HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Calavera Hills Offiste Sewer Improvements; Calavera Hills Offiste Sewer Improvements; 1999-04-29f" ' MONITORING REPORT NUMBER 1 FOR P- GROUNDWATER EXTRACTION DISCHARGE * OFFSITE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS CALAVERAS DRIVE STATION 24+74(±) TO EL CAM I NO REAL r CALAVERA HILLS DEVELOPMENT, WDID NO. 9 000 000 882 b CITY OF CARLSBAD, SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA r FORk. CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD L SAN DIEGO REGION - SURFACE WATER UNIT "" 9771 CLAIRMONT MESA BOULEVARD, SUITE A - SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92124 W.O. E2606-SC APRIL 29,1999 r r [ rk. C f" L, f" h. r Geotechnical • Geologic • Environmental 5741 Palmer Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (760)438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 April 29,1999 W.O. E2606-SC California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region - Surface Water Unit 9771 Clairmont Mesa Boulevard, Suite A San Diego, California 92124 Attention: Ms. Whitney J. Ghoram Subject: Monitoring Report Number 1 for Groundwater Extraction Discharge, Offsite Sewer Improvements, Calaveras Drive Station 24+74(±) to El Camino Real, Calavera Hills Development, WDID No. 9 000 000 882, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California References: 1. "Authorization To Discharge Groundwater to Agua Hedionda Creek From Carlsbad Municipal Water District's Calavera Hills Offsite Sewer Extension Construction Dewatering Project Carlsbad, CA," dated April 12, 1999, WDID No. 9 000 000 882, by California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region. 2. "General Permit Authorization Application for Groundwater Extraction Discharge, Offsite Sewer Improvements, Calaveras Drive Station 24+74(±) to El Camino Real, Calavera Hills Development, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California," dated March 29,1999, W.O. E2606-SC, by GeoSoils, Inc. Dear Ms. Ghoram: As required by the above referenced authorization letter by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), GeoSoils, Inc. (GSI) is providing the following monitoring information on groundwater discharge into Agua Hedionda Creek. The dewatering program started the afternoon of April 14,1999. Excavation for the sewer line started on April 22,1999. Information provided herein includes daily field monitoring memos from April 15 to 28,1999 and available chemical laboratory data from Groundwater Monitoring Sample Number 1 (G.M.S. #1) collected on April 19,1999. Brief Summary of Daily Field Observations Overall, the volume of extracted groundwater discharged into the creek ranged during this period from approximately 144,000 ± gallons per day to 175,000 ± gallons per day. The lower value represented discharge from the series of 36, 2-inch diameter well points. The later volume represented the additional discharge from the 2,12-inch diameter wells, B-1 and B-2. Reid daily memos are provided in Appendix A. c c c E C C c c c C Sandbags were placed near the discharge pipe in the creek to effectively limit erosion. Except for a small depression directly under the pipe, no signs of erosion were noted near the discharge point. Generally, unusual odors, discoloration, and/or floating materials (i.e., silt/clay particles) were not detected in groundwater discharged into the creek. Short term exceptions (i.e., less than 3 ± hours), occurred when utility excavations were directly adjacent to well B-1 (see Memo dated April 22), and after the system was restarted subsequent to repairs (see Memo dated April 27). Field observations of the creek roughly 100 ± feet down-gradient from the discharge point typically noted no unusual physical conditions to the flow generated by the extracted groundwater. During this monitoring period, creek flow along the western El Camino Real bridge abutment appeared to be generated by solely by discharged groundwater from the subject system. Obvious signs of erosion were not observed, due to the limited flow and the established native vegetation at the southern edge of the bridge. Small depositional features (i.e., alluvial fanlets) were noted under the bridge, but did not extend to the vegetation boundary. Noxious odors, associatecl with the offsite connection to a live sewer main in Cannon Road, was detected at the southerly bridge abutment. Chemical Laboratory Test Results As directed in the above referenced authorization letter by the RWQCB (dated April 12, 1999), groundwater samples were collected and analyzed on a regular basis. G.M.S. #1 was collected from the discharge outlet pipe in the creek on April 19,1999. The sample was analyzed for total nitrogen, total phosphorous, total and fecal coliform, zinc, dissolved oxygen, acute toxicity, and pesticides (including diazinon) by EPA test method 8140. Samples were collected, stored and transported to California Department of Health Services (DHS) certified laboratories (Pacific Analytical Services, Inc. and Environmental Engineering Laboratory) the same day, following proper procedures. A Chain-of-Custody record was recorded with each laboratory. p At this time, test results are available for dissolved oxygen (4.0 mg/l), total coliform (< 2 I MPN/100 ml), fecal coliform (< 2 MPN/100 ml), phosphorus (not detected), zinc (not detected), Kjeldahl nitrogen (0.55 mg/l), and nitrogen as nitrate 15.6 mg/I (NOa). Test C results for acute toxicity and pesticides will be provided as soon as they are available. Maximum contaminant levels provided in Regional Board's Order No. 96-41 indicate limits were exceeded for dissolved oxygen and nftrogen. The table below provides a summary P- of laboratory test results and the applicable specific effluent limitations from Order 96-41. ^ Laboratory test methods, complete test results, and the Chain of Custody documents are provided in Appendix B. California RWQCB W.O. E2606-SC Calavera Hills Development April 29,1999 File:e:\wp7\env\e2600te2606.mm Page 2 GeoSoils, Inc. c e c c c I c L c rL C C c c c TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS CONSTITUENT Dissolved Oxygen Total Coliform Fecal Coliform Phosphorus Zinc Nitrogen, Kjeldhal Nitrogen, Nitrate UNITS mg/I MPN/mt MPN/ml mg/1 ^g/1 mgyi mgyi TEST RESULTS 4.0 <2 <2 NDP) ND® 0.55 15.6 DAILY MAXIMUM » Not<5 1000 200 NA(2) 80 NA« NA(2) INSTANTANEOUS MAXIMUM <" Not <5 NA« NAra 0.2 200 2.0 2.0 (1) - Effluent Limitations, Discharges to Lagoons/Estuaries; Order 96-41 (2) - NA - Not Applicable (3) - ND - Non Detect Although test results are not currently available, G.M.S. #2 and G.M.S. #3 were collected on April 22 and 28,1999 respectively. Test results will be submitted as spoon as they become available. Conclusions and Recommendations Based upon the daily field observations and initial laboratory test results of G.M.S. #1, GSI concludes that overall, the extracted groundwater discharged into Agua Hedionda Creek has not substantially affected the surface water quality of the creek. Low concentrations of dissolved oxygen may be potentially impacted by algae growth on the holding tank. The high concentration of nitrogen (as nitrate) may be related to the up-gradient agricultural development. It is our understanding that the main dewatering system will be offline by April 30,1999; however, groundwater discharge from individual well points will continue along the sewer line until construction is completed. This should substantially decrease the volume of groundwater discharged into the creek over the next 2 weeks. In the interim, to increase the dissolved oxygen content of the discharged groundwater, GSI has requested the contractor (T.C. Construction) to insert air ports/holes in the pump discharge pipe to aerate the groundwater. California RWQCB Calavera Hills Development File:e:\wp7\env\e2600\e2606.mm W.O. E2606-SC April 29, 1999 Page 3 GeoSoils, Inc. r C C c c The opportunity to be of service is appreciated. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (760) 438-3155. Respectfully submitt GeoSoils, Inc. nP. nager, CEG1340.CHG5 Edward P. Lump Director of Environmental • REA-1 2565, RG 5975, CEG 1§24~ EPL/JPF/mo Enclosures: Appendix A - Daily Reid Memos Appendix B - Chemical Laboratory Test Results Distribution: (2) Addressee (2) McMillin Companies, Attention: Mr. Don Mitchell r L I C C L C California RWQCB Calavera Hills Development File: e:\wp7\env\e2600\e2606.mm W.O. E2606-SC April 29, 1999 Page 4 GeoSoils, Inc. rL c APPENDIX Ar . .' • ' - • • L DAILY FIELD MEMOS f" L to b. NAME HOURS 5741 PALMER WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 ri IFNIT \sKc\K'\\'vK» MEMO " r ^ CONTRACTOR \ ,C . LOCATION <\\ pig o^O A.\A\*»A cAooS^ ^ \s V \;>y\;\ [ rL \X)\\\ t h. » ^*™ W.^; \-GeoSoils, Inc. 4m, ^Vy'f-Ji-S* ^J^pt i i^* r E:/wp/form3fmemosant.wpd-J ta V>0s, <\ rONi p ' J \ . PAGE OF NAME HOURS Cfl50-\\ Lowsp_\o t\\ 5741 PALMER WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 I ' i \\ MEMO , ^ CONTRACTOR V C~ » CttftsVftO &n^ V &T*fl {x\ _ " \K» N!Sfo\W ^M b~ Ljkli. T , c\ \ s GeoSoils, Ipc. *z BY: Ei^vp/tohns/memosanLwpd PAGE.I .OF. w.o. DATE NAME HOURS MEMO 5741 PALMER WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 SUPT CONTRACTOB / A«iX. ^ X\U>^Cc-V^ o_^VK\-\^<k ft(L^r\ j E C E E^wp/Iorms/mamosant.wpd BY: j Ine. -V PAGE..OF pb MEMO i 5741 PALMER WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 E NAME r. ow) HOURS Crz L r» L <Uc.iVifc 1 \.w VS Jif v c^'V- V\ -•\i5 (AmWt? i E^wp/forma/memosant.wpd PAGE P„ w-°- NAME HOIIRfiVV^O frft.—1\N E L I- MEMO 5741 PALMER WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 mNTRACTQR \jO\5I. \J l^ j\ f G^A A _ p f^^ [ V y \9N ( t ETwp/torms/memosant.wpd n^iiW fk'rryvArq .^ GeoSoi Is, Inc By. PAGE. w.o. NAME HOURS MEMO 5741 PALMER WAY f CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 • (760) 438-3155-FAX (760) 931-0915 C L C [ r . CONTRACTOR J GeoSoils, Inc. BY: PAGE E^wp/forms/memosant-wpd MEMO I 5741 PALMER WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 CLIENT E N \) A CONTRACTOR wo, NAME HOURS 000 lU WjS. pL ^.v t\_ > .^ ITr c•• QsQ-A V n-g>v^_f' ' K p V** ^^s\ V^Sj \^ X j \ ^c f» L PL rA.t.\ ri (Ki t^r . A ? p.n ^wp/(orms/nndmosaht. BY: c c i C nc. MAME MEMO 5741 PALMER WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 C c f"L SUPT.CONTRACTOR \ E:/wpy'(orms/merr.osant.wp<3 I E ;E .C I f ;&. ' fm :L • r» 1 C MEMO 5741 PALMER WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 SUPT CONTRACTOR A r cA.U»*.A TT \vj\Vw xvv\^ w.o. DATE NAME \r \\ *4 c«> oob ^RV-k. C- PAGE Ej*wp<torms/rr.emosant.wpci L P» *- x>^ |rr iiIs, Inc.DATE NAME HOURS V " g-^-~ * \ MEMO ; 5741 PALMER WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-OS15 CUE: SUP [ E j'wp.lorms-memosant.wpd CONTRACTOR h£\ Wcv'^%^ HCcWfrKf ^5?z» v b Ge PAGE NAME HOURS MEMO yj' 5741 PALMER WAY f CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 l£- (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 ~~K xC. . Cft^WN>Otio^. v ' \ v, E-'wp.'formi'memosant.wpd IP li r nc. w.o. DATE NAME HOURS C-. MEMO . 5741 PALMER WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 SI IPT LOCATION*^ . CONTRACTOR r_r to 2 ^VjU \\ CcoSoils, Inc. PAGE..OF. E:/wp/forms/memosant.wpd w.o. NAME HOURS MEMO P 5741 PALMER WAY *• CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931 -0915 . CONTRACTOR too Crv^> l-LVAJtJ \ c.V . T, r t. I f" _ N^:x$y V '\ « *"^/ L E^wp.1orrns/memosant.wpd GeoSolls.Inc. n PAGE.OF w.o. DATE HOURS MEMO 5741 PALMER WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 m SUPT VsKVK IM . CONTRACTOR * -C-* C & >> Qr^Cg \>^r ^p\>0 M' .j»> oo V \\ ^x^o ^ <^o (\.jt «} ?AM d^ K w. y^ ^ V~ \ >i>>l^ *V>W ^^E:/wp/lorms/merrfcsant.wpd GeoSoils, In - BY: 5\ r~ [ c [ L L w.o. DKTE NAME HOURS X"" J-V-H 1 *— MEMO 5741 PALMER WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760) 438-31 55 -FAX (760) 931 -091 5 SUPT. IOHATION . CONTRACTOR TxC, tv f\\_N VKQ ftV'• >S_'^rO^' ^irS 1~1 N^vwv W^s v ^=^ ^^ RY- PAGE E^wp/forms/memosant.wpd j Inc. OF XZ&& I I I i I *kiv BEST ORIGINAL MEMO 5741 PALMER WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760) 438-3155* FAX (760)931-051 5 LQCA^.0 A .< ^ A\\ C Vi NAME HOURS MEMO r 5741 PALMER WAY t CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760) 438-3155* FAX (760) 931-0915 p.. IF CONTRACTOR . epv Vr.^ — Ooft { E:/wp/forms/iYiemosant.wpd CcoSoils, Inc. NAME HOURS f MEMO 5741 PALMER WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 CLIENT SUPT TRACT.LOCATION . CONTRACTOR L U.vb x 'V> vj Ccft c £i * ^K^S^ ^.x.\X*: t.S. C^T-,^\t^U\^> ^^V^ L X^V^^^ k\\!P%VPcJ\ OS.Vxr 0^ C^^v.<UV^\\(V> \S A»» \ 'N\ J cT • 37 *•L V. E:/wp/lorms/memosant.wpd APPENDIX B ^ CHEMICAL LABORATORY TEST RESULTS r L r r L L *•iL L >• L f" ta P»L C c c c c Pacific Treatment 4340 Viewridge Avenue, Suite A • San Diego, CA 92123 Analytical Services, Inc. RECEIVED (619) 560-7717 • Fax (619) 560-7763 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory April 27,1999 GeoSoils, Inc. Attn: Ed Lump 5741 Palmer Way Carlsbad, California 92008 Project Name/No.: Calaveras Hills Laboratory Log No.: 0833-99 ^ <> ' Date Received: 04/19/99 Sample Matrix: Five water samples PONo.: W.O.E2606-SC Please find the following enclosures for the above referenced project identified: 1) Analytical Report 2) QA/QC Report 3) Chain of Custody Form Note: EPA 8140, Dissolved Oxygen, Total Nitrogen, Acute Toxicity and Total and Fecal CohTorrns were performed by subcontract laboratory. Total and Fecal Coliforms, and Dissolved Oxygen results enclosed. EPA 8140, Total Nitrogen, and Acute Toxicity results to follow, f' • , ^ y/.-. .'•":V .Certificate of Analysis.. Samples were analyzed pursuant to ch'ent request utilizing EPA or other ELAP approved > methodologies. Date of extraction, date of analysis, detection limits and dilution factor are reported for each compound analyzed. All samples were analyzed within the method required holding time from sample collection. Data for each analytical method was evaluated by assessing the following QA/QC functions, as applicable to the methodology: • Quality Control Standard • Surrogate Percent Recovery • Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) percent recoveries for all analyses • Matrix Spike Recovery/Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery (MSR & MSDR) and/or • Relative Percent Difference (RPD from MSR & MSDR) / certify that this data report is in compliance both technically and for completeness. Release of the data contained in this hardcopy data neport has been authorized by the following signature. lanis Columbo 'Vice President/Laboratory Director Water • Soil • Waste • Wastewater • Marine Sediment & Tissues • Elutriate Analyses That Produce Results! Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3538 Hancock Street San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 298-6131 ELAP certificate number 1738 TL PACIFIC TREATMENT ANALYTICAL 4340 VIEWRIDGE AVE.,STE A SAN DIEGO , CA 92123 Customer # 1160 Sample # 990404346 Reference : CMS #1/0833-99 Sampled : 04/19/99 12:50PM Date Started : 04/19/99 Received : 04/19/99 02:OOPM P.O. £ Date Completed: 04/20/99 Comment : ATTN: D.RENFREW (PROJ: CALAVERA HILL/0833-99) QA/QC:RPD = : 1.0% Test Run: Oxygen, Dissolved Result: 4.00 mg/L MCL DL 0.1 Method: SM4500 K3 = None Detected ;L = -erection >imi- ^CL = Max z=r.-i-£r*sir.- L-avels Reported by Robert L. Chamfcers Michael Karris b m Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3538 Hancock Street San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 298-6131 ELAP certificate number 1738 PACIFIC TREATMENT ANALYTICAL 4340 VIEWRIDGE AVE.,STE A SAN DIEGO , CA 92123 c c Customer # 1160 Sample # 990404855 Reference : QMS #1 / 0833-99 Sampled : 04/19/99 03:00PM Date Started : 04/19/99 Received : 04/19/99 02:00PM P.O. # Date Completed: 04/23/99 Comment : ATTN: DAVE RENFREW (PROJ: CALAVERA HILLS/0833-99) Test Run: Coliform, Total Coliform, Fecal Result: < 2 < 2 MCL DL Method: SM9221B SM9221E b r Coliform results are in MPN/100 ml using Multiple Tub? Fermpnt.,ition ND i Honn Detected DL - D^t^.ction Limit/ MCL :• Max Ccntamin^ir.f. Reported by Robert L. Chambers Eric W Chambers 04/22/99 Michael Harris Date ANALYSIS RESULTS : i c CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/NO.: CALAVARA HILLS ANALYSIS METHOD: SMEWW4500PE ANALYSIS: PHOSPHORUS DATE SAMPLED: 04/19/99 DATE RECEIVED: 04/19/99 DATE ANALYZED: 04/23/99 MATRIX:WATER SAMPLE ID G.M.S. #1 G.M.S. #1 (DUP.) PTAS LOG # 0833-99-1 0833-99-1 (DUP.) REPORTING LIMITS PPM (MG/L) 0.05 0.05 DF 1 1 RESULTS PPM (MG/L) ND ND DF = DILUTION FACTOR DUP. = DUPLICATE ND=ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT REPORTING LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. I r .-< , '.'* '• 1 »',•,'£,', "•, J "" * " * * *""»* <f J**fc ' V "rtSf ,j[,-«" -• • . 4 fj Ty*J Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 VtewndgeAve., Suite A >San Diego, CA 92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 E P ANALYSIS RESULTS [ : PI CLIENT: GEOSOILS, INC. PROJECT NAME/No.: CALAVARA HILLS ANALYSIS METHOD: EPA 3010/6010 ANALYSIS: ZINC DATE SAMPLED: 04/19/99 DATE RECEIVED: 04/19/99 DATE DIGESTED: 04/21/99 DATE ANALYZED: 04/21/99 MATRK: X>:v WATER SAMPLE ID PTASLOG* 0833-99-4 REPORTING LIMITS PPM (MG/L) 0.1 DF RESULTS PPM (MG/L) ND DF = DILUTION FACTOR ND = ANALYTE NOT DETECTED AT OR ABOVE THE INDICATED REPORTING LIMIT REPORTING LIMITS AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY TO ACCOUNT FOR DILUTION FACTOR. i E L c r [f*] Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 VievwidgeAve.. Suite A. SanOiego.CA 92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619)560-7763 c c QA/QC REPORT DATE ANALYZED: 04/21-23/99 SPIKED ANALYTE PHOSPHORUS ZINC LCS % R 103 92 MS%R 87 96 MSD%R 92 92 RPD 5 4 ACCEPTABLE LCS,MS/MSD CRITERIA % 80-120 75-125 ACCEPTABLE RPD CRITERIA % <20 <20 » LCS % R = LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE PERCENT RECOVERY MS % R = MATRIX SPIKE PERCENT RECOVERY MSD % R = MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE PERCENT RECOVERY RPD = RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE ft •ft c Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. 4340 ViewldgeAve., Suite A. San Diego. CA 92123 (619)560-7717 FAX (619) 560-7763 r Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 4340 Viewidge Avenue, Suite A San Diego. C A 92123 Phone (619) 560-7717 Fax (619) 560-7763 PTAS LOG #PTAS DATE/TIME STAMP Pp Client:REQUESTED ANALYSIS Address: Attn:Phone: Sampled by:Fax: Billing Address: Project: Client Sample ID Sample Date Sample Time Sample Matrix Conuiner(i) U Type* PTAS ID# 8 8 3 C ;? ,T ^rr \\, 10 Container Types: B=BrassTube; V=VO Tamper-Proof Seals Intact: Yes Samples): Col All Samples Properly Pr RELINQUISHED BY M/A"^ gorrect Container^ Yes ) Nn^ VOAsw/ZHS: Yes N^N/Aj No N/A DATE/TIME .RECEIVED^Y Print Company Disposal: N^(aqueous) * PJ'AS «n!$5.00/sample) Return — _^ Turnaround Timei Signature Signature 48 hr 3 day 4 dayfNormal Print Print Comments:Company Company Signature Signature Print Print Company Company • PTAS reserves the right to return samples that don't match our waste profile.White-PTAS Canary - Accounting Pink - Client (w/Report) Goldenrod - Client (Relinquish Samples) (Rev. 5/97) 0*33 - Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD f 4340 Viewridge Avenue, Suite A> - , San Diego, CA92123 Phone (619) 560-7717 Fix (619) 560-7763 f '» . PTASLOG#• _PTAS DATE/fTIME STAMP ' A P:9f> Client:REQUESTED ANALYSIS Attm C tvO Attn: Sampled by:Fax: Billing Addrets: Project: Client Simple 10 Sample Date Sample Time Sample . Matrix Containers) . # Type* PTAS Gass C22* t^H .•;-- 4 10 •Cont«inerTyp«: B"BrM«Tuh«; V-__EELINQUISHED BY DATE/TIME .RECEIVED JBY T«niper-ProofS«l»InUcl: Yei _ gorrect Containei Signature S«nipl*(i): ColirAmbient^VOAi w/ZHS:Print All Simple* Properly PreserVedijr~"Yes J> No N/A Company Signature Signtture Print J^^—.^ <-< Company Disposal: Turnaround Time: AS (@$J.OO/«ample)' .'. "Signature 48 hr 3 day Normal .Print v'\Print Comments:Company Company Signature Signature Print Print Company Company * PTAS reserves the nght to return samples that don't match our waste profile.White • PTAS Canary • Accounting Pink • Client (w/Report) Qoldcnrod • Client (Relinquish Samples) (Rev. 5/97) •'*J. •?(5«!«>»'1>'4*»*W,?'i*--1 pacific Treatthent Analytical Services, Inc. \ CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD { 4340 Viewridge Avenue, Suite A San Diego, CA 92123 Phone (619) 560-7717 Fax (619) 560-7763 <k> ^<D833-^• A, ^ ^'.:^. •--•• • - :' • i PTAS LOG # PTAS DATE/TIME STAMP Client: v^Jk. ^ \ ^ -^ { 7*1 «<aC - • /. Address: ^"V^N. \ ^ &CS T««^-4 ,— ^ri^AjL ' Ce».»JV<vV»tV*» C &. °S"X«cCiH * Attn: ^-<K V^-Vy^S».Ci Phone: V-^T.t^v^ ^\ 3 1**5\ 5JP Sampled by: ^-XV^-lwiL Fax: {"VC^V^Ty^-OKX 5 Billing Address: • ^iNx^jfc . :-':r^-- - Project: *V <^S *s-Of\J\X *Vfi\^\ 5 '^O|ii?5-» v *5k \»t>fefr"* ' Client Sample ID Vj • VJS - J ••* » r^-^K.s^ML • • •-\"' ' Sample DateHYv"^ H^fcv •••• Sample Time 15^-30 tt%MS i Sample Matrix ^iW Witi. '7~r- • • 'Container Types: B-BrassTube; V-VOA; O=01ass; P-Plastic; O-Other(list) Tamper-Proof Seals Intact: Yes No N/A Samples): Cold Ambient Warm Correct Containers: Yes" No VOAsw/ZHS: Yes -No N/A All Samples Properly Preserved: Yes No N/A Disposal: N/C (aqueous) •• PTAS (@S5.00/sampIe) Return '«•••' Turnaround Time: 24 hr 48 hr 3 day 4 day Normal ; Comments: * " • '•. •'• ' • -::"--..• -•'-' • '"••';• ' ..' ; •'-'.. • •'' ' ' ' "" ' Conlainer(s) # Type* \ vi* \ ? j *c PTAS ID# 1 .:-.-. 2 1 4 i 6 ' i 8 -" -9 10 REQUESTED ANALYSIS •-4 00pi* ' -TPH(DHS) Gas_ Dieseli- ! § 0s • .( ,/'8080 PCBs- Pesticides _1 .; t 8240/8260 (Volatile Organics)3. /-*. J2 £ - s^ ga ins ', RELINQUISHED BY ^3* A^ "Nc**r f"*NSignaturc^^CSl / • \-J/ Print MA\>J'Y\*r) Company VAftft a^tV^-CTW^C . Signature •' • • ^ Print X , \ Company ' ^ • - Signature , Print Company TTLC Metals (CAC Title 22)STLC Metals (CAC Title 22)TCLP (RCRArMetals "Organics J_•i'! •' i-.- ,,' •• •3 £ 3 is S , ! - DATE/TIME T^ »i) '• i ,-..• i .;f ,.•• • • •..JA \ j ^ 0 I« f \ *i ^ %. \ " } ^ • - RECEIVED BY Signature { ,jj y>"{_ <-*~**t*iJL£f Print \ <(. I/ o ;' (Ji-nt-tU'tf-t. Company G~t. ^ Signature Print Company Signature Print Company • PTAS reserves the right to return samples that dont match our waste profile.White-PTAS Canary - Accounting Pink - Client (w/Report) Ooldenrod • Client (Relinquish Samples) (Rev. 5/97) fiPR 28 1999 13:34 FR PflC TREflT flNflLY SUCS 619 560 7763 TO 17609310915 P.02/03 Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3538 Hancock Street San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 298-6131 to m SLAP certificate m PACIFIC TREATMENT ANALYTICAL 4340 VIEWRIDGE AVE..STE A SAN DIEGO , CA 92123 P to L [ Customer # 1160 Sample # 990404878 Reference : QMS #1 / 0833-99 Sampled : 04/19/99 12:30PM Date Started : 04/20/99 Received : 04/20/99 12:00PM P.O. # 990281 Date Completed: O4/27/99 Comment : ATTN: D.RENFREW (CALAVERA HILL) TKN:RPD=1.5% RECOV:110.7% : N03:RPD=2.6% REG:137% Test Run: Nitrogen, Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Nitrate Result: 0.55 mg/L 15.6 AS N03 mg/L MCL DL 0.10 0.18 Method: SM4500C SM4500H L fm L XD - Hone Detected OL - Oetcctioo Limit MCI. = Repotted by Robert L. Ch*nbcrs Eric N Oi/27/99 Michael Harria Dar.c r i r i n n r~i r~i r i r i r i r i r i r i Pacific Treatment Analytical Services, Inc. CHAIN-OF-CUSTODYJEIECORD 4J«Vw«ridg»Avttuie.S»iluA ~" *""""" ~" PTAS DATE/TIME STAMP REQUESTED ANALYSIS « ^.« 8'9? f* ~ '^ « RELINQUISHED BY 'CanlaincfTypci: B-Bna»Tub«; V-VQ ^ iTimptr-frnef Scih Irtift" Y S0»u <N7i