HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Carlsbad Blvd Bridge Encina Discharge Channel; Carlsbad Blvd Bridge Encina Discharge Channel; 2007-06-22Bridge Barrier Conceptual Study Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead and Encina Discharge Channel Structures RECEIVED 2 7 2007 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 ong Engineering June 22, 2007 SWE Job No. 500-806 — I •illl Bridge Barrier Conceptual Study Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead and Encina Discharge Channel City of Carlsbad Page 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION This report evaluates the barrier rail replacement and approach guardrail requirement options for the Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead and barrier and approach rail installation options for the Encina Discharge Channel on Carlsbad Boulevard. The Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead was originally constructed in 1925, widened in 1929, and seismically retrofitted in 2006. The bridge consists of a 5-span simply supported reinforced concrete T-beam stmcture, supported on portal frame bents, founded on spread footings. The stmcture crosses two rail lines that are owned by North County Transit District (NCTD). The existing barrier rail is the original reinforced concrete open railing and has been damaged due to vehicular collisions and deterioration over the years. A 4-foot sidewalk is located on the south side of the bridge. Currently no approach railing exists at any of the barrier ends. The Encina Discharge Channel is located on Carlsbad Boulevard and spans the warm water discharge channel for the Encina Power Station. This stmcture, originally constructed in 1954, is a 2-span reinforced concrete culvert. It currently has a chain-link fence as the barrier at the edge of the stmcture located behind 5 feet of sidewalk on the east and 10 feet, 10 inches of sidewalk on the west. Approach railing is not present at any of the barrier ends. Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead, southwest comer Encina Discharge Channel, west side APPROACH RAILING The Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead is located at the crest of a vertical curve on a tangent portion of Carlsbad Boulevard. The stmcture is approximately 51 feet wide with approximately 44 feet between curbs. The approach roadway on each side has one lane in each direction with a 4-foot shoulder and a 12-foot-wide raised planted median protected by concrete curbing. The raised median terminates immediately prior to the bridge and is replaced by a painted median over the stmcture. Since the roadway width at the bridge is less than 60 feet wide, approach railing is required at each end of the Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead, looking north SWE Job No. 500-806 Bridge Barrier Conceptual Study Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead and Encina Discharge Channel City of Carlsbad Page 2 bridge for both directions, per the Caltrans Traffic Manual Section 7-03.4 "Guardrail at Fixed Objects." A design exception will be required to eliminate the guardrail if desired by the City. The Encina Discharge Channel is located on Carlsbad Boulevard and has a roadway width of 96 feet. This cross section consists of a 12-foot raised median, a 30-foot northbound travel-way and shoulder, a 40-foot southbound travel-way and shoulder, an 8.5-foot sidewalk on the west, and a 5.5-foot sidewalk on the east. Since the roadway width is greater than 60 feet, approach railing is only required to the right of approaching traffic per Caltrans Traffic Manual Section 7-03.4 "Guardrail at Fixed Objects." The length of guardrail protecting a fixed object shall typically have a minimum length of 50 feet preceding the object, exclusive of an approved end treatment. Longer lengths of guardrail may be needed on embankments where, in effect, the approach guardrail becomes an embankment guardrail. This occurs at Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead where the roadway is elevated over the railroad tracks, creating embankment slopes on the approach, specifically on the southeast, southwest, and northwest corners. The northeast comer currently has a retaining wall with decorative railing on top. A design exception for approach railing may be investigated for the northeast comer. Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead, northbound approach The Encina Discharge Channel stmcture will only require approach railing to the right of traffic. The west side of the stmcture will require installation of the approach railing but must not block a gated access point at the north end of the fence. The east side will be more difficult due to the location of the property line, and may require extending either the concrete barrier or approach railing to the entrance to the Encina Power Station. Due to the location of the Encina Discharge Channel, Coastal Commission approval will be required. CONCRETE BARRIER RAILING Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead The posted speed for Carlsbad Boulevard at this location is 35 mph. The design speed for a two- lane arterial with unlimited access and extensive development is between 30 and 40 mph per Caltrans Highway Design Manual Table 101.2. The replacement concrete barrier rail must satisfy the design requirements for a design speed of 40 mph maximum. Based on the FHWA Caltrans Bridge Rail Guide 2005, the replacement railing must satisfy Test Level 2 (TL-2) which is an 820-kg (1808-lb) car and a 2000-kg (4,408-lb) tmck striking the barrier at 70 kph or 45 mph. The original railing on the bridge is an open style railing that has suffered from vehicle collisions and deterioration over the years. Researching the FHWA Caltrans Bridge Rail Guide 2005, the following barriers will satisfy the strength requirement and also provide an open appearance. SWE Job No. 500-806 Bridge Barrier Conceptual Study Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead and Encina Discharge Channel City of Carlsbad Page 3 Caltrans Type 80: This railing provides an open appearance while meeting all of the strength requirements for impact. The railing also has a sidewalk option (not shown). The standard railing is not designed for the installation of chain-link fencing on top, and would require modification if chain-link fencing is required. Texas C411: This railing provides an open appearance similar to the existing railing while meeting all of the strength requirements for impact. This railing may be used with or without a sidewalk. The standard railing is not designed for the installation of chain-link fencing on top and would require modification if chain-link fencing is required. Texas T411: This railing provides an open appearance similar to the existing railing while meeting all of the strength requirements for impact. This railing is similar to the C411 but is only designed for use without sidewalks. The standard railing is not designed for the installation of chain-link fencing on top and would require modification if chain- link fencing is required. Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead crosses two rail lines owned by NCTD. Simon Wong Engineering was unable to contact NCTD regarding requirements for bridge railing of stmctures that cross their tracks. During the design phase coordination with NCTD will be required to determine if a chain-link railing is required. Solid concrete barrier rail designed to accommodate the installation of a chain-link fencing on top is shown below. Modifications to these barriers to enhance the architectural appearance are available and include staining the concrete, utilizing form liners to simulate rock on the exterior face, and architectural details to the entire barrier itself Examples of some of these barriers are shown below. SWE Job No. 500-806 Bridge Barrier Conceptual Study Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead and Encina Discharge Channel City of Carlsbad Page 4 Caltrans Type 732: This is a standard Caltrans railing with a solid face and is intended for conditions without a sidewalk option. This railing would meet all of the strength requirements necessary. Architectural enhancements of the railing are possible through application of a stain or architectural treatment to the exterior portions. This railing allows for chain-link fencing to be installed on top and could be used on the north side of the stmcture where no sidewalk is present. Caltrans Tvpe 26 (Mod): This is a modification of a standard Caltrans Type 26 Barrier. This barrier incorporates architectural enhancements to the vertical concrete parapet. Matching architectural features to the non- sidewalk (north) side would result in unacceptable protmsions on the surface. This railing allows for chain-link fencing to be installed on top. A modified Type 26 barrier could be used on the south side of the stmcture. BARRIER INSTALLATION Removal of the existing barrier located on Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead will require traffic control on Carlsbad Boulevard and flagging on the railroad tracks. The removal of the railing on the north side of the stmcture will consist of demolition of the barrier itself Demolition of the railing on the south side of the stmcture will require removal of the railing and sidewalk. Challenges exist in the removal and replacement of the sidewalk and barrier on both the south and north sides of the stmcture. As shown in the photo (right), the south side has a sidewalk that spans across support elements that are cast integrally with the exterior girder. Special care will be required during the demolition to prevent debris from falling onto the track below and will require traffic control to provide pedestrian access during construction. Temporary falsework or formwork will be required during the replacement of the sidewalk and barrier. On the north side, the removal and replacement can be completed from the bridge deck but would still require traffic control and flagging for work over the rail lines. Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead, south side SWE Job No. 500-806 Bridge Barrier Conceptual Study Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead and Encina Discharge Channel City of Carlsbad Page 5 The condition of the existing concrete deck should be investigated during the preliminary design. Previous work on this bridge identified potential "soft spots" in the deck. The deck is currently covered with an asphalt concrete overlay; however, this should be removed in key sections to sound and test the concrete to verify strength. Tj^ical barrier rail installation utilizing drilling and bonding of reinforcement into the bridge deck is expected on the north side replacement, with the assumption that "soft spots" are not encountered. The existing barrier located on the north side of the bridge is 1 foot, 8 inches wide. An architecturally enhanced rail such as the C411 is 1 foot, 2 inches wide and will fit within the limits of the existing railing. A Standard Type 25 railing is 1 foot, 9 inches wide and will encroach into the shoulder by 1 inch. ENCINA DISCHARGE CHANNEL The posted speed for Carlsbad Boulevard at the Encina Discharge Channel stmcture is 35 mph, while the design speed for an urban arterial with unlimited access and extensive development is between 30 and 40 mph per Caltrans Highway Design Manual Table 101.2. The proposed concrete barrier rail must satisfy the design requirements for a design speed of 40 mph maximum. Based on the FHWA Caltrans Bridge Rail Guide 2005, the replacement railing must satisfy Test Level 2 (TL-2) which is an 820-kg (1808-lb) car and a 2000-kg (4,408-lb) tmck striking the barrier at 70 kph or 45 mph. Currently only a chain-link fence is in place on each side of the culvert. This chain-link fence will be removed and replaced with a concrete barrier with a TL-2 rating or above and with a chain-link fence on top. Adjacent to the Encina Discharge Channel is an architecturally enhanced sea wall installed by the Army Corps of Engineers in 1992. In order to maintain the aesthetic characteristics of the corridor, a modified Type 26 concrete barrier similar in appearance to the sea wall may be used. This type of concrete barrier is able to accommodate the installation of chain-link fence on top, which would be required in order to maintain access control. Existing Carlsbad Boulevard Sea Wall Due to degradation of the west edge of the culvert, removal and replacement of a portion of the exterior deck may be necessary prior to the installation of a barrier. During the design phase of the project a detailed investigation of these exterior portions of the culvert should be performed and should include mechanical sounding of the concrete to determine the extent of the Encina Discharge Channel, west side SWE Job No. 500-806 Bridge Barrier Conceptual Study Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead and Encina Discharge Channel City of Carlsbad Page 6 removal. As part of the barrier rail replacement plan, removal limits of the unsound concrete and a repair plan should be shown. BARRIER INSTALLATION The Encina Power Station falls under the jurisdiction of Homeland Security and has special security requirements including maintaining an access control fence around the property at all times. Installation of a concrete barrier on the east side of the culvert will be a challenge and is ^ likely to require closure of the east sidewalk in order to provide adequate room to work. ,^ The west side of the channel may require partial or full closure of the sidewalk as well, to cjQt^^ y provide adequate room to work, depending upon the extent of the repairs required to the edge of the channel. The width of the culvert per the as-built plans is 100 feet, 4.5 inches. Based on the as-built plans for the roadway, median and sidewalks the required width of Carlsbad Boulevard is 96.0 feet. Currently on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard at the culvert the sidewalk is 5.0 feet wide and stops short of the edge of the culvert by approximately 14 inches where there is an existing chain-link fence. This 14 inches will allow for the installation of a concrete barrier similar to a Type 26 concrete barrier and not reduce the width of the sidewalk. On the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard the sidewalk is 11 feet, 10 inches from the edge of the culvert to the nose of the curb. The sidewalk is supposed to be 8 feet, 6 inches in this area per the as-built plans leaving 3 feet, 4 inches for the barrier rail installation. The barrier railing on each side is anticipated to be installed utilizing standard drilling and bonding of the barrier reinforcement into the culvert, however, rehabilitation of the edge of the culvert may be required prior to the installation of the concrete barriers. BARRIER RAIL ALTERNATIVES The following barrier rail alternatives have been developed for each structure: Structure Standard Concrete Barrier Architecturally Enhanced Barrier Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead (Figure 1) Type 26 (Modified) and Type 25 Type C411 Encina Discharge Channel (Figure 2) Type 26 and Type 26 (Modified) Type 26 (Modified) Color renderings of two views of the architecturally enhanced barriers for each stmcture are included in Appendix A. SWE Job No. 500-806 Bridge Barrier Conceptual Study Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead and Encina Discharge Channel City of Carlsbad Page 7 COST ESTIMATE The following planning cost estimates were developed for the installation of concrete barrier at Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead and Encina Discharge Channel. The planning estimate includes approach metal beam guardrail and all anticipated constmction work required to complete the project. The estimates were based on 2007 dollars and have been escalated by 7% per year to the expected constmction year 2009. Structure (Baseline) (Enhanced) Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead (2007) $71! ,000 $ 780,000 Carisbad Boulevard Overhead (2009) $815,000 $ 894,000 Encina Discharge Channel (2007) $ 485,000 $513,000 Encina Discharge Channel (2009) $ 556,000 $ 588,000 The estimates include 10% mobilization and 25% contingencies. The complete estimate can be found in Appendix B. SWE Job No. 500-806 Bridge Barrier Conceptual Study Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead and Encina Discharge Channel City of Carlsbad Page 8 Appendix A Architecturally Enhanced Barriers Color Renderings SWE Job No. 500-806 j Bridge Barrier Conceptual Study Carlsbad Boulevard Overhead and Encina Discharge Channel City of Carlsbad Page 9 Appendix B Cost Estimates SWE Job No. 500-806 PLANNING STUDY ESTIMATE ENGINEER: A. SANFORD COMPANY: SIMON WONG ENGINEERING REVIEWED BY: DATE: 4/9/07 STRUCTURE: CARLSBAD BOULEVARD OH (BASELINE) LENGTH: WIDTH: DECK AREA (SF): ITEM NO. CONTRACT ITEMS UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1 BRIDGE REMOVAL PORTION CY 20 $11,500.00 $30,000.00 2 REMOVE CONCRETE BARRIER FT 332 |$116.00 $38,512.00 3 CONCRETE BARRIER TYPE C411(SIDEWALK) FT 195 $1,000.00 $195,000.00 4 CONCRETE BARRIER TYPE C411 FT 195 $250.00 $48,750.00 5 METAL BEAM GUARD RAILING FT 380 $50.00 $19,000.00 6 TERMINAL SYSTEM (SRT) EA 3 $2,600.00 $7,800.00 7 CONCRETE BARRIER (K-RAIL) FT 800 $25.00 $20,000.00 8 FLAGGER (ASSUME 1 FLAGGER PER DAY/50DAYS) DAY 20 $640.00 $12,800.00 9 TRAFFIC DETOURS/CONTROL LS 1 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 10 STRUCTURE CONCRETE BRIDGE CY 20 $2,500.00 $50,000.00 11 BAR REINFORCING STEEL BRIDGE LB 5000 $5.00 $25,000.00 12 MISC. CIVIL ITEMS (SWPPP, STRIPING, PAVING) LS 1 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE U! ;E $506,862.00 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE U! ;E $50,686.20 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE U! ;E $11,150.96 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE U! ;E $568,699.16 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE U! ;E $142,174.79 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE U! ;E $710,873.96 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE U! ;E $711,000.00 Esclation Rate = 7% Year of Estimate Anticipated year of construction Years of Esclation 2007 2009 Esclated Cost 815,000.00 2007 dollars 2009 Dollars COMMENTS: Cost for Concrete Barrier Type 26 (Mod) includes ttie pour back of the sidewalk and all associated costs for concrete steel formwork and falsework assocatied with it Ttie estimate above is based on 2007 item costs. An esclation factor of 7% tias been applied per year base on SANDAG Esclation rate PLANNING STUDY ESTIMATE ENGINEER: A. SANFORD . COMPANY: SIMON WONG ENGINEERING REVIEWED BY: DATE: 4/9/07 STRUCTURE: CARLSBAD BOULEVARD OH (ENHANCED) LENGTH: WIDTH: DECK AREA.(SF): ITEM NO. CONTRACT ITEMS UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1 BRIDGE REMOVAL PORTION CY 20 $1,500.00 $30,000.00 2 REMOVE CONCRETE BARRIER FT 332 $116.00 $38,512.00 3 CONCRETE BARRIER TYPE C411(SIDEWALK) FT 195 $fl ,200.00 $234,000.00 4 CONCRETE BARRIER TYPE C411 FT 195 $300.00 $58,500.00 5 METAL BEAM GUARD RAILING FT 380 $50.00 $19,000.00 6 TERMINAL SYSTEM (SRT) EA 3 $2,600.00 $7,800.00 7 CONCRETE BARRIER (K-RAIL) FT 800 $25.00 $20,000.00 8 FLAGGER (ASSUME 1 FLAGGER PER DAY/50DAYS) DAY 20 ' $640.00 $12,800.00 9 TRAFFIC DETOURS LS 1 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 10 STRUCTURE CONCRETE BRIDGE CY 20 $2,500.00 •$50,000.00 . 11 ' BAR REINFORCING STEEL BRIDGE LB 5000 $5.00 $25,000.00 12 MISC. CIVIL ITEMS (SWPPP, STRIPING, PAVING) LS 1 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 13 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) . TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE U; $555,612.00 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) . TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE U; $55,561.20 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) . TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE U; $12,223.46 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) . TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE U; $623,396,66 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) . TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE U; $155,849.17 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) . TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE U; $779,245.83 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) . TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE U; $780,000.00 Esclation Rate = 7% Year of Estimate Anticipated year of construction 2007 2009 Years of Esclation Esclated Cost 894,000.00 COMMENTS: Cost for Structure Concrete Bridge includes the pour back of the sidewalk and all associated costs for concrete, formwori^ and falsework assocatied with it. The estimate above is based on 2007 item costs. An esclation factor of 7% has been applied per year base < on SANDAG Esclation rate Legend: CY -Cubic Yards EA - Each LB - Pounds LF - Linear Feet 2007 dollars 2009 Dollars PLANNING STUDY ESTIMATE ENGINEER: A. SANFORD COMPANY: SIMON WONG ENGINEERING REVIEWED BY: DATE: 4/9/07 STRUCTURE: ENCINA DISCHARGE CHANNEL (BASELINE) LENGTH: WIDTH: DECK AREA (SF): ITEM NO. CONTRACT ITEMS UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1 REMOVE CHAIN LINK FENCE LF 400 $15.00 $6,000.00 2 CONCRETE BARRIER (K-RAIL) LF 450 $30.00 $13,500.00 3 CONCRETE BARRIER TYPE 26 (MOD) LF 400 $250.00 $100,000.00 4 CHAIN LINK FENCE TYPE 7 (4'-0") LF 350 $46.00 $16,100.00 5 CHAIN LINK FENCE TYPE 7 (8'-0") LF 50 $56.00 $2,800.00 6 • METAL BEAM GUARDRAILING LF 100 $50.00 $5,000.00 7 TERMINAL SYSTEM (SRT) EA 2 $2,600.00 $5,200.00 8 TRAFFIC DETOURS/CONTROL LS 1 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 9 BRIDGE REMOVAL PORTION CY 16 $[1,500.00 $24,000.00 10 STRUCTURAL CONCRETE BRIDGE CY 16 $3,000.00 $48,000.00 11 BAR REINFORCING STEEL BRIDGE LB 15000 $5.00 $75,000.00 12 13 14 , SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) • ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE Ul 3E $345,600.00 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) • ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE Ul 3E $34,560.00 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) • ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE Ul 3E $7,603.20 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) • ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE Ul 3E $387,763.20 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) • ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE Ul 3E $96,940.80 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) • ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE Ul 3E $484,704.00 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) • ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE Ul 3E $485,000.00 Esclation Rate = 7% Year of Estimate Anticipated year of construction 2007 2009 COMMENTS: Cost for Stnjcture Concrete Bridge includes the pour back of the top sis falsework assocatied with it. The estimate above is based on 2007 item costs. An esclation factor of 7% has been applied per year base on SANDAG Esclation rate Legend: CY -Cubic Yards EA - Eacti LB - Pounds LF - Linear Feet 2007 dollars Years of Esclation 2 1 Esclated Cost $ 556,000.00 2009 Dollars PLANNING STUDY ESTIMATE ENGINEER: A. SANFORD COMPANY: SIMON WONG ENGINEERING REVIEWED BY: DATE: 4/9/07 STRUCTURE: ENCINA DISCHARGE CHANNEL (ENHANCED) LENGTH: WIDTH: DECK AREA (SF): Esclation Rate = 7% Year of Estimate Anticipated year of construction ITEM NO. CONTRACT ITEMS UNIT QUANTITY Pf^lCE AMOUNT 1 REMOVE CHAIN LINK FENCE LF 400 $15.00 $6,000.00 2 CONCRETE BARRIER (K-RAIL) LF 450 $30.00 $13,500.00 3 CONCRETE BARRIER TYPE 26 (MOD) LF 400 ^300.00 $-120,000.00 4 CHAIN LINK FENCE TYPE 7 (4'-0") LF 350 $46.00 $16,100.00 5 CHAIN LINK FENCE TYPE 7 (8'-0") LF 50 $56.00 $2,800.00 6 METAL BEAM GUARDRAILING LF 100 $50.00 $5,000.00 •7 TERMINAL SYSTEM (SRT) EA 2 $2,600.00 $5,200.00 8 TRAFFIC DETOURS/CONTROL LS 1 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 9 BRIDGE REMOVAL PORTION CY 16 $1,500.00 $24,000.00 10 STRUCTURAL CONCRETE BRIDGE CY 16 $3,000.00 $48,000.00 11 BAR REINFORCING STEEL BRIDGE LB 15000 $5.00 $75,000.00 12 13 14 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE US $365,600.00 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE US $36,560.00 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE US $8,043.20 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE US $410,203.20 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE US $102,550.80 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE US E $512,754.00 SUBTOTAL MOBILIZATION (10%) ART ELEMENT (2%) SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCIES (25%) TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSE US E $513,000.00 2007 2009 COMMENTS: falsework assocatied with it ! The estimate above is based on 2007 item costs. An esclation factor of 7% has been applied per year base on SANDAG Esclation rate 2007 dollars Years of Esclation 2 Esclated Cost $ 588,000.00 1 2009 Dollars