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; Calavera Hills Groundwater Extraction Discharge; Calavera Hills Groundwater Extraction Discharge; 1999-03-29
r r L r k r k r k r k r li k r k GENERAL PERMIT AUTHORIZATION APPLICATION FOR GROUNDWATER EXTRACTION DISCHARGE OFFSITE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, CALAVERAS DRIVE STATION 24+74 (±) TO EL CAMINO REAL, CALAVERA HILLS DEVELOPMENT CITY OF CARLSBAD, SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CAUFORNIA FOR CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY BOARD SAN DIEGO REGION - SURFACE WATER UNIT 9771 CLAIRMONT MESA BOULEVARD, SUITE A SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92124 W.O. E2606-SC MARCH 29, 1999 c [ [ c c p [ C J Geotechnical • Geologic • Environmental _ 5741 Palmer Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (760)438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 March 29. 1999 IP r W.O. E2606-SC California Regional Water Quality Control Board F San Diego Region - Surface Water Unit k 9771 Clairmont Mesa Boulevard, Suite A San Diego, Califomia 92124 Attention: Ms. Whitney J. Ghoram Subject: Genera! Permit Authorization Application for Groundwater Extraction Discharge, Offsite Sewer Improvements, Calaveras Drive Station 24+74(±) to El Camino Real, Calavera Hills Development, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California Dear Ms. Ghoram: On behalf of Mr. Don Mitchell with the McMiliin Companies, GeoSoiis, Inc. (GSI) is submitting this applic:ation for a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The purpose of this application is to request a general permit for the discharge of groundwater during construction of a sewer main associated with the Calavera Hills development in Cartsbad. Specifically, temporary groundwater discharge is proposed to a drainage course (i.e., Agua Hedionda Creek) which flows from Calavera Lake to Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The discharge point is planned at the El Camino Real bridge crossing of the drainage course. The information provided herein is based upon Monitoring and Reporting Program Order No. 96-41, which dictates reporting requirements and waste discharge requirements for general groundwater extraction from construction projects to surface waters within the San Diego Region. Pertinent references regarding this application are provided in Appendix A. The General Penmit Appiication and Certification of Compliance are provided herein as Appendix B. Color photographs of the project area and dewatering system are located in Appendix C. Results of our government database search for potential environmental concerns within the area ot proposed discharge is located in Appendix D. An assessment of up-gradient and down-gradient areas of special biological significance (by Planning Systems) are provided in Appendix E. Chemical laboratory test results of groundwater samples collected from the existing dewatering system are found in Appendix F. Available data on the existing dewatering system (by Foothill Engineering and Dewatering, Inc.) Is located in Appendix G. The location of the existing 38 well points and single vacuum pump system are shown on the Site Map. Plate 1. ka k IP k Z SUMMARY kl p Based upon the information obtained dunng the course of this assessment for application L of general permit for groundwater discharge. GSI presents the foiiowing summary of findings and conclusions: r k • The purpose of the proposed groundwater dewatering plan is for construction of a sewer main near the intersection of El Camino Real and Calaveras Drive, in the City m of Carlsbad. The proposed underground utility alignment will be constructed ll basically parallel to the flowline of the adjacent drainage course, located east of the utility main. The planned depth ofthe sewer main ranges from roughly 10 feet at ^ the northerly boundary of the existing dewatering system (Station 24-1-74±), to li roughly 18 feet at the future connection to an existing 12-inch diameter sewer (Station 21 +80±). Invert elevations ofthe 12-inch diameter PVC pipe range from 30.5 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL) near Station 24-h74±, to 24.5 feet MSL at Station 21 +80±. The flowline of the drainage course (in this same area) ranges from 35 ± feet MSL to 36 ± feet MSL • Grading and construction associated with Cannon Road improvements (by the City of Carlsbad) in the drainage course at the southern edge of the El Camino Real bridge overpass is ongoing, and will simultaneously occur with groundwater extraction associated with the subject project. Based solely upon the identical dewatering conditions for the immediately adjacent site improvements, the proposed temporary discharge of groundwater extracted from the dewatering system on the subject project should not substantially increase pollution and/or create an increased nuisance to the receiving surface waters. The existing dewatering system consists of 36, 2-inch diameter well points and 2, 24-inch diameter weils situated along a 310± foot linear section of the proposed sewer main (i.e.. Stations 24-f90± to 21 -i-80±). It is our understanding that the 2- inch diameter wells, located 8 foot on center, range from 12 to 16 feet in depth. The 24-inch diameter wells, located near Stations 21 -i-50± and 24+90±, are at depths of 34 feet and 22 feet, respectfully. Based upon infonnation provided by Foothill Engineering and Dewatering, Inc.. the 2-inch diameter well output is on the order of 8 to 10 gallons per minute. The 24-inch diameter well fiow is reported at approximately 150 gallons per minute. It is our understanding that the wells penetrated sand and silty sand lenses with water, which is overlain by undifferentiated clayey fill soils and underlain by clayey alluvial materials. The well points are attached to a manifold vacuum pump setup, with a single discharge outlet proposed in the drainage course under the El Camino Real bridge crossing. The existing system will not be placed in operation until a discharge permit is secured. It is our understanding that the temporary dewatering system is planned for use during a 3 to 4-week construction period, tentatively starting April 13, 1999. Based California Regional Water Quality Control Board W.O. E2606-SC File: e:'.wp7'\en'/^e2600\e2606.gpa Page Two GeoSoils. Inc. ^ upon a 24 hour pumping schedule, maximum groundwater discharge volumes are • estimated to be on the order of 200,000± gallons per day. Based upon information ^ provided by the construction contractor, however, average pump volumes will be ^ on the order of 100,000± gallons per day. in • Based upon our site reconnaissance and review of improvement plans for the sewer y main, that portion of the proposed underground utility construction requiring dewatering is located in a roughly 300 ±foot long section of asphalt-paved jn Calaveras Drive, north of E! Camino Real. Currently, agricultural development in the site vicinity includes a palm tree nursery (Parkway Nursery, Inc. at 5050 El Camino Real) directly west of the dewatering system, and assorted vegetable crops to the f* north, along the drainage course below Calavera Lake. k m pi ip r k Except for the existing dewatering wells points, signs of other water wells were not observed near the proposed utility alignment during our site work. It is our understanding that groundwater was encountered at a depth of 5 feet in the dewatering wells (Foothill Engineering and Dewatering, Inc.). Review of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Groundwater Site Inventory database (dated March 1998) indicates that there are no public wells reported within a V2 mile of the dewatering area. State of Califomia regional groundwater maps from 1967, however, indicate that 3 water wells historically existed within Vs mile of the subject area. Groundwater depths were reported as less than 25 feet. No additional information is provided on these wells, one of which appears to have been abandoned with development of the adjacent trailer park. The second well, also noted by a windmill on the USGS topographic map (San Luis Rey quadrangle), appears to have been associated wilh agricultural development to the north. The windmill, located 500± feet north of E! Camino Real, is partially visible among trees north of Calaveras Drive, but does not appear to be currently in use. The third well, situated roughly Vi mile south of El Camino Real, is not readily accessible due to construction. The overall regional groundwater gradient is estimated to be in a southwesterly direction, towards Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Discussions with Mr. Silvestri, manager of the adjacent palm tree nursery at 5050 El Camino Real (Parkway Nursery, Inc.) indicates that they do not use groundwater for irrigation. Mr. Silvestri stated that only fertilizers are applied via the irrigation system. Fungicides and pesticides, including Roundup and Diazinon are applied aerially. Mr. Silvestri stated that no underground storage tanks exist within the nursery, which has been in operation on the site for roughly 2 years. Mr. Silvestri did note that one, 500-gallon above ground diesel tank exists in the western portion of the nursery. • Based upon review of historical aerial photographs and topographic maps of the site vicinity from 1891 to 1994, it appears that the area in the immediate vicinity of El Camino Real and Calaveras Drive consisted of open space and agricultural development from roughly 1928 to the early 1970's. Cultivated crops were visible California Regional Water Quality Control Board W.O. E2606-SC File: e:\wp7\env\e2600\e2606.gpa Page Three GeoSoils, Inc. k m In IP k directly east, north, and west of the project area until the eariy to mid-1970's. The alignment of the drainage course adjacent to the project area was re-routed as a part of the trailer park development in photographs from 1975. Above ground storage tanks are visible in the project area. Based upon information PI provided by the manager of Parkway Nursery, Inc., one, 500-gallon above ground k diesel tank exists in the western portion of the nursery, opposite from the project site. The age of the tank can be assumed to be the age of the nursery (i.e., 2± years). Additional above ground tanks in the site vicinity, situated roughly 1,000 ± feet northeast of the project, appears to be related to abandoned farm activities. The combined volume of these abandoned tanks are estimated to be on the order of 1,000 ±gallons. Above ground storage tanks are also visible near active farming ll activities, some 2,000± feet northeast of the project area. The combined volume of these active farm tanks are estimated to be less than 1,500± gallons. • • Based upon review of our agency database search, there does not appear to be a ^ documented and/or reported industrial facility or a municipal landfill within a 1 -mile i radius of the site. There are no listings of permitted underground and/or above ground storage tanks in the databases. Review of the databases also indicates that there are no reported cases of contamination within a 1-mile radius of the ^ dewatering system. Steindorf Produce (5003 El Camino Real) is listed on the San Diego County Environmental Health Services HEI 7 database. This database ^ contains information on sites within Vz mile of the project site that fall under the ^ jurisdiction of the County. No violations have been issued on this site. Based upon discussions with County staff, the facility has been placed in the inactive files. The ^ business type is listed as General Farming. In lieu of discharging groundwater into the drainage course, potential beneficial uses of the extracted groundwater was considered. Possible uses evaluated to included irrigation use by the nursery and/or farmers near the dewatering system; placement ofthe extracted groundwater into recharge basins; re-injecting via deep ^ wells; discharge to a compatible stomidrain and; use of the water for construction •« purposes. Based upon the reported average discharge volume of roughly 100,000 gallons per day over a 3 to 4-week period, it appears unlikely that the extracted " water can be re-used for nearby irrigation without a substantial expenditure of time ** and costs associated with construction of a temporary infrastructure. Considering ^ the estimated discharge volume and the narrow sewer alignment planned through private and public offsite easements, there is not sufficient vacant land area for recharge basin (s) to be a practical alternative. There are no stormdrain p« improvements in the site vicinity. The substantial amount of time and costs associated with the design and construction of injection wells relative to the short- term dewatering project does not appear practical. The use of the extracted water p« for construction purposes may have been a part-time alternative during mass ^ grading ofthe Calavera Hills development; however, grading has been completed. In addition, the estimated volume of groundwater extracted far exceeds the useable California Regional Water Quality Control Board W.O. E2606-SC Fie: e:\wpAenv\e2600\e2606.gpa Page Four GeoSoils, Inc. p li y quantity of water for dust control and development improvements currently in progress within the residential tracts. The proposed temporary discharge of water p. to the nearby surface water course, therefore, appears to be the most reasonable ^ method for the temporary diversion of groundwater during construction of the sewer main. m ^ ' As a part ofthe genera! permit application, GSI collected groundwater samples from the dewatering system for discrete chemical testing. Analysis consisted of specific F constituents presented in Order 96-41 for discharges to lagoons/estuaries. Overall, ll test results did not detect concentrations of the individual constituents listed in Order 96-41 above the specific effluent limitations. The exceptions were test results C for dissolved oxygen, reported at a concentration of 4.9 milligrams per liter (mg/l), which exceeded the minimum limitation of 5.0 mg/l, and Acute toxicity test results reported a sun/ival rate of 85 percent and a LC50 greater than 100 mg/l, which r calculates to an Acute Toxicity Unit value (TUa) of 0.69. The instantaneous • maximum TUa value is listed as 0.59.. Of the remaining detected constituents. Zinc was reported at a concentration of 20 micrograms per liter (pig/\), lower than the daily maximum limitation (80 ^g/l) and the instantaneous maximum limitation (200 ug/\). Concentrations of total nitrogen (Kjeldahl) was 0.38 mg/l; nitrogen as nitrate was reported at 1.39 mg/l. Instantaneous maximum limitations for total nitrogen is listed at 2.0 mg/l. Total phosphate concentrations were reported at 0.08 mg/l. Instantaneous maximum limitations for total phosphonjs is listed at 0.2 mg/l. Concentrations of total coliform and fecal coliform, reported at 300 MPN/ml and <2 MPN/ml respectively, were below the daily maximum effluent limitations of 1000 MPN/ml and 200 MPN/ml, respectively. Complete test results are provided in Appendix E. Review ofthe biological data by Planning Systems (Appendix D) indicates that there are no areas of special biological significance immediately adjacent to or directly up-gradient from the proposed dewatering system. Based upon verbal information provided by a biologist with Planning Systems (Mr. Greg Evans), the wetland plant community existing in the drainage channel 100 ± feet down-gradient from the discharge point represents the northerly edge of the 186 acre Agua Hedionda Preserve. The wetiands preserve, consisting predominantly of riparian willows is, however, not anticipated to be adversely impacted by the additional estimated volumes of surface water flow. Based upon the overall physical and chemical quality of the extracted groundwater, and the "wetlands"* nature of down-gradient biological areas of significance from the proposed discharge point, the temporary discharge of groundwater to the drainage course is not anticipated to degrade the existing biological habitat ofthe lagoon. GSI reviewed a 1998 drainage report (by Project Design Consultants) for Kelly Ranch Village "E" (Carisbad Tract CT-96-07). It is our understanding that the report, which addresses potential runoff from a planned residential tract immediately southeast of the project area (including the Cannon Road extension), concluded California Regional Water Quality Control Board W.O. E2606-SC Fie: e:\wp7^,env\e2600-e26C6.gpa Page Five GeoSoils, Inc. that controlled surface water runoff from the planned development would not substantially affect Agua Hedionda Lagoon. It is not unreasonable to conclude, therefore, that the temporary discharge of groundwater extracted fi'om the sewer line construction will also not degrade existing surface water quality. Review of hydrologic, geologic, and biologic data provided in this text indicates that the proposed temporary discharge of water fi'om the existing dewatering system near the intersection of Ei Camino Reai and Calaveras Drive will not substantially degrade existing surface water quality in the project area. The proposed dewatering k system will not substantially impact existing uses of groundwater in the project area (which do not currentiy exist). Based upon the physical properties of biological ^ habitats in the immediate project area, as well as the physical and chemical * properties ofthe "perched" groundwater that would be extracted, the proposed discharge is not anticipated to create pollution and/or nuisance to the surface environment. 1" m m m k Based upon the infonnation obtained during the course ofthe assessment, GSI concludes that the potential for the temporary discharge of groundwater to adversely affect surface water quaiity is very low, and is anticipated to be similar to the down-gradient discharge conditions associated with the ongoing construction for Cannon Road. Except for the recommendations provided below, fijrther studies or action are not proposed fi'om an environmental viewpoint, at this time. • Since the concentration of dissolved oxygen (4.9 mg/l) reported by the laboratory is less than the allowable lower limit of 5.0 mg/l (order 96-41), the extracted groundwater should be aerated prior to discharge to the drainage course. Due to the close proximity of the existing dissolved oxygen concentration to the lower allowable discharge limit, sufficient aeration may be completed by agitated discharge to a holding tank priorto discharge to the drainage channel. Additional sampling is recommended, and wili be forwarded upon completion of testing. Although the reported Acute Toxicity test value of 0.69 TUa is slightly higher than the instantaneous maximum limit of 0.59 TUa presented in Order 96-41, the aforementioned adjustment of dissolved oxygen in the groundwater discharge may be a sufficient measure to lower the TUa test value. In addition, the temporary length of discharge to the drainage course during construction should not substantially adversely affect the water quality, especially considering the discharge will be mixing with existing surface water flowing in the creek. Best management practices for the control of the discharge source should be implemented. The proposed discharge point should be constructed so as to not create unusual erosion of the channel and slopes. Structural controls may consist of the temporary placement of riprap within the area of discharge. Construction activity associated with the underground utility should not increase the potential for erosion to occur within the drainage course. Silt fencing should be utilized during California Regional Water Quality Control Board W.O. E2606-SC File: e:\wp7\env\e2600\e2606.gpa Page Six GeoSoils, Inc. c construction to limit erosion and protect existing vegetation. This should also be implemented for management and protection of stockpiled soils excavated fi'om the trenching, as well as earth materials imported to the site for backfill. It should be noted that these practices are generally being utilized by the contractor of other areas (up-gradient) of the sewer alignment where groundwater is not hindering construction. Best management practices and contingency plan for the control of the discharge point should include a daily visual monitoring program by the contractor to evaluate the competency of the system. The responsible monitor(s) should be aware of the various physical characteristics associated with potential contaminants (i.e., silts, clays, etc.) that may be generated. These characteristics may include (but be not limited to) discoloration and noxious odors. The contingency plan should provide a response to the detection of contaminants in the extracted groundwater, or to unusual erosion of the channel and slopes. The monitor(s) should be able to implement the contingency response plan in the event that contaminants are encountered. Considering the type of construction and existing dewatering system, the contingency plan should include the ability to shutdown the system or to halt construction operations until conditions creating the effluent are mitigated. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. if you have any questions pertaining to this report or any other matter, please do not hesitate to call us at 760/438-3155. Respectfully submitted, GeoSoils, Inc. ~7 Edward P. Lump Director of Environmental REA-1 2565, RG 5975, Reviewed by: P. Franklin anager, CEG 1340, CHG EPL/JPF/DWS/mo Distribution: (4) McMillin Companies, Attention: Mr. Don Mitchell California Regional Water Quality Control Board File: e:\wp7\env\e2600\e2606.gpa W.O. E2606-SC Page Seven GeoSoils, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS PI INTRODUCTION 1 m Purpose and Scope 1 Terms and Conditions 3 IP m SITE DESCRIPTION AND RECONNAISSANCE OBSERVATIONS 3 Site/Project Description 3 Observational Reconnaissance 4 •* Onsite Reconnaissance 4 Border Zone Reconnaissance 5 • LOCAL GEOLOGIC AND HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING 5 ^ Geology 5 L Site Geology 6 Hydrogeology 6 2 RESULTS OF SITE HISTORICAL REVIEW 7 Discussions With Persons Familiar With Site 7 — Summary of Historical Aerial Photographs and/or Map Reviews 7 ^ Review of Previous Reports 10 RESULTS OF GOVERNMENT AGENCY/DOCUMENTS REVIEW 11 List of Government Agencies and Databases Reviewed 11 Results of Government Agency/Document Review 11 San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) 12 km San Diego County Environmental Health Services (EHS) 12 EVALUATION OF HYDROGEOLOGIC PARAMETERS 13 Subsurface Lithology 13 Estimation of Groundwater Flow 13 Estimation of Transmissivity and Hydraulic Conductivity 14 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING 14 ^ CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 17 ^ Conclusions 17 ^ Comparison of Laboratory Detection Limits and Effluent Limitations 17 p. PROJECT PROXIMITY TO AREAS OF SPECIAL BIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE 18 L. POTENTIAL USES OF EXTRACTED GROUNDWATER 18 ^ Recommendations 19 ^ Proposed Treatment Process 19 Best Management Practices and Contingency Plan 20 te LIMITATIONS 21 I. GeoSoils, Inc. IP IK P» FIGURES: Figure 1 - Site Location Map 2 Figure 2 - Groundwater Gradient Map 8 ATTACHMENTS: Appendix A - References Rear of Text Appendix B - General Permit Rear of Text Appendix C - Site Photographs Rear of Text Appendix D - Agency Records Search Rear of Text Appendix E - Environmental Impact Assessment Rear of Text Appendix F - Laboratory Test Results Rear of Text Appendix G - Well Logs Rear of Text Plate 1 - Dewatering System Location Map Rear of Text in Pocket k ^ California Regional Water Quality Control Board Table of Contents File: e:\wp7\env\e2600\e2606.gpa Page ii ito GeoSoils, Inc. ^ GENERAL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR GROUNDWATER EXTRACTION DISCHARGE m OFFSITE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, CALAVERAS DRIVE AND EL CAMINO REAL te CALAVERA HILLS, CARLSBAD, SAN DIEGO COUNTY CALIFORNIA 92008 k m p i m p INTRODUCTION Purpose and Scope On behalf of McMillin Companies, GeoSoils, Inc. (GSI) has completed this environmental evaluation associated with a general permit application for the temporary discharge of groundwater, the location of which is illustrated in Figure 1. The subject property is described as: Offsite Sewer Improvements, Calaveras Drive Station 24-1-74 (±) to EI Camino Real Calavera Hills Development, City of Carlsbad P* San Diego County, California k This general permit applicafion for the temporary discharge of groundwater (during ^ construction) to surface water in the San Diego Region, was prepared for the purpose of ta assessing existing groundwater quality as well as the potential for recognized environmental conditions fi'om past or present uses in the project area. mm The scope of work included: ^ 1. A review ofthe subject property's geologic and hydrogeologic setting (Appendix A); to ^ 2. Completion ofthe General Permit Application form and Certification of Compliance by McMillin Companies (Appendix B); to ^ 3. A reconnaissance of the subject property and surrounding areas to visually assess cun'ent utilization and for indications of potential surface contamination (Appendix C); p 3. A review of historical aerial photographs and maps to assess the subject property's historical land utilization and for indications of potential contamination or sources p of contamination; 4. A review of government database documents concerning available pertinent environmental information forthe project site and surrounding property (Appendix D); ip p ^ GeoSoils, Inc. Base Map: San Luis Rey Quadrangle, California—San Diego Co., 7.5 Minute series (Topographic), 1968 (Photo revised 1975), by USGS, r=2000' / CARLSBAD \ .1 Base Map: The Thomas Guide, San Diego County Street Guide and Directory, 1997 Edition, Thomas Bros. Maps, page 1107, 1"=1/2 mile BEST R«producad with p^nnissioajirantad by Thomas Bros. Haps. Thia BMP It eoMrrightvd toy Tnotna* Bios. Haps. It Is unUwfid to copy ot rsproduc* al or any part thorvof, whsthsf for personal us« or rassls, without parmission. All rights rasarvad. _ E2606-SC IM W.O. SITE LOCATION MAP Figure 1 PI te 5. Assessment of areas of Special Biological Significance (Appendix E); 6. Chemical laboratory results from groundwater samples collected from the existing dewatering system (Appendix F); PI 7. A review of available dewatering system data (i.e., well logs) constructed by Foothill ^ Engineering and Dewatering, Inc. (Appendix G); and, P 8. Preparation of this report which relates the findings of these studies and presents ig GSI's conclusions and recommendations. P Terms and Conditions k This report is intended for the use of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board P and McMillin Companies. The contents should not be relied upon by any party other than k the aforementioned without the express written consent of GSI. p k This report does not consider possible fijture contamination of the subject property from adjacent or sumounding facilities or properties after completion of the dewatering project. /Ml judgements concerning adjoining properties apply only to conditions observed during the time ofthe on-site reconnaissance, and estimated to occur during the temporary (i.e., 3 to 4± weeks) dewatering program. SITE DESCRIPTION AND RECONNAISSANCE OBSERVATIONS Site/Project Description The project area is situated north of El Camino Real, west of College Boulevard and east of Tamarack Avenue, in the City of Carlsbad (Figure 1). The proposed dewatering project is located near the intersection of El Camino Real and Calaveras Drive, directly north of ongoing grading and improvement of Cannon Road. Overall, the offsite sewer main for the Calavera Hills development is proposed along the current alignment of Agua Hedionda Creek and Calaveras Drive, from the recently graded residential tract near Calaveras Lake south to El Camino Real. The underground utility alignment is currently being constructed north (i.e., up-gradient) of that portion ofthe sewer line which requires dewatering to complete (i.e., the project area). The project area is located in an asphalt-paved portion of Calaveras Drive. The planned depth of the sewer main ranges from roughly 10 feet at the northeriy boundary of the existing dewatering system (Station 24-f74±), to roughly 18 feet at the future connection to the existing 12-inch diameter sewer (Station 2H-80±). Invert elevations of the 12-inch diameter PVC pipe range from 30.5 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL) California Regional Water Quality Control Board ~ W.O. E2606-SC Gene-al Permit Application March 29. 1999 Fie: e ivpT enve26OO\e2606.gpa Page 3 GeoSoils, Inc. r near Station 24+74±, to 24.5 feet MSL at Station 21 +80±. The fiowline of the drainage " course (in this same area) ranges from 35 ± feet MSL to 36 ± feet MSL p ^ The existing dewatering system is located directly west of a portion of Agua Hedionda Creek that appears to be partially improved. Currently, agricultural development in the site C vicinity includes a palm tree nursery (Parkway Nursery, Inc. at 5050 El Camino Real) directly west ofthe dewatering system. Vacant agricultural land and active agricultural land (with assorted vegetable crops) are situated along drainage courses north ofthe project 2 area. The existing dewatering system has been constructed by Foothill Engineering and IP Dewatering, Inc. It is out understanding that the system consists of 36, 2-inch diameter li well points and 2, 24-inch diameter wells situated along a 310± foot linear section ofthe proposed sewer main (i.e.. Stations 24+90+ to 21-l-80±). The 2-inch diameter wells, P located 8 foot on center, range firom 12 to 16 feet in depth. The 24-inch diameter wells, k located near Stations 2H-50+ and 24+90±, are at depths of 34 feet and 22 feet, respectfully. Based upon information provided by Foothill Engineering, Inc., the 2-inch diameter well output is on the order of 8 to 10 gallons per minute. The 24-inch diameter well flow is reported at approximately 150 gallons per minute. The well points are attached ^ to a manifold vacuum pump setup, with a single discharge outlet proposed in the drainage course under the El Camino Real bridge crossing. Locations of the well points, as well as construction details of the proposed sewer line are provided on the Site Map, Plate 1, «, which utilizes a 1"=40' scale improvement plan by Hunsaker and Associates as a base ^ , map (map approved January 5,1999). — Observational Reconnaissance to Onsite Reconnaissance ta On March 2 and 3, 1999, a GSI representative (Mr. Lump) visited the subject to assess current site utilization and observe for signs of possible surface contamination, as well as " to collect groundwater samples from the dewatering system. Features observed during p the site are described below and illustrated on the Site Map (see Plate 1). Photographs of the subject property are presented in Appendix C. PW • General Usage of Property - The project area is within a 310± foot section of asphalt-paved Calaveras Drive. *• • Storage Tanks - There are no surface signs of underground fuel storage tanks ^ currently located immediately adjacent to the project area. No above ground tanks ^ were noted within 500± feet of the project area during our field reconnaissance. tm • Chemical Storage - There is no known storage of hazardous chemicals in the ^ project area. It is our understanding that typical fertilizers, Roundup(i.e., herbicide), ^ California Regional Water Quality Control Board W.O. E2606-SC te General Permit Application March 29,1999 File: e:\wp7\env\e2600\e2606.gpa Page 4 te GeoSoils, Inc. F H k Diazinon (insecticide), and fungicides are applied aerially in the palm tree nursery directly west of the project area. Utility Structures, Roads, Dispose Systems, Water Wells - El Camino Real (along the southern edge) is an improved public highway (S11) within typical underground utilities. Portions of Calaveras Drive near El Camino Real are paved; however, the easteriy sections have drt and gravel subgrade. Underground water lines and overhead power lines exist along Calaveras Drive. A concrete block wall along the southern edge of Calavera Drive separates the road from a locally improved drainage course and trailer park. No active water wells were observed in the immediate project vicinity. There are historical records that three water wells were present in the site vicinity. One well appears to have been abandoned with development of the adjacent trailer pari<. A second well location, located 500+ feet north of El Camino Real, is located by a windmill partially visible among trees north of Calaveras Drive. The windmill does not appear to be currently in use. The third well, situated roughly VA mile south of El Camino Real, is not readily visible. Environmental Releases and Spills - There were no obvious signs of surface discolorations, spills and/or releases of hazardous materials noted in the project area. Border Zone Reconnaissance Adjacent property use is as follows: Parkway Nursery, Inc. (5050 El Camino Real) comprises the western site boundary. • Agua Hedionda Creek and Rancho Carlsbad (i.e., ti^ailer park) are located along the easteriy project limits. • El Camino Real is the southern terminus of the proposed sewer main. Grading and improvements to Cannon Road are ongoing directly south of El Camino Real. Agua Hedionda Lagoon is located southwest of the project site. • Undeveloped farmland and active farmland is located north of the proposed sewer alignment. p k LOCAL GEOLOGIC AND HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING ^ Geology ^ The subject property lies within the Peninsular Ranges geomorphic province of southern ^ California. This portion of San Diego County in this province is underiain by Pleistocene- age sedimentary terrace deposits and Eocene-age marine sedimentary deposits underlain ^ California Regional Water Quality Control Board W.O. E2606-SC te General Permit Application March 29, 1999 Ftie; e:\wp7\env\e2600\e2606.gpa Page 5 r k GeoSoils, Inc. p c «p at depth of granitic and volcanic/metavolcanic bedrock (Weber, 1982). The bedrock is commonly mantled by alluvium in the canyons and surficial soils (topsoil/siopewash) in mesas and slope areas. Bedrock has been faulted and fractured by both strike-slip and compressional northwest-trending faults which are related to the San Andreas transform- fault system. Some of these fault zones have remained active to the present time, including the San Jacinto fault zone, the Elsinore fault zone, the Newport-Inglewood - Rose Canyon fault zone, and other offshore faults (Jennings, 1994). Site Geology Based upon information provided in a geotechnical report on the Kelly Ranch/Cannon Road improvements south of the project area (Pacific Soils Engineering, 1997), earth k materials encountered in the alluvial canyon north of Aqua Hedionda Lagoon and south of El Camino Real consist predominantly of interbedded silty sands, clayey sands, sandy r clays, and sand lenses. Total (drilled) thickness of alluvium near El Camino Real is • reported to be on the order of 105 to 115 feet (Pacific Soils Engineering, 1997). The C Eocene-age Santiago Formation (dense, poorly sorted sandstones) underlies the alluvial materials. Additional information is provided in the referenced text. fm- Hvdrogeology The property lies within the Los Monos Hydrologic Subarea (HSA 904.31) of the Agua ^ Hedionda Hydrologic Area (HA 904.30) of tiie Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit (HU 904.00) within ^ the San Diego Region (State RWQCB, 1994). Carlsbad falls within Region 9 (San Diego) ofthe State Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). Existing beneficial uses of groundwater within this HSA are municipal and domestic supply, agricultural supply, and te industrial service supply (Table 2-5; State RWQCB, 1994). ^ Existing beneficial uses of inland surface waters and coastal water in the project area are ba designated for Agua Hedionda Creek and Agua Hedionda Lagoon, respectively. Beneficial uses for Agua Hedionda Creek included municipal and domestic supply, agricultural supply, industrial service supply, contact and non-contract recreation use, warm fi-eshwater ^ habitat, and wildlife habitat (Table 2-2; State RWQCB. 1994). Beneficial uses for Agua Hedionda Lagoon included industrial service supply; contact and non-contract recreation use; commercial and sport fishing; estuarine habitat; wildlife habitat; rare, threatened, or endangered species; marine habitat; aquaculture; migration of aquatic organisms; and, ^ spawning, reproduction, and/or early development (Table 2-3; State RWQCB, 1994). ^ A dewatering system has been constructed within the project area. The system consists p. of 36, 2-inch diameter well points and 2,24-inch diameter well; however, surface signs of y other water wells were not observed near the proposed utility alignment during our site work. It is our understanding that groundwater was encountered at a depth of 5 feet in the m dewatering wells (Foothill Engineering and Dewatering, Inc.). te ^ California Regional Water Quality Control Board W.O. E2606-SC te General Permit Application March 29, 1999 File: e:\wp7>env>e2600\e2606,gpa Page 6 L GeoSoils, Inc. r k p y Review of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Groundwater Site Inventory database (dated March 1998) indicates that there are no public wells reported within a Vz m mile of the dewatering area. State of California regional groundwater maps from 1967, ll however, indicate that 3 water wells historically existed within V2 mile of the subject area. Groundwater depths are reported as less than 25 feet. No additional information is *• provided on these wells, one of which appears to have been abandoned with development • of the adjacent trailer park. The second well, also noted by a windmill on the USGS topographic map (San Luis Rey quadrangle, Figure 1), appears to have been associated F with agricultural development to the north. The windmill, located 500+ feet north of El • Camino Real, is partially visible among trees north of Calaveras Drive, but does not appear to be currentiy in use. The third well, situated roughly mile south of El Camino Real is not readily visible, due to ongoing construction for Cannon Road. p k The overall regional groundwater gradient is estimated to be in a southwesterly direction, towards Agua Hedionda Lagoon (see Figure 2). Based on our review, the groundwater in the proposed sewer alignment, encountered at a depth of roughly 5 feet, appears to be "perched" groundwater situated solely in an alluvial sandy lense, underiain by relatively impermeable silt and clay aquitards. ^ RESULTS OF SITE HISTORICAL REVIEW Discussions With Persons Familiar With Site to As a part of this assessment, GSI inten/iewed the sales manager of Parkway Nursery, Inc. ^ (Mr. Pat Silvestri) on March 17,1999 regarding the use ofthe adjacent property at 5050 El w Camino Real. Discussions with Mr. Silvestri indicates that tiiey do not use groundwater for irrigation. Mr. Silvestri stated that only fertilizers are applied via the irrigation system. ^ Fungicides and pesticides, including Roundup and Diazinon are applied aerially. Mr. ^ Silvestri stated that no underground storage tanks exist within the nursery, which has been in operation onsite for roughly 2 years. Mr. Silvestri did note that one, 500-gallon above ground diesel tank exists in the western portion ofthe nursery. to ^ Summary of Historical Aerial Photographs and/or Maps Review Table 1 is a listing of the review of readily available historical aerial photographs and/or ^ maps that were evaluated as a part of this assessment for indications of historical land ^ utilization, and for signs of potential hazardous materials/waste and/or petroleum storage, usage, contamination, or disposal areas. Generally, historical photographs, topographic I- maps, and orthographic maps were reviewed at the San Diego County Department of ^ Planning and Land Use office on March 1,1999. 1953 aerial photographs were reviewed at the San Diego County Soil Conservation Service offices in Escondido on March 4,1999. In-house United States Geological Survey (USGS) quadrangle topographic maps (1891, te 1898, 1968, and 1975) and U.S. Army Corp of Engineers topographic map (1939) were also reviewed. ^ California Regional Water Quality Control Board W.O. E2606-SC k General Permit Application March 29. 1999 File: e:\wp7\envVe2600\e2606.gpa Page 7 P te GeoSoils, Inc. SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT Map of Sites within One Mile Subject Site Category: Databases Searched to: Single Sites Multiple Sites • • Highways and Major Roads Roads Railroads Rivers or Water Bodies Utilities NPL, SPL, CERCLISV RCRA VIOL, ERNS, CORRACTS NFRAP, TRIS, UST GENERATORS (TSD) TSD. LUST, SWLF, SCL tf additional databases are listed in the cover page of ttie report they are also displayed on this map. The map symbol used corresponds to the database category ttiter A,B,C,D. For More Information Call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403 Report ID: 030199001 Revised by GSI, 3/99 Date of Report: March 1,1999 W.O. E2606-SC GROUNDWATER GRADIENT IMAP Figure 2 Based upon review of historical aerial photographs and topographic maps of the site vicinity from 1891 to 1994, it appears that the area in the immediate vicinity of El Camino Real and Calaveras Drive consisted of open space and agricultural development from roughly 1928 to the early 1970's. Cultivated crops were visible directly east, north, and west of the project area until the early to mid-1970's. The alignment of the drainage course adjacent to the project areas was rerouted as a part of the trailer park development in photographs from 1975. Table 1 Historic Aerial Photograph and Map Review Summary HISTORIC AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH AND MAP REVIEW SUMMARY DATE MAP/PHOTO LD./SUMMARY SCALE 1891 (1893 edition) U.S. Geological Survey, Oceanside Sheet; Overall, no development and/or improvements noted onsite. Primary roads visible to south across Agua Hedionda Creek. Marsh land associated with Agua Hedionda Lagoon extends through project area and beyond. 1"=5,208' 1898 U.S. Geological Survey, Oceanside Sheet {San Diego Co.); site and vicinity similar to above, except primary roads to south and north do not appear to be improved. 1"=5.208' 1898 (1901 edition) U.S. Geological Survey, Oceanside Sheet (San Diego Co.); site and vicinity similar to above. r=5,208' 1928/1929 San Diego Co. Flight 30, Photos E-5 & E-6: intersection of El Camino Real and Calaveras Dr. similar to alignment today, but no elevation differences noted (i.e.. no bridge crossing, no fill slopes, etc.). Farmland northwest of corner visible. Large stands of trees observed in creek. 1"=1000' 1939 US Army Corp. Of Engineers, Oceanside Quadrangle, Grid Zone "G"; no structures on the project site. Calaveras Dr. visible, but un-improved. Small structure (farmhouse?) visible 500 feet north of intersection. Marsh land no longer north of El Camino Real. 1 "=5,208' 9-9-63 San Diego Co. Flight S DC-T-4, Photos 12-19 through 12- 21; all land north of El Camino Real farmed with crops. Locally dense trees visible in creek. Dirt road visible under El Camino Real. 1 "=1,000- 5-8-67 San Diego Co. Flight GS-VBTA, Photos 1-171 &1-172; Site similar to previously noted conditions. 1 "=2.800' California Regional Water Quality Control Board General Permit Application File: e:'.wp^.enve2600\e2606.gpa W.O. E2606-SC March 29, 1999 Page 9 GenSiitls. Inc. HISTORIC AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH AND MAP REVIEW SUMMARY DATE MAP/PHOTO I.D./SUMMARY SCALE 1968 (photorevised 1975) USGS 7.5 minute San Luis Rey Quadrangle (Figure 1); no agricultural development designated in area. Windmill and 2 small structures visible north of project area, on north side of Calaveras Dr. Gravel pit noted over 2.000' north of El Camino Real. Residential development (I.e., trailer park) to east not visible until 1975 revisions. r=2,ooo' 1 -20-75 SDPD Flight, Photos 34-12 & 34-13 (color): site conditions similar to previous photo, but less agricultural development visible. Trailer park east of site is in early phases of improvement Noted New concrete bridge crossing for El Camino Real. Creek also routed through trailer park. 1"=1,000' 12-13-78 San Diego Co. Flight SDCO (West), photos 210-1 SB 25, 26. & 27fcolor): similar to above. 1"=1,000' 11-19-83 San Diego Co. Flight 011109 (CAS), Photos 241 & 242: Site similar to previous photo. r=2,000' 4-7-89 San Diego Co. Flight WAC 89CA, Photos 3-7 & 3-9; Site undeveloped. Famland to northwest of project area appears to be recently cultivated. r=2,640' 1994 Lenska's Aerial Atlas, The Thomas Guide Commercial Edition, 1995, page 1107: no significant changes observed to subject property and immediate vicinity. 1":=2,640' Review of Previous Reports Based upon our review of pertinent geotechnical reports for the Calavera Hills development (provided to us by McMillin Companies), there does not appear to be a specific report covering the project sewer main line. GSI reviewed a geotechnical report of the Kelly Ranch (i.e., Cannon Road improvements) at the City of Carlsbad offices on March 17,1999. The report by Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc. (dated April 15,1997) provided a supplemental evaluation and grading plan review of Kelly Ranch, Area "E." Groundwater was reported in 2 borings drilled near El Camino Real at a depth of 5 feet. Alluvium depths were reported at depths of 104 feet and 116 feet. Alluvial soils consisted of interbedded silty clays, sandy clays, and silty sands, with sand lenses. Bedrock encountered below alluvium was designated as sandstone bedrock of te Eocene-age Santiago Fomnation. No environmentai issues or concerns were presented. California Regional Water Quality Control Board General Permit Application File: e:\wp7\env\e26O0\e26O6.gpa W.O. E2606-SC March 29. 1999 Page 10 GeoSoils. Inc. p L In addition, GSI reviewed a hydrology report (Project Design Consultants, 1998) on a planned residential development located directly southeast ofthe project area. Overall, the report concluded that there are no un-mitigatable effects on Agua Hedionda Lagoon from surface runoff estimated from the proposed property improvements. RESULTS OF GOVERNMENT AGENCY/DOCUMENTS REVIEW List of Government Agencies and Databases Reviewed In compliance with ASTM Standard of Practice E-1527, a search of selected federal and state govemment databases was conducted in-house by GSI, utilizing a master database (STARVIEW Real Estate) provided by VISTA Infonnation Solutions, Inc. Following is a list of the agency databases reviewed for this report and the radius of search from the subject property for each of the database searches: UST OF DATABASES* AND AREAS SEARCHED To i^-Mile To V4-Mile To 'A-Mlle To 1-Mile ERNS USTs CERCLIS/NFRAP NPL RCRA-LgGEN ASTs LUST SPL RCRA-SmGEN TRiS SWLF CORRACTS spias RCRA Voii DEED RSTR HE17 SCL TSD CORTESE WATER WELLS TOXIC PITS *Details and descriptions of these databases can be found in Appendix D. Results of Government Agency/Document Review A review of the Government Records Database search report dated March 1, 1999, indicated there is 1 "risk site" listed within the database search area. The subject property, however, is not identified in the database search. Steindorf Produce (5003 El Camino Real) is listed on the San Diego County Environmental Health Sen/ices HEI 7 database. This database contains information on sites within mile of the project site that fall under the jurisdiction of the County. No violations have been California Regional Water Quaiity Control Board General Permit Application File: e:\V(p7\env\e2600\62606.gpa W.O. E2606-SC March 29. 1999 Page 11 GeoSoils. Inc. issued on this site. Based upon discussions with County staff, the facility has been placed in the inactive files. The business type is listed as General Farming. Complete details for the database search may be found in Appendix D. In the following discussion, the acronym UST means Underground Storage Tank, AST means Above ground Storage Tank and the acronym LUST means Leaking Underground Storage Tank. Underground & Above Ground Storage Tanks (USTs & ASTs) There are no permitted USTs and/or ASTs identified in Appendix D within the subject site, or within the study radius. Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUSTs) There are no reported LUSTs identified in Appendix D within the subject site, or within the study radius. Unmapped Sites There are 5 "Unmapped Sites" listed in Appendix D. Sites listed as "Unmapped Sites" do not have adequate addresses furnished with their filings to allow the various agencies and/or search firms to accurately plot the locations. Every effort is made by GSI to evaluate if any of these sites are located within the extended search radius ofthe subject property. Based upon our review, none ofthe sites listed appear to be within the study radius, and therefore, not anticipated to represent an environmental concem to the subject property. San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) The local RWQCB leaking underground tank listing (i.e., LUST) for Region 9 (PUBLIST dated January, 1997) was reviewed during our site assessment. The In-house electronic list noted no additional sites within the study area. San Diego County Environmental Health Services (EHS) The 1998 Site Assessment and Mitigation listing (SAM) was reviewed as a part of this study. This listing included underground tank files, non-tank assessment file listings, groundwater and soil contamination files and real estate assessments. Open and closed files are provided. This electronic list noted no additional sites within the study area. California Regional Water Quality Control Board W.O. E2606-SC General Permit Application March 29, 1999 File: e:\wp7\env\e2600\e2606.gpa Page 12 GeoSoils, Inc. EVALUATION OF HYDROGEOLOGIC PARAMETERS Although limited information is available from the existing 38 well points that comprise the current dewatering system, certain reasonable assumptions can be made, based upon our knowledge of subsurface conditions and the physical and hydrologic characteristics typical for earth materials. In addition to the information provided by the dewatering contractor. Foothill Engineering and Dewatering, Inc. (Appendix G), GSI reviewed a geotechnical report evaluating alluvial soils in Agua Hedionda Creek, directly south of El Camino Real (Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc., 1997). Subsurface Lithology The tota! depth of alluvial materials existing within this portion of Agua Hedionda Creek (and the upper portion of Agua Hedionda Lagoon) is on the order of 110 ± feet (Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc., 1997). Where encountered in borings drilled south of El Camino Real, alluvial materials were reported to consist of silty clays and silty sands interbedded with poorly graded sand lenses. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 5 feet. Bedrock encountered underlying alluvial soils was dense, poorly sorted sandstone ofthe Eocene-age Santiago Formation. Based upon well logs describing earth materials encountered in 2 wells (B-1 and B-2, Appendix G) drilled along the alignment of the existing dewatering system, subsurface soils underlying the project area consist of 6 to 8 feet of fill overiying alluvium associated with Agua Hedionda Creek. Based upon our review of historical photos and maps, it appears the fill materials were placed during development of the adjacent trailer park as well as to elevate El Camino Real above Agua Hedionda Creek. The underlying alluvial deposits consist of interbedded silty sands and sandy clays with sand lenses. Considering the well located near the intersection of Calaveras Drive and El Camino Real (B-1) is approximately 5 to 6-foot higher in elevation than the well located some 250 feet north, the groundwater level appears to be at a consistent depth of roughly 5+ feet. Based upon discussions with the utility contractor and the dewatering contractor, groundwater is situated within a 2 to 3-foot thick sand lense sandwiched between layers of sandy clay. To calculate tiie estimated cone of influence for the planned dewatering operation, GSI will assume aquifer thicknesses equal to the depth of the proposed sewer trench below the water table, which is roughly 13 feet, and 25 feet as noted by "dry" clay in boring B-1. Estimation of Groundwater Flow Verbal information provided by Foothill Engineering and Dewatering, Inc. indicates that approximate flow rates from the 2-inch diameter wells is on the order of 8 to 10 gallons per minute. Logs enclosed 'as Appendix G indicate the approximate flow firom the 24-inch diameter weils is 150 gallons per minute. Based upon a 24 hour pumping schedule, maximum groundwater discharge volumes may be on the order of 400,000± gallons per California Regional Water Quality Control Board W.O. E2606-SC General Permit Application March 29, 1999 File: e:\wp7\env\e2600^e2606.gpa Page 13 GeoSoils, Inc. day; however, information provided by the construction contractor indicates that the average pumping volumes will be on the order of 100,000+ gallons per day. Estimation of Transmissivity and Hydraulic Conductivity Provided in the table below are selected hydrologic parameters for specific soil types, based upon values provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS, 1989), and R. Freeze/J. Cherry (1979). TABLE 1 SOIL TYPE POROSITY SPECIFIC YIELD HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVrrY<^> ^ TRANSMISSIVITY (T=Kb} (11^ Clay 50:40-70 2 10 to 10 2.8 X 10^ to 2.8x10-' 3.6x10"^ to 3.6x10"^ Sand 25:25-50 22 1 - 1,000; 0.283 - 2,830 3.7 to 36,842 he Silty Sand NP;NP NP 0.1 -90; NP 1.3 to 1,170 Silt NP;35-50 NP NP; 2.8-2.8x10^ 36 to 3.6x10^ (1) = Percent by volume (2) = USGS, 1989 (Appendix A) (3) = Units - Feet per day (4) = USGS and Freeze/Cherry (Appendix A) (5) = K-hydraulic conductivity; b-aquifer thickness (6) = Units - Square feet per day NP = Not provided The estimated drawdown (i.e., cone of influence) associated with the existing dewatering system was calculated utilizing the RockWare Utilities-Version 3.0 program (RockWare, Inc., 1996). The parameters utilized were based upon certain assumptions, including well radius (0.1 foot), pump rate (8-10 gallons/minute), pumping duration (28 days), saturated thickness (13-25 feet), transmissitivity (30-100 feet ^/day), and specific yield (20 percent). The drawdown estimated at a distance of 10 feet from a well ranged fi-om 11 to 45 feet. At a distance of 15 feet, the drawdown was estimated at 2 to 10 feet. GROUNDWATER SAMPLING p te As a part of the general permit application, groundwater samples were collected from the dewatering system. Samples were collected from the existing pump outlet pipe. Analysis consisted of discrete chemical testing for all specific constituents presented in Order 96-41 for discharges to lagoons/estuaries. The majority of test results were reported either beiow California Regional Water Quaiity Control Board General Permit Applicalion File: e:\wp7^env\e2600'e2606,gpa W.O. E2606-SC March 29, 1999 Page 14 GeoSoils, Inc. detection limits (i.e., non-detect), or with detected concentrations of the individual constituents below the specific effluent limitations of Order 96-41. The exceptions are dissolved oxygen reported at a concentration of 4.9 milligrams per liter (mg/l), which exceeded the minimum limitation of 5.0 mg/l, and Acute Toxicity which is reported with a survival rate of 85 percent and a LC50 greater than 100 mg/l. This calculated an Acute Toxicity test (i.e., TUa) value of 0.69. The instantaneous maximum Tua value is 0.59. Of the remaining detected constituents, Zinc was reported at a concentration of 20 micrograms per liter (^g/l), lower than the daily maximum limitation (80 ^g/\) and the instantaneous maximum limitation of 200 /^g/l. Concentrations of total nitrogen (Kjeldahl) was 0.38 mg/i; nitrogen as nitrate was reported at 1.39 mg/l. Instantaneous maximum limitations for total nitrogen is listed at 2.0 mg/l. Total phosphate concentrations were reported at 0.08 mg/l. instantaneous maximum limitations for total phosphorus Is listed at 0.2 mg/l. Concentrations of total coliform and fecal coliform, reported at 300 MPN/ml and <2 MPN/ml respectively, were below the daily maximum effluent limitations of 1000 MPN/ml and 200 MPN/ml, respectively. The table beiow provides a summary of laboratory test results and the applicable specific effluent limitations fi'om Order 96-41. Laboratory test methods, complete test results, and the Chain of Custody documents are provided in Appendix E. TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS CONSTITUENT UNITS TEST RESULTS DAILY I^^MUM INSTANTANEOUS MAXIMUM Total Nitrogen mg/l 0.38 NA<^' 2.0 Total Phosphate mg/I 0.08 NA 0.2 Settieable Solids ml/1 ND*"* NA 0.2 Total Suspended Solids mg/I •ND NA 50.0 Sulfide ND 4 10.0 Total Residual Chlorine /^g/1 ND 8 60.0 Ammonia (as Nitrogen) MQ/l ND 2,400 6,000.0 pH Units 7.4 7.0 - 8.5 7.0 - 8.5 Benzene ;^g/i ND NA 5.0 Ethylbenzene A^g/i ND NA 5.0 Toluene ,^g/i ND NA 5.0 Xylene Mg/l ND NA 5.0 California Regional Water Quality Control Board General Permit Application File: e:\wp7'env\e2600\e2606.gpa W.O. E26Q6-SC March 29, 1999 Page 15 GeoSoils, Inc. k te CONSTITUENT UNITS TEST RESULTS DAILY Af^lMUM INSTANTANEOUS MAXIMUM Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas & diesel) mg/l ND NA 0.5 Arsenic .-^g/i ND 32 80.0 Cadmium -^g/i ND 4 10 Chromium (hexavalent) :^g/i ND 8 20 Copper ND 12 30 Lead -^g/i ND 8 20 Mercury .^g/i ND 0.16 0.4 Nickel ^g/i ND 20 50 Silver ;^g/i ND 2.8 7.0 Zinc .^g/i 20 80 200 Cyanide /^g/i ND 4 10 Phenolic Compounds ;^g/! ND 120 300 Chlorinated Phenolics ;^g/i ND 4 10 1.1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane ND NA 11(4) Tributyitin ;^g/i ND NA 0.005 1,1,1- Trichloroethane Mg/l ND NA 11(4) 1,1.2- Trichloroethene Mg/l ND NA 42 t"' Carbon Tetrachloride /ig/i ND NA 3.8 w PCBs ng/I '-^ ND NA 0.019 Tetrachloroethylene .^g/i ND NA 6.9 Trichloroethylene MQ/i ND NA 92.0 Vinyl Chloride .:^g/i ND NA 34.0 Acute Toxicity TUa 0.69 NA 0.59 Dissolved Oxygen mg/l 4.9 Not < 5 Not < 5 California Regional Water Quality Control Board General Permit Application File: e: ,wp7'.env\e2600^,e260€.gpa W.O. E2606-SC March 29. 1999 Page 16 GeoSoils, Inc. k k CONSTITUENT UNITS TEST RESULTS DAILY l\/J^IMUM INSTANTANEOUS MAXIMUM Turbidity NTU 0.52 Not > receiving waters Not > receiving waters Total Coliform MPN/ml 300 1000 NA Fecal Coliform MPN/ml < 2 200 NA (1) - Effluent Limitations, Discharges to Lagoons/Estuaries; Order 96-41 (2) - NA - Not Applicable (3) - ND - Non Detect (4) - 30-Day Average; Order 96-41 (5) - nanograms per liter CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions Based upon the information obtained during the course of this assessment, including laboratory analyses of groundwater samples fi-om the existing dewatering system, it is our opinion that the proposed temporary discharge of groundwater during constmction of the subject sewer main will not significantly affect existing surface water quality or biological habitats of Agua Hedionda Creek and/or Lagoon. The recommendations presented herein should be incorporated into the final design and implementation of the dewatering plan. The analyses performed herein and the recommendations presented below have been completed using the infonmation provided to us during this assessment. In the event that the information concerning the proposed project is not correct, or any changes in site design are made, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed, and the recommendations presented herein are modified or approved in writing by this office. Comparison of Laboratory Detection Limits and Effluent Limitations The effluent limitations provided in Order 96-41 were compared to the laboratory detection limits for each ofthe chemical constituents presented in the above table and in Appendix F. In summary, the majority of detection limits utilized by the testing laboratory were at least equal to the magnitude of the specified instantaneous maximum effluent limitations for all constituents except sulfide (50;^g/l detection limit), cyanide (20/^g/i detection limit), and PCBs (O.S^g/l detection limit). It appears, therefore, that detection limits utilized by the laboratory are overall suitable. California Regional Water Quality Control Board General Permit Application File: e:\wp7^env*,e2600\e2606,gpa W.O. E2606-SC March 29. 1999 Page 17 GeoSoils, Inc. k k PROJECT PROXIMITY TO AREAS OF SPECIAL BIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE GSI has reviewed the Supplemental Environmental Impact Assessment for the project sewer line (Planning Systems, 1998). The report evaluated potential biological affects associated with 4 alternative alignments ofthe gravity flow sewer line proposed to service the Calavera Heights/Hills development. Sensitive vegetation affected by the entire project include Diegan coastal sage scrub. Sycamore Riparian Woodland, and Disturbed Mulefat Scrub. No sensitive plant or animal species were detected during their site visits, which did not include protocol bird surveys. Although the sewer alignment would cross a "blue line stream" at 2 locations, the report stated that both crossings contained no native vegetation, with 1 being paved. The report concluded that the (preferred) alignment would avoided impacts to sensitive resources situated along the project area to the "maximum extent practical." For ease of review, this report is provided in Appendix E. Based upon verbal information provided by a biologist with Planning Systems (Mr. Greg Evans), the wetland plant community existing in the drainage channel 100 ± feet down- gradient fi'om the discharge point represents the northeriy edge of the 186 acre Agua Hedionda Preserve. The wetlands presen/e, consisting predominantly of riparian willows is, however, not anticipated to be adversely impacted by the additional estimated volumes of surface water flow. Based upon the overall physical and chemical quality of the extracted groundwater, and the "wetlands" nature of down-gradient biological areas of significance from the proposed discharge point, the temporary discharge of groundwater to the drainage course is not anticipated to degrade existing biological habitat of the lagoon. POTENTIAL USES OF EXTRACTED GROUNDWATER In lieu of discharging groundwater into the drainage course, potential beneficial uses of the extracted groundwater were considered. Overall, there were 5 alternative methods evaluated. Potential uses included irrigation use by the nursery and/or farmers near the dewatering system; placement of the extracted groundwater into recharge basins; pumping the groundwater discharge into acompatibie stonndrain; re-injection via recharge wells; and, use ofthe extracted water for construction purposes. Based upon the estimated average discharge volume of over 100,000 gallons per day over a 3 to 4-week period, the extracted water can not be re-used for nearby irrigation without a substantial expenditure of time and costs associated with construction of a temporary infrastructure (i.e., holding tanks, main and tributary feeder lines, etc.). In addition, the daily estimated volume generated for use by agriculture in the area does not appear to be practical. Considering the estimated discharge volume and the narrow sewer easement planned (i.e., 30 feet), there does not appear to be sufficient area of vacant land for recharge basin(s) to be a practical alternative. A compatible stormdrain facility does not exist within the project vicinity. A substantial expenditure of time (and costs) would be associated with California Regional Water Quality Control Board W.O. E2606-SC General Permit Application March 29. 1999 File: e:\wp7 env\,e260O\e2606.gpa Page 18 GeoSoils, Inc. te the design and construction of deep recharge wells suitable for the temporary disposal of the water. The use of the extracted water for construction purposes may have been a ^ part-time alternative during mass grading of the Calavera Hills development; however, te grading has been completed. In addition, the estimated volume of groundwater extracted far exceeds the useable quantity of water for dust control and development improvements ^ currently in progress within the residential tracts. te The possible disposal of extracted groundwater to alternative receiving waters was also evaluated. Based upon the project site being situated near the basin outlet into Agua ^ Hedionda Lagoon, disposal to alternative drainage channels would be impractical relative ^ to the temporary nature of the discharge. ^ Requirements stated in Article X, Section 2 ofthe California Constitution were evaluated for general compliance. A review of existing uses of groundwater within the estimated ^ cone of infiuence (generated by dewatering) indicates that the plan will not deprive any current user. There are no documented biological habitats within the estimated cone of r- influence that will be adversely impacted by the temporary withdrawal of groundwater, or the additionai volume of surface water created by the temporary discharge. Based upon the information provided herein, therefore, the proposed discharge into a surface water ^ body appears to be the most reasonable method for the temporary diversion of ^ groundwater during construction of the sewer main. ^ Recommendations tm GSI concludes that the potential for the discharged groundwater to adversely affect surface water quality is low, and should be considered similar to the existing down-gradient ^ discharge conditions associated with the ongoing construction for Cannon Road. Except for the recommendations provided below, fijrther studies or action are not proposed from an environmental viewpoint, at this time. ^ Proposed Treatment Process ^ Prior to the proposed discharge of groundwater to the adjacent surface water, the p_ dissolved oxygen concentration will require enrichment. Based upon the required increase ^ of dissolved oxygen to meet the minimum effluent limitation of Order 96-41, GSI recommends simple aeration ofthe extracted groundwater. ^ It should be noted that groundwater samples fi'om the existing dewatering system were collected from the pump outiet pipe, prior to agitated discharge into a holding tank. Due to the mixing observed at the surface of the tank, it is the opinion of GSI that sufficient ^ aeration will occur prior to discharge to surface water. GSI recommends that additional sampling occur at the discharge point to verify aeration operations prior to the outset of dewatering operations. Test results will be fonwarded as they become available. California Regional Water Quality Control Board W.O. E2606-SC ^ General Permit Application March 29, 1999 File: e:\wp7\env\e2600\e2606.gpa Page 19 IP" te GeoSoils, Inc. y In the event that this aeration plan is ineff^ective, GSI recommends that either an air vent/siphon be constructed in series with the pump discharge pipe, or an aeration pump ^ be installed in the holding tank. Placement of an agitator in the hold tank may also be te considered. ^ Best Management Practices and Contingency Plan k The objective of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System regulations (i.e. ^ NPDES) is to reduce (or eliminate) discharge of non-stormwater runoff from construction ta« sites. One of the best management practices (BMP's) to mitigate unusual erosion from sites in the construction phase is implementation of structural containment devices. BMP's ^ should be implemented prior to the start of dewatering and construction of the ^ underground utility. Structural BMP's are currently being utilized by the construction ^ contractor in up-gradient areas where groundwater is not hindering utility construction. ^ BMP's for the control of the temporary discharge source should be implemented. The ^ proposed discharge point should be constructed so as to not create unusual erosion of ^ the channel and slopes. Controls may consist of the temporary placement of riprap at the "point source" discharge. The use of silt fencing should decrease the potential for erosion mm to occur within the drainage course and protect existing vegetation. Stockpiled soils ^ excavated from the trenching, as well as earth materials imported to the site for backfill should also be protected fi'om runoff by silt fencing. ^ Best management practices and contingency plan forthe control ofthe discharge point should include a daily visual monitoring program by the contractor to evaluate the ^ competency of the system. The responsible monitor(s) should be aware of the various mm physical characteristics associated with potential contaminants (i.e., silts, clays, etc.) that may be generated. These characteristics may also include (but be not limited to) ^ discoloration and noxious odors. The contingency plan should provide a response to the ^ detection of contaminants in the extracted groundwater, or to unusual erosion of the channel and associated slopes. The monitor(s) should be able to implement the contingency response plan in the event that contaminants are encountered. Considering ^ the temporary nature of planned discharge and the existing dewatering system, the ^ contingency plan should include the ability to shutdown the system, and to temporary halt construction operations until conditions creating the effluent are mitigated. Tentative ^ locations of the temporary riprap and silt fencing are shown on Plate 1. California Regional Water Quality Control Board W.O. E2606-SC General Permit Application March 29,1999 File: e:\wp7\env\e2600\e2606.gpa Page 20 GeoSoils, Inc. LIMITATIONS GSI has performed the sen/ices for this project in accordance with the requirements presented in California Regional Water Quality Control Board Order Number 96-41, the terms of a contract between GSI and McMillin Companies (i.e., Client), and in accordance with current professional standards for investigations of this type. The conclusions presented in this report are based on the information collected during the study, the present understanding ofthe site conditions, and professional judgment. Please note, subsurface and surface conditions may vary from those provided to use by others or in historical documents reviewed by GSI. In addition, substance residue concentrations vary from location to location. The interpretations and recommendations of GSI are based solely on such information and/or information supplied by Client or other Client representatives. Findings of this assessment based on data provided by others carries no warranty, expressed or implied, as a result of the usage of such data. It is possible that fijture assessments may reveal additional data or variations of the current data which may require the current conclusions and recommendations to be reevaluated. As a result, GSI makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to its findings, opinions, recommendations, specifications, or professional advice except that they were promulgated after being prepared in accordance with generally accepted standards of care and diligence normally practiced by recognized consulting firms performing sen/ices of a similar nature. The information in this report is relevant to the date of the site work and should not be relied on to represent conditions at any later date. Facts, conditions, and acceptable risk factors change with time, accordingly, this report should be viewed within this context. This assessment does not address or evaluate the potential for other contaminants to be encountered onsite which have not been tested herein. This assessment should not be relied upon for physical and chemical properties of groundwater on any of the surrounding properties. California Regional Water Quality Control Board W.O. E2606-SC General Permit Application March 29, 1999 File: e:\wpr\env\e2600\e2606.gpa Page 21 GeoSoils, Inc. IK P [ [ r li APPENDIX A REFERENCES k APPENDIX A REFERENCES California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region. 1997, PUBLIST- Leaking underground storage tank (LUST) report, dated January. ,1994, Water quality control plan, San Diego Basin (9), dated September 8 r (Approved 1995). County of San Diego, Environmental Health Services, 1998, San Diego County environmental assessment listing, dated March 24. Delleur, Jacques W., 1998, The Handbook of Groundwater Engineering, Purdue University School of Civil Engineering, CRC Press LLC. Freeze, R. Allen/ Cherry, John A., 1979, Groundwater, Prentice-Hall, Inc. GeoSoils, Inc., 1999, Report of Rough Grading, Calavera Hills, School Site, Village "S", Lot 362, Carisbad Tract 83-19, City of Carlsbad, Califomia, W.O. 2393-B-SC, dated January 13. Hart, Eari W., 1994, Fault rupture hazard zones in California, Aiquist-Priolo earthquake fault zoning act with index to earthquake fault zone maps, undated. Jennings, C.W., 1994, Preliminary fault activity map of Califomia and vicinity with locations and ages of volcanic eruptions , scale 1:750,000, CDMG map series, Map No. 6. Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc., 1997, Supplemental Geotechnical Evaluation and Grading Plan Review, Kelly Ranch, Area "E" in the City of Carlsbad, W.O. 400581, dated April 15. Project Design Consultants, 1998, Drainage Report for Kelly Ranch Village "E", Carlsbad, California, CT-96-07, Document No. 1239.10, dated September. RockWare, Inc., 1996, RockWare Utilities Version 3, Accessories- Drawdown Program. Southern Califomia Soil & Testing, Inc., 1988, Supplemental Soil Investigation, Calaveras Hills Villages Q and T, College Boulevard, Carisbad, California, SCS&T job number 8821142, dated October 6. State of California, 1967, Department of Water Resources, Bulletin 106-2, Groundwater occurrence and quality: San Diego Region, vol. li: plates, dated June. United States Geological Survey (USGS), 1989, Basic Ground-Water Hydrology, Water Supply Paper 2220. Weber, Harold P., 1982, Geologic map ofthe central-north coastal area of San Diego County, Caiifornia, showing recent slope failures and pre-development landslides: United States Geologic Survey, Open-File Report 82-12. GeoSoils, Inc. APPENDIX B GENERAL PERMIT te CM,lFCmiA REGION/^ WATER QUAUTY CONTROL BOARD SAN DIEGO REGION I. II. OWNER/AGENCY NAME ^^^s^p^ MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT c/o CYPRESS VALLEY LLC ADDRESS: 2727 HOOVER AVENUE CrfY: NATIONAL CITY STA 7Ei_ CONTACT: MR. DON MITCHELL _CA ZIP: 91950 PHONE (619) 336-3500 PROJECT/SUE NAME: CALAVERA HILLS OFFSITE SEWER EXTENSION ADDRESS: EL GAMING REAL AND CALAVERAS DRIVE CriY: CARLSBAD STATE:_ CA ZIP: 92008 CONTACT: MR. BOB VANDERVORT PHONE: (760) 730-9820 CONSULTING FIRM: GEOSOILS. INC. CONSUL TJNG FIRM CONTACT: EDWARD LL^ AND JOHN FRANKLIN PHONE: (760) 438-3155 /// /5 THIS A RENEWAL OF AN EXPIRING INDIVIDUAL NPDES PERMIT? YES;ORDERNO. NPDES PERMIT NO. CA X NO IV. NA TURE OFDEm TERING DISCHARGE X CONSTRUCTION REMEDIATION FOUNDATION V. SPECIFIC IN FORMA TION: A. THE PROJECT IS IN A URBAN ^RURAL AREA B. MORE THAN ONE DEWATERING SITE IS PROPOSED YES ^NO IF YES HOW MANY? (SEE ATTACHMENT 3) C. PROPOSED MAXIMUM DISCHARGE VOLUMEfMGD) 20Q,ooo GALLONS PER DAY AVERACEDAILYFLOWRATE 100,000 GALLONS PER DAY BASIS FOR FLOWESTIMA TES DISCUSSIONS WITH CONTR-ACTOR D TOTAL DURA TION OFDBNA TERING PROJECT 3 TO 4 WEEKS £ PROPOSED START DA TE OFDBWA 7ERING_J!^ZI[J!^ F PROPOSED RECEIVING WA TER AGUA HEDIONDA CREEK [ATTACHMENT fJ 2 OF 3 ymoNAPPLK^ATm a RECEIVING WATER FLOWS SEASONALLY YES J^NO H DESCRIBE THE CONE OF INFLUENCE (ATTACH) I. DESCRIBE THE HISTORICAL USE OFTHE LAND WITHIN THE CONE OF INFLUENCE (ATTACH) J. PROJECT PROXIMrrY TO AREAS OF SPECIAL BIOLOGICAL SIGNFICANCE (ASBS) JL_K£5 NO (IF YES, ATTACH A DESCRIPTION) K. A TTACH SITE ASSESSMENT L ANY KNOWN CONTAMINA TION_ YES _^N0 (IF YES, A TTACH A SOURCE DESCRIPTION AND LIST OF CONSTITUENTS) M.PROPOSED TREATMENT PROCESSES JL.YES NO(IFYES, ATTACHTHE FOLLOWING: 1. A report certifying the adequacy of each component of the treatment fadMes or other type of contingency plan. 2. The report shall also certify that a) all treatment fadlity startup and operation Instruction , manuals are adequate and available to operating personnel, b) adequate treatment facility maintenance and testing (if treatment ^dliHes are on 'standby') schedules are induded in the treatment fadlity operations manual, c) treatment ladllties and appurtenances can be fully operational, as designed, within 24 hours, and d) influent and eWuent sampling locations or ports are located in areas where samples representative ofthe waste stream to be monitored can be obtained. 3. The design engineer shall affix his/her signature and engineering license number to this certification report N. DESCRIBE BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP) AND CONTINGENCY PLAN (A TTACH) 0. DISCUSS THE POTENTIAL USES OF THE EXTRACTED GROUNDWA TERS, EFFORTS MADE TO ENSURE USE TO THE FULLEST EXTENT POSSIBLE AND COMPLIANCE WTTHARVCLEX SECTION2 OF THE CALIFORNIA CONSTTfUTION (A TTACH) (SEEA TTACHMENT5) P. DISCUSS THA T DISPOSAL TOAL TERNA TIVE RECEIVING WA TERS IS NOT PRACTICABLE IF IT IS PROPOSED TO DISCHARGE TO AN ENCLOSED BAY ESTUARY OR LAGOON (ATTACH) (ATTACHMENT r 3 OF 3 Q. DISCUSS COMPLIANCE WITH40CFR131.12 AND STA TE WA TER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 68-16 (ATTACH) (COLLECTIVEL Y ANTIDEGREDATION POLICIES)-(SEEATTACHMENTS 6AND7) R SAMPLE AND ANALYZE THE GROUNDWATER TO BE EXTRACTED FOR ALL OFTHOSE CONSTITUENTS, AS DETERMINED BY THE SAMPLING REQUIREMENT CRffERIA DESCRIBED IN THE APPLICABLE GENERAL PERMFT, FOR THE PROPOSED RECEIVING WATER TYPE (ATTACHDATA) S COMPLETE, SIGN AND RETURN THE ATTACHED CERTIFICATION OF COMPUANCE STA TEMENTON RESPONSIBLE PARTY LETTERHEAD (NO CONTRACTOR/CONSUl TANT) I certify under penalty of law that that i have personally examined and am familiar with the informadon submitted in this document and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those Individuals immediately responsible ^r obtaining the information, I believe thatthe infonnation is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, induding the possibility of fine and imprisonment PRINT YOUR FULL NAME \l\c e R2^g<oe>JT TfTLE SIGNATURE AGENCY/COMPANY NAME id^ HcM,u-i ^cNf p^v^^. LLC ^'^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ DO NOT WRITE BEL OW THIS LINE RWQCB STAFF USE ONL Y gewdappi.w}g3/97 (ATTACHMENT 1) k Ai McMillin Land Development A C:^«.' McMiilrn Company *• CERTIFICATION OF COMPLI.\.\CE WITH GE>ER.\L GROUNDW.ATER EXTR_\CTION WASTE DISCH.\RGE (GEWD) PERMIT I have read general groundwater extraction waste discharge permit Order No. 96-41 And hereby certify that: 1. I understand the requirements of Order No. 96-41 2. The enclosed information describing my proposed groundwater extraction waste discharge is accurate and described a discharge that meets the requirements of Order No. 96-41, which is the applicable general groundwater extraction waste discharge pennit. 3. I will comply with all terms, conditions, and requirements of Order No. 96-41 I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information silbmitted in this document and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that tiiere are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisoimient. Signature Donald A. Mitchell Name Vice-President Title Date AV Al AV AV AV Nk-Miilin Rcilv.- McMillin Mongatc MtMillm Lintl Developmcni McMillin Homes McMillin Commercial CORPORATE OFF.CE rZ7 HOOVER AVENL£ NATICNAL Z:r< CA TEL ~'3) A77^U7 FAX ,613t 335-3112 ^mcrr..m com APPENDIX C *• SITE PHOTOGRAPHS IP k z E [ r 1. North view of Calaveras Drive from near El Camino Real. Note trench plates visible in street represent the well trench for the existing dewatering system. 2. South view along covered well trench. Overhead power lines in background are along the northern edge of El Camino Real. GeoSoils, Inc. SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Plate C-1 GeoSoils, Inc. HATF 3-1-99 w o NO E2606-SC BY GeoSoils, Inc. Soil Mechanics • Geology • Foundation Engineering 3. Northern end of attached well points for dewatering system. Agua Hedionda Creek is behind and below wall. 4. Dewatering system vacuum pump, holding tank and power unit. Note white PVC pipe in right photo is discharge outlet into Agua Hedionda Creek. View is to northeast from Ei Camino Real. GeoSoils^ Inc. SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Plate C-2 GeoSoils^ Inc. DATF 3-1-99 w o NO E2606-SC BY GeoSoils^ Inc. Soil Mechanics • Geology • Foundation Engineering k APPENDIX D ^ AGENCY RECORDS SEARCH h p k r k k [ c m [ SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT PROPERTY INFORMATION CUENT INFORMATION ii Project Name/Ref #: W.O. E2606-SC CALAVERAS HILLS SEWER EXTENSION CALAVERAS DR. & EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD. CA 92008 Latitude/Longitude: (33.150249,117.296610 ) ED LUMP GEOSOILS, INC. 5741 PALMER WAY CARLSBAD. CA 92008 Site Distribution Summary Agency / Database - Type of Records 1/8 to 1/4 mile 1/4 to 1/2 mile 1/2 to 1 mile A) Databases searched to 1 mile: US EPA NPL National Priority List ^ 0 0 0 USEPA CORRACTS RCRA Corrective Actions < 0 0 0 0 STATE SPL State equivalent priority list 1 0 0 0 0 B) Databases searched to 1/2 mile: STATE SCL State equivalent CERCLIS list 0 0 0 US EPA CERCLIS / Sites cun-entJy or formerly under review NFRAP bv US EPA 0 0 0 - US EPA TSD RCRA pemriitted treatment, storage, disposal ^cilities 0 0 0 - STATE REG LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks CO 0 0 0 - STATE/ SWLF Pemiitted as solid waste landfills. REG/CO incinerators, or transfer stations 0 0 0 - STATE DEED Sites with deed restrictions RSTR 0 0 0 - STATE CORTESE State index of properties with hazardous waste 0 0 0 _ STATE TOXIC PITS Toxic Pits cleanup facilities 0 0 0 - USGS/STAT WATER Federal and State Drinking Water WELLS Sources 0 0 0 - C) Databases searched to 1/4 mile: US EPA RCRA Viol RCRA violations/enforcement actions 0 0 US EPA TRIS Toxic Release Inventory database 0 0 -- STATE UST/AST Registered underground or aboveground storaqe tanks 0 0 -- For more information call VISTA Information Solutions. Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 030199001 Date of Report: March 1,1999 VersicnZSI PageSI Site Distribution Summary •within 1/8 mile 1/8 to 1/4 mile 1/4 to 1/2 mile 1/2 to 1 mile Agency / Database - Type of Records il ll k m k P D) Databases searched to 1/8 mile: US EPA ERNS Emergency Response NotiTication System of spills US EPA GNRTR RCRA registered small or large generators of hazardous waste STATE SPILLS State spills list COUNTY HE17 SD County Hazardous Materials/WasteA/iolations Database This report meets the ASTM standard E-1527 for standard federal and state govemment database research in a Phase i environmental site assessment. A (-) indicates a distance not searched because it exceeds these ASTM search parameters. UMfTATlON OF UABUJIY Customer proceeds at its own ristc in choosing to rely on VISTA services, in whole or in part, priorto proceeding with any transaction. VISTA cannot be an insurer of ttie accuracy of the information, errors occurring in conversion of data, or for customer's use of data. VISTA and its affiliated companies, officers, agents, employees and indeperxJent contractors cannot be held liable for accuracy, storage, delivery, toss or expense suffered by customer resulting directly or indirectfy from any infonnation provided by VISTA. NOTES m k m k For more information call VISTA Informaton Solutions. Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 030199001 Date of Report March 1,1999 SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT Map of Sites within One Mile Subject Site Category: Databases Searched to: Single Sites Multiple Sites • • o O Highways and Major Roads Roads Railroads Rivers or Water Bodies Utilities NPL, SPL, CORRACTS (TSD) RCRA VIOL, TRIS. UST ERNS, GENERATORS CERCL1S\ NFRAP, TSD, LUST, SWLF, SCL If additional databases are listed in the cover page of ^e report Uiey are also displayed on this map. The map symbol used corresponds to the database category letter A,B,C,D. For More Information Call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403 Report ID- 030199001 Date of Report: March 1,1999 k r k SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT Map of Sites within Quarter Mile Miles Subject Site * Category: Databases Searched to: Single Sites Multiple Sites Highways and Major Roads Roads Railroads Rivers or Water Bodies Utilities A 1 mi. • • NPL. SPL. CORRACTS (TSD) B 1/2 mi. CERCLIS\ NFRAP. TSD. LUST. SWLF, SCL C 1/4 mi. RCRA VIOL. TRIS. UST D 1/8 mi. ERNS, GENERATORS If acditcnal aataOases are listed in the cover page of the report they are also cisplayed on x\s map. The rnap symixrf used corresponds to the database category letter A.B.C,D For More Information Call VISTA Information Solutions. Inc. at 1 -800-787-0403 Report ID: 030199001 Date of Report: March 1,1999 Page #4 SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT Street Map Subject Site Highways and Major Roads Roads Railroads Rivers or Water Bodies Utilities lu For More Information CaH VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403 Report ID: 030199001 Date of Report: March 1,1999 Page #5 SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT SITE INVENTORY m k m h m ii m MAP ID PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 1/8 mile) VISTA ID DISTANCE DIRECTION STEINDORF PRODUCE 5003 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 3492554 <0.01 Mt SE B D MAP ID SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/8 -1/4 mile) VISTA ID DISTANCE DIRECTION B (0 No Records Found MAP ID SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/4 -1/2 mile) VISTA ID DISTANCE DIRECTION B No Records Found MAP ID SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2 -1 mile) VISTA ID DISTANCE DIRECTION B tn No Records Found ii hi X = search criteria; • = tag-along (beyond search criteria). For more information call VISTA Infonmation Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 • 0403. Report ID: 030199001 Date of Report: March 1,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page #6 ill IP m k k k b UNMAPPED SITES WSTA ID SOUTH CARLSBAD STATE BEACH HY101 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 3494225 MARINERS POINT NWC CAMINO DE LA ONDAS/A CARLSBAD. CA 92008 6521675 R.F WHITE FUEL TRUCK SPILL HY 5 AT S-78 CARLSBAD. CA 92008 7250842 NORTH COUNTY LINCOLN MERC 5434 CARLSBAD, CA 920080000 7430800 VISTA I BURN SITE 1/3 ML W INTERSECT MELROSE OCEANSIDE, CA 4826784 N CO 1-o < EC O\o. o to B 13 D QC to 1--J Q: z C3 to il m m X = search criteria; • = tag-along (beyond search criteria). For more infonmation call VISTA Infonmation Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 030199001 Date of Report: March 1,1999 Version 2.6 1 Page #7 SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT DETAILS PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA (within 1/8 mile) VISTA Address*: STEINDORF PRODUCE 5003 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 VISTA ID#: 3492554 VISTA Address*: STEINDORF PRODUCE 5003 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Distance/Direction: <0.01 MI/SE VISTA Address*: STEINDORF PRODUCE 5003 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Plotted as: Point HE-17/SRC# 5458 Agency ID: H99160 Map ID 1 Agency Address: Business Type: Status: Notice of Violation Issued: Inactive: Inspection Date: '^AY27. 1994 5003 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 920083732 Agency Code (K39) "Unl<nown()" NO Permit Exp Date: UNKNOWN Reinspection Date: ^^v 1.1995 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/8 -1/4 mile) No Records Found SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/4 • 1/2 mile) No Records Found SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 1/2 -1 mile) No Records Found • VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more infonnation call VISTA Infonmation Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 030199001 Date of Report: March 1,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page #3 UNMAPPED SITES k m k VISTA Address*: VISTA I BURN SITE 1/3 ML W INTERSECT MELROSE _N OCEANSIDE, CA VISTA ID#: 4826784 WMUDS/SRC# 5368 'Agency !D: 9 370134NUR Agency Address: Solid Waste Inventory System ID: Facility Type: Facility In State Board Waste Discharger System: Chapter 15 Facility: Solid Waste Assessment Test Facility: Toxic Pits Cleanup Act Facility: RCRA Facility: Department of Defense Facility: Open To Public: Number Of Waste Management Units: Rank: Enforcements At Facility: Violations At Facility: SAME AS ABOVE NOT -SPORTED Not reoorted NO NO NO NO NO NO NO ? 14 NO NO ' VISTA address Includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions. Inc. ai 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 030199001 Date of Report: March 1,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page HQ ip PI PI SITE ASSESSMENT PLUS REPORT DESCRIPTION OF DATABASES SEARCHED PI H m h m m A) DATABASES SEARCHED TO 1 MILE NPL VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 5280 jhe agency release date for NPL was January, 1999. The National Priorities List (NPL) is the EPA's database of uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites identified for priority remedial actions under the Superfund program. A site must meet or surpass a predetermined hazard ranking system score, be chosen as a state's top priority site, or meet three specific criteria set jointly by the US Dept of Health and Human Services and the US EPA in order to become an NPL site. SPL VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 5455 The agency release date for Caisltes Database: Annual Workplan Sites was October, 1998. The CalSites database contains information on properties (or "sites") in Califomia where hazardous substances have been released, or where the potential for such a release exists. This database is used primarily by the Department of Toxic Substances Control to evaluate and track activities at sites that may have been affected by the release of hazardous substances. Also see SPL/SCL: Annual Worit Plan (AWP) sites are cleassified as SPL and all the other sites are classified as SCL. CORRACTS VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 5078 The agency release date for HWDMS/RCRIS was August, 1998. The EPA maintains this database of RCRA facilities which are undergoing "comective action". A "con-ective action order" is issued pursuant to RCRA Section 3008 (h) when there has been a release of hazardous waste or constituents into the environment from a RCRA facility. Corrective actions may be required beyond the facility's boundary and can be required regardless of when the release occun-ed, even if it predates RCRA B) DATABASES SEARCHED TO 1/2 MILE CERCLIS VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile of your property. SRC#: 5278 The agency release date for CERCLIS vras October, 1998. The CERCLIS List contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List(NPL) and sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. The infonmation on each site includes a history of all pre-remedial, remedial, removal and community relations activiies or events at ttie site, financial funding information for the events, and unrestricted enforcement activities. Cal Cerclis VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile of your property. SRC#: 2462 The agency release date for Ca Cerclis w/Regional Utility Description was June, 1995. This database is provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9. The agency may be contacted at:. These are regional utility descriptions for California CERCLIS sites. For more information call VISTA Infonnation Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID- 030199001 Date of Report: March 1,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page #10 NFRAP SRC#: 5279 SCL SRC#: 5454 m m k RCRA-TSD SRC#: 5078 SWLF SRC#: 5457 WMUDS SRC#: 5368 VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile of your property. The agency release date for CERCLtS-NFRAP was October, 1998. NFRAP sites may be sites where, foiiowing an initial investigation, no contamination was found, contamination was removed quickly, or the contamination was not serious enough to require Federal Superiund action or NPL consideration. VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites witiiin 112 mile of your property. The agency release date for Calsites Database: All Sites except Annual Workplan Sites (incl. ASPIS) was October, 1998. The CalSites database contains information on properties (or "sites") in Califomia where hazardous substances have been released, or where the potential for such a release exists. This database is used primarily by the Department of Toxic Substances Control to evaluate and track activities at sites tiiat may have been affected by the release of hazardous substances. Also see SPL/SCL: Annual Worit Plan (AWP) sites are cleassified as SPL and all the other sites are classified as SCL. The CalSites database includes both known and potential sites. Two- thirds of these sites have been classified, based on available infonnation, as needing "No Further Action" (NFA) by the Department of Toxic Substances Control. The remaining sites are in various stages of review and remediation to detennine if a problem existe at the site. Several hundred sites have been remediated and are considered certified. Some of these sites may be in long term operation and maintenance. VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile of your property. The agency release date for HWDMS/RCRIS was August, 1998. The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Program identifies and ti-acks hazardous waste from the point of generation to tfie point of disposal. The RCRA Faciiities database is a compilation by tfie EPA of facilities which report generation, storage, transportation, treatment or disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA TSDs are facilities which treat, store and/or dispose of hazardous waste. VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile of your property. The agency release date for Ca Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) was November, 1998. This database is provided by the Integrated Waste Management Board. The agency may be contacted at: 916-255-4021. The Califomia Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) database consists of both open as well as closed and inactive solid waste disposal facilities and ti^nsfer stations pursuant to tfie Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery Act of 1972, Govemment Code Section 2.66790(b). Generally, the Califomia Integrated Waste Management Board learns of locations of disposal fadlities through permit applications and from local enforcement agencies. VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile of your property. The agency release date for Waste Management Unit Database System (WMUDS) was October, 1998. This database is provided by tiie State Water Resources Control Board. The agency may be contacted at: 916-892-0323. This is used for program hacking and inventory of waste management units. This system contains information from: Fadlity, Waste Management Unit, SWAT Program and Report Summary Infonnation. Chapter 15 (fonneriy Subchapter 15). TPCA and RCRA Program Information, Closure Infonmation; also some information from the VTOS (Waste Discharge System). The WMUDS system also accesses infomiation from the following databases from Uie Waste Discharger System (WDS): Inspections, Violations, and Enforcements. The sites contained in ttiese databases are subjed to ttie Califomia Code of Regulations - TiUe 23. Waters. IP li For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 030199001 Date of Report: March 1,1999 Version 2,6 1 Page *11 PI m LUST SRC#: 5459 LUST SRC#: 5497 HEI7 LUST SRC#: 5458 LUST VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile of your property. SRC#: 5366 The agency release date for Region #7-Colorado River Basin Leaking Underground Storage Tank Listing was August 1998. This database is provided by the Regional Water Quality Confrol Board, Region #7. The agency may be contacted at: 760-346-7491. LUST VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile of your property. SRC#: 5456 The agency release date for Region #9 Leaking Underground Storage Tank List was October, 1998. This database is provided by the Regional Water Quality Confrol Board. Region #9. The agency may be contaded at: 619-467-2975. VISTA conduds a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile of your property. The agency release date for Lahontan Region LUST List was October, 1998. This database is provided by the Lahontan Region Six South Lake Tahoe. The agency may be contacted at: 916-542-5400. VISTA conduds a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile of your property. The agency release date for Lust Information System (LUSTIS) was October, 1998. This database is provided by Uie California Environmental Protection Agency. The agency may be contaded at: 916-445-6532. VISTA conduds a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile of your property. The agency release date for San Diego County Environmental Health Services Database-LUST Sites vras October, 1998. This database is provided by the San Diego County Dept. of Health Sen/ices, tt contains information concerning any sites which fall under the jurisdiction of this agency. Cases dassified as Releases appear under "County Lust" in Biis report regardless of ttie "Cause" or "Case Type". Sites dassified as USTs appear under "County UST', and Solid Waste facilities appear under "County SWLF". Sites with violation and/or disctosure infonmation are reported under "SDC Site" in ttiis VISTA report. CORTESE VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/2 mile of your property. SRC#: 4840 The agency release date for Cortese List-Hazardous Waste Substance Site List was April, 1998. This database is provided by ttie Office of Environmental Protection, Office of Hazardous Materials. The agency may be contaded at: 916-445-6532. The Califomia Governor's Office of Planning and Research annually publishes a listing of potential and confirmed hazanjous waste sites throughout ttie State of Califomia under Govemment Code Section 65962.5. This database (CORTESE) is based on input from ttie followring: (I )CALSITES-Department of Toxic Substances Control, Abandoned Sites Program Information Systems; (2)SARA TiUe Hi Section III Toxic Chemicals Release Inventory for 1987, 1988,1989, and 1990; (3)FINDS; (4)HWIS-Department of Toxic Substances Confrol, Hazardous Waste Infomiation System. Vista has not induded one time generator fadlities from Cortese in our database.; (5)SWRCB-State Water Resources Confrol Board; (6)SWIS-Integrated Waste Management Confrol BoanS (solid waste fadlities); (7)AGT25-Air Resources Board, dischargers of greater than 25 tons of criteria pollutants to Uie air (8)A1025-Air Resources Board, dischargers of greater ttian 10 and less than 25 tons of criteria pollutants to tfie ain (9)LTANK-SWRCB Leaking Underground Storage Tanks; (lO)UTANK-SWRCB Underground tanks reported to the SWEEPS systems; (II)IUR-Inventory Update Rule (Chemical Manufacturers); (12)WB-LF- Waste Board - Leaking Facility, site has known migration; (13)WDSE-Waste Discharge System- Enforcement Action; (14)DTSCD-Department of Toxic Substance Control Docket For more information call VISTA Infonnation Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 030199001 Date of Report: March 1,1999 Verston 2.6.1 Page #12 Deed Restrictions SRC#: 1703 li Pi iM PI i p Toxic Pits SRC#: 2229 Water Wells SRC#: 5384 VISTA conducts a database search tc identify all sites within 1/2 mile of your property. The agency release date for Deed Restriction Properties Report was April, 1994. This database is provided by Uie Department cf Health Services-Lsnd Use and Air Assessment. The agency may be contaded ar 915-323-3376. These are voluntary deed restriction agreements witii owners of property who propose building residences, schools, hospitals, or day care centers on property that is "on or wittiin 2.000 feet of a significant disposal of hazardous waste". California has a statutory and administrative procedure under which Uie Califomia Department of Health Services (DHS) may designate real property as eiUier a "Hazardous Waste Property" or a "Border Zone Property" pursuant to Caiifamia Health _ Safety Code Sedions 25220-25241. Hazardous Waste Proper^ is land at which hazardous waste has been deposited, creating a significant existing or potential hazard to public health and safety. A Border Zone Property is one within 2,000 feet of a hazardous waste deposit Property within either category is restiided in use. unless a written variance is obtained from DHS. A Hazardous Waste Property designation results in a prohibition of new uses, ottier than a modification or expansion of an indusfrial or manufaduring fadlity on land pre'/iously owned by ttie fadlity prior to January 1, 1981. A Border Zone Property designation results in prohibition of a variety of uses involving human habitation, hospitals, schools and day care center. VISTA conducts a database search to identify alt sites wittiin 1/2 mile of your property. The agency release date for Summary of Toxic Pits Cleanup Facilities was February, 1995. This dafabase is provided by ttie Water Quality Confrol Board, Division of Loans _Grants. The agency may be contaded at: 916-227-43S6. VISTA conducts a database search to identify alt sites wittiin 1/2 mile of your property. The agency release date for USGS WATER WELLS was March, 1998. The Ground Water Site Inventory (GWSI) database was provided by ttie United States Geological Survey (USGS). The datat>ase contains information for over 1.000,000 wells and other sources of gnaundwater which the USGS has studied, used, or ottierwise had reason to document ttirough ttie course of research. The agency may be contaded at 703-648-6819. C) DATABASES SEARCHED TO 1/4 MILE RCRA-Viols/En VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites wittiin 1/4 mile of your property. The agency release date for HWDMS/RCRIS was August 1998. The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Ad (RCRA) Program identifies and fracks hazardous waste from ttie point of generation to ttie point of disposal. The RCRA Facilities database is a tximpilation by ttie EPA of fadlities which report generation, storage, transportation, freatinent or disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA Violators are fadlities which have been dted for RCRA Violations at least once since 1980. RCRA Enforcements are enforcement actions taken against RCRA violators. USTs SRC#: 1612 VISTA conducts a database seardi to identify all sites within 1/4 mile of your property. The agency release date for Underground Storage Tank Registrations Database was January, 1994. This database is provided by the State Water Resources Confrol Board, Office of Underground Storage Tanks. The agency may be contaded at 916-227-4337; Caution-Many states do not require registration of heating oil tanks, especially those used for residential purposes. P k m k k For mere information call VISTA Irformaticn Solutions. Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 030199001 Date of Report: March 1,1999 Version 2.6 1 Page f 3 UST's VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/4 mile of your property. SRC#: 5458 The agency release date for San Diego County Environmental Health Services Datebase-UST Sites vras October, 1998. This database is provided by the San Diego County Department of Health Services. The agency may be contaded at: 619-338-2268; Caution-Many states do not require registration of heating oil tanks, especially those used for residential purposes. HE17 UST VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites wittiin 1/4 mile of your property. SRC#: 5458 The agency release date for San Diego County Environmental Health Services Database-LUST Sites was October, 1998. ll P k m AST's SRC#: 5513 TRIS SRC#: 4946 This database Is provided by the San Diego County Dept of Health Services. It contains information concerning any sites which fail under the jurisdidion of this agency. Cases classified as Releases appear under "County Lusr in this report regardless of tiie "Cause" or "Case Type". Sites classified as USTs appear under "County UST', and Solid Waste fadlities appear under "County SWLF". Sites witti violation and/or disclosure information are reported under "SDC Site" in this VISTA report VISTA conduds a database search to identify all sites within 1 /4 mile of your property. The agency release date for Aboveground Storage Tank Database was December, 1998. This database is provided by ttie State Water Resources Control Board. The agency may be contaded at: 916-227-4364. VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites wittiin 1/4 mile of your property. The agency release date for TRIS was January, 1998. Section 313 ofthe Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Ad (also known as SARA Titie 111) of 1986 requires the EPA to establish an inventory of Toxic Chemicals emissions from certain facilities( Toxic Release Inventory System). Facilities subjed to this reporting are required to complete a Toxic Chemical Release Form(Form R) for specified chemicals. D) DATABASES SEARCHED T01/8 MILE ERNS SRC#: 4939 RCRA-LgGen SRC#: 5078 VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 /8 mile of your properfy. The agency release date for was Jufy, 1998. The Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) is a national database used to colled information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. The database contains information from spill reports made to federal auttiorities including the EPA. the US Coast Guard, ttie National Response Center and Uie Department of ti^nsportation. A search of the database records forthe period Odober 1986 ttirough January 1998 revealed information regarding reported spills of oil or hazardous substances in ttie stated area. VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites wnthin 1 /8 mile of your properfy. The agency release date for HWDMS/RCRIS was August 1998. The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Program identifies and bcicks hazardous waste from ttie point of generation to ttie point of disposal. The RCRA Fadlities database is a compilation by the EPA of fadlities which report generation, storage, ti^nsportetion, freatment or disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA Large Generators are facilities which generate at least 1000 kg./montti of non-acutely hazardous waste ( or 1 kg./month of acutely hazardous waste). For more Information call VISTA Infomiation Solutions, Inc. at 1 - 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 030199001 Date of Report: March 1,1999 Version 2 6 f "age ^14 RCRA-SmGen SRC#: 5078 li H pi m M k SPILL SRC#: 5458 San Diego HE17 SRC#: 5458 VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/8 mile of your property. The agency release date for HWDMS/RCRIS was August 1998. The EPA's Resource Consen/aticn and Recovery Ad (RCRA) Program identifies and fracks hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. The RCRA Faciiities database is a compilation by tiie EPA of facilities which report generation, storage, fransportation, treatment or disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA Small and Very Small generators are facilities which generate less than 1000 kg./month of non-acutely hazardous waste. VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/8 mile of your property. The agency release date for San Diego County Environmental Health Services Database-Spill Sites was October, 1998. This database is provided by ttie San Diego Counfy Department of Health Services. The agency may be contaded at 619-338-2268. VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1/8 mile of your properfy. The agency release date for San Diego County Environmental Health Services Database-LUST Sites was October, 1998. This database is provided by ttie San Diego Counfy Dept of Health Services. It contains information conceming any sites which fall under ttie jurisdiction of ttiis agency. Cases classified as Releases appear under "Counfy Lust" in tfiis report regardless ofthe "Cause" or "Case Type". Sites classified as USTs appear under "County UST', and Solid Waste fadlities appear under "Counfy SWLF". Sites with violation and/or disdosure information are reported under "SDC Site" in ttiis VISTA report P m k r k L p m ll m k I" k k End of Report For more infonnation call VISTA Information Solutions. Report ID: 030199001 Version 2.6.1 Inc. atl -800-767-0403. Date of Report: March 1,1999 PageSJS IP jp APPENDIX E ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT P r L c [ r r [ kl r L ii PI IP IP Supplement Enviroiunental Impact Assessment for sou,. A^a Hedio.d. Se„„ Carlsbad, Califomia AprU 15,*199S Prepared by: c-i: -^ci/ QiQ "-MrVNt-""r-i '.-inrt-i 6651-92-2 p PI ii Supplement to Environmental Impact Assessment Luth.^gua Hedionda Sewer Tronic Line/Re^^^^^ - Reaches SAHT2C and SAHT2B Carlsbad, CaUfomia April 15,1997 LO Summar}^ of Findings Resources", of the -•]r-^=-"'^'-''-.'VH h tfSf-^^Kravity flow sewer line pote-naal biological affects f ^^"''^'^.^^'^ °4Va^^^^^^^ future development ^ aiZ^ ^ ^^itSthese U.. were not conducted. Pour alternative aHS-entswereas.s.d^^^^ envL'o.-.mer.tal!y sensu.ve Al'Sn-^- A- extent practical, sensitive resources located on ,f''J^^ P"?! c!,™jpore Riparian Woodland, This alignment impacts very ^^f'^7°""^!°] Sage Scrub. The total of Disfurbld Mulefat scrub, is not greater temporary and permanent '^l^fJ^'^^^^^Ss^b^e Une Stream twici, however irnpacts to biological resources would occur due to this project. In suramary the follo^^'ing conclusions can be reached: Bioloeical Resources - Alignment A A) "" Hndangered, threatened or rare Species o: their habitats B) " Localiy designated species Q Locaiiy desigr.sted n?.tLiral corTLinunities D) Wetland habi:?.t E) Wildlife Dispersal Ptit£tt:iclly t»;pact Potentutiiif SignificaiU Unless tAiiigalion Lsss Tttan Significant Impact • m • • • • n • n n So Impact • • S^'??LzMlS7 • 5c;;L-7 Ajin 'r.-:l.cT^z Server T.'vuiV Line / Srcliz-.rti VVa^\' U.^^, Re:ch« 5AKT2C and SAMTIS -•JV8S '- Z I 555 \ -3Z-Z m m p IH ll 2.0 Proposed Project / Existing Site Conditions The proposed project is to construct a S-^^^'^j^r^he^ent site reclaimed water line of c.^ial Carlsbad (see Location occurs east of El Cammo Real m a deveicpm c agriculture, unsaved Map). Present Land Uses include ^^^^^°^;^^g, would bebef.veen roadways, and residential aeveiop.-nen^^ w'jcH a^e^.aeve alignment is a?:>roved 7200 to 8000 linear feet "P-^-lS^^^^.'^^Cver; ^ 'ewed (A, B. C. & D), (see for construction. Four alternatve l,^,^^ necessary manhole Exhibit 2). Permanent at-grade ^'--^^^^^^ to^^-^ce the sewer and reclaimed structures, and a 12 foot wide, ^P''-'i!Zto^^^lo' 7'^tol existing farm, service water lines. The service roadway woula of the four roads depending upon ^^:';^;^^X^i^^y --S-^' alignments considereG, Alignmen. A is tne '^-s ^ route of Alignment A is either directly over an ^"^""S; side of the farm road along the entire Alignment A length.. A biological s^irvey to assign ?f-"pj^^l^^l^ alternative alignments was conducted S.^-'^^S ^^^^^^ and Greg Evaivs, included Fred T. Sproul. Certi ied San ^•^uJ^^c^fsS^^.e resou«es along Landscape Architect. LA Alignments and tapacts" four alignments are recorded on Jie A„t-.na.-%e map. 3,0 Sensitive Habitats / Sensitive Species Sensitive Habitats sensitive habitats that woul^e ^^^y^gSo^^SSS^Sb^ Alignment A are discussed as fouows: E ^ffSS^S^SS native plant con-.m-urity affected by the * nUgnments Two ol the les's preferred alignments wo..:ld im.pact consiaerably more CSS than preferred "Alisnnient A". Sycamore / Riparian Wrtndland (5RW) i-o^.H.r^^ A blueline stream courses next tc^^rby each of tr^ four ^l^S^^^^'^f From El Camino Real to the eastern corr^er of Rancho Carisbad Trailer Park, tne stream is channelized be^;^•een existing residences and a farm access roadway Tne stream then proceeds north between agricclr-iral fields, supporting a relatively continuous stand of Caiifornia sycar.iore (Phtyr.us razemcsa), and a tew Arroyo willows (Salix lasiolepis). ^vith o:he: typical riparian associates. Wnen agricultural activities cease near the property line cf the project proponent, the strearr. becomes much dryer, supporting only an cccasicna: u-'Iiow or sparse mulefat. U.\ SUPPLZ.MENT Soutr /Kx^ .H^cignd^ S^wcr TrurV '_:.-.s / RicljLj.e-d Wi;?T Ure, KKJCKB SAHT:C ar.d ?.\KT13 "* r^'cHThpri Mulefat ScrublOMSl qvcamore / Riparian Woodland transitions into upland, Mulefat (Bacckar,s '^'^.^'f' ^^^^^^^^ is - with 'uderal species This habitat also occurs in isolated loca.-ons wnere ::i{:f!:t l^Udes or farnied land to the adjacent riparian corndor. : i^7^Sfzf^^s-.a..^- vegetation occur primarily adjacent to farm roads at the edge of the Sycamore / Riparian Wooaland. P» ii Rare / Endangered Species m The Federally Threatened MiS^iil^^lif^^^^^ I, gnatcatcher utUizes Coastal -S-^^^^f ^ it^o^^^^^^^^^^^ 4-ent stand of disturbed vegetation for foraging P^P°\'f were heard during the s'urvey has not been conducted. i The Federal and State Endangered C^j^^^^j^flSS::'^^^^ Federal E-<i-8ered iEmgido^^^l^^ ^^3, ,1J ve^ unlikely ttiat these species would utilize the subject area. [ 4.0 Project Impacts and Appropriate Mitigatioit Measures Of the four alignments considered, A^S--'^^.l^^f^^^^^^^^^^ damaging, and the preferred alignment or ^; r^X^P'^°P^[^^ ,„,ds along its AlignS^ent A generally follows exishng unpaved "^^^^""t^^.e. Both entfre length. This alternative --Ives -o.s-^^ crossings presently exist, one P^;^° \P^;^^;^ie^ Woodland, compacted dirt se.-vice road upstream o. .ne :>ycamoi= y ; Project Impacts are mostly temporary, associated -J'^^f^P^'^J^^^ * Permanent impacts will ocoir due ^o^^^^^^l^^^f,^^^^ proposed _ the 12' wide unpaved service road a.ong tna lengcn w ui-c y project design provides no service road crossing o. the creeic Alternative A impacts to wetland habitat total no more than 0 14 acre of Sycarr.ore Riparian Woodland, Disturbed Mulefat scrub, and/or Ruderal f;^^Ite™ A impacts to upland habitats total no more than O.Il acre of Coastal Sage Scrub and Disturbed Coastal Sage Scrub. Most of these impacts would be temporary construction impacts that mitigation would reduce to a level of insignificance. k Permanent wetland impacts for this project are extremely small because the Alignment A route exists in an almost entirely disturbed or developed state. ^ ta £1A 5LT."LE.M£NT - Soui.'i AguJ Hedion.ii 5vw*r Tru.-.W '-.rir : ?lecii:me%l V/sw: Ljne. Reaches SAHT2C ind SAHT2B 3 p k m Alignment A - Preferred Alignment Alignment A has avoided impacts to sensitive '"ff^^ ZS^^^^^ ' property to the maximum extent practical. Prov.det^ J'^eoUce In^dfrnaged or lost measures are implemented by the project P^°Pf '"J^Pj'^^^^X,! of " wetland and/or upland habitats, impacts would be reduced to a levei insignificance. Provided that adequate silt fencing and ^-'^^^^ ^^/J^^^^^^ are maintained, no significant adverse ^^P^-^f^ "^"^'^llS a^^^^ anticipated. Provided that ^/^q^.'^^^^'"^ X ^s ^acl due to establishment maintenance is implemented "° ^'^^'^fi^YoXc^ during dry season dates, related erosion are anticipated^ '^=°Cs'« rreid o pre-const?uction II using mimmum limits of work, and the si e is "^^^ ? ^ ij condidons, no significant impacts are antiapated. No increased run " anticipated due to construction of the project. The proposed project does not f^^^^^^^^^^'^^^ impacts resulting from construcUon noise andp'P^^J'^^^^j^^bitat. These IH to the proximity of the proposed project t° "^f^^'i,^^ ,; js or brief indirect impact^ are either temporary These maintenance related episodes occurrmg te indirect Impacts are insignificant and largely unmiUgatable. Based upon the data -Hected during^^^^^^^ ta adequate mitigation measures are J^P^^"^f " sensitive biological presently proposed. ElA 5UPPLHM5NT - South Ajuj H^d:3P.i:i S^'wer Tri^-lt Un<f / ReH.\irrv«l Water Lme, Reaches 5AHT7C ar^d SAHT:B 4 1 / (r-.in I cr I o r-iMT K r« L-JRH-i Wft^r - I 555 I —9S—S Base: USGS 7.5 minute SAN LUIS REY, CA A LEGEND iQao 2000 SCALE (nl»e5 «eoc LOCATION OF PROPOSED PHOJECT ALTERNATIVES LOCATION OF PREFERRED ALIGNMENT A PROPOSED SEWER AND RECLAIMED WATER PIPELINES LOCATION MAP CALAVERA HEIGHTS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNiA 3"' ORIGI f 1 r 1 r 1 r 1 t i f i r i r i ri ri mm, 1 mt t I f 1 r 1 CALAVERA HILLS OFFSITE SEWER LINE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP APPROVED SEWER PUM? STATION PROPOSBD SEWER AUCNMENT ristr.rK • tk.\cu:'M tut pi il m h m k Source: ^<asI8^ Plzr. of Sewerage. January. 1992. NORTH LEGEND PROJECT SEGMENTS 1 fLA-VNlNG r PROPOSED PIPELINE LOCATIONS CA.RLS3AD, CALIFORNiA II II f I f 1 r 1 11 r 1 r 1 r i f i r i n ifl ri tl ffl rt tl cA^AXfn^lli^allsV.I^ ALIGNMENTS AND IMPACTS CAHI.SBAO, CAUFORNIA LEGEND \\ EXISTING ^ /lANCMOCARLSDAD APPENDIX F LABORATORY TEST RESULTS k k r k r k r k k 1^ Pacific TrCCltUlCJlt -^^-^^ \ ieuridgc A\enue, Suite A • San Diego, CA 92123 (619) 560-7717 • Fax (619) 560-7763 Analytical Chemistry Laboraton-Analytical Services, Inc. MAR 10 V399 March 8, 1999 GeoSoils, Inc. Project Name/No.: Calaveras Hills Attn: Ed Lump Laboratory Log No.: 0462-99 5741 Palmer Way Date Received: 03/01/99 Carlsbad, California 92008 Sample Matrix: Eighteen water samples PONo.: W.O.E2606-SC Please find the following enclosures for the above referenced project identified: 1) Analytical Report 2) QA/QC Report 3) Chain of Custody Form Note: Turbidity, Total Nitrogen, Acute Toxicity and Total and Fecal Coliforms were performed by subcontract laboratory. Total and Fecal Coliforms results enclosed. Turbidity, Total Nitrogen, and Acute Toxicity results to follow. ^Certificate of Analysis. Samples were analyzed pursuant to client request utilizing EPA or other ELAP approved methodologies. Date of extraction, date of analysis, detection limits and dilution factor are reported for each compound analyzed. All samples were analyzed within the method required holding time fi-om sample collection. Data for each analytical method was evaluated by assessing the following QA/QC fiinctions, as applicable to the methodology: • Quality Control Standard • Surrogate Percent Recovery • Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) percent recoveries for all analyses • Matrix Spike Recovery/Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery (MSR & MSDR) and/or • Relative Percent Difference (RPD from MSR & MSDR) / certify that this data report is in compliance both technically and for completeness. Release ofthe data contained in this hardcopy data report has been authorized by the following signature. IJanis Columbo //Vice President/Laboratory Director Water • Soil • Waste • Wastewater • Marine Sediment & Tissues • Elutriate pi Analyses That Produce Results! ANALYSIS RESULTS CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/NO. : CALAVERAS HILLS PTAS LOG #: 0462-99-1 SAlvIPLEID: S-1 DATE SAMPLED: 03/01/99 DATE RECEIVED; 03/01/99 DATE ANALYZED: 03/04/99 MATRIX: WATER ANALYTE PREP./ANALYSIS METHODS REPORTING LIMITS DF RESULTS UNITS AMMONIA AS N AMMONIA AS N (DUP.) SMEWW 4500 NH3 D SMEWW 4500 NHS D 0.1 0.1 ND ND MG/L MG/L m DF = DILUTION FACTOR DUP. = DUPLICATE ND = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT REPORTING LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR m .^^PacifiC Treatment Analytical Sen/iceS, Inc. 4340VitwridgeAve.,SuiteA.SanOiego,CA92123 (619) 56O-7717 FAX (Sl 9) 560-7763 ANALYSIS RESIFLTS CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/No.: CALAVERAS HILLS PTAS LOG 0462-99-5 SAMPLE ID: S-1 DATE SAMPLED: 03/01/99 DATE RECEIVED: 03/01/99 DATE ANALYZED: 03/01-02/99 MATRIX: WATER ANALYTE PREP7ANALYSIS METHODS REPORTING LIMITS DF RESULTS UNHS k pH pH pUP.) RESIDUAL CHLORIN'E HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM TSS TSS (DUP.) EPA 150.1 EPA 150.1 SMEWW 4500 CLG SMEWW 3500 CR D SMEWW 2540 D SMEWW 2540 D 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.02 20 20 7.4 7.4 ND ND ND ND pHLWrS pHLWTS MGfL MG/L MGL MG/L IM DF = DILUTION FACTOR DUP. = DUPLICATE ND = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT REPORTING LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340Vlewn(JflcA¥e..SulteA.SanOiego.CA92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619)560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. DATE SAMPLED: 03/01/99 DATE RECEFVED: 03/01/99 Iki PROJECT NAME/No.; CALAVERAS HILLS DATE DIGESTED: 03/03/99 PTAS LOG #: 0462-99-9 DATE ANALYZED: 03/03-04/99 m SAMPLE ID: S-1 MATRIX: WATER IM ANALYTE PREP./ANALYSIS REPORTING LIMITS DF RESULTS UNITS m METHODS IM ARSENIC EPA 3020 0.005 1 ND MG/L CADMIUM EPA 3020 0.01 I ND MG/L to COPPER EPA 3020 0.01 1 ND MG/L LEAD EPA 3020 0.005 I ND MG/L NICKEL EPA 3020 0.01 I ND MG/L ta SILVER EPA 3020 0.005 1 ND MG/L ZINC EPA 3020 0.01 1 0.02 MG/L 1^ MERCURY EPA 7470 0.0001 1 ND MG/L DF = DILUTION FACTOR DUP. = DUPLICATE ND = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT REPORTING LIMFTS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340Viewrid9BAve..SuiteA-SanDiego.CA92123 (619) 560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS il m CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/No.: CALAVERAS HILLS PTAS LOG #: 0462-99-6 SAMPLE ID; S-1 DATE SAMPLED: 03/01/99 DATE RECEIVED: 03/01/99 DATE ANALYZED: 03/03/99 MATRIX: WATER pi ii ANALYTE CYANIDE PREP/ANALYSIS METHODS SMEWW 4500 CN C REPORTING LIMITS DF 0.02 RESULTS ND UNITS MG/L • DF = DILUTION FACTOR ND = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR .\BOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT ^ REPORTING LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. to I© Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 434o viewridge Ave., suite A-sanoiego.cA 92123 {6i9)560-77i7 FAX (619) 560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/No.: CALAVERAS HILLS PTAS LOG #: 0462-99-7 SAMPLE ID: S-1 DATE SAMPLED; 03/01/99 DATE RECEIVED: 03/01/99 DATE ANALYZED: 03/02/99 MATRJX: WATER li ANALYTE SULFIDE PREP./ANALYSIS METHODS SMEWW 4500 S D REPORTING LIMITS DF 0.05 RESULTS ND UNITS MG/L P DF = DILUTION FACTOR ND = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT REPORTING LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADKJSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340VlewridgeAve..SiJiteA.SanDieoo,CA92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/No.: CALAVERAS HILLS PTAS LOG #: 0462-99-10 SAMPLE ID; S-1 DATE SAMPLED: 03/01/99 DATE RECEIVED; 03/01/99 DATE ANALYZED: 03/01/99 MATRDC: WATER li pt k m ANALYTE SETTLEABLE SOLIDS PREP7ANALYSIS METHODS SMEWW 2540 F REPORTING LIMITS DF 0.2 RESULTS ND UNITS ML/L DF = DILUTION FACTOR ND = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT REPORTING LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOLTST FOR DILUTION FACTOR. Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340Vicwridge Ave, Suite A-San Diego, CA 92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7753 ANALYSIS RESLXTS k CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/No.: CALAVER.\S HILLS PTAS LOG #: 0462-99-11 SAMPLE ID: S-1 D.A.TE SAMPLED: 03;01/99 DATE RECEIVED: 03/01/99 DATE ANALYZED: 03/05/99 MATRIX; WATER ANALYTE PREP./ANALYSIS METHODS REPORTING LEVfiTS DF RESULTS UNTTS PI k k TOTAL PHOSPHATE SMEWW 4500 P E 0.05 0.08 MG/L DF = DILUTION FACTOR REPORTING LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340ViewridgeAve..SuiteA.SanDiego.CA92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 QA/QC REPORT ta QA/QC SAMPLE: DATE ANALYZED: ER.\ 9979 03/01/99 ii SPIKED ANALYTE TV DV AR pH 9.09 8.90 8.89-9.29 H QA/QC REPORT m m QA/QC SAMPLE: DATE ANALYZED: ERA 9974 03/02/99 m SPIKED ANALYTE TV DV %R k TSS 69.3 70 101 QA/QC REPORT DATE ANALYZED: 03/01-05/99 ACCEPTABLE LCS,MS/MSD CRITERIA ACCEPTABLE RPD CRITERIA SPIKED ANALYTE LCS % R MS % R MSD % R RPD % % AMMONIA 106 87 84 3 80-120 <20 RESIDUAL CHLORINE 96 86 93 7 80-120 <20 HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM 104 103 104 1 80-120 <20 TOTAL PHOSPHATE 95 83 93 11 80-120 <20 ARSENIC 96 97 92 5 75-125 <20 CYA2SfIDE 86 110 96 16 80-120 <20 SULFIDE 99 102 105 3 80-120 <2Q CADMIUM 101 87 83 5 75-125 <20 COPPER 100 90 88 2 75-125 <20 LEAD 97 97 94 3 75-125 <20 NICKEL 98 88 85 3 75-125 <20 SILVER 97 91 86 6 75-125 <20 ZESTC 81 80 66* 19 75-125 <20 MERCURY 95 85 84 1 75-125 <20 TV = TRUE VALUE DV = DETERMINED VALUE AR = ACCEPTABLE RANGE % R = PERCENT RECOVERY LCS % R = LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE PERCENT RECOVERY MS % R = MATRIX SPIKE PERCENT RECOVERY MSD % R = MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE PERCENT RECOVERY RPD = RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE ' NOTE: POOR MATRIX SPIKE RECOVERY ATTRIBUTABLE TO SAMPLE MATRIX EFFECTS. ALL OTHER QC DATA INDICATES METHOD IS IN CONTROL LCSD % R FOR ZINC = 80%. Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 Vfewidge Ave., suite A-San Diego, CA 92123 {619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS - TPH BY DOHS MODIFIED EPA 8015 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. ta PROJECT NAME/No.: CALAVERAS HILLS DATE SAMPLED: 03/01/99 DATE RECEIVED: 03/01/99 DATE EXTRACTED: 03/02/99* DATE ANALYZED: 03/02-03/99 MATRIX: WATER TPH-GASOLINE TPH-DIESEL PTAS LOG #: SAMPLE ID; RESULTS RESULTS RL DF PPB (UG/L) RL DF PPB (UG/L) METHOD BLANK 20 1 ND 500 1 ND 0462-99-13 S-1 20 1 ND 500 I ND ttl il ^ CARBON RANGES: GASOLINE C6-CI2; DIESEL C10-C30 RL = REPORTING LIMITS ^ DF = DILUTION FACTOR ^ ND = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT REPORTING LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. •NOTE: APPLIES TO TPH-DIESEL ONLY. TPH-GASOLINE WAS PERFORMED BY PURGE AND TRAP. m PTAS DCN 300-014 (Rev 7/97) S^Pac/Y/C Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340ViewridoeAve.,SuiteA.SanDiego.CA92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 mm QA/QC REPORT M METHOD: TPH-DOHS MODIFIED EPA 8015-WATER ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE DATE ANALYZED: 03/02-03/99 LCS/LCSD RPD PK QA/QC SAMPLE: PTAS 0462-99 BLANK CRITERIA CRITERU ttl SPIKED ANALYTE LCS % R LCSD % R RPD % % GASOLINE 96 101 5 75-125 <30 mm DIESEL 110 116 5 75-125 <30 PI LCS % R = LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE PERCENT RECOVERY ^ LCSD % R = LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE DUPLICATE PERCENT RECOVERY pl il m M k k RPD = RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 ViewricJge Ave., Suite A-San Diego, CA 92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (519) 560-7753 ANALYSIS RESULTS - EPA 8020, BTXE COMPOUNDS ONLY AROMATIC VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS k pa CLIENT: GEOSOILS, ISC. PROJECT NAME/No.: CALAVERAS HILLS PTAS LOG #: METHOD BLANK SAMPLE ID; N/A DILUTION FACTOR: 1 DATE SAMPLED: N/A DATE RECEIVED: N/A DATE ANALYZED: 03/03/99 MATRIX: WATER SAMPLE VOLiWT.: 5 ML ANALYTE BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYLBENZENE XYLENES(TOTAL) REPORTING LIMITS PPB (UG/L) 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 RESULTS PPB (UG/L) NT) ND ND NT) MASS SPECTROMETRY CONFIRMATION OR SECOND COLUMN C0NFIR.MATION PERFORMED ON ALL DETECTED ANALYTES. ND = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT REPORTING LIMrrS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR, SURROGATE SPIKE DATA 4-CHLOROTOLUENE ACCEPTABLE CRITERIA 56-140 % RECOVERY 97 il pi m PTAS DCN 300-003 (Re\- 7/97) Pacific Treatment Analytical Sen/ices, Inc. 4340VlewndgeAve..SuiteA.SanCiego,CA92123 {619) 56O-7717 FAX (619)560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS - EPA 8020, BTXE COMPOUNDS ONLY AROMATIC VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/No.; CALAVERAS HILLS PTAS LOG #: 0462-99-12 SAMPLE ID: S-1 DILUTION FACTOR; 1 DATE SAMPLED: 03/01/99 DATE RECEIVED: 03/01/99 DATE ANALYZED: 03/03/99 MATRIX: WATER SAMPLE VOLTWT.: 5 ML ii PI Itt m m ANALYTE BENZENE TOLUEN'E ETHYLBENZENE XYLENES(TOTAL) REPORTESTG LIMITS PPB (UG/L) 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 RESULTS PPB OJG/L) ND ND ND ND MASS SPECTROMETRY CONFIRMATION OR SECOND COLUMN CONFIRMATION PERFORMED ON ALL DETECTED ANALYTES. ND = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT REPORTING LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. SURROGATE SPIKE DATA 4-CHLOROTOLUENE ACCEPTABLE CRITERIA 56-140 % RECOVERY 95 k k PTAS DCN 300-008 (Rev 7/97) Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 Vlewndge Ave., Suite A-San Diego, CA 92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 ANALYSIS RESUXTS - EPA 8020, BTXE COMPOUNDS ONLY AROMATIC VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/No.: CALAVERAS HILLS PTAS LOG #: 0462-99-12 (DLTLICATE) SAIvIPLEID; S-1 (DUPLICATE) DILUTION FACTOR; 1 DATE SAMPLED; 03/01/99 DATE RECEIVED: 03/01/99 DATE ANALYZED; 03/03/99 MATRIX: WATER SAMPLE VOL./WT.: 5 ML ANALYTE BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYLBENZENE XYLEN'ES(TOTAL) REPORTING LIMirS PPB (UG/L) 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 RESULTS PPB (UG/L) NT) ND ND ND MASS SPECTROMETRY CONFIRMATION OR SECOND COLUMN CONFIRMATION PERFOR,MED ON ALL DETECTED ANALYTES. ND = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT REPORTING LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. SURROGATE SPIKE DATA 4-CHLOROTOLUENE ACCEPTABLE CRITERIA 56-140 % RECOVERY 87 PTAS DCN 300-OOS (Rev 7/97) Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340ViewridgeAve.,SurteA.SanDtego.CA92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7753 QA/QC REPORT METHOD: EPA 8020-WATER DATE ANALYZED: 03/03/ 99 QAQC SAMPLE: PTAS 0417-99-5 ACCEPTABLE LCS/LCSD CRITERU ACCEPTABLE MS/MSD CRITERLV ACCEPTABLE RPD CRITERLA SPIKED ANALYTE LCS % R MS % R MSD % R RPD % % % BENZENE 87 66 75 13 70-122 61-126 <30 TOLUENE 88 97 77 14 68-121 57-126 <30 CHLOROBENZENE 100 78 88 12 65-120 56-124 <30 ETHYLBENZENE 84 69 77 11 69-122 61-124 <30 XYLENES 101 79 88 11 69-122 58-124 <30 IP ta LCS % R = LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE PERCENT RECOVERY MS % R = MATRIX SPIKE PERCENT RECO\-ERY MSD % R = MATRIX SPIKE DUPUCATE PERCENT RECOVERY RPD = RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFEItEXCE P> il PI PTAS DCN 300-020 (Rev - 97) Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340ViewridgeAve.. SuiteA-SanOiego, CA92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (519)560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS - EPA 8080, PCBs ONLY POLYCHLORESATED BIPHENYLS CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/No.: CALAVER.\S HILLS PTAS LOG #: METHOD BLANK SAMPLE ID: N/A DILUTION FACTOR: 1 DATE SAMPLED: N/A DATE RECEIVED: N/A DATE EXTRACTED: 03/02/99 DATE ANALYZED: 03/03/99 MATRDC: WATER SAMPLE VOLVWT.: 1000 ML ANALYTE REPORTING LIMITS PPB (UG/L) RESULTS PPB (UG/L) AROCHLOR-1016 AROCHLOR-1221 AROCHLOR-1232 AROCHLOR-1242 AROCHLOR-1248 AROCHLOR-1254 AROCHLOR-1260 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT REPORTING LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. SURROGATE PARAMETER TCMX ACCEPTABLE RECOVERIES 22-147 % RECOVERY 103 Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 wewndge Ave., Suite A-San Diego, CA 92123 (619) 560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 ttl ANALYSIS RESULTS - EPA 8080, PCBs ONLY POLYCHLORCVATED BIPHENYLS CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/Nc: CALAVERAS HILLS PTAS LOG #: 0462-99-2 SAMPLE ID: S-1 DILUTION FACTOR; I DATE SAMPLED: 03/01/99 DATE RECEIVED: 03/01/99 DATE EXTRACTED: 03/02/99 DATE ANALYZED: 03/03/99 MATRIX: WATER SAMPLE VOLJWT.: 1000 ML ANALYTE REPORTING LIMnS RESULTS m m PPB (UG/L) PPB (UG/L) AROCHLOR-1016 0.5 ND p AROCHLOR-1221 0.5 ND il AROCHLOR-1232 0.5 ND AROCHLOR-1242 0.5 ND IP AROCHLOR-1248 0.5 ND li AROCHLOR-1254 0.5 ND PI AROCHLOR-1260 0.5 ND il ND = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT REPORTING LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. SURROGATE PARAMETER ACCEPTABLE RECOVERIES % RECOVERY TCMX 22-147 100 Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 ViewridgeAve..SuiteA.SanDiego.CA 92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 QA/QC REPORT METHOD: PCB by EPA 8080-WATER ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE DATE ANALYZED: 03/03/99 LCS/LCSD RPD QAQC SAMPLE: PTAS 0462-99 BLANK CRITERIA CRITERIA Pl SPIKED ANALYTE LCS % R LCSD % R RPD % % Pl AROCHLOR-1254 99 89 11 29-13i <30 LCS % R = LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE PERCENT RECOVERY LCSD % R = LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE DUPLICATE PERCENT RECOVERY RPD = RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE AROCHLOR ACCEPTABLE CONTROL LIMITS: AROCHLOR-1016 50-114 AROCHLOR-1221 15-178 AROCHLOR-1232 10-215 AROCHLOR-1242 39-150 AROCHLOR-1248 38-158 AROCHLOR-1254 29-131 AROCHLOR-1260 8-127 Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340Viewridge Ave., suite A. san Diego, CA 92123 (6i9) 560-77i7 FAX (619)560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS - EPA 625 SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOL'NDS CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/No.: CALAVERAS HILLS PTAS LOG U: METHOD BLANK SAMPLE ID: N/A DILUTION FACTOR: 1 DATE SAMPLED: N/A DATE RECEIVED: N/A DATE EXTRACTED: 03/02/99 DATE .-y^ALYZED: 03/'04/99 NL\TRIX: WATER SAMPLE VOL./WT.: 1000 ML in k m k k m k p %• m ANALYTE REPORTING LIMITS RESULTS PPB (UG/L) PPB (UG/L) 1,2,4-Trichloroben2ene 2 ND 1,2-DichIorobenzene 2 ND 1,3-DichIorobenzene 2 ND 1,4-Dichloroben2ene 2 ND 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 2 ND 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2 ND 2,4-Dichiorophenol 2 ND 2,4-DimethyIphenoi 2 ND 2,4-Dinitrophenol 2.5 ND 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 2 ND 2,6-DichlorophenoI 2 ND 2,6-DinitrotoIuene 2 ND 2-Chloronaphthalene 2 ND 2-Chlorophenol 2 ND 2-Methylnaphthalene 2 ND 2-Methylphenol 2 ND 2-NitroaniIine 2 ND 2-Nitrophenol 2 ND 3,3-DichIorobenzidine 2 ND 3-Methylphenol 2 ND 3-Nitroaniline 2 ND 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 2.5 ND 4-BromophenyI-phenyIether 2 ND 4-Chloro-3 -methy Ipheno! 2 ND 4-Chloroaniline 5 ND 4-Chlorophenyl-phenylether 2 ND 4-Methylphenol 2 ND 4-Nitroaniline 2 ND 4-Nitrophenol 2 ND Acenaphthene 2 ND Acenaphthylene 2 ND Acetophenone 2 ND Aniline 5 ND Anthracene 2 ND Benzidine 20 ND Benzo(a)anthracene 2 ND Benzo(a)pyrene 2 ND Benzo(b)fluoranthene 2 ND Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 2 ND B enzo(k)flu oranthene 2 ND Bis(2-Chloroeihoxy)methane 2 ND Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340viewndgeAve..suiteA.sanDieqo.CA92i23 (6i9)560-77i7 FAX (619) 560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS - EPA 625 SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/No.: CALAVERAS HILLS PTAS LOG #: METHOD BLANK SAMPLE ID: N/A DILUTION FACTOR: 1 DATE SAMPLED: N/A DATE RECEIVED: N/A DATE EXTRACTED; 03/02/99 DATE ANALYZED; 03/04/99 MATRDC: WATER SAMPLE VOL./WT.: 1000 ML ANALYTE REPORTING LIMITS RESULTS PI PPB (UG/L) PPB (UG/L) il Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 2 ND IP Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)ether 2.5 ND k Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 2 ND Butylbenzylphthalate 2 ND p Chrysene 2 ND k Di-n-bu^lphthalate 2 ND Di-D-octylphthalate 2 ND nm Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 2 ND ^ Dibenzofuran 2 ND Diethylphthalate 2 ND IP* Dimethylphthalate 2 ND Fluoranthene 2 ND pl Fluorene 2 ND ^ Hexachlorobenzene 2 ND Hexachlorobutadiene 2 ND *** Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 2 ND ^ Hexachloroethane 2 ND Hexachloropropene 2 ND Indeno(l,2,3-cd)pyrene 2 ND ^ N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 2 ND N-Nitroso-dimethylamine 10 ND N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 2 ND ^ Naphthalene 2 ND Nitrobenzene 2 ND Pentachlorobenzene 2 ND Pentachlorophenol 2 ND Phenanthrene 2 ND •M Phenol 2 ND Pyrene 2 ND m NT3 = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT REPORTING LIMITS AND RESLT-TS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. fc, SURROGATE SPIKE DATA ACCEPTABLE CRITERL\ % RECOVERY 2-FLUOROPHENOL 21-100 78 — PHEN0L-d6 10-94 76 ^ NlTR0BENZENE-d5 35-114 81 2-FLUOROBIPHENYL 43-116 84 — 2.4,6-TRIBROMOPHENOL 10-123 72 ^ 4-TERPHENYL-dI4 33-141 104 Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 434oviewridgeAve..SuiteA.sanDiego.cA92i23 (6i9) 56O-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS - EPA 625 SE.MIVOLATILE ORGANIC COiVIPOL74DS CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/Nc: CAL.AVERAS HILLS PTAS LOG #: 0462-99-4 SAMPLE ID: S-1 DILUTION FACTOR: 1 DATE SAMPLED: 03,01/99 DATE RECEIVED: 03/01/99 DATE EXTR-^CTTED: 03/02/99 DATE ANALYZED: 03/04/99 \L\TRDC: WATER SAMPLE VOL.AVT.: 1000 ML ANALYTE REPORTING LIMITS RESULTS PPB (UG/L) PPB (UG.L) p 1,2,4-TrichIoroben2ene 2 NT) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2 NT) p 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene 2 NT) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2 NT) 2,4,5-TrichloropfaenoI 2 NT) tm 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2 NT) 2,4-DichIorophenol 2 NT) <•» 2,4-Dimethylphenol 2 ND ta 2,4-Dinitropheno! 2.5 NT) 2,4-DinitrotoIuene 2 NT) m 2,6-Dichlorophenoi 2 NT) MM 2,6-Dinhro toluene 2 ND MM 2-ChIoron^hthalene 2 ND 2-Chlorophenol 2 NT) 2-Meihytaaph4alene 2 ND lw 2-MethyIphenoI 2 ND 2-NitroaniIine 2 ND 2-Nitrophenol 2 ND lw 3,3-Dichloroben2idine 2 ND 3-Methylphenol 2 ND 3-Nitroaniline 2 NT) 4,6-Dimlro-2-me!hyiphenoI 2.5 ND 4-Bromophenyl-phenylether 2 ND 4-Chloro-3 -methy Iphenol 2 ND IH 4-ChloroaniIine 5 NT) 4-Clilorophenyl-phenyIether 2 ND ^» 4-MethyIphenol 2 ND 4-NitroaniIine 2 NT) 4-Nitrophenol 2 NT) Acenaphthene 2 ND Acenaphthylene 2 NT) Acetophenone 2 ND pt Anilme 5 ND il Anthracene 2 ND Benzidine 20 ND p Benzo(a)anthracene 2 ND k Benzo(a)pyrene 2 ND Benzo(b)fIuoranthen e 2 ND Ben2o(g4i, i)pery lene 2 ND k Benzo(k)fluoranihene 2 ND k Bis(2-ChIoroethoxy) methane 2 ND U Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 viewndge Ave.. Suite A. San Diego. CA92123 (619) 560-7' FAX 519)560-"753 ANALYSIS RESLXTS - EPA 625 SEMIVOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOL^DS CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT N.AJvIE/Nc; CALAVER.A.S HILLS PTAS LOG =: 0462-99-4 SAMPLE ID: S-1 DILUTION FACTOR: 1 DATE SAMPLED: 03, 01/99 DATE RECEIVED: 03/01/99 DATE EXTRACTED; 03. 02/99 DATE ANALYZED: 03/ 04/99 \L\TRIX: WATER SAMPLE VOLiWT.: 1000 ML ANALYTE REPORTING LIMITS RESULTS PI PPB (UG/L) PPB (UG/L) Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 2 ND in Bis(2-Chloroisopropyi)ether 2.5 ND tti Bis(2-£thylhexyl)phthalate 2 2.2 Butylbenzylphthalate 2 ND Chrysene 2 ND k Di-n-butylphihalate 2 ND Di-n-octylphlhalate 2 ND Pi Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 2 ND Dibenzofuran 2 ND Diethylphthalate 2 ND Dimethylphthalate 2 ND Fluoranthene 2 ND Fluorene 2 ND Hexachlorobenzene 2 ND Hexachlorobutadiene 2 ND Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 2 ND Hexachloroethane 2 ND Hexachloropropene 2 ND Pi Indeno( 1,2,3-cd)pyrene 2 ND tm N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 2 ND N-Nitroso-dimethylamme 10 ND N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 2 ND Naphthalene 2 ND Nitrobenzene 2 ND mm Pentachlorobenzene 2 ND Pentachlorophenol 2 ND Phenanthrene 2 ND Phenol 2 ND Pyrene 2 ND ta ND = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR .\BOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMTr REPORTING LIMITS ANT) RESLT-TS HA\E BEEN .ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. p SURROGATE SPIKE DATA ACCEPT.\BLE CRITERU % RECOVERY 2-FLUOROPHENOL 21-100 74 m PHEN0L-d6 10-94 73 P NITR0BENZEN'E-d5 35-114 81 2-FLUOROBIPHENYL 43-116 84 2,4,6-TRIBROMOPHENOL 10-123 85 ta 4-TERPHENYL-dl4 33-141 97 Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, inc. i340VinmdgeAve,,Suit8A.SanDiego,CAS2123 (619)560-7717 FAX (615? 560-7763 p li QA/QC REPORT METHOD: EPA 625-WATER DATE ANALYZED: 03/04/99 Q AQC SAMPLE: PTAS 0462-99 BLANK ACCEPTABLE LCS/LCSD CRITERIA ACCEPTABLE RPD CRITERIA SPIKED ANALYTE LCS % R LCSD % R RPD % % ACENAPHTHENE 92 92 0 56-127 <30 DI-N-BUTYL PHTHALATE no 106 4 30-128 <30 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE 92 94 2 35-126 <30 2,4-DINITROTOLUENE 88 87 1 45-142 <30 N-NITROSO-DI-N-PROPYLAMINE 100 98 2 28-144 <30 PYRENE 98 102 4 30-141 <30 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE 106 105 1 36-126 <30 4-CHLORO-3-METHYLPHENOL 88 87 1 41-138 <30 2-CHLOROPHENOL 79 79 0 39-121 <30 4-NITROPHENOL 78 73 7 23-157 <30 PENTACHLOROPHENOL 99 88 12 13-149 <30 PHENOL 91 91 0 29-129 <30 LCS % R = LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE PERCENT RECOVERY LCSD % R = LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE DUPLICATE PERCENT RECOVERY RPD = RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE P tti Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340Viewridge Ave., SuiteA-SanOiego.CA 92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS - EPA 8260 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/No.: CALAVERAS HILLS PTAS LOG #; METHOD BLANK SAMPLE ID: N/A DILUTION FACTOR: 1 DATE SAMPLED: N/A DATE RECEP/ED: N/A DATE ANALYZED: 03/04/99 MATRIX: WATER SAMPLE VOLVWT.: 10 ML p ANALYTE REPORTING LIMITS RESLXTS m PPB (UG/L) PPB (UGL) m ACETONE 25.0 NT) ACETONTIRILE 5.0 NT) wm ACROLEIN (PROPENAL) 100.0 NT) P ACRYLONITRILE 100.0 NT) ALLYL CHLORIDE 2.0 NT) P BENZENE 2.0 NT) k BROMOBENZENE 2.0 NT) BROMOCHLOROMETHANE 2.0 NT) BROMODICHLOROMETHANE 2.0 NT) BROMOFORM 5.0 NT) BROMOMETHA^JE 2.0 NT) 2-BUTANONE (MEK) 25.0 NT) N-BUTYLBENZENE 2.0 NT) SEC-BUTYLBENZENE 2.0 NT) TERT-BUTYLBENZENE 2.0 NT) CARBON DISULFIDE 5.0 NT) ta CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 5.0 NT) CHLOROBENZENE 2.0 NT) CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE 2.0 NT) ta CHLOROETHANE 2.0 NT) 2-CHLOROETHYL VINYL ETHER 5.0 NT) CHLOROFORM 2.0 NT) ta CHLOROMETHANE 2.0 NT) 2-CHLOROTOLUENE 2.0 NT) 4-CHLOROTOLUENE 2.0 NT) ta l,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE (DBCP) 5.0 NT) 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE (EDB) 2.0 NT) DIBROMOMETHANE 2.0 NT) ta 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE 2.0 NT) 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE 2.0 NT) 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE 2.0 NT) ta TRANS-1,4-DICHLORO-2-BUTENE 2.0 NT) DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE 2.0 NT) p. 1,1 -DICHLOROETHANE 2.0 NT) ta 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 2.0 NT) 1,1 -DICHLOROETHENE 2.0 NT) CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE 2.0 NT) ta TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE 2.0 NT) 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 2.0 NT) 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE 2.0 NT) 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 2.0 NT) ta 1,1 -DICHLOROPROPENE 2.0 ND PTAS DCN 300-001 (Rev 4,97) ^JS\pacifiC Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340VlevmdgeAve..SuiteA.SanOiego.CA92123 {619) 56O-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS - EPA 8260 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/Nc; CALAVERAS HILLS PTAS LOG #: METHOD BLANK SAMPLE ID: N/A DATE SAMPLED; N/A DATE RECEIVED: N/A DATE ANALYZED: 03/04/99 MATRIX: WATER IM DILUTION FACTOR: 1 SAMPLE VOL./WT.; 10 M P ANALYTE REPORTING LIMITS RESULTS Mi PPB (UG/L) PPB (UG/L) m CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE 2.0 ND TRANS-1,3-DICHL0R0PR0PENE 2.0 ND mm DIETHYL ETHER 5.0 ND m ETHYLBENZENE 2.0 ND HEXACHLOROBUTADIEN'E 2.0 ND m HEXACHLOROETHANE 5.0 ND k 2-HEXANONE 5.0 ND lODOMETHANE 2.0 ND fm ISOPROPYLBENZENE 2.0 ND ttl METHYLENE CHLORIDE 5.0 ND METHYL TERT- BUTYL ETHER 2.0 ND 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK) 25.0 ND NAPHTHALENE 2.0 ND N-PROPYLBENZENE 2.0 ND im STYRENE 2.0 ND 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE 5.0 ND ta 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE 2.0 ND TETRACHLOROETHENE 2.0 ND TOLUENE 2.0 ND ta 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE 2.0 ND «p* 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE 2.0 ND 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE 2.0 ND ta 1.1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE 2.0 ND TRICHLOROETHENE 2.0 ND TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE 5.0 ND ta 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE 2.0 ND 1,1,2-TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE (FREON 113) 25.0 ND 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 2.0 ND PI 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 2.0 ND VINYL ACETATE 5.0 ND VINYL CHLORIDE 2.0 ND Pi M,P-XYLENES 5.0 ND 0-XYLENE 2.0 ND ND = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT ta REPORTING LIMITS AND RESUXTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. ta SURROGATE PARAMETER ACCEPTABLE RECOVERIES % RECOVERY m DIBROMOFLUOROMETH.\NE 77-140 95 T0LUENE-d8 95-110 109 tm 4-BROMOFLUOROBENZENE 85-126 113 PTAS DCN 300-00! (Rev 4,97) Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 Viewndge Ave, Suite A-SanOiego.CA 92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS - EPA 8260 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUIVDS CLIENT; GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/No.; CALAVERAS HILLS PTAS LOG #; 0462-99-14 SAMPLE ID; S-1 DILUTION FACTOR: 1 DATE SAMPLED: 03/01/99 DATE RECEIVED: 03/01/99 DATE ANALYZED; 03/04/99 MATRDC: WATER SAMPLE VOL./WT.: 10 ML p ANALYTE REPORTING LIMITS RESULTS ta PPB (UG/L) PPB (UG/L) im ACETONE 25.0 ND ACETONITRILE 5.0 ND «m ACROLEIN (PROPENAL) 100.0 ND tt> ACRYLONITRILE 100.0 ND ALLYL CHLORIDE 2.0 ND fM BENZENE 2.0 ND ip BROMOBENZENE 2.0 ND BROMOCHLOROMETHANE 2.0 ND m* BROMODICHLOROMETHANE 2.0 ND ta BROMOFORM 5.0 ND BROMOMETHANE 2.0 ND 2-BUTANONE (MEK) 25.0 ND N-BUTYLBENZENE 2.0 ND SEC-BUTYLBENZENE 2.0 ND TERT-BUTYLBENZENE 2.0 ND CARBON DISULFIDE 5.0 ND ta CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 5.0 ND CHLOROBENZENE 2.0 ND CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE 2.0 ND CHLOROETHANE 2.0 ND 2-CHLOROETHYL VBSTYL ETHER 5.0 ND CHLOROFORM 2.0 ND CHLOROMETHANE 2.0 ND 2-CHLOROTOLUENE 2.0 ND 4-CHLOROTOLUENE 2.0 ND ta l,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE (DBCP) 5.0 ND 1.2-DIBROMOETHANE (EDB) 2.0 ND DIBROMOMETHANE 2.0 ND ta 1.2-DICHLOROBENZENE 2.0 ND 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE 2.0 ND 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE 2.0 ND IMf TRANS-1,4-DICHLORO-2-BUTENE 2.0 ND DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE 2.0 ND 1,1 -DICHLOROETHANE 2.0 ND ta 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 2.0 ND 1,1 -DICHLOROETHENE 2.0 ND mm CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE 2.0 ND MM TRANS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE 2.0 ND 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 2.0 ND 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE 2.0 ND 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 2.0 ND ta 1,1 -DICHLOROPROPENE 2.0 ND PTAS DCN 300-001 (Rev 4/97) Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340ViewridgeAve., suite A-San Diego, CA 92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 L L ANALYSIS RESULTS - EPA 8260 VOLATILE ORGANTC COMPOUNDS CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/No.: CALAVERAS HILLS PTAS LOG #: 0462-99-14 SAMPLE ID: S-1 DILUTION FACTOR: 1 DATE SAMPLED; 03/01/99 DATE RECEIVED: 03/01/99 DATE ANALYZED: 03/04.99 MATRIX: WATER SAMPLE VOL.A\T.: 10 ML •1 ANALYTE REPORTING LIMITS RESULTS in PPB (UG/L) PPB (UG/L) m CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE 2.0 NT) TRANS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE 2.0 NT) DIETHYL ETHER 5.0 NT) k ETHYLBENZENE 2.0 NT) HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE 2.0 NT) p HEXACHLOROETHANE 5.0 NT) M 2-HEXANONE 5.0 NT) lODOMETHANE 2.0 NT) m ISOPROPYLBENZENE 2.0 NT) METHYLENE CHLORIDE 5.0 ND METHYL TERT- BUTYL ETHER 2.0 NT) p 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK) 25.0 ND k NAPHTHALENE 2.0 NT) k N-PROPYLBENZENE 2.0 ND r" STYRENE 2.0 ND 1.1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE 5.0 NT) 1,1.2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE 2.0 ND TETRACHLOROETHENE 2.0' ND r TOLUENE 2.0 ND IP 1.2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE 2.0 ND mm 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE 2.0 ND 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE 2.0 ND ta 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE 2.0 ND TRICHLOROETHENE 2.0 ND r" 1 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE 5.0 ND L 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE 2.0 ND 1.1,2-TRICHLOROTRIFLUOROETHANE (FREON 113) 25.0 ND 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 2.0 ND k 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 2.0 ND VINYL ACETATE 5.0 ND r VINYL CHLORIDE 2.0 ND L M,P-XYLENES 5.0 ND 0-XYLENE 2.0 NT) ND = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT REPORTING LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR- SURROGATE PARAMETER DIBROMOFLUOROMETHANE T0LUENE-d8 4-BROMOFLUOROBENZENE ACCEPTABLE RECOVERIES 77 - 140 95-110 85 - 126 % RECOVERY 94 107 101 PTAS DCN 300-001 (Rev 4/97) ^ ^Si\ Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340Viewnd9eAve., suite A-San Diego, CA 92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 QA/QC REPORT METHOD: EPA 8260-WATER ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE ACCEPTABLE DATE ANALYZED: 03/04/99 LCS/LCSD MS/MSD RPD QAQC SAMPLE: PTAS 0462-99-12 CRITERU CRITERIA CRITERLV SPIKED ANALYTE LCS % R MS%R MSD % R RPD % % % 1,1 -DICHLOROETHENE 96 98 94 4 60 - 127 60 - 133 <30 TRICHLOROETHENE 95 101 102 1 73 - 113 73 - 119 <30 CHLOROBENZENE 90 94 96 2 72 - 114 74-119 <30 TOLUENE 94 103 106 3 70-119 72 - 125 <30 BENZENE 90 91 98 4 68 - 123 70 - 128 <30 itt r L. LCS % R = LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE PERCENT RECOVERY MS % R = MATRIX SPIKE PERCENT RECOVERY MSD % R = MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE PERCENT RECOVERY RPD = RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE p hi nm P PT.\S DCN 300-002 (Rev 4/'97) \PacifiC Treatment Analytical Sen/ices, Inc. 4340ViewndgeAve., SuiteA-San Diego, CA 92123 (619}560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS - ORGANOTIN SPECIES bv GC-FPD k m m P k CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/No.: CALAVERAS HILLS PTAS LOG #: METHOD BLANK SAMPLE ID: N/A DILUTION FACTOR: 1 ANALYTE TRIBUTYLITN DIBUTYLTIN MONOBUTYLTIN REPORTING LIMITS PPB (UG/L) 0.005 0.005 0.005 DATE SAMPLED: KA DATE RECEIVED: N7A DATE EXTRACTED: 03/03/99 DATE ANALYZED: 03/04/99 MATRIX; WATER SAMPLE VOLTWr.: 1000 ML RESLT.TS PPB (L'G/L) NT) ND ND ND = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT REPORTING LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOL'NT FOR DILUTION FACTOR, ta SURROGATE PARAMETER TRIPROPYLTIN ACCEPTABLE RANGE 39-139 % RECOVERY 122 ta 1 If I Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 viewridge Ave., suite A . san Diego, CA 92123 (6i9) 56O-7717 FAX (6i9) 560-7763 ANALYSIS RESULTS - ORGANOTIN SPECIES by GC-FPD CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/No.: CALAVERAS HILLS PTAS LOG #: 0462-99-3 SAMPLE ID: S-1 DILUTION FACTOR: 1 DATE SAMPLED: 03/01/99 DATE RECEP-TD: 03/01/99 DATE EXTRACTED: 03/03/99 DATE .ANALYZED; 03/04/99 MATRIX: WATER SAMPLE VOL.'WT.: 1000 ML ANALYTE REPORTING LIMITS PPB (UG/L) RESULTS PPB (UaT) TRIBUTYLTESI DIBLTYLTIN MONOBUTYLTIN 0.005 0.005 0.005 NT) NT) NT) ND = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT REPORTING LIMFTS ANT) RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. SURROGATE PARAMETER TRIPROPYLTIN ACCEPTABLE RANGE 39-139 % RECOVERY 127 ^^Sfi Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc, 4340VlcwridgeAve.,SuiteA-SanDiego.CA92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 QA/QC REPORT METHOD: ORGANOTIN SPECIES BY GC-FPD-WATER DATE ANALYZED: 03/04/99 QAQC SAMPLE: PTAS 0462-99 BLANK ACCEPTABLE LCS/LCSD CRITERLV ACCEPTABLE RPD CRITERIA SPIKED ANALYTE LCS % R LCSD % R RPD % % TRIBUTYLTIN 119 124 4 61-143 <30 DIBUTYLTIN 53 83 44 D-163 <30* MONOBUTYLTIN 3.2 13.3 123 D-i6 <30* LCS % R = LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE PERCENT RECOVERY LCSD % R = LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE DUPLICATE PERCENT RECOVERY ^ RPD = RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE il D = DETECTION LIMIT ^ * NOTE: DUE TO LOW % RECOVERY ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA. THIS RPD VALUE IS FREQUENTLY EXCEEDED. ALL OTHER QC DATA ttl INDICATES METHOD IS IN CONTROL. Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 viewndge Ave.. Suite A • san Diego, CA 92123 (619) 56O-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3538 Hancock Street San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 298-6131 ELAP certificate number 1738 PACIFIC TREATMENT ANALYTICAL 4340 VIEWRIDGE AVE.,STE A SAN DIEGO , CA 92123 Customer # Reference Sampled Received Comment 1160 Sample # 990302621 S-1 / 0462-99 03/01/99 09:30PM Date Started : 03/01/99 03/01/99 02:00PM P.O. # 990149 Date Completed: 03/04/99 ATTN: SHAWN SULLIVAN (PROJ: CALAVERAY HILLS/0462-99) Test Run: Result: MCL DL Method: Coliform, Total Coliform, Fecal 300 < 2 SM9221B SM9221E Colifom results are in MPN/lOO mi using Multiple Tube Fern-ientatiCn ND = None "Jetected DL = DeCection yijnic MCL = Max Conc.aciinant Levels Repotted bv Robert L. Chambeis 03,:5/== Eric w ai.in-.ber.'^ Michael Haii-is Pacific Treatment 4340 Viewridge .A\-enue, Suite A • San Diego, CA 92123 Analytical Services, Inc. (619) 560-7717 • Fax (619) 560-7763 Analvtical Chemistry Laboratorv March 26,1999 GeoSoils, Inc. Attn: Ed Lump 5741 Palmer Way Carlsbad, Califomia 92008 Project Name/No.: Calaveras Hills Laboratory Log No.: 0462-99 (Addition 2) Date Received; 03/01/99 Sample Matrix: One water sample PONo.: W.O.E2606-SC Enclosed vi^ith this letter is the report on tlie following analysis on the sample from the project identified above: Note: Acute Toxicity were performed by subcontract laboratory, results enclosed. The sample was received by Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. intact and with chain-of- custody documentation. The test results are listed on the attached tables. / certify that this data report is in compliance both technically andfor completeness. Release of the data contained in this harricopy data report has been authorized by the following signature. lanis Columbo Vice President/Laboratory Director Water • Soil • Waste " Wastewater • .Marine Sediment & Tissues • Elutriate Analyses That Produce Results! OGDEN EhV!RDm'£^'AL AI^D tVEHGVSE=i\' CES Ogcen Biodssay Laz 5550 Morer.ouse D've 5ji:e San Diego, CA 9212^ 619 458 9044 phcne i'^a:;:^ 619 45S 9043 ^ax Ogden 3iodssa. Lab Northwest ;oo9 Pacific Highwav' East, SLiite i-c Fife, WA 98424. 255 P22 4296 phone 253 922 .:-296 fax 99-127-3164 March 25, 1999 Califomia Lab Cert. #1802 Ogden I.D. Test No. 9903-006 Mr. Shawn Sullivan Pacific Treatment Analytical Services 4340 Viewridge Avenue, Ste. A San Diego, CA 92123 Dear Mr. Sullivan; Enclosed is a repon of the bioassay tests recently conducted by our laboratory on samples submitted by your firm. The samples were analrad in accordance with United States Environmental Protection Agency and State of Califomia Department of Fish and Game methodologies. Please feel free to call me at (619) 458-9044, ext. 300 if you wish to discuss the results. Thank you for your consideration. Marilyn L "Schwartz Manager, Ogden Bioassay Lab MJSialo Enclosure cc; File No. 3-2010-1000-0001-3164 Mar--29-99 12 : 17P Ogden Bioassay-ei9 SS7 3961 P . Ol 1^ k FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL OGDEN ENVIRONMENTAL BIOASSAY LABORATORY 5550 MOREHOUSE DRIVE, SUITE B SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 (619)458-9044 FAXNUMBER: (619) 587-3961 DATE: TO: LOCATION: FAX NO.: CC: FROM: SUBJECT: . WE HAVE 1 PAGE TO SEND. INCLUDING THIS PAGE • 29 MARCH 1999 EDWARD LUMP GEOSOILS 760-931-0915 SHAWN SULLIVAN, PTAS, 619-560-7763 MARILYN SCHWARTZ PTAS ID: 0462-99/OGDEN ID: 9903-006 - Tii CALCULATION FOR SAMPLE Hi Edward, the TU calculation used when the LC50 is greater dian 100%: in the high-t f^f.A concentTT^tinn expressed in percent) 1.7 Here' lop f 100 For the subject project (survival was 85%): lnfrnOO-85) = 0.69 toxicity units, acute (or TUa) 1.7 Please let me know if we can assist further. Cheers, Marilyn. MARILYN SCHWARTZ MANAGER, OGDEN BIOASSAY LAB PHO.NE: (619) 458-90-44x300 FAX: (619) 587'i96l E-MAII. WSCHWARTZ(alOt:t:.S.COM Clienl Name: PTAS Log No.; Project ID.: Ogden ID: Test Type: Test Species: Organism Supplier: Age of organisms: Acclimation Period: Dilution Water: Ogden Environmental and Ejier^ Services Company Bioassay Laboratory 5550 Morehirase Drive, Suite B San Diego, CA 92121 (619) 458-9044 ext. 300 PTAS 0462-99 Address: 4340-A Viewridg&Ave.. San Diego, CA 92123 Results: LC5o>lOO mg/L 990156 9903-006 Sample and Bioassay Information Definitive Pimephales promelas Aquatic BioSystems II days >24 hours Charcoal-filtered Culligan Test Conditions: Static-renewal Common Name: Fathead.minnow Number.per Tank: 10 Acclimation Temp. (°C): Sample Receipt Date; Test Dates: 374.99 - 3/8/99 20 x 2 3/2/99 Results Summary <^ Initial Final Percent Ava^e Treatment Rep. Count CQVBA Survival Sairvival Control A !0 10 100 MM B 10 10 100 100 6.25% A 10 s 80 -B 10 9 90 85 ta 12.5% A 10 9 90 B 10 10 100 95 ta 25% A 10 10 100 B 10 10 100 100 50% A 10 9 90 m B 10 8 80 85 m 100% A 10 3 80 B to 9 90 85 Analyst(s): Date: Review: i-^'— Date: I'leshwaler 96-hr Acute with Renewal TTA^ Client Sample ID Contact Test n 96 Hour Toxicity Test Data Sheet - Ogden Bioassay I^aboratoi7 3/3/?^ - DOG Start Date & Time End Date & Time Test Organism Jest Protocol -H- 12.15 9. ^ra."^e,l.c<f Sample Cone, or "0 Kep Number of Live Organisms D (m 0. g/L) pH (mg/L) Conductivity (fimhos-cm) Test Temperature rc) 0/ /o Surv. Sample Cone, or "0 Kep Number of Live Organisms Init. HO. Init. Init. I'ln Init. Init. Init. Init. Fin. 0/ /o Surv. Sample Cone, or "0 Kep 0 24 48 72 96 0 4$ 48 n 0 4$ 48 0 48 48 0 24 48 48 72 96 0/ /o Surv. A \o 1^ T.I 170 i.*.i.<,i^lv 70 h 702-20. Ji to 10 IU (TO ^ •>o,6 It ^ •Zo 2-75 A }o 2.M ie,7 3,6.7- 9> \o to lo 10 ^> -ifW 7 z*^ :3 A to '\ 'I 20 , ft* 10 VO (f 42% 'lO ,t 20. i ^0, I 1-" 100 A-[0 { 0 xo \o 7,**J^ iLo 10, t< it- r 10. i 100 lo (0 ST ^ 0 1,S3 Vol 675" 10 .6 VO. i • I 00 A 1^ \\ '^'^ to-c i.n r %^ -7,72 'to ' u<HO -Xo.-; to3 100 t A No'i 7,67 %'jiy 6 lo 10 fO 7 ((J7 Cone. Alkalinity* Hardness* Chlorine Resid. (nig/L) Cone. *(mg/L asCaC03) Chlorine Resid. (nig/L) Sample Description: control 71 Sample Description: J y ——^<-i^ highest cone. 613 &. 00 Analyst Initials: Cominenls: 0 hrs: 24 hrs. 48 hrs. i^tir o-iSo 72 hrs. ^^6 hrs. Rcvicwctl: Ogden Bioassay Laboratory 5550 Morehouse Dr., Suite. B San Diego. CA 92121 (619) 458-9044 QA check: ^/n/l'l r 1 t 1 f 1 f I r 1 f i f i r i r i r i r i t i f i i i i i f i i i i Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. CIIAIN-OF-CUSTGDY RECORD 4.1^0 Vicwritljjc Avenue, Suite A Sim Dicgrt, CA 9212.1 I'IIDIH: (61*J) 560-7717 r'ux{6iy) 56(1-776.1 PTAS LOG # 9 PTAS OAT ClicTiI - HUGH'SVi\?3 Sjmj^ilL-il liy; Client Siuiiplc ID Sample Date Sample Time Sample Matrix Coiitainer(s) II Type* rrAs ID# RriQUIiSTI-D ANALYSIS s X -f- 7 QMS /r 10. /i •Contjiner lyiKs: ll-Ilrass 1 iilw; V-VOA; G-(Mass('('-Miistjl;; O-Otticr(list) V. ::i^ -~=:^— rampor-t'ruitrSoals Inlad: \es No ( N/A Sainplo(s): ( ColJ ^inbionl Warm porrccl Conlaiiiefs: Cxs^-^" VOAsw/ZnS: Yes No N/A RBUNOUISIIRD BY DATIi/TIME RECEIVED BY All Samples I'ropcrly Preserved: Yes No ^NM^ ^isp^^sal: f^N/C ^aqueous) : (aimeoiisl^ • P I A.* C.>mpany G-<'^ ? O^^ ^tr^ ^ Signature /^y^-A*^-^^ IVint Company AS ((rtlSS.OQ/saniple) Reliini Sipiature Si^jiature TuniarouiiiJ 'l ime: 24 lir 48 hr 3 day 4 day ( Norni:i Print Print COI nn lent .s: Company Company Siiyiatiirc Print Compimy Si culture I'riiit Company r -'#-"1^ / r-i.i.pai" ri • f-i n r~i r"i r i r"i n ' i^i r^'i r i > i -i i Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 4340 Viewridge Avenue. Suite A San Diego, CA 92123 Phone (619) 560-7717 Fax (619) 56qJ77jS3 v PTAS LOG # PTAS DATE/TIME STAMP" . • 3fi • PTAS resoves the right (o mum samples that donH nutch our \wute profile. > • ; . .White- PTAS Canary - Accounting Pink - Clienl (w/Report) Ooldenrod - Client (Relinquish Samplci) (Rev. 5/97) r 1 I r I » 1 KM jri r i r i r i r i f i t i r i r i r i f i r i f r- i i Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 4340 Viewridge Avenue, Suite A San Diego^ CA 92123 Phone (619) 560-7717 Fax (619) 360-7763 PTAS LOG # PTAS DATE/TIME STAMP - 3B Client: C^^S.^l\ c .-T^Kit^ REQUESTED ANALYSIS Address: S^-M. > K\ WJi/.- Os<>NrW»> Aft CN>C^^* Attn: Sampledby: *cA VN^^ Phone: Billing Address: Project: CQ^ r\\>JCfVU *C f Clieitf Sample ID Sample Date San:q)le Tune San^le Matrix Container(s) n PTAS iD# 1 LOO ' S3 i. MA, ±3 «1 I 2 I.. »3 If4 10 ^^tO-Glass:^^ Taniper-Proof Seals Intact: Yes Ny^'^N/Aiyorrect Conlaineri:_ Yea No m Iv All Samples Saniple(sy Cold ibient Warm VOABW/Z ly Preserved;/^Yes^ No N/A RELINQUISHED Signature BY DATE/TIME RECEIVED BY N/A Print Company Signature Print Company ^"^^^ Di^Msal: N/C (aqueous) * PTAS (@$5.00/sample) Retum Signature Signature Turnaround Time: 24 hr 48 hr 3 day 4 day . Nonnal Print Print Comments: Company Con^uny Signature Signature Print Print Company Conqwny * PTAS reserves the right to return samples that dont match our waste profile.; White. PTAS Canaiy - Accounting Pink • Client (w/Repoit) Ooldenrod - Client (Relinquish Samples) (Rev. 5/97) r 1 r 1 f 1 jn 1^1 f 1 r i n r^ r i y Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 4340 Viewridge Avenue. Stiite A San Diego, CA 92123 Krone (619) 560-7717 Fax (619) 360-7763 PTAS LOG # PTAS DATfey^^ST^Mp 2l r% V I t 1 r 1 r I i i r i Client: Aooress: J -r-\ \ K W\>ISJW VsJlAAi Attn: V OVs-v^ Phone:rVt*»'i^'5V>\yS Sampledby: '^'^HK V.NJV*. Billing Address: Project: C^^<,^J|l^ Ni^<N\ f Client Sample ID Sample Date Si Sample Time Sample Matrix Cont«iner(s) n- Type* PTAS ID# s REQUESTED ANALYSIS L r BL tl •Container Types: B=Bras3Tube; V=V0A; G=Glass^=-Plart^; OOther(ligt) Taniper-ft-oof Seals Intact: Yes No (^N/A^ jg. Sanipltf(g): ^""Cold "'^bienl Wami AJI Samples Properly Preserved: 'orrect Containen :<SL)NO Signatu: VOAsw/ZHS: Yes No N/A RELINQUISHED BY ~ 35= DATE/TIME RECEIVED BY Yes No Company t^fc^A t'yfca V - 9? Signature Print Company Return Disposal: f^fH^ji^^^ * PTAS (@$5.00/sample) Turnaround Time: 24 hr 48 hr 3 day 4 day Signature Signature Print Print Comments: Company Company Signature Signature r '•— ^—~—~ • PTAS reserves the right to return samples that dont match our waste profile. Print Print Company Company White - PTAS Canary - Accounting Pink - Client (w/Report) Ooldenrod - Client (Relinquish Samples) (Rev. 5/97) BEST ORIGINAL n'l 2^ m ?m IF:: :iH: i^ii F" IF: C IlH! iK 11 :'K "-d-" ntgc jl^: Sarrple Name;; -v62"13a Data Filei; £^030205 t Dat^!i 03-r-02-1999 ::.5s25=:46 /Is^thods CiiTPHHEUi Intferfaci^:; C>cls^^ii 5 Operator CK Char7nel!?2 0 Vialils H.A. ^¥ Starting Peak Widths 1 Thresholds -01 Araa Thresholds 50 * arting Delay- 0„00 Run Time; :9„50 Ret . , Peak Area B Peak Normaliz ed . Area/ Time Area Z L Ht-/. Height v.;. .4 X 7,467 10350 61-7634 i 167 100-000 62-0 • '^-f J-* JL. 15.017 1505 S.9811 I ; 293 14„541 5-1 7 17-200 194S il„6246 1 403 13-S21 4-8 11 • 19-150 1713 10-2193 1 326 16 - 546 5-3 • • 1 20-033 1 .t. '-ti-7.4116 1 94 J. B 'w- '.J KJ 13-2 rial Areas 16753 Arfc--a Reject 1000 One sample per sample per J 4 1.000 ..,.:>«:- ta File ^ Es0302C5-PTS Printed fori- 03-03-1999 at 14325s 17 art timsi 0-00 min„ Stop times; 29-50 min 'ill Ranges 250 millivolts f Qf-fset;; 0 mv- -FIH - 7 ii7 -17,28 1-19.15 BEST ORIGINAL -PS- \ BEST ORIGINAL [ •;;j' -.11.,- •-,||,;- ,:—ii il .i. 'lir:" "—..'j T -:!'^ : K ^^i!'?: r-!: "i;".-'.;';':; {• Ji "" \ '•Jl"" .4. / ~ io-n ^T-l ''^ -. -I. - "• i;-i-v '!"7"3035 ^ . .1. i"i 11 ll-i - \. 5 :;pei 'a CO 1 I" i r C viali^s M-A- . 1 f-- .!. .. 1 ! (_.:. ncj r' th- : 1 nresi'H r" e a r n r e s h o Ids 50 , * C SfC! {< ;< ^ii $ J T ... .... 4. :.i?ir: t •Y- . pt; . Cc 1 LUiji^ Ty pe u DB- ... .r. fi.^,.-^criptioRi! : .! ion s 40 C for 5 min to 19< at 10 deg/Hiin Detect o i'' 0 FID D-etector Is FID .'si^* r.; -Info rmation ii Ti"'H for gasoline [art inc. Del ay:: 0 - 00 an Times 13-30 :>;':sr3.' L •^'eak Area I fl — . I. i t;* 1--. i'-. hic r;:ial i sec! i-i I e.=i/ L. T:i me Area % L HtB ^B 1 317 5005 9-B169 1 592 73B247 S-5 - - 1 1 xl. -650 '5S17 11-4096 1 907 85-131 6-4 :;^6H;|i|; 700 20S9 4 -0964 1 262 30-565 8-0 --'-"^^'Ifl ,6 4„ 133 1073 2-1036 : . 200 15-696 5..4 • • 1 /I -r -767 1207 2-3674 : I 156 17-664 1 ."• ' \/ 4-950 1257 2-4655 1 L •' .'^--^ 18.396 6.4 •^'•. 206 i o Q 1^ r W n w 1 '"-^ 14 2-7734 : •• 161 20 =1694 w - 1. S Z -1 3,.0422 . -J- -.1 ~? , "V .—f ...f "! ..... .i v..J. 260 -' r-1 —' ^ ~r J. / a J .i. -kS 3„2 1 .1 -1 —^1 _5 3 V';:! ci; 14 -.ii I'll; 1 .--1 i~. ' ^ J " ^""^ ,1 • •'Tf ,•• "f ~f —' .-- - /.i:!'.w I.J ij u 1 -J .1 •• •-•--•r -"> " — 'o •' •- - aj5 I - —" i - 5.29 •-5,?3 i /" { )-8.i2 -i3.S8 -n.2B ?-12.63 BEST ORIGINAL Pacific Treatfiieiit 4340 Viewridge Avenue, Suite A • San Die^o, CA 92123 Analytical Services, Inc. (619) 560-7717 • Fax (619) 560-7763 Analvtical Chemistrv Laboratorv March 15,1999 GeoSoils, Inc. Attn: Ed Lump 5741 Palmer Way Carlsbad, Califomia 92008 Project Name/No.: Calaveras Hills Laboratory Log No.: 0462-99 (Revision) Date Received; 03/01/99 Sample Matrix: One water sample PONo.: W.O.E2606-SC Enclosed with this letter is the report on the following analysis on the sample from the project identified above: Note: Turbidity, Total Nitrogen and Disolved Oxygen were performed by subcontract laboratory, results enclosed. The sample was received by Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. intact and with chain-of- custody documentation. The test results are listed on the attached tables. / certify that this data report is in compliance both technically and for completeness. Release of the data contained in this hardcopy data report has been authorized by the following signature. I Aanis Columbo Vice President/Laboratory Director Water • Soil • V\'aste • Wastewater • Marine Sediment li Tissues • Elutriate Analyses That Produce Results! Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3538 Hancock Street San Diego, 3A 921i: {613) 253-6131 ELAP certificate number I73S PACIFIC TREATMENT ANALYTICAL 4340 VIEWRIDGE AVESTE A SAN DIEGO , CA 92123 Customer # Reference Sampled Received Comment 1160 Samnle 930302620 S-1 / 0462-99 03/01/99 09:36AM Date Started : 03/01/99 03/01/99 02:00PM P.O. # S90149 Date Completed: 03/05/99 ATTN: SHAWN SULLIVAN (FROJ:CALAVERAY HILLS/0462-99) Test Run: H.eEul! MCL DL Method: Nitrogen, Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Nitrate Turbiditv 0.38 mg /L 1.39 mg/L 0.52 NTU 0 .10 0 . 04 o'lO SM4500C SM4500H SM213 0B ttl Environmental Engineering Laboratory 353 8 Hancock Street San Dlego, CA 9 2110 {619) 298-6131 BLAP certificate number 1738 m PACIFIC TREATMENT ANALYTICAL 4340 VIEWRIDGE AVESTE A SAN DIEGO , CA 92123 k Customer # Reference Sampled Received Comment llbO Sample # 3S03G2810 S-1/0462-99 03/04/99 01:00PM Date Started : 03/04/99 03/04/99 01:55PM P.O. # 990161 Date Completed: 03/09/99 ATTN: SHAWN SULLIVAN (CALAVERAY HILLS/04 62-9 9) METHOD:SM4500-0 E) QC:RPD=2.0% Test Run: Oxygen, Dissolved Result: 4.5 mg/L MCL DL 0 .1 Method: SM4500 WD = N'c.ie Detected - Detection Liinit MCL = '.la'A r^r.ta^ir.arit -ev=ls - 6, ^ r Reported by Robett L. CiiaTbers fl ri ri II n ii ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ii ti ii ri ri Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 4340 Viewridge Avenue. Suite A San Diego, CA 92123 Phone (619) 560-7717 Fax (619) PTAS LOG # PTAS DATE/TIME STAMP ^ • 31 Clienl: REQUESTED ANALYSIS 7 Address: 5 \ ^"^\\v<^^ VO^vO Ann: Phone: Sampled liy: nilliiig Addr Fax: ^"Vl>^M\-^A\5 Project: ^- Client Sample ID Sample Date Sample Time Sample Matrix Conlainerfs) tt Type* PTAS IDH •/ U u 'I ^1 9, 2^ C C-r 113 I 3-\ &a3 'Conlaijicr Types: B=BfassTutw: CEYQA^i^Glkss^j^Plnslic) O^Ollier (list) 10 RELINQUISHED BY DATE/TIME RECEIVED BY Signature i/^A^ . ,^1^ -^f^^ Prim yy/^^oc^z-J I^Ui i^i Company Tamper-Proof Seals Intact: Yes No N/A Sampl <(s)<r^o'd) Ambient Wami Corrcd Containers: Yes No Signature VOAs w/ZHS All Samples Properly Preserved: CY^^NO N/A No N/A Print Company Wo 4 Disposal: ^J-J/C(aqueoi^rjf ' PTAS ((^SS.OQ/sainpJe) Return Turnaround Time: 24 hr 48 hr 3 day (^4d^ Normal Comments Signature Signature Print Print Company Company ^W^f an rtLw fV^^i M/cth ^vwtf^A Signature Signature Print Print Company Company r 1 r I ffl t 1 r i ti ri rt ri ri ri fi ti ii ti ti ft ri i i Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 Viewridge Avenue, Suite A San Diego, CA 92123 Pho«ie (619) 560-7717 Fax (619) 560-7763 *^ ^ M^fj j PTAS LOG # PTAS DATEyTTME STAMP ^ ' 36 Client: GAtJ.*^*-N\ 5' ^XTl^C REQUESTED ANALYSIS Address: S'l-^\ t-A ^MOL-^ \>0 418.1 (TRPH) 1 a Q Hi 1 o 00 s 601/8010 (Purgeable Halocarbons) 608 / 8080 PCBs Pesticides 1 '3 o o 00 r» 625 / 8270 (Semi Volatile Organics) riLCMelals (CACTitle22) STLC Metals (CAC Title 22) TCLP(RCRA) Metals Organics £ 5 is 3 pH EC TSS O&G J u ( " J 0 418.1 (TRPH) 1 a Q Hi 1 o 00 s 601/8010 (Purgeable Halocarbons) 608 / 8080 PCBs Pesticides 1 '3 o o 00 r» 625 / 8270 (Semi Volatile Organics) riLCMelals (CACTitle22) STLC Metals (CAC Title 22) TCLP(RCRA) Metals Organics £ 5 is 3 pH EC TSS O&G J u ( " J 0 Attn: *e A V^W'^ Pl«>no:i,'^U^H'5"SO-^ 5 5' 418.1 (TRPH) 1 a Q Hi 1 o 00 s 601/8010 (Purgeable Halocarbons) 608 / 8080 PCBs Pesticides 1 '3 o o 00 r» 625 / 8270 (Semi Volatile Organics) riLCMelals (CACTitle22) STLC Metals (CAC Title 22) TCLP(RCRA) Metals Organics £ 5 is 3 pH EC TSS O&G J u ( " J 0 Sampledby: V-\JVN^^ Fax: V^^^'^VS '^^A 5 418.1 (TRPH) 1 a Q Hi 1 o 00 s 601/8010 (Purgeable Halocarbons) 608 / 8080 PCBs Pesticides 1 '3 o o 00 r» 625 / 8270 (Semi Volatile Organics) riLCMelals (CACTitle22) STLC Metals (CAC Title 22) TCLP(RCRA) Metals Organics £ 5 is 3 pH EC TSS O&G J u ( " J 0 Billing Address: 418.1 (TRPH) 1 a Q Hi 1 o 00 s 601/8010 (Purgeable Halocarbons) 608 / 8080 PCBs Pesticides 1 '3 o o 00 r» 625 / 8270 (Semi Volatile Organics) riLCMelals (CACTitle22) STLC Metals (CAC Title 22) TCLP(RCRA) Metals Organics £ 5 is 3 pH EC TSS O&G J u ( " J 0 418.1 (TRPH) 1 a Q Hi 1 o 00 s 601/8010 (Purgeable Halocarbons) 608 / 8080 PCBs Pesticides 1 '3 o o 00 r» 625 / 8270 (Semi Volatile Organics) riLCMelals (CACTitle22) STLC Metals (CAC Title 22) TCLP(RCRA) Metals Organics £ 5 is 3 pH EC TSS O&G J u ( " J 0 Project: Q,\Vr\\yj^n-i,.,'C "^j^^W / ."C* -'f-'XViCit-^ 418.1 (TRPH) 1 a Q Hi 1 o 00 s 601/8010 (Purgeable Halocarbons) 608 / 8080 PCBs Pesticides 1 '3 o o 00 r» 625 / 8270 (Semi Volatile Organics) riLCMelals (CACTitle22) STLC Metals (CAC Title 22) TCLP(RCRA) Metals Organics £ 5 is 3 pH EC TSS O&G J u ( " J 0 Clienl Sample ID Sample Date Sample Time Sample Matrix Conlainet(s) # Type* l>TAS IDtl 418.1 (TRPH) 1 a Q Hi 1 o 00 s 601/8010 (Purgeable Halocarbons) 608 / 8080 PCBs Pesticides 1 '3 o o 00 r» 625 / 8270 (Semi Volatile Organics) riLCMelals (CACTitle22) STLC Metals (CAC Title 22) TCLP(RCRA) Metals Organics £ 5 is 3 pH EC TSS O&G J u ( " J 0 * > \ \ V V I \ \ i 2 ) v »3 \ /SM \ \ 1'^ '> \ 7 8 9 10 •Container Types: D°Orass Tiil>ef^VOA<2}''ai«ssi-^Pjast ^O-Otlwr (list) RELINQUISHED BY DATE/1 riM E RECEIVED BY Tamper-Proof Seals Intatt: Yes Nc/*^ N/A 't^orrecl Containers: Yes No signature \V-34 Signal.trc / JfC ' Saniple(s)r Cold ^Itient Wami VOAsw/7.ItjC\^ l^o N/A IVint 'C^K^^K-_^ \V-34 Print ^H/ft^tJ St^L All Samples Pro|>crly Preserved:^ Yes j No N/A Company Gvj ^ \ \V-34 Company ^^5" Disposal: N/C (a<|ueous) • I' l AS ((i5)$3.00/saniple) Return Signature Signature Tuniarouiul Time: 24 lir 48 hr .1 day 4 day Nonnal IVint IVinI Comments: Company Company Signature Signature Print Print Company Company I'IMI- - f-li,...! f.t'/I/cvirtl ri ri ri ii ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ti ti ri Client: Qx.^?> ^^Ns ^1^^^ Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 4340 Viewridge Avenue. Suite A San Diego. CA 92123 Phone (619) 560-7717 Fax (619) 560-7763 PTAS LOG # PTAS DATI i-ax (oivj /OJ REQUESTED ANALYSIS Address: S'^-^X \>OVvX\ Attn: Phone: Sampled by: Billing Address: 3^ IVoject: ^-fi\<>g>^jP4\ Clienl Sample ID IT Siunpic Date Siiniple Time Sample Matrix C(iiitiiiner(s) II Type* PTAS mil X CJ -t- r r- . I— a- '1 : •Coiilainer ryi>es: B-Iirass liilw; V-VOA; G-Ctlass{l'-Plaslj!b; 0-(>llier(lisl) ^ ^ ^ ——.J, Siiyiature" RELINQUISHED BY 3^ DATE/TIME RECEIVED BY faniper-Proof Seals Inlacl: Yes No ( N/A porrecl Conlainers: Samplc(s): ("C-'old ^^^iibienl Wami VOAsw/ZHS: Yes No N/A All Samples Properly Preserved: Yes No Disposal: f1^J?C(aqueou_s) * PTAS «S£5.00/saniple) Retum ^ Company G-V<^ ? 0 vi'yt^ <v signature /^jfy*^-.^ l*rint Company Sigiaturc Signature fumaround Time: 24 lir 48 lir 3 day 4 day ( Noniiaf Print IVint Conuiients; Company Company r signature IVint Company Signature I'riiit Company APPENDIX G WELL LOGS WAR, -IS' 99ITIIU! 15-50 TC COXSriilCTi:\ C.^ Mar--lS-g9 01:5QP FootmTl Erglnear-lng il- 3!? ^45 3:4: 909 '/37 C792 r :04 P , 03 WELL LCG Projoct Name TCCcna;rjci',qn Job gS93a _tocafion Carsisc. CA Date 3-7'9S_ 4- 0-1 Fia B-Il StL'Y SAi»rtJ 3R' [<lwN. MClST II-I2SAJDYCUY IM3CIAY H.|IS*|rt>YCUY I !t.;0SHlprYWbTSA.^ 20-:iSiOW)YCLAY ' ;!.nsa|TYSANo 23-lJ S* «OYCl-lY - )3.]4Q\YtD(lYl j H J 1 -1 J -I Boring ?f 1 Lodged Ev Robert Tf^omas Weil Diameter 2^" Type of driH rig Buckat =Ric Sampiing Method Built . Perforattons 5Q g^ct Casing 12' PVC ^ Finer type Birdseve Drilling fiuifj_5uDef Cci_ NOTES AND .REMARKS Static L6vel:WeUi^ ^ 11 1/2' WeHLccatiop- Aporox. 50' Tjcrth oflntereection B C:afn<no-f^a?l-arij Caiaveras_ west side of trench 5p.e. ptjiughty stafton 215D. near manhple excavation. Aporoximata flow: 150 GPM. m CD •-A O Sheet. i -J J H d -i Mar 18 93 Q3:GGp h c M : 1 1 i n C c T. ^ r, i ^ : e MAR.-IS-99(THU) 1 5 50 TC mSiUT.JS CO MAt-~ls-99 01: 50P Poor M 11 Eng T naer i /^g WELL LCG D;; 41) JJ4. 309 737 0792 P . C2 Prciec! Nsme TC Construcilcn JC3 S 6333 Laca::o--i Carlscac. CA. Oala j-7-ac Elevation Deptti | Samples f Gracnic | Cescnctrcn Mcre/Issa 0-6 S^llt 6-8SA1ND i5-17£l.TYSAND SANDY OAY 3 soring 2_ Legged S/ Rotert Thomas Weil Depln. 22' Ws!f Diarretar 24' Type cf drili Bucket Rio Sampling Method Buik Perfo!^ticn8 50 Slot Casing 12'PVC Filter r/ce Binjseve IDriiiIng fiL-id Super Col N0T=5 A-ND RE.MAr^}<S STatic-L8vej:-Weil#2 5' Well Locattcn: East side of trenci Ifne.-fiouqhlv station 24443'and 24-^92. Aoproximateflow: 150 GPM. Sheet 03 m 33 z ^ -1 j i "a -I J -J -1 -i