HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Kelly Ranch Area E, Exterior Noise Analysis; Kelly Ranch Area E, Exterior Noise Analysis; 1996-11-19EXTERIOR NOISE ANALYSIS FOR KELLY RANCH AREA E CITY OF CARLSBAD Report #96-173 November 19,1996 PreparedFor: Hillman Properties West, Inc. 2011 Palomar Airport Road Suite 206 Carlsbad, C A 92009 (619)931-1190 Prepared By: "Vincent Mestre, RE. Henry Moon MESTRE GREVE ASSOCIATES 280 Newport Center Drive Suite 230 Newport Beach, CA 92660-7528 (714) 760-0891 SUMMARY OF MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS FOR KELLY RANCH AREA E EXTERIOR REQUIREMENTS The City of Carlsbad General Plan specifies outdoor and indoor noise limits for various land-uses. The standard states that for residential land use, the exterior Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) shall not exceed 60 dB. The projected unmitigated traffic noise exposure levels at the rear yards along Cannon Road will range from 62.4 dB to 71.3 dB CNEL. Since the unmitigated noise levels at the rear yards exceed the exterior noise standard, mitigation measures will be required. NOISE BARRIER REQUIREMENTS TO MEET THE 60 CNEL STANDARD A perimeter wall, 5.5 feet to 9.0 feet in height should be located along the top of slope between the units facing Cannon Road and the roadway. Refer to Exhibit S1 for the location of the required noise barriers. The required barriers will reduce the first floor exterior noise levels to a range of 54.6 to 59.2 dB A CNEL for the lots adjacent to Cannon Road. The lots at the north end of the site (Lots 120, 121, and A) are also exposed to noise from traffic along El Camino Real and will require a perimeter wall that is 6.5 to 7.0 feet high at the property line. The pad elevation of these lots (Lots 120, 121, and A) are lower than the roadway elevation of El Camino Real which means that a barrier located at the roadway edge would allow a lower barrier than a barrier located at the property line. However, since only three lots along El Camino Real need barriers, it would be more economical to place a noise barrier that is 7.0 feet tall to surround only three lots than to have a much longer 5 foot barrier along El Camino Real. The different barrier height locations are listed in Table S-1. TABLE S-l REQUIRED BARRIER HEIGHTS TO MEET THE 60 CNEL STANDARD LOT NO. WALL HEIGHT (FT.) Along El Camino Real 120 121 A Along Cannon Road 121 A 122 to 123 124 to 127 128 to 129 131 to 134 Ito3 5 to 19 6.5 6.5 7.0 5.5 7.5 8.5 9.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 MGA MESTRE GREVE ASSOCIATES Exhibit SI Required Noise Barrier Location (60 CNEL) MESTRE GREVE ASSOCIATES Exhibit S2 Required Noise Barrier Location (65 CNEL) NOISE B ARRffiR REQUIREMENTS TO MEET THE 65 CNEL STANDARD A perimeter wall, 5.5 feet to 6.5 feet in height should be located along the top of slope between the units facing Cannon Road and the roadway. Refer to Exhibit S2 for the location of the required noise barriers. The required barriers will reduce the first floor exterior noise levels to a range of 60.1 to 64.2 dBA CNEL for the lots adjacent to Cannon Road. The different barrier height locations are listed in Table S-2. As previously mentioned, the lots at the north end of the site (Lots 120, 121, and A) are also exposed to noise from traffic along El Camino Real. The combined noise exposure at Lots 120, 121, and A will be 56.5, 63.7, and 63.5 dBA CNEL, respectively. Since the noise exposure at these northern lots will be less than 65 CNEL, no barriers will be required to attenuate the traffic noise along El Camino Real. TABLE S-2 REQUIRED BARRIER HEIGHTS TO MEET THE 65 CNEL STANDARD LOT NO. WALL HEIGHT (FT.) Along El Camino Real 120 No Barrier Required 121 No Barrier Required A No Barrier Required Along Cannon Road 121 0.0 A 5.5 122 to 123 5.5 124 to 127 6.5 128 to 129 6.0 131 to 134 6.0 1 to 3 6.0 5 to 19 6.0 INTERIOR REQUIREMENTS The proposed project must comply with the City's interior noise standard of 45 dB CNEL. To comply with the interior noise standard, the proposed buildings must provide sufficient outdoor to indoor noise attenuation to reduce the interior noise exposure down to acceptable levels. The projected unmitigated traffic noise exposure levels at the second floor building faces will range from 60.1 dB CNEL to 70.0 dB CNEL. This means the structure must provide from 15.1 to 25.0 dB of exterior to interior noise reduction. When the exterior to interior noise reduction exceeds 20 dB, engineering calculations should be provided to ensure compliance with the interior noise requirement. The calculation of the noise reduction provided by the structures can be accomplished when the final architectural plans are completed. An additional study will be required when architectural drawings become available identifying mitigation requirements needed to meet the interior noise standard. MGA NOISE ANALYSIS FOR KELLY RANCH AREAE CITY OF CARLSBAD 1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to determine compliance of Kelly Ranch AreaE with the City of Carlsbad's exterior noise standards. The subject project is located along the south side of Cannon Road west of El Camino Real in the City of Carlsbad. See Exhibit 1 for the location of the project site. The project site is located approximately one mile north of McClellan Palomar Airport and will not be impacted by the aircraft noise from this airport. The scope of this study includes the noise generated by traffic on the adjacent arterials and the measures necessary to mitigate the noise to within the exterior noise standard. 2.0 NOISE CRITERIA The City of Carlsbad General Plan specifies outdoor and indoor noise limits for various land-uses. The standard states that for residential land use, the exterior Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) shall not exceed 60 dB. CNEL is a 24 hour time weighted average noise level. Noise that occurs during the evening period (7 p.m. to 10 p.m.) is weighted by 5 dB, while noise which occurs at nighttime (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.) is weighted by 10 dB. These time periods and weights were selected to reflect peoples sensitivity to noise during late-night and early morning hours. 3.0 METHODOLOGY The highway noise levels projected in this report were computed using the Highway Noise Model published by the Federal Highway Administration ("FHWA Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model," FHWA-RD-77-108, December 1978). The FHWA Model uses traffic volume, vehicle mix, vehicle speed, and roadway geometry to compute the "equivalent noise level". A computer program has been written which computes equivalent noise levels for each of the time periods used in the calculation of CNEL. Weighting these noise levels and summing them results in the CNEL for the traffic projections used. Noise contours are found by iterating over distance until the 60 dB, 65 dB, and 70 dB CNEL contours are found. 4.0 TRAFFIC NOISE EXPOSURE The project will be exposed to noise from traffic on Cannon Road and El Camino Real. The future traffic volume projections for the roadways in the project area are for the Carlsbad S ANDAG Post 2010 Land Use. These Post 2010 traffic volumes were obtained from Jim Murray, the traffic engineer for the City of Carlsbad. The preliminary grading plans were prepared by Project Design Consultants and dated November 1, 1996. The traffic volumes and speeds utilized are presented in Table 1. The time and traffic distributions utilized for the analysis are from the document, "City of Carlsbad Noise Guidelines Manual," September 1995 and are presented in Table 2. This data was compiled by the City of Carlsbad and are based on traffic counts at 7 locations throughout the city. The Carlsbad traffic mix is broken up into "non-truck route" traffic mix and "designated truck route" traffic mix. The "non-truck route" traffic mix was used for both Cannon Road and H Camino Real traffic noise models. The traffic mix for the time of day was determined from the Orange County traffic mix which is 78% day, 12% evening, and 10% night. MCA TABLE 1 POST 2010 TRAFFIC VOLUMES AND SPEEDS TRAFFIC VOLUME ROADWAY (ADT) (MPH) Cannon Road 31,600 SO El Camino Real 38,300 50 TABLE 2 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION PER TIME OF DAY VEHICLE TYPE DAY EVENING NIGHT Automobile 76.35% 11.75% 9.79% Medium Truck 1.43% 0.22% 0.18% Heavy Truck 0.22% 0.03% 0.03% Utilizing the traffic data presented above along with the FHWA Model, distances to the 60 dB, 65 dB and 70 dB CNEL contours were determined. The values, which are listed below in Table 3, represent the distance from the centerline of the roadways to the contours. These projections do not take into account any barriers, topography, or buildings that may reduce noise levels. TABLE 3 DISTANCE TO NOISE CONTOURS FOR FUTURE CONDITIONS ROADWAY DISTANCE TO CNEL CONTOUR (ft) SEGMENT 70dB 65dB 60dB Cannon Road Soft Site Conditions 74 160 344 Ham* Site Conditions 120 379 1,197 El Camino Real Soft Site Conditions Hard Site Conditions 84 145 181 459 391 1,451 The units along Cannon Road will be exposed to the highest noise levels. These lots adjacent to Cannon Road will be located between 55 to 150 feet from the centerline of Cannon Road. At these distances, the rear yard areas will be exposed to unmitigated noise levels of 62.4 to 71.3 dBA CNEL and the building face of the homes will be exposed to unmitigated noise levels from 64.4 to 69.4 dBA CNEL. Rear yards of Lot 121 and Lot A will experience noise from both Cannon Road and El Camino Real for combined noise levels of 63.7 and 63.5 dBA CNEL, respectively, and the building faces of the homes on these lots will experience combined noise levels of 66.3 and 70.0 dBA CNEL, respectively. MGA 5.0 EXTERIOR NOISE MITIGATION Mitigation through the design and construction of a noise barrier (wall, berm, or combination wall/berm) is the most efficient method of reducing traffic noise levels. The effect of a noise barrier is critically dependent on the geometry between the noise source and the receiver. A noise barrier effect occurs when the "line of sight" between the source and receiver is broken by the barrier. The greater the distance the sound must travel around the barrier to reach the receiver, the greater the noise reduction of the barrier. The FHWA model was also used here in a computerized format to determine barrier heights. According to the site plan, the lots adjacent to Cannon Road are set back approximately 56 feet from the roadway centerline of Cannon Road and approximately 300 feet from the roadway centerline of El Camino Real. Some of the pad elevations at the north end of the tract are lower than the roadway elevations. For this condition, the barriers should be placed at the edge of roadway. In general, the barriers should be located at the top of slope whether it is at the property line or at the top of the berm near the roadway edge. 5.1 NOISE BARRIER REQUIREMENTS TO MEET THE 60 CNEL STANDARD A perimeter wall, 5.5 feet to 9.0 feet in height should be located along the top of slope between the units facing Cannon Road and the roadway. Refer to Exhibit 2 for the location of the required noise barriers. The required barriers will reduce the first floor exterior noise levels to a range of 54.6 to 59.2 dB A CNEL for the lots adjacent to Cannon Road. The lots at the north end of the site (Lots 120, 121, and A) are also exposed to noise from traffic along El Camino Real and will require a perimeter wall that is 6.5 to 7.0 feet high at the property line. The pad elevation of these lots (Lots 120, 121, and A) are lower than the roadway elevation of El Camino Real which means that a barrier located at the roadway edge would allow a lower barrier than a barrier located at the property line. However, since only three lots along El Camino Real need barriers, it would be more economical to place a noise barrier that is 7.0 feet tall to surround only three lots than to have a much longer 5 foot barrier along El Camino Real. The different barrier height locations are listed in Table 4. TABLE 4 REQUIRED BARRIER HEIGHTS TO MEET THE 60 CNEL STANDARD LOT NO. WALL HEIGHT (FT.) Along El Camino Real 120 121 A Along Cannon Road 121 A 122 to 123 124 to 127 128 to 129 131 to 134 Ito3 5 to 19 6.5 6.5 7.0 5.5 7.5 8.5 9.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 MCA MESTRE GREVE ASSOCIATES Exhibit! Required Noise Barrier Location (60 CNEL) 5.2 NOISE BARRIER REQUIREMENTS TO MEET THE 65 CNEL STANDARD A perimeter wall, 5.5 feet to 6.5 feet in height should be located along the top of slope between the units facing Cannon Road and the roadway. Refer to Exhibit 3 for the location of the required noise barriers. The required barriers will reduce the first floor exterior noise levels to a range of 60.1 to 64.2 dBA CNEL for the lots adjacent to Cannon Road. The different barrier height locations are listed in Table 5. As previously mentioned, the lots at the north end of the site (Lots 120, 121, and A) are also exposed to noise from traffic along El Camino Real. The combined noise exposure at Lots 120, 121, and A will be 56.5, 63.7, and 63.5 dBA CNEL, respectively. Since the noise exposure at these northern lots will be less than 65 CNEL, no barriers will be required to attenuate the traffic noise along El Camino Real. TABLE 5 REQUIRED BARRIER HEIGHTS TO MEET THE 65 CNEL STANDARD LOT NO. WALL HEIGHT (FT.) Along El Camino Real 120 No Barrier Required 121 No Barrier Required A No Barrier Required Along Cannon Road 121 0.0 A 5.5 122 to 123 5.5 124 to 127 6.5 128 to 129 6.0 131 to 134 6.0 1 to 3 6.0 5 to 19 6.0 5.3 NOISE BARRIER SURFACE DENSITY REQUIREMENTS The aforementioned noise barriers are required to have a surface density of at least 3.5 pounds per square foot, and have no openings or cracks. They may be a solid wall, an earthen berm, or a combination of the two. They may be constructed of wood studs with stucco exterior, 3/8 inch plate glass, 5/8 inch plexiglass, any masonry material, or a combination of these materials. MGA MESTRE GREVE ASSOCIATES Exhibits Required Noise Barrier Location (65 CNEL) 6.0 INTERIOR NOISE MITIGATION The proposed project must comply with the City's interior noise standard of 45 dB CNEL. To comply with the interior noise standard, the proposed buildings must provide sufficient outdoor to indoor noise attenuation to reduce the interior noise exposure down to acceptable levels. The projected unmitigated traffic noise exposure levels at the second floor building faces will range from 60.1 dB CNEL to 70.0 dB CNEL. This means the structure must provide from 15.1 to 25.0 dB of exterior to interior noise reduction. When the exterior to interior noise reduction exceeds 20 dB, engineering calculations should be provided to ensure compliance with the interior noise requirement. The calculation of the noise reduction provided by the structures can be accomplished when the final architectural plans are completed. An additional study will be required when architectural drawings become available identifying mitigation requirements needed to meet the interior noise standard. MGA APPENDIX CROSS SECTION DATA FOR CANNON ROAD Lot 121 A 122 125 128 134 3 7 10 14 18 19 Road Elevation 44.9 44.9 44.4 42 40 36.6 34.7 32.8 30.8 28.6 26.6 25.6 CL To Wall 56 56 56 75 85 75 85 75 75 75 75 80 ED. to Wall 50 50 50 71 81 71 81 71 71 71 71 76 Base Of Wall 44.9 44.9 44.4 43.6 44.9 42.6 40.6 37.3 35.8 33.8 31.7 30.1 CLtO Observer 150 61 80 80 90 80 90 80 80 80 80 85 E.D. to Observer 144 55 74 76 86 76 86 76 76 76 76 81 Pad Elevation 39.2 41 41.4 43.6 44.9 42.6 40.6 37.3 35.8 33.8 31.7 30.1 Observer Height 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 CROSS SECTION DATA FOR EL CAMINO REAL Lot Etamton CL To Wai E.D.to Baa* Of CLto ED. to Wai Obaarvar Obaarvar rtn Obaarvar •• •• « • _ • —•- JBiavawoii naiyfn Awrfwrt Aqparfvl/n* 120 47 360 121 46.5 300 A 4S.3 345 389 39.8 365 364 39.0 6 299 39.2 305 304 393 $ 344 41 350 340 41 6 MGA 8