HomeMy WebLinkAbout; Macario Canyon Final Biological Monitoring Ltr Rpt; Biological Monitoring Letter Final Macario Canyon; 2006-12-01,:ONE .COMPANY Many Solutions- December 1, 2006 Mr. Michael Sweesy Dudek & Associates 605 Third Street Encinitas, Califomia 92024 RE: Final Letter Report: Biological Monitoring Letter Report for Macario Canyon (Carlsbad Mumcipal Golf Course) Dear Mr. Sweesy: HDR, Inc. is please to present the final letter report for the recently completed biological monitoring effort associated with the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course. Introduction HDR, Inc. was contracted by Dudek and Associate's to perform biological monitoring during exotic vegetation removal in the Macario Canyon section of the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course. The HDR biological monitor was responsible for ensuring removal of only noxious, invasive, and/ or non-native vegetation. The biological monitoring was conducted in compliance with the City of Carlsbad. In addition, the biological monitoring noted the presence of any sensitive flora and fauna in the project site. Proiect Description The Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course (project site) is located approximately two miles east of lnterstate-5 and a half mile north of Palomar Airport Road off Faraday Road in the City of Carlsbad. The Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course is a new 18- hole public golf facility with a club house, driving range, support facilities, and two industrial pads, located on an estimated 400 acre site. HDR Biologists Nick Muscolino and Eric Peffer monitored the removal of exotic species within the riparian project site; Habitat Restoration Sciences (HRS) perfonned the exotic vegetation removal. The project site consisted primary of disturbed Southern Arroyo WiUow Riparian Forest (Holland Code 61320). Landscape exotics were noted at the east end of the site, adjacent to an old trailer park. The entire site is primarily dominated by Arroyo willow (Salix lasiolepis) and also supports mule fat (Baccharis salicifolia), bulmsh (Scirpus acutus), and cattails (Typha angustifolia). The primary invasive exotic species being eradicated from the site include Brazihan pepper trees (Schinus terebinthifolius), white ash trees (Fraxinus,americana), Italian cypress trees (Cupressus sempervirens), tamarisk (Tamarix sp.), Mexican fan palm trees (Washingtoniafilifera), and pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana). Refer to Appendix B for all flora and fauna observed onsite during the biological monitoring. HDR Engineering, Inc. 8690 Balboa Avenue Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92123 858-712-8400 858-712-8333 (fax) Site Monitoring Daily Biological monitoring was initiated on 17 October 2006 and was terminated on 30 November 2006. HDR biologists were directed to be onsite and monitor for approximately four hours per day during vegetation removal. Typically, the biological monitor was onsite to observe vegetation removal activities during the moming hours from 0700 to 1100. Per direction from the client on 7 November 2006, the monitoring schedule was modified from five days a week to two days a week. Refer to Appendix C for the daily field monitoring forms. The crew of HRS was monitored and directed, as necessary, when sensitive biological resoiu-ces were encountered. For example, instmction was provided to the crew not to dismantle or disturb woodrat (Neotoma sp.) nests when encountered. No disturbance occurred to known woodrat nests during the biological monitoring. The crew used hand tools, chain saws, and herbicides to remove and control the invasive exotic species within the project site. All of the exotic trees were removed by cutting them down with chains saws, followed by hand removal from the project site. Care was employed by the crews not to fell trees onto native vegetation. All tree stumps were left in place but were treated with a commercial herbicide. The majority of the pampas grass was previously treated with herbicide earlier in the year and was dead. Removal of the dead pampas grass was performed using hand tools such as picks and pitchforks. Approximately 25 live pampas grass plants were observed and removed from the project site. No motorized equipment was used in the open waters of the project site. Appendix A contains photo documentation of the on site activities. Conclusions No biological issues of concem were noted during the field monitoring. Work crews successfiilly removed exotic, invasive, and noxious vegetation without harming sensitive biological resources (i.e., woodrat nests and riparian areas). Further maintenance and monitoring is recommended, as necessary, to hamper re- establishment of exotic vegetation. Currently, a small retention pond supporting invasive tamarisk is located south of the project site. Because of its close proximity, tamarisk eradication from this pond should be considered to keep the invasive species from encroaching into the project site. If there are any questions regarding the monitoring effort, results, or conclusions please feel free to contact me at 858-712-8360. Submission of this final letter report successfiilly completes our contractual agreement to provide biological monitoring services. Sincerely, Nick Muscolino Staff Biologist HDR Engineering, Inc. DUDEK 605 THIRD STREET ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 T 760.942.5147 F 760.632.8710 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: Attention: City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 John Cahill DATE: 11-30-07 JOBNO. 4821-05 RE: Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Contact No. 2 - Golf Course Construction We are sending you the following items: MECEIVEB DEC 0 4 2007 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Copies DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 12/1/2006 Final Letter Report: Biological Monitoring Letter Report for Macario Canyon (Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course) THESE ARE SENT as checked below: For approval X For your use As requested For review and comment Other Remarks: This report should be included with the Phase 2 final report we recently sent to you. Please call, fax, or e-mail any questions or comments you have about the report and we will be happy to discuss it. Copy to: Signed: Appendix A Looking west over the project site after exotics were removed from the east end. Cuttings hand carried out of riparian area to be chipped. HRS crew performs chipping of cuttings outside of the riparian area. •.»•'•» ••^^•*'^'^M'^^*%'oi(ri'-^'' • • A Brazilian pepper tree smmp treated with herbicide. Wood rat nest left undisturbed during exotic vegetation removal. HRS crew using hand tools to removing pampas grass from the project site. Appendix B Species List Birds House finch Carpodacus mexicanus Yellow-mmped warbler Dendroica coronata Common yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas White-crowned sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys Song sparrow Melospiza melodia Black phoebe Sayomis nigricans Califomia towhee Pipilo crissalis Anna's hummingbird Calypte anna Westem scmb jay Aphelocoma californica American crow Corvus brachyrhynchos Common raven Corvus corax Cooper's hawk Accipiter cooperii Red-tailed hawk Buteo jamaicensis American coot Fulica americana Killdeer Charadrius vociferus Belted king fisher Ceryle alcyon Nuttall's woodpecker Picoides nuttallii Mammals Woodrat Neotoma sp (nests) Coyote Canis latrans (tracks) Flora Arroyo willow Salix lasiolepis Mule fat Baccharis salicifolia Coyote bush Baccharis pilularis Califomia sycamore Platanus racemosa Tamarisk Tamarix sp. Buhush Scirpus acutus Cattail Typha angustifolia Brazilian pepper Schinus terebinthifolius Italian cypress Cupressus sempervirens Mexican fan palm Washingtonia filifera Pampas grass Cortaderia selloana Appendix G Biological Monitoring Field Forms Invasive Plant Removal Carlsbad Golf Course Biological Monitor >(>f.gfc Mu^cjir^^ Date ftfu/duS Time (start): lldg (end); ^^'A^j Temperature Wind %Cloud Cover -'^^ J ON-SITE ACTIVITIES; -^H/l 5 (j^-p^, ^ ^PQ^.^ Ul^)-f <;:^ RELEVANT BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS; PROBLEMS/OPPORTUNITIES; --yjcX^^eJ VDaj^y/, RECOMMENDATIONS: ^ ^^4- ft;^-k>v4 yJ-f'^4-5 Monitors Sigaatnre(S) ^/.^hy A Invasive Plant Removal Carlsbad Golf Course Biological Monitor A/ (ci^ MU-^CMI ;VI <i Date lo-n-as Time (start):_ U (end): //?2»t> Temperature jt"-^ Wind o-3;upU %Cloud Cover c ON-SITE ACTIVITIES; ^KX^I^^ 4.1. ^^eo.€{ ,f RELEVANT BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS: /'J —b.fj« - PROBLEMS/OPPORTUNITIES: -Tott^/^ C'^^,*^. ..^ ^ ^i^t^^^ RECOMMENDATIONS: Monitors Signatare(S) ^J/w Invasive Plant Removal Carlsbad Golf Course Biological Monitor Mjrl^ A|iAy^i;^ /; Date lo ^/U <y<C Time (start): ^'•'C^ (end); Temperature__^5fl£ Wind r.,«-,-?P^LjpS< %Cloud Cover p ON-SITE ACTIVITIES;-CL^AAJH., J.r^u ^Ju, A...t,^ j^j^i^,^ - All fc,vt W;t.. ^-^A^i^^J ^\pf«l..'j>^V A/<gn-Hj<.P^ RELEVANT BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS: PROBLEMS/ OPPORTUNITIES: RECOMMENDATIONS: - M^,>>^>.^ mr ^^u> Monitors Signature(S) ^^M^/^f^/ Invasive Plant Removal Carlsbad Golf Course Biological Monitor NtcJc /A\^^u)i ',>io Dafe teli.il t> 6 Time (start); ^ • co (end): IV.nr^ Temperature 4 ^ Wind o-3 . %Cloud Cover 6 ON-SITE ACTIVITIES:- (Ut^-wu^^ i-deViK% u 9iK.i,^ RELEVANT BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS; PROBLEMS/ OPPORTUNITIES: RECOMMENDATIONS: Monitors SiBnature(S) / W/^^/. Invasive Plant Removal Carlsbad Golf Course Biological Monitor VA/TC^KM O^SCHI/I. C Dale loj Idjbi Time (start):_2liiJ (end): //-' Temperature^ Wind 0-3 H' %Cloud Cover 2^(i ON-SmE ACTIVITIES; c^uvUn..^ ^ ^...^ ^v^, RELEVANT BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS; PROBLEMS/"Trr^^FTTlllll^llili t f|Sei-l^W ro* S}M Ao^.A^.'V.-^j /-^-t^i'f ^COMMENDATIONS; fi^^^.,. ^ ^W.u Monitors Signatare(S)/«^X ^i^tv- Invasive Plant Removal Carlsbad Golf Course Biological Monitor /J i^c/C- >/400o/C*? ^ Date (oh^U^ Time (start): 1'^<^ (end); ^' "^ Temperature ^ f- Wind %Cloud Cover / Ot^ flV;et> ri<><s» j4^ ON-SITEACTIVITIES;-eA;ftl)^c/ tuU.:i,^, s\ ^ V,,A.y.. Av^, RELEVANT BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS: -//I LJO^I tj^ A)ip,^=^ PROBLEMS/OPPORTUNITIES:-ufFy /rt^fX^.irfi y i^.-^.Lf.y RECOMMENDATIONS: Monitors Signature(S) iM,//^^^^ Invasive Plant Removal Carlsbad Golf Course Biological Monitor fJ<OC Mo'$ieA\\ko Date loltr-lp C Time (start): 7 '3 g> (end): i'^ ^ ^ Temperature 66 T Wind '^-^ \o< %CloudCover iOo - ovjet-g^.^^. ON-SITE ACTIVITIES: e,sr'f.U Sj-U . l^t(tl....t-i;» ^t:^^»u.T)^#A<l.>^ lg ~(i:wAy L.dTfJkL. ^K«.^ RELEVANT BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS: -M^.uy dlhf^ (Ae AW•>6lf»P'.fr^,) PROBLEMS/OPPORTUNIi:i^ -\fi;< S-Ufeu ^LJrl f^^ V^^ft/I '^PPrf^'hl <^'>'i/[,ni 4^^^r-}-.St^kjiH,>t. ><iyQV(.<»,r^^<^'€j L,fl|.fe:jjA. Awi^j c^^Atf fo?>k:^rf ^.^^ RECOMMENDATIONS: Monitors Signature(S) ^^K^ Invasive Plant Removal Carlsbad Golf Course Biological Monitor fJ\t)CM<J^c oL'^d Date lo/ze/oi Time (start): ^Vo /:i||i): J l' Temperature ^ ^ "-f o — J %Cloud Cover o ON-SITEACTTm:mS:^V,h>o^\cL!K A^i.^U Ll(^^irLjM ^'^htfle/( v/J^t^ K%(u>t^^ r^L^Jfj^ dUt ^BWigt toaViC I^.JH^ ^iu* RELEVANT BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS: -IP^UU-.^ V*^^. ^l^^-k' PROBLEMS/ OPPORTUNITIES: -/J^i^ ^up4^w.tai^ ST^f S->>^.^ RECOMMENDATIONS: Monitors Signature(S), Invasive Plant Removal Carlsbad Golf Course Biological Monitor A/ic^ A\J^Cr\\:i,n Date /Q/L? /O C Time (start): 1 'S o (end): U? J Temperature __££_2l Wind 6-0 \jue^ %CIoud Cover e> ON-SITE.ACnVITIES: - oU; np.^.^ ^ A.^<4.rki,^ ^ ^S6^ RELEVANT BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS: PROBLEMS/ OPPORTUNITIES: RECOMMENDATIONS; Monitors Signatnre(S) ^L^/^SfL.^^^, 1^ o r-o Invasive Plant Removal Carlsbad Golf Coarse Biological Monitor f/Cck: ^o.'^,^!;!.^ Date ibj.Jcjo^ Time (start); "7 :2>n (end); |f;'^6> Temperature ^ Wind V- h .\f %Cloud Cover ON-SITE ACTIVITIES; ^ 3 4-<> ..V4..>fcj 6M 5^5)^ ~ Ui/.l^ dcun RELEVANT BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS: •^Nt\ e|u.jkiif<4> PROBLEMS/ OPPORTUNITIES:-3 )^-^^^V< KA^.>^.^^/U/S ^Vot^f RECOMMENDATIONS: Monitors Signatnre(S). Invasive Plant Removal Carlsbad Golf Course Biological Monitor /VtcAC! JJu^dLi^.s Date /o/C)l/o6 doi^M Time (start): 7 Vjo (end): 1/ l^^i Temperature ^0*^" Wind 6-0 LJ f , J . %Cloud Cover /bo -<"-^j^>l^,^ f^^*^ ON-SITE ACTIVITIES: c^i^df ^U UJi^ Wi •^i HtflfS'ijsA^n X si%Ltv ^ &cMjt.T>y -;—: — . , ^CfeV\ '— — • — RELEVANT BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS: PROBLEMS/OPPORTUNITIES; f„g JL' be h {l^Tttej^^'^' A^to /ifM)ri\^^/ •; -;., ' ^ .'».,t,'i'i RECOMMENDATIONS; Monitors SigDiature(SX Invasive Plant Removal Carlsbad Golf Course Biological Monitor A/foK: .yU (ySr^\ Date /)|il Q ^ Time (start); ^lad^ (end): t^.'Oi> Temperature (^^-^ Wind "3-" ^ t>J^?f<i.a:^ %CIoud Cover 5^ ON-SITE ACTIVITIES; ^ k ^ r) u/^rAx.^ 5;.... RELEVANT BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS; - g fi.^V>^< -k> s^^ii^ PROBLEMS/ OPPORTUNITIESr-s^fB<ro Jp^i^ W^-t-rU, -4^A W .S<f^S<ij> g..^^Vp -UACliy ^pgo4^^ \H^4Aa.MJ ftWc. RECOMMENDATIONS: Monitors Signatnre(S) /^t^^^A- Invasive Plant Removal Carlsbad Golf Course Biological Monitor M<J<. Mih^c^l'^a Date uiv(o C Time (start); 1''l<^ (end): jl,' 7c) Temperature Cf"-^ Wind ^-^i^^l^^J %Cloud Cover I.j"" ON-SITE ACTIVITIES; ^3 Vi.»<^ Ufu uTi^.y^s ^ufUu-^^ RELEVANT BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS; PROBLEMS/ OPPORTUNITIES: RECOMMENDATIONS; Monitors Signature(S) Invasive Plant Removal Carlsbad Golf Course Biological Monitor '^'FF^ft^ Date ^jo'^j^^ Time (start): Q (end); Temperature '<?^ -^ Wind S*^^ %aoud Cover ON-SITE ACTIVITIES: RELEVANT BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS: '^^(^L^ ^ ^^^k -P^3^^ atKA^iA in ariRO, PROBLEMS/ OPPORTUNITIES: RECOMMENDATIONS: Monitors Signature(S), Invasive Plant Removal Carlsbad Golf Course Biologicall^onitor M\tk: M„SrJ:\^ Dafe MjAjai Time (start): ~)''^ i (end): IllScl Temperature Wind \-3K.pt^ ^^^^CL^^ %Cloud Cover ^ ^j^J ON-SITE ACTIVITIES: - C V Pf^Vi^ tj^ ^ /J^f^ i h RELEVANT BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS: PROBLEMS/ OPPORTUNITIES; ^ S | ^ j -3 ^ tt>e^\yj'^ >• 'Jj^ o, rffC VJoV^CTKr v.,.ttS*r fi^L..j.<<> RECOMMENDATIONS: Monitors Signature(S) Invasive Plant Removal Carlsbad Golf Course Biological Monitor f\} \cK. //\^U^^a[ .'tiQ Date_h!pj_0j_ Time (start);JI2iZci (end): ^ Temperature. _ Wind ovl Ur-o-vr %Cloud Cover ^6 ON-SITE ACTIVITIES; - Ci^i^'W J ai, e^y^>4>u.l .TP^TV^ lti^.:i..^ RELEVANT BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS; PROBLEMS/ OPPORTUNITIES: - ST^t f.5 5up^u7'JtfV. C;KO^ ^V,\t^ RECOMMENDATIONS: Monitors Signatnre(S)_ Invasive Plant Removal Carlsbad Golf Course Biological Monitor t\!Mu^cdlikt^ Date uji^joC Time (start): lU^ (end); / / '• / 5^ Temperature <3 ^" ^ Wind fl-:d xjtW %Cloud Cover 0 ON-SITE ACTIVITIES; -"'^O^o *rAK>t^.V< .^€AA —^iR ^ fVei^ «?- ^.'^--x^ RELEVANT BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS: - PROBLEMS/ OPPORTUNITIES; , xi. >Vk^ ./Sy^jr RECOMMENDATIONS;-Sl^^k, nvP U ^/t.- \ < t.^f^'^rt I. ^ Uc^'jp'J Monitors Signature(S) Invasive Plant Removal Carlsbad Golf Course Biological Monitor M'\ U^iy^cc^Uup Dafe U julo€ Time (start): (end); Temperature Wind Dvf %Cloud Cover 0 ON-SITE ACTIVITIES; — ^o>^^ U^f UJ OM f ^ S-^-^j^ c^t^^^ RELEVANT BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS; -f*..>tyA<. — Vuiwye \j«^J PROBLEMS/ OPPORTUNITIES: RECOMMENDATIONS: Monitors Signature(S)_ Invasive Plant Removal Carlsbad Golf Course Biological Monitor \cKMi i^coViho Date U'• Z^./W Time (start); "P.'/Q (end): ICDd'^ Temperature 6^/ f Wind O % Cloud Cover \ QQ ON-SITE ACTIVITIES;-c!^u?Vn..<^h.wi ^^^r'-^ l>.iW. RELEVANT BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS: - r.Hu tLji-ik ur.^ PROBLEMS/OPPORTUNITIES;-\levy ^o^^w .^>.c.>r^ 9.,v ^.•.<aark.. RECOMMENDATIONS: T Monitors Signature(S) ^^Of^>^ Invasive Plant Removal Carlsbad Golf Course Biological Monitor J/ftM .jUiJ^c^\'<u,) Date Time (start): ^.VT (end); //.' 6 Temperature f) f Wind i"^ "^jV jjfilp^S,) . %Cloud Cover ON-SITE ACTIVITIES; — WoV-^-^^^ VnuXtoiVi^K, aJ\^ -p9Mft«;J RELEVANT BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS: PROBLEMS/ OPPORTUNITIES: RECOMMENDATIONS: Monitors Sigpature(S) y1^L>^^ Invasive Plant Removal Carlsbad Golf Course Biological Monitor JUu^C^(iU6 Date lil^djo^ Time (start): 7.Yd) (end): /Q .'^i" Temperature "Tt^H Wind hvj^ [^(3 %CIoud Cover /O ON-SITE ACTIVITIES; ^ ULv uaV^f>^ LtoVkV^ 't^ ^, RELEVANT BIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS: PROBLEMS/ OPPORTUNITIES: RECOMMENDATIONS: Monitors Signature(S)_