HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Calavera Hills/College Blvd & Cannon RD Plan; Calavera Hills/College Blvd & Cannon RD Plan; 2002-07-31CALAVERA HILLS / COLLEGE BLVD. AND CANNON RD. PRE-CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS PLAN For Submittal to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Prepared for: CITY OF CARLSBAD 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 CALAVERA HILLS H, LLC 2727 Hoover Ave. National City, CA 91950 Prepared by: PLANNING SYSTEMS 1530 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 7/31/02 PLANNING SYSTEMS LAND USE / COASTAL PLANNING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • LAMM POLICY AND PROCESSING ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION TRANSMITTAL LETTER To:Russ Kaiser Date: 8/9/02 US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Regulatory Branch 911 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90053 From: PaulJ.Klukas PLANNING SYSTEMS 1530 Faraday Ave. #100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Via: Delivery Project: Calavera Hills Description: (1) One copy of the Pre-Construction Operations Plan (2) One copy of the draft Conservation Easement Deed Remarks: For your review. cc: 1530 FARADAY AVENUE • SUITE 100 • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • (760) 931-0780 • FAX (760) 931-5744 • planningsystems@nctimes.net CALAVERA HILLS/ COLLEGE BLVD. & CANNON ROAD PRE-CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS PLAN Table of Contents Special Condition no. 1 of the Department of the Army Section 404 Permit (File #2001-00215-RLK for the Calavera Hills and City of Carlsbad project requires a Pre-Construction Operations Plan, as follows: 1. Pre-Construction Requirements 1.1 Thirty days prior to the discharge of fill in waters of the U.S., including wetlands, the Permittee shall submit for Corps approval a Pre-Construction Operations (CO) Plan. This report is intended to satisfy this condition. The condition reads that the Pre-CO plan shall include: Cond.Condition Requirement Page 1.1.1 Proposed construction timeline and sequencing 1.1.2 Preconstruction surveys defining project boundaries with respect to avoidance of Section 404 Resources (e.g., waters of the U.S. biological and cultural). 1.1.3 Site plan delineating boundaries for staging, fueling and storage areas. Storage areas shall include sites for spoil and borrow materials. Staging, fueling and storage areas shall not be located within 100 feet of waters of the U.S. 4 and 5 1.1.4 Measures to be taken to prevent an unpermitted discharge(s) of fill into Waters of the U.S. may include use of silt nets, hay bales and other Best Management Practices (outside of Waters of the U.S.), including use of emergency spill kits. 4 thru 13 1.1.5 Photographs documenting site conditions, including work limits and resource exclusion areas. Photographs shall show demarcated (staked/roped) construction areas, and exclusion areas, including waters of the U.S., cultural resources, and open space areas. In addition, the Permittee shall: 13 thru 19 Cola. CO Plan Cond. Condition Requirement Retain a Corps approved biologist to monitor and inspect all on-site activities. The CO Plan shall identify the biologist's name, address, phone number, email address and experience/credentials. The biologist shall review, oversee, monitor, and/or inspect: 1 . Grading and site plans 2. Installation of rope to demarcate construction areas 3. All grading 4. Avoidance of open space 5. Be empowered to halt construction when non- compliance occurs 6. Implement and monitor the mitigation program. Retain a Corps approved cultural resource specialist to monitor and inspect all on-site activities, near CA-SDI-9092, CA-SDI- 9093/9094, CA-SDI-9615, CA-SDI-15069, CA-SDI-5434, SA- SDl-5436, and Temp 5. The CO Plan shall identify the cultural resource specialises name, address, phone number, email address and experience/credentials. The cultural resource specialist shall review, oversee, monitor, and/or inspect: 1 . All activities and reporting requirements for various archaeological sites. Page 20 thru 24 25 thru 30 Cala. CO Plan 2 1.1.1. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION TIMELINE AND SEQUENCING Calavera Hills / College and Cannon Construction Schedule 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Activity Name Phase I - Calavera Hills Install environmental fence Double-check environmental fence Install sediment controls Equipment mobilization Clear vegetation Phase I - College/Cannon Intersection Install rope, env. fence Install sediment controls Equipment mobilization Clear vegetation Phase I - Calavera/College/Cannon Mass grading Utility installation Landscape installation Wetlands Restoration Phase I Grading of Mitigation Site BJB Installation of mitigation BJB Phase II Install environmental fence Install sediment controls Equipment mobilizatio Clear vegetation Mass grading Utility installation Wetlands Restoration Phase II Grading of Mitigation Site BJ Installation of mitigation BJ Start Date 3/5/02 8/12/02 8/19/02 9/9/02 9/15/02 7/31/02 9/9/02 9/13/02 9/17/02 9/23/02 1/2/03 3/3/03 1/15/03 2/1/03 9/1/03 9/6/03 9/12/03 8/16/03 9/24/03 12/16/03 10/1/03 10/15/03 Finish Date 3/9/02 8/16/02 8/27/02 9/13/02 9/24/02 8/1/02 9/13/02 9/17/02 9/20/02 2/3/03 4/1/03 6/1/03 1/31/03 4/30/03 9/5/03 9/12/03 9/16/03 9/24/03 12/16/03 4/14/04 10/15/03 12/16/03 J J A 1 A 20 S 1 1 1 1 1 1 S 02 o • o N • N D • D J • • • J F • • F M 1 • • M A L • A M 1 M 20 J J 03 J J t S 1 1 • ' S 0 " •1o N - 1 N D • • • D J • J 20 F • F 04 M • M A • A Cala. CO Plan 1.1.2. PRECONSTRUCTION SURVEYS DEFINING PROJECT BOUNDARIES WITH RESPECT TO AVOIDANCE OF "WATERS" AND CULTURAL RESOURCES Recent wetlands delineations and archaeological surveys for the subject property are on file with the Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles office. 1.1.3. SITE PLANS DELINEATING BOUNDARIES FOR STAGING, FUELING AND STORAGE AREAS. NOT WITHIN 100 FT. OF "WATERS" Exhibit A delineates the approximate locations for staging, fueling and storage areas. None of the proposed construction staging, fueling and storage areas are located within 100 ft. of any identified "waters" of the U.S. 1.1.4 MEASURES TO BE TAKEN TO PREVENT AN UNPERMITTED DISCHARGE OF FILL INTO "WATERS". SILT NET, HAY BALES, AND BMP'S, INCLUDING EMERGENCY SPILL KITS. The following measures will be taken to prevent an unpermitted discharge of fill into "waters" of the U.S. Environmental fencing. The first step associated with the pre-construction operation is the installation of the environmental fence. This fence line delineates the limits of grading authorized in the permits. Oversight of the installation of this fence will be conducted by an authorized biologist, familiar with the approved Calavera Hills/BTD #4 Section 404, Section 7, and City permits. The entire environmental limit will be defined by environmental fencing and an educational session with grading machinery operators will be conducted by the biologist, all prior to commencement of the clearing operations. The environmental fence line will be well established and properly maintained throughout the duration of the grading operation. 1. Conduct contractor training session with machinery operators. 2. Install environmental fencing to delineate limits of authorized grading. Clearing and grubbing BMP's. BMPs that will be utilized during the clearing and grubbing phase of project development are included in the SWPPP prepared in accordance with the NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (WDID 9375317517). The areas to be cleared and grubbed will be limited to those areas The types of erosion and Cola. CO Plan i - Manufactured Slopes (§) - Staging Fueling and Storage Areas Waters of the U.S. Exhibit A STAGING, FUELING AND STORAGE AREA EXHIBIT Calavera Hills Phase II / College Blvd. and Cannon Rd. SMM0102 MAR 2002 NORTH Cala. CO Plan sediment controls that will be implemented for the clearing and grubbing of the site are listed below. It is the intent of these requirements that all storm water will pass through the de-sedimentation process prior to exiting the site. 1. Install perimeter sediment controls, including silt fencing in all downhill perimeter areas where sediment could travel, and install temporary sediment control basins with skimmer outlets within area to be graded. 2. Review existing permanent sediment control basins for proper functioning, provide maintenance of any dysfunctional aspects of these basins, including stabilization of outlets. 3. Install sand or gravel-bag barriers and other flow diversions to route storm waters to basins. 4. Provide temporary drainage inlet protection. 5. Install temporary check dams to reduce storm water velocity. 6. Install controls to address tracking of sediment off site, including stabilized construction entrances (with wheel-wash facilities as needed) Commencement of wetlands revegetation: The revegetation of 10.7 acres of wetlands will occur within the proposed Detention Basins BJ and BJB. As shown on the attached schedule, the mitigation program will be provided in two phases consistent with the impacts. This revegetation program will be installed consistent with the Final Habitat Restoration and Monitoring Plan for the City of Carlsbad Bridge and Thoroughfare District, the Calavera Hills Project and the Detention Basins Project in Carlsbad, California, dated June 17,2002. Mass grading setup/soil surcharge. The second phase of construction at the site will include excavating existing alluvium deposits and establishing a surcharge over some areas of the site from onsite soils. The resulting surcharge load will remain undisturbed in certain isolated areas, for approximately six months. Temporary sedimentation control basins and the permanent basins will be in continuous operation throughout the Pre-mass grading phase, allowing all storm water to pass through the de-sedimentation process as the project progresses. The areas affected by this phase of grading are shown on Exhibit B. Storm drain installation. Storm drains will be installed during this phase of construction and will be incorporated into the storm water runoff and sediment program. Cala. CO Plan Pre-mass grading BMFs. Additionally, during the Pre-mass grading phase, the following controls will be implemented: 1. Inspection and maintenance of all erosion control measures will be implemented at all times. 2. Runoff will be directed away from disturbed areas during the Pre- mass grading phase to the degree feasible. 3. Runoff velocities will be kept low through surface roughening. 4. Surcharge areas - Surcharge slopes and surfaces will be stabilized with an effective application of blown straw mulch with tackifier or bonded fiber matrix or other approved method. 5. Controls to address tracking of sediment off site, including stabilized construction entrances (with wheel-wash facilities as needed) will be implemented. 5. A regular, daily program for sweeping of public rights-of-way will be enacted to avoid tracking sediment off site. 6. Watering and other dust controls will be performed. 7. All disturbed areas not being graded will be stabilized with a hydraulic application of temporary soil stabilizer to protect the soils from eroding. The soil stabilizer will consist of guar, polyacrylamide, or acrylic co-polymer with mulch or other approved method. 8. Disturbed areas of the site that will not be re-disturbed for 21 days or more will be stabilized by the 14th day after the last disturbance. Wetlands revegetation. During this period, completion of the excavation to the required elevation, installation of irrigation, and planting of the wetlands revegetation operation will take place. The third phase of construction will include the bulk of earthwork activities, and portions of this phase will be performed concurrently with the Pre-mass grading construction. Special care will be exercised during the surcharge removal to identify and implement BMPs to minimize the effects of mass grading. Mass grading BMP's. The areas to be mass graded are shown on Exhibit C. The types of erosion and sediment controls that will be implemented for the mass grading of the site are listed below. 1. Mass grading operations will be timed to minimize soil exposure. 2. Vegetation and mulch or otherwise stabilization of graded areas will occur as soon as grading of the particular area is completed. Cola. CO Plan 3. Minimize the length and steepness of slopes. 4. Conduct regular sweeping of access streets and rights of way to minimize transport of sediment. 5. Install temporary checkdams to maintain control over stormwater velocity in appropriate areas. 6. Watering and other dust controls will be performed. 7. All disturbed areas not being graded will be stabilized with a hydraulic application of temporary soil stabilizer to protect the soils from eroding. The soil stabilizer will consist of guar, polyacrylamide, or acrylic co-polymer with mulch or other approved method. 8. Disturbed areas of the site that will not be re-disturbed for 21 days or more will be stabilized by the 14th day after the last disturbance. 9. Areas to be permanently stabilized will be hydroseeded and/or planted in accordance with the project landscape plans. In addition to seeds and plants, slopes that are 3:1 or flatter will be roughened and mulched (with tackifier as specified). Slopes steeper than 3:1 but flatter than 2:1 will be roughened and protected with blown straw mulch with tackifier. Slopes 2:1 or steeper will be protected with bonded fiber matrix or erosion control blankets. Cala. CO Plan I I I * I I • »I w t Manufactured Slopes g - Temporary Desiltation Basins •o—°—- Environmental Fence • • • • - Silt Fence •*—*. - Direction of Drainage ExhibitsPRE-MASS GRADING SITE PREPARATION EXHIBIT #MM0102 MAR 2002 Calavera Hills Phase II / College Blvd. and Cannon Rd. Cala.COPlan • Manufactured Slopes • Temporary Desiltation Basins • Environmental Fence • Permanent Detentipn Or Depollutant Basins Exhibit C 1ASS GRADING EXHIBIT #MM0102 MAR 2002 "Calavera Hills Phase II / College Blvd. and Cannon Rd.NORTH Cala. CO Plan 10 Wetlands revegetation. During this period, the planting and beginning of the maintenance, monitoring and reporting period for the wetlands revegetation will occur. Monitoring. In compliance with the requirements of the General Permit, site inspections will be performed before, during (for storms 24 hours or longer), and after storms. BMPs will be maintained, repaired, or replaced as needed, and records will be kept of all inspections and responses. Additionally, as required by the April 2001 modifications to the General Permit, a sampling and analysis strategy and sampling schedule will be developed for the project as follows: 1. Wetlands revegetation. Monitoring and maintenance of the wetlands revegetation will occur regularly, consistent with the monitoring and maintenance requirements identified in the Final Wetland Mitigation Plan. 2. Siltation monitoring. Siltation monitoring will occur continuously during the grading operation through samples collected in the receiving water upstream and downstream of the site: a. During the first two hours of discharge from rain events that result in runoff to the water body b. For storms that occur during daylight hours, seven days per week c. For four storms per month d. Samples will be analyzed according to test procedures under 40CFR, Part 136 for settleable solids and total suspended solids. 2. Samples will be taken should visual monitoring indicate that there has been a breach, malfunction, leakage, or spill from a BMP that could result in the discharge of pollutants in storm water that would not be visually detectable, or if storm water comes in contact with soil amendments or other exposed materials (such as historic site contamination) and is allowed to be discharged. Samples will be taken upstream and downstream of the pollutant source: Cala.COPlan - Wetland Revegetation Areas Exhibit D | WETLANDS REVEGITATION AREAS EXHIBIT Calavera Hills Phase II / College Blvd. and Cannon Rd. #MM0102 MAR 2002 NORTH Cala. CO Plan 12 a. During the first two hours of runoff b. For storms that occur during daylight hours, seven days per week c. Samples will be analyzed according to test procedures under 40CFR, Part 136 for the constituencies of concern. 3. The results of filed and laboratory sampling and analysis will be evaluated, BMPs will be repaired or replaced, or alternative BMPs will be implemented as necessary. All field and/or analytical data will be kept with the SWPPP until the final notice of termination (NOT) has been submitted and approved. 1.1.5. PHOTOS DOCUMENTING SITE CONDITIONS, INCLUDING WORK LIMITS AND RESOURCE EXCLUSION AREAS. PHOTOS SHOWING ROPED CONSTRUCTION AREAS. P m p ^^ m ji&jj m m m m Cala. CO Plan 13 I I I I I I College/Cannon Intersection Riparian Construction Boundary 7/31/02 Cala. CO Plan 14 I I '•I st'g^'-'.y • f• • • T* • _ri"uV - ** - ' . '--*! \ -?* %» i.. • -t, f1--^ . f J %\.?Ti:kt»'TSw **P .-, S".v College/Cannon Intersection Riparian Construction Boundary 7/31/02 Cala. CO Plan 15 I I I I I I -• - ^ v <.,.'- . II . .' . .: •5S ^-'-T-i ' / . .•--.^, *--:-, :• College/Cannon Intersection Riparian Construction Boundary 7/31/02 Cala. CO Plan 16 I I I I I I I I :'<. b<v-r ;< >.' , n ^K- ' : &;^y&,t '-;* •**e: •. - •/-*.I • - ^UgaW&M' v • *Wv.45^2?" ^TlKflHB BP''^^ ^•-•^ 'T'C^t'''; ^'^v K>/'?•»'"**-* ^€^P!:^^ s ^^ifife-MB*.*jmSHKSU* • • "f^tiA fl J-w ;l *'' ^f*^ ,-.^5A»i- ^:v"^^iip>i^ Kli ma^K^ • ^i -v >^ T5 SB? College/Cannon Intersection Riparian Construction Boundary 7/31/02 Cfl/a. CO P/an 17 I I I I I I I Soc,^ -',;- - <$ » ' < ^-^"^ "I '- •^'t3Bfc'J -" '"-^ft^ :^n?.- -~ '"'v5s?5S * ..••./•'vi> .'; . V ' > t*» ' •jpi^rpfcii':*:"*':^^ X College/Cannon Intersection Riparian Construction Boundary Cola. CO Plan 7/31/02 J8 I I I I I I /* -' » ** > " - , ;*--.-'•sv < «*,* ' rt^J~JUr.^;;';;?;<••;''; Sd'Wv*'* k i', -' si •(—-,-; ; .**• i v'•*(" '~ •- ~ . ^"' -**,>"'"-*• T' ^^•VL.H". > ' * '' t" •'" i T • •• 'f ", -,- ; ',' •>*••" ] ~ P^^•V-J»!^^B¥^"> "i r- ' ':. :. , &&*nljSG!r<& , •'•% -'- ;, ' ' ,"''>•• •'» '•- K W-: ••*-.. • ,T • '"^ ^ ' College/Cannon Intersection Riparian Construction Boundary 7/31/02 Cala. CO Plan 19 G. DEMONSTRATION THAT A CORPS-APPROVED BIOLOGIST HAS BEEN HIRED TO MONITOR AND INSPECT ON-SITE ACTIVITIES; INCLUDING NAME, ETC., CREDENTIALS, ETC. BIOLOGIST SHALL OVERSEE: 1. GRADING AND SITE PLANS 2. INSTALLATION OF ROPE TO DEMARCATE CONSTRUCTION AREAS 3. ALL GRADING 4. AVOIDANCE OF OPEN SPACE 5. BE EMPOWERED TO HALT CONSTRUCTION WHEN NON- COMPLIANCE OCCURS 6. IMPLEMENT AND MONITOR THE MITIGATION MEASURES See attached letter on following pages referencing contract with biologist and biologist's credentials. Cola. CO Plan 2 20 I McMillin Land DevelopmentA Corky McMillin Company * July 15, 2002 Department of the Army Los Angeles District Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 2711 Los Angeles, CA 90053-2325 Attn: Mr. Russ Kaiser Re: Permit No. 2001 -00215-RLK Dear Russ, Pursuant to condition number we have retained a biologist to review, oversee, monitor and/or inspect pursuant to conditions through Name: Gerald A. Scheid Company: RECON Address: 1927 Fifth Avenue San Diego, Ca 92101-2358 Phone: 619-308-9333 Fax: 619-308-9334 e-mail: gscheid@RECON-us.com Mr. Scheid's experience and credentials are attached for your review. If you have any questions, please contact me at 619-336-3673. Sincerely, CALAVERA HILLS II, LLC by: McMillin Companies, LLC L Don Mitchell Vice President McMillin Land Development^p •* encl. cc: Brian Milich B Paul Klukas, Planning Systems to Gerry Scheid Ratification file 1*&&& 91McMillin Realty McMillin Mortgage McMillin Land Development McMillin Homes McMillin Commercial Zri CORPORATE OFFICE 2727 HOOVER AVENUE NATIONAL CITY, CA 91950 TEL (619) 477-4117 FAX (619) 336-3112 www.mcmillin.com C \My Documents\ChII_ACOE letter re biologist.doc GERALD A. SCHEID Senior Biologist m Education Master of Science, Ecology, San Diego State University, 1986 Bachelor of Science, Biology, Arizona State University, 1979 Permits/ U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Permit #TE-797665-5 for San Diego Mesa Mint, Otay Certificates Mesa Mint, California Orcutt Grass, San Diego Button-Celery, Otay Tarplant, San Diego Thornmint, Munz's Onion, Del Mar Manzanita, and Willowy Monardella; under supervision for Coastal California Gnatcatcher, Riverside Fairy Shrimp, Conservancy Fairy Shrimp, Longhorn Fairy Shrimp, Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp, San Diego Fairy Shrimp, and Vernal Pool Tadpole Fairy Shrimp Wetland Delineation in Southern California, Certificate of Training; Huffman and Associates, 1994 Certified Biologist for the County of San Diego Certified Ecologist, Ecological Society of America Experience 22 years of experience RECON 1988-present, Senior Biologist Responsible for conducting botanical research hi California and Arizona since 1981. Over the last six years, has dealt primarily with surveying for sensitive, rare, and endan- gered species; mapping vegetation; assessing project-related impacts to biological resources; and working with clients and agencies to prepare mitigation recommendations. Experienced with Endangered Species Act Section 7 consultations with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Trained hi the current methodologies for the determination of "waters of the U.S." and the delineation of wetlands used in the preparation of 404 permit applications for compliance with the Clean Water Act. Also, has experience securing Streambed Alteration Agreements with the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) for compliance with Sections 1600-1603 of the Fish and Game Code. Prepares mitigation plans for riparian and upland habitat restoration programs and conducts monitoring of restoration efforts. California Department of Parks and Recreation 1987-1988, Project Director California Nature Conservancy 1987, Research Biologist U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research 1986-1988, Research Biologist San Diego State University 1983-1988, Research Biologist San Diego State University 1981, Team Member/Research Biologist 22 I Scheid. 2 Selected Projects Habitat Restoration Plans and Monitoring Programs Penasquitos Creek near Black Mountain Road Bridge, San Diego, CA Coastal Sage Scrub on Black Mountain Ranch Phases I and n, San Diego, CA Riparian Revegetation Plan for Black Mountain Ranch, San Diego, CA Westwood Valley Coastal Sage Scrub, San Diego, CA Montana Mirador, San Diego, CA Jones Ranch Flood Control Channel, Riverside, CA Morro Hills Country Club, Oceanside, CA Brocatto Development, Carlsbad, CA Santaluz, San Diego, CA Biological Resources Inventory and Analysis Reports Loma Alta Creek Flood Control Project Surveys and Permitting, Oceanside, CA Rancho Carlsbad Detention Basin Surveys and Permitting, Carlsbad, CA Santa Clara River Enhancement and Management Plan, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties Tequesquite Landfill, Riverside, CA Newhall Ranch Specific Plan, Santa Clarita, CA River Road Environmental Studies, Tucson, AZ Whitewater River Levee Improvements and Proposed Water Line 34 Extension, Riverside County, CA FDIC Properties in Tecate, CA Montana Mirador, San Diego, CA Eagle Mountain Landfill and Rail Line, Riverside County, CA River Management Plan for Newhall Ranch, Los Angeles/Ventura Counties, CA Vista Alegre, San Diego, CA Three Alternative Sites for Puna County Landfill, Tucson, AZ Siting Studies for Pima County Landfill (11 sites), Tucson, AZ Sabino Springs, Tucson, AZ International Wastewater Treatment Facilities, San Diego, CA Sycamore Ridge EIR, San Diego, CA Fairbanks Highland Property EIR, San Diego, CA Temescal Wash Vegetation Mapping and Impact Assessment, Riverside County, CA Rare Plant Survey and Constraints Analysis for Sweetwater Authority Projects, San Diego County, CA Vegetation Mapping of Otay River Valley, Fenton Corporation Property, San Diego, CA Sycamore Ridge Rock Quarry, San Diego County, CA Carroll Canyon Golf and Recreation Center, San Diego, CA City of San Diego Clean Water Program, San Diego, CA Biological Assessments for Section 7 Consultation Gila River Crossing: 116th Avenue Bridge, Maricopa County, AZ Headworks Acceleration Project, San Diego, CA Proposed Expansion of Cyprus Casa Grande Mine, Casa Grande, AZ Naval Radio Transmitting Facility, Chollas Heights, San Diego, CA Eagle Mountain Landfill Project, Riverside County, CA Secondary Treatment System, Clean Water Program, San Diego, CA IBWC International Wastewater Treatment Plan, San Diego, CA Vernal Pool Habitat on NAS Miramar, San Diego, CA Wetland Delineation and Jurisdictional Analysis for USAGE North Avenue Widening, Oceanside, CA 23 0 ScheicU Olivenhain Road, Encinitas, CA Tequesquite Landfill, Riverside County, CA Stallions Crossing, San Diego, CA Whitewater River Levee and Pipeline 34, County of Riverside, CA Double Butte Landfill, Riverside County, CA State Route 86 Alternative Alignments, Imperial County, CA State Route 76 Improvements, San Diego County, CA Black Mountain Ranch, San Diego, CA Henderson Wastewater Outfall Pipeline, Henderson, NV Calleguas Creek, Ventura County, CA Carroll Canyon Golf and Recreation Center, San Diego, CA Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion at Hale Avenue, Escondido, CA Pilgrim Creek Wetland and Riparian Habitat Cumulative Analysis, Oceanside, CA Buena Vista Creek, Vista, CA Santa Margarita River, Camp Pendleton, CA Vernal Pool Projects State Route 125 Vernal Pool Study, Caltrans District 11, San Diego, CA State Route 905 Otay Mesa Survey and Mapping, Caltrans District 11, San Diego, CA Interstate 15 Vernal Pool Monitoring, Caltrans District 11, San Diego, CA Vista Alegre Vernal Pool and Fairy Shrimp Monitoring, San Diego, CA California Terraces Soil Hydration and Fairy Shrimp Culture Trial, San Diego, CA Clean Water Program Vernal Pool Survey and Mapping, San Diego, CA Santaluz Vernal Pool Mitigation Plan, San Diego, CA M Publications "Transplant Trials for Alverson's Foxtail Cactus at Eagle Mountain Mine hi Riveride County." Presentation to the Desert Lands Rehabilitation Workshop. "~ Population Status and Management of Cuyamaca Cypress (Cupressus arizonica ssp. ^ stephensonii) in Cuyamaca Rancho State Park. Department of Parks and Recreation, San Diego, CA. « Invasion of Carpobrotus edulis and Salix lasiolepis after Fire in a Coastal Chaparral Site in Santa Barbara County, California. Madrono 35:196-201. Co-author with Paul H. "" Zedler. *~ Impact of Extreme Acid Deposition on Competitive Interactions Between Pinus muricata and Artemisia californica. Chapter 3 in Final Report to the Air Force Office of *" Scientific Research: The Effect of Acid Deposition on Potentially Sensitive m Soil-Plant Systems at Vandenberg AFB, California, P. H. Zedler and G. Marion. Co-author with Paul H. Zedler. ** Habitat Characteristics of Willowy Monardella (Monardella linoides ssp. viminea) in San m Diego County. In Proceedings from a Conference of the California Native Plant Society: The Conservation and Management of Rare and Endangered Plants, edited * by T. S. Elias, pp. 501-506. Comparison of Reproductive Modes in Two Species of Cupressus: Serotiny vs. f* Non-serotiny. M.S. thesis, San Diego State University, California. •* Fire in the Ecology and Management of Torrey Pine (California). Restoration and Management Notes 5(2):88-89. Co-author with Paul H. Zedler, Carla Scheidlinger, ** and Greg McMaster. *• Vegetation and Vascular Flora of Sky Oaks Biological Field Station. Chapter 3 hi Sky Oaks Biological Field Station—Baseline Studies, edited by W. C. Oechel. 24 H. DEMONSTRATION THAT A CORPS-APPROVED CULTURAL RESOURCE SPECIALIST HAS BEEN HIRED TO MONITOR ACTIVITIES BY CULTURAL SITES. NO WORK TO BE PERFORMED WITHIN 100 FT. OF CULTURAL SITES. CULTURAL RESOURCE SPECIALIST SHALL: 1. BE EMPOWERED TO HALT CONSTRUCTION IF TERMS OF 404 PERMIT ARE VIOLATED 2. IMPLEMENT AND MONITOR THE MITIGATION PROGRAM, IF WARRANTED. See attached letter on following pages referencing contract with archaeologist and archaeologist's credentials. Cola. CO Plan 2 25 i ffi E McMillin Land DevelopmentA Corky McMillin Company f July 15, 2002 Department of the Army Los Angeles District Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 2711 Los Angeles, CA 90053-2325 Attn: Mr. Russ Kaiser Re: Permit No. 2001-00215-RLK Dear Russ, Pursuant to condition number we have retained an archaeologist to review, oversee, monitor and/or inspect pursuant to conditions through Name: Dayle M. Cheever Company: RECON Address: 1927 Fifth Avenue San Diego, Ca 92101-2358 Phone: 619-308-9333 Fax: 619-308-9334 e-mail: dcheever@RECON-us.com Ms. Cheever's experience and credentials are attached for your review. If you have any questions, please contact me at 619-336-3673 Sincerely, CALAVERA HILLS II, LLC By: McMillin Companies, LLC Don Mitchell Vice President McMillin Land Development encl. cc: Brian Milich Paul Klukas, Planning Systems Dayle Cheever Ratification file AV At AV jwi JNI 26 McMillin Realty McMillin Mortgage McMillin Land Development McMillin Homes McMillin Commercial CORPORATE OFFICE 2727 HOOVER AVENUE NATIONAL CITY, CA 91950 TEL (619) 477-4117 FAX (619) 336-3112 www.mcmillin.com DAYLE M. CHEEVER Senior Archaeologist Education/ Master of Arts, Anthropology, San Diego State University, 1983 Certifications Bachelor of Arts, Anthropology, San Diego State University, 1979 Certified in field research and teaching since 1983, Register of Professional Archaeologists (RPA) Credential for life from the California Community Colleges as an instructor of anthropology Certified in Archaeology, City and County of San Diego Qualified Archaeological Principal Investigator, City of San Diego Permits U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management Cultural Use Permit, Coastal and California Desert Districts, Arizona Desert Experience 23 years of experience RECON 1988-present, Senior Archaeologist As the senior member of RECON's Cultural Resources Group, directs and participates in all aspects of cultural resource identification and evaluation programs, including research, survey, mapping, impact assessment, significance testing, data recovery, mitigation recommendations (including preservation planning and implementation), and technical report preparation. Has completed cultural resource projects involving compliance with Sections 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Calif ornia Environmental Quality Act. Tasks are directed towards fulfilling standards set in CEQA and NEPA as well as numerous municipal policies for the evaluation of cultural resources through documentation and analysis. Devises and manages archaeological mitigation monitoring requirements for complex projects. Works closely with clients and resource agencies in developing feasible mitigation strategies. Has worked in the coastal, mountain, and desert areas of southern California and in western Arizona, with particular expertise in the management of cultural and historic resources of San Diego County and Riverside counties. Is directly responsible for supervision and scheduling of field and laboratory personnel, for the development of research designs, protection and preservation plans, and data recovery programs for RECON's clients. Also develops and monitors project budgets. WESTEC Services, Inc. 1985-1988, Project Archaeologist Consulting Archaeologis^Consulting Faunal Analyst 1979-1985 27 RECON Cheever, 2 m Selected Projects Federal Projects (Section 106 and 110, NAGPRA, HABS/HAER) Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan, NAF El Centre, Imperial — County, CA Phase I Survey of 2000 Acres in Range 409, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, CA <— National Register Eligibility Determinations for 12 Archaeological Sites, Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, San Diego, CA Phase I Cultural Resource Survey of 12,000 Acres, Naval Air Facility, El Centro, - CA National Register Eligibility Assessment of CA-SDI-12731 in the Pine Creek Summer Home Tract, Cleveland National Forest, San Diego, CA — Naval Post Graduate School Monterey, Wherry Housing Demolition Plan, Cultural Resource Documentation, Monterey, CA Pacific Bell Highway 80 Alignment Corridor, Cleveland National Forest •• Loveland Reservoir Land Exchange, Sweetwater Authority and Cleveland National Forest, San Diego, CA Guatay Grazing Allotment, National Register Assessment of Three Prehistoric — Sites, Cleveland National Forest, San Diego, CA National Register Evaluation of Building 5, Fleet Combat Training Center Pacific, "* U.S. Department of the Navy, Southwest Division, NAVFACENGCOM *• National Register Evaluation/Documentation of Schwanbeck's Store, Crossroads, CA. Lake Havasu Field Office, Bureau of Land Management Section 106 Compliance for Paseo Ranchero and Telegraph Canyon Road Water «*• Reclamation Pipelines, Otay Water District, San Diego, CA Section 106 Compliance for Otay Mesa Water Reclamation Pipeline, Otay Water District, San Diego, CA «n Historic American Building Survey for the Descanso Station Engine Garage, m Cleveland National Forest, CA Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) Documentation of Six Base End M Stations in the White's Point Reservation, Los Angeles County, CA. National jg Park Service and Department of the Air Force (SMC/AXFV) U.S. Naval Subase San Diego Artifact Inventory, NAGPRA Compliance, and GIS m Site Information, Southwest Division, NAVFACENGCOM H SDG&E Horno Power Pole Replacement Project (ARPA Permit), USMCB Camp Pendleton, San Diego, CA <• Phase I - Cultural Resource Surveys II Cultural Resources Survey for the SDG&E Proponents' Environmental Assessment and Federal Environmental Assessment for Los Angeles to San W Diego County Fiber Optic Link Project, CA M SDG&E Los Coches to Creelman Transmission Line, San Diego, CA SDG&E Mission to Friars Substation Transmission Line, San Diego, CA H Cultural Resources Survey of Parcel 3, Carmel Creek Road, and Site Significance m Evaluation of CA-SDI-9677, San Diego, CA Fanita Ranch Specific Plan, Santee, CA fi Archaeological Constraints Study for LCAC Training Activities and Access y Roads at Green Beach and Blue Beach, MCB Camp Pendleton, CA Archaeological Constraints Study for Military Vehicles at Red Beach and White » Beach, MCB Camp Pendleton, CA H Edom Hill Landfill Expansion, Riverside County, CA 28 RECON Cheever, 3 Republic Imperial Landfill Expansion, Imperial County, CA *** Deletion of SA 680 from the County of San Diego Circulation Element, County of „ San Diego, CA Pipeline 2000 Phase IV, San Diego Gas & Electric, San Diego, CA "* Eden Valley Drainage, San Diego County, CA ^, Mojave Crossing, Apple Valley and Victorville, CA Whitewater River Levee/Palm Springs Line 34 in Riverside County, CA *" Torrey View-Allred/Sorrento Hills Project. San Diego, CA ^ Torrey Reserve Terrace Project, San Diego, CA Beazer Property (NAS Miramar, Parcel "C"), San Diego, CA *" SDG&E Pipeline Alignment near Interstate 805/8 Junction, San Diego, CA ^ Forty-fourth Street Condominiums Project, San Diego, CA Eagle Mountain Mine and Kaiser Industrial Railroad, Riverside County, CA *"* Mataguay Scout Reservation near Warner Springs, CA Portions of the Shaw Valley Property, San Diego, CA Proposed Alignment at Sweerwater Reservoir, San Diego County, CA "" Carrillo Ranch Road Realignment Study Area, Carlsbad, CA *• Phase II - Determination of Significance CA-SDI-8472, Locus C, North Torrey Pines/Genesee Avenue, San Diego, CA "" CA-SDI-7979, Border Avenue Development, Del Mar (LC94/9), CA - CA-SDI-10,940, Del Mar, CA 110 Acres within Carmel Highlands Precise Plan Neighborhood 8A; SDI-10,218, "* Locus A; SDI-10,219; and SDI-4905, San Diego, CA - Stallions Crossing Project: SDI-7290, SDI-7291, SDI-7293, SDI-7298, SDI-7300, ^ SDI-10,118, San Diego, CA Archaic Occupations within the San Dieguito River Valley: SDI-687, San Diego, - CA SDI-11,297: A Prehistoric Site in Dulzura, San Diego County, CA Four Prehistoric Sites within the Railroad Canyon Road Project Area, Lake ** Elsinore, CA ^ SDI-6753, SDI-6754, SDI-6819, and SDI-2046: Four Prehistoric Sites within the Aviara Development, Carlsbad, CA — SDI-8813: The Palomar Heights Project, San Marcos, CA A Portion of SDI-197: Torrey Enterprises-Sorrento Valley Property, San Diego, CA San Dieguito Valley Project Area, San Diego, CA — SDM-W-2135: A Prehistoric Site within the Southridge Trails Project Area C, Oceanside, CA Pacific Business Park, Otay Mesa, San Diego, CA *• SDI-11,019: University of California, San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography Master Plan, San Diego, CA Results of an Extended Phase II Sampling at CA-SDI-197, Sorrento Pointe Project, m San Diego, CA — Cultural Resource Significance Assessment of 16 Cultural Resource Sites on the McCrink Ranch Property, Santa Fe Valley Specific Plan, San Diego, CA - Phase III - Data Recovery/Mitigation j§ Alia Loma Heights Citrus Association Packing House Pre-demolition Documentation and Educational Video, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9 Data Recovery at CA-SDI-12,123, Carmel Valley, San Diego, CA m Data Recovery at CA-SDI-4687, Carrillo Ranch, Carlsbad, CA 29 I RECON H Cheever, 4 Home Avenue Trunk Sewer Data Recovery Project, San Diego, CA SDI-4907, Loci A, B, and C, Neighborhood 8 A Carmel Mountain, San Diego, CA Data Recovery at CA-SDI-6753 and CA-SDI-6819: Aviara Development Project, Carlsbad, CA Data Recovery at Nine Cultural Resource Sites, Aviara Development, Carlsbad, Mechanical Excavation and Removal of Sixteen Human Burial Features from CA- SDI-691, Aviara Development, Carlsbad, CA Results of an Archaeological Data Recovery at CA-SDI-4832/-4833/-4942 and CA-SDI-11,982, Black Mountain Ranch, San Diego, CA Mitigation Monitoring San Diego Convention Center Expansion, San Diego, CA Mission Valley West Development Project, San Diego, CA Christianitos Creek Groundwater Monitoring Well Excavation Monitoring, Camp Pendleton, CA San Diego Avenue Construction Grading and Historic Feature Recovery, Old Town, San Diego, CA Mission Valley West LRT Extension, Morena Segment/ North Mission Valley Interceptor Sewer, San Diego, CA A Portion of Hillside Drive in La Jolla, CA Trenching on a Portion of Jefferson Street in Old Town, San Diego, CA Salk Institute East Building and North Parking Lot Expansion, San Diego, CA Water Main Replacement Group 477, San Diego, CA Trenching for South Creek Tentative Map and Penasquitos Creek Improvement Plan, CA South Chollas Valley Interceptor Sewer Project, San Diego, CA Water and Sewer Main Replacement Group 466A in Downtown San Diego, CA Pomerado Extension Trunk Sewer Pipeline, Poway, CA Savage/Spreckels Tire Factory and Aztec Brewing, San Diego, CA Cultural Resource Investigation, Monitoring, and Worker Education Program at the Mataguay Scout Reservation near Warner Springs, CA Carlsbad by the Sea, Carlsbad, CA The Saltman Residence, San Diego, CA Pipeline 2000, San Diego Gas & Electric, Otay Mesa, San Diego, CA Special Projects A Proposed Research Design for the Completion of the Mitigation of Impacts to CA-SDI-6941, Locus D; SDI-7604, Locus E; and SDI-10,200, California Terraces Project, Otay Mesa, San Diego, CA Proposed Research Design for a Portion of Cleveland National Forest in Vicinity of Loveland Reservoir, Sweetwater Authority, San Diego County, CA Cultural Resource Guidelines for the City of Carlsbad, CA Wrote and directed an educational video and CD-ROM on the citrus packing industry generally, and an historic era citrus packing house complex specifically, Redevelopment Agency, Rancho Cucamonga, CA Education and protection program for redevelopment work at the Mataguay Scout Reservation completed by the Reserve Naval Construction Force, County of San Diego, CA 30 RECON