HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Calavera Hills/College Blvd & Cannon RD Plan; Calavera Hills/College Blvd & Cannon RD Plan; 2002-03-21CALAVERA HILLS / COLLEGE BLVD. AND CANNON RD. PRE-CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS PLAN For Submittal to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Prepared/or: CITY OF CARLSBAD 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 CALAVERA HILLS n, LLC 2727 Hoover Ave. National City, CA 91950 Prepared by: PLANNING SYSTEMS 1530 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 3/21/02 CALAVERA HILLS / COLLEGE BLVD. & CANNON ROAD PRE-CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS PLAN Outline of Report A. Background (Pg. 2) B. Proposed construction timeline and sequencing (Pg. 4) C. Preconstruction surveys defining project boundaries with respect to avoidance of "waters" and cultural resources (Pg. 5) D. Site plans delineating boundaries for staging, fueling and storage areas. Not within 100 ft. of "waters" (Pg. 5,6) E. Measures to be taken to prevent an unpermitted discharge of fill into "waters". Silt net, hay bales, and BMP's, including emergency spill kits. (Pg. 5-14) F. Photos documenting site conditions, including work limits and resource exclusion areas. Photos showing roped construction areas. (Pg. 14-16) G. Demonstration that a Corps-approved biologist has been hired to monitor and inspect on-site activities; including name, etc., credentials, etc. Biologist shall oversee: (Pg. 17) 1. Grading and site plans 2. Installation of rope to demarcate construction areas 3. All grading 4. Avoidance of open space 5. Be empowered to halt construction when non-compliance occurs 6. Implement and monitor the mitigation measures H. Demonstration that a Corps-approved cultural resource specialist has been hired to monitor activities by cultural sites. No work to be performed within 100 ft. of cultural sites. Cultural resource specialist shall: (Pg. 18) 1. Be empowered to halt construction if terms of 404 permit are violated 2. Implement and monitor the mitigation program, if warranted. Cala. CO Plan A. BACKGROUND Calavera Hills n LLC and the City of Carlsbad have received entitlement approvals to construct a two-phased project, consisting of the development of 781 residential units, local infrastructure and community facilities, the extension of two existing arterial roadways, (College Boulevard and Cannon Road), and two detention basins. The first phase involves development of the residential units, and College Boulevard Reaches B and C (would be extended from Carlsbad Village Drive southerly to the planned intersection with Cannon Road, Cannon Road Reach 3 (which would be extended from this intersection to El Camino Real) and Detention Basin BJB. Phase 2 would involve future development of College Blvd. Reach A and Detention Basin BJ. The proposed residential development, roads, and detention basin project(s) all lie within the northeast portion of the City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California. More specifically, the project consists of the following development and public infrastructure components: a. The construction of the Calavera Hills Phase n project, which consists of a maximum of 781 units of residential housing, local infrastructure and their associated neighborhood improvements, and community facilities and open space, over approximately 300 total acres. The development will occur within the seven remaining undeveloped "villages" which constitutes the final phase of the Calavera Hills Master Planned Community. b. The construction, in phases discussed above, of College Boulevard, between the existing stub at Carlsbad Village Dr. to the opposite stub near El Camino Real, and Cannon Road from El Camino Real to the proposed College/Cannon intersection. c. The installation, in phases, of two detention basins, identified as Basins BJ and BJB, to control flood waters along Little Encinas Creek and Calavera Creek upstream of the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park. Construction activities on Calavera Hills Phase n and College Blvd. and Cannon Road, and the Desiltation Basins will be covered under the NPDES General Permit Cala. CO Plan for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (Order No. 99- 08-DWQ). This permit is issued and administered by the State of California Water Resources Control Board (RWQCB). The General Permit specifies certain requirements, such as the preparation of a SWPPP, implementation of BMPs, and storm water monitoring. A Waste Discharge permit (WD) was issued by the RWQCB for the project on Feb. 13,2002, Order No. R9-2002-0014. The proposed project area drains into three creeks tributary to Agua Hedionda Lagoon. These creeks are Calavera Creek, Agua Hedionda Creek and Little Encinas Creek. The Agua Hedionda Lagoon, located downstream from the subject site has been identified by the RWQCB on the 303(d) Listed Water Bodies as impaired for sedimentation, siltation, and fecal coliform. As such, the proposed project has included BMPs that address water quality compliance, as well as public concerns. In light of the designation as a 303(d) Listed Water Body, the April 26, 2001, modifications to the General Permit require monitoring of storm water discharges for sedimentation/siltation, as well as the monitoring of non-visible pollutants. The RWQCB issued Order No. 2001-01, which outlines storm water discharge requirements for municipalities in San Diego County, including the City of Carlsbad. The City of Carlsbad has set forth requirements for controls to reduce the pollutants in storm water discharge. These requirements are applicable to the Calavera Hills/College and Cannon project. They address littering; parking lots, and similar structures; illicit discharges and illegal connections; implementation of BMPs; compliance with general permits; and watercourse protection. A Section 7 Consultation Biological Opinion was issued by the US Fish & Wildlife Service for the project on March 14,2002. The US Army Corps of Engineers issued a Section 404 Permit on March , 2002. This Pre-Construction Operations Plan is intended to implement and be consistent with the requirements of these permits. Cala. CO Plan B. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION TIMELINE AND SEQUENCING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Activity Name College/Cannon Intersection Environmental Fencing Install Sediment Controls Equipment Mobilization Final Biological Inspection Harvest Trees - Clear Veg. Remainder of Project - Ph 1* Environmental Fencing Install Sediment Controls Equipment Mobilization Clear Vegetation Mass Grading Utility Installation Landscaping Installation Wetlands Mitigation Grading of Mitigation Site BJB Installation of Mitigation BJB Remainder of Project - Ph 2** Environmental Fencing Install Sediment Controls Equipment Mobilization Clear Vegetation Mass Grading Utility Installation Landscaping Installation Wetlands Mitigation Grading of Mitigation Site BJB Installation of Mitigation BJB Start Date 3/15/02 3/18/02 3/21/02 3/25/02 3/26/02 8/1/02 8/6/02 8/13/02 8/15/02 8/23/02 11/1/02 2/1/03 9/15/02 9/30/02 9/1/03 9/6/03 9/12/03 9/16/03 9/24/03 12/17/03 4/14/04 10/1/03 10/15/03 Finish Date 3/21/02 3/22/02 3/27/02 8/7/02 8/12/02 8/15/02 8/23/02 11/15/02 2/28/03 4/1/03 9/30/02 12/1/02 9/5/03 9/12/03 9/16/03 9/24/03 12/17/03 4/14/04 6/10/04 10/15/03 12/16/03 2002 M f 1 ' A v M|A MJ M|J J J A 1 1 1 ' S • 0 • N • IN A • 1r s o N D F D 2003 J • F • M A *Ml j F MJA M J MJJ J J A 1 1 1 0 <* • N • D 1 • [•* A|S|0|N|D 2004 J • J F • F M • M A M-• • 1 TTTT II A|M|J J J * - Calavera Hills Phase II residential development, College Blvd. Reaches B and C, Cannon Road Reach 3 and Detention Basin BJB. ** - College Blvd. Reach A and Detention Basin BJ Cala. CO Plan C. PRECONSTRUCTION SURVEYS DEFINING PROJECT BOUNDARIES WITH RESPECT TO AVOIDANCE OF "WATERS" AND CULTURAL RESOURCES These surveys are on file with the Army Corps of Engineers. D. SITE PLANS DELINEATING BOUNDARIES FOR STAGING, FUELING AND STORAGE AREAS. NOT WITHIN 100 FT. OF "WATERS" Attached Exhibit A delineates the approximate locations for staging, fueling and storage areas. None of the proposed construction staging, fueling and storage areas are located within 100 ft. of any identified "waters" of the U.S. E. MEASURES TO BE TAKEN TO PREVENT AN UNPERMITTED DISCHARGE OF FILL INTO "WATERS". SILT NET, HAY BALES, AND BMP'S, INCLUDING EMERGENCY SPILL KITS. The following measures will be taken to prevent an unpermitted discharge of fill into "waters" of the U.S. Environmental fencing. The first step associated with the pre-construction operation is the installation of the environmental fence. This fence line delineates the limits of grading authorized in the permits. Oversight of the installation of this fence will be conducted by an authorized biologist, familiar with the approved Calavera Hills/BTD #4 Section 404, Section 7, and City permits. The entire environmental limit will be defined by environmental fencing and an educational session with grading machinery operators will be conducted by the biologist, all prior to commencement of the clearing operations. The environmental fence line will be well established and properly maintained throughout the duration of the grading operation. 1. Conduct contractor training session with machinery operators. 2. Install environmental fencing to delineate limits of authorized grading. Clearing and grubbing BMP's. BMPs that will be utilized during the clearing and grubbing phase of project development are included in the SWPPP prepared in accordance with the NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (WDID 9375317517). The areas to be cleared and grubbed will be limited to those areas The types of erosion and Cala. CO Plan - Manufactured Slopes - Staging Fueling and Storage Areas •-Waters of the U.S. Exhibit A STAGING, FUELING AND STORAGE AREA EXHIBIT Calavera Hills Phase II / College Blvd. and Cannon Rd. 3MM0102 MAR 2002 NORTH sediment controls that will be implemented for the clearing and grubbing of the site are listed below. It is the intent of these requirements that all storm water will pass through the de-sedimentation process prior to exiting the site. 1. ' Install perimeter sediment controls, including silt fencing in all downhill perimeter areas where sediment could travel, and install temporary sediment control basins with skimmer outlets within area to be graded. 2. Review existing permanent sediment control basins for proper functioning, provide maintenance of any dysfunctional aspects of these basins, including stabilization of outlets. 3. Install sand or gravel-bag barriers and other flow diversions to route storm waters to basins. 4. Provide temporary drainage inlet protection. 5. Install temporary check dams to reduce storm water velocity. 6. Install controls to address tracking of sediment off site, including stabilized construction entrances (with wheel-wash facilities as needed) Commencement of wetlands revegetation: The revegetation of 10.7 acres of wetlands will occur within the proposed Detention Basins BJ and BJB. As shown on the attached schedule, the mitigation program will be provided in two phases consistent with the impacts. This revegetation program will be installed consistent with the Habitat Restoration and Monitoring Plan for the City of Carlsbad Bridge and Thoroughfare District, the Calavera Hills Project, and the Detention Basins Project in Carlsbad, California, dated January 10,2002. Mass grading setup/soil surcharge. The second phase of construction at the site will include excavating existing alluvium deposits and establishing a surcharge over some areas of the site from onsite soils. The resulting surcharge load will remain undisturbed in certain isolated areas, for approximately six months. Temporary sedimentation control basins and the permanent basins will be in continuous operation throughout the Pre-mass grading phase, allowing all storm water to pass through the de-sedimentation process as the project progresses. The areas affected by this phase of grading are shown on Exhibit B. Storm drain installation. Storm drains will be installed during this phase of construction and will be incorporated into the storm water runoff and sediment program. Cola. CO Plan Pre-mass grading BMP's. Additionally, during the Pre-mass grading phase, the following controls will be implemented: 1. Inspection and maintenance of all erosion control measures will be implemented at all times. 2. Runoff will be directed away from disturbed areas during the Pre- mass grading phase to the degree feasible. 3. Runoff velocities will be kept low through surface roughening. 4. Surcharge areas - Surcharge slopes and surfaces will be stabilized with an effective application of blown straw mulch with tackifier or bonded fiber matrix or other approved method. 5. Controls to address tracking of sediment off site, including stabilized construction entrances (with wheel-wash facilities as needed) will be implemented. 5. A regular, daily program for sweeping of public rights-of-way will be enacted to avoid tracking sediment off site. 6. Watering and other dust controls will be performed. 7. All disturbed areas not being graded will be stabilized with a hydraulic application of temporary soil stabilizer to protect the soils from eroding. The soil stabilizer will consist of guar, polyacrylamide, or acrylic co-polymer with mulch or other approved method. 8. Disturbed areas of the site that will not be re-disturbed for 21 days or more will be stabilized by the 14th day after the last disturbance. Wetlands revegetation. During this period, completion of the excavation to the required elevation, installation of irrigation, and planting of the wetlands revegetation operation will take place. The third phase of construction will include the bulk of earthwork activities, and portions of this phase will be performed concurrently with the Pre-mass grading construction. Special care will be exercised during the surcharge removal to identify and implement BMPs to minimize the effects of mass grading. Mass grading BMP's. The areas to be mass graded are shown on Exhibit C. The types of erosion and sediment controls that will be implemented for the mass grading of the site are listed below. 1. Mass grading operations will be timed to minimize soil exposure. 2. Vegetation and mulch or otherwise stabilization of graded areas will occur as soon as grading of the particular area is completed. Cala. CO Plan 3. Minimize the length and steepness of slopes. 4. Conduct regular sweeping of access streets and rights of way to minimize transport of sediment. 5. Install temporary checkdams to maintain control over stormwater velocity in appropriate areas. 6. Watering and other dust controls will be performed. 7. All disturbed areas not being graded will be stabilized with a hydraulic application of temporary soil stabilizer to protect the soils from eroding. The soil stabilizer will consist of guar, polyacrylamide, or acrylic co-polymer with mulch or other approved method. 8. Disturbed areas of the site that will not be re-disturbed for 21 days or more will be stabilized by the 14th day after the last disturbance. 9. Areas to be permanently stabilized will be hydroseeded and/or planted in accordance with the project landscape plans. In addition to seeds and plants, slopes that are 3:1 or flatter will be roughened and mulched (with tackifier as specified). Slopes steeper than 3:1 but flatter than 2:1 will be roughened and protected with blown straw mulch with tackifier. Slopes 2:1 or steeper will be protected with bonded fiber matrix or erosion control blankets. Cala. CO Plan •H - Manufactured Slopes Q - Temporary Desiltation Basins «——- Environmental Fence • • • • - Silt Fence •»-^ - Direction of Drainage Exhibit B PRE-MASS GRADING SITE PREPARATION EXHIBIT Calavera Hills Phase II / College Blvd. and Cannon Rd. #MM0102 NORTH - Manufactured Slopes - Temporary Desiltation Basins - Environmental Fence - Permanent Detention Or Depollutant Basins Exhibit C MASS GRADING EXHIBIT #MM0102 Calavera Hills Phase II / College Blvd. and Cannon Rd.NORTH I I Wetlands revegetation. During this period, the planting and beginning of the maintenance, monitoring and reporting period for the wetlands revegetation will I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I occur. Monitoring. In compliance with the requirements of the General Permit, site inspections will be performed before, during (for storms 24 hours or longer), and after storms. BMPs will be maintained, repaired, or replaced as needed, and records will be kept of all inspections and responses. Additionally, as required by the April 2001 modifications to the General Permit, a sampling and analysis strategy and sampling schedule will be developed for the project as follows: 1. Wetlands revegetation. Monitoring and maintenance of the wetlands revegetation will occur regularly, consistent with the monitoring and maintenance requirements identified in the Final Wetland Mitigation Plan. 2. Siltation monitoring. Siltation monitoring will occur continuously during the grading operation through samples collected in the receiving water upstream and downstream of the site: a. During the first two hours of discharge from rain events that result in runoff to the water body b. For storms that occur during daylight hours, seven days per week c. For four storms per month d. Samples will be analyzed according to test procedures under 40CFR, Part 136 for settleable solids and total suspended solids. 2. Samples will be taken should visual monitoring indicate that there has been a breach, malfunction, leakage, or spill from a BMP that could result in the discharge of pollutants in storm water that would not be visually detectable, or if storm water comes in contact with soil amendments or other exposed materials (such as historic site contamination) and is allowed to be discharged. Samples will be taken upstream and downstream of the pollutant source: Cala. CO Plan 12 - Wetland Revegetation Areas I Exhibit D'WETLANDS REVEGITATION AREAS EXHIBIT , Calavera Hills Phase II / College Blvd. and Cannon Rd. #MM0102 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a. During the first two hours of runoff b. For storms that occur during daylight hours, seven days per week c. Samples will be analyzed according to test procedures under 40CFR, Part 136 for the constituencies of concern. 3. The results of filed and laboratory sampling and analysis will be evaluated, BMPs will be repaired or replaced, or alternative BMPs will be implemented as necessary. All field and/or analytical data will be kept with the SWPPP until the final notice of termination (NOT) has been submitted and approved. F. PHOTOS DOCUMENTING SITE CONDITIONS, INCLUDING WORK LIMITS AND RESOURCE EXCLUSION AREAS. PHOTOS SHOWING ROPED CONSTRUCTION AREAS. Cala.COPlan 14 S8 G. DEMONSTRATION THAT A CORPS-APPROVED BIOLOGIST HAS BEEN HIRED TO MONITOR AND INSPECT ON-SITE ACTIVITIES; INCLUDING NAME, ETC., CREDENTIALS, ETC. BIOLOGIST SHALL OVERSEE: 1. GRADING AND SITE PLANS 2. INSTALLATION OF ROPE TO DEMARCATE CONSTRUCTION AREAS 3. ALL GRADING 4. AVOIDANCE OF OPEN SPACE 5. BE EMPOWERED TO HALT CONSTRUCTION WHEN NON- COMPLIANCE OCCURS 6. IMPLEMENT AND MONITOR THE MITIGATION MEASURES The biologist hired to monitor and inspect on-site activities is: Gerry Scheid Senior Biologist RECON 1927 Fifth Ave. Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92101-2358 Mr. Scheid's credentials are on file in the Army Corps' offices. Mr. Scheid will be involved with an oversee the grading and site plans, installation of the rope and fencing to demarcate the limits of construction, all grading and avoidance of open space. He will be empowered to halt construction when and if non-compliance with the permits occurs, and he will monitor implementation of the mitigation measures listed in the Section 404 permit. Cala.COPlan 17 H. DEMONSTRATION THAT A CORPS-APPROVED CULTURAL RESOURCE SPECIALIST HAS BEEN HIRED TO MONITOR ACTIVITIES BY CULTURAL SITES. NO WORK TO BE PERFORMED WITHIN 100 FT. OF CULTURAL SITES. CULTURAL RESOURCE SPECIALIST SHALL: 1. BE EMPOWERED TO HALT CONSTRUCTION IF TERMS OF 404 PERMIT ARE VIOLATED 2. IMPLEMENT AND MONITOR THE MITIGATION PROGRAM, IF WARRANTED. The Spring, 2002 vegetation clearing program on Calavera Creek at the future location of the College Blvd. / Cannon Rd. intersection is not within 100 feet of any identified cultural sites. A cultural resource specialist will be hired to monitor all clearing and grading prior to such clearing and grading beyond the intersection location. The contract will state that this specialist will be empowered to halt construction if any terms of the Section 404 permit are violated, and to implement and monitor the mitigation program, if warranted. The cultural resource specialist will be: Dayle Cheever Senior Archaeologist RECON 1927 Fifth Ave. Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92101-2358 Cala. CO Plan 18