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; Carlsbad Blvd Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement; Carlsbad Blvd Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement; 2005-08-01
THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study FINAL DESIGN REPORT Prepared by CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC 620 Mission Avenue Oceanside, CA. 92054-6224 Tel: (760) 722-3495 Fax: (760) 722-3490 AUGUST2005 MAY 23, 2008 TO: BRANDON MILES, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER FROM: PAM DREW, ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: EA 08-06 - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY The Planning Department has reviewed the above Eariy Assessment proposal to construct a 5' wide pedestrian walkway connection aiong the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard along the edge of the existing roadway pavement. The walkway would connect with the existing concrete sidewalk at the Carlsbad/Oceanside city limits and extend south connecting with the existing concrete sidewalk just north of Laguna Drive on State Street. This project is described as Alternative 1 in the Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study (August 2005). A Coastal Development Permit (CDP) will be required since the project is located in the Coastal Zone. Because the project is within 100 feet of a wetiand (Buena Vista lagoon), the CDP would be appealable to the California Coastal Commission (CCC). A Habitat Management Plan (HMP) Permit to allow the removal of natural vegetation may also be necessary depending on the project impacts identified in the biological technical report. The CDP and HMP permits will be subject to Planning Commission review and approval. Impacts to wetiands and other sensitive habitat should be avoided or minimized as much as possible. If impacts are unavoidable, permits from other agencies may be necessary (see beiow), and mitigation of any habitat impacts in accordance with HMP and Coastal Zone requirements will be necessary. Additionai mitigation may be required since the project may not be able to meet the minimum setbacks of at least 100' from wetlands/lagoon in order to buffer sensitive habitat areas from intrusion. According to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) an environmental review will be required for the project because of potential environmental impacts. The following studies may be necessary: 1) biological technical report, 2) wetland delineation, 3) cultural resources survey, 4) soils and geotechnical report; and 5) hydrology and water quality study. An environmental consultant will need to review the project and make a site visit to determine what surveys and or reports will be required for the pedestrian walkway. Your environmental consultant should complete an Environmental Impact Assessment Form - Initial Study and submit it to the Planning Department to determine the appropriate CEQA review. According to the wetiand delineation report prepared by Merkei and Associates, Inc, dated January 10, 2005, impacts to wetiands had not been assessed in their report because at the time of their report the alternative options for the projects had not been decided. Since the project has been determined, an updated wetiand delineation report will need to be completed. Any impacts to wetlands may require permits and certifications from other governmental agencies, inciuding but not limited to the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE), California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), and the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). As mentioned previously, this project is within the Coastal Zone. Please be advised that the CCC uses different criterion than the USACOE and CDFG to identify wetlands. The USACOE and CDFG use the three parameters of vegetation, hydrology, and soils to determine a wetland and the CCC requires only one of these three criteria to be present for a wetland determination. EA 08-06 - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY May 19, 2008 Page 2 ' The project must comply with the City's Stormwater Regulations and the contractor must implement best management practices at all times. Best management practices include but are not limited to pollution treatment practices or devices, erosion control to control silt runoff during construction, general housekeeping practices, pollution prevention and educational practices, maintenance procedures, and other management practices or devices to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants to stormwater, receiving water or stormwater conveyance system to the maximum extent practicable. For informational purposes, the Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation has proposed a boardwalk on the east side of the bridge. Please contact the Foundation to coordinate project design and ultimate condition. If you have any questions, please contact me at 602-4644. PAM DREW Associate Planner PD:sm c: Don Neu Dave De Cordova Mike Grim Bill Plummer Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancetiient Study City of Carlsbad FllNAL REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION Setting Background SECTION 2 - EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS General Surface Features Sight/Stopping Distances Pedestrians, Bikes & Lane Striping Existing Fishing Bridge Existing Right-of Way SECTION 3 - DESIGN ALTERNATIVES - NARRATIVES Alternative 1 - Construct AC Walkway Only Alternative 2 - Stop Control on State Street Alternative 3 - Signalized Intersection Alternative 4 - Double Lane Roundabout SECTION 4 - DESIGN ALTERNATIVES - GRAPHICS Alternative 1 - Construct AC Walkway Only Alternative 2 - Stop Control on State Street Alternative 3 - Signalized Intersection Alternative 4 - Double Lane Roundabout SECTION 5 - SUMMARY OF REPORTS ^U6 08 200^0 SECTION 6 - PROJECT PHOTOGRAPHS SECTION 7 - OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST APPENDICES APPENDIX A TRAFFIC ANALYSIS REPORT By: Katz, Okitsu & Associates (dated March 2005} APPENDIX B JURISDICTIONAL WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT By: Merke/& Associates, inc. (dated January 10,2005) APPENDIX C BRIDGE WIDENING FEASIBILITY STUDY By: Simon Wong Engineering (dated November29,2004) Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad FINAL REPORT APPENDIX D GEOTECHNICAL REPORT By: Geopacifica (September 15,2004) CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. APPENDIX E REFERENCE TABLES REFERENCES: A Policy on Geometric Design ofHigliways and Streets, 4ed., AASIHTO 2001 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices 2003, California Supplement May 20, 2004 Roundabouts: An Informational Guide, FHWA-RD-00-67 June 2000 Carisbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad IFIINAL DESIKGN REPORT COiRNERSTONE ENGIINEERTOG, IINC. SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION SETTING The project site on Carlsbad Boulevard is located at the northerly boundary ofthe City of Carlsbad in the County of San Diego (refer to Figure 1). The subject site includes the causeway portion of Carlsbad Boulevard across the environmentally sensitive Buena Vista Lagoon beginning to the north near the Carlsbad/Oceanside boundary and extends south to the bridge over the San Diego Northern Railroad tracks a distance of approximately 1,850 feet. A portion of State Street from the intersection with Carlsbad Boulevard and extending south to Laguna Drive is also included in the study. Section 6, "Project Photographs" contains a series of photos presented for reference showing existing project site conditions. BACKGROUND Carlsbad Boulevard is a three-lane undivided major arterial, two (2) lanes northbound and one (1) lane southbound, from the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street north to the City of Oceanside boundary. The road is currently striped to include a paved shoulder (of variable width) for use as a bicycle and pedestrian access. The street cross-section beyond the paved roadway is unimproved (dirt) to the existing right-of-way. The purpose and intent of the study is to investigate the feasibility of constructing a pedestrian walkway connection along the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard from the existing sidewalk at the Carlsbad/Oceanside boundary extending south to the existing sidewalk located just south of Laguna Drive. Additionally, a series of alternatives to reconfigure the intersection at Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street have been developed and are included in this report. July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedesti-ian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad FllNAL DESIIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGIINEERIING, IINC. Items this report focuses on include: • providing design alternatives for constructing an enhanced pedestrian access within the study area; • minimize pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle conflicts; • Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street intersection reconfiguration; • Environmentally sensitive ecological conditions near the Buena Vista Lagoon; • ADA requirements. The report includes discussions of existing conditions, site constraints, recommended designs and preliminary estimates of construction costs. Refer to Section 7 for Opinions of Probable Construction Costs. July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad FINAL DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. Camp Pendleton Oceanside, San DIego FIGURE 1 PROJECT LOCATION MAP NORTH J Approximate Scale r = 2 miles July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad FINAL DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT LOCATION NORTH Not To Scale FIGURE 2 PROJECT VICINITY MAP July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad FINAL DESIIGN REPORT CORNERSTOiNE ENGIINEERIING, IINC. SECTION 2 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS GENERAL SURFACE FEATURES Generally, the subject portion of Carlsbad Boulevard consists of an asphalt roadway section varying in width from fifty-one feet (51') to fifty-three feet (53') consisting of two (2) northbound lanes and a single southbound lane. There is an existing forty-eight foot (48') in width by thirty-two foot (32') span bridge separating the upper and middle sections of the lagoon, located approximately three hundred feet (300') south ofthe City of Oceanside boundary. This bridge is a popular fishing location, and for the purposes of this report, this bridge will be referred to as the "fishing bridge". Within the project limits there are four (4) street lights attached to wooden power poles along the west side of the road. There is no street lighting along the east side of Cadsbad Boulevard. PEDESTRIANS, BIKES & LANE STRIPING Vehicles traveling northbound on State Street merge onto Carlsbad Boulevard via an exclusive through lane which becomes the northbound No. 2 lane on Carlsbad Boulevard. There is a delineated bike lane on northbound Carlsbad Boulevard that extends from the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street to the City of Oceanside city limits. Currently there is no bike lane on either side of State Street. Pedestrians walking in either direction along the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard north of State Street currently are either using the bike lane or the narrow dirt path which runs along the east side of the road. Pedestrians walking on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard between the railroad bridge and State Street use an existing concrete sidewalk which terminates at the Carlsbad Boulevard/State Street intersection. Additionally, there are areas of varying width on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard between the right-edge stripe and the edge of pavement that extends from the City of Oceanside, south across the lagoon and into Carlsbad Village. Although not delineated with pavement markings, it is currently used by pedestrians and bicycles alike. July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad , DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERIING, IINC. Currently southbound traffic on Carlsbad Boulevard is uncontrolled except at the left turn to State Street which is controlled by a pair of yield signs. There is no provision for a left turn to southbound Carlsbad Boulevard from northbound State Street. The project site can be considered for a part of the future Coastal Rail Trail (CRT) which will be a bike route meandering adjacent to, or within, the NCTD railroad right-of-way. Currently, the CRT extends between Tamarack Avenue and Oak Avenue and will ultimately extend between the Santa Fe Depot in San Diego and the San Luis Rey River in Oceanside. The portion of Carlsbad Boulevard between the City of Oceanside and State Street could be made a part of the future Coastal Rail Trail that will be used by bicyclists and pedestrians. During research for this project, several locations along the future Rail Trail route within the project site were identified by field investigation as discontinuous and non-conducive to shared bicycle and pedestrian use. Photographs in Section 6 show the discontinuity between the northbound bike lane from the railroad bridge and the beginning of the northbound bike lane on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard. EXISTING FISHING BRIDGE As mentioned, there is an existing "fishing bridge" just south of the City of Oceanside boundary which is used by local fishermen. An analysis of the existing bridge along with two alternatives to widen or expand the structure is included in this study and is referred to in Appendix "C" "Bridge Widening Feasibility Study". It should be noted that bridge widening or expansion to any degree would encroach into the area designated as Sensitive Habitat. See Appendix "B" for the "Jurisdictional Wetland Delineation Report" which shows the jurisdictional wetland limits. This line is also shown on each Design Alternative exhibit in Section 4. This wetland limit line is located immediately adjacent to the east side of the bridge and would preclude any expansion of the bridge without extensive wetland mitigation. These costs are shown in Section 7, "Opinion of Probable Construction Costs" for Bridge Widening. July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad FINAL DESIIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERIING, INC. It should be noted that each of the Design Alternative exhibits are shown without the bridge widening and the reader is directed to Appendix "C" for the Bridge Widening Feasibility Study. EXISTING RIGHT-OF WAY During the record data mapping research for the project it was discovered that inadequate monumentation and Right-of-Way information exists for the project area. It is suggested that, as part of final design, a Record of Survey be performed to accurately establish City Right-of-Way in this area. TRAFFIC TERMS AND DEFINITIONS For a definition of traffic terms and an analysis of traffic methodologies used throughout this report, refer to Tables A-1, A-2 and A-3 of Appendix 'A' in the Traffic Analysis which is located in Appendix 'A' of this study report. For a summary of impacts on traffic flow by each alternative, refer to Section 8.0 in the Traffic Analysis located in Appendix 'A' of this study report. July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad FINAL DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. SECTION 3 DESIGN ALTERNATIVES ALTERNATIVE 1 - CONSTRUCT AC WALKWAY ONLY The basic "purpose and need" for the study is to investigate the possibility of providing a walkway for pedestrians using Carlsbad Boulevard to cross the Buena Vista Lagoon from State Street to Oceanside. The graphic exhibit for Alternative 1 shows a new five foot (5') wide, 4" thick asphalt walkway over a 6" thick section of well draining base material along the east side of Carlsbad Blvd along the edge of the existing roadway pavement. The proposed walkway would connect with the existing concrete sidewalk at the Carlsbad/Oceanside city limits and extend south connecting with the existing concrete sidewalk just north of Laguna Drive on State Street. To negotiate the fishing bridge, pedestrians walking on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard will need to leave the AC walkway at station 20+60 and merge onto the bike lane to cross the bridge. They would then re-enter the AC walkway on the opposite side of the bridge at station 21+00+/-. The new asphalt walkway would be laid against a redwood header board controlling or restraining the outside (easterly) edge of the walkway. To separate the pedestrian walkway from the bike lane, one of two options could be used. One option could be a 4" painted right edgeline and the other option could be a 6" asphalt berm, painted with a broken white line, with scuppers (6-in openings in the berm) every ten feet (10') to allow storm run-off to be discharged from Carlsbad Boulevard. There is a section of roadway along Carlsbad Boulevard between stations 27+10 and 28+70 (see Section B-B on sheet 2, Alternative 1) where the outside edge of the five foot (5') walkway will extend 0.5-ft to 2.0-ft beyond the existing top of slope along the lagoon. This area will require minimal shoring using either wood lagging, short soldier piles, railroad tie wall (free of creosote), etc., to contain the five foot (5') wide walkway. If the walkway in this area were reduced from five (5) July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad FINAL DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. feet to four (4) feet, the length of impacted area would be reduced from one hundred and thirty-five feet (135') to seventy-five feet (75'). It should be noted that neither case would impact the sensitive area of the lagoon. Aside from relocating existing signage in the path of the new walkway, the only impact the walkway would have on existing utilities are at two locations where the walkway alignment crosses over underground concrete telephone vaults. The walkway will abut against the top of the vaults on either side so as to have the top of the vault serve as a portion of the walkway. Another location would be on State Street just south of the Carlsbad Boulevard/State Street intersection where a metal pipe inlet collects drainage from a low point in State Street. The new walkway could be constructed to meander around the inlet with no modifications to the inlet itself (see sheet 1 of Alternative 1 in Section 4). It should be noted that the proposed connecting pedestrian walkway between Carlsbad and Oceanside, described above, is included in each ofthe four Design Alternatives. Alternative 1 includes the above mentioned asphalt walkway only. No other improvements are included in this alternative. STORM WATER Since the alternative could propose an increase of over 5,000 square feet of impervious paving, albeit with little or no grading, and given the proximity to environmentally sensitive areas, construction will be subject to the General National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activities dated February 21, 2001 and subsequent updates. Additionally, a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be required. Discretionary action may be required by the governing agency. July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad FINAL DESIGN REIP01R.T CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, IINC. Alternative 1 Pros Alternative 1 Cons Meets the purpose and intent of the study No improvement in LOS values over existing conditions for any term (near, mid, long). See Tables 2, 4, & 6 in the Traffic Analysis in Appendix 'A'. The least expensive design alternative in Alternative 1 includes no intersection terms of capital costs improvements Can be implemented almost immediately. Pedestrians must merge with bikes when crossing fishing bridge No impacts to Buena Vista Lagoon Public right-of-way permit required. May require Coastal Development Permit, Habitat Management Plan, & CEQA July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad FINAL DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, IINC. ALTERNATIVE 2 - STOP CONTROL ON STATE STREET The graphic exhibit for Alternative 2 in Section 4 shows how the pedestrian walkway described in Alternative 1 can be augmented by adding a side-street stop control at the intersection of State Street and Carlsbad Boulevard. This alternative would provide a practical means of allowing pedestrians walking in either direction (north or south) on the east side of Cadsbad Boulevard to have the ability to cross State Street within a marked crosswalk controlled by a stop sign. CORNER SIGHT DISTANCE There is an existing bridge over the San Diego Northern Railroad tracks approximately five hundred and seventy-five feet (575') south of the Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street intersection (see sheet 1, Alternative 2 in Section 4). As northbound traffic leaves the Carlsbad Village area on Carlsbad Boulevard, vehicles crest the top of the railroad bridge and then negotiate a 1,200-foot radius left hand horizontal curve with a six percent (6%) downgrade section. If the existing high-profile landscaping in the median is replaced with low-profile ground cover, all of the five hundred and seventy five feet (575') would be available for corner sight visibility from the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street back to the top of the bridge. AASHTO Exhibit 9-58 ("Design Intersection Sight Distance") located in Appendix "E" of this report, stipulates a required intersection or corner sight distance of four hundred and eighty feet (480') for approaching vehicles traveling at the fifty miles per hour (50 mph) design speed. Since there is 575-ft from a vehicle stopped at the proposed stop control shown on Sheet 1 of Alternative 2 in Section 4, to the crest ofthe railroad bridge, these revised median conditions would permit the alternative to meet the AASHTO requirements for intersection or corner sight distance for the design speed (50 mph). Additionally, there is a monument sign located approximately 35-ft south of the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street. There is adequate corner sight distance for vehicles stopped behind the limit line on State Street. However, July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad , DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. when vehicles enter the intersection from the stop control, the corner sight distance looking south down Carlsbad Boulevard to the bridge is momentarily blocked by the existing monument sign. Alternative 2 recommends relocation of this monument sign. FEATURES A minor asphalt section (3 to 4 in thick) of varying width would be added on both sides of Carlsbad Boulevard. Carlsbad Boulevard could then be re-striped to provide adequate travel width for bikes and pedestrians. The number of travel lanes would not change however in the area between stations 26+20 and 30+50; the re-striping would shift the travel lanes 1' to 4' to the west. See graphic exhibit for Alternative 2 in Section 4. To separate the pedestrian walkway from the bike lane, one of two options could be used. One option could be a 4" painted right edgeline and the other option could be a 6" asphalt or concrete berm and a white stripe, with scuppers (6-in openings in the berm) every twenty-five feet (25') to allow storm run-off to be discharged from Cadsbad Boulevard. This proposed design feature (scuppers) is common to Alternatives 2 through 4. This widening and shifting the travel lanes to the west would eliminate the need for remedial grading and the earth retaining structures shown in Alternative 1. It would also help to avoid any impacts to environmentally sensitive areas. The widening and re-striping would also eliminate the need for pedestrians to merge with bike traffic to cross the fishing bridge as they must do in Alternative 1. Alternative 2 provides a continuous dedicated walkway along the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard and across the fishing bridge. No modifications to the fishing bridge are required for this Alternative. See Section D-D on sheet 3, Alternative 2 located in Section 4 of this report. The introduction of the stop control could act as a traffic calming feature at northbound State Street between Laguna Drive and Carlsbad Boulevard. Also, July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad FINAL DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. vehicles would be entering northbound Carlsbad Boulevard at a much reduced speed. While the Level of Service values and traffic delay times for the AM Peak Hour morning traffic would improve for both Near Term (year 2005) and Mid Term (year 2010), the calculations based on PM Peak Hour flows (afternoon traffic) show a significant degradation in LOS and delay times in these same time frames. By the year 2010, the delay times caused by afternoon traffic would be such that the number of vehicles waiting to make the left turn from southbound Carlsbad Boulevard onto southbound State Street would be nearing the capacity of the left turn pocket and before the year 2020 would exceed the capacity of the left turn pocket. It should be noted that delay times and Level of Service values for this alternative were calculated from southbound traffic on Carlsbad Boulevard making the yield-controlled left turn onto southbound State Street. See Tables 2, 4, & 6 in the Traffic Analysis located in Appendix 'A'. It should be noted that by the mid-term time period (year 2010), during PM Peak Hour traffic (afternoon traffic), the proposed stop control on State Street will be generating queue lengths in the northbound lane in excess of 1000 feet (see Appendix 'G' of the Traffic Analysis Report' located in Appendix 'A'). This data alone may render this design alternative unfeasible for the long term. STORM WATER Since the alternative could propose an increase of over 5,000 square feet of impervious paving, albeit with little or no grading, and given the proximity to environmentally sensitive areas, construction will be subject to the General National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activities dated February 21, 2001 and subsequent updates. Additionally, a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be required. Discretionary action may be required by the governing agency. July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad FINAL DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, IINC. Alternative 2 Pros Alternative 2 Cons Includes stop control and marked crosswalk on State Street PM Peak Hour traffic produces poor LOS for Near, Mid and Long Term. See Tables 2, 4, & 6 in the Traffic Analysis in Appendix 'A'. Would eliminate the need for the remedial grading and earth retaining structures proposed in Alternative 1 Stop control produces excessive queue lengths for vehicles on northbound State Street during PM Peak Hour traffic. See Appendix 'G' of Traffic Analysis in Appendix 'A' of this design report. Provides good access & promotes flow for pedestrian and bikes; could work well within the Coastal Rail Trail. Number of vehicles on southbound Carlsbad Blvd. waiting to turn onto State Street would exceed capacity of left-turn pocket after year 2010. See Traffic Analysis in Appendix 'A'. Alternative has good traffic calming features May require Coastal Development Permit, Habitat Management Plan, and CEQA. Capital costs would be minimal. See "Opinion of Probable Construction Costs" in Section 7. No impact to environmentally sensitive areas and would require no right-of-way acquisition. July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad FINAL DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERIING, INC. Alternative 2 includes a dedicated walkway across fishing bridge. No need for pedestrians to merge with bikes when crossing bridge as they must do in Alternative 1. July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Elnhancement Study City of Carlsbad FINAL DESIIGN REPORT CORNERSTOiNE ENGINEERING, INC. ALTERNATIVE 3 - SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION This alternative (see graphic for Alternative 3 in Section 4) is similar to Alternative 2 but it would include a fully controlled signalized intersection at State Street and Carlsbad Boulevard and would offer a return to Carlsbad Village from northbound State Street via a left turn at the proposed signal. This left turn from northbound State Street to southbound Carlsbad Boulevard is not currently available under the existing site conditions. To accommodate the revised lane geometry on State Street, shown on the Alternative 3 exhibit in Section 4, State Street would need to be widened to the east with a full structural road section. This widening of State Street would provide both a number 1 northbound lane to be a shared left or right turn lane onto Carlsbad Boulevard and a number 2 northbound lane dedicated for right turns only onto northbound Carlsbad Boulevard. Providing a return to Carlsbad Village for vehicles traveling on northbound State Street could be viewed as a benefit for business owners in Carlsbad Village and could generate community support for this alternative. Additionally, a minor asphalt section (3" to 4" thick) of varying width would be added on both sides of Carlsbad Boulevard between stations 25+50 and 29+00. Carlsbad Boulevard could then be re-striped which would provide a 4-foot delineated bike lane and a 5 foot pedestrian walkway on the east side and a minimum 4-foot bike lane on the west side. To separate the pedestrian walkway from the bike lane on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard, one of two options could be used. One option could be a 4" painted right edgeline and the other option could be a 6" asphalt or concrete berm and a white stripe, with scuppers (6-in openings in the berm) every twenty- five feet (25') to allow storm run-off to be discharged from Carlsbad Boulevard. This proposed design feature is common to Alternatives 2 through 4. This widening of Carlsbad Boulevard would shift the travel lanes 1' to 4' to the west and would eliminate the need for remedial grading and the earth retaining structures shown in Alternative 1. It would also help to avoid any impacts to July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad FINAL DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERIING, IINC. environmentally sensitive areas. This widening would not impact the sensitive area ofthe lagoon and would not require acquisition of additional right-of-way. The addition of the minor asphalt section and the re-striping of Carlsbad Boulevard would also eliminate the need for pedestrians to merge with bike traffic to cross the fishing bridge as they must do in Alternative 1. Alternative 3 provides a continuous dedicated walkway along the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard and across the fishing bridge. No modifications to the fishing bridge are required for this Alternative. See Section D-D on sheet 3, Alternative 3 located in Section 4 of this report. STOPPING DISTANCE Based on delay times and queue lengths for mid term and long term PM Peak Hour traffic contained in the Traffic Analysis (see Appendix 'A'), the number of vehicles on northbound Carlsbad Boulevard stopped at the proposed signal would queue far up the railroad bridge leaving little or no stopping distance for northbound vehicles cresting the top of the bridge behind the stacked vehicles. As stated, this over-stacked condition would hold true for mid term and long term time periods for PM Peak Hour traffic on northbound Carlsbad Boulevard approaching the signal and would render this alternative unsuitable for long term use. In an effort to mitigate the queue lengths on the north side of the railroad bridge associated with this alternative, a potential solution to widen the railroad bridge and construct an additional lane on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard south of the signal was investigated. It was thought that this could be a viable option since there are already two northbound through lanes available once a northbound vehicle goes through the signal. Our investigation revealed, however, that even after widening the railroad bridge and adding a northbound through lane to Carlsbad Boulevard, Design Alternative No. 3 would still not provide adequate stopping sight distance for northbound vehicles coming over the bridge approaching the signal. AASHTO Exhibit 3-2, ("Stopping Sight Distance on Grades"), in Appendix "E" of this report, indicates four hundred seventy four feet July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement. Study City of Carlsbad FINAL DESIGN REP01R.T CORNERSTONE ENGINEERIING, INC. (474') of stopping distance required for vehicles traveling at the design speed of fifty miles per hour (50 mph) down a six percent (6%) grade. Due to the proximity of the railroad bridge to the proposed signal, the queue lengths on northbound Carlsbad Boulevard, generated from mid-term to long-term PM Peak Hour traffic, would render this alternative unfeasible for mid-term to long-term use. STORM WATER Since the alternative could propose an increase of over 5,000 square feet of impervious paving, albeit with little or no grading, and given the proximity to environmentally sensitive areas, construction will be subject to the General National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activities dated February 21, 2001 and subsequent updates. Additionally, a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be required. Discretionary action may be required by the governing agency. July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway E'nhancement Study City of Carlsbad FINAL DESIIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. Alternative 3 Pros Alternative 3 Cons Fully controlled signalized intersection with controlled access for all movements Inadequate stopping sight distance on northbound Carlsbad Blvd. coming over railroad bridge. Alternative unfeasible for Mid to Long term time periods. Widen east side of State Street to accommodate an additional northbound lane Due to the proximity of the railroad bridge to the signal, queue lengths and delay times are more critical than overall level of service. Dedicated walkway across fishing bridge. No need for pedestrians to merge with bikes when crossing the bridge. Capital costs - see Section 7 "Opinion of Probable Construction Cost" Offers return to Carlsbad Village from northbound State Street via left turn to southbound Carlsbad Blvd. at proposed signal. May require Coastal Development Permit, Habitat Management Plan, and CEQA. Provides good access & promotes flow for pedestrian and bikes; could work well within the Coastal Rail Trail. This alternative would have no impact to environmentally sensitive areas and would require no right-of-way acquisition. July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad FINAL DESIIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. ALTERNATIVE 4 - DOUBLE LANE ROUNDABOUT As part of the scope of work for this study we were asked to consider a roundabout design as an option for the reconfiguration of the Carlsbad Boulevard/State Street intersection. Initially a single lane roundabout was considered but because of poor Mid-term and Long-term level of service (LOS) it was decided to abandon the single lane and investigate a double lane roundabout. However, although the double lane design has excellent traffic flow characteristics and produces very good level of service (LOS) values for all time periods considered, the physical and capital cost constraints such as lack of available City Right-of-Way and significant impact to environmentally sensitive areas may detract from the otherwise attractive features and benefits of this alternative. ENVIRONMENTAL As shown on the exhibit for Alternative 4 located in Section 4, the sensitive areas impacted by the design would be confined to the areas adjacent to the roundabout and would require agreements and permits from California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the California Coastal Commission. CDFG has jurisdiction over all wetlands in the Buena Vista Lagoon and any agreement entered into with CDFG would require mitigation measures, impact reduction or avoidance. Mitigation would be coordinated through CDFG and would probably have to occur within the boundaries ofthe Buena Vista Lagoon or on CDFG land elsewhere. Preliminary estimates for wetland mitigation, any irrigation required, a five (5) year maintenance and monitoring program and permitting are shown in the "Opinion of Probable Construction Costs" for Alternative 4 in Section 7. Cost for right-of way acquisition is also shown in Section 7. July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad FINAL DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERIING, INC. IVIiNOR WIDENING & STRIPING Additionally, a minor asphalt section (3" to 4" thick) of varying width would be added on both sides of Carlsbad Boulevard between stations 25+50 and 29+00. Carlsbad Boulevard could then be re-striped which would provide a 4-foot delineated bike lane and a 5 foot pedestrian walkway on the east side and a minimum 4-foot bike lane on the west side. To separate the pedestrian walkway from the bike lane on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard, one of two options could be used. One option could be a 4" painted right edgeline and the other option could be a 6" asphalt or concrete berm and a white stripe, with scuppers (6-in openings in the berm) every twenty- five feet (25') to allow storm run-off to be discharged from Carlsbad Boulevard. This proposed design feature is common to Alternatives 2 through 4. LIGHTING Adequate illumination must be an integral part of roundabout design. Motorists approaching at night must see that the intersection has a central island and that one can no longer drive straight through the intersection. Additionally, pedestrians and bicycles must be seen in the roundabout and on the approaches at night. The overall illumination of the roundabout should be approximately equal to the sum of the illumination levels of the intersecting roadways. It is preferable to place street lights evenly in a ring around the outside of the roundabout and along the approaches. No short distance dark areas should be allowed between adjacent illuminated areas and the roundabout lighting. VEHICLES, PEDESTRIANS AND BIKES Based on U.S. studies, when conventional intersections were replaced with roundabouts, a reduction in both property damage crashes and injury accidents were realized. The safety benefits of roundabouts have been found to carry over to pedestnans as well. This may be attributed to the reduced speeds of vehicles through roundabouts as compared with speeds through conventional intersections. July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad IFINAL DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, IINC. Peak hour volumes shown in the Traffic Analysis (see Appendix A) indicate that if a roundabout is to be considered for the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street, it should be a double roundabout (two circulatory lanes) to produce and maintain desirable LOS values associated with good traffic flow. It should be noted that the number of vehicular and pedestrian conflict points in roundabouts increases when additional approach lanes are provided, however, capacity considerations may make multi-approach lanes necessary. Capacity requirements can also dictate the number of exit lanes from a multi-lane roundabout. It is for this reason that the graphic for Alternative 4 shows a single exit lane onto southbound Carlsbad Boulevard from the roundabout. Capacity and delay equations shown in the Traffic Analysis (Appendix 'A') indicate no need for an additional exit lane onto southbound Carlsbad Boulevard. Drivers unfamiliar with roundabout operation may use the incorrect lane or make improper turns. Vehicle/vehicle conflict point incidents can be minimized by designing proper lane geometry so vehicles can travel side-by-side throughout the roundabout and by making driver education available in the community. At roundabouts bicycles may be given the option of traveling with vehicles or pedestrians. There are conflict points inherent to both options. Bicycles traveling with vehicles on the outside of the circulatory lanes may conflict with vehicles wanting to exit or enter the roundabout. Bicycles are less visible and therefore subject to exiting and merging conflicts associated with multilane roundabouts. Bicycles traveling with pedestrians conflict with pedestrians v^hen using shared pathways adjacent to the roundabout. It is for this reason that the graphic for Alternative 4 shows a 10-foot wide concrete pathway, on the east side of the roundabout, divided equally by striping to separate the two modes of transportation; thereby reducing bicycle/pedestrian conflict. An added feature provided by roundabout design is the ability of vehicles to negotiate the roundabout and return back onto the leg on which they entered. This U-turn type feature could generate support from residents and business owners in the community. July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad FINAL DESIIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. GRADING & PAVING Approximately 30% of the construction costs for the roundabout design will be contained in the amount of grading and paving work necessary to provide such a design. See "Opinion of Probable Construction Costs" in Section 7. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and United States Department of Transportation (U.S. D.O.T.) design criteria for roundabouts indicate that design grades across the roundabout of less than 4% are desirable and less problematic. We chose three percent (3%) for this reason. The existing grade coming off the railroad bridge from Carlsbad Village is six percent (6%) and, as such, a vertical curve will need to be designed into the downgrade to provide a comfortable entrance into the roundabout. State Street currently has a sag condition just south of the intersection and will require fill dirt to be brought in to raise the street profile and thus mitigate the entrance grade into the roundabout from this direction. Both locations will require major grade modifications and the paving and grading limits are clearly shown on the exhibit for Alternative 4 in Section 4. The modifications to State Street along with the grading limits associated with the size of the roundabout are the cause for the potential impact to protected wildlife areas and the need for right-of-way acquisition. STORM WATER Since the alternative could propose an increase of over 5,000 square feet of impervious paving, albeit with little or no grading, and given the proximity to environmentally sensitive areas, construction will be subject to the General National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activities dated February 21, 2001 and subsequent updates. Additionally, a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be required. Discretionary action may be required by the governing agency. July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad FINAL DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEEIBLING, INC. Alternative 4 Pros Alternative 4 Cons Double lane roundabout has excellent traffic flow characteristics and produces very good level of service (LOS) values for all time periods considered. The design impacts environmentally sensitive areas - requires mitigation measures Good aesthetics Requires major grading and street modifications Provides ability to reverse direction of travel by negotiating roundabout and exiting on same leg that was used to enter (i.e. u-turn) Significant capital costs - see Section 7 "Opinion of Probable Construction Cost" Dedicated walkway across fishing bridge. No need for pedestrians to merge with bikes when crossing the bridge. Requires R/W acquisition, Coastal Development Permit, Habitat Management Plan, and CEQA. Provides good access & promotes flow for pedestrian and bikes; could work well within the Coastal Rail Trail. Introduces conflict points between vehicles-bicycles and vehicles- pedestrians. July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad FINAL DESIIGN REPORT CORN1E1R.STONE ENGINEERING, INC. SECTION 5 SUB-CONSULTANT REPORTS - KEY POINTS TRAFFIC ANALYSIS REPORT - KATZ, OKITSU & ASSOCIATES, MARCH 2005 • Illustrates existing traffic conditions, peak hour volumes, turning movements • Analyzes capacity of existing/proposed intersections • Report forecasts volumes & level of service (LOS) for timeframes studied: near-term 2005, mid-term 2010 and long-term 2020 • Analyzes redistribution of traffic based on proposed design alternatives • Identifies undesirable queue lengths which may be produced as a result of Alternatives 2 & 3 JURISDICTIONAL WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT - MERKEL& ASSOCIATES, JANUARY 2005 • Identifies limits of sensitive habitat & vegetation in the Buena Vista Lagoon • Report discusses jurisdictional boundaries of the wetlands and waterways in and around the Lagoon and the responsibilities of the agencies who oversee them. • Report contains data regarding characteristics of soil samples and plant species found during field research BRIDGE WIDENING FEASIBILITY STUDY - SIMON WONG ENGINEERING, NOVEMBER 2004 • Contains alternative to widen the existing fishing bridge • Contains alternative to construct free standing separate pedestrian walkway on the east side ofthe existing bridge • Major environmental impacts from both alternatives July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad , DESIGN REPOIRT • COIRNERSTONE ENGINEERING, : • Use of pre-cast materials will eliminate need for extensive falsework • Report includes cost estimates for each alternative. GEOTECHNICAL REPORT - GEOPACIFICA, SEPTEMBER 2004 • Sub-grade preparation: prior to placing fill material scarify sub-base 6" to 9" and compact to 95% maximum dry density • Preliminary soil recommendations: all earthwork to be non-expansive soils over geo-fabric • Any retaining walls planned should utilize well draining backfill and wall drainage systems • Recommended road pavement section: 6"AC over 12" Aggregate Base (95% compaction) • Extensive soil sampling required for final design July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. PHOTO 1 LOCATION: EAST SIDE CARLSBAD BLVD. AT SOUTH END OF PROJECT LOOKING: AT INTERSECTION OF STATE STREET PHOTO 2 LOCATION: EAST SIDE OF STATE STREET AT INTERSECTION OF CARLSBAD BLVD. SHOWING SENSITIVE HABITAT ON LEFT LOOKING: SOUTH July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. PHOTO 3 LOCATION: EAST SIDE OF CARLSBAD BLVD. SHOWING SENSITIVE HABITAT AND POTENTIAL LOCATION OF PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY LOOKING: NORTH PHOTO 4 LOCATION: EAST SIDE OF CARLSBAD BLVD. LOOKING: SOUTH July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. PHOTO 5 LOCATION: INTERSECTION OF CARLSBAD BLVD. & STATE STREET SHOWING EXISTING LANE STRIPING LOOKING: NORTH PHOTO 6 LOCATION: EAST SIDE OF CARLSBAD BLVD. SHOWING PARKING FOR FISHING BRIDGE AND WILDLIFE OBSERVATION LOOKING: SOUTH July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. PHOTO 7 LOCATION: EAST SIDE OF CARLSBAD BLVD. NORTH OF FISHING BRIDGE SHOWING PARKING LOOKING: NORTH TOWARDS OCEANSIDE PHOTO 8 LOCATION: EAST SIDE OF CARLSBAD BLVD. AT FISHING BRIDGE LOOKING: NORTH TOWARDS OCEANSIDE July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. PHOTO 9 LOCATION: EAST SIDE OF CARLSBAD BLVD. SOUTH OF FISHING BRIDGE SHOWING EXISTING DIRT PATH LOOKING: NORTH PHOTO 10 LOCATION: STATE STREET SHOWING LOW POINT IN STREET NEAR INTERSECTION OF CARLSBAD BLVD. LOOKING: SOUTH July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. PHOTO 11 LOCATION: CARLSBAD BLVD, JUST NORTH OF RAILROAD BRIDGE SHOWING PORTION OF STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE LOOKING: NORTH PHOTO 12 LOCATION: STATE STREET AT INTERSECTION OF CARLSBAD BLVD. LOOKING: SOUTH July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. PHOTO 13 LOCATION: EAST SIDE OF STATE STREET WHERE PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY CAN JOIN EXISTING SIDEWALK LOOKING: SOUTH PHOTO 14 LOCATION: STATE STREET SHOWING SENSITIVE HABITAT ON THE RIGHT LOOKING: NORTH TOWARDS INTERSECTION OF CARLSBAD BLVD. July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. PHOTO 15 LOCATION: FISHING BRIDGE SHOWING PROTECTED WETLANDS LOOKING: SOUTH PHOTO 16 LOCATION: EAST SIDE OF CARLSBAD BLVD. AT FISHING BRIDGE SHOWING BIKE LANE LOOKING: SOUTH July 5, 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study City of Carlsbad DESIGN REPORT CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. PHOTO 17 LOCATION: FISHING BRIDGE SHOWING PROTECTED WETLANDS AND SENSITIVE HABITAT LOOKING: SOUTH July 5, 2005 DESIGN ALTERNATIVE No. 1 CONSTRUCT AC WALKWAY ONLY OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST (For Planning Purposes Only) CITY OF CARLSBAD - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ENHANCEMENT STUDY CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. 620 MISSION AVENUE OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 JOB NO: 120-17 PREPARED: REVISED: 3/10/2005 6/22/2005 DEMOLITION 1 Sawcut AC Paving LF 800 $2.00 $1,600.00 2 Clear and Grubb LS 1 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 IMPROVEMENTS 3 Grading/Earthwork LS 1 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 4 3" AC Bike/Pedestrian Path Widening Section SF 900 $8.00 $7,200.00 5 Redwood Header LF 1,260 $3.00 $3,780.00 6 5 foot 3" AC walkway Sta 21+90 to 29+35 LF 745 $30.00 $22,350.00 7 5 foot 3" AC walkway along ex AC Berm Beg @ 29+35 LF 460 $20.00 $9,200.00 8 Earth retaining system 27+10 to 28+70 LF 160 $75.00 $12,000.00 9 Striping .markings, signage LS 1 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 MISCELLANEOUS 10 Protect exist facilities/improvements LS 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 11 Mobilization (move on - move off) LS 1 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 12 Traffic Control LS 1 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 13 SWPPP (includes implementation) LS 1 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 subtotal $102,330.00 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY @ 35% $35,815.50 TOTAL PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE *: $138,145.50 Preliminary construction cost estimate for bridge widening and associated mitigation and permitting are located at tfie end of this section. DESIGN ALTERNATIVE No. 2 STOP CONTROL ON STATE ST. OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST (For Planning Purposes Only) CITY OF CARLSBAD - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ENHANCEMENT STUDY CORNERSTONE ENGIINEERKNG, INC. 620 MISSION AVENUE OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 JOB NO: 120-17 PREPARED: REVISED: 3/10/2005 6/22/2005 EXTENDED COST DEMOLITION 1 Remove exist AC berm LF 180 $3.00 $540.00 2 Sawcut AC Paving LF 900 $2.00 $1,800.00 3 Clear & Grubb LS 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 IMPROVEMENTS 4 Grading/Earthwork LS 1 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 5 3" AC Bike/Pedestrian Path Widening Section SF 3,050 $8.00 $24,400.00 6 Redwood Header LF 1,325 $3.00 $3,975.00 7 AC Berm LF 1,055 $8.00 $8,440.00 8 Concrete pinned on curb LF 32 $25.00 $800.00 9 5 foot AC walkway LF 290 $20.00 $5,800.00 10 Striping .markings, signage LS 1 $4,400.00 $4,400.00 MISCELLANEOUS 11 Mobilization (move on - move off) LS 1 $8,500.00 $8,500.00 12 Traffic Control LS 1 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 13 SWPPP (includes implementation) LS 1 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 subtotal $93,655.00 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY @ 35% $32,779.25 TOTAL PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE*: $126,434.25 end oftfiis section. DESIGN ALTERNATIVE No. 3 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST (For Planning Purposes Only) CITY OF CARLSBAD - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ENHANCEMENT STUDY CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. 620 MISSION AVENUE OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 JOB NO: 120-17 PREPARED: REVISED: 3/10/2005 6/22/2005 EXTENDED COST DEMOLITION 1 Remove exist AC berm LF 410 $3.00 $1,230.00 2 Sawcut AC paving LF 1540 $2.00 $3,080.00 3 Remove exist curb inlet EA 1 $800.00 $800.00 4 Abandon existing SD LS 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 5 Remove existing curb and gutter LF 160 $10.00 $1,600.00 6 Remove 5 foot ac walkway LF 230 $9.00 $2,070.00 IMPROVEMENTS 7 Grading/Earthwork LS 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 8 3" AC Bike/Pedestrian Path Widening Section SF 1,800 $8.00 $14,400.00 9 Redwood Header LF 1,325 $3.00 $3,975.00 10 AC Berm LF 1,285 $8.00 $10,280.00 11 Concrete pinned on curb LF 32 $25.00 $800.00 12 Roadway AC pavement section SF 3,350 $5.50 $18,425.00 13 Type G Curb and gutter LF 110 $25.00 $2,750.00 14 5' AC Walkway LF 375 320.00 $7,500.00 15 Striping .markings, signage LS 1 $17,500.00 $17,500.00 16 Signal & Lighting LS 1 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 17 concrete walkway SF 275 $5.00 $1,375.00 18 Curb Inlet EA 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 19 24" RCP Storm drain LF 40 $100.00 $4,000.00 MISCELLANEOUS 20 Protect exist facilities/improvements LS 1 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 21 Mobilization (move on - move off) LS 1 $17,500.00 $17,500.00 22 Traffic Control LS 1 $35,000.00 $35,000.00 23 SWPPP (includes implementation) LS 1 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 subtotal $271,285.00 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY @ 35% $94,949.75 TOTAL PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE*: $366,234.75 Preliminary construction cost estimate for bridge widening and associated mitigation and permitting are located at ttie end of this section. DESIGN ALTERNATIVE No. 4 DOUBLE LANE ROUNDABOUT OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST (For Planning Purposes Only) CITY OF CARLSBAD - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ENHANCEMENT STUDY CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. 620 MISSION AVENUE OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 JOB NO: 120-17 PREPARED: REVISED: 3/10/2005 6/22/2005 UNIT COST ; EXTENDED COST DEMOLITION 1 Remove exist 5' cone sidewalk LF 475 $15.00 $7,125.00 2 Remove exist AC paving SY 4650 $18.00 $83,700.00 3 Clear and Grubb LS 1 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 4 Remove exist concrete curb & gutter LF 1215 $8.00 $9,720.00 5 Sawcut AC Paving LF 800 $2.00 $1,600.00 6 Remove exist curb inlet EA 1 $800.00 $800.00 7 Remove existing SD lines LS 1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 IMPROVEMENTS 8 Earthwork Import/ Fill CY 10,000 $15.00 $150,000.00 9 Grading LS 1 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 10 AC Roadway Pvmt Section SF 48,000 $5.50 $264,000.00 11 3" AC Bike/Ped Path Widening Section SF 1,500 $8.00 $12,000.00 12 Mountable Concrete Curb & Gutter LF 200 $30.00 $6,000.00 13 6" Type G Concrete Curb & Gutter LF 1,700 $25.00 $42,500.00 14 Median Curb LF 760 $18.00 $13,680.00 15 Ped/Bike Ramps EA 6 $1,500.00 $9,000.00 16 6 " Landscaping curb (roundabout) LF 160 $20.00 $3,200.00 17 5ft wide Concrete Sidewalk LF 540 $30.00 $16,200.00 18 Roadway Paver Section SF 2,450 $12.00 $29,400.00 19 10ft wide Concrete Sidewalk LF 525 $60.00 $31,500.00 20 Concrete walkway SF 1,600 $6.00 $9,600.00 21 Redwood Header LF 450 $3.00 $1,350.00 22 AC Berm LF 800 $8.00 $6,400.00 23 Concrete pinned on curb LF 32 $25.00 $800.00 24 Concrete Driveway (state street) LS 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 25 2' to 4" Retaining Wall LF 145 $70.00 $10,150.00 26 4" to 6' Retaining Wall w/railing LF 170 $210.00 $35,700.00 27 6' to 8" Retaining Wall w/railing LF 70 $330.00 $23,100.00 28 8" to 12' Retaining Wall w/railing LF 570 $630.00 $359,100.00 DRAINAGE 29 Storm Drain Cleanouts EA 3 $5,000.00 $15,000.00 30 Inlets EA 6 $5,000.00 $30,000.00 31 24" RCP Storm Drains LF 500 $120.00 $60,000.00 32 36" RCP Storm Drains LF 40 $150.00 $6,000.00 DESIGN ALTERNATIVE No. 4 DOUBLE LANE ROUNDABOUT OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST (For Planning Purposes Only) CITY OF CARLSBAD - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ENHANCEMENT STUDY CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. 620 MISSION AVENUE OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 JOB NO: 120-17 PREPARED: REVISED: 3/10/2005 6/22/2005 UNIT COST EXTENDED COST MISCELLANEOUS 33 Striping ,markings, signage LS 1 $20,300.00 $20,300.00 34 Landscaping and Irrigation LS 1 $80,000.00 $80,000.00 35 Lighting LS 1 $80,000.00 $80,000.00 36 Traffic control LS 1 $85,000.00 $85,000.00 37 Permitting LS 1 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 38 Right of way acquisition LS 1 $250,000.00 $250,000.00 39 Sensitive Habitat Mitigation AC 1 $150,000.00 $150,000.00 40 Protect exist facilities/improvements LS 1 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 41 Mobilization (move on - move off) LS 1 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 42 SWPPP (includes implementation) LS 1 $17,500.00 $17,500.00 43 Private Utility relocation LS 1 $300,000.00 $300,000.00 Engineering not included subtotal $2,402,925.00 CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY @ 35% $841,023.75 TOTAL PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE*: $3,243,948.75 Preliminary construction cost estimate for bridge widening and associated mitigation and permitting are located at tfie end of this section. BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION COSTS & WETLAND MITIGATION/PERMITTING COSTS OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST (For Planning Purposes Only) CITY OF CARLSBAD - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ENHANCEMENT STUDY CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. 620 MISSION AVENUE OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 JOB NO: 120-17 PREPARED: REVISED: 3/10/2005 6/22/2005 EXTENDED COST BASE CONSTRUCTION COST FOR BRIDGE 1 Bridge Widening Costs * LS 1 $570,000.00 $570,000.00 WETLAND MITIGATION & PERMITTING 2 Mitigation and Permitting LS 1 $150,000.00 $150,000.00 subtotal $720,000.00 TOTAL PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE *: $720,000.00 (See Appendix "C", "Bridge Widening Feasibility Study" for detail cost estimate) s APPENDIX % % % % % % % % A TRAFFIC ANALYSIS REPORT By: Katz, Okitsu & Associates Dated: March 2005 % % % X Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Draft Design Alternative Traffic Analysis March 2005 Prepared by: Katz, Okitsu & Associates I^^^^H Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners Katz, Okitsu & Associates 2251 San Diego Avenue, Suite A-270 San Diego, California 92110 (619) 683-2933 Fax (619) 683-7982 Prepared for: City of Carlsbad JA3460 Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION • • • ^ BACKGROUND ; ^ 2.0 METHODOLOGIES - • ••^ STUDY TIMEFRAMES • ANALYSIS METHODOLOGIES • r ^ INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS ^ RDUNDABOUT ANALYSIS ; • o TRAFFIC COUNT DATA...; - • - ° FORECAST VOLUMES • • ^ REDISTRIBUTION METHODOLOGY •• " 3.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS • -• • ^ EXISTING CIRCULATION NETWORK • • - ^ PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION PERFORMANCE • ' 4.0 PROPOSED PROJECT TRAFFIC • • • 5.0 NEAR-TERM CONDITIONS, YEAR 2005 • • 12 PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION PERFORMANCE • ^2 DAILY ROADWAY SEGMENT PERFORMANCE •: • '^'^ 6.0 MID-TERM CONDITIONS, YEAR 2010 • • 1^ PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION PERFORMANCE ^ DAILY ROADWAY SEGMENT PERFORMANCE..: • •' 23 7.0 LONG-TERM CONDITIONS, YEAR 2020.... • • 24 PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION PERFORMANCE 24 DAILY ROADWAY SEGMENT PERFORMANCE • • 29 8.0 SUMMARY OF IMPACTS • • ^0 EXISTING CoNDmoNS (2005) • ••— NEAR-TERM CONDITIGNS (2005) : MID-TERM CONDITIONS (2010) • : ; LONG-TERM CoNDrriONS (2020) - •••••• : :• March 2005 JA3460 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis SOI Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners List of Figures • FIGURE 1 - PROJECT VICINITY FIGURE 2 - EXISTING INTERSECTION GEOMETRIES • • • • ^ FIGURE 3 - EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS • — 10 FIGUP.E 4 - ALTERNATIVE 2: YEAP. 2005 FIGURE 5 - ALTERNATIVE 3: YEAR 2005 1^ FIGURE 6 - ALTERNATIVE 4: YEAR 2005 : • • •-• 1° FIGURE 7 - ALTERNATIVE 2: YEAR 2010 • • 20 FIGURE 8 - ALTERNATIVE 3: YEAR 2010 • 21 FIGURE 9 - ALTERNATIVE 4: YEAR 2010 22 FIGURE 10 - ALTERNATIVE 2: YEAR 2020 • • • 26 FIGURE 11 - ALTERNATIVES: YEAR 2020 • 27 FIGURE 12 - ALTERNATIVE 4: YEAR 2020 28 List of Tables _____============^^ TABLE l EXISTING (YEAR 2005) PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION CONDITIONS 8 TABLE 2 NEAR-TERM (YEAR 2005) PEAK HOUR INTER.SECTION CONDITIONS 13 TABLE 3 NEAR-TERM (YEAR 2005) SEGMENT ANALYSIS • 17 TMLE 1 MID TnR^.l (YL\R3010) PLM^ HOUR INTERCECTION CONDITIONG 19 TABLE 5 MID-TERM (YEAR 2010) SEGMENT ANALYSIS 23 TABLE 6 LONG-TERM (YEAR 2020) PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION CONDITIONS 25 TABLE 7 LONG-TERM (YEAR 2020) SEGMENT ANALYSIS : • ; • 29 Appendices ^ APPENDIX A LEVEL OF SERVICE CONCEPTS ANALYSIS METHODOLOGIES STANDARDS OF SIGNIFICANCE APPENDIX B EXISTING CONDITIONS: YEAR 2005 APPENDIX C ALTERNATIVE 2: YEAR 2005 APPENDIX D ALTERNATIVE 3: YEAR 2005 APPENDIX E ALTERNATIVE 4: YEAR 2005 APPENDIXf EXISTING CONDITIONS: YEAR 2010 APPENDIX G ALTERNATIVE 2: YEAR 2010 APPENDIX H ALTERNATIVE 3; YEAR 2010 APPENDIX I ALTERNATIVE 4: YEAR 2010 APPENDIX J EXISTING CONDITIONS: YEAR 2020 APPENDIX K ALTERNATIVE 2: YEAR 2020 APPENDIXL ALTERNATIVES: YEAR2020 APPENDIX M ALTERNATIVE 4: YEAR 2020 March Z005 JA3460 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Wallevcay Enhancement Traffic Analysis Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners 1.0 Introduction This traffic study has been prepared to evaluate the existing condition and proposed condition in future years. The project is located in the City of Carlsbad at Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street. This study also evaluates three othei inLersections: Carlsbad Buulevaid & Beech Avenue, Carlsbad Boulevard & Grand Avenue, and Grand Avenue & State Street as they are affected by the improvements to the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street. A project vicinity map is shown on Figure 1. Background This traffic study is based on the desire to improve the Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street intersection and enhance both operational levels of service and safety for both vehicles and pedestrians. The Engineer and the City of Carlsbad propose four alternates. Each of these alternates is analyzed in this report to determine levels of service for near and long-term operations. March 1005 JA3460 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis Orange Coj^ Camp Pendleton w Oceanside Carlsbad^ Encinitas Solana Beach Del Mar\ La Jolla Riverside Co. San Diego Co. San \Esconc Poway El Caior Pacific Ocean N Not To Scale Coronado National Citj Chula Vistc Imperial Beach UnitedSt|J ico March ZOOS JA3460 Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineen and Transpofudon Planners Figure 1 Project Vicinity Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners 2.0 Methodologies This chapter documents the methodologies and assumptions used, to conduct the circulation impact analysis for the Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Enhancement Project development. This section contains the following background information: • Study Timeframes • Data Collection • Analysis Methodologies Study Timeframes ^ This report presents an analysis of the following timeframes: « Existing / Near-Term: Year 2005 • Mid-Term: Year 2010 • Long-Term: Year 2020 Analysis Methodologies This section presents a brief overview of traffic analysis methodologies and concepts used in this study. Street system operating conditions are typically described in terms of "level of service." Level of service is a report-card scale used to indicate the quality of traffic flow on roadway segments and at intersections. Level of service (LOS) ranges from LOS A (free flow, little congestion) to LOS F (forced flow, extreme congestion). A more detailed description of the concepts described in this section is provided in Appendix A, Appendix A-1 of this document. Intersection Capacity Analysis The analysis of peak hour intersection performance was conducted using the Synchro analysis software program, which uses the "operational analysis" procedure for signalized intersections as defined in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). This technique uses 1,900 passenger cars per hour of green per lane (pcphgpl) as the maximum saturation flow of a single lane at an intersection. This saturation flow rate is adjusted to account for lane width, on-street parking, conflicting pedestrian flow, traffic composition (i.e., percent of trucks) and shared lane movements (e.g., through and right-turn movements from the same lane). Level of service for signalized intersections is based on the average time (seconds) that vehicles entering an intersection are stopped or delayed. Appendix A, Table A-1 lists the HCM LOS/delay criteria for signalized intersections. The Highway Capacity Manual analysis method for evaluating unsignalized, minor street stop intersections is based on the average total delay for each impeded movement. As used here, total delay is defined as the total elapsed time from when a vehicle stops at the end of a queue until the vehicle departs from the stop line. This time includes the time required for the vehicle to travel from the last-in-queue to the first-in-queue position. The average total delay for any particular minor movement is a function of the service rate or capacity of the approach and the degree of saturation. Appendix A, Table A-2 summarizes the level of service criteria, for minor-street stop controlled intersections. March 2003 ^ Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian JA3460 Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners Roundabout Analysis The capacity analysis is based on FHWA publication No. FHWA-RD-00-67. This analysis uses peak hour volumes and compares entering and circulating traffic volumes to determine average approach delay and roundabout level of service. The procedure to determine level of service for a roundabout is defined in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) to compare the resulting delays against the LOS table used for unsignalized intersections. For a 2-lane roundabout with flared approaches, the value of the entering capacity was adjusted as a fraction of a standard 2-lane roundabout using coefHcients listed within the FFIWA publication. Traffic Count Data Study intersections were analyzed under existing conditions with and without proposed changes. Turning volumes for both AM and PM peak hours as well as 24-hour ADT counts were commissioned from Traffic Data Service Southwest. Peak hour volumes were collected at all four intersections and ADT counts were taken aiong road segments on Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street, near the project intersection. Forecast Volumes Existing volumes were used as a base for all future volumes within the project study area. Existing traffic count volumes were used to model post-project conditions for 2005. Peak hour volumes for year 2010 were derived by applying calculated growth factors using volumes from SANDAG Series 10 models for 2005 and 2010 to the existing peak hour turning volumes. The SANDAG model showed traffic growth in the vicinity up to year 2010 and then a sharp decrease in 2020 volumes, primarily along Carlsbad Boulevard. This decrease in volumes is assumed to be the effect of improvements to the nearby 1-5 corridor anticipated to be completed between 2010 and 2020. To maintain conservative values, a 2% growth rate was applied to the calculated 2010 volumes to develop the 2020 volumes. Redistribution Methodology For Altematives 3, and 4, left turns are allowed from westbound State Street to southbound Carlsbad Boulevard and right turns are allowed from northbound Carlsbad Boulevard to eastbound State Street. For these new movements, no traffic data currently exists; therefore, a nominal amount of 50 vehicles were assumed to make the newly allowed movement in both the AM and PM peak hours. In future years, this value is grown in the same fashion as the other volumes. March 2005 JA3460 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis Katz, Okitsu & Associates Trt0c Engineers and Transportation Planners 3.0 Existing Conditions Existing Circulation Network Local streets and highways in the site vicinity that are being analyzed for impacts because of the proposed project include Carlsbad Boulevard, State Street, and Grand Avenue. Figures 2 and 3 iUustrate the local circulation network near the. project site as well as the existing lane channelization and traffic control for study area intersections. Carlsbad Boulevard Carlsbad Boulevard is a 2-lane highway that runs north-south through the main project intersection. Carlsbad Boulevard is 3 lanes (1 southbound and 2 northbound) in the segment north of the project. South of the project it is 2 lanes, but widens to 4 lanes near Mountain Vievv Road. Parking is not permitted along the roadway and the speed limit is 55 mph. Carlsbad Boulevard is classified as a major arterial. State Street State Street is a 2-lane local road running north-south and is generally parallel to Carlsbad Boulevard, but intersects it near the City of Carlsbad limits. This analysis refers to State Street as east-west running, because of its unusual alignment. Parking is permitted along some sections of State Street. Curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements are generally in place along State Street and the posted speed limit is 45 mph. State Street is classified as a local road. At its intersection with Carisbad Boulevard, State Street merges with Carisbad Boulevard without stoppings forming its own lane on northbound Carisbad Boulevard. Peak Hour Intersection Performance The analysis of peak hour intersection performance is conducted using Synchro software for signalized intersection and Simtraffic for unsignalized intersection. This analysis looks into various scenarios, both with and without signalization. Figure 2 exhibits the existing geometries of the study intersections. Existing intersection performance is conducted for Carisbad Boulevard and State Street using both AM and PM peak volumes. Figure 3 illustrated existing hour volumes, delays, and level of service. Simtraffic output for this analysis is found in Appendix B. Table 1 summarizes existing AM and PM peak-hour performance for study intersections within the project vicinity. March 2005 JA3460 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis SB Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners Table 1 Existing (Year 2005) Peak Hour Intersection Conditions Existing Conditions Intersection Delay (sec.) LOS AM Peak Hour Carlsbad Blvd & State Street 18.8 B* Carlsbad Blvd & Beech Avenue 3.1 A Carlsbad Blvd & Grand Avenue 9.3 A State Street & Grand Avenue 5.0 A PM Peak Hour Carlsbad Blvd & State Street 35.4 D* Carlsbad Blvd & Beech Avenue 3.2 A Carlsbad Blvd & Grand Avenue 14.7 B State Street & Grand Avenue 5.6 A 'Unsignalized delay and LOS calculated from SB left turns March 2005 JA3460 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis I BUENA KNOWLES N Not To Scale ^ Traffic Signal ^ Stop Sigh March ZOOS JA3460 Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Enjh«fa mnd TranspoitaHon Ptmnm Figure 2 Existing Geometries Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis BUENA KNOWLES N Not To Scale 25/43 AM/PM Peak Hour Volumes AM Delay (SecAfeh)/ LOS PM Delay (SecAfeh)/LOS March ZOOS JA3460 Katz, Okitsu & Associates Trtifie Sngtwm and Transportation Planmtv ( Figure 3 Existing Intersection Conditions Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners 4.0 Proposed Project Traffic There are four alternates proposed by the Engineer and the City of Carlsbad. Each of these alternates is analyzed in this report to determine levels of service for near and long-term operations. Alternative 1 -Pedestrian Path Enhancement This alternate does not change any current vehicle traffic patterns or control. It includes only an addition of a pedestrian path on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard from State Street to the project limits. No traffic operational analysis was necessary for this alternative, Alternate 2 -Stop Control on State Street This alternative provides for a stop control for the State Street approach at Carlsbad Boulevard. Figures 4, 7, and 10 show peak hour volumes, delays, and level of service graphically for this alternate for the years 2005, 2010, and 2020, respectively. Table 2 summarizes delays and level of service. Appendices C, G, K include the results from these analyses for years 2005, 2010 and 2020. Alternative 3 -Signalized Intersection This scenario involves adding a traffic signal at Carlsbad Boulevard & State Street. An analysis of intersection operation used Synchro software to determine delays, level of service and queue lengths. Figures 5, 8, and 11 show peak hour volumes, delays, and level of service graphically for this alternate for the years 2005, 2010, and 2020, respectively. Tables 2, 4, and 6 summarize delays and level of service. Synchro output for these analyses is found in Appendices D, H, and L. Alternative 4 - Double Lane Roundabout Alternative 4 analyzes the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard & State Street using a two-lane roundabout, with flared approaches in all directions. Flared approaches are single lane roadways that widen out to 2-lanes as they approach the roundabout to increase capacity of traffic entering the roundabout. For this analysis, the flared approaches are assumed to be 10 cars long along Carlsbad Boulevard, and 5 cars long along State Street. Figures 6, 9, and 12 exhibit peak hour volumes, delays, and level of service graphically for this alternate for the years 2005, 2010,' and 2020, respectively. Tables 2, 4, and 6 summarize intersection delays and level of service. The detail spreadsheet results for years 2005, 2010, and 2020 are found in Appendices E, I, and'M. March 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian JA3460 Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners 5.0 Near-Term Conditions, Year 2005 This section documents near-term conditions in the project site vicinity both with and without the proposed alternates. For the purposes of this report, the near-term time period is set for the year 2005. The near-term analysis takes into account existing traffic volumes plus any redistribution assumptions that might also apply. Peak Hour Intersection Performance The peak hour volumes for study area intersections were analyzed using the Highway Capacity Manual "Operational Method" for signalized intersections. Table 2 summarizes the results of this analysis. Figures 4 through 6 show the different alternatives and their respective levels of service for both morning and evening peak hours. Appendices B, C, D, and E contain the worksheets used for the near-term year 2005 analysis. As shown in Table 2 the following intersections would operate at worse than LOS D during peak hours: Alternative 2 • Carisbad Boulevard & State Street (PM) March 2005 ^2 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian JA3460 Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners Table 2 Near-Term (Year 2005) Peak Hour Intersection Conditions Existing AbemaAKl AbemativeA Intersection Delay LOS Delay lOS Delay I05 Delay LOS Delay lOS (sec.) (sec) (sec.) (sec.) (sec.) AM Peak Hour Carlsbad Blvd & State St 18.8 B* N/A N/A 10.8 B , 7.3 A 2.3 A Carlsbad Blvd & Beech Ave 3.1 A N/A N/A --3.5 A 3.5 A Carlsbad Blvd & Grand Ave 9.3 A N/A N/A --9.7 A 9.7 A State St & Grand Ave 5.0 A N/A N/A -5.0 A 5.0 A PM Peak Hour Carisbad Blvd & State St 35.4 D* N/A N/A 63.0 F 16.3 B 2.3 A Carlsbad Blvd & Beech Ave 3.2 A N/A N/A --3.2 A 3.2 A Carlsbad Blvd & Grand Ave 14.7 B N/A N/A -14.9 B 14.9 B State St & Grand Ave 5.6 A N/A N/A --6.4 A 6.4 A , Note: AU Alternates are improvements to Carlsbad Boulevard <Si State Street intersection. Alternative 1 - Pedestrian Path Enhancement Alternative Z - Stop Control on State St Alternative 3 - Signalized Alternative 4 - Double Lant Roundabout 'Unsignalized delay and LOS calculated from SB-left turns March 2005 JA3460 ^3 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis 0 0 m m m m m # # # # # # BUENA KNOWLES N Not To Scale AM/PM Peak Hour Volumes AM Delay (SecAfeh)/ LOS PM Delay (SecAfeh)/ LOS March 200} JA3460 Katz, Okitsu & Associates TrBffic Btginam md TnnsfiortaSon Plaanan Figure 4 Alternative 2: Year 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis BUENA KNOWLES N Not To Scale 25/43 AM/PM Peak Hour Volumes . AM Delay (Sec/Veh)/ LOS PM Delay (Sec/Veh)/LOS March ZOO) JA3460 Katz, Okitsu & Afisodates TiWISc £it0n*ai3 and Tnnsfiortation Pfanrm Figure 5 Alternative 3: Year 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis BUENA KNOWLES N Not To Scale 25/43 AM/PM Peak Hour Volumes AM Delay (Sec/Veh)/ LOS PM Delay (Sec/Veh)/LOS March 200$ JA3460 Katz, Okitsu & Associates Figure 6 Alternative 4: Year 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis Katz, Okitsu & Associates Trc^c Engineers and Transportation Planners Daily Roadway Segment Performance The City of Carlsbad uses standard values for roadway capacities sorted by road classification. To determine near-term service levels on Carisbad Boulevard, we compared the adopted ADT thresholds for LOS, the daily capacity of the study area roadway segments, and the near-term forecast volumes in the study area. Table 3 summarizes the results of this comparison for near-term future conditions. Table 3 Near-Term (Year 2005) Segment Analysis SoadmySeQtKtit Qasaficalk)n/ Lanes IQS£ Cai^adty Forecast ADT Volume VcHtane/ Cafvidty Batio WS Exxsttn^Conf^utation Cadsbad Boulevard North of State Street Major Arterial/3 (1 SB, 2 NB) 30,000' 19,552 0.65 c Note: *Z and 3-lane Major Arterial capacities derived from 4-lane Major Arterial values, See Appendix A, Table A-3 for description. March 2005 JA3460 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enltancement Traffic Analysis Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners 6.0 Mid-Term Conditions, Year 2010 This section documents mid-term conditions in the project site vicinity both with and without the proposed alternatives. For the purposes of this report, the mid-term time period is set for the year 2010. The mid-term analysis takes into account existing traffic volumes plus any redistribution assumptions that might also apply. Peak Hour Intersection Performance The peak hour volumes for study area intersections were analyzed using the Highway Capacity Manual "Operational Method" for signalized intersections. Table 4 summarizes the results of this analysis. Figures 7 through 9 show the different alternates and their respective levels of service for both morning and evening peak hours. Appendices F, G, and H contain the worksheets used for the mid-term year 2010 analysis. As shown in Table 4 the following intersections would operate at worse than LOS D during peak hours: Alternative 2 • Carisbad Boulevard & State Street (PM) Alternative 3 • State Street & Grand Avenue (PM) March 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian JA3460 Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners Table 4 Mid-Term (Year 2010) Peak Hour Intersection Conditions Existing Aiemativei AbEmativeZ AiemativeS Abemative4 Intersection Delay Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS (sec.) (sec) (sec.) (sec.) (sec.) AM Peak Hour Carlsbad Blvd & State St 29.6 c* N/A N/A 12.8 B 10.1 B 2.7 A Carlsbad Blvd & Beech Ave 3.1 A N/A N/A --3.1 A 3.1 A Carlsbad Blvd & Grand Ave 29.8 C N/A N/A --29.8 C 46.8 D State St & Grand Ave 7.3 A N/A N/A -73 A 7.3 A PMPeakHotw Carlsbad Blvd & State St 75.0 F* N/A N/A 572.8 F 41.5 D 2.9 A Carlsbad Blvd & Beech Ave 3.3 A N/A N/A -3.3 A 3.3 A Carlsbad Blvd & Grand Ave 52.3 D N/A N/A --52.3 D 53.3 D State St & Grand Ave 12.4 B N/A N/A --82.6 F 12.4 B Note: All Alternates are improvements to Carlsbad Boulevard ct? State Street intersection. Alternative i - Pedestrian Path Enhancement Alternative Z - Stop Control on State St Alternative 3 - Signalized. Alternative 4 - Double Lxtne Roundabout 'Unsignalized delay and LOS calculated from SB left turns March 2005 JA3460 ^9 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis \ BUENA KNOWLES Not To Scale „_,4 AM/PM Peak Hour Volumes ^0/43 AM Delay (Sec/Veh)/LOS PM Delay (Sec/Veh)/ LOS March ZOOS JA3460 Katz, Okitsu & /^sodates Traffic En^naan and Transpartmdon Ptannars Figure 7 Alternative 2: Year 2010 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis I N Not To Scale BUENA KNOWLES 25/43 AM/PM Peak Hour Volumes AM Delay (Sec/Veh)/LOS PM Delay (Sec/Veh)/ LOS March 2005 JA3460 Katz, Okitsu & Assodates TraOc Enffnaan and Ttmnaportadaa Ptannars Figure 8 Alternative 3: Year 2010 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement ^ Traffic Analysis BUENA KNOWLES 25/43 J AM/PM Peak Hour Volumes AM Delay (Sec/Veh)/ LOS PM Delay (Sec/Veh)/ LOS Figure 9 Alternative 4: Year 2010 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enltancement Traffic Analysis Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners Daily Roadway Segment Performance The City of Carlsbad uses standard values for roadway capacities sorted by road classification. To determine mid-term service levels on Carlsbad Boulevard, we compared the adopted ADT thresholds for LOS, the daily capacity of the study area roadway segments, and the mid-term forecast volumes in the study area. Table 5 summarizes the results of this comparison for mid-term future conditions. Table 5 Mid-Term (Year 2010) Segment Analysis Roadway S^rnent Oass^icationf Lanes LaS£ Capacity Fotecast ADT Volume Capacity Rah LOS Eastit^Conf^firalion Carlsbad Boulevard North of State Street Major Arterial/3 (1 SB, 2 NB) 30,000* 21,700 0.72 C Note: *Z and 3-lane Major Arterial capacities derived from 4-lane Major Arterial values. See Appendix A, Table A-3 for description. 0 m March 2005 JA3460 23 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners 7,0 Long-Term Conditions, Year 2020 This section documents long-term conditions in the project site vicinity both with and without the proposed alternates. For the purposes of this report, the long-term time period is set for the year 2020. The long-term analysis takes into account existing traffic volumes plus any redistribution assumptions that might also apply. Peak Hour Intersection Performance The peak hour volumes for study area intersections were analyzed using the Highway Capacity Manual "Operational Method" for signalized intersections. Table 6 summarizes the results of this analysis. Figures 10 through 12 show the different alternates and their respective levels of service for both morning and evening peak hours. Appendices J, K, L, and M contain the worksheets used for the long-term year 2020 analysis. As shown in Table 6 the following intersections would operate at worse than LOS D during peak hours: Alternative 2 • Carisbad Boulevard & State Street (PM) . , Alternative 3 . • Carisbad Boulevard & Grand Avenue (AM, PM) • Carisbad Boulevard & State Street (PM) March 2005 ^, Carisbad Boulevard Pedestrian JA3460 Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis # # # Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners Table 6 Long-Term (Year 2020) Peak Hour Intersection Conditions Existing Abeimtivel Abetnative3 Abeniative4 Intersection Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS (sec.) (sec.) (sec.) (sec.) (sec) AM Peak Hour Carisbad Blvd & State St 38.0 C* N/A N/A 15.3 C 15.0 B 2.9 A Carisbad Blvd & Beech Ave 3.1 A N/A N/A --4.1 A. 3.1 A Carisbad Blvd & Grand Ave 31.5 G N/A N/A --56.9 E 39.3 D State St & Grand Ave 12.9 B N/A N/A -.- . 9.1 A 12.9 B PM Peak Hnnr Carlsbad Blvd & State St 112.3 F* N/A N/A > 600.0 F 96.6 F 3.4 A Carlsbad Blvd & Beech Ave 3.2 A N/A N/A --5.9 A 3.2 A Carisbad Blvd & Grand Ave 55.9 E N/A N/A --99.6 F 55.9 E State St ,& Grand Ave 11.4 B N/A N/A --46.3 D 11.4 B Note: All Alternates are improvements to Carlsbad Boulevard (52 State Street intersection. Alternative 1 - Pedestrian Path Enhancement Alternative Z - Stop Control on State St Alternative 3 - Signalized Alternative 4 - Double Lane Roundabout 'Unsignalized delay and LOS calculated from SB left turns March 2005 JA3460 25 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic /malysis H BUENA KNOWLES N Not To Scale 25/43 AM/PM Peak Hour Volumes AM Delay (Sec/Veh)/ LOS PM Delay (Sec/Veh)/LOS March ZOO} JA3460 Katz, Okitsu & /\ssodates Traffic En^naan and Transportation Plannan Figure 10 Alternative 2: Year 2020 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis BUENA KNOWLES Not To Scale 25/43 AM/PM Peak Hour Volumes AM Delay (Sec/Veh)/ LOS PM Delay (Sec/Veh)/LOS March ZOO} JA3460 Kat:, Okitsu & Assodates Traffic £ngrrww3 and Tiansportatifta Ptannan Figure 11 Alternative 3: Year 2020 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis N Not To Scale BUENA KNOWLES 25/43 AM/PM Peak Hour Volumes AM Delay (Sec/Veh)/ LOS PM Delay (Sec/Veh)/LOS March ZOO} JA3460 Katz, Okitsu & /^spdates TraWc Engmewa and Jmas^ttation Plonnara Figure 12 Alternative 4: Year 2020 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis SOI Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners Daily Roadway Segment Performance The City of Carlsbad uses standard values for roadway capacities sorted by road classification. To determine long-term service levels on Carlsbad Boulevard, we compared the adopted ADT thresholds for LOS, the daily capacity of the study area roadway segments, and the long-term forecast volumes in the study area. Table 7 summarizes the results of this comparison for long-term future conditions. Table 7 Long-Term (Year 2020) Segment Analysis RoadsxiaySegfitent Oassifkatkjn^ Lanes LOS£ Cofndty Forecast ADT Volume Voban^ Capacity Ratio LOS ExistinsConfisumtion Carlsbad Boulevard North of State Street Major Arterial / 3 (1 SB, 2 NB) 30,000* 26,452 0.88 E Note: *Z and 3-lane Major Arterial capacities derived from 4-lane Major Arterial values. See Appendix A, Table A-3 for description. March 2005 JA3460 29 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners 8.0 Summary of Impacts This traffic study is based on the desire to improve the Carisbad Boulevard and State Street intersection and enhance both operational levels of service and safety for both vehicles and pedestrians. The Engineer and the City of Carlsbad propose four alternatives. Each of these alternatives is analyzed in this report to determine levels of service for near and long-term operations. Existing Conditions (2003) The existing volumes were taken from traffic counts collected in 2004. Currently, none of the study intersections operate at worse than LOS D during peak hours. The segment of Carlsbad Boulevard, north of State Street, currently operates at LOS C. Near-Term Conditions (2005) For the purposes of this report, the near-term (post project) time period is set for the year 2005. The following intersections would operate at worse than LOS D during peak hours: Alternative 2 • Carlsbad Boulevard & State Street (PM) For the year 2005, the segment of Carlsbad Boulevard, north of State Street, would operate at LOS C with its current configuration. Mid-Term Conditions (2010) For the purposes of this report, the mid-term time period is set for the year 2010. Peak hour volumes for year 2010 derived applying calculated growth factors using volumes from SANDAG Series 10 models for 2005 and 2010 to the existing peak hour turning volumes. The following intersections would operate at worse than LOS D during peak hours: Alternative 2 • Carisbad Boulevard & State Street (PM) Alternative 3 • State Street & Grand Avenue (PM) For the year 2010, the segment of Carisbad Boulevard, north of State Street, would operate at LOS C with its current configuration. Long-term Conditions (2020) For the purposes of this report, the long-term time period is set for the year 2020. To maintain conservative values, a 2% growth rate was applied to the calculated 2010 volumes to reach 2020 volumes. The following intersections would operate at worse than LOS D during peak hours: Alternative 2 • Carisbad Boulevard & State Street (PM) March 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian JA3460 . ^0 Walkway Enhancement Traffic Impact Study Katz, Oldtsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners Alternative 3 • Carlsbad Boulevard & Grand Avenue (AM, PM) • Carisbad Boulevard & State Street (PM) For the year 2020, the segment of Carisbad Boulevard, north of State Street, would operate at LOS E with its current configuration. Katz, Okitsu & Associates Joe De La Garza, P.E. Senior Transportation Engineer March 2005 JA3460 51 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis 4 ^ ^St^ Katz, Okitsu & Associates BMSIH ^''"ffi'^ Engineers and Transportation Planners 4 Appendix A #Level of Service Concepts Analysis Methodologies ^ Standcurds of Significance 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 • March 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian JA3460 Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners m Table A-1 Signalized Intersection Level of Service Highway Capacity Manual Operational Analysis Method The operational analysis method for evaluation of signalized intersections presealed hi the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (Transportation Research Board Special Report 209) defines level of service in terms of delay, or more specifically, average stopped delay per vehicle. Delay is a measure of driver and/or passenger discomfort, frustration, fuel consumption, and lost travel time. % Average Stopped Delay Level of Service (LOS) Characteristics Per Vehicle (seconds) <10 LOS A describes operations with very low delay. This occurs when progression is extremely favorable, and most vehicles do not stop at all. Short cycle lengths may also contribute to low delay. 10 - 20.0 LOS B describes operations with generally good progression and/or short cycle lengths. More vehicles stop than for LOS A, causing higher levels of average delay. 20.1-35.0 lOS C describes operations with higher delays which may result from fair progression and/or longer cycle lengths. Individual cycle failures may begin to appear at this level. The number of vehicles stopping is significant at this level, although many still pass through the intersection without stopping. 35.1 -55.0 lOS D describes operations with high delay, resulting from some combination of unfavorable progression, long cycle lengths, or high volumes. The influence of congestion becomes more noticeable, and individual cycle failures are noticeable. 55.1 -80.0 LOS E is considered to be the limit of acceptable delay. Individual cycle failures are frequent occurrences. >80.0 lOS F describes a condition of excessively high delay, considered unacceptable to most drivers. This condition often occurs when arrival flow rates exceed the capacity of the intersection. Poor progression and long cycle lengths may also be major contributing causes to such delay. SOURCE: 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. TRB Special Report 209. % % % % March 2005 JA3460 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners m m m m m Table A-2 Definitions of the HCM/TRB Methodology and Level Of Service For Unsignalized Intersections Minor Street Stop Controlled Intersections The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) analysis method for evaluating unsignalized, minor street stop intersections is based on the average total delay for each impeded, movement. As used here, total delay is defined as the total elapsed time from when a when a vehicle stops at the end of a queue until the vehicle departs from the stop line; this time includes the time required for the vehicle to travel from the last-in-qiieue to the first-in-queue position. The average total delay for any particular minor movement is a function of the service rate or capacity of the approach and the degree of saturation. The resulting delay is used to determine the level of service as shown tn the following table. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Aven^TotalDelay levdofService (LOS) Characteris&s <10 LOS .A - Little or no delay 10 -15.0 LOS B - Short traffic delay 15.1-25.0 LOS C - Average traffic delay 25.1 -35.0 LOS D - Long traffic delays . 35.1-50.0 lOS £ - Very long traffic delays >50.0 LOS F - When the demand exceeds the capacity of the lane, extreme delays wiU be encountered and queuing may cause severe congestion to the intersection. SOURCE: 2000 Hiehwav Capacity Manual. TRB Special Report 209. March 2005 JA3460 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners Table A-3 Roadway Classifications, Levels of Service (LOS) and Average Daily Traffic (ADT) A^axiintmBaximmaidcd±WTbyLOS StfeetOas^kation lattes A B C D E (0.50) (0.70) (m (1.1-13) (13rl£) Major Arterial 2* 7,500 10,500 15,000 17,500 20,000 Major Arterial 3* 11,250 15,750 22,500 26,250 30,000 Major Arterial 4 15,000 21,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 /Votes; Approximate recommended ADT based on City of Carlsbad arid City of San Diego criteria. The volumes and average daily level of service listed above are only intended as a planning guideline. ' Derived from 4-lane Major Arterial values % % % % % March 2005 JA3460 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners Appendix B Existing Conditions: Year 2005 March 2005 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian JA3460 Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis SimTraffic Simulation Summary Baseline Existing AM 10/28/2004 start Time 6 57 EridTjrfieT^'i;:f{r-^ Total Time (mm) 13 ^ # of Intervals 2 ' ' Vehs Entered 288 " ""' . --*.r..,. starting Vehs 73 Denied Entry Before 0 '* ' ------^.^ - v--/ Deniedlnl f^JjA^ ^' "^^'^ - S -' • v^^'^^SS'^^i^W^l^lp^ travel Distance (mi) 269 - ••— .... -...^ totai belay (tir) ' 15^ " ' .--••^• Fuel Used (gal) 16 7 start Time 6 57 Total Time (mm) 3 ' ' Volumes at^isted'by Grpw^^ ^ y -^-- : -- -- ^r^ : v r • ^ , : , •- .V^'• : •: No data recorded ttiis interval QlerVaiijlSnTomia^ Start Time 7 00 Encftirhe-'V^f 7r10 ^' Total Time (mm) 10 Vojumes^adjusted^by Grovvth,^actors: ;• • Vehs Entered 288 Vefisf^ited^ Ij). ;r;r'^30(X.n^JV^^ Starting Vehs 73 Denied Entry Before 0 Travel Distance (mi) 269 totai Delay (hr) " ' Ts Total •St6psr;^J?::v^^'^^ ' Fuel Used (gal)" ' 167 BEST ORIGINAL katzoksand-stSI SimTraffic Report Page 1 SimTrattic Performance Report Baseline Existing AM 10/28/2004 5 State Street & Carlsbad Blvd Intersection Performance Total Delayjhr) Total Stops tray§l;D§K{mlg^ Travel time (hr) A\^SgeMi(mjDh);;'^;^^^ Fuel Used (gal) CO Emissions (g) Vehicles Entered Hourly Exit Rate Denpd'EntryB^ Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 m.^-'^--''^'i'^^^ '•^^om'i 'mm-\ '2 ' '"ie ^' 19 mP.f^m^m'^ ^A:9m' mm' oT 0 2 " 1 '0 ^ 15 m^p-B^-'^MW'-!:^mZ '6A "O 2 "14 20 "'19 ' 166"^' m-mm-'^!^^^-'-''' mm' ' "' m" '' 49 "134 205 mm'-^tM^m^' m4"^ •300 798 ' 1242 'mm':i^-'m^'^^>^-^:'mm m^'':.^-c-"b 0 0 ::t.';!:>:^,fe 8 Beech Ave & Carlsbad Blvd Intersection Performance Total Delay (hr) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 Delay7;veh-(s)''f;^;7^ ' " ' • '3 4:'"-';'4:8:) -' • 3 1^: ' 4.0 ; • " ' 38 • Total Stops '^6 "' 4 8 24 42 TraverDist'jrni) "; ; ' ) _ 7 ..• .0,3,.:" '03.- . "'':t1 2:' , 10.5 • 22.3 . )) Travel Time (hr) 06" 00 ' " " OA' '09 Avg'Speed;(mp_fi) • ), • ' ' '"17/: --22-'^-. - 24;. : Fuel Used (gal) ' 00"' "00 I'o"" 0 5 " 1 5 He "Emissions {g)-', . ; -; '-^--^ :::-':o • . "4:-,"::. •." CO Emissions (g) 0^' 2 96' ' ' 34 ^ 132 NOx'Emlssiphs (g)• - v,' • ••-•7: ^ '3 "lb))'' • • •, -"' '-"r • ' Vehicles Entered 6 " " 55 " 109 ' 174 Vebic^S;-Exited^ :'-::\.m^^-^'-'^r .. ... :''.-')i07.r;) •• Hourly Exit Rate 30 ' " 318" 642 1026' Denied EiifryjBefoB mm^-ww? -mm---mrO':/^ x'mv-.'.; •'mnOr:-:-'' • . f • ,. .• ^.j Denied Entry After 0 0 0 b """"'0 katzoksand-st51 SimTraffic Report Page 2 SimTraffic Performance Report Baseline Existing AM 10/28/2004 11 Grand Ave & Carlsbad Blvd Intersection Performance Tntai riplav rhr^ n n n i Total Dejayjhr Total s'tops trayef DMi|mi) Travel Time (hr) Ayg:Speed);(mpf])^;'^ Fuel Used (gal) B^?illIl!|s!pns:;(g)lS CO Emissions (g) N (M;)E ml ssiojTsl (g);; Vehicles Entered yeFiK^)jExjted-'^ Hourly Exit Rate Deffied^nti^Before Denied Entry After 0j3_ f4;9^^-, bo" '.:m 'o"o • _i UK 24 0 01 32^ ' m" '^QJ' :Gvim '92' 49' 264 " 6 01 "0^6 i-.lit 64 67 "396 ^' 02 04 W^M^3:<M^Mm^-^mii' 4J1 104 ^ J_0 mM 17 112 •'"69r 2 0 3_0 "'334 232 _ 1380 14 Grand Ave & State Street Intersection Performance i Total Delay (hr) peiay:/-veH;:]sj7 • •; Total Stops Travel .D[st'(rrijy : Travel time (tir) Ayg\Speed;^]St^^^^^^ ..^' Fuel Used (gal) HC)Emisslons'('g) '-^.v'"- CO Emissions (g) NOx Emissi'ipiis (g) • Vehicles Entered Vehicles^lExUed ; Hourly Exit Rate Denied^En^ Denied En'try After 0 1 01 0 0 01 0 3 "•-••5^9' -'7 •:"6'4 ,)'7' 9.3:''; • • - 10)9-:-i-.-mii''"---i:-m^ 17 '""30' 8 '21 ' 76 •6.7;;." ^ 3;'8)^V ). . " b)8)" "-- " 0 3 02' 01' b 6 " ^12 • ::m^.-m^mm'-mm^:-x-^'-mmym^-': m-'"-0 5 03" 61 '06 15 " ':-"m--:-mm.-^-'---'-. m''^'-:l y:-?m^:^^k::jmz'-'^^ 106~"" " 45 9' 27 186 r''-m.' -. ":t' ' \^ -'7- 2y 31 53 ' '12' "36 132" ^mm-'-^z^-^: '•m^--y m-i-wm-^m^^^^^^ 186 318 "^^ " 66' 198"'" 768 '^•mM ^'i&ul^M:i:. mm-. mw^^^-0 0 0 0 0 katzoksand-st51 SimTraffic Report Page 3 SimTraffic Performance Report Baseline Existing AM 10/28/2004 Total Network Performance Total Delayjhr) ^^•':5lMfMj^-7:':7: Total Stops - Jravel Time (hr) Fuel ijsed (gal) " CO Emissions (g) Vehicles Entered \^ehicles^Exitel)^ Hourly Exit Rate Dejiied )En^ • - Denied Entry After 1 5 tS^tj 243 ^2692^ ' l"0? 167" lescT m20'-. -288' ' 1800 m'^ot katzoksand-st51 SimTraffic Report Page 4 Queuing and Blocking Report Baseline Existing AM 10/28/2004 Intersection 5 State Street & Carlsbad Blvd Directions Served MfMl'^^iMi'^t?^ Average Queue (ft) g5t^T^QuetJe^^^ Link Distance (ft) D^sfrearr^^ Queuing Penalty (veh) Stgragepa^DjM^i^^^ Storage Bjkj7mej%y"' " Queuing^R^^ R 11 1370'"'"" T "A" i";19' "464' ""'38' Intersection 8 Beech Ave & Cadsbad Blvd Moy^errifij; Directions Served Maxutu^ • Average Queue (ft) 95m^ueue(ft)x£:V. Link Distance (ft) b'p'strearn'' Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay •Dis^^ , Storage Blk 'Time'(%)"" Queuing: Pen a ity (ye h). LR LTR T TR T TR -'52".r •••:30:) ms 3?" "20"' ' '33 12 43 ' "^46 "'*9.T •"'-37.: v".^47"^ '^:.:fl7 245" ' 4V1"' 1075'"' 1075 ""AA8 ' '448' intersection 11 Grand Ave & Cadsbad Blvd mm Directions Sen/ed Maximum); • ; Average Queue (ft) p]tr<|ueue^(ft)^^^^^ Link Distance (ft) OgsireaniBijc^^ Queuing Penalty (veh) lMigslagDi|F|ftj|;;-:; Storage'Blk tPme (%) '" LTR L TR L T TR L T TR •":^30 • ;:::.30.:. ;:"^:3o^" ••••:54;" m' .^y-mm'". . ' 45' "29 ' "I6 ' ,. ... .^.^ . '23 '^Ab' '49""'^'""' -ym-•kJs2. " ^:-^t^ ••-lor'v';^:;; ""r- '• ." V"^-''•7'-':'' 267" "\168 " 1168"" "911" '"bit 911 1075'' "lots'" '1075 katzoksand-stSI SimTrafllc Report Page 5 Queuing and Blocking Report Baseline Existing AM 10/28/2004 Intersection 14 Grand Ave & State Street ^•:7m77,:-:::;,::^i;^!::;7^7?r Directions Served LT M)ap[TVLiim;Ql]e^ ,t.j''52^:: Average Queue (ft) 32 95th;Queu||f5;7^ 'UnT'Drstance (ft)'^"""^'l l'68 " LTegream'^ Queuing Penalty (veh) Storfge'-BayJ^lft]^?;;^^ Sto7age"BlkTime^(%"f ' Quemng; Pera Nework Summary TR t::^4;' 30' 1l"68 LT t52^ "42 ^;:;58^ 372'" TR tlG2? '"45" ''m LTR -••52; ^"34 m- '360 LTR '49 -ojtlQ-; ""2278" f\J^eBAf'ojk"-wife^ katzoksand-stSI SimTraffic Report Page 6 Actuated Signals, Observed Splits Baseline Existing AM 10/28/2004 Intersection 8 Beech Ave & Cadsbad Blvd Movement(s') Served Maximum) .Green^jsV Minimum Green (s) RecalU^ V- - ' Avg Green (s) g/CRaftot, ' I Cycles Skipped {%) C^cleS:'©iMiiwiiirn:(V) Cycles Maxed Out (%) Cycles wrtiTPejdsJ°''o') pontj^oilefj^i^^anr^^^ -j-W^ Average Cycle•:L-en5t_hr(s)':5^8 T" Number of Complete Cycles 9 SBL NBT EBTL NBL SBT WBTL 4 0 18 0 16D 40* 18 0 160 4 0 "A 0 •^4 0 4 0 4 0 ' 4 0 Nonew Min None None" ^ Mm IMbrie "" o'o 44 8 5 3 0 0 44 8 53 0 00 0 77 0 09^ ODO 0J77 0 09 100 0 "o" 100 ' 0 "o 0 ^ P-0 , 0 ^-0 0 78 0 0 78 "o" 0 ,.0" : 0 , - 0 i',.-;-iTT'.-. '."ll. Intersection 11 Grand Ave & Cadsbad Blvd E5aser= Movement(s) Served fyfaxirnum":Greeri (s't Minimum Green (s) Recall'.' )ttt""^t \ :•- Avg Green (s) g/CHatiq]^-^^::'v:t--^^ Cyc]es"Skipped7%) "" Cyclers )@;Mim " (%) Cycles Maxed Ou't (%) &y(^CwititPed^^ Average;Cycle;Lerigth (s).::^^ Number of Compiete'Cycles 18 " ' ------- , SEL NBT WBL EBTL NBL SBT WBT '•"•"4 b: " t6:b" ."'ts 0 ;';i6 b t;;4.o ..'16 0; ••28:0: 4 0" '40" 4 0 40' ' '"40" """40' 4 b None ' Min None None None ' Mm -i^one '4'o" 130' ' 6'"7" "54 ' " "4 0 '"'l'4'8 ' 7 6 ^.o'os-'' •b4r. ••:"D.:2b •""0.03"' : "b'b2:" --•:b:46 •P-21 ' '61" ""b 5 " 83 ' '83' "' "0' 0 .;t'39y :"^t-6; : t- ;;b"' 7 7-0^-y7m t'T-Ci,. - • .;o. ""•39" " 44'" " "" "32 ' ' 0 " " •5"0 ' ""^0' ''\:o'v t''^b :7'."6' "\7/.q: 't: P'. \177V'- kat2oksand-st51 SimTraft'ic Report Page 7 Actuated Signals, Observed Splits Baseline Existing AM 10/28/2004 Intersection 14 Grand Ave & State Street m7i^''^m27mm^mm^ Movement(s) Served NBTL Maximwi^lfr^ I -tSTp Minimum Green (s) 4 0 RecalU;;;;?^;^^)):^^ ^ Avg Gree"n'"(sj ' ^" 10 9 9'(C;Ratio^^£;i§i^ Cycjes s'kip'ped'(%)" ""o Cycles ;@!|VI]^^ Cycles "M_a""xed Out ('%)'' "' "35" te^™pRecls;fS|);^."; 77Wf^ eriSuif EBTL SBTL WBTL :.^6p;'v"';t6;0;t);i6:f To"^ ^4 0 " '_4_0 ' ' ••None}V;^!Min^ "jb'e" tojg' to 6" " -•0:36;-t0)3f.t-:p/36^^^ •" ' •Q- •••-•Q-- - 7mk77207m^77m-7f7::,7' "' "30' _l35^"'jb" k:7MMm7BM&:i^ ?Werage):Cycle4jehgth t'ti-tt; Number of Complete Cycles 20 4 SimTraffic Report Page 8 kat2oksand-st51 SimTraffic Simulation Summary Baseline Existing PM 10/26/2004 StartJTime^ 6 57 E nflHiro e^)t|i^:v^^ total Time "(mm) 13 TimeyReccxae^ 7-'^077'-77'7-. # of intervals -. r , # pf/RecorBed JntVjs";-" Vehs Entered 440* ' y^KLExitedt^)|^^ )ht".^4i8-V '-'• •' ; :'•;.•' Starting Vehs 71 En(^ng^hs|^§,)^;:j/:);^ Denied Entry Before 0 Defied •Enfi^i)^^ Trayel_Distance (mi) " 35Q7"^ J^^Mt7]^pE^:W^'7']-77y Total Delay (hrj "4 2 """ ''" "•-'•-'•- - ..^-.i-:^^.- -,.:. total-Stopj?');|r;-r''0^ Fuel Used (gal) 22 2 ,'^:;;f;y : peillOf^form^^l^ Start Time 6 57 End 11 rn "^y) .."'^ - TPO •'t ' •'"': t^"" \ . '' •"•'•ti'"-'•.^^^ ' Total Time (mm) 3 Volumes;acijusted by'Grov^h Factors ' ' - :.:'; :::•••;•.: No data recorded this interval ' " " " ' 7^'7rr i Jnligall^j^-ltiforiTOfron Start Time 7 oo ~~ ~ ' ^ End Time "l^t; r , ...... '^•^••'•-;.: v/-\y •:'••:•; •; •_ - •/.•.;.;:•;;::.:- .L y".":": Total Time (mm) •lb' ' • •• • " •'• •" .. . -. . yciiumes ad[ust --''' "7-: - . •--.> -"-:..••';:.• V.:"::-...v:. -Vehs Entered " 440^ • . - , . . ... : VeKs.ExjfeHtt^t--;^^ .v•"•:^''^';^•,y•:v."-•^C - '^^v:^ :: ^ Starting Vehs 71 " •" """"" •" •-.-i -....r.^.,........ ...j... in^'M^i^stitti • ;t t^ ^ 1; t.,i"^ Denied Jntry Before 0 ^>eH^Sj^niIy.'/Afte^•^Vv•. Travel Distance (mi) 350 ^ ^lMTim|(h^)^s^^;;|^„g-|^ Total Delay (hr) 4 2 ' ' tota[,Stqps;;;i,V!;-'j:^:'^^^ Fuel Used Igalj ' " ' 222 " " ' ' '^7m7im7:^L '^7s-:M^7X-'* katzoksand-st51 SimTraffic Report Page 1 SimTraffic Performance Report Baseline Existing PM 10/28/2004 5 State Street & Cadsbad Blvd Intersection Performance Total Delay (hr) ^^IMiMim Total Stops Tim^nD^^ Travel Time (hr) Ayg^pelJ'(mph)t^ FueljJsed (gal) H,Q 5rtlss)Qrts^g)i; ^^^^^ CO Emissions (g) Vehicles Entered Hourty Exit Rate pen [ed ,En] ry Bef o [e; Denied Entry After 9 Beech Ave & Cadsbad Blvd Intersection Performance 0 2 0 3 06 1 2 mw7k m mi 7mm 27 110 mmr:i -^rm'-•-7^.-2im m-:5m7.:7m7'-7: • _ - • - r^.;•--.' "^i^^r .'^ "0 7""'"' 16" 7i::^m7^- "" 'of """^0"6"' "'"Ts"' '""2 7"'^ ^7-2:m^ 'm^7--'^-'^-^'''^7^'7^7'^ ' -'--^ 179 '' """ '""240"""'"' """ " ^77^77 m7m'k'7mm "i"it:<--.':-."7''^T^'',~-,'^'- 56 ' V23 ' ' 135"""" 314 :^i!:itr 7m7i ;if^;3tQ');.^-;^t''t: -7m'7--7--m'''^k 324 "Yse" ' '"780"" l"8'60""' 7m'7'-"t^'p;^':" 77:7m-wm'om7^^--7.y----'-0 b 0 0 Total Delay (hr) ^7\^2l^m- ' '-' ''-'''-77: "^••.""^'"" Total Stops Tra>^l;|)ist(mi),•'" ' •. '•- ';•:.' ': travel time "(hr) Avg'^eeQ (niBfi)t:; t 't''""^ ' ' • : Fuel Used (gal) HC tffiissjo'nS'')(gy: 7 • CO Emissions (g) NOx/Emlssiqns tg| -J.-' '7 Vehicles Entered ?shIclei^Exite^ : Hourly Exit Rate DenietJ^Erftn^^ Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 02 0 1 0 4 :'5.5.:-::' "t-;4 t^ -".4 5 - " " • ' :5:5 • "9""" ... Tb"' 23 '52 ' :.'.P'5,;::'" ":--p:A'.; • 29:3"^) " . v: •8VD"" .• : 738 2 "00 "'"b 0 "" ....... '0 4 " 1 7 ":m-'^':7 "7:-A9: ' " m.' '-^-:m'' ' .".23:. ;" o'o ' ' 0 0 '2 A " 0"4 ' ' " "2 8 y--::-:Qy--... :.'"1- ' :. .•7. •••3 "' 1 "' 0 ' " " 297 ' "26" ' 324 mm7 ' :.7m7i^-- -^•73'^:: \.;'27; "^ • 5 "" ' " t34 88 2"3"6 '" ' |tl9..^^.7 "-t:^'4"''t •t"-'t32;^n^^; t;-''2337,."^ 54 24" 7"92 528 1398 k:ml 'm7'E77t 0 0 0 'b"" 0 katzoksand-st51 SimTraffic Report Page 2 SimTraffic Performance Report Baseline Existing PM 10/28/2004 12 Grand Ave & Cadsbad Blvd Intersection Performance Total Delay (hr) 0 0 0 3 0 7 OA 14 p elay^gelffs)^^ m7'7^ ^;t-"d7b.^'";-7, 7m;\ k77-' '7m7 -..;-.15;9t7 .7,7'::l6^4;r77,..7.;)7*:V';7 total Stops 7 "^"" '"""'"36"" '•"1V3""" ""'"55 "" ""21T trayeiipist|Mi)^^ 7^7m'77 7^:i\^7m ''7omk mzqmk 7.77A2m7'M77m7-7::^^- Travel time (hrj """'"b't"""' "tl l"l 'I'b"^"'•'" i^:§MM^^^!-^i777p7^ m7m77^ 7-mm7:: 77mA^:-m7777W7''7^?-'':-r Fuel Used (gal) "09' ""^•' "'7T 13 -3 4'"^-'"•--"-'• trl)C..Emj^o£s7gl^V 7: " 7m.'m:^^: m^37m\ tf'3^t:Y m^i^M^--'"^77770 m77m'^^7mm^. CO Emissions (g) r'"" tbb "90 ' '" " "154 "'" 352 NOx^Emissjor^^ Vehicles Entered -"••t7"P.Sr'Ji m''^^--7 b;-pt't WM77 m:zm7mm77m^-NOx^Emissjor^^ Vehicles Entered "'"""'sT'"""" "•"156""'"""' 102 317 VehicieS; Sy|ey^;^W^ t,-?7'7\) 7::.! Hourly Exit Rate 7:77m77L 48 306 •i3497:j; '^894 '""' '7r'7\9£y^ 564'' ^ V73b277^-: ••:s):'-7i^^^^ I8T2" ' '• PSQEj^PiyrilJMsfg^ mmw '-P"t,: mwm-^ :m^7) 77:''"-V"^S-^-':777-;y^ Denied Entry After 0 0 b "^'''^o'""'"'""" "^"'""•"' "" 1 5 Grand Ave & State Street Intersection Performance IJ^JAV'TFV^.- UTriJ.1Tn."-.-flT>rrT^r<-rT-Jl Ff- • ••-i i—rr. • . -, , — ^r-——• •! .-. . ^ . . ._ '§m7BBmM ;)55\yaBMii* Total Delay (hr) 01 0 1 01 0 2 0 5 peyay737eh;'(s)''.' "t"'- • "•""; •"'.'''^t^' ^ •: 87 "^""b 9) 7:^ "9 4'-,14.2 • - -9 8- : • '[ : 7 Total Stops •35"" '26 24 "28 113 Travel pist (mi);- " -- • " •"" 17 8. " ; •'39:" "26 ' 19 2 37.5 " - " ' ';•; .• Travel Time (hr) b 6 02 0 2" 0 9 19 Ayg;Speed7(imp^ • ."77 7" 7)' ;) ;2b'': :t "167"-' )" •• ri & -'--'22'-'--• ;--2Qt) ,' - : - Fuel Used" (gal) " to ""o'""3 "02 0 9 2 4' " HC;Emissions:{g^ , '^^'7 -- • 'Vt:>"'3"7""" -'^'i-p77m' -•71-, •'• ""•7-72 " • '^mc •• '7.:^' .""7,: -t •• CO Emissions (g) 120 "59 ' 28 "' "31'" ""'"238' NOx^Emissions^^ ••V•^• -'^"' ;,-•:• 9 •-/•• "• ;t:t' 4''"- ' - -' "^"••2 .; tT-Ts t. '. ."^7i8y7 )" \ ;r^:-.:r: Vehicles Entered 58 ""''•48" "3"l "' 47 '" • " Veh icieS ^Exited f t 7:7 >7 - • - V mMi77, \.7:48-:^.:7^7 .':"29.:"^'t :. V"^ 49;7f '77^7" 7-'m -^-X- - k Hourly Exit Rate 348 ""288" 174 "294 "'1104 """" penied^EHry^^ 777^:7)7m ''^•7Umr. •'•7-m-' >7:m--^-7'-: 77j:-m77-7,m--'7^i^^^7'''-Denied Entry After b"""' 0"' "6' b 0"' "" •'"*'""•"" kat2oksand-st51 SimTraffic Report Page 3 SimTraffic Performance Report Existing PM Baseline 10/28/2004 Total Network Performance Total Delay (hr) i7hiT^\'/'^/=\/clh'7c^ • •- '".. ' - " :^ 4 2 :• "i^.••y':^r^v:^''-3474'' '7^-' ueiay'/Ty ci.i.^sj-...-..i.^;;. -,--rr Total Stops --' . - ••v^-v7 '--, ""'"""""l87" [IraveT® st;(iii i)^ t- '--7^ mmk-m^^'m-travel Time (hr) /^\^;S|ee|;(nntHy:7.^^ :f:77tt.' mmr7m7my.': t'vt- Fuel Used (gal) 22 2 HCWmss]pns^)V7 •-•7-{-m7m7mm:77 77-^7 CO Emissions (g) Kl f—^ V jPTTI 1 c c IOnc.''/'ri:\ . '' - - 2208 %-j'..''^m '^''''-'~^rrjmm-^m'" niJX:!pIIllb5IOQb-\gj . Vehicles Entered '"'" ' "" "'"" """440 """ yehicles^:Exitedi-;,v7'r'Y.'/) i':-. Hourly Exit Rate • •-'•—•"2508 ' "" B^RiedErrfr^ ' 7y7^'7X-77:^(y7'-''-'y Denied Entry After 6" SimTrafl"ic Report Page 4 katzoksand-st51 Queuing and Blocking Report Baseline Existing PM 10/28/2004 Intersection 5 State Street & Cadsbad Blvd T L 7225 769 :-247" 1086' ::.;.:3bg= 124 T;3b3v "'464' Directions Served R Max m^im^^Que 777' •I Tt Average Queue (ft) 77 95th;iQijeue;);|t))^7 Link Distance (ft) ' l'37b'* Queuing Penalty (vehj Storage BayBist(ii7 S Storage BIk tirne (%") Due ijingj=eralfy)5v^ :-7ttT'^7' Intersection 9 Beech Ave & Cadsbad Blvd Directions Served Maximl^^ Average Queue (ft) ?5th;Queije^(fft;^^^ :7 Link Distance (ft)'' ' ' Upstream' Bll< .ttmet%j Queuing Penaily (veh) " Storage Bay)pisttft);-' Storage B"lk'Ti"me'('%)"' C) ueuing Penajtytyeh) • LR LTR L T TR L T TR m ;7-32;-:: t75(7i t-)^i87't 't'-327;" ^.-^gt" 7W-28 "l"8 " 22 """is" "' '6""' 30 " 'AO ''3b'" 7;.4"3't •'•-54' ?'t79t }••: •42"t: :7'25." -':m.-m 277 " 385" 1076 1076 ' 1076 442 442 'AA2 Intersection 12 Grand Ave & Carlsbad Blvd Directions Served LTR %Qbeue;)(ft)7^; r^ii!Tsm. Average Queue (ft) '"77 95fh: Queue |^ft);7^^ MA '7 Lmk Distance (ft)"^ U£s|reara;BigT^^ Queuing PenaTtyl;vefi) "' S to rage;; Bay^pist tftp7::: Storage^'Blk "time'_(%)"'"" Oueulng-Penaity^ 457 ..-7'^7 _L TR L _ T TR L ^•m-mmC-7'^':'-7^ :7AO: 89 27 25~ ''" lit"' " 109 " "sO " :'fflttt'54, ^§'t52 ;;;p3t 7^ 1147 1147 34b' 340 '"'"340" 1076 T TR '-.'mm^s::, 74'56 1076''"107? ;-.s.v^"*. .'-'.if7ie7.7. katzoksand-st51 SimTrafl'ic Report Page 5 Queuing and Blocking Report Baseline Intersection. 15 Grand Ave & State Street Existing PM 10/28/2004 Directions Served LT Maxim i^m'Qu 7:. '•''-50"' Average ""Queue (ft)"" '35 95th^Queue tlf Ijsit.t m7^7 Link Disfance"'(ft) "'^ ' 114f' (Jpsfeam^Bj^ Queuing F'ena'lty'(veh) """'" ' ' Storage Bay)pjs"t^(ft^^^^ Storage BIk Time (%j •' " """"" " C^JeumgiPera^ Nework Summary LT TR IT TP i"TD rVF, .-f.^.^ TR ::t^68 ^47 t7'^b: 1147 LT •;:b7b^ •39^ t^64-:: 426 " TR -m 25 b;4& 426" LT_R V3t9b;' " 55' ;-^-S6'^^ 445" LJR 7t28"7^ 74 ""• mw 226't'"' ^^^9ri^ ^M"Qbeuingt=enal{y:^': katzoksand-st51 SimTrafilc Report Page 6 Actuated Signals, Observed Splits Baseline Existing PM 10/28/2004 Intersection 9 Beech Ave & Cadsbad Blvd Movement(s) Sen/ed MaxirrTurri-Green :(s7 -' • Minimum Green (s) RecalL ' Avg Green (s) •g/C Rafiq^"^j^.^ Cycles Skipped (%) CycIH;-@.'^Mifii^mjJrn Cycles Maxed Out (%) C^cleswitFr^ds"('°/o I'~ Pffotro^ijmimarr" Average\Gycle Length-(sj---34;.5^- Number of Complete Cycles'~13 SBL NBT EBTL NBL SBT WBTL 4 0 18 0 16 0 " 40~ 18 0 16 0 4.0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 •None:--' Mm •iNone. ; Ttone.--Mm -'J^one 4 0 26 7 6 0 "^4 0 21 9 6 0 0 01 0 66 0 14 0 59 0 14 92 14 2t" '^62 7 21 8t 0 14 38 D-- '14 8"' 64 7 38 50 7 , 0'^ •A , 0 Intersection 12 Grand Ave & Cadsbad Blvd ^7.^1 ^!rS:2m7M^SWM& Movement(s) Served Maximum.G"reeri''(sb "' Minimum Green (s) Recall 7'tF ^t- " - - " Avg Green (s) g/C^Rafio^;j7.;7(7"' Cycles'SkipF)e'd (%) Cycies'_@).iyij"n[m)um ( Cycles Maxed Out (%) ' CycletwltH Peds.(%).') g"Gmijol!I^ljjTMiylS Average Cyclei_erigth,^ "" '"' Number of Complete Cycles ""12 SBL NBT WBL EBTL NBL SBT WBT •'--4b"" ':78:o: ;-6p"' "-i6]a^ 7 )4:b " "ISO-" ,-26 b-: • 7 "'"4 b" " "4 0" "" "4 b "'40" ' '4" 0 " '4 b" "40 None' . Min • None-•Nori"e~ Nonet -tMmt. 'None": -: - ""40" ' "ib't" "'•"e'l' '"t2'5" '"76 " 18'"l" 177''• PP5): ^•0,36 :" •; 0.'15''' ;^b;1Gi: t:b'b4-' 'PPS''-••),C)PB;; - ' " 42 " " "0 ^ "l"5 3 'i' "" 75 ""' 0 '" '"' b "' •"^'•:58".'" "P"" .'•' •'"•tl . .7>Po-. 77-:8: •' :\:b" ':-.r^0"7 ' '58"""' 83'' "77 "46 ' " """25" "58"" ... .^^ „. tto ^ b -58 -7 :;;o ..',-746; •:• :0 ) '• ' b _ :': - '-0 - vt '^fm'\ '.C'yiJt-Tly^t-}' kat2oksand-st51 SimTraffic Report Page 7 Actuated Signals, Observed Splits Baseline Existing PM 10/28/2004 Intersection 15 Grand Ave & State Street Movement(s)^Served NBTL EBTL E^M[nyntGreents)S^ Minimjjm Green (s) '4 0 '"tb 5ilillll'lil:iti,tt7t';fM^ Aj^g _Green (sj "' •-Q-^ - W57^^7iMMM:'MkkM§57- !'b3"8;; Cycles Skipped f/o) "" ""o"" "0 Cycles :<ajlin I b^TlF t^tP ; Cycles Maxed Out (%) "29 3o" IM[tEl§Mt?J^'t-7^ 20"' iMrMftlsnjiiTiagg SBTL WBTL ^6:b);716;bt7 j4_b "'4 b"' ^iMm'-^^None 7: _9 7 7o;35;? •770- "29 JO 8 '"0.387 ' "b" 7^""pt 3n"" ^7507 Aver age X}ycle) Le ng t h;^( s).^ 2 8 2:7 7)' Number of Complete Cycles '20' katzoksand-stSI SimTraft'ic Report Page 8 ^ SHI 0*^'tsu & Associates •fc^^^H T'^ffi<: Eni^ineers and Transponalum Planners ^ Appendix C ^ Alternative 2: Year 2005 $ i 4 4 4 4 4 March ZOOy 7, ^— jy\345-Q Carlshaa Boiilevard Pedesirian Walkway Enhancement Traffic yVnalysis HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5 State Street & Carlsbad Blvd LanejSqnfigurations S[grr^Gon|raiW)^ Grade""' Vo^uitretv^ Peak^Hour Factor ftourly^flowra^ Pedestnans IfneiMFIIp^^ Walking S^peed^tf/sj""""" Right turn flare (veh) M^edian storage veh) yG^)cqnfj]ct^ yC 1^ sjage J c"o""nf"'vot ' '" y^?iJ!|9e^^^cDr^ tc. single (s) tCs^siage^JslKT^ pbt|ueueTree:5t:^^ cM capacity (veh/fit '•sfopr7 -.1^^ F- ron-'••.^:^!^---v'7 ""' 'OVo" ""'b%"" ••^'••"-77: mn-7 mm tpo; Mfsbt 0 92 0 92 • 'bl2 '" b'92 ' o^'br flit J-'^?c7r:'^jf' IMtJ •280^^ mt ttgptt Ngriett 453gtt :^rr^c^ -7:^7„• -tim '" '6 4" • "6 2"'"" """ft "I'b'""'"'" ----- •1.00! 7 785 ^'-'c 'l ' "•; 7:m'- 'toe'"" 731 l"'2"25"" .A ^ree; "^Jb"% 0 92' ii2i^::,.c.^:77i.-7 J'4 0 5tP Vqiume'Tptal )7L7;-7 )yolume Left" Vdjurne ^Rig hf ^ •'' ,• - 7 • ^ CSH"'""""" '"- •"•"• VqlurnFtSCa'paa Queue^Length'(ft) '""" ^?9[t[ol:pe!aytstSi Lanelos"'"' _>:.,:^7i:i27-;-i335i7^2077^^ ,. . . . ,, 0_ t) ' '"207"-^'o'""""""-•••''•-- -y---^- :-^:^:--::-:i:!-:. 7K /ttt't2"j7?7547tt'.73--77^ 731"'" 1700" 'f22'5""'"l"7bb""""" ""^ ' ••••-^••'^••----^^^•"•------7:^,7 •:^'(ti5:^--^o.2b"-''.':o:t7't"-d"48-^^^^^^ . 13 _b""i5^"'""^""b'""" ""' ""' "'••' ' ''' ••^----^••------••-^--••• ) :':-10'8-!t:: om 13:5-V7:'r^0p::^77-z:.^-^ '-•- - ^^-^^T^^^: -^^^^r;- j-:--rr^r _ _ B """""A" " = •••--'•^ ••--•-^-•--^-^^--^^ ^^RJ^aSt£Deiay;(s|^j77 ^^^'-^l—---T?:^r -.77-,v. v;^-T Approach LOS " ' "-••-'-g-'-•• •-••'- .-^.i -^...IL..-.,-,, -•^- :-^^---^^^'i:.-^---.-)i,-:-^.^-C.::.,^ lnl[secfipn,:Cap5^ katzoksand-stSI Page 1 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis SjM!iMfi}ggttt7^ ^t^^.^S7SZ^S°7^ ^ 0 92 0 92"''""b9r^ 0'9r"''^b92"'l"92"*'''"''" MMiferil:;^ Pedestrians ''-—•-'^—-^'^^-'-^^-'^^^•^^ .Lan^iSMIii^tvtt^™?^ Walkmg_Speed (ft/sj ""'"'''' ''• -•"•'•-^--'-"-^^^^^^^ Rightiurntiare (^J^^ '^'''^''~ '''''"""^^^^^^ ME}sMM:MMM77'^im!f Median_ storage veh) •'--^'••^-'"'^"--'-•^^-^•^^-•'-••-=;^-^-i•:;^-^t:..^:'::^^:^7^ vCI, stage 1 conf vol •-•---••-• •^-•^-.-•.•:.-.-:-.-!--->..•..•;• v..^'-,..., ;,:LWt^^:;Ui::^>S:a:,7 vC2ts|age)?oOTt?oit^ smgiejs)^"^ •"^"•' "e'f^'^^^e --•:.^^-- .... •^.•,.!.|^i.., tGv2;stig'e:(s)t:'C5^7^ tfjm ''^-^'-•^^-^^-•-••'^'''m^''''"3T'''''^^^^^^^^ PP-flySye :free;%'7')7'; r- ) 77om7-m^k^-\ "?;"•"77;.77' 7v-"56^-!^':r;- cM capacity (veh/h)'"""""' '""'49"''"'7t2'^"" ' •' ''"'^'"'''"•''^ -;Ti7:^'.: ':.J:i Bineetigjglaneiaigi^ ^Hiinin Tnfn7-'--' ---' -IT--'-'-r^m-'-, ^^^^^^^^^^"^^^ Vdlif m e Total 7 )7; - •H'i'r-' -: • -34 3'.;^ Volume Left 'b" StturMRigp"7:-;7:7;-7""-'"3^;-:- csH^; ;;-" y°'bt'^to:Gapacity'))-:"'.:'0 92"":: Queue_Length'(ft)"' " " "' ""242" GgntfclIJDelyp]77:"v._7 -63:p- Lane LOS '" -^ ^ —-—- MMsEE^^MW777m§m7 Approach LOS '" ' " "'"f '' ^8517 - t54 1700 ;"b:5b """b ::m "263;- 7t'70 "787 •:-b:34 ^" '38 .ti"P: -558" "y"*o"' •-^'t'b' •ftob ••Pp3'-" t^P;0. m7m>:9r- Average Delay 12 3 illifeeaionjCagacjf^ 7 J Cjjtdyef^f ),Sery 7k7&m7y katzoksand-st51 Page 1 ^ SIS ^ Associates ^B^^itfll •'^En,!:iru-ers and Transportation Planners •» ^ Appendix D ^ AJternative 3: Year 2005 •» •» •I •» •» «» «l % «» «» % % % % % % % % % « % % 7arch 2005 ~ ' Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian W aikwav enhancement ^ Traffic Analysis Lanes, Volumes, Timings 5 State Street & Cadsbad Blvd Proposed Signal 2005 AM t .nnfini ir^fion<r V A ^ ' : ' —^^^zf^lL Lan^ Configurations t§allosttjme'(s)):;t Satd Flow (prof) ?:'tilii]iii9^|t^7^ Satd Flow (perml SitSjTfgyvtfRl^^ Volume (vph)" ^l75gd|t(^Hr)t7t^i7 Peak_Hour Factor' LTatje :;Gro UR^/PjoW" "(yp Turn type PrgtecteST^}^ Permitted Phases T51[§plit:(S)"$^!'7v7 AcFEffct*Gre"en'(sj ?Ccfuafe(tg)Ct|^^ v/c Ratio Unijorrn Delaf;'cfl);^7. Delay ^Smmm7.7-,^ 7-:^- Approach Delay " ' " 7'"o ApprqacHt"OS-7r:'^ ^ •"'-A-- Queue Length"50th'(ft)" "' "tt' Queue;Leng|r95th;:(ft ': . 40; Internal Link o'lst'(;ft) "' " "l34'8 5(3th"tJqBlockTime^{%) •7-7) - : 95th Up Bloc'k time"(%") TurmBaypehgth'"^(ftj ".- ' ^y - ' sbth^Bay Block time '%' "'' 9§h)Bay:BlqcS^Ti^^ vcZ: Queuing'Penalty"(veh)" ' 7-4:0 J77b ^;g'-950 "^1770 50 7-„.i-,-t. - . . tt'j.' -it,. _0 9 2 -'t5T :2bP" 7"'2' ^p:i5' "b2""b^ '19 25 '176" 7-m 1583 ""I'ssJ t'.:4t2^ "'tot' '77m, ^"0'92 pt+ov ttP'C: :-37.b-: 23'7" tb44^ ''b 15" .)""P."b-.' '1'9" ':- ':"A': 0 -19- ;-.i-^7 "':t4p ?7:' 4 •(?•.;;," 7^)075, 4^0;-,' •'^";.''.v 5-"77-' 1822 _ b 1770" ""1863" ^M777m:^''sm7^m'm7-77i7:^ 1822 _ b_^ i770_""lJG3 ti:Mtt:i?^;=ti7>jji^ 258 50 190 749 -• .... ^0 92 '^0 92 ""0 ^"•""'0 92^''"^'"''' ••>-:---^:^-i^"^.i^i.^:^'.fe7-^a..!^!:>:- ty;S347:):[^;^!j(t^ Prot 7i:;2;/7:£^7|^^'3;;7^ 23:b;uttP-bt^"!^7-^Gtt4b;b7^^^ 20 6 10 6 35 2 70;47;^t''?^S7'b:2377b)l30t^^ 0_39 'b'sf "b'55""" 7'6 3 :i-tt7-t-t:i"6.4 7;;^p't; 110 143" "4"0""" t7^'Bt-^'7.P't^'.^-:B'''"-^-^;'"'5A^ 11 0 'bt^ m§:7}7:m--'^''Em-7A-^- 57 40 '87" ;:;138 ;;; , • • - 1^ 498 "1040 Cycle Length 60 AcTuated Cycle Length 44 2 . , Control Type Actuated-Uncoordinated' Maximum'v/c^afio_q 55 j"-'^ ^ " Intersection Siqnal Delay 7^3 fnTer.sect10nCapacrty-Utilizafioh.53 2-% • Intersection LOS A . t -.ICU.'Levef of Service A • Splits and Phases 5 State Street & Cartsbad Blvd ilfl i An t 02 0b fmTTT^- N \KOA03-vA3460 Cartsbad Red Enhancement TOSTraffic Analysis\Proposed-with network2005\Proposed AM sy6 katzoksand-st51 P^S^ 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 5 State Street & Cadsbad Blvd Lane Configurations >j l(f y '" """" TSp ,!Dds^'3mTe|stt^^ 7-:p--4/0;, '77M!0 1583 77:W:^. 1583 ttpb"' 316" ""'0 "92""' pt+ov '"4Q:-07 "26 6" 70377 0 5l"' ••7"9;8:7 11 9 " ' ---"B-t 50 247 1863 m& '^513 0 92 •>"5:DV 'bb^-.; 0__92 t"268't ""Prot "' tMtf, '"j4"3"' -ift^b^ '07f" !2tD': 37""8 -";D": Saw Flow (prot) R|t^eMiftM'P^s-S77;7 Satd Flow (perm) SagtElowtRTC^^ Volume (vph) WMMM7M^k7^\ Peak^Hout'Factor "" Lane^'Gi^b^ Turn type Hiqfec^dRH^es' P^^ Permitted i=hases " Toi^,§MWWmy^ Ad'EffPt'Creen (s)'^"'" ' ' W^^'^MWm^ 7'7'- y/c Ratio "^ yitform^pelay)-^ ' Delay Loptp^^Pt'.:-"t^'^'55''-"^ Approach Delay Approachp'OS)'.; Queue Lengjh 50th"(ft) Queue;.Length^95th M;ft)" 7 Internal Link Dist (ft) " " 5MtUq-Block Time •(%) 95th Up BpckTinie (%) '" turn 'Bay :Length (ftj't' 50th Bay'Block time % 95ffi:Bay;BI(Dck.time^% Queuing Penalty '(veh)' Cycle Length 90 5^£iyili^!l5ycl^ Type'A^tuajed^Oncoo^^ ^y-^^i-^:^^-^^^^. Intersecton sJ^naT^Dplaf'le^s''''""^"''"^'"''^''^''^ Intersection LOS B mtegtiomCapac§-U *.J5i''i^!P5"^''e.volume exceeds capacity, qbeuettSy'b^tonget'"'"'^""^"^"'"' •-7'!QMeue^shqwrv.[s^ cyaes:>!p5iS^?7;:;^ 17_70 i0-55bi "l770' ^ "50 " o""92'" •7^4'^ bPao: • Yj m7: "027 293^' "33 5 ' Pt'c-" 14'9 " -"•;'-' !B"-^ '26 p-:60)) i4b'i"' 76 "158: 1846 1846 P.:Pt6t " '7'33"' ••QQ2 PtsPt^ m.o7 . p?o;52p 0 "89"" pPp^V^ 19 2" -P"PB-'5 19*2" 7/B'-,- "_297 ^*625"7 ^"498"'"" "•l"4%" '4-0> "b" ""'"o" ^'74:0^ _1770 I'opsb:: "'"l"77b" -7m mm: 1863 -.;7;7;77v 128 ; J265 0 92 .!55B^: tpb^pj "" 56"o'' pbPtt 0 39 " •^^'^2)6' 2"8 --^ ";A - 14 1 ' 54 7715 7 1040" .-".-.iJ—L*- .-..i:.v .,•%'7-,-:'^•'•^ •;:~7*i;!;. A, -'•'f ^J:t^7:^ --!v7•^;^^^i•:! >V.^7;/77rfr*! !-i£-:Mi,£'^ta^i7 Splits and Phases 5 State Street & Carlsbad Blvd T 02 7i=. 1 i 06 —, J 0S N \KOA03<A3460 Carlsbad Red Enhancement TOSTraffic Analys,s\Proposed-with network\2005\Proposed PM katzoksand-st51 sy6 Page 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 8 Beech Ave & Carlsbad Blvd Year 2005 AM ^ A t A V j V Lane Configurations 5!°M!P9§lltmf i(sj| p:'/, Satd Flow (prot) S_atd Flow (perm) SaJdtRpSlSl^HpPPt Volume (vph) Gorf|^Ms|gjTF)pP Peak Hour Factor Panffrqaqf|qw^(yp^ turn Type ^2!llI?ERIslpPvSP Permitted Phases' t5taMp^(s|ppp7^7^ Acf'Effct"'Greeri'"(s')"'""''^' Actijate(^:g/C"^Rati(^ t v/c "Ratio y blfomtpelay Delay !3M^St^'PPP'"-'^7:"-.p^ Approach Delay""" "" ApprqachpOSD''.p, •;;" Queue Lengbh 50th (ft) ' Queue :Length;P|{H^ internaj^Ljnk Dist (ft)" 50tftUj3.jBlqqk^^ "95tti Up "Bloc'k'jim'e (%)""'" t li [t!;BapLengtHtft].);;: p- - " 50th Bay BlocPfirne % "" ^tftBay:fljqc|tt^ Queuing Penaity ('veh)^'" "' •p^fp; b' 77;-7,~ P ^P'o" """ogr mm Perm 72^7)-. 4» •7-7t0':? " i'683" .092|P "'_1_590'" PjPpP' •""o"" 77)72^7 EpP'tpP • 26;b:P •"^"8 6' • PctPt'P " 'b"i""3" ~ tt4"8":'' "" 7"9' " 7A-:"), "•""7 9 --'"•A"-,' '""b""' 7m77: "'"316 .4t. . *i fT* P;ttOT:7; • 4 pi-tp®) "P^ --4 bPPpa5p'5i4?D': .. 0 0 _i720" " ''"r'"'T77d""'j522 ?PtPPPiMSt-0^D5^tff^^ 0^ _^b^ _ 1596"'"b 'PP7b'"''"3522" "O 92'm '92'^" 0~92 '""o'Tfe""" •""O.'g?"''' '"o "92" '7:7M7S§M:7MMizMiM77m^ Perm j^tot "'^'"" Pi'PP^^^"'^^-9' ^P--!5;^t2b^P2gF^ t:Pt^P'ci^:7p:Qp27^ 0 17 0 08 009'"' -;j;-'.20.5^-P .... 'm7R7:\ 'tm 7mm b ::ttP2b:7i:! """ "504" •mm-7m[ 13 0 "4'2"' P:PB"'!'-^tPiAt 46" -P"."'"'7p'A.: J0 • ti4p",Pv^43-: tbsb' tl» tPl4:07iPi^P^ ^-;.p4)b ^)^P; ^4 JO 0 1770 3511 ""'o mmmmmmicm ^ J760 3511^ 0 aliifc^i^ 7^ 7^P> P;); 'IpP'PlP-t • ^7 11 "'ePb""""'" 40 SSipP^l^^fs^PpPP'^- " 0""92"" b'bTj"""j'"92''•"• o"92 ^itl^tti2.;7!^g3^::):;^ Prot"'"^""""'"" ""'"'^^•••"' il7!irlSilPplP.'Ll:p- lP9vbt3bP',:22pr7PG'o 8 4 _60T '"' ttprptSiS3PPb&.8bP;-PbP7 0 06 ' b 25 ^32.3;-, """95" :P"'"A'. 2 -Pb, ^•'22t:,^^ "2 6 2 7 7::?v"::, b' •:1Q17. "'4"26"" Cycle Length 50 )AcTyaped C^fe Length 68 5 ^ Control Type Actuated-Uncoordinated Mi2,![Py[ri v/c Rati.d 0 25 " Intersection Signal Delay 3 5~ LnMrsecFionPCapacify Ujjliiatron 321 %P ' ^P ,^ ^ Intersection LOS" A ICUTeveTof Sen/ice A 'r-j.--,jjV-™..-. Splits and Phases 8 Beech Ave & Carisbad Blvd V mm N \KOA03\A3460 Carlsbad Red Enhancement TOSTrafflc Analysis\Proposed-wrth network\2005\Proposed AM sy6 katzoksand-stSI P^ge 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 8 Beech Ave & Carlsbad Blvd Year 2005 PM ',4;'bPP'4^0- """O ' J67"8"" ;P;p70y898;;^ """"b 1544"" t|p7tt25p 22 0 m 20-W^i Lane Configurations t.qtalPgsttime'^(s)'p Satd Flow (prot) IplgSrmitt^^ Satd Flow (perm) iliPii^iiORtP Volume (vph) WmMMlMWiJ- m m • Peak Hour Factor 0 92 0.92 C'^i^i^PfoiM^ioF'Iyp^ p^; Pt-4,9 Turn Jype '""" 'p"^rm" '' '"^"" f5t2iisM^;{?IiMpPP t^""-^ ^ permitted Phases Tqfat"^jit^3tp:PP;;-?: ^ Act E'fl^ct "Green (s)" " " ' ^ctQafepg/C)'Rafip v/c Ratio y [^IPM pela^PH)p;{v': Delay Lpll^ttt^-'5t^--'P t: Approach Delay Approach"LGSp; "P."; Queue Length 50th (ft)' Queije)Lengfti-giStH (ft)'): Internal Link Dist (ft) 5btht)p BlScpfpie- 95th Up Block time "(%)" tym;,'Biy':Length-:(ftt-7) 7- 50th Bay 'Biock'tirne %" §5thJay;B]qcR;Tim Queuing Penalty (veh)"""" Cycle Length 50 Aptuated^Ci^felBn^ pontrol T^e Actuated-tj'ncoordin'ated''''' intersection Signal Delay 3 2"* IniirsectiOTjEapaci^^ glBgMBtl^Bii)i^B^^ ^vtC b.7p -4;bP'-•t4pp: 7 m 0 ' "o" rr'oo ""^m' WM^i7§^iMm9^77:^777^ _ 6 ^b" "t581 'd" •'^V^;•J:-:•.v;;•-.•.v.• 7a-:74:7^2:''-tc:i p3 13'"'l' ' T3""" 0 92 0 92^ 0 92 0 92 !/-7i iP fpp'/bl 'Ptsitpsft^bp Perm iiilllMiMilNBliiSBEl^Ml 7t4:0,;-7;4'P;\v '4:0P-.-:V-4p---^ 1770 3536 b "'i'770''" '"3532' p;S50. 'l770 '35"36" ';,rp.-95op^pP^ b '"l767'"3532 22 t-4P 0 """'b 732 5 14 _518 0 92 0 92 ^0 92 Pt24:p^pl'PpP^:0 i EP15 ^^-57077 Prot Prot 0 92 0 92"*""'"" 0 92 •P^b 25:bp" "92" ^oP"3p;' 'bP'P"'" !l5;6P^ "T4 " ' 'cm^7 "'7A' ' •:- ^f^-- 0' mf7-: 376 ;^0 0-^20.0;/;: ;2b)£P:Ptb:bt ' "9'l"""""'"'"""" P--";^ttPP3P-^Ptpp:^ di4''"""•• 77''P-;^P6;4b5)v,tt'P-" "a'b"""" '••tP;p-P:::^p7lP:P 8 0 ; ^"" -TA-'-'; 7- ;: ,' •""0 '-•'7-m^^mm.-. 415 "" m}§:m7277 7mm:22.m 'm "574""" ^b:D8;'^;^,89'.t. 7:00 7PtPt-PP:t::MPtt':- pA^-8tjp722pf7p^0P 0 17 p32; ' 12 9 " t B, 3 21 0 26 •;^"2p:- 2 8 -'P':A. 31 P -A" 0 : -. 92 - 1069 5 8 57 4 'dm: -•Pl89 0 to '" b ts •32)9. :;:-25 13 1 ' P 6 vtB;, • m 2 8 "" ' A 2 " 0 -16/: -.71- 4P2" :.;yf.:^j:'s CM^^'JSC'CJ.'-:--- ;^i?;s7*^^7'^lSii7:';. •. mm'-''-^^-'c:7vm^^^ Intersection LOS A >7 .,;;''77P-}-^"W; Splits and Phases 8 Beech Ave & Carlsbad Blvd T:^ ' m 04 05 i 08 N \KOA03V\3460 Carlsbad Ped Enhancement TOS\Traffic Analysis\Proposed-with network^005\Proposed PM sy6 Page 1 katzoksand-st51 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 11. Grand Ave & Carlsbad Blvd Year 2005/VM Lane Corifigurations ^!9l^Mm^lMM^^7 Sa^td^Flow (prot)'^ SfficrSt|gp::pPtst-t Satd^ Flow (perm) ""•'''^'"••' §§fe^iMi@oHpP^tt Volume (vph)" -'-•-"•- SMMMillrpf;:?7 Peak Hour Factor Turn Type ' H2iS§IiH^sepPiE7 Pej-mitted Ph'ases'" ''"''""" P^tS[lR|itIsp;pSf577r AcrEffct"'G re eiPilsr "''"""•' ^isliteffgp'Raii5pp7/ v^c Ratio -"---"'--^'^-^^ ^•SMM7?iMi^V777-:'^ Delay ^S§:m^^7^777777" Approach' Delay" A"ppipac}pLp5s;-t-:PP')7'.) Queue Lengtt^'sOlh (ft) " PMeLie:Pen|th]95th?(ftfp^ [nternal Link Dlst"(ff)"""'"' IMMllocpffie^%)7 95th U.p^Blbck""timeVto)'"'' tum^BayPeng'thpj^ 50_th Bay_Bl"qck'Time % " ?^l(tl3M!SPkP:imlI% 7 Queuing Penalty'(veh)"'"""" t^ :7m Jifo ;(P950; "tPtb' "^0"9'2^ 'Mm Prot im •^4j- tbpsg ' b 03" • ^24":b't "23''5"" 'k'm-^ 1 ';9; J^W3tPt^4:bp:74t) 1765 ' "'^0 ••b :'7sr- 1765" • " d 7.m7mm "to""" ? 0 149 PPtptP'piP^ptPt3/: 0 92 0 92 "b'9"2 " iiM^mMIm7>: Perm ^ 8" /29:Q^7tiD;0£t2PF. 12 6 " :^P29:;ppp^)f7f77;7" "dod]'^•••'-•--- p•:8:'o^^'^i^^-7:;•'77:.:.!^'/ 'so ^""""' ••'"•^'' p-pA^:rp77-'/7^7:r!;^- ' b'g"""'"'''''''"""" ''t At: 77-7777 7 " 2" •" ' ''""'" 'tbe'""'"'^•'•••-"• ^^^"• 4» t---tPb^^' 1754" 'bit2^- 1399' •PP^: 25 • "23,17 :721;b^ "PT"4'^' 'TTm-o'm' ).l5iB-c " 12 2 ^•t^'DP -'-{22' :tP:B S "" "24"'" ;'P28'^v 1168"' P-€P7:P.:^4.(gPt4;pP 0 Ijto 33"6"3 '" 0 1770 3363 :^tlPllPlPJp6?t ^. _39 _^ 22^^ 24T jO'92''''Qyr''''^0 92''' ^ Prot ' :^tt||)|)^|;p)£2^ "4't""p8"l"^'" .P^tPi:PQ:p8t^Pb'43"57; b'16 024'""" t)'p;;P:;24g':!p:77):9^-'7: 23 p" 'Tb"" ^•V.t.;:t.-.7:-:iP;-"7"''PAP-^^ 10 0 :tt -' - ..^'•"p.'P'r"'":''"'''A'""^^ 3 •" d 7:::7 7;728t.t::'T0)-:;-:' 366 ^ n tBPPP^4;0.:'-J4fb-^P:^4'b _ 0 1770""'3525"'""'"""b '7mfi^JMWM7^77^^7 .-„ _'P 17"6d"'j352'5' ""'""'"b '^SmTlimM'^l'SmT:::^ _81_ 48 678 "^Pg P^PM8^7::-71-^7T,77^: 0 92_ 0_92 0"92""T92 ::€:^m2^7m77mn ^^^^^ _Prot ' "^"" ""'"' fflt:l:b;b-p23tKptQ:6 6 'i 2b 7"'" ' """" PttP), t2;';P:b^48 v^;77:7: _0 24 "045" Pi-Pp;23)3:^P: 10)5 7/' ^7 20 b 9 6 "• ^""""^ " ^7,;-P'P:7'P"''-.'P-A^:?::-^:.. 102 P-'/tP 'ttPb -'Pb'Bt'": "^'^'^'' 7 '32' ' ..: t7p;^477 ;^:)i'64"^" p: I'o'sb"" '" Cycle L_ength 60 ^MiECc^le5:engfh";'43P-P- ^ . . SPi^T^ype Acfuated-UnVootdinated'"'" fe!IDiiin>tctffaFio"^'BOPJ^^ 'ntersection Sign'al DelaT^lo's""^' Lb31iedjori^iqicig;;qtt^^^ t 02 Intersection LOS'B''' ;IC_U DevenoTService' A' 04 katzoksand-st51 Page 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 11 Grand Ave & Cadsbad Blvd Year 2005 PM Lane Configurations TdtaT'Losf fimepsp 7 Satd Flow (prot) Mt^pi tiliSlPPS 7 Satd Flow (perm) saiyj-EiwlBtoRlP^t Volume (vpti) W^!TSM^:MMM'7 Peak (Hour factor ^^^^joup^lS^N lypihj turn type HiPl^Sli^pfflsiflPPP Permitted Phases tqia!jpIit:tsJ|p;:p^P Act Effc't'GVeen'"(s')' Act baled )g)'G;Ra!p'^-' v/c Ratio lpiifcPm:^e1aytd^ Delay Lgs;:PLp^^P^)_,;:;7- : Approach Delay ApprpacP LOS; "t P"^:' :' Queue'Length"50th (ft) 97's}^7:^5M^§^:iS). Internal Link Dist (ft) SOttPtbp-BipcPTime^ g'sTh "Up'Block Time" (% T-u'rn Bay.l-ength (ft)"- 5bth Bay Bio'ck "time"% 95fh. Bay/Bfock .Time % Queuing Penalty (veh) 4* PIP-7 m ^•t,'4 b^ ") ^4.0' 7:4:bP .^::;4:b"r 'tP-d'-':--4p--7/4 0-. ':: 4:0 .-' - AT):: ^4:0 1770 M'63 0 0' 1747 0" "1770' 3396 '" 0 1770 3514 b b:^5b^ -'•'.i'i'"''!'.' •"ppsitp; '7'77 pBo> P'/^-''7;--•^oPsbP •p.'-?'")7' \: ' - ; Pttb" "1703" ' " 0" 0 1416 ••^'d'"" 1770"" "3396 " - .-..^ IT'S? -----""'" 0 P'tV'P P5-25" 77^730/p :/:';P'^7-t;:P^T7 '7mM •;^&'7* 14' 29 23 '"153' " "46 74 '" 35 663 " 't4'9 77 484 '"23 • '•-.f-vP;''': V .pt33t PtP2' -•-/•7:-77:^t'^ •P 'P-''"^.: 7.:'J'^':-^'--':'[-•/ ii7:.^^)i-^'p52^ Pt::2t-. 7+,"^V 7 ~,:'7--~i''-'092' 0 92 "dbi" "d'92' "'"'b"92""" 092"" " "om 0 92 b'92" " '0 92' ' 0 92' " 0 92 :P.f 5P tPpP PltQt MM t);/296)p /pp§^' ,t:?MP .:Pp8lP' •:^55itP •iiiP Prot Perm "ProT" Prol P"-PtP PPt4!^ R tPp78p; -PPP;, )P|t2p .;7::7:v "t'P:;P^' 7:73:7: '.7.,)-': ;'2b.b"^ u t 20?0i :)^2b.b,J pb:bp p;9;b::. ::;-23;t)t" P':bp: 7;-9p";-:'23:d7: -pp A 1 14 4" '" "13 1 '" P'P '"tg g" 5 t ' its" -pp 7om •.::pP8:-7 / •d'42"^^ .•:^-o:tbP. I0:45^P -^7:7 b'ii' 011 0 72 0 22 0 61 0 4p" " 0 34 '26)1^'-•pet: .'P6,6t-/ )253: t124 :• " 251. •;. :lb:9}P-. "2'6"6" ' 8 '3" 19 4" ' "24 7"" '14'3 " 30 0 " to 8*' tt"G;-P" .'•:":'- - • t:B"":) -:t'.^P •",•-B P: c • :p^D- 121 ' 19'4'" ' ' i4'7 "133"" -'t:i': • •: ' B't^ .. . •• •'.-B " -'t- Bb.- ' 4 7 68' ' 11 108 " 25""" 35" btpt;; -^P:25'-- . :#198 t' "t'38.. "#148 -.7#84 -)123 •: 340' " l"l68 '"" "356 1069 Cycle Length 60 ;S:--7 Actuated ;Cy^ey^ngth:-4)7 Control Typ_e Actuated-Uncoordinated Maximuiri^/oiRatio;:!)^ Intersection Signal Delay 14 9 _ Intersection LOS B fntersectiqSCapacjt^ # _ 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer >^'Qbepe)sPqwn T:';:^7 7V^:7-,'-;-;.?7!V:T Splits and Phases 11 Grand Ave & Cartsbad Blvd V 01 t 02 04 ^ 05 i 06 T 08 N \KOA03V\3460 Carlsbad Ped Enhancement TOSTrafl^ic Analysis\Proposed-with network2005\Proposed PM sy6 Page 1 katzoksand-st51 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 14 Grand Ave & State Street Year 2005 AM L-ane Configurations 4'^ Jofal iPstTime (s) 4 0 4^0 4 0 _ 4 0^ Satd_^ Flow "(prot)"' 0 "3445• --Q-^ -- 'Q E!tgMffliM?ffiPtPtP.t'",P7r^ Satd Ftow (perm) 0 3210 0 ' 6 SalliBwlRTOFplPP; :7:7mm7mM7^77'77^: Vqlumejvphj "" 13'136""' 22"'26 ^7£^-MM§77iim--m Peak Hour Factor " "P'92 '^'o g2" 0 92' 'o'92' [/ppeTjfoup pfovtiy Rh)^);:P^P0P)pt86^ Turn Type Perm" Perm .FPotectedTfiases;'-^ ?7: • :):/'7p-P:7; /P.4 ,tt.-.PPtPtb)- Perniitted Phases 4 ' '* ' ^ ' ' •''g' Tqtal:Split|sJ)^ / /2b;ci) Act Effct'"Green (s) " ^ctuafed)g:/C7^ip^ -u.i:y.:7:,,7:; ! -7i:!ir-v'7/!!-\:0'46 :.r''vc }:('-: v/c Ratio '^tPMV'^^Xi''^'^'7: tt ' Delay V 4T» ^ 4» p'':PP;:7-74:ip-77p:ai;;^^ _345"l0"^ • J801 ""' • •• Q'^-J-Q-- ;P;022P:^PPP;t^)p^;: WM77^^77m7mm7::mm7m: 208 36 12 54 12 32 :t7^K-tt|Pt:P:-)|^pbti:pp^^ 0 02^0 92 0 92 0 92 0 92 0 92 •; '729p::.: tt/PtPlpQ/tP'^jebtppPb P^pPtbP: Perm Perm ::t:Ppt;rp:pv:;777^r;/:f 2 _ 6 Pb:b;7y2b:b;.7 4* itMPPlP 1^778 _ 0 i3;934||:B7*: P674'' b 7^Q^:m7 ' " 7t' """ 35 0 92 0 92 ti5b:s:^?;Pb ^7mm Approach Delay ApprbacHPOS ) t .-P:"! P Queue Length 50th ("ft) Queije:Lefigpi p5fh^ ", Internal Link Dist (ft) "5btjT;Uj3bm6ck tirfie (.P,)'' 9'5tti' Up Block Time (%) Tipn))Bay)i^ngffi:(ft)'::; P 50th_'Ba'y "Block" time"% 95tbfiayiBlqok;Tim Queuing Penalty (ve'h) .'2b:d:--).-bpt 2 b P-72 a b 11^ 70 ^07 72 0:0)^)2:00- '""7"5""""" ""' """7'"5"'""'"" "'dmm'''''^--P:p^'^;-'-b-29,p:7PPp:-PP^^POPP:;; bbd' b'3'1 " " •"^•--' ' oil tt627'f^))_-'; .;• :7:':--'-'''6:4::rm-^:--' P " t t3pP ^""Pd 5i '""""s't 'P-t/A^:--.b ••."/:''' -• • tt-,'7 • -P ' -^P-' -/: "<> t'^'f'-':!A:: ., " ' " 5 ""l '"""5P v..bA:r:.^--)-•:"' " .-• •""" A: •' 7.: •) '..')':: 'vA " 5"""' 8" " ' 0" C-7M77-'-:: --"': : :7-2i--:- \77 7 "!'":^t=-" .'• ,!: to: Pies'" 889"' 319 '2crb::7i:P3;b ^7b;§6pp^7 d 19 :.P33P;P'7 "4 8' "•P^')A'-^!'-^ -•)' ' ' 4"8 .•-7..A. •7,"- ' 0 7-.:19".;p-'-77 '"2296 "''"' :.^'i-!>:7-J^ Cycle Length 40 AcRja|eci]C^^ pt ^P''t|PPtttP • -i tr Control Type Actuated-Uncoordinated Maxinium^Ws/B^ Inters^cton Signal Delay_5 b_ "' "intetsect'ion LOS A InS^tran^Capa^ iCU;LeyerpfpPrPice.?bP- Spirts and Phases 14 Grand Ave & State Street *^ 02 04 08 N \KOA03\A3460 Carlsbad Ped Enhancement TOS\Traffic Analysis\Proposed-with ner/;ork2005\Proposed AM sy6 Page 1 katzoksand-st51 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 14 Grand Ave & State Street Year 2005 PM L_ane Configurations TPtaLbbsf^ Sat_d Flow (prot) plfprmiftelS^*-p:75- Satd Flow (perm) SIiiMsMPlp:Rpt Volume "(vph) ?Pedst 1* P':'4pt-':-pi/6': J 770 )^i 8''i "g' •X);572))tiPpt "'P'b65"tstb" pPp^PtPP22; '36" '"292" l»P^l"gliIl^fBm^lB^S^^g§]^SBl Cdhfl Peak Hour Fac'to'r 0 92 0'92" Turn^Type ^ ' PePm"""* """'^' E:!sM^iMihSMi7777%7Wm'7w:: Permitted Phases"""" '* J 2iit§ E^ilMIMpPtP^ ^'^ Act Eff(P"(3reen7s)"" "'•""'"10 3^'' il^ey Pl^iR afio; 7 /P))tbW;7 v/c_Ratio dto" UnifgrmtDejap;)^^ Delay "'^^ i/P'§2t7t/Pttpp-7)- -'7: :7:'m Approach Delay App)Paqh-IP^S") 7.7.: :).:)^^^ '7' "^ ::- Queue "Length" "soth (ft'j " " '"" 3 " QueuSpiigt^^ Internal Link 'DisT('ft)" " SOttRJp !B16dg^ 95th_ U_p"BTock tim'e""(%")"•""''" Turn;Bap[^ngthtft):'-^ 50th_Bay "Block time'% ?MS,tpB[M|Tiif|^ Queuing Penaltybveh)'""' Cycle^Length 40 ?^l!lS??ys[iIiengtR;26^ Contrqljype Actuated-UncoordinaTed"' MScimum^^ Intersection Signal Deray^eP" "••"^•" ^MMligbPO^aacipOti^ "top" 't)367 0"55'' t"-t.7p 'eV" •t'-'A t • '6 8'"" t: :A7 ' '29""" -...bip 1168"" t::4Tr >•'ri: 2--ii ; r', ^ 0 '~^'m WW- "0Q2 )1P:;0': ^0^05 Pf)-4:'b^ :Pt!p4 ^874 •'"To"" dPP" PMI-- Perm B7MM7:'4mmmW^^7^W7:^ _i7gg _o d t75P ' "-o"•"'••'-"Q 7:-WMEMc:^^^-:cM^mmmm'- 1709 0 0 1641 " 'o"" '"'d' 7:mMMmm^77m^7W'^^'^7m -P^99.. - p9 29 br ""45" "^46 ': P) tp7Pp)pPp5^^ b"92' ""P'92'"''''T92''"''d'9r"'"d"92'"'lD'92 7728m§MMMMMM77:MM7im Perm """PeTm"' 7m-7 "I79l""" iPb^33:p "'"1643"'' "-Ppb4pp;^ ^ "I'bs" " '092''" !P;235tt: 8 •P2b:b;". *""^[b'2'' ;:/D;36P "d tf 6 '37 t'P:A-"^^ 2 74--^ "3, ••2b:o:^'P^o)o::' PSo.oP'mbif po 2 ^12" 4'""" :T3p6t;pptP"; m:^7m6¥' 0 42 ' " 02P ''''6::5"'/bt.p:);^:p^i-:^7.7^97: 5 8 '•"•" 'T2 " ":t:,:AttPP"^"t"P-^/-'f^:A.-:^^ 5 9 "62" t-'tA-.,;,-::). ^) :P'!'77V-7;A 7^ 1_9 7p4;t:j.t''tpp;7)7;!-7^^p^ 367 " " "375 lliSPB/i' imM:^: "••c; •If.'r.. •: :mc: •r72o:G77 "12£ ^ •ioa6:pt 0 30 ')P.'4:6tt' 6 9 P -A-):-• 6 9 •! "'.A::.-• " b "' ;,--^P5'-p):- 2244 7 4:0 .....^ ''7" '"^"45 0'"92 •m .'OO Intersection LOS A"'"'"" c-V:!"^!4.i»V?:=-';-^;7?rr":;::i;::jr^- • ^-:^;-i\fei7':;it!i5:;/'7cii);-<• /7l:- !!^577#^!>!^7-7^*^:^v Splits and Phases 14 Grand Ave & State Street Ff 04 06 f 08 N \KOA03'^3460 Carisbad Ped Enhancement TOS\Traffic Analysis\Proposed-w,th network2005\Proposed PM sy6 katzoksand-st51 Page 1 ^ Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffu: Engineers and Trartsportaiwin FUuintTS ^ Appendix E ^ Alternative 4. Year 2005 % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % March ZOOy Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian ^^3460 Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis 2-Lane Roundabout Spreadsheet (For a S-Legged Roundabout) Job No .Ai^oO Project Carlsbad Pcdcsinan Enhancement Year ZCCS LEG 1 SB Carlsbad Bk.i LEG 2 WB State Street LEG 3 NB Carlsbad Blvd Qc - Cucubtor/ capaciu-. volume of uaffic mo-v-mg wxCom die aide at the entrance leg (-.-pfa) Qc= mtrance capaary, •.•olume of u-afhc tliat can be accomodated by the entrance le-g ^^ph) Gipaciq/ Equations SB Carlsbad Blvd WB State Street iSB Carlsbad Blvd •F:-: Ci.rer Delay Equations SB Carlsbad Blvd WB State Street NB Carlsbad Blvd AM PEAK PM PEAK Qc F-Qe Qc f-Qe SO 0 ^S ZZcO so 0 '^S 2SS 0 ZZ^'-^ 3 3 0 ss I'^ZS -1 ^''0 0 ss Z ! 7 -7~ 0 ss Z t3s No fOT:-! -KD-iV-c' AM I ^EAK PM PEAK 'v'olume 1 vph'.i *'.^Tf)acir/ !vph) Deia;,- (sec-veh 1 V.-'C Ratio V'olume I'.'ph) Capacir,- (vph) Dela;,- ! see/veh.) V,,''(_. Ratio '',7 ZZc9 Z 7 7oO ZZb^ ^33 (53 Z-Z-i9 1 7 0 07 3oa 19ZS Z 3 0 -19 30,8 2174 1 9 0 i4 7S3 Z135 7 7 0 37 Average Delay, Ai7 24 LOS. Aivl" A~" Average Delay, FM 2.5 LOS, PM" A~ "Stcl-Hy,! TaHc It-Z for Ddav S LCJS Chan 95th Percentile Queue Length (Veh) EquaUons SB Carlsbad Blvd WB', State Street NB Carisbad Blvd AM PEAK PM PEAK volume • vp-h) capaatv Ivph.) Uueue Iveh) Lengtr, ;fti volume I'vph') Opacity (•-•ph) '_jueue (veh) Lengtn (ft) ZZca 7 r / 760 ZZfO / 53 ZZ4'-l' 0 V itef 1^ZS ZO SOS Z -: ,7 0 U 733 2 ISS so , Note Capacit/ analysis is based on FH'vVA publication 77 FH'vVA-F-Jj-00-c7 Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers arui Transponcuion Planners Appendix F Existing Conditions: Year 2010 March ZOOS Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian ^^"^3-^60 Walkv^'ay Enhancement Traffic Analysis SimTraffic Performance Report Baseline Existing 2010 AM 11/12/2004 5 State Street & Carlsbad Blvd Intersection Performance Total Delay (hrj 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 3 ^ "79 ^ 24 ^ 4T J2 '77--"^7Vhi~:-:-s^>-/,.; • ' •' ' i f -. . 10 1 24 35 ' -82 _ 6^3 '377, 52 2 ' ' ' " ^ — — — ;'P5i^7i!''^S^.t'! 0 4" 0 3 " 1 5 2'^ . ..... _^^'"23 24 25 ^ 25 :: .-^ •••;-•!'. • 0 4 04 " 24 ^31 • -. . . -- "Pt 35/t^ 65^ l82 2B2 ' ^--••••;P--ttP^''-'''. 30 68 186 284 • " 180"^ ^408P_ -^16 ' 1704 ^ 7^ .^ >• :7rT -1 -r-.-^ :A-:j^-^77rz-.-.j~^ r.. .-r'-;-- . i ... yv-i-..:- : .'T. .A. Delaj' Vettbs)"" Total Stops Travel Dist (m\} Travel Time (hr) Ay^S'peed-(mpht Fuel Used (gal) Ve]ii_cles!EnjeTed^-^^ Vehicles Exited Hourly EPftpRale" 8 Beech Ave & Carlsbad Blvd Intersection Performance Total Delay (hr) .PiiSifebPiib^tP Total Stops ;l ijaye I P)Tst)51]i]'iy777 "Travel Time (tir) S^sMfiilitMpitt'-' Fuel Used (gal) yeh|c]et'Ent_eFed'"^.^:' Vehicles Exited Hquriyy Ex'PR'aiP' • • • 11 Grand Ave & Carlsbad Blvd Intersection Performance mmmmM ;pfjB-:7) mmmm mm-7i '^''..'''Zyds'iC- 0 0 0 0 0 1 02 03 ^^t:pP-lbPp7" P^tl5:9pP:7 :ym^7 ^''7y4;57^5-;7 7-l!TOt :^77?m :7,--^e ssos- "~4 6 '"3'5"" 49 ptP::''q:2P^: 77^'o:3m' :)2K5;t7 -:-'tP4::6tP^V:^ ":35'&pp:-'7y.:N7CN:7 -" 'rvs-OS:.- '•"•"db"" QQ-- -• " "'d'8"'""'" d"7""'""""" '"" t d p::3'y;^y::i:i,-,77 )');f:7v.^;7:7:7 ..725p^-^ tP^P2ibt7:)-; ;^^'"23,i)p';:; :-;'P-"t'"-P'' "" o"o" do'"""^ •"'"TP"""" • de" ^'""" "2 7 Ptt'PP'H'^'^^)::-••>'• •ppppp':' :7^8cc-^7)^54-'.^:y) t::280p^^=: •'--": ••7'-c^''s ''37; :7'-'- ' • P" " 4"'^''""" ' "ii5"" 152 ' ' '275 m" :.2A^7:--- P:"'243:':!7': ,:"B90'"::7 t • 9i2yc- .-": :i 650-"::")"', !fs?;7 Total Dday (hr) Dejaip/yitbPtb Total Stops trayerDig:^|rTij)t travel time (hr) Fuel Used (gal) ^MRsMSaiStfiS: Vehicles Exited Rdurji^iBaf^ 0 0 0 7 0 7 1 2 2 6 i'-'---- '.':-.i.-P,tP.l^ t:>,-.':3):t32J:-p::. -::::'3b)5P-t tpep: ;-• 7t."Ptp7-).7^ 7::ip:'7 7-"7y-:7..7;:"5,.^ 77.7! "6" 73""" '"P4'"" t24" "277""" )bt7,tp3,';:;-•,-tPP7),::b.3t:p-" ^tt2b;5t:J'r :tpt4)Dt::': pP-Pb.5pp^' :p'P5i''-p C'S.-- -7t~:.rt^-^-i.- ;.:-- - oP""'"'' "td"""' ""PP"" 2 6'" 5 "3""" ..^•J-.o...„.<^-,o-^.-^,r,:..y,- P'7''''Pv!Pp.>^ • •'Pp7^'.'p7-:p77:-:7:7J^m^ PpPP2.^-P 'msjTBm'^ m:m^-7^-'^..iz.'.~i ~^7 TT: 7,r.'. "j^-'-C--' "'""""do "2 2'" 3 7 '""11 '• iPl' ^.ipiV7.irPP l^t PPP'tp";t-57PP :7P.b4:;?^ !t,.:.:.l43t^ P:::p232yp.p t't47^P f 7 p 'P ^ t ^wi'm^- 7" " 5"""'"" P8 """' "14'6'" '" 240""" 469""' tttyP^'P7 pPP'pt-'pb'-P')'' ttPespy -;3-876t:f P,yP44bP>i,'P^ P2814:P' :~ ^•'-•77''m'''^'^'^7:^J7^c7-m katzoksand-st51 SimTrafllc Report Page 1 SimTraffic Performance Report Baseline 14 Grand Ave & State Street Intersection Performance Existing 2010 AM 11/12/2004 Total De|ay (hr) 'SiMiMMMs7:777m'^'^-77 Total "stops " "" TrayefDist|)i^^ travel time (hr)"" ;^S?d)§Me3y(M!^S 7/ "m- Fuel Used (gP|) }MMMiEsMMi^^77\ 'cm7:-7 Vehicle^s Exited Total Network Performance _0_1_ ?7^6-7 32 06 tPSp'P 'i d" tpscft ^ 51 tPbg^7 0 2 7S:3 "'do :W2: '"0 5 •ppp' ""ds p396 ^"gd •:558: _0^1 :76£:) '"Ti"' ftfpp 0 2"' y^m7 02 :p8t 32 :7l'92P LbV:-tt' PP 7p8p7 _t44 ^^23 it "TP" 'p2t" ' TT"' 67 74ri2P 02 0 _149 tPP4^ Spp's; ""p't 243 71458" Total Delay (hr) " ^MMMm^mm::77m:77rzm:6:: Total Stops 5-j3]' Pf iMSimiltpb^^'" ''^'v ^P^-mm' Travel Time (hrj i^Yg^SgeeS^,(m|hJ ))' ^7-;;'7 Fuel Used "(gal)'' Vehlc^pEntered .')•)"';; ' Vehicles Exited Hpu"r!y)Exit;Rate •. - '' ' • • -7- 18 8 •••7-.2'P "do 2 ^^580' 580" -'3480 katzoksand-st51 SimTraffic Report Page 2 SimTraffic Performance Report Baseline Existing 2010 PM 11/12/2004 5 State Street & Carlsbad Blvd Intersection Performance Total Delay (hr) Dela_y7 VeJtCsI Total Stops TiaPel Dtstjmi) TraveTTime (hr) Avjspeed ("mpFj") t Fuel Used (gal) HC Emission*s^(.g)*";;-:=- CO Emissions (g) NOx'^£-missTons7{g)) Vehicles Entered pehicleVExite'd t " Houriy Exit Rate penie3Ehtfy:Before= - Denied Entry After 8 Beech Ave & Carlsbad Blvd Intersection Performance 0 8 04 1 0 2 1 ^36 4 8 9 22_6 2b'0' " 69 33 56 l"58 187 14 8""^ P 66 2 1 5 6 9 2 1 4 5 13 '17^ "16^ 15, 1 2 0 Q 2 2^ 4T _ 3-_ 2 '^6 ^ 11 50 32 200 282 7^4" ^ V •' 75 ^ 152 160 387 78 ' 1.-. -.. .-LS -.r^.'- ^^"149; ^ '37^ ^ 468 894 88V 2250 op^ ri3 A d 0 0 d \ \ .1- Total Delay (hr) Pil#PPpif(sp';;7" Total Stops travef Dpf;(mi)' • ' Travel Time (Pr) /^dS[3eed5:rnpf|)p" Fuel Used (gal) HG^EmTsslc)ns:(g) 7- 00 Emissions (g) N0x:Emissil5nP(g)y Vehicles Entered Vehicles £)ated)7 rp Hourly Exit "Rate &^I}j|'^^^nbr^fiefoFe Denied Entry After 0 0 0 0 02 0 1 0 3 •^.ppttt t^'6¥;'p -•^ p-3.0':?^ t7 ••3'8"-:' ": Pp.)3.4-:^::-':--p-'y:-)):': 7 4 " 16 28"' 55""'" '0A7 • -• -":PPP t" .)t423-'): •-• P't^ : '54/1:: .7 .77 -7 7•:7" •"-" • •" P 0 "do"" —--.,•-- '0 5""' ^22' ' :.73 7^: v't'i3-^t: '':p -'25 ' :^^-77:722'"-7^::"772A7777^^m' 00 " 'o"b''" 32 ' 05" 3 8 """""" ^-)5'D-y7-'-P' td'-bP, P'-'yv-^ig" ••-'• •• •::'''t7:!i^:;; : •^•"Ppi:qjp77j^ppP' ""P" 'i " "369''" "28'" "*4d2'""""^'" 7? 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Hourly^Exit Rate"" I^_nie d; .E nfl?^ jBefpre :y Denied Entry Aftet " ^•^-^^^nl^^^^A^l^teSt^^ Performa Existing 2010 PM 11/1272004 nee Total Delay (hr) Dela£7pW(st-" total Stops TravefDisttrni)' Travel Time ("hr) Ayg'-SpeedP(rTi"|: Fuel "Used (gal)" Ho ;Ern1ssionP(g)'-;^ • :"•' CO Emissions (g)' ^^P&l'tllbns (g'p :) Vehicles _Entered PeRic§p-Exrfp^ ;) - Hourly_Exit Rate ' PM'i)^;:En trY)Before7'• Denied Entry "Aftet" "" 0 5 43.7) 92"' 23P" "PP" :^p'i8^ 22" 3'.:tp: 281"" .'/Po-' i^2g" 728/' 768 W7 0 04 •tppp ""Pd" "p8"t" "PT ":-t7-t Pb'"" -P-'4P: 146'" :;tPP.'• til"" 'm-7. edo' tPbpp '"d"''""" 02 ':m: " "44" 3'42; "d4"_ ^b^ dp Af t'-4."c' 56""' '-/56t 336 ' Pp]p: 0 A 32333!^ """52"" '2b'6""" '1 1 •7J79: 1 b" 77:737: ' 54"" t'3-5t '57" 7m: 378' m:2 ........ 1 5 ^'P5 3)3 ""'267" " t b6-2^"': 3'g_' ^ tp3p7p"; 5'd"" •b^t4)-y- 530 " t; pg',".: 353" ".362;t5 PiPb'" ' tPtglP^ 0 ^ katzoksand-st51 SimTraffic Report Page 2 SimTraffic Performance Report Baseline Total Netv7ork Performan Existing 2010 PM 11/12/2004 ce Total Delay (hr) ^3m!MMM)E7777- Total stops "'^""'" pjf v^DM|mip3^ traycrrimeThr) Std§f3eea|ipph)p^:7j;3: FjjelJJsed (galj SSMQMil9Kl9|P'"'p5-CO Emissions (g) ' SS^iMiiliooIIgpP^tp Vehicles EnbeteP VeitcJesiEwfedtP^ ipourlyjxit Rate''" ' "' "" '-^^^P^idiSMetof e-'" P--: Denied Entry Aft'er"' '" _ 16 6 •-P75;q"P:^ "l'033 i533;3/p;^ "35 6'""' ^ppTtP? "4""t5 "'" PPP27P 36_32 ""'~ ytpoSpbt 'mmc' '"4668""'"" t7"5;;-tp '3d" " katzoksand-st51 SimTraftIc Report Page 3 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 8 Beech Ave & Cartsbad Blvd La ne_Config_u rations ^ fbyjCostPjmep^ Sat^d__Flow (prob Satd Flow (perm Volume (vjDh) ' ' " ti BiMlptMbEfictoQpp^^ -g2 l-ane Group Flow (vp~h)"' b tultl^ppS3r^;!p;!^ P£otected^Phases""""' -"-"^^ EM™^^SWMSW7:^7 W;CT77C^ "200 20 0 w. Total Sptitls' ActiEffS^^green Actuated g/cT^'ati'o v7c;;Rat(q^ Uniform Delay, dl E)elaytPPP^^^"'''~37:^p:"'-'"77^ ibos"^"""^'"_^"''^""'"'"'""''"" J^ppfoacfT Delay"::::) :^-) 7: /'^^; Approach LoS Queiji;L;engfh;-50th'pt^ Queue Length 95'th (ft)" IrpernahljnPDjst 50th Up Block time (%)" " g5f!tlJibBI^)Time:(%^ Turn "Bay_L"ength'(ft7 " " " 5bfh:-Bay )Biock: tirnp^'-p 95jh^ Bay BJock Ji"mP'''%''"''"" Syeuing^f^fraityPveRjT Py£lS3Mn9fit-?§^tPt^-^;b''pp''-3 AcJjja]eddCycleTeng'th'' 7b "''"" ^ '""• Abntroivlyjpe^^ca^ Maximum v/c_Ratio o'^SS " '" {•SilMcMlSpialll^ 'Zs7L77-7.Xii-7]C7Z-.Z^,7^77^-^s7^''7^ -iiS7 Intersection Capacity Utilization Tto'tr"^" Splits and Phases 8 Beech Ave & Carlsbad •;IdM!tec^iqHpO^ ICU Level of Service A -• - -. 33"3'3'!?!!"'!'^j^r¥-.^-: - Blvd mm N IKOA03V^3460 Carlsbad Ped Enhancement TOS^Trafftc Analys,s\Existing-with network^Existing 201 kat2oksand-st51 0 AM sy6 Page 1 Lane Configurations A, + ^ i^^smmsmS77M7i7imM-wmmS7m^mM " -m-^'7:r7fso -mm 1549 0 0 1573 MM:7mmmm:m 0 _ 21 14 ^'"P" 0 1770 51 ^ o' "• "'"' b ' Pi'PPP5"P)PSi: 4 31 J4 )b:92- '"' b 'i; ^tPP'^P^^P::^?: ''""2"d'd'"""'dd' 3t78^PPPc;)73 ' did""""'"""" 7:g.23^p:>7;p3" its"""""'"''"' pP8.:53pp"7;) """ "A"'" 'P8)p);t^:---PP' ""' 'A ""' 'b'Pb'-)!'P":7') " '28 ""'""'" 7-3:i5-7f77.:!7: 20 0 20 d o""b p.8;4t-pPP'3 b"t2 yb.P5p35:-tP^'- iPT"' ^bpt).-^/"'""'- 'J A P9-3:-'.;p."''"'^b A^'"•• /' "^•.'P -"."" "';- "21 ;3i9 73:-^ :•/ „ 30 '3 o-©2; ^ "33 p)Prot3 "P" m^'o" Pv6)8t ""bjb"" ::'P.P83 sTt' 'P4PP -A' 28' 3536 p372^ ^g'gd' Pp!i 'i09l" Sat_d Flow (prot) fM:mMSM7M&77;^: Satd Flowj'perm) ' ^s!3:,F]^2^^§E!07^'7^:^ Volume (vpti")"" ' "''''23'^ £lMllMlis^ilttt7^/92'' Lane_Group 'Flow"(vp"ti')'"" "'"""" 0" S:eiiMiSfbm>™pp Projected Phases Permiftia^Bpse^ T_oJaI Spirt"(s)"""""""''"'''""'•'20^0 MMMM^^7(W7S7'^77'7 Actuated g/c'Ratio '"•^--""•' yIMsMSW^::S^777'7'^7' Uniform Delay, dl"^' " """ AfDgrgacFrPglipiv^^ Approach'"LOS "'"'"'"'"""'" ' "" " QueueOiTgfh^O^^^^^^ :" V)-)'"' y; Queue Length""95th (ftt I n te; (pa f|jrityl)isf^ yii; 3 50th Up 'BlocpTime"(Poj" " " "" -• 95fh;)UgB(ocR:Tj^ 77:.:7- ::C--'7y7<7:--77772-7:E7y- Turn BafLength (ft)' '"""' """""''"' ^-'-•••^'--•-•-•- 50tfcBay Jioc^Ttne^^^ :3:'": 3 7 ,.) -3'3 •y)3-;v:y-v-:r.j-:y 95S Bay'BlocPtime"%' •'• ' "'" " ''^ ^^ySuing)Renalti^t?et^ P^aJed^ycle'Length'sd'P'"'"'" '"""''^^^^ SsilqlTygfpcffiap^ Maximum v/c Ratio 0 3^"*-~"''^" -'--!-!::=.3;;';-^333.,.,.3]i.;-yv^7^ SPp0 pt 34^b ):pt4 :bp':pg:o P 1770 35^32 "0 7m7::7^!:S50smm7^^7r- y^td"J3532"""""'"'"d 7 "20""''p4"6'"""""^9 •^iii^:.;^ 2PP P53P;- "090"' •:3b;34b ;:P2^ •: " A'" p3:t-- "" A" .-bc'b^ 157 •1056: 70.g2tpP^g2:-^76f923- b ' 22""""82'l "" •..-c-,p..^-^.-., J, , .... 6 -iLt 3;i.?33j!i:v:ii3.i?^:--*,)3;;it^3: :PP2 0_0 8 0 ' 26 0 iSbtPbsP-P^ssp' 0 08 b PP •:p:tP-<b't5-'t:C);26P''^- 31 2"" ^2"4"' " ttb' P5.i-:p' :.2.8'):''-" B'" '"""A t3v,..y: b-y:p-,"P:3P:-:-:;" ""A" ^•p..: ', :-/'3 :-:m-7 7 22 102"''" ,'.: y,y--:7-")-- 7:429^3'/ 0 0 ^bfersectiomSigTarS^ Intersection CapacTty1Ttilcation'4Ti^^^^^^^ Sphts and Phases 8 _BeechAvP & Carlsbad Blvd 02 ::-P'".'-3;3:.3:3pS!7-7 plnfif^cfion !tl0S:/A;7^77"^v ICU Level of Service A p.":.- ' "r." ^-X 77-^'' ::7^r-Z---^3l';mm t V N «OA03«3460 Carlsbad Ped Enhance.en, rOS^Tra* A„a,s,s,E.s.,„g.„,.. „et«or.>Ex,s„„g 2010 PM.s,6 kat2oksand-st51 Page 1 Lane Configurations Satd Flow (prot) o glfiElrmlHed^':/ " Satd Flow jpcrm) ""' p ?MPPiMlltpR)p/7 Volume (vph) ' "•""'""•• f^l^PlpbrTactgr^v^ Lane Group Flow (vph)""'" ' p ' ntiaMRel|ls^pp3pp^0 Protected Phases P'ermpe9:T^asestP7-377 ToteTspiit^sp^''^'^ '"'" do'd " ^JiiliiSligp 11) t^Pptt^-tt Actuated g/'c R'at'io"'"'"""'"'" '" y/c'Rifio'pp "^'^^^ 7 Uni'form Delay, dt " ~ 4* 7'm'- ' itsP"" )b;p'8-^ "1724'" :P)bb3P _'29 ' tPP2p " ""52" 20 0 P^tP- "o^oT 3:b:34:- "'-32'P" 735:6T m '35:6^' '"' '24- 62" V-323-" *i V ^3^-P-/J"4;b);;774vb" 'b " 1770 "1603" pPp3b)55bt73P^P^^ 0 1 /' /u P)92:: "d' 0 0 356 '-7m^7 m 7-pr6t; " "' PP 0" .'"2427 ^b'25""" .-P.36t-^ ' 35"P"' / 54^57 ""D ):3247.: #443" J693 fm7 '"^'60 • "Op2t bed' 46 0 -;P34p,' 'b"35"'"" b"0T26^^ ' id 'A' • '-12:07: ,;4t7^"' - .-•-•35 "3' " '83" 1170"-:-- tlP: 7^4:0/ tttb" pPscP 177d ^ 93 _ _ 46 ' •".b)p2'P:P)92P 0 00 50 t^f?rat::: "" " 5 ' "To 3b4PS: "6^4""" "20)6837 '4P b"' •77'8p ' ""E" "•' /P:4:b-:: jPbd" ' 3405" b-:''473- 5d8 ' tb"'b2;' ""736"" ^3p.pbp34)0: "" b " "l7_7b" pPPP^Pl95b-i 0 1770 t^ ft* Pb43q)pP-4p 3525 "•"•"0 '3525"' 0 169 'td'92.- " ' """'b' 100" p-6p2t " Tog"" •trfPot 1 14J7 ^""""40 tfP92^3:,:b:'92 1583""" 0 '•-•-•' ••-:n77.-' i.-.-'-.v.;: e'^ 6 • . -33 ' #101' 45 0 4zP);: d"4"4"' •048" 'ids" 19)9^^ ""'"""B"' )23:6 ""c • "169 ) 243 486 0 0 "17 0" 3t)p3p-lb:4P ' 97:^' pttpPppa" ' 42 g" 7 p7432;'- "D" " - .68' 126" LOS j" ^ '""^ /vpgro ac h; 0) efay - :^7)v3 7) y'^r^ 7 Approach LOS"' •- QlJeueT'el^gth Pbth. (ft^^^ ':::) •• Queue Length 95"t'h"(ftP '" [nternarLPk .pist".(ft) : C -7 5dthtjp"'Block'time"("%)" " "'' ^Mb!y'R:P,lbc[tTime)(%^^^ .:- . - Turn Bay Length'(ft) "' "' "'' '" .• -vc-,.-,3- 3:-73- -- o. : - _./ bCDthBapBloci^ Time.%^^^^^ - 3 - -:•'• y --• „'-, -, - -.- -. - . 95th Bay^lock Timett''""'"'""'" -"^•''•'-•''-'•-''^^- •'''--•• ''^- ''^ -^'•••-- • - -• -- 3)^ - ::- .:7.:. y s: --- Queuing ;f^alty)(veh):P33/73:y :;P'3P:3P37^y :.;3,: .3,-3:-v:3:• , y - - y-y ---: - - -. - 54_0 "bo t47;73^-'V;P-" 0 50 :mmm 22 Q" ,27:6)P':7j)3 '" "c • .2g:-g-i-. -: ""c"" ••369") 3. #5p7 "10657" " '^-73F3J, Aduated Cycj'eTePgth'"95 4 csntipipSSitxctuatsay^ Maximurr^v/c Ratio 0 90""* '" -••''-^ e^ciicmpfiriia^^ ^jS°P^^E^P^.-Ut)l?^'on 85 4% " ^'^ PcLrLevirbfsdb;ic^^^^' S:^3?Sllf?!^enti!e£olunne;^^ Queue shown is maximum after twocycles -••<«->^---v-^'^.---ri< Spirts and Phases 11 Grand Ave & Carlsbad Blvd m- V t o2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A 05 I 0S o3 04 N yKOA03lA3460 Carlsbad Ped Enhancement TOS\Traff,c Analys,s\Existing-with network^Existing katzoksand-st51 2010 AM sy6 Page 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 11 Grand Ave & Cartsbad Blvd Lane C^figurations tbtaippst'timitsjttb-^ Satd Flow (prot) l^l5§IsHSSt:p-t^ Satd Flow (perm) ^^Z}mMl73R^W77 Volume (vph) ^edmom^io&7m •p-b: "b "' d Lan_e Group Flow (vph) 15 -PPP, d' 4^ .^:-:)'4tp: 1757' P):89bp ''580"'^ tl45P ^31 -^?'(t92p 77"" - . .... „. . vR6rrTi':'^p3p7:3 Prote_cted Phases ' "'" ' '4' Permitted/pfi ases t''^'tt'" P'-'4PPP)^'^- .7 total Splrt'(sj'""^"' "' '"20^0•"'20"o' |?vct:Dffct;iC3i_eb)^btsl-t^ .•'P'O '^'m "25 :QP2^ """"d 0 0 7cm7 1770 :^^^db5(t P77b :''bi4>b3 I'edi" ^ 1691_ Ppg:)i''3p57P 32g''"" "gg "" •bJ92PP-bPi2P: 35"8"28T'" :pfotp:S7t37^' ;:;p,pP:3-p.P3tP4;b?; JP 1770 " '34"40" p37p:o.g5Q^pt7t?P 0 1770 Actuated"g'/c"'Ratio Uniform Delay, dl 0 08 -p358l 'dip' ^51:9: " ' "D t p7): tl4 " .3351- 33 0 t:29:b; "020' P'l-'bit "'bsT' 700:0l "F" '-348": '#584 ' _53"0 tPpd: •"• ddd -iP'-pit "'32 "5" P32)8)' "" jb" ' 70.4^: "P74)- '266 4150)-) 159 )b.b23 "0' 00 72 t,'bP2) ' "78 b-'Prpp ' ' 5_ ' '1 fo" ptb)d"; P""d8" :--bp^ 64 9"' 7657^: "E"" 3440 ;p)!26" iddg" )^Pb92~ "idbd"" 7-4 0. _Jd '""""b" "'"305 Plg2- ""' b'"" 3'7:4;0,;7;3pi,Oy7p!-4?o 1770 3514 ' " "'" 0 ';P:95Q7tpPSP^ "l7"7b"''3514""' '" ^ 0 tP5)]Pg^77 158^ 092 "47 Pb392;:P)p2p^P);S2 172 1129" """""'"b '7pmmm7'':%. 1 p" ,72- 132 79 n""' p::75:ct- dj2' ;:p3iP:i;t dPb -:56:8:"/"^ "7" "E ' '"'57)2t' " E "" •: ^618 - #1030 '• 39P-:--: '14VP' •28%--' LOS ' • ""'" A]DproacR'Oelay7-:^^-/7')7 337 Approach LOS " ' " ' Q'ueijePengtPpOth (ft)-':^-- •"?:' Queue Length" 9'5tti'(ft)"" ^ntEna^p]n'k^PlstPft)^^-'^^ 7- '- 7 50\h Up Block Time'(%j""""' gsth'Op)!fqck ;timS^(%) - .-^.^ Turn Bay Length "(ftd both Bay)Becf3firne'%"' 9pth_"Bay Block Ti'm'e""%'"'"' Qpiyind^Peba lty/(yehp vP-^ P>:£!g^giigfeP:5o^;P7-g-7^ Aduated Cycle Length"l45 ^SnMtMHlMi^yncoOTSrn Maximum v/c Ratio 1 oP" " " • •---^-••---•-'^•^-^^•"'-3:^-^o3-.-:u3.7?:.i-y;73,^^ |jfiseiln|igMi^ ^^tSt-S^lCaP^ty UtJ^n 07 4% """ lCuPiviPbseb;;beE"^""' "'"^"" 77:^2^fiiumS::exceeds.capa^ _ Queue shown isjnaximum after two cycles •..>•.' •- - ::':.:.::. ^-.--•,.3.--^!7 #'^PSffi^percentjE-yg^ Queue shown is maximum after two cycles "'' "" ' " •-- -• - •'•• -•'' ••----••''•• no 18.0 8q_o do Pttb;yl^ttp8:2;tt;p:^' 010" 'd 54•"'" y^tt7ptbiP:i^o?6b:" 65 6 22 6 -tt:^3-12ip:7--2336p FC •• :7:-'/:;P'3'i-36.5-"6 )7'-167-:" -263' #340 • 346" .7/..ptP3; : 1056 "P -.y k,': .:-., f7^Z-:£:X7^rZ:777is7.7:-jts_ 3 -..-^ 7 .-,7- rP v^'S^P'^?^;: 7-T-c'-:*c:'^:-'^~^- •: N \KOA03^3460 Carlsbad Ped Enhancement TOS\Traffic Analysis\Exist,ng-with network\Exist,n kat2oksand-st51 g 2010 PM sy6 Page 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 11 Grand Ave & Cartsbad Blvd Splits and Phases 11 Grand Ave & Carlsbad Blvd Existing 2010 PM m t 02 I e6 03 •S)9l 04 N \KOA03\A3460 Carlsbad Ped Enhancement TOS\Traffic Analys.s\Existing-with network\Ex,sting 2010 PM sy6 katzoksand-st51 "^^S® 2 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 14 Grand Ave & State Street Existing 2010 AM > Lane Configurations T2tai:PbstptnW(gJt^^ Satd Flow (prot) F^tJPermleaPPttPt'l Satd. Flow (perm) Si{efPF|(Sy)^R;^^ Volume (vph) f?MlEH9br;Fac!orttp'?' Lane Group f^low (vph) jrnt- 4T* ctb4;d-tPb4P)p-:p4jbP;7^47^ " ^'""'dtM""""""" 0 '""-o"""- ttrt'^vtplbpb-PP'Pit" p^p:^ _ 0 " 3"Pi4 """ d ' """"p" ""'"26 ""'272""""""44 "' "" 'bP'92pP0)32ptb.S2 b'"'"" 372""""""'d ^54 0.92: Protected Phases iermjtte dlPhiaseg'^i Pb- --'" t'-^43 Total Sdlftdsf" """""""'^""Idld ^&^!7SM7^7SnzC'7mm'- Actu_ated_g/c"Ratio " '^mM^77::7777: ^3pp^P^p::^ Uniform Delay, dl Pela^pp-7''777'-CM::; -77 !^'73 LOS^"' '" •^'-'•-'• -••^—-' '^ --•-:• Apfii:6ac|i')Delay^^ Approa_ch LOS Q li e ye Peng t h)^50t h '(ft)' )• - 3 7 "•; 7"" Queue_Length '95th (ft)" Infe iPa 11 i nf'"DI s ttflli)7 5:7-'7 5bth^ud'Blbck'tinTe'(%)'"^""' "'" itld-y ftB log^Tim ey( %^)7;^ Turn Bay "Length""(ftj ' "' """ 5btR BapBjoo)ltTiiPe %/:" '37;/ 7 95th Bay'Pboc'kYPm'e %""' """•""' ' QueUjnpt^altp|\^ CyclgyLength--^O- '''7mN Actuated Cycle" Length"'30 9 ""'"' "' •''^^"•••^"^-'•'• •' •"^ jlSliSiPpE&i^tua^ Maximum v/c Rajio d 61 - •* ""—-••-•" }dferseSign)§^^ Intersection CapaPty"utilization""72 e'to"*"''""'^""''''"" 4> :.7^4;q:5p)i4^(35 34 sT" d' d" '7)m^m7^ "3087""""""^ "" ' "^7^777 431 Pbi£i2piP)!g2t """609' 'd' 0 ." -'iPfrCP 75 20 0 0 0 t3tptipp"!)^' o'Te "•"'' ;:)P):32Pt77t7 '""pg'"""'"'""" 7::m7:N7m7 "A"""""'"' 7::7m77E''-" A"""^ 3'-' tt)'/'p5 ;-' ••' 44' P 31.70 7). ::'•• 20 0 20 0 00 m53ptl' "" 6 8"""' p756b.ttP • "A*" ' t7vBP':":)3^, ' '""'A" """""' s. -3P''tb' "'"76 :"-356 :"-);P: 4* 'b ""'Tsdb"""' fTTsxTm^Tm. 0 m9 SPPPP5;P28:P: ^ 3d 135^' :t.@2l?!--q^y5)^ '"cP"' 213 '" '^^7Mz777m- "2d'"d'""'2o'd"" tPP^'P 'd'de tilil'tompt 5_9 pppp:;'^3;6/9)'p:': '""""'AT '"" it^t -t-tb;?;^)::: " A"'" 3/"'':'""''"tt"b,"-::' 5l" •: "-5 •: -):^454 ,'': P4)t)s "d" '^"•j.-''jic-^ 0 '30' PS2-: "b" 'pp: Py'""•J- . .^ 'VJ<.7 ; 0 4* itbldptS'yb ""i7_80 "J"_' d iQ?Rff?t^.;.7)7; 1587" 0 0 80 t:-bb92i " '"T •^Per^ tpvte?; 200"' 0 17P'|7 75)b-s2|Pa;92 ; *-'-^df il,; - «o)-ii-.' ^ ,\jt<-T:. 6 200 00 ' "o'36"l^" """"P"6 """'"""" ^t'MIPPcp: A :mW7:c-7 ' " "A . :p53i p" : -"' • "9"4 '" :224g":77-,: P'• "^P' • S v-^Sif - 7'7^S'7 pt;)ld[iEs^orSLq^ ICU Level of Servic"e '^-^^^-.^-^ -•S:iSy7r53S(*?7': Splits and Phases 14 Grand Ave & State Street 04 4^'^ 0G ^ N \KOA03\A3460 Carlsbad Ped Enhancement TOS')Trafftc Analys,s\Ex,sting-w,th network\Existin kat2oksand-st51 g 2010 AM sy6 Page 1 E!lPMditiIj:Pt/t pp Satd Flow (perm) §IS^E!2wlRT0^Jp7' Volume (vph) EsMtJoE^lFacBrSpp Lane GroupPtow (vph) tPfrn^Jp^lpyp^p-p^p' Protected p"has"e's" """"° W^EM^M^^sP'7:7 Total^SpiitJs")'""""'"""' l^HjEff3)Gr|erttsp73 AcJ_uated "g/c 'Ratio ""'"' Uniform Delay, dl'" '^"" 0 J_"gd •70:92'; .. , ^jPemP )-tp"4/ 23 d' 34_62 0 ••S;tgi:p3pp^t) ""btdr '"""'^'d' PtMttbptf^): 730^""""'jo's"" •Pb-92''"30;g2""; ' "iobd" "o" 0 p412"' • "d PpPpb0728p^)p:5'p3 0 •""2497""" b ':Pt:Pp/P88:^"'P:pPP: _ 75 '" P96""" "t47' /'bP2t7-'0/g2b'PP.gz- 0 F?efm"" 781 23 0 "77:78: "0A3 :)b'63- "'9 8 0 0 23""b B •••154:)-""••'B"' -"108// '#217 :11507 ^230 P-tp8'37 - -Q*-—•- - 7ms'7 'sm--' A "'-:W7' P70:3') " 122 " 786'/' 0 0 0 0 '"""""58" :pb-9'2'' '2"b^ ppr2" "" 22 0 1781 /PIssoP ' 1508'"" :m^7': i"g'2j )t6')92/3 """370"' J) 90_ '0/92; '" ""d" 0 p'brbP' __"o^ Perm;: _1^791 ::,5:367^ tdfo"' wmm. 250 )tP3'92p "' "470 0 '• ••-'^z-i'jiifm^ 90 m^ 'i'f^^F?J:--7 22 0 t.;1'5:2pp """b'bP"" 7D.6(m- 8^"g 3';'P;P.-t"^. " A" '" " '••" :9P";'"3 " .... •'"'•52^'' - 107 :-3507 3 0 0 LOS E9S(M7ff^WW7E^"77'7' Approach 'LoS '" *" '•'•'- • Qu§Lj'e:LeiigfR)^0 '- Queue Length 95'th (ft)"" lhtema].-UrTkBisf-)(ftpj 7: soth 0^''Block 'time'(%)'"' §MtJ (t Bloc|<:))rime:^(^ -:;: turn Bay'LePgtti (ft)' """""• " 5bt§ P'apBlock::Time-)p-3'-^:-y^ 95tti^Bay 'Bloc'k""Time'%"" """ QbeuingJPgjalty :(v^ " Actuated Cycle Length' 4 T'd" "*"'"^'" ""^''"^ ?!^SPi^iP?PMP-b^ci ,-: Maximum v/c Ratio bsd""""" £SS°^H'^,U!^5^^^110 3% ICU Lebek^f S^rPbe G '^^'^^'"'^ '^'^ ^^i'^ifbRSfientile-yolum Queue shown is maximum after two cycles""" '^•'^••^-'"'^'^•^•'^^-^ =•^^--'-^'^•^'^•'=•^'-•-'^^-- Spirts and Phases 14 Grand Ave & State Street P=SB"^/PPP^' 22^ _ 22_0 P7.p-P);i52P Pt)PptQP^8'/ '"io'd" 77-m.7m " B " 7 73'^ "^74.2-' B' ::• .-)"78' #igi t") ). t225P 0 0 4 02 ai I-> 0G m 08 N \KOA03^3460 Carlsbad Ped Enhancement TOSTrafftc Analysis^Existing-with networklExistinp 2010 katzoksand-st51 PM sy6 Page 1 ^^0^ Katz, Okitsu & Associates " ^ H^^^^^H '^^'{C^<-^ Engineers and Transporiaiion Planners ^ Appendix G Alternative 2. Year 2010 % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % 7 ^ 2 ^^'^^^'^ Walkway Enhancement ^ Traffic Analysis HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5 State Streets. Carlsbad Blvd State St Appr Realignment & NB Lane Reduction 2010 AM p7smwmmm7mmm7m^ 7.^^^^ _ 0% ""'0%'•'"""^"'•'^''-•"'••'oy'''' •'•""•'''"^-^^^ ^c?Jipye^yh57tPPp^ Peak Hour Factor o 02 0 02 " o'g2""dbP"""odb'b^gP'"''"'"''^'^'""''"''•'^''''""'"^ y°^rlY^ftatetvitPh)7^^ ^ _ flMlSiPpbttttt-W7^^777r77^^ VValking Speed (ft^s)"" ""•'----'•^^--—•-— 7...,-..:S:, 55;'.::.-.3..,-c^.£:^;3:.3 7/:i:377ii3..:7.)^^^ Rigi^'tu^ltfta'^P(behy"''^^ MeC^tyfiilSptipbpNohe:: 7-^77 N-S^^C^C'^^W-'i ^-V^;- r:T;.n-^,..^;...^ --. Median^orage veh^ ' ••---••"•--—^•'--^^ )^5tcO[mcfinglv^^ • '/^33 :^ 3;^--3:-!7:3'3'5-::- --y-ff., . vCI, stage 1 corPvol'"" - -^-^^•^-^.-'-^c-^-.^.z-ss:.. -y--^' 77!-i:733^7.-7.3.7.yy,-)-y„,;:;^.^^ tCSIji^P^cctt TOf ^p to, singleTs) '"" "" '• ' •-m^m'2 '''''' '''''''' " ' to, 2-;sfage:7sp:"5-77!-..'y-o-yyS:yc.y•;•• ^yy, y:vyy; yvy;-.ly iFjms z """^^3 5""^ "33""""""""" '• pOx]ueuetijee)?'y-::--^ fOb-'^P'tt""'"""'•-^^•••'•''"''^ cM capacity (Peh/hj"" "'' "''"47' " 644'" '"' '"'"'""' ' 4 1 "dd 2 7'P6) tip 7"" Voliime3Pntpl?5'^ - .-3 :-:•-.-'^-i ot^--^ .'...,33.^.-;:.--^-..--.- . 5 : N'S'^- -^'':'^^^--^----''^-^^7k^h^ Vdlu:iTie)T'p'tal Volume Left Volijnie'RighPy''' /")/ cSti ""^'Z "'" " " " • VolymetpCapacity Qu^eue^Length (ft) CoQiPoljDejaypsp:/:.? Lane' Tos'""' ^29]°MSPM§y:W- Approach LOS /•ip185p..:;-433)p7275":: 1063 _b 0 2750 PP85PTP/54 :;^^-bPt)3://:(] _644 "l70d" tl27' ""l7dd .•:0)2g.",'^:o25/•3o:24-3P"B4' 3d_ o_ "24 ' " o :"12:8'5yP'0:07y'7^2"-73^-tj _ B^ A""" /512)83;- p.'b)bbP"7p9P37;7/^ B -••---'-• ----• ::• -^-I'.tjiCK^'i.t-i :*j.' Mveidge ueiay 2 5 ., -. r^.^^...,,^,..^:.^.^. IrMfsecfionlGiRa katzoksand-stSI Page 1 Lane Conjfigurations ^ ' .- -. ^ i^TKaL..^£^^!w;^^>dJBh^^^ §'gScsteii;:t^ptstc?b Pt'^^ Grade_ _ _^ 0% ' ^"o%"'' '"•'""'''"•"''""'"""''oC"^'"''"'""""""^ MynMyepi77-^^ Peak Hour Factor ~ -'-.-^--'-.--..-.'..:--:.---3nfci/.i.'-!-..-:,-= . „ _ 0^02 M9bM)!lSwI^)(veh/ti])p)^ TSQ 0 02 '""b gP'""""dg2"""'d gp""'Q^"'-^-''^''^^-^^^^^ ™.:.......:p84p^Pb43i5pWPp3?^')-::/:p7G^ Pedestrians ^ " —— "•- •-•-^-- '••••-'••---j----'- •----•.--.••i--!u.,-;i;i,.3.^.j.3^^^^ WalkingSpeed'fWsr^"''^^^^ Eegeli^R^/^3:py7;:- Right tum flare (veht" """'""''''''^'^^''^^'^''''''''''^'"'''^'''^'''^'''^^ ieaj|ngyg^||?fp57^^^^ ....... Median storage vehj" •'--•---^' -•- -•'^^-^•->^ ^^ ':'-~^i3:.-iv:.c; ^Pc^9MsM9Mme:mA6m'^ oi277Ns:mm7^^:wo8':^ vC 1, stage 1 j:onf voi' ' ''""" ' " '•' " ^-tsy-,-,.^^....,:; ^?;Mia§iibonfPoi,p)tpp^pp^^ tc, singlejs) "'"''"""'^"'''''6'4'''"'""'6 2'""'""""'' t?t32Ptage^(st7 7/7 7^7::^i"/'7 tp(P - ""^Td"" ""^ 3 r""""" ftPb.ylbe •free: %)7^ Pb(t/"3.)'/pr/'':'"•'•: cM capacity (veh/h)"""""" '""'te "'"" 268 ' " "" ^--'i^7's^-----:sv .A--;' ilat- .'^-:: "T2 '-t4&; "636" .vn I imp -Tnla •r'^-^ .. --'---'--S-^-'-n r> A ' --.A r^r^ r, --. - .>.- .-J. . ... , : Psly'tPp/o^al-p) •pj^.!::'''^^^ Volume Left '" ' '0 Vdlum ^Rjg hf 773.: ,3' •: '• 3 5584 cSH^ ""' ' "'"'268 Volumei g Papacity-;" 13 :)2'l"8' Queue Length (ft)" ' " tllb PbdllPl^litispP::""••p72-ff Lane LO's"' ' "''''""p 'M^^M^WE^77mzsmm7 Approach LOS "-^.^^.-u.. Average Delay EtSrsegjomS|g|ci^^ ;1098- '"b ///•54' 17d0 P) 65" ).:-Oro'- .34/1 ""i4t ••3/:3d 636 -.0-54": 80' P!7:0,P3; \ "c •-3SV5 5)709'- TP 37y'0^ T7bb .:0P2 "b "b03 ik.'ti-^r^i'i -.-.::fi;,-;-;'=isv".-f:-:i •zi77^^77m;& Ptt3&J:Ley§l)pfSe^^ :!3!^y73n i-.i -•:.'\'--\t'--.7.".^-v katzoksand-stSI Page 1 ?? SRI ^ Associates K^^^H '^^''"17''= rSngmeers and Tramportation Planners •I 5 Appendix H ^ Alternative 3: Year 2010 «l •> % «> % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % March ZOOS JA3460 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Jr Walkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis 4^ Lanes, Volumes, Timings 5 State Street & Carlsbad Blvd Year 2010 AM 7/4.bp3/;ti-Dp" 1583" '183t ' Lane Configurations 5 '•:c:4'0- ittd" b:P5b':^ "itfo TgtalPosPt^fgf^ ^ Satd Flow "(prot) ^MEfM^Mm7:7-z- Satd Flow (perm) SafdpFiow;|R^ Volume (vph) "'50' WM:i^MM§MW7^m Peak H_our Factor ' ""' 0 92 JM^^tSroug^Tlow^ turn Type W9¥§M^M!]M¥^2777:7:m: Permitted Phases PbSPsgp^sgptbP Act Effctt3'r'een"(sT ^ 7{-o: "d ^im7-^:w;i^:z.7ro Act fia'|ed)g/tt^ atio^:byp v/c Ratio y [Pfcirm)pelaytPpPp 3" Delay LO)S)tp7t/P::t-)3:::y57/' Approach Delay Approach ;L0S' ': 3.3/'{:: -/ Queue Length 50th (ft) ' Q)ueue;Length.Mfh)(ft^ : Internal Link Dist (ft) '' 5pttt]pBlocfc:-T^ gsth Up'Block Time "(%) T urn"; BayPengtp: (fl^ P P- • 50th Bay""B"lbck"Time"% " g5tP;BayBlocPTim^ Queuing Penalty (veh)' •320 •07? '""72" -/)'bP3P: , —••••• -Mm 232"" )///)C!'- 7 0" bd ' /t)47^.^/y '140P" ' 15_83 Jl^831 ;P:tr8ptPp12^ "' "l70"""'p4'8 '_b92""_ "0_9T''' 7-bM5bt/432|)' pt+ov b/tlP-lpPPp: /'38:p-p/pD5P dPd"' '22"4"" 'btJ2/^tp3'p 0^24^^T5T" tO,03;(P07fp 2 3 "'" lT4"'"' '"APPt'^B'P "12 4'"^ 0 'f.'7y7:i:^ .... ~77:^7^m "692 77:o: .J5 f / m.7^:mm77:7mm:'': 1770 1863"' """"""'"'" ' tPlOlilSPipb 1770 1863 ':'7yilri7':^3f77^7773 •'!• "add " 0.92 :57l75)Ppb83|JpP5:; _ Prot 7-':c:7:3.7./7i<77L :m77W7s - -—i?-';-iT'.,'!>,-i..; 'ii:-^ftLt-'libdi*3c: "•7 '7S--^~.-'^-'.-C7-.-f7'-' -v^-.^ *.-t^.i .*t-.j.: z-'SCi c^z r5 r^.?:./ri .:-!..?f,'3i'.'ij3i:''3 •/0:07 0 :30) 102 ••'189"; "498 "" 'P"2_d'' "dd'e'''''' '"'"'"*'''^''"'''''^"''''"'''' "0 67^^"76" ""•••'•• •''•' -^^-^-^- 7S\ 87477m-7m. • -:77.:7r:7lNccN 23 0" "'"e'P""" ""'""•^•^"""""'"'•'"" :7pQ"'P"^'-,W5..::7))^-/^:~)37^-::33 100 " '" " '•" " "" "" '' _73 ' P62 #197:;.p3cFi35) ^: 5"5 7y 7y. 77 3:::. """id^'d""'"" z-fiy. ii:'>:),- ^ f C Cycl . Ie Length 70 AcluafptEpclFLangthPBf 6 . Control Type Actuated-Uncoordinated .'^.C^lSpflilffc'itatio .0 76 intersection stgn'afDeray 10 1 "rnter'sPcPo'n L'os'B "n-feecfign^a'pacity Utifization B7 3% ICUlevPPof Service B *^--l^l'^,.P^P^l"t"e P°lume exceeds capacity, queue may bilong'lr' 77.Queue)_.showQ is^fpaximum P ^ ' ^ " Splits and Phases 5 State Street & Carlsbad Blvd .-.^'p .v;,i. ..I.. I-. ........ - i...^..:'. ...... !.'> -.-.f.'-^. J-- - 1 V ,v ' 3 t o2 06 mi mm N \KOA03yA346 0 Carlsbad Ped Enhancement T0S\Traffic Analysis\Proposed-with network2010\Proposed 2010 AM sy6 katzoksand-st51 Page 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 5 State Street & Cartsbad Rh/H Proposed Signal 2010 PM TDtalPo'srTirTiP^ft77.73:..--^.P';.y'.P.^ _ *i + :4:b 'b "d Lane Configurations tota I l^g) Jupp:-(S]) p; 7.3-y^ Satd^ Flow "(prot) '" ' '" "T770 f^KPernPftedp:.733v Satd Flow (perm)'"17P0"' ?3W:P!bwtRtOR)5-:-:^7y/'^c Volume (vph)"" "'" '•- '•' -^ '- ^ ephfr':Peasb'(#/hr)773^- Peak Hour FactoP"' " "'"'n'ci9 ' n oo" n r.^ •., ----.- egSBSa5ffiP|y|PP^^^^^ :4JD J5_83 "i'583'" '/7fb67' 537 m:4m''7^^ ZAO 1850 77^:7:- '1850 77^: 960 + :-7:M7im: 1770 1863 ' •0)§5b)t-:7'7/:57 177d 1863'"" •"''')f.7- .5b "' 314""652' p:/^)20b- 'ie'b" ;';P:bP.2^ 0 25 :tt5P5P 52 2 " b;-ttD"' 50 2" :''7 -P' . 42 : ^ "^:85 •) i4bi pt+ov tt8:ip b|b)'bP: 45'b"" bbps"'- b 95'"" 333:6 50 0* 7:B 409" .#650 .... ^..t2P; t)8t/b:P: J7 0 3'(t5g-57 "tod""" ,i264p; 46 4 ""' P'')D't)- 46 4 :- ' D. -' 877' *821,):. 498" ;2o:%7:-. 14p " 187 Prot :i/it7 m'7^ -'bp: 29)bPl10/07j 25 0 '"I'deP"""" p)82-B3 1 ob d'47 "" " 52/5rp:7;3^6v;3 •tt'bPP/ 5 4 •P: -291 /#4'92' Turn Type '?(?tls]e(pPhases:7":7- Permitted Phases"''' totanSplit;^:?^:^i7 Act Effct'Creen'ts)*"' ^yUM'g/C/t^afib^ v/c_Ratio •'"-•• '" " b'bi5obP:Delay;:)dtO-/7; Delay LOSt3')))'),;33:;-3-. 3 • Approach'Delay ' " Approach lOS'- / 5 / • Queue Length s'o'th (ft)' 0 ueue len gth • 95th '{ft j Internal Link Dist (ft) " Sbftfpp'Blbck Time'(%) 95th Up Block time'(%')" Tprn,Bay.'Lengfh.(ft); 50th Bay B'iock"'Time to ?5|!tlay;B]6'ck)Time- % / Queuing "Penaity"('Peht" i^lliiiollSilmm^ Actuated:(^clet3abfK3430^^^^^ ^ ^-^-—^.gsfe,^ JJ^it2i,T)^pActuatecPunbodrdi'na^d""''^^ Maxirnura%c:JRa^io)^?1)0(J/^3^^^^ -.v.- ' ' - • Intersection SignaPDelay'4l"5' " ' "'""" '' '"'"' ' • '" " ':^7773 3:.;y-:,:y- Infer^tionOap^ig^^^^^ y.y :Uueue-s.hgvyn,ismnaximurW^^pf!fc;A^;^ ,,P.t.:: '"^.... _. . 3 7 't--3:A •• 31 2" •PPc • 144 " ...1.94/ 1040 ' Q^^^--™''^^^^!"^-Hn^^afteMT^ 95th percentile volume e"xrpP"dPPPn=7,7" "''•"'' - > y.fiKOe:she.nSiSi|iai^^ 7'-.:\: Page 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 5 State Street & Carlsharl Rlud Splits and Phases 5 State Street & Carlsbad Blvd Proposed Signal 2010 PM T 06 N .KOA03^3460 Carlsbad Ped Enhancement TOS.TrafficT^^^;;;;;:^, network.2010.Proposed 2010 PM katzoksand-st51 Page sy6 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 8 Beech Ave & Cartsbad Blvd Year 2010 AM Lane Configurations tdtaipbsF!time:(s^ Satd Flow (prot) B!tPemi|fed/;-p.)/:.:^^ Satd Flow (perm) IiSIGMtB3!SH).tt) Volume (vph) Peip/fjpuj^^ Lane Group Flow (vph) im^Tmmmm:. Protected Phases gefmlfl|9jPha^ T'o't'arspii'r(sr'""'"" AcbEffcf grpp7(s^ Actuated" g/c"Rafio wggatio7^)PPp!3!"^ Uniform Delay, dl 7m^ _ " 0 ''^0)92^': """o""' T^ermP) 5'^P-4p "'200" 4* :• t3;b: '1685 b:bt9" tdsd" 7z'7W7: '^0" •Pp2t ""'"27"' :' m d b ^ '"l4' ))q/92: """"0 4» :P'-4v0bPP^tt)" ' d" T718' ''t^tPtP:90b.P3 d" 1586 " ----'--^'-=--—-.-J.c7VZ\:i.:... ___17 3 d:y3.b2bPp)92c'^' ^''^'"jmm5^' '-:P:^rm7W:-7^W7 "'0 P-'PP: t77d ,0:050.; tftb :3:>4:b. '3525" 1^ 0/92 'm 3525 ""'*"T4"^'"'"336" t;P5P2P^/Q,92' ^ 15 ' '375" -'P:WrotP7/P'p:^ 20 0 :-/-8.:4;5 ^"o'lP 3:QP5p "is'd" •'"^--apf . •-••- '"/•g:b^.' 'A'" b -5 0 )5 " Pd" )^272P' 0 0 20 0 LOS _ ^ Approacti)-DPiay)^-^'):'/).'')' '7 Approach LOS .QueppPengfh 50th ('ft')" /' • Queue Length 95th (ft)" (d^IfbinLihRTp'fstt^ • / CC77_ both'jjp Blo'ck'time (P,) "" 95th )y b :gbck jtiiTieppt)/.:-^^ Turn^ Bay Length "(ftj 5Qth'JBay-.BfqckTime 95th^'Bay'Bloc'k tim'eP'o Queiju^^ ^73^mmmmsm^mmmimm7m*^i7&i. 200 :PP8;5? d tr :Popa-: 2Td"" t/'P-P" "A P'Ps' "A' t.^Pb" " "'23 .:53l2^/^ 0 0 80'" ;tp'p5ppt:' 6 "07""' wm--7>m^ "bel " ':P"'""tl5/tP- -"3- 17 2^0 •)"62)9; d'ob" y3042 TP" '-2p5 A "-")2.6" A b. 35" 1065": 1 L.3<:;.-; 755' 3^*i£i Act_uated Cycie Length 70 Maximum v/c Ra"tio Opd ' IT* 4.0" •:t3:4'-Cr 377^)0.:" ""•-540 ' b 1770"" 3511 0 b'td t Pq).95b) " d """1770" "ddtt""" '•-S^''yi?3??57 P'^tiPbTp To' ' '""I'd" '966 " ""^56 "W 77mi ^)bQ/925): 50:92 "d """"Td" "Tl 11 tPbtP :ibP£SP 7yi'-75 3':- .;:;UviT<-r;l::/ 1 :.."• v^*:^-3t<-'+ 6 0 0 7i!*^;^.i:3 8 0 V'- -7^'^; 'if- ""2'7 0™' "do "oP7" " b 90 " •---'•'• y-33-pbP3b tb;35'^7 "36 P" "24 y3t5"^0" 't-'Pt/:: " "'""B "" ""A "' p.2P-" " 'A" "" bP:.b/ • '-'0' 18 156 ' ::.. - - • •47^7 •-."il'C""'-^'' 5; ^ -C7- 7 'Co !.; ij7 Z^,^s7-. -Zf-7'< 3 , ;-:y.-• -•n^:7^- ir.;^ c-.:r^^.„^,;•.^--' : 5' - 7pi«;;f:?^^;t^S:^57-;?i5':-i^-A- - --- • '---'^.--"--^^-.'^*•A^T.'--r^v:i.-,•,l^^..^-.L^.;;.;. lt31lsecfjoQ3i^af:C^^ Intersection Capacity Utiirzation trb': tipPbtt')jntersec|^ ICU Level of Sei^ice A 5^tPE?P:Pbp7: 77m77:7 Splits and Pha ses 8 Beech Ave & Carlsbad Blvd "^X 05 1 sG ^liiiSi^l f" 08 N \KOA03\A3460 Cartsbad Ped Enhancement TOS\Traffic Analysis\Proposed-with network2010\Proposed 2010 AM sy6 katzoksand-st51 Page 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 8 Beech Ave & Carkhad Blvd 74X):77m7mo 0 JegT""'' o" Pbtb^tb8933,PPip3'^: d" 'i'549"'"^""""o' Pi:Ppt^^P26Pt^P)'P 23 ""d """"24" Lane Configurations ?piIM§l;^Ed^€fspt755/3 Satd Flow (prot) tll£M7^f:^MMK^77^77-7 Satd Flow (perm) "•"^•' • " P§i?!t|jow)|(RTO^ cc Volume (vph) " "• EMiiMlliofjtiPPbbb92P:^ )[ymtUYRe||-g|g^7 Fp^ted Phases ""-^••^^^•-•^•--•A 5§ISiM3]Pfiasis|g73:73755}{:^7-'"-^ "^s iMgrildtsf15 ^; P'"' P'P^:'n3 7g^"777;7-'- Actuated g/cTRatib"""""^""'''''"'"''^'^^O'TP'"^ v/c:RaKPpp)p^-7 Uniform Delay, dt ""'"" ""' "'" 14 g' '" " ' ""'"^ D;eIapPtP^:^y7/^:7.::77v553'-^.v o-^ -^is^-e-. -.7--io£" ••- : ApproagltKlia^!':'•5:y :•: Approacti' LOS Queue LefigtHPoth:(ft)""- Queue Length 95tfi"bft) Infernal ;Mnk)Di St bftp3 5°!b-.yP Block Time"("7t) 95th ••Dp':B|ook Jim e^ Tjjrn Bay "Le'ngthTft) 50th':Bap'Bfd'cp;Time-P/o • 95th Bay Bioci^ time % ^yPd'-Pena|ty^\^7 5ycle:L;eH|tgtppPt^ Actuated' (^leterigth'fgT^*'''^^^^^^^ M^rrujm v/c Ratio Q "•• - - • i^lJSfsectign^igP/Deliyy^ Intersection Capacity "utitzat;bn4T2lr"''''''^"^''''""^'^^^ ^/P7^P43bPP'4?o:^ 0 1700 6" 5p)P5t:tD:'9pbt b "1573"' m "t byp.92tP)b g2P -m """"'sp' :-Penm)7^/53:'7s;';: 0 b){tg2P 177T) ^0-95^3 1770" IT* tp4t)y "'3536 '3536'" -i7M7m7m.:^ ^ 30_ "996 '"SM7^m^7 33""1091"" '•RrS"75tiP5p: "5''"""'"2" ..^ fT* ^5:4;;o^^P;:4/o.)tbt4p^ °- jttd"' 3532"" b^tp')7^:p.95Cttpt?^ ._0 1p70^"3532"" :z^7:mMm77737:^ 7 20 746" .•:C):92p7p:92:/7/o)927- 0 "^'PF- 'IPP"^ m::f7W°77'7^m'- PH:0 ""'"""j)" • >'-Pu";- „ P ''d 20 0 A 'P:8:5: 'A" •b": '^0/ '_"28_^ .53155 2U U pi"8:43; "oTP" 'ttPst: i5"d P'9^3).^' "A" "tbPt: " "A" 33--Q-: : 21 :)3ip:^'-) •7:^6:8:: "' oTd' ;td:"iB-^ 3PT" P4)2b" " " B •'' •!•' 4 "28 27 0 t/5p;- 'Pgo" 7om' 2 6 " 7'm' A" 7--3)P' " 'A " Ppot ^157 ' 1056/^: 0 0 8 0_ 26 0""' P5%tt:i5pP:? b"08" 0 dg""'" >iS:.;: 00 t'pfts' 3l'"2 5"''15"1'^ B :• :3 P'2 -02'657 24"" 7.2S8C A" 3 3P - " / ' "'A " t • b/t job" " 42g:)5" ::77::m::m:M^MM^mMmcmi ^t't/tldfeSiecfi^ ICU Level of Servi'ce'X'"""'"'" "'' C7c:;^^izsc^m?07B^7i:7[ !^:v j>ri!'^i^^7,5 aS^TjVi^^it 75 -7 -• 57'.^7;'.V7 75=irrg>jy^.yvi;._y 7,- - Spills and Phases 8 Beech A»e 5 Carlsbart Blvd " — —.e„, .ha.s.P.posed-„,.h ne.„..o,0,P.poseds.e katzoksand-st51 Pagg Lanes, Volumes, Timings 11 Grand Ave & Cartsbad Blvd -4/b "' 0 ""b Lane Configurations TDtal;CiDfr/^^ Satd_Fiow bprot) Satd Flow (perm) §MEf^M7oB7:7:7 )v'olume_(vph) '^""'^ "^g fiIEB^iSHMj°ptpP".'t))92 Lane Group Flow (vphj * " '"o SlnSiSitTPHPttt^^R Protected Phases PiLntttedpfiase??^'/'^ ToTaitSp[ir(p'j'"'~^''''"'" '"' ^ct;Effct^Green;(^)PP^^ Acfu_a t ed'g/C'R a 11 o """'" ^isM^oTrnT^pf^m:' Uniform Delay, dl D'elapt/p7p/:t^7^ 73-/35 LOS""'" """"""•"""' Appro aoh'De lap Approach LOS ''"' Queue :Length)50tP(ft)' Q^ueue Length 95th (ft) I nfernalPinl<;)Dis'tt)fb • 50_t^tT^Up Blockdf irn'e (%) bfftPUpBlqcP^ ^%)'3 Turn Bay 'Length (ft)" " " 50f h) BaNbflp<5Tjfp % ^:: 95th' Bay BTbcjb'f I'me % " 5lueuin"g;:RenaT 4* '-P/'4,b3^ 178"7_ 0)9583/ l"724 "' tpPiPP _ "pg"" P;b)'92p '"'52 " P4P' d _ 0 7792: "0 ^ -c74:o: 1770" p95b/: '"iftd" Year 2010 AM :-74^i67 1693 •4:0: 0 '"d' __1693 tPpt^tbPbB5^'P-p;M5 356 ""leo ""'""93" p(p92ttj0p2^;,Ctg2: j387"'"""T66""""""b' '^5Pio)t:)p3;'7:777;37^ 00" A ' "3 '"'^8' ' tl-43 •777357: L 77C.7^-^'-77~^^ 20 d' "dd'o""" mo"^'28'o """48""0"""" /^^•.:5./5r /Pp'97-P-t5=p.24'2; tb33PP) y.y;.y • d"d8"'" tb.34;)- dPd" Ppp-bb86'^ ""o'db'" t-.P-2BP;: 32 7' " 35 1 '"id "4"" /35.6t/-t^bt^P-pPs'. p:t2)'o:p "" "D'""' """D " "'"B" " ":'3576tt "'4t:7 5 " "b • '" ""'""D" " 5 ' 24^:-^ - 't' -. 247 -•35": 62' " #443 83 "•32:3/;":: 11"70/..' ;5-5 4'b:- 1770" ^PPsb); ----- ^cZTvC-Ci - 46^ tp;92'" •••'"50"' T/RFot^ 5 " "e'o"'" ,PPP:'^ d'04" :m&7. Al'o' •77/8 •'•" "E" c7m7 "340?"" ""3405""' :-7^pfpb; Job" t;0!92b"" '"P36 ••4p-P7)4;b b 1770 P'-)pb!P:950 0 "'"1770 169 0)92. 0" -'..-• 33 #101 '^'•Z'77^y^7S: ""45'd'" """" bp2)b)^ 'd'4'4'" :P)P'8': "'l"8 5 ' )P9)9'!' "" "B"" -236"" " C •leb 243' '•486 y 0 0 P°o )t'b.g2/ idd' ;pPrSt) P "iP'o""" tto4:; diT" Pop's )^ "42'g"" )-43:2:) """b" 68 l"26 - •-•f^.'.'^ •-.-•.•- 3525 '-3/:- "14b 7"" ' '•^M77 'tseT''' tij:"b 54 0_ ''747.7P) ' 0"50"" ^^0:90 '22 8 t27'6: " ""c )..28.6" 'c "369 #567 1"0"65" 0 '?-"P-v -:^ri"-i:.P ^0 0 '-\-:.:'7 'bo :P-'10:#/s?j:-, Actuated CydeTength 95 4 Maximum v/c Ra'tio 0 90 C7\. mmm. [atedpff)' |^iiIbno!]iIg]lleiy)l9:83bt^ Intersection Capacity UtilizadbbPs^^^'^'^^^^^^'"--^^ LE^^ Queue shown is maximum after twPbTblg^ ->• ''--"'-^-.--^iyHger,.:^.,^^^.;. Splits and Phases _ll^randAye & Carlsbad Blvd :^v^Z7'^-7 7C'M7:7.77s:" A 051 0G 03 04 08 U «OA03«3.60 carisbad Ped Enhance.en, TOSma.,c Ana,.s.P.„posed-w,.h „e..o..010,P.„posed 2010"AM syO katzoksand-st51 Page i Lanes, Volumes, Timings 11 Grand Ave & Cartsbad Blvd Year 2010 PM Lane^Configurations Total,LosfTi^^ Satd Flow (prot) EtM!ti]MP'tprpt5 Satd Flow (perm) SiMEElbMlTQRtPp Volume (vph) Pea|ttl.diJr)BaS{oP;y^ Lano Otoup Flow (vph) WM7mME77M7 Protected Phases PCTP] itteSr^fiises p): -P Totab'Spirtd'sd""''''^''""'""'"' Ac^/Eff(P)Greent^Pp-''^^ Actijated g/C" Ratio i^BRafiobpPppPPtP Uniform Delay, di 4+ PP'34:D3);74;P": " b " l"7j57" t'-Pbp:;tbtiyb5 b 158b' p-"/pppb;p:PSb 15" 3\ t7bbpptb:92t 3))P.errnt E777m' bod" LOS Apd[bach5De]pp Approach LOS" Queue:Le?igth"-5^ (ftp Queue Length"95th" (ft)'" lnteH;na[LPiPDlst ,(ftb/): 3 5dth Up Blo'ck'time ("%) g,5th-UprBlocfPrimet%^ Turn Bay Length (ft) 5(ph-Bap.Blpck)Time %:' 95ttn"_^Bay^B'loc"kj"t'im"e %"' §ylM!b9)TSpa[fip(ve^ 77 20 0 •Pbtf; jb08 /bps)' '51'9' •5IP3 " "D"" -51.9'" "D' "" !5t/ 'bit' •335-- :p:4P: d :-c-zz'm- •7-" _ 0 '"_""25""'" J5 >'"t4'D;: 1770'" ,:p5q:5 ""P77d"' '"3m tlt92P ""I'ds""' 3 Prof p 3" 1* 77m-o 1691 't69"r' ;P'57p m :^0.'92p "281"' :• ••4:0.7 :5;4:(p:5)^'y4;b,)^ 0 •\110"'3AA0 P^ttP':p5?5bt,tpp3p/5 0 ' "i770"'""344d " P^7l:PPP^PyIt;26)P i5g ^72 ""idPg"" P)P2:p'^/p.92)P,t)'g2-^/" 00 33 0 Pp5p-2g)b:; "'""""020' t:"b'"pb-Poit _Pdt PbPpfOb.p") '"" "^"F" . -348-- #584 • 53 0_ ^544t)p "d'db"" ' 32 5 "" b32)87 c" "70)4'"- " "E" "774" •" '266 '" 31150/" 0 0 0 78 i8og 3)4P^ 6 "'jd "dbb" TsM: " 0' 17 0 _ 79 0" tpD/9);7;75:b: _d'08""'"p52" /Tobg'pv-iTo)]^ 64 g"'" 34 "5' "'65--5))./"^56)85 E "'" '""E" bt 't' t :57/2^ "E )~618" *!lb'30 " •3307• "14%' .28% •' '7-y7Sv:! *"dd"'' 72 132 -.77^ 1770 i.b)95d ' t770 ..... tbP^" " 172" tJBP" .... '>-!*3-.1-' S^-'C'^-- idd" 7-N4P^ "^dto ,tb)Dp5 "'656 " ' "F :~16i:' "mo ITM: 3514 :P^P 'b 0 '"^S•i.J-'-^^:-'7.•:•^Z—• 3514 ' '""'"992'"""''""'47 p:m27zy;j)^2 1129 • b ^ 3 w W • ;i 'r ^ r;- ^ -•-J-l ^ 7-.^; .,'i?''^'bf'''r'-P SOJ)"*"'b 0 P7.8P)PP^P7, b 54""""''"' •I60IPP// 22 6 723:e7f-^-7 "'77' ; 536,5^^/^//'"•^" D ' " 263-y ')'),' 3'4'6'"" Pb56-")^^7"-: Tl7Sv;iT:i^-iSr.-- PisMeJgthppso .: • - .^-,^-b-// Actuated_CycieJ.engVh "145"•"-•-'•'-"•"^"^""^•*'-'-^ £2dira[;T^5Acfuat^^ ^ _^ Maximum v/c Ratio 1 01 " '''"'-^•-••^ •"-•^^•*'•*•^---•^^••'-^>^'^------^v...^ .'"ttlpP^.Ca^P^ity Utj^^ization 07 4% ~ ICuTebbtorSerticTE """ "'"'"'" ' ;c.::3Volurne.exce -.,.9H1^® shown IS maximum after two cycles•••'•-'''•••^—''-^-^'^•^''-•^^-'•^ i'L^btPpefcenfflePgli^ • . Queue shown is maximum after two cycles ' '" •:^^^-!f7^mZ--Z!:&TM^ N \KOA03\A3460 Carlsbad Ped Enhancement TOS\Trafftc Analysis\Proposed-with network2010\Proposed 2010 PM sy6 katzoksand-st51 Page 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 11 Grand Ave & Carlsbad Blvd Splits and Phases 11 Grand Ave & Cahsbad Blvd Year 2010 PM % N \KOA03\A3460 Carlsbad Ped Enha katzoksand-st51 ncement TOS\Traffic Analysis\Proposed-with network2010\Proposed 2010 PM sy6 Page 2 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 14 Grand Ave & State Street Year 2010 AM Lane configurations TptaJ)Lgst^Tirne Satd Flow (prot) Flt)Rerniit@b?p^ Satd Flow (perm) §MiE!e^ Rt^ Rpt- Volume (vph) PllMSlfibPHlbpt p); t; )5.)4pp)74:b' J'b'l 3458' •pitPJP-b?7t^ d P"114 " p)§p337:;48^-5 2p 272"" :;0b2-:":":(D:'g2'": Lane Group_Flow (vph) 0 372 iMlb^Pep^iPtiiP'P • Perffi^7777:^ Protected Rhases " """"" - """^ .fi^§!)n]iMM^P§^b)t::5-:7)574)7: -c-cc^ 3: totaPspTitJs^'''"1 "•"'""•" '^'20 d""'""' 20 d" ^£*/i!l£b.Green){s)t:^'p:: -.v;TPP ^•^ 5pP2:: '54/0: " " "d '"44" ;oP2: ... 47* p:4;b"Pbpi:pp'^/o:: bJ 345T""^"'"d' b7bPt7:,"d-890p')7Pip'.; b "'dd87""' ""'P'"' "• '54 "•jsf'l'Pb" ::30p2)tt0.52t3:o.92b ' ^od^^" ^ 0^ Perm'".: /pP^f ;;.^'577." 0 0 20 0 20 d 00 Actuated g/C Ratio Uniform Delay, dl' LOS " "' ' " Apj3'rpact])Delap')•- /"/.;" .' 7) Approach LO's ' Queue tehgthPoth" (ft):' ' Queue iength"9Sth (ft) .lnfemabLinP)Dist.'(ft)b P;^ Pbth UjD^jock time (%)' '" """"""" ?5th/Up.Blocktnni^e^^ turn Bay LengtP(ft"j""''"" ' "" ""' ""' " 5bth)Bat Block/flmP %•-^"^ - :/"5-5 95th Bay BloPk Time "to """' ' " *^y?u]r^p^naitp;(ve)ti^^^^^ 0 36 W3:32i 5"b" Pt6,6/; "" 'A" •tb.b") " "A' 7 77 • " ' 44 ' PtTO'' .... .,^.417^:^ mm 0J6 3Ci)533p^P:r::*'3).:^ "IP" '"' ^ 17)6"--'-; 5:777: :75y A"" " "^"'••"'^-- ;")7.6"--)p/-' - "A )/.32^'-^ )•,•-•-• 7 d76^• ::356m:::7Ss cr-.. . 4*^ 4, bPI^'P/))Pt4JOfb374:b/p:ttto^ ^ ° ti°-l__ 0 ""0 178b"'"""""d i7S7:).m77MMB7^^W^777 0 16_6g 0 0 T58p"'"'"""b b:bP/:tbt;/^28:;gp)P),;)fp)?a^ 30 _ J 35 ' 30 "' """"80 ^mf^'^'' "87 .)b:'92^-.y0/92^:-;:D;g2'P-:b:-^ _^ 0^ 213 ^ b " ~d"^''3"74^'"''"d PempPsbtttpp^:;;)7Re?ra^*^^^ 2 6 :P'^'-!2:-tS'?P?^5-/:"7^;^i::^'777S^^ 20 0 20 0 0 0 20 0 20 0 0 0 .)45l/2ppb "d'36'"•"""" /.p4Pt^' 5'g""" -%97 7o------ : ':6.'9" • 'A' •"""0)5 ,. "51 "'454"- ^" ' 0 36 ::z77^rs,7sz77M:6m7:!^Z V • 66 r/t':'P:Pp)t7/8))^P""7- A" ' "•" •(/'••-•'•tb! -7.8 ^'.^ '7 • A"" " •• t•bt'--:Pi;P''-3.lP-/••' • ^ gt"'""" :7ptPpil249:,3^p)3 jnlerg/ectjlg^mm al^:^^'Smm^F^m'7i^m7^^^!^^ cMm^Gm7m Actuated^clVl^rig^ ContrOflypf^A^U -^r-.:.^.-'- ... Maximurrn^VcRatio 6 61"' " '"'' ••--•-'•••••-• - '-^^-•'^••-^•-^^•^-^^-•S':^^:^:c e7i.cZi;-.7, ,,;7---,.:-:.^^^ {lf^Sil|.idnaMiiy:l|^^^ Intersection Capacity Utilization 72 6% " " '^'" '"icuTebblPbser^c""^'"'"'^^'^''''"'"^""'"^^^^^^^^^^ Splits and Phases 14 Grand Ave & State Street _L -f .-> . i>0 T 0 08 2^ N yKOA03VA3460 Carlsbad Ped Enhancement TOS\Traffic Analys,slProposed-wrth network201 OyProposed 2010 AM sy6 katzoksand-st51 Page 1 Lane Conftgurations Tptal/Lpsf'Tim 7/ Satd Flow (prof) '^[tEgbri ittfdp;)!), P'- : Satd^ Flow (perm) ^^BjowjiRTp^) ^3)7 Volume (vph) Pe^PHouriFac^ Lane Group Fiow"'(v''ph) iilliSBMEl^iEBgMM^I^Plil^^^^ 4t* iFurn tZT-^-e---^~:^-r 5 m.^7 "o o' "1 do"" ^/P;92f /Perrfi5) "/P4;b': 3462 • mm "2748 ' -P^P^ 730 Poigpt' '"i"db5 •3:4:0) b 'Pod' •0^92^ '^ o" 3)3,!^'P-^ m """""" d ""'^fp" Pa)g2!^) P-erm')'5 4t* p-^4/b/P'P'o p't^-Pi 341^ "n """d :b;722pt":t-;^/p:7-/::i^)^" '2476"' d'""""cT P:b96|5:pPp7ppJp/ ' "A96 '"'T47"'""""58* '/q:92)?t,0)g23':'5d:g2''' 781 -'--Q-m' Pp7p'-PPl)3'Pe'TO"/ i^mLmjfjBi^f^'BalfljgBi^sBpisii 20^ Pl55g//:/5 " bTb""'" ;^bP'oP:p ' td7 pgiP))"' .... ^ ig;i "B : .98" -)/ #207"' 1150:--r-' 0 0 20 0 20 0 Pp5:9) "d'Td P'bTb; "•'8 9 ""1t.:t B' i"t;i: •"""B" :;" -.-eP "#126" !-7867 0 0 20 0 r^ZZiZ- Promoted Phases""' Biin]JtlI)pTases7P'7 7?^^^7'4^5: Total Spirt (^l;" """"^^"^ m'o' Ml/Effptgliidts) pt:PpP^y7: Actuated'gbc'Ratio'^'"''"' ' "' ""'""" ^iHlPtM)7P-•'•;''';'57?: "7:^:^7.' Uniform Delay!'dl ' ""' De[ay::vp''7/''p-r"'-'--; 5^- 3 -- •- LOS •"•^'""'•*-' - • - -'• ApproacbpDelay.)/3 •. : Approacti LOS Queupperigft) 50th (ft) :77^ • Queue Length'95th (ft)' tl^bT;il5Brp^Bist(^^^^ -7 c7 sbth^Up^Pck time'pP)" 95tt7ijf7Blc)pp)tiip^ Turn Bay Length tftb" 50tiPBap)BloH" t^^ :. -"'/:: 95th^Bay Block"t'rm"e"% " "•'••'"'••' "- Qy^yiPg, ;EiaaKYedI-5^ .^PP): t" 5 Length 40 \-m^ .. P Actuated_C_ycie' Leng'th'sbT "" '^"''" "•"^•••"""""-' C^fiitoljTypetActuap^ Maximum v/c Ratio 1.64''"""" "•• -'^ ii^i^!on|BfiH^^ l-^";.^P^lC^-3p'ty,.Upl^^^^ 2% "" -"• ' "•ic'uTbPeTbTs'brtrde H' D3/!^-SJKffle^xceedsxapaci^ ..-^.?P:?P®..2hown IS maximum after two cycieT's-«=-"-";^.'ft»i'i!r?s..>;. S3;:p5t|])^erpenti!evol^^ Queue shown IS maximum after two cycles ' "' - •'"••-'- 4* 7f4/D)tP?4:P:P::4/0); i7pi b 'V -•rMm777i7:7-zy:' '^tdeT'"""'" 0^"^'d '\M7M-^-§7i7r7c:m:~ _)1_9"2 "m '^92" ipo •g2Pt^Pbs2 --btdPIP: :SIPP-b7^tp/7-'/PermP- 2 '"" ••7-is:':.'^-Sy- !^-i5^'-.:-";D.'^-. 20 0 'b b' "Po'd" Pjl&;Otp-^ " d'To""^"" 7^:6m7-7 .... . 74277'-'7- 4» y7/4:D:7;;)4/b 1681' p T))g44|!/7g7/ "isgT" """d MMMSc^^- 250 ^ 790 yb).a2pi5/D/92 Tb'sd*'^ ^'"b ^^Ck7-77.iit-il7 6_ y! 3-'.'*''- .:••:•-'!i/77;-5.: 20_0 0 0 "/t6;b:vp7t5); oTo ^t2:7, B b"46' #b45 ^'-350' :7:)1•;64•^?Pt 9 O"" 200)077/"/ ••p ^- •200.9::. "*' F -414 " ! #610' " 2252^"7 : . •-.v: ;.!3ii'<-r:'i>!:':r757/:35'i7S3^77;^ ^v:P)pjy^''• N \KOA03VV3460 Cartsbad Ped Enhancement TOSTraffic Analysis\Proposed-wrth network201 OyProposed 2010 PM sy6 katzoksand-st51 Page 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 14 Grand Ave & State Street Year 2010 PM Splits and Phases 14 Grand Ave & State Street 02 ^ 04 ^sm^:i T 0b f 08 N \KOA03\A3460 Carlsbad Ped Enhancement TOS\Traffic Analysis\Proposed-with network2010\Proposed 2010 PM sy6 Page 2 katzoksand-st51 9» ^^^^-^ Okitsu & Associates ^ j^^^H Traffic En gineers and Treinsportasion PLinn-crs ^ Appendix I Alternative 4: Year 2010 m m m m m m — % /Ilarch ZOOS Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian ^ JA3460 TV-',// c I ^fk U alkway tnhancemetit m m Traffic Analysis 2-Lane Roundabout Spreadsheet (For a 3-Legged Roundabout) Job No.: AU60 Project: Carlsbad Ped Enhancement Year: ZOiO LEG 1: SB Carlsbad Blvd LEG 2; WB State Street LEG 3: NB Cartsbad Blvd Qc- CkcuUtoiy capacity, volume of traffic moving within tlie circle at the entrance leg (vph) Qe= Entrance capacity, volume of traffic that can be accomodated by the entrance leg (vph) Capacity Equations: SE Carlsbad Blvd WB State Street NB Carlsbad Blvd AM PEAK PMPEAK Qc F* Qe Qc ¥' Qe 50 0.95 ZZ69 50 0.95 2Z169 348 0.88 960 0.88 i5Z8 153 0.88 ^974 3i4 0.88 1935 'F is factor aj^ylie^ to flared aff^roachts. See Exhibit 4-5 in FHWA publication No. FHWA-RD-OO-67 Delay Equations: SB Carlsbad Blvd WB State Street NB Carlsbad Blvd AM PEAK PMPEAK Volume (vph) Capacity (vph) Delay (sec/veh) V/C Ratio Volume (vph) Capacity (vph) Delay (sec/veh) V/C Ratio m9 Z269 3.5 0.55 966 ZZ69 Z.8 0.43 Z20 i9i4 Zi O.H 587 1528 3.8 0.38 398 i974 Z.3 0.Z0 WW 1935 3.9 0.52 Average Delay, AM LOS, AM*" 3.1 Average Delay, AM LOS,PM'' 34 'See HCM, Table i 6-2 for Delay / LOS Chan 95th Percentile Queue Length (Veh) Equations: SB Carlsbad Blvd WB State Street NB Carlsbad Blvd AM PEAK PMPEAK volume (vph) L.apaaty (vph) Uueue (veh) lengtn (ft) Volume (vph) ^-apaaty (vph) Uueue (veh) Lengtii (ft) ZZ69 4 106 966 ZZ69 2 64 220 19U 0 11 587 1528 2 54 398 1974 i 22-1010 1935 3 94 Note: Capacity analysis is based on FHWA publication No. FFiWA-RD-00-67 mj^ Okitsu & Associates ^ K^^^l rrajfic Engineers and Tran-iponarion FUmners — Appendix J J Existing Conditions: Year 2020 tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt # m m m March ZOOS ' Z ^ JA8460 ^^^rlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian ^ Walkway Enhancement ^ Traffic AnaK'sis w m SimTraffic Performance Report Baseline Existing 2020 AM 12/3/2004 5. State Street & Carlsbad Blvd Intersection Performance Tojal Delay (hr) Total Stops Tra^j3|sffm)^ Travdtime (hr) Fuel Used (gal)" b[§5Emn^!qnsPgl. CO Emissions (g) N(3x?Emissrons^g)b Vehicles'Entered ?b§b].Pl?siExifedt^ blourly Exit Rate Denje^jEfjtgiBepe Denied Entry After P"' 62 J3 8 3 0 4 23 0 4 1 24 "34 34 204_ 0 0 0 0 "24 _ 4 5T _0_2 25 0 3 P5 17 ^ J7 72 73_' 438 "TT 0 8 Beech Ave & Carlsbad Blvd Intersection Perform Total Delay (hr) piapP^;(spP))"-5!:7;5^):---7):;^^ Tojal Stops " " ""'' " "' " " Tii)v'elpst@ip):7^:7: ••^••^"'^- -3: Travel timedlir) '" ' ^d^diPiPpRfOP"'.'• "'"'^ !••'"' m^'- '• Fuel Used (gal)' "" HC Emissions^ CO Emissions (gj Nbb</iM!M!b!]st9)^t5-^••- )7) :.7/:375'/ )y'ehictes_Entere"d ^idisMIitfi^jPPtt h -^'/pP 3 -:7'^P'; Hourly Exit Rate""""""' Denied :^Enfry/Bifore:/)7:'^7'^ Denied Entry After 04 54 jP ..._27 '"" 53 4 /p 2 2 ' 247t 9jC7 ^^dd"""' 25 1 257 259jt 1_554_^' "0"""^:) 0 ' " a nee 0__5 4 9 _.44_ 674" 2_8 jA 0 lop; 350 .".28^. 266 \ 2106 ' 7_ 0"- 0 0 0 0 0 /•^-•3-P')P:'-^p3"5:2p)'!/• T " 4 "" ') "b 7'-7 7 )• "PbP/:/"' do""' "bb"""'" ''/'ipp'"^ "3fp6p/PP "d"o b 0 •""" tP^a".^--'--PPPbtP"')" "0""'"""" "P'' :m:7b' piPptptp "" "2 ------ ..3P2PP7 zc^7:4^m7 12 24 """" • " ;':i'pQt7b'P :pP^b;7p!-"^)' ""b'" ........ 0 1 5'2)7.' '8' 43)8) ' m •''/,'26^ 1 d' r "•!•• -•; O " i52 ).'-Tt !, 88"" :-t8tP 504'" :;tP)p 'd'" 0 1 t'P-2:-" t8-7 " t) 8" t24:t 1 b" :7:m. "88 " ;tP6p 222" _ •226p^ 1356"""' p" d" -.-T^'.-fe-rs.-"- 02 ••,/):-2)4 55 ^" '27 ' .•.bPO'-'"""tp"'" Pp25P ' "23' ;p:p..6)/! "241 " PPd;8p- ?P1 isgp "' cTc-Dii: 0" *7r.^: katzoksand-st51 SimTraffic Report Page 1 SimTraffic Performance Report Baseline ILGrandAve^Carlsbad Blvd Intersection Performa Total Delay (hr) QM^MfiMIc77::7m:7 Total Stops ^7M¥SM^^m§c7'^ t_ravel_Time7hrt '^^§MMBiM:cW7m7 Fuel UseTbg'al)"'"'" HC:)Fmissio^^^ CO Emissions (g)"* ^^]7^}fi^WF4W7^ Vehicie^ Enteted VeFi'desiExjfe Hourly ExitT^ate I^i]i.ed:Entig)leforf)K Denied Eniry After""" Existing 2020 AM 1273/2004 nee 'MM§':^m^^7:7:7m^-^":: 7:::7iWc7:(^7i^z7zs^ "'"'dti^'''""'^'"'^""'^"-'""- ... ,j,:3w vA^^,.3:i4v^3iW!t;!: 7485:7y:y:^.:f77;l-3377-.^77|^ 2010 co-:;^-^:om- 14 -^^^^l^^^XL&_StateStre^^ Total Delay (hr DelayyyelTp)r^;" 3^ 5;; • Total Stops travel)iDistpm|):^''/7':)'" Travel time (hr)" !^pt(3S[Deect|n^ Fuel Used"(g"al)""""""" '" • HC)Em)ssioniJ(g^^^^^ CO Emissions (g)'" N Qx )Emissiojns 5(p)3 Vehicles_Enter'ed V^Ricgs :Exitea'Pp)7r7) flouriy Exit Rate 5§b(ey)Eir^nggi^qreppf Denied Entry After 0 1 2 7 0 1 0 3 ^•'6P' ;• " •' i" 50.3 \': "•" •t'P8 g'""P )-2"3B 29 29"4 "20" '33 •16:6/1 : 'tl5 2"5)//' "•'.•'24. ':'" •:i7:3 ' "b's""""' P3"""" .. -•--^•- • "b"g 5"'--2P''P :P^Ay35,p/= PpttPt"'::-"7't2p, 1 3" '" " 2"9 ' "" 6P""" "d"8 mm^ b":t);^;7'-!/7 P ::m:77 /7'y2; idd'""'"' " 174""" " •••3-Q-—• 26 P5" :1"4^'!.'3: m'^o::77 b,t"P^^2)^,^-:p: ]ytP3.! •QY • • 203" "" 26 " " 45 •^P8b/;t-j:);5'1B9/37' /:P)'328'^/'~/P t''!44/ 480"" 1134" 168 " 264"' ptbottt pppptbp 7im77:br^ :i7m 0 ' "d ""'" d"' '"""0" 3 3 b)::)34:2p/'/p:-:^-')''--3 376 ^':"/''5.f6P::":P-".:5:''-^ 5 d" ":t/bt4t777:7-^--37/.5-, "'53'"'""' ""422 """""""d '"^''" ' 'P/'P^WP^P^/tv-'"::" _^ "355"•"-—•— bp:341';PP7^v^.)7"7)5:/ 'dote'"'"""'""•"'" 0 katzoksand-st51 SimTraftIc Report Page 2 SimTraffic Performance Report Baseline Existing 2020 AM 12/3/2004 Total Network Performance Total Delay (hr HlliipiilPtJpt^ Total -Stops ®iSIMiil'{idjt > P" _ Travel time (hr) SM/lIMM!Ti[S|Pp3p)t Fuel Used'(gal) HG3Emi)s|Bn ' 7~7-. CO Emissions (g) NQx^rmsffSns)) _ Vehicles Entered )i/eiiic|es/^ Hourly Exrt Rate"^" Pe)nie{pEntr^B^^ Denied Entry After 83 ^P^pgO"' t • "'""784"'• '7^5gmW7- •^mm'"""' 7t:Pbi.a:f7p- ""'P^3"'3' 'mm:47:^7- 2152" 1" " ;7j/;25i;3/f|pp ••• - - - pp780b7pitt: '"4680_'""^'""" :-7c77m:s'm """""d"^ —JUI'-^AJ:-^.!"', katzoksand-st51 SimTraffic Report Page 3 SimTraffic Performance Report Baseline Total Delay (hr, ^MMMMM77c7^m7 Total Stops t:'."""b'/'" '' Travei)Diifi|m Travel time (hr) SvgldlilbMb7bP'P^5^^''- Fuel Used (gai) HM|bll£ilojTs)!(gJp3 CO Emissions (gj " """"^ NOx/EmjssI^^ Vehicle^ Entered S^dldi?s))Exited^ '7 F[ourlyJxi't Rate f!^d!^)intrY.Wefc Denie'd" Entry Aftet 8 Beech Ave & Carlsbad Blvd Intersection Performance f7-.Cdt-k-j;M:i-ti'i^m-S7^!(Z^i^ Total Delay (hr) [;)elay-/)\)Pfv)(sp/ total Stops t!p)^l,Disf(mj)) Travel Time'(hr) AygjSpee^b(m[ Fuel Used (gal)' HC'EmissionP,^^ CO Emissions (g) MPt Jbiissjonsy(g'y/• VeiT^^cie_s E"ntered " ' Vehic[et)Ex[ted)tp73 Houriy__Exit Rate P e nfea'iEn t g Befb rp:: Denied Entry AfteP " |EB| 0 0 )^ 3'6) ' "' 2' :-'P25 •"do'"" em's 00 ' tPb^ """ 1" :-)/50)/ 4^" tt-b^-:: 'id"" "P'P3^ "b" WEM BlisM! 0 0 0 2 0 0 tbib)):/ 7':m774 bP-pP' ""2" 6 P)2/^^^ )t.'t38:t)))/ ))^tt5P^ b d' ' ""P'd"" 02" ^'^.4t::3 "PP7:25^'5"-)' •55P-"24b o"'b "33" 570/57 P)pp38p':! 7-7Z'77'^ ' 0 '361 " id " •^ppp^ -''•'Pb28^",t i"-t'b^'^""t''': 3""" "224 ""' 'eo'"" iPbpp P:.-/225):":"^'-' '77-:-M7 18 1350 348 "" 7)"b;pt -•:P'-PP)57p-^ 3:37;^//D"5-. ""d"""" - ., ^ 77.^7U:-:-Z9^,^ 0 0 2 7:2.67- 22 !/43"6)P ' 'T7d " ^'75257. '3_6"" PA-bb'^ 381 " t:b2g P "'291 • p289:7" 17'34""" W':m-•p"' " kat2oksand-st51 SimTraftic Report Page 1 SimTraffic Performance Report Baseline ^^^^-^^H^i^^^iACarlsba^^ Existing 2020 PM 12/3/2004 Total Delay (hr ^?s!SMidSIt': PtpT/^l: / total Stop'P IllMMlPffin, Trav-el time'dif PglEeed|iggbp/)//7 f^ue^Used (ga H§/§p!lsionspgp)i)/A^ CO Emissions (g)' "'^' ^ NSxiliiM€s?M9ipP)!t') Vehicles_Ente'red ^^^^S^:!^M§M:7!^7:::':'. Hourly^Exrt'Rate Denied :ErtQ/Befpr^ Denied" Entry Aft'et " " " ^^^-^^^^^^-^^^iASMiStre^^ Total Delay (hr [3eia)/pyefi)(st^5' Total Stops t"^ tbIP>isf;(mr) :);/::)- travel tim'e"(hr)" ^yg)Mpeed"(rT!pFj) ;/-/3 Fuel' Used (gai)"' Bp/Emissiohspg')' CO Emissions (g) NOx^missionstgt^/ Vehicles "Entered Ve KicIepExiiM^^ Hourly Exit "Ra'te"' Denie'd EnTrybAfter""""'" 0 3 -";8:9'' " 63 b22"p-. 7:20" _2P ' 7767 280 ;''2b)" ' t31" Pibbt 780" 04 tb"ll5l: 78 P'/IPP:^ " "i d" "t3p8.'-' 1 3 5..-:3^3' J25" '^/.•.!3ta5 ltd' P)t2^P 726 " 305??'-77;;-r7y:.0: 0 1 0 :bi2p- bd" "P5)8); db" t'":it) 0^5" P'"--2'5 "58 /P"53 t-bpbi 402"" m7- 6 02 Wo:': "Ps" • .5"8)TP bp"' PPp'"-bP"" p3''T:'-! _15 " '5^:''2 3.) "ig*" t^tt 132"" 11 :"'•"'" i"i38 A^ '226' J ' ",. A/_55_.j);^.-: '"by"'"" t7tPb"8:P): 4 s'"" -tt'-'b^)."/- 47 g "" ')"A"/^)/36-:j7; 342^' '" :PPP55^py: 2130 ^ PitllolP)- 1 51735?2r;5j^:- katzoksand-st51 SimTraffic Report Page 2 SimTraffic Performance Report Baseline Total Netv^ork Performance Existing 2020 PM 12/3/2004 Total Delaym ^§lmJM^7(m§m Total Stops tMeibpstpmp^p TravelJime (ht)'^ §vg]Speef|m^))p!yy Fueiyjsed (ga'l) HCEmissior^ CO Emissions (gj NOxTEmi^ior^ Vetiictes Enfered VehjclePExIt^tPbrP Hourly Exit Rate ' &iQI§d:EngpBefpre)P Denied Entry Aifer 264 Mm jdod 54521F ""42T tPfl2^ 4 3 "9 bt'tiP/ 33"54"" t:y291)' "8p9 ' 7p?5/ 4770 p-P'-'b- 84" katzoksand-st51 SimTraffic Report Page 3 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 8 Beech Ave & Carlsbad Blvd Existing 2020 AM Lane Configurations iptafPostrimi^ .S_atd_ Row (prot) ElfB^i2eMfbp7:pP Satd Flow (perm) §MS]E!owtR)fO^^ Volume (vph) Peifb|7lbar)Radpr^ Lane Group Flow ("vphj" |)ur]pTyp^^')7S;p37 Protected Phases RiinilSllS'lsettb/p/ 0 total Split (sj^'"^'"" "" ?)£l JiTMS? ''gInlspPPt 7 Actuated g/c'Ratio"""""""" v/ciRa|oppj '''',7 ~~ " Uniform Delay, d1 ;'-:4.'0.7 0 d" "g "• -'bb^t '""'""b'"" Perm' t^/p) 1686 0)927S tsgP" W737 P9 tb)923 74.0) _ " "d'" " ""'"'"6^ '"" bb"' 5d)92V .... ijPbPob 't722^ m: "'b 4^0_yyy7450:. 0 iP-'907) ""le'dF 'TmTrdccm- -15 dl^d" :550)92p/';)0;92/ ""^"d"'"'""'P't' vPerrfi5p/p775, 0 0 11 1770 Pb§50b "1770' " "tr ).Qp2)Pbp392j '^""d'"""""'PT P^-ptt'Ttfdt/ '7m'7c 2b"d"' LOS _ _ ' ApjTOach^D'eiay ^:^)747.-• •" Approacti LOS Queu'e)Pength 5btP)(ft)//^-'.! Queue^Length 95t"h (ft) \Utbf)QM::bink:)DisP{ft)"tP •• / boTti Up Bfock Time'(Pt) "" S^tiPygBIocRT Turri^Bay_Lengthtft') both •fiay)Blpcp);iPfie: %:t:.! 95th Bay "Block "itme" to"'"""' QpjPinp')p.en"aJtY(peK _20^ '7m^--dPT"" ff):i2'-) t4'8"'"' tppP ""'A_j tap t ""A )75)o"/ 15 "' /272".3 0 0 20"od 20 b - Ptl PtPop" ^ 2"")[ 0 )':7-t'6.6:) "A" P"" 8)6 : """A" "7, :• -- 0 ' 19 .P/"-312 0 0 8 0 ,7^p/5'5)^ " ^"O'OT^ ^Pyb/obv "" 352' 'P- -1"3!l / -3. 13 IT* )P4:bt^ 3525"''" •^biPttb P525" 3btt6?P "'"2d8*""' bfb2;:p ""b'de"' 22 0 •• •6P4P' • :-vj_.--t:H>-.*-'.-. 0 80 -.=p9''5^/ i"'-2?^':- "A •--2:8 P- '""A" : : :4 0 • 26" 4 065:'' ; 5)4:03 PP^:d:pg4Jpbp4)p 3'5"lT'^ ^'""'0 0 ""m pm?: 1770 pS^blbPPi^ "^1770'"'" "'* 3511 y-ji,,-~<ry*y. 0 m '01921 ^Td"" 'i' £7-ei;.^; 759^ 44 7M^2mM2- .... 873 mm mm: ••L7Ss-Z-(7i 00 ^^7SKr7!.'e'yi 0 07 PPylbt "352'^ PDb.P): """B"" • 3 "it :v;....M^P^i^&3P^P: 0 22 0^ 0 0 t-3:^MllP 0 89 tt)28?ltl7) '22^"*"' 3):'p'/7737-. 'p^'" "^ " 7:2:37447:4 ""A" :m-'-' ':•' :-lit" ' ^•••4293::pv'--: '^'PbiP'P-tP)))fPp5 5$5-/ Actuated CycleJ.ength 69 2 Maxim urn v/c Ratio b'bs"" " Intersection Capacity Utilizatton'Pt 3pcb' yiJS5/S :./7gtMSln)Ee|;se(^onyL^ •-•r^^''-^rT:\..'.^- •'•-5t^''57 !': •'!!3! ICU Level of Sen/ice A P^)p^)fPi^?S7i^p57 Splits and Phases 8 Beech Ave & Carlsbad Blvd V 01 05 •mm I 08 V 08 N \KOA03\A3460 Carlsbad Ped Enhancement TOS\Traffic Analys,s\Existing-with netv/ork\Existing 2020 AM sy6 katzoksand-st51 ^^9^ "^ Lanes, Volumes, Timings 8 Beech Ave & Carlsbad Blvd Existing 2020 PM "5/^4/05 "j^" ""b" TP" Pb/92P ~'"'d"" /Pemt)' :pP:^'t 2P 0 Lane Configurations totafiljgitTim^tlpy^ Sat£ Flow {pr-etj—- 'FittPefmittedy PP \ ^ Satd Flow (perm) W^4iMM7W4ic447, Volume (vphj EM}sIQsMEMi°pbbtp Lane Group Flow (vph) JyilSlMiSiSSittt Protected Phases 'S^b4^M^'!S4i^^77c47^ totaPSpliris)"'""'"""'''"' ^Ifii/^tfilbtEtPtt.. Actuated g/C Ratio " ' """'""' '7icB^Mm7cm^77777^7:: "4 Untform Delay",""dl"" ' DPiap)P-'"^)/pp/:.-77 '^75 7 3"^ .5- LOS ""^ """""'^""'' ° """"' •'"•'^'"'^ Approai:H)n^^ Approach LOS Cpebe'Lerigfftsoth (ftpt'3:'5 4 Qu_eue Length 95iti (ft) rntemaTLpPD is^ ./:7.:'). z7:-: zC bbtji IJp Bio'ck" tWe("%':i"""" " " p5th-tJt);BibcgT!ii^ Tum Bay Length'(ft)' 5(Dth BaylBfocR-Time %:)::p3^ ^ 95tt Bay Block "time"'%"" '"' QiM!ingl[^Qalt©MPyptP3^ ^£B4^sM}7§9M07:747 Ac^atedt:ycle '"L^en'grh'"67'""'""'"'"^ """"'•" Gontroit[ppe:/^u^ Maximum v/c Ratio 0 28^"' IjMllSMMSnlOlDela^^ Intersection "Capacity Utiiizationp4 4% "' 4* •vtpiip' -1693-,ppb'3i-•""ided" ;7/'P2/ pb-92/: 20J} 70:1"' PTP" W204 Ji'T' .4,7c " "A " bPt:' 'A' 4:^''' 22 315/•/ cm- "' 0 '"20 'M2: '" d" 4» ^ 3:':bPb:7:/)4 b/::7/^;4 ;0-'5::;"4.b: 0- "7700 _ ""0"^""1770' bt-t/pPib; 912)): ;:p'P::PbP'5b)/ ^ 0 b588 "d" 'l770" ""2t2""^'""T' '^m'^'^'2A^ )t0:'92p7!pp2^:pb 92b://:b:92)' ^ '^d "d2f "' ""'d""''""26"' *f ebt b p !/PPb:.P/:PP/A:)!p^oPi 8 —"' ':'b4:P;: 3536 3536 PttTb d805 :D^23 ' 880"" .7m- q " m ZI 3Di925- 'd 4'P '0 4mo7S:m:o "j"77d"" 35'32" Sb5p,ppppp:p^p7 "1770 """d532^"""'""o ttbp2P:70p2v£p£2 Id''6''2"8" """d 1 d"d"^"'2db'""""2d b"" ""do '8 d ""'"22T3""' "6T)'"' 8 d -i<57.5; 22 0 BtiCCC. 0 0 ^^t/PttP^-Pt^gipb;'' dPPpPt'f/by 7!,59r3.A755r^:/)/' '7m' P5b^3y Z i'Z^- .: .:yr^>Jy,; d 12"" 0 08 "' d'sd""'^" bob"' "P'eg" itPptvb;-^tpdP:37: 7p7tbP:/1.9/ 7:'0;28'P7')77b;/: /:bpt:;5 7(520/ 'ZiZCV'C' - "17'd"" ""34" 3' 2"4""• ' "341' •"2"2" PPP/''7/"-'/:t'82:'""" -•'i-t'-t^ 13.1" '•7 2.:87:::::'--c: 4p - -m'-y:- - """ "A'" B" "'B'" "" "A" 7'./3t.)t.t/)7_8 2-' 4^:'m:: )pt-) : -2 8") A" "A"""'"" "" "A" -••... P.'t/,t'":5/'0'^ .-• / ^ :/ 5" 4/ P'/'7o')": •.. P -2/' ••): t 0 "' 17" 22 " "119 "16 ' "bb .5'- •'//'b/P': ""Ptg/.~ •y"..: "•: • -•-•'!.• ' -'A 056-7:4 y . "-) ")'429 5 3-'-!'5 'vtVi'r' •"- p-^^' r."-^tP.5''7.-rt-*" •"•/•^•p- 1 p7pb::bb:lQ{f [sectipfipgs^ ICU Level of Service "A ~" Av/:. -^7v^.: .i„7-,-,T;^: • Splits and Phases 8 Beech Ave & Cahsbad Blvd V ol t 05 I P4 5^ 06 katzoksand-stSI Page 1 7AIQ: "d' "d"' •p'b ' ' 0 '"'d -::3;4.)0: 1770' tppBo): "btfb" 7m: 1693 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 11 Grand Ave & Carlsbad Blvd Lane Configurations ^ _. .. -"n....^. PS!^!TPst|ip5e))Jst-' :p S_atd Flow (prot) Satd^ Flow (perm) Sa tdTFlowpR ) Volume (vph") ElMSM^IOIllPiPt Pt-7 73; 02 Lane Group Flow (vph"j" P iHMyfM^tPEPiPPbReP^/ Protected Phases Permftt|g/RRpes7).:^^ T^taJ Sdliffs) •""'"""" 2d"'d '^St iMSlPdps jt-yp/:):77y-: Actuare"d g/C 'Ratio" '""-"'•••"-' •• ^b?:E§So p^'Ppb'" A7/ "77':- 7 Uniform Delay,"di" " ' 5^- /'t''4/0^: 1790" '5:959)':) T72'7''"' _4b p:92)p """69""" 16 3J2 bbP2t3:b/92-t 20 0 •t^4,::) d'dd"'" to:4o^P^ 32"l" " /ppop: :33p''"-)/ c"" t 31-) '"'72 )323A: 0 00 LOS_ """• ApproacftDiiay73")\/3 Approach LOS "'" "' Q u e)u e -L eng t h)"5 Ol ti'"'('ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal t^R^ttist^t^ 5b]h Up'Blook ti'me"(% 95th;(Jp'Blpck))t!rriei^ Turn Bay'Length"("ff)"" ' 5b)th;Bay:Wck'trrh'e'% 95_th Jay'Biook Tim"e '% Gu euing ;Bena If^eR),/ ""'^ 339 ttPfot' P" .:->!z7'..-!A,3: 23 0^ 7m77 ' 0_2t" p-oPb"^ '" 355" :A60:p:: 16_93 pteg - 53 )/b^2: "'147 .4;bA:3/3'4/d^ '^"b " "l77d b "iPtb^ ^ 82 Pm "'"0" 93_ ••pp.2/ "jot" berpt3 5' t A 774i:6::4C7A:o: "3405" '""""0"' • 340d"" """"""'"""0'" 4y453:m7:4 J35^'145 7-(79274'0:92 '"637" ^m Existing 2020 AM ft* y{y:^:p3))p?4|pp5i74:o PP7q J525 "0 ^•®i0fSpPb£b-' i7pd"'"35'p ""'"1 >:7/7!;775':3y-'- ^•106- "#380" 43 0 ••"29:|^tP ^"ojd""""" ::Hp,24"P.: "'dT p-s:6tp^ _ A"^' " /44.9tP: •):^'23^t "64 !l17b5"3:; i:^7.-:2 Zir\Cl. 00 p) Actuated Cycle'LendttTadg'^""'''''''"'^' '''^"''"'''^ SedEciipReblE^jafdy^ Maximum v/c Ratio b gi""' -^-^-••-•-^-^^7r:^'-^-^z^^7-..^^, Idirsecfran^gnaL^^ fe|5th:Re£centte^ume5^^ Queue shown is maximum after two cycles ••'-' --'•''•-'^^•-^•^"-•-'''-'''-''^^^^ !5;c-.3-vSi5^ -^mM7Mz 77 •-:4z'7747:SZCiC<C^:-^^7^7^T7gz^i-77i£^ • Splits and Phases 11 Grand Ave & Carlsbad Blvd 03 '\ 'iTtVil >'ln^^>'i'in 1 Ibiiii 1 —1 Or. ^ 04 A 05 i 06 N \KOA03VV3460 Carlsbad Ped Enhancement TOS\Trafftc Analysis^Existing-with networklExisting 2020 katzoksand-st51 AM sy6 Page 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 11 Grand Ave & Carlsbad Blvd Lane Configurations Tdtabl^Tir^^ . Satd Flow (prod E!llemTlttedtlt|p"^ Satd Flow (perm) ^MMM77^47^^447 Volume (vphj ReakPtcpiriFacfor^ Lajne Group Flovv (vph) P[iffl.T?Rdbt)::p7))3) 7) 5/ P rotected Phases .Flrmrft|9)P^ totat'"Sp7itJsJ "'"""'•' !^t§M)Gien^jbP)7- Actuated g/c'Ratio" """" ' "^^M^TfTm^c^cm- Uniform 'Oelayi dt ' DelaytPPPA /7': A CsC-C L(DS - • - ApigroacPpelay^b •: """- Approach LOS Q u e.u e' Pe ngjti ""5 Oth' (ft)" • Queue Length 95th (ft) !nternarLPk'Dist"^lft)77 , sold Up'BrocPtime"(%j'' £|th 5U]tBi(p T % j/ Turn B^y L"eng"th'('ft'j 5(5tR' Bat'BlgclpTirne 95j^h Bay Block jjme'bt Queuincrjf^ajt^^ ^^•g^^g^MggMfgjjgie^iMi^BL^BT^rmi ^ t /^ V I V '-47-m "b" -14-'- '.cc ' •.^v ^"""31" '/"d92) 'Pe)rmb ••tt-45 20" d" '5p-'4:o):^ "1756""' ta'86o^b ' T527^ '••IPHtb e'T' :/5'P)92;T "P)59j^' 77:A"---•: "4'"' '7C77CZiZsZ '"ToT_^ plb-8;:): -Q-jY^'" !pt92tP ejo 4' •i:8gppr' F""" " sg.e'/ / F' '" ):143"") #2st ^) 335"-: ^ h :tlP/bP.:ACi))p,t430^ 0_"t77b"" le'it ':;pp:yP/g5p/)3p;p/:7 0 177d""b"69T ttp77PP./:-AA56:-51 9:02) """d 00 336 -yPP:2^ ' 365' i'PProf' ...... .^^ ' "P^ P p30/b ' "'bPd"" b'-1'Lp3/ '""50 g'j^ y.ggp.:: " F " -381) ¥588" 101 /b:£2) "286' 54 0 " •P4957''> 0_3'3_ tpASt "309" ^t3p5"-) " "c " : 69.9 - E )')i76.) 268"" 4A5d:c ^A'tS,'/'P'|:Qt7P4:P;) 0' ' 1776" "344"d b'iTbPiSP^'dtfiAit 0 '"i7'7p"" 34i4d' 4m^7cmm4257 162 70 1326 ;q92:b^)0[92pb-0)92'3 ^ b " J76 'Pteb" /3./Ptp/Profp^"^P);P5/ ^ V^"'"^2" b o''""''t£o2"' 78 C)''" E]c7^7^&Sj^mm: 0 of Jd'To" 7ppp:tp/Bl7pl)53P 't7^bpt5cAPt,:PAp), -9 3522 ' 5ptptt3:55qp57/|;7)5 __0 " 17"7d"' 3522 ' £iP^ t t^'Pp;'//:tt'PP4p ^208 JI54 1210 5fii92)A:gP2 5::A^^ b "Ted" T"d65'""' tpp/p3PT5t)-3);:)73i:/7 q 7-i^^'c-^,-':: " "' b '"''46 4M2 00 l!^.iJ.^ -l:ri,'jiiiyi;.lt,,jy-T',.-:^.. 18 0 800 0 0 67^6 73" 130 3_7 3 P62)l5: "'"E :' 62:45' " "E" ' )--707 5 '#976 • •b397/. " 19%"" " •P7%-: :APp4^,b7p7^5p^p:P q"o9'" P'dd'""'" -t-^Pp3M7bpp5P)y^^ 67 9 " 28"4'""" "" ' i)p29::iP"/'/3):/ - 38)83 /"• 'D t 402' ) ' 470" --1056 V'!- • .117 7' F -169 '#327 •i77C7:'~s-' '-ZeC'iZZ^- Actuated CyclPLength "'149 8'"" ""'"'' "^'''••^""'^ •^•--'---7.7^ ^^SitcsfiSditAiMpd-^ Maximum v/c Ratio 1 03 ~—-.-^-v. -...^..-i InJeri^jiTpTO^^ -'^!HB£^-C^ty_Utdization 101^ " 'ioj L^td'PfSebtibTr""""'" 7;^ mume^exceeds^pacity^^^ __Queue shown is maximum afteWo cycles ^••-^''•"^"•^^"'^^^^^^^^•^ #A!|5thiaeroenfeP^ Queue shown is maximum after twoPycles "'^"'"" ^•^-••^'^'--"-^•--^•-^- .3;:-*.zi:•::>i^/i)>:£.!;if: ri-.-f,;-,.•;.'>. 74^Z^7-Z-C747dl.7Cyzi:\447:477S7 katzoksand-st51 Page 1 «» «» «» «» «» «» «» •» «» «» «» «» «ft % % % Lanes, Volumes, Timings 11 Grand Ave & Carlshad Blvd Splits and Phases 11 Grand Ave & Cahsbad Blvd Existing 2020 PM 0l 02 05 ji aS katzoksand-st51 Paoe 2 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 14 Grand Ave & State Street Existing 2020 AM > Lane Configurations fJppPxPPljme^ Said Flow (protj" RiPPemttteb^^ Satd Flow (perm) silS/Sbl-lpEQRli Volume (vph) Pea kpHouP^ L_ane Group piow (vph"j Tijrn))i)ytiepp/-t^A/77)5^ Protected Phases mi [fte d^fiaps/pitb Tojatspiit^) Act:EteU3reeit.(sit^t' Actuated g/'C "Ratio ' y/ctR.alip'7;'P'" A- -"^: Uniform Delay, d'i ,=4/0' .. P "do !;:... :/0;92P _^_0 /.Rerrrb Pt,p4^ TPo'" LOS^ pRproac'h Approacti LOS Queue Pength5())th:(ft))'t'-'": Queue_Length 95th (ft) ! nferna LLirik :pisf (ft)):5-'A7' -: Sptii Up Block time"(Poj' "" 95th't? p iiB locPjime)( Turn Bay Lengt'h'(ftj bpth) BapBioickpime %5^''^ / 95th Bay_"Block^Ti'm"e % Queuing ,Penajf^ pb jSMiMglSTOi-ai^vlMl^-^^fi 4^ PpT-P^ 3458" •0:8)32); •""bsBp" '74m m'2' pbis2-) ""'426'" 45 0 'P4 t) b 62" "P23:^ :y4:25 "" ""A"' •t'A2) "" "A " ;)25' '" 45' 1170^ '4'4Am- """^p """"'d'" '"'sd"'" Ptg2p: """""^"b'^' 00" 45 0 4T» 4» 4* ^4)0) tp4/q3 y7.)-^)G^f b4tt iPP^^b^b m^ Pt-tiP, 7tA)b:^ " "d" 34T3" "^"'" "d"""' """d "Tsid "0 0 "" 1778 7bt-' ''-' '-' ipiwib-70)g38b: •^pPtf 7Pp3!^' bb'893') "' d ' PPtd' "^"""d" """d' mii"' " i 607 -735^5 rem -------~'}-[4,4,:7: PttPbTy !/-:y:3:!=:' P'.'^'blz^ '7 -PP25:) 508 ' 478' ""if """TdT" """""54 "•"Tdd" 3P25 Pp-923 P'0:g2A'" 3;32y 5)tP"/92P;-/b:9i2-Ab:'92.:: /P3^g2-^ """6" ""'l26b" """^'"0"""' d " "*"i g"3"" " d"' "^'""b" " ""2PI" 0 '^50 47ys41 45 d' /""btp:/ "bed" I'Po'dp^ 8 3_" "bl3-5'5 ' B •;: 13 5/) B " - •16-5 5: #363 "' t-35e) /- 6%.' /RermPy It? 6 0 0 20 0 .44:4. l'.C-. .y-:4^747C-7.j7z7 2^:47474:4 20 0 A'?''9 / ' 0 0 20 0 Pod'" '••'~ z "7 ..."-T?"^'V . 7 -'•i^''~'~)''7' ' 022"" 7 7'' ••.^!A-3/' •Z7-.' 'ZZ 2,2-;, '"'""d'bd" P4g.:':.: 7bttP7tP"3b:b;6p)3 "17'0 1Q A 17 "2 .77777-'.--- .'5-!-:!"-H d37-: """'B'^"" 3 -! 5 . -:--1 97';: B"'" 19;5t "t/.'/'Pt.'-"-:)"•. ;P9)7^'- " " B "B A'57: ' t:bt-P^-- /v " 75" 109" "l40 " A54./ '•:.!p:'P v'it-: '2249 /5/ 0 0 Cy3e))Lefjgt)tT-::65'^^ Actuated Cyc'leTength^dt'g'^''' ""'""• Contra^lfType/A Maximum v/c Ratio "oP'o ""'""^ "" ~' l^MlMld/SignaLDlPpllJp ,'Q*£I!.?pP°pCaP.lcitypitilization 86 0% " "iCuTeVei of'Servtce^'B'"' iPt25th)percenffle^ _ Queue shpwn is maximum after hvo cycles ""'" ' ^'-^•"•"••"-"-' ^P/^*.?! aag)L^^La n ne)as a Jdft), lane A')p!;Airi55-- 5 Splits and Phases 14 Grand Ave & State Street f^:^74r'':7-Z^-4^V^ .-7.',i^s:\'-^4.\iz^S.'c7i'*' r-z • 'PttPPIPp3i);3i^.P?^: 04 06 ^Syai45^ N \KOA03A3460 Carlsbad Ped Enhancement TOS\Traffic Analysis\Existing-with network\Existing 2020 AM sy6 katzoksand-st51 '^^9^ "" Lanes, Volumes, Timings 14 Grand Ave & State Street f^^4m'm^^m^m^m^m^m^^Mmmi^. Lane Configurations tSa !)PsstTi mP'(s)i t A Satd Flow (protj Fingermittl^^ Satd Flow (perm) §M7Ei^tE)S5B'lP^t Volume (vphj .?lb#t?our Facfot . - Lan_e Group Flow (vph) Tum||/ge^)fA))p5^ "Ptotected PhaseP '""" MiiP!SPbEl]lIllPtA Totai'dplit [z)^' ^-^df/GPeeatsIPp/) Actuated g/C Ratio " " IMBilip b)li;.PA'P y P' •• Uniform Delay, d1""" '•474W'- d" "Pi' """""jg"' :7b;'9p d ^o'^ /Perrity /tpJA" "2"d"d"" zm^: ^3462" ;P/B,i:py '"'dTiT tpt}1t "642^ :440m- "884'" ••Ad' "" d " "d" 20^ 'tl^-5^ ""0X0 'PqpBl "'9"0" ^^Ppg'^ - ;:iTg " " B :b)7g. #165 " !^ii 5b y -/•^4:Qi' ""'""b" Zp2" /O.P27 '""'d' 0 0 P"b 0 4* p4/0,'7 _0_j"t78rj Aii)b)/884f: 0 ^ 158"7 72 ;53^4jpA?7)4PtP 'Ptip '0'""" trpebttppp)) _ "2637" """'P pPPAPpt9)5:p?PP7tp 7"5_ 407l'47'"'" 72 240 yPkbg iP)P592tP-b/92-po 'gStApS": b 782 ' d'"""""" ""b""' 461'^ Perrp)7A7^)?;:^)Ap:nRen^ :-,-.J„_,.,,_-_,...„^.Il,ir^2" 26^o^"""'""'dd'"" "2d"o~ ""'"'2o'"d'' b)i A5£bt m77mmm7 q_40 ^0 38^ '•0.7t7 79 )j9)b- ""A" : 9P) A ' 61"' tog" -.786t 'v-O'T^P "'e'd""' ""11)5"/^ B" )" 11.5/^ " B i^ '^bg: • #i'5t P350P- LOS Apbroach Delap '7') P 3 -'-^ Approach LOS Qijeue-Length .SOthtft);-'- /'): Queue Ljength 95th (ft)' "' 1 bMdiiOt-lbfiPist .'(ft j^/i:: 5: • ;;• 50jh jjp^"lock Tim"et"%)"'" ?5ffi t^§lbck))rtnP,f%pp7 Turn Bay Length "(tf)' '•'••-•• 5btttBagBlqckTimb%'^:3 )- gsth^y Block 11 me'tt' '"" Queij]ng_;Renalt)>^ 77 7 ^:JSi^4<^7mm7c44z47C m:4z4-C77;^77.i7 C:c c Ackiated Cycle "Le"ngth"36'6*'" " ^-"••"-^ ^ ^oMoiTypep^aafe^^ Maximum v/c Ratio 0 78 """"--•••''''^-'-' •'--'''•-^-•' •-^'-•--•^-^j^^ ^^^^.£Ba£!!pujl'!^ 112 0%'" J• ""icuTdbdiPbsSrPib^'ct""""^''^^^'' SPsa^n/Bercentite'Vdidm Queue shown is maximum after two cycle''s -^•-•--'"' - •--•^--- •-•''^•"•^--'---^ v^-'.-^^^^ Splits and Phases 14 Grand Ave & State Street ^A4?o7AtAqpp#5t)M=po 0 J) J79T"""""'" 0' _^_^0 ^ 0 1526" ^d :MM477cm7W^m':':^77^^ 112_ '_'"92'"'"l'5d''""""90 i PM^t/P^P 50:92ttt5'P2 0 b tfo ''"^'"" 0 ^ * "s"""'"•"""" " '.-rij,>yir/5i;3-^:-637i-': ,7;.'y3E'^.is 744 _oJJ^^doP''^'"" 20''0 '"^'' "b 0 77Z7-:i44;^:^777^:m^zii:i^7ii. _ ^^_ 0 3^ '"•••" Xg''""""'"" t).;p.PP:bpP)')l4:2.7/:);"^ "~ B '- 3': •'ttt 'j ' 14 2'"^'- •/•: " "B" " / '•. tit: ib /-b' 65t - " 3 - "#202 l5t-/:'-:5b:/--/-•22525-"" "/i/• 'W^:yf47i\7 7;: Z-.:'-AZ ••' 53^A3»-.:*t ^i7<c -z^: 9-\ ^t 'mm^ 04 mmm V 08 'Siim!imtz§ katzoksand-st51 Page 1 ^ 5if^ ^'^^^^ Okitsu & Associates Bl^^iflH '7''^' Engineers and Transportusiun Planners i " ^ Appendix K ^ Alternative 2: Year 2020 •t % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ^ iMarch ZOO5 r i i r D i J i •fe ,, -, Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Ao4o0 .... ,. _ . JA5460 ,, ^k. H aiicway ttiliancement ^ Traffic Analysis m"7:7:PTee4Mm47m7 0% ^0_92 b92^ 0 92 0"g2' p:^225)^ p);46P::;A756^t7'33? > HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5 State Street & Carlsbad Blvd State St Appr Realignment & NB Lane Reduction 2020 AM Lane Configurations Siadib^trgil/A Grade^ _^'j^ j_' 'pp) ^'ifn£:i)iiMSt;tPAA)5A^^^ Peak hl^our Factor OpP' HQurfyJfjoiA^ Pedestnans 01diIEMMMAAtP)itp • •5^- -73'?::3!y:: 3:zyv,y :-:i ^7 .s.^^sr ;-;::yf 2 ll'-T^^ Walktng'speed (fb'sj'''' "''' -• ••--•-•^^•^• Eil c Idli BigcRage/p3 A Rjght turn_fl'are'('v'eT) ""''"••-"•-"•-= - '• S^SiStlilitlltp'y^ Median storage veh) vGtcorifljd^ vCI, stage i confvof ^^Mm^7cmm:7-m:m-747:4-77 tc, single (s) "" "'^'" 6"4"'"'""ed" iPt2)stagptspp:3i).pp///'.:T^^ Itbs).. '35 3 3" "'"' pO queuetre'e %::'pp)''/ "yPcib.P t:/-61")••"^) • cM capacity (veh/hf " ""'P2574" .t yiFree' '7774 "092 ,432(3) ' J •P2..P) 1? A:7Q- :Pt52A;p -533.5':: !*'.^":y:.; • "^4'P'""" "22""""" 5t)-P8Pb i040 " ' -7--:-'C77^ *-•! Volu!Ti:e-)rp]al Volume Left Vol uitiA Rigiip/.)')")!/": CSH """"" """'"" VoliPpe ;to'C)apacity')) Queue Length (ftj ControLDelayppi^P ^ Lane^LOS" ^^dlBdifibiaytstP^ Approach LOS .225:^ 37527/ '3""335 3 '1320!-PA-'- ""b' .... -335" " 0" " )225:^ '/)/"'66-; iPii't'bj-' 7m-744 777 574 i7"ob' t04b '^7o6" '"""• • b'39: ).'.b:3'i. PO-32P 'bA8 • -/)3/;7^ 46 b' "Pd " ""P"' m'4^4 PilP-'':P' ".APttS/PiP "c" ''"B' ' " 45^37 44m. m^^zc tv^i^it'j^'r^pbtPttdT/' (5"' ...K^-,,,.. J, ••-CZ-Tf- memmm.u^mmaw:^mEmmmmm^^mm^^mmm Average Delay 28 ~ ' ' ^ MliecIiggCag^^ katzoksand-st51 Paqe 1 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5 State Street & Carlsbad Blvd state St Appr Realignment & NB Lane Reduction 2020 PM lane Configurations p j. i —'-^^ ' •'" l'si!0^afiliiip:p''i^^ Grade^ _ _ 0% ' ''•'''^m% ''^''"''^"^'''''' "^''''''^mC''^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^Oi^!(vehfjpj-s)|)):)A)|'Ap Peak Hour Factor ^ ^b 92 0 92 0 92"'""d'g2"'"(dgr' ''d'92 '"''""^''^''""'''"'"''^^^^^^^^^ netirKfldw^ragifyeHPixPiy Pedestrians ""•^''' ----- -^:-^-^-^7^-;^-::-^,:.r-^iri;.--,-j.:.:;:.ji:Ci£irr:-.^^^^ ^APeMiS^^inSi/PPPbtp'^ Walking Speed'fft/sf ''•''•-•'-'-'-''•'•^--^^^^^^^ ^roenfBTgckagep)^)i^ Right^turn fiaredvefd"'''" " "'"" ''•"'•'''''''''''''^•''•'•^ '''^''''-''^'•''-^^ S^^51glliiiP'P]tcmg^^^ Median storage veh)" vCj, stage 1 con"fvot •^•"'•••••-^-••-••'- ••-•'---••' — •-•-'-•• tc, single*(s)"^' '^'"'" ""'eT'^"2""""" """ t(b yPPtigepsjp" A37A)^ Ab':/"^ Z '^"3'5"'""'3t""""" "" pd)gueuafree %:t:t: ")""a'"•""" : cM capacity (ve'h'/iij "" ' "3" igp'" ^3-"*:wi.^!:*;-^-,:; . 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A/Q:92A'bi92 ""d" """d"'" ""•"" 0"" '"'m "P"" ^ P"d'" ' "459 " " 0"'" "'20 " '"i'dbr b •'efrn5'-— • ''•du''''-'-'" 7.5375::; •perirrp i/7)^:-^.-"'P !.)F?foft tBrot; 44^-C^7 4 8 " """'5" 2 ' 6 '20"0" """ddo"" '"'"''bp'" -i-ryr.-O-:: '"200 "Too'"" """do """'P'b'' "d'dd" 0 0 8 0 'iii;=iitii;3--i.i...i5'j45' 32 0 0 0 -'•4-CrZ--' •'P82P "//ttpt •,tp'.:7:Pt^ 778/3)7 •S/fi'A ^ b'4)9,);) ).Al)3b^ •"'/". 7""" b^:ip9'^ ^i7S7'm4 d'Td'" "oTt"" "dPe" '0' 8i4""' 'db'e " "0 84""' •""""'" 7/;p!V-tb/187 777:7. '4- •;• i^'')"^':' )3)Ti;23;p ^:-b47A "'AtfbA iPplS; AlG^"':7A'7^ "'bp g" ""t6"'"3""' ------""23"" "37 5" 3 3 "tO?8t; •i^:AA^'--.' --P-Q'"8p^ 'AOP't -P)A7P ; 7~^''::_ -7~ 2b)2"-A:3Pf3A:/t) B" "B"""" ' "c' A ' c"'"'" X"^'"""^ 3.t'i: )•' "'ib.8t "lb: 8:3)" •::3:3") -3 m • 4 • B"' B""" A A"" ' 5)^-07 ///p)/ :-^3.: •.''-:'o":-'!"• A -"/-^' b'^^ )•""/ "'22" 28 ' "'21" 45 "" 22 " ""do"" ' .-/••:•.;•'.i • 272b3 ..P);:p3 :'P1'2^/ : 7 ^-i'P: • 1065)./ - • ''• P'^429/! •):; :' CbiifrgijfyfDe;^ Maximum vTc Rafto "o^Te'' """ Intersection Capacity' Utilization 47 70/f """^' Splits and Phases 8 Beech Ave & Carlsbad Blvd C\i^Z^^.lrJ^i£7:l4C7 CZ^- 7 ^;.;y7/:77"5'3,-f;?r ZZ^t^T^^f^iiKCT^r.S 777c7mm'77777':7^^m^ t,2 04 "*\ 05 i 08 A 08 N \KOA03\A3460 Carlsbad Ped Enhancement TOSTraffic Analysis\Proposed-with network2020\Proposed 2020 AM sy6 katzoksand-st51 ^^^^ Lanes, Volumes, Timings 8 Beech Ave & Carlsbad Blvd Year 2020 PM '/:AOy i'.'bi """"'d' r" 2p' : om Lane Configurations tDtaj/[)qsbtimets)7))), • Satd ^Fiow (prot) .... Elf?MMifiMl7AbAP Satd Flow (perm) §MIM!MteEb)(RPPP5 Volume (vph) SllESIIM^^MtPAP: Lane Group Flow (vph) PHfitMel!!!!^^ Protected Phases PermTtfetpR^ totats'pliAsj Acl)Effct)Gi;eentst Actuated g/'c^Ratio M4M°:SM^M^c4^-4- Uniform Delay, dl pelaA7i7A):75'^5y5;. ,:!;- LOSj"^'"^" Afibrpacti'iDelay/j pb)":: Approach LOS Ctijebel))ength:5bth''(ftj Queue^Length 95th (ft)" Idf|nH!tpip.Pisitftj-r" ' 5dtutp^lock"ti'me"(%) gsth :ij ft B iocp))rirnep% j Turn Bay Length (ff j 5(D|h)B)ay)B]bPPt 'g'sth 'Bay'"Bioc"k time % 5l4s!iindP-Mnl!iY'('^d)):t ijej^trejgiTTniagiig^)^ MfMl^ll^illBigamRjg^Bj^^B^^ ;430/:));y:-4.p b6gT--i 0 50:883PA PA'' tbdq" "'^''^^b :!-::5?32!3AP^P 2"""^p 7p/g2: "62 _ 29 to/92' 0 /4;0 0 """ b ^ 1P 0)02"" d Perm)' 'bqd"' 'bdd" 'A3y:)PA/-8/3!; "'20 12 :PP'A-'"'0"29':; t4""P'^ p""P' ")ib:5^ "'""B" ""-/;;b)5)i(])5:: . .-.^ P:;':/."- /d ' ' 34' 5/5- ••": 3.315 •^ 0 0 20 0 4* /::5 4.P : 1698 ' bP923- '1552' 74:43: , •• A:92-- ""'"^'pr 20 0 )t 8.:2'7 b '12' /Ops"'. 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AfntefpectiprPl/OS^^ ICU Levei of "Service A 0I t 02 04 "*\ 05 1 06 V 08 N \KOA03VA3460 Carlsbad Ped Enhancement TOSAraff-ic Analysis\Proposed-with network2020\Proposed 2020 PM sy6 Page 1 katzoksand-st51 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 11 Grand Ave & Carlsbad Blvd Mf^>Bl^SRWg^M 'AA/iibPtib _d'^P"77d A775Ag50 0 '" 1770 ):4:b' "o" 0 7 i'/bigp-' '"""""A" )6§[nP A/P45 20 0 " p54;0':= 1787 " A95bP' ifod" AP' 35 " " :6)92:p: '"'62' );;4/p:) P693 )-t4P: b "" o" 1770' "3408'"'-^ T^" ?77d"^p525""^" •m77mm^^my4^:mm7'7m'^:?'^^^^ 1770 340'8 0" '1770 '"352r"""^'"d 15 434" )b:9)2,5 )^b.g2P """ '472"" PPrdt!)b J-l" 1-1- x-u.V-*- 3 202 -2p q it^ gi'8P ^0 07'" 'i'P-Spp 55 7" :"'55/0t- "' "E'" '-. 5 ADA "'E' '549- '" 99' ' ''^A23 3' 0 0 ""4t 0" ..-^74.! b '26'" pAppiAS;/ 52 9 iA)/-"':^,9A3t """F" t~475) "#726 1693 -.-..^.•^.n.--:,..^-».-:-:H:^.^,^,.-^,;:,^ ^0/:, - y-^-^ ,^j>-: -:f-:^-S>r--^.CZZt'-.C^ C-^^K^ --• -.-P^_Jt3 „56 ^19' Todbid""'T72p""^tQ M2A:A:g2AAA2735qB2i^^ „ 51 8g_7 _0 133" "P 030"'™ :t:Erpt;7:3.yAgS.3pg^ 5 2 16 •-^^^^•''^^^-fi:p-a^s^-':^ia^Ati^ gp)_ 6£0 00 24 0 80 0 0 0 tPP/Ap 51 0 ^t4S/8p^ ' 'bp4^ 70 33 A 23 A" " : 23)4)7) '""c 'jm' ' E" •b 95)'^" let" 1170:A 0 00 '•7* Lane Configurations P9tllPMtit!ml'(s)!'PA) Satd Flow (prot) flpFlmlttii^if5^ )Ab S^td^Flow (permj MM!:MMEM)7:74:: Volume (vph) MMMs§M^pj^:7744c- Lane Group^Flow (vptij" ^M^-f^^MMM777 Protected Phases HinniSgiiEfpsesp^AA^ )folaTsplitTs)"'""''"'''''""' •'"^"'" ^sMMlMM^Mm4' Actuated g'/C Ratio""'' ~ W:SsMcW:^7m:-7 Uniform Delay, dt Deli)^/tA':-A^5);JP/:"//37:/ ;. 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Pit ifAdAlM^bbitil; Attb. Satd^Flow (perm) §M€}miE4oEMz::j7M Volume (vphj 32 332 Lane_Group "plow (vphj " '""P" '^455 |bnP3b!diP?ipAbfP)PttPe^^ 4T* -4:0/!At4))bt ""ib-j '34581 f74:om^7 ""'d ""3048"' 49 'm^ ""'"d ' ""d" _54 30:92; ........g 41* ^ 4* 7 4: bb;'p/34))pb:)3-- 'y4)b A A4 ' P::P::))4 :p b " d " 34'62"-"^ t" O " "' -"d """t8"69- iptitbPfbtA5/=^ "d" "2918"''" "'" 0 d"'T649"' bAtbptlllPlPpApgilA^ 9i_ 525 66__37 b)9277T);92::) •!/p2 A0:92 '-"'jm —•m'^'^" '-Ap: ......... cTiTzM 0 0 Aefim 0 4* A'4APitPtbt4/b ' _0 -J77&"" J""d ^76-^87147477^ 0 1565 0 155 37 _98 ^ 216 J06 P:92ttbb A2 3)7;0 A2/7;q^ "25g' "'^' "o"-"- '6"""457'"''"0 0 0 20 0 2qo Pl3)3)P- 'ddd_8'"" 4:0:6m :^t 9:CA7 ' • JA ''")9)tA^" "A'" • '• "59 !/ " "103 ,-. 356-3/ "'"o'd"" Ali^p;" 20 0 20 0 A32))) •""djd'" 'A4biP ' "6 9 " ))""7J8A .. 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P)^^3*eij ci^Lengtti^5"''" '''*'"'"'"'""'''"''"'"''"'^^''""''''""^^^ 5M)blTyg|b^c{i|lfea0nc Maximum_v/c Ratio 1 05"""""' ^"^-^-'^'-'^^-'^-^''^7-.:7..:^-.-..i:^A^:^^s^,:,, '2™*'°"-'?^-^P^Pt^.-^*t'^^ 131 4%^"^'" "TcTdePPrbfTetvibe "H^' AOiS^ynie^exceedsa; _..-P.41^1?!l°w')L!2 maximjjm'aftePtwo'cycles"'" ^ P-9Mi/^in)tilPv5[ume^ _^^ueue shown is maximum after two cycles """" •*- •--••-"- - - !^dPPiactA]JftAane")Recbd^ /7:!y/5:= 47^7. W!^7 'm44CCS^Z€^. A75*K ^^^•^f^ij'jyf-:!*:;!^,' N \KOA03\A3460 Cahsbad Ped Enhancement TOSAraffic Analysis\Proposed-w,th network\2020\Proposed 2020 PM sy6 katzoksand-st51 ^^ge 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 14 Grand Ave & State Street Splits and Phases 14 Grand Ave & State Street Year 2020 PM N \KOA03VX3460 Carlsbad Ped Enhancement TOSAraffic Analysis\Proposed-with network2020\Proposed katzoksand-st51 2020 PM sye Page 2 Katz, Okitsu & Associates Traffic Engineers and Transporfanun Planners Appendix M Alternative 4: Year 2020 March ZOO7 JA3460 Carlsbad Boulevard Pezie strian WaIkway Enhancement Traffic Analysis 2-Lane Roundabout Spreadsheet (For a 3-Legged Roundabout) ]ohtio.:A3460 -¥i^t&^-Gafisbad-^ede5trian-Enhaneetnem- Year: ZOZO LEG 1: SB Carlsbad Blvd LEG 2: WB State Street LEG 3: NB Carlsbad Blvd Qc= Circulatory capacity, volume of traffic movmg within the circle at the entrance leg (vph) Qe= Entrance capaaty, volume of traffic that can be accomodated by the entrance leg (vph) (Capacity Equations: AM PEAK PMPEAK Qc F* Qe Qc F* Qe SS Carlsbad Blvd 61 0.95 ZZ6l 61 0.95 ZZ61 WB State Street 4Z4 0.88 1866 1170 0.88 1396 NB Carlsbad Blvd 308 0.88 1939 383 0.88 189Z 'F is faaor applied to flared apfroachts. See Exhibit 4-i in FHWA publication No. FFIWA-RD-00-67 Delay Equations: AM PEAK PMPEAK Volume (vph) Capacity (vph) Delay (sec/veh) V/c Ratio Volume (vph) Capacity (vph) Delay (sec/veh) V/c Ratio SB Carlsbad Blvd 15ZZ 2261 4.9 0.67 • 1178 ZZ61 3.3 0.5Z WB State Street Z68 1866 2.3 0.14 716 1396 5.3 0.51 NB Carlsbad Blvd 485 1939 2.5 • 0.Z5 1Z31 1892 5.4 0.65 Average Delay, AM LOS, AM*" 4.0 Average Delay, PM LOS, PM*' 4.6 •SeeHCM, Table 16-Z for Delay / LOS Chart 95th Percentile Queue Length (Veh) Equations: AM PEAK PMPEAK volume Oapaaty Uueue Length Volume i-apaaty Uueue Length (vph) (vph) (veh) (ft) (vph) (vph) (veh) (ft) SB Carlsbad Blvd 1522 2261 6 176 1178 2261 3 94 WB State Street 268 1866 1 15 716 1396 3 91 NB Carlsbad Blvd 485 1939 1 29 1Z31 1892 5 159 Note: Capacity analysis is based on FHWA publication No. FHWA-RD-00-67 f I J APPENDIX JURISDICTIONAL WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT By: Merkei & Associates, Inc. Dated: January 10, 2005 JURISDICTIONAL WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT FOR THE CARLSBAD PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY PROJECT Preparedfor: Cornerstone Engineering, Inc. 2191 El Camino Real Suite 208 Oceanside, CA 92067 Attention: Mike Shaver Prepared by: Merkei & Associates, Inc. 5434 RufFm Road San Diego, CA 92123 Phone: (858) 560-5465 Fax: (858) 560-7779 Updated January 10,2005 Stephefi R. Rink, Project B Project Biologist Carlsbad Pedestrian Walkway - Jurisdictional Wetland Delineation Updated January 10. 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY 1 INTRODUCTION 1 LOCATION 2 GENERAL PHYSIOGRAPHY 2 METHODS 2 WETLAND PARAMETERS 2 Vegetation 4 Hydrology 4 Soils 4 JURISDICTION OF WETLANDS AND WATERWAYS 4 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 4 Califomia Department of Fish and Game 5 Califomia Coastal Commission 5 RESULTS 6 COASTAL AND VALLEY FRESHWATER MARSH (HOLLAND/OBERBAUER CODE 52410) 6 COASTAL SALT MARSH (HOLLAND/OBERBAUER CODE 52100) 6 DISTURBED WETLAND (HOLLAND CODE 11200) , 8 DISCUSSION .......8 WETLANDS FUNCTIONS AND VALUES 8 EXPECTED WETLAND IMPACTS 8 WETLAND PERMrrriNQ REQUIREMENTS 9 LITERATURE CITED AND REFERENCES 10 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF SURVEY INFORMATION 2 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1. PROJECT VICINITY MAP 3 FIGURE 2. JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS MAP 7 LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDCK 1. WETLAND DATA FORMS APPENDIX 2. WETLAND PHOTO POINTS Merkei & Associates, Inc. # 03-108-01 Carlsbad Pedestrian Walkway — Jurisdictional Wetland Delineation Updated January 10. 2005 JURISDICTIONAL WETLAND DELINEATION FOR THE CARLSBAD PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY PROJECT Merkei & Associates, Inc. SUMMARY Merkei & Associates, Inc. conducted a routine jurisdictional wetland delineation at the Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway project site. The fieldwork was perfonned on September 17, 2004 and was conducted in accordance with the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' (ACOE) Wetland Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratories 1987). The delineation effort was expanded to identify jurisdictional Non-wetland Waters ofthe U.S. and wetlands under the jurisdictions of the California Department of Fish and Game and the California Coastal Commission. The wetlands found on-site are associated with Buena Vista Lagoon and consist of the following vegetation communities: Coastal Salt Marsh (Holland/Oberbauer Code 52100, Coastal and Valley Freshwater Marsh (Holland/Oberbauer Code 52410), and Disturbed Wetland (Holland/Oberbauer Code 11200). These wetland areas are situated along the eastem and westem boundaries of Carlsbad Boulevard. Because no specific project plans have been proposed, impacts to wetlands have not been assessed ia this report. However, it is recommended that any fiiture project be designed to avoid or minimize impacts to the on-site wetlands to the maximum extent practicable. The project site is located in the City of Carlsbad and within the Califomia Coastal Zone. INTRODUCTION Merkei & Associates, Inc. (M&A) performed a general jurisdictional wetland delineation at the Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway project site, at the request of Mr. Mike Shaver of Cornerstone Engineering. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the extent of jurisdictional wetland habitats and/or waterways on-site. The Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway project consists of the addition of a pedestrian walkway to the eastem shoulder of Carlsbad Boulevard, adjacent to Buena Vista Lagoon. The proposed project would provide a pedestrian walkway along the entire lagoon-edge of Carlsbad Boulevard. The project is still in its preliminary design stage and therefore impacts to wetlands were not calculated in this report. Results from the current delineation will be utilized to aid in project design. Merkei & Associates. Inc. # 03-108-01 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway- Jurisdictional Wetland Delineation updated January 10, 2005 LOCATION The project site is located in the northem portion of the City of Carlsbad, along the northem extent of Carlsbad Boulevard where it crosses Buena Vista Lagoon and enters the City of Oceanside. It occurs within Township 11 South, and vtnthin TRangRs 4 and_j5_2azpst nf tb.- USGS '^.5^m Luis P.ey, Califomia Qtiadraugle, San Bemardino Base & Meridian (Figure 1). Access to the project site is via Carlsbad Boulevard. GENERAL PHYSIOGRAPHY The on-site topography consists of moderately sloping terrain that decreases in elevation as Carlsbad Boulevard passes through Buena Vista Lagoon. The elevation of the site ranges from approximately 5 to 20 feet (MSL). The underlying geology is mapped as Pleistocene marine and marine terrace deposits (Rogers 1965). The on-site soils are mapped as Made land. Made land consists of smooth, level areas that have been filled with excavated and transported soil material, paving material, and soil material dredged from lagoons, bays and harbors (Bovraian 1973). METHODS M&A biologist, Stephen Rink, conducted wetland delineation work on September 17, 2004. Delineation of the site was performed using the routine on-site determination methods noted in the 1987 United States Army Corps of Engineers' (ACOE) Wetland Delineation Manual (ACOE 1987). The delineation effort was expanded to identify jurisdictional Non-wetland Waters of the U.S. and jurisdictional wetlands under the Califomia Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) and the Califomia Coastal Commission (CCC). Jurisdictional wetlands on-site were originally delineated on a 1" = 100' aerial photograph of the site. Evidence supporting jurisdictional determinations were recorded on wetland field data forms and depicted in photographs of the project site (Appendix 1 and 2, respectively). Table 1. Summary of Survey Infonnation Date Time Conditions Biologist September 17, 2004 1030-1300 Weather: sunny Wind (Beaufort): <1 Temperature: 75° F Stephen R. Rink WETLAND PARAMETERS The following text describes the three parameters used to determine the presence of wetlands and non-wetland waters/streambeds occuning on the project site. Additional information on the overall delineation process and regulatory jurisdictions may be found in the federal delineation manual (Environmental Laboratories 1987), state and federal enacting legislation, or through guidance provided by judicial interpretation, solicitors' opinions, and regulatory guidance issued to District Merkei & Associates, Inc. # 03-108-01 03-108-01 •4-11 ^ mm7 7-f in » h %\ l! ' "Oceanside-Ca risba d Coonlry Club . Fire IXrtoR- ETERtflAL '^fWLLS _Disposa I i ^ •> -• ^ Krms anil Nnv. Acaderiiy ^ CARLSBA0XV ^ 1:6000 Project Vicinity iUlap Cartsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway source: USGS 7.5' San Louis Rey, Califomia Quadrangle Figure 1 Merkei & Associates, Inc. Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway- Jurisdictional Wetland Delineation updated January 10, 2005 ACOE offices and CDFG field staff, and through the Califomia Coastal Act and Administrative Guidelines. Vegetation Vegetation commimities which meet the criteria of wetland-associated vegetation are dominated by a preponderance (>50%) of species classified as obligate wetland plants (OBL), facultative wetland plants (FACW), or facultative plants (FAC) based on the National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 1991). Obligate wetland plants are defined as occurring ahnost always in wetlands (estimated probability >99%) under natural conditions. Facultative wetland plants are defined as occurring usually in wetlands (estimated probability 67% to 99%). Facultative plants are defined as having a similar likelihood of occurring in both wetlands and non- wetlands (estimated probabihty 33% to 67%). Areas defined as Non-wetiand Waters of the U.S. typically lack vegetation or are dominated by annual upland species, but exhibit wetland hydrologic characteristics. Hydrology Hydrologic wetland indicators include both surficial characteristics {e.g., visual observation of surface flow, drainage pattems, watermarks, and drift lines) and sub-surficial characteristics {e.g., presence of free water in the test pit). Hydrologic indicators are also used to define any Non-wetland Waters ofthe U.S. Soils In order to confirm the presence of hydric soils, soil test pits are excavated using a shovel. Soils are typically taken from depths ranging from 0 to 18 inches and are examined for physical and chemical evidence of hydric conditions. Excavated soils are evaluated using the chroma indices from the Munsell Soil Color Charts (Munsell Color 2000). Additional indicators of hydric soils, such as vertical streaking, high organic matter content in the surface horizon, mottling, and sulfidic odor, are also evaluated during the delineation. JURISDICTION OF WETLANDS AND WATERWAYS Wetlands and jurisdictional waters are typically regulated by one or both of the following: Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (ACOE 1987) regarding discharge of dredged or fill rnaterials into the waters ofthe United States; and Sections 1600 et seq. ofthe Califomia Fish & Game Code which regulate modifications to streambeds. However, since the Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway project site is located within the Califomia coastal zone, the wetlands on-site are also regulated by the CCC through a Coastal Development Permit. The following text describes each of these jurisdictions in greater detail. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has regulatory authority over the discharge of dredged or fill materials into the waters of the United States (1344 use). The term "waters ofthe United States" is defined in 33 CFR Part 328(a) and includes: (1) all navigable waters (including all waters subject to the ebb and flow of the tide); (2) all interstate waters and wetlands; (3) all other waters such as intrastate lakes, rivers, streams, (including intermittent Merkei & Associates, Inc. # 03-108-01 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway-Jurisdictional Wetland Delineation updated January 10,2005 Streams), mudflats, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, or natural ponds, the use, degradation or destmction of which could affect interstate or foreign commerce; (4) aU impoundments of water mentioned above; (5) all tributaries to waters mentioned above;' (6) the territorial seas; and, (7) all wetlands adjacent to waters mentioned above. Judicial interpretation under the recent U.S. Supreme Court mling on the case of Solid Waste Agency of Northem Cook County (SWANCC) v. U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers has narrowed tiie historic reading of jurisdiction under 33CFR 328(a)(3). * hi the absence of wetiands, tiie limits of ACOE jurisdiction in non-tidal waters, such as intennittent streams, extend to tiie ordinary high water mark (OHWM) which is defined at 33 CFR 328.3(e) as: ... tiiat line on the shore established by the fluctuation of water and indicated by physical characteristics such as clear, natural line impressed on the bank, shelving, changes in the character of soil, destmction of terrestrial vegetation, tiie presence of litter and debris, or other appropriate means that consider tiie characteristics of the surrounding areas. Wetiands are defined at 33 CFR 328.3(b) as "tiiose areas tiiat are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support ... a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions." Califorma Department of Fish and Game The Califomia Department df Fish and Game regulates alterations of "streambeds". through tiie development of a Streambed Alteration Agreement pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code. An Agreement is required whenever a project would "divert, obstmct or change the natural flow or bed, channel or bank of any river, stream or lake designated by the Department." The breadth of areas subject to regulation by CDFG under Section 1602 are less clearly defined tiian those regulated by ACOE; however, in general, tiie pohcies are fairly consistent. It is clear that the Califomia statutes cover all rivers, streams, lakes and streambeds that may exhibit intennittent flows of water. However, Section 1600 et seg. does not extend to isolated wetlands and waters such as small ponds not located on a drainage course, wet meadows, vemal pools, or tenajas. Furtiiermore, CDFG jurisdiction does not extend over tidal waters. However, Section 1600 et seg. jurisdiction extends over all riparian habitat supported by a river, stream, or lake regardless of tiie riparian area's federal wetland status. Unlike tiie ACOE process, tiie Streambed Alteration Agreement is not a discretionary pemiit, but ratiier an Agreement developed between an applicant and CDFG witii mitigation, impact reduction, or avoidance measures. These measures are subject to acceptance by the appUcant or may be countered with altemative measures. If an Agreement catmot be reached between CDFG and tiie applicant, a formal arbitration process is available. California Coastal Commission The CaUfomia Coastal Commission regulates wetiands occurring tiiroughout tiie CaUfomia coastal zone through the Coastal Development Pennit (CDP) Process. The Califomia Coastal Act defmes "wetiand" in Section 30121 of tiie CaUfomia Coastal Act as follows: Merkei & Associates, Inc. # 03-108-01 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway-Jurisdictional Wetland Delineation updated January 10, 2005 Wetland means lands within the coastal zone that may be covered periodically or permanently with shaUow water and include saltwater marshes, freshwater marshes, open or closed brackish water marshes, swamps, mudflats and fens. The Commission uses the same three criteria system for defining wetlands as the ACOE, and like the CDFG, only one of the three criteria need to be present for an area to be classified as a wetiand. Unlike the CDFG, the Commission's jurisdiction extends beyond streambeds to include all tidal areas; however, jurisdiction is limited to areas within the coastal zone. The Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway project site Ues within the coastal zone. RESLTLTS The Carlsbad Boitievard Pedestrian Walkway project site is comprised of the eastem and westem shoulder of Carlsbad Boulevard where it abuts Buena Vista Lagoon. Along the eastem edge of Carlsbad Boulevard a proposed pedestrian walkway will be extended from Carlsbad Boulevard eastward toward Buena Vista Lagoon. The wetlands foimd on-site occur within the margins of Buena Vista Lagoon and consist of the following vegetation commimities: Coastal Salt Marsh (Holland/Oberbauer Code 52100), Coastal and Valley Freshwater Marsh (Holland/Oberbauer Code 52410), and Disturbed Wetiand (HoUand/Oberbauer Code 11200). Figure 2 depicts the outermost boundaries of the jurisdictional wetlands and waterways found on-site. COASTAL AND VALLEY FRESHWATER MARSH (HOLLAND/OBERBAUER CODE 52410) The Coastal and Valley Freshwater Marsh vegetation was situated along the lower elevations of Buena Vista Lagoon and formed a continuous band of dense freshwater marsh habitat. This vegetation community was dominated by the obligate wetland species Broad-leaved Cattail {Typha latifolia) and Califomia Bulrush {Scirpus califomicus). Wet soils in the test pit indicted saturated soils and wetland hydrology. This area is under the jurisdiction ofthe ACOE, CDFG, and the CCC. COASTAL SALT MARSH (HOLLAND/OBERBAUER CODE 52100) The Coastal Salt Marsh vegetation on-site is considered disturbed due to the presence of invasive non-native species intenrdxed vwth the native salt marsh species. This habitat occurred along the upper margins of the lagoon and included wetiand-associated species, such as Alkali Heath {Frankenia grandiflora) (FACW), Pickleweed {Salicornia virginica) (FACW), and Saltgrass {Distichlis spicata) (FACW). Dominant non-native species included Hottentot Fig {Carpobrotus edulis). Hydric soils and wetland hydrology were not evident in this area. This area falls under the jurisdiction of the CDFG since it qualifies as adjacent marsh habitat and the CCC since hydrophytic vegetation was present. Merkei & Associates, Inc. # 03-108-01 03-108-01 Merkei & Associates, Inc. Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway- Jurisdictional Wetland Delineation updated January 10, 2005 DISTURBED WETLAND (HOLLAND CODE 11200) The category of Disturbed Wetland was applied to the wooded area in the southeast portion of the site. This area is considered disturbed due to a high percentage of non-native plant species. However, this area does support a number of large and relatively mature native tiees including Westem Sycamore {Platanus racemosa) and Anoyo Willow {Salix lasiolepis), both FACW species. The understory included some wetland-associated species such as Tall flatsedge {Cyperus eragrostis) (FACW) and Bermuda Grass {Cynodon dactylon) (FAC). Non-native tiees included Califomia Fan Pakn {Washingtoniafilifera) (FACW) and Brazilian Pepper {Schinus terebinthifolius) (FAC). Soil tests in this habitat revealed soils with a low-chroma matrix color, which is an indicator of hydric soil conditions. Hydrology was indicated by drainage patterns in wetlands, as weU as by the presence of water stained leaves. This area is under the jurisdiction of the ACOE, CDFG, and CCC. Portions of this habitat, which occuned along the upper elevations of the embankment, were found to be under the jurisdiction of the CDFG as Adjacent Riparian Habitat, and the CCC since hydrophj^ic vegetation was present. DISCUSSION WETLANDS FUNCTIONS AND VALUES A portion of Buena Vista Lagoon and its associated wetland vegetation communities are located within the eastem portion of the project site. The wetlands habitats in this region of the lagoon represent both relatively high and lower quality wetland habitats, including high quality Coastal and Valley Freshwater Marsh, and lower quality Coastal Salt Marsh and Disturbed Wetland vegetation. Although somewhat disturbed, together these areas support a diverse flora and fauna typical of coastal lagoon wetlands. The presence of these different vegetation communities provide a multi- layer canopy that is suitable habitat for various common bird species such as the Song Sparrow {Melospiza melodia). Lesser Goldfmch {Cardeulis psaltria), and Common Yellowthroat {Geothlypis trichas). Additional avian species likely to utilize the lagoon include, Great Blue Heron {Ardea herodias). Snowy Egret {Egretta thula). Mallard {Anas platyrhynchos), and American Coot {Fulica americana). Due to the lagoon's proximity to the Pacific Ocean, various marine birds may also utilize the site including various species of seagull and tem, as well as the Brown Pelican {Pelecanus occidentalis). Other species including the Pacific Choras Frog {Pseudacris regilla) and Westem Toad {Bufo boreas) are also associated with the habitats present on-site. The wetlands within the Buena Vista Lagoon floodplain are also expected to have high groundwater recharge, sediment retention, toxicant retention, and nutrient transformation. This is suggested by the abundance of dense herbaceous vegetation. The sediment and toxicant retention of the lagoon areas improve the conditions of the waters entering the Pacific Ocean by reducing sediment loading. EXPECTED WETLAND IMPACTS The Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway project is still in its preliminary design stage; therefore, impacts to wetlands cannot be assessed at this time. It is recommended that any fixture project be designed to avoid or minimize impacts to the on-site wetlands to the maximum extent practicable. When a proposed project is developed and fiinalized, it should be compared against the wetland Merkei & Associates, Inc. # 03-108-01 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway- Jurisdictional Wetland Delineation updated January 10, 2005 boundaries of this delineation report in order to determine whether potential wetland impacts would occur. WETLAND PERMITTING REQUIREMENTS A Streambed Alteration Agreement with the Califomia Department of Fish and Game and a Clean Water Act Section 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers would be necessary for impacts to jurisdictional habitats. In addition, a Coastal Development Permit would be required from the Califomia Coastal Commission, since the subject project occurs within the coastal zone. The CDFG has jurisdiction over aU the wetlands found on-site. Merkei & Associates, Inc. # 03-108-01 Carlshad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway-Jurisdictional Wetland Delineation updated January 10, 2005 LITERATURE CITED AND REFERENCES Bowman, Roy H. 1973. Soil Survey ofthe San Diego Area, Califomia, Part I. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service and U.S. Forest Service. December, 1973. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual: Appendix C, Section 1; Region 0 - Califomia. Technical Report Y-87-1. U.S. Army Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Holland, Robert F. 1986. Preliminary Descriptions of the Terrestrial Natural Communities of Califomia. CaUfomia Department of Fish and Game. Munsell Color. 2000. Munsell SoU Color Charts. Macbeth, a Division of KoUmorgen Corporation, Baltimore, Maryland. Oberbauer, Thomas. 1991. Tenestrial Vegetation Communities in San Diego County Based on Holland's Descriptions. Unpublished list. Rogers, Thomas H. 1965. Geologic Map of CaUfomia, Santa Ana Sheet (fifth printing 1985). State of Califomia, The Resources Agency Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology. U.S. Fish and WildUfe Service. 1991. Wetiand Delineation Manual, Appendix C, Section 1: National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetiands, Region 0 - CaUfomia. Merkei & Associates, Inc. # 03-108-01 10 Carlsbad Pedestrian Walkway - Jurisdictional Wetland Delineation APPENDIX 1 WETLAND DATA FORMS Merkei & Associates, Inc. # 03-108-01 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Date: September 17, 2004 Apphcant/Owner: Cornerstone Engineering County: San Diego Investigator; Stephen Rink State: CA Do normal circumstances exist on the site? ^ Yes • No Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes M No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes g] No (If needed, explain on reverse.) Community ID: FWM Do normal circumstances exist on the site? ^ Yes • No Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes M No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes g] No (If needed, explain on reverse.) Transect ID: Do normal circumstances exist on the site? ^ Yes • No Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes M No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes g] No (If needed, explain on reverse.) Plot ID: DPl-PPl Do normal circumstances exist on the site? ^ Yes • No Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes M No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes g] No (If needed, explain on reverse.) VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Typha latifolia H OBL 9. 2. Scirpus californica H OBL 10. 3. Nasturtium officinale H OBL 11. 4. Carpobrotus edulis H NI 12. 5. 13. 6. 14. 7. 15. 16. Percentage of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). 75 percent Remarks: Hydrophytic vegetativn dominant. Data point located in Coastal and Valley Freshwater Marsh vegetation. HYDROLOGY • Recorded Data (Described in Remarks): • Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge M Aerial Photographs • Other No Recorded Data Available f Field Observations: Depth of Surface Water: Depth to free Water in Pit Depth of Saturated Soil: (in.) (in.) (in.) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: • Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 inches Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits IS Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): • Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) • • • • • • • 'Remarks: Saturated soils indicate wetland hydrology. SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Made Land Taxonomy (Subgroup): Not Described Drainage Class: Not Described Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? • Yes El No. Profile Description: Depth (inches) Horizon Matrix Color (Munsell Moist) Mottle Colors (Munsell Moist) Mottle (Abundance/Contrast) Texture, Concretions, Structure, etc. 0-14 lOYR 3/1 sandy loam Hydric Soil Indicators: • Histosol • Histic Epipedon • Sulfidic Odor El Aquic Moisture Regime • Reducing Conditions D Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors • Concretions • High Organic Content in surface layer in Sandy Soils • Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils D Listed on Local Hydric Soils List • Listed on National Hydric Soils List • Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Low-chroma colors indicate hydric soils. WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes C gl No • Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes I No • Hydric Soils Present? Yes [ No • Remarks: Data point located in ACOE, CDFG, and CCC jurisdictional Coastal and Valley Freshwater Marsh vegetaion. Approved by HQUSACE 3/92 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway r)itp- September 17, 2004 Applicant/Owner: Cornerstone Engineering County: San Dieg-o Investigator: Stephen Rink State: CA Do nonnal circumstances exist on the site? g] Yes • No Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes g] No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes ^ No (If needed, explain on reverse.) Community ID: UPL Do nonnal circumstances exist on the site? g] Yes • No Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes g] No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes ^ No (If needed, explain on reverse.) Transect ID: Do nonnal circumstances exist on the site? g] Yes • No Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes g] No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes ^ No (If needed, explain on reverse.) PlotID: DP2-PP2 Do nonnal circumstances exist on the site? g] Yes • No Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes g] No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes ^ No (If needed, explain on reverse.) VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species 1. Carpobrotus edulis 2. 3. 4. 7. Stramm H Indicator NI Dominant Plant Species 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Percentage of Dominant Species that are OBL; FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). 0 percent Stratum Indicator Remarks: Monotypic stand of non-native iceplant. HYDROLOGY I S Recorded Data (Described in Remarks); • Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge M Aerial Photographs • Other • No Recorded Data Available I Field Observations: Depth of Surface Water: Depth to free Water in Pit Depth of Saturated Soil: (in.) (in.) (in.) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: • Inundated • Saturated in Upper 12 inches • Water Marks • Drift Lines n Sediment Deposits • Drainage Pattems in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): • Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches • Water-Stained Leaves • Local Soil Survey Data • FAC-Neutral Test n Odier (Explain in Remarks) }Remarks: No hydrology indicators present. Data point located upslope of wetland vegetation. SOILS Map Unit-Name (Series and Phase): Made Land Taxonomy (Subgroup): Not Described Drainage Class: Not Described Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? • Yes No Profile Description Depth (inches) Horizon Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottie 0-14 (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) (Abundance/Contrast) Texture, Concretions, Structure, etc. lOYR 3/3 sandy loam Hydric Soil Indicators: • Histosol • Histic Epipedon • Sulfidic Odor • Aquic Moisture Regime • Reducing Conditions • Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors • Concretions • High Organic Content in surface layer in Sandy Soils • Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils • Listed on Local Hydric Soils List • Listed on National Hydric Soils List • Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: No hydric soil indicators present. jf t J 'f ft x f I'* f WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes CH No Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes • No Hydric Soils Present? Yes • No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetiand? Yes • No Remarks: Data point located in non-jurisdictional upland area. Approved by HQUSACE 3/92 t « f t DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Date: September 17, 2004 Applicant/Owner: Cornerstone Engineering County: San Diego Investigator: Stephen Rink State: CA Do normal circumstances exist on tiie site? Yes • No Is the site significantiy disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes g] No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes S No (If needed, explain on reverse.) Community ID: CSM Do normal circumstances exist on tiie site? Yes • No Is the site significantiy disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes g] No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes S No (If needed, explain on reverse.) Transect ID: Do normal circumstances exist on tiie site? Yes • No Is the site significantiy disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes g] No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes S No (If needed, explain on reverse.) Plot ED: DP3-PP3 Do normal circumstances exist on tiie site? Yes • No Is the site significantiy disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes g] No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes S No (If needed, explain on reverse.) VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1 Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Distichlis spicata H FACW 9. 2. Carpobrotus edulis H NI 10. 3. Frankenia grandiflora H FACW 11. 4. 12. 5. 13. 6. 14. 7. 15. 8. 16. Percentage of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). 67 percent Remarks: Hydrophytic vegetation dominant. I HYDROLOGY • Recorded Data (Described in Remarks): • Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge M Aerial Photographs • Other No Recorded Data Available ||Field Observations: Depth of Surface Water: Depth to ft-ee Water in Pit Depth of Saturated Soil: (in.) (in.) (in.) Wetiand Hydrology Indicators; Primary Indicators: • Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 inches Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetiands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): • Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) • • • • • • • • • fRemarks: No hydrology indicators present. SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Made Land Taxonomy (Subgroup): Not Described Drainage Class: Not Described Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? • Yes No Profile Description: Depth (inches) Horizon Matrix Color (Munsell Moist) Motde Colors (Munsell Moist) Mottle (Abundance/Contrast) Texture, Concretions, Structure, etc. 0-14^ lOYR 3/2 sandy loam Hydric Soil Indicators: • Histosol • Histic Epipedon • Sulfidic Odor • Aquic Moisture Regime • Reducing Conditions • Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors O Concretions • High Organic Content in surface layer in Sandy Soils • Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils D Listed on Local Hydric Soils List D Listed on National Hydric Soils List • Other (Explain in Remarks) Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes |E1 No Q Wetiand Hydrology Present? Yes • No ^ Hydric Soils Present? Yes • No S Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetiand? Yes • No ^ Remarks: Data point located in CCC, CDFG jurisdictional Coastal Salt Marsh vegetation. Approved by HQUSACE 3/92 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATTON (1987 COE Wetiands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Dnfp. September 17, • 2004 Applicant/Owner: Cornerstone Engineering County: San Diego' Investigator: Stephen Rink State: CA Do normal circumstances exist on the site? Yes • No Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes 0 No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes No (If needed, explain on reverse.) Co^unnylD: S^»t^f<^ Do normal circumstances exist on the site? Yes • No Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes 0 No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes No (If needed, explain on reverse.) Transect ID: Do normal circumstances exist on the site? Yes • No Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes 0 No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes No (If needed, explain on reverse.) PlotID: DP4-PP4 Do normal circumstances exist on the site? Yes • No Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes 0 No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes No (If needed, explain on reverse.) VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Platanus racemosa T FACW 9. 2. Cyperus erag-rostis H FACW 10. 3. Cynodon dactylon H FAC 11. 4. 12. 5. 13. 6. 14. 7. 15. 8. 16. 1 Percentage of Dominant Species that are OBL. FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). 10 0 percent Remarks: Hydrophytic vegetation dominant. 'HYDROLOGY • Recorded Data (Described in Remarks): S Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge • Aerial Photographs • Otiier No Recorded Data Available PField Observations: Depth of Surface Water: Depth to free Water in Pit Depth of Saturated Soil: (in.) (in.) (in.) Wetiand Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: • Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 inches Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetiands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): • Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) • • • • • • • 13 'Remarks: Soils moist in test pit. SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Made Land Taxonomy (Subgroup): Not Described Drainage Class: Not Described Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? • Yes El No Profile Description: Depth (inches) onzon Matrix Color (Munsell Moist) Mottle Colors (Munsell Moist) Mottle (Abundance/Contrast) Texture, Concretions, Structure, etc. 0-14 A lOYR 3/1 sandy loam Hydric Soil Indicators: • Histosol D Histic Epipedon • Sulfidic Odor • Aquic Moisture Regime • Reducing Conditions M Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors • Concretions • High Organic Content in surface layer in Sandy Soils • Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils • Listed on Local Hydric Soils List • Listed on National Hydric Soils List • Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Low-chroma soil colors indicate hydric soil conditions. WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ^ No • Wetiand Hydrology Present? Yes ^ No • Hydric Soils Present? Yes |E1 No • Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetiand? Yes |E1 No • Remarks: Data point located in ACOE, CDFG, and CCC jurisdictional Disturbed Wetland vegetation. Approved by HQUSACE 3/92 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway September 17, Applicant/Owner: Cornerstone Engineering TnVPStio'atnr' *^t~p^r^'hr'Tn pT-nV County: San Diego C^rt^j.^" r^ "TV ^ ^•Ji.ii-ja.iryJl • fcJ-l—C^-i-ife!i-±—£Vi±d-JS; otate. CA Do nonnal circumstances exist on the site? ^ Yes • No Is the site significantiy disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes • No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes • No (If needed, explain on reverse.) Community ID: Dist. Wetland Do nonnal circumstances exist on the site? ^ Yes • No Is the site significantiy disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes • No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes • No (If needed, explain on reverse.) Transect ID: Do nonnal circumstances exist on the site? ^ Yes • No Is the site significantiy disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes • No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes • No (If needed, explain on reverse.) PlotID: DP5-PP5 Do nonnal circumstances exist on the site? ^ Yes • No Is the site significantiy disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes • No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes • No (If needed, explain on reverse.) VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Salix lasiolepis T FACW 9. 2. Cynodon dactylon H FAC 10. 3. Pinus sp. T NI 11. 4. 12. 5. 13. 6. 14. 7. 15. 8. 16. Percentage of Dominant Species that are OBL, EACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). 66 percent Remarks: Hydrophytic vegetation present HYDROLOGY El Recorded Data (Described in Remarks): • Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge H Aerial Photographs • Otiier • No Recorded Data Available Field Observations: Depth of Surface Water: Depth to free Water in Pit Deptii of Saturated Soil: (in.) (in.) (in.) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: • Inundated • Saturated in Upper 12 inches • Water Marks • Drift Lines • Sediment Deposits • Drainage Patterns in Wetiands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): • Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches • Water-Stained Leaves • Local Soil Survey Data • FAC-Neuti-al Test • Other (Explain in Remarks) I Remarks: No hydrology indicators present. Data point located outside ordinary high water mark. SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Made Land Taxonomy (Subgroup): Not Described Drainage Class: Not Described Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? • Yes No { f i i f to f Profile Description: Depth (inches) Horizon Matrix Color Mottic Colors Mottic (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) (Abundance/Contrast) Texture, Concretions, Structure, etc. 0-14 A 10 YR 3/3 sandy loam Hydric Soil Indicators: • Histosol • Concretions • Histic Epipedon • High Organic Content in surface layer in Sandy Soils • Sulfidic Odor • Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils • Aquic Moisture Regime • Listed on Local Hydric Soils List • Reducing Conditions . • Listed on National Hydric Soils List • Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors • Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: No hydric soil indicators. WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ^ No • Wetiand Hydrology Present? Yes • No S Hydric Soils Present? Yes • No |E1 Is this Sampling Point Witiiin a Wetiand? Yes • No Remarks: Data point located in CDFG and CCC jurisdictional Disturbed Wetiand vegetation. Approved by HQUSACE 3/92 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetiands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway P) . September 17, 2004 Applicant/Owner: Cornerstone Engineering County; San Diego Investigator; Stephen Rink State: CA Do normal circumstances exist on the site? S Yes • No Is the site significantiy disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes H No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes g] No (If needed, explain on reverse.) Community ED: FWM Do normal circumstances exist on the site? S Yes • No Is the site significantiy disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes H No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes g] No (If needed, explain on reverse.) Transect ID; Do normal circumstances exist on the site? S Yes • No Is the site significantiy disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes H No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes g] No (If needed, explain on reverse.) PlotID; DP6-PP6 Do normal circumstances exist on the site? S Yes • No Is the site significantiy disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes H No Is the area a potential Problem Area? • Yes g] No (If needed, explain on reverse.) 4 4 VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Typha latifolia H OBL 9. 2. Scirpus californica H OBL 10. 3. 11. 4. 12. 5. 13. 6. 14. 7. 15. 8. 16. Percentage of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). 10 0 percent Remarks: Hydrophytic vegetation dominant.' i 'HYDROLOGY f El Recorded Data (Described in Remarks); • Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge S Aerial Photographs • Otiier id No Recorded Data Available Field Observations; Depth of Surface Water; Depth to free Water in Pit Deptii of Saturated Soil; (in.) (in.) (in.) Wetiand Hydrology Indicators; Primary Indicators: 13 Inundated Samrated in Upper 12 inches Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetiands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required); • Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) • • • • • • • • fRemarks: Hydrology present. SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase); Made Land Taxonomy (Subgroup); Not Described Drainage Class; Not Described Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? • Yes Ei No Profile Description: Deptii (inches) Horizon Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) (Abundance/Contrast) Texture, Concretions, Structure, etc. Hydric Soil Indicators • • • • • • Histosol Histic Epipedon Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Regime Reducing Conditions Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors • Concretions • High Organic Content in surface layer in Sandy Soils • Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils • Listed on Local Hydric Soils List • Listed on National Hydric Soils List • Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Hydric soils assumed based on presence of free water in test pit. WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ^ No • Wetiand Hydrology Present? Yes |EI No • Hydric Soils Present? Yes |3 No • Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes H No • Remarks: ACOE, CDFG, and CCC jurisdictional coastal and valley freshwater marsh. Approved by HQUSACE 3/92 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetiands Delineation Manual) Project/Site; Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway Date; September 17, 1 2004 1 Applicant/Owner; Cornerstone Engineering County; San Diego Investigator: Stephen Rink State: CA Do normal circumstances exist on tiie site? El Yes • No Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes El No Is tiie area a potential Problem Area? • Yes EI No (If needed, explain on reverse.) Community ID; CSM Do normal circumstances exist on tiie site? El Yes • No Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes El No Is tiie area a potential Problem Area? • Yes EI No (If needed, explain on reverse.) Transect ED: Do normal circumstances exist on tiie site? El Yes • No Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes El No Is tiie area a potential Problem Area? • Yes EI No (If needed, explain on reverse.) Plot ED: DP7-PP7 Do normal circumstances exist on tiie site? El Yes • No Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? • Yes El No Is tiie area a potential Problem Area? • Yes EI No (If needed, explain on reverse.) VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratiim Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1. Frankenia grandiflora H OBL 9. 2. Distichlis spicata H FACW 10. 3. Car-pojbrotus edulis H NI 11. 4. 12. :5. 13. 6. 14. 7. 15. 8. 16. Percentage of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). 10 0 percent Remarks: Hydrophytic vegetation dominant. HYDROLOGY I Recorded Data (Described in Remarks): • Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge M Aerial Photographs • Otiier I • No Recorded Data Available [Field Observations; Deptii of Surface Water; Depth to free Water in Pit Depth of Saturated Soil; (in.) (in.) (in.) wRemarlcs: Soils moist in test pit. Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: • Inundated • Saturated in Upper 12 inches 13 Water Marks • Drift Lines • Sediment Deposits • Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required); • Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches • Water-Stained Leaves • Local Soil Survey Data 13 FAC-NeuQ-al Test • Otiier (Explain in Remarks) : SOILS Map-UnitName (Series and Phase): Made Land Taxonomy (Subgroup); Not Described Drainage Class: Not Described Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? El Yes • No f ! f if f f f f if f it f ;f If f f f 'f t If C f 1 Profile Description; Deptii (inches) Horizon Matrix Color Mottie Colors MottJe (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) (Abundance/Contrast) Texture, Concretions, Structure, etc. 0-14 A lOYR 3/1 SYR 5/6 3% sandy loam Hydric Soil Indicators: • Histosol • Histic Epipedon • Sulfidic Odor • Aquic Moisture Regime • Reducing Conditions El Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors • Concretions El High Organic Content in surface layer in Sandy Soils • Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils • Listed on Local Hydric Soils List • Listed on National Hydric Soils List • Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Low chroma colors and mottles indicate huydric sods. WETLAND DETERMINATION Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Yes 1 3 No • Yes [ gj No • Yes [ g No • Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetiand? Yes No • Remarks: ACOE, CDFG, and CCC jurisdictional coastal salt marsh. Approved by HQUSACE 3/92 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway- Jurisdictional Wetland Delineation APPENDIX 2 WETLAND PHOTO POINTS i s Merkei & Associates, Inc. # 03-108-01 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway - Wetland Delineation Data Point 1. Data point located in Coastal and Valley Freshwater Marsh vegetation. Data Point 2. Data point located in disturbed upland vegetation. Data Point 3. Data point located in disturbed Coastal Salt Marsh vegetation. Data Point 4. Data Point located in Disturbed Wetland underetory. Data Point 5. Data Point located in Disturbed Wetiand vegetation. This area is CDFG and CCC jurisdictional. Data Point 6. Data Point located in coastal and valley freshwater marsh vegetation. Merkei & Associates, In. #03-108-01 •i IT r J' ^) •I •A •) •) •) ») •) •j ») •) •3 1) •) I) •) »j : •) Carlshad Boulevard Pedestrian Walkway - Wetland Delineation Data Point 7. Data Point disturbed Coastal Salt Mareh vegetation. Merkei & Associates. In. #03-108-01 f APPENDIX C BRIDGE WIDENING FEASIBILITY STUDY By: Simon, Wong Engineering Dated: November 29, 2005 -Carlsbad Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study Prepared for: Cornerstone Engineering 2191 Ei Camino Reai; SuiR 208 Oceanside, CA 92054 Prepared h] Simon Wong Engineering 9968 Hibert Street, Suite 202 San Diego, CA 92131 November 29, 2004 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ElVHANCEMENT STUDY TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Executive Summary 1 A. Introduction 2 B. Bridge Geometry 3 C. Bridge Altematives 3 Alternative #1 - Widening 3 Alternative #2 - Separate Structure 4 D. Barriers and Railings 4 Cost Estimate - Alternative 1 - Widening 6 Cost Estimate - Alternative 2 - Pedestrian Bridge 7 Planning Study Exhibits 8 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY EimANCEMENT STUDY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Two bridge alternatives are proposed for the pedestrian access over the Buena Vista Lagoon. Alternative 1 proposes to widen the existing structure to provide for the pedestrian access and Altemative 2 proposes an independent structure to accommodate the pedestrians' needs. In order to define the bridge configuration, material types, architectural features, and approximate costs, Simon Wong Engineering has prepared this Planning Study. The results are summarized below: Bridge Geometries Both of the bridge alternatives are on a parallel alignment with the existing structure. Alternative 1 would have the same clear span as the existing structure. Alternative 2 would require a larger span to limit the impacts to the surrounding environment and would require a small separation between the two structures. • Alternative #1 - 32-foot clear span • Alternative #2 - Approximately 54-foot span length Structure Type and Estimates The original bridge over Buena Vista Lagoon was constructed in 1914 and subsequently widened on both sides. The widening appears to have taken place in the 1940's or 1950's. The widened portion consists of a slab structure supported on concrete abutments and has no distinguishing architectural features. For both Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 use of prestressed precast units are recommended for the superstructure. The estimated span lengths are within the required parameters for use of these products and the units are widely available. Use of precast elements will eliminate the requirement for falsework needed to support a cast-in-place concrete deck and would not appear any different that what is cunrently in place. Estimated construction cost for each structure is provided below and should be used only as a budgetary tool. The costs provided may increase or decrease based on the type of foundation material present and environmental constraints. Costs have recently been very volatile so a higher than ordinary contingency should be considered. An escalation factor should be applied to these costs for projection to the anticipated construction year. Bridge Widen Existing Structure (10-foot walkway) Construct Adjacent (10-foot walkway) Cost Estimate $545,000 $570,000 Page 1 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ENHANCEMENT STUDY CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ENHANCEMENT STUDY A. INTRODUCTION Simon Wong Engineering has completed this Planning Study for the Carisbad Boulevard pedestrian walkway. Our scope of work for this phase of the project included a study of the feasibility of constructing a bridge or widening the existing bridge to accommodate pedestrian traffic. The original bridge over Buena Vista Lagoon was constructed in 1914 and subsequentiy widened on both sides. The widening appears to have taken place in the 1940's or 1950's. The widened portion consists of a slab structure supported on concrete abutments and has no distinguishing architectural features. Widening this structure will maintain the current lane configuration of Carisbad Boulevard while providing pedestrians a separate area to cross. Currently pedestrians cross this structure using the shoulders ofthe road. Carlsbad Boulevard Looking South Page 2 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ENHANCEMENT STUDY B. BRIDGE GEOMETRY The existing stmcture is on a tangent alignment of Carisbad Boulevard that crosses the Buena Vista Lagoon. Improvements to this facility are proposed for the east side of this roadway to accommodate the pedestnan traffic. South of the existing bridge there are areas of potential habitat that will be Impacted if a widening were to take place. North of the bridge are two trees that may be within the proposed limits of the project. Carlsbad Boulevard Looking South Carlsbad Boulevard Looking North The proposed improvements include a facility that would provide a 10-foot pedestrian walkway across the bridge on the east side. This walkway would accommodate both pedestrians and fishing from the bndge. C. BRIDGE ALTERNATIVES A bridge widening, and separate pedestrian structure were determined to be the most likely solutions that would provide an additional 10-foot pedestnan walkway. Alternative 1 - Widening The current structure has a clear span of 32 feet as it crosses Buena Vista Lagoon. The proposed widening would include a minimum widening of 10 feet to accommodate the pedestrian walkway. Due to the proximity ofthe lagoon and the environmental constraints that are associated with this project, widening the structure with as little impact to the surrounding area as possible is imperative. Use of precast prestressed voided slabs supported on concrete abutments will limit the falsework requirements within the lagoon, but challenges would still be encountered at the abutments. Challenges include the foundation and abutment construction. These items would require constmction of a sheet pile system or similar system that would allow for the dewatering of the area during the placement of the pile foundation Page 3 and construction of the abutments. Alternative 2 - Separate Structure Constmction of a separate stmcture that is designed strictly for pedestnan use is anoth™o^ This'altemative proposes to build an adjacent stmcture to the existing bridge on the east side of Carisbad Boulevard. This stmcture would be longer than the existing bridge, approximately 54 feet tntLl n order to place the abutments further back from the edge of the a?oc^^"?an a^^^^^ the area of impact. Use of Precf t —for hf suoerstruXe is also recommended in this case as well. Updat ng the currlnrbam^^^^^^ would be required as would modrfications to the existing wing walls to accommodate the pedestnan stmcture. Challenges associated with this stmcture would be similar to Altematrvre #^ and Sde foundation woric, dewatering, and constmcton act.vrt.es next to the lagoon. D. BARRIERS AND RAILINGS rurrentlv the barrier rail system that is on the stmcture consists of wooden S ThiL styl^^ roiling was used in the 40's and 50-s but should be updated with this widening. Carlsbad Boulevard east side of bridge Both alternatives would require the existing railing to be updated to a concrete barrier. o^ffn fnrh in not feasible a Type 732 barrier is recommended to separate the ;eX7.^ans*f,r S "^^^ tSc, w«h anomer railing at the edge of .he pedestrian portion ofthe bridge. Page 4 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ENHANCEMENT STUDY If the separate pedestrian stmcture is chosen, the existing barrier rail system will still require an upgrade to a Type 732 concrete barrier. The railings on the pedestrian stmcture can then be designed to provide a more decorative appearance, wrth the use of painted steel or concrete. Page 5 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ElVHANCEMENT STUDY PREUMNARY ESTIMATE BRIDGE CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ENHANCEMENT STUDY TYPE HOLLOW CORED PRECAST DECK PANELS -ALTERNATIVE 1 LENGTH 37.0- X WIDTH ^2•4)' =AREA 444 QUANTITIES BY DATE QUANT CHECKS) BY ITEM NUMBER CONTRACT ITEMS UNIT QUANTITY 1 PRICE | AMOUNT 1 PRECAST PIS CONCRETE MEMBERS LS 3 $12,000 $36,000 2 PRECAST ERECtloN LS 3 $8,000 $24,000 3 CONCRETE CY 60 $800 $48,000 4 RLES LF 260 $600 $156,000 5 EX TYPED CY 20 $110 $2,200 6 JOINT SEALS LS 24 $20 $480 7 TYPE 26 BARRIER RAIL LF 70 $150 $10,500 8 TYPE 732 BARRIER RAIL LF 37 $110 $4,070 9 BRIDGE REMOVAL LS 1 $50,000 $50,000 10 BAR RHNFORCING STEB- Bndge LB 40,000 $2 $70,000 , sua TOTAL $365,250 MOBILIZATION 10% $36,525 TOTAL $401,775 C0NnNQB4a3 e 3S% $140,62'l PROJECT TOTAL • $542,396 FOR BUDGET PURPOSES. SAY $545,000 11/29/2004 Page 6 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ENHANCEMENT STUDY PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE BRIDGE CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ENHANCEMENT STUDY TYPE HOLLOW CORED PRECAST DECK PANELS -ALTERNATIVE 2 LENGTH 54'-0" X WIDTH 12'-0-= AREA 648 uUANTITieSBY SWE/AS DATE QUANT CHeCKH5BY 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 4 ITEM NUIVBER CONTRACT ITEMS UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1 PRECAST PIS CONCRETE MEMBERS LS 3 $15,000 $45,000 2 PRECAST SiECnON LS 3 $8,000 $24,000 3 CONCRETE CY 60 $800 $48,000 4 RLES LF 260 $600 $156,000 5 EX TYPED CY 20 $110 $2,200 6 JOINT SEALS LS 24 $20 $480 7 METAL RAILING LF 156 $120 $18,720 8 TYPE 732 BARRIER RAIL LF 107 $110 $11,770 S BRIDGE REMOVAL LS 1 $50,000 $50,000 10 BAR RBNFORCING STEH. Bndge LB 40,000 $2 $70,000 SUBTOTAL MOBajZATTON TOTAL CONTINGENaES g PROJECT TOTAL FOR BUDGET PURPOSES .SAY 11/29Q004 $381,170 $38,117 $419,287 $146,750 $566,037 $570,000 Page 7 CARLSBAD BOULEVARD PEDESTRMN WALKWAY ENHANCEMENT STUDY Planning Study Exhibits Alternative 1 - Widening Alternative 2 - Pedestrian Bridge 4 4 4 4 Pages Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge over Buena Vista Lagoon Alternative 1 - Widening BB 37-0" EB m^<r'h -j^^^w^^' It Ll 30"-0"± \ Existing Wingwall typ (To Remain) Channel Elevation r = 2o"-o" <L Bridge w --^ r i ; // Carlsbad Boulevard To Carlsbad O 54'—0"± Existing Bridge 12-0" New Type 732 Concrete Barrier Existing Barrier and Curb (To Be Removed) — Existing Barrier and Curb (To Be Rennoved) Existing Grade Widening 10-0" Sidewalk 1-0' 5 boo Ooo Ooo - Precast Prestressed Concrete Bridge Deck Typical Section 1" = 10"-0" Existing Wingwall typ (To Be Removed) Buena Vista Lagoon Q. NJ Plan 3 IQ * r = 2o"-o" \Jf%Jr\ S/MOA/ worn ENGINEERING Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge over Buena Vista Lagoon Alternative 2 - Pedestrian Bridge BB 54-0" EB Channel \ Elevation 1" = 20"-0" Existing Wingwall typ (To Remain) \ <k. Bridg r- III |IT- Carlsbad Boulevard III To Carlsbad To Oceanside Existing Wingwall typ (To Be Removed) Buena Vista Lagoon 54'—0"± Existing Bridge New Type 732 Concrete Barriers typ Existing Barrier end Curb (To Be Removed) 12'-0" Pedestrian Bridge lO'-O" Sidewalk 1-0" OO Ooo Ooo Metal Railing typ Concrete Curb typ Existing Barrier and Curb (To Be Removed) Existing Grade Typical Section 10"-0" Plan - Q. M—I— o 1" = 20"-0" - Precast Prestressed Concrete Bridge Deck SIMON WONG ENaNEERING APPENDIX D 5 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT f 2 By: Geopacifica J Dated: September 15, 2005 f f 9 f 9 9 9 9 9 9 I GEOPACIFICA. GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS September 15,2004 Cornerstone Engineermg Inc. 2191 South El Camino Real, Suite 208 Oceanside, California, 92054 Subject: Geotechnical Assessment Report City of Carlsbad Pedestrian Walkway Enhancement Study East side of Carlsbad Blvd south of Oceanside/Carlsbad Border Carlsbad, Califomia INTRODUCTION We are pleased to submit this report based upon performing a visual site reconnaissance to observe general site conditions and soil conditions as exposed along the alignment and at the proposed intersection. A search for available geotechnical information and reports related to existing structures in the immediate vicinity was performed. None were readily available or made known to us. The purpose of this reconnaissance and search of records was to provide an assessment and evaluation of the existing site conditions to provide preliminary recommendations relative to the proposed improvements at the subject property. Recommendations for slopes of cuts and fills, retaining wall design parameters and general design parameters are presented. The site is located on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard and southerly of the northem boimdary of Oceanside/Carlsbad past the Wye intersection v^dth State Street, to the existing concrete sidewalk south of Laguna Drive. INTENT It is the intent of this report to aid in the design and completion of the described project. Implementation of the advice presented in the "Conclusions and Recommendations" section of this report is intended to reduce risk associated with constraction projects. 3 0 6 0 INDUSTRY ST SUITE 105 OCEANSIDE C A 9 2 0 5 4 TEL 760.72L5488 FAX: 760.72L5539 Page 2 Comerstone Engineering Inc. September 15, 2004 CONSULTANTS The professional opinions and Geotechnical advice contained in this report are not intended to imply approval of the project or guarantee that unanticipated conditions will not be discovered during or after construction. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Preliminary plans and a survey have not been provided for our review. The proposed development was discussed with representatives/agents of the client. It is our understanding that the exi,sting grade will be improved by placing an asphaltic concrete walkway adjacent to the eastem side of Carlsbad Blvd. as described previously. Constraction and site improvement information was provided by Mr. Mike Shaver of Comerstone Inc. It is proposed to constmct the walkway at or near existing grades. Small slopes three to five feet in overall height and low retaining walls (3 feet to 4 feet) in vertical height are anticipated. Formal plans are in the process and await the conclusions and recommendations of this investigation. PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS The proposed improvements at tiie site will likely require earthwork or grading to achieve suitable constiTiction conditions. At tiais time non-expansive soils placed over a geo-grid fabric appears to be a feasible approach. The fabric would provide uniformity between tiie old existing fiU and newly placed fill. The fabric would also serve as a containment of the soils and deter movement of the soils into the lagoon. Compacted fill earth materials placed over a geo-fabric is recommended as a preliminary method of constraction for the walkway. The existing fill earth materials should be scarified 6 to 9 mches prior to placing fill earth materials compacted to 95 per cent of tiieir maximum density. The quality of tiie fill could be observed by shallow test excavations. Any proposed retaining walls should be designed for a nominal bearing pressure and be founded into tiie existing fill earth materials. These earth materials may vary substantially Page 3 IcMECTKAJ Comerstone Engineering Inc. September 15, 2004 &EOTECHNtCAL CONSULTANTS from one location to another. Shallow exploratory test pits to attempt to ascertain the existing fill earth materials is recommended The existing bridge foundations and constraction should be determined. Based upon this information additional recommendations regarding design parameters may be necessary. Retaining Walls An allowable bearing pressure of 1,500 PSF may be used for foundations founded in fill earth materials observed and approved by the soils engineer. The existing fill less any organics or debris may be used for foundations. Retaining walls may be designed for an equivalent fluid pressure of 35 pounds per cubic foot. Retaining walls should be provided with a subdrain or weep holes covered with a mirumum of 12 inches of gravel, a compacted fill blanket at the surface, and proper surface drainage devices. (Retaining walls should be drained through the use of a mirafi blanket or equivalent drainage system, provided with a compacted fill blanket at the surface, , and provided with proper surface drainage devices). Walls fi-om two (2) to four (4) feet high may be drained using localized gravel packs behind weep holes at ten (10) feet maximum spacing (e.g. approximately 1.5 cubic feet of gravel in a woven plastic bag). Back drainage can be eliminated behind retaining walls less than two (2) feet high. Weep holes should be provided or the head joints omitted in the first course of block extended above the groimd surface. Pavement Design The following preliminary pavement sections are recommended: A minimum pavement section of 6" A.C. over 12"A.B. (AB) Denotes Class II Aggregate Base (R=78, SE > 50) All section changes should be properly transitioned. If adverse conditions are encoimtered during the preparation of subgrade materials, special constraction methods may need to be employed. The actual section is subject to change based upon actual "R'Values or soils exposed during constraction. All subgrade soils and base should be Page 4 iGEdMm Comerstone Engineering Inc. September 15, 2004 GEOTECHNICAL CONSUtTANrS properly compacted to a minimum of 95 per cent of the maximum density as determined by the laboratory test standard. General Earthwork Recommendations The proposed improvements at the site vwll likely require earthwork or grading to achieve suitable constraction conditions. At this time non-expansive soils placed over a geo-grid fabric appears to be a feasible approach. The fabric would provide uniformity between the old existing fill and newly placed fill. The fabric would also serve as a containment of the soils and deter movement of the soils into the lagoon. Any proposed retaining walls should be designed for a nominal bearing pressure and be founded into the existing fill earth materials. These earth materials may vary substantially from one location to another. Shallow exploratory test pits to attempt to ascertain the existing fill earth materials is recommended. Site Clearing All existing vegetation (including root systems), stockpiled fill soils, and/or debris, and any otherwise unsuitable material within the planned constraction area of the site should be cleared and disposed of off-site and/or an accepted on site method. Sub-grade Preparation In-place scarification by an experienced operator may be utilized for this site, as required. Surface soils will likely require moisture conditioning in conformance with the following sections. Prior to placement of fovmdations and slabs, the surface soils should be verified to be, and moisture conditioned (wetted or dried) to provide a uniform moisture content of at least 2 percent above the optimum moisture content. Observation and testing service may be performed, if required, to verify soil moisture prior to the placement of concrete. Field Observations Geotechnical services prior to and during constraction should include at least the following: • Review of final development plans to verify compliance with the recommendations above. Page 5 Comerstone Engineering Inc. September 15, 2004 GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS Observation and verification of adequate deptii/widtii of foundation excavations (mcluding retaining walls) and embedment into suitable bearing material. Geopacifica shall be provided tiie opportunity to review tiie proposed improvement and constraction plans to assess tiieir compliance witii tiie recommendations of this report. It should be noted tiiat this report is preliminary only and based upon tiie mformation provided to us. As such all recommendations are subject to change. Any changes to the proposed constiniction may significantly alter tiie recommendations contained herein. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully, f jjames F. Knowlton . President/RCE 55754/CEG 1045 • • • • • • APPENDIX E REFERENCE TABLES • 4 t f t f f f f f ».) *) •) •) *•) ») ») *) •j •) ») *) *) *) •j ») *) ») •) •) 1) •) I !> I I I I I I I Metric US Customary Design speed (km/h) Stopping sight distance (m) Intersection sight distance for passenger cars Design Stopping sight distance (ft) Intersection sight distance for passenger cars Design speed (km/h) Stopping sight distance (m) Calculated (m) Design (m) speed (mph) Stopping sight distance (ft) Calculated (ft) Design (ft) 20 20 36.1 40 15 80 143.3 145 30 35 54.2 55 20 115 191.1 195 40 50 72.3 75 25 155 238.9 240 50 65 90.4 95 30 200 286.7 290 60 85 108.4 110 35 250 334.4 335 70 105 126.5 130 40 305 382.2 385 80 130 144.6 145 45 360 430.0 430 90 160 162.6 165 -.»-»50 425 477.8 480-<: — 100 185 180.7 185 55 495 525.5 530 110 220 198.8 200 60 570 573.3 575 120 250 216.8 220 65 645 621.1 625 130 285 234.9 235 70 730 668.9 670 75 820 716.6 720 80 910 764.4 765 Note: Intersection sight distance shown is for a stopped passenger car to two-lane highway with no median and grades 3 percent or less. For gap must be adjusted and required sight distance recalculated. turn right onto or cross a other conditions, the time Exhibit 9-58. Design Intersection Sight Distance—Case B2—Right Turn from Stop and Case B3—Crossing Maneuver Elements of Design Metric Design speed (km/h) Stopping sight distance (m) US Customary' Downgrades Upgrades 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% 20 20 20 20 19 18 18 15 30 32 35 35 31 30 29 20 40 50 50 53 45 44 43 25 50 66 70 74 61 59 58 30 60 87 92 97 80 77 75 35 70 110 116 124 100 97 93 40 80 136 144 154 123 118 114 45 90 164 174 187 148 141 136 50 100 194 207 223 174 167 160 55 110 227 243 262 203 194 186 60 120 263 281 304 234 223 214 65 130 302 323 350 267 254 243 70 Design speed Stopping sight distance (ft) Downgrades Upgrades 75 80 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% 80 82 85 75 74 73 116 120 126 109 107 104 158 165 173 147 143 140 205 215 227 200 184 179 257 271 287 237 229 222 315 333 354 289 278 269 378 JOfi 427 344 331 320 446 Hzil 507 405 388 375 520 553 593 469 450 433 598 638 686 538 515 495 682 728 785 612 584 561 771 825 891 690 658 631 866 927 1003 772 736 704 965 1035 1121 859 817 782 Exhibit 3-2. Stopping Sight Distance on Grades