HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Buena Vista Lagoon Sediment Managemen Phase II; Buena Vista Lagoon; 1985-09-03�::� � .� � � s� .� a a N 's. r ..s � > ; � � k ?� " 3�� , r � . ,'� S � y� w � ° ,� � w, '� �* � �� b� �� ��' '�I � € � � � ` ,.� � �� 7'� �, ,�k - �'i������ �;� ���� ��p1����� � ���������� ������ ���1���� � ����������� £;jr, e�' . a � _ _ � 3:. '..t:; _ _:. - k '`3.$.d. `Prf `R £'. R"'s�. _ BUENt1 VISTA LAGOON AIVC� v�.%�1�_Ral-IEU SEDIMENI C3�NTRC}L S i U[1`t' FOR � � � tS �� � �.l v:YT+] �%-G�'I� ""`n.-j ... . � � ��� �� � � � � � r '��^^�:���� THE Cl�t_T�C���NI� C+JA ;TAL i f)P�'�EF:',��,PdCY Ccasial C�ns�rvancy 2G5 t,:�' ,r:�r3t: Buena Vi sta Lagaon Se�fi�rF�rit Marac�ernert P:���s� T I 53-�53-�i -48-C �Y JUNE APPLEGATE, P.E, Sept�mber 3, 1985 ����9 ��e��� ���e���i , �a��aL��s��, ��p�€���'.�3�s°� ��k�9'c,d�' �� ���� ���5�_�' �I�.��`� PFtCJ�CT TEAM <:CA�"_'�L �itiS�,�'�1CY ?e�-,.er Grc�x.ell, E�ecutive Officer �1yse Jaco�son, �hanc��nent Program Manager La.urie Marcus, Project Manager JtJ'VE APPI�EGATE & ASSOCIATES June Applegate, �rincipal D?�IP i�7II�I,IAM� & ASSCCIA'I'F�S Philip williams, Principal Jane Kerlinger, Hydrolagist TABLE C�F C�N'I'EN'I'S SLMMARi' I . INT�OI�UCTIC�I II. ??'HE ��'ER.SI�D AND LAC�? SYST.E��'I Historic Changes Buena Vista Creek The Lagoon StBta�iazy III. SIDIlKII�7T SOURCE Q�RACTE',RIZATIC)N N TV. P�LYSIS The Watershed �dels The Lagoon Model V. CC3�tCLUSIC�VS VI. RECO�IDATIODTS VII. BIBLIOGRAPHY �-�a� �� �� ...�+ � � • ...� � � r�r . . a� � • - Subbasin Characteristic Calculations Cost Effectiveness Ca.lculations Upper Middle Reach Erosion Calculations Lagc�n Sediznentation Calculations LIST OF FIGL'RES AND TABLES FIGURE 1 R�gional Locati�n FIGURE 2 Watershed Subareas rIGURE 3 Natural Conditions FIGURE 4 Detention Basin Locations FIGURE 5 Prc3posed Channel Cross Section FIGURE 6 Hydrogra�hs FIGURE 7 SchPmatic Diagram of Buena Vista Lagoon TABI� 1 Erosion Control Alternatives T�BLE 2 Sediment Size Distribution for Different Hydrographs TABLE 3 Sed�ment Source S�manazy TABLE 4 S�u�anary of HEC-1 peak flaws and ti.me to peak for future conditions at the lagcon TABLE 5 Projected Sed�ment Reductions TABLE 6 Sediment Rating C�.lrve Relationships LTsed in Analysis � TABLE 7 Buena Vista Lagoon Co�uter Model �s TABLE 8 Sw�mary of Inflaw Hyci�oyraphs TABLE 9 Sumnary of Lagoon and Watershed Simulations PAGE 1 12 12 13 14 16 17 19 23 23 28 37 39 43 2 3 5 9 10 26 38 r �:7 18 22 25 25 29 31 35 36 IP' Ii�ITRODUCTION Due to the rapid sedimentation of Buena Vista Lagoon, the Ca.lifornia State _ Coastal Consexvancy funded this study of sediment control for the lagoon and its watershed, A Phase �Yie study was perforn�d by Brown & Vogt of Vista. Leedshill-Herkenhoff of San Francisco subconsulted and provided the hydrology models of the watexshed. The findings of the Phase One Study indicated that — several alternatives needed to be evaluated for sediment control. The California State Water Resources Control Board and the Coastal Conservancy then funded a Phase 'I� Study. June Applegate & Associates of Carlsbad was hired to perfozm the watershed modelling, project coordination, and alternatives evaluation. Phi].ip Williams & Assaciates of San Francisco preFared the h_ydraulic analyses of the lagoon. The primary goal of this study is to fornlulate a prioritized list of sediment management procedures for the Buena Vista watershed and lagoon based on a cost-benefit comparison. — Buena Vista Lagoon is the only freshwater lagoon in southern California. It is situated between Carlsbad and Cceanside. Its 19 sc�uuare mi.le watershed includes the ci�ies of Vista, Oceanside and Carlsbad (see Figure 1). The water level is — maintained by a fixed v,�ir at the mouth of the lagoon. The fills of the railroad, Hzll Street, Interstate 5 and Jefferson Street cross the lagoon. Since the position and size of the mouth of fhe lagoon was made t�ermanent and _ the flow restricted, there has been an increase in the sed�mentation rate of the lagoon. Incxeased urbanization �n the watershed furfher accelerated the sedi�ientation and necessitated the dredging of a portion of the lagoon. If projected future sed�ment rates materialize, the lifet�me of Buena Vista Lagoon could be less than 10 years, THE LAGOON SYSTF�I Buena Vista Lagoon was created by the rapid rise in sea level after the last � ice age. Tn its natural state, it appears that the amaunt of sedim�..nt deposited in the lagoon was balanced by the rate of sea level rise. Two factors have upset this balance. One is the limi�ation of the lagoon's ability to flush sediment t.o the ocean by the placement of a weir at the nx�uth and road — fills that cross and restrict the lagoon. The other is the increase in sed�ment delivezy to fihe lagoon from the watershed.. The cause for this increase is two-fold. Urbanization has increased flaws to the lagoan. — r�croachment upon the flood.plains that once accepted sed�ment from the creek during large storm flaws has eliminated mast of this buffer and sediment naw flows directly into tne lagoon. Before the Yruman-caused disturbances to the watershed, creek, marsh, and lagoon much of the sediment frcgn the watershed was deposit� before it reachecl the lagcon. Sediment was deposited on the broad floodplain i.n the middle reach. Then in the lower reach, a Iarge marsh area spread and filtered the stonn water, trapping �re sediment before it entered the lagoon. 1 �� � � 1 � `-� b ry d S 2 Q w Y � W a O �- � 2 �1 O N Z ' u a I � Jt/ 6 f � �ij/A � � I,\, I i_ /� � Z Jr _� r � �•c ^' �.. ' u , i� O +�;� �F: -� `--.� _ t O Y P ^ i ; � w -u \ ' ' O Q �F. JQ{ i '_,s'N o�i�o r--� AdM -'�, q1�A J � �P ry'� � �- � � � � •' _ I Ir "'\a' M�� � P¢�pS ♦" j N N' � �/�! S�' � � Z , � � � __-�'°-� � oe7ia ��t _ : � / � �_I �i � � ° I� � - 1 � �` � �/ �1 \I/ i I � �� ---- r- J / i , i� 1 I �o �4' I� /� v /o � C r�s '� � --� c ., �,., � �� `laiiw� �P 2 H 3 Q _ ' N ~� % .�� � - io ,i�p� I I I — Oy� I_ � K 01710 � ¢I W� 7� b . � M1f r--� o I 0 _ _� ` ♦LM(fOi � yt UJ ]o� _ Ja � I ` � o.��, �. N �'- �O Z I'��_Ju Q � �---- � ., U i . 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The best functioning portion of this reach is the thick riparian area just east of the Haymar Street cul-�e-sac. The other sed�ment buffer was the marsh abo��e the lagoon. This marsh has been cc�letely filled. The cattails in the channel between the shopping center and Highway 78 and on both sides of Nbnroe Street at Marron Rr�ad are all that are left of this marsh. Before the filling of the marsh, the water slowed and found its way through the tules to the lagoon dropping most of the finer sediment that was left aftex the riparian area upstream. After changes in the watershed, particularly urbanization in the I.ast two decades, increased peak flcw have dramatically transfo� the natural hydrological system. The increased flcx,�s not only discharge more sed�ment from the watershed into the creek, but, more in�ortantly, have caused the creek bed to start to erode (degrade) in portions of creek. The increase in stream flow enerqy has caused this stream dc�mcutting. The process will continue until a new and lawer equili.briLun can be reached ( see Figure 3). A11 of these factors contributed to the rapid filling of the lagoon from 1978 to 1981, the years that marked the end of a 13-year dry period in this region. In 1981 the eastern portion of the lagoon was dredged. The puz-pose of this study is to explore alternatives to continued dredging of the lagoon. THE STUDY Hydrology models of the watershed and hydraulic �dels of the lagoon were dev�loped. and evaluated. Maximizing the flushing action of the lagoon resulted in a small reduction in the sediment ac�lation rate. Greater reduction in the sediment delivezy rate can be produced by reducing the peaks of the storm flows into the lagoon. Reductions in the peak flows were modeled by opt�mizing feasible detention basins in the upper reaches and by modeling channel enhancement that would slow velocities in the middle reach. Regional sediment transport ctiirves were integrated with the inflc7w hydrographs in the hydraulic model of the lagoon. Because the quantity of sedimP�nt txansported is an exponential function of the quantity of water, the peak flaws are responsible for a large portion of the sed�ment transported to the lagoon. Reducing these peak flaws resulted in much Iarger reductions in sediment flaws into the lagoon. The study reviewed nine alternativ��for controlling sedimentation of the lagoon (see Table 1). These include: LZ) modify the lagoon flushing action by increasing the weis size, the size of the Hill Street Bridge and clearing the opening under I-5; L2) dredging a flaw�through channel through the lagoon from Jefferson to the w�eir; W1) construction of stornnwater detention basi.ns in the upper watershed.; WSy enhancen�nt of the main channel to lower mai.n channel 4 � phlll Willlams R AssoclatPs Cc,nsuP�t.,nl5 m tiSc�;��l�,;ly C � 0 S S � li L• Iv A S L � 'i I 0 N Figure 3 Natural Conditions ,�;•s�r�ic'i^ S!reaT Scdiinc•nt T.'+ 'r'�.-;1 � c?:cec ds � Sedime�t OU"f V I S T :', C R .. F: Y ; �' � �,�� � Nalur�ll �r l'li��;cl>>Lain 1/;'"" � � � � .� � C}�anncl , ;� �j:,.i 1 . � � �� �, , ..I..�.^+.►...�.�Ly..,)..o:h..:...-��`rr+.�, ��.%�►lrrt��i�.�.1'<�:�<l�+�'ti,r.:..�'..} t: :�:�: : ��:�: : :�:� : : : . r�.J : ' : : . 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' � �,.. . ; ; �) :� S S L•: � : "I' 1 �) . , !?c�;-:��c!.ny, SCrca� ','�-.1' Sc•�i^_�c Ot?T r�x_c��cis � � L' � ;t A V I `, •l• P, C fc i', f•: `' Scdi�,^,t T?� ,� ` �. �-1_ I���r;n:�r � :.,inks crc�di:..� �,a'--� �y i ± �• 1" r �� i� i �vU r} �rt .. ,� 1i' - e , • � � �:�;e � i l;i � i� ;� • � [� op,/' ' ���. � t'-r�'. .+`'' .� �'. - . ^:�:��r'� ' d •rf� h e1v1...•t•`� w..,fy-'r.'7^.:i.}�•� �`:� •�,� � ~�.. / . ti./ t / 6i Potertial� ��. -- ,�� — .�, — — '�— ��'•� ;� , Ultir.late Erodi�ie `� `�, :r'.,.~�...�.��.,..—:.'" ��/ '1e�.� I•'ioodalain Wedze `',.. .�.. .1 t; ✓ •� . .�� .. �' � �;:.:. �:'�. �, ..... .. � �.": : � � : :`: : : : : : :�:�: :� : : , � i ���ti, �/ 5 TABLE G'�]E EROSION CON'I�ZOL ALTERNATIVES ALTERI�TIVE ESTIl�TID ESTIMATID P�]T AI�TNUAL COST- IN�ITIAL ANNUAL RIDUC- COST BIIJEFIT COST O&Ni COST TION RIDUC'N 1 RATIO 2 PHASE II LAGOC,Y�1 MODIFICATIQNS: L1 WEIR+HILL ST+I-5 $570,000 $15,000 12$ $168,000 3.0 L2 CHANNEL $4,030,000 $2,010,000 14� $197,000 .1 PHASE I WATERS�D MODIFICATICJ�7S: W1 DEI' BA.SINS Const. $92,000 $139,000 20$ $281,000 2.0 I;and Acquisitions $750,000 WA'I`ERSF�D MODIFIC'ATICN WITH SIDIl�lIIVT SOURCE CONTROL: W5 CREEK ENHANC $800,000 $160,000 32a $440,000 2.8 SIDIME� SOURCE G'aNTRUL: Sl E.C.R. SIDE ARROYO $30,000 $6,000 1� $7,000 1.2 S2 GRADID AREAS $6,000 $6,000 30 $37,000 6.3 S3 AGRICUL'IURAL $6,000 $6,000 2� $33,000 5.6 S4 S.COAST SID BASIN $12,000 $12,000 lo $18,000 1.6 S5 JEFF. SID BASIN $5,400 $5,400 l� $12,000 2.2 NO MODIFICATION: $1,410,000 3 BASTS OF COMPARISCAv 1.0 1. Anrrual oost reduction is equal to the pexcent reduction times $1,410,000 {the estimated annual cost of dredging with no modifications to the lagoon or watershed). Annual cost reduction is the annual benefit. 2. Estimated total annual cost divide by the annual benefit. 3. Z"his figure is the annual cost of removing 191,500 cubic yards of estimated sed�ment delivered into the lagoon at $7.35 a cubic yard for dredg�ng . F�arther details on the derivation of these figures is included in Appendix 'I'wo. 0 0 velocities and help repaix esosion damage; S1) side channel arroyv repair; S2? erosion control education for protection of graded lands; S3) erosion — control education for protection of agricultural lands; S4) a sediment basin at South Coast Asphalt; and S5) a sediment basin at Jefferson Street. The nine alternatives c�re campared to no mcdifications and the consequential dred.ging — of the lagoon at the anticzpated rate of sed�ment acc�zmulation in the future. Er'FECTIVE SOLUTIGY�tS Eight detention basins (WI) in the upper reaches will produce an anticipated 20 percent reduction in annual sediment acctmnxlation. A detantion basin consists of a small check structure (i.e.: a 5' high dam or a road crossing) and a restricted outlet like an 18" pipe. This allaws the water to pond during storm� and to be released at a greatly reduced rate. There are eight detention basins proposed in this alternative (see Figure 4 for detention basins in Vista} , Creek enhancement (WS) proposes peak flow velocities to be less than six feet � pex second, allc7wing rigarian grawth in the creek. This can be accc�pZished with a 15 to 30 feet increase in creek width and drop stsuctures which reduce the grade of the channel and thereby red.uce the velocity of the water (see Figure 5). Creek enhancement was �delled wi.th the detention basi.ns in place. — The combination of creek enhancement and the detention basins resulted in a 45 percent reduction in annual sed�ment accimrulation because of the resulting reduction in storm flaws. Since the detention model alone yielded. a 2d percent — reduction, it is assLuned that the reductian in storm flows due to the creek enhancement alone can reduce sed�ment deliv�ry by a min�mimi of 25 percent. Reducing the erosion of the main channel (which is the major sediment source in _ the watershed) by this enhancement will further recluce the sediment acc�mtulation by an additional 7 percent, for a estimated. total of 32 percent reduction. Addi�ti.onally, the lawPx middle reach floodplain should be presezved. The combination of a movable and 80' wide w�ir, a 100' bridge opening at Hill Street and dredging under I-5 (L1) produced an estimated annual sed,iment — acc�umzlation reduction of 13 percent. However, this alternative has major drawbacks that can not be measured by a dollars and cents camparison. La�eri.ng the �ir will create other problems that are not related to sediment _ accLmnilation. Among those concerns are water quality, and salt water i.ntrusion. This alternative increases the probability of lawer water surface levels in the lagoon. Shallaw water allaws sunlight to penetrate the water, warniing it and increasing algae grawth. Iawering the weir also increases the — probability of ocean waves overtopping the weir, introducing saZt water to the lagoon. Another anticipated probleln with this solution is that it is likely that the ch�nnel dredging under I-5 will ha�� to occur frequently. Spencling a relatively sna11 annual sum of money on education for sediment contxol on grading sites (S2) will produce an estimated twn thirds reduction of _ this source. Reducing sedunent sources will change the sedi.ment rating curves, thereby resulting in a reduction of sed.iment accim�lation in the lagoon. There is no data on the relationship between sediment source reduction and the reduction of sed�m�ent acc�mtulation in Buena Vista Lagoon. This study asstmies 7 that for evezy cubic yard of erosion controlled, there is one ha.lf of a cubic _ yard of reduction of sediment acctunulation in the lagoon. The anticipated two thirds reduction in the grading site sed�ment source nnzltiplied by one half indicates that this improvement �uld mean a three percent reduction in annual sediment acc�nzlation rate in the lagoon. Ta.ble One indicates that this — has the highest rate of return on dollar invested. Similar results are anticipated for agricultural sites (S3). The budget for this program should reduce as the land for agriculture diminishes. Currently a reduction of 2 percent of the total sediment acc-�miulation in the lagoon per year is anticipated. - It is anticipated that 5,000 cubic yards of sediment per year could effectively be removed fran a sediment basin located at the South Coast Asphalt property (S4). It is estimated that this c�uld result in an annual reduction of 2,500 cubic yards of sediment per year, using the source and acc�aulation relationship est�mate described above. This w�uld mean a one percent reduction in the annual sed�ment acctiurnzlation rate in the lagoon. Removing sedimQ_nt at this site wc�uld reduce the sediment acc�ulation rate of the lagoon. Another 1,600 cubic yards of sed�ment per year could effectively be rem�ved at the mr�uth of the creek, just east of Jefferson Street (S5). Since there is no dan�pening effect expected at this close proximity to the lagoon, it is assumed that this is a dixect reduction in the sed�ment acc.•umulation in the lagoon. This could result in a reduction in annual sed.�ment acc�ttulation in the lagoon of one percent. I�. is also effective to rena;r side channel arroyos {S1) in the manner — descri.bed for the main channel. The example given is the channel which is on the west side of El Camino Real (E.C.R.) frcgn Hosp to Chestnut. Repairing this arroyo also yields a one percent reduction and is cost-effective. — The alternative that proved to be far too costly was to maintain a deep channel in the lagoon from Jefferson Street to the weir (L2). It is anticipated that _ laxge amounts of material would have to be dredged fran this channel, because the channel w�uld act as a sediment trap for the lagoon. The high sed�ment rate of the lagoon means that the channel would fill in at a rapid rate. It is est�snated to cost over twe mi.11ion dollars per year to maintain such a — channel because of the large volLunes of material to be removed. Refini.ng the estimates with data frc�n a watershed, creek, and lagoon nx�nitoring _ program, and with more precise cost estimates may or may not improve the cost-effectiveness ratio for this alternative. �� « �� In the order of effectiveness the following solutions are reccam�ended: creek enhanc�nt (including floodplain presezvation in the lower reach), detention basins, sediment control education, sediment basins, and side channel arroyo repair. 0 .. .\ = L, i �_ � � , -��fdli�( ��+�i �ark �t ,' �' , 60BIE.4\fi;�l�::--- _ �ob���—.,y � �� • Scn =ar i 1 �' s� , . � ,' O�P. : f .i•. _ ' � r!3 ``,� '`� l�� — `< � ''" II i �./ o� ., Santa-p�� ` �i �-' �• �. 'w —'° ,��F`w`�'' ,. � � � ;,,,,, • . � � �r� . . ..�.�./ ��I�.�y� . . : � . . �,�.I,` ��� , _... �� . .. � r, � ����� � � 1 ' ' � • \ `./ � v" � �---�1 �, �---_- . . . 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I.� . � '%' � r ` ; � � a�, ,�+, , � �` . C o • � � � �,STA -r, � - � , _ - c�a �_MONTE �.(�� 2 �R� _ E. � ;J'Y ^-.�` 9 �99� . . . � - i ! t , �. � ''�2 '� 1 .r. �+� � rJ; C' �`1 ` ��., '.\ ':»'„�Q •; .\i I �;��_ ' .•�� s11._`-= ,�• %'rl'�<= . •i � I . •i .� '._ ' ?ii �\��. 'F:� � �d� . — TO ; � ', ':'\ COLL�GE�;a�(E: � i .��5' � ::� LEGENQ � � 1 PHASE 1 DETENTION BASIN FOR STORM ATTENUATION (4 LOC'NS) � 2 PHASE 2 DETENTION BASIN FOR STORM ATTENUATION (2 LOC'fVS) CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT DOWNSTREAM OF BRENGLE TERRACE PARK TO COLLEGE AVENUE. �(1 MODELED IN PHASE 1, BI.IT NOT PNASE 2 �( 2 MODELED TN P�IAS� 2, BUT PdOT EFFECTIUE � Fi gure 4 STORM ATTEIVUATI0IV BASIN & CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MAP 9 i �I � t ,1 i - -__ � 5��� �. - / I ^ /� �`i `�,��- � ; !' ,.', �; - ; ; t ; )� ; � i`' �� !n � �� I ' i ^ l " �J �''� � �� � � � - , �r, �' � � ,'' ! :. .�� �,. �� �� �� ��`� � �� �'�'�'f/'i i � ��� �:����` - �,' �/ �', `� � ' � ' '�l�r f � : t� " � �' � i�, ,' � "t J i� , II�, ^� f ��X - I � f!' Ci, % � i � SHADE --�' ,��, , `�. b ;' _ ; � i i LOW FLOW j i � i � CHAIVIVEL ' I ! — 100-YEAR, 6 FEET PER SECOND CHANNEL � -�---- — ---- ---___ �____-- _----------- -------- — ---- �—+ � Figure 5 Cross Section of Proposed _ Channel 10 The study four�d scme lagoon modifications to be cost-effective, however there _ are major concerns for the ecology of the lagoon if these are i�lemented. 'The cost-effective modifications included a mr�veable and widened weir, enlarging the Hi11 Street Bridge to be 100' Iong, and keeping the opening under I-5 c�sedged . ��i� I . IlVTRODUCTIC�I This is a report of the Phase Zt,ao study of sed�ment control for Buena Vista lagc�on and watershed for the California Coastal Conservaricy and the State Water Resources Control Boa.rd. Findings of the Phase One Study indicated fihat several alternatives needed to be evaluated for sediment control. June Applegate and Associates, Civil IIzgineers of Carlsbad was selected by the Coastal Conservancy to perforr�n this study. Philip Williams & Associates of San Francisco was hired to subconsult and pravide the hydraulic analyses of the lagc�on. The watershed modelling, project co-ordination, and alternative evaluation were perforn�ed by June Applegate and Associates and are �rized in this report. The Phase �o study relied upon the findings of the Phase One study and has greatly expanded and revised their rec�ndaitons. This degree of in-depth research into the Phase One rec�ndations has resulted in the div�en�ent findi.ngs of the Phase Two report. It is the primazy goal of this study to report a prioritized list of sediment management procedures for the Buena Vista watershed and lagoon ba.sed on a -- cost-benefit comparison. The Buena Vista uratershed is an ungauged watershed. Al1 of the predic�tions in this study are based on synthetic hydrographs, synthetic mathematical models of the lagoon, and sediment rating curves extracted from other similar small coastal watersheds. Sediment monitoring using detailed bathcanetric surveys of the lagoon after major storm events, stream flaw sediment monitoring, and rain gauge information during sto�n events will yield more accurate predictions of sediment acc�nulation, sediment flaws and sources. Due to limited budget, almost no field data, and a range of uncertainties, the sed�ment predictions in this report have a wide range of exror changing the true cost-effectiveness analysis dramatically. �, Consistent techniques �re applied unifoxmly for each category of modification. The estimate of reduction of arinual sed�ment acc�urnzlation in the lagoon pravided a relative ranking of the effectiveness of each alternative. The categories of alternatives in which the relative cost-effectiveness ranking is valid is; maximization of the flushing ability of the Iagoon wi.th lagoon modifications (L1 and L2), mi.nimization of the sed�ment delivery to the lagoon with watershed modifications (W1 and WS), and minimization of erosion in the watershed (WS, arx� S1 through S5) . II. THE h�,TERSI�D AND LAGOOIV SYSTII�I Buena Vista Lagoon was forn�d during the rapid rise in sea Ievel at the end of the last ice age, ten to fifteen thousand years age. During the last five to. seven fihousand years sea level rise has been more gradual, apparently about 1/2 foot per centuzy. The slow rate of rise was sufficient to ccgnpensate for natural sedamentation rates in the lagoon, allawing it �o survive for thousands of years. Wave action caused the littoral transport of sand along the coast, sealing off the entrance to the lagoon with a barrier beach. Fxcept possibly during an 12 early stage in its evolution, L�he �cidal prism of the lagoon was insufficient _ to scour a channel across the beach. Tidal action occurred for a short pericd in the lagcon, and only w�en winter floods opened up a channel. Some sedu�uent carried. into the lagc;on during floods discharged directly to the ocean through the c�ening. Scm� sediment deposi�ed in the lagoon �uld later be resuspended — by wave and tidal action, and would �e flushed out of the lagoon during ebb tide. — Because of the �arrier beach across its mouth, the character of the lagoon varied greatly frcan season to season, and frcan year to year. In nornnal winters, stonn xunoff filled the lagoon with freshwater until at some point it _ overtopped the barrier beach. In the spring, after the beach was reestablished, the lagoon Ievel dropped, fed only by springs and the base flow of Buena Vista Creek. In s�r and fall the inflaw decreased further until eva�oration exceeded inflow. Water sali.nities increased and large areas of n�ud — flats or salt pans woL:?d be exposed.. During drought periods it is likely that the lagoon a]most cx�mpletely dried out, and was fed mainly by salt water seeping through the beach. In its natural state the watershed of Buena Vista Lagoon was cavered with native plant vegetation. The plants generally provided a higher resistance to _ erosion than many of the introduced, n�w species. They not only protected against direct erosion from rain drops but allawed the infiltration of storm runoff into the soil, reducing peak runoff rates downstream and providing greater base flaws in the creek later in the year. 'I'r!ese flaws supported dense riparian vegetation along the creek banks and on its floodplain. In its lo�r section the creek would have disc,harged into a — tule freshwater marsh at the upper end of the lagcon. The floodplain and marsh vegetation acted as sediment traps during high flood flows, building up the alluvial floodplain and reducing the amount of sed�ment discharging to the _ Iagoon. Historic Changes In the two centuries since Europeans settled the area, man has made major modificatians to the natural hydrologic system. — The hyraulics of the lagoon have been ccm�letely altered since 1940, when outlet culverts wpxe installed at the mouth to regulate maxinn�n water levels. This eliminated tidal action until the big flood of 1969, when the culverts ` �re washed out, re-creating the natural entrance for a short while until the existing fixec'. outlet w�is was installed in 1970. Since that time tidal flows have been excluded and the lagoon has been converted to a freshwater lake. — The canstruction, first of the Hill Street road embanlanent and then of the I-5 freeway emlx-�n�nent across the lagoon, has also affected the hydraulics by segregating the Iagoon into three distinct basins. These changes have greatly — limited the lagoon's ability to flush sediment out to the ocean. Urbanized runoff pollutants discharged directly into the lagoon degraded water quality. In adcti.tion, until the 1960s, sewage was discharged directly into the 13 lagoon. The watershed has also changed dramatically, k�tensive grazing and, later, farming, rempved soil cover, increasing erosion and sedime.ntation in the lagcon. Urbanization, which has been particularly rapid since the 1970s, increases flood peaks, causing gullying and creating arroyos. This process greatly accelerates erosion and dawnstream sedimentation. In addition, t-he floodplain of Buena Vista Creek has been filled in sev�exal locations, reducing the filtering effect of the riparian v�getation. The floodplain in the middle section cf Buena Vista Creek has evolved as a result of sed�ment frcen the surrounding hillslopes being transported. as bedload in the creek. During flood flaws, these fl�,vs would overtop the creek banks and deposit sed�ment on the adjacent floodplain. The floodplain and the creek buiZt up over time. Buena Vista Creek was aggrading in this m�ner throughout the mi�dle and iower reaches �n ancient times (see Figure 3). Only a fraction of the total sediment eroded �n the watershed actually reached the lagoon. After changes in the watershed, particularly in the last two decades, the increased peak flaws have dram�atically txansformed the natural hydrological syst�n. The increased flows not only discharge more sediment frcan the watershed into the creek, but, more iunportantly have caused the creek bed to start to erode (degrade) in portions of the creek. The increases in stream flaa energy hav� caused the stream to downcut. This process will continue until a new and lawer equilibriLun can be reached. At the same time one of the largest sed�ment buffers in the watershed has been fillzd in. The marsh ak�ave the Iagoon was the spreading area for storm flaws. Here the water slawed and found its way through the tules to the lagoon, dropping mach of its sediment load. All that is left of that marsh area is a small area where cattails graw in the channeZ between the shopping center and Highway 78. Buena Vista Creek Water flowing into Buena Vista Lagoon comes pr�marily through Buen� Vista Creek. The 19 square mile watershed that drains into the creek and lagoon covers areas of Oceanside, Carlsbad and Vista. Vista is in the upper reach of the watershed, covers over halt of the watershed and has the major impact on the flow characteristics of the system and yet it does not border the lagoon. The creek can be identified by reach. The upper reach is the reach above Highway 78. The middle reach is from Highway 78 to E1 Camino Real. 'I'he lower reach is fran E1 Camino Real to Jefferson Street (see Figure 2). The upper reach is in its natural channel io Brengle Terrace Park. Abave Wilchv�od Park the creek has been stabilized by check structures. They were built in the 1930's and it appears that only one of th�n has failed. This channel naa appears to have the potential to averflow and flood the surrounding area, probably because of increases in runoff frc�n the urbanization of the watershed. The creek has heen channeled into concrete structures through the dawntcnm area of Vista to Melrose Drive. These structures were also designed 14 and built before the major urbanization of the area. The middle reach was a wide aggrading floodplai.n. It has been divided inio twn by the falls just downstream of College Avenue. The tU,n sections fiinctioned very similiarly before the impact of urbanization occurred. Now the falls mark the location of the hydraulic division of this reach. 7n the upp�x middle reach, frcan Highway 78 to College Avenue, the creek has — dramatically changed fran trapping sediment in its broad floodplain {aggrading) to a dawn-cutting creek. This difference is marked by the large gully which has cut into the ancient floodplain deposits in the area of the old sewage — treatlnent plant in Vista. Instead of absorbing much of the sediment it receives as it had done in the past, this reach is naw sending that sedim�ent plus the eroded material doumstream. C`i.�rrer.tly the lower middle reach (College Avenue wt�sterly to El Camino Real) is still aggrading. In fact, it is aggrading at an alarmting rate of up to four feet per season. This indicates that the lower middle reach is absorbang much — of t7:e sed�ment before it gets to the lagoon. The cause of c3�m-cutting i.n the upper middle reach is the �ncrease in the — scour action of the creek. I�aweririg the fla,a line of the channel at various road crossings has contributed. to this degradation, but this is a long-term phencsnenan. If the creek still had aggrading characteristics it would fiZl in _ these crossi.ngs with sediment as the middle reach of Lama Alta Creek has. �rpically during urbanization downstream channels start to erode. This is in response to higher peak flows of water fran the deueloping area. The existing — and future hydrographs modeled in the phase one study indicate that the peak flows have the potential to double in this reach. This means that�the sediment transport capacity of the creek more than doubles. If the sediment transport capacity increases to the point that it is greater than the sediment entering the reach, the creek then has enough energy to cut _ into the bed material. When it had too n�uch sed�ment to transport it dropped its load on the wide floodplain. Naa it is hungry for sedim�nt and erades into these ancient fluvial deposits and carries them and its original load downstream (see Figure 3). The increase in peak flow explains the cause of the erosion in the upper middle reach. It is also a warning. Channelizing the upper middle reach will cause — the peaks in the lower middle reach to increase dramatically and could trigger dawn-cutting in the lower middle reach. Since there is very Iittle buffer between the lawer middle r�ach and the Iagoon, the Iagoon will experience an _ even greater sedimentation acc�mnxlation rate than w� havc previously seen. In the lower reach, above the lagoon there was a wide flat marsh. At the location of El Cam.ino Real. the creek spread over the marshland. The flatness — of the land and the thick grawth of the marsh plants greatly red.uced the velocities o£ the water. Here the water slowed and found its way through the tules to the lagoon, dropping much of its sed�ment load. The marsh acted as a — filter for the water entering the lagoon. 15 The marsh has been filled. Presently the only evidence of that marsh area is a small area where cattails graa in the ch�nnel between the shoppi.ng center and Hic�way 78. This channel is naw the lower reach af Buena Vista Creek. The Lagoon Because of the changes in the lagoon hydraulics and the greatly increased rates of sedamentation the lagoon is no longer in equilibriLmn with natrual hydrologic processes and is rapidly silting in. Most sediment deposited into the lagoon is discharged during the peak flows of large storms, such as those in 1969, 1978 and 1980. Sediment discharge is e.xponentially related to the flaw velocity by a paw�r of two to three. Consequently, though peak flaws may last only a few hours, they can carry tens of thousands of tons of sediment into the lagoon. It appears that sedime.nt carried into the lagoon is predaninantly silt. The typical size distribution of suspended sediment for different sotsms is shawn in Table 2. The Table is based on sediment sampling on other San Diego County coastal streams (see Appendix 4) and synthetic flood hydrographs generated for the Buena Vista Creek watershed. As the floodflow approaches the lagoon, ba.c.kwater reduces the velocity and carryirig cagacity of the flaa. Much of the bed load, consisting of coarser sands, appears io be deposited on the floodplain and in the channel between the South Coast Asphalt quarry and Jefferson Street, while most of the suspended sed�ment, consisting of sands, silts, and clays, are discharged into the lagoon. As the flood flows enter the lagoon, flaw velocities drop to a'�raction of a foot pex second. These velocities are insufficient t� keep the sedlment in suspension, and particles, start to settle aut. The settling ve7.oczty of sands if vezy rapid, so they tend to settle out itrnn�diately. Silts settle o�zt more gradually but rapidly enough for mr�st of them to be deposited upstream of I-5. Clays settle out vezy slawly, but because velocities thxough the lagoon are so laa, most are deposited in the lagoon and only a fraction are discharged to the ocean. The roadfills of I-5 and Hill Street and the outlet weir have reduced flaa velocities through the lagoon, increasing sed�mentation. Buena Vista Lagoon naw acts as a very efficient sediment trap. Based on the very limited boring inforntation availabl.e, it appears fihat, prior to 1940, the lagoon bed consisted of fine sands at an elevation of aboixt -1.5 ft NGVD. By 196I approximately 2.5 ft of organic ri,ch mud had accamulated in the lagoon in the vicinity of I-5, and by 1982 an additional 2.5 ft of organic rich silty clay had acc�mttz].ated. In the last 42 years, presuming the same siltation ra-te ovex the 200 acre lagoon, this amaunts to about one and a half million cubic yards or tons (for these sedimP..nts, a cubic yard weighs roughly a ton), or abo�zt 35,000 tons/year. For the 19 square mile watershed this amounts to 1840 tons/square mile/year which is camparable to an earlier estimate of 1,000 to 2,000 tons/square mile/year (Inman 1976). 16 � After initial deposition during and after a flood, sed�ments can be resuspended by wave action and redistxibuted in the Iagoon. Water depths are fazrly constant, dee�n� ng to two to three feet in areas of high wave action. TYze � thick grawth of tules under the I-5 bridge prevents all except the finest sed�ments from circulating into the �,�estern sec�ents of the lagoon. Consequently, sed.iments acciucAzlating in the eastern segmexit are mainly sands, — silts and mzds, whereas to the west of I-5 sedim�ents are mainly organic muds. In �he wind-protected area betw�_n the rai]xoad and the beach, sediments are highly organ.ic and appear to contain s�aage sludge. Water levels in the lagoon are maintained at a miniirn�n elevation of 5.8 ft NGVD by the c7utlet �is crest or more cca��mr�nly between about 5.8 ft and 6.5 ft NG'VD by the barrier beach forming across the outlet. Water depths in the eastern sec�nent are typically 1.5 to 2 ft, and �n the western segments 2 to 2.5 ft. �� Before the hiunan-caused disturbances to the watershed, creek, marsh, and lagoon, much of the sed�ment frcm the watershed was deposited before it reached — the lagoon. Secii.ment was deposited on the broad floodplain in the middle reach. Then, in the lc�r reach, a large marsh area spread and filtered the storm watex, trapping more sediment before it entered the lagoon. The only remnant of tl�.is protection syst�n is the axea. w�st of South Coast Asphalt and east of the Haymar Street cul-de-sac. This reach of the creek is currently absorbing very laxge quantities of sediment and is the last natural buffer to prevent some of the sed.iment fran entering the lagoon. The best fluzctionirig portion of this reach is the thick riparian area east of the Haymar Street cul-de-sac. 17 TABLE 'IWO. Sediment Size Distri.bution for Different Hydrographs Stozm 2-yr 5-yr 10-yr 25-yr 50-yr 100-yr Sedin�nt Peak Load at � by Particle Size at Peak Flow Flaw Peak Q (cfs) (tons/day) <.004 .004-.016 .016-.064 .064-.25 .25-1.O�un 5 1371 1.2x10 25 6 23 33 11 5 1979 3.2x10 23 5 26 38 9 5 2589 6.8x10 20 4 28 40 8 6 3659 1.7x10 18 3 31 44 6 6 5832 6.7x10 15 2 32 47 4 7 7200 1.6x10 13 2 33 48 4 m III. SIDINI�.'TVT SOURCE �iARACI'ERIZATION Channel Erosion It appears that there is an estimated total of 173,000 cubic yards of erosion — in the ma�n channel of the creek in the middle reach between Melrose Avenue ar.d College Loulevard. 'This Was calculated by using a real topography flown in the spririg of 1985. Based on newspaper clippings, most of this erosion has — occurred si.nce 1978. 1978 marked the end of a a 13 year dry period in this area. Larx3 use had changed frc�n primarily niral and agricultural to urbanization in that t�me. The c�nbination of the increase oF rainfall and _ urbanization created a dramatic increase in th� am�unt of runoff experienced. what had been an aggrading section of creek where sedament was deposited upon a broad floodplain became a degrading section. The dawn-cutting is evident in a gully that i.s in excess of 15 feet deep in stxne places in this reach. C�Zrrently Graded Area.s Presently there is approx�mately 600 acres of graded area in the watershed. Vista, Carlsbad and Oceanside adopted sedime.nt control ordinances as part of _ their grading orclinances. Sediment control plans must be filed �n September and approved by October. The sediment control is supposed to be in place in November, and rP�tiain effective until March. Generally, on-site sed�ment control is still not effective. There appears to be a lack of understanding as to what it takes to keep sediment from leaving the site. Much of the w�rk done in the creek in Vista duri.ng the winter of 1984 had no protection what so ever. Much of the sedime.nt control as installed �n the other cities was not effective. _ Sometimes sediment is directed into the stozm drain system in the form of nuzddy water. Another ccannon practice is to use sand bags that were not sealed, but just folded aver. Same of these bags do not make it through the winter season before spilling their contents and adding ta the sediment leaving fran the — site. Education of the oontractors, inspectors and design professionals who s-�zkx�iit — and those w�w review the plans is desperately needed. The ordinances are good, but they are not yet being fully i�lemented. The local citizens are concerned and would be excellent watchdogs, if educated. The Buena Vista Lagoon Foundatiori has a hotline that is available for the reporting of sed�ment probl�ns. The local citizens are dedirated to the saving of fhe lagoon, but do not yet recognize some of these problems. Sediment yields frcan these graded areas can vary frcan one cubic yard per acre per year to 30 cubic yards per acre per year, This is why good sed�ment — control is so in�ortant. Sediment yields are still high frcxn this source, so using an estimate of 25 cubic yards per acre per year over the 600 acres currently being graded gives a sediment est3mate of 15,000 cubic yards of _ sed�ment �r year. �y Aqriculture � The follawing is a stu�nary of interviews with Haward Nh.ieller, who is currently a consultant arxi has worked for fihe Soil Conservation Service. While wr�rking for the Soil Conservation Service, he c�piled the "Important Farmland Map" for the Buena Vista Watershed. The a�unt of farmland in the Buena Vista Watershed has been a constant of approxim-�tely 5 percent (approximately 600 acres) avocado groves and 5 percent truck crops . Hawever, with the various ecancani.c and social pressures on the farmers these lands will decrease ar�ci beccxne an insignificant sediment source within 5 to 10 years and will become completely urbanized within 20 years. Avocado groves of three years old or younger (of which there is 10 to 15 percent of all qraves) produce 15 to 20 tons of sed�ment per acre per year. The r�naining 85 to 90 percent of the groves have sufficient canopy and leaf litter to reduce the sed�ment yield to one to two tons of sedim�_nt per acre per year. Well managed tsuck crops also have a sediment yield of one to two tons of sediment per acre per year. Hawever, poorly managed txuck crops produce as much as 20 to 30 tons of sedi.ment per acre per year. Historically, the poorly manaqed truck crop land constitutes about 1 percent of the watershed, and the well managed. truck crop land constitutes the r�naining 4 percent. Presently, the well managed farms only constitute one and a half percent of the 5 percent total. Historically, the agricultural land produced an estimated 5800 tons of sed�ment per year in the Buena Vista watershed. Presently they are producing an estimated 13,000 tons of sediment per year and within the next five to 10 yeaz'� this source of sediment will be negligible. By co�arison, the natural areas, which had periodically k7urned, yielded one to t� tons of sedime.nt per acre per year, average. Ftiiture Land Uses The follawing estimates for future land uses wexe made by each of the three cities in the watershed {in acres): Carlsbad �- - .._. - .- .- - ..-. Vacant land : Area with approved plans : Area without approved plans: Area currently being graded: 1700 300 250 250 190 � Vista 5760 1500 2750 765 325 Oceanside 3000 5 00 134 2000 85 The underdeveloped land is part of the total of the developed area, how�ver it is likeiy to �e redevelope�3 '-� a higher use. Natural Ercdible Areas -- These rnmibers indicate that thexe is approximately 6,000 acres of natural erodible area. Using an average of two tons of sed:iment per acre per year indicates an estimate of 12,G00 tons of sediment from this source per year. South Coast Asphalt South Coast Asphalt has a rock quarry just west of College Avenue. The - excavatior�s extend approximately 50 feet below the streambed. They have maintained the falls by keeping the banks and adding levees. In the flatter portion of the creek, there is nuioff fran the plant site and there is - potential for erosion. Since the quarry area is granitic rock, the exposed faces do not have much erosion potential. The erosion potential on the site is in the reach with loose dirt banks. The plant has supplied detailed areal _ photography of the land for this study. E�isting channel velocities in alZ but the snallest flaws are in excess of 6 feet per second. These are erosive velocities, however since the creek has � been carrying so much sediment in recent years. This section of the creek continues to aggrade. Higner peak flaws could reverse this and this reach could start to degrade. In the first large flaw in 1979 a portian of a southerly stockpiZe uras eroded. To prevent this loss of material, South Coast Asphalt naa protects the _ tockpiles with riprap at the toe. Hawever t.his site has the potential for erosion becau� of abc�v� mentioned velocities, Iittle bank protection, and fill-dirt stream banks that are wlnerable to erosion. - The rock quarry is estimated to close in 1990. Plans for the development of the property are naw �eing prepared. and revi�wed. The awners plan to de�elop the creek portion betw�_n 1990 and 1995. Ultimately the awners wnuld Iike to - have a natural. looking channel, use the creek as a visual amenity to the project and maintain the falls. _ During the time between naw and the ultimate develo�zt, the potential for erosion in this reach can be reduced. by widen.ing and adding revetrt�ent to the channel. Adding 30 feet to the width of the dirt channel will reduce the velocities by appro�mately 20 percent. This will be beneficial in three ways. Lawering the velocities will decrease the sediment transport capabilities of the stream and thereby decrease the - potential for creek erosion. It will also make a small contribution to reducing the peak flaws at the lagoon. Revetment of the creek banks will reduce the potential for erosion. 21 TABLE THR� SEDIl�r SOURCE S[JN�RY Approximate annual average erosion rates frcxn each source in cubic yards per year: Main channel erosion: 25,000 Graded areas: 15,000 Agricultural: 13,000 (currently) Natural erodible areas: 12,000 Side channel erosion: 11,000 ti 22 IV, ANALYSIS — The ��aters�}ed analysis was at reducir�g the peak flaws reduction was evaluated. two-folcl. h�drologic watershed modifications aimed frcan stonn runoff were ar.alyzed. Sediment source Reducing peak flows will reduce the sediment caz'nling caPacity of the stream. There is an e�onential relationship between the stx'eam's sediment carrying capacity and the �rater flow. Cons�quently a reduction in the storm peaks results in a much higher reduction in tY'�e sed�ment delivery to the lagoon. g�u��q peak flows also has the side benefit of reducing flooding. Specific areas identified as areas of concern that will be benefited are in the law lyinq areas around the lagoon and areas in Vista. Sed�ment source reduction will reduce the sed�ment rating ct�rves of a watershed. The sediment rating curves are a plot of the relationship of the �,rater flow to sediment tr'ansport• 'I'he estimates of sed�ment acc�rnzlation reduction for sediment control could be an order of magnitude off. Hawever, tre cost for greatly improvir:g the source control is relatively'low, return on the dollar spent is very high- � r• �- i�� •�� �+ g1��aged b�, the peak flaw reductions mcdeled in the Phase One stu�, �of�� frcm those original watershed models v„�re re-entered into the Ar�nY zP Engineers Hydraulic Ehgineex'ing Center's H.E.0 - 1 hydrology model and rerun on a mainframe canputer in order to print hydrographs for the spectrum of six storms. These �re the 2-year, the 5-year, the 10-year, the 25-year, the 50-year and the 100-yea�' storms. 'I'!-iose six stozms were nan for the Phase One's "E�cisting��Ce:,.�ition", "Future Condition" and "Existing Condition with Detention . Very late in the Phase Ztao analysis s�ne proble�ns in same of the asstim�ptions for these models were noted and the watershed had to be remodeled. The Phase One input data was used as a skeleton and a new watershed model was created for the Ftizture Condition. Since this is an ungauged watershed, the model could not be calibrated.. Appendix One describes the calculations for the Ftiiture Conditions. These include a�Y of � S°il typeS� ��'e develoFxnent types, Soil Conservation Service Lag, and SCS curve nLm�Y�er for e�ch of the Phase One subbasins. The 2-year and the 100-year hyPothetical stozms �,,�re run on this mr�del. (Note: The future condition watershed models for Future Condition, Fi.iture Condition with Detenhted acd198t5.�eFuna glwas�not Detention anc� Channel EizhancemP.nt are copyr q allocated for this re-modelling�. ) � The main channel beginning belaw Brengle Terrace Park to College Avenue (a portion of the upper arx� the entire upper mi.ddle reach) is modeled as a trapezoidal channel hav�ng a bottcgn width of 20 feet, side slopes of 1.5 to 1 and a Manning coefficient of 0.02. This is typical of the Tri-lock channel that zs �eing placed at Breeze Hill. 23 Detention �iasin model (Wl) Because the future condition would have the major long range in�act on the lagoon, the future condition was then modeled with eight detention basins. The basin locatians had all been modeled in the Phase One study. � of thenn w�re re-sized based upon more detailed topographic inforntiation. The two re-sized laasins �ere at Brengle Terrace Park and at Monte Vista School. Detention Basin Locations The detention basins in Vista (shown in Figure 4) are located at: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Creek crossing Wa�nlands Avenue, Drive Creek Crossing Warnnlands Avenue, Sueqnark Terrace Creek Crossing Wannlands Avenue, Simoloa Creek CYossing Stephanie Lane on Brengle Terrace Park Nlonte Vista School agprox�mately 200 feet Northerly of Elm approx�mately 200 feet Northerly of approximately 100 feet Northerly of Ca.11e the north side of Vale Terrace Drive The other Phase One detention basins are located at: 7. The canyon north of Mira Costa College in Oceanside 8. The canyon to the east of the extension of Elm Avenue -- � - - ..- To model the effects of an enhanced channel, with vegetation, the detention basins were kept in place and the above mentioned channel was widened. 'The channel in this third model had a bottan width of 15' above Santa Fe Drive and a bottan width of 40 feet wide belaw Santa Fe Drive with side slopes of 2 to 1 � a Manning ooefficient of 0.04. The energy slope is about one quarter of a percent. This was the most effective improve�nent to the model. Table 4 gives the s�nnazy of the results of these new models. The 6 feet per second maxiirnIIn allawable velocity is attainable with 0.25 to 0.35 percent slope, a M��uing coefficient of 0.040, 2:1 side slopes and a 40 foot bottan in the upper mi.ddle reach reducing in width up the creek until it is alaout 15 feet wide. Table 4 lists the s�nary of the peak flaws and lag t�mes at the lagoon for each m�del. Figure 6 shaws graphs for the 2 and 100-year storms in the future conditian, future condition with detention basins, and future condition with creek enhancement for a location in the dawntown area of Vista, in the middle reach, and at the lagoon. Comparison hydrographs are shawn in Figure 6 for a point at the lagoon and a point at Breeze Hill. 24 TABLE FC}UR S�r�nary of H.E.C.- 1�ak flows and time t.o peak for future conditions at the lagcon. - 100 year: Ftiiture cnndition With detention With enhancement - 13,734 cfs 11,431 cfs 9,231 cfs 2.94 hours 2.95 hours 3.28 hours 2 year: Future condition With detention With enhanceme,nt 3,213 cts 2,590 cfs 2,130 cfs - 3.27 hours 3.28 hours 3.82 hours TABLE FZVE - PRCk7EC1'ID SIDIME;NT REDUCTIONS ALT PIATT�R.SHID LAGOON ANN[JAL _ C.`OND COND SID�]'I' iZEDL1CT . NO FCT1'URE EXI5TING BASIS - L1 FL3T[1RE COMB l2� FLTI't7RE COMB+�N 2 6 0 L2 FL]TURE CHAN CCR�]TRIBUTIUN 14� -- Wl F W/DEI' �STIlVG 20$ DET+Ei�ki EXIT 52� ** ws ENi-iANC EXIST 32� * TR�UTARY RIDUCTI�] OF THIS ALTERNATIVE � ** 45 o D+k-iIC�i IS DUE 'PO S'IiORM F`L�OW ATTENUATICN I1LUS 6. 5% RIDUCTION IN ANNUAL SIDIl�NT P�;CUMUI�ATION DUE TO TI� REDL�TICIV OF THIS SIDIl��T SOURCE 25 CFS 15,000 10,000 5,000 � CFS 10,000 5,000 0 i ❑r,nnN CFS 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2 EEZE f�ILL CFS 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 HOUP.S 100—YEAR STORM ABBREVIATIC�� FC FUl'URE CHARPJELIZED CONDITIOt� FD FUTURE DETE"!TIOfd �'ODEL FE FUTURE idITH DETEI7TICN At�D ENI�ANCEiJED CHANPlEL hiODEL Figure 6 Hydrographs 110URS 2—YEAR STORM 26 3 4 5 HOURS 100—YEAR STORM 3 4 5 IiOURS 2—YEAR STORM Sedimen� Source Control � Main Ch�nnel (WS ) : The average of 25,000 cubic yards of sed�.nt per year eroded frcan the main channel primarily occl�rred during the 5 years fr�n 1978 to 1983. Al.t.hough this — source will not be ccgnpletely elimu�ated with the channel mcclifications, the reach of the rec�mended enhancement is at least three times the lenc�th of the badly degraded section frcan where the Z5,000 cubic yards cair�. Protecting the — Main Channel will reduce the sedime,nt source to the lagoon by 25,000 cubic yards per year. For the com�arative analysis half af this quantity was added to the reduction in sedament delivery for the "Channel E�hancement" _ alternative, because it is assumed that for every cubic yard sed�ment source reduction there is a correspanding reduction of a halt of a cubic yard of reduction in the sediment accti�nulation in the lagoon. Graded Areas (S2): The adopted sediment control orclinances for graded areas are good and m�ney is being expended by the developers and the cities for the design construction and review of sediment control plans. However, there is still an estimated 15,OD0 cubic yards of sediment escaping frcan fresn these sites. Misplaced or broken sand and gravel bags are allawing sediment flow into the storm drains and channels. Saretimes the projects are caught wi.fh their gravel bags dc�m by a surprise rainstorm. Educa�tion of the engineers, inspectors and contrac�Eors involved will probably reduce this source to one third of the vol�ne it is today. Agricultural (S3) : — A similar education program for agriculture could be as effective as education for grading. This c�ould red.uce the sed�ment sourc� by an additional 5 percent. Naturai erodible areas: This source has such a low cnncentration very little improvement can be made. Side Channel Erosion (S1):. — Three side channels that need recons�tnlction and enhancement have been identified. They are just west of Pamelo Drive, on the westerly side of El Camino Rea1 between E]m and Chestnut and next to NYanroe, south of Marron. Accorcling to the Vista City staff and the Carlsbad City Staff the side channel arrayos at Pamelo and Monroe are in areas that are approved for develo�anent. ` 'Ifie requ.irements for the develognents include repairing and preventing these arroyos. The side channel arrayo on the westerly side of El Camino Real between Elm and — Chestnut locations could effectively be repa.ired using drop sinictures in the same manner as the recan�nended mai.n channel repair in the upper middle reach. This will reduce the total watershed sediment source by an estimated one — percent. 27 � IAGOON NYJDEL, To determine the most effective means to reduce sediment acc�nulation in the lagoon, its sedi�nt budget must be est�mated under different conditions. A sediment budget is si�ly an accounting of the inflow, outflow and stroage of sed�ment in the lagoon for a particular time period. Sediment infZow is detexmined by �irical relationships between the variation of sediment dischaxge and flaw rate during flood events. The sequence of flaw rates, l�awn as a hydrograph, are can�uted for particular storn�s using a standan� co�uter model simulation referred to as I�C-1. When the sediment enters the lagoon, some settles out, same is discharged to th�e ocean, and sare re�nains in suspension for a particular time period. The am�unt settling ozzt is calcalated using settling velocity relationships for each pa.rticle size. The amount remaining is suspension is deterniined by the difference in sediment inflow and the a�unt settling out in a particular time period. The amount discharged to the ocean is the sedim�_nt cancentration rem�i.ning in suspension at the outlet, multiplied by the discharge vol�ne. Mo�t sedi.ment is carried into the lagoon by a few large, infrequent floods. Consequently, the sediment budgets must be averaged statistically aver a long period of t�me to estimate an average annual sediment budget. The average annual sediment budget can be calculated for different inflaw and lagoon conditions to provide a comparison of the average annual sed�ment accturnzlation in the lagoon under different conditions. Because of the enornwus rnunber of calculations requixed to estimate average annual sed�ment acc�urnzlation, it is best done using a computer model tnat simulates the move�nent of both water and sediment through the lagoon system. Such a�uter model was developed specifically for this study and is described in succeeding sections. It should be noted that there are a great many uncertainties in most of the calculations involved in dete��n��; a sed5ment budget. Consequently sediment budgets of this type should be used for cc�q�arative purposes only. Sed�ment Inflow The best method for detezmining sedirc�nt discharge to the lagoon is to develop a sedimexit rating curve for Buena Vista Creek. A sediment rating ci.�rve plots suspended sediment against flaw discharge measured at a particular point on the stream. Unfortunately, neither suspended sediment nor discharge data exists for Buena Vista Creek. Therefore, a sediment rating curve was constructed, based on samiple data fresn other streams. Stream gauge data frcan Il gauging stations on coastal streams south of Dana Point were examined (see Appendix 4). The results shawed that streams with watersheds greater than 100 square miles had different sediment rating curves than those with smaller watersheds. Consequently only data frcan the five smaller watersheds �re used. : TABLE SIX. SIDIl�I'r RATING CZJRVE RELATIONSHIPS USID IN ANALYSIS Sediment Pasticle Size qs tons day} Fal Velccity (ft sec -4 2.4 -5 Clay <,004 mm 9 x 10 Q 1.31 x 10 Silts .004 - ,016 mm -3 4 x 10 Q -5 1 x 10 Q 2 -4 1.15 x 1Q -3 2.3 x 10 Sands .016 - .064 �n .064 - .25 mm .25 - Z.10 mm 3 -5 3 -2 1.6 x 10 Q 3.28 x 10 -3 2.1 -1 3.7 x 10 Q 2.3 x 10 � The suspended sediment data was broken down into five different size fractions representing muds, fine silt, coarse silt, fine sand and coarse sand. The plots are shown in Appenclix 4. 'I'�.ere is a large amount of scatter in the — data. Up to an order of ma.gnitude of scatter is typical of sedin�ent rating curves. Hawever, the rating curves for each size fraction can be simplified as the straight Line relationships shows in Table 6. These are used in _ calculatizlg sediment inf�ow to the lagoon. A portion of the ooarser sediment discharge, oft�n estimated t� be an additional 20�, is carried along the channel bed as "bedload". This was not � included in the sediment inflow because most of the coarser material ar�pears to be deposited in the Buena Vista Channel upstream of the lagoon, and because it represents only a snall portion of the total sed�ment Ioad discharged to the — lagoon. The sediment inflow for a particular storm is calculated by integrat�ng the sediment rating curv� with the inflaw hydrograph for successive tim� increments. Lagoon I-iydraulics In order to calculate the sedim�nt accululation in the lagoon for a particular flood, a flood routing calculation must be carried out to detezmi.ne the water — surface elevations, voltunes and flow velocities at different times, as the flood flows enter the lagoon. __ For Buena Vista Lagoon this is ccstiplicated, because hydraulically the lagoon acts as three distinct cells. The eastern ce11 includes the area ir�n the inflaw point at Jefferson to the I-5 embanl�nent. The �nban}anent constricts outflow to the cen'-,..ral cell that exiends frcgn I-5 to Hi11 Street. Sediment 29 acctuttulation further constricts outflaws Lmder the I-5 bridge to approxamately — the existing lagoon lev�el. The central cell discharges to the w�estern cell through a �onstricted culvert imder Hill Street, or over the top of the roadway, if the water Ievel rises high enough. The western cell discharges to _ the ocean aver the exist�ng sharp crested weir. The railway bridge crossing does not significantly constrict flood flaws in the western cell. A sketch of the lagoon is shown in Figure 7. A flood routing is a sequential calculation that calculates outFla�, water surfaoe elevation, change in storage and average flaw v�elocity for a given inflaw and initial lagoon conditions. Unfortunately, no detailed suzvey of the }aathymetzy of Buena Vista Lagoon exists. Therefore, the water elevation/storage relationship for each of the cells is est�mated based on few point soundings ar�cl available topoghraphic surv�ey. These are shown in Appendix 4. Outflaw frcan each cell is detezmined by standard c�ir flow or culvert flaw fonnulae. Average velocities are simply calculated as the outflow divided by the average cross-sectioned area for a given instant in t�me. Sed�ment Acc�unulation Sedime.nt inflow to the ],agoon is asstmzed to be uniformly vextically mixed in the flaa. When it reaches the lagoon, flt7w velocities drop considerably and sediment garticles settle aut. The rate at which they settle out is detezmined by the particle settli.ng velocity. For the median diameter of each of the five size fractions, this value is shawn in Table 'Itao. It can be seen that there is roughly an order of magnitude difference between the settling rates of each size fraction. Dividing the sediment inflaa into five discrete size fractions ca� therefore introduce another source of error in the sediment budget. Sedime.nt acc�nilation is detezmined by the fraction of sediment that settles out while the sed.u-nent-laden flaw travels fran the inflaw to the outflaw end of each cell. It is assumed that flow travelling through the I-5 bridge and the Hill Street culvert ccx�letely mixes the sed�ment, so that sediment discharged to the next oell is uniformly mixed. The model for sediment deposition described above is strictly valid only for quiescent unifonn flcnvs in stilling basins. In Buena Vista Lagoon tlood flaws entering the lagoon will be highly turbulent, which tends to hinder settling of sediment particles until the turbulence dies out. Unfortunately there is no feasi.ble way to model this process, and calculating deposition based strictly on time of travel may overest�mate sediment acc�unulation ��+;cularly for the finer sediment fractions. The velocity of the flaw in the lagoon itself can generate turbulence that can keep particles suspe.nded. There is this lawer l�mi.t of sedin�nt concentration in the lagoon for a garticular average lagoon v�locity. There are many alternative methods of calculating this lc�r limit; an,d as is ccannon in the field of sedimEnt hydraulics, there are significant differences in different estimates. For these calculations the relationship developed by Bagnold was used (Yalin 1971). 30 TABLE 7. BUENA VISTA LAGOON COMPUTER MODEL RUNS • RUN yu. INFLOW HYDRuCRAPH UGOpN CONDITIUNS SEUIMENT ACCUMUI.ATION RESULTS - ln![tel Dis- Hilt �rater Inflov Deposl[ed charged I-5 St. Outlet Weir surfaee tone ons Z Frequency WaCershed Weir Width inverC len�[h elev HGVU - Con.11tions Elev ft culvert ft ft ft f[ elev ft Cosnencc ' 1 2-yr Exiscing 5.8 15 2.0 BU S.0 5.8 1U.915 1U,095 92 B Existing vatershrd 6 La¢�on condltions;ouclec velr�Nu' * 2 S-yr Existing 5.8 15 2.0 8U 5.8 5.8 26,SFSU 24,125 91 9 Existinq waCershed 6 laguon condiciona; outlet veir-tlu' * 3 25-yr EzSecinR 5.8 15 2.0 80 5.8 5.8 142,7T0 126,SI0 89 11 Exieting vaterched 6 lagoon condicion¢; outle[ vetr on' *� 100-yr ExistSnR S.8 15 2.0 8U 5.8 5.8 872,440 7b7,SU5 88 12 Exiscing va[ershed 6 laqo�n condf [Sons; ou[le[ vef r�lt��' 5 1-yr Future 5.8 15 2.0 SU 5.8 5.8 2U,U50 18,310 92 8 Existing lagoon b fut.�ater- - shed cond.; ou[let veir80' 6 5-yr Fucure 5.8 15 2.0 SU 5.8 5.8 51,635 �6,6lS 90 !0 ExlscLng lagoon 6 fut.vater shed cond.; outlet �eir-B��' i 25-yr Future 5.8 15 2.0 BU 5.6 S.8 235,SeU 2U8�725 By 11 Exieting lagoon i fut.watcr � ahed coad.; ou[le[ �efr�b�r' B l0U-yr Fucure 5.8 15 2.0 80 5.8 S.tl 1,147,6Z0 t,O11,465 BB 12 Exiecing laQoo� b fuc. vec�•• shed cond.;ouclet velz�ki�' - 9 2-yr Fucure 1.5 IS 2.0 80 5.8 5.8 20,I85 l8,510 9'L tl 1-5 velr lorered; no otl�r� laboon chanqes 10 5-yr Future I.S 15 2.0 8U S,y 5.8 51,92U 46 985 90 10 I-S veir lovered• no o[hei 1! 25-yr Fu[ure 12 100-yt Future 1J 2-yr Future 14 5-yr Fucure 1S ZS�yr Future _ 16 lU0-yr Fu[ure 17 2ryr Pu[ure 18 5-yr Future 19 25-yr Fucure 2U IW-yr Future 21 2-yr Future 24 I00-yr Fu[ure � 29 2-yr Fucure � 30 100ryr Fu[ure l.5 15 2.0 Su 1.5 15 2.0 S.8 !UO 2.0 5.8 100 2.0 5.8 lUU 2.0 s.a ioo z.o 5.8 IS 2.0 5.8 15 2.0 S.8 15 2.0 5.8 15 2.0 L.5 l0U 2.0 1.5 l0U 2.0 5.8 !S 2.0 S.8 l5 2.0 80 50 50 50 SU 80 80 SU 80 BU tlU SD SO S.tl 5.1i 235,56U 208,595 S.tl 5.8' 1,195,U70 1,012,OU0 5.6 S.B 2U,u15 l9,240 5.8 5.8 51,165 �6,510 5.8 5.8 - -- 5.8 5.8 I,I43,265 1,012,3I5 1.8 5.8 20,06U 17.545 1.8 5.8 51,64U 44,945 1.8 S.B 235,965 204,525 1.8 5.8 1,t45,875 9Y4,9y5 l.b 5.lS 2U,UbU 15,605 l.b 5.8 I,147,tl)U Y63,440 5.8 5.8 YU,U)5 18,215 S.tl 5.8 1,149,200 1,U21,SU5 31 lagoon changes � 89 L1 1-S veir luwered; no othc•r ligoon changes 85 15 I-5 veir lovered, no other lagoon ci�aaRee 86 14 Hi12 St. opened; ou[let reir at 50' 9l 9 Hill St. opened; ou[let veir •t SU' - - -- Ilill St. opened; outlet �etr ae SU' 88 12 Nfll St, opened; ou[le[ veir a[ SO' 87 13 lhiclet veir lwered to I.8' NGVD 97 13 Outlet veir lovered to l.tl' XGYD 87 13 Outlet velr lovered to l.8' NGVD . 8J 13 Outlet veir lwered to l.tl' MGVU 78 22 Co�bSnacion run: I-5, Hill St. s 1-5 opened up tf4 16 Cosbina[!on run: 1-5, kill St., 6 I-S opened u� 9U !0 Wtlet veir at orlglna] lenRth:Existing lagoon coi�4. 89 11 Uuclet veir at oriRlnal lenght:Existfnq lagoon c��id. TABLE 7 , page 2 xcrN � - M0. INFLOY HYDROGRAPH (aG00N CONDITIONS SP.DIMEHT ACCUMULAT[ON RESUL7S Inittal Dis- HS11 veter lnflor Deposlted ch�rRed Corents I_5 S[. Outlet We1r surf�ee tons ous -�- - rreQu��c> Yacer�hed 4eir Vidth lnvert lengeh elev HGVD Condltlons E1�� !t eulv�tt Et f[ f[ tt ele� t[ J1 100-�r Future 1.5 l00 2.0 K�� 1.8 1•8 - •- -- - r,o�bination run: lnictal VS�L-l.N': FASAL ERRUR ->I�K of neR. no. + 3Z 100-qr Future I.S lU0 1.8 80 t.tf 1.8 L,14y,31U 974,64u 85 15 Lo�ered H(ll St. ruivrrt - invert [o avold above crn ]3 l2-yr Fucuce l.5 lUU 1.8 8U 1.8 1.8 - - - - No flov out oE Bacin 2 �r 3 No[e, pcogras did run • l� 2-7rr Fucu n l.5 IOU 1.7 BU 1.8 1.H 2O,U�U 16,UIU 8U 20 Lovercd Hlll St. [o I.7' �e •vert above probleu 35 100-7r[ Exls[. v/det. I.S 200 1.7 80 1.8 1.8 316,l35 282,Y25 82 t8 CF Ru� !32 6 30 (for e:isting lsgoon condltion••/ _ 36 100-yr Future 1.5 100 1.) t!0 . 1.8 1.8 1,143,670 965,935 84 16 �hannel sl�ulatlon: vidtl,,[ eren�l/10 orlgin�l conlf�•��r.• [lun wlUx •37 100-7r Exi�t.v/det. 5.8 15 2.0 50 5.8 5.8 367,i65 JU:i,�10 ' 87 13 Exloting legoon condittonr 38 706-rr Future 1.5 100 1.8 80 ].8 1.8 I,149�31U 9�8,SSU 83 17 Sare as f3e but depth tncreesed 6y 5 [[ 39 100-�r Future l.5 100 1.8 80 !.tl l.8 1,14),i7U 904,160 BU 20 10' ehannel, SU'vlde, nrP.� eceled dovn by ratlo ot vidthe (�ee SEU.DAS filrl * �0 l00-7r Fucure -8.'S 100 -8.0 EO 1.8 l.8 1,14t,985 892,94U 78 22 !0' deep ch�nnel, 50'vfAr; _ � th1■ !e b�at u�e ■c�nn�l� • �! 2-7r /ut�re -8.5 !00 8.0 tlU I.N 1.R 2t1,q35 �4,2t5 7t 29 Ill' deep ch���el, SO' �I�1. [hIs la best case scennri�� • 42 100-yr C�cl�t v/ d�t. �E.a lbl) -S.0 8U l.e 1.8 7�tl,�7U 26),l�S 76 2� Yutur� 1�6�* vith ah�nnvi ^ • �i 2-�r E:1�t v/ det. -8.S 100 -8.0 BO 1.8 1.8 9,7W 6,360 6B J2 Fukure 1nRoo� v/ channel • 41 2-7r Exl�c r/det. 5.8 IS 2.0 SO S.B S.if 9,125 8,650 93 1 Exlsting la600n conditiun• •�5 2-�r Future S.S 15 2.0 50 5.8 S.B 61,676 56,592 90 !0 Revi�ed h�drolosy •�6 100-�r Fucure S.S 1S 2.0 SO 5.8 S.tl 2,514,779 2,2'15,23U 88 t2 Reviaed h�drology • l7 2-�r Fut.v/det. 5.9 1S 2.0 50 S.8 S.tl •8,565 6�,Y81 91 9 Revi�ed hrdcoloqy - •�8 100-yr Fut.v/det. 5.8 !S 1.0 50 S.8 S.B 1,90l,Ou2 1,672.57U D8 12 Aevl�ed hydrologr •�9 2-�r Fut.v/det. S.a 15 2.0 SU 5.8 S.tl 3),92U 31,'ltlU Y2 e Ilevi�ed h7rdrology enh. eMnn�l _ • SU l00-�r Fu[.v/det. 5.9 IS 1.D SU 5.8 5.8 1,36y,914 1,I90,359 87 13 Nevised hydroloRY � enh. channel _ 32 _ __. - -- - - q = pV* Um(0.17 + .Ol Um/w s where e Um/v* = 2.5/n(3.32 V*h/y} where: qs is sedirnent discharge p is the fluid density V* is the shear velocity L�n is the mean velocity w is �he garticle fall velocity h is the depth )) is the kinematic viscosity Thzs lcwer limit is �xzrticularly ii�ortant �n estimating net acctiunulation of the finer sed.iment fractions. The total s�ediment acctunulation for a particular flood hydrograph for each cell can be est:�mated by stmIIning the accturnzlation in each time period. The Computer Model A computer model was developed to simulate sedim�nt acc�nrnzlation in the three ce11s of Buena Vista Lagoon for a given inflow flood hydrograph. This model, identified as NIPOND c PV� 1985, was an adaption of an earlier lagoon flood routing model with the addition of sed�ment routing subroutines•. TY��e input data requi ed is the inflow flood hydrograph, sediment rating curves for each sediment size selected, lagoon geometry, and �„�eir and culvext characteristics. The otitput is a cxmrputation for each hour of the sediment inf law, sed�ment accLnmzlation, and sediment dischaxge, for each fraction for each basin in the — lagoon. The ccn�uter model also calculates inflow, outflcw, water surface elevation and velocities of each basin for each hour. Over the entire hydrograph geriod the model calculates the total sed�ment acc�miulation and — discharge for each basin. Results A total of 50 ccxnputer nuis were carried out to examine the combinations of different scenarios of watershed conditions and lagoon hydraulics. A c�nplete s�y of these runs is shavn in Table Seven. Forty-four of the runs were carried out based on HEC-1 inflaa hydrographs representing three different watershed oonditions that were developed in the Phase One siudy. These w�re: 33 1. E�isting �r.ditions 2. �ture conditions with no action 3. E�isting canc'.itions with detention basins. For each condition the 2-year and 100-year flood hydrograph was analyzed, and in 9a�e instances the 5- and 25-year hydrograhs as w�Il. Late in the study, errors were found in these F�C-1 inflcw hydrographs. Accordingly they w�ere recalculated and six additional ccs�uter runs based on three new sets of hydrographs were carried aut: 4. Recalculated future conditions with no action 5. Recalculated future oonditions with detention basins 6. Recalculated future aonditions with detention basins and preserving the floodplain upstseam. A stu��azy of the inflcw hydrographs used is given in Table Eight. Although the earlier I�C-I hydrographs were not accurate, the cc�uter mcdelling results can sti.11 be used as a basis for contparing the effectiveness of different modifications to the hydraulics of the lagoon. Five diffesent lagoon hydraulics canditions �re examined, either individually or in ccmbination: 1. E�cisting conditions 2. Remaving the sed�ment acccmnilated tmder the I-5 bridge 3. Enlarging the Hill Street culvert 4. Increasing the capacity of the outlet weir by widening and lawering its crest 5. F�cavating a deep channel through the lagoon fran Jefferson Street to the outlet weir. The average annual sed�ment acc►Jmulation for selected scenarios is shawn in Table Nine. Thes� values are detezmined by plotting a sediment acci.�nulation probability curve using the 2-year and 100-yeax �uter run results for total sediment acc�n�lation and then calculating the avpxage annual. sed�me.nt accumulation by the method desc.ribed in the ASCE Sedim�ntation Engineer�ng Handboc�k Table 4.18. Table Nine shows that average annual sediment acctunulation in about 33,000 tons/year under existing conditions (scenario I). Tha.s airounts to about 20 acre feet per year which, averaged over the whole lagoon, is about 0.1 ft/year. At this rate the lagoon �uld fill in ccxnpletely in twenty to thi.rty years. Sediment acce�nulation of 33,000 tons/year, assisning a trap efficiency c3'� TABLE EIGHT. SU�RY QF INP�AW HYDROGRAPHS Flood Flood Watershed Return Peak Flaw Vol�e - Source Condition Frequency cfs acre ft. - Phase I study E�isting 2 1371 429 Phase I study E�isting 5 1979 608 ^ Phase I study E�isting 25 3659 1067 Phase I study E�cisting 100 7200 1942 Phase I study Future 2 1712 539 - Phase I study Future 5 2485 741 Phase I study �zture 25 4412 1245 � Phase I study Futux'e 100 8000 2145 Phase 1 study Existing w/det 2 1227 414 Phase I study Existing w/det 100 5044 1553 - Phase II study �z-Eure 2 3213 428 Phase II study �zture 100 13734 1583 � Phase II study Future w/det 2 2590 -�- Phase II study Future w/det �00 11431 1483 Phase II study Future w/det & fp 2 2130 314 - Phase II study Future w/det & fp 100 9231 1351 35 TABLE NINE. SUN7NIARY OF LAGOON AND L�,TERSI�D SIMULATIONS Avg. Annua.l Simulation Watershed Hydrograph Lagoon Computer Sed. Accu. � No. Coriditions Source Cond. Runs (tons) reduct. 1 E�isting Phase I Ex.isting 1,2,3,4 32,970 N/A 2 �ture Phase I �isting 29,30 73,550 0 3 �iture Phase I Ftiiture _ Camb. 32,34 64,230 13 4 Future Phase I Elzture Ccxnb. � w/channel 40,41 56,280 23 5 Existing — w/det Phase I �xisting 37,44 25,490 &5 6. E�isting _ w/det Phase I F�.iture Catnb . w/channel 42,43 19,840 73 7 �zture Phase II r'�isting 45,46 191,500 0 8 F�tux'e w.det Phase II Existing 4i,48 153,600 20 9 Ftiiture w det of floodplain Phase II �.i.sting 49,50 105,100 45 36 of about 90�, corr�sponds to a watershed sediment yield of 1500 tons/squaremiZe/year, a value fairly typical of this area. It also corresponds c closely to �.he obsezved historic rate of acclurn�lation of approximately 35,000 tons/year. Hawever, such a corre�or.dence should �e regarded as fortuitous 'pecause of the Iarge poter_tial er�-ors u�herent in analyses of this type. � Sedim�nt acctmlulation under future watershed conditions with increased uxbanization and no s�_nt con�rol is projected. to increase by a�ltiple of s� to abaut 20Q,000 tons/year (scenario 7). This is due to the increase — inpeak flaws fran stonn drains, li.ned channels and paved surfaces, and the exponential relationship bet�,een sediment delivery and flaw rate. The resulting predicted watershed sedi.ment yield of 7,500 tons/square mile/year is _ not uncca�a�n in urbanizing watersheds of this type. A sediment acc�nulation of 200,000 tons/year if distributed e�ually in the lagoon, cnuld fill it in four to five years. V. Ct'h�TC'LUSIC�IS The F�zture of the Lagoon If no action is taken and the e.x.�.sting sed.imentation rates continue, nx�st of the lagoon will probably fill with sed�ment within the next 20 to 40 years. _ However, because of additional urbanization in the watershed (undezway or planned), and the filling of the Buena Vista Creek floodplain, most of the lagoon might fill in an �h.e ne.:�t 10 to 20 years. This sed.imentation cx�uld not occur gradually but more likely as a result of 2 or 3 major flooc7.s. — Consequently, the rate of filling will depend on the sequence of wet and dxy years. — There are two strategies for reducing sedimentatian in the lagoon: either . reduce sediment inflaw or improve the flushing abiliiy of the lagoon. Table One shaws t�:e relative successes of these twr� strategies. The m�st effective _ alternativ-e for mitigating increased sedjment flows fio the lagoon is channel • enhancement (Alternative WS). Channel enhancement was modeled fran dawnstream of Brengle Terrace Park to South Coast Asphalt. Various channel configurations will accomplish this goal but a max.urnun velocity of 6 feet per second must be �" maintained. The key io keeping the velocities at this level will be to install check structures along the creek and recontour the channel as necessary. This velocity wi11 all�,v for the grawth of riparian vegetatian; however, in many — areas the existing "natural" crlannel will hav� to be redesigned, drop structures installed, and creek banks revegetated to meet this velocity goal. Fortunately we have a model to follow. Gul1y restoration was accc�rcplished in _ the Tahce Basin using check structures. These have bee.n in place for several years. Not only c�es channel enhanceme�lt decrease peak flood flows to the lagcon more effectively it also decreases the erosion hazard for the major source of sediment to the lagoon. Alrrost as effective in decreasing peak flood flows is the design, installation and m�aintena.-�ce of eight stonn attenuation basins (Alterna�ive WI) . The — location of these and the channel enhanceme.nt are shawn on Figure 4. All of the attenuation locations �re modeled in the Phase One study. Twa were r�eled, based on r�ore detailed topoyr�phy. 37 s � � �� 11 st� �� � c �� s � a. � � � � .� � � � C J. N C'1' � r a c:� O O � \ 38 �' I-S It is evident tl^�at theze is a�otential for decreasing lagoon sedimentation by a�out 45� by reducing flood peaks under future conditions by constnzcting _ detention ix-�sins and presezving and enhancing the floodplain upstream (Alternatives Tr7 and Ti�rS) . _ The third m�st effective m�tnod of reducing sediment to the lagoon is stopping � the soil Ioss frcgn grading and agricultural operatians. The grading ardinances for the three cities adequately require sediment control for gracling operations. An education process stil.l r�eeds to occur for the methods that — are effective to comply with the ordinances. Agriculture is still a major source of sediment and there appears to be no ordinances for this source. Agrictzlture will probably dwindle to be very small within 2D years, as the watershed is urbanized. This study envisions a program of education for the City personnel wha check gradir�g plans and the operators and building inspectors who are responsible for — trie outc�me of these plans. The �ducation program would give a review of the requir�ments of the erosion control orclinance and specific recc�ndations for cost-effective design and i�lementation of th� ordinance. Similiarly the agricultural education program would focus on agricultural opexators and the Soil Conservation Service and emphasize cas�-effective i�Ie�-r�ntation of best management practices in the watershed. Sina1l amounts of the total sediment can be removed in two sediment basins lccated at South Coast Asphalt and the mouth of the lagoon (Alternatives S4 and J S5). The one at South Coast Asphalt will require less costly maintenance, as the material could probably be used on the site. The advantage to these sed�merit basins is that it is Iess costly to remove the material at these — locations than after it reaches the lagoon. The natu�.e of the material ren�oved will be sandier than the total sediment acc�uni�lating in the Zagoon, therefore a moze usable material, The sedime.nt frc�n side channel arroyos can be effectively controlled by repairing the arroyo and preventing further erosion {Alternatives S1). These w�ould be repaired in the same fashion as the ma.in creek channel. Sediment inflaw can be further red.uced by control of sedim�nt sources in the watershed. The releative success of these sediment control measures is not — easily quantifiable. Hawever, it is not unreasonable to suggest that vigorous application of such measures could reduce the sed�ment Zoad by about 50�. This, ccqnbined wit'� reduction of the flood peaks, would mean that the sediment _ inflaw would be reduced to about 30� of its expected future value. In contrast, modifyi.ng the lagoon hydraulics is not nearly as effective in rec?ucing sediment acc�snulation. With a11 the reasonably feasible nx�d.ificaitons � -- clearing the I-5 bridge, widening the Hi11 Street culvert and lowoering and widening the outlet c�ir, the sedimes�t acclmiulation reduces or.ly by 13$. E�en with these modifications, maintai.ning a deep channel through the entire lagoon -- reduces sediment acceuzrulation by 23� {Alternative L2) . A deep channel weuld require constant maintenance as it wnuld tend to fill with sediment resuspended by wave action in the �r, and is not a v�ry practical aption. 39 The effectiveness of �ndividual mo3ifications in the lagoon is negligible. They only achieve the 13$ reduction when im�lemented together. This can be — seen by c�anparing runs 9 and 12, 13 and 16, 17 and 20, with 29 and 30, and with 32 and 34, as shc�um in Table Seven. In its present state, managed as a fresh water lake, Buena Vista Lagoon is a vexy efficient sediment trap. It traps about 90$ of all sed�ment which enters it. The only hydraulically feasible way of greatly �ncreasing the flushing of sediment frcm the lagoon is to restore it to tidal action. Havever, because the sed�ment discharge to the lagoon is naw so large, even with tidal action the lagoon would probably silt up to a fraction of its original size. Eben with the best possible scenario of watershed improv�ments, considerable aQnounts of sediment will have to be r�noved �n order to maintain the lagoon in its existing state. To predict the aQnount of dredging required, flow mesurements and sediment samples will have to be taken on Buena Vista Creek and at the outflaw weir in order to calculate a more accurate sedimP�nt k�.idget. In addition, periodic bathymetric suiveys will need to be made of the lagoon to measure actual sediment acc�mtulation. Based on the exi.sting analysis using data frcm other watersheds, the average dredging requirement probably will be in the range of 10,000 to 100,000 tons/year, ass�ning the watershed modifications are impl��n�ed. Probably between five and twenty percent of this sed�ment will be of suitable size far beach replenishment. VI. RECONA�IDATIONS 1. The Lagoon's Ftiiture In its existing state Buena Vista Lagoon acts as a v�ry effective sediment trap. Under exi.sting watershed condition� it appears that the entire lagoon will silt in aver the next twenty or thirty years, with nx�st of the siltation occurring during a few large stonns. Under future watershed conditions the rate of siltation will increase substantially, red.ucing the expected lifetime of the lagoon to less than ten years. The mr�st effective means of reducing sed�me.nt accumulation in the lagoon is to reduce sediment inflaw frcgn the watershed. SedimP_nt acc�urnllation in the lagoon can be reduced by about 50g by reducing flood peaks in the wate7-shed and enhancing the creek, thereby reducing sedime.nt inflaw. 2 . Cre�k �hanceqne.nt (WS ) To reduce sedime,nt entering the lagoon �am creekbed erosion, a maxisrnam channel velocity criteria of six feet per secorxl is required. This is effective and was modelled as the maxim�IIn velocity that vegetation coul.d conceivably wi.thstand. Lawer velocities are recca�mended and will be more effective. All initial creek design should check flood control requirements, and utilize the maxitrnun velocities using Manning roughness coefficients of 0.030 to 0.050, which is the range of the vegetation gravth roughness in the channel. So the velocity of the 100 year stonn should not exceed six 40 ~ feet Fer second using a A'�nning roughness coefficient of 0.030 ar� the finishe�d floor°elevations should be one foot higher than tne anticipated water surface elevation using a Manni-ng coefficient of 0.050 for 100-year — stornns . � � A lcw flow channel should be des�gned to acconmodate the 2-Year storm flaws. This law flaw channel should �acedf �the channellt hlow�rherever possible. Drop structUres should be p velocities and banks revegetated to prevent erosion. A typical stream cross section is shaHm in Fiqu�'e 5. The lo�r middle reach is absorbing large quantities of s�ediment and is presently offeri.ng a significant buffer for the lagoon by accomadating qreat quantities of sediment being tz'ansPorte� in the creek. This section of the floodplain rcwst be Presezved i�n its present state. 3, D�tention Basins (V�71) The eight detention basins outlined on Figure 4 should be built and maintained. Maximtmn Peak attenuation for the 2 to 100-year storms should be the design criteria for these basins. 4. La oon Nt�lifications (Ll) The mast effective method of decreasing the sediment accturnilation in the lagoon wi.th lagoon enhancement is a ccanbination � aat�H 11 Street to 100 �aeir with a uridth to 80 feet, enlarging the °Pen g feet wide, excavating the material under' the freeway, and breachi.ng the barrier beach durinq storms. This scenario of i�rovements reduces sediment acclmnulation by only 13� and r.as many environmP_ntal drawbacks. 5, Continuin Erosion Control Fr zcation (S2 and S3) The first erosion control �rkshap was well attended. 'I"here seems to be a �¢rnu�it�, con�unit�nent to erosion control. Efficient erosion control both for grading and agriculture will pay off well in tern�s of reducing sediment acctim�nzlation in the lagoon be beneficial. 6, Sediment Basins (S4 and S5) The two feasible locations for sediment basins are at South Coast Asphalt and just upstream of Jefferson Street. 7. Dradging '� . Even with a11 of the effective methods outlined herein, the lagoon will have to continue to be dredged Periodically. The alternatives were all con�ared to this inevitable and ongoing solution. 41 8. Monitoring The fact that this is a c�mpletely ungauged watershed gives the finclings of this study an amount of uncertainty. There is a need for monitoring so more accurate estirnates of flood flows, sediment transport and sediment acc�nulation rates can be obser�red. The models used in this study then can be calibrated and the accuracy i�roved greatly. Rain gauge and stream flaw nbnitoring are needed to calibrate watershed models. These will also help to ans�r many of the local questions regarding storm flav values. Present estimates of these stornt flaw values vary vrildly. Sediment �lang in the creek will provide rrore definite correlation between the sediment flaws and the flood flows. This wi.11 help develop a sediment rating ctuve for the Buena Vista watershed. Bathymetric suxveys of the lagoon need to be taken, especially before and after major stornn events in order to monitor the sediment accumulation . 42 V±I. BIBLIOGRAPHY ASCE Manuals and Reports on �gineering Fractice, No. 54, 1975. Sedimentation i and E.�gineerir.g, V. Vanon.i., ed. Hoffman, J. S., et al. 1983. Projecting Future Sea1 Leve1 Rise, Nlethodology, � Est:mates to �he Year 2100, and Research Needs. A Report ot the U.S. Enviroxunental Protection Agency. SimQns, Li & Associates, Fort Collins, C0. 1984. Effect of the Santa Margarita Project on Beach Sarid Replenishment. Prepared under contract with the Bureau of Reclamation. U.S. Arniy Corps of Ehgineers, 1973. Flood Plain Information, Buena Vista Creek, Pacific Ocean to Vista, San Diego County, CA. Prepared for San Diego Coturty . Yalin, M. S., 1972. N�chanics of Sedsment Transport. Perganinon Press, Oxford. — United States Geological Survey Water Resources Data for California, 1975-82. United States Geological Siirvey, Menlo Park, CA. � 43 APPENDIX ONE SUBBASINS FUTURE HYDROLOGICAL CONDITIONS CALCULATIONS IJATERSHED SUBBASIN FUTURE CHARATERISTICS 0.38 LAG = 24n(L X Lc/SQRT s) - SUB- LU SOIL 7 SCS CN ELEU LENGTH PC-CPJT SASIN SLOPE BASTN CPl X� DIF L(FT) Lc (FT) n(FT/�iI) - 1 COMi�I D 40% 92 36.8 220 3500 1800 0.05 332 HDR 0.0 h1DR D 20% 88 17.6 LDR 0.0 COMPOSIT FP�IST D 40% 86 34.4 CN LAG (HR) � 0.0 89 0.2263 2 COP�M D 407 92 36.8 150 3500 1400 0.045 226 HDR D 40% 90 36.0 - MDR D 20% 88 77.6 LDR 0.0 COMPOSIT FMST 0.0 CN LAG (HR) _ 0.0 90 0.1991 3 COf�lh1 0.0 700 4000 2200 0.05 924 - HDR 0.0 I�IDR 0.0 LDR 0.0 COMPOSIT - FMST D 100% 86 86.0 CN LAG (HR) ' 0.0 86 0.2115 4 COMM D 30% 92 27.6 340 4700 2200 0,045 382 HDR D 307 90 27.0 MDR D 20% 88 17.6 - LDR O.Q COMPOSIT FP�IST D 20� 86 17. 2 CN LAG ( H R) 0.0 89 0.2394 5 COMh1 D 50% 92 46.0 50 3000 1500 0.03 88 HDR D 507 90 45.0 MDR 0. 0 LDR 0.0 COMPOSIT FMST 0.0 CN LAG (HR) - 0.0 91 0.1537 _- 6 COMM D 50% 92 46.0 150 250Q 1000 0.03 317 HDR D 30% 90 27.0 MDR D 20% 88 17.6 LDR 0.0 CO�IPOSIT FMST 0.0 CN LAG (NR) 0.0 91 0.0964 A-1 r 7 COP�h1 0. 0 650 6000 3500 0, 05 572 HDR 0.0 � MDR 0.0 _ LDR 0.0 COMPOSIT FMST D �00% 86 86.0 CN LAG (NR) 0.0 86 0.3224 8 COMM . 0.0 900 4000 2500 0.05 1�88 HDR 0. 0 - MDR 0.0 LDR 0.0 COMPOSIT FMST D 100% 86 86.0 CN LAG (HR) _ 0.0 86 0.2117 9 COMM 0.0 450 4000 2000 0.05 594 -- HDR 0.0 MDR 0.0 LL1R 0.0 COMPOSIT - FMST D 1009 86 86.0 CN LAG (HR) 0.0 86 0.2218 10 COMM 0.0 650 6000 2500 0.05 572 HDR 0.0 MDR 0. 0 - �DR C 507 84 42.0 COMPOSIT FMST C 50% 82 41.0 CN LAG (HR) , 0.0 83 0.2837 - 11 COMM 0.0 650 5000 2500 0.05 686 _ HDR 0.0 MDR 0.0 LDR 0.0 COMPOSIT FMST D 100� 86 86.0 CN LAG (HR) - 0.0 86 0.2557 12 COMM 0.0 150 5000 250Q 0.035 158 . . HDR 0.0 � MDR C 40% 86 34.4 LDR C 40% 84 33.6 COMPOSIT FP�ST C 20% 82 16.4 CN LAG (HR) 0.0 84 0.2365 13 COMM 0.0 200 3000 1500 0.035 352 HDR 0.0 -- MDR 0.0 LDR D 30% 87 26.1 COMPOSIT FMST 0.0 CPl LAG (HR) PARK D 70% 82 57.4 84 0.1378 � A-2 � a� cor1r� o. 0 600 � o000 4000 0. os 3> > - HDR 0.0 MDR 0.0 LDR C 30% 84 25.2 COMPOSIT - FMST C 70� 82 57.4 CN LAG (HR) 0,0 83 0.4609 15 COyIPf 0.0 250 3000 1500 0.035 440 . HDR 0.0 MDR 0.0 - LDR C 40% 84 33.6 CO��IPOSIT F��ST 0.0 CN LAG (HR) PARK C 60% 77 46.2 80 0.1354 16 COMhI B 40% 90 36,0 250 3200 1500 0.03 413 HDR B 40% 82 32.8 P�iDR 0.0 LDP, B 20% 78 15.6 COMPOSIT ' FMST 0.0 CN LAG (HR) - 0,0 $4 0.7175 - 17 COP1t�1 B b0% 90 54.0 250 3000 1000 0.03 440 HDR 0.0 P�DR B 40% 80 32.0 LDR 0.0 COMPOSIT FMST 0.0 CN LAG (NR) 0.0 86 0.0970 18 COMf� C 40% 91 36.4 250 9000 5000 0.028 147 HDR C 20% 88 17.6 - MDR C 207 86 17.2 LDR C 20% 84 16.8 COMPOSIT FMST 0.0 CN LAG (HR) _ 0. 0 88 0. 3124 19 C01�11�1 0.0 500 6000 3000 0.05 440 - HDR 0.0 MDR 0.� LDR C 30% 84 25.2 COMPOSIT - FMST C 70% 82 57.4 CN LAG (HR) 0.0 83 0.3196 20 COMt�1 C 30% 91 27.3 250 9500 5000 0.035 139 HDR 0.0 MDR C 30% 86 25.8 - LDR C 30% 84 25.2 COMPOSIT FMST C 10� 82 8.2 CN LAG (HR) 0.0 $7 0.4027 A-3 21 COMM D HDR D MDR D LDR D FMST 22 COM� i C HDR B MDR LDR FP�9ST 23 COMM D HDR D MDR D LDR D FMST 24 COMM C HDR C MDR C LDR Ft�1ST 25 CQIhM C HDR C MDR C LDR C FMST 26 COMM HDR MDR D LDR FMST 30� 92 27.6 100 10000 6000 0,03 53 309 90 27.0 307 88 26.4 10% 87 8.7 COMPOSIT 0.0 CN 0. 0 90 LAG (HR) 0.4534 50� 91 45.5 80 2000 1000 0.028 211 50% 82 41.0 0. 0 0.0 COMPOSIT 0. 0 C!V 0.0 87 LAG (HR) 0. 0893 407 92 36.8 220 9000 4000 0.028 129 207 90 18. 0 30% 88 26,4 1Q% 87 8.7 COMPOSIT 0.0 CN LAG (HR) 0.0 90 0.2941 60% 91 54.6 85 4000 2000 0.028 30� 88 26.4 10% 86 8.6 0.0 COMPOSIT 0. 0 CN 0. 0 90 LAG (HR) 0.1705 407 91 36.4 180 5000 2500 0.03 207 88 17. 6 30% 86 25.8 10% 84 8.4 COMPOSIT 0. 0 CN 0. 0 88 LAG (HR) 0.1958 112 190 0.0 170 5000 2500 0.035 180 0. 0 100� 88 $8.0 Q.0 COMPCISIT ' 0.0 CN 0. 0 88 LAG (HR) 0.2310 Z7 COMP�i C 20% 9i 18.2 200 6000 3000 0.035 HDR C 20% 88 17.6 ��DR C 60% 86 51.6 LDR 0.0 COMPOSIT FMST 0.0 CPd LAG (HR) 0.0 87 0.2663 A-4 176 28 COMM C 20% 91 78.2 1$0 4500 2500 0.035 211 � HDR D 40% 90 36.0 NIDR D 40% 88 35.2 LDR 0,0 COMPOSIT - FMST 0.0 CN LAG (HR) 0. 0 89 0. 2151 29 COMM 0.0 120 4000 1800 0.035 158 NDR 0.0 MDR D 100% 88 88.0 - LDR 0.0 COMPOSiT FMST 0.0 CN LAG (NR) 0. 0 88 0.1918 30 COMr�� D 2a� 92 18.4 150 5000 2500 0.035 158 _ HDR D 30� 90 27.0 MDR D 50� 88 44.0 LDR 0.0 COMPOSIT FMST 0.0 CN LAG (NR) - 0.0 89 0.2365 -- 31 COMM C 20% 91 18.2 220 3400 1500 Q.035 342 HDR D 50% 90 45.0 hIDR D 30% 88 26.4 LDR 0.0 COMPOSIT � FMST 0.0 CN LAG (HR) 0.0 90 0.1454 32 COMM D 40% 92 36.8 260 7000 3500 0.035 196 HDR D 30% 90 27.0 - MDR D 30% 88 26.4 LDR 0.0 COMPOSIT FMST 0.0 CN LAG (HR) _ 0.0 90 0.2933 33 COMM 0.0 180 4000 2200 0.035 238 - HDR 0.0 MDR D 1007 88 88.0 LDR 0.0 COMPOSIT - FMST 0.0 CN LAG (HR) 0,0 88 0.1916 � 34 COM��1 D 50% 92 46.0 180 4700 2500 0.035 202 HDR D 30% 90 27.0 MDR D 20� 88 17.6 � LDR 0.0 COMPOSIT FMST 0.0 CN LAG (HR) 0, 0 91 0. 2205 A-5 35 COMM D �0� 92 9.2 200 5000 2000 0.035 211 HDR D 20% 90 18.0 MDR D 70% 88 b1.6 LDR 0.0 COMPOSIT FMST 0.0 CN LAG (HR) __ 0.0 89 0.2057 36 COMM C 107, 91 9.1 200 4000 2000 0.035 264 HDR D 20% 90 18.0 - MDR D 70% 88 61.6 LDR 0.0 COMPQSIT FMST 0.0 CN LAG (HR) _ 0.0 89 0.1811 37 COMM 0.0 370 4500 2200 0.035 434 - HDR 0. p MDR D 100� 88 88.0 LDR 0.0 COMPOSIT - FMST 0.0 CN l.AG (HR) 0.0 88 0.1787 38 COP�1h1 0.0 340 5500 2500 0.035 326 HDR C 40� 88 35.2 MDR D 60% 88 52.8 - LDR 0.0 COMPOSIT FMST 0.0 CN LAG (HR) 0. 0 88 0. 2138 - 39 0.0 340 4000 2000 ' 0.035 449� MDR A 10% 73 7.3 MDR C 20% 86 17.2 MDR D 707 88 61.6 COMPOSIT 0.0 CPJ LAG (HR) � 0.0 86 0,1638 40 0.0 320 3500 1500 0.035 483 MDR C 30% 86 25.8 MDR D 70% 88 61.6 0.0 COMPOSIT 0.0 CN LAG (HR) � 0.0 87 0.1376 41 0.0 280 6000 3500 0.035 246 MDR C 60� 86 51.6 _ MDR D 40% 88 35.2 0.0 COMPOSIT 0.0 CN LAG (HR) 0.0 87 0.2649 A-6 42 0.0 240 3000 1500 0.035 422 MDR C 64% 86 51.6 � MDR D 40% 88 35.2 0. 0 COP�POS I T 0.0 CN LAG (NR) 0.0 87 0.1331 43 Q.0 220 2500 1200 0.035 465 - P4DR C 50� 86 43.0 MDR Q 50� 88 44.0 0,0 C0�1POSIT � 0.0 CN LAG (HR) 0.0 87 0.1121 � 44 0.0 240 4500 Z000 0.035 282 MDR C 40% 86 34.4 MDR D 607 88 52.8 -- 0.0 COMPOSIT 0,0 CN LAG (HR) 0.0 87 0.1871 45 COMM 0.0 2$0 4000 1500 0.035 370 NDR 0. 0 � MDR C 307 77 23.1 LDR 0.0 COMPOSIT . FP,1ST 0.0 CN LAG (HR) - PARK C 707 86 60.2 83 0.1523 _ 46 COMf� C 10� 91 9.1 240 4500 2000 0.035 282 NDR 0.0 MDR C 80� 8$ 70.4 LDR 0.0 COMPOSIT � FMST 0.0 CN LAG (HR) OPEN C 10% 77 7.1 87 0.1871 47 0.0 260 3700 1500 0.035 371 r�1DR C 30% 86 25.8 _. MDR C 70� 88 61.6 0.0 COMPOSTT 0.0 CN LAG (HR) 0.0 87 0.1478 48 COMP�i D 40% 92 36.8 220 4500 3000 0.035 258 - COi�1M C 40% 91 36.4 HDR D 107 90 9.0 MDR D 10% 88 8.8 COh1POSIT _ F�Y1ST 0.0 CN LAG (HR) 0.0 91 0.2220 A-7 49 COMh9 C 407 91 36.4 280 6500 2200 0.035 227 HDR D 20% 90 18.0 MDR D 407 88 35.2 LDR 0.0 COMPOSIT FMST 0.0 CN LAG (HR) 0.0 90 0.2324 50 COMM 0.0 330 7000 3000 0.035 249 HDR 0.0 ��iDR A 100% 73 73.0 LDR 0.0 COh1POSIT FMST 0.0 CN LAG (HR) 0.0 73 0.2644 �� APPEiVDIX TWO COST-EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS O ANPdUAL COSTS DREDGIPIG: LAGOOPJ IP! EXISTIPdG COPJDITIOP! !�lATERSHED IN FUTURE COP,IDITIOf� 191.500 CY SEDIMENT DELIVERY X �7.35 /CY =$1,407.525 LAGOON MODIFICATIO�lS: LAGOON I�IITH 80' LOIA�ERIPJG U1EIR, 100' HILL ST. BRIDGE & DREDGING AT I-5 WATERSHED T�J FUTURE CONDITIOP� 4JEIR: $400.000 INITIAL COSTS LIFE: 20 YEARS = �20.000 OPERATION AND t�-1AThJTAPJE�dCE: $20.000 HILL ST: $740,000 iNITIAL COSTS LIFE: 50 YEARS = $2.800 I-5 $30,000 INITIAL COSTS LIFE: 2 YEARS = $15.000 TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS: $57,800 LAGOOfV CHANNEL DREDGED 10' DEEP 100' WIDE ' WATERSHED IN FUTURE CObJDITIOPJ 268.500 CY X $15 PER CY = $4,�27�500 IPJITIAL COSTS LIFE: 2 YEARS = $2,013.750 � DETE1VTi0�� BASIPJS LAGOON :[N EXISTTNG COfJDITION 4JATERSHED IN FUTURE COPIDITION 4JITH 8 DETENTION BASINS LAP,ID: 19 ACRES X $130.000 PER ACRE _$2.470.00Q LIFE: 50 YEARS = CC���1ST' N: $11, 500 EACH X 8= $92. 000 LIFE: 10 YEARS = h1AINT: TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS: CREEK ENHANCEMEtJT LAGOON !PJ EXISTiNG CONDITIO�J WATERSHED IN FUTURE CONDITION WITH 8 DETENTION BASINS LAP1D: 1.050.000 SQ FT X $4 PER SQ FT =$4.200.000 LIFE: 50 YEARS = DROP STR �5,000 EACH X 160 = $800,000 LIFE: 5 YEARS = TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS: SIDE'CHAPlNEL REPAIR DROP STR $3,000 EACH X 10 = $30.000 LIFE: 5 YEARS = TOTAL ANNUAL CQSTS: �49. 400 $9. 200 $130,000 $188,600 $84,000 $160.000 $244, 000 $6. 000 $6,000 A—g SOUTN COAST SEDIi�iEf�dT BASIf! 5, 000 CY SEDIf�IENT DELIUERY X $2.35 �/CY = $11, 750 Af�!f�dU.aL CJSTS JEFFERSO��! SEDI�r1EI�JT BASI^J 1, 600 CY SEDIi�E�iT DELIVERY X $3. 35 ��/CY = $5, 360 AN��IUAL COSTS � If•lCLUDES P.EDUCTIOP! If: PP.ICE OF $4/CY FOR THE VkLUE OF THE P�IATEP.I ^,L A-10 PRU7ECTED SEDINIF�IT REDUCTIONS ln�Z�tSHID LAGOCAQ � RIDiTGT ANNiTAL ANNUAL CC3ND COND SIDIl�]T SEDIl�IT ACCUM RIDUCT. FUTURE EXISTING BASIS 191,500 — F'CPI'[JRE C� 12� 168,520 22,980 FUiiiRE ��&CHANN 26� 141, 710 49, 790 F'U'I'[7RE CHAI�II�i EE'F�7C,T 26, 810 MIlVIl�JM F W/DET E�STING 20� 153,600 37,900 DET&F�i EXIT 45� 105,100 86,400 ET�NC F�ST 48, 500 MIlVIl�'IIJM ALTERNATIVE ANNiJAL ANNfJAL RIDUCTION COST— COST SIDIl�iVT X BENEFIT RIDUGTION $7.35 RATIO NO MLIDIFTCATIdN $1,407,525 — — 1.00 WEIR+HII,L ST+I-5 $57,800 22,980 $168,903 3.0 C�IANI�L, $2, 013, 750 26, 810 $197, 054 .1 DET BASINS $139,200 37,900 $278,565 2.0 CRF�R IIVHANC $160,000 61,000 $448,350 2.8 E.C.R SIDE ARROYO $6,000 1,000 $7,350 1.2 GRADID ARF�18 $6,000 5,000 $36,750 6.3 AGRICtJI,TLTRAL $6, 000 4, 500 $33, 075 5. 6 S.COAST SID BASIN $11,750 2,50Q $18,375 1.6 JEE'F. SID SASIN $5,360 1,600 $11,76Q 2.2 A-11 ' APPENDIX THREE MIDDLE REACH EROSION CALCULATIONS 0 . DISTANCE VOLUME SECTION CROSS BETWEEN (CY) . NUMBER SECTION SECiIONS AREA (FEET) (SF) 100 655 840 13� 963 101 243 510 3.612 102 139 440 5. 361 103 514 1,460 28.242 104 526 980 21,252 105 645 275 5. 930 106 520 780 15,893 107 581 640 11,435 108 384 59Q 24, 900 109 1895 Z00 8. 94i 110 519 ' 710 12.238 111 412 420 3. 864 112 85 110 284 li3 54 460 3,869 114 400 640 9.170 115 374 300 2,590 116 92.5 171,542 TOTAL EROSION TN THE UPPER MIDDLE REACH a A—�2 L � 0 � � x H C z � — G. � d 3 � � � �- W � � ► � �� � �� o �� ° 1 �� ��� ���� $��►*� � 0 � l 1 I 'l� l !� � � ������� ���� ����� ��----- — � � � � _ � , �� a�� N . � . o 0 0 � o � $ � � � � Q o o. -- . - —�- ----- �o � h �'�°0� i��°°o�y ="��_=y`�-���-��b�°r�io'�a .o _ o a. 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