HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit Dist No. 1 Eng Rpt; Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District No. 1; 1986-07-01CITY OF CARLSBAD BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE BENEFIT DISTRICT NO. 1 ENGINEER'S REPORT July, 1986 PREPARED BY: NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE INCORPORATED Engineers Planners Corona - Hemet - Palm Springs Rancho California - San Bernardino - San Diego California NBS Project No. E68-015.010 PROJECT: BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE BENEFIT DISTRICT NO. 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD TO: CITY COUNCIL CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO STATE OF CALIFORNIA I, NORMAN A. NESTE, authorized representative of NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE INCORPORATED, the appointed DISTRICT ENGINEER, submit herewith an Engineer's Report for the formation of a. "Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District" pursuant to Section 20.08.140 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and Section 66484 of the Government Code of the State of California. Said Report consists of four parts as follows: Part I - Background for District Part II - Map of the Exterior Boundaries of the District Part III - Estimate of Cost of the Improvements Part IV - Method of Fee Apportionment Dated this day of , 1986. NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE INCORPORATED DISTRICT ENGINEER Filed in the OFFICE of the CITY CLERK of the CITY of CARLSBAD this day of , 1986. CITY CLERK CITY OF CARLSBAD Page 1 of 1 ENGINEER'S REPORT PART I BACKGROUND FOR DISTRICT CITY OF CARLSBAD BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE BENEFIT DISTRICT NO. 1 City of Carlsbad Municipal Code, Section 20.08.140 entitled "Bridge Crossing and Major Thoroughfares", makes provision for assessing and collecting fees as a condition of issuing a building permit for the purpose of defraying the actual or estimated costs of constructing bridges or major thorough- fares pursuant to Section 66484 of the Government Code of the State of California. Interstate 5 of the state highway system was constructed by the State Department of Transportation. Three of the interchanges were constructed to interim standards and additional improvements to the facilities are required as properties develop requiring increased access to the Interstate system. The three interchanges are: a. Palomar Airport Road b. Poinsettia Lane c. La Costa Avenue In general, the needed improvements include bridge widening, reconstruction or construction of on/off ramps, signalization of on/off ramps, roadway approaches, signing, striping and appurtanent work. The State Department of Transportation does not fund additional improvements to these interchanges that are needed due to increased traffic generation from development of private lands. The estimated construction cost of the improvements to the three interchanges are as set forth in Part III of this Engineer's Report. The exterior boundaries of the District are as shown on a map marked Exhibit "A" and being Part II of this Engineer's Report. Properties that have been improved by the construction of structures and/or building permits have been issued and the issuance . of further buildings permits is extremely doubtful, have been excluded from the boundaries of the proposed district. Exhibit "B" to this report is the current County Assessor's Parcel Maps for the area included I-l within the exterior boundaries as shown on Exhibit "A". These maps show the individual parcels that have been excluded from the District. Exhibit "C" to this report is a numeric listing of assessor's parcel numbers from the current County Assessor's roll of all parcels included within the District. The San Diego Area Association of Governments (SANDAG) prepares traffic reports and analysis using projected traffic flows based upon full development of lands within the City of Carlsbad. These analysis were utilized to determine the exterior boundaries of the District. For purposes of this proposed District, the following definitions have been used: a. "Building Permit" means a permit required by and issued pursuant to Chapter 18.04 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. b. "Bridge" means a structure over a waterway, railway, freeway or canyon for the purpose of conveying vehicular traffic c "Property" means any lot or parcel of land within the exterior boundaries of the Proposed Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District No. 1 and subject to payment of a fee. d. "Project" means on any property subject to payment of a fee, any new or additional building, structure, or any land use change which increases the number of trips generated by the use of the lot or parcel. e. "Trip" means an arrival at or a departure from a project by any motor vehicle averaged over a one day period (12:01 p.m. to 11:59 p.m.) as determined according to the table of trip generation found in Part IV of this Engineer's Report. In using this table, the square footage of the building, structure or use shall include all interior floor area of a building or structure, and all usable ground area of a use without a structure, except any designated open space area. Where the table establishes traffic generation for a project on the basis of square footage, acreage, or some other unit, the unit establishing the greatest number of trips shall be utilized. When a project has more than one use the number of trips shall be calculated by adding together all the trips generated by each use. For uses not listed in the table the trips shall be calculated by the City Engineer. 1-2 ENGINEER'S REPORT PART II MAP OF THE EXTERIOR BOUNDARY CITY TO CARLSBAD BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE BENEFIT DISTRICT NO. The map of the exterior boundaries of "Bridge and Thorough- fare Benefit District No. 1" is shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. II-l ENGINEER'S REPORT PART III COST ESTIMATE CITY TO CARLSBAD BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE BENEFIT DISTRICT NO. 1 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD INTERCHANGE Demolition Utility Relocation/Reconstruction Road and Ramp Improvements Bridge and Foundation Interchange Signals Stripe and Sign Traffic Safety and Control Construction Total Planning and Design @ 15% Construction Services @ 18% Subtotal Caltrans Process @ 5% Total Estimate Say $ 20,000 24,000 174,000 1,472,000 160,000 6,000 70,000 $ 1,926,000 289,000 347,000 $ 2,562,000 128,000 $ 2,690,000 $ 2,700,000 POINSETTIA LANE INTERCHANGE Demolition Utility Relocation/Reconstruction Road and Ramp Improvements Bridge and Foundation Interchange Signals Stripe and Sign Traffic Safety and Control Construction Total Planning and Design @ 15% Construction Services @ 18% Subtotal Caltrans Process @ 5% Total Estimate Say III-l $ 24,000 28,000 334,000 1,254,000 160,000 16,000 70,000 $ 1,886,000 283,000 340,000 $ 2,509,000 126,000 $ 2,635,000 $ 2,640,000 LA COSTA AVENUE INTERCHANGE Demolition $ 28,000 Utility Relocation/Reconstruction 38,000 Road and Ramp Improvements 355,000 Bridge and Foundation 1,362,000 Interchange Signals 160,000 Stripe and Sign 24,000 Traffic Safety and Control 90,000 Construction Total $ 2,057,000 Planning and Design @ 15% 309,000 Construction Services @ 18% 371,000 Subtotal $ 2,737,000 Caltrans Process @ 5% 137,000 Total Estimate $ 2,874,000 Say $ 2,880,000 III-2 COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY ESTIMATED IMPROVEMENT COST Palomar Airport Road Interchange $2,700,000 Poinsettia Lane Interchange 2,640,000 La Costa Avenue Interchange 2,880,000 Total Construction Estimate $8,220,000 Contingency @ 15% 1,233,000 Total Project Estimate $9,453,000 III-3 ENGINEER'S REPORT PART IV METHOD OF FEE APPORTIONMENT CITY OF CARLSBAD BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE BENEFIT DISTRICT NO. 1 Funds for the construction of the bridges will be generated by fees collected as building permits are issued for development that does not exist today. Each type of development or land use will create a specific number of "trip generations" in a given 24-hour day. (See definition of trip in Part I). Total trip generations can be predicted based upon the City's General Land Use Plan to ultimate development. Commercial uses such as banks, fast food establishments, etc often generate trips in conjunction with another trip and may be considered double counting. Therefore, trip generations from land uses other .than residential have been reduced in computing the Bridge and Thoroughfare fee for those land uses. Dividing the total daily trip generation into the dollars to be raised and needed for construction produces the fee per trip generation to be collected. The fee per trip generation, as hereinafter established, for the various land uses shall be applied to the estimated weekday vehicle trip generation rate as established in the following table. Land Use Agriculture (Open Space) Airports Commercial General Aviation Heliports Automobile Car Wash Gasoline Repair & Sales (Dealer) Estimated Weekday Vehicle Trip Generation Rate 2/acre 12/acre, 100/flight 4/acre, 2/flight, 6/based aircraft 100/acre 600/site 750/station, 130/pump 60/1000 sq.ft., 400/acre, 60/service stall IV-1 Land Use Banking Walk-in Bank w/Drive-Through Savings & Loan w/Drive-Through Cemeteries Church (or Synagogue) Commercial/Retail Centers Regional Shopping Center (More than 30 acres, more than 300,000 sq.ft., w/ usually 2+ major stores) Community Shopping Center (10-30 acres, 100,000- 300,000 sq.ft. w/usually 1 major store and detached restaurant) Neighborhood Shopping Center (Less than 10 acres, less than 100,000 sq.ft. w/usually grocery store & drug store) Commercial Shops (also strip commercial) Grocery Store Convenience Market Discount Furniture Store Lumber/Hardware Store Education University (4 years) Junior College (2 years) High School Elementary/Junior High Hospitals General Convalescent/Nursing Industrial Commercial Included/ Business Park No Commercial Manufacturing Estimated Weekday Vehicle Trip Generation Rate 200/1000 sq.ft. 300 (150 one-way)/lane 60/1000 sq.ft. 100 (50 one-way)/lane 5/acre 30/1000 sq.ft., 60/acre (triple rates for Sunday, or days of assembly) 50/1000 sq.ft., 500/acre 70/1000 sq.ft., 700/acre 120/1000 sq.ft., 1200/acre 40/1000 sq.ft., 400/acre 150/1000 sq.ft., 1500/acre 500/1000 sq.ft. 40/1000 sq.ft. 6/1000 sq.ft., 100/acre 30/1000 sq.ft., 300/a.cre 2.5/student, 100/acre 1.5/student, 80/acre 1.5/student, 50/acre 1.0/student, 30/acre 20/bed, 20/1000 sq.ft., 200/acre 3/bed 16/1000 sq.ft., 200/acre 10/1000 sq.ft., 120/acre 4/1000 sq.ft., 40/acre IV-2 Land Use Industrial (Continued) Warehousing Storage Science Research & Development Library Lodging Hotel (w/convention failities/ commercial) Motel Resort Hotel Military Offices Standard Commercial Office (less than 100,000 sq.ft.) Large (high-rise) Commercial Office (more than 100,000 sq.ft.) Government (Civic Center) Medical Parks City (developed) Regional (undeveloped) Neighborhood Amusement (Theme) Recreation Beach, Ocean or Bay Beach, Lake (fresh water) Bowling Center Campground Golf Course Marinas Racquetball/Health Club Tennis Courts Sports Facilities Outdoor Stadium Indoor Arena Racetrack Theaters (multiplex) Estimated Weekday Vehicle Trip Generation Rate 6/1000 sq.ft., 60/acre 3/1000 sq.ft., 0.3/vault, 50/acre 8/1000 sq.ft., 80/acre 40/1000 sq.ft., 400/acre 10/room, 300/acre 10/room, 200/acre 10/room, 100/acre 2.5/military & civilian personnel 20/1000 sq.ft., 300/acre 17/1000 sq.ft.,, 600/acre 30/1000 sq.ft. 90/1000 sq.ft., 800/acre 50/acre 5/acre (double rates 5/acre for weekend) 80/acre, 130/acre (summer only) 600/1000 fet. shoreline, 60/acre 50/1000 fet. shoreline, 5/acre 30/lane 6/campsite 8/acre, 400/course 4/berth 40/1000 sq.ft., 300/acre, 40/court 30/court 50/acre, 0.2/seat 30/acre, 0.1/seat 40/acre, 0.6/seat 80/1000 sq.ft., 1.8/seat IV-3 Land Use Residential Single Family Detached (average 4 DU/acre) Condominium (or any multifamily units less than 30 DU/acre) Apartments (or any multifamily units more than 30/DU/acre) Mobile Home Retirement Community Rural Estate Restaurants Quality Sit down, high turnover Fast Food (w/drive-throug) Transportation Facilities Bus Depot Truck Terminal Estimated Weekday Vehicle Trip Generation Rate 10/dwelling unit 8/dwelling unit 6/dwelling unit 5/dwelling unit 5/dwelling unit 15/dwelling unit 100/1000 sq.ft. 300/1000 sq.ft. 600/1000 sq.ft. 25/1000 sq.ft. 10/1000 sq.ft., 60/acre To increase fees in a bridge and thoroughfare district requires a mailed notice and hearing. Therefore, it is recommended to escalate the cost estimate. An inflation factor can be applied or a total debt service can be computed assuming long-term financing and iimnediate construction. Utilizing the second method of long-term financing over 20 years at 7% interest will increase the project cost 89%. Current Cost (1986) Cost to be funded (0.89) Say $ 9,453,000 8,413,000 $17,866,000 $17,870,000 A total of 510,350 daily trips generated by land use s\ibject to fee collection are forecast within the proposed benefit area. In order to recognize common trips (avoid "double counting"), commercial/industrial trip generation is discounted at 40% of residential source generation. A total of 338,940 adjusted daily trips are then forecast. Resultant proposed fees are then: Residential Commercial/Industrial $53.00/Daily Trip $22.00/Daily Trip Background support data is included in the following exhibits. IV-4 Exhibit ADDITIONAL EXHIBITS D H K L M N 0 P Q Total Acres by Land Use Listing (Entire City Area) Total Acres.by Land Use Listing (Benefit Area Only) Horizon Trip Analysis Listing (Entire City Area) Existing Trip Analysis Listing (Entire City Area) Future Trip Analysis Listing (Entire City Area) Horizon Trip Analysis Listing (Benefit Area Only) Existing Trip Analysis Listing (Benefit Area Only) Future Trip Analysis Listing Residential Trip Analysis Listing Future Development (Benefit Area Only) Commercial/Industrial Trip Analysis Listing Future Development (Benefit Area Only) Mixed-Use Trip Analysis Listing Future Development (Benefit Area Only) Non-Fee Trip Analysis Listing Future Development (Benefit Area Only) Facility Utilization Factor Facility Importance Factor IV-5