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; Poinsettia Lane/I-5 Overcrossing Bridge; Poinsettia Lane/I-5 Overcrossing Bridge; 1993-09-17
m STATE OF CALIFORNIA - BUSINESS. TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY PETE WILSON, Governor m DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 11. P.O. BOX 85406. SAN DIEGO 92186-5406 September 17, 1993 TO: Joel Haven ll-SD-5 Deputy'District Director P.M. R44.9/R45.9 Project Development-North 11276-167840 WIDEN POINSETTIA LANE OVERCROSSING FROM: Mark D. Parra BRIDGE NO.57-555 Project Manager Project Development-North PROJECT REPORT INTRODUCTION This locally funded project to modify the Poinsettia Lane interchange on Interstate Route 5 (1-5) is proposed by the City of Carlsbad to improve access to the south part of the City. The proposed project limits are from 0.7 mile south to 0.3 mile north of Poinsettia Lane (see Attachment 1). The proposed improvements include widening the Poinsettia Lane Overcrossing (Bridge No. 57- 555) and approaches; signalizing the ramp termini and adjacent street intersections on Poinsettia Lane; widening the ramps; adding auxiliary and acceleration lanes to the main lanes south of the interchange; and constructing ramp metering systems at the freeway ramp entrances. The estimated total project cost is approximately $8.7 million, including $6.5 million for construction, $0.2 million for right of way acquisition and utility relocation, $1.1 million for Caltrans design oversight and construction administration, and $0.9 million for consultant design. Funding for the proposed project will be provided by the City of Carlsbad from the City's Community Facilities District No. 1 and from state and federal funds for which the City plans to apply. State and Local Partnership Funds will not be used to match other state and federal funds. Federal funds will not be used for the preparation of plans, specifications, and estimate. Construction is tentatively scheduled for the 1993/1994 fiscal year. PROJECT CATEGORY The proposed project is identified as a Category 5 project with impacts of minimal social, economic or environmental significance. A Categorical Exemption/Categorical Exclusion (CE/CE) has been identified as the appropriate environmental clearance. Attachments 14 and 15 are the CE/CE for the portions of the work inside and outside the State right-of-way, respectively. BACKGROUND 1-5 was part of the original Federal Aid Interstate Highway system created in 1956. The existing eight-lane freeway was completed and opened to traffic in 1966 through what is now south Carlsbad. The new Interstate freeway superseded old US 101, which had been part of the California State Highway System since 1909. The existing La Costa Avenue (1.5 mile south), Poinsettia Lane, and Palomar Airport Road (1.5 miles north) interchanges were also constructed in 1966. At that time all three roads were classified as two-lane major county roads serving primarily rural, unincorporated areas. Widening and other interchange improvements were initially proposed at all three locations in 1981, after the area was annexed by Carlsbad and the streets were upgraded to four-lane arterials in the circulation element of the City's General Plan. The current project studies were initiated in 1988 pursuant to City Council Resolution No. 9278 (Attachment 13) covering all three projects. A Project Study Report (PSR) for the Poinsettia Lane Interchange was approved by Caltrans on April 6, 1990. There is no apparent opposition to the project as proposed. Support of this project is evidenced by the City of Carlsbad's adoption of an assessment district for project funding. The City of Carlsbad's Circulation Plan (Attachment 2), as approved by the City Council, shows Poinsettia Lane as a prime arterial connecting Carlsbad Boulevard (Old Highway 101) on the coast 1/2 mile west of 1-5, to El Camino Real, about two miles inland. The City has identified the need to widen Poinsettia Lane to six lanes between 1-5 and Batiquitos Drive, 0.4 mile to the east, as stated in the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 20 (Weston Pringle & Associates, 1988). The current 1-5 Route Concept Report, dated July, 1990, recommends that this segment of 1-5 be widened to ten mixed-use lanes plus two HOV lanes with metered entrance ramps and auxiliary lanes as required to accommodate projected 2010 traffic volumes. Planning studies are under way for projects to construct HOV lanes in the freeway median through the project area. The PSR was approved on October 24, 1990, for the construction of median HOV lanes between Del Mar Heights Road and Manchester Avenue. Planning studies are also under way for ramp, meters at the southbound and northbound on-ramps at Leucadia Boulevard and Cannon Road. A future landscape project is planned between La Costa Avenue and Palomar Airport Road. EXISTING FACILITY 1-5 in the project area is an eight-lane freeway with 12-foot lanes, a 36-foot median, eight-foot inside shoulders and ten-foot outside shoulders. The alignment is straight and nearly flat, traversing the gently sloping coastal plain. The Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) main lanes and Asphalt Concrete (AC) shoulders within the project limits were reviewed during the PSR phase for pavement rehabilitation requirements and no improvements were found to be necessary. A deflection study was completed by Caltrans on March 13, 1992, and its recommendations will be incorporated into the final design. This part of 1-5 is paralleled by three north/south arterials: Carlsbad Boulevard (Old US 101), which is a four-lane divided highway which follows the coastline 0.5 mile west of the freeway; Avenida Encinas, which parallels the west side of 1-5; and Paseo Del Norte/Lowder Lane, which follows the east side of 1-5. Except for the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe (AT&SF) railroad overhead, Poinsettia Lane is a two-lane street with 12-foot lanes and eight-foot shoulders from Carlsbad Boulevard to the • northbound ramps intersection. The railroad overhead is 34 feet wide curb-to-curb with an additional five foot offset to each rail, for a total of 44 feet rail-to-rail. East of the northbound ramps intersection, Poinsettia Lane is a four-lane divided street with four 12-foot lanes, an 18-foot median, eight- foot outside shoulders and five-foot sidewalks. The four-lane street continues through a residential area to its present terminus at College Boulevard, roughly one mile east of 1-5 (Attachment 2). The existing I-5/Poinsettia Lane interchange is a spread diamond with one-lane ramps. Each ramp consists of one 12-foot lane with an eight-foot outside shoulder and Type A2-6 concrete curb and gutter on the inside. The exit ramp termini are stop sign controlled, allowing free flow cross traffic along Poinsettia Lane. TRAFFIC DATA Attachment 4 shows the 1988 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) and Peak Hour Volumes (PHV) through the interchange area. Attachments 5 and 6 show projected 2010 ADT and PHV for demand (unconstrained) and constrained traffic volumes through the interchange. The traffic data in this Project Report was taken from the "Final Report, Interstate 5 Interchange Traffic Study" (Bankston/Pine Associates, Inc., August 1989). The 2010 traffic projections are considered to be equivalent to 2015 projections because the Carlsbad subarea is expected to be at "build out" by 2010, and the freeway volumes are capacity constrained. Therefore, separate 2015 traffic projections were not done. This has been reviewed and confirmed by Caltrans staff. The projections of 2010 demand traffic volumes (Attachment 5) and turning movements were made using the City's computerized traffic simulation model of the south Carlsbad subarea including La Costa Avenue, Poinsettia Lane and Palomar Airport Road. The projections were made using an internal zone system delineated on the basis of detailed land use and road network projections developed for that area by the City of Carlsbad for 2010 (which is also "build out" within the City). This zone/network system was linked with inputs from the less detailed SANDAG Series 7 regional transportation/land use model of May 1989 for the zone system outside the subarea boundary. The 2010 constrained volumes (Attachment 6) were provided by Caltrans as a part of the PSR approved April 6, 1990. These volumes are a reduction of the 2010 demand volumes based upon the limitations of the 2010 roadway system. The following table shows calculated Level of Service (LOS) values for Carlsbad Boulevard and the four intersections on Poinsettia Lane that would be signalized as part of this project. The letters in the table represent LOS for the proposed project on a scale from A to F, with A being the best. The associated decimal numbers are ratios of volume to capacity (V/C). 2010 LEVEL OF SERVICE VS. V/C RATIO INTERSECTION OF POINSETTIA LANE WITH Carlsbad Boulevard Avenida Encinas Ramps West of 1-5 (Southbound) PEAK HOUR A.M. A .60 B .64 A .43 P.M. B .67 C .72 A .53 Ramps East of 1-5 D C (Northbound) .80 .74 Paseo del Norte/Lowder Lane C D .79 .89 The intersection lane configurations and LOS analysis were based on 2010 demand traffic volumes and turning movements. The proposed right turn moves from the exit ramps onto Poinsettia Lane would be signal controlled (no free right turns). The completed traffic analyses for Poinsettia Lane through the interchange area show the need for widening Poinsettia Lane to a minimum of four through lanes, two eastbound and two westbound. East of the northbound ramps and west of the southbound ramps Poinsettia Lane has already been widened to five and four through lanes, respectively. Also required are separate right and left turning lanes on Poinsettia Lane between Avenida Encinas and Paseo Del Norte/Lowder Lane. Traffic signals at the four intersections are needed. Preliminary operational analyses of AM and PM peak traffic flows (Attachments 10 and 11) were prepared by Caltrans for the 1-5 corridor between 1-805 in San Diego (Del Mar) and State Route 78 in Oceanside. This analysis examined whether the volumes projected in the regional traffic model for 1-5 in the North County area are reasonable, considering freeway and local street capacity constraints. The analysis indicates that despite the future 1-5 corridor improvements proposed in the Route Concept Report, segments of 1-5 have demand in excess of capacity. Consequently, ramp metering will be needed at all entrance ramps to disperse traffic platoons, accommodate merging and weaving, and help maintain balanced free-flowing traffic on the freeway. Attachment 10, the analysis of AM peak traffic, shows that control of southbound traffic volumes entering from Poinsettia Lane will be critical for maintaining smooth traffic flows and avoiding delay on this part of 1-5. Attachment 11, the analysis of PM Peak traffic, shows volumes warranting the need for metering the northbound entrance ramp, and the need for a two- lane northbound exit ramp so that heavy exit traffic volumes can be accommodated. Expanding this ramp to three lanes at the terminus would provide additional storage and reduce the possibility of traffic backing up onto the freeway. ACCIDENT DATA A review of the TASAS accident data recorded for a three-year period from 1/90 through 12/92 shows a total of 17 recorded accidents on the ramps, and 64 accidents on the 1-5 mainline. (rate = No. accidents per million entering vehicles) RAMP NB exit to Poinsettia Lane NB entrance from Poinsettia SB exit to Poinsettia Lane SB entrance from Poinsettia Total Accidents 9 Lane 0 6 Lane 2 Actual Rate 1.72 0.00 1.25 0.44 Expected Rate 1.65 0.95 1.65 0.95 Source: TASAS Table B TOTAL ACCIDENT RATES (rate = No. accidents per million vehicle miles) (1-5 Mainline, post miles R44.9 to R45.9)- Total Accidents NB 1-5 SB 1-5 46 18 Actual Expected Rate Rate .54 .21 .87 .87 Source: TASAS Table B Existing accident rates at this interchange area are generally below the average statewide accident rates for similar types of interchanges. However, the northbound exit ramp to Poinsettia Lane exhibits an actual accident rate that is slightly higher than the expected accident rate. The proposed interchange improvements would provide signalized intersections, lighting (in accordance with Caltrans standards), ramp metering and widening, auxiliary lanes, and signing, all of which are expected to reduce congestion and the potential for accidents. 10 JUSTIFICATION Planned residential and resort developments in the vicinity of the interchange, in conjunction with the extension of Poinsettia Lane to the east, are expected to substantially increase traffic volumes on Poinsettia Lane from 10,400 in 1988 to a projected ADT of 47,000 by the year 2010. Urban growth is expected to increase the 1-5 main lane ADT through the project area by 34% from 154,000 in 1992 to 206,000 in the year 2010. The proposed project seeks to ease congestion and reduce the potential for accidents along Poinsettia Lane and 1-5. The proposed widening of the overcrossing to four through lanes, with separated turning lanes, would be a significant link in the completion of the planned widening of Poinsettia Lane as a major arterial in the City of Carlsbad. PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION The project proposes widening the existing two-lane Poinsettia Lane Overcrossing (Bridge No. 57-555) and approaches to a total of six lanes. This work would provide four through lanes and two turn lanes on the structure. Also proposed are widening of the existing ramps, signalizing the ramp and adjacent street intersections on Poinsettia Lane, constructing ramp metering 11 systems, and adding auxiliary lanes for the northbound off-ramp and the southbound on-ramp (see Attachment 9, Sheets 1, 2 and 3). The existing overcrossing structure and approaches would be widened 70 feet to the north for a total width of 104 feet, consisting of six 12-foot lanes, eight-foot outside shoulders, six-foot Type 26 concrete barriers and a four-foot separation between opposing lanes in the median. Also, since widening shifts the centerline of the overcrossing, a lightweight concrete overlay of the existing structure would be needed to correct the existing crown (see Attachment 7). The proposed widening would be designed to meet current seismic standards together with the existing structure as a single unit. Preliminary analysis has shown that the existing structure requires seismic retrofit. The bridge is also in the Bridge Seismic Retrofit Program (Caltrans, January 1991) . Design and construction of the retrofit would be included in this project at the expense of the State. Preliminary analysis of horizontal and vertical clearances shows that cast-in-place (prestressed) construction can be used for the proposed bridge widening without reducing either temporary falsework clearance or permanent structure clearance below current standards (15 feet or 16.5 feet, respectively). The widened structure would also provide adequate vertical clearance with a fifth lane added to the outside of 1-5 in either 12 direction. However, this future freeway widening would require the construction of retaining walls to contain the existing bridge fills. Future widening in the- median of 1-5 to accommodate the HOV lanes would require a design exception for horizontal clearance to the piers. Roadway reconstruction outside the Caltrans right-of-way would be included in this construction contract in order to properly tie into existing improvements and to interconnect the four traffic signals. Construction outside of the Caltrans right-of-way would be subject to City of Carlsbad design standards, policies, and procedures except that Caltrans standards will be followed for the preparation of the plans, specifications and estimate (PS&E). The proposed widening of Poinsettia Lane would begin in the west with a taper from the two-lane AT&SF railroad overhead to a six- lane roadway at Avenida Encinas, about 550 feet west of the southbound ramp intersection. The roadway just west of Avenida Encinas would consist of four through lanes (two eastbound and two westbound) , an eastbound left turn lane, and an eastbound optional straight or right turn lane (Attachment 9, Sheet 2). Poinsettia Lane between the southbound and northbound 1-5 ramp intersections would consist of a six lane roadway including two eastbound and two westbound through lanes, two westbound-to- 13 southbound left turn lanes, and one eastbound-to-northbound left turn lane (Attachment 9, Sheet 2) . The PSR indicated a two-lane left turn onto northbound 1-5; however, the traffic volumes and storage length requirements were reviewed. With coordination of the two signals as proposed, only one lane would be needed, consistent with the "Final Report, Interstate 5 Interchange Traffic Study" (Bankston/Pine Associates, Inc., August 1989). Between the northbound ramps intersection and Paseo Del Norte/Lowder Lane, Poinsettia Lane would be widened to five through lanes (two eastbound and three westbound) with a right turn lane in each direction. The eastbound turn lane would extend the full length of the block to facilitate dual right turns from the exit ramp. The westbound turn lane ends about 150 feet west of Paseo Del Norte/Lowder Lane. Extension of the lane to Paseo Del Norte/Lowder Lane is not recommended due to the potential for weaving conflicts. Also, the elimination of this lane segment avoids the acquisition of additional right of way which would severely impact an adjacent residential property. A retaining wall would be required at or near the northerly street right of way line between the northbound ramps intersection and Paseo Del Norte/Lowder Lane to protect the existing residential development to the north. Future widening of Poinsettia Lane to six lanes between Paseo Del Norte/Lowder 14 Lane and Batiquitos Drive would be required to serve projected traffic entering the interchange area, but is not part of this project. Reconstruction of each of the four ramps is described below. All proposed improvements are designed to accommodate planned future freeway widening. Northbound Exit Ramp; The northbound exit ramp would be widened to provide a standard two-lane freeway exit with a 1300-foot auxiliary lane approach (plus taper), per Figure 504.8B of the Caltrans Highway Design Manual. The ramp terminus would consist of three lanes (one left turn and two right turn) approaching Poinsettia Lane (Attachment 9, sheets 1 & 2). Northbound Entrance Ramp; The northbound entrance ramp would be widened to two lanes (one HOV, one mixed flow) and metered in accordance with Caltrans Ramp Meter Design Guidelines. A standard one-lane freeway entrance would be provided (Attachment 9, Sheets 2 and 3). Southbound Exit Ramp; The existing one-lane ramp and one-lane exit would be retained. The ramp terminus would be widened to three lanes (two left, one right turn) approaching Poinsettia Lane (Attachment 9, Sheets 2 and 3). 15 Southbound Entrance Ramp: The southbound entrance ramp would be widened to three lanes (one HOV, two mixed flow) and metered in accordance with Caltrans Ramp Meter Design Guidelines. A standard two-lane freeway entrance and 1000-foot auxiliary lane (plus taper), per Figure 504.8B of the Caltrans Highway Design Manual. would be provided for needed merging capacity (Attachment 9, sheets 1 and 2). Traffic signals would be installed at three intersections on Poinsettia Lane: both ramp intersections and Paseo Del Norte/Lowder Lane. The existing signal at Avenida Encinas would be modified as required. The four signals would be designed to Caltrans standards and interconnected with each other and with the ramp meter signals for increased operational control and efficiency. Caltrans will retain operational control and pay 100% of operational costs at all four signal locations. Maintenance costs for the signals will be paid 50% by Caltrans, 50% by the City of Carlsbad at the ramp intersections and paid 100% by the City of Carlsbad at Paseo del Norte/Lowder Lane and Avenida Encinas. Non-Standard Design Features; The proposed lane configuration at the Poinsettia Lane/southbound ramps intersection would utilize two designated left turn lanes for the westbound to southbound 16 move. The number one westbound through lane would be striped and signed to become one of these lanes. In order to minimize driver confusion and add to the overall efficiency of the proposed improvements, adequate striping and lane assignment signs would be provided. It is proposed to maintain existing ramp superelevation rates and transitions, which vary slightly from the current standards. In addition, non-standard vertical curve lengths have been used in some locations due to existing geometric constraints. An advisory design exception request has been submitted and approved. Design guidelines for three-lane ramps are not included in the Caltrans Highway Design Manual. However, design guidelines for these ramps are included in the Caltrans Ramp Meter Design Guidelines. Based on these guidelines, a design exception is not required. The existing inside freeway shoulders are eight feet wide. Widening to the standard ten feet is not included with this project because the cost of the narrow widening exceeds the expected benefit. A mandatory design exception request has been submitted. 17 Replacement Planting and Irrigation; Proposed landscape concepts have been reviewed and approved by the District Landscape Architect (see Attachment 16) . The project area was originally planted and irrigated in 1969 as part of Contract No. 11-120704. Minor additional landscaping within the project limits was completed with local developments along Poinsettia Lane east and west of the Cal trans right-of-way. Areas west of the freeway right-of-way are currently zoned for commercial use, and areas east of the freeway right-of-way are currently zoned primarily for residential use, with one lot at the southwest corner of Poinsettia Lane and Paseo del Norte/Lowder Lane zoned for commercial use. Current land uses match this zoning. The one commercial lot east of the freeway is currently undeveloped. There is a landscape project identified for the 1-5 corridor between Batiquitos Lagoon (just north of La Costa Avenue) and 0.5 mile south of Palomar Airport Road. This future project would utilize reclaimed water from the Encinas Treatment Plant west of 1-5. In compliance with Caltrans highway planting and water conservation policies, proposed planting is limited to replacement of impacted trees and ground cover and placement of erosion control on exposed slopes. The following table shows the estimated quantities of trees and ground cover impacted: 18 Trees and Ground Cover* Species Eucalyptus Citriodora Eucalyptus Rudis (large) Eucalyptus Rudis (small) Magnolia Grandiflora Agapanthus Africanus Escallonia Fradesii Delosperma Alba Lonicera Japonica Halliana Location Inside State R/W Inside State R/W Inside State R/W Outside State R/W Outside State R/W Outside State R/W Outside State R/W Outside State R/W Quantity 5 Trees 29 Trees 2 Trees 12 Trees 36 Shrubs 5 Shrubs 2335 Plants 869 Plants * See Attachment 16 for proposed tree planting concepts. Shrubs and ground cover (plants) outside the State R/W would be replaced at a 1:1 ratio. After a field review of the above impacts, a five-to-one tree replacement ratio has been identified by the District Landscape Architect as the appropriate ratio within State R/W. Impacted ground cover would be replaced with non-irrigated hydroseed mix. The City of Carlsbad has agreed to a three-month establishment period as part of this project, followed by a 21-month establishment period by the City of Carlsbad under an encroachment permit from the State. 19 — Irrigation work would be limited to repair of impacted systems ** and additional new irrigation required for establishment of the mt replacement planting. New irrigation facilities would be m designed for future reclaimed water usage. A twenty-inch ^ reclaimed waterline would be installed along Poinsettia Lane for *ir the entire length of the project in conformance with the Carlsbad *" Municipal Water District's (CMWD) Reclaimed Water Master Plan. m m Potable water is available at the site for both construction and *. plant establishment, as confirmed by a letter from the CMWD (see *" Attachment 17) . A new water meter will be installed at Station 1763+30 right on Poinsettia Lane. The 1-5 corridor in this area is eventually expected to be irrigated completely with reclaimed•«• m water. Electric service points are available along Poinsettia «- Lane on both sides of the freeway. Because the plant species proposed for this replacement planting «• effort are compatible with those currently living on site, there *M» «* are no anticipated concerns about rainfall, temperature, wind, — surface and subsurface soil conditions, groundwater level, etc. ** The only identified obstructions to planting are drainage *MM facilities, which will primarily consist of small ditches and ** structures. 20 Earthwork; It is estimated that this project would create approximately 32,000 cubic yards (CY) of excess material. The City of Carlsbad has identified potential disposal sites for the excess material (see Attachment 18). At least one of those sites is environmentally cleared. Estimated Project Cost: Roadway Items $5,084,000 Structure Items 1,405,OOP Subtotal Construction $6,489,000 Right-of-Way 200.000 Total Capital Cost $6,689,000 Design 900,000 Caltrans Design Oversight (3%) 201,000 * Caltrans Constr. Admin. (13.5%) 903,000 Caltrans R/W Support 60,OOP Total Project Cost $8,753,000 * Caltrans design oversight may be reimbursable to the City of Carlsbad per the current Cooperative Agreement Number 11-0429. 21 Proposed Proiect Schedule: (Note that the Project Report and PS&E are current.) Approve Project Report September 22, 1993 District Office Engineer September 29, 1993 PS&E to Headquarters December 3, 1993 Award of Contract June 13, 1994 Start of Construction June 27, 1994 End of Construction October 29, 1995 ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED • No-Build Alternative: The no-build alternative essentially would be the existing interchange with ramp metering added. Excessive congestion and delay would likely result, with queues from the entrance ramp meters potentially blocking the overcrossing and approaches, and with queues from the off-ramp termini potentially extending onto the freeway. Provide for Build-out Traffic: This alternative, basically the same as the proposed project plan with additional lanes for the Build-out condition, was analyzed at the request of the City of Carlsbad. The additional improvements, including addition of a seventh lane on the overcrossing, would significantly add to the project cost but would add little benefit except increased queue storage for vehicles waiting to enter 1-5 southbound. 22 PROJECT FUNDING As stated in City Council Resolution No. 9278 (Attachment 13) , the proposed project is to be funded by the City of Carlsbad. Funding would be drawn from the City's Community Facilities District No. I, and from state and federal funds for which the City plans to apply. State and Local Partnership Funds will not be used to match other state and federal funds. Federal funds will not be used for the preparation of Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E). Caltrans and the City of Carlsbad have signed a Cooperative Agreement (No. 11-0429) for the preparation of this Project Report and the plans, specifications and estimate. Per the Cooperative Agreement, Caltrans will provide Project Report and design oversight. Caltrans and the City of Carlsbad have also signed an Amendment to Agreement (No. 11-0429 A/1) which states that Caltrans will reimburse the city for the actual costs of seismic analysis and preparation of plans, specifications and estimate for the seismic retrofit. Caltrans and the City of Carlsbad will sign a Cooperative Agreement for construction of the proposed project. The City of Carlsbad will reimburse Caltrans for construction administration costs. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Park and Ride Facilities: None are proposed. There is an existing Park and Ride Lot in the northeast quadrant of the La Costa Avenue interchange, 1.5 miles to the south. 23 ,m Nonmotorized Transportation; Eight-foot shoulders and five-foot sidewalks on both sides of the widened overcrossing would provide for both bicycle and pedestrian traffic on Poinsettia Lane. Curb ramps will be provided for wheelchair access. HOV Lanes; Bus and carpool facilities would be provided in accordance with Caltrans policy for ramp metering facilities (see "Proposal Description"). Future HOV lanes are proposed in the freeway median for the 1-5 corridor. This project would be designed so that it does not preclude planned future construction. Permits Required; This project is within the Coastal Zone and a Coastal Development Permit is required. An application has been submitted to the California Coastal Commission. Caltrans is the Applicant. Ramp Metering. CHP Enforcement: Ramp meters and CHP enforcement areas would be provided for both entrance ramps in accordance with Caltrans guidelines. Graffiti Removal and Prevention; This project would be designed in conformance with the District 11 Director's "Graffiti Prevention Policy" dated March 13, 1992. 24 Hazardous Waste; During the PSR phase, an Initial Site Assessment (ISA) was completed by Caltrans for this project on December 28, 1989. No hazardous materials were found. Value Engineering; The City has chosen not to do a value engineering study for this locally funded project. PROJECT REVIEWS The following agency representatives have reviewed the project and concur with its general features as proposed. Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer, City of Carlsbad Bill Toumi, SANDAG (TransNet) Paul Webb, Coastal Commission Ken Gilbert, Caltrans HQ Traffic Reviewer (2/5/91-2/22/91) Jerry Champa, Caltrans HQ Geometrician (2/5/91-2/22/91) Glenn DeCou, Caltrans HQ Geometrician (Design Exceptions) On July 29, 1993, FHWA Engineer, Jeff Lewis, reviewed this project. Per ISTEA, this project is considered exempt. PUBLIC HEARING PROCESS No public hearing is required or planned for this Category 5 project. 25 Bit FREEWAY AGREEMENT Revision of the Freeway Agreement will not be required. ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE This project is Categorically Exempt/Categorically Excluded under CEQA and NEPA, respectively. As sponsor of this locally funded project, the City of Carlsbad is the lead agency responsible for preparation and processing of the environmental clearance pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (see Attachment 15) . Caltrans is the lead agency under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (see Attachment 14). Noise impacts were studied, and noise mitigation is not required. One sound wall is proposed in the northeast quadrant to replace an existing wall to be removed. Visual impacts were addressed in the "I-5/Poinsettia Lane Interchange Improvement Project Visual Analysis" (Keller Environmental, April 1991) . Replacement planting and irrigation have been incorporated as recommended. This project lies in the Coastal Zone; an application for a Coastal Development Permit has been submitted. R/W CERTIFICATION Complete, current, and accurate right-of-way data have been obtained (see Right of Way Data Sheet, Attachment 12) . Three 26 right-of-way acquisitions have been identified (see Attachment 9, Sheets 1 and 2) . No significant utility relocations are evident at this time; however, the following utilities have facilities which may require relocation or protection in place: Agency/Company Daniels Cablevision Utility/Description of Work Buried Cable TV Conduits/No relocation expected Pacific Bell Buried Telephone Conduits/Relocate conduits SDG&E Buried Gas Lines/Adjust gas vent pipe to grade Buried High Voltage Electric Conduits/No relocation expected Overhead High Voltage Electric Lines/No relocation expected City of Carlsbad Street Lighting/Relocate as required Storm Drainage/Remove and replace as required Irrigation Piping/Relocate as required Potable Water Pipeline/Relocate to avoid conflict at retaining wall. 27 SAFE - Emergency Roadside Call Boxes/Relocate to accommodate freeway auxiliary lanes An SDG&E 4-inch gas line is the only utility within the existing Poinsettia Lane overcrossing structure (see Attachment 7) . No work is expected to be done on that gas line. Research was done by checking both record maps and encroachment permits issued by Caltrans. The following new utility facilities have been requested: Carlsbad MWD 12" potable waterline 20" reclaimed waterline (outside structure) 2-14" reclaimed waterlines (through structure) SDG&E 4-5" electric ducts Pacific Bell 4-4" telephone ducts PROJECT PERSONNEL The following is a list of project personnel: CALTRANS DISTRICT 11 PROJECT REPORT (OVERSIGHT): Mark D. Parra - Project Manager Les Hopper - Project Engineer Richalene Kelsay - Environmental Analyst Max L. Wickham - Traffic Analysis 28 i* Tom Ham Larry F. Fagot District Landscape Architect Associate Landscape Architect For information concerning the project, contact Mark Parra at public telephone number (619) 688-6952 (ATSS 688-6952), or Les Hopper at public telephone number (619) 688-6462 (ATSS 638- 6462) . CITY OF CARLSBAD: Lloyd Hubbs City Engineer For information from the City of Carlsbad regarding this project, contact Lloyd Hubbs at public telephone number (619) 438-1161 (extension 4391). For telecopy: (619) 438-0894. BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORATION; Gordon Lutes Clark Fernon Ken Bankston and Mary Pine Christine Keller Principal in Charge Project Manager Traffic Analysis Environmental Studies For information from the consultant, Boyle Engineering Corporation, contact Clark Fernon at public telephone number (619) 268-8080. For telecopy: (619) 292-7432. 29 RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval of the project as described herein. Approval of this report constitutes authorization to enter into a Cooperative Agreement with the City of Carlsbad for assignment of responsibility for financing, engineering, utility relocation, construction and maintenance of the project. 30 tut LIST OF ATTACHMENTS 1. Project Location Map 2. City of Carlsbad Circulation Plan 3. Aerial Map 4. Existing Traffic Volumes-1988 5. 2010 Traffic Volumes-Demand 6. 2010 Traffic Volumes-Capacity Constrained 7. Typical Overcrossing Section 8. Ramp Typical Sections - Sheet Sheet 9. Proposed Project Plan - Sheet Sheet Sheet 10. 1-5 Operational Analysis-AM Peak 11. 1-5 Operational Analysis-PM Peak 12. Right of Way Data Sheet 13. City Council Resolution No. 9278 14. Categorical Exemption/Exclusion Determination (In State R/W) 15. Categorical Exemption (Outside State R/W) 16. Landscape Concepts Approval 17. Confirmation letter from Carlsbad Municipal Water District 18. Potential Disposal Sites 19. Preliminary Project Cost Estimate 1 South of overcrossing 2 North of overcrossing 1 South of overcrossing 2 at Overcrossing 3 North of overcrossing The technical information contained under my direction as the prof charge of the work, in accordan Professional Engineer Act of the has been prepared in responsible 'visions of the F.R Pro- lark Fernon, P.E ect Manager O L(ts/ W. Hopper, prsight Review Engineer Date Submitted by: ll-SD-5 PM R44.9/R45.9 11276-167840 ;%*/€? Concurrence by:. Mar^/D. Parra ' / Date Project Manager - Project Development-North 931^^- » ^ N< • Jo^ Hull Date Project Manager - Project Development-North Right of Way Certification: "I have reviewed the right of way data contained in this Project Report supplied by the City of Carlsbad." °t E. R. Kirwan Deputy District Director - Right of Way Date Environmental Certification- by: Approved by: Concurrence by: Tinr'Vasquez Chief, Environmental Analysis Branch A \NDate x /**• Joel Haven " Date Deputy District Director - Project Development- Noith - ~ Deputy District Directorx^oject Development- South /^>S Attachments cc: Project Report Distribution List CAMP PENDLETON 3CEANSIOE VISTA CARLSBAD PROJECTLOCATION: SAN MARCOS LEUCAOIA ENCINITA3 CARDIFF SOLANA BEACH DEL UAH ESCONOIDO SUTHERLAND RANCHO \.ROMONA •*— <**v*w«iw ••S, BERNARDOn \l RANCHO i PENASOUITOI MIRAMESA M VICENTE RSVR 'CAPITAH RSVR LA JOLLA PACIFIC BEACH OCEAN BEACH POINT LOUA TIERRA\ SANTA SANTEE> ICAJON UESAI LOVCLANDRSVR DIEG( RSVR \MATIONAL CITY \ \. LCHULA VISTA pOUr RSVR PA C I F I C IMPERIAL BEACH OCEAN 10 MILES WIDEN POINSETTIA LANE OVERCROSSING PROJECT REPORT INTERCHANGE LOCATION MAP ATTACHMENT 1 OCfAMMOC VIST* 8UENA VISTA LAGOON AGOA HEOIONOA LAGOON PACIFIC OCEAN CARLSBAD CITY LIMITS AVCNIOA ENC1NAS MANCOS SATIOUITOS LAGOON N CITY OF CARLSBAD CIRCULATION PLAN -»-H- RAILROAD •"FREEWAY — PRIME ARTERIAL MAJOR ARTERIAL SECONDARY ARTERIAL COLLECTOR STREET WIDEN POINSETTIA LANE OVERCROSSING PROJECT REPORT - I CITY OF CARLSBAD CIRCULATION PLAN ATTACHMENT 2 61,750 A 7,760 P7.IOO 61,750 A5.670 P8.240 AI70 PI60 A370PI50 3,400 A170 P300 3,180 A260 P200 \\VAI20 PI90 A40 P70 00,000 ADT A 0,000 AM PEAK P 0,000 PM PEAK WIDEN POINSETTIA LANE OVERCROSSING PROJECT REPORT ATTACHMENT 41988 EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES 100,200 A 5.670 95,400 A 7,600 P7.IOO A9IO P6IO AI.620 P600 *- *, °b 00,000 AO.OOO PO.OOO ADT AM PEAK PM PEAK WIDEN POINSETTIA LANE OVERCROSSING PROJECT REPORT ATTACHMENT 52010 TRAFFIC VOLUMES- DEMAND e B I I L u I C L L L T ' y 95,400 A 7,500 P7.IOO 100,200 A5.670 P9.IOO A820 P570 A 1,420 P600 A 440 P780 A 480 P300 1,200 A 630 P 1,300 12,600 A 1,150 P880 17,800 A 1,900 P9IO 15,100 A 760 PI,900 102,00 A8.800 P6.7IO 103,900 A5.IIO PIO.IOO 00,000 ADT A0,000 AM PEAK PO.OOO PM PEAK WIDEN POINSETTIA LANE OVERCROSSING PROJECT REPORT 2010 TRAFFIC VOLUMES- CAPACITY CONSTRAINED ATTACHMENT 6 r TYPE at, BARRIER WITH TYPE 7 RAILING 55; 6HLP 104' LIMITS OF PROPOSE!? OVERCR066IN6 70' PROPOSE!? WIDENING, 4' TRAVELED WAY WE5TBOUNP "JMED 12.' LEFT TURN L«A/er EXJ^TlNfi, STRUCTURE 2L4' TRAVELED WA^ EA^TBOUNP LIGHT WEIGHT CONCRETE OVERLAY J •'$•!:-i 6HU7 5' 6W TYPE 26 BARRIER TYPE 7 RAILING J \\ •~E& s r llS HIS V) | _ [^~ TYPICAL OVERCRQeeiNGi 6ECTIQN 6CALE: IM=IO' f'L WIDEN POINSETTIA LANE OVERCROSSING TYPICAL OVERCROSSING SECTION PROJECT REPORT ATTACHMENT 7 State of California MEMORANDUM Business and Transportation Agency - To: MARK PARRA m Project Manager Project Development - North «• Attn: Les Hopper ** From: DEPARTMENT OP TRANSPORTATION - District 11 ** Subject: Right of Way Data - 1. R/W Cost Estimate: *M m A) Acquisition, including Excess Land Purchase, Damages to Remainders & m Goodwill Loss _ B) Acquisition of Offsite Mitigationm C) Utility Relocation (State share) D) Clearance Cost *" E) RAP and/or Last Resort Housing Costs ta F) Title and Escrow Costs R/W Estimate m G) Condemnation Settlements — % M H) Design Appreciation Factor — % (Items G & H applied to items A + B) m Total R/W Estimate (Excluding Item #8 - Hazardous Waste) I) Total R/W Estimate: Escalated Date: 8/5/93 File: ll-SD-5 P.M. R44.9/R45.9 E.A. 167840 11276 $ 185,000 $$$$$$$$ $ -0- -0- -0- 15, 200. 000 000 J) Construction Contract Work $ -0- X A B C D E F Total Parcel Data: Type Du.App.G/W APP. XXXX XXXX XXXX No. Excess Parcels RR Involvements None C&M Agree Service Cont Lic/Re/Clauses Misc R/W Work; Rap Displ Clear/Demo Const Permits Escalation Rate XX ExcessAreas: R/W 12.400 SF Ent PMCS 1. EVENT RW SCREEN(All Data) 2. ACRE SCREEN(Railroad Data Only) I have reviewed the right of way data contained in this Project Report supplied by the City of Carlsbad. E. R. KIRWAN Deputy District Director - R/W District y ROBERT La FOREST Capital Coordinator Right of Way, District 11 ATTACHMENT 12 -2- File: ll-SD-5 P.M. R44.9/R45.9 E.A. 11276-167840 3. Are there major items of construction contract work? Yes_ No XX Not determined at this time (If yes, explain.) *" 4. Provide a general description of the right of way and excess m lands required (zoning, use, major improvements, critical or sensitive parcels, goodwill, etc.). None required mm a) Parcel 21 is zoned commercial; parcel development consists m of commercial business; minor right-of-way acquisition ^ (9400 SF) along Poinsettia Lane. ** b) Parcel 60 is zoned residential; parcel is designated "common area" for the subdivision; minor right-of-way *• acquisition (2900 SF) will be required. m 5. Is there an effect on assessed valuation? Yes No XX m Not Significant (If yes, explain.) m 6. Are utility facilities or rights of way affected? Yes XX m No Not determined at this time (If yes, explain.) i <• Minor utility relocations are necessary. Utilities in the area are underground TV, telephone, gas, electricity, water and ** overhead electric. The costs will be borne by the utility m companies. — 7. A. Are railroad facilities or rights of way affected? Yes No XX (If yes, explain.) *• B. Name(s) of railroad(s) NA C. When branch lines or spurs are affected, would acquisition and/or payment of damages to businesses and/or industries served by the railroad facilities be more cost effective than construction of a facility to perpetuate the rail service? (See Procedural Handbook Volume 4a, Chapter 440 for further detail.) Yes , No XX (If yes, explain.) 8. Were any previously unidentified sites with hazardous wastes and/or material found? Yes None Evident XX (If yes, attach memorandum per Procedural Handbook Volume 1, Section 101.026) 9. Are RAP displacements required? Yes No XX (If yes, provide the following information.) No. of single family No. of business/nonprofit No. of multi-family No. of farm Based on Relocation Impact Statement/Study dated , it is anticipated that sufficient housing (will/will not) be available without Last Resort Housing. -3- File: ll-SD-5 <» P.M. R44.9/R45.9 E.A. 11276-167840mt 10. Are there material borrow and/or disposal sites required? Yes XX «• No Not determined at this time (If yes, explain.) "• This project will require the disposal of approximately 32,000 «i cyds. The City of Carlsbad has located potential disposal sites (see Attachmnt 18). •«• 11. Are there potential relinquishments and/or abandonments? Yes *" No XX (If yes, explain.) 12. Are there existing and/or potential Airspace sites? Yes XX •" No (If yes, explain.) """ 13. Indicate the anticipated Right of Way schedule and lead time m requirements. (Discuss if District proposes less than formula lead time and/or if significant pressures for project advancement «• are anticipated.) R/W lead time available from approval of the Project Report to m anticipated PS&E is four months. R/W engineering and appraisals have already been completed and approved by Caltrans. 14. Is it anticipated that all Right of Way work will be performed by *™ Caltrans staff? Yes No XX (If no, explain.) m Caltrans staff will be responsible for oversight and review of <"• local agency's consultant's preparation of R/W documentation and — appraisals. ,,. ASSUMPTIONS & LIMITING CONDITIONS *" [ ] The mapping did not provide sufficient detail to determine the limits of the right of way required. ** [ ] The transportation facilities have not been sufficiently designed so our estimator could determine the damages to any of the *"" remainder parcels affected by the project. [ ] Additional right-of-way requirements are anticipated, but are not mm defined due to preliminary nature of early design requirements. *" [ ] See attached Evaluations prepared by Boyle Engineering: Signature^;•"—^Date Glark Fernon >-—Concurrence by City of Carlsbad: Signaturfex<^7V^g7Sn/&&" Date, Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 9278 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REGARDING IMPLEMENTATION OF CALTRANS REQUIRE- MENTS AND PROCEDURES OF PROPOSED PROJECTS TO IMPROVE THE 1-5 BRIDGE OVERPASSES AT PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, LA COSTA AVENUE. AND POINSETTIA LANE IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad determines it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to formally request assistance and cooperation from the state of California, Department of Transportation (CALTRANS), to affect certain improvements to freeway bridge overpasses on Interstate 5 at Palomar Airport Road, La Costa Avenue, and Poinsettia Lane within the city of Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad determines it necessary/ desirable, and in the public interest to concur and endorse the implementation of these projects; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad determines it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to formally request CALTRANS to proceed with the necessary project development process including feasibility studies and preparation of agency cooperative agreements to affect these proj ects; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad determines it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to secure the professional services of competent private consultants to assist in facilitating and implementing these proj ects; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad determines it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest i to formally request addition of these project to the State and WIDEN LA COSTA AVENUE OVERCROSSING PROJECT REPORT CITY OF CARLSBAD RESOLUTION NO. 9278 ATTACHMENT 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 26 regional Transportation Improvement Programs; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has previously formulated a citywide Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District as a funding mechanism to accumulate revenues specifically intended to facilitate the financing and implementation of these projects; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad determines it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to continue to explore other potential programs or mechanisms intended to facilitate the financing and implementation of these proj ects; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby formally requests the assistance and cooperation from the State of California, Department of Transportation (CALTRANS), to 18 jj undertake feasibility studies and other appropriate work as may I: 19 |l be required, consistent with Federal, State and local standards, to implement the proposed improvements to the bridge overpasses on Interstate 5 at Palomar Airport Road, La Costa Avenue, and Poinsettia Lane within the city of Carlsbad. 3. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby designates the following project priority: 1-5 at Palomar Airport Road, 1-5 at La Costa Avenue, 1-5 at Poinsettia Lane. 4. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby 27 jj concurs and endorses the implementation of these projects.i!281! 5. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I! 27 || 28 il formally requests CALTRANS to proceed with the preparation of the necessary project development process including, but not limited to, feasibility studies, project study reports, and agency cooperative agreements necessary to facilitate and implement these projects. 6. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby authorizes and directs City staff to prepare Requests for Proposals and/or Requests for Qualifications necessary to secure the professional services of competent private consultants to assist the City in taking the lead in facilitating and implementing these projects. 7. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby formally requests addition of these projects by the State of California, Department of Transportation (CALTRANS), and the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) to the State and regional Transportation Improvement Programs. 8. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has previously formulated and implemented a citywide Bridge and Thoroughfare Benefit District as a funding mechanism to accumulate revenues specifically intended to finance these projects and hereby designates this program to provide necessary project funding for construction when required. 9. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby reserves the right to continue to explore other potential funding programs, sources, or mechanisms to finance project construction of these projects when required. 10. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby offers its commitment of personnel, information, and other 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 i !24 II ii2511ij 26 1|ij' 2711;i 28!! resources and assistance to the State of California, Department of Transportation (CALTRANS), for the expeditious implementation of these projects. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 3rd day of November 1987 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson NOES: None ABSENT: None CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST : '.<?O,T ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City \Clerk (SEAL) CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION/EXCLUSION DETERMINATION ll_SD^5 R44.8-R46.2 11222 167840 5/15/91 Out. Co. Aft P. M CO. Proposal Description and Purpose: (Briefly describe proposal, purpose, location, and limits. right ol way requirements, and any changes in access control.) On Route 5 at the Poinsetta Lane interchange in the City of Carlsbad; widen the overcrossing for channelization, signalize and intertie signals at; the ranp intersections,, ranp meter freeway entrance ramps, widen exit ramps for storage, add freeway auxiliary lanes and replace landscaping. This project win inprove the safe flow of traffic through this interchange. 1. Will the project involve substantial controversy on environmental grounds? 2. Is there a reasonable possibility that the project will have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances? 3. Will there be a significant cumulative impact by this project and successive projects of the same type in the same place, over time? CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION (CEQA) 1. Does this project fall within exempt class 1, 3. 4. 5. 6, or 11, and might it impact on an environmental resource or hazard designated in the Environmental Goals and Policy Report issued by the Governor, or an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern where designated, precisely mapped, and officially adopted pursuant to law? 2. if Class 1 project will it result in significant damage to or removal of a scenic i resource? CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (NEPA) 1. Will the project involve significant impacts on properties protected by Section 4 (f) of the DOT Act or Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act? 2. Is the project inconsistent with any Federal, State, or local law or administrative requirement relating to the environment such as the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Executive Order 11990 (Wetlands) or Executive Order 11988 (Floodplains)? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CALTRANS DETERMINATION Based on an examination of this proposal and the above statements, it is determined that the project is: C2 Categorically exempt Class 1 Section isid. 1 of Caltrans Environmental Regulations D Categorically exempt General rule exemption. This project does not fall within.an exemct class, but it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that me activity may have a significant effect on the environment AND. (if applicable) G3 Categorically excluded Sign»turt-£nvuonm»ntal Branca CtiM Oat* FHWA DETERMINATION (if applicable) Based on the evaluation of this project it is determined that the project meets the criteria of ana is properly classified as a Categorical Exclusion. ATTACHMENT 14 Notice of Exemption To: JL County Clerk From: City of Carlsbad County of San Diego Planning Department Attn: MaU Drop C-ll 2075 Las Palmas Dr. 220 West Broadway Carlsbad, CA 92009 San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 438-1161 Subject: Filing of this Notice of Exemption is in compliance with Section 21152b of the Public Resources Code (California Environmental Quality Act). Project Title Poinsetria Lane Overcrossing at 1-5 Project Location - Specific Poinsettia Lane Between AT&SF Railroad and Paseo Del Norte Project Location - City: Carlsbad Project Location - County San Diego Description of Project: Minor lane widening along Poinsettia Lane in the City of Carlsbad right-of-wav to accommodate interchange improvements at 1-5. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: Citv of Carlsbad Name of Person or Agency Carrying out Project: Citv of Carlsbad Exempt Status: fCheck one) _ Ministerial (Sec. 21080(b)(l); 15268); _ Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080(b)(3); 15269(a)); _ Emergency Project (Sec. 21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)); X Categorical Exemption. State type and section number: Section 15301 Gass Ifc) "Existing Facilities" Statutory Exemptions. State code number: . Reasons why project is exempt: Minor alteration of an existing public facility/existing street - Poinsetria Lane. : _ • Lead Agency Contact Person: Jeff Gibson Area Code/Telephone/: T619) 438-1161. X4455 If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. 2. Has a notice of exemption been filed by the public agency approving the project? Yes No\ Signature: '/^j(^qGQ^ffr^MM/Q^ Date: 3? /57cf 3 Title: Planning Director MTf!HAET. JT T^fof .71\JrfTJ.ER ' SjZl Signed by Lead Agency D Signed by Applicant ATTACHMENT 15 **" Revised October 1989 State of California«p» "Memorandum Business, Transportation and Housing Agency File Date File No.: December 22, 1992 ll-SD-5 P.M. R44.8-R46.2 11255-167840 From DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Subject:PROJECT CONCEPT APPROVAL On December 15, 1992, the above referenced highway planting project was reviewed in the district with the following individuals: Jim Noel-CT Ma int. , Larry Fagot-CT Design Oversight, Tom Ham-District Landscape Arch. , Lloyd Hubbs-City of Carlsbad, Joe Hull and Mike Penner-CT Engineering Oversight, Les Hopper-CT Project Development and Over sight; Nancy Decrees and Clark Fernon- Boyle Engineering and Tim Usher-Boyle Engineering/Landscape Architect . The following issues were reviewed: Conformance to P&P 82-9 REVISED (STANDARD PLANTING) and other policies, standards, and guidelines. Identification of exceptions to Caltrans policy, standards, and guidelines. Adequacy of site analysis (slope soils, flora and fauna and adjacent development) . Proposal of planting consistent with site analysis. Proposal of irrigation consistent with plant requirements. Conservation of existing vegetation and water resources with consideration of alternative water sources, such as reclaimed water. Consideration of community desires and/or political requirements . Resolution of functional requirements. Visual resources assessed, managed and aesthetically enhanced . Input which has been sought from Maintenance and Construction adequately considered. The preliminary project concept analysis dated December 15, 1992 as amended and attached has been approved. THOMAS HAM District Landscape Architect LFF:ec cc:THara,LKoe-HQ,OTFE-3, Project File (Cat 243&311)2, Const . Landscape , Maint . Landscape Architect, JHull/MPenner, A-T-TA ^UUCMT <t «ATTACHMENT 1 o 1-5 / Poinsettia Lane Interchange Widening Landscape Concepts December 15,1992 INTRODUCTION This project consists of bridge, roadway, and ramp widening, overlay of existing roadways, , auxiliary, lanes, drainage improvements, ramp metering, signalization of intersections, and | signing and striping. As a result of the impacts to existing landscaping, replacement planting is necessary. Erosion control is also required for all proposed slopes. Both replacement planting and erosion control will be part of the construction contract Erosion control will be limited to non-irrigated hydroseed mixes. Replacement planting is described below. REPLACEMENT PLANTING Per Caltrans direction, trees greater than 4 inches in diameter (measured 4 feet above ground level) will be replaced at a 5:1 ratio. Replacement of smaller trees, or trees outside the Caltrans right-of-way, will be at a 1:1 ratio. The existing trees impacted are listed below, with the proposed replacement planting: Species f Impacted Ratio »Proposed Eucalyptus Citriodora 5 5:1 <p Eucalyptus Sideroxylon Rosea 36 Eucalyptus Rudis 29 5:1 134 *" Eucalyptus Rudis (small) 2 1:1 2 * Magnolia Grandifbra 12 1:1 12 Total 46 164 The concept for replacement planting is to group the trees generally within the immediate area of the bridge. This focuses attention on the interchange as a gateway to the community, in addition to reducing costs by minimizing irrigation. •BB^AT,™ '*** *<*AC* -Ta»- 60*. ~" £2.0' 0.0IRRIGATION j.' "" ii Irrigation will generally consist of one bubbler per tree. No irrigation is anticipated for erosion j control. COSTS For purposes of a planning level estimate, the cost of $500 per tree was discussed in a meeting with the City and Caltrans. This is considered to be a conservative estimate of the total costs per tree including labor, materials, irrigation, etc. Using this, the total cost for the above landscaping is 184 trees @ $500 per tree = $92,000. Erosion control is not included in this cost because it would be required for the construction project regardless. Bailie Enciinaenno Consorot'on Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5950 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008 .Engineering: (619) 438-3367 Administration: -(619) 438-2722 ;— _-_,.-.._-—..- Fax: (619) 431-1601 I • &J3-4IS93 BOYLE ENGINEERING SAN DiEGOFHF __ August 3, 1993 Joel Haven, Deputy District Director Project Development California Department of Transportation 2829 Juan Street San Diego, California 92110 Attention: Mr. Joe Hull, Project Manager SUBJECT: I-5/POINSETT1A LANE INTERCHANGE PROJECT (PM R44.9/R4S.9 EA 167841) - CMWD PROJECT NO. 90-111 This letter confirms aspects of this project which involve the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. Caltrans has requested this letter to be included in the Final Project Report. A. Potable Waterline; There is a proposed 12-inch potable waterline which runs the length of the project along Poinsettia Lane. The waterline through the bridge will be encased and designed for seismic movement. B. Reclaimed Waterline; There is a proposed 20-inch steel reclaimed waterline which runs the length of the project along Poinsettia J_^ine. The portion of the waterline through the bridge will split into two 14-inch lines which will be encased and designd for seismic movements. This waterline will be temporarily charged with potable water, and will eventually tie into the developing reclaimed water network in this area. "Serving Carlsbad for over 35 years'ATTACHMENT 17 Page 2, con't C. Water Meter; A two-inch copper water service and meter is required for irrigation. The meter will be paid for by others and installed by the Water District. The water service shall be installed by the Contractor at station 1763+30 right "PL" Line. The water service and meter will be connected to the reclaimed waterline and will provide service to the irrigation system. D. Irrigation System; There will be a new irrigation system for the interchange, primarily for establishment of trees which are being planted to replace existing trees impacted by the project. The irrigation system is to be designed to reclaimed water specifications so that the transition to reclaimed water can be easily made in the future. E. Construction Water Demands; The Water District will supply the construction water demands at the closest fire hydrant at the Contractor's expense which are expected to average 1,200 GPD between July, 1994 and December, 1995. Reclaimed water will not be available during construction. • F. Irrigation Demands; The Water District will supply the long term irrigation water demands, which are expected to average 50 GPD starting in September, 1995. Mr. Bob Coates, District Engineer Date Carlsbad Municipal Water District C: Tom Ham, Caltrans Landscape Architecture Mark Parra, Caltrans Project Development HWY 78 1 1 1 J BUENA VISTA LAGOON POTENTIAL DISPOSAL SITE POTENTIAL DISPOSAL SITE NOT TO SCALE POTENTIAL DISPOSAL SITE PACIFIC OCEAN POTENTIAL DISPOSAL SITE CONSTRUCTION SITE POTENTIAL- DISPOSAL SITE CEQA PROCESSING COMPLETE ATTACHMENT 18 POTENTIAL DISPOSAL SITES DISTRICT H PRELIMINARY PROJECT COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY Type of Estimate (Pre-PSR,PSR,PR, etc.): PS&E Program Code: Locally Funded DIST-CQ-RTE ll-SD-5 PM R44.9-R45.9 CU 11276 EA 167840 Project Description: Limits: In San Diego County in Carlsbad from 0.7 mile south to 0.3 mile north of Poinsettia Lane overcrossing. Proposed Improvement (Scope): Widen overcrossing and approaches; signalize ramp termini and adjacent street intersections on Poinsettia Lane; widen the ramps; add auxiliary lanes to south of interchange; and construct ramp metering system at the freeway ramp entrances. Alternative: Reviewed by District O.E._ ROADWAY ITEMS $ 5,084,000 STRUCTURE ITEMS $ 1,405,000 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION $ 6,489,000 RIGHT-OF-WAY $ 200,000 TOTAL CAPITAL COST $ 6,689,000 DESIGN $ 900,000 CALTRANS DESIGN OVERSIGHT (3%) $ 201,000 CALTRANS CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION (13.5%) $ 903,000 CALTRANS RIGHT-OF-WAY SUPPORT $ 60,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 8,753,000 ,0 Date (Signature) Approved by Project Manager_Date Joseph R. Hull SD-C17-300-01/COSTEST.DOC/cap/SAA/091693 ATTACHMENT 19 I t i If % i t i t 1310 OPENING DATE EX PEN 01TLJ RE AU IT 10 RIZ-AT I ON 11-276-167841 DIST-CO-RTE-PM l:l---SU~5-- R44 .8/R46.2 FEDERAL AID NUMBER OTHR-000 t i I I t f")l * t I t i I 1 t 1 1 I I I vfi I I STATE OF CALIFORNIA HE PA R TMENT OF TRANS PC) R T A T1 ON PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COST- IN CARLSBAD FROM 0.8 MILES SOUTH TO 0.6 MILES NORTH OF POINSETTIA LANE WIDEN POINSETTIA LANE OC, SIGNALIZE AND MODIFY INTERCHANGE PAGE 1 DATE 09 15 93 BUDGET ALLOCATION SOURCE OF FUNDS HE 11 COM BINE D £:" S TI MA TE ITEM ITEM NO CODE ITEM DESCRIPTION J. 120090 CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGNS 2 120.100 TRAFFIC CONTROL. SYSTEM 3 12011.0 FLASHING ARROW SIGN 4 120120 TYPE III BARRICADE 5 .1.20149 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MARKING (PAINT) 6 120151 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC STRIPE (TAPE) 7 120152 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MARKING (TAPE) 8 120165 CHANNELIZER (SURFACE MOUNTED) 9 120182 PORTABLE DELINEATOR .10 120300 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MARKER 11 129000 TEMPORARY RAILING (TYPE K) 12 129100 TEMPORARY CRASH CUSHION MODULE 13 150206 ABANDON CULVERT 'i 14 150224 ABANDON MANHOLE ' ' 15 150608 REMOVE CHAIN LINK FENCE UNIT (ALT) LS LS EA EA SOFT LF SQFT EA EA EA LF EA EA EA LF QUANTITY LUMP SUM LUMP SUM 2 65 8)43 22 , 239 240 200 103 2 , 904 16,960 123 3 1 30 PRICE 20,000 200 , 000 3,000 65 '".'t 2 b 35 12 4 10 250 2,100 500 5 .00 . 00 .00 . 00 . 00 .00 . 00 . 00 .00 .00 . 00 .00 .00 .00 . 00 AMOUNT 20 200 6 4 1 44 1 7 1 11 169 30 6 ,000.(X ,000.(X , 000 . (X ,225.(X ,686. (X ,478.(X ,200.0* ,000.0'. , 236 . (X , 616.0' ,600.(X ,750.(X , 300.0i 500 . (X 150.0' o © i 1 l i t i i i l i t I i t t \ t i l j t i i i I i I i I I I I I I i n EXPENDITURE 11- DIST-CO--RTE- 11-3D--5--R44 , 1'TEM IT EH NO CODE 16 150717 17 1507-12 18 150760 19 1 SOB02 20 150805 21 150820 22 150826 23 151300 24 151.540 25 151572 26 151585A 27 1515S5B 28 1S2064A 29 152320 30 152386 31 152387 32 152469 AUTHORIZATION •276-167841 -PM , 8/R46.2 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COST PAGE 2 DATE 09 15 93 COMBINED ESTIMATE ITEM DESCRIPTION REMOVE TRAFFIC STRIPE AND PAVEMENT MARKING REMOVE ROADSIDE SIGN REMOVE SIGN STRUCTURE REMOVE DRAINAGE FACILITIES REMOVE CULVERT REMOVE INLET REMOVE MANHOLE SAL VAGE FI RE HYDRANT RECONSTRUCT CHAIN LINK FENCE RECONSTRUCT METAL BEAM GUARD RAILING RECONSTRUCT SIGN STRUCTURE (BRIDGE MOUNTED UITH WALKWAY) RECONSTRUCT MONUMENT SIGN MODIFY INLET RESET ROADSIDE SIGN RELOCATE ROADSIDE SIGN-ONE POST- RELOCATE ROADSIDE SIGN-TWO POST ADJUST UTILITY COVER TO GRADE UN I T (ALT) SQFT EA EA EA L.F EA EA EA L.F LF EA LS EA EA EA EA EA QUANTITY 13,236 20 2 2 62 6 i 1 560 800 2 LUMP SUM 1 30 2 1 19 PRIi 2 80 4 , 000 1 ,200 1 2 500 700 2,600 7 14 3 , 000 5 , 01 .'•.''' 1 , 000 125 150 225 29O CE . 00 . 00 .00 . 00 .00 .00 .00 . 00 . 00 . 00 .00 00 .00 .00 .00 . 00 . 00 AMOUNT 26,472 1,600 8 , 000 2,400 744 3,000 700 2,600 3 , 920 1 1 , 200 6 , 000 5 , 000 1 , 000 3,750 300 225 5 , 5 J. 0 .00 .00 .00 .00 . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 .OC . 00 .00 . OC .OC . 00 .0' i 1 i I i t i t I i 4 i i i 1 i t * I i I » *i i i i I o EXPENDITURE AUTHORIZATION 276--167841 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COST PAGE: a DATE 09 15 93 D.TST-CO---RTE 11-SD-5-R44 ITEM NO 33 34 0 35 B 36 37 38 39 40 41 i ( 1- ) ! 4*' 43 44 45 46 47 48 ITEM CODE 153103 153235 157560 158101 1601.01 170101 190.1.01 190167 192003 13 192037 193003 B 193013 194001 200001 203016 204099 -PM .8/R46.2 COMBINED ESTIMATE ITEM DESCRIPTION COLO PLANE ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT CLEAN BRIDGE DECK BRIDGE REMOVAL (PORTION) SALVAGE CRASH CUSHION MODULES CLEARING AND GRUBBING DEVELOP WATER SUPPLY R 0 A D W A Y E X C A V A T 1 0 N REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL STRUCTURE EXCAVATION ( BRIDGE) STRUCTURE EXCAVATION (RETAINING WALL) S I RUG TU RE B AC KE I LL ( B R I DGE ) STRUCTURE BACKFILL (RETAINING WALL) DITCH EXCAVATION HIGHWAY PLANTING EROSION CONTROL (TYPE 0) PLANT ESTABLISHMENT WORK UN I T (ALT) SQYD SOFT LS EA LS LS CY CY CY CY CY CY CY LS SQYD LS QUANTITY 5,384 6 , 330 LUMP SUM . 15 LUMP SUM LUMP SUM 57,615 12,127 975 1 ,050 545 572 901 LUMP SUM 45,130 LUMP SUM PRICE 5 3 24,000 91 12,000 1 1 , 000 7 15 40 50 42 20 & , 500 1 2,500 .00 .00 . 00 .00 .00 . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 .00 .00 . 00 . 00 AMOUNT 26 18 24 1 12 11 403 1 8 1 39 23 27 24 18 8 45 2 , 920 ,990 ,000 ,365 , 000 ,000 , 305 , 905 ,000 ,100 , 250 ,024 , 020 , 500 , 1 30 ,500 .00 . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 . oo. .00 . 00 . oc . oc .00 . 00 . oc .00 i i o EXPENDITURE: 11 I.)IST-~CO-RTE 11"-SD"5--R44 ITEM ITEM NO CODE AUTHORIZATION •276-167841 -PM ,8/R46.2 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COST COM BINE D E:' S TI MATE ITEM DESCRIPTION 49 208000 IRRIGATION SYSTEM 50 208028 3" SUPPLY LINE (BRIDGE) B 51 208282A 8" PVC PIPE (CLASS 200) (RECLAIMED LJATERLINE) 52 208284A 53 208905 54 208906 55 220J.01 56 250401 57 260201 58 390160 59 390172 60 391005 61 393001 62 394001 63 394002 12" PVC PIPE (CLASS 200) ( P 0 T A13 L E U A T E R LIN E ) EXTEND 6" CONDUIT EXTEND 8" CONDUIT FINISHING ROADWAY CLASS 4 AGGREGATE SUBBASE CLASS 2 AGGREGATE BASE ASPHALT CONCRETE (TYPE Ci) ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE (TYPE B) PAVING ASPHALT (BINDER-PAVEMENT REINFORCING FABRIC) PAVEMENT REINFORCING FABRIC PLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE DIKE PLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE (MISCELLANEOUS AREA) UNIT (ALT) L.3 LF LF I..F LF LF LS CY CY TON TON TON SO/YD LF SQYD QUANT I LUMP SUM 260 557 937 25 25 LUMP SUM 1 ,122 12,288 11 ,937 1 , 556 9 3 , 685 9,422 63 PAGE 4 DATE 09 15 93 40.00 50 . 00 50 . 00 60 . 00 9,820.00 15.00 25 . 00 35 . 00 31 .00 400.00 2 . 00 2 . 00 1 4 . 00 22,280.00 46,850.00 1,250.00 1,500.00 9,820.00 .1.6,830.00 307,200.00 417,795.00 48,236.00 3,600.00 7,370.00 18,844.00 882.00 i i I i i i i 1 i i i I i i i i i I 1 I i I i i i i f 1 I i EXPENDITURE AUTHORIZATION 276 -16 78-11 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COST PAGE 5 DATE 09 15 93 DIST--CO--RTE 11-SD-5--R44 ITEM ITEM NO CODE 64 397001 65 66 B 67 ( S ) 68 (S) 69 (F) 70 ( F ) 71 72 73 74 75 (F) 76 77 B 401000 4907.1.3 490714 B 500001 B 510051 B 510053 B 510108 510311 510502 510521 511001 B 511048 511106 --PM .8/R46.2 COMBINED £ ITEM DESCRIPTION ASPHALTIC EMULSION (PAINT BINDER) CONCRETE PAVEMENT FURNISH PILING (CLASS 70) DRIVE PILE (CLASS 70) P RE S T RE SS I NG CAST - 1 N- PL ACE CONCRETE STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, BRIDGE FOOTING STRUCTURAL CONCRETE , BRIDGE CLASS A CONCRETE (RETAINING WALL) CLASS C CONCRETE (BACKFILL) MINOR CONCRETE (MINOR STRUCTURE) MINOR CONCRETE (TRENCH RESURFACING) L I GHT WE I GUT CONCRETE APPLY ANTI-GRAFFITI COATING DRILL AND BONO DOWEL ESTIMATE UNIT (ALT) TON CY LF EA LS CY CY CY CY CY CY CY SQFT LF QUANTITY 14 1 ,361 1 ,812 48 LUMP SUM 222 1 ,420 285 7 109 55 62 3,373 211 PR H 335 100 15 1 ,400 49,000 350 370 300 100 60O 300 300 0 25 DE .00 .00 . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 .00 . 00 .00 .00 .00 .60 . 00 AMOUNT 4,690.00 136,100.00 27,180.00 67,200.00 49,000.00 77,700.00 525, 400. OC 85,500.0C 700 . 00 65 ,400. ()'" 16,500.00 18,600.00 2 , 023 . 80 5,275.00 /""*•-, t i t I t i I i t i f i t i i I i I I I i I i 1 I I i I 1 I I « I 1 I i I o EXPENDITURE .1.1 •• AUTHORIZATION •276-167841 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COST DATE 0? J.5 93 OIST-CO-RTE 11--SD-5-R44 ITEM NO 78 B 79 80 81 (S) 82 (S- 83 84 ( S- 85 j (S- ! 86 1 87 88 89 90 91 ITEM CODE 511115 51820.1. 519001 519086 B 520102 F ) B 520103 540101 F ) B 550110 F)B 560203 560213 560214 560218 560219 561004 ••PM .B/R46.2 COMBINED ESTIMATE ITEM DESCRIPTION EPOXY ADHESIVE (BONO' COAT) MASONRY BLOCK WALL UATERSTOP JOINT SEAL (TYPE B-NR 1 1/2") BAR REINFORCING STEEL (BRIDGE) BAR REINFORCING STEEL (RETAINING WALL) ASPHALT MEMBRANE WATERPROOFING COLUMN CASING FURNISH SIGN STRUCTURE (BRIDGE MOUNTED WITH WALKWAY) FURNISH SIGN STRUCTURE (LIGHTWEIGHT) INSTALL SIGN STRUCTURE (LIGHTWEIGHT) FURNISH SIGN STRUCTURE (TRUSS) INSTALL SIGN STRUCTURE (TRUSS) 30" CAST-IN-DRILLED-HOLE CONCRETE PILE UNIT (ALT) GAL SQ.FT LF LF LB 1... B SO. FT LB LB LB LB LB LB LI- QUANTITY 270 756 75 145 329,600 21 ,533 114 10,300 3,080 17,155 17,155 23,945 23,945 86 PRICE 50 . 00 15.00 10.00 70 . 00 0 . 55 .1. . 00 5 . 00 3 . 00 2.00 2 . 00 0 . 50 1 . 50 0 . 35 220 . 00 AMOUNT 13,500 11 ,340 750 10,150 181 ,280 21 ,533 570 30,900 6,160 34 ,310 3,577 35,917 8 , 380 10,920 .00 .00 . OC . OC .00 . OC . 00 . 00 .00 .OC . 5C . 5C .7E .OC (SIGN FOUNDATION) i i t i i i t i f i i i 1 i i i I i i i i i i t i t t I t i i i i i i i i o EXPENDITURE: 11. AUTHORIZATION ••276-167841 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COST PAGE 7 DATE 09 15 93 OIST-CG-RTE 1 . 1 •••• S D ••:•>• iv -M ITEM ITEM NO CODE 92 93 94 95 96 97 90 <S 99 100 101 102 .1.03 104 105 561005 566011 566012 566013 5680.1.5 5680 17A 590:115 >B 650014 650015 650010 650026 6651 IB 665122 665810 •PM 0/R46.2 COMBINED E«T ITEM DESCRIPTION 36" CAST-IN-DRILLED-HOLE CONCRETE PILE (SIGN FOUNDATION) ROADSIDE SI ON •- ONE POST ROADSIDE SIGN ••- TUIO POST ROADSIDE SI ON (STRAP AND SADDLE BRACKET METHOD) INSTALL SIGN (MAST-ARM HANGER METHOD) INSTALL ROADSIDE SIGN PANEL ON PEDESTRIAN BARRICADE CLEAN AND PAINT STRUCTURAL STEEL .1.0" REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE 18" REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (SPECIAL) 24" REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE 36" REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE 18" BITUMINOUS COATED CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE < . 109" THICK) 24" BITUMINOUS COATED CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE (.064" THICK) 18" BITUMINOUS COATED SLOTTED CORRUGATED I MATE UNIT (ALT) LF EA EA EA EA EA LS LF LF LF LF LF LF LF QUANTITY 51 17 11 12 10 11 LUMP SUM 1 ,420 22 524 280 122 52 86 PRICE 250 150 300 125 350 120 2,000 40 45 50 65 60 75 70 . 00 . 00 .00 . 00 . 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 . 00 .00 .00 .00 AMOUNT 12 2 3 1 3 1 o 56 26 18 7 3 6 , 750 . ,550. ,300. ,500. ,500. ,320. ,000. , 800 . 990 . , 200 . , 200 . , 320 . ,900. ,020. 00 00 00 00 o<: 00 00 00 00 00 00 ()'. 00 00 STEEL PIPE (.109" THICK) t i t i t t i i i i t i i i i I i i t i i 1 i i i i i i i I i EXPENDITURE 11- AUTHORIZATION •276- 167841 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COST PAGE 8 DATE 0? 15 93 DIST--CO-RTE 11--SD--5-R44 ITEM ITEM NO CODE 106 680285 107 B 108 109 B :t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 B 11 B 12 B 1 3 B 14 B 15 16 17 680405 681023 690105 703509 703533 703540 70 35 4 B 703555 703564 707467 721007 --PM .8/R46.2 4" PLASTIC 8" 6" 8 " 6" 12 14 16 18 20 36 COMBINED ESTIMATE ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT (ALT) PIPE UNDERORAIN I..F PERFORATED STEEL PIPE UNDERDRAIN 064" THICK) PLASTIC PIPE CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE DOWNORAIN 064" THICK) WELDED " WELDED " WELDED " WELDED " WELDED " WELDED STEEL P I PE ( . 1 34 " Til I C K ) STEEL PIPE (.250" THICK) STEEL P I PE ( . 250 " TH I C K ) STEEL PIPE (.250" THICK) STEEL PIPE (.250" THICK) STEEL. PIPE (.375" THICK) " REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE RISER ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF CY QUANTITY 87 128 208 216 260 260 530 260 530 1 ,378 45 98 PRICE 10.00 10 15 1 0 50 60 64 72 80 90 130 40 . 00 .00 . 00 .00 .00 . 00 . 00 .00 . 00 .00 .00 AMOUNT 870 . OC 1 ,2 3 , 1 2,1 80 . OC 20 . OC 60 . 00 13,000.0' 155,600.00 33 , 920 . 00 18,720.00 42,400.00 124 ,020 . ()'.' 5, 850.00 3 , 920 . 00 lift 721012 (1/4 TON, METHOD B) ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION (BACKING NO. 3, METHOD B) CY 45.00 1 ,350.00 i i if i1 i § i i i EXPEND!TURE AUTHORIZATION 1 I. •••276 -167841 DIST-CO-R1E -PM 11-SD-5-R44.8/R46.2 i i i i €> i i i i iPRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COST 1 j I I Ii till i i COMBINED ESTIMATE ITEM ITEM NO CODE ITEM DESCRIPTION 119 72.1420 CONCRETE (DITCH LINING) 120 721810 SLOPE PAVING (CONCRETE) (F) B 121 727905 MINOR CONCRETE (CHANNEL LINING) 122 729010 ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION FABRIC 123 731502 MINOR CONCRETE (MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION) 124 73.1530 MINOR CONCRETE (TEXTURED PAVING) 125 731531A PAVER TILE 126 750001 MISCELLANEOUS IRON AND STEEL 127 750501 MISCELLANEOUS METAL (BRIDGE) (S-F)B 120 800360 CHAIN LINK FENCE (TYPE CL--6) 129 80.1340 METAL GATE 130 820.1.07 DELINEATOR (CLASS .1) 131 832001 METAL BEAM GUARD RAILING 132 833032 CHAIN LINK RAILING (TYPE 7) (S-F)I3 133 833140 CONCRETE BARRIER (TYPE 26) (F) B PAGE 9 DATE 09 15 93 UNIT (ALT) CY CY CY SQYO CY CY SOFT L B LB LF EA EA LF LI- QUANTITY 244 47 1 1 161 532 137 S65 9 , 635 980 281 1 68 1,470 490 PRICE AMOUNT 250. 500 . 300 . 2 . 200 . 250. 1 0 . 1 . 3. 8. 500 . 40. 1 9 . 45. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 61 23 3 106 34 5 14 3 2 2 27 22 ,000 , 500 ,300 322 ,400 , 250 ,650 ,452 ,430 ,248 500 , 720 , 930 , 050 .00 . 00 .00 . 00 .00 . oc .oc . 51. . oc .oc . ()C . oc . oc .oc LF 490 60.00 29,400. (K: i i i i i EXPENDITURE 11 i I i i i AUTHORIZATION •276-167041 i 1 i t 1 i I i I PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COST I i i i I i i i Q j i i PAGE 10 DATE 09 15 93 DIST--CO-RTE 11--SD--5--R44 ITEM ITEM NO CODE 134 135 ISA 137 130 139 140 141 142 143 144 143 146 147 148 149 039521 839530 839531 039532 839551 039552 839570 (340504 84OS06 0405.00 840515 040656 850101 850102 860251 060252 ••-PM .8/R46.2 COMBINED ITEM DESCRIPTION CABLE RAILING CABLE ANCHOR ASSEMBLY CABLE ANCHOR ASSEMBLY (BREAKAWAY, TYPE A) CABLE ANCHOR ASSEMBLY (BREAKAWAY, TYPE B) TERMINAL SECTION (TYPE B) TERMINAL SECTION (TYPE C> RETURN SECTION 4" THERMOPLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPE 8" THERMOPLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPE 8" THERMOPLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPE (BROKEN 12-3) THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING PAINT TRAFFIC STRIPE (2-COAT) PAVEMENT MARKER (NON- REFLECTIVE ) PAVEMENT MARKER (REFLECTIVE) SIGNAL AND LIGHTING (LOCATION 1) SIGNAL AND LIGHTING (LOCATION 2) ESTIMATE ' UNIT (ALT) LF EA EA EA EA EA EA L.F LF L.F SO. FT LF EA EA LS LS QUANTITY 235 2 8 5 2 0 2 400 4,458 1 , 005 4,674 25,081 4,106 1 ,419 LUMP SUM LUMP SUM PRICE 15 500 500 450 100 100 100 1 1 1 3 0 2 3 109,000 107,000 . 00 .00 .00 . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 . 50 .00 . 50 .20 . 00 .50 . 00 . 00 ' AMOUNT 3,525 1 , 000 4 , 000 2,250 200 800 200 400 6,687 1 , 005 16,359 5,016 0,212 4 , 966 109,000 107,000 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 . •:: : .00 .00 . 00 .00 . 00 .20 .00 . 50 . 00 . 00 1 i I i i i 1 i I i I i 1 i i i i i i i i I 1 I o EXPENDITURE:: 11 i:) 1ST-Co--RTF 11~SD-5~R44 ITEM ITEM NO CODE 150 060253 151 86025A 152 860460 .153 860640 154 060797 155 86110.'I 156 86.1102 157 999990 AUTHORIZATION 276-167041 -PM , 0/R46.2 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COST COMBINED EiST IHATE ITEM DESCRIPTION SIGNAL AND LIGHTING (LOCATION 3) SIGNAL AND LIGHTING (LOCATION 4) LIGHTING AND SIGN ILLUMINATION IRRIGATION CONTROLLER ENCLOSURE CABINET KI...EC T RIC SE R VICE (IR RI GAT I ON) RAMP METERING SYSTEM (LOCATION 1) RAMP METERING SYSTEM (LOCATION 2) MOBILIZATION 10.0% SUPPLEMENTAL UIORK DESCRIPTION 0 6 6 070 HAIN T AIN TRAFFIC 066070A MAINTAIN TEMPORARY CRASH CUSHIONS 066202 MAINTAIN EXISTING PLANTS 066204 REMOVE ROCK AND DEBRIS 066210 PRUNE EXISTING PLANTS 066222 LOCATE EXISTING CROSSOVER PAGE I. .1. DATE 09 15 93 UNIT QUANTITY (ALT) LS LUMP SUM LS LUMP SUM LS LUMP SUM EA 1 LS LUMP SLIM LS • LUMP SUM LS LUMP SUM LS LUMP SUM SUBTOTAL I...S LS LS LS LS LS PRICE 102 117 108 7 5 75 75 597 20 20 2 5 2 1 , 000 . , 000 . , 000 . , 000 . , 300 . ,000. ,000. ,000. AMOUN , 000 . ,000. , 500 . ,000. , 500 . ,500. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 T 00 00 00 oo 00 00 AMOUNT 102,000.00 1.1 7, 00 0.00 108,000.00 7,000.00 5,300.00 75,000.00 75,000.0';; 597,000.00 5,974 ,738. 75 O I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I i I 1 1 I I i I I I I I 1 >) I i I I I o EXPENDITURE 11- DIST-CO-RTE- 1.1-SD-5-R4-4, 066223 066389 06639.1. A 0665:1-1 066666 066860 066871 0660 7.1. A 067000A AUTHORIZATION PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COST 276--1.67841 •PM S/R46.2 COMBINED ESTIMATE SUPPLEMENTAL. WORK (CONT.) DESCRIPTION MAINTAIN WATER SUPPLY LS ROUT AND SEAL RANDOM CRACKS LS ADDITIONAL PAVING ASPHALT LS REMOVE UNSOUND CONCRETE LS COMPENSATION ADJUSTMENTS FOR PRICE INDEX LS FLUCTUATIONS OF PAVING ASPHALT MAINTAIN EXISTING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ELECTRICAL SERVICE CONNECTIONS TELEPHONE SERVICE CONNECTIONS PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PATCH LS LS LS LS SUBTOTAL STATE FURNISHED MATERIALS AND EXPENSES DESCRIPTION 06600-1A ELECTRICAL ENERGY EXPENSES LS 066073 MARKER PANELS LS 066105 RESIDENT ENGINEERS OFFICE LS 066571 HARDWARE FOR MOUNTING SIGN PANELS LS PAGE 1.2 DATE 09 IS 93 AMOUNT 750.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 500.00 500.00 7,000.00 AMOUNT 10,000.00 450.00 20,000.00 1 ,000.00 88,250.OC O €> t i t i t i i i § t j i i I j I J i 1 i i i i i i I i i i EXPENDITURE:AUTHORIZATION ••276--1678-11 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COST DIST-CO-RTE--PM B/R46.2 066572 06657-1 066574A 0665 90 A 0 6 6 6 0 0 A 066(303 066837 066866 066866A 066887 066901. 066903 COMBINED ESTIMATE STATE FURNISHED MATERIALS AND EXPENSES (CONT.) DESCRIPTION SIGN PANEL (S) ROUTE SHIELDS FOR FUNDING SIGNS CITY SEAL FOR FUNDING SIGNS STENCILS AND PAINT F I R E H Y D R A N T PADLOCKS REFLECTORS AND ADHESIVE FOR TEMPORARY RAILING (TYPE K) TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY RAMP METER CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY (TOTAL 2) SIGNAL LAMPS WATER EXPENSES DAMAGE REPAIR SUBTOTAL PAGE 13 DATE 09 IS 93 LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS AMOUN 20 , 000 . SOO. 1 ,000. -100. 1 ,000. .1.00. 400 . 40,000. 1.6,000. 200 . 1 ,000. 5 , 000 . T 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1.17,050.00 I I I I |~J I I I I I I I I i I I i I J£) I i i I I J I ) I i I ) I\i>^ XC..' EXPENDITURE AUTHORIZATION PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COST PAGE- 14 11-276-167841 DATE 09 J.5 93 OIST-CG-RTE--PM 11-SD-5--R44.8/R46.2 COMBINED ESTIMATE PROJECT SUBTOTAL 6 , :l 80 , 038 . 7^ C 0 N TIN G E NCIE S 4.9 % 3 0 8 , 9 6 J. . 2 f:.. TOTAL 6,489,000.00 CHECKED BY LAST PAGE 14 OF 14 f)