HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Elm Avenue Storm Drain; Elm Avenue Storm Drain; 1988-11-09ELM AVENUE STORM DRAIN HYDROLOGY AND DRAINAGE REPORT prepared for CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 438-1161 prepared by CHURCH ENGINEERING, INC, 225 Broadway, Suite 700 San Diego, CA 92101 Job No.: 8005.017 Date Prepared: 9/15/87 Date Revised: 11/9/88 TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION PAGE INTRODUCTION 1 PROJECT SITE/LOCATION MAP 2 DESIGN CRITERIA AND METHODOLOGY 3 A. BASIC DESIGN CRITERIA 3 B. USE OF UPDATED COUNTY HYDROLOGY 3 C. DISCUSSION OF MASTERPLAN OF DRAINAGE 3 D. HYDROLOGY 4 E. HYDRAULICS ENGINEERS CALCULATIONS EXHIBIT A: 200 SCALE HYDROLOGY MAP APPENDIX: APPLICABLE CHARTS AND GRAPHS INTRODUCTION This project is located along Elm Avenue between Harding Street and Washington Street. The goal of this project is to improve the drainage conditions along Elm Avenue by constructing an underground storm drain system that will: a) Eliminate flooding of the street b) Eliminate the need for cross gutters along Elm Avenue so that decorative pedestrian crosswalks can be constructed. c) Provide a drainage system for future landscaped medians along Elm Avenue. The purpose of this report is to; calculate the expected rainfall runoff, determine the adequacy of the existing storm drain system between 1-5 and Jefferson Street and Provide Hydraulic calculations to substantiate the design of the proposed storm drain system. DESIGN CRITERIA AND METHODOLOGY A. BASIC DESIGN CRITERIA Hydrology and hydraulic design has been based on drainage design criteria as outlined in the Standard Design Criteria for the Design of Public Works Improvements in the City of Carlsbad, approved June 19, 1987. B. USE OF UPDATED COUNTY HYDROLOGY Values for C, Tc and I used in hydrology calculations have been determined using criteria from the San Diego County Hydrology Manual, revised January 1985, as opposed to using the charts in the Master Drainage Plan for the City of Carlsbad, dated June 1980. C. DISCUSSION OF MASTER PLAN OF DRAINAGE The project is entirely located within the Buena Vista Creek watershed as shown in the Master Plan of Drainage for the City of Carlsbad. The point of discharge for the proposed Elm Avenue storm drain is at an existing cleanout on the North side of Elm Avenue approximately 100 feet East of the railroad tracks (point "A"). Two 48" Reinforced Concrete Pipe's run northerly from this cleanout at approximately 0.5% grade and are part of an existing storm drain system that discharges ultimately in to Buena Vista Lagoon. This existing storm drain system is identified as facility AA in the Master Plan of Drainage. Per the 800 scale maps in the Master Plan of Drainage, basins contributing to runoff at point "A" in facility AA are numbers 110-14 through 110-27. (See 800 scale drainage basin maps on file at the City of Carlsbad Engineering Department.) Preliminary calculations for runoff from these basins, based on current County of San Diego hydrology methods, indicate a flow rate of approximately 322 CFS for the 50 year storm. The Master Plan indicates a flow rate of 304 CFS. The capacity of the existing dual 48" R.C.P., running North from point "A", based on uniform open channel flow in the pipes, is 210 CFS. These results were discussed with Charles Kubli at the City Engineering Department. Per Mr. Kubli runoff from the basins which drain westerly along Oak Avenue (Basins 110-14 through 110-21), which according to the Master Plan would be included in facility AA, will be diverted to another drainage facility running Southerly along the railroad and will not be included in the design of the Elm Avenue storm drain. Per our field investigation and discussion with City maintenance personnel it had been determined that runoff from basins 110-25, 110-26 and a portion of basin 110-27 lying south of Elm Avenue drain by various routes to an existing CSP culvert that drains easterly under the railroad approximately 500' south of Elm Avenue and thence drain to the South in an existing ditch. Therefore the basins as shown on the Master Plan 800 scale maps contributing flow to the proposed Elm Avenue storm drain are 110-22, 110-23 and 110-24. D.HYDROLOGY 1. Runoff Flows: Rational Method, Q=CIA Q= Rate of flow in cubic feet per second (CFS) C= Runoff coefficient expressed as that percentage of rainfall which becomes surface runoff. 1= Average rainfall intensity for a storm duration equal to the time of concentration (T ) of the contributing drainage basin. A= Area of drainage basin tributary to the design point (acres) NOTE: Secondary sub-basins where flood routed at the junctions to the main line as computations continued downstream, using the following method: When a junction is reached, start at the upper end of the tributary area and calculate its Q as was done before, down to the junction. (a) (b) T , I time o Compute the peak Q at each junction. Let A, correspond to the tributary area with longer concentration. let Q, , T, , correspond to the tributary time of concentration and Q , T corresponding to the peak Q and time of concentration when the peak flow occurs. If the tributary concentration, the the peak Q. areas have the same tributary q's are added time of to obtain Q - Q A B = TA (c) If the tributary areas have concentration, the smaller of the corrected as follows: different times of tributary Q's must be (1) The usual case is where the tributary area with the longer time of concentration has the larger Q. In this case, the smaller Q is corrected by a ratio of the intensities and added to the larger Q to obtain the peak Q. The tabling is then continued downstream using the longer time of concentration. (2) In some cases, the tributary area with the shorter time of concentration has the larger Q. In this case, the smaller Q is corrected by a ratio of the times of concentration and added to the larger Q to obtain the peak Q. The tabling is then continued downstream using the shorter time of concentration. QA TB A TA B Coefficient of Runoff, C: The Elm Avenue drainage basin is located in a urban area and for the purpose of calculating the percent runoff will be considered entirely as a commercial land use. (80% Impervious). The soils group map indicates the basin is 67% Type A (low runoff potential) and 33% Type D (very high runoff potential.) From table 2 of the San Diego County Hydrology Manual values for C are .70 for Soil Group A and .85 for soil group D. Weighted C is determined as follows: C = .67 (.70) + .33 ( .85) = .75 Time of Concentration T : Time of concentration is defined as the time required for runoff to flow from the most remote part of the watershed to the outlet point under consideration. At any given point in the drainage system T where: T. = Time for overland and gutter flow to an inlet. Tf = Time for in the storm drain system. T. Formula used for the time of overland flow is from the City of San Diego drainage manual: T = 1.8 (1.1 - C) (D)1/2/(S)1/3 (See appendix Pg A-3) Time of gutter flow is determined by dividing length of gutter by velocity (V ). Gutter velocity taken from gutter and roadway discharge" - velocity chart, San Diego County Hydrology manual Appendix X-D. (See Appendix Page A-4.) 4. Rainfall Intensity, I: Determined from intensity-duration-frequency curves listed as Appendix XI in the San Diego County Hydrology Manual (See Appendix Pages A-5, A-6, A-7) Precipitation rates determined from precipitation maps shown in Section II-A of San Diego County Hydrology Manual, (see Appendix Pages A-8, A-9, A-10, A-ll, A-12, A-13) Summary of precipitation rates is as follows: Storm Frequency 6/Hr Precipitation 24/Hr Precipitation 10 Year 1.7 inches 3.0 inches 50 Year 2.4 inches 3.9 inches 100 Year 2.6 inches 4.3 inches Church Engineering, Inc. Consulting Engineers 225 Broadway Suite 700 Planners San Diego, CA 92101 Surveyors Telephone (619) 237-0722 Job Description: Sheet /of R . Date: A =AC, O - o. -75 To = j Tc =- 7 ^^ , O = 7 ' 7 4,/o / \ 7°^ Lnurcn engineering, inc. Consulting Engineers Planners Surveyors Job Description: /T 225 Broadway Suite 700 San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone (619) 237-0722 Job No: ^^ Sheel & By: ^5-<S Date: X'/^ IS, 0/7 of * -&£> A /4.8 I,0=Z,e>V/tfo 3,0^3.4 = &. 75 -r- Z. T/,0 - S,-/e Church Engineering, Inc. Consulting Engineers 225 Broadway Suite 700 Planners San Diego, CA 92101 Surveyors Telephone (619) 237-0722 Job Description: JobNo: sheel °f , / B .. S,G>. Date:/3- ~ 3.3 GASfti ' @ 3*5% 1m = /5A5/AJ 6 (8, D, A = / o Church Engineering, Inc. Consulting Engineers 225 Broadway Suite 700 Planners San Diego. CA 92101 Surveyors Telephone (619) 237-0722 Job Description: Job No: Sheet By: Date: A = A = M/fJ,~ 3,0 r 3 Church Engineering, Inc. Consulting Engineers 225 Broadway Suite 700 Planners San Diego, CA 92101 Surveyors Telephone (619) 237-0722 Job Description: jobNo sheet 'of R . Date: , /A £ OOLL&ZT AU- , 3 J3A&//J 3/ . 7 6 /A "7. -f ^ A .ts.-p, A.TO (p.^ 4,7 7T, 1 AN f=T 2 1 \ ^nurcn engineering, inc. -^ Consulting Engineers «e£^E;S~*>«»l Planners•^k- ^^ '^^•* *^fy^^^^^-5^ Surveyors •^^ Job Description: //'* 225 Broadway Suite 700 San Diego. CA 92101 Telephone (619) 237-0722 , . w . giz^^, o(~7Job No: ' \ Sheet ^ of / & By: ^ ^ Dale: ~~ '^ ~<^<—> PT: s. (o pr, 1st lf ,^.P, A V /AJ , 7 AT AT Church Engineering, Inc. Consulting Engineers 225 Broadway Suite 700 Planners San Diego, CA 92101 Surveyors Telephone (619)237-0722 Job Description: Job No: Sheet of By: Date:: 'A/3 ~ X = &./'( ft HA I&CFS AH W . 4 7D &V TO -AT IV///J A -= /O 4 A JUST 'A 3,0 AT F&UIRSS A APPR&X/MA T-s^y RUM . Church Engineering, Inc. Consulting Engineers 225 Broadway Suite 700 Planners San Diego, CA 92101 Surveyors Telephone (619) 237-0722 Job Description: Job No: Sheet of By: Date: X5 TO f=T/f=r TD c p/p&OF ^, 3 ' A A W/LU RVM BY PT /A T& PT 3 A 7=T/FT -Pr &£>*) •+ 3, 5 FZOUT/N& &fV£S) T^g,,^ 3^,3 . -7 3.- 7 Of= UP. TD A ^ - 3 FT £A TO /] \ Cnurcn Engineering, Inc. gcxD's 01-7/ 1 \ • Job No: ' f " I™"™ - — - — ^ Consulting Engineers s^fcJZ?"*11^^'* SurveyorsT~~^\ 225 Broadway Suite 700 \ San Dieeo. CA 92101 sheet ^ °f fa Telephone (619) 237-0722 g . <;, Q> Date: /~/:3-£>'!%> Job Description: f^yL.'''r^\(/lL-/(^<-} ^LL^n^N FT, 3/ = 4, AT r&r 3,4 AT -f- LL -3^ V- ~*~ ^^/ *^ 7 5 ^ FT ,', 6,4- 3,^-^> JO AT (2 , 34 4--Si, 7 ^ 33, 63)- ^ S QCAP TL-B4 - 3. ^ 4,0'Qloo /V/77//A/ /o C-PS IS .4'/// Church Engineering, Inc. Consulting Engineers 225 Broadway Suite 700 Planners San Diego. CA 92101 Surveyors Telephone (619) 237-0722 Job Description: jobNo sheet of R . Date: /"/3 , f&INT 3 , 3 A PT. A 7Z? /A/PIPS . 3 =• &> It- 33 X5 FT. 3 7Z) ~ &, 37 =- ^, 4 FPS ^M/AJ, 14,1 /,& = /^, / I/co- 3,4- PIPS - Church Engineering, Inc. Consulting Engineers 225 Broadway Suite 700 Planners San Diego, CA 92101 Surveyors Telephone (619) 237-0722 Job Description: PT job ~, 0/7 sheet °f B . Date: /^ A L. = .,€>/•*> . S => /Ay => PT 3C Church Engineering, Inc. Consulting Engineers 225 Broadway Suite 700 Planners San Diego, CA 92101 Surveyors Telephone (619) 237-0722 Job Description: sheet of Date: As AS pr. 3. # ' 3G /oo% TO TO MM/' 33,3 Church Engineering, Inc. Consulting Engineers 225 Broadway Suite 700 Planners San Diego, CA 92101 Surveyors Telephone (619) 237-0722 Job Description: - a**?- sheet of 1(0 Date: PT. A//A/ //v .S4 A/ 7- A/fTH /% Church Engineering. Inc. Consulting Engineers 225 Broadway Suite 700 Planners ~~ San Diego, CA 92101 Surveyors Telephone (619)237-0722 Job Description: jobm: sheet ' °f B. Date: FT, = 4, 4 ~ 0,34' L '-- 7. ? AND TO PT "74 .<-- . 3 Church Engineering, Inc. Consulting Engineers 225 Broadway Suite 700 Planners San Diego, CA 92101 Surveyors Telephone (619)237-0722 Job Description: jobNo; sheet °f _ . Date: 30 , 3 - 43, 7 = -r ^ FT. /5 FT: 7 A rr. /V//M T TD = 3, /A/ 6' IN/HK. Church Engineering, Inc. Consulting Engineers 225 Broadway Suite 700 Planners San Diego. CA 92101 Surveyors Telephone (619)237-0722 Job Description: jobNo sheel °f R . Date: /-/3 ~<B& 3 7. 6. 43, 7 72?THIS /S /A/ "PT SA5/A7 AND PT Church Engineering, Inc. Consulting Engineers 225 Broadway Suite 700 Planners San Diego, CA 92101 Surveyors Telephone (619)237-0722 Job Description: jobNo sheet of fl . Date: " PT , f A , 3 2 *• 6-3, 6, =- = c?7 75% pr 7 A 7" =,3^-/oo CAPACITY INL&T IS /A/ A SUMP Church Engineering, Inc. Consulting Engineers 225 Broadway Suite 700 Planners San Diego. CA 92101 Surveyors Telephone (619) 237-0722 Job Description: JofcJVo. shee<of B . Date: - . S ' J /D = /< IS 4, To PT, , 3 ^2,5.^6,3 S, l-X < pT /5 AT 7T//5 M/M Church Engineering, Inc. Consulting Engineers 225 Broadway Suite 700 Planners San Diego, CA 92101 Surveyors Telephone (619) 237-0722 Job Description: ///C'/V* ML / C S Job No: Sheet 44- of By: Date: FT. /5 //V 37 <:- A 3S" AT PT-, .£; P. 777X\A/ Church Engineering, Inc. Consulting Engineers 225 Broadway Suite 700 Planners San Diego, CA 92101 Surveyors Telephone (619) 237-0722 Job Description: Job No: Sheet °L By: Date: /~~ pr /-z.<r. ^ Church Engineering, Inc. Consulting Engineers 225 Broadway Suite 700 Planners San Diego, CA 92101 Surveyors Telephone (619) 237-0722 Job Description: Job No: &X?S.C>t~l Sheet of By; Date: /r WITH o/ry ^ 3,AJOT AT * 72? AND o o/c f RESIDENTIAL STREET ONE SIDE ONLY 0.4—; I I I 2 3 4 56789 10 DISCHARGE (C.FS.) EXAMPLE: Given: Q = 10 S= 2.5% Chart gives; Depth = 0.4, Velocity = 4.4 f.pxs. I 20 I 30 40 50 SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICES DESIGN MANUAL APPROVED. GUTTER AND ROADWAY DISCHARGE-VELOCITY CHART DATE APPENDIX X-D I.U_ A _ J Jl JNTENSITY-DU/IATI, DESIGN CHART T"iTnTlllliiliI-l-i '•' l-kiirliitiiii.iiiiiinnrr::• Y V i 'i.l-j'l Li i Him"film I Equation: I •••« 7.44 Pfi D ~*645 I = Intensity (In./Hr.) PA = 6 Hr. Precipitation (In.) i ,., D = Duration (Min.) ill f; 15 20 Minutes 30 40 50 I Duration 2 . 3 Hours 456 Directions for Application: 1) From precipitation naps determine 6 hr. and 24 hr. amounts for the selected frequency. These maps are printed in the County Hydrology Manual (10, 50 and 100 yr. maps included in the Design and Procedure Manual). 2) Adjust 6 hr. precipitation (if necessary) so that it is within the range of 45% to 65% of the 24 hr. precipitation. (Not applicable to Desert) 3) Plot 6 hr. precipitation on the right side of the chart. 4) Drav/ a line through the point parallel to the plotted lines. 5) This line is the intensity-duration curve for the location being analyzed. Application Form: 0) Selected Frequency 1) Pc = In., P,, yr. %* 2) Adjusted *Pg= 3) t,. = 24 min. 4) I in/hr. *Not Applicable to Desert Region APPENDIX XI IV-A-14 Revised 1/85 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION 5- FLOCD CONTROL 10-YEAR 6-HOUli PRECIPITATION 33' •16- ISGPLIMALS QF 10-YEAR G-IIOU3 PRECIPITATION IN TENTHS OF AM INCH Prepi/red by U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND AT SPECIAL STUDIES BRANCH, OFFICE OF I 30' , 20 j\^>~OO\'j\\'^ -"r"V^>v- IOSIMIER1C ADMINISTRATION 20201?-YDROLOGY, NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE 1618202424^20 116° COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION £• FLOOD CONTROL 50-YEAR 6-HOUfr PRECIPITATION '21U ISOPLUVIALS OF 50-YEAR 6-HOUR«-« — IV VI I <Ul/ I I J IL.VS I U I W W I b.1 tl« VJ I I v w i» PuECSFiTATiSii i?.j YEfJTiJS OF ftfj IfJCH f^^S^PH\V^^U^m^^K^a\- w.j. iyt,j-/M\ jmu,r NATIONAL OCEANIC AND AT SPECIAL STUDIES DRANCH. OFFICE OK II r^M^^••- \\v^4j---i)x\ ynv \\^ ^55\N ^^"^-^^^x^ V• \^S;>TK^r> v\ xN\\ x X, \ \ \ \I - N. - ^ \ \ i -' ' L ' ^. L " .•^Kr:^^x^r> >'7:S \^21^ DSPIIERIC ADMINISTRATION DROLOGY. NATIONAL WEAT «UMINISTRATION NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Pwpnjcd by u.s. DEPARTME; 30' 116° LjMTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION 5- FLOOD CONTROL 33' 100-YEAR 6-HOU! PRECIPITATION ^20-/ ISOPLUVIALS OF 100-YEAR 6-HOUR PKECiPiTATIQi! Kl EHTHS OF AH KX\\ U.S. DEPARTMEN NATIONAL OCEANIC AND AT! SPECIAL STUDIES BRANCH. OFFICE OF II ^, LAf r OF COMMERCE OSPIIERIC ADMINISTRATION UROLOGY. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE 30'. US' OF SAN DIEGO . DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION S- FLOOD CONTROL 33° 10-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION -20-/ISOPIUVIALS 3F 10-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION IN TENTHS OF AN INCH U.S. DEPARTMEfi NATIONAL OCEANIC AND AT SPECIAL STUDIES DRANCII. OFFICE OK I 30 > o OSPIIERIC ADMINISTRATION DROLOGY. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE COUNTY OF SAM DIEGO . DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION 5- FLOOD CONTROL 30' 15' 33° 45'' 50-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION 1SOPLUVIALS OF 50-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION IN TENTHS OF AN INCH 30' f '>I ' UKOLOGY. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE < Prep U.S. DEPARTMEN NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATr OSPUERtC ADMINISTRATION STUDIES BRANCH. OFFICE OF II 118 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION S- FLOOD CONTROL 30' 15 33' Prepm U.S. DEPARTMEN NATIONAL OCEANIC AND AT\ SPECIAL STUDIES BKANCIl. OKKICE OF II' 30' - nil' 100-YEAR 24- -2IUISGPLUVIALS 0 PRECIPITATION IN ' R PRECIPITATION f 100 -YEAR 24-HOUR EMTHS OF AN INCH OSPIIERIC ADMINISTRATION DHOLOGY. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE 30'117°30'116" 11-84 i UJ 100 S,*r 18av M / f^WY q> T^".^.j-.i..x H 2 10 20 30 40 50 DISCHARGE-Q-CFS 60 70 80 o UJ Ulu. trui 16 14 12 10 100 S0 /A *$ // X V^' X f 50 100 150 200 DISCHARGE-Q-CFS 250 300 350 EXAMPLE ® GIVEN: 48 CFS. AHW « 4.B FT L- 60 FT;S0'0.003 (J) SELECT 36" HW'3 9FT BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROADS JAN. 1963 CULVERT CAPACITY CIRCULAR CONCRETE PIPE SQUARE-EDGED ENTRANCE 18" TO 66" O 11-100 4.0 £ UJ UJu. 5 3.0 XIor UJH ^/IOOS, 2.0 - 25" x 16" 27 1.0 10 20 30 40 DISCHARGE-Q-CFS 50 60 4.6 t>bH LJ UJ U. I 5iicr UJI-< So< UJI wbrob—O10 i «j ^ ,IOOS0 y FOR 40% PAVED CULVERTS REDUCE LENGTH TO 06 ACTUAL L TO COMPUTE -^ f)-29" * 18" -43" x27" 20 30 DISCHARGE-Q-CFS 40 50 60 EXAMPLE (^ GIVEN: 35 CFS ; AHW • 3.5 FT. LM45 FT.; S0 « 0.020 (J) SELECT N0.4, 43"« 27" HW • 2.8 FT. UNPAVED INVERT BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROADS JAN. 1963 CULVERT CAPACITY STANDARD CORR. METAL PIPE-ARCH HEADWALL ENTRANCE 25"xl6" TO 43"x27"O 11-71 <n i it2 < £J O *o c _• £? < *" 1 a t c 0 1 «».o 3 u J j ; cD JDe n _ x i UJ- a. Cu LI_o LU rr X z O. V) Ul M E j 3: ) : n r 16'- 7' x lO'-T - !5'-4"x 9'-3" - l2'-IO"x 8'-4" - ll'-5'x 7'-3' - 9'-6' x 6'-5' - 8'-2'x 5'-9" - 7'-0'x5'-l' - S'-r x 4'-7' </>- 72' x 44" u.0 2 - 65 x 40 ~ O -58-X36' £ ac< o - 50' x 31' « o - 43'x 27' ^ /"^x / - -^ C * « 9 *3 •ob x z Z - 29' x 18' - 25' x 16* 22' x 13' 18' x II' - 5,000 - 4,000 - 3 OOQ PYAMPI P«^,wwv tAMUflr LC _ Silt: 36" t Z2" - 2,000 0- 20cti HW* HWo (inn (1) MO 20- 1,000 (2) 1.13 Z.I ; 80° (3) ..22 2.2 - 600 «0 )„ (t.t - 500 • 400 - 300 - 200 ^_ - 100 / \ " 80 <^ ^^ ~ .•*'/' m• 60 <$>/ % - 50 s <£.// ii- 40 ^ 0 / (/) - 30 / 2 x" K X ^x"^ h~ HW crrM c ENTRANCE 2 0 :SOALL TYPE x (1) Htod.oll O. UJ " lo (2) Mltered to conform O _ o to ilope r£UJ (3) Projecting (— -6 < -5 0 ^- 4 £ To uie scale (2) or (3) project **- _ 3 horiiontally to scale (1), then use ttroiaht Inclined tine through - J illullrated. i o " B "' / t \ 1 '8 I/ 0 \| 6 ( 1 ) - .5 1)r ( ' 3 - 2 - 1.5 -,.0 Q 1> J - .8 - .7 - .6 5' - .4 L 2) - 4 t - 3 - 2 - 1.5 * - 1.0 - .9 - .8 - .7 - .6 - .5 - .4 .35 3) 4 - 3 - 2 - 1.5 - 1.0 - .9 - .8 - .7 - .6 - .5 - .4 • .35 BUREAU OF PUBLIC BOADS JAN. 1963 HEADWATER DEPTH FOR C. M. PIPE-ARCH CULVERTS WITH INLET CONTROL , n-ei r-2000 V)u.u o UJ (E I Slept S0 SUBMERGED OUTLET CULVERT FLOWING FULL MVK- M« ho-LSo For outltt crown not tubmirgtd, compute HW by mtlriodt d»cribfd in Ini dllign proctdvirt p.4 -.5 -.6 -.8 -1.0 -2 -3 5 6 8 10 i- 20 "- 4 BUREAU OF PUBLIC R040S J4N 1963 HEAD FOR CONCRETE PIPE CULVERTS FLOWING FULL n = O.OI2 n-G? tn LJ Xoz z S i—cc UJ > o u.o CE UJ ^ ~180 [-10,000 - 168 - 156 - 144 - 132 - I2O - 108 - - 96 ' - 84 - - 72 en -60 fe 2 -54 _ O- ., — UJ-48 ^-^ 5 s^ tr. / X -42 ° E - 36 - 33 -30 -27 - 24 - 21 - 18 - 15 - 1? - 8,000 - 6,000 - 5,000 - 4,000 r 3,000 \ . r 2,000 r - 1,000 - 800 — - 600 - 500 - 400 - r 300 - . '- 200 - :_ ,-•" -_.^ - - 100 —- 80 - 60 - 50 - 40 r 50 ~- 20 — 10 - 8 - 6 - 5 — 4 r 3 - 2 - 1.0 EXAMPLE 0-42 inchu (J.S <••!) 0-120 cf> HW* MW 0 f««t (1) 2.5 8.8 (2) 2.1 7.4 (3) 2.2 7.7 'D in fttt .s ^-f J* •*£$' J? ^s^ ./* ^^ HW ENTRANCE D SCALE TYPE (1) Squart tdgt with hcadwall (2) Groovt tnd with htodwafl (3) Groovt tnd projecting To uit scolt (2) or (3) project horizontally lo scolt (l),thtn ust itroight inclined tint through D and Q tcolet, or reverie 01 illustrottd. LJ rr A r (D (2) (3) s* s x_ enrr UJi- LJ 0 Z 0. UJ0 CE LJ 1- 5 LJ X r ^- - 5. - 3. - 2. - - 1.5 - i- - 1.0 - - .9 r - .8 • - .7 — .6 - .5 - 6. - 5. - - 4. - 3. _ g . - 1.5 - . - 1.0 • - .9 - .8 „ — 7 - .6 - .5 r 6< - - 5. - 4. - 3. • — 2. - 1.5 - - - 1.0 - .9 - - .8 - - .7 - .6 - .5 BUREAU Of PUBLIC ROADS JAN 196} HEADWATER DEPTH FOR CONCRETE PIPE CULVERTS WITH INLET CONTROL