HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Assessment District No 86-1 Investication Report; Assessment District No 86-1 Investication Report; 1986-01-28CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) INVESTIGATION REPORT Pursuant to Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931 January 28, 1986 Engineer of Work: NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE INCORPORATED Engineers — Planners San Diego, California NBS Project No: E68-015.008 AGENCY: CITY OF CARLSBAD PROJECT: ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) TO: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF CARLSBAD INVESTIGATION REPORT Pursuant to the provisions of the "Special Assessment Inves- tigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931," being Part 2, Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and in accordance with an order of the legislative body of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, adopted on the 17th day of January , 1986, I submit herewith the following Report. DATED this 17th day of January , 198 6. NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE INCORPORATED "ASSESSMENT ENGINEER CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA Report approved the 17th day of January , 1986 , by the City Council and filed in the Office of the City Clerk of the City Council on the 17th day of January / 1986. CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA PAGE 1 of 3 REPORT SECTION 1. That the works of improvement proposed herein are to be constructed in a special assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) (hereinafter District"). referred to as the "Assessment SECTION 2, SECTION 3 The following Report is made and filed herein pursuant to the order of the legislative body by the duly appointed ASSESSMENT ENGINEER. The boundaries of the District showing the lands to be assessed to pay any part of the cost thereof, are as shown and described in Resolution No. , adopted on the day of plat or diagram entitled: 198 6, and on a SECTION 4 SECTION 5. "PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PAL0r4AR AIRPORT ROAD)" which Resolution and map are on file in the Office of the Clerk and made a part of this Report by reference as though fully set forth herein. The estimated cost of the proposed improvements is as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. The assessed value of each parcel to be specially assessed as shown on the last equalized assessment roll available on the date this Report was commenced, the total assessed value of said lands, the true value of said lands, the estimated amount of the assessment to be levied upon each parcel of land to be assessed for said improvements, and the amount as near as may be determined of the total principal sum of all unpaid special assessments and special assessments required or proposed to be levied under any completed or pending assessment proceeding, other than that contemplated in the instant proceedings, whether direct or ad valorem, upon each parcel to be assessed herein, if any, is as shown • upon the list thereof hereto attached, marked Exhibit "B" , and by reference made a part hereof as though set forth fully herein. PAGE 2 of 3 SECTION 6. The total assessed value of the lands and improve- ments, as well as the true value of said parcels, is totalled and set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto. The true value of the parcels means the fair market value for both the land and improve- ments, as defined by Article XIIIA of the California Constitution, and as shown upon the last equalized assessment roll of the County. SECTION 7. The total estimated amount of assessment under this proceeding is $5,120,163.00. SECTION 8. Serial bonds shall be issued in accordance with Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California (the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915"), to represent all unpaid assessments, and the last installment of said bonds shall mature a maximum of TVJENTY FOUR (24) YEARS from the 2nd day of September next succeeding twelve (12) months from their date. Said bonds shall bear interest at rate not to exceed the current legal maximum rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum. SECTION 9, A copy of said Resolution No. adopted pursuant to Section 2821 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "C", and by reference is made a part hereof. SECTION 10, The redemption provisions, of said bonds shall provide for payment of a premium of five percent (5%) of the unmatured principal of said bonds for redemption prior to maturity. SECTION 11, Said proceedings are proposed to be conducted pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Munici- pal Improvement Act of 1913," being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. SECTION 12, SECTION 13. That the general nature, location and extent of the proposed works of improvement for this Assessment District, together with appurtenances and appurte- nant work, is as set forth in Exhibit "D" attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. That a statement and explanation of the method and formula of the assessment spread for these proceed- ings and this Assessment District is attached hereto as Exhibit "E", and by reference made a part hereof. PAGE 3 of 3 COST ESTIMATE EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) ' I. PUBLIC WORKS OF CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION STREET IMPROVEMENTS UNIT UNIT COST TOTAL QUANTITY Sub-Total DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Curb Inlets 18" RCP 24" RCP • 30" RCP 36" RCP French Drain Headwalls Sub-Total UTILITIES Elec., Tele. & Gas SUB-TOTAL CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION CONTIN. TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST EA LF LF LF LF LF EA $3,000.00 $40.00 $50.00 $75.00 $90.00 $20.00 $3,000.00 LF-$40.00 10% 18 550 550 290 580 800 26 7500 COST AC Pavement Schedule H SF $2. 25 667500 $1,501,875 AC Paving Overlay 1" SF $0. 50 5000 $2,500 Type G Curb LF $7. 00 15470 $108,290 Type B-1 Curb LF $7. 00 15840 $110,880 Sidewalk SF $2. 25 0 $0 Remove AC Dyke LF $1. 50 370 $555 Median w/Median Lscpe SF ,$3. 50 0 $0 Street Lights EA $3,000. 00 52 $156,000 Parkway Lscpe SF $0. 80 0 $0 Erosion Control SF $0. 40 232000 $92,800 Grading CY $2. 40 78500 $188,400 Sleeve Extensions LF $15. 00 300 $4,500 Sub-Total $2,165,800 'ER IMPROVEMENTS 16" Waterline LF $50. 00 6100 $305,000 Main Relocation LF $50. 00 600 $30,000 Valves EA $3,000. 00 5 $15,000 Fire Hydrants EA $2,500. 00 20 $50,000 Relocate PR Valve LS $25,000 $425,000 $54 $22 $27 $21 $52 $16 $78 ,000 ,000 ,500 , 750 ,200 ,000 ,000 $271,450 $300,000 $3,162,250 $316,225 $3,478,475 A-1 II. RIGHT OF WAY III. PAYMENTS SDGE Pac-Tel CRWD City of Carlsbad Sub-Total IV. INCIDENTAL EXPENSES Proj Plan, Design, EIR, Design Survey, Assess Engin, Soil Engin % Testing, Constr Mgmt, Inspec, Plan Ck, Repro, RW Appraisals, Legal, RW Agent, Bond Coun, Cost of Bond Sale, Admin Fee, etc. Est at 20% CC TOTAL V. LESS INTEREST EARNED VI. LESS CASH CONTRIBUTION TOTAL VII. FINANCING COST TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED SF LS LS LS LS $1.50 255000 20! 15? $382,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $695,695 $4,556,670 ($104,354) $0 $4,452,316 $667,847 $5,120,163 A-2 WcJ, JAN a, 198.6, 10:jZ AM CITY OF CARLSBAD "ASSESSMENT"DISTRICT NO." 86- CPALOHAR AIRPORT ROAO) PAGE 1 EXHIBIT "8" DEBT LIMIT REPDRT PART I ASScSSMiNT NO. AND ASicSiOR'S PARCzL NUMtJER ASSESSED LAND VALUE CCOUNTY ASSR'S RECORDS) ASSESSED VALUE DF IMPROVEMENTS TRUE VALUE OF PARCEL ASSESSMENT LIABILITY OUTSTANDING ASSESSMENT THIS PROCEEDING COMBINED ASSESSMENT OUTSTANUING 211-021-li 292,037 0 292,037.00 .00 .00 211-021-18 324,163 0 324,163.00 351 ,193.44 351,193.44 211-021-19 20,691 91,537 112,223.00 641,603.40 641,603.40 211-021-20 1,120,359 0 1,120,359.00 54,373.00 54,873.00 211-040-08 133,762 0 133,762.00 377,983.60 877,983.60 211-040-09 30,133 • 0 30,133.00 106,371.09 106,371.09 212-040-19 1,157,935 0 1, 157, 935.00 151,958.70 151,953.70 212-040-25 120,677 0 120,677.00 486,267.84 4B6,267.34 —\ 212-040-26 131,350 0 131,350.00 50,652.90 50,652.90 212-040-32 416,407 0 416,407.00 .00 .00 212-040-33 • 306,913 0 306,918.00 207,676.39 207,676.39 •'"1 212-0^0-36 54,367 0 54,367.00 .00 .00 212-040-37 6 51,730 • 0 651 ,730.00 438,991.80 438,991-80 212-0<.0-3ti 54,367 0 54,367-00 238,068.63 236,063-63 212-041-03 373,975 0 378,9 75.00 202,611.60 202,611-60 212-0'tl-04 1,032,533 0 1,082,538.00 641,603.40 641,603-40 212-041-05 100,603 0 100,603.00 214,430.61 214,430-61 212-041-06 806,322 0 806,822.00 219,495.90 219,495-30 212-041-07 . 579,425 0 579,425.00 .00 .00 212-041-03 • 878,975 0 878,975.00 236,380.20 235,360.20 212-0'»l-09 543,345 0 543,345.00 .00 .00 21 PARCELS 9,690,739* 91,537* 9,782,276.00* .00* 5,120,163.00* 5,120,163.00* •••"A . 1 WcD, JAN 8, 1986, 10:31.AM CITY QF CARLSBAD ' A S S E S S M E N T' 01S T RIC T ' N 0 •.""•8 6 - T CPALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) PAGE 1 EXHIBIT "3" DEBT LIMIT REPORT PART II ASSESSMENT NO, COMBINED ANO ASSESSOR'S ASSESSMENT PARCEL NUMBER OUTSTANDING 211-021-15 . 00 211-021-13 351,193.44 211-021-19 641,603.40 211-021-20 54,673.00 211-040-03 877,963.60 211-040-09 106,371-09 212-040-19 151,958-70 212-040-25 486 , 267- 84 212-040-26 50,652-90 212-040-32 -00 212-040-35 207,676-89 212-0-0-36 -00 212-040-37 433,991-80 212-040-.3S 233,063.63 * 212-041-03 202,611.60 * 212-041-04 641 ,603.40 • 212-041-05 214,430-61 * 212-041-06 219,495.90 * 212-041-07 .00 * 212-041-03 236,330.20 * 212-041-09 .00 21 PARCELS 5,120,163.00* PROPOSED ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS ^: ******* ^: ^< ^ !): ^: ^ <t ^ 4: ^: :i ^ :{t ^ :^ :(! * CANNON ROAO * AD 85-1 . 00* TOTAL ASSESSMENT COLLEGE 9LVD * PROPOSED ANO AO 35-2 * OUTSTANDING .00 351,193.44 641,603.40'" 54,873.00 877,983.60 106,371.09 151,958.70 486,267.34 50,652.90 " .00 207,676.89 .00 438,991.80 238,068-63 181,032.31 383,643-91 400,937.15 1, 042, 590- 55 214,430-61 132,002.34 "401,498- 24 • 169,755-68 169,755-68 169,755-63 406,135.83 166,966-84 166,966.84 1 ,270, 500.00* 6,390,663-00* *^The proposed College Boulevarci, AD 85-2, assessments for APN's 212-041-03, -04, -06, -07, -08, anc3 -09 are being assessed $1,270,500 under Assessment No. 1. Assessments have been assigned to individual parcels at this time only for the purposes of disclosure and production of this report. RESOLUTION EXHIBIT "C" CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86- (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) TO BE INSERTED AT THE ADOPTION OF THE INVESTIGATION REPORT C-1 DESCRIPTION OF WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT EXHIBIT "D" CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) Palomar Airport Road is a primary arterial having a 126 foot right-of-way with three travel lanes in each direction and a median. The proposed improvements to Palomar Airport Road will bring this road to full City standards from Interstate 5 easterly approximately 7,900 lineal feet to the southwesterly boundary of that area known as Carlsbad Tract No. 81-46, Map 11289; and more specifically include: 1) half street improvements with water, drainage, fire hydrants, telephone, gas, electric, traffic control and street lighting from Interstate 5 easterly approximately 370 lineal feet. 2) full width improvements constructed on line and grade to adopted alignment with water, drainage, fire hydrants, telephone, gas, electric, traffic control and street lighting from the above-noted half-width improvements easterly approximately 7,530 lineal feet. Right-of-way will be required for widening and realignment. Temporary irrigation and erosion control will be installed in the parkway and on banks. D-1 METHOD AND FORMULA OF ASSESSMENT SPREAD EXHIBIT "E" CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 (PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD) The law requires and the statutes provide that assessments, as levied pursuant to the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913," must be based on the benefit that the properties receive from the works of improvement. The statute does not specify the method of formula that should be used in any special assessment district proceedings. The responsibility rests with the Assessment Engineer, who is retained for the purpose of making an analysis of the facts and determining the correct apportionment of the assessment obligation. For these proceedings, the City has retained the services of Neste, Brudin & Stone Incorporated. See Attachment I for a statement of their qualifications and experience. The Assessment Engineer then makes his recommendation at the public hearing on the Assessment District, and the final authority and decision rests with the City after hearing all testimony and evidence presented at that public hearing. Upon the conclusion of the public hearing, the City must make the final decision in determining whether or not the assess- ment spread has been made in direct proportion to the benefits received. Analysis City of Carlsbad policy Statement No. 33, effective May 29, 1984 sets the policy for use of Assessment Districts to finance Public Improvements. The improvements include arterial streets identified on the circulation element of the Carlsbad General Plan. It . further permits certain improve- ments within the arterial street right-of-ways to be financed and. to include, sewers, water lines, drainage and public utilities. The arterial street to be constructed and financed by this assessment district is a portion of Palomar Airport Road. This street permits only limited access to adjoining property and, in general, point access is limited at 2600 feet intervals- Benefits and Assessment Criteria Palomar Airport Road exists and provides an improved two lane traveled way and currently carries a relatively high traffic volume- Approval of land development adjacent to Palomar E-1 Airport Road by the City of Carlsbad has required each land owner to complete this improvement of Palomar Airport Road to prime arterial street standards- Since two lane traffic capacity now exists, the direct benefit for the widening of Palomar Airport Road occurs to the immediate adjoining land- Therefore, the assessing of the cost for the street and utility improvements and have been made on a frontage basis. Incidental costs and interest earned during construction were prorated to each of the benefits in accordance with each benefit's share of the total construction costs. Financing costs were prorated to each of the benefits in accordance with each benefit's share of the total construc- tion, acquisition and incidental costs. In conclusion, it is my opinion that the assessments for the above-referenced Assessment District have been spread in direct proportion with the benefits that each parcel receives from the works of improvement. DATED: January 17 , 198 6 NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE INCORPORATED "ASSESSMENT ENGINEER CITY OF CARLSBAD STATE OF CALIFORNIA E-2 ATTACHMENT I TO EXHIBIT "E" NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE INCORPORATED STATEMENT OF ASSESSMENT ENGINEERING QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE Client Project Cost Construction Contract Date Number of Parcels Project Title and Design Features BALDY MESA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Eugene Alexander General Manager 619/244-9111 $ 3,000,000 1982 1,047 AD 1 Water Svstem: 2 MG water storage tank; 168,600 LF 6"-10" water lines; fire hydrants. BIG BEAR LAKE, CITY OF Robert Van Nort General Manager 714/866-5831 3,000,000 1985 1,000 AD 18-84 and 18-85 Street Improvements. Subareas 1 through 9; 20,000 LF asphalt concrete paving, grading and appurtenant drainage structures 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,465,400 1984 1984 1982 35 AD 17 Public Works Improvements: 2,000 LF 8" sewer lines; 7,000 LF 8" water main; 3/4-mile street and storm drainage improvements; appurtenances. 75 AD 16 Public Works Improvements; 6,500 LF 8" sewer lines; 5,500 LF 6"-12" water mains; hydropneumatic booster station; 1.5 miles street and storm drainage improvements; appurtenances. 652 AD 15 Sewer System; 21,400 LF 8"-10" sewer lines; 4,650 LF 4"-6" laterals; 2 lift stations. 3,460,500 1982 345 AD 14 Sewer System; 49,600 LF 8"-10" sewer-lines; 11,300 LF 4"-6" laterals; lift station- I-l Client Project Cost Construction Contract Date Number of Parcels Project Title and Design Features BIG BEAR LAKE SANITATION DISTRICT* $ 1,621,000 466,000 448,000 357,000 488,498 167,231 46,834 197,000 48,000 1975 1974 1974 1973 1966 1964 1963 1962 1962 2,040 AD 10 Sewer System; 103,700 LF 6"-15" sewer lines; 22,400 LF 4" laterals. 380 AD 13 .Sewer System: 26,600 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 3,100 LF 4" laterals. 363 AD 12 Sewer System: 25,000 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 4,300 LF 4" laterals. 342 AD 11 Sewer System; 26,050 LF 6"-10" sewer lines; 4,300 LF 4" laterals. 656 AD 9 Sewer System: 43,235 LF 8"-12" sewer lines; 10,796 LF 4"-6" laterals; 2 lift stations. 220 AD 8 Sewer System; 14,112 LF 4"-18" sewer lines; 1,237 LF 6" force main; lift station. 45 AD 7 Sewer System: 4,965 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 26,760 SF asphalt pavement replacement. N/A AD 5 Sewer System: 12,875 LF 3"-10" sewer lines; 9,000 SF asphalt pavement replacement; 1 sewage lift station. N/A AD-6 Sewer System; 12,378 LF 6"-12" sewer lines; 1,456 LF 4"-6" sewer laterals; 31,510 SF asphalt pavement replacement; 1 sewage lift station. *System conveyed to City of Big Bear Lake, upon incorporation, in 1981, Client Project Cost Construction Contract Date Number of Parcels Project Title and Design Features CARLSBAD, CITY OF Gene Donovan City Engineer 619/438-5596 $ 5,120,000 Not Applicable 21 AD 86-1 Palomar Airport Road; Street improvements to Palomar Airport Road (126' wide), approximately 1.0 mile, including water, drainage, telephone, gas and electric (1931 Act only), (assessment engineering only). 11,462,000 1986 65 AD 85-2 College Boulevard: Street improvements to College Boulevard (102' wide), approximately 1.9 miles, including water, sewer, drainage, telephone, gas, electric, and cable TV, (assessment engineering only). 15,772,400 Not Applicable 126 AD 85-1 Cannon Road; Street improve- ments to Cannon Road, (102' wide), approximately 2.9 miles, including water, drainage, telephone, gas and electric, and sewerage system improvements, including pump station, force main and 43,355 LF of 8"-36" sewer line (1931 Act only), (assessment engineering only). 1-3 Client Proj ect Cost Construction Contract Date Number of Parcels Project Title and Design Features CHINO, CITY OF Ray Wellington Director of Public Works 714/627-7577 $36,850,000 COLTON, CITY OF Phil Elliott City Manager 714/370-5051 Not Applicable 2,500,000 1980 Not Preliminary Assessment District Applicable Study (Southerly Industrial Area): Preliminary evaulation of the major public facility needs (backbone street, water, sewer, industrial waste, and storm drain improvements), costs associated with the provision of those improvements and funding methodologies available to secure implementation of the improvements for the development of approximately 2,500 acres for industrial use (study only). 215 AD 1978-2 Public Works Improvements: Wastewater collection; water trans- mission; street improvements; flood control and drainage; and other general improvement facilities (assessment engineering only). CORONA, CITY OF Jim Wheaton City Manager 714/736-2374 36,000 16,998,000 1976 48 Not Not Available Available AD 1975-1 Sewer System; 1,000 LF 8" sewer lines; 320 LF 6" laterals (assessment engineering only). Sierra Del Pro Community Facilities District (Mello-Roos): 1,500-acre residential and neighborhood commercial development, including park site and improvements; fire station; water reservoir; water filtration plant; and wastewater treatment capacity (assess- ment engineering only). Client Project Cost Construction Contract Date Number of Parcels Project Title and Design Features CORONA, CITY OF (continued) $ 570,000 1984-85 5,000 297,000 1984-85 1985 54,700,000 1985 14,187 Maintenance District No. 84-1. Street Lighting; Ordinary and usual mainte- nance, operation, and servicing for city-wide street lighting system and conversion to high-pressure sodium lighting (assessment engineering only). 9 Maintenance District No. 84-2. Land- scaping ; Landscaping maintenance for various subdivided tracts. 2 Assessment District No. 84-1. Public Works Improvements; Buy-in in for two excluded parcels of AD 79-2 for water.^ sewer, flood control, street, and i other public works improvements. 121 AD 79-2 Public Works Improvements, 1,460-Acre Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Land Development; 56.200 LF 12"-30" water lines, 3 MG and 4 MG buried concrete reservoirs, and 2.000 gpm water booster station; 46.000 LF 6"-18" sewer lines, 800 LF 4"-6" laterals, chimney laterals, and wastewater pump stations (2 MGD. 264 gpm. 120 gpm); 21.900 LF 8'x5' box culverts, 1500 LF 8'x4' box culverts. 5 storm drain and 2 pipeline connections to Arlington Flood Control Channel, transition structures, concrete-lined channels, and graded (earth diversion channels; 5 miles of major and 1-5 Client Project Cost Construction Contract Date Number of Parcels Project Title and Design Features CORONA, CITY OF (continued) CRESTLINE SANITATION DISTRICT Tom Sutton General Manager 714/538-1751 $10,000,000 903,000 $ 381,000 328,000 369,000 442,000 623,000 557,000 1981 1980 1976 1976 1976 1976 1975 1975 108 101 231 187 188 210 379 364 secondary streets, new bridges over Riverside Freeway 91 and AT&SF Railroad, 2 freeway access ramps, widening 2 bridges over Arlington Flood Control Channel, and widening an existing railroad grade crossing; and underground telephone, gas. and electric facilities in all streets and hookups to existing facilities. AD 80-1 Sewer System; capacity rights to Santa Ana Regional Interceptor (assessment engineering only). AD 79-1. Fire Station No. 4: Con- struction of 4-bay fire station. AD 12 Sewer System; 16,550 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 1,455 LF 4" laterals. AD 11 Sewer System; 13,900 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 1,576 LF 4" laterals. AD 10 Sewer System: 14,355 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 2,325 LF 4" laterals. AD 9 Sewer System; 17,409 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 2,460 LF 4" laterals. AD 8 Sewer System: 28,217 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 1.947 LF 4" laterals. AD 6 Sewer System; 25,736 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 3.276 LF 4" laterals. Client Project Cost Construction Contract Date Number of Parcels Project Title and Design Features CRESTLINE SANITATION DISTRICT (continued) DESERT HOT SPRINGS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Richard Dippner General Manager 619/329-6498 $ 1,203.867 572.000 604,512 687,000 800,000 650,000 460,000 350,000 1,639,000 914,000 1973 1967 1967 1967 1985 1984 1982 1982 1977 1972 480 AD 5 Sewer System: 86,290 LF 8"-12" sewer lines; 12,840 LF 4"-6" laterals. 523 AD 4 Sewer System; 37,559 LF 8"-10" sewer lines; 6,176 LF 4" laterals. 524 AD 3 Sewer System; 34,924 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 4,056 LF 4"-6" laterals. 551 AD 2 Sewer System; 42,543 LF sewer lines; 5,289 LF 4"-6" laterals; pump station. Ill AD 8 Sewer System; Planning stage. ., 160 AD 7 Sewer System; 7,290 LF 8" sewer lines; 5,240 LF 4" laterals. 165 AD 5 Water System; 11.410 LF 16" water lines. 102 AD 4 Sewer System: 3.975 LF 8" sewer lines; 3,375 LF 4" laterals. 2,103 AD 3 Sewer System: 43,000 LF 8"-10" sewer lines; 51,821 LF 4"-6" laterals. 877 AD 1 Sewer System; 48,515 LF 8"-15" sewer lines; 28.774 LF 4"-6" laterals. 1-7 Client Project Cost Construction Contract Date Number of Parcels Project Title and Design Features ELSINORE VALLEY MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Jim Laughlin General Manager 714/674-3146 373.900 1984 116 AD 84-1 Sewer and Water Systems; Capacity rights for conveyance, treatment, and disposal of wastewater and storage of water for domestic use and fire protection (assessment engineering only). ESCONDIDO. CITY OF Dennis Wilson Public Works Director 619/741-4651 102.300 1984-85 8,326.000 1983 20 Maintenance District No. 1. Reidy Creek: irrigation system for 4.150 LF environmental channel; 50.000 SF aquatic landscaping; 470,000 SF riparian landscaping; 340,000 SF upland landscaping. 45 AD 2-1980 Public Works Improvements, 145-Acre Land Development; 7,800 LF 8"-24" sewer lines; 12,800 LF 8"-12" water lines, including 6 connections to existing lines; 4150'xl15'xl5' environmental channel, 3,800 LF 18"-48" storm drainage pipelines, 900 LF 7'x6'-12'xlO' box culverts, and 2,000 LF 24"xl2" concrete brow ditch; 2 miles of streets and intersection improvements; and underground telephone, cable TV. gas and electric facilities (assessment engineering only). Client Project Cost Construction Contract Date Number of Parcels Project Title and Design Features ESCONDIDO. CITY OF (continued) 73.000 1973 70,000 128,000 209,000 1971 1970 1969 13 AD 1-1971 Street Improvements; 1.25 miles street improvements, 13,753 LF curbs and gutters; 2,856 LF 8" sewer lines; 3,637 LF 8" water lines; 2.808 LF 18"-48" storm drain; 18 fire hydrants; sidewalks and driveways. N/A AD 4-1970 Street Improvements: 0.5 miles street improvements, 2.701 LF curbs and gutters; fire hydrants. N/A AD 1-1964 Sewer System: 6,994 LF 8"-15" sewer lines. N/A AD 1-1968 Street Improvements: 1.9 miles street improvem.ents, 10,218 LF curbs and gutters; 83 LF 18" storm drain; sidewalks. 111,000 1969 N/A AD 2-1968 Street Improvements; 0.8 miles street improvements. 4,310 LF curbs and gutters; 862 LF 8" sewer lines; 2,114 LF 6" water lines; water lines; 143 LF storm drain. HEMET, CITY OF Lyle Alberg City Manager 714/658-9411 149.150 1967 34 AD 64-3 Public Works Improvements; 2,941 LF 4"-8" sewer lines; 4,518 4"-8" water mains; fire hydrants, service lines, meter boxes; 37.906 SF driveway approaches, sidewalks, cross gutters; 7,528 LF curbs and gutters; 236 LF drainage box culvert and asphalt lined drainage ditch; street paving, street name and warning signs; appurtenances. 1-9 Client Project Cost Construction Contract Date Number of Parcels Project Title and Design Features HEMET. CITY OF (continued) 259.382 1966 162 253,860 174,332 LAKE ARROWHEAD SANITATION DISTRICT Don Mauk Manager. LACSD 714/337-6141 1,119,000 608.000 864,000 1965 1965 1983 1975 1975 125 122 54 456 568 AD 64-2 Public Works Improvements; 6,934 LF 4"-10" sewer lines; 9.797 LF 6"-10" water mains; fire hydrants, service lines, meter boxes; 126,325 SF driveway and alley approaches, sidewalks, cross gutters; 23,467 curbs, gutters, and storm drains; street paving; appurtenances. AD 64-4 Public Works Improvements; 7,938 LF 4"-10" sewer lines; 45 LF 8" water main; 61,676 SF driveway approaches, sidewalks, cross gutters; 18.578 LF curbs and gutters; street paving; appurtenances. AD 64-1 Public Works Improvements: 10.300 LF 4"-8" sewer lines; 4.040 LF 6"-10" water mains; 42,500 SF driveway approaches, sidewalks, cross gutters; 8,420 LF curbs and gutters; street paving, street name and warning signs; appurtenances. AD 8 Sewer System: 27.000 LF 8" sewer lines; 800 LF 6" force main; pump station. AD 6 Sewer System: 28.834 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 2,950 LF 4" laterals. AD 3 Sewer System: 35,370 LF 3"-8" sewer lines; 5,200 LF 4" laterals; 2 lift stations. Client Project Cost Construction Contract Date Number of Parcels Project Title and Design Features LAKE ARROWHEAD SANITATION DISTRICT (continued) , LAKE HEMET MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Leonard Hale General Manger 714/658-3241 $ 421,000 477,552 1974 1967 349 435 AD 5 Sewer System: 19.472 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 2.640 LF 4" laterals. AD 2 Sewer System: 34,787 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 3.451 LF 4"-6" laterals, 400.000 1965 205 AD 65-1 Sewer System: 16,622 LF 8" sewer lines; 20 LF 4"-6" laterals; 11,400 LF pavement replacement; appurtenances. 300,000 1969 381 AD.69-1 Sewer System: 40,996 LF 4"-8" sewer lines. 153.000 1969 230 AD 68-1 Sewer System; 23,468 LF 4"-8" sewer lines. 201.000 1968 456 AD 65-2 Sewer System: 39,952 LF 4"-8" sewer lines. 197,000 1967 501 AD 66-1 Sewer System: 38,222 LF 6"-8" sewer lines. 234,000 1966 571 AD 65-1 Sewer System: 44,473 LF 6"-8" sewer lines. 149,000 1965 404 AD 64-1 Sewer System: 31,754 LF 6"-8" sewer lines. I-ll Client Project Cost Construction Contract Date Number of Parcels Project Title and Design Features LOMA LINDA SANITATION DISTRICT City of Loma Linda City Engineer 714/796-2531 $ 170,000 N/A 1967 1966 437 AD 67-1 Sewer System: 20,912 LF 8"-12" sewer lines; 5.968 LF 4"-6" laterals. N/A AD 66-1 Sewer System: 6.526 LF 8" sewer line; 155 LF 4"-6" laterals; 7,452 LF pavement replacement; appurtenances. PERRIS, CITY OF Robert Briscoe City Manager 714/657-5115 PLACER, COUNTY OF Public Works Director 916/823-4515 RAMONA MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT John Stratford General Manager 619/789-1330 17,350 1984-85 1,085,000 516,900 680,000 1975 1984 1983 403 Maintenance District 84-1, Street Lighting: Ordinary and usual mainte- nance, operation, and servicing of 79 street lights, 9,400-22,000 lumens; fiscal year 1984-85 (cost estimating, assessment engineering only). 240 AD A-83 Public Works Improvements; 13,453 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 12,217 LF 4"-12" water lines; 791 LF 18"x40"x33" drain pipe; 5,085 LF 6" subdrain pipe; 16 fire hydrants. 18 AD 83-1 Water System; 9,300 LF 10" water line (assessment engineering only). 163 AD 82-1 Sewer System: 11,599 LF 8" sewer line; 138 laterals; payment dwelling unit equivalent charges (assessment engineering only). Client Project Cost Construction Contract Date Number of Parcels Project Title and Design Features RENO, CITY OF Robert Jackson Public Works Director 702/785-2020 $ 3,860,700 1985 155 AD 1984-2 Street Improvements: Downtown redevelopment project, planning stage (assessment engineering only). RIVERSIDE, COUNTY OF Ivan Tennant Road Commissioner 714/787-2434 930,065 1985 24 RUBIDOUX COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT Hank Snyder General Manager 714/684-7580 675,707 186,000 1969 1968 2,937 327 AD 149 (San Sevaine Way) Street Improvements; Extension, widening and/or modifications to San Sevaine Way (88' wide), approximately 1.0 mile, and Bain Street (75' wide), approx- imately 0.30 mile (assessment engineering only). AD 130 Gas Pipe, Mead Valley; 168,960 LF 2"-4" natural gas pipeline. AD 5 Sewer System; 21,093 LF 4.!'-8" sewer lines; 643 LF 4" force main; lift station. RUNNING SPRINGS WATER DISTRICT Jim Towns General Manager 714/867-2766 $ 1,030,000 667,000 385,000 619,000 1974 1974 1972 1972 540 AD 7 Sewer System: 65,200 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 11,700 LF 4" laterals, 625 AD 6 Sewer System; 47,200 LF 3"-8" sewer lines; 7,000 LF 4" laterals. 561 AD 5 Sewer System: 26,600 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 6,350 LF 4"-6" laterals. 631 AD 4 Sewer System: 48,221 LF 6"-10" sewer lines; 9,871 LF 4"-6" laterals. 1-13 Client Project Cost Construction Contract Date Number of Parcels Project Title and Design Features RUNNING SPRINGS WATER DISTRICT (continued) 356,000 362,000 378,000 1971 1970 1970 458 507 472 AD 3 Sewer System: 28,064 LF 6"-8" sewer lines; 4,371 LF 4" laterals. AD 2 Sewer System; 33,992 LF 4"-8" sewer linesi AD 1 Sewer System; 35,230 LF 4"-8" sewer lines; 547 LF 4" force main. SAN BERNARDINO, CITY OF Roger Hardgrave Public Works Director 714/383-5025 SAN BERNARDINO, COUNTY OF Dick Ricker, Chino Valley Regional Manager 714/988-1542 3,000,000 1980 30,000,000 1986 200 AD 5861 Public Works Improvements, 200-Lot Low-Cost Housing Project: sewer and water lines; flood control and drainage; street improvements; and underground utilities (assessment engineering only). 1,233 AD 86-1 Public Works Improvements, 5,750-Acre Chino Hills Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Development: Wastewater collection, water, transmission; flood control and drainage; streets; and other general and other general improvement facilities. (The second in a series of assessment districts, Mello-Roos Community Services District, and utility revenue districts to fund the construction of over $220 million in public works improvements). Client Project Cost Construction Contract Date Number of Parcels Project Title and Design Features SAN BERNARDINO, COUNTY OF (continued) $41,900,000 1985 SAN JACINTO. CITY OF Ross Namar City Manager 714/654-7337 273.000 1966 185,000 1966 222 AD 85-1 Public Works Improvements, 6,700-Acre Chino Hills Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Development: Wastewater collection, treatment and reclamation; water supply storage and transmission; fire protection; flood control and drainage; streets and highways; parks and public buildings; and other general improvement facilities. (The first of a series of assessment districts. Mello-Roos Community Services Districts, and- utility revenue districts to fund the construction of over $220 million in public works improvements). 284 AD 65-3 Street Improvements: 2.0 miles street improvements, 18,565 LF curbs and gutters; 10.873 LF 4"-8" sewer lines; 824 LF 4"-10" water lines; 8 fire hydrants. 247 AD 65-2 Street Improvements: 1.9 miles street improvements. 14.786 LF curbs and gutters; 10,183 LF 4"-8" sewer lines; 4,785 LF 4"-6" water lines; 2,382 LF.copper service lines, 2,313 LF 3/4"-l" polyethylene pipe; driveways, alley aprons, sidewalks. 1-15 Client Project Cost Construction Contract Date Number of Parcels Project Title and Design Features SAN JACINTO, CITY OF (continued) $ 275.000 1965 71.000 SAN MARCOS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Bill Rucker General Manager 619/744-0460 3,400.000 2,212.582 644,700 2,300,000 1964 1981 1978 1978 1976 454 AD 65-1 Street Improvements; 2.7 miles street improvements, 21,511 LF curbs and gutters; 14.452 LF 4"-10" sewer lines; 2.390 LF 4"-6" water lines. 2,378 LF 3/4"-l" copper service lines; 5 fire hydrants; driveways, alley aprons, sidewalks. 160 AD 64-1 Street Improvements: 1.25 miles street improvements, 8.392 LF curbs and gutters; 7.096 LF sewer lines. 232 AD 76-2 Water System; 4 MG steel tank; 51.000 LF 6"-12" water lines; pumping and chlorination facilities; 33 fire hydrants. 78 AD 76-3 Water System; 2.75 MG steel tank; 17,677 LF 16"-30" water lines; chlorination facility; pressure reducing and metering stations. 28 AD 76-1 Water System: 1.0 MG steel tank; 3,740 LF 24" water lines; metering and telemetry stations. 57 AD 75-1 Water System; Two 1.25 MG steel tanks; 48.031 LF 8"-18" water lines; pump and cathodic test stations. Client Proj ect Cost Construction Contract Date Number of Parcels Project Title and Design Features SANTA ROSA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT John Schulte Manager-Engineer 714/676-2646 VALLEY CENTER MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT John Hennigar General Manager 619/749-1600 $ 1,848,700 933,000 1985 1978 289 11 AD 85-1 Street Improvements; 0.6 miles of improvements to existing 22' wide paved road; 4.8 miles of new 22' wide paved road; 1.4 miles of new 16' wide paved road (assessment engineer, design, survey and construction management). AD 78-1 Water System: 1.0 MG water tank; 12,060 LF 8"-16" water lines; pump station modifications. YUCAIPA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Ed Magyar General Manager 714/797-5117 3.000,100 3,800,000 2.800.000 3.400.000 4,050.000 3.430.000 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 508 AD 9 Sewer System: lines; 12,500 LF 4" 779 AD 8 Sewer System: lines; 18.000 LF 4" 399 AD 6 Sewer System; lines; 12.000 LF 4" 698 AD 5 Sewer System: lines; 15.000 LF 4" 1,209 AD 3 Sewer System: lines; 28.600 LF 4"- 757 AD 11 Sewer System: lines; 18,500 4"-6" 47,000 LF 8" sewer -6" laterals. 60.000 LF 8" sewer -6" laterals. 45,300 LF 8" sewer -6" laterals. 53,000 LF 8" sewer laterals. 55,500 LF 8"-10" -6" laterals. 53,600 LF 8" sewer laterals. 1-17 Client Project Cost Construction Contract Date Number of Parcels Project Title and Design Features YUCAIPA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT (continued) $ 2,205,000 2,620,000 2,530,000 32,934,200 1,521,000 1,437,300 882,500 1,739.300 1985 1985 1985 1984 1978 1978 1978 1977 398 547 590 11.000 693 428 414 700 AD 12 Sewer System; 36,400 LF 8" sewer lines; 6,400 LF 4"-6" laterals. AD 10 Sewer System; 42,200 LF 8" sewer lines; 13,500 LF 4"-6" laterals. AD 7 Sewer System; 37,200 LF 8" sewer lines; 13,500 LF 4"-6" laterals. AD 20 Regional Sewage Treatment System; 3.0 MGD wastewater treatment plant; septage disposal system; 4 pump stations; 155,965 LF 4"-24" sewer lines; 18,450 LF 4"-6" laterals. AD 4 Sewer System: 48,709 LF 8" sewer lines; 18,071 LF 4"-6" laterals. AD 1 Sewer System; 54,813 LF 8" sewer lines; 9,877 LF 4" laterals. AD 13 Sewer System; 30,563 LF 8" sewer lines; 12,230 LF 4" laterals. ' AD 2 Sewer System; 53,929 LF 8"-15" sewer lines; 16,392 LF 4"-6" laterals.