HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ADA Transition Plan City of Carlsbad; ADA Transition Plan City of Carlsbad; 1997-02-01MOON•MAYORAS_ ARCHITECTS, INC. DAVID N. MOON, AIA DOUGLAS A. MAYORAS, AIA CITY OF CARLSBAD (COC) CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Phase 1 Study for Partial Implementation of the City of Carlsbad Transition Plan dated 07/30/96 ARCHITECTURE MASTERPLANNING PROGRAMMING MMA PROJECT # 961601.01 February, 1997 655 'G' STREET, SUITE A SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 PHONE (619)235-9780 FAX (619)235-9773 Architecture: Moon Mayoras Architects, Inc. 655 'G' Street San Diego, CA 92101 Mechanical Engineering: Bechard & Associates 10650 Treena Street, Suite 305 San Diego, CA 92131 Electrical Engineering: Van Buuren Kimper Engineering 5030 Camino De La Siesta, Suite 301 San Diego, CA 92108 TABLE OF CONTENTS BACKGROUND GENERAL SURVEY REMOVAL OF BARRIERS IN PUBLIC ACCOMMODATIONS CAVEAT SUMMARY OF FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST - SUMMARY (PHASE 1) PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST - SUMMARY (PHASE 2) PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST - SUMMARY (PHASE 1 AND PHASE 2) TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION BY FACILITY Facility No. Facility Identification Section Tab 1.0 City Hall One 2.0 City Yard 3.0 Community Swim Complex Three 4.0 Granary Four 5.0 Harding Community Center Five 6.0 Heritage Hall Six 7.0 Housing & Redevelopment (Leased) Seven 8.0 Kruger House Eight 9.0 Magee House Nine 10.0 Elmwood House Ten BACKGROUND On October 1, 1996, Moon Mayoras Architects, Inc. (MMA) was engaged to provide a study for implementation of the City of Carlsbad (COC) Transition Plan . The Transition Plan represents the strategy as created by the City of Carlsbad for performing numerous upgrades to existing facilities in order to comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), and an initial List of Alterations dated July 30, 1996 was provided to MMA on a by-facility basis. Improvements identified in the List of Alterations were further reviewed during the latter portion of October and the early part of or November, and a final listing of improvements requiring professional architectural and/or engineering documentation appears in the "Summary of Facility Improvements located at the end of this section. Facilities requiring architectural and/or engineering improvements were as follows: 1.0 City Hall 2.0 City Yard 3.0 Community Swim Complex 4.0 Granary 5.0 Harding Community Center (Center, Recreation Offices, Auditorium, Recreation Hall) 6.0 Heritage Hall 7.0 Housing and Redevelopment 8.0 Kruger House 9.0 McGee House 10.0 Elmwood House 11.0 Public Toilets (McGee Park) Graphic "background" documents were prepared over the next few weeks and field observations of the above listed sites occurred on Monday. Nov. 18th and Tuesday. Nov. 19th. 1996. Photographs were also taken for inclusion into the representative documentation process at this time. In response to items observed during the two-day site visits, the Preliminary Transition Plan Implementation - Phase 1 document dated December 1996 was generated. This document was distributed to both the City of Carlsbad as well as to three general contractors with a successful working history for the City of Carlsbad. Over the next few weeks, these contractors assisted in providing a Preliminary Opinion of Probable Project Cost based upon the schematic concept documentation shown in the Preliminary Transition Plan document. Of the three contractors copied with the Transition Plan, preliminary pricing information was received from only two of them as of this date, and the third contractor is apparently unreachable at this time. Preliminary pricing data has been itemized as best as possible on a line item basis to correspond with the Transition Plan task identification numbers; execution of simultaneous projects, however, would certainly result in reduced costs due to added project efficiency. Finally, MMA was specifically excluded from performing any ADA surveying and/or verification type activities, and this document therefore does not attempt to identify additional ADA compliance for items above and beyond those provided to MMA in the initial list of alterations. GENERAL In 1968 and 1969, the California Legislature passed the first laws requiring accessibility in public buildings and facilities for people with disabilities. The 1961 American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Specifications were the standards referenced to implement those laws. In 1981, the California Office of the State Architect adopted the first set of state standards for access to replace the ANSI. In 1993, these standards were amended to incorporate the requirements of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) as set forth in the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG). The differences between California's standards and the ADAAG were resolved by adopting the provisions providing the most accessibility. ADAAG provisions not addressed in the California 1993 Access Code will be the focus of the next code adoption process of the State Architect and the California Building Standards Commission. The ADA extends to individuals with disabilities comprehensive civil rights protection similar to those provided to persons on the basis of race, sex, national origin and religion under the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title III, ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in place of public accommodation by any person who owns, leases, or leases to, or operates a place of public accommodation. Public Accommodation is defined by the ADA as including the following categories: 1. A place of lodging 2. A food service establishment. 3. A place of exhibition or entertainment. 4. A place of public gathering. 5. A sales or rental establishment. 6. A professional service, or social service establishment. 7. A public transportation facility. 8. A place of public display or collection. 9. A place of recreation or exercise. 10. A place of education. The intent of the legislation is that people with disabilities should have equal access to the array of establishments that are available to others who do not currently have disabilities. SURVEY The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Access Guide: Survey Checklist (Rev. 06/95) is designed to be used to determine compliance with the state and federal regulations for making facilities accessible to people with disabilities in the State of California. It incorporate the portions of Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations which require newly constructed or remodeling projects in buildings and facilities to be made accessible for people with disabilities as well as the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) not specifically addressed in the California Code of Regulations. The Access Guide explicitly states that buildings and facilities meeting these requirements may be considered to comply with the architectural requirements of Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. This checklist does not constitute legal advice but is informal guidance on the state and federal accessibility requirements. The Access Guide has been reviewed by the Division of the State Architect (DSA). Where California Code is unclear, DSA has provided an interpretation for the purposes of this checklist. A portion of the Access Guide appears in Section 12 - Appendix for reference purposes. REMOVAL OF BARRIERS IN PUBLIC ACCOMMODATIONS As of January 26, 1992, public accommodations are required to remove architectural barriers and communication barriers that are structural in nature in existing facilities, where such removal is "readily achievable". In addition, public accommodations shall also take whatever steps may be necessary to ensure that no one with a disability is excluded, denied services, segregated, or otherwise treated differently than anyone else because of the absence of auxiliary aids and services, unless it can be demonstrated that taking those steps would fundamentally alter the nature of the good, services, facilities, privileges, or accommodations being offered or would result in an "undue burden". An architectural barrier is a physical object that impedes a disabled person's access to, or use of, a facility. Examples include a flight of stairs as the only means of entry into a building or a water fountain that cannot be used by a person in a wheelchair. Communication barriers that are structural in nature are those which are an integral part of the physical structure of a facility. Examples include alarm systems and permanent signage. The ADA defines readily achievable as "easily accomplishable and able to be carried out without much difficulty or expense," and undue burden as "significant difficulty or expense". Whether an action is readily achievable or is an undue burden is to be determined on a case-by-case basis. No numerical formula or threshold of any kind was set out by the Department of Justice. However, the following factors are to be considered: • The nature and the cost of the action needed. • The overall financial resources of the site or sites involved; the number of persons employed at the site; the effect on expenses and resources; or the impact upon the operation of the site. • The geographic separateness and the administrative or fiscal relationship of the site or sites to any parent corporation or entity. • If applicable, the type of operation of any parent corporation or entity. In addition, each barrier removal action need not be considered in complete isolation when determining what is readily achievable or an undue burden. The costs of other barrier removal actions may be considered as another factor when determining if a measure is readily achievable or an undue burden. However, undue burden is a higher standard than readily achievable in that it requires more of an effort on the part of the public accommodation. The following are examples of steps that may be readily achievable, according to the Department of Justice. The list is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather to provide an illustration of barrier removal that could be readily achievable. Whether or not any of these measures, or others, is readily achievable must be determined on a case-by-case basis. Installing ramps Making curb cuts in sidewalks and entrances Repositioning shelves Rearranging tables, chairs, vending machines display racks, and other furniture repositioning telephones Adding raised markings on elevator control buttons Installing flashing alarm lights Widening doors Installing offset hinges to widen doorways Eliminating a turnstile or providing an alternative accessible path Installing accessible door hardware • Installing grab bars in toilet stalls • Rearranging toilet partitions to increase maneuvering space • Insulating lavatory pipes under sinks to prevent burns • Installing a raised toilet seat • Installing a full length bathroom mirror • Repositioning a paper towel dispenser in a bathroom • Creating designated accessible parking spaces • Installing an accessible paper cub dispenser at an existing inaccessible water fountain • Removing high pile, low density carpeting Auxiliary aids and services include, but are not limited to: • qualified interpreters • assistive listening devices • telephone handset amplifiers • notetakers • written materials for persons with hearing impairments • telecommunication devices for deaf persons (TDDs) • videotext displays • qualified readers • taped texts • brailled or large print materials vision impairments Removal of barriers shall be done in accordance with the technical requirements for alterations and new construction per the Access Guide. When compliance with the technical requirements is not readily achievable, it is acceptable to take other readily achievable barrier removal measures that provide persons with disabilities with access equal to, or similar to, that available to the general public. However, no measure shall be undertaken that poses a significant risk to the health or safety of persons with a disability or others. The ADA contains priorities that a public accommodation should consider when deciding what is readily achievable. These priorities are not mandatory, but rather suggested ways to determine what types of barriers should be mitigated or eliminated first. The priorities are generally as follows: 1. Access from the public sidewalks, parking, or public transportation stops to a building entrance. (Such measures include installing an entrance ramp, widening entrances, and providing accessible parking space). 2. Access to any areas where goods and services are made available to the public. (Examples include adjusting the layout of display racks, rearranging tables, providing brailled and raised signage, widening doors, installing visual alarms, and installing ramps). 3. Access to restroom facilities. (Examples include the removal of obstructing furniture or vending machines, widening doors, installing ramps, providing accessible signage, widening toilet stalls, and installing grab bars). 4. Access in any remaining ways to the goods and services provided. If barrier removal is not readily achievable, the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations of a public accommodation shall be made available through alternative methods, if it is achievable to do so. Examples of alternatives to barrier removal are: • Providing valet parking for persons with disabilities. • Providing curb service or home delivery. • Retrieving merchandise from inaccessible shelves or racks. • Relocating activities to accessible locations. • A person with disabilities shall not be charged for the costs associated with providing an alternative method. The obligation to engage in readily achievable barrier removal is a continuing responsibility of a public accommodation. Items that are currently not readily achievable may become so in the future. No periodic assessment or self-evaluation is required by the ADA. However, the Department of Justice urges public accommodations to establish procedures for an ongoing assessment of their compliance with the barrier removal requirements. Before determining if barrier removal is readily achievable, a public accommodation must first identify any existing barriers. The most appropriate means of doing so is by performing an ADA Compliance Survey utilizing the Access Guide. This effectively compares the existing building or facility to the requirements for new construction and alterations. Once all existing barriers have been identified, a determination of what is readily achievable can begin. The priorities listed above, and the input of local disability organizations, should be used as a guide to determine which barriers are the most critical. All existing barriers than can be removed through readily achievable measures should then be removed. Where barriers remain that cannot be removed by readily achievable means, the public accommodation should establish a periodic review process, as it may become readily achievable to remove those barriers at some future time. The entire self-evaluation process, and the subsequent determination of readily achievable measures, should be fully documented. In particular, a list should be maintained of existing barriers that are not removed, along with the specific reasons why their removal was not readily achievable. Throughout this process, the building owner or manager must be aware that decisions to remove or not remove barriers will be subject to scrutiny by others in the event of a subsequent discrimination complaint. By involving local organizations representing persons with disabilities in the identification and prioritization of existing barriers, the likelihood of future complaints should be greatly diminished. CAVEAT The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires removal of architectural barriers in existing facilities where such removal is readily achievable. The City of Carlsbad should be aware that the definition of "readily achievable" contained in the ADA is flexible and subject to interpretation on a case-by-case-approach. The requirements of the ADA will therefore be subject to various, and possibly contradictory interpretations. Although Moon Mayoras Architects, Inc. endeavors to use its professional efforts to interpret applicable ADA requirements, the design professional cannot and does not warranty or guarantee that any projects executed under the Transition of Implementation will fully comply with interpretations of ADA requirements by regulatory bodies or court decisions. City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation MMA Project No. 961601.01 SUMMARY OF FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS 02/07/97 9:37 AM Facility ID 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Facility City Hall City Yard Community Swim Complex Granary Harding Community Center 5.0A - Center Bldg Improvement ID No. 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 2.01 2.02 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 4.01 4.02 4.03 5.0A1 5.0A2 5.0A3 5.0A4 5.0A5 5.0A6 5.0A7 Improvement Identified per Transition Plan renovate Toilet Rooms (reverse Male and Female) replace drinking fountains (2) modify casework in lunchroom replace ramp/build canopy at Finance modular building modify entry, raise sidewalk at entry install kickplates modify entrances (thresholds & hardware) renovate Toilet Rooms/Shower/Lockers replace orbit door hardware with levers replace door closers replace telephone enclosure replace exterior drinking fountain add flexible shower spray re-V-glaze [est. (400LF x 9')x$3.25] Install handrails Modify entrance hardware Install kick plates install curb ramps install signage (parking & directional) modify, install handrails modify entry threshold renovate Toilet Room replace orbit door hardware with levers provide handicap accessible counter Annotation / Clarification / Remarks doors 1,2, 7, 12 doors 5, 11,6,15, 16 doors 3, 4 from parking (refer to systems furniture rep) City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation MMA Project No. 961601.01 SUMMARY OF FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS 02/07/97 9:37 AM Facility ID 6.0 7.0 8.0 Facility 5.0B - Recreation Offices 5.0C - Auditorium 5.0D - Recreation Hall Heritage Hall Housing & Redevelopment (leased) Kruger House Improvement ID No. 5.0B1 5.0B2 5.0B3 5.0C1 5.0D1 5.0D2 5.0D3 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 8.01 8.02 8.03 j 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 Improvement Identified per Transition Plan modify entry threshold renovate Toilet Room install directional signage renovate Toilet Rooms (2) renovate Toilet Rooms (2) renovate Kitchen (approx. 1 3' x 20') modify entrance threshold install handicap sign replace exterior ramp/landing install kick plates modify toilet room modify kitchen replace interior ramp modify thresholds modify handicap parking Install kick plate replace orbit door hardware with levers throughout Install signage paint accessible path of travel renovate Toilet Room provide van accessible space install ramp path of travel from parking modify entrance modify toilet rooms (x2) install kick plates install handicap hardware Annotation / Clarification / Remarks to side door path of travel from building all passage locks toilet/meeting room acceptable to local juris as POT compliance City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation MMA Project No. 961601.01 SUMMARY OF FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS 02/07/97 9:37 AM Facility ID 9.0 10.0 11.0 Facility Magee House Elmwood House Public Toilets (Magee Park) Improvement ID No. N/A 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 10.06 10.07 10.08 10.09 10.10 11.01 11.02 Improvement Identified per Transition Plan N/A install accessible parking space provide path of travel modify entrance add Toilet Room modify hallway install signage raise floor at conference room upgrade kitchen replace orbit door hardware with levers throughout bring entire facility up to code (per COC) renovate Public Toilets (x2) replace exterior drinking fountain Annotation / Clarification / Remarks historical purpose building City of Carlsbad Building Inspection Department City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation MMA Project No. 961601.01 PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST* SUMMARY (PHASE I) 02/07/97 8:45 AM Fac ID# 1.0 4.0 5.0A 5.0B 5.0C 5.0D 6.0 11.0 Facility Identification City Hall Granary Harding - Center Harding - Recreation Offices Harding - Auditiorium Harding - Recreation Hall Heritage Hall Public Toilets - Magee Park Estimate A $17,930 $3,185 $11,130 $3,890 $6,625 $10,410 $11,620 $8,300 Estimate B $12,120 $1,760 $13,240 $6,340 $4,650 $8,820 $11,930 $5,190 Variance -32.4% -44.7% 19.0% 63.0% -29.8% -15.3% 2.7% -37.5% Avg Est Const Cost $15,025 $2,473 $12,185 $5,115 $5,638 $9,615 $11,775 $6,745 Soft Cost Multiplier** 1.36 1.32 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 As-Builts (if req'd) $600 $250 $830 $560 $760 $720 $790 $560 Est Prof Design Fees $5,500 $750 $3,800 $3,260 $3,310 $7,050 $6,300 $4,410 Note: Estimated Professional Design Fees /As-Built documentation shown above is based upon a single set of documents for all Phase 1 facilities listed above. OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST $73,090 $64,050 -12.4%$68,570 1.31 $5,070 $34,380 Probable Project Cost* $26,590 $4,260 $20,470 $10,470 $11,400 $20,260 $22,400 $13,740 $129,590 NOTES: 'Figures shown above represent our opinion only, and are not intended to represent either a detailed cost estimate or a guaranteed maximum price, neither of which can be obtained prior to completion of Construction Contract/Bid Documents. All infonnation shown is preliminary and will vary in accordance with market conditions, specific project scope, existing conditions, and other variables present at the time of project bid/award. Figures shown are exclusive of escalation, interim and/or permanent financing, asbestos and/or hazardous materials handling, geotechnical, civil, landscape, structural/HVAC/electrical engineering, interior design, direct/reimbursable project expenses, wayfinding, and plant/utility upgrades unles unless otherwise noted. Figures shown above are based on 2-Phase project sequencing under a single-package-per-Phase as shown in Summary (Phase 1) and Summary (Phase 2). "Probable Project Cost includes our opinion of probable soft costs as represented in the Project Multiplier. Typical soft costs include site development (in addition to that carried by the construction cost estimate), administrative/legal costs, and Owner/Design contingency. Figures shown are rounded. City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation MMA Project No. 961601.01 PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST* SUMMARY (PHASE 2) 02/07/97 8:45 AM Fac ID# 2.0 3.0 7.0 8.0 10.0 Facility Identification City Yard Community Swim Complex Housing & Redevelopment Kruger House Elmwood House - OPTION A (Base) Estimate A $2,470 $42,170 $13,390 $17,820 $25,200 Estimate B $2,460 $44,720 $12,220 $12,960 $0 Variance -0.4% 6.0% -8.7% -27.3% -100.0% Avg Est Const Cost $2,465 $43,445 $12,805 $15,390 $25,200 Soft Cost Multiplier** 1.30 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.30 As-Builts (if req'd) $250 $760 $560 $1,040 $980 Est Prof Design Fees $500 $12,510 $4,240 $4,330 $9,370 Note: Estimated Professional Design Fees / As-Built documentation shown above is based upon a single set of documents for all Phase 2 facilities listed above. OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST $101,050 $72,360 -28.4%$99,305 1.26 $3,590 $30,950 Probable Project Cost* $3,960 $65,400 $21,450 $25,380 $43,120 $159,310 /VOTES: 'Figures shown above represent our opinion only, and are not intended to represent either a detailed cost estimate or a guaranteed maximum price, neither of which can be obtained prior to completion of Construction Contract/Bid Documents. All information shown is preliminary and will vary in accordance with market conditions, specific project scope, existing conditions, and other variables present at the time of project bid/award. Figures shown are exclusive of escalation, interim and/or permanent financing, asbestos and/or hazardous materials handling, geotechnical, civil, landscape, structural/HVAC/electrical engineering, interior design, direct/reimbursable project expenses, wayfmding, and plant/utility upgrades unles unless otherwise noted. Figures shown above are based on 2-Phase project sequencing under a single-package-per-Phase as shown in Summary (Phase 1) and Summary (Phase 2). "Probable Project Cost includes our opinion of probable soft costs as represented in the Project Multiplier. Typical soft costs include site development (in addition to that carried by the construction cost estimate), administrative/legal costs, and Owner/Design contingency. Figures shown are rounded. City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation MMA Project No. 961601.01 PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST* SUMMARY (PHASE I AND PHASE 2) 02/07/97 8:45 AM V C- 'v V y C c Fac ID# 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0A 5.0B 5.0C 5.0D 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 Facility Identification City Hall City Yard Community Swim Complex Granary Harding - Center Harding - Recreation Offices Harding - Auditiorium Harding - Recreation Hall Heritage Hall Housing & Redevelopment Kruger House Magee House Elmwood House - OPTION A (Base) Public Toilets - Magee Park OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST Estimate A $17,930 $2,470 $42,170 $3,185 $11,130 $3,890 $6,625 $10,410 $11,620 $13,390 $17,820 $0 $25,200 $8,300 $174,140 Estimate B $12,120 $2,460 $44,720 $1,760 $13,240 $6,340 $4,650 $8,820 $11,930 $12,220 $12,960 $0 $0 $5,190 $136,410 Variance -32.4% -0.4% 6.0% -44.7% 19.0% 63.0% -29.8% -15.3% 2.7% -8.7% -27.3% N/A -100.0% . -37.5% -21.7% Avg Est Const Cost $15,025 $2,465 $43,445 $2,473 $12,185 $5,115 $5,638 $9,615 $11,775 $12,805 $15,390 $0 $25,200 $6,745 $167,875 Soft Cost Multiplier** 1.36 1.30 1.20 1.32 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 N/A 1.30 1.30 1.28 As-Builts (if req'd) $600 $250 $760 $250 $830 $560 $760 $720 $790 $560 $1,040 $0 $980 $560 $8,660 Est Prof Design Fees $5,500 $500 $12,510 $750 $3,800 $3,260 $3,310 $7,050 $6,300 $4,240 $4,330 $0 $9,370 $4,410 $65,330 Probable Project Cost* $26,590 $3,960 $65,400 $4,260 $20,470 $10,470 $11,400 $20,260 $22,400 $21,450 $25,380 $0 $43,120 $13,740 $288,900 /VOTES: 'Figures shown above represent our opinion only, and are not intended to represent either a detailed cost estimate or a guaranteed maximum price, neither of which can be obtained prior to completion of Construction Contract/Bid Documents. All information shown is preliminary and will vary in accordance with market conditions, specific project scope, existing conditions, and other variables present at the time of project bid/award. Figures shown are exclusive of escalation, interim and/or permanent financing, asbestos and/or hazardous materials handling, geotechnical, civil, landscape, structural/HVAC/electrical engineering, interior design, direct/reimbursable project expenses, wayfmding, and plant/utility upgrades unless otherwise noted. Figures shown above are based on 2-Phase project sequencing under a single-package-per-Phase as shown in Summary (Phase 1) and Summary (Phase 2). "Probable Project Cost includes our opinion of probable soft costs as represented in the Project Multiplier. Typical soft costs include site development (in addition to that carried by the construction cost estimate), administrative/legal costs, and Owner/Design contingency. Figures shown are rounded. Section 1.0 l.o NORTH CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 1.0 CITY HALL 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: .01 TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 1.0 CITY HALL 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: OH1DM A-fQBLlO L&\ CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 1.0 CITY HALL 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INO DATE:SCALE: C/rVOFCARLSS/lD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 1.0 CITY HALL 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS _ — —— ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: CENTERUNE OF FIXTURE CENTERUNE OF FIXTURE FLUSH ACTIVATOR ON WIDE SIDE CENTERUNEOF FIXTURE MIN. FLUSH ACTIVATORON WIDE SIDE MIN. TO EDGEOF WATER CLOSET CM o:3CJ 18" J2" MIN. MIN.' CLEAR SINGLE OCCUPANCY TOILET MULTIPLE TOILET STALL 36" GRAB BAR 42' GRAB BAR ALL .DISPENSERS f-40 MAX TO HIGHEST OPERABLEPART - SIDE ELEVATION FIGURE NO. 31-1A THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 60" MIN. FLUSH ACTIVATOR ON WIDE SIDE 30"X48" I CLEAR SPACE Error in drawing: 3105A3A(i) Doorto accessiblestall shall notencroach intoTO"circle. Allother doors mayencroach 12". MULTIPLE ACCOMMODATION TOILET FIGURE NO. 31-1B THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 1.02. TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MM A Project No. 961601.01 £ ^\ MOON • MAYORAS ^^ ARCHITECTS, INC. *^^ DATE:" 1.0 CITY HALL 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA SCALE: KJt/A. * XI NON-ALCOVE, WING WALL INSTALLATION WATER FOUNTAINS FIGURE NO. 31-3 THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION C/7Y OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 1.0 CITY HALL 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: C /f) C/7TOFCAKLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MM A Project No. 961601.01 1.0 CITY HALL 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: to . CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 £^ MOON • MAYORAS ^5^~ ARCHITECTS, INC~ *^^fc DATE: I 1.0 CITY HALL 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA SCALE: |/^i ,| I "0 C/7T OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 1.0 CITY HALL 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, DATE:SCALE: C/ry OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MM A Project No. 961601.01 1.0 CITY HALL 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE:(0 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 1.0 CITY HALL 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: FACE OF CURB STREET FACE OF CURB POLE STREET ( a ) SIDEWALK OBSTRUCTIONS \f WIN. 12" MIN. GUIDE RAIL CENTERED AT 3" ±1" HIGH ( b ) GUIDE RAIL GUIDE RAIL DETAIL HANDRAIL HANDRAIL ro SUIT DESIGN ( C ) WHEEL GUIDE RAMPS AND SIDEWALKS FIGURE NO. 33-3 THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION WHEEL GUIDE DETAIL L_ NOTE : 1 WHEN DOOR SWINGS ONTO LANDING - 42" WIN. PLUS DOOR WIDTH 60" UIN. WHEN NO DOOR SWINGS ONTO LANDING NOTE : 2 MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF EACH RAMP AND RUN VARY INTERMEDIATE LEVEL PLAFORM -BOTTOM LEVEL PLATFORM ( a ) STRAIGHT RAMP RUN NOTE : 1 WHEN DOOR SWINGS ONTO LANDING - 42" MIN. PLUS DOOR WIDTH 60* MIN. WHEN NO DOORSWINGS ONTO LANDING NOTE : 2 MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF EACH RAMP AND RUN VARY INTERMEDIATE LEVa PLATFORM INTERMEDIATE TURNING PLATFORM ( b ) RAMP WITH TURNING PLATFORM RAMP DIMENSIONS FIGURE NO. 33-11A THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation MMA Project No. 961601.01 PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST* City Hall 02/07/97 8:45 AM Improvement Description 1.01 renovate Toilet Rooms (reverse Male and Female) 1.02 replace drinking fountains (2) 1 .03 modify casework in lunchroom 1 .04 replace ramp/build canopy at Finance modular building OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST Estimate A $7,000 $3,000 $4,100 $3,830 $17,930 Estimate B $4,250 $1,040 $1,490 $5,340 $12,120 Variance -39.3% -65.3% -63.7% 39.4% -32.4% Avg Est Const Cost $5,625 $2,020 $2,795 $4,585 $15,025 Soft Cost Multiplier** 1.30 1.50 1.50 1.30 1.36 As-Builts (if req'd) $600 $0 $0 $0 $600 Est Prof Design Fees $3,280 $320 $860 $1,040 $5,500 Probable Project Cost* $11,190 $3,350 $5,050 $7,000 $26,590 NOTES: "Figures shown above represent our opinion only, and are not intended to represent either a detailed cost estimate or a guaranteed maximum price, neither of which can be obtained prior to completion of Construction Contract/Bid Documents. All information shown is preliminary and will vary in accordance with market conditions, specific project scope, existing conditions, and other variables present at the time of project bid/award. Figures shown are exclusive of escalation, interim and/or permanent financing, asbestos and/or hazardous materials handling, geotechnical, civil, landscape, structural/HVAC/electrical engineering, interior design, direct/reimbursable project expenses, wayfinding, and plant/utility upgrades unless otherwise noted. Figures shown above are based on 2-Phase project sequencing under a single-package-per-Phase as shown in Summary (Phase 1) and Summary (Phase 2). "Probable Project Cost includes our opinion of probable soft costs as represented in the Project Multiplier. Typical soft costs include site development (in addition to that carried by the construction cost estimate), administrative/legal costs, and Owner/Design contingency. Figures shown are rounded. Section 2.0 NORTH TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 2.0 CITY YARD 405 Oak Avenue Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 A * *i MOON • MAYORAS ^^*~ AKCHIIbUb, INC. ^^^fc DATE: 2.0 CITY YARD 405 Oak Avenue Carlsbad, CA i i * C/TY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MM A Project No. 961601.01 2.0 CITY YARD 405 Oak Avenue Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: _J L 1/2" MAX. H 2 1/4- MAX. , AT 1:2 SLOPE COMPRESSED CARPET 1/4" MAX. BELOW THRESHOLD FINISH aOOR EVEN THRESHOLD \ THRESHOLDS NO. 33-5C THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 12/05/90 11:54 O2852330 LA MESA GLASS Bl 007/005 10 AD ADAPTS TO THE BOTTOM RAIL OF STOREFRONT ALUMINUM DOOR TO MEET 10" BOTTOM RAIL REQUIREMENT ON EXISTING DOORS. MADE FOR EASY INSTALLATION. MOUNTING BETWEEN STILES ON THE DOOR. TWO FACED TAPE IS SUPPLIED WITH THE 10AD. FINISHES: 3RON7E ANODIZED AND CLEAR ALUMINUM ANODIZED. WHEN ORDERING: SPECIFY INSIDE DIMENSION BETWEEN STILES, DO NOT MEASURE BETWEEN GLASS STOPS. FOR BEST INSTALLATION STOPS SHOULD BE RE MOVED AROUND BOTTOM & SIDES THAT SURROUND ADAPTINS EXTRUSION TOAD. ; H7 City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation MM A Project No. 961601.01 PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST* City Yard 02/07/97 8:45 AM Improvement Description 2.01 modify entry, raise sidewalk at entry 2.02 install kickplates OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST Estimate A $2,220 $250 $2,470 Estimate B $2,160 $300 $2,460 Variance -2.7% 20.0% -0.4% Avg Est Const Cost $2,190 $275 $2,465 Sort Cost Multiplier** 1.30 1.30 1.30 As-Builts (if req'd) $250 $0 $250 Est Prof Design Fees $500 $0 $500 Probable Project Cost* $3,600 $360 $3,960 /VOTES: 'Figures shown above represent our opinion only, and are not intended to represent either a detailed cost estimate or a guaranteed maximum price, neither of which can be obtained prior to completion of Construction Contract/Bid Documents. All information shown is preliminary and will vary in accordance with market conditions, specific project scope, existing conditions, and other variables present at the time of project bid/award. Figures shown are exclusive of escalation, interim and/or permanent financing, asbestos and/or hazardous materials handling, geotechnical, civil, landscape, structural/HVAC/electrical engineering, interior design, direct/reimbursable project expenses, wayfinding, and plant/utility upgrades unless otherwise noted. Figures shown above are based on 2-Phase project sequencing under a single-package-per-Phase as shown in Summary (Phase 1) and Summary (Phase 2). "Probable Project Cost includes our opinion of probable soft costs as represented in the Project Multiplier. Typical soft costs include site development (in addition to that earned by the construction cost estimate), administrative/legal costs, and Owner/Design contingency. Figures shown are rounded. Section 3.0 3.0 C r.sra1?it— -^-^iu V 3|T .*;* r^Tva ^3 vf^ *, ® ^ ^li§^ CW^ A 5P Irl(B^u.<.'-'-sp vX^'T^:; v->^>: '.V^S —.^-JLJ.--v"-"'-'--"•"»^ - RffW|tl:"lpsy"' iShS^trf^^' S. ilr's-'-^ r»» NORTH TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 3.0 COMMUN SWIM COMPLEX 3401 Monroe St. Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: WATER FOUNTAINS FIGURE NO. 31-3 DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES.THE SPECIFICREQUIREMEKTS CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 3.0 COMMUN SWIM COMPLEX 3401 Monroe St. Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS • ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: C/7Y OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 3.0 COMMUN SWIM COMPLEX 3401 Monroe St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:l\ C/7YOFCARLS8XID TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 3.0 COMMUN SWIM COMPLEX 3401 Monroe St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE: CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 3.0 COMMUN SWIM COMPLEX 3401 Monroe St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: X r 1 —J 0 1 Yl J OPTIC oner 1 BASELi NOTE: IF Y IS LESS THAN 30 INCHES. THEN X SHALL BE GREATER THAN 27 INCHES. ELEVATION 1 30- X W I | UINIUUM [ I CLEAR AREA i I _____ 1 NOTE; IF Z IS GREATER THAN 12 INCHES, THEN Y SHALL 8E CREATES THAN 30 INCHES. PLAN CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 3.0 COMMUN SWIM COMPLEX 3401 Monroe St. Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: 60" HIM. FLUSH ACTIVATOR ON WIDE SIDE r?FiWIN. "V42- M1N. VM>o 36" WIN.GRAB BAR GRAB BAR o 34" MIN. CLEAR MULTIPLE ACCOMMODATION TOILET FIGURE NO. 31-1B CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 3.0 COMMUN SWIM COMPLEX 3401 Monroe St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS • ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:!SCALE: \oK>SEAT 36" WIN. LENGTH •24' UIN. LENGTH 16" ± T PLAN STANDARD HEAD SEAT FLEXIBLE SHOWER SPRAY HOSE - 60" LONG CONTROL AREA TOP OF MOUNTING BRACKET (1 _ 1 lo I x' 'oo i V> SECTION A-A OPEN SHOWER FIGURE NO. 31-2B CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 3.0 COMMUN SWIM COMPLEX 3401 Monroe St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS -' ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: 1/4" 1/2" MAX. AT 1:2 SLOPE MAX. t I THRESHOLDS FIG. NO. 33-5C THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 3.0 COMMUN SWIM COMPLEX 3401 Monroe St. Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE::SCALE: City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation MMA Project No. 961601.01 PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST* Community Swim Complex 02/07/97 8:45 AM Improvement Description 3.01 modify entrances (thresholds & hardware) 3.02 renovate Toilet Rooms/Shower/Lockers 3.03 replace orbit door hardware with levers 3.04 replace door closers 3.05 replace telephone enclosure 3.06 replace exterior drinking fountain 3.07 add flexible shower spray 3.08 re-V-glaze [est. (400LF x 9')x$3.25] OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST Estimate A $3,100 $23,230 $940 $500 $950 $1,500 $250 $11,700 $42,170 Estimate B $2,790 $25,460 $1,140 $750 $1,230 $1,350 $300 $11,700 $44,720 Variance -10.0% 9.6% 21.3% 50.0% 29.5% -10.0% 20.0% 0.0% 6.0% Avg Est Const Cost $2,945 $24,345 $1,040 $625 $1,090 $1,425 $275 $11,700 $43,445 Soft Cost Multiplier** 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20J 1.20 As-Builts (if req'd) $760 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $760 Est Prof Design Fees I $320 $11,790 $0 $0 $80 $80 $80 $160 $12,510 Probable Project Cost* $4,610 $41,000 $1,250 $750 $1,390 $1,790 $410 $14,200 $65,400 NOTES: "Figures shown above represent our opinion only, and are not intended to represent either a detailed cost estimate or a guaranteed maximum price, neither of which can be obtained prior to completion of Construction Contract/Bid Documents. All information shown is preliminary and will vary in accordance with market conditions, specific project scope, existing conditions, and other variables present at the time of project bid/award. Figures shown are exclusive of escalation, interim and/or permanent financing, asbestos and/or hazardous materials handling, geotechnical, civil, landscape, structural/HVAC/electrical engineering, interior design, direct/reimbursable project expenses, wayfinding, and plant/utility upgrades unless otherwise noted. Figures shown above are based on 2-Phase project sequencing under a single-package-per-Phase as shown in Summary (Phase 1) and Summary (Phase 2). '"Probable Project Cost includes our opinion of probable soft costs as represented in the Project Multiplier. Typical soft costs include site development (in addition to that carried by the construction cost estimate), administrative/legal costs, and Owner/Design contingency. Figures shown are rounded. Section 4.0 < The Granary (IN MACEE PARK) STORAGE STORAGE > \^> CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 4.0 GRANARY Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 4.0 GRANARY Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ——• • ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: FACE OF CURB STREET FACE OF CURB POLE STREET ( a ) SIDEWALK OBSTRUCTIONS 12" WIN. 12" MIN. GUIDE RAIL CENTERED AT 3" ±1" HIGH ( b ) GUIDE RAIL GUIDE RAIL DETAIL HANDRAIL HANDRAIL TO SUIT " f \ 1" HIGH UL.OIUIX 0^ II ( C ) WHEEL GUIDE RAMPS AND SIDEWALKS FIGURE NO. 33-3 THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND 1S INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION WHEEL GUIDE DETAIL City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation MM A Project No. 961601.01 PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST* Granary 02/07/97 8:45 AM Improvement Description 4.01 Install handrails 4.02 Modify entrance hardware 4.03 Install kick plates OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST Estimate A $2,875 $175 $135 $3,185 Estimate B $1,390 $250 $120 $1,760 Variance -51.7% 42.9% -11.1% -44.7% Avg Est Const Cost $2,133 $213 $128 $2,473 Soft Cost Multiplier** 1.30 1.50 1.30 1.32 As-Builts (if req'd) $250 $0 $0 $250 Est Prof Design Fees $750 $0 $0 $750 Probable Project Cost* $3,770 $320 $170 $4,260 NOTES: 'Figures shown above represent our opinion only, and are not intended to represent either a detailed cost estimate or a guaranteed maximum price, neither of which can be obtained prior to completion of Construction Contract/Bid Documents. All information shown is preliminary and will vary in accordance with market conditions, specific project scope, existing conditions, and other variables present at the time of project bid/award. Figures shown are exclusive of escalation, interim and/or permanent financing, asbestos and/or hazardous materials handling, geotechnical, civil, landscape, structural/HVAC/electrical engineering, interior design, direct/reimbursable project expenses, wayfinding, and plant/utility upgrades unless otherwise noted. Figures shown above are based on 2-Phase project sequencing under a single-package-per-Phase as shown in Summary (Phase 1) and Summary (Phase 2). "Probable Project Cost includes our opinion of probable soft costs as represented in the Project Multiplier. Typical soft costs include site development (in addition to that carried by the construction cost estimate), administrative/legal costs, and Owner/Design contingency. Figures shown are rounded. Section 5.0 S-0 ^r >i ! ""''Scasf^K^xtfox i-i AUU / NORTH TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 5.0 Harding Community Center 3096 Harding St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS _—- ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: n T~" .** ' r; j rs f i T\J :i-»» %J* . V-» ' \ •; \a»; CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 5.0 HARDING COMMUNITY CTR 3096 Harding St. Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: ACCESSIBILITY SIGN PER SEC. 3107A(C) 2 3 'o 1 oo TYP. PAVEMENT SYMBOL PER. ScC, J lO/A(Lj 1 V.to. , Li —I,— \\ \ STRIPES AT 36" ON CENTER— (^ 9'-0" MIN. 48 WIN. 1:12 MAX. SLOPE ^••M^ k^ \sKN ~^s]N VX^/"\l ^,\ k I \/ X.8 / MAX. SIDE SLOPE «;• n"uiM AT TVD ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL B'-CTMIN. AT VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL SINGLE PARKING STALLS FIGURE NO. 31-18B THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ( a ) SYMBOL PROPORTIONS ( b ) DISPLAY CONDITIONS INTERNATIONAL ACCESSIBILITY SYMBOL ~l FIGURE NO. 31-6 THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION IFP"?!••* W CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 5.0 HARDING COMMUNITY CTR 3096 Harding St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE:H/A _l 1/2" MAX. H 2 1/4" MAX. , 1 AT 1:2 SLOPE COMPRESSED CARPET 1/4" MAX. BELOW THRESHOLD -i FINISH FLOOR EVEN THRESHOLD \ THRESHOLDS NO. 33-5C THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS ANAID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION FACE OF CURB STREET FACE OF CURB POLE STREET ( a ) SIDEWALK OBSTRUCTIONS 12" WIN. 12" WIN. GUIDE RAJL CENTERED AT 3" ±r HIGH ( b ) GUIDE RAIL GUIDE RAIL DETAIL HANDRAIL HANDRAIL ro SUIT DESIGN ( C ) WHEEL GUIDE RAMPS AND SIDEWALKS FIGURE NO. 33-3 THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION WHEEL GUIDE DETAIL TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 5.0 Harding Community Center 3096 Harding St. Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: C/7Y OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MM A Project No. 961601.01 5.0 Harding Community Center 3096 Harding St. Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS . • • ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: CENTERLJNE OF FIXTURE CENTERLJNE OF FIXTURE FLUSH ACTIVATOR ON WIDE SIDE TO EDGEOF WATER -CLOSET SINGLE OCCUPANCY TOILET CENTERUNE OF FIXTURE .18", MIN. FLUSH ACTIVATOR ON WIDE SIDE MIM EDGEOF WATERCLOSET CM co 2 2 15" 2? MIN MIN.' CLEAR MULTIPLE TOILET STALL 36" GRAB BAR r42" GRAB BAR ALL DISPENSERS*40 MAX TOHIGHEST OPERABLEPART SIDE ELEVATION FIGURE NO. 31-1A THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTSOF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MM A Project No. 961601.01 5.0 HARDING COMMUNITY CTR 3096 Harding St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: FLUSH ACTIVATOR ON WIDE SIDE CENTERUNE OF FIXTURE CENTERUNE OF FIXTURE CENTERUNE OF FIXTURE 18" MIN. I FLUSH ACTIVATOR ON WIDE SIDE TO EDGE OF WATERCLOSET CO cr 18"MIN. MIN.' CLEAR SINGLE OCCUPANCY TOILET MULTIPLE TOILET STALL ALL DISPENSERS*40" MAX TO |HIGHEST OPERABLE!PART • 36" GRAB BAR r42" GRAB BAR I . SIDE ELEVATION FIGURE NO. 31-1A THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 5.0 HARDING COMMUNITY CTR 3096 Harding St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, IN(T DATE:SCALE: _l L 1/2" MAX. 2 =3 1 1/4- MAX. AT 1:2 SLOPE COMPRESSED CARPET 1/4" MAX. BELOW THRESHOLD FINISH FLOOR EVEN THRESHOLD \ THRESHOLDS NO. 33-50 THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 0 *X X x *x 0 nnnn cGymnastic Mats QLadder Piano 1 D 0 X X X x Xx 0 Rec. Close: Stage Light Main CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MM A Project No. 961601.01 5.0 HARDING COMMUNITY CTR 3096 Harding St. Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE:& Toil C/ry OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 5.0 HARDING COMMUNITY CTR 3096 Harding St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: 36" GRAB BARn r42~ GRAB BAR ALL DISPENSERS +40 MAX TO HIGHEST'OPERABLE PART SIDE ELEVATION FIGURE NO. 31-1A THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MM A Project No. 961601.01 5.0 HARDING COMMUNITY CTR 3096 Harding St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE:K/A 60" MIN. FLUSH ACTIVATORON WIDE SIDE | Error in drawing:3105A3AU) Doorto accessiblestall shall notencroach intoTO"circle. Allother doors mayencroach 12". MULTIPLE ACCOMMODATION TOILET FIGURE NO. 31-1B CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 5.0 HARDING COMMUNITY CTR 3096 Harding St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS _- — ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE:K/A \\ Chairs DDDDDDnnn DDDnnn Program Info. C/7Y OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 5.0 HARDING COMMUNITY CTR 3096 Harding St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: C/7TOFCX\RLSSX»D TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 5.0 HARDING COMMUNITY CTR 3096 Harding St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: CENTERUNE OF FIXTURE CENTERUNE OF FIXTURE FLUSH ACTIVATOR ON WIDE SIDE SINGLE OCCUPANCY TOILET 36" GRAB BAR- 42" GRAB BAR ALL DISPENSERS f4C" MAX TOHIGHEST OPERABLE! PART 'ro SIDE ELEVATION FIGURE NO. 31-1A THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 5.0 HARDING COMMUNITY CTR 3096 Harding St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS —ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: C/ry OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 5.0 HARDING COMMUNITY CTR 3096 Harding St. Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: FOOD SERVICE LINES FIGURE NO. 31-16 THE DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTSOF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS ANAID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 24" MAX. wy- x'«c Vrn h 1 \0•*r i 0 IE 5 x"< Vm cr ce (/>CD FIGURE NO. 31-17 THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTSOF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 5.0 HARDING COMMUNITY CTR 3096 Harding St. Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE:M/A (I. TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 5.0 HARDING COMMUNITY CTR 3096 Harding St. Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE:n 1/2" MAX. 2 ==3 1 1/4- MAX. AT 1:2 SLOPE COMPRESSED CARPET 1/4" MAX. BELOW THRESHOLD FINISH FLOOR EVEN THRESHOLD \ THRESHOLDS FIG. NO. 33-5C THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 5.0 HARDING COMMUNITY CTR 3096 Harding St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation MMA Project No. 961601.01 PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST* Harding - Center 02/07/97 8:45 AM Improvement Description 5.0A1 install curb ramps 5.0A2 install signage (parking & directional) 5.0A3 modify, install handrails 5.0A4 modify entry threshold 5.0A5 renovate Toilet Room 5.0A6 replace orbit door hardware with levers 5.0A7 provide handicap accessible counter OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST Estimate A $1,200 $2,450 $2,880 $120 $2,450 $230 $1,800 $11,130 Estimate B $3,220 $1,940 $1,460 $940 $1,090 $1,040 $3,550 $13,240 Variance 168.3% -20.8% -49.3% 683.3% -55.5% 352.2% 97.2% 19.0% Avg Est Const Cost $2,210 $2,195 $2,170 $530 $1,770 $635 $2,675 $12,185 Soft Cost Multiplier** 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 As-Builts (if req'd) $830 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $830 Est Prof Design Fees $320 $320 $500 $250 $2,410 $0 $0 $3,800 Probable Project Cost* $4,020 $3,170 $3,320 $940 $4,710 $830 $3,480 $20,470 NOTES: 'Figures shown above represent our opinion only, and are not intended to represent either a detailed cost estimate or a guaranteed maximum price, neither of which can be obtained prior to completion of Construction Contract/Bid Documents. All information shown is preliminary and will vary in accordance with market conditions, specific project scope, existing conditions, and other variables present at the time of project bid/award. Figures shown are exclusive of escalation, interim and/or permanent financing, asbestos and/or hazardous materials handling, geotechnical, civil, landscape, structural/HVAC/electrical engineering, interior design, direct/reimbursable project expenses, wayfinding, and plant/utility upgrades unless otherwise noted. Figures shown above are based on 2-Phase project sequencing under a single-package-per-Phase as shown in Summary (Phase 1) and Summary (Phase 2). "Probable Project Cost includes our opinion of probable soft cosfs as represented in the Project Multiplier. Typical soft costs include site development (in addition to that carried by the construction cost estimate), administrative/legal costs, and Owner/Design contingency. Figures shown are rounded. City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation MMA Project No. 961601.01 PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST* Harding • Recreation Offices 02/07/97 8:45 AM Improvement Description 5.0B1 modify entry threshold 5.0B2 renovate Toilet Room 5.0B3 install directional signage OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST Estimate A $1,200 $2,450 $240 $3,890 Estimate B $3,800 $2,110 $430 $6,340 Variance 216.7% -13.9% 79.2% 63.0% Avg Est Const Cost $2,500 $2,280 $335 $5,115 Soft Cost Multiplier** 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 As-Builts (if req'd) $0 $560 $0 $560 Est Prof Design Fees $350 $2,410 $500 $3,260 Probable Project Cost* $3,600 $5,930 $940 $10,470 NOTES: "Figures shown above represent our opinion only, and are not intended to represent either a detailed cost estimate or a guaranteed maximum price, neither of which can be obtained prior to completion of Construction Contract/Bid Documents. All information shown is preliminary and will vary in accordance with market conditions, specific project scope, existing conditions, and other variables present at the time of project bid/award. Figures shown are exclusive of escalation, interim and/or permanent financing, asbestos and/or hazardous materials handling, geotechnical, civil, landscape, structural/HVAC/electrical engineering, interior design, direct/reimbursable project expenses, wayfinding, and plant/utility upgrades unless otherwise noted. Figures shown above are based on 2-Phase project sequencing under a single-package-per-Phase as shown in Summary (Phase 1) and Summary (Phase 2). "Probable Project Cost includes our opinion of probable soft coste as represented in the Project Multiplier. Typical soft costs include site development (in addition to that carried by the construction cost estimate), administrative/legal costs, and Owner/Design contingency. Figures shown are rounded. City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation MMA Project No. 961601.01 PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST* Harding - Auditiorium 02/07/97 8.45 AM Improvement Description 5.0C1 renovate Toilet Rooms (2) ' OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST Estimate A $6,625 $6,625 Estimate B $4,650 $4,650 Variance -29.8% -29.8% Avg Est Const Cost $5,638 $5,638 Soft Cost Multiplier** 1.30 1.30 As-Builts (if req'd) $760 $760 Est Prof Design Fees $3,310 $3,310 Probable Project Cost* $11,400 $11,400 /VOTES: "Figures shown above represent our opinion only, and are not intended to represent either a detailed cost estimate or a guaranteed maximum price, neither of which can be obtained prior to completion of Construction Contract/Bid Documents. All information shown is preliminary and will vary in accordance with market conditions, specific project scope, existing conditions, and other variables present at the time of project bid/award. Figures shown are exclusive of escalation, interim and/or permanent financing, asbestos and/or hazardous materials handling, geotechnical, civil, landscape, structural/HVAC/electrical engineering, interior design, direct/reimbursable project expenses, wayfmding, and plant/utility upgrades unless otherwise noted. Figures shown above are based on 2-Phase project sequencing under a single-package-per-Phase as shown in Summary (Phase 1) and Summary (Phase 2). ""Probable Project Cost includes our opinion of probable soft costs as represented in the Project Multiplier. Typical soft costs include site development (in addition to that carried by the construction cost estimate), administrative/legal costs, and Owner/Design contingency. Figures shown are rounded. City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation MMA Project No. 961601.01 PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST* Harding - Recreation Hall 02/07/97 8:45 AM Improvement Description 5.0D1 renovate Toilet Rooms (2) 5.0D2 renovate Kitchen (approx. 13' x 20') 5.0D3 modify entrance threshold OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST Estimate A $4,800 $5,010 $600 $10,410 Estimate B $3,420 $4,270 $1,130 $8,820 Variance -28.8% -14.8% 88.3% -15.3% Avg Est Const Cost $4,110 $4,640 $865 $9,615 Soft Cost Multiplier** 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 As-Builts (if req'd) $560 $160 $0 $720 Est Prof Design Fees $3,210 $3,760 $80 $7,050 Probable Project Cost* $9,110 $9,950 $1,200 $20,260 /VOTES: "Figures shown above represent our opinion only, and are not intended to represent either a detailed cost estimate or a guaranteed maximum price, neither of which can be obtained prior to completion of Construction Contract/Bid Documents. All information shown is preliminary and will vary in accordance with market conditions, specific project scope, existing conditions, and other variables present at the time of project bid/award. Figures shown are exclusive of escalation, interim and/or permanent financing, asbestos and/or hazardous materials handling, geotechnical, civil, landscape, structural/HVAC/electrical engineering, interior design, direct/reimbursable project expenses, wayfinding, and plant/utility upgrades unless otherwise noted. Figures shown above are based on 2-Phase project sequencing under a single-package-per-Phase as shown in Summary (Phase 1) and Summary (Phase 2). "Probable Project Cost includes our opinion of probable soft costs as represented in the Project Multiplier. Typical soft costs include site development (in addition to that carried by the construction cost estimate), administrative/legal costs, and Owner/Design contingency. Figures shown are rounded. Section 6.0 NORTH C/7Y OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 6.0 HERITAGE HALL Magee Park, Garfield St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 4 ftj) MOON • MAYORAS ^^-~~~ ARCHITECTS, INC. ^^^ DATE: 6.0 HERITAGE HALL Magee Park, Garfield St. Carlsbad, CA SCALE:1- CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 6.0 HERITAGE HALL Magee Park, Garfield St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: C/7Y OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MM A Project No. 961601.01 6.0 HERITAGE HALL Magee Park, Garfield St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INO~^^^ DATE:SCALE: NOTE : 1 WHEN DOOR SWINGS ONTO LANDING - 42* WIN. PLUS DOOR WIDTH 60" UIN. WHEN NO DOOR SWINGS ONTO LANDING NOTE : 2 MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF EACH RAMP AND RUN VARY "-TOP PLATFORM INTERMEDIATE LEVEL PLATFORM INTERMEDIATE TURNING PLATFORM ( b ) RAMP WITH TURNING PLATFORM RAMP DIMENSIONS FIGURE NO. 33-11A THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 6.0 HERITAGE HALL Magee Park, Garfield St. Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: FACE OF CURB STREET FACE OF CURB POLE STREET ( a ) SIDEWALK OBSTRUCTIONS 12" WIN. 12" MIN. GUIDE RAIL CENTERED AT 3" ±1" HIGH ( b ) GUIDE RAIL GUIDE RAIL DETAIL HANDRAIL HANDRAIL 3" -i- 1" HIGH ro SUIT DESIGN ( C ) WHEEL GUIDE RAMPS AND SIDEWALKS FIGURE NO. 33-3 THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION WHEEL GUIDE DETAIL C/7TOFCX»/?LSBXID TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 6.0 HERITAGE HALL Magee Park, Garfield St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, \NC. ^^^ DATE:SCALE: CENTERUNE OF FIXTURE 18" MIN. CENTERUNE OF FIXTURE 18" MIN. FLUSH ACTIVATOR ON WIDE SIDE 28" TO EDGE OF WATER-CLOSET SINGLE OCCUPANCY TOILET 36" GRAB BARi •42" GRAB BAR ALL DISPENSERS-40" MAX TOHIGHEST OPERABLE! PART SIDE ELEVATION FIGURE NO. 31-1A THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 6.0 HERITAGE HALL Magee Park, Garfield St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 £^Vl MOON • MAYORAS ^5^^ AKCHII'bUb, INU ^^^^ DATE: I 6.0 HERITAGE HALL Magee Park, Garfield St. Carlsbad, CA SCALE:•siA^ 'fe Siorage Kitchen SuiffOnly C/7T OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 6.0 HERITAGE HALL Magee Park, Garfield St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: '• V2- C/TTOFCAflLSB/lD TRAA/S/r/0/V PL/l/V IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 6.0 HERITAGE HALL Magee Park, Garfield Sf. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: NOTE : 1 WHEN DOOR SWINGS ONTO LANDING - 42" UIN. PLUS DOOR WIDTH 60" UIN. WHEN NO DOOR SWINGS ONTO LANDING NOTE : 2 MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF EACH RAMP AND RUN VARY INTERMEDIATE LEVEL PLATFORM •BOTTOM LEVEL PLATFORM ( a ) STRAIGHT RAMP RUN RAMP DIMENSIONS FIGURE NO. 33-11A THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 6.0 HERITAGE HALL Magee Park, Garfield St. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE:\\ TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 6.0 HERITAGE HALL Magee Park, Garfield St. Carlsbad, CA MOON• MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: l_ n 2 1/4- MAX. , 1/2" AT 1 MAX. :2 SLOPE ! t COMPRESSED CARPET 1/4" MAX. BELOW THRESHOLD FINISH FLOOR EVEN THRESHOLD \ THRESHOLDS Fia NO. 33-5C THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation MMA Project No. 961601.01 PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST* Heritage Hall 02/07/97 8:45 AM Improvement Description 6.01 install handicap sign 6.02 replace exterior ramp/landing 6.03 install kick plates 6.04 modify toilet room 6.05 modify kitchen 6.06 replace interior ramp 6.07 modify thresholds OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST Estimate A $400 $5,350 $230 $2,000 $1 ,240 $2,170 $230 $11,620 Estimate B $420 $5,300 $380 $1,830 $1,230 $2,390 $380 $11,930 Variance 5.0% -0.9% 65.2% -8.5% -0.8% 10.1% 65.2% 2.7% Avg Est Const Cost $410 $5,325 $305 $1,915 $1,235 $2,280 $305 $11,775 Soft Cost Multiplier** 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 As-Builts (if req'd) $510 $80 $0 $80 $80 $40 $0 $790 Est Prof Design Fees $160 $720 $0 $2,400 $2,860 $160 $0 $6,300 Probable Project Cost* $1,200 $7,720 $400 $4,970 $4,550 $3,160 $400 $22,400 NOTES: "Figures shown above represent our opinion only, and are not intended to represent either a detailed cost estimate or a guaranteed maximum price, neither of which can be obtained prior to completion of Construction Contract/Bid Documents. All information shown is preliminary and will vary in accordance with market conditions, specific project scope, existing conditions, and other variables present at the time of project bid/award. Figures shown are exclusive of escalation, interim and/or permanent financing, asbestos and/or hazardous materials handling, geotechnical, civil, landscape, structural/HVAC/electrical engineering, interior design, direct/reimbursable project expenses, wayfinding, and plant/utility upgrades unless otherwise noted. Figures shown above are based on 2-Phase project sequencing under a single-package-per-Phase as shown in Summary (Phase 1) and Summary (Phase 2). "'Probable Project Cost includes our opinion of probable soft costs as represented in the Project Multiplier. Typical soft costs include site development (in addition to that carried by the construction cost estimate), administrative/legal costs, and Owner/Design contingency. Figures shown are rounded. Section 7.0 1.0 C/7Y OF C4KLSB/ID TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 7.0 HOUSING & REDEVELOP 2965 Roosevelt Sf., Suite B Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: | C/TY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MM A Project No. 961601.01 7.0 HOUSING & REDEVELOP 2965 Roosevelt St., Suite B Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: ACCESSIBILITY SIGN PER SEC. 3107A(C) . 2 01 oo TYP. PAVEMENT SYMBOL PER. btu, o lO/A^Oj 1 •o(O \\^x STRIPES AT 36" ON CENTER — (^ 9'-0" MIN. 48 MIN. 1:12 MAX. 1 SLOPE 1 ^•••MB x \ / *(X I "^ X. ^/^, V \k ] \/ /1:8 / MAX. SIDE SLOPE «;• n"uiM AT TVD ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL 8'-0"MIN. AT VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL SINGLE PARKING STALLS FIGURE NO. 31-18B THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION C/7TOFCX\/?LSS/\D TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 7.0 HOUSING & REDEVELOP 2965 Roosevelt St., Suite B Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. I DATE:SCALE: lo Y-\C#- C/7T OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 7.0 HOUSING & REDEVELOP 2965 Roosevelt St., Suite B Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS . • ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: C/7Y OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 7.0 HOUSING & REDEVELOP 2965 Roosevelt St., Suite B Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS _ — ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: ; C/7Y OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 7.0 HOUSING & REDEVELOP 2965 Roosevelt St., Suite B Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS —•—• —— ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: CENTERUNE OF FIXTURE 18" FLUSH ACTIVATOR ON WIDE SIDE MIN. CENTERUNE OF RXTURE 18" MIN. TO EDGE OF WATERCLOSET / si I v, 18" I 32' MIN MIN. I CLEAR SINGLE OCCUPANCY TOILET 36" GRAB BAR 42" GRAB BAR ALL DISPENSERS 7•h40" MAX TO-HIGHEST OPERABLE!PART n SIDE ELEVATION FIQURE NO. 31-1A THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION HOW RESTROOM SIGNAGE SHOULD LOOK IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH THE ADAAG & TITLE 24 60" T I WOMEN Pictogram Raised Letters Braille (or equilateral triangle) City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation MMA Project No. 961601.01 PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST* Housing & Redevelopment 02/07/97 8:45 AM Improvement Description 7.01 modify handicap parking 7.02 install kick plate 7.03 replace orbit door hardware with levers throughout 7.04 install signage 7.05 paint accessible path of travel 7.06 renovate Toilet Room OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST Estimate A $1,200 $270 $4,730 $240 $850 $6,100 $13,390 Estimate B $5,790 $430 $3,100 $180 $980 $1,740 $12,220 Variance 382.5% 59.3% -34.5% -25.0% 15.3% -71.5% -8.7% Avg Est Const Cost $3,495 $350 $3,915 $210 $915 $3,920 $12,805 Soft Cost Multiplier** 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30^ 1.30 1.30 1.30 As-Builts (if req'd) $560 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $560 Est Prof Design Fees $160 $0 $0 $500 $320 $3,260 $4,240 Probable Project Cost* $5,260 $460 $5,090 $770 $1,510 $8,360 $21,450 /VOTES: "Figures shown above represent our opinion only, and are not intended to represent either a detailed cost estimate or a guaranteed maximum price, neither of which can be obtained prior to completion of Construction Contract/Bid Documents. All information shown is preliminary and will vary in accordance with market conditions, specific project scope, existing conditions, and other variables present at the time of project bid/award. Figures shown are exclusive of escalation, interim and/or permanent financing, asbestos and/or hazardous materials handling, geotechnical, civil, landscape, structural/HVAC/electrical engineering, interior design, direct/reimbursable project expenses, wayfmding, and plant/utility upgrades unless otherwise noted. Figures shown above are based on 2-Phase project sequencing under a single-package-per-Phase as shown in Summary (Phase 1) and Summary (Phase 2). ""Probable Project Cost includes our opinion of probable soft costs as represented in the Project Multiplier. Typical soft costs include site development (in addition to that carried by the construction cost estimate), administrative/legal costs, and Owner/Design contingency. Figures shown are rounded. Section 8.0 C/TY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 8.0 KRUGER HOUSE Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS •— ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: ?T ^is oP CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 8.0 KRUGER HOUSE Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: IIIIL.I.L. JIVI ACCESSIBIUTY SIGN PER SEC. 3107A(C) 5i 'oi CO TYP. PAVEMENT SYMBOL PER. SEC, J107A(C) — . i 'o \ \ '- ^\ STRIPES AT 36" ON CENTER — 9 ^•-or MIN. 4B WIN. 1-19 MAX. | SLOPE 1 kN \S \\ I "^3 V y**v V ^S k ) SIDE SLOPE e;1 n"uiM AT TVD ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL S'-CTMIN. AT VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL SINGLE PARKING STALLS FIGURE NO. 31-18B THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 'tf^r\L IKV TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 8.0 KRUGER HOUSE Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: FACE OF CURB STREET FACE OF CURB POLE STREET ( a ) SIDEWALK OBSTRUCTIONS 12" WIN. 12" MINI. GUIDE RAIL CENTERED AT 3" -tT HIGH ( b ) GUIDE RAIL GUIDE RAIL DETAIL HANDRAIL HANDRAIL ro SUIT DESIGN ( C ) WHEEL GUIDE RAMPS AND SIDEWALKS FIGURE NO. 33-3 THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND 1S INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION WHEEL GUIDE DETAIL NOTE: MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL DISTANCESOF EACH RAMP AND RUN VARY. ( a ) RAMP WITH INTERMEDIATE SWITCH-BACK PLATFORM RAMP LANDING FIGURE NO. 33-11B THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION C/7Y OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 8.0 KRUGER HOUSE Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS .— —ARCHITECTS, INC.DATE: i SCALE: CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 I *m\ MOON • MAYORAS i DATE: 8.0 KRUGER HOUSE Carlsbad, CA SCALE: i i 5 _J l_ p 2 n=r-— , 1/4" MAX. 1/2" MAX. AT 1:2 SLOPE t I COMPRESSED CARPET 1/4" MAX. BELOW THRESHOLD FINISH FLOOR EVEN / THRESHOLD \ T THRESHOLDS NO. 33-5C THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION BESTQRfGINA. To 1 A - CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 I **\ MOON • MA YORAS ^5^^ ARCHITECTS, INC. ^^^ DATE: I ! ! i 8.0 KRUGER HOUSE Carlsbad, CA SCALE: NA, fo/ C/7T OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 8.0 KRUGER HOUSE Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: CENTERUNE OF FIXTURE CENTERUNE OF FIXTURE CM FLUSH ACTIVATORON WIDE SIDE SINGLE OCCUPANCY TOILET 36" GRAB BAR-1 ALL ..DISPENSERS 7i-40 MAX TO HIGHEST OPERABLE! SIDE ELEVATION FIGURE NO. 31-1A THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMEffTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION BEST TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTA TION MMA Project No. 961601.01 8.0 KRUGER HOUSE Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE: I SCALE: City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation MMA Project No. 961601.01 PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COSr Kruger House 02/07/97 8:45 AM Improvement Description 8.01 provide accessible van space 8.02 install ramp 8.03 path of travel from parking 8.04 modify entrance 8.05 modify toilet rooms (x2) 8.06 install kick plates 8.07 install handicap hardware OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST Estimate A $1,200 $1,500 $8,000 $1,000 $4,800 $120 $1,200 $17,820 Estimate B $2,820 $1,930 $1,400 $1,830 $3,640 $670 $670 $12,960 Variance 135.0% 28.7% -82.5% 83.0% -24.2% 458.3% -44.2% -27.3% Avg Est Const Cost $2,010 $1,715 $4,700 $1,415 $4,220 $395 $935 $15,390 Soft Cost Multiplier** 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 As-Builts (if req'd) $560 $0 $0 $0 $480 $0 $0 $1,040 Est Prof Design Fees $320 $160 $320 $250 $3,280 $0 $0 $4,330 Probable Project Cost* $3,490 $2,390 $6,430 $2,090 $9,250 $510 $1,220 $25,380 NOTES: 'Figures shown above represent our opinion only, and are not intended to represent either a detailed cost estimate or a guaranteed maximum price, neither of which can be obtained prior to completion of Construction Contract/Bid Documents. All infonnation shown is preliminary and will vary in accordance with market conditions, specific project scope, existing conditions, and other variables present at the time of project bid/award. Figures shown are exclusive of escalation, interim and/or permanent financing, asbestos and/or hazardous materials handling, geotechnical, civil, landscape, structural/HVAC/electrical engineering, interior design, direct/reimbursable project expenses, wayfmding, and plant/utility upgrades unless otherwise noted. Figures shown above are based on 2-Phase project sequencing under a single-package-per-Phase as shown in Summary (Phase 1) and Summary (Phase 2). "Probable Project Cost includes our opinion of probable soft costs as represented in the Project Multiplier. Typical soft costs include site development (in addition to that carried by the construction cost estimate), administrative/legal costs, and Owner/Design contingency. Figures shown are rounded. Section 9.0 '.O TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 9.0 MAGEE HOUSE 258 Beech Ave. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE: |SCALE: CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 9.0 MAGEE HOUSE 258 Beech Ave. Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation MMA Project No. 961601.01 PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST* Magee House 02/07/97 8:45 AM Improvement Description NO WORK AT THIS FACILITY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST Estimate A N/A $0 Estimate B N/A $0 Variance N/A N/A Avg Est Const Cost N/A $0 Soft Cost Multiplier** N/A N/A As-Builts (if req'd) N/A $0 Est Prof Design Fees N/A $0 Probable Project Cost* N/A $0 NOTES: 'Figures shown above represent our opinion only, and are not intended to represent either a detailed cost estimate or a guaranteed maximum price, neither of which can be obtained prior to completion of Construction Contract/Bid Documents. All information shown is preliminary and will vary in accordance with market conditions, specific project scope, existing conditions, and other variables present at the time of project bid/award. Figures shown are exclusive of escalation, interim and/or permanent financing, asbestos and/or hazardous materials handling, geotechnical, civil, landscape, structural/HVAC/electrical engineering, interior design, direct/reimbursable project expenses, wayfinding, and plant/utility upgrades unless otherwise noted. Figures shown above are based on 2-Phase project sequencing under a single-package-per-Phase as shown in Summary (Phase 1) and Summary (Phase 2). "Probable Project Cost includes our opinion of probable soft costs as represented in the Project Multiplier. Typical soft costs include site development (in addition to that carried by the construction cost estimate), administrative/legal costs, and Owner/Design contingency. Figures shown are rounded. Section 10.0 \c?.£>\ N 89* 25' 23" W lo.o NORTH C/7T OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MM A Project No. 961601.01 10.0 ELMWOOD HOUSE Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS _ — ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE: I SCALE: C/ry OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 10.0 ELMWOOD HOUSE Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: j ACCESSIBILITY SIGN ~l PER SEC. 3107A(C) . 'oI CO TYP. PAVEMENT SYMBOL PER. otw, J 1 U/A(UJ — 1 •oto \\^\ STRIPES AT 36" ON CENTER — 9 ^•-0" MIN. 48 MIN. 1:12 MAX. 1 SLOPE 1 SyN v^ KN 1 "^ V>V 1 V\ k 1 \/ y/1:8 / MAX. SIDE SLOPE <;• rTuiM AT TVD ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL 8'-0"MIN. AT VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL SINGLE PARKING STALLS FIGURE NO. 31-18B THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION _l L 1/2" MAX. 2 =13 1 1/4" MAX. AT 1:2 SLOPE f f COMPRESSED CARPET 1/4" MAX. BELOW THRESHOLD FINISH FLOOR EVEN / THRESHOLD \ THRESHOLDS NO. 33-5C THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CENTERLJNE OF FIXTURE CENTERUNE OF FIXTURE FLUSH ACTIVATOR ON WIDE SIDE SINGLE OCCUPANCY TOILET ALL DISPENSERS -c40 MAX TO HIGHEST OPERABLEDART r 36" GRAB BAR 42' GRAB BAR :S , SIDE ELEVATION FIGURE NO. 31-1A THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION HOW RESTROOM SIGNAGE SHOULD LOOK IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH THE ADAAG & TITLE 24 60- T [WOMEN Pictogram Raised Letters Braille (or equilateral triangle) / -/ 1 Xl" /> /T ir -S ^1 ^\ r^ L 1 ^24" MM. \\l •«> V X 1 ]| 54" MAX. WITH NOOBSTRUCTION TOREACH OVERTABLEWARE AREAS FIGURE NO. 31-17 THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation MMA Project No. 961601.01 PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST* Elmwood House • OPTION A (Base) 02/07/97 8:45 AM Improvement Description 10.01 install accessible parking space 10.02 provide path of travel 10.03 modify entrance 10.04 add Toilet Room 10.05 modify hallway 10.06 install signage 10.07 raise floor at conference room 10.08 upgrade kitchen 10.09 replace orbit door hardware with levers throughout OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST Estimate A $1,200 $1,150 $600 $9,600 $2,000 $850 $2,300 $6,000 $1,500 $25,200 $0 -100.0% Est Const Cost $1,200 $1,150 $600 $9,600 $2,000 $850 $2,300 $6,000 $1,500 $25,200 Soft Cost Multiplier** 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 As-Builts (if req'd) $660 $0 $0 $160 $0 $0 $80 $80 $0 $980 Est Prof Design Fees $160 $160 $80 $4,470 $160 $500 $640 $3,200 $0 $9,370 Probable Project Cost* $2,380 $1,660 $860 $17,110 $2,760 $1,610 $3,710 $11,080 $1,950 $43,120 NOTES: ^Figures shown above represent our opinion only, and are not intended to represent either a detailed cost estimate or a guaranteed maximum price, neither of which can be obtained prior to completion of Construction Contract/Bid Documents. All information shown is preliminary and will vary in accordance with market conditions, specific project scope, existing conditions, and other variables present at the time of project bid/award. Figures shown are exclusive of escalation, interim and/or permanent financing, asbestos and/or hazardous materials handling, geotechnical, civil, landscape, structural/HVAC/electrical engineering, interior design, direct/reimbursable project expenses, wayfinding, and plant/utility upgrades unless otherwise noted. Figures shown above are based on 2-Phase project sequencing under a single-package-per-Phase as shown in Summary (Phase 1) and Summary (Phase 2). "Probable Project Cost includes our opinion of probable son costs as represented in the Project Multiplier. Typical soft costs include site development (in addition to that carried by the construction cost estimate), administrative/legal costs, and Owner/Design contingency. Figures shown are rounded. City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation MMA Project No. 961601.01 PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST* Elmwood House - OPTION B (Supplemental) 02/07/97 8:45 AM Improvement Description 10.10 bring entire facility up to code per COC Estimate A $60,000 Est Const Cost $60,000 Soft Cost Multiplier" 1.50 As-Builts (if req'd) $2,750 Est Prof Design Fees $28,750 Probable Project Cost* $121,500 (line Hem allowance In addition to items 10.01 - 10.09 per Option A; figures shown for item 10. 10 do not appear in Summary sheet tabulations for Phase 1 and/or Phase 2) OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST $60,000 $0 -100.0%$60,000 1.50 $2,750 $28,750 $121,500 NOTES: 'Figures shown above represent our opinion only, and are not intended to represent either a detailed cost estimate or a guaranteed maximum price, neither of which can be obtained prior to completion of Construction Contract/Bid Documents. All information shown is preliminary and will vary in accordance with market conditions, specific project scope, existing conditions, and other variables present at the time of project bid/award. Figures shown are exclusive of escalation, interim and/or permanent financing, asbestos and/or hazardous materials handling, geotechnical, civil, landscape, structural/HVAC/electrical engineering, interior design, direct/reimbursable project expenses, wayfinding, and plant/utility upgrades unless otherwise noted. Figures shown above are based on 2-Phase project sequencing under a single-package-per-Phase as shown in Summary (Phase 1) and Summary (Phase 2). "Probable Project Cost includes our opinion of probable soft costs as represented in the Project Multiplier. Typical soft costs include site development (in addition to that carried by the construction cost estimate), administrative/legal costs, and Owner/Design contingency. Figures shown are rounded. 11.0 fi^UCT^ll^T'MAi^^ C/7Y OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 1 1.0 PUBLIC TOILETS Magee Park Carlsbad, CA AHCHIIhClb, INO. DATE:SCALE: ALL DISPENSERS ^40" MAX TOHIGHEST OPERABLE PART • #36" GRAB BAR- •^42" GRAB BAR T U£ SIDE ELEVATION CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 11.0 PUBLIC TOILETS Magee Park Carlsbad, CA MOON•MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: 03 Ao r1 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 1 *M\ MOON • MAYORAS ^^f' ARCHITECTS, INC. ^^^ | DATE: ; i 11.0 PUBLIC TOILETS Magee Park Carlsbad, CA SCALE: \tf*>1 BEST ORIGINAL .Jf CITY OF CARLSBAD TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MMA Project No. 961601.01 11.0 PUBLIC TOILETS Magee Park Carlsbad, CA MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE:SCALE: City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation MMA Project No. 961601.01 PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST Public Toilets - Magee Park 02/07/97 8:45 AM Improvement Description 11.01 renovate Public Toilets (x2) 1 1 .02 replace exterior drinking fountain OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST Estimate A $6,800 $1,500 $8,300 Estimate B $4,600 $590 $5,190 Variance -32.4% -60.7% -37.5% Avg Est Const Cost $5,700 $1,045 $6,745 Soft Cost Multiplier** 1.30 1.30 1.30 As-Builts (if req'd) $560 $0 $560 Est Prof Design Fees $4,250 $160 $4,410 Probable Project Cost* $12,220 $1,520 $13,740 /VOTES: "Figures shown above represent our opinion only, and are not intended to represent either a detailed cost estimate or a guaranteed maximum price, neither of which can be obtained prior to completion of Construction Contract/Bid Documents. All information shown is preliminary and will vary in accordance with market conditions, specific project scope, existing conditions, and other variables present at the time of project bid/award. Figures shown are exclusive of escalation, interim and/or permanent financing, asbestos and/or hazardous materials handling, geotechnical, civil, landscape, structural/HVAC/electrical engineering, interior design, direct/reimbursable project expenses, wayfmding, and plant/utility upgrades unless otherwise noted. Figures shown above are based on 2-Phase project sequencing under a single-package-per-Phase as shown in Summary (Phase 1) and Summary (Phase 2). "Probable Project Cost includes our opinion of probable soft costs as represented in the Project Multiplier. Typical soft costs include site development (in addition to that carried by the construction cost estimate), administrative/legal costs, and Owner/Design contingency. Figures shown are rounded. MOON • MAYORAS ARCHITECTS, INC. DAVID N. MOON, AIA DOUGLAS A. MAYORAS, AIA April 9, 1996 Mr. Chuck Walden Facilities Manager City of Carlsbad Community Services Department 405 Oak Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Request for Qualifications (RFQ) City of Carlsbad Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Survey / Architectural/Engineering Services ARCHITECTURE MASTERPLANNING PROGRAMMING Dear Chuck: Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you on the telephone earlier today as related to this project. Enclosed please find the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) as related to the above referenced project. As discussed, we have modified the RFQ to incorporate your "boiler plate" information, as well as add a secondary phase for actual project documentation following the survey. The "questionaire" portion of the RFQ remains largely unchanged, since the questions as previously sent to you were primarily geared toward understanding "who the firm is", and would apply to any Scope of Services for the qualified firm. We have, however, removed the previous annotations and done our best to address all pertinant RFQ issues; however, the enclosed is besed on our limited understanding of the City of Carlsbad's intent for this project, so some fine- tuning will surely be necessary to address your additional specific needs. Additionally, please note that we have left the submittal deadline "blank" (for you to fill in appropriately). Please feel free to contact me if you should have any questions as related to the enclosed RFQ. In the meantime, I wish you the best in your endeavor to provide these essential services to the City of Carlsbad. We would, of course, appreciate any opportunity to participate in the actual RFQ at the time of its issue. 660 NINTH AVE. SUITE 200 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 PHONE (619)235-9780 FAX (619) 239-0119 Sincere, David N. Moon, AIA, NCARB Principal DNMVncm File: City of Carlsbad MOON • MAYORAS • ARCHITECTS, INC. DAVID N. MOON, AIA DOUGLAS A. MAYORAS, AIA February 10, 1997 1DE03HEI - FEB 1 1 1997 U Mr. Chuck Walden Facilities Manager City of Carlsbad Community Services Dept 405 Oak Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: City of Carlsbad Transition Plan Implementation Phase I Document dated February, 1997 MMA Project No. 961601.01 ARCHITECTURE MASTERPLANNING PROGRAMMING Dear Chuck: Enclosed please find five (5) each copies of the completed Phase I document. As requested, this document contains the revised Preliminary Opinion of Probable Project Cost for each of Phases 1 and 2, as well as for both Phases combined. It is our understanding that you are currently processing the necessary paperwork in order for us to proceed into the Phase 1 implementation. If there is anything that you need from us to make this process easier on you, just let us know, and we will be happy to assist in any way possible. We look forward to the opportunity to provide these important services to both yourself and to the City of Carlsbad! Sincerely, David N. Moon, AIA, NCARB Principal DNM\mcm File: 2.1 655 'G' STREET, SUITE A SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 PHONE (619)235-9780 FAX (619)235-9773