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; Calavera Lake Regional Park; Calavera Lake Regional Park; 1974-08-22
/V CALAVERA U\KE REGIONAL PARK AUGUST 22, 1974 INDEX TTFH NO. UILE Map Regional Park Sites Map, Location Map, Vicinity Resume* of Activity Letter to City Manager's Office Six Year Program Proposed Park Activities Early Lease Provisions • Mayor's Letter 1-23-73 Staff Presentation to Carlsbad 10 City Council (. - CMWD Committee Letter to. 11 Carlsbad Mayor GAG'S Letter to City Manager 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 99 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Park Development Division Public Works Agency / '®Q SANTA/MARGARITA GUAJOME Q^^VWIIDERNESS GARDENS ^WhAiOMAH MT. •UtNAVlSIAlAGOON AGUA HFOIONDA lAOOON CALAVERA SAN £UJO CAN^ SAN DIEGUITO ( WOHLFORO ®O/'^"^0N RESV. . ©rtJiSAN PASQUAL ^JL'IAKE HODCES- Kir CARSON , SYCAMORE O LEGEND Existing To be expanded O Proposed . a County Other Joint ("iSJOOS PICOS ISAN VICENTE El MONTE .JENNINGS OTAV RES. I NT E RN AT I ON il J^^^l^YQ® 'lAKE HENSHAW WM.HEISErf GENERAL PLAN REGIONAL PARK SITES fiS) VAUECITO Ci lAKE MORENA LtPOTRERO ••'•t- '--•'.'N .-Viri Mill ct. • r - -^ ^" s\i;^'^r , ^ ill yi T.' •-,;i:,'sii-now .-rL-.c- CARLS GAD Y?'^^^'^^'""'• - - .(•II L'i""'v« . -<i \ r - . , /v^-^ /" O ?1 -4 m V 3 -4- scni.<:isij«AD«i*TEBF*di L'j',' PontoV". :'-\\* uvcsrn ST*TT uticii :, LEiiCAD!,". Y'.'^ -.•.>.I:JJM-....-.I ( 1. .'i- ..\ / /• >TT:rr" -/Tv FAKCUO S*:UA fE • / -•; finiT.-lLii - 2 - -^i:..: x!:;^; vx-- • . -1 v 4, SEE •'RESUME' CALAVERA LAKE (REGIONAL PARK PROGRAM), ' 1942 1952 1958 1968 v. 1/19/71 4/ /71 7/28/71 S 10/5/71 10/ /71 3/21/71 4/19/71 4/ /72 Calavera Lake dam constructed for Carlsbad Mutual Water Company (approximately 30 surface acres of water). Carlsbad City Incorporation which led to City's assump- tion .of Calavera Lake. 1958 Carlsbad [later Revenue Bonds ($767,000 maturing 1988) issued as per Revenue Bond Law of 1941, CP.0. recommended that Calavera Lake be the'site of one of 38 County regional parks. Letter from Carlsbad City Manager to County Public Works Administrator urged early development of Calavera "Lake to serve existing regional recreation needs. County Project Manager v/as designated. Project Manager submitted to City Manager a .list of specifications for proposed 50 year lease with option to buy for One Dollar after bond maturity date in 1988. After several discussions, Project Manager submitted a revised base proposal providing for 30 year lease -.- (minimum to qualify for State or Federal grants for\ acquisition and/or development) with 7 options to renew for 10 years each with option to buy on or after 1/1/89, copy attached). Internal problems arose at City level and acquisition process appeared to have been inmeshed in political, disagreement. Acquisition matter, at request of City Manager, became dormant-pending quieter times. Carlsbad City Council endorsed the Regional Park Imple- mentation Study concepts for Carlsbad area regional parks urging priority be given to acquisition. Board of Supervisors accepted the Regional Park Implemen- tation Study .which classified Calavera Regional Park as a Target '78 project and instructed staff to study means of implementation. Overt efforts to merge City Water Services into C.M.W.D. emerge further complicating City-County negotiations. -2- ^ . 5/18/72 1/23/73 4/10/73 5/16/73 5/21/73 7/2/73 7/11/73 7/18/73 7/25/74 County Administrator submitted to City Manager Arnold a "meaningful package" which contained reports regarding the cost of extension of College and Cannon Roads through the proposed- park area, private owner participa- tion, and City involvement. County activityceased pend- ing response by City. Dormant period ended v/ith a letter from Mayor Dunne to Board of Supervisors requesting action on the Calavera project and assignment, of County staff to coordinate project planning with Carlsbad's revision ' of its General Plan, Cornell, Bridgers, Troller, and Hazlett (Cpunty's consultants) v/ere contracted to develop Master Plan Report .for Calavera Lake Regional Park, Planning coordination requested, by Mayor.1/23/74 beganas per Board Direction. - /i/ja/y^ (22) ' " County's consultant was authorized to begin. County unsuccessfully requested assistance'from Oceanside Planning Commission in preserving key park area from residential development. County unsuccessfully requested financial assistance ^Troni Oceanside City Council to acquire Key park area from devel- opers Csee map attached) County unsuccessfuMy requested financial assistance from Carlsbad City Council to-acquire key park area from developers. Rough proposal submitted to City staff. In addition to the above noted activities staff has met and corresponded many times with Carlsbad officials re Calavera and the City property. >YD T. LOVVREY D! R ECTOR COORITY OF SA!?\S "00EGO PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT* 450 FLETCHER PARKV/AY EL CAJO-N, CALIFORNJA 92020 • SUJTE 220 « TELEPHONE 440-3911 BOARD OF SUPETFlVISOt^:- JACK WALSH tmST I'lSTIllCT DICK OfJU'.VN Sr.cONO O.^TMrCT LOU CONTiE THin n UI^T lltCT JIM DEAR Foum It DisriiiCT LE:E TAYLOR FIFTH oiSTHicr COUNTY ACr-'INlSTRATOR FRANK D. ALtsHi'rfe July 25, 1974 City Manager*s Office City of Carlsbad • 1200 Elm Avenue ... - " • : ' Carlsbad, CA . .- i - Attention V7illiani C. Baldwin, Assistant Dear Sir: Subject: Purchase of City's Calav^tra Lake property by County, approxirjately 252 acres* . . ' Thank you for the opportunity on July 10, 1974, to explore v/ith nioir.bers of .your staff, the pcscible purchase of subject, property.• -This letter results fror,^. that liiceting. We have reviewed the appraisal report prepared for the City under date of January 15, 1974, by Robert M. Dodd and Associates for the subject property. Eased on .their evaluation of $1,900,000 for such property, we-submit the proposals provided Ijelow for your consideration, . It' is understood' i:hat such - • proposals are not iiv their final and coinplste detail which must be further negotiated and idenuified. Further, such proposals arc subject to t;ie approval of legal counsel for and governing bodies of the City and the County. We propose that the'City of Carlsbad agree to the following general provisions, ternis and conditions: ' 1, That the City grant to the County a no cost option to purchase at least thirty (30) of the 252+ acres, boundaries to be negotiated, on or before September 1, 1976, at a unit price of $7,5A0 per acre; ' 2. That thG City grant to the County a lease with park developcsnt rights on the remaining acreage and uith an option to purchase not less th:^n f jenty-five ' (25) of such remaining acres on or before September 1 of each year thereafter at a unit price 252+ acres; f c 7,5-^0 per acre until the County has acquired the entire William C.Baldwin , : , -2- July 25, 1974 3. That the City.waive annual lease and/or interest compensation from the County in con3i4eration of the CountyVs preparation of a Calavera Lake Regional Park Land Acquisition and Master Development Plan within one (1) year of the execution of a lease-option sales agreement and subniission of such Plan to the City for review and comment; and 4. That the City agree in principal to the creation of a Joint Powers •-- Authority to provide long term lease-revenue financing for development of . Calavera Lake Regional Park and authorize City staff to negotiate with County staff to acco'iplish such an entity, provided, however, that the County assume full financial and operational responsibility; In consideration of the above actions by-the City, we pro-oc-se that the County wU.l generally undertake the following actions: 1. Completion of the Land Acquisition and Master Development Plan referred to in proposal 3 above in close cooperation and coordination vjith City staff; 2. Proceed v/ith the identification of and preliriinarv negotiation for the purchase of privately omed property adjacent to the City's property which is , the subject of the proposed agreement, so as to secure an area around Calavera Lake suitable for development as a regional park; 3. ' Bear the special legal, financial consulting, and election costs necessary to place before the City'Council, the Board of Supervisors, and ultimately the County s electorate the riocur/ients creating a Joint _Powers Authority for the long term financing of development of a regional park at Calavera Lake; 4. Agree to bear the full cost for development, maintenance, and operatlou the Calavera Lalce Regional Park as proposed. We realize that many details must be considered and agreed upon for inclusion in the documents for formulating the proposed transaction. Your consideration of the above proposed terms a:id conditions and your response at ycur earliest convenience will be greatly appreciated; In the meantime, we shall prepare drafts of necessary formal documents for your examination and response.• Since I will be out of the state until the week of August 19, 1974, you mav wish to time your response accordingly. If you.have any questions, please contact my Administrative Assistant, Tom Colthurst, at 565-5567. Sincerely yours, LLOYD T. LO^N^EY, Director Department of Parks & Recreation ' fmSEZ 0. TEN'l.'.ANT, Director l-'Park Development Division LTL:JOT:gb cc: Director of Parks k Recreation S29 Special Public Services Administrator A225 R. Pflimlin, Keal Property Division • 0200 •- .\ © @ ® © ® © ® ® ® ® ® © @ @ © ® © ® © 72.64' N8S=25'20'E: 259.25' N52°!3'40''^ NlS^Si'-O't 50 20' N5S°05'-;0'E 123.70' N2a'30'';0'E so. 20' N47°33'o0-E 2.48.M' N58°!3'20'^V 7C504' NI5''39'22".V 352.69' N5?P29-02'E 133,65' NI3°32-C2'E 9a-f:o' N23=3I'2B'W 327.22' N8''20'23'V/. 203.5b' N7°-42'02^E 191.00' N8P26'2G''W 97.10' N43=06'!.'3"'.V 154.05 I19.:0' N10''24'C0"W 60.32' Nb5=47'Ce'W I3:,!5' K'72°17'e3'W 179.60' N35'='!3'52'E 15i.fi.V N6°59'52'E 213 53' NG7°I5'52'E 104.52' N23^37-52'E !V5 W H5''5552'E 454 10' N55=4G'52'E • 22-; 13' N14°43'V/ ;93.05' r>i20^';£'\7 32yeo DALE 5-12-65 SCALB l»=^00* PI..AT OF CtTY or CARLSBAD WATFR DLHAKIMLNI" ProJr-tLHric6_ - • PAR:: PARKS & RECREATION '! '•:ENT DIVISION • . TOTAL AFPROPRIATION 9 2,615,081 !-• A -100,000 5— 63,750 100.000 110,000 90,000 «25,aoo I - 3,000,000 s 1,200,000 ' V. l 175.000 80,000 1,000. 140,000 20,000 450.ntjo S 9,85^1,730 $ 2,928,890, 93.750 200,000 425,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,100,000 1,700,000 1,038,090 _500.000 $11,585,730 Page 1 of 2 . SIX YEAR PROGRAM OF REGIONAL & SUBRECIONAL PARK MAINTENANCE, OPERATIONS, PUNNING, ACQUISITION 4 DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE OF RECOMMENDED APPROPRIATIONS AND ANTICIPATED REVErnJES ITEM OF EXPENDITURE ri2.Ci}l_Ye^fiX_19H/75 ' . Ma ititen.-irice/Operationa/Planning Capital Impruvctncnts & Land Acq, • " Improv'iiticrits to Exlntlng Parka " Dos Vicoa Kcpional Park Cnmpalta " Var ious Sites - Landscape Iit^ j • Beach Accc.qs Program "D" Ktreut Beach Access ' "J" St. (i-nclnltas) Beach Access North Seascape Surf (Solana Beach) ' Herltnge pyrk Program " Regional Park Program * Land /ictiulsltion ° Sweetwater " San Elljo ' Los PcnnGqiiltos Rebudgeccd AjipropriaCloiis " Reach Accesr, Prop.rom " Batttitittos Lnj^'.Don Ocean Beach ° ScabluTf-Village Beach Access • Recreation Tr.-illa Program • P.-jclfIc Crcat Trail • Reglotial P.jrk Program " Improvements " Agua Callento Regional Park • San IHegulto F.eglorial Park • Guajomo Regional Park,Ph.Ill Fiscal Year 1975/76 Ma Intenance/Oporfit ions/Planning Capital Iniprnvemcnts & Land Acq. * Improvcm(;nt.s to Existing Parka * Beach Acce.s.s Prograniv'. * Heritage Park Program * Regional Park Program *, Land Acquisition ' Sweetwater • • SanEHJo ° ho3 Penaaquitos • Batltiultos • Lake Murray • Development • Sweetwater TOTAL REVENUE GENERAL REVENUE SI!ARING $ 2,615;'081 $ 100,000 63,750 100.000 110,000 90,000 425.000 ,3,000,000 1,200,000 1,204,899 175.000 80,000 2,300,000 700.000 1,200,000 1,000 140,000 20,000 __450,000 $ 9.854,730 $4,200,000 $ 2,928,890 $ 93,750 200,000 425,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,100,000 1,700,000 1,038,090 500,000 $l3r,585,730 1,000,000 300,000 1,700,000. STATE BOND ACT LAr:D & WATER CONS.FUND 55,000 45,000 50,000 800,000 800,000 • 800,000 10,000 250.000 9. 410,000 100,000 1.000.000' OTHER SOURCES REGIONAL PARK FUMD 6 $ 255,7301. $ 2.359.351 100,000 63,750 33,0002 500,00o3 125.000^ 80,0005 1,000 5 994,730 30.000^ 50,0002 soo.ooqQ 100,000 55,000 12,000 425,000 200,000 500,000 84.899 140,000 10.000 200.000 $ 4.250,000 9 255.730^- 9 2.673.160 63,750 50,000 425,000 1,038,090 $3,000,000 , $2,400,000. $1,100,000 9 835.730 4,250,000 t X. i M tC ooo moo f- o o O o o O o a o o o m o r- O ,000 O c o o o ,159 S o o <r o o o irt in cT rs .-1 m o •n to *» O lO «n o in CM lO o in t^ m t-i a K iz. <n -» cn ct w < p o: d. </> <n-v> •» «> Jr. .-J -. irt m (-( n 0^ a* * r>i tM in O <n lO > m «>| 3 W H O O VI as • H a: < o H O O u FQ < o o o o Ci eo P4 CM o o - • O o o n n o o o » • o m •n o o o tn m m CO • w <A-vy o o o 0. o o o o o GO o o o o o to o> o o o n o o tn o o m o 00 CM v> o o o o o o o o CO o< . o o o O v£> o » o O o o o o » o o tn tn (M <n «* o o o o o o o o o o r» in m, o tn o o tn in 00 CM # m «> o o §1 a a, o r-t 0) > 01 o 3 i: c ROW g i>( 0) O J.J o O « M O Cl. n3 O 0) JJ r-l a Id U D. u o u CJ -H to cr JJ o ca u <i) U tl. H <S 01 J bJ O w w ^ ^ B X o pi " J o < Bi §1 m O O r~ O O (-1 O O o tn CM m o o o o o O O CM O O «H O CO CO- O o o b n o m o r--O O in »T tn O o r-~ vO O CM * to cn CO- 3 n . ^ 60 tr vi c O oJ *i PH C TJ M 0) d c ^ d -H cu w Ul e -•1 iJ o JJ c: o 1-1 O O JJ CL. U E C > JJ '.1 o o c o i; c (J E o a < o ^ VJ U c « s e a a to CO C3 O O -rt u u u CL, 0- -H Ul rt J£ j£ U u 3 a n R > c a. u <= < -I ai ^ K £3 c c: *j o n -H B b CM) O E = JJ O C. O --) o y C 3 3 CJ cn > . U. X O o ooo moo O O n o o O m en —. O o o O o o CO o o * * o o m o o o trt • m -a- m e 13 a •ri < ti* race OL. ^ U w JJ c o > JJ O C 1- ^ n. E fi «J <-i > o a o. u e „ 0 e a c3 c H CO o 60 O O U u U fl. —' tn kJ 3 a M (5 cr > (J < " y —I c: < n -3 o c c o rt no:* VJ CJ U JJ C rt o S E £ U Q a. O —1 O O rt a w U > O cn O CM O f o ^ o --^ m m o o o o o o o O cc o O f~- O c y - d a a 2 to v3 1-T-'" J— u cr-a. ^ o rt u c >• rt C rJ V ra iJ CJ c tn cz ll CO _ -. 60 O •T-t JJ O l-'- ij C u C~ u e ^ V) n 51 c-E ^ C ra c: > o u •H 3 o td rt c»o •' u CJ U -4 ca a: s a. O o o o o o m m o lO o *» o CO m m m o U-* c o •ri < c •« a] C e P4 >^ e a rt 01 .a 13 u C U CO o « CC o o 1-1 JJ o u u c: u PJ PJ 13 tx > <n rt ^ O O 01 P- C rt e JJ • Cl -( .I s O 01 w c > O CJ •rM Q a bO •4 rQ OS • < H s o t*. o o o o o m o r- O O o o o o O CO o c> o r-,680 405, iD 63, o o m O o o m ^ m o rH »o cn m -» <n-CO-<o-CO-<n-CO- o o o o O 00 o C CTL - -o o o O CM m r- o o o o o o m m o <r o --o CO m m r--m r". cn u m t-i u o CO c/y z e o o. o o a rH V M 0) a) 3 C > CJ Q c 3 u o. o cv a. d r-t CS m -a 3 C O P u td O. u o o c O Oi o o m >> r~ u </> C 3 •• O m <-> •o O 3 Cl n u< u q t3 JZ -o u » u U O D. 3 PS O IP. >> u a. c c T) rt 3 rt o o u DS U c o " '5 ^ tj tl O '-l c: H - > 3 r-l O « o O m u (J U c*- P" r-i CM cn irt CAl,AVcUA LAICE Gcncr;)l Rccrcalioii Calavera 1 akc owned bv the Cilv or,C-arisb:ul. is rccoinmciulcd for devcloinnent as a major urban cencnl rccrcation rc-ional park for uav use and oveniiiJit campinn with active piay areas, inland water recreation ample camping and picnic areas, and major cuUurai and otiuestrian facihlics. iho proposed Calavera Lakcileuioiiai !^:rk. centered around the evistmi; ^O-acrc Calavera Lake, is Eco^raphicallv located lo sen/c as a major focal poi:U in t!ie re.-.ional park system for llie.nortliwcst county area 'Development recommended is for a broad pro.^ram of-cncral recreation and cultural activities including a rciional cultural center, extensive active play areas, passive nature areas, moderate water rc"crcation and equestrian faeiiities/nx park site has further potential us-;the luib m a Wn^- vc of public recreation trails and open space corridors connectipj^: with Buena v^ista Lacoon aJon- Buena Vi-:ta Creek and with A-ua llcdioiVda Lagoon soi:ti;v.-csterIy;a!on- Agua liethonda Creek. A larger lake is needed for lonu-term water recreation demaiul, ond to provide an aaequatc basic attraction for users of this major regional facility. Ori(^inal Picnicking 15.61 Acres Playins Games 41.81 Acres Bicycling 13.12 Acres " Swimming 0.85 Acres Boating • 47.90 Acres Camping 50.51 Acres ^ Group Camping 20.00 Acres Caravan Cam/jing 5.00 Acres ^ Activities 291.76 Acres Support Facilities 291.76 Acres Developable .^crcs 5S3.42 Acres KECI?!IAT]ON ACTIVITIES Revised 1S.S2 46.93 13.21 0.S5 62.17 61.1 1 20.00 5.00 328.35 328.35 657.70 Fisliing ili::ing Equestriaii Equestriau Faciiities Multi-Use Nature Trails Cultural Facilities Ori'^inal 23.10 Acres .• 2.22 Acres 19.41 Acres 10.00 Acres 16.00 Acres 16.12 Acres 10.00 Acres Revised 26.61 2.22 .19.41 lb. CO 16.00 12.12 10.00 Existing Park Size - 252.00 Acres 2,413.00 Acres Total Park Sii:e 19S0 2.042.00 Acres 2302.00 Available for Park Total Park Size 1990 2.665.00 Acres 2665.00 Land Needed Acqidsinoii PriorilieslProblcius: The 252-acre City of Carlsbad water property will be transferred to thti* county. Additional developable land will need to be purchased for park facilities. Portions ot the park site are marginr.l terrain for other land use and may be included in tlie open space prcscn-alion program. Drai:ui!:c courses to the other pan-:s should include easenients for trails. Agency to Acquire, Develop, Operate: County of San Diego, with the City of Carlsbad to transfer Calavera Lake property as its sliarc of the project. NOTE: Chani'.es in the aereai:c result from actions taken subsequent to submission of Ihe rei^ort, as described in th.e Sequel. ' ' > .• • (H • • • ' POSSIBLE LK.ASE SPECT.FTCATIONS . V ----- -. .. CALAVKM TAKK RT.OTOlv'AL PAR.K - • (Revised 9/27/71) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: To be attached to lease document, TERJM: 30 years with County to have seven . (7) options to renew of ten (10) years " each. EFFECTIVE D.\TE: Upon approval by both parties. OPTION TO PURCHASE: County to have option to purchase demised land on or after January 1, 1989, for the sura ' of $1.00 (195S City of Carlsbad Water Revenue Bondsj which financed City's purchase of the property, mature in 1988). CONSIDERATION: At $1-00 per year or other good and valuable consideration, plus: 1, Lessee to pay all license fees for dam imposed by State"or Federal authority; '2. Maintain the property in a safe and sanitary condition; 3. Indemnify Lessor in form and amount approved by City Attomey and County Counsel; 4. " Construct withru SLipalated time frame^ (aye PERrORI-iANCE Couiiw, .Irems 1 and 2)3 maintain, operate public park as water-oriented recreation area. PERFOR?-IA\XE, COL^'TY: County agrees to: 1. Within two years of effective date of lease, have prepared and submitted for City review and advice, a master plan of park development, and, in the meantiiT.e, County may close the property to all users; 2. Within five years of said effective date, accomplish not less than 30 per cent of the improvements provided for in the master plan of development, and in the meantime. County, may prohibit any and all uses of the property; 3. Dui-ing each of'the sixth through t^v-elfth ycars^ of this lease, to provide on an annual average, not less than 10 percent of the remaining 70 percent of the planned improvements; • . ' , 4. • Commit the use of all park user fees, rents, net income from operations of the Calavera Regional Park for the maintenance, operation, construction, . reconstruction, enlargement, enhancement, etc., of said park. 5. Submit to City development plans for Calavera Regional Park for review and comment; 6.- Proceed as expeditiously as County resources allow and the need becomes evident to cause or permit the acquisition and improvement of ingress.and egress rights of way and to cause or permit the acquisition pf major thoroughfare rights of way serving or abutting Calavera Regional Park and their improvement according to County's standard design cross section con- sisting of at least an unimproved median strip and one 12' wide a/c travel lane on either side on rights-of-way of 100 feet or more in width, and not • less, than. County standard design a/c piavement 24 feet wide on. rights-of-way of less than 100 feet in. width .(developers of lands or parcel s abutiring on any such street are expected to complete the remaining improvements); 7. Provide, as a part.of park development, entrance treatment which clearly identifies the park as a joint City-County project; P£RFOK>-LVNCE, CITY: City agrees to , • 1. Provide County with use of subject property for term of lease; 2. Grant to County joint use of access rights, easements, non-operating rights .- of way, and City-owned land parcels contiguous or appurtenant to the demised property, 3. In areas now or at some future date under Cit>''s jurisdiction to a. Maintain according to Master Plan provisions effective at the time, land use and land development controls and grading and excavating regulations to protect and enhance the scenic and recreational qualities of the proposed park; b. Apply City's park procedural ordinances which require land developers to dedicate lands or to provide park improvements for local park develop- ment, or to make payment in lieu of such dedication of land or provision of improvem.ents to act to the enhancement or benefit of Calavera Regional Park; c. Maintain regulations and procedures not.in conflict with the Master Plan to assure arid facilitate acquisition and improvement of rights-of-way for streets leading,to and from the proposed park, including eminent domain procedures if such are found by City and County , to be necessary/. d. Adopt and maintain measLxres permitting agricultural and open space preserves, scenic overlay zoning, scenic easements and corridors, etc., not in conflict with the City's Master Plan;" e. . Submit for .County review and comjne'nt all plans for public and private development within 1/4 mile of the boundaries of the proposed park; 4. Authorize City, staff to participate in negotiations and study'relative to . possible development of trusts, joint powers agreements, public and quasi- public corporations, etc., as possible vehicles for future land'acquisition . and development to inaxiraize related park and open space area. RESERVATIONS, CITY: City reserves the 1. Right of review and comment aU. development plans and the architectural theme for park concession buildings; - 2. Right to tap impounded waters for emergency fire flow- and fire fighting purposes, leaving a body of water sufficient to preserve fish life; however, • if water is used for such purposes within the City, City is to replenish the lake promptiy at City's expense, and conversely, water used outside the City • will be replenished promptly by County at County's expense; . i3f-r-^'».-:.'4.;^'-.,.--ii'^->,?,-£w,4,,'..Mlrf..';i..t...;,-au,,., /-te^;- --/•--rf'S' i.".'--^^-,.^^^iii-, - .-. • ; . ' • ; 3. Right to reclaim possession in event County, fails substantially to perform and conform to the terms of this agreement; 4,, Right to reclaim possession in the event of court sustained action of the holders of a majority of outstanding 195S Carlsbad Water Revenue Bonds, all series, to secure applicable equity; provided, however, that the.County shall be compensated for improvements and the expenditure of County funds used for the developm.ent of said park; 5, ' Right of review and comment on any fee schedule for public use, enjoyment, and benefit of the park or its elements. 'RESERVATIONS, COUNTY: County reserves the ; • . ' • * . • 1. Right to establish a user fee schedule commensurate with that applied or. effective in other County Regional Parks; 2. .' Right to provide, at Gountr,' option, fer concessionaire construction and operation of concessions or services for which, a fee may be legally charged: 3. Right to abandon the demised property or to cancel this agreement, after filing written notice of intent to do so, in the event the City fails to •perform substantially or if the necessary funding is denied by action of the County's electorate, by action of-a court of competent jurisdiction, or by action of the State or Federal government. PLEASE NOTE: City of Carlsbad is under no., legal obligation to make the Calavera' Lake Property available to County for Regional Park purposes. The City may dispose of the property' to private interests pursuant to the provisions of appro- priate sections of the Califomia Govemm.ent Code. . ' JOT:ab 9/27/71 • • • RECAP OF POSSIBLE COUNTY PARTICIPATION Revised 4/2/73 . L. Reclassification of Agua Hedionda as a Target 1978 Park and deletion of • Hosp Grove from Buena Vista Lagoon Park (accomplished) II, Establish schedule of annual increment acquisition and development toward Target 1978 stages: , A. Acquisition in addition to City's Lake property (1) Calavera $ 5,531,000 Agua Hedionda • 2,440,000 ' - Batiquitos 13,151,000 $21,122,000 B, peyelopment:- (1) ."Calavera ' " 2,000,000 •.-' " , Agua Hedionda 3,648,000 - Batiquitos 2,102,000 -7,750.000 ^ $28,872,000 II. Participation by other County Funds: (2) A. Road Fund • ' - , " • 1. Cancel El Camino .- - Real Agreement . 125,000 ;-. . 2.. Road'Development, less R/W .""'.A ' a. Cannon, 1-5 to ET • ' ; ::- Camino (+2 miles) 453,000 • b. •Cannon, El Camino to Hwy 78. (+4.5 .miles)- • 1 .005,000 (3) - • $ 1 ,583,000 • B. General Fund (Park Development) • .. ' Calavera Development and" • ' • '• - , ^ Master Plan Contract, 4/10/73(21) 35,000 ' 35,000 Total Cotjhty Participation^ . • $30,490,000 (4) Footnotes: (1) Regional Parks Implementation Study (Revised), Page:VI-3 (Exhibit I) (2) County Engineer Departmenfmemo of"April -4, 1972i tb Public.Works Administrator pursuant to Mayor Dunne's letter of January 31 . 1972, to Bo'ard of Supervisors, verbally revised by County Engineer 3/25/73. (3) Developing alternate route combining Cannon easterly from ET;Camino for + 1 mile and College Blvd. from Cannon to Hv;y 7S.(f 2 miles) was proposed by • Carlsbad in a letter dated March, 21 , 1972,"(Item.:15). .... . • - . ^o^g- •If Cannon Road is improved •frcm.^l Camino .to the nearest point of park • • entry only, the cost .is estimated"by the County Engineer to be $174,000 in- cluding rfght-of-v/ay. " T (4) Note: RPIS concept of County acquisition and development of Batiquitos- is to be modified, in accordance with Board of Suoervisors action 4/10/73 (21) and may reduce County participation by $13,000,000. (Revised 4/2/73) I. Participation by Property Owners and Others: A'. Thoroughfare Rights of Way (1) 1. Cannon, 1-5 to El Camino (+2 miles)(2^ $275,000 2. Cannon, 1-5 to Hwy 78 (+ 4.5 miles) 495.000 B. Utility Extensions('^) Sanitary Sewer, via College .and Cannon (5) 2. Hater Supply Mains (6) 3. SDG&E Services II. Participation by City of Carlsbad: A. Land, 252 Acres 0 $5,Q00/acre.(7) B, . Annexation .C. Public Safety Services Fire Protection Policy Protection supplementing - • Park Ranger & Sheriff's Dept. . . D. Future Tax" Base Loss E. Agricultural Water Rates • F. Other, see Exhibit 2 'Total "Local" direct Participation 152,000 ,-^-40,000' $1 ,260,000 $770,000(3) 192,000 $1 .260,000 $2,222,000 Footnotes: (1) County Engineer's memo to Public Works. Administrator, April 4, 1972 (verbally revised by Mr. Taylor 3/26/73),; (2) IBID . (3) May be reduced approximately"205i by use of alternate route ccnsisting-of Cannon Rd. easterly from El Camino Real. (+1 mile) and College Blvd. North- erly to Hwy 73 (+ 2 miles) (4) Suggests extension by property ovmers, City-of Carlsbad, or existing special district, or combination thereof on a "reimbursable basis" or by Special • Assessment District (5) Sanitary Sewer, +9200 ft. 0 approximately Sl6.50/ft, (6) Water mains. + 3500 ft."0'approximately"$11.00/ft. . . .(7) Exhibit 6, Estimate Type Appraisal Report, May 8*. 1972, Real Property Division plus one year's appreciation. ' '''- (8) Does not include.any recognition of leasehold value of 100 acres of SDGSE • • land of which Carlsbad is the beneficiary. , 1200 ELM AVENUE H t l] TELnPHONE: CARLSBAD, CALIFCi^NIA 920C3 ^-A^V.y rJ/.. i (714) 729-1181 • Ci'tp of Carbbab January 23, 1973 Mr. Jack Walsh, Chairman • . . San Diego County Board of Supervisors 1600 Pacific Highway ^ San Diego, California 92101 — .-ti Dear Chairman Walsh: As you know, San Diego County has planned three large regional parks within our General Plan Area - Bataquitos Lagoon, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and Lake Calavera.. Unfortunately, to date yo.u do not have an implementation program. Acquisition or non- acquisition of these regional parks by the county will have a significant impact on our General Plan Revision which is now underway, as well as our anticipated program of-capital improvements. At- our regular City Council meeting of January 16, 1973, the City Council unanimously voted to consider the feasibility of a joint exercise of powers agreement between San Diego County and the City of Carlsbad to provide an implementation pro-, gram for the regional parks located in Carlsbad. We are also v/illing to consider lease and incremental sale of Lake Calavera to the county or other means of joint effort that would result in a feasible par k ' inipl ementati on program by the county. We desire to -assist' the county as best we can in its regional park program. May we request that the Board instruct county staff to work with our staff to determine if some implementation program can be developed this year. Si ncerely, DAVID M. DUiNME Mayor DUD:vs cc: Supervisor Craven fir. Bobertz. ACAO ' """""^" ^ ^•^"•'••^ '" ~ '':dq: ' Summary of Comments by Members of the Board of Supervisors •Tuesday, February 6, 1973, minute item 22 Subject: Correspondence, Mayor Dunne, Carlsbad, to Chairman Walsh, Board of Supervisors, regarding three County proposed.regional parks with City of Carlsbad General Plan area. . COMMENTS: Vice-chairman Conde: Letters reference to exercise of joint powers seems to open door for circumvention to will of taxpayers, who have defeated succesive park bond proposals. CAO Morey: Letter is and subsequent staff negotiations would be exploratory in nature; joint powers mechanism can exist for purposes other than revenue raising through bonded undebtedness. • . . Supervisor-Bear: Defeat of bond issues has variety of interpretations besides opposition to regional parks. CAO Morey: Carlsbad's mood is understandable. This city is revising its plan and wants to give appropriate consideration to the parks so long talked about by the County. . - , Chairman Wal.sh: . (to. assure Supervisor Conde) Financing decision re: Carlsbad area regional parks is a long way down the-line. - Additional: In discussion of the proceeding item -• Boyle Engineering Services for Sweetwater Regional Park Phase III - Supervisor Bear contrasted.the purported insignificant environmental impact of Sweetwater Park with Mayor Dunne's concern over regional parks effects on Carlsbad. ^ 2/13/73 HTC « . • _ . SUDSTAriCE OF • PRESENTATICu' TO CARLSBAD CITY COUHCIL 7/17/73 Mayor Dunne & Members of the City Council My name is Jim Tennant and I am here as a representative of the Board of Supervisors in the matter of pending devolcppent encroachment at Calavera Regional Park as conceptually shewn in the Regional Park Implementation Study, a copy of which I have here. On behalf of the Board of Supervisors Chai rman Walsh and the other Supervisors I bring you their greetings as well as their thanks for this opportunity to appear before you tonight. •. The purposes of my appearance here are as setforth in our letter of July 3, 1973, to Mayor Dunne. They are: • 1. To offer you an opportunity to hear a tape recording of the Board's discus- sion" June 26, of the matter of the "development encroachment" into the proposed Calavera Lake Regional Park. The tape, I believe, can clear up some possible misconceptions resulting frcm news articles relative to a staff recommendation not acted upon by the Board, 2, To advise the Council of the problems the Board is having .and to point _ • . , . out the deveicprr;2nt which is about to happen. 3. To inquire if you as the City Council, would like to meet jointly with the Board of Supervisors and if you are willing to consider, and I repeat consider, some share to match the County in view' of the urgent need to proceed with the acquisition of land that will otherwise soon be developed as housing, and 4, To respond in part to Mayor Dunne's letter of January 23. 1973, to Mr. Jack Walsh, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors,.relative to possible, means for implementing the various proposed regional parks which are of immediate concern " to you, particularly Calavera Lake Regional Park. As you know, the first 3 purposes enumerated above were taken to the City Council in Oceanside last Wednesday evening. The results are a matter of public knowledge In the spring of 1972 when the Regional Park Im;plementation Study was presented to the City Councils in the County, all the Councils seemed favorably inclined, but urged that emphasis would be placed on acquisition of land with available funds. Such was the position taken by Oceanside's City Council, and, as I recall, this" Council concurred. •/o . '.The November 1972 General Election Ballot carried a $20 million Park Bond Issue proposition to provide for acquisition and initial development of the Target 78 parks which include Calavera, Agua Hedionda and Batiquitos Lagoons. ' More than $9 million of that Bond Issue were committed to projects in this supervisorial district, with some $1.5 to 2 million for initial Calavera acquisition. The Bond Issue failed, and the Board of Supervisors, having accepted the R.P.I.S. involving seme 3 dozen regional parks to be acouired and develop-^d faces great difficulty in trying to realize these facilities.' ' The Board recognizes that you have very similar problems. Then along came General Revenue Sharing, the'Vure''for many problems. Along with this new source of income came the outstretched hands and the multitude of proposals for the use of far more'money than the amount made available. These things aren't news to you. .You understand the problem only too well. Kow in the matter of the development encroachment on the proposed Calavera Lake Regional Park. I have here for your information and use 2 pertinent pages from the R.P.I.S. (pass 'em out). One page is the schematic concept for Calavera. The areas outlined in black .and numbered 2,3, &.4 are those on which the Oceanside Planning Commission- approved a development plan and zone change. Parcel 1 has already been lost to a housing development and preliminary planning is undenvay on Parcel 5. The latter, however, may yet provide time for coordi-' nated planning. As you can see. the proposed development rem.oves much of the usable area from the park's concept. (Explain sheet -2} If you wish, I will play the tape of the Board's discussion which is right here. It runs for 7 or 8 minutes. County staff is pleased and grateful for the opportunity to work closely with your staff in coordinating park planning with City planning. Now, let's consider for the moment the City property which contains Calavera Lake and Mayor Dunne's letter to Mr. Walsh. The County has engaged the firm of Cornell. Bridgers, Troller and Hazlett to do a Master Plan Study andReport for Calavera. Only the County of Los Angeles is legally empowered to enter into Joint Powers pacts for acquisition and development of regional parks. The County does have access to an already formulated non-profit corporation for the same purpose, and legislation will be introduced in Sacramiento-to give to this County the same authority as L.A. County. County staff is now ready to pursue with your staff the possibility of purchase of the Calavera property over a 10 year period as Mayor Dunne's letter proposed. The Board of Supervisors has included Calavera acquisition in its revenue -sharing discussions in the near future. • , In conclusion, and on behalf of the Board of Supervisors I respectfully submit to you the following questions: - • 1. Are you'willing to or do you desire to meet jointly with the Board of Super- visors to discuss Calavera Lake Regional Park problems? 2. Are you willing to consider the possibility of joining with the County in the acquisition of lands in the area in which housing development appears im.minent? If you answer to either of these questions is yes, we will welcome the opportunity to work with your staff and Mayor to make the necessary arrangements. And with your consent we will meet with your staff to identify the details of a • transaction for Calavera Lake property subject to the necessary approvals. Thank you for your interest and your courtesy. If you have any questions . Gentlemen, I am at your disposal.' KINO TRAIL EOUESTRIAN TRAIL OPEN SPACE'CORrilDOR TO LJE.'.'A VlSTA LAGOON / ./ N / • \ /TllriEW j.vATjf(t i^;V • ^ ^.U*-^ <<T^^K. Jj'^h* / / PARK DOUNOARY .-^ • ENTRANCE KIOSK PARK BUUrJOARY 'A-8 UJ'.-( /EXIST. DAM TO'-. T^ ^U V7^Vr-Xi \ -r PARK BOUNDARY S'C<BDi\/iS/OAJ ; /^rr/^oi/ej^ P^J^ TO ?^ocdra-D i'^ 0^i=/Z., 3INT VENTURE C O N S IJ L.TA.NJTS • / y i v.^f • . \ V ....... W :QUESTRIAN TRAIL '/'N./_.'V;EV/ POINT i - r [ i'CEMRO de lo CAIAVEIRA I . ^—'^-^ NATURE AREA HIKING TRAIL \ \ \ BUFFER Z ONE- \\\ --_yFOUEGTRl,^N ( i^U^Tt^ VIEW PO. -^::::::\c>--c-^; uwo f EXISTING POINT K_ WATER TANK / -JFUTUnE IHIGH SC SCHOOL vLlLC^•5^/.£.•^•J• nc'JC AFici COUNTY OF SAN OIEGO irs/lPLnMEMTATiaN LiTUDY AMD ROPDRT f=On GCNERAL PLAN HC-OllUrjAL PAf-lKei. ECKEMATiC CON'CEPT STUOY July 26. 1973 Honorable David M. Dunne ^ ' ' " . . hayor, City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California ' 9200S Dear Mayor Dunne: • . • . At the regular meeting of the Q-WID Citizens Advisory Committee, July 19. 1973, the members present were unanimously opposed to th'^ proposal of the San Diego Board of Supervisors for'the'City of Carlsbad to participate in the purchase of approximately 250 acres adjacent to the .City Water Department property comjr;only referred to_ as Lake Calavera. -. The water consumers of the City Water Department service area are paying bond debt service charges cn the average of 5180,000.00 yearly, which is a big factor in the studies now being conducted by this .CoiiTTiittee. Therefor it was deemed to be incuraent'upon this Committee to recommend a consensus of. alternative actions that should be taken by the City Council regarding the Lake Calavera property. . . For several years this property has been held in an unuseable condition at the expense of the City service area water consum.ers, while the San uiego County' Board of Supervisors have failed to take any positive action to purchase"it for park purposes, Tf past performarxe can be used as a criteria, no positive action will 'be taken by the County so long as the water consumers of the.City of Carlsbad will continue to pay $180,000.00 per year to hold this property for the County; .' ." Consequently, this Committee submits the following alternatives and time schedules that we believe to be fair and equitable for City Council action: 1. The entire 257 acres be offered to the County of San Diego for outright purchase at fair market value. Such purchase agreement to be executed by December 31, 1973 and concluded by June 30, 1974. 2. The County of San Diego enter into a Lease-Purchase"Agreement at full fair market value, with payments to be no less than SI85.000 per year with combined principal and interest plus legal reserves, requi reinents as set forth in our outstanding water works bond issues.' Payment dates tobe arranged so as tomeet the bond redemption pay- ment dates. , 3. The County of San Diego enter into an. option to purchase acreem;ent for a yearly option fee, not to be applied to the purchase price,, sufficient to pay all interest plus legal reserve requirements of our outstanding water\-;orks revenue bonds. - - Honorable D. H, Dunne . July 25, 1973 In the event the County of San Diego fails to enter into one of the alternative purchase agreements by Lacenber 31. 1973, the City Council of Carlsbad, et their first regular meeting in January, 1974, call for bids for tfie Lake Calavera property on each of the fol.lcwing alternatives: 1. Land Lease of approximately 157 acres for residential develcpm,ent at a minimum yearly lease fee of S200,C00.G0 for a m.inimum oeriod of 30 years. Such land lease to incur at least lake shoreline development by the lessee for pubiic'park purposes. The approxim.ately 100 acres retained for park purposes to be adjacent to-and include the lake area. 2. The outright sale of the entire 257 acre property at fair market value for residential developmient. . • 'f •'' • It is further the consensus of this Com.mittee that all revenues received shall be ear-marked by Ordinance to first be used to pay principal and interest of our V-aterworks Revenue Bonds and. all revenues in excess of " those requirements be used for necessary replacement at such, time as required of antiquated or worn out existing-'capital distribution and storage .facilities within the City service area. Again we iterate the water consumers of the City service area of Carlsbad are being penalized at en average of $180,000.00 per year to subsidize the .County of San Diego Regional Park program until some positive•action is taken by the City Council, to dispose of this presently unuseable • property. Sincerely, FRED R. HARRIS, Chairman CMWD Citizens Advisory Comimittee cc: Corrmittee Members City Council men CMWD Board of Directors - 1." t.rt-V tJ ijL,^ U-.i.-i' O U N T Y A U I N I S T n A T O R . I G O O P A C I K i C H I G H V/ A Y AN D I E G O ... C A L I r O R U I A 9 2 1 O 1 (7 14) 2 3 0-27.': f i\c ;tX),-CXXX'vX ministraLi June 10, 1 ve Officer 974 • St cor.u r.i-,. r -i ret LOU COs;'3C JIM FnlTAR roiiHTir OiST|iicT {-EF. TAYLOH Paul n. Bussey City Mannn^r Citv of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, 0\ 92008 This is in n?^ponse to your letter of May 29 req^rding the County's priority for acquisition of Cdlaverc Lake for a regional park. As you m?y know, the Board of Supervisors recently discussed priorities for acquisition of Cour.ty regional parks and retained^ the .Calavrira L-^ke site in high priority,, sixth r^mong the 13 parks in the G-jneral Plan still to b-e- acquirGO or expanded by_Coui)ty rasourccs. Although.v/o would lifv^ to be able-to hcqin sooner, '.v-^ anticipate tvow that acquisition of the park nucleus, thv: City fake holdinos, can begin by mid .iD7G. " In the msantinr?, v/e will be co;ii-l.-:tinq th? master dcv-locme-t p'ian which is r.ow in progress, and u*e may be" obie to'cxcuirc- options o:i tha most endar^gered essential private parcels between now and 1 976. He are highly appreciative of past cooperation in planning for the park on the part of yourself or.d other City officials, and regret that"cur- resources will not pennit imm.^diate acquisition cif this-very desirable site. Twoyoars^ how- ever,^is not a long .'.;-.;ie.y considering the scope of the acquisition,"'and tve trust that thf:' City's positive and helpful attitude with resoect to plaimirio for the park will continue. If you or other City officials wish to discuss the possibilities for the .park in greater detail, v.-e will v;olcome the opportunity for a meeting at any time. F. D. ALRSilIRS Chief Adi-nnisi:'rative Officer FDA: LED: gin cc: S:;i>cial Public '-.-.-rvicc -••.ciinisiratar • Public i.'orks Adiiiinistralor