HomeMy WebLinkAbout; James Drive Undeground-Extended Storm Drain; James Drive Undeground-Extended Storm Drain; 1986-05-07CITY OF CARLSBAD JAMES DRIVE UNDERGROUND EXTENDED STORM DRAIN SERVICE AREA HYDROLOGY AND FACILITY HYDRAULICS REPORT n U nu n U u n u n LJ n u LJ n1 iLJ FRASER & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers May 7, 1986 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 120-510 ATTN: Mr. Roger Greer, Director Utilities/Maintenance Department Subject: James Drive Underground Extended Storm Drain, Hydrology And Hydraulics Report Gentlemen: This report examines the portion of Storm Water Basin BB, as defined in the City of Carlsbad Master Drainage Plan of 1980, that is upstream of Tamarack Avenue and continues to the southerly terminus of James Drive. The storm water basin has been divided into sub-basins in order to determine the incremental needs of the storm drain system. Each sub-basin has been further subdivided into soil type areas and use areas. Soil types were determined using the, "Soil Survey of San Diego Area, California", prepared by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS). Use areas were taken from the "General Plan Map" of the City of Carlsbad. The procedure of the study will be discussed in detail in the "Methodology" section. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Although the scope of the study did not require the examination of the existing 18-inch diameter storm drain in the portion of James Drive immediately south of Basswood Avenue, we have checked it and find it to be undersized. It should be increased to a 30-inch diameter pipe sloped at 0.16%. We understand, however, that you do not wish to proceed with the design for this modification at this time. 2. The storm drain from the southerly terminus of the northerly section of James Drive to Chestnut Avenue ,/ should be a 42-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipe f)i (RCP) a with a slope of 0.16%. FRASER & ASSOCIATES 2945 HARDING STREET, SUITE 211, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) 434-1794 Mr . Roger Gr eer May 7, 1986 Page two 3. Replace the two 30-inch diameter culverts under Chestnut Avenue with a single 42-inch diameter storm drain to match the upstream and downstream storm drain diameter LJ required for this reach. The construction cost of reinforced concrete transition structures is almost as D expensive as replacement. Most importantly, however, the transition structures would constitute a higher maintenance obligation and increase the liability for G flood damages should it become blocked from debris caught up in the transition structure or going from a 42-inch diameter to a 30-inch diameter pipeline. 0 4. The storm drain from Chestnut Avenue southerly to «n Magnolia should be a 42-inch diameter RCP with a slope of 1.05% +.Hj ] 5. The storm drain from the northerly side of Magnolia l£^ Avenue to Tamarack Avenue should be a 54-inch RCP with a V ,_, slope of 0.0064% ±. L— ' 6. Perform a detailed hydrology and hydraulics study to determine the precise deficiencies of the existing storm /£, J""1 drain from Tamarack south to Agua Hedionda Lagoon and " LJ provide the hydraulic capacity consistent with current standards. This need will become even more important - [— i when the lower reach is called upon to convey the full capacity generated in the newly constructed upper reach north of Tamarack Avenue. In this situation there will be insufficient capacity in some reaches of the lower section (south of Tamarack Avenue) to adequately serve LJ the southern sections of the drainage area causing local flooding and erosion conditions. Good engineering n practice normally would suggest that adequate downstream !__! hydraulic capacity be provided prior to increasing the hydraulic capacity of upstream sections of a storm water P-, system. u METHODOLOGY l~t 1. Drainage Areas: Drainage areas were determined using LJ County of San Diego 200 feet equals one inch scale, ortho-photo contour maps. The northerly line of drainage |—j basin BB was established as per the City of Carlsbad j Master Drainage Plan. Each sub-basin was plotted on the ortho-photo maps; each map was checked for scale and each sub-basin was measured using a compensating Polar Planimeter. A minimum of two measurements for each basin were taken,-. Planimetry and the results of it are shown on Sheets 1, 2 & 12 of the Appendix.n "— ' FRASER & ASSOCIATES 2945 HARDING STREET, SUITE 211. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619)434-1794 n U Mr. Roger Greer H May 7, 1986 LJ Page three n LJ Runoff Coefficients: Runoff coefficients were determined by calculating the average value of C based on the characteristics of the soil group, land use designation and the proportion of different soils groups and land uses within any one basin. Soils groups were taken from Sheet 22 of the U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS), "Soil Survey of San Diego Area, California". A copy of the relevant portion of this reference is included in the appendix as Exhibit "B". The hydrologic group of each soil group was taken from Table 11 of pages 33 and 36 of said SCS survey and are included in the appendix as Exhibits C & D, respectively. Levels of intensity of development were determined using build-out densities as LJ shown•on the General Plan Map of The City of Carlsbad an excerpt being included in the appendix as Exhibit "A". n Specific values for runoff coefficients were then LJ calculated using the basic values shown in Appendix IX of the County of San Diego Flood Control District, ,—, "Hydrology Manual". Appendix IX is included in the appendix of this report as Exhibit "E". LJ 3. Intensity Values: The value of D (Duration) was I"1 determined for the most remote reach using the sum of L LJ (Lag) and Tc (Time of concentration) from the graphs shown as Exhibits "G" & "F", respectively, both graphs- i—> are taken from "Section 4" of the National Engineering : Handbook as published by USDA, Soil Conservation Service. Subsequent downstream times of concentration were determined by the sum of the time of concentrations from i the most remote point to the point in question. The LJ resultant value was used as the duration value to compute intensity. The location of the project was marked on the I"1 7-1/2 minute USGS Quad Sheet, "San Luis Rey, California", LJ and the latitude and longitude were measured for the center of the overall area. A portion of said quad sheet (—i is shown on Exhibit "H" of the appendix. Using the • location so derived, the location of the project was marked on the 10 year, 50 year and 100 year, 6 and 24 hour precipitation maps provided by the U.S. Department I"1 of Commerce and included as Exhibits "L", "M", "0", U "P","R" & "S" in the appendix. The 6 and 24 hour precipitation rates were marked on and processed per the n 1984 Intensity Duration Design Chart which are Exhibits jj "N", "Q" & "T" of the appendix. The value of I (Intensity) was then computed for individual case as the product of 7.44 times the adjusted 6 hour precipitation rate times the duration which had been raised to the negative 0.645 power. n LJ FRASER & ASSOCIATES 2945 HARDING STREET, SUITE 211. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619)434-1794 n L Mr . Roger Greer !~| May 7, 1986 LJ Page four H ' 4. Runoff Quantities; The sum of the areas of all of the sub-basins considered by this report is 2 83. 4 acres or 0.448 square mile. The calculation of rainfall LJ quantities by the rational method, Q=CIA, was used as the appropriate procedure. Runoff quantities were computednmanually and by program. The manual results, shown on Sheets 6 through 13 of the appendix, agree with the program results shown on Sheet 14 of the appendix. The Q slight difference in values is due to the program results being carried to a greater degree of mathematical accuracy. (The degree of mathematical accuracy of both procedures exceeds the accuracy of the statistical data on which they are based). The- results shown on sheet 14 LJ are the data used to conclude this report. Sheet 18 of the appendix, summarizes flows for the 10,50, and 100 [~~> year design storms versus the capacity of the existing ^ and recommended storm drain conduits. Sheets 19 & 20 and Exhibit "V", of the appendix, review the capacity of P-, streets and swale areas to accept storm water flows. *— ' As reviewed with you and Mr. Eggleston on May 5, 1986, the performance requirements used to determine conduit sizing P are: LJ a. The 10 year storm is carried within the storm dorain n ' b. The 50 year storm is carried within the curbline of the street. : c. The 100 year storm is carried within the right-of- LJ way of the street, or side lines of the easement, where applicable. n j_j d. No lines are downsized, except that the existing 48" diameter storm drain that receives the project (—, waters represents a size reduction. *— ' e. No existing storm drain facilities are to be replaced excepting only as required for connection, I"1 existing 12" diameter drain under Magnolia Avenue LJ and the 30" diameter drains under Chestnut Avenue. n f. The hydraulic capacity of the receiving 48" storm ; drain is presumed to be such that it introduces no backwater effect into the new line. As we discussed, the results of this report should not be L- ' construed to reflect upon previous designers' of storm drain facilities in the basin or upon the drainage master plan. Then FRASER & ASSOCIATES 2945 HARDING STREET, SUITE 211. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619)434-1794 n L nU n U nu nu n U rLJ u p LJ p U Mr. Roger Greer May 7, 1986 Page five criteria for determining storm drain sizes was change in 1984-85 when the San Diego County Flood Control District introduced new Intensity-Duration/Isopluvial Charts. The result of the new charts was to increase storm water amounts. DOWNSTREAM CAPACITY As you requested, we have performed a preliminary assessment of the hydraulic capacity of the storm drain system from Tamarack Avenue to its discharge into the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. We have identified the drainage area, subareas and each of the pipe elements on our working maps. By observation, it is apparent that most elements of this portion of the storm drain are hydraulically deficient based on current design practices. Please refer to our recommendation, number 6. For additional information regarding our methodology, please refer to Appendix "A", which is attached. If you have any questions or comments regarding this report, please do not hesitate to call us. Sincerely, FRASER & ASSOCIATES Walter H. Brown, P.E. ^Graham T&^T r a s e r , P.E, WHB:GTF:dlm Enclosures 27616 EXPIRE s 3/31/90 PU FRASER & ASSOCIATES 2945 HARDING STREET, SUITE 211. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) 434-1794 D APPENDIX "A FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers • \ I , - '_ I] Cf)L ^ PT Me AS **ARE A.(ACRES) Bb-lA*I.6S?Us?UZ8 22.00 22.oo BB-fB e.733 0.729 0,731 1.70 B&-JM 2.1 ?0 29.07 BB-3A 3, 138 6*6/0 21. BB-SB 0*0/0 6,0/0 0,0/0 0,13 B8-2A 2.0S4 2,052 2.0S3 27.25 56.3Z it 88-3A 0.3 1&6.319 0,31?4.Z3 45, SB BB-4A 0.363 0.364 0*344 4, B3 B8-5A 2.2B8 2.28*2.287 30,35- 88 -SB 0,1V?o./g?0,/SB 2,50 17.155 227.6 FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers # Me** 3SZ-IUS B8-S4 1.032 t-031 13,72 '46.03 it -SB 0*236 0334 JJ2 35B-/4?/BB-SB -. SB 2.33 362-/&S 2 2. CO 1*140 M39 it 0,2} '6 0.218 0,2/8 2,89 7.20 O.OS2 0.0S2 0.69 -SAfJ)0.760 10 JO Bt-SAfc)0*292 O.292 0.2*2 3.8B 7.?8 355 -* S77 0?. 76.) 'A 4 £7 0.457 (l4.CS1} 21.354 ZB3.40zea.41 2B3.40 ftuxiu.4RYfiR.ZAS IN Son. Trre Cy C,//rt>x0&0<ff/c£#ot"' B8-JB 0,2 Si 0.2S3 O.ZSZ 3.34 BB-34 0,492 14 JZ 0.23s 0,133 3.09 3SB-/U5 0.20/0.199 B&-2A 2,57 (MB S.jp.Z PHASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers • •_ - ^ ^_ _ !3f)\s»J . i fvro 3 -Sb/^ i)*DL C*C - ^0/4.1•* , COMPLEX, 2 To 9 PeA.CEnj7-t Is Pt-A*>*Jis.p As . "7ft e "757 /.r So/e~ j 2 To? As u t J O Co eFF Or 0. C.3O i/s&v OF Fo*. p ': SCHOOLS' 7& Mi E" PHASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers D I > 9 To 3O '>l 'n. /? ,s ;/5 2Z ^HP^M2Z 1 S TA. tC 7- UAt.""A KS AJ ft MO // A <- <• flK. ... A MtC " f CH »• -• 86 ... ~\ _ ENA *&>ON V V RUM fU fRLM RLM nut STUDY SITE:OB ni MJM fttJM RLM 08 'RLIT RLM RLM 08 RM O8 O8 O8 O8 >8 RM RUN RLM 08 m.PI OS EXHIBIT 'A TABLE 11 .--INTERPRETATIONS FOR LAND MANAGEMENT--Continued lap C" :aD2 ;bB bC :bD :bE:cc :cE ieC jfB:fc :fD2 :gc hA 1,8 IkA :iD2 IE: :iG2 mE2 ImrGrj •nG2 1'o i'r ZsB TsC >sD':tE:tF luE LUG ivG j)aC DaD •OaE )aE2 i)aF Soil Calpine coarse sandy loam, 9 to 15 percent slopes, eroded. Carlsbad gravelly loamv sand 2 to 5 percent slopes Carlsbad gravelly loamy sand, 15 to 30 percent slopes ; Chesterton fine sandy loam, 9 to 15 percent slopes, eroded. Chesterton-Urban land complex, 2 to 9 percent slopes: Cieneba coarse sandy loam, 5 to 15 percent slopes, eroded. Cieneba coarse sandy loam, 15 to 50 percent slopes, eroded. Cieneba coarse sandy loam, 30 to 65 percent slopes, eroded. Cieneba rocky coarse sandy loam, 9 to 30 percent slopes, eroded. Cieneba very rocky coarse sandy loam, 30 to 75 percent slopes. Cieneba-Fallbrook rocky sandy loams, 9 to 30 percent slopes, eroded: Cieneba-Fallbrook rocky sandy loams, 30 to 65 percent slopes, eroded: Crouch rocky coarse sandy loam, 5 to 30 percent slopes. Crouch rocky coarse sandy loam, 30 to 70 percent slopes. Crouch stony fine sandy loam, 30 to 75 percent slopes . Hydro - logic group B C C C C D D A D D D D D-s C C C B B B B B B C B C D A A A A B B B B B D D D D D Erodibility Moderate 2--- Severe 2- Severe 2 Severe 16 Severe 16 Moderate 2 — Severe 16 Severe 16---- Severe 16 Severe 16 Severe 16 Moderate 2 — Severe 2 Severe 16 Severe 16 Severe 1 ci 4 ohr - - -- ci i (*ht Moderate 1--- Limitations for conversion from brush to grass Slight. 4/ Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. Moderate. Slight. Slight. Moderate. Severe . Severe. Severe. Severe. Severe. Severe. Severe. Severe. Severe. Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. Moderate. Moderate. Moderate. Moderate. Slight. I/ Slight. I/ Slight. I/ Slight. I/ Moderate. I/ "1 See footnotes at end of table.u 33 ' r • D TABLE 11.--INTERPRETATIONS FOR LAND MANAGEMENT--Continued D Map symbol LfE LpB LpC LpC2 LpD2 LpE2 LrE LrE2 LrG LsE LsF Lu LvF3 Md MIC M1E MnA MnB MoA MpA2 MrG MvA MvC MvD MxA OhC OhE OhF OkC OkE PeA PeC PeC2 PeD2 PfA PfC Py Soil Las Flores-Urban land complex, 9 to 30 percent slopes: Las Posas fine sandy loam, 5 to 9 percent slopes, eroded. Las Posas fine sandy loam, 9 to 15 percent slopes, eroded. Las Posas fine sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes, eroded. Las Posas stony fine sandy loam, 9 to 30 percent slopes. Las Posas stony fine sandy loam, 9 to 30 percent slopes, eroded. Las Posas stony fine sandy loam, 30 to 65 percent slopes. Loamy alluvial land-Huerhuero complex, 9 to 50 percent slopes, severely eroded: ^ecca fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, eroded Mottsville loamy coarse sand, wet, 0 to 2 percent slopes. 01 ivenhain- Urban 1 and complex , 2 to 9 percent slopes : Olivenhain-Urban land complex, 9 to 30 percent slopes: Placentia sandy loam, thick surface, 0 to 2 percent slopes. Placentia sandy loam, thick surface, 2 to 9 percent slopes. Hydro - logic group D D D D D D D D D D C C B D D D A A B B B B D A A A D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Erodibility Moderate 2 Moderate 2 Moderate 2 Moderate 2 Moderate 1 — Moderate 1 — Moderate 1 — Severe 1 Moderate 2 — Severe 16 Severe 16 Severe 16 Severe 16 Severe 16 Severe 16 Severe 16 Severe 16 Severe 16 Moderate 2 Limitations for conversion from brush to grass Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. Moderate. Moderate. Moderate. Moderate. Moderate. Slight. Severe. Severe. Slight. Slight. Severe . Slight. 4/ Slight. 4/ Slight. V Slight. 4/ Slight. Slight. Moderate. Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. Slight. See footnotes at end of table. 36 EXHIBIT 'D NOTES: t-W" RlNCr? HCEFFICIENTS (RATIONAL METHOD; U L.-\ND USE . Coefficient, C Soil Group i'l)n ' ' '.*&* i .£. Undeveloped .5U .35 .40 .-5 D Residential: Rural. ..•JJ,/ "35 .40 .45 M Single Family ' .40- .45 .SO .55 Multi-Units .45 .50 .60 .70 U Mobile Homes (2) .45 .50 .55 .63 . r-i Commercial (2) .70 .75 .80 .35 80% Impervious Industrial (2) .30 .85 .90 .95 Ft 90% Impervious (1) Obtain soil group from maps on file with the Department of Sanitation and Flood Control. (2) Where actual conditions deviate significantly from the tabulated imperviousness values of 80% or 90%, the values given for coefficient C, may be revised by multiplying 80% or 90% by the ratio of actual imperviousness to the tabulated imperviousness. However, in no case shall the final coefficient be less than 0.50. For example: Consider commercial property on 0 soil group. Actual imperviousness = 50% Tabulated imperviousness = 80% Revised C = 2 X 0.85 = 0.53 APPENDIX IX 15-8 VELOCITY IN FEET PER SECOND Figure 15.2.—Velocities for upland method of estimating Tc n 15—10 . |. oittxTcsT ooto UNGTH m FEET § 8 8 § MOCK • HnMOUWCKM.C0«ai EXAMPIE »»W: J • TJBOTtT? '• J Figure 15.3.—-Curve number method for estimating lag (L) CM ^ O.9S *- - ;•••;-,;.. • . . Country Club. I •"-•->*.«- - y^s.fa: ''; -• /• CONFERENCE REPORT FRASER & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers Time Jam)/HYPO 106V Title T?L A JO KJE. X R.LS BA D ^rr y OF F ic E s Phone No. ITEMS DISCUSSED HlGHLAfOP ' COMMENTS OR ACTION REQUIRED FRASER & ASSOCIATES 2945 HARDING STREET. SUITE 211, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619 FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers joe NO. IT — I T 'I FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers r JJD Rou r e T?VUT T3 TTl ' V ' COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION fr FLOOD CONTROL 10-YEAR 6-HOUfi PRECIPITATION '-IB- ISGPLUl'IALS OF 10-YEAR 6-!39Ui! JPRECIPITATIOM IN IJENTHS OF AN INCH IOSIMIERIC ADMINISTRATION YDROLOQY. NATIONAL WEATHER SERWCK Pr*pi|r«d by U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND AT1 SPECIAL STUDIES BRANCH, OFFICE OF I 30' 118 czn COUNTY OF SAM DIEGO ?,Enn?T?ENT °F SANITATIONFLOOD CONTROL 10-YEAR 24-1101 --2IUISOPLUVIALS iJ IN PRECIPITATION OF 10-YEAR 24-HOUR EHTHS OF AN IfJCII Pr«pi t*d by U.S. DEPARTMEr T OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND AT lOSI'MKRIC ADMINISTRATION ECIAL STUDIES BRANCH. OKPICE OK I fDROLOOV, NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE 30 118 DESIGN CHART Intensity (In,/Hr.) 6 Hr. Precipitation (In.) 30 40 50 1 /£>198.4 Directions for Application: • •* • • j 1) From precipitation maps determine 6 hr. and •;] 24 hr. amounts for the selected frequency. :] These maps are printed in the County Hydrology Manual (10, 50 and 100 yr. maps included in tn Design and Procedure Manual). ' 2) Adjust 6 hr. precipitation (if necessary) so that It is within the range of 45£ to 65% of the 24 hr. precipitation. (Hot applicable to Desert) 3) Plot 6 hr. precipitation on the right side of the chart. 4) Draw a line though the point parallel to the plotted lines. 5) This Hne 1s the intensity-duration curve for the location being analyzed. Application Form: 0) Selected Frequency IP yr. 1) P in.. P= 3. IS. *P = 5S.&*24 2) Adjusted *P6= 24 in. V min. 4) I in/hr. *Not Applicable to Desert Region This chart replaces the Intensity- Duratlon-Frequency curves used since 1965. LI=] 1=1 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION 6- FLOOD CONTROL 50-YEAR 6-HQU ^2(U ISOPLUVIALS 1 PRECIPITATION OF 50-YEAR 6-HOUR PRECIPITATE m HINTIJS OF AH IfJCM U.S. DEPARTMF.lt NATIONAL OCEANIC AND AT: «"CIAL STUDIES BRANCH. OFFICE OK II a; H SPHERIC ADMINISTRATION ROLOGY. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE 30 118'116° '"V. _. X•ol H X) H •3 "d COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO . DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION FLOOD CONTROL 30» 15' 33' 50-YEAR 24-HOU.k PRECIPITATION ^2(U ISOPLUVIALS PRECIPITATION IN 1 OF 50-YEAR 24-HOUR ENTHS OF AN INCH Pr«po U.S. DEPARTMEN NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATN IAL STUDIES ORA.NCII. OFFICE OF llf 30' OSPIIERIC ADMINISTRATION JKOLOOY. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE 118°^ I 30'15'116° INTENSITY-DURAiiUN DESIGN CHART Intensity (In./Hr.) 6 Hr, Precipitation (In.) 198.4 j*3.0»- Directions for* Application: * 1) From precipitation maps determine 6 hr. and 24 hr. amounts for the selected frequency. These maps are printed 1n the County Hydro!oay| Manual (10, 50 and 100 yr. maps Included in th Design and Procedure Manual). 2) Adjust 6 hr. precipitation (if necessary) so that It -Is within the range of 45% to 65% of the 24 hr. precipitation. (Not applicable to Desert) 3) Plot 6 hr. precipitation on the right side of the chart. 4) Draw a line ti.,ough the point parallel to the plotted lines. 5) This line 1s the Intensity-duration curve for the location being analyzed. Application Form: 0) Selected Frequency *>Q yr. 1) P • 2,30 in.. P« 4.30. 2.302) Adjusted *Pfi= 3) t * m1n. 4) I - __ 1n/hr. 24 in. *Not Applicable to Desert Region This chart replaces the Intensity- Duratlon-Frequency curves used since 1965. Ill _.,4- n*Ho"*-f CZ1 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION FLOOD CONTROL 33' 100-YEAR 6-HOlrt PRECIPITATION ^(U ISOPLUVIALS PKECIPITATIOH IN OF 100-YEAR 6-HOUR 'EMTMS OF AN \IX\\ U.S. DEPARTMEN NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATA SPECIAL STUDIES BRANCH. OFFICE OF II SPIIEKIC ADMINISTRATION ROLOCY. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE 30'_ 118'30'15 116° wX 33 Mto •H-3 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION FLOOD CONTROL 33* 30' 15' 100-YEAR 24-HOllR PRECIPITATION "-2IMSOPLUVIALS Of 100 -YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION IN EMTHS OF AN INCH U.S. DEPARTMKNjr OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND AT) :iAL STUDIES bKANCII. OKHCE OF II 30' 'STUDY SITE—'"Jjj UKOLOGY, NATIONAL WtATIIEK SERVICE III".10'117*I,.; •Kl'16' n CUD CUD INTENSITY-DURA.iUN DESIGN CHART m*wiiMiiimnnr=.4-!-v-i;:j£niH UJ.U L -.645 Intensity (In./Hr.) 6 Hr, Precipitation (In.) Duration (Min.) 30 40 50 1 tOO 1984 Directions for Application: 1) From precipitation maps determine 6 hr. and 24 hr, amounts for the selected frequency. These maps are printed in the County Hydro! onyj Manual (10, 50 and 100 yr. maps included in th Design and Procedure Manual). 2) Adjust 6 hr. precipitation (if necessary) so that 1t is within the range of 45% to 65% of the 24 hr. precipitation. (Mot applicable to Desert) 3) Plot 6 hr. precipitation on the right side of the chart. 4) Draw a line ti..ough the point parallel to the plotted lines. 5) This line is the intensity-duration curve for the location being analyzed. Application Form: 0) Selected Frequency JOQ yr. 24 P6 = 2) Adjusted *Pg= 3) t. 24 in. c 4) I - min. in/hr. *Not Applicable to Desert Region This chart replaces the Intensity- Duration-Frequency curves used since 1965. M-l ~..4-^, 1C HYDRAULICS: DISCHARGE OF CIRCULAR PIPE FLOWING FULL jooj -/ad -/&aJ - 55 **r^ *'i*\-cs * § ,.„ - x, - - - JOOJ J9C/ J99J - (fj »C/0/$ REFERENCE U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICCLTURKSOIL CONSERVATION SKRVICE H. H. Bennett, Chief ENGINEERING STANDARDS VNIT STANDARD DWG. NO. ES-54 SHEET 2 nc 4 EXHIBIT 'U1 FRASER & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers 2945 HARDING ST., SUITE 211, CARLSBAD, CA 920(38 • (619) 434-1794 HYDROLOGY STUDY /20-Project No. / && " J/C? ; Sheet _J Project Title ^AMf* f)n^ Jgg^agA* £3?. Calc. by _ 7Vl7/tX//7l^c7g/?C7^chkdfav _of subject Date. Date TRACT BB-iA BB-1B BB-2A 8b-3A B&-4A &B-5/T &B-5& BB-76 TRACT AREA (ACRES) 22.00 ?.?P $6,32 45". 66 15. M &&.O3 (2.33 17,34 c* e>,3D o.^s _0»Bft o<4£ 0 .3>4 A 38 A 40 0»4o REACH feLOCtTY 3,4 5,5 4.0 3,8 4.7 3,3 AVERAGE SLOPE 2,9% 1.6% 7.5% ^j 4 ^ f^i ^2 > Q~~j 5^7e ^7 ^^ ^5 LENGTH (FT) HOO 510 23^0 2140 ^70 34c?o /Zoo To (MI_N) j£>,6 ^5Svif^j II. 7 11,4 1.1.4 7.0 (MIN) 17.7 15.1ife. i ID 10,6 23,5 13, \ (MIN)ho (IPH) '50 (IPH) hoo (IPH) Qio (CFS) Q50 (CFS) QIOO (CFS)(CFS) ' — *Q50 3 (CFS) ^Qioo (CFS) J ; -— o Fo« Ppvrfr?/A • "7^ >? r -r r U FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers Ar A/O&G O — = /7,7 +2,0 ~ 0,30 5) T*(*5&~18) Move. O) "3,3. Ox ^O c To 1,77 H DATC FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers /) 3*43* GO ~ 23. 7 ?c A/ope. 2 Ar Move 2 FOA. fc = /<• C = 0,3& A s T Mov - -?3.7 ^ Cffl = ,% THE: A tto-s/o D FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers Moo & 2 To A/ove SLOPS. Is £>AJ NOV£ 2 A Is Or A/ooe. 2 Mope Move 2 To A/ov /O Pen. 2 ZZ35 FZotut**Q / - WILL F~LouL>ttJ£ B9?c FULL WILL Nope 70 - - *•** AT Moot? 2 c - a H 8 D FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers AJDU / 7" **'"'& /OS? ULL. U>ILC A/eve Z-A V ~- 9 go- 2 S-Q _ c "To X? -W2 Z7 '•/; 75- x '10 33.~ 83, / 3 3 7Z> * 3.' FT FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers T?ts -1 SCS / 3.SO V «63.13 T A/OPE. To A/ = 0.013 ^ \2o-Slo FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers 86 f. AT //90 At A/OP CKS = 7,0?/*, / r F^bft. Ft- o uj Flkom NO&E. & 7e> MODE. 7 , Oi OO n - O* 0/3 Q - 24. 7? Fh om "4 ZCP St&e Is us-s) (OS tjSMttmo. D - \ PHASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers D MB (COAJ T/AJ U&P 35e-/t6SB3-7/l 1,307 A 309 Me/** 1. 3o2> AREA faxes) r** SUBJECT r Tttt FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers 71 Wove 7 8.77 fir Moo* 7 * 29.3 AT Move 7 Move 7 THB 77-5^ Rsmc/u#L Mernop. THE ARE T}*sep O* tc's FOR. GL&— Or THE r "EEL PHASER & ASSOCIATES r~7 A \ Consulting Engineers / YZnA 2945 HARDING ST.. SUITE 211, CARLSBAD. CA 92008 • (619)434-1794 HYDROLOGY STUDY Project No.. Project Title Subject nf .Calc. by >»7 2a@P/WC2£ Chkd. by x>/>»i_l?ATlOlO^C OD TRACT B3-1A BB-1B BB-24 BB-3A B8-3A U^^J ^Jr *T ^2^2 ^ 4^ A BB-5B BB-7A TRACT AREA (ACRES) 22.OO 9.70 5£,32 45, gg (12.07) 45,&& (33.&) \5.(o\ t>£t03 12.33 1 7,3£ c* a 30 A ^5 ^•38 0.42 0.4Z 0.34 0,36 o,*?o o.-^o REACH NOPE o / 2 2- A 3 4 $ & 7 AVERAGE SLOPE . , LENGTH (FT) TO (MIN) Tc(MIN) ETC(MIN) 19.7 22.0 23.7 24.2 25.5- 25 :& 27.9 27,9 29.3 ho (IPH) 1.90 1.77 i,£ji 1 ,^7 l«^' l»£l \<52 1.52 1.47 •'• 150(IPH) 2.50 h2«33~ Z.Z2 2.19 -2,12 -z.il 2.0e> 2.00 1.94 hoo(IPH) 2.99 *Z.79 Z.&& 2.CZ 2.S3 2.S"3 2.39 23? 2,32 QIO (CFS) 12.57 "7.74 *& r 1 *^^ ^.^5" 22 &? e ^^* <^j*^^) ^j 38.17 7.50 \OtZ4 ! Q50 (CFS) 14.52 10.17 47.54 I/J/ 30.09 ll.ZZ SO.I7 ?.&& I3tf5 Qioo (CFS) 19. 75 12.I& 5&84 13.28 35.97 ,r-,, , „. ^Qio (CFS) 12.57 £0.3^ SC.4% 44.93 87.8Z -i «2 ^i i j *^> ^/ 5-5>,58 11.79 J6.08 13^.53 H££3 (S2JU> (CFS) M.SZ 24.69 74.23 85,34 115.42 I2&.&4 176.81 /8&j£7 2&.I2 (CFS) 19.75- 31. 9J &B.75 IOZ.&3 13801 151.42 Z//.40 223.19 239.22 \ \i f J 'A ' ! . i f f •f I ; J Ac? jus -rep H£ nu FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers n n n ' ' - f ..'• .•' *"•- 22, 00 L: 90* I« s *I$o . 99* two , 75* Qioo :«If = 1.00 = Qioo = -i •'-: ..-: ITT •": 2, 00 59n 98 211/40 joe NO. »T s-+£ E SHtrTKO. - RESIDENTIAL STREIT ONE SIDE ONLY "tr;--if-I-L-'j»7O^xFsIn "; /Hlv^ ; "":- /.'.{'" '-. 0.4 2 34 3«789IO DISCHARGE (CFS.) EXAMPLE: Giv«n. Q»IO S»2.5% Chart flf«M> 0«ptti * Q4, Vttodfy = 4.4 tpis. SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICES DESIGN MANUAL APPROVED. SUTTER AND ROADWAY DISCHARGE-VELOCITY CHART OATEJf \ APOENDIX X-0 EXHIBIT 'V FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers / 3) Bu/t O x <4. 2 £~jzrt/nATg0 - 0,so' UJtrt-ttv crs 120-Sfc DAA/AJ - SUBJECT is- tHECTHO. HYDRAULICS: CRITICAL DEPTHS AND DISCHARGES IN TRAPEZOIDAL AND RECTANGULAR SECTIONS Values of Critical «> o< -o bottom width oK ft. RKTANGULAD SECTIONS for rectangular sections, the ratio x/t> ' 0 and values of df can be reod directly along the ca'neide.tf °% and */t, • 0 states. For example: If °V4 '10.3 for rectangular section, then dc • I. 49 CHECK Of GRAPHICAL SOLUTION The formula for critical discharge in a channel of any section is Water surface Qc • Critical discharge c.f.s. a 'Cross -sectional area of channel it critical depth dc - ft. T - Width of cross section at critical depth dc-ft. ~Crifical discharge. / / I EXAMPLE' Qc • IS. J c.fs; b ' 3 ft, 2 -5 -0.655ft. CHECK: a ' bdc + zdc * * J X(0.655) • 1.965 +ZI4SIZ -4.110/2 sa. ft. T • b -tZzdc • 3+(2 XS X0.6SS) • J fC.55 - 9.55ft. Qc' . PIVOT POINT Qc = Total critical discharge - c.f.s. dc " Critical depth - ft. b = Bottom width of section-ft. , , . Horizontalz * Side slope ratio Vertical g - 32.16 ft./sec * REFERENCE Th/s nomogram was &eve/ope& by Peru/ D. Doubf of toe Standards U. S. DKPARTMKNT OF AGRICri.TL'RE SOIL CONSERVATION SKRVICK H. H. Bennett. Chief ENGINEERING STAXOARDS J'NIT STANDARD DWG. NO. ES- 24 SHEET I OF 5_ DATE 5 ' t ' 80 REVISED 3-30-51 EXHIEI^ " D r FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers b =• V * I. 0* H Wooes / & Z 13' 0,6721*0, CPS/FT I * ?,9& + 3.O+ . c A V v FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers T D ** 3.37r< " I/. * AV = «2x3\//.5V/ t-L. D To CARRY THE By Is To HE STOR.WV H J^mes UP. AIM FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers fc 64- fc OB cn Nft Ob VH-f 00 tA o M M o K t- « 0I vfi o+v/zi*1v> ro vs i tni N N VI•\»(t 5 N CO K ^. 1 N §' N Vft K1 §1Q oOf ic> o h to O K>vjUJ 5?&t"£ CO x ^Ui In CD x^ Ui xUI II ul •s.O 0 LOCATIONCVS'CTu O or in ro UIa ^' h >•• - t- ut H« S OPACIS oEETSTRPcSSlBUEFUTUREI- «9 111 Z <c 2 d O (tl U>B 16 i i D r D FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers C ,0? * 0*60 : a SF f\ Oven *= 0*01} x re - O. , o/s8 120-Sl C S - FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers D . REACH h/ot?e2-A *fe Move 3 2O' ~ SO * 0.073. = = IIJ \3o-5to HYD&AULICS, JAMES Vfi SUBJECT D FRASER & ASSOCIATES, Consulting Engineers . K|O To N OPE 1 ie"<0RCP Iio 30*0 RCP? / RCP 0.0/0$ I KCP ~ O.OQ&4- Move 0.00 to ZJ SHCCT HO.