HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; Semi-Annual Beach Profile Surveys & Analysis; 1993-10-01SEMI-ANNUAL BEACH PROFILE SURVEYS AND ANALYSIS APRIL 1993 SUBMITTED TO CITY OF CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA SUBMITTED BY TEKMARINE, INC. ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 1993 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY April 1993 Profiles The April 1993 profiles in Carlsbad did not indicate signs of severe erosion or accretion, and appeared to have remained within the general range of historical profile fluctuations known in this region. Volumetric Changes Beach volume has improved steadily in recent years both above and below MLLW. In the entire profile combining both above and below MLLW, the City-wide beach volume to -30 ft MLLW has gained more than 50 cy/ft over the initial April 1988 volume. This gain corresponded to a total volumetric increase of about 1.5 million cy for the entire Carlsbad coastline, eclipsing the 1.4 million cy gain achieved as of October 1992. Shoreline Positions There has been no significant trend for shoreline retreat in recent years. Changes in shoreline position have been associated mainly with seasonal beach cycles. Effects of Beach Nourishments 1. The effect of the 1988 beach nourishment by SDG&E was not clearly reflected on the survey data, and this might be due to the fact that the pre-nourishment shoreline had been set back severely by the historical January 18, 1988 storm which occurred just prior to the nourishment. 2. The more recent 1991 SDG&E beach nourishment resulted in increased beach widths south of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon entrance where the bulk of the available sand was placed. 3. We believe that the Corps of Engineers beach nourishment programs at Oceanside Harbor will continue to exert little beneficial effects on the Carlsbad coastline because of the two inadequacies characterizing these programs: the short discharge distance of the spoils and the unfavorable timing. Corps of Engineers CCSTWS Final Report 1. The report recognized the occurrence of downcoast sediment starvation which has resulted from construction of the Oceanside Harbor, but did not specify the extent of the coastline thus impacted. 2. The report also stated that the beach nourishments have mitigated the negative impacts of the construction of the Oceanside Harbor, but partially. 3. Stressing that the future fate of the Carlsbad coastline will depend primarily upon the extent of beach nourishment that would be performed, the report predicted different rates of future beach erosion that would occur for Carlsbad as a function of the ratio of the future nourishment compared to the past nourishment effort + 0.25 ft/year for a 100% nourishment effort, -1.00 ft/year for a 50% nourishment effort, and -2.00 ft/year for a 25% nourishment effort. Kev Elements of Coastal Processes in Carlsbad 1. Carlsbad has the least amount of sand cover in its beach profiles in the entire Oceanside Littoral Cell, as well as the least amount of beach widths. The narrow beach widths which characterize the Carlsbad shoreline are essentially the result of sediment starvation in this region. 2. Shoaling at Oceanside Harbor removes a very large proportion of littoral drifts converging from both north and south of the harbor. The south fillet, which terminates at Wisconsin Avenue, receives its sediment supply from beaches further south, possibly including beaches in Carlsbad. Convergence of littoral drifts on Oceanside Harbor removes as much as 300,000 cy/year on the average, while the net natural littoral transport rate in the region is rated at only about 100,000 to 250,000 cy/year. 3. Longshore currents in this region reverse themselves on a seasonal basis: the currents move northward during June through September and southward during December through April. The months of May, October and November are the period of transition. 4. Closure depths in the Oceanside littoral cell are known to be approximately 20 to 25 ft below MLLW. However, extreme waves would cause changes to the profile much farther out than these depths. .«* TABLE OF CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY i TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF FIGURES iv 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. LOCAL COASTAL PROCESSES BY CORPS OF ENGINEERS CCSTWS 1 3. KEY ELEMENTS OF COASTAL PROCESSES IN CARLSBAD 2 4. SURVEY RESULTS 3 4.1 The Data 3 4.2 Profile Changes 4 4.3 Volumetric Changes 4 4.4 Shoreline Positions 12 4.5 Effects of Beach Nourishments 15 5. CONCLUSIONS 16 APPENDIX A: Local Coastal Processes by Corps of Engineers Coast of California Storm and Tidal Wave Study (CCSTWS) APPENDIX B: Key Elements of Coastal Processes in Carlsbad APPENDIX C: Beach and Nearshore Profiles to April, 1993 (Wading Profiles) APPENDIX D: Entire Profiles to April, 1993 (Wading + Boat Profiles) APPENDIX E: Time History of MLLW Shoreline Position to April, 1993 APPENDIX F: Beach Profile Survey Method m iii m LIST OF FIGURES m m m a Figure No. Page 4-1 Survey stations 5 4-2 History of profile changes above MLLW and nearshore depths to April 1992 for selected stations 6 4-3 History of profile changes for the entire profile to April, 1993 for selected stations 7 4-4 Definition of beach volume 8 4-5 Beach volume above MLLW 9 4-6 Beach volume below MLLW 10 4-7 Beach volume in the entire profile 11 4-8 Historical shoreline positions north of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, Carlsbad 13 4-9 Historical shoreline positions south of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, Carlsbad 14 BEACH SURVEYS AND ANALYSIS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APRIL 1993 1. INTRODUCTION The semi-annual Beach Survey and Monitoring Program in Carlsbad began in September, 1987. The beaches in Southern California have been known for their contrasting seasonal behavior consisting generally of accretional summer profiles and erosional winter profiles. For this reason, the two semi-annual surveys were typically performed in the months of April and October, the former to recognize the impact of the winter storm season and the latter the impact of the summer season. This is the 12th semi-annual report which describes the survey data obtained in April, 1993. The following list includes all the surveys completed thus far. Report No.2 included the data of the emergency surveys conducted in the aftermath of the historical January 18, 1988 storm. Report No. Date of Survey 1 September 1987 2 January, April 1988 3 October 1988 4 April 1989 5 October 1989 6 April 1990 7 October 1990 8 April 1991 9 October 1991 10 April 1992 11 October 1992 12 April 1993 2. CORPS OF ENGINEERS COAST OF CALIFORNIA STORM AND TIDAL WAVE STUDY The long-awaited final report of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers CCSTWS (Coast of California Storm and Tidal Wave Study) report was published in September 1991. Excerpts from this document relating to Carlsbad are summarized in Appendix A. Key elements of these excerpts are summarized in this chapter. m m Impacts of Oceanside Harbor The report admits that the construction of Oceanside Harbor has interrupted the passage of littoral material, contributing to the erosion which has occurred on the downcoast beaches. However, it avoids to answer the key question as to how far downcoast this impact has extended. The report also states that the trend toward erosion downcoast of Oceanside Harbor has been partially offset by large quantities of artificial nourishment. Use of the word partially is justified here, since, although the beach nourishment essentially returns the sand to the beach where it had originated, it may not necessarily restore the beach to its original state. State of the Beach at Carlsbad Changes in the shoreline position at Carlsbad have been minor since 1940. However, during the recent decade, the Carlsbad shoreline experienced moderate erosion ranging from 1.6 ft/year at the south end of the city to 10 ft/year at the north end. Future Erosion Potential Shoreline change rates were predicted on the basis of three different levels of future beach nourishment scenarios: 100%, 50% and 25% of the historical nourishment effort over the past 50 years. The predicted shoreline changes for Carlsbad are: Nourishment Level Predicted Shoreline % Change Rates ft/yr 100 + .25 ft/year 50 - 1.00 ft/year 25 - 2.00 ft/year ™ 3. KEY ELEMENTS OF COASTAL PROCESSES IN CARLSBAD m H Significant data and information on the beach processes in Carlsbad derived from the ongoing Carlsbad Beach Monitoring Program are summarized in Appendix B. This chapter presents a brief summary of this information. m State of the Beach Hi Sediment cover on the beach profile is extremely thin in Carlsbad. Both the minimum sand cover and minimum beach widths in the entire Oceanside littoral cell occur in Carlsbad. Impacts of Oceanside Harbor Beach sediment converges toward the Oceanside Harbor not only from the shoreline to its north, but also along the shoreline of its south fillet. The south fillet terminates at Wisconsin Avenue, and any sediment added to this fillet is likely to head back to the Oceanside Harbor. The persistence presence of the south fillet suggests that it is nourished by the feeder beach to its south which includes the whole South Oceanside beach front and even some segment of the Carlsbad coastline. Sediment convergence at the Oceanside Harbor removes a very large proportion of littoral drifts available on the natural shoreline. It removes as much as 300,000 cy/year on the average, while the net littoral transport rate in the region is rated at only about 100,000 to 250,000 cy/year. Seasonal Reversal of Longshore Current Based on factual measurements, the longshore currents along the Carlsbad shoreline are known to undergo seasonal reversal, moving northward in summer (June through September) and southward in winter (December through April). Changes in Beach Profile The so-called closure depth, i.e. the offshore limit of profile changes, is only about 20 to 25 ft (MLLW) in the Oceanside littoral cell. However, this concept is valid only under the normal wave climate. Profile changes under extreme wave conditions will extend far beyond the so-called closure depth. The profiles also tend to assume distinct seasonal configurations in response to the distinct summer and winter wave climates in this region which cause onshore sediment transport in the summer season and offshore transport during the winter season. However, the seasonal cycle will manifest only on those profiles containing adequate amounts of sediment, either sand or cobble. 4. SURVEY RESULTS 4.1 The Data The survey data obtained for April 1993 are presented in graphical format in comparison with all the previous surveys in Appendices C, D, and E of this report, as follows: Appendix C Beach and nearshore profiles to April 1993 (Wading profiles) Appendix D Entire profiles to April 1993 (Wading + Boat profiles) Appendix E History of MLLW shoreline positions to April 1993 i The beach profile survey method is presented in Appendix F. 4.2 Profile Changes The locations of the survey stations are shown in Figure 4-1. Figures 4-2 and 4-3 show, respectively, nearshore and entire profiles at four selected stations (Morse Avenue, Tamarack Avenue, Encinas Creek, and Batiquitos Lagoon). All the historical April profiles dating back to 1988 are shown to allow mutual comparison in these figures. As shown in Figures 4-2 and 4-3, the April 1993 profiles in Carlsbad did not reveal any significant trend for erosion or accretion. They all appeared to have remained within the general range of historical profile fluctuations known in this region. Being the product of the winter storm season just past, the April 1993 profiles revealed evidence of a bar, generally located at 100 to 200 ft off the MLLW shoreline. The bar was more conspicuous than in a year-ago data, suggesting that the beach profiles may have gained a greater degree of normalcy since then. The bar was found at all the survey stations except at Tamarack Avenue, the place known for deficiency of sediment. Range of profile fluctuation is another indicator for the normalcy of beach profiles as the profile fluctuation is inherently related to the availability of sediment in the profile. The range of profile fluctuation will be small in profiles with sediment deficiency and large in profiles with sediment abundance. In the April 1993 survey, Tamarack Avenue, known for its minimum sediment content in the profile in Carlsbad, was again the locus of minimum range of profile fluctuation. Range of profile fluctuation increased with distance north and south from this location reflecting the increase in the amount of sediment in the profile in both directions. The range of profile fluctuation was at its maximum in the cobble-dominated profile at Batiquitos Lagoon, and was also quite large in the sand-dominated profile at Morse Avenue, Oceanside. 4.3 Volumetric Changes Beach volume in the profile, derived from the survey data, has been determined using a planimeter. Beach volume, defined in Figure 4-4, represents the volume of the beach configuration. not the volume of sediment in the profile. In this report, beach volume is measured from either the landward end of the berm or a 15-ft elevation (MLLW), whichever is nearer the shoreline, to a water depth of -30 ft (MLLW), over a 1-ft length of shoreline, expressed in cubic yards/foot of shoreline. Whereas the beach volume is not necessarily related to sediment volume, changes in beach volume with time are, since they are the result of gain or loss of sediment in the profile, Historical beach volume data are summarized in Figures 4-5, 4-6, and 4-7. City-wide average beach volume above MLLW is plotted in Figure 4-5; City-wide average beach volume below MLLW in Figure 4-6; and City-wide average beach volume for the entire profile (combining both the above and below MLLW volumes) in Figure 4-7. LEGEND: CI-0720 RANOE LINE NUMBER A WADINQ SURVEY • WAOINQ AND (OAT SURVEY H.CIHC OCCAM CB-O7ZO • CB-0760 Ca-0740 m m Figure 4-1. Survey stations. ft J ft 1 •JKIKI*lllIiI1flfllllllli«*lKflil11 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 100 900 1000 C 100 200 HO 400 MO MO 700 100 900RANGE (feet seaward of rangi line monument) RANGE (feat eeaward of range line monument), i I i i , i i i i , , I , i t , I , , , i I , 200 300 400 300 (00 700 900RANGE (feet seaward of range line monument)900 1000 200 300 400 300 600 700 MORANGE (feat seaward of range Una nonument) Figure 4-2 History of profile changes above MLLW and nearshore depths to April 1993 for selected stations • • I II • I • I II I 1 I ! r 1 f I I 1 II i 1 II •!1 II i « 1300 2000 2300 9000 3500 4000 4500 RANGE (feet seaward of ranae i\n* monument.) 1000 1500 2000 RANGE (feet seaward of ranae line monument) 1000 1500 2000 RANGE (feet seaward of range line monument) 1000 1900 2000 RANGE (ftet seaward of range line monument) Figure 4-3 History of profile changes in the entire profile to April 1993 for selected stations DEFINITION OF BEACH VOLUME BLUFF EXCLUDED +15 VOLUME ABOVE MLLW DISTANCE OFFSHORE VOLUME BELOW MLLW -30 -CLOSURE DEPTH H m VOLUME jt SEDIMENT Figure 4-4 Definition of beach volume m K 1 I i I ft I II ft I II II II r 1 fl II • !* • 1 • • i • • Date 1: Above Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) LINE 960 930 880 850 840 830 820 780 760 740 720 SEP '87 40.1 80.6 49.1 34.3 27.6 26.5 61.9 36.6 34.6 29.2 103.9 AVERAGE 47.4 APR '88 34.0 52.6 30.4 25.7 38.7 34.8 55.3 28.3 21.9 . 16.8 78.5 37.9 OCT'88 54.9 74.7 51.1 57.3 27.8 30.9 58.5 48.2 37.0 23.0 93.2 50.5 APR '89 53.1 67.2 44.4 25.7 33.1 29.9 45.9 33.1 31.8 15.7 78.5 41.7 MONTH AND OCT'89 48.8 73.5 54.5 52.3 26.1 49.4 48.7 50.6 33.6 24.2 86.8 49.9 YEAR APR '90 51.9 64.9 48.5 34.3 31.5 37.0 43.1 35.1 29.6 16.8 77.9 42.8 OCT'90 53.1 75.4 53.7 49.7 29.3 22.7 40.4 • 33.7 31.3 31.4 84.0 45.9 APR '91 46.3 61.9 40.9 37.7 15.5 29.3 64.1 19.3' 22.4 20.2 82.9 40.0 OCT'91 51.9 75.1 59.6 66.9 38.7 33.2 70.8 26.0 34.6 31.0 91.2 52.6 APR '92 39.5 67.8 35.3 46.0 36.4 27.8 76.5 43.1 26.0 21.3 80.2 45.4 OCT'92 49.4 80.6 53.6 63.3 28.1 34.2 77.3 41.3 35.8 25.4 93.3 52.9 APR '93 41.8 65.0 51.5 42.3 25.4 39.6 70.6 38.5 20.6 20.2 80.8 45. 1 UNIT: CUBIC YARDS/FT. 55 ,. 50 45 I40 35 1987 LEGEND •FALL • SPRING Data 1: Average Volume OCTOBER 1988 1989 1990 YEAR 1991 1992 1993 Figure 4-5 Beach volume above MLLW I if 1 i II 11 II 11 II ri II VI II ft! • • II VI * Dafa2; Below Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) LINE 930 830 820 760 720 SEP '87 1086.4 1077.4 1117.9 1077.4 1177.8 AVERAGE W 1103.8 AVERAGE !2> 1098.5 APR '88 1333.3 1075.0 1133.5 1026.9 1012.4 1115.4 1107.3 OCT'88 1183.8 1081.3 1094.6 1045.0 1097.6 1094.2 1091.6 APR '89 1348.2 1104.4 1114.5 1104.4 988.7 1125.9 1121.5 MONTH AND OCT'89 1142.0 1084.6 1041.7 1111.1 1070.7 1080.3 1081.1 YEAR APR '90 1400.0 1090.9 1047.1 1107.7 972.2 1120.8 1114.8 OCTW 1363.0 1043.8 1007.7 1084.2 925.9 1084.1 1076.0 APR -91 1348.2 1104.4 1165.0 1026.3 978.4 1129.5 1124.4 OCT91 1229.6 1060.6 1124.6 1016.2 972.2 1085.7 1080.6 APR '92 1259.3 1090.9 1148.2 1053.2 1121.2 1145.5 1134.5 OCT'92 1185.2 1053.7 1122.2 1059.3 1140.8 1126.9 1112.2 APR '93 1305.6 1052.6 1150.3 1041.5 1125.8 1155.9 1135.2 UNIT: CUBIC YARDS/FT. LEGEND •FALL • SPRING Data 2: Average'1' Volume 1160 1150 1140 1130 1120 1110 1100 1090 1080 1070 1987 1988 1989 1990 YEAR 1991 1992 1993 (1): A verage of 4 lines, excluding Line 830 which Is too close to line 820. (2): A verage of all 5 lines Figure 4-6 Beach volume below MLLW ft I ft I ft I ft i ft J ft i • I 1 i I 1 II f I II B 1 B • B 1 Bl II B 1 II LEGEND 1205.0 1195.0 113S.O 1125.0 1987 •FALL • SPRING Entire Profile (Datal + Data 2) 1988 1989 1990 YEAR 1991 1992 1993 Figure 4-7 Beach volume in the entire profile m As shown in Figure 4-5, the April 1993 beach volume above MLLW in Carlsbad nearly „„ equaled the all-time high April volume achieved in 1992. The April beach volume above MLLW has m been consistently lower than the October volume above MLLW by an average margin of about 10 cy/ft. This situation reflects the well-known seasonal beach cycle in Southern California in which m the subaerial beach (above MLLW) accretes in summer and erodes in winter. •^^a The April beach volume below MLLW (to a depth of -30 ft) has improved steadily in recent m years, as shown in Figure 4-6, leading to a historical high as of April 1993. Figure 4-6 also reveals ID that the beach volume below MLLW has been distinctly lower in October than in April in any given year, suggesting that the pattern of profile change below MLLW was a reversal of the pattern above MLLW, i.e., that the profile below MLLW eroded when the profile above MLLW accreted, and vice H versa. m However, there was a greater loss below MLLW than accounted for by the recorded gain m above MLLW. Namely, the amount of loss below MLLW from April to October was, say, about 30 cy/ft, while the amount of gain above MLLW during the same period was only about 10 cy/ft. This meant that a margin of about 20 cy/ft had escaped from below MLLW elsewhere, very likely into the deeper water across the 30-ft depth contour. The existence of such an active migration of M sediment across the 30-ft contour suggests that for the purpose of evaluating a sediment budget, the in closure depth must be expanded further offshore than the normally accepted depths of 20 to 25 ft (MLLW). In Figure 4-7 which shows the history of the beach volume in the entire profile combining both above and below MLLW, the April 1993 beach volume for the entire profile achieved a new "* historical high for this season, exceeding the initial April 1988 volume by 47.7 cy/ft. Assuming a ** similar average gain per profile over the entire Carlsbad coastline, the total gain to April 1993 within ^ the City boundary since 1987 would be about 1.5 million cy. This is similar to the 1.4 million cy of m City-wide gain which was previously estimated based on the October beach volume data to October 1992. 1-111 4.4 Shoreline Positions m M The historical shoreline positions to April 1993 are summarized in Figures 4-8 and 4-9, the former for the stretch from Oceanside Boulevard to Tamarack Avenue and the latter for the stretch from Agua Hedionda South Beach to Batiquitos Lagoon. The April beach width is typically narrower than that for preceding October because of the seasonal beach cycle, and may therefore tend to give m a false impression of erosion. Keeping this in mind, we find no alarming trend for shoreline retreat It in the April 1993 data. The beach cycle, consisting of advancement in the summer and retreat in the winter, appeared most evident near the northern and southern boundaries of the city where there are sizable amounts of sediment in the profile. Seasonal beach cycle alone was responsible for m m 12 t 1 • i II i I § i II i i ii it t i it • I li i i OCEANSIDE BLVD PINE AVENUE u> £~ i "* "J SAmOMAulttanW-'UvMO/OouiuUtlM: A ^ / \ /V / X S \/ ^ /^X X -cr x^ «£^ IT Wtt QCTlt AfUtt OCTtt AMfM OCTtt AM11 OCTfl AMU QCTtt AfUtt UOKTH AM nMt MORSE AVENUE «»n«M faOOoa IIL): UM HOIUcm »nnu> MaI £« m f w g Uf " JM in Uf A A A/ \ /\\ i \ s\ i \\ — ^^ v \i \ w A«I« ocrw AMW ocrif AMW ocr* AM« oer»r Ufa ocm AM» MONTH AW IXUI BUENA VISTA LGN 171 1M i -, «* ; E« ' S in< i ^: * m ' i mi i '*J S ,„ : '"i i«1 u i »i«»;jn» cwfflon <r»J: Un» M0/«o»no Mi/o loooon 1 ; 7T N / \ "7 V T \ X j»^ / X S \ /A,1 \ / "s. / ' >r \ -^ \\ / ^^ ^s \— \ / — \ — \ 7 * 1 — \ / rn tnt-a ocr« *«« ocr» wi» ocrw AM« OCT»I «iw ecr« AMW MONTH AND HAM O> 4«e» i *** W Ufi M r> 2M «^ thonllM Pes/tfeff (ftj; Uw HQ/PlM Avt MM A i, / \ \ S ^^*~S ^~~-~— \ /\ ^s' ^ ^\ \ / \-^ \\/ V W AMW OCTW AM» OCTW AMW OCT» AMU OCTtr AMV OCTW AMD HOMTN AMD rEAff ACACIA AVENUE SHMELME KWTXM (TTJ5« 5 s a 2 3 s 8MonttM fo»»too W.' Lin. MU/Acjelt Awnm >? X^ \. / \h-"^\ x /V / \ \^ \ / \ / \\ / ^ / \v . ^v V 17 4M1I OCTW 4MW OCTW AMW . OCTM 4MVT OCTYI 1MM OCTM AM11 MOUTH AW YXM TAMARACK AVENUE tMT: «fT Ut HI g» I m g 2M H 2H S JM m IH IV $honlk»Po*lUon(tt.):UiMt30/TMnuneltAYuuH ft/\ ^L_^/ \ ~^\ 7^ ^ \ . ^ \ /'-^ ^-~-^ \ / W ' V w AMU oer* AMW ocrx ttnii oerw AMII oer« AM« OCTW OCTM HOWTNANO rCM ' Figure 4-8 Historical shoreline positions north of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, Carlsbad J 11 11 11 11 II fi fl If II II II 1111 tl f 1 II II AGUA HEDIONDA SOUTH POINSETTIA LANE Sltonllni PotUai (flj: UM 121 Mgu HxftmJi South 1\ 1 "• 5 ut S IN in m ttf jo— — ~""""C""**'*-**W*-— - — ° ^ /^\ •/ \ -^ •^^\ ^^ \. J^ ^v ~~~ ^*V /\ / N/ . .- uamuana RALOMAR AP ROAD vM-.nrr im SlmtOnt Petition llij: Unt JKIftlemutrKui . f. ft\ '^\ A \ / ^ / \ *\ ^ / \ / \ s\\ s \ / \ / \ / \ \ / \/ ^Y Y . MOHTH AND IXUT ENCINAS CREEK UMT; rarr lm X **• ' 1 » ^ JM 5 in i '** IN | Ut ShortOnt Portion (tl): Unt 710/EnclnM CTM* jT\ / \ \ * ** \ / \/ \\ / \ / Y \ \ eS \ / \ \ / \ / * \ / \ftf UONTM U» rtM annllM PuUon (tl.): UM WlralnuKk Lm JIT I A A™i A /\ At \ / \ / \ / \l\ /\/\/\p_\ / \ / \ / \E" \ >>^ / \/ \/ \ jai \ / "^rf V V \S \ ./ \ ^ta_ /;;; \ — r . . . • . • : • — UOMTHAM tXU BATIQUITOS LC5N SlnnttM nuWon fftj: Unt 7M/BiU(ju«o« Ljjoon JM* J'» V : I" A s ^s: ~7^-\ — * m \ / \ / ^ / \|», — ^ — -7*^— -/- — ^_ — y. ^ !», — \^. ^x^ / y- \ "* .... T ...- UOHTM AND IXU Figure 4-9 Historical shoreline positions south of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, Carlsbad responsible for changes in shoreline position of about 100 ft at Buena Vista Lagoon and about 125 ft at Batiquitos Lagoon. 4.5 Effects of Beach Nourishments Indications of the effect of the SDG&E beach nourishment on shoreline position were mixed. Between February and April, 1988, a total of 334,000 cy of sand dredged from Agua Hedionda Lagoon was placed on the adjacent beaches. Of this amount, 151,000 cy was placed over a distance of 2,100 ft north of the lagoon entrance, including Stations CB-830 (Tamarack Avenue) and CB- 840 (Acacia Avenue), while the remainder, 183,000 cy, was placed over a distance of 4,500 ft south of the lagoon entrance, including Station CB-820 (Agua Hedionda South). As shown in Figures 4- 8 and 4-9, the effect of this nourishment program on the shoreline position was not quite revealing; there was a slight advancement of shoreline in the October 1988 survey at Agua Hedionda South but not at either of the two other nourished stations, Tamarack and Acacia Avenues. We believe that the nourishment of February-April 1988 did little more than restoring the sediment loss which had resulted from the devastating January 18, 1988 storm. The most recent nourishment project took place during December 1990 and April 1991, in which the bulk of the sand was placed south of the lagoon entrance; of the 465,000 cy of sand, 415,000 cy was placed south of the lagoon entrance, and only about 50,000 cy to the north. As shown by the post-nourishment survey (October 1990) in Figure 4-9, the shoreline at Agua Hedionda South (CB-820) achieved a historical high, the direct result of the large amounts of sand placed on this beach, indications of shoreline advancement were also revealed, although to a much lesser extent, at Acacia Avenue (CB-840) as well, but barely at Tamarack Avenue (CB-830), both located north of the lagoon entrance. Two other beach nourishment programs were undertaken at a remote location, Oceanside Harbor, by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, involving 217,000 CY between April through mid- June, 1989 and 250,000 CY in August, 1990. In these Corps of Engineers programs, sand was dredged from the Oceanside Harbor entrances and discharged at Tyson Street, only 1.5 miles downcoast of the harbor. The discharge location is part of the south fillet for the Oceanside Harbor, and it is unlikely that the sand placed here could have migrated southward to reach the Carlsbad coastline in any sizable amounts. The fact that the timing of the dredging operations in both cases coincided with the time of the northward reversal of longshore currents reinforce this view. We believe that the routine disposal practices in the Corps of Engineers beach nourishment program at Oceanside, characterized by the short disposal distance and the unfavorable timing, will result in little beneficial effects on the Carlsbad coastline. m m 15 5. CONCLUSIONS Corps of Engineers CCSTWS Final Report 1. The report recognized the occurrence of downcoast sediment starvation which has resulted from construction of the Oceanside Harbor, but did not specify the extent of the coastline thus impacted. 2. The report also stated that the beach nourishments have mitigated the negative impacts of the construction of the Oceanside Harbor, but partially. 3. Stressing that the future fate of the Carlsbad coastline will depend primarily upon the extent of beach nourishment that would be performed, the report predicted different rates of future beach erosion that would occur for Carlsbad as a function of the intensity of beach nourishment. Kev Elements of Coastal Processes in Carlsbad 1. Carlsbad has the least amount of sand cover in its beach profiles in the entire Oceanside Littoral Cell, as well as the least amount of beach widths. 2. The narrow beach widths which characterize the Carlsbad shoreline are essentially the result of sediment starvation in this region. 3. Shoaling at Oceanside Harbor removes a very large proportion of littoral drifts available on the natural shoreline. It removes as much as 300,000 cy/year on the average, while the net natural littoral transport rate in the region is rated at only about 100,000 to 250,000 cy/year. 4. We believe that littoral drifts converge on the Oceanside Harbor from both north and south. The 1.5-mile long south fillet at Oceanside Harbor is considered to maintain its existence at the expense of a rivetted 2-mile beach to its immediate south which functions as a feeder beach for the fillet. We suspect that an unspecified length of the Carlsbad shoreline further to the south may also function as a feeder beach for the Oceanside south fillet, provided that this function is obscured by the local sediment accretion in the lee of a natural kelp bed which exists offshore. 5. Seasonal reversal of longshore currents along the Carlsbad coastline is a fact well established by the Corps of Engineers survey data. The longshore currents directed northward during June through September and southward during December through April. The months of May, 16 ** October and November are the period of transition. ^ 6. The well-known seasonal beach cycle in this region is caused by the distinct seasonal wave climate in summer and winter, and involves net shoreward sediment migration in the profile during in summer and seaward migration in winter. Only recently have the profiles in ** Carlsbad begun to exhibit the seasonal cycle. m m 7. Closure depth, i.e. maximum depth of profile changes under a normal wave climate, is — approximately 20 to 25 ft below MLLW. However, extreme waves would cause changes to the profile much farther out than the closure depth. m Aoril 1993 Profiles m 1. The April 1993 profiles in Carlsbad did not indicate signs of severe erosion or accretion, and appeared to have remained within the general range of historical profile fluctuations known in this region. Beach profile fluctuations have been mainly associated with seasonal beach cycles. M 2. Beach profile fluctuations were large in the sediment-rich areas both near the northern and southern boundaries of the City, and small where sediment was scarce, particularly at Tamarack Avenue. *M ""• Volumetric Changes kM ^ 1. Beach volume has improved steadily in recent years both above and below MLLW. In the entire profile combining both above and below MLLW, the City-wide beach volume to -30 ft MLLW as of April 1993 has gained nearly 50 cy/ft over the initial April 1988 volume. This "" gain corresponded to a total volumetric increase of about 1.5 million cy for the entire •" Carlsbad coastline, eclipsing the previous gain of 1.4 million cy as of October 1992. — 2. Averaged over the City coastline, about 10 cy/ft of sediment migrated from above to below MLLW from October to April. Also during the same period, the profile below MLLW (to - * 30 ft) gained an additional amount of about 20 cy/ft, which very likely migrated from the£l deep water beyond the -30 ft (MLLW) depth contour. This trend was reversed from April «, to October, suggesting that it was a seasonal phenomenon. m 3. In light of the seasonal migration of large amounts of sediment across the -30 ft depth contour, we believe that a closure depth must be extended beyond the usual 20 to 25 ft depth M range for the purposes of sediment budget analysis. * 17 Shoreline Positions 1. There has been no significant trend for shoreline retreat in recent years. Changes in shoreline position have been mainly associated with seasonal beach cycles. 2. Seasonal cycles were most prominent in the two sediment-rich areas near the northern and southern boundaries of the City. The widths of seasonal shoreline fluctuation amounted to about 100 ft in the northern stretch and about 125 ft in the southern stretch. Effects of Beach Nourishments 1. The effect of the SDG&E's 1988 beach nourishment was not clearly recognized in the survey data, and this may be due to the fact that the pre-nourishment shoreline had been set back severely by the historical January 18, 1988 storm which occurred just prior to the nourishment. The more recent 1991 beach nourishment by SDG&E resulted in a historically high beach width south of the Agua Hedionda entrance where the bulk of the available sand was placed, but in insignificant advancement of shoreline north of the lagoon entrance where the amount of sand placement was minor. 2. We believe that the Corps of Engineers beach nourishment programs at Oceanside Harbor will continue to exert little beneficial effects on the Carlsbad coastline because of the two inadequacies which characterize these programs: the short discharge distance of the spoils and the unfavorable timing. 18 Appendix A LOCAL COASTAL PROCESSES BY CORPS OF ENGINEERS CCSTWS m m LOCAL COASTAL PROCESSES BY CORPS OF ENGINEERS CCSTWS The long-awaited final report of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers's CCSTWS (Coast of California Storm and Tidal Wave Study) was finally published in September 1991. This report is of special interest to us, since it represents the latest official view of the coastal processes for our region. £ This appendix summarizes excerpts contained in this report relating to Carlsbad. m On Shoreline Changesm m "•— The construction of Oceanside Harbor has interrupted the passage of littoral material, H contributing to the erosion which has occurred on the downcoast beaches. Conversely, this trend toward erosion has been partially (the underline added) offset by large quantities of artificial nourishment. Significant sources of such nourishment material have included Oceanside HarbormAgua Hedionda Lagoon, and the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station site." (Pages x and xi) «• (Tekmarine comments: Sand used for nourishment from these three sources had originated from the very littoral zones which were later nourished. Although the sand is thus returned to its original source, the nourishment operation does not guarantee that the sediment budget will be restored, thus the use of the qualifying word "partially." *• "It is anticipated that the condition of the beaches in the future will be governed by cycles ^ of accretion and erosion similar to those of the past 50 years, but with accelerated trends toward erosion because of the following conditions: 1) the reduction in river-borne sediment due to impoundment by dams, 2) the influence of Oceanside Harbor, and 3) the increase in the rate of sea ™ level rise." (Page xi) (Underline added.) m m "The most critical coastal reach in terms of susceptibility to future erosion is the 12-mile g[ stretch of beach south of Oceanside Harbor (which will include the entire Carlsbad shoreline - Tekmarine). Between 1980 and 1989, the Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) shoreline immediately south of the harbor retreated at a rate of approximately 40 ft/yr. The rate of retreat decreased withgl increasing distance to the south, averaging approximately 5 ft/yr at Agua Hedionda and 1 ft/yr at m Encinitas. Factors contributing to this erosional trend appear to be the cluster storms of 1982-1983, gfl and the reduced rate at which artificial nourishment material has been supplied. The provision of increased quantities of nourishment material will be of critical importance in stabilizing these downcoast beaches." (Page xi) m m. "Carlsbad Subreach (Mile 47-53) Since early 1940, changes in the MHHW shoreline in this six miles reach have been minor with occasional small accretions (see Figure 3-6a - excerpted on page 4.). During the period 1980-1989, this subreach has experienced moderate erosion ranging from 1.6 ft/year at Mile 49 to 10 ft/year at Mile 53. (Page 3-21) (Tekmarine comments: Miles are counted northward from the US-Mexican border.) On Impacts of the January 1988 Storm "By November 1989, most of the San Diego Region shoreline seemed to have recovered (net accretion of about 25 ft above the September 1987 shoreline) from the January 1988 storm erosion with the exception of the Imperial Beach area (Mile 3), Carlsbad and the south beaches of Oceanside (see subreaches III and IV of Figure 3-27a - listed on the following page) where a net average erosion of approximately 15 feet was estimated." (Page 3-52) On Predicted Shoreline Changes "Based on the assumption that the future climate (1989-2010) will resemble that which has prevailed during the past 50 years, it appears that the most important factor, which could impact San Diego's • future shoreline, is the intensity of future sand nourishment activities. Therefore, any suggested scenarios for predicting the future shoreline positions should consider future variations in the amounts and rates of sand nourishments along the 3 San Diego littoral cells." "The following three scenarios are examples of a methodology which could be used for predicting future shoreline change for the San Diego Region. Scenario 1: Sand nourishment will continue through the year 2010 at the same average annual rates and locations which took place during the period 1940-1989. Scenario 2 and 3; The nourishment rates will be reduced by 50 and 25 percent respectively. These two scenarios are important in assessing the impact of future reduction in nourishment rates on possible shoreline retreat at key coastal location." The results of the above suggested approach to predict the approximate future shoreline changes to the year 2010 for the San Diego region's three man (main?) cells ate (are?) shown in Figures 3-21. 3-22, and 3-23 (Silver Strand, Mission Bay and Oceanside). The main results at Key Location are summarized in Table 3-8. The data presented in Table 3-8 should be used with extreme caution and their application should be limited as guidelines for reconnaissance planning and development scenarios." (Page 3-62, 63) (ft/yr)OCEANSIDE LITTORAL CELL RATE OF SHORELINE MOVEMENT •frHWK; /=>rr== (••la MirjtrlU Xlrtr 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80I »i J3J.('LJ(.(3i -J- £i -I- 0 .L <«)- OCEANSfflE SUB REACHES m FIGURE 3-63 SHORELINE RATE OF MOVEMENT OCEANSIDE CELL Figure CCSTWS 3-6a (Page 3-23) Table CCSTWS 3-5 (Page 3-25) *l tf LOCATION LJ 443 LJ 445 LJ 450 LJ 460 TP 470 TP 520 TP 530 TP 540 DH 560 DH 580 DM 590 SO 600 SD 630 SO 670 CB 720 CB 760 CB 800 CB 830 OS 900 OS 930 OS 1000 OS 1030 OS 1070 PN 1080 PN 1110 PN 1180 PN 1240 PN 1280 PN 1290 . SO 1340 SO 1470 SO 1530 SC 1623 SC 1660 SC 1680 SC 1720 DB 1805 DB 1850 DB 1895 DB 1900 MHHW SHORELINE CHANGE RATE (ft/yr) pre 40 's 1940- 1960- 1980- 1960 1980 1989 La Jol la-Del Mar Sub Reach 1.00 -1.00 1.20 5.50 -1.50 1.40 -1.50 -4.10 0.50 0.80 -2.00 7.80 1.00 -0.10 -1.60 8.10 3.00 2.60 -0.30 13.80 0.50 0.80 -0.80 4.70 1.00 1.60 -4.30 5.10 2.00 0.70 0.00 5.90 . 1.50.. -0.60 . 0.70 0.90 2.50 0.00 -0.40 3.50 4.00 -2.20 8.50 28.00 Encinitas-Leucadia Sub Reach 1.00 -1.30 0.10 -0.70 1.00 -1.50 1.30 0.90 2.00 -1.90 3.20 -3.10 -1.00 1.10 0.00 -0.90 Carlsbad Sub Reach 0.50 0.00 1.00 -1.60 -1.00 2.60 4.30 -2.60 -1.00 4.80 0.00 -6.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 -9.90 Oceanside Sub Reach -0.50 -0.70 2.60 2.00 3.00 -3.70 0.00 -4.00 4.00 -6.70 2.40 -14.00 4.00 -5.20 9.00 -33.40 4.00 13.90 3.50 -30.60 4.00 6.11 1.38 3.00 5.40 0.20 -0.10 Camp Pendleton Sub Reach -1.00 3.30 0.00 15.60 -1.00 7.00 -1.00 4.20 0.00 1.50 -1.40 -2.00 0.00 3.00 -0.20 3.70 0.00 1.10 2.00 6.00 -0.50 -1.10 1.20 San Mateo-Dana Point Sub Reach -0.20 -0.70 7.10 0.00 0.60 -2.00 2.50 -0.40 1.40 0.00 0.00 4.80 -1.90 8.10 -12.30 -0.60 9.30 2.50 -0.40 -0.50 0.00 -1.90 -10.00 MAX SEASONAL NHHU MOVEMENT (ft) SUMMER 12.7 41.4 73.2 74 77.9 47.4 79.1 43 41.6 93.4 23.1 53.2 72 58 37 5.1 20 85.3 44 34 46 60 140 96 340 107 37 23 12 24.9 35.5 34.7 25.4 17 45.5 30 25 2.7 24.6 59.8 WINTER -13 -63.5 -21.8 -80.8 -147.5 -36.7 -80 -14 -49.5 -91.8 -90.8 -71.9 -110 -50 -39 -4.2 -20 -24.5 -59 -35 -106 -65 -55 -188.7 -82 -114 -12 -27 -37.9 -18.7 -25.3 -71.5 -26 -34 -57.4 -27 -45.6 -70.2 -31.4 -91.4 •II IV STORM INDUCED EROSION AND RECOVERY RELATIVE VOLUME CHANGE [MSL] VS DISTANCE ALONG SHORELINE ( SEP 1987 BASELINE ) 8O —J- SEP 1907 TO NOV. 1989 OCEANSIDE SUB REACHES V 5 1O 15 2O 25 3O 35 4O 45 5O 55 6O 65 7O 75 BO MILAQE FROM U.S./MEXICAN BORDER FIGURE 3-27a m m m Figure CCSTWS 3-27a (Page 3-54) Table CCSTWS 3-7 (Page 3-56) Ml H mm TABLE 3-7 THE JANUARY 1988 STORM IMPACT VOUME ( GAIN OR LOSS ) CD YD X 10 RELATIVE TO SEPTEMBER 1917 SURVEY REACH OR SUI-REACH SILVER STRAND CELL MISSION IAY CELL OCEANS1DE CELL Li Jol la-Del Mir tub- retch Enclnltit-Leucidli tub- retch Cirltbad •ub-mch Oceimlde tub- retch Cwp Ptndlitontub- retch Sin Htteo-Dml Pt tub-reich TOTAL REACH LENGTH MILES * 11.15 3.2 9 6.6 1.1 5.2 . 9.3 7 52.55 JAN 1988 -1.85 -0.29 -1.0* -O.M -0.05 -0.85 -0.21 -0.12 -5.04 HOT 1989 1.29 0.15 0.41 -0.24 O.M O.M -0.20 -0.11 1.37 OBSERVATION conplete recovery conplete recovery ccnplete recovery pirttilly recovery recovered recovered pirtlilly recovery part III ly recovery JAN 1988 STORM EROSION (CU YD/I In ft) -31.39 -17.39 -21.88 -18.33 -9.23 -30.93 -*.36 -3.38 -18.2* - Loll * Limited by ivillibti ivirvey* OCEANSIDE LITTORAL CELL 2010 Predicted MHHW Shoreline Position Change £J ::n ~ ... F.i.l 30 35 40 45 50 .55 (0 (5 70 . 75 80 (5) OCEANSIDE SUt REACHES Shoreline Position Difference from 1989 Shoreline Position to FIGURE 3-31 Figure CCSTWS 3-31 (Page 3-64) vu Table CCSTWS 3-8 (Page 3-63) Cell Silver Strand Table 3-8 Predicted Shoreline Position Changes by the year 2010 MHHW Shoreline position change (1989-2010) Location 100% nourishment 50%N. Mission Bay Oceanside Tijuana River/ -15 Imperial- Beach Coronado +200 Ocean Beach +20 Mission Beach +25 Carlsbad (mile 47 - 53} +5 Oceanside, South Beaches -50 -120 +30 0 +10 -20 -75 25%N. -170 -50 -15 0 -40 -120 * - Erosion * + Accretion m m m Vlll (Tekmarine comments - The report does not show the method used for this prediction. Even if the future climate (1989-2010) were the same as that during the past 50 years, the sequence in which individual storms and climatic events would occur vary from the past and result in producing quite different cumulative impacts on the shoreline than in the past. This has been verified with numerical model experiments in which two climates, equivalent to each other in an average sense but different in sequences of occurrence of individual events, resulted in distinctly different shorelines. For this reason, these long-term predictions, should be considered only of academic interest. Furthermore, the prediction does not show the so-called accelerated trends towards erosion as asserted elsewhere in the report.) "Summary and Conclusions (3) Carlsbad Subreach (Mile 47-53) Since early 1940, changes in the MHHW shoreline in this six-mile reach have been minor, with occasional small accretions. During the period 1980 - 1989, this subreach experienced moderate erosion ranging from 1.6 feet per year at Mile 49 to 10 feet per year at Mile 53." (Page 3-69). IX Appendix B KEY ELEMENTS OF COASTAL PROCESSES IN CARLSBAD «• KEY ELEMENTS OF COASTAL PROCESSES IN CARLSBAD «*• m This appendix summarizes significant data and information underlying the beach processes unique to Carlsbad based on the data and observations from the ongoing Carlsbad Beach Monitoring m Program. m State of the Beach m Major landmarks along the coastline of the City of Carlsbad is shown in Figure B-l. The indicated miles from Oceanside Harbor show that the Carlsbad shoreline starts only 3.7 miles south jjH of the harbor and terminates at approximately 9.7 miles, approximately 6 miles long. According to •» the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers CCSTWS system which uses miles northward from the U.S.- m Mexican border, the Carlsbad shoreline is located between 47 and S3 miles. Figure B-2 shows the-survey stations which are occupied for semi-annual beach surveys. Two of these stations, OS-0960 and OS-0930, are located within the City of Oceanside as an outpost to sense the impacts of any man-made changes occurring at the harbor, such as sand bypassing, "" . dredging, and sand disposal on the beach. *• Figure B-3 show thickness of sediment cover (consisting of both sand and gravel) and beach ^ widths in the Oceanside littoral cell. Table 1 consolidates the sediment thickness data based on the jet probing surveys conducted by Tekmarine in 1987. It is evident that Carlsbad has the least amount of sand cover in the entire cell, as well as the least amount of beach widths in the entire cell. An "~" excellent parallelism between sand thickness and beach width as revealed in Figure B-3 indicates that ** the narrow beach widths which characterize the Carlsbad shoreline are essentially the result of ... sediment starvation in the region. mm Impacts of Oceanside Harbor In Figure B-3, sand thickness falls sharply across Oceanside Harbor from the north to the m south, suggesting that the large sand thickness north of the harbor may be related to the impounding gtf of the southerly moving coastal sedimeni by the protruding breakwaters of the harbor. Furthermore, the presence of a small but conspicuous fillet on the south side of the harbor suggests that sediment converges on the harbor from the south as well as from the north. This explains the fact that the shoaling rate at the entrance of Oceanside Harbor averaging 300,000 cy/year exceeds the net m southerly transport ranging between 100,000 and 250,000 cy/year. II Our field reconnaissance trips which have been continued since the fall of 1987 on a bi- monthly basis have indicated that the south fillet of the Oceanside Harbor is only about 1.5 miles ^PB ^ long. At the terminus of the south fillet, the natural beach disappears abruptly and is replaced by HI m m m OCEANSIDE BATIQUITOS •**-: LAGOON CARLSBAD NOTE: UNDERLINED NUMBERS DENOTE MILES SOUTH FROM OCEANSIDE HARBOR. Figure B-l Carlsbad shoreline relative to Oceanside Harbor 11 BEST ORIGINAL LEGEND: CB-0720 RANOE LINE NUMBER A WADINO SURVEY • WAOINQ AND (OAT SURVEY fACiriCOCtAH • CB-O720 Figure B-2 Survey Locations m m 111 THICKNESS (FT)BEACH WIDTH [FT] 800 600 400 200 0 OFFSHORE BEACH DOHENY SAN ONOFRE OCEANSIDE HARBOR BUENA VISTA LAGOON BATIQUITOS LAGOON - DEL MAR LA JOLLA TEKMARINE, INC. Figure B-3 Sediment thickness and beach widths IV Table B-1 Sediment thickness data SEDIMENT THICKNESS DATA HANOI Lilt HOIK LOCATION SMID THICKNESS (FT)ro» FIOIE 10. SITS DESOItTION CB 130 C» 110 Cl 110 Cl DOct 130 Cl 1)0 OS fOO 03 100os tooos too OS 100os too os loioas 10)0 OS 10)0os 10)0 OS 10)0 OS 10)0 OS 1070os 1010 OS 1070 OS 1070 OS 1070 OS 1070 10/11/17 10/11/17 10/11/17 11/13/17 11/11/17 11/13/17 10/11/17 10/11/17 10/11/17 11/13/17 11/13/17 ll/D/17 10/11/17 10/11/17 10/11/17 11/K/I7 11/U/I7 11/K/I7 10/11/17 10/11/17 11/K/I7 11/1 (/I 7 11/K/I7 1 2 3 4 9 « 1 2 3 4 9 ( 1a 3 4 9 ( i]) 4 9 ( (ALL COBBLE) (ALL jCOBBLS) (JILL COI 104.1 10(9.1 1(12.1 4(.l 103. ( 110.) 711.0 1109.0 2099.0 10.1 111.1 219.4 999.0 1)12.0 2422.0 (9.4 191.7 321.3 1)24.) 1111. 1 )44(.) lit! I -12.4 -11.4 -21.) 11. ( 9.2 1.1 -19.9 -22.0 -12.0 D.4 10.2 2.9 -13.3 -20.) -31.) 14.0 12.7 4.1 -12. ( -21.1 -31.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.J 1.2 1.1 20.0 4.1 3.0 11.9(.( 11.2 (.9 3.5 K.O 1.7 !.(__.» 1).) 20.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.2 7.1 (.2 20.0 4.1 3.0 11.2(.0 11.2 7.0 4.0 It.l 1.4 1.4 K.O 14.1 20.0 20.0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 7. 1.1. 20. 4. 1. 11. (. 11. (. 1. 17. 1. 1. 1(. 14. 20. 20.0 ONSNOB.C - COBBLE BEACH WITH SANDSTONE OUTCIOM. BACKED BX SEAWALL AND BLUFFS TO HOBTH XXD AQUA HEDIONDA LAOOOM TO SOUTH.oFFSHoxz - XEEF ouxcaots i»xnj»t»»iD WITH SAID CHANNELS. BOTTOM HILItf Of 2-3 FT. XELF BED AT LOCATION MO. (. OHSaOKK - VAX1OW SX»D BEACH BACKED BT KOCX IETST- HEVT, LOW BLUrr AHD DWELLIIOS. orrsuonx - SMOOTH SAMD >LAI* AT LOCATION >os. 4 AHD 9, SMOOTH SILT 7LAII AT LOCATION HO. (. OHSHOXS - WIDE SAND BEACH BACKED BX LOW-LXINO DEVELOPMENT AND HIGH BLUFFS. JUST SOUTH OF SAN LUIS BET 1IVE1. OFFSHOBE - SMOOTH SAVD »LXIH. ONSHOSt - WIDE SAND BEACH BACKED BX LOW-LXINO DEVELOFHEHT AND OCEAHSIDE HAXBOX. JUST SOUTH OF OCEAHSIDI HAB.BOB, EHTKANCE JETTY. OFFSHOUX - SMOOTH SAHD FLAIN. Data Source: Tekmarine Inc., surveyed for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers October, 1987 ** a 2-mile long quarry revetment along the entire South Oceanside shoreline, as far as the boundary m with the City of Carlsbad. It is not difficult to reason that the south fillet owes its existence to the m littoral drift arriving from the south, i.e., along the beaches to its south, hence that it exists at the m expense of this 2-mile stretch of South Oceanside and perhaps further south in Carlsbad. Figure B-4 depicts schematically the perceived behavior of littoral sediment along a 5-mile — shoreline south of the Oceanside Harbor as far south as Beach Avenue, Carlsbad. As already stated, -*jjt the sandy beach of the south fillet terminates north of Wisconsin Avenue. The 2-mile revetment m section further south functions as the feeder area to nourish the south fillet to its north. Part of the m sediment converging on the south fillet ends up in the harbor entrance and part of it in the deep water offshore after being deflected seaward by the south breakwater. On the other hand, the feeder area is considered to extend beyond the revetment section of •South Oceanside into Carlsbad, but it is difficult to speculate the length of this extension beyond the *»• city boundary because of the overlapping influence of the offshore natural kelp bed off Beech m Avenue. Here, the reduced wave action in the lee of the kelp bed has given rise to a bulged shoreline, and it is reasoned that retardation of longshore currents was responsible for local sediment accretion and hence the formation of a bulged shoreline. It appears that while some sand from this beach has been lost to the Oceanside Harbor south fillet, the accretion associated with the natural "™ .kelp bed has been more than enough to make up for this loss. p. Seasonal Reversal of Longshore Currents mm Figure B-5 summarizes two-year observations of longshore currents performed by the park "" rangers at two locations within the South Carlsbad State Beach on behalf of the Corps of Engineers *" LEO (Littoral Environment Observation) program. The data was sorted and processed by the U.S. .. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center in 1979 for Tekmarine, Inc. It is obvious that longshore ^ currents reverse themselves from season to season. The summer months, June through September, are the period of northerly currents, whereas the winter months, December through April, are the period of southerly currents. The months of May, October and November represent the time of ""* transition between the two contrasting seasons. MM Changes in Beach Profile Figure B-6 shows 1) typical seasonal profiles and 2) maximum depth (or closure depth) of profile changes. In this region, sediment moves onshore during the summer season when the wave w climate is dominated by the long-period swell from the Southern Hemisphere, and it moves offshore Hi in the winter months under the dominant influence of the local storm-generated waves. In Figure B-6, the fall profiles represent the aftermath of the summer regime and the spring profiles that of ™RI^ the winter regime. In the Oceanside littoral cell, the closure depth usually occurs at 20 to 25 ft below MLLW, m VI m m as shown in Figure B-6. It is important to realize that the closure depth relates only to normal wave activities. Under extreme waves, significant profile changes can take place at depths much greater than the closure depth. A case in point is the profile changes associated with the historical January 18, 1988 storm. Waves during this storm reached a peak height of about 30 ft in the deep water, and a peak height of about 15 ft in the nearshore zone off Oceanside. As shown in Figure B-7, profile changes associated with this extreme event extended far beyond the closure depth. Conspicuously, off Tamarack, profile changes in the nearshore region down to -15 ft (MLLW) were very small, simply because there was not much sand to lose here anyway. IH m m m Vll KELP FH.UT OCEANSIDE HARBOR BUENA VISTA LAGOON Figure B-4 Schematic illustration of beach sediment behavior south of Oceanside Harbor via h SEASONAL LONGSHORE CURRENT REVERSAL AT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA o o o JAN FEE MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC NORTH CARLSBAD o SOUTH CARLSBAD DATA PROCESSED BY TEKMARINE, INC. DATA SOURCE: US ARMY CERC LITTORAL ENVIRONMENTAL OBSERVATION (LEO) PROGRAM- 1969 & 1970 Figure B-5 Seasonal longshore currents along the Carlsbad shoreline 30T I o»» TP 20H u CJ -30-1 -SO-l FAIL LEGEND *• HONUHENT OCTOBER . IMSAPRIL i ISM • MAX DEPTH OF PROFILE CHANCE (FT) 2000 4000 HORIZONTAL SCALE (FT) 6000 8000 Figure B-6 Typical profile changes and closure depths for Oceanside Littoral Cell »IL li. 1*11 FORSTER AVE, OS NEARSHORE PROFILE COMPARISON FOR RANGE LINE OS-0930 : EROSION ACCRETION TAMARACK, CB ••—• JAXVAKV J7, !*•• •—• *»»IL n. i»tt NEARSHORE PROFILE COMPARISON FOR RANGE LINE CB-0830 Figure B-7 Profile changes during the January 18, 1988 storm XI Appendix C Beach and Nearshore Profiles to April, 1993 (Wading Profiles) I t 1 II I i i I 1 I I I i i 1 f 1 I 1 I 1 I I • 1 • 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 35 I i i i i I 35 30 — 25 — 20 — I -U 10 —co to > 503i— 1 LU 0 — -5 — -10 — APR93 APR92 APR91 APR90 APR89 APRSB MLLW - 30 — 25 — 20 15 — 10 — 5 — 0 — -5 — -10 -15 -15II I I I 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 RANGE (feet seaward of range line monument) 900 1000 LINE 960 ii ii li ii i i ii i i 11 ii 11 if 11 I i • i ii ii ii 30 25 — 20 — 15 — _1 Z I 10 — co •rl •4J CD 0}i—I LU 5 — -5 —i -10 — -15 30 — 25APR93 APR92 APR91 APR90 APRB9 APR88 i — i — i — — i — r~i — r~ — i — i — i — i — — i — TH — i — — i — i — i — i — — i — i — i i — i — i — i — — i — i — i — i — — rn — r RANGE (feet seaward of range line monument) LINE 930 • i ii • i • i 11 • i • i i i i i ii i i r i • § Bi I « • * • • 30 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 25 30 — 25APR93 APR92 APR91 APR90 APR89 APR88 -15 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 RANGE (feet seaward of range line monument)900 1000 LINE 880 I 1 J 11 II II I k , , , , , , , I I I 1 I I I I • I I 1 I I 1 I I I 50 50 APR93 APR92 APR91 APR90 APR89 APR88 — -10 -15 -15 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 RANGE (feet seaward of range line monument) 800 1000 LINE 850 litiijlltiiiiifiiflilitllillllliliiiii 30 APR93 APR92 APR91 APR90 APR89 APR88 30 — 25 — 20 — 15 — 10 L— 0 -5 h- -10 -15 -15 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 BOORANGE (feet seaward of range line monument)900 1000 LINE 840 I ] I 1 I I I I 1 1 I if i 1 1 f i I i I 1 I I I 1 I I • I • 1 t 1 1 i i i 30 25 20 — 15 —I 10 — 30 co ""*4J CO> 0) 5 — o — -5 — -10 — APR93 APR92 APR91 APR90 APR89 APR88 -15 MLLW — 25 — 20 i— 15 — 10 — 5 — 0 -5 I— -10 -15I T 1 | I \ I 100 i i I T r i i \ \ i i r 200 300 400 500 600 7DO BOORANGE (feet seaward of range line monument)900 1000 LINE 830 II II 1 i II 11 if I J fi II f i II II I 1 I 1 II II II II II 30 30 25 — 20 — APR93 APR92 APR91 APR90 APR89 APR88 15 — •X. _J 10 — co •rH 4J CO •> CD i—1 LU 5 — 0 — -5 — -10 — -15 MLLW — 25 — 20 — 15 — 10 r— 0 — -5 — -10 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i -15 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 BOORANGE (feet seaward of range line monument)900 1000 LINE 820 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I i I ! fill III Iflll-llllllllllll 65 65 APR93 APR92 APR91 APR90 APR89 APR88 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 RANBE (feet seaward of range line monument) LINE 780 BOO 900 1000 II II 11 II 1 1 11 I I t i II II II II 1111 I i II II I i I I 75 APR93 APR92 APR91 APR90 APR89 APR88 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 RANGE (feet seaward of range line monument) LINE 740 800 900 1000 , , , | j I I I I 1 I i 1 30 — 25APR93 APR92 APR91 APR90 APR89 APR88 — -10 -15 -15 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800RANGE (feet seaward of range line monument)900 1000 LINE 760 I 1 I i 1 i I i I i ! i I ! f 1 I 1 • 1 I 1 • I I 1 I 1 I I I I 30 30 — 25 — 20 APR93 APR92 APR91 APR90 APR89 APR88 — -10 -15 -15 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800RANGE (feet seaward of range line monument)900 1000 LINE 720 Appendix D Entire Profiles to April, 1993 (Wading + Boat Profiles) 1 I • I • i I I 1 I I I i I I I i I i i i I i i 1 • i I 1 • i i i 30 I 4J co -rt 4J (0> 0) f-l ID APR93 APR92 APR91 APR90 APR89 APR88 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 RANGE (feet seaward of range line monument) 5000 5500 -50 6000 LINE 930 II II t J II II II I ! I I II f I II II fill 11 11 11 I* 30 25 20 15 10 5 5 I -54JM- -10co -|H -P -15 CD I -20 LU -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 MLLW 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 --20 ;-25 :-30 —35 :-40 --45 -50 500 1000 1500 2000 RANGE (feet seaward of range line monument) 2500 3000 LINE 830 1 j • I 1 i 1 I I i i f 1 f ! f 1 I i t 1 ft i i i • 1 * * CO ILU 30 25 20 15 10 5 ° -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40- -45 : -50 500 1000 1500 2000 • RANGE (feet seaward of range line monument) LINE 820 2500 MLLW 30 25 20 15 10 5 ° --5 :-20 •-25 --30 ;-35 --40 :-45 -50 3000 II i 1 II I i II II If II fi II II II III! i i 30 30 APR93 APR92 APR91 APR90 APR89 APR88 -50 -50 500 1000 1500 2000 RANGE (feet seaward of range line monument) 2500 3000 LINE 760 I I I 1 I I I I I I I i 1 t 1 i I 1 f I I 1 I I I 1 1 i I I 1 I 1 I 30 APR93 APR92 APR91 APR90 APR89 APR88 500 1000 1500 2000. RANGE (feet seaward of range line monument) 2500 -50 3000 LINE 720 Appendix £ Time History of MLLW Shoreline Position to April, 1993 I I I i I i l i I i I I t I I i I i I 1 I 1 • 1 • i l 1 • 1 I 1 I i I i I 1 Carlsbad MLLWShoreline Position Data 3: Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) Shoreline Position STATION 720 740 760 780 820 830 840 850 880 930 SEP '87 416 360 280 422 326 165 235 390 325 358 APR '88 OCT'88 183 162 117 210 220 208 245 265 125 . 298 ^':''-f^S^ •"•'' ^^1^^^ 253 182 182 307 260 177 200 350 293 308 APR '89 216 175 235 270 206 210 236 300 230 295 MONTH AND OCT'89 220 270 240 365 220 330 163 323 284 322 YEAR APR '90 173 232 281 401 156 235 240 339 265 304 OCT90 307 380 245 321 240 160 192 "' 382 336 415 llKi^ APR -91 192 231 126 216 278 204 159 353 250 307 OC7"9f 328 385 321 407 332 212 223 406 349 355 APR "92 270 240 209 247 343 253 111 366 227 290 OCT'92 356 361 311 332 328 172 312 354 300 391 APR -93 181 227 169 238 342 248 153 304 186 292 l|i|WKIft^iSl^^/^'1*$^«-' '"'s,^3§S~/~.; i ' 3BG 425 Shoreline Position (ft.): Line 960/Oceanside Blvd. UNIT: FEET SEP'87 APR'88 OCT'88 APR'89 OCT'89 APR"90 OCT90 APRW OCT"91 APR"92 MONTH AND YEAR OCT'92 APR "93 II 11 11 II 11 I! I tj J I if 1 f ! I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I ! Carlsbad MLL W Shoreline Position Data 3: Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) Shoreline Position SEP '87 416 360 280 422 326 165 235 390 325 iillllllillfi 320 APR '88 183 162 117 210 220 208 245 265 125 iii'Silllliii 345 OCT'88 253 182 182 307 260 177 200 350 293 400 APR '89 216 175 235 270 206 210 236 300 230 Illllll 325 MONTH AND OCT'89 220 270 240 365 220 330 163 323 284 iillllaliiiiii1!! 370 YEAR APR "90 173 232 281 401 156 235 240 339 265 IlliSflill 335 OC790 307 380 245 321 240 160 192 » 382 336 111 11 111 321 APR -91 192 231 126 216 278 204 159 353 250 11 111 1 346 OCT-91 328 385 321 407 332 212 223 406 349 355 313 APR "92 270 240 209 247 343 253 277 366 227 340 OCT92 356 361 311 332 328 172 312 354 300 392 APR "93 181 227 169 238 342 248 153 304 186 350 UNIT: FEET Shoreline Position (ft.): Line 930/Morse Avenue SEP'87 APR'88 OCT'88 APR'89 OCT'89 APR'90 OCT90 MONTH AND YEAR APR "91 OCT91 APR '92 OCT-92 APR "93 ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii 11 ii ii-ii 11 11 ii ii i i Carlsbad MLL W Shoreline Position Data 3: Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) Shoreline Position STATION 720 740 760 780 820 830 840 850 SEP '87 416 360 280 422 326 165 235 390 APR '88 183 162 117 210 220 208 245 265 OCT'88 253 182 182 307 260 177 200 350 MONTH AND APR '89 OCT'89 216 175 235 270 206 210 236 300 220 270 240 365 220 330 163 323 YEAR APR -90 173 232 281 401 156 235 240 339 OCT90 307 380 245 321 240 160 192 ' 382 APR -91 192 231 126 216 278 204 159 353 OCT91 328 385 321 407 332 212 223 406 APR "92 270 240 209 247 343 253 277 366 OCT'92 356 361 311 332 328 172 312 354 APR -93 181 227 169 238 342 248 153 304 'ii^^ 358 320 • 298 345 308 400 295 325 322 370 304 335 415 321 307 346 355 313 290 340 391 392 292 350 930 560 UNIT: FEET Shoreline Position (ft.): Line 880/Buena Vista Lagoon SEP'87 APR'88 OCT'88 APR'89 OCT'89 APR W OCT90 MONTH AND YEAR APR "91 OCTW APR "92 OCT'92 APR "93 I I I I I I I I I I I i I f i I i I 1 I I 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 I Carlsbad MLLW Shoreline Position Data 3: Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) Shoreline Position SEP '87 416 360 280 422 326 165 235 APR '88 183 162 117 210 220 208 245 OCT'88 253 182 182 307 260 177 200 IliillllS®^ 325 358 320 125 • 298 345 293 308 400 APR '89 216 175 235 270 206 210 236 230 295 325 MONTH AND OCT'89 220 270 240 365 220 330 163 284 322 370 YEAR APR "90 173 232 281 401 156 235 240 iiiiniiiibiii 265 304 335 OCT-90 307 380 245 321 240 160 192 ' APR "91 192 231 126 216 278 204 159 OCTW 328 385 321 407 332 212 223 APR "92 270 240 209 247 343 253 277 OCT-92 356 361 311 332 328 172 312 APR "93 181 227 169 238 342 248 153liiiiffl 336 415 321 250 307 346 349 355 313 227 290 340 300 391 392 186 292 350 STATION 720 740 760 780 820 830 840 880 930 960 UNIT: FEET 425 Shoreline Position (ft.): Line 850/Pine Avenue SEP '87 APR'88 OCT'88 APR'89 OCT'89 APR '90 OCTW MONTH AND YEAR APR "91 OCT"91 APR "92 OCT'92 APR'93 ii ii ii it i i i i i i i i i I i r i ii till ii 11 11 11 i i Carlsbad MLLW Shoreline Position Data 3: Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) Shoreline Position SEP '87 416 360 280 422 326 165 APR '88 183 162 117 210 220 208 OCT'88 253 182 182 307 260 177 APR '89 216 175 235 270 206 210 MONTH AND OCT'89 220 270 240 365 220 330 YEAR APR '90 173 232 281 401 156 235 OCT90 307 380 245 321 240 160 APR "91 192 231 126 216 278 204 OCT"9J 328 385 321 407 332 212 APR 92 270 240 209 247 343 253 OC7"92 356 361 311 332 328 172 APR "93 181 227 169 238 342 248 ; W":/f .ij^g^i'i,.",.,, 1'.'$% i.y? f i|i|||!piii»* 1i'$Pii|!W^^ • •'< : ^3t2'^ ft: "' IfiilS 390 325 358 320 265 125 . 298 345 350 293 308 400 300 230 295 325 323 284 322 370 339 265 304 335 382 336 415 321 353 250 307 346 406 349 355 313 366 227 290 340 354 300 391 392 304 186 292 350 STATION 720 740 760 780 820 830 VWSi 650 880 930 960 UNIT: FEET Shoreline Position (ft.): Line 840/Acacia Avenue SEP'87 APR'88 OCT'88 APR'89 OCT'89 APR'90 OCTW MONTH AND YEAR APR "91 OCT91 APR '92 OCT"92 APR'93 • I II II 11 I! 11 il f! li 11 11 II 111! II II II II II Carlsbad MLL W Shoreline Position Data 3: Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) Shoreline Position STATION 720 740 760 780 820 •,;;£» i 540 050 880 930 960 SEP '87 416 360 280 422 326 APR '88 183 162 117 210 220 OCT'88 253 182 182 307 260 APR '89 216 175 235 270 206 MONTH AND OCT'89 220 270 240 365 220 YEAR APR "90 173 232 281 401 156 OCT-90 307 380 245 321 240 APR "91 192 231 126 216 278 OCTW 328 385 321 407 332 APR '92 270 240 209 247 343 ;,«,;%/;'' ipi^ 235 390 325 358 320 245 265 125 . 298 345 200 350 293 308 400 236 300 230 295 325 163 323 284 322 370 240 339 265 304 335 192 382 336 415 321 159 353 250 307 346 223 406 349 355 313 277 366 227 290 340 OCT-92 356 361 311 332 328 APR "93 181 227 169 238 342 NyW^™^ i-SlS 312 354 300 391 392 153 304 186 292 350 UNIT: FEET 350 Shoreline Position (ft.): Line 830 / Tamarack Avenue SEP'87 APR'88 OCT'88 APR'89 OCT'89 APR"90 OCT"90 MONTH AND YEAR APR "91 OCTW APR "92 OCT-92 OCT93 t I •: I I • I I 1 I I I f ! I I f ] I 1 I I I 1 • 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I i I 1 Carlsbad MLL W Shoreline Position Data 3: Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) Shoreline Position STATION 720 740 760 780 830 840 850 880 930 960 SEP '87 416 360 280 422 liliiiiiliiJilsSiili.'!!,! 165 235 390 325 358 320 APR '88 ( 183 162 117 210 fliiiflilMifcifll 208 245 265 125 . 298 345 JCT'88 253 182 182 307 177 200 350 293 308 400 APR '89 216 175 235 270 ii!ii|28ii! 210 236 300 230 295 325 MONTH AND OCT'89 220 270 240 365 iiiiiWiiiii! 330 163 323 284 322 370 YEAR APR "90 173 232 281 401 i''!iiliiliiil 235 240 339 265 304 335 OCT-90 307 380 245 321iiiiiiiiii 160 192 ' 382 336 415 321 APR "91 192 231 126 216 204 159 353 250 307 346 OCT-91 328 385 321 407 IlilllljiN 212 223 406 349 355 313 APR '92 270 240 209 247 :ia«giiii'<liPil 253 277 366 227 290 340 OCT-92 356 361 311 332 i'lli "IIIPP 172 312 354 300 391 392 APR "93 181 227 169 238 ^•folB 248 153 304 186 292 350 UNIT: FEET 350 325 300 275 250 225 200 175 150 SEP '87 Shoreline Position (ft.): Line 820/Agua Hedlonds South / APR'88 OCT'88 APR'89 OCT'89 APR'90 OCT90 MONTH AND YEAR APR "91 OC7"9J APR ^2 OCT92 APR "93 • 1 II II II il tl II II 11 II II II 1111 II II 11 II II Carlsbad MLLWShoreline Position Data 3: Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) Shoreline Position SEP '87 416 360 280 APR '88 183 162 117 OCT'88 253 182 182 APR '89 216 175 235 MONTH AND OCT'89 220 270 240 YEAR APR '90 173 232 281 OCT'90 307 380 245 APR "91 192 231 126 ^; ^fj^t^^pv^^ $i!ifl^ 326 165 235 390 325 358 320 220 208 245 265 125 298 345 260 177 200 350 293 308 400 206 210 236 300 230 295 325 220 330 163 323 284 322 370 156 . 235 240 339 265 304 335 240 160 192 382 336 415 321 278 204 159 353 250 307 346 OCT91 328 385 321 APR '92 270 240 209 OCT92 356 361 311 APR -93 181 227 169 iilllllliji.i^M.i^^c, :.''f$&%.v. • 1.238 332 212 223 406 349 355 313 343 253 277 366 227 290 340 328 172 312 354 300 391 392 342 248 153 304 186 292 350 STATION 720 740 760 820 830 840 850 880 930 960 UNIT: FEET Shoreline Position (ft.): Line 780 / Palomar AP Road SEP'87 APR'88 OCT'88 APR'89 OCT'89 APR"90 OCT'90 MONTH AND YEAR APR "91 OCT-91 APR "92 OCT-92 APR "93 ft 1 ft 1 I ft I ft I II II 11 I I I I II II 1111 II II II II II Carlsbad MIL W Shoreline Position Data 3: Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) Shoreline Position SEP '87 APR '88 OCT'88 416 360 '^.mm^ 422 326 165 235 390 325 358 320 183 253 162 182 illil^^lR^IISlSi^'l1 210 307 220 260 208 177 245 200 265 350 125 293 298 308 345 400 MONTH AND YEAR APR '89 OCT'89 APR "90 OCT'90 APR "91 OCT"91 APR '92 OCT92 APR -93 216 220 173 307 192 328 270 356 181 175 270 232 380 231 385 240 361 i'SfciS^Wl'ii'Sii^i^ftiWi 270 365 401 llllH^ 227 'f,i *t lin ,' Vj ,&>$.:, ±yW" "'.','>'W: 321 216 407 247 332 238 206 220 156 240 278 332 343 328 342 210 330 235 160 204 212 253 172 248 236 163 240 192 * 159 223 277 312 153 300 323 339 382 353 406 366 354 304 230 284 265 336 250 349 227 300 186 295 322 304 415 307 355 290 391 292 325 370 335 321 346 313 340 392 350 STATION 720 740 780 820 830 840 850 880 930 960 UNIT: FEET Shoreline Position (ft.): Line 760/Encinas Creek SEP'87 APR'88 OCT'88 APR'89 OCT'89 APR'90 OCT'90 MONTH AND YEAR APR-91 APR "92 OCT-92 APRV3 I I I I I • 1 II ft 1 II • I II II II II lit! II II II II II Carlsbad MLLWShoreline Position Data 3: Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) Shoreline Position STATION 720 760 750 820 830 840 850 880 930 960 SEP '87 416!iii!si3W!: 280 422 326 165 235 390 325 358 320 APR '88 OCT'89 APR '89 183 253 216ili 117 182 235 210 307 270 220 260 206 208 177 210 245 200 236 265 350 300 125 293 230 . 298 308 295 345 400 325 MONTH AND OCT'89 220i!!!!£|$!!! 240 365 220 330 163 323 284 322 370 YEAR APR "90 173.yillllli 281 401 156 235 240 339 265 304 335 OCT90 307 1111! 11 111 245 321 240 160 192 v 382 336 415 321 APR "91 192 126 216 278 204 159 353 250 307 346 OC7"9J 328 321 407 332 212 223 406 349 355 313 APR "92 270iiiiiiii!1! 209 247 343 253 277 366 227 290 340 OCT-92 356 311 332 328 172 312 354 300 391 392 APR -93 181 .r'i'll^f 169 238 342 248 153 304 186 292 350 UNIT: FEET Shoreline Position (ft.): Line 740 /Poinsettia Lane SEP'87 APR'88 OCT'88 APR'89 OCT'89 APR'90 OCT9Q MONTH AND YEAR APR "91 OCTS/APR "92 007-92 APRW I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I i I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 1 Carlsbad MLL W Shoreline Position Data 3: Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) Shoreline Position STATION 740 760 780 820 830 840 850 880 930 960 SEP '87 APR '88 OCT'88 APR '89 liXK^^^K''^ 360 162 280 117 422 210 326 220 165 208 235 245 390 265 325 125 358 , 298 320 345 1^^1111^1^!182 175 182 235 307 270 260 206 177 210 200 236 350 300 293 230 308 295 400 325 MONTH AND YEAR OCT'89 APR "90 OCTW APR W OCT"91 270 232 380 231 385 240 281 245 126 321 365 401 321 216 407 220 156 240 278 332 330 235 160 204 212 163 240 192 ' 159 223 323 339 382 353 406 284 265 336 250 349 322 304 415 307 355 370 335 321 346 313 APR '92 OCT-92 APR "93 l^^Q^'^^^^^-^^\240 361 227 209 311 169 247 332 238 343 328 342 253 172 248 277 312 153 366 354 304 227 300 186 290 391 292 340 392 350 Shoreline Position (ft.): Line 720 / Batiqultos Lagoon UNIT: FEET APR'88 OCT'88 APR'89 OCT'89 APR'90 OCT90 MONTH AND YEAR APRW OCTW APR'92 OCT'92 APR '93 Appendix F Beach Profile Survey Method m m m m m mm Figure F-l provides a schematic illustration of the procedures used for the sand survey and beach profile program. The procedures employed in the April 1992 survey are consistent with those used in the previous surveys since September 1987. These procedures have been designed to satisfy the accuracy and quality control criteria stipulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in support of the survey program for the Coast of California Storm and Tidal Waves Study. Survey Type Wading Boat Survey Accuracy Criterig. Vertical Accuracy ± 0.1 ft ± 0.5ft Horizonal Accuracy ± 1.0ft ± 10.0 ft m a Ha m m WAGING SURVEY SVYIMMO WITH EXIEHOAeii HOP RANGE TARGET SHORE SURVEYOR WITH -"ELECTRONIC DISTANCE METER (60M| FAJHOMUlll SURVEY INflAIAUt IOATWITHFATHOMtnUAHOCOM «EH£CTO« RANCE LINE MONUMENT RANGE TARGET Figure F-l Survey Methods