HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; Semi-AnnBeach Profile Surveys & Analysis Oct 91; 1992-03-01m m m m SEMI-ANNUAL BEACH PROFILE SURVEYS AND ANALYSIS FOR OCTOBER 1991 m m Ml m SUBMITTED TO CITY OF CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA m m SUBMITTED BY TEKMARINE, INC. ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA m m MARCH 1992 m m EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report describes the results of the Carlsbad Beach Profile Survey conducted in October 1991. 1. Beach changes during the recent one-year period reflected the dominant influence of the two factors which normally exert major influence on the state of the beach in the study region: wave climate and supply of sand. 2. A very moderate wave climate prevailed during the most recent study period between October 1990 and October 1991, essentially making it the fourth consecutive year of moderate wave action. Reflecting this situation, volumetric changes in the beach profiles during the recent one-year period remained very modest. 3. During the recent study period (October 1990 through October 1991) the Carlsbad shoreline received major replenishment of sand when San Diego Gas & Electric Company placed a total of 465,000 cubic yards of sand on the shoreline both north and south of Agua Hedionda during December 1990 through April 1991. In contrast, supply of sand to the Oceanside shoreline during the recent one-year period (October 1990 through October 1991) totaled a meager 5,000 cubic yards from the Oceanside sand bypassing system which had been under repair for most of this period. 4. Reflecting the impact of the recent SDG&E beach nourishment program, the profiles along the Carlsbad shoreline experienced general accretion; progressively larger amounts of accretion occurred in the profiles closer to the center of the beach nourishment; and volumetric gains in the accreted profiles in Carlsbad were concentrated mainly above MLLW. In fact, the beach sediment volume above MLLW as of October 1991 was greater than at any time since the semi-annual beach survey program was commenced in September 1987. 5. On the other hand, the beaches at South Oceanside were eroded during the October 1990 - October 1991 comparison period. 6. The contrast in beach volume between Carlsbad and Oceanside profiles Were also manifest in beach width. Compared with October 1990, the shorelines of October 1991 advanced about 44 ft seaward within Carlsbad, but retreated about 35 ft within South Oceanside. 7. Of all the profiles surveyed in our program, only the Oceanside Boulevard (OS-960) shoreline showed a distinct trend for erosion over the past several years. The shoreline at Tamarack Avenue and Acacia Avenue appeared to be quasi-stable during this period. All other shorelines in Carlsbad exhibited a trend for advance. BEACH SURVEYS AND ANALYSIS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 1991 •^m TABLE OF CONTENTS 4* «• Title Page No, * EXECUTIVE SUMMARY i TABLE OF CONTENTS ii * LIST OF FIGURES iii * LIST OF TABLES iv •" 1. Introduction 1 M 2. Background Information 1 fam 3. Recent Beach Nourishment Operations 4 4. Field Operations 6m m 4.1 Survey Procedures 6 4.2 Survey Stations 6 m — 5. Survey Results 11 5.1 The Data 11 5.2 Profile Changes 12M 5.3 Sediment Volume 12 5.4 Shoreline Changes 17<•• ta 6. Conclusions 21 P. REFERENCES "... 23 *" APPENDIX A: Wading Profiles, Sept 1987 - Oct 1991 ** B: Wading Profiles, Sept 1987 - Oct 1991 «• C: Time Histories of MLLW Shoreline, Oct 1983 - Oct 1991 11 m m 0 LIST OF FIGURES m Figure No. Page No, 1 Beach Replenishment, December 1990-April 1991 . 5 ^^ m 2 Survey Methods ................. 7 il 3 Location of Range Lines ............ 8 m 4 Profile Accretion Near Agua Hedionda, m October 1990 - October 1991 ......... 13 • 5 Profile Erosion at Oceanside, October 1990 - October 1991 ......... 14 m m m m mm m m m m m m m m History of MLLW Shoreline Position 19 111 m LIST OF TABLES ^ Table No. Page No, 1 List of Range Lines, Azimuths, Monument ^ Elevations, and Survey Dates ........ 9 •2 Volume In Profile Above MLLW (CY/LF) .... 15 m m 3 Volume in Profile Above -30 ft, MLLW (CF/LF) 16 m 4 History of Average Sediment volume in the Profiles Above MLLW ............ 18 5 History of Average Sediment Volume in the 1! Long Profiles Above -30 Ft, MLLW ...... 18 • 6 History of Average Sediment Volume Between m 0 and -30 Ft, MLLW ............. 18 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m IV m m BEACH SURVEYS AND ANALYSIS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 1991 M m m 1. INTRODUCTION This is the ninth semi-annual report which describes the sand survey and beach profile program performed at Carlsbad in April, 1991. The following list includes all the semi-annual surveys completed by Tekmarine at Carlsbad during the 1987-1991 period. Report No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Date of Survey September 1987 January, April 1988 October 1988 April 1989 October 1989 April 1990 October 1990 April 1991 October 1991 Date of Report February 1988 July 1988 January 1989 August 1989 November 1989 June 1991 June 1991 June 1991 March 1991 2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION To aid in the understanding of this report, important features of the coastal processes of the Carlsbad shoreline are summarized below. m m 1. The Carlsbad shoreline consists of two distinctly different segments: o The northern 1.5 miles (Buena Vista Lagoon to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon intake jetties) is composed essentially of sand beaches. In this reach, sand in the subaerial and offshore profiles exists as a thin veneer underlain m m by cobble or rocky beds, with the thickness of this sand veneer diminishing progressively to the south along the reach.m o The southern five miles (from Agua Hedionda to the *! City's southern boundary) which consists essentially of H cobble beaches. In this reach, the shoreline is dominated by cobbles, while sand occurs in the offshore •H profile generally below mean lower low water (MLLW). ^ The beach between the entrance and discharge jetties off Agua Hedionda Lagoon remains sandy because of periodic nourishment of fine sand from the lagoon ^ provided by dredging activities conducted by San Diego ii Gas and Electric Company (SDG & E). m 2. The beach profiles of Carlsbad, from the crest of the berm m down to -30 ft (MLLW), are severely sand starved. A sediment thickness survey performed by Tekmarine for the _ U.S. Corps of Engineers (USACOE) over the entire Oceanside ; littoral cell revealed that both the narrowest beach width ^ and the leanest profile in the cell are found within Carlsbad. For instance, the sand content in the subaerial 9 profile in Carlsbad is only about 15 cubic yards/foot if (cy/ft) of shoreline. This may be compared with as much as 500 cy/ft in the Oceanside Harbor north fillet and about 100 m cy/ft at Del Mar, Solana Beach, and La Jolla (Tekmarine, m 1988). 3. The shoreline positions in Carlsbad change seasonally by amounts varying between 100 and 200 ft. The change in * shoreline position tends to be small in the sandy profiles in the northern reach, but large in the cobble profiles in * the southern reach. The minimum change, amounting to about gl 100 ft, occurs near Tamarack Avenue, where the rock is often exposed in .the offshore profile. 4. In recent years, the beaches of Carlsbad experienced two major impacts from extraordinary storms. One occurred during the 1982-1983 winter season in which an unusually ** large number of severe storms with predominantly westerly «l (rather than the northwesterly) approaches arrived on the California coast. Coupled with the high sea level which has m been attributed to the El Nino phenomenon, these storms M caused considerable erosion to the southern California beaches. m^ 5. After the 1982-1983 winter storm season, in the northern reach of the Carlsbad shoreline, the beach profiles were slow to recover and the beach cycle featuring the alternate ^ summer accretion and winter erosion vanished altogether. Mi This was attributed to the fact that considerable amounts of sand and cobble had been removed from the shallow portion of H the profile by the severe storms. In the cobble beaches of — the southern reach, however, resumption of the seasonal H m m beach cycle was noticed in 1986, about three years after the 1982-1983 winter season. 6. Another severe storm event occurred on January 18, 1988 when waves of historical magnitude, with recorded deep-water wave heights of 30 ft, were generated by a rapidly moving extratropical storm. The maximum significant wave height recorded by the nearshore wave array off Oceanside at that time was 15.8 ft. Because the peak of the storm failed to coincide with the high tide, damages on the beach property were relatively modest in Carlsbad. However, the beaches were eroded severely by the storm. 7. The January 1988 storm failed to extinguish the seasonal beach cycle completely, although it did subdue its amplitude. From the time of that major storm until 1990, seasonal adjustments to the MLLW shoreline position were modest due to mild winter wave conditions. 8. Deficiency of sand in the beach profiles is the single most important factor characterizing the beach processes in Carlsbad. The erosion impact of major storms tends to be prolonged in the northern reach where sand is deficient in the profile. In the southern reach, the profiles tend to recover from storm damage with resiliency, as the profiles contain considerable amounts of movable material. 9. Recent beach nourishment programs have been performed in the vicinity of Agua Hedionda in March and April, 1988 (331,000 cy), and December 1990 - April 1991 (465,000 cy). The sand was dredged from the Agua Hedionda Lagoon by San Diego Gas and Electric Company (SDG & E) as part of their periodic lagoon de-silting operations. Two additional beach nourishment projects were undertaken by the U.S. Army corps of Engineers from April through mid-June, 1989 (217,000 cy) and in August 1990 (250,000 cy) during which sand was dredged from the Oceanside Harbor entrances and discharged at Tyson Street in Oceanside. 10. In the 1988 SDG & E beach nourishment program, fine sand from the lagoon was placed behind a graded cobble dike between the entrance and discharge jetties of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. This new approach, modeled after the scheme proposed by Tekmarine for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project, was successful in retaining sand on the beach. During the several years since the sand placement, the artificially constructed berm has remained essentially intact. Conversely, much of the sand fill placed south of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon entrance jetties was lost rapidly, because in this area the lack of sufficient cobbles on the beach prevented construction of an effective protective dike for the nourished berm (Cahill, et al., 1989). V -11. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers commenced operation of the sand bypassing system at Oceanside Harbor in June 1989.m Since that time, a total of about 25,000 cubic yards of sand •I has been delivered from the dredged entrance to the south fillet area. •p m 12. Recently, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers published the shoreline erosion history for the Oceanside Littoral Cell m for the period 1933-1989). The result shows a highly contrasting pattern of shoreline changes between the ** northern half (north of Oceanside Harbor) and the southern half of the cell. The northern half has generally accreted, *• while the southern half has generally eroded. The shoreline Ml erosion in the southern half of the cell has been most severe at Carlsbad, averaging about one foot per year « (Kadib, et al.. 1989). m 3. RECENT BEACH NOURISHMENT OPERATIONS m ,Q Between August 1990 and November 1991, the sand bypassing j| system at Oceanside Harbor operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was shut down to undergo major construction jgj improvements. For this reason, only a small guantity of sand bypassing (5,000 cy total) has occurred at Oceanside Harbor ** since the time of the last survey effort in April 1991.n H No dredging of the navigation channels or the approaches to " Oceanside Harbor has occurred since August 1990. m tg A major sand replenishment program was undertaken by the San Diego Gas and Electric Company at Agua Hedionda during December jg 1990 - April 1991 (W. Dyson, personal communication, 1991). Similar to the dredging and beach replenishment project * conducted in 1988 (Tekmarine, Inc., 1989; Cahill, et al., 1990), a total of 465,000 cubic yards of fine sand was dredged from * Agua Hedionda Lagoon and placed at three sites along the ** Carlsbad beachfront. The three locations of sand placement are m shown in Figure 1 and listed below indicating the sand volumes •« associated with each site. mm m m m m m m n H m m m m m m m m m Buena Vista Lagoon City of Carlsbad 50,000 CY 265,000 CY Pacific Ocean 5,000 FT SCALE TOTAL PROJECT: 465,000 CY OF SAND DREDGED FROM AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON BY SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY FIGURE i: BEACH REPLENISHMENT, DECEMBER 1990 - APRIL 1991 5 mm SAND REPLENISHMENT SITES AND VOLUMES AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON DREDGING DECEMBER 1990 - APRIL 1991 o North of Tamarack Ave. 50,000 cubic yards •I o Between Power Plant Intake gj and Discharge 265,000 o South of Power Plant Discharge 100,000 — Total Replenishment Volume = 465,000 cubic yards m The effect that this beach replenishment program had on the H beaches in the vicinity of Carlsbad will be discussed in Section 5 of this report. * 4. FIELD OPERATIONS ^ 4.1 Survey Procedures M m Figure 2 provides a schematic illustration of the procedures Hi used for the sand survey and beach profile program. The procedures employed in the October 1991 survey are consistent ^^ with those used in the previous surveys since September 1987. These procedures have been designed to satisfy the accuracy and quality control criteria stipulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in support of the survey program for the Coast of *1 California Storm and Tidal Waves Study. m m Survey Accuracy Requirements ii Survey Type Vertical Accuracy Horizontal Accuracy Wading ± 0.1 ft +. 1.0 ft J . Boat ± 0.5 ft + 10.0 ft. * 4.2 Survey Stations m ip The geographical distribution of established survey range m lines in the Carlsbad/Oceanside area is shown in Figure 3. The location, date and types of surveys performed thus far for the gf City of Carlsbad are summarized in Table 1. As shown therein, m 6m i I I I 1 1 t • 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 • I WADING SURVEY SWIMMER WITH EXTENDABLE ROD RANGE TARGET FATHOMETER SURVEY INFLATABLE BOATWITH FATHOMETER AND EOM REFLECTOR -Hi OVERLAP SHORE SURVEYOR WITH "ELECTRONIC DISTANCE METER (EDMI RANGE LINE MONUMENT RANGE TARGET FIGURE 2: SURVEY METHODS m m m m CB-0720 A • LEGEND: RANGE LINE NUMBER WADING SURVEY WADING AND BOAT SURVEY m m 1 i m m mm m m m m m m m m mm M n * m m fACIFIC OCIAH FIGURE 3: LOCATION OF RANGE LINES 8 I J II t I I 1 11 11 11 TABLE 1A LIST OF RANGE LINES, AZIMUTHS, MONUMENT ELEVATIONS, AND SURVEY DATES SEPTEMBER 1987 - OCTOBER 1989 Range LINE CB-720 CB-730 CB-740 CB-750 CB-760 CB-780 CB-800 CB-820 CB-830 CB-840 CB-850 CB-860 CB-880 OS -900 OS -920 OS -930 OS -960 Azimuth (MAGNETIC) 240 240 237 237 235 230 225 225 225 224 224 220 224 223 222 221 221 Monument Elevation (ft,MLLW) 12.78 53.26 70.46 33.10 21.09 62.01 18.41 16.5 16.9 19.4 45.63 11.10 21.30 17.52 12.03 13.12 20.4 September 1987 Wadinq Boat 9/21 9/21 9/29 9/29 9/29 9/29 9/21 9/22 9/29 9/22 9/29 9/29 9/22 9/22 9/29 9/30 9/29 9/30 9/29 9/29 9/22 9/22 9/30 9/22 9/22 9/30 January 1988 April 1988 Wadinq Boat Wadinq Boat 1/26 1/26 4/26 4/26 4/27 1/30 4/26 4/26 4/27 1/30 4/27 4/27 1/30 4/27 1/30 4/26 4/26 1/27 1/26 4/27 1/30 4/27 4/26 4/26 4/27 1/30 4/26 4/26 1/26 1/26 4/27 4/27 4/26 4/28 4/26 July 1988 October 1988 Uadinq Wadinq Boat 10/17 10/17 10/17 10/17 10/27 10/18 7/25 10/17 10/17 7/25 10/17 10/17 7/25 10/17 10/17 10/18 10/17 10/17 10/17 April 1989 Uadinq Boat 4/27 4/27 4/26 4/27 4/27 4/26 4/27 4/27 4/27 4/27 4/26 4/26 4/26 4/27 4/27 4/26 October Wadinq 10/27 10/27 10/27 10/27 10/27 10/26 10/27 10/27 10/27 10/26 10/26 1989 Boat 10/26 10/26 10/26 10/26 10/26 Note: 1. Surveys sponsored by the Corps of Engineers, CCSTWS: 9/21-22/87, 1/26-27/88. Surveys sponsored by Tekmarine, Inc.: 4/26-27/88, 7/25/88. All other surveys sponsored by the City of Carlsbad. 2. Temporary monuments for Range Lines CB-820, CB-830, CB-840, and OS-960 are re-established on the beach for each survey. The elevation of the beach point varies from survey to survey, and is inferred from a permanent monument on the backshore. The elevation shown is for the most recent October 1991 survey.' TABLE 1B LIST OF RANGE LINES. AZIMUTHS, MONUMENT ELEVATIONS, AND SURVEY DATES APRIL 1990 - OCTOBER 1991 Range Line CB-720 CB-730 CB-740 CB-750 CB-760 CB-780 CB-800 CB-820 CB-830 CB-840 CB-850 CB-860 CB-880 OS -900 OS -920 OS -930 OS -960 Azimuth (MAGNETIC) 240 240 237 237 235 230 225 225 225 224 224 220 224 223 222 221 221 Monument E levat ion (ft,MLLW) 12.78 53.26 70.46 33.10 21.09 62.01 18.41 16.5 16.9 19.4 45.63 11.10 21.30 17.52 12.03 13.12 20.4 April 1990 Wadinq Boat 4/30 5/1 4/30 4/30 5/1 4/30 4/30 5/1 4/30 5/1 4/30 4/30 4/30 4/30 5/1 5/1 October 1990 Wading Boat 10/30 10/31 10/30 10/30 10/31 10/30 10/30 10/31 10/30 10/31 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/31 10/30 April 1991 Wading Boat 4/18 4/19 4/18 4/18 4/19 4/18 4/18 4/19 4/18 4/19 4/18 4/18 4/18 4/18 4/19 4/18 October Wadinq 10/17 10/17 10/17 10/17 10/17 10/17 10/17 10/17 10/17 10/17 10/17 1991 Boat 10/18 10/18 10/18 10/18 10/18 Note: 1. These surveys sponsored by the City of Carlsbad. 2. Temporary monuments for Range Lines CB-820, CB-830, CB-840, OS-960 are re-established on the beach for each survey. The elevation of the beach point varies from survey to survey, and is inferred from a permanent monument on the backshore. The elevation shown is for the most recent October 1991 survey. m the October 1991 surveys consisted of five long profiles (wading in plus boat surveys) and six short profiles (wading surveys only). m The long profiles in which both wading and boat surveys were ^ performed in October 1991, are as follows: "H OCTOBER 1991 LONG SURVEY PROFILES m OS-930 South Oceanside, off Morse Street — CB-830 Carlsbad, off Tamarack Street. Approximately 600 ft north of the north jetty of the Agua Hedionda " Lagoon entrance.m CB-820 Carlsbad, the public beach midway between the •• entrance and discharge jetties of Agua Hedionda jH Lagoon. _ CB-760 Carlsbad, Encinas Creek Outlet. "* CF-720 Carlsbad, approximately 800 ft south of the Batiguitos Lagoon entrance.mm During the survey operations, Tekmarine surveyors took notes ™^ on the state of the beaches at each range line and also photographed the sand cover and features of interest. The ™ photographic documentation has been utilized in the analysis of the beach survey data. m m m 5. SURVEY RESULTS m 5.1 The Data Survey data are presented in graphical format in the ^ appendices of this report, as follows: *i Appendix A Wading Profiles Appendix B Wading and Boat Profiles m Appendix C Time History of MLLW Shoreline. Results of data analysis are discussed in terras of profile m changes, sediment volume, and shoreline trends. • m 5.2 Profile Changes m Comparison of profile data for the October 1990 - October 1991 period indicates that sand movement from the nearshore zonemto the beach has occurred. Evidence of beach sediment accretion ** at Carlsbad within the last year is particularly well pronouncedm at Agua Hedionda (Profile CB-820, shown in Figure 4.A) and at m Tamarack Avenue (Profile CB-830, shown in Figure 4.B), where the •I previously described SDG & E dredging program deposited 465,000 cy of sand on the adjacent beaches during early 1991. Similar ^1g| beach accretion exists throughout the city of Carlsbad (see plotted profiles in Appendix A). In contrast to the general accretion of profiles at Carlsbad, beach erosion is clearly noted throughout the profiles in Oceanside, at Morse Avenue * (Profile OS-930, shown in Figure 5.A) and at Oceanside Boulevard gu (Profile OS-960, shown in Figure 5.B). 5.3 Sediment Volume Tabulation of beach volume for the time period spanning April 1987 and October 1991 is shown in Table 2 and Table 3. The former documents beach volumes above the MLLW datum, while the latter identifies profile volume above the -30 ft (MLLW) elevation. Tables 2 and 3 indicate that volumetric changes during the October 1990 - October 1991 comparison year were very small. This was due to a relatively mild storm wave environment during the October 1990 - April 1991 winter season coupled with the onshore transport of nearshore sediments by long-period waves during the summer of 1991. 12 n •I m m Elevation (ft-MLLW) 30 A. Line CB-820, Agua Hedionda - South 25 jr- 20 ^- October 1991 October 1990 500 1000 1500 2000 Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 2500 Elevation Ift-MLLW) 30 B. Line CB-830, Tamarack Avenue October 1991 October 1990 MLLW 1000 150C 2000 Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 2500 FIGURE 4: PROFILE ACCRETION NEAR AGUA HEDIONDA, OCTOBER 1990 - OCTOBER 1991 13 m m 11 m m m m Elevation (ft-MLLW) 30 • A. Line OS-930, Morse Avenue October 1991 October 1990 MLUV 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 5COO Range (feet seaward of range line monument) m m m Elevation Ift-MLLW) 35 B. Line OS-960, Oceanside Boulevard m m mm nm 25 '— m m mm mm m 20 15 10 5 0 -5 ! — ^_ - — L — -10 — October 1991 October 1990 MLLtv '00 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Range (feet seaward of range line monument) FIGURE 5: PROFILE EROSION IN OCEANSIDE, OCTOBER 1990 - OCTOBER 1991 14 II 11 ft I IIII I I II II II 1 i 111 t 1 ft I ft I II t I ft 1 • 1 TABLE 2 VOLUME IN PROFILE ABOVE HL.LU (CY/LF) RANGE APR 87 CB-720 81 .0 CB-730 CB-740 CB-750 CB-760 54.1 CB-780 CB-800 23.9 CB-820 CB-830 CB-840 CB-850 CB-860 CB-880 OS -900 39.5 OS -920 OS -930 67.7 OS -960 SEP 87 105.3 98.6 174.2 44.6 63.2 166.8 24.0 64.1 26.0 29.1 137.2 14.8 51.0 57.6 35.3 81.2 114.3 JAN 88 83.4 151.4 51.8 17.2 39.4 21.5 21.2 34.6 28.6 APR 88 80.6 86.2 153.6 38.7 51.5 151.9 20.8 55.4 34.1 39.5 126.6 8.8 31.8 31.4 14.4 52.9 112.3 JUL 88 OCT 83 143 55 158 53.7 54 22.6 27 29.9 26 138 44 68 131 88 .6 .8 .3 .8 .1 .7 .8 .9 .8 .1 .5 APR 89 83.9 149.4 58.3 151.9 47.8 30.5 33.4 128.5 42.9 67.2 131.1 OCT 89 81.9 153.1 55.1 166.0 50.5 46.3 22.4 130.9 51.6 75.0 137.9 APR 90 78.9 161.6 58.2 161.3 44.4 37.1 31.4 138.4 46.7 61.9 133.3 OCT 90 84.3 170.2 59.2 167.5 54.4 23.6 27.3 151.7 55.5 73.4 155.4 APR 91 83.0 164.9 54.2 151.6 66.2 29.9 15.5 135.9 41.4 67.6 149.9 OCT 91 92.9 172.7 64.5 163.9 71.8 34.2 37.3 169.9 60.8 74.5 155.1 Note: All volumes are measured from horizontal distance = 0.0 ft. Permanent monuments for these locations do not exist for Profiles CB-820, CB-830, CB-840, and OS-960. ft fti TABLE 3 VOLUME IN PROFILE ABOVE -30 FT, HLLW (CY/LF) RANGE APR 87 SEP 87 JAN 88 APR 88 JUL 88 OCT 88 APR 89 OCT 89 APR 90 OCT 90 APR 91 • OCT 91 C8-720 1141.7 1187.2 1150.3 1126.0 CB-730 CB-740 CB-750 1356.5 1290.3 1117.3 1106.5 1077.7 1074.4 1039.7 1095.7 1091.5 CB-760 1104.8 1096.9 CB-780 CB:800 1172.0 1165.5 1086.6 1111.9 1105.1 1098.8 1086.7 1073.1 1062.5 CB-820 CB-830 CB-840 CB-850 1126.5 1116.9 1037.1 1086.0 1352.8 1363.5 1085.5 1078.2 1061.8 1040.5 1038.3 1167.6 1128.1 1069.2 1061.0 1110.5 1080.1 9%.9 1072.3 1023.6 Oi CB-860 CB-880 1146.3 1120.2 OS-900 1054.9 1050.7 1028.4 OS-920 OS-930 1217.3 1193.7 OS-960 1187.7 1214.3 1212.9 1186.5 1250.3 1169.7 1199.8 1139.1 Note: All volumes are measured from horizontal distance = 0.0 ft. Permanent monuments for these locations do not exist for Profiles CB-820, CB-830, CB-840, and OS-960. ^m Tables 4, 5, and 6 have been prepared to show the average m sediment volume for the entire Carlsbad shoreline since Ml Tekmarine began this comprehensive survey effort in September 1987. Tables 4, 5, and 6 present, respectively, the sediment "^gl volume per average profile above MLLW, in the entire profile to -30 ft (MLLW), and in the profile below MLLW.m, m Perhaps the most noteworthy finding of the beach volume *> computations for the October 1991 survey is the fact that the ** beach volume above the MLLW datum is greater than at any time m since the commencement of nearshore surveying by Tekmarine in Ml September 1987. However, it must be kept in mind that the increase in average beach volume above MLLW achieved during the m last year was very small, averaging merely 8.6% of the October 1990 volume, as shown in Table 4. The gain in the profile volume below MLLW was even smaller, being approximately 1%.m When the entire profile above -30 ft (MLLW) is considered, the * gain of profile volume during the October 1990 - October 1991 * period has been just 1.5%. This minor change is close to the m survey error and too small to be considered significant. H Prior to the April 1990 survey, the sediment volume below^i gl MLLW had been declining continuously since 1987, as shown in Table 6. While the April 1991 survey indicated that this trend had reversed, the survey data from October 1991 indicates the second lowest sediment volume below MLLW that has been observed 1 since 1987. Future surveys are required to confirm the presentmtrend in sediment volume change in this elevation range. m m ,_ 5.4 Shoreline Changes m Figure 6 illustrates the history of shoreline changes during ^ the 1983 - 1991 period for all of the surveyed profiles. The survey results of October 1991 indicate major seaward advance of U m m 17 m TABLE 4 " HISTORY OF AVERAGE SEDIMENT VOLUME IN THE PROFILES m ABOVE MLLW m Survey Average Sediment Volume Above Date Mean Lower Low Water " September 1987 92.02 cy/ft April 1988 77.82 m October 1988 84.85 m April 1989 84.08 October 1989 88.25 m April 1990 86.65 — October 19'90 91.88 April 1991 85.27 m October 1991 99.78 *" Note: Includes 11 profiles ni m TABLE 5 HISTORY OF AVERAGE SEDIMENT VOLUME IN THE LONG PROFILES m ABOVE -30 FT, MLLW m Survey Average Sediment Volume in Date Long Profile ™ September 1987 1,169.1 cy/ft <* April 1988 1,143.5 October 1988 1,114.6 m April 1989 1,114.1 ,g October 1989 1,108.3 April 1990 1,108.8 „, October 1990 1,072.5 — April 1991 1,121.7 m October 1991 1,089.0 ** Note: Includes 5 profiles « m TABLE 6 0 HISTORY OF AVERAGE SEDIMENT VOLUME BETWEEN 0 AND -30 FT, MLLW m m Survey Average Sediment Volumem Date Between 0 and -30 ft, MLLW September 1987 1,085.6 cy/ft * April 1988 1,080.6 m October 1988 1,056.8 April 1989 1,056.6 m October 1989 1,046.6 £ April 1990 1,052.7 October 1990 1,011.5 m April 1991 1,061.5 October 1991 1,021.4 Note: Includes 5 profiles ^[m is mm k a Shore Position: Line 05-960 Ocsonside Boulevord Shore Position: Line CB-640 Acacia Avenue Shor« Position: Line C8-760 Encinas Creek Most; Aveo Shore Position: Line CB-740 Poinsetdo Lone <»•> i*»o ore t'oiition I me ( H M.'ll Ayuu Hc.liondu, M"i I1)Shore Position Line CB-720 Botiquilos Lagoon Shore Position: Line CB-850 Pine Avenue ore Position: Line CB- 780 Palomor Airpo>"l Hood Legend Vertical Axis is MLLW Shoreline Position. Horizontal Axis is Year. Large Scale Plots Included in Appendix C. FIGURE 4: HISTORY OF MLLW SHORELINE POSITION m m m the MLLW shoreline since the previous survey of April 1991. The in average shoreline advance during this six month period was about M 88 ft. Of the eleven profiles surveyed, only one (Oceanside Boulevard, Profile OS-960) experienced shoreline retreat during ^^1 m this period. When compared with the survey of October 1990, the shorelines of October 1991 indicate seaward advance throughout the study region by an average distance of about 30 ft. Thism average shoreline advance during the past year is significant, • given shoreline retreat that averaged about 35 ft annually at ** the two Oceanside profiles (Oceanside Boulevard: Profile OS-960, m and Morse Avenue: Profile OS-930). The average shoreline m advance during the past year when considering only beach profiles within the city of Carlsbad is about 44 ft. ^a ii By performing linear regression analysis on all the beach ' width data at each profile during the October 1988 - October 1991 time period, the trend in shoreline change can be W determined for the latest three-year period. The dashed lines '* superimposed on the shoreline position plots of Figure 6 U indicate the trend for the seasonal survey data. These plots • are included at larger scale in Appendix C of this report. If the trend is upward, seaward advance of the shoreline is ^ occurring. If the trend is downward, shoreline retreat is evident. The magnitude of the on-going trend in shoreline change is represented by the steepness of the inclined line. A horizontal trend indicates no long-term change in shoreline m position. As is evident, all of the survey profiles except >* three are experiencing a long-term shoreline advance. A trend • of erosion is evident at Oceanside Boulevard (OS-960), while the •I shoreline is quasi-stable at Tamarack Avenue (CB-830) and Acacia _ Avenue (CB-840). m m m m m 20 M m m 6. CONCLUSIONS n |g There are two factors which normally exert major influence on the beaches in the study region: wave climate and supply of sand. .g A very moderate wave climate prevailed during the most recent study period between October 1990 and October 1991, essentially making ^ it the fourth consecutive year of moderate wave action. Reflectingn this situation, volumetric changes in the beach profiles during the H recent one-year period remained modest. Namely, volumetric changes (• between October 1990 and October 1991 averaged only about 9% above _ MLLW, about 1% below MLLW, and about 2% combining both above and ^^£j below MLLW. ^ During the recent study period (October 1990 through October 1991) the Carlsbad shoreline experienced major replenishment of ^ sand when San Diego Gas & Electric Company placed a total ofK465,000 cubic yards of sand on the shoreline both north and south ID of Agua Hedionda during December 1990 through April 1991. In this M program, the shoreline as far as about 2,000 ft to the north and about 1,000 ft to the south of the lagoon entrance was the *^lg immediate recipient of the replenished sand. ' In contrast, supply of sand to the Oceanside shoreline during the recent one-year period (October 1990 through October 1991) H totaled a meager 5,000 cubic yards from the Oceanside sand Hi™ bypassing system which had been under repair for most of this •HI period. Dredging of the Oceanside harbor navigation channel, the (H principal source of nourishment for the Oceanside beaches, did not occur during this period. The last time this occurred was inW ^j -August 1990 when approximately 250,000 cubic yard was released on the beach of South Oceanside, near Tyson Street. m M Reflecting the impact of the SDG&E beach nourishment program H during December 1990 through April 1991, the profiles along the •* Carlsbad shoreline experienced general accretion. Progressively _, larger amounts of accretion occurred in the profiles closer to the m 21 m m m • center of the beach nourishment. Also reflecting the impact of the beach nourishment was the pattern of accretion in the profile:WHI volumetric gains in the accreted profiles in Carlsbad were concentrated mainly above MLLW. In fact, the beach sediment volume above MLLW in our survey data as of October 1991 was greater than at any time since the semi-annual beach survey program was " commenced in September 1987.m m Reflecting the characteristic effect of the lack of 'iU artificial replenishment on the source-starved shoreline, on the other hand, the beaches at South Oceanside were eroded during the W^^ October 1990 - October 1991 comparison period. It is worthy of note that erosion of the South Oceanside profiles did occur in : spite of the moderate wave climate which prevailed throughout this period and also in spite of the fact that these profiles had 1 received a benefit of 250,000 cubic yards of sand replenishment as_ ™ recently as August 1990. These facts may well indicate a near- H total dependance of these source-starved shoreline at South id Oceanside on artificial replenishment. m ^ The contrasting changes in beach volume between Carlsbad and Oceanside profiles were also manifest in beach width. When " compared with the survey of October 1990, the shorelines of October 1991 indicated seaward advance of about 44 ft within Carlsbad, but H retreat of about 35 ft within South Oceanside. Of all the profiles • surveyed in our program, only the Oceanside Boulevard (OS-960) m shoreline revealed a distinct trend for erosion over the past H several years. The shoreline at Tamarack Avenue (CB-830) and Acacia Avenue (CB-840), both located immediately north of the Agua ^^^ . Hedionda entrance, appeared to be quasi-stable during this period. All other shorelines in Carlsbad exhibited a trend of advance. m m m m •\ m 22 m m m m REFERENCES Hi^ Bisher, D., 1992, Project Manager, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, Oceanside Harbor By-Pass System, Personal Communication. *• Cahill, J., C. Butcher, and W. Dyson, 1989, "Beach Nourishment With Fine Sand, Carlsbad, California", Coastal Zone '89, *» Vol. 3, American Society of Civil Engineers, p. 2092-2103. •• Dyson, W., 1991, Dredge Master for San Diego Gas and Electric m Company. m Kadib, A., S. Fine, and J. Ryan, 1989, "Coast of California Storm and Tidal Waves Study—An Overview", Coastal Zone '89,m Vol. 1, American Society of Civil Engineers, p. 836-848. m Tekmarine, Inc., 1988, "Sand Thickness Survey Report, San Diego m Region", Prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los — Angeles District, Report No. CCSTWS 88-5, 21 p. _ Tekmarine, Inc., 1989, "Semi-Annual Beach Profile Surveys and Analysis for October 1989", Tekmarine, Inc., Tech. Reportm TCN-192. m m m m m m 23 m m APPENDIX A WADING PROFILES OCTOBER 1991 m m m m m m Note: m m m m r • • Because numerous profiles exist for each survey site, twoplots of profile data are presented: 1) Historical profiles collected during the September1987 - October 1989 period, and 2) The most recent profiles used in the data analysis. All the data is plotted at the same scale in order to support the comparison of all the survey data. ii ti if mm mm m.m mm m.m n mm ft I Bfl I I I Elevation (ft-MLLW) 30 Line CB-720, Batiquitos Lagoon 25 — 20 15 — 10 5 — 0 -5 -10 — October 1991 October 1990 MLLW . 1 5 i i i i i i .1 . i ..i i i .. i i i i i i i i i i i i i i .1 . i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i \ i i i i 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Range (feet seaward of range line monument) t j ii || II J ft i • J 11 i •t i ii i 11 11 11 Line CB720 30. Batiquitos Lagoon OCT89 APRS9 OCT88 APR88 JAN88 SEP87 25. 20. 15. 10. MLLW I I I I I I I I I I 1 T | I I T T T T T IT 400. 500. 600. 700. 800.200. 300. Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 900. -5. -0. —5. — 10. 1000. . i . . ft J 1 • •* * • • • ' • • • • • • • • •• •• • * • • " * Elevation (ft-MLLW) 75 Line CB-740, Poinsettia Lane October 1990 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 900 1000 ft I ft i ft ft I ft I ft 1 • • * " * *ft 1 ft i ft i II • • • Line CB740 75. Poinsettia Lane OCT89 APR89 OCT88 APR88 JAN88 SEP87 0. I I 200.300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 800. Range (feet seaward of range line monument) ' T900.1000. II i I i i ft 1 » * II I i i I Elevation (ft-MLLW) 30 25 20 — 15 — 10 Line CB-760, Encinas Creek Outlet 0 -5 -10 — -15 October 1991 October 1990 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 900 1000 ii • I II »-.-:•I II • I » * Line CB760 30. i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i Encinas Creek OCT89 APR89 OCT88 APR88 JAN88 SEP87 25. 20. 15. -10. MLLW i I ' 800. -5. -o. —5. —10. i i | i i i r 900. 1000. 15. Range (feet seaward of range line monument) ft I I M ft. fl mm mm ** •' * a »II •• II •! » * »* Elevation (ft-MLLW) 65 Line CB-780, Palomar Airport Road 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 October 1991 October 1990 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I ! I I ! I I I I I I I I MLLW 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 900 1000 Line CB780 Palomor Airport Road OCT88 APR88 SEP87 0. i i i i 100. 200.400. 500. 600. 700. 800. Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 900.1000. ft I ft i ft I ft i ft I * « * aj t i mi 11 •if ftl II i i •« B1 Elevation (ft-MLLW) 30 25 — 20 15 10 Line. CB-820, Agua Hedionda - South 0 -5 -10 -15 October 1991 October 1990 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 900 1000 ii mm mm mm m*I 1 I 1 i • 1 Line CB820 30. Agua Hedionda OCT89 APR89 OCT88 APR88 JAN8S SEP87 -15 25. 20. 15. -10. MLLW -5. -0. —5. — 10. 0.100. Ill | I I 500. ' J600. I i i 700. -15. 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 800. Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 900.1000. J i I ft I i 1 I i I 1 I 1 I I » • • >II II Elevation (ft-MLLW) 30 Line CB-830, Tamarack Avenue 25 — 20 — 15 \- 10 5 — 0 — -5 — -10 — October 1991 October 1990 -15 MLLW 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 900 1000 I ft I ft 1 • i , I II ft i ft • ft I •• ft 1 ft J II II 1 i » Line CB830 Tamarack Avenue -15 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 800. Range (feet seaward of range line monument) I I T I 900. 1000. ft i ft i ft I ft Jft I ft! II II • •i 1 ft .4 * i 11 • « » « • Elevation (ft-MLLW) 30 Line CB-840, Acacia Avenue 25 20 15 10 0 -5 -10 October 1991 October 1990 MLLW . -I C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Range (feet seaward of range line monument) i • • • i i i i t • • i • • Line CB840 Acacia Avenue OCT89 APR89 OCT88 APR88 JAN88 SEP87 I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I-15 0. I I I I I I I I I I I I 800. 900. 1000. Range (feet seaward of range line monument) fc i II i • II • • 11 • I i * Elevation (ft-MLLW) 50 Line CB-850, Pine Avenue 40 October 1991 October 1990 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 900 1000 11 mm II II II • Line CB850 OCT89 APR89 OCT88 APR88 SEP87 15. 200. 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 800. Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 1000. ft i ft I • i • • • I 1 1 I 'II II II ft 1 II • I i I • Elevation (ft-MLLW) 30 Line CB —880, Buena Vista Lagoon 25 — 20 15 10 0 -5 -10 October 1991 October 1990 MLLW 5 I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I L_J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Range (feet seaward of range line monument) ft I I I 1 I I I I I I I I• I • I 11 *I II 11 * Line CB880 30.30. Buena Vista Lagoon OCT89 APR89 OCT88 APR88 JAN88 SEP87 -15. 200. i I 300.400.500. 600. i ' 700. i i I 800. Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 25. 20. 15. -10. MLLW -5. -0. —5. — 10. 900. 1000. II 1 J 11 II ft II II II II 11 II If Elevation (ft-MLLW) 30 Line OS-930, Morse Avenue 25 — 20 15 10 0 -5 -10 15 October 1991 October 1990 MLLW 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 900 1000 ft J fti 1i ft I II m.M ft i • 1 ft 1 ft 1 ft I ft i * * »fc J B J Line OS930 30. OCT89 APR89 OCT88 APR88 SEP87 -15. o.100. 200. 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 800. Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 900. 1000. II • i •i m* ii i i •« Elevation (ft-MLLW) 35 Line OS-960, Oceanside Boulevard 30 25 20 15 10 — 5 0 -5 -10 — October 1991 October 1990 MLLW . -\ 5 i i i i i I i i i.i I i i i i i i i i i i L_J \ i I i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i. i i i i i i i. i 0 100 200 300 400 . 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Range (feet seaward of range line monument) I i 11 I i ft j if II II Line OS960 35 35. Oceanside Boulevard OCT89 APR89 OCT88 APR88 SEP87 -15. MLLW 0.100. I I I I I I I I i I I 200. 300. 400 500.i r600. n i i i i i r 700. 800. 30. 25. 20. 15. -10. -5. -O. — 10. -'-15. 900. 1000. Range (feel seaward of range line monument) m m APPENDIX B WADING AND BOAT PROFILES OCTOBER 1991 m m KM Note: Because numerous profiles exist for each survey site, two w plots of profile data are presented: m 1) Historical profiles collected during the September m 1987 - October 1989 period, and gl 2) The most recent profiles used in the data analysis. All the data is plotted at the same scale in order to I support the comparison of all the survey data. m i i i i I i • i i i t i i i i i i i f i i i 11 • i Elevation (ft-MLLW) 30 r: Line CB-720, Batiquitos Lagoon October 1991 October 1990 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 2500 3000 ti ml "* Line CB720 30.-30. 25. 20. 15. 10. -5. 0. -5. — 10. — 15. r-20. — 25. •30. —35. — 40. — 45. -50. 25.- 2Q.- 5--: c .2 -is.- LJ -25.-, -30.- -35. -40. -45. -50. Batiquitos Lagoon OCT89 APR89 MLLW \ i i 0.I i ' i500.1000. T | 1500. T I I I 2000. ' i i r 2500. Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 3000. j i i ft m i t § i ii 11 ii ft * « Elevation (ft-MLLW) 30 Line CB-760, Encinas Creek Outlet October 1991 October 1990 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 3000 Line CB760 30.-JO. 25. 20. 15. 10. 5. 0. r-5. 25.- 15.-: 2 -5.^ c O _i^^.— 10. UJ -25- -30.- -35. -40. -45. -50. Encinas Creek OCT89 APR89 OCT88 SEP87 MLLW 1-20. 25. F— 30. •35. --4Q. '—45. -50. 6. i i | i i i i I I i i i | i i i i i i i 500. 1000. 1500. 2000. Range (feet seaward of range line monument) i i i r 2500.3000. ft I i J 1 ft I ft I » * * " Bfl Elevation 30 (ft-MLLW)Line CB-820, Agua Hedionda - South October 1991 October 1990 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 2500 3000 i i ti §i II t1 11 1 i Line CB820 30.: 25.: 20- 15.- 30. 25. 20. 15. 10. 5. Agua Hedionda 5-t o UJ -20.- -25.- -30. -35. -40. -45. -50 OCT89 APR89 OCT88 APR88 SEP87 MLLW — 15. ~25. — 45. -50. 0.500.1000. I r 1500. I 2000.2500.3000. Range (feet seaward of range line monument) II t I II i i 1 »* * Elevation (ft-MLLW) 30 Line CB-830, Tamarack Avenue October 1991 October 1990 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 2500 3000 ft i ft i * 1 fti ft I KJ 11 * mm Line CB830 Tamarack Avenue OCT89 APR89 — • — •— OCTSo JAN88 --- SEP87 i i i i f i i i i i i i i 7 i i r i 0.3000. Range (feet seaward of range line monument) I, 1 k i ft I ft I fti ii ii i i 11 • a Elevation (ft-MLLW) 30 Line OS—930, Morse Avenue October 1991 October 1990 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Range (feet seaward of range line monument) 5000 5500 6000 II ft I ft i * •ill 1 **ft J Line OS930 OCT89 APR89 OCT88 APR88 SEP87 r i i | ri i rj IT ir \ ii i ijr r i T | T i r i \ 1000. 1500. 2000. 2500. 3000. 3500. 4000.4500. 5000. "*5$00. Range (feet seaward of range line monument) -50. 6000. APPENDIX C TIME HISTORY OF MLLW SHORELINE OCTOBER 1991 m m Note; Dashed line on each plot indicates the trend of shoreline position change during the October 1988 - October 1991 period as determined by linear regression. Upward line inclination indicates shoreline advance, downward line inclination indicates shoreline retreat. m m m m Shoreline Position, ft 600 500 400 300 200 100 — \_L Shore Position: Line CB-720 Batiquitos Lagoon _L 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 Year 1989 1990 1991 1992 m m m m m m m m Shoreline Position, ft 600 500 400 300 200 ' 100 — Shore Position: Line CB —740 Poinsettia Lane -I,,. __J—^j. !_._—!..__' L '._. '..___' 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 Year 1989 1990 1991 1992 m m m a m a Shoreline Position, ft 600 m m m m m m 500 400 300 200 100 (— Shore Position: Line CB-760 Encinas Creek Year Shoreline Position, ft 600 m m m — m at 500 400 300 200 100 |— Shore Position: Line CB-780 Palomar Airport Road j—'—'—'—* * • i i i_-> 1 1 L r . | .985 ,986 ,987 1988 Year m m m m m m m m m Shoreline Position, ft 600 500 400 300 200 100 f— 0 L_i—i—,—L , . , i , , | i Shore Position: Line CB-820 Agua Hedionda, North -J ' 1 1 L- I |. 1983 ,984 ,985 ,986 1989 ,990 199, 1992 Year II m m m Shoreline Position, ft 600 500 400 300 200 100 Shore Position: Line CB —830 Tamarack Avenue 1983 ,984 1991 1992 •I * g 1i m m m m m mm m m m Shoreline Position, ft 600 50° 400 300 200 h- 100 Shore Position: Line CB-840 Acacia Avenue °'9°r^;^r^r^^^^r^^^992 Year Shoreline Position, ft 600 500 400 300 20° Shore Position: Line CB-850 Pine Avenue -J 1 1 l__L _L _L-J 1 li|. 1963 "8< '985 "86 '»' '« •«» -3,0 „„ ,992 Year m m m m m m mm m m m m, m Shoreline Posifion, ft 600 500 400 300 200 100 f— Shore Position: Line CB-880 Buena Vista Lagoon _L _L _L I _L _L J__L 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 Year 1989 1990 1991 1992 Shoreline Posifion, ft 600 500 400 300 200 f— 100 p- Shore Position: Line OS-930 Morse Avenue _L '983 1984 1985 ,986 1987 ,988 Year 1989 1990 1991 1992 m m Shoreline Position, ft 600 m m m m m m 500 400 300 200 100 |— Shore Position: Line OS-960 Oceanside Boulevard Year Hi m m m 1i m.a m m m mm