HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Bridge Preventive Maintenance Plan Final; Bridge Preventive Maintenance Plan Final; 2008-03-01City of Carlsbad Bridge Preventive Maintenance Plan (BPMP) Final Report Prepared for: City of Carlsbad Public Works - Engineering Prepared by: TYLININTERNATIONAL March 2008 City of Carlsbad Bridge Preventive Maintenance Plan (BPMP) Report Prepared for: City of Carlsbad Prepared by: TYLININTERNATIONAL March 2008 City of Carlsbad BPMP Report - March 2008 Table of Contents 1. Scope of the Report 1 2. Program Background and Purpose 1 3. Eligible Work 2 4. Ranking Procedure 3 Program Eligibility 4 Traffic Volume 4 Type of Work 4 Project Cost 5 Visual Appearance and Ride-ability 5 Public Safety 6 5. City of Carlsbad Bridge Inventory 6 6. Field Reviews 8 7. Cost Estimates 9 8. Summary and Conclusions 9 References 11 Appendix A - BPMP Listing Appendix B - As-Built General Plans Appendix C - Field Inspection Reports Appendix D - Field Review Photos Appendix E - Cost Estimates Appendix F - Caltrans Local Agency Bridge List Appendix G - Caltrans Inspection Reports -TYLIIMINTERNATIONAL City of Carlsbad BPMP Report - March 2008 1. Scope of the Report This report summarizes the work performed by T.Y. Lin International (TYLI) to develop a Bridge Preventive Maintenance Plan (BPMP) for the City of Carlsbad. The end product is a comprehensive listing of the City's bridges; which includes relevant physical data, recommended preventive maintenance work, and a prioritized ranking. The following work was conducted by TYLI from September 2007 to March 2008 to support the development of the City's BPMP: • Review current Caltrans inventory of City owned bridges. • Identify additional City bridges not in Caltrans inventory. • Obtain and review as-built plans and Caltrans inspection reports. • Conduct field reviews and document with inspection reports and photos.. • Identify eligible preventive maintenance work. • Prepare cost estimates for eligible preventive maintenance work. • Collaborate with City to develop a ranking procedure. • Complete comprehensive BPMP listing with prioritized ranking. 2. Program Background and Purpose On April 18, 2006, Caltrans Division of Local Assistance issued a letter to local agencies notifying them of the new Local Assistance Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program. The purpose of the Program is to help local agencies extend the life of their bridges by performing certain activities that have been pre-approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program is based on the provisions in the Federal Highway Bridge Program (HBP). Specific program details are contained in the Caltrans Local Assistance publication Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program Guidelines for Local Agencies [1]. The BPMP guidelines list the following goals of the Program: • Maintain the existing inventory of bridges in a structurally safe and serviceable condition. • Correct minor structural defects. • Correct minor structural deficiencies early in a bridge's life, rather than wait until a bridge has major problems requiring costly rehabilitation or replacement. • Extend the service life of existing bridges. • Make efficient use of limited resources. Page 1 of 14 -TYLIN INTERNATIONAL City of Carlsbad BPMP Report - March 2008 The BPMP guidelines go on to state: • Preservation of structural serviceability is a key element of the Program • Preventive maintenance treatments include reducing the amount of water infiltrating the bridge, protecting the bridge elements, slowing the rate of deterioration, and the installation or repair of scour countermeasure • Preventive maintenance activities should concentrate on treating bridges in fair to good condition showing no more than minor structural distress • Bridges that are currently programmed for rehabilitation or replacement generally are not eligible for funding under the Program 3. Eligible & Ineligible Work The BPMP guidelines provide lists of both ineligible and eligible items, which are summarized below. Ineligible Items: 1. Bridges less than 20 ft long. 2. Railing replacement to upgrade to crash tested standards. 3. Repair of crash damaged railing. 4. Graffiti removal. 5. Repair of signs and markers. 6. Clearing of brush. 7. Bearing lubrication. 8. Minor concrete repairs. 9. Shoring of bridges for load carrying capacity problems. 10. Cleaning deck drains. 11. Clearing debris. 12. Major painting efforts (Paint Condition Index, PCI, less than 65). 13. Painting for solely aesthetic reasons. 14. Seismic retrofit. 15. New scour countermeasures. 16. Work required to meet Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). 17. Repair or replacement of timber piles. 18. Full deck replacements. Page 2 of 13 -TYLIN INTERNATIONAL City of Carlsbad BPMP Report - March 2008 Eligible Items: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 4. Expansion joint replacement. Methacrylate deck treatment. Protective deck overlays, including removal of asphalt concrete (AC) and unsound concrete. Deck AC replacement or new installation to improve ride-ability. Repair or replacement of bearings and bearing supports. Repair, replacement and strengthening of major structural elements to restore load carrying capacity, mitigate further fatigue damage, and increase fatigue life. Repair or replacement of timber structural elements, timber railings, and timber deck runners. Movable bridge mechanical/electrical component repair or replacement. Retrofit repairs to fatigue prone details of steel girders. Spot painting of structural steel elements, including bridge railing, where the PCI is greater than 65. Rehabilitation and new installation of deck drainage elements. Replacement and upgrade of environmentally deteriorated bridge railing. Embankment erosion control and repair of existing scour countermeasures related to protecting the structural integrity of the bridge. Approach slab rehabilitation, replacement and new installations that are justified based on excessive maintenance repair history. Other work that can be considered on a case-by-case basis: alkali-silica-reactive aggregate mitigation, corrosion management systems, and fracture critical element replacement and rehabilitation will be subject to Structures Maintenance and Investigations (SMI) and Structures Local Assistance (SLA) recommendations. Development of Bridge Preventive Maintenance Plans (BPMP). The Department, on a case-by-case basis, can review other scopes of work that meet Preventive Maintenance objectives such as major painting projects, seismic projects, and all new scour countermeasure projects. Ranking Procedure In order to comply with the BPMP guidelines, local agencies must develop an objective procedure to prioritize their maintenance projects. A copy of the ranking procedure must be kept in the City's project file for future audits. TYLI has Page 3 of 13 -TYLININTERNATIONAL City of Carlsbad BPMP Report - March 2008 collaborated with the City to develop a ranking procedure. The procedure uses a five point system and is based on six categories. Bridges that achieve the highest score are placed at the top of the BPMP priority list. In addition to numerical rankings, each category has been assigned a weighted score according to its level of significance to the program. The table below shows the six categories and their weighted score: Program Eligibility 40 Traffic Volume 10 Type of Work 20 Project Cost 10 Visual Appearance and Ride- Ability 5 Public Safety 15 The six categories are described below: Program Eligibility The Sufficiency Rating (SR) is used to give priority to bridges that are not eligible for rehabilitation or replacement under the Highway Bridge Program. Bridges eligible for rehabilitation or replacement are rated Structurally Deficient (SD) or Functionally Obsolete (FO) and have a SR of 80 or less. Since the BPMP is intended for bridges that are in generally good condition and not candidates for rehabilitation or replacement, bridges with a higher sufficiency rating rank higher than bridges with a lower sufficiency rating. Sufficiency Rating (40points) <40 0 40-44 1 4549 2 50-59 3 60-79 4 80-100 5 Traffic Volume This criterion considers the relative importance of the bridge to the traveling public. In order to do the most good with limited funding, preventive maintenance should be concentrated on bridges with higher average daily trips (ADT). Average Daily Trips (10 points) 0-5000 0 5001-10,000 1 10,001- 15,000 2 15,001- 20,000 3 20,001- 30,000 4 >30,001 5 Type of Work This criterion considers the type of maintenance work required. The highest scoring goes to bridges with items that are critical to the structural safety of the bridge or that have a high potential to maximize the bridge's service life. High scores go to bridges that require repair, restoration or strengthening of structural elements and to those that Page 4 of 13 -TYLININTERNATIONAL City of Carlsbad BPMP Report - March 2008 require repair of existing scour counter-measures since these items are the most critical in terms of the structural safety of the bridge. The next highest score goes to bridges that need items such as deck treatment, since this type of work is important in maximizing service life. Other high scores go to replacement of environmentally deteriorated railing, since, although this is not part of the bridges load carrying system, deteriorated railing does present a safety hazard. Type of Work (20points) No Work 0 Minor painting concrete patching 1 Repair of exposed rebar, approach slabs, A/C overlays 2 Repair of bearings, exp joints and deck drainage 3 Deck crack treatment, protective overlays, railings 4 Repair to major structural elements or exist scour countermeasures 5 Project Cost The point of this category is that it may be more prudent to use available funding to complete several smaller, less expensive projects than to spend it all on a single expensive project. Construction costs were estimated for each bridge and used to determine the scoring for this category. Other project costs were estimated based on a percentage of construction; 25% for preliminary engineering and 15% for construction engineering. Project Cost (10points) > $100,001 0 $75,001 - $100,000 1 $50,001- $75,000 2 $25,001- $50,000 3 $10,001- $25,000 4 < $10,000 5 Visual Appearance and Ride-Ability This category helps provide further ranking among projects that do not involve repair of structural elements and/or scour mitigation. Projects are ranked by whether the deficiency affects the public's perception and usage of the bridge. For example, the deck on a bridge that is in poor condition is not only noticeable visually, but also affects the "ride-ability" of the bridge. A joint seal that needs to be repaired is not visually noticeable, nor does it have an affect on "ride- Page 5 of 13 -TYLININTERNATIONAL City of Carlsbad BPMP Report - March 2008 ability". Therefore, under this criterion, the bridge requiring AC repair would rank higher than a bridge requiring joint seal repair. Visual Appearance and Ride-Ability (5points) No effect 0 Minor visual effect \ Minor ride- ability effect 2 Major visual effect 3 Major ride- ability effect 4 Major effects ofboth 5 Public Safety This category addresses the need to repair, replace, or improve safety measures affecting the traveling public. Public safety items include deteriorated and unsafe railings, unprotected objects adjacent to the traveled way and other conditions that may present a potential hazard to the public. Scoring is based on whether the hazard involved is considered minor, moderate or major. For example, the hazard for a bridge with an environmentally deteriorated and unsafe vehicular railing that carries a busy street high above a steep canyon will be deemed as a major and given the highest score. Public Safety (15points) None 0 Minor 1 -2 Moderate 3-4 Major 5 The total score for each bridge is determined by adding the weighted score for each category. For example a bridge with a SR of 92 and ADT of 25,000 that needs a methacrylate deck treatment at a cost of $45,000 plus the costs of preliminary engineering, $11,250, and construction engineering, $6,750, would achieve a score of: 5 (40) + 4 (10) + 4 (20) + 2 (10) + 0 (5) + 2 (15) = 390 out of a possible 500. The completed BPMP listing with rankings is provided in Appendix A. 5. City of Carlsbad Bridge Inventory A total of 30 existing structures were identified within City of Carlsbad jurisdiction and evaluated for preventive maintenance. Currently, these include 19 bridges that are on the Caltrans Division of Structure Maintenance and Investigation (SM&I) Local Agency Bridge List, plus an additional nine bridges and two drainage culverts that are not listed. These additional structures are fairly new with completion dates ranging from 1997 to 2007. Page 6 of 13 -TYLIIMINTERNATIONAL City of Carlsbad BPMP Report - March 2008 The two multi-cell box culverts that were included have lengths in excess of 20 ft as defined in the FHWA Recording and Coding Guide [2]. The FHWA guide gives the following definition of a bridge: A. structure including supports erected over a depression or an obstruction, such as water, highway, or railway, and having a track or passageway for carrying traffic or other moving loads, and having an opening measured along the center of the roadway of more than 20 feet between undercopings of abutments or spring lines of arches, or extreme ends of openings for multiple boxes; it may also include multiple pipes, where the clear distance between openings is less than half of the smaller contiguous opening. As such, the two drainage culverts qualify for the Program in accordance with the BPMP guidelines. Caltrans has recendy assigned bridge numbers to nine of the eleven structures not currently on the Local Agency Bridge List. The Rancho Santa Fe Road Bridge over San Marcos Creek, Bridge No. 57C-0278, constructed in 1978, was replaced in 2006. The new left and right bridges were assigned the numbers 57C-0278L and 57C-0278R, the same bridge number as the bridge that they replaced. Also, the drainage culvert at Rancho Santa Fe Road, Bridge No. 57C-0283, was replaced with a longer culvert in 2004 when the road was widened, and it was also assigned the same bridge number as the bridge it replaced. Caltrans SM&I perform bi-annual inspections of all bridges on the Local Agency Bridge List. As-built plans for the new structures have been sent to SM&I by the City to initiate the process of adding the structures to the Local Agency Bridge List so that they will be included in future inspection cycles. The complete listing of the City of Carlsbad bridges by bridge number is provided below. Carlsbad Bridges (Caltrans Local Agency Bridge List) •^^^^^^M ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ••••^^^^•••••Mi^^^M Bridge No. 57C-0133 57C-0134 57C-0135 57C-0176 57C-0177 57C-0178 57C-0179 57C-0190 57C-0191 57C-0212 57C-0214L 57C-0214R •••••^^^^•••••^^^^^••^•^^^^ Facility Carried Carlsbad Blvd Carlsbad Blvd Carlsbad Blvd Palomar Airport Rd El Camino Real South Vista Way Haymar Drive El Camino Real El Camino Real Carlsbad Blvd Carlsbad Blvd SB Carlsbad Blvd NB II^HMMHH^^^^HMM^B^^^^BMMHHiHM^^MHMMH Bridge Name Agua Hedionda Lagoon Carlsbad Overhead (OH) Buena Vista Lagoon Palomar Airport Rd OH Buena Vista Creek Buena Vista Creek Buena Vista Creek San Marcos Creek Agua Hedionda Creek Ponto Drive UC Las Encinas Creek Las Encinas Creek ^^^^•••••^•^^^^^•MB Year Built 1986 1925 1914 1965 1966 1966 1966 1971 1971 1952 1913 1951 Year Wid/Ext - 1935 1933 - 1979 - - - 2002 (1) - 1928 . Length («) 201 165 32 223 92 71 82 188 113 83 24 23 Page 7 of 13 -TYLININTERNATIONAL City of Carlsbad BPMP Report - March 2008 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ID A B C D E F G H I J K 57C-0215 57C-0238 57C-0278 57C-0283 57C-0307 57C-0429 57C-0598 57C-0667L 57C-0667R Bridge No. 57C-0762 57C-0763R 57C-0763L 57C-0767 TBD 57C-0766 57C-0765 57C-0278L 57C-0278R TBD 57C-0283 Palomar Airport Rd Jefferson St Rancho Santa Fe Re Ranchc Santa Fe Rd Carlsbad Blvd La Costa Ave Poinsettia Lane West Carlsbad Blvd East Carlsbad Blvd Carlsbad Bridges Facility Carried Cannon Rd Cannon Rd EB Cannon Rd WB Avenida Encinas The Crossings Golf Path Pedestrian Path Calle Barcelona Rancho Santa Fe Rd SB Rancho Santa Fe Rd NB Rancho Santa Fe Rd Rancho Santa Fe Rd Las Encinas OC Buena Vista Creek San Marcos Creek Encinitas Creek Encina Discharge Channel Encinitas Creek Poinsettia Ln OH San Marcos Creek San Marcos Creek 1953 1973 1978 Un-known 1954 1967 1983 1995 1996 - - 2006 (2) 2004 (3i - 1987 2002 - - 308 118 198 23 28 49 142 208 208 (to be added to Caltrans Bridge List) Bridge Name Agua Hedionda Channel Macario Canyon Macario Canyon Avenida Encinas OH College Blvd Golf Cart OC Calle Barcelona POC Encinitas Creek San Marcos Creek San Marcos Creek Drainage Culvert 'B1 Drainage Culvert '1' Year Built 2002 2002 2002 1997 2007 1999 1999 2006 2006 2004 2004 Year Wid/Ext - - - - - - - (2) (2) - (3) Length (ft) 134 455 455 145 199 116 112 368 368 31 29 Notes: (1) Bridge No. 57C-0191 was widened in 2002; CT inspection report does not acknowledge this (2) Bridge No. 57C-0278 was replaced in 2006 with NB & SB bridges, Bridge Nos. 57C-0278R/L (3) Culvert No. 57C-0283 was replaced in 2004 when Rancho Santa Fe Road was widened 6. Field Reviews Prior to conducting field reviews, the inspection reports for the 19 bridges that are currently on the Local Agency Bridge List were reviewed. The most recent Caltrans inspection reports are provided in Appendix F. Field reviews were conducted from October 30th through December 4th. Each bridge was inspected to evaluate the need for maintenance. A field inspection report was completed and photographs were taken to document existing conditions. The field inspection reports are provided in Appendix C. Field review photos are provided in Appendix D. Page 8 of 13 -TYLININTERNATIONAL City of Carlsbad BPMP Report - March 2008 7. Cost Estimates Project cost estimates were developed for all bridges that have recommended work that is eligible for reimbursement through the Program. Costs were estimated by breaking down the BPMP items into standard contract items, calculating quantities and estimating unit prices for each item. Unit prices were derived from recent Caltrans Contract Cost Data and bid results for similar local projects. Cost estimates for the structures include, bridgework costs and estimated costs for; preliminary engineering (25% of bridgework costs) and construction engineering (15% of bridgework costs). 8. Summary and Conclusions The 30 structures (28 bridges and 2 box culverts) that are currently owned by the City of Carlsbad were evaluated for potential preventive maintenance in accordance with the Federal Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program. As-built plans and inspection reports were reviewed and field reviews were conducted. A ranking procedure was developed and documented as part of the City's Preventive Bridge Maintenance Plan. The final result is a detailed BPMP listing that includes relevant physical data, recommended preventive maintenance work, and a work prioritization ranking for each bridge. BPMP eligible work was identified for 23 of the 30 structures. A summary of this work is shown in the table below. The complete BPMP listing is provided in Appendix A. Summary of Prioritized BPMP Work Priority Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bridge No. 57C-0177 57C-0238 57C-0307 57C-0215 57C-0133 57C-0278L Fatality Carried El Camino Real Jefferson St Carlsbad Blvd Palomar Airport Rd Carlsbad Blvd Rancho Santa Fe RdSB Bridge Name Buena Vista Creek Buena Vista Creek Encina Discharge Channel Las Encinas OC Agua Hedionda Lagoon San Marcos Creek Recommended BPMP Work Seal deck cracks with methacrylate. Erosion control at west sidewalk, barrier spall rehab and repair exposed rebar. Seal deck cracks with methacrylate. Erosion control (soil draining through future utility blockout, both ends), AC has settled and is a hazard to pedestrians due to utility blockout. Replace missing bridge railing. Repair vertical cracking on both sides of pier 2, large cracks and spalls at base of headwalls at east and west sides. Repair/rehabilitate bearing supports and columns. Replace deteriorated bridge railing. Repair large cracking of AC above EB/BB. Repair light curb spelling, 4' piece of missing concrete at EOD and cracking at the edge of soffit. Repair abutment and shear key cracking, 3' crack at northeast corner of soffit and ext girder. Seal approach slab cracks with methacrylate. Patch over exposed rebar in soffit at north span east structure. Page 9 of 13 -TYLININTERNATIONAL City of Carlsbad BPMP Report - March 2008 Summary of Prioritized BPMP Work Priority Rank 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Bridge No. 57C-0766 57C-0134 57C-0598 57C-0762 57C-0763L 57C-0763R 57C-0190 57C-0212 57C-0214R 57C-0667R 57C-0135 57C-0176 57C-0765 57C-0667L 57C-0191 Facility Carried Pedestrian Path Carlsbad Blvd Poinsettia Ln Cannon Rd Cannon Rd WB Cannon Rd EB El Camino Real Carlsbad Blvd Carlsbad Blvd NB East Carlsbad Blvd Carlsbad Blvd Palomar Airport Rd Calle Barcelona West Carlsbad Blvd El Camino Real Bridge Name Calle Barcelona POC Carlsbad OH Poinsettia LnOH Agua Hedionda Creek Macario Canyon Macario Canyon San Marcos Creek Ponto Drive UC Las Encinas Creek San Marcos Creek Buena Vista Lagoon Palomar Airport Rd OH Encinitas Creek San Marcos Creek Agua Hedionda Creek Recommended BPMP Work Repair fence at 3 locations. Replace debonded joint seals. Repair AC settlement at south approach and concrete settlement at end of approach slab to the north AC Repair, Replacement/rehabilitation of deteriorated bridge railing. Embankment erosion south span. Repair 3 concrete spalls. Repair the 2 failed patches (1 meter each) at abutments joints. Expansion joint seals will need partial replacement in order to perform recommended repairs. South bridge railing needs repair due to exposed rebar at various locations with heavy corrosion. Seal deck cracks with methacrylate. Extend approach slabs due to fill settlement, repair spalls at EB/BB. Extend approach slabs due to fill settlement, repair spalls at EB/BB. Seal deck cracks with methacrylate. Repair spalling and cracking exterior face of east barrier. Repair spalling at BB/EB and spalling at southeast end of rail Replace severely cracked barrier end posts, repair spalling on pickets and top rail. Mitigate settlement under abutment stem. Repair spalls on columns at hoop locations and cracks at base and abut stem spall. Methacrylate deck treatment and joint seal re Repair soffit spalling at construction joints. Repair debris wall on downstream side with major corrosion and exposed rebar and spall at east side pier 2. Repair damaged northeast wingwall and 2' crack on NW headwall. Methacrylate longitudinal cracks with rust seeping up to deck. Replace bridge barrier. Provide erosion control at northeast corner adjacent to roadway. Seal deck cracks with methacrylate. Repair bridge railing, Add approach slab due to settlements issues. Repair small spall at Soffit edge and BB/EB Repair minor south sidewalk spall, small BB/EB spall. Seal deck cracks with methacrylate, Repair light spalling of bridge railing and longitudinal cracking seen on the soffit of beams. Page 10 of 13 -TYLININTERNATIONAL City of Carlsbad BPMP Report - March 2008 Priority Rank 22 23 Bridge No, 57C-0767 57C-0179 Sum Facility Carried Avenida Encinas Haymar Drive maryofPrioi Bridge Name Avenida Encinas OH (AT&SF RR) Buena Vista Creek •itized BPMP Work Recommended BPMP Work Repair spalling at EB/BB. Add approach slab to mitigate AC settlement at the east side. Barrier aesthetics (Painting to seal up very minor spider cracks) References [1] California Department of Transportation, Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program Guidelines for Local Agencies, Caltrans, Sacramento, 2006. [2] U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Recording and Coding Guide for Structure Inventory and Appraisal of the Nation's Bridges, Report No. FHWA-PD-96- 001, Washington D.C., 1995. Page 11 of 13 -TYLININTERNATIONAL City of Carlsbad BPMP Report - March 2008 Appendix A - BPMP Listing Appendix B - As-Built General Plans Appendix C - Field Inspection Reports Appendix D - Field Review Photos Appendix E - Cost Estimates Appendix F - Caltrans Local Agency Bridge List Appendix G - Caltrans Inspection Reports Page 13 of 13 -TYLIIMINTERNATIONAL