HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Beach Avenue Sewer Technical Memorandum; Beech Avenue Sewer Technical Memorandum; 2008-06-01Technical Memorandum
City of Carlsbad -
Beech Avenue Sewer
City of Carlsbad
Client Representatives Mark Biskup
Terry Smith
Boyle Engineering Corporation
Project Team Jeff Marchioro, PE
Roman Obzejta, PE
Dave Arthurs, PE
Jacobs Associates
Trenchless Design Craig Camp
June 2008
7807 Convoy Court, Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92111
September 25,2008
Attendees, File (SD- 17104.01 and 17104.02)
Jeff Marchioro
Mark Biskup
Terry Smith
Roman Obzejta
Amanda Combs
Jeff Marchioro
City of Carlsbad
City of Carlsbad
Boyle Engineering Corporation
Boyle Engineering Corporation
Boyle Engineering Corporation
Carlsbad Offices, 1635 Faraday Avenue TIME: 11:30 A.M.
Home Plant and Beech Avenue Sewer Pipelines
1. City 60% comments
2. Coordination
• Temporary Facilities
• Easements and NCTD
o Width of permanent easement on private property containing 10-inch VCP sewer
o Temporary construction easement dimensions
o Home Plant trees and rock wall on NCTD property lines
o Beech Avenue manhole - NCTD flagman
o Encroachment agreement (new and amendments)
• Village Business Association
• Sewer lateral depth
H:\Carlsbad\17104.0l\Docs\1095-Mtgs\Meetmg Agenda 031808.doc SOVLi
Technical Memorandum
Beech Avenue Sewer
The City of Carlsbad (City) owns and operates the Beech Avenue sewer line located along Beech
Avenue between Ocean Street and Washington Street in Carlsbad, CaUfomia as part of the City's
sewer collection system. Figure 1. City staff reported that the sewer line is in poor structural
condition. It is located in commercial beach community with the busy time during the summer.
Figure 1: Location Map
The Preliminary Construction Plans for Beech Avenue Sewer Project, Krieger & Stewart, Inc., June
2007 show replacement of the existing sewer line between the existing manholes in Ocean Street and
Washington Street. The previous design called for removal and replacement ofthe existing sewer line;
however, a construction method (e.g.; conventional open trench or trenchless construction) was not
specified and details corresponding to the selected construction methods were not included.
A geotechnical evaluation {Preliminary Geotechnical Report Beech Avenue Sewer Project, Carlsbad,
California, Inland Foundation Engineering, Inc., July 9, 2007) was prepared in connection with the
previous design. The geotechnical report was revised to include considerations for trenchless
construction on February 26, 2008.
The City has engaged Boyle Engineering Corporation (Boyle) to provide final design services for the
Beech Avenue sewer line replacement.
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Technical Memorandum
Beech Avenue Sewer
Project Background
The City desires to improve the existing Beech Avenue 8-inch, 1,000 foot long sewer line is prone to
sedimentation and clogging because it contains low spots/sags through a shallow slope. Also, the cast
iron and vitrified clay segments is corroded and cracked as shown through CCTV observations. The
City prefers trenchless methods because replacement through conventional open trench methods would
be challenging because of its depth and proximity to other utilities. Also, traffic control would be
difficuh especially for Carlsbad Boulevard, Figure 2. The pipe is relatively deep (range of 13 to 30
foot depth) and the deepest section is generally west of Carlsbad Boulevard near Garfield Street,
Figure 3.
Figure 2: Project area where the existing sewer line is deepest.
Photo taken from intersection of Beech Avenue and Garfield Street
looking towards Carlsbad Boulevard
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Technical Memorandum
Beech Avenue Sewer
Figure 3: Beech Avenue looking towards Carlsbad Boulevard
Technical Memorandum
Beech Avenue Sewer
Pipe Hydraulic Capacity
Boyle studied the hydraulic capacity of the existing pipe and proposed replacement pipe. Three pipe
diameter alternatives were considered - matching the existing 8-inch diameter or upsizing to 10-inch or
12-inch diameter. City staff expressed interest in upsizing the pipe if it makes sense hydraulically.
Staff indicated that the peak flow measured in November was 150 gpm. However, the peak flow could
be higher during the summer because it's a commercial beach commimity with the busy time during
the summer. 12-inch diameter pipe was evaluated because 12-inch corresponds to the smallest
micro tunneling machine available.
The existing 8-inch sewer pipe shallowly slopes from Ocean Street to Washington Street. The shallow
(0.003 per City of Carlsbad, Project 77-27, ref dwg No. 188-9) slope that transitions to a vertical curve
containing steeper sections near the railroad tracks. The shallow (0.003) slope segment does not
generate sufficient velocity to prevent sediment and oil/grease buildup at low flow conditions as shown
through CCTV observations.
The length of vertical curve will be reduced to provide a consistent and slightly steeper slope
(estimated at 0.0055) that will increase/improve velocity and capacity. The improved slope will not
significantly affect replacement costs because the new pipe will be constructed in a new alignment
utilizing trenchless methods.
The following table summarizes hydraulic data for the existing 8-inch pipe with existing slope (0.003)
and proposed the following 8-, 10- and 12-inch pipe alternatives with the improved slope (0.0055).
Hydraulic data provided in the table below is derived from Manning Formula based on pipe slope as
indicated and friction factor n=0.011. Maximum design capacity of the pipes was established based on
1/2 full pipe (d/D=50%). The minimum flow rate (40 gpm) was based on the maximum flow rate
provided by City staff (150 gpm peak flow measured in November) assuming a peaking factor of 4.
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Technical Memorandum
Beech Avenue Sewer
Table 1: Pipe Hydraulic Capacity
Flow Criteria Flow Rate Depth/
Ratio (%)
m (Spm) (mgd)
Min Flow 40 0.06 22 1.5
Existing 8-inch,
0.003 slope
Max Flow 150 0.22 46 2.1
Existing 8-inch,
0.003 slope Capacity 176 0.25 50 2.2
m Alternative 1: 8-
Min Flow 40 0.06 19 1.8 m Alternative 1: 8-Max Flow 150 0.22 45 2.9
-inch, improved
0.0055 slope
Capacity 238 0.34 50 3.0
Alternative 2: 10-
Min Flow 40 0.06 14 1.8
Alternative 2: 10-Max Flow 150 0.22 28 2.6
inch, improved
0.0055 slope
Capacity 431 0.62 50 3.5
Alternatives: 12-
Min Flow 40 0.06 12 1.7
— Alternatives: 12-Max Flow 150 0.22 22 2.6
inch, improved
0.0055 slope
Capacity 700 1.00 50 4.0
The improved 0.0055 slope with either the 8-inch , 10-inch or 12-inch diameter pipe sizes are
acceptable using hydraulic criteria. AU considered pipe sizes have reserve capacity and have similar
cleansing velocities at the minimum flow rate. The cost differences between the 8-inch, 10-inch and
12-inch alternatives are presented at the end of this Technical Memorandum.
Geotechnical Investigation
A geotechnical investigation ofthe pipeline alignment titled Preliminary Geotechnical Report Beech
Avenue Sewer Project, Carlsbad, California, February 26, 2008 by Inland Foundation Engineering, Inc.
Consulting Geotechnical Engineers concluded that there are no unusual geologic hazards (active faults,
landslides, or liquefiable soils) and the proposed construction is geotechnically feasible for open-cut
and/or trenchless construction techniques. The report also concluded that some existing geotechnical
materials are expected to be well cemented; however excavatable with conventional heavy-duty earth
moving equipment. Groundwater was encountered only in one of three exploratory borings at a depth
The ground type is anticipated to be predominately granular soils consisting of interbeded silty sands
and sands. These materials were generally observed to be moderately dense to dense condition. Larger
boulders were encountered within one ofthe on the exploratory boring at the depth of 26-ft, the
estimated depth ofthe proposed sewer pipe in this location is 17-ft.
Technical Memorandum
Beech Avenue Sewer
Proposed Improvements
The proposed project includes the following improvements, Figures 4 and 5, assuming that Carlsbad
prefers to proceed with the 12-inch diameter alternative because that size corresponds to the smallest
microtunneling machine available. One disadvantage ofthe 12-inch diameter alternative is that the
new 12-inch pipe will terminate into an 8-inch section near the NCTD Right of Way.
• Approximately 1,024 ft of 12-inch sewer pipe constructed through a combination of open
trench and trenchless methods. The proposed new pipe alignment is roughly 12 feet
north of and parallel to the existing sewer. The project will be completed utilizing a
trenchless construction method in four drives (3 long drives at approximately 250 - 280
lineal feet each and 1 short drive at approximately 70 feet long).
• Five deep manholes
• Modification of one existing manhole at the intersection of Beech Avenue and Ocean
• An 8-inch shallow sewer pipe collection system, approximately 350 If long, including
three shallow manholes, to intercept five existing sewer laterals.
• Re-connection of three existing sewer laterals to the new 12-inch main line. The existing
pipe will be filled with concrete slurry and abandoned in place.
• Reroute or bypass existing gas main (varies from 1-1/4" to 2" diameter) at excavation
• Reroute or bypass existing 8-inch water main through the intersection of Garfield Street.
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mnunmmnina can^Ofm-nan
DWC; H.\Cor1sl»tf\17l04.0AC«\f^on»l\Fi9WM t and S.dwg
WIE; Jun 21. 2008 11:11am XREFS: 86O-5_2)0_BEE C-m C-B03
EnoinEEFtina confonnTion
SAN DIEGO. CA 92111 (858)268-8080
OWC; H\Co'lslwd\l"04.02\C*D\Plansel\Fi9ufM 4 ond S.dwg
DATE: Jun 23. 2008 10:54om XREFS: 86O-5_2s0_BEE
40 20 0 40 80 120 FIGURE 5
Technical Memorandum
Beech Avenue Sewer
The open trench construction will be utilized at the ends of the project. The open trenches will serve as
receiving locations for the trenchless segments.
• West End. The trenchless to open trench transition will be located between Garfield
Street and Ocean Street at approximately at Station 11+30 intercept two sewer laterals in
the vicinity of Station 11+25, Figures 4 and 6.
Figure 6: West End of Project
East End. The trenchless to open trench transition will be located in the intersection of
Beech Avenue and Washington Street, on the northern side of the street knuckle to
facilitate flow of the existing one way only traffic traveling west on Beech Avenue from
Washington Street Figures 4 and 7. It will include two manholes separated by
approximately 20 feet of new sewer pipe to minimize excavation in the NCTD Right-of-
Way. The existing manhole located in the NCTD Right-of-Way appears under the
structural influence of the railroad tracks. Figure 8. Locating the connection point
outside of the NCTD Right-of-way will avoid this manhole near the railroad tracks and
also minimize impact to the 12-inch high pressure gas main. The existing sewer to
remain (approximately 34 feet) is in excellent condition, with exception of one cracked
VCP pipe near the connection to the downstream manhole (2 feet upstream from
manhole) per CCTV inspection records. This pipe can be repaired from the existing
manhole using a typical repair method such as local lining with polyester felt
impregnated with epoxy resin or injection in the pipe's crack epoxy resin or grout to
stabilize pipe and prevent infiltration.
Technical Memorandum
Beech Avenue Sewer
Figure 7: East End of Project
Figure 8: Existing Manhole in NCTD Right-of-Way
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Technical Memorandum
Beech Avenue Sewer
Construction Methods
The following trenchless construction methods were evaluated:
• Pilot-tube technology was eliminated from further evaluation because it is unlikely that
suitable equipment for this technology will become available for this project. The
geotechnical invesfigation found well-cemented soils conditions (N-value »50) at the
proposed pipe elevation. Currently, pilot-mbe methods are generally better suited to soft
soils (N-values 50 or less) for the equipment available in this region. It is unlikely that
equipment powerfiil enough for N-values greater than 50 would become available at the
time of construction.
However, pilot tube technology should not be completely ruled out because the
technology is rapidly developing. The availability of pilot tube equipment suitable for
this project will be monitored during the design phase.
• Pipe bursting method was eliminated due to presence of concrete encasement of existing
sewer. Also, bursting would not improve the existing sag issues or cleaning velocity.
• Microtunneling and auger boring methods are suitable for this project, and both methods
will be specified in contract documents. As discussed in the Pipe Hydraulic Capacity
section above, 12-inch diameter pipe was also evaluated because 12-inch diameter
corresponds to the smallest microtuimeling machine available.
o Cost. Compared to auger boring, microtunneling is generally more expensive because
of relatively high cost of rental and operation of equipment.
o Access Pits.
• The main advantage of microtunneling equipment is that it requires a smaller
footprint, resulting in less disruption to the surrounding area and minimized
loss of vegetation, compared to auger boring. Microtunneling access pits for
launching and retrieving equipment are smaller compared to auger boring
access pits. Microtunneling pits must be water tight for a slurry system. A
vertical auger drilled pit (Anderson Drilling type) can be used for smaller
microtunneling machines with 12-14 foot inside diameter jacking pits and 12
foot inside diameter receiving pits. The open trench portion at each end
would also use pre-drilled speed shore system.
• Auger boring proposed access pits would be pre-drilled utiHzing a speed
shoring rail system because of restricted access, proximity to other facilities,
stiff soil conditions (N-value 90-110), and limited probability of ground
water. The shoring method requires close contact with the ground at all
times. Systems similar to trench boxes are not acceptable. Shored trenches
should be the same system - a pre-drilled speed shore rail system. Water tight
construction is not required because auger boring uses limited slurry or
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Technical Memorandum
Beech Avenue Sewer
lubricant. Auger boring would require, depending on the pipe segment length,
up to 40 foot long jacking pits. The receiving pit would be much smaller,
approximately 6-8 ft in diameter. The receiving pit can be shored trenches
used to tie-in to the existing structures.
o Pipe Material.
Microtunneling method is a one pass method with the carrier pipe installed
directly in the ground. Possible pipe materials for carrier pipe are: Vitrified
Clay Pipe (VCP), Reinforced Polymer Mortar Pipe (Hobas), and Polymer
Concrete Pipe (Meyer).
Auger boring would require a two pass method with a separate steel casing
and a carrier pipe installed inside the steel casing. Casing pipe inside diameter
shall be a minimum of 8-inches larger than the outside diameter of carrier
pipe. Possible pipe materials for carrier pipe are: Vitrified Clay Pipe (VCP),
Reinforced Polymer Mortar Pipe (Hobas), Polymer Concrete Pipe (Meyer),
and PVC pipe.
o Accuracv/Tolerances.
• Microtunneling method provides ability for accurate control, usually ±1 inch,
of line and ±2 inches of grade, which is important for gravity sewers.
• Auger boring method provides limited tracking and steering capability.
Usually accuracy is in the range of 1% of bore length at short distances (less
than 200 ft). To maintain the required grade ofthe carrier pipe, a larger casing
pipe (30-inch) will be specified; the grade of carrier pipe inside will be
adjusted with casing spacers. Also a larger, man-entry sized casing will allow
for line and grade verification and some steering corrections during
Considerations for Final Design
Existing Utilities
The utilities along Beech Avenue and crossing streets should not be affected by trenchless
construction methods because the depth ofthe replacement sewer is much deeper than the utilities
except for the following utilities at the trenchless access pits.
• Gas Main. The gas main will be relocated at three locations, Figure 4.
• 8-inch Watermain. The 8-inch water main at the access pit in the intersection of Garfield
Street and Beech Avenue will be removed and reconstructed.
The existing sewer will be kept in service during construction except for making connections to the
existing system. Sewage will be diverted to the line within Ocean Street, at the manhole at the
intersection of Beech Avenue and Ocean Street during construction of the connections.
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Technical Memorandum
Beech Avenue Sewer
Most ofthe existing sewer laterals will be intercepted in a shallow sewer pipe collection system
except that the sewer lateral near Station 17+33 will be connected directly to the new manhole per
Standard Drawing S-2 and the two laterals in the vicinity of Station 11+25 that will be reconnected
^ to the new pipe per Standard Drawing S-8. It is not recommended to reconnect sewer laterals
directly to the main pipe where depth exceeds 20 ft due to high cost of excavation and shoring.
^ Traffic
The Contract Documents will require that the Contractor prepare traffic control plans. Traffic
«i through Carlsbad Boulevard will not be affected because the new sewer pipeline will be constructed
^ under the intersection with Beech Avenue utilizing trenchless methods. Traffic along Beech
Avenue will be affected; however, continuous, access to the properties along Beech Avenue will be
mm maintained at all the times because only small areas will be required for access pit and trenchless
^ surface equipment. Construction of local sewer collection system intercepting sewer laterals, and
connections to the existing sewers will require traffic control to maintain flow of traffic.
m Staging Area, Permits, and Easements
^ Construction ofthe new pipeline will utilize a staging area for the temporary storage of all
^ equipment, materials, and the contractor offices will be located near the Home Plant Sewer Lift
Station, approximately one-quarter mile north from the project site. The Contractor might also
— arrange other locations such a vacant lot located on the south-east comer of Beech Avenue and
^ Ocean Street. Selection of staging area is regulated through a special use permit process.
^ All constmction will be located within public right-of-way. However sewer pipe repair at the east
end of the project will require access to the manhole located within NCTD right-of-way. A Right-
of-Entry from NCTD will be required. The City will lead NCTD coordination efforts and Boyle will
support the City with preparation of necessary drawings, calculations, and graphs.
Sewer IVIanhoies
^ New deep sewer manholes (over 15-feet deep) will be 5-ft diameter, PVC-lined manholes
constructed per Standard Drawing S-IA. The existing manhole on the west end will be re-
— channeled to meet new sewer flow pattern and coated with epoxy coating to prevent corrosion.
New sewer manholes for local sewer system serving laterals will be 5-ft diameter constructed per
^ Standard Drawing S-1.
street Improvements
Existing street improvements will be removed as necessary to construct trenchless access pits and
for open-cut installations. The Contractor will be required to reconstruct "in kind" or repair
^ improvements damaged or removed. After completion of construction the AC pavement along
Beech Avenue will be slurry sealed.
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Technical Memorandum
Beech Avenue Sewer
Home Plant Lift Station Sewer Project Coordination
It may be possible to combine Home Plant Lift Station Influent Sewer and Beech Avenue Sewer
projects into tiie same construction contract (i.e. the same bid package). The projects are located in
close proximity, less then quarter mile apart and they may utilize the same methods. The benefit of
constructing both projects through one contract is reduced mobilization costs and schedule. The
contractor can also use the same staging area. The bigger project (containing both Home Plant and
Beech Avenue) may attract more bidders.
Project Schedule
It is our understanding, that the City would like complete construction prior to the beginning ofthe
2009 summer busy season (i.e.; complete construction before April/May of 2009). A fast-track
construction project would require at least two months for construction, not including about four weeks
for equipment and materials procurement. Therefore the Contractor should receive Notice to Proceed
no later tiian January I, 2009. Allowing two months for advertisement and award, the project should be
advertised by the first part of October 2008.
This aggressive schedule will require close coordination with NCTD to avoid delays and secure
necessary permits in timely fashion.
To expedite constmction, the contract documents may require that contractor include submittals for
pipe and boring equipment in his bid package.
Opinion of Probable Construction Cost
A preliminary opinion of probable construction cost for Beech Avenue Sewer Project is provided
below. The cost estimate was provided for both constmction methods (auger boring and
microtunneling) and 8-inch, 10-inch and 12-inch pipe altematives.
The constmction costs do not include construction management, inspection, testing, offsite
environmental mitigation, right-of-way acquisition, permits, or City administration. They represent
Boyle's judgment as a design professional and are supphed for the general guidance of the City. Other
factors such as the cost of labor and materials, competitive biding or market conditions, over which
Boyle has no control, may affect actual costs to the City.
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Technical Memorandum
Beech Avenue Sewer
Table 2. Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost
Auger Boring Method, 8-inch Sewer Main
Item Cost Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost
1 Mobilization 1 LS $45,000 $45,000
Auger Boring; 30 Steel Casing w/ 8" PVC
Pipe 877 LF $400 $350,800
3 Access Pits 3 EA $80,000 $240,000
4 5' Dia PVC Lined Sewer Manholes 5 EA $15,000 $75,000
5 8" VCP Sewer - Open Trench (Deep) 146 FT $500 $73,000
6 8" PVC Sewer -Open Trench 350 FT $100 $35,000
7 Sewer Laterals 8 EA $2,000 $16,000
4 5' Dia Sewer Manholes 3 EA $4,500 $13,500
6 Connections to Exist System 1 LS $15,000 $15,000
7 Pipe Spot Repair 1 LS $3,000 $3,000
8 Traffic Control 1 LS $10,000 $10,000
9 Slurry seal 5000 SY $5 $25,000
Subtotal $901,300
20% $180,260
Total $1,080,000
Table 3. Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost
Auger Boring Method, 10-inch Sewer Main
Item Cost Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost
1 Mobilization 1 LS $45,000 $45,000
Auger Boring; 30 Steel Casing w/10" PVC
Pipe 877 LF $410 $359,570
3 Access Pits 3 EA $80,000 $240,000
4 5' Dia PVC Lined Sewer Manholes 5 EA $15,000 $75,000
5 10" VCP Sewer - Open Trench (Deep) 146 FT $520 $75,920
6 8" PVC Sewer -Open Trench 350 FT $100 $35,000
7 Sewer Laterals 8 EA $2,000 $16,000
4 5' Dia Sewer Manholes 3 EA $4,500 $13,500
6 Connections to Exist System 1 LS $15,000 $15,000
7 Pipe Spot Repair 1 LS $3,000 $3,000
8 Traffic Control 1 LS $10,000 $10,000
9 Slurry seal 5000 SY $5 $25,000
Subtotal $912,990
20% $182,598
Total $1,100,000
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Beech Avenue Sewer
Table 4. Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost
Microtunneling Method, 12-inch Sewer Main
Item Cost Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost
1 Mobilization 1 LS $100,000 $100,000
2 Microtunneling; 12" VCP Pipe 877 LF $640 $561,280
3 Access Pits 3 EA $50,000 $150,000
4 5' Dia PVC Lined Sewer Manholes 5 EA $15,000 $75,000
5 12" VCP Sewer - Open Trench (Deep) 146 FT $560 $81,760
6 8" PVC Sewer 350 FT $100 $35,000
7 Sewer Laterals 8 EA $2,000 $16,000
4 5' Dia Sewer Manholes 3 EA $4,500 $13,500
6 Connections to Exist System 1 LS $15,000 $15,000
7 Pipe Spot Repair 1 LS $3,000 $3,000
8 Traffic Control 1 LS $10,000 $10,000
9 Slurry seal 5000 SY $5 $25,000
Subtotal $1,085,540
20% $217,108
Total $1,300,000
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