HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Benefit Area Fees for Sewer Master Plan 1987; Benefit Area Fees for Sewer Master Plan 1987; 1990-12-01BENEFIT AREA FEES FOR CONVEYANCE SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS UPDATE TO THE DECEMBER, 1987 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER PLAN OF SEWERAGE December 1990 Wilson Engineering Consulting Engineers TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO. LIST OF TABLES iii LIST OF FIGURES v CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1 Recommendations 1 Summary of Changes 2 CHAPTER 2. FEE AREAS 4 Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Basin 6 Benefit Area A 6 North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Basin 8 Benefit Area B 8 South Agua Hedionda Basin 9 Benefit Area C 11 Benefit Area D 11 Benefit Area E 13 Benefit Area F 15 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE NO. Buena/San Marcos Interceptor Basin , 16 Benefit Area G 16 Benefit Area H 18 Benefit Area I 21 North Batiquitos Interceptor Basin 22 Benefit Area J 26 Benefit Area K 28 Benefit Area L 29 Benefit Area M 29 11 LIST OF TABLES PAGE NO. Table 1-1 Table 2-1 Table 2-2 Table 2-3 Table 2-4 Table 2-5 Table 2-6 Table 2-7 Table 2-8 Table 2-9 Table 2-10 Table 2-11 Table 2-12 Table 2-13 Table 2-14 Table 2-15 Table 2-16 Table 2-17 Table 2-18 Table 2-19 Table 2-20 Table 2-21 Summary of Benefit Areas 2 Improvements for Benefit Area A 6 EDU Information for Benefit Area A 7 Improvements for Benefit Area B 8 EDU Information for Benefit Area B 8 Improvements to the South Agua Hedionda Basin Interceptor System 9 EDU Information for South Agua Hedionda Basin Interceptor System 10 Improvements for Benefit Area D 11 EDU Information for Benefit Area D 12 Improvements for Benefit Area E 13 EDU Information for Benefit Area E 14 Improvements for Benefit Area F 15 EDU Information for Benefit Area F 15 Improvements for Benefit Area G 16 EDU Information for Benefit Area G 17 Improvements for Benefit Area H 19 EDU Information for Benefit Area H 20 Improvements for Beneift Area I 21 EDU Information for Benefit Area I 21 Improvements to North Batiquitos Basin Interceptor System 23 EDU Information for North Batiquitos Basin Interceptor System 24 Reimbursements for the Occidental/Ponto Trunk 25 111 LIST OF TABLES (Continued) PAGE NO. Table 2-22 Reimbursements for the Ayres/Batiquitos Trunk 25 Table 2-23 Improvements for Benefit Area J 26 Table 2-24 EDU Information for Benefit Area J 27 Table 2-25 Improvements for Benefit Area K 28 Table 2-26 EDU Information for Benefit Area K 29 IV LIST OF FIGURES PAGE NO. Figure 2-1 Benefit Fee Areas 5 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The City of Carlsbad sewer capacity fee includes improvements to the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility, the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor, the Lake Calavera Hills Water Reclamation Plant and the Home Plant Lift Station. Construction of the facilities funded by the city wide capacity fee does not provide a sewer line to each of the City's growth management zones. Thus there are a number of conveyance facilities which will need to be funded by more than one growth management zone. This report provides recommended boundaries for benefit areas for facilities recommended in the December, 1987 Master Plan of Sewerage. In most cases these facilities will probably be built by a developer. This developer will then be eligible for reimbursement by subsequent developers within the benefit areas established in this report. Reimbursement fees for the Occidental/Ponto Trunk and Ayres/Batiquitos Trunk have also been included. RECOMMENDATIONS Adopt the benefit areas A through M and establish an estimated cost per unit for development of the conveyance system in these benefit areas as presented in Table 1-1. TABLE 1-1 SUMMARY OF BENEFIT AREAS Area A B C D E F G H I J K L M Number of Future Units 1,470 644 1,445 2,891 5,447 1,524 1,692 4,836 1,334 2,300 390 1,323 2,538 Cost per Unit, $ 279 491 407 785 803 879 76 514 285 982 1,981 776 38 SUMMARY OF CHANGES 1. Provide a second fee above the city wide capacity fee to fund conveyance system improvements. 2. Provide a fee-based system for the construction of or reimbursement for construction of conveyance systems to each sub-basin established in the December, 1987 Master Plan of Sewerage. CHAPTER 2 FEE AREAS All costs presented in this report are based on facilities recommended in the December, 1987 Master Plan of Sewerage. Costs for these facilities have been increased based on an ENR-CCI-LA of 5,800. Where better data is currently available on facility costs, other adjustments have been made. The number of units in each subbasin is also based on information presented in the December, 1987 Master Plan of Sewerage. Unit counts have been updated to reflect current development status and projections. Figure 2-1 shows the boundaries of the recommended fee areas. Exhibit A from the December, 1987 Master Plan of Sewerage may be found in the pocket at the back of this report and shows the location of the reach designations called out in the tables in this chapter. FIGURE 2-1 BENEFIT FEE AREAi VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR BASIN The interceptor improvements in the Vista/Carlsbad Basin are funded from the city wide connection fee. Benefit Area A is the only benefit area in the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Basin. Benefit Area A Benefit Area A contains sewer drainage zones 25, 2B and 7A. This benefit area has 1,470 estimated future units and an estimated cost of trunk sewer improvements of $410,000. The estimated fee for this benefit area is $279 per unit. Table 2-1 provides a summary of the improvements needed for the benefit area, and Table 2-2 provides a summary of the units by sewer drainage zone. TABLE 2-1 IMPROVEMENTS FOR BENEFIT AREA A Reach VGT1A VCT1B VCT1C Location Buena Vista Creek Buena Vista Creek Buena Vista Creek Size> in. 8 8 10 Length, feet 1,500 1,000 3,000 Total Cost, \ $ 103,000 70,000 237,000 TOTAL 4*<U>00 TABLE 2-2 EDU INFORMATION FOR BENEFIT AREA A Zone 25 2B 7A TOTAL Existing ... 250 362 612 Future 1,089 ... 381 1,470 Total 1,089 250 743 2,082 NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR BASIN There are no interceptor improvements needed in the North Agua Hedionda Interceptor Basin. Benefit Area B is the only benefit area in the North Agua Hedionda Basin. Benefit Area B Benefit Area B contains sewer drainage zones 7B and 14B. This benefit area has 644 estimated future units and an estimated cost of trunk improvements of $316,000. The estimated fee for this benefit area is $491 per unit. Table 2-3 provides a summary of the improvements needed for the benefit area, and Table 2-4 provides a summary of the units by sewer drainage zone. TABLE 2-3 IMPROVEMENTS FOR BENEFIT AREA B Reach Location Size,, in. Length, feet Total Cost, $ NAHT1A Tamarack Avenue 10 4,000 316,000 TABLE 2-4 EDU INFORMATION FOR BENEFIT AREA B Zone 7B 14B TOTAL Existing 881 ... 881 Future 290 354 644 Total 1,171 354 1,525 8 SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA BASIN The South Agua Hedionda Basin contains Benefit Areas C, D, E, and F. Interceptor improvements are needed in the South Agua Hedionda Basin System. These interceptor improvements will serve zones 5A, 5B, 5D, 7C, 8, 14A, ISA, 15B, 16, 24A, 24B, 24C and ISA. The South Agua Hedionda Basin has 11,307 estimated future units and an estimated cost of interceptor improvements of $4,600,621. The estimated fee for these improvements is $407 per unit. Table 2-5 provides a summary of the improvements needed and Table 2-6 provides a summary of the units by sewer drainage zone. The estimated $407 per unit will be added to all benefit areas in the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Basin to pay for the interceptor improvements. TABLE 2-5 IMPROVEMENTS TO SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA BASIN INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM Reach Location Size, inches Length, feet Total Cost, $ CONSTRUCTION OF NEW INTERCEPTORS SAH1 SAH2 SAH4 Hidden Valley Road Hidden Valley Road Future Cannon Road 21 21 21 2,320 2,200 3,500 481,000 456,000 560,000 LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS South Agua Hedionda Lift Station and Force Main SAH3 3,103,621 TOTAL 4,600,621 TABLE 2-6 EDU INFORMATION FOR SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA BASIN INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM Zone 5A 5B 5D 1C 8 14A ISA 15B 16 ISA 24A 24B 24C TOTAL Existing ... 337 66 ... 2 ... 502 ... ... ... 1 114 ... 1,012 Future 383 1,447 356 571 1,445 798 1,522 1,448 2,178 832 250 ... 77 11,307 Total 383 1,784 422 571 1,447 798 2,024 1,448 2,178 832 251 114 77 12,32* 10 Benefit Area C Benefit Area C contains sewer drainage zone 8. This benefit area has 1,445 estimated future units. There are no trunk improvements needed in this benefit area and, therefore, the total fee per unit within Benefit Area C is $407. This fee is based solely on the interceptor system improvements needed in the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Basin. Benefit Area D Benefit Area D contains sewer drainage zones 7C, 14A, and ISA. This benefit area has 2,891 estimated future units and an estimated cost of trunk improvements of $1,092,000. The estimated fee for this benefit area is $785 per unit. Table 2-7 provides a summary of the improvements needed for the benefit area, and Table 2-8 provides a summary of the units by sewer drainage zone. TABLE 2-7 IMPROVEMENTS FOR BENEFIT AREA D Reach SAHT2A SAHT2B SAHT2C Location Future Cannon Road Future College Blvd. Future Cannon Road Size, incbes 10 8 15 Length, feet 6,300 3,000 3,500 Total Cost, $ 498,000 206,000 388,000 TOTAL t,<l&»000 11 TABLE 2-8 EDU INFORMATION FOR BENEFIT AREA D Zone 1C 14A 15A TOTAL Existing ... ... 502 502 w Future 571 798 1,522 2,$91 Total 571 798 2,024 3,393 12 Benefit Area E Benefit Area E contains sewer drainage zones 5A, 5D, 15B, 16, 24A, 24B and ISA. This benefit area has 5,447 estimated future units and an estimated cost of trunk improvements of $2,155,000. The estimated fee for this benefit area is $803 per unit. Table 2-9 provides a summary of the improvements needed for the benefit area, and Table 2-10 provides a summary of the units by sewer drainage zone. TABLE 2-9 IMPROVEMENTS FOR BENEFIT AREA E Reach SAHT1A SAHT1B SAHT1C SAHT1D SAHT1E SAHT1F SAHT1G Location Carlsbad Raceway Agua Hedionda Creek Agua Hedionda Creek Sunny Creek Road Rancho Carlsbad, Sunny Creek Road Future College Blvd. El Camino Real Size, inches 8 12 15 15 15 8 18 Length, feet 1,000 3,500 3,700 3,500 4,540 2,000 2,500 Total Cost, $ 69,000 332,000 410,000 388,000 503,000 137,000 316,000 TOTAk , 2,155,000 13 TABLE 2-10 EDU INFORMATION FOR BENEFIT AREA E Zone 5A 5D 15B 16 24A 24B ISA TOTAL Existing ... 66 ... ... 1 114 ... 181 Future 383 356 1,448 2,178 250 ... 832 5,447 Total 383 422 1,448 2,178 251 114 832 5,628 14 Benefit Area F Benefit Area F contains sewer drainage zones 5B and 24C. This benefit area has 1,524 estimated future units and an estimated cost of trunk improvements of $720,000. The estimated fee for this benefit area is $879 per unit. Table 2- 11 provides a summary of the improvements needed for the benefit area, and Table 2-12 provides a summary of the units by sewer drainage zone. TABLE 2-11 IMPROVEMENTS FOR BENEFIT AREA F Reach SAHT3A SAHT3B Location Future Macario Canyon Road Future Macario Canyon Road Size, incites 8 12 Length, feet 1,500 6,500 Total Cost, : $ 103,000 617,000 TOTAL 720,000 TABLE 2-12 EDU INFORMATION FOR BENEFIT AREA F Zone 5B 24C TOTAL Existing 337 ... 337 Future 1,447 77 1,524 Total 1,784 77 l,8£t 15 BUENA/SAN MARCOS INTERCEPTOR BASIN There are no interceptor improvements in the Buena/San Marcos Interceptor Basin. Benefit Areas G, H, and I fall within this basin. Benefit Area G Benefit Area G contains sewer drainage zones 5C, 5E, 5F and 51. This benefit area has 1,692 estimated future units and an estimated cost of trunk improvements of $128,000. The estimated fee for this benefit area is $76 per unit. Table 2-13 provides a summary of the improvements needed for the benefit area, and Table 2-14 provides a summary of the units by sewer drainage zone. TABLE 2-13 IMPROVEMENTS FOR BENEFIT AREA G Reach Location Size, in. BSM21 Camino Vida Roble 21 Length, feet Total Co$t> 1 >• 4,690 668,000 Carlsbad Ownership, Cost, . % 19.2 , * 128,0002 Computer runs indicate BSM2 will not exceed capacity in the future; however, monitoring indicates future flows will exceed full pipe capacity and therefore a replacement pipe is recommended. Cost based on old-line ownership percent. 16 TABLE 2-14 EDU INFORMATION FOR BENEFIT AREA G Zone 5C 5E 5F 51 TOTAL Existing 87 ... 45 881 1,013 Future 281 1,243 ... 168 1,692 Total 368 1,243 45 1,049 2,705 17 Benefit Area H Benefit Area H contains sewer drainage zones 6B, 10A, 10B, IOC, 17A, 17B and 18B. This benefit area has 4,836 estimated future units and an estimated cost of trunk improvements of $2,484,000. The estimated fee for this benefit area is $514 per unit. Table 2-15 provides a summary of the improvements needed for the benefit area, and Table 2-16 provides a summary of the units by sewer drainage zone. 18 TABLE 2-15 IMPROVEMENTS FOR BENEFIT AREA H Reach + Location Size, in. Length, feet Total Cost, $ Carlsbad . Ownership, Cost, %$ LIST STATION IMPROVEMENTS North La Costa Lift Station Construct Station Force Main — 16 — 5,000 750,000 500,000 100 100 791,000 527,000 CONSTRUCTION OF NEW TRUNK SEWERS BSMT1A BSMT1B BSMT1C BSMT1D BSMT1E BSMT1F Future Carillo Way Serves 6B Future Carillo Way Future Carillo Way Serves 17A North of La Costa Golf Course 12 8 12 15 10 15 2,000 1,000 1,000 3,700 3,500 1,200 180,000 65,000 90,000 388,500 255,000 126,000 100 100 100 100 100 100 190,000 69,000 95,000 410,000 269,000 133,000 TOTAL 2,484,001 19 TABLE 2-16 EDU INFORMATION FOR BENEFIT AREA H Zone 6B 10A 10B 10O 17 Ar 17B- 18B TOTAL Existing 126 ... ... ... ... ... ... 126 Future ... 225 450 825 433 649 2,254 4,836 Total 126 225 450 825 433 649 2,254 4,962 20 Benefit Area I Benefit Area I contains sewer drainage zone 20B and fifty percent of Zone 20A. This benefit area has 1,334 estimated future units and an estimated cost of trunk improvements of $380,000. The estimated fee for this benefit area is $285 per unit. Table 2-17 provides a summary of the improvements needed for the benefit area, and Table 2-18 provides a summary of the units by sewer drainage zone. TABLE 2-17 IMPROVEMENTS FOR BENEFIT AREA I Reach BSMT2 Location Laurel Tree Road Size, in. 12 Length, feet 4,000 Total Cost* $ 380,000 Carlsbad Ownership, Cost, % 100 $ 380,000 TABLE 2-18 EDU INFORMATION FOR BENEFIT AREA I 2&tt* 20A (50%) 20B TOTAt Existing 6 — 6 Future 756 578 1,334 Total 762 578 1,340 21 NORTH BATIQUITOS INTERCEPTOR BASIN The North Batiquitos Basin includes Benefit Areas J, K, L, and M. These benefit areas include zones 4A (50%), 4B, 6A, 9, 19A, 19B, 19C, 19D, 20C, 21A, 21B and 22B. Benefit Areas J, K, and L have 4,013 estimated future units and the estimated cost of North Batiquitos Interceptor improvements is $2,095,046. The estimated fee for these benefit areas is $522 per unit. Table 2-19 provides a summary of the improvements needed for the North Batiquitos Basin Interceptor System, and Table 2-20 provides a summary of the units by sewer drainage zone. The interceptor improvements cost of $522 per unit will be added to the fees for Benefit Areas J, K, and L. Reimbursement fees for previously constructed facilities are also required in the North Batiquitos Interceptor Basin. Benefit Areas J, K, L, and M have an estimated 9,725 total buildout units and the reimbursement for the Occidental/Ponto Trunk is estimated to be $372,127. The fee of $38 per unit shall apply to Benefit Area M and be added to Benefit Areas J, K, and L. Table 2-21 provides a summary of reimbursements for the Occidental/Ponto Trunk. Benefit Areas L and J have an estimated 4,916 total buildout units and reimbursement for the Ayres/Batiquitos Trunk is estimated to be $1,060,070. A fee of $216 per unit is added to Benefit Areas L and J for this reimbursement. Table 2-22 provides a summary of reimbursements for the Ayres/Batiquitos Trunk. 22 TABLE 2-19 IMPROVEMENTS TO NORTH BATIQUITOS BASIN INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM Reach Location Total Cost, $ LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS North Batiquitos Lift Station and Force Main Repairs 1.984.4461 Repairs to Ayres Sewer Trunk 110.6001 TOTAL 2,095,046 From Aviara Land Associates letter to City Engineer, dated 12-27-90. 23 TABLE 2-20 EDU INFORMATION FOR NORTH BATIQUITOS BASIN INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM Zone 4A (50%) 4B 6A 9 19A 19B 19C 19D 20C 21A 21B 22B TOTAL Existing 1,090 886 407 514 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 277 3,174 Future 25 ... 122 1,256 1,138 894 460 185 390 350 474 1,257 ^551 Total 1,115 886 529 1,770 1,138 894 460 185 390 350 474 1,534 *,72S 24 TABLE 2-21 REIMBURSEMENTS FOR THE OCCIDENTAL/PONTO TRUNK TRUNK Occidental/Ponto Reimbursement ; s Cost,1 372,127 1 From City Engineer's memorandum, dated 7-23-90. 1979 dollars escalated to 1990 dollars. TABLE 2-22 REIMBURSEMENTS FOR THE AYRES/BATIQUITOS TRUNK TRUNK Ayres/Batiquitos 1 . * Cost,1 1,060,070 From City Engineer's memorandum, dated 7-23-90. 1979 dollars escalated to 1990 dollars. 25 Benefit Area J Benefit Area J contains sewer drainage zones 6A, 19B, 19C, 21A and 21B. This benefit area has 2,300 estimated future units and an estimated cost of trunk improvements of $473,028. Table 2-23 provides a summary of the improvements needed for the benefit area, and Table 2-24 provides a summary of the units by sewer drainage zone. The estimated fees for this benefit area also include North Batiquitos Interceptor improvements and reimbursements for the Occidental/ Ponto Trunk and Ayres/Batiquitos Trunk. The estimated fee for this benefit area is $982 per unit. TABLE 2-23 IMPROVEMENTS FOR BENEFIT AREA J Reach NBT2 Location 19B, 19C Total Cost,1 $ 473,028 From estimate prepared by P&D Technologies for Aviara, dated 1-10-90. 26 TABLE 2-24 EDU INFORMATION FOR BENEFIT AREA J Zone 6A 19B 19C 21A 21B TOTAL Existing 407 ... ... ... ... 407 Future * 122 894 460 350 474 2,300 Tata! 529 894 460 350 474 2,707 27 Benefit Area K Benefit Area K contains sewer drainage zone 20C. This benefit area has 390 estimated future units and an estimated cost of trunk improvements of $554,000. Table 2-25 provides a summary of the improvements needed for the benefit area, and Table 2-26 provides a summary of the units by sewer drainage zone. The estimated fees for this benefit area also include North Batiquitos Interceptor improvements and reimbursement for the Occidental/Ponto Trunk. The estimated fee for this benefit area is $1,981 per unit. TABLE 2-25 IMPROVEMENTS FOR BENEFIT AREA K Reach i Location Size, Incites Length, teet Total Cost, $ IMPROVEMENTS TO EXISTING TRUNK SEWERS NBT3A NBT3B 4B Daisy Avenue and Batiquitos Lagoon 10 12 1,000 5,000 79,000 475,000 TOTAL 554,000 28 TABLE 2-26 EDU INFORMATION FOR BENEFIT AREA K Zone 20C TOTAL Existing ... ... Future 390 390 Total 390 390 Benefit Area L Benefit Area L contains Basins 4B, 19A, and 19D. This benefit area has 1,323 estimated future units. This benefit area has no trunk improvements needed so the estimated fee for this benefit area includes the North Batiquitos Interceptor improvements and reimbursements for the Occidental/Ponto Trunk and the Ayres/Batiquitos Trunk. The estimated fee for this benefit area is $776 per unit. Benefit Area M Benefit Area M contains Basins 9, 22B, and half of 4A. This benefit area has 2,538 estimated future units. The estimated fee for this benefit area includes only the reimbursement of the Occidental/Ponto Trunk and is $38 per unit. 29