HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Agua Hedionda Watershed; Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan Part 2; 2008-08-01Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 Appendix A. Summary of Key Federal, State, and Local Regulations Appiicable to the Watershed This appendix reviews the existing and planned environmental regulations relevant to the Agua Hedionda Watershed Plan goals and objectives. The following types of regulations and policies are summarized: • Water Quality • Stormwater Management • Sediment and Erosion Control • Stream/Riparian Buffer Protection • Floodplain Management • Water Conservation • Habitat Management • Watershed Permitting Most of the regulations discussed in this section relate to how watershed functions are currently being protected and how functions will be protected in the future. Information on historical stormwater requirements is also included. The watershed permittiug section provides a brief discussion of potential permit requirements for projects proposed by the Agua Hedionda Watershed Plan, which wiil be important to consider during implementation. Water Quality �- The USEPA has delegated the authority to develop and administer Clean Water Act programs to the State of California. Because the State's landscape varies dramatically, the responsibility has been divided among nine regional water quality control boards (RWQCBs). The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) is the agency that oversees the nine regional boards. Under the SWRCB, each regional board acts as a selni-autonomous water quality agency. Each regional board is required to develop a Water Quality Control Plan, or Basin Plan, that contains water quality criteria for its region. The SWRCB also develops statewide water quality control plans, including the Ocean Plan and Thermal Plan. The State of Califonlia has enacted statewide water quality regulations that apply to all regional boards. The State Antidegradation Policy is one such regulation relevant to the Agua Hedionda watershed. This policy requires that the condition of high quality waters of the state be maintained to the maximum extent possible. Under this policy, a discharge cannot be allowed that degrades the condition of high quality waters, even when the water's condition is of higher quality than necessary to support its beneficial use. Degradation can only be allowed after analysis has shown that the action would provide a net social, environmental, and economic benefit. This policy satisfies the federal Clean Water Act antidegradation policy requirement (40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 131.12). Agua Hedionda Creek and other waterbodies in the watershed can be defined as high quality waters if they meet the water quality criterion for a particular constituent. SWRCB maiutains a 5-year strategic plau that guides state and regional board water resource protection efforts. As a part of this strategy, each regional board develops a Watershed Management Approach that is part oi the Integrated Plan for Implementation oi the statewide Watershed Management Initiative (WMI). The RWQCB's chapter iucludes the prioritization of watersheds for management; through this prioritization, the RWQCB pians to devote management resources to those watersheds that have strong stakeholder support for impiementation of watershed management activities (SDRWQCB, 2002). Q �� A-1 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 r--,�� Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) ` The Basin Plan designates existing and bene�cial uses of regionai waters to be protected by the plan's objectives. The RWQCB, whose jurisdiction includes the Agua Hedionda watershed, has developed a Basin Plan which includes existing and beneficial uses for coastal, inland surface, and ground waters. The following tables list all existing and beneficial uses assigned to waterbodies in the San Diego Region. Uses assigned to Agua Hedionda waterbodies are indicated by solid or empty circles within each table; a solid circle indicates an existing use, and an empty circle indicates a potential use. Existing uses are defined as uses that have actually occurred since November 28, 1975 or uses for which the water qualiry and quantity is suitable to allow the use to be attained (SDRWQCB, 2007a). Existing and beneficial uses are reported for four inland surface waters within the Agua Hedionda watershed, separated by hydrologic subarea (HSA), as shown in Table A-l. All four waterbodies share the same beneficial uses, which illclude water supply, recreational, and habitat uses. The lower reaches of Agua Hedionda Creek (HSA 4.31) also have an existing use of Preservation of Biological Habitats of Special Significance (BIOL). Agua Hedionda Lagoon falls under Coastal Waters within the Basin Plan, and Table A-2 lists the existing and beneficial uses far the lagoon, which include most of the coastal water uses within the Region. The Basin Plan reports that only a smali portion of the region supplies appreciable quantities of ground water due to the lack of permeabie geologic formations. Development has impacted most of the ground waters in the region, and ground water recharge programs will be needed to maintain adequate ground water table elevations as development progresses. Tabie A-3 reports the beneficial uses for ground water in the Agua Hedionda watershed. A solid circle indicates an existing use, and an empty circie indicates a potential use. Most ground waters in the Region are designated MUN or AGR. None of the Agua Hedionda groundwaters supply water to a lake or stream (FRSH) or supply water to another hydrologic £ " unit (GWR). �� O�`� A-2 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan - Final August 2008 �' ' Table A-1. Agua Hedionda Watershed Existing Beneficial Uses for Inland Surface Waters ` __ (taken directly from (SDRWQCB (2007a)) . �; Waterbody Agua Hedionda Agua Hedionda Letterbox Beneficial Use Creek Buena Creek Creek Canyon Hydrologic Unit Basin Number 4.32 4.32 4.31 4.31 Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) � � � � Agricultural Supply (AGR) � • � � Industrial Process Supply (PROC) Industrial Service Supply (IND) � � � � Ground Water Recharge (GWR) Freshwater Replenishment (FRSH) Hydropower Generation (POW) Contact Water Recreation (REC1) • � � � Non-contact Water Recreation (REC2) � � � � Warm Freshwater Habitat (WARM) • � � � Cold Freshwater Habitat (COLD) Wildlife Habitat (WILD) � � � � Preservation of Biological Habitats of Special Significance � (BIOL) Rare, Threatened, or Endangered Species (RARE) Spawning, Reproduction, and/or Early Development (SPWN) 0 �� A-3 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan - Final August 2008 Table A-2. Agua Hedionda Watershed Existing Beneficial Uses for Coastal Waters ` _ (taken directly from SDRWQCB (2007a)) � ' Waterbody Agua Hedionda ' Beneficial Uses Lagoon Hydrologic Unit Basin Number 4.32 Industrial Service Supply (IND) � Navigation (NAV) Contact Water Recreation (REC1) � Non-contact Water Recreation (REC2) � Commercial and Sport Fishing (COMM) � Aquaculture (AQUA) � Warm Freshwater Habitat (WARM) Estuarine Habitat (EST) � Marine Habitat (MAR) � Wildlife Habitat (WILD) � Preservation of Biological Habitats of Special Significance (BIOL) � Rare, Threatened, or Endangered Species (RARE) � Migration of Aquatic Organisms (MIGR) � Spawning, Reproduction, and/or Early Development (SPWN) � Shellfish Harvesting (SHELL) � � A-4 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 �� ' These beneficial uses do not apply westerly of the easterly boundary of the right-of-way of Interstate 5 and this area is excepted from the sources of drinking water policy. The beneficial uses for the remainder of the hydrologic area are as shown. 2 These beneficial uses designations apply to the portion of HSA 4.31 bounded on the west by the easterly boundary of Interstate Highway 5 right-of-way, on the east by the easterly boundary of EI Camino Real, and on the north by a line extending along the southerly edge of Agua Hedionda Lagoon to the easterly end of the lagoon, thence in an easterly direction to Evans Point, thence easterly to EI Camino Real along the ridge lines separating Letterbox Canyon and the area draining to the Marcario Canyon. 3 These beneficial uses apply to the portion of HSA 4.31 tributary to Agua Hedionda Creek downstream from the EI Camino Real crossing, except lands tributary to Marcario Canyon (located directly southerly of Evans Point, land directly south of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and areas west of Interstate Highway 5). Each regional board is responsible for developing the water quality objectives for its region. The term "water quality objectives" is used in California to include all narrative and numerical water quality criteria. Under the State Porter-Cologne Water Quality Act, the regional boards inust use their judgment to determine water quality objectives that provide for "reasonable protection of beneficial uses and the prevention of nuisance (CERES, 1996)," In its Basi11 Plan, the RWQCB specifies numerical and narrative water quality objectives which are sufficient to protect a water's beneficial uses. Objectives have been set for the following parameters far Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries, Coastal Lagoons and Ground Waters: � � Table A-3. Agua Hedionda Watershed Beneficial Uses for Ground Waters (taken directly from SDRWQCB (2007a)) Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 t • Agricultural Supply Beneficial Use • Bacteria - Total and Fecal Coliform • Biostimulatory Substances • Chlorides • Dissolved Oxygen • Fluoride • Inorganic Chemicals - Primary Standards • Manganese • Nitrate • Organic Chemicals - Primary Standards • Pesticides • Radioactivity • Sediment • Sulfate • Temperature • Toxicity • Trihalomethanes • Ammonia, Un-lonized �, , � • Bacteria - E. Coli and Enterococci :• �� • Color • Floating Material • Hydrogen lon Concentration (pH} • Iron • Methylene Blue - Activated Substances (MBAS) • Oil and Grease • Percent Sodium and Adjusted Sodium Adsorption Ratio • Phenolic Compounds • Secondary Drinking Water Standards • Suspended and Settleable Solids • Tastes and Odors • Total Dissolved Solids • Toxic Pollutants • Turbidity For ocean waters, objectives are specified in the separate Ocean aud Therinal Plans; however, the Basin Plau sets ocean water objectives for dissolved oxygen and hydrogen ion conceutration (pH). The objectives in the Thermal Plan also apply to bays, estuaries, and other coastal and interstate waterbodies and are discussed below. Within their Basin Plans, the regional boards must also specify plans and policies for meeting the objectives, which include actions to be taken, a timeline for proposed actions, and a plan for evaluating success with achieving the objectives. The San Diego Basin Plan includes policies for point source control, waste disposal, dredging, nonpoint source control, remediation of hazardous materials, and total maximum daily loads (TMDLs). The Basin Plan also specifies the requirements of regional monitoring programs. � .� Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 � � California Ocean Plan '°•.. - The Water Quality Control Plan for the Ocean Waters of California, or the Ocean Plan, designates beneficial and existing uses and prescribes water quality objectives for all ocean waters within California's jurisdiction. The Ocean Plan includes numeric or non-numeric objectives for bacterial, physical, chemical, biological, and radioactive constituents (SWRCB, 2005). California Thermal Plan �f; �, The Water Quality Control Plan for Control of Temperature in the Coastal and Interstate Waters and Enclosed Bays and Estuaries of California, knowu as the Thermal Plan, regulates the discharge of thermal and elevated temperature waste into waterbodies. The Thermai Plan outlines specific regulations by type of waterbody and also includes general regulations to protect beneficial uses from temperature impacts (SWRCB, 2007). 303(d) List Waterbodies are placed on the California 303(d) list if the water quality objectives are not mee, indicating that the existing and beneficial uses of these waterbodies are impaired. Table A-4 lists the impairments within the Agua Hedionda watershed from the San Diego Region 2006 303(d) list. Table A-4. RWQCB 2006 Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Segments for the Agua Hedionda Watershed (SDRWQCB, 2006) Waterbody Type Name ° PollutanUStressor Rivers/Stream Agua Hedionda Creek Manganese Selenium Sulfates Total Dissolved Solids Rivers/Stream Buena Creek DDT Nitrate and Nitrite Phosphate Estuarine Agua Hedionda �agoon Indicator bacteria Sedimentation/Siltation The RWQCB will be developing TMDLs for these impairments. Dischargers of pollutants to Agua Hedionda Lagoou are currently being required to coilect monitoring data needed for the RWQCB's TMDL assessment for bacteria and sediment. The schedule for TMDL developmeut for other coustituents is 2019. Integrated Regional Water Management Plan Another regional piaiming effort relating to water quality is the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP). The passing of Califonlia's Proposition 50 provided state funding for watershed mauagement projects identified at the regional level. To use the funding, each Region must complete an IRWMP, which involves the identification of regional priority water management projects. The San Diego IRWMP was developed jointly by the Cotulty Water Authority, City of San Diego, and County of San Diego and was adopted by these entities in October and November 2007. The goals of the IRWNIP were to: � A-7 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 1. Optimize water supply reliability. 2. Protect and enhance water quality. 3. Provide stewardship of the Region's naturai resources. 4. Coordinate and integrate water resource management. The effort identified 162 management opportunities region-wide. During the prioritization, the projects were placed in 2 tiers: Tier I contains projects that would meet the Proposition 50 funding requirements, and Tier II contains projects that support the plan's goals but are not likely to meet the Proposition 50 requirements (SDRWMG, 2007). Urban Runoff and Stormwater Management Each regional board operates a stonnwater program that issues permits to comply with federal NPDES requirements. Under the Clean Water Act, the federal NPDES stormwater program requires municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) designated by the EPA to meet stormwater runoff control requirements. The SWRCB has issued an MS4 General Permit that applies to all regulated MS4s in the state. To facilitate compliance with the Statewide Small MS4 General Pennit, the RWQCB is one of several regionai boards who have issued a regional pernut. In addition to the municipal stormwater permit, the regional boards also administer a statewide General Construction Permit, which regulates stormwater discharges from construction sites, and a statewide General Industrial Permit, which regulates stormwater discharges for specific industrial practices. Prior to 1990, California did not require local governments to inanage stormwater. To comply with the federal Clean Water Act Section 402(p) rulemaking and the first statewide general municipal stonnwater permit, the RWQCB adopted its first regional stormwater permit by Order 90-42 in 1990. The perinit �` ` required 1oca1 governments to initiate urban runoff and stormwater management programs, eliminate � illicit discharges, and implement BMPs on existing development. The BMPs that were impiemented on existing development tended to be source control BMPs, such as street sweeping. Order 90-42 did not require new development to control and treat stormwater (P. Hammer, San Diego RWQCB, personal communicatiou, December 1 l, 2007). Prior to 2001, sediment and erosion control requirements were in place but were not enforced. With Order 2001-01, the RWQCB updated the MS4 permit iu 2001 to include stormwater control and treahnent requirements for new development, hereafter referred to as the 2001 Order (SDRWQCB, 2001). The RWQCB subsequelitly updated the permit in January 2007 by issuing Final Order No. R9-2007- 0001, hereafter referred to as the 2007 Order (SDRWQCB, 2007b). These orders regulate discharges of urban runoff, defined as: Urban Runoff— all flows in a storm water conveyance system and consists of the following components: (1) storm water (wet weather flows) and (2) non-storm water illicit discharges (dry weather flows) (SDRWQCB (2007b). The co-permittees were required to comply with most of the order's provisions by January 23, 2008. However, due to staff reassignments for �re storm recovery efforts, co-permittees were granted an extension of 60 days for several of the plan updates and the Construction Ordinance update. All co- permittees have complied with the 2007 Order using general requirements and are working to develop inore specific requirements within a two-year timefraine. The MS4 co-permittees within Agua Hedionda watershed are San Diego County and the cities of Carlsbad, Vista, Oceanside, and San Marcos. Each co-permittee must prepare a written account of its plan to comply with the overall 2007 Order and incorporate the permit requireinents into their jurisdiction's stormwater requirements. This written account is entitled the Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Plan (NRMI'). Severai other pians are required under the order, including the Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMI'), which outlines the structural and nonstructural practices to (�j Trrrtwr� � --� A-8 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 be used to meet MS4 perinit requirements for new development and significant redevelopment and '� provides guidelines for the selection, design, implementation, and maintenance of those practices. The co-permittees will have to update JURMPs and SUSMPs developed under the 2001 Order to comply with the 2007 Order. All jurisdictions in the Agua Hedionda watershed were required to update their stormwater plans and requirements by January 23, 2008 although the deadline was extended 60 days beyond this date due to fire storm damage. All co-permittees have complied with the 2007 Order using general requirements and are working to develop more specific requirements within a two-year timeframe. The following sections describe the major requirements of the 2001 Order as well as the additional requirements of the 2007 Order. Priority Developments The pollutaut discharge requireinents outiined in the 2001 and 2007 Orders apply to Priority Developments, whose characteristics are specified in the order and include most new and redevelopment above speci�c areas or densities. Under the current and future requirements, new development priority developments include, but are not limited to, housing subdivisions of 10 or more dwelling units and commercial and heavy industry developments above one acre. The following developments greater than 5,000 square feet are also considered priority developments: restaurants, retaii gasoline outlets, all hillside development, and paved areas that will be used for transportation. Development is considered "hillside" if it is located on erosive soils and on natural soil with slopes equal to or greater than 25 percent. Redevelopment is considered priority development if it creates, adds, or replaces at least 5,000 square feet of impervious surfaces on an already developed site that falls under the same development and location categories as priority new developinent. Priority development includes development discharging stormwater to receiving waters of euvironmentaily sensitive areas (ESAs), including water bodies designated as supporting a RARE �� beneficial use (supporting rare, threatened or endangered species) and CWA 303(d) impaired water �. bodies. Agua Hedionda Lagoon qualifies as an ESA since it is desiguated in the Basin Plan as supporting a RARE beneficial use. Priority development impacting an ESA is defined as: All development located within or directly adjacent to or discharging directly to an ESA (where discharges from the development or redevelopment will enter receiviug waters within the ESA), which either creates 2,500 square feet of impervious surface on a proposed project site or increases the area of imperviousness of a proposed project site to 10 percent or inore of its naturally occurring condition. "Directly adjacent" means situated within 200 feet of the ESA. "Discharging directly to" means outflow from a drainage conveyance system that is composed entirely of flows from the subject development or redevelopment site, and not commingled with flows from adjacent lands (SDRWQCB, 2007b). Pollutants of Concern and Treatment Control BMP Requirenzents Ail priority developments must employ treatment control BMPs under the 2001 and 2007 orders. The developer must prepare a stonnwater management plan that details how stormwater will be managed on the site. The developer must also specify the pollutants of concern. The SUSMP specifies pollutants of concern for general developinent categories; additional pollutants may be cousidered if a developinent will discharge to a 303(d)-listed waterbody. Next, treatment control BMPs are selected to treat the pollutants of concein for a particular developinent. Each co-permittee's current SUSMP contains a list of treatment BMPs whose pollutant removal efficiencies are rated according to high, medium, and low pollutant removaL The developer must use a single BMP or treatment train that addresses each pollutant of concenl with high or mediuln pollutant reinoval. Low ratings are only allowed if a feasibility analysis shows that high to medium BMPs are not feasible. Developers must site BMPs as close as possible to the pollutant source unless shared BMPs are used. a rorewr� A-9 Hedionda Watershed Managemenf Plan — Final August 2008 As an example of how the regional requirements are applied, Table A-5 shows the BMP selection matrix from the City of Carlsbad's SUSMP (City of Carlsbad, 2003). Table A-5 designates which BMPs are expected to provide medium or high pollutant removal efficiencies, and developers are expected to use this table as a guide in selecting BMPs to comply with treatment requirements. The City of Carlsbad based its BMP selection matrix on the following references: Guidance Spec�ing Management Measures for Sources of Nonpoint Pollution in Coastal Waters (USEPA, 1993), National StormwateY Best Management PYactices Database Version 1.0 developed by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in 2001, and the 2001 Guide for BMP Selection in Urban Developed Areas released by the ASCE Environmental and Water Resources Institute. Table A-5. City of Carlsbad Structural Treatment Control BMP Selection Matrix (taken directly from City of Carisbad (2003)) �` Including trenches and porous pavement. Also known as hydrodynamic devices and baffle boxes. Hydi�ology Requirements The following regional hydrology requirements for priority developments are currently in place and will continue to be in place with the 2007 Order: i. Volume-based treatment control BMPs shall be designed to initigate (infiltrate, filter, or treat) the volume of runoff produced from a 24-hour 85th percentile storm event, as determiued from the Couuty of San Diego's 85th Percentile Precipitation Isopluvial Map, or ii. Flow-based treatment control BMI's shall be designed to mitigate (infiltrate, �'ilter, or treat) either: � �� A-10 ' L= Low removal efficiency; M= Medium removal efficiency; H= High removal efficiency; U= Unknown removal efficiency. Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 a) the maximum flow rate of runoff produced from a rainfall intensity of 0.2 inch of rainfall per hour, for each hour of a storm event or b) the maximum flow rate of runoff produced by the 85th percentile hourly rainfall intensity (for each hour of a storm event), as determined irom the local historical rainfall record, muitiplied by a factor of two. In addition to enforcing the current hydrology requirements, the co-permittees must collaborate on the development of a Hydromodification Plan (HMP) by January 2009. The HMP will specify criteria to reduce downstream erosion and protect stream habitat. As the HMP is being developed, the co-permittees were required to develop interim criteria by January 2008 (deadline was extended to March 2008). The co-permittees have hired consultants to develop both the interim and permanent HMP criteria. The interim criteria will apply to any development greater than 50 acres that does not drain to a hardened facility (e.g., concrete channel) leading directly to the ocean. The interim criteria are likely to involve a tool that calculates the required size of treatment basin based on a site's land use and impervious surface (D. Hauser, City of Carisbad, personal cominunication, October 19, 2007). The permanent HMP criteria will apply to all priority developments and will maintain runoff at or near the pre-developinent peak flow for a continuous range of stonn events (e.g., all events within the 2-yr to 10-yr range). The continuous range of storm events would represent the events during which the greatest, cumulative erosion impact is likely to occur. This type of requirement has been used in northem California, and a storm event range of the 2-year to 10-year storms has been applied. Although modeling is required to determine the appropriate range for southern Califor7lia, a storm event range closer to the 5- year to 15-year storm may be used since rainfall frequency is lower in southeni California (D. Hauser, City of Carlsbad, personal coxntnunication, October 19, 2007). Low Impact Development (LID) RequiNements The 2007 Order requires priority development projects to use Low Impact Development (LID) techniques to minimize iinpervious surface and promote infiltratioil. Each priority development must be designed to minimize connected impervious areas and direct runoff from impervious surface to pervious areas. The pervious areas inust be designed to treat and infiltrate runoff from impervious areas. For priority developments with low traffic areas and appropriate soils, a portion of the impervious surface must be constructed with permeable pavement. In addition to the use of these LID design techniques, developers are required to implement the following LID BMPs where appiicable and feasible: • Conserve natural areas • Minimize width of streets, parking areas, and walkways • Minimize impervious footprint • Minimize soil compaction • Minimize disturbance to natural drainages The deadline for the incorporation of LID requirements into each co-permittee's SUSMP was January 23, 2008 although the deadline was extended 60 days from this date due to �restorm damage. Ail co- permittees have complied with the 2007 Order using general requirements and are working to develop more specific requirements within a two-year timeframe. Wate�shed UNban Runoff Management Plans (WURMP) The 2007 Order also requires that the Co-permittees within the Carlsbad watershed collaborate in the development and implementation of a watershed-based program that addresses urban runoff quality. The � ��r�,►� A-11 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 rationale for this need is simpie; urban runoff does not follow jurisdictional boundaries, and often traveis through many jurisdictions while flowing to receiving waters. Therefore, the actions of muitiple municipalities within a watershed can have a cumulative impact upon shared receiving waters. The mechanism that the Municipal Pennit uses to require watershed collaboration is the development of the Watershed Urban Runoff Management Plan (WURMP). The purpose of the WURMP is to identify and address the highest priority water quality issues/pollutants and their sources in each watershed. In addition, the Municipal Permit requires that the Co-permittees develop activities that address education, public participation, and land use planning on a watershed basis. Agua Hedionda is inciuded in the Carlsbad watershed (more correctly the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit). The Carlsbad watershed Co- permittees includes the jurisdictions of Carlsbad, Escondido, Encinitas, Oceanside, San Marcos, Solana Beach, Vista and the County of San Diego. The original Carlsbad WLJRMP was developed in 2003 and is currently under revision, due to the RWQCB in March 2008. The lead co-permittee for the Carlsbad WURMP was Encinitas for the first four years of the program and has recently transferred to the City of Carlsbad. Sediment and Erosion Control Sediment and erosion control requirements were first enfarced under the 2001 Order and similar requirements will continue to be enforced ullder the 2007 Order. Although sediment and erosion control requirements were in place with earlier permits, enforcement became stronger after the 2007 Order. Under both orders, co-permittees must develop a construction program as part of their JLJRMP that i-educes pollutant discharges irom const�uction sites to the maximum extent practicable (MEP), preveiits water quality objective exceedances from these discharges, and meets additional requirements. The regional requirements are in addition to the requirements under the statewide General Construction Pennit, which outlines inspection requirements, specifies contents of Stonn Water Pollutant Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to be prepared by the developer, and defines standard practices for stabilization and design � of BMPs. The co-permittees inust include sediment and erosion control practices in their construction .:..:: program. According to the 2001 and 2007 Orders, each co-permittee must evaluate the threat of construction sources to water quality and develop standards to address these sources, including a minimum set of construction BMPs. As part of the required BMPs, the following conditions must be minimized to the MEP: extent of clearing and grading, exposure time of bare soil, and extent of grading during wet periods. Temporaiy reseeding of disturbed areas must occur as rapidly as possible, and preservation of naturai hydrologic areas and riparian buffers must be implemented where feasible. Erosion prevention is required to be used as the most important measure for keeping sediment on site during constructiou, but it must be used in concert with other methods illciuding sediment controls, slope stabilization, and permanent revegetation (as early as feasible). Slope stabilization is required on all inactive slopes during the rainy season and during rain events in the dry season. Slope stabilization on active slopes is required during all rain events, regardless of the season. The sediment and erosion control requirements in the 2007 Order are similar to the requirements in the 2001 Order. The major change in 2007 was the addition of a requirement for advanced treatment on some sites. The 2007 Order requires co-permittees to determine whether a site is an exceptional threat to water quality; for these desig�lated sites, a developer is required to use advanced treatinent, which involves mechanical or chemicai means to flocculate and remove suspended sediment from construction site rulioff prior to discharge. The Carlsbad sediment and erosion control requirements provide an example of how the cun•ent Sediment and Erosion Control requirements are implemented by a co-permittee. Under the Carisbad requirements, self-inspectioil of a construction site must occur daily during rain events and during earth moving in the wet season. The developer must conduct daily weather forecasting, and self-inspection checklists must be updated regularly. Inactive areas must be protected aud stabilized. BMPs must be deployed to protect all � �� A-12 Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 exposed areas within 24 hours of a predicted storm event. The City of Carlsbad must preapprove the ` developer's "Weather triggered" plan for protecting disturbed areas during weather events (City of Carlsbad, 2003). Riparian Buffer Protection Riparian areas are generally defined as land that exists between streams and upland areas, usually within floodplain areas. Developers are sometimes required to preserve riparian areas as water quality protection buffers within a certain distance of streams, either tenned "riparian" or "streain" buffers. Some jurisdictions require developers to restore natural vegetation to a riparian buffer area where it has been previously removed. When left undisturbed in natural vegetation or managed with dense vegetation, riparian buffers intercept and slow stormwater runoff before it enters the stream and filter poilutants from stormwater runoff. Riparian vegetation along stream banks also helps protect the stream channel froin severe erosion and bank failure. Each jurisdiction in the watershed addresses the use of riparian buffers for stormwater management and flood control, and some require a certain distance from a stream or wetland to be left undisturbed. The regional stormwater management requireinents include riparian buffer requirements that apply to all jurisdictions in the watershed. The 2001 Order requires the implementation of construction site BMPs, which includes riparian buffers. The 2001 language requires the use of BMPs listed or their equivalents, while the language for use of ripariali buffers and other construction site BMPs is stronger in the 2007, in which these BMPs are the minimum required to be implemented at construction sites. Neither one of the orders specifies a particular width or area for the riparian buffer. The local ordinances do not appear to provide more specific requirements than the 2001 or 2007 Orders. Vegetative buffers are among the stormwater BMPs allowed for use in meeting the regional stormwater � requirements, and these buffers could include natural vegetation, inanaged grass, or other managed � vegetation. Under Vista and Oceanside's storinwater site design regulations, vegetative buffer areas are not specifically required, but "appropriate use of buffer areas" is required by a developer when selecting site design BMPs. The other jurisdictions allow the use of vegetative buffers as stormwater BMPs, but do not speci�cally require their use as a stormwater BMP. Beyond the regional requirements listed above, the City of Carlsbad requires developers to preserve a minimum 50-foot buffer of riparian habitat and 100-ft buffer for wetlands — measured 100 feet from the outside edge of the riparian/wetland vegetation — within the City of Carlsbad's coastal, as designated by the Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan (HMP). A 100-ft buffer is also required for all riparian and wetlands habitat outside of the Coastal Zone, also measured from the outside edge of the riparian/wetlands habitat. The coastal zone boundary roughly corresponds with the El Camino Real corridor within the watershed. The Carlsbad HMP contains additional buffer requirements for specific habitats (City of Carlsbad, 2004). The City of Vista requires protection of stream banks and chaimels under Chapter 13 of its inunicipal code, Storm Water Management and Discharge Control Program. Owners or tenants of property where a stream exists are not allowed to remove bank vegetation except to remove excessive vegetation that retards the flow of water. Any necessary removal of vegetation must be done in a manner that "minimizes the vulnerability of the watercourse to erosion." This chapter also includes a prohibition of development within 50 feet of the centerline of a stream or 20 feet froin the top of a bank, whichever distance is greater (City of Vista, 2008). Within this buffer, the city requires a developer to leave existillg vegetation undisturbed and to revegetate areas without natural vegetation (John Conley, City of Vista, personal communication to Heather Fisher, June 2008). The County of San Diego protects riparian and wetland habitat through its Resource Protection Ordinance (RPO). The RPO restricts impacts to natural resources, including wetlands and wetland buffers. Certain Q t�rw►,�csi A-13 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Fina! August 2008 permit types are subject to the requirement to prepare Resource Protection Studies under the RPO. The ` RPO defines wetlands as having one ar more of the following characteristics: 1) At least periodically, the land supports a predominance of hydrophytes (plants whose habitat is water or very wet places), 2) The substratum is predominantly undrained hydric soil, or 3) An ephemeral or perennial stream is present, whose substratum is predominantly non-soil and such lands contribute substantially to the biological functions or values of wetlands in the drainage system. In addition to restricting impacts to wetlands, the RPO requires that a wetland buffer be provided to further protect the adjacent wetlands. The RPO defines "wetland buffers" as lands that provide a buffer area of an appropriate size to protect the environmental and functional habitat values of the wetland, or which are integrally iinportant in supporting the fuli range of the wetland and adj acent upland biological community. Required buffer widths range from 50 to 200 feet from the edge of the wetland as appropriate based on the above factors. Where oak woodland occurs adjacent to the wetland, the wetland buffer shall include the entirety of the oak habitat, not to exceed 200 feet in width (T. Synder, County of San Diego, personal communication, August 2008). The City of Oceanside has drafted riparian buffer protection regulations. The draft regulations would protect designated riparian areas as well as a 50-foot buffer begiruzing at the edge of these designated areas. An additional 50-foot planning buffer would also be established that allows some recreational uses but restricts building and other development in the buffer (City of Oceanside, 2004). For all jurisdictions in the watershed, development is restricted within the floodplain accordiug to Floodplain Management requirements, as outlined in the next section. The floodplain requirements do �� not specify that vegetation must be left undisturbed. Floodplain Management All municipalities within the Agua Hedionda watershed have floodplain managemezit regulations that seek to minimize flood hazards as well as flood-related erosion and mudslide hazards. The local floodplain ordinances designate a floodplain administrator who reviews development plans to ensure compliance with flood hazard regulations. All muuicipalities have adopted FEMA delineated floodways and areas of flood-related erosion and mudslide hazards. San Marcos is the only municipality in the watershed that uses an overlay zone to designate its flood hazard areas. Carlsbad is the only municipality that requires a special use permit for any development within designated flood, flood-related erosion, or mudslide hazard areas. Designated flood related erosion or mudslide areas exist within all of the watershed's municipalities except for the City of Vista; the floodplain management regulations for the municipalities with these areas have specific regulations for flood-related erosion or mudslide hazards. The municipal floodplain regulations can be found in the following chapters of each jurisdiction's municipal code: Carlsbad, Chapter 21.110; Vista, Chapter 16.48; Oceanside, Article IX; and San Marcos, Chapter 20.76. Under the municipal floodplain ordinances, the floodplain administrator reviews all development pennits and verifies that a development will not increase flood hazards in any portion of the municipality and that the site itseif is reasonably safe froin flooding. The floodplain ordinances contain standards for coustruction in special flood hazard areas. New residential structures must be buiit at or above the base flood elevation, with additional requirements varying by residential zone. The administrator also reviews mud hazards in a proposed development and specifies requiremen�s for mitigating the hazards in the design of the development. All municipalities that have mudslide hazard areas include specific mudslide hazard regulations in their floodplain ordinances; mudslide hazard areas exist in all jurisdictioiis except the City of Vista. (� rrrRnr� � -�� A-14 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 A"Floodway," or "Regulatory Floodway" is defined as "the channel of a river or other watercourse and ` the adjacent land area that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than one (1) foot." Within an adopted regulatory floodway, all encroachments are prohibited, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements, and other development. These encroachments are prohibited in all areas of the floodway unless a registered civil engineer certifies and demonstrates that the proposed encroachment shall not result in an increase in flood levels during the base flood discharge. All municipalities that have flood-related erosion-prone areas inciude regulations for flood-related erosion-prone areas in their floodpiain ordinances; flood-related erosion-prone areas exist in all jurisdictions except the City of Vista. Permits are required for construction in all designated flood-related erosion-prone areas and measures must be taken to either relocate a proposed iinprovement or sufficiently protect against an erosion hazard. Within Zone E on the Flood Insurance Rate Map, all new development must be setback from the ocean, lake, bay, riverfront or other natural body of water. The setback must consist of a natural vegetative buffer or contour strip. The buffer inay be used for agricultural, forestry, outdoor recreation, and other appropriate open space uses. The extent of the setback is determined by an evaluation of the flood-related erosion hazard and erosion rate, the anticipated "useful life" of the proposed structure, and the geologic, hydrologic, topographic and climatic characteristics of the site. San Diego County's floodplain regulations are similar to those enforced by the municipalities in the watershed. The County's floodway and floodway fringe regulations require development to be set back from the floodway boundary a distance of 15 percent of the floodway width (but not to exceed 100 feet). This set back requirement may be increased if the development is within a designated erosion hazard area. The San Diego floodway regulations can be found under Section 86.604 of the County's Resource Protection Ordinance. The County recently completed a Floodplain Management Plan in August 2007 (County of San Diego, 2007) which evaluates the County's current flood control policies and � recommends data collection needs and measures for flood mitigation and prevention. Watershed-specific � recommendations focused on the County's inajor watersheds. The County's major watersheds were selected to include watersheds located completely within incorporated communities or within undeveloped unmapped areas of eastenl San Diego County; the Agua Hedionda watershed, as well as the entire Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit, do not ineet these criteria and was not included in the County's major watersheds Habitat/Endangered Species/Vegetation In 1992, the Califonlia Natural Communities Conservation Plailning (NCCP) Act created a voluntary program in which landowuers, local governments, and other stakeholders can work with the state government to prioritize land iinportant for species conservation and identify land where development can occur without severely impacting important habitat. The federal government has a similar program, under the Endangered Species Act, which requires the preparation of Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs). Through these federal and state programs, local govemments can produce plans for conserving endangered and threatened species habitat and, in the process, obtain federal and state permits for development. This planiiing process seeks to reduce the need for single-species mitigation while balancing future development needs with the protection of multiple endangered and threatened species. In response to the NCCP Act, the San Diego region has developed several multijurisdictional habitat planning efforts. The Agua Hedionda watershed falls under the jurisdiction of two of these efforts: the Multiple Habitat Conservation Program and the North County Multiple Species Conservation Subarea Plan. Multiple Habitat Conservation Program Sail Diego Association of Govenlments (SANDAG), the county's regionai planning agency, administers the Multiple Habitat Conservation Program (MHCP). The goal of the MHCP is to "maintain biodiversity O �� A-15 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 and ecosystem health in the region while maintaining quality of life and economic growth opportunities." `_, The program also seeks to create, manage, and monitor an ecosystem reserve in northwestern San Diego County. The MHCP presides over the seven cities within the MHCP subregion, which include the four municipalities in the Agua Hedionda watershed: Carisbad, Vista, Oceanside, and San Marcos. These cities are required to develop individual, citywide subarea plans, termed Habitat Management Plans (HMPs), detailing specific habitat protection policies that comply with the MHCP plan. SANDAG has developed and adopted the MHCP plan, which outlines requirements for each citywide subarea plan. The MHCP plan is based on a biological analysis and a determination of which sensitive species will be covered under the plan's policies. The plan outlines policies that cover habitat for sensitive species and also specifies policies for individual species. Compliance with the MHCP plan and citywide subarea plans is designed to meet habitat mitigation requirements under the Federal Endangered Species Act as weli as the NCCP Act (SANDAG, 2003). The City of Carlsbad has developed its Habitat Management Plan for Natural Communities to serve as its HCP under federal regulations as weil as its HMP under the MHCP requirements (City of Carlsbad, 2004). The other cities in the watershed are currently developing their HMPs. North Coz�nty Multiple Species Conse��vation Subaf•ea Plan To meet the requirements of the NCCP ACT, San Diego County passed the Biological Mitigation Ordinance (BMO), established the Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP), and developed a countywide Multipie Species Conservation Plan (MSCP Plan). The BMO outlines the goals and objectives of the MSCP and specifies criteria for public and private development projects. It also states the limits to allowed habitat impact and required mitigation measures for such impacts. The BMO development design criteria require the preservation of corridors or significant resources by avoiding developinent in these areas and clustering developinent. Reduction in road standards may aiso be �� considered as a means to avoid impacts. No land is condemned under this program, but development �� must conform to the staisdards in the BMO (MSCP, 2007). The countywide MSCP Plan provides guidance on the preparation of subarea plans for each jurisdiction within the MSCP Planning Area. Each subarea plan identifies critical habitat for endangered and threatened species within the San Diego region and provides guidance on land acquisition. The subarea plans identify land that will provide critical habitat for endangered and threaten species, and federal, state, and local agencies use the pian to guide land acquisition decisions. The Agua Hedionda watershed intersects with the North County Subarea, where a draft MSCP plan is projected to be released for public review by June 2008. This subarea plan will apply to the unincorporated portion of the watershed (MSCP, 2007). Water Conservation Water is provided throughout the watershed by four water agencies: • Vista Irrigation District • Carlsbad Municipal Water District • City of Oceanside • Vallecitos Water District The Vista Irrigation District supplies water to the City of Vista and the unincorporated areas of the watershed. The Carisbad Municipal Water District supplies water to the City of Carlsbad within the watershed boundaries. City of Oceanside Water District supplies Oceanside's water, and Vallecitos Water District supplies water to San Marcos. (�j r.rro►� t=� A-16 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 These agencies purchase their water from the Region's water wholesale agency, the San Diego County '. Water Authority. Nearly 90 percent of the regions water is imported from three sources: the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD), conserved agricultural water from the Imperial Irrigation District (IID), and conserved water from projects that are lining the All-American and Coachella Canals. MWD is the largest supplier and derives its water supply from two sources: the Colorado River and the State Water Project (SDIRWMP, 2007). The regions' water supplies are currently being strained by an eight-year drought in the Colorado River Basin, low snowpack in the Sierras, a 2007 court order to reduce water pumping to southern California to protect the endangered smelt in the San Joaquin-Sacramento River Delta, and agricultural water supply cutbacks. MWD cut supplies to agricultural users participating in their Interruptible Agricultural Water Program by 30 percent beginning in January of 2008. (The IAWP program enables agricultural users to purchase water at reduced rates in exchange for taking a water supply cut before business and residential users during times of shortage.) The Water Authority and its member agencies are implementing plans and programs to diversify water supplies and increase long-term water supply reliability. Programs ' id f 'hhI '1 ' d � inc u e water trans er wit t e inperia l2�igation District an supplies from canal lining projects, water conservation, and developing new local water supplies such as groundwater, recycled water and seawater desalination (CWA 2008). In 2005, regional water demand consisted of 58 percent residential, 29 percent corrunercial and industrial, and 13 percent agriculture. This is projected to be 62 percent residential, 32 percent cominercial and industrial, and 6 percent agriculture by 2030. Outdoor water use for single family home accounts for as much as 60 percent of the urban resid�ntial water used in the region (CWA, 2007). The focus of water conservation efforts in the region has moved from indoor uses to outdoor uses. Reduction in outdoor water use can also lead to reduced urban runoff which transports pollutants to waterways. On June 4, 2008, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed Executive Order S-06-08 which proclaimed a statewide drought. The Order takes immediate action to address a dire situation`where numerous California communities are being forced to mandate water' conservation or rationing. The7ack of water has created other problems,'such as extreme fire danger due to dry conditions, economic harm to urban and rural communities, loss of crops and the potential to degrade water quality CWA projections show that implementing existing and proposed in some regions. ` urban water demand (conservation) BMPs would produce water savings of approximately 108,400 acre-feet/year by the year 2030 within the CWA's service area (compared to 53,400 acre-feet/year in 2005). These future water conservation savings will be realized through residential programs (incentives for water saving household appliances, efficiency standards for water-saving devices installed in new residential construction, landscape savings through water budgets, large landscape audits) and incentives for irrigation hardware replaceinents (weather-based irrigation controllers, efficiency irrigation devices, and artificial turf), and commerciaUindust�-ial eff'iciency incentive programs. Nearly half of the savings will come from landscape/irrigation controls and compliance with efficiency standards. In the spring of 2008, CWA drafted a model ordinance for drought response conservation program and asked its member agencies to adopt the ordinance. The model ordinance outlines voluntary and mandatory restrictions including commercial and residential landscape irrigation, washing of vehicles, required repairs of leaks and breaks in irrigation systems, and filling of ornainental pools and fountains. The model ordinance sets up four levels of increasingly higher deinand reduction targets and associated water use restrictions that can be implemented by local agencies. The higher stages of the ordinance inciude mandatory restrictions with accompanying penalties for noncompliance. The State of Califoniia is planning to enact this inodei water conservation ordinance in 2009. ,�_' Jurisdictions will be given a year to adopt the new ordinance or incorporate it into their regulations. If jurisdictious do not adopt these regulations by the deadline, the State ordinance will become the over- (� �rR,►,sai � -'� A-17 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 t riding law. The model ordinance is likely to have more stringent standards for irrigation than current water conservation efforts in the watershed (Carlos Michelon, San Diego County Water Authority Water Resources, personal communication to Meleah Ashford, January 2008). Watershed Project Permitting Projects proposed in the Agua Hedionda Watershed Plan, depending on the nature of the proposed activities, may require the following permits (Brown and Caldwell, 2007): • Coastal Development Permit for construction within the Coastal Zone • Section 404 Permit fi-om the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers construction impacting to jurisdictional waters of the U.S. • 401 Water Quality Certification from the RWQCB for conditions placed in the Section 404 Permit to protect water quality • Streambed Alteration Agreement from California Department of Fish and Game due to impacts to jurisdictional wetlands and streambeds • Local Development Permits (i.e., grading, building or other construction related permits) Proposed watershed management projects may also require an evaluation under the Califonlia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), which requires state and local agencies to evaluate the environmental impacts of their actions. It a project involves the use of federal funds, an evaluation under the Natiolial Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) may also be required. r ��, (� rerrtwr�ai � -�� A-18 Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final ��: �= Appendix B. Revisions to �and Acquisition, Buffer Restoration, and Wetlands Restoration Scoring Methods Following Tetra Tech (2008a), the WPG provided comments on the screening criteria and the following updates were made to the prioritization methods. • Land Acquisition Parcel Scaring o Erosion hazard metric weight doubled. o The number of top ranking parcels was increased from 13 to 25. o A stakeholder priority metric was added that gave a score of 10 to each opportunity that intersected with a stakeholder recoinmended acquisition site. Opportunities that did not intersect with a stakeholder priority were given a score of 1. The location of one priority could not be disclosed to Tetra Tech due to the sensitive nature of the location; for this priority, all parceis within the coinciding subwatershed were given a score of 10. Since the land acquisition analysis only considers natural, undisturbed area, only stakeholder priorities containing natural vegetation were included. o A total area metric was added that scored opportunities based on the total acres of uatural area by quartile. The lowest quartile of natural area received a score of 2.5, aud the highest quartile of natural area received a score of 10. • Buffer Restoration o The weight for the Sewer Lines inetric was halved. This change was made because sewer �'` '� lines impacting riparian areas may be removed in the future. Reinoval or relocation of sewer . lines may be a management opportunity to coincide with buffer restoration. • Wetland Restoration o A mature riparian trees metric was added using the same rules as the buffer restoration mature riparian trees inetric. o The weight for the Sewer Lines metric was halved for the same reasoning as the corresponding buffer restoration inetric. a�� B-1 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan - Final August 2008 �� (This page left intentionally blank.) � B-2 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan - Final August 2008 �, Appendix C. Stream Restoration Concept Sheets [� "� C-1 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan - Final August 2008 �,� � (This page left intentionally blank.) � C-2 d� � U Ca N � Ca � C O � � S ca � � Q � � c/� � a.> Cn U N C � � 7 N � N � V O � U d [/J - N � QJ O Ol VJ C tp O � �O � U O m N � O O � C � O @ (�J O C � � d K U d � V � C QJ � � � j N � � U (p 4J � � � Q> � � � N o a � 0 0 � a t�l � O � d C � � � U o O �- U � = QJ J (/J a`"i m N � L _C � � N N � a` � 0 � UJ C J C J -`o � C/J C L U d � U (6 � m i O N d � d � � � � '1 � � 1 A `__- C7 �-,� � U N O O �� U = � m z � m fl- o - x � U' �' _ m VJ .� y w A I"3�(: ��Zd ;�(=r � O � �- r -� C� fB � � � � � Q � � � � � Q N �!^ V / � � V� ¢) O U � s a> � .� m � � � �� 3 a � O � y f` N `� � � c� — o �, �' � � o, � ._ m o a — � W J W LL _. , �,. �s �� Li. �..�_,�' �. � j ' i�i .��" ny.yl ti�a.�..6^ �4. . ] Y, y" �` . . �r / � V) � � O > � v � -� = Q- � U O O O _� � `J N (V (6 .-� C N O � QJ E � .Q N � � � - fl- C t6 C � � O O � U � � � O o t � � 3 O.^-� Q U� o c`a. 3 QJ � U O _ � O R p Q� N d O �� � J ln � O Q VJ � s°' � � � . . � �, � o � c� � .y. ��,, •` . : � J � U � N Q_ � O � � O K Q O � 4 � t.� . 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'`.��` _ i �/�� ' ' `_. . � � - � 0 1; w :� � S i E JQ " c� i Q m o , . � 2 ; d ` o '��r'_. 0 ` � / � ._ J 0 a E m a � o°--' � � � o e x a, 0 Q C W i VJ c� Z d c � � � � O � O O Q � � U Z h� • I � Pvt�' � Pa�PF S c' 0 0 M o �� _\����' ' o / ;,1 :�.� i' f F .,,Y't$✓` �, � �1 -ea�` .��H'S � 3� o� r UQ ' Sy. : ^t,.. ��R+ .S� L - i ��� Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan - Final August 2008 �� Appendix D. Additional Data Collection and Design for SR-02 � �,�,� D-1 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan - Final August 2008 � (This page left intentionally blank.) � � Agua Hedionda Watershed Restoration Opportunity Site: SR-2 Prepared for: City of Vista California Prepared by: _ __ _ .. � _ ,� 17770 Cartwright Road, Suite 500 Irvine, CA 92614 August 2008 Agua Hedionda Watershed Restoration Opportunity: SR-2 August 2008 z� Table of Contents Listof Tables .................................................................................................................................. ii Listof Figures ................................................................................................................................. ii Appendices..................................................................................................................................... ii 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 Site SR-2 .................................................................................................................................................. 1-1 2 Hydrology ............................................................................................................................. 2-1 2.1 Previous Hydrology Reports .................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Review of Data ......................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.3 Watershed Sediinent Yield ....................................................................................................................... 2-2 3 Hydraulics .............................................................................................................................3-3 3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3 -3 3.2 Model Development ................................................................................................................................. 3-3 3.3 Existing Conditions Results ..................................................................................................................... 3-4 4 Geomorphology and Sediment Transport ............................................................................. 4-5 4.1 Sediinent Transport Modeling .................................................................................................................. 4-5 4.1.1 Sediment Curves ................................................................................................................................ 4-5 4.1.2 SAM Analysis & Results ................................................................................................................... 4-9 5 Design ...................................................................................................................................5-1 5.1 Design Approach ...................................................................................................................................... 5-i 5. l.l Alternative 1— Rock Grade Control .................................................................................................. 5-1 5.1.2 Alternative 2— Newbury Riffles ........................................................................................................ 5-2 5.13 Alternative 3— Gravei Bed Augmentation ........................................................................................ 5-4 5.2 Other Projects in the Study Reach ............................................................................................................ 5-5 5.3 Next Steps ................................................................................................................................................ 5-6 6 References .............................................................................................................................6-1 � �� i Agua Hedionda Vt/atershed Restoration Opportunity: SR-2 August 2008 � = List of Tables Table 2-1 Peak Discharge Comparison ........................................................................................... Table 3-1 Resistance Values (n-values) .......................................................................................... Table 3-2 Existing Conditions Hydraulics ...................................................................................... Table 4-1 Sediment Transport Reaches ........................................................................................... Table 4-2 Sediment Transport Potential .......................................................................................... Table 5-1 Altemative 1 Concept Plan Costs ................................................................................... Table 5-2 Alternative 2 Concept Plan Costs ................................................................................... Table 5-3 Alternative 3 Concept Plan Costs ................................................................................... ...2-1 ...3-3 ... 3-4 ...4-9 ...4-9 ...5-2 ...5-4 ... 5-4 List of Figures Figure1-1 Site SR-2 ...............................................................................................................................1-3 Figure 2-1 Watershed Sediment Yield ....................................................................................................2-2 Figure 4-1 Invert Material Gradation Curve ........................................................................................... 4-7 Figure 4-2 Bank Material Gradation Curve ............................................................................................4-8 Figure 4-3 Average 5-yr Velocity .........................................................................................................4-10 Figure4-4 Average 5-yr Depth .............................................................................................................4-10 Figure 4-5 Average 5-yr Top Width .....................................................................................................4-11 Figure 5-1 Newbury Riffle Typical Plan and Profile ..............................................................................5-3 Figure 5-2 Locations of sewer lines in SR-2 project reach .....................................................................5-5 Appendices Exhibit 1: Site Map and Features E�ibit 2: Proposed Design Plan Sheets Q rerrtw� I I Agua Hedionda Watershed Restoration Opportunity: SR-2 August 2008 1 Introduction As part of the Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan (WIVIP, Tetra Tech 2008) opportunities for stream restoration were identified that would allow for progress towards the goal of watershed restoration and stream stability. The purpose of this report is to select one of those opporiunities and further develop the concept by performing additional technical analyses (i.e. hydrology, hydraulics, sediment transport) and preparing 10% concept level desigus. The opporlunity identiiied as SR-2 from the Agua Hedionda WMP BioengineeYing Report (Tetra Tech 2008) was selected for further development. It was selected for the following reasons: • Adjacent high quality riparian vegetation would be protected by stream stabilization • Stream erosion is occurring and is a potential contributor to sediinent in the lagoon • Other projects (sewer upgrades) are in the planning stage which provides partnering opportunities • There is a project proponent (the City of Vista) • Land acquisition in uot required (land is owned by City of Vista) 1.1 S�TE SR-2 SR-2 is located along Agua Hedionda creek downstream of the Buena Creek confluence. As presented in the WMP, restoration at this site would focus on stabilization of the streain bed and banks. The reach features include a typical pool and riffle morphology, with long shallow pools filling much of the channel in low flow periods. Rock outcroppings are apparent in some areas, with a particularly large one at the � upstreain limit of the project site that acts as a natural grade control. Adjaceilt to the stream, is a Buena � Sanitation District sewerage pump station (Buena Lifi SCaCion). The outflow pipeline f�om the pump station crosses the creek aud is exposed which acts as a grade control and catches debris from up stream. The exposed sewer crossing also presents a potential water quality concern should it become damaged. Just upstream of the sewer crossing is a 60-inch RCP storm drain outlet, which drains a large commercial area on the hilltop to the south. The Melrose Avenue bridge crosses near the center of the project reach. The channel is lined with rip rap under the bridge, acting as another grade control structure with little natural habitat or vegetation. Downstream of Melrose Avenue there is a concrete wall grade control structure. It is composed of an upstream wall which has failed, and a section 15 feet dowustream which is damaged and failing. It is assulned that this grade control structure was placed to protect an additionai sewer crossing. Futher downstream at the lower project site limit is a rock grade control structure. These stream features are shown on Figure 1.l . The project reach upstream limit is a large rock outcropping and pool, which iunctions as a natural grade break and control, and the downstream limit is just downstream of a loose stone grade control. The upstream limit of the project was selected as it provides a naturally stable reach and changes in the stream further upstream are unlikely to impact the project. The downstream limit of the project was selected as a location where there is evidence of inspection and maintenance activities to ensure the stream stability to protect the upstream sewer crossing. The project is within the City of Vista and on property owned by the City of Vista. The totallength of the opportunity reach is approximately 2,500 feet. The most comprehensive curreut data on the state of the channel is found in the October 2007 field suivey information conducted by members of the team developing the WMP. Field survey of channel conditions was undertaken fiom September 30 to October 3, 2007 to iamiliarize participating parties with the current state of the creek. A memorandum of the survey was asselnbled for reference (Memorandum, Tetra Tech � 2008). Typical channel widths at the project site are approxiinately 10 feet, varying from pool to riffle '- conditions as bed formations change such as gravel beds and bars to sand beds. Bank heights are � r�rw►� 1-1 Agua Hed+onda Watershed Restoration Opportunity: SR-2 August 2008 typically 6-10 feet, with steep bank slopes ranging from 1-to-1, to almost vertical. The available topographic data does not reflect the steep banks and entrenched channel. Additional surveying is required to refine channel geometry for improved hydraulic analyses and for design of restoration features. The average channel slope is approximately 0.7%. The channel slope is steeper at the upstream end of the reach, flattening out in the center of the reach approaching Melrose Bridge, then steeper again downstream of Melrose Bridge crossing. The channel slope begins to flatten out again at the downstream end of the reach. ��,. � �� 1-2 N � h � t � a i - � � � `�'�� � y: � R a a, � _ � i � g .�.� m '� " . _ Q - _ ` � � � % '- _ i � � ` \ �t.. ,�- � � � .. �y � ..• .<��, o r' _ : ''✓ � � _ r ¢ f o - a yC�- , o w � � � � � � ' �`` _ ��-�� _'_ � LL I' . _ . . . � � �� ' �. I -_I _ � \-_ l =- 3/�b 35021'73W �I � �� - I _ - O a - �\ o � E U �� � "-\ � a .- \ z r - - ------------`� z " = L s � £ m w � � � � � w I � � -; w - -�; J I L_, o i - � ' � o � o N '� . .4„j•. -... . . �' _ �d= 'i _ 3 C OO Agua Hedionda Watershed Restoration Opportunity: SR-2 -- Draft August 2008 2 Hydrology Site specific hydrology is necessary to support the hydraulic analyses and design development. Available data was coilected and evaluated for the hydrologic analysis with sufficient detail to provide peak discharges for a range of event sizes. Previous work was accumulated and compared to determine the flood frequency curve for the project location. It should be noted that no gages were available in the watershed; therefore no flood frequency analysis has been performed. Hydrologic data is currently being collected under the Melrose Bridge through the Regional Stormwater Monitoring Program as part of San Diego County Municipal Stormwater NPDES Permit, Order No. 2007-001, which can be evaluated for further study phases. 2.1 PREVIOUS ITYDROLOGY REPORTS The following reports and data were reviewed to obtain hydrology in%rmation pertaining to the site: 1. "Flood Plain Delineation Study, Agua Hedionda Creek fi�om Downstream of Buena Creek Confluence to Downstream of Melrose DYive, City of Vista, San Diego County, California", prepared by SAAD Consultants for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, June 2002. Hydrology included in this report is based on development of drainage area relationships using information presented in the 2006 �'EMA Flood Insuf-ance Study. 2. "Flood Insurance Study, San Diego County, California and Incosporated A�°eas", Federal Emergency Mauagemeut Agency, revised September 2006. Hydrology in this report is based on rainfail-runoff modeling performed by Nolte & Associates. 3. HEG 1 model obtained from Chang Consultants and associated watershed map obtained from Rick ` Engineering. 2.2 REVIEW OF DATA The discharge information available from the sources identified above are listed in Table 2-1. In addition to the available information the discharges downstream of the project site were estimated using the National Flood Frequency (NFF) Program nationwide urban regression equations and rural regressiou equations which are assumed to be the upper and lower limits of the flood frequencies. Table 2-1 Peak Discharge Comparison Location Drainage Peak Dischar es (cfs) Reference Area (sq mi) 10- ear 50- ear 100- ear 500- ear Agua Hedionda 6.30' 1,600 4,800 7,000 15,500 FEMA FIS Creek at Confluence 9.21 - - 5,481 - Ori inai HEC-1 Model with Buena Creek 9.30 3,510 5,089 5,555 - HEC-1 Model Buena Creek at 630 1,880 3,520 4,100 FEMA FIS Mouth 6.41 2,413 3,530 3,847 - HEC-1 Model Downstream of 10.67 1,720 5,150 7,510 16,100 SAAD Re ort Project Site 10.43 3,265 5,192 5,726 - HEG1 Model 10.43 4,050 10,700 14,600 26,000 NFF Urban Regression E uations 10.43 950 3,340 4,730 11,000 NFF Rural Regression E uations 1. The 6.30 mi ht be a t o in the FEMA FIS. t O TETRATECH,INC. 2-1 Ag�a H¢dlonda Wafershed Restoi-atlon Opportunity.- SR-2 -- O�aR Augus[ 2008 "1'he SAAIJ resW�s show good aE3rcc�ncn� witl� chc Ff?MA FlS which is expccted sivcc they arc both bnscd n thcsnmc r nfall r off'modcling. Thc r sults also c nipurc wcll wSth thc [ILC-I ��od�l. Al] results {all within thc�rangc indicnccd by thc NFF urbun enrJ r�al rcgression cquations. Thc SAAIJ valucs wc.rc a�eragod across many dai� points dcvcLopcd in the wnrershed and arc- assum¢d w represen� the best cstimatc o£ [low�s �ind w�rc, adoptcd as thc prqic.ct 1]ood trcqucncy cwv�. 2.3 WATERSHED SEDIMENT YIELD A prcliminary scdiment yicld analysis was perlonned w idcntify sedimer�t convibutiona lo thc walersl�ed. An a iatysis of thc land u e(oycn syacc v. dcvcloped), slopc (stccp o �iild), and soil typc (crosive or non-n�osivc) w- madc to catcgorizc thc yiGd potcntialF. '�'hc results are shown in Figure 2-1 bclow and Sndicatc ihc slgniGcvn� v � abovc U�c proJcci sitc has n hfgh yicld potcntfal. This supports thc a np�ion scd i�[hc scdimrnt transport a atysis [ha[ transport is limitcd by xhc potcn[ial (i_c. [hc hyd�aulics) oftfic �cnch'rathcr ihan limitcd bY suPpty. Oraer.c...�Nc. Figur¢ 2-'1 Wat¢rSM1ed SetlimenT Yield Agua Hedionda Watershed Restoration Opportunity: SR-2 August 2008 �r 3 Hvdraulics 3.1 INTRODUCTION A hydraulic analysis was performed using the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) HEGGeoRAS and HEGRAS program. HEGGeoRAS is a GIS extension developed by the COE and ESRI software company to facilitate the utilization of GIS data and digital elevation models to cut cross sections and develop data for export to the HEGRAS model. The discharges used in this model were based on the 2-, 5-, 10-, 25- , 50-, and 100-year hydrology developed by the SAAD report discussed in Section 2. 3.2 MODEL DEVELOPMENT The study reach for the hydraulic analysis extends further upstream and downstream than the limits of the restoration project reach. This is required for hydraulic inodeling purposes. The study reach extends 2650 feet upstream froin Melrose Bridge, into the downstream liinits of Green Oak Ranch. This is about 150 feet upstream of the Ciry of Vista property line, or 1400 feet upstream from the rock outcrop demarcating the upstream end of the restoration project. The study reach extends 1700 feet downstream from Melrose Bridge, approximately 1250 feet downstream from the lower end of the project reach at the lower rock grade control structure (see E�ibit 1 in the Appendix). The total study reach length is 4500 feet (the project reach is approximately 1850 feet). Cross sections used in this model were developed from the 2005 Topographic shapefile provided by the cities of Vista and Carlsbad. The cross sections were cut utilizing HEGGeoRAS. The model using the � f Topo file was developed from approximately 170 feet upstream of the Green Oak Ranch property boundaiy to approximately 350 feet downstream of the Dawson Reserve property boundary. Cross sections were located approximately every 100 feet, with additional sections at bridges and existing structures within the channel. The HEGGeoRAS model was imported into HEGRAS and a series of discharges were included to estimate chamiel hydraulics under various flow conditions. Manning's n-values, a measure of the channel roughness, were estimated in the field utilizing Arcement & Schneider's "Guide for Selecting Manning's Roughness Coefficients for Natural Channels and Flood Plains" (USGS, 1989) to be approximately 0.062 for the channel upstreain of Melrose Bridge, 0.035 for the rip rap channel under Melrose Bridge, and 0.067 far the channel downstream of Melrose bridge. The bank n-values were set to 0.063 upstream of Melrose Bridge, 0.026 under Melrose Bridge, and 0.068 downstream of Melrose Bridge. Table 31 lays out resistance factors for the model. Table 3-1 Resistance Values (n-values) n-Value - Channel Resistance Factor XS Irregularity Channel variation Obstructions Vegetation Bed Base n-value DS of Under US of Melrose Melrose Melrose 0.01 0 0.01 0.003 0 0.003 0.015 0.01 0.015 0.01 0 0.005 0.025 0.025 0.025 n-Value - Banks Resistance Factor DS of Under US of Melrose Melrose Melrose XS Irregularity 0.003 Variation (n/a) n/a Obstructions 0.01 Vegetation 0.03 Bed Base n-value 0.025 0 0.003 n/a n/a 0.001 0.01 0 0.025 0.025 0.025 Meanderin 1.07 1 1.07 Meanderin �/a 1 1 1 TOTAL 0.0674 0.0350 0.0621 TOTAL 0.0680 0.0260 0.0630 OTETRATECH, INC. 3-3 Hedionda Watershed Restoration Opportunity: SR-2 I�: 3.3 EXISTING CONDITIONS RESULTS An analysis of the HEC-RAS results show that a 5-year storm event is contained in the channel while larger events escape the channel and are contained on the floodplain. This indicates that the 5-year flow is the channel-forming or bankfull discharge and is a significant flow in the restoration analysis. The following table identifies the values for several hydraulic parameters for the 5-year flow and the 100-year flow. The 100-year flow results are shown because they are a typicai consideration for regional facility design. Restoration projects typically have a lower design level but it is a conservative assumption to say that the design parameters will fall within the range presented in the table below. Table 3-2 Existing Conditions Hydraulics �,. € Reach Avg. Chaunel Flow velocity, Flow depth, Flow width, ft Energy slope, Dimensions fps ft ft/ft Width Depth 5 100 5 100 5 100 5 100 �ft� (ft) year year year year year year year year Reach 1 — upstream reach 57 10.0 6.1 9.9 7.7 11.5 41 120 0.0058 0.0038 beginning at the rock outcrop Reach 2 — includes the 67 9.1 3.5 8.0 8.6 12.5 62 136 0.0033 0.0044 exposed sewer crossing Reach 3 — includes �3 8.2 4.5 7.8 7.3 11.9 64 150 0.0060 0.0039 Melrose Avenue bridge Reach 4 — downstream reach including the 63 8.9 4.2 7.1 8.2 14.6 69 151 0.0062 0.0036 failed grade control structures OTETRATECH, �N�. 3-4 Agua Hedionda Watershed Restoration Opportunity: SR-2 August 2008 4 Geomorphology and Sediment Transport Stream morphology through the SR-2 site is composed of a series of riffles and pools. There is a large pool at the rock outcropping forming the upstream end of the project site, followed by a gravel riffle. Other pools tend to form immediately upstream of grade control structures such as an exposed sewer line near the pump station, at the rip-rap lined channel under the Melrose Bridge overpass, at a concrete wall control structure downstream of the bridge, and a stone grade control at the downstream end of the project site. Some of these pools are very long and shallow, forming flat or backwater pools in the channel about 1-2 feet deep. Riffles tend to follow after the pools. Distance between riffles are usually referenced based on a multiple of the channel widths. In the project reach the channel width is approximately 20 feet. The riffles begin approximately 3 to 7 channel widths apart. Erosion in the channel occurs at the toe of the banks, undermining large oak trees and other riparian vegetation which grow on the tops and sides of the banks. The intensity of the erosion varies from sub-reach to sub-reach, but the trend is universal throughout the project site. Erosion occurs most significantly in pools where deeper waters directly attack the exposed steep banlcs and throughout the channel during storm events when the banks are exposed to higher energy flows. This widespread erosion is the evidence of the channei's natural response to the hydraulic regime to reach a state of equilibrium. Left unchecked, this natural response will likely lead to deeper channels that continue to widen as the banks fail. This will cause significant impacts to the adjacent habitat as well as increasing the sediment load into the channel which can be carried downstream to the lagoon. A desire to avoid these negative effects leads to the need for grade stabilization throughout the project site. 4.1 SEDIMENT TRA�ISPORT MODELING A preliminary investigation of the sediment transport potential of the project reach was performed. Further development of the design will require a more in-depth analysis; however, early results can be used as part of the planning process by considering the sediment inovement that is expected through the site. A design criterion of the project is to develop a channei that can not only carry a certain amount of flow, but can also carry a certain amount of sediment. In this way the sediment inflow from upstream is balanced such that minimal maintenance is required. However as with all restoration projects, regular inspections are also a necessary activity to verify the perfonnance. 4.1.1 Sediment Curves Information on the sediinent present in the system is required as part of the input to the sediment transport inodel. Bed (invert) and bank material was characterized at four locations in the SR-2 opportunity. The characterization locations included 300 ft upstream of the rock outcrop that forms the upper limit of the project reach (Sites 1i & lb), 100 ft upstream of the sewer line crossing (Sites 2i & 2b), 150 ft upstream of the failing concrete wall grade control structure (Sites 3i & 3b), and 40 ft upstream of the stone grade control structure (Sites 4i & 4b). The "i" in the site name indicates it reflects the invert while the "b" reflects the bank. Soil gradation curves are shown on Figure 4.1 for the bed material and Figure 4.2 for the bank material at the four sites. The sediment curves for the bed and bank at each site are similar throughout the study reach. Some variabiliry cail be expected even at the same location indicating that the sediment is similar throughout the project site with little variation from the upstream to the downstr•eam limit of the project. A composite curve of all sites is shown on the sediment curve graphs and is considered to be representative of the sediment transported through the project reach. This composite curve was used in the sediment analysis. D TETRATECH� INC. 4-5 Agua Hedionda Watershed Restoration Opportunity: SR-2 August 2008 The material contained in the channel bed includes a fairly even distribution of sands (coarse, medium, `+ and fine) and fine gravels. While the bank material will contribute to the process, the material %und in the bed dominates the sediment transport capacity. The bank material includes sand (medium and fine) as well as silts and clays. The bank inaterial is dominated by the �ne sands. However, the clay portion provides some measure of stability to the bank. �,s O TETRATECH.INC. 4-6 e z U f'J � C < 3 � m o � � � � � � o O H�JI3M A9 �JNISStld 1N3JL3d _ �i � � � � e ci o 0 Z U t', x � Y m Y � � n G � � R � �� fo � � f f o � � � � � O H`JI3M h9 9NISStld 1N3J213d o � om o � � o � o 0 Agua Hedionda Watershed Restorafion Opportunity: SR-2 August 2008 `� 4.1.2 SAM Analysis & Results Sediinent transport analyses were performed using SAM. The SAM Sediment Hydraulic Design Package is an integrated system of prograins developed through the Flood Damage Reduction and Stream Restoration Research Program to aid engineers in analyses associated with designing, operating, and maintaining flood control channels and stream restoration projects (Copeland et. al. 1997). SAM combines the hydraulic information and the bed material gradation to compute the sediment transport capacity for a given cross section and a given discharge for a single point in time. A number of sediment transport functions are available for this calculation. Based on the median size of the bed material and the channel hydraulics, the Yang D50 equation was selected to assess the sediment transport capacity of the channel. The project reach was divided into four reaches and average hydraulic parameters were calculated for each reach based on the HEC-RAS output. The 5-year flow is largely contained within the chamlei and was used as the focus of the sediment transport computations. Once the flow escapes the channel, energy is dissipated on the floodplain and sediment transport capacity is reduced. The 5-year flow occurs at a frequent enough interval to shape the channel. The following table identifies the reaches used in the sediment transport and the average hydraulic parameters. These parameters are also shown in Figures 4-3 through 4-5. Table 4-1 Sediment Transport Reaches Reach Cross Avg 5-year Avg 5-year Avg 5-year Sections velocity depth top width Reach 1— upstream reach beginning at 45-32 6.1 4.1 42 the rock outcrop Reach 2— includes the exposed sewer 31-22 3.5 4.4 62 crossing Reach 3— includes Melrose Avenue 21-11 4.5 3.7 64 bridge Reach 4— downstream reach including 10-0 l 4.2 4.1 69 the failed grade control structures Based on the hydraulic results from the HEGRAS model, the bed material sediment curves, and the Yang, D50 sediinent transport equation, the following sediment transport capacities were identified for each reach. It is important to note that other sediment transport equations provide very different values far the sediment transport rate. For example using the Laursen (Copeland) equation rather than Yang D50 provides an estimate that increases by order of magnitude. Further studies can investigate the transport values. However, the numbers shown in Tabie 4-2 can be used to assess the trends. Table 4-2 Sediment Transport Potential Reach 5-year sedimeut transport (tons/da Reach 1 170 Reach 2 32 Reach 3 93 Reach 4 71 O TETRATECH�INC. 4-9 Agua Hedionda Wafershed Restoration OppoiYunity: SR-2 August 2008 Figure 4-3 Averag¢ 5-yr Velocity � 6 5 2 0 O O 50a '10�0 �5�0 2000 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 Statlon (N) 4-� a U 500 i000 i5D0 2000 3000 3500 a0a0 c500 5000 Stanen �iq Figure 4-4 Average 5-yr OapHi Agua Hedionda Watershed Restoration OppoiYunify: SR-2 August 200B Figure 4-5 Av¢rage 5-yr Top Width izo ioo so - 3 so �n a soo �000 ism �oo0 3000 awo a000 asw s000 svanoo (rt) TM1rsc valucs show d�at �lic uyper proJcci r adi has significant scdin�cnt transport potcntial. Howcvcr this i stabLc r.ch duc to �hc influcncc o{thc bcd�rock controls and would likcly act as a Vass through roacl� Loa upslreavn supply. Reach 2 has a lowcr transpon ratc and Gkcly axpcncnccs agerudatfov. This -csponds [o O�c licld i� cstigaGons which show scdi�ncnt aggradation upstrcam oi'thc cxposcd sewer lin�c. Rcach 3 �nd 4 havc�similar tra�isV�rt r�ws Ihat are highcr than thosc calculatcd Cor Rcvch 2. Thi ivdicalcs v potcntial Cor eiusioo clua to thc Inck of suppty Cron� Rcach 2. RcstoraGon altcrnatSvcs will � providc n bcncr balancc m thc scdimcnt transport ratcs throughout tls projcc� arca in ordcr to nchicvc an cqui.liL rium statc. �� � mx ' O. ...rE�.,. �.�. Agua Hedionda Watershed Restoration Opportunity: SR-2 i { 5 Design 5.1 DESIGN APPROACH Auqust 2008 One goal of the Agua Hedionda Watershed Master Plan is to "Restore watershed functions, including hydrology, water quality, and habitat, using a balanced approach that minimizes negative impacts". In the project site SR-2, bank stability is threatened by incision of the invert, and particularly the undermining of the toe of the banks, leading to failure and increased channel widths. These two processes are inter- related and are likeiy a symptom of urbanization in which discharges into the creek are increased in both volume and magnitude, while simultaneously sediment supply is reduced. These processes are further expiained in the WMP. While the extent of the current instabilities are likely due to unnatural processes, a certain amount of channel erosion and movement is part of the natural process. It is helpful to think of the goal as sustainable erosion rather than coinplete immobility of the channel. In a naturally functioning river, one banlc tends to erode while another is built up. Riparian habitat may be lost on one bank, but liew growth is encouraged on the aggrading bank. The approach to the design of the grade stabilization is to provide overall stabilization to the channel to support the natural habitat but still allow for sustainable erosion. This study is an early conceptual stage of the project. Additional work needed is described in the last section as well as part of the altenlative discussion. While three alternatives for grade stabilization are identified herein, further phases of this project should allow %r addition brainstonning that could lead to modifications of these alternatives or new alteniatives. 5.1.1 Alternative 1- Rock Grade Control Alternative 1 consists of utilizing regularly spaced grade control structures (GCS) composed of very large rocks (approximately 3-4 foot diameter). These rocks would be placed to naturally form a slope over a length to inimic the natural riffles of the stream. The slope between the top of a downstreain GCS and the bottom of the upstreain GCS would be 0%. This will promote the natural developinent of an equilibrium slope between the two structures. The equilibrium slope is the slope at which a channel neither aggrades ilor degrades siguificantly over time. Each GCS would have a drop of 2 feet. This drop height was selected because it is reasonable compared to the drop seen over the natural grade control reaches and is low enough to allow for acceptable aesthetics. Stone chosen for the GCS can be selected to match existing rock outcroppings along the streain. Consideration will need to be given to the location of the upstream rock outcropping, the exposed sewer line, and the rip-rap lined channel beneath Melrose Bridge, which are static. The drop structures vary in distance from approximately 150 feet to 500 feet apart. This allows for six drops over the entire length covering a total elevation change of 10 feet. The proposed structures are designed to mimic the appearance and function of the natural pools and riffles that exist in the channel (See Exhibit 2 in the Appendix). There are currently approximately 23 natural riffles within the project reach. GCS's would be sited in such a way to be incorporated with those natural features. One benefit to placing a GCS in the channel is that it will provide useful information on the equilibrium slope that naturally foims in the watershed's streains, facilitating the design of other mitigation or restoration projects in the watershed. However, grade control structures require significant ground disturbance to impieinent, both along the banks and irrunediately upstream and downstream of the structure. Vegetation is typically destroyed in the construction and grading of the terrain surrounding the `` .. structure, requiring replanting and possibly a long recovery time. This includes not only small shrubs, O TETRATECH�INC. C'� J Agua Hedionda Wafershed Resforation Opportunity: SR-2 August 2008 plants, and aquatic flora, but large trees that currently exist along the banks and are high priorities for ` protection. The following table identifies the costs associated with the conceptual alternative as described above. The cost estimate is based on concept plans and should be used for pianning purposes, not capital budget allocation. The costs are adequate for seeking grant funding, however, appropriate escalation factors should be applied. Table 5-1 Alternative 1 Concept Plan Costs Site SR-2 Alternative 1 Stone Grade Control Structures Item Units Quantit Unit Price Cost Assum tions mobilization LS 1 $50,000 $50,000 1 ton select rock - machine material for 6 rade stabilizers CY 2778 $135 $375,000 laced 20 trees at each re lant disturbed area LS 120 $500 $60,000 stabilizer cut CY 5556 $15 $83,333 fill & com act CY 2778 $5 $13,889 re lace cut dis osal CY 2778 $20 $55,556 dis ose cut 25% construction contin enc LS 1 25°/a $121,250 construction cost $759,028 desi n & ermittin cost $300,000 total cost $1,059,028 xr r � The next step in developing this alternative would be to identify specific sites that would be appropriate for the location of the GCS. The location should consider the vegetation that would be impacted and what locations will have the least negative impact to the most desirable vegetation. Identification of the highest value riparian vegetation would assist in these decisions. Based on selected locations, additional hydraulic analyses should be performed to detennine the impact of the GCSs on water surface elevation. 5.1.2 Alternative 2- Newbury Riffles Altenlative 2 consists of `Newbury Riffles', a design concept developed by Newbury and Gaboury (1993). Each riffle structure is placed every 5-7 channel widths apart, impouuding shallow pools of water. Originally designed for fish passage, a Newbury Riffle is created by placing large diameter bouiders for the structure crest, followed by smaller support stones behind and in front of the large crest stones. The riffles will have a steeper (eg. 4:1) sloped upstream face, and a shallow (eg. 20:1) sloped downstream face. Smaller stone is used to fill the remaining gaps. Figure 5-1 shows a plan and pro�le of a typical Newbury Riffle taken from the National Engineering Handbook (NRCS, 2007, pg. TS14G-6). As the structure is composed of various sizes of stone, typically two foot sized angular stones with native smaller stones used to seal the upstream face, and other small stone to infill spaces along the banlc and ailow some riparian vegetation to grow, enhancing the natural look and feel of the structure as well as possibly enhancing it's stability with natural rooting. Each riffle structure would have an average drop of approximately 2 feet. The average height of the structure itself is 2 feet. Stone chosen for the riffles can be picked to match existing rock outcroppings along the stream. Each drop structure is located 200 feet from the next (distance from top of one structure to top of the next based on 5-7 channel width distance). Consideration will need to be given to the ; location of the upstream rock outcropping, the exposed sewer line, and the rip-rap lined chamiel beneath O TETRATECH�INC. 5-2 Agua Hedionda Watershed Restoration Opportunity: SR-2 August 2008 � Melrose Bridge, which are static. The structures are sized based on the existing stream size, which for site SR-2 is approximately 20 feet wide, and 40 feet long, (See Exhibit 2 in the Appendix). Advantages of Alternative 2 compared to Alternative 1 are a lower material cost and less disturbance of the bank (and its vegetation) due to less requirements to key the structure into the bank. Less of a key-in is required because the structure is designed to allow for some movement of the stone. Long term stability of the structure may require some maintenance after larger storm discharges to assess the movement of the riffle structure. Additionally, any large, particularly woody, vegetation that begins to grow in the structure may need to be removed if it begins to displace the structure's stonework. A failed Newbury Riffle could release a significant slug of sediment should it fail after having been in place for sufficient time as to allow the impouuded pools to aggrade. Figure 5-1 Newbury Riffle Typical Plan and Profile � :;; F1eld stone fill � A . .�._._._._. � � 4V 1F� 20V;1H � \ I Flo� 4V 1H ���4�� � �0� IH � - 0.6 m Section A-A �T sha}�ed crest 0.9 m 0.6 m �' --- Section B—B 'I�pical fieldstone rifIle plan and sections � The foilowing table identities the costs associated with the conceptual altenlative as described above. The cost estimate is based on concept plans aud should be used for planning puiposes, not capital budget allocation. The next step in developing this alternative would be to identify speciiic sites that would be appropriate for the location of the Newbury riffles. The location should consider the vegetation that would be impacted and what locations wiil have the least negative impact to the most desirable vegetation. Identification of the highest value riparian vegetation would assist in these decisions. Based on selected locations, additional hydraulic analyses should be performed to determine the impact of the structures on water surface elevation. Additional infoimation on the performance and maintenance of Newbury riffles should be reviewed. OTETRATECH� WC. 5-3 Agua Hedionda Watershed Restoration Opportunity: SR-2 August 2008 Table 5-2 Alternative 2 Concept Plan Costs Site SR-2 Alternative 2 Stone Newbu Riffles Item Units Quantit Unit Price Cost Assum tions mobilization LS 1 $50,000 $50,000 2 ft plus smaller select rock and extra material for 9 stone riffles CY 600 $150 $90,000 hand labor re lant disturbed area LS 45 $500 $22,500 5 trees at each riffle 25°/a construction contin enc LS 1 25% $40,625 construction cost $203,125 desi n & ermittin cost $300,000 total cost $503,125 5.1.3 Alternative 3- Gravel Bed Augmentation Alternative 3 consists of utilizing large amounts of gravel to raise the invert of the channel along the project reaches length. The gravel would be sized, so that it does not mobilize during the 5-year or 10- year discharge. As a preliminary concept, it is proposed that the channel bed be raised 4 feet (see Exhibit 2 in the Appendix). Under existing conditions (no change in the channel bed), the 5-year stoi7n event begins to overtop the channel and inundate the floodplain. Inundation of the floodplain represents a natural function that could have a range of benefits to the watershed. There is limited infrastructure in the floodplain (notable exception is the Buena Pump Station) and connection of the channel and floodplain is considered a benefit to the riparian habitat. By raising the channel invert flows between the 5-year and 2- � year storm event would overtop the channel and allow for more frequent inundation of the floodplain. Biological studies would be required to quantify the benefits of inore frequent inundation, but it is assumed to be a positive iinpact to the riparian buffer. To simulate natural riffles in the stream channel, large boulders can be placed in the channel. Altenzative 3 is a non-traditional erosion control technique. Placing large amounts of gravel into the stream would have little to no negative impact on adjacent bank vegetation. Bank stabilization would ininimize further channel failure which causes losses of riparian trees. However, it is likely that aquatic resources (freshwater clams, frogs, crawfish, etc.) could be negatively impacted by the change in bed material. Large bouiders could be placed in the channel to simulate riffles and sculpting could be performed to mimic the deep ponds but that sandy material seen on the bed surface would no longer be present. The following table identifies the costs associated with the conceptual alternative as described above. The cost estimate is based on concept plaus and should be used for planning purposes, not capital budget allocation. Table 5-3 Alternative 3 Concept Plan Costs Site SR-2 Alternative 3 Gravel Bed Au mentation Item Units Quantit Unit Price Cost Assum tions mobilization LS 1 $50,000 $50,000 material for ravel CY 8889 $50 $444,444 lus minor fill/cut 25% construction contin enc LS 1 25% $123,611 construction cost $618,056 desi n & ermittin cost $300,000 total cost $918,056 O TETRATECH�INC. 5-4 Agua Hedionda Wate�shed Resto�alion Opportuniry: SR-2 August 2008 A sig�uficant s�ep 9n ihSs altcmaGvc dcvNopmcnt Ss to dalinc thc Smpac�s io f� -strcam aquaGc If£c. Thoac impacts havo not bccn c sido�cA i i thc dcvGopmcnt oPthis altcrnativc and should bc wcighed agains[ ❑ia bencCls of �nini�nal unpacl [o tlie adjacent riparian habifal. Prelimivary hydraulic anatyscs indicu[e H�at [hc watcr swfacc cicvaGon w mld 1� �- .- substanGally (Lc. on thc ordcr of4'). An a valysis o£thc inip�ct on adjaccnt infl-asu-uctu�n should bc n�adc. Whilc no residcnccs would bc impacted, adjacevt trails �d tM1c pu np stution would be impactcd duriug si�;nircam stor�� evems iha� occur on a tairly Gequ nt basis. 5.2 OTHER PROJECTS IN THE STUDY REACH As ��tfoncd c. ulicr in thc rcporl, a advantage of thc SR-2 strcain restoration si�c is ifiat tharc a- oppo�tunitics co�intcgratc a strcam restoration pr jcct with othcr projccts_ Tlic - al ongo�ing and c s�vo proposcd upgrades io the sanit2ry sewer ysecm in thir� arca Ihat are induded in the C'ity of Vista and [3ucnu SvnitaHon �istnct Scwcr Masicr Plan Uptlatc (January 2008). In partiv-ular thc rcplaccn�cnt of tM1c ductile iron projcct (OIP) forcc main that �vn�s south o£thc crcek as wdl as �hc cnla�gcmcnl oY Ihe I b-inch PVC p3pe tM1at c- �ses �hc crcek is i cludeci in �hc C'fty plao. Bo�h lines are shown below on the port3on of' pl¢n shcct 29��I2 from thc �.iTy o{Vista's Maacr Plan_ Por thcsc p� jccc, in particular any enlargemcvx oCthe J 8'° lins [hat crosses [he crcek, could bc coordinatcd with the stmam reswration proJcct f� rdcr to pool resourccs, llmit tha nio��bcr ol �luturba�� s to thc crack, und c mbinc permitting clfor[s. f� a�hould bc � otcd that ihc gradc .aal ili�ation altcrnntivcs iAcncificd i i thc prcccding scctions give vonsideration to the panicular nced eo stabiline the channel at the I8" cxposed sewer line crossing. Otkcr pr j�cts tha� wuld bc c mbin d for a largar banalit are buFfcr restoration and wctLaod res�uruHon. In pmrticular L3uPio� RcstoraGon sitc No. BK-52 and Wctland Acstora[ion sitc No. WR-09 a c both locatcd a� �hc alow��etrcain enJ ofSR-2. Thcse projec�s are oullincl i� thc WMP in Sectioii 6.22.2 (6uffer Kcscorstion) and G22.3 CWcticand RcsroruGon). I3oth n�c higl� prionty p jccts. Figure 5-2 Locations of sew¢r lines in SR-2 project reacli cE ' a � � .� o E g� _ � r� . �I� i . ,��_`�<-���na . , o ns� l� ,i ��' o�e�� a��a��e I seaeo�. j � a _ .. __._. _ . „ - i g � � 'exce I e,� -- � � em� rt - � - - I _ . ... . .- - !� � Fdre � . I l Ma � 1 - � � � ... ,; �� � _ _ i¢n . � o�,�7Ra .._. � � 1 O� innrecrv.wc. Agua Hedionda Watershed Restoration Opportunity: SR-2 August 2008 Within the Agua Hedionda WMP several stormwater retrofit opportunities were identified. One is located south of the Buena Pumping Station and would provide an opportunity to treat urban runoff from the commercial / industrial complex to the south before it enters the creek. The possibility of integrating this project with the stream restoration should be considered. 5.3 NEXT $TEPS As part of the description of the alternatives, the next steps required for further development of that alternative had been identified. In addition to those specific project steps consideration should be given to how this project fits into the larger goal of watershed restoration. The SR-2 altenlatives will provide channel stability to a distinct and somewhat limited reach of Agua Hedionda. The upstream and downstream limits of the project were selected based on an attempt to isolate that reach from other impacts and changes in the stream. A more significant step in restoration of the watershed would be to consider restoration over a longer reach in order to see a greater impact. Many factors can contribute to the need to limit the restored reach. These factors often include cost (available resources) as well as consensus among various owners and stakeholders (a group which often grows as the project size increases.) A consideration that could add to the significance of a siligle limited restoration reach is to employ a pilot project approach in which decisions are made in large part to infonn future decisions for other similar projects. The spacing of the grade control structures in Alternative 1 is somewhat limited by the need to allow an equilibrium slope to develop since any prediction of the slope is very difficult and likely to be unreliable. However, once that slope develops it could be used as a reliable basis for predicting the equilibriuin slope in other parts of the watershed. A1tenlative 2 employs Newbury Riffles, a type of grade �' controi for which limited local performance data exists. Careful monitoring of this aiternative — both its � performance and maintenance needs — would provide inforination to base future decisions on its viability �# in the watershed. Implementation of Alternative 3 on a limited basis would allow for inonitoring of aquatic resources and enable future planners to determine if the benefit of no impact to adjacent riparian buffers outweighs any impacts to the aquatic resources. Further development of these alternatives would require a number of refinements. These include: • More detailed channel topography attained by surveying the channel • Hydrology refinements and the use of specific design flows • Refine hydraulics with updated topography • Refine existing sediment transport results • Preparation of proposed conditions hydraulics and sediment transport results • Inclusion of improvements to surrounding infrastructure and/or facilities in the design plans • Survey and identify vegetation at the site to avoid or mitigate potential damage due to restoration improvements or other infrastructure upgrades. O TETRATECH.INC. 5-6 Agua Hedionda Watershed Restoration Opportunity: SR-2 August 2008 6 References Arcement and Schneider. 1989. Guide for Selecting Manning's Roughness Coefficients for Natural Channels and Flood Plains. USGS, Water Supply Paper 2339. 1989. City of Vista. 2008. City of Vista & Buena Sanitaiion District Sewer Master Plan Update. January, 2008. Copeland, R.R., et. al. 1997. Draft User's Manual foe SAM Hydraulic Design Package for Channeis. Waterways Experiment Station, USACE, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 1997. FEMA. 2006. Flood Insurance Study, San Diego County, California and Incorporated Areas. September, 2006. Newbury and Gaboury. 1993. Stream Analysis and Fish Habitat Design, A Field Manual. Newbury Hydraulics Ltd. Gibsons, British Columbia, Canada. 1993. NRCS. 2007. National Engineering Handbook, Technical Suppleinent 14G. August, 2007. Tetra Tech, Inc. 2008. Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan. 2008. Tetra Tech, Inc. 2008. Agua Hedionda Bioengineering Management and Iinpleinentation Report. May 27, 2008. Tetra Tech, Inc. 2008. Field Survey Memorandum. October, 2008. USACE, Los Angeles District. 2002. Flood Plain Delineation Study, Agua Hedionda Creek from Downstrealn of Buena Creek Confluence to Downstream of Melrose Drive, City of Vista, San Diego ���' " County, California. Prepared by SAAD Consultants. June, 2002. � OTETRATECH,INC. �'� Hedionda Watershed Restoration Opportunity: SR-2 APPENDIX Exhibit 1: Site Map and Features i�: OTETRATECH�INC. � �tw . i ,�, ' • ,�rr�-�r►�t� �_��y �. 8,��* « �'� �£:�+ � A. � s �� T �`� �( �r �q S � l i� �i. �:\��_� % ���,: , ��--�� .,_ ,.:,. .. . �_..--:.� �;.� -�c;-. .�.. _ : �:_. �,.-. _.r.-��..::. � _i,,_ -++ � ��:� a . . >c.-'{ - i� ��- � - - - N . . , , . . . . ... _ . , �f.s" T_ j � �, " ' �i�, ; 'a�/-`; ,.- _ ��--�--- � , . . . - � � �}�� 5 - L / - �; � �4��., �,,� � ���- �,.�� _s .' c � *•.� 'Y '" .-..` J�y . •:: 4�.� w'�~ , �lj�" . �+�� �~ ��� f �� ���. � _ '1 - \ ���`�^ 1/ � ..�ei t �' � 1. . � � _ r � y. �"` � � {� �� � � ` �. .7 fi� : � ' � c� t�.ii'���'.� f` .� i, (�� ���1�. .�:! S � �r rt�� ! �! �cM1�' } �:, "'"� ;`t l� ' , ` ti� �f". � jf�. / � L+rC� 3 .; t,� i ' �y • � �►. 7� � �� �� , '�l �.�_.�.�� � Q 'fi ` .o„y ~• �..� �� . �� � �+;^ .1f61a��' ! �� 'f �T � F.Y i � .t1 �� r.�' � � � ��. � _ � �" \_ \�\\,��\� � �� . 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Agua Hedionda Watershed Restoration Opportunity: SR-2 August 2008 APPENDIX Exhibit 2: Proposed Design Plan Sheets � OTETRATECH,INC. ��"���� - �� � \: �� :S #3 ��Xo �{1_ O ��� t i��� D�S PROJECT LIMIT /� ;:. , /� //i �' � �; �i � � i,!f r'- ��f � �i � �,(�'�� � W � � __. f ��.J � ^� � -�� C � AGUA HEDIONDA CREEK � _ , ; `�,�/ L��`"=_ � ���� � �- GCS #4 �E) EXPOSED SEWER LINE- (PROTECT-IN-PLACE) GCS #6 �, GCS #5 � 0 � �O OX � � v J O � � W � � X� I `L�' o� o �X o = ry N ,, � ��i� ,r '� �� --- , il1 � � , _ J,,�,, J 1� i�l�,��, �'.�i �fl �% , ��� (E) PUMP 0 f��-'�' /,; � �LIM T PROJECT a ��� � . ���� _ / ��� . F�O'� � J �� \ X �l �O -i" .j � 3p �� <<�' �`Op ����,', _� s, '��' �»�. �r �' � f ^`��_ l 'l �' l� 1 % ' �_ ,%�1`1 �) �%�---'-� _. � ;(('(t�� �' ,J� � �( ; �i� � � �_�. � �,�,� � i �JI, �(' , (, �. � PLAN SCALE: 1 " = 200' 0 200' 400' General Notes N o 1. These drawings are based on �� conceptual designs and are subject -� � to change based on further analyses �� and design refinement. a Z 2. The current channel alignment wos .a -o adopted for this conceptual study, � �� however realignment may be � 3 c„i ° appropriate after channel has been o o � Q filled and excavated. 0 3. Grade Control Structures are shown � conceptually and may vary in design and dimensions based on the site � specific geometry and geomorphology N o0 of each structure location. ' °i.° � Placement of the grade control � ca r structures was based on spacing .� � o� L �n I requirements. o,� c.i o 3N^N ',2', � O� O� TE-1 VU�� � � � C v Legend � ^ � � o ����� Grade Control Drop Structure � (GCS) 340 _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ' ' , o CO , o � � ' I ' O OI . �'�. N ', ,, � M K) N . a0 O � � � M N c0 • , .__ _ ___-- I 330 o r_ __ . _ ___ oo __ .-o_ _ �raN _ _ _ N._J +�� _ _ N CO � I��N �MN +J� ln�w= w c0 I� 2 I �MN c�c+ow= r�nWi �cuF.= NN� �•wp U/S PR()JECT 320 ___ ±v~i� __ __ _ _ __ ���� ���� _ . _ �N�Q __ IEL. (312.0 ��vo �v~ic�io __ _ EIMI�314.0) _ � � v� c.> o c� �n c.> o ! � Q W o =(0_004) � � � � S=(0.005) 310 c� cn c� o _ . _ . � _ _ — —_ __ _ _ __ S- — � __ __ _ 5=�0.004) 0.02) --- — i -- EL (308.1) EL (310.0 EL (310.1) (E) EXPOSED SEWER LINE EL. (306A EL. (308.0) _ ---- {PROTECT-IN-RLACE)-- 300 EL (304.0) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D/S PROJECT LIMIT EL., (306.2) BOTTOM NNEL , EL (312.6) EL. (312.6) EL (304.0) EL (306.1) L (312.1) _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ------- --------- _ __ _ _ _ _ _ 2so , ' 280 i a 10+00 12+00 14+00 16+00 18+00 20+00 22+00 24+00 26+00 28+00 w > Q � �z Z w �� � Q ��N qI 340 I °- � � �ON � J OOW H 330 p� Q N i� � =o v �N Z 320 Z Q � � g a 310 - 300 zso 280 34+00 Q 30 L � d- r �� � Q� i �� � �o aN O�, rn oQ U U � 7 w 0 o +' U�> File Name T20751_SR2_01 Drawing No. Sheet 1 of 6 � o O � � GCS #1� O � � 0 0 0 0 N N J J � � � � N � � � Z TOP OF BANK (LT)- REMOVE (E) VEGETATION (TYP.) PLANT WILLOW TREES ALONG OPOSED STREAM BANKS (TYP.) —TOP OF BANK (RT) �PROPOSED BANK (TYP.) �EXCAVATE (E) BANK AT SPECIFIED SLOPE (TYP.) BACKFILL (TYP.) Grade Control Structure T�pical Section — Alternative 1 �TOP OF BANK D/S (E) STREAMBED (AVE. SLOPE 0.007) //\�,�\� — U/S (E) STREAMBED (AVE. SLOPE 0.007) �CK , \/�j�%\j��/ Grade Control Structure Typical Detaik — Alternative 1 � I � � �C Y � 3 v O 'v� o a� a a� � s a � 0 U Q O O � � � � � � (�O I� � � s�� I ��NO . tp 3N^N � � � E-� �j U � � � � � � � � w � � � o N �� � w > Z �z Z w w� � a ��`i � �� fl � ��N � J 00� Q �Q� � � =o � � j ; z Q Q� O U U � � Q 3 � � � � N �a'� > � �o � �o aN OT� 0 Q vU � ' W 0 O i-' U�> File Name '�� VEGETATION (TYP.) T20751_SR2_02 Drawing No. Sheet 2 of 6 :� ��� , r; . , ;�� ��� �„ ,,, J � ,: ���, ,���f �. ifl l. ,' 1�. l� ,/ ��x ; i //�, i i_ O� �D/S PROJECT LIMIT , ,,, ,�o�(f�f r' ! } ; 0 0 + � � � O � J W � O� �OX O� �X � _ � __-_ _ -. �^�`� `" o � `� �'-_-__�%--' � ' l'� i\ � I ��` 1_-�--�.- `�-�-�.-��--_ �',a �� ��� (E) EXPOSED SEWER LINE N.R. #1 (PROTECT—IN—PLACE)� N.R. #6 . � N.R. #7 � N.R. #8 F�p�N � / � � _ - ���i� = _ _ � , �� f / 11 / I ! /�-_ ' ' �i/, fl ���n ii �_-__ �� / ~— ' �<<,��,,���� ,,;� �--_� r � t� ;�i�����r ,,I�til �� /� O� a N 0 � N N.R. #9 �� X �1 �O � `-'�=� � �"' � ' �� O� ' � � _- \� � ,i��� U�S PROJECT �--j-� ! LI MIT -'; � � �f _� �r - .. , , �3p��o ����(; ., �� �' ," �f--�.�' � ^ �_ �-� �� ' i i ��/ ������ ���— r, � ,�� ,'�, ' �' �--- (,,,,, - � (1 5)�il� �� � i(l ! PLAN SCALE: 1 " = 200' 0 200' 400' General Notes N N 1. These drawings are based on �� conceptual designs and are subject �� to change based on further analyses N and design refinement. � Z 2. The current channel alignment was .a � adopted for this conceptual study, � �� however realignment may be � 3 0° appropriate after channel has been o o � Q filled and excavated. 3. Grade Control Structures are shown � conceptually and may vary in design and dimensions based on the site � specific geometry and geomorphology � ao of each structure location. � � � Placement of the grade control � �� structures was based on spacing ,.� � o� requirements. v�� c`�•� o 3N^N x�rnrn �-1 �j U o�O�i �t o��� Legend � � � � x t F�Za� Newbury Riffle (N.R.) � 340 __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _- _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ ^ � � I O p N M �'N �N 33O _ N _ _ _ p_ __ � � _ N� _ TN �N `°MN �MN _ _ __ __ __ . _�_ _ O_� _ _ � N _ _ � M N �p r'M_N � N _ _ t0 J __ O + J F- ON �N MN t�DMN �JN +JH +J� +W� p�nW2 .-O�w2 W o0 � 2 �`1 F- M (D�N � N +J� +W1- �NW= I�M , 2 N�a N(�/l� w� U/S PRQJECT ' , . . `° 'N �J . +"�I- ��� __ ���� _ _ c�i�a •N_wo_ _ �dwo ���� ���� ___LIMIT _ _ 320 __ __ +�� +w� __r�r�nW=_ _ , ,Wo �a F-��_. . zcnvo _ _ w c�� = wo �awo �F�� ��� zcnc>o zcnc�o EL (314.0) �� = c�i�d �c~i�� ���� ��� zcnc�o zcnc�o �wo �dwo ���� zcnc�o zcnc>o : _(0_004) _ zv~ic�zo zv�i�o zcnc�o S_ S=(0_005) 310 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EL� (313:5)_ _ __ _ _ 5=�0.004) p.02 — EL (313.3) — EL. (308.1) EL (310.0) EL (310.9) EL (305.0) EL (308.0) EL (309.0) EL (309.8) EL (310.7) (E) EXPOSED SEWER LINE J- - (PROTECT-IN-PLAGE) 300 - _ _ EL (304.2) _ EL. (304.8) EL (307.6) _ (E) _CHANNEL - _ _ ._ _ _ _ D/S PROJECT LIMIT EL (306.2) BOTTOM EL (312.7) ' EL (304.0) EL (308.8) ', EL. (312.5) EL. (305.9) , -� _ ___ _------ _— . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - __ _ _ -- - EL (305.7) ,' EL. (311.8) EL. (31 1.6) 280 � 10+00 14+00 16+00 18+00 20+00 22+00 26+00 28+00 30+00 N W � � 0 � a � � z �z z � � � w J QON � 34o a � � � � I �O� � � 00� 330 0 �w � N � = v � �� z 320 � Q � O z � 310 300 290 280 Q �o � �� C N V, a d- i �� �?o aN O �, rn �a UU � 7 w 0 o� U�> File Name -.l � ��,- � . -_-� � �_ � W ��-�� � � � � �,� ---, ( _ � ,�� - �-. .� ��. AGUA HEDIONDA CREEK �--N.R. #5 (E) PUMP T20751_SR2_03 Drawing No. Sheet 3 of 6 � Q � O N.R. #1� O � 0 0 0 0 N N J J � � � � � � � � Z � �C � � 3 � o � � r a � � U Q TOP OF BANK (LT)� a � oF BOTTOM NeWbury Riffle T�pical Section - Alternative 2 ' OF BANK (RT) (E) VEGETATION �____. _ _Jr7 � — -�w ----- — --�n- — — �TOP OF BANK RIFFLE 4�� U/S (E) STREAMBED D/S (E) STREAMBED STRUCTURE (AVE. SLOPE 0.007) — �(AVE. SLOPE 0.007) 20:1 �2 7- �% \% `///\%\%\\/�� � F- 40' —'� �\�/i �/\��j�� Newbury Riffle T�pical Detail - Alternative 2 O O � N r-� � � � � CO � � � L � IU � o�'- N O • Cp 3N^N x � o� o� G-1 �jUrnO�i H � � 0 � C � W � � -� O E-� � � L� � N W > Q Z � w J Q I J � 0 � U � � �� Z �� � w� 3��I � Q�ON � oo� oQ� � = O � v �N Z Q� 0 U Q �o �, c � N V, Q �' � � � � � O a N OT� �Q U U � _ W O O +' U�> File Name T20751_SR2_04 Drawing No. Sheet 4 of 6 340 330 320 310 300 290 280 � 300 29� 280 0 Q �o �� �- cN '^ (O N v, a � � � � � �o a N OT� �Q U U � � W a O {-' U�> File Name T20751_SR2_05 Drawing No. Sheet 5 of 6 General Notes N N 1. These drawings are based on —� —� conceptual designs and are subject �� to change based on further analyses � and design refinement. � Z 2. The current channel alignment was -a -o adopted for this conceptual study, � �� however realignment may be � 3 cYi ° appropriate after channel has been o o v a filled and excavated. 0 0 � ai � N pp � � � n I � s �' � I rn'- N O • <p ���N W�, �jU�O^i �t' � � C � Legend � � � � x � H�Z�� Gravel Augmented Channel � � w > Q �� � � �� Z � � w � � 340 Q � � cI fl I �o� � J 00� 330 � oQN � � =o � � �� Z 320 �3 Q � � z g 310 � TOP OF BANK (LT)- VAR I ES .�. �..,,, ORIGINAL STREAMBED� '� BOTTOM Loose Gravel T�pical Section — Alternative 3 �TOP OF BANK (RT) (E) VEGETATION Fk--- — — �TOP OF BANK f4' � �� BOTTOM Loose Gravel T�pical Detail — Alternative 3 0 0 N N J J � � � � N � � � Z � �C Y � 3 � o ��n o a� o. a� � s a � � U Q O O � N � � � � � � � � � CD s � � � rn'- N O • (p � � � N �, C� () � d�' � � � C � t� C O x H��o � � M W Z �z Z � � w W� 6 Q ��N �I �� � I �O� � � oo� Q �Q� � � = o 'v � �� Z Q Q� O U v � � Q �O L �� 1'—^ � � V, a d- � �� � �O QN OT� aQ c� U � � w 0 o -�-� U�> File Name T20751_SR2_06 Drawing No. (E) VEGETATION (TYP.) Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan - Final August 2008 �fr 4�. Appendix E. BMP Retrofit Concept Sheets ��� � �.r Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final (This page left intentionally blank.) � 2008 E-2 1 �� � � U C6 Q) � � � � � � � _ � � ai Q 0 c � U C6 � Q � � �� � � N � � c O �p 4 � � � O O O o � N � �� aJ a0 N � _ � � N L � U � N -O � E � � � N � � � � � a � a' o _- V `m � ����� � a � � � � `o E o a`� ..� � � �n � w � � i �' � O h � � O N N d Q'� = d � m � d � O O � � C � d Q] d � � � � d d � Q � � R � O � o [n � -m a' � O - O � - �n � . . . . U c K � E — _ m � _ — — U U' e�'ia � � �E � E J�I��❑�- I ; , �` \ � . .., `Y��:. ,. . 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'\ � .._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._S'i �:.t.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._. \ \. � s, 0 ''\ '�� � � �� -� �\ �-� ¢ �\ �� U � � � =� O �'� 1— �•- U � Z `a \ (This page left intentionally blanlc.) �, Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan - Final ,f` Appendix F. SET Retrofit Analysis Supporting Documentation � //: O�� F-1 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan - Final August 2008 (This page left intentionally blank.) if O r�rw►ne� F-2 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 Benefits of Retrofit Opportunities In planning BMP retrofit projects, the effectiveness of the BMPs proposed is an important consideration. The following analysis demonstrates the potential benefits of the five projects located adjacent to the proposed stream restoration projects. The analysis also gives an indication of the benefits of potential BMP placement on the publically-owned parcels located in high priority subwatersheds identified earlier. The annual water quality and annuai hydrology benefits were estimated for each of the BMP retrofit sites located near the stream restoration reaches. Pre- and post-development loads and runoff were calculated using the Site Evaluation Tool (SET). The SET was developed for the assessment of development impacts to water quality at the site level, and has been customized for many locations throughout the United States (Job et al., 2008). The tool is founded upon sound scientific principles and models, and is capable of evaluating the impact of development on downstream water quality and the influence of Best Management Practices (BMPs) on hydrology and poilutant loads. The SET is particularly useful for assessing various LID techniques for stormwater management. The SET calculates annual hydrology using the Simple Method (Schueler, 1987), and combines annual runoff with pollutant event mean concentrations (EMCs) to caiculate pollutant loads. Runoff and loads are calculated separately far a variety of pervious and impervious land covers. Far the Agua Hedionda SET, the annual runoff rates and pollutant EMCs were calculated from long term hydrology and pollutant loading time series generated by the Agua Hedionda LSPC watershed model (Tetra Tech, 2008b), allowing the Agua Hedionda SET to calculate site scale annual hydrology and loads specific to the watershed. Runoff and EMC values were calculated for pervious and impervious surfaces for both residential and commercial land uses. BMP performance in the SET is estimated using pollutant percent removal rates (Table F-1). The -�- removai rates for extended dry detention basins and swales were taken from the median removal rates �t published in the National Pollutant Removal Performance Database, Version 3(Center for Watershed Protection, 2007). This study suinmarizes nationwide research for several BMP types. BMP performance in California's arid and semi-arid cliinates may differ somewhat from their results, but this study is the best available resource with a large enough sample size to estimate median mass-based pollutant removal. (Note that BMP pei-formance was assessed differently in the LSPC model; the SET uses a simpler approach to estimate loads on an annual basis, while the LSPC inodei performs a long-tenn simulation on an hourly timestep, and uses BMP influent/effluent concentration relationships to estimate removal.) Annual hydrology impacts for extended dry detention basins and swales were estimated from LSPC model testing of the practices. Porous pavement performance was not reported in the Center for Watershed Protection database. Collins et al. (2007) report mixed results, as did Bean et al (2007). Bean et al. report nutrient removal for installations in sandy soils that snpport infiltration, though percent removai is not reported. The pollutant removal rates reflect best professional judgment of a review of these studies, but with the caveat that there is a great deal of uncertainty associated with them. Porous paveinent that supports infiltration is likely to perfonn well if the underlying soils have high infiltration rates, less well if the soils have poor infiltration rates, and poorly if the installation has an iinpermeable liner. The porous pavement removal efficiencies are meant to reflect a retrofit installation with some storage capacity in the bottoln layer, but with poor infiltration. For the rainwater cisterns, 85 perceut of the total annual rainfall is assumed to be captured and later released onto landscaped areas for irrigation, and not contribute to annual runoff. (� r�rw►� � --�� F-3 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 �,',_ � Table F-1. BMP PerFormance Assumptions at Retrofit Sites Following retrofit site selection and SET setup, Tetra Tech delineated the drainage areas for each site using 2005 aerial imagery, a storm sewer layer, and 2-foot topography lines. The drainage area delineations shouid be considered approximate since they are based on limited data and were not determined in the field. Tetra Tech subsequently calculated the areas draining to each BMP for input into the SET. Percent imperviousness was determined from the 2001 National Land Cover Data (NLCD) percent impervious layer. NLCD, which is derived from satellite imagery, consists of a pixel grid with a resolution of 30 meters representing impervious percentage values. As discussed in the Agua Hedionda Modeling Report (Tetra Tech, 2008b), NLCD may overestimate impervious area in Southern California landscapes with bare soil (especially beaches and rural areas). However, the pervious areas of the retrofit drainage areas are mostly well vegetated, so NLCD should provide a general estimate of impervious area. The impervious estimates appear to correspond well with the building and paved infrastructure seen in the aerial imagery. Pervious and impervious area for the narrow swale drainage areas was calculated independently, using the length and width of road and pervious areas. The predicted annual runoff and pollutant load reductions show a range of water quality and quantity improvements. Table F-2 shows treatment performance in terms of inches per year of volume reduction (which is normalized to site area), and site-scale load reduction with appropriate units. The pollutant load reductions are not normalized by site area; as a result, the reductions tend to be larger for the sites with greater area. Reparting loads (and not loads per acre) allows the resuits to be interpreted iil terms of benefits to the larger watersheds to which the sites belong. Note that the underlying loading rates of the land surfaces affect the outcome (i.e., pervious versus impervious area, residential versus commerciai). For iiistauce, SW-3 and SW-4a have similar draivage area sizes and treatment, but the fecal coliform load removed by SW-4a is au order of magnitude larger than for SW-3. The increased removal reflects a higher underlying fecal coliform loading rate for SW-4a, which is a residential area; SW-3 is a coirunercial area and has a substantially lower fecal colifonn loading rate. On the other hand, commercial areas show higher loading rates for nutrients, so SW-3 reinoves lnore nutrient mass than SW-4a. Table F-2. Annual Pollutant Load Reductions from BMP Retrofits Retrofit Flow Volume TSS ' Fecal Coliform ` Site (in/yr} (tons/yr) , TN (Ib/yr) TP (Ib/yr) (# k 109/yr) SW-1 1.20 19.4 92 9.0 386 SW-2 0.54 1.7 16 1.6 14 SW-3 0.43 12.6 43 3.9 174 SW-4a 0.32 19.2 27 1.8 1,514 SW-4b 1.21 4.2 28 1.3 0 SW-5 1.24 1.4 10 0.5 0 C0� F-4 � Cistern sized to capture 85% of annual runoff from rooftop Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan - Final August 2008 �� Appendix H. Implementation Actions [� "�: H-1 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan - Final August 2008 F��°��� (This page left intentionally blank.) F �,r � � Q �r� H-2 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 Table H-1. Summary of Top Ranking, High Priority Opportunities by Jurisdiction, Area, and � Total Cost Estimated Type Jurisdiction� Total Area or �ength Low Cost Estimate High Cost Estimate Buffer Restoration Carlsbad 97 acres $7,458,000 $14,530,000 Carlsbad, Vista 4 acres $180,000 $343,000 Unincorporated 16 acres $1,254,000 $2,443,000 Vista 11 acres $845,000 $1,647,000 Land Acquisition Carlsbad 8 acres $563,000 $1,367,000 San Marcos 199 acres $19,772,000 $49,868,000 Unincorporated 180 acres $17,525,000 $44,095,000 Stream Restoration Carlsbad 8,326 feet $3,139,000 $3,139,000 Carlsbad, Oceanside 4,933 feet $1,380,000 $1,380,000 Oceanside 2,237 feet $625,000 $625,000 Unincorporated 3,529 feet $1,097,000 $1,097,000 Vista 12,594 feet $2,986,000 $2,986,000 Vista, Unincorporated 516 feet $1,355,000 $1,355,000 Wetlands Restoration Carlsbad 4 acres $331,000 $976,000 Carlsbad, Oceanside 21 acres $1,593,000 $4,668,000 Carlsbad, Vista 4 acres $151,000 $556,000 Vista 18 acres $1,038,000 $3,382,000 ir • ,• .• • ,• _. _ • , • _, • •_ ,• _.• ,, •.• , . , n �uii�ui�,�ivu uiui�.a�w ui wui�,u�uii�ui�,uvu� ui�, vj��vi�uui�iw a�i, iv�.awu. Uvuio vYYvi�uuitiw �Yau uic borders of two jurisdictions. "Unincorporated" refers to opportunities located in the unincorporated portion of the County of San Diego. a rerw►� H-3 � ,.m�� o ,` ; o ` . �, � c � I � � � � N t i � � � � 0 a _ ` ca � _.. r�, c O � C d d � � C IC d � d � � fS5 G f6 � N _ a� � � H d' c �m � � � i= m � �..� T . �. Q: � O � � � O � � [- � � � � � � � N N N � � � ."Q- V � � p� p� p c� � � Q Q Q N U) O N � � � � U �::�0 ��. � � � �6 N � p . C6 > 'G1 N N � tA � C� > O Q N y_N, U � �p � � L :''� . . � N V� � (6 (6 • .-. C ��: � . E E � � � .0 .0 � N � N O L . �C. �� Q O.. � Q. C6 � LL LL w � p O O � U U� U J Z U� Q a � � � � � � � � � 0 0 0 �, � � � � L U C ` � � � � L N '— m � � O G�N �� c�6 cE cN6 U� �, O � � y .-, :_, V- .i '. N� N� N p� � p O � O O ��,7 N� N C N C �'. � O V C6 � � N i.. 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O.p � � � ��� fnv�- U� o�w � fl.ci '� E Q Qo•°' o LL C� � � � � � U � � � � � � � � � _ . � � ,,,, O � O { c� t .�. � � � c m � a a� � L Qi � � c� � c 0 � a� , _ � � � _. _. t„ N 2 , 1..7, � ii d a 2 d � d � .� d � CC 'Q � Q 'O 6� 2 cv � Q N � O� C � C '—i X � C G_ fl_ Q K � � E _ G_ F_ a 5 F- � c m � � E � �- � �� � - E - E E. � _ E E ` !3 � c °�' - � ' o � _ � = E o E o ¢ o E x V � oa E � a _ c '3 7 � c .`S `_^ c c c T - `o v� � aEi E � -J 2 a� � m E V a E _ m c o � � � E E V v a_i `a E E = o � E ¢ � � � 2 i i � � �i 1- a E E U - � C _ d Q m - - O a`a �i � � y m � _ � U � � � � � ¢ E � E 3 � ¢ � - _ 0 0 0 = � o _ _ _ _ _ = 8 �n o �n � � � _ �E E _ Vl 6 c 6 � �` � .o � � _ � _ � o � ,o -� � .o ¢ � ¢ o � ' � G U � y � 3 E a � c c x 6 H E O 0 � N �, � ��. io � � I � co � a a� � i � � a c O � _ �� � � r; G' d'; � ' �:i O V' c a� � E ca a � •— � � � � � � � � � a> � �a � _ �o � c � c Q � � �� � � �� � � �� L � Q] N m � � C � (B � �' U � Q' G � � � N � .Q Q � � � �' � � � i � u" � -O � �' d. � � V ' G1 ;' (A � tn (6 � � d IL O p_ f]' � Q � �� U � U V � � � tn � � Q tn � � � tn a c� � ca � '� �, cn a� �.Q cn a� � � cn a� s ' c Q- u- Q- � o c •> ,� � � .> � � � > o � � � � o U ca i� o. co ia 3 0� ca i� � '� -a � � � o> ,«- a d: �fl- d: � �.o d: :c c c c c fl- c c Q a�i i� � io •�' o o � � „�.�.,� �¢ �� � LQ �-a � � � � � �� �� � � 3 m � � 3 m N E � � m �in 'x in in o 0 0 in o �� o ' • � o � W W W W � � � W 2 � � io 2 � U � .-• _ � v o � o 0 o co ch cfl � Q� co � co �� co � ti r� rr � c ri co co co r� t� E x� r� � cfl r� � r� � � c � �•° c c c c� c c °� 0 0 0 0� o�, o 0 0•�, o o•� �� o� o o•� o� �� �� �� �i� c �� o �o �i.� �� -Q �� �� � o_ � �� 6 �� �� �' .0 �- a� a� a� a� o a� o a� a� a� � a� a� a� a o a� a� a� a� ca a� a� cn cn cn cn U cn � cn cn cn S cn cn �¢ � cn � cn cn v c� � ,o' m � °- � � ' � a� �n � E � ;; � � � a� R � 'cn c � o � �, o m � E .o o � a� a� � � tn � � a � � � o �, o 'Lr °' uc6i U � � � � � o � � ' E O s � � c�a � � � � �' � � Q' fl- �� � c ia aN ;a O E E I— � p ji � � cn U C� _ — � Y � � z O N � ,1a7, Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 Appendix J. Supporting Analysis for LID Scenarios The analysis of two scenarios representing different levels of LID implementation was conducted to support the development of watershed management plan recommendations, discussed in Sections 6.1 and 7.4.1. One is based on basic adoption of LID practices as specified by the 2007 Order (called "Basic LID"), and another based on a higher level of LID implementation (called "Enhanced LID"). The degree to which LID practices will be required in the future depends on many factors. There is currently some uncertainty in the Agua Hedionda watershed about future requirements — implementation of pending TMDLs may include a stormwater management component, with recommendation for specific BMPs to optimize reductions for target pollutants. Communities may elect to implement LID to varying degrees. The modeled LID scenarios should not be interpreted as extreines in design, nar should the results be seen as absolute. Many other scenarios with varying degrees of LID implementation could be conceived, and pollutant removal performance is based on central tendencies from monitoring studies, but inherently contains some uncertainty. The scenarios also use generic site assumptions, but in reality each site is unique and presents its own opportunities for adoption of LID practices. Assumptions Assumptions for each of the two scenarios were developed for the following representative land uses as shown in Table J-1. The sites were conceptualized as a typical unit of land use draining to a peak flow control structure. For instance, a 10-acre strip shopping center was assumed to be treated by a single peak control structure. Single family residential developments can be quite large, but it was assumed that 20 acres represents a typical drainage area to a peak control structure. The multi-family and industrial sites were assumed to be somewhat larger. Treatment practices at each site were selected based on several criteria — current stoi7nwater management requirements, physical enviromnent constraints, site-specific feasibility, and cost considerations. The Basic LID scenario is based on the combined use of vegetated swales (or bioswales) for water quality treahnent of part of the site, and an extended diy detention basin treating all of the site, providing both hydrologic control for the 2001/2007 Order requirements, as well as water quality treatment beneiits. The site assumptions and configurations for the �asic LID scenario are identical to those used in the Agua Hedionda Watershed Modeling and Geomorphic Analysis Report (Tetra Tech, 2008b) far the same land uses. The Enhanced LID scenario begins with the Basic LID scenario assumptions, but assumes a higher level of treatment, balanciug feasibility and cost considerations. For instance, bioretention is not used due to the uncertainty regarding proper vegetation and potential increased cost if an underdrain system is � �� J-1 Table J-1. Basic and Enhanced LlD Scenario Land Use Categories Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Finat August 2008 <r =_-. required. Porous pavement was included but not used extensively, again due to uncertainty about `4 infiltration. Large cisterns for irrigation water were inciuded for the Multi-family and Commercial classes, where the combination of large roof surface area and centralized irrigation systems are assumed to make the practice more cost effective. Some of the scenarios assume more significant impervious area reductions as well. Specific changes implemented in the Enhanced LID scenario include: • Medium Density Residential — A cluster design is used, grouping the housing units closer together on smaller lots, and leaving one-third of the site as undeveloped open space. Impervious area is reduced by decreasing driveway length, sidewalk use, and overall road footprint. • Multifamily Residential — Impervious area is reduced somewhat by more efficient layout. Porous pavement is used for all sidewalks. The swales treat a greater proportion of the site. Large cisterns capture roof runoff, and reuse the water for irrigation. • Commercial — Porous pavement is used for large fraction of the parking area. Large cisterns capture roof runoff, and reuse the water for irrigation. • Industrial — The most challenging site, with layout constraints and little economic incentive for cisterns for irrigation. Porous pavement parking spaces is assumed (a small fraction of the total paved surface), and the swales treat a greater proportion of the site. More detailed information about site layout assumptions for Basic LID and Enhanced LID is shown in Table J-2 and Table J-3. In the Basic LID scenario, there are two types of drainage areas — one where runoff is captured by a vegetated swale and then conveyed to an extended dry detention basiu (EDD) for peak flow control and further water quality treatment, and another where runoff is captured and treated by the EDD only. The EDD is the same physical basin in both drainage areas, but it is assumed that only part of the site can reasonably be laid out to drain to a vegetated swale. The table shows the relative `n percentages in each drainage area type; for instance, swales treat 50 percent of the site for Medium Density Residential, while for Com�nercial, swales treat only 30 percent of the site. The Commercial site, at 85 percent impervious area, has limited space for a swale so a smaller percentage was used; on the other hand, singie-family residentiai sites are more amenable to swale placement, which can be located adjacent to roads. The Enhanced LID scenario table shows how adjustments to site design that inerease the use of LID practices affects the sites' layouts. For instance, the use of a cluster design reduces road area by compacting the development area, and allows for the addition of undisturbed open space land cover, which has reduced pollutant loading rates. Note that the use of porous pavement is not listed in the BMP Treatineilt column, but as a land cover change (i.e., traditional pavement converted to porous pavement). Porous pavement does not typically receive runoff from adjacent surfaces, so it is modeled as a surface that provides treatinent to itself. Cistern storage is assumed to be used for irrigation and contribute no direct surface runoff loads; however, a fraction of annual runoff is assumed to bypass the cisterns when they fill during large storm events, and the bypassed runoff is conveyed to the EDD. The site layouts and BMP configurations were then modeled using the Site Evaluation Tool (SET). The SET was also used to estimate the benefits of the storxnwater BMP retrofit sites as discussed in Appendix F, and more information about the SET itseif, the developmelit of loading rates froin the LSPC model, and BMP performance assumptions are discussed there. In addition to calculating annuai runoff and pollutant loads, the SET provides scoping-level storm event hydrographs for site outflow, and includes an estimation of BMP influence on the hydrographs. The SET was configured to represent storm event depths for the Agua Hedionda watershed, and the EDD influence on storm events was modified to represent 2007 Order requirements. (�j r�rR,►� �=� J-2 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan - Final August 2008 ,. � Table J-2. Basic LlD Scenario Site Configuration Medium Density Residential (33.8% Impervious) House Driveway Sidewalk Road Lawn Undisturbed Open Space Total: � Multi-family Residential (65°/a Impervious) Site Componen Building Sidewaik Pavement (access, parking) Lawn Total �,s Commercial (85% Impervious) £ imponent Building Pavement Lawn Industrial (72% Impervious) Total 11.2% 6.8% 4.6% 112% 66.2% 0.0% 100.0% 30.0% 5.0% 30.0% 35.0% 100.0% 42.5% 42.5% 15.0°/a 100.0% Total ' Site Component Percent Building 48.0% Pavement 24.0% Lawn 28.0°/o Total: 100.0% *Notes "Swale � EDD" signifies a drainage area where a vegetated swale conveys treated runoff to an Extended Dry Detention Basin "EDD Onl�' signifies a drainage area where runoff goes directly to an Extended Dry Detention Basin � J-3 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 Table J-3. Enhanced LlD Scenario Site Configuration Medium Density Residential (24.8% Impervious) House 10.2% Porous Pavement (patios) 1.0% Driveway 4.6% Sidewalk 1.5% Road 7.5% Lawn 42.2°/o Undisturbed Open Space 33.0% Total: 100.0% Multi-family Residential (60% Impervious) Building 30.0% Porous Pavement (sidewalk) 5.0% Pavement (access, parking) 25.0% Lawn 40.0°/o ����� `° Total: 100.0% � Commercial (85°/a Impervious) Site Component Percei Building 42.5°/a Pavement 21.3% Porous Pavement (parking) 21.2% Lawn 15.0% Total: 100.0% Industrial (72% Impervious) Site Component '- Percei Building 48.0% Pavement 18.0% Porous Pavement (parking) 6.0% Lawn 28.0% Total: 100.0% 'Notes "Swale � EDD" signifies a drainage area where a vegetated swale conveys treated runoff to an Extended Dry Detention Basin "EDD Only" signifies a drainage area where ru�off goes directly to an Extended Dry Detention Basin "Cistern � EDD" signifies a drainage area where overflow from a Cistern is conveyed to an Extended Dry Detention Basin Q r�rRw�rsai J-4 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 � Results � `' --' As seen in Tabie J-4 and Table J-5, the Basic LID scenario is projected to significantly reduce sediment loads by about 60 — 70 percent, and fecal coliform loads by almost 90 percent. However, nutrient load reductions are considerably less, 35 — 45 percent for nitrogen and 25 — 30 percent for phosphorus. The Enhanced LID scenario improves sediment removal for some of the land uses, but shows dramatic gains in nutrient removal — about 50 — 65 percent for nitrogen and 30 — 60 percent for phosphorus. Most of the removal is accomplished by BMP treatment, but the land cover changes implemented in Medium Density Residential (decrease in impervious cover and protection of undeveloped open space) and Multi-family Residential (decrease in impervious cover) also result in load reductions for most of the parameters (Table J-5). For instauce, in the Medium Density Residential scenarios, the post-developed load (prior to BMP treatment) for total nitrogen under Basic LID is 71 lb/yr, while the Enhanced LID scenario is reduced to 541b/yr. This demonstrates the importance of load reduction at the source. Figure J-1 through Figure J-8 show the estimated hydrographs for each land use and scenario combination for the 2-yr, 5-yr, and 10-yr 24-hr storm events. The most dramatic differences between the Basic and Enhanced LID scenarios are seen in the Multi-family Residential and Commercial land use simulations. Both of the land uses utilized large cisterns, adding significant additional storage volume that mitigates both the duratiou and peak during the most intense periods of rainfall. Further discussion of results can be found in Sections 6.1 and '7.41. Q r�rxw� J-5 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan - Final August 2008 ��~- Table J-4. Predicted Loads for Post-Developed Conditions (before and after treatment) for � Basic and Enhanced UD Scenarios �, . � � r�rnn� J-6 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan - Fina! August 2008 r " a � ' Table J-5. Percent Reduction of Loads for Basic and Enhanced LlD Scenarios � J-7 Hedionda Watershed Exis[ing Landus 2-yr 24-hr s[orm (cfs) 9.84 5-yr 24-F�r storm (cfs) 30.46 '10-yr 24-Fir storm (cFs) 4'1.48 30 ��->'f 24-Ff StOfT� =s � za ,s ,o s mf P/an - Final �esign witM1oui BMPs 3t.78 60.87 72.22 n ,o =_r� z<_�� s�o�m� so QU 1 r` 30 20 10 O �� �O-yr 24-M1r storm 60 � 90 20 O August2008 � � � Figure J-'I. Storm Evant Peak Flow and Hydrographs, Medium Uensity Residential Land Vse, Basic L/O Scenario �esi9n with BMPs 2.]2 20.51 30.83 Qm..w+�u. Agua Hedionda Wate�shed Managemant P/an - Fina/ August 2008 � 2-yr 24-M1r siorm (cfs) 5-yr 24-M1r storm (cfs) '1 O-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) 35 �2 �,� 24-M1r storm 30 25 y 20 � �5 io s H��,.� �� 5-yr 24-M1r sto�mr 60 q0 O T+ 30 20 io � ..� 'O -io-y�za-n�sm��„ 60 50 � 40 �+ 30 20 10 O Figure J-2. Storm Event PeaK Flow and HydrograpM1s, Medium �ensity R¢sidential Land Us¢, Enhanced L/O Sc¢nario Existing Oesign Oesign Landuse witliout BMPs with BMPs 9.84 26.64 3.25 30.46 50.'14 20.92 4'1.48 64.18 3'1.96 Q�enwwu� Agua Hedionda Watershed Managemeni P/an - Fina/ Augus[ 2008 � 2-yr 24-I�r storm (cfs) 5-yr 24-lir siorm (cfs) 10-yr 24-M1r siorm (cfs) ��� 2-yr24-M1rstorm 100 � � 60 90 20 I ��� 5-yr24-f�rstormr ,so � ,00 so ���.� — zso , o_Y� z4_�. =�o�m ro� �- � .=o ,00 so ���. � Figure J-3. Siorm Event Peak Flow and HydrograpM1s, Multi-family Residential Land Us¢, Basic L/O Scenario Existing �esign �esign Landu wHhou[ BMPs with BMPS 34JT � '1'12.60 9J8 82.02 'I>T.39 53.90 105.66 210.48 >9.22 / /� n -Pos. _,�� aM� .__ Oerww�su� Hedionda Watershed Manaqement P/an - Fina/ E 2-yr 24-Iir storm (cfs) 5-yr 24-F�r storm (cfs) 10-y� 24-hr s[orm (cfs) ��� 2-y� 24-h� s[o�m ,00 � ao � s� a� =o �o�.s 200 5-y� 24-M1� 5[o�ml 150 t 100 IW OHaw 3 2j� 1O-yr 24-M1r siorm 200 1 �50 � � t00 � �p I �u.. Existing Uesign Design Landuse wi[bout BMPs wiit� BMPs 34JP 104.52 1.13 82.02 167.T4 25.96 '105.66 '199.92 53.50 -- n __ ___- _� � �MP � J Figure J-4. Storm Event Peak Flow and Hydrographs, MWti-family Residantial Land Use, Enhanc¢d L/O Sc¢nario __ Hw��SJ —Post.wlin BM� Q.�...�wo� ` Hedionda Wa[ershed ✓3/D2'l 2-yr 24-hr s[orm (cfs) 5-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) t0-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) � �>o j�zyr za-nr stor...'. ao II u 3U � 20 10 I p �� 5-Y� 24-lir St0 m 60 50 40 I U 30 20 �O I � �� '1 D-yr 24-M1r stom 60 y 40 ZO 3nagemen[ P/an — Final Existing �esign �esign Landuse without BMPs with BMPs '1'1.33 40.95 2.33 26.80 64.09 '16.47 34.54 ?4.55 24.53 / \ � Figure J-5. Storm Event PeaK Flow and Hytlrograpbs, Commercial Land Usa, Basic L/O Scenario Q �vwo� Agua Hedionda Wate�shed Management P/an - Fina/ AugusY 2008 2-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) S-yr 24-h� siorm (cfs) 10-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) sa '2-Yr 24-Fr s[orm�- 40 u ZO l0 Hwr e �� ��5-yr 24-M1r s[ormr 60 � so � 40 � 30 zo �o V 8O � t o-yr za-nr scor.,. eo aa zo 0 I = mPz ��co..i!wnn pMP ! —Po.�.w���amP� � �.o�. � a� Figure J-6. Skorm Evenk PeaK Flow antl HydrograpF�s, Commercial Lantl Use, Enhanced L/O Scenario Exis[ing Landu I 1.33 � 26.80 34.54 Design Oesign witlioui BMPs wiYli BMPs 40.95 0.26 64.09 '1.09 74.55 3.90 0 _r�,m:F..�;r�i.�r�zz�sr���y,s�n 2-yr 24-M1r storm (cfs) 5-yr 24-hr storm (cfs) '10-y� 24-hr storm (cfs) � 200 i2_y� 24-M1� sto�m. i5V � L^ 10p 50 O I 300 5-yf 24-M1r StOfm 250 200 l50 100 50 O 300 � �->'r 24-M1r s[orm ;OD I y � I ioo � i '°o� s Figura J-7. Storm Ev¢nt Peak Flow and Hydrographs, Intlustrial Land Us¢, Basic L/O Sc¢nario Existing Design �esign Lantll�5e wiLM1OUt BMPs witM1 BMPs 23.20 '167.77 8.4'I 7'1.89 2]2.8t 48.00 97.]2 307.48 7'1.20 � Q ��m� Hedionda Watershed Management P/an — Final ..: _ 2-yr 24-M1r storm (cfs) 5-yr 24-M1r storm (cfs) '10-y� 24hr storm (cfs) zoo z-yr za-nr stor.. ,so � c ioo so �o� e 300 5-yf 24-M1� St0lf 250 200 y 50 100 50 Ocv i 950 �O-yr 24-M1� sto� aoo � 25U � 200 u �50 100 50 °o,.s —/� _ I = Ma / \ n --- - — =P�n, �,�aMP. � J.�s Figura J-8. Storm Event Peak Flow antl Hydrographs, Indusirial Lantl Vse, Enhanced L/O Scenario Exisfing Oesfgn Oesign Landuse witM1out BMPs wiih BMPs 23.20 '167.77 7.32 7'1.89 272.8'1 4557 97.]2 3D7.4H 68.03 A. Omv�ao� Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan - Final August 2008 �f - (This page left intentionally blank.) ��. � mw►T.cri �=a J-16 � 0 0 _......�� �_ . e£ � c � i c �a � � N � i � � (II '� � O � _ c� � , ' n, � � W � � U � � .> � � C� � � � � � � V � � � � � � � � Q Y d .a c� F- � � � 3 a� .� d L V .� � �. O � d d N G1 .Q � � C d C � c �a d � � G. � C U � O � O � � ' — .. y . �� N� ���� � � � ..�.� , ..�j � • � U '� � �� � •— 3 � .� N d �� O � �� � i . � � � � N � � > � 41 : , � i . � (L6 � � � � � U � C �� Q O '� Q C C ��,,, � � � (6 2� � '� > :Q �� i � � � � � 'V � Q � � � O d : � � � ,� N C' c � p � � -� � � � � �:. � l� � N � :.' C fQ �n .,,,,�— � U i X�— �� Q� Q�� ��� Q V� O � ~ c0 O � i6 p � � � O c�Ln (n _ � -p � Q- �(6 Q- (� i ui tn L �. � � �U a � U N � 'O Q � C uj � (6 � ._ . '�O N c�6 �G `- c�6 N(6 O� O c�6 :+= � G) .; Q fn Q. m t� Q. CO �-� O.. �i fl. 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N fn G O, � :r:. � � N "_' z a� ai � � ' � ai >, Q ��cn d;; �- m Z Y a> a� , � � � # d C J Q Z � " yc rn �a a ¢ z � Y � � " O O ..... -� v.. � �� 'm c � � C co Cl. �. a a� � i � � N a c 0 � a� _ ; � _- n, C �' V N � � `_ � � � o � c � � .o -a � r� � � -a ' Q N � '6 V � � N `�- (O �'� Q. �� � � L O(6 � �� U Q� t6 U `- O � '� '� -p N Q- d � � L O C � � '� � y � � d (6 .-� . � � t � � � C � � � > t�A � � � (T6 p � � � i f %j �. : U � � � � � � � � � � 0 C � � � � � C � O d' � — tn — ' tA Q-' :n`o�a��3���'0�`o'.c���o� n�o° � w= •— c � � _ c � � � � � .` � a�'i c c''c� � � � •�o c a� a� ca c.� � � ... � � C � ._ .� � � > O � tn � U N L U � � _ � O � "O t6 �, — � > O `� �- � N Q � � N Q � 'O — V) 'p 'i O V) � ° T N C O y Q N � Q � N � � � � � � � (6 N � � (6 � N U� V����� U� j O N C� j�'> C N N N � 0 � tn ."�-� QS � �- > � N � <n N c6 > � � �U � � cU6 C� c� � c� =o `� E c o� m� a� co E.S a�. co �— ca .n � ° � ow � � � a�i � � � •� U � N N .0 � � � N „�_, U � � � � U C N � � N C „s� C � > � C � Q. � v- �s- L — � p� i� O � C� N •� (6 N 4; j'C �� p a a"' �. 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N i N ' Ch N � d' � � a � � d' � N � i � � ti r ti M Y l�. Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan - Final <` (This page left intentionally blank.) � [{. fi � � 11: l'.Qt�:? Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 _" Appendix L. Stream Buffer Guidelines for New Development and �� Redevelopment The Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan recommends that naturally vegetated stream buffers be required as a key Low Impact Development technique for all new development and redevelopment. It is recommended that the following stream buffer guidelines be incorporated as requirements in local development or stormwater water ordinances. Minimum Buffer Width For urban areas: 50 feet as measured landward from top of the bank on each side of the stream. For rural, low density areas: 100 feet as measured landward from top of the bank on each side of the stream. Where top of the bank is difficuit to determine, the buffer width inay be measured horizontally from the high water mark or the point where vegetation has been wrested by normal stream flow. The buffer should be required on all perennial and intermittent streams as shown on the most recent U.S. Geological Survey Map. It is recommended that the stream buffer be extended, as needed, to include the entire floodplain area. Buffer Use To maintain the filtering and infiltration functions of the buffer, it is recommended that the naturally vegetated buffer be left undisturbed, with exceptions noted below. It is preferred that native species be maintained. Buildings, structures, lawns, and driveways should not be allowed in the buffer area. Buffer Disturbance The buffer may be disturbed under certain conditions. Thinning and brush and invasive species removal should be allowed using equipinent that does not compact the soil or damage tree roots. For example, bulldozers should not be used. Stream restoration, riparian buffer plantings aild restoration, and removal of diseased trees inay require buffer disturbance; however, initigation of the site should be required. Stream buffer crossings may also be needed for infrastructure, such as sewer lines or road crossings. The number and conditions for such crossings should be limited. Low Impact Development (LID) stormwater controls should be allowed within the buffer where there is no reasonable alternative on site (i.e., site space is extreinely constrained). Where buffer disturbance is not fully mitigated onsite, offsite mitigation, e.g., contributing to buffer restoration in the saine watershed, should be required for the equivalent of land disturbed in the buffer. Waivers and Variances It is recommended that variances to the onsite buffer requirements be granted for certain conditions, including: 1. Those projects or activities where it can be deinonstrated that strict coinpliance with the buffer requirement wouid result in a practically difficult or financial hardship. Offsite mitigation, e.g., contributing to buffer restoratiou in the same watershed, should be required for the equivalent of land disturbed in the buffer. 2. Those projects or activities serving a public need where no feasible altenzative exists. Off-site mitigation, e.g., contributing to buffer restoration in the same watershed, should be required for the equivalent of land disturbed in the buffer. 3. The repair and maintenance of public improvements where avoidance and minimization of impacts to wetland, aquatic ecosystems, and other sensitive habitats have been addressed. Offsite ` mitigation, e.g., contributing to buffer restoration in the same watershed, should be required for the equivalent of land disturbed in the buffer if onsite mitigation is not achieved. (� rrrRwr�ai � --� L-1 Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan — Final August 2008 �' ��; 4. For developments which have had buffers applied in conformance with previously approved requirements. It is recommended that waivers for development may be granted, if deemed appropriate, by the Planning Department. The Director may offer credit for additional density elsewhere on the site in compensation for loss of developable land due to the buffer requirements. The compensation may increase the total number of dwelling units on the site up to the amount permitted under the base zoning allowed. � L-2