HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Calavera Hills II LLC; LFMP Zone 7; 2002-01-15ZONE 7 LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN AMENDMENT PREPARED FOR: CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Department 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Approval Date: Jan. 15, 2002 Ordinance No.: 2002-016 APPLICANT: CALAVERA HILLS IL LLC c/o McMillin Companies 2727 Hoover Ave. National City, CA 91950 CONSULTANTS: PLANNING SYSTEMS 1530 Faraday Ave. #100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 O'DAY CONSULTANTS 5900 Pasteur Ct. #100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 ONAKA PLANNING & ECONOMICS P.O. Box 12565 La Jolla, CA 92039 URBAN SYSTEMS, ASSOC. 4540 Kearny Villa Rd. #106 San Diego, CA 92123 1/15/02 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. BACKGROUND .................................................................. ........................ 1 B. HABITAT MANAGEMENT' .................................................................... 3 C PHASE H ENTITLEMENT PROCESSING .............................................. 3 D. PURPOSE ............................................... 4 E. LFMP AMENDMENT "JFORMAT ............................................................. 6 F. OVERVIEW OF ZONE 7 .............................................................. 6 G. SUMMARY GENERAL CONDITIONS '(MODIFIED) ........................... 7 H. SUMMARY SPECIAL CONDITIONS (MODIFIED) ......................... 10 I. CHANGES AFFECTING FACILITY DEMAND ....................... 14 J. CHANGES AFFECTING FACILITY SUITLXZ""ZZZ"Z"!"Z][5 E. BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS 17 A. 1989 LFMP .................................................................................. 17 B. 1994 GENERAL PLAN UPDATE .............................. "'"' ........................ 17 C. ZONE 7 PROPERTY OWNERSHIP ....................................................... 17 D. CONSTRAINTS ANALYSIS ........................................................ 19 E. BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS ................................................................... 20 F. PHASING Z^Z""Z!Z™"~™ZZZZZZZZZ2Q m. FACILITY ADEQUACY - CITYWIDE FACILITIES 26 A. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES .......................................... 27 B. LIBRARY FACILITIES ................................................. 30 C. WASTEWATER TREATMENT """"""~ IV. FACILITY ADEQUACY - LOCALIZED FACILITIES 34 A. PARKS ....................................... 35 B. DRAINAGE ................................................................................................ 43c. CIRCULATION" FACILITIES ................................................................... 49 D. FIRE FACILITIES .................................................................... 60 E. OPEN SPACE ................................... ..................................................... 64 F. SCHOOL FACILITIES ................................................................................ 66 G. SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM .......................................................... 69 H. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ^"3ZZZZ'^r^Z"^ZZ"""Z8 V. FACILITY FINANCING 81 * ZONE 7 LFMP m AMENDMENT NO. I 1/15/02 LIST OF EXHIBITS EXHIBIT A LOCATION MAP 2 EXHIBIT B VILLAGE LOCATION MAP 5 EXHIBIT C EXISTING GENERAL PLAN' 8 EXHIBIT D PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN 9 EXHIBIT E CITY ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES" 29 EXHIBIT F LIBRARY FACILITIES 32 EXHIBIT G PARK DISTRICTS 36 EXHIBIT H PARK DISTRICT 2 38 EXHIBIT I DRAINAGE BASIN" BOUND ARIES 44 EXHIBIT J ON-SITE DRAINAGE FACILITIES 47 EXHIBIT K ARTERIAL CIRCULATION PLAN 50 EXHIBIT L EXISTING 20% IMPACT TRAFFIC 53 EXHIBIT M EXISTING ADT 55 EXHIBIT N YEAR 2005 20%" IMPACT" TRAFFIC 56 EXHIBIT O BUILDOUT 20% IMPACT TRAFFIC ' 58 EXHIBIT P EXISTING FIRE RESPONSE TIME 62 EXHIBIT Q FUTURE FIRE RESPONSE TIME 63 EXHIBIT R PERFORMANCE STANDARD OPEN "SPACE 65 EXHIBIT S SCHOOLS 68 EXHIBIT T EXISTING" SEWER rNtERCEPTORLrNES " 70 EXHIBIT U BUILDOUT SEWER FACILITIES - 7A 72 EXHIBIT V BUILDOUT SEWER FACILITIES - 7B 73 EXHIBIT W BUILDOUT SEWER FACILITIES - 7C 74 EXHIBIT X ON-SITE SEWER FACILITIES 76 EXHIBIT Y ON-SITE WATER FACILITIES" 80 EXHIBIT Z ZONE 7 SUMMARY OF FINANCING"""METHODS" 84 Pi m ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. I I/I5/02 HI LIST OF TABLES TABLE H-A ZONE 7 VILLAGE OWNERSHIP 17 TABLE II-B CONSTRAINTS LIST 19 TABLE II-C RESIDENTIAL BUILDOUT SUMMARY 20 TABLE H-D ZONE 7 CONSTRAINTS 21 TABLE II-E ZONE 7 BUILDOUT PROTECTIONS 22 TABLE II-F DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL ANALYSIS 23 TABLE H-G CITYWIDE RESIDENTIAL PHASING PROJECT'lONS" 24 TABLE H-H NORTHEAST QUADRANT PHASING PROJECTIONS """25 TABLE III-A EXISTING FACILITIES - CITY ADMINISTRATIVE 27 TABLE m-B SUPPLY/DEMAND CITY ADMINISTRATIVE 28 TABLE m-C INVENTORY OF LIBRARY FACILITIES 30 TABLE m-D SUPPLY/DEMAND LIBRARY FACILITIES""""""""""""""""""'"""31 TABLE IV-A PARK DISTRICT 2 DEMAND 35 TABLE IV-B ZONE 7 PARK DEMAND 37 TABLE IV-C EXISTING COMMUNITY PARK FACiLltlES 37 TABLE IV-D EXISTING SPECIAL USE AREA INVENTORY 37 TABLE FV-E EXISTING TOTAL PARK SUPPLY 39 TABLE IV-F FUTURE PARKS " 39 TABLE IV-G FUTURE SPECIAL" USE AREAS 39 TABLE IV-H PARK DISTRICT 2 TOTAL PARK SUPPLY 39 TABLE rvM PARK DISTRICT 2 FUTURE CREDITED PARKLANDS 40 TABLE IV-J PARK DISTRICT 2 DEMAND/SUPPLY ANALYSIS 41 TABLE IV-K TRUNK DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 45 TABLE rV-L ZONE 7 CIRCULATION ELEMENT ROADS 49 TABLE IV-M ZONE 7 EXISTING TRIP GENERATION 51 TABLE IV-N TRIP COMPARISON TABLE 52 TABLE IV-O ZONE 7 20% GREATER STREETS-"EXISTING 52 TABLE IV-P ZONE 7 20% GREATER INTERSECTIONS - EXISTING 52 TABLE IV-Q ZONE 7 20% GREATER STREETS - 2005 54 TABLE IV-R ZONE 7 20% GREATER INTERSECTIONS "-"2005 54 TABLE IV-S ZONE 7 20% GREATER STREETS - BUILDOUT 57 TABLE IV-T ZONE 7 20% GREATER INTERSECTIONS - BUILDOUT"" 57 TABLE IV-U EXISTING DU BEYOND 5 MINUTES 60 TABLE IV-V PHASE H NATURAL OPEN SPACE COMPARISON 64 TABLE IV-W NAHI CAPACITY ANALYSIS 71 TABLE IV-X PHASE II SEWER IMPROVEMENTS 75 TABLE IV-Y PHASE II WATER IMPROVEMENTS 79 m m m m ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. 1 I/I5/02 TABLE V-A TRUNK STORM DRAIN IN COLLEGE BLVD. (REACH B) 85 TABLE V-B TRUNK STORM DRAIN IN COLLEGE BLVD. (REACH C) 86 TABLE V-C VILLAGE K DESILTATION BASIN 87 TABLE V-D SDG&E OUTLET STORM DRAIN 88 TABLE V-E DETENTION BASIN BJB 89 TABLE V-F COLLEGE BLVD. (NO) 90 TABLE V-G COLLEGE BLVD. (SO) 91 TABLE V-H SEWER INTERCEPTOR REACH "NAHT1A 92 TABLE V-I SAH LIFT STATION 93 TABLE V-J TRUNK SEWER IN COLLEGE BLVD7 (REACH B) 94 TABLE V-K TRUNK SEWER IN COLLEGE BLVD. (REACH C) 95 TABLE V-L VILLAGE X SEWER LINE 96 TABLE V-M WATER LINE HG 580 97 TABLE V-N WATER LINE HG 446 98 m ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. I 1/15/02 I. INTRODUCTION m A. BACKGROUND m In 1986, the City of Carlsbad adopted a Growth Management Ordinance, directing that urban development within the City will not be allowed unless adequate public facility m infrastructure and service is provided to serve the development. m Phase I of the implementation of the Ordinance, the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan, was adopted later that year. This plan, prepared by the City, established minimum performance standard level requirements for three citywide and *• eight localized public facility categories. Achievement of these performance standards was required for development to proceed. ^ The Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan also established specific boundaries for each of 25 Local Facilities Management Zones. The intent of the 25 zones was to require I— public facility adequacy studies to be addressed in a zone-wide, interdependent, cohesive manner, avoiding individual project-by-project analysis. A Local facilities Management Plan (LFMP) was required for each zone. mm Growth Management Zone 7 encompasses the Calavera Hills Master Plan area, and is *""* located in the northeast quadrant of Carlsbad as shown on Exhibit A of this report. Zone ^ 2 is situated on Zone 7's western boundary, Zone 14 to the east and south, and Zone 25 and the City of Oceanside to the north. Zone 7 comprises 818.9 acres. Its location in *"" northeast Carlsbad is shown on Exhibit A. m The Zone 7 LFMP was approved by the Carlsbad City Council in 1989. This report * constitutes an "amendment update" to the approved Zone 7 LFMP. This update is a result of the request by the Calavera Hills Phase n developer to transfer allowable *" residential units from one area of the Zone to another, in order to accommodate the a recent concensus reached with Federal and State regulatory agencies on habitat preservation, culminating in the preliminary adoption of the Carlsbad Habitat Hi Management Plan (HMP). m At the time of the 1989 approval of the Zone 7 LFMP, some 1,101 residential dwelling m units, a public community park, elementary school, and an RV storage facility had been developed within the zone. Since this time, virtually no additional Zone 7 developmentm ZONE 7 LFMP 1 AMENDMENT NO. 1 1/15/02 I • II II It f I I • II i i • • *• ••• « • • I » • OCEANSJDE CARLSBAD 0 N S U L T AAl T S LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT A *" occurred until 1998, when development commenced on Villages L-l, Q, S and T which are comprised of 483 single family, 35 multi-family residential lots and a K-8 school site. * Development of Villages L-l, Q, S and T was found to be consistent with the 1990 LFMP •I and did not necessitate an update of this document. Village Q and T units are presently occupied or under construction at the time of preparation of this LFMP Amendment. m By the end of year 2001, a total of 1,619 units will have been constructed within Zone 7. For ease of reference, the final phase of development (remaining villages to be developed * after Villages L-l, Q and T) is addressed in this document as Calavera Hills Phase II. m Phase II consists of Calavera Hills Villages E-l, H, K, L-2, R, U, W, X and Y. The location of these Phase n villages are demonstrated on Exhibit B. * B. HABITAT MANAGEMENT Since 1992, a new variable was inserted into the land use process which affected vacant ** land within Zone 7. This variable, Federal listing of the California gnatcatcher (poloptilla Californica Californica) as a "threatened species" under the Endagnered Species Act (ESA) m has allowed the Federal and State regulatory agencies to require that large tracts of land H for habitat corridors be conserved permanently from development disturbance. The City has informed the Calavera Hills Phase II landowner that the Federal regulatory agencies ^ will require connecting habitat corridors through the center of Phase II as depicted in the m Carlsbad Draft HMP. The requirement for these corridors affects, the land use pattern for the vacant portions of Zone 7 (Phase E), and therefore requires modifications to the m Master Plan and this Zone 7 Local Facilities Management Plan. In order to accommodate the necessary habitat corridor, the landowner is presently ». proposing a new land use configuration (redistribution of residential densities in order to provide a habitat corridor) over a large portion of remaining Zone 7 property. These *"" modifications are addressed in greater detail in Chapter II of this LFMP Amendment. It is this proposed development configuration (presently in entitlement process with the City) upon which the land uses within Zone 7 are analyzed for compliance with the adopted *• Growth Management performance standards. «. C PHASE II ENTITLEMENT PROCESSING m The new land use configuration proposed for Calavera Hills Phase II is reflected in M development entitlement proposals presently in process with the City as follows: m. • A General Plan Amendment which would reconfigure and modify the — allowable land uses within much of the vacant Calavera Hills property; • A Master Flan Amendment to accommodate the referenced land use m changes; • This Local Facilities Management Plan Update (Amendment): • A Master Tentative Map to provide for mass grading and infrastructure installation; and • A Hillside Development Permit to allow for development of sloping areas. _ ZONE 7 LFMP 3 • -AMENDMENT NO. ! M 1/15/02 These proposals will be accompanied by a second step of permitting: • Individual Tentative Subdivision Maps for the Phase II villages; • Hillside Development Permits for development of the individual Phase n villages (those not covered by the Master Tent. Map HDP); and • Site Development Plan Plans and/or Planned Development Permits (as applicable) for the individual Phase n villages; D. PURPOSE The purpose of this Zone 7 LFMP Amendment is to update the adopted LFMP in conjunction with public facility demand and supply circumstances that have changed in the years since the 1989 approval, and to reflect the new Phase n proposed development configuration which addresses the habitat preserve land use policy issue. This amendment is submitted pursuant to General Condition No. 5 of the existing Zone 7 LFMP which states as follows: 5. Periodic amendment to the Zone 7 Local Facilities Management Plan is anticipated to incorporate newly acquired data, to amend conditions and upgrade standards as determined through the required monitoring program. Amendment to this Plan may be initiated by action of the Planning Commission, City Council or property owners at any time.1 An updated Buildout Projection and Phasing Schedule, as required in the Citywide Plan, is included in Chapter II of this Amendment. In addition to the proposed land use changes, this amendment reflects a slight modification in the per household population generation rate recognized by the City, and the significant delay in development from the original projections, that has occurred within the Zone. Each of these factors impacts the results of the facility adequacy analysis for development of the Zone. Full analysis of the updated demand for facilities, and resulting supply mitigation, are contained in Chapters m (Citywide Facilities) and IV (Localized Facilities) of this Amendment. Chapter V demonstrates financing alternatives for each of the affected facilities. It is the intent of this Amendment to re-analyze all required infrastructure improvements addressed by the Carlsbad Growth Management Program in light of updated information for Zone 7, including the newly-proposed land use intensities and patterns, and updated phasing assumptions for development. 1 Zone 7 Local Facilities Management Plan. November 12, 1989, p. 12. ZONE 7 LFMP 4 AMENDMENT NO. I 1/15/02 11 I 1 I i II II II II II II II II II II II VILLAGE Q PHASE II CONSULT A^N T S ZONE 7 VILLAGE LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT B K LFMP AMENDMENT FORMAT Consistent with the original Zone 7 LFMP, this LFMP Amendment report is divided into five chapters, as follows: Chapter I. Introduction: Provides background and purpose for the amendment. Explains the relationship between the approved LFMP and this amendment. Chapter II. Buildout Projections: Provides updated buildout and phasing projections in accordance with proposed land use changes. Chapter III. Facility Adequacy Update - Citywide Facilities: Provides an analysis of Citywide facility adequacy relative to the updated information. Chapter IV. Facility Adequacy Update - Localized Facilities: Provides an analysis of localized facility demand and supply relative to the updated information. Includes recommended mitigation measures, in order that ongoing compliance with the performance standards are met. Chapter V. Facility Financing: Provides an analysis of the anticipated financing options available to fund the necessary facilities. F. OVERVIEW OF ZONE 7 Local Facilities Management Zone 7 is located in the northeast quadrant of Carlsbad as shown on Exhibit A of this report. It totals 818.9 acres of land, about 50% of which is developed, and is located east of El Camino Real. Approved land uses include residential, commercial, school, park, public facility, and open space uses. To date, over 1,101 residential units, a public community park, an elementary school and an RV storage facility have been completed. An additional 518 residential units have been recently constructed or are presently under construction and in the process of being sold and occupied by homeowners. The Circulation Element of the Carlsbad General Plan stipulates that College Boulevard, an important north-south major arterial be constructed across Zone 7, which will provide a connection between El Camino Real and Flighway 78 to the north. The construction of the northern segment of this arterial began in 1998, and has been completed but blockaded to avoid exacerbating traffic impacts elsewhere, as directed by the City of Carlsbad. Access to Zone 7 from the west and southwest is from existing Carlsbad Village Drive and Tamarack Avenue, respectively. The existing Land Use Element of the General Plan applicable to Zone 7 is shown on Exhibit C. This land use configuration was adopted in 1993. It is presently being proposed for a General Plan Amendment by the landowner, which is being processed concurrently with this LFMP update. The proposed land use delineations are identified on Exhibit D. This proposed land use configuration addresses the requirement for a habitat corridor by reducing the development acreage of Village K (thus preserving the southerly 2/3 of the ZONE 7 LFMP 6 AMENDMENT NO. I 1/15/02 village in open space), and redistributing the Village K density to other Phase n villages, primarily in the southeast section of the Zone. A land use change over Village E-l from Community Commercial to Residential is also proposed. Specifically, modified land use designations within Zone 7 include Residential Medium- High Density (RMH) to Open Space (OS) in Village K, Community Commercial (C) to Residential Medium-High Density (RMH) in Village E-l, Residential Low Density (RL) to Community Facilities (CF) in Villages H and Y, and Residential Medium Density (RM), Residential Medium-High Density (RMH) and Residential-High (RH) in several other Phase It villages. Areas to be preserved as natural open space are proposed for General Plan OS land use designation. The approved 1989 Zone 7 LFMP included adoption of Special Conditions for development of the zone. These Special Conditions itemize infrastructure improvements that must be installed in order that development of the zone can be accommodated. These infrastructure improvements are based upon certain 1989 assumptions of Phase II development intensity and pattern, and phasing of buildout. These conditions have been reviewed for continued applicability, and modified in accordance with the revised information in this document. G. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 7 1. All development within Zone 7 shall conform to the provisions of Section 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to the provisions and conditions of this Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment 2. All development within Zone 7 shall be required to pay a public facilities fee pursuant to the standards adopted by the City Council on July 28, 1987, and as amended from time to time and all other applicable fees. Development in Zone 7 shall also be responsible for any additional fees to be incorporated into this plan that are found to be necessary to enable facilities to meet the adopted performance standard. 3. The City of Carlsbad shall monitor all facilities in Zone 7 pursuant to Subsections 21.90.130(c), (d) and (e) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 4. All development in Zone 7 shall be in conformance with the adopted Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan as adopted by City Council Resolution 8797 on September 23, 1986. 5. Periodic amendment to the Zone 7 Local Facilities Management Plan is anticipated to incorporate newly acquired data, to amend conditions and upgrade standards as determined through the required monitoring program. Amendment to this Plan may be initiated by action of the Planning Commission, City Council or property owners at any time. ZONE 7 LFMP P AMENDMENT NO. I •m 1/15/02 II II II II • iii GO LAND USE LEGEND RESIDENTIAL RL - Low Density (0-1.5 DU/AC.) RLM - Low-Medium Density (0-4 DU/AC.) RM - Medium Density (4-8 DU/AC.) RMH - Medium-High Density (8-15 DU/AC.) NON-RESIDENTIAL C - Community Commercial E - Elementary School J - Junior High School U - Public Utility OS - Open Space EXISTING GENERAL PLAN EXHIBIT C I 1 • • t I t I II f 1 I i m MASTER PLAN BOUNDARY RESIDENTIAL RLM - Low-Medium Density (0-4 DU/AC.) RM - Medium Density (4-8 DU/AC.) RMH - Medium-High Density (8-15 DU/AC.) RH - High Density (15-23 DU/AC.) NON-RESIDENTIAL C - Community Commercial E - Elementary School E / J - Elementary / Junior High School U - Public Utility CF - Community Facility OS - Open Space* *RV Storage Lot is located within this area. PLANNINGSYSTEMS PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN /|\ CONSULT T S EXHIBIT D ** 6. If a public facility or service is found not to be in conformance with an adopted performance standard during the yearly monitoring, or at any other "* time, the matter will be immediately brought before the City Council. If the DM City Council determines that a non-conformance does exist then no future building or development permits shall be issued unless an amendment to *• the CFBP or the LFMP for this zone is approved by the City Council which ^ addresses those facility shortfalls and brings those facilities into conformance with the adopted performance standards. 7. After adoption of this Amended Plan by the City Council, no building permits will be allowed unless the performance standards are complied „, with. m 8. Approval of this LFMP Amendment does not constitute prior environmental review for projects within Zone 7. All future projects within Zone 7 shall undergo environmental review per Title 19 of the Carlsbad «• Municipal Code. Any mitigation measures determined during a project's environmental review shall be complied with,in their entirety unless — findings of overriding consideration are made by the City Council. 9. Approval of this Amended Plan does not constitute prior discretionary «"* review for projects within Zone 7. All future projects shall undergo review ^ per Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The plan establishes the maximum allowable number of residential units for facilities planning «-. purposes only. The plan does not guarantee any specific residential density. *" 10. Approval of any discretionary permit within Zone 7 is contingent upon the „, provision of adequate public facilities to satisfy the Public Facilities Element of the General Plan. At this time a Mello-Roos Community Facilities *" District has been formed to finance the construction of several Citywide facilities necessary to serve new development. If the Zone 7 properties are ""* not participants within the district, the required General Plan Consistency •• finding cannot be made. Therefore, no discretionary approvals, Building permits, Grading Permits, Final Maps, or development permits will be ** issued or approved unless the subject property annexes into the CFD or an M alternate financing mechanism is provided by the developer and approved by the City Council to finance the facilities legally applicable to Zone 7 that «• are included in the Community Facilities District. OT H. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 7 m CITY ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES in No special conditions.m LIBRARY ** No special conditions. ZONE 7 LFMP 1 0 ** /AMENDMENT NO. 1 ^ 1/15/02 WASTEWATER TREATMENT CAPACITY The following actions shall be pursued jointly by each sewer district to ensure adequate wastewater treatment capacity through the year 2006 A. Monitor Encina treatment plant flows on a monthly basis to determine actual flow rates and to have an early warning of capacity problems. PARKS A. Parks adequacy shall be monitored by the City on a regular basis. No building permits for residential units shall be issued unless the Director of Community Development finds that adequate park facility funding is projected within Park District 2 to ensure performance standard adequacy within the 5-year period from the expected occupancy of the subject units. B. No Park in Lieu Fees are required for development within Zone 7 because 6.158 acres of park credits remain available as a result of the dedication of Calavera Community Park, and the maximum amount of required parkland for the 781 remaining dwelling units allowed pursuant to this Zone 7 LFMP results in only 5.4 acres of park demand. DRAINAGE A. All future development in Zone 7 will be required to construct necessary future Zone 7 storm drain facilities, if any, identified in the current Drainage Master Plan dated March, 1994 as determined by the City Engineer. Any facilities necessary to accommodate future development must be guaranteed prior to the recordation of any final map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, for any development requiring storm drain facilities in Zone 7. B. Prior to approval of the final map, or issuance of a grading permit, whichever occurs first for any subdivision or grading of Calavera Phase II, the developer shall: 1. Agree to abide by any fee increase (or decrease) adopted for the Local Drainage Area Fee by the City Council prior to payment or credit of that fee. 2. Enter into a secured agreement to financially guarantee the purchase of necessary property or easements for an interim facility, and install the first phase of improvements of an interim downstream Drainage Detention Basin BJB. This agreement may be satisfied through security and construction of interim improvements of a portion of Basin BJB, sufficient that it will ensure no increase in Calavera Hills Phase n drainage runoff downstream of Basin BJB during the grading or developed stage, as approved by the City Engineer. The interim improvements shall include the hard construction, (i.e. spillway and down drain) constructed to handle ZONE 7 LFMP 1 1 /AMENDMENT NO. / 1/15/02 future flows. Land acquisition may be limited to the size necessary to accommodate Calavera Hills Phase II development. CIRCULATION A. Prior to approval of the first final map within Calavera Hills Phase II, the developer shall enter into a secured agreement financially guaranteeing the construction of College Blvd. from CVD to the future Cannon Rd., and either the construction of Cannon Rd. from College Blvd. to ECR or College Blvd. from future Cannon Rd. to ECR. Said improvements shall include improvement to major arterial standards of College Blvd. Reach C. College Blvd. Reach B and Cannon Rd. Reach 3 improvements shall include full width right-of-way, full width grading with two 18-foot travel lanes (one in each direction), on each side of a raised unimproved median, median curbs, outside asphalt curbing, drainage improvements necessary to protect the roadway grading, erosion control, necessary bridge structures and transition improvements at the arterial to arterial intersections. Construction/grading on these improvements shall begin prior to issuance of the first future building permit within Zone 7. Building permits totalling no more than 2500 Phase II ADT will be allowed prior to completion of the above roadway improvements. Additional permits may be allowed subject to approval of the City Engineer based on substantial completion of the required road improvements. B. Prior to approval of the first individual village final map within Phase II of Calavera Hills, the developer shall enter into a secured agreement guaranteeing construction of the roadway transition improvements on Carlsbad Village Drive southwest of Village J, including provision of a left turn pocket onto Victoria Drive. Construction on these improvements shall begin prior to issuance of the first future building permit within Zone 7. C. An ongoing monitoring program will evaluate the aspects of improvements, development, and demand on circulation facilities. The required timing of improvements is based upon the projected demand of development in the zone and the surrounding region. This timing may be modified without amendment to this plan, however, any deletions or additions to the improvements will require amending this local plan. D. Prior to the construction of Cannon Rd. Reach 4, the City of Carlsbad shall receive approval of a conditional use permit from the City of Oceanside for the modification of the parking lot on the church property located immediately north of Reach 4 within the Oceanside city boundary. FIRE FACILITIES No special conditions. OPEN SPACE No special conditions. ZONE 7 LFMP 1 2 /AMENDMENT NO. J 1/15/02 SCHOOL FACILITIES All Zone 7 Phase II residential land has been annexed into CUSD CFD No. 3 , except Village E-l. In addition, the Phase II developer has transferred title of Village S to the District, which will allow the school district to build the facilities necessary to ensure satisfaction of the performance standard. As a result, CUSD has agreed to provide a will-serve letter for 702 units of Zone 7 residential development. Due to the pending rezone to residential of Village E-l, the developer of Village E-l shall annex the property into CFD No. 3, or shall agree to an alternative mitigation to school facilities impacts as approved by CUSD, prior to the issuance of the first building permit for Village E-l. No other school facilities conditions are necessary. SEWER FACILITIES A. GENERAL CONDITION Prior to the recordation of the final map, or issuance of a grading permit, whichever occurs first for any subdivision or grading of Calavera Phase II, the developer shall agree to abide by any fee increase (or decrease) adopted for the Local Sewer Benefit Fee by the City Council prior to payment of that fee. Sewer Benefit Fees shall be paid with each building permit. Such funds will be utilized by the City for installation of the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer (SAH) system that includes gravity sewer pipelines, a sewage lift station and force main. . Until this SAHI system is completed, temporary diversion of Zone 7 sewage into the North Agua Hedionda Interceptor line will be allowed. The City reserves the right to stop issuance of Zone 7 building permits if a physical inspection of the NAFfl" determines that sewage capacity of the NAHI has been reached. No building permits will be issued if the City Engineer determines that there is inadequate capacity in the NAHI system. B. ZONE 7A. Development within Zone 7A shall tie into existing sewer trunk facilities as required by the City . C. ZONE 7C. Prior to the issuance of certificates of occupancy for units that will flow towards College Blvd. within Villages U, W, X or Y, an off-site sewage trunk line, within or parallel to College Blvd., from the southerly limits of Zone 7 to reach SAHT2C must be provided. WATER FACILITIES A. Water facilities will be provided concurrent with development to the satisfaction of CMWD. B. All future development in Zone 7 shall be required to provide any recycled water facilities identified in the Water Reclamation Master Plan Phase n as determined by the City Engineer. Any recycled water facilities necessary to ZONE 7 LFMP 1 3 AMENDMENT NO. / I/J5/02 accommodate the approved development must be guaranteed prior to the recordation of the applicable final map, issuance of grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first for any future project in Zone 7. C. The future development in Zone 7 does not require any potable water facilities to be constructed outside the boundaries of Zone 7. It may be CMWD's desire to construct all or portions of the offsite facilities shown in Exhibit Y, and discussed above. If CMWD determines that these improvements are desirable, they will be financed through a CMWD-developer reimbursement agreement. L CHANGES AFFECTING FACILITY DEMAND Changes that have occurred in the intervening years since the 1989 document that affect facility demand and supply fall into the following categories: 1. New Population Generation Rate Adopted census figures for the City of Carlsbad indicate that the population generation rate has decreased very slightly from 2.471, the figure utilized in the 1989 analysis, to 2.3178 persons per dwelling unit. This revised multiplier will result in a decrease in demand for all public facility analyses which performance standards are based on population, including city administrative, library, and park facilities. 2. Land Use Changes As mentioned, the proposed land use pattern and distribution of residential units within a portion of Zone 7 (Calavera Hills Phase II) is different from that analyzed in the 1989 LFMP. While these revised land uses do not result in a significant increase or decrease in facility requirements (except traffic generation, which decreases significantly due to the elimination of commercial use), the distribution of development intensity has been modified, which may result in some modified demand for localized infrastructure. Specific detailed analysis of this relationship between demand and supply relative to each addressed facility is the fundamental focus of this Amendment analysis. The new proposed buildout projection for Zone 7 is demonstrated in the Buildout Assumptions (Chapter n) section of this LFMP Amendment. 3. Revised Zone 7 Development Phasing Schedule Development, particularly residential, within Zone 7 and Citywide has occurred more slowly than assumed in the original LFMP documents, and indeed has been delayed significantly within Zone 7. The development phasing projected in the adopted 1989 LFMP assumed buildout within the zone would occur in the year 1997. The updated Phasing Schedule is demonstrated in Chapter II of this report, which shows buildout for Calavera Flills to be complete in 2004. This development phasing delay is primarily a result of economic conditions, along with the gnatcatcher listing and the significant infrastructure requirements ZONE 7 LFMP 1 4 AMENDMENT NO. I I/I5/02 of Zone 7. Since facility requirements in the 1989 LFMP were based on an aggressive and unrealized residential phasing schedule, some facilities identified in that plan are no longer needed to serve Zone 7 on the schedule originally projected. Where relevant, the potential impact of slower development rates is discussed for each of the facilities addressed in this Amendment. J. CHANGES AFFECTING FACILITY SUPPLY Several changes in facility supply and City policy have occurred since 1989 which impact the Zone 7 analysis. 1. Community Facilities District No. 1 Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 1 was formed and adopted in June of 1991. The district will fund the approximately $109 million required for a list of (primarily citywide) facilities. Specifically, the following projects are included in and therefore financially guaranteed by CFD No. 1. > • City Administration Facilities - Construction of a new City Hall complex, and the addition of improvements to the Safety Center. • Library Facilities - Construction of a new library in the south part of Carlsbad, along with a major addition to the existing library in the northwest quadrant. • Park Facilities - Park improvements for Veterans' Memorial Park. • Street improvements to Faraday Road, Cannon Road and other region-serving roadways within the City. • Bridge and overpass improvements for 1-5 and Palomar Airport Road, Poinsettia Lane and La Costa Avenue. The adopted 1989 LFMP attributed the funding of these required facilities through Public Facilities Fees (PFF) or Traffic Impact Fees (TIF). This amendment demonstrates funding the facilities through the CFD No. 1 District, which is now the ultimate funding mechanism. 2. Revised Drainage Master Plan and Construction of Facilities In March, 1994, the Carlsbad City Council adopted the Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan. This new Master Plan replaced the 1980 Drainage Master Plan which was in effect at the time of Zone 7 LFMP approval. Adoption of this new federally-mandated plan has resulted in a fundamental shift in the focus of drainage control from a purely flood control program to a combination flood control/water quality control approach. The new approach is mandated by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. The revised Master Drainage Plan contains new facility requirements and fee recommendations for Zone 7 which differ from the approved LFMP. ZONE 7 LFMP 1 5 .AMENDMENT NO. I 1/15/02 3. Construction of Encina Phase IV The adopted Zone 7 LFMP demonstrated that the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) Phase IV expansion was necessary in order to provide adequate capacity for projected wastewater treatment. The Phase IV expansion has been completed. The WPCF now provides a capacity of 9.24 million gallons per day (MGD) service to the City of Carlsbad. 4. Adoption of New Potable Water Master Plan and Facilities During the period between adoption of the Zone 7 LFMP and the present, the Costa Real Municipal Water District Master Plan for Public Water Systems was superseded by The Water Master Plan CMWD Project No. 89-105 dated June 29, 1990 and revised as the Water Master Plan, dated October, 1997. The impact of these changes on Zone 7 is discussed in the Water Distribution System section of the Updated Localized Facilities analysis in Chapter IV of this Zone 7 Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment. 5. Schools In 1993, the Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD) decided that additional funding was needed to provide adequate school facilities through buildout of the District. Therefore, as of December 7, 1993, discretionary development projects are now required to show evidence that school facility impacts have been mitigated. As indicated in Chapter TV of this document, all residential development within Zone 7 will be conditioned to provide the above evidence. In April of 1994, Carlsbad Unified School District formed CFD No. 3 to finance future necessary school facilities. It is anticipated that as properties develop, they will annex into this District. City policy dictates that this action shall be determined to meet the requirement for school mitigation. All of Zone 7, with the exception of Village E-l, has been annexed into CFD No. 3, and a K-8 school site has been purchased by CUSD within Zone 7. ZONE 7 LFMP 1 6 AMENDMENT NO. / 1/15/02 II. BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS A. 1989 LFMP The buildout projections contained in the adopted 1989 Zone 7 LFMP were based upon land uses shown on the Carlsbad Land Use Element Map of the General Plan at the time of the plan's adoption. They include a variety of land uses, primarily residential, a community commercial site, interspersed with corridors of open space on steeply sloping areas. B.1994 GENERAL PLAN UPDATE In 1994, the City of Carlsbad performed a General Plan "Update", in which amendment to land uses in various locations throughout the City was performed. These modifications were adopted in locations where zoning, growth management, or local coastal program policies were in conflict with the pre-existing designations. Within Zone 7, very minor modifications to the open space edges of a few Phase II villages were made. No other modification of significance was adopted within Zone 7 through the General Plan update, and this configuration is the situation of the General Plan land uses today. C ZONE 7 PROPERTY OWNERSHIP Present property ownership of Zone 7 villages is as follows: Table II-A: Zone 7 Village Ownership VILLAGE A B C E-l D OWNERSHIP Private homeowners Private homeowners Private homeowners Calavera Hills H, LLC Private homeowners NOTE Single family neighborhood. Single family neighborhood. Multi-family neighborhood. Future multi-family site Multi-family neighborhood. EXIST. UNITS 36 167 130 100 PHASE Existing Existing Existing Phase II Existing ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. 1/15/02 17 Table II-A: Zone 7 Village Ownership (Cont.) VILLAGE E-2 F G H I J K L-l L-2 M N O/P-1 Q R S T U w X Y TOTAL OWNERSHIP City of Carlsbad City of Carlsbad Private homeowners Calavera Hills II, LLC Calavera Homeowners Assn. Private homeowners Calavera Hills II, LLC Private homeowners Calavera Hills II, LLC Carlsbad Unified School District Carlsbad Unified School District Private homeowners Cypress Valley, LLC Calavera Hills E, LLC Carlsbad Unified School District Cypress Valley, LLC Calavera Hills II, LLC Calavera Hills II, LLC Calavera Hills II, LLC Calavera Hills II, LLC Existing/Under Construction NOTE Calavera Community Park Calavera Community Park Single family neighborhood. Community Facility site. Community RV storage lot. Multi-family neighborhood Future single family and open space site. Multi-family neighborhood Future single family site Hope Elementary School Hope Elementary School Multi-family neighborhood Single family neighborhood Single family neighborhood Future K-8 school Single family neighborhood Multi-family neighborhood Single family neighborhood Single family neighborhood Multi-family + Community Facilities EXIST. UNITS 108 210 35 350 140 343 1619 PHASE Existing Existing Existing Phase II Existing Existing Phase II Existing Phase II Existing Existing Existing Phase I - Under construct. Phase II Phase I Phase I - Under construct. Phase II Phase II Phase II Phase II ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. I 1/15/02 18 D. CONSTRAINTS ANALYSIS Buildout Projections and Facility Analyses in this LFMP Amendment utilize the planning areas (villages) demonstrated on Exhibit B as geographical sub-areas for analysis throughout. Although areas of existing development are included in the infrastructure demand assessment, these existing development areas are not addressed in the Constraints Analysis. 1.Constraints List As required by the City of Carlsbad Growth Management Plan, identified constraints to development of a property are as follows: Table II-B: Constraints List2 Full Environmental Constraints Partial Environmental Constraints (50% density credit) A. Major (> 69kv) power-line easements B. Proposed Circulation Element roadways C. Railroad track beds or right-of-way J. Slopes between 25%-40% in grade: only 1/2 of the area within slopes between 25%-40% in grade can be used for residential density calculations. D. Slopes of 40% or more gradient E. Significant riparian habitats F. Significant wetlands G. Flood ways H. Permanent bodies of water I. Other significant environmental features 2.Village boundary modifications In addition, as a result of the proposed Master Plan Amendment, the village boundaries are also being shifted to some degree. The easterly boundary to Village Y is being adjusted in response to a proposed shift easterly of College Blvd. This shift is necessary because the original preliminary alignment headed directly into an SDG&E high-voltage power transmission tower, and the desire of neighboring residents of The Cape (Villages C and D) to have the roadway pushed easterly as much as possible. In addition, village boundaries for future planned areas do not follow exact lot lines, nor are they typically identified by legal description. These 2 Public Facilities and Improvements ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. 1 1/15/02 Plan. November 14, 19 1986. boundaries are for planning purposes only, and are imprecise. As a result of these circumstances, Village Y has increased 3.5 acres in size from the acreage indicated in the approved Calavera Hills Master Plan. A village boundary swap between Villages K and L-2 is also proposed. This swap would remove approximately 9.5 acres from existing Village L-2 and add this amount to Village K. This swap is proposed because Village L-2 had been bifurcated by Tamarack Avenue, and with the proposed design, the remainder segment of Village L-2 now is joined with its neighboring Village K. Additionally, lot line adjustments are expected to occur at Village E-l and existing Village D (The Cape), and also at Village Y and Village C, upon City vacation of the old College Boulevard alignment. At a micro level, these minor modifications in village boundaries change numbers, impacts and mitigation to some degree. At the macro level however, no substantive change to the necessary public facilities results from these village boundary changes. E. BUILDOUT PROJECTIONS Consistent with the requirements of the Growth Management Program, results of the Constraints Analysis have been analyzed, as shown on Table II-D, and resulting Buildout Projections on Table n-E. Results of this Constraints Analysis are summarized in Table II-C. Although the current Buildout Projections indicate that, with the proposed land use configuration, a maximum of 841 units could be accommodated within Phase II, the proposed Master Plan Amendment limits this count to 781 units. As shown on Table II-F (column 6), the approved 1989 Zone 7 LFMP capped Zone 7 Phase n development at 795 units (plus a 9.0 acre community commercial site). Since the proposed Master Plan allows no greater than 781 units (plus a 3.2 acre community facilities site), this 781 unit figure is utilized as the maximum ultimate development potential for Phase II in this LFMP analysis. Ultimate maximum development Potential for each village in Phase II is indicated in Column 9 of Table II-E. Full maximum residential buildout which could be allowed within Zone 7 is as follows: Table E-C: Zone 7 Residential Buildout Summary Existing Development Villages Q and T (Phase I) Phase II (projected) TOTAL 1136 DU 483 DU 781 DU 2400 DU F. PHASING For public facility planning purposes, development Phasing of the City of Carlsbad, including the remaining Zone 7 villages is demonstrated on Table II-G. It is against this phasing scenario (demand) that public facility adequacy (supply) is analyzed through this document. ZONE 7 LFMP 20 AMENDMENT NO. 1I/I5/02 • ;> Kl;> o Zone 7 - Phase II Table II-D: LFMP Zone 7 Constraints Planning Area H(2) L-2 K R W X u E-l Y(3) Gross Acres 66.0 6.2 51.1 5.1 36.2 52.7 61.8 11.7 - > 9.1 299.9 Land Use Acres OS RLM OS Total RLM RM OS RM OS RM OS RM OS Total RM RMIi OS RMH OS Total RNJH RH OS Total RH Total Resid. Total OS TOTAL 66.0 6.2 0.0 - , 6,2 18.2 32.9 5.1 0.0 31.6 4.6 33.3 19.4 ' '. .':".. 88.2 23.2 38.6 11.7 0.0 .,', £4.9 9.1 0.0 9,1 138»4 161.5 299,9 Constraints (1) A B C DEFGHI 0.7 ,0.7 0.7 2.2 0.1 2.0 1.5 3.1 1.9 0.9 • -5.3 , ' 3.9 .;.... . 3.8 . . . . . ' 1.8 3.2 2.1 1.3 0.4 ,"-,1.8; -4,5 "- , , ,2.1 1.2 0.1 1.2 0.1 Partially Constrained J J/2 0.7 0.35 , 0.7 0.4, 1.1 0.55 0.2 0.1 8.5 4.3 4.7 2.4 14.0 7.0 5.0 2.5 0.4 0.2 ' 5.0 , - 2.3 : 0.3 0.15 0.3 0.15 Net Acres 0.0 5.2 5.2 16.95 2.7 23.9 25.1 68.7 13.5 9.9 •~ -23.4 7.6 7.6 104.85 161.5 Notes: (1) Constraints A - Major Power Line Easement C - Railroad ROW E - Riparian B - Circulation D - Slopes 40% F - Wetlands (2) Village H includes a 2.0 ac. Community Facilities land use. (3) Village Y includes a 1.0 ac. Community Facilities land use G - Floodway H - Body of Water I - Other Environ. Feature J - Slopes 25% to 40% — >• oOi ^*- -r Zone 7 - Phase II Table II-E: LFMP Zone 7 Buildout Projections General PI; Planning Area H L-2 K R W X u E-l Y(4) sn Land Use Gross Acres 66 (3) 6.2 51.1 5.1 36.2 52.7 -> i 61.8 11.7 9.1 299.9 , - Area Land Use (1) OS/CF RLM Total RLM RM KM RM RM Total RM RMH RMH Total RMH RH Total RII, TptalResid. „' TOTAL Acres 0 6.2 6.2 18.2 5.1 31.6 33.3 88.2 23.2 11.7 34.9 9.1 ": •„ ,"9.1 . , 138.4 :> 138.4 OS Acres 62.8 0 62.8 32.9 0.0 4.6 19.4 56.9 38.6 0.0 38.6 0.0 , , o.o * V -' y," \ ; 158.3 Resid. Net Acres 3.2 5.2 ' .' ' ''5,2 16.9 2.7 23.9 25.1 68.6 13.5 9.9 23.4 7.6 '•. - 7$ ~. '- :iQ4,_8j I ,104.8 GMCP(2) 3.2 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 11.5 11.5 19.0 • Buildout Projections 0 16.6 16.6 101.4 16.2 143.4 150.6 411.6 155.3 113.9 269.1 144.4 -:- 144.4 ; , 841.7 841.7 Master Plan Maximum 0 15 " , 15 88 4 121 117 330 179 117 296 140 140 " -« ;• 7& , ^1 Future DU's or S.F. 0 15 ,; .-. - - is " "' 88 4 •• ' 121 , . -• • •'" 117 ' > , • "" §30 ',. s" " , • 179 •'' " j- '"<- 117 , 296 •^ ' • 140 ':."/:'• ^ ,'. ": '-'f . - , '• , • : •* "!iV>81 , -, " '" 781 —I -o 2 O to (1) Land Use areas other than open space (2) Growth Management Control Point (3) 2.0 ac. daycare use (4) Village Y to accommodate affordable housing and 1.0 ac. daycare use. f 1 11 II t 1 i 1 • 1 •I 1 II t I t I II CALAVERA HILLS - PHASE II 1 VILLAGE E-l H K L-2 R U W X Y Z TOTALS 2 GROSS ACREAGE 11.7 66.0 51.1 6.2 5.1 61.8 36.2 52.7 9.1 109.9 409.8 3 NET ACREAGE (1) 9 42.2 36.2 19.9 1.9 43.2 32 36.7 4.9 0.0 226.0 4 CURRENT GENERAL PLAN LAND USE C RL RMH RM RLM RLM RL RL RL OS 5 CURRENT GROWTH CONTROL POINT 0.0 1.0 11.5 6 3.2 3.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 (1) Net Ac. from calculations Existing Zone 7 LFMP. (2) 117,612 sq. ft. Community Commercial development. 6 CURRENT UNIT YIELD Community Cornm. (2) 42 416 119 6 139 32 36 C 0 795 7 PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN RMH OS/CF RM RLM RM RMH RM RM RH OS Table II-F: Development Potential Analysis 8 PROPOSED GROWTH CONTROL POINT 11.5 0.0 6.0 3.2 6.0 11.5 6.0 6.0 19.0 0.0 9 PROPOSED UNIT YIELD 117 0 88 15 4 179 121 117 140 0 781 10 AVAIL. UNIT CREDITS (#6 minus #9) 42 328 104 2 476 OVERALL D/U CREDIT= 11 EXCESS UNITS BANK (#9 minus #6) 117 40 89 81 135 0 462 14 to I I e i i i i i n r' i. I I I B B E E B B TABLE II-G Citywide Residential Phasing LFMP ZONE Status Notes Existing Projected Buildout Years as of 01/01 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Totals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23}_ (24) 10,460 2,493 236 3,065 0 8,260 1,441 769 543 0 1,677 637 0 2 660 0 0 751 684 73 349 284 0 262 1 50 5 1 0 0 53 231 202 32 0 131 16 0 0 110 0 0 250 123 15 0 16 15 33 0 90 5 1 0 0 53 135 0 32 0 131 32 0 0 120 0 0 250 123 15 o 26 40 33 0 90 5 1 0 0 53 312 0 32 0 131 32 0 0 180 0 0 250 123 150 0 54 45 33 0 90 5 1 0 0 53 187 0 32 0 131 32 0 0 180 0 0 250 123 150 0 54 50 33 0 90 5 1 0 0 53 94 0 32 0 131 32 0 70 180 0 0 65 123 150 0 54 50 33 0 90 5 1 0 0 53 0 0 32 0 131 32 0 105 180 000 123 150 0 54 50 0 0 90 5 1 0 0 73 0 0 32 0 162 32 0 105 180 000 123 150 0 54 50 0 0 90 5 1 0 0 81 0 0 32 0 194 32 0 105 187 000 123 150 0 54 50 0 0 90 5 1 0 0 81 0 0 32 0 194 32 0 105 150 000 123 132 0 54 50 0 0 90 5 1 0 0 81 0 0 32 0 194 32 0 105 150 000 123 170 0 54 0 0 0 90 5 1 0 0 81 0 0 32 0 194 53 0 105 150 000 123 170 0 54 0 0 0 90 5 1 0 0 81 0 0 32 0 194 53 0 105 150 000 123 170 0 54 0 0 0 90 5 1 0 0 81 0 0 32 0 0 53 0 105 150 0 0 0 139 170 40 0 0 0 0 90 5 1 0 0 81 0 0 32 0 0 82 0 1 05 150 000 139 170 50 0 0 0 0 90 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 0 85 0 105 0000 139 170 50 0 0 0 0 90 5 10 0 0 0 0.0 0 08500 0 0 0 0 139 165 50 0 0 0 0 90 5000000000 85 000000 139 160 50 0 0 0 0 90 0000000000 85 000000 139 0 50 000 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 06 00 0 0 0 01 39 050 0 0 0 0 90 0000000000 106 00000 275 139 0 86 0 0 0 0 Total Citywide Total Adopted DUs as of Total Citywide Phased DUs 01/01 Population (25) 32,647 32,611 82,030 1,283 33,894 85,113 1,086 34,980 88,196 1,491 36,471 91,279 1,371 37,842 94,362 1,163 39,005 97,446 1,006 40,011 99,823 1,057 41,068 102,200 1,104 42,172 104,577 1,049 43,221 106,954 1,037 44,258 109,332 1,058 45,316 111,622 1,058 46,374 113,912 866 47,240 116,202 905 48,145 118,492 677 48,822 120,782 535 49,357 123,072 529 49,886 125,362 364 50,250 127,652 385 50,635 129,942 696 51,331 132,232 12,220 2,578 252 3,065 0 9,218 2,400 971 1,023 0 3,595 1,734 0 1,122 2,877 0 0 2,091 3,272 2,480 775 866 400 427 1 1| 51,367 51,331 132,232 Notes: (1) Zone 1 LFMP, adopted September 1, 1987, C.C. Reso. No. 9221. (2) Zone 2 LFMP, adopted June 16, 1987, C.C. Reso. No. 9123. (3) Zone 3 LFMP, adopted May 19, 1987, C.C. Reso. No. 9084. (4) Zone 4 LFMP, adopted June 16, 1987, C.C. Reso. No. 9122. (5) Zone 5 LFMP, adopted August 4, 1987, C.C. Reso. No. 9188. (6) Zone 6 LFMP, adopted November 10, 1987, C.C. Reso. No. 9291. (7) Projections provided by McMillin Land Development, November 20, 2000 (8) Zone 8 LFMP, adopted February 7, 1989, C.C. Reso. No. 89-33. (9) Zone 9 LFMPA, adopted January 18, 1994, C.C. Reso. No. 94-27. (10) A Zone 10 LFMP draft has been prepared, but not approved. (11) Zone 11 LFMP, adopted February 23, 1988, C.C. Reso. No. 88-46. (12) Zone 12 LFMP, adopted August 21, 1990, C.C. Reso. No. 90-264. (13) Zone 13 LFMP, adopted January 9, 1996, C.C. Reso. No. 96-01. (14) Zone 14 LFMP, adopted February 6, 1990, C.C. Reso. No. 90-24. (15) Zone 15 LFMP, adopted April 10, 1990, C.C. Reso. No. 90-101. (16) Zone 16 LFMP, adopted April 7, 1992, C.C. Reso. No. 92-94. (17) A Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 17 has not been approved. (18) Zone 18 LFMP, adopted March 5, 1991, C.C. Reso. No. 91-76. (19) Zone 19 LFMP, adopted December 8, 1987, C.C. Reso. No. 9322. (20) Zone 20 LFMPA, adopted December 14, 1993, C.C. Reso. No. 93-260. (21) Zone 21 LFMP, adopted September 17, 1991, C.C. Reso. No. 91-307. (22) Zone 22 LFMP, adopted December 13, 1988, C.C. Reso. No. 88-428. (23) Zone 23 LFMP, adopted January 23, 1996, C.C. Reso. No. 96-37. (24) Zone 24 LFMPA, adopted January 18, 1994, C.C. Reso. No. 94-25. (25) Population forecast provided by SANDAG "2020 Cities/County Forecast.1 ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. I I/J5/02 24 Table II-H: Northeast Quadrant Phasing Projections LFMPZONE Status Notes Existing P rejectee Buildout Years as of 01/01 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Totals 2 7 14 15 16 25 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 2,493 1,441 2 660 0 1 5 231 0 110 0 0 5 135 0 120 0 0 5 312 0 180 0 0 5 187 0 180 0 0 5 94 70 180 0 0 5 0 105 180 0 0 5 0 105 180 0 0 5 0 105 187 0 0 5 0 105 150 0 0 5 0 105 150 0 0 5 0 105 150 0 0 5 0 105 150 0 0 5 0 105 150 0 0 5 0 105 150 0 0 5 0 105 0 .0 0 500000 500000 000000 000000 00 0 0 0 0 2,578 2,400 1,122 2,877 0 1 Northeast Quadrant Total Adopted Phased DUs 4,597 346 260 497 372 349 290 290 297 260 260 260 260 260 260 110 5 5 0 0 0 8,978 Northeast Quadrant Cumulative Total DUs 4,597 4,943 5,203 5,700 6,072 6,421 6,711 7,001 7,298 7,558 7,818 8,078 8,338 8,598 8,858 8,968 8,973 8,978 8,978 8,978 8,978 8,978 Notes: (1) Zone 2 LFMP, adopted June 16, 1987, C.C. Reso. No. 9123. (2) Projections provided by McMillin Land Development, November 20, 2000 (3) Zone 14 LFMP, adopted February 6, 1990, C.C. Reso. No. 90-24. (4) Zone 15 LFMP, adopted April 10, 1990, C.C. Reso. No. 90-101. (5) Zone 16 LFMP, adopted April 7, 1992, C.C. Reso. No. 92-94. ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. I 1/15/02 25 III. FACILITY ADEQUACY UPDATE: CITYWIDE FACILITIES The following analyses are performed for each of the Citywide public facility categories relative to demand (reflecting the Phasing Scenario identified on Table II-E), on a yearly basis until buildout of the Zone. Citywide facility categories are: A. City Administrative Facilities B. Library Facilities C Wastewater Treatment Facilities ZONE7LFMP 26 AMENDMENT NO. I 1/15/02 A. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES PERFORMANCE STANDARD 1,500 square feet per 1,000 population must be scheduled for construction within a five year period. ADEQUACY ANALYSIS Facility adequacy relative to City Administrative Facilities is based upon population and population projections. The approved 1989 Zone 7 LFMP reported a projected total buildout Zone 7 population of 5,765 persons. This total is 203 persons more than the 5562 total maximum population projected at buildout of Zone 7 (2400 DU multiplied by 2.3178 persons/household) in the present analysis. The present supply of City Administrative Facilities is as follows: Table ni-A: Existing Facilities - City Administrative Facilities Facility City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. • Main Bldg. • Finance Modular • Purchasing/Personnel Modular Faraday Center 1635 Faraday Avenue Redevelopment 2965-B Roosevelt Public Safety Center 2560 Orion Way • Police & Fire • Vehicle Maintenance Water District Office City-Owned Sq.Ft 12,899 2,700 1,800 68,000 53,700 10,358 18,000 Leased Sq. Ft. 3,200 Totals 167,457 3,200 ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. 1/15/02 27 Total Existing Facilities Sq. Ft.170,657 The projected demand for City Administrative Facilities through buildout of Zone 7 is as follows: Table III-B - Supply/Demand Analysis Year 01/01/00 01/01/01 01/01/02 01/01/03 01/01/04 01/01/05* Citywide Population 82,030 85,113 88,196 91,279 94,362 97,446 Supply (Sq.Ft) 170,657 170,657 170,657 170,657 170,657 170,657 Demand (At 1,500 Sq. Ft./l,000 Pop.) 123,045 127,670 132,294 136,919 141,543 146,169 Surplus / [Deficit] 47,612 42,987 38,363 33,738 29,114 24,488 *Buildout of Zone LFMP 7 projected in 2005. Population projections provided by San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). Conclusion: The supply of Administrative Facilities is adequate through buildout of the Zone. 3. MITIGATION With the 1991 formation of the City of Carlsbad Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 1, funding for all future City Administrative Facilities is guaranteed to buildout of the City. Zone 7 property owners are participants in this CFD program. This participation, in conjunction with payment of public facilities fees with building permits, constitutes the required financial guarantee and Zone 7 mitigation for City Administrative Facilities. Existing and planned citywide Administrative facilities are demonstrated on Exhibit E. 4. CONDITIONS A. GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 7 If the adopted performance standard for City Administrative Facilities is not being complied with then residential development in Zone 7 will be stopped until the standard is met. B. SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 7 No special conditions. ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. / 1/15/02 28 -CIVIC CENTER HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT ' FARADAY CENTER FIRE & POLICE SAFETY CENTER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT CITY ADMINISTRATION OFFICES O CITY ADMINISTRATION NOTE: ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE ZONE7LFMP AMENDMENT NO. I CONSULT A^N T S ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES EXHIBIT E 29 6. LIBRARY FACILITIES PERFORMANCE STANDARD 800 square feet per 1,000 population must be scheduled for construction within a five year period. ADEQUACY ANALYSIS Facility adequacy relative to Library Facilities is also based upon population and population projections. The approved 1989 Zone 7 LFMP reported a projected total buildout Zone 7 population of 5,765 persons. This total is 203 persons more than the 5562 total population projected at buildout of Zone 7 (2400 DU multiplied by 2.3178 persons/household) in the present analysis. The present supply of Library Facilities is as follows: Table m-C: Library Facilities Inventory of Existing Facilities Facility Cole Library Adult Learning Storage Centre de Informacion Dove Library Totals City-Owned Sq.Ft 24,600 900 64,000 89,500 Leased Sq.Ft 1,300 2,000 3,300 Total Existing Facilities Sq.Ft 92,800 The projected demand for Library Facilities through buildout of Zone 7 is as follows: ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. / 1/15/02 30 Table III-D - Library Facilities - Supply/Demand Analysis Year 01/01/01 01/01/02 01/01/03 01/01/04 01/01/05* Citywide Population 85,113 88,196 91,279 94,362 97,446 Supply (Sq. Ft) 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 92,800 Demand (At 800 Sq. Ft./l,000 Pop.) 68,090 70,557 73,023 75,490 77,957 Surplus / [Deficit] 24,710 22,243 19,777 17,310 14,843 *Buildout of LFMP Zone 7 projected in 2004. Population projections provided by San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). Conclusion: The supply of Library Facilities is adequate through buildout of the Zone. The location of existing Library facilities is shown on Exhibit G. MITIGATION Funding for this facility is also guaranteed by CFD No. 1. The Zone 7 property owners are participants in this CFD program. This participation, in conjunction with payment of public facilities fees with building permits, constitutes the required mitigation for Library Facilities. CONDITIONS A. GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 7 If the adopted performance standard for Library Facilities is not being complied with then residential development in Zone 8 will be stopped until the standard is met. B.SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR ZONE 7 No special conditions. ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. / 1/15/02 31 "CIVIC CENTER LIBRARY/ADULT LEARNING CENTER SOUTH CARLSBAD LIBRARY LIBRARY LOCATION ZONE7LFMP AMENDMENT NO. 1 LIBRARY FACILITIES EXHIBIT F 32 C. WASTEWATER TREATMENT CAPACITY 1. PERFORMANCE STANDARD Sewer Treatment plant capacity is adequate for at least a five year period. 2. ADEQUACY ANALYSIS Facility adequacy relative to wastewater Treatment Capacity is analyzed pursuant to the performance standard requirement of adequate capacity for at least a five year period. The subject Zone 7 property is served by the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. The Phase IV expansion of the facility is now complete and results in a capacity of 36 MGD. Carlsbad's share of this capacity now exceeds 9.24 MGD. It is concluded that the modified demand (revised Zone 7 Buildout Projections and Phasing) will decrease both the short-term and long-term Zone 7 demand on wastewater facilities from that found acceptable and adequate in the 1989 document. As a result, based on current demand and projections of future development, the City has concluded that the performance standard will continue to be met through Zone 7 buildout. 3. MITIGATION No special mitigation or financing mechanisms are required at this time. Payment of Carlsbad Municipal Sewer fees shall be required of all private development within Zone 7 prior to issuance of building permits. 4. CONDITIONS The following actions shall be pursued jointly by each sewer district to ensure adequate wastewater treatment capacity through the year 2006. 1. Monitor Encina treatment plant flows on a monthly basis to determine actual flow rates and to have an early warning of capacity problems. ZONE 7 LFMP 3 3 .AMENDMENT NO. f 1/15/02 m TV. FACILITY ADEQUACY UPDATE: " LOCALIZED FACILITIES pi m The following categories of Localized Public Facilities have been assessed for compliance with the LFMP performance standards. The analyses and results for the following facility categories are demonstrated in this chapter: A. Parks B. Drainage C Circulation D. Fire E. Open Space F. Schools G. Sewer Collection System H. Water Distribution System ZONE 7 LFMP 34 AMENDMENT NO. I 1/15/02 A. PARKS PERFORMANCE STANDARD Three acres of community park or special use area per 1,000 population within the Park District, must be scheduled for construction within a five year period. IL ADEQUACY ANALYSIS Park facilities are addressed on a Park District basis. There are four park districts which correspond to the four quadrants of the City. As shown on Exhibit H, Zone 7 is located within City of Carlsbad Park District 2, which encompasses the northeast quadrant of the City. A. Park District 2 Projected Demand Projected population and park demand for Park District 2 is as follows: Table IV-A: Park District Two Park Demand Park District 2 Existing (1/1/01) Buildout Projected D/U 4,597 8,978 Projected Population 10,655 20,810 Projected Park Demand (Acres) 31.96 62.43 ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. I 1/15/02 35 PARK DISTRICTS Northwest Quadrant - Park District 1 Northeast Quadrant - Park District 2 Southwest Quadrant - Park District 3 Southeast Quadrant - Park District 4 O VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK (FUTURE) ZONE7LFMP AMENDMENT NO. PLANNINGSYSTEMS CONSULT A'l T S PARK DISTRICTS EXHIBIT G 36 Projected population and park demand for the remaining years of Zone 7 buildout are shown on Table IV-B. This demand includes remaining Phase I development presently under construction, and maximum anticipated Phase II development: Table IV-B: Park District 2 Park Demand to Zone 7 Buildout Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 20053 DU Added (Zones 2, 7, 14, 15, & 25) 346 260 497 372 279 Population Added 801.9 602.6 1151.9 862.2 646.6 Population (Cumulative) 801.9 1404.53 2565.48 3427.70 4074.37 Zone 7 Park Demand (Cumulative Acres) 2.40 4.21 7.67 10.28 12.22 B.Park District 2 Inventory of Existing Park Facilities Existing Community Parks for Park District 2 are shown on Exhibit I. An inventory analysis of Park facility adequacy is demonstrated on the following tables: Table IV-C: Park District 2 Existing Community Park Facilities Community Park Calavera Hills Park Total Existing Park Supply Ownership City Size (Acres) 16.16 16.16 Park Credit? Yes Table IV-D: Park District 2 Existing Special Use Area Inventory Special Use Area Hope Elementary Skateboard Park Total Existing Special Use Area Supply Ownership CUSD City Size (Acres) 2.80 1.00 3.80 Park Credit? Yes Yes 3 Zone 7 buildout expected by end of 2005 ZONE 7 LFMP •AMENDMENT NO. 1 I/I5/02 37 II fl II II II II li Ei ii II II i 1 IS ii i 1 E i i l i CITY OF OCEANSIDE LARWIN (FUTURE) HOPE ELEMENTARY CALAVERA COMMUNITY PARK QUADRANT BOUNDARY SKATEBOARD PARK OJ CO ZONE 14 FLOATING BALLFIELDS (FUTURE) VETERAN'S MEMORIAL REGIONAL PARK NORTHEAST QUADRANT- PARK DISTRICT 2 COMMUNITY PARKS H Existing Community Park A Future Community Park Existing Special Use Area Future Special Use Area Future Community / Regional Park NOTE: ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE CONSULT t/N T S COMMUNITY PARKS EXHIBIT H Table IV-E: Park District 2 Existing Total Park Supply Park Facility Type Community Parks Special Use Areas ExistingTotal Park Supply Size (Acres) 16.16 3.80 19.96 C. Inventory of Future Park Facilities in Park District 2 Table IV-F: Park District 2 Future Parks Future Community Park Larwin Community Park Veterans Memorial (25 ac. credit each park district) Total Future Community Parks Ownership City City Size (Acres) ' 22.0 25.0 47.0 Park Credit? Yes No; Unfunded Table IV-G: Park District 2 Park Supply Credits Future Special Use Area Calavera Hills Park (Existing) Hope Elementary (Existing) Skateboard Park (Existing) Larwin Community Park Zone 14 Floating Ballfields Designation Total Size (Acres) 16.16 2.80 1.00 22.00 10.00 51.96 Table IV-H: Park District 2 Total Future Park Supply Park Type Community Park Special Use Area Total Future Park Supply Size (Acres) 47.0 15.0 62.2 ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. 1 1/15/02 39 C. City Budgeting The status of budgeting for construction of future park development is shown in the table below. The City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Unified School District Capital Improvement Programs 1999-2000 indicate that funding has been allotted for acquisition, design and construction of two of the future park facilities within the next 5 years. This funding allows these facilities to be credited toward the 5- year performance standard requirement, as follows: Table IV-I: Park District 2 Future Credited Parklands Park Facility Larwin Community Park Zone 14 Floating Ballfields Designation Veterans Memorial Park (25 ac. credit) Credited to meet 5-year Performance Standard Yes- 22.0 acres Yes- 10.0 acres No D. Demand/Supply Analysis Assuming the facilities identified in the inventory are scheduled and constructed as budgeted, and assuming the adopted residential phasing projections within Park District 2, the following is an anticipated park adequacy analysis for the Park District from the present time to buildout of Zone 7.4 4 A total of 6.158 acres of existing Phase II park credits from the original Calavera Community Park dedication are still accrued to Calavera Hills at this time. ZONE7LFMP 40 AMENDMENT NO. / 1/15/02 Table IV-J: Park District 2 Demand/Supply Analysis Year Exist. 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Park Dist 2 Cum. Pop. 10,655 11,457 12,060 13,211 14,074 14,883 Required Add'l. Park Ac. 2.40 1.80 3.45 2.59 2.43 Cum. Park Ac. Demand 31.96 34.37 36.18 39.63 42.22 44.64 Park Supply Credit Calavera Park Hope Elem. Skateboard Park Calavera Park Hope Elem. Skateboard Park Larwin Park Z14 Ballfields Calavera Park Hope Elem. Skateboard Park Larwin Park Z14 Ballfields Calavera Park Hope Elem. Skateboard Park Larwin Park Z14 Ballfields Calavera Park Hope Elem. Skateboard Park Larwin Park Z14 Ballfields Calavera Park Hope Elem. Skateboard Park Larwin Park Z14 Ballfields Park Supply Ac. 19.96 51.96 51.96 51.96 51.96 51.96 Park Ac. Surplus (12.00) 17.59 15.78 12.33 9.74 7.32 E.Conclusion Based upon the present information regarding City CIP budgeting for Park District 2 park facilities, Table IV-H demonstrates that Zone 7 is projected to maintain an adequate supply of Park facilities until the year 2004. At that time, additional funding for parksite acquisition and development within a 5-year timeframe will be necessary or residential development within Zone 7 will be stopped. m. MITIGATION As shown on Table IV-H, based upon present projections, Park District 2 park supply is projected to maintain an adequate supply of Park facilities through buildout of the zone. Parks adequacy shall be monitored by the City on a regular basis. Some of the parkland projected is based upon funded but not constructed parklands. In the event that this funding is rescinded or reallocated, replacement funding will be necessary, or development within Zone 7 will be stopped. ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. I 1/15/02 41 IV. SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. Parks adequacy shall be monitored by the City on a regular basis. No building permits for residential units shall be issued unless the Director of Community Development finds that adequate park facility funding is projected within Park District 2 to ensure performance standard adequacy within the 5-year period from the expected occupancy of the subject units. B. No Park in Lieu Fees are required for development within Zone 7 because 6.158 acres of park credits remain available as a result of the dedication of Calavera Community Park, and the maximum amount of required parkland for the 781 remaining dwelling units allowed pursuant to this Zone 7 LFMP results in only 5.4 acres of park demand. ZONE 7 LFMP 42 AMENDMENT NO. / I/I5/02 B. DRAINAGE PERFORMANCE STANDARD Drainage facilities must be provided as required by the City concurrent with development. H ADEQUACY ANALYSIS Zone 7 is located within two watersheds, the Buena Vista Creek watershed, which drains to the north, and the Agua Hedionda Creek watershed, which drains to the south. The general location of the separation line between these basins is demonstrated on Exhibit J. The 1989 Zone 7 LFMP analyzed drainage facility adequacy relative to the June, 1980 "Master Drainage Plan for the City of Carlsbad". Since this time, the City adopted a new drainage master plan, the City of Carlsbad Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan (1994). This plan establishes the present drainage system requirements to meet the long term needs of the city and is to be utilized in planning for future improvements. In addition, the City plans to revise the Master Drainage Fee structure to ensure that future Drainage Area Fees collected are sufficient to cover the improvements necessary, including the flood control detention basins and channel improvements planned downstream of Zone 7. As was indicated in the 1989 Zone 7 LFMP, drainage is distinguished from all other public facilities and improvements because, by its very nature, it is more accurately assessed as specific development plans are finalized. However facilities which serve as "trunk" connections, in that they are not internal to a specific development project, are identified in this document. A. Existing Facilities Drainage facilities presently exist and adequately serve the existing development within Zone 7. Major trunk lines exist to the west adjacent and parallel to Tamarack Avenue, and to the north, draining into Buena Vista Creek. Recently ZONE 7 LFMP 4 3 AMENDMENT NO. 1 1/15/02 BUENA VISTA CREEK WATERSHED f-sL) LEGEND iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii DRAINAGE BASIN BOUNDARY STORM DRAIN * CREEK FLOW LINE Dl RECTI ON OF FLOW DETENTION BASIN * SIZED AS NOTED AGUA HEDIONDA CREEK WATERSHE 0 N S U L T tSn T S DRAINAGE BASIN BOUNDARIES EXHIBIT I developed Villages Q, S and T drain primarily to the east, into an existing desiltation basin, and exiting into Calavera Creek. B.Buildout Facilities The proposed major drainage facilities for the ultimate buildout of Zone 7 include the 36-inch diameter trunk line within College Boulevard south (Master Drainage Facility BJA), to drain into the proposed detention Basin BJB within Zone 14. Other trunk facilities drain Villages X and Y westerly, into a pollution control basin, and onto the Robertson Ranch in Zone 14. Zone 7 eventually drains to the south, into Zone 14 on Robertson Ranch. Per the Master Drainage Plan, this drainage will flow into planned Detention Basin BJB, a large detention basin intended to control floodwater levels through the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park. Table IV-K and Exhibit J demonstrate the large-scale (trunk) drainage improvements that will be needed in conjunction with buildout of Zone 7 development. Table IV-K; Phase II - Trunk Drainage Improvements Storm Drain Facility College Blvd. Reach B Storm drain College Blvd. Reach C Storm drain Village K Desiltation Basin SDG&E Outlet Storm Drain Detention Basin BJB Location Within College Boulevard. Exits pollution control basin at southerly Calavera Hills property line, south on College Blvd. to Basin BJB From Village U to College Blvd. , south within College Blvd., exiting into Pollution control basin in southeast corner Village W. Drains Village K, exits into Village Q storm drain system at College Blvd. From Village Y, across SDG&E easement, through Village X. Includes pollution control basin on Village X. Drains into open space. Offsite, on northeast corner of future College Blvd. and Cannon Rd. intersection, within Zone 14. Villages Served U, W, X & Y U K X&Y E-l, K, R, U, W, X&Y NOTE: All other required storm drain facilities are onsite, internal drainage improvements which serve the individual villages only. ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. I 1/15/02 45 C. Demand /Supply Analysis - Mitigation 1. On-site The approach to phasing taken by this Local Facilities Management Plan is based upon ensuring that needed drainage facilities are in place prior to or commeasurate with development. The watershed boundaries shown on Exhibit I correlate with the natural drainage sub-basins of the Phase II area of the zone. Internal and downstream drainage facilities will be constructed as necessary in conjunction with the Phase II development. 2. Off-site (Detention Basin BJB) The City Engineer has determined that a downstream drainage control defficiency exists south of Zone 7. As a result, it will be necessary for the Zone 7 developer to provide a level of mitigation for the runoff that exits Zone 7 to the south into this deficient area. This mitigation includes installation of interim improvements of a portion of Basin BJB, of sufficient size and capacity that it will ensure no increase in Calavera Hills Phase n drainage runoff downstream of Basin BJB during the grading or developed stage of Zone 7. MITIGATION On-site Facilities. Existing drainage facilities comply with the performance standard for drainage adequacy for Zone 7. Future development within Calavera Hills Phase II will be required to construct major on-site drainage facilities as required by the City Engineer in order that compliance with the performance standard is maintained. Basin BIB. Construction of interim improvements of a portion of Basin BJB, of sufficient size and capacity that it will ensure no increase in Calavera Hills Phase II drainage runoff downstream of Basin BJB during the grading or developed stage of Zone 7, will be required. These interim improvements shall include the hard construction, (i.e. spillway and down drain) constructed to handle future flows. Land acquisition may be limited to the size necessary to accommodate Calavera Hills Phase II development. ZONE7LFMP 46 AMENDMENT NO. I 1/15/02 isting Deslttation Basin Master Drainage Facility "BJA LEGEND Illlllllllllllllllli Proposed Storm Drain Line LFMP Zone Boundary Phase II Development Areas Pollution Control Basin Regional Detention Basin "BJB" ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO.CONSULT Al T 5 DRAINAGE FACILITIES ~ EXHIBIT J 47 IV. SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. All future development in Zone 7 will be required to construct necessary future Zone 7 storm drain facilities, if any, identified in the current Drainage Master Plan dated March, 1994 as determined by the City Engineer. Any facilities necessary to accommodate future development must be guaranteed prior to the recordation of any final map, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, for any development requiring storm drain facilities in Zone 7. B. Prior to approval of the final map, or issuance of a grading permit, whichever occurs first for any subdivision or grading of Calavera Phase II, the developer shall: 1. Agree to abide by any fee increase (or decrease) adopted for the Local Drainage Area Fee by the City Council prior to payment or credit of that fee. 2. Enter into a secured agreement to financially guarantee the purchase of necessary property or easements for an interim facility, and install the first phase of improvements of an interim downstream Drainage Detention Basin BJB. This agreement may be satisfied through security and construction of interim improvements of a portion of Basin BJB, sufficient that it will ensure no increase in Calavera Hills Phase n drainage runoff downstream of Basin BJB during the grading or developed stage, as approved by the City Engineer. The interim improvements shall include the hard construction, (i.e. spillway and down drain) constructed to handle future flows. Land acquisition may be limited to the size necessary to accommodate Calavera Hills Phase II development. ZONE 7 LFMP 4 8 AMENDMENT NO. I i/15/02 C. CIRCULATION FACILITIES PERFORMANCE STANDARD No road segment or intersection in the zone nor any road segment or intersection out of the zone which is impacted by development in the zone shall be projected to exceed a service level C during off-peak hours, nor service level D during peak hours. Impacted means where twenty percent or more of the traffic generated by the Local Facility Management Zone will use the road segment or intersection. ADEQUACY ANALYSIS This analysis determines whether or not the circulation system within Zone 7 continues to conform in this updated LFMP to the adopted performance standard. The analysis also addresses all Circulation Element roads and intersections outside of Zone 7 impacted by 20 percent or more of the traffic generated in Zone 7 to ensure conformance with the standard. A. Circulation Element Roads Within Zone 7 The existing arterial system serving Zone 7 is shown on Exhibit K. At present, the eastern-most extent of Carlsbad Village Drive and the southernmost extent of College Boulevard end at the intersection between the two, located within the boundary of Zone 7. At City buildout, sections of the General Plan Circulation Element roadways listed in Table IV-L will be located within Zone 7: Table IV-L: Circulation Element Roads within Zone 7 Road Segment College Blvd.: North/south segment through Zone 7 Carlsbad Village Dr.: Western Zone 7 boundary to College Blvd. Tamarack Ave.: El Camino Real to Carlsbad Village Dr. Intersections Carlsbad Village Dr. @ Tamarack Ave. Carlsbad Village Dr. @ College Blvd. Classification Major Arterial (4 Lane) Secondary Arterial (2 to 4 Lane) Secondary Arterial (4 Lane) ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. / 1/15/02 49 II II II II II II II I] II II I i eno PLANNINGSYSTEMS HIGHWAY 78 LEGEND PRIME ARTERIAL - EXISTING MAJOR ARTERIAL - EXISTING SECONDARY ARTERIAL - EXISTING PRIME ARTERIAL - PROPOSED MAJOR ARTERIAL - PROPOSED SECONDARY ARTERIAL - PROPOSED CONSULT A^N T S L—T J I ARTERIAL CIRCULATION EXHIBIT K B. Identification of Impacted Road Segments and Intersections The street segments that are projected to be impacted by 20% or more of Phase n development of Zone 7 vehicular traffic are demonstrated on Table IV-L. These street segments and the Intersections that are impacted by 20% or greater are shown for Existing, projected Year 2000, Year 2005, and City Buildout conditions. These findings are demonstrated graphically on Exhibits M - P. The traffic circulation network and the projected impacts resulting from traffic generated from Zone 7 were analyzed by utilizing data from computer travel forecasts for the Year 2005 and buildout conditions from the City of Carlsbad and SANDAG. The SANDAG Cities/County Carlsbad Year 2020 Transportation Forecast was used for evaluation. This analysis addresses the impacts of traffic on existing and proposed road segments and intersections impacted by Phase II development in Zone 7. The study also proposes a mitigation plan to ensure conformance with the adopted performance standard through buildout of Zone 7. The purpose of this LEMP analysis is to evaluate impacted road segments and intersections serving Zone 7 and propose a mitigation plan if these facilities are determined to operate below the adopted performance, standard. This study assesses circulation adequacy at the: • Existing conditions • Year 2005 conditions • Buildout conditions (Year 2020) C. Existing Conditions The proposed Zone 7 LFMP amendment is a result of a proposed modification to the Calavera Hills Master Plan for Phase II of Calavera Hills. The existing ADT generated by Phase I (existing) is demonstrated in the table below. Table IV-M: Zone 7 Existing Trip Generation Village A, B, G, a T, L-l C,D,J,0,P-1 E-2,F I M,N S Land Use SFD MFD Park RV Storage Elem. School Jr. High Amount 829 DU 790 DU 16.0 AC 2 AC 11.1 AC 18.2 AC Trip Rate 10/DU 8/DU 25/AC NA 60/AC 40/AC TOTAL ADT 8,290 6,320 400 NA 666 728 16,404 The proposed Calavera Hills Phase II Master Plan Amendment reduces projected ADT by the amount demonstrated in the table below. ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. J 1/15/02 51 m m m m m m Table IV-N Trip Comparison Approved Calavera Phase II vs. Proposed Phase II Calavera Phase I and II Approved Master Plan Calavera Phase I and Proposed Phase II Less ADT Proposed Phase II 29,542 ADT 23.994 ADT 5,548 ADT The following table represents the existing (2000) levels of service for street segments (Table IV-O) and intersections (Table P) which are impacted by Zone 7 traffic. Pursuant to the requirements of the performance standard, impacted means that at least 20% of the Zone 7 traffic utilizes this street segment. Table IV-O: Zone 7 - 20% or Greater Impact Existing Street Segment Levels of Service (2000) STREET SEGMENT College Blvd. CVD - Lake Blvd. * Lake Blvd. SR-78 Carlsbad Village Dr. (CVD) ECR to Pontiac Pontiac to Tamarack Tamarack Ave - College Blvd. Tamarack Ave. ECR to CVD Lanes 4 6 4 2 4 4 Capacity 30,000 40,000 20,000 10,000 20,000 20,000 Volume 2,000 15,000 12,000 8,000 2,000 8,000 V/C** 0.06 0.21 0.17 0.20 0.03 0.12 LOS A A A A A A * Existing barricade in place at north City limit. ** V/C based on hourly volumes. Table IV-P: Zone 7 - 20% or Greater Impact Existing Intersection Levels of Service (2000) INTERSECTION (with barricade) College Blvd / Vista Way College Blvd / SR-78 EB Ramps College Blvd / Plaza Dr. College Blvd. / Lake Blvd. College Blvd. /CVD CVD / Tamarack CVD/ECR Tamarack /ECR ECR/College Blvd. City Jurisdiction Oceanside Oceanside Oceanside Oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad AM PEAK LOS A A A A A A B D A PM PEAK LOS B A A A A A B B B RESULTS: The two tables above conclude that under existing circumstances, no specific violations of the performance standard exist in locations wherein 20% or more of Zone 7 traffic is generated. As a result, no mitigation is necessary under existing circumstances. ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. / 1/15/02 52 II II II II II II II I 1 II 11 II II II II If II II 11 11 CnCo LEGEND ARTERIAL ROADWAY 20% IMPACTED EXISTING STREET SEGMENTS AND INTERSECTIONS SOURCE: URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. PLANNINGSYSTEMS CONSULT A^N T S 20% IMPACT EXISTING STREET SEGMENTS AND INTERSECTIONS EXHIBIT L •I tf D. Year 2005 Projections Projected traffic volumes and levels of service for street segments and intersections impacted by a minimum 20% of Zone 7 traffic for Year 2005 are as follows. The City of Carlsbad has indicated that the College Blvd. connection into Oceanside will remain barricaded until some future time. As shown on Exhibit O, it is assumed that this barricade will be eliminated sometime between the existing period and the year 2005. Table IV-Q: Year 2005 Projected Levels of Service Street Segment Levels of Service for 20% Minimum Se STREET SEGMENT College Blvd. Lake Blvd. to SR-78 CVD to Lake Blvd. Cannon - CVD Carlsbad Village Dr. (CVD) ECR to Pontiac Pontiac to Tamarack Tamarack Ave to College Blvd. Cannon Rd. College Blvd. to ECR Tamarack Ave. ECR to CVD (within Zone 7) Lanes 6 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 Volume 39,000 31,000 14,000 7,000 5,000 15,000 14,000 10,000 gments VIC* 0.37 0.42 '• 0.23 0.21 0.15 0.16 0.23 0.17 LOS A A A A A A A A * V/C based on hourly volumes Table IV-R: Year 2005 Projected Levels of Service Intersections - 20% or Greater Impact INTERSECTION College Blvd / Vista Way College Blvd / SR-78 EB Ramps College Blvd / Plaza Dr. College Blvd. / Lake Blvd. College Blvd. /CVD College Blvd. / Cannon Rd. College Blvd / ECR CVD/Tamarack City Jurisdiction Oceanside Oceanside Oceanside Oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad Carlsbad AM PEAK LOS B A A A A — C A PM PEAK LOS B A D B A —B A RESULTS: As shown on the above tables, according to the year 2005 analysis, it is projected that no street segments or intersections will fail to meet the adopted performance standard. ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. I 1/15/02 54 II I i II I i II II II II II II I 1 LEGEND Existing Street Future Street SOURCE: SAN DAG 1999 Traffic Flow Map, City of Carlsbad 1999 Traffic Monitoring Report Volumes Shown in Thousands _J CONSULT A/N T S EXISTING AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC VOLUMES (WITH BARRICADE ON COLLEGE BOULEVARD) EXHIBIT M I I I I I 1 I I NOTE: College Blvd. Connection Opened 2005 i LEGEND mmmmm ARTERIAL ROADWAY ono/ PERCENT OF PROJECT ZU /o TRAFFIC ON ROAD SEGMENT SOURCE: URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULT A^N T S YEAR 2005 CIRCULATION DISTRIBUTION EXHIBIT N Buildout Projections Projected traffic volumes and levels of service for street segments and intersections impacted by a minimum 20% of Zone 7 traffic at buildout are as shown below on Table IV-S and IV-T. Exhibit P graphically shows the traffic volumes projected at city buildout. Table IV-S: Buildout - Street Segment Levels of Service for 20% Minimum Impacted Segments STREET SEGMENT College Blvd. CVD - Lake Blvd. Lake Blvd. SR-78 Carlsbad Village Dr. (CVD) Tamarack Ave - College Blvd. Lanes 4 6 4 Volume 39,000 48,000 17,000 V/C 0.59 0.48 0.26 LOS A A A Table IV-T: Buildout Intersection LOS for 20% Minimum Intersections INTERSECTION (with barricade) CoUege Blvd / Vista Way College Blvd / SR-78 EB Ramps College Blvd / Plaza Dr. College Blvd. / Lake Blvd. College Blvd. /CVD CVD/Tamarack City Jurisdiction Oceanside Oceanside Oceanside Oceanside Carlsbad Carlsbad AM PEAK LOS B B A B A A PM PEAK LOS B C C C B A 3. MITIGATION Notwithstanding that the peak hour analyses listed above indicates acceptable levels of service for all the street segments and intersections through buildout of Zone 7, in order to insure that the increased traffic generated by the project does not contribute to a significant increase in traffic congestion and more specifically, a traffic safety hazard at the intersection of Tamarack Avenue and El Camino Real, the project proponent shall incorporate the following measures into the project construction scheduling. These measures will assure that the potential project impacts do not result in a violation of the performance standard: • Construction of traffic signals at warranted locations within the Zone 7 area; • Construction of College Boulevard south of Carlsbad Village Drive to Cannon Road (Reaches B and C) and construction of Reach 3 of Cannon Road linking College Boulevard and El Camino Real; • Participation in financing the proposed BTD No. 4. ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. / 1/15/02 57 II II II II II II II It II II I I II II II II I J LEGEND _•••• ARTERIAL ROADWAY ono/ PERCENT OF PROJECTzu /0 TRAFFIC ON ROAD SEGMENT SOURCE: URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC PLANNINGSYSTEMS C 0 N S U BUILDOUT CIRCULATION DISTRIBUTION EXHIBIT O While the restriping of the intersection of Tamarack Ave. and El Camino Real (ECR) will ensure an acceptable level of service for this intersection through buildout of the project, restriping should be considered an interim solution only. Restriping as proposed results in a non-standard lane configuration which reduces through movement capacity along Tamarack Avenue. In addition, due to the close proximity of La Portalada Dr. at Tamarack Ave., there is inadequate queuing space to accommodate the expected number of left-turn movements which will result in reduced capacity of the intersection. The permanent solution to ensure the proper functioning of the Tamarack Ave. and ECR intersection is the completion of the College Blvd. and Cannon Road linkage from CVD to ECR. 4. SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. Prior to approval of the first final map within Calavera Hills Phase n, the developer shall enter into a secured agreement financially guaranteeing the construction of College Blvd. from CVD to the future Cannon Rd., and either the construction of Cannon Rd. from College Blvd. to ECR or College Blvd. from future Cannon Rd. to ECR. Said improvements shall include improvement to major arterial standards of College Blvd. Reach C. College Blvd. Reach B and Cannon Rd. Reach 3 improvements shall include full width right-of-way, full width grading with two 18-foot travel lanes (one in each direction), on each side of a raised unimproved median, median curbs, outside asphalt curbing, drainage improvements necessary to protect the roadway grading, erosion control, necessary bridge structures and transition improvements at the arterial to arterial intersections. Construction/ grading on these improvements shall begin prior to issuance of the first future building permit within Zone 7. Building permits totalling no more than 2500 Phase II ADT will be allowed prior to completion of the above roadway improvements. Additional permits may be allowed subject to approval of the City Engineer based on substantial completion of the required road improvements. B. Prior to approval of the first individual village final map within Phase II of Calavera Hills, the developer shall enter into a secured agreement guaranteeing construction of the roadway transition improvements on Carlsbad Village Drive southwest of Village J, including provision of a left turn pocket onto Victoria Drive. Construction on these improvements shall begin prior to issuance of the first future building permit within Zone 7. C. An ongoing monitoring program will evaluate the aspects of improvements, development, and demand on circulation facilities. The required timing of improvements is based upon the projected demand of development in the zone and the surrounding region. This timing may be modified without amendment to this plan, however, any deletions or additions to the improvements will require amending this local plan. D. Prior to the construction of Cannon Rd. Reach 4, the City of Carlsbad shall receive approval of a conditional use permit from the City of Oceanside for the modification of the parking lot on the church property located immediately north of Reach 4 within the Oceanside city boundary. ZONE7LFMP 59 AMENDMENT NO. 1 1/15/02 D. FIRE FACILITIES 1. PERFORMANCE STANDARD No more than 1500 dwelling units outside of a five minute response time. 2. ADEQUACY ANALYSIS A. Existing Situation The 1989 Zone 7 LFMP concluded that a total of 127 dwelling units existed at that time outside the standard 5-minute response time from Fire Station No. 3 and No. 5. 126 of those units were located in the northern section of Zone 7, and 1 unit was within Zone 8. Since this time, the newly constructed Carlsbad Village Drive link between Glasgow Drive and College Boulevard has provided direct access to these previously-delayed Calavera Hills neighborhoods, and as a result, the entirety of Zone 7 is now located within the 5-minute response time for both the existing and future Fire Station #3 locations. The single unit in Zone 8 however, continues to be located beyond the 5-minute response time from existing fire stations, as follows (See Exhibit P): Table IV-U: Existing DU Beyond 5-Min. Zone 8 Total Existing 1 1 ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. 1 1/15/02 60 B. Analysis The City of Carlsbad plans to relocate existing Fire Station #3 (presently located at 3701 Catalina Drive) into central Zone 7 at the south-west corner of Carlsbad Village Drive and Glasgow Road. This relocation is anticipated in the 1999-2000 Capital Improvement Program to occur in 2004-2009. Even though the link of Cannon Road westerly of El Camino Real will be constructed in conjunction with the future development of Zone 8, the most westerly portion of this zone will be located beyond the 5 minute response time. It is projected that a maximum of 309 dwelling units within Zone 8 will be located beyond the alotted response time. C. Conclusion One dwelling unit presently exists beyond the 5-minute response time. At the time that Fire Station #3 is moved to Zone 7, and Zone 8 is developed, this number will increase to 309 units. This is well below the allowable 1500 dwelling unit performance standard for the city. All of Zone 7 is within the allowable standard under both the existing and future Fire Station #3 site locations. 3. MITIGATION The approved 1989 LFMP specified that no specific mitigation for Fire Facilities would be required. 4. SPECIAL CONDITIONS No special conditions. ZONE 7 LFMP 6 1 AMENDMENT NO. I 1/15/02 II II II II II II II I I I 1 f 1 tl II II II II ONNJ FIRE STATION #3 LEGEND EXISTING FIRE STATION BOUNDARY OF FIVE MINUTE RESPONSE TIME FOR F.S. #3 BOUNDARY OF FIVE MINUTE RESPONSE TIME FOR F.S. #5 FIRE STATION #5 One Dwelling Unit Outside of Five Minute Response Time in Zone 8 CONSULT t*H T S EXISTING FIRE RESPONSE TIME EXHIBIT P • i i i ii ii ii it ii i i r i 11 ii i i 2- FIRE STATION #3 FIRE STATION #1 LEGEND PROPOSED FIRE STATION BOUNDARY OF FIVE MINUTE RESPONSE TIME FOR F.S. #3 BOUNDARY OF FIVE MINUTE RESPONSE TIME FOR F.S. #1 BOUNDARY OF FIVE MINUTE RESPONSE TIME FOR F.S. #5 FIRE STATION #5 Maximum 309 Dwelling Units Outside of Five Minute Response Time in Zone 8 CONSULT fH T S FUTURE FIRE RESPONSE TIME EXHIBIT Q OPEN SPACE 1. PERFORMANCE STANDARD Fifteen percent of the total land area in the zone, exclusive of environmentally constrained non-developable land, must be set aside for permanent open space and must be available concurrent with development. 2. ADEQUACY ANALYSIS According to the Citywide Facilities and Improvement Plan, Zone 7 is already in compliance with the adopted performance standard throughout buildout of the zone. Therefore, as shown on Table IV-V below, since an increase in open space is proposed through implementation of the proposed General Plan Amendment/ Master Plan Amendment/LFMP Amendment, the open space standard will continue to be met, and no further analysis is required. Please see Exhibit R. Table IV-V; Phase II Natural OS Comparison 1989 Phase II Natural OS Preserve Acreage 2000 Phase II Natural OS Preserve Acreage Balance 140.5 ac. 166.5 ac. +26.0 ac. 3. MITIGATION None required. 4. SPECIAL CONDITIONS No special conditions. ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. I1/15/02 64 ii ii ii ii li ii ii ii r i ii 2:o ONCn CITY OF OCEANSIDE ZONE 25 \ VILLAGE H 'V*M \ VILLAGE \\ \ \ \_.. -A / VILLAGEV- —-s./ L ZONE 2 LEGEND - PERFORMANCE STANDARD OPEN SPACE PROPOSED OPEN SPACE TAKE PROPOSED OPEN SPACE ADDITIONS CONSULT Al T S PERFORMANCE STANDARD OPEN SPACE EXHIBIT R F. SCHOOL FACILITIES 1. PERFORMANCE STANDARD School capacity to meet the projected enrollment within the zone as determined by the appropriate school district must be provided prior to projected occupancy. 2. ADEQUACY ANALYSIS The Zone 7 LFMP is entirely within the Carlsbad Unified School District. Hope Elementary School and the future K-8 school on Village' S, presently exist within the Zone. The City of Carlsbad General Plan identifies approximate, and in cases where CUSD has already purchased property, precise locations for future school sites in order to meet projected growth of the city. This process involves responses from the District confirming the exact site locations at time of development. The General Plan and the Calavera Hills Master Plan identifies Village S as a future CUSD K-8 school. Acquisition of the site was completed by CUSD in April 1999. In addition, a 57 acre future high school site in Zone 15 is presently owned by CUSD. Also, a "floating" future elementary school site is designated within Zone 14. See Exhibit T for the general location of existing and future School facilities. 3. MITIGATION A. Transfer of title from the Calavera Hills Phase n developer to CUSD, which will allow the school district to build the facilities necessary to ensure satisfaction of the performance standard in Zone 7 has occurred. B. In April of 1994, Carlsbad Unified School District formed CFD No. 3 to finance future school facilities. It is anticipated that as properties develop, they will annex into the district. City and School District policies dictate that this will ensure satisfaction of the school facilities performance standard. ZONE 7 LFMP 66 AMENDMENT NO. I 1/15/02 4. SPECIAL CONDITIONS All Zone 7 Phase II residential land has been annexed into CUSD CFD No. 3 , except Village E-l. In addition, the Phase II developer has transferred title of Village S to the District, which will allow the school district to build the facilities necessary to ensure satisfaction of the performance standard. As a result, CUSD has agreed to provide a will-serve letter for 702 units of Zone 7 residential development. Due to the pending rezone to residential of Village E-l, the developer of Village E-l shall annex the property into CFD No. 3, or shall agree to an alternative mitigation to school facilities impacts as approved by CUSD, prior to the issuance of the first building permit for Village E-l. No other school facilities conditions are necessary. ZONE7LFMP 67 AMENDMENT NO. J 1/15/02 BUENA VISTA ELEMENTARY • CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL • HOPE ELEMENTARY PROPOSED K-8 SCHOOL PROPOSED ELEMENTARY PROPOSED HIGH SCHOOL VALLEY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL KELLY ELEMENTARY PROPOSED ELEMENTARY 14 x 15 CARLSBAD UNIFIED\ SCHOOL Amt>r.~ DISTRICT \~SANMARCOS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ENCINITAS UNION *""' ELEMENTARY 11 PACIFIC RIM ELEMENTARY LEGEND T;NG SCHOOLS ELEMENTARY JUNIOR HIGH HIGH SCHOOL AVIARA OAKS ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOLS PROPOSED SCHOOLS ELEMENTARY K-8 SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL NOTE: ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE ZONE7LFMP AMENDMENT NO, I CONSULT Al T S SCHOOLS EXHIBITS 68 G. SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM 1. PERFORMANCE STANDARD Trunk-line capacity to meet demand as determined by the appropriate sewer district must be provided concurrent with development. 2. ADEQUACY ANALYSIS A. Existing Interceptor Trunk Lines Zone 7 is located within the City of Carlsbad sewer service area. As shown on Exhibit T, three existing major sewer interceptors presently serve the zone as follows: 1. Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor (VC), which serves the northern section of Zone 7, and travels along Buena Vista Creek to the Buena Vista Lift Station at Jefferson St. and Hwy. 78, through Carlsbad to the Encina Facility. The northwesterly segment of Zone 7 (Zone 7A) will be served by this line in the future. 2. North Agua Hedionda Interceptor (NAHI) which travels from the future intersection of El Camino Real and Cannon Road, along the north shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon to the Foxes Landing Lift Station. This Station pumps the sewage up and across 1-5 into a gravity interceptor which joins the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor, and travels to the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. The southwesterly segment of Zone 7 (Zone 7B)is served by this line. 3. South Agua Hedionda Trunk Interceptor (SAHT2) which travels southerly through Zone 14, along the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park, to El Camino Real. This line has been completed and is fully operational, however its ultimate tie-in to SAHT1 along the south shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon has not yet been installed, as indicated below. Sewage in this line presently is directed temporarily into the NAHI line just west of El Camino Real. ZONE 7 LFMP 6 9 AMENDMENT NO. 1 1/15/02 BUENA VISTA LIFT STATION SIMSBERRY LIFT STA VILLAS LIFT STAT CALAVERA HILLS RECLAMATION PLANT WOODSTOCK LIFT STATION LANDING LIFT STATION \ \ ENCINA WATER POLLUTION VCis\ CONTROL FACILITY 20 AGUA HEDIONDA LIFT STATION LEGEND EXISTING SEWER FACILITIES LIFT STATION NOTE: ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE ZONE7LFMP AMENDMENT NO. f CONSULT ATM T 5 EXISTING SEWER INTERCEPTOR LINES EXHIBIT T 70 B. Future Interceptor Line The South Agua Hedionda Trunk Interceptor (SAHI) east of El Camino Real (SAHT1) will travel along the south shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon to a lift station to be located on Kelly Ranch in Zone 8, westerly within Cannon Road to the Encina Wastewater Facility. Funding has not been set for SAHI , however it is slated for completion in 2003. C. Sewer Service to Zone 7 Sewer service to Zone 7 has included a number of master plan sewer options since the Calavera Hills Master Plan was first approved in 1978. The original plan for sewer service was to have an onsite treatment plant. This plant was constructed in the southwest corner of Zone 7 and was to serve the entire zone. The plant is still in place. The City however, has since elected not to start up this plant and to treat all the sewage generated by the project at the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility . On an interim basis, the wastewater generated by the existing portion of Zone 7 is being conveyed to the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility through the North Agua Hedionda Interceptor System, discussed above. The current Sewer Master Plan for the City of Carlsbad calls for the undeveloped portions of Zone 7 to be sewered to. the future South Agua Hedionda Interceptor System. Portions of this system have been constructed but the SAHI lift station and force main, to be constructed within Zone 8, has not. The pump station is currently undergoing siring analysis, and environmental review and Coastal Commission compliance analysis. This lift station and the other portions of the SAHI may or may not be completed in its permanent form prior to the need for additional Zone 7 development. The City of Carlsbad has recently monitored the wastewater flows through the NAHI to determine its current remaining capacity. The results conclude that the NAHI limiting point is the Foxes Landing Lift Station, which, upon completion of its recent upgrade - in Summer, 2001, will have a peak flow capacity of 4.32 mgd. Using this information, and assuming 220gpd/EDU and a Sewer Master Plan peaking factor of 2.25, the NAHI will be able to convey flow from a total of 8,727 EDU (4.32 x 106/(220 x 2.25) = 8,272). During wet weather conditions, the peaking factor may be assumed to be a more conservative 2.5, resulting in a 7,854 EDU total as the maximum number to connect to the NAHI. The total of the present combined NAHI existing and committed development totals 5,851 EDU, based on field flow measurements. Using this information, the remaining number of sewer connections that can be diverted to NAHI is: ZONE 7 LFMP 7 1 AMENDMENT NO. 1 1/15/02 BUILDOUT SEWER FACILITIES FOR ZONE 7A BUENA VISTA : LIFT STATION AGUA LIFT STATION LEGEND ^—• EXISTING SEWER FACILITIES ............ BUILDOUT FACILITIES • LIFT STATION NOTE: ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE ENCINA WATER POLLUTION VCi5 \ CONTROL FACILITY 20\ ZONE7LFMP AMENDMENT NO. I CONSULT AAl T S BUILDOUT SEWER FACILITIES - 7A EXHIBIT U 72 BUILDOUT SEWER FACILITIES FOR ZONE 7B FOXES LANDING LIFT STATION NAH5 AQUA HEDIONDA LIFT STATION LEGEND EXISTING SEWER FACILITIES LIFT STATION NOTE: ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE ZONE7LFMP AMENDMENT NO. Qfo&7 : '0 N S U L T vfc T S BUILDOUT SEWER FACILITIES - 7B EXHIBIT V 73 BUILDOUT SEWER FACILITIES FOR ZONE 70 \ % \ OMH I <f^Ljf C13\ \ „.»•• •».„.»••"S* % « «**--— - •—\ 15 XSAHT2 SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA^?1 IPT QTATIflM v' \ \ .-V "\ X"\ 8 s -^ LEGEND ^\ \ A \ * ; \f<l \ — EXISTING SEWER FACILITIES "" BUILDOUT FACILITIES D LIFT STATION NOTE: ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE 20 \ ZONE7LFMP AMENDMENT NO. I fy**? CONSULT A/) f~S BUILDOUT SEWER FACILITIES - 7C EXHIBIT W Table IV-W: NAHI Diversion Capacity NAHI Capacity Existing and Committed Connections Remaining Available Capacity Near-term Proposed Projects Zone 7 Calavera Hills Phase H Kelly Ranch Core The Terraces (residential only) TOTAL 7,854 EDU 5,851 EDU 2,003 EDU 783 EDU 647 EDU 230 EDU 1,660 EDU As a result of the analysis resulting in Table IV-W, it has been determined that the remaining NAHI capacity is sufficient to handle the proposed development projects listed above, including the Zone 7 Calavera Hills Phase n development. D. Zone 7 On-Site Trunk Lines On-site sewage collection trunk line requirements are as follows: Table IV-X: Phase II - Trunk Sewer Improvements Sewer Line College Blvd. Reach B Sewer Line College Blvd. Reach C Sewer Line Village X Sewer Line Location Within College Blvd. Reach B right-of-way. Within College Blvd. Reach C right-of-way. From Village Y, through Village X, to College Bl. Villages Servedu, w,x &Y U X Funding Devel. Devel. Devel. Est Cost $150,000 $120,000 $175,000 E. Off-site Improvements Even though sufficient capacity exists within the NAHI to accommodate buildout of Zone 7, the ultimate plan is that this sewage will be conveyed through the SAHI. As a result, the Zone 7 developments must contribute to the funding for the SAHI improvements. To accomplish this, the City is conducting a re-analysis of the Sewer Benefit Fee to determine whether sufficient funds will be deposited to enable the SAHI to be completed. To this end, the Zone 7 developer must agree to pay any fee increase (or decrease) adopted for the Local Sewer Benefit Fee by the City Council prior to payment of that fee. In addition, the Zone 7 Sewer Benefit Fees shall be paid up-front with each final map for an individual village. These funds will be utilized by the City for installation of the SAHI force main and sewer lift station. ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. JI/I5/02 75 LEGEND Illlllllll Proposed Eight-Inch Sewer Line LFMP Zone Boundary I <'^"",' '-•'"{ 7*1 Phase II Development Areas ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. 1 CONSULT Proposed Eight-Inch Sewer Line Direction of Flow Existing SAHT2C Sewer Line SEWER FACILITIES LH~ EXHIBIT X 76 3. SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. GENERAL CONDITION Prior to the recordation of the final map, or issuance of a grading permit, whichever occurs first for any subdivision or grading of Calavera Phase II, the developer shall agree to abide by any fee increase (or decrease) adopted for the Local Sewer Benefit Fee by the City Council prior to payment of that fee. Sewer Benefit Fees shall be paid with each building permit. Such funds will be utilized by the City for installation of the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer (SAH) system that includes gravity sewer pipelines, a sewage lift station and force main. . Until this SAHI system is completed, temporary diversion of Zone 7 sewage into the North Agua Hedionda Interceptor line will be allowed. The City reserves the right to stop issuance of Zone 7 building permits if a physical inspection of the NAFfl determines that sewage capacity of the NAffl has been reached. No building permits will be issued if the City Engineer determines that there is inadequate capacity in the NAffl system. B. ZONE 7A. Development within Zone 7A shall tie into existing sewer trunk facilities as required by the City . C. ZONE 7C. Prior to the issuance of certificates of occupancy for units that will flow towards College Blvd. within Villages U, W, X or Y, an off-site sewage trunk line, within or parallel to College Blvd., from the southerly limits of Zone 7 to reach SAHT2C must be provided. pi M ZONE 7 LFMP 7 7 AMENDMENT NO. I 1/15/02 H. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 1. PERFORMANCE STANDARD Line capacity to meet demand, as determined by the appropriate water district, must be provided concurrent with development. A minimum ten day average storage capacity must be provided prior to develop- ment. 2. ADEQUACY ANALYSIS Water distribution facilities to Zone 7 are provided by Carlsbad Municipal Water District. No distribution line changes to the water facility analysis and conclusions of the 1989 Zone 7 LFMP will be necessary as a result of the proposed land use redistribution which is generating this LFMP Amendment. The adopted Zone 7 LFMP indicates that, with the mitigation identified, Water Facilities would meet the adopted performance standard through buildout of Zone 7. On-site water improvements will be somewhat different than originally planned, primarily due to the inclusion of the habitat corridor through the center of the zone. On-site water facility improvements are projected as follows: 3. MITIGATION The construction of regional water facilities will be funded by CMWD. Contribution to these facilities is made through developer payment of Water Fees. Local on-site facilities will be funded by developers in conjunction with development. On-site water distribution improvements will be installed substantially as shown on Table IV-X. ZONE 7 LFMP /AMENDMENT NO. / 1/15/02 Table IV-Y; Phase II - Trunk Water Improvements Water Line 12" 580 pressure line 16" 446 pressure line (HG 446) Location Within College Boulevard Reach C. Stubs to Villages UandY. Within College Boulevard Reach B Villages W and X Villages Served U&Y W&X Funding Devel. Devel. Est Cost $85,000 $400,000 NOTE: All other required water facilities are onsite, internal water lines which serve the individual villages only. Water Lines that the City may desire to be installed in College Blvd. Reach B and Cannon Road Reach 3 in conjunction with development of Zone 7, and are all subject to reimbursement pursuant to a reimbursement agreement.: 1. The HG 375 domestic line in Cannon Road Reach 3 to be installed only where ultimate curb to curb improvements are proposed. 2. The HG-490 domestic line in College Blvd. Reach B to be installed only where ultimate curb to curb improvements are proposed. 3. The recycled water lines in Cannon Road Reach 3 and College Blvd. Reach B, and the pump station near the southern boundary of Zone 7. 4. The normally closed valve shown between the HG-580 and the HG- 446 may be installed within College Blvd. or in the access road that connects Zone 7 Village X and Village Y. 3. SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. Water facilities will be provided concurrent with development to the satisfaction of CMWD. B. All future development in Zone 7 shall be required to provide any recycled water facilities identified in the Water Reclamation Master Plan Phase n as determined by the City Engineer. Any water reclamation facilities necessary to accommodate the approved development must be guaranteed prior to the recordation of the applicable final map, issuance of grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first for any future project in Zone 7. C. The future development in Zone 7 does not require any potable water facilities to be constructed outside the boundaries of Zone 7. It may be CMWD's desire to construct all or portions of the offsite facilities shown in Exhibit Y, and discussed above. If CMWD determines that these improvements are desirable, they will be financed through a CMWD-developer reimbursement agreement. ZONE7LFMP -AMENDMENT NO. / 1/J5/02 79 LEGEND ••••••• Proposed High Pressure Water Line Illlllllll Proposed Low Pressure Water Line LFMP Zone Boundary HG 446 and 580 High Pressure Water Lines HG580 To Connect to the Existing "The Cape Neighborhood HG 446 Low Pressure Water Line HG 490 Low Pressure Water Line and HG 384 Reclaimed Water Line HG 375 Low Pressure Water Line and HG 384 Reclaimed Water Line ;,' , Phase II Development Areas ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. 1 Note: Any water facilities constructed outside of Zone 7 will be financed through a City - Developer reimbursement agreement with the City. WATER FACILITIES EXHIBIT YCONSULT fft 1 S 80 V. FACILITY FINANCING As required by the City of Carlsbad Growth Management Ordinance (Carlsbad Municipal Code Sec. 21.90.110), this chapter contains a financing plan for the construction of facilities and improvements identified by the Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) as required to serve new development in Zone 7. A. FINANCING MECHANISM AND GUARENTEE Mechanisms used to finance the construction of major improvements are described below, along with the "financing guarentee" required by the Growth Management Program. 1. City of Carlsbad Community Facilites District No. 1 In 1991 the City of Carlsbad established this district to finance the construction of citywide facilities including a new library, addition to an existing library, a City Hall complex, city office and warehouse facilities, Marcario Canyon Park improvements, major street improvements, and major bridge and overpass facilities. Guarantee. Annexation to City of Carlsbad CFD No. 1 and payment of special taxes levied by the district constitute the financing guarantee for facilities funded by the district. Properties in Zone 7 (Calavera Hills Master Plan area) have been a part of this district since its formation in 1991. 2. Development Impact Fees In addition to CFD No. 1, the City of Carlsbad has established a number of fee programs to find a capital improvement program, including some of the facilities required to serve developments in Zone 7. They are Park In-Lieu Fee, Planned Local Drainage Fee, Public Facility Fee, Sewer Benefit Area Fee, Sewer Capacity Fee, Traffic Impact Fee, and Water Service Connection Fee. In some cases, payment of one or more of these fees satisfies the financing guarantee of a needed improvement. In other cases, fees collected by the City provide the source of reimbursement to the developer constructing the improvement. ZONE 7 LFMP 81 AMENDMENT NO. J 1/15/02 Guarantee. If a facility, which is planned to be funded from an existing fee program, has already been constructed, or if it will be constructed in a timely manner, as determined by the City Engineer, to serve a given development in Zone 7, the financing guarantee consists of payment of the applicable fee, generally at issuance of building permit. If a facility to be funded from a fee program will not be constructed in a timely manner, another financing mechanism must be identified on an interim basis (for example, developer funding), with reimbursement for the applicable fee program. 3. Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 4 or other financing district The City of Carlsbad plans to establish a financing district to fund the cost of constructing (1) College Boulevard from its existing terminus southerly to El Camino Real and (2) Cannon Road from El Camino Real to College Boulevard, together with storm drains and other improvements. The Engineer's Report for the district will describe facilities to be constructed, the cost of improvements, and a method of allocating the cost through fees imposed on benefited properties. If a developer constructs a facility included in the district at a cost which exceeds the financing district fees payable, then he will be reimbursed the difference from fees collected from other owners or developers in the district. Guarantee. As a financing mechanism, a bridge and thoroughfare district (BTD) or other financing district requires a guarantee similar to that of a development impact fee program. If a facility has been constructed, or will be constructed in a timely manner, then the financing guarantee consists of payment of the BTD fee. If the facility will not be constructed in a timely manner, then an interim financing mechanism must be identified, such as developer funding. If a developer constructs a facility included in the BTD, then he will be credited (i.e., payment is not required up to) the amount of BTD Fees payable for the development and will be reimbursed from the BTD the cost of improvement in excess of the fee credit. 4. Developer Funding Under this method, the developer will fund and construct the required facility prior to or concurrent with project development. Facilities to be funded in this way are those which normally would be imposed as conditions of approval of a tentative map under the City's development review process. Guarantee. If an improvement is to be funded by the developer, either the improvement must be constructed, or an improvement agreement must be provided by the developer, prior to the recordation of a final map for the development requiring the improvement. The improvement agreement must be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The improvement agreement must be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bond, cash, irrevocable instrument or letter of credit, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney. ZONE7LFMP 82 AMENDMENT NO. / 1/15/02 B. REIMBURSEMENT MECHANISM If a facility is required to serve other developments in addition to those in LFM Zone 7, then the developer of the facility is entitled to reimbursement. Mechanisms used to reimburse costs allocable to other developments include the following: 1. City-Developer Reimbursement Agreement If a facility is funded from an existing public financing program, such as a CFD, BTD, or development impact fee program, and if it is necessary for the developer to advance funds for construction, then the City and the developer shall enter into a reimbursement agreement, which identifies costs to be reimbursed, source or sources of reimbursement, and the process and timing of reimbursement. 2. Private Reimbursement Agreement If a facility is not included in an existing public financing program and is needed to serve multiple developments, including those outside LFM Zone 7, the City will impose as a condition of approval on all such developments the requirement to construct the facility. The City will cooperate in executing a reimbursement agreement by the affected developers, so that the developer of the improvement will obtain reimbursement of costs which are allocable to other developers. The reimbursement agreement shall be recorded against the titles of participating properties, and a copy of the recorded document shall be provided to the City of Carlsbad Planning Department. C COORDINATION WITH FINANCING PLANS OF OTHER ZONES Per the Growth Management Ordinance, financing plans for other Local Facilities Management Zones which require one or more of the improvements described here shall be coordinated with the financing plan for LFM Zone 7. However, coordination shall not necessarily mean identical financing mechanisms. D. TIMING OF DEVELOPMENT This financing plan is based on the assumption that development in LFM Zone 7 will precede other zones which require some of the same improvements. If development in those zones precede Zone 7 and if this financing plan does not describe an optional financing mechanism for such a scenario, then this plan will be amended as needed. E. FINANCING METHODS FOR LFMP IMPROVEMENTS Included below are a summary table of financing methods for all improvements described in LFM Plan for Zone 7 and detailed tables for improvements identified in special conditions of the plan. ZONE 7 LFMP 8 3 AMENDMENT NO. / 1/15/02 II II II II II II II I 1 I I II II II t I II EXHIBIT Z ZONE 7 SUMMARY OF FINANCING METHODS VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT E-l H K L-2 U W City Administrative facilities City of Carlsbad CFD No. 1 and Public Facility Fee Program Library Facilities City of Carlsbad CFD No. 1 and Public Facility Fee Program Wastewater Treatment Facilities Sewer Fee Program Parks Park-in-Lieu and Public Facility Fee Programs Drainage Trunk SD in College Blvd. Reach B (BJA) Trunk SD in College Blvd. Reach C Village K Desiltation Basin SDG&E Outlet Storm Drain Detention Basin BJB Master Drainage Fee Developer Funding Developer Funding Interim Improvements - Developer Funding/Master Drainag^ Fee City of Carlsbad Fin. Di£ t City of Carlsbad Fin. Dis t Public Facility Fee Program Developer Land Dedication CUSD CFD No. 3 SBA Fee Proeram Sewer Benefit Area (SBA) Fee Pro Developer Funding Developer Funding Developer Funding oo Circulation Facilities College Blvd. Reach C College Blvd. Reach B & Cannon Rd. Reach 3 Fire Facilities Open Space School Facilities Sewer Collection System Upgrade Sewer NAHI1A along Tamarack Ave. Connecting Line SAHT2C to NAHI SAH sewer lift station and force main Trunk Sewer in College Blvd. Reach B Trunk Sewer in College Blvd. Reach C Village X Sewer Line Water Distribution System 12" High Pressure Line (HG 580) 16" Low Pressure Line (HG 466) Water sytem outside Zone 7 (as required) ^^ _ra>raiimt; j™,™™*. Developer Funding City-Developer Reimbursement Agreement F.DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Table V-A: Trunk Storm Drain in College Blvd. Reach B Drainage Improvement Condition Trunk storm drain in College Blvd. Reach B (Master Drainage Facility BJA) Estimated cost Participating villages Financing Mechanism Financing Guarantee Reimbursement $330,000 U, W, X, Y 1. Master Drainage Fee 2. BTD No. 4 or other financing district 3. Developer funding 1. Payment of BTD Fee 2. Condition of tentative map approval; improvement agreement If developer advances funds for construction, then reimbursement from BTD No. 4 and Master Drainage Fee Program Financing Mechanism The first option is to construct the facility with funds collected by The Master Drinage Fee fund. As a second option, if the facility has not been constructed, the developer of a village requiring this facility shall construct the improvement and receive payment from the BTD # 4 account or receive credit against Drainage Fees. Financing Guarantee Under the first option, payment of the BTD No. 4 fee satisfies the financing guarantee. Under the second option, the improvement shall be constructed, or an improvement agreement shall be provided by the development requiring such improvement. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070 of the Carlsbad Muncipal Codes: surety bond, cash irrevocable instrument or letter of credit, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney. No final maps in villages requiring this improvement may be recorded until a financial guarantee, acceptable to the City has been provided. Reimbursement If the second option is used, the developer shall be reimbursed for the cost of this improvement in accordance with the Engineer's Report for the District and a reimbursement agreement to executed between the City and the developer. ZONE7LFMP -AMENDMENT NO. I 1/15/02 85 Table V-B: Trunk Storm Drain in College Blvd. Reach C Drainage Improvement Condition Trunk storm drain in College Blvd. North (Reach C) Estimated Cost Participating Village Financing Mechanism Financing Guarantee Reimbursement $205,000 U 1. Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 4 or other financing district 2. Developer funding 1. Payment of BID Fee 2. Condition of tentative map approval; improvement agreement If developer advances funds for construction, then reimbursement from BTD No. 4 Financing Mechanism The first option is to construct the facility with funds collected by BTD No. 4. As a second option, if the facility has not been constructed, the developer of a village requiring this facility shall construct the improvement. Guarantee Under the first option, payment of the BTD No. 4 fee satisfies the financing guarantee. Under the second option, the improvement shall be constructed, or an improvement agreement shall be provided by the developer, prior to the recordation of a final map for the village or development requiring such improvement. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The improvment agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bond, cash, irrevocable instrument or letter of credit, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney. No final maps in villages requiring this improvement may be recorded until a financial guarantee for this improvement, acceptable to the Financial Director and City Attorney, has been provided to the City. Reimbursement If the second option is used, the devloper shall be reimbursed for the cost of this improvement in accordance with the Engineer's Report for the District and a reimbursement agreement to be executed between the City and the developer. ZONE 7 LFMP 8 6 AMENDMENT NO. / 1/15/02 Table V-C; Village K Desiltation Basin Drainage Improvement Condition Village K desiltation basin Estimated cost Participating Village Financing Mechanism Guarantee Reimbursement $25,000 K Developer funding Condition of tentative map approval; improvement agreement None Financing Mechanism If not already constructed, the developer of a village requiring this facility shall construct the improvement. Guarantee The improvement described above shall be constructed, or an improvement agreement shall be provided by the developer, prior to the recordation of a final map for the village or development requiring such improvement. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bond, cash, irrevocable instrument or letter of credit, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney. No final maps in villages requiring this improvement may be recorded until a financial guarantee for this improvement, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney, has been provided to the City. ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. / 1/15/02 87 Table V-D: SDG&E Outlet Storm Drain m Drainage Improvement Condition Estimated cost Participating Villages Financing Mechanism Guarantee Reimbursement SDG&E outlet storm drain $230,000 X,Y Developer funding Condition of tentative map approval; improvement agreement None Financing Mechanism If not already constructed, the developer of a village requiring this facility shall construct the improvement. Guarantee The improvement described above shall be constructed, or an improvement agreement shall be provided by the developer, prior to the recordation of a final map for the village or development requiring such improvement. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bond, cash, irrevocable instrument or letter of credit, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney. No final maps in villages requiring this improvement may be recorded until a financial guarantee for this improvement, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney, has been provided to the City. ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. I 1/15/02 88 Table V-E: Detention Basin BJB Drainage Improvement Condition Detention Basin BJB Estimated cost Participating Villages Financing Mechanism Guarantee Reimbursement $870,000; Excludes ROW or easement costs. Interim improvements cost unknown. U, W, X and Y Developer funding of interim improvements. City funding of balance of improvements. Condition of tentative map approval; improvement agreement Master Drainage Fees or BID #4 fees (environmental mitigation) may occur. Financing Mechanism The developer of Zone 7 Calavera Hills Phase II shall construct the interim improvements. The balance of the improvements shall be installed at a later date by the City. The City may use the Drainage Area Fee fund (based on updated fees) and/or FEMA grants and other available funding. Reimbursement to the developer or sharing in costs with other funds may occur in order that this regional facility is installed. Guarantee The interim improvement described above shall be constructed, or an improvement agreement shall be provided by the developer, prior to the recordation of a final map for the village or development requiring such improvement. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bond, cash, irrevocable instrument or letter of credit, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney. No final maps in Zone 7 may be recorded until a financial guarantee for this improvement, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney, has been provided to the City. ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. / 1/15/02 89 G. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENTS Table V-F: College Blvd. from CVD to South Boundary Zone 7 m Circulation Improvement Condition 3.a Estimated Cost Participating Villages Financing Mechanism Guarantee Reimbursement College Blvd. from Carlsbad Village Dr. to the south boundary of Zone 7 (Reach C) $5,900,000 U, W, X, Y 1. Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 4 2. Developer funding 1. Payment of BTD Fee 2. Condition of tentative map approval; improvement agreement If developer advances\funds for construction, then reimbursement from BTD No. 4 Financing Mechanism The first option is to construct the facility with funds collected by BTD No. 4. As a second option, if the facility has not been constructed, the developer of a village requiring this facility shall construct the improvement. Financing Guarantee Under the first option, payment of the BTD No. 4 fee satisfies the financing guarantee. Under the second option, the improvement shall be constructed, or an improvement agreement shall be provided by the developer, prior to the recordation of a final map for the village or development requiring such improvement. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The improvment agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bond, cash, irrevocable instrument or letter of credit, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney. No final maps in villages requiring this improvement may be recorded until a financial guarantee for this improvement, acceptable to the Financial Director and City Attorney, has been provided to the City. Reimbursement If the second option is used, the developer shall be reimbursed for the cost of this improvement in accordance with the Engineer's Report for the District and a reimbursement agreement to be executed between the City and the developer. ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. / 1/15/02 90 Table V-G: College Blvd. from Zone 7 to Cannon Rd. & Cannon to ECR Circulation Improvement Condition 5.a College Blvd. from the southerly boundary of Zone 7 to Cannon Rd. (Reach B) and Cannon Rd. from College Blvd. to El Camino Real (Reach 3) Estimated Cost Participating Villages Financing Mechanism Guarantee Reimbursement $7,800,000 (does not include right-of-way costs) U, W, X, Y 1. Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 4 2. Development funding 1. Payment of BID Fee 2. Condition of tentative map approval; improvement agreement If developer advances funds for constructions, then reimbursement from BTD No. 4 Financing Mechanism The first option is to construct the facility with funds collected by BTD No. 4. As a second option, if the facility has not been constructed, the developer of a village requiring this facility shall construct the improvement. Financing Guarantee Under the first option, payment of the BTD No. 4 fee satisfies the financing guarantee. Under the second option, the improvement shall be constructed, or an improvement agreement shall be provided by the developer, prior to the recordation of a final map for the village or development requiring such improvement. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The improvment agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bond, cash, irrevocable instrument or letter of credit, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney. No final maps in villages requiring this improvement may be recorded until a financial guarantee for this improvement, acceptable to the Financial Director and City Attorney, has been provided to the City. Reimbursement If the second option is used, the devloper shall be reimbursed for the cost of this improvement in accordance with the Engineer's Report for the District and a reimbursement agreement to be executed between the City and the developer. If any cost of the improvement is not reimbursed by the proposed Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 4, the City will cooperate in executing a reimbursement agreement between the developer and owners and developers of other projects which require construction of this improvement as a condition of development approval. ZONE 7 LFMP 9 1 AMENDMENT NO. I 1/15/02 H. SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Table V-H: Sewer Interceptor Reach NAHT1A Sewer Improvement Condition Sewer interceptor reach NAHT1A along Tamarack Ave. Estimated Cost Participating Villages Financing Mechanism Guarantee Reimbursement E-1,H 1. Sewer Benefit Area Fee Program (Benefit Area B) 2. Development funding of proportionate share of improvement cost 1. Payment of Sewer Benefit Area Fee 2. Secured funding commitment If developer advances funds for constructions, then reimbursement from Sewer Benefit Area Fee Fund Financing Mechanism The first option is to construct the facility with Sewer Benefit Fee Area B funds. As a second option, if the facility has not been constructed, the developer of a village requiring this facility shall fund its proportionate share of the improvement cost. Both the improvement cost and the share applicable to the participating village shall be established by the City Engineer. Financing Guarantee Under the first option, payment of the Sewer Benefit Area Fee satisfies the financing guarantee. Under the second option, the developer shall fund or commit to fund the proportionate share of the improvement cost identified by the City Engineer. An agreement to commit funds shall be executed between the City and the developer and secured with one of the following instruments: surety bond, cash, irrevocable instrument or letter of credit, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney. No final maps in villages requiring this improvement may be recorded until a financial guarantee for this improvement, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney, has been provided to the City. Reimbursement If the developer advances funds for construction, he shall be reimbursed from the Sewer Benefit Area Fee Fund (Benefit Area B) the amount advanced in excess of any credits received from the City toward payment of applicable Sewer Benefit Area Fees. ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. J 1/15/02 92 Table V-I: South Agua Hedionda Lift Station and Force Main Sewer Improvement Condition South Agua Hedionda (SAH) lift station and force main (SAH3) Estimated Cost Participating Villages Financing Mechanism Guarantee Reimbursement $5.2 million U, W, X, Y 1. Sewer Benefit Area Fee Program (Increased) 2. City funding of "Gap" costs. 3. Developer pay proportionate share of cost. 1. Payment of Sewer Benefit Area Fee 2. Secured funding commitment If developer advances funds for constructions, then reimbursement from Sewer Benefit Area Fee Fund Financing Mechanism The first option is to construct the facility with Sewer Benefit Fee Area D funds. These funds should increase as a result of a proposed City re-analysis of the fee levels. The Zone 7 developer shall agree to this increase (or decrease). As a second option, if the facility has not been constructed, the developer of a village requiring this facility shall fund its proportionate share of the improvement cost. Both the improvement cost and the share applicable to the participating village shall be established by the City Engineer. Financing Guarantee Under the first option, payment of the Sewer Benefit Area Fee satisfies the financing guarantee. Under the second option, the developer shall fund or commit to fund the proportionate share of the improvement cost identified by the City Engineer. An agreement to commit funds shall be executed between the City and the developer and secured with one of the following instruments: surety bond, cash, irrevocable instrument or letter of credit, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney. No final maps in villages requiring this improvement may be recorded until a financial guarantee for this improvement, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney, has been provided to the City. Reimbursement If the developer advances funds for construction, he shall be reimbursed from the Sewer Benefit Area Fee Fund (Benefit Area D) the amount advanced in excess of any credits received from the City toward payment of applicable Sewer Benefit Area Fees. ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. / 1/15/02 93 Table V-J: Trunk Sewer Line in College Blvd. Reach B Sewer Improvement Condition Trunk sewer line in College Blvd. South (Reach B) Estimated Cost Participating Villages Financing Mechanism Guarantee Reimbursement $150,000 U, W, X, Y Developer funding Condition of tentative map approval; improvement agreement No reimbursement Financing Mechanism The developer of a village requiring this facility shall construct the improvement. Financing Guarantee The improvement shall be constructed, or an improvement agreement shall be provided by the developer, prior to the recordation of a final map for the village or development requiring such improvement. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The improvment agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bond, cash, irrevocable instrument or letter of credit, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney. No final maps in villages requiring this improvement may be recorded until a financial guarantee for this improvement, acceptable to the Financial Director and City Attorney, has been provided to the City. Reimbursement If the second option is used, the devloper shall be reimbursed for the cost of this improvement in accordance with the Engineer's Report for the District and a reimbursement agreement to be executed between the City and the developer. ZONE7LFMP 94 AMENDMENT NO. I 1/15/02 Table V-K: Trunk Sewer Line in College Blvd. Reach C Sewer Improvement Condition Estimated Cost Participating Villages Financing Mechanism Guarantee Reimbursement Trunk sewer line in College Blvd. North (Reach C) $120,000 U Developer funding Condition of tentative map approval; improvement agreement No reimbursement Financing Mechanism The developer of a village requiring this facility shall construct the improvement. Financing Guarantee The improvement shall be constructed, or an improvement agreement shall be provided by the developer, prior to the recordation of a final map for the village or development requiring such improvement. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The improvment agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bond, cash, irrevocable instrument or letter of credit, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney. No final maps in villages requiring this improvement may be recorded until a financial guarantee for this improvement, acceptable to the Financial Director and City Attorney, has been provided to the City. Reimbursement If the second option is used, the devloper shall be reimbursed for the cost of this improvement in accordance with the Engineer's Report for the District and a reimbursement agreement to be executed between the City and the developer. m m ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. / 1/15/02 95 Table V-L; Village X Sewer Line Sewer Improvement Condition Village X Sewer Line Estimated Cost Participating Villages Financing Mechanism Guarantee Reimbursement $175,000 X Developer funding Condition of tentative map approval; improvement agreement No reimbursement Financing Mechanism If not already constructed, the developer of a village requiring this facility shall construct the improvement. Guarantee The improvement described above shall be constructed, or an improvement agreement shall be provided by the developer, prior to the recordation of a final map for the village or development requiring such improvement. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bond, cash, irrevocable instrument or letter of credit, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney. No final maps in villages requiring this improvement may be recorded until a financial guarantee for this improvement, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney, has been provided to the City. ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. J 1/15/02 96 WATER IMPROVEMENTS Table V-M: 12" High Pressure Line (HG 580) Water Improvement Condition 12" high pressure line (HG 580) Estimated Cost Participating Villages Financing Mechanism Guarantee Reimbursement $85,000 U,Y Developer funding Condition of tentative map approval; improvement agreement Developer shall be reimbursed for oversizing of water transmission line. Financing Mechanism If not already constructed, the developer of a village requiring this facility shall construct the improvement. Guarantee The improvement described above shall be constructed, or an improvement agreement shall be provided by the developer, prior to the recordation of a final map for the village or development requiring such improvement. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bond, cash, irrevocable instrument or letter of credit, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney. No final maps in villages requiring this improvement may be recorded until a financial guarantee for this improvement, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney, has been provided to the City. Reimbursement Developer shall be reimbursed from the Water Connection Fund for the oversizing of water transmission pipeline beyond the capacity needed to serve the participating villages in accordance with a reimbursement agreement to be executed between the City and the developer. ZONE7LFMP AMENDMENT NO. 1 1/15/02 97 Table V-N: 16" Low Pressure Line (HG 446) Water Improvement Condition 16" Low pressure line (HG 446) Estimated Cost Participating Villages Financing Mechanism Guarantee Reimbursement $400,000 W, X Developer funding Condition of tentative map approval; improvement agreement None Financing Mechanism If not already constructed, the developer of a village requiring this facility shall construct the improvement. Guarantee The improvement described above shall be constructed, or an improvement agreement shall be provided by the developer, prior to the recordation of a final map for the village or development requiring such improvement. The improvement agreement shall be in accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 20.16.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The improvement agreement shall be secured with one of the following forms of security as described in Section 21.16.070 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: surety bond, cash, irrevocable instrument or letter of credit, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney. No final maps in villages requiring this improvement may be recorded until a financial guarantee for this improvement, acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney, has been provided to the City. Reimbursement Developer shall be reimbursed from the Water Connection Fund for the oversizing of water transmission pipeline beyond the capacity needed to serve the participating villages in accordance with a reimbursement agreement to be executed between the City and the developer. Reimbursement for off-site water improvements (outside Zone 7) shall be the subject of a City-developer reimbursement agreement. ZONE 7 LFMP AMENDMENT NO. f 1/15/02 98