HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Carlsbad Blvd Las Encinas Creek & Bridge; Carlsbad Blvd Las Encinas Creek & Bridge; 2009-03-10UNSCOTT LAW & GREENSPAN engineers TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE Carlsbad, California March 10, 2009 Prepared for: EDAW 1420 Kettner Boulevard Suite 620 San Diego, California 92101 LLG Ref. 3-09-1874 Prepared by: Narasimha Prasad Senior Transportation Engineer & Radhika Yechangunja Transportation Engineer II Underthe Supervision of: John Keating, P.E. Principal Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers 4542 Ruffner Street Suite 100 Sar Diego, CA92ni 858.300.8800 T 858.300.8810 F wmw.llgengireers.com TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE LO Introduction 1 2.0 Project Description 4 2.1 Proj ect Location 4 2.2 Background 4 2.3 Project Description : 4 3.0 Existing Conditions 5 3.1 Study Area 5 3.2 Exisdng Street Network 6 3.3 Exisdng Traffic Volumes '. 6 4.0 Analysis Approach and Methodology : 9 4.1 Analysis Approach 9 4.2 Analysis Methodology 9 4.2.1 Signalized Intersections ..9 4.2.2 Street Segments 10 5.0 Significance Criteria 11 6.0 Analysis • 12 6.1 Existing Without Southbound Carlsbad Boulevard Closure 12 6.1.1 Peak Hour Intersection Levels of Service 12 6.1.2 Peak Hour Street Segment Levels of Service 12 6.2 Existing With Southbound Carlsbad Boulevard Closure 12 6.2.1 Traffic Volumes 12 6.2.2 Peak Hour Intersection Levels of Service 12 6.2.3 Peak Hour Street Segment Levels of Service 13 7.0 Bicycle, Pedestrian Traffic and Other Issues 17 7.1 Pedestrian Traffic 17 7.2 Bicycle Traffic 17 7.3 Access to Carlsbad State Beach Campground 17 8.0 Significance of Impacts and Recommendations : 21 8.1 S ignificance of Impacts 21 8.1.1 Direct Impacts 21 8.2 Recommendations 21 LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers . LLG Ref. 3-09-1874 i Encinas Creek Bridge APPENDICES APPENDIX A. Intersection and Segment Manual Count Sheets B. ICU Methodology Explanation & City of Carlsbad Roadway Classification Table C. Intersection Analysis Worksheets - Existing Conditions D. Intersection Analysis Worksheets - Existing Conditions with southbound Carlsbad Boulevard closure E. Conceptual Sketch of Recommended Striping at the Palomar Airport Road / Avenida Encinas Intersection LIST OF FIGURES SECTION—FIGURE # FOLLOWING PAGE Figure 1-1 Vicinity Map 2 Figure 1-2 Project Area Map 3 Figure 3-1 Existing Conditions Diagram .' 7 Figure 3-2 Existing Traffic Volumes 8 Figure 6-1 Rerouting of Peak Hour and Daily Traffic Volumes with Southbound Carlsbad Boulevard Closure 15 Figure 6-2 Existing Traffic Volumes With Southbound Carlsbad Boulevard Closure 16 Figure 7-1 Existing Pedestrian Volumes 18 Figure 7-2 Existing Bicycle Volumes 19 Figure 7-3 Existing Bicycle Volumes With Southbound Carlsbad Boulevard Closure 20 Figure 8-1 Recommended Mitigation Measures 24 Figure 8-2 . Conceptual Striping Plan - Palomar Airport Road / Avenida Encinas Intersection... 25 LIST OF TABLES SECTION—TABLE # PAGE Table 4-1 Level of Service Ranges For Signalized Intersections 9 Table 5-1 City ofCarlsbad Traffic Impact Significant Thresholds ; 11 Table 6-1 Intersection Operations Without and With Southbound Carlsbad Boulevard Closure .... 13 Table 6-2 Segment Operations Without and With Southbound Carlsbad Boulevard Closure 14 LiNSCorr, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref. 3-09-1874 Encinas Creek Bridge TRAFFICIMPACT ANALYSIS ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE Carlsbad, California March 10,2009 1.0 INTRODUCTION This traffic study has been prepared to determine and evaluate the potential traffic impacts to the local roadway system due to the proposed replacement of an existing Encinas Creek Bridge on southbound Carlsbad Boulevard in the City of Carlsbad. The project site is located on southbound Carlsbad Boulevard between Solamar Drive/Carlsbad Boulevard and Island Way/Carlsbad Boulevard intersections. Figure 1-1 shows the project vicinity and Figure 1-2 depicts the project area in detail. The proposed replacement of the bridge is expected to take up to four months, during which time the southbound Carlsbad Boulevard will be closed to through traffic, between Solamar Drive and Island Way. This traffic study evaluates the operations of intersections and segments in the project vicinity that will be potentially impacted due to the detour and the rerouting of traffic. Included in this traffic.analysis are: Project Description; Existing Conditions Discussion; Traffic Analysis Approach & Methodology; Significance Criteria; Analysis (Without and With southbound Carlsbad Boulevard closure); Other Issues; Significance of Impacts and Recommendations. UNSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref 3-09-1874 Encinas Creek Bridge RIVERSIDE COUNTY SAN OIEGO COUNTY WARNER SPRINGS Source: LLG Engin«era, 2009 N:\1B74\ngures\aG1874 Rgure 1-1 MILES LINSCOTT LAW & GREENSPAN Figure 1-1 Vicinity Map engineers ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE I.A.L b''A('L NOT TO SCALE ^p ll',', . •\\v '4 ^ II, , -> It )^',/.t i ^. u. 'iji lie .[I y 1 ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE U 1,1 f» ^s" \ , , ' t:''\ " V . Source: Thome* Guide, 2009 N;\1874\FlgureALLG1874 Figure 1-2 LINSCOTT LAW & GREENSPAN engineers Figure 1-2 Project Area IVlap ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Project Location The proposed Encinas Creek Bridge project is located on southbound Carlsbad Boulevard between Solamar Drive and Island Way in the City of Carlsbad. 2.2 Background The City of Carlsbad proposes to replace the existing Encinas Creek Bridge located along southbound Carlsbad Boulevard approximately 0.6 miles south of Palomar Airport Road and one mile north of Poinsettia Lane. The City has identified the need to remove and replace the bridge due to severe deterioration and recommendations by Caltrans. The project is located at Encinas Creek along the southern edge of the historic Agua Hedionda Spanish land grant. Southbound Carlsbad Boulevard is bound on the west by the State Beach and Pacific Ocean; Encinas Creek and the northbound lanes of Carlsbad Boulevard on the east. The bridge is located just north of the Carlsbad State Beach Campgrounds. 2.3 Project Description The City proposes to install a prefabricated arch concrete bridge structure in place of the existing concrete bridge. The proposed new structure would have a deck width of 45 feet-2 inches, thereby reducing the overall width of the bridge by 24 feet. This proposed reduction in width, as compared to the existing structure, is due to the fact that the bridge is currently oversized. Maintaining the existing bridge deck width is not necessary to provide adequate travel lanes for forecasted traffic volumes.. In addition, to minimize the construction impacts on the west side, the wing walls would be placed parallel to the roadway. The current centerline of the roadway would be maintained and the new bridge footprint would fit completely within the boundaries of the existing structure. The new bridge would be approximately 2 feet taller than the existing bridge. The construction of the bridge is expected to take up to four months and would be completed prior to the Memorial Day holiday. A Detour Plan would be implemented and would detour all southbound traffic on Carlsbad Boulevard at Palomar Airport Road to Avenida Encinas,-Poinsettia Lane, and then back to Carlsbad Boulevard. South of Palomar Airport Road, access would be limited to local residents requiring residential access off of Solamar Drive, to Hilton Garden Inn staff and guests and to the contractor. The North Ponto day parking lot just south ofthe bridge would be closed to the public for the duration of construcdon, but would reopen prior to the Memorial Day holiday and summer season. Changeable message signs would be used to alert traffic of the detour at all major decision points. Carlsbad Boulevard is a divided roadway with a wide median between Palomar Airport Road and Island Way. Northbound traffic operates independently of southbound traffic in this stretch and it will not be affected by the southbound bridge replacement project. LiNSCon, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref 3-09-1874 4 Encinas Creek Bridge 3.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS Effective evaluation of the traffic impacts associated with the proposed development requires an understanding ofthe exisdng transportadon system in the project study area. Existing transportation conditions in the study area include roadway geometry, traffic control, and peak period/daily traffic flow. The principal roadways in the project study area are described briefly below. The description includes the physical characteristics, adjacent land uses, and intersection traffic control. According to the City ofCarlsbad General Plan, Prime Arterials should be 106 feet wide in 126 feet of Right-of-Way (R/W), providing six travel lanes with no curbside parking and left-turn lanes at major intersections. Major Arterials should be 82 feet wide in 102 feet of R/W, providing four travel lanes, bike lanes, and left-turn lanes at major intersections. Secondary Arterials should be 64 feet wide in 84 feet of R/W providing two to four travel lanes, bike lanes, and left-turn lanes at major intersections. Collectors should be 40 feet wide in 60 feet of R/W, providing two or four travel lanes with curbside parking and left-turn lanes at major intersections. Local Streets should be 34 feet wide in 60 feet of R/W, providing two travel lanes with curbside parking and no centerline stripe. The following provides a description of the street system in the project area. Figure 3-1 illustrates the existing condidons, including the lane geometry for the key intersections in the study area. 3.1 Study Area Based on the proposed detour plan for traffic on southbound Carlsbad Boulevard, the following intersections and segments are analyzed in this study. Intersections 1. Palomar Airport Road / Avenida Encinas 2. Poinsettia Lane / Carlsbad Boulevard 3. Poinsettia Lane / Avenida Encinas Segments Palomar Airport Road from Carlsbad Boulevard to Avenida Encinas Poinsettia Lane from Carlsbad Boulevard to Avenida Encinas Carlsbad Boulevard from Palomar Airport Road to Poinsettia Lane Avenida Encinas from Palomar Airport Road to Poinsettia Lane LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, eng/neers ' LLG Ref 3-09-1874 5 Encinas Creek Bridge 3.2 Existing Street Network | Palomar Airport Road is classified as a Prime Arterial in the City of Carlsbad Circulation Element. Palomar Airport Road is a two-lane undivided roadway within the study area. The posted speed limit is 35 mph. There are no bike lanes west of 1-51 Poinsettia Lane is classified as a Major Arterial in the City of Carlsbad Circulation Element. Poinsettia Lane is a 4-lane divided roadway. No speed limit is posted the vicinity of the project site. Curbside parking is prohibited and bike lanes are provided. Carlsbad Boulevard is classified as a Major! Arterial in the City of Carlsbad Circulation Element. Carlsbad Boulevard is a north-south roadway within the study area. Carlsbad Boulevard is a four- divided roadway with a median. Carlsbad Boulevard provides bike lanes, intermittent parking and sidewalks along the roadway. The posted speed limit is 50 mph. Avenida Encinas is classified as a Secondary Arterial in the City of Carlsbad Circulation Element. Currently, it is a two-lane undivided roadway with intermittent left turn lane pockets. The posted speed limit is 40 mph just south of Palomar Airport Road, and reduces to 35 mph near Poinsettia Lane. Bike lanes are provided only south of the Coaster Station. Figure 3-1 depicts the existing conditions in the study area. 3.3 Existing Traffic Volumes The AM (7:00-9:00) and PM (4:00-6:00) peak hour intersection counts were obtained from the City of Carlsbad's Traffic Monitoring Program that were commissioned in August 2008. The Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volumes and the AM and PM peak hour bicycle/pedestrian counts were conducted by LLG during the non-holiday period in February 2009. Figure 3-2 depicts the existing peak hour turning movement volumes at the key intersections, and the daily volumes on the street segments. Appendix A contains intersection and segment count sheets. LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref 3-09-1874 Encinas Creek Bridge LEGEND Traffic Signal BL — Bike Lone NP - No Parking TWLTL - Two-Way Left-Turn Lane XX — Number of lanes, divided (D) or undivided (U) 7 Poinsettia Ln/ Carlsbad Blvd PALOMAR AIRPORT RD Poinsettia Ln/ Avenida Encinas O Palomar Airport Rd/ Avenida Encinas REV. 3/10/2009 N:\187*\ngurB«\U.G1fl74 Rgur. 3-1 NOT TO SCALE LINSCOTT LAW & GREENSPAN engineers Figure 3-1 Existing Conditions Diagram ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE NOTES: — ADT (Average Daily Traffic) shown midblock — AM/PM peak hour volumes are shown at the intersections in ^ in ^ 287/293 »-157/719 ^252/251 41/33> 270/271-» 49/30> O) tn 00 oiin Wrp CO \ CM •<!• cn ra Poinsettia Ln/ Carlsbad Blvd Q Palomar Airport Rd/ Avenida Encinas REV. 3/9/2009 N;\187*\n9ur«s\li.GI874 Rgure 3-2 NOT TO SCALE LINSCOTT LAW & GREENSPAN engineers Figure 3-2 Existing Traffic Volumes AM/PM Peak Hours & ADTs ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE 4.0 ANALYSIS APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY 4.1 Analysis Approach This traffic analysis assesses the key intersections and street segments in the project area. The study area intersections and segments are analyzed in the following scenarios, based on direction from the City staff, to determine potential impacts to the road network: • Existing traffic with Current traffic circuladon • Existing traffic with southbound Carlsbad Boulevard closure south of Solamar Drive 4.2 Analysis Methodology Level of service (LOS) is the term used to denote the different operating conditions that occur on a given roadway segment under various traffic volume loads. It is a qualitative measure used to describe a quantitative analysis taking into account factors such as roadway geometries, signal phasing, speed, travel delay, freedom to maneuver, and safety. Level of service provides an index to the operational qualities of a roadway segment or an intersection. Level of service designations range from A to F, with LOS A representing the best operating conditions and LOS F representing the worst operating condidons. Level of service designation is reported differently for signalized intersections and roadway segments, as described below. 4.2.1 Signalized Intersections The signalized intersections were analyzed using the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) method. The ICU procedure is based on an article in the Institute of Transportation Engineers Journal, August 1978 and assumes the traffic flow characteristics of signalized intersections. It computes the Level of Service (LOS) for the total intersection based upon a summation of volume to capacity (V/C) ratios for the key conflicting movements. The ICU numerical value represents the percent of signal green time, and thus, the capacity required to serve the traffic demand. The LOS for signalized intersections varies from A (free flow, little delay) to F ("heavy congestion" conditions). TABLE 4-1 LEVEL OF SERVICE RANGES FOR SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Average Control Delay Per Vehicle (SecondsA' ehicle) Level of Service 0.0 < 0.60 A 0.61 to 0.70 B 071 to 0.80 C 0.81 to 0.90 D 0.91 to 1.00 E > 1.00 F LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref 3-09-1874 Encinas Creek Bridge 4.2.2 Street Segments The key street segments in the project area were analyzed on a peak hour basis. The greatest amount of peak hour turning volumes at an upstream or downstream intersection comprises the volumes utilized in the analysis. A volume to capacity ratio (V/C) is calculated for each direction of the street segment during the peak hour. The City of Carlsbad assumes a one-direction capacity of 1,800 vehicles per hour per lane for through lanes. A Level of Service (LOS) is determined by using V/C thresholds. LOS is the term used to denote the different operating conditions which occur on a given roadway segment under various traffic volume loads. It is a qualitative measure used to describe a quantitative analysis taking into account factors such as roadway geometries, signal phasing, speed, travel delay, freedom to maneuver, and safety. Level of Service provides an index to the operational qualities of a roadway segment or an intersection. Level of Service designations range from A to F, with LOS A representing the best operating conditions and LOS F representing the worst operating conditions. Level of Service designation is reported differently for signalized and unsignalized intersections, as well as for roadway segments. Appendix B contains the ICU Methodology Explanation and the City of Carlsbad Roadway Classification Table. LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref 3-09-1874 10 Encinas Creek Bridge 5.0 SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA As outlined in the City of Carlsbad's Growth Management Plan, a traffic impact is considered to be significant if the addition of project traffic causes the intersection or street segment LOS to decrease to worse than LOS D during the peak hour. For intersections or street segments which are currently operating worse than LOS D, a project impact will be considered significant if the project causes the ICU value at an intersection to increase by more than 0.02 or the volume-to-capacity ratio at a segment to increase by more than 0.02. TABLE 5-1 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC IMPACT SIGNIFICANT THRESHOLDS LOS" Without Project Allowable Increase Due to Project Impacts LOS" Without Project Roadway Segments (V/C)'' Intersections (ICU)*^ A, B, C, D A project's impact is deemed significant'if the LOS is degraded to LOS E or F E,F 0.02 0.02 Footnotes: a. LOS b. v/c c. ICU Level of Service Volume to Capacity Ratio Intersection Capacity Utilization LiNscon, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers 11 LLG Ref 3-09-1874 Encinas Creek Bridge 6.0 ANALYSIS 6.1 Existing Without Southbound Carlsbad Boulevard Closure The existing peak hour intersections and segment volumes were collected and analyzed with the existing intersection geometry and street network. 6.1.1 Peak Hour Intersection Levels of Service Table 6-1 summarizes the existing peak hour intersection operations. As seen in Table 6-1, all intersections are calculated to operate at an acceptable LOS D or better except the Palomar Airport Road/Avenida Encinas intersection which is calculated to operate at LOS E during the PM peak hour. Appendix C contains the existing peak hour intersection operation worksheets. 6.1.2 Peak Hour Street Segment Levels of Service Table 6-2 summarizes the segment operations. As seen in Table 6-2, all the segments are calculated to operate at LOS A under existing conditions. 6.2 Existing With Southbound Carlsbad Boulevard Closure Intersection and segment analyses were conducted with re-routing ofthe existing southbound traffic due to the closure during the Encinas bridge replacement. 6.2.1 Traffic Volumes The existing traffic volumes on southbound Carlsbad Boulevard to and from Solamar Drive, Island Way and Breakwater Road were reassigned since access to and from these roadway facilities will be changed with the closure of southbound Carlsbad Boulevard between Solamar Drive and Island Way. Access to and from Solamar Drive, Island Way and Breakwater Road will still be possible. Southbound access to Solamar Drive will remain unchanged. Southbound egress from Solamar Drive will be redirected to Avenida Encinas. Southbound access to Island Way and Breakwater Road will be redirected to Avenida Encinas. Southbound egress from Island Way and Breakwater Road will remain unchanged. Figure 6-1 shows the rerouting of peak hour and daily segment volumes due to the closure, while Figure 6-2 depicts the existing peak hour and daily segment volumes due to the closure. 6.2.2 Peak Hour Intersection Levels of Service Table 6-1 summarizes the existing peak hour intersection operations with southbound Carlsbad Boulevard closed. As seen in Table 6-1, all intersecdons are calculated to continue to operate at an acceptable LOS D or better, except the Palomar Airport Road/Avenida Encinas intersection which degrades to LOS F during the PM peak hour. If the following mitigation is implemented during the bridge replacement, this intersection is calculated to operate at LOS D. ' '• > LiNSCon, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref 3-09-1874 12 Encinas Creek Bridge • Provide dual vvestbound left-turn lanes • Provide northbound right-turn overlap phasing • Prohibit westbound to eastbound U-tums on Palomar Airport Road Appendix D contains the existing with southbound Carlsbad Boulevard closure peak hour intersection operation worksheets. 6.2.3 Peak Hour Street Segment Levels of Service Table 6-2 summarizes the segment operations with the southbound Carlsbad Boulevard closure. As seen in Table 6-2, with the closure of Carlsbad Boulevard all the segments are calculated to operate at LOS A. TABLE 6-1 INTERSECTION OPERATIONS WITHOUT AND WITH SOUTHBOUND CARLSBAD BOULEVARD CLOSURE Intersection Control Peak Without Closure With Closure Intersection Type Hour ICU" LOS ICU" LOS'^ 1. Palomar Airport Rd / Avenida Encinas Signal AM 0 Wll B 0.811 D PM «.')47 E 1.135 I- With Mitigation" 0.849 D 2. Carlsbad Blvd / Poinsettia Ln Signal AM 0.304 A 0.377 A PM 0.400 A 0.500 A 3. Poinsettia Ln / Avenida Encinas Signal AM 0.509 A 0.509 A PM 0.707 C 0.707 C Footnotes: a. Intersection Capacity Utilization. b. Level of Service. c. LOS and delay with recommended mitigation. Assumed mitigation measures include a second westbound left-turn lane and northbound right-tum overlap phasing. LPS A B C D E F V/C <0.6 0.61-0.70 0.71-0.80 0.81-0.90 0.91-1.0 >1.0 LiNSCon, LAWS GREENSPAN, engineers 13 LLG Ref 3-09-1874 Encinas Creek Bridge TABLE 6-2 SEGMENT OPERATIONS WITHOUT AND WITH SOUTHBOUND CARLSBAD BOULEVARD CLOSURE Street Segment Dir Peak Hour Existing Capacity" Without Closure With Closure Street Segment Dir Peak Hour Existing Capacity" Volume V/C'' LOS" Volume V/c'' LOS" Palomar Airport Road Carlsbad Boulevard to EB AM 1,800 360 0.20 A 589 0.33 A Avenida Encinas PM 1,800 334 0.19 A 652 0.36 A WB AM 1,800 192 0.11 A 63 0.04 A PM 1,800 895 0.50 A 653 0.36 A Poinsettia Lane" Carlsbad Boulevard to EB AM 3,600 153 0.04 A 153 0.04 A Avenida Encinas PM 3,600 273 0.08 A 273 0.08 A WB AM 3,600 320 0.09 A 676 0.19 A PM 3,600 362 0.10 A 919 0.26 A Carlsbad Boulevard Palomar Airport Rd to NB AM 3,600 331 0.09 A 355 0.10 A Poinsettia Ln PM 3,600 640 0.18 •A 709 0.20 A SB AM 3,600 418 0.12 A 62 0.02 A PM 3,600 591 0.16 A 34 0.01 A Avenida Encinas Palomar Airport Rd to NB AM 1,800 232 0.13 A 232 0.13 A Poinsettia Ln PM 1,800 532 0.30 A 532 0.30 A SB AM 1,800 357 0.20 A 627 0.35 A PM 1,800 432 0.24 A 855 ' 0.48, A Footnotes: a. b. Capacity based on 1800 vehicles per lane per hour. Volume to Capacity ratio Level of Service LOS A B C D E F V/C <0,6 0,61-0.70 0.81-0.90 0.91-1.0 >1,0 LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers 14 LLG Ref 3-09-1874 Encinas Creek Bridge NOTES: — ADT (Average Daily Traffic) shown midblock — AM/PM peak hour volumes are shown at the intersections CO CO (+)68/94-» (+)16l/224> -.-(-)124/234 ^(+)104/18l PALOMAR AIRPORT RD Poinsettia Ln/ Carlsbad Blvd Poinsettia Ln/ Avenida Encinas . - Closed, portion of Southbound Carisbad Boulevard Palomar Airport Rd/ Avenida Encinas PACIFIC OCEAN REV. 3/'0/2009 N:\l874\Figuros\LLCta74 Hgure 6-' NOT TO SCALE LINSCOTT LAW & GREENSPAN engineers Figure 6- Re-routing of Peak Hour & Daily Traffic Volumes AM/PM Peak Hours & ADTs ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE NOTES: — ADT (Average Daily Traffic) shown midblock - AM/PM peak hour volumes are shown at the intersections to in CM o>.— r~- (D ^ V287/293 »-33/485 ^356/432 41/33> 338/365-» in 03 210/254> r> o) in 210/254> CO Poinsettia Ln/ Carisbad Bivd ... Closed, portion of Southbound CarJsbad BouJevard 0 Palomar Airport Rd/ Avenida Encinas PACIFIC OCEAN REV. 3/10/2009 N;\1874\ngure«\LLG1874 Hgure 6-2 NOT TO SCALE engineers Figure 6-2 Existing Traffic Volumes With SB Carlsbad Blvd Closure AM/PM Peak Hours & ADTs ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE 7.0 BICYCLE, PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC AND OTHER ISSUES 7.1 Pedestrian Traffic Existing pedestrian volume counts were conducted at Carlsbad Boulevard/Poinsettia Lane and Poinsettia Lane/Avenida Encinas intersections on Wednesday, February 9, 2009.. Figure 7-1 depicts the existing pedestrian traffic. As seen in Figure 7-1, the pedestrian traffic is generally less than 15 pedestrians per hour at each crossing except across the south leg of the Carlsbad Boulevard/Poinsettia Lane intersection, where the pedestrian traffic is 21 during the AM peak hour and 28 during the PM peak hour. Thus, the highest pedestrian traffic is 1 pedestrian every 1.3 signal cycles. Therefore, pedestrian traffic is unlikely to be impacted by the traffic detour during the bridge replacement. 7.2 Bicycle Traffic The existing bicycle counts were conducted at Carlsbad Boulevard/Poinsettia Lane and Poinsettia Lane/Avenida Encinas intersections on Wednesday, February 9, 2009. Figure 7-2 depicts the existing bicycle traffic, while Figure 7-3 depicts the rerouted bicycle traffic. When the southbound Carlsbad Boulevard is closed, the southbound bicycle traffic will have to be rerouted to Avenida Encinas to Poinsettia Lane to southbound Carlsbad Boulevard. As seen in Figure 7-2, the highest northbound bicycle traffic is 24 in the PM peak hour or approximately 1 bicycle every traffic signal cycle at the Carlsbad Boulevard/Poinsettia Lane intersection. Therefore, bicycle traffic is unlikely to be impacted by the traffic detour during the bridge replacement. Even though bicycle traffic during the weekday peak hours is relatively low, it is known to be much higher during the weekends. The issue with this is not intersection operations but bicycle rider safety. Southbound bike traffic will be rerouted from Carlsbad Boulevard to Palomar Airport Road where the bridge width is narrow and there are no bike lanes. Bikes would then be directed to southbound Avenida Encinas where again, there are no bike lanes, on the northern two-thirds of this road and some sections are relatively narrow with no paved shoulder. Bikes will have to share the southbound travel lanes with vehicles. 7.3 Access to Carlsbad State Beach Campground Currently, the entrance to the Carlsbad State Beach Campground is a right-in access only. Therefore, the rerouted traffic from southbound Carlsbad Boulevard will be directed to Poinsettia Lane via Avenida Encinas. This traffic plus the existing traffic on Poinsettia Lane and will have to go north on Carlsbad Boulevard, make a u-turn at Breakwater Road and return to the campground. LiNSCon, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers ' LLG Ref 3-09-1874 17 Encinas Creek Bridge LEGEND XX%^ — Pedestrian Volumes No Pedestrion Volumes No Pedestrian Volumes Poinsettia Ln/ Carlsbad Blvd PALOMAR AIRPORT RD Poinsettia Ln/ Avenida Encinas 0 Palomar Airport Rd/ Avenida Encinas PACIFIC OCEAN REV. 3/9/Z009 N:\IB74\ngur8s\U-G1874 Rgura 7-1 NOT TO SCALE LINSCOTT LAW & GREENSPAN eflg in eers Figure 7-1 Existing Pedestrian Volumes AM/PM Peak Hours & ADTs ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE NOTES: - AM/PM peak hour volumes are shown at the intersections No Bicycle Volumes No Bicycle Volumes Poinsettia Ln/ Carlsbad Blvd 0 Palomar Airport Rd/ Avenida Encinas REV. 3/9/2009 N;\187*\Rgore»\LlG'874 Rgur. 7-2 NOT TO SCALE LINSCOTT LAW & GREENSPAN engineers Figure 7-2 Existing Bicycle Volumes AM/PM Peak Hours & ADTs ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE hour volumes are intersections Poinsettia Ln/ Carlsbad Blvd O Palomar Airport Rd/ Avenida Encinas REV. 3/10/2009 N;\1874\Rgor««\U.G1fl74 Rgure 7-3 •NOT TO SCALE LINSCOTT LAW & GREENSPAN engineers Figure 7-3 Existing Bicycle Volumes With SB Carlsbad Blvd Closure AM/PM Peak Hours & ADTs ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE 8.0 SIGNIFICANCE OF IMPACTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1 Significance of Impacts The intersection and segment analyses indicate the following temporary direct impacts due to the closure of southbound Carlsbad Boulevard: 8.1.1 Direct Impacts , a. Palomar Airport Road/Avenida Encinas intersection. The following should be noted: • The closure of southbound Carlsbad Boulevard is expected to result in increased traffic volumes on Palomar Airport Road, on Avenida Encinas between Palomar Airport Road & Poinsettia Lane, and on Poinsettia Lane between Carlsbad Boulevard & Avenida Encinas, but the forecast volumes remain within the capacity of these roadways. The closure of southbound Carlsbad Boulevard is also expected to result in increased traffic volumes at the Palomar Airport Road/Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad Boulevard/Poinsettia, and Poinsettia Lane/Avenida Encinas intersections. 8.2 Recommendations 1. Palomar Airport Road / Avenida Encinas intersection • Provide dual westbound left-turn lanes • Provide northbound right-turn overlap phasing • Prohibit westbound to eastbound U-turns on Palomar Airport Road • Modify signal timing as appropriate due to modified lane designations. See Figure 8-1 for a graphical representation of the recommended mitigation measures. Appendix E includes a sketch of the conceptual striping recommended for the Palomar Airport Road / Avenida Encinas intersection. If it is not possible to provide the dual westbound left-turn lanes one of the following should be provided: a. Provide longer green interval for the westbound left-tum movement with the existing single left-turn lane and reduce the green time for the eastbound through movement, or, b. Convert northbound lanes on Carlsbad Boulevard temporarily to two-way traffic, with a K-rail separating the two directions of travel, and, c. If there is sufficient shoulder on Carlsbad Boulevard, provide a bike lane on in the southbound direction. If not, provide a signed detour for southbound bike traffic east to Avenida Encinas to Poinsettia Lane, and back to Carlsbad Boulevard. However, bikes would still be allowed on southbound Carlsbad Boulevard > LiNSCon, LAW & GREENSPAN, eng/neers LLG Ref 3-09-1874 21 Encinas Creek Bridge 2. Bicycle Traffic • When the southbound Carlsbad Boulevard is closed, the southbound bicycle traffic will have to be rerouted to Poinsettia Lane via Avenida Encinas to southbound Carlsbad Boulevard. As discussed earlier, the highest northbound bicycle traffic is 24 in the AM peak hour, at the Carlsbad Boulevard/Poinsettia Lane intersection. Therefore, bicycle traffic is unlikely to be impacted by the traffic detour during the bridge replacement. • To enhance the awareness of bicycles to motorists, "Share the Road' signs (Wl 1 and W16) should be posted on Palomar Airport Road and Avenida Encinas (see Figure 8-1). 3. Access to Carlsbad State Beach Campground • Currently, the entrance to the campground is a right-in access only. Therefore, the rerouted traffic from southbound Carlsbad Boulevard will be directed Poinsettia Lane via Avenida Encinas. This traffic plus the existing traffic on Poinsettia Lane and will have to go north on Carlsbad Boulevard, make a u-turn at Breakwater Road and return to the campground. LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, engineers LLG Ref 3-09-1874 22 Encinas Creek Bridge LEGEND _Q_ -R3-4 }f - Second Left—turn lane RTOL - Right-Turn-Gverlap , NOTE: - Recommended Improvements are shown in Bold ® ^ T r -I i W11-1 SHARE THE ROAD W16-1 NOT TO SCALE REV. 3/10/2009 N:\)874\Figurai\LLCia74 Rgure 8-1 LINSCOTT LAW & GREENSPAN e ng ia ee rs Figure 8-1 Recommended Mitigation Measures ENCINAS CREEK BRIDGE