HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Golf Course Shooting Range Investigation Sampling; Site Investigation Shooting Range Golf Course; 2006-04-01Site Investigation/Confirmation Sampling Former Shooting Range Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California Prepared for: City of Carlsbad Recreation Department 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Prepared by: DUDEK (& ASSOCIATES, INC. Pro/»ssi(inal Tfnms for Complex Ptojec 605 Third Street Encinitas, CA 92024 ..^J^v^Sgg Nicole Peacock, P.E. Environmental Engineer April 2006 I Table of Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ; 1 2. INTRODUCTION... ; 2 2.1. SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION ; 2 2.2 QUALIFICATIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS 2 3. SITE LOCATION 2 4. SITE INVESTIGATION AND CONFIRMATION SAMPLING..;.. 3 4.1 INITIAL SOIL SCREENING 3 4.2 SOIL SAMPLING 5 4.3 CONFIRMATION SOIL SAMPLING 6 4.4 SOIL SAMPLING QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL 7 5. DISPOSAL OF CONTAMINATED SOIL 7 6. CONCLUSIONS 7 7. LIMITATIONS 8 8. REFERENCES : 8 Site Investigation/Confirmation Sampling 4810-4 Former Shooting Range, Faraday Avenue Dudek & Associates, Inc. Carlsbad, California i 4/5/2006 List of Figures Figure 1 Vicinity Map Figure 2 Site Map Figure 3 Soil Sampling Locations Figure 4 Confirmation Soil Sampling Locations List of Appendices Appendix A Site Photographs Appendix B RWQCB NAWQG for Lead based on Hardness Appendix C October 18, 2005 Memorandum Appendix D Soil Sampling Laboratory Analytical Report Appendix E Confirmation Soil Sampling Laboratory Analytical Reports Appendix F Waste Management Affidavit Site Investigation/Confirmation Sampling 4810-4 Former Shooting Range, Faraday Avenue Dudek & Associates, Inc. Carlsbad, California _ • ii 4/5/2006 1. Executive Summary Dudek was contracted by the City of Carlsbad to determine if the contractor's soil removal action had adequately removed lead-impacted soil from the former shooting range to the extent necessary. The former shooting range is located off of Faraday Avenue in Carlsbad, California in an area to be developed as the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course. Prior to Dudek's involvement, the backstop of the shooting range was removed, along with the concrete and gravel floor (Appendix A, Photograph 1). Approximately 8 feet of soil was removed from behind the former backstop and some soil was removed from the side berms of the former shooting range (Appendix A, Photograph 2). The soil was piled in six piles on the dirt floor of the former shooting range following removal of the original concrete and gravel floor. The piles were separated by the contractor into areas believed to either contain high concentrations of lead or possibly contain only low levels of lead based on visual observation (Appendix A, Photograph 3). Dudek analyzed soil from behind the former backstop, from the side berms and floor of the former shooting range, and from the soil stockpiles. A Niton XLP303A x-ray fluorescence (XRF) meter was used to measure the approximate concentrations of lead in the shallow soil. The sampling indicated that the majority of the remaining back wall and side berms contained lead at concentrations less than 500 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). The majority of the floor; however, contained high concentrations of lead. As the majority of the floor of the shooting range was previously covered in concrete, it is likely that the soil in the floor area was inadvertently contaminated during removal of the soil behind the backstop (the contamination was spread out on the floor). Dudek recommended that the top layer of soil on the floor be scraped and removed. After the floor had been-scraped by the contractor, Dudek collected confirmation soil samples from the floor and some additional soil samples from a soil pile and from the walls. The samples were analyzed by Del Mar Analytical for total lead and for leaching characteristics of lead using the synthetic precipitation leaching procedure (SPLP). Evaluation of the soil sample results indicated that additional soil needed to be removed from the floor area. The results of the leaching study were that lead does not leach from the soil at concentrations that would impact fresh water aquatic life based on the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) 2003 Water Quality Goals. In order to address the elevated concentrations of lead in the soil in the floor area, the contractor removed approximately four inches of soil from the floor and placed the material directly into bins to be removed from the site. Dudek collected confirmation soil samples from the floor of the former shooting range. The concentration of lead in the samples was generally less than 500 mg/kg. Site Investigation/Confirmation Sampling , 4810-4 Former Shooting Range, Faraday Avenue Dudek & Associates, Inc. Carlsbad, California 1 4/5/2006 Based on the sampling conducted, the soil remaining at the site was determined to have lead concentrations low enough to not create a risk to human health or the environment. The results of the variotis rounds of sampling indicated that the soil remaining at the site would not create an unacceptable risk to human health under the industrial use scenario (concentrations of total lead were less than the US Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] preliminary remediation goal [PRG] for the industrial/commercial scenario of 800 mg/kg). 2. Introduction^ 2.1. Scope of Investigation Some soil at the former shooting range was conta;minated due to spent lead ammunition. The majority of lead-contaminated soil was located behind and near the former backstop of the shooting range. The majority of this soil was stockpiled on the site and subsequently removed from the site and disposed of off-site. The scope of this environmental investigation consisted of an initial soil screening event for lead, a soil sampling event for total lead and leaching characteristics, and confirmation sampling events to determine if the soil remaining at the site could be left in place. Based on the site plans, the former shooting range is to be covered with approximately 10 to 15 feet of fill and is to be redeveloped as part of the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course. 2.2 Qualifications of Environmental Professionals The soil screening was conducted by Nicole Peacock, a professional engineer certified by Niton to use XRF meters for lead testing. The soil sampling was conducted by Ms. Peacock, Trey DriscoU, and Kayvan flkhanipour; engineers and geologists with proper OSHA hazardous materials training (HAZWOPER training) and at least 5 years of relevant experience. Del Mar Analytical, the laboratory that analyzed the soil samples, maintains National Environmental Laboratory Accreditations (NELAC/NELAP) and appropriate California certifications for lead analysis by EPA Method 601 OB. 3. Site Location The former shooting range is an approximately 100 foot by 200 foot area in the canyon south of Faraday Avenue between Canon Road and Camino Hills Drive in Carlsbad, California (Figure 1). The site includes the berms on the east and west sides of the former shooting range and the wall on the south edge. The site is within parcel 2120101500. Site Investigation/Confirmation Sampling 4810-4 Former Shooting Range, Faraday Avenue Dudek & Associates, Inc. Carlsbad, California . 2 4/5/2006 The site is surrounded by land currently being graded for development as a golf course. The site is located near a creek that discharges to Agua Hedionda Lagoon. 4. Site Investigation and Confirmation Sampling The investigation consisted of an initial soil screening event for lead and a soil sampling event for total lead and leaching characteristics. Several rounds of confirmation sampling were also conducted. Small arms firing ranges are not regulated unless the spent ammunition is abandoned and left to accumulate for a long period of time or unless the range poses an imrhinent danger to human health or the environment (US EPA 2003). Therefore, the site was not regulated by any agency. The US EPA preliminary remediation goals (PRGs) were used for the site in order to determine if the soil to remain at the site would pose a risk to hurnan health. The PRG for industrial/commercial use is 800 mg/kg. Additionally, the National Ambient Water Quality Criteria (NAWQC) for fresh water aquatic life were used to evaluate the potential impact of soils left at the site on the environment. The NAWQC for lead is 0.48 milligrams per liter (mg/1), based on a surface water hardness of 1,100 mg/1 as CaCOa, which was the hardness of a sample collected from the surface water from the near-by creek on October 13, 2005 (Appendix B). 4.1 Initial Soil Screening On September 30, 2005, Dudek screened the site for elevated concentrations of lead in the soil. Dudek used a Niton XLP303A XRF meter to screen the soil in the backstop, the side berms, the stockpiled soil, and the floor for concentrations of lead. The Niton XRF meter can be used in two ways; as a screening tool to measure approximate concentrations of in-place soil or as a sample analysis tool to analyze the concentration of a prepared soil sample. Li order to evaluate approximate lead concentrations in as many areas as possible throughout the site, Dudek used the XRF meter as a screening tool. As a screening tool, the measurements involve a moderate amount of error, which is reported as milligrams per kilograms along with the measured lead concentrations on Table 1. Regardless of the error, the meter is an effective . tool in screening out elevated lead concentrations. Approximately 220 measurements were taken in situ (on the ground or wall surface, without sample preparation; Appendix A, Photograph 4). Measurements were taken at 10 foot intervals along the back wall from each of three different heights along the back wall (approximately 2, 4.5, and 7.5 feet above the ground surface; Appendix A, Photograph 5). Additional measurements were taken in areas with elevated lead concentrations. For example, six additional samples were collected from the back wall near Reading No. 300. The six additional samples (No. 314-319) indicated that the elevated lead concentrations were in a small area around Reading No. 300.. Site Investigation/Confirmation Sampling 4810-4 Former Shooting Range, Faraday Avenue Dudek & Associates, Inc. Carlsbad, California .3 4/5/2006 Based on this data, a small amount of soil near Reading No. 300 was removed and placed in the stockpile awaiting off-site disposal. A few yards of soil were also removed from the left corner of the wall near Reading No. 393 due to elevated lead concentrations. Fifty-one measurements were taken from the back wall, 43 measurements were taken from the corners and side berms, and 87 measurements were taken from the floor. Six to eight rrieasurements were taken from each of the small stockpiles (Stockpiles No. 1 and 3) and 22 measurements v^ere taken from the large stockpile (Stockpile No. 2). These areas are shown on Figure 2. Concentrations ranged from less than 50 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) to 6,581 mg/kg (Table 1). Concentrations in the wall and berms that were greater than approximately 700 (plus or minus the specified error) were removed and stockpiled as discussed above. Based on this screening, the remaining soil in the back wall and side berms could remain in place, although soil samples were collected and analyzed by a laboratory at a later date to confirm that the soil could remain in place. This additional sampling is discussed in the subsequent sections. The concentrations of lead in the two small stockpiles (Stockpiles No. 1 and 3) were generally less than 100 mg/kg. Based on this data, this soil does not need to be removed from the site. However, the screening of the larger stockpile (Stockpile No. 2) indicated that the pile contained moderate concentrations of lead. Therefore, Dudek recommended collecting soil samples from the stockpile for analysis by a laboratory. This was done in the October 13, 2005 sampling event discussed in the next section. Several measurements taken on the floor (ground surface of the former shooting range) contained elevated concentrations of lead; therefore, Dudek recommended that the majority of the floor be scraped to remove a few inches of soil. As the majority of the floor of the shooting range was previously covered in concrete, it is likely that the floor was inadvertently contaminated during remediation of the backstop (the contamination was spread out on the floor). The XRF meter self-calibrates when it is turned on. The self-calibration readings are noted in Table 1 as SHUTTER CAL. fti addition to those basic calibrations, the meter was checked against blank (0 mg/kg), low (18.9 +/- 0.5 mg/kg), medium (1162 +/- 31 mg/kg), and high (5532 +/- 80 mg/kg) standards throughout the day. The standards checks, conducted eight times during the day, were within these ranges. Site Investigation/Confirmation Sampling 4810-4 Former Shooting Range, Faraday Avenue Dudek & Associates, Inc. Carlsbad, California 4 4/5/2006 4.2 Soil Sampling On October 13, 2005, Dudek conducted soil sampling of the floor, the berms, the backstop, and one remaining soil pile (Stockpile No. 2). The stockpile, which contained .borderline concentrations of lead (several hundred mg/kg) based on the lead screening, was sampled to determine if the pile needed to be disposed of as hazardous waste. According to the California Code of Regulations, waste soil is hazardous if the concentrations of lead exceed the total threshold.concentration limit (TTLC) of 1,000 mg/kg. The soil samples were collected in 4 ounce glass jars and sent to Del Mar Analytical for analysis. The results for four samples from the stockpile were between 1,800 and 32,000 nig/kg (Figure 3). Dudek informed the City of Carlsbad and the contractor of these results and stated that the pile should be removed and disposed of as hazardous waste (Appendix C). A discussion of the waste disposal activities is presented in Section 5. Four soil samples were collected from the back wall and side berms to confirm the conclusion from the soil screening that the remaining soil could be left in place (Figure 3). The samples were collected at approximately eye level. The samples, also analyzed by Del Mar Analytical, contained concentrations of lead ranging from. 38 to 280 mg/kg. This sampling confirmed that the soil remaining in the berms and the back wall could be left in place without creating a risk to human health (the lead concentrations were less than the PRG of 800 mg/kg). Dudek collected soil samples from the surface of the floor, as the contractor had stated that the floor had been scraped at least three times. Dudek collected 18 samples from the floor, including 2 from underneath the Stockpile No. 2 and 2 from underneath the concrete pile (Figure 3). The sample results indicated that the floor had not been adequately scraped as elevated concentrations remained. The samples collected from under the piles indicated that the soil under the piles had not been contaminated in the same way as the rest of the floor. This finding enforces the theory that the majority of the floor had been inadvertently contaminated during remediation of the backstop. As scraping the floor had not adequately remediated the lead contamination, Dudek recommended digging down three to four inches to remove the soil. Dudek recommended that the work start near the back wall and work its way back through the former shooting range, with the backhoe • . ' staying on contaminated soil so as not to contaminate clean soil. In addition to collecting and analyzing soil samples for total lead concentrations and comparing them to the PRGs, soil samples were also collected and analyzed for leaching characteristics of lead from the soil. More than half of the 26 soil samples collected during this sampling event were analyzed for.leaching characteristics using the synthetic precipitation leaching Site Investigation/Confirmation Sampling 4810-4 Former Shooting Range, Faraday Avenue Dudek & Associates, Inc. Carlsbad, California 5 4/5/2006 I I procedure. SPLP sample preparation uses deionized water, adjusted to a pH of 5.0, to simulate leaching that may occur at the site due to rain. This procedure is more appropriate for this site than the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure, which uses acetic acid to simulate landfill leachate. The concentrations of lead in the SPLP leachate ranged from less than the detection limit of 0.10 mg/1 to 0.14 mg/1. These concentrations are less than the NAWQC of 0.48 mg/1; therefore, the lead concentrations in the soil are not likely to significantiy impact the freshwater aquatic life in the near-by creek through leachate. Four background soil samples were collected from another area of the proposed golf course to determine the background level of lead in the area. The background samples were sent to Del Mar Analytical and were handled in a similar fashion as the site samples. The concentrations of lead in the background samples ranged from 3.6 to 8.7 mg/kg. The information presented in this section was reported to the City in a memorandum dated October 18, 2005 (Appendix C). The laboratory analytical report for this sampling event is presented in Appendix D. 4.3 Confirmation Soil Sampling In order to ensure that removal of 4 inches of soil from the floor would be sufficient to remediate the site, the contractor dug 10 test pits to depths of 4 inches (Appendix A, Photograph 6). Three of the 10 test pits were excavated to two different depths; half of the pit. was excavated to 4 inches, while the other half was excavated to 6 inches. Dudek sampled the test pits on October 19, 2005. The samples were analyzed by Del Mar Analytical for total lead. The concentrations of lead in the test pit samples ranged from 5.4 mg/kg to 42 mg/kg. The concentrations of lead in the four inch test pits were not always higher than the concentrations in the six inch test pits. Therefore, Dudek recommended removal of the floor (except for the area under the Stockpile No. 2 and the concrete pile) to a depth of four inches. The excavation of the floor was completed in December 2005 and Dudek conducted confirmation sampling on December 13, 2005 (Appendix A, Photograph 7). Eight samples were collected from the floor and placed in 4 ounce glass jars (Appendix A, Photograph 8). The samples were analyzed by Del Mar Analytical for total lead. The sample concentrations ranged from 6 to 510 mg/kg, with the majority of the sample concentrations being less than 200 mg/kg. As these sample concentrations and those from the test pits are less than the PRG of 800 mg/kg, the remaining lead concentrations do not pose an unacceptable risk to human heahh and therefore, may remain in place. Site Investigation/Confirmation Sampling 4810-4 Fonner Shooting Range, Faraday Avenue Dudek & Associates, Inc. Carlsbad, California ' 6 • 4/5/2006 The sample locations and results are shown on Figure 4. The laboratory analytical reports for these confirmation samples are presented in Appendix E. 4.4 Soil Sampling Quality Assurance/Quality Control Laboratory quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) samples were analyzed to evaluate the precision of the data. Del Mar Analytical analyzed three sets of QA/QC data for the soil samples collected on October 13, 2005, one set of QA/QC data for the test pit confirmation samples collected on October 19, 2005, and one set of QA/QC data for the confirmation samples collected on December 13, 2005 (Appendix D and E). Each set of QA/QC data included a blank analysis, analysis of a laboratory control spike, and analysis of a spiked sample from the site. All spiked samples were spiked with 50 mg/kg of lead. The laboratory blanks for each of the five QA/QC sets did not contain detectable concentrations of lead. The percent recovery of the spiked laboratory control spikes ranged from 90% to 107%, which is within the limits of 80% to 120%. The percent recoveries of 3 of the 5 rriatrix spike/matrix spike duplicates (MS/MSDs) ranged from 94%) to 106%). These three site samples had source concentrations of less than 20 mg/kg. The two MS/MSDs with percent recoveries out of the range of 75%) to 125%) had source concentrations greater than 100 mg/kg. The laboratory reported that samples with high levels of analyte in the. sample do not provide useful spike recovery information and that the blank spike should be used to evaluate spike recovery. The relative percent difference between the matrix spike and the matrix spike duplicate for the samples with source results less than 20 mg/kg ranged from 0% to 9%o. These QA/QC data indicate that the sample data is usable. 5. Disposal of Contaminated Soil Contaminated soil from the site was placed in roll-off bins and removed from the site. The contractor, SEMA Construction, contracted with Waste Management to remove the lead-contaminated soil froin the site and transport it to a site that accepts such material (Appendix F). Waste Management hauled the soil to Moody's El Corazon Reclamation in Bonsall, California (Appendix F). The contractor, SEMA Construction, informed Waste Management that the soil was contaminated with lead (Appendix F). 6. Conclusions Dudek conducted a soil screening and soil sampling to determine the concentrations of lead remaining in the soil at the former firing range and to determine the concentrations of lead in leachate at the site. Based on the initial screening and initial soil sampling, some additional soil was removed from the comer of the back wall and the majority of the floor was removed. Confirmation soil sampling indicated that the remaining soil Site Investigation/Confirmation Sampling 4810-4 Former Shooting Range, Faraday Avenue Dudek & Associates, Inc. Carlsbad, California ' 7 . 4/5/2006 contained lead at concentrations less than the US EPA PRGs for the industrial/ commercial scenario of 800 mg/kg. Additionally, based on SPLP tests of the site soil, leachate from the site would not significantly impact freshwater aquatic life in the near- by creek (the leachate concentrations were less than the NAWQC limits for freshwater aquatic life of 0.48 mg/1). Based on the comparison of site concentrations to these two remediation goals, the remaining soil at the site can remain at the site. The remaining soil is to be covered with 10 to 15 feet of fill soil during redevelopment of the site as a golf course. 7. Limitations The findings and conclusions presented in this report are based solely upon the indicated data described in this report, the visual observations of the site, and a review of SEMA's affidavit. Dudek did not coordinate or provide oversight for the soil removal activities or the off-site disposal or recycling of the contaminated soil. The scope of this investigation was limited to evaluating the potential impacts on human health and the environment of the former firing range activities and site remediation activities within the approximately 100 by 200 foot former firing range and providing recommendations for remediation of the lead contamination at the former firing range as discussed in this report. The investigation did not extend outside of the approximately 100 by 200 foot former firing range. 8. References us EPA 2003. Recommendations for Performing Human Health Risk Analysis on Small Arms Shooting Ranges. March. Site Investigation/Confirmation Sampling 4810-4 Former Shooting Range, Faraday Avenue Dudek & Associates, Inc. Carlsbad, California 8 4/5/2006 Table 1 Soil Screening Data Location Reading No Time Type Pb Pb Error Units Initial Calibration 278 9/30/2005 10:36 SHUTTER CAL 0.98 0 cps Ground 279 9/30/2005 10:40 BULK 2831.59 429.8 mg/kg Check Low 280 , 9/30/2005 10:44 BULK 20.06 8.49 mg/kg Back Wall 282 9/30/2005 10:52 BULK 35.07 13.34 mg/kg Left to Right 283 9/30/2005 10:54 BULK 103.89 24.73 mg/kg 2 ft above ground 284 9/30/2005 10:55 BULK 123.32 22.85 mg/kg 285 9/30/2005 10:55 BULK . 27.71 15.63 mg/kg 286 9/30/2005 10:57 BULK 147.15 32.85 mg/kg 287 9/30/2005 10:57 BULK 162.21 26.83 mg/kg 288 9/30/2005 10:58 BULK 50.2 21.31 mg/kg 289 9/30/2005 10:59 BULK 27.46 16.42 mg/kg 290 9/30/2005 11:00 BULK 66.47 25.65 mg/kg 291 9/30/2005 11:00 BULK 40.11 19.62 mg/kg 293 9/30/2005 11:04 BULK 15.62 9.02 mg/kg 294 9/30/2005 11:05 BULK 14.41 8.44 mg/kg 295 9/30/2005 11:06 BULK 24.67 15.14 mg/kg 296 9/30/2005 11:07 BULK 16.96 10.81 mg/kg 297 9/30/2005 11:10 BULK 21.58 14.7 mg/kg Back Wall 298 9/30/2005 11:11 BULK 43.27 20.14 mg/kg Left to Right 299 9/30/2005 11:12 BULK 42.89 25.21 mg/kg 4 ft above ground 300 9/30/2005 11:13 BULK 712.52 33.79 mg/kg 301 9/30/2005 11:16 BULK 21.25 13.09 mg/kg 302 9/30/2005 11:17 BULK 52.79 18.92 mg/kg 303 9/30/2005 11:18 BULK 173.03 66.28 mg/kg 304 9/30/2005 11:19 BULK 27.71 13.14 mg/kg 305 9/30/2005 11:20 BULK •32.79 19.75 mg/kg 306 9/30/2005 11:21 . BULK • 27.02 17.49 mg/kg 307 9/30/2005 11:22 BULK 16.43 9.74 mg/kg 308 9/30/2005 11:23 BULK 32.18 18.6 mg/kg 309 9/30/2005 11:25 BULK • 75.3 13.87 mg/kg 310 9/30/2005 .11:25 BULK 28.21 14.39 mg/kg 312 9/30/2005 11:28 BULK 24.97 9.01 mg/kg 313 9/30/2005 11:30. BULK 36.58 12.15 mg/kg Around No. 300 314 • 9/30/2005 11:31 BULK 39.87 18.51 mg/kg 315. 9/30/2005 11:32 BULK 26.63 15.2 mg/kg 316 9/30/2005 11:34 BULK 70.56 . 34.34 mg/kg 317 9/30/2005 11:35 BULK 64.41 19.42 mg/kg 318 9/30/2005 11:36 BULK 26.43 14.45 mg/kg .319 9/30/2005 11:36 BULK 46.8 22.92 mg/kg Check Blank 320 9/30/2005 11:39 BULK 3.06 5.26 mg/kg Check Low ' 321 9/30/2005 11:41 BULK 16.29 8.29 mg/kg Check Medium 322 9/30/2005 11:43 BULK 1117.51 37.07 mg/kg Check High , 323 9/30/2005 11:45 BULK 5445.71 90.64 mg/kg Back Wall 324 9/30/2005 11:53 BULK 32.17 20.61 mg/kg Left to Right 325 9/30/2005 11:55 BULK 28.78 17.18 mg/kg 7.5 ft above ground 327 9/30/2005 12:00 BULK 25.1 13.65 mg/kg 328 9/30/2005 12:02 BULK 363.77 52.13 mg/kg 329 9/30/2005 12:03 BULK 325.72 46.57 mg/kg 331 9/30/2005 12:11 BULK 41.48. : 23.24 mg/kg 332 9/30/2005 12:13 BULK 19.85 11.51 mg/kg 333 9/30/2005 12:16 BULK 17.68 13.83 mg/kg Page 1 of 5 Table 1 Soil Screening Data Location Reading No Time Type Pb Pb Error Units Back Wall 334 9/30/2005 12:17 BULK 17.55 18.87 mg/kg Left to Right 335 9/30/2005 12:18 BULK 4.47 26.69 mg/kg 7.5 ft above ground 336 9/30/2005 12:19 BULK 41.15 23.64 mg/kg Stockpile No. 1 337 9/30/2005 12:24 BULK 21.5 14.08 mg/kg 338 9/30/2005 12:25 BULK 17.13 10.7 mg/kg 339 9/30/2005 12:26 BULK 49.97 13.9 mg/kg 340 9/30/2005 12:28 BULK 27.01 13.83 mg/kg 341 9/30/2005 12:35 BULK 58.51 15.11 mg/kg 342 9/30/2005.12:37 BULK 9.95 7.67 mg/kg 343 " 9/30/2005 12:39 BULK 19.13 8.4 mg/kg 344 9/30/2005 12:40 BULK 35.38 18.38 mg/kg Stockpile No. 2 345 9/30/2005 12:46 BULK , 252.75 25.59 mg/kg 346 9/30/2005 12:47 BULK 175.25 92.48 mg/kg 347 . 9/30/2005 12:48 BULK 293.44 25.71 mg/kg 348 9/30/2005 12:49 BULK 215.28 39.12 mg/kg 349 9/30/2005 12:52 BULK 157.71 18.75 mg/kg 350 9/30/2005 12:54 BULK 396.8 157.54 mg/kg 351 9/30/2005 12:55 BULK 292.5 70.46 mg/kg 352 9/30/2005 12:56 BULK 133.25 38.56 mg/kg Check Medium 353 9/30/2005 12:59 BULK 1137.81 37.41 mg/kg Check Low 354 9/30/2005 13:01 BULK 2.42 52.49 mg/kg Recheck Low 355 9/30/2005 13:03 BULK 58.97 39.37 mg/kg Check Blank 356 9/30/2005 13:05 BULK 1.3 5.36 mg/kg Stockpile No. 2 357 9/30/2005 13:07 BULK 205.25 23.1 mg/kg 358 9/30/2005 13:08 BULK 232.42 33.19 mg/kg 359 9/30/2005 13:08 BULK 185.56 41.86 mg/kg 360 9/30/2005 13:09 BULK 106.75 34.43 mg/kg 361 9/30/2005 13:09 BULK 182.97 50.49 mg/kg . 362 9/30/2005 13:10 BULK 216.27 63.84 mg/kg 363 9/30/2005 13:10 BULK 368.1 65.3 mg/kg 364 9/30/2005 13:12 BULK 417.23 229.25 mg/kg '365 9/30/2005 13:12 BULK 244.5 61.56 mg/kg 367 9/30/2005 13:15 BULK 352.12 206.42 mg/kg 368 . 9/30/2005 13:16 BULK 174.34-127.39 mg/kg 369 9/30/2005 13:17 BULK 167.02 164.35 mg/kg 370 9/30/2005 13:19 BULK 351.12 206.47 mg/kg Stockpile No. 3 371 9/30/2005 13:22 BULK 15.32 58.79 mg/kg 373 9/30/2005 13:26 BULK 116.47 92.73 mg/kg Change Battery 374 9/30/2005 13:29 SHUTTER CAL 1.2 0 cps Stockpile No. 3 375 9/30/2005 13:31 BULK 57.93 26.57 mg/kg 376 9/30/2005 13:32 BULK 37.05 20.55 mg/kg 377 9/30/2005 13:32 BULK 78.72 30.16 mg/kg 378 9/30/2005 13:33 BULK 42.08 23.27 mg/kg Check Medium 380 9/30/2005 13:36 BULK 1120.47 37.35 mg/kg Check Low 383 9/30/2005 13:40 BULK 23.03 8.63 mg/kg Floor 384 9/30/2005 13:42 BULK . 154.39 51.64 mg/kg 385 9/30/2005 13:43 BULK - 97.5 35.02 mg/kg 386 9/30/2005 13:44 BULK . 186.02 49.8 mg/kg 387 9/30/2005 13:45 BULK 145.49 38.76 mg/kg Page 2 of 5 Table 1 Soil Screening Data Location Reading No Time Type Pb Pb Error Units Left Corner 388 9/30/2005 13:48 BULK 21.57 12.45 mg/kg Through Left Berm 389 9/30/2005 13:49 BULK 43.11 14.01 mg/kg 390 9/30/2005 13:50 BULK 39.95 23.99 mg/kg 391 9/30/2005 13:50 BULK 44.89 26.32 mg/kg 392 9/30/2005 13:52 BULK 37.9 15.56 mg/kg 393 9/30/2005 13:54 BULK 1047.74 65.25 mg/kg 394 . 9/30/2005 13:56 BULK 416.35 58.56 mg/kg 395 9/30/2005 13:57 BULK 128.19 31.44 mg/kg 396 9/30/2005 14:01 BULK 780.91 87.18 mg/kg 397 9/30/2005 14:01 BULK 142.62 49.96 mg/kg 398 9/30/2005 14:01 BULK 149.46 68.49 mg/kg 399 9/30/2005 14:02 BULK 380.59 90.78 mg/kg 400 , 9/30/2005 14:02 BULK 2342.11 976.34 mg/kg Check Low 401 9/30/2005 14:06 BULK 13.36 11.68 mg/kg Recheck Area near 402 9/30/2005 14:09 BULK 29.61 50.88 mg/kg No. 393 following 403 9/30/2005 14:10 BULK 22.28 14.21 mg/kg soil removal 404 9/30/2005 14:11 BULK 31.3 18.28 mg/kg 405 9/30/2005 14:11 BULK 51.2 32.42 mg/kg 406 9/30/2005 14:13 BULK 18.59 12.58 mg/kg 407 9/30/2005 14:14 BULK 33.67 107.66 mg/kg Left Comer 408 9/30/2005 14:17 BULK 76.08 31.48 mg/kg Through Left Berm 409 9/30/2005 14:19 BULK -29.86 40.86 mg/kg 410 9/30/2005 14:21 BULK 6.61 59.85 mg/kg 411 9/30/2005 14:22 BULK 37.16 84.89 mg/kg 412 9/30/2005 14:24 BULK -2.12 60.68 mg/kg 413 9/30/2005 14:26 BULK 80.76 13.38 mg/kg 414 9/30/2005 14:28 BULK 3.92 55.8 mg/kg Right Corner 415 9/30/200514:35 BULK 75.18 97.99 mg/kg Through Right Berm 416 9/30/2005 14:36 BULK 63.02 100.6 mg/kg 417 9/30/2005 14:37 BULK 17.85 64.11 mg/kg 418 9/30/2005 14:38 BULK 147.5 48.1 mg/kg 419 9/30/2005 14:40 BULK 76.58 16.1 mg/kg 420; 9/30/2005 14:41 BULK 372.08 72.54 mg/kg 421 9/30/2005 14:41 BULK 28.87 19.27 mg/kg 422 9/30/2005 14:43 BULK 23.29 11.14 mg/kg 423 9/30/2005 14:43 BULK 138.16 47.28 mg/kg 424 9/30/2005 14:45 BULK 19.37 11.04 mg/kg 425 9/30/2005 14:45 BULK 28.75 16.33 mg/kg 426 9/30/2005 14:46 BULK 27.95 13.62 mg/kg 427 9/30/2005 14:47 BULK 24.73 16.84 mg/kg 428 9/30/2005 14:48 BULK 16.54 11.49 mg/kg 430 9/30/2005 14:49 BULK 43.68 28.9 mg/kg 431 9/30/2005 14:50 BULK 25.86 11.88 mg/kg Check Medium 432 9/30/2005 14:53 BULK 1171.51 79.89 mg/kg Check Low 433 9/30/2005 15:01 . BULK 24.38 9.37 mg/kg Floor 434 9/30/2005 15:01 BULK 182.53 70.28 mg/kg 435 9/30/2005 15:02 BULK • 1015.62 109.95 mg/kg 436 9/30/2005 15:03 BULK 154.37 59.94 mg/kg 437 9/30/2005 15:04 BULK 404.17 71.21 mg/kg '438 9/30/2005 15:06 BULK 340.12 183.19 mg/kg 439 9/30/2005 15:08 BULK • 55.34 76.88 mg/kg Page 3 of 5 Table 1 Soil Screening Data Location Reading No Time Typo Pb Pb Error Units Floor 440 9/30/2005 15:09 BULK 366.88 241.51 mg/kg 441 9/30/200515:10 BULK 775.6 443:25. mg/kg 442 9/30/2005 15:14 BULK 1197.03 558.09 mg/kg 443 9/30/2005 15:16 BULK 530.81 285.95 mg/kg 444 9/30/2005 15:17 BULK 823.43 412.99 mg/kg 445 9/30/2005 15:19 BULK 519.38 329.89 mg/kg 446 9/30/2005 15:20 BULK . 433.84 251.33 mg/kg 447 9/30/2005 15:22 BULK 1250.74 660.25 mg/kg 448 • 9/30/2005 15:23 BULK 2843.44 1155.97 mg/kg 449 9/30/2005 15:25 BULK 117.78 107.73 mg/kg 450 9/30/2005 15:27 BULK 109.9 119.6 mg/kg 451 9/30/2005 15:29 BULK 567.51 126.16 mg/kg 452 9/30/2005 15:30 BULK 589.99 145.82 mg/kg 453 9/30/2005 15:31 BULK 596.33 114.32 mg/kg 454 9/30/2005 15:32 BULK 800.65 160.97 mg/kg 455 9/30/2005 15:32 BULK 105.75 56.11 , mg/kg 456 9/30/2005 15:34 BULK 51.02 27.48 mg/kg 457 9/30/2005 15:35 BULK 88.23 40.59 mg/kg 458 9/30/2005 15:36 BULK 234.04 58.76 mg/kg 459 9/30/2005 15:37 BULK 287.67 75.47 mg/kg 460 9/30/2005 15:38 BULK 1131.72 156.23 mg/kg 461 9/30/2005 15:39 BULK ' 50.54 23.79 mg/kg 462 9/30/2005 15:53 BULK 62.82 33.56 mg/kg 463 9/30/2005 15:55 BULK 56.17 33.31 mg/kg 464 9/30/2005 15:56 BULK . 1374.15 200 mg/kg 465 9/30/2005 15:57 BULK 202.74 83.38 mg/kg 466 9/30/2005 15:57 BULK 630.99 143.33 mg/kg 467 9/30/2005 15:58 BULK 200.85 72.61 mg/kg 468 9/30/2005 16:00 BULK 1391.07 211.1 mg/kg 469 9/30/2005 16:01 BULK 53.52 31.8 mg/kg 470 9/30/2005 16:02 BULK 329.78 111.42 mg/kg 471 9/30/2005 16:05 BULK 116.29 61.16 mg/kg 472 -9/30/2005 16:06 BULK 195.08 83.14 mg/kg 473 9/30/2005 16:07 BULK 287.22 83.72 mg/kg Check Medium 474 9/30/2005 16:09 BULK 1120.28 42.08 mg/kg Check.Low 475 9/30/2005 16:11 BULK 19.7 8.46 mg/kg Floor 476 9/30/2005 16:13 BULK 390.35 132.02 mg/kg 477 9/30/2005 16:14 BULK 1819.29 211.84 mg/kg . 478 9/30/2005 16:16 BULK 983.26 179.66 mg/kg 479 9/30/2005 16:17 BULK 261.38 87.05 mg/kg 480 9/30/2005 16:18 BULK 230.73 91.89 mg/kg 481 9/30/2005 16:19 BULK 280.63 182.47 mg/kg 482 9/30/2005 16:20 BULK 423.8 184.39 mg/kg 483 9/30/2005 16:22 BULK 494.25 114.13 mg/kg 484 9/30/2005 16:23 BULK 189.74 99.82 mg/kg 485 9/30/2005 16:23 BULK 635.83 140.77 mg/kg 486 9/30/2005 16:25 BULK 1172.27 189.34 mg/kg 487 9/30/2005 16:27 BULK 1327.47 209.36 mg/kg 488 9/30/2005 16:28 BULK 231.46 92.22 mg/kg 489 9/30/2005 16:29 BULK 6581.4 445.75 mg/kg 490 . 9/30/2005 16:30 BULK .1427.95 214.11 mg/kg Page 4 of 5 Table 1 Soil Screening Data Location Reading No Time Type Pb Pb Error Units Floor 491 9/30/2005 16:31 BULK 2423.43 249.09 mg/kg 492 9/30/2005 16:32 BULK 1900.36 225.2 mg/kg 493 9/30/2005 16:33 BULK 2692.35 293.58 mg/kg 494 9/30/2005 16:33 BULK 729.65 161.04 mg/kg 495 • 9/30/2005 16:34 BULK • 388.92 145.34 mg/kg 496 9/30/2005 16:35 BULK 95.44 54.24 mg/kg 497 9/30/2005 16:35 BULK 224.15 88.79 mg/kg 498 9/30/2005 16:36 BULK 434.63 122.5 mg/kg 499 9/30/2005 16:37 BULK 377.37 133.31 mg/kg. 500 9/30/2005 16:38 BULK 271.97 94.68 mg/kg 501 9/30/2005 16:40 BULK 236.08 93.1 mg/kg 502 9/30/2005 16:41 BULK 102.92 41.82 mg/kg 503 9/30/2005 16:42 BULK ' 435.21 139.36 mg/kg 504 9/30/2005 16:44 BULK 836.63 125.79 mg/kg 505 9/30/2005 16:46 BULK 288.23 97.98 mg/kg 506 9/30/2005 16:47 BULK 519.16 114.05 mg/kg 507 9/30/2005 16:48 BULK 583.82 133.96 mg/kg 508 9/30/2005 16:49 BULK 649.55 170.48 mg/kg 509 9/30/2005 16:49 BULK 656.01 153.61 mg/kg 510 9/30/2005 16:50 BULK 48.65 28.42 mg/kg 511 9/30/2005 16:51 BULK 733.19 177 mg/kg 512 9/30/2005 16:51 BULK 869.56 196.45 mg/kg 513 9/30/2005 16:51 BULK 150.38 65.22 mg/kg 514 9/30/2005 16:53 BULK 50.8 30.22 mg/kg 515 9/30/2005 16:54 BULK -11.26 53.43 mg/kg 516 9/30/2005 16:55 BULK 366.03 224.4 mg/kg 517 9/30/2005 16:57 BULK 118.3 101.23 mg/kg 518 9/30/2005 16:58 BULK 5:91 25.31 mg/kg Check Medium 519 9/30/2005 17:00 BULK 1102.45 123.36 mg/kg Check Low 520 9/30/2005 17:02 BULK -4.24 45.94 mg/kg Notes: Reading Numbers not reported on this table were either tests or voided due to insufficient measurement durations. Page 5 of 5 \; / \GAK/ cm i Former Shooting Range Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California Figure 1 Vicinity IVIap ® D 0) 03 (» CD Back Wall (Southern End) / ,/• Approximate Area of Stockpile No. 3 / Contaminated Soil Stockpile "- Not Sampled f Prior to Off-Site Disposal Northern End "Approximate Area of Stockpile No. 1 Approximate Area of Stockpile No. 2 Approximate Area of Concrete Pile 0' . 25' SCALF I" = 25' SITEPLAN FORMER SHOOTING RANGE CARLSBAD, CA FIGURE 2 .DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. Back Wall II II II Approximate Area of Stockpile No. 2 Approximate Area of Concrete Pile LEGEND Ground Sample ID and lead result in mg/kg 0' 15 ' .1—1 _ 9 SCALE S-24 Berm or Pile Sample ID and lead result in mg/kg i" =- 25' 1800 Underlined Sample IDs analyzed for SPLP and total lead SOIL SAMPLING LOCATIONS FORMER SHOOTING RANGE . CARLSBAD, CA FIGURE 3 DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. E m 4 5.9 6" 7.4 14 6" 7.4 Bock Wall TP-3 TP-6 7.2 .o OS-4 470 TP-2 8.2 A B cs^8 TP-4 210 10 TP-1 o CS-2 510 O CS-1 100 TP-10 42 O CS-3 140 ^ TP- 7, o TP—5 cs-6 21 36 10 6'' O CS-5 6 B A. 5.4 TP-18 OcsU TP-7 7.8 Approximate Area of Stockpile No. 2 iD* 3" a w Approximate Area of Concrete Pile LEGEND jp_4 Test Pit Sample ID and result in mg/kg 0' 10 " 25' O ' ' • SCALE. CS-6 Confirmation Sample ID and result in mg/kg i" == 25' 36 CONFIRMATION SOIL SAMPLING LOCATIONS FORMER SHOOTING RANGE CARLSBAD, CA FIGURE 4 DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. APPENDIX A Site Photographs Photograph 1- Photograph of the shooting range taken September 6, 2005, looking south at the original concrete and gravel floor and the back wall. Photograph 2 - Photograph of the back wall and left corner taken after excavation of approximately 8 feet of the back wall, as shown on the measuring stick. Photograph 3 - Former firing range, looking south. The photograph, taken October 5, 2005, shows the site with four soil piles and a concrete pile, as it is shown on Figure 2. The soil piles are from the back wall excavation and from some of the side berms. Photograph 4 - Soil Screening of Stockpile No. 1 using the XRF meter. Photograph 5 - Soli screening of the left corner of the back wall at approximately 7 feet above the ground surface. Photograph 6 - Photograph of the former shooting range showing the test pits. Photograph 7 - Photograph of the former shooting range, looking south. The photograph was taken on December 13, 2005, following removal of the top 4 inches of soil from the majority of the floor. As visible on the right side of the photograph, the area under the concrete and Stockpile No. 2 was not excavated. Photograph 8 - Photograph of the collection of the confirmation soil samples (CS-7) on December 13, 2005. Photograph 9 - Photograph of the soil bins awaiting pick-up for off-site disposal. Photograph was taken looking north, toward Faraday Avenue. APPENDIX B RWQCB NAWQC for Lead Based on Hardness WATER QUALITY LIMITS FOR CONSTITUENTS AND PARAMETERS FRESHWATER AQUATIC LIFE - L E A D Hardness (mg/L as CaC03) California Toxics Rule and US Hardness (mg/L as CaC03) Lead (u q/L) Hardness (mg/L as CaC03) Dissolved Total Recoverable Hardness (mg/L as CaC03) Continuous Cone 4-day Average Maximum Cone, 1-hour Average Continuous Cone 4-daY Average Maximum Cone, 1-ilour Average <26 use formula use formula , use formula use formula 25 0.54 14 0,54 14 30 0.66 17 0,69 18 35 0.79 20 0,84 21 40 • 0.92-24 0,99 25 45 . 1.0 27 ,1,2 30 50 1.2 30 • 1,3 34 55 1.3 33 1,5 38 60 1.4 •37 1,7 43 65 1.6 40 • 1,8 47 70 1.7 44 2,0 52 75 1.8 47 2.2 57 80 2.0 51 2,4 61 85 2.1 54 2.6 66 90 2.2 58 2,8 71 95 2.4 61 3,0 76 100 2,5 65 3,2 • 82 • 110 2.8 72 3.6 92 120 3.1 79 4,0 100 130 3.3 86 4,4 110 ' 140 3.6 93 4,9 130 150 3.9 100 5,3 140 160 4,2 . 110 5,8 150 170 4.5 110 6.3 160 180 4.7 120 6.7 170 190 5.0 130 • 7.2 180 200 5,3 140 7,7 200 210 5.6 140 8,2 210 220 5,9 150 8,7 220 230' 6,2 160 9,2 240 240 6.4 170 9,7 250 250 6,7, 170 10 260- 260 7.0 180 11 280 270 7.3 190 11 290 280 7.6 190 12 300 290 7.8 200 12 320 300 8.1 210 13 330 310 8,4 220 13 340 320 8.7 220 14 360 330 9.0 230 15 370 340 9.3 240 • 15 390 350 -9,5 • 240 16 400 360 9.8 250 16 420 370 10 260 17 430 380 10 270 17 450 390 11 270 18 460 400 11 280 19 , 480 > 400 11 280 19 480 EPA National Recommended Wafer Quality Criteria to ".Protect Freshwater Aquatic Life 500 475 450 425 400 375 tn QJ '3 350 I 325 1 300 O S. 275 o 5) 250 150 125 100 75 50 • Criteria Continuous Concentration (4-day Average, dissolved) = (e{1.273[ln(hardness)] - 4.705)) x {1.46203 - {[ln{hardness)] x [0.145712])) Criteria Maximum Concentration (1-hour Average, dissolved) = (6(1.273[ln(hardness)] - 1.460}) x (1.46203 - {[ln(hardness)l x [0.1457121}) • Criteria Continuous Concentration (4-day Average, total recoverable) = (e{1.273[ln(hardness)l-4.705}) ' Criteria Maximum Concentration (1-hour Average, total recoverable) = (e{1.273[ln(hardness)]- 1.460}} 0 I 1 I i . I I I i 1 I I I I I I I I I IT'TTTI I r I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1,1 I I r I I [[ I I I I I I I I [ I 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 Hardness (mg/L as CaC03) Water Quality Goals - August 2003 From References J 7 and 26. Limits Page 24 APPENDIX C October 18, 2005 Memorandum I DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC. ProfesswnalTeams for Comltlex Projects ]VIE]VIORANDXJ]VI TO: John Przybvszewski/George Litzinger DATE: 10/18/05 FROM: Nicole Peacock RE: Carlsbad Former Shooting Range Lead Concentrations The following is a quick synopsis of the soil sampling that was done, the results, and disposal recommendations. Lead Screening - 9/30/05 On September 30, 2005, Dudek screened the site for elevated concentrations of lead in the soil. Dudek used a Niton XLP303A to screen the soil in the backstop, the berms, the stockpiled soil, and the floor for concentrations of lead. Approximately 250 measurements were taken in situ (on the ground surface, without sample preparation). Concentrations ranged from less than 50 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) to 6,581 mg/kg. The measurement results were used as a screening tool and Dudek recommended removing small areas of the berm and backstop, in order to remove elevated concentrations (greater than -500 mg/kg) of lead. The soil in these areas was removed, as confirmed by additional measurements. Several measurements of the floor contained elevated concentrations; therefore, Dudek recommended that the majority of the floor be scraped (to remove a few inches of soil). As the majority of the floor of the shooting range was previously covered in concrete, it is likely that the floor was inadvertently contaminated during remediation of the backstop (the contamination was spread out on the floor). Soil Sampling -10/13/05 On October 13, 2005, Dudek conducted soil sampling of the floor, the berm, the backstop, and one remaining soil pile. The soil pile, which contained borderiine concentrations of lead based on the lead screening, was sampled to determine if the pile needed to be disposed of as hazardous waste. Dudek collected confirmation soil samples from the surface of the floor, as the contractor had scraped the floor at least three times. Additionally, Dudek collected confirmation samples from the backstop and berm, which, based on the lead screening, did not contain elevated lead concentrations. The samples collected from the backstop and berm were collected at approximately eye level. Soil Sampling Results - Total Lead Dudek collected 18 samples from the floor to be analyzed for total lead by EPA Method 601 OB. Four samples from the stockpile and four from the berm/backstop were also analyzed for total lead. The 26 samples contained lead at concentrations ranging from 15 mg/kg to 32,000 mg/kg (Figure 1). Four background samples were collected along the dirt road between the shooting range and Faraday Avenue. The concentration of lead reported in the background samples was between 3.6 and 8.7 mg/kg. Soil Sampling Results - SPLP ' In order to determine if the lead in the soil might leach from the soil and contaminate the groundwater and near-by surface water, Dudek analyzed more than half of the soil samples for leaching characteristics. The Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP) uses deionized water, adjusted to a pH of 5.0, to simulate leaching that may occur at the site due to rain. Two of the 17 soil samples contained a detectable concentration of lead in the leachate (the detection limit was 0.10 milligrams per liter (mg/1). The concentration of lead in Samples S-10 and S-12 were 0.13 and 0.14 mg/1. Evaluation of the Results/Recommendations Based on the sampling results for total lead, the stockpiled soil shown on Figure 1 should be removed and disposed of as hazardous waste (>1000 mg/kg). Similarly, the majority of the floor of the shooting range contained concentrations of lead greater than 1000 mg/kg. Dudek recommends that approximately 3 inches of soil be removed from the floor and disposed of off-site as hazardous waste. The soil should be removed in a way so as not to contaminate additional portions of the site. The soil in the backstop and berm and the soil beneath the soil and concrete piles does not need to be removed. The soil did not contain elevated concentrations of total lead. Additionally, based on the leaching characteristics, it is unlikely that the lead in the soil will impact the groundwater and surface water (the concentrations of lead in the leachate were less than 150 micrograms per liter (ug/1), which is less than the criteria to protect freshwater aquatic life [Based on the Regional Water Quality Control Board 2003 Water Quality Goals, a surface water hardness of 1,100 milligrams per liter as CaC03 yields a lead water quality criteria of over 500 ug/1]). Based on the previous soil screening, the two small piles near the backstop do not need to be removed from the site. I I APPENDIXD Soil Sampling Laboratory Analytical Report I I I Del Mar Analytical 17461 DerianAve., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 (949)261-1022 FAX (949) 260-3297 1014 E! Cooley Dr., Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505.8596 FAX (858) 505-9689 9830 Soutli 51st St, Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2320 E. Sunset Rd. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 798-3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 LABORATORY REPORT ii Prepared For: Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock Project: Carlsbad/4810-3 Sampled: 10/13/05 Received: 10/14/05 Issued: 10/18/05 13:36 NELAP#01108CA CaliforniaELAP#1197 CSDLAC #10117 The results listed within this Laboratory Report pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. The analyses contained in this report were performed in accordance with the applicable certifications as noted. All soil samples are reported on a wet weight basis unless otherwise noted in the report. This Laboratory Report is confidential and is intendedfor the sole use of Del Mar Analytical and its client. This.report shall not be reproduced, except in full without written permission from Del Mar Analytical The Chain(s) of Custody, 3 pages. are included and are an integral part of this report mmmmmmmmBSmmismmmmsm This entire report was reviewed and approved for release SAMPLE CROSS REFERENCE LABORATORY ID CLIENT ID IVIATRIX IOJ0981-01 S-1 Soil IOJ0981-02 S-2 Soil IOJ0981-03 S-3 Soil IOJ098I-04 S-4 Soil IOJ0981-05 S-5 Soil IOJ0981-06 ' . S-6 Soil IOJ0981-07 S-7 Soil IOJ0981-08 S-8 Soil IOJ0981-09 S-9 Soil IOJ0981-I0 S-10 , Soil IOJ0981-11 S-11 Soil IO.I0981-12 S-12 Soil 10.r0981-13 S-13-Soil IOJ0981-14 S-14 Soil IO.I0981-15 S-15 Soil IO.10981-16 S-16 Soil 1OJ0981-17 S-17 Soil • IOJ0981-18 S-18 Soil IOJ0981-19 S-19 Soil IOJ0981-20 S-20 Soil 1OJ0981-21 , S-21 Soil IOJ0981-22 S-22 Soil IOJ0981-23 S-23 Soil Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager IOJ0981 <Pagelofl6> Del Mar Analytical Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock Project ID: Carlsbad/4810-3 Report Number 1OJ0981 17461 Derian Ave,, Suite 100, Itvine, CA 92614 (949)261-1022 FAX (949) 260-3297 1014 E. Cooley Or,, Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 ' 9484 Chesapeake Dr„ Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858) 505-9689 9830 South 51st St, Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. Sunset Rd. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 798-3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 Sampled: 10/13/05 Received: 10/14/05 LABORATORY ID CLIENT ID MATRIX IOJ0981-24 S-24 Soil IOJ0981-25 S-25 Soil IOJ0981-26 S-26 Soil 1OJ0981-27 SW-1 , Water 1OJ0981-28 S-27 Soil 1OJ0981-29 S-28 Soil IOJ0981-30 S-29 Soil IOJ0981-31 S-30 Soil Reviewed By: Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. IOJ0981 <Page2ofl6> Del Mar Analytical Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock Analyte Sample iD: IOJ0981-01 (S-1 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJp981-02 (S-2 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-03 (S-3 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-04 (S-4 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-05 (S-5 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ098I-06 (S-6 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-07 (S-7 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ098I-08 (S-8 - Soil) . Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-09 (S-9 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-10 (S-10 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Project ID: Carlsbad/4810-3 Report Number: 1OJ0981 Method EPA 601 OB METALS Reporting Batch . Limit 5J17090 2.0 EPA6010B 5J14120 2.0 EPA6010B 5J1709O 2.0 EPA6010B 5J14120 8.0 EPA6010B 5J14120 4.G 17461 Derian Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 (949)261-1022 FAX (949)'260-3297 1014 E. Cooley Dr., Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858) 505-9689 9830 South 51st SL, Suite B.120, Phoenix, A2 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. Sunset Rd. #3, Las Vegas, IMV 89120 (702) 796-3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 Sampled: 10/13/05 Received: 10/14/05 15 1 10/17/2005 10/17/2005 73 1 10/17/2005 10/17/2005 3800 4 10/14/2005 10/17/2005 2000 . 2 10/14/2005 10/17/2005 EPA6010B 5JI7090 200 . 8800 , 100 10/17/2005, 10/17/2005 EPA6010B 5J14120 2.0 EPA 601 OB 5117090 200 •EPA6010B 5J14120 2.0 EPA6010B 5J17090 2.0 750 10/14/2005 10/16/2005 1200 100 10/17/2005 10/17/2005 1100 660 I 10/14/2005 10/16/2005 1 10/17/2005 10/17/2005 Sample Dilution Date Date Data Result Factor Extracted Analyzed Qualifiers 1000 1 10/14/2005 10/16/2005 M-HA I I Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. IOJ0981 <Page3ofl6> Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock I I ^ I I I I I I I I Del Mar Analytical I I I I Analyte Sample ID: IOJ0981-11 (S-II - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ098I-12 (S-12 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-13 (S-13 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-14 (S-14 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-15 (S-15 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg . Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-16 (S-16 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ098I-17 (S-17 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-18 (S-18 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ098t-19 (S-19 - Soil) Reporting tlnits: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-20 (S-20 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Project ID: Carlsbad/4810-3 Report Number: 1OJ0981 Method METALS Reporting Batch Limit EPA6010B 5J14120 100 EPA6010B 5J17090 2.0 EPA6010B 5J14120 2.0 EPA6010B 5114120 2.0 EPA6010B 5114120 6.0 EPA6010B 5J14120 2.0 EPA6010B 5.114120 2.0 EPA 601 OB 5J17090 2.0 EPA6010B 5J17090 2.0 EPA6010B 5114120 2.0 17461 DerianAve., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 261-1022 FAX (949) 260-3297 1014 E. Cooley Dr., Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858) 505-9689 9830 South 51st SL, Suite B.120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785.0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. Sunset Rd. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 798-3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 Sampled: 10/13/05 Received: 10/14/05 Sample Dilution Date Date Data Result Factor Extracted Analyzed Qualifiers 20000 50 10/14/2005 10/17/2005 450 54 100 440 65 200 280 38 1 10/17/2005 10/17/2005 1 10/14/2005 10/16/2005 1 10/14/2005 10/16/2005 2900 3 10/14/2005 10/17/2005 1 10/14/2005 10/16/2005 1 10/14/2005 10/16/2005 1 10/17/2005 10717/2005 1 10/17/2005 10/17/2005 1 10/14/2005 10/16/2005 I I I I Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. IOJ0981 <Page4ofI6> Del Mar Analytical 17461 Derian Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 (949)261-1022 FAX (949) 260-3297 1014 E. Cooley Dr., Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858) 505-9689 9830 South 51st St, Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480)785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. Sunset Rd. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 798-3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock Analyte Sample ID: IOJ098I-21 (S-21 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ098I-22 (S-22 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-23 (S-23 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-24 (S-24 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-25 (S-2S - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-26 (S-26 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: 1OJ0981-28 (S-27 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-29 (S-28 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-30 (S-29 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-31 (S-30 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Project ID: Carlsbad/4810-3 Report Number: 1OJ0981 Sampled: 10/13/05 Received: 10/14/05 Method EPA 601 OB METALS Reporting Batch Limit 5J17090 2.0 EPA6010B 5J14120 2.0 EPA 601 OB 5J17090 . 10 EPA 601 OB 5J17090 10 55 41 1 10/17/2005 10/17/2005 1 10/14/2005 10/16/2005 3000 5 10/17/2005 10/18/2005 1800 5 10/17/2005 10/18/2005 EPA6010B 5J17090 400 32000 200 10/17/2005 10/18/2005 EPA6010B 5117090 10 EPA 601 OB 5J17090 2.0 EPA6010B 5117090 2.0 EPA 601 OB 5.117090 2.0 EPA6010B 5117090 2.0 2700 5 10/17/2005 10/18/2005 7.6 8.7 - 3.6 5.4 10/17/2005 10/17/2005 1 10/17/2005 10/17/2005 I 10/17/2005 10/17/2005 1 10/17/2005 10/17/2005 Sample Dilution Date Date Data Result Factor Extracted Analyzed Qualifiers Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. IOJ0981 <PageSofl6> Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock t I I I Sample ID: IOJ0981-10 (S-10 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/1 Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-12 (S-12 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/1 Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-18 (S-18 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/1 Lead Sample ID: IOJ098I-19 (S-19 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/1 Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-21 (S-21 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/1 Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-23 (S-23 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/1 Lead Method I I Del Mar Analytical I I I I I I I I Analyte Sample ID: IOJ0981-0I (S-1 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/I Lead Sample ID: IOJ098I-03 (S-3 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/1 Lead I) Sample ID: IOJ098I-06 (S-6 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/1 Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-08 (S-8 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/1 Lead Project ID: Carlsbad/4810-3 Report Number: IOJ0981 SPLP METALS Reporting Batch Limit 6010B-SPLP 5J15035 0.10 6010B-SPLP 5J15035 0.10 6010B-SPLP- 5J15035 0.10 6010B-SPLP 5115035 0.10 6010B-SPLP 5115035 0.10 6010B-SPLP 5115035 0.10 6010B-SPLP 5J15035 0.10 6010B-SPLP 5115035 0.10 6010B-SPLP 5JI5035 , 0.10 6010B-SPLP 5115035 0.10 17461 Derian Ave., Suite 100, livine, CA 92614 (949) 261-1022 FAX (949) 260-3297 1014 E. Cooley Dr., Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858) 505-9639 9830 South 51st SL, Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. Sunset Rd. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 798-3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 Sampled: 10/13/05 Received: 10/14/05 Sample Dilution Date Date Data Result Factor Extracted Analyzed Qualifiers ND ND ND ND 0.13 0.14 ND ND ND ND 1 10/15/2005 10/17/2005 1 10/15/2005 10/17/2005 1 10/15/2005 10/17/2005 1 10/15/2005 10/17/2005 10/15/2005 10/17/2005 1 10/15/2005 10/17/2005 1 10/15/2005 10/17/2005 1 10/15/2005 10/17/2005 1 , 10/15/2005 10/17/2005 1 10/15/2005 10/17/2005 I I I I Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. IOJ0981 <Page6ofl6> I I Del Mar Analytical I I I I I I I I I Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock Analyte . Sample ID: IOJ0981-24 (S-24 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/1 Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-25 (S-25 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/1 Lead Sample ID: IOJ098I-26 (S-26 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/1 Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-28 (S-27 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/1 Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-29 (S-28 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/1 Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-30 (S-29 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/1 Lead Sample ID: IOJ0981-31 (S-30 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/1 Lead Project ID: Carlsbad/4810-3 Report Number: 1OJ0981 Method SPLP METALS Reporting Batch Limit 6010B-SPLP 5115035 0.10 6010B-SPLP 5J15035 0.10 6010B-SPLP 5115035 0.10 6010B-SPLP 5J15035 0.10 6010B-SPLP 5115035 0.10 6010B-SPLP 5115035 0.10 6010B-SPLP 5JI5035 0.10 17461 Derian Ave,, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 (949)261-1022 FAX (949) 260-3297 1014 E. Cooley Dr., Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858) 505 9689 9830 Soutli 51st SL, Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. Sunset Rd. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 798-3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 Sampled: 10/13/05 Received: 10/14/05 Sample Dilution Date Date Result Factor Extracted Analyzed ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 10/15/2005 10/17/2005 1 10/15/2005 10/17/2005 10/15/2005 10/17/2005 1 10/15/2005 10/17/2005 1 10/15/2005 10/17/2005 10/15/2005 10/17/2005 1 10/15/2005 10/17/2005 Data Qualifiers I I f I I I I Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager The results pertain only to the samples tested in t/te laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. IOJ098I <Page7ofl6> Del Mar Analytical 17461 Derian Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 (949)261-1022 FAX (949) 260-3297 1014 E. Cooley Dr., Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858) 505-9689 9830 Soudi 51st SL, Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. SunsetRd. #3) Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702)798-3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA ,92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock Analyte Project ID: Carlsbad/4810-3 Report Number: 1OJ0981 Sampled: Received: 10/13/05 10/14/05 Sample ID: IOJ0981-27 (SW-1 - Water) Reporting Units: mg/1 Hardness (as CaC03) Method SM2340B INORGANICS Reporting Batch Limit 5J15031 1.0 Sample Result 1100 Dilution Date Factor Extracted Date Analyzed Data Qualifiers 10/15/2005 10/18/2005 Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. IOJ0981 <Page 8 ofl6> ^ Del Mar Analytical 17461 Derian Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 261-1022 FAX (949) 260.3297 1014 E. Cooley Dr., Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9434 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858) 505-9689 9830 South 51st SL, Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. Sunset Rd. #3, las Vegas, NV 89120 (702)798-3620 FAX (702) 798.3621 Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock Analyte Sample ID: Extraction Sample ID: Extraction Sample ID: Extraction Sample ID: Extraction Sample ID: Extraction Sample ID: Extraction Sample ID: Extraction Sample ID: Extraction IOJ0981-0I (S-1 - Soil) IOJ0981-03 (S-3 - Soil) IOJ0981-06 (S-6 - Soil) IOJ0981-08 (S-8 - Soil) IOJ0981-10 (S-10 - Soil) IOJ098I-12 (S-12 - Soil) IOJ0981-18 (S-18 - Soil) IOJ0981-19 (S-19 - Soil) Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager Project ID: Carlsbad/4810-3 Report Number IO10981 SPLP EXTRACTION - Metals Method EPA 1312-Met EPA 1312-Met EPA 1312-Met EPA 1312-Met EPA 1312-Met EPA 1312-Met EPA 1312-Met EPA 1312-Met Batch 5J14110 5J14110 5J14110 5J14110 5J14.110 5J14110 5J14110 5J14110 Extraction Start Date 10/14/2005 10/14/2005 10/14/2005 10/14/2005 10/14/2005 10/14/2005 10/14/2005 10/14/2005 Sampled: 10/13/05 Received: 10/14/05 Extraction End Date 10/15/2005 10/15/2005- 10/15/2005 10/15/2005 10/15/2005 10/15/2005 10/15/2005 10/15/2005 Data Qualifiers The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report .shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. - -IOJ0981 <Page9ofl6> Del Mar Analytical Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock Analyte Sample ID: Extraction Sample ID: Extraction Sample ID: Extraction Sample ID: Extraction Sample ID: Extraction Sample ID: Extraction Sample ID: Extraction Sample ID: Extraction IOJ0981-21 (S-21-Soil) IOJ098I-23 (S-23 - Soil) IOJ0981-24 (S-24 - Soil) IOJ0981-25 (S-25 - Soil) IOJ0981-26 (S-26 - Soil) IOJ0981-28 (S-27 - Soil) IOJ0981-29 (S-28 - Soil) IOJ0981-30 (S-29 - Soil) Project ID: CaTlsbad/4810-3 Report Number: 1010981 17461 Derian Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 (949)261-1022 FAX (949) 260-3297 1014 E. Cooley Dr., Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505 8596 FAX (858) 505-9689 9830 South 51st SL, Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FA)< (480) 785-0851 2520 E. Sunset Rd. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 798.3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 Sampled: 10/13/05 Received: 10/14/05 SPLP EXTRACTION - Metals Method EPA 1312-Met EPA 1312-Met EPA 1312-Met EPA 1312-Met EPA 1312-Met EPA 1312-Met EPA 1312-Met EPA 1312-Met Batch 5J14110 5J14110 5J14110 5J14110 5J14110 5J14110 5J14110 5J14110 Extraction Start Date 10/14/2005 10/14/2005 10/14/2005 10/14/2005 10/14/2005 10/14/2005 10/14/2005 10/14/2005 Extraction End Date 10/15/2005 . 10/15/2005 10/15/2005 10/15/2005 10/15/2005 10/15/2005 10/15/2005 10/15/2005 Data Qualifiers Dei Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. IOJ0981 <Pagel0ofI6> Del Mar Analytical "1. 17461 Derian Ave., Suite 100, In/ine, CA 92614 (949) 261-1022 FAX (949) 260-3297 1014 E. Cooley Dr., Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858) 505-9689 9830 South SlstSL, Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. Sunset Rd. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 798-3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 Dudek & Associates Project ID: Carlsbad/4810-3 605 3rd Street Sampled: 10/13/05 Encinitas, CA 92024 , Report Number: 1010981 Received: 10/14/05 Attention: Nicole Peacock SPLP EXTRACTION - Metals Extraction Extraction Data Analyte Method Batch J Start Date End Date Qualifiers Sample ID: IOJ0981-31 (S-30 - Soil) Extraction EPA 1312-Met 5J141,10 10/14/2005 ,10/15/2005 Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, rrt innoi except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. . <Page 11 of 16> Del Mar Analytical Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock Project ID: CarIsbad/4810-3 Report Number: 1OJ0981 17461 Derian Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 261-1022 FAX (949) 260-3297 1014 E. Cooley Dr., Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858) 505-9689 9830 South 51st St., Suite B-! 20, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. Sunset Rd. #3, Las.Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 798-3620 FAX (702) 798 3621 Sampled: 10/13/05 Received: 10/14/05 IVIK rilOI) Hi.ANK/QC DA I \ METALS Analyte Result Batch: 5JI4120 Extracted: I0/I4/0S Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Data Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifiers Blank Analyzed: 10/16/2005 (5JI4120-BLK1) Lead ND 2,0 LCS Analyzed: 10/16/2005 (5JI4120-BS1) Lead 47.6 2.0 Matrix Spike Analyzed: 10/16/2005 (5J14120-MS1) Lead 1230 2.0 Matrix Spike Dup Analyzed: 10/16/2005 (5J14120-MSD1) Lead 928 2,0 Batch: 5J17090 Extracted: 10/17/05 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 50,0 95 80-120 Source: IOJ0981-02 50,0 1000 460 75-125 Source: IOJ0981-02 50,0 1000 -144 75-125 28 20 M-HA M-HA Blank Analyzed: 10/17/2005 (5J17090-BLK1) Lead ND 2.0 LCS Analyzed: 10/17/2005 (5J17090-BS1) Lead 53.4 2.0 Matrix Spike Analyzed: 10/17/2005 (5J17090-MS1) Lead ' 68.0 • 2.0 Matrix Spike Dup Analyzed: 10/17/2005 (5J17090-MSD1) Lead , 61,9 '- 2.0 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 50.0 107 80-120 Source: IO.J0981-01 50.0 15 106 75-125 Source: 10,10981-01 50.0 15 • 94 75-125 20 I I Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. IOJ0981 <Pagel2ofl6> Del Mar Analytical 17461 Derian Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 (949)261-1022 FAX (949) 260-3297 1014 E. Cooley Dr., Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858) 505-9689 9830 South 51st St, Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. Sunset Rd. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 798-3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock Project ID: Carlsbad/4810-3 Report Number: 10 J0981 Ml. I lion HI.ANK/QC DA l A Sampled: 10/13/05 Received: 10/14/05 Analyte Batch: 5J15035 Extracted: 10/15/05 Result Blank Analyzed: 10/17/2005 (5J15035-BLK1) Lead ND LCS Analyzed: 10/17/2005 (5J15035-BSI) Lead 1.79 Matrix Spike Analyzed: 10/17/2005 (5J15035-MS1) Lead 1.89 Reporting Limit 0.10 0.10 0.10 SPLP METALS Spike Source %REC RPD Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 Data Qualifiers 2.00 •90 80-120 Source: IOJ0981-01 •2.00 ND 94 75-125 Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. IOJ0981 <Page 13 of 16> Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock Analyte Batch: 5JI5031 Extracted: 10/15/05 Blank Analyzed: 10/18/2005 (5J15031-BLK1) Hardness (as CaC03) ND I I Del Mar Analytical I I I I I I I I I I I I 17461 Derian Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 261-1022 FAX (949) 260-3297 1014 E, Cooley Dr,, Suite'A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858) 505-9689 9830 South SlstSL, Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. Sunset Rd. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 798-3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 Project ID: Carlsbad/4810-3 Report Number: 1010981 . Sampled: 10/13/05 Received: 10/14/05 MCKIOD IJLANK/QC DATA INORGANICS Reporting Limit 1.0 Units mg/1 Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Data Qualifiers I I I I Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. IOJ0981 <Pagel4ofl6> Del Mar Analytical 17461 Derian Ave , Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 (949)261-1022 FAX (949) 260-3297 1014 E. Cooley Dr., Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858) 505-9689 9630 South 51st St, Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 735-0851 2520 E. Sunset Rd. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 798-3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock Project ID: Carlsbad/4810-3 Report Number: 1010981 Sampled: 10/13/05 Received: 10/14/05 DATA QUALIFIERS AND DEFINITIONS M-HA Due to high levels of analyte in the sample, the MS/MSD calculation does not provide useful spike recovery information. See Blank Spike (LCS). ND Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limit or MDL, if MDL is specified. RPD Relative Percent Difference Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. IOJ0981 <Pagel5ofl6> Del Mar Analytical Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock Project ID: Carlsbad/4810-3 ; ' Report Number: 1OJ0981 17461 Derian Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA92614 (949)261-1022 FAX (949) 260-3297 1014 E. Cooley Dr., Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370.4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (853) 505-9689 9830 South 51st St, Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. SunsetRd. #3, LasVegas, NV 89120 (702) 798-3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 Sampled: 10/13/05 Received: 10/14/05 Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Method Matrix 6010B-SPLP EPA 1312-Met EPA 601 OB SM2340B Soil Soil Solid Water Certification Summary Nelac N/A X X California N/A X X Nevada and NELAP provide analyte specific accreditations. Analyte specific information for Del Mar Analytical may be obtained by contacting the laboratory or visiting our website at www.dmalabs.com. Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. IOJ0981 <Pagel6ofl6> CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD AND ANALYSIS REQUEST FORM PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. SAMPLER(S) SAMPLER'S SIGNATURE Send Results and Invoice To: Dudek & Associates, Inc. 605 Third Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Tel: 6W942-5147 Fax: giQ^g-j^-niRA Laboratory Page _ Del H^^ Ar'n't lyAV Attn: Shipment Method:v NOTE: All samples are preserved on Ice in coolers Helinquished Date: (O BY: "/^'^^ Company: PijdgfC~ Time: Relinquished By: Company: Date: Received By: \ ./"u >4<<j(? Company: ^ Date: Receiveti By^ Date: Company: Time: ^ Sample Receipt: } I No. ot containers coirect [ [ Received good conditlon/oold I I Contorms 10 COG document CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD AND ANALYSIS REQUEST FORM Page PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. SAMPLER(S) I Cole. Pear/xJC SAMPLER'S SIGNATURE Send Besul^s and Invoice To: NlCol€> ptac*^^ Petof QyinlTin Dudek & Associates, Inc. 605 Third Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Tel: e«/942-5147 Fax: eiamiAHUf Laboratory Attn: Shipment Method: NOTE: All samples are preserved on ice in coolers. LAB ID SAMPLE ID SAMPLE COLLECTION Date Time S-2S S-2.S' MATRIX 2<. Ground- Surfac* MS FILTRATION IN FIELD YF<i SAMPLE CONTAINERS (INCLUDE PRESERVATION ANALYSES REQUESTED TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTAINERS PER ANALYSIS: | j^'^T^Z^ ^3 5 3 X 1 SPECIAL INSTBUCT10NS TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTAINERS: n Relinquished By: Date; Company: _ Time: Relinquished By^ Company: Date: Time: Received By: ^ I'^^i/^y^^CyX OorryBnr. jj A-A./^y Date: ^™: Received By; Company; Sample Receipt: I I No. ol containers correct I I Rec«lved good condition/cold [ i Conforms to COC document CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD AND ANALYSIS REQUEST FORM Page Ot PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. SAMPLER(S) SAMPLER'S SiGNATURE_ Send Results and Invoice To: Dudek & Associates, Inc. 605 Third Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Tel: •et9/942-5147 Fax: bl9/002-eie»- Laboratory Attn: Shipment Method: fed t^K- ReiinqUshed By^ TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTAINERS PER ANALYSIS Company: Relinquished By^ Date; Company; Time: Received Date: Bv; L^tt _^)i;=i::^d^Company: JJM^ Z- /D-f/c^o^ Ti^: /d>i/~<r "Z^M^S^ Received By^ Date: Company; Time; Sample Receipt: I I No. of containers correct I I Received good condition/cold I I Conforms to COO document APPENDIX E Confirmation Soil Sampling Laboratory Analytical Report Del Mar Analytical 17461 Derian Ave., Suite 100, livine, CA 92614 (9491 261-1022 FAX (949) 260-3297 1014 E. Cooley Dr., Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 303, San Diego, C:A 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858) 505-9689 9830 South SlstSL, Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. Sunset Rd. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 798-3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 Prepared For: Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA.92024^ Attention: Nicole Peacock LABORATORY REPORT Project: Carlbad./ 4810-3 Sampled: 10/19/05 Received: 10/20/05 Issued: 10/21/05 10:33 NELAP #01108CA California ELAP# 1197 CSDLAC #10117 The results listed within this Laboratory Report pertain only to, the samples tested in the laboratory. The analyses contained in this report were performed in accordctnce with the applicable certifications as noted. All soil samples are reported on a wet weight basis unless otherwise noted in the report. This Laboratory Report is confidential and is intendedfor the sole use of Del Mar Analytical and its client. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. The Chain of Custody. I page, is included and is an integral part of this report. This entire report was reviewed and approvedfor release. LABORATORY ID IOJ1408-01 IOJ1408-02 lOJ 1408-03 lOJ 1408-04 IOJ1408-05 IOJ1408-06 IOJ1408-07 IOJ1408-08 lOJ 1408-09 IOJ1408-10 1011408-11 1OJ1408-12 IOJ1408-13 SAMPLE CROSS REFERENCE CLIENT ED TP-1 A TP-IB TP-2 TP-3A TP-3B TP-4 TP-5 TP-6 TP-7 TP-8A TP-8B TP-9 TP-10 MATRIX Soil. Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Reviewed By: Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager IOJ1408 <Pagelof6> Method I I Del Mar Analytical I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 17461 Derian Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 (949)261-1022 FAX (949) 260-3297 1014 E. Cooley Dr., Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858) 505-9689 9830 South 51st SL, Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. SunsetRd. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702)798-3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock Analyte Sample ID: IOJ1408-01 (TP-IA - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ1408-02 (TP-IB - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ1408-03 (TP-2 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ1408-04 (TP-3A - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ1408-05 (TP-3B - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ1408-06 (TP-4 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ1408-07 (TP-5 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ1408-08 (TP-6 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ1408-09 (TP-7 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ1408-10 (TP-8A - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Project ID: Carlbad/4810-3 Report Number: IOJ1408 METALS Reporting Batch Limit EPA6010B. 5J20117 2.0 EPA 601 OB 5J20117 2.0 EPA6010B 5J20117 2.0 EPA6010B 5J20117 2.0 EPA 601 OB 5J20117 . 2.0 EPA6010B 5J20117 2.0 EPA 601 OB 5J20117 2.0 EPA6010B 5J20117 2.0 EPA6010B 5J20117 2.0 EPA6010B 5J20117 2.0 Sampled: 10/19/05 Received: 10/20/05 Sample Dilution Date Date Data Result Factor Extracted Analyzed Qualifiers 7.4 14 8.2 7.4 5.9 10 21 7.2 7.8 5.4 10/20/2005 10/21/2005 1 10/20/2005 10/21/2005 1 10/20/2005 10/21/2005 1 10/20/2005 10/21/2005 1 10/20/2005 10/21/2005 1 10/20/2005 10/21/2005 1 10/20/2005 10/21/2005 1 10/20/2005 10/21/2005 1 10/20/2005 10/21/2005 1 10/20/2005 10/21/2005 I I I I Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. -IOJ1408 <Page2of6> Del Mar Analytical 17461 Derian Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 261-1022 FAX (949) 260-3297 1014 E. Coo\ey Dr., Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909)370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, Oi 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858) 505-9689 9830 South SlstSL, Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. Sunset Rd. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 798-3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock Analyte Project ID: Carlbad / 4810-3 Report Number: IOJ1408 Sample ID: IOJ1408-11 (TP-8B - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ1408-12 (TP-9 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOJ1408-13 (TP-10 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Method EPA 601 OB EPA 601 OB EPA 601OB METALS Reporting Batch Limit Sampled: 10/19/05 Received: 10/20/05 Sample Dilution Date Date Result Factor Extracted Analyzed Data Qualifiers 5J20117 5J20117 5J20117 2.0 2.0 2.0 10 7.6 42 10/20/2005 10/21/2005 10/20/2005 10/21/2005 10/20/2005 10/21/2005 Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, withoutwritten permissionfrom Del Mar Analytical. IOJ1408 <Page3of6> I Del Mar Analytical Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock Project ID: Carlbad / 4810-3 Report Number: IOJ1408 17461 DerianAve., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 (949)261-1022 FAX (949) 260-3297 1014 E.,Cooley Dr, Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesapealte Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858) 505-9689 9830 South SlstSL, Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. Sunset Rd. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 798-3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 Sampled: 10/19/05 Received: 10/20/05 MLTMOI) Bl.ANK/QC DA I A METALS Analyte Batch: 5J20117 Extracted: 10/20/05 Reporting Result Limit Units Spike Source %REC RPD Data Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifiers Blank Analyzed: 10/21/2005 (5J20117-BLK1) Lead ND 2.0 LCS Analyzed: 10/21/2005 (5J20117-BS1) Lead 47.5 , 2.0 Matrix Spike Analyzed: 10/21/2005 (5J201I7-MS1) Lead 54.9 2.0 Matrix Spike Dup Analyzed: 10/21/2005 (5J20117-MSD1) Lead 54.8 ' . 2.0 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 50.0 95 80-120 Source: IOJ1408-01 50.0 7.4 95 75-125 Source: IOJ1408-01 50.0 74 95 75-125 0 20 Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager I The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. IOJ1408 <Page4of6> Del Mar Analytical 17461 Derian Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 (949)261-1022 FAX (9.49) 260-3297 1014 E. Cooley Dr, Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909)370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesapeake Dr, Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858) 505-9689 9830 South 51st SL, Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. SunsetRd. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702)798-3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock Project ID: Carlbad / 4810-3 Report Number: IOJ1408 DATA QUALIFIERS AND DEFINITIONS ND Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limit or MDL, if MDL is specified. RPD Relative Percent Difference Sampled: 10/19/05 Received: 10/20/05 I I I I I I I I Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. IOJ1408 <Page5of6> Del Mar Analytical Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock Project ID: Carlbad / 4810-3 Report Number: IOJ1408 17461 DerianAve, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 (949)261-1022 F,VC (949) 260-3297 1014 E. Cooley Dr., Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858) 505-9689 9830 South SlstSL, Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. Sunset Rd. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 798-3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 Sampled: 10/19/05 Received: 10/20/05 Certification Summary Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Method Matrix Nelac California EPA6010B Solid X X Nevada and NELAP provide analyte specific accreditations. Analyte specific information for Del Mar Analytical may be obtained by contacting the laboratory or visiting our website at www.dmalabs.com. Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not t ' except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. ' reproduced. 1OJ1408 <Page6of6> GHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD AND ANALYSIS REQUEST FORM PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. SAMPLJER(S) SAMPLER'S SIGNATURE Send Results and Invoice To: Dudek & Associates, Inc. 605 Third Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Tel: 640)942-5147 Fax: fin/F?7 'i'lfil Laboratory Shipment Method: J~icJ Attn: Page I 0, J •M NOTE: All samples are preserved on ice In coolers. LAB ID SAMPLE ID TF-IA E SAMPLE COLLECTION Date Time Ml-(W7 J5J0 MATniX Qround. Surfac* >4Mtf I Waif FILTRATION IN FIELD SAMPLE CONTAINERS QNCLUDE PRESERVATION T ANALYSES REQUESTED ^1 s SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 'f^:i 14-03 las: 1^ TP-10 5kl TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTAINERS PER ANALYSIS: | | "2y TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTAINERS: Relinquished By: [Date: Company: Time: Relinquished By^ Date: Company: Time: Received By: ( Conapany; Time: Received By: Date: Company: Time: Sample Receipt: No. of oortalners eorrecl ReoBlved good condltlon/coM Conforms to COC document •3 Del Mar Analytical Prepared For: 17461 Derian Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 (945) 261-1022 FAX (949) 200-3297 1014 E. Cooley Dr., SuiteA, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4607 FAX (909) 370-1046 9434 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858) 505-9089 9830 South 51st St., Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. Sumk Rtl. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 790-3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 Dudeic & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock LABORATORY REPORT Project: Carlsbad/4810-3 Sampled: 12/13/05 Received: 12/14/05 Issued: 12/15/05 14:05 NELAP #01108CA California ELAP#1197 CSDLAC #10117 The results listed within this Laboratory Report pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. The analyses contained in this report were performed in accordance with the applicable certifications as noted. All soil samples are reported on a wet weight basis unless otherwise noted in the report. This Laboratory Report is confidential and is intendedfor the sole use of Del Mar Analytical and its client. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical The Chain of Custody, I page, is included and is an integral part of this report. This entire report was reviewed and approved for release. LABORATORY ID IOL1359-01 lOLl 359-02 IOH359-03 IOL1359-04 IOL1359-05 1OL1359-06 1OL1359-07 lOLl 359-08 SAMPLE CROSS REFERENCE CLIENT ID CS-1 CS-2 .CS-3 CS-4 CS-5 CS-6 CS-7 . • CS-8 MATRIX Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Reviewed By: Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager IOL1359 <Pagelof5> Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock I I I I I I I I I I I I Del Mar Analytical Analyte Sample ID: IOL1359-01 (CS-1 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOL1359-02 (CS-2 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOL1359-03 (CS-3 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOL1359-04 (CS-4 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOL1359-05 (CS-5 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOL1359-06 (CS-6 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOL1359-07 (CS-7 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Sample ID: IOL1359-08 (CS-8 - Soil) Reporting Units: mg/kg Lead Project ID: Carlsbad/4810-3 Report Number: IOL1359 METALS Method EPA 6020 EPA 6020 EPA 6020 EPA 6020 EPA 6020 EPA 6020 EPA 6020 EPA 6020 Reporting Batch Limit 5L14129 0.50. 5L14129 5.0 5L14129 0.50 5L14129 5.0 5L14129 0.50 5L14129 0.50 5L14129 0.50 5L14129 0.50 17461 DerianAve., Suite 100, livine, CA 92614 (949) 261-1022 FAX (949) 260-3297 1014 E. Cooley Dr., Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4667 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesaijeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858) 505-9689 9830 South 51 St St., Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. Sunset Rd. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 798-3620 FAX (702) 798-3621 Sampled: 12/13/05 Received; 12/14/05 Sample Dilution Date Date Data Result Factor Extracted Analyzed Qualifiers 100 510 140 470 6.0 36 110 210 1 12/14/2005 12/15/2005 10 12/14/2005 12/15/2005 1 12/14/2005 12/15/2005 10 12/14/2005 12/15/2005 1 12/14/2005 12/15/2005 1 12/14/2005 12/15/2005 1 12/14/2005 12/15/2005 Ml 1 12/14/2005 12/15/2005 I I I I I I Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. IOL1359 <Page2ofS^ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Del Mar Analytical 17401 Derian Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 (949)201-1022 FAX (949) 260-3297 1014 E. Cooley Dr., Suite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4607 FAX (909) 3700046 9484 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, (L^ 92123 (858) 505-8596 FAX (858)505-9689 9830 South 51 St St., Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. SunsetRd. #3, LasVegas, NV89120 (702)798-3020 FAX (702) 798-3621 Dudek & Associates 605 3rd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock Project ID: Carlsbad/4810-3 Report Number: IOL1359 Sampled: 12/13/05 Received: 12/14/05 Ml. rilOl) 1$I.ANK/Q( DA l A METALS Analyte Batch: 5L14129 Extracted: 12/14/05 Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result, Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Blank Analyzed: 12/15/2005 (5L14129-BLK1) Lead ND LCS Analyzed: 12/15/2005 (5L14129-BS1) LeaiJ 45.7 Matrix Spike Analyzed: 12/15/2005 (5L14129-MS1) Lead 176 0.50 Matrix Spike Dup Analyzed: 12/15/2005 (5L14129-MSD1) Lead 466 0.50 Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager Data Qualifiers 0.50 mg/kg 0.50 . mg/kg 50.0 91 80-120 Source: IOL1359-07 mg/kg 50.0 110 132 75-125 Source: IOL1359-07 mg/kg 50.0 110 712 75-125 90 20 MI Ml The results pertain only to the .samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. IOL1359 <Page3of5> Del Mar Analytical I Dudek & Associates I 605 3rd Street I Encinitas, CA 92024 I Attention: Nicole Peacock Project ID: Carlsbad/4810-3 Report Number: IOLI359 17461 Derian Ave., Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92614 (949)261-1022 1014 E. Cooley Dr., Srrite A, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 370-4067 9484 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8596 9830 South SlstSL, Suite 6-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 2520 E. SunsetRd. #3, LasVegas, NV 89120 (702) 798-3020 FAX (949) 260-3297 FAX (909) 370-1040 FAX (858) 505-9689 FAX (480) 785-0851 FAX (702) 798-3621 Sampled: Received: 12/13/05 12/14/05" Ml ND RPD DATA QUALIFIERS AND DEFINITIONS The MS and/or MSD were above the acceptance limits due to sample matrix interference. See Blank Spike (LCS). Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limit or MDL, if MDL is specified. Relative Percent Difference • ' Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Del Mar Analytical. IOL1359 <Page4of5> Del Mar Analytical 17461 DerianAve, Suite 100, hvino, CA92614 (949)261-1022 FAX (949) 260-3297 1014 E. Cooley Dr., Suite A, Colton, CA92324 (909) 370-4007 FAX (909) 370-1046 9484 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 805, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 505-8590 FAX (858) 505-9689 9830 South 51st St., Suite B-120, Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480) 785-0043 FAX (480) 785-0851 2520 E. Sunset Rd. #3, Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 798-3620 FAX (702) 798-3021 I Dudek & Associates I 605 3rd Street I Encinitas, CA 92024 Attention: Nicole Peacock Project ID: Carlsbad/4810-3 Report Number: IOL1359 Sampled: 12/13/05 Received: 12/14/05 Certification Summary Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Method Matrix Nelac California EPA 6020 Soil XX Nevada and NELAP provide analyterSpecific accreditations. Analyte specific information for Del Mar Analytical may be obtained by contacting the laboratory or visiting our website at www.dmalabs.com. Del Mar Analytical, Irvine Trevor Brenner Project Manager The results pertain only to the samples tested in the laboratory. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permissionfrom Del Mar Analytical. IOL1359 <Page5of5> CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD AND ANALYSIS REQUEST FORM Send Results and Invoice To: Hi u ^ y Laboratory Page PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO. SAMPLER(S) j Peter Quinlan—rM'.t-:v.> i Duidek & /tesociates, inc. i 605 Third Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Tel: S+9/942-5147 Fax: 61 Attn: . Shipment Method; SAMPLER'S SIGNATURE • NOTE: Ail sa /I r /Y<^ SAMPLE CONTAINERS ANALYSES REQUESTED SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS SAMPLER'S SIGNATURE • NOTE: Ail sa mples are preserved on ice in coolers. • • y ••' -— ^ ,4 o j f- 7^ 1'^. . .. "77AT LAB ID SAMPLE ID SAMPLE COLLECTION MATRIX FILTRATION IN FIELD y ••' -— ^ ,4 o j f- 7^ 1'^. . .. "77AT LAB ID SAMPLE ID Dale Time Qfounc). Surtac* VPS NO •J- j f- 7^ 1'^. . .. "77AT CS-l Iz. y % ( y 1 1 X 1 X. : 1 I— i X' _!—L±~^ 1 > i X C'y- ^ . \ V [/ I ?< — i 1 —— TOT \L NUMBER OF CONTAINERS PER ANALYSIS: TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTAINERS; Relinquished By^ Date: Company: _ Time: ^r-A^^- /t^c^'^ Company: f^/j^ Relinquished Date: -fy.O C Time: f 0, S'O •mpany: Tinne: ,/o/ S Received By:^/** Date:/A-/^^r Received By: S'^^^n/'-A Company: I^MA'J— Date: ^•2- Of" Time: t '-^^JT^^" if containers correct Sample Receipt: [3^ tll^ofc 7/] Received good oirxJfflofVcolcl I I Corrlorms to COC document I I I APPENDIX F Waste Management Affidavit AFFTOAVIT I I, Khalid Dawood declare and state as follows: 1. 3. 4. I am employed by SEMA Construction, Inc. in the capacity of project manager between Aug. 2005 and March 2006. I am the project manager on the project known as Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course project No 39721-1 ("Project") for the City of Carlsbad. Project mvolves mass grading of a planned gulf course. I contracted with Waste Management address 2141 Oceanside Blvd., Ocean side, CA 92504 for the services of hauling soil material containing lead from the Project to a dump site that accepts such material. Hauling to be performed by utilizing roll-off containers. 5. Waste Management hauled the soU material to MOODY'S El Corazon Reclamation, P.O.Box 969 Bonsall, CA 92003 per records provided by Waste Management. r j 6. Waste Management was informed that the soil had lead in it and the need for special contamers rather than normal open end trucking. 7. SEMA is in the earth moving business and did not haul the soil contaming lead Itself because of the lead. 8. To the best of my knowledge the soil containmg lead was hauled to a site that accepts such material and it was selected by Waste Management. I declare under penalty of perjury that the above is true apd correct, March 3,2006 State of ^...California County of _03zange_ On March 3. 200^ personally appeared before me, ^ Karen s. RaT-f-^^^-^- B known to me - OB - • p^ved .o me on *e basis of saUsfaoto^ evidenoa to be. the p6rson{s} whose na(ne(5) Is/are subscribed to the within Instrument and ac- knowfedged to me that he/sherthey executed the same In his/herAhelr authorized capacrty(ies), and that by his/her/thelr sfgna(ure(s) on the (nsthiment tha pQrson(5}, or the entity upon behaff of which the persan(s> acted, executed the Instrumsnt, " ^"'T^ OFFICIAL S6AL- ^ ^i^ ^ 1 NCRARyptJBUCNo,1382185 Z £.i^ ,V S»lEC»OiilffOI»aA 111 WWeSS my hand and offfdal seal. -OPmONAL CAPACITY eLAlMED.Br SIGNER Q COfiPORATCOPRCefl OKCRIPTTON OF ATTACKED DOCUMENT Af f idavrit nnjftai nTLE OR TYPE OF OOCUMQ^ff O UMnm M m Q GENERAL O GUAROlANTCONSGRYATOfl ^QTHgfc, Project Manaaf>r NUMSER OF PAGES OATE OF OOCOMENT SlGNERCS? OTHER THm NAMED ABOVE ICtr CP 416 '