HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Calavera Hills Groundwater Extraction Discharge; Calavera Hills Groundwater Extraction Discharge; 1999-05-10Itt k IP ll MONITORING REPORT NUMBER 2 FOR r GROUNDWATER EXTRACTION DISCHARGE OFFSITE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS CAUVERAS DRIVE STATION 24+74(±) TO ^ EL CAMINO REAL, CALAVERA HILLS DEVaOPMENT U WDID NO. 9 000 000 882, CIT/ OF CARLSB/U3 SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CAUFORNIA OT tM FOR ^ CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTRCM. BOARD ^ SAN DIEGO REGION - SURFACE WATER UMTT 9771 CLAIRMONT MESA BOULEVARD, SUITE A ^ SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92124 IH ^ W.O. E2606-SC MAY 10,1999 IB k k ^ r L r L k k m k m MM Hi |H k Geotechnical • Geologic • Environmental 5741 Palmer Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931 -0915 May 10, 1999 W.O. E2606-SC IH L California Regional Water Quality Control Board Sar> Diego Region - Surface Water Unit 9771 Clairmont Mesa Boulevard, Suite A San Diego, Califomia 92124 Attention: Ms. Whitney J. Ghoram Subject: Monitoring Report Number 2 for Groundwater Extraction Discharge, Offsite Sewer Improvements, Calaveras Drive Station 24+74(±) to El Camino Real, Calavera Hills Development, WDID No. 9 000 000 882, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California References: 1. "Monitoring Report Number 1 for Groundwater Extraction Discharge, Offsite Sewer Improvements, Calaveras Drive Station 24-i-74(±) to El Camino Real, Calavera Hills Devetopment, WDID No. 9 000 000 882, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California," dated April 29,1999, W.O. E2606-SC, by GeoSoils. Inc. 2. "Authorization To Discharge Groundwater to Agua Hedionda Creek From Carlsbad Municipal Water District's Calavera Hills Offsite Sewer Extension Construction Dewatering Project Carlsbad, CA," dated April 12, 1999, WDID No. 9 000 000 882, by California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region. 3. "General Permit Authorization Application for Groundwater Extraction Discharge, Offsite Sewer Improvements, Calaveras Drive Station 24-f 74{±) to El Camino Real, Calavera Hills Development, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California," dated March 29,1999, W.O. E2606-SC, by GeoSoils. Inc. Dear Ms. Ghoram: On behalf of the McMillln Companies, GeoSoils, Inc. (GSI) is providing this second monitoring report on the temporary discharge of groundwater into Agua Hedionda Creek. The dewatering program operated during construction of a sewer main in Calaveras Drive (near El Camino Real) from April 14 to April 30,1999. Excavation forthe sewer line started on April 22, with the majority of backfill completed by April 30. It is our understanding that manhole construction and the main tie-in near the intersection of El Camino Real and Calaveras Drive is ongoing. Information provided herein includes daily field monitoring memos from April 29 to May 5, and available chemical laboratory data from Groundwater Monitoring Sample Numbers 2 and 3 (G.M.S. #2 and #3) collected on April 22 and 28, respectively. IP il c 2 Brief Summarv of Daily Field Observations ^ Overall, the volume of extracted groundwater discharged into the creek decreased during ^ this period from an estimated maximum of approximately 175,000 ± gallons per day (from April 22 through April 25) to less than 50,000 ± gallons per day (from April 28 through April 30). The lower value represents discharge from Wells B-1. B-2, and a limited number of 2-inch diameter well points, which were removed from operation as the trench excavation was backfilled. Field daily memos are provided in Appendix A. Algae growth was visible in the holding tank, which collected the extracted groundwater prior to discharge into the creek. No unusual signs of erosion were observed near the discharge point into the creek. Generally, unusual odors, discoloration, and/or floating materials (i.e., silt/clay particles) were not detected in groundwater discharged into the creek. The exception was noted on April 30,1999, when discharge into the holding tank consisted solely of groundwater from Wells B-1 and B-2. Traces of coarse siit/Hne-grained sand particles were detected in the extracted groundwater; however, no groundwater discoloration was observed. c r ^ Ongoing field observations of creek conditions roughly 100 ± feet down-gradient from the discharge point noted no unusual physical conditions to the flow generated by the r extracted groundwater. During this monitoring period, creek flow along the western El Camino Real bridge abutment was generated solely by discharged groundwater from the subject system. Signs of erosion were not observed, due to the relative limited flow and the established native vegetation at the southern edge of the bridge hindering the flow. Small depositional features (i.e., alluvial fanlets) previously noted under the bridge, did not p. appear to enlarge. Odors associated with the offsite connection to a live sewer main in ^ Cannon Road were detected at the southeriy bridge abutment, however, were of a transient nature. ^ Chemical Laboratory Test Results ^ As directed in the above referenced authorization letter by the RWQCB (dated April 12, b 1999), groundwater samples were collected and analyzed on a regular basis. G.M.S, #2 was collected from the discharge outlet pipe in the creek on April 22,1999. G.M.S. #3 was ^ collected on April 28,1999. G.M.S. #3 was the final groundwater sample collected prior k to the completion of dewatering. c c Sample G.M.S. #2 was analyzed for total nitrogen, total phosphorous, total and fecal coliform, zinc, dissolved oxygen, and pesticides (including diazinon) by EPA test method 8140. Sample G.M.S. #3 was also analyzed for acute toxicity. Samples were collected, stored and transported to California Department of Health Services (DHS) certified laboratories (Pacific Analytical Sen/ices, Inc. and Environmental Engineering Laboratory) the same day, following proper procedures. A Chain-of-Custody record was recorded with each laboratory. California RWQCB VV.O. E2606-SC Calavera Hills Development May 10,1999 File;e:\wp7\env\e2600\e2606.mm2 Page 2 GeoSoilSf Inc. p Test results currently available for G.M.S. #2 include dissolved oxygen (3.64 mg/1) total coliform (2 MPN/100 ml), fecal coiifomi (2 MPN/100 ml), phosphorus (0.10 mg/l), and zinc (not detected). Test results for pesticides and nitrogen (as nitrate) will be provided as soon as they are available. Maximum contaminant levels provided in Regional Board's Order No. 96-41 indicate limits were exceeded for dissolved oxygen. Table 1 below provides a summary of available laboratory test results for G.M.S. #2 and the applicable specific effluent limitations from Order 96^1. Laboratory test methods, complete test results, and the Chain of Custody documents are provided in Appendix B. c TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS - G.M R ito M" "k I r L CONSTITUENT UNITS TEST RESULTS DAILY MAXIMUM INSTANTANEOUS MAXIMUM Dissolved Oxygen mg/i 3.64 Not < 5 Not <5 Total Coliform MPN/ml 2 1000 Fecal Coliform MPN/ml 2 200 NA'^ Phosphorus mg/I 0.10 NAf^' 0.2 Zinc MS/I ND^^) 80 200 (2) - NA - Not Applicable (3) - ND - Non Detect Test results cun-ently available for G.M.S. #3 include dissolved oxygen (7.10 mg/l), total coliform (13 MPN/100 ml), fecal coiifomi (< 2 MPN/100 ml), phosphorus (0.10 mg/I), and zinc (not detected). Test results for acute toxicity, nitrogen (as nitrate), and pesticides will be provided as soon as they are available. Maximum contaminant levels provided in Regional Board's Order No. 96-41 indicate limits were not exceeded for the available test results. Table 2 below provides a summary of laboratory test results and the applicable specific effluent limitations from Order 96-41. California RWQCB Calavera Hills Development File:e:\wp7\env\e2600\e2606.mm2 W.O. E2606-SC May 10, 1999 Pages GeoSoils, Inc. m ^M P [ r L TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS - G.M R, Jtii CONSrmJENT UNITS TEST RESULTS DAILY MAXIMUM ^> ^ INSTANTANEOUS MAXIMUM Dissolved Oxygen mg/l 7.10 Not < 5 Not <5 Total Coliform MPN/ml 13.0 1000 NA'^ Fecal Coliform MPN/ml <2 200 NA'^ Phosphorus mg/l 0.10 NA=^ 0.2 Zinc Mg/l NDP* 80 200 1) - Effluent Limitations, Discharges to Lagoons/Estuaries; Order 96-41 (2) - NA - Not Applicable (3) - ND - Non Detect The balance of chemical test results for G.M.S. #2 and G.M.S. #3 will be submitted as soon as they become available. Conclusions and Recommendations Based upon the daily field observations and available laboratory test results reported herein, GSI concludes that the extracted groundwater discharged into Agua Hedionda Creek has not substantially affected the overall surface water quality ofthe creek. The low concentration of dissolved oxygen in G.M.S. #2 is likely the result of algae growth in the holding tank. The increase in concentrations of dissolved oxygen in G.M.S. #3 is the result of groundwater discharge solely from the 12-inch diameter wells B-1 and B-2. c t c California RWQCB Calavera Hills Development FJe:e:\wp7^.env\e2600\e2606,mm2 W.O. E2606-SC May 10. 1999 Page 4 GeoSoils, Inc. m k The opportunity to be of service is appreciated. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (760) 438-3155. Respectfully submitted, GeoSoils, Inc. P. Franklin anager, CEG 1340, CHG Edward P. Lump Director of Environmen REA-1 2565, RG 5975, EPL7JPF/mo Enclosures: Appendix A- Appendix B - Che7flidat*l56oratory Test Results Distribution: (2) Addressee (2) McMillin Companies, Attention: Mr. Don Mitchell k California RWQCB Calavera Hills Development File:e:\WD Aeinv\e2600\e2S06.nnm2 GcoSoilSy Inc. W.O. E2606-SC May 10.1999 Page 5 k k k r ^ APPENDIX A ^ DAILY FIELD MEMOS k IM t • pi IM li lb MEMO w. NAME 5741 PALMER WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 CLlEN-\\VN\\s^<.>(^i^^ TRACTGV^tJkAV^ V<^( nnATir^Ni'vN U QVVR^^ ^ GeoSoils, Inc. E:/wp/(orms/mefnosant,wpd PAGE IM P ll m m Ml IP k k W.O. CL 5741 PALMER WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 CLIENT IVvclW^\\>iCvi>s>^y^\-<L3 SUPT MEMO DATE H-^Q-^^ NAME '^A.vjNSf^p HOURS ^^"^ \^I^0Q^CIVA,1 TRAC7GV^J^^AlATS•^W^J^ LOCATION£\ CA<^<,<^^.\\C^\g..^r CONTRACTOR ^'^^ ^C^^y^vacV^T^C^ -^^^.^ QAVX-\ n,Yx t,...^ —^.^^ ^i^-^fi^ c^\v.v^s^ CV;T^.K^C> . ^.w C^^j^\>-^ v^T, ^^^<i^>:^c.^ c\.vyf\^c.^ (v.oV\\v>^r \^ '^tt^-tr^V^^ C>0 ^avi -A v^Vt^CjLn. ^ ^y<^r^ E:/wp/torms/memosani wpd y G BY s, Inc. PAGE DATE S"->-^S • NAME ^ V-\jYvf' P HOURS MEMO S 5741 PALMER WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 E CLIENTVVCV\M\ T^C^YX^M r TRAcA^K-^^^^\ V^-LOCATIQN^\ .^^Q.K^XQ,VA^. SUPT^V>\)K.^.^.W\^ CONTRACTOR ll •i * ^^^^^\>^ \ ..^ ^t^Q.^C ^MTKA V^^A';^ (k;TAsXrc^ ^^^^^ Hi p I* Ei/wp/forms/memosant.wpd DATE ^"^^^^^'^ * NAME ^ HOURS MEMO m tm m 5741 PALMER WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 o (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 V^^"^^ ^ QQ'S <a<0^ CUENTU«^V^>\\' ^Q)^t^^) ? TRAr.TC\»>J^\^;^o'xfVj nnATinKi'lNW, .tsfij>K\\^^\^.^t^^ ^ SUPT'^V\^VWVH^^^ CONTRACTOR C., Co^ SW>3 CV^^. .^ 'j^'.^.^^ Z «>X^ ^W^j; Nr.'Hf^f vNy^M^ \ vj;vV..<.\.^^ 2 -^X^ ^^v^ WvAiN ^SWK ;>j>^Do,k *^SA\ 'r^^(;>e^^ (TU^<>^ C»^Vc^g\v„ j \^ V^v.. A ^S^^vV^s^^^ -y^^rx^A^ ^^tj IIVLV.^ ^ E:/wp/torms/fremosanl.wpd ~~ PAGE k c c r r ta m h tt w c APPENDIX B CHEMICAL LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Pacific Treatment 4340 Viei\Tidge Avenue, Suite A • San Diego, CA 92123 Analytical Services, Inc. (619) 560-7717 • Fax (619) 560-7763 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory April 29,1999 GeoSoils, Inc. Attn: Ed Lump 5741 Palmer Way Carlsbad, Califomia 92008 APR 3 0 ms Project Name/No.: Calaveras Hills Groundwater Laboratory Log No.: 0861-99 Date Received: 04/22/99 Sample Matrix: Three groundwater sanqiles PONo.: W.O.E2606-SC Please find the following enclosures for the above referenced project identified: 1) Analytical Report 2) QA/QC Report 3) Chain of Clustody Form Note: EPA 8140, Dissolved Oxygen, Total Nitrogen, and Total and Fecal Colifonns were - performed by subcontract laboratory. Total and Fecal Colifonns results enclosed. EPA 8140, Dissolved Oxygen, and Total Nitrogen results to follow. .Certificate of Analysis, Samples were analyzed pursuant to client request utilizing EPA or other ELAP ^proved methodologies. Date of extraction, date of analysis, detection limits and dilution factor are reported for each compound analyzed. All samples were analyzed within the method required holding time fi-om sample collection. Data for each analytical method was evaluated by assessing the following QA/QC functions, as applicable to the methodology: • Quality Control Standard • Surrogate Percent Recovery • Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) percent recoveries for all analyses • Matrix Spike Recovery/Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery (MSR & MSDR) and/or • Relative Percent Difference (RPD torn MSR & MSDR) / certi^ that this data report is in compliance both technically andfor completeness. Release ofthe data contained in this hardcopy data report has been authorized by the following signature. fanis Columbo 'ice President/Laboratory Director Water • Soil • Waste • Wastewater • Marine Sediment & Tissues • Elutriate Analyses That Produce Results! ANALYSIS RESULTS CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/Nc: CAL VARA HILLS GROUNDWATER PTASLOG#: 0861-99-1 SAMPLE ID: GA1.S.#2 DATE SAMPLED: 04/22/99 DATE RECEIVED: 04/22/99 DATE DIGESTED: 04/23/99 DATE ANALYZED: 04/23/99 MATRIX: GROUNDWATER ANALYTE PREP./ANALYSIS METHODS REPORTING LIMITS DF RESULTS UNITS ZINC EPA 3010/6010 0.1 ND MG/L DF = DILUTION FACTOR ND = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT REPORTING LIMrrS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340VlcwridgeAve..SuiteA.SanDiego.CA92123 {619) 560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7753 ANALYSIS RESULTS CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC PROJECT NAME/Nc: CALVARA HUXS GROUNDWATER PTASLOGS: 0861-99-2 SAMPLE ID: GJvI.S.#2 DATE SAMPLED: 04/22/99 DATE RECEIVED: 04/22/99 DATE ANALYZED: 04/23/99 MATRDC: GROUNDWATER ANALYTE PREPJANALYSIS REPORTING LIMITS DF RESULTS METHODS UNITS TOTAL PHOSPHORUS SMEWW4500PE 0.05 1 0.10 MG/L DF = DILUTION FACTOR REPORTING LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR Dn.UT10N FACTOR. PacifiC Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340Vl8wri(]fleAve..SinteA»SanDieoo.CA92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 QA/QC REPORT DATE ANALYZED: 04/23/99 ACCEPTABLE LCSJMS/MSD CRITERU ACCEPTABLE RPD CRITERU SPIKED ANALYTE LCS % R MS%R >ISD % R RPD % % TOTAL PHOSPHORUS 103 87 92 5 80-120 <20 ZINC 94 89 92 3 75-125 <20 LCS % R = LABORATCMIY CONTROL SAMPLE PERCENT RECOVERY MS % R = MATTUX SPOCE PERCENT RECOVERY MSD % R = MATRIX SPDCE DUPUCATE PERCENT RECOVERY RPD = RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340v^ewn(55eAve.. sotc A. san Diego, CA 92123 (6i9)560-77i7 RAX (619)560-7763 ^¥^Y BG 1999 12 = 32 FR PPC TREfiT WPLY SXS 613 5ca 7763 TO 17539312315 P.02x02 Er-vironmental Engineering Laborat:ory 3533 Bancccjc Street San Diego, CA 92110 (619J 298-S131 SLAP cex^zficste numh^r 1738 PACIFIC TREATMENT ANALYTICAL 434 0 VISWRIDGE AVS-,STS A SAN DIEGO . CA 92123 customer S USO Sa^^^Ie # 990405039 Reference : GMS.W^^^^ gt^ll/fl RPD = 1.1* Sampled Received Comment Teat Hun: Oxygen. Dissolved Result: «CL 3.S4 icg/L 0.1 Method: SM4 50a rfiY B6 1999 12-05 6:9 298 6131 Pf^-S^ TOTPa_ PW3E.02 ** Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3538 Hancock Srreet San Dieco, CA 92110 (613) 298-6121 ELAP certificate number 173. PACIFIC TREATMENT ANALYTICAL 4340 VIEWRIDGE AVE.,ST3 A SAN DIEGO , CA 92123 Customer ; Reference Sampled Received Comment 5 Q n d Q ^ 4. ^ GMS #2/0861-99 04/22/99 01:00PM Date Started : 04/22/99 04/22/99 02:00?M P.O. # 990281 Date Completed: 04/25/99 ATN: MAGGIE {FRO J: CALAVERA HILLS GROUNDWATER/08 61-9 9) "AMENDED" Test Run: Resul-: MCL DL Method: Coliform, Total Coliform, Fecal SM9221B SM9221E •I •^•loi— • = Ncne : 4 / 2" Client: (>,<^>^^\jyl<><. Pacific Treatment Ahalytical Services, Inc. ; < CHAIN-OF-CUSTODV iRECORD 4340 Viewridge Avenue. Suite A San Diego, CA 92123 ' Phone (619) 560-7717 Fax (619) 560-7763 1,^ PTAS LOG # PTAS DATE/TIME STA REQUESTED ANALYSIS Afln: Siinpledtjy: ""X^S \va^^ Billing Addren: Fax:Ol^CnV<A>g> Project: C»^V^<^,^W '^.AW CkttoX) JvAl.^g>#: VO^^'^b^t^-^I <^ Client Sample ID Sample Date Sample Time Sample Matrix Contatner(s) t* - Type' PTAS IDiV a Ul s s s Wi LiiS 1 .., 4 10 •Conuiner Types: B-BnusTulie; V-VOA; Tampe^.proof^blnttct: Ye« . NiT N/A. Sample(a^: /^Id^Vmblcnt Wann laMTjrPlaatic; 0-Other(li«) .RELINQUISHED BY DATE/TIME AllSamplcitS^^riyPrwCTved: No N/A VOAaw/ZHS: Yes No/^N// Signature Print RECEIVEEVBY ..... Diapowg: /N/C(i Company' G»jKCtfl^"" ' ^- A J t signature ^>^./K..j^^ Print .71^ * PTAS (@t5.00/tamplt) \BttMi»r4^ Tiimaround Tune: 24 hr 48 hr 3 day 4 Comments: Sipiature Print r- 4^ Company, Signifajw. Print Company ConqMny Signatui Print- Signature Print , ^Jr-" Company-Company * PTAS reserves the right to return samples lhat dmt match our waste profile. ^^^''.* ".PTAS Canary - Accounting Pink - Client (w/Report) Ooldenrod - Client (Relinquish Samples) (Rev. 5/97) Pacific Treatment 4340 Viewridge Avenue, Suite A • San Diego, CA 92123 Analytical Services, Inc. (619) 560-7717 • Fax (619) 560-7763 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory May 5.1999 GeoSoils, Inc. Attn.: Ed Lump 5747 Palmer Way Carlsbad, Califomia 92008 Project Name/No.: Calaveras Hills Laboratory Log No.: 0877-99 DateRecdved: 04/28/99 Sample Matrix: Two groundwater samples PONo.: E2606X-SC Please find the following enclosures for the above referenced project identified: 1) Analytical Report 2) QA/QC Report 3) Chain of Custody Form Note: Total and Fecal Coliform and Dissolved Oxygen were performed by subcontract laboratory, results enclosed. Also, EPA 8140, Total Nitrogen and Acute Toxicity were performed by subcontract laboratory, results to follow. Certificate of Analysis. Samples were analyzed pursuant to client request utilizing EPA or other ELAP approved methodologies. Date of extraction, date of analysis, detection limits and dilution factor are reported for each compound analyzed. All samples were analyzed withm the method required holding time fi'om sample collection. Data for each analytical method was evaluated by assessing the following QA/QC functions, as applicable to the methodology: • Quality Control Standard , • Surrogate Percent Recovery • Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) percent recoveries for all analyses • Matrix Spike Recovery/Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery (MSR & MSDR) and/or • Relative Percent Difference (RPD from MSR & MSDR) / certi^ that this data report is in compliance both technically and for completeness. Release ofthe data contained in this hardcopy data report has been authorized by the following signature. 'Jaklis Columbo Vice President/Laboratory Director Water • Soil • Waste • Wastewater • Marine Sediment & Tissues • Elutriate Analyses That Produce Results! ANALYSIS RESULTS CLIENT: GEOSOE^, INC. PROJECT NAME/NO.: ANALYSIS METHOD: ANALYSIS: CALAVERAS HILLS EPA 3010/6010 ZINC DATE SAMPLED: DATE RECEIVED: DATE DIGESTED: DATE ANALYZED: MATRIX: 04/28/99 04/28/99 04/29/99 04/29/99 GROUNDWATER SAMPLE ID PTAS LOG # REPORTING LIMITS H>M (MG/L) DF RESULTS PPM (MG/L) GJ4.S. #3 GJ^S. #3 (pUP.) 0S77-99-1 0877-99-1 (DUP.) O.I 0.1 ND ND DF = DILUTION FACTOR DUP. = DUPUCATE ND = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE IN1MCATED REPORTING LIMTT REPORTING UMTTS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJL'STED ACCCWIDINGLYTO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR Pacific Treatment Analytical Sendees, Inc. 4340VSewrrdgeAve..SufteA*SanDiego,CA92l23 (619)560-7717 fAX (.619)560-7753 ANALYSIS RESULTS CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/No.: ANALYSIS METHOD: ANALYSIS: CALAVERAS HILLS SMEWW 4500 P E TOTAL PHOSPHORUS DATE SAMPLED: DATE RECEIVED: DATE ANALYZED: MATRK: 04/28/99 04/28/99 05/04/99 GROUNDWATER SAMPLE ID PTAS LOG # REPORTING LIMITS PPM (MG/L) DF RESULTS PPM (MG/L) G.M.S. #3 G.M.S. #3 (DUP.) 0877-99^ 0877-99-t (DUP.) 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.11 DF = DILUTION FACTOR DUP. = DUPUCATE ND = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMfT REPORTING UMTFS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340ViewrtdoeAve..SuiteA.SanDiego,CA92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 QA/QC REPORT DATE ANALYZED: 04/29-05/04/99 ACCEPTABLE LCSJWS/MSD CRITERIA ACCEPTABLE RPD CRITERIA SPIKED ANALYTE LCS % R MS % R MSD % R RPD % Vo ZINC 85 87 86 I 75-125 <20 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS 103 83 81 2 80-120 <20 LCS % R = LAB0R.A.TORY CONTROL SAMPLE PERCENT RECOVERY .VfS H R = \L\TMX SPKE PERCENT RECOVERY MSD % R = MATRIX SPIKE DUPUCATE PERCENT RECOVERY RPD = RELATTVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE m C*?^ Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 434ovtewii(»QeA«..SuiteA-sanDietto. CA92123 (6i9)560-77i7 FAX (6i9) 560-7763 Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3538 Hancock Street San Diego, C^^ 92110 (619) 298-6131 ELAP certificate number I73S PACIFIC TREATMENT ANALYTICAL 4340 VIEWRIDGE AVE., STE A SAN DIEGO , CA 92123 Customer # Reference Sampled Received Comment 1160 Sample # 9SD405432 GMS #3 / 0877-99 04/28/99 10:15AM Date Started : 04/28/99 04/28/99 11:30AM P.O. # 990298 Date Completed: 05/01/99 ATTN: DAVE RENFREW (PRO J: CALAVERA HJLLS/0B77-99) Test Rim: Result: MCL DL. Method: Coliform, Total Coliform, Fecal 13 < 2 SM9221B SM9221E CsliJsrm results are i:: ytKl/133 3il U3i::g >tult:?le Tube Fei-OTentacion Id = Scr.e 2ecected -L * 2er.ec-ioii LiisiS, MCL • Max C™taaiiiant ^evela O • r. \ 0S/C3 ?3 ;epcr-ed ;:y Sober; CTtaTX-ers Eric W Cuaibers Michael sarr-s Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3538 Hancock Street San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 298-6131 ELAP certificate number 173S PACIFIC TREATMENT ANALYTICAL 4340 VIEWRIDGE AVESTE A SAN DIEGO , CA 92123 Customer # Reference Sampled Received Comment San^ple ji 9 -± o _j ~ _i GMS #3 / 0877-99 04/28/99 10:25AM Date Started : 04/28/99 04/28/99 11:30AM P.O. # 990298 Date Completed: 04/29/99 ATTN: DAVE RENFREW (PROJ:CALAVERA HILLS/0877-99) QA/QC: RPD=5.6% Test Run: Oxygen, Dissolved Result: 7.10 mg/L MCL DL 0 .1 Method; SM4500 Roportod by Roi;eL-t L. CI-.ATjDei^ 1-1/.•:'••/9 9 'S.r ^1 W C!i v.'Xo'-: [ r, "v Pacific TreatmeniA^ Inc. CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 4340 Viewndgc Avenue, Suite A SanDiego,CA92123. . ;v Phone(6I9)560-7717 Fax (619) 360-7763 PTAS LOG# PTAS DATE/TIME STAMP Addnn: Attn: SaWi^l^ /» S«nple<Iby: ^\N»S1L\» Billii^Addrm; - • PO#: t'Xt%«ifeT^^ C f • • ". •. < Client Sanyle ID Sample Date Sample^ I i Sample Time"'' PMatrix C<Mit|iiner(s):4^: -:-#^-'--tryp^'' PTAS is 3 REQUESTED ANALYSIS £ '5 is 3 .01 Vv c k!3 1 im. •4 Cotittirt^ Typical i)EMBri% y^VO;<[^*dla^^Sla^ O^ O-Otherftist) Tamper-ProofSealg fauct: Yea^ No Sampl«(a): ^''coM*^ AmMent Wann LINQUISHEDBY"^* If: Correct Containera: All Samplwftcperfy;ljpaqTedf^^^^ No • N/A VOAsw/ZHS: Yea < Not N/^ ^ATE/TIME . RECEIVED BY Signature .y^Irf^^.^ ^ Y Print Company /''Tr^^ Diapoaal: rN/C(aqueou»)l •PTAS(@S5.00/iample) Turoaround Hme: 48 hr 3day mple^ ^ggmi V ,•• 4day ( Noraj . Signature Signature Print Print Conquny Cooqiany Signature' Signature Print BESX£2RK5iNAl Print Company-Company ^ PTAS reaervea the ri^ to return samples that dont match our waste profile. •^'• White - PTAS Canary - Accounting Pink • Client (w/Rqjort) Ooldenrod - Client (Relinquish Samples) (Rev. 5/97)