HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Carlsbad Blvd Bridge Replacement Encinas Creek; Carlsbad Blvd Bridge Replacement Encinas Creek; 2009-03-25AECOM
1420 Kettner Boulevard, Suite 500, San Diego, California 92101
T 619.233.1454 F 619.233.0952 www.edaw.com
March 25, 2009
John Cahill
Municipal Project Manager
City of Carlsbad
1635 Farady Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Re: Encinas Creek Bridge Replacement Project
Review Update
Dear Mr. Cahill:
Archaeological Site Check and Literature
The purpose of this letter report is to summarize the archaeplogical site check and literature review
update conducted for the Encinas Creek Bridge Replacement project. This letter report was prepared
following the guidelines in Archaeological Resource Management Reports (ARMP): Recommended
Contents and Format (OHP 1989).
Proiect Description
The City of Carlsbad (City) proposes to replace the existing Encinas Creek Bridge located along
southbound Carlsbad Boulevard approximately 0.6 mile south of Palomar Airport Road and 1-mile north
of Poinsettia Lane (Figures 1 and 2). The City has identified the need to remove and replace the bridge
due to severe deterioration and recommendations by Caltrans. The project is located at Encinas Creek.
Carlsbad Boulevard (southbound) is bounded on the west hy^ the State Beach and Pacific Ocean and
on the east by Encinas Creek and the northbound lanes of Carlsbad Boulevard. The bridge is located
just north ofthe Carlsbad State Beach campgrounds. The study area consists ofthe existing Encinas
Creek Bridge and a buffer of one acre at either end of the bridge.
Structural concrete members ofthe bridge have exhibited severe deterioration, exposing reinforcing
bars that have become heavily corroded. For several years now, the bridge has been classified as
structurally deficient, and is in need of replacement. !
An updated literature review for the study area and a site check were performed for one known
archaeological site within the study area, CA-SDI-17,408 (SDl'-W-l 11). A records search was
conducted on August 20, 2007, at the South Coastal Information Center (SCIC) located at San Diego
State University, and the San Diego Museum of Man on January 14, 2008. An update was conducted
at the SCIC on February 26, 2009.
Proiect Personnel
Rebecca McCorkle Apple, M.A., RPA, served as principal investigator and provided technical review.
This letter report was prepared by Cheryl Bowden-Renna. Field site check was conducted by Ms.
Bowden-Renna. Resumes of key personnel are provided in Attachment A.
e 3.75 7.5
r = 7.5 Miles
15 Miles
Figure 1
Regional Map
Encinas Creek Bridge Replacement Project
P:\20n7\n7080213.01 Encinas Creek Bridge Replacement\5.0 Graphics (Non-CAD)\5.4 Proj Graphic.s\Figuies\Fig 1 map ai (dbrady) 3/23/09
Source: ESRI StreetMap 2007
2.000 Feet
Scale: 1 : 24,000; 1 inch = 2000 feet
Figure 2
Project Vicinity
Encinas Creek Bridge Replacement Project
Path: P:\2007\07080213.01\GlS'l.ayaul\cull-fig_sile vicinilyJxll.mxd. 03/25/09. PJonas
Mr. John Cahill
City of Carlsbad
March 25, 2009
Page 4
Natural Setting
The project area is located within the City of Carlsbad, along Encinas Creek, bounded by beach on the
west and open space on the east. Open space is also located on the south and north, bisected by
Carlsbad Boulevard. Vegetation in the project area consists of disturbed lands, primarily non-native ice
plant. A small riparian area is located to the east ofthe project area. The creek has a natural channel
bottom and banks, and is approximately 10 feet above mean sea level. The creek is primarily
freshwater, but is subject to tidal influence during extreme high tides.
Cultural Setting
The following briefly describes current understanding of major prehistoric, ethnohistoric, and historic
developments in the vicinity of the project area.
Regional Prehistory
The eariiest well-documented sites in the San Diego area belong to the San Dieguito complex, thought
to be something over 9,000 years old (Warren 1967). Related materials have been found in the Mojave
Desert and in the Great Basin, sometimes called the Lake Mojave complex (e.g., Campbell et al. 1937;
Warren and Ore 1978). Diagnostic artifact types and categories associated with the San Dieguito
complex include scraper planes; choppers; scraping tools; crescentics; elongated bifacial knives; and
Silver Lake, Lake Mojave, and leaf-shaped projectile points (Rogers 1939; Warren 1967). In areas
adjacent to the coast, many Paleoamerican period sites have probably been covered by rising sea
levels since the end ofthe Pleistocene. In more inland regions, alluvial sedimentation in valley areas
may have covered these materials. The stable mesa landforms in the region, the abundance of
appropriate lithic material, and soil column exposures along areas such as the San Diego River have
made the foothills an important area for Paleoamerican research.
The Archaic period (7,000 to 1,500 years before present [B.P.]) brings an apparent shift toward a more
generalized economy and an increased emphasis on seed resources, small game, and shellfish. The
local cultural manifestations of the Archaic period are called the La Jollan complex along the coast and
the Pauma complex inland. Pauma complex sites lack the shell that dominates many La Jollan complex
site assemblages. The La Jollan tool assemblage is dominated by rough, cobble-based choppers and
scrapers as well as slab and basin metates. Recently, there has been considerable debate about
whether San Dieguito and La Jollan patterns might represent the same people using different
environments and subsistence techniques or whether they are separate cultural patterns (e.g.. Bull
1983; Ezell 1987; Gallegos 1987; Warren et al. 1993).
The Late Prehistoric period (1500 B.P. to 200 B.P.) is characterized by higher population densities and
elaborations in social, political, and technological systems. Economic systems diversified and
intensified during this period, with the continued elaboration of trade networks, the use of shell-bead
currency, and the appearance of more labor-intensive but effective technological innovations.
Subsistence is thought to have focused on acorns and grass seeds, with small game serving as a
primary protein resource and big game as a secondary resource. Fish and shellfish were also
Mr. John Cahill
City of Carisbad
March 25, 2009
Page 5
secondary resources except for areas immediately adjacent to the coast where they assumed primary
importance (Bean and Shipek 1978:552; Sparkman 1908:200). The settlement system is characterized
by seasonal villages where people utilized a central-based collecting subsistence strategy. Artifactual
material is characterized by the presence of arrow shaft straighteners, pendants, comales (heating
stones), Tizon Brownware pottery, ceramic figurines reminiscent of Hohokam styles, ceramic "Yuman
bow pipes," ceramic rattles, miniature pottery, various cobble-based tools (e.g., scrapers, choppers,
hammerstones), bone awls, manos and metates, and mortars and pestles. The arrow point assemblage
is dominated by the Desert side-notched series, but the Cottonwood series and the Dos Cabazas
Serrated type also occur.
The project area is in the traditional territory ofthe Kumeyaay. Also known as Kamia, Ipai, Tipai, and
Diegueno, the Kumeyaay occupied the southern two-thirds of San Diego County. The Kumeyaay spoke
a language belonging to the Hokan language family, which includes the lower Colorado River tribes and
Arizona groups to whom they are closely related.
The Kumeyaay lived in semi-sedentary, politically autonorinous villages or rancherias. Most rancherias
were the seat of a clan, although it is thought that aboriginally some clans had more than one rancheria
and some rancherias contained more than one clan (Bean and Shipek 1978:555). Several sources
indicate that large Kumeyaay villages or rancherias were located in the river valley areas, as well as
along the shoreline of coastal estuaries (Bean and Shipek 1978; Brackett 1951; Hoover et al. 1966;
Kroeber 1925). A large village, Ystagua, is located approximately 15 miles south ofthe project.
Cultural activities within San Diego County between the late 1700s and the present provide a record of
Native American, Spanish, Mexican, and American occupation and land use. An overview of the history
of San Diego County is presented as a general background to the region.
The Spanish period (1769-1821) represents a time of European exploration and settlement. Dual
military and religious contingents established the San Diego Presidio and the San Diego Mission* The
mission system used Native American labor to build the infrastructure needed for European settlement.
By about 1821, the traditional lifeways were disrupted and Native American populations were tied
economically to the missions. In addition to providing new construction methods and architectural
styles, the mission system introduced horses, cattle, and other agricultural goods and implements to
the area. The cultural systems and institutions established by the Spanish continued to influence the
region beyond 1821, when California came under Mexican rule.
The Mexican period (1821-1848) retained many ofthe Spanish institutions and laws; however, in 1834
the mission system was secularized. This allowed for increased Mexican settlement, but it also meant
that many Native Americans were dispossessed. After secularization, large tracts of land were granted
to individuals and families, and a rancho system was established. The land was used primarily for
grazing cattle (Pourade 1963:73). Cattle ranching dominated the agricultural activities and the
development ofthe hide and tallow trade with the United States increased during the eariy part of this
Mr. John Cahill
City of Carisbad
March 25, 2009
Page 6
period. The Pueblo of San Diego was established at this time and Native American influence greatly
declined. The Mexican period ended when Mexico ceded California to the United States after the
Mexican-American War (1846-1848).
Very eariy in the American period (1848-present) gold was discovered in California. Few Mexican
ranches remained intact because of land claim disputes. Development of the railroads opened up much
ofthe country to settlement. The homestead system encouraged American settlement beyond the
coastal plain. The growth and decline of communities occurred in response to an increasing and
shifting population, fostering a "boom and bust" cycle. As eariy as 1868, San Diego was promoted as a
natural sanitarium, and many people suffering from tuberculosis came to the area seeking a cure in the
moderate climate.
After the California Southern Railroad connected San Diego with the east in 1885, land speculators and
health-seekers flocked to San Diego. Hundreds of people arrived daily and property values soared.
San Diego's Great Boom lasted from 1886 to 1888. At the peak of the Great Boom, San Diego had an
estimated 30,000 to 40,000 residents, most of these having arrived within a span of just two years
(Smythe 1908).
A continued increase in population has brought continued growth and wealth to southern California.
The entry ofthe United States into Worid War I, and later Worid War II, helped to firmly establish
San Diego as a major military port. Tourism, agriculture, education, and the military are some ofthe
major social and economic factors in the region today.
Previous Research
A records search was conducted on August 20, 2007, by EDAW at the SCIC and the San Diego
Museum of Man on January 14, 2008. A record search update was conducted on February 26, 2009 at
the SCIC. The archival search consisted of an archaeological and historical records and literature
review. The data reviewed included historic maps, the California Inventory of Historic Places, and
National Register of Historic Resources information for the project area. The search included a 1-mile
radius surrounding the study area. This research provides a background on the types of sites that
would be expected in the region. The research was also used to determine whether previous surveys
had been conducted in the area and what resources had been previously recorded within the study
area. The records search letters are included in Attachment B.
Previous Archaeological Investigations
The records and literature search results indicated that a total of 66 previous investigations had been
performed within a 1-mile radius ofthe study area. These consists of 38 survey level investigations, 10
survey and testing programs, three site evaluations, three data recovery programs, three Historic
Properties Survey Reports, three Environmental Impact Reports, two monitoring programs, hwo regional
overviews, one literature review and one report on the Beach Replacement Project. Of these, two
investigations have been previously conducted within the study area (Kyle and Gallegos 1998; Polan
Mr. John Cahill
City of Carlsbad ~
March 25, 2009
Page 7
Previously Recorded Cultural Resources
The records and literature search results indicated that 23 cultural resources have been previously
recorded within a 1-mile radius of the study area. All of these previously identified resources are
prehistoric sites consisting of campsites and shell scatters. There are also three isolated prehistoric
tools. One site CA-SDI-17,408 (SDI-W-111) is located just north ofthe Encinas Creek Bridge. Encinas
Creek Bridge (57C0214L) is listed on the Caltrans Local Bridge Inventory.
Site CA-SDI-17,408 was first recorded first recorded by Malcolm Rogers during the 1920s and 1930s.
Rogers described the site as located at the mouth of Encinas Creek, running north for approximately
0.25 mile, ranging from 100 ft to 300 ft wide. Rogers identifies this site as San Dieguito Complex II with
traces of San Dieguito III and Lit. II (Archaic) and Y-II (Late Prehistoric). Rogers observed evidence of
defused hearths, lithic and groundstone scatter, shell midden deposits, and evidence of buried deposits
(Rogers n.d.). Rogers collected several surface artifacts, included two knifes, two projectile points, a
"Bowling Stone" and a piece of debitage. Roger noted that a large portion ofthe site had been plowed.
The site was relocated in 1998 (Kyle and Gallegos 1998), north ofthe current study area, along a bluff
above the northbound land of Carisbad Boulevard and extending westward in the median between the
southbound and northbound lanes. Lithic debitage, shell and groundstone were observed. Heavy
vegetation and previous construction activity was noted.
Encinas Creek Bridge (57C0214L)
The original bridge structure was built in 1913, widened in 1924, and then widened again in 1928. At
that time, the structure was designed to carry both northbound and southbound traffic. In 1951,
northbound traffic was separated from the southbound traffic and the function of the bridge was
reduced to carry only the southbound traffic lanes, as is still the case today. The bridge structure is
currently oversized for the provision of only two lanes of southbound traffic. Structural concrete
members of the bridge have exhibited severe deterioration, exposing reinforcing bars that have become
heavily corroded, and has been classified as structurally deficient. The bridge is on the Caltrans Local
Bridge Inventory (Bridge Number 57C0214L) and listed as not eligible for the National Register of
Historic Places (NRHP).
Field Check and Summarv
On March 3, 2009, EDAW conducted an archaeological site check for the Encinas Creek Bridge
Replacement project Site CA-SDI-17,408 was not relocated during the site check. The area is heavily
disturbed by previous construction ofthe Encinas Creek Bridge and Carisbad Boulevard. The area to
the north, east and south of the bridge is covered with dense ice plant. Within the creek bed under the
bridge, the creek sidewalls are covered with concrete. Modern debris was noted in the area.
EDAW conducted an updated record search for the study area. The records search identified one
cultural resource within the study area, CA-SDI-17,408 and one historic bridge listed on the Caltrans
Mr. John Cahill
City of Carisbad
March 25, 2009
Page 8
Historic Bridge Inventory, Bridge Number 57C0214L, Encinas Creek Bridge. On March 3, 2009, EDAW
conducted an archaeological site check of the Encinas Creek Bridge Replacement project. The bridge
exhibited severe deterioration and has been classified as structurally deficient. The bridge is listed as
not eligible for the NRHP. While no surface artifacts associated with CA-SDI-17,408 were observed,
there is a potential for buried deposits within the study area. Therefore, monitoring of all construction is
recommended In the event that previously unidentified cultural material or a buried cultural deposit is
encountered during construction activities, work should be halted in that area until the resource can be
assessed by a qualified archaeologist. A copy of this letter report will be sent to SCIC for future
Cheryl Bowden-Renna
Staff Archaeologist
Attachments: A - Resumes
B - Records Search Letters
07080213 Arohy Site Chec letter
Mr. John Cahill
City of Carisbad
March 25, 2009
Page 9
References Cited
Bean, Lowell J., and Florence C. Shipek
1978 Luiseiio. In California, edited by Robert F. Heizer, pp. 550-563. Handbook of North
American Indians, Vol. 8, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.
Brackett, R. W.
1951 The History of San Diego County Ranches. Union Title Insurance and Trust Co.,
San Diego, California.
Bull, Charles
1983 Shaking the Foundations: The Evidence for San Diego Prehistory. Casual Papers 1(3):
15-64. Unpublished report on file at South Coastal Information Center.
Campbell, E. W. C, W. H. Campbell, E. Antevs, C. E. Amsden, J. A. Barbieri, and F. D. Bode
1937 The Archaeology of Pleistocene Lake Mohave. Southwest Museum Papers No. 11,
Los Angeles, California.
Ezell, Paul H.
1987 The Harris Site - An Atypical San Dieguito Site, or Am I Beating a Dead Horse? In
San Dieguito-La Jolla: Chronology and Controversy, edited by D. Gallegos, pp. 23-34.
San Diego County Archaeological Society Research Paper Number 1. San Diego,
Gallegos, Dennis
1987 A Review and Synthesis of Environmental and Cultural Material for the Batiquitos
Lagoon Region. In San Dieguito-La Jolla: Chronology and Controversy, edited by
Dennis Gallegos, pp. 23-34. Research Paper No. 1, San Diego County Archaeological
Society, San Diego, California.
Hoover, M. B., E. G. Rensch, and H. E. Rensch
1966 Historic Spots in California. Third edition. Stanford University Press, Palo Alto, California.
Kyle, Carolyn and Dennis Gallegos
1998 Cultural Resource Survey for the Cadsbad Boulevard Realignment Project Un published
report on file at the South Coastal Information Center.
Kroeber, A. L.
1925 Handbook of the Indians of California. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 78.
Smithsonian Institute, Washington. Reprinted in 1976 by Drover Publications, New York.
Office of Historic Preservation (OHP)
1989 Archaeological Resource Management Reports (ARMR): Recommended Contents and
Format. Department of Parks and Recreation, Sacramento.
Mr. John Cahill
City of Carisbad
March 25, 2009
Page 10
Polan, Keith
1987 Cartsbad Boulevard: An Archaeological Sun/ey Report of the Right-of-Way for Proposed
Bridge and Street Improvements Between Tamarack Avenue and Cannon Road, Cartsbad,
California. Unpublished report on file at the South Coastal Information Center.
Pourade, Richard F.
1963 The History of San Diego: The Silver Dons. San Diego Union-Tribune Publishing
Company, San Diego, California.
Rogers, Malcolm J.
n.d. Site form for SDI-W-111. On file at the South Coastal Information Center and the
San Diego Museum of Man.
1939 Early Lithic Industries of the Lower Basin of the Colorado River and Adjacent Desert
Areas. San Diego Museum of Man Papers 3.
Smythe, William E.
1908 History of San Diego 1542-1908: An Account of the Rise and Progress of the Pioneer
Settlement on the Pacific Coast ofthe United States. The History Company, San Diego,
Sparkman, Philip S.
1908 The Culture of the Luiseno Indians. University of California Publications in American
Archaeology and Ethnology 8(4): 187-234.
Warren, Claude N.
1967 The San Dieguito Complex: A Review and Hypothesis. American Antiquity 32:168-187.
Warren, Claude N., and H. T. Ore
1978 Approach and Process of Dating Lake Mojave Artifacts. Journal of California
Anthropology 5(2): 179-187.
Warren, Claude N., Gretchen Sieglar, and Frank Dittmer
1993 Paleoindian and Eariy Archaic Periods. In Historic Properties Background Study for the
City of San Diego Clean Water Program. Document on file at the City of San Diego,
Expertise with CEQA/NEPA requirements
Experience with Section 106 compliance and
mitigation programs
Over 20 years experience in cultural resource
MA, Anthropology, San Diego State University,
BA, Anthropology, San Diego State University,
Society for American Archaeology
Society for California Archaeology
Register of Professional Archaeologists
Certified Archaeology Consultant, County of
San Diego
Phi Kappa Phi
Phi Beta Kappa
University Scholar, 1987 and 1988
Principal/Manager, Cultural Resources Group/
Senior Archaeologist
Rebecca Apple has over 20 years of experience in cultural resource
management and serves as senior archaeologist for EDAW. Her experience
includes managing cultural resources compliance efforts for large complex
projects. She is knowledgeable in the procedures and guidelines associated
with implementation of NHPA and CEQA. She has managed numerous
cultural resource projects, Including prehistoric, historic, and ethnographic
studies. She has directed inventories, evaluations, data recovery efforts, and
monitoring programs. She has also prepared management plans and
conducted feasibility studies. Her work frequently includes consultation with
municipal, state, and federal agencies, as well as Native American
representatives and the public. As part of interdisciplinary teams, she has
managed cultural resources investigations and authored cultural resource
sections for ISs, EAs, EIRs, and EISs. Her experience includes cultural
resource investigations for pipelines, transmission lines, power plants,
highways, landfills, water resource facilities, military installations, and
commercial and residential development.
Task Manager
Responsible for oversight of archaeological and architectural surveys,
technical reports, coordination with CEC staff, and preparation of AFC sections
for a 2,000-acre solar project.
Mapping and Managing Pathway to ttie Past.
Paper presented at the 22nd Annual ESRI
International User Conference, San Diego,
California (2002).
Introduction to Recent Archeological
Investigations at the Salton Sea Test Base,
Imperial County California. Proceedings of
the Society for California Archaeology,
Volume 12. Fresno, California (1999).
Introduction to Recent Archaeological
Investigations at Salton Sea Test Base,
Imperial County, Califomia. Paper presented
at the 32nd Annual Meeting for Society for
California Archaeology, San Diego (1998).
A Lake Mojave Period Site Near Silver Lake,
California (with A. York). Presented at the
26th Annual Meeting of the Society for
California Archaeology, Pasadena (1992).
Recent Archaeological Investigations in the
North Las Vegas Valley (with J.H. Cleland and
M.S. Kelly). In Crossing the Borders:
Quaternary Studies in Eastern California and
Southwestern Nevada. San Bernardino
County Museum Association Special
Publication (1991).
Preliminary Project Results ofthe San Diego
County Studies for the Southwest Powerlink
Transmission Project. Presented at the 17th
Annual Meeting of the Society for California
Archaeology, San Diego (1983).
Yuma Lateral Pipeline Project, Yuma, AZ
Project Manager
CLIENT: North Baja LLC (TransCanada)
Responsible for cultural services, conducting records searches, archival
research. Native American consultation, and survey of the preferred alignment.
Identified resources included the Yuma Valley Railroad, a National Register-
eligible property.
Harper Lake Cultural Resources Constraints Study,
San Bemardino County, CA
Task Manager
Responsible for field reconnaissance and constraints analysis for a proposed
3,300-acre specific plan area. Potential development Included a diary and
energy park.
North Baja Pipeline Project, Ehrenberg, Arizona to Mexican Border
Project Manager
CLIENT: Foster Wheeler
Responsible for cultural services, conducting records searches, archival
research, Native American consultation, survey ofthe preferred alignment and
alternatives, site evaluation, and data recovery.
DeAnza Pipeline Constraints and Permitting Analysis,
Ehrenberg, AZ to Calexico, CA
Resource Manager
Responsible for cultural services, providing information on distribution of
natural and cultural resources along the proposed pipeline corridor in report
format, with accompanying maps showing these resources and other
SEMPRA On-call Cultural Services, CA
Resource Manager /
Resource manager for cultural resource task orders. Most recent task order
dealt with artifact curation for a City project.
Imperial Irrigation District Cultural Survey, Imperial County, CA
Project Manager
CLIENT: Imperial Irrigation District
Responsible for cultural resources component of two transmission line studies.
Sun/ey and testing were conducted In conjunction with pole replacement along
the R and L transmission lines.
Mead-Adelanto Transmission Line, Clark County, NV,
and San Bernardino County, CA
Resource Manager
CLIENT: Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Cultural resource survey.
Sycamore Canyon Substation to Rancho Carmel Substation 69-kV
Transmission Line Project, San Diego County, CA
Project Manager
CLIENT: San Diego Gas & Electric
Responsible for cultural resources component of a PEA document for
submittal to the CPUC that evaluated the potential environmental Impacts ofa
proposed 69-kV transmission line.
Coso Known Geothermal Resource Area, Inyo County, CA
Resource Manager
CLIENT: Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Responsible for data recovery Investigations at two geothermal well-pads
located in the Sugarioaf Mountain Obsidian Source National Register District.
Santa Ynez Unit Development, Santa Barbara County, CA
Field Director
CLIENT: Exxon Corporation
Supervised data recovery excavations of a prehistoric coastal site.
Big Creek Expansion Project Transmission Line, South Central, CA
Data Manager
CLIENT: Southern California Edison
Responsible for cultural resource impact assessment of alternative routes for a
proposed transmission line from the Big Creek Hydroelectric Project in the
Sierras to the Los Angeles Basin.
Kem River Gas Transmission Project, WY, UT, NV, and CA
Task and Resource Manager
CLIENT: Kem River Gas Transmission Company
Inventory, evaluation, data recovery, and construction monitoring for California
portion of this Class I overview.
Argus Cogeneration Expansion, San Bemardino and Inyo Counties, CA
Project Archaeologist
CLIENT: Kerr-McGee
Supervised cultural resource survey and documentation for a water pipeline.
Geothermal Public Power Line Project, North Central CA
Resource Manager
CLIENT: Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Responsible for cultural resource surveys for a proposed transmission line
from the Geysers Geothermal Area to Sacramento.
Southwest Powerlink 500-kV Transmission Line EIR/EIS,
Imperial and San Diego Counties, CA
Resource Manager
CLIENT: San Diego Gas & Electric
Participated In Section 106 compliance activities, including data recovery,
analysis, and report preparation.
Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan and Cultural
Affiliation Study, Chocolate Mountains Aerial Gunnery Range, Marine
Corps Air Station Yuma, Riverside, and Imperial Counties, CA
Co-Principal Investigator
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southwest and
Preparing an ICRMP for CMAGR to guide cultural resources compliance
efforts to facilitate CMAGR mission. ICRMP will summarize existing Inventory
and provide a process to streamline the inventory and evaluation process.
Components ofthe ICRMP are a Regional Archaeological Research Design
and a Cultural Affiliation Study.
Archaeological Evaluation of Sites on San Clemente Island,
Los Angeles County, CA
Principal Investigator
CLIENT: U.S. Navy Southwest Division and Navy Region Southwest
Responsible for National Register of Historic Places Evaluation of four
archaeological sites on San Clemente Island.
Cultural Resources Survey and Evaluation for Spring Hill and
Associated Access Roads, Riverside County, CA
Principal Investigator
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southwest and
Directed archaeological resource survey of proposed facility to improve
communications for aircraft and vehicles with the Chocolate Mountain Aerial
Gunnery Range (CMAGR). Two sites were evaluated for eligibility to the
National Register of Historic Places. One site appeared to contain very limited
information potential and did not qualify for the NRHP. Site CA-RlV-8236
appeared to possess information relevant to addressing regional research
Issues and was recommended eligible for the NRHP.
Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan Naval Base Point
Loma, San Diego, CA
Project Manager
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command and Naval Base
Point Loma
Preparing an ICRMP for CMAGR to guide cultural resources compliance
efforts to facilitate CMAGR mission. ICRMP will summarize existing inventory
and provide a process to streamline the inventory and evaluation process.
Components ofthe ICRMP are a Regional Archaeological Research Design
and a Cultural Affiliation Study.
Archaeological Survey for the Chocolate Mountains Aerial Gunnery
Range Central Training Area, Marine Corps Air Station Yuma,
Imperial County, CA
Resource Manager
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division and MCAS Yuma
Responsible for cultural resource survey of proposed central training area on
CMAGR. The 1,580-acre survey Identified fours sites on R-2507S and four on
R-2507 N. One of the sites on the South Range (the remains of a ranch
complex) and three of the sites on the North Range (rock art, ceramics scatter,
and a rock ring) were Identified as potentially eligible for the National Register
of Historic Places.
Chocolate Mountains Aerial Gunnery Range: Cultural Resources Survey
of 12 Targets and Monitoring of 14 Archaeological Sites, Riverside and
Imperial Counties, CA
Principal Investigator
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division and MCAS Yuma
Directed cultural resource survey of 1,523 acres and site monitoring program
on CMAGR. Inventoried site types were lithic scatters, trail segments,
pot-drops, rock features, and a mining area. Monitoring program included lithic
scatters, rock art, cleared circles, mining complexes, and a segment of historic
Cultural Resources Survey of Six Areas on the Chocolate Mountains
Aerial Gunnery Range, Imperial County, CA
Principal Investigator
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division and MCAS Yuma
Directed cultural resource sun/ey of proposed Forward Air Reporting Position,
range access, and target areas.
Evaluation of 24 Sites at the Chocolate Mountains Aerial Gunnery
Range, Imperial County, CA
Principal Investigator
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division and MCAS Yuma
Responsible for National Register of Historic Places evaluation of 24 sites In
the Chocolate Mountains.
Historic and Archaeological Resources Protection Plan, Chocolate
Mountain Aerial Gunnery Range, Imperial and Riverside Counties, CA
Project Manager
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division and MCAS Yuma
Directed archival archaeological research and field visit for the Chocolate
Mountain Aerial Gunnery Range. Prepared HARP Plan for the Installation.
Evaluation of Two Sites, MCAS Yuma, AZ
Project Manager
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division and MCAS Yuma
Evaluation of two archaeological sites near the MCAS Yuma airfield.
San Clemente island Operations Management Plan EIS, Naval Auxiliary
Air Field, San Clemente Island, Los Angeles County, CA
Resource Manager
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division and SRS Technologies
Assessed current cultural resource inventory and supplemented in specific
areas. Project Involved preparation of technical report documenting Inventory
efforts, including shipwreck study. Impact analysis conducted for existing and
proposed military operafions on San Clemente Island.
Indefinite Quantity Contract for Cultural Resource Services, CA and AZ
Project Manager
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division
Contract manager for multiple task orders on a variety of projects involving
archaeological surveys and archaeological evaluafions throughout California
and Arizona. Tasks Include managing budget, overseeing staff, acting as point
of contact, and preparation of final reports.
Archaeological Support for Environmental Assessment of Wind Farm
Project, Naval Auxiliary Landing Field, San Clemente Island,
Los Angeles County, CA
Resource Manager
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division
Prepared cultural resource portion ofthe EA and placed protective signs at
nine archaeological sites near or adjacent to the Wind Farm construction area.
Special Warfare Training and Range Survey, Naval Auxiliary Landing
Field, San Clemente Island, Los Angeles County, CA
Senior Archaeologist
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division
Performed cultural resource survey of proposed training ranges on San
Clemente Island. Prepared technical report in support of an EA.
Evaluation of Six Sites near the Missile Impact Range, Naval Auxiliary
Landing Field, San Clemente Island, Los Angeles County, CA
Project Manager
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, North Island, Natural Resources Office
Provided technical assistance for the NRHP evaluation of six archaeological
sites on the Central Plateau of San Clemente Island.
Historic and Archaeological Resources Protection Plan,
MCAS Yuma, AZ ,
Project Manager
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division and MCAS Yuma
Directed archival archaeological research and building inventory for MCAS
Yuma. Lead author on Historic and Archeological Resources Protection Plan
forthe installation.
Pumped-Hydro Storage Wind/Energy System, Naval Auxiliary Air Field,
San Clemente Island, Los Angeles County, CA
Resource Manager
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division
Relocated and recorded 76 archaeological sites In proposed water storage
and wind/energy development area. Prepared existing conditions report.
Tactical Aircrew Combat Training System Range Upgrade,
Project Manager
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division
Performed cultural resource survey of proposed transmission line and 17
threat emitter stations. Prepared testing plan.
Cultural Resource Inventory Survey at Salton Sea Test Base,
Imperial County, CA
Project Archaeologist
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division
Conducted Intensive cultural resource survey for approximately 6,000 acres
and evaluation program for 170 sites. Survey and test excavations were
conducted In compliance with the NHPA, NAGPRA, and other federal
Historic and Archeological Resources Protection Plans, Los Angeles,
Imperial, and San Diego Counties, CA
Resource Manager
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division
Prepared HARP Plans for the following six Naval installations: Morris Dam
Test Facility, Azusa; Naval Air Facility, El Centro; Naval Shipyard, Long
Beach; Point Loma Complex, San Diego; Naval Station, San Diego; and the
Naval Radio Receiving Facility, Imperial Beach.
Cultural Resources Technical Studies, MCAS Yuma, Yuma Training
Range Complex, AZ and CA
Project Archaeologist
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division
Directed cultural resource sample survey In the Chocolate Mountains Gunnery
Mission Trails Regional Park Explosive Ordnance Demolition
Environmental Assessment, San Diego County, CA
Project Manager
CLIENT: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Directed cultural resource survey in support of an environmental assessment
addressing the removal of ordnance from the former location of Camp Elliott.
Archeological Survey of Sierra I Impact Area, MCB Camp Pendleton,
San Diego County, CA
Resource Manager
CLIENT: U.S. Marine Corps
Performed cultural resource survey of approximately 2,500 acres on the
northern portion of MCB Camp Pendleton.
Emergency Storage Project, San Diego County, CA
Resource Manager
CLIENT: San Diego County Water Authority
Responsible for the cultural Resources Evaluation Program and Treatment
Program. Assisted SDCWA with Native American consultation, implementafion
of a programmatic agreement, and coordination with ACOE. Project involved
evaluation of over 20 cultural resources Including San Vicente Dam. Under a
Historic Properties Treatment Plan prepared by EDAW, research designs were
prepared and carried out for prehistoric and historic period resources.
Treatment measures included data recovery, site stabilization, and preparation
of Historic American Engineering Record documentation for San Vicente Dam.
Prepared Public Interpretive Plan.
North City Water Treatment Plant, San Diego, CA
Resource Manager
CLIENT: City of San Diego Water Department
Managed cultural resource component ofthe North City Water Treatment
Plant EIR. Project included survey and limited testing.
Balboa Park Wastewater Treatment, San Diego County, CA
CLIENT: City of San Diego
Participated In cultural resource documentation for a facility siting study.
Mission Valley Water Reclamation Plant, San Diego County, CA
Resource Manager
CLIENT: City of San Diego
Responsible for archaeological tesfing and monitoring program in an area of
potential archaeological sensitivity.
North Metro Interceptor Sewer, San Diego County, CA
Resource Manager
CLIENT: City of San Diego
Responsible for cultural resource investigations for constraints analysis of
proposed sewer alignments.
Freeman Junction, Kern County, CA
Resource Manager
CLIENT: Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Responsible for the survey of portions of 1^' Los Angeles Aqueduct for cap
strengthening project.
Eastern Sierra Hydroelectric Relicensing, Mono and Inyo Counties, CA
Field Director
CLIENT: Southern California Edison
Participated In assessment of 22 sites within three hydroelectric project areas.
Pit 3, 4, and 5 Hydroelectric Relicensing Project, Shasta County, CA
Project Archaeologist
CLIENT: Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Directed limited data recovery efforts at six archaeological sites threatened by
shoreline erosion prior to stabilization.
Rose Canyon Trunk Sewer EIR, San Diego County, CA
CLIENT: City of San Diego
Conducted windshield reconnaissance and records search and prepared
overview for proposed sewer.
Pamo Dam and Reservoir, San Diego County, CA
CLIENT: San Diego County Water Authority
Assisted in preparation of research design and conducted archaeological
monitoring of geotechnical investigations.
Reservoir 657-2, San Diego County, CA
CLIENT: Otay Water District
Supervised survey and report preparation of proposed covered reservoir site in
Spring Valley.
Mokelumne River Hydroelectric Relicensing, Alpine, Amador, and
Calaveras Counties, CA
Crew Chief
CLIENT: Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Participated in archaeological test excavations and NRHP evaluations.
Southem Nevada Supplemental Airport EIS, Clark County, NV
Co-Principal Investigator
CLIENT: ENSR, VHB, and Clark County Department of Aviafion
Responsible for cultural resource Inventory of over 17,000 acres for a BLM
and transfer. Class lll survey also included Radar and Navaid facilities and
retention basins. Class I studies for multiple alternatives. Project involved
consultation with BLM, USFS, FAA, SHPO, Native American groups, and 106
other Interested parties.
SR-76 East, San Diego County, CA
Principal Investigator
CLIENT: Caltrans and SANDAG
Responsible for the cultural resource inventory and evaluation program for the
SR-76 East widening project. Oversaw the survey of three alternative routes
for archaeological and architectural resources, along with Extend Phase I
excavafions, ASR, HRER, and HPSR.
SR-56, San Diego County, CA
Resource Manager
CLIENT: City of San Diego
Responsible for the cultural resource evaluation program for the SR-56 EIR.
Evaluated 16 sites along two alternative freeway alignments.
La Costa Avenue/1-5 Interchange, San Diego County, CA
Project Archaeologist
CLIENT: Caltrans
Directed an archaeological survey of proposed Interchange Improvements in
the City of Carisbad. The project requires close coordination with City and
Caltrans staff.
SA 680/SF 728 Roadway Project Environmental Studies/EIR,
San Diego County, CA
Project Archaeologist
CLIENT: County of San Diego
Directed the test excavation and NRHP evaluation of four sites on the
proposed project alignment. These Investigations addressed the potential
association of the sites with the Harris Site Complex.
SR-79, Riverside County, CA
Resource Manager
CLIENT: Riverside County Transportation Commission
Responsible for cultural resource investigations for widening and realigning
two highway segments. Prepared cultural resource sections for ISs and
coordinated archaeological survey reports, historic architectural survey
reports, and historic study report.
Victorville La Mesa/Nisqually Road Overpass,
San Bemardino County, CA
Project Archaeologist
CLIENT: City of Victorville
Supervised survey and prepared positive archaeological survey report and
historic property survey report.
Elsmere Canyon Landfill, Los Angeles County, CA
Project Archaeologist
CLIENT: Elsmere Corporation
Directed cultural resource assessment for the EIR/EIS.
Southwest San Diego Landfill Siting Study, San Diego County, CA
Resource Manager
CLIENT: County of San Diego
Responsible for cultural resource assessments of potential landfill sites
throughout the southwestern quadrant of San Diego County. Ranked the
relative sensitivity of each potential site.
Heber Dunes Off-Highway Vehicle Park, Imperial County, CA
Cultural Resources Project Manager
CLIENT: State of California Department of Parks and Recreafion Off-Highway
Motor Vehicle Recreation Division
State Parks recently acquired Heber Dunes and is In the process of preparing
a General Plan and EIR for the Park. As part of these efforts approximately
350 acres were Inventoried for cultural resources.
Laborde Canyon Off-Highway Vehicle Park, Riverside County, CA
Cultural Resources Project Manager
CLIENT: State of California Department of Parks and Recreation Off-Highway
Motor Vehicle Recreation Division and Riverside County Economic
Development Authority
The areas of the SVRA that would be open to some level of OHV use would
cover approximately 1,480 acres within the 2,640-acre Laborde Canyon site.
EDAW was contracted to conduct environmental studies for the Laborde
Canyon site, including a cultural resource records search and an intensive
cultural resources pedestrian survey ofthe proposed OHV park. Two
prehistoric sites and the Lockheed Facility (Beaumont Site No. 2) were
recorded within the study area during the survey. A preliminary assessment of
the complex at Beaumont Site No. 2 was made to determine eligibility for the
California Register of Historical Resources.
Data Recovery for Goat Canyon Retention Basin Border Field State
Park, San Diego County, CA
Cultural Resources Project Manager
CLIENT: State of California Department of Parks and Recreation
Conducted data recovery under stringent time constraints based on wildlife
Issues and construction schedule. Excavafion of 50 units at CA-SDI-16,047
Locus B Indicated that the site was a buried temporary camp whose occupants
exploited littoral, near-shore, and terrestrial subsistence resources. Data
recovery Investigations successfully collected data Important in local and
regional prehistory. The Identification of a single component locus dating to the
Archaic-Late transition Is an important contribution. ^
Fairbanks Country Villas, San Diego, CA
Project Manager
CLIENT: Del Mar Land Management Company
Prepared tesfing plan and Implemented testing program for proposed
residential development.
Inmate Reception Center, San Diego County, CA
Project Manager
CLIENT: County of San Diego
Responsible for testing and data recovery of half a city block In downtown San
343 Sansome Street, San Francisco County, CA
Project Archaeologist
CLIENT: Gerald D. Hines Interests
Participated in archaeological data recovery excavations at a Gold Rush-
period site in downtown San Francisco.
North Las Vegas Land Transfer, Clark County, NV
Project Archaeologist
CLIENT: City of North Las Vegas
Directed cultural resource survey of 4,000-acre land transfer from the BLM to
the City of North Las Vegas.
Apex Industrial Park, Clark County, NV
Project Archaeologist
CLIENT: Kerr-McGee
Conducted archaeological survey and NRHP evaluations for BLM land
Walnut Hills Subdivision, San Diego County, CA
Archaeological Monitor
CLIENT: Fargo Industries
Conducted archaeological monitoring of site preparation and grading in San
Alcoholism Service Center, San Diego County, CA
Project Archaeologist
CLIENT: Fellowship Center, Inc.
Conducted archaeological survey of proposed rehabilitation center adjacent to
Mission San Luis Rey In Oceanside.
Peiiasquitos Park, San Diego County, CA
CLIENT: County of San Diego
Participated In survey. Including documentation of three adobes.
Old Town State Historic Park, San Diego County, CA
CLIENT: Califomia Department of Parks and Recreafion/FIR
Participated In excavation before placement of underground utilities in San
Rancho Guajome Adobe, San Diego County, CA
CLIENT: County of San Diego
Participated in excavation, cataloging, and analysis for work conducted before
building stabilization efforts.
Anza Borrego Desert State Park, Riverside County, CA
CLIENT: California Department of Parks and Recreation
Participated In resource Inventory survey.
Glamis Imperial Project, Imperial County, CA
CLIENT: Glamis Imperial Corporation
Conducted cultural resource survey for proposed gold mine.
Fort Cady Boric Acid Mining and Processing Facility,
San Bemardino County, CA
Project Archaeologist
CLIENT: Fort Cady Minerals Corporation
Directed survey, testing, and evaluation of 24 sites in Newberry Springs.
Rialto-to-EI Paso Fiber Optics Cable, San Bemardino and
Riverside Counties, CA
CLIENT: U.S. Sprint
Conducted cultural resource survey along western extent of project.
A V/ew/Across fhe Cultural Landscape oftiie Lower Colorado Desert: Cultural
Resource Investigations for tiie Nortfi Baja Pipeline Project (with Jamie
Cleland). Prepared for TetraTech and North Baja, LLC. EDAW, Inc., San
Diego (2003).
Cultural Resources Evaluation for ttie Nortii Baja Gas Pipeline (with C. Dolan,
J. Underwood, and J.H. Cleland). Prepared for Foster Wheeler Environmental,
Inc. EDAW, Inc., San Diego (2001).
IHistorical and Archeological Resources Protection Plan (HARP) forthe
Chocolate Mountain Aerial Gunnery Range, Impehal County, Califomia (with
J.H. Cleland). Prepared for U.S. Navy Southwest Division, Naval Facilifies
Engineering Command. EDAW, Inc., San Diego (2001).
Archaeological Resources Evaluation Report State Route 56 Between Coast
and Foothill, City of San Diego, Califomia-{vj\tU J.H. Cleland, A. York, T.
Wahoff, and D. James). Prepared forthe City of San Diego. KEA
Environmental, Inc., San Diego (1997).
Archeological Survey and Evaluation Program forthe Salton Sea Test Base,
Imperial County, Califomia (with A. York, A. Pignolo, J.H. Cleland, and S. Van
Wormer). Prepared for U.S. Navy, Southwest Division, Naval Facilifies
Engineering Command. KEA Environmental, Inc., San Diego (1997).
Two Sides ofthe River: Cultural Resources Technical Studies Undertaken as
Part of Environmental Documentation for Military Use ofthe MCAS Yuma
Training Range Complex in Arizona and Califomia (with G. Woodall, L.
Peterson, and J.S. Bruder). Prepared forthe Southwest Division Naval
Facilifies Engineering Command and MCAS Yuma. Dames & Moore
Intermountain Cultural Resource Services Research Paper No. 5, San Diego
Bank Stabilization at Lake Britton: Limited Data Recovery (with A.
MacDougall). Prepared for Pacific Gas and Electric. Dames & Moore, San
Diego (1990).
Kem River Pipeline Cultural Resource Sun/ey Report (with J.H. Cleland, A.L.
York, and P. Friedman). Submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission. Dames & Moore, San Diego (1990).
Sugarioaf Mountain in Prehistory: Archaeological Testing and Data Recovery
forthe Exploratory Drilling Program II and the Unit No. 1 Project (with J.H.
Cleland and E. Nilsson). Prepared for the Los Angeles Department of Water
and Power. Dames & Moore, San Diego (1990)!
An Archaeological Research Design for the Evaluation of Cultural Resources
in Pamo Valley, San Diego, Califomia (with J.H. Cleland, J.R. Cook, and J.
Schaefer). Wirth Environmental Services, a Division of Dames & Moore, San
Diego (1985).
More than 12 years of experience in cultural
resources management
Extensive survey, excavation, and monitoring
GPS mapping and post processing
Background in laboratory supervision and
BA, Anthropology, San Diego State University,
Square supervisor and field school, Instructor,
at Tel Dor, Israel, U.C. Berkeley
Staff Archaeologist/Assistant Laboratory Director
Cheryl Bowden-Renna has served as archaeologist and assistant laboratory
director for several cultural resource firms In San Diego. With 15 years of
archaeological experience, Ms. Bowden-Renna has worked at sites
throughout the southwestern United States. She also has a background in
accounfing, database management, and has developed solid management
and supervisory skills.
Ms. Bowden-Renna has extensive archaeological monitoring experience of
ordnance removal at the Salton Sea Test Base in Imperial County. She has
also served as archaeological monitor ofthe test excavation for the Inmate
Recepfion Center in downtown San Diego. In that role, she was responsible
for monitoring excavafions, including the use of backhoes, during the data
recovery of features from an urban historic site.
Society for California Archaeology
40-Hour Hazardous Waste Operations and
Emergency Response (H/\ZWOPER Course
maintained since 1996)
Sandstone Features Adjacent to Lake
Cahuilla (with S. Rose). Proceedings of the
Society of California Archaeology 1998
Annual Meeting, Volume 12, Fresno (1999).
The Cultural Resources ofthe Chocolate
Mountains (with R. Apple). Presented to the
2004 Society of California Archaeological
Annual Meeting.
CALTRANS District 11 New Headquarters
CLIENT: DGS Federal Services
Monitoring for historic and prehistoric resources during preconstruction and
construction for CALTRANS 11 New Headquarters.
Cainp Lockett
CLIENT: County of San Diego
Monitoring during construction of a sewage treatment facility in Campo,
San Diego County.
East Miramar Housing Altemative
Project Archaeologist
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division and Marine Corps Air Station,
Conducted cultural resources survey, excavation, and evaluation of several
sites located on MCB Miramar.
Miramar Jet Fuel
Crew Chief
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division and Marine Corps Air Stafion,
Conducted cultural resources survey for proposed fuel line for the Marine
Corps, San Diego County.
Riverside OHV Project, Riverside County
Crew Chief
CLIENT: Riverside County Economic Development Authority
Conducted cultural resources survey of over 1,000 acres In Riverside County,
Coronado Monitoring Project
Crew Chief/Monitor
CLIENT: Sempra Energy and Ufillfies
Monitoring of poweriine trenching on Coronado Island, California.
Cross Valley Survey, Los Angeles County
Crew Chief
CLIENT: City of Santa Clarita and Caltrans District 7
Conducted cultural resources survey in Los Angeles County, California.
McAuliffe (Winterwood) Community Park, San Diego, CA
Crew Chief.
CLIENT: City of San Diego
Crew chief for cultural resources survey of a proposed park.
Two Crash Sites on The Barry M. Goldwater Range, Marine Corps
Air Station, Yuma
Crew Chief
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division and Marine Corps Air Station, Yuma
Crew chief for cultural resources survey of two helicopter crash sites.
Cultural Resources Inventory For the Infantry Squad Battle Course
(P-633), Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, CA
Crew Chief
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division
Crew chief for cultural resources survey and site recordation.
Emergency Storage Project, San Diego County, CA
Project Archaeologist, Crew Chief, Field Technician and Laboratory
CLIENT: San Diego County Water Authority
Conducted cultural resources survey, testing and evaluation of several large
project sites within San Diego County.
Valley Rainbow Transmission Line Project, Riverside and
San Diego Counties
Crew Chief
CLIENT: San Diego Gas and Electric
Crew chief for cultural resources survey and site recordation for major portions
of a large transmission line project.
LMXU Village Center
Crew Chief
CLIENT: Western Pacific Housing
Crew chief for cultural resources excavation and water screening.
Plum Canyon Park Project, Los Angeles County
Crew Chief
CLIENT: Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreafion
Conducted cultural resources survey for a community park In Saugus,
Los Angeles County, California.
Escondido Tract 207A
Project Archaeologist
CLIENT: Elderiy Development Company
Conducted cultural resources survey of 1.13 acres In the City of Escondido.
North Baja Gas Pipeline Project, Riverside and Imperial Counties
Crew Chief and Monitor
CLIENT: Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporation
Conducted cultural resources survey and monitoring for large pipeline project
In Riverside and Imperial counfies, California.
Archaeological Testing and National Register Evaluation of Site
CA-SDI-16,002 Near Range 210 Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, CA
Field Director,
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division
Field Director for test excavation of CA-SDI-16,002.
Ballpark Infrastmcture, San Diego, CA
Field Monitor
CLIENT: Sverdrup, Inc.
Historic monitoring and testing of downtown east village area for the proposed
Ballpark Remediation, San Diego, CA
Field Monitor
CLIENT: Sverdrup, Inc.
Historic monitoring and testing of downtown east village area for the proposed
Ballpark. Required hazardous materials certificafion.
Nobel Drive, San Diego County, CA
Field Monitor
CLIENT: Boyle Engineering
Prehistoric monitoring of road extension to 1-805 interchange.
SEMPRA On-call Cultural Services, San Diego, CA
Field Monitor
Historic monitoring and testing of downtown east village area for the proposed
Ballpark. Required hazardous materials certificafion.
Inmate Reception Center Project, San Diego County, CA
Laboratory Supervisor
.CLIENT: County of San Diego
Conducted field monitoring of large machinery, Including backhoes, during the
data recovery of features from an urban historic site In downtown San Diego.
Catalog and database management for project.
Levee Bridge, San Diego County, CA
Crew Chief/Laboratory Supervisor
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwestern Division
Catalog, database management, table creafion for CA-SDI-10,156 and
discovery sites.
Salton Sea Test Base Project, Imperial County, CA
Crew Chief
CLIENT: U.S. Navy and OHM Remediafion, Inc.
Site recordation, test excavation, and monitoring of 130 prehistoric sites In the
SR-56 EIR, Cultural Investigations, San Diego County, CA
Laboratory Technician
CLIENT: City of San Diego and Caltrans
Cataloged 12 prehistoric sites during preparafion of EIR.
SR-56 Cultural Resources Testing, San Diego County, CA
Crew Chief
CLIENT: City of San Diego and Caltrans
Testing at 12 prehistoric sites.
P-527 Santa Margarita/San Onofre Cultural Resources Testing and
Monitoring, MCB Camp Pendleton, San Diego County, CA
Field Technician .
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division
Monitoring water treatment pond and pipeline construction in the County.
San Clemente Island Existing Conditions Study for Pumped
Hydrostorage/Wind Farm Project, Los Angeles County, CA
Field Technician
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division
Recording 80 sites on San Clemente Island.
Tactical Aircrew Combat Training System Range Upgrade,
MCAS Yuma, Yuma County, AZ
Field Technician
CLIENT: U.S. Navy, Southwest Division
Phase I cultural resource survey of proposed transmission line and 17 threat
emitter stafions.
Boulder Valley Project, San Diego County, CA
Crew Chief
CLIENT: Private Developer
Cultural resource survey of proposed reservoir and pipeline tunnels In the
Pacific Rim Laboratory Analysis, San Diego County, CA
Field Technician
CLIENT: Private Developer
Analyzed CA-SDI-691, a prehistoric site on Bafiquitos Lagoon.
Cal Terraces Laboratory Analysis, San Diego County, CA
Laboratory Technician
CLIENT: County of San Diego
Analyzed one prehistoric site, and reanalyzed two prehistoric sites, in
Otay Mesa.
Elsmere Cultural Resource Survey, Los Angeles County, CA
Field Technician
CLIENT: Elsmere Corporafion
Conducted cultural resource survey of 2,200 acres In the San Gabriel
Kem River Project, San Bemardino County, CA, Beaver, Miller,
and Utah Counties, UT, and Clark County, NV
Field Technician
CLIENT: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Excavated, surveyed, and monitored along pipeline right-of-way. Analyzed
artifacts from all phases of project In Las Vegas, Nevada.
Coursegold Excavation, Madera County, CA
Field Technician
CLIENT: Caltrans
Excavated site for Caltrans road widening.
Vandenberg Laboratory Analysis, Santa Barbara County, CA
Laboratory Technician
Sorted artifacts and wet-screened column samples.
Camelot Cultural Resource Survey, Kem County, CA
Crew Chief
CLIENT: Private Developer
Conducted a cultural resource survey of a 200-acre lot split in the Mojave
SR-86 Cultural Resource Survey, Imperial'County, CA
Crew Chief
CLIENT: Caltrans
Conducted a cultural resource survey of SR-86 road widening in the County.
Black Mountain Ranch Excavation, San Diego County, CA
Laboratory Supervisor
CLIENT: Private Developer
Excavated and analyzed 15 prehistoric sites In the La Jolla Valley.
Cannon Ranch Reaches 3 and 4, San Diego County, CA
Crew Chief ^
CLIENT: City of Carisbad
Excavated and analyzed two prehistoric sites in Carisbad.
Rancho San Miguel Project, San Diego County, CA
Field Technician/laboratory Supervisor
CLIENT: San Diego Gas & Electric
Excavated and analyzed nine sites and conducted extensive surface
collections in the County.
Cottonwood Canyon Laboratory Analysis, Riverside County, CA
Laboratory Supervisor
CLIENT: Private Developer
Analyzed two prehistoric sites in the County.
Rancho del Rey (Spa III) Excavation, San Diego County, CA
Field Technician/laboratory Supervisor
CLIENT: Private Developer
Excavated and analyzed a prehistoric site In Chula Vista.
Stallions Crossing Laboratory Analysis, San Diego County, CA
Laboratory Supervisor
CLIENT: Private Developer
Analyzed five prehistoric sites In Del Mar.
Valley Ranch Cultural Resource Survey, Los Angeles County, CA
Crew Chief
CLIENT: Private Developer
Conducted cultural resource survey of 350 acres In Palmdale.
Fairbanks Highland Cultural Resource Survey, San Diego County, CA
Field Technician/Laboratory Supervisor
CLIENT: Private Developer
Conducted cultural resource survey, excavafion, and analysis.
Eagle Mountain Cultural Resource Survey, Riverside County, CA
Crew Chief
CLIENT: Kaiser Mine Co.
Conducted cultural resource survey of the Eagle Mountain mine and railroad to
Salton Sea.
Santa Margarita River Cultural Resource Survey, San Diego and
Riverside Counties, CA
Crew Chief
CLIENT: Private Developer
Conducted cultural resource survey of Santa Margarita River from Temecula
to the Pacific Ocean.
CHERYL BOWDEN-RENNA Scripps Ranch North Excavation, San Diego County, CA
Field Technician/Laboratory Supervisor
CLIENT: Pardee
Excavated and analyzed two prehistoric sites and one historic site in Poway.
Sycamore Canyon Excavation, San Diego County, CA
Field Technician/Laboratory Supervisor
CLIENT: County of San Diego
Excavated and analyzed two prehistoric sites east of Poway.
Los Campanos Excavation, San Diego County, CA
Field Technician/Laboratory Technician
CLIENT: Private Developer
Excavated and analyzed four prehistoric sites and one historic site In
Valley Center.
American Giri Mine Cultural Resource Survey, Imperial County, CA
Field Technician/Laboratory Technician
CLIENT: American Giri Mine Co.
Conducted cultural resource survey, excavation, and analysis of historic
artifacts from a historic gold mining town In the Cargo Muchacho Mountains.
Railroad Canyon Cultural Resource Survey, Riverside County, CA
Field Technician/Laboratory Technician
CLIENT: Caltrans
Conducted cultural resource survey, excavation, and analysis of a road
realignment In Temecula.
Edwards Air Force Base Cultural Resource Survey, Excavation,
and Analysis, Kem County, CA
Field Technician/Laboratory Technician
CLIENT: U.S. Air Force
Conducted cultural resource survey, excavation, and analysis of 1,000-acre
area on Edwards Air Force Base.
Johnson-Taylor Adobe Excavation, San Diego County, CA
Field Technician/Laboratory Technician
CLIENT: County of San Diego Parks and Recreafion Department
Excavated and analyzed the area around the Johnson-Taylor Adobe
and C wing.
Pacific Rim Laboratory Analysis, San Diego County, CA
Field Technician/Laboratory Technician
CLIENT: Private Developer
Conducted extensive shell and lithic analysis of prehistoric sites on
Batiquitos Lagoon.
Cultural Resources Survey for the Lockheed/Laborde Canyon Off-Highway
Vehicle (OHV) Park, Riverside County, California. Prepared for the Riverside
County Economic Development Authority (2004).
Supplemental Cultural Resources Survey Emergency Storage Project,
Relocated Beeler Mitigation Shaft and Staging Area, San Diego .County,
California. Prepared forthe San Diego County Water Authority (2004).
Supplemental Cultural Resources Survey Emergency Storage Project,
San Vicente Pipeline Geotechnical Boring #102h at Slaughterhouse Canyon,
San Diego County, California. Prepared for the San Diego County Water
Authority (2004).
Archaeological Survey for Replacements of Jet Fuel USTs and DIstribufion
System, MCAS Miramar San Diego County, California (with Jackson
Underwood). Prepared forthe U.S. Navy, Southwest Division (2004).
Evaluation of Three Cultural Resources Along the Shore of Lake Hodges,
San Diego County Water Authority Emergency Storage Project (with Christy
Dolan and Rebecca Apple). Prepared forthe San Diego County Water
Authority (2003).
Supplemental Cultural Resources Survey Emergency Storage Project,
San Vicente Pipeline Geotechnical Boring Locations and San Vicente Pipeline
Tunnel Facilifies, San Diego County, California (with Lori Lllburn). Prepared for
the San Diego County Water Authority (2003).
Supplemental Cultural Resources Survey, Emergency Storage Project,
San Vicente Pump Stafion 69 kV Transmission Line Alternatives, San Diego
County, California. Prepared for the San Diego County Water Authority (2003).
Phases I, II and III Literature Review and Cultural Resources Survey forthe
North City Water Reclamation System Project. Prepared for the City of
San Diego. EDAW, Inc. (2002).
Archaeological Survey For Two Crash Sites On the Barry M. Goldwater Range
Marine Corps Air Station, Yuma (with Rebecca Apple). Prepared for U.S.
Department ofthe Navy Southwest Division and Marine Corps Air Stafion,
Yuma. EDAW, Inc., San Diego (2002).
Supplemental Cultural Resources Sun/ey Emergency Storage Project,
Geotechnical Boring Locations, San Vicente Pipeline, San Diego County,
California (with Tanya Wahoff and Rebecca Apple). Prepared for the
San Diego County Water Authority. KEA Environmental, Inc. (2002).
Addendum 9 to Cultural Resources Overview and Survey for the North Baja
Gas Pipeline Project: Archaeological Survey of the Ripley Contractor's Yard
(with Rebecca Apple). Prepared for Foster Wheeler Environmental Company
Cultural Resources Technical Report for the Valley Rainbow Interconnect
(with James H. Cleland and Tanya Wahoff). Prepared for San Diego Gas and
Electric. KEA Environmental, Inc. (2001).
Cultural Resource Sun/ey of the McAuliffe (Winterwood) Community Park
San Diego, California (with Rebecca Apple). Prepared for the City of San
Diego. EDAW, Inc., San Diego (2001).
Archaeological Survey for the City of Escondido Segment ofthe Multiple
Habitat Conservafion Program Acquislfion Project (EIR 200-14) San Pasqual
Valley, San Diego County California (with James Elghmey). Prepared for the
City of Encinitas. KEA Environmental, San Diego (2000).
Archaeological Survey for the City of Encinitas Segment of the Mulfiple Habitat
Conservafion Program Acquisition Project (EIR 200-14) Encinitas, San Diego
County, California (with James Elghmey). Prepared for the City of Encinitas.
KEA Environmental, San Diego (2000).
Cultural Resource Survey of the Escondido Tract 207A City of Escondido,
San Diego County, California (with Rebecca Apple). Prepared for the Elderly
Development Company. KEA Environmental, San Diego (2000).
Cultural Resource Survey of the Plum Canyon Park Project, Saugus,
Los Angeles County, Califomia (with Rebecca Apple). Prepared for the
Los Angeles County Department of Paries and Recreafion.
KEA Environmental, San Diego (2000).
CHERYL BOWDEN-RENNA Cultural Resource Survey for the San Diego Water Authority Moreno Lakeside
Alternative Project, San Diego County, California (with R. McCorkle Apple and
L. Lllburn). Prepared forthe San Diego County Water Authority. KEA
Environmental, San Diego (2000).
Archaeological Monitoring ofthe Nobel Drive Extension and 1-805 Interchange
(with R. McCorkle Apple). Prepared for Boyle Engineering.
KEA Environmental, San Diego (2000).
Cultural Resource Survey for the San Diego Water Authority, Emergency
Storage Project Potenfial Wefiands Creafion Sites, C2, C3, C4, C5, and C6,
San Pasqual Valley, San Diego County, California (with R. McCorkle Apple).
Prepared for the San Diego County Water Authority. KEA Environmental,
San Diego (2000).
Archeological Monitoring Program for Ordnance Removal at the Salton Sea
Test Base, Imperial County, California (with R. McCorkle Apple and S. Rose).
Prepared forthe U.S. Navy. KEA Environmental, San Diego (1998).
Biological and Archaeological Monitoring of Remediation Work at the Salton
Sea Test Base, Imperial County, California (with R. McCorkle Apple and
D. Scoles). Prepared for OHM Remediafion Services Corporafion.
KEA Environmental, San Diego (1997).
Archaeological Survey ofa 129-Acre Parcel, the Devote Property,
San Bernardino County, California. Prepared for Montecite Equities, Inc.
Recon, San Diego (1990).
Archaeological Tesfing of CA-RIV-1057, Loci A-F, Perris Valley, Riverside
County, California (with S.A. Wade). Prepared for Hogle & Associates. Recon,
San Diego (1990).
Significance Assessment of SDI-11,463 and SDI-11,464 for the Bresa del Mar
Development, San Diego County, California (with D.M. Cheever). Prepared for
Bonsall Land, Inc. Recon, San Diego (1990).
Archaeological Survey and Site Update for Carisbad Promenade, Carisbad,
California (with S.A. Wade). Prepared for City of Carisbad. Recon,
San Diego (1990).
' ^^s3^ South Coastal Informafion Cenler
College of Arts and Letters
in Diego State UniversilY 4283 El Cojon Blvd., Suite 250
Son Diego CA 92105
TEL 619-594-5682
Company: EDAW Inc.
Company Representative: Diane Shalom
Dateof Request: 8/14/2007
Date Processed: 8/20/2007
Project Identification: Avenida Encinas Widening Project (05080176.03)
Search Radius: 1 mile
Historical Resources: SM Date: 8/20/2007
Trinomial (CA-SDI) and Primary (P-37) site maps have been reviewed. All sites within the
project boundaries and the specified radius of the project area have been plotted. Copies
of the site record forms have been included for al! recorded sites.
Previous Archaeological Project Boundaries: SM Date: 8/20/2007
Project boundary maps have been reviewed. National Archaeological Database (NADB)
citations for reports within the project boundaries and within the specified radius of the
project area have been included.
Historic Maps: SM ' Date: 8/20/2007
The historic maps on fiie at the South Coastal Information Center have been reviewed,
and copies have been included.
Historic Addresses: SM Date: 8/20/2007
A map and database of historic addresses (formerly Geofinder) has been included.
Tliis is not an invoice. Please pay from the monthly billing statement
THE CAUFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY • tekeisfield • Clitmnel Isiomls . Chico • Dominguez HiSs • Fresno • Fullerton • Hoyword • Humboldt • Long Beach • Los Angeles
• Martlime Academy • Monterey Boy • Norttrridge • Pomona • Sacromento • Son Bemardino • Son Diego • Son Francisco • Son Jose • Son Lois Obispo • Son Morcos • Sonomo • Sfonislous ^
San Diego Museum of Man
Source of Request:
Name of Project:
Date of Request:
Date Request Received:
Avenida Encina (05080176)
January 3,2008
January 14,2008
The Record Search for the above referenced project has been completed. Archaeological site
file information is enclosed for the following sites located within a one-mile radius of the
project area:
W-IU W-1890
W-115 W-4031
W-117to W-119 W-4047A, B,C
W-125 W - 5139 to W-5142
W-129 W-5509
W-1468 W - 6106
W-1871 toW -1873 W-6107
W-1889 A,B
Bibliographic information is enclosed for the following archaeological environmental impact
studies conducted within a one-mile radius of the project area:
EIS-31 EIS - 854
EIS -185 EIS-883
EIS-413 EIS - 891
EIS-504 EIS - 906
EIS - 514 EIS-1122
EIS - 598 EIS-1185
EIS-616 EIS -1252
EIS-698 EIS-1367
EIS-714 EIS-1403
EIS-742 EIS -1568
EIS - 789
Xevlmg People About Pfople
This Record Search is based only on infonnation contained in the files
ofthe San Diego IVluseum of Man. Archaeological site records and/or
environmentai impact studies pertaining to the project area may exist in
other repositories.
Record Search completed by:
Date of Record Search:
Garrett Knudsen
January 17,2008