HomeMy WebLinkAbout; 2003 CMWD Water Master Plan Update-Part 2; 2003 CMWD Water Master Plan Update-Part 2; 2003-03-01CHAPTER 5 EXISTING SYSTEM EVALUATION The level of service that is provided to a community is the result of the implementation of improvements tiiat are "designed" in accordance with accepted criteria. The performance of a water disfribution system and its components are evaluated based on comparisons with estabUshed and verified planning criteria. This chapter describes the planning criteria, analysis methodology, hydraulic computer model and results ofthe hydraulic system analyses used in the evaluation ofthe water distribution system relative to 2001 conditions. The hydrauUc analysis employs the use of the H20Net® hydrauUc modeling software. System deficiencies are identified and recommended projects to mitigate or eliminate the deficiencies are presented in Chapter 7, Recoinmended Capital Improvement Projects. 5.1 PLANNING CRITERIA The planning criteria for the evaluation of potable water faciUties in the CMWD are based on existing system perfonnance characteristics, past criteria used by the Disfrict and current industry and area standards. Planning criteria include standards for demand peaking factors, pressure zones, pipelines, fire flows, and storage reservofrs. A summary of criteria that impact the design of water facilities is provided in Table 5-1. These criteria, which are discussed in detail in this section, are the basis for evaluating water system performance and determining faciUties required to serve future development. 5.1.1 Demand Peaking Factors The demand peaking factors are based on an analysis of current and historical CMWD peak flows, as described in detail in the previous chapter (Section 4.4- Existing System Peaking). The minimum and maximum month peaking factors of 0.5 and 1.5, respectively, are documented for the first time in this report. A maximuin day peaking factor of 1.65 and peak hour factor of 2.5 were used in the previous Master Plans. The peak hour factor has been revised upward from 2.5 to 2.9 based on an analysis of hourly demand data from August 2001 (as discussed in Section 4.4.3 ofthis report). 5.1.2 System Pressures The range of water pressures experienced at any location is a fimction of the hydrauUc grade and the service elevation. Within a specific pressure zone, the hydrauUc grade is affected by the reservoir water level, pressure reducing valve setting, and friction losses in the distribution system. The maximum static CMWD Dudek & Associates, Inc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 5-1 March 2003 Table 5-1 CMWD PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA SUMMARY WATER DEMAND PEAKING FACTORS 0.5 X ADD - Minimum Month Demand 1.5 X ADD - Maximum Month Demand 1.65 X ADD - Maximum Day Demand 2.9 X ADD - Peak Hour Demand SYSTEM PRESSURES Static Pressures (based on the reservoir HWL): 60 psi - minimum desfred 125 psi - maximum desfred 150 psi - maximum aHowed Dynamic Pressures (with reservoir levels half fuU): 40 psi - minimum allowable pressure during peak hour demands 20 psi - minimum aUowable pressure for fire flows 25 psi —maximum desired pressure drop from static pressures PIPELINES 8 fps - maximum allowable velocity at peak hour flow 5 ft./1000 ft - maximum desirable head loss at peak flow 10 ft./1000 ft - maximum allowable head loss at peak flow Dead-end water Unes are to serve no more than 18 residences FIRE FLOWS Single-Family residential - 1,500 gpm for 2 hours Multi-Family residential - 3,000 gpm for 2 hours Industrial/Commercial/Institutional - 4,000 gpm for 4 hours DAILY STORAGE Storage capacity in the distribution system equal to the total of the following based on the reservoir service area: Operational - 15% of Maximmn Day Demand Reserve - 100% ofthe Maximum May Demand Fire Flow - Maximum fire flow for the required duration EMERGENCY STORAGE 10 days of storage based on the ADD Emergency storage is contained in tiie Maerlde Dam CMWD WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 5-2 Dudek & Associates, Inc. March 2003 pressure within a pressure zone is based on the high-water level of the reservoir or highest pressure reducing valve setting and the elevation at any specific point in the zone. The maximum desfred pressure is 125 psi and the absolute maximum pressure should be no greater than 150 psi. These criteria enable Class 150 water pipe, the most common class of pressure pipe, to be used in tiie distribution system. The minimum static pressure is used as a general guideline for initial design efforts, as the operating or dynamic pressures wiU generally be lower. The niinimum allowable pressure is 40 psi under peak hour flow conditions and 20 psi at a fire flow location during a fire occurring under maximum day demand conditions. Under certain circumstances, the CMWD wiU approve the installation of private pumps for areas that receive less than the minimum 40 psi operating pressure. The minimum pressure in the distribution system for these areas must be 20 psi based on the Health Department guidelines and the ability to provide adequate pressures for fire flows. 5.1.3 Pipelines Criteria for pipeline sizing is based on keeping velocities low to minimize wear on valves and scouring of interior coatings, and limit head loss in the distribution system. Water distribution mains should be designed to supply peak flows at velocities below eight feet per second, and the corresponding head loss should not exceed ten feet per 1000 feet. These criteria may be exceeded during ffre flow situations or in areas where there is a large safety factor in meeting pressure criteria. Generally, fransmission mains are designed based on peak flows and reservofr filUng conditions, while distribution piping is sized for fire flows. For zones with long ttansmission mains, the pipeUne friction loss will typically need to be less than 3 to 5 feet per IOOO feet to maintain adequate pressures and minimize pressure swings. Looping is highly desirable in a distribution system and long, dead-ended pipelines should be avoided where possible due to reUabiUty and water quality concems. 5.1.4 Fire Flow Requirements Water must be available not only for domestic and agricultural use, but also for emergency fire fighting situations. This type of water use is caUed a fire flow, and the fire flow must be sustainable for a specific duration at a minimum pressure of 20 psi. General standards establishing the amount of water for fire protection purposes are set by tiie Insurance Services Office (ISO), and these general standards are appUed by local jurisdictions such as the CMWD and the Carlsbad Ffre Department. The considerations such as type of occupancy, type of constmction and construction materials, distance from other structures, and other factors can be considered when assigning fire flow requirements. In Ueu of calculating specific fire flows for individual structures, the Carlsbad Fire Department has estabUshed minimum fire flows for general building categories. The fire flows listed in Table 5-1 were reviewed and approved by tiie Carlsbad Ffre Department as part ofthis Master Plan Update. A niinimum ffre flow of 1,500 gpm is requfred for single-family and duplex residential units. A 3,000 gpm multi- CMWD J Dudek & Associates, Inc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 5-3 March 2003 family residential ffre flow appUes to buildings consisting of four or more residential dwelling units. A 4,000 gpm fire flow is requfred for commercial, industrial, office and institutional buildings, including schools. The Ffre Department may requfre higher fire flows under certain cfrcumstances, such as developments adjacent to open space areas susceptible to wild fires or buildings with floor areas in excess of 300,000 sqft. 5.1.5 Storage Criteria Water storage is used to supply peak hourly fluctuations (operational storage), make up the difference between the amount of water ordered and consumed, provide ffre flows, and supply the service area in the event of a planned faciUty shutdown or emergency situation. Storage reservoirs should be provided separately in each zone when possible, or if necessary, m a higher pressure zone. The 1997 Master Plan identified specific storage criteria which, at the direction of CMWD Staff, is used in the Master Plan Update. Storage within the distribution system reservoirs is termed "daily" storage. The required volume for daily storage is calculated as the sum of operational, fire flow and reserve storage based on the demands and land use witiiin the reservofr service area. Emergency storage for the CMWD is provided in Maerkle Dam. Operational Storage Water is suppUed to the CMWD distribution system from the SDCWA at a constant supply rate, which is the projected water use for the following 24-hour period. Peak hour demands in excess of the 24-hour average demand must be satisfied by drawing on water stored in the CMWD water storage reservofrs. Providing operational storage within a zone allows fransmission mains to be sized for maximum day demands, rather than higher peak hour flows. The operational storage required is the volume above the maximum day average flow rate. For the two high demand days evaluated in August 2001 (refer to Chapter 4, Section 4.4.3) the volume of water suppUed from the reservoirs was 12 percent and 13 percent ofthe average 24-hour demand on these days. An operational storage requfrement of 15 percent of the maximum day demand has been used for the CMWD. Reserve Storage Reserve storage provides water during incidents such as pipeline failures, pumping or equipment failures, electrical power failures, and natural disasters. In the operation of the CMWD system, reserve storage is also used for daily operations. A reserve storage requfrement of 100 percent of the maximum day demand has been aUocated for these purposes. CMWD Dudek & Associates, Inc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 5-4 March 2003 Ffre Flow Storage Each reservoir serving the CMWD must be able to supply enough water to extinguish the worst case ffre that is Ukely to occur within its service area. Ffre flow storage is equal to the volume of water required for the largest fire flow requfrement within the reservofr service area, as detemiined by the land use. For zones with multiple storage reservofrs, the requfred ffre flow storage may be divided between the reservofrs. In addition, when one reservofr suppUes a very large service area or more than one major pressure zone, the ffre flow storage for that reservofr may be increased based on tiie probabiUty of simultaneous fires within the service area. Emergency Storage The SDCWA recommends maintaining a total storage capacity equal to ten times tiie average day usage. The City of Carlsbad has also adopted a poUcy of providing a minimum 10 day average storage capacity in the 1986 Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan. 5.2 HYDRAULIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT Analysis of the water distribution system is performed using the H2ONET® modeling, analysis and design software developed by MWH Soft, Inc. H2ONET® provides a computer aided design (CAD) interface for building and editing model facilities, and a hydrauUc analysis engine to perform extended period simulations. An H2ONET® hydraulic computer model was developed for tiie CMWD in 1997 as part of tiie 1997 Water Master Plan Update. This model was caUbrated to 1997 conditions. In 1999, tiie model was updated with pipeUnes for developments between 1997 and 1999. For this current Master Plan Update, the 1999 model has been updated and enhanced to represent the 2001 water disfribution system. The 1999 model was converted to NAD 83 coordinates and overlaid on the City's parcel map. Pipeline alignments were visually adjusted as necessary. The 2001 existing system hydrauUc model with pipelines colored coded by diameter is illustrated on Figure 5-1. 5.2.1 Physical Data Input The hydraulic model is made up of pipes, junction nodes, valves, tanks and pumps. Pipeline inputs consist of the alignment, length, diameter, construction year, pipeline material, and a roughness coefficient. The fimction ofthe roughness coefficient, which is also known as the Hazen WiUiams "C" coefficient, is to estimate system friction losses. The "C" coefficient has been assigned based on both the pipeline age and material type, and values in the model range from 80 to 145. Node inputs consist of the demand, a ffre flow requfrement, and the elevation. For the recent pipeUne projects added to the model in this update, tiie elevation was obtained from construction drawings. CMWD Dudek & Associates, Inc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 5-5 March 2003 Proper modeling of valves in the CMWD hydrauUc model is essential for an accurate representation of the distribution system. For this Master Plan Update, the location of isolation valves that separate pressure zones were reviewed and re-located based on input from CMWD Operations Staff. The flow and pressure regulating valves in the previous model were also removed and new valves were input based on 2001 conditions. Flow input from the SDCWA connections is modeled with flow confrol valves. Flow to the 15 separate pressure zones in the model is regulated by over 40 pressure confrol valves, with confrol settings as documented in Table 3-5. For pressure reducing and/or sustaining stations with multiple valves, the largest valve size is typically modeled. The primary pressure reducing station for each zone is typically modeled with a combination pressure reducing/sustaining valve, with control logic to detennine the active mode of operation. Secondary pressure reducing stations or those used primarily under emergency/fire flow conditions are generally modeled with a single pressure reducing valve. Flow confrol valves are used to regulate flow through the Maerkle Confrol Vault and to the D3 Reservoir. 5.2.2 Demand Input System demands are input to the model at junction nodes. For this Master Plan Update, new demands were input to the existing system model based on 2001 water billing records. The process of importing the billing data was performed using GIS techniques. To input meter account data into the model, a copy of the model nodes was initially exported firom the hydrauUc model and input into the GIS software. A routine was then enacted to Unk the adjusted 2001 biUing data, spatially located to the City's parcel base, to the nearest model node. The demand at each model node is therefore a sum of the water billing data from various account types on the surrounding parcels. Prior to exporting the nodes, the model was reviewed and a number of nodes were assigned as "no-demand" nodes. This additional step was necessary for locations where a fransmission main for one pressure zone extends through a service area for a different pressure zone. In this case, the accounts on the surrounding parcels are assigned to the distribution pipeUnes in the correct service zone, and not the fransmission main, which serves no demands. As the biUing account data is linked to the model nodes, the meter types are also analyzed to determine fire flow requfrements. For model nodes where all the linked accounts are single-family or duplex accounts, a residential ffre flow is assigned to the model node. If one or more multi-family accounts are assigned to a given model node, tiie node is assigned with a multi-family fire flow. Likewise, if a commercial or industrial account is included, the node is labeled commercial/industrial, and assigned a higher fire flow. The fire flow assigned to each node is therefor based on the included account type with the highest fire flow requirement. After model nodes were successfully assigned average day demands based on biUing account information, the nodes were imported back into the hydraulic modeling program. CMWD Dudek & Associates, Inc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 5-6 March 2003 5.3 MAXIMUM DAY DEMAND 24-HOUR SIMULATION The analysis engine of the H2ONET® hydraulic modeling software solves the hydraulic model by using the "Gradient Algorithm Hybrid Method" developed by EPANET. EPANET is a hydraulic and water quality analysis program developed by the Water Supply and Water Resources Division of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Risk Management Research Laboratory. The analysis method solves a system of linear equations in an iterative process using matrix techniques. H2ONET® performs extended period simulations (EPS) to route water flows through the system using diurnal demand curves. The result of this analysis technique is a balancing of reservoir flows and a more accurate system response to changing demands within the subject distribution system. To assess performance of the existing distribution system, system demands corresponding to a maximum demand day were developed and input to the existing system model. The representative 24-hour maximum day peaking curve for the CMWD, based on the flow analysis of two high demand days (presented in Chapter 4) and the maximum demand day curve used in the 1997 model, is shown on Figure 5-2. Based on this representative curve and an existing system ADD of 16.2 MGD, the maximum day 24-hour demand analyzed is 26.7 MGD, and the peak hour demand is 47.0 MGD. Figure 5-2 MAXIMUM DAY DEMAND PEAKING FACTOR CURVE I n ig h t 3:00 6:00 9;00 Noon 15:00 Time of Day 1 8:00 2 1 :00 midnight CMWD WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 5-7 Dudek & Associates, Inc. March 2003 Input flow to the distribution system model was set equal to the maximum day demand rate (26.7 MGD) and proportioned between the four SDCWA connections based on typical summer flows. Reservoir water levels were initially set at half fiiU. No pump stations were activated, and flow from the 550 Zone to the 375 Zone at tiie D3 Reservofr (through the tiirottled plug valve) was set at 2,000 gpm. An extended period simulation was then run to assess reservoir performance (the ability to supply peak flows and refiU after draining). Several simulation iterations were requfred to properly adjust the SDCWA inflows and distribution system valves with variable settings. After tiie final flow adjustments were made, reservofr levels were maintained between 25-75 percent fiiU during the 24-hour simulation with maximum day demands. The SDCWA inflows modeled at the aqueduct connections are shown in Table 5-2. Table 5-2 INFLOW FOR THE MAXIMUM DEMAND DAY SIMULATION SDCWA Connection Diameter (in.) Fiow Controi Setting SDCWA Connection Diameter (in.) (iUGD) (CFS) CWA#1 27 12.93 20.01 CWA #2 27 4.86 7.52 TAP #3 21 4.84 7.49 TAP #4 24 4.09 6.33 Total: 26.73 41.35 Results of the 24-hour simulation were reviewed and analyzed. Model pressures were sorted to detennine both high and low pressure areas. During the peak hour demand (hour eight ofthe simulation) pressures and pipeline velocities were plotted. The foUowing observations were noted: - The model indicates a pressure of less than 30 psi in the 680 Zone on ObeUsco Court, which has an elevation of 585 feet in the model. The static pressure at tiiis location is 41 psi based on a 680 Zone, however tiie pressure setting and PRV elevation provided by Operations Staff for the Alga Road PRV #1 Station result in a grade of only 657 feet for this zone. The low pressure is the result ofthe high elevation (which may be incorrect in the model), and the low PRV setting. - Low pressures (low 30's) were observed near the 330 Zone in tiie vicinity ofthe Ehn Reservoir. The low pressures are the result of high elevations, which are approximately 255 feet in tiiis area. - High pressures (175-185psi) are indicated in the 490 Zone fransmission main in El Camino Real near Jackspar, where the elevations in the model drop below 200 feet. CMWD WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 5-8 Dudek & Associates, inc. March 2003 - High pressures (140-160 psi) are indicated along an 8-inch diameter pipeline in Paseo Cerro, located between Mefrose Drive and tiie CMWD boundary in tiie 700N Zone. Elevations in the model along the length ofthis pipeline are 350 feet. 5.4 FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS A fire flow analysis was performed on the existing system hydrauUc model to determine the ffre flow capacity at each node. Results from tiie H2ONET® fire flow simulation include tiie dynamic pressure at each demand node while deUvering the requfred fire flow and the available fire flow at each node with a 20 psi residual pressure. The fire flow simulation was run with maximum day demands (ADD x 1.65) and the water level at reservoirs set to half fiiU. The available fire flow was compared to the required ffre flow based on the meter account type (1,500 gpm for single-family, 3,000 gpm for multi-family, or 4,000 gpm for commercial/industrial), and deficiencies were identified. Initially, over 40 nodes were identified that could not deliver the requfred fire flow. These node locations were each evaluated and compared to the location of fire hydrants based on the CMWD atlas maps. At many locations, modifications were made to the model to more accurately represent the existing system. The modifications included removing a fire flow from pipelines that do not serve hydrants, relocating nodes to match hydrant locations, or making minor pressure zone boundary adjustinents. Many of tiie nodes with substandard commercial fire flows were located at on-site pipelines extending tiirough a commercial property. A 4,000 gpm commercial fire flow is typically provided from a combination of two or more hydrants. At several nodes the required fire flow was therefore modified to represent delivery of a commercial fire flow from a combination of hydrants. Clubhouse facilities and recreation centers for private residential developments are typically provided with commercial meters. Based on discussions with tiie City ofCarlsbad Deputy Fire MarshaU, however, a commercial fire flow is not required for tiiese faciUties. The required fire flow was reduced for identified clubhouse and recreation faciUties based on the type of existing residential development. After modifications were made to the fire flow model, the simulation was re-run. Results indicated that seven nodes could not provide a residential fire flow of 1,500 gpm at a minimum pressure of 20 psi. Four demand nodes could not provide the requfred multi-family fire flow of 3,000 gpm, and three demand nodes could not provide a commercial/industrial fire flow of 4,000 gpm with a minimum 20 psi residual pressure. A summary table of the deficient fire flow nodes is provided in Table 5-3. Capital Improvements projects to increase tiie avaUable fire flow for the projects Usted in Table 5-3 are identified in Chapter 7 ofthis report. CMWD Dudek & Associates, Inc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 5-9 March 2003 TABLE 5-3 LOCATIONS WITH REDUCED FIRE FLOW CAPACITIES Model Node L.ocation Model Elevation Required Fire Fiow Avaiiabie Fire Flow from Model (ft) (gpm) (gpm) 440 Glasgow Dr. - Calavera Hills Recreation Center 354 4,000 * 2460 Garfield St. and Olive Av. (Hubbs Institute) 47 4,000 3,132 2825 Church at Rores Dr and Forest 177 4,000 3,418 2750 West end of Cynthia Drive 130 3,000 1,055 1310 South end of Holly Brae Lane 286 3,000 1,247 1080 South end of Cove Drive 21 3,000 1,377 2185 Chestnut Ave to Woodland Way and Cul-de-sac 127 3,000 1,756 7125 Obelisco Court 585 1,500 522 2210 Cul-de-sac at end of Jeanne Place 168 1,500 729 2300 Highland Dr south of Hillside Drive 118 1.500 924 2055 Cul-de-sac at end of Falcon Drive 290 1,500 1,036 2060 Cul-de-sac at end of Nob Hill Drive 283 1,500 1,077 2875 Highland Dr. and Ratcliff Road 155 1,500 1.209 2225 Cul-de-sac at Adair Way 127 1,500 1,337 * Available fire flow is based on the delivery rate through the GWA TAP No. 4 connection. Analysis results indicate that the majority of substandard residential fire flows are caused by excessive headloss through a single 6-inch diameter pipeUne upstream ofthe ffre flow location. In the 580N Zone, which does not have storage and is suppUed dfrectly from the TAP No. 4 Connection, a 4,000 gpm commercial fire flow would not be available to the City of Carlsbad Calavera Recreation Center under most supply conditions. The Calavera Hills emergency pump station can provide a supplemental flow of 1,500 gpm to this zone, but the total available fire flow may not be adequate during winter months, when lower flow rates are ordered at the SDCWA TAP No. 4 Connection. It is noted that the available fire flow rate from H2ONET® sunulation results should be interpreted only as an approximation. The actual flow rate available from any given fire hydrant with a 20 psi residual pressure is dependent on the exact location, elevation, and type of fire hydrant, and also the physical condition (and resulting friction loss) ofthe upsfream pipelines. An elevation difference often feet in the model can significantly effect the reported available fire flow. The CMWD may therefore want to conduct hydrant flow tests at the locations identified in Table 5-3 to confirm the model results. It is also noted that many of the existing smaller, dead-end pipelines are not included m the hydraulic model. Specifically, there are a number of older 4-inch diameter pipelines with warf-head hydrants that cannot provide the minimum flow rate for fighting fires. The locations identified from the model as having reduced fire flow capacities are therefore only a partial list of ffre flow deficiencies in the entire distribution system. CMWD WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 5-10 Dudek & Associates, Inc. March 2003 5.5 STORAGE ANALYSIS The requfred storage volume based the criteria defined in Table 5-1 and 2001 demands was calculated and compared to the capacity ofthe existing system reservoirs, as discussed below. 5.5.1 Daily Storage Daily storage is provided in distribution system reservofrs. To determine the requfred storage volmne, the service area for each reservoir is defined and the corresponding demand calculated from 2001 meter accounts. Calculations to detennine the required storage volume are shown in Table 5-4. Based on these calculations, there is approximately 12.5 milUon gallons (MG) of excess storage capacity in tiie existing system. However, on a zone-by-zone basis the 318 and 255 Zones are currently deficient in storage. Table 5-4 EXISTING DAILY STORAGE REQUIREMENTS RESERVOIR Service Zones Existinq Demand St sraae Real J ire ments Reservoir Capactty Surplus/ Deficit RESERVOIR Service Zones Am (MGD) MDD <MGD) Operational r.lSxMDDl Fire-Reserve (1 MDD) Total Reservoir Capactty Surplus/ Deficit La Costa High 7008 680 580S 510 0.04 0.41 0.07 0.20 0.07 0.68 0.12 0.33 0.2 MG 0.96 MG 1.2 MG 2.3 MG 6.0 MG 3.7 MG Santa Fe II 700N 550 430 0.72 2.47 0.17 1.19 4.08 0.28 0.8 MG 0.96 MG 5.5 MG 7.3 MG 9.0 MG 1.7 MG Maerkle Res. 490 285 198 0.02 0.16 0.08 0.03 0.26 0.14 0.1 MG 0.96 MG 0.4 MG 1.5 MG 10.0 MG 8.5 MG TAP 580'^' 446 349 0.41 1.65 0.08 0.68 2.72 0.13 0.5 MG 0.96 MG 3.5 MG 5.0 MG 6.0 MG 2.5 MG D3 375 1.91 3.15 0.5 MG 1.92 MG 3.2 MG 5.5 MG 8.5 MG 3.0 MG La Costa Lo 318 3.00 4.95 0.7 MG 0.96 MG 5.0 MG 6.7 MG 1.5 MG -5.2 MG Ellery 330 1.15 1.90 0.3 MG 0.96 MG 1.9 MG 3.1 MG 5.0 MG 1.9 MG Elm Skyline "E" Res. 255 3.70 6.11 0.9 MG 0.96 MG 6.1 MG 8.0 MG 4.5 MG -3.5 MG TOTALS 16.2 26.8 4.0 MG 8.6 MG 26.8 MG 39.5 MG 50.5 MG 12.5 MG (1) Equal to the volume of water based on the largest fire flow within the tanic service area (flow rate times duration). For large service areas, the fire flow storage was increased based on the potential for multiple fires. (2) The 580 Zone has no available storage but can be supplied from the TAP Res. through the Calavera Pump Station. CMWD WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 5-11 Dudek & Associates, Inc. March 2003 The 1.5 MG La Costa Lo Reservofr establishes the grade for the 318 Zone and is the only reservoir in that zone. A daily storage capacity of 6.7 MG is requfred based on existing 318 Zone demands. The current storage deficit is calculated to be 5.2 MG, and site limitations prevent a larger reservoir from being constructed on the existing tank site. However, the 318 Zone has multiple supply sources from higher zones with storage reservofrs. Water can be suppUed to the 318 Zone from 1) the D3 Reservoir through three separate PRVs, 2) tiie La Costa Hi Reservofr via the 680 and 510 Zones through two separate PRVs, and 3) the Santa Fe II Reservoir via the 550 Zone and the Ayes PRV (which is controUed by telemetry). There is currently more than eight miUion gallons of combined surplus storage capticity in these three upper reservofrs. Three separate 1.5 MG reservofrs are located within the 255 Zone, with a combined storage capacity of 4.5 MG. There is currently a 3.5 MG storage deficit based on existing 255 Zone demands. The primary supply to the 255 Zone is from the 490 Zone and the Maerkle Reservoir. The surplus storage capacity in Maerkle Reservoir is estimated to be 8.5 MG, and this excess capacity can be allocated to the 255 Zone. 5.5.2 Emergency Storage The CMWD emergency storage poUcy is to provide 10 days of average water use. Based on the existing ADD of 16.2 MGD, the required storaege volume is 162 MG. Maerkel Dam, which has a storage capacity of 195 MG, currently provides the requfred storage volume for the District. CMWD Dudek & Associates, Inc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 5-12 March 2003 OCEANSIDE Legend • WATER SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY PIPELINES BY DIAMETER — 4-8 INCH — 10-14 INCH — 16-28 INCH — 30-48 INCH K PRESSURE REDUCING STATIONS ^ AQUEDUCT CONNECTION m DAM S TANK FIGURE 5-1 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT EXISTING WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM MODEL ISL .^SSOCUTES. r\c. DUDE 02-2003 CatlsbadwaSl.mxd CHAPTER 6 ULTIMATE DEMAND PROJECTIONS AND ANALYSIS For this Master Plan Update, ultimate demand projections are made based on the City's 2001 Grow1;h Database. The Growtii Database includes build-out projections for ultimate single-family dwellings, multi-family units and commercial building square footage on a parcel-by-parcel basis. The CMWD ultimate water demand is projected based on existing demands, future water demands calculated from the Growth Database, and fiiture irrigation demands obtained from recycled water projections. Future demands are added to the existing system hydraulic model along with major water facilities identified in existing development plans and previously identified fiiture pipeline projects. A hydrauUc analysis is performed with projected ultimate maximum day demands to verify and size the future faciUties, and to identify any additional facilities required to serve the CMWD at buUdout. 6.1 CARLSBAD GROWTH DATABASE Build-out projections for the City of Carlsbad have been recently updated and compiled into a Growth Database, which is maintained by the City. The City of Carlsbad Grov^th Database is parcel-based and includes infonnation on existing land use, as weU as tiie fiiture growth potential. The growth data, which is based on cunent development plans and results of tiie 2000 Census, consists of tiie number of projected single-family units, multi-family units, and the estimated buUding area for non-residential land use at build-out. The building area in the database is generally assumed at 25 percent of the parcel size, unless more detailed planning information was available. The existing percent build-out for each parcel is also provided in the Growth Database. Most of tiie projected growth in the CMWD is associated with known, planned developments in the eastem portion of the City. These developments include Kelley Ranch, Villages of La Costa, Calavera Hills, Mandana Properties, and Robertson Ranch, which are primarily residential developments, the Carlsbad Oaks North and Faraday Business Parks, and Bressi Ranch, which wiU have a mixed-land use. Development information for these large planned projects is typicaUy lumped onto a single existing parcel in the Growth Database, even if the project boundary encompasses several existing parcels or pressure zones. The remainder of the future growth in the City of Carlsbad includes smaller, non-specific developments and general "infill" of estabUshed neighborhoods and commercial areas generally located in tiie westem portions ofthe City. The Growth Database was originally provided by the City of Carlsbad at the start of this Master Plan Update project. During the course of the project, several updates to the projected fiiture growth were provided by the City and incorporated into a modified database. The growth potential data in the City of City of Carisbad Dudek & Associates, Inc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 6-1 March 2003 Carlsbad Growth Database used for this Master Plan Update is summarized by Local Facility Management Zone (LFMZ) in Table 6-1. The LFMZs are Ulusfrated on Figure 6-1. Not aU of tiie parcels included in the GrowlJi Database are witiiin the CMWD service area. Portions of LFMZ 6 are served by tiie Olivenhain Municipal Water District (OMWD) and aU of LFMZs 11, 12 and 23 are served by either tiie OMWD or tiie Vallecitos Water Disfrict. The growth update indicates a slightly lower number of residential units and more commercial/indusfrial area than what was projected in the last Master Plan Update. Table 6-1 CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH DATABASE SUMMARY LFMZ N9. No. of Re«. Units Non<Residential Bida Area (safti Comments LFMZ N9. SFDU MFDU Non<Residential Bida Area (safti Comments 1 430 0 0 Downtown area; Unit counts from 5/15/02 LFMZ 1 update 2 25 146 39,656 3 second dwelling units counted as MFU 3 13 0 193,251 4 0 0 50,000 5 0 0 4,137 974 Includes Faraday Business Park and airport e 185 0 89,988 Future church assujued at 9.100 sqft (25% coverage) 7 345 436 32,670 Calavera unit counts from 7/15/02 update; Future elem.school 8 186 544 6,000 Kelly Ranch 9 41 0 428,100 10 750 320 0 Villages of La Costa; Future elementary school 11 1,266 275 .622.972 Villages of La Costa 12 55 0 20,000 Future church assumed at 20,000 sqfl 13 0 18 1,482,142 24 room hotel expansion assumed at 1 hotel unit =.75 MFDU 14 711 411 229,166 Unit counts from Robertson Ranch update; Future High School 15 807 158 303,798 Sycamore Creek; 8 second dwelling units counted as MFDU 16 0 0 1,921,000 Carlsbad Oaks North BP; Building area from 8/01/02 update 17 523 100 2,511,000 Bressi Ranch; 40,000 sqft for private school & daycare/church 18 308 0 2,262,817 140 condos counted as SFDU 19 218 78 69,520 61 condos counted as SFU; 78 timeshares counted as MFDU 20 687 24 73,450 21 185 210 0 22 168 286 53 280 149 condos counted as SFU 23 0 264 507,000 includes assisted living project (non-res & MFDUs) 24 32 0 0 25 130 0 0 Totals 7,065 3,270 15,033,784 Note: shaded rows indicate LFMZs with parcels outside of the CMWD City of Carisbad WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 6-2 Dudek & Associates, Inc. March 2003 6.2 GROWTH DATABASE UNIT WATER DEMANDS Unit demands based on current water usage are documented in Chapter 4 (Section 4.5) of this report. These unit demands should not be used directiy for planning purposes, however, as more conservative demands are developed for tiie calculation of ultimate demands. The unit demands developed to project ultimate water demands from buildout data in tiie Growth Database are Usted in Table 6-2. These water demands were reviewed and approved by CMWD Staff at one ofthe project review meetings. Table 6-2 UNIT DEMANDS FOR ULTIMATE PROJECTIONS GROWTH D\TAB.\SE LVNDISI IVI'E PROJECTED \V.\TER USE FACTOR l)E\ELOP\lli:.M- Single-Family Residential 550 gallons per day per dwelling unit Multi-Family Residential 250 gaUons per day per dwelling unit Non-Residential 2,300 gaUons per day per 10,000 square feet of building area Unit demands for single and multi-family land use are appUed to the projected number of dweUing units, and account for both domestic and irrigation water use. The unit demand for non-residential land use is appUed to the building area, and accounts for interior water use as weU as on-site irrigation demands. The non-residential land-use category in the Growth Database includes commercial, industrial, medical and office buildings. The composite unit demand is based on an assumed mix of land use types and is appropriate (and most Ukely conservative) for demand projections of the overall water system. Projections made using this factor may not be representative of smaller areas with a single land use type. 6.3 ULTIMATE DEMAND PROJECTIONS Ultimate demand projections are based on build-out conditions for the CMWD, which is projected to occur by the year 2020. The CMWD is surrounded by four neighboring districts, and tiiere is no expectation of altering tiie cunent district boundary in the fiiture. Ultimate demand projections are therefore made based on the existuig CMWD boundary. The scope ofwork for this Master Plan Update states that "ultimate demand projections are to be based on tiie assumption that the planned Phase II expansion of tiie CMWD Recycled Water System is not City of Carisbad WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 6-3 Dudek & Associates, Inc. March 2003 constmcted". To estimate ultimate demands, demand projections for fiiture development identified in the Growth Database and irrigation demands identified from tiie 1999 Recycled Water Master Plan are added to existing system demands. The ultimate potable water demands therefore exclude recycled water demands currently served by tiie CMWD Phase I Recycled Water System, but include the future irrigation demands identified in the CMWD Recycled Water Master Plan for the Phase n System. The ultimate demand for CMWD potable water system is projected to be approximately 23.9 MGD, and tiie maximum day demand is estimated at 35.9 MGD (based on a peaking factor of 1.65). The projected ultimate demand under various peaking conditions is Usted in Table 6-3. Table 6-3 SUMMARY OF PROJECTED ULTIMATE DEMANDS Average Day 23.9 MGD 37.0 CFS MiniiDum Month 12.0 MGD 18.5 CFS Maximum Month 35.9 MGD 55.5 CFS Maximum Day 39.4 MGD 61.0 CFS Peak Hour 69.3 MGD 107.2 CFS The projected ultimate demand is illusfrated together with historical demands on Figure 6-2. An approximation of the ultimate water use by category is provided in Figure 6-3. Compared to the existing water use, the percentage of indusfrial/commercial and irrigation demands is projected to increase slightly, and the percentage of residential demands is projected to decrease sUghtly. Water use for agriculture is projected to decrease from five percent ofthe existing demand to approximately one percent of tiie ultimate demand. Ifthe Phase II Recycled water system is constmcted, ultimate irrigation demands wiU decrease as existing customers are transfened from the potable water system to the recycled water system, and future irrigation customers are connected directly to the recycled water disfribution system. The ultimate demand without Phase II Recycled water customers is projected to be approximately 21.2 MGD. It is noted that not aU the Phase II Recycled Water demands, which have been identified by City Staff, are within the CMWD potable water service area. The process of generating ultimate demands utiUzes the City of Carlsbad Growtii Database. However, tiie Growth Database does not contain information on future irrigation demands or future development on City-owned parcels, which include future schools and park sites. These future demands are accounted for separately. The process used to develop the ultimate demand projections is described in the foUowing sub-sections. City of Carlsbad WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 6-4 Dudek & Associates, Inc. March 2003 LEGEND • CITY OF CARLSBAD BOUNDARY Cl WATER SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY LFMZ BOUNDARIES 1 9 17 2 10 • 18 r~i 3 11 ! 1 19 4 • 12 • 20 CD 5 13 • 21 6 14 22 7 15 • 23 8 16 24 25 • 999 FIGURE 6-1 CITY OF CARLSBAD LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONES DUDE !& ASSOCIATES. INC. i 02-2003 CarlsbadSi mxd Figure 6-2 HISTORICAL DEMANDS AND ULTIMATE DEMAND PROJECTIONS 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Figure 6-3 PROJECTED ULTIMATE DEMANDS BY CATEGORY Single-Family Residential 42% Multi-Family Residential 9% Commercial/ Industrial 23% Temporary 1% Agriculture 1% Irrigation (Phase II Recycled) 12% Irrigation 12% CMWD WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 6-5 Dudek & Associates, Inc. March 2003 6.3.1 Growth Database Demands To determine ultimate demands from the Growth Database, fiiture demands were calculated for each parcel using the unit factors in Table 6-2 and added to the water demand data from 2001 water billing accounts. For parcels in the Growlh Database that indicate both existing and future development (a build- out percentage between zero and 100 percent), the fiiture demand was added to the existing demand. For parcels with only future development, the fiiture demand replaced any existing demand on that parcel. The existing demand that was replaced was typically from single-family or agriculture meters. The future water demand based on Growth Database projections for parcels within the CMWD is approximately 6.9 MGD. 6.3.2 Irrigation Demands Water demands projected from the Growth Database include on-site irrigation demands for residential and non-residential parcels. However, fiiture landscape irrigation for such uses as the irrigation of parks, playgrounds, golf courses, landscaped areas along freeways, green belts, and extensive common-area landscaping for industrial and commercial parks and subdivisions is not included. Demand projections for this type of water use are obtained from the City's compilation of identified future Phase II Recycled water customers. The planned Phase E Recycled Water System wiU serve aU the major new development areas within the CMWD potable water service area. A Recycled Water Master Plan was last prepared for the CMWD by a consultant in 1999. Since this last master plan, the City of Carlsbad has updated recycled water projections for the future Phase II Recycled Water System based on updated development plans. The most recent projections, dated September 28, 2001, were obtained from the City and used for this Master Plan Update. The water demands identified as being suppUed by tiie Phase II Recycled Water System include both existing water demands now served from the potable water system and future demands. City Staff indicated which demands were fiiture demands. The fiiture Phase II recycled irrigation demands that are within the CMWD potable water service area are listed in Table 6-4. The projected demand in Table 6-4 was calculated by the City based on unit demand factors that varied between 2.0 and 3.75 acre-feet of water per acre per year. The exception is the projected demands for future business parks. Only half ofthe projected inigation demand for future business parks (Customer No.'s C-13, C-13 and C-19) was added to the ultimate potable water system, since the unit demand factor for non-residential development in the Growth Database includes an on-site irrigation component. The total fiiture irrigation demand in the ultimate potable water system based on Phase n recycled water projections is approximately 1.8 MGD. It is noted that existing irrigation demands of approximately 0.9 MGD that are now supplied from the potable water system have also been identified as being suppUed from the fiiture Phase II Recycled Water System. City of Carisbad Dudek & Associates, I nc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 6-6 March 2003 Table 6-4 FUTURE PHASE II RECYCLED WATER DEMANDS IN THE POTABLE WATER SERVICE AREA Cust. No. Market Name Recyled Water Model Potable Water Model Projected Demand Cust. No. Market Name Node No Zone Node No. Zone (af/yr) (gpm) FUTURE MARKETS G-01 Cartsbad Municipal Golf 2012 384 5346 375 384.0 238.1 P-08 Marcario Canyon Park 1148 384 5348 375 250.0 155.0 R-68 Kelly Ranch 1152 384 5352 375 54.0 33.5 P-25 Zone 19 Park 1028 550 5354 550 30.0 18.6 R-47 Villages of La Costa (Greens) 1218 384 5356 375 372.5 231.0 P-24 Zone 5 Park 2028 550 5358 550 25.0 15.5 R-22 Robertson Ranch 1288 550 5362 255 190.0 117.8 R-78 Bressi Ranch 1224 384 5372 550 125.0 77.5 R-78 Bressi Ranch 3000 660 5374 700N 275.0 170.5 S-15A Calavera Lake School 5012 550 5452 446 37.5 23.3 R-14 Calavera Villages 5008 550 5454 446 178.0 110.4 C-12 Carisbad Oaks Business Ctr. 3004 660 5366 700N 114.0 70.7 C-13 Raceway Industrial Park 3014 660 5368 700N 13.2 8.2 C-19 Industrial (Professor's Capitol) 3014 660 5368 700N 12.5 7.8 FUTURE MARKET SUBTOTALS: 1.84 MGD 2,061 af/yr 1,278 gpm 6.3.3 Miscellaneous Demands The City's Growth Database does not provide fiiture growth infonnation for City-owned parcels. Future development on City parcels will include schools, parks and a municipal golf course. Inigation demands for ftiture City parks and the golf course are identified in Table 6-4 above. City Staff have identified three future elementary schools and a fiiture high school. Water demands for these schools were developed separately and included in the ultimate potable water demand projections. Existing agriculture demands were reviewed to determine if they would remain in the ultimate water system. Most existing areas devoted to agriculture will be replaced with future planned developments. Because the buildout projections for large development projects in the Growth Database are typically lumped onto a single parcel, the existing demand from agriculture meters was not always replaced by new development. Existing agriculture meters with large demands were reviewed and removed firom the ultimate system as necessary. Based on discussions with City Staff, agricultural areas will remain at buildout conditions on tiie south side of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon (tiie "sfrawberry fields") and at tiie flower fields north of Palomar Airport Road, between Armada Drive and Paseo del Norte. In addition, demand from agricultural meters distributed throughout the City remains in the ultimate system if there was no future growth designated for the associated parcel in the Growth Database. The average annual demand from agricultural meters in the ultimate system is estimated to be approximately 0.34 MGD. City of Carlsbad WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 6-7 Dudek & Associates, Inc. March 2003 It is noted that in the existing distribution system, supplemental potable water is suppUed to the Phase I Recycled Water System at tiie location of tiie D tanks. The average annual demand suppUed in 2001 was 250 gpm (0.36 MGD). This demand remains in the ultimate system model on the assumption tiiat supplemental potable water will continue to be supplied to tiie Phase I Recycled Water System. If the Phase II Recycled Water System is constmcted, City staff have indicated tiiat varying amounts of supplemental water may stiU be required during peak demand periods. 6.4 HYDRAULIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT Future demands in the ultimate system wiU be suppUed from an expansion of the existing distribution system pressure zones. It is anticipated that no new major pressure zones will be requfred, although water service to the high elevation area west of Maerkle Dam wiU requfre pumping. The initial ultimate system H2ONET® model was developed from the existing system model, layout plans for planned developments, and current CMWD CDP projects. The hydraulic profile ofthe ultimate system as modeled is provided in Figure 6-4 and tiie final ultimate system model is illustrated on Figure 6-5. 6.4.1 Physical Data Input Future fransmission facilities were added to tiie existing system model based on layout plans for planned developments and the existing CMWD CIP. Layout maps in various stages of development were provided by City Staff for most ofthe larger planned developments. These maps were used to detennine future pressure zone boundaries and water supply locations. The aUgnments of transmission mains and the locations of fiiture pressure reducing stations within specific projects were added to the model based on the planning maps. It is noted that future distribution pipelines are included in the ultimate model to distribute demands. The final sizing of disttibution pipelines witiiin planned developments wiU be determined from fiiture hydrauUc analyses required as part ofthe development approval process. Once faciUties in tiie fiiture developments were added, tiie City's cunent CIP was reviewed with City Staff. Facilities currently in design or under constmction were added to the model. The remaining CIP projects were reviewed and modified as appropriate based on updated planning infonnation, and then added to the model for analysis and verification. Major proposed faciUties for the ultimate system include the integration of the 700N and 700S Zones into a single 700 Zone with new north-south fransmission mains and a second transmission main supplying the 490 Zone from Maerkle Reservoir/Dam. Eight fiiture pressure reducing stations were input to the ultimate system model based on development plans and existing CEP projects. Four of these pressure reducing stations are required to provide a redundant source of water, and are therefore considered to be back-up or emergency faciUties. The other four stations were modeled witii pressure settings so that they are normally active in the system. These stations wiU supply tiie 446 Zone and the 255 Zone from the 490 Zone, and the 550 Zone and tiie 375 City of Carlsbad Dudek & Associates, Inc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 6-8 March 2003 Zone from the 700 Zone. It is noted tiiat the ultimate system model includes only the existing storage facilities. However, additional storage facilities are recommended to satisfy the requfred storage criteria (discussed later in this chapter). A new pump station was added to tiie model to supply tiie 700 Zone from the 490/550 Zone. This pump station is only active in tiie model under tiie emergency supply scenario from Maerkle Dam. 6.4.2 Demand Input Projected demands were input to the ultimate system model using a multi-step process. The resulting ultimate demands by pressure zone are calculated within the H2ONET® hydraulic program and are shown in Table 6-5. Table 6-5 EXISTING AND ULTIMATE DEMANDS BY PRESSURE ZONE EXISTING 2001 PROJECTED ULTIMATE PRESSURE DSMAND (MGD) DEMAND {IMGD} ZONE Average Max Day Average Max Day Annual (xl.65) Annuai (<1 65; 198 0.08 0.14 0.08 0.14 255 3.67 6.05 4.07 6.71 285 0.16 0.26 0.14 0.23 318 2.94 4.84 3.60 5.94 330 1.11 1.84 1.10 1.82 349 0.09 0.15 0.09 0.15 375 1.93 3.18 4.02 6.63 430 0.13 0.21 0.21 0.35 446 1.56 2.57 2.25 3.71 490 0.03 0.06 0.36 0.59 510 0.20 0.33 0.31 0.51 550 2.69 4.44 3.86 6.37 580N 0.42 0.69 0.51 0.84 5808 0.06 0.10 0.06 0.10 680 0.42 0.69 0.42 0.69 700 0.78 1.29 2.80 4.62 TOTALS: 16.3 MGD 26.8 MGD 23.9 MGD 39.4 MGD As a first step in distributing demands to the ultimate system model, existing meter accounts and fiiture demands detennined from the Growth Database were located to the City's parcel GIS layer. The resulting demand set was aUocated to model nodes utiUzing GIS techniques to group parcel demands to the nearest node. For areas of the model where a transmission main for one zone extends through the service area of a different zone, the nodes on the fransmission main were "tagged" to prevent demands City of Carisbad WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 6-9 Dudek & Associates, Inc. March 2003 from being assigned. The fiiture development associated with several ofthe larger planned development projects was assigned to a single parcel in the Growtii Database. The associated demands for these development projects, which include Bressi Ranch, Villages of La Costa, Calavera HiUs, Mandana Properties and Robertson Ranch, were manually distributed over multiple nodes on future pipelines input to the model based on the development layouts. Future Phase II recycled water demands were manually input to the ultimate system model based on thefr locations in tiie recycled water model and input from City Staff. The future irrigation demands were assigned to new nodes and identified as being potential Phase II recycled water demands. Existing irrigation demands now served from the potable water system that are identified as fiiture Phase n Recycled Water System were also located in the model. These demands were obtained from tiie City's Phase II recycled water projections, and are shown in Table 6-6. Existing irrigation meter accounts conesponding to the location of these customers were fransfened to fhe set of potential Phase II recycled water demands in the ultimate system hydrauUc model. A total average annual demand of 2.73 MGD was identified in the CMWD ultimate system model as potentially being served from tiie Phase II Recycled Water System. Table 6-6 EXISTING IRRIGATION DEMANDS IDENTIFIED AS PHASE II RECYCLED CUSTOMERS Cust. Market Name Recvled Water Model Potable Wat< ir Model Estitnatec i Demand No. Market Name Node No Zone Node No. Zone faf/vrt (apm) C-06 Poinsettia Village Shopping Ctr. 4030 384 5320 318 12.8 7.9 R-77 Poinsettia Shores PA 7&8 4032 384 5146 318 37.5 23.3 R-39 Seacrest 1215 384 5200 375 7.0 4.3 R-46 Lohf Residential 1006 384 5116 375 85.0 52.7 C-11 Industrial Center (Fed Ex) 2040 550 3430, P254, 3480 550 103.1 63.9 G-07 Olympic Resort and Hotel 2042 550 1742 550 14.3 8.9 L-22 Safety Center 2163 550 3425 550 6.0 3.7 R-13 Calavera Cape 5028 550 5136 446 22.5 14.0 R^6 Lohf Residential 2056 550 6530 318 180.0 111.6 P-06 Calaveras Park 5028 550 440 580 47.3 29.3 P-14 Carrillo Ranch Park 3026 660 P518 700 37.0 22.9 R-48 Carrillo Ranch Park 3016 660 5012 700 105.0 65.1 R-49 Carrillo Ranch 3022 660 P504 700 57.5 35.7 R-50 Meadowcrest 2098 660 1686 550 8.3 5.1 R-51 Meadowlands 3020 660 5018 550 14.0 8.7 R-40 Vista Pacific 1248 384 5150 5178, 1698 430 24.0 14.9 C-08 Carisbad Research Center 2024 550 1704, 3695, 3540 3904, 4100, 3450 550 550 550 202.2 125.4 C-09 Carisbad Airport Center 2102 375 4512 4555, 4570 375 550 34.9 21.6 EXISTING MARKET SUBTOTALS: 998 af/yr 0.89 MGD 619 gpm City of Carisbad WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 6-10 Dudek & Associates, Inc. March 2003 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 SDCWA TAP 124 ^51 SDCWA SECOND AQUEDUCT TAP CONNECTION MAERKLE CONNECTION 2 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD (PAR) CONNECVON 590 514 MAERKLE MAERKLEI, RESERVOIR ^""^ * J—g 1 473 TAP *-446 6.0 MG MAERKLE RESERVOIR 10 MG CALAVERA HILLS\- PUMP ^STA. L 77 349 32 ELLERY PUMP STA. 445 091 ' — ELLERY -50MG^ 1 I 1 I ' NC 330 fli/EAM VISTA PUMP STA. ^ i—i- •277.5 •255 ELM 1.5 MG 263 241 0 302 SKYLINE 1.5 MG 264 "E" RESER. 1.5 MG 4^73 255 490 SANTA FE If RESERVOIR 9.0 MG -732 -700- i SECOND AQUEDUCT CONNECTION THROUGH VWD LA COSTA HI RESERVOIR 6.0 MG klAEftkLEbAM 195 MG 7 430- 490 04 375- ^ RESERVOIR 8.5 MG •430 M28 375 55 'MAERKCE' CONTROL VAULT " M » 72 106 255 -In —g- D3 RESERVOIR 8.5 MG 375 r® 550 I 727 760- 700 •356.5 NC !• J -318 LA_COSTAJ.O_ 1.5 MG 318 ---w--r— 20 800 700 600 500 580 400 300 200 100 L J LEGEND NOTE: EXISTING FACIUTIES: SDCWA FLOW CONTROL 8 NORMALL Y CLOSED VAL VE PRV OR PRV/PSV COMBINA TION PUMP STATION PSV r -.ipHWL 1 J-BASE ^1^^ STORAGE RESERVOIR CHECKVALVE PRIMARYSUPPLY M BUTTERFLY VALVE _ _ EMERGENCY OR BACK-UP SUPPL Y PLUG VALVE PROPOSED FACILITIES: yp^i /£, NUMBERS CORRESPOND TO ID NUMBERS CO NEW OR UPGRADED PUMP STATION 'N THE CONTROL VALVE SUMMARY TABLES. NEW OR UPGRADED PRV/PSV HWL BASE ELEV. NEW STORAGE RESERVOIR FIGURE 6-4 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ULTIMATE SYSTEM HYDRAULIC PROFILE DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, mc OCEANSIDE LEGEND • WATER SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY ULTIMATE PIPELINES BY DIAMETER — 4-8 INCH — 10-14 INCH — 16- 28 INCH — 3Q -48 INCH » PRESSURE REDUCING STATIONS ^ AQUEDUCT CONNECTION 9 RESERVOIR m DAM FIGURE 6-5 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ULTIMATE WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM MODEL 3? DUDE l4i ASSOCIATHS. INC.i 02-2003 Carlsbadwa65.mxc) 6.5 ULTIMATE SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS HydrauUc analysis ofthe ultimate system was performed to size and verify proposed fiiture facilities. The ultimate system model was analyzed under both maximum day demand and emergency supply scenarios. Several iterations of the ultimate system model were developed as proposed faciUties were added or modified based on analysis results. The final ultimate system model and simulation results are provided in digital format and included in Appendix B. 6.5.1 Maximum Day Demand 24-Hour Simulation Projected demands conesponding to an ultimate system maximum demand day were developed and input to the ultimate system model to identify and size ftiture faciUties. The 24-hour maximum day peaking curve developed for the existing system analysis (refer to Figure 5-1) was appUed to aU demands in the ultimate system model with the exception of irrigation demands designated as fiiture Phase II recycled demands. To more accurately model Phase II recycled demands, tiie peaking curve developed for irrigation demands in tiie CMWD Recycled Water Master Plan was appUed. The recycled water peaking curve is based on a maximum day peaking factor of 2.5 and an evening inigation period starting at approximately 9:00 p.m. and peaking at midnight. The resulting total maximum day demand modeled is 40.9 MGD, which is therefore sUghtly higher than the projected maximum day demand of 39.4 using an overaU peaking factor of 1.65. Reservoir water levels were initially set at half full in the simulation. Input flow to the ultimate distribution system model was set equal to the maximum day demand rate (40.9 MGD) and proportioned between the four SDCWA connections. Input flows were adjusted between the four connections, as necessary, to maintain reservofr water levels. Supply from SDCWA Connection No. 3 (Supply to Maerkle Reservoir/Dam) was maximized based on the increased fransmission capacity of the 490 Zone and the benefit of increased cfrculation in Maerkle Dam. Extended period simulations were run to determine final pipeline sizing and assess reservoir performance (the abiUty to supply peak flows and refiU after draining). Several simulation iterations were required to properly adjust the SDCWA inflows, distribution system valves with variable settings, and pressure settings for new pressure reducing valves. Flow from the 550 Zone to the 375 Zone at the D3 Reservoir (tiirough the tiirottled plug valve) was set at 2,000 gpm and there was no flow through the Maerkle Confrol Valve (supply to the 490 Zone from the 550 Zone). Pump stations were not activated in this simulation. The final SDCWA inflows modeled at the aqueduct connections are shown in Table 6-7. It is noted tiiat the supply from SDCWA Connection No. 2 is at tiie existing rated capacity, and the supply from the Maerkle Connection is nearly at capacity. City of Carisbad Dudek & Associates, I nc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 6-11 March 2003 Table 6-7 SDCWA MAX DAY SUPPLY IN THE ULTIMATE SYSTEM MODEL San Dlego County Water Authority Connection Rated Capacity* Supply in Ultimate System Mode with Max Day Demands San Dlego County Water Authority Connection (MGD) (Cfs) (MGD) (Cfs) CWA No. 1 (Palomar Airport Road Connection) 23.3 36.0 16.2 25.0 CWA No. 2 8.6 13.3 8.6 13.3 TAP No. 3 (Maerkle Connection) 11.6 18.0 11.0 17.1 TAP No. 4 (TAP Connection) 8.7 13.5 5.1 7.8 TOTALS 52.2 80.8 40.9 63.3 * Rated capacity for Conn. No. 1, 3 and 4 is the capacity of the SDCWA meter at the turnout, minus 10%. Rated capacity for Conn. No. 2 is based on a contractual agreement with VWD, OMWD, and Carlsbad. Model results from the maximum day demand simulation were reviewed to assess system operations and reservoir performance. Reservoir operations are evaluated based on the ability of the tanks to drain to supply peak hour demands and refill ovemight. Figure 6-6 illustrates the resulting reservoir levels during the maximum day simulation, which was extended over 48-hours to fully equalize reservoir flows. Figure 6-6 RESERVOIR WATER LEVELS FROM THE MAXIMUM DAY DEMAND SIMULATION 1 2 1 5 18 21 24 27 30 33 Time ofSlmulation (Hours) 36 39 "Santa Fe "La Costa H i "M aerkle Tap •D-3 "Ellery 'La Costa Lo 'S kyline •Elm City of Carlsbad WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 6-12 Dudek & Associates, Inc. March 2003 As is shown on the Figure 6-6 chart, tiie existing reservoirs in tiie ultimate system are able to supply operational storage and refiU. For the zones with multiple reservoirs (255 Zone and 700 Zone), the starting levels of the reservoirs were adjusted to "balance" the zone, ensuring that one reservofr did not drain to fiU the otiier. In the 255 Zone, the operating difference in tiie Elm and Skyline Reservofr levels is due to tiie different bottom and high water levels of these tanks. It is noted that the Skyline Reservofr is typically operated with a higher water level in the existing distribution system. 6.5.2 EMERGENCY SUPPLY SCENARIO The ultimate system model was analyzed under an emergency supply scenario, with average day demands suppUed from the Maerkle Dam. hi tiiis simulation, the 24-hour peaking curve was revised based on average day demands and flow inputs at the SDCWA Connections were set to zero. The bypass at the Maerkle Confrol Valve was opened, and the five pressure reducing stations supplying the 550 Zone from tiie 700 Zone were closed. This creates an integrated 490-550 zone, which operates at a grade controUed by the Maerkle Reservoir. The Calavera HiUs Pump Station was operated to supply tiie 580 Zone. Lastly, a pump station was added to the model at the intersection of El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road to supply the 700 Zone from the 490-550 Zone. The capacity of the pump station was set equal to tiie average day demand ofthe 700, 680 580S and 510 Zones, which is approximately 3.6 MGD or 2,500 gpm. A 24-hour simulation was run, and model results indicated that average day demands could be supplied to the entire distribution system from Maerkle Reservoir. However, the capacity of tiie Maerkle Reservofr Pump Station, which supplies Maerkle Reservofr from Maerkle Dam, wiU have to be increased to approximately 16,500 gpm (23.9 MGD), which is the projected average day demand. Although pressures in the 550 Zone dropped by approximately 25 psi, analysis results indicate that the requfred 40 psi minimum pressure could be maintained. It is noted that limiting the flow rate through the proposed 700 Zone pump station to 2,500 gpm is necessary to maintain adequate pressures in the 550 Zone (a higher flow to the station wiU reduce downstream pressures in the 490-550 Zone from higher pipeUne friction losses). Under the emergency supply simulation with average day demands, water levels in the 700 Zone Reservofrs gradually drained, since these reservofrs also supply a portion of the 318 Zone through the 510 Zone. Under extended emergency conditions, settings at pressure reducing stations supplying the 318 Zone could be adjusted to increase supply from the 375 Zone and reduce supply from the 700 Zone. 6.6 STORAGE ANALYSIS The requfred storage volume based the criteria previously defined in Table 5-1 and projected ultimate demands is calculated and compared to the capacity of the existing system reservoirs, as discussed below. City of Carisbad Dudek & Associates, Inc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 6-13 March 2003 6.6.1 Daily Storage Daily storage is provided in distribution system reservofrs. To determine the required storage volume, reservofr service areas and conesponding demands were determined based on the proposed ultimate distribution system. Calculations to detemiine tiie requfred storage volume are shown in Table 6-8. Based on these calculations, there is projected to be a storage deficit of approximately 4.5 miUion gaUons (MG) in the ultimate system. Additionally, the District is considering tiie removal of the 1.5 MG "E" Reservofr from the system, which does not operate together with the other two 255 Zone reservofrs due to its elevation. Maerkle and Ellery Reservofrs are projected to have a combined surplus storage capacity of 9.9 MG, but the remaining reservoirs show capacity deficits. Table 6-8 ULTIMATE DAILY STORAGE REQUIREMENTS Service Zones Projected Demand Storage RcquiremGnts Reservoir Capacity Available RESERVOIR Service Zones ADD (MGD) MDD (MGD) Operational (.15 X MDD) Fire Flow*" Reserve (1 MDD) Total Reservoir Capacity Emergency Capactty 700 2.80 4.61 Santa Fe 11 680 0.42 0.70 & La Costa 580S 510 0.06 0.31 0.10 0.52 1.9 MG 2.88 MG 12.7 MG 17.4 MG 15.0 MG -2.4 MG High 550 430 3.86 0.21 6.38 0.35 490 0.36 0.60 Maeri^le Res. 285 198 0.14 0.08 0.24 0.13 0.1 MG 0.96 MG 1.0 MG 2.1 MG 10.0 MG 7.9 MG 580<^' 0.51 0.85 TAP 446 349 2.25 0.09 3.71 0.15 0.7 MG 0.96 MG 4.7 MG 6.4 MG 6.0 MG -0.4 MG D3 375 4.02 6.64 1.0 MG 1.92 MG 6.6 MG 9.6 MG 8.5 MG -1.1 MG La Costa Lo 318 3.60 5.94 0.9 MG 0.96 MG 5.9 MG 7.8 MG 1.5 MG -6.3 MG Ellery 330 1.10 1.82 0.3 MG 0.96 MG 1.8 MG 3.0 MG 5.0 MG 2.0 MG Elm Skyline 255 4.07 6.72 1.0 MG 0.96 MG 6.7 MG 8.7 MG 4.5 MG -4.2 MG "E" Res. TOTALS 23.9 39.4 5.9 MG 9.6 MG 39.4 MG 55.0 MG 50.5 MG -4.5 MG (1) Equal to the volume of water based on the largest fire flow within the tanic service area (flow rate times duration). For large service areas, the fire flow storage was increased based on the potential for multiple fires. (2) The 580 Zone has no available storage but can be supplied from the TAP Res. through the Calavera Pump Station. 6.6.2 Emergency Storage The CMWD emergency storage poUcy is to provide 10 days of average water use. Based on the projected ultimate average annual demand of 23.9 MGD, tiie requfred storage voliraie is 239 MG. If demands City of Carisbad WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 6-14 Dudek & Associates, Inc. March 2003 identified as being suppUed from the ftiture Phase II Recycled Water System are not included, the projected ultimate demand is approximately 21.2 MGD, and 212 MG of emergency storage wiU be required. Maerkle Dam is reported to have a storage capacity of 195 MG. Therefore, additional storage wiU need to be constructed to comply with tiie CMWD emergency storage poUcy. 6.7 ULTIMATE SYSTEM OPERATIONS The proposed ultimate distribution system based on the results of tiie hydrauUc analysis is illusfrated on Exhibit 2 in Appendix A. The major changes to the existing system and revised system operations, as modeled, are discussed below for the major pressure zones: 700 Zone - hi the ultimate system, the existing 700N and 700S Zones wiU be integrated into a single zone with two reservofrs. Ultimate demands in the 700 Zone are projected to increase by over 300 percent from 2001 demands. Future development projects that will be suppUed primarily from the 700 Zone include the Carlsbad North Business Park and the Raceway Industrial Park. Portions of Bressi Ranch wiU also be supplied directly from the 700 Zone. New 700 Zone mains are planned in the fiiture aUgnments of El Fuerte Street and Mefrose Drive. The La Costa Hi and Santa Fe II Reservoirs wiU operate together in tiie ultimate 700 Zone. These reservoirs have a common bottom elevation of 700 feet, but the overflow elevation of tiie Santa Fe II Reservofr is approximately five feet higher than the overflow on the La Costa Hi Reservofr. In the ultimate simulation witii projected maximum day demands, these two reservoirs operate at slightly different high water levels. The water level of the La Costa Hi Reservoir remains approximately six feet lower than the level of the Santa Fe II Reservoir. This is due to the long transmission main between the Santa Fe II Reservofr and the 700 Zone distribution system, and the supply limitation at the SDCWA No. 2 Coimection. During lower demand periods when less flow is ordered from tiie SDCWA No. 1 Connection, the high water level of these reservoirs will be closer together. A new pump station at the northeast comer of El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road will supply the 700 Zone under emergency conditions from the Maerkle Dam and the 550 Zone. 580N Zone - The 580N Zone serves residential demands in the northem part of the CMWD service area and is supplied directly from the SDCWA TAP No. 4 Connection. The grade in this zone is estabUshed by the TAP pressure sustaining valve, which discharges excess supply to the TAP Reservoir. Demands are projected to increase to approximately 0.51 MGD, which is a 20 percent increase over existing demands. The 5 SON Zone disfribution system will expand to serve future development within Calavera Hills. City of Carlsbad Dudek & Associates, inc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 6-15 March 2003 There is no storage in the 580 Zone. In the event of a fire, all flow suppUed from the TAP No. 4 Connection would be available to the 580N Zone, as a pressure drop in system would close tiie TAP sustaining valve. To provide a 1,500 gpm residential fire flow with maximum day demands from the TAP No. 4 Connection, a minimum flow of approximately 3 MGD or 4.7 cfs would need to be ordered. In tiie ultimate MDD hydrauUc simulation, 7.8 cfs was suppUed in the model. The Calavera Hills Pump Station, which suppUes the 580N Zone from the TAP Reservoir, can provide an additional 1,500 gpm for fire flows or an emergency supply. The capacity ofthis pump station is sufficient to supply projected ultimate peak hour demands for the 580N Zone. However, the existing pump station does not have sufficient capacity to supply a 1,500 gpm residential fire flow in addition to average day demands. An additional pump, back-up generator and hydropnuematic tank are proposed for this facility. 550 Zone - Existing and fiiture supply to the 550 Zone is from the 700 Zone. Demands in the 550 Zone are projected to increase by approximately 40 percent. The existing 550 Zone wiU be expanded to serve portions ofthe planned Carlsbad North Business Park and most of tiie planned development witiiin Bressi Ranch. A new 550 Zone pipeline wiU be constmcted in tiie future aUgnment of El Fuerte Sfreet to supply Bressi Ranch from tiie existing Mefrose PRS. Constraction ofthis pipeline will connect the isolated portion ofthe 550 Zone (existing 550E Zone) with the remainder of tiie 550 Zone. A fiiture PRS near the east end of tiie CMWD boundary along the future extension of Faraday Avenue will increase supply to the 550 Zone. During shutdowns of the SDCWA aqueduct or in emergency supply conditions, tiie 550 Zone wiU continue to be supplied dfrectly from tiie Maerkle Reservofr at a reduced hydraulic grade through the Maerkle Confrol Vault. 510 Zone - The existing 510 Zone is very small, and serves residential development in the La Costa area. In the ultimate system, the service area of this zone will expand to the north and supply portions ofthe Villages of La Costa, increasing the 510 Zone demand by approximately 50 percent. A new PRS for emergency/ffre flow conditions is planned within the Villages of La Costa to provide an additional source of supply from the 680 Zone. 490 Zone - The existing 490 Zone, which is suppUed from Maerkle Reservofr, serves vety little demand directly but is tiie main supply to tiie 330, 285 and 255 Zones. The 490 Zone also suppUes the 446 and 375 Zones. In the ultimate system, the 490 Zone service area wiU expand to include ftiture development within Mandana Properties, Cantarini, and KeUey Ranch. Ultimate demands within the 490 Zone service area are projected to increase tenfold, but wiU still be less than existing demands in the 680 Zone. City of Carisbad Dudek & Associates, Inc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 6-16 Ma rch 2003 Transmission main improvements are proposed for the 490 Zone to increase capacity under nonnal and emergency operations and provide a redundant supply from Maerkle Dam. A 36-inch diameter transmission main is proposed to paraUel the existing 27-inch diameter supply main from Maerkle Reservoir, and a new main wiU be constructed in the future aUgnment of College Boulevard. The 490 Zone main in CoUege Boulevard will supply the ftiture development of Robertson Ranch through a new PRS to tiie 255 Zone, and tiie fiiture Calavera HiUs development through a new PRS to tiie 446 Zone. Supply to the 375 Zone wiU also increase from an upgrade ofthe existing Grosse PRS. Pressure settings for the new PRVs were set to maximize supply from the 490 Zone and tiie SDCWA TAP No. 3 Connection in the ultimate system model. This operational adjustment was done to take advantage of the additional pipeline capacity, excess daily storage capacity in Maerkle Reservoir, and to increase water cfrculation in Maerkle Dam. In the event of a loss of water supply from the SDCWA, the 490 Zone with proposed system improvements wiU be able to supply the entire CMWD service area from Maerkle Dam (refer to Section 6.5.2). 446 Zone - Ultimate demands in the 446 Zone are projected to increase by over 40 percent. The existing 446 Zone distribution system will expand to serve future development in Calavera Hills and a portion of Robertson Ranch. A new 446 PRS is planned at the terminus of the 490 Zone main in the fiiture extension of CoUege Boulevard. A new 446 Zone main wiU extend north in College Boulevard and connect vnth the existing portion of tiie 446 Zone distribution system in College Boulevard. 375 Zone - Ultimate demands in the 375 Zone are projected to be more than double the existing demands. The service area tiie 375 Zone wiU expand to supply portions of the Villages of La Costa, Cantarini, and Kelley Ranch. Several large future inigation demands wUl also be served from this zone if the Phase II Recycled Water System is not constracted. These future irrigation demands include the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course, Marcario Canyon Park, and ViUages of La Costa (Greens). In the existing distribution system, there are two small isolated areas ofthe 375 Zone. The first area, just nortii of El Camino Real and east of College Boulevard, is suppUed from the 490 Zone through the Grosse PRS. The second area is a part of KeUey Ranch that is accessed from El Camino Real and Cannon Road and suppUed from the Jackspar PRS. Future 375 Zone pipelines are included in the ultimate system to integrate these areas with the rest of the 375 Zone. Additionally, fiiture pipeUnes in Cannon Road, CoUege Boulevard, and through Mandana Properties wdU create a looped 375 Zone distribution system. City of Carlsbad Dudek & Associates, Inc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 6-17 March 2003 In the maximum demand day simulation, the pressure setting at the Grosse PRS (which wiU be enlarged) was adjusted so that the station would be active and supply the 375 Zone from the 490 Zone. It is noted that when this occurs, pressures in the formerly isolated area of KeUey Ranch will increase by approximately 25 psi (based on the existing setting of the Jackspar PRV, as provided by the Operations Staff). Analysis results from the ultimate maximum day demand simulation indicate tiiat pressures in tiie existing portion ofthe Kelley Ranch development wiU be between 120 and 150 psi. A new PRS is proposed to supply the future Villages of La Costa development in the 375 Zone from the 700 Zone. A new 375 Zone fransmission main in Poinsettia Lane will connect this area ofthe 375 Zone with the D3 Reservoir. 318 Zone - Demand served from the ultimate 318 Zone is projected to increase by approximately 20 percent from existing 2001 demands. The 318 Zone service area wiU expand to serve a portion of the fiiture ViUages of La Costa development. A new PRS is planned to supply the 318 Zone form the 375 Zone within ViUages of La Costa. This PRS is considered to be an emergency/ffre flow supply and was not active in the hydrauUc model. 255 Zone - Demands in the ultimate 255 Zone are projected to increase by approximately 10 percent over existing demands. The 255 Zone service area will expand to serve most of Robertson Ranch, fiiture development in LFMZ 25, and a smaU area east of CoUege Boulevard, which includes a fiiture high school. Looped 255 Zone pipelines are planned within Robertson Ranch and east of CoUege Boulevard. These pipeUne loops wiU be connected with the existing 255 Zone distribution system via a proposed pipeUne in El Camino Real. A new PRS is proposed at College Boulevard and the access road to Robertson Ranch, which will supply the 255 Zone from the 490 Zone. A second PRS is proposed for development in LFMZ 25, which will supply the 255 Zone form tiie 446 Zone. In the ultimate system hydraulic model, pressure settings for the two fiiture PRSs were adjusted to supply all of the future development. This was done to limit the flow increase through tiie existing May Company PRS (the primary supply to the 255 Zone) and the downsfream 255 Zone pipelines, which are flowing witii high velocities during peak demand periods. The remaining pressure zones in the existing distribution system not Usted above (198, 285, 330, 349, 430, and 680 Zones) are nearly built-out, and only minor demand and service area changes are projected for the ultimate system. With the exception of a new PRS to provide a redundant supply to the 680 Zone, no future fransmission mains or supply facilities have been identified for these zones. City of Carisbad Dudek & Associates, Inc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 6-18 March 2003 6.8 SEAWATER DESALINATION A feasibiUty study has been prepared by a private company for a future 50 MG seawater desaUnation faciUty adjacent to the Encina Power Plant. The plant could eventuaUy be expanded to a lOOMG facility. The high quality drinking water would be sold based on long-term water sales agreements, and a draft water purchase agreement has been submitted to the SDCWA for thefr consideration. The proposed desalination plant would deUver desalinated water to CMWD, the City of Oceanside, VID, VWD, and the SDCWA. Desalinated water would be pumped from the desalination facility in a new 48-inch diameter pipeline to Maerkle Dam and Maerkle Reservoir prior to disfribution to the various use areas. Maerkle Dam would therefore be converted to a desalinated water storage facility. CMWD is cunentiy conducting its own intemal evaluation of the desalination study separate from the Water Master Plan Update. SDCWA staff is also reviewing the feasibility study and is in discussion with staff at Carlsbad and Oceanside over coordinating technical review of the proposal. CMWD has expressed concem over the mixing of desalinated water with imported water from the SDCWA, and the effect of changing supply sources on customers. SpecificaUy, changes in taste, mineral content, and the overaU water hardness may adversely affect customers who, under various seasonal supply scenarios, would be delivered either desalinated water, imported water, or a mixture of both suppUes. The CMWD has therefore requested first rights to the desalinated water in order to supply aU of its customers from a single source. If the desalination plant is constracted there will be numerous impacts to the City of Carlsbad and the operation of the CMWD distribution system. In addition to new pipelines, a new pump station will be required at Maerkle Dam to pump desaUnated water back into the SDCWA tri-agency pipeline and an additional CMWD pumping facility would be requfred to supply the upper zones with desalinated water from Maerkle Reservoir. Emergency storage rights for the water in Maerkle Dam will need to be negotiated. The potential impacts of changing the water supply to a desalinated source also need fiirther investigation. City of Carisbad Dudek & Associates, I nc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 6-19 March 2003 CHAPTER 7 RECOMMENDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Water distribution system improvements are recommended to improve system reUabiUty, increase the available ffre fiow, replace aging faciUties, supply the entire distribution system from Maerkle Dam, and supply projected demands based on bmld-out conditions. Recommend projects are organized into a phased Capital Improvement Program (CIP). To aid tiie CMWD in budgeting for capital improvements, tills chapter provides estimated constraction costs for pipelines, reservoirs, pump stations and miscellaneous improvements. 7.1 RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS The recommended CEP includes the CMWD-funded projects proposed for build-out of the water distribution system, which is projected to occur by the year 2020. The projects are illusfrated on Exhibit 3 in Appendix A and smnmarized briefly below. The major developer-fiinded projects are also shown on Exhibits. 7.1.1 Fire Flow Improvements Fourteen projects are recommended to increase the available fire flow capacity in fhe existing system at tiie locations previously documented in Table 5-3. The majority of tiie recommended improvements are pipeline replacement projects, specifically the replacement of older 6-inch diameter pipeUnes with larger diameter pipelines. One of the projects is a new supply connection for ffre hydrants along Glasgow Drive, in front ofthe Calavera recreation faciUty. Both 446 Zone and 580 Zone pipeUnes are located in Glasgow Drive, and the existing hydrants are connected to the 580 Zone. The 580 Zone has no storage and, depending on tiie flow rate ordered fonn tiie SDCWA TAP No. 4 Connection, a commercial fire flow may not be available even with the operation of the back-up Calavera Pump Station (capacity = 1,500 gpm). A commercial fire flow rate of 4,000 gpm is available from tiie 446 Zone pipeline, which is connected to the TAP Reservoir. Ffre flow projects are identified with an "F" label designation on Exhibit 3. It is recommend tiiat tiie CMWD conduct hydrant flow tests at the locations identified in Table 5-3 to confirm the modeling resuhs before constracting the recommended fire flow projects. As stated previously, the available fire flow is dependent on the exact location, elevation and type of ffre hydrant, and also the physical condition (and resulting friction loss) of tiie upstream pipelines. City of Carisbad Dudek & Associates, Inc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 7-1 March 2003 7.1.2 Reliability and System Condition Improvements Six projects are recommend to increase the reUabiUty of the existing system, based on the CMWD requirement that no more than 18 houses are to be served from a dead-end water line. Five of these projects, labeled as CIP project numbers 2, 3, 17, 19 and 24 on Exhibit 3, construct a looped or paraUel pipeUne to provide redundancy. CIP project 21 constracts a second pressure reducing station (PRS) to supply the 680 Zone. Parallel pipelines are recommended for two fire flow projects (CEP Nos. F12 and F13) to provide redundancy as weU as increase the available ffre flow. There are three projects recoinmended to replace existing water mains (CIP Nos. 16, 18 and 26) and several miscellaneous projects, including a new 330 Zone pipeline in Carlsbad Boulevard to provide a two-way emergency interconnect witii tiie SDWD (CIP 22). 7.1.3 Emergency Supply Improvements Maerkle Dam provides emergency water storage for tiie CMWD. Several water system improvements are required to supply the entfre disfribution system from storage in Maerkle Dam. The recommended projects are as follows: CEP No. 29a - Increase the capacity of the Maerkle Pump Station, which suppUes Maerkle Reservofr from tiie Maerkle Dam. A pumping capacity equal to the average day demand (ADD) of tiie entfre distribution system is reconunended. Cunentiy, the Maerkle Pump Station can supply approximately 60 percent of the average day demand. It is noted that ultimate expansion of the Maerkle Pump Station is planned over two phases, designated at projects 29a and 29b in Table 7-1. CIP Nos. 10 and 11 - Constract a second ttansmission main from Maerkle Reservofr to the 490 Zone distribution system to increase fransmission capacity and provide a redundant supply. A 36-inch diameter pipeline is recommended. CIP Nos. 6 and 7 - Constract an additional delivery main and PRS to supply the 446 Zone from the 490 Zone. CEP Nos. 4 and 23 - Constract pipeUnes to increase the supply capacity from the 490 Zone to the 375 Zone. CIP No. 5 - Replace the existing 20-inch diameter pipeline in El Camino Real upsfream of the Maerkle Confrol Vault with a 30-inch diameter pipeline and constract a new flow confrol valve (Maerkle Confrol Vault). The capacity increase is requfred to supply the 550 and 700 Zones from the 490 Zone through the Maerkle Control Vault by-pass. City of Carisbad Dudek & Associates, Inc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 7-2 March 2003 CIP Nos. 15 and 20 - Connect tiie existing 700N and 700S Zones into a single 700 Zone and constract an emergency pump station to supply the integrated 700 Zone from the 490 Zone. The recommended capacity of this station is 2,500 gpm, which is the projected ultimate ADD of the 700, 680, 580S and 510 Zones. 7.1.4 Capacity Improvements Several fransmission main capacity improvements are recoinmended in the ultimate distribution system to supply fiiture demands. GeneraUy, distribution pipelines 12-inches in diameter and smaUer required to serve ftiture development projects are considered developer-funded projects. Larger pipelines are included in the CIP. In some cases, both the developer and the CMWD wiU share pipeline project costs. The supply capacity of the existing SDCWA aqueduct connections is projected to be adequate for ultimate demands. Transmission main capacity improvements are recoinmended for the 700 Zone to supply future industrial/commercial demands (CIP Nos. 12-14). Other capacity improvements are recommended for tiie 375 Zone (CIP Nos. 8, 9, 25 and 30) and the 255 Zone (CIP No. 1). A second phase expansion of the Maerkle Pump Station is recommended to supply future demands from Maerkle Dam (No. 29b) and a new PRS will be requfred when the existing "C" Reservoir is taken out of service (No. 35). There are also several miscellaneous projects identified for fiiture development. 7.1.5 Storage Improvements Based on projected ultimate demands, there wiU be a daily storage deficit of approximately 4.5 MG within the distribution system. The storage deficit will increase by an additional 1.5 MG ifthe CMWD decides to remove the "E" Reservofr from service. It is recommended that the daily storage deficit be met by constracting an additional reservoir at the D3 Reservoir site, where there is afready a reservofr pad in place on District-owned property. To operate efficiently in the distribution system, it is recoinmended tiiat a "twin" reservofr be constracted with the same dimensions and capacity as the existing D3 tank. CIP No. 27 recommends constraction of an 8.5 MG "D4" Reservofr. During completion of this planning document. District Staff decided that the 10-day emergency storage requirement is to be calculated based on the projected ultimate ADD without Phase II recycled water demands. To meet the future emergency storage deficit, constraction of an additional reservoir adjacent to Maerkle Dam was recommended in the last Master Plan. This previous storage solution has been canied forward at the request of District Staff, and a buried reservoir with a capacity of 15 MG is recoinmended to provide the required 10-days of emergency storage at build-out conditions (CIP No. 28). City of Carisbad Dudek & Associates, Inc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 7-3 March 2003 7.1.6 Water Quality Improvements Water quaUty improvements have been tentatively identified for Maerkle Dam, which is the CMWD's largest water storage faciUty. As discussed in Section 3.8 ofthis report, CMWD plans to continue the use of chlorine dioxide to maintain water quaUty in the 195 MG covered reservofr. This results in the need for a pennanent instaUation of a chlorine dioxide generator and chemical storage facility. A decision on the permanent installation will be delayed until after the seawater desaUnation project has been decided upon, which calls for desalinated water to be stored at Maerkle Dam (refer to Section 6.8). At fhe dfrection of CMWD staff, pennanent water quaUty faciUties at Maerkle Dam are not included in the CEP. 7.2 BASIS OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS An opinion of probable constraction costs was determined for the CEP projects by multiplying a unit cost for constraction by the estimated quantity and adding a 35 percent contingency for engineering, adminisfrative, and legal costs. Pipeline units costs used in the 1997 Master Plan were updated based on the November 2002 Engineering News Record Constraction Cost Index (CCI) of 6578. Unit costs were also increased for projects constracted in existing major roadways. No costs are included for land or right-of-way acquisition for transmission and distribution pipelines, as they are typically constructed in the public right-of-way. 7.3 PHASED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM A phased CEP has been developed to plan for ftiture water system improvements. The proposed improvements illusfrated on Exhibit 3 are itemized with an opinion of probable constraction cost and summarized by phase in Table 7-1. The project phases are defined as follows: Phase I - Existing: Improvements to the existing water disttibution system. The majority ofthe facility improvements are pipeline projects recommended to improve fire flows and meet redundancy criteria. Replacement of older water mains and additional capacity improvements in the vicinity ofthe D3 Reservofr are also recommended. Phase n - Emergency Supply: Improvements in this phase consist of facilities required to supply the entfre distribution system from Maerkle Dam via the 490 Zone. Included is a new pump station to supply the 700 Zone and capacity improvements at the existing Maerkle Pump Station. Also included are fransmission main improvements in the 375 Zone that will be instaUed with the constraction of Cannon Road and College Boulevard, and the fransmission main to integrate tiie 700N and 700S Zones. City of Carisbad Dudek & Associates, Inc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 7-4 March 2003 Phase HI - Future Development: Improvements recommended for the final CIP phase include constraction of additional pipelines, pressure reducing stations, and operational and emergency storage facilities. Capacity improvements are recoinmended that wiU be constmcted with commercial/industrial development in the 700 Zone and the development of Robertson Ranch and LFMZ 25 in the 255 Zone. These three CEP phases should provide tiie CMWD with a long range planning tool to keep up witii growth and provide for expansion of the water distribution system in an orderly manner. It is noted that phasing for recommended improvement projects may be accelerated or detened as requfred to account for changes in development schedules, availabiUty of land or rights-of-way for constraction, fimding limitations, and other considerations that cannot be predicted at this time. City of Carisbad Dudek & Associates, Inc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 7-5 March 2003 Table 7-1 CMWD RECOMMENDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Label Zone Description/Location Projecf Type Existing Diam New Dam. Pipeline Lenqth Unit Cost Estimnte* 35% ContinQencv Total Consir Cost* Benefit/Comments PHASE 1 - EXISTING SYSTEM IMPROVEMFNTS F 1 330 Upsize 6" and 4" PL In Jeanne Place to end of cul-de-sac Pipeline Replacement 6-in. 8-in. 600' $95 /linear ft. $33 $ 76,800 Upsize to provide Residential fire flow F 2 446 Upsize 6" PL in Nob Hill Drive to end of cul de-sac Pipeline Replacement 6-in. 8-in. 650' $95 /linear ft. $33 $ 83,200 Upsize to provide Residential fire flow F 3 446 Upsize 6" PL In Holly Brae Lane and Alder Ave east of Skyline Dr. Pipeline Replacement 6-in. 8-in. 890' $95 /linear ft. $33 $ 114,000 Upsize to provide Residential fire flow F 4 446 Upsize 6" PL in Falcon Dr. east of Donna Dr. to cul-de-sac Pipeline Replacement 6-in. 8-in. 870' $95 /linear ft. $33 $ 111,400 Upsize to provide Residential fire flow F 5 255 Upsize 6" PL in Cynthia Ln & Gregory Dr, from Knowles Av to cul-de-sac Pipeline Replacement 6-in. 8-in. 710' $95 /linear R. $33 $ 90,900 Upsize to provide Residential fire flow F 6 330 Upsize 6" PL in Tamarack Av from Highland Drive west to Adair St., and in Adair St to cul-de-sac Pipeline Replacement 6-in. 8-in. 1250' $95 /linear ft. $33 $ 160,100 Upsize to provide Residential and Multi-family fire flow F 7 330 Upsize 6" PL in Highland Dr. from Yourell Ave to Ratcliff Pipeline Replacement 6-in. 8-in. 700' $95 /linear ft. $33 $ 89,600 Upsize to provide Residential fire flow F 8 580 Switch supply to hydrants at the Calavera Rec. center from the 580 Zone to the 446 Zone New Connection to Fire Hydrants NA NA NA $25,000 L.S. $8,750 $ 33,750 The 580 Zone has no storage. Modify system to provide Comm/Ind flre flow to recreation center from the 446 Zone and TAP Reservoir F 9 330 Upsize 6" PL from Chestnut Ave at Woodland Wav to the end of Woodland Pipeline Replacement 6-in. 8-in. 560' $95 /linear ft. $33 $ 71,700 Upsize to provide Multi-Family flre flow F 10 255 Upsize 6" PL in Garfield from Chinquapin Ave to end of cul-de-sac Pipeline Replacement 6-in. 8-in. 846' $95 /linear ft. $33 $ 108,300 Upsize to provide Comm/Ind flre flow F 11 255 Upsize 6" PL in Arland Road from Highland to Buena Vista Way Pipeline Replacement 6-in. 12-in. 780' $116/linear ft. $41 $ 121,900 Upsize to provide Comm/Ind fire flow F 12 330 Install parallel pipeline in Highland Dr. from Hillside Dr. south to Adams St. New Watermain 6-in. 8-in. 2400' $95 /linear ft. $33 $ 307,300 Upsize to provide Residential fire flow & provide redundant supply F 13 255 Inslall parallel pipeline in Cove Drive from Park Drive to end. New Watermain 6-in. 10-in. 1300' $106 /linear ft. $37 $ 185,700 Upsize to provide Multi-Family flre flow & provide redundant supply F 14 680 High elevation areas in the vinicity of Obelisco Place/Circle emergency pump NA NA NA $75,000 L.S. $26,250 $ 101,250 Inslall emergency pump to boost pressures & pnavide the req'd flre flow @ 20psi 2 255 Parallel existing. 8" PL in Crestview Drive south of El Camino Real New Watermain 8-in. 8-ln. 600' $95 /linear ft. $33 $ 76,800 Provides redundant supply to existing residential area 3 255 El Camino Real south from Kelly Drive to Lisa Street New Watermain NA 10-ln. 1500' $106 /linear ft. $37 $ 214,300 Provides looping to improve pressures and reliability 16 550 El Camino Real from Palomar Airport Road south to Cassia Road Watermain Replacement 20-in. 24-in. 6100' $240 /linear ft. $84 $ 1,976,400 Replace existing pipeline and provide increased flow capacity 17 375 Poinsettia Lane west from Skimmer Ct. to Blackrail Rd. New Watermain NA 12-in. 4500' $116/linear ft. $41 $ 703,000 Completes 375 Loop along Poinsettia Lane; Increase capacity to/from the D3 Reservoir 18 550 Poinsettia Road, 1100 feet east of Blackrail Rd. Watermain Replacement 18-in. 30-in. 1100' $250 /linear ft. $88 $ 371,300 Increase supply to 550 Zone and D3 Reservoir 19 550 Aviara Pky at Plum Tree north to Mariposa St, then east to Sapphire Dr. New Watermain NA 8-in. 3100' $95 /linear ft. $33 $ 397,000 Provide redundant supply to residential development 21 680 Intersection of El Fuerte and Corintia St. New 700 => 680 PRS NA NA NA $100,000 L.S. $35,000 $ 135,000 Provide redundant supply to 680, 580S and 510 Zones 22 318 Carisbad Boulevard from Avenida Encinas soulh to the District boundary New Watermain NA 12-in. 4900' $116/linear ft. $41 $ 765,500 Provide 2-way emergency conn w/SDWD 240 Zone; can supply to 318 Zone west of 1-5 WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE March 2003 Table 7-1 (continued) Lal>et Zone Description/Location Project Type Exi^tinc) Diani New Dam Pipeline Length Unit Cost Estimate* 35V. Continaencv Toial Constr Cost' Benefit/Comments PHASE 1 - EXISriNG SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS (continued) 24 550 Parallel existing PL in Poinsettia Road from Ambrosia Ln. to Blackrail Rd. New Watermain 18-in & 30-in 12-in. 2000' $116/linear ft. $41 $ 312,400 Provide redundant supply to residential developments 26 700 Palomar Airport Road west of SDCWA Connection #1 Watermain Replacement 20-in. 30-in. 1500' $250 /linear ft. $88 $ 506,300 Reduce velocity & provide increased capacity from SDCWA #1 Connection into 700 Zone. 31 490 El Camino crossing at Kelly Dr. New watermain NA 12-in. 300 $124/linear ft. $43 $ 50,200 Increase supply to the 255 Zone directly from the 490 Zone thru the Kelly PRS 32 NA Abandonment of 9 wells at the Foussart well field well abandonment NA NA NA $150,000 LS. $52,500 $ 202,500 Abandon wells per State standards; removal of pumps, structures & restoration of property 33 NA Lake Calavera Reservoir Improvements reservoir improvements NA NA NA $1,200,000 L.S. $420,000 $ 1,620,000 Replacement of outlet tower valves and piping; Re-grade reservoir bottom 34 255 Oceanside Intertie Upgrade Intertie upgrade NA NA NA $75,000 L.S. $26,250 $ 101,250 Valve, pipeline and meter replacements for the existing inter-tie 36 NA Groundwater/seawater desalination study report/study NA NA NA NA NA $ 649,860 Investigate treatment/delivery of City owned groundwater;seawater desalination feasibility Subtotal Phase 1 Improvements. $ 9,738,000 mtmmm PHASE II -EMERGENCY SUPPLY 4 375 Bryant Drive from Longfellow to El Camino Real, south on El Camino Real to College and northeast on College to Badger Lane New Watermain NA 12-in. 4000' $116/linear ft. $41 $ 624,900 Connects Isolated porfions of 375 Zone & provides for supply from Maerkle Res. for ex. and future development 5 490 Upsize existing 20" to 30" along El Camino Real from Cougar Dr. to Faraday Ave Including Maerkle Control Valve Watemiain Replacement & valve 20-in. 30-in. 1500' $250 /linear ft. $150,000 L.S. $88 $52,500 $ 708,800 Larger diam. pipe reduces pressure loss during emergency supply to 550 Zone from Maerkle Dam 6 490/ 446 College Blvd from Carisbad Village Drive south to Cannon Road, 490=>446 PRS New Watermain &PRS NA 16-in. 6330' $133/linear ft. $100,000 L.S. $47 $35,000 $ 1,273,600 Increase supply capacity to 446 Zone from Maeri<ie Res. 7 490 College Blvd from future intersection with Cannon south to future Tee leading to Maerkle Reservoir New Watermain NA 16-in. 4000' $133 /linear ft. $47 $ 719,500 Primary feed for Robertson Ranch (490=>255 PRV); Increase supply capacity from Maerkle 10 490 In College Ave, from Badger Lane north aprrox. 1,200 ft, then east through future development New Watermain NA 36-in. 5200' $220 /linear ft. $77 $ 1,544,400 Increase supply capacity from Maerkle Res and provide a redundant supply pipeline 11 490 Connection from terminus of Project #10 to Maerkle Reservoir New Watermain NA 36Hn. 4100' $220 /linear ft. $77 $ 1,217,700 Increase supply from Maerkle Res.; Supply to new 490 development east of Ei Camino and Rancho Carisbad golf course. 15 700 El Fuerte Street from Palomar /\irport Road south to Rancho Pancho New Watermain NA 24-in. 5200' $163 /linear ft. $57 $ 1,141,000 Connects 700N and 700S Zones; Supply for future development 20 700 Northeast corner of El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road Pump Station NA Capacity = 2,500 gpm $900,000 L.S. $315,000 $ 1,215,000 Provide emergency supply to 700, 680, 5808, and 510 Zones from Maerkle Res; Pump Station sized to supply the projected ult /\AD of the zones supplied. 23 375 Cannon Road, 1,800 feet NE from Faradav Road New Watermain NA 16-in. 2760' $133/linear ft. $47 $ 496,500 Provide for 375 supply from Maerkle Res; Increased capacity for future development 29(a) 490 Maeri^le Pump Station Capacity Improvements Enlarge Pump Station NA Additional capacity = 5,000 gpm $500,000 L.S. $175,000 $ 675,000 Req'd for emergency supply from Maerkle Dam. Increase PS capacity to existing ADD Subtotal Phase II Improvements $ 9,616,000 WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE March 2003 Table 7-1 (continued) Label Zone Description/Location Project Type Existing Diam. New Dam. Pipeline LenCitti Const. Unit Cost 35% Contingency Total EsL Cost* Comment PHASE III - FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 1 255 From end of Marron Road east to Tamarack; 446=>255 PRV at Tamarack New Wate nnain &PRS NA 12-ln. 6600' $116/linear ft. $100,000 L.S. $41 $35,000 $ 1,168,600 Supply new developments in LFMZ 25 & provide additional supply to the 255 Zone 8 375 College Blvd from Cannon Road south to Badqer Lane New Watermain NA 12-in. 4130' $116/linear ft. $41 $ 645,200 Supply for new development and creates 375 Zone loop east of El Camino 9 375 In Cannon Rd., from Menwin Drive east to Intersecfion with future College Blvd. New Watermain NA 12-in. 4400' $116/linear ft. $41 $ 687,400 Supply for new development and creates 375 Zone loop east of El Camino 12 700 In future extension of Melrose Dr., fi'om PAR north to future Faradav Rd. New Watermain NA 16-in. 4000' $133/linear ft. $47 $ 719,500 Provides looped supply to new North 700 zone business park in LFMZ 16 (1 of 3) 13 700 In northem El Fuerte St. extension, to future Faradav Road New Watermain NA 16-in. 2200' $133/linear ft. $47 $ 395,700 Provides looped supply to new North 700 zone business park in LFMZ 16 (2 of 3) 14 700 In future Faraday Rd. extension, between El Fuerte SL and Melrose Dr. New Watemiain NA 16-in. 3600' $133/linear ft. $47 $ 647,600 Provides looped supply to LFMZ 16 (3 of 3) and supply to 550 Zone from 700=>550 PRV 25 375 Poinsettia Road from El Camino Real west to Skimmer Court (Poinsettia Lane) New Watermain NA 12-in. 1300' $116/linear ft. $41 $ 203,100 Parallel exisfing 8-inch to increase capacity in the 375 Zone and supply from the 550 Zone thru Villages of La Costa 27 375 Construct new 375 Zone water reservoir next to existing D-3 Reservoir New Water Storage Reservoir NA Capacity = 8.5 MG $0.60/ gal $0.21/gal $ 6,885,000 Provides additional daily storage within the distribufion system for ultimate demands 28 490 Construct buried storage reservoir next to existing Maeri^le Reservoir New Water Storage Reservoir NA Capacity = 15 MG $1.00/gal $0.35/ gal $ 11,475,000 Provides addiUonal emergency storage to meet 10-day storage criteria based on ulfimate demands 29(b) 490 Maerkle Pump Stafion Capacity Improvements Enlarge Pump Stafion NA Additional capacity = 5,000 gpm $500,000 L.S. $175,000 $ 675,000 Req'd for emergency supply from Maerkle Dam. Increase PS capacity to projected ADD 30 375 Gross Pressure Reducing Stafion Improvements 490=>375 PRS Upgrade NA NA NA $75,000 L.S. $26,250 $ 101,250 Increase capacity of exisfing Gross PRS to supply new development from 490 Zone 35 392 Install 490=>392 PRS at Cannon Road and Colleae Blvd. 490=>392 PRS NA NA NA $100,000 L.S. $35,000 $ 135,000 Project will take place when exisfing "C" Reservoir is taken out of service 37 580 Calavere Pump Station Improvements, College Blvd at Carisbad Village Dr. PS upgrades NA NA NA $300,000 L.S. $105,000 $ 405,000 Install standby generator & building, hydropneumafic tank & add'l pump Subtotal Phase III Improvements: $24,143,000 CIP TOTAL PHASES 1-III $43 497,000 Opinion of probable construction cost is based on a Construcfion Cost Index (CCI) of 6578 for November 2002. City of Carisbad WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE Dudek & Associates, Inc. Marcti 2003 CHAPTER 8 WATER CONNECTION FEE UPDATE The CMWD has historically charged connection fees to provide water service to its new customers. The fees pay for the planning, design and constraction of capacity improvements and/or new facilities required for the delivery, distribution and storage of water. Under California State law, connection fees must be based on relevant capital costs. This chapter provides an updated basis for new potable water connection fees based on current growth projections and capital improvement projects identified to serve future development. A cash flow analysis is performed with the updated connection fee from a starting date of October 1, 2003 through buildout, which is projected to occur by 2020. 8.1 BACKGROUND Water connection fees are used to generate revenue to constract water infrastracture needed to support new development. Assembly Bill 1600 was incorporated into the Califomia Govemment Code under Title 7, Division 1, Chapter 5: "Fees for Development Projects", effective 1989. Chapter 5 states that any fee imposed by a local agency, such as tiie CMWD, must show that the fee will be used only for purposes related to the service for which the fee is assessed. The law requires that the CMWD: 1) identify the purpose of the fee, 2) identify the use for which the fee is to be put, 3) show a relationship between the fee's use and the type of development project on which the fee is imposed, and 4) show a relationship between the need for the facility and the type of development project on which the fee is imposed. This chapter provides the basis for connection fees needed to satisfy Califomia law. The water connection fee was developed as part of the 1990 Water Master Plan and calculated based on equivalent dwelling units (EDUs). EDU conversions are defmed in the Carlsbad Municipal Code for purposes of estimating wastewater flows, but are not necessarily representative of water demands. In Januaty 1996 the Water and Wastewater Rate Study and Financial Plan recommended changing to a simple, equitable method of assessing water connection fees based on the water meter size. The fransfer of methods was initially made by assuming that one EDU is equivalent to the water use from a 5/8-inch meter, which is the typical meter size supplied for a single-family dwelling. The connection fee varies depending on the hydraulic capacity of the meter and the potential demand it could place on the water system. The current water connection fee is $2,400 for a 5/8-inch meter connection. Charges for other meter sizes are shown in Table 8-1. Charges for larger meters are based on a "modified" capacity ratio, which was developed in the 1996 Rate Study. The fees for turbine and turbo meters are proportionally higher based on their higher flow capacity. CMWD Dudek & Associates, Inc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 8-1 July 2003 Table 8-1 CMWD EXISTING CONNECTION FEES Meter Size (mch) Meter Type Connection Fee SIB" Meter Fee Ratio 5/8" Displacement $2 400 1 3/4" Displacement $3,420 1.43 1" Displacement $5,400 2.25 1.5" Displacement Turbine $10,200 $11,975 4.25 5 2" Displacement Turbine $15,360 $19,200 6.4 8 3" Displacement Turbine $27,000 $42,000 11.25 17.5 4" Displacement Turbine Turtso $42,000 $72,000 $120,000 17.5 30 50 6" Displacement Turbine Turtio $78,000 $150,000 $240,000 32.5 62.5 100 The connection fees in Table 8-1 are currently charged for new connections to both the potable and recycled water systems. In addition to the CMWD connection fee, there is also a County Water Authority connection fee that is imposed on potable water connections, but not coimections to the recycled water system. It is noted that the connection fee update analysis presented in this chapter is based on future connections and improvement projects for the potable water system. The updated fee is therefore applicable to meters supplied from the potable water system only. 8.2 GROWTH PROJECTIONS The total number of fiiture users and an estimate of the number of corresponding water meters must be projected to calculate connection fees. The City of Carlsbad Growth Database is used in this Master Plan Update to determine the number of fiiture users and project the ultimate water demand for the analysis of the water disfribution system (documented in Chapter 6, Section 6.1). Parcels in the Growth Database are assigned to one of 25 Local Facility Management Zones (LFMZ), as Ulustrated previously on Figure 6-1. For the connection fee update, an updated version of the Growth Database is used to determine the number of future users. In the updated Growth Database, future users are based on development that is projected to occur after October 1,2003. Growth data in the updated Growth Database consists of the number of projected residential units and the estimated building area for non-residential parcels at build-out. To estimate the number of fiiture water meters, the projected residential units were identified as either single or multi-family (apartment) units. CMWD WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 8-2 Dudek & Associates, Inc. July 2003 In the CMWD, single-family residences are connected with 5/8-inch water meters. Future single-family residential units are therefore assigned one "meter EDU" based on a 5/8-inch water meter. Multi-family and non-residential parcels are served from larger meters, and water meter EDU conversion factors are developed for these development types in the following report section. 8.3 WATER METER EDU CONVERSIONS The number of future water meters must be projected to calculate an updated water connection fee. Future single-family residential units are assigned one "meter EDU" based on a 5/8-inch water meter. Multi-family and non-residential parcels, however, are typically served from multiple and larger-sized meters. The required size and number of meters to supply these parcels are based on calculations which take into account the specific building type, fixture coimts, and peaking formulas. Since this detailed information is not available in the Growth Database, a method of estimating of the number and size of future multi-family and commercial meters to project the number of fiiture meter EDUs needs to be developed. The CMWD identifies 12 categories of meter types for billing purposes. The meter account categories are: single-family, duplex, multi-family, multi-family public dwelling units, commercial, institutional, agriculture (3 specific types), irrigation, fire protection, and temporaty (constraction water). Multi-family and commercial/industrial parcels typicaUy have separate meters for landscape irrigation and fire protection. Connection fees are not charged for fire protection meters, and it is assumed that future irrigation demands will be supplied from tiie recycled water system. The number of water meter EDUs for future multi-family and non-residential development will therefore be based on the projected number of multi-family and commercial account type meters only. 8.3.1 MuIti-FamUy Meter EDUs Water demands for future multi-family units are estimated in this Master Plan Update based on a projected water use of 250 gallons per day per unit, or an EDU of 0.45. An EDU based on demand, however, does not necessarily equate to a "meter EDU" based on a 5/8-inch water meter. A 451-unit apartment complex currently under constraction in the KeUy Ranch development is considered to be typical of fiiture multi-family developments. Twenty-six 2-inch multi-family water meters have been purchased to serve this development. Based on the fee stracture in Table 8-1, each 2-uich meter is charged a rate 6.4 times higher than a 5/8-inch meter. This resuhs in a meter EDU of 0.37 for each multi- family unit (26 meters x 6.4 EDUs per meter / 451 units). Based on this data, each multi-family unit in the growth database will be assigned a meter EDU of 0.4. Stated another way, the water connection fee for approximately 2.5 multi-family units is projected to be the same as the connection fee for a single- family unit. CMWD Dudek & Associates, Inc. WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 8-3 July 2003 8.3.2 Non-Residential Meter EDUs An analysis of existing commercial water meter data was performed to detennine the relationship between non-residential building area and water meter size. The building area associated with each existing commercial meter was estimated from parcel data assuming a buUding coverage of 25 percent, which is the assumption used in the City's Growth Database when specific information on building size is unavailable. For parcels with multiple commercial water meters, the parcel size was apportioned based on meter size and quantity. Table 8-2 summarizes the existing commercial water meter data and calculates the average building size for various meter sizes. A meter conversion factor is then calculated to determine the number of equivalent 5/8" meters. The majority of future commercial meters are anticipated to be 1, 1-1/2, or 2-inch meters. A single conversion factor was therefore calculated based on a weighted factor for tiiese meter sizes. This conversion factor can be used to project the number of fiiture meter EDUs from the fiiture indusfrial and commercial building area in the Growth Database. Table 8-2 ANALYSIS SUMMARY OF EXISTING COMMERCIAL METERS EXISTING COMMERCIAL METERS Existing 5/8" Meter Meter No. of Average Parcel Estimated Buliding 5/8" Meter conversion Size Meters Slze<^>' ' SiEe^' Fee Ratio Factoi^'^ 5/8" 176 10,316 sqft 2,579 sqft 1 2,579 3/4" 47 41,475 sqft 10,369 sqft 1.43 7,276 1" 94 72,991 sqft 18,248 sqft 2.25 8,110 1.5" 137 102,235 sqft 25,559 sqft 4.25 6,014 2" 295 127,742 sqft 31,935 sqft 6.40 4,990 3" 4 165,843 sqft 41,461 sqfl 11.25 3,685 Weighted Av rerage based on 1", 1-1/2'"&2" motors: 5.810 (1) For parcels witli more than one meter, parcel size is proportioned to individual meters. (2) Building size is calculated at 25% of the parcel size, which is the assumption used in the City's Growth Database for non-residential land use. (3) Building area is divided by this conversion factor to obtain the number of 5/8" meter EDUs 8.4 PROJECTED WATER METER EDUs The projected future development within the CMWD Service Area after October 1, 2003 is summarized in Table 8-3 by LFMZ. Also shown in this table is the projected meter EDUs based on a 5/8-inch water meter, which is the basis of the water connection fee update. CMWD WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 8-4 Dudek & Associates, Inc. July 2003 Table 8-3 FUTURE POTABLE WATER METER EDUs Future Development 5/8" Future 5/8- LFMZ Residential Non-Residential Meter LFMZ Residential Non-Residential Meter SF Units MF Units SuildingArea (sqfti EDUs* Building Area isqftl EDUs* 1 290 399 1,016,581 625 14 608 352 0 749 2 22 118 39,656 76 15 470 80 275,000 549 3 12 0 148,551 38 16 0 0 1,413,522 243 4 40 0 0 40 17 598 0 2,438,000 1,018 5 0 0 2,496,687 430 18 0 0 2,226,000 383 6 128 0 180,065 159 19 84 0 223,637 122 7 268 437 30,000 448 20 497 0 70,750 509 8 170 86 6,000 205 21 180 212 0 265 9 1 0 411,500 72 22 222 0 84,780 237 10 740 315 0 866 24 30 0 0 30 13 0 0 1,309,692 225 25 130 0 0 130 Totals: 6.489 residential units 12,370,421 sqft of building area 7,419 EDUs Water Meter EDU conversions based on: 1 SF unit = 1 meter EDU 2.5 MF units = 1 meter EDU 5,810 sqft Non-Residential area = 1 meter EDU 8.5 CAPITAL COSTS The basis of capital cost estimates for the water connection fee is the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) previously identified in Table 7-1 of this Master Plan Update. The CIP lists current and fiiture projects that will be needed to support the build-out population, including replacement of existing facilities and maintenance-related projects. However, only those projects related to growth are included in the comiection fee calculations. The potable water capital improvement projects and estimate of probable costs for the connection fee update are summarized in Table 8-4. 8.6 CONNECTION FEE CALCULATIONS The water meter connection costs for potable water service can be determined from the CIP costs and the projected number of fiiture meter EDUs. Because the actual number of units eventually constracted may vaty, it is pradent to reduce the estimate of fiiture water EDUs in the calculation of connection fees. This unit reduction, or "safety factor", ensures that the necessaty fees wUl be collected even if areas within the CMWD are not completely buUdout as planned. As stated previously in Section 8.3, fiiture irrigation meters are assumed to be connected to the recycled water system, and are therefore not considered in the fiiture meter EDU projections. However, it is acknowledged that some irrigation meters wiU be connected to the future potable water system, at least CMWD WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 8-5 Dudek & Associates, Inc. July 2003 Table 8-4 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FOR THE WATER CONNECTION FEE UPDATE CIP NO. MASTER PLAN PROJECT DESCRIPTION/LOCATION PROJECT TYPE F^TIMATFD FUTURE YEAR BUDGET AMOUNTS CIP NO. MASTER PLAN PROJECT DESCRIPTION/LOCATION PROJECT TYPE COST YEAR1 2003-2004 YEARS 2004-2005 YEAR 3 2005-2006 YEAR 4 2006-2007 YEARS 2007-2008 YEAR 6-10 2008-2013 BUILDOUT 2013+ 1 From end of Marron Road east to Tamarack; 446=>255 PRV at Tamarack New Watermain & PRS $ 818,000* $ 618,000 3 El Camino Real south from Kelly Drive to Lisa St. New Watermain $ 164,300* $ 164,300 4 Bryant Dr. from Longfellow to El Camino Real, soulh on El Camino Real to College & northeast on College to Badger Ln New Watermain $ 624,900 $ 624,900 7 College Blvd from future intersection with Cannon south to future Tee leading to Maerkle Res. New Watermain $ 421,000* $421,000 8 College Blvd from Cannon Road south to Badger Lane New Watermain $ 645.200 $ 645,200 9 In Cannon Rd., from Merwin Drive east to intersection with future College Blvd. New Watermain $ 687,400 $ 687,400 12 In future extension of Melrose Dr., from PAR north to future Faraday Rd. New Watermain $ 719,500 $ 719,500 13 In northern El Fuerte St. extension to future Faraday Av New Watermain $ 148,800* $ 148,800 14 In future Faraday Rd. extension, between El Fuerte St. and Melrose Dr. New Watermain $ 647,600 $ 647,600 15 El Fuerte St. from Palomar Airport Rd south to Rancho Pancho New Watermain $ 1.141,000 $1,141,000 17 Poinsettia Ln west from Skimmer Ct. to Blackrail Rd New Watermain $ 309,000* $ 309,000 18 Poinsettia Road, 1100 feet east of Blackrail Rd. Watermain Upgrade $ 185,700* $ 185,700 20 Northeast corner of El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road Pump Station $ 1,215.000 $1,215,000 25 Poinsettia Road from El Camino Real west to Skimmer Court (Poinsettia Lane) New Watermain $ 203,100 $ 203,100 27 Construct new 375 Zone water reservoir next to existing D-3 Reservoir New Water Storage Reservoir $5,163,800* $ 5,163.800 28 Construct buried storage reservoir next to existing Maerkle Reservoir New Water Storage Reservoir $11,475,000 $11,475,000 29(b) Maerkle Pump Station Capacity Improvements Enlarge Pump Sta. $ 675,000 $ 675,000 31 El Camino Crossing at Kelley Dr. New Watermain $ 94,000 $ 94,000 30 Gross Pressure Reducing Station Improvements 490=>375 PRS Upgrade $ 101,300 $101,300 37 Calavera Pump Station Improvements, College Blvd at Carlsbad Village Dr. PS upgrades $ 405,000 $ 81,000 $ 324.000 _ Master Plan Upate and CEQA documentation Prepare Report $ 43,200* $ 43.200 Total Cost for Connection Fee Projects: $25,687,800 $4,501,600 $61,000 $2,404,000 $0 $1,401,200 $17,300,000 $0 ' opinion of probable cost for the Connection Fee is less than the total project cost due to other funding sources or prior expenditures for this project. CMWD WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 8-6 Dudek ^Associates, Inc. July 2003 Initially, and water connection fees wiU be coUected for these meters. A review of water meters issued over the past three years indicates that irrigation meters connected to the potable water system accounted for approximately ten percent of the total meter EDUs issued. Since this frend is likely to continue, the additional fees collected from fiiture potable water irrigation meters can be considered a "safety factor" in the event the CMWD is not fliUy built out as planned. The number of projected meter EDUs calculated in Table 8-3 is therefore used without any percentage reduction to calculate coimection fees. The calculations for the updated connection fee are shown ki Table 8-5. The "Total Cost" in Table 8-5 is the capital budget minus the available cash balance in the water connection fee account. City staff have projected the available cash balance on October 1, 2003 to be $3,440,669. The new connection fee is calculated to be $2,999 for a 5/8-inch meter. Table 8-6 Usts the cost for other water meter sizes utilizing the current fee ratio, which was developed in the 1996 Rate Study based on a modified capacity ratio. The updated coimection fees apply to meters connected to the potable water system only. Table 8-5 WATER CONNECTION FEE CALCULATION Capital Budget Avaiiabie Cash Balance Total Cost Future Meter EDUs Cost Per Motor EDU (5/8" meter) $25,687,800 $3,440,669 $22,247,131 7,419 $2,999 Table 8-6 UPDATED CONNECTION FEES Meter Size (inch) Meter Type Updated Connection Fee 5/8" Displacement $2,999 3/4" Displacement $4,274 1" Displacement $6,748 1.5" Displacement Turbine $12,746 $14,964 2" Displacement Turbine $19,194 $23,992 3" Displacement Turbine $33,739 $52,483 4" Displacement Turbine Turbo $52,483 $89,970 $149,950 6" Displacement Turbine Turbo $97,468 $187,438 $299,900 CMWD WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 8-7 Dudek & Associates, Inc. Juiy 2003 8.7 WATER SYSTEM CASH FLOW ANALYSIS A cash flow table can be constructed using the water connection fee calculated in Table 8-5, yearly buUdout projections based on the City of Carlsbad Growth Database, and project phasing estimates provided by City Staff. Table 8-7 provides a water cash flow table using the calculated connection fee over a seventeen-year period, starting in October 1, 2003 and ending at 2020, which is the projected buildout year for the City. At the end ofthe chosen time period the cumulative balance is $0, because the connection fees are based on a budget that includes the available cash balance. It is noted that all values used in the cash flow tables are in current dollars. Table 8-7 WATER CONNECTION FEE CASH FLOW ANALYSIS Fiscal New Connection Revenue CIP Costs Balance Cumulative Year EDUs Fee'-Balance Available cash balance projected for 10/1/03 = $3,440,669 2003 480 $2,999 $ 1,439,361 $ 4,501,600 $ (3,062,239) $ 378,430 2004 907 $2,999 $ 2,719,793 $ 81,000 $ 2,638,793 $ 3,017,224 2005 704 $2,999 $ 2,111,064 $ 2,404,000 $ (292,936) $ 2,724,287 2006 833 $2,999 $ 2,497,892 $ -$ 2,497,892 $ 5,222,179 2007 568 $2,999 $ 1,703,244 $ 1,401,200 $ 302,044 $ 5,524,224 2008 585 $2,999 $ 1,754,222 $ 3,460,000 $ (1,705,778) $ 3,818,446 2009 554 $2,999 $ 1,661,263 $ 3,460,000 $ (1,798,737) $ 2,019,709 2010 474 $2,999 $ 1,421,369 $ 3,460,000 $ (2,038,631) $ (18,922) 2011 432 $2,999 $ 1,295,425 $ 3,460,000 $ (2,164,575) $ (2,183,497) 2012 374 $2,999 $ 1,121,503 $ 3,460,000 $ (2,338,497) $ (4,521,994) 2013 316 $2,999 $ 947,580 $ -$ 947,580 $ (3,574,414) 2014 288 $2,999 $ 863,617 $ -$ 863,617 $ (2,710,797) 2015 187 $2,999 $ 560,751 $ -$ 560,751 $ (2,150,046) 2016 158 $2,999 $ 473,790 $ -$ 473,790 $ (1,676,256) 2017 139 $2,999 $ 416,815 $ -$ 416,815 $ (1,259,441) 2018 131 $2,999 $ 392,826 $ -$ 392,826 $ (866,616) 2019 152 $2,999 $ 455,798 $ -$ 455,798 $ (410,818) 2020 137 $2,999 $ 410,818 $ -$ 410,818 $0 Totals: 7,419 $22,247,131 $ 25,^7.800 $ (3,440.669) CMWD WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 8-6 Dudek & Associates, Inc. July 2003