agreed to by the City of Carlsbad, solely to assist the City with respect to the cable television franchise taxes paid to the City by Adelphia Communications, Inc. (Adelphia) for the calendar years 2001, 2002 and 2003. This agreed- upon procedures engagement was conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institate of Certified Public Accountants. The sufficiency of the procedures is solely the responsibility of the City. Consequently, we make no representation regarding the sufficiency of the procedures described herein either for the purpose for which this report has been requested or for any other purpose. Our summary of findings is included herein on pages 7 through 10. We were not engaged to, and did not conduct, an examination, the objective of which would be the expression of an opinion on the cable television franchise taxes paid to the City by Adelphia for the calendar years 2001, 2002 and 2003. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. Had we performed additional procedures, other matters might have come to our attention that would have been reported to the City. There were a number of limitations on the scope of our engagement. These limitations are summarized on pages 4 and 5 herein. This report is intended solely for the information and use of the City, and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than the City. -2- OTHER OFFICES AT: 2965 ROOSEVELT STREET CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008-2389 (760) 729-2343 • FAX (760) 729-2234 613 W. VALLEY PARKWAY. SUITE 330 ESCONDIDO. CALIFORNIA 92025-2598 (760) 741-3)41 • FAX (760) 741-9890 CITY OF CARLSBAD EXECUTTVE SUMMARY FOR THE CALENDAR YEARS 2001,2002 AND 2003 Description of Under (Over) Sch. Reported Revenues Ref. 2001 2002 2003 Total Subscriber Revenues 1 $ 173,058 $ 790,217 $ 158,507 $ 1,121,782 Home Shopping Revenues 2 42,439 90,837 24,666 157,942 Local Origination Revenues 2 442 757 (1,326) (127) Advertising Revenues 2,3 705,878 433 82,516 788,827 Cable Launch Fees 2,4 121,012 113,964 114,044 349,020 Total Under Reported Gross Revenues 1,042,829 996,208 378,407 2,417,444 Franchise Fee Rate 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Underpaid Franchise Fees 52,141 49,810 18,920 120,872 Penalties and Interest 5 21,538 14,532 6,796 42,866 Total Unpaid Franchise Fees, Penalties and Interest 73,679 64,342 25,716 163,738 Add: Audit Fee Assessed to Adelphia, Pursuant to City Ordinance 6055, Section 5.28.020: Original Contract Amount 5,717 5,717 5,716 17,150 Supplemental Contract Amount for Cost Overrun 2,833 2,833 2,834 8,500 Total Assessment $ 82,229 $ 72,892 $ 34,266 $ 189,388 LIMITATIONS ON THE SCOPE OF TfflS ENGAGEMENT Overview There were three major scope limitations with respect to this engagement, as follows: • Disclaimer by Adelphia officials regarding the accuracy of the Company's accounting records. • Failure of Adelphia officials to sign our questionnaires • Failure of Adelphia to fumish all requested information and documents These matters are discussed more fully in the paragraphs below. Disclaimer Bv Adelphia Officials Regarding the Accuracy of the Company's Accounting Records The package of documents submitted to our firm was accompanied by a "Disclaimer to Financial Statements", a copy of which is included at Attachment 1 to this report. Among other statements, the disclaimer noted that: • The "financial information may be subject to change", • "operating information disclosed by prior management was unreliable", • "the books and records . . . may not accurately reflect the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of Adelphia", and • "Adelphia does not make, and specifically disclaims, any representation or warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of the information set forth herein". Further, on May 8, 2004, Adelphia's former Vice President of Finance testified that the Company kept two sets of books. (See Attachment 2). Also, on July 8, 2004, the Company's former Chairman and former Chief Financial Officer, Mr. John J. Rigas and Timothy J. Rigas, were convicted on various counts of fraud and conspiracy. (See Attachment 3). In light of the above information, our firm cannot rely on the integrity and accuracy of the financial data presented to us for this review. Failure of Adelphia Officials to Sign Our Ouestionnaires In connection with this engagement, we submitted two questionnaires to Adelphia. The last page of these questionnaires included a certification page, whereby the key financial officers of Adelphia could attest that the gross revenue and franchise fee information submitted to the City of Carlsbad for calendar years 2001, 2002 and 2003 was true and correct, to the best of the knowledge and belief of such officers. By having the chief financial officers of cable companies sign such questionnaires, attesting that the numbers are true and correct, it provides our firm and our city clients some (but not absolute) assurance regarding the integrity of the information reported to the city. This is similar in concept to provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, pursuant to which the SEC requires Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) of publicly-held companies to personally certify to the accuracy of their financial statements. Also, when CPA firms perform certified audits or reviews on the financial statements of companies, govemmental agencies or other entities, they are required to obtain a "representation letter" from executive and financial officers regarding the integrity and accuracy of disclosures in the financial statements and related footnotes. LIMITATIONS ON THE SCOPE OF TfflS ENGAGEMENT (CONTINUED) Failure of Adelphia Officials to Sign Our Ouestionnaires(Continued) On May 27, 2004, the Company submitted a letter to our firm stating that the Company's "Vice President, Disbursement Control" was willing to sign the following representation. "To the best of our knowledge and belief, the information, supporting narratives, schedules and documents prepared and submitted by Adelphia for the 5 North San Diego County areas, accurately and fairly represent gross revenues." While such a representation is, of course, helpful, it does not specifically address the various questions included in our questionnaires. Accordingly, the failure of Adelphia to retum the signed questionnaires constitutes a scope limitation with respect to this engagement. Failure of Adelphia to Furnish All Requested Information and Documents On Febmary 6, 2004, we notified Adelphia officials by e-mail that our firm had been retained by the City of Carlsbad and other San Diego County Cities to perform this review. On March 18, 2004, we submitted a letter to Adelphia setting forth our document requests. On March 26, 2004 we submitted our questionnaire to Adelphia regarding general subscriber revenues. On March 31, 2004, we submitted our questionnaire to Adelphia regarding advertising and other nonsubscriber revenues. During the months of April through June 2004, we had various phone and e- mail communications with Adelphia officials. On July 16, 2004, we submitted our final request for information needed regarding advertising revenues. We provided Adelphia with approximately a six-month period (from mid March to early September) to provide all documents and information. We cut off our acceptance of documents as of September 10, 2004 (except for one document related to advertising revenues). Accordingly, our scope of work is limited to information and documents submitted by Adelphia to our firm through September 10, 2004. -5- SUMMARY OF PROCEDURES In connection with this engagement, we performed the agreed-upon procedures noted below to assist the City in determining if Adelphia paid the City of Carlsbad the appropriate franchise fees for the calendar years 2001,2002 and 2003. Our review consisted of the following procedures: 1. Shortly after we received a signed contract, we sent a document request to the City of Carlsbad. Our document request included cable television franchise agreements, franchise fee returns filed with the City, rate and channel information, copies of City maps and annexation information (where applicable). 2. We prepared and forwarded two questionnaires to Adelphia. 3. We reviewed the Franchise Agreements and any Transfer Agreements between the City and Adelphia (and a former cable operator), to identify definitions of "gross revenues", franchise fee rates, late payment provisions, etc. 4. We were provided with Adelphia's intemal control procedures related to the billing and cash collection of cable revenues. 5. We identified the various types of revenue recorded by Adelphia. 6. We identified Adelphia's method for the allocation of non-specific revenues between franchise areas (such as Home Shopping revenues). 7. We reviewed Adelphia's method for identifying subscribers to the proper franchise area. 8. We selected a sample of revenue transactions for the City for the period from January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2003, and traced them through Adelphia's books and records. 9. We reviewed the accounting records provided by Adelphia for revenue items in these records that were not being reported to the City with the periodic remittances. 10. We reviewed the procedures described to us by Adelphia for recording advertising revenue in its accounting system. 11. We tested the information provided to determine if Adelphia has been paying franchise fees on franchise fee revenues for the period from January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2003, based on the records provided. 12. We tested the mathematical accuracy of selected remittances to the City for the period January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2003. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Subscriber Revenues As a result of our review, we found that the Company had not properly reported the following amounts for the calendar years 2001, 2002 and 2003. The following amounts are set forth at Schedule 1. 2001 2002 2003 Under Reported Gross Revenues $ 173.058 $ 790.217 $ 158.507 Cable Internet Access Revenue Regarding gross revenues from subscribers, Adelphia ceased paying franchise fees on cable intemet access revenue in April 2002. Noted below is a discussion of this issue. 1. Overview: Over the past five years, the following legal question has been addressed by various courts and the FCC: Is a "cable modem service" part of a "cable service" regulated by a local franchising authority? This section of our report addresses the legal issues involved, and the affect on franchise fees reported to the City of Carlsbad by Adelphia. 2. Definition of a "Cable Service": The 1996 Telecommunications Act defined a "cable service" as "the one-way transmission to subscribers of video programming or other programming service, and subscriber interaction, if any, which is required for the selection or use of such video programming or other programming service". 3. AT&T Corp vs. City of Portland: Under current FCC regulations and recent court decisions, cable lines generally are not required to be unbundled and accessible to other users or providers, such as Intemet Service Providers (ISPs). Observation: Under current FCC mles, cable companies are required to make channel capacity available for Public, Educational and Govemmental (PEG) programming, and to make certain channels available for commercial (leased) access. In order to force a resolution of the "open access" issue, in 1999, two Oregon cable franchisers (the City of Portland and Multnomah County) imposed "unbundling" requirements on AT&T in connection with the transfer of the TCI franchises to AT&T. AT&T then filed a lawsuit against the municipalities, to prevent the mandatory carriage of third-party online services on TCI's cable lines. On June 4, 1999, a United States District Court for Oregon mled that AT&T must open TCI's cable lines to competing ISPs. However, on June 22, 2000, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the United States District Court, raling that AT&T's @Home cable intemet system is both a "telecommunications service" and an "information service", subject to federal control, not a "cable service" regulated by a local franchising authority. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS (CONTINUED) Cable Internet Access Revenues (Continued) 4. FCC Decision in March 2002: On March 14, 2002, by a vote of 3 to 1, the FCC mled that a cable modem Intemet service is an "interstate information service", not a "cable service". FCC Chairman Michael Powell stated that the increasing availability of broadband offered by competing cable, telephone and satellite companies pointed to deregulation, which was at least one reason for the Commission's decision. 5. Adelphia Stopped Paying Franchise Fees on Cable Intemet Services In April 2002j_ As a result of the FCC decision in March 2002, Adelphia stopped paying franchise fees on cable intemet services (i.e., high-speed cable modem equipment rental revenues) in April 2002. Adelphia also stopped paying franchise fees on the following services or equipment related to cable Intemet access: • Intemet connection charges • Revenue from the sale of cable modems 6. Opposition to the FCC Decision by Local Governments: Local govemment groups throughout the United States joined to fight the FCC's March 2002 mling. Organizations representing the interests of local govemments across the country formed the Alliance of Local Organizations Against Preemption (ALOAP), to be the single voice for all cities and counties and to provide a coordinated legal response both in the Ninth Circuit and in making comments to the FCC. ALOAP includes the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA), the National League of Cities, the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the National Association of Counties and the Intemational Municipal Lawyers Association. 7. The Brand X Intemet Service Case: In 2004, the Ninth Circuit mled in "Brand X Intemet Services vs. FCC" that a cable-modem service is partly a telecommunications service under federal law. The Ninth Circuit decision overtumed the FCC's March 2002 mling that cable modem service was purely an "interstate information service", beyond the scope of state and local regulation. The U.S. Justice Department, the National Cable & Telecommunications Association and several individual cable companies have filed petitions with the U.S. Supreme Court appealing this mling. 8. U.S. Supreme Court Ruling: In December 2004, the U.S. Supreme Court dismissed an appeal by the National League of Cities to overtum the FCC's March 2002 decision. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS (CONTINUED) Adelphia's Method for Allocating Nonsubscriber Revenues Revenues for the City of Carlsbad are accounted for in Adelphia's "System 341". The system is comprised of the following franchise areas: Franchise Franchise Name Tax Area City of Carlsbad 001 County of San Diego 002 City of San Marcos 003 County of San Diego 004 City of Vista 005 City of Del Mar 006 Not Used 007 City of Carlsbad (La Costa Area) 008 County of San Diego 009 City of Solana Beach 010 City of Encinitas Oil Regarding these franchise tax areas, Adelphia has developed fixed percentages for allocating nonsubscriber revenues. The allocation percentages for 2003 are set forth herein at Attachment 4. These percentages have been used for all allocations within this report. Home Shopping Revenues 1. Calendar Year 2001: a. Adelphia acquired the Daniels' cable franchise in 2001. Daniels operated the system through mid 2001. Neither Adelphia nor the City retained any detail documents supporting revenues for the period January 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001. Accordingly, we have no findings for this six month period. b. Adelphia reported gross revenues for the quarters ended September 2001 and December 2001. For the quarter ended September 2001, no home shopping revenues were reported. For the quarter ended December 2001, only QVC revenues were reported. c. The amount of unreported home shopping revenues for the calendar year 2001 is set forth on Schedule 2. 2. Calendar Years 2002 and 2003: At Schedule 2, home shopping revenues have been adjusted to agree with amounts reported on the Company's General Ledger provided to us, plus certain other adjustments agreed to by Adelphia management. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS (CONTINUED) Local Origination Fees As with home shopping revenues, revenues from local origination programming have been adjusted to amounts reported in the Company's General Ledger that was provided to us. (See Schedule 2). Advertising Revenues Adelphia did not complete our questionnaires with respect to advertising revenues. Nor did the Company respond to our final request for information on advertising revenues. Accordingly, we have estimated unreported advertising revenues. Our computations are included at Schedule 3. Observation: Our estimates for gross advertising revenues per subscriber are based, in part, on database information provided to us on Adelphia's advertising operations for the West Region Advertising Division of Media Services West. Cable Launch Fees When a new channel is launched on a cable system, the cable operator and cable network enter into a programming affiUation agreement. Under a typical programming agreement, a cable company agrees to carry a network's channel on its cable system over a multi-year period, and the cable operator agrees to pay a specified amount per subscriber per month to the network for the right to carry such programming. The amount per month is generally based on the programmer's "rate card", or an adjusted amount based on negotiations between the cable company and the network. Also, in connection with the launch of the new network, it is not uncommon for the cable networks to offer incentives, such as cable launch fees and marketing credits. Such fees may be intended to compensate the cable company for up-front promotional costs that are incurred to launch the new channel, or to provide general compensation for the launch of the new network. Under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), most cable companies (including Adelphia) record cable launch fees as a credit to, or reduction of, programming costs. As such, cable launch fees are not reported as gross revenues for franchise fee purposes. It is the position of our firm that if: 1. the City's "gross revenue" definition is not tied to, or bound by, GAAP, and 2. launch fees are received in cash, and 3. the underlying agreements with the programmers provide that such launch fees are general or fixed amounts that are not specifically identified as a mandatory reimbursement of specific expenditures, then cable launch fees should be reported for franchise fee purposes. Our firm was not able to come to an agreement with Adelphia regarding a "Nondisclosure Agreement". Accordingly, we were not able to review underlying agreements with respect to cable launch fees. At Schedule 4 to this report, we have included an arbitrary estimate of under reported cable launch fees, based on $4.00 per subscriber. -10- SCHEDULE 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD SCHEDULE OF UNDER REPORTED SUBSCRIBER REVENUES FOR THE CALENDAR YEARS ENDED 2001,2002 AND 2003 Description 2001 2002 2003 Total Under Reported Gross Revenues From Cable Intemet Access Revenue r-^' (See Note Below) $ 129,295 $ 715,959 $ - $ 845,254 Other Adjustments ( Agreed to By Adelphia Officials) 43,763 74,258 158,507 276,528 Total Under Reported Gross Subscriber Revenues $ 173,058 $ 790,217 $ 158,507 $ 1,121,782 Note The under reported gross revenues from cable internet access represent amounts received during the period from July 1, 2001 through April 30, 2002. As explained on pages 7 and 8 of this report, Adelphia discontinued paying franchise fees on cable intemet access revenue in April 2002, in response to a March 2002 FCC mling. During a review of twelve Inland Empire Cities by our firm, we noted that Adelphia did, in fact, pay franchise fees to certain Inland Empire Cities on cable intemet access revenue received through April 2002. On this engagement, Adelphia officials have taken the position that, with respect to the City of Carlsbad, the March 2002 FCC mUng should be retroactive to January 1, 2001. Accordingly, Adelphia officials dispute the assessment of franchise fees on cable intemet access revenue for the period from July 1, 2001 through April 2002. SCHEDULE 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD • SCHEDULE OF OVER (UNDER) REPORTED NONSUBSCRIBER REVENUES FOR THE CALENDAR YEARS 2001,2002 AND 2003 Description Gross Revenues Reported By Adelphia Gross Revenues/ Carlsbad System City of Carlsbasd System Percentage Adjusted Gross Revenues Revenues Over (Under) Reported 'M '-mm •mm Home Shopping Revenues: 2001: QVC HSN Other $ 12,568 0 0 (System 341) $ 64,739 46,996 0 0.4923 0.4923 $ 31,871 23,136 0 $ (19,303) (23,136) 0 2002: QVC HSN Other 69,646 15,948 0 162,550 134,864 60,966 0.4923 0.4923 0.4923 80,023 66,394 30,014 (10,377) (50,446) (30,014) <«• 2003: QVC HSN Other 79,509 76,964 56,195 174,505 176,896 130,690 0.4923 0.4923 0.4923 85,909 87,086 64,339 (6,400) (10,122) (8,144) Subtotal-Home Shopping 310,830 952,206 0.4923 468,771 (157,941) Local Origination Revenues: 2001: 2002: 2003: 16,635 33,746 25,763 34,689 70,085 49,639 0.4923 0.4923 0.4923 17,077 34,503 24,437 (442) (757) 1,326 Subtotal-Local Origination 76,144 154,413 0.4923 76,018 126 '•l-M Advertising Revenues ( See Schedule 3 ): 2001: 2002: 2003: 0 751,515 735,393 N/A N/A N/A 705,878 751,948 817,909 (705,878) (433) (82,516) mm Subtotal-Advertising Revenues 1,486,908 N/A 2,275,735 (788,827) •.im Cable Launch Fees ( See Schedule 4 ): 2001: 2002: 2003: 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A 121,012 113,964 114,044 (121,012) (113,964) (114,044) Subtotal-Cable Launch Fees 0 N/A 349,020 (349,020) -m ••mi Total Under Reported Nonsubscriber Revenues $ 1,873,882 $ 1,106,619 $ 3,169,544 $(1,295,662) SCHEDULE 3 CrrY OF CARLSBAD SCHEDULE OF UNDER REPORTED ADVERTISING REVENUES FOR THE CALENDAR YEARS 2001,2002 AND 2003 Description 2001 2002 2003 Total Carlsbad Subscribers 30,253 28,491 28,511 Estimated Gross Revenue/Subscriber $61 $69 $75 Total Estimated Gross Advertising Revenues 1,845,433 1,965,879 2,138,325 5,949,637 Less: 15% Agency Commissions 276,814 294,882 320,748 892,444 Estimated Net Advertising Revenues $ 1,568,619 $ 1,670,997 $ 1,817,577 $ 5,057,193 Estimated Amount Due to Adelphia $ 705,878 $ 751,948 $ 817,909 $ 2,275,735 Advertising Revenues Reported By Adelphia 0 751,515 735,393 1,486,908 Total Estimated Under Reported Advertising Revenues $ 705,878 $ 433 $ 82,516 $ 788,827 SCHEDULE 4 CITY OF CARLSBAD SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED UNDER REPORTED CABLE LAUNCH FEES FOR THE CALENDAR YEARS 2001, 2002 AND 2003 Year 2001 2002 2003 Number of Carlsbad Subscribers 30,253 28,491 28,511 Amount Per Subscriber Total Estimated Under Reported Cable Launch Fees 4.00 4.00 4.00 Estimated Under Reported Cable Launch Fees $ 121,012 113,964 114,044 349,020 SCHEDULE 5 CITY OF CARLSBAD SCHEDULE OF PENALTIES AND INTEREST FOR THE CALENDAR YEARS 2001,2002,2003 AND 2004 Description 2001 2002 2003 Total Penalties, Per City's Municipal Code: Calendar Year 2001 $ 1,800 $ $ $ 1,800 Calendar Year 2002 4,000 1,800 -5,800 Calendar Year 2003 4,000 4,000 1,800 9,800 Calendar Year 2004 4,000 4,000 4,000 12,000 Subtotal - Penalties 13,800 9,800 5,800 29,400 Interest, Based on Annual Average Yield on City's Investment Portfolio: Calendar Year 2001: $ 52,141 X 4.24% X 3.5 Years = Calendar Year 2002: $ 49,810 X 3.80% X 2.5 Years = Calendar Year 2003: $ 18,920 X 3.51% X 1.5 Years = 7,738 4,732 996 7,738 4,755 996 Total Penalties and Interest $ 21,538 $ 14,532 $ 6,796 $ 42,889 Note: Penalties and interest computed through December 31, 2004. ATTACHMENT 1 DISCLAIMER TO FINANCIAL INFORMATION The general ledger information contained in this packet has been derived from the books and records of Adelphia Communications Corporation and subsidiaries (Adelphia) and has not been subject to the application of any audit procedures. The information presented herein has been compiled using U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principals ("GAAP"). However, the Company has not completed certain procedures required in accordance with GAAP and, therefore, upon completion of such procedures, the selected financial information herein may be subject to changes and these changes could be material. Furthermore, Adelphia has publicly announced in a Form 8-K, dated June 10, 2002, that they believe that operating information disclosed by prior management was unreliable. As such, the books and records of Adelphia from which the selected financial infonnation is derived may not accurately reflect the fmancial condition, results of operation and cash flow of Adelphia. Adelphia will review their records and other information on an on-going basis to determine whether the financial information provided herein should be supplemented or otherwise amended. Adelphia reserves the right to file, at any time, such supplements or amendments to the fmancial information, as Adelphia deems appropriate. Adelphia does not make, and specifically disclaims, any representation or warrant as to the completeness or accuracy of the information set forth herein. ATTACHMENT 2 [SCAN NATOA] Adelphia Insider Tells of Secret Accounting __Pgflgi From: friedman@telecom-mgmt.com To: '"SCAN Listserve'" <scannatoa@listserve.com> Date: Wed, May 5, 2004 1:19 PM Subject: [SCAN NATOA] Adelphia Insider Tells of Secret Accounting Los Angeles Times http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-adelphia5may05,1,3848272.story?co! I=la-headlines-business Adelphia Insider Tells of Secret Accounting >From Bloomberg News May 5, 2004 Adelphia Communications Corp. ex-finance Vice President James Brown testified Tuesday that the company kept one set of records to back its inflated financial results and a second, secret set that recorded true performance. Accounting and operations executives saw the phony records as early as 1997, or five years before Adelphia's bankruptcy filing in June 2002, Brown said at the fraud trial of founder John Rigas and two of his sons, Michael and Timothy. Brown also detailed several arrangements to inflate financial results as performance lagged at Adelphia, the No. 5 U.S. cable television operator. Brown, 41, who pleaded guilty to conspiracy at Adelphia, said that he and Timothy Rigas, the former finance chief, relied more on fraud at the end of 2000 because results badly lagged behind investors' expectations. Brown recounted a talk he had with Timothy Rigas in late January 2001 or early February 2002. "We just couldn't push the numbers as hard as we were because it was getting to be a bigger and bigger problem," Brown told federal jurors in New York on his second day of testimony. Brown, who referred to his manipulations of Adelphia's books as "accounting magic," recounted a conversation he had with John Rigas, 79, a few days later. "He told me that he felt sorry for Tim and me because the operating results were putting so much pressure on us" to comply with loan covenants, Brown said. "But he said you have to do what you have to do. He said we can't afford to default." Brown is the highest-ranking insider to testify against the Rigases, who are accused of hiding $2.3 billion in debt, stealing $100 million and lying about operations. Brown is cooperating with prosecutors in a bid to reduce a possible 15-year prison term. ATTACHMENT 3 pBHIMofg^iBSC^^ 's Fbtind Gjjjjty^ From: friedman@telecom-mgmt.com Jo: "SCAN Listserve'" <scannatoa@listserve.com> Date: Thu, Jul 8, 2004 4:17 PM Subject: [SCAN NATOA] Founder of Adelphia Is Found Guilty of Conspiracy New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2004/07/08/business/media/08WIRE-RIGAS.html7hp July 8,2004 Founder of Adelphia Is Found Guilty of Conspiracy By BARRY MEIER Afederal jury today convicted John J. Rigas and his son and heir-apparent, Timothy J. Rigas, of conspiracy and fraud in connection with the financial collapse of Adelphia Communications Corp., one of the nation's largest cable companies. Jurors said that they had failed to reach a verdict on any of the charges against another of Mr. Rigas' sons, Michael J. Rigas, and they were ordered by the case's presiding judge to continue their deliberations on Friday. A fourth man on trial, Michael Mulcahey, was acquitted on all counts. The verdicts, which follow a fourth-month trial in a Manhattan federal court and eight days of deliberation, mark a substantial prosecution victory and follow the convictions of top executives at other corporations on charges that they deceived investors about corporate finances or enriched themselves at shareholder expense. The jury's decision also marks the final downfall of John Rigas, the 79-year former chairman of Adelphia who founded the company 50 years ago in the small town of Coudersport, Pa. After the jury's forewoman had responded guilty to virtually every charge against him, Mr. Rigas, a small man with a shock of white hair, sat slumped in his seat for more than 30 minutes, apparently in shock. Mr. Rigas and his 47-year-old son Timothy, who was Adelphia's former chief financial officer, were found guilty of one count of conspiracy, 15 counts of securities fraud and two counts of bank fraud. In essence, prosecutors had charged that the Rigases had used $2.3 billion in Adelphia funds for their own purpose and had lied to investors and banks about the company's financial condition. While they were acquitted on wire fraud charges, both men could face ATTACHIVIENT 4 Jan for Feb 2003 Non Sub Allocation System Franchise Allocation Percentage HSN QVC Meadowlands Racing Local Origination AHN Video JukeBox Tower Rental Total System Adverting Revenues Allocated Advertising Revenues 341 City of Carlsbad 49.23% 2,479.93 6.684.76 0 3.521.19 0 0 0 89.663.17 44.144.41 341 City of Del Mar 2.93% 147.5 397.59 0 209.43 0 0 0 89.663.17 2.625.60 341 City of Encinitas 12.50% 629.74 1.697.50 0 894.16 0 0 0 89.663.17 11.209.84 341 City of San Marcos 4.67% 235.04 633.55 0 333.72 0 0 0 89.663.17 4.183.82 341 City of Solana Beach 4.94% 248.96 671.07 0 353.49 0 0 0 89.663;17 4,431.58 341 City of Vista 7.37% 371.16 1.000.47 0 527 0 0 0 89.663.17 6,606.86 341 County of San Diego 18.36% 924.74 2.492.69 0 1.313.02 0 0 0 89.663.17 16.461.05 TOTAL 100.00% 5.037.07 13.577.63 0 7.152.01 0 0 0 89.663.17