HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Agua Hedionda Creek; Special Flood Plain Delineation Study; 1978-02-01~. . .. COUNTY OF SAN.DIEG0
2075 Las Palmas Drivr Carlsbad CA 92009-48':
8333 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard San Diego, California 92111
D520.B. 39
1.1 Purpose of the Study
1.2 Acknowledgements
1.3 Description of Results
2.2 Developments on the Flood Plain
2.1 Stream and Basin Characteristics
2.4 Previous Studies 2.3 Flood History
3.1 Hydrology
3.2 Topography and Mapping
4.2 Effective Flow Areas 4.1 Use of HEC-2 and Field Observations
4.3 Roughness Coefficients
4.4 Supercritical Flow 4.5 Bridges and Culverts 4.6 Debris
5.1 Reach 1 (Lower Agua Hedionda) 5.2 Reach 2 (Buena Tributary)
5.3 Reach 3 (Upper Agua Hedionda)
5.4 Floodway Analysis 5.5 Hydraulic Capacities of Existing Structures
3 5 6 7
15 16 16 18
1.1 Purpose of the Study
San Diego County has adopted a program of careful flood plain management, in order to minimize the risk of flood damage to new developments, and to avoid increasing flood hazards currently existing in the City. In order to
and the boundaries of the 1% flood must, be determined,
implement the flood plain management program the elevation
study was undertaken to provide flood boundary, flood ele- together with the limits of the regulatory floodway. This
vation, and floodway limit information for Agua Hedionda for use in conjunction with flood plain management measures.
The Federal Government also recognizes the importance of sound flood plain management, and through the Federal
ment of Housing and Urban Development, offers federally Insurance Administration (F.I.A.), a branch of the Depart-
subsidized flood insurance to individuals in communities
adopting programs designed to minimize the possibility of flood damages. San Diego County's flood plain management program complies with the federal criteria for flood plain management measures.
In addition to the information developed for the 100-year flood, the 10-year flood was also studied in order to determine which properties are subject to frequent flood- ing. Although the 10-year flood limits are not shown on the final maps resulting from this study, the data is available through the County Department of Sanitation and
Flood Control.
1.2 Acknowledgements
This study was conducted under the direction of the Direc-
tor of Sanitation and Flood Control, County of San Diego.
and reviewed all of the work performed by consultants, and The Department of Sanitation and Flood Control coordinated
conducted a review of the maps with representatives of the
by three consulting firms. City of Carlsbad. The majority of the work was performed
The Redding, California office of CH2M Hill prepared the orthophoto topography used for the base maps. Field con-
by the San Diego County Department of Transportation. trol for all of the photogrammetric topography was provided
digitized cross-sections, plotted the location of the 100 San Lo Aerial Surveys (the Photogrammetrist) provided
year and 10-year flood plains, and prepared the final maps for the study.
of Sanitation and Flood Control. Hydrology was provided by the San Diego County Department
George S. Nolte and Associates (the Consultant) performed the hydraulic analysis, provided working drawings for the final maps, and prepared the text of the study report.
Bridge and channel construction plans were provided by
Caltrans and the City of Carlsbad.
1.3 Description of Results
Maps - Agua Hedionda, sheets 358-1701, 366-1701, 362-1701, The results are shown on the County of San Diego Floodplain
and 358-1 677. 366-1707, 370-1707, 362-1707, 354-1671, 358-1671, 354-1677
2.1 Stream and Basin Characteristics
About one-half of the study reach of Agua Hedionda Creek lies within the City of Carlsbad; the remaining area lies within unincorporated San Diego County. The study reach of its main tributary, Buena Creek, lies entirely within unin- corporated San Diego County. Most of the land area in the vicinity of the study reaches has been used for agricul-
major use of the land with the establishment of the large tural purposes in the past, although ranching was the first
Spanish land grants in the early nineteenth century. Ranching, which was introduced by the Spanish founders of California, never did lead to self-sufficiency; so crop- raising and other agricultural uses gradually replaced
of agriculture, mixed with light ranching, had already been ranching as the significant land use. The self-sufficiency
demonstrated at the various missions established in the San Diego area. With some exceptions, the land continues in
available and there is extensive arable land on the flood agricultural use today, obviously because water is readily
Agua Hedionda Creek and a major tributary, Buena Creek, drain an area of 29 square miles. The drainage area is bounded on the north by a range of hills just south of
the northeast by San Marcos Mountains; and on the west by State Highway 78; on the south by Palomar Airport Road; on
the Gulf of Santa Catalina in the Pacific Ocean. Agua Hedionda Creek originates in the hills south of the San
Marcos Mountains and flows in a general southwest direc- tion, confluencing with Buena Creek about 3 miles down-
range from about 43 feet per mile in the upper reaches of stream. The stream gradients along Agua Hedionda Creek
the study to about 35 feet per mile in the lower reaches approaching the lagoon. There is an extremely steep canyon reach between mile 5.2 and mile 6.0 along Agua Hedionda Creek which is called Los Monos Canyon. Stream gradients
a drainage area of about 6 square miles, originates in the in this reach average 180 feet per mile. Buena Creek, with
direction before it confluences with Agua Hedionda Creek.
San Marcos Mountains and flows about 5 miles in a southwest
The stream gradient of Buena Creek through the study reach is about 51 feet per mile.
All of Agua Hedionda Creek described above was not included as part of the study. Three stream reaches were included
as follows:
1. Lower Agua Hedionda - beginning at the lagoon and con-
tinuing upstream and ending just upstream of the Rancho Carlsbad Trailer Park.
2. Buena Tributary - beginning at confluence with Upper Agua Hedionda and continuing upstream to mile 11.415.
3. Upper Agua Hedionda - beginning at confluence with Buena Tributary and continuing upstream to mile 9.733
(at the S.F. and A.T. railroad culvert).
Agua Hedionda Creek, from its origin in the hills south of
study at mile 9.733, is a relatively small but well defined
the San Marcos Mountains to near the upper limits of this
natural channel with steep slopes and virtually no flood plain. From the upstream study limit to where the stream enters Los Monos Canyon, the channel remains well defined,
though on a gentler slope, with a relatively narrow flood plain. For its entire distance of more than a mile through Los Monos Canyon. Agua Hedionda Creek becomes a very steep narrow channel with no flood plain. Downstream from Los Monos Canyon, it broadens out into a shallow, wider chan- nel, with gently rolling overbanks, transitioning into an improved channel through Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Park and
golf course. Downstream from Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Park, from El Camino Real to Agua Hedionda Lagoon, the natural channel becomes shallow and indistinct, with a very broad flood plain. During large floods, flows exceed the channel capacity and inundate the flood plain before entering Agua Hedionda Lagoon where considerable flood storage occurs.
Attenuated peak floodflows then discharge into the Pacific Ocean, the lower limits of this study. Natural vegetation
and trees. Relatively dense chapparal predominates in the is abundant, consisting mostly of native grasses, brush,
higher reaches, yielding to sage in the lower reaches of tideland flats along the coast.
be too steep and undevelopable. This reach lies between The stream reach excluded from the study was determined to
fluence of Buena Creek and Agua Hedionda Creek.
the Rancho Carlsbad Trailer Park development and the con-
Extremes in temperature are rare. Mean seasonal precipita- The climate varies from warm summers to cool winters.
tion of the drainage area ranges from about 11 inches near
the coast to about 18 inches in higher mountains and aver-
ages about 13 inches over the total drainage area. Most of the precipitation occurs during December through March. Snow is not considered an important contributing factor to runoff .
2.2 Developments on the Flood Plain
Except for the area around Agua Hedionda Lagoon and for a
short reach upstream from El Camino Real, the land in the flood plain of Agua Hedionda Creek is relatively undevel-
oped. Only about five percent of the approximately 700 acres in the flood plains in this study can be considered as developed. There is a small number of scattered ranches in the upper middle reaches of Agua Hedionda Creek, exclud- ing the virtually undevelopable steep reach of Los Monos
of the development on the ranches in this flood plain area. Canyon. Crop cultivation and grazing constitute the bulk
mobile park and golf course, has recently been developed Just upstream from El Camino Real, Rancho Carlsbad, a
where Sinforosa Country Club was previously located. Horse
training facilities are present at Rancho Carlsbad. A
small private dam, with a concrete spillway at Oak Lake
recreational opportunities in addition to a source of Ranch just upstream from the mobile 'park, provides private
water, which is needed for ranching activities.
Agua Hedionda Lagoon has been improved for public fishing at the downstream end of the study reach near Carlsbad Boulevard. There is a YMCA aquatic park at Agua Hedionda
and Interstate Highway 5. This park has boating, picnic, Lagoon between the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway
water skiing, and other recreational facilities and is used through the courtesy of the San Diego Gas and Electric Company, who owns the property. In general, Agua Hedionda
which has gained national fame as a water sports area. It Lagoon is one of the area's outstanding recreational assets
has two boat landings, swimming, fishing, sailing and water skiing. The area surrounding the lagoon abounds with pri- vate residences, but because of the steepness of the lagoon
banks, all these residences are outside of the flood plain. Privately owned, operated, and maintained boat launching and docking facilities are upstream from Interstate Highway
miniums have been built; and the Carlsbad Chamber of Com- 5. In addition, several apartment buildings and condo-
merce projects that many more will be constructed in the near future. The entire lagoon area immediately outside of
Agua Hedionda Creek flood plain is a highly developed area. In addition to heavy residential development, there are commercial and limited industrial developments. These
banks, an electrical substation, storage facilities, and include service stations, restaurants, grocery stores,
utility distribution facilities owned and operated by San Diego Gas and Electric Company.
2.3 Flood History
Floods of damaging proportions have occurred in the region which includes the study basin in 1862, 1884, 1895, 1916,
1927, 1932, 1938 and 1942. Although little information is available, indications are that significant inundation occurred in the basin, blocking roads and flooding out farmhouses and crops. However, flood damage from such floods have been relatively light since virtually no high-
value developments existed on the flood plain during these floods.
There are no official records of past floods. Information
on historical floods in the study area is very limited due to the absence of streamflow records. Information on his- torical floods contained in this report is based on research of newspaper accounts and on interviews with local residents and officials. No flow or stage hydrographs are available for the study area.
Very few descriptions of past floods that have directly
were found. However, the following excerpts from several affected the study area are available and no photographs
newspapers in adjacent areas should serve to depict the type of flood damage which has occurred in the past.
Excerpt from the Oceanside Blade, January 22, 1916
grip of a storm and floods that have extended all over "For a week San Diego County has been struggling in the
the state and that for severity and in point of damage done exceed anything experienced for years past."
cipally the destruction of the Bonsall bridge which is "The damage up the river from late accounts is prin-
entirely gone. The San Luis Rey bridge is unhurt but
there is a considerable cut in the approach on the north side which is passable for teams. The roadway is badly damaged at the Monserrate ranch and at the rich-
man place at Bonsall. No reports are made of any dam- age at Pala and Supervisor Westfall who got down Thurs- day afternoon reports that Fallbrook was unhurt nothing being damaged but small culverts. The rainfall for the storm at Fallbrook was 10.50.f1
"The road on the north side of the river can now be used as far as Monserrate from Oceanside.ff
Excerpt from the Carlsbad Journal, December 8, 1966.
llFour inches of rain, half a seaons's supply in some years, fell in Carlsbad in a major storm which started Saturday."
accidents, flooded streets and gutters and caused some "Heavy winds and rains set off a series of minor car
erosion at construction sites.1t
"Buena Vista Lagoon and its eastern flood plain reached
full capacity, forcing Carlsbad and Oceanside city crews to open an outlet channel into the ocean."
Oceanside Community Hospital for treatment.* "In one wet-weather mishap, two men were taken to
Excerpt from the Vista Press, December 9, 1966.
Vista Press, Friday December 9, .1966.
is less than one inch short of the greatest continuous "Vista's rainfall total for the recent four-day storm
recorded from February 27 to March 4, 1938.11 rainfall total recorded here in 36 years, 7.29 inches
ttCity crews are now clearing mud from dozens of streets
and remove felled trees in several locations including on Vale Terrace near the Optimist Club that left a portion of the community without power for nearly an
hour Tuesday night .I1
2.4 Previous Studies
Agua Hedionda Creek has been studied previously and pub-
lished as Flood Plain Information. The report was titled
C-, California, prepared by the Army Corps of Engineers in July 1973 at the request of the San Diego County Depart- ment of Sanitation and Flood Control with the endorsement
of the Department of Water Resources, State of California.
Much of the information used in this report was taken from
the previous report.
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3.0 ME'MowLOGy
3.1 Hydrology
Hydrology reports for Agua Hedionda are avilable fran San Diego
County Department of Sanitation and Flood Control. The following flow rates were used for this study.
COnCen- tratim Point No.
Agua Hedionda Creek
Peak Flood Flaws for Fld Plain Mapping
Area Location sq. Mi.
Unnamed tributary near Canyon Drive just upstream of confluence with Buena Creek
Ora Ava Dr. Buena Creek just upstream of
Buena Creek just upstream of confluence with unnamed tri- butary near Canyon Dr.
Buena Creek just dm- stream of Canyon Dr.
Buena Creek at Highway 78
Buena Creek just upstream of confluence with Agua Hedionda Creek
Agua Hedionda Creek at
Highway 78
Agua Hedionda Creek just damstream of Highway 78
Agua Hedionda Creek just upstream of confluence with Buena Creek
Agua €Iedionda Creek just
with Buena Creek at downstream of confluence
Green Oaks Ranch
loo-Year Discharge
2 50
COncen- tratim Point No.
Drainage 1OO-YeaX 10-Year Area Discharge Discharge Location sq. Mi. C.F.S. C.F.S.
Agua Hedimda Creek 1.33 miles 11.6 7,200 1,700 downstream of Green Oak Ranch
Agua Hedionda Creek just 12.5 7,200 1,700 upstream of cdluence with maned tributary at
elevation 200
kamed Tributary at elevation 200 just
Hedionda Creek flwnce with Agua
Agua Hedionda Creek
just domstream of
ccnfluence with unnamed tributary
Agua Hedimda Creek just upstream of Calavera Dam tributary
Calavera Dm tributary
just upstream of reservoir
Calavera Dam tribu-
tary just downstream of reservoir
Calavera DErm tribu- tary just upstream of confluence with
Agua Hedionda Creek
Agua Hedimda Creek just downstream of confluence with Calavera Dam tribu-
Agua Hedionda Creek 1.35 miles downstream of cdwnce with Calavera Dam tributary
Agua Hedionda Creek at entrance to lagoon
upstream of cm-
5.8 1,400
23.4 9,300
24.7 9,300
27.9 10,500
concen- tration
Point No. Location
24 Agua Hedionda Creek total inflw into
25 Agua Hedimda Creek
just btream of ATSF RR Bridge
3.2 Topography and Mapping
Drainage Area sq. Mi.
Discharge Discharge 100-Year 10-Year
C.F.S. C.F.S.
10,500 2,100
7,000 1,100
graphic maps were prepared by the Redding Office of CH2M Initially, five foot contour interval, 200 scale top-
Hill, from photographs taken on December 11, 1974. Hori- zontal and vertical control points were provided by San Diego County Department of Transportation. The Consultant
marked the location of the cross-sections and top-of-mad profiles required for the hydraulic analysis on copies of the topographic maps. San La Aerial Surveys then produced
provided then to the Department of Sanitatim and Flood digitized cross-sections at the desired locations, and
Control, who re-organized the raw data in a format suitable
and produced cross-section and streanbed profile plots, as
far hydraulic analysis, checked the data for cmsistency,
well as plan view plots.
The Consultant measured the significant dimensions and took photographs of all bridges and culverts. The topographic data was reviewed by the Consultant for consistency with
field observations. Modificatims were made to accurately model the true cross-section opening at bridges and cul- verts, and obvious errors were corrected based m field measurements. Sane of the cross-sections used in the hydraulic analysis were derived from composites of inform- tim included in several of the digitized cross-sections.
Following the completim of the hydraulic analysis, the water surface elevations of the 10-year and 100-year floods were marked on the plan view plots of the cross-sections.
The photogramnetrist then located the intersection of the water surfaces with the ground and located the flood plain lines using the stereo plotter.
The Consultant reviewed the photcgrmetrically plotted flood plain lines in the field and modified thm to include construction or changes which had occurred subsequent to the date of photography.
4.1 Use of HEC-2 and Field Observations
Army Corps of Engineers' Water Surface Profile Calculation Flooding on Telegraph Canyon Creek was analyzed using the
Program, HEC-2, as well as hand calculations and field
with this study were performed with the latest version of investigation. The final hydraulic calculations submitted
the program, dated November 1976 and updated February 1977,
which include Error Corrections 1 and 2, and Modifications
modifications to the program as released by HEC, in order to 50 - 53. George S. Nolte and Associates has made certain
reduce the main core storage (and the cost) required to run
the program. Although some subroutines are not available within this version of the program, the test data has been
way the program calculates Method 4 'encroachments, hence, successfully reproduced. There have been changes in the
the old and the new (November 1976) versions may give slightly different results with the same data.
During the study, the flood plain was inspected in the field to correct errors which are inherent in computer analysis.
actual ground surface, and adjusted to accurately represent The photogrammetric cross-sections were compared with the
a reach of stream. The final flood plains are based on engineering judgment together with field observations.
During the study, the flood plain was inspected in the
field to correct errors which are inherent in computer
analysis. The photogrammetric cross-sections were compared with the actual ground surface, and adjusted to accurately represent a reach of stream. The final flood plains are based on engineering judgment together with field observations.
4.2 Effective Flow Areas
Encroachments were used to remove areas which were assumed to be ineffective for the purposes of conveying flood flows. These areas occur near bridges where the channel contains the majority of the flow, or where buildings which were not included in the cross-section cause portions of
the sections to be ineffective flow areas. Near major contractions and expansions, certain portions of the chan- nel or overbank may be outside the limits of flow separation. These areas, rather than providing additional
cause additional head losses. The limits of flow separa- flood carrying capacity, become low velocity eddies and
tion are generally assumed to follow a 1:l taper at sudden
contractions, and a 4:l taper at expansions. These
ineffective flow areas were eliminated through the use of
channel velocities. In many places, the cross-section has Method 1 encroachments, in order to maintain the proper
rated from flood plain by artificial or natural barriers. low areas in the left or right overbanks which are sepa-
These low spots would not provide any flood carrying capa-
city unless the barrier is overtopped. Method 1 encroach-
ments were used to eliminate these areas from the
4.3 Roughness Coefficients
based upon extensive field observation. The 200 Scale ManningS lrnn values, for the channel and the overbanks were
Orthophotography provided by the County was used to locate the limits of the various conditions affecting the ,Intt value in the overbanks. The values.obtained by this method were quite similar to the coefficients used in the previous study of the stream by the Corps of Engineers.
4.4 Supercritical Flow
It was assumed that flow would be subcritical throughout
critical flow the water surface elevation was based on the the study area. Where there was a potential for super-
minimum specific energy at that location (critical depth).
This assumption is based on the belief that natural chan- nels cannot maintain supercritical flow for a significant distance.
4.5 Bridges and Culverts
Bridges were coded in accordance with the guidelines given
in the HEC-2 Users Manual, and HEC Training Document No. 6, "Application of the HEC-2 Bridge Routinestf. A minimum of four cross-sections were used to model each bridge; one
at the downstream and upstream faces of the bridge or cul- section a short distance downstream of the bridge, two more
bridge. The cross-sections at the bridge faces include vert, and a last section a short distance upstream of the
only the actual flow area within the structure. Expansion and contraction losses were accounted for with variables CEHV and CCHV on the NC card. Their values were estab-
lished according to the criteria in Appendix A. The entrance loss included in the orifice flow coefficient
effects of entrance rounding and wingwalls. (XKOR) was calculated by a formula which accounted for the
In some instances, the channel has a considerably greater
When these situations are encountered in the process of capacity than the bridges and structures which cross it.
computer analysis, strange results can occur. The computer calculates the water surface profile working upstream, and
finds that it can contain the entire flow within the chan- nel section at the downstream face of a bridge or culvert, however, due to the restriction caused by the structure, the flow is forced to weir over the road, and may be spread out over a great distance. Despite the face that the chan- nel downstream has adequate capacity, the weir flow will not re-enter the channel immediately. It will continue to move freely downstream as sheet flow until the topography
or some barrier forces it back into the channel. When this situation occurs, the flow rate at the downstream face of
the bridge or culvert has been reduced to the expected
amount of in-channel flow; the remaining flow is not affec-
ted by the channel water surface, and treated as sheet flow.
The Special Bridge Routine was used for coding all of the bridges. When the Special Bridge Routine is used for
bridges or culverts with piers, the computer program will choose either the Yarnell or the momentum equations to calculate losses for low flow conditions. These equations use data coded onto the SB card to describe the opening of the bridge, therefore, piers were not coded onto the GR cards when the Special Bridge Routine was used.
4.6 Debris
It is the County's policy to account for additional flood-
ing which may occur because of debris accumulation on piers or along the sides of pipe culverts by assuming that two
or pipe. When the Special Bridge Routine was used, debris
feet of debris will accumulate on either side of each pier
was accounted for by an increase in the pressure flow coefficient (XKOR) and by increasing the width of the piers on the SB card. In those places where the Normal Bridge Routine was used, a ground section was coded which included
methodology is explained in greater detail in Appendix B, the widened pier at the upstream face of the bridge. This
Culverts". "Application of Debris Compensation at Bridges and
The analysis of Agua Hedionda Creek was divided into three separate stream reaches. Reach 1 begins at the outfall of the stream at Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The beginning station was 1.977. The ending station for Reach 1 is station 3.609. Reach 1 is refered to as Lower Agua Hedionda throughout the accompanying computer outputs. Included with Reach 1 is Calaveras Tributary. Confluence of Cala-
occurs at station 3.068. For the 100-year occurence the veras Tributary and Lower Agua Hedionda (main channel)
two streams (main stream and Calaveras Tributary) are analyzed as one (a more detailed explanation can be found in Section 5.1 which follows).
Reach 2 is referred to in the computer outputs as Buena
Tributary. Buena Tributary begins at station 7.688 which is just downstream of confluence with Reach 3 which is referred to as Upper Agua Hedionda. Reach 2 continues to station 11.415 which is the upstream limit of work for this project.
Reach 3 is referred to as Upper Agua Hedionda in the accom- panying computer outputs. Reach 3 also begins just down- stream of confluence with Reach 2 (Buena Creek) at station 7.688. Reach 3 continues upstream from the confluence with Upper Agua Hedionda main channel to station 9.733, just
upstream of the AT and SF Railroad bridge (the railroad bridge being the upstream limit of work for this project).
5.1 Reach 1 (Lower Agua Hedionda)
The starting water surface elevation was determined by using the HEC-2 normal depth routine. The starting slope of S = 0.005 was the average for the first 1000'. Normal depth being a reasonably good assumption for shallow,
was 1.977. From this starting station upstream to El
freely moving, flow in the overbanks. The starting station
Camino Real Bridge the channel is natural ground with grass
covered overbanks and main channel. In general, the flood- plain generated is very wide and slow moving. No unusual modeling problems occurred in this area.
changes were necessary. At station 3.068 confluence of
Just upstream from El Camino Real Bridge some modeling
Calaveras Tributary and Lower Agua Hedionda (main channel)
occurred. The deck was divided, thus creating a separate deck for Calaveras Tributary. The photogrammetric data for the area between Calaveras Tributary and Lower Agua Hedionda as well as the streambeds were altered to reflect
the Rancho Carlsbad Trailer park grading plans (as there
were several descrepancies between the photogrametry and the grading plans).
The HEC-2 analysis indicated that all of the 100-year flow could be carried in the respective channels throughout the trailer court area with only minor sheet flooding at some locations. The channel was originally designed for the 50-year occurrence, however, freeboard allowed the 100-year
analysis assumed that all of the water enters the mobile occurrence to pass without substantial flooding. The HEC-2
home park within the channels, however, due to inadequate
channels upsteam, some water will spill into the park itself. These flows will be shallow and confined within
the streets in most cases. Although this shallow flooding is a nuisance, the depths should not exceed one foot, and no structural damage is expected to occur.
5.2 Reach 2 (Buena Tributary)
Critical depth was used for the starting water surface
were very steep (in fact so steep as to remove the reach elevation for Buena Tributary. Since downstream conditions
immediately downstream from the study area) and trial com-
putations indicated that flow was critical at confluence (the starting station 7.688), the assumption that the water surface is at critical depth at the start'ing station seems quite valid.
At the starting station (7.688) confluence with Upper Agua
upstream through grass covered overbanks with occasional Hedionda occurred. Reach 2 continued along Buena Tributary
lem occurred between station 8.827 and station 8.970. The
trees lining the channel. The first serious modeling prob-
problem arose from the new construction of a K-Mart shop- ping center facility. The new facility added an earthen
channel and two additional box culverts. The cross sec- tions were revised to reflect the new construction.
Another modeling problem occurred at station 9.538. The cross sections were actually drawn the wrong direction
warped so as to be perpendicular to the direction of flow. during the initial work. These cross sections were then
The needed elevations for these revised sections were
established by interpolating upstream and downstream eleva- tions from known points.
5.3 Reach 3 (Upper Agua Hedionda)
As mentioned earlier, Reach 3 begins at station 7.688 where
the confluence with Buena Tributary occurs. As previously mentioned in 5.2, the starting water surface elevation was at minimum specific energy (critical depth).
The streambed is characterized by grass covered overbanks and channel bottom. Much of this reach is very steep, especially the upper portion between the AT and SF Railroad and Route 78.
The only situation where modeling was a serious problem was
the most upstream station (9.733) of the analysis. If the County's debris criteria is used, no flow would be allowed to pass through the 4 foot diameter culvert. Thereby, causing a depth of 30 feet behind the railroad fill. Unfortunately, it is highly questionable whether or not such an earthen structure could capacitate such depths of water without washing out. This location may well justify further investigation.
5.4 Floodway Analysis
Encroachment on flood plains, such as artificial fill,
reduces the flood-carrying capacity and increases flood elevations, thus increasing flood hazards in areas beyond
ment involves balancing the economic gain from flood plain
the encroachment itself. One aspect of flood plain manage-
development against the resulting increase in flood hazard. the concept of a floodway is used as a tool to assist local communities in this aspect of flood plain management.
ded into a floodway and a floodway fringe. The floodway is Under this concept, the area of the 100-year flood is divi-
the channel of a stream, plus any adjacent flood plain areas that must be kept free of encroachment in order that
in flood heights. the 100-year flood be carried without substantial increases
The area between the floodway and the boundary of the
fringe thus encompasses the portion of the flood plain that 100-year flood is termed the floodway fringe. The floodway
could be completely obstructed without increasing the water surface elevation of the 100-year flood more than one foot at any point. Typical relatinships between the floodway and the floodway fringe and their significance to flood plain development are shown in Figure 1.
Encroachment also reduces the valley storage contained
within the channel and the flood plain, and thus tends to increase flood flow rates. This increase in flow varies from stream to stream, depending on the shape of the flood hydrograph and the actual amount of channel and overbank storage available. Storage attenuates the smaller, more frequent, floods more than large events like the 100 year
ous effect on the frequent events. San Diego County
flood, thus development in the flood plain has a more seri-
recognizes the significance of this effect, and normally allows no encroachment on the 10-year flood plain. How- ever, at the request of the cities of Carlsbad and Vista,
maps allows encroachment within the 10-year flood plain. the floodway computed and shown on the final flood plain
flood carrying capability (conveyance) equally within both
The floodway for this study was computed by reducing the
overbanks. HEC-2 Method 1( encroachments were used for a series of trials until a 1.0 foot rise was obtained. A final computer run using Method 1 encroachments was made to
smooth the floodway boundary.
5.5 Hydraulic Capacities of Channel Improvements
The capacities of the many bridges within the study area
are reflected by the summarized information in Table "A".
sing the ten year occurrence without flooding over the
In general, all bridges hydraulically are capable of pas-
bridge decks. However, many of the bridges are submerged during the one hundred year occurrence.
Bridae Name Stations
Lower Agua Hedionda
El Camino 2.983 Real Bridge 3.010 to
Rancho 3.491 Carlsbad to Drive 3.509
*Der Awa Hedionda
Sycamore 7.725 Avenue to Culvert 7.740
Private 8.243 Road (42
Inch RCP)
Private 8.844 Access D/S Hwy 78 to 8.860
Bridge at 9.035
HWY 78 .
9.069 to
Sereno Way 9.151 Culvert
Santa Fe/ 9.325 Mission to
Road-Bridge 9.335
Access Road 9.383
U/S Santa Fe/Mission
-200 Ft. to
1 00-Year 1 0-Year Frequency
Flood Results F&od Res- -ueswL
Adequate Adequate 100
Adequate Adequate 100
Inadequate Inadequate (Weir Flow) (Weir Flow)
Inadequate Inadequate (Weir Flow) (Weir Flow)
Inadequate Adequate (Weir Flow)
Inadequate Adequate
(Weir Flow)
5 or Less
5 or Less
Inadequate Inadequate (Weir Flow) 5 or Less (Weir Flow)
Inadequate Inadequate 5 or Less (Weir Flow) (Weir Flow)
Inadequate Inadequate
(Weir Flow) 5 or Less
(Weir Flow)
Capacity Frequency
5 or Less
5 or Less
5 OF Less
5 of Less
1 oo+
5 or Less
1 0-Year
Flood Results 100-Year Bridae Name S-
Inadequate (Weir Flow)
Inadequate (Weir Flow) AT & SF 9.703
RR Bridge
9.733 to
Buena Tributan
Avenue Bridge
Bridges B New K-Mart Facility
Bridge 0
Hwy 78
7.725 to 7.740
8.994 to 9.100
9.549 to
9.696 to 9.706
Inadequate (Weir Flow) Inadequate (Weir Flow)
Very Near
Adequate Adequate
Inadequate (Weir Flow)
Drive Culvert
Santa Fe/ Mission
Bridge Road
Inadequate (Weir Flow) Inadequate (Weir Flow)
Inadequate (Weir Flow) Inadequate (Weir Flow)
Adequate Adequate
Private Dam-U/S of RR
Lakeside Road Bridge
Private Dam u/s of
Weir Flow Weir Flow
Inadequate (Weir Flow) Inadequate (Weir Flow)
Weir Flow Weir Flow N/A
Lakeside Rd. 10.375
Appendix A
Contraction and Expansion Coefficients
for Typical Situations
Contraction = CCHV NC Card, FIELD 4
Expansion = CEHV NC Card, FIELD 5
These coefficients are multiplied by the absolute difference in
the transition loss. OLOSS = C-HV I(HV1- HV2)I. The com- the Head due to Velocity (HV) between two sections to determine
puter automatically determines whether an expansion or contrac- tion has occurred, and selects the proper coefficient.
The coefficients measure the energy lost in converting from elevation to velocity and back again. When the change in channel section 4s small and distributed relatively smoothly, the coefficients should be small. When change is large and rapid, use higher coefficients. Practical analysis values for natural and improved channel are given below.
CCHV CEHV Topwidth 4
0.1 - 0.2
0.2 - 0.4
< 12.5' < 20'
The topwidth angle shown is the greater of the angles made by the
analysis. channel banks. Topwidth angles greater than 20' require detailed
Small irregularities in the channel section are accounted for by an increase in the "n" value.
ated with a transition. The following page shows the most common
In general, CCHV and CEHV are a measure of the turbulence associ-
Skew in excess of 10' will increase losses.
types of transitions and the coefficients associated with them.
1 Y Y t
CEHV = 0.20
CCHV = 0.10
CCHV = 0.20
CEHV = 0.30
CCHV = 0.25 0.30 0.35
e = 220 e = 450 e = 680
CEHV = 0.40 0.50 0.60
CCHV = 0.30 0.35 0.40
e= 45O e= 68O -
CEHV = 0.50 0.55 0.60
CCHV = 0.40
CEHV = 0.60
Box. width %
Case 1
Box width < Case 2
base width base width
CCHV = 0.50 CCHV = 0.60
CCEV = 0.70 CCEV = 0.80
Appendix B
Compensation for Debris at Bridges and Culverts
It is San Diego County's normal policy to reduce the flow carry-
debris accumulation. Two feet of debris are assumed to accumu- ing capacity of bridges and culverts to account for potential
late on each side of all piers. For pipes, two feet are assumed to accumulate on either side of the pipe. Debris affects Only
the entrance conditions at a structure.
Where the "Normal Bridge Routine" was used for bridges with piers, the pier was enlarged by four feet and coded on the GR
cards at the upstream face of t.he structure. For pipes operating under low flow, the upstream face was coded on the GR and BT cards with 2' removed from either side of the pipe.
Where the Special Bridge Routine was used for Low Flow condi-
tions, the following variables are affected on the SB card
1. The pier shape coefficient (XK) was set equal to 1.25.
th 2. Both the channel basewidth (BWC) and the pier wid (BWP) were increased by 4' for each pier.
These changes increase the losses calculated by either the Yar- ne11 Equation (Class A Low Flow) or the momentum equation (Class B LOW Flow), by increasing the ratio of obstructed to unobstruc- ted area.
For pressure flow conditions, an additional debris loss coeffici-
additional loss due to debris was assumed to be equal to half the ent, Kd, was added to the orfice flow coefficient (XKOR). The
difference in velocity~head between the obstructed and unobstruc- ted bridge areas. Kd was calculated as follows:
Kd = 1/2 (Au2 - $0~1,
where Ao and Au are the obstructed and unobstructed areas, respectively.