HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Carlsbad Blvd & Cannon Road Planning Study; Carlsbad Blvd & Cannon Road Planning Study; 1992-12-11TABLE OF CONTENTS m INTRODUCTION 1m PROJECT SITE OVERVIEW 2 * METHOD 5 m ISSUES AND CRITERIA 7m „, ALTERNATIVE ALIGNMENTS 11 * RECOMMENDATIONS 23 M . APPENDIX 1 - REDUCED PLANS 111 APPENDIX 2 - COST AND QUANTITY ESTIMATE - CARLSBAD BLVD. m m APPENDIX 3 - COST AND QUANTITY ESTIMATE - CANNON ROAD « APPENDIX 4 - MEDIAN LANDSCAPE TREATMENT PHOTOGRAPHS m APPENDIX 5 - SURVEY NOTES carlsbad. pr INTRODUCTION«•» *• This report summarizes the methods used and the issues encountered during the "* Planning Study process. It also includes recommendations of the preferred alignments m along both Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Road. The limits of the roadways included m in the study are as follows: m _ CARLSBAD BLVD.- from 800' north of the intersection at Cannon Road southerly m to just south of Manzano Drive a distance of 3400'. m m CANNON RD.- from the intersection at Carlsbad Blvd. easterly to just west of the in AT&SF railroad tracks a distance of 1200'. m. m The goal of this study is to provide engineering guidelines for the future improvement of Carlsbad Blvd. and Cannon Rd. The guidelines developed for these two streets should: <m m m 1) Ensure that the widened street will accommodate future traffic volumes and m turning movements. «* 2) Recognize the importance of on-street parking. "" 3) Provide for pedestrian and bicycle safety. m 4) Ensure that reasonable driveway access is maintained to serve the m properties fronting along Carlsbad Blvd. 1 m PROJECT SITE OVERVIEW « The limits of Carlsbad Blvd. as defined above begin at the southerly end of the«• M improvements constructed per the Carlsbad Boulevard (Phase II) improvement plans "* signed in 9/88. The roadway cross section constructed per these plans has an 82' curbm to curb width, a 12' raised and landscaped median, and 5' sidewalks on both sides of the ^W| 111 road. This cross section provides two 12' travel lanes and a 6' bike lane on the "* northbound side and two 12' travel lanes, a 6' bike lane and a 10' parking lane on the•i southbound side. As you proceed southerly into the limits of this planning study, * Carlsbad Blvd. narrows to a paved width of approximately 48' at the intersection with mm , Cannon Rd. The 48' wide cross section utilizes a painted median and does not include „* any curb and gutter or sidewalk improvements. This cross section extends southerly to m just south of Shore Drive South. At this point the easterly edge of pavement is replaced «* £ with a rolled curb and gutter, but the overall pavement width (48') and painted median m features remain the same. This cross section continues southerly to Manzano Drive• im which is the southerly limit of this study. •UK* M ** A key feature throughout this study area is the difference in pad elevations of the M residences on the east and west sides of the boulevard between Cannon Rd. and Cerezo m m Drive. The homes on the east side are typically elevated 4' to 7' above the existing edge ** of pavement, and the homes on the west side are typically 4' to 7' below the existing M edge of pavement. Throughout this segment of Carlsbad Blvd., SDG&E recently - completed a utility conversion project. In coordination with City staff these facilities, which «• predominantly run along the westerly side of the boulevard, were installed with an m additional 3' to 4' of cover in anticipation of future improvement alignments. In the«* w segments of Carlsbad Blvd. to north and south of this center segment, the adjacent "* residences and improvements are very close to the existing pavement elevations. M •» At a minimum, the existing right of way along Carlsbad Blvd. is 100' wide. In most cases, ** the area between the edge of pavement and the right-of-way line is being used by the adjacent property owner for on-street parking and landscaping. m "" The limits of Cannon Road, as described above, includes two basic cross sections. •H ^ Starting from the intersection at Carlsbad Blvd. the roadway cross section consists of a ** 44' wide roadbed with an AC berm along the southerly edge, and curb & gutter and a — sidewalk along the northerly edge. This cross section continues easterly to the „, intersection with El Arbol Drive. To the east of El Arbol the roadbed begins to widen and m the berm on the southerly edge is replaced with a curb & gutter and sidewalk. This cross — section transitions into an 82' wide curb to curb section by the time it reaches the AT&SF m right-of-way line, which corresponds to the easterly limits of this study. From station p 11 +75 to El Arbol Dr., the side yards of the residences on the south side of the road are n» * elevated approximately 2'-4' above Cannon Rd. M M The existing right-of-way along Cannon Rd. is 79' wide from Carlsbad Blvd. to El Arbol <M * Dr. with the following exception: The property at the corner of Carlsbad Blvd. and Cannon Rd. was recently developed, and an additional 6' of right of way was thereby dedicated to the City which increases the width to 85'. From El Arbol easterly, the right- of-way gradually increases to 102" at the AT&SF right-of-way. A common feature for both roadways is the Park site on the northeast corner of Carlsbad Blvd. and Cannon Rd. This Park is relatively flat in topography, sloping gradually from east to west. The frontage along Carlsbad Blvd. consists of curb & gutter only whereas the frontage along Cannon Rd. includes both curb & gutter and sidewalk. The curblines along the park frontage do not allow parking due to the lack of street width along Carlsbad Blvd., and the lack of width and right turn movements along Cannon Rd. Many of the residents that drive to this Park are parking their vehicles along Cannon Rd., just to the east of the Park, and then walking down the sidewalk on the north side of Cannon Rd. to the Park site. Both Carlsbad Blvd. and Cannon Rd. are designated as Major Arterial streets. The standard street cross section for a Major Arterial consists of an 82' curb to curb width, with curb & gutter and sidewalks on both sides and an 18' raised median within a 102' right-of-way. This cross section includes two 12' travel lanes and an 8' emergency parking/bike lane in both directions. M m METHOD The method used to prepare this Alignment Study, was based on the level of accuracy and detail deemed appropriate for a Planning Study as discussed during the "Scope of Work" negotiations. As a result of these discussions, the following base map information was generated for use in preparing the various alignment alternatives. A topographic map was generated at a scale of 1"=20' with a 1' contour interval from aerial photography flown specifically for this project in March of 1992. The aerial photogrammetry was tied in to field surveyed control panels that were, in turn, tied into the existing centerlines of both roads as established by a field survey. The right-of-way lines were located based on Final/Record maps relative to the project site. In addition to utilizing the aerial photogrammetry, field surveys were completed to more accurately identify the cross- section of the existing ground at 15 driveways throughout the study area. Survey notes establishing the existing centerline, aerial photography control and driveway cross- sections are included as Appendix 5. The preparation of the base map information also included a search of utility facilities. As-built plans were acquired from the various utilities that have facilities in the area, and these facilities were added to the base map per the information/plans received and a field review of the site. Having assembled the information noted above, the existing conditions were sufficiently described for the preparation of the Planning Study alternatives. *" To supplement the base map information compiled, meetings with the City Engineering staff were conducted. At these meetings issues relative to the roadway dimensions, such «M «* as the preferred and minimum width of medians, travel lanes, bike lanes, and parking *" lanes, were discussed. The meetings also included discussions regarding the location of utilities and the City's perspective on property acquisition issues. The most important *" feature, relative to the preparation of the alternatives that was presented to and discussed with City staff was the utilization of a split roadbed design along Carlsbad Blvd. between m Cannon Road and Shore Drive South, and the resultant effects on driveway access and *" traffic routing. -«ssa,-;~ - — m After identifying the existing conditions, design guidelines and preferences the various alternatives were developed. Three alternatives were developed for Carlsbad Blvd. and <M m one alternative was generated for Cannon Rd. The Carlsbad Blvd. alternatives were split *» into three segments with various features incorporated into each segment. The segments m are roughly as follows: *M m Segment 1 - 800' north of Cannon Rd. to Cannon Rd. PI Segment 2 - Cannon Rd. to Shore Drive South ** Segment 3 - Shore Drive South to Manzano Drive. m m* • The cross section features that vary between these segments include the width of the "" median, provisions for parking lanes, and the width of the parkway behind the face ofm curb (ie: horizontal alignment). The project also includes the preparation of a single alternative along Cannon Rd. The alternative generated satisfies the desire to create two lanes of traffic and a bike lane in each direction. These criteria resulted in the use of narrower traveled lanes from just east of the Carlsbad Blvd. to just east of El Arbol Drive. From El Arbol Dr. to the railroad tracks, the roadbed and therefore the lanes widen out as the right-of-way widens. The methodology and scope of issues considered to date during the preparation of this report, do not include a couple of features which may ultimately impact the selection of the preferred alternative. One feature that has not been studied is the preference of the public regarding the various project features and the associated capital costs. Another issue that is not included is the potential environmental impacts and mitigation features which may be required. Each of these topics may be explored during future development of this project, as deemed necessary, to refine the preferred alignment and proceed with construction plans. This study includes issues regarding the public health, safety and welfare relative to roadway design. ISSUES AND CRITERIA CARLSBAD BOULEVARD: The most important issue resolved during the preparation of the alignments along Carlsbad Blvd., was how to maintain driveway access to the properties between Cannon Rd. and Cerezo Drive. In order to provide a roadway with the required capacity and features, such as sidewalks, bike lanes, and parking, the new curb line elevations encroach beyond the beginning of the existing driveways and, therefore, the vertical grades of the roadway must be adjusted. The fact that the residences on the east side are elevated and the residences on the west side are depressed, relative to the existing roadbed, results in the need to utilize a split- grade roadbed to accommodate continued access to the residences on both sides. Another issue is the status of the on-street parking that is currently being utilized within the public right-of-way. In many cases, the private residences have installed retaining walls and paved parking spaces within the public right-of-way to create additional parking spaces. The implication being that any alternative that would be acceptable to the local residences would retain the on-street parking similar to what is currently being used. This property, which is outside the roadway surface but within the public right-of-way, is also being used as a landscape buffer and as additional driveway length to ease the transition from the street elevation to the garage elevation. The width of the existing right-of-way along the majority Carlsbad Blvd. is 100', which is less than the standard Major Arterial right-of-way width of 102'. Given the existing improvements and the necessary modifications to the section, the existing right-of-way is sufficient to accommodate the construction of the proposed improvements for all three alternatives. There are three properties that have dedicated additional right-of-way width along Carlsbad Blvd.; two located just south of Cerezo Dr. widen out to 101' and the property on 8 the southeast corner of the Carlsbad Blvd. and Cannon Rd. intersection widens out to 107'. Another issue, which was considered in preparing the split-grade roadbed segments, was the constraints of the median itself. The minimum width median along Carlsbad Blvd. was established as 12' wide by City staff. This width will result in a maximum slope across the median in conjunction with the split roadbed of 2:1. This slope will enable the landscape material to grow and be maintained more easily and will also avoid the appearance of an abrupt vertical separation. The theme of the landscape, as discussed during the project scoping sessions, will be similar to the theme developed throughout the Carlsbad Blvd. (phase II) project. This theme incorporates palm trees supplemented with low profile plants that flourish in the coastal environment. The hardscape in the medians consists of colored concrete surfaces. Photographs of the medians along the Carlsbad Blvd. (Phase II) project are included in Appendix 4. As the alignments proceed southerly from South Shore Drive, the horizontal alignment shifts to the west, as much as possible, to minimize the impact of the widening on the residences, which are only on the east side throughout this segment. This shift to the west protects the existing improvements on the east side, many of which are within the public right-of-way. In addition to satisfying the constraints of the existing improvements, each of the alternatives must maintain a roadway section capable of conveying the projected traffic volumes. In the case of Carlsbad Blvd. and Cannon Rd, this refers to both the vehicular and bicycle traffic. To satisfy this criteria, the alternatives include a minimum cross section with two travel lanes and a bike lane in each direction. CANNON ROAD: Throughout the limits of Cannon Rd., the property to the north is under the ownership of SDG&E. A portion of this property is currently being used as a relatively small park at the intersection with Carlsbad Blvd. The right-of-way line on the north side follows the curb and gutter alignment at a constant 8' +/- offset, and therefor there is no excess existing right-of-way available to the north. The existing right-of-way width along Cannon Rd. from Carlsbad Blvd. to El Arbol Dr. is approximately 79', which results in a minimal parkway width outside the southerly sidewalk from Carlsbad Blvd. to El Arbol Dr. This minimal width and the difference in elevation of Cannon Rd. from station 10+75 to El Arbol Dr., necessitate the construction of a low retaining wall. The only residence in this segment of Cannon Rd. that currently has a legal access driveway along Cannon Rd., is right at the intersection with Carlsbad Blvd. When this residence was constructed, the City acquired an additional 6' right-of-way width to accommodate future improvements. The property on the westerly corner of Los Robles Dr. is utilizing a driveway that is not a City approved use or access point onto Cannon Rd. The property on the westerly corner of El Arbol Dr. is using a driveway and a stairway access from the side yard to Cannon Rd. 10 ALTERNATIVE ALIGNMENTS CARLSBAD BOULEVARD: Each of the three alternatives along Carlsbad Blvd. provide, at a minimum, a four lane roadway with a 12' median, and 5' bikelanes and, sidewalks on both sides. The major difference between the alternatives is the amount and location of on street parking provided. Alternatives 1 & 2 provide for a dual left turn movement form southbound Carlsbad Blvd. to eastbound Cannon Road. Alternative 3 utilizes the existing curbline along Carlsbad Blvd. just north of Cannon Rd., and as a result, there is not enough width to incorporate the dual left turn lanes and the other cross-section features at the intersection with Cannon Rd. The vertical alignment of each alternative, to the north of Cannon Rd. and the south of Shore Drive South, utilizes the existing standard crown section. The vertical alignment of each alternative between Cannon Rd. and Shore Drive South must utilize a split roadbed cross section to maintain access to the adjacent residences. Since the amount of the split required to maintain access to adjacent properties depends on the overall width of the roadbed, the amount of grade separation between the north and southbound lanes is different for each alternative. The width of the roadbed in this center segment varies, depending on whether there is parking on both sides, one side, or none at all. Attached in Appendix 1 are reduced plan sheets that depict the proposed roadway configuration for each alternative. 11 The following tables summarize the various roadway cross section features of each alternative. ALTERNATIVE #1 Limits •* Feature i Curb to Curb Width 12' Travel Lanes 8' Parking East 8' Parking West 5' Bike Lane East 5' Bike Lane West Median Width (includes 10' turn pockets) Crown or Split- Grade Section Distance to Curbface from East ROW Line Distance to Curbface from West ROW Line 8+00-13+00 82' to 88' 4 YES YES YES YES 12' to 15' CROWN 5' to 7' 12' to 5' 13+00-16+25 88' 4 YES NO YES YES 20' to 22' CROWN r 5' 16+25-26+75 88' to 78' 4 YES NO YES YES 22' to 12' SPLIT-GRADE r 5' to 15' 26+75-44+00 86' 4 YES YES YES YES 12' CROWN 7' to 9' 7' to 5' ALTERNATIVE Limits- Feature i Curb to Curb Width 12' Travel Lanes 8' Parking East 8' Parking West 5' Bike Lane East 5' Bike Lane West Median Width (includes 10* turn pockets) Crown or Split- Grade Section Distance to Curbface from East ROW Line Distance to Curbface from West ROW Line 8+00-13+00 82' to 86' 4 YES YES YES YES 12' to 15' CROWN 51 to T 12' to 51 13+00-16+25 86' 4 YES NO YES YES 20' to 22' CROWN 7' 5' 16+25-26+75 86' 4 YES YES YES YES 18' to 12' SPLIT-GRADE 7' r 26+75-32+50 86' 4 YES YES YES YES 12' CROWN 7' to 9' 7' to 5' 32+50-44+00 86' 4 YES YES YES YES 12' CROWN 9' 5' 12 ALTERNATIVE #3 Limits -> Feature I Curb to Curb Width 12' Travel Lanes 8' Parking East 8' Parking West 5' Bike Lane East 5' Bike Lane West Median Width (includes 10' turn pockets) Crown or Split-Grade Section Distance to Curbface from East ROW Line Distance to Curbface from West ROW Line B+00-13+00 82' to 70' 4 NO NO YES YES 12' CROWN 5' to 18' 12' 13+00-16+25 70' 4 NO NO YES YES 12' CROWN 18' to 15' 12' to 15' 16+25-26+75 70' to 73' 4 NO NO YES YES 12' to 15' SPLIT-GRADE 15' 15' to 12' 26+75-29+00 70' 4 NO NO YES YES 12' CROWN 15' to 18' 12' 29+00-30+00 70' to 76' 4 NO NO YES YES 12' to 18' CROWN 18' to 19' 12' to 5' 30+00-44+00 76' 4 NO NO YES YES 18' CROWN 19' 5' Even though each of these alternatives would require the removal/relocation of private improvements within the public right-of-way, none would require the acquisition of additional right-of-way along Carlsbad Blvd. To help define the impacts of each alternative on the existing facilities, the following is a description of significant features along the study area that would be impacted by the alignment alternatives. Starting from station 8+00, which is approximately 800' north of Cannon Rd., and proceeding southerly, the significant existing features are as follows: From station 8+00 to 13+00 at Tierra Del Oro Street, the westerly parkway has an existing concrete sidewalk that parallels the right-of-way line behind an asphalt 13 concrete berm that transitions toward the centerline. With the exception of the concrete sidewalk the parkway is dirt. Beneath the westerly parkway there are telephone and electric utility lines. At the intersection with Tierra Del Oro Street there is a telephone utility pedestal and an SDG&E vault located just behind the existing asphalt concrete berm and in front of the sidewalk. Along the easterly parkway there are two access driveways into the SDG&E property. This edge of the roadway has a concrete curb and gutter that is offset 13' to the west of the curb and gutter that was constructed north of the project site, in front of the SDG&E plant. The dirt parkway behind the existing curb and gutter does not have a sidewalk, but it does have eight palm trees and some miscellaneous utility services. The most notable of these services is a waterline blow-off assembly located at station 12+25. Continuing southerly from station 13+00 to 17+00 at Cannon Road, the westerly parkway consists of a dirt area adjacent to the backyard fences of the private residences along Tierra Del Oro St. These residences do not have direct access onto Carlsbad Blvd. The private utilities (IE: telephone, gas, electric and cable TV) continue to run parallel to the centerline in the westerly parkway, with a major junction located near station 16+80. At this junction with the utilities from Cannon Rd., there are multiple utility pedestals and an SDG&E vault. The park site is immediately behind the easterly curb and gutter. There is no sidewalk adjacent to this curb and gutter. The only utility in the easterly parkway is a 4" gas line that runs parallel to the centerline. 14 From station 17+00 southerly to station 29+00, the private residences on both sides of the boulevard have direct driveway access onto Carlsbad Blvd. As noted before, the elevation of the homes along the west side are below the existing edge of pavement and the homes along the easterly side are above the existing edge of pavement. Along the westerly side of the boulevard, the properties typically do not have any walls or other hardscape features within the right-of-way except for driveways. There is no defined curbline, and therefore some of the duplex residences along this segment of the boulevard use the dirt parkway for on-street parking. The private utilities continue to run parallel to the centerline. There are a number of large vaults and numerous pedestals throughout this segment of Carlsbad Boulevard. In addition to the private utilities, the westerly parkway has an, apparently abandoned, 4" waterline which runs parallel to and westerly of a 6" waterline, which is located at the existing edge of pavement. Along the easterly curbline, the homeowners have constructed retaining walls and other improvements to enable them to park along the boulevard. Many of these walls were constructed at or near the right-of-way line, but in order to facilitate the driveway transition from the roadway up to the garage elevation, the walls were extended into the right-of-way. The existing utilities located along the easterly parkway include the 4" gas line and a 6" waterline. From station 29+00 southerly to the end of the project at station 44+00 just south of Manzano Drive, the property to the west is undeveloped. The dirt area, from the edge of pavement west to a guard rail barrier, is being used for parking. This area 15 is approximately 15' in width and is entirely within the existing right-of-way. The private utilities and the 6" waterline continue southerly in the westerly parkway until station 28+50, where the private utilities cross over to the east side and the waterline serves the final developed parcel. The residences along the easterly curbline continue southerly to Manzano Drive. On the east side of the boulevard, the residences to the north of Cerezo Dr. (Sta. 33+00) are elevated above the existing edge of pavement while the residences to the south of Cerezo Dr. are at the same grade as the boulevard. The private utilities, that crossed form the west to the east side at station 28+50, continue southerly to Manzano Drive. The following table summarizes the impacts of the alternatives on the existing features, as described above. CARLSBAD BLVD. ALTERNATIVE #1 Limits Sewer * Water Storm Drain * Gas •/** Bectric * Phone * T.V. Private Walls & Hardscape On-Street Parking East On-Street Parking West 8+00-13+00 Impact NO YES NO YES YES YES YES NO GAIN GAIN 13 +00-1 6 +25 Impact NO NO NO YES YES YES YES NO GAIN NO CHANGE 16+25-26+75 Impact NO YES NO YES YES YES YES YES GAIN LOSS 26+75-44+00 Impact NO YES NO YES YES YES YES YES GAIN GAIN 16 CARLSBAD BLVD. ALTERNATIVE #2 Limits Sewer * Water Storm Drain * Gas */** Electric * Phone * T.V. Private Walls & Hardscape On-Street Parking East On-Street Parking West 8+00-13+00 Impact NO YES NO YES YES YES YES NO GAIN GAIN 13+00-16+25 Impact NO NO NO YES YES YES YES NO GAIN NO CHANGE 16+25-26+75 Impact NO YES NO YES YES YES YES YES GAIN NO CHANGE 26+75-32+50 Impact NO YES NO YES YES YES YES YES GAIN GAIN 32+50-44+00 Impact NO YES NO YES NO NO NO YES GAIN GAIN CARLSBAD BLVD. ALTERNATIVE #3 Limits Sewer * Water Storm Drain * Gas */** Electric * Phone * T.V. Private Walls & Hardscape On-Street Parking East On-Street Parking West 8+00-13+00 Impact NO NO NO NO YES YES YES NO NO CHANGE NO CHANGE 13+00-16+25 Impact NO NO NO NO YES YES YES NO NO CHANGE NO CHANGE 16+25-26+75 Impact NO YES NO NO YES YES YES YES LOSS LOSS 26+75-29+00 Impact NO YES NO NO YES YES YES YES LOSS LOSS 29+00-44+00 Impact NO YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CHANGE LOSS NOTES 1) * Impacts limited to relocation of service lines. 2) ** Impacts include relocation of vaults. 3) No private utility transmission line relocations are required aside from access into and out of new vault locations. 17 Having identified the cross section of the roadway for each alternative, and the impacts of these sections on the existing features, the next step in the alignment study process was to generate cost estimates for the construction of the alternatives. The following table summarizes the planning level cost and quantity estimates for each of the three alternatives, as included in Appendix 2. ALT 1, $1,065,000 ALT 2, $1,215,000 ALT 3,$ 945,000 CANNON ROAD: The alignment prepared for Cannon Rd. includes allowances for widening and improving the intersection at Carlsbad Blvd. The intersection configuration allows for two east bound lanes and three west bound lanes, including the protected left turn pocket. The center lane in the west bound direction could be utilized as a dual turn lane, allowing both right and left turns in accordance with traffic engineering needs. Between Los Robles Dr. and El Arbol Dr., the alignment includes a cross section with two 11' lanes, and 5' bike lanes in each direction, and a 10' painted median that could be used for making left turns. To the east of El Arbol Dr., as the southerly curb begins to flare out, the width of the travel lanes are increased to 12', and subsequently the 5' bike lanes are widened to 8' to join the existing section just west of the AT&SF tracks. As a result of the difference in 18 grade, between the side yards of the residences from station 11 +75 to El Arbol Dr., there will need to be a retaining wall ranging from 2' to 5' in height constructed behind the sidewalk on the southerly side of Cannon Rd. The following table summarizes the roadway cross section features for Cannon Road. CANNON ROAD Limits-* Feature i Curb to Curb Width Travel Lanes 5' Bike Lane North 5' Bike Lane South Painted Median Width Retaining Wall in South Parkway Distance to Curbface from North ROW Line Distance to Curbface from South ROW Line 10+50-11+50 72' 5' YES YES 41 NO 8' 5' 11+50-12+00 72' to 64' 4 -12' to 11' YES YES 4' to 10' NO 8' 2' to 7.5' 12+00-17+00 64' 4-11' YES YES 10' YES 8' 7.5' to 10' 17+00-18+75 64' 4-11' YES YES 10' NO 8' 10' 18+75-22+00 64' to 82' 4 -11' to 12' YES YES 10' NO 8' 10' to 13.5' As noted previously, the property to the north of Cannon Rd. is owned by SDG&E. The first 250' of frontage along the northern half of Cannon Rd. consists of curb and gutter, sidewalk, a low (2'-4') retaining wall, and the park site. The improvements along the remainder of the northerly half of the street include curb and gutter, sidewalk, and parkway landscaping. There are two access driveways from Cannon Rd. into the SDG&E plant facility. The first driveway, which is located at station 18+00, is 25' wide. The second driveway, located at station 21 +35, is 19 50' wide and is apparently used for much larger, service and construction type vehicles. The alignment presented retains all of the existing improvements on the north side of Cannon Rd. For purposes of describing the existing development along the southerly side of Cannon Road, there are four different segments. Starting at the intersection with Carlsbad Blvd., the first segment extends 100' along the first and only private residence that fronts onto Cannon Rd. This residence has an authorized driveway access and a garage that is at the same grade as Cannon Rd. The roadway includes 6' of additional right-of-way width, which was dedicated as a condition of the residential improvements. In the dirt area behind the existing asphalt concrete berm, there is a 10" waterline and private utilities (IE: telephone, gas, electric, and cable TV) similar to those along Carlsbad Blvd. The second segment, which goes from station 11 +50 to El Arbol Dr., also has a dirt area with the same utilities behind the existing edge of pavement. The private residences throughout this section do not front onto Cannon Rd. and they are elevated approximately 2' to 4' above Cannon Rd. In spite of their orientation, there are two properties along this segment that have some sort of access constructed from their "sideyards" directly to Cannon Rd. In addition to a 2'-4' retaining wall that is located along the right-of-way line, the property on the westerly corner of Los Robles Dr. has a 35' wide "driveway" access along Cannon 20 Rd. The property on the easterly corner of Los Robles Dr. has a wooden fence at the top of a 2'-4' slope and it does not have any direct access to Cannon Rd. The property located on the westerly corner of Los Robles has a wooden fence at the top of the slope, in addition to access to Cannon Rd. This property has a 15' wide driveway type access to its backyard at station 15+40 and a pedestrian stairway to its front yard at station 15+90. During the transition from Segment 1 to Segment 2, the proposed sidewalk encroaches into the property on the westerly corner of Los Robles Drive. The encroachment, which is approximately 17' long and 20 square feet in area, is limited to the existing "driveway" location. The third segment consists of the frontage along the sideyard of the property on the easterly corner of El Arbol Dr. This is the last private residence along Cannon Rd., and is at the same grade as Cannon Rd. Adjacent to this property, along both El Arbol Dr. and Cannon Rd., there are full curb and gutter and sidewalk improvements. The private utilities are in the roadway throughout this short segment of roadway. The fourth and final segment extends easterly to the ATS&F right-of-way. Along this property, there is an existing curb and gutter and sidewalk but there is no existing development. The utilities in this segment are mostly in roadway, although 21 the electric lines do transition to behind the curb face and ultimately to an overhead facility near the AT&SF right-of-way. The following table summarizes the impacts of the alignment on the existing features, as described above. CANNON ROAD Limits • Sewer * Water Storm Drain * Gas */** Electric * Phone » T.V. Proposed Retaining Wall South Side On-Street Parking North On-Street Parking South 10+50-11+50 Impacts NO NO NO NO YES YES YES NO NO CHANGE NO CHANGE 11+50-12+00 Impacts NO NO NO NO YES YES YES NO NO CHANGE NO CHANGE 12+00-17+00 Impacts NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES LOSS NO CHANGE 17+00-18+75 Impacts NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO NO CHANGE NO CHANGE 18+75-22+00 Impacts NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CHANGE NO CHANGE NOTES 1) * Impacts limited to relocation of service lines. 2) ** Impacts include relocation of vaults. The estimated cost of construction for the Cannon Road alignment prepared is $103,000. This cost is based on the planning level cost and quantity estimate, included as Appendix 3. 22 RECOMMENDATIONS CARLSBAD BLVD: The major difference between the three alternatives along Carlsbad Blvd. is the location and cost of providing on street parking. The fact that the additional width necessary to provide parking creates the need for various vertical alignments between Cannon Rd. and Shore Drive South, does not significantly impact the selection of a preferred alternative. Each alternative incorporates a vertical alignment that will provide continued access to the properties. Other impacts which may have affected the impact of the vertical alignment, such as utility relocations and median aesthetics, are not significant due to the relatively uniform impact on these features among all three alternatives. Of the three alternatives prepared for Carlsbad Blvd., Alternative 1 is recommended, based on the following qualities relative to Alternatives 2 and 3. 1) Aft. 1 provides on-street parking, similar to the existing condition. 2) Aft. 1 is less costly than Aft. 2 which also incorporates on-street parking between Cannon Rd. and Shore Drive South. 3) The grade separation that is required for all three alternatives is smaller for Aft 1 than for Aft. 2. 4) The quantity of utility relocations for Aft. 1 is not significantly different than Alt. 2. or Alt. 3. The planning level construction cost estimate for Alt. 1 is $1,065,000. 23 CANNON RD: The single alignment along Cannon Rd. was prepared in accordance with the project scope and as such it represents the recommended alignment. The alignment includes features that will improve the level of service from the intersection with Carlsbad Blvd. easterly to the AT&SF right-of-way. The alignment will provide the following features: 1) From the intersection of Cannon Road and Carlsbad Boulevard, (Station 10+00), to station 11+50. a) 2 eastbound travel lanes and a bike lane. b) 3 westbound turn lanes and a bike lane. 2) From station 13+50 to station 22+00. a) 2-11' westbound lanes b) 2-11' eastbound lanes c) bike lanes in each direction d) 10' striped median The planning level construction cost estimate for this alignment is $103,000. 24 APPENDIX 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ALIGNMENT STUDY OVER PORTIONS OF CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND CANNON ROAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT LOCA1WN VICINITY UAPNOT TO SCALE B&C2 1 2 3-4 5-10 11-16 17-22 23-26 29-30 COVER SHEET TYPICAL SECTIONS DRIVEWAY SECTIONS CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PLAN Sc PROFILE SHEETS - ALTERNATIVE NO, 1 PLAN & PROFILE SHEETS - ALTERNATIVE NO. 2 PLAN & PROFILE SHEETS - ALTERNATIVE NO. 3 PLAN & PROFILE SHEETS - COMPOSITE CANNON ROAD PLAN & PROFILE SHEETS NOTE TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING BASED ON AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY TAKEN MARCH 1992 BOULEVARD mat LOCATION UAP MOT TO SOLE PLAN AND PROFILE ALT. 1 PLAJt AND PROFILE ALT. 2 PLAN AND PROFILE AIT. 3 5 11 17 6 12 18 7 13 19 8 U 20 9 IS 21 10 IS 22 B£U£H MAEK OESEttpno* «** WARK aac SET BY ws n ma on A WCTALROD WTH &ASE PUTE SET TO A DEPTH CF 4 METERSENCASED <H A PIPE FUJSH WITH 1WE QRWfC.tOCAIKSt AT IWC JtWCTKM OT THE ATi.^ RAHWM AHO TAMARACKSTKETT, 15i,5 FEET HCfOH f THE CEWTERUWE OF TAMARACK.4&.S FEET EAST OF THE EAST RWL, ^1 c.2 FEET aauTHEAsr OF WU POST 230, 15 flET SOUTH GF A TOWfl POLE. MARSHALL K. PLANTZ C-42790 DATE III LEEDSHILL-H£RKENHOFf. (KG. • ••• £820 DBEPUN DRIVE• SUITE 101 • SAN DiEQQ, CAUFORNkA 92121 AifiUOUeROUE - SANTA. FE * SAW DIEGO ~~ fevaoHS —• frnaw -5fr-][ Qff OF CARLSBAD II ^4OWe£WN<* iJO'A.RTMENT | } 30 ALIGNMENT STUDY CARLSBAD BLVD. & CANNON RD. COVER SHEET APPROVED: KE. 33839 EXP.i2/»/»3 QT1 E»QNE£R 3365 DATE 331-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I R, ">.». «/ - w 7 •— ••« * -f ~ !• V -- ., 15' 1 i3. U' 13' n-.--j-.-i-- R/* 1 1 1 1 X. B UJ 5' — Of 8' •.iniii""^ 5' •YPI S' "YPI S ••••AM TYR c 74' SAL (f "ATK 24' 'ftVtATI 24' ,-— — • CAL TAT SE< ARI )N 1 CAf SO WON DN 1 CAI — •— SE ON CA M' STA ", -P1 JTIO:ING e+2 >LSB J ;TIO ING 6-+2 3LSE — 1 CTIC (N( 16+ RLS! TIOIx 16 22' - \ M - ON 5 Ti MJ 1C 1: \S M - 5 T AD 1C 12'J \ N - ) P* !5 T !AD TYF 10 c 0' 12' V\ AL EA ) si SOU! 0' \ ALOATK7 D S" BOU g 15' \ • Al *RKI 0 S BOl i ICA r50 «iNN 0 TER ST ATIC EVA TER M , ATK t^; TEfi NG) FAT1 LEV SI TO 3N - 5.5 1 1 MAI SIDE N 2 RD !• NAT yvt W * RD | j A NAT ^RD 4 :HTI STA ?OA{ 24' K N ) 6+7 24' ^N 5) t>~t" y 24-' !"*•«*! E h 18+' DN RON 0, 1 o. : 5 " • 0. '5 in | ••• n. 5 24- 50 5' u: 5' •*f"^T *•— ^"« C3 3' •PM"*! * —1 ^~ s'-i; 1 B, S R, r — ^~. R • R/W 1* 1 1 1 1 W *w '».«. w R/ R/ "t,; R/W J 1 | r**- i If . /-( j 7'-S *— — ac — OI ~Q- — 1C •"•HW. R/W 1.r S , ffi -a- 0 PA TRA D TYF 7Klh S NSI1 STf TYf 24' ICA R 1 FAT* 24' ION(PA T!OI ncA STA C--TA . SI RAh 5N ; CAf SFRKIC i 26;ARL L S RONc 'f TIAM :CTI ISf F ^LSE ™r 4G ( + 7J SBA :CTI (h 26- 4.RU TYF 1 3 C D) R J e; 5 T AD N ->N f TO 0 0 ON !0 f -75;BAC ICA WN "^5fflL_MABK nn' 2' - *FRT 3 5 30U n 2' AlJOJJ 3ULE tot 12' 'ARI TO BC . SI Tfi 3N '"L— LTE IM F 'ATK _EW i TFR ^ SI TlOf VAF 1TE :iN<3 ;TA' ULt? :CTI rr A. iOA( NkM^M ?N/» Af>1 N ' RD NA1DES 32 D RN; \ ION /AR[ ON 2-1 »"•!• TE TO 4-K 1 24 F N 1 4-50 TE 32- I 23 •««••« MO. WF 0 0 NO. -50 jrr. *•• 1*1 1 ST 2 , 3 DESCBPtXMt BEWW tout* !X9K SET 6Y N63 W I97S OH A METALROO «TH 6ASE FV-fE SET TO A DEPTH flF « METEftS ENCASED IN A HPE FLUSH W1M THE GWyHO.UEATJON- AT THE JUNGTKM OT THE ATASF BAIWAV >Jffl TAMAfiAGK STfiEET. t J4.3 FEET NOffTM OF THE COHEflUNC BF TAMftRA«-! FEET EAST OF THE EAST RAIL, 3IC.2 FEET SOUTHEASTV ULE P03T 3X, 15 FEET SOUTH OF A PWK&Z POLE. 4GJNEEROF WORK MARSHALL K. PLANTZ ^i •••••M E », 13' •l •»! 1 - £ 13' IL u 2— — f 12'- R/W 1 S't>- 1 -L • ss R/ 1I 1 1 R/ j r R/W 1.j jj J-i i Tf MA_t .3. ED5MIL !0 ;-.]! "^. \ ~" j t-HES *UN Dt *~ - KENHC IVt R/W 11* |i i i 9' i FT. INC. 19' • SUITE 101 •^B SAN D«T80. CAUFQRNI* 92121 . ,. ALSUQUSTOL'E • 3ANTA FE > 3AN G8EOD C-4-2790 OA7E wazM*sa*u<ann 1 i ^ 13' u m — 5' •YPI S CAL (P TATI TYf 24' SEI APK CA 24' »ICA STA JTIO ING *LS£ L S PONc M - ON 0 T AD ECTI <H 32- A.RL! K i ALpn 0 S' 30U ON K) f 50 BAC 0' TER TH ' FA TICjEV; lot 18 - 1 'ARt TO BC MAT WF >N A •.RD U.TE (INQ STA" ULE "APPROVED S> N 4+C RN/ ) 'ION /AR[ i 24' 0. ', D TE 44- i 2 NO. -00 :' 3 D f |f OTYjy i 1 15' ° 5 VER CM2< 5 KMI 1CAL )NTA| R/W B' i | — «-,i R/W I I i t i*-< :1*- "*** •-* % **»« 1 10* .CARLOAD jj511^ ALIGNMENT STUDY CARLSBAD BLVD. & CANNON RD. TYPtCAL SECTIONS APPROVED; CHKD.ffV',flCLO Bfc __^_™ 1 PROJECT NO. ! 3365 CftWllHO NO, 331-7 - J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S7./6.FF ALT.55.54 A1T2 {ALT. •43- 19+9)3 C/RLS3AD iLT2 BLVD.2}+4) feS 47.45 Ain ATT? 4,89 r-A - ALII -*a- •4*- CAkLSEiAD BLV CA^LSSIAD BLVX 19192 (-AL :AR.SB/iD e LVD M.T, Al.T. 3 I* « T]CAI LSEAD BLVt 2)1+35 VER'lCAk tW RFMCH UARK •OESdtll'TXM: KK34 MMW Dt» SET' BY NCS M I97Q ON A METALROC WTH B*S£ KXTt SET TO A DtPW OF 4 METO»S CWCA3SD IN A FVE PUUSH fWH THE GROUND.LOCATION! AT THE JUHCtKH OF THE *T»SF RAU.WAY >NO TAMARACK SMET. 15*.5 FIET mm OF THE SOfTEBUNt OF TttWUCK.«1 fKT EAST OF THE EAST BAIL, 310.2 FEET SOUTHEAST W7 MIE POST 330. 15 FEET SOUW OF A POWR POLE,ELEVATION; «9T ENGMEERJf WORK MARSHALL K. PLANTZ C-+2790 DATE LH LEEDSMILL-HWKErMHOFT, INC. 5320 OSERUN DRIVE SUITE 101 SAN PESO. CAUFQRHIA. 92131 SANTA FE • SAN DIEGO "CltY OFENOflEERNC ALIGNMENT STUDY CARLSBAD BOULEVARD DRIVEWAY CROSS SECTIONS OWIBY;CH«XaY'_FTELQ 8Kt_ PRWECTSO. 3365 331-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . 1 I.-, 58. I -ALT 57.8 F' -ALT 21 ±13 ALT. 1 CAfiLSEAD 3LVI 2S-96 SB/.D BLVD 31449 SB/D BLVD ,40 AIT. 3 -66- M.T. ; 29H42e-e rVfr 47.33 CAItLSEAD 3LVI 58,59 F' c B» A!.T. 3 5C.01 Ff AR 30H-20.SB/D E-VD ALT. -4S- 2J+1 veniCAti*- OMMMit** CAKLSEAD 3LVI BTMCH UARK DESWATUSt M3fl7 DESCRlPTKWt BENCH UARK DlK SET BV HG3 M 1S78 OH A METALftco \HTH BASE PLAIT SET TO A BE?TM GF 4 UETCfts EWCA3EO m A WPS PLUW WIW THE GSOUWD.LOCAtWK: AT THE JUHCTtOi Of THE AT*iF RAILWAY (WE TAMARfcCK SWKT, IJt^S FEET NWTH OF TtC CEHTrajWE OF TAWAR*« 3 FQT EAST OF THE EAST RAIL, 310.2 fE£T KX-'TVCAST ENGINEERQF WORK MARSHALL K. PLANTZ C-4279Q DATE LM LEEDSHIU-MERKENHOIT, WC. SS20 DBtRUN ORI4t SU1TC 1013AN CEOO- CAUFORNIt 92IZ1 ALaUOUEHQUE • SANTA FE • SAM OECQ >a7gaBMlffi^r1MffM STY or CARLSBADENQNEEfflNC DEPARUCKT 5HEE1S 30 ALIGNMENT STUDY CARLSBAD BOULEVARD DRIVEWAY CROSS SECTIONS l/» dP( ENGINEER PRO\«CT NO. 3365 331-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - GRAPHIC SCALE BENCH MASK OE3ISMAIWN: VW? DESCRIPTION: BEtfCH WAR* DISK 3CT BY WJS N 1978 ON A MtTAlVCD HHH BASE PWTC SET TO A DEPTH OF * METERSENC*SO IN 4 PIPE fUJSH WTK THE tSWUNQ.LCOT10K: Al THE JtfWnOW Of THE A.TftSF RAILWAY *«D T>J»AffACKSTRST. (54.5 FEET (4CRTW OF TWE COJTEHUNE OF T,*«ARACK, 4S.5 TttT CAST OT THE CASf RAS, 3W.2 FT£T 5WWt»!TCF MILE f>QSr 23t 3J5 FEET 30U1H CF A POWER TOIE. fNqf4fER OF WQPl^ MARSHALL K. PIAN72 C-42790 DATE H 1 LEEDSHfLL-HEWCQsjHOrF, (NC. •••• 5820 OBERUN DRIVE • SUHE JC1 ALBUQUefGUC * SANTA FE ' WN CUttJO S!70SFU,>ieM/1.1C>,«9tfU DATEIHMHMIH £P-— —RC«<B>OH5 AWSDVEQ ^ I! CITY OF CARLSBAD 11st1??0 ! I EWfflHEERWO D6PARWEHT j [ 30 ALIGNMENT STUDY CARLSBAD BLVD. - ALTERNATIVE NO. 1 PLAN AND PROFILE APPRO'«O3: RE. Z2J»9 EXP.IZ/3VW CITY B*2KE£B QWI,S V, -,- —Rj^nav ROD BK; WWJECT NtX 336S DATE PH*>tffC NO 331-7 J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PVt STA = 19+72.50 PVI ELEV - 48.00 150' VC SCALE 1" - 2" VER. 1" - 20* HOR CANNON ROAD _^*p _,_ IT _,_._ _...... J . —1-l ^ 1 _UIU... J CITY OF CARLSBADOefMTTaEMJ «»«< MK 3ET ft MM M irw ON A KM.M aw rule Snr » * mi a * ucratH A we nuw HIM nc ouua AUGNMENT STUDY CARLSBAD BLVD. - ALTERNATIVE NO. 1 PLAN AND PROFILE AIMF MLWY MA TMMJMXOF TWMOF THE COttEWKFEET CAST or TMC CAST KML 310. z ccrr SCVWEASTwuw er A «HOI ««. LEEOSHILL-HERKENHOFF, INC. 5B20 08ERUN DRIVESUITE 101GRAPHIC SCALE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXIST. GRAM I kSJEH 1" - 2* VER.r • 20" HOR. ._?_. .<ir9. <yyj!P.-81 pr = =**= =^=^^=^1=^ =^ - xztt^i=.4—±- CITY OF CARLSBAD OESCWPTKWi BENSH MARK CWK 9CT IY NMM 1679. ON A METALWTW BASE PLATE S£T TO ft DEPTH Of *OCAStfl *J A PIPE FIU» WTM THE t» LCCATWrt AT WE JWCT18N <y TVE ATA3T RAILWAY AMD TAMARACKSTRffiT. IS*-5 fTET IW«TW W THE CENtWIJWE OF•w,3 par CAST or we CAST RAJU 310,2 retT scumysrOF i&£ POST T30. 3.3 PEET SOUTH Cf A PQi*ER- P0l£.CXVAHCTfe *3-»^ AUONMENT STUDY CARLSBAD BLVD. - ALTERNATIVE NO. 1 PLAN AND PROFILE LEEDSHILL-HERKOJHOFF, IMC.5B20 08ESUN WIVESWTI 101SAN DiESO. CALirONMA GRAPHIC SCALE 0 BO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PV1 ELEV - 5S.20 200.00' VCW = 27-1-67.50 (EAST] PV1 ElEY =,51.90 SCALE 1" « 2' VER. \" * 20* HOR a ASPH rf DES«NATH»: VI307 BE«CH MAP* DiW 9ET HY W3 W 1378 ON A HETAL HOB WH RASE PUTI SET TO A. CEPlM t*1 4 ENCA3ED IN A FfC RUSH WTH THELQCATKW' *T HC JUMCTia* OP 7HC ATWSF RAA*A7 AND MlNORTH OF THE CEMTEPJJWE OF4S.3 fEET EAST OF TH£ E-*ST RAJL, S1O2 FEET POST 2», 3.5 FtET EOUW OF A PO«R "POl-EELEVAllOH: AUQNMENT STUDY CARLS8AD BLVC. - ALTERNAftVE NO. PLAN AND PROFILE LEEDSHILL-HERKENNOFF, INC5B2Q 08ERUNSJtTE 101DfEco, CALIFORNIA 92121 GRAPHIC SCALE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SCA|LE V « 2' VER. I" - 20* HOR, GRAPHIC SCALEI •( W TOR } BEMCH MASK D£M«A.Tl»fc VI367 DtaCfflPHQK KHW MAJtK »» 3ET SY HC9 IN 1S78 ON A ttfTAfWD WTH BASE HATE SET TO A DEPTH CF 4 INTERSCNCA3& 1H A PPE FU»H M1M WE GSCUW-U3CA.TKW'. AT TMr JlWtTlCW Cf 1HE AT*SF B^JLWAf AM) TAMAIM£KSTRUT, 15*.S FE£T NORTH OT THE GQJ1ERUML CF TAMARACK,*» 3 ftET EART Of THE EAST RAIL, 31O2 ftET B3UT>«y«T CF MU POST 130, 15 FEET BOUW OF A PCWR TOU. f NgftfERjy Jjfijgg MARSHALL K. ?LAMT2 C-42790 DATE ULEEDSHILL-HERKENHOFF, INC. M20 08ERUN ORI\t SUITE 10t SAN DEGO, CAUFORHiA 92121 ^suouotayE • SAWTA Ft « SAM BEC\J APPROM33 ^fHI OTY OF CARtMAD V | j ENGWEERNC OCPAffnCKT 1 CARLSBAD ! PU A.PP«OVEft M, 23B» ESP.12/31/1 PE1J1 "^- U(^JMENT STUD^ 3(_-^) _ /\i_T£RN M4 AND PRO 3 OTY ENfflBEIS PROiCf HO. £565 "'SHEETS' "} 3D t MT1VE NO. 1 )FH.E BMI nu«tHO»a I 331-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SCALE 1" - 2' VER. 1" - 20* HOR ~GRAPHIC SCALE ( w ran ) BENCH MARK DESWNAT1CN; VI 307 DtSCRlPTWK £«" MAW »» SET BY N53 IN JBTfl ON A METALROO WTH 8ASE PLAfE SET TO A OCfTH 0s 4 METERS ENCASED IN ft WE RUSH WITH THE OWJNQ. LOCATION: AT THE JLWCTCN Of THE AT«F RWLWAV ANO TAMARACK STREET. 154,3 FTET NORTH OF THE CEN1EKUNC CF TAWABACK,49.S FEET EAST OF TM6 EAST RAIL, 31O2 FEET 90UTMEABT CF MLE POST 230. W FEET SOUTH OF A POWF POLE, dj^HMrFff <"^r uwAbv^•^wliiHrr it— **lMTIx MARSHALL K- PUN72 C-4279O DATE HUEOSHILL-HERKENHOFF, INC. 5820 OBERUN DfllVE SUITE 101BAH DCI50, CAUFOfWlA, 92121 ALBLWUERCWE * SANTA FE • SAH OCCO DATE j£REVQKMS APPROVED ~sHr~}\ CITY OF CARLSBAD IPfHII EHONEEnm OCPMtnCNT 30 i CARLSBAD ! PU UGNMENT STUDY 3LVO — ALTERNATIVE NO 1 tN AND PROFILE RE. zsaao Exp.u/31/M an ENONEER D»TC rn^> ft-A ] I PAOfCT MO. I I DftAWW Na I CMK0.3Y:,rm n au.3365 331-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SCALE 1" - 2' VER,r - 20' HOR. -r GRAPHIC SCALE RFMCH MARK «9CRrT»» 8EWH MARK CC9K SET ffr t»5 H 1»78 OH A M E7AIROD «TM a*SE PLATE SIT TO A DEPTH of * METE*SENCASES W A tV>l TU1S* «TH T>C SWUMl.LCCATBft AT THE J*K1!OM OF WE ATMF JWt-WAT /«0 TAKARAO<STTajn, 1S*.5 FtfT NCWW OF TVC COJTtRUtC Of TAMWACK.«.s rlrr EAST or me CAST KAIL. $10,2 rtft SOUTHEASTIf Mt£ POST 230, IS ftET SOUTH 0s A PO*CT POl£ EWfiB!i£EB QE MJBK MARSHAU K. PLANT2 C-+r?90 D*TE HtEHBHta-HERKENHOFF, INC, 5BIO OBES1JM D«VE SUITE tOTSAM OIEOO. CAUFORNiA 92121 N*w°Kiut: ^1ZL»«,•OATE E S«S5Ni— —APPSOED ~5^rl| OTY OF CARLSBADJ [ EHtXICERiMO OEPARTVENT 30 ALIGNMENT STUDY CARLSBAD BLVD. - ALTERNATIVE NO. 2 PLAN AND PROFILE R£, Z.HSM E>P.lV»/> HEID BK-- . . psojtcT wa 3365 DATE DRA-**C Ma 331-7 EASTERLY TOP OF PBOfHE EXIST. GRADE AT EASTERLY CUR8 • PB(ffIL-E EffiV -"W.66 150' VC SCALE 1" « 2' VER. 1" • 20' HOR CANNON ROAD IMPROVEMENTS IJf PARKINS/BIKE _ J^- f ^=3=^, (8-AC-W) X r-N^ StY OF CARLSBAD OC90WATX3N: V1307 MARK DISK: SET BY WM *J 1«78 ON A MET.4L'«TH BASf PUATE SET TO A MPTM Of + MTfERSPipe FtiiSH WTH THE GROUND.ON OF 1TC AT*®7 R«LW*V AN& TAMAPAC*, 154,» ttiT f«*TW OT TVtE CDJTtHUNE OF TAM*»AGK.3 TETT t^sr or THE CA3t RAIL, 510,2 rtrr«U POST 23fe 3.6 FEET 90UTH OF A PO«R PW£- AUGNMENT STUDY CARLSBAD BLVD. - ALTERNATIVE NO, 2 PLAN AND PROFILE LEEDSHUl-HERKENHOFT, INC.5320 oeerajw DRIVEGRAPHIC SCALE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SCALE 1" • 2' VER. 1" - 20' HOR. •<p: OTY OF CARLSBADDEP^flTWENT VI307 KK" "»W B3K SflBt XSSH 1»» ON A MTMBOO WH BAK PL*lt KT TO » 0£P» Of t U6TEJIS FLUSH Mm THE OROUW.AT WE JUNCTION OF IX ATKf RWLWAV AND TAMARACK, 164 J fl^T HofoH Or TW C£NTt3«JNE OF TAMARACK. T EAST (^ The CA3T «Al, 510.Z FEET SOUTHEAST«l£ Post 23^ 3.6 FtET 30imi OF A POHEft PDt£.ftr AUGNMEMT STUDY CARLSBAD BLVD. - ALTERNATIVE NO. 2 PLAN AND PROFILE LEEDSHILL-HERKOJHOFF, INC. 5620 09ERUW DRIVE 5WTC 101 SAN OIEBO. CAUfOfiNi* »i12iGRAPHIC SCALE 0 80 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'U ST* - 87467,50 ELEV - ii;«6 150' VC EASTERLY TOP CF CURS PROFILE STA » 3CH-10 ELEV = 55,70 PVI ELEV = 51.00 150' VC SCALP - 2* 1" - 20* HOR. 1* - 2* VEft CITY Or CARLSBAD WSCHAT10N: VI307 KN& MARK DISK 3ET BY NG3 IN I97fl ON A MCTAL «7M USE H>,Tt SET TO A DEPTH OF 4DCA3BJ IN A WE FtUSM WITH THE CROUW5.AT THE JUNCTION Of Wt ATWF RAJLWlY AND TAKARACKS1HEET, 1-4-5 FEET ^WRTM OF TW CEWTfRUNE CF TAMARACK,4S.3 fQT EAST OT THE EAST RAIL, 310.2 FIET BOUTHWBTcr MLE POST aao, 5.5 irr SOUTH or A TO*CR POLE. AUGNMENT STUDY CARLSBAD BLVD. - AJ.TERNAT1VE NO. 2 PLAN AND PROFILE LEEQSHIU-HERKENHQFF, INC.5S20 OBERUN SUITE 101SAN DEGO, CAUFORNiA S2121 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 SO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SCALE 1" - 2' VER, 1" « 20* HOR. GRAPHIC SCALE SO 0 CO 40 i DI rm ) BEUCH MARK DCKRIPTOK KlKH MARK a UK SET BY NOT * 1*78 ON A METALHOD WTH 6ASC KATt SET TO A CO»TM OF 4 ME1CR3ENCASED IN A WflE RUSH WTH THE GROUND.tOCATICN: AT THE JUNCTICN OT THf. AT*SF RAJOWW AND TAMARACKSfflEET, 1M,5 FEET NORTH OF THE CEN1CRUHE CF TM4ARACK,4»,» fttT EAST OF WE EAST RML, J1&2 FEET SOUTHEASTCF W£ P03T 230, i5 FEET WJW OF A PO«R P0t£. MARSM/yj. K. PUNTZ C-«790 DATE ULEEDSHtLL-HERKENHOfT, INC. 5820 08EBJN DRIVE SUITE 101SAN DEGO, CAUFORNIA 92121 ALSUWERQUi; • SANTA F£ * SAH DEGO ~*fni CITY OF CARLSBAD13 j | EKCSNEEWHC DEPARTiCNT CARLSBAD e PU LIGNMENT STUD'i W AND PRC APPROVED: RE, 23B80 ED<».12/31/»3 CITY EHCWEER |n*N«^ _ . ~~]| PRO^CT Na | FELD SK:3365 ^ t UIVE NO. 2 JFILE DATE MIAWNO NO. j 331-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SCALE 1" - 2* VER. I" - 20' HOR, , ( w resi BENCH MARK KSMNA.71QN: VIM?ceacmmttt •*»* UAKK a* gent KS M irw ON A WTALW£ WH &ASE HATt SET TO A DCKH Of 4 UCttMt0*Afltt IN A WC aUBH HRH WE CWUND,LOCATUN: AT tHC JUNCTION Of TMt ATKF MA1WAY AND TAMARACK 81REET, IM.3 FEET NORTH W 1HE ONTWU* OF TAkWRACK.«. J FEET EAST or THE CAST MIL, JKU FOT SOUTHEAST OF *«£ POST 3M, IS FEET 30UW OF A MWO» POLE. f MINCER OF asjw<; MARSHALL K. PLANTZ C-4Z790 DATE ULEEDSHILL-HERKENHOfT, INC. 5820 OflERJJN ORIVt SUITE 101SAN DEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 ALBuaUEBOJE • SANTA Ft • SAH OEOO "5ST "ij.i"REV1SOH9 'tfpBOTO BBR16 CITY OF CARLSBADDiQttCERNC CCfARTUCMT M ALIGNMENT STUDY CARLSBAD BLVD. - ALTERNATIVE NO. 2 PLAN AND PROFILE APPROVED: RE. £HBIB CW.U/3VB3 CITY ENGINEER ri*-t\av,nfinftk-. ,.3365 DATE 1 DIUMKl HO. 1 331-7 I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I SCALE 1" « 2' VER. 1* * 20* HOI?. BOULEVARd '«r - " «-•»' _ — - -^S. "tXCES3 :-aiC ^x^j "t _ ^2. » !—, r ~^^,~-^ rv-rfvr*r*"'wvv -GRAPHIC SCALE 0 SO ao^cd MARK CCSCRfPTiOffe aSKH M.WW OSK SET BY N9S 9i IBTft 0(i A «£?«.SCE WITH BAE£ PLATE SET TO A &EP1H OF + MEIERSENCASED (N A PIPE FUJSK ftlTH THE OftuOMtL tOCATtOft AT THE JJNCTiaN OF THE AT&T RAlLVWr rtiD TAUARACKSWEET, sw.s ttiT wcfrm w TXC CO^JTERUWE OF TAMARACK.48. ? f££T CAST OF WC EAST ftAH_ 3iai fTET SOUTHEASTCF WL£ POST Z30, 3^ FEET SOU'TW OF A POSIOt POLE. amm OF WORK MARSHALl K, PUANTZ C-4-2790 DAm W ltEDSHia-HERKENHOFF, 1T4C. 5B2Q OBERUN OWVE SWTt 1013W DiE'GO CALIFORNIA 92121 wjiijisuERauE; • SANTA FE • SAN WEOO DATE ii REWSffiNS APPflE?*n "^«n ["afTOF CARLSBAD1 ' |j ENOMCCHNO DePAPTWDJT A CARLSBAD £ PU ^Si^ O^O, BYs. "J "- UGNMENT STUDY 1.VD — ALTER N A W AND PRO PROJECT «a " | 336S J JO T1VE NO. 3 FILE OAlt 331-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I SCALE 1" « 2" VER. 1" - 20' HOR '"it GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 20 40 ( IN FEET } «• ¥1307 ; BEfiCH MWK rNSK SET BY N09 IN 10*0 OK A 1RCD WIH 8ASE BJME SET TO A fl£PTH Of +1ENCASES JN i ptfjg fLUiH WTH IHE QRCUMO. UXMTIQNf AT THE OJMTHON OF 7>€ AT«F RAILWAY AMP TA^flACKSWEET. 1S4.B rerr NWTW or nc CKNTERUME c* TAWWACK,49.5 rorr CAST or TMC EAST «AJL. Jto.2 TOT SOUTHE.^T£F MLT PfST »& 3.B FEET SOUTW CF A PCIKJt POl£, OF WMSHAU K. PUNTT?C-42790 DATE HLEEaSHUL-HERKENHOFF, INC. 5B20 OBERUN DRiyiT SUITE 101SAM PESO. .CAllfCRMIj.jjilJ! AlOWBtWE • SANTA Ft • SUN DEW «mm«.«/i.»/ii»«i ALIGNMENT STUDY CARLSBAO BLVD. - ALTERNATIVE NO. 3 PLAN AND PROFILE HE. J3eag w.vt/}i/ta STY &BIHEER DWtsv; CKKD.BV;_ neu/ SK;- | WOJECTNft _»«L DWi'WJi' NO 331-7 I I I I I I I I I I I SfitfC1* - 2* VER, t" » 20' HOR. jn« .• - wyv 5—V— -. -3. asssfcssi OF CARLSBADDEPAfiTMEHT SCT BY N68 W 1S?» ON * UCTALBET TO A KPTH Of + UETOBW A PIPE FUJSH «TH THE GftOUNCLAT THE JL^CTIOW or THE ^TJSF RAILWAH ANOSTKET, tfi4 S Ft£T MORTW W FHE Cf>fttRUNE Of TAWAftACK.+9.5 TOT EAST QT THE EAST RttU 310,2 TOCT SOUTHEASTCF WLE PiST 23D. 3J FEET SOUTH CF A PO*Dl PCHE AUGNMENT STUDY CARLSBAD BLVD. - ALTERNATIVE NO. PLAN AND PROFILE LEEQSHILL-HERKENHOFF, INC 3820 OBF.RUN DRIVE SUITE ^AN DIFGO. CAUFCRNU CITY OF CARLSBAD ?K K5K art BY NCS IN 1*78 ON A METALWH BASE RATE SET TO A DEPTH OF * METERS£ND\3£D IK A PIPE FLUSH WITH THE CRCUNC,AT THE AJhfCTlQH OF THE AT*£f RAS.WAV AW) TAMARACK 3TSEET, 1W.S FEET NCWTH OT THE CENTBBJfC46.3 FEET EAST OT THE EAST RAJL, JltS FEETCF MILE POST 230. 5,5 FEET SOUTH OF A PO^R POLE. ALIGNMENT STUDY CARLSBAD BLVD. - ALTERNATIVE NO. 3 PLAN AND PROFILE LEEDSHIU-HERKENHOFF, INC. 5320 OBEWJN ORI>« SUITE 101BAN DEGO, CAUFORHIA 92121 FNGINEER OF WORKGRAPHIC SCALE R£,JJ3B89 EXP.12/5VH QTf EHCINEPi I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SGttC1" m 2' VER. 1" - 20' HOR "GRAPHIC SCALEso 1 BENCH »*ARK DE5KNA.T10N: VI 307 DESOTPTWN: KNQH MASK DISK SET BY N-S3 H t«3 CW A MCTALfKfi *HH BASE Pure *T TO A OEJ'IH OF 4 METERS ENC-36D IN A PIPE FLUSH WITH THE CBKUNC. WCATW*f! AT THE tWICTiCH Of THE ATAST RAE.*ftV ANQ MMAHAflK $-mKT, 154*5 FEET NOfTTH OF WE CDTTtRUME CT TAMARACK,40-3 FfflT C«T OF WE CAST RWL, 31ft2 FSET SWTHWST OF **£ POTT Z30- 3-5 PffiT SOUTH OF A POWER POLJE. £M2f£|E£B. OF WQgg MARSHAL!. K, PLANT! C-42790 DATE HuEDSHIU.-HeRKENHOFF, INC. 5620 OaERUN DRIVt SUITE 101 SAN DCSO. CAUFORNIA 92121 ABUQUESOUE • SAHTA F£ • 3WN ffiEOO CATC -5T— SKS55 1 APPROVED •*r~] QTY OF CARLSBAD I ^ I -' | eNCWEE/SNC KPAfiTWENT | 3Q ALIGNMENT STUDY PLAN AND PROFILE «e. J3S8C c&.ngi/u an OiWKS out n*N,BV ., -1 1 «0*CTHi DeAWNOIIO.CHKD.irr: 1 1 •• TAK T ^1 ttip r, a»r^ [ [ AIDS JJl— / I I I I I I I I I I I I SQALE 1" - 2' VER. 1" - 20' HOR. GRAPHIC SCALE 0 20 «] BENCH MAStS ECKfWflo* KWX UMK en* ^r ev wa « 1979 ON A BET-**.«S> «TW BASE PLATl SET TO A OSFTH tF * METOtt 0CAS5D IK A we auw WTH mt CRCUNO.LOCATtM *T WC JUMCTWH OF WE AIASF RMLWkY ASD TAKAWOCsfl«£T. t;+,5 feet NOR™ or »c OTrrwjNt t? T«4W.*CK,«.3 fart EAST of THE CAST twt, 3*0.2 FEET SOUTHWSTCF hR£ POST 340. W flEET 90UW <y A "0«P *XS. MAWSHAU K. PUNTZ C-42790 DATE MLEEDSH1U-HERKENHQFF. (NC, 5020 oaerajN o«tve SUITE 101 ALBJQUEROUE • SANTA FE » SAN fflEGO DA.TE :-••~ " HcmS* — 'APPROVED ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD 11^ ]& EMONEEflNG DEPARTMENT j { JU I A CARLSBAD E PU RE 23B8P ESP-'ia/JI/S CM unctFi n ««. LIGNMENT STUD1 W AND PRC r— stfSiss — PRO^TNO, 3365 VT1VE NO. 3 >FH.E OAIt DIUMNO MO. 331-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I \tm w» 1" • 2' VER. 1" - 20" HOR. GRAPHIC SCALE MOB I , "I mm ) B£tt£l± MARK DESWNAUWfc VI 307OCSCraPTOH: 9ENCH UWW DISK 3ET 9Y NG3 « 1378 ON A METAl SOD wtk BASE PLATE ST TQ A DEPTH OF 4 I*T»$EHCWKD IN A PWE R-USH WiTH WE GPOUNO.tOCATIGH: AT WE JUNCTION OF THE ATaff BAR.WAY AND TAMAHAfiK »6.3 fCZ? EAST QT THE B>ST PAIL, 3tO-2 FEET SOUTHEAST Cf MJ£ POST 23ft 15 FtET iSCMTH OF A PO«R «L£. E^UEEE or isoiEs MAHSHAU «• PUN72 C-42790 OATT HUEDSHR.L-HERKENHOFF, INC. 5S2D DBERUN tiRlVC SUITE 101BAN OEGO, CftUFORNIA 82121 ALBU-3LIESQUE ' SANTA FE • SAN «CC n REViaWW AWROVtB 'S' I! CITYW CARLSBAD*J j [ e*G8NE£»NG BepWJTMEHt I CARLSBpy Af^ROUED: RE. 23KSB EXP.12,-'i1/i jni^u wv, | nei.n B^ , L1GNMENT STUD> AD BLVD — CQfc KN AND PRC 3 cm aiBNtts reo*ci «o, 3365 POSITE IFH.E a«rre 30 DATE &RAWWJ NO. 331-7 ll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SCALE 1" - 2' VER. 1" - 20" HOR. SEE SHEET 38, FOR CANNON ROAD H«»RQ\€MENTS ,**^^*ss^ CITY OF CARLSBAD ESSCJWIBft 8ENCH WAflK' OI3K 3KT B7 N5S W !«78 ON A VETALROC WTH BASE PLAIt SET TO A DtfTH CP 4 METERS |N A Pfft R.U5H WW THE CSO*J*Ci*r THE OIWCTIDH or THE AT«F RAILWAY AND3TP&ET, 1S+.3 FKT HflRTM OF WE CENtERUWC <F TAMARACK,4S.3 FEET EAST OF uc EAST BAIL, aias FCTor MILE POST aao, 53 fffii ajuw or A PQWP POU. ALIGNMEWT STUDY CARLSBAD BLVD, - COWPOSITEPLAN AND PROFILE LEEDSHiLL-HERKENHOFF, 5620 DEE RUMSUITE 1<M SAN DEGO, C-^UFOfWlA 92121 GRAPHIC SCALE to I I I I I I I I I I I I 1" - 2* VER. 1* - 20" HOR, ,fiH=...jiii ' ' ' E" ' _£tj _— — ffi-nr-HA ,j- __K _ _ u _._JJ, (6'VCP- QTY OF CARLSBAD PflOR; 8O«H MARK H3K KT SV NG3 M IflTft OH A METAL ROD WTH SAaC PVATt SET TQ A DE?TH Cf 4 METOS3m A PS=E a.usH ww THE cKrtiNo.L-OCAlTflW: AT WE MCfiGN « 1HC *T«SF P-MWAT AND TAHASASCCSTfETL tw,3 F££T NORT* OT TWE CENItflUNE OF TflMAPAW.48 3 ftrr EABT or TW EAST RAU aicxs HET SOUTHEAST VF OLt POST JL50, SJ FEET SOUTH Cf A AUGNMENT STUDY CARLSBAD BLVD. - COMPOSITE PLAN AND PROFILE LEEDSiilLL-HERKENHOFF, INC.5320 C0ERUN DRIVEsure 101 EAH OESO, CALIFORNIA 92121 GRAPHK SCALE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 38' -SO 33.-00 SCALE 1" • 2' VER. 1* » 20' HOR. ~~GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 80 45 {ra resi ) BENCH MARK DESIGNATION-. V1307 DESCRIPTION: BENCH MARK 01 W 8ET ffV NC9 « 1878 ON A METALROD W1H SASE PLATE SET TO A DE>TH OF 4 METERSCMCX3ED IN A PIPE FUJ5M MPTH THE GROUND,LOCATION: AT THE JUNCT1OJ OF 1HC A74SF RAILWAY AW) TAMARACKStR££T, 1M.5 FEET NORTH OF THE CENTWUNE CF TAMARACK,48.3 FQT EAST OF THE EAST RNL, 310.2 FEET SOUTHEAST Cf Ml£ POST 230, 3.3 FEET SOUTH OF A POWR POLE, QSSMIESJJE WORK MARSHAa K. PLWJT2 C-42790 DATE HLEEDSHILL-HERKENHOFF, INC, 5S20 Offi!RUN DRIVE SUITE 101 ALBUQUERQUE • SANTA FE * SAN DIEGO DATE B 1 ; SSi55 APPROVED ""fll OTY W CARLSBAD Ipf5!« [ ENQNEEflWC OffJUmHEMT * | » CARLSB PU LIGNMENT STUD^ AD BLVD ~ C0(^ kN AND PRC R£, 235S9 £M".li/H/S3 cm E»9t££R |rBJ'6K: 1 3365 POSITE *1LE DA.TE 331-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 33.-SO 3A..SO 40--00 SQALE 1" m 2' VER. 1" - 20* HOR. L JLii^^"^ -GRAPHK SCALEac ( m rait) [ffiN<21 MAKIK KSWHMICN: V1307 K3CHP1TOH. BENCH MARK DISK SET ffY NCS IN 1B7fl OH A METALSOD *TH &ASE PLATE SET TO A DEPTH OF * METERSCNCA3ED IN A WE FLUSH WTH THE GSDUWkLOCATWWi AT THE JUNCTION Of THE ATftSF RAB.WAY AMD TAMARACK SWEET, 134^3 (t£T NORW OF THE OEWTERUME CF TAUARACX, «,3 Ft£T EAST OF THE EAST RAIL, 3KL2 FIET SOUTVtAfiT a^ATO- S" ENGINEER OF WORK MARSHALL K. PLANT! C-«?9O DATE HLEEDSHILl-HERKENHOFF, INC 5B20 CSERUN DBVE SUITC 101 SAN DESO, CALIFORNIA 92121 ALBUQUERQUE ' 9AHTA PE • SAM OECO DAIt n ; SS55 APPROVED j SHEET tt ..„ ~Qrf&f OF CARLSBAD IPfH •JQHP-ERINC DEPARTMENT ALIGNMENT STUDY CARLSBAD BLVD. - COMPOSITE PLAN AND PROFILE APPRQXCB: HE. 23B89 ew.ia/JV* Firi.n BK- 3 air CNOINEEP PROJECT NO. 3365 DATE DRAMW! NO. 331-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 40. .00 4Q..30 41- 00 4\- .80 42 -00 43-.00 45.-SO 44. .QO SCALE 1* - 2' VER. 1" « 20' HOR, GRAPHIC SCALEeo o BO 40 BENCH MARK DESIGNATION: VIM? DESCRIPTION; BEHCH MARK DISK SET flY NG3 « lfl?6 ON t, UETALt*OD V*7H &ASE PUTT 3ET TO A DEPTH OF 4 INTERS ENCASED IN A PIPE RJUSH WITH THE WOUND,UJCATKW: *T THE JUHfiTICM Of 1HE ATflSf RAILWAY AMI TAdtAftACK.STREET. 1 M.5 FEET WORTH OF THE CENTERUNE CF TAMARACK,48.3 FKT EAKT or THE EAST RAH, 3ia.s FEET SOUTHEAST OF UU PKIT 330, i3 ftET SOUTH <T A PO«R POLE, £yS£i££E 2E WQBK MARSHAU K. PLAH1Z C-42790 DATC HLEE091ILL-HERKENHOFF, INC.SBJO OKRIJN ORf*.sure 101SAN OEGO. CALIFORNIA 02111 A10U4UCRQUE • 3ANTA FE • SAN OECO -5™-•nr REVBIWS T5S55S- 28 arr or CARLSBADEM9HE09NG otfoman ^ ALIGNMENT STUDY CARLSBAD BLVD. - COMPOSITEPLAN AND PROFILE APPROVED: R£. 23WB OP.12/31/A3 QTY OJfflNEEfl fowTa^ } f m&£cr«a 1 336S DATE DR*«ScTMa~J I 331-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I 3= g&ffF H! "XJCJri _~LZ_ IX," IZJIT-^^^^^^^^^^^g^-^-^'^-^i's-)"-^- T^ SEE SHEETS 6.12.18 & 24 FOR CARLSBAD BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENTS .; VI307 DCSCWPTlOWt BENCH MARK [JSK SET BV NQS (M 197S OK A METALtwo ww BASE: PLATE KT TO A DEPTH OF 4 METERS FUJSH WITH THE ORCUHD LOCATION; ATJ« JWWMW OF THE AT«F R*.WAY AND TAMASA«C. FEET NCfllH OF TVC CENTERUNE CF TAMARACK,A&.5 rtcr EAST or IMC CAST RAIL, 310^2 recT SOUTHEASTOF «L£ K«T aaa is FQET SOUTH OF A PO«S POULELCYATWi* «.«? ALIGNMENT STUDY CANNON ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE LEEDSHILL-HERKENHOfT, INC. 5S20 OBERUN DRIVE3UIIE SAN OE<», CAUrORNI* 92121 ENGINEER_Of WORKGRAPHIC SCALE Q M I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 22+50 1" . 2' VER. 1" - 20' HOR. --o«oj ^asitr-ar. GRAPHIC SCALE 20 <J £0 SHOOS( 18 rear ) BENCH MAfflS DESCRIPTION BEWCM MARK DISK SET BY HG3 « 1*78 ON A METALROD WITH BASE PLATE SET TO A DEMH CF 4 METQWENCA3ED IN fl PPE FUJ3H MTU THE CROJNO.LOCATWNt AT THE JUKCTION OF 1HC AT*«F RAIL*^ AMD TAMARACK STREET, 154,5 FEET NORTH OF THE CEMTERUNE CF TAMARACK,46.3 FEET EAST OF THE EA5T fWJL, 31OJ 'EET SOUTHEASTCF WLE P03T 230, 3,5 FBET 93UTM OF A PO«R POLE. ENGINEER OF W££K MABSHAU. K, PIANU C-»279O DATE HLEEDSHILL-HEFKENHOFF, INC. 3S20 08ERUN ORI\E SUITE 101 SAN DEEO, CAUFORNI.A 92121 ALBUQUOquE • a*«TA fE • SAM Office TK5T n SS5S?APPROVED "^fHI CITY OF CARLSBAD33 ENQNEENNC DEPAtmCNT M ALIGNMENT STUDY CANNON ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE AWfiOWJ: RE. 23SSS EXP.12/31/J3 On aoWEEB |nmf^ 1 1 PROJfci NO. ]jfMB^ 1 3365 MH MAMWJ HO. 1 331-7 APPENDIX 2 ALT-1 CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE m m m m CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PLANNING LEVEL COST AND QUANTITY ESTIMATE DESCRIPTION 1 CLEAR AND GRUB 2 DEMOLITION 3 PAVEMENT REMOVAL 4 EXCAVATION 5 EXPORT 6 PRIVATE UTILITY TRENCH/CONDUIT 7 ADJUST VALVE TO GRADE 8 ADJUST WATER METER TO GRADE 9 RELOCATE BLOW-OFF 10 RELOCATE FIRE HYDRANT 11 AGGREGATE BASE CLII 12 ASPHALT CONCRETE 13 CURB AND GUTTER 14 MEDIAN CURB 15 CONC. DRIVEWAY (4') 16 SIDEWALK 17 PEDESTRIAN RAMPS 18 STORM DRAIN INLET 19 STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT 20 18"RCP 21 STREET LIGHTS- RELOCATE 22 TRAFFIC SIGNALS (MODIFY) 23 LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION 24 MEDIAN PAVING 25 SIGNING AND STRIPING 26 TRAFFIC CONTROL 27 ADJUST MANHOLE COVER TO GRADE 28 WATER RELOCATION (18+00 TO 26+00) 29 RETAINING WALL ITEMIZED USTING 17-Feb-93 UNIT OF MEASURE AC LS SF CY CY LS EA EA EA EA TONS TONS LF LF SF SF EA EA EA LF EA LS LS SF LS LS EA LF SF TOTAL QUANTITY 3.39 1 67,746 7,029 803 1 30 42 1 3 2,904 3,633 6,926 6,058 3,760 27,552 13 8 4 220 8 1 1 45,500 1 1 36 800 3,600 SUBTOTAL UNIT COST $1,000.00 9,525.00 0.13 14.00 20.00 50,000.00 350.00 350.00 750.00 1,000.00 15.00 33.00 8.50 8.00 3.00 2.00 300.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 54.00 1,500.00 35,000.00 22,500.00 2.50 25,000.00 10,000.00 250.00 60.00 12.00 15% CONTINGENCY COST $3,390 9,525 8,807 98,406 16,060 50,000 10,500 14,700 750 3,000 43,560 119,889 58,871 48,464 11,280 55,104 3,900 28,000 12,000 11,880 12,000 35,000 22,500 113,750 25,000 10,000 9,000 48,000 43,200 $926,536 138.980 TOTAL $1,065,516 CE SUM1.WK1 ALT-2 CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE m m m m CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PLANNING LEVEL COST AND QUANTITY ESTIMATE DESCRIPTION 1 CLEAR AND GRUB 2 DEMOLITION 3 PAVEMENT REMOVAL 4 EXCAVATION 5 EXPORT 6 PRIVATE UTILITY TRENCH/CONDUIT 7 ADJUST VALVE TO GRADE 8 ADJUST WATER METER TO GRADE 9 RELOCATE BLOW-OFF 10 RELOCATE FIRE HYDRANT 11 AGGREGATE BASE CLII 12 ASPHALT CONCRETE 13 CURB AND GUTTER 14 MEDIAN CURB 15 CONC. DRIVEWAY (4") 16 SIDEWALK 17 PEDESTRIAN RAMPS 18 STORM DRAIN INLET 19 STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT 20 18"RCP 21 STREET LIGHTS-RELOCATE 22 TRAFFIC SIGNALS (MODIFY) 23 LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION 24 MEDIAN PAVING 25 SIGNING AND STRIPING 26 TRAFFIC CONTROL 27 ADJUST MANHOLE COVER TO GRADE 28 WATER RELOCATION (18+00 TO 26+00) 29 RETAINING WALL ITEMIZED LISTING 17-Feb-93 UNIT OF MEASURE AC LS SF CY CY LS EA EA EA EA TONS TONS LF LF SF SF EA EA EA LF EA LS LS SF LS LS EA LF SF TOTAL QUANTITY 3.54 1 67,846 9,329 3,953 1 30 42 1 3 3,317 4,353 6,926 6,058 3,760 27,552 13 8 4 335 8 1 1 45,000 1 1 36 800 3,600 SUBTOTAL UNIT COST $1,000.00 9,525.00 0.13 14.00 20.00 50,000.00 350.00 350.00 750.00 1,000.00 15.00 33.00 8.50 8.00 3.00 2.00 300.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 54.00 1,500.00 35,000.00 22,500.00 2.50 25,000.00 10,000.00 250.00 60.00 12.00 15% CONTINGENCY COST $3,540 9,525 8,820 130,606 79,060 50,000 10,500 14,700 750 3,000 49,755 143,649 58,871 48,464 11,280 55,104 3,900 28,000 12,000 18,090 12,000 35,000 22,500 112,500 25,000 10,000 9,000 48,000 43,200 $1,056,814 158,522 TOTAL $1,215,336 CE SUM2.WK1 ALT—3 CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE m m m m M CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PLANNING LEVEL COST AND QUANTITY ESTIMATE DESCRIPTION 1 CLEAR AND GRUB 2 DEMOLITION 3 PAVEMENT REMOVAL 4 EXCAVATION 5 EXPORT 6 PRIVATE UTILITY TRENCH/CONDUIT 7 ADJUST VALVE TO GRADE 8 ADJUST WATER METER TO GRADE 9 RELOCATE FIRE HYDRANT 10 AGGREGATE BASE CLII 11 ASPHALT CONCRETE 12 CURB AND GUTTER 13 MEDIAN CURB 14 CONG. DRIVEWAY (4") 15 SIDEWALK 16 PEDESTRIAN RAMPS 17 STORM DRAIN INLET 18 STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT 19 18"RCP 20 STREET LIGHTS- RELOCATE 21 TRAFFIC SIGNALS (MODIFY) 22 LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION 23 MEDIAN PAVING 24 SIGNING AND STRIPING 25 TRAFFIC CONTROL 26 ADJUST MANHOLE COVER TO GRADE 27 WATER RELOCATION (18+00 TO 26+00) 28 RETAINING WALL ITEMIZED USTING 11-Feb-93 UNIT OF MEASURE AC LS SF CY CY LS EA EA EA TONS TONS LF LF SF SF EA EA EA LF EA LS LS SF LS LS EA LF SF TOTAL QUANTITY 2.15 1 75,094 5,441 863 1 30 42 2 2,470 3,084 6,506 6,108 3,760 27,552 13 7 3 165 6 1 1 45,500 1 1 36 800 100 SUBTOTAL UNIT COST $1,000.00 9,525.00 0.13 14.00 20.00 50,000.00 350.00 350.00 1,000.00 15.00 33.00 8.50 8.00 3.00 2.00 300.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 54.00 1,500.00 35,000.00 22,500.00 2.50 25,000.00 10,000.00 250.00 60.00 12.00 15% CONTINGENCY COST $2,150 9,525 9,762 76,174 17,260 50,000 10,500 14,700 2,000 37,050 101,772 55,301 48,864 11,280 55,104 3,900 24,500 9,000 8,910 9,000 35,000 22,500 113,750 25,000 10,000 9,000 48,000 1,200 $821,202 123,180 TOTAL $944,383 CE SUM3.WK1 APPENDIX 3 at •f m a m CANNON ROAD ALIGNMENT CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE CANNON ROAD PLANNING LEVEL COST AND QUANTITY ESTIMATE DESCRIPTION 1 CLEAR AND GRUB 2 DEMOLITION 3 PAVEMENT REMOVAL 4 EXCAVATION 5 EXPORT 6 ADJUST VALVE TO GRADE 7 ADJUST WATER METER TO GRADE 8 ASPHALT CONCRETE 9 CURB AND GUTTER 10CONC. DRIVEWAY (4') 11 SIDEWALK 12 PEDESTRIAN RAMPS 13 STREETLIGHTS- RELOCATE 14 SIGNING AND STRIPING 15 TRAFFIC CONTROL 16 ADJUST MANHOLE COVER TO GRADE 17 RETAINING WALL 18 PROPERTY AQUISITION 11-Feb-93 ITEMIZED LISTING UNIT OF MEASURE AC LS SF CY CY EA EA TONS LF SF SF EA EA LS LS EA SF LS TOTAL QUANTITY 0.39 1 1,260 600 600 7 1 380 605 90 2,723 4 2 1 1 6 1,685 1 SUBTOTAL UNIT COST $1,000.00 950.00 0.13 14.00 20.00 350.00 350.00 33.00 8.50 3.00 2.50 300.00 1,500.00 7,500.00 5,000.00 250.00 12.00 2,000.00 15% CONTINGENCY COST $390 950 164 8,400 12,000 2,450 350 12,540 5,143 270 6,808 1,200 3,000 7,500 5,000 1,500 20,220 2,000 $89,884 13,483 TOTAL $103,366 CE SUM4.WK1 APPENDIX 4 Carlsbad Blvd. (Phase II) MEDIAN TREATMENTS APPENDIX 5 I 1 t i II II ifiiiUBi till iiii lit ii i I i i ft i • i it mi 11 11 11 ii ii 11 i if ii 11 11 it ti ii ii rio i i i i i • i t i i i i t i i i i • i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i I i ii 11 ii ii i i ti 11 1 f I fi if ii if i i 11 ll vA \- -TXAvwsff ^ -ne .« wet* PT. OCCUPIED N P= COORDINATE PT NO. JOZ. S03 loA (0$ HORIZONTAL ANGLE f) - O@ - DO O 1-34-41 r) V\-S4-4k O I80'Z4'I1o /•4S-^3 "y^-_^- n 119-P9--5T 2^5 "^-49 iT5-^-5-r /CI /.CTM) * o,4r <ffS;^ X /n/W* 33\t E l /""^ X*«yT^^^ SLOPE DIST. 5*5, to 5^2)^. 53 ?Olf IfLf l\51.ffL HORIZ. DIST. 5b5- 95* &1.91 }Ol*.bU> /I 57. ^7 r TRAVERSE JOB LOCATION C/Hi.L£>B^P PT. SIGI COORDI VERT. DIFF. •fTFD II /Pi ^(TflP A-f* PlS^RFBltt ft-R^/^ 3s\Z. MATE • VERTICAL ANGLE ^-/fr-00 2Z&9-4J-^ ** °>o • 2 1 - Git 'u?-?l-4b to • zt- of 'V^-4??) %o-^-» 95- Ik-.?! ^ttf^l-tt \->k>- e?_ COORD. NORTH PPM TEMP. DATE 3-\0-?Z \rc i opw.o. 1 PG- i OF^ CREW B6.CT BAR INST Ml MOM PI PV. REF. BEARING OR AZO-OO-OO COORD. EAST SIG. HT. HORIZ. DIFF. FDM OFFSFT COMMENTS /NOTES /»D ^£7W >NOD OUt /?Pff.9f /^ >M^7 331 1 ft. ^T n^rr.0 0ff ^ c**.L*&toM ^£TT PK MV-4 jfi-r PX HV-A, ^WP STfi UiflL A*0H ^1 3" BeAss CAf ^0 f(jMca & mTCJWNOA/a><C/ltt5«P0tyi> t I II tl II II II II II II II II II If 11 If III! II J I . * «} £ ! S^•4:• f. 4 ^<*; -r'K.ftVtXSe: M*J> T)tT jM PWtLZ PT. OCCUPIED it COORDINATE PT NO. lot* yoi log ;o? HORIZONTAL ANGLE «; /gy- 23-31z; Z-Z'l-ol ia\-ia-jc 0 /£p- Z1-J"L^) d-^4-31 -) '/a>-zi-\9 y !&D'f4'tO /-48-3f -; y«>- 5*4 -/tf 9 /&> -sT-4- 18 IO& u F SLOPE DIST. 234- Lp3 ;j35:^9 143440 (olZ.Ll* HORIZ. DIST. 234- /pZ. ;23*T2<» /434. 5^> bzG.lA TRAVERSE JOB LOCATION CM^Sfc** CMLSBM> Bt.v^ /h^l^frt. PT. SIG* COORDII VERT. DIFF. •iTFn <| /^?l NMATE N ' VERTICAL ANGLE •; lo- z4-4L Ztf-^-tt- W-lA-f? ^9^-27-^ 2»-3\*^4 ^%)-2S- /t <; 5^-2^-J!99 ^fr9-/J-ClK>%-^-^z 90-Zb- $4V 2<5>9- ?2 - 49 M> 90-26-tfZ COORD. NORTH PPM TEMP. DATE 3- ID' 92. 1 re - OF jw.o. 1 PG- ^- OF^ CREW 66. CT BAR. INST HI MOM Fl FV. REF. BEARING OR AZ 0-(2>0-OO COORD. EAST SIG. HT. HORIZ. DIFF. EDM OFFSFT COMMENTS /NOTES <*T fK &\'\O $bT PK VAV- ^Z. ^T roMt KKiu iM Tof oF CuftB /f T C^A/A AlA)i. >*J A<L L j I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t -ri?.W£-R.s«r PT. OCCUPIE COORDINATE PT NO. in /)i 113 HORIZ! ANGLE /?!'£ Z.l-6 t?\-z \ 08" o j(y - ^5 188-04 '} -TKWEKSe *«» TIC /A/ f>«H£L* PT. OCCUPIED ft COORDINATE PT NO. 110 ' HORIZONTAL ANGLE J20-I - L£ Zito-zi-4°> *};u>- \\-zs 10$ e.ou. u P SLOPE DIST. 314. 13 HORIZ. DIST. SI*. 9S TRAVERSE JOB LOCATION <C»^tu5dM> PT. SIGI COORDI VERT. DIFF. 4TPn M \0& NATE " ' VERTICAL ANGLE as ~z? -4-") 21 \-sr--fz.•5 COORD. NORTH PPM TEMP. DATE J. \o-^l_ | „„ „ ^^ W.O. | PC % or> CREW 66. CT BAR IIMST Ml MOM Fl FV. REF. BEARING OR AZO-oO-OO COORD. EAST SIG. HT. HORIZ. DIFF. FDM OFFSFT COMMENTS /NOTES «*T PK «V-\\ I ii ft i i i ii ii 11 ii if mi if ii 11 t i 11 it 11 li it *AVA r/iwcust: /^D -n^ /w fi*Me"^ PT. OCCUPIED N COORDINATE PT NO. "4 HORIZONTAL ANGLE i; Z.&A-45-S6, 9 ;49- si-57**> Z&-4f-f5 112 fbi. F SLOPE DIST. 550- 0 \ HORIZ. DIST. 3 #0.00 TRAVERSE JOB LOCATION <2/Rt-$6*£> (LA*:.SfiAO &.VP /4£XlAL PT. SIGI COORDI VERT. DIFF. •iTFn ^ /^fi MNATE M ' VERTICAL ANGLE ,) °)0 - Z£- £b?) Ztf-23-43 •9 ^0-^- 01 COORD. NORTH PPM TEMP. DATE 3-\0-9t IrcrOF —w.o. 1 PG- ^ OF/^ CREW &<a , CT HAR INST Ml MON Fl FV. REF. BEARING OR AZo-oo-oo COORD. EAST SIG. HT. HORIZ. DIFF. FPM OFFSFT COMMENTS /NOTES J£T ?K MV- \4 • i ft i ii if il iitl if if tl II I i li 11 ll It I 1 3 PT. OCCUPIED « COORDINATE PT NO. \\S HORIZONTAL ANGLE o %01.Zt>'3t 3M-4*- Ho \\L M P SLOPE DIST. y*>^4.g<5 HORIZ. DIST. J 994.fr*. TRAVERSE JOB LOCATION CWO-SfrAP /» Ar4v 1 ^ ff &"f\ Q l V/O A^-^^^ft * ^. » V^'i IV t»^ W" f ^ Jv* B ^^ " *r I T w ^^^ *^ M"" PT. SIGI COORDI VERT. DIFF. HTFD M 1O8 NATE N ' VERTICAL ANGLE %9-*3-l9 %-^-l4 %9-^5-3S COORD. NORTH PPM TEMP. DATE 5- YO-9Z. 1 W. O. | ^ CREW S6.CT BAR INST HI MOM pi pv REF. BEARING OR AZ & • 00 * Oo COORD. EAST SIG. HT. HORIZ. DIFF. FHM OFFSFT COMMENTS /NOTES ^£TT 5/fl11 er-feafc. ^ o>aT eR- ftcca* <inVro i i i ti it ii i i • i iftf liiiiltifiiififiti -rft*V<?X><r #*» T>€ /A/ P/WffL$ PT. OCCUPIED II COORDINATE PT NO. 11/D HORIZONTAL ANGLE W-^s-^f *W%-» V) US' N ' P SLOPE J5IST. J4o4 ^ HORIZ. DIST. \At>A, HP TRAVERSE JOB LOCATION £A*^Sfi<VP PT. SIG COORDI VERT. DIFF. HTFD N /)2 NATE N ' VERTICAL ANGLE \t>LJfr'0* i> ^0'0t,'\l COORD. NORTH PPM TEMP. DATE 5- «0 -5,2, 1 w.o. | rG- 7 or^ CREW RC, . CT HAR INST Ml MOM PI PV REF. BEARING OR AZ COORD. EAST SIG. HT. HORIZ. DIFF. FHM OFPSPT COMMENTS /NOTES SZT Codt. K//JJ*.t ft J II II 1 f II II II 11 II 1 • 1 i I 1 I f f 1 t i I I 9 >\ "V o/c*^ r\ -TK/VV PT. OCCUPIED II COORDINATE PT NO. m )|S n? IfcO HORIZONTAL ANGLE \-\3-SO-* i) ^Zll-50-o\ \ll'M-fb i} \ 06) " £r~ ££} in*> fA fn 2.~| VZ.^ '6£ "273.^-*-?o I6*}"^\ ~ 41 ? 73 -30- ^4 ^ N W ,V *W£*-S SI& u F SLOPE DIST. «* 5* £"£"!. Z2 fr.%. -Lf ^/ 7 *2 O/4>5- so HORIZ. DIST. ffff4.49 sei.z\ &-H..t4 U?,3Z. TRAVERSE JOB LOCATION <5^l«-Stf/«> PT. SIGI COORDII VERT. DIFF. •iTFn « //^" MATE N ' VERTICAL ANGLE 4)9b-Ztf-#2 2269-?8-5^•y %0-t0^9 ?> 7/ °i- 7*i - \\C*(p/ 5 X 1 i %d-a>-?5 «9-45-^ 2; £7?' lift?? ") "&-/9-06>*•; zio-4o~ 38 81?- ^ - |A COORD. NORTH PPM TEMP. DATE 3-10-92. |rc,oOF._W.O. | • »»• ix «" /» CREW AS/ CT HAR REF. BEARING OR AZ & - 0<3-OO COORD. EAST v SIG. HT. HORIZ. DIFF. IN^T H< MON Fl FV. FDM mrpSFT COMMENTS /NOTES PsiO STD. WEIL /MO*J ^/S'1 «4T Cfrt^HfiA R5> 4-fl /Hl6o/. riV-s /OOP STO. u>t?U. tAOM "%•» B^KSS >,«:* POMQA per F^D iTD we-Lc M*M WA" fi.ft.M5 fcisc •*• fuvc,K 8C fMP 4TO fcJ£74, iM5N) /j" 6H.A55 P/5^- £T»W£P 5'P- >i ,MT CWM^^P A*»J> ^05 /^e^ ^, ' V i i I I I • i I l • 1 • 1 I i t i IL I ti I I I I I I i I t I I I i I i 0 •TfcweK.se- *«» r* ,» WM PT. OCCUPIED II COORDINATE PT NO. |L\ HORIZONTAL ANGLE 0 /Ik F SLOPE DIST. 40ft. I IP HORIZ. DIST. ^ft.tL, TRAVERSE JOB LOCATION dA-fc^^^ Xtf£/4£. PT. SIGI COORDI VERT. DIFF. ^TFO M H5" NATE N ' VERTICAL ANGLE i) ?U?V~ i*^ *3^^ ^5^?"/^fi A ^ COORD. NORTH PPM TEMP. DATE 3- A? -9 2. I „ ^ W.O. I PG' V or/5 CREW 66. CT RAR INST Ml MOM PI PV REF. BEARING OR AZ COORD. EAST SIG. HT. HORIZ. DIFF. FHM OFPSFT COMMENTS /NOTES 5£"T C^AJC , K/Ait- /DA/ 73^ ^^ ^ ^OV7 luJ^ /?£7<j£*J £L APSoL r iiiiiiiiiiiitiililKiiilililiiiiiiilili TKwr *«* n* '"»•>*<* PT. OCCUPIED ft COORDINATE PT NO. \1? HORIZONTAL ANGLE V Bo -oo -So l^o-oi- *S 00 -OO-£3 IZI M SLOPE DIST. Zlo.2.4 HORIZ. DIST. z<to.z4 TRAVERSE JOB LOCATION ej/ztse/iP Blyp. Af&Ai' PT. SIG» COORDII VERT. DIFF. 0,32. ^TPn M //<^ WIE ' VERTICAL ANGLE on ~.O7 ~ ~>Co ~/£> tiZTt9-€>^4S ^gl'fr-U COORD. NORTH PPM TEMP DATE 3~/Z- 9Z- |Pr OF W.O. 1/0 ^ CREW ' BAR INST Hi MflN PI FV REF. BEARING OR AZ COORD. EAST SIG. HT. HORJZ. DIFF. FDM OFFSFT COMMENTS /NOTES //I/ 5> 5£f PA /A/ Ad. too' *** t**/AW art &, A0&L t I f i I I I 1 I 1 t I I I I 1 ft » I I I I I I I I I I I I I i Ifill ^>:§ r£-AVE£$E <W PAN-L- Tie //J PT. OCCUPIED It COORDINATE PT NO. >Z2 HORIZONTAL ANGLE So - oc» -oo &0 -//- SS 8o-#£-4g JZ0 f SLOPE DIST. 7&0. 7i HORIZ. DIST. 7<oO. 7Z. TRAVERSE JOB LOCATION ^£A5/?/9/7 AFZlAt- PT. SIG COORDI VERT. DIFF. 3.S<, HTPn ^ l/6> MNATE " ' VERTICAL ANGLE 31-44-Z& 270 -!£-/£ 89-44 -47 COORD. NORTH PPM TEMP. DATE i- „-& \ w.o. |rc<^ or'-5 CREW DA/ /776 BAR INST Ml MON, Fl FV, REF. BEARING OR AZ COORD. EAST SIG. HT. HORIZ. DIFF. FDM 0FFRF"T «?o f°" COMMENTS /NOTES $£T P.K, A/X?//. Hfl/' S i £&&*- JL,*e. e-f- LosgoMff^ t i t i f i • i i i I i i i I i I i i ! tiiillliiiiiiitifi ^ §K ~]£fl'JZCSE *~net p^-i&l T/£" iw PT. OCCUPIED It COORDINATE PT NO. )"L4 HORIZONTAL ANGLE •i '8o-2g-Z£ i) O -3o- 60 U I%0-ZS'Z6 12? u p SLOPE DIST. /02A.93 HORIZ. DIST. IK2.8- 93 TRAVERSE JOB LOCATION £tf£L SPAr> ft? f? iAL~ PT. SIGI COORDI VERT. DIFF. -//<?<8 ^Tpn M /^<9 MNATE " ' VERTICAL ANGLE ') 90-&Z.-/& *) 2^9- <^9 1?^ "D 40-oZ-o3 COORD. NORTH PPM TEMP. DATE 3-//-9Z. |rc .-or _ yyO 1 '^u'/^» CREW £)A/ , M6 HAR INST HI MOM PI PV REF. BEARING OR AZ COORD. EAST SIG. HT. . HORIZ. DIFF. POM nPPRPT COMMENTS /NOTES SET P.K. M/I/L HV-) 4 Zsrt-. Lo± RoRLE^^M/tMJttit t i i i t i i i i i I i i i i i I i d f l l I I i I I I l I I I i_i i i i VTj v\ VIVI k<x X ^w K ~re.A\/FgsE A<-J i-^e,! r/£ /A/ PT. OCCUPIED II COORDINATE PT NO. \Z£ \76> IZ7 HORIZONTAL ANGLE ') 271- oo- toi) /%2-<x>-e6 »J Z7t-00 - o2> '}<?& - 01- i<y t\ ao-i>z-/6 «.) Of) - oi - a 8 ') 2oo-3$->6 9 4I-/8-ZS*9 ZOO'31'IZ 17.4 M P SLOPE DIST. 277.3? ty,4. l£ ^83. 97 HORI2. DIST. z°n.n 1&4.7*, (r?>S,^7 TRAVERSE JOB LOCATION C/HZLSWD Art?/#L PT. SIGI COORDI VERT. DIFF. -B.77 -(*,&*] -I.I& ^TED M 123 MMATE " - VERTICAL ANGLE ij 11-42 -Zo *) Zt>% -/?-/<?*J 9'- -43-05 ') $0-23 -£& l) Z69-JS&-2S "*) QO'llrA*, ') 30-OS-43^) 26,1-34-40 "•J 9a - 0<,~ 3<3 " COORD. NORTH PPM TEMP. DATE ?- //- 1Z 1 ._ w.o. 1 '3 /-i> CREW OM >#?<, BAR INST Ml MOM PI FV. REF. BEARING OR AZ COORD. EAST 5 SIG. HT. HORIZ. DIFF. FPM OFFSFT r^o^ COMMENTS /NOTES po*jr>a -faur c ont.r r-J-c. fial / Tie?,, 2 In-1- M^2^^0 i t*'t*>b«J &vn Uf-2. $FT P,K klou'l I4V-3 ? >$'*&<.* t T^ <L^efz.o i Lo^ !?s-t-)c<, if r COr*rrc.J sin. I '5 ' 3o:^k ot ,-,n ^r cf 'rlf^i-c' ,'f, 'Mc-^-h fi;rt> of ff,-1' fjf.c! '' ! Ji" f- P*lnn-r.r A.rfxx-j- '?" t i I i I i i l i i I I i i l i t i t J i i l i I i t i i I t t it l I l f/Z/tfo^ESe' i Pc.nc,l r/e /A/ PT. OCCUPIED It COORDINATE PT NO. 102, HORIZONTAL ANGLE / 33 7- /-S-/^i 3/4-26- Z$ "t 337- >3- /-5 I77 P SLOPE DIST. IboS , 05 - HORIZ. DIST. Me>3 .03 TRAVERSE JOB LOCATION CAR L$&AD flF: P> l PL, PT. SI6I COORDI VERT. DIFF. -B.zz -iTFn M yZ-# Mh4ATE " ' VERTICAL ANGLE i ^-/7-^-S- z Z<i?-^Z-3£^ f<^- n- 35 COORD. NORTH PPM TEMP. DATE ?_//- ?2 1 W.O. |PG'/40r/5- CREW £W, /»?<, BAR INST HI MOW Fl FV. REF. BEARING OR AZ COORD. EAST SIG. HT. HORIZ. DIFF. FHM OFFSFT Tcoc&U COMMENTS /NOTES ife Oc-^c. / t i i i i i i I t i I i i i i i I i t J ti li ii 11 ii it ill) 11 TZfitfcesG f P./.*/ r/£< /// PT. OCCUPIED II COORDINATE PT NO. lot IZ& HORIZONTAL ANGLE I 181 -&-3S 3 ->3-&$ •"t I8> - 3£ - 53 i l&l'IZ-^g i 14 - Zt. - eo "* /*7-/.?- <«? /OZ. F SLOPE DIST. ^//.^3 HORIZ. DIST. $11 "4-2 TRAVERSE JOB LOCATION £/9£^ 5/3^2? /^^? -'X^-. PT. SIGI COORDI VERT. DIFF. 2,6) •n-Fn M 12,1 MNATE ™ - VERTICAL ANGLE BJ--43 -/£i Z70-/7- /& **t &-43-*3 COORD. NORTH PPM TEMP. DATE 3-/t-K \rr Qr._w.o. | PC-'-> or^ CREW 0#,s25 BAR INST HI MON, Fl FV. REF. BEARING OR AZ COORD. EAST SIG. HT. HORJZ. DIFF. FRM OFFSFT 7** **" COMMENTS /NOTES ilOS'tf, t*J^e,/e Fo<j~J L£4O / TZe, /£ z/ £~ks LS 3339 ft i i § i i i i i § i i i i • I i i l i i i I I I i i t i i i i l i /tpp/r/o*'^ cossrto*. ?=0fz 0f/v£-w/iy f>&}/^'6£-^ PT. OCCUPIED H COORDINATE PT NO. J^99 HORIZONTAL ANGLE e>° ao' oo" V£Pr/6*L e.s. 6,16 t.14 Jajf M y<599^" 80^ CO P 9-fa^. 9?95"0 SLOPE DIST. 3ft, 6£ Tb P.a HT- *3, 41 S~3. 26, HORIZ. DIST. 381.&C. T. Fs. £.29 6.01 TRAVERSE JOB LOCATION cfe*****? Pj-vP. PT. SIG COORDI VERT. DIFF. ^£<r/. 47.ZS1 SI./Z * sn.zs' HTFO M /^y M >^. ^<9<» «oNATE n • VERTICAL ANGLE ^M/r? 27o 1748 HIV^/O ^f.c.r, CL.eHv^tO /o oo& oo ' COORD. NORTH wcto. *?ef (mtr) PPM TEMP. DATE.T///^ 1 W.O. ' |PC'/ °'/ CREW £>M MS. BAR INST HI MOM Fl FV REF. BEARING OR AZ COORD. EAST 9*05,577-7 SIG. HT. HORIZ. DIFF. FHM nFFSFT COMMENTS /NOTES F?o. T- -S£Ta« /./"^ grw/s, />/-* /arj/tp */o/ SfrCe«C. MAlL> t i i i i i t i t i t i i i i i i i i i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i i i JOB W.O. NUMBER DESCRIPTION Loop A DATE STATION B.M. ELEV4317 V/3o f.oQ o5 rr i 7.7°? 3.24-44.6O TP t 7ft \ TP 30. 24.14 2.&.ZZ. 33.51 TP6 28.16 12^2 6,8.4-27.44 7.72 4.12. o.74-33. ZZ 60, TP 9 3.&Z 61.21 Tf/0 44.34- 4.7 f 43.44- 55 '.f.84-43. f>(41 >. (. a £*t '*'nc. TPIZ A7J3 44.7^ 'U^_ ^Z7 41.6? 42.4-1 41.5?/£?*/> LJD PQ OF ft I I 1 I I 1 I i I t I I i I i I i t j I i I i i I I i I I i i i i i i i JOB W.O- NUMBER DESCRIPTION DATE B.M. ELEV 43.12 14-O.I& ft0)!So 1.8(0 A-.lo 57- /vr Z./Z 5 TP/b H 7.1°) 77^/7 HV^/I 25? TPtft l/.&b 77V9 -7.64-tfv" 11.34- 11. bf)18. rPiz 17.37 TP 22 II iz.n? I&.O6 rr t9 6,6 12.44- 7.2-7 1*9.71rrzt,tt.23 ':'& PQ. ft i I 1 • i i i 1 i I i i i I i t i C l i i I i I 1 I i I 1 i I I i 1 i I i W.O. NUMBER DESCRIPTION DATE STATION as.7= 4.2.0 18. 13.32- 2.0.17 2J.42. 273 37.17 77?1.43 35.74- o.2(> MM 324?. 777 484-0 CK PQ.-OF. § I I I I I I i I i I 1 I ) I I I I t 1 I J I I I i I I I i I I I i f i t i WO- NUMBER DESCRIPTION TO ity PARTY DATE STATION B.S.B.M. ELEV 4J.6Z //i/*# TT /JAA7 •7.52 . 4°? 3.4-1 45.0 & 12. bf*65.1 TP4 1.7*/A/ 4.io 6.40 64.7 & TPCf fCr 2.r>4 TP7 5172. 6M 4937 #44- Tf/3 4-A?.55.64 r?// Tf>i2.4876 a 47 57.27 TP 0,43 PG..OF. ft i i i t i i i t i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i W.O. NUMBER DESCRIPTION DATE STATION 8.S.B.M. ELEV rP 4*4- So 4. 01 Tf>A.ZT. iM- TP 17 61. rr n.z*tLlJ A/v"<2> pa. Status File: common.LSF Stored. Traverse Sequence Memory: common.TSM Stored. Status File: common.LSF Loaded. Traverse Sequence Memory: common.TSM Loaded. Workfile: CLSBD.L3D ready for use. Room for Current Directory: F:\COG07 17448960 Bytes free space available (436224 Fri Mar 13 13:29:34 1992 Status File: common.LSF Stored. Traverse Sequence Memory: common.TSM Stored. Status File: common.LSF Loaded. Traverse Sequence Memory: common.TSM Loaded. Workfile: CLSBD.L3D ready for use. Room for Current Directory: F:\COG07 17444864 Bytes free space available (436121 Fri Mar 13 13:47:19 1992 List: from 101 to 200 500 points. Points ). 500 points. Points ). 101 10000.00000 102 9562.13535 103 9554.30713 104 10266.26159 105 10995.80660 106 11200.66863 107 12063.47244 108 12241.18378 109 11538.67433 110 11408.02871 111 12885.86369 112 13498.18356 113 12800.27363 114 13028.40203 115 12749.01868 116 11457.77760 117 11271.45153 118 11365.51046 119 11230.70246 120 11118.20001 121 11243.39941 122 10993.64444 123 10463.02032 124 8880.98797 125 8738.81228 126 9715.63501 127 8206.32377 128 10025.54078 9562.13535 10000.00000 10259.43977 10247.74127 9847.86520 9409.93950 9295.57214 8788.70818 8698.33073 9099.74469 9450.16725 8485.21630 8199.11216 8476.28709 8780.18953 10047.70722 10599.41556 10077.16895 10055.98267 9962.43775 9697.94065 10030.29514 10178.15185 10084.50370 11002.21973 10746.95468 10518.41971 11114.68384 10043.08429 10259.43977200 END List Status File: common.LSF Stored. 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